-!- Irrsi  Log opened Tue May 07 00:00:11 2002
-!- Irrsi  Day changed Tue May 07 2002
[00:00] < huebi> I had to boot from a splack cd, copy all the packages by hand to /tmp, bunzip and untar them in /
[00:02]   huebi is reading the silo sfuff
[00:06] < esden> I hate the glibc non POSIX extinations !
[00:10] -!- clifford_away [~clifford@M108P006.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[00:13] -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E78FF2.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[00:13] < esden> yoyo another packet is working under dietilbc ;-)
[00:14] -!- clifford_away [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux
[00:14] < d3mian> hello ghost
[00:23] -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs4.xs4all.nl] has joined #rocklinux
[00:24] < esden> good rock-src-1.7.0-DEV-200205062045.pet1.diff ready
[00:40] < esden> n8
[00:40] < tsa> cu esden
[00:40] < holyolli> n8 esden
[00:42] < huebi> n8
[00:46] -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs4.xs4all.nl] has quit ("leaving")
[00:46] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@p508077A4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[00:47] < holyolli> re hackbard
[01:06] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9522B42.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[01:07] < tsa> hi bluefire
[01:07] < d3mian> hi bluefire
[01:07] < bluefire> Hi
[01:07] < bluefire> Pretty crowded for this time of day ;)
[01:07] < tsa> hehe
[01:07] < holyolli> hehe
[01:11] < bluefire> Well... good night. Keep you coffee warm ;)
[01:11] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9522B42.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit)
[01:15] < rxr> s.o. still here ;-)?
[01:19] < tsa> no..
[01:19] < tsa> we're all gone..
[01:19] < holyolli> ack.
[01:19] < holyolli> ;)
[01:20] -!- hackbard_ [~hackbard@p508077A4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[01:21] < rxr> ah hi!
[01:22] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@p508077A4.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:22] -!- hackbard_ [~hackbard@p508077A4.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:22] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@p508077A4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[01:22] < d3mian> wb hackbard
[01:24] -!- th [th@delta.boerde.de] has quit ("</day>")
[01:25] < tsa> soooo...
[01:25] < tsa> ich geh denn wohl auch mal so langsam schlafen.
[01:25] < holyolli> langsam=
[01:25] < holyolli> ?
[01:25] < tsa> cu *
[01:25] < holyolli> cu tsa
[01:25] -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E1152A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[01:29] < holyolli> naja..ich werd nu auch mal offline gehen
[01:29] < holyolli> noch allen viel spass
[01:29] < holyolli> n8
[01:29] -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has quit ("Connection reset by telekom")
[01:56] < hackbard> bye
[01:56] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@p508077A4.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[02:31] -!- cap [cap@pD9048F2C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[02:31] < cap> hi
[02:31] < rxr> hi
[02:31] < d3mian> hi cap
[02:32] < cap> how stable is dRock 1.6 rc3 ?
[02:32] < rxr> should be pretty stable (I hope)
[02:32] < cap> :-)
[02:32] < cap> oki doki i'll try it out
[02:32] < d3mian> :)
[02:32] < rxr> only KDE-3.0.0 has some stability problesm (but this is known and will be fixed by the nex weeks 3.0.1 release ...
[02:33] < cap> ok, i dont use kde :)
[02:33] < rxr> the nexus.tfh-berlin.de server is not yet synced ...
[02:33] < rxr> drock-i586-1.6.0-DEV-CD-1.iso
[02:33] < rxr>    492093202  83%   34.82kB/s    0:46:40
[02:33] < cap> how long will it take to sync ?
[02:33] < rxr> currently you will download a broken ISO form this one ...
[02:33] < cap> hm
[02:34] < rxr> (in the future I'll never run a rsync on a ISO again - I only wanted to test what speedup this brings ...)
[02:34] < cap> drock-i586-1.6.0-DEV-CD-1.iso <- is this the sources ?
[02:34] < rxr> no
[02:34] < rxr> this are prebuild binaries
[02:34] < d3mian> yesterday i downloaded 1.6.0 ISOs at 80% Kb/s ( I Live in Costa Rica)
[02:35] < cap> wow :)
[02:35] < rxr> do you want to self-compile ?
[02:35] < cap> which one would be more stable afterall?
[02:35] < rxr> yes the tfh-berlin.de box is on the "Wissenschaftsnetz" ;-)
[02:36] < rxr> cap: d3mian meatn dRock-1.6.0-rc2 ...
[02:36] < rxr> d3mian: have you already installed it?
[02:36] < cap> oh :)
[02:36] < d3mian> no rene
[02:36] < cap> rxr: shall i rather use the binaries ?
[02:36] < rxr> I doesn't matter - compiling and binaries are both ok ;-)
[02:37] < cap> compiling is more fun...
[02:37] < rxr> hehe
[02:37] < cap> ;->
[02:37]   d3mian waits a new hd to start building rock
[02:37] < rxr> but I will not upload a source CD - you would need to download the souce from the net via ./scripts/Downlload -all
[02:38] < cap> no prob
[02:38] < rxr> cap: https://www.rocklinux.org/projects/drock/snap.html
[02:38] < rxr> these packages are the vanilly dRock sources (1.4 MB)
[02:38] < cap> i downloaded the rc3 of 1.6
[02:39] < cap> scripts
[02:39] < rxr> cap please do not a i686 optimized build because the install-disk are likely to get too big and will not fit on the 2.88 MB emulated disk ...
[02:39] < cap> hmmm
[02:40] < rxr> the install-disk is a real space problem (which will get fixed in ROCK 2.0 ;-)
[02:40] < rxr> but you will not get much speed gain from a i686 build - a i585 build works flawlessly ...
[02:40] < cap> hm
[02:40] < cap> ok
[02:40] < rxr> hm what? ;-)
[02:40] < cap> hm nothing ;)
[02:41] < rxr> cap: you read the compile times on the top of the page ;-?
[02:42] < cap> hehe
[02:42] < cap> so mine would take 29 hours
[02:42] < cap> damn
[02:42] < rxr> cap what kind of box do you have?
[02:43] < cap> Athlon Thunderbird 1333C <- this one
[02:43] < rxr> the you look on the wrong row ;-)
[02:43] < d3mian> cool ;)
[02:43] < rxr> this time was for 1.4.x ;-)
[02:43] < cap> oh yes..
[02:43] < rxr> hehe
[02:44] < cap> hum this is worth a second consideration
[02:44] < rxr> you can delete all kde, evolution and gnome-meeting ;-) this will reduce the build time by some hours ;-)
[02:45] < rxr> cap: then test the binaries ;-) This is also nicer for me - since I then get feedback about a ISO I know 100% ...
[02:45] < rxr> drock-i586-1.6.0-DEV-CD-1.iso
[02:45] < rxr>    515391250  87%   34.60kB/s    0:35:44
[02:45] < cap> hm would be a starting point yes
[02:45] < cap> :-) *wait*
[02:46] < rxr> I really like to see the rsync statistic of this sync ;-) I rsync the -rc3 to existing -rc2 ISOs ...
[02:47] < d3mian> how long time does it takes?
[02:47]   rxr hoping not too many people try to download it currently ...
[02:47] < d3mian> build
[02:47] < cap> i just dropped my old slackware and reinstalled, so i though why not try rock
[02:47] < d3mian> sure cap
[02:47] < rxr> time for a build? depends on your box
[02:47] < rxr> d3mian: take a look on the top of: https://www.rocklinux.org/projects/drock/snap.html
[02:47] < d3mian> rxr: i mean for cap box
[02:48] < rxr> arround 32h15m
[02:48] < d3mian> ‡ok
[02:49] < d3mian> how much space free does it needs?
[02:49] < d3mian> 1.6.0
[02:49] < rxr> d3mian: for a build?
[02:49] < d3mian> yes
[02:49] < rxr> arround 4GB ...
[02:50] < d3mian> ughhh, so ill stay waiting my new hd
[02:50] < rxr> :-(
[02:50] < rxr> d3mian: I'
[02:50] < rxr> m also still waiting for the Ultra5 ...
[02:50] < d3mian> :)
[02:50] < d3mian> huebi has one right?
[02:50] < rxr> jups.
[02:51] < rxr> sure some others have one or newer onces, tooo ...
[02:51] < d3mian> ok
[02:51] < d3mian> argg, i need money
[02:52] < d3mian> i cant say that "Love is all we need" as Lennon says :p
[02:52] < rxr> :-(
[02:53] < rxr> I know - I'm also calculating how I can afford the Liunx Tag presentation ...
[02:54] < d3mian> hehe
[02:54] < cap> rxr: how much will it take?
[02:54] < d3mian> that will be cool
[02:55] < rxr> I do not know - maybe it is free for opne source projects - But I need to pay the travel and the hotel-style nights ...
[02:55] < rxr> d3mian: I know that it would be really cool!
[02:55] < d3mian> yes
[03:02] -!- d3mian [~demian@] has quit ("BitchX-1.0c18 -- just do it.")
[03:04] < rxr> https://www.rocklinux.org/projects/drock/snap.html
[03:04] < rxr> uups
[03:04] < rxr> drock-i586-1.6.0-DEV-CD-1.iso
[03:04] < rxr>    551763730  93%   34.35kB/s    0:18:21
[03:05] < rxr> this was the lines I wanted to paste ...
[03:05] < cap> lol
[03:06]   rxr testig the first revision of the new ROCK-1.7 linux package
[03:07] < cap> when will the stable release be out?
[03:08] < rxr> I hope in a week (after some more testing) - and with kde-3.0.1 ...
[03:09] < cap> ok
[03:09]   cap ' s looking forward to it :-)
[03:09] < rxr> but I hope you will anyway test rc3 ? ;-)
[03:09] -!- d3mian [~jonvargas@] has joined #rocklinux
[03:09] < d3mian> sorry, my stupid admins reboot the server without advertising
[03:10] < cap> sure, but download will take at least 2 days with isdn
[03:10] < d3mian> :p
[03:10] < cap> wb d3mian :)
[03:11] < rxr> cap: oh
[03:11] < rxr> I hope you have a flatrate?
[03:11] < cap> yeah
[03:14]   rxr downloading gcc-3.1-20020423 ;-)
[03:29] < rxr> soo - hopefully all typos are fixed in the new linux build, now ;-)
[03:52] -!- d3mian is now known as d3m|away
[03:52] < d3m|away> cu guys
[03:52] < d3m|away> sleep fine!
[03:57] < rxr> n8!
[03:57] < cap> g'nite d3mian
[03:57] < rxr> cap:
[03:57] < rxr> drock-i586-1.6.0-DEV-CD-1.iso
[03:57] < rxr>    589594624 100%   34.04kB/s    4:41:51
[03:57] < rxr> drock-i586-1.6.0-DEV-CD-1.iso.md5
[03:57] < rxr>           64 100%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00
[03:57] < rxr> drock-i586-1.6.0-DEV-CD-2.iso
[03:57] < rxr>     62716390  30%   31.33kB/s    1:15:29
[03:58] < rxr> CD-1 should be ok now ;-)
[03:58] < cap> i just began sucking ;-)
[04:03] < rxr> ok ich sag dann auch gute nacht ...!
[04:04] < cap> schlaf gut und thx :-9
[04:05] < cap> bye
[04:05] -!- cap [cap@pD9048F2C.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux ()
[06:12] -!- drako500dB [drako500dB@] has joined #rocklinux
[06:12] < drako500dB> hi!
[06:31] -!- rxr [~rene@port-213-20-128-139.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:36] -!- rxr [~rene@port-213-20-128-139.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[06:44] -!- drako500dB [drako500dB@] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[07:12] < snyke> bye
[07:12] -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A5C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit ("[BX] Does your mommy know you use BitchX?")
[07:57] -!- clifford_away is now known as clifford
[07:57] -!- clifford [~clifford@] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[07:58] -!- clifford_away [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux
[08:13] < huebi> moin
[08:18] -!- clifford_away is now known as clifford
[08:18] < clifford> hi!
[08:30] < huebi> moin clifford
[08:32] < huebi> um 11h00 bin ich bei Sun in Langen. Mal sehen ob's eine Blade2000 oder Blade1000 gibt.
[08:33] < clifford> huebi: cool. lass' mich dann wissen was rausgekommen ist ..
[08:33] < clifford> btw - wie steht's mit dem artikel?
[08:33] < clifford> :-)
[08:33] < huebi> kommt danach sofort hier im IRC und sogar auch mal 'ne Mail an die Liste.
[08:34] < huebi> Die Roudmap fuer 1.6 kriege ich heute hoffendlich auch noch fertig
[08:34] < huebi> clifford: gib' mir bitte noch mal die URL
[08:34] < huebi> vom artikel
[08:36] < clifford> https://www.rocklinux.org/rolling/devel/
[08:36] < clifford> aber da ist noch nix d'rauf ..
