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   The ROCK Linux project has been discontinued in 2010. Here are the old data for the historical record!

--- Log opened Mon Dec 16 00:00:09 2002
--- Day changed Mon Dec 16 2002
00:00 < esden> tsa: da ist wirklich was kaputt ...
00:00 * tsa asking esden for help: why does glibc suck so much and why are binutils refusing to compile on my sytem in stage 2
00:00 < tsa> esden: oh, du hast das auch schon gemerkt?
00:00 < tsa> esden: ich hatte zwei sachen mit glibc
00:00 < tsa> zum einen meckert der ueber "cannot compile without optimisation"
00:00 < owl> huebi: a) does 1.5.20-cvs build and boot correct now, b) what's wrong, if i do a build (with opt + ext) and create a base+opt.iso and there is a 880 mb iso? << ext-files also in this iso?
00:01 < tsa> hab ich gefixed via "CFLAGS=$CFLAGS -O2"
00:01 < lkthomas> esden: what are you asking me to waiting for ?
00:01 < tsa> zum anderen musste ich zeile 385 aus timezone/solar87 auskommentieren
00:01 < tsa> esden: was hattest du denn fuer probs?
00:01 < esden> lkthomas: I have answered you already ... see scrollback
00:02 < huebi> owl: the exts are also on the CD image. I'm still reviewing Build-All and Create-CD
00:02 < owl> uh. k. thx. :-(
00:03 < tsa> esden: pign
00:03 < esden> tsa: ich habe mommentan probleme mit dem kernel ... aber es ist ein alpha spezifisches problem
00:03 < tsa> ping even
00:03 < tsa> esden: achso..
00:03 < esden> ich bin noch nicht an glibc gekommen
00:03 < tsa> esden: wegen alpha und so...soll mein bekannter seine mitbringen?
00:03 < tsa> (19c3)
00:03 < esden> tsa: sicher ... 
00:03 < tsa> ok, dann sag ich ihm bescheid
00:03 < esden> tsa: aber ich kann nicht versprechen das ich da nen funktionierenden build bis dahin habe ...
00:04 < tsa> esden: macht nix.
00:04 < esden> tsa: ich weiss noch nicht vie viele probleme auf mich noch warten ... ;-)
00:04 < tsa> esden: der ist sowieso nen BSD'ler, aber er wuerde die kiste zur verfuegung stellen fuer compiles etc..
00:04 -!- LoriAW is now known as Lorini
00:04 < tsa> esden: dann kannst du nen cluster-build auf alpha machen ;)
00:05 < esden> tsa: was ist das fuer ne kiste die dein bekannter hat ?
00:05 < tsa> pc164lx, 533mhz
00:06 < tsa> (ich habe nicht die geringste ahnung, was das bedeutet)
00:06 < lkthomas>    ROCK Install Shell> select */*
00:06 < lkthomas>     ROCK Install Shell> install
00:06 < lkthomas> is that what I need to do only ?
00:07 < huebi> lkthomas: ACK
00:07 < lkthomas> heh
00:07 < lkthomas> config X ?!?
00:07 < esden> tsa: ok ... es ist schneller als meine ...
00:07 < lkthomas> err
00:07 < lkthomas> so that .iso have all kinds of pre-compiled binary there ?!?
00:07 * -> esden needs a faster alpha box !!! *jumparound*
00:08 < tsa> esden: *schulterzuck* ich habe von alphas ungefaehr soviel ahnung wie von motorsaegen....also nix ;)
00:08 < lkthomas> well, I don't like binary :)
00:08 < huebi> lkthomas: Compile Rocklinux for your laptop again.
00:09 < huebi> /usr/src/rock-src-1.5.20
00:09 < esden> tsa: tja ...
00:09 < lkthomas> huebi: if I am doing select */*, would it be install all rubish into my laptop ?
00:09 < esden> tsa: ich auch ;-)
00:09 < lkthomas> including a lot of program that I don't need ?
00:09 < tsa> hehehe
00:09 * -> esden off -> home -> bed
00:09 < tsa> cya esden
00:09 < huebi> lkthomas: Yes, everything.
00:10 < huebi> cu esden
00:10 < fake> bye esden
00:10 < lkthomas> huebi: can I have another choice other than insstall everything ?
00:10 < tsa> huebi: upps...deine u30 is hin?
00:10 < huebi> tsa: Aber nur noch bis morgen, dann gibt es erst mal ein neues Netyteil.
00:11 < tsa> ah, ok
00:11 < tsa> 19c3 wird bestimmt lustig dieses jahr...wir scheinen ne ganze menge leute zu werden
00:11 < fake> tsa: ack
00:12 < tsa> grobe schaetzung developer + teilweise bekannte 35-40 leute
00:12 < huebi> tsa: wieviel?
00:12 < tsa> huebi: >30 auf jeden fall
00:12 < huebi> uups
00:12 < tsa> hehe ;)
00:12 < tsa> huebi: weisst du schon, wann ihr in berlin ankommen werdet?
00:13 < huebi> tsa: 26. abends
00:13 < tsa> oh, fein - ich auch
00:13 < tsa> ..dann bekommen wir wohl hoffentlich auch ordentlich plaetze im hackcenter..
00:14 * tsa kommt damit nach berlin: https://insideag.de/bus/links.jpg
00:15 < huebi> tsa: das denken glaube ich alle. Der hacktrain aus Mainz kommt gluecklicherweise erst um 22h an.
00:15 < tsa> huebi: hehe
00:15 < huebi> 15 h Fahrt!!! Nur fuer die ganz harten.
00:15 < tsa> mal schaun, wann wir da sein werden...keine ahnung, wie fix der bus so ist..
00:15 * Ge0rG ist heute 7 stunden deutsche bahn gefahren
00:16 < huebi> Armer Ge0rG
00:16 < tsa> vermutlich kriegen wir fuer den bus nen platz gegenueber vom eingang reserviert...
00:16 < owl> Ge0rG: beileid. wie viele std. davon waren verspaetung?
00:16 < tsa> oh, owlita lebt auch noch..
00:16 < owl> tsa: nein. du sprichst mit owl_jenseits *hrhr*
00:16 < Ge0rG> owl: keine. war so geplant
00:16 < tsa> owl: geh ma kaffee fuer huebi kochen, das ist soo selten hier..
00:17 < owl> Ge0rG: amen.
00:17 < tsa> s,das,der,
00:17 < huebi> btw ich muss morgen noch 1000g Koffein bestellen....
00:17 < owl> tsa: selbst ist der mann
00:17 < tsa> huebi: fuer den 19c3? ;-)
00:17 < huebi> Ack
00:17 < owl> tsa: und wenn dir soviel am wohlergehen von huebi liegt - dann koche du den kaffee...
00:19 < tsa> owl: du koenntest dich auch ruhig mal nuetzlich machen....du hast hier ja nicht mal eintritt bezahlt *grins* ;)
00:20 < fake> tsa: what was the error you patched against in glibc?
00:20 < tsa> fake: timezone/solar87
00:20 < tsa> had to remove line 385
00:20 < fake> bei mir spinnt [kill.os] Error 1
00:20 < tsa> hm..auch nicht besser
00:20 < fake> unrecognized symbol type ""
00:20 < owl> tsa: och. wie schlimm.
00:20 < fake> strange.
00:20 < tsa> naja, und CFLAGS hab ich per hand reingebaut
00:20 * fake rauchen
00:20 < tsa> ohne wollte er ueberhaupt nicht
00:22 * tsa ist dafuer, dass owl auf dem 19c3 die koffein-versorgung sicherstellt
00:23 < owl> tsa: lebensmuede?
00:23 < tsa> nein. faul.
00:23 < owl> tsa: nein. lebensmuede. mein kaffee wuerde alle vergiften oder er waere zu schwach
00:25 < tsa> owl: hm...naja, aber irgedwie wirst du dir deinen platz im hackcenter doch verdienen muessen...
00:27 < owl> tsa: sicher. ich habe doch ein windows-freies notebook, aeh. zwei windows-freie... (wobei ich noch ned weiss ob  ich eines oder zwei mitnehme)
00:28 < huebi> owl: kannst du mir eins leihen?
00:28 < tsa> owl: bringst du auch deinen windows-proxy mit? *duck* ;-)
00:28 < owl> huebi: koennte ich schon. ich weiss nur nicht, ob mein gericom sich dumm anstellt irgendwie... auf der fensterbank in eiseskaelte geht es problemlos...
00:29 < owl> und ich weiss noch ned sicher ob ich des mitnehm. muss ja mit dem bus fahren usw
00:29 < tsa> huch - noch nen bus auf dem weg zum 19c3?
00:30 < owl> tsa: jep. hackbus halt...
00:30 < owl> (siehe ccc-website irgendwo)
00:30 < tsa> achso..
00:33 < owl> *yawn* i'm off now. gn8. cu
00:36 < huebi> cu owl
00:37 < huebi> cu all
00:37 < huebi> wech......
00:37 < fake> ciao huebi !
00:38 < tsa> cu huebi
01:02 -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@i301-2.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has joined #rocklinux
01:16 -!- Lorini is now known as LoriZzZ
01:17 < LoriZzZ> night night
01:25 * SMP testet immernoch 1.5.20
01:25 < SMP> eh
01:25 * SMP still testing 1.5.20
01:25 < tsa> und, wie schlimm ist es?
01:26 < SMP> Muell
01:26 < SMP> kann man niemandem geben
01:26 < tsa> hm...ziemlich vernichtendes Urteil
01:27 < SMP> das ist super toll
01:27 < tsa> ich hab lange nicht wirklich was an 1.5.x gemacht, aber der fehlende scsi-support im announcement hat mich doch ein wenig geaergert..
01:27 < SMP> der whois client funktioniert z.B. nicht
01:27 < SMP> weil die port nummer in /etc/services fehtl
01:27 < SMP> wie zum Teufel kann sowas passieren
01:28 < tsa> ganz einfach - viele leute maintainen einzelne packages, wenige die skripte, aber offenbar wird das "fertige produkt" zu wenig getestet...
