--- Log opened Wed May 08 00:00:32 2002 --- Day changed Wed May 08 2002 00:00 < d3mian> ping Mike1 00:00 < d3mian> :) 00:00 < esden> no ... I will not write the email ... 00:00 -!- d3mian [~jonvargas@] has quit (Client Quit) 00:00 < esden> I prefere to talk to clifford first ... 00:01 * Mike1 busy ping timeout 100% package lost :P 00:02 -!- d3mian [~jonvargas@] has joined #rocklinux 00:03 < d3mian> umm, is there a prob in irc.openprojects.net? i didnt see nickserv msg 00:03 < esden> ok I go to bed 00:03 < esden> cu guys 00:04 < d3mian> bye esden 00:04 < tsa> cu esden 00:04 < tsa> d3mian: yes...nickserv and chanserv are gone. 00:04 < tsa> there probably are some problems.. 00:04 < d3mian> ahh ic 00:09 < tsa> btw...yes, openprojects has some trouble, and they are currently working on this. i've just spoken to one of the staff people.. 00:09 < rxr> re 00:09 < tsa> re rxr 00:09 -!- ringo78 [~idiot@co116627-a.almel1.ov.nl.home.com] has quit ("leaving") 01:04 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@p50806E27.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 01:10 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082B1FE.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01:12 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs3.xs4all.nl] has quit ("Lost terminal") 01:17 < rxr> anyone with ssh knwoledge here? 01:17 -!- habitat-a [~habitat-a@D576FC5E.kabel.telenet.be] has joined #rocklinux 01:17 -!- habitat-a [~habitat-a@D576FC5E.kabel.telenet.be] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 01:21 < huebi> re 01:21 < huebi> here i am 01:21 < huebi> from the U5 01:21 < huebi> *freu* 01:22 < huebi> rxr: whats zour problem? 01:22 < d3mian> :) 01:23 < huebi> Linux localhost 2.4.17 #1 Fri Jan 11 16:56:29 MET 2002 sparc64 unknown 01:25 < th_> rxr: was haste denn fuer ssh probleme? 01:30 < rxr> hi 01:30 < th_> hi 01:30 < rxr> I need a public key sent do another persion 01:30 < rxr> i generated one with the ssh-keygen 01:30 < rxr> I want to test the key before i send it over ... 01:31 < th_> openssh or the original? 01:31 < rxr> openssh 01:31 < th_> so just add it to you authorized_keys file 01:31 < rxr> i added the key into .ssh/autorized_keys and also tried the ...,2 files 01:31 < th_> in ~/.ssh/ 01:31 < rxr> th_: did this ... 01:32 < th_> ~/.ssh/identity is you private key? 01:32 < rxr> shh asks me for a paassword not for the path-phrase ... 01:32 < rxr> only my regular user passwd on this box works ... 01:33 < th_> use -v 01:33 < th_> look what's wrong 01:33 < th_> look at logfiles 01:33 < rxr> hehe already tried this ... 01:34 < th_> 01:32:34 < th_> ~/.ssh/identity is you private key? 01:34 < rxr> currently id_dsa is it ... 01:34 < th_> rename or link 01:36 < rxr> ahhh! 01:38 < th_> it works? 01:38 < rxr> party 01:39 < th_> seems to mean "yes" 01:39 < rxr> no 01:39 < d3mian> eh? 01:40 < rxr> when a persons say: ssh public key 01:40 < rxr> does he want a rsa or dsa key= 01:40 < rxr> s/=/?/ 01:40 < rxr> read: do all versions support both ? 01:41 < th_> i'd prefer dss 01:41 < th_> aehm 01:41 < th_> dsa 01:42 < rxr> is the key's trainling hostname used for s.th. ?? 01:42 < rxr> mine has: rene@jackson.localnet 01:42 < rxr> I wonder if this will work in the i-net ... ?= 01:42 < th_> no 01:42 < th_> aehm 01:42 < th_> yes it works 01:42 < th_> it's just a comment 01:42 < rxr> ah 01:43 < d3mian> i always though that openprojects.net irc servers will be more efficient that others 01:44 < th_> ;0 01:45 * rxr hates hacking on security tools in the middle of the night 01:47 < rxr> th: on the server I get: May 8 02:00:19 portable sshd[428]: Failed keyboard-interactive for rene from ::ffff: port 33590 ssh2 01:47 < rxr> on the client: debug1: next auth method to try is publickey 01:47 < rxr> debug1: try privkey: /home/rene/.ssh/identity 01:47 < rxr> debug1: PEM_read_PrivateKey failed 01:47 < rxr> debug1: read PEM private key done: type 01:47 < rxr> Enter passphrase for key '/home/rene/.ssh/identity': 01:47 < rxr> debug1: read PEM private key done: type DSA 01:48 < rxr> debug1: authentications that can continue: publickey,password,keyboard-interacti 01:48 < rxr> ... 01:48 < rxr> debug1: next auth method to try is password 01:48 < rxr> rene@portable.localnet's password: 01:48 < th_> und die stelle wo publickey disabled wird? 01:49 < rxr> th_: there nothgin more usefull ... 01:51 < th_> and authorized keys contains just that line? 01:51 < th_> (with the public key) 01:51 < rxr> jups 01:51 < rxr> hm 01:51 < rxr> maybe they need a trainling newline? *shit* 01:52 * rxr generating the 8th key ... 01:52 < d3mian> :p 01:52 < th_> hmmm ich hab damit eigentlich keine probleme... naja ich nehme auch ssh.com aber das macht keinen unterschied 01:53 < th_> rxr: sind die permissions restriktiv genug? 01:53 < rxr> wieso nimmst du ssh.com ? 01:53 < rxr> *wunder* 01:53 < rxr> -rw------- 1 rene users 744 May 8 01:52 id_dsa 01:53 < rxr> -rw-r--r-- 1 rene users 611 May 8 01:52 id_dsa.pub 01:53 < rxr> -rw-r--r-- 1 rene users 239 May 8 01:49 known_hosts 01:53 < rxr> hat ssh-keygen selber gebaut ... 01:54 < rxr> juche!!!!!!!!!!! 01:54 < rxr> the trailing newline #ICH_KOTZE!_WUERG'!?!? 01:54 * rxr jumping really heavily arround 01:54 < rxr> shit tools 01:54 < rxr> sorry 01:54 < rxr> so 01:54 < rxr> bin wieder friedlich ;-) 01:55 < th_> weil am imitat (openssh) immer irgendwas inkompatibel ist 01:55 < th_> und warum sollte ich ne nachbildung nehmen, wenn das original auch kostenlos ist? 01:55 < rxr> lizenz von ssh ? 01:56 < th_> ausserdem fehlen mir da features 01:56 < th_> free auf linux und bsd 01:56 < rxr> missing features are? 01:56 < th_> ich weiss nicht was mittlerweile bei openssh dabei ist... aber mir fehlte immer regexp beim AllowUser und chrooten fuer user vom ssh ausgehend 01:57 < th_> d.h. anhand einer egid, gid oder uid wird ein user in sein home chrooted oder nicht 01:58 < rxr> ah 01:58 < th_> sehr gut geeignet fuer z.b. cvs per :ext: mit ssh wenn man keine system-accounts vergeben will 01:59 < rxr> hm 02:00 < rxr> auf ner i-net box klapts noch immer nett ... 02:00 < th_> gibt es adapter die mir aus ner parallelen schnittstelle ne serielle machen? 02:00 < th_> meinetwegen mit software treibern? 02:00 < rxr> puh - kann gut sein. usb -> seriell gibt es auf jeden fall ... 02:00 < rxr> anwendungszweck ? 02:00 < th_> irgendein bloeder laptop der angeblich keine serielle schnittstelle hat soll benutzt werden um irgendeine hardware per seriell zu steuern 02:00 < th_> (windows) 02:01 < rxr> hat das ding nen usb port? 02:01 < th_> er hat nen ps2 anschluss, aber das ist doch nicht vollwertig rs232 afaik 02:01 < th_> das bezweifle ich fast... 02:01 < th_> es gibt pcmcia karten aber da hab ich nur was fuer > 150 euro gefunden 02:01 < rxr> ich glaube wenn es parallel -> seriell gibt ist das ding sicher schwer zu bekommen ... 02:02 < rxr> da ist pcmcia -> seriell warscheinlich noch einfacher ... 02:02 < th_> naja vllt ist ja usb da, dann sollte es kein thema sein 02:05 < rxr> argh 02:06 < th_> n8 02:08 -!- th_ [th@delta.boerde.de] has left #rocklinux () 02:09 < rxr> n8 02:10 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux 02:11 -!- d3mian is now known as d3m|brb 02:12 < rxr> YYEEAAHH!! 02:13 * rxr works finally *jump* *jump* 02:14 < tomik> hello 02:14 < rxr> hi 02:15 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit (Client Quit) 02:35 < huebi> so I started to build up my build environment on the U5 02:35 < huebi> but now it's time to go to bed 02:35 < huebi> bye 02:37 < d3m|brb> cu huebi 02:38 -!- d3m|brb is now known as d3mian 02:40 < rxr> n8 huebi 02:40 < rxr> ich leg mich jetzt auch hin ... 02:41 < d3mian> umm 02:42 < d3mian> somebody tried to erase my $home files 02:42 < d3mian> he did it 02:43 < d3mian> rxr: da u have rlogin working? 02:47 -!- inode [~inode@cs666986-234.satx.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux 03:31 -!- id10t [sj@] has joined #rocklinux 03:31 < id10t> hi all 03:34 < id10t> anyone got a working url to the rock linux guide? the link on the page 404's 03:34 * id10t wants to rtfm 03:37 < d3mian> hello id10t !!! 03:38 < d3mian> let me see 03:42 < d3mian> umm, there is a error 03:43 < d3mian> but i have sources one here 03:43 < d3mian> da u have mail? 03:45 < id10t> sure do 03:45 < id10t> linuxb0y@hotmail.com 03:45 < id10t> i appreciate it 03:49 < d3mian> wait a minute 03:57 < d3mian> mail sent 03:58 < d3mian> :) 04:03 -!- d3mian is now known as d3m|brb 04:12 -!- id10t [sj@] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 05:05 -!- cap [cap@pD904853E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 05:23 -!- d3m|brb is now known as d3mian 05:23 < d3mian> hello cap 05:23 < d3mian> :) 05:23 < cap> hi d3mian :-) 05:23 < cap> compiled rock? 05:23 < d3mian> yet no 05:23 < d3mian> da u? 05:24 < d3mian> i m waitinf for a new box 05:24 < d3mian> i dunt have enough space, what about u? 05:24 < cap> i'm downloading the dRock 1.6 rc3 right now 05:24 < cap> its not that fast with isdn 05:24 < d3mian> umm, cool 05:24 < d3mian> but.. sources right? 05:24 < cap> ..the binaries 05:24 < d3mian> ahh 05:24 < d3mian> ic 05:25 < d3mian> where da u live cap ? 05:25 < cap> good ol'germany :) 05:25 < d3mian> ok 05:26 < d3mian> i use phone line connection 05:26 < d3mian> 56K 05:26 < cap> ugh 05:26 < d3mian> how much is ur bandwidht? 05:26 < cap> ~ 7 kb/s 05:27 < d3mian> ehh? 05:27 < d3mian> really? 05:28 < cap> hmmm 05:29 < d3mian> dont u have rock users near ur city, I mean to borrow drock isos 05:29 < cap> well its 115K, should be twice as fast as a serial modem line 05:30 < cap> we say 7 kb/s 05:30 < d3mian> yes 05:30 < d3mian> ok 05:30 < cap> i dont now anyone using rock 05:30 < cap> came over it through the internet 05:30 < cap> :-) 05:30 < d3mian> ahh ic 05:30 < d3mian> well, i live in costa rica 05:30 < d3mian> :p 05:31 < cap> thats c00l 05:31 < d3mian> yeah 05:32 < cap> ahhh costa rica is northern to panama, right? 05:34 < d3mian> ehh 05:34 < d3mian> yes 05:35 < cap> how comes you're interested in rock? 05:35 < d3mian> wait.. 05:35 < d3mian> mom 05:36 < d3mian> back 05:36 < d3mian> umm, i met a rock user here in cr 05:36 < d3mian> i think we are alone with rock here hehe 05:36 < d3mian> well, what about u 05:36 < d3mian> ? 05:37 < cap> i was looking for a flexible but none-"klickibunti" distro that you can build yourself 05:38 < cap> so i am gonna try the binaries first 05:38 < d3mian> :) 05:38 < cap> then, in a 32,5 hours build procces, melt my own brew ;-) 05:38 < d3mian> why drock and not rock? 05:39 < cap> why not? :) 05:39 < d3mian> well, it doesnt care 05:39 < cap> its for my desktop computer 05:39 < d3mian> ah ic 05:42 < cap> i am playing around with openbsd, it will run a server (which i will put together from some old crap lying here and there :) 05:42 < d3mian> QQok 05:43 < d3mian> well, ppl say that rock is like openbsd 05:43 < d3mian> i dunno 05:43 < cap> so, dRock, is the desktop 05:43 < d3mian> yes 05:43 < cap> fine :-) 05:43 < cap> i like openbsd style but i miss the bash by default 05:43 < d3mian> hehe 05:44 < d3mian> well, i used freebsd 4.4 just for 3 days 05:44 < d3mian> :p 05:44 < cap> 4.5 crashed with my first install :-) ..i threw it away.. 05:45 < d3mian> heheh 05:45 < d3mian> yesterday i had a strange prob with sendmail 05:46 < cap> yeah, i read it 05:46 < d3mian> ok :) 05:47 < d3mian> da u know about it? 05:47 < cap> hm it deleted some files in /etc ? 05:47 < cap> is it fixed ? 05:48 < d3mian> well... 05:48 < d3mian> not really 05:48 < d3mian> i just created again accounts 05:48 < d3mian> and reassigned the /home/* dirs owners 05:48 < cap> how can sendmail delete files without prompting or anything? 05:49 < cap> sounds like a.i. :) 05:49 < d3mian> dunno 05:49 < d3mian> it is rock sendmail package 05:49 < d3mian> i installed sendmail from a rock-install cd 05:49 < cap> so its a rock specific problem ? 05:50 < d3mian> dunno 05:50 < cap> :-o 05:50 < d3mian> but that was in 1.5.13, there is no a stable realease for this 05:51 < cap> no stable sendmail package for rock ? 05:51 < d3mian> i decided to use that 05:51 < d3mian> i mean that 1.5.13 is not a stable release 05:51 < d3mian> 1.4.0 yes 07:35 < d3mian> i dunno/away 07:57 -!- inode [~inode@cs666986-234.satx.rr.com] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 08:08 -!- term_emu [~pm@beaufort.wyzant.de] has joined #rocklinux 08:08 -!- clifford_away [~clifford@] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 08:09 < term_emu> morgen 08:09 < d3mian> hello term_emu 08:10 < d3mian> ich will a sarg , for sleep 08:10 < d3mian> s/for/fur 08:12 < term_emu> good night, d3mian :) 08:12 < d3mian> hehe, thnx 08:12 < d3mian> good morning term_emu 08:17 -!- clifford_away [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux 08:23 < d3mian> hi clifford_away 08:28 < d3mian> __________________________ 08:28 < d3mian> < Visit: www.rocklinux.org > 08:28 < d3mian> -------------------------- 08:28 < d3mian> \ ^__^ 08:28 < d3mian> \ (@@)\_______ 08:28 < d3mian> (__)\ )\/\ 08:28 < d3mian> ||--WWW | 08:28 < d3mian> || || 08:50 < huebi> good morning! 08:50 < huebi> :-))) 08:50 < d3mian> gut morning huebi 08:50 < d3mian> :) 08:50 < huebi> hi d3mian 08:50 < huebi> I just started my first build on UltraSparc 08:51 < d3mian> how does it goes? 08:51 < d3mian> run cool? 08:51 < huebi> == 08:47:13 =[1]=> Building base package glibc [2.2.5 1.5.14_2002-05-08_02h30]. 08:51 < huebi> untill here it's fine. 08:51 < d3mian> ahh ic 08:51 < d3mian> :) 08:51 < huebi> later we will see more 08:52 < d3mian> k 08:53 < d3mian> huebi: do u know why in some PCs rock and drock cds doesnt boot 08:54 -!- term_emu is now known as term_aweh 08:54 < d3mian> sometimes, during booting, i just see a large amount of couples of binary numbers, like this: 1010101010101 08:59 < huebi> d3mian: someting with lilo, but I don't know exact what. 09:02 < d3mian> lilo: sure? 09:02 < d3mian> cauz i can boot with slackware instead 09:04 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #rocklinux 09:04 < bluefire> Moin 09:04 < huebi> d3mian: hmmm 09:05 < d3mian> hello bluefire 09:09 -!- huebi_ [~huebi@pD9E1C456.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:10 < d3mian> wb huebi 09:23 -!- huebi [~huebi@pD9522847.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09:28 -!- anders_ [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has joined #rocklinux 09:28 < anders_> good morning 09:30 < rxr> re 09:30 < anders_> how you doing rene? :) 09:30 < rxr> Good morning anders_ ,) 09:31 < rxr> I'm fine! 09:36 * anders_ just compiled a kernel w/o GRSecurity in it.. 09:36 < anders_> I feel naked.. :-D 09:38 -!- simon_ [~simon@out1.R-TEC.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:38 < rxr> hehe 09:39 < simon_> morgen 09:47 < d3mian> hi rene 09:47 < d3mian> cap is installing 1.6.0 09:47 < d3mian> hi anders_ 09:47 < anders_> re d3mian 09:47 < d3mian> hi simon 09:50 < simon_> hi, sagt mal.. könnt ihr mir ein transparentes x terminal empfehlen? 09:51 < anders_> Om jag visste vad han sa kanske jag skulle kunna hjalpa honom.... 09:52 < simon_> ? 09:52 < anders_> export LANG=en_US 09:53 < anders_> I said, if I knew what he said, perhaps I could help... 09:53 < bluefire> simon_: I use gnome-terminal... but only because I use gnome. Maybe aterm or eterm. 09:53 < simon_> anders_ hmm, what language are you speaking? =) 09:53 < anders_> swedish.. :) 09:53 < simon_> oh :-) 09:53 -!- th [th@delta.boerde.de] has joined #rocklinux 09:53 * bluefire #include 09:53 < anders_> aterm is a good transparent xterm (actually rxvt clone) 09:54 < anders_> it'll do transparency, transparent scrollbar as well.. 09:54 < anders_> tinting, shading and all the other fancy stuff. 09:56 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has quit ("leaving") 09:57 < simon_> thanks .. i'll try it :-) 09:58 < anders_> dunno if there is an ext for it, I compiled from source by hand though I think... 09:58 < anders_> search for aterm on freshmeat. :) 10:11 < d3mian> anders_: why aterm, when u can download Imlib and use Eterm :) 10:13 < th> [a-wyz]term sucks 10:13 < d3mian> th ? 10:13 < d3mian> so... what's ur recommendation? 10:13 < SMP> [a-wyz] = [^x] 10:13 < th> d3mian: i use and like [^a-wyz]term 10:13 < th> SMP: would be to easy to see 10:14 < SMP> th: he doesn't get it otherwise ;>> 10:14 < SMP> morning, th .. 