[08:36] < huebi> ok.
[08:37] < huebi> Dann sehe ich zu das ich einfach mal was schreibe.
[08:37] < huebi> das stelle ich dann in mein home
[08:37] < clifford> ich werd' heut mal frontpage schreiben ...
[08:37] < clifford> huebi: schick's mir per mail - is' besser.
[08:37] < huebi> clifford: ok
[08:38] < huebi> hmm 22min bis nach frankfurt, 55km
[08:38] < huebi> ging schon mal in 20 min
[08:38] < clifford> huebi: fahr' vorsichtig ... (da spricht der richtige ..  :-)
[08:38] < huebi> mal sehen.
[08:38] < huebi> bis spaeter
[08:39] < huebi> :-))
[09:02] -!- blindy|sleeping is now known as blindcoder
[09:02] < blindcoder> hi everyone
[09:09] -!- huebi_ [~huebi@pD9522847.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[09:12] < esden> morgen
[09:13] < blindcoder> esden> schon in münchen?
[09:13] < esden> blindcoder: ja
[09:13] < blindcoder> esden> kann sein dass ich heute so ggen mittag heimfahre
[09:13] < esden> *gaaaaeeeeehhhhhn*
[09:13] < blindcoder> ausbilder is net da ;)
[09:14] < esden> blindcoder: dann ist es zu frueh fuer mich ... :-/
[09:14] < blindcoder> ich ruf dich dann an und komm dich dann wahrscheinlich in der uni nerven ;)
[09:14] < blindcoder> oder haste da noch ne vorlesung?
[09:14] < esden> blindcoder: dass ist ok
[09:15] < esden> dann kannst dir vielleicht die betriebsysteme vorlesung mit mir anhueren ;-)
[09:15] < esden> die ist cool
[09:16] < blindcoder> wäh... also ich weiss net... rumsitzen kann ich hier auch und da kann ich mit meinen kollegen ein paar games zocken
[09:16] < blindcoder> und woll dich eigentlich nur so nerven ;)
[09:16] < esden> blindcoder: langweiler
[09:16] < blindcoder> ja ;(
[09:18] < blindcoder> hmm... ich sollte die werbung für https://scavenger.homeip.net aus #anime-pixel rausnehmen...
[09:18] < blindcoder> ich krieg mittlerweile täglich fast 250 hits zusammen
[09:19] < blindcoder> naja ich geh dann mal wieder... bis später vielleicht *Esdenknuddel*
[09:19] -!- blindcoder is now known as blindy|away
[09:22] < esden> ahh dass ist garnicht heute die betriebsysteme ... sondern morgen
[09:22] < esden> dass passt dann
[09:27] -!- huebi [~huebi@p50816AD5.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:56] < esden> is someone here who uses fddi ?
[09:56] < huebi_> moin esden
[09:56] < esden> moit huebi_
[09:56] -!- huebi_ is now known as huebi
[09:56] < esden> huebi: benutztst du fddi ...
[09:57] < esden> huebi: ich finde es lustig fehler in sachen zu haben die ich nie im leben benutzen werde ... wenigstens nicht in den kommenden jahren :-(
[09:57] < huebi> FoelligDummeDigitalIntegration? :> Was ist fddi
[09:57] < esden> huebi: hehe
[09:58] < esden> FDDI -> Fiber Distributed Data Interface (ANSI, ISO 8314)
[09:58] < SMP> jo
[09:58] < huebi> moin SMP
[09:58] < huebi> :-)
[09:58] < esden> moin SMP
[09:59] < SMP> ein token- und ring-basiertes Netz mit 100Mbit Uebertragungsgeschwindigkeit.
[09:59] < SMP> im Falle FDDI ueber Glasfaser
[09:59] < SMP> gibt's auch als CDDI ueber Kupfer
[09:59] < esden> ich bin gerade an net-tools unter dietlibc drann ... und ich kriege faehler in fddi.c ...
[10:00] < esden> ich finde es aus welchem grund auch imer irgendwie lustig ...
[10:00] < esden> fragt mich nicht wieso
[10:00] < clifford> esden: net-tools ist ein ganz ganz haessliches paeckchen ..
[10:00] < SMP> ehehe
[10:00] < esden> moin clifford
[10:01] < esden> clifford: ja ich merke es gerade
[10:01] < clifford> esden: moin. net-tools kan sich nie entscheiden welche header denn es nun gaerne haette.
[10:02] < clifford> das gehoert eigentlich so umgeschrieben das die routinen zum ansprechen der kenrel funktionen nur kernel headers einbinden und in anderen .c files liegen ..
[10:03] < esden> clifford: ich bin mir jetzt nicht sicher ob ich jetzt wirklich net-tools umschreiben will ;-)
[10:03] < clifford> esden: nein - das willst du ganz sicher nicht (vertrau' mir einfach in diesem punkt :-)
[10:04] < esden> aber ich muss jetzt in die vorlesung ... paar faehler habe ich raus ... den rest mache ich spaeter
[10:04] < esden> clifford: ja ich glaube dir aufs wort
[10:04] < clifford> cu.
[10:04] < esden> machts gut jungs ... bis denne
[10:05] < huebi> bbl
[10:07] < SMP> clifford: gab's eigentlich einen besonderen Grund das dieStartseite.at Portal selbst zu schreiben und nicht eine der vorhandenen Portal-engines zu benutzen (ausser dass man dafuer weniger Geld bekommt ;>)?
[10:07] < SMP> so wie dass die vorhandenen irgendwie alle Muell waeren oder so
[10:11] < rxr> re
[10:11] < clifford> SMP: ja - die vorhandenen waren alle nicht auf das zu trimmen was wir wollten.
[10:12] < clifford> dieStartseite.at kann einige sachen die du so nicht sehen kannst.
[10:12] < clifford> Angefangen damit das sie sich mit der zeit and das userverhalten anpasst und dem benutzer den content zeigt fuer den er sich offenbar interessiert.
[10:13] < SMP> hmm
[10:13] < clifford> Bis hin zu hirachisch geordneten Benutzergruppen ueber die sich u.a. vereine organisieren.
[10:13] < SMP> ahhhaa
[10:13] < clifford> (Das meiste ist am devel server und noch nicht am produktionssystem eingespielt)
[10:14] < SMP> ja, das Benutzermodell von Apache Jetspeed war mir eben auch etwas zu simpel ..
[10:14] < clifford> derzeit bastle ich an den shared file folders fuer die benutzergruppen...
[10:14] < SMP> huapl
[10:15] -!- th [th@delta.boerde.de] has joined #rocklinux
[10:15] < clifford> haupl?  (so heist in wien ein lokalpolitiker - den wirst du wohl nich meinen ..)
[10:17] < rxr> hehe ;-) just reading your mail clifford  ;-)=
[10:18] < SMP> clifford: 'hualp'
[10:18] < clifford> SMP: ???
[10:18] < clifford> rxr: which one?
[10:19] < rxr> yes the stricter ansi C++ impl is nice - I did not know that you want to touch the packages ...
[10:19] < SMP> clifford: das ist das Geraeusch was Leute machen wenn sie vor angeekelt ueberrascht nach Luft schnappen (-> shared folders)
[10:19] < SMP> :>
[10:20] < clifford> SMP: Aha. Und warum die angeekelte ueberraschung bei shared folders?
[10:21] < rxr> yes the gcc version was not tested ... I just verified the .config generation and then started a new build with the updated gcc and went to bed ...
[10:22] < rxr> the "fast work" was a joke he? ;-)
[10:22] < SMP> clifford: IMHO ein sehr krankes Konzept
[10:22] < clifford> rxr: I see. btw: I've change lx_config.sh so it creates two config files: .config_modules and .config_nomods. linux-src is using the _nomods file on default now.
[10:23] < clifford> SMP: warum?
[10:23] < clifford> rxr: no, that was no joke.
[10:24] < rxr> oh
[10:24] < rxr> Thie are the results of rsyncing the dRock rc3 on the rc2 ISOs:
[10:24] < rxr> otal: matches=5031  tag_hits=259648193  false_alarms=9303 data=711770240
[10:24] < rxr> wrote 711877846 bytes  read 292788 bytes  29337.01 bytes/sec
[10:24] < rxr> total size is 794198144  speedup is 1.12
[10:24] < rxr> I wonder if it is worth the troubles ...
[10:28] < rxr> The XFree people are really strangne. I wrote two detailed bug reports for the mga and s3 driver and never fot any reply. A few days ago I send a tiny patch that fixes a input driver to work - and guess? Got not any reply ...
[10:44] -!- anders_ [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has joined #rocklinux
[10:44] < anders_> mrrrning..
[10:46] < rxr> hi anders_
[10:52] < rxr> clifford: compiling the 3.1-snapshot the strip on the libgcc.a fails ...
[10:52] < rxr> No such file ...
[10:54] < rxr> the gcc-lib dir is named 3.1 and not 3.1-$date ...
[10:55] < rxr> but i have to leave in a few minutes ...
[10:55] < clifford> rxr: please wait a few minutes ..
[10:55] < clifford> rxr: oh - so when will you be back ?
[10:56] < rxr> in the afternoon 16.30 or so ..
[10:57] < clifford> ok - so see you then.
[10:59] < anders_> morning rene, clifford
[11:01] -!- simon-- [~sts@p508759CA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[11:01] < clifford> hi anders
[11:02] -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has joined #rocklinux
[11:02] < tsa> moin.
[11:02] < clifford> moin.
[11:02] < tsa> hi clifford
[11:04] < rxr> clifford: for a gcc snapshot we need ${ver/-.*//} in the strip command near the end of gcc2.conf
[11:05] < clifford> rxr: I'm uploading snpshot - pls. wait a minute ..
[11:09] < rxr> ok - cu this afternoon ;-)
[11:09] < clifford> rxr: ok - cu then.
[11:10] -!- blindy|away is now known as blindcoder
[11:10] < blindcoder> hi hi and rehi
[11:11] < rxr> mistake the substitution above is wrong - only the last -2002.... has to be wiped off ... - anyway bye
[11:14] -!- simon [~sts@p50875930.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:15] -!- simon-- is now known as simon
[11:46] < tsa> brb
[11:46] -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has quit ("wech.")
[11:55] -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has joined #rocklinux
[11:55] < tsa> re..
[11:55] < tsa> so...durchdrehender nfsd macht wenig spass..
[12:02] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #rocklinux
[12:03] < tsa> moin bluefire
[12:07] < esden> re hi all
[12:11] < bluefire> moin all
[12:20] -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has joined #rocklinux
[12:20] < holyolli> moin
[12:20] < tsa> huhu holyolli
[12:20] < holyolli> huhu tsa
[12:20] < holyolli> tsa: was gibts?
[12:20] < tsa> holyolli: nix.
[12:20] < holyolli> tsa: opfer.
[12:20] < holyolli> ;-)
[12:20] < tsa> jupp ;)
[12:21] < holyolli> bistu gleich bei der arbeit?
[12:21] < tsa> nack, heute nich...bin heute den ganzen tag hier....y?
[12:21] < SMP> phew
[12:21] < holyolli> nur so...
[12:21] < holyolli> hi smp
[12:21] < tsa> hi SMP
[12:21] < holyolli> esden?
[12:21] < tsa> btw....ich _arbeite_ auch hier.. ;-)
[12:21]   SMP doing the pvmove to RAID on world now
[12:21] < holyolli> i c
[12:21] < holyolli> ;)
[12:22] < tsa> hw raid?
[12:22] < SMP> aye
[12:22] < tsa> hm....which controller?
[12:23] < anders_> what type of raid?
[12:23] < anders_> RAID5 ?
[12:23] < SMP> some old DPT controller
[12:23] < anders_> striping?
[12:23] < SMP> yes, 4-disc RAID 5 array
[12:23] < anders_> lovely..
[12:23] < tsa> hehe
[12:23]   anders_ would like raid5 at home..
[12:24] < anders_> preferably across 6 of the new Maxtor IDE disks..
[12:24] < anders_> 160GB*5 in pure safe storage.. ;-)
[12:24] < anders_> (-ish)
[12:25] < anders_> should be about enough to keep a few snapshots of ROCK lying around... ;-)
[12:25] < holyolli> ide?
[12:25] < anders_> Yeah.. there are ways of doing HW RAID5 on IDE, but usually it is tricky and/or expensive..
[12:25]   SMP cries
[12:26]   tsa too..
[12:26] < SMP> pvmove hangs at the 2nd PE
[12:26] < anders_> SCSI is easier, but I doubt I could afford six of the new 140GB Seagate 10k RPM disks..
[12:26] < tsa> ide sucks.
[12:26]   SMP suspects the SCSI bus is fux0red
[12:26] < tsa> yes...scsi is expensive..
