--- Log opened Mon May 06 00:00:03 2002 --- Day changed Mon May 06 2002 00:00 < esden> ok raw is now functional 00:00 < esden> display has problems now ... 00:12 < rxr> so bin erstmal was essen - und dann schreibe ich mal nen gp3 + wine howto. die site hat jetzt schon 545 hits ;-) ... 00:13 < holyolli> hehe..../me wird nu schlafen gehn 00:13 -!- clifford [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux 00:13 < tsa> n8 holyolli 00:13 < holyolli> hi und n8 clifford 00:13 < tsa> bis morgen mittag oder so 00:13 < holyolli> jo 00:13 < holyolli> tsa: bistu morgen inna uni? 00:13 < holyolli> (so das erste mal im semester...?) 00:14 < tsa> aehm..noe. moren is nix ordentliches. 00:14 < tsa> +g 00:14 < tsa> ~13.15 @work. 00:14 < holyolli> .oO(ist es das irgendwann mal...? ;-) 00:14 < esden> urgh ... 00:14 < holyolli> gut. dann bis spaeter 00:14 < holyolli> cya 00:14 < tsa> esden: hm? 00:14 -!- holyolli [~igel@usr036.roggen.stud.uni-bielefeld.de] has quit ("Client Exiting") 00:14 < esden> nichts nichts ... mein hirn brutzelt nur ein bissel ... 00:15 < tsa> hehe 00:17 < esden> ok ... mit gewalt kann man paar sachen loesen ;-) 00:17 < tsa> hehe 00:18 < esden> es gibt kein problem dass man nicht mit einer kleinen taktischen nuklearwaffe nicht loesen koennte ;-) 00:18 < esden> -nicht(nr.2) 00:20 < tsa> doch - beschaffung von nuklearwaffen 00:21 < esden> stimmt ... 00:22 < esden> nee dass einzige problem ist die kritische masse an radioaktivem material... den rest kann man aus haushaltsmitteln zusammenstellen 00:26 < tsa> hm....ich koennt hoechstens mit alter linsensuppe dienen.. ;) 00:27 < tsa> aber die ist weder radioaktiv noch explosiv. 00:32 < esden> tsa: linsensuppe ist super denn ich habe hunger und mit leerem magen bereitet es sich die uebername der weltherrschaft so schlecht ... 00:32 < tsa> hm...das ist nen argument ;) 00:40 < esden> yoyo mount geht auch jetzt ... 00:49 < esden> soo jetzt geht utillinux ... 00:50 < esden> ich bin gespannt was der clifford dazu sagt ... ich glaube er sagt dass ich es alles sauberer machen soll ... aber es gent ;-) 00:50 < esden> naja sagen wir so es compiliert ;-) 00:50 < tsa> hehe....das ist doch nen guter anfang.. 00:51 < tsa> hast du nur an util-linux selber rumgepatcht, oder auch an dietlibc? 00:55 < esden> 332 zeilen patch ... woot 00:55 < tsa> hehe 00:55 < esden> tsa: nur util-linux 00:55 < tsa> schoen, dass das laeuft. 00:55 < esden> tsa: schon 00:56 < tsa> hm...kannst den patch ja mal an den maintainer schicken...vielleicht nehmen sie es mit auf und ueberhaeufen dich mit ruhm und ehre ;-) 00:57 < esden> tsa: der patch is sehr dietlibc spezifisch 00:57 < esden> nach dem patch glaube ich nicht dass es mit glibc compiliert 00:58 < tsa> hm... 00:58 < esden> obwohl ... nee tut es nicht ... 00:59 < tsa> https://www.rocklinux.org/people/esden/lame.patch 00:59 < tsa> was tut denn der? 01:00 < tsa> das zusaetzliche CONFIG_I_AM_LAME wird doch nicht wirklich genutzt, oder? 01:00 < esden> nein ... ;-) 01:00 < tsa> hehe... 01:01 < esden> aber ich habe mir schon ueberlegt dass ich im netzwerk irgendwas umbaue dass wenn du telnet oder so machst eine meldung zurueckgeliefert wird in der form "this machine is being used by a LAMER" ;-) 01:02 < tsa> hm...das sollte eigentlich einfach sein. 01:02 < esden> tsa: viel spass beim coden ;-) 01:13 < tsa> soo..ich geh denn mal schlafen. 01:13 < tsa> n8 01:14 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082BAE3.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 01:21 < esden> yoo ok utillinux geht jetzt !!! 01:21 < esden> perfekt ... gleich nen patch machen 01:27 < esden> soo mail mit dem patch weg ... 01:27 < esden> jetzt gehe ich ne rauchen und dann schlafen ... 01:27 < esden> bzw erst heim und dann schlafen 01:28 < huebi> so ripclaw is gerade gegangen. 01:29 < esden> re huebi 01:29 < huebi> re esden 01:29 < huebi> die U5 hat jetzt auch ein frisches OBP 01:29 < esden> huebi: ich habe nen erfolgreichen tag heute ich habe 2 pakete an dietlibc angepasst... 01:30 < esden> der clifford haette dass in 0,nichts geschafft aber naja ... ich bin nicht clifford 01:30 < huebi> bei mir war es nicht so erfolgreich. Ich baue jetzt noch eine extension fuer 1.5.15 01:31 < huebi> pcre, eine lib fuer kde 01:31 < esden> und ich baue mir ne zigarette ;-) 01:40 < esden> n8'ele 01:40 < huebi> n8 esden 02:26 < jonath[an]> hello guys 02:32 < huebi> hi jonath[an] 02:32 < huebi> I go to bed now. 02:32 < huebi> cu tomorrow 02:35 < jonath[an]> cu huebi 02:35 -!- jonath[an] is now known as d3mian 02:44 < d3mian> brb 02:44 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has quit ("BitchX-1.0c18 © 1996-2000 Colten Edwards") 02:48 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 02:48 < rxr> hi d3mian! 02:48 < d3mian> hi rene 02:48 < d3mian> still awake? 02:49 < rxr> jups I promissed some guys to write a wine howto - so i'm waiting for my laptop to finishd a new wine compilation ... 02:49 < d3mian> rxr: have u put a DNS on a dRock system? 02:49 < d3mian> ic, cool 02:49 < rxr> you mean the libresolv on the boot CD ? 02:50 < d3mian> no, i mean make dRock a dns server 02:50 < rxr> ah I see 02:50 < rxr> do you need a full server of just a proxy / cache ? 02:50 < d3mian> cache, IP and Name resolv 02:51 < rxr> ah 02:51 < d3mian> the IP resolv doesnt work 02:51 < d3mian> the name resolv yes 02:51 < rxr> for cacheing we have pdnsd and the glibc's native one 02:51 < rxr> d3mian: ?? huh! 02:51 < rxr> waht doesn't work? Here works all perfectly ... 02:51 * rxr puzzled ... 02:51 < d3mian> i mean reverse ip lookup 02:52 < rxr> nad by the way as server we have bind, too ... 02:52 < rxr> reverse lookup - ok 02:52 < rxr> what do you wanna do ? 02:52 < d3mian> put a private LAN DNS 02:53 < d3mian> it works 02:53 < d3mian> but not in reverse lookup 02:53 < rxr> which server do you use? 02:53 < d3mian> named 02:54 < rxr> and how do you initiate a reverse lookup ? 02:54 < d3mian> um, i make a file named 192.168.1.in-addr.arpa 02:54 < d3mian> which is called from named.conf 02:55 < rxr> I mean which tool do you use for the reverse lookup? 02:55 < rxr> host whatis ... 02:55 < d3mian> nslookup 02:55 < rxr> and what is the error? 02:55 < rxr> all the tools work correct here (just tested) 02:56 < d3mian> named works fine, i know 02:56 < d3mian> nslookup cant resolve IPs 02:56 < d3mian> just for localhost (127.0.0.in-addr.arpa) 02:56 < rxr> rene@jackson:~ > nslookup 02:56 < rxr> Note: nslookup is deprecated and may be removed from future releases. 02:56 < rxr> Consider using the `dig' or `host' programs instead. Run nslookup with 02:56 < rxr> the `-sil[ent]' option to prevent this message from appearing. 02:56 < rxr> Server: 02:56 < rxr> Address: 02:57 < rxr> Non-authoritative answer: 02:57 < rxr> name = www.heise.de. 02:57 < rxr> Authoritative answers can be found from: 02:57 < d3mian> umm, well ill try those 02:57 < d3mian> im using drock 1.4.2 02:58 < rxr> rene@jackson:~ > host 02:58 < rxr> domain name pointer www.heise.de. 02:58 < d3mian> ok 02:59 < rxr> it also works in my private net 02:59 < d3mian> ic 03:00 < rxr> rene@jackson:~ > host 03:00 < rxr> domain name pointer portable.localnet. 03:00 < d3mian> i did this 15 minutes ago 03:00 < rxr> what was the error? 03:01 < d3mian> no, i mean with nsllokup 03:01 < d3mian> nslookup couldnt resolve IP 03:01 < rxr> what das /etc/{resolv.conf,nsswitch.conf} contain ? 03:01 < d3mian> and in slack it works 03:01 < d3mian> order hosts, bind 03:01 < d3mian> multi on 03:02 < d3mian> ns rocka.demiansoft.co.cr 03:02 < d3mian> search rocka.demiansoft.co.cr 03:02 < rxr> where is this "ns rocka.demiansoft.co.cr" line in? 03:02 < d3mian> no 03:03 < d3mian> sorry, instead names, they are IPs 03:03 < d3mian> ns = nameserver 03:03 < d3mian> i couldnt understand ur question 03:04 < rxr> well, behind search a domain name should follow, which will be added to unqualified names ... 03:04 < d3mian> the dns is ok, but the reverse lookup fails, i dunno why 03:05 < rxr> but this is not the reason for your problem ... 03:06 < rxr> there might be a tiny misoconfiguration somewhere ... - I also had some fragile setups. The glibc-2.2 is much more robust against tiny missing peaces in the config 03:07 < rxr> so you could try 1.6.0 ... 