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   The ROCK Linux project has been discontinued in 2010. Here are the old data for the historical record!

--- Log opened Sun Apr 28 00:00:50 2002
--- Day changed Sun Apr 28 2002
00:11 < tsa> n8
00:11 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit ("Client Exiting")
00:11 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E11214.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
00:41 -!- clifford__ [~clifford@M093P004.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
00:52 -!- clifford__ [~clifford@M083P017.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
00:56 < esden> hi all
00:57 < esden> somebody awake ?
00:57 < huebi> esden: jo
00:58 < esden> ahh cool
00:58 < esden> wie geht's ?
01:00 < huebi> gut und ausgeschlafen
01:01 < esden> hast nicht so viel stress dass du ausschlafen konntest ?
01:01 < esden> was machst du gerade so ?
01:02 < huebi> Ich probiere mal wieder OpenOffice zu kompilieren ;)
01:02 < esden> ich wollte mal anmerken dass ich nicht besoffen bin ;-) ich habe nur ein guinness vor mehreren stunden getrunken ;-)
01:02 < huebi> :-)))
01:03 < esden> aja ich habe gedacht dass du es schon zum laufen gebracht hast ... *wunder*
01:04 < huebi> die Berkley db hat noch gefehlt... mal sehen was jetzt noch kommt.
01:04 < esden> hmm ich kaempfe gerade mit dietlibc ... 
01:07 < esden> viel erfolg huebi 
01:07 < esden> ;-)
01:07 < rxr> hm. bash scrpiting is slow :-(
01:07 < huebi> dir auch esden 
01:08 < esden> danke huebi 
01:08 < esden> rxr: we know ... ;-)
01:08 < huebi> rxr: Put it in ASM
01:08 < esden> rxr: we should change to assembler
01:08 < huebi> ;>
01:08 < rxr> hehe
01:09 < esden> ROCKernel ;-)
01:09 < rxr> I just do some looping to compare some md5sums and it only gets arround 80 files/sec on a P II 450 ...
01:09 < esden> optimized for bash scripts precompiled
01:10 < rxr> esden: ;-)
01:10 < esden> bash processor that would be a thing ...
01:10 < huebi> rxr: Yes it's bash - and bash works everyewhere
01:11 < esden> no bash coprocessor 
01:11 < rxr> esden: THAT would be a thing - You should get it on the market!
01:11 < huebi> bash as instruction set BISC Bash Instruction Set Computer
01:12 < esden> yepp ... that would hit the market like a bomb 
01:18 < praenti_away> esden: hast du icq parat?
01:19 < esden> nope warum ?
01:19 < praenti_away> der erdi wartet dass ich wieder online gehe und 2.4.19pre7 macht leider doch ärger :-(
01:20 < esden> hmm ...
01:20 < esden> warte ich mache meinen lappy an ...
01:20 < huebi> ...und starte dann die appli icqui....
01:21 < praenti_away> bloß dass er bescheid weiß. werde dann nämlich doch nicht mehr online sein. gn8
01:21 < huebi> n8 praenti
01:21 < rxr> real    4m15.931s for 17951 md5sums (they already existed so no generation needed) => 70.14 compares / second :-(((((((
01:21 < rxr> model name      : Pentium II (Deschutes)
01:21 < rxr> stepping        : 2
01:21 < rxr> cpu MHz         : 449.240
01:22 < esden> praenti_away: warte
01:22 < esden> ich brauche glaube ich noch seine icp nummer
01:22 < huebi> rxr: praenti has since a few hours a E10K. Go and get one too ;>
01:22 < rxr> huebi: for this file checking ???
01:23 < huebi> rxr: Of course! Better we don't know the typical load of an E10k
01:24 < huebi> must be allmost 0
01:25 < esden> or this hitachi baby ;-) : https://www.lrz-muenchen.de/services/compute/hlr/#publish1.
01:28 < huebi> esden: nice!
01:29 < esden> yes i know ;-)
01:30 < huebi> "Minesweeperaccelerator"
01:30 < esden> i will try to get the people there to run rock on this : https://www.lrz-muenchen.de/services/compute/hlr/#publish1.
01:30 < esden> huebi: lool ;-)
01:31 < rxr> esden: das waeren auch coole bash acceleratoren ;-)
01:32 < esden> ja ... die haben gesagt dass wenn wir die cluster unterstuetzung in rock haben dann kuennen wir sie auf deren cluster mal testen .. ich freue mich schon drauf ;-)
01:33 < rxr> esden: ich glaube nicht das die dich als root ROCK compilieren lassen :-( ...
01:33 < esden> nee da kommt dann vorruebergehend rock drauf ...
01:34 < huebi> Wird euch jetzt auch langsam klar, wer die Leute sind, die bei seti und Co fuehren?
01:34 < esden> die sind schon sehr zuvorkommend 
01:34 < esden> huebi: lool ... sicher ... wozu hat man sonnst solche cluster ;-)
01:35 < huebi> zum Angeben ;-)))
01:35 < esden> gut huebi !!!
01:36 < huebi> "Mein Rechner hat 2,4 GHz. Und deiner?" - "80 Quadratmeter..."
01:36 < esden> du hast einen lolly bei dem quizz gewonnen ;-)
01:36 < huebi> Was sagt eigendlich cow dazu?
01:37 < esden> *duck* cow allarm !!! alle in deckung
01:37 < huebi> muH!
01:37 < huebi> hehe
01:37 < huebi> hmm, die ist schon wieder grasen gegangen...
01:38 < esden> *vorsichtig_hochschau* ist es schon vorbei ?
01:40 < huebi> jo .... ;)
01:41 < esden> na gott sei dank :D *fg*
01:48 < snyke> .),.
01:48 < rxr> esden: 93% of the bash script are consumed by sed and cut ...
01:48 < rxr> ^- 93% of the execution time
01:49 < esden> compile sed and cut with dietlibc ... then they should be faster ...
01:49 < esden> od uclibc
01:49 < esden> but diet should be better cuz it is speedoptimized 
01:50 < hackbard> gn1
01:50 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD95234DA.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
01:55 < esden> it seems that clifford was pretty tired as he wrote the HACKING-HOWTO document
01:57 < huebi> https://freshmeat.net/releases/82463/ <- esden, new version
01:58 < rxr> n8
01:58 -!- rxr is now known as rxr_zZ
01:58 < huebi> n8 rxr_zZ 
01:58 < esden> n8 rxr_zZ 
02:00 < esden> thanks huebi 
02:00 < huebi> pleasure
02:01 < esden> this is bash completion ... where is it included ... which package ... bash only has :
02:01 < esden> [D] 187201042 bash-2.05a.tar.gz     ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/bash/
02:01 < esden> [D] 114237547 bash-doc-2.05a.tar.gz ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/bash/
02:01 < esden> o_O
02:02 < huebi> :-) just include it
02:02 < esden> huh ?
02:03 < huebi> just modify bash.pz...
02:03 < esden> ich verstehe garnichts im momment ...
02:03 < huebi> Bau es doch einfach mit ein ;-)
02:04 < esden> ja ok ok ...
02:04 < huebi> vielleicht aber auch als opt packet.
02:04 < huebi> opt gefaellt mir besser, da base dann wirklich klein bleibt.
02:05 < huebi> also ein neues packet in opt
02:06 < esden> aja ok
02:07 < esden> dass ist ein fork von der bash die man auf gnu.org kriegt ... bzw ein patch dazu
02:07 < esden> oder ?
02:07 < huebi> weiss ich nicht. Ich habe mir das alles noch nicht angesehen.
02:08 < esden> aja hier steht es: The group completion feature was added in bash 2.05a. This feature is used by my bash completion code, so if you are using bash 2.05, you will either need to apply the source patch offered above, or download a prepatched binary. 
02:10 < huebi> hmm ein neues Packet in ext. Sonst geht das in die Hose. Die bash moechte ich unbedingt in der ungepatchten Version haben und als Option eine extension.
02:10 < esden> AOL
02:10 < huebi> ?
02:11 < esden> bin voll deiner meinung
02:11 < esden> weisst wocher AOL kommt ?
02:11 -!- simon [~sts@p50875902.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
02:11 < esden> hi simon 
02:11 < huebi> noe
02:11 < huebi> hi simon 
02:11 < simon> hi esden
02:11 < simon> hi huebi
02:13 < esden> AOL user hatten oder haben noch in den mailinglisten auf mails zu antworten indem die die vorrigen emails komplett zu zitiret (quoten) und darunter zu schreiben "Binn auch der meinung" danach waren die mails nach einer weile paar hundert kb gross
02:14 < esden> weil alle nur gequotet haben und darunter nur ein ack geschrieben haben
02:14 < esden> deshalb sagt man jetzt AOL dazu
02:14 < huebi> hehe, Alles Trafficsaeue...
02:14 < esden> genau ;-)
02:16 -!- sts- [~toor@pD951E1C7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
02:24 < esden> haha I begin to understand the structure of 1.7 the HACKING-HOWTO is a really good thing ... I have to tell this cliffor
02:24 < esden> +d
02:42 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A50.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
02:59 -!- rxr_zZ is now known as rxr
03:00 < rxr> shit - I need some noice reduction for my ROCK building BOX ... :-(
03:00 < huebi> Waterkooling?
03:00 < rxr> too expensive ...
03:01 < huebi> PU-Montageschaum wurde auch schon aus einem PC ausgebaut. Der war _richtig_ leise.
03:01 < rxr> huebi: maybe a new fan for the power-supply and soem "daem-matte" are enogh to let me sleep ...
03:02 < rxr> huebi: hae?
03:03 < huebi> Jo, der Typ hat nach Garantie geschrien, durch seinen Montageschaum aber keine mehr bekommen. Die CPU war den Hitzetot gestorben.
03:03 < huebi> Der Rechner komplett Schrott
03:03 < esden> so ein fetter rechtschreibkorrektur patch von HACKING-HOWTO ist raus ...
03:04 < rxr> huebi: ah! - Klinkt nach einer wirklich fetten Idee *g*
03:04 < rxr> huebi: und was macht deine Wasserkuehlung?
03:08 < huebi> Meine WasserKuehlung braucht noch eine Pumpe und noch Kuehler. www.aquacomputer.de hat sich auf mein Anfrage nicht zurueckgemelded. Wenn das naechste Woche bei denen nicht funktioniert werde ich selber mal eine Kleinserie von diesen Kuehlern auflegen. die Wasserkanalfuehrung ist auf deren Homepage als .gif verfuegbar, hehe
03:08 < rxr> btw. wie erkennt man am besten Text via nem Beamer? hell auf dunkel oder dunkel auf hell ?
