-!- Irrsi  Log opened Wed May 15 00:00:52 2002
-!- Irrsi  Day changed Wed May 15 2002
[00:05] < zUnE> ok, got passed that.  compiling again.  lets see how far
[00:06] < huebi> zUnE: What did you do?
[00:07] < zUnE> the included source of berkeleydb 3.2.9 includes a patch that something is wrong with.  look at the makefile.mk   and comment out the patch apply
[00:07] < zUnE> it compiled fine here then, still going
[00:07] < huebi> zUnE: KOOL. tHANK YOU
[00:08] < zUnE> very welcome
[00:11] < rxr> cool - the updated driver works on the second try ;-)
[00:11] -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A69.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit ("°ShowDowN v12 PrO° since 1996: https://www.sci.fi/~showdown/")
[00:11] < huebi> rxr: which driver?
[00:11] < zUnE> still compiling..
[00:11] < zUnE> :)
[00:12] < huebi> zUnE: Did you use my notice?
[00:13] < zUnE> i dont think so,  i read from openoffice homepage
[00:13] < zUnE> tcsh
[00:13] < huebi> ok
[00:13] < zUnE> dmake
[00:15] < zUnE> my configure line went like this,  ./configure --with-jdk-home=/mypath --with-lang=ALL
[00:15] < zUnE> after getting gpc clipper files and installed STLport
[00:16] < zUnE> then tcsh,   source LinuxIntelEnv.Set
[00:16] < zUnE> then dmake
[00:16] < zUnE> or wait first  ./bootstrap
[00:16] < zUnE> then dmake
[00:17] -!- clifford [~clifford@M126P030.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[00:17] < huebi> zUnE: Thank you
[00:18] < huebi> YES!! The kernel compiles for sparc64 now
[00:18] < zUnE> that jar and db stuff thats in you files i did not need
[00:19] < hackbard> is there sth liek cron on windows? *duck*
[00:19] < huebi> zUnE: I patch makefile.mk too
[00:19] < huebi> Widoof scripting host?
[00:19] < tsa> hackbard: "at"
[00:20] < zUnE> cool,  would be very nice to have an optimised openoffice build.  its a bit slow
[00:20] < rxr> huebi: scanner driver for Avision scanners (included in SANE ;-)
[00:20] < hackbard> realy, at?
[00:20] < hackbard> hui ..
[00:20] < huebi> tsa: <- Mine Sweeper Consultant and Solitaire Expert - MCSE
[00:20] < huebi> hehe
[00:20] < huebi> rxr: axo
[00:21] < rxr> huebi: hey was heisst hir ach so ?? :-(
[00:22] < huebi> rxr: I had to make some experiences with scanners and linux. Was quite mucht to do and t test till it worked.
[00:23] < tsa> huebi: not really..
[00:23] < rxr> rxr: ? there is not much to make a supoprted scanner work ...
[00:23] < huebi> But then it was _much easer than with Windose
[00:25] < huebi> the biggest problem was to find out the exact scanner type.
[00:26] < rxr> ah - for some OEM and no-name scanner this might be non-easy - but they should also get auto-detected ;-)
[00:27] < zUnE> ahh, scanner.  got an old one working recently.  a parallell port scanner.  had to use that Plustek driver
[00:27] < rxr> the one shipped as external archive ?
[00:27] < rxr> needing the pl_drc_xyz kernel module ?
[00:28] < zUnE> dont think so,   th kernel module was in the plustek package (compiled with sane-backends)
[00:29] < zUnE> funny thing, it only got recognized if i forced the driver to be SPP
[00:30]   rxr puzzled
[00:31] < zUnE> PRIMAX 4800 is the name of the scanner
[00:31] < rxr> I did not got where the kernel module came from ?
[00:31] < huebi> zUnE: cp: cannot stat `../../STLport-4.5.3/lib/libstlport_gcc_debug.so': No such file or directory <- which STL version do you have?
[00:31] < zUnE> wait your right,   pt_drv  its called
[00:31] < rxr> zUnE: AHH! ;-)
[00:32] < rxr> zUnE: funny thing here: I have a friend that has a no-name scanner from a german super-marked branch
[00:32] < rxr> it is also a plustek device using this driver
[00:32] < zUnE> huebi, its 4.5.3
[00:32] -!- clifford [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux
[00:32] < rxr> it is only very slow (preview 1 minute) and does not recognize and faster moe than normal IO
[00:32] < rxr> so no EPP SPP ... :-( really slow
[00:32] < rxr> hi clifford
[00:32] < zUnE> i.c
[00:32] < huebi> zUnE: hmmm...
[00:33] < clifford> hi.
[00:33] < rxr> zUnE: we tried to contact the author - but his mailbox is full (get an auto-error reply) for weeks now
[00:33] < rxr> clifford: what does you sblive ?
[00:33] < zUnE> i think i speced the configure  with a  --with-stlport=/usr
[00:34] < clifford> doing good.
[00:34] < hackbard> rxr: i want build midimountain on 1.5 - do i have to change somthing special whicjh wont work, eg CC_WRAPPER_INSERT?
[00:34] < hackbard> oh, or clifford if ur back :)
[00:35] < clifford> .. i don't think you really want to have midimountain ..
[00:35] < hackbard> oh.
[00:35] < rxr> *clifford is getting our MIDI expert*
[00:35] < rxr> ;-)
[00:35] < hackbard> but it looks great on the screenshots
[00:36] < clifford> yes. but I still not figured out how to add a single tome to the song ..
[00:36] < zUnE> still compiling..
[00:37] < zUnE> wonder how long time it will take with an athlon 1333
[00:42] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817D40.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[00:44] < zUnE> time for a night coffee
[00:45] < zUnE> so i wont fall asleep to early..
[00:45] < holyolli> hehe
[00:47] < esden> re clifford
[00:47] < esden> re hi all
[00:47] < clifford> hi esden
[00:47] < esden> clifford: got my msg ?
[00:47] < clifford> about the screenshot ..
[00:47] < esden> yepp ...
[00:47] < clifford> I didn't understand whats so special about it.
[00:48] < esden> clifford: nothing reallp
[00:48] < esden> y
[00:48] < esden> I think it looks good
[00:48] < clifford> oh.
[00:48] < esden> it is a screenhsot of a dualhead box
[00:48] < clifford> i know..
[00:48] < esden> and I thought you would like to include it ...
[00:49] < clifford> you could create a screenshots page in your people/ dir and i will link it ..
[00:49] < esden> kk
[00:49] < esden> was only a suggestion ...
[00:49] < rxr> esden: I could also put it to the dRock page and note explicitly that it is generic ROCK ...
[00:50] < esden> rxr: hehe
[00:50] < zUnE> im getting worried.. openoffice still compiling..  not even any warnings..  cant have it complete now can we.  some error must come soon
[00:50] < esden> sure you can do it ...
[00:50] < rxr> esden: if you like ...
[00:51] < tsa> hm...strange mail on sage list
[00:51] < tsa> Notification for Payment Received!
[00:51] < esden> I simply do not want that people think that you need drock to get a good desktop
[00:51] < tsa> interesting.
[00:51] < esden> (nothing against drock ... I like it though)
[00:52] < tsa> esden: screenshot? where?
[00:52] < esden> argh my netscape died
[00:52] < tsa> netscape..
[00:52] < rxr> netscape ?
[00:52] < tsa> always dies here, too..
[00:52] < tsa> i really like galeon
[00:53] < rxr> the 4.x one ? Or what netscape ?
[00:53] < esden> tsa: https://www.esden.net/desktops/shots/desk_natalie.png
[00:53] < huebi> Applying '00-lame.patch' ...
[00:53] < tsa> huebi: hm? patch for lame?
[00:53] < esden> huebi: rofl !!
[00:53] < huebi>
[00:53] < huebi> Extracting linux-2.4.18-rc4.tar.bz2 (--use-compress-program=bzip2 -xf) ... done.
[00:53] < huebi> Applying '00-lame.patch' ...
[00:53] < huebi> Applying '05-devfs-not-exp.patch' ...
[00:53] < huebi> m
[00:54] < tsa> ah..ok
[00:54] < esden> huebi: the best patch I ovor wrote ;-)
[00:54] < tsa> esden's patch, i guess..
[00:54] < huebi> tsa: esdens special lame patch for rock
[00:54] < huebi> Exclusively for l4m3rz
[00:55] < tsa> hehe
[00:55] < holyolli> hah! endlich mal nen bild, was sich richtig sauber auf dem gesamten desktop anzeigen lässt! ;)
[00:55] < tsa> hm...esden uses gkrellm, too..
[00:55] < tsa> esden: what windowmanager is this?
[00:55] < rxr> esden: I do not say that you onyl get a dektop with dRock ...
[00:55] < rxr> esden: on https://www.rocklinux.org/people/rene/drock/drock.html even the normal ROCK features are mentioned ...
[00:56] < esden> rxr: nono !!
[00:56] < rxr> esden: sure much got merged into 1.5 and 1.7 - though ...
[00:56] < holyolli> .oO(is esden running x on an alpha?)
[00:57] < esden> but someone could think that ... or something ...
[00:57] < rxr> an there will only be a 1.4.2 and 1.6.0 dRock -> any further work will be in 1.7 ;-)
[00:57] < esden> holyolli: sure ... enlightenment .. it is pretty fast ... (no joke)
[00:57] < tsa> that's the point i like most..
[00:58] < holyolli> hm.
[00:58] < esden> clifford: you could also include the lame patch in 1.7 ;-)
[01:00] < tsa> hm...
[01:00] < tsa> evolution still segfaulting here..
[01:00] < tsa> but gnome catches the sig11, therefore no core file to inspect..
[01:01] < clifford> esden: lame patch?
[01:01] < tsa> hm...ltrace evolution shows two different things - malloc and free.
[01:02] < tsa> does evolution really do anything but use up memory?