01:29 < tsa> wir braeuchten eine Q&A-Abteilung...
01:29 < tsa> ..wobei das mit dem whois-client wohl eher darauf zurueckzufuehren ist, dass der maintainer gepennt hat..
01:30 * SMP ist so > < kurz davor sich schlicht aus der rockcvsu Gruppe und hackers@ auszutragen
01:31 < tsa> hm..und dann?
01:31 < LocalHero> Im still looking for ppc isos. Does anybody have any=
01:31 < SMP> 1.5-stefanp weiter maintainen und sonst 1.7 tracken
01:32 * SMP gibt sich erstmal noch bis zum 19C3 Zeit
01:32 < tsa> LocalHero: ask ripclaw about that, afaik he wanted to take a look at ppc ..
01:33 < SMP> "wanted" ...
01:33 < tsa> SMP: naja, 1.7 hat etliche vorteile, auch wenn die derzeit noch nicht wirklich ausgenutzt werden...
01:33 < tsa> zumindest scheint mir 1.7 fuer ports auf andere architekturen um einiges besser geeignet zu sein als 1.5.x
01:34 < SMP> deutlich
01:34 < SMP> aber bei 1.7 habe ich vor allem den Eindruck, dass es sich a) bewegt und b) in die richtige Richtung
01:34 < tsa> jupp
01:35 < tsa> siehe auch menge an patches fuer 1.5 und 1.7 auf der mailing-liste...
01:35 < SMP> naja, das hat andere Ursachen
01:36 < SMP> an 1.5 _soll_ ueberhaupt niemand rumpatchen
01:36 < tsa> ack - ein stable tree, ein devel tree
01:36 < SMP> und diejenigen die daran arbeiten haben eh nen CVS Account -> keine patches
01:37 < SMP> leider verhindert dies eine gegenseitige Kontrolle
01:37 < SMP> mein Reden seit ...
01:37 < tsa> tjo..
01:37 < tsa> hehe
01:38 < LocalHero> tsa. oki, i will do that the next time i see him
01:41 < tsa> arghs
01:41 < tsa> scheisse.
01:41 < tsa> nu hab ich schon den kompletten tree weggeworfen und neu angefangen, und es meckert immer noch
01:41 < SMP> was ist eigentlich mit Oli?
01:42 < tsa> spontan wuerd ich mal behaupten, dass der ziemlich raus ist
01:42 < SMP> Grund?
01:42 < tsa> hat sein studium geschmissen, arbeit ebenfalls, macht jetzt pilotenausbildung in bremen
01:43 < SMP> uh. uhuhu
01:43 < SMP> okay - guter Grund ;)
01:44 < tsa> naja, und da hat er jetzt wohl nur noch ziemlich wenig zeit..
01:49 -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@i301-2.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has quit ()
02:13 < tsa> so..erstma mail an die liste
02:13 < tsa> irgendwas scheint mir da kaputt zu sein bei 1.7
02:13 < tsa> (oder ich bin zu doof und ein system is kaputt)
02:14 < tsa> s,ein,mein,
02:19 < tsa> *gaehn*
02:19 < tsa> ich hasse glibc
02:19 < SMP> wer nicht ..
02:19 < tsa> hehe..
02:19 < tsa> naja, was soll's
02:20 < tsa> mal abwarten, ob sich morgen irgendwer dazu meldet
02:20 < tsa> ich werd denn mal pennen gehen
02:20 < tsa> n8
02:20 < SMP> cu
02:20 < tsa> cu SMP
02:20 < tsa> ..und wech
02:20 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082B481.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
02:52 -!- lkthomas [lkthomas@nat20-88.mpoweredpc.net] has quit ("goto sleep, man")
02:55 -!- dennis [~dennis@pD950E138.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
03:06 -!- Parabull [~Parabull@] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
03:07 -!- Parabull [~Parabull@] has joined #rocklinux
04:33 -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has quit ("Der Sinn des Lebens ist die Suche nach eben jenem.")
04:57 -!- owl_ [~mail-spam@B5b24.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
04:57 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5b24.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
05:01 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5b24.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
05:01 -!- owl_ [~mail-spam@B5b24.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
05:13 -!- owl_ [~mail-spam@B5b24.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
05:13 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5b24.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
05:24 -!- kasc_ [~shaman@p5090B5ED.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
05:30 -!- kasc [~shaman@p5090B4FE.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
07:08 -!- LoriZzZ is now known as Lorini
07:08 < blindcoder> moin
07:10 < Lorini> moin
07:10 < Lorini> wow du bist ja schon wach.. und in der arbeit?
07:12 < blindcoder> jap
07:12 < blindcoder> bin ab heute mit Auto unterwegs
07:12 < blindcoder> weil neuer Bahnpreis + MVV-Preis > Spritkosten
07:12 < Lorini> wieso "erst" ab heute?
07:13 < Lorini> aah :)
07:13 < Lorini> verstehe
07:13 < Lorini> geschickt
07:13 < blindcoder> eine Woche noch, dann endlich URLAUB!
07:13 < Lorini> blindy: dito :)
07:13 < Lorini> aber nur 2 wochen
07:13 < Lorini> und dann auch noch mit zettel bearbeiten
07:13 < Lorini> :/
07:14 < blindcoder> Zettel???
07:17 < Lorini> zettel mit matheaufgaben drauf
07:18 < Lorini> die müssen wir wöchentlich bearbeiten um in LA zur klausur zugelassen und in analysis nen bonus auf die klausur zu kriegen
07:18 < Lorini> und an diesem kack zettel scheterts dass ich nach bayern komm
07:19 < blindcoder> :(
07:19 < Lorini> weil _allein_ krieg ich net die 50% der punkte und wenn ich nach bayern fahr hab ich keine zeit für gruppenarbeit
07:20 < blindcoder> is ja bloed >_<
07:21 < Lorini> ja.. meine leute werden mich lynchen
07:22 < blindcoder> mhm
07:31 < Lorini> hm
07:31 < Lorini> in ner stunde muss ich anner uni sein
07:31 < Lorini> ich brauche _normalerweise_ 10 minuten
07:32 < Lorini> hm.. ob ich schonmal losfahren sollte?
07:33 < blindcoder> wie isses bei euch mit wetter?
07:33 < blindcoder> ich hatte glatteis vor der Haustuer und an den Scheiben
07:34 < Lorini> also als ich gestern noch paar leute nach hause gefahren hab (so mittenacht rum) war es _arsch_glatt
07:35 < blindcoder>    genau das mein ich
07:36 < blindcoder> aber heute morgen IN --> Mch hab ich wie immer 75 Minuten gebraucht
07:36 < Lorini> hmmm
07:36 < Lorini> mhmhmhm
07:36 < Lorini> naja.. wird schon passen. ich hoffe mal die sind so schlau dass sie streuen
07:37 < blindcoder> da wuerde ich nicht drauf wetten
07:37 < blindcoder> bei mir daheim hat zumindest noch nie einer gestreut
07:37 < Lorini> naja
07:37 < Lorini> die wissen ja dass montag morgen anner uni die hölle los is
07:37 < Lorini> da werden sie ja wohl streuen
07:38 < blindcoder> hoffentlich
08:00 -!- Lorini is now known as LoriAW
09:32 < owl_> moin
09:32 -!- owl_ is now known as owl
09:36 < owl> ...und wech
10:23 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5b24.pppool.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
10:49 -!- owl_ [~mail-spam@B5b24.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
10:58 < fake> morgen
10:59 < fake> esden: ping
11:02 -!- bishopmobile [~bishop@] has joined #rocklinux
11:36 < esden> morning
11:39 < aszlig> 'lo esden
11:39 < aszlig> rehi
11:45 -!- LoriAW is now known as Lorini
11:46 < esden> re Lorini 
11:47 < Lorini> re
11:47 < Lorini> hi esden
11:47 -!- bishopmobile [~bishop@] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
11:53 < esden> wuahhh ... : https://umeet.uninet.edu/umeet2002/english/prog.eng.html
11:56 -!- tsa [~tsa@rossini.marcant.net] has joined #rocklinux
11:56 < tsa> moin
11:58 < esden> moin tsa 
11:59 < esden> tsa: wie ich gelesen habe bist du immer noch am kaempfen ...
11:59 * -> esden brb
12:15 < blindcoder> boy, I'm hungry...
12:24 < tsa> esden: jo, irgendwas ist das kaputt, scheint mir...
12:25 < tsa> jegliche ideen sind natuerlich willkommen..
12:28 < tsa> ..ich bin naemlich inzwischen ziemlich ratlos..
12:29 < aszlig> tsa: um was gehts denn?
12:29 < tsa> aszlig: 1.7-build
12:29 < tsa> siehe meine mail von gestern auf der liste
12:29 < tsa> chroot offenbar kaputt.
12:30 < aszlig> hrm?
12:30 < aszlig> mom..
12:30 < aszlig> *archivedurchsuch*
12:33 < aszlig> erm..
12:33 < aszlig> tsa: welches topic?
12:33 < esden> tsa: ich werde heute weiter mit dem alpha build rumbasteln ... vielleicht werde ich dann was sehen was nuetzlich sein koennte ...
12:34 < aszlig> tsa: already found...
12:34 < tsa> ah, ok
12:34 < tsa> esden: ich bin mir nicht sicher, aber ich hab das gefuehl, dass es an der glibc 2.3.1 liegt..
12:34 < aszlig> tsa: kann dir glaubich helfen :)
12:35 < aszlig> tsa: wennde naemlich anstatt chroot uml hernimmst...
12:36 < tsa> hehe
12:36 < tsa> hm.../me hat noch nie was mit uml zu tun gehabt..
12:36 < owl_> re
12:37 -!- owl_ is now known as owl
12:37 < blindcoder> re owl
12:37 < owl> *grrrrrr*
12:37 < owl> hi blindcoder
12:37 < blindcoder> owl: ???
12:37 * owl kicks owl to moon
12:37 < blindcoder> what did the doc say?
12:37 < esden> tsa: wie gesagt ich muss es mir noch anschauen ...
12:37 < esden> hmm ... 