03:08 < huebi> dunkel auf hell
03:09 < rxr> huebi: danke!
03:09 < huebi> gilt auch fuer ueber helle Arbeitsplaetze
03:12 < rxr> hm seltsam nur das diese alle hell uf dunkel sind: 
03:12 < rxr> https://playground.iijlab.net/material/kazu-kame-presen/
03:14 < huebi> wenn du einen wirklich dunklen Raum hast, dann ist weiss auf schwarz das beste.
03:14 < huebi> Ist der Raum aber beleuchtet, dann ist schwarz auf weiss am besten zu lesen.
03:15 < huebi> Meine consolen sin weiss auf schwarz, wenn hier aber die Sonne herreinscheint, sehe ich dann gar nichts mehr.
03:57 -!- roche [~roche@zaratustra.ulatina.ac.cr] has joined #rocklinux
04:09 -!- roche [~roche@zaratustra.ulatina.ac.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
04:19 < rxr> https://www.heise.de/newsticker/data/ea-27.04.02-000/
04:19 < rxr> hehe
04:29 < huebi> M$ halt ;-)))
04:30 < rxr> https://www.lindows.com/lindows_products.php?id=10&pg=screenshots&ss=3#bottomhalf
04:30 < rxr> I wonder where they write that it is based on KOffice ... ????
04:32 < rxr> Here is the commnercial presentation for KPresenter:
04:32 < rxr> tp://www.lindows.com/lindows_products.php?id=17&pg=screenshots&ss=1#bottomhalf
04:32 < rxr> ??????
04:32 < huebi> rxr: direc3d should work with winex. I asked Uwe Bonnes on friday
04:34 < huebi> We'll see what Lindows makes in the future.
04:34 < huebi> Zuhause haben alle Buben Klicker... 
04:35 < rxr> huebi: oh thanks! I enabled some trace output and saw some direct3d calls - maybe he wanna get a tar.bz3 of my wine "c partition" so he might see what is needed in wine to get the graphics right ... - I also got not a single reply to my report on the wine and winex devel lists ...
04:35 < rxr> s/bz3/bz2/ ;-)
04:36 < rxr> Ok here they mention KDE:
04:36 < rxr> Link to Source Code
04:36 < rxr> https://master.kde.org/
04:36 < rxr> Derivative of
04:36 < rxr> KSpread
04:36 < rxr> But saying the source is on the KDE side is not really the correct way - I bet they did some modifications ...
04:37 < huebi> Let them do that. If they want to sell it _they_ have to give you right source.
04:38 < huebi> or they get in serious trouble.
04:39 < rxr> sure - I just stumbled about this commerials the first time (yes I knew lindows before - but not their web-site ...)
04:40 < huebi> Their marketing is very noisy. I'll wait and will see what they really did sometime in the future.
04:48 -!- simon [~sts@p50875902.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Terminated with extreme prejudice - dircproxy 1.0.1")
04:52 < huebi> n8
04:57 < rxr> n8
04:57 < rxr> ;-)
04:57 -!- rxr is now known as rxr_zZ
05:42 -!- simon [~sts@p50875902.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
08:44 -!- Netsplit carter.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: clifford__
08:44 -!- Netsplit over, joins: clifford__
08:52 -!- clifford_ [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux
08:52 -!- clifford__ [~clifford@M083P017.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
09:02 < blindy|away> I hate shellscripting >_<
09:10 -!- blindy|away is now known as blindcoder
09:28 < huebi> moin
09:28 < huebi> moin blindcoder 
09:29 < huebi> blindcoder: Rock linux is shellscripting. So you hate Rock? ;>
09:34 < blindcoder> no, I ahte scripting in shell because I don't find my mistakes
09:34 < blindcoder> so in essence I hate myself
09:34 < blindcoder> moin huebi btw ;)
09:34 < huebi> blindcoder: ... for not being perfect?
09:35 < blindcoder> no. for not undertanding why a value assigned to a variable within a while loop isn't there anymore after done
09:49 < huebi> blindcoder: Try an "export $variable" in the loop. Perhaps that works.
09:51 < blindcoder> Sorry it didn't. neither did a declare -x or a set
09:57 < huebi> blindcoder: https://www.ssc.com/mirrors/LDP/LDP/abs/html/index.html <- This is very good but also very big.
10:05 < blindcoder> *click*
10:12 * SMP fscks the sdl extension
10:13 < huebi> moin SMP 
10:14 * SMP has decided to play enigma (anyone remember Oxyd?), no matter what it takes
10:43 < huebi> fuck: 1 entries in grown table. <- bei dieser Platte. Muss ich doch mal den support bemuehen...
10:43 < huebi> wrong window ;)
10:48 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux
10:48 < holyolli> moin
10:49 < huebi> moin holyolli 
10:49 < holyolli> huhu huebi :)
10:52 < SMP> *yes*
10:52 < holyolli> hi smp
10:53 < SMP> Oxyd! fate of my youth! it is back as an Open Source clone!
10:53 < holyolli> huebi: btw. bootdisketten erstellen und booten klappt schon unter alpha :)
10:53 < SMP> (and it even works, kinda)
10:53 < huebi> holyolli: klasse!
10:54 < holyolli> huebi: wenn alles klappt, kann ich die sachen heute abend einchecken
10:54 < holyolli> huebi: achja...wo hast du nochmal diese lcds her?
10:55 < huebi> holyolli: Von irgend einer Fa in Muenchen oder so. Ich bekomme die aber billiger ueber einen Freund, der die dann bei Schuckard bestellt.
10:56 < huebi> holyolli: so ca 17 EUR
10:56 < huebi> geschaetzt
10:57 < holyolli> oki..dann weiss ich bescheid
11:03 -!- term_emu [~pm@beaufort.wyzant.de] has joined #rocklinux
11:04 < term_emu> hoi
11:05 < huebi> hi term_emu 
11:05 < holyolli> hi term_emu
11:14 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has quit ("Connection reset by telekom")
11:20 -!- blindcoder is now known as blindy|nothere
11:30 < esden> mornning
11:30 < term_emu> yow esden
11:33 < huebi> hi esden 
11:35 -!- term_emu is now known as term_aweh
11:36 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux
11:37 < holyolli> re
11:38 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD9E0A502.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
11:38 < hackbard> moin
11:39 < holyolli> moin hackbard
11:47 < term_aweh> hoi hackbard && holyolli :>
11:54 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A69.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux
11:54 < snyke> hi all
12:16 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082A8F3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
12:17 < tsa> hi
12:17 < holyolli> hi tsa
12:17 < tsa> moin holyolli
12:44 < snyke> hi tsa
12:44 < tsa> hi snyke
12:49 < esden> is clifford somewhere around ?
12:49 < holyolli> moin esden
12:49 < esden> moin holyolli 
12:50 < esden> ich habe dass mit den disketten gelesen
12:50 < esden> gute arbeit
12:50 < esden> weiter so
12:50 < holyolli> *g*
12:50 < holyolli> war nur nen bisschen rtfm
12:50 < esden> ich mache derweil an dietlibc unter 1.7 weiter
12:51 < snyke> esden: brauchsu meine kiste nu oder nich?
12:51 < esden> wielleicht haben wir dann endlich installationsdisketten unter 1.7 ... mal schauen ... es seidenn jemand anderer findet sich wieder der sich um die arbeit reisst ;-) dann gehe ich zu nem weiteren betaetigungsfeld ... *G*
12:51 < tsa> mahlzeit esden
12:52 < esden> snyke: mommentan nicht ...
12:52 < esden> servus tsa 
12:57 < snyke> wie kann ich chown sagen das es unterordner und files auch chownen soll?
12:57 < tsa> -R
12:57 < snyke> thx
12:58 < esden> https://www.inner.net/users/cmetz/program-like-a-klingon <- *lol*
12:59 < tsa> rotfl.
13:00 < tsa> nicht schlecht...wo hast du das nun wieder gefunden?
13:00 < esden> in the readme of dietlibc ;-)
13:00 < blindy|nothere> *LMAO*
13:00 < holyolli> tsa: im internet?
13:00 < tsa> holyolli: opfer.
13:00 < holyolli> jo.
13:00 < tsa> esden: hehehe
13:00 < holyolli> tsa: du auch.
13:00 < holyolli> ;)
13:00 < tsa> jaja. is gut..
13:00 < tsa> *seufz*
13:00 < esden> I always said that Fefe is cool ;-)
13:01 < blindy|nothere> esden> the latest version of p-config.sh is in my apollo-home. Check it out. It now supports unlimited source-files in the .pz file (like bash or alsa has)
13:01 < snyke> hmm.... 8 von meinen 10 apache-instanzen haben als letztes nimda-angriffe beantwortet :(
13:01 < esden> I like this guy
13:01 < blindy|nothere> I'm out for lunch
13:01 -!- blindy|nothere is now known as blindy|lunch
13:01 < snyke> an guadn .)
13:03 < esden> snyke: we do not have any problem with this ... when a webserver attacks us with nimda we answer ... and shutdown the attacking machine ;-)
13:03 < snyke> hrhr :)
13:03 < snyke> hmm
13:03 < esden> this is ane of the better ways to clean the internet from nimda and windows webservers ;-)
13:03 < snyke> *lol*
13:07 < holyolli> esden: how can one make this? you have this script?
13:08 < huebi> esden: <AOL> me too, me too </AOL>
13:09 < holyolli> hehe
13:09 < snyke> hmm
13:12 < esden> slowly ... ask fake he installed it ;-)
13:12 < tsa> i wonder how you do this..put a script on a smb share and run it?
13:13 < huebi> esden: slowly ... - This is no like a Klingon would behave
13:13 < tsa> is there a "net" command to shutdown a machine?
13:13 < tsa> <- not too experienced with windoze..
13:13 < snyke> :)
13:13 < tsa> (that's the way i would try...)
13:14 < holyolli> tsa: i think it's the same way like nimba gets into the system...
13:14 < holyolli> the only difference is the malicious code ;)
13:14 < tsa> hm...
13:15 < tsa> what is root.exe? kind of a shell binding to a port?
13:15 < holyolli> maybe something similar so "cmd.exe"?
13:15 < esden> holyolli: correct
13:16 -!- blindy|lunch is now known as blindcoder
13:16 < tsa> with which differences?
