--- Log opened Fri May 03 00:00:00 2002 --- Day changed Fri May 03 2002 00:00 < Mike1> im sorry 00:00 < rxr> some initial confusen was created becasue Rip said he ships it - but meant he does some major testing before ... ;-) 00:00 < hackbard> my alst info is that it all works 00:01 < Mike1> hackbard u got it? 00:01 < jonath[an]> Mike1: what about the work? 00:01 < hackbard> no not yet too 00:02 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux 00:02 < Mike1> hackbard that suxs 00:02 < Mike1> jonath[an] hold on 00:03 < tomik> hello 00:03 < Mike1> hi tomik 00:05 < jonath[an]> hi 00:06 < hackbard> hi tomik 00:06 < hackbard> miguel, well he has a lot of work, i am kinda busy too (lazy) - so its okay for me :) 00:06 < Mike1> hackbard yeah 00:19 < jonath[an]> hackbard: arrhhgg, i hate ur lazyness, which i desire :( 00:31 -!- jonath[an] [~demian@] has left #rocklinux () 00:31 -!- jonath[an] [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 00:32 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has quit ("[BX] Mr. Peanut uses BitchX. Shouldn't you?") 00:34 < jonath[an]> arrgg 00:48 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 00:48 < Mike1> re 00:51 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit ("Client Exiting") 00:55 < rxr> 6n8 00:55 -!- rxr is now known as rxr_zZ 00:57 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@p50806B83.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 01:03 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has quit ("[BX] Mike1 has left the building") 01:18 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@p50806B83.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 01:44 -!- th [th@delta.boerde.de] has quit ("weg") 02:29 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@p50806B83.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("tv") 02:45 -!- clifford_away [~clifford@] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 02:50 < tsa> n8 02:50 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E11D97.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 02:56 -!- clifford_away [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux 03:12 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 03:28 < Mike1> exi 03:28 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has quit ("BitchX: shaken, not stirred") 04:42 -!- Netsplit carter.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: huebi_, SMP 04:42 -!- Netsplit over, joins: huebi_, SMP 04:45 < jonath[an]> umm 06:15 -!- rxr_zZ is now known as rxr 06:15 < rxr> moin 06:33 -!- freed [~bofh@konzentrat.tfh-berlin.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06:55 -!- freed [~bofh@konzentrat.tfh-berlin.de] has joined #rocklinux 06:58 < rxr> freed: is it you? (or only a reconnect :-() 07:29 < huebi_> moin 07:32 < rxr> moin 07:33 < huebi_> rxr: hast du eine idee, wie ich egcs64 davon abhalten kann unter intel comiliert zu werden? 07:33 -!- huebi_ [~huebi@pD9E1C556.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 07:34 -!- huebi_ [~huebi@pD9E1C556.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 07:34 < huebi_> re 07:40 < rxr> huebi_: im packet if [ $arch_bla "sparc" ] 07:40 < rxr> oder so aehnlich ... 07:40 < rxr> ist unschoen - in 1.7 geht das dann viel toller ... 07:41 < rxr> huebi schau dir mal die glibc an 07:41 < rxr> if [ "$arch_machine" = "alpha" ] ; then 07:43 < rxr> bich weg 07:43 < rxr> cu 07:44 -!- rxr is now known as rxr_fh 07:47 < huebi_> rxr_fh: danke 07:47 < huebi_> rxr_fh: werde ich mid ansehen. 08:06 -!- huebi_ [~huebi@pD9E1C556.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 08:33 < jonath[an]> hello 08:52 -!- ringo78 [~idiot@co116627-a.almel1.ov.nl.home.com] has joined #rocklinux 08:56 -!- s713261 [~s713261@swe94.tfh-berlin.de] has joined #rocklinux 09:05 < jonath[an]> hello guys 09:07 < s713261> morn 09:07 -!- s713261 is now known as martin_ 09:09 < jonath[an]> hi martin 10:13 -!- clifford_away is now known as clifford 10:13 < clifford> hi. 10:14 < jonath[an]> good morning tuxtronix 10:14 < jonath[an]> ;) 10:14 < clifford> jonath[an]: *grin* 10:16 < martin_> hi clifford 10:16 < clifford> hi. 10:16 < jonath[an]> what about ur music production dj clifford? 10:16 < clifford> jonath[an]: at the moment I have no time fr producing. 10:17 < jonath[an]> well, and i dunt have to try too much Rock 10:18 < clifford> I have three songs in production (which are far away from beeing finished yet): a soft rock song together with "Falling Angel", and Hardcore/Gabber Song in cooperation with "DJ Joey" and a dancfloor song without a partner. 10:20 < clifford> why do I get so much spam??? 10:22 < clifford> and why can't I connect to userfirendly.org? 10:22 * clifford is a sooo poor boy ... :-( 10:31 -!- freed [~bofh@konzentrat.tfh-berlin.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10:38 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@p50806B83.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:38 < hackbard> moin 10:41 -!- clifford [~clifford@] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 10:42 -!- clifford [~clifford@M104P019.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 10:54 < jonath[an]> hello hackbard 10:59 < huebi> Moep! 10:59 < jonath[an]> brb 11:01 -!- sts_ [~sts@pD9E1D9D9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:11 -!- rxr_fh_ [~rene@port-213-20-128-139.