03:07 < d3mian> ok 03:07 < d3mian> i have a iso next to me :-) 03:07 < rxr> we have a new mirror ;-) 03:07 < d3mian> yes? 03:08 < rxr> https://nexus.tfh-berlin.de/~drock/ 03:08 < rxr> should be pretty fast - maybe you could test this out ? 03:08 < d3mian> ill test it now 03:08 < d3mian> ;-) 03:08 < d3mian> where is it located? 03:09 < rxr> at my "university" ... 03:09 < d3mian> umm , ok 03:09 < d3mian> and it is not too flooded? 03:09 < rxr> why? 03:10 < d3mian> im in costarica, with a poor conection, which used to fall in floods 03:10 < d3mian> im too in a university, and it is too flooded 03:11 < rxr> in germany the universities have fairly well connections ... 03:11 < rxr> I jsut tried the side 03:11 < d3mian> well, it doesnt care, ill try anyway 03:11 < rxr> I get 124.15K/s so it is limitted by my DSL connect - not the http server on the other side ;-) 03:12 < d3mian> mine too, mainly after 0h 03:12 < rxr> hehe 03:12 < rxr> you can wait some hours - maybe letting the wget run in s detached screen ... 03:13 < rxr> feel free to paste your download rate here ;) 03:14 < d3mian> ok 03:14 < d3mian> yes, screen 03:17 < d3mian> ive started 03:17 < d3mian> it is at 80K 03:18 < d3mian> :) 03:19 < d3mian> rene, i have other prob with 1.4.2 03:20 < rxr> urgh which ones? 03:20 < rxr> (but my wine build completed ...) 03:20 < d3mian> with write and talk 03:20 < d3mian> look this: 03:20 < d3mian> d3vil@rocka:~ $ echo strange | write admin > write.log 03:20 < d3mian> write: can't find your tty's name 03:20 < d3mian> d3vil@rocka:~ $ id ; tty 03:20 < d3mian> uid=1003(d3vil) gid=0(root) groups=0(root) 03:20 < d3mian> d3vil@rocka:~ $ 03:20 < d3mian> john@rocka:~ $ write d3vil 03:20 < d3mian> write: can't find your tty's name 03:20 < d3mian> john@rocka:~ $ id ; tty 03:20 < d3mian> uid=1002(john) gid=100(users) groups=100(users) 03:21 < d3mian> john@rocka:~ $ 03:21 < d3mian> /dev/vc/3 03:21 < d3mian> -------> write: can't find your tty's name <-------- 03:21 < d3mian> what is it? 03:21 < d3mian> but with root users it works 03:23 < rxr> strange it works here and on other systems ... 03:24 < d3mian> um :( 03:24 < rxr> I tested it on 1.4.0-DEV and 1.6.0-DEV 03:24 < d3mian> i use 1.4.2 03:24 < rxr> But when you wait a hour I can reboot my laptop and test it on a vanilla 1.4.2 ... 03:24 < d3mian> if u want 03:25 < d3mian> last time i had a similar prob, some users logged in never appear in "finger, who, w" etc 03:26 < d3mian> and now this, its strange 03:26 < d3mian> at least for me 03:26 < rxr> it is also strange for me - since I never got this 03:27 < d3mian> i make a new user, change ur gid, reboot, log in another tty, but the prob persist for all non-root uid 03:27 < d3mian> users 03:28 < rxr> what does: "ls -l /proc/self/fd/* | grep pts" output? 03:29 < d3mian> i not on rocka now 03:29 < d3mian> but i can try later 03:30 < d3mian> what does it should display? 03:32 < d3mian> ( connection rate is now in 60Kb/s ) 03:32 < rxr> in /proc/self/fd/* you'll find all open file descriptors your programm has 03:32 < rxr> the grep filters for pseudeo terminal devices used by xterm style programs 03:33 < rxr> when you are in a real virtual terminal you need | grep vt 03:33 < d3mian> umm, so so 03:33 < rxr> you then know on which divice your prog runs and you can take a look which permissions this device has 03:34 < d3mian> ic 03:34 < d3mian> :-) 03:35 < d3mian> so, maybe users doesnt have correct permissions to terminal devices? 03:35 < rxr> no they are set automatically by the kernel (I guess ...) 03:36 < d3mian> dunno 03:37 < rxr> you could also test whether last works correctly ... 03:38 < d3mian> umm, ive compiled 2.4.18 03:38 < d3mian> it seems to be ok 03:40 < rxr> no the command "last" 03:41 < d3mian> hehe 03:41 < d3mian> yes, it works fine 03:41 < d3mian> lastlog is ok 03:41 < rxr> on your home box ? 03:41 < d3mian> yes 03:42 < d3mian> i know, cauz i tested it 03:43 < rxr> hm ?!? 03:43 < d3mian> tail -f /var/log/lastlog , and the users logged in and out, the entries are fine 03:44 * rxr really puzzled 03:44 < d3mian> arrg 03:44 < rxr> I check this on a vanilly 1.4.1 on my lappy 03:44 < d3mian> ok 03:45 < rxr> btw what 1.4.2 did you used? There never was a 1.4.2 release ... 03:45 < d3mian> dont remember :p 03:47 < d3mian> well, if i cant solve this, ill take over my rock 1.5.13 03:47 < d3mian> before get more probs i mean 03:48 < d3mian> maybe my system is collapsed, dunno 03:49 < d3mian> brb 03:54 < d3mian> rene: have u tried this in ur vanilla? 04:08 < d3mian> brb 04:08 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has quit ("[BX] Get your free warez from!") 04:10 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 04:10 < d3mian> re 04:28 < rxr> hi 04:29 < rxr> no my lappy is busy running various versions of wine to get some info for my gp3 install howto ... 04:29 < d3mian> ahhh ok 04:30 < d3mian> dunt worry 04:30 < d3mian> what's gp3? 04:35 < rxr> a racing simulation 04:35 < rxr> a game 04:35 < rxr> https://drocklinux.dyndns.org/rene/me/gp3/gallery.html 04:36 < d3mian> hehe, thnx 04:41 < d3mian> cool snaps rene 04:41 < d3mian> ;-) 04:43 < d3mian> i was tainted by new rocklinux websites look 04:43 < d3mian> is there a sed script to build these pages? 04:49 < d3mian> ( 55% Downloaded at 69Kb/s ) 04:49 < rxr> the usual rock.sed script 04:49 < rxr> but you only need to exchange two values in your old script to get the new colors ... 04:49 < rxr> the menu-bar are some other 6 lines or so ... 04:51 < d3mian> umm 04:51 < d3mian> where do i get the new rock.sed? 04:52 < rxr> https://www.rocklinux.org/rock.sed 04:52 < rxr> as usual 04:52 < d3mian> ok, thnx 04:52 < d3mian> :) 04:52 < d3mian> really cool 04:53 < d3mian> and a simple index.in file? where can i get a sample of this? 04:55 < d3mian> ive found one 05:00 < rxr> ;-) 06:08 < d3mian> dRock 1.6 is now Here rene 06:10 < rxr> d3mian: it is not 1.6 - it is 1.6.0-rc2 (!!!) 06:10 < rxr> but yeah - nice! 06:11 < d3mian> hehe 06:11 < d3mian> ok ok, well, now ill bring a CD to start burning 06:11 < rxr> ,) 06:13 -!- d3mian is now known as d3m|away 06:25 -!- freed [~bofh@konzentrat.tfh-berlin.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06:29 < rxr> urgh and no 2.5.14 is out! 06:38 -!- d3m|away is now known as d3mian 06:39 < d3mian> rxr: now im burning and downloading CD-2 06:47 < rxr> fine! 06:58 < rxr> well - a new version of the gp3 page is online: 06:58 < rxr> https://drocklinux.dyndns.org/rene/me/gp3/gallery.html 06:59 < rxr> including a howto install this game ;-) and some not-to and install screenshots ... 06:59 < d3mian> let'see what we have here ;-) 06:59 < rxr> the site had 556 hits so far ;-) 07:00 < d3mian> cool 07:01 < d3mian> i suppose i cant play this game in a system without opengl and just with 8Mb in videoram, or yes? 07:01 < rxr> maybe ... 07:02 < rxr> if your cpu has say > 600 Mhz ... 07:02 < d3mian> nop 07:02 < rxr> btw the game is a commercial one - and you must buy it ... 07:02 < d3mian> i have a k6-2 450 07:02 < d3mian> ic 07:03 < rxr> maybe it would run in 640x480 and low details ... 07:03 < d3mian> well, chronium is almost imposibble top run at rocka 07:04 < rxr> sure chromium uses opengl and so XFree uses software emulation -> this is dog slow ... 07:04 < d3mian> yes, i noted that :p 07:05 < rxr> but stuff like clanbomber or this game might run with a decent speed ... 07:05 < d3mian> yes, clanbomber runs cool 07:06 < d3mian> i really need to upgrade Rocka 07:06 < rxr> hrad or software ? 07:06 < huebi> moin 07:06 < d3mian> software 07:07 < rxr> hi huebi ! 07:07 < d3mian> i dont have openlg neither a cool video card 07:07 < huebi> hi rxr d3mian 07:07 < d3mian> yo huebi 07:10 -!- freed [~bofh@konzentrat.tfh-berlin.de] has joined #rocklinux 07:11 < d3mian> hola freed 07:12 < d3mian> ( 55% CD-2 at 80Kb/s ) 07:18 < rxr> huebi: maybe you could point your friend to this site: 07:18 < rxr> https://drocklinux.dyndns.org/rene/me/gp3/gallery.html 07:18 < rxr> maybe he find s.th. he can fix ;-) 07:19 < huebi> rxr: If I meet him next, I point him to this side. 07:20 < rxr> huebi: thank! 07:22 < rxr> ok now I let my ROCK build be a ROCK build and try to take some hours of sleep before the university ... 07:22 < rxr> cu later! 07:23 < huebi> n8 rxr 07:23 < d3mian> have a good night rene 07:23 < d3mian> ( 85% CD-2 at 80Kb/s ) 07:27 -!