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   The ROCK Linux project has been discontinued in 2010. Here are the old data for the historical record!

Package description for 'clucene-core'

a C++ search engine

 CLucene is a high-performance, scalable, cross platform, full-featured,
 open-source indexing and searching API. It is written in C++.
 CLucene is a port of the very popular Java Lucene text search engine API.

Various other information for package 'clucene-core'   (Repository 'public')

URL: https://clucene.sourceforge.net

Author: Ben van Klinken <ustramooner at users.sourceforge.net> { original port to C++ }
Maintainer: The ROCK Linux Project

License: LGPL
Status: Stable
Version: 0.9.16a

Download: https://dl.sourceforge.net/clucene/ clucene-core-0.9.16a.tar.bz2

ROCK Sources:  clucene-core.desc