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   The ROCK Linux project has been discontinued in 2010. Here are the old data for the historical record!

--- Log opened Sun Feb 29 00:00:27 2004
00:13 < daja77> have i missed sth, is there still a kde31 repo
00:18 < rxr> daja77: ohe ...
00:19 < rxr> there should not be - where do you have one ?
00:19 < rxr> https://svn.rocklinux-consulting.de/rock-linux/trunk/package/
00:19 < daja77> just read that mail on ml
00:19 < rxr> ^- does not list one ...
00:20 < daja77> no there is only kde here 
00:34 < daja77> 00:27 < Muhkuh> https://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2597543958&category=22363
01:05 < mnemoc> re
01:05 < daja77> wb mnemoc 
01:06 < mnemoc> thx daja77 
01:12 < togg> hi all. 
01:12 < daja77> hi togg
01:13 < togg> i get several "invalid invocation of /etc/rockplug/pci.plug" at startup
01:13 < togg> on scanning pci hardware
01:13 < togg> what does this mean?
01:14 < daja77> n8 you all
01:15 < mnemoc> n8 daja77 
01:18 -!- nookie [~nookie@M375P013.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
01:24 < rxr> togg: have not yet seend this - and I'm still debuggin my C++ code :-( so I can not yet take a look
01:26 < mnemoc> rxr: still at valentin's?
01:28 < togg> rxr: ok
01:28 < togg> rxr: any suggestion ?
01:28 < togg> i just looked at the rockplug scripts
01:29 < skunk2k> hm i cant fix it... i dont have much c knowledge...
01:29 < skunk2k> :(
01:29 < togg> especially pci.functions
01:30 < mnemoc> bbl
01:34 -!- xaos [~steve@pcp171191pcs.plsntv01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #rocklinux
01:35 -!- xaos [~steve@pcp171191pcs.plsntv01.nj.comcast.net] has left #rocklinux ()
02:08 < mnemoc> re
02:24 < skunk2k> how can i apply other patches to a build ?
02:25 < mnemoc> add them to your target
02:27 < skunk2k> u mean package/base/util-linux ?
02:28 < mnemoc> hm?
02:29 < mnemoc> do u want to officially include a patch for util-linux or you want to patch your build only?
02:29 < skunk2k> target
02:29 < skunk2k> i want to patch the files for building the package
02:30 < mnemoc> $targetdir/pkg_$pkg.patch $targetdir/pkg_$pkg.patch.$arch
02:30 < skunk2k> hm...
02:40 < mnemoc> hm?
02:44 -!- kandinski is now known as kandinski_bed
02:46 < skunk2k> how can i cleanup just one build like the linux26 header ?
02:47 < mnemoc> ./scripts/Create-ErrList -cfg $foo -remove linux26-header
02:48 < mnemoc> due to a bug on mine it is not as clean as you can expect
02:48 < mnemoc> i warns because non-empty dirs and the dirs remains forever :\
02:49 < togg> mnemoc: does rocklinux support bridge interfaces ?
02:49 < togg> mnemoc: i mean on startup in rocknet e.g.
02:50 < skunk2k> i just want to test smth
02:50 < mnemoc> rocknet still work in progress
02:50 < skunk2k> and if it works i will make a full cleanup
02:50 < mnemoc> skunk2k: use Create-ErrList
02:50 < skunk2k> i did
02:51 < skunk2k> the patches i tested wont work to it doesnt solve the problem...
02:51 < skunk2k> -to
03:24 < skunk2k> n8
03:25 < skunk2k> i will take the 2.4.24 kernel.. and hope everything works...
03:34 -!- hnaz [~dark@p5083C311.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux
03:34 -!- hnaz [~dark@p5083C311.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #rocklinux ()
03:53 -!- blindy_ [~blindcode@pD958FA53.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
03:53 -!- blindy [~blindcode@pD9E4F56B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Nick collision from services.)