- surprise [kdlcjc@greencard.inder.eu.org] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07:38 < d3mian> download completed, now burning 07:56 < huebi> cu later 07:56 < d3mian> cu huebi 08:00 -!- clifford [~clifford@] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 08:10 -!- clifford [~clifford@M106P000.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 08:58 -!- surprise [kdlcjc@greencard.inder.eu.org] has joined #rocklinux 09:07 -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:07 < tsa> moin allerseits. 09:09 -!- huebi_ [~huebi@p50816AD5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:11 < d3mian> hello tsa 09:13 < tsa> hi d3mian 09:25 -!- huebi [~huebi@p50817051.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09:43 < esden> moin moin 09:50 < tsa> moin esden 09:50 < d3mian> hello esden 09:50 < d3mian> :) 09:51 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs3.xs4all.nl] has joined #rocklinux 09:51 < tsa> hi ringo78 09:53 < tsa> *gaeeehn* 09:54 < tsa> hm....viel zu frueh.. 09:54 < huebi_> re 09:55 < d3mian> re huebi_ 09:55 < d3mian> ringo78 09:55 < clifford> hi! 09:55 < huebi_> hi clifford 09:56 < clifford> huebi_: I'm linking projects/rock17 now to your dir .. 09:56 < huebi_> clifford: ok, great 09:56 < d3mian> hi clifford 09:57 < clifford> huebi_: No - I'm not doing it yet: could you please move everything from people/huebi/ to people/huebi/rock17/ .. we would otherwise get a problem if you would like to create another homepage for something else later.. 09:58 < huebi_> How do I get my nich back? /msg nickserv ghost huebi ? 09:58 < SMP> huebi_: /nick huebi 09:58 < SMP> ? 09:58 < huebi_> clifford: I have to find out how... 09:58 -!- huebi_ is now known as huebi 09:59 < d3mian> :) 09:59 < huebi> ahh 09:59 < huebi> SMP: Thank you 09:59 < d3mian> hehe 10:00 < ringo78> hi all, am trying to learn how to prog ... 600 pgs left .. 10:00 < huebi> clifford: Can I use the rock.sed script only localy? 10:01 < clifford> huebi: are you using my maintain.sh script? (doesn't look like you do) 10:01 * clifford is back in a minute ... (phone call) 10:01 < esden> hi clifford 10:01 < huebi> clifford: I tried it yesterday evening. But it didn't work. 10:02 * -> esden is making the sysvinit patch 10:05 * d3mian arrrg, cant set a reverse dns lookup in rocka :( 10:06 * clifford is back. 10:06 < clifford> huebi: what was the problem? 10:06 < huebi> people/huebi/rock16 <- better 16? 10:07 < huebi> clifford: I did not get a connect yesterday. Now it did work 10:08 < clifford> huebi: oh - sure.... :-) 10:11 < clifford> huebi: hmm - now you only uploaded the .in file... 10:11 < huebi> clifford: now it's ok again. 10:12 < huebi> https://www.rocklinux.org/people/huebi/rock16/ <- now works 10:12 < clifford> huebi: linked to https://www.rocklinux.org/projects/rock16 10:13 < tsa> hi clifford 10:13 < tsa> hi huebi 10:13 < d3mian> how can i download a entire web folder, like https://docs.online.bg/OREILLY/samba/Using_Samba/ ? 10:13 < huebi> how can I pass my password to maintain.sh 10:13 < huebi> ? 10:13 < huebi> hi tsa 10:13 < tsa> d3mian: hm...wget ? 10:14 < d3mian> tsa: sure, -np -r didnt work 10:14 < tsa> wget -r -l $URL 10:14 < d3mian> tsa: i havent tried -l option, ill try now 10:14 < tsa> ok.. 10:14 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 10:14 < tsa> hi netcrow 10:14 < netcrow> hi 10:15 < tsa> hm....this server is damn slow... 10:15 < clifford> huebi: you don't. rsync will ask for it. 10:15 < huebi> clifford: I don't want to be asked for an automatic deploy ;-) 10:16 < huebi> --password-file=FILE <- That's it 10:16 < tsa> uh..password in a cleartext-file? 10:17 < clifford> huebi: yes. you can modify maintain.sh so it passes the --password-file option. 10:17 < clifford> just make sure that the password file is in another directory - so you don't sync it tot the server .. :-) 10:17 < d3mian> tsa: it didnt work 10:17 < d3mian> hi netcrow 10:17 < tsa> d3mian: hnm... 10:17 < tsa> clifford: hehe 10:17 < huebi> clifford: Thank you for that hint :-) 10:18 < d3mian> i used whet -r -l 5 , and -np 10:19 < d3mian> tsa: maybe the site ? (https://docs.online.bg/OREILLY/samba/Using_Samba/) 10:19 * tsa trying 10:19 < tsa> hm....the site is soo slooooooow.. 10:20 < tsa> :-( 10:20 < d3mian> hehe, yes i know 10:20 < SMP> huebi: could you please run 'sendmail -bD -q' on ella for a moment? 10:20 < tsa> -bd 10:20 < tsa> probably. 10:20 < SMP> no, -bD 10:20 < SMP> D is for foreground 10:21 < huebi> SMP: sendmail -bD -q is running 10:21 < tsa> hm....omitting "-bD" should geve the same result. 10:21 < tsa> give 10:22 < SMP> huebi: ouch .. 10:22 < SMP> huebi: /var/spool/clientmqueue seems to be really full! ;) 10:23 < SMP> how does one run that queue? 10:23 < clifford> *ROTFL* https://www.clifford.at/fun/email.txt 10:24 < tsa> *LOL* 10:24 < tsa> hehe...nicht schlecht. 10:24 < huebi> *LOL* 10:24 < d3mian> *g 10:25 * d3mian smile cauz he couldnt understand the mail 10:26 < tsa> d3mian: the site's so slow i can't even see what's there... 10:26 < huebi> ll /var/spool/clientmqueue/ |wc -l = 2421 10:26 < d3mian> tsa: ic 10:26 < tsa> d3mian: are you only interested in "using samba"? 10:26 < d3mian> tsa: well, it is not for me, but, why? 10:26 < huebi> SMP: cron wants to talk a lot. Without sendmail running 10:26 < d3mian> tsa: i can try another site 10:27 < tsa> d3mian: i have it at home, i can send it to you as a .tgz when i get back home.. 10:27 < esden> clifford: mail raus mit dem utmpdump patch 10:27 < d3mian> tsa: as u want, if u can of course :) 10:27 < tsa> d3mian: no problem....where do you want me to send it? 10:28 < d3mian> tsa: calvania@users.sourceforge.net 10:28 < tsa> ok. 10:28 * tsa sending myself a reminder.. 10:28 < ringo78> Whats a nice program to print some howto's etc? Wanna trye lprng.. Hopefully it works. 10:28 < clifford> esden: https://www.rocklinux.org/rolling/devel/ - ich brauch dann die IRC Channel Summary fuer die 1. ausgabe. Bis wann kannst du da was schreiben? 10:28 < d3mian> tsa: im still interested to get a entire site with wget, are u sure wget -r -np -l works fine? 10:29 < clifford> huebi: wie siehts aus mit deinem artikel? 10:29 < tsa> d3mian: should work without problems.. 10:29 < d3mian> tsa: ok, thnx 10:29 < huebi> clifford: heute abend habe ich wieder Zeit. 10:29 < tsa> ringo78: you could give "cups" a try.. 10:30 < clifford> huebi: super! 10:30 < esden> clifford: schocke mich halt ... heute nicht mehr ... aber morgen versuche ich es zu machen... welchen zeitraum ? 10:30 < d3mian> i havent tried cups, is there a howto in rock 1.5.13? 10:30 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("leaving") 10:30 < huebi> ringo78: I'll get cups as default printer deamon in 1.5. It hast some more nice features than lprng 10:31 < clifford> esden: 1-2 wochen. Ich haette gern issue #1 vor linuxtag fertig. Dann haben wir nach linuxtag und sane ein paar messeberichte fuer issue #2. 10:31 < tsa> LOL. 10:31 < tsa> This is Rock Pretty/Stupid! The definitive moron installation for Rock Linux. 10:31 < ringo78> ok i'll use cups later i just configd lrng ... So must print a page first .... 10:32 < esden> clifford: asoo ... ok ... dann werde ich es versuchen bis ende der woche zu machen ... 10:32 < SMP> clifford: you seem to be having a lot of time lately.. too few paid work? ;) 10:32 * -> esden saugt die irclogs auf den laptop 10:33 < clifford> SMP: yes. (which can be good or bad ... :-) 10:33 * clifford needs a ROCK Linux sponsor so he gets paid for doing ROCK Linux all the day. 10:34 * huebi has one ;-) 10:35 < tsa> huebi: :-PPPP 10:35 < huebi> tsa: hehe 10:35 * clifford -> "Developing OpenSource Software for food!" ... :-)) 10:35 < esden> clifford: not only you .. 10:36 * -> esden needs also a sponsor ... :-( 10:36 < tsa> me too, me too! 10:37 < huebi> :-))) since saturday I can hear: Sie haben Post! 10:37 < tsa> <- will work for food, bandwidth and cool hardware ;-) 10:37 * SMP thinks that 'to become rich' is a far better plan than 'for food' 10:37 < tsa> huebi: ARRRGGH 10:37 < huebi> must now by started from procmail ;-) 10:37 < tsa> huebi: hehe 10:37 < tsa> SMP: hm...still planning for "world domination"? ;-) 10:38 < clifford> SMP: But what does a plan for 'getting rich' help if you are starving! 