-!- Irrsi  Log opened Wed May 01 00:00:21 2002
-!- Irrsi  Day changed Wed May 01 2002
[00:00] < huebi> hackbard: Geht normal auch gut. aber nicht mit nfs und portmap
[00:01] < thalerim> hackbard: diff ist aber unsicher
[00:01] < thalerim> ich kannsa uch mit diff machen, is ke problem
[00:01] < hackbard> jo stimmt! siehe alsa
[00:01] < hackbard> nene, mach mal
[00:01] < thalerim> ok
[00:09] < thalerim> hachgott
[00:10] < thalerim> das wird kompilizierter als ich dachte :-)
[00:13] < Mike1> see you later
[00:13] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[00:16] < simon> nacht..
[00:19] < thalerim> uhm
[00:20] < thalerim> ich zu verpeilt, wie benutz man md5sum --check ?!
[00:20] < thalerim> +bin
[00:24] < hackbard> oh, no idea
[00:25] < rxr> does s.o. know if there is a technical reason why the patch allpying changed from -p0 to -p1 in 1.7 (some weeks ago)??
[00:26] < rxr> gdb-5.2 is out ;-)
[00:31] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD958D63A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("ho chresim' eidos uch ho poll' eidos sophos.")
[00:54] < huebi> I have to tune the file system on rocklinux.dyndns.org ;( toooo slow
[01:01] < huebi> n8
[01:01] < rxr> n8 huebi
[01:02] < huebi> n8 rxr
[01:02] < huebi> :-)
[01:08] < cap> when will 1.6 be out?
[01:11] < cap> alle am schlafen? ;)
[01:11] < rxr> cap: I'm here ;-)
[01:11] < cap> hi rxr
[01:11] < rxr> hi
[01:12] < rxr> dRock-1.6.0 will be out next week - ROCK-1.6.0 might take some weeks ...
[01:12] < cap> K
[01:13] < rxr> cap: for more info about dRock:
[01:13] < rxr> https://www.rocklinux.org/projects/drock/drock.html
[01:14] < cap> sounds nice
[01:14] < cap> i'll try it out
[01:15] < rxr> I currently fixing the issues that showed up in the rc2 and a rc3 will be out Friday ...
[01:17] < cap> dRock has even Blackbox :>> my personal sweet
[01:18] < rxr> hehe ;-)
[01:21] < rxr> cap: dRock has grown out of ROCK in the last year - and now all is merged back into the 1.7 tree.
[01:21] < rxr> 1.7 really ROCKs ...
[01:22] < cap> 1.7 tree of the actual RockLinux?
[01:22] < cap> hm
[01:22] < rxr> jups. - But it is not for regular use yet - currently we do not ewven have a iso creation for it (it is a big redesign ;-)
[01:23] < rxr> it is like the linux kernel the odd .x versions are the devel trees ...
[01:25] < cap> yep i know :)
[01:25] < cap> i'm new to rock - but the idea sounds like ..i would have done my own distro just the way rock is done
[01:25] < cap> i am still runnin slack 8.0
[01:26] < rxr> ;-) I read your question about Gentoo some hours ago - ROCK exists much longer! - And the ROCK build scripts are much cleaner and more powerfull ...
[01:27] < cap> :)
[01:28] < cap> rock is developed in .de / .at ?
[01:29] < rxr> mostly. But there are people in .en, .us, australia, singapure .cr (Costa Rica) and many more ..
[01:30] < rxr> dRock is at least used in the .us, cr and ireland ;-) and .de of course ... ,)
[01:30] < cap> how old is it?
[01:31] < rxr> dRock? a year ;-) ROCK was started arround 1996-1998 - I'm not sure ...
[01:31] < cap> when i first heard of it my impression was "just another distro - who cares"
[01:32] < rxr> ;) It is a really nice "Meta-Distribution" which you also can compile and port yourself - or customize for your purpose.
[01:33] < rxr> Even "normal" Developers, students (here in Berlin) use it as "the clenest dist" they ever saw ...
[01:33] < cap> ccc :)
[01:34] < rxr> (and it is running on several DAU user boxes including my fatjers amd brothers's ones - they get a Christmas update each year more service is not needed for such "set-top" style Linux boxes ...
[01:34] < rxr> )
[01:34] < cap> hehe
[01:35] < cap> why do we speak english tough most people here come from .de or .at ?
[01:36] < cap> well, yes, english is the much better language ;)
[01:37] < rxr> sometimes international people joined the channel and left after a few minutes of too much German traffic. So we should stay english here. But on some days here is much German traffic and during some night hours the Costa Rica boys do some Spanish sessions sometimes ;-)
[01:38] < cap> lol
[01:38] < cap> i see
[01:38]   cap cant help laughing ;)
[01:39] < rxr> why not? *g*
[01:41] < cap> well.. i like english. but most germany programmers i know prefer their home-sweet mother's language - german
[01:41] < cap> i just wonder
[01:41] < cap> :-)
[01:44] < rxr> Das wundert mich auch - deutsche Variablen sind echt nur eckelig :-( ...
[01:44] < cap> yep stimmt
[01:44] < cap> nur englisch ist ziemlich ungewohnt
[01:45] < cap> wonder - ich wollte eigentlich "i'm surprised" schreiben  *urgs*
[01:45] < rxr> eletern_prosses->Aufraemen (); // breee *G*
[01:45] < cap> lol
[01:47] < rxr> hm Dasn wuerde in Java der Garbae Kollektor: MuellSammler heissen -> MS das passt ja wenigsten ;) *lol*
[01:47] < rxr> s/Kol/Col/ ...
[01:48] < cap> yep
[01:48] < cap> (pfui)
[01:49] < cap> hm ich muss mal eben raus und meiner freundin gute nacht sagen. see you ;>
[01:49] < rxr> (btw ich bin kein Java fan - ich werde nur an der Uni zuviel damit genervt) - distanzier ...
[01:49] -!- cap [~cap@pD904851A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ()
[01:49] < rxr> cu
[02:03]   tsa verschwindet auch mal..
[02:03] -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs4.xs4all.nl] has joined #Rocklinux
[02:03] < tsa> n8
[02:03] -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082BB39.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[02:09] < rxr> is s.o still here ?
[02:09] < hackbard> so = someone?
[02:09] < hackbard> if yes, yes :)
[02:10] < rxr> hackbard: Hi! I'm currently wondering if I should do some PR and add dRock to freshmeat ;-?
[02:11] < hackbard> rxr: sure why not.
[02:11] < hackbard> is rock on freshmeat already?
[02:12] < rxr> because my DSL connection will be disabled for some days ... ;-)
[02:12] < rxr> yes Cliff added a
[02:12] < hackbard> https://freshmeat.net/projects/rocklinux/?topic_id=864%2C257%2C253 <- :)
[02:12] < rxr> it some moth ago ...
[02:12] < hackbard> why ?
[02:12] < hackbard> dsl disabled
[02:13] < rxr> because of the dowloads caused of an announcement ...
[02:13] < rxr> ohh! Cliff has updated the freshmeat screenshot with an 1.7 one! Nice ;-)
[02:14] < hackbard> but its outdated again :)
[02:15] < hackbard> because of downloads caused of an announcement .. i think i ddint get that ...
[02:15] < hackbard> btw, there are strange outputs in latest 1.7
[02:16] < rxr> when I do an announcement of Desktop releated stuff on freshmaet quite some people will click on download ISO - and this will make the downloads for individuals very slow (256 kbit connect here ...)
[02:16] < hackbard> /mnt/lfs/rock-build/scripts/Build-Pkg: desc_CV-URL=: command not found
[02:16] < hackbard> the same for CV-PAT and CV-DEL
[02:16] < rxr> hackbard: hm - I have not tried 1.7 in the lat three days ... :-(
[02:16]   rxr <= outdated ...
[02:18] < hackbard> well, it doesnt seem to be dangerous
[02:18] < hackbard> oh i see, freshmeat wont offer space for ur iso .. i forgot that ..
[02:20] < rxr> hackbard: do you know what this is for:
[02:20] < rxr> https://www.rocklinux.org/people/esden/lame.patch
[02:20] < hackbard> a patch for lamers
[02:21] < hackbard> hehe, just a joke (at least i think)
[02:27] < jonath[an]> hello
[02:27] < hackbard> hi jonath[an]
[02:27] < jonath[an]> hello Frank
[02:28] < jonath[an]> what about Mike?
[02:29] < jonath[an]> how long has passed since Mike's last visit?
[02:30] < rxr> Day changed to 30 Apr 2002
[02:30] < rxr> 01:05 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has quit ["BitchX: try our
[02:30] < rxr>           lowfat flavor too!"]
[02:30] < rxr> Hi jonath[an] !
[02:31] < jonath[an]> hi, rene, thanx
[02:46] -!- clifford_away [~clifford@M083P013.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[02:46] < jonath[an]> bye
[02:48] -!- clifford_away [~clifford@M082P000.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[02:49] < hackbard> rxr: still awake?
[03:02] -!- Netsplit carter.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: ringo78, clifford_away, SMP
[03:02] -!- Netsplit over, joins: clifford_away, ringo78, SMP
[03:12] < rxr> ah yes
[03:12] < rxr> hackbard: ? are you now still here ;-?
[03:13] < hackbard> jo
[03:14] < rxr> war was wichtiges?
[03:14] < hackbard> i have problems with a mailing list that spams me. i did create a .procmailrc. it works great. but sendmail is still flooding my var/log/messages
[03:14] < hackbard> can i prevent it from doing that?
[03:14] < hackbard> ohh, nein, nicht das ich wuesset :)
[03:17] < rxr> oh - solche probleme ... :-( - ehrlich gesagt benutze ich nur exim (und da muesste ich mir auch erstmal ansehen was genau wo landet ...)
[03:18] < hackbard> naja, das weiterleiten zu dev/null klappt gut. nur jede eingehende mail sehe ich in var/log/messages :(
[03:18] -!- hackbard is now known as hack^
[03:28] < rxr> n8
[03:28] -!- rxr is now known as rxr_zZ
[04:15] < hack^> @ clifford_away & rxr_zZ : ab stage2 gleich bei bnutils sucht er nach bison zeug in /mnt/lfs/rock-build <- darauf habe ich Create-Links gemacht.
[04:15] < hack^> bin auch pennen
[04:15] < hack^> n8
[04:15] -!- hack^ is now known as hack^zzZ
[06:47] -!- freed [~bofh@konzentrat.tfh-berlin.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:51] < huebi> moin
[07:00] -!- freed [~bofh@konzentrat.tfh-berlin.de] has joined #rocklinux
[07:09] < SMP> Moin
[07:09] < huebi> hi SMP
[07:09] < huebi> hi freed
[07:51] < jonath[an]> hi
[07:52] < huebi> hi jonath[an]
[08:36] < jonath[an]> huebi: dont u sleep?