[12:26] < anders_> SMP: you not using kernel 2.5 by any chance?
[12:26] < SMP> 3ware IDE RAID controllers really rule ..
[12:26] < SMP> anders_: of course not
[12:27]   anders_ would like SSA, but no Linux drivers and there will never be any..
[12:27] < anders_> SMP: just checking.. :)
[12:27] < SMP> ARGH
[12:27] < anders_> SMP: no disc activity at all?
[12:28] < SMP> I'm > < this close to just throwing this hardware out of the window
[12:28]   anders_ pats SMP on the back in sympathy..
[12:29] < SMP> every few seconds the controller runs a lightshow
[12:29] < esden> holyolli: ?
[12:29] < SMP> (if you know Knight Rider you know what I mean)
[12:29] < anders_> ah..
[12:29] < holyolli> esden: wanna have a bootable and (mostly) installable alpha-cd? ;-)
[12:29] < anders_> has the pvmove process just zombied or is it actually doing something?
[12:30] < holyolli> esden: btw. has the hdd arrived?
[12:30] < esden> holyolli: yes it did ... but I had no time to test/mount it in my alpha ... sorry
[12:30] < holyolli> np
[12:30] < holyolli> ;
[12:31] < SMP> anders_: appears to do D state, but don't know for sure (only one vc in single-user mode)
[12:31] < SMP> s,do,be,
[12:31] -!- freed [neerod@pD9001EB4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[12:31] < freed> hi all
[12:31] < esden> holyolli: put the cd somewhere please ;-)
[12:31] < anders_> SMP: use screen
[12:31] < holyolli> esden: ack.
[12:31] < esden> you could also send it to me as email ;-)
[12:31] < SMP> anders_: good advice, but too late :>
[12:32] < holyolli> esden: hehe
[12:32] < SMP> the upside is - this is only a copy of the bootdisc I'm working with ..
[12:32] < freed> kann mir jemand kurz helfen?
[12:32] < anders_> SMP: I guess the data you are moving is hosed now? Or can you revert to old VGdata backup?
[12:32] < holyolli> esden: I'll upload it this evening and i will send you a mail
[12:32] -!- simon [~sts@p508759CA.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Nickname Enforcement)))
[12:32] < esden> holyolli: yo thanks
[12:33] -!- simon [~sts@p508759CA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[12:33] < anders_> SMP: ah, so no valuable stuff gone missing then.. :)
[12:33]   esden fighting dietlibc target ;-)
[12:33] < holyolli> esden: how's going with dietlibc?
[12:34] < esden> holyolli: good ... everyday one or two new packets that compile ;-)
[12:34] < freed> i cant boot drock, can anyone help please?
[12:36] < anders_> esden: what type of mem-saving do you see with the dietlibc compared to glibc?
[12:44] < esden> anders_: hmm ... let me see
[12:44] < esden> anders_: I have made some tests ... but I repeate them ... mom
[12:46] < anders_> esden: ok, thanks.. :)
[12:47] < anders_> I am just curious as there are some things that idealy in a system should be staticaly compiled. (Like the shell(s) and some of the essential system admin tools)
[12:48] < anders_> and bash is a little on the bloated side being >800kB when statically linked.
[12:49] < esden> I have made a test with ls
[12:49] < holyolli> cya
[12:50] < esden> cu holyolli
[12:50] -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has quit ("fnord!")
[12:50] < esden> anders_: I will give you numbers in a moment
[12:53]   clifford is uploading snapshot 1.7.0-DEV-200205071242.
[12:53] < clifford> esden: It is now able to cross-build bash in stage 1: have fund with dietlibc!  :-)
[12:54] < tsa> cool.
[12:54] < anders_> esden: many thanks..
[12:55] < SMP> ok, world now boots from RAID
[12:55] < SMP> and another pvmove on the now inactive VG is running
[12:57] < SMP> quite successful until now
[13:08] -!- freed [neerod@pD9001EB4.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:15] -!- praenti|sleep is now known as praenti|away
[13:17] < th> SMP: pvmove?
[13:19] < tsa> th: lvm
[13:20] < esden> waiting for ls under dietlibc static
[13:22] < SMP> wh00t
[13:22] < th> hmm
[13:23] < th> SMP: ist world genesen?
[13:23] < SMP> got rid of the old harddisc
[13:23] < SMP> th: ich bewege grad die Daten aufs RAID
[13:23] < th> cool
[13:23] < th> wieviel kapazitaet ist es denn?
[13:24] < SMP> 7home dann etwa 20GB
[13:25] < th> sag dann bescheid, wenn ich mit cvs anfangen kann
[13:25] < SMP> jo
[13:29] < esden> ls sizes
[13:29] < esden> glibc shared:     167007
[13:29] < esden> glibc static:     505845
[13:29] < esden> dietlibc static:   69300
[13:30] < esden> the shared dietlibc version has problems ...
[13:30] < esden> ok I have to go now
[13:33] < anders_> esden: cheers! :)
[13:42] -!- snyke [snyke@p47110915.offline.dial-in.org] has joined #rocklinux
[13:42] < snyke> hidiho
[13:43] < snyke> brb
[13:43] -!- snyke [snyke@p47110915.offline.dial-in.org] has quit (Client Quit)
[13:46] -!- snyke [snyke@wird.mal.priester.oder.chanop.de] has joined #rocklinux
[13:46] < snyke> re
[13:52] < snyke>
[13:52] < snyke> ouu
[13:52] -!- snyke [snyke@wird.mal.priester.oder.chanop.de] has quit ("[BX] mIRCrap: JUST DON'T DO IT!")
[14:03] < huebi> re
[14:03] < huebi> th: 13:25 < th> sag dann bescheid, wenn ich mit cvs anfangen kann <- was fuer ein cvs?
[14:04] < tsa> huebi: cvs.rocklinux.de vermutlich....was auch immer dann da rein soll..
[14:05]   huebi has been at SUN. They work now on getting me a fast machine for the sparc port.
[14:05] < huebi> tsa: Ah. Sehr gut.
[14:05] < tsa> huebi: hm....will auch!
[14:06] < tsa> e10k oder so waer nett.
[14:07] < huebi> tsa: darfst du auch. Das Ding ist fuer alle, die am Sparc port mitmachen.
[14:07] < huebi> tsa: e10k ist einfach zu schwer. Die schlepp' ich nicht in die Wohnung.
[14:08] < huebi> blade 2000 mit 2x 1GHz oder so
[14:09] < tsa> hm...waer auch ok.
[14:11] < huebi> tsa: Wichtig sind die Gigahertz. Rocklinux scaliert nur so ein bischen... :>
[14:12] < tsa> hehe
[14:15] < anders_> Okej grabbar, jag pratar inte tyska sa ni far garna prata engelska.. ;-)
[14:16] < tsa> okok..
[14:16] < tsa> LANG=en
[14:16] < huebi> anders_: sorry :-)
[14:17] < anders_> tsa/huebi: no worries.. :)
[14:17] < anders_> I got the bit about huebi having spoken to Sun and they'd get you a Sparc to play with..
[14:18] < anders_> I guess huebi said that Rock doesn't scale well, so the gigahertz was more important..
[14:18] < tsa> huebi: what exactly do i have to tell sun to make them give me a cool machine for free..?
[14:18] < tsa> anders_: correct ;)
[14:18] < huebi> anders_: SUN here in Germany is working on getting me a Blade 2000 or something similar. Just 1 or better 2 _very_ fast CPU's are needed. UltraSparc3 with at least 900 MHz
[14:19] < anders_> ok.. I guess you are more interested in workstations than servers?
[14:19] < huebi> anders_: No, only in fsat CPU's.
[14:19] < huebi> fast
[14:19] < anders_> ok.. and how happy are they to lend you the kit? :)
[14:21] < huebi> anders_: Well, last year I had 23 SUN's running. 18 break downs in 6 months.
[14:21] < tsa> uh..
[14:21] < huebi> So they know now that I'm still willing to make a business with them.
[14:22] < huebi> But they also know that they have to do something for me to get the business runing again.
[14:24] < huebi> This year I turned of 2 Sun's and 2 RS/6000 (F50 and F40) and replaced them with a very small shell script on a rock linux pc.
[14:24] < huebi> s/of/off/
[14:24] < huebi> hehe
[14:24] < anders_> hehehe
[14:24] < anders_> huebi: you'd probably like some access to a Regatta...
[14:25] < anders_> they are a bit big to have at home though..
[14:25] < huebi> anders_: What's that? IBM changed their namings in the last 2 years and I didn't follow.
[14:26] < huebi> anders_: I'm working on a fibre line from my office down to the cellar(?) .
[14:26] < huebi> anders_: Do you have a link to a Regatta?
[14:28] < anders_> huebi: uhm, the Regatta is the big p690..
[14:29] < anders_> huebi: you have gigabit ethernet at home? :)
[14:30] < huebi> anders_: Can you organize a test account on such a machine? No, I have only a 128KBit up link :(
[14:32] < anders_> huebi: I am afraid not.. :-/  We don't have one here and presently only AIX 5.1 runs on the metal..
[14:32] < anders_> There are rumours about Linux being ported to the p690, but I have not been able to verify that.
[14:44] < SMP> anders_: what division/whatever are you with at IBM?
[14:58] < th> huebi: das cvs auf cvs.rocklinux.de
[14:59] < huebi> th: jo whats with it?
[14:59] < th> huebi: smp soll mir bescheidsagen, wenn world soweit ist, dass ich es aufsetzen kann
[15:00] < huebi> th ok
[15:00] < huebi> I found a nasty bug in the network configuration with dhclient:
[15:01] < huebi> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/rock-1.5/base-config/net-tools/network.conf.diff?r1=text&tr1=1.1&r2=text&tr2=1.2&f=h
[15:02]   huebi is lazy. I need autoconfiguration at least in my network at home.
[15:02] < th> huebi: specify autoconfiguration
[15:03] < huebi> dhcpd, bind, nfsd
[15:03] < th> i setup a script which trys some configurations. testing... on success applying
[15:04] < huebi> I make evrything over dhcpd
[15:05] < huebi> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/files/dhcpd.conf <- a little bit boated if you normaly only use dhcpd for random ip numbers
[15:05] < huebi> +l
[15:09] < huebi> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/files/dhclient.leases <- The leases file contains _all_ network information I need.
[15:10] < huebi> this also works with windows.
[15:11] < huebi> th What do you think, about that?
[15:13] < huebi> Is 90 EUR a high price for a JavaStation with 32MB RAM?
[15:16] < tsa> javastations are sun4m afaik, booting from nfs or something..
[15:18] < anders_> SMP: I work at SSD. Storage .. :)
[15:20] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has quit ("leaving")
[15:23] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[15:23] < Mike1> moin
[15:23] < huebi> hi Mike1
[15:24] < Mike1> hey huebi
[15:26] < anders_> anyone good with Perl here?
[15:26] < Mike1> anders_ i know some perl basics if that helps
[15:28] < tsa> i tend to solve perl problems with shell magic.. ;-)
[15:28] < Mike1> tsa :D
[15:29] < tsa> although i've never found bash/Tk .. ;)
[15:33] < anders_> hehehe
[15:34] < anders_> I'm getting help elsewhere.. internal #perl channel..
[15:34] < anders_> although I dont know the quality of the help... :-/
[15:34] -!- term_emu [~pm@beaufort.wyzant.de] has joined #rocklinux
[15:35] < term_emu> moin
[15:35] < Mike1> anders_ ok
[15:35] < Mike1> hi term_emu
[15:36] -!- cap [cap@pD9048F2C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:38] < cap> hi
[15:44] -!- cap [cap@pD9048F2C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[15:45] < anders_> and in the end I figured it out myself...
[15:46] < tsa> hehe
[15:47] < anders_> I was doing $min = ( $3*60+$4-$1*60-$2-$5 ) % 60; and in the printf statement I required %02.d rather than %2.d to get the noughts I wanted..
[15:48] < anders_> a 5 minute perl script that took just a liiiitle bit longer...
[15:48] < tsa> hehe
[15:49] -!- l_9_l [~jarod@] has joined #rocklinux
[15:57] -!- l_9_l [~jarod@] has left #rocklinux ()
[16:00] < SMP> *GROAN*
[16:00] < SMP> now pvmove has aborted because it couldn't read a PE
[16:01] < SMP> of course it didn't clean up, so now I seem to have one more LV than I used to :-O
[16:01] < tsa> hm..ok.
[16:01]   tsa has just decided against using lvm at home.
[16:02] < SMP> I've done pvmove on production machines with the filesystem in use
[16:02] < SMP> so now _I am_ surprise
[16:02] < SMP> d
[16:03] < tsa> i wonder what the additional abstraction layer will do regarding disk performance..
[16:04] < tsa> is lvm a lot slower?
