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   The ROCK Linux project has been discontinued in 2010. Here are the old data for the historical record!

Package description for 'iso-codes'

a list of country, language and currency names

 This package aims to provide the list of the country and language
 (and currency) names in one place, rather than repeated in many
 programs throughout Debian.
 Currently there are lists of languages and countries embedded in:
 - Gnome Libs
 - bootfloppies / PGI
 - KDE
 - Gnumeric
 - Gnucash
 - ...
 This leads to about a dozen lists of 200 languages, translated
 into >30 languages ... not very efficient. The aim of this patch
 is to create a single "gettext" domain "iso-639" which contains
 the translations of language names, and one "iso-3166" listing
 the translations of Country  names.

Various other information for package 'iso-codes'   (Repository 'gnome2')

Author: Alastair McKinstry <mckinstry at debian.org>
Maintainer: Stefan Fiedler <stefan.fiedler at students.jku.at>

License: LGPL
Status: Beta
Version: 0.58

Download: https://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/i/iso-codes/ iso-codes_0.58-1.tar.gz

Buildtime: 7309 (5) seconds (on reference hardware)
Buildtime: 7478 (9) seconds (on reference hardware)
Package Size: 4.87 MB, 439 files

Dependencies: 00-dirtree autoconf automake19 bash2 bzip2 coreutils cvm diffutils
Dependencies: docbookx findutils gawk gcc42 gettext grep icon-naming-utils libtool
Dependencies: ltrace m4 make mktemp net-tools perl5 python pyxml sed sysfiles
Dependencies: tar util-linux xmame

ROCK Sources:  iso-codes.cacheiso-codes.confiso-codes.desc