10:38 < SMP> tsa: world domination through pr0n !!!1 10:39 < tsa> SMP: i doubt if that will work.. 10:39 < SMP> (funny only if you know what my business is about the other half of the time) 10:39 < tsa> oh-oh.. 10:40 * clifford is looking fo a good (open source) web log alaysis tool. 10:40 < tsa> SMP: hm...so what is it..? 10:40 < tsa> clifford: webalizer? 10:40 < esden> clifford: webalizer ? 10:41 < esden> tsa: grrr 10:41 < SMP> webalizer *muahaha* 10:41 < SMP> pure crap 10:41 < huebi> SMP: Your are not only having an ISP bussiness? Do you also have a bussiness in the red light district? ;-> 10:41 < tsa> huebi: seems so.. 10:41 < esden> SMP: so what do you prefere ? 10:41 < SMP> yeah, we also do stuff like https://www.showserver.de/ 10:41 < SMP> esden: none 10:42 < SMP> I use webalizer, but only because clients like the colourful charts 10:43 < SMP> if I want a question answered from the logs I write a tool ad-hoc 10:43 < esden> SMP: you prefere the pure logs ... right ? 10:43 < esden> SMP: ok 10:43 < huebi> esden: sort -u customer.wants.to.have.much.data 10:43 < huebi> bbl 10:44 < esden> huebi: hehe 10:45 < tsa> SMP: showserver.de seems to be broken... 10:45 < clifford> I would need something simple tiny. I think of ./thetool < access.log > statistic.html 10:45 < tsa> want me to pay some money first... 10:45 < clifford> But I think i will need to write something like that myself. 10:45 < SMP> tsa: that's the 'getting rich' part of the plan 10:45 < tsa> SMP: does it work? 10:46 < tsa> clifford: you could try https://www.analog.cx 10:46 < esden> clifford: could you before you write it upload a new snap ? 10:46 < tsa> ..or webalizer ;-) 10:46 < SMP> clifford: do you know analog? it's too rogue alone, but there exist one or two frontends for analog 10:46 < SMP> tsa: it's starting to work 10:47 < clifford> funny. /me co-developed https://www.gentics.com/Content.Node2/german/produkte/neu/trackingnode/1581.php and now I can't find a log analyser .. :-) 10:48 < SMP> as for webalizer, I'd like to quote the 1.3 source: 10:48 < SMP> u_long rec_tstamp; 10:48 < tsa> SMP: hm....ok...perhaps we should set up xxx.rocklinux.org ;-) 10:48 < SMP> [...] 10:49 < SMP> rec_tstamp=((jdate(rec_day,rec_month,rec_year)-epoch)*1000000)+ 10:49 < SMP> (rec_hour*10000) + (rec_min*100) + rec_sec; 10:49 < SMP> this most *stupid* conversation results in rec_timestamp overflowing way before 2038 10:50 < SMP> namely on 4.10.2001 23:59:59 10:50 < SMP> it's fixed in 2.0, but I don't trust anyone who has ever released such crappy code 10:52 < clifford> esden: I've only integrated your patches since the last snap .. 10:54 < esden> clifford: aha ok ... I thought you have done something with dietlibc dynamic linking ... so I wanted to test it ... 10:54 < clifford> esden: Oh that - it's just a few lines of code. I'm testing it right now and will upload it when it turned out to work .. 10:55 < esden> clifford: good thanks 10:55 * -> esden hat keine lust auf die zentraluebung mathe .... :-( 10:56 < tsa> hehe 10:56 < tsa> esden: verstaendlich.. 10:56 < esden> tsa: schuen dass ich mal verstanden werde ;-) 10:56 * tsa muss auch noch ne mathe-pruefung machen... 10:57 -!- clifford is now known as clifford_away 10:57 -!- kvak|uninvited [uninvited@pD9590E7D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ROCKLINUX 10:57 < tsa> hi kvak|uninvited 10:57 < esden> hi uni *knuddelwuddel* alter kamerad 10:57 < kvak|uninvited> hello. 10:57 < kvak|uninvited> Hi esden. 10:58 < esden> kvak|uninvited: wie gehts ? 10:58 < SMP> schwul? 10:58 < kvak|uninvited> This question sent by the rock mailing list - about problems on swat... 10:58 < tsa> SMP: hehe 10:58 < d3mian> hello kvak|uninvited 10:58 < kvak|uninvited> ...is this a 1.7 problem only ? 10:58 < kvak|uninvited> I had problems on 1.4 and a 1.5.13 snapshot too. 10:58 < esden> SMP: nee nicht wirklich ... 10:59 < kvak|uninvited> smp> ja *G* 10:59 < esden> kvak|uninvited: psst ;-) 10:59 < kvak|uninvited> hehe 11:00 < kvak|uninvited> So, anyone confirming problems with swat out of 1.4 or 1.5.13 snaps ? 11:00 * tsa didn't try... 11:00 -!- simon-- [~sts@p50875930.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:01 < tsa> hi simon 11:01 < d3mian> hello simon 11:02 < d3mian> there is a new rock linux dns working :) 11:04 < d3mian> ouch !!! 11:04 < d3mian> reverse lookup for a zone is not working :( 11:04 -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:05 < holyolli> moin 11:05 < d3mian> moin holyolli 11:05 < holyolli> hi d3mian 11:06 < tsa> tag holyolli 11:06 < holyolli> tag tsa 11:07 < tsa> *gaehn* 11:08 < holyolli> tsa: go on working...no sleeping :-P 11:09 < tsa> holyolli: hast du den backup-server schon fertig eingerichtet? 11:09 < tsa> :-P 11:09 < holyolli> hast du die websachen schon von vivaldi auf bach migriert? 11:09 < ringo78> What is the name of the paralel port (the 1st)? 11:09 * -> esden starts to write the rolling rock irc summary ... 11:10 < d3mian> lp0 ? 11:10 < tsa> holyolli: nein, soll ich mal eben? 11:10 < holyolli> tsa: mach doch 11:10 < tsa> holyolli: neee....ich bastel lieber das routing kaputt. 11:11 < kvak|uninvited> LPT1 ;-) 11:11 < tsa> hehe ;) 11:11 < d3mian> *g ;-) 11:12 < tsa> perhaps /dev/has/anyone/seen/my/parallel/interface/here 11:12 < holyolli> tsa: ab wann bistu hier? 11:12 < kvak|uninvited> cya all 11:12 -!- kvak|uninvited [uninvited@pD9590E7D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("w?Ee0oELo3wnz4m2v5EspI7BMzthMkCrzZSCVcWvaiNo?xPL1rASSjznN2w8Dcx0DPASPw00") 11:12 < tsa> holyolli: 13.00 + e 11:13 -!- simon [~sts@pD951E239.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11:13 < holyolli> 13:05? 11:13 < tsa> z.B. 11:13 < tsa> y? 11:13 -!- simon-- is now known as simon 11:13 < holyolli> .oO(was war die eulersche konstante nochmal genau?) 11:14 < holyolli> .oO(das hat was mit mathe zu tun... *tsaanschau*) 11:14 < tsa> aehm....ich meinte nicht euler.. 11:14 < tsa> eher \epsilon 11:14 < holyolli> tsa: weil ich noch lerne muss 11:14 < holyolli> axxo 11:14 < tsa> holyolli: ach....du also auch???? 11:14 < tsa> ;) 11:14 < holyolli> :-P 11:16 -!- th [th@delta.boerde.de] has joined #rocklinux 11:17 < th> hi 11:17 * -> esden hates to translate!!!! 11:18 < d3mian> hello th 11:18 < tsa> hi th 11:18 * d3mian is agree with esden 11:20 < esden> hi th 11:39 < ringo78> didn't have parport in kernel :-( 11:40 < d3mian> :( 11:53 < esden> argh we are chatting to much !!!! 11:54 < holyolli> mmh? 11:54 < holyolli> y? 11:55 < esden> holyolli: I am creatinc irc summary 11:55 < esden> holyolli: that is a loooong read 11:56 < holyolli> where? 11:56 < holyolli> ;-) 11:56 < d3mian> esden: "chatting" as informal conversations or "chatting" as general conversations? 12:00 < esden> d3mian: chatting as chatting in this channel ... and there is so much irrilivant and generally uninteresting stuff ... 12:00 < tsa> esden: you mean we're talking uninteresting stuff here, too? ;-) 12:13 < th> but that uninteresting stuff inspires us to discuss important stuff 12:14 * tsa feels very inspired, then.. ;) 12:14 < d3mian> i think there are a lot of-off topic conversations too, even i consider it is not so bad, cauz if u want talk about interesting stuff, ull do, if not u can talk about sth and hope that other ppl listen if they want. I think is not strict a on-topic conversation while nobody has sth really interesting to comment 12:16 < esden> I did not mean that it is wrong to talk about god and the world ... but that it is hard to make a summary ... 12:16 < esden> so : talk people talk !!! ;-) 12:17 < d3mian> poor esden 12:17 < tsa> esden: bible v2.0 12:17 < tsa> ;) 12:17 < d3mian> :) 12:17 < esden> tsa: lool 12:17 < d3mian> LOL 12:18 < d3mian> these are stuff make funny the channel :p 12:18 -!- praenti|sleep is now known as praenti 12:18 < praenti> moin 12:19 < d3mian> hello praenti 12:19 < holyolli> moin praenti 12:20 < praenti> esden: uni? 12:20 < esden> praenti: ja :-((( 12:20 * praenti not in the fh. 12:20 < praenti> esden: what subjects today? 12:21 < esden> argh one day needs 100 lines to summarize !!!! 12:21 * -> esden die 12:22 < esden> is somebody willing to help me with summarizing the chanel logs ? 