-!- Irrsi  Log opened Tue May 14 00:00:02 2002
-!- Irrsi  Day changed Tue May 14 2002
[00:00] < huebi> esden: binutils compiles on sparc ;>>
[00:00] < huebi> debuging via screenshot. kool!
[00:01] < esden> haha
[00:01] < rxr> esden: waere nen cooler ROCK screeshot ;-)
[00:01] < esden> this is a problem with the tools that clifford wrote for rock ...
[00:01] < esden> rxr: sicher !!!
[00:02] < rxr> esden: soll ich den auf:
[00:02] < rxr> https://www.rocklinux.org/projects/drock/drock-screens.html
[00:02] < rxr> packen ?
[00:02] < huebi> rxr: JAAA!
[00:04] < praenti> huebi: des is ja verdammt viel.
[00:04] < praenti> wie ging gleich nochmal datei verschicken?
[00:04] < praenti> im irc
[00:04] < esden> https://www.esden.net/desktops/shots/desk_natalie.png
[00:04] < huebi> /dcc send huebi  oder so..
[00:04] < esden> praenti: du daheim *wunder*
[00:04] < rxr> Unexpected argument `\.
[00:04] < rxr> '
[00:04] < rxr> make: *** [drivers/char/joystick/amijoy.c.amijoy_init.+INDIRECT+.ps] Error 1
[00:05] < rxr> :-(
[00:05] < huebi> rxr: hmm
[00:05] < tsa> aah..
[00:05] < tsa> problem mit dbopen beseitigt
[00:06] < rxr> esden: soll irgdend nen shot ovn denen nach drock-screens.html ?
[00:06] < tsa> da hing wohl noch muell in /usr/lib/libgnome.so drin....gnome-libs neu gebaut und nun geht es..
[00:06] < praenti> esden: nicht wundern. sie muss früh raus ich auch. also morgen... *grml*
[00:06] < esden> nicht drock ... dass was ich habe ist ROCK ;-)
[00:06] < esden> praenti: hmm asoo ... ok ... ;-)
[00:06] < rxr> esden: dann hallt nicht ... :-)
[00:07] < esden> ich schicke es dem clifford ;-) vielleicht macht er es zu den rock shots dazu
[00:07] < rxr> esden: hehe
[00:08] < rxr> esden: schick ihm lieber die URL sonnst hat er noch mail-box verstopfung ...
[00:08] < praenti> huebi: jetzt bekommst meinen ldconfig output
[00:09] < tsa> <Be-El> hmm..irgendwie hinterlaesst der rock-build mount-leichen
[00:09] < tsa> hm....gibt's da schon nen ansatz fuer nen fix?
[00:09] < rxr> tsa: welcher tree? unter welchen umstaenden ?
[00:09] < huebi> tsa: Wenn du mit ctrl-C abbrichst, passiert das.
[00:09] < tsa> rxr: 1.7
[00:09] < praenti> huebi: und jetzt meine .cvsrc
[00:10] < praenti> letzte zeile hab ich jetzt auskommentiert
[00:10] < rxr> tsa: ah - das hatte ich gestern ausch schon moniert ...
[00:10] < praenti> hoffe mal dass das hilft
[00:10] < huebi> I got it?
[00:10] < huebi> I got it!
[00:11] < hackbard> esden: was sind das da rechts fuer monitore, sowas will ich auch! :)
[00:11] < huebi> praenti: lass die cvs rc einfach mal weg. Ich hatte bis ebend auch keine.
[00:12] < hackbard> esden: btw, grrrr .. wieso gibt es noch kein eterm ext wenn es bei dir rennt :p
[00:12] < praenti> huebi: ok. das sind übrigens die settings die kde haben will
[00:12] < esden> saa mail weg
[00:12] -!- clifford_away [~clifford@] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[00:13] < huebi> praenti: hast du eine Datei /usr/lib/libpcre.so.0.0.1 ?
[00:13] < esden> hackbard: dass ist gkrellm auf der rechten seite ... und ich habe einfach noch keine zeit gehabt mich um solche "kleinigkeiten" wie pakete zu kuemmern. ich bastel lieber an ports und/oder targets :P
[00:14] < hackbard> just kidding :)
[00:14] < hackbard> jo, ich hatte mal ein eterm ext angefangen, das wollte aber nicht compilen
[00:14]   tsa schiebt esden 'ne glibc 1.0.0 unter..
[00:15]   hackbard looking for gkrellm
[00:15] < tsa> ;)
[00:15] < esden> ich will bei dem clifford eigenes respository beantragen fuer meine+bilndcoder+praenti(?)+fake(?) pakete ...
[00:15] < praenti> huebi: jepp
[00:15] -!- d3m|class is now known as d3mian
[00:15] < d3mian> gkrellm, cool
[00:15] < d3mian> hola
[00:15] < esden> hi d3mian
[00:15] < esden> gkrellm rulez!!!
[00:15] < d3mian> ;)
[00:15] < huebi> praenti: hmm. keine Ahnung, was jetzt noch hilft.
[00:16] < tsa> esden: ack - will bloss grad nicht compilen..
[00:16]   esden fall in love in natalie *schnief*
[00:16] < praenti> esden: das paket in 1.5 ist wieder aktuell. mal schauen obs compiled
[00:17] < tsa> rxr: why does the evolution package bring it's own db-3 stuff?
[00:18] < esden> I can not work with this wallpaper ... :-(
[00:18] < rxr> because they links statically against it to have backward and future compatibility ...
[00:19] < tsa> == 00:19:47 =[9]=> Building extra1/evolution [1.0.3 1.7.0-DEV-200205112119].
[00:19] < tsa> ok, let's see what happens..
[00:21] < esden> hmm Build-Tools is fixed on glibc >_<
[00:25] < d3mian> arrggg, i cant believe it, i guess ill leave my University :)
[00:26] < esden> d3mian: why ?
[00:26] < d3mian> can u guess how much was my grade in a final test some days ago?
[00:27] < d3mian> it's a round number
[00:27] < d3mian> :)
[00:27] < esden> 10 ? 0?
[00:28] < esden> I do not know your grade system ...
[00:28] < d3mian> a big 0
[00:29] < esden> i suppose that it is not good ...
[00:29] < d3mian> :i guess the same ;)
[00:29] -!- clifford_away [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux
[00:30] < d3mian> ill need to dedicate more time for java and leave linux wrld behind for a while
[00:32] < d3mian> well, i have to continue wrking..
[00:32] -!- d3mian is now known as d3m|wrk
[00:32] < esden> good luck d3m|wrk
[00:32] < huebi> d3m|wrk: Have Fun and ease with learning :-)
[00:33] < d3m|wrk> thnx
[00:33] < esden> Downloading download/base/gcc3/gcc-3.1-20020508.tar.bz2 ...
[00:33] < esden> Finished downloading 0 bytes in 0.000 seconds (0.000 bytes/sec).
[00:33] < esden> curl: (19) gcc-3.1-20020508.tar.bz2: No such file or directory.
[00:33] < esden> ERROR: CURL Returned Error 19. Please read the curl manpage.
[00:33] < esden> hmm not good ...
[00:33] < tsa> mirror or master download site?
[00:33] < huebi> d3m|wrk: Just do the right thing in the right time (easier spoken than done)
[00:33] < esden> tsa: master ... it is not yet on the mirrors ;-)
[00:34] < tsa> esden: hm....
[00:34] < tsa> huebi: machst du nen paar pruefungen fuer mich?
[00:34] < d3m|wrk> ill have that in my brain huebi , thnx
[00:34] < tsa> ;)
[00:34] < huebi> tsa: Better not. I'm good in my job, not in exams.
[00:34] < praenti> so. i continue my work tomorrow. cya
[00:35] < huebi> cu praenti
[00:35] < rxr> jm the -aa kernel sucks - my sysmtem is getting crazzy, each vt switch takes longer (in the multi seconds range ...)
[00:35] < esden> cu praenti
[00:35] < tsa> huebi: /me too...that's the problem..
[00:35] < rxr> cu
[00:35] -!- praenti is now known as praenti|sleep
[00:36] < esden> mhhh mplayer got updated in 1.7 ... cool !!!
[00:36] < esden> at least ;-)
[00:42]   tsa still compiling evolution..
[00:47] < huebi> STAGE 2: Creating PostScript...
[00:47] < tsa> huebi: hm?
[00:47] < tsa> why .ps?
[00:47] < esden> schrott ... !!!
[00:47] < huebi> tsa: The Kernel Source Poster ;-)
[00:47] < tsa> huebi: argh...
[00:47] < esden> ich kriege den faehler nie raus ...
[00:48] < huebi> esden: Kidnappe fefe und lass ihn erst frei wenn er alles fertig gemacht hat.
[00:49] < esden> huebi: ich werde dass echt machen muessen ...
[00:49] < esden> ich floode den mit bugreports und feature requests
[00:49] < huebi> ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/util-linux/util-linux-2.11r.tar.bz2 <- neu
[00:49] < tsa> [tsa@azathoth ~]$ evolution
[00:49] < tsa> warning: failed to load external entity "/home/tsa/evolution/shortcuts.xml"
[00:50] < tsa> ..und sig11
[00:50] < tsa> problem bekannt?
[00:50] < esden> hmm gleich mal updaten ...
[00:50] < huebi> esden: Via snail mail. Wenn der 2 Laster Papier jeden Tag in den Briefkasten gestopft bekommt, gibt der ganz schnell auf.
[00:51] < esden> jupp ;-)
[00:52] < esden> und ich bin danach pleite ;-)
[00:52] < huebi> esden: Noch nie Postspoofing gemacht? ;-))
[00:52] < huebi> fefe schreibt sich selbst! Viel bessr
[00:53] < tsa> hehe
[00:54] < huebi> und er muss es auch noch selbst bezahlen... welche Qual ;-))
[00:54] < huebi> fefe, Code schneller! sagt er dann zu sich selbst.
[00:55] < esden> rofl
[00:55] < huebi> *fg*
[00:56] < esden> huebi: mein mentor ... du hast wie immer recht ... ich werde deinen rat verfolgen
[00:56] < esden> ;-)
[00:56] < huebi> *lol*
[00:56] < tsa> rxr: awake?
[00:57] < esden> soo razifazi upgedated ...
[00:57] < rxr> tsa: jups
[00:58] < tsa> make[1]: Leaving directory `/vol/repository/rock-src-1.7.0-DEV/src.gkrellm.10213
[00:58] < tsa> 30454.31197.985402001/gkrellm-1.2.9/src'
[00:58] < tsa> cp: cannot stat `/vol/repository/rock-src-1.7.0-DEV/package/sourceforge/gkrellm/
[00:58] < tsa> gkrellm.desktop': No such file or directory
[00:58] < tsa> gkrellm ist immer noch kaputt.
[00:58] < rxr> tsa: evlolution tut in dRock und tat in 1.7
[00:58] < tsa> cp $confdir/gkrellm.desktop $root/usr/share/gnome/apps/System <-- das da passt nicht
[00:59] < rxr> wenn mein gnome2 mit gnome1 comp fertig ist teste ich mal ...
[00:59] < tsa> ok
[00:59] < rxr> tsa: ja das ding ist eh ungluecklich - ich wollte es schon entfernen -> und werde es jetzt tun ...
[00:59] < huebi> https://www.rocklinux.org/people/esden/gallery/tsa.jpg <- viiel schoener ;-)
[01:00] < tsa> ;)
[01:00] < tsa> rxr: hm? willst du das package entfernen oder das "cp"?
[01:00] < rxr> tas cp ...
[01:00] < tsa> ah....ich dachte schon..
[01:00] < esden> ja unser vorzeige rocklinux developer ... die anderen kann man nicht vorzeigen ;-)
[01:00] < esden> @ huebi
[01:00] < rxr> gnome ist bald eh nich mehr an der stelle - dann muesste man gnome.conf includen ...
[01:00] < tsa> ???
[01:01] < tsa> btw...warum die trennung gkrellm / gkrellm-plugins?
[01:01] < esden> irt meine die anderen kann man nicht herzeigen ;-)
[01:01] < tsa> ich haette das in ein gemeinssames pkg gepackt..
[01:01] < rxr> weil wir in base auch nicht sollte alles zumsammen-klump packete haben ...
[01:02] < esden> tsa: nicht alle wollen vorgebaute gkrellm plugins haben
[01:02] < rxr> z.b. wenn man das nicht haben will - und die scripte updates sind auch sauberer ..
[01:02] < tsa> hm..ok
[01:02] < tsa> btw....gkrellm-plugins ist auch broken
[01:02] < tsa> `/vol/repository/rock-src-1.7.0-DEV/download/sourceforge/gkrellm-plugins/eMac.ta
[01:02] < tsa> r.bz2' -> `/usr/share/gkrellm/themes'
[01:02] < tsa> cp: cannot create regular file `/usr/share/gkrellm/themes': No such file or dire
[01:02] < tsa> ctory
[01:03] < rxr> tsa: oder fix du das doch ;-)
[01:04] < esden> soo nachtele jungs
[01:05] < huebi> nacht esden
[01:07] < ringo78> nacht esden
[01:11] < tsa> rxr: ist in arbeit.
[01:11] < huebi> so. Util-linux scheint jetzt auch unter Sparc zu kompilieren..
[01:11] < huebi> == 01:11:56 05/14/02 =[1]=> Finished building package util-linux.
[01:11] < huebi> *freu*
[01:11] < huebi> Stage 1 komplett!!!!
[01:12] < hackbard> cool, gutes gelingen noch! n8
[01:12] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@p50807C43.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[01:12] < huebi> n8 hackbard
[01:17] < rxr> huebi: can i download the kernel-poster.ps somewhere ?
[01:17] < tsa> rxr: i've just committet a new gkrellm-plugins.conf to sf cvs.
[01:17] < rxr> ;-)
[01:17] < tsa> rxr: but gkrellmms is still broken - needs some fixing from somebody who knows c/c++ ..
[01:17] < tsa> gkrellmms.c: In function `create_gkrellmms':
[01:17] < tsa> gkrellmms.c:694: structure has no member named `top_margin'
[01:17] < tsa> gkrellmms.c:696: structure has no member named `bottom_margin'
[01:17] < tsa> make: *** [gkrellmms.o] Error 1
[01:18] < tsa> at least the other plugins now get installed.
[01:19] < huebi> rxr: ftp://rocklinux.dyndns.org/lgp-kernel2.4.9-a0.ps.bz2
[01:19] < rxr> tnx
[01:19] < tsa> huebi: you should tell him about the size..
[01:20] < rxr> tsa: who cares about size ?
[01:20] < huebi> tsa: 6MB ;-)
[01:20] < rxr> oh tiny ;-)
[01:20] < tsa> rxr: you will...when uncompressing..
[01:20] < huebi> rxr: bzip2 is your friend.
[01:20] < rxr> tsa: i guess not handleable with gv ?
[01:21] < tsa> rxr: probably not...
[01:21] < rxr> hm 364 patches to sync between cliff and me - sigh ...
