--- Log opened Wed May 29 00:00:10 2002 --- Day changed Wed May 29 2002 00:00 < huebi> qt-3.0.4 ist wieder "multi make" faehig, so wie das aussieht. 00:04 < huebi> Media Markt. O"ffnungszeiten. Montag von 6 - 20h <- die spinnen 00:07 < rxr> prost 00:10 < tsa> jo. 00:11 < huebi> Gestern Abend war vrom Mediamarkt in Weiterstadt Stau bis auf die A5 00:11 < fake> arghl.... 00:12 < fake> <--- b4k4. 00:12 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 00:12 < Mike1> hi 00:13 < huebi> hi Mike1 00:13 < fake> *AARGH* 00:13 < fake> i just opened a screen inside a screen.... 00:14 < fake> brb 00:14 -!- fake [fake@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("BitchX: need we say more?") 00:16 -!- fake [fake@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 00:16 < fake> re. 00:16 -!- tsa_ [~tsa@p5082AEBA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 00:16 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E114B9.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: tsa_!~tsa@p5082AEBA.dip.t-dialin.net))) 00:16 -!- tsa_ is now known as tsa 00:16 < tsa> re. 00:17 < fake> tum di del dum.... 00:17 < Mike1> anyone know how to keep ftp users only in their home dir? 00:17 < tsa> chroot. 00:17 < tsa> which ftpd? 00:17 < fake> Mike1: do you use proftpd? 00:17 < Mike1> i dont want my users to be able to cd /etc for example 00:18 < Mike1> no i use wu-ftp 00:18 < fake> BOFH answer: then delete it *muahaha* 00:18 < Mike1> but i could use pro ftp is there any solution 00:18 < tsa> sure. 00:18 < fake> i dunno wu-ftp see it's manual for chroot.... 00:18 < tsa> DefaultRoot ~ 00:18 < tsa> in proftpd.conf 00:19 < Mike1> fake maybe i could just do rm -rf / 00:19 < fake> Mike1: would be the most secure system. 00:19 < tsa> Mike1: better: rm -rf /* & 00:19 < Mike1> tsa thanks 00:19 < fake> no. dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda 00:19 < huebi> vsftp? 00:20 < tsa> huebi: no experiance with it here,. 00:20 < Mike1> huebi ? 00:20 < tsa> s,a,e, 00:22 -!- hackbard_ [~hackbard@pD9523EE6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 00:23 < fake> re hackbard 00:23 < huebi> https://vsftpd.beasts.org/ <- I never used it for chroot. But it suvived 18C3 00:23 < huebi> +r 00:24 < tsa> hm.. 00:24 < Mike1> huebi mmm sounds cool 00:24 < tsa> Grrr... 00:24 < fake> surviving is _not_ cool. 00:24 < tsa> damn dependencies in the sun patches 00:24 < huebi> SMP showed me theat ftpd. I use it on rocklinux.dyndns.org 00:25 < tsa> hm...i don't use a ftpd on my home machine at all. 00:25 < huebi> fake: why? or what do you mean? 00:25 < tsa> many services running, no firewall here.. 00:25 < fake> surviving does mean: no improvement to your situation ... 00:26 < rxr> I use the bds ftpd (linux port) 00:27 < fake> the BDS? 00:27 < fake> ;) 00:28 < tsa> hm....let's see.. 00:28 < tsa> most ftpd's are vulnerable to different kinds of globbing attacks 00:28 < tsa> bsd ftpd (linux port) had that problem, too 00:29 < tsa> exception: wu-ftpd, which brings it's own globbing code, but has a bug history so awful i wouldn't even consider using it 00:29 < tsa> i don't know about vsftpd 00:29 < fake> yeah, i never even tried it... 00:30 < tsa> furthermore, ftp is "the bad protocol", making firewall admins cry. 00:30 < rxr> tsa: yes wu-ftpd is "strange" 00:30 < fake> hail sftp! 00:31 < rxr> hackbard_: what do you like most on the camera set you mentioned ? 00:31 -!- surprise [kdlcjc@greencard.inder.eu.org] has quit ("changing servers") 00:31 < rxr> I now watched half of the movie and found not so much speical ... 00:31 < rxr> although the movie starts to become interesting ;-) *g* 00:32 < tsa> let's get rid of ftp. 00:32 < tsa> uucp rulez. 00:32 < tsa> ;) 00:32 < rxr> hehe ;-) 00:32 < rxr> hae ? 00:32 < huebi> hehe 00:32 < fake> back to the bongos... 00:33 < tsa> hehe 00:33 < rxr> lol 00:33 < huebi> ... -- .-- ..--. ----.....-..--..--... .--- 00:33 < huebi> ;-) 00:33 < rxr> tsa: feel free to morse your messagfes ... ;-) 00:33 < rxr> ah huebi the same idea ;-) 00:34 < hackbard_> rxr: eg that waiting for the guests szene. the camera behind the table with all that food on it .. 00:34 < fake> dit dow dit dow dit.... 00:34 < hackbard_> rxr: you finished the first file? 00:35 < rxr> first file? there will be more ? 00:35 < rxr> no 52% of the first file ... 00:35 < tsa> rxr: ok, no problem. 00:35 < hackbard_> oh, sure, another one :) 00:35 * rxr searching for the morse alphabet ... 00:35 < tsa> #define 0 ----- 00:35 < tsa> #define 1 .---- 00:35 < rxr> LLLOOOOOLLLLLL 00:35 < fake> rxr: /usr/games/morse ;) 00:35 < tsa> we're at binary, now. 00:36 < rxr> pfrrrr ha ha 00:36 < tsa> rxr: https://scoutnet.ch/archives/books/morse.htm 00:36 < rxr> ...., 00:36 < rxr> .., 00:36 < rxr> -, 00:36 < rxr> ..., 00:36 < rxr> .-, 00:36 < rxr> # 00:36 < rxr> -# 00:36 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has quit ("BitchX: the official sponsor of the 2002 Olympic Winter Games") 00:37 < tsa> rxr: is this your own interpretation of morse code, with "-" replaced by ","? ;) 00:38 < hackbard_> rxr: wait for the end of file1 - it will propably get even more intresting then - (nice scene :-) 00:39 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD95234C3.