03:54 -!- blindy_ is now known as blindy
04:21 -!- cytrinox`- [~dj-nail2@p213.54.176.81.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #rocklinux
04:22 -!- cytrinox` [~dj-nail2@p213.54.149.218.tisdip.tiscali.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
05:04 < cytrinox`-> gn8
05:09 -!- nookie_ [~nookie@M267P024.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
05:15 -!- nookie [~nookie@M375P013.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
08:36 -!- A-Tui [~aitor@cable74a018.usuarios.retecal.es] has joined #rocklinux
08:44 < daja77> this is so fscking stupid, libsdl is upgraded to version 2.6 and all other libsdl relateted libs fail because their configure script expects version 2.4
08:45 < daja77> 1.26 and 1.2.4 of course
08:45 < daja77> 1.2.6
08:45 < daja77> damn it
08:45 < daja77> ok cu later, looking into this more deeply
09:45 -!- kandinski___ [~kandinski@] has joined #rocklinux
09:45 < owl> moin
09:45 < owl> someone can tell me where in the kernel-2.6.3 i can disable "/proc/partitions"? 
09:46 < owl> i'm either blind or to tired to see it
09:50 -!- kandinski_bed [~kandinski@80-28-218-199.adsl.nuria.telefonica-data.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
10:01 < blindy> moin
10:01 < blindy> owl: why do you want to disable it?
10:06 < owl> because it has problems with devfs
10:07 < blindy> I can't see how /proc/partitions could make problems with devfs
10:08 < owl>   3     1    5116671 hda1
10:08 < owl>    3     2          1 hda2
10:08 < owl>    3     5   18434556 hda5
10:08 < owl>    3     6   20402518 hda6
10:08 < owl> e.g. using this... but i'm using devfs *grmls*
10:09 < owl> and my lilo says: 
10:09 < owl> Warning: '/proc/partitions' does not match '/dev' directory structure.
10:09 < owl>     Name change: '/dev/ram0' -> '/dev/rd/0'
10:09 < owl> Fatal: open /dev/ide/host0/bus1/target0/lun0/disc: No such file or directory
10:10 < owl> and doesn't run - the joke: i don't have /dev/ide/host0/bus1...
10:12 < blindy> oh
10:12 < blindy> use grub
10:13 < owl> hrm. that's a workarround... i don't like them... :-/
10:13 < blindy> I prefer grub now since I used it first (a few weeks ago)
10:13 < blindy> although grub is sloooow on 500MHz machines, it's really a lot more useful
10:14 < owl> hmm. i have a 500 mhz, amd k6-II :-/
10:18 * blindy too
10:19 < blindy> my "server" machine
10:19 < blindy> and grub takes 3 seconds to start >_<
10:19 < owl> i c. 
10:23 < blindy> anyone want to buy a cronjob?
10:27 < owl> haeh? buying one?
10:28 < blindy> https://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2597543958&category=22363
10:29 < owl> *rofl*
10:37 < daja77> blindy: the libsdl update broke many packages
10:37 < daja77> moin btw
10:37 < blindy> daja77: then we should revert it
10:37 < blindy> moin :)
10:37 < daja77> ack
10:38 < daja77> have to go off again, cu later
10:38 < blindy> bye
10:40 < owl> bye daja77 
10:53 -!- nookie_ [~nookie@M267P024.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (""Will administrate your UNIX servers for a woman."")
11:11 * A-Tui is away: Maldigo la poesía concebida como un lujo por los neutrales
11:26 -!- kandinski___ [~kandinski@] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
11:28 -!- kandinski_ [~kandinski@] has joined #rocklinux
11:35 -!- christian__ [~christian@pD9E39523.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
11:48 -!- dsoul [darksoul@info.ii.uj.edu.pl] has joined #rocklinux
11:48 -!- christian__ [~christian@pD9E39523.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.9")
12:15 -!- dsoul [darksoul@info.ii.uj.edu.pl] has left #rocklinux ()
12:26 * blindy --> food
12:38 < skunk2k> ip route 2 failed :/
12:38 < skunk2k> in stage 5
12:40 < jsaw_> skunk2k: error?
