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   The ROCK Linux project has been discontinued in 2010. Here are the old data for the historical record!

Package description for 'stress'

A tool to impose load on and stress test Unix-like systems.

 stress is a tool to impose load on and stress test Unix-like systems.  It
 will impose user-specified amounts of CPU, I/O, RAM, and HDD load and report any
 errors it detects.  It is used for automated stress testing and for debugging
 system components which fail only or more often when under load.  It runs on
 x86, PPC64, and PPC 32 GNU/Linux, Tru64, SPARC Solaris, and more.

Various other information for package 'stress'   (Repository 'avm')

URL: https://weather.ou.edu/~apw/projects/stress/

Author: Amos Waterland <awaterl@yahoo.com>
Maintainer: Andreas V. 'netrunner' Meier <avmeier@web.de>

License: GPL
Status: Stable
Version: 0.18.8

Download: https://weather.ou.edu/~apw/projects/stress/ stress-0.18.8.tar.gz

Buildtime: 2589 (5) seconds (on reference hardware)
Buildtime: 2639 (9) seconds (on reference hardware)
Package Size: 0.04 MB, 9 files

Dependencies: 00-dirtree autoconf bash2 binutils bzip2 coreutils cvm
Dependencies: diffutils findutils gawk gcc42 gcc42:dev glibc26 glibc26:dev grep
Dependencies: linux26-headers:dev ltrace make mktemp net-tools patch perl5 sed
Dependencies: sysfiles tar texinfo twoftpd ucspi-unix util-linux xmame

ROCK Sources:  init_ptr.patchstress.cachestress.desc