[01:22] < huebi> rxr 2.4.0 needed 181m37.388s
[01:22] < huebi> only TMPFILE was fixed.
[01:22] < huebi> 23649258 May 14 01:20 lgp-kernel2.4.9-a0.ps
[01:22] < rxr> huebi: hehe
[01:23] < huebi> xinerama is koooool
[01:23] < huebi> gv works
[01:23] < tsa> huebi: hm...this is pretty small..
[01:24] < tsa> a friend of mine made a .ps more than 100mb with this..
[01:26] < huebi> koool! great! fantastic!
[01:26] < huebi> Now I need Windows XP code ;-))
[01:26] < huebi> hehe
[01:28] < tsa> hehe
[01:31]   rxr rebooting cu in a minute
[01:34] < rxr> re
[01:40] < huebi> re rxr
[01:40] < rxr> huebi: the fonts are rather tiny in the kernel.ps ... ?
[01:40] < huebi> 36MB Poster of 2.4.0
[01:41] < rxr> huebi: ?
[01:41] < huebi> rxr: Yes the are. I think I need A0 3x3 hehe
[01:42] < huebi> rxr: Here the script worked with 2.4.0
[01:42] < rxr> gv scrolls the beast quite fast - I'm impressed ...
[01:42] < huebi> rxr: Onle TMPFILE was changed as you said.
[01:42] < rxr> ;-)
[01:42] < huebi> I added some paper sizes.
[01:43] < rxr> huebi: what was the original URL you posted last evening ?
[01:43] < huebi> oem.  forgot
[01:43] < rxr> https://www.thinkgeek.com/images/products/zoom/linux-poster.jpg
[01:43] < rxr> got it myself ;-)
[01:44] < rxr> in the selled version the fonts are bigger
[01:44] < huebi> rxr:  $29.99  is too much!
[01:44] < rxr> and the rectangles are rotated -> looks better ...
[01:45] < rxr> huebi: sure ;-)! And it is not the latest kernel ...
[01:45] < rxr> huebi: But we have the source we can modify the scrpts ....
[01:47] < rxr> I'll let it crunch on a vanilla 2.4.18 this night ..
[01:47] < huebi> I take a 2.4.18-rc4
[01:51] < rxr> ha - ich nehm jetzt 2.4.18-rock ;-)
[01:52] < huebi> :-)
[01:53] < rxr> so und nen 1.7-latest+gnome2 laeuft jetzt auch von vorne ;-)
[01:53] < rxr> meine box ist erstmal busy *g*
[01:55] < huebi> Die U30 auch. kein Package failed.
[01:57] < rxr> huebi: gute Nacht ;-)!
[01:57] < huebi> gute nacht rxr
[02:02] < ringo78> perl = cool
[02:09] < tsa> n8
[02:09] -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082AC8D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[02:11]   huebi started lgp-2.4.18-rc4-rock
[02:21] < th> war smp mal wieder lebendig?
[02:23] < th> huebi: sag mal, da sind so einige extensions wieder auf nem alten stand, oder?
[02:26] < huebi> th: ich weiss nicht.
[02:27] -!- simon-- [~sts@p508757C1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:27] < huebi> th: kannst du das in Ordnung bringen?
[02:27] -!- Netsplit zahn.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: praenti|sleep
[02:28] < th> huebi: ich hab ja nicht wirklich alle versionen fuerchte ich
[02:29] -!- Netsplit over, joins: praenti|sleep
[02:29] < huebi> th: Du kannstim webcvs dir ganz einfach die Aenderungen anschauen...
[02:30] < th> huebi: was ist ueberhaupt passiert?
[02:30] < th> das ist kein webcvs problem denke ich
[02:30] < huebi> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/rock-1.5/ext-config/ace/ace.ext.diff?r1=text&tr1=1.1&r2=text&tr2=1.2&f=h
[02:30] < th> im cvs sind alte versionen!
[02:31] < huebi> Ich glaube beim ci haben die anderen vorher kein cvs up gemacht.
[02:31] < huebi> dann passiert so ein muell
[02:31] < th> ci?
[02:31] < th> meinst du commit?
[02:31] < huebi> th exact.
[02:32] < th> nein da passiert sowas nicht
[02:32] < th> da kommt dann ein up-to-date-check failed
[02:32] < huebi> hmmm. Keine Ahnung.
[02:33] < th> hast du direkt dateien im cvsroot geaendert?
[02:33] < th> die alten versionen sind nicht durch cvs-befehle aufgetaucht
[02:34] < huebi> nee, nur Dateiattribute. chmod +x
[02:34] < th> komisch
[02:35] < th> selbst mein irssi is jetz auf nem alten stand
[02:35] < th> s,irssi,irssi-snapshot,
[02:37] < huebi> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/rock-1.5/ext-config/irssi/irssi.ext?rev=1.4&content-type=text/plain < -0.8.4
[02:38] < huebi> hmmm
[02:38] < th> nich irssi
[02:38] < th> sondern irssi-ext
[02:38] < th> da steht nen absoluter pfad mit version drin
[02:39] < th> das war vor ein paar monaten als der cvs-snapshot noch so hiess
[02:39] < th> naja
[02:39] < th> muessen wir schritt fuer schritt wieder sortieren
[02:39] < th> was mich stoert ist, dass wir keine extensions in stable form haben
[02:40] < huebi> meinst du einen stable ext tree?
[02:40] < th> jo
[02:41] < th> im prinzip laesst sich das sehr gut ueber cvs tags machen
[02:41] < th> aber dazu gehoert dann natuerlich ein ext-archive mirror
[02:41] < huebi> tag -b mache ich sehr haeufig.
[02:41] < huebi> der mirror ist auf world
[02:42] < huebi> nutzt gerade nicht viel
[02:42] -!- praenti|sleep [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:43] < th> ein ext-archive mirror?
[02:43] < th> selbst netscape scheint nicht zu funktionieren
[02:44] < huebi> th exact
[02:46] < huebi> world ist immer noch als master mirror fuer rock-1.6 gedacht.
[02:47] < th> so netscape ist gefixed
[02:47] < huebi> th: super!
[02:54] < th> hmmmm
[02:54] < th> mein Build-Index baut nur einen index ueber ext-files
[02:54] < th> dadurch kommt der netscape-wrapper.patch nich mit
[02:56] < th> ich koennte das auf *.ext und *.patch erweitern
[02:56] < huebi> th wenn es geht ;-)
[02:57] < th> gehen schon. is bloss die frage ob dann nicht noch *.foo und *.bar fehlt
[02:57] < huebi> ;-))
[02:58] < th> ich geh dann ersma pennen
[02:58] < th> es kann ja nur besser werden ;
[02:58] < th> )
[02:58] < huebi> n8 th
[02:58] < th> wie ging ein oder im find?
[02:59] < huebi> hae?
[02:59] < th> find -name *.ext ODER -name *.patch
[02:59]   huebi macht einen neuen branch tag
[03:00] < th> hmmmm -or...
[03:00] < huebi> weiss nicht. bin zu muede.
[03:00] < th> warte ma
[03:00] < th> nimm ma meine aenderung noch mit
[03:00] < huebi> welche?
[03:00] < th> -or -name -patch
[03:00] < th> in Build-Index
[03:00] < huebi> netzkappe ist mit drinn
[03:00] < th> done
[03:01] < huebi> ok
[03:01] < th> netscape laeuft noch nich
[03:01] < th> mom
[03:01] < th> liegt am index
[03:01] < th> ich baue neu
[03:01] < th> mompl
[03:01] < huebi> ok
[03:02] < huebi> only ltrace failed so far in sparc.
[03:03] < th> index is ok now
[03:03] < th> don't know if it works
[03:04] < th> testing...
[03:04] < th> works
[03:04] < th> do the tagging NOW ;)
[03:05] < huebi> tag runs
[03:06] < th> tell me if finished
[03:07] < th> wanne commit irssi-fix
[03:07] < huebi> faertich!
[03:07] < huebi> #
[03:14] < th> irssi-snapshot fixed.
[03:14] < huebi> ok
[03:16] < th> opera buggt auch
[03:16] < th> grummel grummel
[03:16] < th> der will nen gz is aber nen bz2
[03:17] < th> sollte schnell gefixed sein...
[03:19] < th> done
[03:19] < th> huebi: uebernimmst du dann das ext-archive mirroren auf world?
[03:20] < huebi> th Jo.
[03:20] < huebi> auf world is scho fast alles. bis auf die neueren Sachen. Die habe ich alle hier.
[03:20] < th> gibts mich da schon, account-technisch?
[03:21] < huebi> noch nict, laesst sich aber machen.
[03:22] < huebi> Ich habe alles unter: ftp://rocklinux.dyndns.org/rock-pkg-1.5/
[03:23] < huebi> wenn was neues kommt, kopiere ich das dann einfach pauschal alles da rein.
[03:24] < huebi> egcs64 is fixed.
[03:25] < th> was is eigentlich mit dem darmstadt mirror?
[03:26] < huebi> der soll von world mirrorn.
[03:26] < th> ahja
[03:26] < th> ok
[03:27] < huebi> th: Aber wir koennen auch erst mal einen anderen mirror nehmen.
[03:27] < th> noe es eilt nicht ;)
[03:27] < th> VORHIN hatte ich es eilig
[03:28] < th> huebi: hast du grad deinen 24h disconnect?
[03:29] < th> noe
[03:29] < th> irgendwas hing eben
[03:29] < th> egal
[03:32] -!- huebi_ [~huebi@pD95221E3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[03:32] < th> hehe
[03:32] < th> 03:28:20 < th> huebi: hast du grad deinen 24h disconnect?
[03:32] < th> 03:28:20 < th> huebi: hast du grad deinen 24h disconnect?
[03:32] < th> 03:29:41 < th> irgendwas hing eben
[03:33] < huebi_> 03:27 < huebi> th: Aber wir koennen auch erst mal einen anderen mirror nehmen.
[03:33] < huebi_> 03:32 -!- huebi_ [~huebi@pD95221E3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[03:33] < th> 03:27:25 < th> noe es eilt nicht ;)
[03:33] < th> 03:27:37 < th> VORHIN hatte ich es eilig
[03:35] < th> mit einer dicken leitung finde ich es immer laestig, dass die wgets im Download nicht parallelisiert werden
[03:37] < th> so
[03:37] < th> ich wollte doch vorhin schon ins bett
[03:37] < th> n8 jetz
[03:37] < th> bis morgen
[03:37] < th> *detach*
[03:38] -!- praenti|sleep [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[03:39] -!- huebi__ [~huebi@p50817CA0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[03:39] < huebi__> scheiss telekom
[03:39] < huebi__> Connect time 6.2 minutes.
[03:44] -!- huebi [~huebi@p50816B8D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:45] < huebi__> th: n8
[03:45] -!- huebi__ is now known as huebi
[03:51] -!- huebi_ [~huebi@pD95221E3.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:40] -!- praenti|1leep [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[05:40] -!- praenti|sleep [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[08:12] -!- clifford_away [~clifford@] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[08:14] < huebi> moin
[08:19] < huebi> root@rock:/rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs# ll *err
[08:19] < huebi> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root         1328 May 14 03:31 2-ltrace.err
[08:19] < huebi> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root         1083 May 14 05:58 3-ash.err
[08:19] < huebi> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root       630138 May 14 03:50 3-linux.err
[08:19] < huebi> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root         3424 May 14 04:00 3-modules.err
[08:19] < huebi> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root        15524 May 14 08:00 3-mtools.err
[08:19] < huebi> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root          343 May 14 05:01 3-openssl.err
[08:19] < huebi> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root        30613 May 14 05:07 3-python.err
[08:19] < huebi> so far so good ;-)
[08:20] -!- zUnE [~dizzy@as2-2-2.um.bonet.se] has joined #rocklinux
[08:21] < zUnE> good morning
[08:22] -!- clifford_away [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux
[08:24] < zUnE> k, one more time.. good morning.  oh well i know everybuddy hackz at nighttime
[08:24] < zUnE> :)
[08:26] < huebi> hi zUnE
[08:27] < zUnE> all well?
[08:27] < huebi> The UltraSparc port is not so far from the finish.
[08:27] < huebi> zUnE: yes, tired but very well.
[08:28] < zUnE> thats nize
[08:29] < zUnE> gotta check that changelog, i'll bet there is a lot in it
[08:43] < huebi> * new Changelog in progress
[08:43] < huebi> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/ChangeLog
[08:47] < huebi> bbl
[08:50] < zUnE> yeah
[08:52] -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has joined #rocklinux
[08:52] < tsa> moin.
[08:53] < zUnE> good morning
[08:53] < tsa> hello zUnE
[09:04] < rxr> re
[09:07] < tsa> hi rxr
[09:09] < rxr> again a "Final GCC 3.1 Prerelease"
[09:09] < rxr> gcc-3.1-20020510.tar.bz2
[09:10] < rxr> moin tsa ;-)
[09:10] < zUnE> i just started a 1.7.0 build,  does it build with gcc3.1 as the default compiler ?
[09:11] < zUnE> oh well, we'll see
[09:11] < zUnE> ;)
[09:15] < rxr> zUnE: mostly - only a few (C++) packages fail. cdrdao and some other minor fluff ...
[09:16] < rxr> zUnE: I'll provide patches to make these failing packages ANSI-C++ conform in the next time
[09:16] < rxr> (after finally soring the gnome2 stuff ...)
[09:16] < zUnE> nice
[09:17] < zUnE> how far away is gnome2?
[09:17] < rxr> zUnE: I'm not really a gnome fan - so your can not expect that positive statements from me ...
[09:18] < rxr> the ROCK-1.7 packages will compile at the end of today (I hope)
[09:18] < rxr> They want to have the final version in June or July ...
[09:19] < zUnE> i edited it to use gcc3.1-20020510,  and set it expert options to use gcc 3.1 only.    mistake?
[09:20] < rxr> zUnE: why should this be a mistake ?
[09:21] < zUnE> dunno, i thougth at first maybe there was a purpose to have gcc2 as default C compiler
[09:22] < rxr> zUnE: no it is only Cliff's default ... - for working packages you should can use gcc3 for C and gcc2 for C++ (since some packages are still not ansi-c++ conform ...)
[09:23] < rxr> but when you do not care about broken cdrdao, you can ue the gcc3 for all ...
[09:23] < rxr> I do, too.
[09:24] < zUnE> cdrecord is enough for now,  cdrdao.  disc at once, most useful for audio recordingi guess
[09:25] < tsa> yes....and for copying windoze warez stuff...most of this comes as .bin/.cue in these days..
[09:26] < zUnE> and what would i need that for?   ;)
[09:26] < tsa> i have no idea....i don't have windows.
[09:26]   rxr wonders that .bin/.cue is about ...
[09:27] < rxr> s/that/what/
[09:27] < tsa> rxr: just another proprietary format..
[09:27] < tsa> i don't know whats so special about it..
[09:29] < th> moin
[09:30] < tsa> moin th
[09:30] < rxr> hi th
[09:31] < th> praenti's mail?