12:24 < d3mian> esden: i would like 12:24 < d3mian> esden: if i can 12:25 < esden> d3mian: ok continue with day 2002-04-16 and send the summary to me 12:25 < esden> d3mian: thanks 12:25 * -> esden going to the zentraluebung 12:25 < d3mian> esden: u need to explain me some stuff first 12:25 < esden> cu all 12:26 < d3mian> ??? 12:27 < praenti> cu esden 12:29 < esden> the first raw version of a summary is here: https://www.rocklinux.org/people/esden/rollingrock/rollingrock.1 12:29 < esden> but now 12:29 < esden> cu all 12:30 < d3mian> bye all, i have to leave now too 12:30 < d3mian> enjoy this day! 12:31 < huebi> cu d3mian 12:31 -!- d3mian is now known as d3m|away 12:33 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs3.xs4all.nl] has quit ("leaving") 12:39 -!- d3m|away [~demian@] has left #rocklinux () 12:40 < tsa> hm.. 12:42 -!- d3m|away [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 12:48 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs4.xs4all.nl] has joined #rocklinux 12:57 < tsa> soo...ich wechsel mal eben den arbeitsplatz....bbl. 12:57 -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has quit ("wech.") 13:33 -!- ich_wschl is now known as wschlich 13:37 * praenti has found a mainboard from an omnibook 4150 13:38 < praenti> perhaps i can can repair mine ;-)) 13:59 -!- freed [~bofh@konzentrat.tfh-berlin.de] has quit ("BitchX-1.0c18 -- just do it.") 14:11 < huebi> praenti: Do you also have a broken display for such an HP OmniBook 4150 14:11 < huebi> praenti: I need th electronics from inside the display 14:11 < huebi> +e 14:12 < praenti> huebi: no. my display is ok. my mainboard has an exploded trasistor 14:13 < praenti> s/trasistor/transistor 14:16 < holyolli> huebi: btw. ich hab nen bisschen alzheimer...was war nochmal der laden mit den lc-displays? 14:18 < praenti> huebi: hast du zufälligerweise das mainboard bei dem 4150 komplett ausgebaut? 14:27 < holyolli> <-- erstma nach hause 14:27 -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has quit ("fnord!") 14:37 < huebi> praenti: Ich glaube. da fehlt nicht viel um es komplett auszubauen. 14:38 < praenti> huebi: kennst dich du mit samba aus? 14:38 < huebi> praenti: geht so. 14:38 < praenti> huebi: wie heißt das tool wo du über webfrontend einrichten kannst 14:38 < huebi> swat 14:41 -!- tsa [~tsa@rossini.marcant.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:41 < tsa> re 14:41 < huebi> SMP: Schnitz du noch an der Hardware von world ? ;-) 14:41 < huebi> hi tsa 14:41 < tsa> hi huebi 14:42 < SMP> huebi: FUCK 14:42 < SMP> jetzt laeuft die alte Platte im alten Rechner wieder nicht 14:42 < tsa> hm....schonmal irgendwer versucht, cisco-acls in iptables zu konvertieren? 14:43 < praenti> huebi: ich brauch nämlich die bezeichnung von dem transistor auf Q36 14:43 < tsa> hab' nen skript gefunden, was das tun soll, aber das baut nur muell zusammen. 14:43 < praenti> auf meine mainboard 14:46 < huebi> praenti: sprich mich heute abend, wenn ich zuhause bin. ;-) 14:54 < th> re 14:55 < th> SMP: huebi: wie issen der world status? 14:56 < SMP> th: zerlegt und bootet nicht 14:58 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #rocklinux 14:58 < bluefire> moin 14:58 < th> SMP: mist 15:07 < th> SMP: machst du da dann auch ne rock neuinstallation? 15:08 -!- term_emu [~pm@beaufort.wyzant.de] has joined #rocklinux 15:09 < term_emu> hio 15:10 < huebi> hi term_emu 15:11 < huebi> hi th 15:11 < th> der SMP steckt bestimmt gerade im 19 zoll schrank und bastelt 15:13 < huebi> th: SMP wird gerade von mieser Hardware nach Murphy weichgekocht. :( Wenn's schiefgehen kann, und nicht darf, dann geht's voll in die Hose. 15:17 < tsa> hehe 15:18 < tsa> ist SMP ueberhaupt rack-mountable? *wunder* 15:19 < huebi> Das sind dann die durchgemachten Naechte ala "Mist schon 5h und um 7h kommen die ersten Leute zum arbeiten. Und das RAID vom Mailserver zerlegt sich schon wieder..." 15:21 < huebi> tsa: Das heisst also "Service included" ;> 15:21 < tsa> huebi: jupp.. 15:22 < tsa> mount -t SMP -o rack /admin 15:22 < tsa> ;-) 15:24 < th> das bringt nur die usage 15:24 < th> da fehlt das device 15:25 < tsa> th: ich weiss....aber SMP ist im devfs irgendwie nicht vorgesehen.. komisch 15:25 < huebi> und deshalb heisst die E3500 auch Minibar 15:26 < huebi> https://de.sunsolve.sun.com/handbook_pub/Systems/E3500/component.front.html <- hehe 15:27 < tsa> nett. 15:27 < huebi> https://de.sunsolve.sun.com/handbook_pub/Systems/E3500/breakdown.html <- Part # 6 <= Flaschenhalter 15:27 < huebi> https://de.sunsolve.sun.com/handbook_pub/Systems/E3500/breakdown.html <- Part # 14/15 <= Eiswuerfelbehaelter 15:28 < huebi> oder habe ich da Power/Cooling Modules falsch uebersetzt *hmmm* 15:35 < rxr> bin an der FH ... -cu 15:38 < tsa> huebi: https://home.planet.nl/~mourits/koelkast/ 15:39 < tsa> *gaehn* 15:41 < tsa> hm...ich geh' mal kaffee suchen.. 15:41 < huebi> tsa: in bolivien? 15:41 < huebi> ;> 15:42 < huebi> tsa: https://home.planet.nl/~mourits/koelkast/ <- Auch haben will 15:42 < huebi> Nette Idee und gut gemacht ;) 15:56 < tsa> jupp. 15:57 < tsa> ich sags ja....chassis von ner v880 als kleiderschrank... 15:57 < tsa> ob ripclaw sowas guenstig besorgen kann? 15:57 < tsa> ;-) 15:57 < huebi> tsa: Ich glaube nicht. 15:58 < huebi> Aber eine Origin 3000 als grosser Kuelschrank 15:58 < tsa> naja, wer ne v880 hat, wird die wohl kaum nackt rumstehen lassen wollen.. 15:58 < tsa> auch schoen.. 15:58 < tsa> wir brauchen _dringend_ sponsoren ;) 15:59 < huebi> das lila sieht gut aus und die Plastikteile sind transparent.. 15:59 < huebi> da laesst sich viel mit Licht machen. 15:59 < tsa> jupp, ich weiss....ich glaube, im nixdorf-museum in paderborn steht noch eine rum...aber die werden die wohl auch nicht hergeben wollen.. 16:00 < tsa> pc-towergehaeuse sind ja sooo langweilig.. 16:00 < huebi> Wo gibt's sonst alte Supercomputer? 16:00 < tsa> keine ahnung.. 16:00 < tsa> irgendne bank in den ruin treiben und dann die hardware uebernehmen? ;) 16:01 < huebi> Beim Linuxtag mal fragen.. 16:01 < tsa> jupp. 16:08 -!- clifford_away [~clifford@M106P000.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 16:11 -!- clifford_away [~clifford@M108P006.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 16:12 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs4.xs4all.nl] has quit ("leaving") 16:19 < tsa> re clifford_away 16:20 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux 16:20 < armijn> re 16:20 * clifford_away released snapshot 1.7.0-DEV-200205061554. 16:21 < armijn> you keep on releasing... 16:21 < tsa> hehe 16:22 < clifford_away> don't chat with me - I'm /away ... (working on another console :-) 16:22 < tsa> i've fixed all my packages that were marked as broken in your last reference build. 16:22 < armijn> I'm not talking to clifford_away, he's away 16:22 < tsa> (it was only one package that needed to be fixed) 16:23 < tsa> armijn: i guess he'll come back soon.. ;) 16:23 < armijn> probably 16:23 < armijn> maybe if we start about why 1.7 sucks bigtime 16:24 < armijn> or about the idea we had, about making "Clifford inside" stickers 16:24 < armijn> "Clifford powered" 16:25 < armijn> "It works with Clifford!" 16:26 < tsa> hehe 16:26 < tsa> cool idea. 16:26 < armijn> for next CCC maybe? 16:27 < tsa> armijn: Clifford might want to kill us.. ;-( 16:27 < armijn> nah 16:27 < armijn> he'd love it 16:28 < huebi> hi armijn 16:28 -!- term_emu is now known as term_aweh 16:29 < armijn> hi huebi 16:29 < praenti> hi armijn 16:30 < armijn> hi praeti 16:30 < armijn> ehr, praenti 16:30 < tsa> hehe 16:31 < armijn> I know I've pasted this link here many times before, but here I go again 16:31 < armijn> https://www.linuxmag.nl/Tux2MS/ 16:32 < huebi> armijn: All your patches work on Intel except egcs64 16:32 < armijn> huebi: ok, I expected that 16:32 < armijn> we have to make a seperate patch set anyway 16:33 < armijn> I think... 16:33 < armijn> or I have to add an option in egcs64 that it bails out if the architecture is not sparc64 16:33 < huebi> armijn: The last is ther solution 16:33 < armijn> ok 16:33 < armijn> that's just a very minor patch :) 16:34 < tsa> armijn: *lol* 16:34 < tsa> nice link. 16:34 < huebi> rene saaid something about how that could work. But I forgot. 