[01:02] < clifford> I'm not going include a `lame' patch ..  :-)
[01:02] < esden> clifford: yes ... it is adding an option to the kernel that is REALLY importaint
[01:02] < tsa> *sigh*
[01:02] < clifford> esden: the multi-cpu thing?
[01:02] < esden> clifford: probbably the _most_ importaint
[01:03] < esden> clifford: noo ... I am still working on the multi-cpu thing ... :-(
[01:03] < tsa> poor clifford.
[01:03] < clifford> (esden would ce a good car dealer)
[01:03] < tsa> hahaha
[01:04] < clifford> the price is always the lest thibng he mentions ..
[01:04] < esden> clifford: or other stuff dealer ;-)
[01:04] < esden> clifford: money what is it ... I have not seen any for decades ;-)
[01:04] < clifford> no - that's my job - www.druginfo.clifford.at/druginfo/
[01:05] < clifford> so you might not be a so good car dealer ..
[01:06] < esden> clifford: I have not try to deal cars ... that is probably why I have not seen money till now
[01:06] < tsa> clifford: what exactly is "Dorgen"?
[01:06] < tsa> ;)
[01:07] < clifford> tsa: www.druginfo.clifford.at/druginfo/basic_drogen.html
[01:08] < tsa> clifford: yes...it says something about Drogen....but in the menu, there's a point "Dorgen" ;-)
[01:08] < tsa> (menu = stuff on left side)
[01:08] < rxr> tsa: you seem to have taken too much of Drogen ..
[01:09] < tsa> rxr: or Dorgen? ;)
[01:09]   clifford will fix ..
[01:09] < rxr> or Dorgen ;-)
[01:09] < tsa> hehe
[01:09] < tsa> clifford: fine ;)
[01:09] < hackbard> des Rausches in dem Hatz der
[01:09] < hackbard>                           Hanfpflanze lieg
[01:09] < hackbard> fix that too :)
[01:09] < rxr> clifford: also many Rechliches Links to not yield info ...
[01:09] < clifford> that's not my file.
[01:09] < clifford> also.
[01:10] < clifford> the project is pretty old and wie didn't continue working on it for a while now ..
[01:11] < hackbard> we had stechapfel in our garden
[01:11] < hackbard> my mom called them engelstrompeten
[01:11] < hackbard> :-)
[01:11] < zUnE> at last! an error stopped it..
[01:11] < zUnE> ;)
[01:12] < clifford> i think i will spend some time fixing midimountain.
[01:12] < rxr> clifford: o shit I forgot an important patch
[01:13] < clifford> which?
[01:13] < rxr> adding the new pkgconfig PATH creation to misc/profiles ..
[01:13] < rxr> so nearly nothing of gnome2 will compile
[01:13] < rxr> (although I would never install it anyways ...)
[01:14] < clifford> :-)
[01:14] < clifford> send me the patch.
[01:14] -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has quit ("Connection reset by telekom")
[01:15] < huebi> libdb_cxx-3.2.so: undefined symbol: cerr <- any idea?
[01:15] < tsa> oh-oh
[01:15] < esden> n8
[01:16] < esden> @ *
[01:16] < clifford> n8
[01:16] < huebi> nacht esden
[01:16] < tsa> huebi: try rebuilding berkeley db
[01:16] < rxr> clifford: out
[01:16] < rxr> cu esden
[01:16] < tsa> looks like there are old header files anywhere
[01:17] < rxr> tsa: ? cerr is the C++ error stream
[01:17] < rxr> this should not be a berkeley db issue ...
[01:17] < hackbard> will there be another snap today then?
[01:17] < rxr> hackbard: gnome2 needs still some polish - not all compiles yet ...
[01:17] < clifford> maybe it's not linked to the right libstdc++
[01:17] < hackbard> rxr: okay
[01:18] < hackbard> i just want to have a 1.7 booting as fast as possible, as there are so many new packages which i dont want to adjust for 1.5 if i want to build them
[01:20] < clifford> rxr: applied.
[01:20] < clifford> ich mach einen neuen snap sowie meine downloads fertig sind.
[01:21] < rxr> i do not like all the pkgconfig and auto* stuff - why is this stuff that ugly ...
[01:22] < hackbard> puh, generic source now has 724M ..
[01:23] < clifford> why does mister filus send german mails to the list?
[01:23] < rxr> another question I already asked: the RFC packages still have checksum errors here - didn't you hacked that the RFC packages do not chksum fail anymore ?
[01:23]   rxr fetchmail
[01:24] < clifford> rxr:
[01:24] < hackbard> i remember having problems downloding them with -mirror none
[01:24] < clifford> [D] XXXXXXXXXX RFCs3001-latest.tar.gz ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/tar/
[01:24] < clifford> [D] 1880233712 RFCs0001-0500.tar.gz   ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/tar/
[01:24] < clifford> [D] 2381640450 RFCs0501-1000.tar.gz   ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/tar/
[01:24] < clifford> usw.
[01:24] < tsa> hm...openoffice doesn't like to live together with staroffice already installed..
[01:24] < rxr> clifford: no idea - and no comment to Mr. Filus ...
[01:24] < clifford> I thought that only the -latest file would change ..
[01:24] < rxr> ERROR: Found download/base/rfc/RFCs0001-0500.tar.gz.cksum-err.
[01:24] < rxr> ...
[01:25] < clifford> rxr: how big is the file you got?
[01:25] < rxr> just deleted -> redownload ...
[01:26] < clifford> too bad.
[01:26] < clifford> I just wonder why those files should change ..
[01:26] < tsa> hm....
[01:26] < tsa> https://gd.tuwien.ac.at
[01:26] < tsa> sucks.
[01:26] < clifford> afair the INDEX file is in all this archives.
[01:26] < clifford> tsa: why?
[01:27] < tsa> clifford: because it delivers non-present stuff with "302 Found"...
[01:27] < rxr> Cksum ERROR: download/base/rfc/RFCs0001-0500.tar.gz.cksum-err (3145208774)
[01:27] < rxr> Finished downloading 7444787 bytes in 62.715 seconds (118708.236 bytes/sec).
[01:27] < tsa> ..and returns you a html document
[01:27] < clifford> tsa: oh. yes - that sucks.
[01:27] < clifford> rxr: how big is the tar.gz ?
[01:27] < tsa> this means, if you try to use it as a mirror and it doesn't already have that file, the html file is downloaded and cksum'd..
[01:28] < rxr> 7444787 bytes
[01:28] < tsa> GET /sdfsdfs HTTP/1.1
[01:28] < tsa> Host: gd.tuwien.ac.at
[01:28] < tsa> HTTP/1.1 302 Found
[01:28] < tsa> *sigh*
[01:29] < rxr> tsa: I do not use mirrors ....
[01:29] < clifford> rxr: is this a tar.gz or tar.bz2 file?
[01:30] < rxr> that is the downloaded size
[01:30] < rxr> the converted files are :
[01:30] < rxr> -rw-r--r--    1 rene     users     7444787 May 15 01:26 RFCs0001-0500.tar.gz.cksum-err
[01:30] < rxr> -rw-r--r--    1 rene     users     5284869 May 15 01:27 RFCs0501-1000.tar.gz.cksum-err
[01:30] < rxr> -rw-r--r--    1 rene     users    13595160 May 15 01:29 RFCs1001-1500.tar.gz.cksum-err
[01:30] < rxr> should I post some checksums ?
[01:31] < clifford> hmmm .. my one is only 700106 butes big.
[01:31] < clifford> I will simply remove also the other rfc checksums.
[01:31] < rxr> ok
[01:32] < rxr> today I saw BSD ports files the first time in my live ;-) - Much more simple and hardcoded than ROCK ;-)
[01:33] < rxr> clifford: btw it is ok that metacity/no-tar-yet fails do download - there is not yet a tar-ball. It is only possible to pull it from CVS ...
[01:34] < clifford> rxr: put a '?' in front of the url. that way it's marked as questionable.
[01:35] < rxr> clifford: and what is done with such an URL ?
[01:35] < clifford> nothing. they are ignored by the download script (produce a warning message)
[01:36] < huebi> == 01:32:43 =[3]=> Building base package xfree86 [4.2.0 1.5.14_2002-05-14_03h06]. <- all wnet well now
[01:36] < huebi> n8
[01:37] < huebi> on Sparc64
[01:38] < clifford> rxr: I will go sleeping now. snapshot with patch will follow tomorrow ..
[01:38] -!- clifford is now known as clifford_away
[01:38] < rxr> sure good night - I'll take sleep now , too. cu
[01:39] < rxr> cu all
[01:40] < zUnE> night
[01:40] < zUnE> hmm, failed at linking a lib
[01:43] < hackbard> hmm, and i already deleted the last rock-src as i thought there wil be a new one now :p
[01:45] < zUnE> im talking about openoffice, if its me you mean  :)
[01:45] < hackbard> no, about the snap which will go out tommorrow and not now :)
[01:47] < zUnE> ah
[02:00] < hackbard> hmm, i start building anyways
[02:00] < hackbard> good night!
[02:00] -!- hackbard is now known as hack^zzZ
[02:17] < tsa> soo...
[02:17]   tsa going to sleep
[02:17] < tsa> cya all
[02:17] -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9525660.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[02:23] < zUnE> what?  time is only 02:23 am
[02:35] -!- Netsplit zahn.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: zUnE
[02:35] -!- Netsplit over, joins: zUnE
[02:40] < zUnE> night
[02:40] -!- zUnE [~dizzy@as2-2-2.um.bonet.se] has quit ("Klienten avslutas")
[03:39] -!- huebi_ [~huebi@pD952267B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[03:52] -!- huebi [~huebi@p50817CA0.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:43] -!- cap_ [~capchaos@pD904854C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[04:47] -!- d3m|wrk is now known as d3mian
[04:47] < d3mian> hola todos
[04:57] -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD9048515.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:40] -!- d3mian is now known as d3m|wrk
[05:46] -!- Netsplit zahn.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: fake
[05:48] -!- Netsplit over, joins: fake
[05:57] -!- d3m|wrk is now known as d3mian
[06:07] < praenti>   moin
[06:21] < praenti> no one here. so i'm going to breakfast
[06:22] < d3mian> enjoy it michael :)
[07:28] -!- cap_ is now known as capchaos
[07:33] < d3mian> yo capchaos
[07:34] < capchaos> re d3mian
[07:34] < d3mian> wie geht es dir meinne freund?