10:14 < d3mian> gut murning SMP :> 10:15 < th> moin auch smp 10:20 < anders_> d3mian: Eterm and imlib require much more RAM.. :) 10:21 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #rocklinux 10:21 < anders_> aterm is reasonably light-weight.. 10:23 < d3mian> anders_: well, so so 10:23 < d3mian> anders_: what about ur box? 10:24 < anders_> d3mian: my box? what about it. :) 10:26 < d3mian> anders_: i mean about its memory 10:26 < anders_> oh, I only have 512MB, so have to be careful you know.. ;-) 10:26 < d3mian> ahh ic 10:26 < d3mian> poor one 10:26 < d3mian> :( 10:26 < anders_> hehehe 10:27 < anders_> I can't fit more in it I think.. 10:27 < huebi_> Moin! 10:27 -!- huebi_ is now known as huebi 10:27 < anders_> I maybe could get 1GB in it, but 512MB SO-DIMM's are *very* expensive.. 10:27 < anders_> morning huebi 10:27 < huebi> morning anders_ 10:28 < anders_> thinking about getting a 40GB HDD to replace the 20GB one already in it.. 10:29 < anders_> makes it easier to carry ISO's around.. ;-) 10:29 < d3mian> ic 10:29 < d3mian> i need a new box too 10:29 * anders_ needs to get an ADSL router... 10:29 < d3mian> i just can spend $300 10:29 < anders_> Hmm.. that's US$, right? 10:30 < d3mian> yes 10:30 < d3mian> :) 10:30 < d3mian> _______________ 10:30 < d3mian> < Hello Rockers > 10:30 < d3mian> --------------- 10:30 < d3mian> \ 10:30 < d3mian> \ 10:30 < d3mian> .--. 10:30 < d3mian> |o_o | 10:30 < d3mian> |:_/ | 10:30 < d3mian> // \ \ 10:30 < d3mian> (| | ) 10:30 < d3mian> /'\_ _/`\ 10:30 < d3mian> \___)=(___/ 10:30 < anders_> you might be able to pick'n'mix a Duron box together for that... 10:30 < huebi> d3mian raises his stats ;-) 10:31 < d3mian> i ll use it to buy a cheap box just for file server and some stuff 10:31 * anders_ is interested in the new Mini-ITX boards that are due to the market soon.. 10:33 < huebi> I think about a late JavaStation with 32MB RAM running Rocklinux. I want it to have as Xterminal 10:35 < anders_> JavaStation is a Sun box of sorts? 10:35 < d3mian> oughh, java 10:37 < huebi> anders_: Yes a very small one. Passive cooled. But Java is far too slow on that small sun4m machine. 10:38 < huebi> That's the reason why sun doesn't sell them anymore 10:38 < th> huebi: how silent they are? 10:38 < anders_> that a microsparc then? 10:38 < th> like yoda i speak 10:39 < huebi> But rocklinux on it should be fast enough 10:39 < huebi> anders_: Yes microsparc. 10:39 < huebi> hackbard and ripclaw also have one 10:40 < d3mian> what does hackbard has? 10:40 < d3mian> javastation? 10:40 < huebi> d3mian: a JavaStation 10:41 < d3mian> hackbard never told me that 10:42 < th> huebi: so.. how silent are these javastations? 10:43 < huebi> th: Noiseless! No fan inside. Ripclaw told me so. 10:43 < d3mian> umm 10:43 < th> huebi: no harddisk? 10:43 < d3mian> were these javastations successful? 10:43 * d3mian guess no 10:44 < huebi> th: No harddisk. It must be booted over the .net ;> with tftp 10:44 < th> great 10:44 < th> where to get them? 10:44 < huebi> d3mian: No, they where too slow 10:44 < th> would like to have it as text-console 10:45 < anders_> huebi: if you can run it in a 8MB ramdisk, you should be alright.. 10:45 < huebi> th: One moment, please. I ask SUN... 10:45 < huebi> anders_: It has 32 MB. So as X-Terminal it should be more than sufficient. 10:46 < anders_> huebi: if you run it in an 8MB ramdisk, the kernel takes another two meg, X on that thing might eat more ram than you want.. 10:47 < th> anywhere good pictures of javastation? 10:47 < huebi> https://store.sun.com/catalog/doc/BrowsePage.jhtml?catid=40767 10:47 < th> ok found ine 10:47 < th> s,ine,one, 10:47 < th> there are many stations around 10:48 < huebi> at ebay? 10:48 < th> the "single unit" has no network? 10:48 < th> https://www.idsa.org/whatis/seewhat/idea98/winners/javastation.htm 10:48 < th> looks quite different 10:49 < huebi> https://www.idsa.org/whatis/seewhat/idea98/winners/javastation.htm <- must be the old one. 10:49 < anders_> They are *ugly*... 10:49 * anders_ shudders... 10:49 < huebi> anders_: Yes they are. 10:50 < d3mian> hehe 10:50 < huebi> but I want to get rid of the purple stand. 10:50 < d3mian> i guess that 10:50 < d3mian> anyway, i hate java 10:51 < huebi> d3mian: I want to have ROCKLINUX on it running. 10:51 < d3mian> i mean that for java 10:51 < d3mian> Rock will give it Color! 10:52 < th> but > $500 is to expensive 10:52 < anders_> $525 is a rip-off... 10:52 < huebi> https://www.ultralinux.org/links.html <- All the stuff to run Linux on it. 10:53 < huebi> th: I want to spend not more than 100$ or better 100EUR 10:54 < anders_> wonder if SUN will sell you the hardware w/o selling you the OS license.. 10:55 < huebi> anders_: Yes. They know that they did a very bad job for me in the last year. 18 out of 23 servers broke down. 10:56 < d3mian> ohh 10:56 < d3mian> that's bad 10:56 < huebi> and they handled it very, very bad. 150 overhours in last august! 10:57 < d3mian> well 10:57 < d3mian> so i enjoy my poor pc 10:57 < d3mian> :) 10:58 < d3mian> it is powered by rock linux :) 10:58 < huebi> d3mian: I switched of this year 2 SUN server and replaced them with a very smal shell script on a ROCKlinux server *ggg* 10:58 < huebi> and SUN knows that! 10:59 < d3mian> jajajajaja 10:59 < th> huebi: so do you think you could get an old jstation? 11:00 -!- simon-- [~sts@pD951ED47.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:00 < d3mian> wb simon 11:01 < huebi> SUN's hardware sales broke down by 53% last year. And I tell my customers which solution is the best. So SUN must be very carefull in what they are doing. 11:01 < huebi> th: Better a used new one. :-) 11:02 * huebi is still angry about SUN. But I still want to make a business with them. And I want to have fun back with SUN. I like the Hardware. 11:03 < th> yes. so keep me in mind when getting some javastations 11:03 < huebi> brb. calling sun. 11:04 < d3mian> hehe 11:04 < d3mian> i think old nfs and sun hardware are the power of this company 11:04 < d3mian> nothing else 11:06 < huebi> anders_: are you still here? 11:06 < anders_> huebi: what servers was it you got from SUN last year that kept breaking? 11:09 < th> seems to be hard to get a javastation (reading that linux on js howto) 11:09 * th would like the JK-xx 11:10 < anders_> huebi: yeah, still here.. (I am at work though, so might take a little while to respond...) 11:11 < huebi> anders_: E4500: total breakdown, both systembords broken. 3x E250, U10 total breakdown,systembord broken, E3500 7 repairs nneded to fix. 11:12 < anders_> huebi: what do you do for a living??? That is expensive kit!! 11:14 -!- simon [~sts@p508759CA.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11:14 < huebi> anders_: I'm a self employed System Administrator. The broken machines are owned by my customers. My own U30 broke down 2 times ;( last year 11:14 -!- simon-- is now known as simon 11:14 < SMP> anders_: well then don't ask ripclaw about E10ks ;> 11:14 < huebi> hi SMP ! 11:14 < SMP> jo huebi 11:18 < huebi> anders_: do you know something about the quality of HP hard drives (IBM-OEM)? They have very many errors (e.g. 3541 entries in manufacturer table.) 11:19 < huebi> I saw the same on Compaq disks from Fujitsu and seagate. 11:20 -!- bas [~bas@co116627-a.almel1.ov.nl.home.com] has joined #rocklinux 11:20 < huebi> On non OEM disks I normaly have allmost no errors (0 to 80). 11:25 < th> was gibts ausser der javastation sonst so fuer vergleichbare thin clients 11:25 < th> ? 11:25 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has quit ("leaving") 11:26 < bas> What's a good (stable) ROCK version ? 11:26 < huebi> th: I think there are just some proprietairy X-Terminals _not_ running Linux 11:27 -!- bas is now known as ringo78 11:27 < th> hmm 11:28 * SMP has an Entria X-Terminal by HP 11:28 < th> SMP: at what costs? 11:29 < th> SMP: which os? 11:29 -!- praenti|away is now known as praenti 11:29 < praenti> moin 11:29 < huebi> https://www.livingston-europe.com/shop/shop.php/lk=de/sk=de/pid=478/pt=pis <- One offer but the prices at Livingston are allways too high! 11:30 < huebi> hi praenti 11:30 < huebi> hi ringo78 11:30 < SMP> th: ah, it's an old one. I bought it used 11:30 < SMP> th: I wouldn't say it runs an 'operating system' ;) 11:30 < th> huebi: ray1... quite few technical specs 11:31 < th> SMP: ok 11:31 < SMP> it boot the Xserver over NFS/FTP and that's it 11:31 < ringo78> hi all ! 11:31 -!- clifford_away is now known as clifford 11:31 < th> os on ramdisk would be nice 11:32 < d3mian> hi clifford 11:32 < praenti> anyone know someone with a hp omnibook 4150B, who want to sell his mainboard 11:32 < clifford> hi. 11:32 < huebi> hi clifford 11:33 < praenti> hi clifford 11:33 < d3mian> i praenti 11:34 < huebi> THe U5 is a little bit slow 11:34 < praenti> d3mian: should that be a hi or you have a omnibook and want to sell the mainboard? 11:34 < huebi> == 08:53:40 =[1]=> Building base package glibc [2.2.5 1.5.14 11:34 < d3mian> praenti: ahh sorry, it is just a simple "hi" 11:34 < huebi> == 11:31:55 05/08/02 =[1]=> Finished building package glibc. 11:35 < d3mian> :) 11:35 < clifford> huebi: what hw are you building on? 11:36 < huebi> attention flood: 11:36 < huebi> 11:36 < huebi> root@fels:~# cat /proc/cpuinfo 11:36 < huebi> cpu: TI UltraSparc IIi 11:36 < huebi> fpu: UltraSparc IIi integrated FPU 11:36 < huebi> promlib: Version 3 Revision 31 11:36 < huebi> prom: 3.31.0 11:36 < huebi> type: sun4u 11:36 < huebi> ncpus probed: 1 11:36 < huebi> ncpus active: 1 11:36 < huebi> Cpu0Bogo: 539.03 11:36 < huebi> Cpu0ClkTck: 000000001017df80 11:36 < huebi> MMU Type: Spitfire 11:36 < huebi> 11:36 < huebi> 640MB RAM 270MHZ 11:36 < clifford> huebi: wouldn't it be faster to cross-build it? 11:37 < huebi> clifford: I never tried a crossbuild and don't know how that works. 11:37 < clifford> huebi: it's a little bit tricky with 1.5 .... 11:38 < clifford> (in 1.7 it's easy: https://www.rocklinux.org/sources/Documentation/BUILD-CROSS) 11:38 < th> www.disklessworkstations.com 11:39 < huebi> clifford: I think at the beginning of the next week I get the connection at SUN to the right person in the SUN Developer Connection. Then we'll get a fast machine for Sparc compiles. 11:40 < huebi> It's a question of having a budget inside SUN for lending a BLADE2000 with 2 1GHz CPU's and 2GB RAM 11:40 < huebi> For 1 to 3 Months. 11:41 < praenti> huebi: something wrong with kdelibs? 11:42 < huebi> praenti: Yes it failed to compile 11:42 < huebi> pcre libs where missing. 11:42 < praenti> huebi: do you have the error message? 11:42 < praenti> huebi: aha. kdelibs dont find pcrelibs? 11:43 < anders_> riiight.. had coffee, feel awake now.. 11:43 < huebi> anders_: :-))) 11:44 < huebi> In file included from /usr/include/libxslt/xsltutils.h:20, 11:44 < huebi> from kio_help.cpp:43: 11:44 < huebi> /usr/include/libxslt/xsltInternals.h:48: syntax error before `;' 11:44 < anders_> huebi: HP disks are usually Seagates.. 11:45 < huebi> praenti: this is after I changed to not include pcre 11:45 < huebi> anders_: These ones are IBM. 11:45 < anders_> huebi: what model/type disks are they? 11:45 < huebi> DDYS-T18350 11:46 < praenti> huebi: i see. i try to build in the pcrelibs 11:47 < huebi> anders_: My therory is that the big manufacturers just by the crap nobody else wants to have. Then they cover it with a good support contract. 11:47 < huebi> praenti: I began that... 11:47 < anders_> huebi: get the firmware upgraded to latest level... 11:48 < praenti> huebi: ok. than i search if we need more than pcre. i dont know it at the moment 11:48 < anders_> huebi: that is entirely possible... They probably go out and advertise they want to buy a big batch of disks and whoever come up with the cheapest deal get it that time.. 11:49 < huebi> praenti: https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/rock-1.5/ext-config/pcre/ 11:49 < huebi> praenti: it,s still emty 11:51 < huebi> anders_: Yes, and then HP/Compaq/... say it's normal that harddrives fail. Therefore you have our good (and expencive ) redundand Hardware.... 11:52 < praenti> huebi: i think this one is missing: libxslt 11:52 < huebi> praenti: /join #AOL, please I lood it. 11:52 < huebi> praenti: /join #AOL, please I flood it. 11:55 -!- huebi [~huebi@pD9E1C456.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 11:55 -!- huebi [~huebi@pD9E1C456.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:56 < huebi> hmm. ctrl-C in wrong Window ;( 11:56 < anders_> huebi: I know what you mean.. 11:56 -!- huebi [~huebi@pD9E1C456.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit) 11:56 -!- huebi [~huebi@pD9E1C456.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:57 < d3mian> keep us wb huebner 11:57 < anders_> huebi: you can read about AIX microcode update for that disk here: https://techsupport.services.ibm.com/server/mdownload/ddys.htm 11:57 < d3mian> um, just wb huebi 11:58 < praenti> huebi: ok. you make the pcre-extension and i make the libxslt-extension 11:58 < huebi> re 11:58 < anders_> but it is up to HP to get you the ucode update for HP boxes.. Even if they use IBM disks.. 11:58 -!- freed [~bofh@konzentrat.tfh-berlin.de] has joined #rocklinux 11:58 < freed> hi @ll 11:58 < huebi> hmm I dont see anything 11:59 -!- huebi [~huebi@pD9E1C456.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit) 11:59 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux 11:59 < armijn> re 11:59 < anders_> re armijn 12:00 -!- huebi [~huebi@pD9E1C456.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:00 < th> hey armijn 12:00 < th> armijn: do you have some spare javastations? 12:00 < huebi> ahh, my screen session was a little bit corrupted 12:00 < armijn> th: no 12:00 < d3mian> i armijn 12:00 < huebi> hi armijn 12:00 < th> armijn: hmm bad luck. 12:00 < huebi> How went your exams? 12:00 < armijn> gosh, I'm tired... 12:01 < th> armijn: do you know where to get one? 12:01 < armijn> two nights of almost *no* sleep 12:01 < armijn> th: check www.ultralinux.org, they probably got links there... 12:01 < d3mian> armijn: so u can reach me if u continue so 12:01 < armijn> d3mian: ehr? 12:01 < d3mian> armijn: 56 horas without sleeping 12:02 < th> armijn: they just tell to look at ebay and yahoo auctions 12:02 < armijn> d3mian: well, I had some sleep... 12:02 < d3mian> s/horas/hours 12:02 < armijn> th: well, then that's what you should do :) 12:02 < th> ;> 12:02 < huebi> armijn: SUN is now working on to lend us a Blade 2000 with 2 1GHz CPU's 12:02 < huebi> armijn: I've been there yesterday 12:03 < armijn> huebi: ok, kewl 12:03 < armijn> gosh...I hate murders... 12:04 < huebi> == 12:02:32 =[1]=> Building base package pdksh [5.2.14 <- armijn: Thats on the U5 12:04 < armijn> huebi: ok 12:05 < huebi> armijn: on top of 1.5.12 from Jan 12:06 * anders_ is going to reboot this vmware session.. 12:06 < anders_> brb... 12:06 -!- anders_ [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has quit ("[vmware reboot]") 12:06 < huebi> ripclaw has now also 1.5.12 on one of his U5 12:07 < huebi> He got silo configured after I had copied by Hand 1.5.12 on the disc 12:08 < armijn> huebi: I'm sorry, I'm not concentrated at all... 12:08 < huebi> armijn: doesn't matter ;-))) 12:09 < praenti> ok. libxslt is in base already 12:09 < huebi> armijn: What Sun hardware do you compile on? 12:09 * praenti must go. cya 12:09 < huebi> by praenti 12:09 -!- praenti is now known as praenti|away 12:09 < armijn> huebi: Ultra1 12:09 < huebi> MHz? 12:09 < armijn> 140 12:10 < armijn> so that's the slowest one 12:11 < huebi> armijn: Now I can get bach my U30 (300MHz) back to live. 12:12 < huebi> I put rock 1.5.12 on it. If you want you can work on it again. Untill the faster SUN comes. 12:12 < armijn> not right now, sorry 12:12 * armijn *tired* 12:12 < huebi> armijn: In the next days? 12:13 < armijn> huebi: no, tomorrow and friday (and the weekend) I won't be here at the university 12:13 < armijn> no access... 12:14 < huebi> armijn: Tell me when you want to have access. I arage it then. 12:14 < armijn> monday. 12:14 < huebi> armijn: ok 12:14 < huebi> at what time? 12:15 < armijn> around 6pm 12:16 < huebi> armijn: I found your entry in shadow from my old gateway. I just copy it to the new one. 12:17 < huebi> armijn: your mails are coming 12:18 < armijn> k 12:18 < huebi> armijn: devfs works. 