12:37 < blindcoder> hi esden
12:37 * -> esden updating the 1.7 tree on his intel box ... for testing
12:37 < esden> hi blindcoder 
12:38 < owl> blindcoder: have to go to he stupid HNO. might i have /will have chronische headache und mittelohrentzuendung
12:38 < owl> hi esden
12:38 < blindcoder> owl: urks....
12:38 < owl> blindcoder: full ack
12:40 * blindcoder off to lunch
12:40 -!- Topic for #rocklinux: CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.rocklinux.de:/cvs co -P rock-1.5 && cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@clifford.homedns.org:/home/cvs co -P rock-src-1.7
12:40 -!- Topic set by ChanServ [Thu Nov 21 19:29:37 2002]
12:43 < tsa> !> The package build aborted with the following config error:
12:43 < tsa> !> glibc22: Syntax error in glibc22.desc: <<<<<<< glibc22.desc
12:43 < tsa> !> glibc22: Syntax error in glibc22.desc: =======
12:43 < tsa> !> glibc22: Syntax error in glibc22.desc: >>>>>>> 1.3
12:43 < tsa> !> Disable the 'Paranoia Check' config option to ignore such errors.
12:43 < tsa> hurra!
12:47 < tsa> urghs...wie bringt man nochmal vi dazu, einem die zeile zu sagen?
13:17 < blindcoder> tsa: :set ruler
13:18 < th> tsa: C-g
13:19 < th> tsa: bzw. set ruler
13:22 < tsa> thx.,
13:25 * tsa versucht den build jetzt mal mit glibc22
13:37 -!- sjefen [~sjefen@ti122110a080-0313.bb.online.no] has joined #rocklinux
13:39 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD958D546.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
13:40 < tsa> == 12/16/02 13:38:32 =[0]=> Finished building package glibc22.
13:40 < tsa> ...lets's see what stage 2 thinks about glibc 2.2.x ..
13:40 * tcr hails all
13:40 < tsa> hi tcr
13:41 < blindcoder> hi tcr
13:41 < blindcoder> hi sjefen
13:41 < owl> tach tcr, sjefen
13:42 < sjefen> hello :)
13:42 < sjefen> netsplit or something today?
14:21 < aszlig> aarrgh!
14:21 * aszlig hates, hates busybox...
14:25 -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has joined #rocklinux
14:32 < rolla> aszlig me too
14:34 < owl> aszlig: i normally won't be at school this year...
14:34 < owl> could you please tell katharina to send me a sms or email which contains her mobile phone number? and christoph please, the same, too
14:38 < owl> ASZLIG, bei fuss!
14:43 < aszlig> re
14:43 -!- ichilton [~ian@pc1-stoc3-4-cust247.midd.cable.ntl.com] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
14:43 < owl> hi aszlig
14:43 < aszlig> owl: ey, why don't you tell it yourself?
14:43 < owl> aszlig: cuz i'm ill
14:43 < aszlig> k
14:43 < owl> thx
14:44 < aszlig> shit!
14:44 < owl> hm?
14:44 < aszlig> that thingie is not caused by busybox!
14:44 < aszlig> may /me dump it here?
14:44 < sjefen> anyone know what brand makes good stable ram?
14:44 < aszlig> (8 lines)
14:45 < aszlig> dumping :>
14:45 < aszlig> rock-install:/hostfs/rock-src-1.7-200211260018# ./scripts/Build-Target
14:45 < aszlig> ./scripts/Build-Target: tr: command not found
14:45 < aszlig> ./scripts/Build-Target: uname: No such file or directory
14:45 < aszlig> ./scripts/Build-Target: mkdir: No such file or directory
14:45 < aszlig> ./scripts/Build-Target: mkdir: No such file or directory
14:45 < aszlig> ./scripts/Build-Target: date: No such file or directory
14:45 < aszlig> ./scripts/Build-Target: [: : integer expression expected
14:45 < aszlig> ./scripts/Build-Target: grep: No such file or directory
14:45 < aszlig> no change of path, changed binaries..
14:46 < tcr> ?
14:46 < aszlig> tcr: ?
14:46 < tcr> ????????
14:46 < blindcoder> sjefen: I have yet to see bad, unstable RAM
14:46 < aszlig> date, grep, and so on exists and are in path
14:47 < blindcoder> aszlig: did you do something aleng Cleanup -full -root / ??
14:47 < tcr> aszlig: only tr isnt found
14:48 < aszlig> hrm...
14:48 < sjefen> blindcoder : hmm, I've heard of people having trouble compiling and stuff nowadays because of bad RAM.
14:48 < tcr> i dunno 1.7 and build-target, does it try to execute tr in the chroot?
14:48 < tcr> because i doubt that tr is missing on your system
14:49 < aszlig> tcr: nope, has nothing to do with chroot
14:49 < blindcoder> sjefen: hmm.. I have two bars of 256 MB Rambus in my box and no idea which brand they are... if at all
14:49 < sjefen> blindcoder : hehe, ok :)
14:49 < aszlig> because that errors appeared before chroot
14:50 < tcr> hm, but tr isnt missing?
14:50 -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@i301-2.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has joined #rocklinux
14:51 < rolla> aszlig: mine dies with the install-disks build :(
14:52 < blindcoder> hi LocalHero
14:52 < tcr> God dag, LocalHero! hur mår du?
14:52 < LocalHero> Hi
14:52 < LocalHero> tcr, tjena, jorå, det är bra
14:52 < aszlig> tcr: nope, tr isn't missing :P
14:52 < LocalHero> tcr, själv då
14:53 < LocalHero> Anybody know who pjotr@pckassa.com <pjotr@pckassa.com> is?
14:53 < owl> hi LocalHero
14:53 < LocalHero> owl, Hi, whazzup?
14:54 < LocalHero> I was asked by pjotr to do an 1.6 pre iso, but i cant get the cvs to work
14:54 < owl> hi LocalHero. nothing :) and at you?
14:55 < owl> LocalHero: if you want i can get the sources by cvs tar.bz2 them and send them to you by mail...?
14:55 < LocalHero> owl,, well, im trying to study som math but it doesnt go well. Exam tomorrow
14:55 < owl> LocalHero: urgs. have fun then and good luck :)
14:55 < aszlig> hrm, somehow i thenk it's the build script(s)
14:55 < tcr> LocalHero: jag är bra också
14:55 < LocalHero> the topic cvs command says "cvs [checkout aborted]: Cannot check out files into the repository itself"
14:56 < LocalHero> owl, ,hehe :-)
14:56 < tcr> LocalHero: Jag förstår inte "tjena" and "jorå" though
14:57 < aszlig> grr...
14:57 < rolla> > #### du -k of the binaries ####
14:57 < rolla> > umount: .: not mounted
14:57 < rolla> > umount: f: not found
14:57 < rolla> > xargs: invalid option -- k
14:57 < rolla> > Usage: umount [-hV]
14:57 < rolla> >        umount -a [-f] [-r] [-n] [-v] [-t vfstypes]
14:57 < rolla> >        umount [-f] [-r] [-n] [-v] special | node...
14:57 < tcr> aszlig: plz try to track it down
14:57 < rolla> aszlig all my commands linked to busybox think they are umount :(
14:57 < aszlig> rolla: yeah, fixed that problem...
14:58 < aszlig> diff -b umount busybox :P
14:58 < blindcoder> LocalHero: works just fine here. Just type the command before the &&
14:58 < LocalHero> tcr, Tjena=hej, "jorå, det är bra"= "Afterall its good" :)
14:58 < tcr> LocalHero: cvs -d user@anoncvs.rocklinux.de:/home/rockcvs/cvs co -r release-1_6_0pre1 rock-1.5
14:58 < rolla> ??
14:58 < LocalHero> tcr, Du är inte från sverige?
14:58 < tcr> should work @ LocalHero
14:58 < rolla> you did? How
14:58 < aszlig> rolla: for that i want to kill huebi!
14:58 < aszlig> rolla: busybox IS umount!
14:59 < rolla> was?
14:59 < rolla> grrrr
14:59 < rolla> I tried to fix that thing and debug it
14:59 < rolla> how did you fix it?
14:59 < sjefen> er det popluært å prate ikke-engelske språk her da?
14:59 < aszlig> rolla: i copied the true busybox binary to the wrong one ;)
14:59 < LocalHero> rocklinux.de: Connection refused
14:59 < rolla> ?
15:00 < rolla> I thought I had tried that
15:00 < blindcoder> LocalHero: did you include CVS_RSH=ssh
15:00 < LocalHero> sjefen, haha, norska :)
15:00 < aszlig> rolla: maybe not..
15:00 < sjefen> LocalHero : hehe :)
15:00 < tcr> LocalHero: no, not really ;) I just have good connections to all you north folks :)
15:00 < aszlig> rolla: you should look at the sizes...
15:00 < LocalHero> ahh, nope
15:00 < tcr> LocalHero: export CVS_RSH
15:00 < tcr> ah blindcoder said it already
15:01 < rolla> okay
15:01 < LocalHero> tcr well, then you are a fast learner :)
15:01 < LocalHero> hmm, it asks for password :(
15:01 < aszlig> huebi: look, at 19c3 i'll kill you!
15:01 < LocalHero> So the 1.6.0-pre is set. So that i can make some isos of it and include on the iso site?
15:02 < aszlig> rolla: there are some other errors...
15:02 < rolla> like what?
15:02 < LocalHero> Or, does anybody have any isos that are already made?
15:02 < aszlig> rolla: some binaries are linked to busybox, even if they aren't supported by busybox
15:02 < tcr> LocalHero: it asks for a password?
15:02 < rolla> great
15:03 < aszlig> rolla: and those error i dumped before...
15:03 < tcr> ah LocalHero
15:03 < rolla> how did they break this my 1.5.19 all worked
15:03 < LocalHero> tcr, yupp
15:03 < tcr> LocalHero: Ursäkta mig!
15:03 < tcr> cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.rocklinux.de: ...
15:03 < aszlig> and... /me is goin' to drive insane!