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 11:12 < huebi> hi rxr_fh 11:13 -!- rxr_fh [~rene@port-213-20-128-139.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11:14 -!- simon [~sts@p50875399.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11:14 -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:14 < holyolli> moin 11:14 < huebi> hi holyolli 11:14 < holyolli> moin huebi 11:17 -!- martin_ [~s713261@swe94.tfh-berlin.de] has quit ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.1") 11:19 -!- freed [~bofh@konzentrat.tfh-berlin.de] has joined #rocklinux 11:19 < holyolli> hi freed 11:27 < jonath[an]> hi guys 11:27 < holyolli> hi jonath[an] 11:44 -!- tsa [~tsa@rossini.marcant.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:44 < tsa> tag. 11:44 < holyolli> moin tsa 11:44 < clifford> hi tsa. 11:44 < huebi> moin tsa 11:44 < tsa> hopps....is ja schon richtig was los hier... ;) 11:44 < tsa> jo, moin allerseits. 11:44 < holyolli> .oO(nur weil 3 scripte "moin tsa" gesagt haben...? ;-) 11:45 < huebi> hehe 11:45 < tsa> holyolli: du bist das einzige skript-kiddie hier.. :P 11:46 < huebi> Staplerfahrer-Klaus.avi geht hier um, hehe 11:47 < holyolli> *g* der is lustig... 11:47 < tsa> jupp. 11:47 -!- term_emu [~pm@beaufort.wyzant.de] has joined #rocklinux 11:47 < huebi> Klaus kommt aus Erfurt! 11:47 < holyolli> *lol* 11:47 < holyolli> nun wissen wir, woher all diese ideen und so kommen... ;-) 11:48 < holyolli> .oO(meine freundin kommt auch aus erfurt.. =) 11:48 < term_emu> re 11:48 < tsa> holyolli: hm....das erklaert so einiges.. 11:48 < tsa> hi term_emu 11:48 < holyolli> hi term_emu 11:48 < huebi> hi term_emu 11:51 < tsa> brb 11:51 -!- holyolli is now known as holywech 11:51 -!- |anders [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has joined #rocklinux 11:51 -!- tsa is now known as tsawech 11:51 < |anders> mrrrning.. 11:52 < huebi> hi |anders 11:58 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #rocklinux 11:58 < bluefire> Moin 11:58 < huebi> hi bluefire 11:58 < praenti> moin 11:58 < huebi> praenti: Moep! 11:59 < praenti> huebi: das QoS ausprobioert? 11:59 < huebi> nee, noch nicht. Werde ich aber einbauen, damit ssh immer gut funktioniert. 11:59 * praenti muss jetzt brunchen 12:08 -!- clifford is now known as clifford_away 12:13 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12:19 -!- tsawech is now known as tsa 12:19 < tsa> re 12:20 < huebi> tsa: Na? Bist du jetzt satt 12:20 < jonath[an]> hi tsa 12:21 < tsa> huebi: neee, nicht wirklich. war grad unterwegs, CD abholen.. 12:21 < huebi> :-) 12:21 -!- holywech is now known as holyolli 12:21 < holyolli> auch re 12:21 < holyolli> huebi: aber gleich futtern wir was ;) 12:22 < esden> hi all 12:22 < huebi> hi esden 12:22 < huebi> ftp://ftp.samba.org/pub/samba/samba-2.2.4.tar.bz2 12:22 < huebi> Attention , Hot! 12:24 < tsa> oh.. 12:26 < praenti> huebi: hab grad ein script ci'd CVS-Cleanup. Schmeißt alle *.pz *.conf *.desc aus ext-config raus. dann muss man nicht soviel aus dem patch-file löschen 12:26 -!- ringo78 [~idiot@co116627-a.almel1.ov.nl.home.com] has quit ("leaving") 12:27 < praenti> hi esden 12:27 < esden> hi praenti 12:29 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@p50806B83.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12:29 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@p50806B83.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:34 < hackbard> cups broke in stage3, ld cannot find -lsupc++. there is a libsupc++.a in root/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.0.4/ though. default is gcc304 for fortran and c++. 12:34 < hackbard> maybe libsupc++ wasnt build --with-enable-shared or sth like that. any other ideas? 12:36 < esden> hmm ... do we have a lyx packet in rock? 12:37 < esden> argh ... we need rock-get ... 12:37 < huebi> esden: jo 12:37 < hackbard> yes its there 12:37 < huebi> ./ext-config/lyx 12:37 < hackbard> root@hackstation:/mnt/lfs/rock-build# find package/ 12:37 < hackbard> base extra1 extra2 sourceforge x11 12:37 < hackbard> root@hackstation:/mnt/lfs/rock-build# find package/* -name lyx* 12:37 < hackbard> package/sourceforge/lyx 12:37 < huebi> huebi@ella:~/zz/rock-1.5$ find . -name lyx 12:37 < huebi> ./ext-config/lyx 12:38 < esden> super ... in ext ... I never compile ext cuz it is always 80% not functional ... 12:38 < huebi> 122 packages are broken ;-( 12:38 < huebi> or better fail 12:39 < huebi> there may be some dependencies 12:39 < hackbard> i must admit i didnt check my only 2 packages the last months .. *schaem 12:39 < esden> and it takes too much time ... and so ... ... I will have to create my own rock iso ... or so ... with all the packages I need ... 12:40 < esden> but where should I take the time ... 12:40 < esden> to do it ... 12:40 < hackbard> i write all my dependencies in an [E] line. but IMO Build doenst care, in case its not installed 12:40 < huebi> I plan to get samba, apache, rp_pppoe, cups in rock base and move lprng to ext 12:40 * -> esden compiling gtkmm for lyx ... 12:41 < hackbard> does rp_pppoe :p 12:41 < hackbard> work? 12:41 < huebi> hackbard: If you can reach rocklinux.dyndns.org, definitly yes! 12:42 < huebi> huebi@ella:~/zz/rock-1.5$ ll /opt/ 12:42 < huebi> drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Feb 25 23:51 rp-pppoe 12:42 < hackbard> i made one called rp-pppoe and checked it in one time 12:42 < hackbard> ah, okay 12:42 < huebi> hackbard: It's _your_ extension 12:43 < huebi> ;-)))) 12:43 < hackbard> irealy have to look for updates .. on my way 12:43 < huebi> hackbard: great. Do it. ;-) 12:49 -!