13:16 < blindcoder> back from lunch
13:16 < esden> this thing uses the backdore that nimda uses 
13:16 < holyolli> *lol*
13:16 < esden> blindcoder: weisst du ob dieses script gegen nimda attacken auf apollo laeuft ?
13:17 < esden> oder hat der fake es nur auf mars installiert ?
13:17 < tsa> hm....which rock package includes /usr/bin/expectk ?
13:17 < holyolli> esden: just try it...take telnet and write a url like nimba does... und then watch out for incoming connections... ;)
13:17 < holyolli> tsa: tk
13:17 < snyke> esden: was macht das script? will auch :)
13:17 < esden> holyolli: *gg*
13:18 < tsa> holyolli: i have tcltk installed, but don't have it.
13:18 < esden> snyke: es braet deine komplette windoof software snyke ...
13:18 < blindcoder> esden> AFAIK it doesn't. It was only there on mars
13:18 < tsa> hehe
13:18 < esden> blindcoder: shitt
13:18 < blindcoder> esden>had a look at the current pz-config.sh?
13:19 < esden> blindcoder: nope ... no time ... 
13:19 * -> esden is fighting with dietlibc
13:19 < snyke> :)
13:19 < blindcoder> stop chatting, start looking ;)
13:19 < esden> :P
13:21 < holyolli> https://player2player.net/forums/viewtopic.php?topic=1825&forum=7&12&start=0#11"
13:21 < holyolli> maybe there's the url for this anti-nimba-stuff
13:26 < tsa> hm....sounds easy.
13:28 < esden> hmm ... but where do I get the script .. that is the problem ... mars is down .. and I do not have access to the backup at the moment ...
13:28 < tsa> GET /scripts/root.exe?/c+rundll32.exe+shell32.dll,SHExitWindowsEx+5
13:29 < tsa> does this actually work?
13:29 < esden> donno ... no windoof here ;-)
13:29 < blindcoder> hmm  I know that rundll32.exe command.... the Parameters should be correct... Yes it might be that easy
13:30 < blindcoder> the difficult part would be getting root.exe on the remote PC
13:31 -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E0E767.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
13:31 < tsa> 13:30:57 ERROR 404: Object Not Found.
13:31 < tsa> schade..
13:31 < esden> blindcoder: this is nimda work to get the root.exe on the remote machine ...
13:32 < blindcoder> then it's easy.
13:32 * blindcoder now playing Septerra Core on second Monitor ;)
13:32 < esden> gamer *kopfschuettel*
13:33 < blindcoder> I could torture you by playing it under windows ;)
13:33 < esden> do it when it is making you happy ... ...
13:33 < esden> :D
13:34 < blindcoder> since you're not here i can't torture you by doing so... so it doesn't give any satisfaction whatsoever
13:34 < esden> hehe
13:34 < tsa> sigh.....just found a iis which delivers a 404 document with http 200 OK
13:34 < tsa> *sigh*
13:37 < blindcoder> damnit... wine crashes with movies >_<
13:38 < esden> tsa: we all love iis ... 
13:38 < tsa> hehe..
13:38 * -> esden kriegt gerade gewaltige wut-magenkraempfe 
13:39 < tsa> does iis run with wine?
13:39 < blindcoder> why? @esden
13:39 < esden> >> iis << sorry I cant help me ... but I hate this crap ...
13:39 < tsa> ACK.
13:40 < tsa> but if it would run with wine, you could test your shutdown script easily..
13:40 < esden> tsa: sure
13:44 < SMP> tsa: I guess the IIS does this so the stupid IE doesn't suppress the 404 page in favor of its useless 'pretty' error page
13:45 < tsa> this reminds me of something....moment...
13:46 < tsa> https://www.thispagecannotbedisplayed.com
13:47 < tsa> definitely worth a laugh..
13:47 -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E0E767.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
13:53 < tsa> hm.....anyone familiar with different models of sun monitors?
13:59 < holyolli> re
14:02 < esden> hmm it seems that dietlibc is supporting dynamic linking ... !
14:02 < esden> cool
14:04 < tsa> aaaaah...
14:05 * tsa being happy.....just found 5gb unpartitioned space
14:05 < holyolli> *lol*
14:05 < tsa> holyolli: ich hab hier so viele partitionen, da kommt das vor...
14:06 < tsa> [tsa@azathoth ~]$ wc -l /etc/mtab
14:06 < tsa>      19 /etc/mtab
14:06 < holyolli> hehe...opfer
14:06 < holyolli> <-- hat nichma auffa alpha so viele.. ;)
14:06 < tsa> och, fein aufgeteilte partitionen sind eigentlich ganz schoen..
14:07 * -> esden stirbt vor hunger
14:07 < tsa> naja, drei kannst du abziehen..../proc /dev /dev/shm
14:07 < tsa> bleiben 16
14:08 < tsa> +2 swap, die in mtab nicht angezeigt werden..
14:08 < huebi> tsa: benutzt du LVM?
14:09 < tsa> huebi: noe, hab ich mich bisher noch nie mit beschaeftigt..
14:09 < huebi> tsa: Lohnt sich, keine Platzverschwendung mehr. ;>
14:09 < tsa> huebi: hm....was genau tut das fuer mich?
14:12 < huebi> Du kannst deine Festplatten (-partitionen, pro Platte eine) ab lilo 22.2 alle als Physical Volume (pv) in den LVM aufnehmen. 
14:13 < tsa> hm.....ok, dann hab ich alle nochmal zusammen als ein pv vorhanden....aber was hab ich davon?
14:14 < huebi> in der Volume Group (vg), in die du die pv's zusammengefasst hast, erstellst du Logical Volumes (lv). Dies sind dann deine Partitionen im alten Sinne in denen du deine dateisysteme anlegst.
14:15 < huebi> lv's lassen sich im Betrieb verkleinern und vergroesesern
14:15 < huebi> incl, Dateisystem
14:16 < tsa> hm....ok, das klingt nach nem vorteil.
14:16 < huebi> vg's kannst du durch anhaengen von Platten einfach vergroessern
14:16 < tsa> wie gut vertraegt sich das mit den verschiedenen dateisystemen auf den lv's? reiserfs etc..
14:17 < huebi> diese: /home, /home2, /homeX... gehoert damit in die Vergangenheit.
14:17 * tsa hat nur /home...
14:18 < huebi> Dateisystemvertraeglichkeit ist gut. xfs laesst sich aber noch nicht verkleinern.
14:18 < tsa> hm....xfs nutze ich nicht, reiserfs only..
14:18 * tsa ist bei solchen sachen immer ein wenig skeptisch, da ich hier zu hause kein backup mache..
14:18 < huebi> und bei grossen Systemen kannst du fuers Backup einfach lvm-snapshots machen.
14:20 < huebi> das braucht nur ein paar Augenblicke und du hast einen 1:1 Mirror vom dateisystem. Readonly zum langsam wegschreiben
14:20 < tsa> nett.....haelt der das dann komplett im ram vor?
14:20 < tsa> oder nen diff zum aktuellen stand?
14:21 * tsa tippt auf diff.
14:21 < holyolli> nen diff - afaik
14:21 < huebi> normalerweise auf platte aber du kannst auch eine ramdisk ins LVM einbinden.
14:21 < huebi> mirror != diff
14:22 < huebi> eher rsync
14:23 < huebi> laeuft sehr stabil. auf im dauereinsatz mit hoher last.
14:23 < tsa> hm...ok.
14:23 < tsa> wer schenkt mir nen dlt oder ait2-laufwerk?
14:23 < tsa> ;-)
14:23 * holyolli .net
14:24 < huebi> tsa: der Spinner auf eBay der das als kaputtes ural Exabyte verkauft...
14:24 < huebi> +t
14:24 < holyolli> *lol*
14:24 < tsa> huebi: hm, wie jetzt?
14:24 < holyolli> url?
14:24 < huebi> joke
14:25 < tsa> schade..
14:25 < holyolli> huebi: *schlapp!*
14:25 < huebi> tsa: holyolli kauft auch nur kaputte Drucker und keine teuren Alphas
14:25 < tsa> huebi: ich weiss..
14:26 < holyolli> hehe
14:26 < holyolli> jo
14:26 < huebi> tsa: <AOL> ich auch, ich auch </AOL>
14:26 < tsa> hm.....nvidia has forked their linux drivers.
14:27 < tsa> ia-32 / ia-64
14:49 -!- net|away [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("leaving")
15:15 -!- rxr_zZ is now known as rxr
15:19 < rxr> re
15:20 < holyolli> guten morgen rxr
15:20 < tsa> moin rxr
15:20 < rxr> hehe ;-) Euch auch einen gutten "Morgen" ,)
15:21 < holyolli> rxr: naja..wenn du um 15:20 nen nickchange von "rxr_zZ" auf "rxr" machst.. ;)
15:22 < holyolli> ...wobei schlafen echt ne gute idee wäre...
15:23 < esden> moin rxr
15:35 < rxr> hi esden!
15:35 < esden> does anyone know what clifford is doing ? ... 
15:36 < holyolli> esden: are we jesus? ;-) (or do we have a secret webcam) ;-)
15:37 < esden> hmm ... who knows ... who knows ... ;-)
15:37 < holyolli> hehe
15:37 < holyolli> .oO(nur weil ich _holy_olli heisse? ;-)
15:38 < esden> HOLYolli: sure ;-)
15:38 < holyolli> .oO(damn...esden must have seen me taking the shorter way directly over the sea... ;)
15:43 < esden> I have seen you walking on the water ... You can not fool me ;-)
15:44 < holyolli> *g*
15:44 < esden> ok dietlibc nervmail an cliffy is raus ...
15:44 < esden> ich glaube dass wird in der naechsten zeit bissel mehr sein biss ich alle features da habe die ich brauche ;-)
15:46 < blindcoder> esden< dann haste ja jetzt zeit ;) *nervnerv*
15:47 < holyolli> esden: dann kannste das mit den displays ja auch machen *mitnerv*
15:47 < esden> ich ? blindcoder treumst du ?
15:47 < holyolli> *duck*
15:47 < blindcoder> ja
15:47 < blindcoder> von nackten weibern
15:47 < esden> *paaaaaaniiiik* allle attakieren mich !!
15:47 < holyolli> hehe
15:47 < blindcoder> holyolli> hinten anstellen ich war zuerst da
15:48 < holyolli> blindcoder: :-P
15:48 < holyolli> menno!