[08:45] < huebi> jonath[an]: of course I do. But not as much as I want ;)
[09:06] < jonath[an]> hehe, like me
[09:06] < jonath[an]> i wish i were at home now
[09:07] < jonath[an]> but i need to finish this spreadsheet for tomorrow
[09:07] < jonath[an]> i mean in 24 hours
[09:31] -!- blindy|sleeping is now known as blindcoder
[09:31] < blindcoder> g'morning everyone
[09:33]   blindcoder wonders i he shall include "nethack" as a mision critical software package in his documentation...
[09:36] < jonath[an]> wie geht es dir blindcoder ?
[09:38] < huebi> hi blindcoder
[09:38] < blindcoder> jonath[an] : I'm fine, thanks. Anata wa.
[09:38] < blindcoder> moin huebi
[09:38] -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs4.xs4all.nl] has quit ("Leaving")
[09:38] < huebi> blindcoder: include it as most siphisticated security tool
[09:39] < blindcoder> oh, sorry. "Anata wa" means: how about you?
[09:39] < jonath[an]> im fine, just hardcoding
[09:39] < jonath[an]> da u remember my java spreasheet?
[09:39] < jonath[an]> it is
[09:39] < blindcoder> huebi> hmm worth a second thought :D *copy* *paste*
[09:40] < blindcoder> jonath[an]> usable already?
[09:43] < jonath[an]> umm, so so
[09:43] < jonath[an]> i just need to catch some exceptions
[09:43] < jonath[an]> :)
[09:44] < jonath[an]> and circular references
[09:44] < blindcoder> try { } catch ( exception e ) { }
[09:44] < blindcoder> isn't it?
[09:47] < jonath[an]> yes
[09:48] < jonath[an]> i need to apply it to around 65 functions
[09:48] -!- anders [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has joined #rocklinux
[09:48] < anders> re
[09:48] < blindcoder> cool, I could remember something about it ;) 65 functions? shouldn't take too long...
[09:48] < blindcoder> hi anders
[09:48] < anders> morning blindcoder
[09:49]   anders just completed another install of both OpenBSD and Debian Woody in VMware..
[09:49] < anders> this time using an LV as 'disk' rather than a diskfile..
[09:50]   blindcoder hates writing documentation. Even more so if it has to be in german >_<
[09:55] < anders> blindcoder: you speak german though, right?
[09:55] < jonath[an]> hello anders
[09:56] < jonath[an]> yes blindcoder, it ill be too long
[09:56] < blindcoder> yes I do, but all the information sources are in english
[09:56] < blindcoder> And thinking english while typing german is... difficult at least
[09:59] < jonath[an]> well, i think english is a globalized language, most of ppl know more english than some other language
[10:00] < jonath[an]> are u writing this docs in german or english?
[10:01] < blindcoder> I HAVE to write them in german becase the people at the IHK seem to not knw a word of english >_
[10:01] < blindcoder> >_<
[10:02] < blindcoder> So I'm now translating parts of the gcc, bison and flex man-pages into german
[10:02] < anders> re jonath[an]
[10:03] < jonath[an]> ummm
[10:03] < anders> blindcoder: not nice.. but you are getting paid for it, right? :)
[10:03] < jonath[an]> well, i dunno ur case
[10:03] < jonath[an]> but somtimes i hate when ppl try to translate docs in other languages
[10:04] < jonath[an]> by example...hehe...there are ppl in Spain who try to translate kernel 2.2.* sources in spanish
[10:04] < blindcoder> anders> yes, I am ;)
[10:04] < blindcoder> It's the documentation for my end-of-apprenticeship test.
[10:05] < blindcoder> Setting up a linux Fileserver with RAID and Tape-Drive
[10:05] < blindcoder> jonath[an]> hmm dunno but I think that's funny ;)
[10:06] < jonath[an]> well, i thinj this is a time bad spent
[10:06] < jonath[an]> bad time spent i mean
[10:07] < huebi> Did somebody see a french DOS. They translated everything including the name of the programs! print foo => empimer foo  ;>
[10:09] < blindcoder> I think it's a possibility to bring those who can't speak foreign languages (children for examples) to the complex environment of technology ;)
[10:10] -!- cap [~cap@pD9048F78.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[10:11] < blindcoder> hi cap
[10:13]   anders really wants an FTO... Can't afford one at the moment though..
[10:14] < blindcoder> FTO?
[10:15] < anders> Mitsubishi FTO :)
[10:15] < jonath[an]> hi cap
[10:16] < jonath[an]> fto is a car?
[10:16] < anders> Nice car.. 2.0 liter V6 engine that delivers 200bhp :)
[10:16] < jonath[an]> :p, i can se clearly now
[10:16] < anders> Yeah.. the FTO is the little brother of the GTO (or 3000GT as it is known in Europe)
[10:17] < jonath[an]> i dunno nth about cars
[10:17] < jonath[an]> i prefer Motorcicles
[10:17] < jonath[an]> :)
[10:17] < anders> As long as they look good and are quick (lots of torque) I am happy.. :)
[10:17] < jonath[an]> since kid i drive motorcicle in tourneys
[10:18] < anders> hehehe.. I tried a 125cc and a 650cc bike, could not get used to corner handling..
[10:19] < jonath[an]> ic
[10:19] < jonath[an]> well, i use 250cc
[10:20] < jonath[an]> they are light to run, and for my body they are fine
[10:20] < jonath[an]> kawasaki
[10:21] < cap> morning
[10:21] < jonath[an]> does anybody knows if install_bin is ready to run in a root partition?
[10:27] < blindcoder> hmmm sorry... don't know
[10:27] < blindcoder> btw: does anyone feel the need for a dialog-driven configuration tool for the .pz files of 1.5?
[10:28] < huebi> blindcoder: What do you suggest?
[10:30] < blindcoder> Welll I could dcc it to you. I have done it a week ago but wasn't sure if I should keep it to myseelf or not...
[10:41] -!- clifford_away [~clifford@M082P000.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[10:42] < huebi> blindcoder: Make an anonymous upload to: ftp://rocklinux.dyndns.org/upload please ;)
[10:43] -!- clifford_away [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux
[10:44] < blindcoder> yukai
[10:45] < blindcoder> done
[10:46]   blindcoder now making some screenshots from a xterm
[10:52] < cap> does dRock 1.6 get along with glib-2.2.x ?
[10:54] < SMP> cap: from what I've heard, dRock 1.6 is based on glibc-2.2
[10:54] < cap> so it can be compiled on a glib-2.2.x based system?
[10:55] < SMP> I guess so
[10:56] < huebi> cap: and also on 2.1.x systems. ask rxr_zZ when he's back.
[10:56] < jonath[an]> hi SMP
[11:02] < huebi> SMP: is the type of the ICP-Vortex : IPC GDT6000? If yes, put it in the litter bin. It's broken. I send the wrong one. ;-(
[11:07] < SMP> huebi: yup, it's a GDT6000.
[11:07] < huebi> SMP: Some diodes and some Flsh chips are still here. ;-)))
[11:07] < huebi> +a
[11:07] < SMP> huebi: no problem, I have the other one anyway
[11:08] -!- simon_ [~sts@pD9E1D566.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[11:08] < jonath[an]> re simon
[11:08] < SMP> huebi: which of the SIMMs should I mount on the other controller? all of them?
[11:09] < huebi> SMP: Yes, try to get all of them on the controller. They should be 4MB SIMMs. The more the better.
[11:10] < SMP> absolutely ;)
[11:13] -!- simon [~sts@pD9E1DE8A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:35] -!- anders [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has quit ("bbl")
[11:49] -!- blindcoder is now known as blindy|eating
[11:52] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD95229F5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[11:53] < bluefire> Moin
[11:53] < jonath[an]> re bluefire
[11:56] -!- clifford_away is now known as clifford
[11:56] < clifford> hi.
[12:00] -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[12:00] < jonath[an]> hello Cliff
[12:01] < clifford> hi jonath[an].
[12:01] < jonath[an]> it's 16:30 here
[12:01] < jonath[an]> i need to sleep
[12:02] < jonath[an]> the spreadsheet is almost finished
[12:02] < jonath[an]> well, i have to leave :)
[12:03] < jonath[an]> cya guys
[12:03] -!- jonath[an] is now known as jonath[away]
[12:03] < clifford> cu.
[12:03] -!- jonath[away] is now known as jonath[4
[12:03] -!- jonath[4 is now known as jonath[1630]
[12:05] -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("leaving")
[12:07] -!- blindy|eating is now known as blindcoder
[12:15] < freed> guten morgen
[12:21] -!- th [th@delta.boerde.de] has joined #rocklinux
[12:21] < th> moin
[12:27] < clifford> hi th, hi freed
[12:30] < freed> sagt mal wie sicher ist rsync?
[12:30] < th> ueber ssh oder nicht?
[12:30] < freed> ja über ssh
[12:30] < th> dann wohl so sicher wie dein ssh
[12:31] < freed> okay
[12:31] < blindcoder> *phew* including attachments the documentation just reached 40 pages ;)
[12:36] -!- aszlig [~aszlig@pD9023030.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[12:36] < aszlig> hullo
[12:45] < cap> hi
[12:45] < freed> hi
[12:45] < cap> hm where can i find a list of all packages rock includes ?
[12:47] < freed> mmh i dont know
[12:47] -!- hackbard_ [~hackbard@p50806F1A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[12:48] -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E7B15E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[12:49] < martin_> hi all
[12:49] < martin_> Rene ?
[12:54] < blindcoder> cap> do you have the sources?
[12:55] < cap> i'm downloading them right now
[12:56] < blindcoder> then go tocap> in 1.5 go to base-config and ext-config and do a ls. then you have the list ;)
[12:57] < cap> hum
[13:01] -!- hackbard_ is now known as hackbard
[13:01] < hackbard> moin
[13:02] < freed> hi
[13:07] -!- hack^zzZ [~hackbard@pD9523EC2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:28] -!- term_emu [~pm@beaufort.wyzant.de] has joined #rocklinux
[13:29] < term_emu> re
[13:46] -!- term_emu is now known as term_aweh
[13:55] -!- rxr_zZ is now known as rxr
[13:55] < rxr> hi
[13:56] < esden> hi all
[14:00] < blindcoder> hi esden
[14:01] < blindcoder> esden> still @ munich?
[14:02] < blindcoder> be back in 20 mins-..
[14:17] < clifford> esden: I'm now uploading a new snap with a lot of dietlibc fixes.
