--- Log opened Fri May 17 00:00:17 2002 --- Day changed Fri May 17 2002 00:00 < rxr> AHH new disk installed and Linux running ;-) 00:00 < rxr> although silo rets really loaded slower and also silo semms to need quite long to load the kernel image ... 00:01 < esden> argh ... I have to go home .... !!! 00:01 < esden> cu all 00:02 < rxr> cu esden 00:02 < tsa> rxr: ich habe mir grade mal erlaubt, gkrellm zu fixen 00:03 < tsa> da ist inzwischen leider kein gkrellm.desktop mehr dabei, deswegen wollte das nicht bauen.. 00:07 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs3.xs4all.nl] has joined #ROCKLINUX 00:12 < rxr> tsa: passt schon ;-) 00:12 < tsa> rxr: ok. 00:12 < tsa> hm.. 00:12 < rxr> hm? 00:12 < tsa> gkrellmms von den plugins baut hier uebrigens immer noch nicht.. 00:13 < tsa> und die plugins landen in /usr/plugins statt /usr/lib/gkrellm/plugins .. 00:15 < rxr> tsa: fixed du das, oder soll ich ? 00:15 < tsa> ich bastel grad an anderer stelle.. 00:15 < tsa> mach du ruhig.. 00:16 < rxr> hehe ;-) 00:16 < rxr> tsa: ich bastel auch - an der Sun ... ;-) 00:18 < rxr> hm so super net -> disk durchsatz hat die ja nicht ... so 3-5 MB zieht die vom server ... 00:18 < rxr> (NFS file copy der ROCK sourcen ...) 00:19 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 00:19 < d3mian> arrgg, it's raining 00:21 < tsa> so...gkrellm-gnome laeuft hier wieder..fein 00:21 < tsa> ist sowieso das einzige plugin das ich nutze. 00:26 -!- tomik_ [~tomik@] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exitus") 00:30 -!- clifford_ [~clifford@M096P001.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 00:30 -!- clifford [~clifford@M091P029.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 00:33 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 00:42 < esden> schlafen hier auch alle ? ... 00:43 < capaway> nein *meld* 00:43 < esden> ahh ... cool 00:43 * capaway phoning girlfriend.. 00:44 < esden> I already thought that I am the only one on earth that is still awake ... ;-) 00:44 * -> esden <-- no girlfriend 00:44 < snyke> byebye 00:44 < esden> cu snyke 00:44 < d3mian> i dont sleep 00:44 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A55.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit ("°ShowDowN v12 PrO° since 1996: https://www.sci.fi/~showdown/") 00:44 < capaway> esden: then you haven't heard of kopernikus, have you? *g* 00:44 < esden> d3mian: hehe ... 00:45 < d3mian> capaway ??? 00:45 < capaway> esden> I already thought that I am the only one on earth that is still awake ... ;-) <= ... 00:45 < esden> i know kopernikus .. that was the polish astronom .. that told that the sun is the center of our system ... not earth 00:46 < d3mian> capaway: but why him? 00:46 < d3mian> today ill sleep with a man :), his name is Morfeus 00:46 < capaway> thats what i mean, the asians are 'puting turbolinux while all rockers sleep ;) 00:47 < capaway> d3mian: oh? 00:47 < d3mian> sure 00:47 * -> esden is having to high criteria for a girlfriend ... otherwise I would have a girlfriend since yesterday :-( 00:47 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50816C54.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00:48 < d3mian> i want carolina come back ;'( 00:48 < esden> morpheus the black from Matrix ? 00:49 < d3mian> nop esden 00:49 < esden> d3mian: hmm corelina ... yes ... 00:49 < esden> argh ... I can not type ... 00:49 < d3mian> it's understable 00:49 < d3mian> capaway: how is Lorini? 00:49 < esden> I knew a carolina ... but I messed it up !!! >_< 00:50 < d3mian> :p 00:50 < esden> I could smack myself !!! 00:50 < capaway> she likes maths, linux and me ;))) 00:50 < rxr> esden: I'm also still awake ;-) 00:50 < capaway> who is carolina? 00:50 < esden> heh cool ... rxr that is good 00:51 < d3mian> esden: u have another woman here (cap's girlfriend) who likes linux :) 00:51 < capaway> now who is carolina? 00:51 < esden> me wants a girlfriend like Natalie Portman ... but not so known ;-) 00:51 < capaway> huch who is Natalie Portman now? 00:51 < d3mian> esden: is she the girl in ur desktop bg ? 00:52 < esden> d3mian: yes ;-) 00:52 < esden> capaway: does your girlfriend have a "zwillings schwester" ? 00:53 < esden> *hope* 00:53 < th_> natalie portman? queen amidala? 00:54 < esden> th_: yep 00:54 < d3mian> capaway: carolina... my girlfriend .. she is in USA now 00:54 < d3mian> plz dont expect about what she could be doing there 00:54 < capaway> esden: sorry, no twin ;) 00:55 < d3mian> capaway: tell esden about ur birth date and Lorini's 00:55 < capaway> lol 00:55 < esden> th_: she played also in leon (the proffessional) she played very good 00:55 < esden> capaway: :-((((( *heul* 00:56 < esden> d3mian: ??? 00:56 < capaway> well, we first met on our 19. birthsday, which is out both birthsday .. 00:56 < capaway> s/out/our 00:57 < esden> capaway: you had luck .. I would suppose ... 00:57 < d3mian> she is made for u! 00:57 < capaway> i dont believe in luck, ist "zufall" ;).. though she says its "ein zeichen", a sign 00:58 < capaway> ...away 00:58 < esden> hmm can be ... she could be right ... 00:58 -!- ringo78 is now known as r78trybuild 00:58 < th_> oh boys. 00:58 < th_> dann sprecht doch gleich richtig deutsch 00:58 < tsa> hehe. 00:58 < th_> das is ja grauenhaft 00:58 < tsa> tag th 00:58 < th_> hi tsa 00:58 < tsa> *lach* 00:59 < r78trybuild> Anyone fancy chocolat ? 01:00 < esden> hehe ... th_ sorry for abusing your reading skills ;-) 01:06 * rxr stresstested mal die sun - ROCK_1.7 build (nice -n 16) und kernel build ;-) 01:09 < tsa> Today is the day when everyone should stop whining about gtk-/glib-config. XMMS _does not_ use GTK+2/Glib2 (yet), it uses 1.2.x. Gtk+2/Glib2 is not backward compatible with 1.2.x, so there. Don't make me post asciipr0n. 01:09 < tsa> hehe. taken from the xmms page. 01:13 < rxr> tsa: gtk+ und die gnome-libs Version-1 werden in ROCK-1.7 noch wieter vorhanden sein, bis die meisten Progs umgestellt sind ... ;-) 01:14 < tsa> rxr: ich bin ja echt kein kde-freund, aber das zeug integriert sich wenigstens nahtlos in ein system... bei gnome2 hab ich das gefuehl, dass uns das noch ganz schoen in die suppe brechen wird.. 01:14 < tsa> das duerfte noch so etliches zerbrechen, fuerchte ich mal.. 01:15 < rxr> tsa: jups. 01:15 < rxr> ich werde aber wie gesagt versuchen gtk1 und gnome1 compatible zu bleiben ... 01:16 < tsa> jupp, ich denke, das macht am meisten sinn... 01:22 * tsa bastelt mal weiter an gkrellm-plugins 01:23 < rxr> danke tsa 01:27 < tsa> fixed. 01:31 < tsa> (sowohl plugin-dir als auch gnomemms) 01:32 < tsa> sourceforge checkin done. 01:33 * tsa freut sich. wieder nen package heile. 01:33 < rxr> nur doof das mein Athlon mehrmals schneller asl die U5 ist - richtig langweilgi ;-) 01:34 < tsa> hehe.. 01:34 < rxr> tsa: da freue ich mich doch mit ;-) 01:34 < rxr> ich fixe hier auch gerade die Gnome2 updates zu ende . vielleicht tut das dann so morgen alles ;-) 01:34 < tsa> naja, die sun ist nicht so schnell, dafuer ist es aber eigentlich eine recht schoene architektur.. 01:35 < rxr> jups. Endlich die erste richtige Workstation hier - nich son XT Kram ;-) 01:35 < tsa> grossere mengen prozessor-interne register (> 100), die koennen nen kompletten context switch in der cpu machen.. 01:35 < tsa> sun ist eigentlich ziemlich nett, bloss leider auch recht teuer.. 01:36 < rxr> mit ner groesserm cache und etwas flotterem speicher weaere die sicher auch richtig schnell ... 01:36 * tsa haette ja gerne auch noch ne usparc II cpu mit passender kiste (u30 / u60) 01:37 < tsa> die usparc IIi haben leider nur nen recht kleinen cache.. 01:37 < rxr> jups ist schon nett - wie gesagt endlich ne richtige worksation - ausserdem kann man dann seine progs gleich mal mit big-endian udn 64 bit testen ;-) 01:37 < rxr> tsa: ja leider :-( 01:38 < tsa> jupp....da merkt man dann auch gleich, wieviel zeug leider nicht portabel programmiert wurde.. 01:39 < rxr> ich meinte vor allem meine eigenen Progs wie GSMP und so ... 01:39 < tsa> naja, trotz 64 bit ist auf solaris immer noch der grossteil 32bit, weil 64bit zuviel overhead und keinen leistungsgewinn bringen wuerde.. 01:39 < tsa> rxr: jupp, sicher nicht uninteressant.. 01:39 < rxr> vor allem wenn man weiss das das .wav datei handling ganz sicher endian fixing brauchst ;-) 01:40 < tsa> hehe ;) 01:40 < rxr> was aber schon zeihmlich geil ist, ist das unser multi-thread prog, was immer nur auf uneren UP kisten entwickelt wurde keine SMP probleme hat. Ich hatte angenommen das wir da noch so richtig ueble bugs debuggen duerfen ;-) 01:42 < rxr> wow kernel fertig 01:42 < tsa> hehe 01:42 < rxr> so noch die moduerlchen ;-) 01:43 < rxr> was nur nervt ist, das ich auf der amerikanischen Tastatur (die ja an sich gan cool it) immer diese \| taste ueber Enter treffe ... 01:44 < tsa> hehe.. 01:45 < tsa> type5, vermute ich mal.. 01:45 < tsa> die sind einfach genial zum tippen, wenn man sich erstmal dran gewoehnt hat. ich kenne nichts besseres.. 01:46 < rxr> jups 01:47 < tsa> schade, dass es die nicht mit ps/2-anschluss gibt - wuerde ich mir sofort besorgen.. 01:47 < tsa> type6 gibt es mit usb, muss ich irgendwann mal testen.. 01:47 < rxr> tsa: Meine Cherry USB Tastatur ist auch ziehmlich OK ... 01:50 < d3mian> the rain has stopped, cu 01:51 < rxr> cu d3mian 01:51 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has left #rocklinux () 01:54 < esden> n8 01:54 < capaway> g'nite everyone.. 