15:48 < blindcoder> na guuuut, du darfst auch mal
15:48 < esden> blindcoder: nicht wirklich ... ... aber weil dus bist ... ;-)
15:48 < holyolli> juhuu *zappel* ;-)
15:48 < blindcoder> danke *knuddel*
15:49 < esden> NICHT knuddeln *pumpgunraushol*
15:49 < blindcoder> okayoakyoakyoakyoakyokaoykaokaokyokay
15:49 < blindcoder> gaaaanz ruhig
15:49 < tsa> sprung im sprachmodul?
15:49 < blindcoder> tastatur zu langsam ;)
15:50 < esden> braw *blyndy_taetschel* *pumpgun_streichel* *pumpguneinsteck*
15:50 < tsa> <- haette eben fast "sparcmodul" getippert..
15:50 < blindcoder> schlechte angewohnheit wuerd ich sagen ;)
15:50 < tsa> hehe
15:50 < blindcoder> mag jemand meine berichtshefte schreiben?
15:50 < blindcoder> oder eine Linux-Fileserver-mit-Bandlaufwerk Dokumentation?
15:50 < esden> lool:
15:50 < esden> Author:         god@clifford.at (Clifford Wolf)
15:50 < tsa> aehm...nun ja.....nein.
15:51 < tsa> esden: hm?
15:51 < esden> scripts/Puzzle zeile 40
15:51 < tsa> wer laesst denn nen fileserver von nem bandlaufwerk aus laufen? *grins* ;)
15:52 < blindcoder> das geht schon. `mkfs.ext2 /dev/st0` ;)
15:52 < esden> ja so grosse spulenlaufwaerke die in den alten rechenzentren standen ...
15:52 < tsa> hehe
15:52 < blindcoder> `mount /dev/st0 /usr/local/data/samba`
15:52 < tsa> raid5 ueber bandlaufwerke..
15:53 < esden> dass war noch hardware mit optischen so wie akustischen effekten 
15:53 < tsa> ;-)
15:53 < esden> ich glaube ich mache mir nen festplatten window mod
15:53 < holyolli> mh?
15:54 < holyolli> nen was?
15:54 < esden> mom
15:56 < esden> https://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/02/06/1643222&mode=thread <- only for adults that is to extreme for children ;-)
16:00 < tsa> hm....das ueberleben die platten?
16:00 < esden> jepp
16:00 < holyolli> *wunder*
16:00 < holyolli> da muss man aber echt staubfrei sein...
16:01 < esden> ja machst es auch im badezimmer wo du feuchte bettlaken aufgehaengt hast ...
16:01 < esden> und dass schneiden machst du dann draussen
16:02 * blindcoder macht grade traffic auf apollo
16:03 < esden> blindcoder: was fabrizierst du schonwieder ?
16:03 < blindcoder> ich zieh meine berichtshefte auf die lokale platte
16:03 < blindcoder> etwas ueber 100 .doc files
16:03 < holyolli> .doc?
16:03 < blindcoder> jedes 150 bis 200 kB ;)
16:03 < esden> tztztz
16:03 < holyolli> word?
16:03 < holyolli> ketzer!
16:03 < blindcoder> ja word
16:04 < blindcoder> holyolli> nein, industrieangestellter.
16:04 < blindcoder> keine panik ich bearbeite sie mit STarOffice ;) nicht mit MS Word im WinE ;)
16:04 < holyolli> *lol*
16:06 < blindcoder> ich hasse papier >_<
16:09 < tsa> lass mich raten...dein tintenstrahldrucker druckt auf dem klopapier irgendwie verschwommen? ;-)
16:11 < blindcoder> welcher drucker? ich hab keinen funzenden drucker. Aber ich hab von meiner Ausbildungsleiterin ungefaehr 300 Blaetter Papier (dazu die 250 aus d Berufsschulle und die 3000 ausm Werksunterricht)
16:11 < tsa> hm...
16:11 < blindcoder> und irgendwo muss ich daraus 4 Monate Berichtsheft machen
16:12 < tsa> arial, 45punkt
16:12 < tsa> ;)
16:13 < blindcoder> *lol* okay das waere die lösung. ich muss nur ne einigermassen richtig reihenfolge einhalten... hmm... irgendwo *wuehl* hatte ich noch nen Ausbildungsplan rumfliegen
16:14 < blindcoder> *Argh* das muss das Windows Feeling sein von dem bei StarOfice die Rede ist.. abgekackt
16:14 < tsa> lol.
16:15 < tsa> welche version?
16:15 < tsa> (5.2 laeuft hier seit ewigkeiten ohne probleme...)
16:15 < tsa> openoffice hab ich bisher selber allerdings noch nicht getestet....huebi meinte aber mal, das liefe wohl auch ganz ok bei ihm...
16:16 < blindcoder> 5.2: "Es ist ein nicht behebbarer Fehler aufgetreten..."
16:16 < blindcoder> Beim Oeffnen einer .oc Datei
16:16 < blindcoder> .doc
16:17 < tsa> du musst dir worte umstellen, die haben da was verwechselt.
16:17 < tsa> "Es ist ein nicht behebbarer Fehler (.doc-Datei) aufgetreten."
16:17 < holyolli> hehe
16:17 < blindcoder> *lol*
16:17 < tsa> so rum wird das was..
16:17 < blindcoder> stimt, klingt gleich viel logischer3 ;)
16:18 < esden> huebi: are you doing something like this ? : https://www.overclockers.com/tips915/systemf.jpg
16:18 < blindcoder> hmm jetzt weiss ich worans liegt... in dem Word-File ist ein Textfeld mit vertikalem Text drinnen... damit hatte ich schonmal Probleme...
16:30 < esden> this is huebis system for sure! : https://www.overclockers.com/tips883/index05.asp
16:30 < esden> or something in this kind
16:32 < rxr> huebi: I have screenshots of GrandPrix3 online, maybe your friend has time to look at the graphic problems to get an impression how they look ;-) : https://drocklinux.dyndns.org/rene/me/gp3/gallery.html
16:33 < tsa> rxr: could you add a screenshot _without_ gp3 running..?
16:33 < tsa> <- wants to see the background image ;-)
16:34 < holyolli> *lol*
16:36 < rxr> tsa: it is Natali Imbruglia - I knormally run Blackbox wit a solid background, but I did a dRock-1.6 KDE3 screenshot before ... - do you need the image? -)
16:36 < tsa> hm.....ok..
16:37 < rxr> dRock shots are here: https://www.rocklinux.org/projects/drock/drock-screens.html (or your preferred mirror ;-)
16:38 < blindcoder> oi cool... I just found a Projectdocumentation that was done for practice... It almost matches my REAL project with a few adjustments ;)
16:39 < tsa> blindcoder: hehe
16:39 < tsa> hm....i'm not a kde user, but i don't see a difference between kde2 and kde3...
16:40 < tsa> are there any - except a change in the version number?
16:40 < tsa> perhaps i should run a diff.. ;-)
16:41 < esden> rxr: can you make your background imoge avalable somewhere ?
16:41 < esden> ;-)
16:41 < rxr> tsa: KDE3 is MUCH faster! - And there are many useability improvements and minor bug-fixes ...
16:41 * rxr puzzled ...
16:42 < tsa> it seems there is more interest in rxr's background image than in gp3 itself... ;)
16:42 < esden> *GG*
16:43 -!- clifford_ [~clifford@] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
16:43 < esden> in gp3 there are no girls ;-)
16:44 < tsa> hehe...that could indeed be the reason..
16:44 < tsa> hm....anyone already tried the gnome2 betas?
16:44 < esden> only gimp cvs
16:44 < blindcoder> hmm praenti showed esden and me a few days ago the memory usage of KDE3... 280 Megs...
16:45 < esden> it kicks ass
16:45 < tsa> esden: fast?
16:45 < esden> lots of usefull features 
16:45 < esden> it is already 3 months ago as I tested it
16:46 < esden> so I can not remember what it was in detail
16:46 < esden> but I can remember that I was amased
16:48 < rxr> Go an get it: https://drocklinux.dyndns.org/rene/wallpapers/
16:48 < rxr> I copied some more pics ...
16:48 < holyolli> oh..also from your girlfriend naked?
16:49 < tsa> heheheh
16:49 < rxr> holyolli: you do not have an own grilfirend ? *g*
16:49 < holyolli> yes..but "über-den-tellerrand-schauen" is allowed, isnt it? ;)
16:50 < tsa> hm...now we all know what holyolli is doing on the internet at night, don't we? ;-)
16:50 < holyolli> hehe
16:51 < holyolli> looking at wallpapers?
16:52 < blindcoder> "Playing pr0n games during the day is 3v1l. Play at night!" @esden
16:54 -!- clifford_ [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux
16:54 < esden> rofl ... too much megatokyo!
16:54 < tsa> hi clifford_
16:54 < esden> hi clifford_ ...
16:54 < holyolli> tach clifford_
16:54 < blindcoder> esden> nope. that one's from Puni Puni Poem
16:54 < blindcoder> hi clifford_ 
16:54 < rxr> now thumbs are in the thumbs dir ...
16:55 < esden> rxr: The requested URL /rene/wallpapers/ni001.gif was not found on this server.
16:55 < esden> tztztz
16:55 < rxr> esden: yes I converted it just to png (who wants .gif on his box?)
16:55 < rxr> ;-)
16:55 < esden> yes sure ;-)
16:57 < esden> xsetroot -bitmap linux_babe_2.1.xpm ;-)
16:57 < rxr> Hm I also had another ni shot ...
16:59 < blindcoder> hmm when I'm finished with this documentation I have to grep it for "ae" "ue" and "oe"... I'm not used to the german [ä|ö|ü] anymore...
16:59 < rxr> a found it - but it look ugly ...
17:02 < esden> blindcoder: me nither ;-)
17:02 < esden> I do not have this keys anymore ;-)
17:03 < esden> who needs them ?
17:03 < blindcoder> Well... you switched them for a sick keyboard-layout ;)
17:04 < esden> blindcoder: you are sick yourself so be quiet! ;-)
17:04 < blindcoder> hmm... anyone has a good description (about 3/4 of a DIN A4 page) of SuSE Linux 7.3 that will be rated at least "good" by the IHK?
17:04 < blindcoder> or do I have to lie by myself?
17:10 < esden> "IDE is basically designed to plug directly into ISA anyway" good to know! isa crap ;-)
17:12 < blindcoder> ehh hae?
