--- Log opened Wed May 22 00:00:06 2002 --- Day changed Wed May 22 2002 00:10 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 00:10 < Mike1> re 00:10 < hackbard> wb miguel 00:10 < tsa> re Mike1 00:13 < Mike1> I have a very weird cituation with my webserver, i defined a .htaccess which auth to /etc/user.pass but some how the .htaccess executes but never authenticates any ideas? 00:14 < tsa> AuthUserFile /etc/user.pass 00:14 < tsa> AuthGroupFile /dev/null 00:14 < th> AllowOverride not set for AuthConfig. 00:15 < tsa> AuthName "By administrating" 00:15 < tsa> AuthType Basic 00:15 < tsa> all set? 00:15 < Mike1> yup 00:15 < tsa> require user 00:15 < th> Mike1: just try to include AllowOverride All for the directory the .htaccess is in 00:15 < Mike1> done 00:16 < Mike1> ok mom 00:16 < tsa> rxr: still awake? 00:17 < tsa> rxr: xpdf 1.01 released 00:22 < tsa> *gaehn* 00:24 -!- ripclaw [~ripclaw@pD9E1CD6E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 00:24 < ripclaw> hi 00:24 < tsa> hi ripclaw.. 00:24 < ripclaw> need project and hardware suggestions for lxtag - will be gone again soon. 00:24 < ripclaw> hi tsa. 00:25 < tsa> hm.. 00:25 < tsa> hanging around the booth, answering questions of people. 00:26 < tsa> anyone doing a speech on rock? 00:26 < ripclaw> speech --> deadlines :-/ 00:26 < tsa> hm.. 00:26 < tsa> ok 00:26 < tsa> no other ideas so far. 00:26 < ripclaw> i heard someone doing a MIPS port... can they already show stuff ? 00:26 < Mike1> hi Mister ripclaw :D 00:27 < bluefire> ripclaw: hi 00:27 < ripclaw> hi 00:27 < tsa> ripclaw: hm...fake got a indy or something. but i don't know how far he got with rock.. 00:28 < ripclaw> me neither. but i have a indy and others too. 00:28 < tsa> hardware: hm... two machines for presentation at the booth, i'd suggest 00:28 < ripclaw> do you bring 2 machines ? 00:29 < tsa> hm...currently i don't know it i should bring any machines at all. 00:29 < tsa> s,it,if 00:29 < SMP> hi ripclaw 00:29 < ripclaw> joey has a magic formula, something like "total/(people*hardware)=booth" or something.. 00:29 < ripclaw> hi SMP. booth projects, other ideas ? 00:29 < SMP> project: space for my laptop and an ethernet jack ;p 00:30 < tsa> an x86 box with the fresh 1.5.15 would be ok, IMHO. 00:30 < tsa> any other arch available? 00:31 < ripclaw> tsa: any sparc I can carry, if no one objects. but i don`t want to be it all alone. 00:31 < ripclaw> SMP: hopefully with rock 1.7 or 1.5.15 on it ? 00:31 < SMP> 1.4.0R2+hacks 00:32 < ripclaw> SMP: btw - where do the releases of the tree go ? i never seen one lately. 00:32 < tsa> ripclaw: hm...shouldn't be the slowest machine. we could ask huebi for the u30 00:32 < SMP> because there wasn't 00:33 < tsa> big monitors would fill up the booth quickly. can we get tft's anywhere? 00:33 < ripclaw> tsa: there are some reasons not to use a machine above 400 mhz... -> kernel problems. i`ld like to see a fast box, but i don`t know wether huebi likes the idea. 00:33 < ripclaw> tsa: u5`s now are enough supply. 00:34 < ripclaw> tsa: TFT=problem with sun, they need to have 1152x900 resolution, which are just a few ($$$$$) 00:34 < ripclaw> SMP: why not ? 00:34 < SMP> -ENOTIME 00:34 < tsa> ripclaw: i still have to speak with holyolli how long we're going to stay in karlsruhe. i could bring my u10 which needs to be reinstalled anyway. 00:35 < tsa> won't bring my 19" crt. too heavy. 00:35 < ripclaw> SMP: retval fork(SMP); 00:35 < ripclaw> tsa: thats a good idea - we can still use serial console, but a sparc install party or such would be cool. 00:36 -!- clifford_ [~clifford@] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 00:36 < tsa> ripclaw: can we get some space for a developer's corner? there won't fit too many people in the booth, i guess. 00:36 < ripclaw> SMP: can you try to just upload snapshots of what 1.4 you use ? 00:36 < SMP> ECHIQSNOAVAIL 00:36 < SMP> ripclaw: that would be pretty useless ATM 00:37 < tsa> place for 6-7 computers+people would be fine. 00:37 < ripclaw> tsa: i don`t know. joey may not like it - he already barfs at 4x4 meters. something about "segmentation violation" etc... 00:37 < tsa> *sigh* 00:37 < ripclaw> SMP: hmpf. was already excited about another 1.4 release. 00:37 < SMP> maybe I can catch up a bit with 1.4 at LT 00:38 < ripclaw> SMP: that would qualify as a project :-) 00:38 < SMP> hehehe 00:38 < ripclaw> SMP: may i enter that ? 00:38 < SMP> yes. 00:38 < tsa> ok, i'll bring the u10. will try to get a scsi disk till lxtag. 00:38 < SMP> I need 1 square metre;> 00:38 < ripclaw> tsa: may I enter "sparc linux install-party" also ? 00:39 < tsa> ripclaw: if we get more than just one machine, sure.. 00:39 < tsa> and someone should bring a current sparc rock 00:39 < ripclaw> i have a few in my basement - latest count has 2 digits. i know more than one person bringing one. 00:39 < tsa> ok. 00:39 < ripclaw> we need cdrom burners. 00:40 < ripclaw> and pre-burned cdroms of intel. we`ll do sparc on the fly. 00:40 < tsa> hm..perhaps even somebody will be able to fix the problem my u10 still has lxtag. ;-) 00:40 < ripclaw> i can also bring an alpha or two, and a g3 laptop, if it all goes right. 00:40 < tsa> hm. 00:41 < tsa> if i bring my x86 machine, too, we have one more cd burner and 12gb mp3z ;-) 00:41 < ripclaw> tsa: please send me a problem description to my work mail adress, if not already done. if you have solaris, try getting explorer (SUNWexplorer) 00:41 < tsa> ripclaw: ack. 00:41 < ripclaw> tsa: yes, music is a good idea. maybe i get an overhead, too. 00:42 < ripclaw> more variable than posters. 00:42 < tsa> hehe 00:42 < ripclaw> 1.5 cvs is down. ... 00:43 < tsa> hm.. 00:43 < tsa> ripclaw: i could ask holyolli to bring his alpha (DS20), too.. 00:43 < ripclaw> grmml.. wanted to look at the sparc patches. tsa: PLEEEZ. 00:44 < tsa> ok. 00:44 * ripclaw purrs. 00:44 < ripclaw> nice hardware !! 00:44 < rxr> ripclaw: I can present 1.7 on my intel laptop 00:45 < rxr> (but it is a no-name one ....) 00:45 < ripclaw> rxr: overly cool. project !!! 00:45 < tsa> ok, so we'll probably install rock on everything that is able to add two numbers. 00:45 < ripclaw> yesss... anyone already ported it to 6502 cpu`s ? (no task switching) 00:45 < tsa> holyolli has a sony vaio. running RH at the moment (ARGH, i know). i'll tell him to bring that one, too. 00:46 < ripclaw> sluuuurch. its rock. 00:46 < tsa> ripclaw: uhm...no. but i developed an asynchronous 6502 in VHDL at university about a year ago. 00:47 < tsa> no hardware implementation, though.. 00:47 -!- clifford_ [~clifford@M127P020.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 00:47 < tsa> (too expensive) 00:47 < tsa> hi clifford_ 00:47 < ripclaw> cool ! - can you GPL the plans :-) ?? 00:47 < ripclaw> hi cliff 00:48 < tsa> hehe. no, i can't. since it's an university project, the rights belong to the university. 00:48 < ripclaw> so what they gonna do with it - let it rust in peace ? 00:48 < tsa> yes. 00:48 < SMP> (which is perverted in itself) 00:48 < tsa> hehe. 00:49 < tsa> ok, back to lxtag. 00:49 < tsa> any other suggestions? 00:49 < tsa> as it seems, we'll have about at ton of hardware, at least. 00:49 < tsa> -t 00:49 < ripclaw> MIPS - it`ld be cool to have some mipsen. clifford - do you know the status ? 00:50 < tsa> send a mail to fake@bingo-ev.de .. 00:50 < tsa> hm... 00:51 < tsa> holyolli has an indy r4400, too. but it's running irix ATM. 00:51 < ripclaw> bafu, irix.... argls. 