01:57 < tsa> cu capaway 01:57 < tsa> cu esden 02:07 * tsa sending mail to the list 02:07 * rxr fetchmail 02:08 < tsa> hm...the mailing list is slow, so it will probably take some time for the mail to arrive.. 02:10 < tsa> hm...i don't like the sdl package in 1.7...this stuff shouldn't go to /opt...what do you think? 02:15 * rxr takes a look 02:16 < rxr> the package might not compile anyway ... 02:17 < rxr> tsa: are you sure it goes into /opt ? 02:17 < tsa> yes...still has the extconv.sh stuff in the .conf 02:18 < tsa> doesn't look like it would compile at all, i guess.. 02:19 < tsa> i'd suggest to remove the extconv.sh stuff and wait for the next reference build.. 02:21 < rxr> tsa: maybe you should simply remove this if [ /*bla bla*/ ] from all .conf files ;-) 02:21 < tsa> rxr: i know....the extconv.sh just fucks up the packages.. 02:21 * tsa writing mail to chris 02:21 < rxr> tsa: and btw. in all new and/or touched packages should be installable in any prefix! 02:22 < tsa> ack. 02:22 < rxr> so the target / user can select whether is should go into /opt or /usr 02:22 < tsa> i don't like hardcoded prefixes at all, although a recommended prefix should be present.. 02:22 < tsa> /usr in most cases 02:22 < rxr> the target decides the prefix - which is /usr for all 02:23 < tsa> (in too many cases) 02:23 < rxr> a new way of prefix detection is done by the kde gnome and gnoem2 stuff - which I really like ;-) 02:23 < tsa> ok.. 02:23 < tsa> graphical stuff should at least get prefix=/usr/X11R6 .. 02:24 < tsa> maybe some /opt/(gnome|kde).. 02:24 < tsa> but xscreensaver binaries, for example, shouldn't go to /usr/bin .. 02:25 < rxr> /opt/{gnome,gnome2,kde3} are now the defaults for this three trees ;-) 02:25 < tsa> ok.. 02:26 < tsa> make me happy - prefix=/opt/gnome-1.4 for the old gnome stuff 02:26 < rxr> ok die U5 hat nen load von 2.22 ... 02:26 < tsa> hehe ;-) 02:27 < rxr> hm is this really needed? I mean it is gnome(1) - and other dists have /opt/gnome, too ;-) 02:27 < rxr> the major version number (and none for 1) should be enough ... 02:27 < rxr> (and gnome will only be pressent the next months - untils say 95% of the programs are ported ...) 02:28 < tsa> solaris gnome goes to /opt/gnome-1.4, too. 02:28 < rxr> hm 02:28 < tsa> perhaps prefix=/opt/gnome-1.4 and a symlink to /opt/gnome 02:29 < rxr> tsa: ? Hey this is far too much attention for it ! 02:29 < tsa> hehe 02:29 < tsa> i can change it in scripts/Config, anyway...ok. 02:30 < tsa> mail to chris is out. 02:30 < tsa> hope he'll update his package soon. 02:31 < tsa> i guess we'll need more prefix'es in 1.7, anyway... 02:31 < tsa> normal stuff: prefix=/usr by default 02:31 < tsa> graphical stuff: prefix=/usr/X11R6 by default 02:31 < tsa> configurable prefixes for gnome and kde 02:32 < tsa> do we need hardcoded /opt at all? 02:32 < rxr> meine armen rechner werden hier total gequaelt ;-) 02:32 < tsa> hehe.. 02:33 < tsa> unter solaris laesst sich auch bei last recht gut weiterarbeiten...hat mich zu anfang ziemlich gewundert. 02:33 < tsa> load 3-4 faellt ueberhaupt nicht auf.. 02:34 < rxr> auf der u5 habe ich nen load von 2.2 und das merke ich auf der console auch nicht ... 02:34 < rxr> (load ist eh != load ...) 02:34 < rxr> und auf meinem Athlon XP 1700+ kann ich bi nem dRock und ROCK build noch neben bei ruckelfrei Video gucken ;-) 02:34 < tsa> jupp, das ist dann auch wieder so eine sache. 02:35 < rxr> ich habe mich eh schon immer gewundert was der so genau aussagen soll ... 02:36 < rxr> bei linux (vielleicht runable_processes) / cpus oder so ... 02:36 < rxr> uups die erste klammer ist falsch ... 02:38 < tsa> ;--) 02:38 < rxr> hae da brauch ich ja eh keine klammer - was hab ich mir den dabei gedacht ... ?!? 02:39 < tsa> lol 02:39 < rxr> naja zu speat hallt ... 02:39 < tsa> lisp-programmierer? ;-) 02:39 < tsa> *gaehn* 02:40 < rxr> tsa: Lisp? Ne mag ich nicht - ich nutz nur den XEmacs - aber Lisp ist mir zu eckelig ... 02:41 < tsa> hehe, stimmt 02:41 < tsa> ich glaube fast, die syntax von lisp beruht ausschliesslich aus geschachtelten klammern oder so.. ;-) 02:42 < tsa> hm.. emacs nutze ich eigentlich ueberhaupt nicht...ich hab zu anfang mal ein wenig rumgetestet, mich dann aber irgendwann fuer vi bzw vim entschieden und bin bis heute dabei geblieben.. 02:42 < rxr> ja ich habe mir sogar letzen nen Common Lisp Buch ausgeliehen und teils gelesen - hat mich aber nicht sonderlich geeindruckt ... 02:42 < tsa> hehe. 02:43 < rxr> ich bleiche lieber bei C++ als ausgewachsene Sprache fuer groessere Projekte ... 02:43 * tsa hat vi sogar noch auf solaris gelernt, mit richtungs-wechsel auf j,k,l ... ;) 02:43 < rxr> auch wenn viel OpenSource Leute das nicht moegen ... 02:44 < rxr> so solarish /bin/sh was schon eckelig - da habe ich dann doch lieber schnell ROCK installiert ;_) 02:44 < tsa> hm...ich kann eigentlich weder C noch C++.. ich hab irgendwann mal ein wenig in C reingeschaut, aber das war es dann auch...ohne eine konkrete Aufgabenstellung ist es immer verdammt schwierig, eine Sprache ordentlich zu lernen, IMHO.. 02:45 < tsa> hehe....die standard-root-shell auf solaris ist /sbin/sh, weil static.. 02:46 < rxr> aha haben user ne andere? ist /bin/sh umfangreicher als "keine features" ;-)? 02:46 < tsa> sie waren sogar so schlau, noch nen paar andere binaries statisch gebaut mitzuliefern, falls /usr auf eigener partition liegt und nicht gemountet werden kann oder irgendwas mal brechen sollte.. 02:47 < tsa> /sbin/sh ist eigentlich eher admin-shell, als user /bin/sh, die ist aber auch nicht so schoen...ich hatte mir als erstes ne bash installiert.. 02:47 < tsa> naja, bei den statischen tools haben sie aber gepennt - die liegen unter /usr/sbin/static/* .. 02:47 < rxr> ;-) xmms hat sich gerade mal eider den OpenBSD song ausgesucht ;-) 02:47 < tsa> hehe 02:48 < tsa> /sbin/static waere da sinnvoller gewesen.. 02:48 < tsa> naja, wie auch immer... 02:48 < tsa> ich denke, ich werde mich mal in die horizontale begeben.. 02:48 < rxr> so so mein eigener sparc64 kernel scheint jetzt fertig zu sein *freu* 02:48 < tsa> *gaehn* 02:48 < tsa> hehe... 02:48 < tsa> viel spass noch beim basteln...ich geh schlafen. 02:48 < tsa> n8 02:49 < tsa> ..und wech. 02:49 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082A8C2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 05:19 < hackbard> bye 05:19 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD9523F7C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 07:30 -!- term_emu [~pm@beaufort.wyzant.de] has joined #rocklinux 07:36 < huebi> moin 07:52 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 07:52 < d3mian> re 07:53 < d3mian> <*> /dev file system support (required for ROCK LINUX) 08:03 -!- term_emu is now known as term_aweh 08:29 -!- clifford_ [~clifford@M096P001.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 08:30 -!- clifford_ [~clifford@M110P026.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 09:41 -!- [anders] [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has joined #rocklinux 09:41 < [anders]> morning... 09:42 < [anders]> What's with the (sick) topic ? 09:53 < d3mian> i guess this is a esden creation 09:53 < d3mian> guten morgen [anders] 10:02 < SMP> the topic is brainfuck source 10:03 < SMP> Hello World AFAIK 10:03 < d3mian> hehe, ok 10:22 < d3mian> rock 1.5.13 already finished install, now recompiling kernel and later tune2fs -j 10:27 < capaway> d3mian: you using ext3 ? 10:28 -!- capaway is now known as capchaos 10:34 < d3mian> capchaos: yet no, in a while 10:34 < d3mian> why? 10:34 * capchaos wondering what is better ext3 of reiserfs 10:34 < d3mian> um 10:35 < capchaos> or 10:35 < d3mian> i couldnt use reiserfs cauz rock doesnt support it 10:35 < capchaos> ah ok 10:35 < d3mian> so i found tune2fs -j 10:35 < d3mian> to migrate to ext3 10:36 < d3mian> but i couldnt find a way to migrate from e2 to reiserfs 10:36 < capchaos> mkreiserfs 10:37 < capchaos> if rock doesnt support it with installation, it should be able after that 10:37 < d3mian> sure 10:37 < d3mian> but ill lose all data with mkreiserfs ;) 10:38 < capchaos> ;) 10:39 < d3mian> unless i build rock by myself or release a iso with reiserfs support in kernel 10:39 < capchaos> you didnt build it yourself? 10:41 < d3mian> no, this 1.5.12 is a huebi's built 10:41 < d3mian> s/12/13 10:43 * [anders] is updating OpenSSH... 10:43 < [anders]> v3.2.2p1 released today.. 10:44 < d3mian> oh cool 10:44 < d3mian> [anders] yes, there is not enough man documentation 10:47 < [anders]> d3mian: true.. problem being that it takes time and lots of effort to keep documentation up to date.. 10:48 < d3mian> ic 10:50 * [anders] is now running openssh 3.2.2p1 on my slaptop.. 10:51 -!- tsa [~tsa@rossini.marcant.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:51 < tsa> moin. 10:51 < [anders]> re tsa 10:52 < d3mian> hi tsa 10:54 * [anders] <-> coffee 10:55 -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:55 < holyolli> moin 10:56 < d3mian> hi holyolli 10:56 < holyolli> hi d3mian 11:06 < tsa> tag holyolli 11:06 < holyolli> tag tsa 11:06 < tsa> *wink* 11:06 < holyolli> *rewink* 11:15 < rxr> re 11:15 < tsa> hi rxr 11:15 < d3mian> hi rxr 11:18 < [anders]> re 11:19 < [anders]> morning holyolli rxr 11:19 < holyolli> hi anders 11:19 < holyolli> hi rxr 11:19 < th_> re 11:19 -!- th_ is now known as th 11:19 < tsa> hi th 11:20 -!- eckart [~eckart@ultra16.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #rocklinux 11:20 < eckart> Moin 11:20 < holyolli> hi eckart 11:20 -!