12:40 < skunk2k> querry ?
12:41 < skunk2k> !> arpd.c:729: `R_NEXT' undeclared (first use in this funct ..
12:41 < skunk2k> !> arpd.c:821: request for member `sync' in something not a ..
12:41 < skunk2k> !> arpd.c:840: request for member `close' in something not  ..
12:41 < skunk2k> !> arpd.c:844: request for member `close' in something not  ..
12:41 < skunk2k> !> make[1]: *** [arpd.o] Error 1
12:41 < skunk2k> !> make[1]: Leaving directory `/R.src/iproute2-ahu-20021020 ..
12:41 < skunk2k> !> make: *** [all] Error 2
12:41 < skunk2k> :P
12:42 < jsaw_> ohoh
12:43 < jsaw_> which kernel are u using now?
12:43 < jsaw_> compiler?
12:43 < skunk2k> 2.4.24
12:43 < skunk2k> gcc 3.2.3
13:45 -!- kandinski_ is now known as kandi_lunch_too
13:51 -!- jsaw [~jsaw@pD95F1B01.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
14:02 < skunk2k> !> Binary file for 00-dirtree-0000.gem not present. Skipped in package database.
14:02 < skunk2k>  what does this mean ?
14:05 -!- jsaw_ [~jsaw@pD95F1F7A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
14:07 -!- kandi_lunch_too [~kandinski@] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
14:18 -!- kandinski [~kandinski@80-28-219-168.adsl.nuria.telefonica-data.net] has joined #rocklinux
14:18 < mnemoc> re
14:20 < skunk2k> wb
14:27 < skunk2k> hm :(
14:29 < skunk2k> damn it
14:29 < skunk2k> cant create an iso
14:30 < skunk2k> and i dont know what this : !> Binary file for 00-dirtree-0000.gem not present. Skipped in package database.
14:30 < skunk2k>  mean...
14:35 -!- A-Tui [~aitor@cable74a018.usuarios.retecal.es] has quit ("Satanás, el infierno es demasiado dulce!")
14:36 < mnemoc> uhm?
14:37 < skunk2k> i cant add the "bootdisk"
14:37 < mnemoc> .oO( fsck i said should instead of shouldn' in my last post )
14:38 < mnemoc> that means 00-dirtree wasn't build successfully
14:38 < mnemoc> and that's bad
14:39 < skunk2k> i get this message a couply of time with about 50packages gg
14:39 < skunk2k> but i didnt get an error while building
14:40 < skunk2k> -y +e
14:40 < skunk2k> everything was ok
14:41 < skunk2k> hm
14:41 < skunk2k> i added now the rebuild stage hope it will work
14:41 < skunk2k> =[9]=> Finished building package 00-dirtree.
14:42 < skunk2k> but i have still the problem to create an iso
14:48 < mnemoc> weird
14:58 < tfing> mnemoc: you forgot a "NOT" in your mail i guess
15:02 < mnemoc> yep :(
15:02 < mnemoc> damn fingers 
15:03 < mnemoc> do u think i must reply myself to clarify?
15:04 < tfing> i think it's clear you made a mistake
15:05 < tfing> it should be understandable
15:05 -!- togg [~togg@pD953406A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
15:06 < mnemoc> :)
15:10 -!- togg [~togg@pD9E5BB32.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
15:17 < tfing> mnemoc: clifford understood ;)
15:20 < mnemoc> :)
15:31 -!- dsoul [darksoul@info.ii.uj.edu.pl] has joined #rocklinux
15:31 -!- dsoul [darksoul@info.ii.uj.edu.pl] has quit (Dead socket)
15:33 -!- dsoul [darksoul@info.ii.uj.edu.pl] has joined #rocklinux
15:34 -!- dsoul [darksoul@info.ii.uj.edu.pl] has quit (Client Quit)
15:42 -!- dsoul [darksoul@info.ii.uj.edu.pl] has joined #rocklinux
15:49 -!- dsoul [darksoul@info.ii.uj.edu.pl] has quit ("Killed by BillGates (Windows Linux 98 -- jizz your pants!)")