12:18 < armijn> haven't been able to get it working, but it's been a while 12:19 < huebi> useradd -g armijn -c " Armijn Hemel" armijn 12:19 < armijn> can you send me al lthe info again in an e-mail? 12:20 < huebi> armijn: jo, I do so. 12:20 < armijn> thanks 12:21 < huebi> armijn: Plese try your login on rocklinux.dyndns.org 12:21 < huebi> su - armijn 12:21 < huebi> :-)) 12:22 < armijn> huebi: ok, one moment, first gotta mail with HP, I can get a PA-RISC machine... 12:22 < armijn> on loan 12:22 < huebi> armijn: with out costs for you? 12:22 < armijn> without any costs 12:22 < huebi> koool !! 12:22 < armijn> HP will cover all the costs, will get it for just a few weeks 12:23 < huebi> SUN wants to do the same ;-) 12:23 < armijn> heh, good 12:23 < armijn> on loan, right? 12:23 < huebi> Yes 12:24 < huebi> ROCK Linux get's bigger and bigger ;-) I like it. 12:24 < armijn> just not sure whether I should do 1.7 or 1.5 12:24 < armijn> ROCK gets too big, I hate that :(' 12:24 < huebi> armijn: 1.5 12:24 < armijn> I mean, not the amount of users, but the applications 12:25 < armijn> yeah, maybe 1.5... 12:25 < huebi> armijn: You can strip it down for your own need's. 12:25 < armijn> oh, I will... 12:25 < armijn> you bet... 12:25 < huebi> hehe 12:25 < armijn> and the cool thing is, with the way ROCK is organised, it's not even a fork! 12:26 < huebi> me too. A server with 1,3 GB OS is a little bit heavy ;-) 12:27 * huebi goes hunting ... breakfast 12:27 < armijn> Huebi the Barbarian! 12:28 < huebi> The installation of ROCK Spark was great fun. Booting from Splack, copying from ROCK-CD, unbzip2ing to /tmp and finaly untaring.. 12:29 < armijn> you used Jan's iso? 12:29 < huebi> I mean the seriuos not ironic, the fun 12:29 < huebi> armijn: Yes, Jan's iso 12:30 < armijn> ok 12:30 < huebi> I burned it twice on NT. There is no Joiliet extension on that cd so I couldn't read it with windows and thought it was broken. 12:30 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:30 < huebi> hiho 12:30 < holyolli> moin 12:31 < huebi> How are you holyolli 12:31 < huebi> ? 12:31 < holyolli> huebi: fine...and you? 12:31 < armijn> heh 12:32 < holyolli> huebi: is there the possibility that some patches i supplied aren't in the cvs-tree? 12:32 < holyolli> hi armijn 12:32 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #rocklinux 12:32 < armijn> hi olli 12:32 < holyolli> hi bluefire 12:32 < bluefire> re 12:32 < armijn> huebi: rocklinux.dyndns.org? 12:32 < d3mian> hi bluefire , holyolli 12:33 < holyolli> hi d3mian 12:33 < armijn> huebi: and log into where? 12:33 < d3mian> clifford: ur rock.sed script is cool 12:33 < d3mian> :) 12:33 < armijn> huebi: just changed my passwd 12:34 < armijn> huebi: what's the ultra called? 12:34 < huebi> armijn: fels 12:34 < armijn> ok 12:34 < huebi> fels is the U5 12:34 < huebi> rock is the U30 12:35 < armijn> no ssh running 12:35 < holyolli> *g* 12:35 < huebi> U30 IS OF 12:35 < armijn> hmm, there is 12:35 < armijn> but no connection 12:35 < huebi> hmm ?? 12:35 < armijn> ah, because it's compiled normally 12:35 < armijn> no optimization 12:35 < armijn> took more than 20 seconds just to connect 12:36 < armijn> huebi: I got no login on fels 12:36 < huebi> armijn moment... 12:36 < d3mian> maybe ssh is not running on huebi's pc 12:36 < armijn> d3mian: it is running, it's another problem and I know what it is 12:36 < huebi> d3mian: ssh is up. Butt ther is just a root account on it. 12:37 < d3mian> ok 12:37 < huebi> moment 12:37 < huebi> fels <- german for rock 12:38 < d3mian> rocka <- spanish for rock 12:38 < d3mian> :) 12:38 < huebi> :-) 12:39 -!- anders_ [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has joined #rocklinux 12:39 < holyolli> hi anders_ 12:39 < d3mian> wb anders_ 12:39 < anders_> arrf.. rebuilding the kernel in debian to give me VESA FB support.. (And I am doing this in VMware...) 12:39 < anders_> re guys.. :) 12:41 < d3mian> i havent used vmware before :( 12:41 < armijn> ah, or s390 porting guy... 12:42 < huebi> armijn: can you login on fels as root? 12:42 < armijn> root@fels:~# 12:43 < huebi> armijn: A build is running ? 12:43 < huebi> armijn: A build is running !! 12:43 < anders_> d3mian: vmware is handy.. I'll be testing out new ROCK builds that way.. As well as kernel 2.5 12:43 < armijn> kewl 12:43 < d3mian> anders_: cool 12:43 < huebi> armijn: == 12:36:43 05/08/02 =[1]=> Aborted building package util-linux. 12:44 < anders_> I need framebuffer to get decent console size though.. 12:44 < armijn> huebi: I won't touch anything, just read log files 12:44 < d3mian> anders_: i would like use it, but i dunt have enough time 12:44 < huebi> armijn: :-))) 12:44 < armijn> huebi: where's binutils? 12:44 < d3mian> anders_: yes, framebuffer is cool, i use it at 1024x1280 i guess 12:44 < anders_> d3mian: I have ROCK as base OS on my laptop, then I have Debian and OpenBSD installed in VMware as well as WinNT4.. 12:44 < armijn> huebi: you forgot binutils!! 12:45 < d3mian> anders_: ic 12:45 < d3mian> anders_: :) 12:45 < huebi> armijn: 12:46 < huebi> armijn: hmm. 12:46 < anders_> d3mian: makes it easy to test things out, but you need RAM and CPU to cope with it.. I only have a P-III 750MHz, and that is alright if I don't fire up the WinNT session.. 12:46 < huebi> armijn: can you fix it? 12:46 < armijn> huebi: oh yeah, download it :) 12:46 < d3mian> anders_: can i run vmware in my box?, he has 550 Mhz and 128 in ram 12:46 < armijn> huebi: and the assembler is fucked up as well 12:46 < holyolli> huebi: have you fixed the problem in install-disks with the stripping of the CVS-dir? 12:46 < anders_> d3mian: you'd need more RAM, but the CPU should be alright.. 12:47 < huebi> armijn: the ftp mirror is ftp://ella/rock-pkg-1.5 12:47 < d3mian> anders_: k 12:47 < huebi> holyolli: Not yet 12:47 < anders_> d3mian: 256MB RAM is advicable.. 12:47 < armijn> huebi: ok, you need a *lot* of fixes first 12:47 < d3mian> anders_: what advantages does vmware has? 12:48 < anders_> d3mian: for me, I can use Linux (ROCK) for most things, when I have to use Lotus Notes, I just start WindowsNT. I experiment with OpenBSD in another session and run Debian just for IRC and experimenting with another Linux distribution.. 12:49 < d3mian> anders_: that sounds great 12:49 < anders_> d3mian: it allows you to run several different OS's at the same time. 12:49 < armijn> huebi: can you stop the build? 12:49 < anders_> unfortunately, it is x86 only.. 12:49 < d3mian> anders_: i think now i dunt need vmware so 12:49 < huebi> armijn: your ~ is mounted on fels via nfs. just su - armijn and change your password. 12:49 < d3mian> anders_: yes, i know that, even i dunno how! 12:50 < anders_> d3mian: vmware is not cheap though.. US$300 for the workstation license IIRC.. 12:50 < d3mian> anders_: i use AMD, is not a prob right? 12:50 < d3mian> anders_: i have it here 12:50 < anders_> d3mian: AMD CPU is x86 arch.. 12:50 < huebi> armijn: It's stoped now. 12:51 < d3mian> anders_: but i didnt buy it 12:51 < armijn> huebi: ok 12:51 < huebi> armijn: Have fun. The Babarian now does his jog *g* 12:51 < huebi> s/g/b/ 12:52 < armijn> hmm 12:52 < anders_> d3mian: well, I use vmware for work, so I have bought it... 12:52 < d3mian> anders_: sure, ic 12:52 < armijn> huebi: is this the latest snapshot? 12:53 -!- freed [~bofh@konzentrat.tfh-berlin.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 12:54 < armijn> something seems to be missing 12:54 < d3mian> anders_: i go it from my admins, they are too stupid, they leave all in all parts 12:55 < huebi> armijn@fels~# export CVSROOT=:ext:armijn@rocklinux.dyndns.org:/home/cvs/cvsroot; export CVS_RSH="ssh" 12:55 < huebi> armijn@fels~# cvs co 12:55 < armijn> huebi: heh, got no homedir... 12:55 < armijn> root@fels:/rock-linux/arch-conf/sparc64# su - armijn 12:55 < armijn> No directory, logging in with HOME=/ 12:55 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has quit ("leaving") 12:56 < armijn> fsck, gotta call HP 12:56 < anders_> d3mian: you got the license as well? :) 12:56 < armijn> huebi: can't the CVSROOT stuff be said by default? I will forget it 12:56 < d3mian> anders_: is it neccesary? 12:56 < d3mian> anders_: i got all the pack 12:57 < d3mian> anders_: but i can get it 12:57 < armijn> huebi: it's *not* the latest snapshot that you were building 12:57 * armijn glares at huebi 12:57 < huebi> armijn: ~ is now ok 12:58 < huebi> armijn: cvs co rock-1.5 12:58 < armijn> huebi: is this the CVS version you are building? Because ./scripts/Build-Pkg and ./scripts/config.in are not correct 12:59 < armijn> armijn@fels:~$ vi .bash_profile 12:59 < armijn> Error: Unable to create temporary file: Permission denied. 12:59 < armijn> ok, I will use "cat" then :) 12:59 < anders_> d3mian: without a licence key, you will not be able to run vmware, unless you somehow got hold of a cracked version. 13:00 < anders_> there are evaluation licenses you can get hold of from vmware.com, but they only last 30 days. 13:00 < huebi> armijn: /tmp is now ok 13:01 < d3mian> anders_: ohh, that''s well, i can use regedit to erase the registry entry about vmware 13:01 < d3mian> anders_: and i can continue using it 13:01 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #rocklinux 13:03 < huebi> armijn: I messed it up while merging holyolli tree. I fix it later 13:03 < armijn> ah... 13:03 < armijn> I can also do a cvs commit, I guess... 13:03 < armijn> so I can fix it if you like... 13:03 < holyolli> huebi: *hmm* but why are some patches from me also lost in /dev/null? 13:03 * huebi is now very hungry. 13:03 < armijn> huebi: go hunt! 13:04 < d3mian> hehe 13:04 < d3mian> brb 13:04 < huebi> holyolli: I don't know. I leave now. cu 13:04 < huebi> back in 30 min. 13:04 < holyolli> cu huebi 13:04 < armijn> holyolli: because they're not for sparc, but for the inferior alpha 13:04 < anders_> d3mian: not sure if that works.. I think the expiry date is baked in to the license key... :-/ 13:06 < holyolli> armijn: yes, but afaik the patches have already been in the cvs - but now not more 13:06 < armijn> ok, I gotta call HP now... 13:08 < huebi> holyolli: can you /msg me a list with your files patched? 13:08 < holyolli> huebi: uffz...i'll have to look...takes some time.. ;) 13:08 < th> reicht nen 486er DX2 66MHz fuer xfree und xterms? 13:08 < huebi> th: Jo 13:09 < th> ich meine nicht x11 forwarding sondern lokal 13:09 < holyolli> huebi: otherwise i can just commit them into cvs (again?) 13:09 < huebi> holyolli: Yes. That's even better. Thank you. 13:09 < holyolli> np 13:09 < huebi> wech.... 13:12 < th> how much RAM and how much filesystem is mandatory for xfree? 13:13 < anders_> th, 16MB RAM and perhaps 12MB disk.. 13:13 < anders_> th: if you strip things down to do nothing but X.. 13:14 < th> so 32MB could be enough for ramfs + ram for xserver+xterm+ssh? 13:15 < esden> hi all 13:15 < anders_> th: yeah.. it'll be lean, but you can do it.. 13:15 < anders_> re esden 13:15 < holyolli> hi esden 13:15 < esden> rere ;-) 13:16 < esden> holyolli: good you are here 13:16 < esden> holyolli: the missing patches ... was my fault 13:16 < esden> sorry :-( 13:17 < holyolli> ah 13:17 < holyolli> np - now i know ;-) 13:17 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 13:17 < esden> I have not included the specific patches for your machine ... only the patches I needed for my box ... 13:17 < holyolli> hi netcrow 13:17 < netcrow> hiho 13:17 < esden> *schaem* 13:17 < esden> hi netti 13:18 < holyolli> esden: *hm* can you send them to me or to the cvs? then i can make a build and upload a cdimage 13:21 < esden> hmm ... the patches I think of are the ones that you posted to me ... 13:22 < holyolli> maybe... 13:23 < esden> they have not been included by huebi ... and I used only the parts of your patches that were relevant for my build ... 13:25 < armijn> stupid KPN... 13:26 < esden> hi armijn 13:26 < armijn> hi esden 13:26 < holyolli> esden: then please send them so me and i'll commit them - if nessecary - into the cvs 13:26 < esden> holyolli: ok ... 13:29 < armijn> holyolli: first check out the tree, am adding changes as well 13:29 < holyolli> armijn: ack. 13:31 < esden> holyolli: mail raus 13:31 < holyolli> danke 13:31 < anders_> raus = sent ? 13:32 < armijn> yeah 13:32 < armijn> it's german 13:32 < anders_> armijn: I guessed.. :) 13:32 < holyolli> anders_: raus is exactly "out" 13:32 < armijn> for some reason the people here prefer to talk german on an international channel... 13:32 < armijn> 13:33 < armijn> huebi? 13:33 < anders_> armijn: 'tis alright.. I'll just start rambling in swedish.. usually generates a heads-up.. ;-) 13:33 < d3mian> hi netcrow 13:33 < armijn> anders_: no swedish please :) 13:33 < holyolli> yes 13:33 < armijn> anders_: or else I'll start in Dutch 13:33 < holyolli> .oO(i have there better chances than in dutch) 13:34 < anders_> armijn: heh... easier to understand dutch than german... or about as tricky perhaps... 13:34 < esden> I will better my selfe ... sorry armijn :-( 13:34 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("bank $$$") 13:34 < armijn> anders_: Dutch is pretty tricky... 13:34 < esden> s/selfe/self/ 13:34 < armijn> good, I fixed huebi's Ultra :) 13:35 < esden> armijn: /ignore esden ? 13:35 < anders_> armijn: dunno, I find reading it can be harder than hearing it. Dutch has similarities with lots of languages.. 13:35 < armijn> anders_: of course! We "embrace and extend" other languages 13:35 < d3mian> umm, i remember when i came here, the #chan had around 6 or more persons, now i see 21 pers, and there are more ppl 13:35 < d3mian> :p 13:36 < d3mian> hi esden 13:36 < armijn> of course, this means that lots of people actually forget about dutch culture, like literature and language and rather look somewhere else, which is a shame 13:36 < esden> hi d3mian ! 13:37 * -> esden will learn dutch so armijn unsets /ignore on esden ... 13:37 < armijn> esden: ignore you? 13:37 < armijn> esden; oh, am sorry, but I'm really tired... 13:37 < esden> armijn: I know what you think ... "not a bad idea" ;-) 13:37 < armijn> just getting a caffeine fix 13:37 < esden> cd /dev/armijn 13:38 < armijn> stay out of my /dev! 13:38 < esden> patch -p1 < ~/caffeine.patch 13:38 < esden> cd 13:38 < armijn> mv caffeine /dev/mouth 13:39 * armijn pokes huebi 13:42 < huebi> re MoeP! 13:43 < armijn> huebi: I "fixed" your machine 13:43 < ringo78> Nederlands moeilijk ? Valt wel mee. 13:43 < huebi> armijn: what did you do? 13:43 < armijn> huebi: I made some changes to /usr/include/ 13:43 < armijn> ringo78: ja, voor jou ja :) 13:44 < armijn> huebi: I copied generate-asm to /usr/bin 13:44 < armijn> huebi: and I copied the asm-sparc and asm-sparc64 directories to /usr/include 13:45 < armijn> and ran generate-asm 13:45 < armijn> huebi: that will fix the 1-util-linux error 13:45 < huebi> ah. ok 13:46 < armijn> ringo78: https://www.linuxmag.nl/Tux2MS/ 13:46 < huebi> armijn: hehe 13:46 < armijn> huebi: but you must restart the build...and first check out the new CVS! 13:47 < huebi> https://www.linuxmag.nl/Tux2MS/tux_barney.jpg <- armijn. can you get such a shirt for me? 13:47 < armijn> huebi: no 13:47 < huebi> :-((( 13:48 < huebi> armijn: Where can I get one? 13:48 < armijn> huebi: that is an exclusive skating shirt that was worn in a special promotion game with Steve Ballmer 13:48 < armijn> there are just a couple of them...can't get them 13:48 < armijn> I tried 13:49 < huebi> M$ does not promote very powerfull ... 13:49 < armijn> mwah 13:50 < armijn> I got a .NET sweater :) 13:50 < esden> armijn: you are a hero ;-) 13:50 < armijn> esden: I know 13:50 < esden> lol 13:50 < armijn> esden: and I was supposed to wear it at a Linux conference, that was part of the deal :) 13:50 < d3mian> :) 13:51 * anders_ ponders wether to ask Clifford to remove the ROCK-UML pages or not.. 13:51 < huebi> armijn irritats the audience with a .NET sweater while talking about ROCK Linux is the best fuck the rest... 13:51 < holyolli> hehe 13:51 < esden> anders_: url ? 13:52 < anders_> esden: it's on the project pages.. 13:52 < esden> kk 13:52 < armijn> huebi: exactly 13:52 < huebi> armijn: That's kool fun. 13:52 < armijn> yeah, anders should work on a s/390 port 13:53 < anders_> I've not had *any* time to do anything about it for a looong time.. And the way work looks, I'll be hard pushed to get time to do anything before October.. 