00:51 < tsa> hehe 00:51 * ripclaw does the technicolor yawn 00:51 < tsa> ripclaw: what about network equipment - do we need anything? 00:51 < ripclaw> must.... install.... linux.... 00:52 < ripclaw> tsa: yes. 00:52 < SMP> hmmm 00:52 < tsa> ripclaw: ok. i have a 3com 24port switch. 00:52 < ripclaw> i suppose we need 8-16 ports, prefferable 100mbt. 00:52 < ripclaw> ACK !!! 00:52 < tsa> ok. 00:52 < ripclaw> firewall ? 00:52 < SMP> I'll bring a cisco catalyst 2924xl-en? ;) 00:52 < ripclaw> ok... 00:52 < SMP> 3com sucks anyway 00:52 < tsa> SMP: hehe 00:52 < bluefire> Good night 00:52 < ripclaw> SMP: i have a few cellplexes lying around.... :-) 00:52 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p508177F7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 00:53 < ripclaw> ok, so we have a 24 port switch from tsa and a cisco 2924... ? 00:53 < ripclaw> SMP: does the cisco do firewalling _and_ switching, or will we need an extra box ? 00:54 < tsa> everyone is to bring his own cables. although it would be nice to have some spares. 00:54 < ripclaw> i may be able to bring a few spares. 00:54 < tsa> ok. 00:54 < tsa> (this is getting pretty productive ;-) 00:54 < ripclaw> :-)= 00:54 < SMP> ripclaw: just a switch! 00:54 < SMP> with VLANs tough 00:54 < SMP> though 00:54 < ripclaw> ok we`ll need a firewall still. 00:55 < ripclaw> vlans is great for the install & leech thing. 00:55 < SMP> I still have that trusty 486 OpenBSD thingie ;) 00:55 < SMP> time for some 3.1 install and pf 00:55 < tsa> hm...perhaps we have an unused cisco 1700 at work - will check. 00:56 < SMP> tsa: eeeek 00:56 < tsa> hehe 00:56 < SMP> 17x0 = 'Plastebomber' 00:56 < ripclaw> SMP: great - haven`t seen the box in a while. we`ll likely have cdroms, too. gotta ask wim. 00:56 < tsa> ich weiss. aber wenn ich unseren uplink abbaue, gibbet mecker ;-) 00:57 < SMP> ripclaw: will he be around for sure? 00:57 < ripclaw> warning - this means openbsd cdroms. rock cdroms will have to be burned - production will not finish in time. 00:57 < ripclaw> SMP: seems he`ll not be, he even asked me to sell in the name of the daemon :-) 00:57 < tsa> hm.. 00:57 < tsa> blank CD's? 00:57 < SMP> oh 00:58 < tsa> who'll bring them? 00:58 < SMP> blank CDs are useless 00:58 < SMP> we need to have all CDs burned before LT 00:58 < tsa> SMP: do you want to print out the iso's? ;-) 00:58 < SMP> which I can't do this year 00:59 < tsa> any estimates on how many we're gonna need? 00:59 < SMP> n*100 00:59 < tsa> ;) 00:59 < SMP> 1 ah, ok. 01:00 < ripclaw> SMP: i try to get a cdrom copier and a set of burnt cdroms. 01:01 < ripclaw> we need `ll need source and binary cdroms, binary is base, source is base, opt, ext. 01:01 < rxr> we need some poster about the project ... 01:01 < ripclaw> we`ll do sparc cdroms on the fly. 01:02 < ripclaw> rxr - posters might be problem, since they need printing. i`ll try to get a overhead + computer adapter from carlos. 01:04 < ripclaw> ok, any volunteers for cdroms ? 01:04 < tsa> hm...we could really need some sponsors donating some money. 01:04 < rxr> ripclaw: not many posters - only one for the booth ... 01:04 < ripclaw> tsa: i will give e.g. for the cdroms. 01:04 < ripclaw> i always paid for the posters, etc. 01:04 < rxr> some overview + test ... 01:04 < tsa> hm... 01:04 < ripclaw> except when cliff jumped in. 01:05 < tsa> holyolli hast access to an A0 color plotter. 01:05 < tsa> -t 01:05 < ripclaw> rxr idea what you want on there ? 01:05 < tsa> could perhaps be useful for making posters. 01:05 < rxr> the logo + some explaining text ... 01:05 < ripclaw> tsa, rxr - can anyone of you supply me with a poster content ? i don`t have time to make that up. 01:06 < ripclaw> i can translate, but not think it up... DE +EN 01:06 < tsa> ripclaw: uhm...i suck at gfx design. 01:06 < ripclaw> i`ll give the stuff to a pro gfx person i know personally. 01:06 < rxr> tsa: ok maybe we both can make s.th. the next days ... 01:06 < ripclaw> i just need a text and maybe [put picture.jpg here] 01:06 < rxr> ripclaw: ok or this ... 01:06 < tsa> btw.. 01:06 < ripclaw> who will do the poster stuff - rxr + tsa ? 01:07 < tsa> ripclaw: can you get me a user/pass for https://www.infodrom.org/LinuxTag/? 01:07 < ripclaw> i can add a section on sparc 01:07 < ripclaw> tsa: yes. 01:07 < tsa> ripclaw: i'm too stupid to use gimp, but perhaps i can make some suggestions. 01:07 < tsa> rxr: can you use gimp? 01:07 < tsa> ripclaw: cool. what information do you need? 01:08 < ripclaw> first, i need to lookup my password :-) 01:08 < rxr> tsa: yes 01:08 < tsa> hahaha 01:08 < rxr> but gimp is not really usefull for large scale posters ... 01:08 < tsa> rxr: ok. so i guess we can make some poster stuff - with the help of all the other ppl on #rocklinux, shouldn't be too much a problem.. 01:09 < rxr> you need vector drawing for this ... 01:09 < rxr> tsa: yes ok 01:11 < ripclaw> rxr, tsa - try to create the content, raw ascii text. i`ll give it to a gfx person, or one of us will do the thing. in doubt, we can still use html. 01:12 < tsa> hehe...ok 01:12 < ripclaw> da* - never remember the password when you need it. 01:12 < SMP> anyone here know how to print an ASCII text on a paper sheet in a custom shape? such that the letters form a smily e.g.? 01:13 < tsa> hm...is there a cheap possibility to sleep at lxtag? place for a sleeping bag would be sufficent. 01:13 < ripclaw> SMP: aalib ? 01:13 < SMP> ugh 01:13 < SMP> something like banner, but with a custom text .. 01:13 < ripclaw> list: sleeping possibilities are in a "turnhalle", iirc. 01:14 < tsa> ok, that's sufficient. 01:16 < hackbard> ripclaw: tell more ... ;) 01:16 < hackbard> hi btw 01:16 < rxr> hackbard: I just rsynced a 1.7 which should again work 01:16 < hackbard> rxr: cool, i ll check it out tommorrow as i have to leave soon .. 01:17 < ripclaw> tsa: you`ld have to mention that to joey@linuxtag.org and cc me for the turnhalle, since i haven`t got my password for the site and re-applied with joey. 01:17 < ripclaw> hi hackbard. 01:17 < hackbard> gammaspektroskopie morgen frueh .. :( 01:17 < tsa> ok. 01:17 < hackbard> hi! 01:17 * ripclaw hasn`t got enough radiation dose... 01:18 < rxr> tsa: when you write a mail, could you ask for a place for me, too :-) 01:18 < hackbard> hehe, i ll catch some fast neutrons for you tommorrow 01:18 < ripclaw> :wq 01:18 < rxr> tnx ... 01:18 < ripclaw> oops 01:18 < ripclaw> ok, tsa, rxr, hackbard - sporthalle - that correct ? 01:19 < hackbard> i just wanted to join linuxtag for one day, but if there is a cheap possibility to rest i ll stay longer and could also bring hardware .. 01:19 < hackbard> cool! 01:19 < hackbard> yes 01:19 < tsa> ripclaw: ack. 01:19 < tsa> ripclaw: i think holyolli will prefer the turnhalle to sleeping in his VW bulli, too. 01:19 < rxr> hackbard: the .ast snap of mine had a broken binutils which caused many packages to fail ... 01:20 < ripclaw> rxr: chinese ? 01:20 < tsa> ripclaw: mail to joey@linuxtag - german or english? 01:20 < hackbard> rxr: ahh, there have been many ld problems .. do i remmeber correctly? 01:20 < ripclaw> any or both. he understands both. 01:20 < tsa> ok. 01:21 < ripclaw> i`ll note that on the pages. 01:21 < rxr> hackbard: mostly unresolved symbol atexit ... 01:22 < hackbard> hmm, then i made some other mistakes too 01:23 < hackbard> rxr: do you bring ur sparc? 01:24 < ripclaw> PLEASE MARK your SPARC.... 01:24 < hackbard> may/should i bring it though ? 