[07:34] < capchaos> heh gut, und wie stehts bei dir?
[07:34] < d3mian> danke, gut
[07:35] < capchaos> ;)
[07:35] < d3mian> capchaos: how do u access the internet, ppp?
[07:36] < capchaos> yes
[07:38] < d3mian> using rock?
[07:39] < capchaos> dRock 1.6 rc3
[07:39] < d3mian> dial up?
[07:39] < capchaos> flatrate
[07:40] < d3mian> umm, i need to set up a ppp dialup coneection in rock, but i have some probs
[07:41] < d3mian> "Daemon was died Unexpectly" -> this is the error (after dial)
[07:41] < d3mian> da u have any idea about this?
[07:41] < capchaos> hum
[07:41] < capchaos> what did you do to set it up?
[07:42] < d3mian> in kppp and gnome dialup tool
[07:42] < d3mian> both
[07:42] < capchaos> nothing more?
[07:42] < d3mian> nop
[07:43] < capchaos> is there a /etc/pppt/options file with proper values?
[07:43] < capchaos> /etc/ppp/options
[07:43] < capchaos> and /etc/resolv.conf with some nameservers to resolve ?
[07:43] < d3mian> there is no that file, by default there is no those files in drock 1.4.2
[07:43] < d3mian> resolve.conf is ok
[07:43] < d3mian> and cache too
[07:43] < d3mian> all dns config is ok
[07:43] < capchaos> the daemons needs a /etc/ppp/options
[07:44] < capchaos> touch /etc/ppp/options
[07:44] < d3mian> even if im using kppp?
[07:44] < capchaos> even if the file is empty and the daemons gets all it through parameters
[07:44] < capchaos> yes
[07:45] < d3mian> ok, isee
[07:45] < d3mian> ill touch that file
[07:45] < d3mian> what else?
[07:45] < capchaos> dunno
[07:45] < capchaos> try it out
[07:46] -!- th [th@delta.boerde.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[07:46] < capchaos> d3mian: ya have an /etc/resolv.conf ?
[07:46] < capchaos> hi th
[07:46] < d3mian> umm, a partner is telling me he has the same prob with slack8, and it has those files
[07:46] < capchaos> hmm
[07:46] < d3mian> hehe
[07:46] < d3mian> yes, i have one
[07:46] < d3mian> to my ISP dns
[07:48] < d3mian> i think is a /etc/ppp/* prob, with those files
[07:48] < capchaos> d3mian: i dont know what kppp does
[07:48] < capchaos> hm
[07:48] < capchaos> d3mian: you could set it up by hand
[07:49] < d3mian> yes, i would like
[07:50] -!- th [th@delta.boerde.de] has joined #rocklinux
[07:56] < capchaos> hi th
[07:56] < huebi_> moin
[07:57] < d3mian> hi huebi_
[07:57] < capchaos> morgn huebi_
[07:59] < praenti> moin die 2.
[07:59] -!- huebi_ is now known as huebi
[07:59] < huebi> xfree86 did compile ;-))
[08:00] < huebi> needed 2h45
[08:00]   praenti is hoping that now his conpile is running
[08:00] < praenti> perhaps i should look at it...
[08:01] < praenti> hehe. compile is at xfree86 ;-)
[08:02] < praenti> argh. and aborted.
[08:02] < praenti> huebi: have you fixed any things at this paket?
[08:10] -!- aszlig [~aszlig@pD9E4DCDF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[08:10] < aszlig> hi
[08:11] < praenti> hi aszlig
[08:11] < d3mian> hola az
[08:11] < aszlig> hi praenti ;)
[08:12] < aszlig> praenti: heh, you're awake ;)
[08:13] < praenti> aszlig: yes. why not?
[08:13] < aszlig> praenti: hrm, cause it's 08:13 am :P
[08:15] -!- clifford_away [~clifford@] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[08:17] < praenti> aszlig: i couldnt sleep any longer
[08:18] < aszlig> praenti: "sleep"? wtf is that?
[08:25] -!- clifford_away [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux
[08:31] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #rocklinux
[08:31] < bluefire> moin
[08:31] < aszlig> hullo
[08:34] < d3mian> sleep is hola bluefire
[08:35] < d3mian> :2 dw
[08:44] < rxr> re
[08:45] < d3mian> hola r^2
[08:48] -!- freed [~bofh@konzentrat.tfh-berlin.de] has joined #rocklinux
[08:48] < freed> hi
[08:48] < d3mian> hola freed
[08:48] < rxr> moin freed
[08:48] < freed> guten morgen ;)
[08:50] < d3mian> i have to leave and continue hardcoding @ my bed :)
[08:50] < d3mian> culater guys
[08:50] < freed> cu
[08:51] -!- d3mian is now known as d3m
[08:51] -!- d3m is now known as d3m|home
[09:11] -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD904854C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[09:21] -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD904842F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[09:26] < rxr> moin capchaos
[09:26] < capchaos> hi rene
[09:40] < huebi> re
[09:40] < huebi> praenti: What went wrong?
[09:50] < rxr> cu
[09:50] < huebi> cu rxr
[10:22] < hack^zzZ> cool, gcc3 fails in stage1 as the old linker doesnt know --eh-frame-hdr but it builds fine in stage3
[10:22] -!- hack^zzZ is now known as hackbard
[10:22] < hackbard> morning!
[10:23] < d3m|home> guten morgen frank
[10:23] -!- d3m|home is now known as d3mian
[10:23] < hackbard> morning jonathan
[10:24] < huebi> hi hackbard
[10:24] < huebi> hi d3mian
[12:09] < d3mian> when can u spend a bit of time and give me some things in nemesis come back here Miguel?
[12:10] < huebi> cu Mike1^zZzZ
[12:11] < rxr> re
[12:11] < d3mian> hi rene
[12:12] < d3mian> i continue wrkng , cu guys
[12:12] < huebi> cu d3mian
[12:12] -!- d3mian is now known as d3m|wrk
[12:25] -!- term_emu [~pm@beaufort.wyzant.de] has joined #rocklinux
[12:36] < term_emu> re
[12:37] < huebi> hi term_emu
[12:52] -!- d3m|wrk [~jonvargas@] has left #rocklinux ()
[13:04] -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:05] -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[13:05] < praenti> re
[13:05] < huebi> re praenti ;-)
[13:05] < huebi> praenti: Du hast vorhin gesagt XFree86 compiliert nicht.
[13:06] < huebi> ?
[13:06] < praenti> huebi: jo. hab gesehen, dass du schon gefixed hast. ist gelaufen
[13:06] < praenti> huebi: libpng hat allerdings auch eine aktualisierung des makefile.patch nötig. hab aber im moment keine zeit den zu machen.
[13:07] < huebi> praenti: Ok
[13:07]   praenti muss weg
[13:07] < praenti> cya later
[13:07] < huebi> cu praenti
[13:07] -!- praenti is now known as praenti|away
[13:12] < huebi> PING @ *
[13:12] < huebi> ;-)
[13:16] -!- term_emu is now known as term_aweh
[13:16] < huebi> root@rock:/rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs# ls *err |wc -l = 33
[13:17] < huebi> root@rock:/rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs# ls *log |wc -l = 285
[13:17] < huebi> That's the actuall resume of Sparc64.
[13:17] < huebi> Still compiling.
[13:18] < huebi> root@rock:/rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs# ls *err
[13:18] < huebi> 3-alsa.err           3-gnome-core.err     3-libpng.err     3-sawfish.err
[13:18] < huebi> 3-apmd.err           3-gnome-network.err  3-librsvg.err    3-softdog.err
[13:18] < huebi> 3-dump-config.err    3-gnome-utils.err    3-modules.err    3-tetex.err
[13:18] < huebi> 3-eel.err            3-gtop.err           3-mtools.err     3-xscreensaver.err
[13:18] < huebi> 3-eog.err            3-gv.err             3-nautilus.err   3-xv.err
[13:18] < huebi> 3-galeon.err         3-iproute2.err       3-netpbm.err     4-gimp.err
[13:18] < huebi> 3-gaspell.err        3-isapnptools.err    3-pcmcia-cs.err
[13:18] < huebi> 3-ghostscript.err    3-isdn4k-utils.err   3-qt.err
[13:18] < huebi> 3-gnome-applets.err  3-libgd.err          3-rep-gtk.err
[13:18] < huebi> all that failed so far.
[13:18] < huebi> I'm very pleased with that.
[13:19] < huebi> Ich meine zufrieden ;-)
[13:20] -!- clifford_away is now known as clifford
[13:20] < huebi> hi clifford
[13:20] < clifford> hi.
[13:20] < praenti|away> re
[13:20] -!- praenti|away is now known as praenti
[13:21] < huebi> re praenti
[13:21] -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[13:21] < netcrow> ji
[13:21] < netcrow> hi
[13:21] < huebi> hi netcrow
[13:21] < praenti> huebi: ok. sparc64 has more compile probs as intel
[13:21] < clifford> I'm still downloading sources for renes yesterdays update ...
[13:21] < huebi> praenti: I expected that.
[13:22] < clifford> At the moment: mozilla-source-1.0rc2 ...
[13:22] < huebi> clifford: Don't use your old 14.4k Modem...
[13:22] < huebi> :-)
[13:22] < clifford> huebi: I;ve never had one.
[13:22] < huebi> Ahh. For Mozilla, there is now a source tar.ball
[13:23] < clifford> I've had a 9600 boud modem and then a 32k cupper line.