15:04 * aszlig had to fix almost the half of that rock-install image
15:04 < tcr> rolla: hmm ? are you talking about 1.5?
15:04 < tcr> oh
15:04 < aszlig> but that error still bugs me!
15:05 < rolla> yes
15:05 < tcr> hm. plz bug that on the mailinglist
15:06 < rolla> I have
15:06 < rolla> everyone knows about this bug grrr
15:06 < tcr> ??
15:06 < aszlig> hehe
15:06 * aszlig fixed that one already...
15:06 < LocalHero> Hmm, dahh, lots of commands, doesnt anybody have a tarbal of it?
15:07 < tcr> LocalHero: cd /building; export CVS_RSH=ssh; cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.rocklinux.de:/home/rockcvs/cvs co -r release-1_6_0pre1 rock-1.5
15:07 < tcr> just copy & paste
15:07 < SMP> no no no
15:07 < SMP> all wrong
15:08 < tcr> oups then
15:08 < LocalHero> hmm XIO:  fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server "kalle:11.0"
15:08 < LocalHero>       after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
15:08 < LocalHero> :(
15:08 < aszlig> i'll put that fixed image to ftp://ftp.aszlig.net/rocklinux/root_fs
15:08 < SMP> the path on anoncvs.rocklinux.de is just /cvs
15:08 < rolla> aszlig you were right good job :)
15:09 < LocalHero> ?!?! Confused
15:09 < tcr> LocalHero: replace /home/rockcvs/cvs with /cvs
15:10 < LocalHero> tcr ahha :)
15:10 < LocalHero> (/cvs/)-> export CVS_RSH=ssh; cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.rocklinux.de:/cvs co -r release-1_6_0pre1 rock-1.5
15:10 < LocalHero> cvs [checkout aborted]: Cannot check out files into the repository itself
15:10 < LocalHero> Jadda jadda. :)
15:11 < SMP> haarrgh
15:11 < LocalHero> I hate cvs servers :)
15:11 < SMP> you already have a checkout of rock-1.5 there, don't you?
15:11 < LocalHero> When i have some more time i will try to learn the thing :)
15:11 < LocalHero> Nope,, nothing
15:11 < SMP> does /cvs/CVS/ exist?
15:12 < rolla> aszlig how do I make it not over write the correct busybox bin ?
15:12 < aszlig> mom...
15:12 < LocalHero> SMP, nope, just /cvs nothing else
15:18 < tcr> hmmm
15:19 < LocalHero> Dahh, doesnt matter :(
15:19 * tcr brb
15:19 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD958D546.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sophos")
15:21 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50812CCB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
15:25 < rolla> grrr
15:25 < LocalHero> Cant somebody get the 1.6pre source and send it to me?
15:26 * blindcoder going home
15:26 < blindcoder> bye
15:26 < tcr> LocalHero: hm. well, please wait up .. there are some pkgs that i actually updated but havent got merged so far :-/ still waiting for an answer of pjotr
15:26 < aszlig> ftp://ftp.aszlig.net/rocklinux/uml/
15:26 < aszlig> there it is :)
15:26 < sjefen> Anyone know about CAS in RAM?
15:26 < owl> bye blindcoder
15:27 < aszlig> brb :Q
15:28 < tcr> aszlig: kann man das nicht iorgendwie diffen ???
15:31 -!- temr [~pm@pD9E331EF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
15:31 < LocalHero> tcr, oki, so you do know pjotr, well, he was the one asking me to build some isos?
15:31 < aszlig> tcr: diff what?
15:32 < temr> hello
15:32 < LocalHero> tcr, oki well, send me an mail when you are done :).
15:32 < aszlig> tcr: busybox?
15:32 < tcr> aszlig: of the uploaded stuff
15:47 -!- Lorini is now known as LoriAW
15:57 < tcr> SMP: still here?
15:58 < aszlig> (in srm) > halt
15:58 < aszlig> hehe
15:58 < aszlig> :>
15:58 < aszlig> cpu 0 halted
15:58 < rolla> aszlig any head way on that fix ?
15:58 < aszlig> rolla: hrm?
15:58 < aszlig> rolla: fixed that already...
15:58 < rolla> aszlig: in cvs ?
15:58 < aszlig> rolla: nope..
15:59 < rolla> hmm
15:59 * aszlig doesn't have cvs-access
15:59 < rolla> aszlig: can you show me the patch ?
15:59 < aszlig> grml
15:59 < aszlig> don't request patches anymore, plz ;)
15:59 < aszlig> because patches on binary data are really crap!
16:00 < SMP> tcr: yup
16:01 < tcr> SMP: hm. could say the me date+time of the last entry of the `changelog' file in release-1_6_0pre1-patches? I doubt the last change was on 12-12 >_<
16:01 < sjefen> what's the diffrence between boot, desktop and generic ROCK?
16:01 < tsa> asklasklasklasklaskalsklasklakslaksalksalsalsklakslasslakslas!!!!!
16:01 < tsa> Fscking glibc!
16:01 < owl> which optimization is used to build rock for pentium-s (133 mhz)?
16:02 < rolla> aszlig: I was really just wanting to know how you made the scripts not recopy the bad busybox
16:02 < tsa> owl: "read the source, luke" ;)
16:02 < owl> where??
16:02 < aszlig> rolla: /me doesn't have the sources...
16:03 < sjefen> owl does it have MMX?
16:03 < aszlig> rolla: because /me doesn't need them..
16:03 < rolla> ?
16:03 < aszlig> rolla: yup, thet install-image is just for uml
16:03 < owl> nope. it hasn't
16:03 < tsa> owl: arch-conf/intel/*
16:03 < sjefen> owl: optimise for pentium then?
16:03 < rolla> okay I am confused now for sure
16:04 < owl> tsa: in 1.5?
16:04 < tsa> owl: nope, 1.7
16:04 < owl> sjefen: ok. thx. i thought so, too
16:04 < tsa> don't know abput 1.5
16:04 < SMP> tcr: no idea
16:04 < tsa> s,p,o,
16:04 < owl> tsa: k. thx. i'm building 1.5 right now
16:06 < aszlig> rolla: np :)
16:06 < aszlig> rolla: do you know user mode linux?
16:09 < rolla> I have heard of it yes
16:09 < rolla> but right now i am fighting with the build install-disks for 1.5.20 where busybox is umount :(
16:09 < rolla> I thought we where talking about the same thing but now I am not sure
16:10 < aszlig> rolla: we _are_ talking about the same thing :)
16:11 < rolla> okay
16:11 -!- pjotrp [~wrk@gate.causeway-tech.com] has joined #rocklinux
16:11 < aszlig> rolla: but i didn't fix the sources
16:12 < aszlig> rolla: because i don't needed them (and could not build them, cause of devfs)
16:12 < LocalHero> Hi pjotrp
16:13 < aszlig> rolla: with a bit hacking maybe, i'll be able to bidld them, but as i said before: don't need the sources...
16:13 < aszlig> rolla: sorry
16:13 < rolla> np
16:13 < LocalHero> pjotrp, tsa says that you have some patches before 1.6.0pre
16:13 < tsa> huh?
16:13 < tcr> he means me ..
16:14 < tcr> and i'm merging them currently .. but encounter some problems >_<
16:14 < tcr> encountered
16:14 -!- mchobbel [~michiel@] has joined #rocklinux
16:15 < tcr> hi mchobbel
16:15 < mchobbel> hi
16:15 < mchobbel> i'm trying out gaim for irc.. but it seems a bit ..
16:16 < pjotrp> not many features
16:16 < mchobbel> yeah
16:16 < mchobbel> toy-toy
16:16 < tcr> pjotrp: oh, so you cant even see a query?
16:16 < pjotrp> I see queries, but no private messages
16:16 < mchobbel> i don't see a button for it
16:17 < pjotrp> You could be a Windows user :-)
16:17 < aszlig> pjotrp: erm, whats the diff!?
16:17 < tcr> pjotrp: nevermind. well plz check your mailbox
16:18 < aszlig> pjotrp: in irc there are only PRIVMSG and NOTICE to talk for a non-ircop
16:19 -!- mchobbel [~michiel@] has left #rocklinux ()
16:20 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
16:21 < Mike1> moin all
16:21 < LocalHero> Mike1, hi mike
16:21 < rolla> re mike
16:21 < Mike1> ping pjotrp
16:21 < owl> hi Mike1
16:21 < LocalHero> pjotrp, well, if you get the final source over to me i could do some iso builds
16:21 < pjotrp> will do
16:21 < LocalHero> now i need to studdy a bit :)
16:21 < LocalHero> cya all
16:21 < Mike1> cu LocalHero
16:22 < Ge0rG> studying a single bit shouldn't take long ;)
16:22 < sjefen> is the rock guide availble in html or plain text or something?
16:22 < Mike1> Hi Pj
16:22 < tcr> pjotrp: let me do it, or at least wait till i give you a sign. thank you
16:22 < LocalHero> lol :=
16:22 < LocalHero> lol :)
16:22 -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@i301-2.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has quit ()
16:22 < SMP> aha
16:22 < Mike1> sjefen: yes there is both formats and english and spanish
16:23 < aszlig> hi mike1
16:23 < tcr> Mike1: to your question who built rock 1.5 recently: both aszlig and rolla built 1.5.20 AFAIK
16:24 < sjefen> Mike1 : where? I can only find latex, dvi, postscript and pdf versions...
16:24 < Mike1> sjefen: https://www.rocklinux.org/guide.html
16:24 < sjefen> I'm there...
16:25 < sjefen> hmm...
16:26 < sjefen> i can only find spanish versions with plaintext.
16:26 < tcr> hm sjefen is right, there is neither a html nor a ascii file for the english one
16:26 < Mike1> pjotrp: Do you have any plain text ot html version of the ROCK Guide?
16:27 < pjotrp> just the LaTeX
16:28 < pjotrp> It should be easy to convert with Latex2html - no tricks in there
16:28 < Mike1> pjotrp: i think we should have some plain text versions
16:28 < sjefen> me too :)
16:28 < Mike1> sjefen: do you know how to use latex2html?