[09:31] < th> @rocklinux.org?
[09:33] < tsa> should be at the gallery..
[09:34] < th> ok
[09:44] -!- Netsplit over, joins: tomik
[09:45] < zUnE> k.. compile of gcc3 failed. is that normal?
[09:45] < zUnE> ;)
[09:47] < rxr> surprise: no - it just finished here ...
[09:47] < rxr> which ROCK snap do you use ?
[09:47] < zUnE> ran Update-Src so i presume its the latest
[09:47] < rxr> erm zUnE is what i wanted to say ...
[09:47] < rxr> zUnE: what is the error ?
[09:49] < rxr> (me wonders that my gcc3 has not yet finished - /me seems to be too tired ... :-(
[09:49] < zUnE> tmp/ccl3fh7e.s:6944: Warning: Unrecognized .section attribute: want a,w,x
[09:49] < zUnE> /tmp/ccl3fh7e.s:6944: Warning: Unrecognized .section attribute: want a,w,x
[09:49] < zUnE> /tmp/ccl3fh7e.s:6944: Error: Rest of line ignored. First ignored character is `,'.
[09:49] < zUnE> make[2]: *** [libgcc/./_muldi3.o] Error 1
[09:49] < zUnE> make[2]: Leaving directory `/rock-sources/src.gcc3.1021362137.14200.3717219154/gcc-3.1-20020510/objdir/gcc'
[09:49] < zUnE> make[1]: *** [libgcc.a] Error 2
[09:49] < zUnE> make[1]: Leaving directory `/rock-sources/src.gcc3.1021362137.14200.3717219154/gcc-3.1-20020510/objdir/gcc'
[09:49] < zUnE> make: *** [cross] Error 2
[09:50] < rxr> zUnE: which distribution do you use to compile on? a broken gcc-2.96 frlom RedHat ?
[09:50] < zUnE> urm, no.  a plain 2.95.3
[09:50] < zUnE> i run a distro called Sorcerer Linux
[09:51] < rxr> ah this doesn't sound too bad ;-)
[09:52] < zUnE> in what wway?
[09:52] < rxr> that is not a completely broken RedHat one ;-)
[09:52] < rxr> I can tell you if it should compile in some minutes ...
[09:55] < rxr> https://drocklinux.dyndns.org/ftp/drock/source-1.7/
[09:55] < rxr> ftp://drocklinux.dyndns.org/drock/source-1.7/
[09:55] < rxr> is my 1.7 working tree ... - could you copy package/base/gcc{2,3} and runn a diff -u on the files you use ?
[09:56] -!- Netsplit zahn.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: tomik
[09:56] -!- Netsplit over, joins: tomik
[10:08] < rxr> gcc3 still compiling here ...
[10:13] < zUnE> k, did a diff -u -r mine yours > gcc2-3.patch
[10:14] < zUnE> what now  :)
[10:14] < tsa> rm gcc2-3.patch ;-)
[10:14] < rxr> is there a bigger difference ? except the checksum ?
[10:19] < rxr> what joke is this:
[10:19] < rxr> https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0000647FK/qid=1021364335/sr=8-2/ref=sr_8_67_2/102-5450615-6903356
[10:20] < zUnE> yes gcc2 files are different
[10:20] < zUnE> especially gcc2.conf
[10:21] < zUnE> and the protector patch
[10:21] < rxr> zUnE: the gc2.conf is also used for gcc3 ...
[10:21] < zUnE> i noticed
[10:21] < rxr> cool we on the top three salt producers ;-) but I need a book about gcc in general - not a 240$ fluff about salt ...
[10:22] < zUnE> i'll use your then
[10:22] < rxr> zUnE: mom
[10:22] < zUnE> what salt?  and what mom?
[10:22] < zUnE> you make no zenze
[10:22] < zUnE> :)
[10:22] < rxr> mine is the ROCK yesterdays one - I just run a diff to see what cliff changed ...
[10:22] < rxr> mom -> moment
[10:23] < rxr> the salt is about the amazon URL above ... ;-)
[10:24] < rxr> zUnE: there is not difference between my and cliffs version
[10:24] < rxr> zUnE: are you really using the latest 1.7 tree snapshot =
[10:24] < rxr> ?
[10:25] < rxr> "./scripts/Update-Src -all" -> to rsync the latest source ..
[10:29] < rxr> 240$ for 11 pages of a stupid salt report in PDF form?!? I'm still puzzled ...
[10:29]   rxr shortly away
[10:30] < zUnE> hmm, did a new rsync now and it still is different
[10:30] < tsa> rdiff? ;-)
[10:31] < tsa> interesting idea for a new program..
[10:31] < zUnE> rdiff what?
[10:32] < tsa> a program "rdiff" instead of rsync...sounds interesting...
[10:32] < tsa> and it's perfect for fucking things up..
[10:32] < tsa> ;)
[10:32] < tsa> just another stupid idea ;)
[10:33] < zUnE> better than none
[10:33] < tsa> hehe
[10:42] -!- anders_ [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has joined #rocklinux
[10:42] < zUnE> same error with rxr's filez,  must be on my end
[10:42] < tsa> hi anders_
[10:42] < anders_> mrrrning all
[10:42] < anders_> tsa: hullo.. :)
[10:46] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817D40.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[10:47] < bluefire> Moin
[10:50] < rxr> zUnE: i'm back - my gcc3 has still not finished (a keernel map (poster) generation is running here, too ...)
[10:54] < zUnE> ok,  im trying a i686 build.  the one i ran was k7 , wich has mcpu ,march = k6 how come?  is that optimal?
[10:56] < rxr> zUnE: yes - the gcc2 has no athlon optimizations ...
[10:57] < rxr> zUnE: so gcc3 finished here ...
[10:57] < zUnE> yeah, but isnt more common to use i686,  i mean i you specify athlon in the kernel it optimise with i686 i think
[10:58] < zUnE> good spelling today..
[10:58] < rxr> zUnE: we have a autobench tools - maybe it found out k6 is faster
[10:59] < rxr> we should verify this ...
[10:59] < rxr> == 09:26:11 =[1]=> Building base/gcc3 [3.1-20020510 1.7.0-DEV-200205131848].
[10:59] < rxr> Reading package configuration from gcc3.conf.
[10:59] < rxr> Preparing build in /rock-linux/rock-1.7/src.gcc3.1021361166.9132.1880275825
[10:59] < rxr> Building. Writing output to $root/var/adm/logs/1-gcc3.out
[10:59] < rxr> $root/var/adm/logs/1-gcc3.out -> 1-gcc3.log
[10:59] < rxr> == 05/14/02 09:32:00 =[1]=> Finished building package gcc3.
[11:00] < rxr> == 07:46:14 =[2]=> Building base/gcc3 [3.1-20020510 1.7.0-DEV-200205131848].
[11:00] < rxr> Reading package configuration from gcc3.conf.
[11:00] < rxr> Preparing build in /R.work/src.gcc3.1021362373.1754.3042193956
[11:00] < rxr> Building. Writing output to $root/var/adm/logs/2-gcc3.out
[11:00] < rxr> $root/var/adm/logs/2-gcc3.out -> 2-gcc3.log
[11:00] < rxr> == 05/14/02 08:51:30 =[2]=> Finished building package gcc3.
[11:00] < rxr> ah! so i did not missreport the first one ;-)
[11:00] < rxr> it already finished two times ... ;-)
[11:01] < rxr> although something is wrong with my clock ...
[11:01] < zUnE> backwardz
[11:01] < zUnE> or what?
[11:02] < rxr> no i restarted ntpd in between maybe my hardware clock is screwed ...
[11:02] < zUnE> i.c
[11:04] < rxr> hm no only -4 second drift ... - maybe a bug of ntpd during the initial sync ...
[11:13] < huebi> re
[11:13] < huebi> moin
[11:14] < rxr> hi huebi
[11:14] < huebi> hi rxr
[11:15] < huebi> The poster of 2.4.18-rc4-rock went fine in 173min
[11:16] < rxr> huebi: mine is still running - it failed because i removed image/* - but the dir arch was not created automatically ... :-(
[11:17] < rxr> huebi: do you have already your text for the rolling rock? (I must write mine this afternoon / night ...)
[11:19] < huebi> rxr: No, I havn't. I just started to work ;-)
[11:19] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817D40.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[11:19] < rxr> I leave to the FH in e few minutes ...
[11:20]   huebi is searching a A0 colour plotter
[11:20] < rxr> ;-)
[11:22] < rxr> cu
[11:23] < huebi> cu rxr
[11:23] -!- clifford_away [~clifford@] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[11:25] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817D40.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[11:26] < zUnE> nope it just fails ;)
[11:27] < zUnE> i'll go for the coffee instead
[11:29] -!- zUnE is now known as zUnE-coffee
[11:37] < tsa> hehe....3 stueck buerovolk mailen sich gegenseitig mit outlook zu. da das ding absolut nicht quoten kann, weiss keiner mehr, wer was geschrieben hat..
[11:38] < huebi> tsa: hehe. koole sache.
[11:38] < tsa> jupp..
[11:38] < huebi> Hauen die sich jetzt bald? ;-))
[11:39] < tsa> noe....bisher noch nicht....aber es ist recht lustig.
[11:39] < tsa> outlook benutzt offenbar ueberhaupt keine art von quote-zeichen...
[11:39] < tsa> der text geht direkt ineinander ueber -> es sieht alles aus wie eine mail.
[11:40] < huebi> tsa: Deshalb bin ich auch recht ruhig auf der Mailing liste. Da brauche ich immer so ca 10min, bis die Mail fertig ist.
[11:40] < tsa> huebi: hehe...was nutzt du das ding auch?
[11:40] < tsa> policy?
[11:41] < huebi> tsa: Der Kunde hat gesagt, das wird genommen. Dann mache ich das halt. Wird ja schliesslich gut bezahlt.
[11:41] < tsa> hehe..
[11:42] < huebi> * Scheiiss Backup. Wenn man nicht alles selber baut...
[11:42] < tsa> ACK.
[11:42] < tsa> hast du lust, nen sybase-backup aufzusetzen? damit schlag ich mich grad rum..
[11:44] < huebi> tsa: Habe ich noch nie gemacht. Oracle kenn' ich da so ein wenig. Ich persoenlich bevorzuge da Exports, die sich dann immer wieder in die Datenbank einlesen lassen.
[11:44] < tsa> huebi: die sybase ist richtig uebel..
[11:44] < huebi> Betriebssystemunabhaengig.
[11:44] < tsa> laeuft ausschliesslich mit kernel 2.2.19 und glibc 2.1.3
[11:44] < tsa> legt das dump-file ins eigene bin/-verzeichnis
[11:44] < tsa> das dumbfile heisst " "
[11:45] < tsa> naja, und dann ist da noch die 2gb filesize-grenze des 2.2.19 kernels..
[11:45] < huebi> Oracle relinkt zwar, aber man braucht nur ein paar neue links in /usr/lib
[11:46] < huebi> und die libdb.s0.3 von der 2.1.3 fuer den mitgebrachten Apache.
[11:46] < tsa> auch nett..
[11:46] < huebi> Wer ist denn auf dei Idee gekommen sybase zu nehmen?
[11:46] < tsa> ist ne kundenkiste...die wollten das unbedingt..
[11:48] < huebi> tsa: Dan erklaere ihnen mal was sie da genau wollen. Und frag sie, ob ins Knie schiessen nich einfacher, billiger und zuverlaessiger ist. ;-)))
[11:48] < tsa> hehe...
[11:56] -!- capaway [~capchaos@pD9048515.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[11:56] -!- Carol [carol@dclient217-162-212-61.hispeed.ch] has joined #rocklinux
[11:56] -!- Carol [carol@dclient217-162-212-61.hispeed.ch] has left #rocklinux ()
[11:58] < esden> hi all
[12:04] -!- blindy|nothere [crash@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[12:04] < esden> test ...
[12:05] [ctcp(#rocklinux)] PING 1021370702 925049
[12:05] -!- blindy|nothere [crash@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[12:12] < huebi> hi esden
[12:12] < esden> ohh someone awake ... coool ;-)
[12:13] < esden> I have finally found a bug that I could backtrack in the dietlibc *happy*
[12:20] < anders_> re
[12:21]   anders_ is happy also, just ordered a ZyXEL ADSL Router..
[12:21] -!- clifford [~clifford@M109P021.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[12:21] < anders_> about ¤300, but it is a DSL<->Ethernet router...
[12:22]   anders_ is planning ahead for the arrival of Phoneline and ADSL..
[12:25] -!- surprise [kdlcjc@greencard.inder.eu.org] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[12:26] < huebi> anders_: How fast will your ADSL be?
[12:26] < huebi> anders_: And what does it cost?
[12:28] < anders_> about ¤45/month for 512Kbit downstream and 256Kbit upstream
[12:29] -!- capaway is now known as capchaos
[12:29] < huebi> Not very cheap ;(
[12:29] < anders_> you get a segment of 8 ip-addresses..
[12:30] < huebi> 8 IP's is good.
[12:31] < tsa> static IP addresses are good..
[12:46] -!- praenti|1leep is now known as praenti
[12:46] < praenti> hi
[12:46] < huebi> hi praenti
[12:46] < praenti> huebi: i already getting the same compile errors.
[12:46] < praenti> huebi: still desnt find the mount points
[12:46] -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs4.xs4all.nl] has quit ("leaving")
[12:52] < esden> hahaha I fixed the ******* bug in dietlibc !!! *jump*
[12:54] < tsa> esden: hehe..
[12:54] < tsa> esden: how many new ones did you add instead?
[12:56]   tsa awaiting pizza delivery..
[12:56] < tsa> <- hungry
[13:01] < esden> cu all
[13:02] < tsa> cu esden
[13:02] < praenti> huebi: i think i have found the problem.
[13:02] < praenti> when i do the same as Build-All do manually
[13:02] < praenti> Build-Stage 2 says that no architecture configured
[13:03] < praenti> if i start the Config in the chroot-environment i get the libpcre error
[13:03] < praenti> but now i must back to the FH. cya later
[13:03] < tsa> cu praenti
[13:04] < tsa> hm..strange
[13:04] < tsa> what package does libpcre.so belong to?
[13:04] < tsa> ...and why doesn't my pizza arrive?
[13:06] < tsa> ./scripts/Build-Pkg pizza
[13:07] < huebi> cu praenti
[13:07] < tsa> huebi: do you know where libpcre.so belongs to?
[13:08] < tsa> (currently no rocklinux around me to look..)
[13:11] < huebi> libpcre is a separate lib for POSIX compatible Reg EX in Perl
[13:12] < huebi> needed for KDE
[13:12] < tsa> kde...
[13:13] < tsa> *seufz*
[13:13]   huebi building glibc-2.1.3 for Oracle 8.1.7
[13:15] < tsa> havre fun..
[13:15] < tsa> -r
[13:21] < tsa> aaaah! es geht aufwaerts, futter ist da.