- eckart is now known as bluefire 11:20 < bluefire> so... besser is das. 11:21 < d3mian> hi bluefire 11:21 < holyolli> aaah 11:21 < holyolli> huhu bluefire 11:21 < tsa> hi eckart 11:21 < tsa> aeh... bluefire 11:22 < bluefire> Hab hier grade nur ein unkonfiguriertes text-mode irssi.... das muss ich erst noch begreifen. 11:22 < d3mian> there is a xchat-text for console 11:22 < d3mian> it's cool 11:22 < bluefire> I like irssi... I'll stick to it. hou 11:23 < d3mian> :) 11:23 < bluefire> Though I normally us irssi-gnome and don't have a f..king US Sun keyboard 11:23 < tsa> hey...sun keyboards rule! 11:24 < bluefire> Cherry keyboards rule. 11:24 < d3mian> oh boy . tsa 11:24 < tsa> hehe. 11:24 < d3mian> they suckz 11:24 < tsa> there's nothing better than a type5 11:24 < bluefire> Nice old 105 keys... Well... Logitech multimedia keyboards are also cool. 11:24 < d3mian> i cant type on a sun keyb 11:25 < bluefire> neither do i 11:25 < d3mian> i cant 11:28 < rxr> Logitech mulitimedia keyboards? *brrrr* 11:30 < bluefire> rxr: The nice slick black ones :) 11:31 < holyolli> <-- votes for hhkb ;-) 11:31 < tsa> hhkb? 11:31 < holyolli> happy hacking keyboard 11:31 < rxr> the "cordless desktop" definitively sucks ... 11:31 < rxr> I do not know the black ones ... 11:32 < bluefire> rxr: I like mine. 11:32 < bluefire> I dumped the optical mouse though and use a normal one due to battery lifetime. 11:34 < rxr> I would never use cord-less stuff due to environmental saving reasons ... - but I would love to throw my ball-mouse away for an optical one ;-) 11:36 < bluefire> rxr: you mean because of the battery? Well... my Beatman sucks up battery for breakfast... I hope the accus I bought now last a while. 11:36 < bluefire> Beatman = 8cm CD mp3 player 11:38 < rxr> Sure i also use accus, too ;-) But plugging accus into every device doesn't need to be neccessary ... 11:39 < d3mian> no me hace falta, no lo odio y no me afecta, acaso es competencia o algo asi para hablar tanto? 11:40 < huebi> Silicon Graphics NO: 062-0002-001 is the best keyboard for me ;-) 11:40 < d3mian> Dell Optiplex 11:40 < th> hi huebi, news about the krups? 11:41 < tsa> huebi: sgi keyboard? hm.. 11:41 < huebi> jo. I can get them tuesday evening 11:41 < th> great 11:42 < huebi> tsa: Doubles the computing power of you box ;-)) 11:42 < huebi> +r 11:42 < tsa> huebi: lol.. 11:42 < th> hehe 11:42 < tsa> huebi: pic of the keyboard anywhere? 11:42 < huebi> mom 11:43 < holyolli> huebi: moin 11:43 < holyolli> huebi: the problem with these sgi-keyboards is that the enter-key is a little bit soo small =) 11:44 < huebi> holyolli <- Don't use your thick thump ;-)) 11:45 < holyolli> ;-P 11:47 < rxr> l 11:48 < huebi> https://www.sgi.com/products/remanufactured/ <- in front of the screen in the foreground. 11:48 < [anders]> Happy Hacking kbd's are nice as well.. esp. the USB ones.. :) 11:49 -!- [-dalai-] [~max@pD9009666.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:49 < d3mian> super lama 11:49 < [-dalai-]> *g 11:49 < [anders]> llama.. :) 11:49 < d3mian> ;) 11:49 < holyolli> https://www.reputable.com/prodpix/o2kYbd.jpg 11:49 < huebi> [anders]: URL? ;-) 11:49 < holyolli> there also 11:49 < [anders]> huebi: one sec.. 11:49 < th> huebi: do they "click"? 11:50 < th> ahhh 11:50 < th> these are the old ones? 11:50 < [anders]> https://www.linuxemporium.co.uk/hardware.html 11:50 < huebi> th: Not as load as the old IBM's but allmost as loud. 11:50 < [anders]> look at the Happy Hacking Keyboard Lite Mark 2 11:51 < [anders]> (these kbd's are expensive, but very very nice.. 11:51 < th> huebi: yes. i think i know them. i have lots of them at fhg and customers 11:51 < [anders]> +) 11:53 < huebi> th: https://www.reputable.com/prodpix/o2kYbd.jpg <- That's exact the type I use. 11:53 < d3mian> huebi: ive just burned 1.5.13 iso ;) 11:53 < huebi> d3mian: koool ;-) 11:54 < [-dalai-]> hi, have the following problem: when starting up, my console gives me that output modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module sound-slot-1 ... but in /etc/modules.conf i only configured sound-slot-0 (my sblive1024) 11:56 < [-dalai-]> BigKahuna:/ # cat /etc/modules.conf | grep sound-slot-1 11:56 < [-dalai-]> BigKahuna:/ # 11:56 < huebi> depmod -a 11:56 < huebi> ? 11:56 < rxr> [-dalai-]: alsa might probe this automatically ... 11:57 < [-dalai-]> also is running 11:57 < [-dalai-]> alsa 11:57 < [-dalai-]> sorry 11:57 < [-dalai-]> depmod -a has been run 11:57 < d3mian> does it shown a unresolved symbol for ur card? 11:57 < [-dalai-]> no output 11:58 < [-dalai-]> just the prompt 12:00 < d3mian> that's good 12:01 < d3mian> i have to leave for have a breakfast, cu 12:01 < [-dalai-]> cu d3mian 12:01 < rxr> I leanve too - cu 12:01 < huebi> rxr: cu 12:01 < huebi> cu d3mian 12:01 -!- d3mian is now known as d3m|away 12:04 -!- capchaos is now known as capaway 12:09 < [-dalai-]> brb 12:10 -!- [-dalai-] [~max@pD9009666.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.1") 12:20 -!- d3m|away is now known as d3mian 12:21 -!- bluefire [~eckart@ultra16.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has quit ("leaving") 12:21 < d3mian> now i have the prob rene had with screen, black and white a half of the `screen` 12:24 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD9523F7C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:24 < d3mian> guten morgen frank 12:24 < hackbard> morning 12:25 < d3mian> brb 12:25 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has quit ("[BX] PARTYTIME! 5 seconds to the millenium! 4...3...2...1...EOF From client") 12:27 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 12:27 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux 12:27 < armijn> re 12:27 < d3mian> hi armijn 12:27 < armijn> hi 12:28 < huebi> re hi armijn :-) 12:28 < armijn> hi 12:28 < armijn> huebi: I made a start with adding sparcutils 12:28 < huebi> Your CD's go to the Post today 12:28 < armijn> great 12:29 < huebi> armijn: ah. kool 12:30 < armijn> I will start with compiling that in about half an hour 12:31 < huebi> armijn: Yes, have fun with it. ;-) 12:31 * huebi just mentions to call Sun... 12:32 < armijn> ? 12:32 < th> huebi: do we get a solaris with these javastations? 12:32 < armijn> th: no solaris on JavaStation 12:32 < armijn> th: the JavaStation ran JavaOS 12:32 < huebi> th: No 12:32 < huebi> armijn: Exact 12:32 < armijn> th: JavaOS is based upon a microkernel 12:32 < armijn> no UNIX 12:32 < huebi> but they should better run ROCKlinux 12:33 < armijn> huebi: getting JavaStations?? 12:33 < th> ok 12:33 < huebi> Yes. In the moment 3. There are then still 2-4 left 12:33 < th> i see 12:33 < armijn> huebi: which model? 12:34 < d3mian> i go sleep now 12:34 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has left #rocklinux () 12:34 < armijn> th: and the server for it only works on Solaris 2.6, so you need another Solaris 2.6 box as well 12:34 < huebi> https://dubinski-family.org/~jshowto/doc/html/single/JavaStation-HOWTO.html#KrupsDescSection <- This one 12:34 < tsa> hm...solaris 2.6 was 32bit only, AFAIK. 12:35 < armijn> tsa: no 12:35 < huebi> https://www.idsa.org/whatis/seewhat/idea98/winners/javastation.htm 12:35 < armijn> but the javastation is 12:35 < tsa> yes...microsparc cpu.. 12:35 < th> armijn: or i just use rock ;) 12:36 < huebi> th: better use Linux. It's much faster. 12:36 < armijn> th: for what? to play server for the javastation to run javaos? 12:36 < armijn> huebi: aah, the Krupps 12:36 < th> armijn: no. to run the krups 12:36 < armijn> th: thaqt is advisable 12:36 < huebi> armijn: Yes, fast enough to be used with Linux 12:36 < th> are they absolut silent? 12:36 < armijn> huebi: I've got one as well 12:36 < armijn> th: YES :) 12:37 < th> GREAT ;) 12:37 < armijn> no fan, it's soooo nice 12:37 < huebi> The big model with 64MB RAM and 8MB Flash 12:37 < th> hmmm could even work without nfs... 12:38 < huebi> If we could get the kernel and X in the flash that would be graet. 12:38 < th> but i think it's a bad idea 12:38 < th> 8MB for kernel and X? 12:38 < hackbard> especialy cause i think crosscompiling initrd kenrels might be difficult 12:39 < armijn> huebi: funny...that same question popped up on the sparclinux mailinglist just yesterday or the day before 12:39 < armijn> and they advised against it 12:39 < huebi> armijn: Why 12:39 < huebi> ? 12:40 < armijn> huebi: I will fwd you the mail in a few minutes, ok? 12:40 < huebi> armijn: great 12:43 < huebi> But it doesn't matter if I have to boot from the network. I also need an 'application server' for it. 12:45 < holyolli> cya 12:45 -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has quit ("fnord!") 12:54 < huebi> thank you armijn ;-) 13:18 * praenti is here 13:18 < huebi> huhu praenti 13:18 < praenti> shit. i have no time for linuxtag ... 13:18 < huebi> ;-) 13:20 * huebi Smith&Wesson and praeti have voted: 3 say praenti has time, 1 says no. So praenti has time. _Thats_ democracie. hehe 13:21 < armijn> dammit 13:21 < armijn> can't boot the palinux distro :( 13:21 < huebi> armijn: what? 13:21 < armijn> which sux 13:21 < huebi> yes, 13:23 < armijn> becuase I will need to return those machines in a few weeks :(((( 13:23 < praenti> huebi: ??? 13:23 < huebi> praenti: Yes? ;-)) 13:23 < praenti> dont know smith&wesson 13:24 < armijn> huebi: fels down again? 