16:28 < Mike1> pjotrp: true
16:30 < sjefen> if you fellas don't have a plaintext version I'll download the latex2html thingie :)
16:30 < Mike1> sjefen: yeah do that :)
16:31 < tcr> pjotrp: hmm. thanks for the link. One more question: in release-1_6_0pre1 my recent changes are _not_ contained, but in the main 1.5 tree they are -- what will happen when merging?
16:31 < sjefen> Mike1 : but it wouldn't hurt to put up some plain text guide in english some day, eh? :)
16:32 < Mike1> sjefen: yeah i will add it to my TODO list
16:32 < sjefen> hehe
16:34 < blindcoder> rehi
16:35 -!- pjotrp [~wrk@gate.causeway-tech.com] has quit ("Download Gaim [https://gaim.sourceforge.net/]")
16:35 < tcr> ARGH
16:35 < sjefen> hello :)
16:36 < tcr> Mike1: hm. May i bother you?
16:36 * Mike1 realizes that rock has been gaining some place in the nordish lands
16:36 < Mike1> tcr: whats up?
16:36 < sjefen> hehe, nordish people are hardcore :)
16:37 -!- pjotrp [~wrk@gate.causeway-tech.com] has joined #rocklinux
16:37 < Mike1> welcome back pjotrp
16:37 < pjotrp> testing ;-)
16:37 < Mike1> lol
16:38 < tcr> Mike1: aszlig and rolla complain about the fucked up install disks in 1.5.20 .. i think you should give them one or better two ears
16:38 < pjotrp> boot works - root is dead
16:39 < Mike1> tcr: yes we are aware of the busybox problem
16:40 < aszlig> Mike1: there are much more probs...
16:40 < aszlig> Mike1: like i already explained
16:40 < tcr> fine. after merging my recent changes i will take care about the sed 4.0.4 bug and the new gcc protector
16:41 < Mike1> yes i know there are some problems we are working on this already, thought all help and bug reports are very welcome
16:48 < sjefen> do I want perl as suid binaries?
16:50 < pjotrp> I switch suid off with CFengine
16:51 < tcr> i haven't perl installed at all
16:52 < sjefen> and what does the word abbreviate mean?
16:58 < tcr> pjotrp: could you checkout 1_6_0 please?
17:00 < owl> re
17:09 < tcr> hmmm ...
17:34 -!- Netsplit anthony.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: huebi, fake, rolla_, qubit_, kasc_, LoriAW, tcr, snyke, aszlig
17:35 -!- Netsplit over, joins: aszlig, tcr, kasc_, LoriAW, rolla_, fake, huebi, qubit_, snyke
17:35 < rolla> ah I lost my other self
17:35 < rolla> oh good he is back :)
17:35 < tcr> sjefen: there is your daily netsplit ;)))
17:36 < sjefen> heh :)
17:36 < sjefen> oo, fun. I have to update my gcc.
17:41 < rolla> hack hack :)
17:41 < th> re
17:41 < th> hi pjotrp
17:42 < th> hi Mike1
17:42 * aszlig kicks esden and fake!
17:43 < Mike1> hi th
17:43 < aszlig> if(awake(esden)||awake(fake))
17:43 < aszlig> {
17:43 < aszlig> query();
17:43 < aszlig> } else {
17:43 < aszlig> exit();
17:43 < aszlig> {
17:43 < aszlig> argh..
17:43 < aszlig> s/{$//
17:44 < th> Mike1: why the hell do you use a binary-package for mysql?
17:44 < Mike1> 0_o
17:44 < Mike1> ?
17:45 < th> Mike1: check you email...
17:45 < Mike1> mom
17:47 < Mike1> th: ok
17:48 < Mike1> th: i am too busy for working on this matters, would you like to take maintainence on this?
17:48 < th> Mike1: ok. i do.
17:48 < Mike1> thanks
17:48 -!- LoriAW [~Lorini@pD9506DA0.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
17:50 < Mike1> Also all ROCK-STABLE team, i wanted to thank you all guys for you help and support, its been nice developing with you, though its time for me to move
17:51 < sjefen> to move?
17:51 < th> Mike1: clarify
17:51 < th> pjotrp: are you planning to merge the cvs branches later?
17:52 < Mike1> What i am saying is that i think my work for rocklinux is finished
17:54 < th> Mike1: so what are you going to do?
17:54 < Mike1> mom /me on the phone
17:55 -!- dennis [~lug00-in@pima.hostsharing.net] has joined #rocklinux
17:55 < dennis> hi
17:55 < aszlig> hi dennis
17:56 < owl> hi dennis
17:56 -!- dennis [~lug00-in@pima.hostsharing.net] has quit (Client Quit)
17:56 < esden> ro hi all
17:56 < owl> hi esden
17:56 < aszlig> 'lo esden
17:57 < tsa> hi esden
17:57 -!- dennis [~dennis@pD9EB6C81.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
17:57 < dennis> re
17:58 -!- LoriAW [~Lorini@p3EE219FD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
17:58 -!- chrisime [~chrisime@mnch-d9ba4600.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #rocklinux
18:00 -!- chrisime [~chrisime@mnch-d9ba4600.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit ("brb (booting new kernel)")
18:01 < blindcoder> El Hazard is strange
18:02 < rolla> :)
18:03 < blindcoder> owl: ping
18:03 < owl> blindcoder: pong
18:06 < rolla> gnip
18:10 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD9E4F837.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: blindcod1r!blindcoder@pD9E4FC3E.dip.t-dialin.net)))
18:10 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD9E4FC3E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
18:10 < blindcoder> WTF was THAT?
18:11 < tcr> blindcoder has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: blindcod1r!blindcoder@pD9E4FC3E.dip.t-dialin.net)))
18:11 < owl> suicide?
18:11 < blindcoder> I copied two eps of X via NFS and the load went through the roof?!
18:12 < blindcoder> owl: what I wanted to say: the firs two eps of X are on teh server (the OVA being episode 00)
18:13 < owl> oki. cool. thx
18:14 < owl> blindcoder: your server means that i'm logged in twice... but i'm not logged in, at all :-/ *crying*
18:14 < blindcoder> owl: just wait a few minutes
18:14 < blindcoder> what client are you using?
18:15 < blindcoder> hmm I have a stale connection... I'll just kill it
18:15 < blindcoder> owl: done
18:15 < owl> thx
18:16 < blindcoder> okay, I continue watching El Hazard :)
18:17 < owl> blindcoder: have fun
18:20 * rolla is sore :(
18:20 < rolla> dang mirror not being up todate
18:21 -!- LoriAW is now known as Lorini
18:24 -!- Netsplit anthony.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: huebi, blindcoder, fake, qubit_, rolla_, kasc_, tcr, snyke, aszlig
18:24 -!- Netsplit over, joins: aszlig, blindcoder, tcr, kasc_, rolla_, fake, huebi, qubit_, snyke
18:27 < tsa> so...und wech
18:27 < tsa> cya later
18:27 -!- tsa [~tsa@rossini.marcant.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
18:31 * aszlig drivin' home :/
18:33 < aszlig> bbl
18:46 -!- armijn [~armijn@] has joined #rocklinux
18:46 < armijn> re
18:46 < Mike1> hi armijn
18:46 < Mike1> und re all :)
18:47 < esden> hi armijn 
18:47 < esden> hi Mike1 
18:48 < armijn> hi all...
18:49 < Mike1> ...
18:49 < owl> hi armijn
18:50 < Mike1> :)
18:50 < esden> Mike1: dot dot dot
18:50 < armijn> hi owl
18:51 < pjotrp> Armijn leaves but always comes back ;-)
18:51 < esden> pjotrp: is he not allowed to ?
18:52 < armijn> pjotrp: oh, this is just for socializing
18:52 < pjotrp> heh
18:52 < armijn> pjotrp: was the Guide 2.0 released already?
18:52 < pjotrp> Armijn is my friend (sometimes)
18:52 < Mike1> esden: armijn is always welcome to come back
18:52 < pjotrp> It is in pre-release until kingdom come
18:53 < esden> Mike1: !!! my words !!!
18:53 < Mike1> pjotrp: armijn? friend? do this words really fit together?
18:53 < Mike1> *gg* jk
18:53 < pjotrp> I need to describe the 1.7 build hacking before I get past pre series
18:53 < pjotrp> That will take me another summer
18:53 < armijn> heheh
18:54 < Mike1> funny thing, people usually take summer for vacations, but pjotrp uses it for typing work
18:54 < armijn> Xmas vacation soon, hope to get some work done
18:54 < pjotrp> Sigh
18:55 < armijn> pjotrp is a busy dude
18:55 < esden> armijn: who is not ?
18:55 < pjotrp> Zzzzzz Zzzzz
18:55 < armijn> esden: you gonna make it to FOSDEM?
18:56 < esden> armijn: I am not sure ... it depends from the time I have to write exams
18:56 < armijn> who cares about exams?
18:57 < Mike1> armijn: FOSDEM = Free Beer?
18:57 < armijn> mike1: it's free as in beer
18:57 < esden> armijn: my future jobgivers ... and people that are deciding about the money I will earn in my future
18:57 < armijn> esden: nah.
18:58 -!- Lorini [~Lorini@p3EE219FD.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux ("Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell.")
18:58 < esden> armijn: sorry ... but that is the truth ... :-(
18:58 < pjotrp> ROCK, where angels fear to tread
19:00 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50812CCB.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
19:00 -!- bishophome [bishop@h062040148066.kob.cm.kabsi.at] has joined #rocklinux
19:02 < armijn> got a few thousand CDs here that need to be chucked out
19:09 < armijn> blah
19:09 < Mike1> bleh
19:10 < bishophome> lol
19:11 * Mike1 realizes armijn has not hugged owl today and wonders if everything is ok
19:11 < esden> armijn: be ashamed !
19:12 < Mike1> :)
19:12 < Mike1> ok time for me to eat
19:12 < Mike1> see you in a bit
19:13 < armijn> ok, ok, I'm sorry!