13:53 < anders_> armijn: if I had an s/390 perhaps.. :) 13:53 < esden> anders_: ahh that thing ... I was already thinking to relive the project ... 13:53 < armijn> esden: alpha port first! 13:54 < anders_> esden: there was the other thing about running software in different contexts on the same machine, effectively removing overhead completely... 13:54 < esden> armijn: I know I know ... *nearly_cry* 13:54 < holyolli> warrkks...userfriendly on dutch.. =) 13:55 < armijn> holyolli: on the LinuxMag page? Yeah, it's a crappy translation as well! 13:55 < armijn> fsck, gotta go 13:55 < holyolli> hehe 13:55 < armijn> I'll be back in an hour or so 13:55 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux () 13:55 < esden> hmm ... and there he gone ... 13:55 < anders_> the first thing I will do when I get time, is build ROCK 1.6.0... 13:55 < esden> so we can switch to german ;-))) 13:56 < anders_> Then I have to test it, migrate to it, customise it and then perhaps I get time to do the UML thing.. 13:56 < huebi> anders_: Rock 1.6.0 will be ready in the next weeks.. I did not yet finish the time schedule. 13:56 < huebi> esden: LANG=aafricans 13:56 < huebi> hehe 13:56 < anders_> huebi: no hurry.. I have to get ADSL, new 40GB 2.5" disk for the laptop, a build box and some networking gear first... :) 13:57 < esden> huebi: *gg* 13:57 < anders_> LANG=C 13:58 < d3mian> boolean online = false; 13:58 < d3mian> cu guys 13:58 < d3mian> :) 13:58 < huebi> cu d3mian 13:59 -!- d3mian is now known as d3m|away 14:14 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A61.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 14:14 < snyke> huihui 14:14 < holyolli> hi snyke 14:15 < snyke> man... 14:15 < snyke> im IRCnet isses nur noch pervers... 14:15 < snyke> das bricht im moment grade zusammen 14:16 < snyke> hm *reconstruct* 14:18 < snyke> jetz passts wieder :) 14:19 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has quit ("Connection reset by telekom") 14:26 < esden> snyke: export LANG=en_EN 14:27 -!- l_9_l [~jarod@] has joined #rocklinux 14:28 < snyke> what? 14:28 < snyke> ah 14:28 < snyke> ok 14:28 < snyke> hi l_9_l 14:28 < l_9_l> hi snyke.. 14:29 < esden> hi l_9_l 14:29 < l_9_l> hi to everyone :) 14:29 < l_9_l> how's the development of rock? 14:29 < l_9_l> seems idle! 14:30 < huebi> l_9_l: Why? 14:30 < esden> l_9_l: idle ? I would not call it so ... 14:30 < l_9_l> hang on..i didn't check the website for long time..may there's something new.. :) 14:31 < esden> l_9_l: so check the website ;-) 14:31 < clifford> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGG! 14:31 < huebi> clifford: ?? 14:31 < esden> clifford: ??? 14:31 < anders_> clifford: ? 14:31 < th> clifford: ? 14:31 < clifford> I;m having a cluster problem here ... 14:31 < d3m|away> clifford ?? 14:31 < clifford> Look at this: 14:32 < clifford> ----+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ 14:32 < clifford> 141 | ...:.. | 14:32 < clifford> | .:::::::. | 14:32 < clifford> P | ::::::::::. | 14:32 < clifford> a | ::::::::::::.. | 14:32 < clifford> r | :::::::::::::::. | 14:32 < clifford> a | ::::::::::::::::. | 14:32 < clifford> l | :::::::::::::::::: | 14:32 < clifford> l | :::::::::::::::::::. ..::. | 14:32 < clifford> e | :::::::::::::::::::::. .:::::::.:. | 14:32 < clifford> l | ::::::::::::::::::::::. :::::::::::: | 14:32 < clifford> | ::::::::::::::::::::::::. ::::::::::::::. | 14:32 < clifford> J | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::. :::::::::::::::. | 14:32 < clifford> o | :::::::::::::::::::::::::::. ::::::::::::::::::. | 14:32 < clifford> b | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::. | 14:32 < clifford> s | .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. ::::::::::::::::::::: | 14:32 < clifford> | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. .::::::::::::::::::::::. | 14:32 < clifford> 1 |...::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.| 14:32 < clifford> ----+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ 14:32 < clifford> | 1 Number of Jobs build so far 424 | 14:32 < th> cheater 14:32 < th> ;) 14:32 < l_9_l> i was wrong.. :) 14:32 < esden> hmm .. that is not looking good 14:32 < esden> bad balancing clifford ... 14:33 < clifford> it waits with building XFree86 until everything else is build. so all packages depending on x11 are waiting for it .. 14:33 < clifford> for some reason XFree86 depends on 'strace'. And since it's the only package which depends on strace, strace has a very low priority. 14:34 < anders_> perhaps you need a way to up the priority of a package in the ext-file ? 14:34 < clifford> So now i have to implement a much smarted Create-PkgQueue which detecs thos indirect dependencies. 14:34 < esden> clifford: so you should manuall increase the priority 14:34 < clifford> anders_: no that would be a very ugly hack - especially since there are no ext files in 1.7 .. 14:35 < esden> hmm ok ... 14:35 < clifford> esden: no. I have to fix the prioriti creation. 14:35 < esden> clifford: kk ... ack 14:35 < clifford> it only is taking care of "direct dependencies". 14:35 < anders_> humma.. perhaps an algorithm that detects the package queue behind a package? 14:35 < esden> anders_: that are the indirect dependances 14:36 < anders_> or am I being painfully obvious here? 14:36 < anders_> *blush* 14:36 < esden> *gg* 14:36 < anders_> I'll shut up now shall I.. 14:36 < clifford> anders_: yes - that's what I;m now working on - but I was hoping to finish the cluster stuff for now after writing the tool for simulation the cluster load (the one which created the output above). 14:36 < anders_> ah.. 14:37 < anders_> so how much work do you reckon it is to work out the indirect deps? 14:37 < clifford> as more as I work as longer get's my todo list ... 14:37 < esden> clifford: cool ... is this included in the next snap ? 14:37 < clifford> esden: sure. 14:38 < esden> clifford: that is always like this ... my todo is also growing geometrically ... 14:38 < huebi> clifford: implement something like PVM over MOSIX. PVM starts the jobs on dedicated clusternodes and MOSIX arages the load balancing. Get the packages into several package sets for compiling. Now Just start the package sets and let them themself organise 14:38 < clifford> anders_: the problem is that the current Create-PkgQueue script is already very slow because it has to read 600 cache files whenever a package build compleated. 14:38 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux 14:38 < armijn> re 14:38 * armijn calling HP now 14:38 < esden> re anders_ 14:38 < esden> I mean armijn 14:39 < esden> ;-) 14:39 < huebi> clifford: I did that with ~3500 jobs in ~70 job sets for the money transfer of the BNP Paribas. 14:39 < esden> clifford: is in inpossible to do it only once ? 14:39 < clifford> huebi: that's not the problem. The the problem is that it doesn't create jobs because many packages depends on XFree86, Xfree86 depends on starce, and nothing else than XFree86 depends on strace. 14:40 < armijn> unbelievable 14:40 < armijn> phone is broken 14:40 < rxr> re 14:40 < anders_> clifford: what is the script written in ? 14:40 < huebi> make strace earlier, perhaps forced? 14:41 < clifford> So strace has a priority of 1 (which is pretty low). Every package which can be built will be built (with up to 141 parallel build jobs until onlyu strace is left). 14:41 < esden> huebi: we already had the idea but clifford says that it is ugly 14:41 < huebi> esden: Doesn't matter if it does not work. 14:41 < clifford> huebi: no. the build order is automatically detected. the detection must be extended so it hournors indirect dependencies. 14:42 < huebi> clifford: That sounds very complicate. 14:42 < clifford> XFree86 is just the one big problem which can be seen in the stat. Im sure there are also some other stuff which can be optimized. 14:42 < armijn> will try phone booth now 14:42 < armijn> brb 14:42 < huebi> And not easy to understand for the users. 14:43 < clifford> huebi: no - it's very easy. but it's slow - this is the problem. 14:43 < huebi> hmmm 14:43 < clifford> Whenever a package has been built, the Create-PkgQueue script is running and detects which packages can be built next. 14:44 < anders_> is the script written in perl ? 14:45 < clifford> (but the good think is that besides this it parallelises very good - I don't think that anyone is going to build ROCK Linux on a cluster with > 100 nodes in the near future .. 14:45 < clifford> anders_: no - in gawk. 14:45 < anders_> clifford: perl would perhaps speed up the script a bit.. 14:45 < clifford> (that's more portable - and protabitility is very importand in this case) 14:45 < anders_> ah.. :) 14:46 < rxr> ssh sucks 14:46 < huebi> rxr: use rsh 14:46 < clifford> anders_: no - perl is as fast a gawk. The problem is that I need to read _all_ cache files on every run .. 14:46 < rxr> huebi: hehe 14:46 < huebi> clifford: can you cache the cache files? 14:47 < anders_> clifford: can it not amalgamate the result of each run and only read the new logs? 14:47 < clifford> huebi: sure. But I dont want a Puzzle thing again. 14:47 < armijn> puzzle! 14:47 < huebi> clifford: only internal and temporary 14:47 < armijn> clifford: I was thinking... 14:48 < armijn> can't we use a sort of "configure" style thing? 14:48 < clifford> huebi: in my expirience - nothing is "only internal and temporary" .. 14:48 < clifford> armijn: what do you mean? 14:49 < armijn> clifford: I'm not sure 14:49 < armijn> but that you can run ./configure with a few options, that checks if your system is sane 14:49 < esden> clifford: I will build on 17 node cluster ... probably next weekend or so .. 14:49 < armijn> we don't have to use autoconf of course 14:49 < armijn> just the autoconf m4 macros 14:50 < rxr> Doing challenge response authentication. 14:50 < rxr> debug1: No challenge. 14:50 < clifford> armijn: I still don't know what you are talking about. We have package dependencies which can be used to determinate that a package can be built - and that works great. 14:51 < rxr> does this mean the server doesn't know about my public key on it ? 14:51 < armijn> clifford: I also don't know what I mean...yet 14:51 < clifford> armijn: aha. :-) 14:51 < armijn> clifford: but maybe to set up the "stage 0" 14:51 < armijn> talked to HP guy btw, he will call me back' 14:51 < clifford> armijn: which problem are you trying to solve??? 14:52 < armijn> clifford: my "free time" problem 14:52 < clifford> hae? 14:52 * anders_ have to reboot.. biab. 14:52 -!- anders_ [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has quit ("brb") 14:53 < armijn> clifford: yeah...I know, it's pathetic 14:53 < armijn> clifford: I've got time to *sleep* 14:55 < clifford> ok - I think i will create a scripts/dep_db.txt file with the pre-processed dependencies data. 14:55 < armijn> got choice between a few machines 14:56 < armijn> one in the pa-8600 range, the other in the pa-8700 range... 14:57 * armijn checking debian page 14:57 < clifford> ok - I'm /away again (implementing dep_db.txt ... :-) 14:57 -!- clifford is now known as clifford_away 14:59 < esden> hmm I will have to cleanup my harddisk .. I have 11G used only by rocklinux iso's 15:00 < snyke> esden: will praenti be in bitz today? 15:00 < esden> snyke: dunno 15:00 < snyke> hm 15:00 < snyke> when will he be again? 15:01 < snyke> today you know poseidon will go down 15:01 < snyke> 4h 15:01 < esden> I know ... 15:01 < armijn> ok, I'm off again 15:01 < armijn> later 15:01 < esden> I dont know when he will be here ... I am not his mother ;-) 15:01 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux () 15:05 < snyke> hehe 15:26 < snyke> killall sim 15:32 < esden> cu all 15:32 * -> esden going home 15:32 < huebi> cu esden 15:37 < snyke> cu esdi 15:38 < huebi> Sparc Build restarted... 15:49 -!- anders_ [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has joined #rocklinux 15:50 < anders_> *frustration* 15:50 < anders_> re 15:50 -!- tsa [~tsa@rossini.marcant.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:50 < tsa> hi 15:51 < th> esden: was hast du mit dietlibc eigentlich getan? 15:55 < huebi> th: kaputt!! 15:55 < huebi> hi th 15:55 < th> hehe 15:56 < th> ich wollt grad mal ne mini-boot/root-disk bauen 15:56 < anders_> LANG 15:56 < huebi> anders_: ACK 15:56 < anders_> SYN 15:56 < anders_> :) 15:57 < huebi> kaputt <- jidish ;-) 15:57 < anders_> heh 15:58 < anders_> I have *limited* understanding of german, and some words are similar to swedish words, so I can guess... 15:58 < tsa> syn-ack 15:58 < huebi> :-)) 15:59 < tsa> hm...half-open connection 16:01 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux 16:02 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit (Client Quit) 16:05 < snyke> bin ma wieder wech 16:05 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A61.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit ("BitchX: its all day strong, all day long") 16:07 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux 16:08 < tomik> hello 16:08 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has quit ("leaving") 16:08 -!- l_9_l [~jarod@] has quit ("BitchX: double your pleasure, double your fun!") 16:09 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit (Client Quit) 16:14 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux 16:14 < armijn> re 16:18 -!- l_9_l [~jarod@] has joined #rocklinux 16:18 -!- clifford_ [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux 16:19 -!- clifford_away [~clifford@] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16:20 < huebi> hiar 16:20 -!- clifford_ [~clifford@] has quit (Client Quit) 16:20 < huebi> hi armijn 16:20 < armijn> hi huebi 16:21 < huebi> == 15:55:07 05/08/02 =[1]=> Aborted building package util-linux. 16:21 < armijn> so, what did you do this time? 16:21 -!- clifford_ [~clifford@M102P002.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 16:21 < armijn> did you check out the new CVS? 16:22 < huebi> armijn: yes 16:22 < armijn> k 16:23 < armijn> checking it 16:23 < huebi> ok 16:23 < armijn> ganz geil! 16:23 < huebi> hehe 16:23 < th> esden: hast du ahnung obs irgendwo ne kleine anleitung gibt, wie ich mount mit diet builde? 16:24 -!- clifford_ is now known as clifford 16:24 < armijn> huebi: rerun ./scripts/Config 16:24 < huebi> armijn: ok 16:24 < clifford> ok.. *floodingalert* 16:24 < clifford> ----+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ 16:24 < clifford> 181 | ::::. | 16:24 < clifford> | .:::::::. | 16:24 < clifford> P | .:::::::::::::: | 16:24 < clifford> a | .::::::::::::::::. | 16:24 < clifford> r | :::::::::::::::::::::. | 16:24 < clifford> a | ..::::::::::::::::::::::::. | 16:24 < armijn> huebi: wait, i'm doing it 16:24 < clifford> l | . .. ...:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | 16:24 < clifford> l | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. | 16:24 < clifford> e | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. | 16:24 < clifford> l | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. | 16:24 < clifford> | .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | 16:24 < huebi> ok 16:24 < clifford> J | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. | 16:24 < clifford> o | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. | 16:24 < clifford> b | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. | 16:24 < clifford> s | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. | 16:24 < armijn> huebi: you can do it now... 16:24 < clifford> | :.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. | 16:24 < clifford> 1 |...::..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.| 16:24 < clifford> ----+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ 16:25 < clifford> | 1 Number of Jobs build so far 424 | 16:25 < clifford> that now looks much better .. 16:25 * armijn messing up clifford's ASCII art 16:25 < huebi> armijn: ok i do now 16:25 < armijn> huebi: and set it to UltraSparc 16:25 < tsa> clifford: hm.... 16:25 < huebi> armijn: and v8? 16:25 < clifford> tsa: yes? 16:27 < armijn> huebi: doesn't matter, they're not used right now 16:27 < armijn> huebi: but yes, v8 16:27 < clifford> tsa: yes? 16:27 < huebi> armijn: ack 16:28 < armijn> huebi: and rebuild *all* 16:28 < armijn> :) 16:29 < armijn> just to be sure 16:29 < huebi> rm -rf dist? 16:30 < armijn> yeah 16:30 -!