01:24 < hackbard> or are there enough 01:25 < tsa> hehe 01:25 < rxr> hackbard: I think no. I will travel by train (I think) so i do not wanna carry too much ... 01:25 < ripclaw> enough... ? explanation ? 01:26 < hackbard> enough hardware already on linuxtag 01:26 < hackbard> as i heard we lack of space .. 01:26 < ripclaw> enough... ? explanation ? whats that word meaning anyway :-) 01:26 < tsa> ripclaw: mail to joey - cc: ripclaw@rocklinux.org? 01:26 < rxr> I'll bring my Celeron Lappy for 1.7 demonstration, running 2.5 ... 01:26 < hackbard> hehe 01:26 < ripclaw> hackbard: if yo ask me, i never ahve enough 01:26 < ripclaw> tsa: ACK 01:27 < tsa> ok. 01:27 < ripclaw> rxr: arrival & departure dates ? 01:27 < rxr> ripclaw: i have not yet made a plan ... 01:27 < ripclaw> Avialable for talk at the booth 06.06.-09.06.2002 01:27 < ripclaw> ? 01:28 < tsa> mail's out. 01:28 < ripclaw> tsa: thnx. 01:28 < tsa> no problem. 01:28 < ripclaw> rxr - i`ll add the standard text and a "not sure about dates" ? 01:28 < tsa> hm...arrival/departure...still have to plan this with holyolli. 01:29 < tsa> probably 7.6-9.6 01:30 < ripclaw> btw - joey expects booth setup to begin at 0600 local on wednesday (mittwoch), and to be finished at 0800 thursday. 01:30 < rxr> ripclaw: i could be there the most time (If there is some cheap space in the sporthall or @ huebi ...) 01:30 < ripclaw> we`ll take freedom to do that anyway :-) 01:30 < tsa> rxr: do you want a copy of the mail to joey? 01:30 < rxr> tsa: sure why not :-) 01:30 < ripclaw> rxr: huebi said he would be there one day - i can try to coord for hotel floorspace. 01:30 < tsa> rxr: ok. 01:31 < hackbard> do we have to reserve space in the turnhalle (or is that already managed by tsa's mail?) ? 01:31 < tsa> hackbard: i sent a mail to joey asking for place for 5-6 people. 01:31 < ripclaw> OR. (=its ok with the mail, i think, or i have to set your status to halle in the tool) 01:32 < hackbard> okay, cool! 01:32 < tsa> rxr: mail forwarded to rene@rocklinux.org. 01:33 < ripclaw> tsa: what do you want to have entered for in the speciality field ? 01:33 < tsa> uhm...don't know - messing things up? ;) 01:34 < tsa> rock linux organisational supplement ;-) 01:34 < tsa> no idea. 01:34 < ripclaw> ROCK Ports Installfest and general organisational supplement 01:34 < ripclaw> ack ? 01:34 < tsa> ack. 01:34 < ripclaw> holyolly... what do i put in here. 01:35 < tsa> Rock alpha port and orga stuff. 01:36 < hackbard> ripclaw: btw, has the money arrived ? 01:37 < ripclaw> ack. need only to fill in hackbard and upload. 01:37 < ripclaw> hackbard: didn`t check. mom. 01:38 < tsa> ok. did you enter any kind of contact email? 01:38 < ripclaw> hackbard: booking date 15.05.2002 - its not been booked. might already be there. 01:38 < hackbard> hmm, it should!! :) 01:39 < ripclaw> hackbard: please enter your linuxtag task/occupation - i`ll have to bug accounting about the money. 01:39 < ripclaw> accounting = takes some time. 01:39 < hackbard> pls report .o0[dady and homebanking ...] 01:39 < hackbard> okay 01:40 < hackbard> hmm, rock-user :) 01:40 < hackbard> isnt that enough? :) 01:40 < ripclaw> hackbard: do not worry, i don`t eat people... 01:40 < tsa> LOL 01:40 < hackbard> hehe, okay 01:40 < ripclaw> ok - will add so. 01:40 < ripclaw> that was Zirkelberd, iirc. 01:41 < ripclaw> s/rd/rg/ 01:41 < hackbard> s/berd/bach/ 01:41 < ripclaw> ack 01:41 < hackbard> berg would be cool - ZirkelROCK :-)) 01:41 * ripclaw has brain already entering sleep(); 01:42 < ripclaw> hackbard - arrive and depart date ? 01:42 < hackbard> if i have a car early enough i may arrive on thursday, else friday - till sunday 01:44 < hackbard> i think the only one near me is esden, maybe we can also drive together .. 01:44 < hackbard> esden: still awake? 01:44 < ripclaw> ack - esden has a car, afaik 01:44 -!- pica [~joan@213-97-212-86.uc.nombres.ttd.es] has joined #rocklinux 01:45 < hackbard> i will ask him tommorrow 01:45 < hackbard> okay, i go to bed now - n8 all and see ya soon. 01:46 < pica> rxr: 'chmod a+r ftp://drocklinux.dyndns.org/drock/pkg-archive/kde-i18n-fr-3.0.1.tar.bz2' please ;) 01:46 < ripclaw> ok. linuxtag pages have been updated, and will be agian in 5 minutes. new mail has been added - see mail directory 01:46 < ripclaw> https://www.rocklinux.org/people/ripclaw/projects/de-rock-lxtag/2002/mails/ 01:48 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD9E0ADB3.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 01:48 < rxr> pica: mom 01:50 < rxr> pica: done 01:50 * tsa reading 01:53 < ripclaw> rxr - gpg keysigning at linuxtag ? 01:54 < tsa> hm..good idea. 01:54 < rxr> jups 01:54 < ripclaw> ok, will put that on the project page. print out gpg keys and bring them along :-) 01:55 < ripclaw> sorry, fingerprints.... 01:56 * rxr switched the third box on ... 01:56 < tsa> hehe 01:57 < ripclaw> hm... there is no picture of hackbard anywhere... 01:59 -!- freed [~neerod@pD9055A47.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit () 02:02 < rxr> tsa: my lappy compiling the latest 2.5 kernel *g*& 02:03 < tsa> hehe.. 02:03 < ripclaw> 80 seconds til next upload of rockers, accomodation, projects and front page of linuxtag 02:06 < rxr> ripclaw: where is this page 02:06 < ripclaw> https://www.rocklinux.org/people/ripclaw/projects/de-rock-lxtag/2002/2002.html 02:07 < ripclaw> the rest is in the links box at the bottom or in the mail link. 02:07 < rxr> ahok 02:07 < ripclaw> improvement suggestions ? 02:09 < tsa> yes. 02:09 < ripclaw> ?? 02:09 < tsa> huebi said he will attend. 02:09 < ripclaw> i have no when, etc... 02:09 * tsa neither. 02:09 < ripclaw> will change the entry. 02:09 < tsa> ok. 02:10 < tsa> # tsa will bring audio gear for the pc. <- hm... 02:10 < tsa> i can bring 12gb mp3z. 02:10 < tsa> but speakers...hm.. 02:11 < ripclaw> i can bring speakers. 02:11 < tsa> ok 02:12 < rxr> tsa: are you travling by car ? 02:12 < tsa> rxr: i'll drive with holyolli, he has a vw bulli. 02:13 < rxr> ah so 02:14 < tsa> hm...did i already eat something this evening? 02:14 -!- Netsplit tenn.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: clifford_ 02:14 < tsa> hm...no, i didn't. 02:14 < ripclaw> tsa: according to the howling of the stomach - no. 02:14 * tsa looking for food. 02:14 < tsa> hehe 02:14 < ripclaw> eek ! 02:14 * ripclaw runs for a tree 02:16 < tsa> lol. 02:17 < rxr> ok pl. cu later n8 02:17 < tsa> ok, i've found something. 02:17 < tsa> you're safe. 02:17 < tsa> cu rxr 02:17 < rxr> verhungere uns nicht tsa :-) 02:17 * ripclaw wipes the sweat of the forehead 02:17 < tsa> let's talk on the poster stuff tomorrow. 02:18 < rxr> jups cu 02:18 < ripclaw> uuuh - safe. 02:18 < ripclaw> cu 02:18 < ripclaw> i updated the page a final time. 02:18 < tsa> ok. 02:19 < tsa> looks ok. 02:20 -!- Netsplit over, joins: clifford_ 02:20 < tsa> re clifford_ 02:20 < ripclaw> re clifford 02:20 < ripclaw> clifford - cdroms wird nichts mit presse, erst spaeter. 02:20 < tsa> clifford_: awake or is this just your client auto-rejoining? 02:20 < ripclaw> sowohl sane als auch lxtag 02:21 < tsa> hm... 02:21 < tsa> das war wohl nix. 02:21 -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 02:21 < tsa> ripclaw: Antwort von joey ist da.. 02:21 < ripclaw> ok, gut jetzt, ich geh pennen, muss um 8 zum kunden. tsa ? 02:22 < tsa> jupp? 02:22 < ripclaw> antwort ok ? 02:22 < tsa> jo. 02:22 * ripclaw checking mail 02:22 < tsa> Also: Einfach die relevanten Tage anknipsen und Als Nightplace "Stadion" 02:22 < tsa> eintragen, dann passt das. 02:22 < ripclaw> ja ja - erstmal einloggen koennen. eigene dummheit tut soo verdammt weh. 02:22 < tsa> hehe ;-) 02:23 -!