17:12 * blindcoder shuts down his router and Plugs his IDE-Cable into a free ISA-Slot
17:12 < esden> blindcoder: read here: https://dcdev.allusion.net/
17:13 < esden> lool ... blindcoder I was thinking of the same ;-)
17:13 < blindcoder> esden> now go and ahve a look at pz-config.sh maybe I'll send a mail then...
17:13 < esden> okok
17:13 < blindcoder> AH what does REI do on that site?
17:18 < esden> blindcoder: in the ext edit menu ... you can set other build stages then ext that is not good ... I think
17:19 < esden> but beside this it looks really good
17:19 < esden> and usable
17:19 < blindcoder> Well.. if you know what you're doing then it won't do any harm ;)
17:19 < esden> blindcoder: sure
17:19 < blindcoder> But it won't be hard to fix that
17:19 < esden> so take it and poste to the list
17:19 < blindcoder> 4 lines should fix that
17:19 < esden> hehe
17:19 < huebi> morgaehn
17:19 < esden> hihi huebi 
17:20 < esden> huebi: lese scrollback da waren paar sachen an dich gerichtet ;-)
17:22 < huebi> https://sf1.mirror.openoffice.org/641d/install641D_linux_intel.tar.gz <- worgs cret, spellcheckar inklutet
17:22 < huebi> *g*
17:23 < blindcoder> esden> remember what fake said about me stopping 20 characters from being finished?
17:24 < blindcoder> I haven't improved a bit ;) 3 lines and about 50 characters to solve the aforementioned thing (Build in Stages) ;)
17:27 < blindcoder> hmmm does koffice have a component for M$ Project Files?
17:36 < huebi> hehe: GOD = Government On Drugs
17:36 < huebi> https://www.seyfried-berlin.de/diagram.htm
17:41 < esden> crash kannst mich abholen ich halte es daheim nimma aus !!!!
17:41 < esden> ich bin gerade kurz davor jemanden umzubringen!!!
17:41 < blindcoder> okay bis gleich
17:41 < huebi> esden: URL?
17:41 < rxr> blindcoder: es hat kpresenter - but I thnk it can not read M$ files yet ...
17:42 < blindcoder> rxr> thanks... I'll give it a try
17:42 < esden> huebi: willst mich downloaden ? ich baue no avian carrier verbindung auf ;-)
17:43 < huebi> *click* *cklick* *click* ist er schon da? - Nee, dann wohl doch nicht....
17:45 -!- blindcoder is now known as blindy|esden
17:52 < esden> hmm clifford_ is offline today ... that sux >_<
17:53 < rxr> btw the drocklinux.dyndns.org server has sent 105 GB into the net from Jan to Apr this year ;-) ...
17:53 < huebi> rxr: kool. I think you need a bigger line :-)
17:53 < esden> rxr: heh ;-)
17:54 < rxr> huebi: when you find a sponsor for a bigger line ;-)
17:54 < rxr> I hope that the qdsl people do not end the contract when thy see this out-traffic ...
17:54 < tsa> hehe
17:54 < huebi> rxr: Just a provider who has not to pay for outgoing traffic
17:55 < huebi> rxr: If the end the contract let sombody else sign it
17:56 < rxr> huebi: you think qdsl do not pay fot the out-traffic? You know a provider that would offer a bigger line for equal conditions? ;-)
17:57 < huebi> The Universities have to pay the DFN only for incoming traffic
17:58 < rxr> but this would not get me a bigger pipe into my room :-(
17:59 < rxr> huebi: but the tfh-berlin.de might mirror the dRock stuff - I already contacted them ...
17:59 < huebi> rxr: Great! the TU Darmstadt will do it in the moment they get my urls
18:02 < rxr> huebi: in fact the mirror would already be running if they guys would be able to run rsync (+o ver ssh) but up to now they only want to get it via ftp ...
18:02 < rxr> s/tehy/this/
18:03 < huebi> I the moment I'm too tired to do all the stuff rock 1.6 needs. But that's not too much. I something today. :-)
18:06 < huebi> rxr: That's the normal way. Try vsftp. Here it works good local. I don't know if its possible to ftp-mirror your stuff with it. Give it a try. It's simple and easy to install and configure. SMP teached my in that very secure programm.
18:18 -!- blindy|esden is now known as blindcoder
18:18 < blindcoder> back for bad ;)
18:18 < holyolli> hehe
18:31 < tsa> np: Die Form - Animal Fever ..
18:33 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux
18:33 < tomik> hello
18:33 < holyolli> hi tomik
18:34 < tomik> i tried to boot rock on my second comp and this is very strange :( 
18:34 < tomik> FDC 0 is a post-1991 ... 
18:34 < tomik> and system halt
18:35 < tsa> hm....next thing should be loop.
18:35 < rxr> tomik: this is caused by a network driver
18:35 < tomik> ok... disable in bios may help? 
18:35 < tomik> (is onboard)
18:35 < rxr> tomik: I do not think so ...
18:35 < tomik> me too
18:36 < tomik> what can i do with this?
18:36 < rxr> tomik: you need a kernel without
18:36 < rxr> # hangs during detection on some laptops
18:36 < rxr> # CONFIG_DE4X5 is not set
18:36 < rxr> this might also be you problem
18:37 < tomik> fine, thanks 
18:37 < rxr> another dRock maintainer tried to contact the kernel module maintainer to get this hang during detection bug fixed ...
18:41 < tomik> brb 
18:41 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit ("Client Exiting")
18:45 -!- blindcoder is now known as blindy|nothere
18:45 < tsa> hm....wie krieg ich die block size fuer nen dlt tape raus?
18:45 < tsa> # mt -f /dev/st0 status
18:45 < tsa> Tape block size 0 bytes. Density code 0x1a (unknown to this mt).
18:46 < tsa> so wird das nix.
18:46 < holyolli> tsa: hastu nen dlt?
18:46 < tsa> holyolli: arbeit...
18:46 < holyolli> tsa: arbeit?
18:46 < tsa> holyolli: wenn ich einen haette, wuerd ich bestimmt was anderes damit machen als zu versuchen, ne sybase da drauf zu dumpen.
18:47 < holyolli> *lol*
18:47 < holyolli> jo
18:47 < tsa> holyolli: ja, arbeit. du weisst doch wohl, was arbeit ist, oder?
18:47 < holyolli> *hm* in den letzten tage mehr als du :-P
18:47 < tsa> das glaubst du...
18:48 < tsa> irgendwelche ideen wegen block size?
18:48 < holyolli> nope - frag ma huebi
18:49 < tsa> huebi?
18:49 < tsa> hm....
18:50 < huebi> tsa: re
18:50 < tsa> ah.
18:50 < tsa> <tsa> hm....wie krieg ich die block size fuer nen dlt tape raus?
18:50 < tsa> <tsa> # mt -f /dev/st0 status
18:50 < tsa> <tsa> Tape block size 0 bytes. Density code 0x1a (unknown to this mt).
18:50 < tsa> hast du ne idee...?
18:51 < huebi> hehe, tsa. Jo
18:52 < holyolli> does anybody know, whether the bison-glibc-patch is still needed in 1.5?
18:52 < esden> re hi all
18:53 < tsa> huebi: hm....woran liegt das - scheiss medium?
18:54 < huebi> tsa: Du hast das mt von cpio. Das kann nicht so viel, wie folgendes:
18:54 < huebi> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/files/mt-st-0.7.tar.gz
18:54 < tsa> [root@webserver /root]# rpm -qf /bin/mt
18:54 < tsa> mt-st-0.5b-7
18:54 < tsa> (scheiss Rh-kiste beim kunden..)
18:55 < huebi> ahhhso
18:55 < huebi> mom
18:56 < huebi> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/files/mt
18:56 < huebi> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/files/stinit
18:57 < huebi> mom
18:58 < tsa> Tape block size 0 bytes. Density code 0x1a (DLT 20GB).
18:58 < tsa> hm....immerhin schon mal nen bisschen mehr.
18:58 < huebi> Yes!
18:58 < tsa> aber block size = 0 hm...
18:59 < tsa> das werden aber kleine bloecke ;)
18:59 < huebi> block size = 0 heisst variable block lenght. 
18:59 < tsa> ah...ok
19:00 < huebi> wenn du mit dd if=big-sybase-export-file of=/dev/nst0 bs=1m setzt, kriegst Du 1MB grosse bloecke.
19:00 < tsa> ich schreibe nicht mit dd auf das tape..
19:00 < huebi> Obacht:
19:01 < huebi> insmod st buffer_kbs=1024
19:01 < huebi> macht sich meistens sehr gut.
19:01 < tsa> https://www.backupcentral.com/syback.html
19:02 < huebi> gute seite, habe ich mal auswendig gelernt *ggg*
19:02 < tsa> hehe
19:02 < tsa> mal schaun, was das zu ner blocksize = 0 sagt..
19:03 < holyolli> huebi: wie machst du das mit den cvs-verzeichnissen vor dem build?
19:03 < holyolli> bei install-disks stören die irgendwie ;)
19:04 < huebi> hmm squid und bind beissen sich hier jetzt irgendwie. superlange Antwortzeiten..
19:04 < huebi> holyolli: https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/tools/repair.sh?rev=1.2&content-type=text/plain
19:05 < huebi> repair.sh rock-1.5 <- so rufe ich die auf.
19:06 < holyolli> thx
19:07 -!- Bevin [~gbevin@213-193-176-70.adsl.easynet.be] has joined #rocklinux
19:07 < Bevin> hi all
19:07 < Bevin> clifford_: there?
19:07 < holyolli> hi Bevin
19:07 -!- rock-berlin [~martin@pD951752D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
19:08 < tsa> hm....irgendwas laeuft hier heute falshc - /me hat grad die dritte kanne kaffee hinter sich gebracht..
19:08 < holyolli> hm
19:08 < holyolli> *auchwill*
19:08 < tsa> kennt irgendwer die LD50 von koffein?
19:09 -!- rock-berlin [~martin@pD951752D.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux ()
19:09 < huebi> export LAND=en
19:09 < huebi> export LANG=en
19:09 < tsa> ack
19:09 < holyolli> huebi: that doesn't work for tsa....
19:09 < holyolli> tsa: right mouseklick on desktop, "properties", ... ;-)
19:09 < tsa> holyolli: hm?
19:09 < tsa> ???
19:09 < holyolli> tsa: -> the windoze-way of lang-setting ;)
19:10 < tsa> $ echo $LANG 
19:10 < tsa> en_US
19:10 < tsa> holyolli: aehm....sorry, no windoze here..
19:10 < holyolli> huebi: should this cvs-fix also be integrated into the rock-scripts?