[14:18] < esden> blindcoder: yes
[14:18] < esden> clifford: ok ...
[14:19] < rxr> 2.5.12 is out .-.-..
[14:20]   clifford did not try any 2.5.x kernel so far... :-(
[14:20] < th> me neither
[14:20] < rxr> Hi cliff!
[14:20] < clifford> hi rene.
[14:20] < rxr> on my lappy 2.5.10 is running with ALSA and preemtion ... ;-)
[14:20] < esden> clifford: I thought you wanted my pathes first... but it were no patches at all ... two changed lines or so
[14:21] < esden> rxr: and is it stable ? faster ?
[14:21] < rxr> clifford: what I forgot to ask: Why did the patch format in 1.7 changed from -p0 to -p1? is there a technical reason?
[14:21] < martin_> Morgen Rene. Hast du noch meine Daten auf dem Server?
[14:22] < clifford> esden: I've fixed the following packages: binutils gcc bison curl diffutils fileutils gawk grep sh-utils tar textutils
[14:22] < rxr> esden: it has not crashed for me ;-) the preemtive kernel should be smother for interactive multi-media work - but my Lappy is that slow that is doesn't make a big differece ;-) But for audio work the latency is much reduced ;-)
[14:22] < clifford> esden: it's now possible to chrrot after stages 0 and 1 and work in a dietlibc-only system.
[14:23] < rxr> clifford: wow - nice! I seem to have to build such a dist for my lappy ;-)
[14:24] < blindcoder> esden> will you come home today or stay in munich?
[14:24] < clifford> rxr: almost every patch out there has the <pkg>-<ver> part in the filenames - so it's -p1 when you apply them within the package dir.
[14:25] < clifford> rxr: it's also easier to create such patches.
[14:25] < rxr> clifford: ah. So only a "it is nicer feature" ;-)
[14:26] -!- blindcoder is now known as blindy|away
[14:26] < clifford> rxr: yes.
[14:27]   clifford needs to contact fefe and ask some dietlibc questions....
[14:27] < clifford> BTW: I'm now having more dietlibc based bins on my system than fefe has on his download page ..
[14:27] < rxr> clifford: dRock 1.6.0 will be mostly 1.7 compatible. No .pz files an this patch format is not the same (makes cut'n paste package even easier ...)
[14:28] < esden> blindy|away: I will stay in munich
[14:29] < esden> clifford: yes contact him ... I will update now my buildtree to the newest snapshot
[14:29] < esden> clifford: what do you want to ask him ?
[14:30] -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E7B15E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[14:31] < clifford> E.g. why the following is in dietlibc's stdio.h:
[14:31] < clifford> #ifdef _GNU_SOURCE
[14:31] < clifford> ssize_t getline(char **lineptr, size_t *n, FILE *stream);
[14:31] < clifford> ssize_t getdelim(char **lineptr, size_t *n, int delim, FILE *stream);
[14:31] < clifford> #define getline(lineptr,n,stream) getdelim(lineptr,n,'\n',stream)
[14:31] < clifford> #endif
[14:31] < clifford> (dietlibc does not export this symbols)
[14:32] < huebi> re
[14:32] < clifford> hi!
[14:32] < rxr> Moin huebi!
[14:32] < th> hi huebi
[14:33] < esden> moin huebi
[14:35] < clifford> btw: the static dietlibc binaries are all bigger than the dynamic glibc binaries. So it only safes you diskspace if there are not so many bins.
[14:35] < rxr> clifford:  how much % bigger ?
[14:35] < esden> clifford: but you can also link dietlibc dinamicly
[14:36]   esden away smokin'
[14:37]   clifford released snapshot 1.7.0-DEV-200205011417.
[14:37] < clifford> rxr: about 10% - but that differs a lot depending on the program.
[14:39] < clifford> rxr: but the stripped glibc is 1.2M in size.
[14:39] < rxr> clifford: Jup I know - and how big is a dynamic dietlibc ?
[14:40] < clifford> rxr: as far as I know dietlibc can't be build as dynamic library.
[14:41] < clifford> rxr: dietlibc contains a dynamic linker (which is optional) - but that is something different.
[14:42] -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082A9A7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:42] < tsa> moin
[14:43] < esden> hi tsa
[14:43] < huebi> hi tsa
[14:43] < tsa> hi esden, huebi..
[14:43] < tsa> *gaeehn*
[14:43] < tsa> hm....kaffee ist auch nicht mehr das, was er mal war..
[14:43] < simon_> guten morgen
[14:44] -!- simon_ is now known as simon
[14:44] < tsa> moin msim
[14:44] < tsa> simon
[14:44] < tsa> m.
[14:44] < tsa> scheisse...ich kann noch nicht mal mehr tippen.
[14:44] < simon> hehe... :-)
[14:45] < tsa> hm..... esden, die stats sehen irgendwie komisch aus....
[14:45] < tsa> esden: die saeulen mit den daily stats gehen irgendwie nen ganzes stueck weiter nach rechts raus als alles andere...
[14:46] < tsa> sieht zumindest fuer mich irgendwie komisch aus..
[14:46] < tsa> soll das so sein?
[14:48] < esden> tsa: ich schaue es mir gleich an
[14:48] < tsa> ok, fein..
[14:49] < esden> tsa: stimmt .. ich habe den fehler schon mal gesehen ... ich werde dass statistikprogramm gleich umschreiben
[14:49] < esden> argh ich komme nicht auf meine kiste daheim drauf >_<
[14:49] < tsa> oki, danke..
[14:52] < esden> huebi: hast dir pz-config.sh schon angeschaut ?
[15:02] < huebi> esden: jo, aber noch nicht getestet
[15:04] -!- Netsplit carter.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: clifford, SMP
[15:05] -!- Netsplit over, joins: clifford, SMP
[15:07] -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E7B15E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:07] < rxr> hi martin_
[15:07] < martin_> hi rxr
[15:07] < martin_> rxr: Hast du meine Daten noch auf dem Server?
[15:07] < rxr> erm nee - brachst du die etwa?
[15:08] < martin_> rxr: Ein paar MP3's, E-Mails, ... alles weg!!
[15:17] -!- ripclaw [~ripclaw@pD9E1CE24.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:17] < bluefire> ripclaw: Guude!
[15:17] < ripclaw> hi bluefire !
[15:22] < rxr> Hm the last mail from Marcelo Tosatti on linux-kernel is from 04/23. I wonder when 2.4.19 develoment continous ...
[15:23] < ripclaw> hey, rxr - ppl have to take a few days off some time. when did you last time have the symptom of not beeing able to see abox without vomiting ?
[15:23] < tsa> hehehe
[15:24] < rxr> hi ripclaw ;-)
[15:25] < ripclaw> hi rxr
[15:27] < ripclaw> i should have gotten rid now of 95% of all spam !
[15:27] < ripclaw> "unsubscribe bug-hurd"
[15:28] < hackbard> hi ripclaw!
[15:28] < ripclaw> hi hacky
[15:28] < hackbard> moin rene
[15:28] < ripclaw> da faellt mir ein ich muss noch 2 kartons labeln und fertig machen.
[15:28] < ripclaw> hmpf
[15:29] < hackbard> had some troubles with spam mail yesterday too. .procmailrc works fine, but i wondered how to get sendmail not flood my var/log/messages file
[15:29] < tsa> LogLevel
[15:29] < hackbard> jo :)
[15:30] < tsa> "O LogLevel=9" is default afaik...just set it to something below..
[15:30] < hackbard> in sendmail.cf ?
[15:30] < tsa> yes
[15:30] < hackbard> or syslogd ?
[15:31] < ripclaw> rm sendmail - get zmailer or qmail :-)
[15:31] < tsa> you can also discard all this ("mail.* /dev/null" in syslog.conf)
[15:32] < ripclaw> sendmuell :-)
[15:32] < hackbard> hehe
[15:32] < tsa> "O LOgLevel=9" is foer sendmail.cf
[15:32] < hackbard> yeah, just saw it, and ur right 9 is default
[15:33] < rxr> ripclaw: or get exim ;-)
[15:33] < tsa> oh....btw...every change you make to sendmai.cf without touching sendmail.mc will earn you at least 5 guru points ;-)
[15:35] < ripclaw> why guru points ? nothing will work ?
[15:36] < clifford> tsa: "mail.* /dev/null" will only waste cpu time without any effect.
[15:36] < SMP> sendmail.cf is for wimps!
[15:36] < ripclaw> rm sendmail - get zmailer or qmail :-)
[15:36] < SMP> gurus can patch sendmail.fc with dd!
[15:36] < ripclaw> exim is ok, but i personally do not like its config
[15:37] < ripclaw> qmail is great, but the license sucks.
[15:37] < tsa> SMP: https://www.jaenicke.org/cat-powered.gif
[15:37] < ripclaw> courier - hmmmm. dunno, something bugged me about this.
[15:38] < ripclaw> *BFG*
[15:38] < clifford> SMP: gurus start sendmail with empty config files, atteches a debugger to the process and modifies the sendmail internal representation of it's config in the memory. When finished he creates a core dump and simply loads the core dump into memory when starting sendmail instead of starting the sendmail binary.
[15:38] < ripclaw> when i saw the url i thought about cats in a runwheeel
[15:38] < SMP> tsa: heh, cool ;)
[15:39]   tsa being away for an hour or something..
[15:39] < tsa> cu later.
[15:39] < ripclaw> su
[15:39] < ripclaw> s/su/cu
[15:39] < ripclaw> damnit, when mental processes write to neighbours space
[15:39] < SMP> clifford: I'd say this is easier than binary-hacking sendmail.fc, but I don't know for sure of course
[15:40] < SMP> clifford: difficulty also depends on whether sendmail was built -g or not and if it's stripped ;>
[15:40] < ripclaw> why not disassemble sendmail and link it with the right params ?
[15:42] < ripclaw> well, i prefer to be a wheenie with mail and still use a secure mailer.
[15:42] < ripclaw> s/mailer/mailerd
[15:42] < SMP> sendmail may suck, but it's great feeling when you hacked a really old version of sendmail to send a mail over the internet ;)
[15:43]   SMP collects emails he sends himself from ancient systems
[15:43] < ripclaw> SMP: i can feel the same after hacking my gopher code to compile on 2.2.5 glibc :-)
[15:43] < ripclaw> or have a fido-uunet and a fido-rfc822 mail gateway work together
[15:44] < clifford> SMP: programs which will be debuged have to be build with '-s -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -finline-functions -fstrength-reduce -fexpensive-optimizations .. and some mor ..