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: hackbard_!~hackbard@pD9523EE6.dip.t-dialin.net))) 00:39 -!- hackbard_ is now known as hackbard 00:41 < fake> why can't i disable building the extra1/* in rock-config? 00:41 < fake> O x11/* works 00:42 < fake> but O extra1/* doesn't... 00:42 < fake> err... nope. 00:42 < fake> ok. thanks. 00:43 < d3m|away> ur welcome 00:43 -!- d3m|away is now known as d3mian 00:43 < rxr> hm shit 00:43 < rxr> fake why ? 00:44 < fake> rxr: wasn't sure about the "pattern style". 00:44 < rxr> ok 00:45 < rxr> hackbard: so resume is running in konqueror wget and curl are too stupiid ... 00:45 < tsa> hm....interesting. 00:45 < tsa> why do i have a porn site in my bookmarks? 00:46 < hackbard> rxr: good 00:46 * tsa wondering 00:46 < fake> tsa: that was your other you. 00:46 < rxr> fake ;-) 00:46 < rxr> tsa: because you regulatrly visit it ;-) 00:47 < tsa> rxr: ah, you're correct...i forgot. ;-) 00:47 < tsa> *sigh* 00:47 < tsa> is it possible that URL's are bookmarking themselves? 00:47 < fake> tsa> which browser? 00:47 < tsa> fake: galeon 00:47 < rxr> tsa: hm - I'm not an export for this ... - but some sites have a do bookmark button ... 00:47 < fake> err..... usually.... not? 00:48 < tsa> hm...strange. 00:48 < rxr> tsa: but I never clicked on it .. 00:48 < fake> you can hack ie easily, but mozilla.... 00:48 < huebi> tsa: strange... 00:49 < tsa> does the rock galeon package come with bookmarks? 00:49 < tsa> ;-() 00:49 < rxr> lol 00:49 < huebi> no windows, no IE, no outlook.... strange 00:49 < tsa> perhaps it's this bookmarklets stuff i never understood.. 00:50 < huebi> Linux grows up and behaves like commercal software... 00:50 < fake> mabye galeon autobookmarks the pages you visit most often ;) 00:50 < rxr> lol 00:50 < tsa> hehe. 00:50 * tsa browsing porn site. 00:50 < huebi> or galeon wants to say: "f*** you!" 00:50 < rxr> tsa: I though ROCK is better than sex ... 00:51 < rxr> huebi: pfree 00:51 < tsa> hm... 00:51 < rxr> huestel 00:51 < tsa> it's not even interesting. damn. 00:51 < huebi> mutantensoftware! 00:52 < tsa> i'll file a bug report with galeon - they should select better bookmarks... 00:52 < rxr> tsa: I patched a neuronal net into the galeon packages it starts to develop a mind ... 00:52 < tsa> rxr: a pretty perverted mind, it seems.. 00:52 < rxr> tsa: it learns form the user ... 00:52 < tsa> oh-oh 00:52 < rxr> (ON YOUR SIDE - DO NOT GET THIS WRONG) 00:53 < tsa> hehe ;-) 00:53 < rxr> huebi: die hat aber nen coolen compi 00:53 < fake> wer die? 00:54 < fake> ich hab ja schon geh[rt dass es frauen gibt die nen computer besitzen... 00:54 < fake> j/k 00:54 < rxr> er hackbard ... 00:54 < huebi> _nerver_ use M$ visual C++ 00:54 < rxr> shit completatin 00:54 < esden> re hi all 00:54 < rxr> the movie 00:54 < rxr> hi esden 00:55 < esden> einen wuenderschoenen guten abend 00:55 < fake> re esden! 00:55 < esden> ich bin endlich daheim angekommen ... 00:55 < tsa> huhu esden 00:55 < esden> so ein scheiss ... 00:55 < fake> huebi why not, it's nice and colorful! 00:55 < rxr> esden: 1.7 alpha cross compile 0 finished 30 errors ... 00:55 < esden> ich hasse zugfaheren 00:55 < tsa> hast du uns Pornos mitgebracht? 00:55 < d3mian> hi esden 00:55 < rxr> oh hie d3mian 00:55 < esden> rxr: autsch 00:55 < rxr> maybe we should switch back to english ;-) 00:55 < tsa> ok. 00:56 < esden> tsa: www.free6.com reicht dir nicht ? 00:56 < d3mian> :), thanx 00:56 < esden> sure 00:56 < tsa> hehe 00:56 < esden> hi d3mian 00:56 * fake is banning esden becauso of: (bad) pr0n 00:56 < tsa> hm..we could add an package "xxx" to sf cvs and make esden the maintainer.. 00:56 < tsa> ;-) 00:57 < fake> huebi> give us a pr0n cow. 00:57 < tsa> AAAAHH! 00:57 < rxr> fake: agree /ignore esden ;-) 00:57 < fake> tsa is being hunted by ad popups. 00:58 < tsa> no f***ing cows, please! 00:58 < rxr> lol 00:58 < fake> freeing cows? let's free cows, alright! 00:58 * rxr wants to have this video on disk 00:58 < tsa> i prefer eating them... 00:58 < fake> rxr> x2mpeg ; vcdimager... 00:59 < fake> if you eat a cow, you free it's soul. 01:00 < rxr> hackbard: either yout new connection is faster, or konqui downloads faster than wget ... 01:00 < d3mian> wtf? 01:00 < fake> i think i'll get some sleep now. 01:01 < fake> gn8! 01:01 < fake> and f34r d4 c0wz! 01:01 < d3mian> cu fake 01:02 < tsa> cu fake 01:02 < huebi> cu fake 01:02 < hackbard> bye fake 01:02 < rxr> cu fake 01:02 < tsa> hackbard: s,bye,cu, 01:02 < hackbard> :) 01:03 < d3mian> :) 01:03 < capchaos> Q: If i have already built base packages how do i build only the ext ones ? 01:04 < tsa> "touch _nodel_" and continue the build? 01:05 < rxr> capchaos: which ROCK ? 01:05 < capchaos> hum? d3mian? 01:05 < capchaos> can you tell me? 01:06 < capchaos> hackbard? 01:06 < d3mian> ur using drock right, rene must know 01:08 < esden> hmm ... 01:08 < capchaos> yes rock 1.15 01:08 < capchaos> 1.5 01:08 * -> esden was checking mail ... no reaction on the dietlibc list to my posting ... 01:08 * -> esden is thrilled ... 01:09 < rxr> esden: could you fwd the posting ? and maybe send me the latest dietlibc patchset ? 