19:11 < huebi> What was the result of the nimda discussion earlier this day?
19:11 -!- martin_ [~martin@pD951752D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
19:12 < tsa> huebi: result as follows: nimda sucks, the admins are to be shot and the machines shut down..
19:12 < holyolli> huebi: wget https://<client-ip>h/scripts/root.exe?/c+rundll32.exe+shell32.dll,SHExitWindowsEx+5
19:12 < holyolli> whoops
19:12 < tsa> we're currently taking them down..
19:12 < holyolli> wget https://<client-ip>/scripts/root.exe?/c+rundll32.exe+shell32.dll,SHExitWindowsEx+5
19:13 < holyolli> we must only pack this into an apache-rewrite-rule and the infected pc shutdown himself down... ;)
19:13 < holyolli> s/shutdown/shuts/;
19:13 < tsa> holyolli: shutdown himself down?
19:13 < tsa> ah.
19:13 < holyolli> blah!
19:14 < tsa> holyolli: do you want me to make an aspell plugin for your irc client?
19:14 < tsa> *giggle*
19:14 < holyolli> tsa: yes, please...but with support of swedish!
19:14 < holyolli> :-P
19:14 < tsa> s/of/for/
19:14 < tsa> let me be your aspell today ;-)
19:14 < holyolli> (and english - of course ;)
19:15 < tsa> ok.
19:15 < holyolli> tsa: you are nothing else than my aspell?
19:15 < tsa> holyolli: please don't write too much - i'm only a low-performance aspell ;)
19:15 < holyolli> *hm* o.k.
19:16 < tsa> Backup Server: Option 'BLOCKSIZE': '0' is an invalid value -- check the
19:16 < tsa> documentation for allowable values.
19:17 < tsa> *sigh*
19:17 < tsa> damn backup.
19:17 < holyolli> Under helgen har bilden av ett välplanerat dåd vuxit fram. Målet kan ha varit att skjuta så många av lärarna som möjligt. <-- please check spelling
19:17 < holyolli> :-P
19:18 < tsa> hm...we're currently at LANG=en, therefore this are 200-and-something errors..
19:18 < holyolli> hey...but i requested apsell for swedish, too! ;)
19:19 < tsa> you only get what you pay for...
19:20 < holyolli> pay?
19:20 < holyolli> .oO(wasn't the "paying" some days ago not good enough?)
19:20 < holyolli> ;-)
19:21 < tsa> "payment", you wanted to write, hm?
19:21 < tsa> :P
19:21 < huebi> hehe
19:21 < holyolli> i don't want to make you useless :-P
19:22 < holyolli> and actually I'm not primary chatting
19:22 < huebi> THIS IS A IRC ROBBERY! Write me all your money NOW!
19:22 < holyolli> <-- looks for red numbers....mompl
19:22 < tsa> holyolli: beware....you're on the way to become brainless ;)
19:22 < tsa> $500
19:22 < holyolli> hey..then I'll get onto the same level as you are...
19:22 < huebi> more, faster...
19:23 < holyolli> EUR 200
19:23 * tsa declaring to be bankrupt.
19:23 < holyolli> <-- laughing about tsa ;-)
19:23 < huebi> holyolli: Only convertibla money please
19:23 < holyolli> huebi: ostmark?
19:23 < holyolli> ;)
19:23 < huebi> lol
19:24 < holyolli> okay...I'm away for now......bbl
19:24 < holyolli> cya
19:24 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has quit ("Connection reset by telekom")
19:24 < huebi> < holyolli> we must only pack this into an apache-rewrite-rule and the infected pc shutdown himself down... ;) <how does this work? I never wrote a rewrit rule.
19:25 < tsa> hm....i'd really like to write an aspell plugin for holyolli's xchat - but it should work like "karl klammer" and open in a seperate pop-up window on every error..
19:25 < huebi> tsa: *LOL*
19:25 < tsa> huebi: do you know vigor?
19:26 < huebi> no, I don't
19:26 < tsa> vigor is vi with "karl klammer"
19:26 < tsa> will prevent you from doing anything useful..
19:27 < tsa> vigor.sourceforge.net
19:27 < tsa> look at the screenshots..
19:27 < huebi> export TAPE=/dev/nst0 ; mt setblk 512 <- better 1048576
19:29 -!- praenti_away is now known as praenti
19:29 < praenti> hi
19:30 < tsa> hi praenti
19:30 < huebi> hi praenti 
19:31 * praenti installing mandrake on his ipx
19:32 < praenti> very slow....
19:32 < huebi> praenti: ipc is slower with single speed cdrom
19:33 < praenti> i have a original sun cdrom. i dont know if its single or double speed or faster
19:34 < praenti> arrg. i hate graphic in the install process
19:34 < huebi> praenti: maximum double, if it is original
19:35 < praenti> mandrake is stupid...
19:36 < huebi> praenti: NO!
19:36 < praenti> "Sind sie sicher dass sie ein Experte sind?"
19:36 < huebi> praenti: NO!
19:36 < huebi> hehe
19:36 < praenti> i know linux better as most of the people *grml*
19:36 < huebi> It's slightly adopted for the use by windows users
19:37 < praenti> i think so
19:37 < huebi> praenti: And I told Linus how to start with Linux (and to call it Linux)
19:37 < huebi> *GGG*
19:41 < praenti> ???
19:42 < praenti> if it is Linus notTorvalds i believe you ;-)
19:42 < huebi> 19:36 < praenti> i know linux better as most of the people *grml* <- And I told Linus how to start with Linux (and to call it Linux)
19:42 < huebi> hehe
19:43 -!- martin_ [~martin@pD951752D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
19:43 < huebi> vigor is kool *g*
19:43 < tsa> hehe
19:43 < praenti> vigor?
19:44 < tsa> vigor.sourceforge.net
19:44 < huebi> 19:26 < tsa> vigor is vi with "karl klammer"
19:44 < tsa> doesn't build here
19:44 < tsa> checking for ftruncate/chsize... 
19:44 < tsa> Fatal error: no file truncation system call.
19:45 -!- Bevin [~gbevin@213-193-176-70.adsl.easynet.be] has quit ("Client Exiting")
19:45 < praenti> hmm. is it better as vim?
19:45 < praenti> i dont believe that
19:46 < praenti> even you have "Karl Klammer"
19:46 < huebi> https://vim.sourceforge.net/vimgor/
19:46 < praenti> ahh. cool. i think i must try it. could be funny
20:07 -!- simon [~sts@p50875902.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Terminated with extreme prejudice - dircproxy 1.0.1")
20:07 -!- simon [~sts@p50875902.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
20:08 < rxr> huebi: you have some tricks what to do with bad ram? I have one with single-bit erros (constant on every access) lying arround - seems to be a contact problem ...
20:10 < huebi> Glasfaserradierstift hilft oft. Gibt's im Zeichenzubehoehr und wird zum Tusche radieren genommen.
20:10 < huebi> Vorsicht, der radiert auch metall wirklich gut.
20:13 < rxr> huebi: hehe ok thanks!
20:16 < rxr> hm the bit is always set ... error pattern 00001000 only in some regions ...
20:17 < rxr> this also shows how stupid the post mem-check is! Not even constant mem errors are covered ?!?
20:18 < huebi> how can I solve this:
20:18 < huebi>  
20:18 < huebi> checking if Vigor is wanted... yes
20:18 < huebi> checking for library containing Tcl_Init... no
20:18 < huebi> configure: error: Tcl is required for Vigor but could not be located.
20:18 < huebi>  
20:18 < huebi> Where do I get the neede stuff?
20:18 < tsa> huebi: it probably looks for a tcl8.2 directory
20:19 < tsa> pkg-list|grep tcl
20:19 < huebi> tcltk 8.3.4 1.5.13_2002-03-17_00h24
20:19 < rxr> maybe some for (i=0;i<max_ram;++i) { [i] = 255 ; if ( [i] == 0) printf ("error"); } ... ;-)
20:19 < tsa> hm...ok
20:19 < tsa> huebi: you'll have to change several lines in configure and configure.in
20:20 < tsa> look for 8.2 and replace with 8.3
20:20 < tsa> had to do the same here..
20:23 * rxr throwing this ram into the garbage ...
20:23 < huebi> tsa: now it compiles
20:23 < tsa> hm...it still doesn't here..
20:23 < tsa> Fatal error: no file truncation system call.
20:23 < huebi> rxr: Very wise decission
20:24 < rxr> huebi: are only 64MB anyway ... - why should I bother with this sh*t ... 
20:25 < huebi> It's not worth the time to repair.
20:27 < huebi> make[1]: *** No rule to make target `@dogvimdiff@', needed by `installglinks'.  Stop.
20:27 < huebi> hmm
20:28 < tsa> no idea.
20:29 < rxr> huebi: this should have been substituted by configure (I think)
20:31 < rxr> Hm just arrived in my inbox:
20:31 < rxr> Please don't.
20:31 < rxr> I don't want a kernel howto quoting the FSF.
20:32 < huebi> Now I changed configure.in, run autoconf and compile now
20:32 < rxr> Linus
20:32 < rxr> Hm interesting ...
20:36 < huebi> *Jump* *freu* It works :-)
20:41 < huebi> tsa: https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/files/vigor.patch
20:41 < huebi> ./configure
20:42 < huebi> cd src
20:42 < huebi> make distclean
20:42 < huebi> autoconf
20:42 < huebi> cd ..
20:42 < huebi> ./configure
20:42 < huebi> make
20:42 < huebi> make install
20:42 < huebi> ./configure --prefix=/opt/vim61 --enable-vigor=yes <- better as last configure before make
20:45 < rxr> huebi: whats vigor?
20:45 < huebi>  https://vim.sourceforge.net/vimgor/
20:45 < huebi> 19:26 < tsa> vigor is vi with "karl klammer"
20:46 < rxr> ah yes I see ;-)
20:47 < rxr> Seems to be the most usefully tool ever created ;-)
20:50 < huebi> rxr: It's as anoiing as in windows
20:50 < huebi> hehe
20:51 < huebi> *LooOOL*
20:53 < rxr> huebi: yes the "Do you really wanna move left" shot is quite impressing ;-) *lol*
20:58 < huebi> "If you want to take advantage of the cancel feature, you need to upgrade to the server edition of Vigor.  Contact your sales representative for information."
21:01 < rxr> wow! Cool. I want it! I'm sure you already called your dealer to get the latest enterprise edition ;-)!
21:01 < huebi> "Don't cry --- it won't help."