- surprise [kdlcjc@greencard.inder.eu.org] has quit (Connection timed out) 16:30 < armijn> or ./scripts/Cleanup :) 16:30 < huebi> *aua* 16:30 < armijn> :) 16:31 < tsa> clifford: what does this tree output mean to us? 16:31 < armijn> clifford: I will start working on PA-RISC port soon 16:32 < tsa> parallel build of 1.7? 16:32 < clifford> tsa: yes. 16:32 < tsa> ah..ok 16:32 < clifford> It will scale pretty good on clusters with up to 100 nodes.... 16:33 < clifford> All we need now uis such a cluster ... :-) 16:33 < armijn> heh 16:33 < armijn> an s/390 with virtual machines? 16:34 < huebi> anders_: Huhu, we need a few s390. Please ask your boss ;-))) 16:34 < clifford> armijn: no. on an s/390 you would assign just all available to the vm guest which linux is running on and make a 'normal' parallel build. No need to make a kind of 'virtual clustering' on this hardware .. 16:34 < tsa> hehe 16:34 < armijn> "a few' 16:35 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #rocklinux 16:35 < clifford> however - s/390 has great i/o trhoughtput - but it's not the best hardware for calculations (and building ROCK Linux :-) 16:36 < anders_> huebi: hehehe 16:36 < huebi> Sparc Build restarted... 16:37 < anders_> huebi: if I only could get my hands on a p690 instead... 16:38 < armijn> huebi: how long does glibc take? 16:38 < armijn> huebi: how much mem? 16:39 < huebi> There has been a company, long, long time ago, they offered in a tv ad a ~100 node alpha cluster in a van. With remote controll. IIRC they were called Compaq. But that has been a long tine age when this conpany existed. ;-))) 16:40 < huebi> armijn: glibc 2h40, 640MB 16:40 < tsa> huebi: hehe 16:42 < huebi> > make[1]: sparc64-linux-gcc: Command not found 16:42 < armijn> huebi: ? 16:42 < armijn> aah 16:42 < huebi> == 16:37:20 05/08/02 =[1]=> Aborted building package linux. 16:42 < armijn> ok 16:42 < huebi> I stoped it 16:42 < armijn> huebi: ok, stop the build 16:42 < armijn> huebi: ok, you first need egcs64 installed on your system 16:42 < huebi> <- faster than light ;-))) 16:43 < huebi> armijn: How do I get this done? 16:43 < armijn> huebi: simple :) 16:43 < huebi> root@fels:/rock-linux# simple 16:43 < huebi> bash: simple: command not found 16:43 < tsa> lol ;) 16:43 < armijn> huebi: unpack /rock-linux/base-archive/egcs64* 16:44 < huebi> armijn: ok 16:44 < armijn> huebi: patch it with /rock-linux/base-config/egcs64/*.patch 16:44 < huebi> unpack in / ? 16:44 < armijn> huebi: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --target=sparc64-linux 16:44 < armijn> I would take /tmp or so 16:45 < armijn> to keep it a bit cleaner 16:45 < huebi> armijn: ok ACK 16:46 < armijn> huebi: don't forget to apply the patches 16:46 < armijn> and setting the prefix to /usr/local is necessary 16:47 < armijn> the default is /usr/bin and then it will overwrite the normal gcc, which you don't want to do 16:47 < huebi> armijn: fully ACK 16:47 < huebi> :-) 16:47 < armijn> huebi: you did apply the patches? 16:48 < huebi> armijn: of course I did. You said that often enough 16:48 < huebi> :-)) 16:48 < armijn> huebi: well, you can never say it often enough :)) 16:49 < huebi> flood: 16:49 < huebi> root@fels:/tmp/egcs64-19980921.1# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --target=sparc64-linux 16:49 < huebi> Configuring for a sparc64-unknown-linux-gnu host. 16:49 < huebi> grep: /tmp/egcs64-19980921.1/libstdc++/Makefile.in: No such file or directory 16:49 < huebi> grep: /tmp/egcs64-19980921.1/gcc/cp/Makefile.in: No such file or directory 16:49 < huebi> Created "Makefile" in /tmp/egcs64-19980921.1 using "mt-frag" 16:49 < huebi> grep: ./../libstdc++/Makefile.in: No such file or directory 16:49 < huebi> grep: ./../gcc/cp/Makefile.in: No such file or directory 16:49 < huebi> Links are now set up to build a native compiler for sparc64-unknown-linux-gnu 16:49 < armijn> huebi: looks good 16:49 < huebi> armijn: kool 16:49 < armijn> those "errors" are normal 16:51 < tsa> hm...interesting. 16:52 < huebi> make is running 16:52 < armijn> interesting? 16:54 < armijn> tsa: what's interesting? 16:55 < huebi> armijn: www.xxx.com 16:55 < huebi> hehe 16:56 < armijn> hmm 16:57 < anders_> has anyone done an mc68k port of ROCK? 16:57 < armijn> you mean Mac68k? 16:57 < armijn> or just motorola? 16:57 < anders_> just motorola.. 16:57 < armijn> no :) 16:58 < armijn> old Macintosh machines are a *bitch* 16:58 < armijn> there's not even floppy drive support in the kernel 16:58 * anders_ might get hold of an A1200 with an 68040 or 68060 power-up board... 16:58 < armijn> a1200? 16:58 < anders_> Amiga.. 16:58 < armijn> ah, they're supported fairly well, I think 16:58 < armijn> but *very* slow 16:59 < anders_> there is also the PPC604e PowerUp cards for them.. 16:59 < armijn> I will have a PA-RISC machine soon (on loan) to port on 16:59 < armijn> also need to do Alpha and MIPS 17:00 < armijn> and do a lot of cleaning up for UltraSparc 17:00 < anders_> I just want a reasonably cheap PPC box to play around with.. And with the Amiga I could get that as well as PPC.. 17:00 < anders_> err, as well as MC680x0.. 17:01 < armijn> hmm...amiga ppc? 17:01 < anders_> yeah.. 17:01 * armijn ./scripts/Puzzled 17:01 < anders_> hehehehe 17:01 < tsa> hehe 17:02 < anders_> there are accelerator cards for them with PPC processors.. 17:02 < armijn> ah 17:02 < huebi> anders_: The 68040 is on the SmartRAID IV controller in download.rocklinux.de 17:02 < armijn> yeah, run ROCK on your raid controller 17:03 < tsa> lol 17:03 < tsa> nice idea. 17:03 < huebi> armijn: *LOL* 17:03 < armijn> clustering with raid controllers 17:04 < tsa> what about pocket calculators? ;) 17:04 * huebi dreams about the IBM Linux watch 17:04 < armijn> wet dreams? 17:04 < huebi> lol 17:05 < huebi> armijn: no 17:05 < huebi> booting vi... 17:05 < tsa> better not..perhaps the watch isn't water resitant.. 17:05 < tsa> ;) 17:05 < tsa> +s 17:06 < armijn> huebi: how much memory in the u5? 17:07 < huebi> 640MB 17:07 < armijn> pfew 17:07 < armijn> that's...ehr...nice 17:07 < armijn> so, why is it still building... 17:07 < tsa> hehe..nice and pretty expensive.. 17:08 < huebi> armijn: 270MHZ UltraIIi 17:08 < armijn> ah, xgcc has been built... 17:08 < huebi> ready 17:09 < anders_> https://www.debian.org/ports/powerpc/inst/apus 17:09 < huebi> brb 17:09 < armijn> it's done? 17:09 < armijn> great! 17:09 < armijn> huebi: make; make install 17:12 < armijn> heh 17:12 < tsa> hm...whats the difference between u30 and a60? anyone? 17:12 < tsa> u60 even 17:13 < tsa> both are dual afaik 17:13 < armijn> huebi: there already was egcs64, but in /opt/egcs64/bin and it wasn't called sparc64-linux-gcc 17:13 < armijn> dunno, I don't think so 17:13 < armijn> www.sun.com? 17:15 < armijn> https://www.sun.com/desktop/products/ultra60/ 17:16 < armijn> https://www.sun.com/desktop/products/ultra30/ 17:16 < armijn> ultra30 is one CPU 17:16 < armijn> not dual 17:17 < tsa> ah..ok 17:19 < tsa> ok...i'm gone...cu later. 17:20 < tsa> bbl. 17:20 -!- tsa [~tsa@rossini.marcant.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 17:20 < huebi> ree 17:22 < huebi> make install 17:22 < huebi> Build restarted 17:23 < armijn> kewl 17:25 < armijn> building quite fast... 17:28 < huebi> I'll see if I can get rock on the U30 tonight. But I still have to do some work on the homepage. 17:29 < huebi> /rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs/1-linux.out -> 1-linux.log 17:29 < huebi> == 17:26:25 05/08/02 =[1]=> Finished building package linux. 17:29 < huebi> == 17:26:26 =[1]=> Building base package glibc [2.2.5 1.5.14_2002-05-08_16h35]. 17:29 < huebi> :-) 17:29 < armijn> hmm... 17:29 < armijn> wait a minute 17:29 < armijn> I was tailing the file 17:29 < armijn> something went wrong there 17:30 < armijn> huebi: cancel the build 17:30 < armijn> it went wrong 17:30 < huebi> ok 17:30 < armijn> linux.conf is fucked up in CVS 17:31 < armijn> yup, it's fucked up...definitely 17:31 < armijn> it's the old one... 17:32 < huebi> shit something went really wrong. 17:32 < armijn> so it seems :) 17:32 < armijn> well, most of it is actually ok 17:32 < armijn> just the kernel 17:33 < huebi> jupp. I got it 17:33 < armijn> ---------------------------- 17:33 < armijn> revision 1.7 17:33 < armijn> date: 2002/05/05 14:54:13; author: huebi; state: Exp; lines: +0 -21 17:33 < armijn> hollyolli's alpha patches 17:33 < armijn> ---------------------------- 17:33 < armijn> revision 1.6 17:33 < armijn> date: 2002/05/02 09:28:04; author: huebi; state: Exp; lines: +21 -0 17:33 < armijn> more files from Armijn's Sparc Patches 17:33 < armijn> ---------------------------- 17:33 -!- l_9_l [~jarod@] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17:33 < armijn> that explains it 17:33 < armijn> holyolli did it! 17:34 < huebi> Yes 17:34 < huebi> We don't work on branches. That's the reason. 17:34 < armijn> no, it's the maintainer's fault >:-> 17:35 < huebi> and I did not have a good look at the changes. 17:35 < huebi> I' ll do it more carefull in the future 17:35 < armijn> yeah, and apply my patches :) 17:36 < huebi> armijn: I applied them. 17:36 < armijn> yeah, but you'll have to do it again :) 17:36 < huebi> but I also removed them too. 17:37 < armijn> I think you *might* have removed esden's stuff as well 17:37 < huebi> armijn: I have to control that 17:37 < armijn> 002-05-05 16:54 huebi 17:37 < armijn> * arch-conf/alpha/kernel-disable.lst, base-config/alsa/alsa.conf, 17:37 < armijn> base-config/binutils/binutils.pz, 17:37 < armijn> base-config/install-disks/install-disks.conf, 17:37 < armijn> base-config/libsafe/libsafe.conf, base-config/linux/linux.conf, 17:37 < armijn> base-config/xfree86/xfree86.conf, base-config/xfree86/xfree86.pz, 17:37 < armijn> scripts/Build-All, scripts/Build-Pkg, scripts/Build-Stage, 17:37 < armijn> scripts/Puzzle, scripts/config.in, scripts/packages, 17:37 < armijn> scripts/parse-config: hollyolli's alpha patches 17:37 < armijn> 2002-05-05 01:40 huebi 17:37 < armijn> * scripts/: Build-All, Build-Pkg, Build-Stage, config.in: 17:37 < armijn> modifikations by esden for rock-lcd and build rock-debug is now an 17:37 < armijn> option 17:37 < armijn> there are some clashes there... 17:37 < armijn> unless holyolli used the latest CVS snapshot 17:38 * armijn digging through ChangeLog 17:39 < armijn> nope, just fixing linux.conf should help 17:39 < huebi> ok 17:45 < huebi> rm -rf build.out dist lib src tars 17:46 < armijn> not ./scripts/Cleanup? 17:47 < huebi> armijn: I better like the rm. Cleanup is dangerous. 17:48 < armijn> hehe 17:48 < armijn> but it works! 17:48 < huebi> too often. 17:48 < armijn> and thorough 17:49 < armijn> cleans better than an average housewife 17:49 < armijn> and it sucks harder than a vacuum cleaner 17:49 < huebi> *LoooL* 17:50 < armijn> ehr 17:50 < armijn> something went wrong 17:52 < huebi> #!/bin/sh 17:52 < huebi> # 17:52 < huebi> # Cleanup restores the environment, 17:52 < huebi> # cleans better than an average housewife 17:52 < huebi> # and it sucks harder than a vacuum cleaner 17:52 < huebi> # Comment from Armijn Hemel 17:53 < armijn> huebi: no execute permission for ./misc/generate-asm 17:53 < armijn> :(( 17:53 < huebi> armijn: Ah thak you 17:53 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has quit ("leaving") 17:53 < armijn> huebi: you will have to adapt that in CVS as well 17:53 -!- simon_ [~simon@out1.R-TEC.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 17:54 < huebi> armijn: I had a problem with file permissions in cvs. 17:55 < armijn> hmm 17:55 < huebi> Now I found a solution. 17:55 < armijn> https://cvsbook.red-bean.com/ 17:58 < armijn> huebi: ah well 17:58 < armijn> gotta go now... 17:58 < armijn> dinner first, then pub :)) 17:58 < huebi> armijn: have fun 17:59 < huebi> I'll go in a few minutes, too. 17:59 < armijn> blacklist of computer games in .de 17:59 < huebi> -r-xr-xr-x 1 huebi cvs 1535 May 5 16:51 generate-asm,v 18:01 < huebi> armijn: They are a little bit crazy here. 18:01 < armijn> I know 18:01 < armijn> well, what about here... 18:01 < armijn> with politicians who get shot... 18:01 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux 18:02 < huebi> build restarted 18:02 < huebi> hi tomik 18:02 < tomik> hello 18:02 < armijn> huebi: great 18:02 < armijn> huebi: I will check it on Monday :)) 18:02 * armijn gone 18:02 < huebi> armijn: Really crazy are the people in Israel 18:02 < huebi> by armijn 18:02 < armijn> huebi: no comment :) 18:02 * armijn gone 18:02 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux () 18:03 < huebi> ;-) 18:03 -!- praenti|away is now known as praenti 18:03 < praenti> re 18:03 < huebi> hi praenti 18:04 < huebi> CU later. I change my place now. 18:04 < praenti> huebi: you get this error because the fucking developer of libxslt has excluded something what kdelibs need 18:05 < praenti> huebi: but i must see. what it is exactly. cu later 18:05 < huebi> praenti: ok. Perhaps rxr knows something about it. 18:05 < huebi> rxr: ?? 18:05 < huebi> bye 18:07 < rxr> jups 18:08 < rxr> praenti: which tree are you building? 18:09 < praenti> rxr: 1.5.14 on U5. It is not my build. Huebi gets this error. 18:10 < praenti> rxr: libxslt version 1.0.15 18:10 < praenti> but i see at the moment that i can update the version 18:11 < praenti> perhaps a newer version makes the kdebuild better 18:12 -!- surprise [kdlcjc@greencard.inder.eu.org] has joined #rocklinux 18:12 -!- cap [cap@pD904853E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 18:14 < rxr> 2.4.20 builds 18:15 < rxr> praenti: maybe comatebility sym-linking in libxml (version1) is the problem= 18:15 < rxr> I removed s.th. slimiar in 1.7 ... 18:15 < SMP> 2.4.20? what package? ;) 18:15 < rxr> KDE-3.0.0 builds with libxml2-2.4.20 ... 18:16 < SMP> ahh 18:17 < praenti> rxr: i will check the libxml2 version too 18:17 < rxr> you could also check for a bogus sym-link in libxml (version1), too 18:18 < praenti> rxr: version of libxml2 is ok 18:27 < rxr> praenti: the stuff in the query is what you get when libxml-1 headers are included 18:27 < rxr> remove the blabla/libxml-1.0 -> ../libxml symlink from the libxml package ... 18:31 < praenti> rxr: you mean the libxml -> gnome-xml symlink? 18:31 < praenti> in /usr/include? 18:33 < rxr> postmake="cd /usr/include ; rm -rf libxml ; ln -sf gnome-xml libxml" 18:33 < rxr> this one is evil 18:33 < rxr> hm - huebis cvs-web is strange ... 18:34 < anders_> riiiight.. time to go home for the day.. ~~~ 18:34 -!- anders_ [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has quit (">_<") 18:34 < praenti> rxr: ok. i make a # before the line 18:34 < rxr> cu anders_ ;-)! 18:34 < rxr> it also does not exist in 1.7 and dRock ... 18:40 < praenti> huebi: try the compile now. if it is not working either i will change the libxslt version 18:41 < rxr> praenti: have you also removed the link the libxslt package has already created in the dist-tree? 18:43 < praenti> huebi: ^------------------------------------------------------^ 18:44 < praenti> rxr: i can start a build in a few days. i dont have build the new yet 18:48 < th> where does the kernel look for init? 18:49 < rxr> sbin ? 18:50 < rxr> you can also specify one via init=/bin/bash ;-) 18:50 < th> but only when using a boot-loader 18:50 < th> i just copied kernel + root-fs to a disc 18:50 < th> it just reaches "freeing unused kernel memory" 18:50 < th> root-fs is found and mounted 18:51 < rxr> th: yes off course ... - but you could hardcode the params into the kernel ... 18:51 < rxr> shouldn't the kernel panic if no init is found= 18:51 < th> that's what i do not know 18:51 < th> i know that the rootfs has been mounted 18:52 < th> and there it stops 18:52 < th> /etc/inittab exists in rootfs and even /sbin and /bin have init 18:52 < th> (busybox init) 18:52 < th> id:2:initdefault: 18:52 < th> si::sysinit:/etc/rc 18:52 < th> 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/fgetty /dev/tty1 --noclear 18:52 < th> 2:23:respawn:/sbin/fgetty /dev/tty2 18:54 < th> any ideas? 18:55 < rxr> i do not know the busybox init ... 18:56 < esden> re hi all 19:01 < praenti> hi esden. is anybody into bitz? 19:07 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9522C3A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:07 < bluefire> re 19:08 < praenti> re bluefire 19:13 -!- ringo78 [~bas@co116627-a.almel1.ov.nl.home.com] has quit ("leaving") 19:18 * rxr kurz unterwegs 19:24 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082BF32.