[13:25] < praenti> re
[13:25] < tsa> re praenti
[13:26] < praenti> tsa: das zeugs hatten wir noch nie in stage 1 gebraucht. deshalb is ja so seltsam
[13:30] < tsa> jupp, ist irgendwie schon komisch..
[13:36] < praenti> ok. in der chroot is keine ld.so.conf
[13:47] < praenti> huebi: fehler jetzt ausgemacht. irgendwie wandert unsere Config nicht ins chroot
[13:49] < praenti> huebi: build läuft jetzt im stage 2
[13:56] < huebi> re. Boah. Besprechungen sind ganz schoen anstrengend, wenn sie kurz und effektiv sind.
[14:02] < tsa> hehe.
[14:02] < huebi> 1/2h und Arbeit bis Dienstag.
[14:04] -!- rxr [~rene@port-213-20-228-110.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[14:04] < tsa> war Dienstag nicht heute? *wunder*
[14:04] < huebi> tsa: ;-) Bis naechsten Dienstag.
[14:05] < tsa> huebi: achsoo..
[14:07] -!- surprise [kdlcjc@greencard.inder.eu.org] has joined #rocklinux
[14:07] < huebi> == 14:07:58 =[5]=> Building base package rock-debug [1.5.14_2002-05-14_03h06
[14:07] < tsa> hi surprise
[14:07] < huebi> YES!
[14:07] < huebi> hi surprise
[14:07] < tsa> huebi: auf welcher Platform baust du denn grade?
[14:07] < tsa> sparc?
[14:07] < huebi> sparc
[14:07] < huebi> sparc64!
[14:08] < tsa> 32/64?
[14:08] < tsa> ah.
[14:08] < tsa> ok
[14:08] < tsa> fein.
[14:08] < tsa> Stage 5???
[14:08] < tsa> cool.
[14:08] < huebi> ohne Stage 5
[14:08] < tsa> =[5]=>
[14:08] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-174-191.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[14:09] < tsa> re rxr
[14:09] < huebi> tsa: rock-debug ist das einzige Packet, das inStage 5 gebaut wird.
[14:09] < tsa> huebi: achso...deswegen
[14:09] < huebi> /in/aus/
[14:10] < huebi> operoot@rock:~# ls /rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs/*err |wc -l
[14:10] < huebi>      80
[14:10] < huebi> braucht noch was
[14:10] < huebi> openssl braucht die festverdratung von 32 bit
[14:11] < tsa> https://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2022897031
[14:11] < tsa> ich brauch nen sponsor..
[14:11] < tsa> ;)
[14:12] < huebi> tsa: Der Monitor taugt nix!
[14:12] < praenti> ui
[14:12] < huebi> Immer wieder unscharf.
[14:12] < tsa> huebi: der monitor ist mir egal...die u60 will ich.. ;-)
[14:13] < huebi> root@rock:~# ls /rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs/*log |wc -l
[14:13] < huebi>     239
[14:13] < tsa> fein.
[14:13] < huebi> rock-debug breche ich jetzt mal ab.
[14:15] < huebi> restart
[14:15] < huebi> vom Build
[14:19] < huebi> tsa:     *  U.S. Sales within 48 States Only. Sorry no International bidders please
[14:20] < tsa> huebi: das koennte man in zweifelsfall regeln...der bruder von nem Kollegen arbeitet bei Lucent in USA..
[14:21] -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A69.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux
[14:21] < tsa> ...auf dem Wege habe ich mir auch schon mal nen Antares SCSI-Controller schicken lassen..
[14:21] < tsa> hi snyke
[14:21] < tsa> huebi: bloes ist bloss dann immer der Zoll..
[14:21] < tsa> s,bloes,bloed
[14:21] < snyke> hi all
[14:22] < huebi> tsa: Ein Dual Athlon MP 1200 ist genau so schnell wie eine Blade1000 mit 2x UltraSparcIII
[14:22] < huebi> tsa: Ich habe schon Motorraeder durch den Zoll hier am Flughafen gescmuggelt.
[14:22] < tsa> huebi: mag sein - ich find' x86 aber langweilig...
[14:23] < tsa> huebi: LOL.
[14:23] < huebi> tsa: In ernst!
[14:23] < tsa> dann sag ich Bescheid, wenn ich nen professionellen Schmuggler brauche..
[14:23] < huebi> hehe
[14:25] < huebi> Die kiste zerlegen und in mehreren Teilen/Packete zur Reparatur zum Hersteller (DU!) schicken lassen. Hat nur dann noch Schrottwert.
[14:25] < tsa> hm....die Idee ist gut.
[14:25] < tsa> Muss ich mir merken..
[14:26] < huebi> tsa: Da funktioniert vieles.
[14:27]   tsa hat schon ne Menge Zeugs im Koffer durch den Zoll gekriegt, aber auf sowas waer ich nicht gekommen..
[14:27] < tsa> ;)
[14:28]   huebi hat auch schon mal 50kg Bananen geschmuggelt. Das mir die Zoellner nich auch noch tragen geholfen haben, hat nur noch gefehlt.
[14:28] < snyke> lol
[14:29] < huebi> 3Wochen lang immer nur Bananen... igit!
[14:29] < tsa> hehehe
[14:29] -!- term_emu [~pm@beaufort.wyzant.de] has joined #rocklinux
[14:31] < term_emu> hi
[14:31] < tsa> hi term_emu
[14:47] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817D40.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[14:49] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817D40.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:52] < tsa> re bluefire
[15:03] < huebi> yes "oracle" | passwd oracle <- How do I get this to work from a script? I want to have the user oracle to get the password oracle
[15:04] < tsa> hm...
[15:05] < tsa> chpasswd
[15:05] < tsa> or write an expect script
[15:05] < tsa> (i didn't try any of those, no guarantee )
[15:05] < huebi> tsa: How does that work?
[15:06] < huebi> tsa: Thank you! chpasswd should work
[15:11] < tsa> huebi: here's an example for an expect script:
[15:11] < tsa> https://www.3ware.co.jp/tips/s11.html
[15:11] < tsa> (little grey box)
[15:12] < huebi> tsa: Ahh. *click*
[15:36]   clifford is angry ...
[15:37] -!- clifford is now known as clifford_angry
[15:37] < tsa> hi clifford_angry
[15:37] < clifford_angry> hi tsa.
[15:37] < tsa> what is it that makes you angry?
[15:37] < clifford_angry> my new sound card.
[15:37] < tsa> hm...
[15:37] < tsa> let's guess....it doesn't work?
[15:38] < huebi> hi clifford_angry
[15:38] < clifford_angry> tsa: yes.
[15:38] < clifford_angry> I can't use the midi interface of the onboard soundcard.
[15:38] < tsa> uh...onboard sound.
[15:38] < clifford_angry> So I bought a "TerraTec 128i PCI"
[15:39] < clifford_angry> it is supposed to work with alsa.
[15:39] < huebi> TerraDreck...?
[15:39] < tsa> i don't have any good experiences with any onboard stuff at all....except scsi
[15:39] < clifford_angry> It was the only card in the shop which was mentioned on the alsa compat. list.
[15:40] < clifford_angry> Ok - the driver which should work, doesn't work.
[15:40] < clifford_angry> cat /proc/pci
[15:40] < clifford_angry> .. C-Media Electronics Inc CM8738
[15:40] < clifford_angry> hmmm .....
[15:40] < clifford_angry> ok - so i try the driver for this one.
[15:41] < clifford_angry> modprobe snd-cmipci
[15:41] < clifford_angry> Segmentaion fault
[15:41] < tsa> # lspci
[15:41] < tsa> ?
[15:41] < clifford_angry> lspci is using /proc/pci
[15:42] < clifford_angry> lsmod
[15:42] < clifford_angry> snd-cmipci             15108   1  (initializing)
[15:42] < clifford_angry> hmmm .. cool.
[15:42] < tsa> hm..
[15:42] < tsa> old, but might help:
[15:42] < tsa> https://dice.shopcenter.nu/alsa/alsa_0_4_1_es1938.txt
[15:42] < clifford_angry> according to the box it is compatile with Soundblaster / Soundblaster Pro.
[15:43] < clifford_angry> but this driver also doesn't work.
[15:43] < clifford_angry> according to to the box it is MPU-401 compatible (remember: I just want midi)
[15:43] < clifford_angry> .. nope.
[15:43] < clifford_angry> now I'm angry.
[15:44] < bluefire> clifford_angry: once there were simple midi boards....
[15:44] < huebi> clifford_angry: Can you bring it back?
[15:44] < clifford_angry> ah - btw: the MIDI plug is mounted in a way which doesn't allow me to connect the cable..
[15:45] < tsa> does it have an ESS Solo1 Chip?
[15:45] < clifford_angry> huebi: I dont know. But i don't want to bring it back!
[15:45] < clifford_angry> I want midi ...
[15:45] < tsa> there's a esssolo1.o somewhere...
[15:46] < clifford_angry> tsa: i have no idea.
[15:49] < clifford_angry> tsa: no - that also doesn't work.
[15:49] < tsa> hm...
[15:49]   clifford_angry is screaming!
[15:50] < clifford_angry> grr ....
[15:50] < clifford_angry> the last time that I've bought an unsupported hardware I wrote a driver for it. But I'm not going to do it this time ..
[15:51] < clifford_angry> (/usr/src/linux/drivers/usb/wacom.c)
[15:51] < tsa> clifford_angry: you might want to read Documentation/sound/CMI8338 from your current 2.4 linux kernel tree
[15:52]   clifford_angry readign ..
[15:52] < tsa> <clifford_angry> .. C-Media Electronics Inc CM8738
[15:52] < tsa> C-Media CMI8738
[15:52] < tsa> On-board C-Media chips
[15:52] < tsa> looks good, i'd say..
[15:52] < clifford_angry> At least the also version of that driver doesn't work and can't be unloaded ..
[15:53] < clifford_angry> I'll back soon (need to reboot)
[15:53] -!- clifford_angry [~clifford@M109P021.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[16:05] -!- clifford [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux
[16:05] -!- clifford [~clifford@] has quit (Client Quit)
[16:07] < tsa> hm....clifford can't decide whether to stay or to leave? ;-)
[16:08] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817D40.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[16:10] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817D40.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[16:10] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817D40.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit)
[16:11] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817D40.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[16:17] < tsa> hm..
[16:18] -!- clifford [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux
[16:18] < clifford> great. now I have two audio interfaces and still no midi ..
[16:19] < tsa> hm....
[16:19] < tsa> which driver are you using now?
[16:20] < clifford> cmpci
[16:20] < clifford> (oss)
[16:20] < tsa> hm...
[16:30] < clifford> hmm ... uart401 seams to do something ..
[16:30] < tsa> "something"..
[16:31] < clifford> no. It just loads an unloads.
[16:32] < clifford> but doesn't acually speak to my hardware
[16:33] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817D40.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[16:33] < tsa> hm....that's not too much.
[16:37] -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux
[16:37] < armijn> re
[16:37] < tsa> hi armijn
[16:37] < armijn> hi tsa
[16:37] < huebi> hi armijn
[16:38] < armijn> hi huebi
[16:39] < armijn> huebi: I see the build went finer now
[16:39] < huebi> armijn: Yes, it did.
[16:39] < armijn> great
[16:39] < huebi> armijn: Have a closer look at it.
[16:39] < huebi> ;-)
[16:39] < armijn> lots of packages went wrong I see
[16:40] < armijn> but most of them optional, so that's not much of a problem (for me)
[16:40] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817D40.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[16:41] < armijn> hey, that's weird...
[16:41] < armijn> lvm did build here...
[16:41] < armijn> hmm...
[16:41] < huebi> armijn: I think the kernel should not include usb.
[16:41] < armijn> but maybe that's just a kernel issue
[16:41] < armijn> huebi: I know...at least not as a module
[16:42] < armijn> because that's what I did now and that is supposed to break
[16:42] < huebi> armijn: do you know how to change it?
[16:42] < armijn> huebi: yeah, we need a new config
[16:42] < huebi> armijn: where is this config?
[16:42] < armijn> this one is b0rken
[16:42] < huebi> normally stored?
[16:42] < armijn> ./arch-conf/sparc64/
[16:42] -!- anders_ [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has quit ("perl is being its usual fun self...")
[16:43] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[16:43] < Mike1> hi all
[16:43] < huebi> hi Mike1
[16:44] < huebi> armijn: now I see. Quite easy.
[16:44] < Mike1> :)
[16:44] < armijn> huebi: yeah, well, it needs to be changed
[16:44] < tsa> hi Mike1
[16:45] < armijn> I know Clifford prefers kernel.conf.cpp files, which are then used to generate the kernel configuration
[16:45] < armijn> great, all the base errors are the ones that I expected
[16:47] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817D40.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[16:49] < armijn> ehrm, huebi?
[16:49] < huebi> rxr: Yes?
[16:49] < armijn> I'm not rxr...
[16:49] < armijn> grrr
[16:49] < Mike1> *g
[16:49] < armijn> look at the error for xfree86
[16:50] < armijn> that's got *nothing* to do with if it's sparc or not
[16:52] < armijn> mike1: soon you'll be able to build ROCK on the Blade :)
[16:52] < huebi> armijn: Needs some handwork to find the error.
[16:52] < armijn> huebi: well, a patch fails...
[16:52] < tsa> armijn: will you give me a Blade? ;-)
[16:53] < armijn> does that also happen on intel or alpha?
[16:53] < tsa> armijn: which one?
[16:53] < armijn> tsa: I don't have one
[16:53] < Mike1> armijn yes you read the log?
[16:53] < tsa> armijn: me neither..
[16:53] < armijn> Extracting source (4.2.0) ...
[16:53] < armijn> Do some other stuff ...
[16:53] < armijn> `xc/programs/twm/system.twmrc' -> `xc/programs/twm/system.twmrc.orig'
[16:53] < armijn> Apply patch /rock-linux/base-config/xfree86/4.2.0-libGLU-bad-extern.patch ...
[16:53] < armijn> can't find file to patch at input line 9
[16:53] < tsa> wrong -p
[16:53] < armijn> yeah, but why?
[16:54] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817D40.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[16:54] < tsa> armijn: the 4.2.0-* patches aren't from us....they are directly from xfree86.org
[16:54] < armijn> and?
[16:54] < huebi> tsa: The broken one from CCCthe worked when I checked them in.
[16:54] < tsa> armijn: perhaps nobody tried to apply them before?
[16:55] < armijn> tsa: ehr...
[16:55] < huebi> the patches worked when I checked them in.
[16:55] < armijn> hmm
[16:55] < tsa> huebi: strange..
[16:55]   armijn dives into it
[16:56]   tsa decides to have worked enough for today..
[16:56] < tsa> i'm going home...
[16:56] < tsa> cu later
[16:56] < armijn> cu
[16:56] < armijn> this is weird
[16:56] < huebi> cu tsa
[16:56] -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has quit ("wech.")
[16:56] < huebi> armijn: I solve that with X later.