19:13 * armijn hugs owl
19:14 < Mike1> armijn: much beytter
19:14 < esden> armijn: good ... nice boy ;-)
19:14 * Mike1 drops a bone to armijn, yeah good boy ...
19:15 < armijn> a boner? excuse me?
19:15 < Mike1> armijn: ok sorry ...
19:15 * Mike1 drops a beer to armijn
19:16 * armijn guesses mike1 missed the joke
19:16 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50812CCB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
19:16 < esden> ... uhhmm ... yes
19:17 * Mike1 is to hungry for jokes
19:17 < Mike1> be back in a while
19:17 < Mike1> :)
19:20 < esden> ahh .. good coke
19:21 * -> esden needs a beer
19:23 < tcr> pjotrp: still there?
19:31 -!- dennis [~dennis@pD9EB6C81.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
19:34 -!- pjotrp [~wrk@gate.causeway-tech.com] has quit ("Download Gaim [https://gaim.sourceforge.net/]")
19:37 < armijn> well, so much for pjotrp
19:39 < tcr> weve talked in a query :P
19:43 < esden> tcr: humm ...
19:47 < armijn> heh
19:47 < tcr> what's left to allow humming?
19:48 < armijn> yeh
19:50 < armijn> humming is fun
19:52 < tcr> but not someone is summing in your ear while youre trying to concentrate..
19:53 < tcr> +when
19:55 < armijn> hummmmmm
19:55 * tcr is listening to Rage - Dies Irae
19:56 < armijn> oh that reminds me, gotta buy concert tickets...
19:56 < tcr> for?
19:57 < armijn> saxon and children of bodom
19:57 < tcr> rage will play in wacken afaik
19:57 < armijn> like every year?
19:58 < tcr> yeah XD
19:58 < armijn> never went to wacken, probably will never go
19:59 < tcr> but they got die apokalyptischen reiter this year
19:59 * tcr is listening to Die Apokalyptischen Reiter - Gone
19:59 < tcr> godlike song
19:59 < armijn> hmm, ah well
20:02 < tcr> hm, wont go to wacken either ;)
20:02 < armijn> too far away
20:02 < armijn> and 4 days of drunken germans, no thanks.
20:06 -!- bluefire [bluefire@p50816DC6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
20:10 -!- ichilton [~ian@pc1-stoc3-4-cust247.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #rocklinux
20:14 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9525F4D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
20:15 < tsa> re
20:16 < blindcoder> anime is evil...
20:16 < armijn> time to hit the road
20:16 < armijn> l8r
20:16 -!- armijn [~armijn@] has left #rocklinux ()
20:22 < [anders]> lo
20:23 * [anders] is feeling sorry for himself... Got a crick in the neck and had to stay at home today..
20:23 < esden> hi [anders] 
20:23 < owl> moin [anders]
20:24 < blindcoder> hi [anders]
20:24 < esden> re blindcoder 
20:24 < esden> *hug*
20:24 < blindcoder> re esden *rehug*
20:24 < [anders]> lo esden
20:24 < [anders]> lo blindcoder
20:24 < [anders]> lo owl
20:25 < owl> [anders]: how r u?
20:25 < blindcoder> owl: what did you do? already 11% :)
20:25 < owl> blindcoder: *hr* downloading the whole evening?
20:25 < owl> still over 1000 minutes to download *crying*
20:25 < [anders]> owl: sore neck, living on pain killers.. Other than that I feel alright..
20:25 < blindcoder> owl: my connection is open during the night :)
20:26 < tcr> god kvätt [anders]
20:27 < owl> [anders]: *ouch* get well soon
20:27 < owl> blindcoder: thx a lot :)
20:27 < [anders]> god kväll tcr, hur mår du?
20:27 < owl> hopefully my stupid proxy will not disconnect...
20:27 < blindcoder> owl: but don't be disapointed... the first few (3 or 4) Eps of X are... a little boring IMHO
20:27 < owl> k. what r they about?
20:27 < [anders]> owl: ta, trying to... might be home from work tomorrow as well if this doesn't get better tonight..
20:28 < owl> i c.
20:28 < blindcoder> [anders]: stay home the whole week --> more holiday :)
20:28 < owl> blindcoder: that's not a good idea
20:29 < blindcoder> owl: gnagnagna
20:29 < [anders]> blindcoder: uhm.. perhaps not such a good idea. I'd need to get back in a.s.a.p. so I can get the contract negotiations over and done with.
20:29 < owl> blindcoder: i 've a better solution... staying at home for about 3 weeks before holiday... + 2 weeks of holiday... ;)
20:30 < blindcoder> [anders]: oh, I see... yeah, that would be better for sure...
20:30 < blindcoder> owl: :P
20:30 < [anders]> I'll have to call Procurement tomorrow and hassle them into telling me what the hell is going on..
20:30 < [anders]> blindcoder: :) I knew you would see my point of view..
20:31 < blindcoder> [anders]: just a good mood :) I can be as stubborn as owl is :P
20:31 < blindcoder> (hope she didn't read this)
20:33 < tsa> hehe..she wouldn't understand it, anyway ;)
20:34 < owl> blindcoder: :P
20:34 < owl> tsa: shut up
20:34 < [anders]> blindcoder: seems stuborness is a hacker trait.. I can be pretty damned stubborn when I set that side to...
20:34 < blindcoder> shimata... she did...
20:34 < [anders]> owl: *tease*
20:34 * owl ignores everybody
20:35 < blindcoder> tsa: I hape so, or she'll kill me the next time I meet her :)
20:35 * blindcoder hugs owl
20:35 < tsa> blindcoder: who cares...
20:35 < owl> *grrrrrrrrrr*
20:35 < blindcoder> tsa: right...
20:35 < tsa> just tell her to go and make coffee for you..
20:35 * owl takes all windows-cds from work and all msdn-cds and hits blindcoder with them
20:36 < owl> die, blindcoder, die!
20:36 * blindcoder dead %-6
20:36 < owl> hr
20:37 < tcr> [anders]: ah, jag är mycket brä!
20:37 < tcr> ..idag
20:38 < [anders]> tcr: :-)
20:39 < tcr> hur mår ni <- that's formal, isnt it`?
20:39 < [anders]> tcr: Ni is formal, like Sie..
20:40 < [anders]> tcr: du is more informal, like sie I think..
20:41 < [anders]> tcr: am I making sense? :)
20:41 < tcr> lol [anders]! it's du in german as well ;) but 'du' must be declined, so it has to be "Wie geht es dir?"
20:41 < tsa> hm..
20:41 < tsa> could anyone please fix 1.7?
20:41 < tcr> [anders]: Tack så mycket. <- is that formal too?
20:41 < tcr> i think so
20:42 < [anders]> tcr: no, that is just polite.. :)
20:42 < tcr> hm
20:42 < tcr> well, is there a big difference anyway? :D
20:42 < [anders]> Like 'Danke Schön'
20:42 < blindcoder> tsa: what exactly?
20:42 < tsa> blindcoder: just see my mails to the list.
20:42 < blindcoder> glibc IIRC?
20:42 < tsa> glibc asm stuff
20:42 < tsa> ack
20:43 < blindcoder> hmm... what architecture?
20:43 < tsa> x86
20:43 < tsa> pentium3 optimisation seems to cause the problem
20:44 < tsa> (yes, i want it p3-optimized..)
20:44 < blindcoder> I give it a try on my machine. on what host-system did you try to build it?
20:45 < tsa> uhm..this is something between rock 1.4.0 and 1.7-dev ..
20:45 < tsa> glibc 2.2.5
20:45 < [anders]> tsa: what gain would you get from P-III optimisation compared to plain i686 optimisation?
20:45 < tsa> gcc 3.2.1
20:45 < blindcoder> oh... THAT one :)
20:45 < tsa> no gcc 2 installed at all
20:45 < blindcoder> tsa: what libc on host?
20:46 < tsa> blindcoder: see above - 2.2.5
20:46 < tsa> i've tried both glibc's, cross, non-cross, pseudo-cross, whatever
20:46 < blindcoder> oh... hmm... had problems with that, too... fixed it by instaling 2.3.1 on host... crashed almost anything else in the process
20:47 < tsa> pseudo-cross breaks glibc in stage 0
20:47 < tsa> non-cross i can compile stage 0 and 1, but everything in stage 2 breaks because the chroot is sysfunctional
20:47 < blindcoder> yes. I really needed te intsall 2.3.1 on the host. installing gcc3.2 from 1.5 and then building glibc 2.3.1 with 1.7
20:47 < tsa> [anders]: i have no idea. but i can select pentium3 in the menu, and so i want it to compile.
20:48 < tcr> [anders]: jag tänka, svenska är en konstig språk
20:48 < blindcoder> apache and mysql died in the process, as did anything I tried to compile afterwards... but I could build 1.7 :)
20:49 < tsa> [anders]: i don't know if this would give any speed difference at all, but it's an available option, so we should get it working..somehow..
20:57 < blindcoder> tsa: I've started a P3 build. I'll tell you about the results tomorrow
20:57 < tsa> ok, thanks
20:57 < tsa> glibc/gcc on host system?
20:58 < blindcoder> glibc 2.3.1 gcc3.2
20:58 < tsa> glibc in rock build?
20:58 < tsa> 2.2.x or 2.3.x?
20:58 < blindcoder> 2.3.1 and gcc 3.2.1
20:58 < tsa> ok
20:58 < tsa> pseudo-cross?
20:58 < blindcoder> yepp
20:59 < tsa> ok.
20:59 < tsa> i guess it'll fail in stage 0, trying to compile glibc
20:59 < tsa> in subdir "signal", trying to create "kill.os"
20:59 < tsa> we'll see..
21:00 < blindcoder> kill.os? what a good name for a file killing the build :)
21:00 < tsa> ack
21:01 < blindcoder> okay, I'm off to bed now. Well... at least away from the PC for today :)
21:01 < blindcoder> see you!
21:01 < tsa> cu blindcoder
21:01 < owl> bye blindcoder
21:02 < sjefen> I'm building on a P3 now...
21:06 < Mike1> sjefen: have fun
21:06 < sjefen> heh, just heard someone having trouble with it.