[13:23] < huebi> clifford: What was your slowes connection then? ;)
[13:23] < huebi> ok
[13:24] < huebi> clifford: What was the copper line?
[13:24] < huebi> somethig like cable modem?
[13:24] < huebi> +n
[13:24] < esden> hi all
[13:24] < clifford> My akkustik-koppler (what's the english term?) for the c-64 only had 300 boud.
[13:24] < huebi> hi esden
[13:24] < clifford> huebi: zweidraht kupfer leitung.
[13:25] < huebi> export LANG=de_DE?
[13:26] < clifford> s/cupper/copper/ ...  :-)
[13:26] < clifford> mir is es egal.
[13:26] < huebi> ;-)
[13:26] < clifford> wenn die vorher spanisch gesprochen haben duerfen wir jetzt auch deutsch sprechen ..  :-)
[13:27] < huebi> Mit babelfish kann ich auch Tschechisch...
[13:27] < clifford> meine mikrowelle klingelt! .. bin gleich wieder da.
[13:27] < huebi> Pavlow'scher Clifford... ;-))) *GGG*
[13:27] < praenti> lol
[13:28] < huebi> *fallVomStuhlVorLachen*
[13:28] < praenti> huebi: war doch der versuch mit dem hund oder?
[13:28] < huebi> praenti: exact
[13:29] < huebi> Futter+Klingel = Geifer. Spaeter nur noch Klingel = Geifer ;-)
[13:32] < clifford> nana kriegst euch mal wieder ein ..
[13:32] < huebi> :-) jo.
[13:32] < clifford> (wenn es zu zeiten konrad-lorenz bereits irc gegeben haette, kein mensch wuerde wissen das es graugaense gibt)
[13:33]   praenti sitzt grad in ner projektmanagement vorlesung
[13:33] < huebi> clifford: ACK
[13:34] < huebi> /play praenti unheimlich.lautes.mp3 hehehe
[13:35] < praenti> hehe. an dem rechner sind keine boxen
[13:36] < huebi> /smoke praenti Netzteil on
[13:36] < praenti> lol
[13:36] < huebi> stink...
[13:39] < huebi> "Wenn aus ihrem Netzteil Rauch 'raus kommt, dann brauchen sie die nosmoke.exe. Allerdings muss ihr PC dafuer M$-kompatibilitaets zertifiziert sein sonst brauchen sie unter Umstaenden die KillFire.exe.
[13:39] < huebi> "
[13:40] < huebi> Und was mach' ich mit meinem Mac? - Mac's rauchen nicht. Die funktionieren einfach.
[13:41] < clifford> typisch amerikanisch - jetzt gibts sogar schon nichtraucher computer ..
[13:46] < huebi> Dafuer haben die Computer, mit denen man atomar bestueckte Marschflugkoerper programmieren kann.
[13:47] < huebi> Ich habe mal mit einem amerikanischen Soldaten zusammen gewohnt, der hat sowas bedient.
[13:48] < huebi> ist jetzt auch schon wieder 8 Jahre her...
[13:49] < huebi> == 10:43:10 =[3]=> Building base package mozilla [0.9.9 1.5.14_2002-05-14_03h06]. hmm, braucht wohl noch ein bischen...
[14:02] -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A6D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux
[14:02] < snyke> hi all
[14:06] < clifford> hi.
[14:06] -!- d3m|wrk [~jonvargas@] has joined #rocklinux
[14:07] < huebi> hi snyke
[14:11] < netcrow> sodele, hab grad meinen bitzschlüssel abgegeben..
[14:13] < huebi> netcrow: Was bedeutet das?
[14:15] -!- Mike1^zZzZ [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[14:33] < esden> netcrow: :-(
[14:34] < esden> netcrow: zumindest hast bissel geld dadurch ...
[14:35] < huebi> esden: Was bedeutet das?
[14:38] < d3m|wrk> cu later guys, i go classes now (it's 6h37m here)
[14:38] -!- d3m|wrk is now known as d3m|class
[14:38] < huebi> cu d3m|class
[14:38] < capchaos> d3mian, you doesnt sleep at all do you? ..bye
[14:39] < capchaos> *dont
[14:39]   praenti hat ein konzentrationsproblem...
[14:39] < d3m|class> yes, i didnt sleep, neither yesterdays and past day before yestarday
[14:40] < d3m|class> :(
[14:40] < capchaos> thats not healthy :/
[14:46] < netcrow> praenti: must du immer an sex denken?
[14:47] < praenti> netcrow: ???
[14:48] < capchaos> ROCK Linux (said to be a "server Linux" and "designed for experts;" it's also supposed to compile itself on any platform)
[14:48] < praenti> netcrow: soll ich ehrlich sein? --> auch
[14:50] < esden> capchaos: not on any platform ... but many ;-)
[14:51]   esden reading Build-Pkg script ... (my brain is scorching)
[15:07] -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("leaving")
[15:16] < praenti> argh. ich hasse excle übungen
[15:16] < praenti> s/excle/excel
[15:36] -!- capchaos is now known as capaway
[15:36] < praenti> clifford: da?
[15:36] -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:37] < holyolli> moin
[15:39] < praenti> holyolli: jetzt erst aufgestanden?
[15:40] < holyolli> moin praenti...nee, aber ich dachte es klingt schöner ;-)
[15:43] < praenti> *g*
[15:48] < rxr> re
[15:50] < clifford> praenti: ja - was gibts?
[15:50] < praenti> clifford: shon gefunden. wollte dich fragen ob dunuinter umständen im ccc-umfeld einen wavelan kenner kennst mit ner guten seite. hab allerdings jetzt etwas
[15:54] < holyolli> hi rxr
[15:54] < holyolli> hi clifford
[16:01] < huebi> hi rxr
[16:01] < huebi> hi hackbard
[16:07]   praenti is wech. cya
[16:07] -!- praenti is now known as praenti|away
[16:08] -!- freed [~bofh@konzentrat.tfh-berlin.de] has quit ("BitchX-1.0c18 -- just do it.")
[16:24] -!- clifford [~clifford@] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[16:25] -!- clifford [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux
[16:25] < huebi> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/howtos/Rocklinux_installation_de.html <- funkelniegelnagelneu ;-))
[16:25] < huebi> RFC ;-)
[16:26] < clifford> rxr: I need your help (with c++)
[16:26] < huebi> clifford: Gibt es eigendlich irgendwo schon ein Install Howto auf deutsch?
[16:27] < clifford> also was meinen tree betrifft gibt es ueberhaupt kein install howto ...
[16:27] < clifford> ansonsten gibt es soweit ich weiss auch sonst keines.
[16:27] < huebi> clifford: *gg*
[16:27] < clifford> (kein deutschen ... ansonsten ... :-)
[16:28] < clifford> rxr: do you listen?
[16:31] -!- rxr_ [~rene@port-212-202-172-116.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[16:31] < clifford> hi rene
[16:31] < clifford> ich haette dich vor 5 min gebraucht ..
[16:34] < rxr_> hi clifford
[16:34] < huebi> mozilla 0.9.9 <- hat 3h36 gebraucht auf der Ultra30 ;-)
[16:34] -!- d3m|class is now known as d3m|class[scape]
[16:34] < rxr_> och bin doch schon lange hier :-(
[16:34] < d3m|class[scape]> hi
[16:34] < huebi> hi d3m|class[scape]
[16:35]   clifford found the problem with tse3 and is now building 'anthem' ..
[16:39] < rxr_> btw do you also use the gcc3 as C default ?
[16:39] < clifford> no.
[16:40] < rxr_> ah
[16:40] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-174-191.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[16:40] -!- d3m|class[scape] is now known as d3m|wrk
[16:40] < rxr_> maybe this is why perl5 failes here (although the error is some makefile build fluff ...)
[16:41] < clifford> could be...
[16:42] < clifford> do you build also the kernel with gcc3?
[16:43] < rxr_> clifford: only in the 1.7 chroot - not on my working system ...
[16:43] < rxr_> clifford: the kernel doesn't have too many gcc3 probs
[16:43] < rxr_> clifford: I had nearly complete gcc3 dRock last year including the kernel -> no prob
[16:43] < rxr_> clifford: and some kernel hacker also occationally write they use the gcc3 ...
[16:44] -!- rxr_ is now known as rxr
[16:44] < clifford> maybe we should add a 'kcc' which is just a symlink and is triggered by the compiler selection.
[16:45]   rxr wonder where the _ came from ..
[16:45] < clifford> you have been already online.
[16:45] < rxr> clifford: no my irsii is running for weeks on a router ...
[16:46] < clifford> hm....
[16:46] < rxr> clifford: you wanna add kcc to where ?
[16:47] < clifford> to the package which is selected as kernel compiler.
[16:48] < rxr> clifford: sure another nice options to play with ;-)
[16:48] < clifford> and the sparc people will like it ..
[16:51] < huebi> re
[16:52] < d3m|wrk> wb huebi
[16:53]   clifford has already much expirience in typing 'std::' ..
[16:53] < clifford> :-)
[16:53] < rxr> using namespace std;
[16:53] < rxr> somewhere on the top and you do not need to type ervery single one ...
[16:54] < clifford> rxr: yes - i know. But I started it this way and I don't want to mix ...  :-)
[17:02] < huebi> https://www.opera.com/download/get.pl?platform=linux&force=6.0 <- update.
[17:05] < rxr> clifford: hm the perl4 Configure doesn't generate vaild Makefiles with gcc3.1 ...
[17:05] < rxr> er perl5
[17:05] < clifford> rxr: which variables do i need to set so a kde program can find the icons, etc?
[17:06] < clifford> KDEDIR? KDEHOME? ..
[17:06] < rxr> there is nothing to set - this might be hardcoded in the prog or so
[17:07] < clifford> KDEDIR.
[17:07] < rxr> but I remember that also did not worked when I tried anthem (a year ago ..)