15:50 -!- dsoul [darksoul@info.ii.uj.edu.pl] has joined #rocklinux
15:51 -!- dsoul [darksoul@info.ii.uj.edu.pl] has quit (Client Quit)
15:52 < tfing> it's time to make a choice between staying and leaving
15:52 < daja77> guess he is afk
15:59 -!- elon [~afgh@zwelf.in-dsl.de] has joined #rocklinux
16:02 -!- dsoul [darksoul@info.ii.uj.edu.pl] has joined #rocklinux
16:20 < mnemoc> skunk2k: can you svn diff | lsdiff ?
16:22 < skunk2k> jep...
16:23 < mnemoc> does it differ?
16:23 < skunk2k> nothing happends
16:23 < skunk2k> :)
16:23 < skunk2k> bash-2.05b$ svn diff | lsdiff
16:23 < skunk2k> bash-2.05b$
16:23 < skunk2k> :>
16:23 < mnemoc> uhm
16:24 < mnemoc> query me your ErrList please
16:36 < cytrinox`-> moin
16:58 -!- cytrinox`- is now known as cytrinox
18:08 -!- netrunne1 [~andreas@p508023E9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux
18:24 -!- netrunner [~andreas@p50803217.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
18:25 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAA5EA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
18:29 -!- netrunne1 is now known as netrunner
18:48 < rxr> rehi
18:57 -!- Nebukadneza [~daddel9@dsl-213-023-057-029.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("Client exiting")
19:02 < blindy> moin rxr
19:02 < blindy> rxr: can you have a look at the svn-rep you made for me?
19:04 < tfing> blindy: there is something missing in your figlet package : figlist and showfigfonts should be chmod'd +x
19:04 < blindy> tfing: oh... thanks, I'll correct it
19:05 < tfing> i did my own figlet package due to the stopped mirroring of the svn tree
19:06 < blindy> ic
19:07 < rxr> blindy: ok
19:07 < blindy> rxr: I always get a 500 Internal Server Error when trying to commit
19:08 < tfing> a tree for lvd ?
19:08 < daja77> re
19:08 < blindy> tfing: lvp, yes
19:08 < tfing> lvp sorry :)
19:09 < blindy> tfing: for development. I still have to check the compatibility between the encryption system fake uses and the one I use
19:11 < tfing> hmmm
19:11 < rxr> blindy: fixed - dirs created
19:11 < blindy> rxr: thanks *huggles*
19:12 < rxr> where do you want commit mails to?
19:13 < blindy> lvp-commit@scavenger.homeip.net
19:13 < blindy> I'll handle those myself then
19:15 < rxr> done - hope no typos ...
19:15 < blindy> thanks ^^
19:23 < blindy> tfing: committed to SM
19:29 < tfing> ack
19:37 -!- trekkie3k [k3t@pD9005761.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
20:02 < rxr> hm: https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/45113
20:02 < rxr> ^- If this is true I might buy one for ROCK Linux PowerPC builds ;-)
20:06 < blindy> the only thing heise usually is good for is new dns-names to put in mozilla's ad-blocker...
20:07 < daja77> lol
20:07 < daja77> blindy: you reverted that package?
20:08 < daja77> rxr: tha xbox-linux project leader is also the gamecube-linux project leader, if we are lucky he shows us a linux gamecube next weekend :)
20:08 < blindy> daja77: not yet, I wanted to know how these packages break
20:09 < daja77> the configure script for libsdl_image for example checks for libsdl 1.2.4, doesn't find it and fails :(
20:10 < blindy> hmm... wait a minute here...
20:11 < blindy> thun it should have failed with 1.2.5, too...