- Netsplit tenn.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: clifford_ 02:23 -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 02:23 < tsa> hi praenti 02:23 < ripclaw> You have new mail (5138 messages... 02:23 < ripclaw> ack. 02:23 -!- Netsplit over, joins: clifford_ 02:23 < ripclaw> must be "enter the floodgate" again. 02:23 < tsa> ok, ich werde denn wohl auch mal pennen gehen... 02:23 < tsa> bis morgen oder so. 02:24 < tsa> ;) 02:24 < tsa> cu. 02:24 < ripclaw> n8 02:24 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E11AF1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("n8.") 02:24 -!- ripclaw [~ripclaw@pD9E1CD6E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (""pennen gehn, akku all, flasche leer"") 02:26 -!- Netsplit tenn.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: clifford_ 02:27 -!- Netsplit over, joins: clifford_ 02:40 -!- Netsplit tenn.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: clifford_ 02:42 -!- Netsplit over, joins: clifford_ 03:39 < Mike1> who 03:51 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has quit ("My damn controlling terminal disappeared!") 04:01 -!- Netsplit tenn.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: huebi, d3m|away, aszlig 04:02 -!- Netsplit over, joins: aszlig, d3m|away, huebi 04:39 < d3m|away> im at mike1's office, cu 04:39 -!- d3m|away [~demian@] has left #rocklinux () 06:16 -!- d3m|away [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 06:16 < d3m|away> re 06:16 -!- d3m|away is now known as d3mian 07:45 -!- [-dalai-] [~max@pD9009628.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 07:52 < d3mian> hi [-dalai-] 07:52 < d3mian> wie geht es dir mein freund? 07:54 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #rocklinux 07:57 < bluefire> Moin 07:58 < d3mian> hi bluefire 08:05 < rxr> re 08:08 < d3mian> hi rxr 08:16 < rxr> hi d3mian 08:45 -!- clifford_ [~clifford@M127P020.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 08:45 -!- clifford_ [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux 09:14 < th> moin 09:14 < th> huebi: schon wach? 09:14 < d3mian> hi th 09:14 < th> rocklinux.dyndns.org seems down 09:16 < rxr> i th 09:22 * SMP schaut muede in den channel 09:23 < SMP> th: Samstag Linuxtag Madgeburg. keine ROCK Veranstaltung, aber bist du evtl. trotzdem da? 09:23 < SMP> hrm. Magdeburg heisst es 09:28 < th> SMP: eigentlich bin ich samstag in WR 09:28 < th> SMP: bist du in MD? 09:31 < SMP> jo. 09:31 < SMP> 'in WR'? was issn hier? 09:31 < SMP> hier ist doch nix. 09:31 < SMP> ;) 09:32 < th> SMP: naja oben am brocken bei meinem lieblings motos ;) 09:32 < th> SMP: aber das ist auch absagable... 09:32 < SMP> verschiebungskompatibel 09:33 < SMP> naja, musst du wissen ob du Bock auf MDLT hast 09:37 < th> sven guckes wird ja da sein 09:39 < huebi> re 09:39 < huebi> Moep 09:39 < d3mian> hi huebi 09:40 < huebi> hi d3mian 09:40 < th> hi huebi, wassen mit rocklinux.dyndns.org los? 09:40 < rxr> cu later 09:40 < th> btw, SMP wann koennen wir cvs auf world angehen? 09:40 < SMP> th: und Sven Grundwald von Openrouter Proj. - den kenn ich vom letzten LT in Stg. noch 09:41 < huebi> th: Scheiss Telekom. DSL ist gestoert und die sind zu dumm, die Leitung wieder hin zu kriegen. 09:41 < th> SMP: sven grunwald kenn ich von der uni... der haelt ein paar uebungen ;) 09:41 < th> huebi: saecke, die 09:41 < SMP> glib2 is libglib.so.2 ? 09:41 < SMP> th: huh ;-O 09:41 < th> SMP: da ist er "witzig" 09:42 < SMP> der ist cool. redet zwar manchmal etwas ueber die Wahrheit hinueber 09:43 < th> jo 09:43 < SMP> wg. CVS.. ich werd nochmal ne mail an die mailingliste schreiben, was sich die Leute so dabei vorstellen. 09:43 * huebi ist Kaffe jagen 09:44 < SMP> ich werd mich nicht im CVS bemuehen, wenn das dann doch wieder vergammelt 09:45 < th> SMP: ich will doch als ersten schritt einfach nur huebis cvs auf world moven 09:45 < th> wegen der stabilitaet 09:45 < th> und anbindungsqualitaet 09:46 < SMP> ahh gut. 09:46 < huebi> th: ACK 09:47 < th> SMP: ich will auf keinen fall irgendwelchen leuten irgendwelche CVS richtlinien aufdraengen 09:47 < th> das endet nur wieder in bekannten diskussionen 09:55 < SMP> aehm ja 09:56 < SMP> ich wuerde sagen ich geb dir erstmal einen Account 09:56 < SMP> sag mir nen usernamen und wegen Passwort -ehm- 09:56 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 09:56 < SMP> kopier eine Datei mit dem initialen Passwort auf hbsn@alanis? 09:57 < d3mian> culater 09:57 < huebi> cu d3mian 09:57 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has left #rocklinux () 09:57 < huebi> SMP: md5 hash zum reinkopieren? 09:57 < SMP> oder so 09:57 < SMP> oder per Fax oder SMS oder $ismiregal 10:02 < huebi> ismiregal <- tuerkisch? 10:06 < th> SMP: md5hash per sms... ok 10:06 < th> ;) 10:06 < SMP> na du musst es ja tippen ;-] 10:06 < SMP> ach nee. 10:06 < SMP> SMS gateway ;> 10:07 < th> jo eben ;) 10:09 < th> SMP: und sag mir ne stelle wo das cvsroot hinsoll 10:14 < SMP> /home/rockcvs/cvs ? 10:16 < th> klingt fair ;) 10:18 < huebi> Ich lade nachhern den kompletten CVS-Tree in mein $HOME auf world. Muss ich erst wieder von Band zureuck nudeln ;-) 10:19 < huebi> Das Problem mit dem haengenden Kernel habe ich jetzt wohl gefunden. 10:19 < huebi> auf ella 10:21 < huebi> Ich habe die slice size des RAID-0 von 128K auf 32K verkleinert, welches aber keinen Einfluss haben duerfte. Dann habe ich xfs durch reiserfs ersetzt und schon ca 100GB zurueck gespielt. Kein "Aussetzer" mehr. 10:30 < th> huebi: vom band zurueck? 10:30 < th> heisst das wieder ein paar commits verloren? 10:31 < huebi> th: Ich habe heute morgen einfach alles, was ich von Rocklinux habe, auf band gesichert. 10:31 < th> heute morgen. 10:31 < th> das ist ok 10:31 < huebi> th: nein, nichts verlohren 10:32 < huebi> also alles, was nach dem Netzausfall auf meinem Rechner war, habe ich auf Band geschrieben und mit zur Arbeit genommen. 10:32 < huebi> -h 10:32 < th> gut 10:33 < huebi> Ich brauche das alles hier und jetzt kann ich den cvstree auch auf world schieben 10:33 < huebi> den ganz aktuellen! 10:34 < SMP> EGRAMMAR 10:34 < th> echt? 10:34 < huebi> jo, SMP ? 10:34 < th> plonk 10:34 < huebi> <- versteht nur Bahnhof ;) 10:37 < huebi> SMP: Was geht ab ? 10:37 < th> plonk 10:37 < huebi> th: und bei dir? 10:37 < th> huebi: ich spiele gerade plonk melder. 10:38 < th> und SMP war wohl grammar-checker 10:38 < huebi> th was heisst das? 10:38 < th> zusammen sind wir ein unschlagbares team 10:38 < th> ich plonke . ich nicht. 10:38 < th> "foo ?" vs. "foo?" 10:39 < huebi> <- versteht immer noch nur Bahnhof 10:40 < th> huebi: das leerzeichen vor dem satzschlusszeichen. 10:40 < huebi> th: was ist damit? 10:40 < SMP> das heisst plenk 10:41 < SMP> nicht plonk 10:41 < SMP> das ist was anderes 10:41 -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 10:41 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50816FEC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:41 < SMP> aber ich habe den Satz von huebi oben mittlerweile sinnhaft parsen koennen 10:41 < huebi> <- hat 'ne Tischturbine aka Exabyte Mammoth 10:41 < bluefire> re 10:42 < huebi> hi bluefire 10:42 < huebi> 10:33 < huebi> Ich brauche das alles hier und jetzt kann ich den cvstree auch auf world schieben <- fehlt ein Komma vor dem und. 10:42 < th> huebi: auf deinem cvs hattest du doch keinen sshcomd fuer mich installiert, oder? 10:43 < huebi> th: nur einen sshd auf Port 22. Zusaetslich zu dem auf Port 443 10:44 < th> aber das war doch auch ein openssh? 