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   The ROCK Linux project has been discontinued in 2010. Here are the old data for the historical record!

Package description for 'pyxml'

XML application development tools

 A package collecting the tools required for writing basic XML applications
 in Python, along with documentation and sample code. Features include
 (but are not limited to) SAX, DOM, the xmlproc validating parser, an Expat
 interface, and more.

Various other information for package 'pyxml'   (Repository 'stf')

URL: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pyxml/

Author: Many { see CREDITS }
Maintainer: Stefan Fiedler <stefan.fiedler at students.jku.at>

License: OpenSource
Status: Stable
Version: 0.8.4

Download: https://puzzle.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/pyxml/ PyXML-0.8.4.tar.gz

Buildtime: 3360 (5) seconds (on reference hardware)
Buildtime: 3186 (9) seconds (on reference hardware)
Package Size: 3.27 MB, 420 files

Dependencies: 00-dirtree bash2 binutils bzip2 coreutils cvm findutils gawk gcc42
Dependencies: gcc42:dev glibc26 glibc26:dev grep linux26-headers:dev ltrace mktemp
Dependencies: python python:dev sed sysfiles tar xmame

ROCK Sources:  pyxml.cachepyxml.desc