- hackbard_ [~hackbard@p50807520.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:52 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@p50806B83.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: hackbard_!~hackbard@p50807520.dip.t-dialin.net))) 12:52 -!- hackbard_ is now known as hackbard 13:01 < huebi> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/ChangeLog <- new 13:06 < esden> ahh I see that you have merged the Armijn sparc patches .. good ... 13:06 < esden> huebi: hat der rippy sehr fest getreten ? ;-) 13:09 < huebi> esden: Geht so ;-) 13:11 < esden> huebi: ich hoffe du hast keine blauen flecken ... 13:11 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #rocklinux 13:11 < bluefire> re 13:13 < huebi> hi bluefire 13:14 < bluefire> Shit Platte. Ich hab noch nie erlebt, daß sich ne Platte aufhängt :( Grrr. 13:14 < huebi> bluefire: Quantum Fireball macht das gerne ;-( 13:15 < bluefire> huebi: IBM Laptop Platte. 13:15 < praenti> huebi: we have to ext which are totally broken. wine because we dont have the patches from codeweaver and the speech_tools which are now ship with another software-package 13:15 < praenti> s/to/two 13:15 < esden> 7~ 13:15 < esden> ups 13:16 < huebi> praenti: Can you fix it? 13:16 < esden> wrong window 13:16 < huebi> bluefire: Alles gut macht Reboot. 13:16 < huebi> bluefire: Alles gut macht der Reboot. 13:16 < praenti> huebi: i can downgrade wine to a version where codeweavers have the patches in the archieve. for speech_tools we need a new extension 13:16 < huebi> :-) 13:18 < huebi> Let's have a look at it later this day. Then I write a mail to Uwe Bonnes, one of the wine develpers, and ask him what would be best. 13:19 < praenti> huebi: ok. that would be good 13:28 < huebi> X420src-3.tbz2 <- what is this file fore? It's not used in rock but it's avaiable. 13:32 < SMP> only documentation 13:32 < huebi> Shouldn't we include it? 13:33 < tsa> yes, we should. 13:34 < huebi> Ok. I now work on the 4.2.0-libGLU-bad-extern.patch to get it working in Rock. 13:37 < holyolli> huebi: did you look at my files, which I sent you? 13:39 < huebi> holyolli: I had a first look. But I have not tried to merge it with cvs 13:40 < holyolli> ah 13:41 < holyolli> huebi: only 2 packets don't compile - the rest goes through all stages :) 13:43 < huebi> holyolli: Which ones? 13:43 < holyolli> apmd and tetex 13:44 < holyolli> apmd should compile - it's actually just a redefinition of some structs which have to bee removed 13:44 < holyolli> but i hadn't yet the time to fix it 13:44 < huebi> and tetex? 13:44 < holyolli> have some problems with libncurses... no idea, but also didn't have a look 13:47 < huebi> Xfree86 <- I found the problem. I checked in the patches to cvs but these patches come from rcs and some things inside are interpreted by cvs. cvs ci -kn <- checkin as binary files is needed. 14:51 -!- blindy|sleep is now known as blindcoder 14:51 < blindcoder> hi everyone 14:56 -!- Netsplit carter.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: SMP 14:57 < holyolli> cya 14:57 -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has quit ("fnord!") 14:58 -!- Netsplit over, joins: SMP 15:08 < praenti> hi blindcoder 15:09 -!- freed [~bofh@konzentrat.tfh-berlin.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15:10 < blindcoder> hmmm seems i still missed something with the .pz files... 15:14 -!- clifford_away is now known as clifford 15:14 < clifford> hi! 15:14 < tsa> hi clifford 15:14 < clifford> I've updated https://www.rocklinux.org/about.html 15:14 < clifford> Feedback is very welcome. 15:15 < tsa> s,usefull,useful, 15:15 < huebi> clifford: Please make clear for which tree it is. ;) 15:16 < blindcoder> hi clifford 15:17 < clifford> tsa: fixed. 15:17 < tsa> hm...no other typos so far.. 15:18 < tsa> clifford: ok. 15:21 < clifford> huebi: I've added a note to the 'Stable and Development Trees' section. is it ok that way? 15:23 < huebi> clifford: ok. I make a more detailed description on the page for 1.5 - 1.6. 15:23 < clifford> huebi: when will there be a page for 1.6 ? 15:24 < huebi> Hmm. It should be there tomorrow. 15:25 < clifford> huebi: I'm hearing this sentence since CCC from you... :-) 15:25 < huebi> It's not so easy for me to get the time for it. but I see that it is urgend 15:26 < hackbard> clifford: there seems to be a problem with cups in stage3 15:26 < huebi> I test now rsync. 15:26 < clifford> huebi: If it is ok for you, I will create a page based on the rocklinux.dyndns.org frontpage. 15:27 < hackbard> ld cannot find -lsubpc++, if i add -L/usr/../gcc-lib/../3.0.4 it continues a bit more but ends up with a lot of undefined references 15:28 < clifford> hackbard: cups compiled fine here yesterday. Is that with the latest snapshot? 15:28 < hackbard> i look for the number 15:28 < hackbard> 200205021146 15:28 < clifford> hackbard: no. you are right - it's broken. 15:29 < huebi> clifford: Ok. Do that. Then we have at least now a page and I see what I can do today or tomorrow. I want to write a deploy script for my snapshots and the page. 15:29 -!