[15:44] < SMP> I have a mail sent from a Sendmail 5.65c/4.7 on DomainOS. I had to hand-hack sendmail.cf of course. was great fun ;)
[15:45] < SMP> clifford: of course! ;)
[15:45] < ripclaw> i have a solaris 1.1.4 box with latest patches and working sendmail downstairs.
[15:45] < ripclaw> hi clifford
[15:45] < clifford> hi ripclaw
[15:45] < SMP> SunOS 4.1.4? sun4?
[15:45] < SMP> sun3?
[15:45] < ripclaw> yes. i also have a install cdrom
[15:46] < ripclaw> (no tape, come on :-)
[15:46] < ripclaw> c0ffee is right now running sunos 4.1.2 and caffee is on sunos 4.1.4
[15:47] < ripclaw> c0ffee has qmail 1.0.3
[15:47] < ripclaw> (two sparcstation2)
[15:47] < clifford> hmmm .. dietlibc doesn't like c++. very boring.
[15:48] < ripclaw> clifford: dietlibc is by fefe, and iirc he doesn`t like c++ either.
[15:48] < SMP> I remember logging in on koeln.shuttle.de SunOS 4.1 as late as '97. my first experience with 'big' Unix iron
[15:48] < rxr> clifford: maybe you only need soem ifdef C_PLUS_PLUS extern "C" arround the the headers ??
[15:48] < SMP> there's not much Fefe likes in general ...
[15:48] < ripclaw> SMP: do you have access to a IRIX version that runs on a personal iris 3/35 ?
[15:49] < ripclaw> yes, fefeisms...
[15:49] < clifford> rxr: the 'diet' wrapper application just doesn't do anything if it's wrapping a c++ compiler ..
[15:49] < SMP> ripclaw: I know someone who has an IRIS running, but no media AFAIK
[15:49] < rxr> clifford: ah
[15:49] < clifford> rxr: (but I also don't like that dietlibc will like the C++ symbol names ..  :-)
[15:49] < ripclaw> SMP: if you want, i can get you a copy of the cdrom with a copy of the docs cdrom. i also have sunopsis access.
[15:50] < SMP> ripclaw: I don't have any sun hardware, thanks ;)
[15:50] < ripclaw> SMP: i have no system that can run on this box except iris, and whoever had the box messed it up.
[15:50] < esden> hi ripclaw
[15:50] < ripclaw> hi esden
[15:50] < clifford> SMP: But I don't see in which way dietlibc is cleaner than glibc. I've found some very dirty hacks in dietlibc today ..
[15:50] < rxr> clifford: what c++ symbol names should the dietlibc not like?
[15:51] < ripclaw> SMP: SGI has no more docs on it, no instmedia for anything that runs on it, and bell labs plan9 seems to be the only documentation.
[15:51] < SMP> clifford: try asking Fefe ;)
[15:52] < ripclaw> clifford: the advantage of dietlibc vs. glibc is - i only have to deal with half the amount of cruft and fefe instead of drepper.
[15:52] < SMP> clifford: I think his reasoning may be that dietlibc is just less in size, so it must be cleaner anyway ;)
[15:52] < rxr> clifford: but maybe c++ problems get problems when they utilize the stl which might require linking against libstdc++ and glibc ...  
[15:52] < ripclaw> i can drive over to fefe and beat him up if it all is necessary, drepper is a daytrip.
[15:53]   SMP listening to the OpenBSD 3.0 / 3.1 songs
[15:53] < SMP> clifford: https://www.openbsd.org/lyrics.html <- really cool ;)
[15:53] < clifford> rxr: as farr as I have seen, the dietlibc headers to not declare the functions as 'extern "C"' - so the symbols will not fit the ones in dietlibc.a ..
[15:54] < ripclaw> SMP: a old sun SparcStation (< 5) doesn`t cost anything these days. last time i aquired some, i got 7 plus working screens for 80 EUR
[15:54] < ripclaw> SMP: wvdputte asked if openbsd cannot bring ppl to linuxtag wether _we_ could sell their cdroms. sick, isn`T ?
[15:55] < clifford> SMP: in glibc a lot of work is done twice where it wouldn't be needed - in dietlibc a lot of stuff is not done at all which would be very importand ..  :-)
[15:55] < clifford> SMP: (and I do not talk about implementing more functions in dietlibc).
[15:56] < ripclaw> clifford: right. but i reason fefe wants to keep the feeling of "i miss something" or else its bloated in his view
[15:56] -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E7B15E.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[15:56] < clifford> ripclaw: as said - i don't talk about missing functions or missing features.
[15:56] < SMP> ripclaw: I already have an SGI Indigo2 that needs a IRIX 6.5 installed, an RS/6k that wants AIX 4.3.3 installed together with an AS/400 that wants it to speak SNA over TokenRing to. I don't need more crappy hardware ;->
[15:57] < clifford> ripclaw: I'm just talking about stuff like clean headers.
[15:57] < SMP> oh, and an HP Gecko with a broken HD
[15:57] < ripclaw> clifford: yes, he works very "it works for me" oriented.
[15:58] < ripclaw> SMP: i can give you aix 4.3.2 - and the ss2 is not crap :-)
[15:58]   clifford now really solved the gcc2 vs. gcc3 c++ problem ..
[15:58] < ripclaw> clifford: detail ?
[15:58] < SMP> ripclaw: I have 4.3.3 here
[15:58] < SMP> clifford: weee..
[15:58] < ripclaw> SMP: ok
[15:58] < SMP> ripclaw: https://www.schrotthal.de/ ;>
[15:59] < ripclaw> SMP: https://www.black-cube.net/SGI
[16:02] < clifford> I'm now uploading snap 1.7.0-DEV-200205011551 with the gcc2 vs. gcc3 fix.
[16:02] < ripclaw> ok !
[16:02]   clifford has to go now - cu!
[16:03] < ripclaw> cu cliff
[16:03] < rxr> cu clifford
[16:03] -!- clifford is now known as clifford_away
[16:11]   ripclaw gotta go
[16:12] < ripclaw> cu folks
[16:12] < rxr> cu ripclaw
[16:12] < rxr> I'm shortly away, too
[16:12] -!- ripclaw [~ripclaw@pD9E1CE24.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("time is a evil master")
[16:15] -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E7B15E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[16:25] < th> kann ich irgendwo http-handles per whois querien?
[16:26] < tsa> ...back again.
[16:33] < esden> tsa: ich habe die ircstats fertig : https://www.rocklinux.org/people/esden/ircstat/
[16:35] < tsa> esden: jupp, das sieht schon um einiges besser aus...  
[16:35] < tsa> hast du das selber gefixt oder gabs ne neue version von der software, mit der du die stats machst?
[16:37] < huebi> tsa: esden hat mit dem hexeditor einen wrapper drumherum asembliert :-)
[16:37] < tsa> hehe
[16:37] < esden> tsa: ich habe es selber gemacht
[16:38] < esden> ich schicke den jungs gleich einen patch
[16:38] < tsa> esden: hm.....fein. schick nen patch an den maintainer, die freuen sich bestimmt auch..
[16:38] < esden> tsa: vielleicht .. ;-)
[16:39] < esden> tsa: dass war kein problem dass zu machen ... ich frage mich deshalb wieso die es nicht gemacht haben ...
[16:39] < tsa> naja, alternativ schicken sie dir ne mail zurueck, das das alles muell waere und du nur zu dumm bist, ihr programm zu benutzen...
[16:39] < esden> tsa: es seidenn ich habe was uebersehen ...
[16:39] -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E7B15E.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[16:40] < esden> tsa: genau ... ;-)
[16:40] < tsa> ist aber wohl eher unwahrscheinlich ;M-)
[16:40] < tsa> hehe
[16:44] -!- cap [~cap@pD9048F78.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ()
[16:54] -!- inode [~inode@cs666986-234.satx.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux
[17:02] < esden> soo ich habe es auf deren sf seite submitted ...
[17:08] < esden> boa hebe ich nen hunger .. ich gehe mal was zum essen holen ...
[17:08] < esden> cheers ... bis spaeter
[17:13] < tsa> jo, bis denne.
[17:13] -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E7B15E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:16] < tsa> hi inode, martin_
[17:16] < martin_> hi tsa
[17:58] < esden> re
[17:58] < esden> hi inode martin_
[18:03] -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:03] < holyolli> moin
[18:03] < tsa> tag opfer.
[18:04] < holyolli> moin tesa.
[18:04] < tsa> wie isses?
[18:04] < tsa> alles fit?
[18:04] < holyolli> geht
[18:04] < tsa> *gaehn*
[18:04] < tsa> hm...
[18:04] < holyolli> <-- deprimiert
[18:04] < holyolli> und selber
[18:04] < tsa> wieso das?
[18:04] < tsa> och joo....geht wohl.
[18:05] < tsa> btw....morgen datenbanken?
[18:05] < holyolli> <-- wurde gestern abgefüllt
[18:05] < holyolli> *hmm* jo..könnten wa mal machen
[18:05] < tsa> rotfl.
[18:05] < tsa> von deiner frau?
[18:05] < holyolli> /* no comment */
[18:05] < holyolli> <-- _SEHR_ deprimiert
[18:05] < tsa> hahaha
[18:05] < holyolli> ;-)
[18:05] < tsa> *weglach*
[18:06] < tsa> ich glaub, du wirst echt langsam alt...
[18:06] < holyolli> :-P
[18:06] < tsa> schon nen zimmer in der huetten gegenueber von /dev/work reserviert?
[18:06] < holyolli> ich habs nur nicht verstanden..das waren 3 biergläser mit bacardi/coke im 50/50 verhältnis... und noch nen weizen und 4 weiter boer
[18:06] < holyolli> tsa: !maul
[18:06] < tsa> jajaja..
[18:07] < holyolli> und diese frau war nicht stramm...also nicht so wie ich
[18:07] < tsa> hm...also zumindest nicht deine frau?
[18:07] < holyolli> *hüstel*
[18:07] < holyolli> <kleinschrift> doch </kleinschrift>
[18:07] < tsa> hehe.
[18:07] < tsa> hat sie deinen zustand wenigstens ausgenutzt?
[18:07] < holyolli> fake: bist du grad da?
[18:07] < tsa> ;-)
[18:08] < holyolli> tsa: keine ahnung... :-/
[18:08] < tsa> oh..
[18:08] < holyolli> (eigendlich nicht)
[18:09] < holyolli> does anybody know if there's any password recovery procedure for a sgi computer?
[18:09] < tsa> prom passwort?
[18:09] < holyolli> precisely the system password when starting up
[18:09] < tsa> or root?
[18:09] < holyolli> "bios"-password
[18:10] < tsa> hm....nicht wirklich.
[18:10] < tsa> mal aufgemacht und nach jumper etc geschaut?