01:09 < esden> urgh ... 01:09 < esden> rxr: I have posted only one bugfix there 01:10 < esden> not all my stuff ... it is too ugly 01:10 < capchaos> _nodel_ does fine .. but it goes on with "rock-intel-1.5.15 found .. not building packages .. building subdistributions" 01:10 < capchaos> now i dont want to clean up and rebuilt everything : 01:10 < huebi> capchaos: rm -rf rock-intel-1.5.15 01:10 < capchaos> huebi: no way without doing that? 01:10 < esden> rxr: I have to clean it first before the world can see it ... but if you want you can take a try ... and I will make a patch extra for you 01:10 < huebi> capchaos: the files are only copied to rock-intel-1.5.15. You can just erase it. 01:11 < capchaos> huebi: oh okay 01:11 < capchaos> thanks huebi 01:12 < huebi> in 1.5.12 the files were moved and you had to bebuild all! 01:12 < rxr> huebi: copied? in dRock they are moved are you sure ??? 01:12 < huebi> s/b/r/ 01:12 < rxr> huebi: ah 01:12 < huebi> in rock 1.5.15 they are copied. I changed that. It's easier for unattended debug builds. 01:13 < huebi> also rock-debug is now an option. 01:15 < huebi> rock-debug need 20min. 01:17 < rxr> huebi: it needs more time here ... 01:23 < rxr> Linux 2.4.19-pre9 01:24 -!- surprise [kdlcjc@] has joined #rocklinux 01:26 < esden> hmm diese random faehler hier sind hartnaeckig ... 01:26 < esden> naja ... ich gehe betti 01:26 < esden> nachtele jungs 01:26 < esden> night @ all 01:26 < tsa> cu esden 01:27 < tsa> *gaehn* 01:27 < huebi> cu esden 01:28 < d3mian> sleep fine esden 01:29 < rxr> cu esden 01:29 < rxr> hackbard: Could you also put the 2nd file online ? So they can be downloaded simultaniously ? 01:29 < tsa> btw.. 01:29 < tsa> how do i mark a package to be built on one arch only? 01:30 < tsa> [R] ? 01:31 < tsa> hm...asleep or busy? 01:36 < tsa> aah...i see 01:37 < tsa> any comments on future design of the nvidia package? 01:39 < tsa> _______ 01:39 < tsa> ( huhu? ) 01:39 < tsa> ------- 01:39 < tsa> o ^__^ 01:39 < tsa> o (oo)\_______ 01:39 < tsa> (__)\ )\/\ 01:39 < rxr> R yes 01:39 < tsa> ||----w | 01:39 < tsa> || || 01:39 < tsa> aah! 01:39 < rxr> tsa: [R] in 1.7 01:40 < huebi> I personaly would prefer two parts source/binary 01:40 < rxr> and please do not split the package it is oi the way it is 01:40 < tsa> rxr: how do i say "ia-32 only"? 01:40 < rxr> [R] intel 01:40 < rxr> no 01:40 < tsa> ok. 01:40 < tsa> hm? 01:40 < rxr> [R] + intel 01:40 < tsa> ah. 01:40 < tsa> ok. 01:40 < tsa> do you think i should prepare an ia-64 package too? 01:41 < tsa> nvidia has ia-64 drivers, but i can't test them.. 01:42 < rxr> we do not yet have a ia-64 target ... 01:42 < rxr> the syntax would be [R] + intel ia-64 01:42 < rxr> (I guess) 01:42 < rxr> (with one beer in me ...) 01:43 < tsa> who's guessing, the beer or you? 01:44 < rxr> we both ;-) 01:44 < tsa> hehe 01:45 < rxr> hey - but we are a good team: 01:45 < rxr> base/silo/silo.desc:[R] + sparc sparc64 01:46 < tsa> hm....depends. 01:46 < tsa> i'll need different download url's for the arch's, so i'll have to make a nvidia32 and nvidia64 package, anyway.. 01:47 < rxr> tsa: ?? what crap is this ???? 01:47 < rxr> hackbard: still awake ? 01:48 < tsa> rxr: 01:48 < tsa> Module-nvkernel: ELF 32-bit LSB relocatable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), not stripped 01:49 < hackbard> rxr: yo 01:49 < hackbard> fertig? 01:49 < rxr> ah 01:49 < tsa> libGL* stuff is binary, too. 01:49 < rxr> hackbard: can you put the other file online? so I can also start to download it over the nigth? 01:49 < rxr> (the movie starts t get interesting ;-) 01:49 < hackbard> hehe 01:50 < hackbard> hmm 01:50 < rxr> tsa: NVidia cards suck 01:50 -!- surprise [kdlcjc@] has quit (Connection timed out) 01:50 < rxr> hackbard: hmm -> means mounted from CD ? 01:50 < hackbard> i could just mount it on hackstation and export it to gate via nfs .. or you could simply log on hackstation and copy it via scp? 01:50 < hackbard> right 01:50 < tsa> rxr: best price/performance .. 01:50 < tsa> 3d performance 01:51 < hackbard> is scp okay for u? i ll useradd rxr then .. 01:51 < rxr> I could do so ... 01:51 < tsa> the new matrox stuff might change this. 01:51 < tsa> we'll have to wait and see. 01:51 < rxr> ati Radeon 7xxx is also ok ... 01:51 < rxr> the 8xxx has not yet an 3d driver ... 01:54 < tsa> ah...i see 01:56 < tsa> anyway, i won't spend more than 150 eur for a gfx card. 01:56 < tsa> till about 3 months ago, i had my tnt2. then i got a cheap gf2gts off ebay. 01:57 < tsa> sufficient to make a picture on my monitor. enough 3d performance to kill some bots in UT. 01:58 < d3mian> :) 01:58 < tsa> no need for windoze. 01:58 < d3mian> these bots die fastly in my gforce2 with 64Mb 01:58 < tsa> hehe 01:59 < tsa> i'm satisfied with 32mb 02:00 < tsa> would be nice to have more games supported with linux.. 02:00 < d3mian> @ home i just have an sis620 with 8mb, it suckz, i came here and enjoy playing... also with a 21' monitor :D 02:00 < tsa> hehe....nice 02:00 < tsa> <- 19" 02:00 < d3mian> cool, 02:00 < d3mian> well, cu later 02:01 < d3mian> have a good night all 02:01 < rxr> cu d3mian 02:01 < tsa> this is really strange...a few years ago, we were all used to work with CRT's in 15", max. 17" .. 