21:06 < sjefen> Mike1 : so, you still gonna quit the rocky buissniss?
21:07 < Mike1> sjefen: pjotrp found the words to stick me around for some more
21:07 < sjefen> Mike1 : hehe, good to hear :)
21:08 < sjefen> I'm just about to build and try this stuff, you can't quit then :)
21:11 < sjefen> are the download'able isos bootable?
21:12 < Mike1> sjefen: https://iso.rocklinux.de/
21:12 < tcr> aaaaaaaaaaah sjefen!!!!!!!!1
21:12 < sjefen> Mike1 : are they bootable?
21:12 < tcr> you rimend me on something
21:12 < Mike1> sjefen: yes
21:12 < tcr> many thanks :)
21:12 < Mike1> tcr: ?
21:12 < sjefen> Mike1 : Think it's easier to download one of them and build rock from within rock then?
21:12 < sjefen> tcr :)
21:13 < tcr> alexanders said i should send him a source tarball to create an iso from it
21:13 < tcr> i would have been forgotten it, but sjefen remindend me indirectly... fortunately
21:13 < sjefen> of cource.
21:14 < sjefen> it's always nice to help.
21:14 < tcr> .. without doing anything ;)
21:15 < sjefen> yup :)
21:15 < Mike1> sjefen: iso are sources already build
21:15 < sjefen> Mike1 : yeah, but I wanna build my own build.
21:15 < Mike1> sjefen: but you could install one of those bootable isos
21:15 < Mike1> and build rock on a running rock system
21:16 < sjefen> Mike1 : I don't want to install it, I just want rock to build rock.
21:17 < sjefen> Mike1 : building rock from another rock is preferable, right?
21:17 < Mike1> sjefen: yes, thats what i told you , install rock from one those isos, then build rock
21:18 < Mike1> == 14:19:26 =[2]=> Building base package egcs64 [_19980921.1.orig 1.5.20].
21:18 < Mike1> i am building currently
21:19 < sjefen> Mike1 : but do I have to install the rock (iso version) to build rock (src) ? Or can I build rock(src) just from within the installation-program-boot-thingie? If you get me :)
21:20 < tcr> sjefen: hm. yes and no
21:20 < sjefen> hehe :)
21:20 < tcr> sjefen: you can build it under the same kernel, but you'll be forced to install a temporary chroot on your hd, because the cdrom will just have very minimalistic stuff on it
21:21 < sjefen> tcr : right, thanks. Need to find another box here somewhere then :)
21:22 < tcr> sjefen: rock should actually be buildable on every existing linux system -- but they _could_ happen somethings you have to take care about
21:23 < sjefen> tcr : heh, already having some trouble building with my slack (8.1 I think).
21:23 < Mike1> sjefen: if you want to try building on any othe rlinux system you will need devfs support
21:24 < sjefen> devfs, why?
21:24 < Mike1> sjefen: rock uses devfs
21:25 < tcr> rock-linux has been using devfs then a quite long time .. was likely the first distro that makes use of it
21:25 < Mike1> if your system doesnt have devfs support the build will mess up when chrootinh
21:25 < Mike1> chrooting
21:25 < tcr> sjefen: beliebe me, devfs is something you _wanna_ have
21:25 < Mike1> tcr: not likely... it was !
21:26 < sjefen> heh, you're talking about the devfs auto-daemon thing right?
21:26 < fake> having a device node for devices you don't even WANT to have (joysticks 0 - 99) just sucks.
21:26 < Mike1> sjefen: Device file system daemon yes
21:26 < fake> eek
21:27 < fake> you don't really need the daemon
21:27 < sjefen> never started using that stuff :)
21:27 < SMP> locales are completely broken in 1.5.20
21:27 -!- bishop_ [bishop@h062040148066.kob.cm.kabsi.at] has joined #rocklinux
21:27 * SMP is getting seriously pissed
21:27 < fake> SMP: chill. here's a blanket.
21:27 < tcr> SMP: ah yeah recognized that in 1.5.19 i think
21:27 < tcr> still there?
21:27 * fake does not use 1.5.x where x > 12 *g*
21:28 < sjefen> *think I'll stop downloading the 1.5.20 iso* :)
21:28 -!- bishop_ [bishop@h062040148066.kob.cm.kabsi.at] has quit (Client Quit)
21:28 -!- bishop_ [bishop@h062040148066.kob.cm.kabsi.at] has joined #rocklinux
21:28 < SMP> we have some crap in /usr/share/locale, but everything uses the stuff under /usr/lib/locale
21:28 < sjefen> are there any 1.7 iso's out there?
21:29 < esden> if not one could change it ... ;-)
21:29 < esden> @ sjefen 
21:29 < Mike1> SMP: mmm... this is serious
21:30 < sjefen> what? :)
21:31 < Mike1> esden: do you have apsrc64 rock-1.7 iso for me?
21:32 < Mike1> sparc64*
21:32 < Mike1> damn keyboard
21:32 < esden> Mike1: no ... if you get network cards in a sun fire v100 to work I will have one for you ...
21:32 < esden> Mike1: do you want an account on it ?
21:32 < Mike1> esden: yes
21:33 < esden> you can have it when you get them working ...
21:33 < Mike1> :P
21:33 < Mike1> ssh -l mike sun-fire ...
21:33 < Mike1> ok
21:34 < Mike1> esden: i thought you had solved this after ur mail to sparclinux
21:37 < tcr> hmm
21:37 < Mike1> esden btw what kernel version are you running? 2.4.18?
21:37 < Mike1> 2.4.19?
21:38 < tcr> I suggest to change the INFOPATH="$INFOPATH:$x" line in /etc/profile to INFOPATH="$x:$INFOPATH", because otherwise INFOPATH is just fucked up and `info' doesnt work at all
21:38 < Mike1> i have seen this behaviors on davicom chipset on a system running 2.4.19 with dhcp client
21:40 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50812CCB.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sophos")
21:42 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E49A8E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
21:42 < esden> Mike1: mom ... I have to check ... but I supose it is 2.4.18
21:43 < Mike1> do you have such problems with static ip net as well?
21:43 < esden> yes
21:45 < Mike1> mm... and the devices are on board right?
21:45 < esden> when I make eth0 or eth1 up it prints "eth0: Tx timeout - resetting" all the time in 10 seconds interval
21:45 < esden> Mike1: yes the interfaces are on board
21:45 < esden> and there is no pci slot or so
21:46 < Mike1> m... this really sucks
21:46 < esden> yes ... it sucks
21:46 < Mike1> the onboard ship demaged could be an option but i doub
21:47 < Mike1> i think its definitly a kernel problem, could you try 2.4.20?
21:47 < Mike1> or .19 at least?
21:54 < fake> could also be a cable problem ;)
21:55 < Mike1> fake: yeah that too
21:55 < Mike1> but i asume esden have already looked for that option
21:55 < Mike1> right esden?
21:57 < esden> I checked the cable 
21:57 < esden> both slots
21:58 < Mike1> esden: did you try a new cable on them?
21:59 < esden> and tryed to connect on the uplink port of my hub (could be could be) and different cables ... but nothing helped ...
21:59 < Mike1> changed the hub?
21:59 < Mike1> *g
22:03 * fake eating polish chocolate
22:04 < Mike1> hehe enjoy the polish
22:04 < Mike1> ... chocolate.
22:04 < fake> *g*
22:04 < rolla> grrr
22:06 < owl> hi fake. got the sms?
22:06 < tsa> hi fake
22:06 < Mike1> owly
22:07 < tsa> fake: just tried a pentium2 pseudo-cross 1.7 build - same error with glibc
22:07 < owl> hi Mike1
22:07 < fake> tsa: i did that already
22:07 * -> esden eating polish chocolate too 
22:07 < esden> ;-)
22:08 < esden> yummy
22:08 < fake> it works from pentium-mmx downwards
22:08 < tsa> fake: currently building pseudo-cross ppro
22:08 < tsa> fake: tried ppro?
22:08 < fake> didn't try that ;)
22:08 < tsa> just started a ppro pseudo-cross build
22:09 < tsa> but i assume it's the pseud-cross cc that doesn't work
22:09 < fake> the only greater changes were the ccache thing and the fixes for building without one.
22:09 < fake> iirc...
22:10 < tsa> ccache breaks stuff here, so i disabled it
22:10 < fake> <- didn't even try
22:10 < tsa> fake: did you try a build without pseudo-cross / cross cc?
22:10 < fake> no
22:11 < fake> esden is trying k6
22:11 < tsa> try it if you got some spare cpu cycles - i'd like to get my experiences verified
22:11 < fake> i'll do
22:11 < fake> (on one of my two processors *g*_
22:11 < tsa> without pseudo-cross/cross, stage 0 and 1 are ok, but the chroot doesn't work, so stage 2 breaks
22:12 < tsa> at least on my system..
22:14 < tsa> i think two things are broken - the chroot itself and the cross-cc
22:16 < fake> tsa: build running
22:17 < tsa> ok..
22:19 < fake> ../config.h:3:3: #error "glibc cannot be compiled withou ..
22:20 < fake> douh.
22:20 < fake> -O2 missing
22:21 < tsa> hehe
22:21 < tsa> had to change this, too
22:21 < tsa>        CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -O3 -march=pentium3 -fforce-addr -fomit-frame-pointer -fcse-skip-blocks -funroll-loops \
22:21 < tsa>         -frerun-cse-after-loop -fgcse -DNDEBUG=1" ./configure --prefix=$root/usr \
22:21 < tsa> ...
22:22 < tsa> if glibc 2.3.1 fails for you during "make install", you'll have to edit glibc-2.3.1/timezone/solar87
22:23 < tsa> just remove line 385
22:25 < fake> tsa: mkay. thanks.
22:25 -!- bishop_ [bishop@h062040148066.kob.cm.kabsi.at] has quit ("Client Exiting")
22:27 < tsa> https://www.geocrawler.com/mail/msg.php3?msg_id=9874090&list=360
22:31 < tsa> aah..ok
22:31 < tsa> pentiumpro fails, too. same error
22:31 < fake> let's have a party
22:31 < tsa> hehe
22:32 * aszlig is really depressed today...