[18:10] < holyolli> nix gefunden
[18:10] < tsa> hm.
[18:10] < holyolli> aber nicht so genau geschaut...mehr gesaugt ;-)
[18:11] < tsa> wassn fuer ne cpu drin? ram?
[18:11] < tsa> gfx?
[18:13] < esden> new version of desc.vim online : https://www.rocklinux.org/people/esden/vim/
[18:13] < holyolli> keine ahnung
[18:13] < holyolli> hi esden
[18:13] < esden> hi holyolli !
[18:13] < holyolli> is ne graka drin, die aus zwei boards besteht
[18:13] < holyolli> mit lsi-chips drauf - mehr keine ahnung...ram ist auch drin ;-)
[18:13] < tsa> hm..
[18:13] < holyolli> alles andere kann ich erst sagen, wenn ich das passwort habe ;)
[18:14] < holyolli> ah
[18:15] < holyolli> <-- hat grad post von dettus bekommen mit anleitung :)
[18:21] -!- jonath[1630] is now known as jonath[an]
[18:21] < jonath[an]> hello there1
[18:21] < tsa> hi jonath[an]
[18:25] < esden> hi jonath[an]
[18:25] < holyolli> hi jonath[an]
[18:26] < jonath[an]> hi all
[18:26] < jonath[an]> how are u today?
[18:33] < esden> good thanks and you ?
[18:35] < jonath[an]> Esden: im fine , a bit tired, but im ok :)
[18:36] < holyolli> tsa?
[18:37] < holyolli> tsa: System IP22 / Processor: 200MHz r4400 / 64MB RAM / Graphics: GR3-Elan
[18:45] < tsa> hm...sind die anderen kisten baugleich?
[18:46] < tsa> ich tippe auf gruenes gehause. gleiche bauform wie die kiste, die wir mal @work hatten..
[18:46] < holyolli> tsa: nack.
[18:46] < holyolli> tsa: beia arbeit hatten wir ne indy
[18:47] < tsa> und dieses ist?
[18:47] < holyolli> indigo2
[18:49] < tsa> hm....was fuer nen monitor gabs dazu?
[18:50] < holyolli> 21"
[18:50] < holyolli> https://www.futuretech.vuurwerk.nl/pcw5-93i2.html <-- nen bericht
[18:50] < holyolli> wobei es nicht ganz die graka ist... aber fast ;)
[18:51] -!- clifford_ [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux
[18:51] < holyolli> hi clifford_
[18:51] < tsa> hi clifford_
[18:51] -!- clifford_away [~clifford@] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[18:52] < jonath[an]> hi DJ. Clifford
[18:55] < tsa> holyolli: kuehlkoerper auf der gfx?
[18:55] < holyolli> nope
[18:55] < tsa> hm...nich mal impct.
[18:55] < tsa> +a
[18:55] < holyolli> gr3-elan du nase....
[18:56] < tsa> taugt der monitor?
[18:56] < holyolli> .oO(wer lesen kann ;)
[18:56] < holyolli> ja
[18:56] < holyolli> macht bunte farben.
[18:56] < tsa> ja, is ja gut..
[18:57] < tsa> nee, dann werd ich das wohl lassen. impact gfx und und r10k waere interessant gewesen, aber fuer nen r4400 lohnt das imho nich.
[18:57] < tsa> ..und der monitor alleine waer mir zu riskant, da ich nicht weiss, ob der mit der sun laufen wuerde..
[18:58] < holyolli> https://www.obsolyte.com/sgi_indigo2/ <-- das ist die kiste
[19:00] < tsa> hm...jo.
[19:00] < tsa> falls du vorhaben solltest, gfx aufzuruesten, vorher informieren..
[19:00] < holyolli> wobei die graka schon ganz nett ist, der beschreibung nach
[19:01] < tsa> naja, fuer die zeit, aus der die kiste stammt, ist das schon ziemlich gut gewesen..
[19:01] < tsa> (grafikleistung)
[19:02] < holyolli> tsa: y? was meinst du wegen aufrüsten=
[19:03] < tsa> holyolli: die verschiedenfarbigen gehaeuse haben auch nen unterschiedlichen aufbau...die groesseren impact-karten passen nur in die lila gehaeuse..
[19:03] < holyolli> ah
[19:03] < tsa> ich weiss aber nicht, ab welcher karte genau das gilt..deswegen im zweifelsfall vorher irgendwo infos suchen..
[19:03] < esden> holyolli: that is the same box fake posesses
[19:04] < tsa> holyolli: ..und ich vermute mal, du willst das gehause nicht umbedingt fuer ne andere graka zurechtflexen... ;-)
[19:04] < holyolli> tsa: ma schaun ;-P
[19:05]   esden drueckt dem holyolli ne flex in die hand ;-)
[19:05] < holyolli> esden: is fake running rock or irix on the machine?
[19:05] < holyolli> esden: yo...thx! ;)
[19:05] < tsa> holyolli: argh....das tut man nicht, das ist schlimmer als vaterlandsverrat ;)
[19:05] < esden> holyolli: currently debian AFAIK
[19:06] < esden> holyolli: but he has also irix on the machine ...
[19:06] < rxr> wow dRock's new kernel config stuff works ;-)
[19:06] < esden> rxr: o_O
[19:07] < esden> huebi: r u here ?
[19:07] < tsa> holyolli: die sgi von neulich auf ebay waere high impact gewesen, allerdings auch nur r4400 250mhz
[19:08] < huebi> esden: Yes
[19:08] < holyolli> tsa: für wieviel?
[19:08] < jonath[an]> rxr: my xfree prob was a MTTR bug, and the sis driver was suckingwith my right video card, i had to use sis 530 driver instead
[19:08] < jonath[an]> dRock is cool now
[19:08] < rxr> jonath[an]: Nice to hear!
[19:09] < tsa> holyolli: ist weggegangen fuer 250 $ ...
[19:09] < holyolli> tsa: naja...von daher kann man diese indigo schon alt preiswerter bezeichnen..zumal halt auch kein versand draufkommt
[19:10] < tsa> holyolli: jup...die andere kiste haette noch schoene software und nen 20" dabeigehabt, aber wegen gewicht waere versand einfach zu teuer gewesen..
[19:10] < esden> huebi: bist du sehr beschaeftigt ? wenn nicht schaue dir pz-config an ... mich wuerde interessieren was du darueber denkst ... ich ueberlege mir sowas auch fuer 1.7 zu machen ... so in der art ... denn wir die .desc files sind schon ziemlich komplex geworden .. ;-)
[19:11] -!- ich_wschl is now known as wschlich
[19:11] < huebi> esden: mach ich. Jetzt geh' ich erst mal mit meiner Fabilie noch kurz vor die tuer :-))
[19:11]   esden denkt ... dass vielleicht paar UML grafiken nicht schlaecht waehren fuer 1.7 damin man bissel die dateiabhaengigkeit dokumentiert ...
[19:11] < tsa> holyolli: naja, der preis ist definitiv ok, aber imho primaer wegen dem 21" ..
[19:12] < esden> hmm ...
[19:12] < tsa> die kiste ist nettes spielzeug als beigabe ;)
[19:12] < holyolli> tsa: l33t3s spielzeug ;-)
[19:12] < esden> ich hasse dass ./scripts/Download so lange braucht !!!
[19:12] < tsa> holyolli: hehe
[19:13] < huebi> esden: Download bei 3 x parallel hier local in 11 min ;>
[19:13] < esden> huebi: haha ...
[19:13] < tsa> huebi: base only?
[19:13] < huebi> tsa: -all
[19:13] < esden> ich habe leider meine kiste nicht in der uni ...
[19:13] < tsa> huebi: anbindung?
[19:13] < esden> hier habe ich download raten vot 1MB sekunde
[19:14] < esden> manchmal auch mehr ..
[19:15] < huebi> ~11 MB/s 100MBit FD
[19:15] < esden> ahh dass ist ok .. ich teste mal kurz ...
[19:17] < huebi> kde kommt jetzt von aussen die Leitung reingekrochen ;-)
[19:17] < huebi> bist spaeter
[19:17] < huebi> ;-)
[19:21] -!- blindy|away is now known as blindcoder
[19:21] < blindcoder> konban wa, mina-san!
[19:21] < tsa> hm?
[19:22] < blindcoder> g'evening @all ;)
[19:22] < tsa> aaaah.
[19:22] < holyolli> hi blindcoder
[19:22] < jonath[an]> hi blindcoder
[19:29] < term_aweh> hi blindcoder
[19:29] < esden> hehe xinvaders is cool ....
[19:30] < esden> ftp://ftp.leo.org/pub/comp/os/unix/linux/sunsite/games/arcade/invaders/xinvaders.tar.gz
[19:31] < blindcoder> esden> yepp it is
[19:32] < esden> ahh hi blindcoder
[19:32] < esden> ;-)
[19:32] < huebi> re\
[19:33] -!- huebi_ [~huebi@p508174D3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:34] < holyolli> hi huebi
[19:34] < huebi_> hi holyolli
[19:34] < tsa> noch nen huebi..
[19:34] < huebi_> Schizophrenie?
[19:34] < esden> re huebi_
[19:34] < tsa> muss wohl..
[19:34] < blindcoder> split personality ;)
[19:34] < huebi_> hi huebi
[19:34] < tsa> kannst ja den anderen client wegschiessen..
[19:34] < huebi_> hehe
[19:35]   esden ist jetzt in #megatokyo@irc.megatokyo.com ;-)
[19:35] < huebi_> tsa: Nee, das ist meine screen session, die ich nur noch in der linux console wieder aufrufen kann. Keine Ahnung, was da los ist ;-(
[19:36] < tsa> hm...komisch das.
[19:36] < esden> huebi: screen -D -RR
[19:36] < esden> huebi: versucht ?
[19:37] < huebi_> tsa: Jo. Da tauchen immer nur so 2-3 Zeilen auf bei screen -rD
[19:37]   jonath[an] is using screen -D -RR with Splitvt and running BitchX in two differentes servers
[19:40] < huebi_> aszlig: screen -x did work before really perfect
[19:40] < blindcoder> verdammt.... jetzt hab ich zwöfl desktops und die reichen immer noch net...
[19:41] < tsa> kauf dir 12 monitore. mit 144 desktops solltest du eigentlich hinkommen.. ;)
[19:41] < huebi_> *g*
[19:41] < blindcoder> hmm naja... 6 monitore hab ich ja schon... nur net angeschlossen
[19:41] < aszlig> huebi_: ?
[19:42] < huebi_> aszlig: jo?
[19:43] < aszlig> < huebi_> aszlig: ...