- ringo78 [~idiot@co116627-a.almel1.ov.nl.home.com] has joined #rocklinux 15:29 < clifford> (I thought cups would be a 'base' package - and those are all fixed now. But cups is in extra1 ..) 15:29 < huebi> I'm off now. My wife just caught me here at work ;-)) 15:30 < clifford> huebi: ok. cu. 15:30 < ringo78> Cant mount root... Pse some hints (devfs = ok) 15:30 < huebi> clifford: I want to have cups in base of 1.6 15:30 < huebi> and move lprng to ext 15:30 < huebi> su later 15:30 < huebi> by 15:30 < clifford> cu. 15:30 < hackbard> bye huebi 15:30 < huebi> ..... und wech. 15:32 < ringo78> Where do I get the default .config file from rock. ? BTW good afternoon. 15:32 < hackbard> hi ringo78 15:32 < hackbard> it schould be located in /usr/src/kernel 15:33 < ringo78> yep .. but I alterd some wrong PARAM... If I got the original back I can addapt thaty one.. 15:33 < clifford> ringo78: yes. /usr/src/kernel (not /usr/src/linux) 15:34 < ringo78> Ahh thanks Clifford ... Read to much ... Thaks... ! 15:34 < ringo78> no tax ... Thanks. 15:35 < clifford> hackbard: hmm - the libsupc++ problem is funny. 15:35 < hackbard> clifford: do you already know whats going wrong? 15:38 < clifford> hackbard: yes. 15:38 < clifford> hackbard: cups is using ld to link the library. 15:38 < clifford> hackbard: only the compiler looks in the compiler-specific directory for the libs. 15:39 < clifford> the only way to solve it would be using the c++ compiler for linking. 15:43 -!- clifford [~clifford@M104P019.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit ("Client Exiting") 15:44 -!- clifford [~clifford@M118P000.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 15:44 * |anders is having fun with experimental builds... 15:44 -!- rxr_fh_ is now known as rxr 15:44 < rxr> re 15:45 < |anders> re rxr 15:45 < hackbard> hi rene 15:46 < hackbard> clifford: according to the Makefile it is CC which does the linking 15:47 < hackbard> i tried to set CC=g++-3, but trhat didnt work too ... i think i am doing sth wrong :) 15:53 < rxr> gcc+-3 -l might work 15:53 < hackbard> yes it does 15:54 < hackbard> it compiles for a long time now, lets hope :) 15:54 < hackbard> oh, no i just set CC=gcc-3 15:57 -!- freed [~bofh@konzentrat.tfh-berlin.de] has joined #rocklinux 15:58 * blindcoder just put his IceWM-Themes on the new themes.org (themes.freshmeat.net) *smile* 15:59 < hackbard> okay, it build just fine 16:04 < hackbard> but i think it is not 'rock style' to just set CC=gcc-3 in cups.conf, how would you solve that @ clifford & rene 16:05 < clifford> hackbard: what is the error message if you are using CC=$CXX ($CXX = c++) 16:06 < hackbard> the log is already away .. 16:06 < hackbard> there has been something like: cannot convert ... 16:07 < hackbard> sorry 16:07 < clifford> hackbard: the problem is that setting CC=gcc-3 will not work if you have selected gcc2 as your c++ compiler for the build. 16:07 < hackbard> aha 16:09 -!- tsa [~tsa@rossini.marcant.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 16:09 -!- ringo78 [~idiot@co116627-a.almel1.ov.nl.home.com] has quit ("leaving") 16:12 < hackbard> okay, i chrooted to root and rebuild cups with CC=$CXX 16:12 < hackbard> i ll put that log online, one moment 16:13 < clifford> hackbard: thanks. 16:15 < hackbard> https://www.hackdaworld.dyndns.org/files/projects/rock/logs/9-cups.err 16:20 < clifford> hackbard: aha - I see the problem. Pls wait a minute - I need to extract the cups sources and read the makefiles .. 16:24 < hackbard> sure! no problem 16:29 -!- |anders [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has quit ("happy weekend all..") 16:31 * clifford is still waiting for the test build of cups to complete .. 16:31 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has quit ("leaving") 16:32 < clifford> hackbard: ok - I think this is the best solution: 16:32 < clifford> add 'export CXX="$CC -x c++"' to your cups.conf file. 16:33 < clifford> clifford: this will result in using the same c and c++ compiler version (the one which is used for C, since most of cups is C and not C++ code afais) 16:34 < clifford> s/clifford:/hackbard:/ ... :-) 16:34 < hackbard> :) 16:34 < clifford> rxr: what do you think? 16:35 < clifford> rxr? 16:36 < rxr> 7mom 16:38 * clifford denkt nach - wofuer steht '7mom' ? 16:38 < rxr> fuer MOMent ;-) die sieben war ein unfall ... 16:38 < clifford> rxr: Ahhhhh! Alles klar. :-) 16:40 < rxr> clifford: look ok ... 16:40 < clifford> rxr: ist das in deinem naechsten patch oder soll ich's gleich bei mir machen? 16:43 < rxr> mach mal ;-)# 16:44 * rxr typing some trash ... today:-( 16:46 < praenti> huebi: enough patching for today 16:47 < clifford> rxr: wann gibt's eigentlich von dir den naechsten patch? 16:47 < rxr> die tage 16:47 < clifford> ich sollte heute mit meinem reference build fertig werden, dann gibts eine aktuelle liste von broken packages. 16:47 < rxr> clifford: ich habe erstmal dRock 1.6.0 vorbereitet (ist viel 1.7 inspiriert ...) 16:48 < rxr> heute abend bin ich unterwegs - aber moregen sollte es die naechsten patches incl. linux + liunx-src - modules geben ... 16:48 < rxr> clifford: jo - dann muss ich wohl mal weiter sf fixen ... :-( 16:51 -!- term_emu is now known as term_aweh 16:51 < hackbard> ogg-vorbis aus extra1 failed auch. gcc: Internal compiler error: program cc1 got fatal signal 11 16:51 < blindcoder> hmm huebis ftp is ftp://rocklinux.dyndns.org, isn't it? 16:51 < rxr> hackbard: it is over optimized 16:51 < rxr> remove the -O* settings form the CC_OPTIONS 16:52 < rxr> export CC_WRAPPER_INSERT=`echo $CC_WRAPPER_INSERT | sed "s,-O.