10:44 < huebi> th: Ja, genau der gleiche OpenSSHd mit local root exploit 10:45 < th> ok ;) 10:45 < th> welche version war das? 10:46 < huebi> die letzte vor 3.1p1 10:46 < th> ok 10:47 < th> ich war nur inkompatibel mit dem bisherigen auf world 10:47 < th> was publickeyauth angeht 10:47 < huebi> Zusaetzlich hatte ich noch einen pserver ueber inetd fuer anonymous cvs checkuot/update eingerichtet. 10:48 < th> das sollte aber nicht sein 10:48 < huebi> inetd oder pserver? 10:50 < th> pserver 10:52 < SMP> naja, read-only iss mir das lieber als nen anonymous ssh user 10:56 < SMP> hrrmmm 10:57 < SMP> <0>stefanp@world[~](504)$ /sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep -E '^[^ ]|(bytes)' 10:57 < SMP> eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:60:08:56:54:DC 10:57 < SMP> RX bytes:223656672 (213.2 Mb) TX bytes:761796154 (726.5 Mb) 10:57 < SMP> that's quite a funny reality 10:57 < SMP> this file 10:57 < SMP> -rw-r--r-- 1 huebi users 552M May 21 17:12 rock-intel-i586-base+opt-1.5.15.iso 10:57 < SMP> has gone RX one time and TX even several times 11:00 < SMP> that should be more like 10Gb all together 11:01 < huebi> hmm 11:02 < huebi> Where did the traffic go through? 11:03 < SMP> it can't be a counter wraparound at 4Gb, since then the RX counter would not have gone large enough to overflow 11:04 < SMP> so it's probably just that the kernel sucks 11:04 < SMP> in general 11:04 < SMP> it can't count correctly 11:04 < SMP> alas! it least it routes! 11:04 -!- th_ [th@world.WRonline.de] has joined #rocklinux 11:05 < SMP> versuch's nochmal ;> 11:05 < th_> hmmm 11:05 < th_> muss ich meine ip noch setzen? 11:05 < SMP> freilich. 11:05 < SMP> -h rocklinux.de 11:05 < th> ok 11:06 < th> oder im config-file? 11:06 < SMP> oder da. frag mich aber nicht wie 11:06 < th> und wie? 11:06 < th> hmm 11:06 < th> oder per commands im irssi? 11:07 -!- th_ [th@world.WRonline.de] has quit (Client Quit) 11:07 -!- th [th@delta.boerde.de] has quit ("weg") 11:08 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:08 < holyolli> moin 11:08 < huebi> hi holyolli 11:08 < holyolli> huhu huebi 11:08 < SMP> hooooolyolli 11:09 < holyolli> essssss emmmmm peeeeh :)) 11:19 < huebi> the Install script on 1.5.15 does not work. It uses the wrong directory 11:19 < huebi> I need to fix it 11:20 < huebi> I'll won't release a new relase without full testing again. 12:08 -!- pica [~joan@213-97-212-86.uc.nombres.ttd.es] has quit ("Leaving") 12:13 -!- clifford_ is now known as clifford 12:13 < clifford> hi gang. 12:14 < holyolli> hi clifford 12:15 < clifford> hi olli. 12:15 < huebi> moin clifford 12:15 < huebi> ;-) 12:55 < huebi> Alle Shell und Perl scripte im CVS sind jetzt ausfuehrbar. Die TeleDummies arbeiten noch an der SDSL-Stoerung von meinem Anschluss. 12:56 < SMP> ahh hmm 12:56 < SMP> weiss jetzt zufaellig jemand hier, wie ich einen Text in Form eines Smily auf eine Seite fliessen lassen kenn? 12:57 < SMP> so aehnlich wie /usr/games/banner, nur mit eigenem Text durch alle Zeichen 12:57 * holyolli .net 12:57 < SMP> (ohne dass ich das jetzt selbst schreiben muesste). clifford evtl.? ;) 12:58 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has quit ("Connection reset by telekom") 12:58 < huebi> meine repair.sh brauche ich dann bald auch nicht mehr. ;-) 13:01 < huebi> Jetzt muss ich nur noch install-disks mit dem CVS Verzeichnis vertraeglich machen, dann kann man direkt im cvs tree Rocklinux bauen ;-) 13:04 -!- aszlig_ [~aszlig@pD9EB7D77.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:12 < huebi> clifford: Ich bekomme gerade das 5. Mal deine Antwort zum gcc3 Problem von Miguel. 13:15 -!- aszlig [~aszlig@pD950E6B4.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13:15 < huebi> www.ngi.de kann leider keinen zweiten SDSL Anschluss zu mir nach Hause legen. Schade. 13:16 < SMP> NGI saugt. 13:16 < huebi> SMP: Was saugt NGI? 13:17 -!- th [th@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux 13:17 < th> re 13:17 < huebi> hi th 13:17 < SMP> ahh ;) 13:17 < th> na geht doch ;) 13:18 < huebi> th: sehr schoen! 13:18 < SMP> huebi: NGI ist ein windiger Verein 13:18 < th> ein wenig uniformitaet schadet nie 13:18 < th> ngi? verkloppen die nicht web-publishing software? 13:18 < SMP> . o O ( rocklinux.de 0wnz ) 13:18 < th> rocklinux.de mail is handled by 100 world.wronline.de. 13:18 < th> nimmt der die auch an? 13:19 < SMP> nein, NGI verkloppt DSL, nachdem sie mit dialup flatrate auf die Schnauze gefallen sind 13:19 < th> ahso 13:19 < huebi> th: JAWOLL! Unformitaet is gut! 13:19 < th> verwechslung. aber ich erinnere mich 13:19 < SMP> th: klar. th@ und th-alleswasduwillst@ etc. 13:20 < th> machste nen alias oder soll ich per .forward? 13:20 < SMP> echo dahin > ~/.qmail 13:21 < huebi> hat jemand erfahrung mit binaer diffs? 13:21 < th> es gibt xdelta 13:23 < th> huebi: wie is der cvs-daten stand? 13:24 < huebi> th: noch fehlehaft. Ich bin am suchen. 13:24 < huebi> +r 13:36 < th> ok 13:37 < huebi> Ich mache gerade den Tag rock-src-1_5_15 13:37 < huebi> -b 14:00 < huebi> tar --preserve -cvIf cvsroot.tar.bz2 cvsroot <- So ist es eingepackt, 14:00 < huebi> tar --preserve -xvIf cvsroot.tar.bz2 <- Und so am besten auspacken 14:01 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E11D99.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:01 < tsa> moin 14:01 < huebi> hi tsa 14:02 < huebi> cvsroot.tar.bz2 liegt auf world im /tmp Verzeichnis 14:02 < tsa> hi huebi 14:11 < huebi> tsa: Was hast du denn mit libxslt geaendert? 14:11 < tsa> huebi: nur die version, sonst nix 14:11 < huebi> ach so ;-) 14:11 < tsa> hehe ;) 14:12 < th> huebi: das schnapp ich mir 14:12 < huebi> 14:00 < huebi> tar --preserve -xvIf cvsroot.tar.bz2 <- Und so am besten auspacken 14:12 < huebi> Sonst gibt's Aerger mit den Schreibrechten. 14:29 < huebi> So, ein neuer korrigierter Build ist fuer 1.5.15 gestartet. 15:06 < rxr> re 15:08 < SMP> rxr: Ueberraschung - ST:ENT 01.26 ist da ;) 15:09 < SMP> das ist aber wirklich die letzte Folge der ersten Staffel 15:09 < SMP> d'uh 15:09 < SMP> das wird erst heute Abend an der Ostkueste zum ersten Mal ausgestrahlt 15:10 < clifford> hi. 15:10 < SMP> Hallo clifford 15:10 < clifford> rxr: in x11 ist so einiges broken .. 15:12 < th> SMP: der sshd is down? 15:12 < SMP> uh? 15:12 < huebi> ps axf 15:12 < huebi> ? 15:12 < th> hmm 15:13 < th> naja naeh 15:13 < SMP> noe. alles fein 15:13 < clifford> hi SMP. 15:13 < th> aber aber world != rocklinux.de 15:13 < SMP> jo :> 15:13 < th> ssh2: FATAL: Connecting to cvs.rocklinux.de failed: Connection Refused 15:14 < SMP> aeh ja 15:14 < clifford> hmmm ... "wine ie5setup.exe" mag mich nicht ... :-( 15:15 < th> SMP: sollen wir world.wronline.de als cvsroot benutzen oder korrigierst du das fuer cvs.rocklinux.de? 15:15 < SMP> ich aendere die Adresse 15:16 < th> ok 15:17 < SMP> so, ist auf den Nameservern 15:17 < SMP> TTL 2h. naja 15:17 < th> ok 15:17 < th> ich koennte ja nen slave aufsetzen 15:18 < SMP> du koenntest auch deinen BIND killen ;> 15:18 < th> der forwarded nur ;) 15:19 < rxr> SMP: col !!! 15:19 < th> und den den ich killen muesste is nich meiner 15:19 < rxr> clifford: ich weiss 15:19 < rxr> ich habe auch schon einige updtes hier ... 15:20 < rxr> clifford: probier mal winex von sourceforge der tut vielleicht mehr ... 