[16:05] < SMP> I don't know how 'slower' it is, but all it does is block remapping
[16:05] < SMP> very cheap
[16:06] < tsa> i see.
[16:08] < tsa> hm...anyone know a list price for a elite 3d m6 framebuffer?
[16:08] < tsa> huebi?
[16:13] -!- clifford [~clifford@] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:15] -!- clifford [~clifford@M125P022.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[16:15] < tsa> re clifford
[16:15] < Mike1> wb clifford
[16:15] < rxr> re
[16:16] < huebi> tsa: yes?
[16:17] < tsa> aah-
[16:17] < tsa> do you know anything about elite 3d m6 framebuffers?
[16:18] < huebi> tsa: No, I don't know the price or anything else. But you can search www.sun.de
[16:18] < tsa> i currently only have a creator (not even creator3d) in my u10..
[16:18] < tsa> ok.-
[16:18] < SMP> bleh
[16:18] < SMP> it's all fucked up
[16:18] < huebi> tsa: For linux that doesn't matter.
[16:19] < huebi> tsa: There is no hardware acceleration, as far as i know.
[16:19] < huebi> SMP: What's up? :-)
[16:19] < SMP> I'v switched of that piece of crap (world)
[16:19] < tsa> huebi: uhm....the u10 runs solaris.
[16:19] < SMP> maybe I'll have a look tomorrow
[16:19] < SMP> maybe next week
[16:20] < huebi> tsa: But the acceleration woulld be _far_ slower than a normal PC grafics card.
[16:20] < huebi> SMP: What did happen?
[16:21] < SMP> pvmove exited because it couldn't read a PE
[16:21] < SMP> didn't clean up
[16:21] < SMP> lvdisplay / pvdisplay give inconsistent results
[16:22] < huebi> SMP: Can you just create new a new lv and copie all the stuff over?
[16:23] < SMP> do you know how it feels when you have lost faith?
[16:23] < huebi> faith?
[16:23] < huebi> Mut?
[16:23] < SMP> I don't feel like wasting a single second of my lifetime working around broken hard- or software
[16:24] < tsa> hm...this is strange
[16:24] < tsa> https://www.sun.de/Produkte/Hardware/Workstations/Grafikkarten/Elite3D/index.html
[16:24] < tsa> anyone has an idea how the m6 model should fit into an u10 case?
[16:24] < huebi> tsa: Axt!
[16:25] < tsa> the m3 has the same size as my creator fb, but the m6....hm..
[16:25] < tsa> huebi: vermutlich.
[16:25] < rxr> the 2.5 IDE cleanups look impressive ...
[16:26] < esden> re hi all
[16:26] < Mike1> hi esden
[16:27] < huebi> hi esden
[16:27] < esden> huebi: wenn du schon sparc hardware besorgst kannst auch ... eine schnelle alpha fuer mich besorgen ;-)
[16:27] < tsa> hi esden
[16:27] < tsa> hehe
[16:27]   esden food
[16:28] < tsa> esden: how's you irc summary going?
[16:28] < huebi> esden: HP hat keine Alphas mehr.
[16:34] < esden> tsa: laaangsam
[16:34] < esden> tsa: sloowly
[16:34] < tsa> esden: wir diskutieren schoen weiter ueber got und die welt, damit du auch was zu tun hast ;_)
[16:34] < esden> huebi: schade ... ich bin gluecklich ueberhaupt eine alpha zu haben
[16:35]   esden schmeisst ein un*x manual nach tsa
[16:35] < tsa> *duck*
[16:35] < huebi> esden: Naja, vielleicht doch. Ich habe mit Compaq aber nichts mehr zu tun.
[16:35] < esden> tsa: ich muss eine manual schleuder bauen ;-)
[16:36] < tsa> hehe
[16:36] < esden> huebi: alpha ist eh am sterben ... frueher ader spaeter muss ich mich auf eine neue und hoffentlich bessere architektur umstellen
[16:36] < huebi> Compaq ist ein *cheissladen!
[16:37] < esden> huebi: ich stimme dir voll und ganz zu ...
[16:38]   anders_ has been using LVM on laptop for a long time..
[16:38] < anders_> no problems at all.. and coupled with ReiserFS, I can both grow and shrink the filesystems/LV's at will.
[16:39] < tsa> esden: alpha ist keine schlechte architektur, genauso wie sparc. nur ist ia-32, bald i-64 leider marktdominierend..
[16:40] < tsa> der ultrasparc-prozessor hat intern ueber 100 register, kann somit einen kompletten context-switch in der cpu machen...das ist schon cool.
[16:40] < esden> tsa: alpha ist ne geile architektur wenn du mich fragst ...
[16:41] < huebi> anders_: I have a small performanc problem with lvm (with stiping) and reiserfs on 4 Maxtor 80GB disks on rocklinux.dyndns.org
[16:41] < tsa> esden: ACK.
[16:41] < esden> tsa: ich habe seid jahren schon ne alpha haben wollen
[16:41] < tsa> esden: ich bin immer interessiert an exotischem kram.
[16:41] < huebi> export LAND=EN_en
[16:41] < tsa> x86 find ich eifnach langweilig..
[16:41] < tsa> ack
[16:42] < huebi> s/D/G/
[16:42] < rxr> huebi: reiserfs hat ein paar probleme mit linux software raid. Auf meinem server ist es ungefaehr 3x langasmer als ext3 ...
[16:42] < tsa> <huebi> export LAND=EN_en
[16:42] < esden> tsa: ack
[16:43] < huebi> rxr: I will switch back to software raid0 with xfs. or lvm (with striping) with xfs
[16:43] < esden> tsa: and crappy ... ix86 is cheap crap
[16:43] < tsa> yes, i know.
[16:43] < esden> but cheap ... that is the problem ...
[16:44] -!- term_emu is now known as term_aweh
[16:44] < esden> or better ... but other arch's are to expensive
[16:44] < anders_> huebi: is that due to LVM or Resier ?
[16:45] < huebi> anders_: I don't know. But both CPU's need allmost all time for system stuff.
[16:45] < huebi> a local cvs co needs 2-3 min
[16:46] < anders_> huebi: if you do a 'top', see what process is hogging the CPU..
[16:46] < huebi> a checkout to an other disk needs just a few seconds.
[16:46] < huebi> I do that now
[16:46] < anders_> if it is kreiserfsd, you know it is Reiser that is the problem..
[16:48] < huebi> it's cvs. 2 processes.
[16:49] < anders_> hmmm.. strange.. I have about 10 reiserfs filesystems (on LVM) and my kreiserfsd does not seem to accumulate CPU-time.. devfsd has taken up more CPU-time... :-?
[16:52] < huebi> I'll experiment a litte bit with it.
[16:54] < anders_> What I have not done is using LVM to stripe across several disks, mainly due to my box being a laptop.
[16:54] < anders_> we are using LVM across FCAL disks at work though, and that is working well.
[16:55] < huebi> anders_: with striping?
[16:56]   esden food Nr. 2
[16:57] < huebi> I've been working in the LVM-Central in Darmstadt where Heinz Mauelhagen developed the LVM. I think I should call him. Perhaps he knows a solution.
[16:58]   huebi wonders where the phone number is
[17:00] < anders_> huebi: Yeah, we use striping in this filesystem as performance is more of an issue. All data can be recreated..
[17:01] < huebi> anders_: Do you use the striping of LVM or of the kernel's software RAID?
[17:04] < tsa> ...und wech
[17:04] -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has quit ("wech.")
[17:20] < huebi> cu later
[17:39] < anders_> huebi: LVM striping..
[17:39] < anders_> sorry, was busy on another screen.. :-/
[17:39]   anders_ need Xinerama and about three monitors..
[17:45] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has quit ("BitchX: to the rescue!")
[18:23] -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E11B6D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:23] < tsa> re
[18:32] < rxr> hm the internel is currently really slow ... ?
[18:33] < tsa> which version of the internet do you use? mine is ok, i guess..
[18:33] < tsa> ;-)
[18:37] -!- anders_ [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has quit ("bye-bye.. back tomorrow.. or so..")
[18:39] < tsa> hm...no, absolutely no known problems here.
[18:53] < rxr> the at&t site gave some timeouts, but works now - and the developr.kde.org site seems to be down ...
[18:54] < rxr> I also wonder why do not got a sinble mail for an one and a half hour ...
[18:54] < tsa> sure...they're running kde, probably ;-)
[18:54] < tsa> <- gnome user
[18:54] < tsa> gnome + sawfish, to be exact.
[18:55] -!- wschlich [~wschlich@pD955CFB0.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Don't take life too seriously; you won't get out of it alive.")
[18:57] < rxr> and why should kde affect the linux kernel + apache? ;-)
[18:57] < rxr> although I do not think they run KDE on a server system ...
[18:57]   rxr <- KDE users since 3.0
[18:58] < tsa> i'm sure kde does at least taint the kernel ;-)
[18:58] < rxr> Gnome is a big ugly mess (and I did programming with it - I know the source ...)
[18:58] < tsa> hehe.
[18:58] < rxr> tsa: ?? you have drunk ;-)
[18:58] < tsa> rxr: ;-)
[18:58] < rxr> modprobe kde ???
[18:59] < SMP> *rofl*
[18:59] < tsa> LILO: Loading kde....
[18:59] < tsa> kde is evil! ;)
[18:59] < rxr> why?
[18:59] < SMP> .   /vmkde ?
[18:59] < tsa> hehe
[19:00] < SMP> (this client sucks)
[19:00] < SMP> (ChatZilla ;->)
[19:00] < tsa> rxr: i can't say. i've used it a few times (during 1.x, but anyway..), and i just don't like it.
[19:00] < rxr> yeah well 1.x was a totally other beast!
[19:01] < rxr> Kde-2 is completly rewrtenn and really sorted / clean C++ code
[19:01] < rxr> KDE-3 got a big speed boost ;-) ~20%?
[19:02] < tsa> i didn't see kde3 so far..
[19:02] < rxr> hm wine reproduceable crashes 2.5.13 ... :-(
[19:04]   rxr building 2.5.14 ;-)
[19:10] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@p50806E27.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:10] < hackbard> hi
[19:11] < rxr> hi
[19:24] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[19:24] < Mike1> re
[19:24] < rxr> hi Mike1
[19:24] < tsa> hi hackbard
[19:24] < tsa> hi Mike1
[19:25] < Mike1> yo Rene and Sebastian
[19:28]   rxr needs a online developer.kde.org ...
[19:29] < rxr> back soon ...
[19:29] < tsa> cu rxr
[19:31] < esden> gallery updated: https://www.rocklinux.org/people/esden/gallery/index.html
[19:32] < tsa> c00l.
[19:33] < rxr> Cool a photo of Jocelyn ;-)
[19:33] < tsa> ..and chris is new, too.
[19:34] < rxr> but jocelyn looks more interesting ;-)
[19:35] < tsa> hehehe
[19:49] < rxr> re
[19:49]   rxr booting 2.5.14
[19:53] < rxr> hm in all recent 2.5 kernel the input / vt layer crashes when I switch between XFree and the sis fb ...
[19:54] < hackbard> nvidia fb sucks too (in 2.4)
[19:55] < hackbard> how could you reboot without being disconnected?
[19:56] < Mike1> hackbard rxr's magic?
[19:56] < Mike1> *g
[19:56] < hackbard> hola miguel :)
[19:58] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1C975.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:58] < Mike1> como estas Frank
[19:58] < bluefire> re
[19:58] < Mike1> re bluefire
[20:02] -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A55.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux
[20:02] < snyke> hi ihr
[20:02] < snyke> mal ne frage
[20:02] < snyke> wie geht sowas?  20:00:29 up 3 days, 23:52,  2 users,  load average: 22.09, 6.29, 4.41
[20:02] < snyke> usage von 22.09?
[20:03] < tsa> kann immer mal vorkommen.
[20:03] < snyke> dachte die kiste ratzt bei spaetestens 10 ab?
[20:03] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD9E49822.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:03] < tsa> noe....irgendwann faengt sendmail an, wegen load keine mails mehr anzunehmen..
[20:03] < tsa> aber kritisch ist load 22 noch nicht...
[20:03] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD9E49822.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:04] < tsa> ich hab mal nen kernel mit make -j gebaut, da war er bei einer load von ueber 70 ..
[20:04] < tsa> ..wobei linux unter hoher load leider relativ schnell unnutzbar wird...andere unices sind da angenehmer..
[20:05] < tsa> (unter solaris merkt man eine load um 5 fast nicht, bsd soll aehnlich sein)
[20:09] < SMP> load != load
[20:10] -!- wschlich [~wschlich@pD955CFB0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:10] < th> SMP: was macht world? *nerv*
[20:11] < tsa> SMP: ok, eine art "standard", wie die load zu bemessen ist, gibt es wohl auch nicht...