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:24 < tsa> re 19:28 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:28 < holyolli> re 19:28 < tsa> tag. 19:28 < holyolli> tach tsa 19:28 < tsa> wie wars @work? 19:28 < holyolli> :-P 19:28 < holyolli> wie wars mit vergessenem fon? 19:29 < tsa> nix fon vergessen. 19:29 < holyolli> aha...nicht drangegangen? 19:29 < holyolli> <-- wollte dich ja noch anrufen...aber keiner hat abgenommen. 19:29 < tsa> ich arbeiten, ich nix immer neben fon. 19:29 < tsa> war grad unterwegs irgendwo. 19:29 < tsa> und nix rufnummer uebertragen..sonst haett ich schon zurueckgerufen.. 19:29 < holyolli> soso.. so dolle arbeite, dasse sogar fon nicht hörst... 19:30 < holyolli> sei ehrlich...du warst auf /dev/frau und wolltest nicht fonen ;) 19:30 < tsa> nein. 19:30 < tsa> wir haben heute rudelbumsen im serverraum gemacht. 19:30 < tsa> :-P 19:30 < holyolli> mist.. 19:30 < holyolli> ...und ich war nicht da 19:30 < tsa> hehe 19:30 < holyolli> ;-) 19:31 < th> even sh as busybox just hangs... 19:31 * bluefire .oO(Doh! wo bin ich hier nur gelandet?) 19:31 < th> kernel does "execve("/bin/sh",argv_init,envp_init);" and nothing happens 19:31 < holyolli> bluefire: och...schau einfach nicht hin ;-) 19:32 < th> what am i missing? 19:32 * bluefire guckt angestrengt weg... 19:33 < tsa> hehe 19:33 * praenti beim essen 19:34 < th> ich merk schon ihr habt alle keine ahnung ;) 19:35 < tsa> th: 1. mein kernel hier tut, was er soll 2.) ich hab wohl den kontext dazu verpasst.. 19:36 < tsa> kernel auf x86? 19:36 < th> ja 19:36 < th> boot/root diskette 19:36 < tsa> und warum ueberhaupt /bin/sh - der sollte sich /sbin/init vornehmen.. 19:36 < tsa> aah 19:36 < th> also einen ganz kleinen 2.2.20er gebaut 19:36 < th> ein rootfs (ext2) gebaut 19:37 < th> und per dd auf diskette gepackt 19:37 < th> kernel wird geladen. rootfs wird gemounted 19:37 < th> aber ich kann weder /bin/sh noch /sbin/init ausfuehren (beides busybox) 19:38 < tsa> hm... 19:38 < th> hab schon ein paar printk's in den kernel eingebaut daher bin ich sicher dass er genau beim exec von /bin/sh haengen bleibt 19:38 < tsa> sagt der kernel irgendwas, oder haengt der einfach fest? 19:38 < th> er haengt nur. 19:38 < clifford> th: kann der kernel /dev/console oeffnen (d.h. hast du im kernel dvfs mit autmoount und /dev directory bzw. ein dev filesystem auf dem root fs)? 19:38 < th> clifford: if (open("/dev/console", O_RDWR, 0) < 0) 19:38 < th> das war erfolgreich 19:38 < th> sonst waere printk("Warning: unable to open an initial console.\n"); 19:38 < th> gekommen 19:38 < th> kein devfs sondern /dev auf rootfs 19:39 < th> koennten da noch mehr devices fehlen? 19:39 < clifford> th: un die major/minor nummern von /dev/console stimmen? 19:39 < th> /dev/ram0 / ext2 defaults 19:39 < th> none /proc proc defaults 19:39 < th> das is die fstab 19:39 < th> crw------- 1 root tty 5, 1 Jan 6 14:45 dev/console 19:39 < tsa> /dev/vc/* ? 19:39 < holyolli> vieleicht mal mit ner statisch gelinkten shell probieren? 19:39 < th> holyolli: die busybox ist statisch gelinkt 19:40 < holyolli> ah 19:40 < clifford> th: en chroot in dein root fs auf deinem develhost kannst du machen? 19:40 < th> tsa: /dev/vc/ is doch nur /dev/tty[0-2] und die sind da 19:40 < th> clifford: ja 19:40 < th> chroot root-dir/ /bin/sh 19:41 < th> dann krieg ich die busybox sh 19:41 < tsa> hm....d.h. das system scheint einigermassen ok zu sein 19:41 < th> vllt fehlt ja auch was im kernel 19:41 < tsa> ramdisk support? ;-) 19:42 < th> <*> RAM disk support 19:43 < th> brauch ich "Sysctl support"? 19:44 < clifford> nicht zum booten und starten des init progs. 19:44 < th> dacht ich ja auch 19:44 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit ("irssi rulezz") 19:44 < rxr> re 19:44 < th> " Loopback device support" aber das muesste auch egal sein 19:44 < th> [*] Initial RAM disk (initrd) support 19:45 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux 19:45 < tsa> hast du eine default-size fuer die ramdisk angegeben? 19:45 < th> 4k 19:45 < th> (4096) Default RAM disk size 19:47 < tsa> benoetigte filesysteme alle? 19:47 < th> [ ] Unix98 PTY support 19:47 < th> hmmm 19:47 < th> tsa: ja. ext2. das rootfs wurde ja auch erfolgreich gemounted 19:47 < tsa> [*] Unix98 PTY support 19:48 < th> ich brauch den PTY support? 19:48 < th> doch nich fuer ne simple sh auf /dev/console? 19:49 < tsa> hm...hier isses an. 19:49 < tsa> ..und ich hatte mal das problem, dass ein sshd keine shell spawnen konnte, weil er keine pty bekam.. 19:49 < th> bei mir ja auch nur auf dem disc-kernel ja nicht 19:50 < tsa> ansonsten faellt mir grad auch nix anderes ein, was mal versuchen koennte... 19:50 < th> thx anyway 19:50 < tsa> np 19:55 -!- l_9_l [~jarod@] has joined #rocklinux 19:57 -!- term_aweh [~pm@beaufort.wyzant.de] has quit ("zz") 20:01 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD9E0ABAE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:01 < hackbard> hi 20:01 < holyolli> hi hackbard 20:01 < hackbard> hi olli! 20:02 < hackbard> how is the alpha port going on? :) 20:03 < l_9_l> hi 20:03 < holyolli> hackbard: *hm* it's going... there were some forgotten alpha-patches, which i now have to rewrite 20:03 < holyolli> hackbard: but all in all, it's fine 20:03 < holyolli> i'm just doing a build-all and waiting for the errors to come... at least there are 3 packages which don't work 20:03 < hackbard> nice to hear that 20:04 < hackbard> 3 packages isnt much :) 20:04 < holyolli> the create-cd works anyway and it produces alpha-bootable cdrom 20:04 < holyolli> +s 20:05 < holyolli> does anybody know how i can make some patches architecture-dependant? 20:05 < hackbard> cool, thast still a prob with the sparc port as far as i read in the mailinglists 20:05 < holyolli> jepp 20:10 < holyolli> clifford? 20:10 < tsa> hm....unter 1.7 isses einfach 20:10 < clifford> ja holyolli 20:10 < tsa> [R] + alpha 20:10 < tsa> aber 1.5.. hm.. 20:11 < holyolli> how can i make patches, which _only_ apply for one arch? 20:11 < clifford> worum geht's (hab' nicht mitgelesen..) 20:11 < clifford> in 1.7 or 1.5 ? 20:11 < holyolli> 1.5 20:12 < tsa> ich glaub 1.5 kann das gar nicht.. 20:12 < tsa> was fuer ein package denn? 20:13 < clifford> in *.conf: [ "$arch" = alpha ] && patchfiles="$patchfiles $confdir/foobar.patch.alpha" 20:13 < clifford> withtig ist halt, das das patch file nicht *.patch heisst, weil es sonst automatisch in patchfile hineingeschrieben wird. 20:13 < holyolli> genau...oki 20:14 < holyolli> tsa: libjpeg und time 20:14 < tsa> hm... 20:14 < clifford> in 1.7 werden automatisch nicht nut *.patch sondern auch *.patch.$arch verwendet. 20:14 < tsa> kannst du nicht nen patch machen, der auf allen architekturen laeuft? 20:15 < holyolli> tsa: nein. weil bei time ne datenstruktur auf alpha schon definiert ist (warum auch immer) und bei intel nicht 20:15 * tsa portiert zwar derzeit nicht, aber irgendwie finde ich den 1.7 tree fuer ports viel schoener als 1.5.x .. 20:15 < holyolli> tsa: das ist richtig. aber ich will erstmal den 1.5er auf alpha machen, damit _irgendeine_ aktuellere version auf alpha tut 20:15 < holyolli> tsa: und der 1.7er hat noch eine menge anderer probleme 20:16 < clifford> holyolli: #ifdef __alpha__ ? 20:16 < tsa> holyolli: ack. man "synergetische effekte". ;-) 20:16 < holyolli> clifford: das ging auch...aber ich dachte im .conf wäre es schöner...oder was meinst du? 20:16 < holyolli> tsa: :-P 20:17 < tsa> holyolli: hm....#ifdef gefaellt mir besser...schoener sauberer patch statt komisches gebastel.. 20:17 < clifford> holyolli: auch wenn man den patch nur bei alpha applied - sollte man ihn trozdem so schreiben das er portabel ist. 20:17 < holyolli> okay 20:26 < tsa> clifford: btw...da you already have any plans regarding ia-32 vs. ia-64 ? 20:26 < tsa> we'll probably need different [R]-tags.. 20:26 < rxr> ia-64 is an own arch 20:26 < clifford> tsa: no. ia-64 will be just another port. 20:26 < tsa> hm....ok 20:27 < rxr> ia-32 has more in common with x86-64 than with ia-64 ... 20:28 < tsa> [C] x111/game 20:28 < tsa> interesting category ;) 20:28 < rxr> ;-) 20:30 < tsa> fixed. 20:30 * tsa 'cvs up -d'ing .. 20:31 < clifford> hmmm .. die deps passen noch nicht so ganz ... 20:32 < clifford> z.bsp.: gcc3 ist von ueber 150 pkgs abhaenig - darunter z.bsp. xine, xpdf und sane-backends .. 20:32 < bluefire> Does any of you know a way to make the preprocesser expand #define foo(a,b) (a)+(b) to a+b instead of (a)+(b)? 20:32 < tsa> clifford: hm... Check-PkgFormat macht noch nen bissel mist: 20:33 < tsa> CHANGELOG: File not found: package/sourceforge/CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG.desc 20:33 < clifford> #define foo(a,b) (a+b) ? 20:33 < tsa> CVS: File not found: package/sourceforge/CVS/CVS.desc 20:33 < tsa> das sollte er ignorieren.. 20:34 < tsa> alternativ CHANGELOG und CVS/ aus den snapshots excluden.. 20:34 < tsa> hm.. 20:35 < clifford> tsa: nein - lt. entwicklerdoku gehoert das ignoriert. files und directoryies die mit grossbuchstaben anfangen muessen ignoriert werden (zumindest hab ich's so im HACKING-HOWTO festgehalten). 20:35 < tsa> th: bist du da? 20:36 < th> tsa: ack 20:36 < tsa> fein. 20:36 < clifford> tsa: aehm - er ignoriert es eh. 20:36 < holyolli> gnarf. 20:37 < tsa> licq-snapshot - [C]-Tag ist kaputt.. 20:37 < tsa> [M] Tobias Hintze 20:37 < tsa> licq-snapshot: Unknown package category: network/icq 20:37 < clifford> (ausser du ruftst ihn mit z.bsp. "./scripts/Check-PkgFormat CVS" auf 20:37 < th> tsa: sag mir ne andere category 20:38 < tsa> th: bei licq hast du [C] kde/chat 20:38 < th> das war ich nicht 20:38 < clifford> such' dir eine (oder mehrere) aus: https://www.rocklinux.org/sources/Documentation/Developers/PKG-CATEGORIES 20:38 < th> und stimmt auch nicht 20:38 < rxr> as war ich ... 20:39 < th> rxr: was hat licq mit kde zu tun? 20:39 < th> rxr: und wiedermal fehlte die info 20:39 < rxr> es ist qt ... 20:39 < tsa> hm....dann einigt euch bitte fuer beide pkg's auf eine category.. 20:39 < th> rxr: und? 20:39 < rxr> welche info? 20:39 < th> die info ueber deine aenderung an den package maintainer 20:39 < rxr> wir wollten nicht tausende categories haben 20:39 < clifford> th: ist lt. pjotr prins nicht notwendig.. 20:39 < th> tsa: wo stehen gueltige categorien? 20:39 < rxr> also ist alles gt+ gnome 20:39 < rxr> und alles qt kde ... 20:40 < th> clifford: nichtmal ne information? 20:41 < rxr> th: ?? Ich habe > 700 errors in den .desc dateien gefixt! Bei vielen sogar noch web-praesenz, lizenz, ... herausgesucht. Das schreibe ich bestimmt nicht jedem author ... 20:41 < clifford> th: nein - da gab's einen riesen streit auf der liste bzg. unmaintained packages - und der letzte stand ist das lt. pjotr jeder machen kann was er will. Mann kan ja immer noch rollbacken und auserdem ist das so viel mer bazaar-like ... (keine ahnung) 20:41 < th> rxr: aber kde/chat ist jawohl unpassend fuer licq. 20:42 < hackbard> licq ist unpassend :) 20:42 < th> tsa: und warum ist network/icq nicht existent? wodurch sind packages existent? 20:42 < rxr> ist instant messaging nicht => chat ?? 20:42 < th> hackbard: psst 20:42 < clifford> th: die cat liste hab' ich gerade gepostet - ist teil der developer docu und wurde ueber eine woche lang auf der liste besprochen .. 20:42 < th> rxr: chat wuerde gerade noch gehen. aber kde 20:42 < th> clifford: ok 20:42 < rxr> wenn wir noch gt+ qt fltk, ... einfuehren haben wir bald tausend categorieren 20:42 < th> clifford: sagste mal ein genaues datum von dem posting der liste damit ichs schnell finde? 20:43 < rxr> warum nicht einfach ? 20:43 < tsa> hm...ploetzlich alle verstorben? 20:43 < clifford> th: was ist es dann? console/chat wohl kaum .. 20:43 < tsa> ist so ruhig.. 20:43 < clifford> th: moment .. 20:43 < rxr> ausserdem kannst du bei vielen progs gar nicth sagen ob sie kde oder qt sind 20:43 < rxr> bei manchen kannst du kde abstellen - manche benutzen es nur halb ... 20:44 < rxr> bei Gnome ist das noch schlimmer ... 20:44 < rxr> Abiword? 20:44 < th> rxr: ich warum muss man die software denn nach der API einteilen und nicht nach der funktion? 20:44 < tsa> rxr: dann bitte im zweifelsfall ne liste der geaenderten packages an die liste, dann kann jeder selber in seinen packages nachsehen.. 20:44 < rxr> ist nicht gnome - wird aber von den Gnome leuten unter GNOME / Office aufgefuehrt ... 20:44 < rxr> ES GIBT NE CVS CHAGE MAILING LISTE 20:45 < tsa> naja, alles qt-zeug nach kde, alles gtk-zeug nach gnome ist irgendwie auch komisch.. 20:45 < rxr> da sind aber kaum welche drauf ... 20:45 < tsa> aehm...wo is die? 20:45 < rxr> pjotr intern? ;-) 20:45 < rxr> (keine ahnung ...) 20:45 < clifford> th: das erste mail ist vom 31.12.2001 17:42: https://www.rocklinux.org/mailing-list/rock-linux/2001-12/245.html 20:45 < clifford> Dahinter gibt's einen ziemlich langen thread .. 20:46 < rxr> Deise Personen scheinen auf der LIste zu sein (wo immer die auch ist): 20:46 < rxr> To: hobbel@users.sourceforge.net, pjotrp@users.sourceforge.net, 20:46 < rxr> rrebe@users.sourceforge.net, stefanp@users.sourceforge.net 20:46 < clifford> https://www.rocklinux.net/search/search.cgi?q=CATEGORIES 20:47 < tsa> rxr: hm....du stehst da drauf - wie bist du da darauf gekommen? 20:47 < rxr> tsa: keine ahnung - nach der sf diskussion war ich da aufeinmal drauf ... 20:47 < SMP> Leute .. 20:47 < rxr> warum nach gnome und kde sortiert? 20:47 < SMP> RTFM 20:48 < tsa> SMP: $MANPATH? 20:48 < SMP> $CVSROOT/package/README 20:48 < rxr> weil das der kleinste gemeinsame nenner ist ... 20:48 < tsa> thx. 20:49 * SMP wundert sich doch ziemlich wer alles _keine_ CVS notifies bekommt ... 20:49 < rxr> warum nicht nach funktion? Weil die categories hauptsaechlich fuer die targets zum filtern gedacht sind ... - und die user eh eher interessiert welche oberflaeche das packaet hat ... 20:49 < th> SMP: ;) 20:50 < clifford> SMP: pjotr hat gesagt er setzt mich auf die liste - hat das dann aber nie getan .. 20:50 < SMP> selbst ist der Hacker ;) 20:50 < SMP> soll ich? ;> 20:50 < clifford> auserdem kann man ja auch */chat selektieren .. 20:51 < clifford> SMP: bitte nicht - i ch bekomm so schon genug junk mail .. :-) 20:51 < SMP> oh bitte nicht nach gnome / kde / x11 / console .. 20:51 < tsa> cvs server: Rebuilding administrative file database 20:51 < rxr> wonach dann? 20:51 < tsa> ok, done. 20:51 < SMP> mag nich jemand mal nen dummen User testen, womit er sich besser zurechtfindet? 20:52 < rxr> ausserdem habe wir das vor 4 monaten diskutiert ... *wunder* 20:52 < clifford> Aaarg! Diese liste ist ueber 4 monate alt und wurde ueber einen laengeren zeitraum hinweg auf der mailing liste diskutiert .. 20:52 < SMP> Moment .. 20:52 < SMP> es ging dabei nicht um die Kategorien fuer user. IIRC 20:52 < SMP> hmm ja 20:53 < rxr> SMP: was ist mit dummen usern ??? 20:53 < clifford> SMP: um welche denn? es gibt nur eine art von kategorien ... 20:53 < clifford> Ausserdem: Wir sind ROCK Linux - was kuemmern mich die dummen user??? :-) 20:53 < tsa> .oO( Popcorn! ) 20:53 < tsa> clifford: ACK! ;-) 20:53 < SMP> ich hatte vorher mal ein System angefangen, aber Rene hatte seine Version vorher zur Sprache gebracht 20:53 < SMP> egal. 20:53 < hackbard> mal ne frage zum cluster build. wieviel prozent (schaetztung) muss/wird sequentiell gebaut? 20:54 < SMP> clifford: ich habe das grad halb mit den repositories verwechselt 20:54 < clifford> hackbard: auf einen cluster mit wie vielen nodes? 20:54 < rxr> SMP: wie wolltest du das denn sortieren? 20:54 < hackbard> 2 *g 20:54 < clifford> SMP: ok. alles klar .. :-) 20:54 < th> clifford: wo finde ich das ergebnis der cat-diskussiont? also die finale liste? 20:54 < hackbard> ich nehem an, dei sollten von der gleichen arch sein. 20:55 < clifford> hackbard: das ist nicht viel - es gibt ein tool um das zu simulieren... 20:55 < tsa> th: Documetation/Developers/PKG-CATEGORIES 20:55 < rxr> tsa: die muss aber nochmal einwenig gefixt werden ... 20:55 < rxr> alles categories sollten im plural sein ... 20:55 < clifford> hackbard: warte mal kurz - ich lad' den snapshot hoch - dann zeig ich dir's .. 20:55 < hackbard> amdahl schaetzt da auch ganz schoen grosszuegig ab, meien leistung is nicht gleich verteilt -> leistungssteigerung << 1/sqe-anteil :( 20:56 < th> th.segfault ~/dev/rock-1.5 > cat Documentation/Developers/PKG-CATEGORIES 20:56 < th> FIXME 20:56 < hackbard> clifford: cool, danke. 