15:20 < clifford> aha gut. 15:21 < clifford> ich hab' hier mal die build-order von libpng geaendert (sollte for libgd sein. 15:21 < rxr> clifford: Herzlichen Glueckwunch noch Nachtraeglich !!! 15:21 < clifford> danke .... :-) 15:21 < rxr> gut gefeiert ? 15:22 < clifford> moeglicherweise waere libpng in base besser als in extra1 (da packages aus base die lib brauchen... ich will dir nicht deine pkg wegnehmen.. :-) 15:22 < clifford> rxr: naja - hab' 40 kinder im alter von 4-12 unterhalten. 15:23 < clifford> (harry potter pfingstlager. ich war prof sake .. :-) 15:23 < rxr> clifford: ah :-) das war doch bestimmt lustig *g* 15:23 < SMP> Geburtstag? Heirat? ;> 15:23 < th> huebi: cvs -d :ext:cvs.rocklinux.de:/home/rockcvs/cvs co rock-1.5 15:23 < clifford> und einen fix fuer gtkmm hab' ich geschrieben. Haben wir da jetzt eine ueberschneidung? 15:23 < rxr> clifford: wenn du die grafik libs wieder in base haben moechtest ... mach das doch ...\ 15:25 < rxr> clifford: oh das kann sein ... 15:25 < clifford> also entweder libpng nach base oder libgd, ghostscript, usw. nach extra1 ... 15:25 < clifford> wann bekomm' ich denn einen neuen patch? 15:25 < rxr> clifford: vielleicht lieber das zweite, so dass in base nur wirklich basis packete ueber bleiben ... 15:25 < rxr> clifford: ja mach ich in ein paar stunden ... 15:26 < clifford> ich weiss nicht so recht. gs ist schon ziemlich base .. 15:27 < huebi> th: Geht nicht! 15:28 < th> och 15:28 < huebi> export CVSROOT=":ext:huebi@"; export CVS_RSH="ssh" 15:28 < th> export CVS_RSH=ssh 15:28 < th> moment 15:28 * clifford ist gleich wieder da .. 15:28 < th> doch nicht auf 443 15:28 < huebi> th: Doch! 15:28 < th> achso 15:28 < th> du kommst ja nur da raus 15:29 < th> du musst den port wohl in deiner sshconfig angeben 15:29 < huebi> ist er 15:29 < huebi> Host world 15:29 < huebi> HostName 15:29 < huebi> User huebi 15:29 < huebi> Port 443 15:29 < huebi> Cipher blowfish 15:29 < huebi> KeepAlive yes 15:29 < huebi> 15:29 < th> dann doch aber kein :443 mehr 15:30 < th> SMP: huch. wir brauchen noch ein cvsweb.cgi oder sowas 15:30 < huebi> 15:30 < huebi> huebi@imf001c3:/tmp$ cvs co rock-1.5 15:30 < huebi> Connection Refused: Proxy denies fulfilling the request 15:30 < huebi> ssh: connect to address port 22: Connection refused 15:30 < huebi> cvs [checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any) 15:30 < huebi> huebi@imf001c3:/tmp$ ssh world 15:30 < huebi> huebi@'s password: 15:30 < huebi> 15:32 < th> MOMENT 15:32 < th> Host world 15:32 < th> also :ext:world:/home/rockcvs/cvs 15:32 < huebi> :ext:huebi@ 15:32 < SMP> *hargl* 15:33 < huebi> cvs mag kein spezielles ssh! 15:33 < th> huebi: brauchst du doch auch nicht? 15:33 < huebi> Ich werde weiterhin nur meinen cvs benutzen. Danke. 15:34 < SMP> was geht denn jetzt? 15:34 < th> huebi: ???? 15:35 < th> huebi: wenn du :ext:huebi@ nimmst muss in der der sshconfig auch ein Host auftauchen mit einem Port 443 15:35 < th> huebi: du hast aber nur ein Host world mit port 443 15:35 < huebi> ok 15:35 < th> du kannst auch: 15:35 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux 15:35 < th> Host rockcvs 15:35 < th> Hostname cvs.rocklinux.de 15:36 < th> Port 443 15:36 < th> und dann :ext:rockcvs:/home/... 15:36 < SMP> nein, auf dem laeuft kein sshd auf port 443 15:37 < th> SMP: doch 15:37 < SMP> *kopffass* 15:37 < th> th.delta ~ > telnet cvs.rocklinux.de 443 15:37 < th> Trying 15:37 < th> Connected to cvs.rocklinux.de. 15:37 < th> Escape character is '^]'. 15:37 < th> SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_3.2.2p1 15:37 < SMP> ja, doch klar 15:37 < huebi> ok 15:37 < huebi> geht 15:37 < th> huebi: geht es 15:37 < th> gut 15:37 < th> huebi: wir wollen doch nich gleich aufgeben :) 15:37 < th> huebi: hast du das cvsweb-zeug auch available? 15:37 < th> sonst installier ich es heute abend 15:37 * clifford ist wieder da .. 15:38 < huebi> cvsweb.cgi und cvsweb.conf kommt gleich. 15:39 < th> schick 15:40 < th> wollen wir einen web-vhost fuer cvs.rocklinux.de fuer cvsweb.cgi? 15:40 < clifford> rxr: hast du dir den gsmp text angesehen? 15:40 < th> oder mit auf www.rocklinux.de drauf? 15:40 < SMP> nicht auf www 15:40 < th> sources? 15:40 < th> download? 15:41 < th> cvs waere am logischsten is aber nich unbedingt noetif 15:41 < th> s,f,g, 15:41 < SMP> ja, das waer mir aber am liebsten 15:42 < huebi> so, in /tmp auf world. 15:42 < SMP> Himmel, warum haben sich SRV RRs nicht durchgesetzt? ;> 15:42 < huebi> SMP: ?? 15:43 < SMP> IP Adressen nach auch service und nicht nur nach hostname verteilen hat was 15:43 < huebi> egcs64 sparc-utils funktioniert jetzt beides auf intel! 15:44 < huebi> SMP: Stimmt, dann ist der Service schoen unabhaengig. 15:44 < SMP> der Web kram kommt morgen 15:44 < SMP> *stoehn* 15:44 < huebi> SMP: Der ist doch schon da ;-) 15:45 < th> huebi: (er meint den vhost) 15:45 < SMP> ich haeng hier in den Seilen 15:45 < th> mit cgi 15:45 < th> SMP: wassen los mit dir? 15:45 < th> krank? 15:45 < th> hitze? 15:45 < SMP> uptime 24h 15:46 < SMP> noch bis nach 6 totschlagen 15:46 < th> haste noch kunden da? 15:46 < huebi> SMP: DEUTLICH ZU LANGE... (ich will jetzt endlich eine piepende Caps Lock Taste...) 15:47 < th> huebi: also ich hab meine caps-lock-taste auf control gemappt. 15:47 < th> die brauch ich doch ehh nie 15:47 < huebi> Noch besser: Caps Lock ist an und ich kriege eine Mail ;-) 15:47 < huebi> oder SMS 15:47 < huebi> hehe 15:47 < th> /usr/X11R6/bin/setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps us 15:48 < huebi> th: Da muss ich dich spaeter noch mal zu interviewen. 15:48 < SMP> noe, ich muss nur mal wieder zu vernuenftiger Zeit Aufstehen 15:50 < th> ich war heute um 0630 aus dem bett raus 15:51 < SMP> ja, wenn ich zwischen 6 und 7 Schlafen gehe, klappt das vielleicht morgen auch 15:51 < huebi> export CVSROOT=":ext:huebi@world:/home/rockcvs/cvs"; export CVS_RSH="ssh" <- genau so gehts ;-)) 15:52 < th> huebi: das huebi@ kannst du weglassen 15:52 < SMP> seit Tagen geh ich Morgens gegen 6 ins Bett *aechtz* 15:52 < SMP> das :ext: auch ;> 15:52 < huebi> th: Stimmt, danke. 15:52 < th> SMP: hui. das war mir neu 15:53 < SMP> rsh (*spuck*) und damit auch ssh ist halt default 15:53 < huebi> cvs server: warning: cannot write to history file /home/rockcvs/cvs/CVSROOT/history: Permission denied 15:53 < huebi> th: chmod 2775 15:53 < th> mompl 15:54 < SMP> and chgrp rockcvsu as well ;) 15:54 < th> jo 15:54 < th> nurchgrp rockcvsu history 15:54 < th> chgrp rockcvsu history 15:54 < th> das reicht 15:54 < th> mode war schon 664 15:54 < huebi> axo 15:54 < th> done 15:55 < huebi> (ripclaw mailbombt mal wieder...) 15:56 < th> ich hab mal die passwd geloescht 15:57 < huebi> th: reicht wenn die leer ist. 15:57 < huebi> sonst sucht die noch jemand. 15:57 < th> da sind so viele dateien ;) 15:57 < th> die is doch obsolete 15:57 < huebi> Lass di da! 15:58 < th> zu spaet? 15:58 < th> aber ich kann sie wieder hinkopieren wenn du willst 15:58 < huebi> man touch? 15:58 < th> done 15:58 < th> du bist heut aber auch gereizt. 15:59 < huebi> Ja, leider. Tut mir leid. Ich muss mal wieder weniger arbeiten... 15:59 < huebi> ;-) 16:00 < th> es ist viel zu warm :) 16:00 * SMP als root koennte huebi mal ne Kur verschreiben ;> 16:00 < SMP> . o O ( svc -d /service/sshd.443 ) 16:00 < th> hehe 16:02 < huebi> ripclaw: [...] this patch was not testet [...] <- Hmm. Ich habe ihm gesagt, das ich nur getestet Patche haben moechte. Irgendwann wird er es hoffendlich auch mal _vorher_ _selber_ testen. 