*,,g"` 16:52 < rxr> (from dRock - might need modifications to build in 1.7 ...) 16:52 < hackbard> okay! ich tests mal 16:54 < rxr> clifford: kennst du nen eleganteren weg als diesen sed hack ? 16:54 < hackbard> jo, da sollte was her :) 16:55 < clifford> rxr: auf die schnelle: CC_WRAPPER_INSERT=${CC_WRAPPER_INSERT/-O[0-9]/} 16:56 < clifford> rxr: In zukunft wird aber auch moeglich sein: var_remove CC_WRAPPER_INSERT " " '-O*' 16:56 < rxr> clifford: ok ich muss mal in die bash subtitution reinschauen glaube ich 16:56 < clifford> bis jetzt hab' ich aber erst var_append und var_insert geschrieben. 16:57 < blindcoder> praenti> where can I get UTP-Adaptors for PCMCIA-Network-Cards in or around Ingolstadt? 16:57 < clifford> rxr: da gcc die letzte option verwendest waere aber auch moeglich: 16:57 < clifford> var_append CC_WRAPPER_INSERT " " -O0 16:58 < rxr> aber unschoen ;-) 16:58 < clifford> rxr: bei mir builded ogg-vorbis uebrigens ohne probleme ... 16:59 < rxr> gcc3 ? ;-) 16:59 < hackbard> kann man auch variablen angeben, die man raushaben will, also zb foo=${foo/$bar/} ? 17:00 < clifford> hackbard: ja - das geht. (die ${x/y/z} syntax kann aber nur bash) 17:00 < hackbard> ah, gut - danke. 17:00 < hackbard> so bekomm ich das script das late downloads loeschen soll vielleicht doch noch hin .. 17:00 < clifford> rxr: deine sed Zeile sollte uebrigens lauten: sed "s,-O[^ ]*,,g" (du loescht zu viel). 17:04 < rxr> clifford: oops ... 17:04 < rxr> clifford: aber dein ogg-vorbis war gcc3 ? 17:12 < esden> re hi all 17:12 < esden> endlich wieder im wochenende ... puhh 17:12 < clifford> rxr: standard: C mit gcc2 und C++ mit gcc3 17:14 < esden> clifford: [nervallarm] kommt heute ein neuer snapshot raus? und wenn ja dann welche neuerungen werden enthalten sein ? [nervallarm] 17:17 < hackbard> alsa fails too, it wnats to create a symlink to /usr/share/automake/ .. but there is only automake-1.6 directory! 17:18 < clifford> hackbard: alsa is already fixed in my code. 17:18 < hackbard> okay 17:19 < clifford> esden: alsa fix, cups fix, *.cache creation fix, sourceforge update, kleinigkeiten. 17:23 < blindcoder> esden> I finally managed to install and actually use irssi ;) 17:25 < esden> clifford: cool ... thanks for the info .. 17:25 < esden> blindcoder: brav ;-) 17:26 < esden> scheisse habe ich einen hunger ... und ich habe schon heute gegessen ... 17:26 < blindcoder> esden> there's a new pz-config in my apollo-home. It didn'tcreate usable .pz files... now it does ;) 17:26 < esden> blindcoder: good ... ;-) 17:26 < esden> blindcoder: sent an update to huebi ? 17:26 < blindcoder> i already sent it to his ftp 17:26 < esden> blindcoder: good 17:27 * -> esden needs more good music ... 17:27 < blindcoder> esden> I recommend more JPop ;) 17:27 < esden> let me see whot is on mp3.com 17:27 < esden> blindcoder: sure you do ;-) 17:28 < blindcoder> esden> in irssi: is there another way to switch windows instead of /window # 17:28 < esden> RTFM ;-) 17:28 < blindcoder> oh and esden> I found my PCM-Network Card again.... but please don't ask where it w 17:28 < blindcoder> esden> 2 lazy 17:28 < esden> yes sure -screenumber 17:28 < rxr> bin wech .. 17:28 -!- rxr is now known as rxr_away 17:28 < esden> yes sure -screennumber 17:29 < blindcoder> that will be a problem... 17:29 < blindcoder> alt-[0-9] are already taken by IceWM 17:29 < esden> blindcoder: so use number 17:30 < blindcoder> ah fine. thanks *hugs esden* 17:30 < esden> denada ... but next time RTFM ;-) 17:32 < blindcoder> we'll see.. 17:32 < esden> HP + Campaq = HPQ 17:32 < esden> good to know 17:35 < blindcoder> esden> do you know where "Stroehmer" is in IN? 17:36 < esden> urgh ... I heared it many tymes ... but sorry ... no idea where it is ... 17:36 < esden> why ? 17:37 < blindcoder> I need a new UTP-Adaptor for my PCM-NIC 17:37 < blindcoder> I finally found it again ;) 17:37 < blindcoder> don't ask where 17:37 < esden> where ? *fg* 17:37 < blindcoder> in the glove-box of my car 17:38 < esden> lool 17:38 < blindcoder> I told you not to ask >_< 17:38 < esden> muahaha ;-) 17:38 < blindcoder> and since stroehmer sells DFE-Hardware they also have this adaptor i need 17:38 < blindcoder> and once I have it your mum will be happy ;) 17:39 < esden> yes she will 17:39 < blindcoder> or i still keep it and make a router out of my laptop while reinstalling my real router :D 17:39 < esden> rofl 17:39 < esden> yes you can do it ... ;-) 17:40 < blindcoder> oh and I finally found out why X-Forwarding didn't really work with my router/file-serv/application-server-hybrid 17:42 < blindcoder> If the sshd doesn't allow it then I'll have some slight problems with it... 17:42 < esden> and ? why ? 17:43 < blindcoder> X11Forwarding no 17:43 < esden> .oO(nein nein piotr du sagst nichts ... nein nein nein ...) 17:44 < blindcoder> YES!! I finally found the homepage of kterm 17:44 < clifford> hmm - maybe I should break this up into multiple lines: 17:44 < clifford> var_remove() { 17:44 < clifford> eval "$1=\"\`echo \"\$$1\" | awk -- ' { split(\$0, a, \"$2\"); for (c1=c2=1; c1 in a; c1++) { if ( a[c1] !