13:24 < huebi> armijn: no, mom 13:27 < huebi> fuck I killed rock ;-( 13:27 < armijn> yeah 13:27 < armijn> argh 13:27 < armijn> !lart huebi 13:27 < huebi> Rebooting with command: boot 13:27 < huebi> Remapping the kernel... done. 13:27 < armijn> huebi: how long until it comes back? 13:27 < huebi> 2 min 13:27 < armijn> k 13:27 < huebi> fscking 13:28 < armijn> hehe 13:29 < huebi> ALT-f in minicom sends a BREAK ,oups 13:30 < armijn> not good? 13:30 < huebi> If I need it and it's works then it's ok. 13:31 < huebi> then I'm in th OK-Prompt. 13:32 < armijn> k, it's up again 13:32 < huebi> armijn: ok 13:34 < huebi> praenti: Smith & Wesson is a firearm manufacturer ;-) 13:38 < huebi> armijn: My little daughter switched fels off, I'm very shure about it. She likes these little blinking LED's and moving pushbuttons. ;-)) 13:39 < [anders]> Glock is nice also.. 13:39 * [anders] prefer Glock to S&W.. 13:39 < huebi> [anders]: What is Glock? 13:39 < huebi> ahh 13:39 < [anders]> huebi: pistol.. :) 13:39 < [anders]> very nice one at that... ;-) 13:40 < [anders]> part plastic, part metal. almost impossible to make them misfire.. 13:40 < [anders]> https://www.glock.at 13:40 < armijn> Glocks are...well...powerful 13:41 < armijn> I hate guns... 13:41 < armijn> but explosives are fun :) 13:41 < huebi> armijn: I like explosives, too 13:41 < armijn> they go *boom*! 13:42 < [anders]> the one I'd like is: https://www.glock.at/g34.htm 13:42 < armijn> but it should not be used to kill people 13:42 < [anders]> with special training, you can fire Glock pistols underwater.. 13:43 < [anders]> explosives is fun.. /me remember playing with TNT and pentyl fuses in the army.. 13:43 * huebi has never been in the army hehe 13:43 < [anders]> amazing what you can do to trees that are in the way if you have a little bit of TNT... 13:44 < huebi> for trees a pistol is enough... 13:44 < huebi> with modified bullets.. 13:44 < huebi> hehe 13:45 < armijn> I never fired a gun 13:45 < armijn> and actually...I like to keep it that way 13:45 < [anders]> huebi: not if the tree you are talking about is about 80 cm in diameter... 13:45 < huebi> ok 13:45 < huebi> Yes, shure 13:45 * [anders] used to be a member in a pistol club.. 13:46 < [anders]> that was about 10 years ago though.. 13:47 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A59.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 13:47 < [anders]> guns in them selves are not bad. people that can't handle guns safely are the problem.. 13:47 < snyke> hi all 13:47 < [anders]> re snyke 13:47 < huebi> [anders]: fully ACK! 13:47 < huebi> hi snyke 13:48 -!- r78trybuild [ringo78@xs3.xs4all.nl] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13:48 < snyke> cool topic... 13:48 < [anders]> In fact, I'd like to start shooting again.. 13:49 < huebi> snyke: braindead source code ;-) 13:49 < [anders]> It is an awesome feeling standing at the fireing range and shoting a 45+ series.. 13:49 < snyke> lol 13:50 < huebi> [anders]: outch. my Hand ;> 13:50 < [anders]> huebi: hehehe... I didn't mean calibre wise.. 13:51 < [anders]> a 9mm gun is way sufficent.. (cal .38) 13:52 < [anders]> I see no need for the .45 or .44 Magnums.. They are to damned difficult to use.. 13:54 < huebi> I learned to shoot with a small air gun when I was 14 years old. I got really good in the following years. I like the precision in rifle shooting. What I would like to do is long distance shooting >300m 13:56 < praenti> ohh. have seen our topic at the moment 13:56 < praenti> what a brainfuck one ;-) 13:58 -!- [-dalai-] [~max@pD9506005.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:01 < [anders]> huebi: rifle shooting is fun as well.. 14:02 < [anders]> huebi: you'd probably like to try out the sniper rifles. (I know I would..) 14:02 < tsa> bbl. 14:02 -!- tsa [~tsa@rossini.marcant.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 14:06 < huebi> [anders]: I tried a sniper rifle as a visitor at the german army. The distance was only 150m or 200m. I made 4 hits out of 5 and they asked me to stay there ;> 500m - 1000m with a fine and calibrated optic would be very nice. ;-)) 14:06 * [anders] heard about the sniper rifles tried out for the swedish army, they could put three bullets in a 1 Kronor coin at the distance of 300m.. 14:07 < [-dalai-]> weapons are stupid 14:07 < huebi> [anders]: That's it! ;-)) 14:07 < [anders]> huebi: you want the 10x *big* optics, with the hair cross.. :) 14:07 < huebi> [anders]: Yes! 14:07 < [anders]> [-dalai-]: weapons are not stupid, people are.. 14:08 < [-dalai-]> if u do not own a penis, u have to own a weapon 14:08 < [-dalai-]> :) 14:08 < [-dalai-]> so all woman do have to own one ?!?! 14:08 < [-dalai-]> ehmm 14:10 < huebi> [-dalai-]: I think it depends very much of the person, who uses the weapon and what for. To learn to shout and to do it just for the shooting and not for hurting or killing gave me a good understanding also for some other rules in my life. 14:11 < [anders]> amen 14:11 < huebi> Btw. the best hunter I know is a woman ;-)) 14:12 < [-dalai-]> so u see shooting more as an thing like concentration train? 14:12 < [anders]> doing military service was someting I'd recommend most people to do. The experience gained is valuable in life.. 14:12 < [-dalai-]> :) 14:12 < huebi> [-dalai-]: Concentration and discipline training 14:12 < [anders]> shooting can be relaxing, focusing and exhilirating.. 14:13 < [-dalai-]> perhaps joga, too? 14:14 < [anders]> never tried yoga.. 14:14 -!- tsa [~tsa@rossini.marcant.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:14 < tsa> re. 14:14 < [anders]> re 14:14 < huebi> 'Never point a weapon against a person or animal !' - The never without exception is a nice point for training. 14:14 < [-dalai-]> wb 14:15 < huebi> re tsa 14:15 < tsa> *grummel* 14:15 < [-dalai-]> i like the rail gun in q3 14:15 < [-dalai-]> ;) 14:15 < [anders]> tsa: wazzup? 14:15 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux ("work") 14:15 < tsa> [anders]: /me doing telephone support because the boss is gone. 14:16 < tsa> <- sitting on damn windoze box. 14:16 < tsa> feels strange 14:16 < [anders]> tsa: aaahh.. Lots of PEBKAC stuff? 14:16 < tsa> [anders]: kind of.. 14:16 < tsa> it'f friday, so it's pretty quiet today.. 14:16 < [anders]> well, windoze users are usually PEBKAC creatures.. 14:17 < tsa> and i could used to be the boss - if i get rid of that damn windoze box 14:17 < tsa> ;) 14:17 < huebi> tsa: What's your record in 10x10 Minesweeper ? *ggg* 14:17 < tsa> at least xchat exists for windoze, too. 14:17 < tsa> huebi: dunno. 14:17 < tsa> mom. testing 14:17 < huebi> hehe 14:17 < tsa> where's the shell? 14:18 < [-dalai-]> lol 14:18 < [anders]> what shell? 14:18 < tsa> no xterm here. 14:18 < [-dalai-]> how does it feel to be without shell 14:18 < tsa> the windowmanager sucks. 14:18 < [anders]> aaahh, you mean that poor excuse of a shell they call the command prompt.. 14:18 < [-dalai-]> *g* 14:18 < tsa> [-dalai-]: evil. 14:18 < [-dalai-]> the windowmanager is the kernel too 14:18 < [-dalai-]> ? 14:19 < tsa> graphical kernel? uh. 14:19 < [anders]> depends.. in NT/2k/XP it isn't.. (sort of) 14:19 < [anders]> deeply hooked in to the kernel, but it isn't the kernel.. 14:19 < [-dalai-]> i c 14:20 < tsa> hm.. 14:20 < [anders]> IIRC Win2k got certified as a Unix.. 14:20 < tsa> where's my mutt? 14:21 < tsa> slrn is gone, too. 14:21 < [anders]> tsa: get CygWin... 14:21 < hackbard> lol, dalao, you better pry ur girlfreind doenst have a gun. she might kill you next time you visit me or ask her if you may join me going to linuxtag 14:21 < huebi> tsa: It's now called Outlook Express 14:21 < tsa> how am i supposed to do anything with this? 14:21 < hackbard> so take off ur pantoffeln and relax 14:21 < hackbard> ;) 14:21 < hackbard> s/dalao/dalai/ 14:21 < [-dalai-]> *g* 14:21 < [-dalai-]> what is with ure sparc hackbard 14:21 < [-dalai-]> ? 14:22 < huebi> tsa: open a command prompt and try: format c: 14:22 < [-dalai-]> i left yesterday after the penguin appeared on the screen ;) 14:22 < hackbard> it has two nic's, both seem to have the same mac addr. so it was eth1 which got its ip nad stuff from dhcp - but its eth0 whcih is physiacally connected 14:23 < [-dalai-]> ahh u can change that 14:23 < [-dalai-]> by standard all network cards do have the same mac on a sun 14:23 < tsa> hm....what kinda package management system does this OS use? 14:23 < hackbard> well i just took eth1 out of the box, but still i get RPC error 22 .. or sth like that 14:23 < [-dalai-]> had this problem under solaris too 14:23 < hackbard> ah 14:25 < [-dalai-]> 2tesgehirn does not have the answer? 14:25 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux 14:25 < hackbard> i would like to have some kind of bootloader like proll for the java, where you just put a symlink to ur nfsroot in the /tftpboot directory 14:25 < hackbard> re armijn! 14:25 < armijn> huebi? all your stuff seems to be down 14:26 < armijn> hi hackbard 14:26 < tsa> ah. 14:26 < tsa> ssh client found. 14:26 < tsa> get me outta here! 14:28 < hackbard> armijn: i have still not get jans iso installed on the u5 :( 14:28 < armijn> hackbard: go for debian 14:28 < tsa> aah... 14:28 < tsa> shell at my home computer. 14:28 < tsa> bash 14:29 < tsa> mutt 14:29 < tsa> slrn 14:29 < tsa> <- happy again 14:29 < hackbard> the problem is not extracting jans image ... its with netbooting the u5. 14:29 < armijn> hmm 14:29 < armijn> got no experience with that, sorry 14:29 < armijn> [armijn@losser:~]$ ping rocklinux.dyndns.org 14:29 < armijn> PING rocklinux.dyndns.org ( 56 data bytes 14:29 < armijn> ^C 14:29 < armijn> --- rocklinux.dyndns.org ping statistics --- 14:29 < armijn> 1 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss 14:29 < armijn> grrr :( 14:29 < armijn> some network hickup somewhere I think 14:30 < huebi> armijn: traceroute? 