20:56 < SMP> rxr: nach Funktion (und erst dann nach UI etc.). ich meine user suchen ein Programm zuerst nach seiner Funktion und erst dann nach UI. schliesslich kommt Funktion als erster Gedanke ('ich brauch ein Programm zum XYZ zu machen' und nicht 'ich will mal ein neunes {KDE,Gnome} Programm installieren') 20:56 < clifford> hackbard: ok - das ist schlecht. Am besten verwendest du dann nicht den ROCK Linux eigenen job scheduler sondern einen externen der jobs die laenger brauchen auf dem schnelleren rechner ausfuehrt. 20:56 < th> SMP: ACK 20:57 < SMP> letztlich _sollte_ es bei einer guten Distribution dann egal sein welches UI das Programm verwendet 20:57 < rxr> SMP: Die meisten wollen aber nur Console oder nur Gnome oder nur KDE ... ausserdem kannst du dir ja (im installer?) *chat* anzeigen lassen uns schauen was dir am besten gefaellt ... 20:57 < SMP> es muss eben funktionieren 20:58 < SMP> rxr: ja die Moeglichkeit ist mir klar 20:58 < clifford> rxr: oder besser */chat .. 20:58 * SMP zweifelt 20:58 < tsa> rxr: hm....wer plant die aenderungen der categories? 20:58 < tsa> rxr: bzw. wer macht das? 20:58 < rxr> plannen? wir hier .. 20:58 < tsa> ok. 20:58 < clifford> SMP: geht ja jetzt im build-system config auch so .. 20:58 < SMP> aber egal. ich kann das ja einfach in meinem tree das so aendern wie ich will ;>> 20:58 < rxr> ich kann die mal editieren und die *.desc duch sed durchpipen ... 20:59 < th> gibt es x11/ noch? 20:59 < tsa> th: jupp. 20:59 * clifford freuht' sich auf den patch - bitte keine filses > 5 MB per mail an mich schicken .. 20:59 < th> aber auch x11/chat waere unpassend 21:00 < rxr> ich kann dir ja das sed script schicken *g* 21:00 < th> denn licq (und licq ist nicht das einzige) liefert die FUNKTION mit mehreren UIs 21:00 < tsa> rxr: vorschlag - wir machen das genau jetzt, clifford baut es ein und released nen neuen snapshot + mail an die liste, jeder soll seine packages checken.. 21:00 < th> z.b. console/gtk/qt 21:00 < rxr> ich moechte wirklich ungern gtk+ und qt haben ... 21:00 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has quit ("Connection reset by telekom") 21:00 < th> dann muesste licq in console/chat kde/chat gnome/chat auftauchen 21:00 < clifford> rxr: wenn du sowas machst, sag's mir bitte vorher. Wenn ich parallel die *.desc mit einem script umformatiere applied dann der patch nicht mehr .. 21:01 < SMP> th: das schlimme ist --- das geht sogar! ;) 21:01 < tsa> SMP: hehe.. 21:01 < th> SMP: aber ist es sinnvoll? 21:01 < rxr> wieso muss licq in alle categorien? 21:01 < SMP> dass das geht, ja. IMHO. das so zu sortieren, nein. aber ich wiederhole mich ;> 21:02 < th> rxr: weil es sowohl instant messaging fuer console, gtk und qt liefert 21:02 < clifford> SMP: natuerlich geht das - war ja ein grundgedanke bei den cat. das ein package in bel vielen (aber min. einem) sein kann ... 21:02 < rxr> kann das main teil nicht nur qt - und der rest sind plugins? 21:02 < th> clifford: geht das auch auf dem 1.5er tree? wie geb ich mehrere categoriern an? 21:02 < clifford> th: im 1.5er tree gibt es keine categories. 21:03 * SMP ist fuer eine zusaetzliche Abstraktionsebene bei den categories *VEG* 21:03 < rxr> th: habe die 1.5 cat ueberhaupt einen nutzen?? 21:03 < rxr> ahh 21:03 < th> # [C] network/icq 21:03 * clifford schlaegt SMP. 21:03 < th> clifford: wie nennt man sowas? 21:03 < clifford> th: ein flag das von den scripten nicht verwendet wird. 21:03 < rxr> nicht benutze komentare ;-) ? 21:03 < clifford> rxr: nein - *.ext files ... :-) 21:04 < th> nun. dann sind mir die categorien im moment egal und wir koennen alle [C] lines komplett aus 1.5 entfernen 21:04 < SMP> clifford: $ROCKCFG_UPSIDEDOWN vs. $ROCKCFG_DOWNSIDEUP 21:04 * clifford ist froh das es die in 1.7 nicht mehr gibt. 21:04 < SMP> ;->> 21:04 < rxr> clifford: ich weiss ... 21:04 < th> wodurch wir wieder redundantes maintainen haben 21:04 < SMP> OpenOffice installer funktioniert auf grandiose Weise nicht 21:04 < SMP> super! 21:04 < rxr> th: wenn wir einmal aufraemen .... 21:05 < th> rxr: das main teil kann garnichts. und dann gibt es qt und consolen und andere plugins 21:05 < rxr> th: dann kommt licq nach libraries/chat ... 21:05 < rxr> und die plugins einzeln nach gnome kde ... 21:05 < SMP> libraries/ *heul* .. 21:05 < th> rxr: jo. und willst du die plugins dann in extra packages packen? 21:05 < clifford> SMP: Ich bin mehr fuer $ROCKCFG_FLIP_X_AXIS, $ROCKCFG_FLIP_Y_AXIS und $ROCKCFG_FLIP_Z_AXIS 21:05 < rxr> SMP: WAS ???? 21:05 < SMP> aber lassen wir das .. 21:06 < th> rxr: das ist krank 21:06 < clifford> SMP: die wuerden wenigstens alle was anderes machen .. :-) 21:06 < tsa> th: ACK ;) 21:06 < SMP> clifford: *lach* 21:06 < rxr> th: was ist daran denn ktrank ? 21:06 < SMP> rxr: und was ist wenn eine 'library' ein Demo-Programm enthaelt? ;) 21:06 < th> rxr: wenn ich mir ein licq installiere dann moechte ich es auf einmal mit mehreren plugins installieren und die dann per licq waehlen koennen 21:07 < rxr> aller moeglicher stuff enthaehllt demos ... 21:07 < th> rxr: ausserdem ist das pure licq keine library 21:07 < rxr> und die bligx enthaehllt auch progs ... 21:07 < SMP> ach egal.. categories sind fuer luser 21:07 < rxr> trotzdem bleibt die glic ne lib ... 21:07 * SMP waehlt sowieso alle pkg einzeln aus ;> 21:07 * tsa faengt gleich an, allen paketen, die man-pages mitbringen, noch ein '[C] documentation/irgendwas' zu verpassen ;) 21:07 < rxr> th: was denn nun ? *wunder mehr* 21:07 < SMP> tsa: *giggle* 21:07 < th> tsa: hehe 21:08 < clifford> SMP: dan komm es zusaetzlich nach console/libdemo, x11/libdemo, oder was auch immer :-) 21:08 < th> rxr: licq ohne plugins ist ein programm welches nicht nutzbar ist. 21:08 * SMP erschlaegt clifford ;p 21:08 < th> hehe 21:08 < rxr> th: wenn die zu doof sind ne richtige lib zu schreiben 21:08 < tsa> sorry....aber IMHO sollte ein paket optimalerweise in _1_ kategorie sein, wenn es nicht anders geht, auch in 2 oder 3....aber bitte nicht in 20. 21:08 < clifford> SMP: jetzt stell dir mal vor das demo programm kann 'dialog' und kompatible fuer die GUI verwenden .. :-) 21:08 < rxr> was kann ich dafuer ... ? 21:08 < th> rxr: warum sollten sie? sie haben dafuer ja plugins. 21:08 < rxr> tsa: ACK!!! 21:08 < tsa> einfaches beispiel. 21:08 < tsa> licq. 21:09 < tsa> hat graphische oberflaeche. 21:09 < tsa> worauf beruht die? 21:09 < rxr> tsa: das sorum zu programmieren ist krank ... 21:09 < tsa> gtk / qt / ? 21:09 < th> gibts beides 21:09 < tsa> ok. 21:09 < tsa> dann eben x11/ 21:09 < tsa> x11/chat klingt passend. 21:09 < th> und es gibt ne consolen UI 21:09 < tsa> egal. 21:09 < th> tsa: ack. aber nicht perfekt wegen console 21:09 * SMP wuerde x11/ nicht anfassen, weil da vermutlich so Zeug wie xfig verrottet ;> 21:09 < rxr> WWWWOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! 21:10 < rxr> SMP: hehe 21:10 < tsa> th: ethereal bringt auch nen tethereal mit. soll es deswegen gleich auch in consolte/irgendwo ? 21:10 < tsa> -t 21:10 < th> tsa: in welcher ist es jetzt? 21:10 < rxr> tsa: die plugins koennen doch einzelne packete sein !!! 21:11 < tsa> [C] gnome/network 21:11 < tsa> wegen gtk 21:11 < clifford> xfig ist cool! eine echt schoene xawt app .. sowas wird heute garnicht mehr programmiert! :-) 21:11 < th> tsa: imho ist das krank 21:11 < tsa> *seufz* 21:11 < rxr> LASST UND DIE PACKETE EINFACH (!!!) NACH DER HAUPTFUNKTION SORTIEREN 21:11 < tsa> th: schon wieder: ACK. 21:11 < rxr> clifford: zum glueck ... 21:11 < th> rxr: huch. und das von dir? 21:11 < tsa> rxr: jajajaja - alles wo grafisch und bunt nach x11/*. 21:11 < rxr> wenn es ein gtk+ plugin gibt kommt das nach gnome ... 21:11 < th> rxr: die haupt funktion von licq ist imho "im oder chat" 21:12 < rxr> wenn ne lib beispiele hat - who cares ? 21:12 < tsa> dann evtl weiter nach kde/* oder gnome/* 21:12 < SMP> rxr hat eine interessante Definition von 'Hauptfunktion' .. 21:12 < clifford> was aber mach' ich, wenn ich einfach alles installieren will, was gnome ist - egal welche funktion das jetzt hat. 21:12 < th> communication/im/licq 21:12 < rxr> tsa: hat licq nun ne oberflaeche oder nicht= 21:12 < tsa> clifford: select */* 21:12 < tsa> ;) 21:12 < SMP> clifford: ne neue Festplatte kaufen ;> 21:12 < tsa> rxr: es hat offenbar eine. und die ist bunt. 21:13 < tsa> rxr: also x11/*, kde/* oder gnome/* 21:13 < clifford> mach ich dann select x11/gnome/* ? 21:13 < rxr> gnome kann auch im framebuffer 21:13 < tsa> rxr: es ist weder kde- noch gnome-spezifisch. daher x11/* 21:13 < rxr> genauso wie kde ... 21:13 < th> clifford: vielleicht sollte sowas wie licq sowohl in gnome also auch in communication/im 21:13 < rxr> STOP 21:14 < SMP> ja? 21:14 < th> clifford: die zugehoerigkeit zu gnome ist dann eine art flag, dass es installiert wird wenn man alles von gnome will 21:14 < rxr> das haellt man ja nicht aus ... 21:14 < tsa> hihi 21:14 < clifford> ich glaube, ein problem ist das man immer annimmt, das der teil vor dem slash die haup- und der tail nach dem slash die unterkat. ist. 21:14 < SMP> rxr: dito. was ist dein Argument 21:14 < SMP> ? 21:14 < SMP> clifford: ja. wo ist das ein Problem? 21:15 < rxr> wann gab es neue .mpg's ;-) 21:15 < th> clifford: sind die cats hierar. gedacht? 21:15 < clifford> Und das trifft einfach nicht zu. der teil vor dem slash ist die gui (bzw. server und lib fuer gui-less) und der teil nachher ist das aufgabengebiet. 21:15 < SMP> clifford: *aua* 21:15 < tsa> clifford: hm... 21:15 < th> clifford: achso?? 21:15 < SMP> nungut .. 21:15 < tsa> dann sollte evtl gnome/* und kde/* zu x11/gnome/* bzw. x11/kde/* werden.. 21:15 < clifford> wir koennten's auch umdrehen ... :-) 21:15 < th> clifford: das war mir neu... ich hatte es immer als eine art hierarchie der funktion gesehen 21:15 < SMP> ein perl script einmal ueber die sourcen gejagt wird's richten .. 21:16 < SMP> clifford: *ARGH* ;>> 21:16 < clifford> tsa: wenn wird x11/gnome/* machen ist es wieder eine hirachie .. 21:16 < clifford> .. un das soll's ja nicht sein. 21:16 * rxr wech 21:16 < SMP> welches UI hat dann eine GTK Skin? 21:16 < tsa> hm... 21:17 < tsa> SMP: all/all 21:17 < tsa> ;) 21:17 < th> vielleicht sollte es einfach eine auflistung geben statt foo/bar 21:17 < rxr> SMP: gnome/themes ... 21:17 < clifford> SMP: ich weiss schon das es schwierig ist grenzen zwischen X11, GNOME und KDE zu ziehen. 21:17 < tsa> rxr: aber es ist kein gnome-theme. 21:17 < th> gnome,kde,console/funktion 21:17 < rxr> aber ein theme fuer die gui lib auf der gnome basiert ... 21:17 < clifford> Aber das ist es immer. - Is 'yabasic' ein spiel oder eine programmiersprache ? 21:17 < SMP> rxr: die Skin an sich hat doch gar kein 'GUI' 21:18 < rxr> habe ich das gesagt ? 21:18 < SMP> clifford: ;-)) 21:18 < th> a,b,c/x,y,z erlaubt mehrere UIs 21:18 < SMP> rxr: wenn's aber keins hat, gehoert es nicht in gnome/, weil clifford als erste Komponente das GUI definiert hat 21:18 < clifford> SMP: die skins nach library/ zu stellen ist pervers - obwohl es von der funktion genau zutreffen wuerde. 21:18 < SMP> clifford: ebend! nackend! 21:18 < rxr> es hat aber ein GUI zu dem es passt 21:19 < SMP> das ganze Konzept ist pervers :-} 21:19 < rxr> oder kannst du es in qt oder xaw reintuen ? 21:19 < th> was spricht dagegen einem paket mehr als eine UI zuzuordnen? 21:19 < rxr> th: nichts! 21:19 < SMP> th: nix 21:19 < tsa> hm....ok. 21:19 < th> warum dann nicht gnome,kde,console/chat 21:20 < tsa> opera - wohin? 21:20 < clifford> SMP: find' ich nicht. Wenn skins technisch als alternative windowmanager realisiert wearen, dann gehrten si ja auch nach gnome/. 21:20 < rxr> tsa: wenn qt dann -> kde 21:20 < th> x11/browser 21:20 < SMP> *ugh* 21:20 < clifford> (und fuer den luser ist ein skin ja so ziemlich das gleiche wie ein alternativer wm) 21:20 < th> x11/browser,mua 21:20 < tsa> rxr: noe - ist statisch gelinkt :-PPP 21:20 < rxr> na und ? 21:20 < clifford> hackbard: noch da? (wg. cluster) 21:20 < tsa> und kde isses auch nich. 21:21 < rxr> tsa: wiillst du jetzt noch static-kde/adsfasdf 21:21 < rxr> dynamic-kde/sdfkdsajf einfuehren ? 21:21 < th> clifford: dann muesste natuerlich ein mechanismus her diese a,b,c/foo aufzuloesen so dass du alles was b ist selektieren kannst 21:21 < rxr> dann nennen wir hallt zu not kde -> qt und gnome -> gtk+ 21:21 < tsa> rxr: noe. das war nur ein beispiel. 21:21 < SMP> was hat qt so sehr mit kde zu tun? 21:21 < th> versteh ich auch nich 21:21 < tsa> wenn ich hinterher gnome/* installiere weil ich kde nich mag, krieg ich keinen opera. 21:22 < clifford> bitte nicht! gnome/ und kde/ ist schon genug! 21:22 < SMP> eine qt-only app ist so sehr kde wie eine gtk-only app 21:22 < rxr> clifford: DANKE! 21:22 < th> tsa: wenn opera in gnome,kde/browser landet schon! 21:22 < tsa> die assoziation qt-kde bzw gtk-gnome ist falsch, IMHO. 21:22 * SMP schuettelt sein Haupt 21:22 < tsa> th: dann kann ich es auch gleich in x11/browser packen. 21:22 < clifford> th: man 3 glob 21:22 < rxr> ach packt es doch hin wo ihr wollt 21:23 < SMP> rxr: uh-oh 21:23 * rxr erstelle ein post-update sed/awk script das sachen fixt ... 21:23 < SMP> rxr: /me too 21:23 < th> clifford: es waere kein thema sowas zu implementieren, ich weiss 21:23 < SMP> th: es _ist_ implementiert 21:23 < clifford> es geht doch darum, das man die dinge findet. Es ist genau so sinnlos fuer jedes package eine eigene cat zu schaffen (damit sie auch wirklich dort hin gehoert) wie alle packages in eine grosse cat zu legen. 21:23 < th> SMP: du willst auf multiple categories raus? 21:24 * rxr fetchmail 21:24 < SMP> th: glob an dieser Stelle ist implementiert. 21:25 < SMP> oder wird definitv implementiert. 21:25 < SMP> das macht auch unabhaengig vom cat.-layout Sinn 21:25 < rxr> glob was? 21:25 < SMP> *gnn* 21:25 < clifford> rxr: pattern matching 21:26 < tsa> rxr: globbing eben. 21:26 < th> ok, dann macht es sinn dinge wie licq per glob oder wie auch immer in mehr als nur kde/chat zu stecken, weil es ja auch eben console/chat ist 21:26 < rxr> th stop nochmal 21:27 < rxr> du sagtest licy hat kein gui ?? 21:27 < rxr> was denn nun ? 21:27 < tsa> btw....will vielleicht irgendwer [M] fuer opera machen? 21:27 < rxr> die plugins koennen doch dann in die verschiedenen GUIs sortiert werden ... 21:27 * SMP will dev/null ;> 21:27 < th> rxr: licq ist ein paket welches ein licq-programm enthaelt. ausserdem sind plugins mit distributed die die UIs dazu liefern 21:27 < tsa> lol. 21:27 * rxr schuettel 21:28 < rxr> th: kann mal mehrere enablen? sind die qt gtk teile nicht einzeln erhaeltich ? 21:28 < clifford> rxr: bitte nicht jetzt bei jeder gelegenheit ein package in tausend su-packages fuer plugins, skins, doc, headers, etc. zerlegen (sonst verzweifle ich und starte ein neues projekt - z.bsp. rennschnecken zuechten :-) 21:28 < th> drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Mar 16 07:45 auto-reply 21:28 < th> drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 May 7 10:22 console 21:28 < th> drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Mar 16 07:45 jons-gtk-gui 21:28 < th> drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 May 7 10:19 qt-gui 21:29 < th> drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Mar 16 07:45 rms 21:29 < SMP> koennen wir uns bitte wenigstens darauf einigen, qt-only oder gtk-only Apps _nicht_ nach gnome/ bzw. kde/ zu sortieren? 21:29 < th> das sind 5 plugins die per default mit licq mitkommen 21:29 < rxr> clifford: cool ich mach mit ? 21:29 < rxr> soll ich mal in Berlin suchen gehen *g* 21:29 < SMP> wenn ich kde/* selecte will ich eine komplettes KDE-Env., aber sicher keinen Opera 21:30 < rxr> SMP: dann wuerde ich gnome liber nach gtk und kde nach qt umbenennen ... 21:30 < clifford> rxr: wenn wir die schnecken an elektroden anschliessen und eine effektkette dranhaengen koennen wir viwelleicht sogar alternativ-musik mit ihnen machen ... :-) 21:30 < th> hehe 21:30 < tsa> lol 21:30 < rxr> hohrt sicht gut an (hofft das keine Tierschuetzer mitlesen ) 21:31 < SMP> rxr: das versteht wieder keiner und das ist IMHO auch genau gar keine Art von 'Einordnung' 21:31 < SMP> noch Meinungen? 21:31 < rxr> SMP: ich will auf meinem rechner keine Gnome muell haben ... 21:31 < clifford> SMP: was ist mit "halb gnome" bzw. "halb kde" apps? Z.bsp. ein prog das libgtk und libxml verwendet. 21:31 < rxr> und anderen suchen sich Progs lieber aus console raus ... 21:31 < SMP> clifford: x11/ 21:31 < rxr> libxml ist weder gnome noch kde ... 