22:32 < aszlig> re
22:32 < aszlig> hrm.. nevermind
22:33 < aszlig> Ignoring ALL from *
22:37 < rolla> re aszlig
22:38 -!- Parabull [~Parabull@] has quit ("Client Exiting")
22:39 -!- Parabull [~Parabull@] has joined #rocklinux
22:39 < esden> wee ... 1.7 is building for athlon-thunderbird without any problems !!! that is  cool !
22:39 < esden> at least glibc is now building ... ;-)
22:39 < esden> we will see what will happen later
22:43 < tsa> esden: which one?
22:45 -!- bishophome [bishop@h062040148066.kob.cm.kabsi.at] has quit ("Client Exiting")
22:47 < owl> WAH!
22:47 < owl> wtf is wrong with curl's proxy option?
22:49 < Mike1> owl: it doesnt have support for windows proxys, is just not worth it
22:50 < Mike1> *g
22:50 < owl> *argh*
22:50 < esden> tsa: 1.7 soll ich dir meine config schicken ?
22:50 < Mike1> owl: nah seriously whats your problem?
22:51 < owl> Mike1: if i'm using curl -x169.xxx.xxx.xxx:80 it just gives out beep-codes (!) and some mystic signs on console
22:52 < fake> *lol*
22:52 < owl> fake: hm?
22:52 < fake> sure your'e not redirecting input to console?
22:52 < Mike1> ROTFL
22:52 < owl> yes... i read the manpage
22:52 < fake> read it again
22:52 < Mike1> *g
22:53 < Mike1> owl: i thought you liked armonic laugh sounds
22:54 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-176-7.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
22:54 < owl> Mike1: i don't feel in the mood to laugh. or even hear laugh sounds
22:54 < owl> !!!
22:54 < holyolli> moin
22:54 < owl> hi holyolli
22:54 < holyolli> hi owl
22:55 < Mike1> owl: your never in a good damn mood, so i am fscking used to it
22:55 < fake> ack
22:55 < owl> and bye
22:56 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5b24.pppool.de] has left #rocklinux ()
22:56 < fake> *lol*
22:56 < Mike1> hehe
22:56 * fake off for some coffee
22:57 * -> esden off home -> bed -> sleep
22:59 < tsa> ROTFL
22:59 < tsa> does anyone like long URLs?
23:00 < tsa> url for glibc bug 4920:
23:00 < tsa> https://bugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/gnatsweb.pl?cmd=view%20audit-trail&database=glibc&pr=4920&return_url=http%3A%2F%2Fbugs.gnu.org%2Fcgi-bin%2Fgnatsweb.pl%3Fdebug%3D%3Bdatabase%3Dglibc%3Bcmd%3Dsubmit%2520query%3Btext%3D2.3.1%3Bmultitext%3D%3BDate-Required_after%3D%3BDate-Required_before%3D%3BArrival-Date_after%3D%3BArrival-Date_before%3D%3BClosed-Date_after%3D%3BClosed-Date_before%3D%3BLast-Modified_after%3D%3BLast-Modified_before%3D%3BNumber%3D%3BCa
23:00 < tsa> tegory%3D%3BSynopsis%3D%3BConfidential%3D%3BSeverity%3D%3BPriority%3D%3BResponsible%3D%3BState%3D%3Bignoreclosed%3DIgnore%2520Closed%3BQuarter%3D%3BKeywords%3D%3BDate-Required%3D%3BClass%3D%3BSubmitter-Id%3D%3BArrival-Date%3D%3BClosed-Date%3D%3BCases%3D%3BLast-Modified%3D%3BOriginator%3D%3BRelease%3D%3BOrganization%3D%3BEnvironment%3D%3BDescription%3D%3BHow-To-Repeat%3D%3BFix%3D%3BRelease-Note%3D%3BAudit-Trail%3D%3BUnformatted%3D%3Bcolumns%3D
23:00 < tsa> Category%3Bcolumns%3DSynopsis%3Bcolumns%3DConfidential%3Bcolumns%3DSeverity%3Bcolumns%3DPriority%3Bcolumns%3DResponsible%3Bcolumns%3DState%3Bcolumns%3DQuarter%3Bcolumns%3DKeywords%3Bcolumns%3DDate-Required%3Bcolumns%3DClass%3Bcolumns%3DSubmitter-Id%3Bcolumns%3DArrival-Date%3Bcolumns%3DClosed-Date%3Bcolumns%3DCases%3Bcolumns%3DLast-Modified%3Bcolumns%3DOriginator%3Bcolumns%3DRelease%3Bsortby%3DNumber%3Bdisplaydate%3DCurrent%2520Date
23:00 < Mike1> ARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!
23:00 < sjefen> insane.
23:00 < Mike1> tsa!
23:00 < tsa> yes - just one URL
23:00 < Mike1> !!!!!
23:00 < tsa> hehehe
23:01 < tsa> this is really ugly
23:01 < Mike1> fake look at this
23:01 < Mike1> <owl> if you want to offend someone - then do it in RL!
23:01 < Mike1> <owl> but not with me!
23:01 < tsa> haha
23:01 < sjefen> heh.
23:01 < tsa> whatever - just sent a patch to clifford
23:02 < tcr> *bg* Mike1 nothing that you should worry about
23:02 < Mike1> tcr: i don't i have heard this before *g
23:02 < tcr> she has said something similiar to me as well
23:03 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-176-7.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
23:03 < sjefen> owl is a she?
23:03 < tcr> *g* OF COURSE
23:03 < sjefen> explains a lot :)
23:03 < Mike1> sjefen: actually explains everything
23:03 < sjefen> hehe
23:08 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5b24.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
23:08 < owl> *grrrrr*
23:08 < tsa> re owlita
23:08 < owl> am i blind, or what?
23:09 < owl> curl -x1xx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xx ftp://path-to-file.tar.bz2 > test.tar.bz2
23:09 < owl> what's wrong with this fscking thing!
23:09 < owl> will the notebook explode in 5 seconds? *argh* sound to hell
23:10 < owl> re tsa
23:17 < owl> could someone please tell me what's wrong with the "wonderful" curl?
23:18 < tsa> it sucks?
23:18 < owl> curl? full ack
23:20 < esden> re hi all
23:20 < aszlig> wb esden
23:20 < owl> rehi esden
23:20 < sjefen> olla'
23:21 < esden> hi sjefen !
23:25 < tcr> owl: what's about giving us the error message? and trying --verbose or sth
23:25 < owl> there's no error message
23:25 < owl> there's just this "beep, beep" and the stranges chars i have ever seen on console...
23:26 < owl> but why?
23:26 < tcr> plz try ftp://path/to/a/file.txt
23:26 < owl> hm?
23:27 < esden> owl: curl is cating the files it is downloading on your terminal
23:27 < esden> you have to pipe it into a file 
23:27 < esden> it is described in the manpage ...
23:28 < owl> esden: where?
23:28 < owl> am i blind?
23:28 < th> esden: "curl -x1xx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xx ftp://path-to-file.tar.bz2 > test.tar.bz2" she did pipe it.
23:28 < esden> o_O
23:29 < esden> ok ... sorry then owl
23:29 < owl> *g*
23:29 < owl> ok. i'm not reall blind
23:29 < th> if rock-1.5 would have a curl extension i would look for it ;)
23:30 < SMP> it's in base
23:30 < th> damnit ;-P
23:30 < owl> curl in 1.5? *wuerg*
23:30 < SMP> well it's logical since scripts/Download requires it
23:30 < th> SMP: seems that it appeared after 1.5.18 ;)
23:30 < tcr> i bet the strange character are the bz2 compressed tar archive
23:30 < th> SMP: my scripts/Download doesn't
23:30 < owl> ah so... just ... *ouch* i'm confused
23:31 < tcr> so owl: tried ftp://path/to/a/file.txt?
23:31 < owl> no...
23:31 < esden> AFAIK 1.5 uses wget for download ... but I am not sure ... it is long time I had to work on 1.5 ;-)
23:32 < th> SMP: and 1.5.19 still uses wget too
23:32 < esden> owl: curl https://www.esden.net/rocklinux/INSTALL
23:32 < owl> i think it uses it... i did a "src-update" some minutes ago... and everything worked... :)
23:32 < owl> esden: thx
23:32 < SMP> er
23:33 * SMP knows for sure that curl is in 1.5-stefanp
23:33 < th> SMP: hehe ;)
23:34 < th> but curl is in base. that's right
23:34 < owl> *grr* i can download it...
23:34 < owl> without "beep" and so on... :-/
23:34 < tcr> haha.
23:35 < tcr> redirecting works too?
23:35 < owl> yes
23:35 < owl> install.txt --> readable txt
23:35 < owl> (even understandable for human...)
23:35 < tcr> is there an option like the -o option of sort?
23:36 < th> == 23:36:09 12/16/02 =[5]=> Finished building package curl.
23:36 * -> esden has a dumb question: Is there an easy possibility to create source iso of 1.7 ?
23:37 < tsa> esden: i have no idea - never got so far..
23:38 < th>  -o/--output <file> Write output to <file> instead of stdout
23:39 < owl> works now... without changing something... but wtf...?
23:39 < sjefen> or maybe >2& ?
23:39 < SMP> esden: easy? like "mkisofs -o src.iso download/"?
23:40 < tcr> "Manpage lesen will gelernt sein."[tm]
23:40 < esden> SMP: du -sh download/ \n 1.2G    download
23:40 < owl> tcr: and reading my comments "will gelernt sein", too
23:40 < th> nimm ne dvd ;)
23:40 < owl> tcr: i did the same as i did above...
23:40 < esden> th: gute idee das mache ich doch glatt ;-)
23:41 < th> esden: und ansonsten tar und split -b650M  ;-)
23:41 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E49A8E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sophos")
23:41 < esden> th: ich splitte es irgendwie ... passt schon
23:43 < Mike1> n8 all
23:44 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
--- Log closed Tue Dec 17 00:00:33 2002