16:35 < praenti> armijn: good story ;-) 16:35 < armijn> huebi: look at ./base-config/lilo/lilo.conf 16:42 < huebi> armijn: Ok. i'll have a look at ./base-config/lilo/lilo.conf 16:42 < huebi> armijn: I like this link ;-))) 16:42 < armijn> huebi: send it to all your colleagues :) 16:43 < huebi> armijn: Done. 16:43 < armijn> :) 17:06 < armijn> 1.6 on Linux Tag? 17:08 < huebi> armijn: I don't think so. But it is possible and would be very nice if it is ready then. 17:10 < huebi> It's not soo much to do but it needs a plan to get it done till Linuxtag 17:18 < tsa> ls -la 17:18 < tsa> ww 17:18 < tsa> scheisse....falsches fenster erwischt. 17:19 < tsa> huebi: hm......wieviele packages sind denn noch broken? 17:20 < huebi> tsa: look at armijn's last mail. The bibest part is IMHO a bootable CDROM 17:20 < tsa> hm... i see 17:22 < armijn> for ultrasparc that is 17:26 < huebi> armijn: and for sparc32 ? 17:26 < armijn> heheheh 17:26 < armijn> forget about sparc32 for now 17:26 < huebi> ok 17:27 < armijn> there should be a big fat warning on 1.6.0: NO SPARC! 17:27 < armijn> well, no sparc32 that is 17:27 < armijn> we will probably have to go back to a 2.2 kernel for sparc32 17:28 < huebi> armijn: why that? 17:28 < armijn> huebi: because sparc is unmaintained in 2.4 17:28 < armijn> there's no maintainer 17:28 < huebi> hmm. Bad thing 17:28 < armijn> yeah 17:29 < armijn> if a 2.4 kernel compiles on sparc32, it is pure luck 17:29 * armijn afk 17:58 < tsa> ..und wech. 17:58 < tsa> bis spaeter. 17:58 -!- tsa [~tsa@rossini.marcant.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 18:15 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs3.xs4all.nl] has joined #rocklinux 18:29 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has quit (No route to host) 18:31 < rxr> armijn: but I saw at least ocational fixes in the changelog or patches for sparc32 ... 18:33 -!- blindy|\ is now known as blindcoder 18:33 < blindcoder> g'afternoon everyone 18:34 < huebi> hi rxr , hi blindcoder 18:36 < praenti> hi blindcoder 18:37 < praenti> huebi: at home? 18:39 * praenti must do a reconnect 18:39 -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("Reconnecting") 18:39 -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 18:39 -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit (Client Quit) 18:40 -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 18:41 -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit (Client Quit) 18:42 -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 18:42 * praenti is back 18:53 < huebi> praenti: I'm still not at home. I'm testing phpgroupware. 19:31 -!- Netsplit over, joins: armijn 19:39 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E1152A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:39 < tsa> re 19:41 -!- Netsplit carter.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: armijn 19:41 -!- Netsplit over, joins: armijn 19:43 < tsa> hi armijn 19:48 < armijn> hate netsplits 19:51 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:51 < holyolli> re 19:52 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@p508077A4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:52 < hackbard> hi 19:52 < holyolli> hi hackbard 19:53 < tsa> hi holyolli 19:53 < tsa> hi hackbard 19:53 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux () 20:10 < rxr> hat einer ne idee was mit ner alten pci s3 karte sein kann, wenn die von einem tag uf den anderen nicht mehr tut ? 20:10 < holyolli> rxr: sie ist kaputt? *duck* ;-) 20:11 < holyolli> rxr: vieleicht irgendwelche kontakte lose? 20:11 < rxr> jups BIOS piept hallt beim einschalten wild rum 20:11 < holyolli> wie piepst es denn? 20:11 < rxr> mit ner ISA garfik karte oder ganz ohne leuft der rechner ... 20:15 < rxr> 1x lang 3x kurz - ist nen Acer modifizierts BIOS ... 20:18 < rxr> kotz wuerg scheiss kiste 20:20 < huebi> praenti: re in 10 minutes 20:20 < huebi> rxr: S3? kaputt! 20:21 < rxr> ist vielleicht doch CPU oder mainboard ... 20:22 < holyolli> huebi: denk bitte an den rechtschreibfehler... ;-))) 20:23 < rxr> hat einer ne ahnung ob acer phoenix oder award bioses hat ? 20:23 < rxr> ami would be Memory test failure 20:24 < rxr> ast would be Video memory test failure 20:24 < rxr> award would be No video card or bad video RAM 20:24 < rxr> phoenix seems to code the beeps in another way ... 20:26 < ringo78> join #lprng 20:27 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs3.xs4all.nl] has quit ("leaving") 20:30 < rxr> hm with the ISA card it boots ... 20:30 < rxr> seems that the S3 Trio64 stopped working from one day to the other ... ?? 20:38 < esden> re hi all 20:38 < holyolli> hi esden 20:38 * -> esden bates German railway >_< 20:38 < holyolli> mh? 20:39 < esden> DB <- kill them all 20:39 < holyolli> db...means "deutsche bahn"...but also "deutsche bank"... ;-) 20:39 < rxr> nicht das du der naechte bist der mit ner pump-gun durch die gegend laefst ... 20:39 < esden> they are stupid unreliable, uninformed and ... argh 20:40 < esden> holyolli: I mean "deutsche bahn" ... 20:40 < holyolli> hehe 20:41 < esden> let me see if clifford uploaded a new snap ... 20:41 * -> esden summarized 2,5 days ... anyone who wants to help is welcome ;-) 20:42 < esden> ahh good new snap is here\= 20:42 < blindcoder> hi esden 20:42 < esden> hi blindcoder 20:43 < blindcoder> esden> You remember Josef Schugt? 20:43 < esden> blindcoder: the ... who ? 20:44 < blindcoder> the one who created the Rei Ayanami and Asuka Themes for IceWM and some other 20:44 < praenti> huebi: schon da? 20:45 < praenti> rxr: 1 long 3 short means no graphic. i think your card is broken... 20:46 < esden> blindcoder: should I know him ? 20:46 < blindcoder> only from me telling you about him ;) 20:46 < blindcoder> he sent some (2 pages) of suggestions for impovement of IceWM-GITS 20:47 < esden> blindcoder: so I do not know him ... 20:47 < esden> blindcoder: woot ... cool 20:47 < blindcoder> no, you don't 20:47 < blindcoder> but know him from some mailcontact 20:48 < blindcoder> when I applied his suggestions then I could jump from 0.1 to 0.5 20:48 < esden> blindcoder: hehe ... version number junkie ;-) 20:48 < blindcoder> And he told me he creates his Icons the same way I do... This XPM was creating with VIM 20:49 < blindcoder> s/creating/created/ 20:49 < blindcoder> esden: patch-level-coward 20:49 < esden> blindcoder: *fg* 20:49 < tsa> hehe 20:51 < esden> wow cool orange juice theme!!! 20:51 < esden> coooollll!!!! 20:51 < tsa> screenshot? 20:51 < holyolli> moin tsa 20:51 < esden> https://themes.freshmeat.net/screenshots/27805/ 20:52 < esden> https://themes.freshmeat.net/screenshots/27804/ 20:52 < holyolli> <-- had a "coffee-in-keyboard-theme" some weeks ago... ;-)) 20:52 < esden> holyolli: screenshot ? 20:53 < holyolli> esden: nope - already cleaned ;-) 20:54 * blindcoder is now going to apply his new-tires.patch to his inline-skates ;) 20:54 < holyolli> *lol* 20:57 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A5C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:57 < snyke> hi all 20:57 < holyolli> hi snyke 20:57 < tsa> hi snyke 20:58 < tsa> blindcoder: have fun....and don't forget ./configure --don't-let-me-fall-please ;) 20:59 -!- wschlich [~wschlich@pD955C707.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21:03 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has quit ("Connection reset by telekom") 21:04 < clifford_away> https://www.rocklinux.org/pics/screenshot_cluster.jpg 21:04 * clifford_away released snapshot 1.7.0-DEV-200205062045. 21:05 * SMP jumps around 21:06 * SMP found out: the cappy harddisc _only_ works it the crappy cdrom is on the same bus 21:07 < SMP> Tag gerettet - und n8! 21:07 < tsa> hehe. 21:07 < tsa> n8 SMP 21:12 < huebi> n8 SMP 21:14 * -> esden satt und sitt 21:15 < hackbard> later .. 21:15 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@p508077A4.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 21:17 * -> esden wants inline-skates !!! 21:17 * -> esden wants money !!! 21:17 * praenti needs money 21:17 * huebi waits for money 21:17 < tsa> gnaaaa! der uni-mailserver suckt. aber gewaltig. 21:17 < tsa> *grummel* 21:18 < praenti> huebi: und kannst dein omnibook soweit auseinanderbauen? 21:18 < tsa> von smtp nach pop3 sollte innerhalb von 20min eigentlich moeglich sein. 21:18 < tsa> scheisskiste 21:18 < esden> praenti: jetzt huer endlich auf an deinem lappy rumzufummeln ... dann geht noch weniger als davor ... 21:19 < huebi> praenti: wo ist der transistor? 