~ /^$3\\\$/ ) b[c2++]=a[c1]; } for (c1=1; c1 in b; c1++) { printf \"%s%s\", (c1 > 0 ? \"$2\" : \"\"), b[c1]; } }'\`\"" 17:44 < clifford> } 17:45 < esden> clifford: nene ... dass ist eine immer noch zu kurze zeile ... 17:45 < esden> mache ruhig wieter ;-) 17:46 < clifford> Ha! bei der ersten for loop kann ich die klammern einspaaren! 17:47 < SMP> na, beim zweiten auch 17:47 < clifford> SMP: richtig. (das waren vorher 2 statements - bis ich mich entsonnen habe das awk ja ? : unterstuetzt) 17:51 < clifford> btw - wenn jemand eine elegantere form als awk fuer das weiss: bitte melden! 17:52 < SMP> ich versuche grad das zu Verstehen. ohne Kontext nicht ganz einfach 17:52 < SMP> wie sieht denn der Input aus? 17:52 < clifford> SMP: das ist das gegenstueck zu var_append und var_insert in scripts/build-functions 17:52 < blindcoder> esden> you have some time? 17:53 < esden> blindcoder: why ? 17:53 < clifford> SMP: Z.Bsp.: var_remove CC_WRAPPER_INSERT " " "-O.*" 17:53 < SMP> ARGH ja 17:53 < clifford> (der 2. parameter ist der delimiter fuer eintraege) 17:53 < SMP> das $2 im split ist ja nicht escaped! ;> 17:53 < clifford> SMP: soll es ja auch nicht. 17:53 < SMP> ja, das ist schon klar 17:54 < blindcoder> esden> killing some time, going to stroehmer, buying a new "Schwanzerl" 17:54 < clifford> blindcoder: WHAT? 17:54 < esden> blindcoder: wenn du mich abholst .. ? kommnt auf rollen ? 17:55 < blindcoder> clifford> a new UTP-Adaptor for my PCMCIA-Network Card. The othere one is still in Place ;) 17:55 < blindcoder> esden> 4 Rollen, 2 vorne, 2 hinten, 90 PS. okay? 17:55 < esden> blindcoder: passt ;-) 17:55 < SMP> clifford: dann finde ich den Namen var_* etwas misverstaendlich -- param_ waere besser gewesen IMHO 17:55 < clifford> blindcoder: aha... 17:56 < clifford> wieso param? die funktionen modifizieren shell variablen - sie erweitern vorn und hinten und loeschen. 17:56 < blindcoder> esden> I just clean up my dcc-incoming folder 17:56 < SMP> clifford: hrm ja . 17:57 < esden> blindcoder: pokeing a little bit more in the dietlibc target 18:12 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #rocklinux 18:12 < bluefire> re 18:13 < huebi> re 18:13 < blindcoder> esden> I'm off now... expect me to haunt you in half an hour :D 18:13 < esden> kk 18:14 -!- blindcoder is now known as blindy|away 18:19 < huebi> clifford: 18:26 < hackbard> ich blick ab dem ersten awk nichtmehr durch ;) 18:26 < hackbard> aber wuerde es so gehen: https://www.hackdaworld.dyndns.org/files/projects/rock/Cleanup-Old , wenn ich build-functions vorher ausfuehr ..? 18:31 < clifford> huebi: ja? 18:33 < clifford> hackbard: ./scripts/Download -list-unknown 18:34 < hackbard> eigentlich intention ist es diese zu loeschen. 18:34 < jonath[an]> re 18:34 < hackbard> das echo ist nur temporaer 18:34 < hackbard> wb jonath[an] 18:34 < jonath[an]> just 6 hours more and i'll be rocking again 18:34 < hackbard> kannst du das evtl schoen ins Download mit einbauen? 18:35 < clifford> hackbard: ./scripts/Download -list-unknown | xargs rm -vf 18:35 < hackbard> okay. :) 18:35 < clifford> hackbard: dazwischen wuerd' ich normalerweise noch mit grep dinge wie *.incomplete und *-err ausfilter. 18:37 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 18:37 < Mike1> hi all 18:37 < jonath[an]> hello Miguel 18:37 < clifford> hi Mike. 18:37 < hackbard> stimmt! das ist sinnvoll 18:37 < hackbard> hi miguel 18:37 < Mike1> clifford the new colors of the site looks pretty cool 18:38 < clifford> hackbard: pass halt auf, das du das cmd richtig schreibst. sonst loescht du dir ./scripts/Download wegen der hilfe (habs bei mir jetzt umgeaendert so das er die hilfe nach fd 2 schreibt). 18:38 < clifford> Mike1: thanks. 18:39 < Mike1> bitte 18:40 < clifford> Mike1: I also think that the quickbar on the top of the page was a good idea .. 18:40 < clifford> I might help new users a lot to find the right information. 18:41 < Mike1> clifford yes definitly 18:42 < Mike1> clifford have you ever thought about making a banner of a tux throwing ROCK's to Bill Gates? 18:42 < Mike1> or something like that 18:43 < clifford> Mike1: you might have recognised that I;m trying to give the homepage a proffesional style .. 18:43 < Mike1> *g yes i know 18:44 < jonath[an]> LOL 18:44 < Mike1> is just that i have always thought it would be funny 18:44 < Mike1> anyways i really think the page changes are way cool, ROCK has changed a lot in a year but changed for good 18:45 < Mike1> congrats clifford 18:45 < clifford> I wouldn't consider showing a picter where someone is throwing heavy objects on Bill Gates professional. 18:45 < clifford> However - actually doing it (throwing heavy objects on Bill Gates) would be a lot of fun! :-) 18:46 < Mike1> clifford i know it isnt definitly professional at all, but i agree it would be fun :) 18:48 < Mike1> clifford how is it going with the Create-CD script? 18:56 < clifford> Mike1: I don't know - I think Rene is working on it. 18:56 < Mike1> Yo guys i'm doing a script thats pings my hosts and let me know if they are up or not 18:56 < Mike1> so i do ping -w 10 or ping -c 5 18:56 < clifford> (In fact, the Create-CD script is pretty easy. But it's useless without install disks.) 18:57 < Mike1> but it to continue the proccess if it receives packages back, if not it must email me 18:57 < Mike1> any suggestions? 18:57 < Mike1> clifford ? :-) 18:58 < clifford> Mike1: if ! ping -w 10 $hostname ; then echo "Subject: can't reach $hostname" | sendmail $email ; fi 18:59 < Mike1> clifford hehe thank you so much 18:59 < clifford> you are welcome .. 