[20:11] < SMP> th: mich annerven
[20:11] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1C975.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[20:11] < SMP> th: vielleicht morgen, vielleicht naechste Woche erst ...
[20:11] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1C975.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:11] < tsa> SMP: hm....nicht schoen - immer noch stress mit dem lvm?
[20:11] < th> SMP: war das ein "mich" oder ein typo-"nich"?
[20:11] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1C975.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit)
[20:12] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1C975.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:12] < tsa> re bluefire
[20:12] < SMP> th: world macht 'mich annerven'
[20:12] < bluefire> re
[20:12] < th> SMP: ahhhh
[20:12] < th> SMP: ok dann werde ich mich der world anschliessen
[20:13] < SMP> bitte nicht ;>
[20:14] < th> nagut, aber vergiss mich nich ;)
[20:14] < SMP> wie koennte ich
[20:14] < th> hehe
[20:14] < th> so eine antwort hatte ich erwartet
[20:17] < snyke> danke fuer die aufklaerung@tsa
[20:20] < tsa> keine ursache..
[20:21] < tsa> brb.
[20:21] -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E11B6D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[20:24] -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E11B6D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:24] < tsa> re
[20:29] < snyke> re
[20:35] < huebi> MNoeP!
[20:36] < tsa> hi huebi
[20:36] < huebi> hi tsa
[20:41] -!- wschlich_ [~wschlich@p50814B31.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:42] < huebi> snyke: ich habe hier beim compilieren of eine load von ueber 100
[20:43] < huebi> +t
[20:44] < tsa> huebi: es gab da auch irgendwo ein maximum fuer 2.2.x und eins fuer 2.4.x kernel afaik....ich weiss bloss nicht mehr, wo ich das gelesen habe und wie hoch es war..
[20:44]   huebi dreaming of emulating M$ with vi macros... ;>
[20:44] < huebi> M$ word I mean...
[20:45] < tsa> hm....is there any good reason to emulate bad software?
[20:45] < th> yes
[20:45] < huebi> tsa: Yes. To be compatible
[20:45] < huebi> ;-)))
[20:45] < th> to be able to feel the pain to fight against
[20:45] -!- wschlich_ [~wschlich@p50814B31.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit)
[20:46] < tsa> i have not used microsoft stuff since at least a year or something...is word really faster and less memory-consuming than staroffice/openoffice?
[20:47] < tsa> i don't even know how to find out about the memory footprint of a program running under ms windoze..
[20:48] < rxr> esden: jocelyn is till in the missing section - and by what are the people sorted?
[20:53] < tsa> rxr: there's a secret voting page...the results are used for the ranking ;-)
[20:54] < th> lol
[20:54] < tsa> no...just kidding.
[20:54] < tsa> but anyway, the answer is right on the page
[20:54] < tsa> P.S. People are sorted alphabetically using their surnames as keys.
[20:56] < rxr> tsa make sense ;-) I only noticed that it aren't the nicks anymore and wsa confusing by Esden-Tempski ...
[20:56] < tsa> rxr: hehe...
[20:57] < rxr> beeing between B and H ...
[20:57] < huebi> tsa: I know someone who sortet support contracts alphbeticaly using the last name of the in house signer. He never had to sort anything again.
[20:57] < tsa> hehe
[20:57] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@p50806E27.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[20:58] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@p50806E27.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:58] < esden> re hi all
[20:58] -!- wschlich [~wschlich@pD955CFB0.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:58] < huebi> btw:  8:56pm  up 20:46,  1 user,  load average: 226.63, 112.74, 53.84
[20:58] < tsa> hehe
[20:58] < tsa> what are you doing?
[20:59] < huebi> make -j on the kernel source.
[20:59] < esden> rxr: I have corrected the wanted section AFAIR
[20:59] < tsa> CPU0 states:  0.0% user,  0.0% system,  0.0% nice, 100.0% idle
[20:59] < tsa> CPU1 states:  1.0% user,  2.0% system,  0.0% nice, 95.0% idle
[20:59] < tsa> *idle*
[20:59] < huebi> the mouse is then a little bit slower than normal.
[21:00] < tsa> esden: we wjust decided we want a voting and ranking system for the developers gallery...
[21:00] < tsa> ;-)
[21:00] < huebi> I have to hit the left button for at least 3 seconds.
[21:00] < esden> tsa: It is not possible cuz I do not have a dynamic server
[21:01] < esden> tsa: give me a server with php and mysql and this is no prob ...
[21:01] < huebi> esden: But there is clifford for reading logfiles...
[21:01] < esden> huebi: lol
[21:01] < tsa> lol
[21:02] < esden> I think I should test fluxbox and metacity
[21:03] < esden> tsa: and ? can you give me a server ?
[21:05] < tsa> esden: sure....i could also write a short cgi for the voting stuff...but i guess the least wanted developer will kill me for that..
[21:06] < rxr> esden: ok clicked on reload now it is ok ... ;-)
[21:06] < esden> rxr: hehe
[21:06] < huebi> rxr: Known IE Problem :P
[21:07] < esden> rxr: I fixed it some seconds after I posted the link ;-)
[21:07] < rxr> huebi: ?? Duno .. - Linux only here ...
[21:08] < huebi> rxr LOL
[21:09] < huebi> rxr: At work ther is very often a problem with cached java stuff in IE. Just kidding you ;-)
[21:10] < rxr> huebi: hehe ;-) But the side has not even Java .. - I simply wanted to visit develop.kde.org and since it is still down I was forced to look at the gallery again ...
[21:14] < tsa> https://project.honeynet.org/reverse/ <- just in case anybody wants to have some fun in his spare time..
[21:18] < rxr> gibts nen edonkey module fuer iptables?
[21:19] < huebi> esden: Schreib mal 'nen edonkey patch....
[21:20] < esden> huebi: ??? meinst einen kernel nat modul ?
[21:20]   esden kein leecher deshalb macht esden es nicht
[21:20] < esden> solche sachen solles leecher machen
[21:20] < huebi> ok
[21:21] < huebi> Gibt's eigendlich inzwischen einen GPL-edonkey?
[21:21] < esden> huebi: nicht dass ich wuesste ...
[21:21] < huebi> eigendlich schade. Ich werde den Spyware Verdacht bei edonkey einfach nicht los :(
[21:21] < esden> der blindcoder benutzt phpdonkey aber dass benutzt als backend den normallen donkey client
[21:22] < tsa> https://users.aber.ac.uk/tpm01/guihome.html <- was ist mit dem?
[21:22] < SMP> *lol* www.ran.de
[21:22] < tsa> *ROTFL*
[21:23] < huebi> *ROTFL*
[21:23] < esden> lol
[21:24] < huebi> Was ist denn das fuer eine Kiste?
[21:24] < huebi> Schon getestet?
[21:24] < tsa> Server: Apache/1.3.9 (Unix) mod_perl/1.21
[21:24] < huebi> Ganz schoen alt.
[21:24] < tsa> jupp.
[21:25] < SMP> netcraft sag IiihRIX
[21:25] < tsa> mal nen nmap drueberjagen..
[21:25] < SMP> sagt
[21:25] < huebi> sgat: unser neuer rocklinux mirror ;-)))))
[21:25] < th> SMP: haste auch ne release info?
[21:26] < SMP> nicht von Netcraft
[21:26] < SMP> vielleicht weiss nmap oder queso das besser
[21:26] < tsa> laeuft noch...ich sag bescheid..
[21:26] < SMP> der Unterschied 6.2 -> 6.5 sollte recht einfach sein
[21:27] < SMP> was anderes wird wohl niemand mit Verstand noch fahren
[21:27] < huebi> SMP: Das setzt aber Verstand vorraus.
[21:27] < huebi> hehe
[21:29] < tsa> Remote operating system guess: IRIX 6.2 - 6.5
[21:29] < tsa> da ist.
[21:29] < tsa> Port       State       Service
[21:29] < tsa> 25/tcp     closed      smtp                    
[21:29] < tsa> 80/tcp     open        http                    
[21:29] < tsa> 8080/tcp   closed      http-proxy  
[21:29] < huebi> Such jemand eine gute Adminstelle bei einem bekannten grossen deutschen Fernsehsender? Ich habe gehoert, da wird bald irgendwo eine frei... sagt mein Orakel...
[21:29] < tsa> hehe
[21:29] < snyke> hehe
[21:30] < tsa> ..aufgrund ihrer webpraesenz uebersende ich ihnen anbei meine bewerbungsunterlagen...
[21:30] < tsa> *lach*
[21:32] < huebi> www.bank24.de <- auch nett
[21:32] < tsa> wassn da besonderes?
[21:32] < rxr> ??
[21:33] < tsa> braucht nor irgendwer guenstig 2x 64mb ram fuer u5/u10 ?
[21:33] < tsa> s/nor/noch/
[21:33] < rxr> tsa: maybe
[21:33] < tsa> rxr:
[21:33] < rxr> tsa: wenn die mal irgendwann ankommt ...
[21:33] < tsa> https://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2020354890
[21:33] < huebi> rxr: ripclaw ist unterwegs zu mir.
[21:34] < huebi> hat nur 1h32 Verspaetung....
[21:34] < rxr> ;-)
[21:34] < rxr> tsa: dauert das ebay anmelden lange??
[21:34] < esden> huebi: ist dass normal bei ihm ?
[21:35] < tsa> rxr: hm....gute frage...weiss gar nich mehr.
[21:35] < huebi> esden: so langsam glaube ich schon
[21:36] < esden> huebi: hehe
[21:38] < huebi> er hat aber schon 2 mal angerufen. er ist nur ca 15 min zu spaet
[21:38] < tsa> hehe
[21:39] < rxr> tsa: lduft das ebay zeug normal, oder ist das meisten schund ??
[21:39] < esden> huebi: ich wunder mich nicht mehr wieso seine handy rechnung so hoch ist ;-)
[21:40] < huebi> rxr: Your milage may vary :-)))
[21:40] < tsa> rxr: laeuft eigentlich meistens.../me hat auch 2x 64mb von ebay, keine probleme..
[21:41] < tsa> kommt natuerlich immer auf den verkaeufer an..
[21:41] < tsa>    1. Elite3D-m3 is not compatible with 300MHz Module <=501-4379-05.
[21:41] < tsa>    2. Elite3D-m3 is not compatible with 300MHz Module <=501-5040-02.
[21:41] < tsa> hm...
[21:41]   tsa zerlegt mal eben die U10.
[21:43] < huebi> Sonntag bin ich nicht da. 24h kein Computer zum Geburtstag meiner Frau :-)))
[21:43] < tsa> 4379-05
[21:43] < tsa> scheisse.
[21:44] < tsa> hat wer nen cpu-module > 300mhz fuer ne u10?
[21:44] < tsa> _guenstig_
[21:46] < huebi> ripclw klingelt
[21:46] < tsa> ah, fein.
[21:47] < rxr> suc
[21:47] < tsa> hol mal her...
[21:47] < rxr> jetzt habe ich mich angeledet - und jetzt ist die auktion zu ende :-(
[21:47] < tsa> argh.
[21:47] < rxr> Aktuelles Gebot
[21:47] < rxr> EUR 51,50
[21:47] < rxr> ???
[21:48] < rxr> hat wohl in letzer sekunde noch sleber geboten ??? :-(
[21:48] -!- inode [~inode@cs666986-234.satx.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux
[21:48] < tsa> hi inode
[21:49] < tsa> huebi: ripclaw da?
[21:50] < huebi> tsa: JO!
[21:51] < tsa> fein.
[21:51] < tsa> aaaalso..
[21:51] < tsa> es geht mir um das hier:
[21:51] < tsa> https://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2020360554
[21:52] < tsa> und https://sunsolve.sun.com/handbook_pub/Devices/Graphics/GRAPH_AFB.html
[21:52] < tsa> ich werd aus den verschiedenen part-no's nicht schlau..
[21:53] < tsa> cpu hat part.no ..-5379-05
[21:53] < tsa> ..und ich versuche rauszufinden, ob das teil nun laeuft oder nicht..
[21:53] < tsa> vielleicht kann ripclaw ja mehr dazu sagen..
[21:53] < huebi> hi tsa, rc hat kbd. was is damit
[21:54] < huebi> cpu von was, warum, und was willst du mit dem ebay e3dfb
[21:54] < tsa> ripclaw: auf der sun-seite steht:    1. Elite3D-m3 is not compatible with 300MHz Module <=501-4379-05.
[21:54] < tsa> cpu von der u10.
[21:54] < tsa> ich hab derzeit nur ne creator (nicht creator 3d) drin, die ist grottig..
[21:55] < huebi> 300 mhz was - ultra I ultra II, e oder i, oder workstation tzpe ?\
[21:55] < tsa> uIIi
[21:55] < huebi> welche wks ?