[19:43] < huebi> aszlig: ??
[19:44] < aszlig> huebi: hrm, never mind ;)
[19:44] -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has quit ("Connection reset by telekom")
[20:07] -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:07] < holyolli> re
[20:07] < tsa> re holyolli
[20:09] < rxr> is someone here experienced in GIMP scripting ?
[20:10] < tsa> <- sysadmin, not webdesigner ;)
[20:10] < rxr> tsa: it is not for web-design ;-)
[20:10] < huebi_> hi holyolli
[20:11] < holyolli> rxr: tsa says this everytime...
[20:11] < rxr> hehe
[20:11] < jonath[an]> *g
[20:12] < holyolli> rxr: he has some bad memories when he was at work and said that he knows windows-server-stuff... *eg*
[20:12] < huebi_> *LOOOL*
[20:12] < tsa> holyolli: my gimp knowledge still is sufficient to make a new background image when you forgot to log yourself off again..
[20:12] < tsa> i don't need anything more.
[20:13] < huebi_> Btw. tsa, where do I have to tweek eNTe for more performance?
[20:13] < holyolli> tsa: yes..but this time it was <beabsichtigt> to stay logged in... :-P
[20:13] < huebi_> ;-))))
[20:13] < tsa> holyolli: uhm...afaik it was _you_ telling i had windoze skillz :-P
[20:13] < holyolli> tsa: yes..but you ack'ed it :-P
[20:14] < tsa> holyolli: to transfer your porn collection to the backup server, i know...
[20:14] < jonath[an]> xDD
[20:14] < huebi_> Wait a moment I need a beer
[20:14] < huebi_> for that flame ;P
[20:15] < tsa> huebi_: i have no idea. you could try to rewrite the code.
[20:15] < huebi_> ok. Go go go go!
[20:15] < tsa> hehe
[20:15] < holyolli> tsa: erm..you don't have to transfer _your_ doings to mine...i just backuped some movies ;)
[20:16] < tsa> hehe....it wasn't _my_ movies...
[20:16] < holyolli> tsa: that's right..i don't want to have your pOrn-stuff....
[20:16] < holyolli> ;)
[20:16] < jonath[an]> hehe
[20:17] < tsa> -rw-r--r--    1 holyolli    users   509MB Holyolli.and.girlfriend.avi
[20:17] < tsa> hm...
[20:18] < holyolli> *hmm* but there's one error:
[20:18] < holyolli> id holyolli
[20:18] < holyolli> id: holyolli: No such user
[20:18] < holyolli> :-P
[20:18] < jonath[an]> can i get that video tsa?
[20:18] < jonath[an]> *g
[20:18] < tsa> oh....so you don't even exist..
[20:19] < tsa> jonath[an]: sure...what's your credit card number? ;-)
[20:19] < jonath[an]> hehe
[20:19] < tsa> holyolli: shup up now...we're just about to earn some money with this ;-)
[20:19] < holyolli> tsa: ack.
[20:19]   tsa laughing..
[20:19] < jonath[an]> LOL
[20:19] < tsa> holyolli: 50/50 ok?
[20:19] < holyolli> jonath[an]: i have also some hidden cam-videos from tsa@home ;-)
[20:20] < holyolli> tsa: jo
[20:20] < esden> argh ... this dietlibc mailinglist is terrible ... or at least the subscription mechanism sux
[20:20] < tsa> .oO( dd if=/dev/zero of=holyolli.part2.avi )
[20:20] < jonath[an]> esden:
[20:20] < jonath[an]> esden: about dietlibc....
[20:20] < tsa> now i can even make custom videos...
[20:20] < tsa> ;)
[20:20] < jonath[an]> esden: is the prob is srcs solved?
[20:21] < tsa> hm....let's see..
[20:21] < jonath[an]> esden: is the prob in Rock srcs solved?
[20:21] < tsa> dd if=/dev/zero of=esden.and.huebi.mpeg  <- anyone interested? ;-)
[20:22] < tsa> *G*
[20:22] < jonath[an]> -=[LOL]-=
[20:24] < esden> tsa: yes sure send it to me on my avian carriers connected box avian://esden@esden.net
[20:24] < tsa> hehe
[20:48] -!- wschlich_ [~wschlich@p50815AD3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:48] < huebi_> https://www.heise.de/ct/browsercheck/n6demo1.shtml?tpath=%2Fetc%2Fhosts <- Mozilla bug greater 0.9.7
[20:49] < tsa> already known....bugtraq
[20:49] < tsa> galeon 1.2.0 doesn't seem to be affected..
[20:49] < holyolli> ...und heise news
[20:49] < huebi_> > /usr/bin/install -c strip -m 755 rsync /usr/bin
[20:49] < huebi_> > /usr/bin/install: cannot stat `strip': No such file or directory
[20:49] < huebi_> > make: *** [install] Error 1
[20:49] < huebi_> /var/adm/logs/3-rsync.out -> 3-rsync.err
[20:49] < huebi_> any ideas?
[20:50] < holyolli> nope - is the same at alpha ;)
[20:50] < holyolli> <-- wanted also to question this
[20:51] < huebi_> I'll have a look at it now...
[20:52] < huebi_> Where do I find the SF cvs
[20:52] < huebi_> ?
[20:52] < huebi_> I never used it ;-)
[20:53] < esden> huebi_: I have fixed it some time ago ... not ?
[20:53] < tsa> huebi
[20:53] < tsa> export CVS_RSH="ssh"
[20:54] < tsa> export CVSROOT=:ext:USERNAME@cvs.rock-package.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/rock-package
[20:54] < tsa> cvs co package
[20:55] < esden> huebi_: I have the patch ...
[20:55] < esden> i send it to you as mail ...
[20:55] < huebi_> esden: I got it
[20:56] < esden> ???
[20:56] < huebi_> from www.rocklinux.org
[20:56] < esden> ahh ok
[20:56] < esden> sorry ...
[20:56]   jonath[an] jonath[awa]
[20:56] < esden> I have to look through if there are pending patches on my machine ...
[20:56] -!- jonath[an] is now known as jonath[awa]
[20:58] < holyolli> question...is libsafe essentially needed for alpha? it doesn't want to compile in any way.... :(
[20:59] < tsa> no.
[20:59] < tsa> read [I] and [T].
[21:00] < tsa> it's a security add-on, but you don't need it.
[21:00] < holyolli> ah i c
[21:00] < tsa> it tries to protect the stack.
[21:01] < tsa> this is arch-specific code. i guess it won't compile on anything but ia-32
[21:01] < holyolli> ack.
[21:02] < huebi_> strip.patch for rsync is adjusted to 1.5 and applied.
[21:02] < holyolli> huebi: dcc mal bitte ;)
[21:04] < holyolli> thx
[21:04] < huebi_> so, now i know /dcc send. Quite easy
[21:05] < holyolli> *lol*
[21:05] < huebi_> I never did that before ;)
[21:06] -!- wschlich [~wschlich@p50814BD7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out)
[21:07] < huebi_> hmm, downloading OOo_1.0.0_source.tar.bz2 needs some patinece
[21:07] < esden> grrrrrrr ....
[21:07] < huebi_> esden: Fass!
[21:07] < esden> *metzel*
[21:08] < huebi_> esden: braves Hundchen
[21:08] < esden> *gg*
[21:08] < esden> *ruelps*
[21:08] < huebi_> esden: so und jezt leg ab! das Bein mehmen wir nicht mit nach Hause
[21:09] < huebi_> hehe\
[21:09] < esden> *lieben-hundeblick-aufsetz*
[21:09] < tsa> hehehe
[21:09] < huebi_> *esdentaetschel*
[21:10] < esden> *bein-vor-huebi-ableg*
[21:10] < huebi_> uups
[21:11] < esden> *fragendschau*
[21:11] < tsa> huebi: hm...wie lange hast du gebraucht, bis du esden das alles beigebracht hast? ;-)
[21:11] < huebi_> Fein, hier ein grosser Hundekeks
[21:12] < esden> *auf-den-boden-leg-und-genuesslich-am-keks-rumbeiss*
[21:12] < huebi_> 10 min mit dem Elektroschocker. Offiziell aber 2 Jahre Hundetraining. *g*
[21:13] < esden> *keks-zu-ende-fress-und-huebi-verspeiss* *mit-huebi's-bein-im-maul-wieder-nachhausegeh*
[21:15] < holyolli> hehe
[21:16] < blindcoder> tja... auf die hundewschulen ist halt kein verlass mehr
[21:17] < esden> blindcoder: dass hat man davon wenn man hacker-hunde daheim haelt ;-)
[21:18] < blindcoder> schon...
[21:19] < blindcoder> oder otaku-dogs. die schaun sich die animes immer gleich an wenn sie sie in die pfoten bekommen haben ;)
[21:20] < holyolli> huebi: kann es sein, dass rpm nicht mehr baut?
[21:21] < blindcoder> --- cut ---
[21:21] < blindcoder> Unser bester Programmierer der Piotr Esden
[21:21] < blindcoder> --- cut ---
[21:22] < tsa> hehe
[21:22]   tsa haengt esden mal ne Steuermarke um.
[21:22] < tsa> ...sonst kommt er noch ins Heim..
[21:22] < tsa> ;-)
[21:22] < blindcoder> :)
[21:22] < holyolli> <-- geht mal den maulkorb suchen...
[21:22]   blindcoder erschiesst esden#
[21:23] < blindcoder> hatte tollwut
[21:23] < tsa> notschlachten?
[21:23] < tsa> oh.
[21:23] < tsa> hm...naja, koennen ja immer noch seife kochen ;)
[21:24] < blindcoder> neee mit dem wasch ich mich net...
[21:24] < holyolli> *hmm* irgendwo gabs ja auch hundefleischtee oder so..vieleich können wir ihn ja noch gewinnbringen verkaufen...
[21:25] < holyolli> tsa: wann ist morgen datenbanken?
[21:25] < tsa> 12-14. frag mich nicht, wo..
[21:26] < holyolli> wo? *duck*
[21:30] < blindcoder> hmm ich schau mir noch nen letzten anime an dann geh ich ins betti
[21:30] < blindcoder> gute ancht alle miteinander
[21:30] -!- blindcoder is now known as blindy|sleeping
[21:30] < tsa> cu blindy|sleeping
[21:30] < tsa> gut' nacht..
[21:32] < huebi_> cu blindy|sleeping
[21:33] < huebi_> holyolli: rpm funktioniert hier
[21:33] < holyolli> hm
[21:33] < holyolli> das patchen klappt .net
[21:33] < tsa> -p0 <--> -p1
[21:33] < holyolli> der db3-patch
[21:34] < holyolli> naja..das Build-script sollte es einfach machen. und das tut es nicht ;)
[21:34] < huebi_> rpm/rpm-4.0.4.tar.gz ftp://ftp.rpm.org/pub/rpm/dist/rpm-4.0.x/
[21:34] < holyolli> jo...