14:31 < huebi> There you should see the router ping-pong 14:31 < armijn> hmm...no 14:31 < armijn> ah, is back 14:32 < huebi> ;-)) 14:33 < tsa> hm.. 14:33 < tsa> <- need more desktops. 14:34 < hackbard> armijn: if i dont get it installed today via net, i ll promise to download a bootable iso ;) 14:34 < huebi> hackbard: What is your boot device? 14:34 < huebi> in OBP? 14:35 < hackbard> the command i type is: 14:35 < armijn> hackbard: ehr...the debian thing does not install cleanly as well 14:35 < hackbard> boot net nfsaddrs= nfsroot=:/ 14:35 < hackbard> huebi: the ekrnel is booted fine via tftpboot 14:35 < hackbard> but then unable to mount nfsroot 14:35 < hackbard> armijn: why? 14:36 < hackbard> in fact i just need tar and bzip2 and devfs ... (and silo?) 14:36 < armijn> hackbard: well...I used testing, which is...well...testing 14:36 < hackbard> then i may extract jans image 14:36 < armijn> huebi: does the kernel conf use HID now? 14:37 < hackbard> armijn: you may test it, the kenrel is in /home/hackbard @ rock.rocklinux.dyndns.org 14:38 < armijn> huebi: nvrmnd, it doesn't 14:38 < hackbard> err huebi i meant 14:41 < armijn> huebi: what did you change in the xfree patches? 14:45 < clifford_> hi gang. 14:45 < armijn> hi boss 14:45 < tsa> hehe 14:45 < tsa> hi clifford_ 14:45 < hackbard> yo clifford 14:45 < clifford_> I'm upgrading to gcc 3.1 now .. 14:46 < armijn> so boss, which bank we gonna rob tonight? 14:46 < armijn> including for kernel compiles? 14:46 < clifford_> armijn: 1.7 will have a hook for choosing a kernel-compiler .. 14:47 < armijn> clifford: ah, yeah, you keep telling me... 14:47 < clifford_> at the moment I see two possibilities: 14:47 < clifford_> 1. we could adjust the CC= setting in the makefiel 14:48 < clifford_> 2. ye could pass a CC= parameter to the make command. 14:48 -!- clifford_ is now known as clifford 14:49 < clifford> the advantage of 1. is that the kernel gcc is also used when the user compiles the kernel using the sources in /usr/src/linux 14:49 < clifford> the disadvantage is that it looks like the redhat kgcc thing .. 14:50 < [-dalai-]> hackbard: local-macadress = true in the open boot prombt will give u 2 diffrent mac adresses for ure 2 nic's 14:51 < armijn> rockhat 14:51 < hackbard> [-dalai-]: cool, thanks! 14:52 < [-dalai-]> np 14:52 < [-dalai-]> ;) 14:52 < [-dalai-]> printenv 14:52 < [-dalai-]> sentend and than the value 14:54 < hackbard> its local-mac-address amd its already set true 14:55 < [-dalai-]> then change the value 14:55 < [-dalai-]> ;) 14:55 < [-dalai-]> *g* 14:55 < huebi> re 14:57 < tsa> re huebi 14:57 < [-dalai-]> lol 14:59 < armijn> huebi!!! 14:59 < armijn> :) 14:59 < tsa> hm....is there a tool for windoze to make the mouse work like on *nix systems? 14:59 < tsa> (copy/paste with middle mouse button) 15:00 < huebi> armijn: I changed in the path of the files in the XFree patches 15:00 < armijn> huebi: and now it compiles? 15:00 < tsa> i already have multiple desktops.. 15:01 < huebi> armijn: Wikout any problems ;-)) 15:01 < armijn> huebi: great! 15:01 < armijn> huebi: the kernel config is not good yet, need to add HID 15:02 * armijn remarks that the Changelog on rocklinux.dyndns.org hasn't been updated for two days 15:03 < armijn> root@rock:/rock-linux# ./scripts/Puzzle 15:03 < armijn> ! ! ! It looks like you have no active swap partition. ! ! ! 15:03 < armijn> That can couse the build scripts to hang your system!. Activate 15:03 < armijn> a swap partition using the 'swapon' command and try again. 15:06 < armijn> huebi? which one is the swap partition? 15:06 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs3.xs4all.nl] has joined #rocklinux 15:07 < tsa> hi ringo78 15:09 * armijn teases huebi 15:11 < ringo78> hi trying to learn perl.. But I just love to watch what is going on here. 15:11 < armijn> ringo78; if you wanna learn perl, grab up one of the O'Reilly books Learning Perl or Programming Perl 15:11 < armijn> they're soooo good 15:11 < th> O'Reilly in general. 15:11 < th> soooo good;) 15:12 < SMP> o'really? 15:12 < th> SMP: nein die haben nur nette t-shirts ;) 15:12 < SMP> =) 15:12 < armijn> SMP: the O'Really shirts are quite good 15:12 < armijn> th: I know a lot of crappy O'Reilly books 15:12 < th> armijn: name some! 15:13 < ringo78> Making my way through Perl in 24 hours (Nederlandse Edition). O'reilly is vy ok but not @ my Bookshop :-(. 15:13 < armijn> th: Internet Core Protocols, Mastering Algorithms with Perl, the VPN book, ... 15:13 < armijn> th: and that are the really bad ones... 15:13 < armijn> th: there are a lot which are ok, but not too good 15:14 < th> do you know of the authors names? 15:14 < armijn> th: no, I tend to forget them 15:14 < armijn> th: read some of my reviews: https://e-zine.nluug.nl/ 15:14 < clifford> .. larry wall .. 15:15 < armijn> clifford: larry wall can write good books... 15:15 < armijn> clifford: we were talking about bad books 15:15 < huebi> re! 15:15 < ringo78> This book is from Clinton Pearce. 15:15 < armijn> huebi: no swap on rock! 15:15 < huebi> armijn: moment 15:15 < armijn> huebi: and please add it to /etc/fstab :) 15:16 < clifford> armijn: oh. (I'm having many windws open and only read a few messages.. :-) 15:16 < huebi> swapon /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part2 15:16 < huebi> armijn: I add it 15:16 < armijn> huebi: I want to start a new build 15:17 < huebi> armijn: Do It! 15:17 < armijn> huebi: mainly to test sparc-utils 15:17 < huebi> armijn: go go go 15:17 < armijn> yeah yeah :) 15:17 < tsa> hehehe 15:17 < tsa> chmod 000 scripts/Build* 15:17 < armijn> hmm, if sparc-utils builds fine, then the only stuff we really need to add is silo 15:18 < tsa> ;) 15:18 < clifford> So - Here is a really bad o'reilly author: https://www.oreillynet.com/pub/au/170 :-) 15:18 < armijn> rework the kernel configuration, make nice bootdisks and then we're in business 15:19 < armijn> clifford: oh yeah, he sucks 15:19 < tsa> hehe. 15:19 < armijn> big time 15:19 < tsa> armijn: sure.. 15:19 < armijn> I think I met him once...a jerk 15:19 < huebi> clifford: hihi 15:20 * tsa laughing.. 15:20 * clifford *rotfl* 15:20 < armijn> huebi: portmapper? 15:20 < armijn> root@rock:/rock-linux# ./scripts/Build-All rock:/rock-orig 15:20 < armijn> ** Testing ** 15:20 < armijn> NFS-Mount: mount: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Unable to receive 15:20 < huebi> mom 15:21 * armijn pushing huebi 15:21 < tsa> clifford: regarding your mail to the list - don't you think a man page for tar should be present in rock? 15:21 < tsa> the authors won't supply one i guess...the GNU means of documentation is info .. 15:21 * tsa doesn't like info 15:21 < armijn> ehw, info 15:22 < clifford> if there isn't one from the original author - yes I think it's better to have no man page than having one which might be incomplete. 15:22 < armijn> if we do supply info, we should also use the pinfo tool 15:22 < tsa> armijn: hm....what's pinfo? 15:22 < armijn> tsa: it's a lynx like browser for info files 15:22 < huebi> armijn: nfsd is up 15:22 < tsa> i wonder where other distros take their man pages from? 15:22 < armijn> much nicer than the normal info command 15:22 < armijn> huebi: ok 15:22 < tsa> yes, standard info sucks... 15:24 < huebi> I also want to have man pages. If needed converted from the info files to man pages. 15:24 < clifford> tsa: no. imo it's not worse than e.g. gopher was. 15:24 < th> Another absolute no-no for me is a default alias rm='rm -i' which I spotted in some distributions. -- Jos Visser 15:24 < th> hehe 15:25 < th> in:Rock Linux: Not for 15:25 < th> woozies! 15:25 < th> IIRC rock had such an default alias. 15:26 < huebi> th: we can leave that for root and unalias it for users. 15:28 < th> i even don't want that for root 15:29 < th> the difference between unix and MS crap as i see it is that unix-users do know what they do 15:29 < armijn> ehrm...how do I download a package? 15:29 < armijn> ./scripts/Download and then what? 15:29 < th> armijn: -package name\ 15:29 < th> armijn: -package name 15:30 < ringo78> rm -rf / (did that 1 tiem at a redh4d sys)... 15:30 < armijn> th: ok, thanks 15:31 < huebi> ringo78: I did that yesterday. Much fun for others. Why lets the computer me not log in anymore? - Wrong password, hehe 15:33 < armijn> huebi: how old is your daughter? 15:33 < huebi> armijn: In four day she will be 1 year old ;-))) 15:34 < armijn> huebi: ah great :) and she already knows how to turn of your machines? 15:35 < huebi> armijn: Yes, since at least3 moths. Then she got ctrl-alt-del pressed on my keyboard. 15:35 < huebi> -> init 0 15:35 < armijn> heheh, what a girl :) 15:37 < armijn> just to see the blinkenlights 15:37 < huebi> Rocklinux is getting more and more fans here. The "Abteilungsleiter" will test it soon ;-)) 15:38 < armijn> great 15:38 < huebi> yes 15:39 < huebi> I think I should show him a HA-cluster made with rocklinux ;-)) 15:40 < huebi> M$ must be outperformed... 15:40 < armijn> argh, argh, argh! I hate making mistakes! 15:40 < huebi> :P 15:40 < [-dalai-]> hackbard: setenv local-mac-address? = true 15:41 < huebi> armijn: If you do the same mistake twice then you should try to switch your brain on again. 15:41 < armijn> braaaaain! 15:41 < huebi> Stout is good for making mistakes ;-)) 15:42 < armijn> not drinking... 