16:03 < huebi> SMP: Jo, im Moment ist so einiges ein bischen dolle nervig. Ich habe so viel zu tun und kriege so wenig geschaft. 16:04 < SMP> das ist bei mir seit ~ 2,5 Jahren 'Normalzustand' 16:04 < th> machen wir einen club auf? 16:04 < huebi> th Das heisst nicht Club, das ist ne Fa. 16:04 < huebi> hehe 16:05 < SMP> noch ne Firma? ;) 16:05 < th> hehe 16:05 < th> ich hab hier noch ein paar leute um mich rum die noch zeit haben 16:05 < huebi> SMP: klar, Steuern sparen... 16:06 < huebi> ...und Leibeigene, erm Lehrlinge mussen wieder 7 Jahre in die Lehre und Lehrgeld mitbringen... 16:07 * SMP hat von Azubis, Praktikanten und dem Gesocks erstmal genug 16:07 < th> und ich hoere immer "als student hat man doch zeit" 16:07 < th> ich ueberlege ernsthaft nach dem vordiplom aufzuhoeren 16:07 < SMP> wenn man nur studiert, trifft das sicher zu :> 16:09 < th> aber das waere ja langweilig *einred* 16:11 < SMP> also ich bin mir persoenlich schon sicher, dass alles andere als das was ich grad mache langweilig waer ;-] 16:11 < th> hehe 16:13 < th> SMP: btw. hast du die virtualdomains db neu gebaut? 16:14 < SMP> habbisch sendmail odda was? 16:14 < th> huch 16:14 < SMP> $ echo th > .qmail-rocklinux\:de-th 16:14 < th> oh alles text 16:15 < th> naja meine ~/.qmail ist wie vorhin von dir gesagt gefuellt. 16:15 < th> aber es kommt nix an 16:15 < huebi> Ich haette gerne ein %-Anzeige beim Build. Noch jemand? 16:15 < SMP> sollte jetzt gehen 16:15 < th> huebi: jepp 16:15 < huebi> ok, dann bau ich mal 16:16 < th> (wenns dich entspannt ;) ) 16:16 < huebi> == 16:14:01 =[3]=> Building base package xfree86 [4.2.0 1.5.15]. <- hat gerade angefangen ;-) 16:16 < huebi> th hehehe 16:16 < SMP> Ich haette gerne einen McFlurry. Noch jemand? 16:16 < SMP> . o O ( wer baut? ) 16:16 < th> SMP: yeah diesen spei-suessen neuen fruchtigen bitte 16:16 < th> McFlurry.ext? 16:17 < SMP> neu? 16:17 < SMP> huch 16:17 < huebi> Grilled Texas Bagel.... hmmmmmmmmmmmm 16:17 < th> aprikose, mango oder pfirsich 16:17 < huebi> und wechh. bis spaeter.. 16:18 < th> SMP: es geht jetzt mein letzter test war wohl nur etwas frue 16:18 < th> s,$,h, 16:19 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:19 < holyolli> re 16:34 -!- clifford [~clifford@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16:47 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit ("Client Exitus") 16:55 -!- Netsplit tenn.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: SMP 16:57 -!- sockmonk [~wsheldahl@moose.qx.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:57 -!- Netsplit over, joins: SMP 16:57 -!- clifford [~clifford@M091P004.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 16:57 -!- ServerMode/#rocklinux [+n] by capek.openprojects.net 17:01 -!- Netsplit tenn.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: SMP 17:01 -!- Netsplit over, joins: SMP 17:09 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 17:09 < Mike1> Hi 17:09 < holyolli> hi mike1 17:09 < holyolli> re smp 17:10 < sockmonk> whois sockmonk 17:11 < sockmonk> oops :-) 17:11 < holyolli> sockmonk] (~wsheldahl@moose.qx.net) : sirc user 17:11 < holyolli> --- [sockmonk] #rocklinux 17:11 < holyolli> [sockmonk] irc.openprojects.net :https://www.openprojects.net/ 17:11 < holyolli> --- [sockmonk] idle 00:00:01, signon: Wed May 22 16:29:48 17:11 < holyolli> --- [sockmonk] End of WHOIS list. 17:11 < holyolli> ;-) 17:11 * th proudly presents #rocklinux' whois-bot. 17:12 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 17:12 * sockmonk applauds 17:13 < d3mian> re 17:13 < Mike1> hi d3mian 17:40 -!- d3mian is now known as d3m|away 17:46 < rxr> nette Folge SMP :-) 17:46 < rxr> uh - my u5 is sill compiling gdb - seems to be really boated ... 17:47 < holyolli> cya 17:47 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has quit ("Connection reset by telekom") 17:48 < Mike1> hi rxr 17:48 < rxr> hi Mike1 17:57 < d3m|away> cu later 17:57 -!- d3m|away [~demian@] has left #rocklinux () 17:59 -!- term_emu [~pm@beaufort.wyzant.de] has joined #rocklinux 18:06 < tsa> re. 18:09 < Mike1> re tsa 18:11 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD904850F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:11 < tsa> hi Mike1 18:11 -!- simon [~simon@p50875413.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:11 < rxr> hi tsa 18:14 < tsa> hi rxr 18:18 < tsa> oh. 18:18 < tsa> Solaris 9 has been released today. 18:19 < Mike1> tsa cool 18:20 < rxr> tsa: does it run on u5's ? 18:20 < Mike1> rxr yes it does 18:21 < tsa> rxr: yes, it will. 18:25 < rxr> Mike1: tsa a thanks :-) 18:27 < Mike1> rxr downloading solaris 9? 18:31 < tsa> Mike1: it's not yet been put up for download... 18:31 < Mike1> tsa i see :( 18:31 < Mike1> tsa anyway who needs solaris when you can have ROCK :) 18:32 < tsa> Mike1: i need it. 18:32 < Mike1> tsa what for? 18:32 < tsa> Mike1: for learning how to use it. 18:32 < Mike1> tsa *g 18:33 < tsa> i already know linux, and i don't see much sense in getting an expensive sparc system for running linux on it when you'd be better off with a PC.. 18:33 < tsa> it might get used for rocklinux/sparc64 development, but it's primary use is running solaris. 18:34 < tsa> uh../me just got mail from an old friend in venezuela.. 18:34 < tsa> cool. 18:37 < [-dalai-]> re 18:37 < [-dalai-]> from work 18:39 < [-dalai-]> tse: u can not compare an sparc with an PC... 18:39 < tsa> [-dalai-]: ACK. it's totally different hardware. 18:40 < [-dalai-]> a sparc has something magic ;) 18:40 < tsa> yes, i know. ;-) 18:40 < [-dalai-]> both have pci 18:40 < tsa> i really like the sparc platform, although it isn't as fast as x86 stuff.. 18:40 < [-dalai-]> i remember the good old SBUS time 18:40 < rxr> tsa: [-dalai-] what magic ??? 18:40 < [-dalai-]> hmm 18:41 < [-dalai-]> a sparc can be faster, it depends on ure aim (target)? 18:41 < Mike1> Hi Max 18:42 < [-dalai-]> hi Mike 18:42 < [-dalai-]> ;) 18:42 < [-dalai-]> my favourite is rs6000 btw 18:42 < [-dalai-]> ;) 18:50 < [-dalai-]> https://www.obsolyte.com/bogomips.html <-- old but still true... 18:56 < capchaos> 1.5.14 uses a patched 2.4.17 kernel? *wonder* 19:00 < capchaos> why 2.4.18-rc4 ? 19:00 < capchaos> huebi? 19:00 -!- simon [~simon@p50875413.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19:00 -!- simon [~simon@pD9E1DA38.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:00 < capchaos> wb simon 19:00 < th> capchaos: 2.4.18-rc4 ack on this 19:01 < capchaos> why not 2.4.18 ? 19:03 < th> i don't know 19:03 < capchaos> where's huebi? 19:04 < th> 16:17:48 < huebi> und wechh. bis spaeter.. 19:04 < th> gone almost 3 hours ago 19:05 < capchaos> oh. do you use 1.5.x ? 19:06 < th> yes 19:12 < rxr> capchaos: in 2.4.18 marcello accidently wiped out a "important" patch ... 19:13 < capchaos> then why not patch 2.4.18 release ? 19:13 < rxr> capchaos: I do not know ... 19:14 < capchaos> hum mysterious 19:23 < rxr> all the GNU tools suck 19:24 < rxr> cross compiling them is a pain ... 19:31 < tsa> hehe 19:31 < tsa> mail -s "your stuff sucks" gnu@gnu.org ;-) 19:39 -!- simon is now known as simon_ 19:52 < Mike1> rxr you here? 19:58 * Mike1 eating 19:59 -!- term_emu is now known as term_aweh 20:16 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-175-96.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 20:46 < sockmonk> capchaos: IIRC, the kernel team didn't want to patch the 2.4.18 release because they didn't want to change the version number, or have a 2.4.18b or something 20:47 < capchaos> aah ic 20:47 < capchaos> what is this mysterious patch that got missed in 2.4.18 release? 