[16:56] < armijn> ok
[16:56] < huebi> armijn: Can you fix the kernel?
[16:57] < armijn> huebi: no, I'll go for ltrace first
[16:57] < huebi> armijn: DiDltrace work on sparc?
[16:57] < armijn> nope, it's unsupported
[16:58] < armijn> huebi: how do you start builds?
[16:58]   huebi is installing Oracle on Rocklinux ... again.
[16:58] < armijn> huebi: just go to /rock-linux and run ./scripts/Build-All COPY?
[16:58] < huebi> root@rock:/rock-linux# ./scripts/Build-All rock:/rock-orig
[16:58] < armijn> ok
[16:59] < huebi> I use read only nfs. Better no deletet sources anymore.
[16:59] < armijn> ok
[17:00] < armijn> and how do I check out new stuff from CVS?
[17:00] < armijn> on rock
[17:00] < huebi> root@rock:/rock-linux# cd /tmp
[17:01] < huebi> export CVSROOT=:ext:armijn@ella:/home/cvs/cvsroot
[17:01] < huebi> export CVS_RSH="ssh"
[17:01] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817D40.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[17:01] < huebi> rm -rf rock-1.5
[17:02] < armijn> and then manually copy stuff over?
[17:02] < huebi> cvs co rock-1.5
[17:02] < huebi> now wait 20 sec
[17:02] < huebi> cd /tmp/rock-1.5
[17:02] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817D40.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:03] < huebi> /bin/cp -vf * /rock-orig
[17:04] < armijn> that's it?
[17:04] < huebi> armijn: But better just copyt the file you need.
[17:04] < armijn> ok
[17:05] < huebi> Yes armijn, th cvs ci I make directly from /rock-orig
[17:06] < armijn> oh, btw, did I already tell that I will get two PA-RISC machines tomorrow?
[17:06] < huebi> armijn: Please do it too. Things commited to cvs stay normally in there.
[17:07] < huebi> armijn: No, you didn't
[17:07] < armijn> huebi: I will get two PA-RISC machines tomorrow
[17:07] < huebi> armijn: Ahh, I heared somesting like this ;-))
[17:08] < armijn> heh
[17:09] < armijn> what's the "s" stage?
[17:10] < huebi> armijn: Where did you find it?
[17:10] < armijn> hmm...I wonder if it is actually rebuilding stuff...
[17:11] < armijn> Found packages in rock-sparc64-1.5.14_2002-05-14_03h06/ -> skipping building of packages!
[17:11] < armijn> ** Building default subdistributions **
[17:11] < armijn> == 05/14/02 17:09:34 =[S]=> Building subdistribution install-disks.
[17:11] < armijn> Building. Writing output to rock-sparc64-1.5.14_2002-05-14_03h06/info/logs/s-install-disks.out
[17:11] < armijn> don't tell me we need to rebuild *everything*
[17:11] < huebi> armijn: rm -rf rock-sparc64-1.5.14_2002-05-14_03h06/
[17:11] < armijn> ok
[17:12] < armijn> that helped :)
[17:12] < huebi> armijn: No! since a while everything is just copied insted of beeing moved.
[17:12] < armijn> so, I fucked up now?
[17:13] < huebi> ??
[17:13] < armijn> ehr, I guess that I mixed up two answers, never mind...
[17:14] < armijn> ok, ltrace doesn't build right now, which is good...now it needs to be tested on Intel, see if I did it alright
[17:15] < huebi> I changed the Build-All script to copy instead of moving the built stuff. Now you can just delete rock-sparc64-1.5.14_2002-05-14_03h06/
[17:15] < armijn> ok
[17:19] -!- Netsplit zahn.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: zUnE-coffee
[17:19] -!- Netsplit zahn.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: clifford, armijn
[17:19] -!- Netsplit over, joins: zUnE-coffee
[17:20] -!- clifford [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux
[17:22] -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux
[17:22] < huebi> re armijn
[17:22] < armijn> I hate netsplits
[17:23] < armijn> huebi: one problem is eliminated...now the next :)
[17:23] < huebi> armijn: What did ypu do?
[17:24] < armijn> disable building of ltrace on sparc
[17:24] < huebi> did you ci it?
[17:24] < armijn> of course
[17:25] < huebi> OK!
[17:25] < huebi> great.
[17:25] < armijn> well, I usually don't use cvs ci, but rather cvs commit
[17:25] < armijn> I keep a seperate CVS tree in my homedir on "ella"
[17:25] < huebi> ah ok
[17:25] < armijn> huebi: is your wife named "ella"?
[17:25] < huebi> armijn: no, my daughter
[17:25] < armijn> aha
[17:26] < huebi> Ella-Charlotte
[17:26] < huebi> ;-)
[17:26] < armijn> European-Commision
[17:26] < huebi> hehe
[17:28] < rxr> re
[17:28] < armijn> ok, let's see if openssl wants to build...
[17:33] < armijn> rxr: glibc did build now
[17:34] < huebi> hi rxr
[17:47] < esden> re hi all
[17:48] < esden> puhh back home ...
[17:48] < esden> rock-linux-tools now compile under dietlibc !!! *jump*
[17:48] < zUnE-coffee> ahh... now thats what i call a coffe break  :)
[17:48] -!- zUnE-coffee is now known as zUnE
[17:48] < zUnE> good evening
[17:49] < esden> evening zUnE
[17:49] < zUnE> whats happenin'?
[17:49] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@p50807C43.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:50] < hackbard> hi!
[17:50] < esden> hmm nothing particular ... I am hunting bugs
[17:50] < esden> hi hackbard
[17:50] < armijn> now, that's weird...
[17:50] < esden> armijn: ???
[17:50] < armijn> building stuff on huebi's machine
[17:51] < armijn> and the kernel fails, but it just goes on creating md5sums, etc.
[17:51] < esden> that must be wired ;-)
[17:51] < Mike1> Hi Franky boy
[17:51] < rxr> 2nd re ;-)
[17:51] < armijn> I've seen this before, that some package actually weren't built correctly, but there were either no logs or wrong logs
[17:51] < rxr> armijn: yes I read this last night ;-)
[17:53] -!- simon-- [~sts@p50875267.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:54] < rxr> clifford:
[17:55] < huebi> cu later
[17:55] < rxr> clifford: SoundBlaster <something> compatible does not mean anything
[17:55] < Mike1> bye huebi
[17:55] < rxr> it is printed on all boxes and only mean -> it contains a DOS and winDOs driver which works for most software ...
[17:55] < th> re
[17:56] < rxr> clifford: but the driver behaviour is not normal - the best might be to complain on the alsa-devel list ...
[17:58] < snyke> ESDEN!!!
[17:59]   rxr my todo list is soo full :-(
[17:59] < esden> ???
[17:59] < snyke> msg
[18:01] -!- hackbard_ [~hackbard@pD9523580.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:01] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@p50807C43.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: hackbard_!~hackbard@pD9523580.dip.t-dialin.net)))
[18:01] -!- hackbard_ is now known as hackbard
[18:02] < armijn> good, openssl is building
[18:03] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817D40.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[18:06] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817D40.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:06] < rxr> esden: https://www.heise.de/newsticker/data/law-13.05.02-000/
[18:08] < esden> *click*
[18:10] < armijn> esden: how's alpha going?
[18:10] < armijn> esden: please add something to the gallery
[18:10] < armijn> esden: I'm going to do the PA-RISC port :)
[18:18] -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9525660.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:18] < tsa> re
[18:20] < rxr> so ich habe dazu mal kurz mein komentar auf heise gelassen ...
[18:21] < armijn> jaja, ganz geil
[18:21] < tsa> oh....was gibbet denn auf heise?
[18:23] < rxr> matrox karte
[18:23] < rxr> und da schreiben natuerlich wie immer alle muell ...
[18:23] < tsa> hehe
[18:25] < tsa> hm....ich hatte bisher noch nie ne matrox-karte.
[18:25] < tsa> aber was ich bisher gehoert habe, sollen die zwar nicht so sonderlich toll 3d-leistung bieten, dafuer aber ein sehr schoen scharfes bild..
[18:26] < tsa> und referenz-implementation framebuffer.
[18:27] -!- tomik_ [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux
[18:27] < rxr> tsa: die hatten immer sehr gute signal qualitaet und semi-prof 2d bescheunigung (als das in den '90 jahren aufkam
[18:27] < tsa> jupp, ich weiss.
[18:27] < rxr> ja 3d war nicht soo super - aber der este open-source treiber
[18:27] -!- tomik_ [~tomik@] has quit (Client Quit)
[18:27] < tsa> afaik haben die auch einigermassen freizuegig die specs rausgegeben...
[18:27] < clifford> hi. jetzt hab' ich ne SB live 5.1 digital ....
[18:27] < tsa> ah.
[18:27] < rxr> die haben immer die specs rausgerueckt ;-)
[18:28] < tsa> naja, und sie waren schon immer recht teuer.
[18:28] < armijn> blah blah
[18:28] < tsa> clifford: schon wieder ne neue karte? *seufz*
[18:28] < clifford> wo geht denn die scheiss packung auf ?
[18:28] < rxr> und die neue karte sollte alle anderen karten auch in 3d uebertreffen ...
[18:28] < tsa> rxr: jupp, du hattest da neulich nen link auf den channel gepastet..
[18:28] < rxr> hi clifford #
[18:28]   clifford ist verzweifelt ..
[18:28] < clifford> hi rxr.
[18:28] < tsa> armijn: sorry.
[18:28] < tsa> LANG=en
[18:28] < armijn> ha!
[18:28] < armijn> :)
[18:28] < rxr> tsa: https://www.heise.de/newsticker/data/law-13.05.02-000/
[18:29] < tsa> rxr: thanks.
[18:29] < armijn> hmm...
[18:29] < armijn> luckily I'm just concentrating on "base" packages
[18:29] < clifford> I'm now going to shut down my computer for a few minutes ...
[18:29] < clifford> see you then  :-)
[18:29] < armijn> lots of optional packages failing on sparc64
[18:29] -!- clifford [~clifford@] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[18:29] < tsa> cu cliff
[18:33]   rxr faengt an auf nie naechste Matrox karte zu sparen
[18:34] < tsa> rxr: LANG=en
[18:34] < tsa> rxr: du you know how expensive the new cards will be?
[18:34] < armijn> soundcards...urgh
[18:34] < armijn> or graphics cards?
[18:34] < armijn> who needs them anyway
[18:34] < tsa> gfx
[18:35] < tsa> armijn: /me
[18:35] < rxr> tsa: no prob - the heise text says 500 EUR ...
[18:35] < tsa> rxr: ARG
[18:35] < rxr> but i do not need it in the first moths - they get cheaper ...
[18:35] < tsa> armijn: without a gfx card, i would have no use for my monitor..
[18:36] < armijn> use serial port
[18:36] < armijn> use a terminal :)
[18:36] < tsa> hehe
[18:36] < rxr> tsa: but the card should be faster than the current NVidia onces ... and it should have 3 (!!) Monitor outs ...
[18:36] < tsa> rxr: i only have one monitor..
[18:37] < armijn> you will need to buy two more then!
[18:37] < rxr> you do not need to plug a cable into the two other ports ...
[18:37] < tsa> rxr: you mean it will work with just one monitor?
[18:37] < tsa> cool.
[18:37]   tsa deeply impressed ;-)
[18:38]   rxr is impressed how easyly tsa can be impressed ...
[18:38] < tsa> hehe
[18:38] < rxr> a dual head is really nice some times ... - and esden told me he would have use for a three head setup
[18:39] < rxr> (he even said his next card will be a quad-head one ...)
[18:39] < rxr> ???
[18:40] < rxr> To change the email address for the forum at www.heise.de you get a activation-mail where a URL has to be openen in a browser
[18:40] < rxr> but the "activation mail" is send to the new address? _> Really secure ;-) *g*
[18:41] < armijn> why would you need *four* monitors
[18:41] < rxr> (although is was perfect for me - because other email address was outdaed for 2 years ...)
[18:41] < rxr> armijn: I? I only need two - or maybe three sometimes ...
[18:42] < armijn> rxr: what for? games?
[18:42] < huebi> re
[18:42] < armijn> hi huebi
[18:43] < rxr> armijn: for big coding stuff 1152x980 is simly not big enough; displaying some oder informations that are needed, moving the video 4 linux app to the second head ...
[18:43] < huebi> I need a A0 printer with at least 200MB RAM
[18:43] < hackbard> huebi: lgp-kernel? :)
[18:43] < esden> gaehhhnnn
[18:43] < huebi> hackbard: jo
[18:43] < esden> re hi all
[18:43] < hackbard> hehe
[18:43] < armijn> huebi: I fixed openssl
[18:43] < huebi> armijn: kool
[18:44] < armijn> huebi: but some things are still failing...
[18:44] < armijn> the fact that the kernel is not building gives some more trouble than I expected :(((
[18:45]   huebi has to code html the whole night. I hate documentation if not done While working.
[18:45] < armijn> huebi: you will send me a CD right?
[18:46] < huebi> armijn: Yes, Do you want to have it made on rock. Then you should have all
[18:47] < armijn> huebi: I just need the source packages
[18:47] < huebi> armijn: But the right ones ;-)
[18:47] < armijn> huebi: yeah, definitely
[18:47]   rxr is again impressed by the 2.5 ide cleanups ;-)
[18:48]   huebi wants to be at home 2x 1600x1200. Browser on the left an terminal onthe right.
[18:48] < armijn> huebi: will you release another snapshot soon?
[18:48] < huebi> armijn: Yes.
[18:48] < armijn> the last one is almost two weeks ago
[18:48] < huebi> 1.5.15 is not fare away.
[18:48] < armijn> huebi: #define far away
[18:49] < armijn> I will then need 1.5.15 (and packages) for PA-RISC...
[18:49] < armijn> but I will need it *soon*
[18:49] < huebi> far away: known to be a time told if there is no known time in the future
[18:49] < armijn> huebi: I want to make sure that my changes (in openssl.conf and ltrace.conf) do not affect other architectures
[18:50] < huebi> armijn: at the weekend.
[18:50] < armijn> huebi: you will release it this weekend?
[18:50] < huebi> I need at tuesday a new stable version on x86
[18:50] < huebi> ar yes
[18:50] < huebi> armijn: yes
[18:50] < huebi> ;-)
[18:50] < armijn> huebi: you need a new stable version?
[18:51] < huebi> Yes, my customer wants to have fresh Rocklinux server installations
[18:51] < armijn> ah
[18:52] < armijn> ok, I will make a few more changes to the source tree before hand...so egcs64 won't be built on x86
[18:52] < huebi> armijn: That would be really great.
[18:52] < tsa> hm...having an own distribution really has advantages..
[18:52] < huebi> tsa: Yes YES YES!!!!
[18:53] < tsa> when you don't want to update the customers machines, you just don't release new snapshots and tell him he's up to date.. ;-)
[18:53] < huebi> hehe
[18:53] < rxr> tsa: but this way he doesn't get money
[18:53] -!- clifford [~clifford@M126P030.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[18:53] < Mike1> hi clifford
[18:53] < clifford> Hahaaaa! It works!