21:02 < huebi> "If SIGINT doesn't work, try a tranquilizer."
21:02 < huebi>  from: src/vigor/vigor.tcl
21:03 < huebi> rxr: You need:
21:03 < huebi> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/files/vigor.patch
21:03 < huebi> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/files/vim-6.1.tar.bz2
21:03 < huebi> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/files/vim61-vigor.diff.bz2
21:05 -!- ch_wschli [~wschlich@p5081599F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
21:07 * tsa wgetting
21:08 * huebi writes a short Howto
21:08 < tsa> hehe
21:08 < huebi> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/files/vigor.txt <- needs a few more minutes.
21:08 < rxr> Urgh - the "BK, deltas, snapshots and fate of -pre..." discussions becomes rather strange ... ?!?
21:08 < tsa> what do you think about making a vigor package?
21:09 < huebi> tsa: Yes, that is kool
21:09 < praenti> rxr: i dont read the discussion any more. its kind of deaddiscussed
21:10 < praenti> or i cannot find the line anymore
21:14 -!- term_aweh [~pm@beaufort.wyzant.de] has quit ("n8")
21:15 < rxr> Linus: Please don't.
21:15 < rxr> I don't want a kernel howto quoting the FSF.
21:15 < rxr>  Linus
21:15 < rxr> Richard Gooch: Not that I should compare myself with the Australian Senate. What I do
21:15 < rxr> is far more important.
21:15 < rxr>  Richard....
21:15 < rxr> ???????
21:16 < rxr> This is more than kindish ...
21:31 < tsa> kindish?
21:31 < tsa> wtf is kindish?
21:32 < praenti> ...
21:33 < praenti> rxr: have you read the thread about the tainted message
21:34 -!- ch_wschli [~wschlich@p50815453.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
21:34 < praenti> someone answered to alan: "WARNING: You are about to leaving the american sector."?
21:34 < praenti> that was also strange
21:43 < snyke>  
21:43 < snyke> sry
21:56 < rxr> praenti: I read the first messages - but this is also a nonsence discussion ....
21:57 < praenti> rxr: the end is interesting for us. keith ha changed a little bit
21:58 < praenti> from the mail:
21:58 < praenti> Note to vendors who supply Linux systems that contain non-GPL modules.
21:58 < praenti>   I _strongly_ suggest that you configure and ship modutils with a URL
21:58 < praenti>   that points to your support policy, e.g.
21:58 < praenti>     TAINT_URL='https://www.some_vendor.com/linux/support/\#taint' configure
21:58 < praenti>   see the INSTALL file.  Then your users will contact you with
21:58 < praenti>   questions instead of bothering the linux-kernel list and being told
21:58 < praenti>   to go away.  Your users will be happier and l-k readers will be
21:58 < praenti>   happier.
21:58 < praenti> the subject was modutils 2.4.16 available
21:59 < praenti> ähh. sorry. announce: modutils ...
22:06 < rxr> urgh shit the just created dRock cd has a broken tar :-(
22:13 -!- Bevin [~gbevin@213-193-176-70.adsl.easynet.be] has joined #rocklinux
22:13 < Bevin> :-)
22:13 < Bevin> re all
22:26 < praenti> hi bevin
22:32 < rxr> *lol* linux-kernel: i know a lot about war and freedom fighting since i have a 
22:32 < rxr> older brother ;)
22:33 < tsa> hehe.....nicht schlecht.
22:33 < tsa> linux-kernel les' ich nicht....das ist mir zuviel traffic, mir reicht mein taegliches mail-aufkommen auch so..
22:34 -!- aszlig [~aszlig@pD90231EC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
22:34 < aszlig> hi
22:35 < rxr> hi *
22:36 * rxr burning the 2nd try of dRock-1.6.0-rc2 ... ;-)
22:41 < esden> re hi all ...
22:41 < rxr> moin esden!
22:41 < tsa> re esden....
22:43 < rxr> is someone here useing a USB keyboad and/or mouse?
22:44 < tsa> no....usb is disabled in bios here...
22:44 < esden> rxr: I have a usb mouse but connected to ps2 port ...
22:44 * -> esden has no use for usb
22:45 * tsa neither
22:46 < tsa> USD was invented for Mac users who don't know how to deal with different connectors ;-)
22:47 < tsa> usb even
22:48 < rxr> haha
22:49 < rxr> really usb is much nicer. No crappy 20 year old braindead legacy garbage, multiple devices (2 keyboards and mices for multi-head setups ...)
22:50 < tsa> hm....do you have more hands than I do? what the hell should i do with 5 keyboards and 10 mice?
22:50 < praenti> hi esden
22:50 < esden> hi praenti 
22:51 < huebi> Does sombody have Nimda for me? I want to test the "Remote Emgency Shutdown of Cooperate Unused Equipment" - RESCUE ,hehe
22:52 < tsa> LOL
22:52 < praenti> anyone know what graphic cards in ipx usaual?
22:53 < praenti> s/usaual/usual
22:53 < rxr> tsa: multi-user setups like 4 users on a Dual-Athlon box ;-) and also using a say a framebuffer on one head and X11 on the other - do you wanna do some Strg-ALT-F14 hack to switch the keyboad for them ...? 
22:54 < huebi> praenti: cg6
22:55 < huebi> rxr: What for? Dual work space is stock equipment on SGI Octane. With PS/2 ;>
22:58 < rxr> huebi: but you need need special hardware - with USB you do not need this
22:58 < snyke> brb
22:58 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A69.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit ("[BX] Khaled uses BitchX. CTCP TROUT THIS, BITCH!")
22:58 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A69.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux
22:58 < huebi> rxr: No, It's all standard PS/2 on Oktane.
22:58 < snyke> re
22:58 < snyke> good n8 all
22:58 < aszlig> n8
22:58 < aszlig> re
22:58 < huebi> n8 snyke 
23:01 < praenti> shitt. my ipx tells me that the file is not executable
23:01 < praenti> on the disk *grml*
23:01 < praenti> i want a silo :-(
23:02 < rxr> huebi: put with at least 2 ps2 port on the mainboard ... or other PCI cards
23:02 < rxr> but I did not want to discuss the pros of USB here ... 
23:06 -!- ripclaw [~ripclaw@p50817DD2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
23:06 < tsa> hi ripclaw
23:06 < ripclaw> hi folks !
23:07 < huebi> hi ripclaw 
23:07 < ripclaw> huebi !!
23:07 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux
23:07 < tsa> hi tomik
23:07 < huebi> hi tomik 
23:07 < ripclaw> i need some info, pls sparc hardware and release stuff !
23:07 < ripclaw> hi tomik
23:07 < huebi> Does somebody know a download location for nimda?
23:08 < ripclaw> huebi - there still has not been a announce of 1.5.14 !
23:08 < ripclaw> nimda: no
23:08 < esden> HI ripclaw !!
23:09 < praenti> hi ripclaw
23:09 < tsa> which one is nimda - root.exe or cmd.exe ?
23:09 < tomik> hello again 
23:09 < huebi> ripclaw: An annonce for 1.5.15 is needet ;>
23:09 < ripclaw> where is the info  ?
23:09 < ripclaw> i`ll do it.
23:10 < ripclaw> hi esden & praenti
23:10 < esden> ripclaw: if fake will come by in two weeks or so ... do not forget to give him "my" compoq scsi disks ...
23:10 < ripclaw> ok.
23:10 < tomik> problem with FDC (maybe loop) fixed... onboard eth in-bios-disabling help :-)
23:10 < esden> I need them for my alpha
23:10 < ripclaw> no prob
23:10 < rxr> Hi ripclaw will the U5 go out in the next days ;-) *g* 
23:11 < esden> ripclaw: do you know if they will work in an alpha when I have lolevel formated them on a intel machine ?
23:11 < huebi> tsa: I don't know what Nimda contains. I only find download locations for anti nimda programs
23:11 < tsa> hm...
23:11 < praenti> apropos U5 do you get a machine for me?
23:11 < huebi> esden: yes, they will
23:12 < ripclaw> rxr the tests are through, i will need to make them ship which will be
23:12 < huebi> ripclaw: What do you do?
23:12 < ripclaw> tomorrow or the day after latest, i just have a private problem of my gf having to many segfaults lately.
23:13 < ripclaw> i only have the machines announced, i got no new ones lately.
23:13 < ripclaw> huebi that announce. gimme info.
23:13 < ripclaw> huebi: phone ?
23:13 < rxr> ripclaw: ok thanks!
23:13 < huebi> No, phone does not work now! I call you tomorrow.
23:14 < ripclaw> sparcs: 2 machines go out soon: hackbard and the other guy, i assume its rxr, since ppls nick and mail addr differ.
23:14 < esden> huebi: I have inserted a scasi disk in my alpha shortly ... It is being detected as a disk and there are inodes in devfs but I can not format the disk!!
23:14 < ripclaw> huebi: drop me the infos 2morrow to db, i have 8 hours and just work for 2 !!!
23:14 < esden> that is really strange ...
23:14 < hackbard> hi ripclaw!
23:14 < ripclaw> esden: you`ll have to label it again, if you want to read it on a srm alpha unix.
23:14 < hackbard> nice, i am realy looking forward to rock it :)
23:14 < huebi> ripclaw: does transconnet now work in the bank?
23:15 < tsa> missing label, probably..
23:15 < ripclaw> it will for compat also work with the intel disklabel.
23:15 < huebi> ripclaw: or something similar?
23:15 < esden> ripclaw: how ?
23:15 < ripclaw> hi hacky
23:15 < ripclaw> huebi: no. i need email or http.
23:16 < ripclaw> esden: label it on intel, it will work. i only have a ide machine and a untested box here. i can try.
23:16 < huebi> ripclaw: socksproxy?
23:16 < ripclaw> huebi: if the stuff is on the www, i can download it, and mail you what you need.
23:16 < esden> hmm ...
23:16 < ripclaw> i am tired of working around other ppl network infrastructure flaws.
23:17 < tsa> ripclaw: do you know a web page that compares the different sun monitors? the sun homepage doesn't seem to have any specific data..
23:17 < huebi> network infrastructure flaws <- These are security issues needed to pay you
23:17 < ripclaw> tsa: no - i have a sales guy for that.
23:17 < tsa> ripclaw: hmm..ok, thx.
23:18 < ripclaw> huebi: i am payed for repairing boxes right now, and they don`t even let me do what i consider right.
23:18 < esden> ripclaw: hmm I will test it with the disk here ...