[21:35] < huebi_> in 1.5 gibt's kein db3-patch
[21:35] < huebi_> nur no_src_redhat.patch
[21:35] < holyolli> *hmm* und warum ist der dann da drin...? *wunder*
[21:36] < holyolli> dann schmeiss ich den hier mal raus... ;)
[21:36] < huebi_> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/rock-1.5/base-config/rpm/no_src_redhat.patch?rev=1.2&content-type=text/plain
[21:37] < huebi_> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/rock-1.5/base-config/rpm/#no_src_redhat.patch
[21:37] < tsa> aehm...
[21:37] < tsa> holyolli: auf welchem tree arbeitest du?
[21:38] < holyolli> tsa: 1.5
[21:38] < tsa> hm...in huebi's tree ist kein db3-patch. in 1.7 ist auch keiner....wo hast du deinen tree her? *wunder*
[21:38] < holyolli> _das_ frag ich mich auch...vieleicht war das nen älterer patc
[21:38] < holyolli> +h
[21:39] < holyolli> ich hab eigendlich nen cvs-update von huebis tree gemacht
[21:39] < holyolli> also vor ein paar tagen
[21:39] < tsa> vor nen paar tagen == alt.
[21:39] < huebi_> holyolli: cvs co rock-1.5 ;-)
[21:39] < huebi_> Seit fuenf wochen hat sich bei rpm nichts mehr geaendert
[21:40] < holyolli> huebi: wie ist denn das, wenn ich einzelne files schon für alpha entsprechend geändert habe...gibts sowas wie nen cvs diff?
[21:40] < huebi_> ja, aber frag mich nicht, wie das funktioniert.
[21:41] < holyolli> hm
[21:42] < huebi_> holyolli: Du kannst mir deinen cvs-tree einfach bzip2en und uploaden. Ich merge das dann einfach mal ftp://rocklinux.dyndns.org/upload/
[21:43] < holyolli> *hm* o.k. - wobei ich nicht weiss, was wirklich davon auf den cvs sollte.. ;)
[21:44] < huebi_> Was koennte denn nicht mit drauf sollen?
[21:44] < holyolli> unsaubere fixes
[21:44] < holyolli> ;)
[21:44] < huebi_> sind die denn getestet?
[21:44] < holyolli> bin dabei
[21:45] < holyolli> die sind aber halt nur für alpha und sollten bei intel nichts tun...und das muss ich noch nachsehen ;)
[21:45] < huebi_> axo
[21:48] < huebi_> du kannst sie mir auch so geben, ich bin sowieso gerade am testen ;-)
[21:48] < holyolli> <-- liest grad manpage von cvs ;)
[21:48] < tsa> oerghl..
[21:48] < tsa> nimm lieber das cvs-rcs-howto
[21:49] < tsa> -> google.
[21:49] < holyolli> www.linuxdoc.org - ich weiss ;-)
[21:50] < huebi_> ohh cvs u=is updated
[21:50] < huebi_> holyolli: https://www.cvshome.org/docs/manual/ <- das nehme ich
[21:56] < holyolli> hm
[21:57] < huebi_> https://users.footprints.net/~kaz/mcvs.html <- und das werde ich noch in cvs mit einbauen. ;-)
[22:02] < huebi_> Wie bekomme ich eigendlich die http Anfragen an rocklinux.dyndns.org durch den Rechner hindurch ins lokale netz zur Nimdafangmaschine weitergeleitet?
[22:03] < holyolli> man mod_rewrite? ;-)
[22:03] < huebi_> holyolli: Hast du sowas schon mal gemacht?
[22:04] -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs4.xs4all.nl] has joined #rocklinux
[22:04] < holyolli> huebi: bisher noch nicht in dem masse
[22:05] < huebi_> lol
[22:05] < huebi_> ``The great thing about mod_rewrite is it gives you all the configurability and flexibility of Sendmail. The downside to mod_rewrite is that it gives you all the configurability and flexibility of Sendmail.''
[22:05] < huebi_>      -- Brian Behlendorf
[22:05] < huebi_>      Apache Group
[22:05] < holyolli> *lol*
[22:05] < tsa> hehehehe
[22:05] < huebi_> `` Despite the tons of examples and docs, mod_rewrite is voodoo. Damned cool voodoo, but still voodoo. ''
[22:05] < huebi_> Arghhh
[22:05] < holyolli> hehe
[22:06] < holyolli> huebi's new profession: voodoo-master ;-)
[22:06] < holyolli> <-- has some remindings to monkey island ;)
[22:07] < th> huebi_: is die hardware eigentlich schon bei smp?
[22:08] < huebi_> vorhin war die diskussion mit sendmail. Ich habe erst vor ~1.5 Jahren herrausgefunden, das es eine sendmail.m4 gibt und habe bis dahin immer die sendmail.cf von Hand direkt bearbeitet. .oO Jetzt geht das schon wieder los...
[22:08] < huebi_> th: Jo, seit Montag.
[22:08] < huebi_> th Tach auch ;-)
[22:09] < th> jo tach
[22:09] < th> ich mach gerade mal ein paar apache-* updates... mod_python-4.7.8 php-4.2.0 apache 1.3.24
[22:09] < huebi_> moch 10 min und qt-3.0.3 ist gar ...
[22:09] < huebi_> th: sehr gut
[22:12] < huebi_> Ich habe diese woche ein script fuer apache 1.3.24, mod_perl, php, mm, MySQL geschrieben. geht jetzt fuer Anfaenger ganz einfach zu bauen. Wichtig fuer gleiche Softwarestaende auf allen Maschinen.
[22:17] < ringo78> I am getting some trouble with X (fbdev) (EE) FBDev(0): Specified fbbpp (15) is not a permitted value. What's wrong here ?
[22:18] < huebi_> Sun hat Interesse ROCK Linux zu unterstuetzen ;-)))
[22:18] < holyolli> hihi...warum das?
[22:18] < huebi_> ringo78: wrong colour depth
[22:18] < holyolli> verkaufen die nu suns im rock-design? ;)
[22:19] < ringo78> what do I alter ?
[22:19] < th> huebi_: wow. in wiefern?
[22:20] < th> huebi_: sinnvoll waere es, wenn dein script meine extensions benutzt. alles andere bringt redundanz und doppelten update aufwand
[22:20] < huebi_> holyolli: Weil ich bei denen immer mal wieder, so alle 2 Monate mal nachgefragt habe. Mal sehen ob es eine Blade 1000 oder 2000 mit zwei dicken Prozessoren gibt.
[22:20] < holyolli> k3wl
[22:20] -!- kvak|uninvited [uninvited@pD9E50CF2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ROCKLINUX
[22:20] < kvak|uninvited> Hellooooooo
[22:21] < ringo78> huebi_ Do yo you know where I can set it ? Somewhere in XF86Config ??
[22:22] < holyolli> hi kvak
[22:22] < huebi_> th: Is fuer 'nen Kunden. Und der Sabine mit 2 Monaten Unix Erfahrung den Rock Build beizubringen, ist etwas, was mir dann doch erst mal zu aufwendig war. Kommt aber noch. ;-)
[22:22] < th> hehe ok
[22:23] < huebi_> ringo78: DefaultDepth 15
[22:23] < huebi_>     Subsection "Display"
[22:23] < huebi_>         Depth       24
[22:23] < huebi_> change DefaultDepth to 8
[22:23] < ringo78> thanks huebi_ !
[22:23] < huebi_> ringo78: in XF86Config
[22:23] < huebi_> ringo78: or 16
[22:24] < huebi_> ringo78: just test it
[22:24] < ringo78> I'll try it thanks !
[22:24] < huebi_> :-)
[22:26] < huebi_> die SUN BLADE 1000 mit 2x900MHz ist genau so schnell, wie 2x Athlon MP1200
[22:26] < huebi_> na mal sehen, was sich mit SUN zusammen machen laesst.
[22:26] < holyolli> jo
[22:27] < holyolli> und wo sollen die kisten dann hin und was soll mit denen genau gemacht werden?
[22:27] < huebi_> Rock-Linux auf Ultrasparc III portiert werden
[22:28] < huebi_> entweder zu mir oder vielleicht zu SMP.
[22:29] < huebi_> Am liebsten waere mir hier wegen des direkten Hardwarezugriffes.
[22:30] < huebi_> hmm qt braucht schon 41 min ....???
[22:30] < holyolli> wie ist eigendlich der aktuelle stand von rock auf mips?
[22:30] < huebi_> holyolli: fake und clifford fragen
[22:31] < holyolli> tsa?
[22:33] -!- kvak|uninvited [uninvited@pD9E50CF2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("w?Ee0oELo3wnz4m2v5EspI7BMzthMkCrzZSCVcWvaiNo?xPL1rASSjznN2w8Dcx0DPASPw00")
[22:36] < huebi_> 48 min fur qt. ging schon mal schneller..
[22:40] -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs4.xs4all.nl] has quit ("Leaving")
[22:41] < huebi_> th: sudo is updated on the ftp server...
[22:41] < esden> menno muss fileutils so gross sein ... *heul*
[22:41] < huebi_> esden: Ja!
[22:41] < huebi_> hehe
[22:41] < esden> huebi_: ah mennooo *nochmehrheul*
[22:42] < esden> *schrei* *flenn*
[22:42] < th> huebi_: oh also 404?
[22:42] < th> und ich bin maintainer?
[22:43] < huebi_> # [M] Tobias Hintze <th@rocklinux.org>
[22:43] < huebi_> th kein 404 aber 1.5 -> 1.6.6
[22:44] < th> # [D] 681056499 sudo.tar.gz ftp://ftp.sudo.ws/pub/sudo/
[22:45] < th> hehe
[22:45] < th> also cksum korrigieren
[22:45] < huebi_> jo
[22:45] < th> schon dabei
[22:46] < th> gehoert bei nicht-versionstragenden URLs eigentlich auf 0 gesetzt
[22:47] < th> sudo adapted
[22:47] -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A50.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux
[22:47] < snyke> hi all
[22:47] < holyolli> hi snyke
[22:49] < huebi_> hi snyke
[22:50] < huebi_> th danke
[22:55] < th> huebi_: wie kann ich in 1.5er extensions files explizit von der flist ausschliessen?
[22:55] < th> apache-php beinhaltet wegen manipulationen an httpd.conf selbige in der flist
[22:56] < huebi_> th: Weiss ich nicht. Das muesste aber clifford genau wissen.