02:01 < tsa> cu d3mian 02:01 < capchaos> yo gnite d3mian, or whatever time it is ;-) 02:01 < tsa> LANG=de? 02:01 < rxr> ;-) 02:02 < d3mian> as i said before, today is not a day to sleep (too much work) :) 02:02 < rxr> tsa: do you have s.th important to tell ? 02:02 < huebi> cu d3mian 02:02 -!- d3mian is now known as d3m|away 02:02 * capchaos has a 15" right now :( 02:02 < tsa> rxr: did i ever have something important to tell? ;-) 02:02 < rxr> tsa: Err. Yes. I think so ;-) 02:02 < d3m|away> export LANG=de, sure 02:02 < tsa> hehe 02:03 < tsa> naja, nen 15" monitor moecht ich nicht mehr benutzen muessen.. 02:03 < tsa> 17" mindestens, lieber mehr. 02:05 < capchaos> *brrr* 02:05 < hackbard> btw rxr, should i be able to build glibc in stage 0 with ur tree? 02:05 < tsa> au scheisse... ist ja auch schon wieder 2 uhr durch.. 02:05 < tsa> hm....ich geh auch mal besser pennen 02:05 < hackbard> vanilla still fails cuz of that lib64 thing 02:05 < tsa> macht mit $LANG, was ihr wollt ;) 02:06 < hackbard> n8 tsa 02:06 < tsa> cu * 02:06 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082AEBA.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 02:08 < rxr> hackbard: which arch ? 02:08 < rxr> hackbard: ah sparc64 ... 02:08 < rxr> yes might fail ... 02:09 < rxr> hackbard: I'll do some sparc64 hacking tomorrow ... 02:09 < hackbard> k 02:10 < huebi> n8 02:11 < hackbard> n8 huebi 02:12 < rxr> 3ok I'll sleep too (hopping to have a nice moring video handy ;-) 02:12 < hackbard> hehe, good night rene 02:12 < rxr> rene@jackson:/home/everybody > du -csh music/ video/ 02:12 < rxr> 9.5G music 02:12 < rxr> 40G video 02:12 < rxr> 50G total 02:12 < rxr> urghs 02:13 < rxr> hackbard: you might also like to get over these ... 02:13 < rxr> heap.localnet:/home 77610488 72944672 723392 100% /home 02:13 < rxr> hm we might need a new RAID5 storage on the server ... 02:14 < hackbard> oh, 40 gig videos .. sounds nice :) 02:15 < rxr> we can NFS moutn them on the web/ftp server tomorrow ;-) 02:15 < rxr> cu hackbard 02:15 < rxr> n8 @ all 02:15 < d3m|away> cu rene 02:28 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD904853B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("*snore*") 03:14 -!- d3m|away [~demian@] has quit ("asdf") 03:20 < hackbard> n8 03:20 -!- hackbard is now known as hack^zzZ 03:25 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p5081767E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04:35 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 04:35 < d3mian> re 04:41 < d3mian> cu 04:41 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has left #rocklinux () 04:44 -!- satbran [~satbran@pD902B72E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 04:48 -!- satbran [~satbran@pD902B72E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 05:22 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux 07:24 < huebi> moin 07:42 < coldie> morning 07:43 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A56.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08:46 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A76.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 08:51 < rxr> re 08:55 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 08:55 < d3mian> guten morgen guys 08:55 < rxr> Guten Moregen d3mian 08:55 < coldie> morning d3mian, rxr 08:55 < coldie> rxr == ripclaw? 08:56 < d3mian> no 08:56 < coldie> ah :) 08:56 * coldie /who'd 08:56 < coldie> sorry *sheepish* 08:57 < rxr> coldie: rxr = rene 08:57 < rxr> ripclaw = stefan 08:59 < d3mian> brb 08:59 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has quit (Client Quit) 09:09 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 09:09 < d3mian> re 09:13 < d3mian> fuck ,i forgot framebuffer support 09:16 < coldie> forget it in lilo or the kernel? 09:17 < d3mian> kernel 09:18 < coldie> mmm, freshly baked kernel 09:23 < d3mian> what's the meaning of "maik" in german? 09:46 < rxr> d3mian: sorry I do not know what maik is ... - Is it english ?? 09:50 < d3mian> no, german, i guess 10:05 -!- Netsplit tenn.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: praenti 10:08 -!- surprise [kdlcjc@greencard.inder.eu.org] has joined #rocklinux 10:09 < esden> moin 10:09 < d3mian> hi esden , surprise 10:13 < esden> hmm ... 10:13 < huebi> Moep! 10:14 -!- Netsplit over, joins: praenti 10:14 < d3mian> murning huebi 10:14 < huebi> hi d3mian 10:14 < d3mian> praenti;) 10:14 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1C203.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:15 < d3mian> hi bluefire 10:16 < bluefire> Moin 10:21 < huebi> hi bluefire 10:22 < esden> hi huebi 10:22 * -> esden hates to wait ... I really hate it ... argh 10:26 < esden> ohh ... I missed two snapshots ... not good ... 10:47 < esden> I am getting headake from the tons of cache file updates ... 10:49 * snyke @ esdenknuddl 10:52 < d3mian> brb 10:52 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has quit ("BitchX: for distribution only with a new PC") 11:03 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 11:05 * -> esden will fall asleap ... in some minutes ... 11:08 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD9048503.