15:42 < armijn> at least, not now ;) 15:43 < huebi> hehe 15:44 < praenti> esden: ? 15:45 < huebi> root@rock:~# /usr/sbin/runlvedit 15:45 < huebi> No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/runlvedit line 38. 15:45 < huebi> how do i use that? 15:45 < th> rm -f /etc/init.d/init.d 15:46 < th> ln -s /etc/init.d /etc/init.d/init.d 15:46 < huebi> th thank you 15:46 < th> it's included in the repair script i run first on each rock-machine ;) 15:46 < tsa> hehe 15:47 < tsa> repair-script? 15:47 < tsa> what else does it change? 15:47 < th> mkdir -p /usr/src/rock-src/subdists 15:47 < th> cd /usr/src/rock-src/ext-config/ 15:47 < th> rm -f INDEX.sf INDEX.1.5 INDEX.IN 15:47 < th> wget -O INDEX.IN https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/rock-1.5/ext-config/INDEX.IN 15:48 < hackbard> die INDEX files sind doch schon lang obsolete ?!? 15:48 < th> hackbard: ich rede von 1.5 15:48 < hackbard> jo ich auch :) 15:49 < tsa> hehehe 15:49 < th> hackbard: nun da sind sie nicht obsolete 15:49 < praenti> th: ach jetzt weiß ich was du mit der mail meintest ;-) 15:49 < armijn> well, here we go again 15:49 < th> praenti: GUT ;) 15:49 < praenti> armijn: sorry 15:50 < tsa> sorry, armijn.. 15:50 < praenti> we should talk in english 15:50 < th> ok 15:50 < tsa> praenti: we always should....but somehow it always happens that we switch to something else... 15:50 < th> logging indepts us 15:50 < esden> praenti: ??? 15:51 < hackbard> th: naja, fals nicht obsolete, erzeugt die scripts/Puzzle automatisch aus dem was in *-config/ drin ist afaik 15:51 < esden> praenti in this channel you can talk only english ... or .... brainfuck ;-) 15:51 < praenti> esden: i wanted sth from you. let me remember 15:51 < praenti> ahh. my "lötkolben" 15:52 < tsa> esden: --->>>>+++---<<----+><--- 15:52 < tsa> ;-) 15:52 < praenti> argh. i dont understand brainfuck... *grml* 15:52 < esden> tsa: this is giving no sence .... 15:52 < tsa> esden: i know.. 15:52 < armijn> th/praenti: I was referring to the build on huebi's machine :) 15:53 < esden> praenti: ok ... what do you need it for ? 15:53 < th> hackbard: ./scripts/Build-Index erzeugt index files. setzt aber files in ext-config vorraus. und diese kriegt man nur ueber INDEX files 15:53 < praenti> armijn: but i think english is better for you. perhaps we could talk about sth important 15:53 < armijn> hey, I don't mind Dutch either :) 15:54 < armijn> but it's not just me 15:54 < praenti> esden: i want to build my own temperature-fan control. is cheaper i think 15:54 < praenti> armijn: ;-) 15:54 < praenti> tomtech has their ass open. they want 933 EUR for a new mainboard 15:54 < esden> sure ... I should buy the right tip for my soldering ... kolben ;-) 15:55 -!- [-dalai-] is now known as dalai|away 15:55 < praenti> esden: can you say it in german. dont know what you mean 15:55 < dalai|away> bbl :) 15:56 < esden> guantanabera .. *sing* 15:56 < esden> sen una mucher sincera *sing* 15:56 < praenti> s/b/m 15:56 < praenti> ;-) 15:57 < esden> praenti: ich muss mir eh endlich die richtige spitze fuer meinen loetkolben zulegen ... 15:57 < armijn> urgh. 15:57 < armijn> can't seem to compile the program 15:57 < armijn> hate that 15:57 < praenti> esden: ahh. ok. 15:57 < hackbard> th: hmm, ich habe garkein scripts/Build-Index .. und ich weiss sicher dass ich schon ewig eine INDEX files mehr geaendert habe .. 15:58 < hackbard> keine 15:58 < clifford> hackbard: die index files werden (wurden) von scripts/Puzzle erstellt. 15:58 < th> hackbard: du holst deine extensions auch sicher noch von sf 15:58 < th> clifford: fuer 1.5 hab ich ein neues Build-Index gebaut 15:58 < clifford> Haendische aenderungen an den INDEX files gibt es seit 1.0beta nicht mehr .. 15:59 < th> clifford: das ersetzt das "make index" vom sf-cvs 16:00 < clifford> alles klar. 16:00 < th> und das script is in huebis cvs eingecheckt 16:00 < th> hackbard: von wan sind deine rock-src? 16:00 < th> s,wan,wann, 16:00 < hackbard> fuer eigene extensiosn musste ich die INDEX files damals (im 1.4) noch aendern, jetzt mach ich nur noch das ext, extconv.sh und renne Puzzle .. das ist alles was ich meinte ) 16:01 < hackbard> th: ich benutze das lezte DEV 1.5.12 bevor es clifford released hat 16:01 < th> hackbard: die index-files die ich meine sind fuer das herunterladen und aktualisieren der .ext files 16:01 < th> hackbard: ich spreche von >= 1.5.14 16:01 < hackbard> eh 13 16:02 < hackbard> jo, da ist das genauso 16:02 < hackbard> okay, das habe ich dann nicht geschnallt :) 16:02 < th> also wenn du INDEX.IN hast kannst du ein ./scripts/Internal refetch-ext fahren ;) 16:03 < th> IIRC 16:03 < th> jo exakt 16:03 < th> elif [ "$1" = "refetch-ext" ] ; then 16:03 < th> rm -rf ext-config/INDEX.[a-z]* ext-config/*/ 16:03 < th> ( cd ext-config/ ; grep wg''et INDEX.IN | cut -f2 -d'#' | sh ; ) 16:03 < th> ./scripts/Puzzle ; ./scripts/Download -pattern 'ext-config/*' 16:03 < th> ./scripts/Internal reformat-ext 16:04 < th> reformat-ext fuehrt das extconv.sh aus und baut pz, desc und conf aus .ext 16:13 < armijn> bwah 16:14 < huebi> armijn: bwah <- What language is this? 16:14 < armijn> huebi: the language you speak when somethign doesn't compile 16:15 < huebi> ahh 16:15 -!- clifford [~clifford@M110P026.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 16:17 < [anders]> less than three weeks to ADSL now.. whoop-whoop.. 16:17 < huebi> [anders]: kool 16:23 < huebi> armijn: kool Sparc64 weekly report ;-)) 16:23 < armijn> argh, one of the sparc-utils doesn't want to compile 16:23 < armijn> I will try it at home... 16:24 < huebi> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/ChangeLog <- new 16:24 < rxr> re 16:25 < armijn> huebi: yeah, but today's changes aren't in there 16:25 < armijn> brb 16:25 < huebi> armijn: They should, if they are commited to cvs 16:26 -!- dalai|away [~max@pD9506005.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.1") 16:27 < huebi> hm, Outside my office about 6m from my seat, there is a beehive in an old tree. Interesting ;-)) 16:31 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs3.xs4all.nl] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16:33 < armijn> huebi of course they are in CVS! 16:34 < armijn> huebi: I even wrote log messages 16:34 < huebi> I just made a new co 16:34 < huebi> mom 16:37 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 16:39 < huebi> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/ChangeLog <- new 16:40 < tsa> hi netcrow 16:40 < tsa> huebi: is this just a new changelog or did you really change something? ;-) 16:40 < praenti> does anybody know where i can get a plan for a teperature controled switch 16:40 < praenti> for 5V 16:40 < huebi> tsa: armijn changes are now in there. 16:40 < praenti> s/teperature/temperature 16:40 -!- clifford [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux 16:41 < tsa> huebi: ah, ok.. 16:41 < tsa> re clifford 16:41 < armijn> huebi: I see it ;) 16:47 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 16:47 < d3mian> re 16:49 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 16:49 < Mike1> Hi All 16:50 < d3mian> guten morgen Mike1 16:50 < Mike1> guten morgen mein freund :) 16:50 < armijn> omg...even the spanish talking people start in german now... 16:50 < d3mian> wie geht es dir Miguel? 16:50 < Mike1> armijn nice progress on sparc 64 16:50 < Mike1> mir es geht un dir? 16:51 < d3mian> gut! , danke ;) 16:51 < Mike1> german talking people should start taking in spanish *g 16:52 < Mike1> armijn how are you today? 16:52 < armijn> mike1: not too good, sparc32 tool doesn't want to compile :( 16:52 < armijn> and PA-RISC machine doesn't want to boot Linux 16:52 < Mike1> armijn yes i just read ur mail 16:52 < armijn> and I have no beer... 16:52 < armijn> and that's the worst thing... 16:53 < Mike1> the bier problem can be solved if you got some money with you the sparc32 tool problem is a bit more complicated 16:53 < Mike1> armijn have you got any answer from the debian people 16:53 < armijn> no money :( 16:53 < Mike1> ? 16:54 < armijn> no, I don't expect an answer within the next few hours... 16:54 < Mike1> armijn oh man thats bad :( 16:54 < armijn> I know 16:55 < Mike1> armijn fede2 from #splack has his version pretty nicelly running on his blade 100 he might be able to give you some advices 16:55 < rxr> hi Mike1! 16:55 < rxr> hi clifford! 16:55 < Mike1> i will help you again when i get my blade, i miss my ultra 5 but i think is worth it to wait for the blade :) 16:55 < Mike1> rxr hi how are you? 16:56 < clifford> hi rxr. 16:56 < Mike1> Hola clifford ;) 16:56 < clifford> hi Mike1. 16:56 < armijn> mike1: I'll forward you the mail I sent to the debian guy, perhaps you can discuss it with fede...I've got go in about 15 minutes, so 16:56 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("essen") 16:56 < Mike1> armijn sure 16:57 < rxr> Mike1: Good thanks. The U5 has also arrived ;-) 16:57 < Mike1> rxr way cool :) 16:57 < clifford> rxr: can a windows program running in wine access the midi port? 16:57 < Mike1> those are great new actually 16:58 < rxr> clifford: uh. I do not knwo if this is implemented - but it might work ... 16:58 < tsa> hm....damn backup. 