[22:56] < th> clifford_: gabs da ne exclude option?
[23:00] < huebi_> th:  lass die httpd.conf doch unberuehrt und aendere das mit einem setup script unter /etc/setup.d/
[23:02] < th> ungern
[23:02] < th> wer fuehrt die scripts unter /etc/setup.d/ aus?
[23:03] < huebi_> th /usr/sbin/pkg-install
[23:04] < huebi_> 3h02 fuer download von OpenOffice 1.0 src
[23:05] < rxr> th: das install_bin nach der installation ...
[23:05] < huebi_> rxr: Aber nur, wenn du das packet nicht nachinstallierst.
[23:08] < huebi_> pkg-install braucht da wohl noch eine erweiterung...
[23:12] < th> ich mach immer nur ./Build-Pkg
[23:13] < huebi_> th: in apache.conf kanst du noch die Funktionen update() und setup() einbauen. IIRC
[23:14] < th> ich baue ja nur .ext
[23:14] < holyolli> has this "cc1: warnings being treated as errors" any reason or is it possible to disable this feature?
[23:14] < th> es gab da aber ne variable zum excluden fuer die flist IIRC
[23:14] < th> .conf ist dann autogenerated
[23:14] < huebi_> dann in .ext
[23:15]   huebi_ liest gerade man sudo. Sehr interessant.
[23:16] < tsa> huebi: sudo noch nie benutzt?
[23:16] < huebi_> noe, nie Zeit gehabt und immer vertraueswuerdige user.
[23:16] < th> huebi_: also die funktionen setup und update in das .ext file reinnehmen?
[23:16] < tsa> huebi: ist eigentlich aeusserst praktisch..
[23:17] < th> schon alleine weil ich keine root-passwoerter tippen will
[23:19] < huebi_> Ich weiss nicht, wie das mit den Funktionen geht. Das muss aber irgendwo in der Docu stehen.
[23:24] < th> huebi_: was meintest du vorhin mit der sun unterstuetzung?
[23:25] < huebi_> th: das die eine schnelle Maschine mit 1-2 _sehr_ schnellen CPU's fuer Rocklinux zur Verfuegung stellen.
[23:26] < huebi_> hat jemand erfahrung mit rdist?
[23:26] < th> cool.
[23:26] < th> huebi_: fuer sparc porting oder als server?
[23:27] < huebi_> fuer sparc porting
[23:27] < th> sehr geil
[23:27] < huebi_> th: Aber sehr zaeh, die Sunnies
[23:29] < huebi_> ftp://ftp.sun.com/pub/ <- alles lehr. Nur fuer uns, hehe
[23:30] < huebi_> s/lehr/leer/
[23:30] -!- term_aweh [~pm@beaufort.wyzant.de] has quit ("gn8")
[23:30] < tsa> hm?
[23:30] < tsa> wie jetzt?
[23:30] < huebi_> ftp platz von sun ist auch eine gute idee
[23:31] < tsa> wieso ist ftp.sun.com ploetzlich leer?
[23:31]   tsa versteht grad gar nix.
[23:32] < huebi_> tsa: Es ist einfach leeh. Warum ist doch klar: ROCKlinux kommt. ;-))))
[23:32] < huebi_> ftp://ftp.sun.com/pub/
[23:32] < tsa> warum sollte rocklinux dahin kommen?
[23:33] < tsa> <- doof
[23:33] < huebi_> tsa <- auf der leitung steh
[23:33] < holyolli> +t
[23:33] < holyolli> ;)
[23:33] < tsa> huebi: ja, im moment definitiv. ich raff hier grad gar nix mehr.
[23:33] < tsa> ich such ma nen bier.
[23:34] < tsa> *plopp*
[23:34] < tsa> soo..
[23:34] < huebi_> tsa: Weil SUN das Engagement fuer Linux geaendert hat. Jetzt koennen die vielleicht ja auch ftp platz mit dicker Leitung sponsoren
[23:35] < tsa> huebi: dass Sun in Zukunft was mit Linux machen will, weiss ich auch....
[23:36] < huebi_> Squid/2.4.STABLE6 <- Das war ein guter Tip. Jetzt geht es wieder ohne lag
[23:36] < tsa> hehe.
[23:36] < esden> weeeeee !!!! ich habe es geschaft!!! weeeeee !!! ich habe geschafft fileutils mit dietlibc zu bauen !!! weeeee!!!
[23:36] < tsa> wer ueberzeugt sun davon, dass sie rock nehmen sollen?
[23:36] < tsa> huch?
[23:37] < esden> *jump-around* *jump-around*
[23:37]   tsa geht in Deckung..
[23:37] < huebi_> esden: fefeutils-0.0.1 hehehe Herxlichen Gluehstrumpf!! :-)))
[23:37]   esden fuchtelt mit don armen herum
[23:38] < esden> dass war aber ne scheisse!!!
[23:38] < tsa> hm....geht wohl nicht anders, sonst verletzt er noch wen..
[23:38] < tsa> *pfanneraushol*
[23:38] < holyolli> *fg*
[23:38] < tsa> Dooooong!
[23:38] < tsa> so, nu sollte esden ruhig sein ;)
[23:38] < huebi_> tsa: Sun hat schon ewig ein eigenes Linux in den Cobalt servern
[23:39] < esden> tsa kitzel mich net !!
[23:39] < tsa> huebi: sie sollten rock nehmen. (und mir nen a1000 schenken)
[23:39] < huebi_> ..und da sach noch einer so eine schwarz/weiss Konsole sei nicht lustig... ;-))))))
[23:40] < esden> tsa: dass bringt eh nichts denn mein kopf ist leer und dann bringt darauf hauen nichts ;-)
[23:40] < huebi_> tsa: Wenn, dann richtig: E15k
[23:40] < tsa> huebi: ich hab kein starkstrom hier..
[23:40] < holyolli> .oO(hey..dann könnte man esden als kirchenglocke verkaufen und kohle machen...und von der kohle ziehen wir uns ne fette sun)
[23:40] < tsa> hehe
[23:41] < huebi_> tsa: Schmeiss den Herd raus. der Anschluss reicht.
[23:41] < tsa> hehe
[23:43] -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E7B15E.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[23:43] < huebi_> fuer 'nen cluster muss halt der Durchlauferhitzer dran glauben... ;-)
[23:43] < tsa> geht klar, kein ding.
[23:43] < tsa> ich hab noch nen kuehlschrank..
[23:44] < rxr> tsa: der haengt aber wohl an ner normalen steckdose ..
[23:44] < tsa> rxr: ok...den tausch' ich dann gegen ne blade.
[23:45] < rxr> tsa: wirf liever den herd raus in die fridge gehoehrt das beer ;-)
[23:45] < tsa> hehe.
[23:45] < huebi_> Enterpise 3500 = Minibar ;-)
[23:45] < tsa> achja....ausserdem haette ich gerne noch nen case von ner v880...so als kleinerschrank waer das echt kultig.
[23:45] < holyolli> hehe
[23:45] < tsa> s,n,d,
[23:46] < esden> alpha:/usr/local/data/1.7/test/fileutils-4.1.8.bak/src# ls -la ls
[23:46] < esden> -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       216511 May  2 00:36 ls
[23:46] < esden> alpha:/usr/local/data/1.7/test/fileutils-4.1.8.bak/src# ls -la /bin/ls
[23:46] < esden> -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        45344 Dec 28 04:39 /bin/ls
[23:46] < huebi_> tsa: eine neue Origin 3400 macht sich auch gut
[23:46] < esden> hmpf
[23:46] < rxr> esden: urgh
[23:46] < rxr> esden: this is big!
[23:47] < huebi_> rxr: Tetris inside
[23:47] < esden> rxr: yes the first one is with dietlibc and the second one the normal one with glibc
[23:47] < tsa> esden: haeh?
[23:47] < snyke> ah
[23:47] < snyke> hi esden
[23:47] < tsa> -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        46624 Sep  4  2001 /bin/ls
[23:47] < tsa> glibc
[23:47] < tsa> da passt irgendwas bei dir nich.
[23:49] < esden> hi snyke
[23:49] < esden> tsa: warum ?
[23:49] < rxr> fairer weise muesstest du static ls von glibc mit der dietlibc vergleichen ...
[23:49] < esden> rxr: momment ...
[23:49] < rxr> aber deine dietlibc teil kommt mir seltsam vor
[23:50] < rxr> clifford_ meinte die werden so 10% groeser ...
[23:50] < rxr> oder benutzt ls so viele functionen ?
[23:51] < tsa> huebi: wo wir schon dabei sind...ich haette dann gerne auch noch nen type5 keyboard mit ps2-anschluss.. ;-)
[23:51] < tsa> tippt sich einfach prima mit den teilen..
[23:51] < huebi_> tsa: Das kann ripclaw besorgen. Der sitzt direkt an der Quelle.
[23:52] < tsa> huebi: ja...mit sun-anschluss...
[23:52] < tsa> type6 gibt's als USB..
[23:52] < huebi_> tsa: kann man doch umloeten, oder?
[23:52] < tsa> huebi: AFAIK nein.
[23:53] < esden> rxr: wie bringe ich dem ding bei dass es static compiliert ....
[23:53] < esden> hmm ...
[23:54] -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs4.xs4all.nl] has joined #rocklinux
[23:54] < rxr> esden: -static?
[23:54] < tsa> huebi: sun keyboard benutzen TTL RS232 bei 1200 baud.
[23:54] < rxr> und older -Lblablabla.a ? ;_)
[23:54] < rxr> tsa: ist doch kool - pack es an die com
[23:54] < rxr> und hack nen Linux treiber ;-)
[23:55] < tsa> hehe
[23:56] < huebi_> ringo78: does your X work now?
[23:59] < rxr> schit
[23:59] < huebi_> rxr: from a cow?
[23:59] < rxr> warum will der image-magic muell denn X11 connecten - kann man das abstellen?
[23:59] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD95229F5.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[23:59] < esden> alpha:/usr/local/data/1.7/test/fileutils-4.1.8/src# ls -la ls
[23:59] < esden> -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       528674 May  2 00:59 ls
[23:59] < esden> alpha:/usr/local/data/1.7/test/fileutils-4.1.8/src# ls -la /bin/ls
[23:59] < esden> -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        45344 Dec 28 04:39 /bin/ls
[23:59] < esden> alpha:/usr/local/data/1.7/test/fileutils-4.1.8/src# ls -la ../../fileutils-4.1.8.bak/src/ls
[23:59] < esden> -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       216511 May  2 00:36 ../../fileutils-4.1.8.bak/src/ls
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Thu May 02 00:00:01 2002