[17:09] < rxr> clifford: ? does it work with some KDEDIR stuff? (but kdedir should already be set by the profile.d script ...
[17:10] < clifford> I have no profile.d script here (only some kde libs installed ..  :-)
[17:11] < rxr> but the kdelibs packages installed a two line kde script into /etc/profile.d ...
[17:12] < clifford> I only have /etc/profile.d/qt
[17:12] < rxr> Hm
[17:12] < clifford> ... which is incorrect - btw.
[17:12] < rxr> oh
[17:12] < clifford> QTDIR=usr ... should be QTDIR=/usr
[17:12] < clifford> $prefix is without the slash.
[17:12] < rxr> ok I'll fix it
[17:14] -!- d3m|wrk [~jonvargas@] has left #rocklinux ()
[17:24] -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E79535.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:25] < martin_> hello
[17:25] < holyolli> hi martin_
[17:25] < huebi> hi martin
[17:25] < huebi> hi holyolli
[17:25] < rxr> hi martin_
[17:26] < huebi> clifford: Kannst du mal einen Port von 1.5.14 auf PPC ausprobieren?
[17:27] < martin_> rxr: Unter /various-updates/ gibt's kde-3.0.1-speedup-test/, worum handelt es sich den dabei?
[17:29] < rxr> a try to speedup kde - but this did not pruduced any performance gain.
[17:29] < rxr> I'll remove this dir ...
[17:29] < rxr> done
[17:30] < martin_> ok. and a new xemacs?
[17:30] < rxr> hm in the perl5 "makefile" stuff like <build in> and <command line> shos up as dependeny ... somehow the cpp output is parsed incorrectly ...
[17:31] < rxr> martin_: only a new version - I could already upload the next xemacs update ;-)
[17:31] < huebi> clifford: PINNnng! ;-)
[17:34] < clifford> huebi: pong.
[17:35] < huebi> clifford: ;-) Kannst du mal einen Port von 1.5.14 auf PPC ausprobieren?
[17:35]   clifford reading scrollback.
[17:36] < clifford> huebi: grundsaetzlich ja.
[17:36] < huebi> clifford: aba?
[17:36] < clifford> ich hab' ein bischen probleme mit dem plattenplatz ein the B50...
[17:38] < huebi> get es trotzdem irgendwie?
[17:38] < huebi> +h
[17:38] < huebi> https://www.rocklinux.org/people/huebi/rock16/index.html <- new
[17:39] < clifford> ja klar. nur nicht jetzt...   :-(
[17:39] < huebi> clifford: wann denn dann?
[17:39] < clifford> ich muss mir mal einen tag zeit nehmen und auf der kiste aufraeumen ..
[17:41] < huebi> so, ich muss zum Zug. bis spaeter ;-)
[17:41] < clifford> cu.
[17:41] < huebi> clifford: Sieh' mal, ob du was machen kannst. PPC waere schoen zum Linuxtag. ;-)
[17:41] < huebi> ... und wech..
[17:44] -!- aszlig [~aszlig@pD9E4DCDF.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:44] -!- d3m|wrk [~jonvargas@] has joined #rocklinux
[17:47] < rxr> hm the per5 configuratin is rather unusally ...
[17:48] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has quit ("leaving")
[17:48] < holyolli> wtf is https://www2.rocklinux.org ?
[17:50] < rxr> holyolli: the company of Chris Hamilton ? ;-)
[17:50] < holyolli> ah
[17:50] < holyolli> *g*
[17:54] -!- SMP [stefanp@world.WRonline.de] has joined #rocklinux
[17:54] < SMP> folks ..
[17:54] < holyolli> smp!
[17:54] < holyolli> moin
[17:54] < rxr> Hi SMP!
[17:57] -!- simon--- [~sts@pD951E4D4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:57] < d3m|wrk> hi SMP, simon---
[18:01] -!- hackbard_ [~hackbard@pD9523D2B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:01] -!- capaway is now known as capchaos
[18:10] < hackbard_> re
[18:10] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD9523580.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: hackbard_!~hackbard@pD9523D2B.dip.t-dialin.net)))
[18:10] -!- hackbard_ is now known as hackbard
[18:12] -!- simon-- [~sts@p50875267.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:12] -!- simon--- is now known as simon--
[18:13] < hackbard> a lot of stuff in stage 3 misses GLIB and faisl to build ..
[18:13] < rxr> holyolli: yes. I know but I have only troubles with the 1.7 build here for the last days ...
[18:14] < rxr> erm ups shitp completation
[18:14] < holyolli> hehe
[18:14] < hackbard> ;)
[18:14] < rxr> hackbard: I only sent it to cliff to not get too much out of sync ...
[18:14] < d3m|wrk> rene: or u write bad the nick or u are talking to urself :)
[18:15] < rxr> I'm just fixing perl5 for gcc3 and then I can continue with the gnome2 packages
[18:15] < hackbard> funny thing is 1-gcc3 which also fails as old bußinutils's ld doesnt know --eh-frame-hdr, but it compiles fine in stage 3
[18:15] < rxr> d3m|wrk: I have to do better than writing most beautifull IRC lines ...
[18:16] < hackbard> rxr: not quite sure if its only ur stuff
[18:16] < rxr> hackbard: ?
[18:16] < hackbard> you maintain extra*, right?
[18:16] < rxr> hackbard: no only extra1
[18:16] < hackbard> its also x11 stuff
[18:16] < rxr> extra2 is cliffs sound tools repository ;-)
[18:17] < hackbard> hehe ;)
[18:18] < rxr> gcc3 compiles fine in 1 here (with and without gcc2 as C compiler ...
[18:18]   rxr on VT fixinf perl5
[18:18] < hackbard> well, i suppose you have a newer binutils version
[18:20] < rxr> yes nearly the latest
[18:22] < rxr> hackbard: you can eable the pseudo cross compiler for your build if yo do not want to touch your host system ...
[18:24] < hackbard> ah, then it uses its own binutils and compiler i guess ..
[18:24] < rxr> yes - like in a cross build ;-)
[18:24] < hackbard> but it build fine in stage 3 (in chroot with new binutils) and no packages seem to fail to this point as of missing gcc3
[18:25] < rxr> hackbard: this depends if you select gcc3 for C and/or C++ ...
[18:25] < hackbard> i use the default
[18:25] < rxr> My next builds will be gcc3 only - so then the package must work in Stage-1 ...
[18:25] < rxr> hackbard: yes the default is gcc2 for C and gcc3 for the rest
[18:26] < hackbard> yeah, are there advantages compiling the whole stuff with gcc3?
[18:28] < d3m|wrk> rock-src-1.5.12.tar.bz2
[18:28] < rxr> gcc3 had much better optimizations - like it should have after >2 years of tuning and hacking ;-)
[18:28] < d3m|wrk> completet built
[18:28] < d3m|wrk> :)
[18:28] < d3m|wrk> cu later
[18:28] -!- d3m|wrk [~jonvargas@] has left #rocklinux ()
[18:28] < hackbard> okay
[18:28] < rxr> and has enhanced C++ suport
[18:29] < rxr> although thi will only be useable in the future when C++ project do not have to be compileable with the gcc2.95.3 one ...
[18:30] < hackbard> i see
[18:31]   rxr running a hacked perl5 Configure the 30th time ...
[18:33] < rxr> hm still fails ...
[18:34] < hackbard> built fine here
[18:34] < hackbard> ... but we are usinf diffrent default gcc's
[18:35] < rxr> hackbard: yes - it also builds fine for Cliff ...
[18:35] < rxr> the gcc3 preprocessor has some additional output which needs to be stripped of
[18:35] < rxr> perl uses cpp to generate it's dependencies ...
[18:37] < hackbard> aha, and you already figured out what needs to be stripped?
[18:41] < SMP> rxr: ST:ENT 23, 24, 25 am gewohnten Platz
[18:41] < rxr> yes only some <buildin> and <some other fluff>
[18:42] < rxr> SMP: Danke!
[18:42] < SMP> rxr: und damit endet die erste season
[18:44] < rxr> juche Perl5 started compiling ...
[18:45] < rxr> its Configure stuff is rather interesting ...
[18:46] < hackbard> so how do you implement it into rock? a patch that gets only applied when using gcc3 as a default?
[18:47] < rxr> hackbard: i think it is harmless and can always be applied ...
[18:47] < hackbard> ahh, okay
[18:47] < rxr> only s sed 's|.*<.*>|'
[18:47] < rxr> but finding the right place for it was rather difficult due to the really freake configure scripts ...
[18:48] < hackbard> i believe that ..
[18:48] < clifford> rxr: the unneded gcc output: warnings?
[18:48] < rxr> clifford: no perl passes the output of cpp -bla file.c
[18:48] < rxr> so that it get all #include statements for the dependeny list
[18:49] < rxr> but gcc3 sometimes output some <build-in> and another one I forgot ...
[18:49] < rxr> the warning go to stderr and are not parsed be the dep generation ...
[18:50] < rxr> hm but now gcc3 complains about incompatible assignments ... :-(
[18:51] -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has quit ("fnord!")
[18:53] -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:03] -!- clifford [~clifford@] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[19:04] < huebi> SMP: Juhuu! I'm glad to see you again ;-)))))
[19:04] < huebi> btw. re
[19:20] -!- huebi_ [huebi@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux
[19:21] < SMP> hehe, wb ;)
[19:22] < huebi_> Ha, endlich wieder zuhause ;-))
[19:26] -!- huebi [~huebi@pD952267B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[19:26] -!- huebi_ is now known as huebi
[19:27] < rxr> clifford: have you an idea why casting char* to struct {/**/} socketaddr* could work ?
[19:28] < rxr> hm has clifford left?
[19:28] < SMP> 19:03|  (!) clifford ~clifford@ has quit ["Client Exiting"]
[19:28] < huebi> rxr: /who
[19:28] -!- wschlich [~wschlich@p50815699.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:29] -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD904842F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:30] < rxr> huebi: yes but I have not the clifford@... left in the scrollback ...