[18:53] < rxr> you simply have to release a new snapshot when you need money ...
[18:54] < tsa> rxr: depends on the kind of contract you have with your customer..
[18:54] < huebi> esden: You disabled once port 6000 on XFree86. Do you have a patch for that?
[18:54] < tsa> clifford: which one?
[18:54] < rxr> sure
[18:54] < tsa> clifford: the sb 5.1?
[18:54] < clifford> sb live.
[18:54] < tsa> ah.
[18:54] < tsa> emu10k
[18:54] < tsa> emu10k1: SBLive! 5.1 card detected
[18:54] < tsa> works out of the box.
[18:54]   clifford spend > 100 EUR today just to have a midi port for testing not finished applications ...
[18:54] < clifford> tsa: yes.
[18:55] < hackbard> cool, mayby this will change to --with-cards=emu10k1 in 1.7 soon :-))
[18:55] < rxr> hackbard: all modules should be built - aren't they ?
[18:55] < clifford> I think I never had so many files in /dev/midi before ..  :-)
[18:56] < hackbard> sure, but i have sb live too :p
[18:56] < tsa> hehe
[18:56] < tsa> i haven't configured midi stuff.
[18:56] < tsa> uhm..wait
[18:56] < tsa> i have.
[18:57] < tsa> at least i have /dev/sound/midi and /dev/sound/midi1
[18:57] < tsa> whatever that's supposed to mean.
[18:59] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has quit ("[BX] Ping-pong timeout")
[18:59] < hackbard> what synthi do you have clifford?
[18:59] < clifford> hackbard: in my office I only have the Yamaha DJX-II at the moment.
[19:00] < clifford> my hd-recorder (Boss BR-8) is also on the midi bus ..
[19:01] < hackbard> i have a yamaha cs1x here
[19:02] < hackbard> i dont know DJX-II ... hmm
[19:02] < clifford> I like synthies like Supernova Pro-X or Waldorf Q.
[19:02] < clifford> the DJX-II is a funny thing to play arround
[19:03] < clifford> but it also can be very limiting ..
[19:03] < armijn> argh
[19:04] < huebi> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/ChangeLog <- new
[19:04] < hackbard> yeah, waldorf is cool, but expensive
[19:04] < clifford> hackbard: yes. but there are even more expensive synthies out there .. :-)
[19:04] < clifford> what kind of music do you make?
[19:05] < hackbard> since i am on linux i dont use my synthi anymore :(
[19:05] < hackbard> just my turntables
[19:05] < hackbard> but i tried to do some 'house' music, i like that wild pitch stuff
[19:06] < clifford> hackbard: want to hear the raw-cut of a house number I'm currently working on?
[19:06] < hackbard> sure
[19:06] < rxr> clifford: /me too ;-)
[19:06]   clifford is uploading ...
[19:08] < clifford> I need to run bladeenc first ... :-)
[19:10] < clifford> uploading .... (10 min ETA)
[19:10] < tsa> lame has a better quality than bladeenc..
[19:10] < clifford> I'm now smoking a cigarette. be back soon ..
[19:10] < rxr> clifford: bladeenc ? not lame ?
[19:10] < huebi> tsa: ACK
[19:11] < rxr> tsa: im curious: would you say lame or ogg/vorbis sounds better with the same bitrate ?
[19:11] < tsa> rxr: did you have a look after gnomemms from gkrellm-plugins?
[19:11] < clifford> I'm having bladeenc here - and since it is a raw-cut I think that it's not importand ..
[19:12] < tsa> rxr: i'd prefer lame
[19:12] < rxr> tsa: oh not yet - sorry. I'll polish gnome2 and have to do some mergin on my SANE/Avision backend and then I still have to find some words for the rolling rock ...
[19:13] < tsa> rxr: ok..
[19:13] < rxr> tsa: because?
[19:13] < armijn> hmm
[19:14] < armijn> anyone experience with Adaptec cD creator
[19:14] < armijn> it is a windows program, I know, but it's all I've got right now :((
[19:14] < tsa> rxr: can't say, it just "feels" a little different..
[19:14] < tsa> hehe
[19:14] < tsa> top quote from the stats page:
[19:15] < tsa> huebi     SUN Germany called me
[19:15] < huebi> tsa: Yes?
[19:16] < armijn> I've got a PA-RISC bootable CD which I've to burn
[19:16] < armijn> on windows.
[19:16] < armijn> where are the irc stats?
[19:16] < rxr> cool onther Matrox site lists Linux as supported platform ;-)
[19:17] < zUnE> i have used it at work, adaptec that is. whuz the trouble?
[19:17] < huebi> cu
[19:18] < huebi> I leave now
[19:18] < armijn> zUnE: it's got to stay bootable
[19:18] < tsa> armijn: https://www.rocklinux.org/people/esden/ircstat/
[19:18] < zUnE> its an ISO you gonna burn, right?
[19:18] < armijn> zUnE: no, it's a raw image
[19:20] < zUnE> yeah byt raw is an iso image,  a bin dump
[19:21] < armijn> not according to windows
[19:21] < zUnE> in what way?
[19:21] < armijn> all ways
[19:22] < zUnE> i dont quite understand, how are you burning?  creating a new project or what?
[19:22] < armijn> it's burning now but I'm not sure if it will burn the right thing
[19:22] < armijn> zUnE: no, I downloaded a raw file from the Debian website
[19:23] < zUnE> aha,  just rename extension *.raw to *.iso and burn it
[19:23] < armijn> pfrt, that's it?
[19:23] < armijn> it's burning now, so..
[19:23] < armijn> let's hope it will work
[19:24] < zUnE> hope iz good
[19:24] < zUnE> ;)
[19:24] < armijn> I will check it later
[19:24] < armijn> not finished yet
[19:25] < clifford> www.clifford.at/TuxTronic/hardcore_sucks.mp3
[19:25] < zUnE> a porn file?
[19:25] < clifford> as said - it's far away from beeing finished.
[19:26] < clifford> no - it's just a working title ..
[19:26] < zUnE> yeah, just some bad humor over here
[19:26] < armijn> "clifford - the bedroom recordings"
[19:28] < clifford> with "hardcore" is "hardcore techno" ment. It's a (more or less) groovy house number. I made it after playing 8 hours hardcore in the club I'm working ..  :-)
[19:29] < armijn> heh, I also listen to hardcore
[19:29] < armijn> but then it's hardcore punk
[19:29] < zUnE> i like hardrock
[19:29] < zUnE> does that mean im old :)
[19:29] < armijn> zUnE: no, because that will make me old as well :)
[19:29] < zUnE> Saxon
[19:30] < armijn> zUnE: Saxon will do the full Eagle show this summer :)
[19:30] < armijn> o/~ She's got wheeeeeels! Wheels of steel! o/~
[19:30] < zUnE> alright!   the eagle haz landed
[19:30] < zUnE> will you be there?
[19:30] < zUnE> ;)
[19:30] < armijn> zUnE: www.graspop.com, of course!
[19:30] < clifford> there exists no midi sound applicatin for linux with a major release number > 0 ...
[19:31] < armijn> zUnE: they will do more shows, just not sure if they will play in .se
[19:32] < zUnE> both dio and saxon was here not so long ago
[19:32] < armijn> zUnE: hehe, Dio rocks
[19:32] < zUnE> and ive seen purple here too
[19:32] < armijn> zUnE: I've seen tons of old bands...Dio, Saxon, Uriah Heep, Black Sabbath, ...
[19:33] < zUnE> nize
[19:33] < armijn> you bet.
[19:33] < zUnE> 19:35, gotta go get a pizza
[19:34] -!- zUnE is now known as zUnE-pizza
[19:35]   rxr away
[19:35] < armijn> clifford: new ROCK port
[19:35] < armijn> clifford: could you make esden maintainer for Alpha?
[19:36] < rxr> clifford: before I forget: I selected gcc3 for c c++ and fortran -> but gcc2 is still build. Why is the compiler selection gone =
[19:37] < rxr> (or where to disavle gcc2=
[19:37] < rxr> cu in a few minutes ...
[19:40] < hackbard> re
[19:40]   hackbard downloading hardcore_sucks.mp3
[19:40] < armijn> hackbard: it's no pr0n
[19:40] < hackbard> :)
[19:43] < hackbard> wow, i couldnt mix for 8 hours
[19:43] < hackbard> even if its no hardcore!
[19:45] < clifford> hackbard: when it's sat. and you are the only DJ you don't have much of a choice ..  :-)
[19:45] < armijn> buy a new DJ
[19:46] < armijn> clifford: could you make me maintainer of PA-RISC instead of Alpha?
[19:47] < clifford> armijn: esden=alpha, armijin=pa-risc ?
[19:47] < armijn> clifford; yeah, I haven't done a thing on alpha yet
[19:48] < armijn> clifford: and I will start with PA-RISC this week or next week
[19:48] < clifford> armijn: you both are not even listed in the TEAMS file ...
[19:49] < armijn> clifford: https://www1.rocklinux.org/projects/#ports
[19:49] < clifford> what is "tse3" ??
[19:50] < clifford> armijn: please set up a pa-risc homepage first ..
[19:50] < clifford> and esden should take over the alpha axp homepage.
[19:50] < armijn> who is tse3?
[19:50] < clifford> a library.
[19:50] < armijn> man tse3?
[19:51] < tsa> hm..
[19:51] < armijn> oh yeah, a webpage...
[19:51] < tsa> interesting
[19:51] < hackbard> clifford: nice track, i pretty much like the melody at the end [3:44-4:00,4:29-5:00]
[19:51] < armijn> clifford: I never even took over the Alpha webpage
[19:51]   armijn puts on some real music (metal!)
[19:51] < hackbard> when you play with the filter
[19:52] < tsa> with sendmail 8.12.2, /usr/sbin/sendmail has to be sgid smmsp, not sgid mail..
[19:52]   clifford is opening it in a player ..
[19:53] < esden> re hi all
[19:54] < tsa> hi esden
[19:54] < rxr> re
[19:54] < tsa> ..alpha axp maintainer in spe..
[19:54] < rxr> clifford: tse3 is some kind of event engine (for midi)
[19:54] < rxr> clifford: what about the gcc selection?
[19:54] < clifford> rxr: I'm reading it already on the hp.
[19:54] < clifford> is it good?
[19:54] < armijn> hi esden
[19:54] < clifford> rxr: use the generic package selection.
[19:54] < armijn> esden: you're the alpha maintainer, ok?
[19:55] < esden> ok ...
[19:55] < armijn> esden: you should take over the webpage from clifford
[19:55] < armijn> clifford: esden wants to be maintainer :)
[19:55] < esden> armijn: will do
[19:55] < clifford> esden: could you copy the alpha homepage files to your directory?
[19:55] < tsa> TEAMS file?
[19:56] < tsa> where is it?
[19:56] < esden> clifford: sure ...
[19:56]   esden brb (and copy the stuff)
[19:57] < clifford> hmm ... i have 60 faders in my alsa mixer just for the SB live .... cool!
[19:57] < clifford> tsa: Documentation/TEAM
[19:57] < rxr> clifford: many are alsa software channel mixers ... ;-)
[19:58] < esden> clifford could you pack them and send the pages to me before you delete them ? or simply move them to my home ?
[19:58] < tsa> clifford: ah..thanks
[19:58] < clifford> rxr: I thing I need a gui for that...  :-)
[19:59] < rxr> clifford: how good tse3 is I do not know - why should I use a blackbox lib when this is such a fundamental progam design issue I would like to desgn myself ...
[19:59] < rxr> clifford: gcc - ah ok
[19:59] < clifford> anthem needs tse3 ..
[20:00]   clifford is testing every linux midi sequencer now ..
[20:01] < armijn> at the same time?
[20:01] < clifford> armijn: no. one by one. But I'm not spending more than a few minutes with fixing if it doesn't build ..
[20:02] < hackbard> cool, interested about ur results!
[20:02] < armijn> 74 packages failed
[20:02] < armijn> just base + opt, no ext
[20:02] < armijn> interesting...
[20:03] < clifford> so far I didn't found a singe program which I would use in one of my productions.
[20:04] < armijn> nah, I'll leave the xfree fix for huebi :)
[20:15] < armijn> is x86 the only architecure with isa?
[20:15] < rxr> clifford: this is why I started GSMP ...
[20:15] < clifford> rxr: it's horrible.
[20:15] < clifford> no program which compiles ad-hoc.
[20:16] < clifford> and they are all broken.
[20:16] < armijn> clifford: is x86 the only architecture which has ISA?
[20:16] < tsa> sgi's have eisa afaik
[20:17] < clifford> I've made 'tuxtronic' with a self-written perl script. And it looks like this is the best method for using midi in linux.
[20:22] < armijn> Perl::Midi
[20:23] < clifford> armijn: never used it - I was just writing binary data to /dev/midi ..
[20:26] < armijn> clifford: I dunno if it exists, but you could make it :_
[20:26] < armijn> :)
[20:27] < esden> re hi all
[20:28]   esden testing his dietlibc patch
[20:29] < clifford> hmm... https://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Software/8918/linux/index.html
[20:31] < armijn> ah well, I did enough for ROCK today, fixed a lot of packages
[20:31] < armijn> so I'm off
[20:31] < armijn> cu
[20:31] -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux ()
[20:33] < zUnE-pizza> nice listing of sound appz too https://linux-sound.org/
[20:37] < rxr> clifford: another complaint about 1.7
[20:37] < zUnE-pizza> i cant get 1.7 dev past the gcc3 compile
[20:37] < clifford> yes?
[20:37] < rxr> clifford: is it really needed to generate so many fluffy string IDs into the build ID ? - Everytime I change a option in Config I have to hack arround to not rebuild all packages !!
[20:37] < rxr> THIS SUCKS!
[20:38] < rxr> I just added - *gcc2* and had this prob again ...
[20:38] < clifford> rxr: it has been already reduced.
[20:38] < rxr> clifford: is it online ?
[20:38] < clifford> rxr: no - you enabled packagfe selection. this alters the id string.
[20:38] < rxr> clifford: why? this is odd ...
[20:39] < clifford> hmmm ...
[20:39] < clifford> what should in your op. be in the id string?
[20:40] < rxr> the pkgsel and export should not ...
[20:40] < rxr> erm expert ...
[20:40] < clifford> the idstring is the 'name' of the distribution.
[20:41] < clifford> I think name name should contain the information that it's not the default 'intel-generic' (e.g.).
[20:41] < rxr> you compile it build and it breaks somwhere because you fogot a setting - dou you really wanna get ALL recompiled only because you forgot to remove a package or you enable some other debug output ?
[20:42] < rxr> target arch optimization is ok - but the rest only make s our live harder ...
[20:42] < clifford> rxr: maybe it's needed to rebuild everyting after that option has changed ..
[20:42] < rxr> clifford: _maybe_ -> so why should we enforce a complete rebuild?