21:20 < praenti> huebi: rückseite. da musst du erst die metallblende unten wegnehmen. ist ziemlich gefummel 21:20 < huebi> unter welcher taste? von oben so ca? 21:20 < praenti> huebi: da muss man hinten die schrauben an den anschlüssen wegmachen und die pcmcia-slots lose schrauben 21:21 < esden> praenti: messe doch mal die koordinaten des transistors aus ... 21:21 < praenti> huebi: da wo der lüfter steckt. ist bezeichnung Q36 dran 21:21 < praenti> huebi: neben den ram-haltern 21:23 < huebi> praenti: ich habe einen PII 300/66MHz. Was hast DU? 21:24 < esden> who is making the rocklinux news ? 21:24 < praenti> huebi: war ein PIII 500. shitt dann könnte das bei dir ein anderes board sein 21:24 < esden> praenti: 100% ein anderes ... 21:27 < praenti> huebi: dann lass mal. muss ich halt noch ne woche warten bis ich das defekte aus der ebay auktion geschickt bekomme 21:27 < rxr> esden: cliff and joselyn? 21:28 < huebi> praenti: das _ist_ ein anderes. Weis ich von HighPreis 21:28 < esden> rxr: ahh ok ... 21:28 < rxr> oh she is spelled Jocelyn ... ;-) 21:32 -!- huebi [~huebi@p50816AD5.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 21:32 -!- huebi [~huebi@p50816AD5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:32 * blindcoder is back 21:37 < snyke> has anybody in here some skill in debugging tcl-code? 21:42 < snyke> wow 21:43 < esden> rrr Asuka theme ... laechts 21:44 < praenti> esden: wo? 21:44 < esden> https://themes.freshmeat.net/projects/asuka_/?topic_id=925%2C933 21:45 < blindcoder> esden: that one is from Josef Schugt 21:47 < esden> blindcoder: ja ich weiss 21:47 < esden> ahh *panik* ... auf dem Lady marmalade ist auch bchat druf ... 21:48 < blindcoder> hehe 21:49 < esden> radio sunshine ist cool 21:49 -!- wschlich [~wschlich@pD955CFB0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:50 < esden> geiler techno sound 21:50 < esden> praenti: 107.35 FM 21:50 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:50 < holyolli> re 21:50 < tsa> re holyolli 21:50 < esden> re holyolli 21:51 < blindcoder> ich hau mich etz ins bett 21:51 < blindcoder> gute nacht! 21:51 -!- blindcoder is now known as blindy|sleeping 21:51 < esden> n8 blindy|sleeping 21:52 < esden> rrr Rinoa !!! 21:52 < snyke> esden? 21:52 < snyke> du magst sunshine live??? 21:52 < esden> https://themes.freshmeat.net/projects/rinoa/ 21:52 < esden> snyke: sicher !!! warum nicht ? 21:53 < esden> der sound ist guut 21:53 < snyke> wusst ich nich das du solche musik magst 21:53 < snyke> weil das is der sound der ich normalerweise streama 21:53 < snyke> stundenlange DJ Sets 21:53 < snyke> house 21:53 < snyke> schranz 21:53 < snyke> usw. 21:53 < holyolli> "schranz"? 21:53 < snyke> jop 21:53 < snyke> :) 21:54 < holyolli> wtf is schranz? 21:54 < esden> snyke: rrrrr mache mich nicht so an sonnst uebrerfolle ich dich noch ;-) 21:54 < esden> holyolli: guter techno sound ;-) 21:54 < snyke> :PPP 21:54 < holyolli> esden: cool 21:54 < snyke> ich stream mal 21:54 < snyke> enomine ja- jetzt jedoch nich 21:54 < snyke> esden ok magst du mal reinhoern? 21:55 < esden> snyke: sicha 21:55 < snyke> https://snt.altmuehlnet.de:8000/ 21:55 < snyke> (sollte gehn) 21:55 < huebi> snyke: wie geht denn das unter linux? 21:56 < snyke> windows :P 21:56 < snyke> naja der streamingserver is freebsd 21:56 < holyolli> klappt doch ;) 21:56 < snyke> mit icecast 21:56 < holyolli> <-- listens to snyke's lustige mucke ;) 21:56 < snyke> und speisen tu ich den mit winamp 21:56 < esden> holyolli: nimm xmms und add/url 21:56 < esden> argh ich meine huebi 21:56 < esden> mensch ... 21:56 < snyke> *g* 21:56 < holyolli> esden: /* no comment */ 21:57 < esden> snyke: guut ... ich mag dass ... ;-) 21:57 < praenti> snyke: wo hast das her? 21:57 < esden> ich bin jetzt nicht mehr auf so hartes zeug drauf ... aber dass ist nicht schlecht ;-) 21:57 < praenti> esden: nektarim macht soft ;-) 21:58 < snyke> aeh 21:58 < snyke> gesammelt 21:58 < esden> praenti: ich meine allgemein schranz 21:58 < praenti> snyke: wieviel hast du? 21:58 < snyke> und teilweise von weit her per post und cd bekommen :) 21:58 < esden> mennoo 21:58 < snyke> praenti: sekunde ich mach grad playlist 21:58 < esden> praenti: du weisst dass ich mich nicht so gut auskenne wie du 21:58 < snyke> esden: ich hab noch brutaleres da :P 21:58 < snyke> das hardcore set von DJ Neophyte 21:58 < praenti> snyke: leg mal rein 21:59 < snyke> aber zu der musik kamma ned arbeiten 21:59 < snyke> soll ich? 21:59 < esden> snyke: is gut ... kannst nonstop streamen kein prob ;-) 21:59 < snyke> naja gut 21:59 < snyke> aber nur kurz 21:59 < snyke> ;) 21:59 < snyke> esden: darf ich kurz das Hardcore set anspieln? 21:59 < esden> snyke: jojo 22:00 < snyke> ok 22:00 < snyke> playing 22:00 < praenti> snyke: das ist aber nicht mehr schranz 22:00 < esden> hehe ... dass hart ? 22:00 < snyke> esden: kann nich mit hoeherer bitrate, das macht mein dsl nich mit bei mehreren zuhoerern 22:01 < snyke> praenti: i know, ich sagte hardcore 22:01 < snyke> ja esdi, denk ich ma :) 22:01 < praenti> extreme hardcore 22:01 < esden> snyke: musst multicasten ;-) 22:01 < esden> dass ist geil 22:01 < esden> *wipp* 22:02 * -> esden muss im bitz icecast aufsaetzen ;-) 22:02 < praenti> snyke: ich weiß bloß mein bruder hat ca. 30 cds mit mp3's voll. ca 50 % is schranz 22:02 < snyke> https://sharknt.ath.cx/pl <- playlist 22:02 < holyolli> ist lustige musik, man könnte aber auch denken, dass der dsp grade abgestürzt ist und amok läuft.. ;) 22:02 < snyke> esden: wenn du machst, dann stream ich ueber den, hoehere bitrate 22:02 < snyke> LOL 22:02 < praenti> holyolli: lol 22:03 < esden> meine mutter hat die anlagu runturgudruht ppp 22:03 < praenti> loool 22:03 < holyolli> *lol* 22:03 * -> esden holt kopfhuerer 22:03 < snyke> lol 22:03 < holyolli> <-- hat kopfhörer, weil meine eltern eben auch schon nen komisch gesicht verzogen hatten 22:04 < snyke> esden: soll ich wieder das vorige set reintun? 22:04 < praenti> snyke: ja 22:04 < snyke> ok 22:05 < snyke> ok 22:05 < snyke> hab etwa dahin wo wir aufgehört haben 22:05 < snyke> oe 22:05 -!- d3m|away is now known as d3mian 22:05 < d3mian> hi 22:05 * -> esden kommt gleich wieder 22:05 -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E78FF2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:05 < martin_> moin 22:06 < d3mian> hello martin_ 22:06 < praenti> snyke: schau mal auf den ftp von alextesla.dyndns.org. da ist zwar meine dsl-leitung wieder dicht, aber da ist wahrscheinlich einiges interessantes zeugs inzwischen wieder drauf 22:06 < snyke> juhu 22:07 < d3mian> im in classes now , cu in some minutes ;) 22:07 -!- d3mian is now known as d3m|class 22:07 < snyke> ich bin ma kurz weg *brb* 22:16 < snyke> re 22:17 < snyke> praenti: welcher username/passwort? 22:17 < praenti> snyke: mom 22:18 < snyke> hm 22:18 < snyke> icecast hat nen kleinen bug *seh* 22:18 < snyke> glaub ich 22:19 < snyke> hmm 22:22 < snyke> hmm, ich bemerke _leichten_ lag... ssh nach aussen unmoeglich :P 22:23 < praenti> snyke: qos eingerichtet 22:23 < snyke> hm? 22:24 -!- clifford_away is now known as clifford 22:24 < snyke> nee, bin doch zu l4m3 dafuer 22:24 < tsa> re clifford 22:24 < clifford> hi. 22:27 < rxr> hi 22:27 < praenti> snyke: https://www.prout.be/qos/QoS-connection-tuning-HOWTO.html 22:27 < praenti> funzt astrein 22:29 < rxr> dRock 1.6.0-rc3 online 22:29 < rxr> https://drocklinux.dyndns.org/ftp/drock/unstable/1.6.0-rc3/ 22:33 < clifford> rxr: how is (1) the patch for linux and linux-src and (2) the Create-CD script is doing? 22:36 < holyolli> does anybody know, what "UT" means? 22:37 < rxr> Unreal Turnament ;-)? 22:37 < clifford> whoever is interested: https://www.rocklinux.net/webstat/reports/2002-04/ 22:37 < holyolli> bingo..! wanna play? 22:37 < holyolli> ;-) 22:38 < rxr> clifford: yes I know it should be allready in your inbox - but I was just too busy. I just port the modification on the linux package and all the other updates from dRock ... 22:38 < rxr> s/just/just start/ 22:38 < rxr> rc3 mail out 22:40 < praenti> clifford: but the country statistics says nothing. i think more than 50% are t-dailin.net and so t-dsl user... 22:41 < rxr> rsync of the ISO is running ;-) 22:41 < clifford> praenti: better than no stats at all .. 