21:32 < rxr> das benutzen beide und gehvhrt nach library/text oder so ... 21:32 < SMP> gnome/ qualifiziert sich linken gegen libgnome*, fuer kde linken gegen libkde* 21:32 < SMP> libgnome? heisst das so? 21:32 < clifford> SMP: dann wuerdest du also auch libxml nach x11/ und nicht nach gnome/ schieben? 21:32 < rxr> SMP: moeglich 21:32 * praenti wieder dqa 21:32 < SMP> clifford: hat libxml ein GUI? 21:33 < rxr> libxml geohoert weder in x11 noch in gnome 21:33 < praenti> rxr: sortiert ihr die pakete neu ein? 21:33 < clifford> hat libgnome eine gui? 21:33 < rxr> hilfe! 21:33 < SMP> *LOL* 21:33 < clifford> es _gehoert_ zu einer gui. 21:33 < tsa> aber nen binary: usr/bin/xml-config 21:33 * tsa grinst 21:33 < rxr> clifford: was gehohrt zu einem GUI, libxml ??? 21:33 < clifford> genau - wir brauchen ja noch console/lib-config ... 21:34 < clifford> rxr: es gehoert zu gnome .. 21:34 * rxr muff 21:34 < SMP> was soll lib-config sein? 21:34 < rxr> Fazit: alles belibt wie es ist ;-) 21:34 < rxr> clifford: NEIN! 21:34 < SMP> libxmle gehoert zu gnome wie alsa zum Kernel .. 21:34 < rxr> SMP: ???? 21:34 < SMP> naemlich nur sehr weit entfernt 21:35 < rxr> libxml ist in libraries/text 21:35 < rxr> PUNKT 21:35 < clifford> ich kenne kein nicht-gnome prog das libxml verwendet.. 21:35 < tsa> komischer punkt. 21:35 < rxr> kde 21:35 < rxr> diverse console stuff 21:35 < SMP> libraries/text? warum nicht libraries/markup? ;> 21:36 < SMP> uebrigens kann man PHP gegen den (XML parser aus) QT linken... 21:36 < rxr> SMP: wenn du die ab jetze alle sortierst und verwalltest gerne ... 21:36 < th> clifford: also ich verwende libxml in eigenen programmen 21:36 < SMP> haben wir dann kde/php ?! 21:36 < rxr> SMP: wenn du das willst ;-) 21:37 < SMP> abgesehen davon ist php ein Fall fuer dev/null ;> 21:37 < th> aber php kann doch jetz auch irgendwie gtk *wunder* 21:37 < rxr> grep libxml package/*/*/*.cache 21:37 < SMP> genau! php-gtk 21:37 < th> SMP: ack ;) 21:37 < tsa> th: und es kann pdf's bauen.. 21:37 < th> tsa: jo 21:37 < tsa> php-kde-gtk-pdf-php? 21:37 < huebi> *lol* 21:37 < rxr> clifford: die categories siffen ... 21:38 < huebi> re 21:38 < rxr> package/base/isdn4k-utils/isdn4k-utils.cache:[DEP] lesstif libglade libole2 librep librsvg libsigc++ libtool libxml2 21:38 < rxr> ??? 21:38 < SMP> *hoe hoe* 21:38 < clifford> rxr: ok - ich glaub's ja ... :-) 21:38 < rxr> ach ja - ich erinnere mich das prob ist bekannt 21:38 < rxr> ls -l /usr/bin 21:38 < rxr> oder so ... 21:39 < rxr> also fazit? 21:39 < clifford> rxr: ls nicht, weil das die readdir und stat ausfuehrt ... 21:39 < rxr> stimmt 21:40 * huebi geht mal da dran, die U30 mit ROCK Linux 1.5.12 zu versehen. 21:40 < clifford> rxr: zu den deps muss ich mir aber noch so manches einfallen lassen ... 21:40 < rxr> huebi: hasst du von der U5 neuigkeiten gehoehert 21:40 < praenti> huebi: hast du mein zeugs schon probiert? 21:41 < praenti> huebi: oder besser renes 21:41 < rxr> hatte die illusion die feiertage eine zu haben :-( 21:41 < huebi> rxr: kannst du haben :-) 21:41 < rxr> huebi: was? 21:41 < clifford> ... durch die zu vielen deps gibts beim builden auf clustern mit ueber 100 nodes ein paar troubles ... (laut Create-ParaSim :-) 21:41 < SMP> wie bringt man den OpenOffice Installer zum funktionieren? ;) 21:41 < rxr> SMP: keine ahnung 21:41 < huebi> SMP: ??? 21:41 < rxr> SMP: bei mir haben sich auch schon dRock leute beschwert das der nicht tut ... 21:41 < praenti> SMP: ich hatte auch probleme damit 21:42 < SMP> super! ich bin nicht allein! 21:42 * rxr downloading oo 21:42 < clifford> SMP: sag' mirs wenn du's weisst (ich hab' das vile hier liegen - aber noch nichts damit gemacht :-) 21:42 < huebi> Hier funtionierts schon immer voellig problemlos. 21:42 < SMP> huebi: auch der 1.0er?! 21:42 < SMP> ein frueherer hat bei mir in der Tat noch funktioniert 21:43 < rxr> SMP: dieses file: OOo_1.0.0_LinuxIntel_install.tar.gz 21:43 < rxr> ? 21:43 < SMP> jo 21:43 < huebi> OpenOffice.org642 21:44 < SMP> huebi: *gnn* 21:44 < SMP> 642 < 1.0 21:44 < rxr> huebi: was wolltest du mir ein paar zeilen weiter oben sagen? 21:44 -!- l_9_l [~jarod@] has left #rocklinux () 21:45 < huebi> Viel lieber waere mir das Monster mal fertig compiliert zu bekommen. 21:46 < huebi> rxr: Ich habe hier 1x U5 und 1x U30. Du kannst gerne einen Login bekommen auf der U5 21:46 < SMP> ARGH! 21:46 < SMP> SIGSEGV 21:46 < rxr> hm ja hm 21:47 < SMP> und mit einem monstroesen und fehlerhaften sighandler aufgefangen 21:47 < SMP> und dann _exit(09 21:47 < SMP> _exit(0) halt 21:47 < rxr> huebi: login habe ich auf Mike'S U5 auch ... - aber nen ROCK build kann man kaum als user bauen ... 21:47 < SMP> *heul* 21:47 < huebi> rxr: root login.? 21:48 < rxr> ?? willst du wirklich? 21:48 < rxr> Viel mehr wuerde mich interessieren wan Ripclaws U5 hier ankommt ;-) 21:48 < huebi> rxr: Armijn hat auch einen. 21:48 < rxr> s/wan/wann/ 21:48 < rxr> huebi: Hm ;-) 21:48 < huebi> rxr: ripclaw ist genau so ueberarbeitet wie ich. 21:49 < huebi> rxr: Das braucht einfach noch seine Zeit. 21:49 < rxr> huebi: als erstes wuerde ich mir die diversen gcc und egcs und kernel versionen auschauen um zu sehen was fuer ein Mischmasch das ist ... 21:49 < huebi> Und dann gab's hier noch ueberall, oehm, Probleme mit dem anderen Gesclecht... 21:51 < tsa> hehe 21:51 < SMP> SEGFAULTE NICHT, DUMMES DING! 21:51 < huebi> rxr: Ich muss jetzt nur noch mein nfs-home unmountbar machen auf der U5 und dann steht dem root login eigendlich nichts mehr im weg. 21:52 < rxr> huebi: nicht noetig - ich ware noch ... 21:52 < rxr> huebi: und kompiliere schonmal nen paar kernel mit den corss-compiler ... 21:52 < huebi> rxr: ok 21:52 < rxr> huebi: aber danke! 21:52 < rxr> clifford: wann hast du zu letzen mal nen ROCK 1.7 build laufen lassen 21:52 < huebi> gern geschehen. 21:54 < clifford> rxr: hab gerade einen neuen gestartet - der letzte war letzte woche. 21:55 < rxr> clifford: ahh - deshalb baute ihr gestern nichts ... 21:55 < clifford> ich werd erst am Fr. wieder in mein office kommen - und bis dahin sollte er durchgelaufen sein. 21:56 < rxr> clifford: du machst einen referenz build? Bist du sicher das der noch laeft ? 21:57 * SMP ueberlegt das OpenOffice setup mit einer LD_PRELOAD laufen zu lassen, die unlink() erdet .. 21:57 < clifford> rxr: ist grad' bei glibc. wieso? 21:57 < SMP> (bei RealOne kommen da echt lustige Sachen raus ;>) 21:58 < rxr> Stage 1 ? 21:58 < SMP> (nen CVS tree in der Doku, der sonst geloescht wuerde z.B.) 21:58 < clifford> rxr: stage 0. wieso???? 21:58 < rxr> ahh meinte ich ja 21:58 < tsa> SMP: hehe 21:58 < clifford> SMP: wow! 21:59 < rxr> ok ich starte gleich auch mal nen ganz jungfreulichen 1.7 build ... 21:59 < clifford> rxr: wiiiiiieeeeesssoooooo???????? 21:59 < rxr> weil hier gestern ncits tat! install_init gab es nicht und src.* wurde nie geloescht und irgend was anderes war auch noch ... 22:00 < rxr> -> nahezu kein package tat ... 22:00 < th> hat zufaellig grad wer ne statisch gelinkte 386er shell da? 22:00 < rxr> SMP: install oder setup ? 22:00 < clifford> rxr: das mit src.* ist laengst gefixed und von install_init weiss ich nix .. 22:00 < clifford> .. aber laetzteres laesst ich ja leicht testen. 22:00 < tsa> th: hm...noe - ich koennt dir nen SunOS /sbin/sh anbieten ;) 22:01 < th> hehe 22:01 < SMP> rxr: ./install --interactive --prefix=/bla 22:01 < th> noe. 22:01 < th> tsa: hab vorhin noch mit freaks aus #linux rumprobiert 22:01 < rxr> rene@jackson:~/install > ./install --interactive --prefix=/bla 22:01 < rxr> Installation starting, please be patient ... 22:01 < rxr> glibc version: 2.2.5 22:01 < rxr> Installation Complete 22:01 < rxr> nicht wirklich viel ... 22:01 < th> tsa: hab dann die busybox noch mit -march-i386 gebaut... aber selbes ergebnis.. beim exec haengt der kernel nur 22:01 < SMP> *LOL* 22:02 < SMP> rxr: dann liegt's also wohl nicht an meiner glibberc 2.13 .. 22:02 < SMP> 2.1.3 even 22:02 < SMP> OpenOffice b0rken 22:02 < rxr> SMP: sieht nicht gut aus ... 22:02 < tsa> SMP: ./scripts/Build-Pkg glibc 22:02 < clifford> also install_init gibt's hier (zumindest kann ich gpm builden und er macht ein neues gpm init script). 22:03 < clifford> mkdir: cannot create directory `/var/adm/cache': File exists 22:03 < clifford> .. das wirst du oefters mit dem letzten snap sehen. 22:03 < SMP> tsa: danke, ich brauche die Installation noch ;) 22:03 < tsa> SMP: NACK - das geht. 22:03 < rxr> rene@jackson:~/install > gdb ./setup 22:03 < rxr> GNU gdb 5.1.1 22:03 < th> SMP: hast du ne idee warum der 2.2er kernel beim execve("/sbin/init",argv_init,envp_init); oder auch /bin/sh einfach nichts mehr tut? 22:03 < tsa> glibc 2.2.5 1.7.0-DEV-200202271811 22:03 < rxr> Starting program: /home/rene/install/./setup 22:03 < rxr> glibc version: 2.2.5 22:03 < rxr> Program exited with code 01. 22:04 < SMP> tsa: ich weiss. dann habe ich aber keine 2.1er mehr, die brauch ich aber 22:04 < SMP> th: uh 22:04 < tsa> SMP: wofuer brauchst du ne glibc 2.1? 22:04 < SMP> alle meine Systeme haben eine? 22:05 < tsa> Upgrade auf allen? ;) 22:05 < SMP> Tod und Teufel 22:05 < rxr> SMP: bis vor ein paar wochen hatte dRock auch noch eine ... - es wird auch noch nen 1.4.2 zum updatedn alters systeme geben ;-) 22:06 < SMP> ... was mich schmerzhaft an ROCK 1.4.1 erinnert ;-( 22:06 < huebi> umm 22h10 zeigt sichca ob die glibc tut 22:06 < rxr> cp drock-1.4.2 rock-1.4.1 ? ;-) 22:07 < SMP> rxr: 'gehe hin und noetige einen Unpaarhufer deiner Wahr zur Unzucht' ;> 22:07 < tsa> *ROTFL* 22:07 < huebi> SMP: Verbraucht world eigendlich schon wieder Strom? ;> 22:07 < SMP> huebi: *zuck* nein 22:07 < th> huebi: hehe 22:08 < th> huebi hat das boese "w"-wort gesagt 22:08 < th> huebi: aber interessant formuliert. 22:08 < huebi> th: iCH SAGS AUCH NIE WIEDER... 22:08 < SMP> ich bin irgendwie den ganzen Tag schon mued. morgen Feiertag, hmm 22:08 < SMP> mal Bettchen jetzt. cu! 22:09 < huebi> und passe mit der caps-lock taste auf bevor ich enter druecke. 22:09 < rxr> SMP: Installing OpenOffice.org on Linux is very easy! - says the hp 22:09 < huebi> SMP: Schlaf gut. 22:09 < huebi> SMP: Halt.. 22:10 < tsa> cu SMP 22:10 < SMP> Simon says, rm -f OOo_1.0.0_LinuxIntel_install.tar.gz 22:10 < SMP> huebi: ja? 22:10 < th> SMP: schlaf gut... traeum von gott und der welt *oups* ;) 22:10 < huebi> unter rocklinux.dyndns.org/files/OpenOffice_build habe ich alles zusammen kopiert, was bei OO schon funtioniert hat. 22:11 * rxr rm -rf install/ OOo_1.0.0_LinuxIntel_install.tar.gz 22:11 < SMP> th: pass auf dass ich nicht auf dem Weg nach Draussen noch am Serverraum vorbei komme ;PP 22:11 < SMP> huebi: danke 22:11 < huebi> Ich haette gerne OO in Rock mit drin. 22:11 * SMP springt huebi an die Gurgel 22:12 * rxr ist jetzt was 22:12 < rxr> aeh isst ;-) 22:12 < tsa> rxr: oh...was bist du denn jetzt? 22:12 < tsa> ah ;-) 22:12 < clifford> rxr: sein oder nicht sein ... 22:12 < huebi> Funktioniert laut einem Windows Guru (und die sind echt selten!) sehr gut und problemlos mit Excell und word. 22:13 < rxr> hm muesste man nach neuer deutscher rechtscreibung ja sogar so schreiben - ist ja eckelig .. 22:13 < huebi> SMP: Das will ich einfach haben. Bisher beste Office Loesung unter Linux . 22:15 < clifford> huebi: geht sowas eigentlich auch einfacher (hab nicht's in der manpage gefunden): for x in $(ls /usr/local/share/cows/) ; do cowsay -f ${x%.cow} ${x%.cow} ; done 22:21 < clifford> ich bin weg ... 22:21 < clifford> ____________________ 22:21 < clifford> < See you on Friday! > 22:21 < clifford> -------------------- 22:21 < clifford> \ 22:21 < clifford> \ 22:21 < clifford> .::!!!!!!!:. 22:21 < clifford> .!!!!!:. .:!!!!!!!!!!!! 22:21 < clifford> ~~~~!!!!!!. .:!!!!!!!!!UWWW$$$ 22:21 < clifford> :$$NWX!!: .:!!!!!!XUWW$$$$$$$$$P 22:21 < clifford> $$$$$##WX!: . $$$$$ $$$UX :!!UW$$$$$$$$$ 4$$$$$* 22:21 < huebi> clifford: gute nacht. Ich auch 22:21 < clifford> ^$$$B $$$$\ $$$$$$$$$$$$ d$$R" 22:22 < clifford> "*$bd$$$$ '*$$$$$$$$$$$o+#" 22:22 < clifford> """" """"""" 22:22 -!- clifford is now known as clifford_away 22:23 < huebi> ...und wech# 22:23 < rxr> cu 22:23 < th> gehen alle? 22:23 < th> is schon schliesszeit? 22:23 * tsa ist noch da. 22:24 < tsa> vorsicht, der bordstein klappt grad noch! 22:24 < th> *stolper* 22:24 < huebi> glibc geht nicht *frust* 22:24 < th> busybox auch nicht 22:27 < rxr> nein - habe doch nru huebi cu gesagt ;-) 22:28 < rxr> ich esse nur kurz was - und dann werde ich mal schauen was der 1.7 build macht, ein category update script hacken und die dRock updates nach 1.7 mergen ... ;-)# 22:33 < th> init.o(.text+0x1264): undefined reference to `printk' 22:33 < th> wo steckt das 22:33 < th> ? 22:34 < th> oder kann das NUR der kernel? 22:34 < tsa> keine ahnung - sieht nach kernel aus 22:35 < th> klar das is das printf des kernels sozusagen 22:35 < th> und irgendwie meine einzige debug moeglichkeit 22:35 < th> und jetz will ich ins /sbin/init ein paar printks einbauen 22:36 < clifford_away> th: das geht nicht. 22:36 < rxr> glibc 22:36 < praenti> th: printk ist eine funktion die in den kernel-headern definiert ist. im user-space hast du printf 22:36 < clifford_away> (zumindest nicht ohne den kernel um einen system-call zu erweitern) 22:37 < rxr> a sorry 22:37 < th> aber normale printfs sehe ich doch nicht 22:37 < th> damn 22:38 < praenti> th: wo? 22:38 < praenti> printf geht auf die stdin. oder hast du die stdin noch nicht 22:39 < th> praenti: ich habe ne boot/root disk. mit kernel drauf und rootfs. der kernel mounted das root fs erfolgreich aber beim ausfuehren von /sbin/init oder /bin/sh (ganz gleich) bleibt er haengen 22:39 < praenti> dann nimmst fprintf und als stream stderr. das muesstest du sehen 22:40 < th> ok 22:40 < th> hmm 22:40 < praenti> hoff ich mal zumindest 22:40 < th> wo issen printk definiert? 22:40 < praenti> th: frag mich nicht. hab das buch noch nicht soweit gelesen. oder hast du kernel-docbook da. dann kannst du nachschauen 22:41 < th> nee hab ich nicht 22:41 < praenti> mom. ich schau mal nach 22:41 < th> ich koennte ja auch nach /dev/console schreiben 22:42 < praenti> will dein init unbedingt printk? 22:43 < th> ich wollte da printk reinschreiben, weil ich da sicher bin dass ich es sehe 22:44 < praenti> th: printk muesste in /usr/src/linux/include/linux/kernel.h drin sein 22:44 < th> asmlinkage int printk(const char * fmt, ...) 22:44 < th> __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2))); 22:44 < praenti> soweit ich das sehe ist das ein direkter syscall. ich vermute der muss im kernel-space erfolgen 22:44 < th> damn 22:46 < praenti> dann kompilier dir das init neu. und benutze statt printk fprintf mit stderr als stream 22:46 < th> jo das probier ich.... 22:58 < th> jo geht 22:58 < th> ich komme an im init. gut 23:01 < rxr> 0-sysfiles 23:01 < rxr> Build-Pkg bc command not found ... ?? 23:03 < tsa> hm... 23:03 < tsa> kein bc installiert? 23:04 < tsa> oder bezieht sich das not found auf Build-Pkg? 23:05 < rxr> also bc und time ... habe ich hier .. ;-) 23:05 < tsa> hm.... 23:05 < tsa> dann ist da irgendwas komisch. 23:07 < rxr> clifford_away: Hast du die build stages von bc und time verdndert? 23:08 < rxr> hm - obwohl in dRock sind die auch erst stage-3 ... 23:08 < tsa> clifford ist weg... 23:08 < rxr> tsa: er schreibt oefters mit clifford_away ... ;-) 23:08 < rxr> tsa: siehe oben ;-) 23:08 < tsa> jupp, ich weiss... 23:09 < rxr> hehe 23:09 < tsa> abe4r diesmal scheint er ausnahmsweise wirklich mal weg zu sein ;) 23:09 < tsa> -4 23:09 * rxr back to a vt 23:10 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit ("irssi rulezz") 23:11 < rxr> hm irgenwie ist das broken - ob ich gerade die nerven habe soetwas zu suchen ... 23:12 < rxr> yeah!!! ich habe jetzt ssh zugriff auch die kde releases eine woche vor dem release ;-) 23:13 < rxr> May 8 20:49 kde-3.0.1 23:14 < rxr> https://slashdot.org/articles/02/05/08/176230.shtml?tid=109 23:19 * praenti is wech 23:22 < rxr> cu 23:22 < tsa> cu praenti 23:23 -!- freed [~freed@pD9001E1C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:24 < rxr> hi freed 23:24 < freed> hi 23:24 < freed> na alles schön? 23:25 < rxr> sicher ;-) 23:30 < rxr> und was mach dRock 23:32 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A61.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 23:32 < snyke> hi ppl 23:35 < rxr> oh jetzt kopiert scp auch i18n packete von kde - die wollte ich doch gar nicht ... 23:35 < rxr> hi snyke 23:41 < rxr> 1.7 drives me crazzy --- Log closed Thu May 09 00:00:06 2002