[21:55] < huebi> u10 ?
[21:55] < tsa> wks?
[21:55] < huebi> wks workstation
[21:55] < tsa> achso...ja, ultra10
[21:56] < huebi> sollte theoretisch gehen, nicht "kompatibel" heist:
[21:56] < huebi> not a supported config in diesem fall.
[21:56] < huebi> tut gehen, is nur nicht sooooo schnell.
[21:56] < tsa> ah...das hilft mir erstmal weiter..thx.
[21:57] < huebi> tsa, wenn du sowas einbauen willst, hol dir ne 30/60/80 oder 250/450.
[21:57] < huebi> ab 400 mhz mit ner sun ultraII (non-I).
[21:58] < tsa> hehe.
[21:58] < tsa> <- need sponsor
[21:58] < huebi> die 10er ist eines der 2 entry-range modelle, die war nie fuer dicke dinger gebaut (siehe z.b. ide)
[21:58] < tsa> ide fliegt auch raus, hab schon nen scsi-controller da..
[21:59] < huebi> tsa: so ab 6000 DM kannst du ne u60 gebraucht kriegen, z.b. bei livingston oder morse.
[21:59] < tsa> naja.....fuer die u10 hab ich 500 USD gezahlt..
[21:59] < huebi> tsa: spar lieber auf ne dicke, oder nimm ne u1 oder u2 mit creator - fliegt schneller als die u10.
[21:59] < huebi> huebi meint die u60 geht bereits ab 4000 dm auf ebaz
[22:00] < tsa> ah..
[22:00] < tsa> ok
[22:00] < tsa> verstaendnisfrgae: uII  <--> uIIi
[22:00] < tsa> kastrierter cache bei i?
[22:00] < huebi> die config die ich urspruenglich hatte fuer rock war u1 200 mhz creator3d und 18 gb sca disk. rennt, ca. 800 usd + s&h aus den usa.
[22:01] < huebi> die uII ist die server cpu, d.h. grosser core, dicker cache, dicke float unit, bei der 501-5838 sogar ecc-cache.
[22:01] < tsa> nett.
[22:02] < huebi> die uIIi ist die workstation cpu, kleiner cache, weniger pipeline steps bei einigen, mager-float...
[22:02] < huebi> die uIIe ist fuer den embedded markt -> z.b. in diversen netra oder laptop teilen in letztrer zeit.
[22:03] < tsa> wo ist der uIIe anders?
[22:03] < huebi> 400 mhz mit 8mb mirrored echache -> sombra cpu 19000 eur best price i heard. z.b. in e10k, e4500 etc.
[22:03] < tsa> hm...ok. ich glaub, ich brauch gleich nen ganzen haufen sponsoren ;-)
[22:04] < huebi> die uIIe hat weniger temperatur entwicklung und je nach variante ... abgespeckte workstation cpu...
[22:04] < huebi> https://www.sun.com/microelectronics/
[22:04] < tsa> thx.
[22:04] < huebi> sysboards, cpu"s, instruction sets (z.b. VIS), etc.
[22:05] < huebi> ok, back to work :-]
[22:05]   tsa reading
[22:09] < Mike1> anyone could traceroute mail.costarica.net please and paste me the last 3 lines
[22:10] < huebi> Mike1: IP?
[22:10] < huebi> dns failed
[22:10]   esden tracing
[22:11] < Mike1> i need to see where its is going i changed ip in the dns records
[22:11] < esden> traceroute to mail.costarica.net (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
[22:11] < esden> 1  epsylon (  0.691 ms  0.575 ms  0.522 ms
[22:11] < esden> 2 (  58.414 ms  63.733 ms  58.176 ms
[22:11] < esden> 3 (  58.691 ms  55.627 ms  56.840 ms
[22:11] < esden> 4  Paris-SA1.PARIS.F.net.DTAG.DE (  76.665 ms  77.037 ms  78.385 ms
[22:11] < esden> 5  P3-0.PASBB1.Pastourelle.opentransit.net (  82.821 ms  77.523 ms  266.564 ms
[22:11] < esden> 6  P4-0.PASCR3.Pastourelle.opentransit.net (  77.584 ms  77.232 ms  78.683 ms
[22:11] < esden> 7  P3-0.PASCR1.Pastourelle.opentransit.net (  81.532 ms  79.004 ms  80.152 ms
[22:11] < esden> 8  P12-0.NYKCR2.New-york.opentransit.net (  153.383 ms  153.001 ms  155.661 ms
[22:11] < esden> 9  P6-0.NYKBB1.New-york.opentransit.net (  154.876 ms  153.809 ms  153.227 ms
[22:11] < esden> 10  RacsaBackup.GW.opentransit.net (  233.684 ms  238.449 ms  236.335 ms
[22:11] < esden> 11  draco-fe-1-0-0.racsa.co.cr (  240.200 ms draco-fe-4-0-0.racsa.co.cr (  378.876 ms draco-fe-1-0-0.racsa.co.cr (  234.286 ms
[22:11] < esden> 12  * * *
[22:11] < esden> 13  web.informatica.co.cr (  250.445 ms  243.773 ms  236.055 ms
[22:11]   huebi tracing too
[22:11] < inode> 1 (  6.195 ms  0.242 ms  0.197 ms
[22:11] < inode> 2  * * *
[22:11] < inode> 3  cs2428129-65.satx.rr.com (  47.036 ms  20.777 ms  27.713 ms
[22:11] < inode> 4  cs2428129-14.satx.rr.com (  28.236 ms  62.385 ms  33.607 ms
[22:11] < inode> 5  cs2428129-34.satx.rr.com (  27.204 ms  16.861 ms  12.246 ms
[22:11] < inode> 6  pop2-hou-P7-0.atdn.net (  28.485 ms  49.411 ms  18.976 ms
[22:11] < inode> 7  bb1-hou-P0-1.atdn.net (  50.444 ms  21.638 ms  78.277 ms
[22:11] < inode> 8  bb1-dal-P6-0.atdn.net (  50.287 ms  29.143 ms  24.957 ms
[22:11] < inode> 9  bb2-dal-P7-0.atdn.net (  22.084 ms  21.567 ms  29.060 ms
[22:11] < inode> 10  bb2-kcy-P6-0.atdn.net (  44.499 ms  48.481 ms  166.102 ms
[22:11] < inode> 11  pop1-kcy-P1-0.atdn.net (  71.780 ms  72.467 ms  57.762 ms
[22:11] < inode> 12  sl-gw16-kc-9-0.sprintlink.net (  78.517 ms  59.210 ms  77.159 ms
[22:11] < inode> 13  sl-bb21-kc-8-0.sprintlink.net (  98.992 ms  46.849 ms  48.178 ms
[22:11] < inode> 14  sl-bb20-pen-10-2.sprintlink.net (  72.167 ms  110.777 ms  104.534 ms
[22:11] < inode> 15  sl-bb25-pen-8-0.sprintlink.net (  60.449 ms  77.504 ms  65.442 ms
[22:11] < inode> 16  sl-gw22-pen-0-0-0.sprintlink.net (  161.416 ms  63.378 ms  57.914 ms
[22:11] < inode> 17  sl-ftpen-1-0.sprintlink.net (  69.079 ms  84.927 ms  78.294 ms
[22:11] < inode> 18  Sr4-0.PENBB1.Pennsauken.opentransit.net (  86.613 ms  107.511 ms  62.985 ms
[22:11] < rxr> should I toooooo ;-)))))))
[22:12] < inode> 19  P5-1.NYKBB4.New-york.opentransit.net (  120.652 ms  114.771 ms  108.185 ms
[22:12] < inode> 20  P11-0.NYKCR1.New-york.opentransit.net (  64.548 ms  88.596 ms  69.090 ms
[22:12] < inode> 21  P5-0.NYKBB1.New-york.opentransit.net (  112.424 ms  63.434 ms  71.854 ms
[22:12] < Mike1> WTF?
[22:12] < Mike1> lol
[22:12] < tsa> interesting - what's this - a short tour of the web?
[22:12] < inode> 22  RacsaBackup.GW.opentransit.net (  144.552 ms  213.649 ms  156.437 ms
[22:12] < inode> 23  draco-fe-1-0-0.racsa.co.cr (  179.910 ms  210.828 ms draco-fe-4-0-0.racsa.co.cr (  195.293 ms
[22:12] < inode> 24  * * *
[22:12] < inode> 25  web.informatica.co.cr (  208.515 ms  179.624 ms  146.975 ms
[22:12] < rxr> Now me: *g*
[22:12] < Mike1> haha
[22:12] < tsa> Noooooow!
[22:12] < tsa> anybody else?
[22:12] < Mike1> hehe
[22:12] < tsa> *sigh*
[22:12] < Mike1> hehe great is coming trought
[22:12] < esden> come on boys you can do it !!! ;-)
[22:13] < Mike1> thank you all guys
[22:13] < rxr> we have a install-preifx config for kde in 1.7 - when we add a gnome one - what progs should go into it?`all gtk+ based ones?
[22:13] < tsa> gnome-*
[22:13] < tsa> sawfish
[22:14] < tsa> xchat, galeon
[22:14] < tsa> all gtk+-based would mean gimp, too...
[22:14] < tsa> hm...no
[22:15] < tsa> libxml2, libxslt
[22:15] < tsa> gconfd, oafd
[22:15] < huebi> I just testet /exec /usr/sbin/traceroute mail.costarica.net koool
[22:15] < rxr> libxml and libxslt are not in the gnome category - they are library/text or so ...
[22:16] < tsa> hm...ok
[22:16] < tsa> what about xmms?
[22:16] < tsa> isn't it gkt+-based, too?
[22:16] < tsa> shouldn't go to gnome stuff.
[22:16] < rxr> it think all gt+ based should go in it
[22:16] < rxr> all gtk+ is also in the gnome/* category
[22:17] < rxr> and all qt stuff is in the kde/* category ..
[22:17] < rxr> you do not need to change the /usr default ... - but I do not want such crap in my normal tre ...
[22:17] < rxr> s/tre/tree/
[22:17] < tsa> hm... i see
[22:17] < tsa> so opera will go for kde?
[22:18] < tsa> strange
[22:18] < rxr> ok we do not need to to this for all ...
[22:18] < rxr> only the open-source stuff that belong into one group ...
[22:18] < rxr> for opera it should be ok to be /usr or /opt/$pkg ...
[22:19] < tsa> hehe....i'm currently trying to clean up my /opt ;-)
[22:19] < tsa> anyway, i think /opt/opera is ok..
[22:20] < rxr> what does clean up /opt mean ?
[22:20] < rxr> better stuff in /opt/$pgk than in /usr ...
[22:21] < tsa> i still have some stuff in /opt which iMHO doesn't belong there..
[22:21] < rxr> that is?
[22:21] < tsa> mpg123
[22:21] -!- inode [~inode@cs666986-234.satx.rr.com] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:22] < tsa> one binary, one manpage.
[22:22] < rxr> mpg123 belongs into /dev/null
[22:22] < tsa> that's not worth making /opt/mpg123
[22:22] < tsa> why?
[22:22] < rxr> binary only non-gpl no library
[22:22] -!- inode [~inode@cs666986-234.satx.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux
[22:23] < rxr> mad is cool ;-)
[22:27] < huebi> u5 bootet rock 1.5.12
[22:27] < huebi> mpg321 is a good replacement for mpg123
[22:29] < rxr> jups - using (lib)mad ;-)
[22:30] < clifford> hi.
[22:31] < huebi> hi clifford
[22:31] < Mike1> hi clifford
[22:31] < clifford> wie sieht's mit dem artikel aus?
[22:32] < huebi> clifford: bin grade am basteln.
[22:32] < clifford> gut. Ich bin grad' am snapshot hochladen und werd' mich dann an die frontpage setzen.
[22:32] < clifford> hi mike.
[22:33] < tsa> hi clifford
[22:33] < clifford> hi tsa.
[22:34] < clifford> rxr: hast du die aenderungen an gcc2.conf im letzten snap gesehen?
[22:35] < rxr> clifford: ich suche gerade warum install_init nicht gefunden wird ...
[22:35] -!- term_aweh [~pm@beaufort.wyzant.de] has quit ("n8")
[22:35] < rxr> clifford: frontpage?
[22:35] < clifford> rxr: https://www.rocklinux.org/rolling/devel/
[22:36] < clifford> hat nichts mit dem ms produkt zu tun .. :-)
[22:36] < huebi> rxr: clifford makes now webprogramming easy ;-)
[22:37] < clifford> huebi: yes. I think that rock.sed could also be implemented in ed which would make it much easier for older unix systems to create our webpages ...  :-)
[22:37] < huebi> clifford: hehe
[22:37] < rxr> WWWWoooooooooooaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!
[22:37] < tsa> hm?