[20:42] < clifford> e.g. you select gcc3 as c++ compiler. You recognise that some packages fail with gcc3 and want to rebuild with gcc2 ..
[20:43] < rxr> but your courent scheme doesn't prevent this case (does it ?) - but anyway this is a really the users fault
[20:43] < rxr> I'm glad to provide some kernel like help tests for the options ...
[20:44] < clifford> I could move the package selection to the expert section.
[20:44] < clifford> so It's already covered with the -expert postfix.
[20:44] < rxr> clifford: ah ok
[20:45] < rxr> this would only leave the exoprt flag, right?
[20:45] < rxr> I could live with this ;-)
[20:46] < clifford> done.
[20:47] < clifford> Is there not a _single_ midi application for linux?
[20:47] < rxr> but the gcc3 <-> gcc2 is anyway not covered by this IDs ... is it?
[20:47] < clifford> I mean: one which is working ..
[20:47] < rxr> clifford: GSMP might be the best after 2-4 weeks of coding *g*
[20:47] < clifford> rxr: no - but when you are in '-expert' it's all your problem :-)
[20:48] < rxr> clifford: I have no problem with this ;-)
[20:48] < clifford> rxr: I want to make some music _now_.
[20:48] < clifford> And I don't want to install cubase + windows ..
[20:49] < rxr> clifford: done use your computer - or your perl scripts ;-)
[20:49] < rxr> you could buy a mac ...
[20:49] < rxr> + cubase
[20:49] < clifford> rxr: I have a mac.
[20:49] < clifford> yes - but no cubase for mac.
[20:49] < rxr> with ROCK ;-) ?
[20:49] < clifford> (btw - I think I even have no cubase for win at the moment)
[20:49] < tsa> clifford: you could sing..
[20:50] < clifford> https://www.rocklinux.org/projects/powerpc/powerpc.html
[20:51] < clifford> tsa: no.
[20:51] < rxr> clifford: yes i know ... so you have no Mac but the IBM box ?
[20:51] < clifford> rxr: I have an iMac.
[20:51] < clifford> the one I made the inital rock/ppc port on 16C3.
[20:52] < rxr> clifford: ah - not much in use I guess ?
[20:52] < zUnE-pizza> .. https://linux-sound.org/midi.html
[20:52] < zUnE-pizza> havent tried many of them though
[20:52] < clifford> rxr: I didn't turn it on since i have the RS/6k.
[20:53] < rxr> clifford: did you modified perl5 lately?
[20:53] < clifford> zUnE-pizza: I've tested already all sequencers (and trackers) listed there.
[20:53] < rxr> it fails here - and I'm sure it worked some days ago ... ?
[20:53] < zUnE-pizza> ill shutup then
[20:54] < clifford> zUnE-pizza: but if you know something else. I've tried everything on that list and everything I've found on freshmeat.
[20:54] < clifford> rxr: do yopu think cubase would run in wine?
[20:54] < rxr> clifford: I would give it a 20% chance ...
[20:54] < rxr> clifford: what about perl5 ?
[20:55]   rxr needs subversion for the 1.7 tree ...
[20:55] < clifford> rxr: I would give it a 2% chance that it will not dedect the dongle ..
[20:55] < hackbard> hehe
[20:55] < clifford> rxr: I wanted
[20:55] < clifford> something which alowes my to "play arround".
[20:56] < clifford> If you write your music as perl script you need to know exactly what you want.
[20:56] < esden> clifford I have got the rock tools to compile under dietlibc ...
[20:56] < rxr> clifford: yes I know - I'll do gsmp work in some weeks ...
[20:56] < clifford> I think I will use a tracker and only generate sample with my synth ..
[20:57] < rxr> clifford: perl5 ?
[20:57] < clifford> rxr: yes?
[20:57] < esden> now the fl_wrapper.so is being build only when the flwrapper.so is selected in the config ...
[20:58] < rxr> clifford: I asked whether you modified perl5 because it fails in my 1.7 build! (And I'm sure it worked some days ago ...)
[20:58] < clifford> esden: that was the old behavior...  :-)
[20:59] < clifford> oh - I thought you where talking about using perl5 for controling midi synths.
[20:59] < esden> why have you changed that ? I can not build the .so with diet AFAIS
[20:59] < esden> or am I wrong ?
[20:59] < zUnE-pizza> ardour looks interesting
[21:00] < clifford> esden: if you have strace selected, rund Built-Tools, and then select flwrapper.so
[21:00] < rxr> zUnE-pizza: ardour has no midi
[21:00] < rxr> zUnE-pizza: and it never compiled for me ...
[21:00] < clifford> will than flwrapper.so built when it is started the next time?
[21:00] < hackbard> clifford: where can i get ur tuxtronic from? i cant find it on freshmeat or google
[21:01] < esden> clifford: hmm .... I am not sure
[21:01] < clifford> hackbard: the song or the source?
[21:01] < esden> I will have to test it ...
[21:01] < hackbard> oh, thats a song?
[21:01] < zUnE-pizza> at least it has mmc   :)
[21:01] < esden> clifford: ok so I will debug it and try to build it under diet too
[21:01] -!- blindy|nothere is now known as blindcoder
[21:01] < blindcoder> g'evening everyone
[21:01] < esden> even if we do not use it under the diet target ...
[21:02] < esden> hi blindcoder
[21:02] < blindcoder> esden: The Zip-Drive in my laptop works fine again :D
[21:02] < clifford> esden: you could also fix Built-Tools so it has a better check whether it should run a build ..
[21:02] < esden> blindcoder: have you thrown it once more on the wall ?
[21:02] < blindcoder> esden: that wouldn't have fixed anything
[21:03] < blindcoder> esden: I don't understand much of these things as it concerns hardware
[21:03] < blindcoder> esden: but I'm sure the thing that spins the magnetic disc inside of the zip-drive
[21:03] < esden> clifford: ok that is another possibility ... I will see what I can do
[21:03] < blindcoder> esden: should be FIXED on it and not floating around loosely
[21:03] < blindcoder> esden: so I put a drop of VERY GOOD glue ("Sekundenkleber") on the right place to fixate it ;)
[21:04] < blindcoder> esden: and since then it works
[21:04] < esden> blindcoder: hehe ... this was the so called quick fix ;-)
[21:05] < blindcoder> esden: well it works and now I'm compiling perl on my oversized pocket calculator
[21:06] < esden> blindcoder: autsch
[21:07] < esden> clifford: will there be a snap today ?
[21:07] < clifford> esden: yes.
[21:08] < rxr> clifford: are my patches in ?
[21:08] < esden> clifford: when *nerv*
[21:08] -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E7AAF6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:08] < rxr> hi martin_
[21:09] < martin_> hi rxr
[21:09] < martin_> OpenOffice Bulid 641d kommt mit so 11 kByte nur an ... :(
[21:10] < clifford> esden: the net-tools fix?
[21:10]   rxr is hacking SANE code - some meters away
[21:13] < esden> clifford: rxr asked because of the patches not me ... I know that my net-tools patch is in ...
[21:13] < clifford> rxr: which one?
[21:13] < clifford> gcc?
[21:13] < rxr> only a gcc update - the last snap is not on the server anymore ...
[21:14] < clifford> yes - that one is in.
[21:14] < rxr> the Gnome2 stuff did not compile completely
[21:14] < rxr> or do you wanna get this bits ?
[21:14] < clifford> rxr: maybe you want to send a patch anyways?
[21:14] < clifford> rxr: we've lost sync once. I don't want to reapeat that..  :-)
[21:15] < rxr> clifford:  you mean a year ago ? ;-)
[21:15] < clifford> rxr: yes.
[21:15] < rxr> ok then you get the expoerimental Gnome2 stuff ;-)
[21:16] < rxr> 186355 May 14 21:15 2clifford-gnome2.patch
[21:16] < clifford> rxr: btw - would it be complicated fo you to send me patches in a form which can be applied with -p1 ?
[21:16] < rxr> it would be easy - sure ;-)
[21:16] < rxr> but this will increase the size further ;-)
[21:17] < clifford> yes - but it will prevent me from doing the same mistake for every patch you send me over and over again ..
[21:17] < rxr> 195427 May 14 21:17 2clifford-gnome2.patch
[21:17] < rxr> which mistake?
[21:18] < clifford> using -p1 for applying it. (everyone else is sending -p1 patches)
[21:18] < rxr> I'm always in the rock-src-1.7-working dir ... ;-) and you never complaint ...
[21:19] < rxr> clifford: btw could we share the scripts/Internal script ?
[21:19] < esden> I hate fli4l !!!
[21:19] < tsa> so why do you use it, then?
[21:20] < esden> I need a one disk router target in rock !!!
[21:20] < esden> tsa: because I have once installed it (it was easy and fast to set up) and I had no time to reinstall my router till now :-(
[21:21] < tsa> esden: du distributions-fremdgaenger!
[21:21] < tsa> ;-)
[21:21] < esden> tsa: soorrryyy :-(
[21:22] < clifford> rxr: share? what do you mean?
[21:22] < rxr> clifford: some options to rsync my source would be nice in Internal und Update-Src ;-)
[21:24] < clifford> rxr: ???
[21:25] < rxr> so during tesing some bigger updates people could rsync my working set - and i have the rsync line (I alwaya re-grep from .bach_history) in the Internal script ;-)
[21:25] < rxr> (but it is not that important ...)
[21:27] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p508036BC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:27] < rxr> clifford: mail is out ...
[21:31] < rxr> clifford: but there is another thing that bothers me, everytime i want to take a look into the log file i have to find out which one in build/<$id>/logs/* is the actual one - is it really necesarry to use different ones each Build ?
[21:32] < blindcoder> YAHOO!! Perl is finished compiling :D
[21:33] < clifford> rxr: what if you do parallel builds of diffrent configs?
[21:33] < clifford> btw: ./scripts/Create-ErrList is your friend.
[21:34]   rxr wonders about all the new tiny scripts lying arround ...
[21:34] < clifford> most of that stuff was in Internal before.
[21:34] < clifford> Or in misc/archive/..
[21:35]   rxr wiped out Internal in dRock (now has only three private options ;-)
[21:35]   rxr misc/archive ? wasn't this also wiped out in dRock ... ? ;_)
[21:36] < clifford> are you sure about removing autoextract=1 from linux.conf?
[21:36] < rxr> autoextract is the default, isn't it ?
[21:37] < clifford> oh! yes. (cliff need some sleep and distanz to midi .. :-)
[21:37] < rxr> ok ok -> I'll take a deep look into Check-PkgVersion and ErrList
[21:38] < clifford> rxr: all applied.
[21:38] < rxr> ;-)
[21:38] < clifford> rxr: is that changelog line correct:
[21:38] < clifford> - Rene Rebe: updated to gnome2 (still not stable)
[21:39] < rxr> jups ;-) it is perfect ;-)
[21:39] < clifford> ok.
[21:39] < rxr> clifford: when I wouldn't have to rebuild 1.7 three times here the packages would work ...
[21:40] < rxr> and btw. the .desc files needs to be filled - many gnome libs do not have a homepage and no detailed textual information online ...
[21:40] < rxr> so they are currently rather *diet* ...
[21:40] < clifford> rxr: does Check-PkgFormat fail?
[21:41] < rxr> no (i hope)
[21:41]   clifford checks ..
[21:41] < rxr> they have all tags ...
[21:41] < rxr> but the U ist often www.gnome.org A othen The GNOME Project and T some 1-2 lines I got into mind ...
[21:41] < clifford> warnig - little flood ..
[21:42] < clifford> gnome-db: Found dup: package/x11/gnome-db package/sourceforge/gnome-db
[21:42] < clifford> gnome-games: Unknown package category: gnome/gamess
[21:42] < clifford> kdeedu: Unknown package category: kde/gamess
[21:42] < clifford> kdegames: Unknown package category: kde/gamess
[21:42] < clifford> libglade1: package/x11/libglade1/libglade1.conf: line 4: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
[21:42] < clifford> libglade1: package/x11/libglade1/libglade1.conf: line 5: syntax error: unexpected end of file
[21:42] < rxr> uups
[21:42] < rxr> the kde ones are sed mismatches sorry :-(
[21:42]   rxr schaem ...
[21:42] < clifford> the dup is not so importand (when I do an Update-sourceforge it simply removes them :-)
[21:43] < rxr> clifford: could you correct the ss for the games cat ;-)?
[21:43] < clifford> extra1, extra2 and base doesn't contain any PkgFormat errors.
[21:43] < clifford> sure.
[21:44] < rxr> there is now a gnome and gnome2 prefix selection - and the default is /opt/$name for all ...
[21:44] < rxr> libg
[21:44] < clifford> lade1 ..
[21:44] < rxr> lade1.conf is only missing a " ...
[21:45] < clifford> also fixed.
[21:45] < clifford> Check-PkgFormat is nice, isn't it?
[21:46] -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:46] < rxr> yes - although I was rather suprissed when I saw the hardcoded LICENSE tags ...
[21:46] < holyolli> moin
[21:46] < clifford> rxr: you may send a patch if it's so importand to you ..  :-)
[21:46] < clifford> hi olli.
[21:46] < holyolli> hi clifford
[21:47] < rxr> clifford: no - but I was suprissed that YOU do such hacks ... ;-)
[21:47] < rxr> hi holyolli
[21:47] < esden> hi holyolli
[21:47] < holyolli> hi rxr
[21:47] < holyolli> hi esden
[21:48]   rxr needs to code SANE now ...
[21:48] < blindcoder> esden: you still like megatokyo?
[21:48] < clifford> rxr: I wanted to get it done ... :-)
[21:49] < rxr> clifford: sure - but normally I see only 99.99% perfect code from your *g*
[21:49] < esden> blindcoder: yes I do ... I have seen your private post ... I have also looked on it ... but I have to fight with rock now ...
[21:49] < blindcoder> esden: then look at this one: https://www.cafepress.com/cp/store/productdetail.aspx?prodno=708858&zoom=yes#zoom
[21:50] < clifford> rxr: https://www.rocklinux.org/releases/old/
[21:50] < clifford> you better don't download the 1.0b releases ..
[21:51] < esden> hehe ... blindcoder I know it already
[21:51] < rxr> clifford: erhm - you can be lucky, since I do not have the time.
[21:52] < esden> clifford: the first releases are so small .. how cute ;-)
[21:54] < clifford> cat ROCK-1.7.0-DEV/scripts/* | wc -l  =>  5053
[21:54] < clifford> that's not that much ...
[21:55] -!- kvak|uninvited [uninvited@p50803E2A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ROCKLINUX
[21:55] < esden> hmm ... yes you are right ...
[21:55] < kvak|uninvited> Hi every1
[21:55] < esden> hi uni
[21:55] < blindcoder> hi uni
[21:56] < kvak|uninvited> bchaters go irc ;-)
[21:56] < blindcoder> esden: I'm currently working on the BG... but the blue spiral doesn't satisfy me... you don't have any suggestions, do you?