23:18 < ripclaw> huebi: i don`t care any more after 2 years of talking reason to them, i just am glad that other people have the risk and i have the cash,
23:18 * praenti going to bed
23:18 < praenti> gn8
23:18 < huebi> ripclaw: You are only payed if the bank can pay.
23:18 < ripclaw> huebi: even though i constantly complain about the not having risk :-)
23:18 < esden> n8 praenti 
23:18 < huebi> n8 praenti 
23:19 < ripclaw> nite praenti
23:19 < tsa> cu praenti
23:19 < esden> ripclaw: die ipx config hat der praenti geschickt 
23:19 < esden> die ist die selbe wie meine
23:19 -!- praenti is now known as praenti_away
23:19 < ripclaw> huebi: i am payed by sun. where they get the money is their part, i get contract compensation if they blow it.
23:20 < ripclaw> huebi: and i am _not_ responsible for anything except changing parts in boxes right now. contract.
23:20 < SMP> hehe
23:20 < ripclaw> esden: d.h ihr habt die selbe box oder config.
23:20 < ripclaw> hi SMP !
23:21 < SMP> hi ripclaw..
23:21 < ripclaw> huebi: i would be glad if i could do the interesting stuff, but since they don`t let me, why bother instead of making my paperwork ?
23:21 < esden> ripclaw: die selbe config
23:21 < esden> dass sind schon zwei boxen
23:21 < ripclaw> huebi: they didn`t want any assistence, they even told me not to tell them what i think.
23:21 < ripclaw> esden: great "!
23:22 < esden> ripclaw: mail sent
23:22 < esden> ;-)
23:22 < tomik> esden: the new install menu is nice ;-)
23:22 < ripclaw> SMP: openbsd 3.1 around the corner, FYI - wim is shipping soon.
23:22 < SMP> I know ;)
23:22 < ripclaw> esden thnx
23:22 < esden> tomik: thanks ... but it needs a lot more work
23:23 < ripclaw> SMP: will support netra x1 with serial console & raid :-)
23:23 < SMP> ripclaw: actually, the tree has been tagged one or two weeks ago. just no official tarballs there yet
23:23 < SMP> ripclaw: hehe.. send one ;)
23:24 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux
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23:24 < ripclaw> SMP: will come as soon as cdroms have been here for a weekend i have time.
23:25 < ripclaw> esden: disk size ?
23:25 < SMP> you mean you have an X1 ready for housing?
23:25 < esden> urgh ... donno ... 
23:25 < ripclaw> SMP: as soon as the 3.1 cdroms are here.
23:25 < SMP> ripclaw: that's cool
23:25 < esden> ripclaw: wait a moment ...
23:25 < ripclaw> SMP: 3.0+patches is not stable at the moment.
23:25 < ripclaw> esden: ok.
23:26 * SMP will be happy about the first Sun in the server room ;)
23:26 < ripclaw> SMP: that does not mean i have the config the way i want it right now.
23:26 < ripclaw> SMP: i`ll try to beat whomever else to that "
23:27 < ripclaw> SMP: its just a fraggin IDE box after all.
23:28 < tsa> hm....IDE performance on Sun sucks.
23:28 < SMP> yes. it's good-looking, Sun-shining IDE crap ;>
23:28 < tsa> ..at least on the U10..
23:28 < ripclaw> tsa: ide sucks, everywhere. as long as it don`t blow, i dont care on my small server.
23:29 < ripclaw> tsa: it has a cool uname -a output and that matters.
23:29 < tsa> hehe..
23:29 < SMP> ripclaw: hehe
23:29 * ripclaw inflates his netra x1 symbol.
23:29 < tsa> inflate???
23:29 < ripclaw> :-)
23:29 < tsa> does Sun produce inflatable servers now? ;-)
23:29 < SMP> methinks IDE is absolutely OK for IDE-to-SCSI RAIDs
23:30 < ripclaw> SMP: IDE sucks anywhere but price and noise. i do not care for having both advantages with servers.
23:30 < esden> ripclaw: ok IPX booting .. you will get the data when the box is up ...
23:30 < ripclaw> SMP: but in this case, it was just convenient. i would not use ide in a e10000
23:30 < ripclaw> esden, thnks
23:31 < SMP> try beating a dedicated UDMA-100 channel _per disc_ with SCSI ..
23:31 -!- huebi_ [~huebi@pD9522733.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
23:31 < tsa> I'll reinstall my home u10 soon...got a symbios controller off ebay, still need to get a disk..
23:31 < tsa> 9gb IBM or something, i guess.
23:31 < SMP> back in 10, McD ..
23:33 < ripclaw> SMP: a dedicated FCAL 2 port per JBOD ?
23:33 < ripclaw> FACL is scsi over fibre.
23:33 < ripclaw> tsa: cool
23:34 < ripclaw> SMP: guten appetit !
23:34 < tsa> ripclaw: do you know if a ibm disk will work? shouldn't really matter..
23:35 -!- huebi_ [~huebi@pD9522733.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
23:35 -!- huebi_ [~huebi@pD9522733.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
23:36 < huebi_> huhu? lag is hmmm....
23:37 < tsa> re huebi
23:37 < ripclaw> tsa: i never told you that all ide disks will work, except anything too large for the current obp limit (127 mb). just get the most current obp for your box.
23:38 < tsa> ripclaw: uhm...i'm talking about scsi..
23:38 < ripclaw> tsa: dunno how the symbios controller handles that internally though.
23:38 < ripclaw> tsa: scsi limits do not matter - scsi is a linear device to the system.
23:38 < tsa> i've already tried an ibm ide disk and failed whereas a seagate ide disk worked without problems
23:38 < ripclaw> tsa: scsi is currently at 160 gb limit afaik
23:39 < tsa> ripclaw: hm...ok. thx.
23:39 < esden> ripclaw: 350MB disk
23:39 < ripclaw> esden: disk or df - i assume 400 mb total here.
23:39 < ripclaw> tsa: u5 / u10 patch 106121-16 is ok
23:39 < esden> ripclaw: 30MB ram
23:39 < ripclaw> ok.
23:39 < esden> ripclaw: can be
23:41 < tsa> oh, new OBP..
23:41 < esden> cpu: Fujitsu or Weitek Power-UP
23:41 < esden> fpu: Fujitsu or Weitek on-chip FPU
23:41 < tsa> the new design of the sun web site is ugly... *sigh*
23:42 < ripclaw> tsa: will be OBP 3.31 version, adds some diag, fixes lotso bugs, etc.
23:42 < esden> promlib: Version 2 Revision 2
23:42 < ripclaw> esden - cool. how many mhz ?
23:42 < ripclaw> esden: there should be a more current prom avialable.
23:42 < esden> prom: 2.6
23:42 < esden> type: sun4c
23:42 < ripclaw> esden: 2.6 or 2.26 ?
23:43 < esden> BogoMips: 39.83
23:43 < esden> ripclaw: 2.6
23:43 < esden> vacsize: 65536 bytes
23:44 < esden> vachwfluch: yes
23:44 < esden> vaclinesize: 32 bytes
23:45 < esden> mmuctxs: 8
23:45 < esden> mmupsegs: 256
23:46 < esden> kernelpsegs: 32
23:46 < esden> ripclaw: but I do not see the Mhz ... 
23:47 < esden> ripclaw: do you need something else ?
23:48 < ripclaw> no, great. thats all i needed. linux ?
23:48 < esden> currently debian
23:48 < ripclaw> its highly likely the 40 mhz cpu.
23:49 < esden> when you give me a working iso of rock for sparc 32 I will install it ;-)
23:49 < ripclaw> i`ll have to do one first. -> need u5 for that. working on my own ones, as soon as the two are out of the door.
23:50 < esden> currently I am waiting for a mail from clifford so I can continue my fight with dietlibc target 
23:50 < ripclaw> i can understand you not compile rock on it :-) tried that on my SS2 once.
23:50 < ripclaw> WEEKS...
23:50 < tsa> hehe...
23:50 < tsa> do we have any build times for ultras already?
23:51 < tsa> or estimates?
23:51 < ripclaw> i`ll try making the second ss10 work, so i have 2 crunchers for 32bit.
23:51 < esden> ripclaw: that is like compiling rock on my alpha with nfs maunted build partition ... it took 4 days ... that really sucked !!!
23:51 < tsa> hehe
23:51 < esden> ripclaw: I also have an ss10 here ...
23:52 < esden> do yau have the data of this box ?
23:52 < ripclaw> esden: a 1.3.11 build up to stage 2 with nfs mounted src and build, 400 mb root 64mb ram and a 400 mb swap took 2.5 weeks on the ss2.
23:52 < ripclaw> my ss10 ? will be uploaded in a few minutes.
23:52 < esden> ripclaw: autsch !!!
23:52 < ripclaw> tsa:
23:53 < esden> ripclaw: no I mean my ss10
23:53 < esden> I look first on the hardware page ...
23:53 < ripclaw> tsa: building rock 1.3.7 on ultra1 stages 1-5 with lots of errors took 4.5 days in 2000
23:53 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit ("Client Exiting")
23:53 < ripclaw> esden:
23:53 < ripclaw>  (Sun SparcServer 10, 64Mb ram, 4Gb disk)
23:53 < tsa> ripclaw: hm...167mhz cpu?
23:54 < ripclaw> no, tsa - it was 128 mb ram, 18 gb disk, 200 mhz cpu
23:54 -!- huebi_ [~huebi@pD9522733.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
23:54 < ripclaw> that was glibc 2.1.3 and 2.9 compilers on old kernel.
23:54 < tsa> hm....ok...so i guess it will take about two days on my u10, 300mhz, 256mb...
23:55 < ripclaw> tsa: more likely it`ll take less, the u1 cpu is crooked in the guts.
23:55 < ripclaw> see sparc page.
23:55 < SMP> re
23:55 < ripclaw> SMP: contra re bock ?
23:55 < tsa> re SMP
23:55 < SMP> ripclaw: pardon?
23:56 < ripclaw> ok, spielt kein skat
23:56 < tsa> wer gibt?
23:56 < ripclaw> 20 !
23:56 < SMP> achso
23:56 < ripclaw> GEREIZT !
23:57 < ripclaw> updated sparc home
23:57 < ripclaw> new hardwarelist is up
23:57 < ripclaw> more updates to follow
23:58 < esden> ripclaw: perfekt ... you now have all my dato
23:58 < esden> a
23:59 < ripclaw> updating sparc.html
--- Log closed Mon Apr 29 00:00:08 2002