[19:32] < rxr> ah I have ok ..
[19:32] < rxr> anyway the gcc2 doesn't compile this too ...
[19:32] < rxr> so the Configure script must have generated some misleading config ... :-(
[19:32] < rxr> this sucks
[19:45] < th> re
[19:52] -!- wschlich [~wschlich@p50815699.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Excess Flood)
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[19:54] -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E11D29.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:54] < tsa> tag
[19:54] < holyolli> hallo tsa
[19:54] < tsa> tag olli.
[20:01] < huebi> hi th
[20:01] < huebi> moin tsa
[20:01] < huebi> ;-)
[20:02] < tsa> hi huebi
[20:02] < tsa> wie gehts?
[20:02] < huebi> News from the UltraSparc Port
[20:02] < huebi> root@rock:/rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs# ls *err |wc -l =25
[20:02] < tsa> cool.
[20:03] < huebi> root@rock:/rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs# ls *log |wc -l = 294
[20:03] < tsa> ls *err?
[20:03] < tsa> linux
[20:03] < tsa> glibc
[20:03] < tsa> ;)
[20:03] < huebi> root@rock:/rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs# ls *err
[20:03] < huebi> 3-alsa.err           3-gnome-utils.err  3-netpbm.err
[20:03] < huebi> 3-apmd.err           3-iproute2.err     3-pcmcia-cs.err
[20:03] < huebi> 3-dump-config.err    3-isapnptools.err  3-qt.err
[20:03] < huebi> 3-eel.err            3-libgd.err        3-sawfish.err
[20:03] < huebi> 3-eog.err            3-libpng.err       3-softdog.err
[20:03] < huebi> 3-ghostscript.err    3-librsvg.err      3-xscreensaver.err
[20:03] < huebi> 3-gnome-applets.err  3-modules.err      3-xv.err
[20:03] < huebi> 3-gnome-core.err     3-mtools.err
[20:03] < huebi> 3-gnome-network.err  3-nautilus.err
[20:04] < tsa> hm....mainly gnome stuff.
[20:04] < tsa> why did modules fail?
[20:04] < huebi> mostly libpng related
[20:05] < huebi> touch: creating `/rock-linux/src/linux/include/asm/asm_offsets.h': No such file or directory
[20:06] < tsa> hm....fileutils are ok...so why don't you have "touch"?
[20:08] < huebi> tsa: moment
[20:09]   huebi unpacking kernel...
[20:09] -!- wschlich [~wschlich@p50815699.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Excess Flood)
[20:09] -!- wschlich [~wschlich@p50815699.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
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[20:10] -!- Netsplit zahn.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: SMP
[20:11] -!- Netsplit over, joins: SMP
[20:12] < huebi> tsa: linux/include/asm <-asm is missing. ./misc/generate-asm is the script to set this up.
[20:14] < huebi> first I have a look at 1.7 if there is now a linux, a linux.src and no modules package any more.
[20:15] < huebi> If so, I take it over ;-)
[20:15] < tsa> ack.
[20:15] < tsa> i don't see any sense in splitting up the kernel and the modules..
[20:16] < huebi> Not for normal use. It's only interesting while installation. You can then just extract the modules.
[20:18] < tsa> hm...
[20:18] < huebi> Also to just kick off the kernel source with pkg-remove makes sence. ;-))
[20:19] < tsa> tar cIvf modules.tbz2 /lib/modules/`uname -r`/
[20:19] < tsa> rm -rf /usr/src/linux
[20:19] < tsa> ;-)
[20:20] < huebi> tsa: hehe
[20:21] < tsa> definitely easier than setting um two packages, i guess..
[20:23] < tsa> if you don't know how to use tar and rm, rock linux isn't the distro you should use, anyway... ;-)
[20:24] < huebi> Why is only 2.4.18 and not 2.4.18-rc4 used in 1.7? *wunder*
[20:37] < tsa> i don't know.
[20:37] < huebi> I like the serial console on SUN
[20:37] < tsa> there was a minor difference, if i remember correctly..
[20:37] < huebi> tsa: in 2.4.18-rc4 are some more Sparc(64) fixes.
[20:39] < martin_> bye rxr
[20:44] -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E79535.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[20:46] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-172-116.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[20:46] -!- tsa_ [~tsa@pD9E11240.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:46] < holyolli> re tsa
[20:46] -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E11D29.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: tsa_!~tsa@pD9E11240.dip.t-dialin.net)))
[20:46] -!- tsa_ is now known as tsa
[20:47] < holyolli> so...erstma nach hause
[20:47] < tsa> scheisse.
[20:47] < huebi> cu holyolli
[20:47] < holyolli> mh?
[20:47] < tsa> schalter auf knie-hoehe unguenstig.
[20:47] < holyolli> *lol*
[20:47] < huebi> hehe. Alles gut macht der Reboot
[20:48] -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has quit ("fnord!")
[20:48] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-175-91.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[20:53] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD9E49E79.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:54] < thalerim> hi.
[20:56] < thalerim> be right back
[20:56] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD9E49E79.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:58] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD9E49E79.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:06] < tsa> hi thalerim
[21:06] < thalerim> hallo tsa :-D
[21:06] < huebi> hi thalerim
[21:10] < thalerim> auch dir hallo huebi
[21:12] < thalerim> schaut irgendjemanden Leverkusen?
[21:12] < thalerim> -en
[21:12] < huebi> Noe ;-)
[21:12] < tsa> noe.
[21:12]   huebi hat keinen Fernseher...
[21:13]   tsa schon.
[21:13] < tsa> aber kein interesse an fussball.
[21:13] < tsa> huebi: huch..
[21:14] < huebi> tsa: ?
[21:14] < tsa> wegen fernseher..
[21:19] -!- rxr_ [~rene@port-213-20-128-190.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[21:19] < huebi> Fernseher habe ich wirlich nicht. Aber eine TV-Karte. Die kann ich hier in der Wohnung aber nicht einsetzen weil ich dann ~20m Antennenkabel diagonal durch die Wohnung legen muesste. Da mach' ich mir lieber Gedanken, wie ich ein Glasfaserkabel aus dem 3. Stock in den Keller bekomme. Hier in meinem Zimmer (10 m^2) ist das mit 3 21"lern und 4-5 laufenden Rechnern schon ganz schoen warm ;) Ausserdem hasse ich TV-Werbung!
[21:19] < tsa> hehe
[21:20] < tsa> Was hast du denn im Keller als Gegenstelle fuer die Faser noch zu stehen?
[21:20] < huebi> und 300GB Filme auf Band und Platte ist auch ganz nett
[21:20] < tsa> hehe
[21:22] < huebi> tsa: Im moment steht im Keller nichts. Aber ich will die Rechner mit Ihrer Abwaerme (geschaetzt 500 - 700 Watt) und ihrem Krach gerne im Keller haben.
[21:23] < tsa> hm....
[21:24] < tsa> max-laenge kabel rechner <--> monitor?
[21:24] < huebi> Naja STP und 100MBit oder 1000MBit wuerde auch reichen. Dann kriege ich auch das A-DSL ueber das gleiche kabel mit in den Keller. Ist auch deutlich billiger
[21:24] < tsa> hehe
[21:25] < huebi> tsa: JavaStation! Aus dem Keller booten lassen und als Xterminal nehmen.
[21:25] < tsa> huebi: hm....hast du schon eine?
[21:26]   tsa fragt sich immer noch, warum die _java_station heissen.
[21:26] < tsa> bootet, via tftp/nfs, ist nen microsparc-prozessor drin.
[21:26] < tsa> mehr weiss ich nich ueber die dinger..
[21:27] < huebi> tsa: Nein, aber ein Angebot von Livingston fuer das JK-Model "Krups" mit 8MB Flash und 64MB RAM und ohne Luefter!
[21:27] < tsa> a..
[21:27] < tsa> ah..
[21:27] < huebi> 120 EUR +MwSt incl Keyboard und Maus (beides PS/2!)
[21:27] < huebi> tsa: mom
[21:28] < tsa> hm....das klingt definitiv ok.
[21:28] < huebi> Livingston schulded mir noch einen Gefallen. Den Preis kriege ich noch runter. Jede Wette!
[21:28] < tsa> hehe
[21:29] < huebi> https://www.idsa.org/whatis/seewhat/idea98/winners/javastation.htm <- Gutes Bild
[21:30] < huebi> https://dubinski-family.org/~jshowto/Files/photos/krups_front_view.jpg <- noch eins fuer einen Groessenvergleich
[21:31] < huebi> https://dubinski-family.org/~jshowto/doc/html/single/JavaStation-HOWTO.html#KrupsDescSection <- DAS ist sie!!
[21:31] < tsa> Hm....die sieht ja schon recht nett aus..
[21:31] < huebi> Und macht absolut keinen Mucks!
[21:33] < tsa> jupp, das ist nen echter Vorteil..
[21:33] < tsa> Am besten gleich auch noch nen TFT dran ;)
[21:34] < huebi> https://www.ultralinux.org/links.html <- Linux fuer die Kaffedose
[21:34] < huebi> tsa: Die TFT's, die mir gefallen, sind mir einfach noch viel zu teuer ;(
[21:35] < huebi> Ich bleibe da erst mal bei meinen 21"ern
[21:35] < tsa> hehe...ich hatte mir das auch mal irgendwann ueberlegt, mich dann aber fuer nen neuen Iiyama 19"er entschieden..
[21:36] < tsa> 21" ist sicher auch nett, aber bloed, wenn man die mal transportieren muss..
[21:36] < huebi> 1600x1200 bei 85Hz ist acuch viiel besser zum Zocken.
[21:36] < tsa> hehe ;-)
[21:37] < huebi> TFT's sind, wenn du ein klein bischen gut bist, einfach zu traege.