22:42 < praenti> clifford: jepp 22:42 < clifford> (btw - I'm only logging the client ips and had to write an extra script to resolve the reverse lookups now ..) 22:43 < tsa> .oO( logresolve?) 22:44 < clifford> tsa: yes. a hack - but it works. 22:44 < snyke> hm... poor shellserver 22:44 < snyke> usage: 8.70 22:44 < tsa> hehe 22:44 < clifford> rxr: is there a time-line when I can expect those two patches? 22:45 < rxr> the kernel one tonight 22:45 < rxr> the Create-CD this week ? 22:46 < clifford> rxr: the kernel one is more importand anyways .. :-) 22:46 < clifford> Create-CD doesn't help very much without the install-disks target. 22:46 < clifford> And we can't start working on the install-disks target as long as the dietlibc target is not finished. :-) 22:46 < rxr> but the patch does not yet include a clean way for the different targets to modify the kernel build 22:47 < rxr> what do we need and how should this be done? 22:47 < clifford> rxr: I dind't expect that anyways (imo that feature needs some discussion anyways) 22:47 < rxr> is providing values for the .conf a custom .patch files enough? 22:48 * clifford 's favorite word today seams to be 'anyways' .. :-) 22:48 < rxr> ;-) 22:48 * praenti favourite mostly "ultra" 22:48 * rxr syncing the 1.7-clifford tree 22:48 < praenti> or "subotimal" 22:49 < praenti> ;-) 22:49 < clifford> rxr: just leafe the customisation out for now (unless you implemented that part of it already) 22:49 < rxr> praenti: yes suboptimal is a really cool word ;-) 22:49 < rxr> clifford: ok i do a straight forward port of the dRock modification only ... 22:50 < praenti> it sounds so postitive even it is totally negativ 22:50 < praenti> i think i should go to bed. my language gets suboptimal 22:50 < praenti> gn8 22:50 < snyke> n8 22:50 < clifford> n8 22:51 -!- praenti is now known as praenti|sleep 22:55 < rxr> does a pcmcia style adapter for the notenooks IDE-CD connector? I wanna thow my laptopp CD-ROM into the garbage but do not wanna waste a PCMCIA port with a SCSI adapter for an external CD-ROM ... 22:55 -!- term_aweh [~pm@beaufort.wyzant.de] has quit ("zz") 22:58 < esden> re hi all 22:59 < esden> rxr: I am working like a crazy on the dietlibc target ... 23:00 < esden> rxr: I can't do faster ... I am still learning ... :-( 23:00 < esden> sorry\ 23:03 < rxr> esden: noone said that it is not fast enough ... - Clifford only wants to get my patches ... 23:03 < esden> rxr: aha ... ok 23:04 < esden> rxr: but I am doing my best to finish the target as fast as I can ... I promise 23:06 < clifford> esden: does dietlibc work in stages > 1 on your side? 23:07 < clifford> I have problems with 'patch' and some other applications .. 23:07 < esden> I was not beyond 1 till now ... I want to test the dynamic linking first 23:10 < esden> clifford: what have you done to create the dynamic dietlibs ? 23:10 < clifford> esden: added 'make dyn' 23:10 < esden> clifford: aha ok thanks 23:11 < clifford> the dynamic dietlibc is always build. The only differenc when you 'enable' it is that the applications are going to be built using the 'diet-dyn' wrapper instead of the 'diet' wrapper. 23:12 < esden> clifford: I have seen that in the diff ... 23:13 < esden> clifford: which flist creator do u use for diet ? the find ? 23:14 < tsa> damn...seems like i've lost some mails today.. 23:14 < clifford> esden: currently LD_PRELOAD. I think that should be ignored by the dietlibc ld.so (not checked). In the long-run we should port strace to stage 1 and use the strace flist wrapper .. 23:15 < rxr> clifford: is the kernel_module flist generator still on the todo - ro do will we never need it? 23:15 < rxr> urgh 23:16 < rxr> 1045 file modifications in your tree cliff! 23:16 < clifford> rxr: we _should_ never need it. However - it's still a (low priority) todo item. 23:16 < clifford> rxr: 1045 modifications since when? 23:16 < rxr> my last sync ... 23:16 < rxr> a week or so ... 23:17 < esden> clifford: ok ... thanks for info 23:17 < rxr> ok after mergin *sourceforge* and *.cache it are only 124 ... 23:17 < clifford> rxr: that's possible. I've added new *.cache files and run the Create-DescPatch script over all packages. 23:18 < rxr> ?? a new presentation ? *wunder* 23:18 < clifford> rxr: maybe some of my *.desc changes (only moving lines) do not apply. 23:18 < clifford> rxr: no - removed the old documentation .. :-) 23:18 < rxr> :-((((((((((((( 23:18 < clifford> s/d 23:18 < rxr> why? 23:19 < clifford> s/documentation/presentation/ ... :-) 23:19 < clifford> it's compleatly outdated and doesn't make any sense in it current form. 23:20 < rxr> - # tar xIf $archdir/X420src-3.tbz2 23:20 < rxr> + tar xIf $archdir/X420src-3.tbz2 23:20 < rxr> ?? 23:20 < clifford> I will write a new one after updating all the other documentation files. 23:20 < rxr> aren't only pregenerated documentation files in this one ? 23:21 < esden> clifford: I have 2,5 irc days summary on my laptop :-) 23:21 < clifford> Patch from andreas huebner (only builds more doc afais). 23:21 < esden> clifford: it is a really long read 23:22 < clifford> esden: yes - i know. I've though you wanted to write it "on the fly" ? 23:23 < esden> clifford: that is not possible ... I am not reliable enough .. perhups I will change it in the future ... but the irc summery job is a full time job ... but I will try my best 23:23 < rxr> realsa.ext unalsa.ext?? 23:23 < clifford> rxr: removed files. 23:24 < rxr> ahh ok ;-) 23:24 < clifford> rxr: that where the ext files for the sf packages we have removed... (what an ugly hack) 23:25 < rxr> Yes - because of this I wonder why they show up in my Sync.sh utility ;-) 23:26 < clifford> I have to go to bed now (my grilfriend looks already pretty angry ...) 23:26 < rxr> clifford: much fun ;) 23:26 < tsa> .oO( have fun ) 23:26 < rxr> cu 23:26 < tsa> cu clifford 23:27 < tsa> .oO( touch; touch; grep; unzip; .. ) 23:27 < clifford> rxr: haha. :-) 23:28 < clifford> cu. 23:28 -!- clifford is now known as clifford_away 23:28 < rxr> urgh 23:28 < rxr> kicker crashed again :-( 23:32 < rxr> has someone build 1.7 lately? Does it build mostly? 23:35 < holyolli> is anybody of this sparc people here? 23:37 < rxr> holyolli: you have a prob? 23:38 < holyolli> i just want to know, how booting from cd works with sparc. is there also something similar like lilo? 23:38 < rxr> normally silo is used 23:38 * holyolli has the problem that i don't use diskimages for booting alpha 23:38 < holyolli> rxr: that means? 23:38 < esden> holyolli: go to ok prompt and type boot cdrom 23:38 < rxr> but I do not how if it can boot from cd ... 23:39 < holyolli> <-- is thinking how to make the cd-image for alpha and needs some help ;) 23:39 < holyolli> set LANG=de? 23:39 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 23:39 < rxr> https://silo.sourceforge.net/ 23:40 < Mike1> hey all 23:40 < holyolli> hi Mike1 23:40 < rxr> it seem to be able to boot from iso9660 ... 23:40 < rxr> Hi Mike1! Nice to meet you. 23:40 < Mike1> rxr *G same here 23:40 < esden> hi Mike1 23:40 < holyolli> well, the problem is that alpha doesn't support diskimages on cdrom (like intel does) 23:41 < holyolli> therefore the question how to make it the best way 23:41 < esden> hmm dietlibc target is going mad after the stage 1 23:41 < holyolli> should the root-fs be just on the cd between all the other stuff? 23:42 < rxr> holyolli: why not? This would be really nice and solve all space problems! I already so somy cd-wrapping sym-linking tricks in dRock ... 23:42 < holyolli> rxr: well I was thinking about this "is this a clean solution"-stuff ;-) 23:43 < rxr> haee?? 23:43 < holyolli> naja...ästhetik oder so ;-) 23:47 < rxr> linux-kernel: Has anyone implimented NUMA on any M68K based systems? 23:47 < rxr> hehehe ;-) 23:47 < holyolli> *g* 23:49 < esden> argh fefe ... come by so I can hurt you ... 23:52 -!- d3m|class is now known as d3mian 23:52 < d3mian> back 23:52 < rxr> holla 23:52 < holyolli> re d3mian 23:52 < d3mian> hola rene ;) 23:52 < rxr> only one l? sorry ;-( 23:52 < d3mian> hi * 23:52 < d3mian> ;) 23:53 < d3mian> tuanis Mike1 23:56 * rxr pilze brutzeln cu later 23:57 < d3mian> cu rebe 23:57 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 23:58 * huebi is installing rock-sparc64-1.5.12 on the U5 23:59 < huebi> ugly work. --- Log closed Tue May 07 00:00:11 2002