16:58 < Mike1> clifford you are not asking me but yes it can 16:58 < rxr> clifford: but you might need oss for this - so use ALSA-OSS emulation load 16:58 * tsa trying to recover _one_ single damn file.. 16:58 < clifford> Mike1: thanks. :-) 16:58 < rxr> snd-pcm-oss, snd-mixer-oss and snd-sequ-oss 16:59 < Mike1> clifford welcome but do as rxr said use Alsa-oss emulation load 16:59 < clifford> I just recieved the specs from yamaha and decided not to write my own implementation of theyr djx-ii software for uploading patterns (using midi bulk) 17:00 < rxr> clifford: is it that borken or complicated, or why not? 17:00 < clifford> Mike1: since most programs i'm using (including all my own tools) do need oss I have the modules loaded anyways. 17:00 < clifford> rxr: the documentation is partial in japaniese .. 17:01 < Mike1> clifford got chance to learn a new language *g 17:01 * huebi refreshes hie rock-1.5 tree at work... 17:01 < huebi> s/hie/his/ 17:02 < clifford> also it looks like there has to be done a lot of checking in the midi file you are uploading to make sure the djx-ii is not going to dump core or something .. :-) 17:04 < huebi> DNS sucks here! Nice Try. But not worth to be used. 17:04 < Mike1> huebi ? 17:05 < clifford> the wine package on sf sucks! 17:05 < Mike1> looks like "sucks" is going to be a very popular word today 17:06 < huebi> Mike1: Here in the bank not enough people know about DNS. And so the DNS fails even for internal adresses. 17:06 < armijn> mike1: that must suck... 17:06 < armijn> I mean, to have suck as your popular word of the day 17:06 < huebi> And I needed the IP of the http proxy cluster 17:07 < Mike1> huebi you know about DNS? 17:08 < Mike1> armijn yes it definitly sucks to have sucks as the most sucking word 17:08 < huebi> Not too much. If you want to know everythink about dns you should ask SMP. 17:09 < Mike1> huebi no its ok i know DNS i was just wondering, thanks 17:09 < d3mian> DNS and Bind of Oreilly ppl is a good book, im just glad to read it 17:10 * Mike1 https://docs.online.bg 17:11 < huebi> Mike1: I'm not responsible here for DNS. That's the job of the M$ NT Admins. but they only roughly know what DNS is. 17:12 < Mike1> DNS on M$ NT does it really work? 17:12 < huebi> Mike1: No, it doesn't 17:12 < rxr> clifford: the archtest.c got lost in 1.7 - was this intentional ??? 17:12 < huebi> It really sucks ;-)))) 17:12 < Mike1> yes it sucks very much *g 17:13 < Mike1> huebi you should suggest them to move it to a rock box :) 17:14 < huebi> Mike1: I suggested that. and also to move dhcpd to linux. But there is no GUI and no Start button. They can't use it. 17:17 < Mike1> huebi well maybe a webmin like interface may help them 17:17 < Mike1> i dunno the progress on rock stupid 17:17 < clifford> rxr: in architecture/share/. Is the old path still somewhere in the docs? 17:18 < d3mian> btw: what's web tool's port for smbd/nmbd? 17:19 < rxr> clifford: a find -name archtest* has not located it ... 17:19 < rxr> it did not take a look into the docs ... 17:19 < rxr> clifford: ah ok it is there ... 17:19 < huebi> Mike1: That would be a very good idea. But W2k is used and will be used. 17:20 < rxr> clifford: the gcc-3.1 is out, did you got this nesa ? 17:20 -!- [anders] [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has quit ("time to go home....") 17:20 < rxr> er news ... 17:20 * huebi building the source CD's for armijn 17:20 < d3mian> ill see a network course project, culater 17:21 < clifford> rxr: I'm downloading it since a while .. 17:21 < Mike1> huebi well :( 17:21 < Mike1> that SUCKS ! 17:22 < huebi> It needs a looong time to get Win people to want and to use Linux 17:23 < rxr> clifford: is the hash -r needed to get bash search the PATH stuff - as it was in the patch I sent over ? 17:23 < Mike1> or just hire all ur win """admins""" and hire Unix Administrators :D 17:23 < Mike1> fire* 17:24 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux ("weekend!") 17:25 -!- praenti is now known as praenti|away 17:25 < huebi> Well I could replase 6 of the virus hunters with shell scripts. 2 are still needed to change broken hardware 17:25 < huebi> hehe 17:26 < Mike1> clifford when configuring minimailist for the first time i add minimalist.conf /usr/local/etc/ where should i add the lists files? 17:28 < Mike1> huebi shell and perl scripting can replace any win admin :) 17:28 < tsa> bbl. 17:29 -!- tsa [~tsa@rossini.marcant.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 17:29 < esden> hmm ich habe lust mal skandivavien zu besuchen ... 17:30 < rxr> hi esden 17:30 < Mike1> Hola esden 17:30 < rxr> wie kommst du darauf ;-) 17:30 < huebi> Mike1: a bash is enough 17:30 < huebi> hehe 17:31 < Mike1> huebi well yes :) 17:31 * rxr know corss-building ROCK_1.7 - should be faster than the build on the Sun ;-)# 17:32 < huebi> rxr: of course Yes. 17:32 < rxr> especially as long as I have to hick-hack with the gcc and glibc ;-) 17:32 < Mike1> huebi do you have an 1.5.14 iso? 17:32 < Mike1> for intel? 17:34 < huebi> https://download.rocklinux.de/1.5/1.5.13/rock-intel-i586-base+opt-1.5.13_2002-04-04_21h08.iso <- only that old one. On tuesday I upload a brand new one ;-) 17:34 < Mike1> huebi i will that one thanks 17:35 * Mike1 downloading huebis iso 17:36 < huebi> ;-) 17:36 < Mike1> 8100K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 1% @ 163.93 KB/s 17:36 < Mike1> 8150K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 1% @ 145.35 KB/s 17:36 < Mike1> 8200K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 1% @ 172.41 KB/s 17:36 < Mike1> 8250K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 1% @ 147.49 KB/s 17:36 < Mike1> 8300K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 1% @ 147.06 KB/s 17:36 * huebi tar'ing the new source tree 17:37 < Mike1> *g 17:37 < huebi> Mike1: It's nice fast. a 2MBit connection 17:38 < Mike1> hehe ja ich wie 17:39 < huebi> du -sm d3mian 17:39 < huebi> lol 17:39 < huebi> wrong window 17:42 < rxr> clifford: could we out-comment (or remove ...) this in linux-src: 17:42 < rxr> cp $archdir/linux-$ver.tar.bz2 kernel 17:42 < rxr> ?? it doubles the size of the archive, and it also quite easy to patch -r out ROCK kernel patches to get a vanilla kernel tree ... 17:50 < Mike1> huebi 136700K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 24% @ 161.29 KB/s 17:50 < huebi> Mike1: nice 17:58 -!- simon--- [~sts@p508751B4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:59 < Mike1> hi simon-- 18:01 -!- hackbard_ [~hackbard@pD9E0A6A3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:03 < Mike1> hello Frank 18:08 * -> esden needs a climatisation in his room ... 18:11 * huebi too 18:11 -!- simon-- [~sts@pD9E1D887.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18:11 * Mike1 too 18:12 < Mike1> this sucks we dont have climatation 18:12 -!- simon--- is now known as simon-- 18:13 < esden> *swet* 18:15 * huebi does not sweat. I'm still at work. But when I come home ;( 10m^2 and 5 computers and three monitors runing 18:15 < huebi> even with opened window it's hot. 18:15 * -> esden widens his window ... puhh 18:16 < huebi> I need a 100MBit line to the celar 18:18 < esden> huebi: I would prefer a 100MBit static line to the internet ... ;-) 18:18 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD9523F7C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18:18 < huebi> esden: ;-)) 18:20 < huebi> esden: SUN hardware is static sensitive ;->> 18:21 < Mike1> is there any oprion with chown that i can use to have 2 owner of the same file? 18:22 < esden> huebi: you are reading the mails from ripclaw to carefully ;-) 18:22 < Mike1> or asign rw rights to an specific user in diferent users dir? 18:22 < huebi> esden: depends... 18:26 < esden> huebi: it depends on what ? 18:26 < huebi> It's a nice show if a technician comes with a 1 m^2 big rubbersheet, plugs a powercord into the socket in the wall and conects it to the rubbersheet. Then he connects his wrist to the rubber and then he touches the machine. That shows technicians are 230V ~ powered. 18:26 < huebi> hehe 18:26 < esden> QUESTION: which kind of music are the rock linux developers hearing/liking? 18:27 < huebi> Bach 18:27 < esden> perhups I will add this section to the gallery ;-) 18:27 < huebi> hmm Better Blues Brothers ;-) 18:29 < huebi> esden: It depends my understanding of what he want's to say. Not so often I really get what he want's. Interestin vocabulary 18:29 < huebi> +g 18:30 < clifford> esden: Rachmaninov 18:30 < esden> huebi: hehe ... so I am not the only one who is not always understanding him ... 18:30 < clifford> I really have to go now .. cu on monday .. 18:30 < huebi> bye clifford 18:30 < esden> clifford: Rach... who is int 18:30 < huebi> clifford: HAVE A REALLY NICE WEEKEND 18:31 -!- clifford is now known as clifford_away 18:31 < esden> clifford: have a nice weekend 18:31 < huebi> I want a beeping caps-lock key 18:31 < clifford_away> esden: a russian componist. he wrote really good piano music. 18:31 * -> esden is going tomorrow ... and will be unplugged till wenesday night ... 18:32 < clifford_away> The probably most famous rachmaninov interpret is davis helfgott. 18:32 < esden> clifford_away: ahh cool ... 18:32 < clifford_away> cu. 18:32 < esden> clifford_away: so classic music ... right ? 18:32 < huebi> esden: yes 18:33 < clifford_away> rachmaninov e.g. wrote "the flight of the bubble bee" (deutsch: "Der Hummelflug" - das kennst du sicher ..) 18:33 < clifford_away> ok. now 18:33 < clifford_away> I'm really gone .. :-) 18:36 < esden> clifford_away: ja der name sagt mir was ... stimmt ;-) 18:37 < Mike1> huebi i finished the download 18:37 < Mike1> :) 18:37 < huebi> kool 18:37 * Mike1 burning iso :) 18:42 -!