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:13 < d3mian> hi capchaos 11:17 < capchaos> moin d3mian 11:17 < capchaos> have to go shopping 11:17 -!- capchaos is now known as capaway 11:33 -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 11:33 -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 11:37 < rxr> re 11:37 < huebi> hi rene 11:37 < rxr> moin huebi 11:37 < huebi> Ich habe autoconf auf 2.53 geupdated. 11:38 < huebi> und fast alles gefixt bekommen, was dann nicht mehr funktioniert hat. 11:38 < huebi> bis auf tcltk und rcs 11:38 < huebi> Das ist beide viel zu alt. 11:39 < huebi> und ich bin nicht _der_ Coder 11:39 < rxr> huebi: rcs hatte ich schonmal gefixt 11:39 < rxr> autconf in drock aber doch wieder gdowndated ... 11:41 < huebi> ausser tcltk und rcs war alles wirklich richtig einfach zu fixen nachdem ich mal die autoconf docs gefunden und in html konvertiert hatte ;-) 11:43 < huebi> rxr: Hast du Lust und Zeit dir das vielleicht mal anzusehen? 11:44 < huebi> lilo 22.3 braucht jetzt den nasm 11:52 < rxr> huebi: huh? 11:52 < rxr> rxr: das bei rsc war nur nen einzeiler ... 11:52 < rxr> huebi: weiviele andere packete hasst du denn schon gefixt ? 11:53 < huebi> rxr: moment 11:55 < rxr> huebi: ich kann da deine patches zu 1.7 hinzufuegen und dann rcs und co dort fixen ... 11:58 < huebi> re 11:58 < huebi> Ich muss mal im Changelog nachsehen. Kommt in ca 15 min 11:58 < rxr> jo jo 12:10 < d3mian> arrgg, i hate when i drink beer and i cant code, all this fucking night a bit drunked 12:16 < rxr> d3mian: hm not good .. 12:18 < d3mian> yes, i know, ill have to wait some hours :P 12:24 < esden> Error logs from build/default-1.7.0-DEV-intel-dietlibc-expert/root/var/adm/logs: 12:24 < esden> 110 builds total, 110 completed fine, 0 with errors. 12:24 < esden> ok ... finished to fix the packets .. hopefully 12:25 < esden> now start a complete rebuild to test if really all packets work ;-) 12:27 < esden> ok .. 12:27 < esden> build started 12:27 < rxr> hi esden 12:28 * -> esden going to the OS lecture 12:28 < rxr> I wish you much success 12:28 < esden> hi rxr 12:28 < esden> rxr: thank you 12:28 < rxr> hm 17GB in my home dir 12:28 < rxr> maybe I should cleanup a bit ... 12:29 < esden> I think I was pretty successfull till now ... so ... I get bit more confident ... but the fixes I made are really bad ... :-/ 12:29 < esden> ok ... cu l8ter 12:29 < rxr> cu esden 12:41 < d3mian> cu esden 12:51 < huebi> base-config/wdiff/configure_in.patch: wdiff-0.5 is now fixed for the use of autoconf-2.53 12:51 < huebi> * base-config/ed/configure_in.patch: with autoconfig 2.53 the configure.in script has to be modified for the new error handling 12:52 < huebi> * base-config/file/file.pz, base-config/ghostscript/ghostscript.pz, 12:52 < huebi> base-config/hdparm/hdparm.pz, base-config/joe/joe.conf, 12:52 < huebi> base-config/joe/joe.pz, base-config/libpng/libpng.conf, 12:52 < huebi> base-config/libpng/libpng.pz, base-config/lilo/lilo.pz, 12:52 < huebi> base-config/ntp/ntp.pz, base-config/psmisc/psmisc.pz, 12:52 < huebi> base-config/qt/qt.pz, ext-config/libdvdread/libdvdread.ext: 12:52 < huebi> several version updates 12:55 < rxr> oh 13:12 < d3mian> ill go home now 13:12 < d3mian> cu 13:13 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has quit ("" zzZZzzZZzz morfeus tainted me "") 13:43 -!- hack^zzZ is now known as hackbard 13:43 < hackbard> morning 13:43 < coldie> morning 13:43 < huebi> hi hackbard 13:45 < hackbard> rxr: expat is in mutiple trees in the new snap and so fails to build in stage3 13:46 < fake> ohayooo.... 13:46 < huebi> hi fake 13:46 < fake> gcc version 2.95.4 20011002 (Debian prerelease)gcc version 2.95.4 20011002 (Debian prerelease) 13:46 < fake> *urgh* 13:46 < fake> hi huebi ! 13:48 < esden> re hi all 13:48 < esden> hi fake ! 13:48 < esden> hi huebi ! 13:48 < esden> hi hackbard ! 13:48 < huebi> hi esden 13:48 < esden> hi coldie ! 13:48 < esden> who else ? 13:48 < esden> ;-) 13:48 < fake> hi esden. 13:48 < esden> hi rxr ?! 13:49 < fake> küss das ei! 13:49 < esden> ei ... ? mein ei ? und welches ? ;-) 13:49 < rxr> hackbard: remove it from the sf tree ... 13:49 < rxr> is is already done - but cliff needs to update his copy ... 13:49 < hackbard> just saw it, a sourceforge - extra1 conflict ;) 13:51 < esden> argh I hate rock updates ... : 2-autoconf.err 3-autoconf.err 13:51 < esden> configure: error: perl is not found 13:52 < esden> ... so I will have to add perl now ... :-( 13:52 < fake> ln -s perl bash 13:52 < fake> *G* 13:52 < fake> errr 13:52 < fake> the other way round 13:52 < fake> ln -s bash perl. 13:53 < esden> fake: hehe ... 13:54 < esden> why is perl used in so many places of linux ... is c and bash not enough ? 14:03 < fake> the i2 needs 12 minutes to "build" linux-src 14:10 < esden> have you guys read the last posting from rippy on the rock-ports mailinglist ? 14:12 < hackbard> rxr: btw, there are always thousands of no more existing mounts (proc, dev , R.orig, R.build) after build aborts stage >1 ... do you know that problem? 14:13 < esden> hackbard: I have the same problem ... I had no time till now to track it ... rxr ? 