[21:38] < huebi> https://www.rocklinux.org/people/esden/ircstat/ <- Ask a cow if you dont believe *LOL*
[21:39] -!- Netsplit zahn.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: SMP
[21:39] -!- Netsplit over, joins: SMP
[21:39] < tsa> hahaha
[21:39] < tsa> der ist mal weieder echt gut
[21:39] < tsa> re SMP
[21:40] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD95228AA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:41] < huebi> hmm. Ich koennte morgen einfach mal JavaStations einkaufen...
[21:41] < tsa> gleich nen paar?
[21:42] < huebi> Braucht noch jemand eine ;-))
[21:42] < tsa> hi bluefire
[21:42] < tsa> hehe
[21:42] < huebi> hi bluefire
[21:44] < huebi> Ich kauf' erst mal eine, bzw lasse mir da erst mal einen richtig guten Preis machen.
[21:44] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-175-91.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[21:45] < tsa> huebi: Kannst ja dann mal bescheid sagen, was die Teile so taugen..
[21:47]   rxr_ got rid of the -aa kernel - much more responsive now :)
[21:47] -!- rxr_ is now known as rxr
[21:48] < huebi> tsa: jo, mache ich.
[22:00] < tsa> rxr: hehe
[22:01]   tsa running vanilla 2.4.18
[22:01]   huebi is not in the mood to test beta kernels. I'm glad if the rest works ;-))
[22:04]   rxr down from 2.4.19-pre8-aa2 to 2.4.19-pre8 ...
[22:04] < rxr> but on my lappy 2.4.15 is running ;-)
[22:09] < huebi> kool. I found out if something dumps it's messages in my vi session I can clear it up with Ctrl-l
[22:10] < thalerim> yup
[22:10] < thalerim> there is ctrl-r either
[22:10] < tsa> ^L          refresh                clear and redraw the screen
[22:10] < tsa> (from mutt help)
[22:10] < tsa> very useful of other admins like to use "wall" and "write" ..
[22:11] < SMP> erm
[22:11] < tsa> SMP: yes?
[22:12] < SMP> ^L is pretty basic knowledge - works about anywhere ;>
[22:12] < tsa> should work in xterms/shell, too.
[22:12] < tsa> don't know about emacs.
[22:13] < SMP> xterms can't 'refresh', so it works as a 'clear screen'
[22:13] < huebi> ^L - will that let emacs reboot? *g*
[22:14] < huebi> minicom also works with ^l
[22:14] < tsa> huebi: perhaps...but you'll probably have to press at least one out of esc,meta,alt,ctrl,shift, too..
[22:14] < SMP> minicom is always special .
[22:14] < tsa> hehe...ack.
[22:16] < huebi> I use minicom only as terminal emulation for Sparcs. I erased all initialisation strings and now it's allmost perfevt for that use.
[22:16] < tsa> cisco, 3com switches..
[22:17] < huebi> tsa: What do these devices say to minicom?
[22:17] < tsa> huebi: works perfectly.
[22:17] < huebi> kool
[22:17] < thalerim> huebi: https://magma.freebits.de <- project i am working on at moment :-)
[22:18] < huebi> *click*
[22:18] < tsa> Ein interner Fehler ist aufgetreten. (8842.
[22:18] < tsa> hurra
[22:18] < tsa> scheiss online-banking
[22:19] < tsa> irgendwer mit root@dresdner bank da?
[22:19] < tsa> ;)
[22:19] < huebi> tsa <- ist jetzt Pleite. Raus aus dem Neuen Markt!
[22:19] < tsa> hehe
[22:20] < huebi> tsa: root@dregis.com
[22:21] < tsa> huebi: hm...ich fuerchte, das reicht in diesem fall nicht.
[22:22] < huebi> dregis hat DIE Macht! Nur nicht ueber World. hehe
[22:22] < rxr> why is my stupid provided disconnecting me that often today :-( ?!?
[22:23] < tsa> rxr: perhaps because you're making too much traffic ;-)
[22:23] -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:23] < holyolli> re
[22:23] < tsa> re holyolli
[22:23] < huebi> thalerim: https://magma.freebits.de <- looks kool ;-))
[22:24] < huebi> holyolli: wida da?
[22:24] < holyolli> huebi: jo
[22:24] < thalerim> danke !
[22:24] < rxr> tsa: the last days I was not disconencted - so after 9GB they disconnected ...
[22:24] < hackbard> rxr: we get our sparcs tommorrow :)
[22:25] < hackbard> OH, i am not at home ... :(
[22:25] < th> huebi: apropos "macht ueber world"
[22:25] < huebi> th /who tells you stories... ;-)
[22:27] < th> HOELLE!
[22:27] < th> boah
[22:27] < thalerim> huebi's cow is the evil.. huebi is just the marionette
[22:27] < huebi> hehe
[22:27] < th> *neid*
[22:27] < rxr> hackbard: do you know this for sure ? Dis they got sent?
[22:27] < th> SMP: huhu
[22:28] < hackbard> rxr: there is a mail on rock-ports, are you subscribed?
[22:28] < thalerim> she wants to capture microsoft first and as a result the world!
[22:30] < rxr> hackbard sure I'm - but forgot to look into the folder ...
[22:30] < rxr> hackbard: thanks!
[22:30] < tsa> hm...
[22:30] < tsa> frage am rande.
[22:30] < tsa> wer von euch ist wie lange beim linuxtag?
[22:30] < th> was ist linux?
[22:30] < huebi> Antwort aus der Mitte: Freitag bis Sontag
[22:30] < holyolli> *fg*
[22:30] < tsa> th: *patsch*
[22:31] < th> ;-)
[22:31] < rxr> tsa: ich kann nur da sein, falls ich bei irgendwem guenstig unterkomme ...
[22:31] < th> wo isser denn der tag?
[22:31] < tsa> th: karlsruhe afaik
[22:31] < huebi> tsa: ACK
[22:31]   tsa ueberlegt grade, wie lange ich da hinfahren soll..
[22:31] < SMP> hi th
[22:32] < tsa> bzw. was mn da so den ganzen tag lang macht..
[22:32] < tsa> +a
[22:32] < th> SMP: gibts neues?
[22:32] < huebi> Alert!: This client does not contain support for HTTPS URLs. <- kein ssl in lynx. hmm
[22:32] < th> (es gibt ja staendig neues)
[22:32] < SMP> th: auf was willst du hinaus?
[22:33]   tsa tippt mal auf das boese wort mit w..
[22:33] < thalerim> wurst ?
[22:33] < th> hmmm
[22:33] < th> das w-wort...
[22:33] < huebi> wasser?
[22:33] < thalerim> www
[22:33] < tsa> Host wurst.wronline.de not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
[22:33] < huebi> Wuppertal?
[22:33] < tsa> hm..
[22:40]   tsa gaehnt.
[22:40]   holyolli schmeisst einen igel in tsa's mund
[22:41] < tsa> *kau*
[22:41] < tsa> hat wer salz?
[22:41] < th> igitt igel mit salz?
[22:41] < huebi> Currysauce?
[22:41] < huebi> besser Senf!
[22:41] < th> ein kraeftiger dip oder so
[22:41] < tsa> th: ne mikrowelle oder nen grill hab ich leider nicht im kopf..
[22:41] < holyolli> och...mit nem handy...vieleicht ;)
[22:42] < tsa> hehe
[22:43] < huebi> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/files/mcnugget.jpg
[22:43] < huebi> hehehe
[22:43] < th> ich glaub ich weiss was das is
[22:43] < th> ack
[22:43]   holyolli holt grad die bartwickelmaschine raus....
[22:43] < holyolli> *surrrrrr*
[22:43] < huebi> koestlich!
[22:43] < holyolli> ;-))
[22:44] -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs4.xs4all.nl] has joined #rocklinux
[22:45] < huebi> Am besten fand ich mal 'nen Plastiksplitter im Fishmac.. *kotz*
[22:45] < tsa> lecker..
[22:45] < tsa> duales system deutschland....irgendwo muss das ja alles hin..
[22:47] < huebi> Der Onkel von einem Freund in Norddeutschland hat MacDo mit Haenchen versorgt. DIE Geschichten waren so richtig eklig!
[22:48] < th> wurden wohl gleich mit kaefig-LKW verarbeitet
[22:48] < tsa> ich glaube, sowas will man eigentlich gar nich allzu genau wissen..
[22:48] < thalerim> "Der Bekannte eines Freundes meines Bruders hat seinen Motor auf GNU Hurd umgestellt und darduch -5 PS rausgeholt!"
[22:48] < thalerim> jaja, das mit den bekannten ... ;-)
[22:48] < thalerim> s/-5/4-5
[22:48] < tsa> th: und was tankt er damit?
[22:49] < thalerim> :-P
[22:49] < tsa> ;)
[22:49] < thalerim> pinguin pipi
[22:49] < huebi> Wenn so ein Nugget Rohling zu alt wird ( > 8 Wochen), dann wird die Brust so schwer, dass die beim Stehen immer nach vorn umfallen.
[22:49] < tsa> naja, so nen GNU....mit Gras ist das bestimmt nicht mehr zufrieden..
[22:49] < th> tsa: fixe mal deine tab-completion ;)
[22:49] < tsa> hm?
[22:50] < tsa> watt is mit meine tab-completion?
[22:50] < tsa> sie komplettiert doch..
[22:51] < huebi> Fusseltuning: Zuendung 3 Grad fruehen, den Luftfilter raus und schon ist der Testarossa verblasen!
[22:55] < huebi> Ich glaube von meiner Autoschrauber und dann Kontrukteurszeit erzaehl ich lieber nicht. Sonst platzt der Channel.
[22:55] < rxr> huebi: woran schraubst du jetzt schon wieder ?
[22:56] < huebi> rxr: An der Adaption von linux und linux.src an 1.5 ;-))
[22:56] < th> 22:48:54 < tsa> th: und was tankt er damit?