20:12 < blindy> and the last rev build 2165 worked fine
20:12 < daja77> wtf
20:12 < blindy> sure it wasn't jsaw's fixes?
20:13 < blindy> 1.2.6 is there since 1504
20:13 < daja77> neric-expert/tools.chroot/wrapper/install -c
20:13 < daja77> checking for sdl-config... /usr/bin/sdl-config
20:13 < daja77> checking for SDL - version >= 1.2.4... no
20:13 < daja77> *** Could not run SDL test program, checking why...
20:13 < daja77> *** The test program failed to compile or link.
20:14 < daja77> libsdl itself was built fine
20:14 < blindy> what gcc do you use?
20:14 < daja77> 3.2.3
20:15 < blindy> could you please undo rev2396, schedule libsdl for rebuild and retry+?
20:17 < daja77> damn submaster, i don't even know which rev this is
20:17 < blindy> svn diff -r 2395:2396  | patch -p0 -R
20:18 < rxr> svn merge ...
20:18 < daja77> svn: reference to non-existent revision '2395' in filesystem '/scratch/rock-daja.sm/SVN/db
20:18 < daja77> gna
20:18 < blindy> ehm...
20:18 < blindy> svn info 
20:19 < blindy> OTOH
20:19 < daja77> yeah rev 1 :P
20:19 < blindy> I know nothing about sm >_<
20:19 < blindy> hmm... one could misinterprete that...
20:19 < daja77> anyay ^^
20:19 < owl> *g*
20:19 < daja77> cu later
20:19 < blindy> okay, bye
20:19 < daja77> russian sc-fi on tv now
20:20 < owl> bye daja77 . have fun
20:20 < daja77> thx
20:28 < SMP> float.c(20) : (col. 5) remark: LOOP WAS VECTORIZED.
20:28 < SMP> wow
20:28 < blindy> hoeh?
20:29 < rxr> SMP: which compiler - what float.c ?
20:29 < SMP> Intel C++ compiler generated asm looks like handwritten
20:30 < SMP> float.c is just a stupid testcase to test fpu vs. sse vs. full vectorization performance
20:32 < SMP> )$ ( time ./float-none ; time ./float-simple ; time ./float-p4sse ; time ./float-icc ) 2>&1 | grep real
20:32 < SMP> real    0m3.959s
20:32 < SMP> real    0m1.649s
20:32 < SMP> real    0m1.119s
20:32 < SMP> real    0m0.738s
20:32 < SMP> but gcc -march=pentium4 -mfpmath=sse -O3 is not too bad compared to icc
20:34 < rxr> do you use gcc 3.3 or 3.4-CVS? They should be even smarter ...
20:34 < SMP> just gcc 3.2.3
20:34 < SMP> judging from the asm I don't think gcc can do any smarter apart from vectorization
20:45 < rxr>   XFree86 4.4 Released
20:45 < SMP> do we have a problem with the new license?
20:45 < blindy> nice. gotta try it tomorrow :)
20:46 < rxr> SMP: I do not think so - jsaw thinks so - but I guess this all settles within a few days ...
20:50 -!- owl_ [~owl@dialin-212-144-142-253.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
20:51 -!- owl_ is now known as _NULL_
20:53 < SMP> well it's more of a philosophical problem than a practical one. where are we going to put the acknowledgements?
20:56 < rxr> the Xlib does not have this license change - so most apps are not affected
20:57 < rxr> and only those apps that have thrid party acks do need to ack XFree ...
20:57 < rxr> so this should not be that much of an issue ...
20:57 < SMP> like I said, not a practical problem
20:57 < rxr> we could - just to be on the safe side - but a dedicated site on the homepage ...
20:58 < blindy> <TITLE>This site dedicated to the XFree License V1.1</TITLE>
20:59 < rxr> blindy: yes - like this ...