14:13 < esden> hackbard: I use this to clean up the mounts : 14:14 < hackbard> esden: my furst guess would be, its the -l option to umount which doesnt work .. 14:14 < esden> mount | awk '/builddir/ { print $3 }' | xargs umount 14:14 < esden> it works for me currently 14:14 < esden> but the problem has to be fixed ! 14:16 < hackbard> hmm, but that shouldnt work ... 14:17 < hackbard> i hues builddir is the doirectory ur building on .. but the mountpoints get deleted (rm -rf ...) so umounting it results in an error, that it doent exist .. 14:17 < hackbard> s/hues/guess/ 14:18 < hackbard> i have to mkdir -p them first, umount them and sfter that delete them again .. 14:19 < esden> hackbard: sure you get errors 14:20 < fake> gosh. 14:20 < coldie> doesn't umount work with either the mount point or the device? you could maybe '/builddir/{print $1}' 14:20 < esden> but try to run the command and then mount 14:20 < esden> you will see that the mounts are gone 14:20 < fake> 12 minutes to "build" linux-src, and antoher 20 (!) minutes to build the tarball. 14:21 < esden> fake: you use find flist right ? 14:21 < fake> esden> no way. 14:21 < fake> flistwrapper 14:21 < esden> Error logs from build/default-1.7.0-DEV-intel-dietlibc-expert/root/var/adm/logs: 14:21 < esden> [2] base/autoconf [3] base/autoconf [9] base/autoconf 14:21 < esden> 110 builds total, 107 completed fine, 3 with errors. 14:21 < esden> heeeueuuuuuullll 14:21 < esden> menno ... 14:22 < huebi> esden: 2.53? 14:22 < esden> ich hasse autoconf ich hasse es ... wieso braucht es perl zum kuckuck ... welche volgasidioten entwickeln dass !!!! 14:22 < esden> huebi: ja 14:22 < huebi> hmmm. Unfein! 14:23 < hackbard> coldie: its no device, mounted via loopback - does that work to? 14:23 < hackbard> esden: oh you are right, it prints out errors but umounting works .. 14:23 * -> esden wants to run amok and kill someone ... 14:23 < esden> hackbard: you see ;-) *fg* 14:24 < coldie> hackbard: mounted via loopback like with mount --bind? 14:24 < hackbard> yes 14:24 < hackbard> mount --bind $realbuild $builddir/R.build <- as an example 14:25 < esden> cu all 14:25 * -> esden brb 14:25 < hackbard> bye esden 14:25 < coldie> bye esden 14:26 < coldie> hackbard: never tried with --bind before, but it would almost certainly cause trouble 14:26 < huebi> cu esden 14:27 < coldie> better to stick with $3 :) 14:28 < coldie> if another device is mounted at where the bind is coming from 14:28 < hackbard> okay :) 14:29 < hackbard> yes there actually are more ffrom the same 'src' 14:29 < huebi> nasm [0.98.33 now in base 14:29 < huebi> lilo [22.3 fixed 14:37 < rxr> esden: jups atuco* GNU dung stinkt gewaltig ... 14:37 < rxr> deshalb wollte ich auch nicht das du unser install_* GNU auto*ifizierst ... :-( 14:38 < huebi> Also mir ist der autoconf-Kram ein bischen zu kompliziert, um ihn einfach mal schnell anzuwenden. 14:40 -!- capaway is now known as capchaos 14:43 < rxr> huebi: ausder das isr auch weder uebersichtlich noch elegant, es ist vollkommen vermurckster overkill ... 14:43 < huebi> vollkommen vermurckster overkill <- hehe 14:43 < huebi> stimmt. 14:46 -!- surprise [kdlcjc@greencard.inder.eu.org] has quit ("changing servers") 14:50 < th> gab es am 1.5er tree tatsaechlich keine commits seit gestern mittag? 14:50 < huebi> th: doch 14:50 < th> grml 14:50 < huebi> auf world 14:51 < th> ja das mein ich doch 14:51 < huebi> wofuer wird eigendlich rcs gebraucht? 14:52 < th> wobei? 14:52 < huebi> rcs - Revision Control System ist bei rock 1.5 in base. Aber cvs ist doch der Nachfolger, oder? 14:53 < rxr> huebi: benutzt cvs das nicht ? 14:53 < th> nein 14:53 < th> das kannst du so nicht sagen 14:53 < th> rxr: ich glaube es hat es mittlerweile selbst implementiert 14:53 < fake> Linux Vendors to Standardize on Single Distribution 14:53 < fake> machen wir auch mit? *g* 14:53 < th> rcs ist nach wie vor ein wichtiges grundlegendes tool ;) 14:54 < th> so aendere ich z.b. an der CVSROOT/loginfo rum 14:54 < th> co und ci 14:55 < huebi> Ah. Ok. Ich dachte, das wird garnicht mehr verwended. 14:55 < th> doch doch. 14:56 -!- suR3al [~suR3al@] has joined #rocklinux 14:56 < suR3al> hi 14:56 < huebi> rxr: Danke fuer deinen Patch fuer rcs 14:57 < rxr> huebi: wer hat mir noch gesagt: "Aender und loesch nicht was andere User verwenden ..." ;-) 14:57 < rxr> huebi: oh - hasst du den aus dRock? (War der da noch drin *wunder*) 14:57 < huebi> rxr: Jo, der war noch drin... 14:57 < th> ich nehme sogar hin und wieder /etc/passwd, shadow, group usw. ins rcs auf damit ich ein rm -f /etc/passwd,group schneller restaurieren kann 14:57 < rxr> huebi: bitte! ;-) 14:58 < huebi> rxr: loesch nicht was andere User verwenden <- Ich ;-) 14:58 < th> wieder away... 14:59 < huebi> cu th ;-) 15:02 < rxr> huebi: du hast rcs aber auch schon schief angesehen ;-) 15:03 < huebi> rxr: Jo, Ich habe da keineLoesung gesehen, wie ich das zum kompilieren bringe. Da habe ich mir gedacht, bis eine funktionierende Loesung da ist, koennte ich das vielleicht erst mal disablen. 15:04 < huebi> oder zu den extensions verlegen. 15:06 < th> huebi: ich bin recht verwirrt warum dein commit keine datei touched... 15:06 < th> huebi: habe nochmal ne kleine aenderung gemacht. 