18:59 -!- inkernel-field [x@] has joined #rocklinux 19:01 < jonath[an]> Mike1: it's easy 19:01 < jonath[an]> wait a minute... 19:01 -!- inkernel-field [x@] has left #rocklinux () 19:02 < jonath[an]> u just need to do a ping -c, save his return, false or true and put it on a if 19:02 < jonath[an]> if it is true just send a mail with a log which says which hosts are up and which not 19:02 < jonath[an]> i have one here.. 19:03 < clifford> jonath[an]: you haven't seen my msg, have you? 19:03 < clifford> Mike1: if ! ping -w 10 $hostname ; then echo "Subject: can't reach $hostname" | sendmail $email ; fi 19:03 < Mike1> jonath[an] thanks to you too 19:04 < jonath[an]> if ping -c1 > /dev/null 2> /dev/null 19:04 < jonath[an]> then 19:04 < jonath[an]> NEMESIS=1 19:04 < jonath[an]> echo '[ NEMESIS is UP ]' 19:04 < jonath[an]> else 19:04 < jonath[an]> NEMESIS=0 19:04 < jonath[an]> echo -ne '[' 19:04 < jonath[an]> setterm -foreground red 19:04 < jonath[an]> echo -ne ' NIS is DOWN ' 19:04 < jonath[an]> setterm -default 19:04 < jonath[an]> echo ']' 19:04 < jonath[an]> fi 19:04 < jonath[an]> sth laik this? 19:04 < jonath[an]> yes, and apply cliff pipe to sendmail 19:05 < Mike1> :) ok 19:05 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has quit ("leaving") 19:05 < Mike1> jonath[an] 19:05 < jonath[an]> well, i do this catching a 1 or 0 for my hosts list 19:06 < Mike1> i c 19:06 < hackbard> i will try to export the root directory (with a modified rc_S), also the pkg.tar.bz2's and boot remote clients via floppy which schoud get partitioned, mke2fs'ed and after that installed. behaviour may be controled via dhcp 'flags'. 19:09 < hackbard> like fai for debian 19:10 < hackbard> i have to go, later ... (currently compiling stage3 xfree) 19:10 -!- hackbard is now known as hack^afk 19:17 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:18 < holyolli> re 19:18 < Mike1> hi holyolli 19:19 < holyolli> hi Mike1 19:23 < esden> re hi all 19:23 < Mike1> re esden 19:25 < Mike1> sip 19:27 -!- blindy|away is now known as blindcoder 19:27 < blindcoder> hi hi and rehi 19:31 < holyolli> esden: weisst du, wann fake mal wieder an der tastatur sitzt= 19:39 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has quit ("Connection reset by telekom") 19:50 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has quit ("[BX] Automatically bored away") 19:50 -!- jonath[an] is now known as jonath[lunch] 20:09 < huebi> MoeP! 20:10 < huebi> the first version of the page https://www.rocklinux.org/people/huebi/index.html is uploaded 20:10 < huebi> I will have some more work on it later. 20:13 -!- ringo78 [~idiot@co116627-a.almel1.ov.nl.home.com] has joined #rocklinux 20:18 < blindcoder> reMoeP 20:18 < huebi> :-) 20:19 < blindcoder> looks nice 20:19 < blindcoder> you should make the BIG FAT WARNING hehe 20:20 < huebi> blindcoder: Thank you. 20:20 < huebi> I have to adapt the rocklinux.dyndns.org page rock.sed script 20:20 < blindcoder> esden just smiles in the background 20:21 < huebi> hehe 20:23 < huebi> esden: have a look ;> 20:25 < blindcoder> he's actually trying to install a Network-Phaser-Printer 20:25 < clifford> huebi: https://www.rocklinux.org/projects/rock16/ 20:27 < huebi> clifford: Ok. I take that index.in. 20:27 < blindcoder> clifford> https://www.rocklinux.org/getting.html <---- In the "Building it yourself" Box: Are we going to "War" or is it a "Warning"?? 20:30 * clifford finished new reference build - uploading snap with new *.cache files now .. 20:32 < clifford> blindcoder: fixed. :-) 20:33 < blindcoder> *smile* 20:33 < blindcoder> huebi> did you have a look at the pz-config.sh? 20:36 < huebi> blindcoder: not at the new one. First I fix XFree86 then I'll test it. 20:37 < blindcoder> yokai 20:38 < huebi> And after that I write some news about 1.5 20:39 < huebi> upload the snapshots, Changelog and the source of the latest snapshot 20:43 -!- _wschlich [~wschlich@pD9E3ED3D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:01 -!- wschlich_ [~wschlich@p50815F77.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21:05 < clifford> Repository Total number of pkgs Number of broken packages 21:05 < clifford> base ........................... 184 ........................ 0 21:05 < clifford> x11 ............................ 107 ........................ 7 21:05 < clifford> extra1 ......................... 88 ........................ 10 21:05 < clifford> extra2 ......................... 9 ........................ 2 21:05 < clifford> sourceforge .................... 247 ........................ 231 21:05 < clifford> (Only 16 sourceforge packages are not broken :-) 21:06 < huebi> clifford: Why is the XFree86 documentation not build? 21:06 < huebi> in 1.5 21:07 < huebi> clifford: I think that the nmaintainig of sf does need some modification 21:07 < blindcoder> clifford> how did you create this overview? 21:08 < clifford> blindcoder: vi. what do you mean? 21:08 < clifford> huebi: Ad sf: yes. I fully agree with you - but explain it to Pjotr .. 21:09 < blindcoder> clifford> can it be generated automagically or is it handwork (esdens question) 21:11 < clifford> blindcoder: I don't have the command now (and don't like to re-type it) - grep for ^\[.-ERROR\] in the *.cache files .. 