- [-dalai-] [~max@pD9009613.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:42 < [-dalai-]> re 18:43 < esden> hi [ 18:43 < esden> hi [-dalai-] 18:44 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817889.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:44 < bluefire> re 18:44 < esden> re bluefire 18:49 < huebi> all stuff i need for the weekend is on tape now. CU later 18:49 < huebi> And if wee don't see later: Have a nice weekend 18:51 < d3mian> re 18:56 < rxr> hehe 18:56 < rxr> I just got a screenshot of a people running fvwm2 in SuSE - really funny ;-) - did not saw such old stuff for some time now ;-) 18:58 < esden> argh I need praenti|away ... he should stop to abuse his girlfriend all the time ;-) 19:04 * -> esden hearing schiller - ruhe 19:04 < esden> *chill* 19:05 < esden> rxr: that is really old stuff ... it has already cult status ... 19:06 < rxr> esden: it is a screenshot form a people in africa using my SANE backend ;-) 19:06 < snyke> hm 19:06 < rxr> (for a quite recent HP USB scanner ;-) 19:07 < esden> rxr: heh ... cool ... 19:08 < hackbard_> esden: rock crew hears: https://www.hackdaworld.dyndns.org/files/projects/rock/Twisted%20Sister%20-%20I%20Wanna%20Rock.mp3 19:08 < hackbard_> ;) 19:08 < Mike1> yo hackbard_ 19:08 < hackbard_> hi miguel 19:08 < Mike1> how are you 19:08 -!- hackbard_ is now known as hackbard 19:09 < hackbard> i am fine thanks 19:09 < hackbard> but i have to go right back to work in our garden ... just here for a drink 19:16 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has quit ("[BX] I got sucked into /dev/null!") 19:22 < esden> *klick* 19:24 < d3mian> im so tired 19:25 < d3mian> i really desire finish this semester soon, most than sex 19:25 < d3mian> can u imagine that? 19:26 < d3mian> culater 19:26 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has left #rocklinux () 19:30 < rxr> urgh - the sparc64 glibc is only faling because of some parse error in a ISOXYZ locate support stuff :-( 19:32 < rxr> huebi: I read about the isapnptolls disabling on rock-ports 19:33 < rxr> huebi: you could remove it completely (as it is done in 1.7) - since the 2.4 kernel has native support for isapnp 19:33 < rxr> and so this user-land tool is obsolete ... 19:40 -!- [-dalai-] [~max@pD9009613.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19:46 < rxr> esden: did you succed in converting the matrix quicktime stuff into s.th. usefull? ;-) 20:21 * snyke just compiles his FIRST OWN kernel *jump* 20:27 < esden> rxr: nope sorry 20:28 < rxr> oh 20:29 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:38 < rxr> esden: has ahlpha linux /usr/lib AND /usr/lib64 ??? 20:38 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 20:38 < Mike1> re 20:38 < Mike1> anyone here has installed minimalist? 20:39 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has quit (Client Quit) 20:51 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has left #rocklinux () 20:51 -!- capaway is now known as capchaos 21:11 -!- capchaos is now known as capaway 21:23 < rxr> gcc-3.1 compiles for sparc64 out of the box 21:23 < rxr> the glibc-2.2.5 compiled with the gcc-3.1 as cross-comiler, too 21:24 < rxr> (for sparc64) ... 21:25 < rxr> and the U5 compiles XFree-4.2.0 since 15:something ;-) 21:31 < rxr> Am I the only one here ? 22:01 -!- ringo78 [~idiot@co116627-a.almel1.ov.nl.home.com] has joined #rocklinux 22:05 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 22:10 < rxr> hm the U5 seems to just have crashed ... 22:11 < d3mian> emm? 22:12 < rxr> tring to start XFree on the framebuffer ... 22:12 < rxr> it was running nearly 24 hours before ... 22:13 < ringo78> rxr: Frame buffer, it's great !!! 22:15 < d3mian> that not sounds good 22:16 < d3mian> i didnt see any probs with fb in Mike1 U5 22:16 < rxr> ringo78: ? 22:17 < rxr> there is not prob with the framebuffer - but I wanna have X11 ... 22:17 < d3mian> ahh, ic, load x11 using fb 22:18 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A59.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit ("°ShowDowN v12 PrO° since 1996: https://www.sci.fi/~showdown/") 22:18 < d3mian> <*> /dev file system (required for ROCK LINUX) 22:19 < d3mian> hehe, i didnt see this before :) 22:19 < d3mian> i go home now 22:19 < d3mian> cu monday 22:20 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has left #rocklinux () 22:27 -!- ringo78 [~idiot@co116627-a.almel1.ov.nl.home.com] has quit ("leaving") 22:28 -!- ringo78 [~idiot@co116627-a.almel1.ov.nl.home.com] has joined #rocklinux 22:43 < huebi> re 22:45 < huebi> rxr XFree86 sould need ~3h to compile on U5 22:47 < rxr> huebi: yea finished here 22:47 < rxr> but it doesn't work ... 22:47 < huebi> X does not start? 22:47 < rxr> it either complains about not be able to access PCI - or (when using the fbdev) the box crash ... 22:48 < huebi> hmm. ka 22:48 < rxr> ok 22:49 < rxr> is my account on your systems still faild? 22:49 < rxr> dann wuerde ich da mal kurz was nachsehen ... 22:49 < huebi> U5 reboots 22:49 < rxr> ? 22:50 < huebi> My daughter switched it off ;-)) 22:50 < rxr> *lol* 22:50 < huebi> u5 = fels 22:50 < rxr> hehehe 22:57 < huebi> fsck'ing 23:03 < rxr> I'm in thanks! 23:03 < huebi> rxr: OK. login ;-) 23:04 < rxr> huebi: You only build a normal sparc version ? 23:05 < huebi> ? 23:05 < rxr> no sparc64 .... 23:05 < huebi> root@fels:/rock-linux# ./scripts/Config <- ? 23:05 < rxr> yeah i cee ... 23:06 < huebi> it's sparc64 23:06 < rxr> no it is not 23:06 < rxr> the 1.5 config is very misleading 23:06 < rxr> you build sparc +v8 optimization +64 bit kernel 23:07 < rxr> no wonder that this build needs several hacks to compile ... 23:07 < huebi> v8 is ignored. armijn says 23:08 < rxr> seesm to since you do not have gcc-option files for it ... 23:09 < rxr> but my build tries are also very hacky ... 23:10 -!- cap_ [~capchaos@pD9048F6A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:12 -!- capaway [~capchaos@pD904852D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23:12 < rxr> hm I do not find the gentoo sparc cvs ... ?!? 23:15 < huebi> rxr: I read you testet gcc 3.1 on Sparc64 or was it a cross compile? 23:16 < rxr> both 23:16 < huebi> both successfull? 23:16 < rxr> I got one to cross compile but I get other probs after this ... 23:16 < huebi> ah ok 23:17 < rxr> no because a real sparc64 system has multi-lib support and 64bit libraries in /usr/lib64 23:17 < rxr> and so all tools fail on our system not finting some libcrt*.so in /usr/lib64 ... 23:17 < huebi> I think that will be _much_ work ;( 23:18 < rxr> the problem is that finos are rather rare on the net - and I also can not find a location of the gentoo sparc source/cvs ... 23:18 < huebi> finos ? 23:19 < rxr> hae? 23:20 < huebi> rxr: what are finos? 23:20 < huebi> ;-) 23:20 < huebi> 23:18 < rxr> the problem is that finos are rather rare on the net 23:20 < esden> re hi all 23:21 < huebi> Prost esden ! 23:21 * huebi hat gerade sein erstes Grohe Export aufgemacht. Lecker! 23:22 < rxr> infos 23:22 < huebi> rxr: danke ;-)) 23:23 < huebi> I'll get _all_ avaliable infos from SUN about it! 23:24 * huebi likes funk! yeah! 23:31 < huebi> 590 bogomips to 6090 is a feelable difference ;-(( 23:32 < huebi> Ultra 30 to DUal XP1800+ 23:33 < huebi> PING... 23:42 < rxr> PONG ? 23:42 < huebi> ;-) 23:43 < huebi> doch nicht tot der channel ;-) 23:43 < esden> PONG DUP 23:43 < huebi> noch 26 Packete auf sparc zu fixen ;-) 23:44 < huebi> Ich sehe gerade mal nach, was praenti gemacht hat. 23:49 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082AC3C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:49 < tsa> re 23:51 < huebi> hi tsa 23:51 < huebi> ;-)) 23:51 < tsa> hi huebi 23:52 < huebi> root@rock:/rock-linux# ls /rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs/*err |wc -l = 26 23:52 < tsa> hehe ;) 23:53 < huebi> root@rock:/rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs# ls *err 23:53 < huebi> 2-sparc-utils.err 3-gnome-applets.err 3-libpng.err 3-qt.err 23:53 < huebi> 3-alsa.err 3-gnome-core.err 3-librsvg.err 3-sawfish.err 23:53 < huebi> 3-apmd.err 3-gnome-network.err 3-modules.err 3-softdog.err 23:53 < huebi> 3-dump-config.err 3-gnome-utils.err 3-mtools.err 3-xscreensaver.err 23:53 < huebi> 3-eel.err 3-iproute2.err 3-nautilus.err 3-xv.err 23:53 < huebi> 3-eog.err 3-isapnptools.err 3-netpbm.err 23:53 < huebi> 3-ghostscript.err 3-libgd.err 3-pcmcia-cs.err 23:53 < huebi> 23:53 < tsa> armijn won't like sparc-utils fail, i guess.. 23:54 < huebi> tsa: he know that. But he really don't like it. much work still to do. 23:54 < tsa> everything else probably still fails because of libpng, i guess.. 23:54 < huebi> praenti fixed libpng. I test it now 23:55 < tsa> what about apmd - sure this is portable code and suppused to run an anything but ia-32? 23:55 < huebi> no, not at all ;) 23:56 < huebi> I test later to disable it 23:57 < tsa> ok.. 23:57 < rxr> hi tsa 23:57 < tsa> pcmcia could be the same thing.. 23:57 < tsa> hi rxr 23:57 < huebi> root@rock:~# ls /rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs/*log |wc -l => 294 23:57 < tsa> what about isapnptools - is there isa at all? 23:58 < tsa> iproute2 should be possible.. 23:58 < rxr> I wrote this afternnon that isapnptools can be removed 23:58 < rxr> they are obsoltete - and allready removed in 1.7 ... 23:58 < rxr> the 2.4 kernel has native isapnp support ... 23:59 < huebi> tsa: isapnptools are also removed nov in 1.5 23:59 < tsa> ok. --- Log closed Sat May 18 00:00:12 2002