[21:56] < esden> blindcoder: not really
[21:57] < kvak|uninvited> intersting ... most interesting...
[21:57] < clifford> rxr: we do not have an x11 mixer for alsa in the distribution ?!?
[21:58] < rxr> gamix
[21:58] < clifford> rxr: which package?
[21:58] < rxr> clifford: extra1/gamix ?
[21:59] < rxr> yes
[21:59]   clifford is building gamix
[21:59] < term_emu> n8
[21:59] -!- term_emu [~pm@beaufort.wyzant.de] has quit ("zz")
[22:01] < clifford> *wow*
[22:03] < rxr> now you see why do not use oss since two years ?
[22:03] < clifford> well .. the section for the onboard card is ok.
[22:04] < clifford> but the section for the sblive has more fadres than my behringer studiomixer.
[22:04] < rxr> oh I have also a behringer mixer here ;-)
[22:05] < rxr> but only a MX2642A ...
[22:05] < clifford> (ok the studiomixer has much mor ponits in the monitormatrix than this guis has faders ..)
[22:05] < rxr> hehe
[22:05] < clifford> here I have an MX3242X
[22:07] < esden> undefined regerence to main ? wass soll die dreckige scheisse mann !!!
[22:07] < clifford> that's enought for home recording ..
[22:07] < clifford> esden: schoen sprechen. der channel ist jugendfrei.
[22:08] < esden> clifford: sorry ...
[22:08]   clifford released snapshot 1.7.0-DEV-200205142148.
[22:09] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p508036BC.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Lost terminal")
[22:09] < rxr> hm my 2.5.15 kernel has unresolved syms for some modules sigh
[22:10] < blindcoder> I'm off to bed... have a good rest
[22:10] < esden> n8 blindcoder
[22:12] < tsa> cu blindcoder
[22:14] < clifford> rxr: hieeeeeelfe!
[22:14] < rxr> do we have some ROCK people in Taiwan?
[22:14] < rxr> clifford:  ???
[22:15] < clifford> ich schaff's nicht eine einfache aufname zu machen.
[22:15] < clifford> ich fin'd den fader fuer den line in nicht ...
[22:16] < rxr> clifford: oh wie soll ich dir dabei helfen ...
[22:17] < esden> clifford: wie geht es eigentlich deinem elmbogen ?
[22:17] < clifford> rxr: das hab' ich mir nocht nicht so genau ueberlegt :-)
[22:17] < clifford> esden: ganz gut. Ich kann nur noch nicht wieder gitarre spielen
[22:17] < clifford> (ich kann das handgelenk nicht weit genug verdrehen - aber das kommt auch noch)
[22:18] < clifford> rxr: wlches device nimmt gsmp fuer die aufnahme?
[22:18] < esden> clifford: dass ist irgendwie klar ... wird wieder ...
[22:18] < rxr> device? das gleiche ALSA dsp device wie fuer die wiedergabe ..
[22:18] < holyolli> clifford: kennst du denn einen weg, ne soundkarte mit maestro 2em anzusprechen?
[22:22] < clifford> rxr: sollte sich im dialog "capture channel mix" was tun wenn daten vom line in kommen (ohne das gerade eine aufnahme laeuft)
[22:23] < rxr> clifford: nein
[22:23] < rxr> aufnahme IO muss mit aktiviertem do_capture laufen
[22:24] < clifford> aha.
[22:24]   clifford routet das radio auf den eingang der soundkarte ..
[22:24] < clifford> (ich liebe gute mischpulte)
[22:25] < holyolli> clifford: was für ne soundkarte benutzt du denn?
[22:25] < rxr> clifford: bei dir laeft den ganzen tag des mischpult
[22:25] < rxr> make
[22:25] < rxr> ups
[22:25] < holyolli> hehe
[22:25] < tsa> make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.
[22:25] < rxr> cvs SUCKS SUCKS CUSKCskda fghvfa
[22:25] < holyolli> hi tsa
[22:25] < rxr> shit
[22:26] < tsa> hehe
[22:26] < rxr> argh
[22:27] < rxr> a new broken cvs working copy
[22:28] < clifford> rxr: nein. ich kann natuerlich auch ohne mischpult radio hoeren.
[22:28] < holyolli> clifford?
[22:28]   rxr wartet bis der cvs chekout fertig ist ...
[22:29] < clifford> holyolli: ja?
[22:30] < holyolli> clifford: was für ne soundkarte benutzt du denn?
[22:31] < clifford> seit heute eine SB live.
[22:31] < clifford> Heureka!
[22:31] < clifford> rxr: ich bin schoen daemlich.
[22:31] < holyolli> .oO(hoffentlich läuft clifford nicht gleich nackig durch die stadt (so wie archimedes..)) ;)
[22:32] < clifford> ich hab' am mischpult das ganze (aus gewohnheit) nicht zum computer sondern zum mehrspurrecorder geroutet ..
[22:32] < clifford> Outsch! Im radio renn "Always Hardcore" .. genau das brauch' ich jetzt.
[22:33] < rxr> ;-)
[22:33]   esden braucht mommentan "Murder on the Danceflore"
[22:33] < rxr> ich brauch jetzt auch was gegen das dummige cvs kram - am besten wipe ...
[22:34]   esden schaut fragend in die runde ...
[22:34]   holyolli gibt esden ein stück internet mit www.edonkey2000.com
[22:35] < huebi> re
[22:35] < tsa> re huebi
[22:35] < holyolli> hi huebi
[22:35] < huebi> hi tsa
[22:35] < huebi> oh holyolli ;-)
[22:35] < holyolli> *g*
[22:36] < esden> holyolli: ja ich habe ag angeshmissen ... ich weiss aber mein passwort nicht mehr und auch nicht welche e-mail adresse ich benutzt habe ...
[22:36] < tsa> Sophie Ellis Bextor?
[22:36] < tsa> passt das?
[22:37] < holyolli> esden: *g*
[22:37] < tsa> in grossen mengen vorhanden auf AG..
[22:39] < zUnE-pizza> hej holyolli
[22:39] < holyolli> hej zUnE-pizza
[22:39] < holyolli> hur är laget? ;-)
[22:39] < zUnE-pizza> allt väl?
[22:39] < tsa> LANG=en
[22:39] < tsa> LANG=en
[22:39] < tsa> LANG=en
[22:39] < tsa> !
[22:39] < tsa> ;)
[22:39] < holyolli> hehe
[22:39] < zUnE-pizza> det är bra
[22:39] < holyolli> ajo
[22:40] < rxr> tsa: today is your LANG=en day =
[22:40] < holyolli> *hm* and when is the LANG=se day? ;-)
[22:40] < zUnE-pizza> LANG=zh_SG
[22:41] < huebi> zUnE-pizza: hehe
[22:41] < rxr> holyolli: in the night - when the .cr boys are alone ...
[22:41] < huebi> zUnE-pizza: I hear...
[22:41] < holyolli> rxr: se != es ;-)
[22:41] < tsa> rxr: i know..
[22:41] < rxr> holyolli: oh - my attention is on my avision.c XEmacs buffer ;-)
[22:41] < tsa> bash: xemacs: command not found
[22:42] < tsa> ;)
[22:42] < holyolli> hehe
[22:42] < rxr> tsa: sorry that you do not have an editor *g*
[22:43] < tsa> rxr: you don't have to be sorry....i'm used to editing with cat, ^d and sed.. :-P
[22:43] < huebi> echo: The unbeatable editor..
[22:43] < tsa> oh..i am not alone, it seems ;)
[22:43] < zUnE-pizza> and user friendly
[22:43] < zUnE-pizza> perfect for the mouse ppl
[22:44] < tsa> [tsa@azathoth ~]$ whereis cat
[22:44] < tsa> cat: /bin/cat
[22:44] < rxr> argh
[22:44] < tsa> hm...incorrect
[22:44] < tsa> cat is under the bed.
[22:44] < holyolli> nack. cat is on the sofa
[22:45] < zUnE-pizza> isnt it supposed to be the other way around?
[22:45] < tsa> yours, perhaps..
[22:45] < holyolli> jepp
[22:45] < zUnE-pizza> cat in sofa, mouse hiding under bed
[22:45] < tsa> hehe
[22:45] < huebi> oO a year ago had somebody from sun to install a box. He did it allmost without a keybord. He only used the mouse.
[22:46] < zUnE-pizza> installed what?
[22:46] -!- kvak|uninvited [uninvited@p50803E2A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:46] -!- zUnE-pizza is now known as zUnE
[22:46] < huebi> EIS - Enterprise Installation Service. If you get in contact with them be carefull. They get Windose running on a E10K ;-)
[22:47] < huebi> even if you need solaris.
[22:47] < zUnE> how nice of them
[22:47] < zUnE> whats the cost?
[22:48] < zUnE> ;)
[22:48] < huebi> zUnE: Unbelievable high prices.
[22:49] < huebi> It was at the "Deutsche Telekom" the biggest customer of SUN.
[22:49] < zUnE> get windows running cant be that much worth,  click next three times.  and clean the mouse to get ready for the experience
[22:49] < huebi> zUnE: I tried it on my Ultra 30 and it worked!
[22:50] < zUnE> that suuux
[22:50] < huebi> It's that easy!
[22:50] < huebi> With a SUN-PCi Coprocessor board ;P
[22:50] < huebi> hehe
[22:51] < huebi> In the moment Sun has a big problem.
[22:51] < tsa> no share in the workstation market.
[22:51] < huebi> I had very bad experiences with them.
[22:52] < zUnE> because its dark maybe?
[22:52] < holyolli> hehe
[22:52] < huebi> A while ago they introduced LOM - The Lights OUt Manager, hehehe
[22:53] < huebi> Special plug on Netra X1
[22:53] < zUnE> Lights out manager,  for the puch drunk!
[22:53] < zUnE> a nice slogan
[22:53] < zUnE> :)
[22:54] < zUnE> Lights out manager, for the busy punch drunk admin
[22:54] < zUnE> bofh compatible
[22:55] < zUnE> hmm, im gonna go get a glass of wine
[22:56] < huebi> SUN says: "Your admins are idiots. Take better our full service (with people you just fired) ;-))
[22:59] < rxr> clifford: and what does your sound-card do ?
[22:59] < esden> I got it !!!
[22:59] < esden> yeppiii
[22:59] < tsa> esden: ?
[23:00] < tsa> huebi: so admins are now recommending to buy ibm/hp/compaq/whatever, i guess...
[23:00]   esden hearing "Sophie Ellis Bextor - Murder On The Dancefloor"
[23:01] < esden> tsa: i got AG to run on my laptop ... now I can leech mp3's at the uni
[23:01] < tsa> hehe
[23:01] < huebi> at T-Online in Weiterstadt, the biggest inernet provider in Germany they think load about IBM
[23:01] < huebi> hehe
[23:02] < tsa> huebi: it's very easy.
[23:02] < tsa> admins are pissed off.
[23:03] < tsa> new admins won't exist because sun stuff is just too expensive.
[23:03] < tsa> guess what will happen..
[23:03]   tsa introducing LOS - lights out sun ..
[23:04] < tsa> sad but true.
[23:04] < huebi> The SUN hardware is good, Solaris work fine on _big_ machines but the support Sun offers is worth only words I won't use here *g*
[23:05] < huebi> tsa: light dimmed -53% last year...
[23:05] < zUnE> openoffice 1.0, wonder how it compiles from source.
[23:05] < huebi> zUnE: moment..
[23:06] < huebi> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/files/OpenOffice_build <- here I stoped ;-)))
[23:07] < zUnE> stoped  ?
[23:07] < huebi> # Install Berkeley DB 3.1.17 <- I got it not fixed
[23:08] < tsa> hm....
[23:08] < zUnE> that is build 642
[23:08] < huebi> jar -cvf db31.jar db-$db_ver <- It must be a jar arechive..
[23:08] < huebi> zUnE: Does not matter much
[23:08] < tsa> i remember a lot of strange tools were needed when i tried to build OO about a year ago..
[23:08] < tsa> dmake
[23:08] < tsa> ..
[23:08] < tsa> is this still the same?
[23:08] < huebi> buil642 i meen
[23:08] < huebi> tsa: yes
[23:09] < tsa> huebi: ok, so it still sucks.
[23:09] < huebi> but it's build automaticly
[23:10] < huebi> It's uncommon _and_ the documentation is outdated.
[23:11] < huebi> and the installer segfaults under ROCK
[23:11] < huebi> for binary installation.
[23:12] < huebi> has SMP been here again?
[23:12] < rxr> huebi: i haven't seen him+
[23:13] < huebi> OK. I call him tomorrow. Something bad must be happend.
[23:13] < holyolli> uh..why?
[23:13] < martin_> cu rxr
[23:14] < tsa> huebi: hm..why do you think that? did he tell you he would show up here?
[23:14] < huebi> holyolli: I think he is upset or something similar since the world disaster
[23:15] < holyolli> "the world disaster"?
[23:15] < tsa> holyolli: world.wronline.de afaik
[23:15] < huebi> taACK
[23:15] < huebi> ta ACK
[23:15] < huebi> ta ACK
[23:15] < huebi> tsa: ACK
[23:15] < tsa> ?
[23:15] < holyolli> hehe
[23:15] < huebi> ahh.
[23:15] < tsa> ROTFL.
[23:15] < huebi> Thick fingers ;-(
[23:15] < tsa> hehe ;)
[23:16] < holyolli> "learning to control the own keyboard for dummies"
[23:16] < tsa> what kind of machine was it, anyway?
[23:16] < tsa> anything special?
[23:16] < huebi> SMP's "I do all with it server"
[23:17] < tsa> oh-oh
[23:17] < holyolli> why disaster happend to him?
[23:17] < holyolli> s/why/which
[23:17] < tsa> holyolli: lvm problems, if i remeber correctly..
[23:17] < huebi> And usually he has been here.
[23:18] < huebi> holyolli: Wracked harddisks/data while hardware upgrade ;(
[23:18] -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E7AAF6.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[23:18] < holyolli> huebi: args
[23:18] < huebi> lvmove did not work
[23:19] < tsa> hope he didn't loose any important data without having a backup..
[23:19] < huebi> I hope so too
[23:20] < holyolli> .oO(backup...das sollte ich auch mal wieder machen)
[23:21] < tsa> hm...
[23:21] < tsa> https://www.wronline.de/kontakt/index.php3?empfaenger=Paletta@WRonline.de
[23:21] < tsa> interesting URL for their contact form
[23:22]   tsa testing...will this send mail to myself?
[23:28] < esden> is clifford around ?
[23:44] < esden> cu all
[23:44] < holyolli> cu esden
[23:45] < zUnE> ok.. openoffice 1.0 building..  lets see how far i can go
[23:45] < zUnE> ;)
[23:45] < holyolli> hehe
[23:46] < huebi> zUnE: What did you do for db 3.2.9?
[23:47] < zUnE> berkely db is included in the sources,  but it bombed out on its own compile of the same
[23:47] < zUnE> right now
[23:47] < zUnE> heheea
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Wed May 15 00:00:52 2002