20:48 < sockmonk> I think the effect was the filesystem got corrupted on shutdown in certain circumstances 20:48 < sockmonk> I forget the source of the bug 20:49 < sockmonk> some folks said the release should be exactly the same as rc4, or there should have been an rc5 that was the same as the release 20:49 < sockmonk> so that the kernel could be tested before being "blessed" as the final good one 20:49 < sockmonk> Marcello didn't think so and still doesn't 20:55 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-169-137.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:55 < rxr> hi 20:55 < capchaos> sockmonk: so the bug is still only a suspicion? 20:55 < rxr> stupid opn did not let me in after a DSL reconnect ... 20:55 < capchaos> wb rxr 20:55 < rxr> Mike1: Now I'm back ... 20:56 < rxr> you had a q? 21:01 < rxr> But I have one: 21:01 < rxr> thesun:/rock-linux/src/sparc64-stuff/lib # ./libc-2.2.5.so 21:01 < rxr> bash: ./libc-2.2.5.so: No such file or directory 21:01 < rxr> thesun:/rock-linux/src/sparc64-stuff/lib # l ./libc-2.2.5.so 21:01 < rxr> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10401351 May 22 19:55 ./libc-2.2.5.so 21:01 < rxr> thesun:/rock-linux/src/sparc64-stuff/lib # file ./libc-2.2.5.so 21:01 < rxr> ./libc-2.2.5.so: ELF 64-bit MSB shared object, SPARC V9, version 1 (SYSV), not stripped 21:01 < rxr> ????????? 21:02 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD904850F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("bye") 21:05 < rxr> noone ? 21:10 < rxr> thesun:/rock-linux/build/default-1.7.0-DEV-sparc64-cross-dietlibc-expert/tools/bin # file ./diet 21:10 < rxr> ./diet: ELF 64-bit MSB executable, SPARC V9, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, stripped 21:10 < rxr> this one works ... 21:10 < Mike1> rxr hi 21:10 < Mike1> look: 21:10 < rxr> so the kernel is ok (to some degree) and only the glibc is fucked up ?!? 21:10 < Mike1> # ./libc-2.2.5.so 21:10 < Mike1> bash: ./libc-2.2.5.so: No such file or directory 21:10 < Mike1> thesun:/rock-linux/src/sparc64-stuff/lib # l ./libc-2.2.5.so 21:10 < Mike1> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10401351 May 22 19:55 ./libc-2.2.5.so 21:10 < Mike1> thesun:/rock-linux/src/sparc64-stuff/lib # file ./libc-2.2.5.so 21:10 < Mike1> ./libc-2.2.5.so: ELF 64-bit MSB shared object, SPARC V9, version 1 21:10 < rxr> Hi Mike1 21:10 < Mike1> (SYSV), not stripped 21:10 < Mike1> ????????? 21:10 < Mike1> ωνω SignOff capchaos: #rocklinux ("bye") 21:10 < Mike1> noone ? 21:10 < Mike1> thesun:/rock-linux/build/default-1.7.0-DEV-sparc64-cross-dietlibc-expert/ 21:10 < Mike1> tools/bin # file ./diet 21:10 < Mike1> ./diet: ELF 64-bit MSB executable, SPARC V9, version 1 (SYSV), 21:11 < Mike1> statically linked, stripped 21:11 < rxr> Mike1: ?????????? 21:11 < Mike1> this one works ... 21:11 < Mike1> rxr hi 21:11 < Mike1> ωνω Does this mean you're really back? 21:11 < Mike1> look: 21:11 < Mike1> so the kernel is ok (to some degree) and only the glibc is fucked up ?!? 21:11 < Mike1> [01:04pm][Mike1(+iw)] [#rocklinux(+n)] 21:11 < Mike1> [Lag 0] [O/0 N/16 I/0 V/0 F/0] [U:a:S:b:h] 21:11 < Mike1> [#rocklinux] 21:11 < Mike1> oh shit 21:11 < Mike1> sorry i hate when this happens 21:11 < rxr> Mike1: what cutn paste are you procuing here so often ??? 21:11 < Mike1> look at the error i got with ld.so 21:11 < Mike1> Can't auto-detect srctar for package 'ld.so'! 21:11 < rxr> Mike1: which rock tree and arch ? 21:11 < Mike1> i386 rock 1.7 21:11 < rxr> most likely a corrupted download ... 21:12 < rxr> not executed Dowload ? 21:12 < rxr> checksum errot ? 21:12 < Mike1> isnt it getting confused because of the .so? 21:12 < Mike1> no checksum error i actually donwload from the original url 21:13 < rxr> no the .so is ok - worked for years ... 21:14 < rxr> Mike1: what does ./scripts/Download -list-missing 21:15 < rxr> give you ? 21:15 < Mike1> mom 21:23 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD9E0A4F8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:23 < hackbard> hi 21:26 < rxr> hi hackbard 22:03 < rxr> hm a statically linked and striped hellposparc.c program is 500kB ... (for sparc64) 22:03 < rxr> thesun:/mnt/net/var/tmp/src # ./a.out 22:03 < rxr> Hello sparc64 22:03 < rxr> WOW and it works :-) 22:03 < rxr> so it is a really strange libc prob ... 22:04 < rxr> how much traffic today ... 22:07 < hackbard> i would say something, but this is too difficult for me :) 22:08 * hackbard trying to remember the rsync parameters ..o0{ -raw ??} 22:09 < rxr> talking is too difficult ? 22:09 < hackbard> avr 22:09 < hackbard> no, the glibc problem 22:09 < rxr> jups /avr looks good 22:09 < hackbard> ah, online with ur sparc :) 22:10 < hackbard> or you just get used to ur sparc keyboard layout :) 22:11 < rxr> i 22:11 < rxr> uups 22:12 < rxr> i'online with the sparc for some days now - but I cross compiled the sparc64 stuff on my athlon ... 22:12 < rxr> and yes, I still make many typos when I write too fast ... 22:14 < tsa> hehe ;-) 22:14 * rxr off making abendbrot ... 22:18 -!- Be-El [be-el@p5082B14D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:18 < Be-El> hi ppl 22:18 < tsa> tag Be-El 22:18 -!- Bananas [~Secret@28-13.adacpe.cableone.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:19 < tsa> hi Bananas 22:19 < Bananas> hi 22:19 < Bananas> let me take a look at the rocklinux web page 22:21 < Bananas> ok. Rock Linux is a distro, i never heard of it before 22:21 < hackbard> it is more, you can build your own distro 22:22 < Bananas> Gnome is the default desktop?? 22:22 < hackbard> in 1.5 gnome was in base, yes 22:23 < Bananas> Blackbox is my favorite, but i still install both Gnome & KDE for the applications that can be added to blackbox's menu 22:25 < Bananas> lots of good packages 22:33 -!- Bananas [~Secret@28-13.adacpe.cableone.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 22:42 < hackbard> clifford: h4ppy birthday 'nachtraeglich' ! 22:55 < tsa> hm...i don't think he's here right now.. 22:55 < tsa> *gaehn* 23:00 -!- sockmonk [~wsheldahl@moose.qx.net] has left #rocklinux () 23:02 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has quit ("BitchX: the official sponsor of the 2002 Olympic Winter Games") 23:05 < tsa> rxr: awake? 23:05 < tsa> rxr: any ideas for the rock linux posters for linuxtag? 23:06 < hackbard> ll 23:06 < hackbard> oups .. 23:06 < tsa> Permission denied. 23:06 < hackbard> :) 23:06 < tsa> ;-) 23:32 < Be-El> hmm....erkennt das build-system, ob ein package in neuerer form vorliegt und baut es dann neu (bzw. auch alle abhaengigen pakete) ? 23:32 < rxr> AAtsa sure 23:32 < rxr> Be-El: no not yet 23:32 < [-dalai-]> n8 23:32 -!- [-dalai-] [~max@pD9009628.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.1") 23:33 < Be-El> damned ;-) 23:33 < rxr> tsa: I'm awake but do not have new ideas for the poster ... 23:33 < rxr> tsa: let 23:33 < tsa> rxr: hm.. 23:33 < tsa> dumm das. 23:33 < rxr> 's do this tomorrow 23:34 < tsa> ok 23:50 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50816FEC.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23:52 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD9E0A4F8.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23:55 -!- kdelfo [~Admin@] has joined #rocklinux 23:55 -!- kdelfo [~Admin@] has left #rocklinux () --- Log closed Thu May 23 00:00:24 2002