15:06 < th> mal sehen ob was passiert 15:06 < huebi> ich commite mal was... 15:06 < huebi> ok? 15:06 < th> jo 15:08 < huebi> FERTIG 15:08 < th> Added Files: 15:08 < th> autoconf-hack.patch 15:08 < th> 0 -rw-r--r-- 1 huebi rockcvsu 0 May 29 15:08 committed 15:08 < huebi> /home/rockcvs/cvs/rock-1.5/base-config/rcs/autoconf-hack.patch,v 15:08 < th> jetz hat es geklappt 15:08 < th> sehr seltsam 15:09 < th> script anstossen... 15:10 < th> das update lief 15:10 < th> 23227 th 17 0 3028 3028 1120 R 64.5 1.1 0:05 perl 15:10 < th> 23228 th 12 0 1772 1772 604 S 22.5 0.6 0:01 cvs 15:11 < th> vielleicht war die aenderung jetzt jha schon ausreichend. 15:11 < th> ansonsten muss ich mal ein wenig mehr logen 15:11 < th> ersma abwarten 15:11 < th> s,logen,loggen, 15:11 < th> -rw-rw-r-- 1 th rockcvsu 294607 May 29 15:11 ChangeLog 15:11 < th> jo cvs2cl.pl war auch ok 15:12 < th> jetz aber weg 15:12 < huebi> cu ;-) 15:12 < fake> cu th! 15:12 < praenti> hiho 15:12 < fake> h/away 15:12 < fake> *argh* 15:13 < fake> hi praenti meinte ich. 15:13 < huebi> hi praenti 15:13 < praenti_> huebi: was is eigentlich mit deinem cvs los_ 15:13 < praenti_> s/_/? 15:14 < huebi> praenti_: Der CVS ist jetzt hier auf world 15:14 < praenti_> world? 15:14 < praenti_> opps. falsches window 15:14 < huebi> export CVSROOT=praenti@cvs.rocklinux.de:/home/rockcvs/cvs; export CVS_RSH=ssh 15:14 < praenti> das is das richtige\ 15:14 < praenti> ahh. ok 15:15 < huebi> Alle Benutzer sind nun auch hier angelegt. 15:15 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 15:15 < netcrow> hi 15:16 < praenti> hi netcrow 15:17 < huebi> hi netcrow 15:21 < praenti> ok. der co laeuft 15:21 < netcrow> praenti: warum bist du geklont hier? 15:21 < praenti> netcrow: weil der capek im moment immer die verbindung killt und ich den channel mitbekommen will und nicht wieder eine l[cke ywischendrin hab 15:22 < netcrow> capek? 15:22 < praenti> ahh. ich hasse english-layout mit deutscher tastatur 15:22 < netcrow> hehe 15:22 < praenti> netcrow: server im OPN 15:23 < netcrow> aha 15:23 < praenti> der steht in wien. goethe erreich ich nicht mehr. ist inywischen ipv6 15:24 < netcrow> bingo soll auch ipv6 können ;) 15:24 < praenti> jepp. dann kann ich wieder auf den connecten... 15:25 < netcrow> komisch, das nur du da probs hast 15:30 < praenti> netcrow: im moment teste ich den hogan parallel. der sieht besser aus (steht in london) 15:33 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("ruhet in frieden ;)") 15:45 < praenti> argh. das Create-CD Skript baut scheisse. hab meine libraries verloren :-(( 15:46 < praenti> is aber noch 1.5.14. des dumme is bloss das mein system schon wieder hin ist 15:52 < praenti> cu 15:55 < snyke> hmm 15:55 < snyke> weiss eina von euch das "szekszi bejbe;]" heisst? (*.pl) 15:56 < capchaos> sexy babe 15:56 < snyke> ah 15:56 < capchaos> nehm ich mal an 15:56 < snyke> ql 15:56 < capchaos> ;-) 15:56 < snyke> *g* 15:56 < capchaos> snyke = sexy babe ? *wunder* 15:56 < snyke> h, stimmt 15:56 < snyke> häß 15:56 < snyke> das weis ich ned. 15:56 < snyke> das müssen alle selber entscheiden 15:56 < snyke> :) 15:56 < snyke> hier drin muss das wohl nicht der fall sein, lassen wir das *:) 15:56 < capchaos> hehe yep+ 15:59 < snyke> hm 16:00 < snyke> ihr kennt euch doch sicher mit dns aus oder? 16:00 < snyke> hm 16:02 < capchaos> das wissen wir erst nachdem du die frage gestellt hast ;) 16:02 < snyke> axo 16:02 < snyke> stimmt sorry 16:03 < snyke> vergess es hin und wieder die frage zu stellen um was es eigentlich geht *G* 16:04 < snyke> trion IN A 16:05 < snyke> er löst diese addy (trion.sharknt.ath.cx) ned auf 16:05 < snyke> gar keine 16:05 < snyke> werden alle als "sharknt.ath.cx" aufgelöst 16:05 < snyke> ip nach name geht einwandfrei 16:05 < snyke> name => ip geht nichtz 16:06 < snyke> und nun? 16:09 < capchaos> und mit anderen domains? 16:11 < suR3al> also kein reverse lookup 16:17 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 16:18 < snyke> capchaos? 16:18 < snyke> andere domains? 16:19 < capchaos> snyke? 16:19 < capchaos> ja .. 16:19 < snyke> meinst du ob die funzen? 16:19 < snyke> abzufragen? 16:19 < capchaos> yep 16:19 < snyke> jap 16:19 < snyke> sachen die er von ausserhalb bekommt gehn 16:19 < capchaos> hast du nen lokalen dns server oder den vom ISP ? 16:20 < snyke> lokal 16:20 < snyke> sonst könnt ich meine int. hosts ned auflösen 16:20 < capchaos> dann ist sharknt.ath.cx deine eigene domain? 16:20 < snyke> äh ja 16:20 < snyke> is halt so ne dyndomain 16:21 < snyke> aber früher hats auch funktioniern 16:21 < snyke> t 16:21 < snyke> also MUSS es funktioniern. 16:21 < capchaos> "frueher" ? 16:21 < snyke> vor dem plattencrash 16:21 < capchaos> hast du sharknt.ath.cx in /etc/hosts eingetragen? 16:21 < snyke> sek 16:22 < snyke> das steht drin 16:25 -!- suR3al [~suR3al@] has quit ("chilling out") 16:38 < fake> re. 16:39 < snyke> re 16:39 -!- term_emu [~pm@beaufort.wyzant.de] has joined #rocklinux 16:41 -!- term_emu is now known as term_aweh 16:51 -!- Netsplit tenn.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: praenti 16:51 -!