[22:37] < clifford> rxr: wer oder was findet install_init nicht?
[22:38] < esden> hi cliff
[22:38] < clifford> (liegt in package/base/sysvinit/parse-config)
[22:38] < clifford> hi esden.
[22:38] < huebi> clifford: slackware bein rock installieren.
[22:39] < rxr> clifford: I now
[22:39] < huebi> U5 is up and running ROCK Linux 1.5.12
[22:39] < clifford> apropos instal_init - hat sich wer das m4 macro file angesehen? (siehe mail von heute)
[22:39] < rxr> If sehe gerade nicht mehr welches packet das war
[22:39] < snyke> n8
[22:39] -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A55.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit ("[BX] Uh oh... I'm getting a blip on the gaydar. Richard Simons is coming!")
[22:39] < Mike1> huebi way cool
[22:39] < esden> alpha:/usr/local/data/1.7/test# diet-dyn
[22:39] < esden> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
[22:39] < clifford> es waere schoen die hilfe ohne divert zusammensetzen zu koennen.
[22:39] < rxr> kann es sein das der letze snapshot den bug hatte die src.* dateien nie zu lvschen?
[22:39] < esden> hmm
[22:39] < esden> clifford: is your diet-dyn working
[22:39] < clifford> rxr: ja. fixed.
[22:40] < rxr> und wo kommt build/root her?
[22:40] < clifford> esden: no. not realy.
[22:40]   rxr totales choas im build ...
[22:40] < clifford> rxr: hae? (das oente nur entstehen wenn die config currupt ist)
[22:41] < rxr> hm scheint so ...
[22:41] < esden> and you have made a mistake in target/dietlibc/parse-config there was a line :
[22:41] < tsa> hm...where is the difference between "Usage: $0 { stop | stop }" and "Usage: $0 { start | stop }"
[22:41]   tsa not understanding the problem..
[22:41] < rxr> es kann sein das ich vor dem build kein Config aufgerufen habe ... - ich mach mal nen rm -rf ...
[22:41] < esden> if [ $ROCKCFG_TRG_DIETLIBC_DYN = 1 ] ; then dietbin="diet" ; else dietbin="diet-dyn" ; fi
[22:42] < esden> if I see it correctly the values should be exchanged ...
[22:42] < clifford> tsa: der text wird von m4 macro file automatisch generiert - abhaenig davon welche befehlsbloecke implementiert sind.
[22:42] < esden> or better switched
[22:42] < clifford> das hab' ich zuerst als sich selbst includierendes m4 define implementiert - nur hoffenbar hat er dann immer den namen des letzten blocks fuer jeden block verwendet.
[22:43] < clifford> jetzt gehts ueber ein divert - das aber imo nicht so huebsch ist ..
[22:43] < clifford> esden: yup.
[22:43] < rxr> sein wann gibt es die idee des rolling ROCK ? ;-)
[22:44] < tsa> aaaah! stop/stop <-> start/stop
[22:44] < clifford> esden: soll ich das gleich bei mir machen oder kommt das im naechsten patch von dir mit?
[22:44] < esden> clifford: mache dass gleich ...
[22:44] < clifford> rxr: seit ein paar wochen. seit mitte letzter woche ist es konkret.
[22:44] < esden> ich werde jetzt bissel mit dynamic linking versuchen
[22:44] < esden> deshalb werde ich wahrscheinlich keinen patch bis zum naechsten snap machen
[22:45] < clifford> tsa: ach so - ich hab' auch 2mal hinsehen muessen ..  :-)
[22:45] < tsa> hehe...boese Falle..
[22:45] < clifford> esden: den naechsten snap lade ich gerade rauf ..
[22:45] -!- th_ [th@delta.boerde.de] has joined #rocklinux
[22:46] -!- th [th@delta.boerde.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:46]   clifford released snapshot 1.7.0-DEV-200205072227.
[22:46] < SMP> g'night
[22:46]   rxr ./scripts/Update-Src -all
[22:46] < rxr> n8 SMP
[22:46] < esden> clifford: jut jut
[22:47] < SMP> rxr: btw. - zwei Folgen ST:ENT diese Woche ;-O
[22:47] < clifford> neue featuers u.a.: optimierte queue order bei cluster builds,
[22:47] < rxr> SMP: schon da?
[22:47] < SMP> dann noch eine und dann ist Staffel rum
[22:47] < clifford> manual package selection,
[22:47] -!- cap [cap@pD9048436.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:47] < clifford> disabling broken packages (based on *.cache files),
[22:47] < rxr> SMP:  :-(
[22:47] < SMP> rxr: oeh. nope
[22:47] < clifford> various small bugfixes,
[22:47] < SMP> rxr: laufen auch erst am 8. ;>
[22:48] < rxr> SMP: ahh
[22:48] < esden> clifford: manual package selection cool ... wen es dass ist was ich denke dann ist es super dass es endlich gibt ;-)
[22:48] < clifford> cross-compileable bash, ...
[22:48] < rxr> clifford: wow!
[22:48] -!- ringo78 [~idiot@co116627-a.almel1.ov.nl.home.com] has joined #rocklinux
[22:48] < SMP> hehe
[22:48] < SMP> pk_ksh _must_ die! ;>
[22:48] < clifford> esden: ist ein wenig gewoehnungsbeduerftig. (das config tool hat jetzt eine art integrierten ascii editor)
[22:49] < esden> huh ...
[22:49] < rxr> clifford: I could write a dRock page for the Rolling ROCK ;-)
[22:49] < esden> ich teste es mal gleich
[22:49] < SMP> really off now
[22:49] < clifford> rxr: eigentlich wollte ich dich das fragen (hab's bis jetzt aber immer vergessen).
[22:49] < clifford> SMP: bye.
[22:50] < esden> cu SMP
[22:50] < tsa> clifford: scripts/Config: s/paralell/parallel/
[22:50]   tsa hunting typos
[22:50] < huebi> n8 SMP
[22:50] < rxr> Btw the name is a really nice choice! It has a historic touch in the style of Terry Pratchett
[22:51] < tsa> (2 times)
[22:52] < esden> erstmal diff lesen ...
[22:52] < rxr> clifford: is the cursor movement on pressing -space- a fature or a bug ?
[22:52] < clifford> rxr: ask that question the developer of lxconfig ... :-)
[22:52] -!- tsa_ [~tsa@pD9E11306.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:52] < tsa_> hm..
[22:53] < rxr> clifford:  in lxxonfig you do the selection with -space- and execute the function with -enter- ...
[22:53] < rxr> in ROCK you do the selection with -enter- and the curson jump strange on -space- ...
[22:54] < clifford> screenshot von manual package selection - everything except sf packages and kde:
[22:54] < clifford>   x x      - Additional Package Selection                                 x x
[22:54] < clifford>   x x      [*]    Custom package selection                                x x
[22:54] < clifford>   x x        ----    Use "X <pattern>" to enable  packages                x x
[22:54] < clifford>   x x        ----    Use "O <pattern>" to disable packages                x x
[22:54] < clifford>   x x        ----    Use "- <pattern>" to remove  packages                x x
[22:54] < clifford>   x x        001:    - sourceforge kde/*                                  x x
[22:54] < clifford>   x x        002:    <new line>                                           x x
[22:54] < clifford>   x x      -->    Show the current package list                           x x
[22:55] < tsa_> short question on openssh package regarding FHS: shouldn't openssh be configure with --sysconfdir=/etc/ssh instead of /etc ?
[22:56] < tsa_> i'd prefer /etc/ssh..
[22:56] < clifford> tsa: i can uderstand that you prefer /etc/ssh - but what has that to do with FHS ?
[22:56] < esden> clifford: ich habe gedacht du willst den dietlibc fehler beheben ?
[22:57] < esden> in dem snap ist es immer noch falsch ...
[22:57] < clifford> esden: welchen?
[22:57] < tsa_> clifford: doesn't the FHS tell something about where this has to be?
[22:57] < esden> ja dass mit dem diet und diet-dyn ... dass die vertauscht sind ...
[22:57] < clifford> tsa: in /etc for normal packages and /etc/opt/<pkg-name>/ for packages in /opt ..
[22:57] < clifford> esden: wie gesagt - ich war zu dem zeitpunkt schon im hochladen vom snap.
[22:58] < rxr> cool! I seem to get access to the KDE releases in the one-week-binary creation phase - one week before the releases ;-) *freu*
[22:58] < esden> clifford: asoo ... sorry
[22:58] < tsa_> hm....ok...so i'll still have to customize my opehssh packages in the future ;)
[22:59] < clifford> soll ich's jetzt bei mir machen oder kommts im naechsten snap? (mir geht's nur darum das dein naechster snap nicht bounced weil wir das beide aendern)
[22:59] < rxr> clifford: kannst du mir dein html package genration script schicken? Sowas fuer die dRock seite waere nett ;-)
[22:59] < clifford> rxr: welches script? (da gibt es eine ganze menge)
[22:59] < esden> clifford: mache es du ich mache es nicht ...
[22:59] < clifford> esden: ok.
[23:00] < esden> ich werde jetzt wie schon gesagt bissel mit diet-dyn rumprobieren ... dafuer brauche ich paar stunden
[23:00] < rxr> clifford: ?? das womit du https://www.rocklinux.org/packages/ erzeugst ;-)
[23:00] < esden> ;-)
[23:00] < clifford> esden: fixed. ist im naechsten snap - versprochen .. :-)
[23:01] < clifford> rxr: ach so (das wort 'package' hab' ich ueberlesen ..)
[23:01] < esden> clifford: gut danke ;-)
[23:01] < tsa_> clifford: hm....what about gdm? we have /etc/gdm, but since there is a /etc/X11/xdm, i'd like to see /etc/X11/gdm, too..
[23:02] < esden> aja ... clifford .. ich wuerde gerne langsam die hooks haben die ich fuer mein display brauuche ... du hast gemeint dass du es machen willst ... sonnst werde ich es naechstes wochenende anfangen reinzubauen ...
[23:02] < clifford> rxr: https://www.rocklinux.org/packages/pkg2in.sh und https://www.rocklinux.org/packages/update.sh
[23:03] < esden> clifford: oder vielleicht hast du schon ne feste vorstellung wie du die machen willst so dass es schnell geht ?
[23:03] < esden> ich brauche es nicht sofort ... aber ... hmm ... bald ;-)
[23:03] < clifford> esden: leider hab' ich dazu noch ueberhaupt keine vorstellung ..
[23:03] < tsa_> rxr: du bist gdm maintainer, was denkst du?
[23:04] < esden> clifford: kk ... ich ueberlege mir dann was ...
[23:05] < rxr> mir wuerde es besser gefallen wenn wir xdm nach /etc/xdm verschieben ...
[23:05] < rxr> das sind beides nicht soo die X11 grund configuationen ...
[23:05] < rxr> zumal /etc/kdm noch dazu kommt ...
[23:06] < rxr> und gdm und kdm koennen theoretisch auch auf nem framebuffer (bit gtkfb und qtfb ...)
[23:06] < rxr> aber wenn ich mir das so ansehe gehoehrt das meiste von /etc/X11 eher nach /usr/X11/bla-bla ...
[23:07] < tsa_> hehe
[23:08] < rxr> clifford: how much text should I write for the dRock page - and what is the scheduled finish-ing date?
[23:08] < rxr> (timeline was the word i missed ;-)
[23:10] < clifford> rxr: It would be great to have it finished mid of the next week. A few days reviewing by people who actually do speach english well should follow before releasing it.
[23:10] -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E11B6D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:10] < esden> clifford: have you seen blindcoder's pz-config ?
[23:10] -!- tsa_ is now known as tsa
[23:10] < clifford> a page should not be bigger than a page on LWN is.
[23:10] < clifford> esden: no - what's that?
[23:10] < esden> clifford: it is much easier to use ...
[23:11] < esden> this is a pz editor/configurator
[23:11] < esden> so usable for rock<1.5
[23:11] < rxr> clifford: have you s.o. who will do the read-over, or should this happen on my side ?
[23:11] < esden> but really cool
[23:11] < clifford> esden: remember that a 'per-package' selection doesn't make sense in 1.7 because to many modules can modify the package list on the fly.
[23:11] < esden> written in shellscript using dialog
[23:12] < clifford> rxr: I'm sure we will find some people to read over it.
[23:12] < clifford> esden: where is it?
[23:12] < esden> clifford: hmm ... right ...
[23:13] < esden> ask blindcoder (crash@bingo-ev.de) ...
[23:13] < huebi> clifford: What should be in the article?
[23:14] < clifford> huebi: what ever you as maintainer of the tree would consider importand enought to tell the 'people out there'. I think that most readers are no aktive users of rock linux - so don't expect them to know what we have done in the last months.