21:11 < blindcoder> esden to clifford> i c 21:13 < clifford> huebi: Ad X11 docs: you mean X420src-3 ? 21:22 < huebi> clifford: exact. X4200src-3 21:22 -!- h_wschlic [~wschlich@p50814C13.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:22 < clifford> huebi: I never had the time to look at it. I will ask Rene to include it .. 21:33 -!- _wschlich [~wschlich@pD9E3ED3D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out) 21:33 < huebi> clifford: i add it now :-) 21:36 < clifford> huebi: ok. could you please send me the patch when you are done (I will adopt it for 1.7 myself) 21:36 < huebi> clifford: ok 21:36 < clifford> I have to go now .. cu. 21:36 -!- clifford is now known as clifford_away 22:11 -!- blindcoder is now known as blindy|away 22:29 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 22:30 < jonath[lunch]> re Mike1 22:30 < Mike1> :O) 22:31 < jonath[lunch]> just leave 1:30 hours to presente the spreadshit 22:31 < jonath[lunch]> (i hate my english) 22:31 < Mike1> gut 22:35 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has quit ("[BX] Life is like BitchX. Ya never know what yer gunna git.") 22:42 -!- huebi_ [~huebi@pD9522A9B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:42 < huebi_> hi 22:43 < huebi_> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/ChangeLog <- new changelog 22:45 < jonath[lunch]> just leave 1 hour 22:45 < huebi_> bye jonath[lunch] 22:45 < jonath[lunch]> bye? 22:45 -!- clifford_away is now known as clifford 22:46 < jonath[lunch]> im not going to leave, sorry :_ 22:46 -!- jonath[lunch] is now known as jonath[an] 22:46 < clifford> huebi: you have /etc/{passwd,shadow,group} in $flistdel ? 22:46 < huebi_> jonath[lunch]: May be I'm asleep when you come back. it's 22h46 here 22:46 < huebi_> clifford: Yes 22:49 < clifford> huebi: I can't see that you remove them for the 'sysfiles' package .. 22:49 < clifford> at least one package should contain them. 22:51 < huebi_> clifford: The intension was that only one package owns these files. 22:51 < huebi_> clifford: How can Ichange sysfiles? 22:52 < clifford> base-config/sysfiles/sysfiles.conf .. 22:53 < huebi_> clifford: And what do you suggest to change? 22:53 < clifford> huebi: that doesn't fix the inital problem. If a package adds something to this files in expects that this entries are really there on the installed system. 22:53 < clifford> huebi: fixing the packages which are trying to change /etc/{passwd,group,shadow} 22:53 < SMP> clifford: that's something for the setup script! 22:54 < clifford> SMP: correct - that's what I wanted to say. 22:54 < SMP> how's that solved in 1.7? 22:54 < SMP> packages "don't do that"? 22:55 < huebi_> That means to add a setup script for every package which tries to change /etc/{passwd,group,shadow} 22:55 < clifford> SMP: yes. they should not do that. 22:55 < SMP> well .. 22:55 < SMP> I'm going to bed now ;) 22:56 < clifford> SMP: currently hylafax is broken and adds something to all three files. 22:56 < SMP> hylafax is horrorfax 22:56 < huebi_> Creating tars/intel-xfree86.tar.bz2 ... 64M <- a little bit bigger now :-) 22:56 < clifford> SMP: *smile* 22:56 < clifford> huebi: that's ok. :-) 22:57 < huebi_> clifford: X420src-3.tbz2 is now in there 22:58 < huebi_> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/rock-1.5/base-config/xfree86/ <- and 3 official patches are added. 23:05 < huebi_> clifford: I'll have a look at gpm or alsa to see how it is to be done with setup() and update() in a setup script. If the modification problem for these to files is solved in the way that every package needing to e.g. add a user does this with a seperat setup script then I'll remove $flistdel again. In the moment it's really ugly to be there without these files after pkg-remove of such apackage. 23:05 < huebi_> hmm, reads ugly. 23:21 < clifford> huebi: Now also added X420src-3 here. 23:22 < huebi_> clifford: great. :-) 23:22 < huebi_> clifford: Could you use my cvsweb.cgi ? 23:23 < clifford> huebi: sure. 23:23 < huebi_> nice :-) 23:31 < clifford> ok - jetzt bin ich wirklich weg - cu. 23:31 -!- clifford is now known as clifford_away 23:31 < huebi_> gute nacht ;-) 23:32 < clifford_away> huebi: gute nacht? ich muss noch steuererklaerung machen! 23:34 < huebi_> clifford_away: habe ich fuer die letzten 3 Jahre jezt mal nachholen duerfen ;-) 23:34 < huebi_> export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@rocklinux.dyndns.org:/home/cvs/cvsroot 23:34 < huebi_> cvs login 23:34 < huebi_> 23:35 < huebi_> cvs co rock-1.5 23:35 < huebi_> works now ;-) 23:43 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:43 < holyolli> re 23:43 < huebi_> hi holyolli 23:44 < holyolli> hi huebi 23:46 < huebi_> holyolli: Ich sehe mir gerade von blindcoder die pz-config.sh an. Erste tests sind gerade ganz gut verlaufen. Ich werde sie jetzt mit ins Rocklinux uebernehmen. 23:46 < holyolli> was macht das genau? 23:48 < huebi_> ein Schicker editor fuer die .pz .desc files 23:48 < holyolli> cool 23:49 < holyolli> btw. hastu dir mal die file von mir angesehen? 23:49 < huebi_> noch nicht. steht jetzt aber als naechstes an. 23:49 < holyolli> prima :) 23:53 -!- clifford_away [~clifford@M118P000.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 23:54 < jonath[an]> brb 23:57 < jonath[an]> back 23:57 < holyolli> re and hi jonath[an] 23:57 < jonath[an]> hehe --- Log closed Sat May 04 00:00:37 2002