21:21 -!- skunk2k3 [~versager@pD9E80D17.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux
21:37 -!- skunk2k [~versager@pD9E80C14.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
21:38 -!- skunk2k3 is now known as skunk2k
21:44 -!- A-Tui [~aitor@cable74a018.usuarios.retecal.es] has joined #rocklinux
22:01 -!- axp [aXp@dsl-wien1-34-40.utaonline.at] has joined #rocklinux
22:34 < rxr> oki - cu tomorrow or so ..
22:34 < skunk2k> cya
22:35 < _NULL_> hi stinktier
22:35 < skunk2k> das hat nen anderen bezug
22:36 < _NULL_> haeh?
22:36 < skunk2k> du spielst doch auf meinen nick an oder?
22:36 < _NULL_> skunk == stinktier afaik... ?
22:36 < _NULL_> ja
22:36 < skunk2k> jep aber der nick hat nichts mit einem stinktier zu tun
22:37 < _NULL_> ok. womit dann?
22:37 < skunk2k> is ne bestimmte marihuana pflanze
22:37 < skunk2k> :P
22:37 < _NULL_> immer diese kiffer *augenverdreh*
22:38 < skunk2k> das hat damit nix zu tun :P
22:38 < skunk2k> jedenfalls nicht zwangslaeufig 
22:38 < _NULL_> sondern?
22:38 < skunk2k> ich weiss nicht
22:38 < skunk2k> ist haeng geblieben
22:38 < _NULL_> ok
22:38 < skunk2k> seit meinem letzten amsterdamm besuch
22:38 < _NULL_> O_o
22:38 < skunk2k> haett mich auch white widdow nennen koennen
22:39 < _NULL_> tststststs
22:39 < skunk2k> :)
22:39 < skunk2k> ausserdem heisst skunk soweit ich weiss auch versager
22:39 < skunk2k> jedenfalls wird es auch als "ausdruck" benutzt
22:40 < _NULL_> i c. 
22:44 < skunk2k> hm...
22:44 < skunk2k> yeah
22:44 < skunk2k> build finished
22:44 < skunk2k> ..
22:45 < _NULL_> was versteht php-4.3.4 eigentlich unter "--enable-shared" imho bedeutet es doch, dass es libphp4.so - also shared bauen soll... oder bin ich doof?
22:46 < skunk2k> wenn es sich auf die libs bezieht koennte es theoretisch so sein
22:46 < skunk2k> nur was verstehst du unter "shared bauen"
22:47 < _NULL_> gut... dass er das modul/library als shared buildet... 
22:47 < skunk2k> wie uebersetzt du fuer dich "shared" ?
22:49 < _NULL_> k.a. 
22:49 < netrunner> _NULL_, skunk2k: export LANG="en_EN"
22:49 < skunk2k> :)
22:50 < _NULL_> netrunner, almost nobody here is speaking engl. now... because the most guys are sleeping or so... 
22:51 < tfing> or not :)
22:51 < _NULL_> ah . ok. someone is awake O_o
22:56 < netrunner> _NULL_: the fact that nobody is joining your conversation does not mean nobody want's to read.
22:56 < netrunner> you're more deterring people that don't understand you.
22:58 < _NULL_> dewhat?
23:00 < tcr> abschrecken
23:00 < tcr> :)
23:00 < _NULL_> thx
23:00 < tcr> _NULL_, you're from bavaria, you must have had latin in school
23:00 < tcr> didn't you?
23:01 < _NULL_> nope. i wasn't on "gymnasium", just in secondary school
23:02 < tcr> Be ashamed
23:02 < _NULL_> y?
23:04 < tcr> Oh well. if you had had latin, you could have derived the meaningof deterr yourself
23:05 < tcr> Casual usage of english contains on average 55% of words which are rooted in latin; clearly enough to be worth learning
23:18 < cytrinox> gn8
23:28 < skunk2k> n8
23:50 -!- _NULL_ [~owl@dialin-212-144-142-253.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("gn8.")
23:55 -!- tcr [~tcr@pD9EAA5EA.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
--- Log closed Mon Mar 01 00:00:41 2004