[22:56] < th> tsa: du meintest doch thalerim
[22:57] < rxr> huebi: cutn't paste von dRock-1.6.0-rc3 might be easier ...
[22:57] -!- kvak|uninvited [uninvited@p5080321F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ROCKLINUX
[22:57] < kvak|uninvited> hello and good night ladies n gents
[22:57] < huebi> rxr: Guter tip
[22:57] < tsa> th: aehm....ja, stimmt. Das war aber nicht die tab-completion, sondern meine eigene dummheit...
[22:57] < tsa> hi kvak|uninvited
[22:57]   tsa braucht kein programm, um sich dumm zu benehmen ;-)
[22:58] < huebi> tsa: Woher kommt dies Selbsterkenntnie *ggg*
[22:58] < th> hello kvak|wannagosoon
[22:58] < huebi> lol
[22:58] < huebi> tsa: just kidding ;-))
[22:58] < tsa> huebi: hehe...no problem.
[22:59] < huebi> tsa: ;-))
[22:59] -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A6D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit ("°ShowDowN v12 PrO° since 1996: https://www.sci.fi/~showdown/")
[22:59] < tsa> SUN Ultra 60 Dual 360Mhz 1GB RAM 36GB HD
[22:59] < tsa> hmm...
[23:00] < holyolli> tsa: zuviel geld? ;)
[23:00] < tsa> holyolli: nein. leider nicht.
[23:00] < huebi> tsa:  Nur 450MHz sonst taucht nicht.
[23:00] < tsa> huebi: weil?
[23:01] < tsa> huebi: da war vor nen paar tagen ne 2x450mhz u60 auf ebay....aber die war dann leider auch dementsprechend teuer..
[23:01] < huebi> UltraSparcII ist mit 32Bit so schnell wie ein gleicher PII
[23:02] < tsa> naja, hat aber nen recht grossen cpu-cache...das duerfte bei einigen applicationen schon vorteile bringen..
[23:02] < huebi> U80 oder E450 haben beide 4 CPU's da mal ein Schnaeppchen waere doch richtig gut
[23:03] < huebi> tsa: Ein Dual Athlon kostet ~1500EUR komplett und ist _deutlich_ schneller!
[23:03] < tsa> huebi: hm....ne e450 als arbeitsplatz-rechner? Waere das nicht vielleicht doch ein wenig sehr dekadent?
[23:03] < holyolli> vor allem laut...wegen der lüfter...
[23:03] < tsa> jupp, ich weiss.
[23:03] < huebi> tsa: eine Origin 3x00. Das ist dekadent!
[23:04] < huebi> aber schnell
[23:04] < tsa> SGI (Silicon Graphics) Origin 2000 8 x R10000
[23:04] < tsa> keine 3x00 dabei..
[23:04] < huebi> tsa: Ich habe die U5 nur genommen. weil sie billig war.
[23:05] < kvak|uninvited> laut ? Dafuer gibts nen Balkon ;-)
[23:05] < huebi> 3000 oder besser 3800
[23:05] < huebi> rxr: Wo finde ich nochmal deine sourcen?
[23:06] < rxr> https://drocklinux.dyndns.org/ftp/drock/source/
[23:06] < huebi> rxr: Danke!
[23:06] < rxr> ftp://drocklinux.dyndns.org/drock/source/
[23:06] < rxr> huebi: bitte ;-)
[23:06] < huebi> https://www.sgi.com/origin/3000/ <- Die rechte, die ist klasse.
[23:07] < huebi> braucht aber 3 x drehstrom
[23:07]   tsa empfiehlt rxr mal ein ssh-upgrade.
[23:07] < rxr> tsa: ???#
[23:07] < holyolli> *fg*
[23:07] < rxr> tsa: ay 15 23:06:44 gate sshd[24089]: Bad protocol version identification '  ' from
[23:07] < rxr> ???
[23:07] < holyolli> *FG*
[23:08] < tsa> rxr: 'tschuldigung...ssh-protokoll kann ich nicht aus dem kopf..
[23:08] < huebi> tsa: SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_2.5.1p2
[23:08] < tsa> huebi: ich weiss.
[23:08] < tsa> deswegen ja..
[23:08] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD9E49E79.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("sleepin.")
[23:09] < kvak|uninvited> drehstrom ?
[23:09] < huebi> SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_3.0.2p1 <- das ist bei mir. Nur ein local root exploid. ;)
[23:09] < kvak|uninvited> Was ist den das @ HUEBI ? *G*
[23:09] < tsa> SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_3.1p1
[23:09] < huebi> kvak|uninvited: 400V 3Phasen ...
[23:10] < kvak|uninvited> Ach so...Drehstrom klingt so...
[23:10] < rxr> tsa: OCK Linux 1.4.0-DEV i586 (native, 2001/12/18) up 96 days ...
[23:10] < kvak|uninvited> so...
[23:11] < kvak|uninvited> so...
[23:11] < kvak|uninvited> ...vergiss es.
[23:11] < huebi> tsa: Ich glaube, rocklinux.dyndns.org braucht mal wieder eine Neuinstallation ;(
[23:11] < kvak|uninvited> ;-)
[23:12] < huebi> kvak|uninvited: Schmeiss den Herd oder besser den Durchlauferhitzer raus und die Origin hat genug Strom ;-)
[23:12] < kvak|uninvited> huebi> Alles klar, aber stimmt der Herd hat nen extra anschluss für STARKSTROM...
[23:13] < kvak|uninvited> Kabel durchs Fenster aufn Balkon da steht das Ding dann im Winter schön kühl... ;-)
[23:13] < huebi> kvak|uninvited: STARKSTROM = Drehstrom
[23:14] < kvak|uninvited> Ach so. Jetztat. Verdammte Schulbildung...immer bringen sie einem nur  1 Wort bei. ;-)
[23:15] < tsa> hehe
[23:16] < huebi> rxr: Ist trotzdem noch gebastel. Sparc64 muss mit eingebaut werden ;(
[23:18]   huebi hat auch schon lange als Energieanlagenelektoniker gearbeitet. Den Beruf gibt es, glaub' ich, auch schon nicht mehr.
[23:18] < th> SSH-2.0-3.1.0 SSH Secure Shell
[23:20] -!- capaway [~capchaos@pD9048F09.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[23:22] < hackbard> huebi: kannst du mir eien sparc64 kernel mit nfsroot und so dhcp und rarp support bauen? bzw habe/hatte ich nichtmal ein login auf einer deiner ultras? :)
[23:25] < hackbard> als nfsroot habe ich jans aelteres iso image, bzw das minimal 1.7 root fasl alles klappt, nur weiss ich noch nicht ob der crosscompiler 64bit kernel bauen kann..
[23:27] < rxr> huebi: bist du sicher das STARKSTROM genormt ist? Ich meine, das kann doch ells moegliche sein ...
[23:28] -!- term_aweh [~pm@beaufort.wyzant.de] has quit ("n8")
[23:28] < huebi> rxr: Jo. Sicher
[23:28] < rxr> ich meine Windows ist ja auch nur nen Program-Starter und kein Betriebssystem ... - feine unterschiede ;-)
[23:28] < SMP> jemand noch Erfolg mit OpenOffice gehabt?
[23:29] < tsa> SMP: binary install, ja.. ;-)
[23:29] < SMP> genau.
[23:29] < SMP> keine Probleme mit dem installer gehabt?
[23:29] < huebi> In europa gibt es nur: 3 Phasen Drehstrom mit 400V, 50Hz und 120 Grad Phasenversatz zwischen den Phasen. Macht bei einer Phase 230V
[23:29] < tsa> SMP: lief aus der tuete.
[23:29] < SMP> tsa: $DISTRO ?
[23:30] < huebi> SuXe 8.2
[23:30] < huebi> hehe
[23:30] < tsa> SMP: rock. irgendwo zwischen 1.40 und 1.7.0-dev
[23:30] < huebi> error interferences
[23:31] < tsa> kernel 2.4.18, glibc 2.2.5
[23:32] < rxr> SMP: 1.0 tut nicht - letzer build tut perfekt ...
[23:32] < rxr> huebi: ich kenne unseren Strom ... ;-) Aber Danke ...
[23:34] < huebi> Strom kommt aus der Schweinenase. Von dem armen Schwein, welches sie in die Wand eingemauert haben. ;)
[23:34] < SMP> rxr: ahh
[23:36] < SMP> rxr: 'letzter' wie in '642'?
[23:36] < huebi> rxr: URL?
[23:39] -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs4.xs4all.nl] has quit ("leaving")
[23:41] < huebi> hackbard: Dein Nachname?
[23:42] < hackbard> ?
[23:45] < SMP> Bard. Hack Bard. ist doch logisch!
[23:45] < SMP> ;>
[23:45] < huebi> hehe
[23:45] < hackbard> ;)
[23:46] < kvak|uninvited> Hat open office eigentlich nen mailer drinnen ?
[23:46] < rxr> arh puh mal suchen
[23:46] < rxr> SMP: huebi: hm ich sehe gerade nur 641d ... ?
[23:46] < kvak|uninvited> Ich arbeite noch mit Star Office 5.2
[23:49]   tsa auch...seit ewigkeiten.
[23:49] < tsa> tut prima.
[23:49] < SMP> rxr: https://www.openoffice.org/dev_docs/source/642/index.html
[23:49] < tsa> hab das OpenOffice eigentlich nur installiert, weil ich mal vergleichen wollte..
[23:50] < rxr> SMP: jups ich sehe es gerade ... - seltsame web-page ...
[23:50] < rxr> SMP: war auf nem anderem rechner ... -soll ichs hier nochmal testen - oder machst du das gleich selber ?
[23:52] < SMP> rxr: ich werd's wohl schneller runterladen koennen ;)
[23:53] < SMP> *hmmm* aber ob das irgendwelcher non-optimzed debug Kram ist..?
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Thu May 16 00:00:10 2002