[23:16] < esden> clifford: blindcoder added to his todo to write something like that for 1.7 .. but probably in c ... he thinks that c is more flexible then dialog ... when you consider the ui
[23:16] < esden> ahh coool the Lord of the rings CD is ready ripped ;-)
[23:18] < rxr> clifford: are 60200   total in my peoples dir ok ? ;-)
[23:18] < rxr> I could move the whole side to my drocklinux.dyndns.org ...
[23:21] < clifford> rxr: total what? files? megabyte?
[23:23] < rxr> kB
[23:23] < rxr> the output of du -c ...
[23:23] < rxr> 62M     total
[23:23] < rxr> du -cH ;-)
[23:23] < clifford> rxr: this is 60 MB. what is it?
[23:24] -!- tsa_ [~tsa@p5082B1FE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[23:24] < tsa_> hm....t-online doesn't like me today, it seems.
[23:24] < rxr> clifford: This is what I wanted to hear ;-)
[23:26] < rxr> tsa: but qsc likes me for some days now: Ttl: 7674.06 MByte
[23:29] < tsa_> uh..
[23:30] < clifford> rxr: what is it?
[23:32]   bluefire haiabett
[23:32] < huebi> ei,ei, schlaf gut bluefire
[23:32] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1C975.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[23:33] < clifford> rxr: I need to go now (just got a phone call from my girlfriend). What are the 62MB for?
[23:33] < huebi> n8 clifford
[23:33] < clifford> n8
[23:34]   huebi writing on the article
[23:34] < tsa_> cu clifford
[23:35] < rxr> 42 MB snapshot tarballs ...
[23:35] < clifford> rxr: what do you need the 62MB for?
[23:35] < rxr> n8 clifford!
[23:35] < rxr> yeah I delete most snapshots ...
[23:36] < rxr> rene@jackson:~/develop/rock/public-dRock > du -cH *
[23:36] < rxr> 4.1k    #drock-screens.in#
[23:36] < rxr> 4.1k    #drock.in#
[23:36] < rxr> 8.6M    drock/patches
[23:36] < rxr> 91k     drock/screens/thumbs
[23:36] < rxr> 21k     drock/screens/.xvpics
[23:36] < rxr> 951k    drock/screens
[23:36] < rxr> 930k    drock/packages
[23:36] < rxr> 48M     drock/src
[23:36] < rxr> 59M     drock
[23:36] < rxr> 4.1k    maintain.sh
[23:36] < rxr> 4.1k    rene.html
[23:36] < rxr> 4.1k    rene.in
[23:36] < rxr> 4.1k    rene.in~
[23:36] < rxr> 8.2k    rock.sed
[23:36] < clifford> rxr: pls. do. currently we are having 179MB free on the server ..
[23:36] < rxr> 3.9M    sane
[23:36] < rxr> 63M     total
[23:36] < rxr> ok done ;-)
[23:36] < huebi> ________________________
[23:36] < huebi> < rxr, lass das flooden! >
[23:36] < huebi> ------------------------
[23:36] < huebi>         \   ^__^
[23:36] < huebi>          \  (oo)\_______
[23:36] < huebi>             (__)\       )\/\
[23:36] < huebi>                 ||----w |
[23:36] < huebi>                 ||     ||
[23:36] < tsa_> hehehe...es geht wieder los...
[23:37] < clifford>   ____                        _
[23:37] < clifford> / ___| ___ _ __   __ _ _   _| |
[23:37] < clifford> | |  _ / _ \ '_ \ / _` | | | | |
[23:37] < clifford> | |_| |  __/ | | | (_| | |_| |_|
[23:37] < clifford> \____|\___|_| |_|\__,_|\__,_(_)
[23:37] < tsa_> huebi: stats-cheater!
[23:37] < clifford> ____                              _         _                          
[23:37] < clifford> \___ \ / _ \  \ \ /\ / / _` / __| | __| | | | __| | '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \
[23:37] < clifford> ___) | (_) |  \ V  V / (_| \__ \ | |_| |_| | |_  | | | | | | (_| | | | |
[23:37] < clifford> |____/ \___/    \_/\_/ \__,_|___/  \__|\__,_|\__| |_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|
[23:37] < clifford>                                                                         
[23:37] < clifford>                             _ _      _             _      _     _   _
[23:37] < clifford> _ __   __ _  ___ _ __ ___ | (_) ___| |__    _ __ (_) ___| |__ | |_| |
[23:37] < clifford> | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ '_ ` _ \| | |/ __| '_ \  | '_ \| |/ __| '_ \| __| |
[23:37] < clifford> | | | | (_| |  __/ | | | | | | | (__| | | | | | | | | (__| | | | |_|_|
[23:37] < clifford> |_| |_|\__,_|\___|_| |_| |_|_|_|\___|_| |_| |_| |_|_|\___|_| |_|\__(_)
[23:37] < huebi> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/files/cowsay_3.03.orig.tar.gz <- cowsay fuer alle
[23:38] < huebi> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/files/figlet22.tar.gz <- ganz grooos
[23:38] < rxr> huebi huebi  ...
[23:38] < tsa_> hm..
[23:39]   esden hebt seine usi und zielt in den chat ...
[23:39] < huebi> flooden nur auf #AOL
[23:39] < tsa_> huebi: ok, i'll stay awake this night and paste cows when everybody is asleep... :-P
[23:39] < huebi> uzi <- das rattert
[23:39] < esden> ja dass meine ich ;-)
[23:40] < rxr> 28M     total
[23:40] < huebi> rxr lass das ;-)
[23:40] < tsa_> esden: kannst du wohl ein 'grep -v huebi' einbauen, bevor die logs an das stats-programm verfuettert werden? ;)
[23:40] < rxr> huebi:  WWAASS ???
[23:40]   clifford remove 80 MB 1.7 snapshots ... :-)
[23:40] < rxr> hehe ;-) I removed 40 MB snaps ... ;-)
[23:40] -!- igel [~igel@usr032.roggen.stud.uni-bielefeld.de] has joined #rocklinux
[23:40] -!- igel is now known as holyolli
[23:40] < holyolli> moin
[23:41] < tsa_> tag
[23:41] < holyolli> hi tsa
[23:41] < holyolli> esden? are you there?
[23:41] < tsa_> hm...geschlechtsumwandlung in 2 sekunden...nicht schlecht ;)
[23:41]   rxr resynced ;-)
[23:41] < esden> holyolli: yes ...
[23:41] < huebi> holyolli: Muh!
[23:41] < d3m|away> hola
[23:41] < esden> re holyolli so nebenbei ;-)
[23:41] -!- d3m|away is now known as d3mian
[23:41] < holyolli> huebi: moeh!
[23:41] < esden> re d3mian
[23:41] < holyolli> re esden ;)
[23:41] < holyolli> hi d3mian
[23:41] < tsa_> hi d3mian
[23:42] < tsa_> d3mian: samba stuff should have arrived..
[23:42] < holyolli> esden: how do you want to have the image? http/ftp/mail/...?
[23:42] < Mike1> what was the arg that use with tar when -I doesnt work?
[23:42] < d3mian> thnx tsa, ill check it now
[23:42] < rxr> clifford: deine art .html dateien zu erzeugen ist echt kreativ ;-)
[23:42] < Mike1> Hola d3mian
[23:43] < esden> holyolli: put it somewhore and I will download it ...
[23:43] < clifford> rxr: ist das ein kompliment?
[23:43] < esden> holyolli: I think that is the best way ...
[23:43] < tsa_> Mike1: "j", i think
[23:43] < d3mian> Mike1: check mail
[23:43] < holyolli> esden: okay
[23:43] < Mike1> tsa_ gracias
[23:43] < Mike1> d3mian ok
[23:44] < esden> I hmm ... dynamic diet is pretty broken ...
[23:44] < esden> (gdb) run
[23:44] < esden> Starting program: /opt/diet/bin/diet-dyn
[23:44] < esden> warning: Unable to find dynamic linker breakpoint function.
[23:44] < esden> GDB will be unable to debug shared library initializers
[23:44] < esden> and track explicitly loaded dynamic code.
[23:44] < esden> warning: shared library handler failed to enable breakpoint
[23:44] < esden> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[23:44] < esden> 0x000015b8 in ?? ()
[23:44] < esden> (gdb)
[23:44] < esden> heuuul
[23:44] < clifford> ___________________________________
[23:44] < clifford> \ meiner freundin trotten ...       /
[23:44] < clifford> -----------------------------------
[23:44] < clifford> \                             .       .
[23:44] < clifford> \                           / `.   .' "
[23:44] < clifford>   \                  .---.  <    > <    >  .---.
[23:44] < esden> ich kenne mich nicht aus ...
[23:44] < clifford>    \                 |    \  \ - ~ ~ - /  /    |
[23:44] < clifford>          _____          ..-~             ~-..-~
[23:44] < clifford>         |     |   \~~~\.'                    `./~~~/
[23:44] < huebi> fdhds
[23:44] < clifford>        ---------   \__/                        \__/
[23:44] < clifford>       .'  O    \     /               /       \  "
[23:44] < clifford>      (_____,    `._.'               |         }  \/~~~/
[23:44] < clifford>       `----.          /       }     |        /    \__/
[23:44] < clifford>             `-.      |       /      |       /      `. ,~~|
[23:45] < clifford>                 ~-.__|      /_ - ~ ^|      /- _      `..-'  
[23:45] < clifford>                      |     /        |     /     ~-.     `-. _  _  _
[23:45] < clifford>                      |_____|        |_____|         ~ - . _ _ _ _ _>
[23:45] < rxr> clifford: ja das war ein kompliment !!!
[23:45] < clifford> rxr: oh gut.  :-)
[23:45] < d3mian> i had a strange prob this morning ... all my non-system entries in /etc/passwd were erased, also in /etc/group, but the users home and settings stay there.
[23:45] < clifford> cu.
[23:45] < esden> clifford: *heul* du faengst jetzt auch damit an ...
[23:45] < rxr> clifford: wer flooded hier!
[23:45] < holyolli> cu clifford
[23:45] < d3mian> :(
[23:45] < d3mian> dunno why
[23:45] < rxr> n8 clifford
[23:46] < d3mian> bye clifford
[23:46] < clifford> mein irc client hat sowieso eine ganze zeile unterschlagen!
[23:46] < clifford> die message war:
[23:46] -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E11306.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out)
[23:46] < clifford> ___________________________________
[23:46] < clifford> \ meiner freundin trotten ...       /
[23:46] < clifford> -----------------------------------
[23:46] < clifford> aaarg!
[23:46] < tsa_> hehe
[23:46] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1C975.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[23:46] < tsa_> clifford: "/" am anfang
[23:46] < bluefire> re
[23:46] -!- tsa_ is now known as tsa
[23:46]   bluefire kann noch nicht schlafen.... coden...
[23:46] < d3mian> tsa: the mail arrived :)
[23:46] < d3mian> thnx a lot
[23:46] < tsa> d3mian: ok.
[23:46] < tsa> no problem
[23:47] < tsa> hm...interesting..nickserv and chanserv are gone
[23:47] < d3mian> hello bluefire
[23:47] < clifford> Nu weil das mit einem slash anfaengt ist das doch kein IRC command! .. grr...
[23:47] < clifford> also:
[23:47] < clifford>   ___________________________________
[23:47] < clifford> / Ich werde jetzt mal nach hause zu \
[23:47] < clifford> \ meiner freundin trotten ...       /
[23:47] < clifford>   -----------------------------------
[23:47] < tsa> aah!
[23:47] < tsa> cu clifford
[23:47] < tsa> viel spass ;)
[23:47] < rxr> you all only wanna get a hight IRC stat ...
[23:47] < clifford> tsa: jetzt passt's auch zur figur (ich poste es aber nicht nochmal  :-)
[23:48] < d3mian> hehe
[23:48] < tsa> clifford: hehe
[23:48] -!- clifford is now known as clifford_away
[23:48]   esden schreibt noch ne mail an dietlibc mailingliste ... und dann gehe ich schlafen
[23:48] < Mike1> rxr not me :)
[23:48] < rxr> hi Mike1!
[23:48] < holyolli> esden: in 10 minuten unter https://www.elchland.org/rock/rock.iso
[23:48] < Mike1> rxr U5?
[23:52] < rxr> no
[23:53] < Mike1> rxr hehe well
[23:56] < d3mian> arrrgggggg
[23:56] < d3mian> brb
[23:56] -!- d3mian [~jonvargas@] has quit ("[BX] Now she knows why her cat stays away from me! DAMNIT!")
[23:56] < rxr> argghh me too ...
[23:58] -!- d3mian [~jonvargas@] has joined #rocklinux
[23:58] -!- holyolli [~igel@usr032.roggen.stud.uni-bielefeld.de] has quit ("Client Exiting")
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Wed May 08 00:00:32 2002