- Netsplit over, joins: praenti 16:54 < fake> warning: #warning MIPS I atomicity functions are not atomi 16:54 < fake> sounds great. 16:55 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-169-245.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 16:56 -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16:58 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-168-124.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 16:58 -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 17:25 < fake> punkt punkt punkt. 17:31 < snyke> ... 17:58 < blindcoder> hi hi und rehi 18:08 -!- Netsplit tenn.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: praenti, huebi, praenti_, fake, blindcoder, th, rxr, hackbard, SMP, snyke, (+1 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) 18:09 -!- Netsplit tenn.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: capchaos, term_aweh 18:19 -!- Netsplit over, joins: praenti, rxr, term_aweh, capchaos, bluefire, snyke, hackbard, fake, huebi, SMP (+3 more) 18:24 -!- Netsplit tenn.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: praenti, huebi, praenti_, capchaos, blindcoder, fake, th, rxr, hackbard, SMP, (+3 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) 18:24 -!- Netsplit over, joins: praenti, rxr, term_aweh, capchaos, bluefire, snyke, hackbard, fake, praenti_, th (+3 more) 18:37 < capchaos> kennt jemand nen ntp server? 18:52 < fake> re. 18:52 < fake> cap> da gibts ne liste..... 18:52 < fake> mom 18:52 < capchaos> aah, wo? 18:53 < fake> 18:53 < fake> nehm ich 18:53 < fake> err... 18:53 < fake> No Route to host. 18:53 < capchaos> K danke 18:53 < capchaos> hm 18:53 < fake> ich nehme ihn wohl doch nicht ;) 18:53 < capchaos> lol 18:54 < fake> https://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/ntp/clock2.htm 18:55 < capchaos> c00l danke 18:55 < fake> err. oder clock1.html 18:55 < fake> auf clock2 sind keine dt. 18:56 < capchaos> schaunmerma 18:56 < fake> 18:59 < blindcoder> re fake 19:26 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs1.xs4all.nl] has joined #rocklinux 19:27 < fake> hi ringo 19:30 < th> re 19:32 < fake> quite quiet today... 19:35 < ringo78> codito ergo sum 19:37 -!- ringo78 is now known as ringo_aw 19:46 -!- simon [~simon@p50875620.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:48 * fake reading linuxtag fortunes 19:53 < rxr> 2ew 19:53 < rxr> er 19:53 < rxr> re 19:55 < fake> re! 19:58 < fake> Joey, Deine Mailbox ist 1.2gb groß. Ich werde jetzt mal Gegenmaßnahmen einleiten, wir bekommen keine Mail mehr. 19:58 < fake> *lol* 20:01 < blindcoder> ??? 20:03 < huebi> re 20:06 < th> 1.2GB inbox? 20:06 < th> nur 2 filme? 20:07 < huebi> *lol* 20:08 < fake> th> plain text 20:08 < th> uuencode macht doch plain text, oder? ;) 20:08 < fake> ich glaubem, wer joey was anderes schickt, is tot ;) 20:08 < huebi> mime codierte filme... 20:09 < huebi> preprocesed for aalib ;-) 20:09 < th> hehe 20:09 < th> wtf is joey? 20:11 < huebi> an alias of fake ? 20:11 < th> prolly 20:11 < fake> joey is einer vom lxtag-team 20:12 < huebi> ah ich erinnere mich. Der war mal kurz hier 20:46 < huebi> ftp://ftp.gimp.org/pub/gimp/v1.3/v1.3.6/gimp-1.3.6.tar.bz2 <- brand new 20:47 < huebi> ahh. It's unstable 20:49 < fake> from lxtag-fortunes: "fork(). Joey is the living example it works on people, too. -- Stefan Koerner" 20:50 < fake> "PS: Deadline für die CDROMs ist Mittwoch. Warscheinlichkeit, daß bis dahin ein Master existiert: 0 Warum: Quality. -- Stefan Koerner, ROCK Linux" 20:53 < rxr> huebi: oh thanks I'll update it in 1.7 20:53 < huebi> bind, too 9.2.1 20:55 < huebi> fake: Which Mittwoch? 20:55 < fake> huebi: Today? *g* I dunno. 20:55 < fake> maybe it's from last year. 20:55 < huebi> Is it a mail from ripclaw? 20:56 < huebi> axo 21:03 < rxr> esden: here= 21:04 < rxr> ? 21:09 < fake> WTF is mi_MZ? 21:09 < fake> locale 21:10 < huebi> mitte Mainz? 21:11 < huebi> hehe 21:14 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082B552.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:14 < tsa> hi 21:14 < huebi> hi tsa 21:14 < tsa> huhu huebi 21:15 < tsa> https://www.netppl.fi/~pp/Pics/a.jpg <- hehe ;-) 21:18 < huebi> *LOL* 21:20 < th> das is doch aber nicht wau? oder? 21:21 < tsa> ???? 21:21 < th> wer issen das> 21:21 < tsa> alan cox? 21:21 < th> ahh 21:21 < tsa> hehe 21:21 < huebi> *gg* 21:23 < snyke> hm 21:23 < snyke> mein apache macht keine directory indexes mehr! *HEUL* 21:24 < fake> ich haette auch cox getippt 21:24 < fake> oder viro 21:24 < fake> aber eher cox. 21:26 < ringo_aw> how can I remote compute on a wxx machine displaying it under X (Sort of Pc-aw for linux)? 21:26 -!- ringo_aw is now known as ringo 21:27 < tsa> wxx? 21:28 < ringo> w89 /w95 21:28 < tsa> ah 21:28 < tsa> vnc. 21:28 < ringo> s/89/98/ 21:28 < tsa> virtual network computing 21:28 < tsa> https://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/ 21:29 < ringo> Ok I'll try it ! Thanks tsa ! 21:29 < tsa> install vnc server on windoze box, use client on (linux/bsd/win) 21:29 < tsa> no problem 21:32 < fake> xvnviewer 21:32 < fake> xvncviewer 21:32 < fake> ;) 21:32 < fake> it's horribly fast! 21:33 < fake> generating locales.... 21:33 < fake> th_TH.TIS-620... done 21:33 < th> ouhm? 21:33 < th> *blink*\ 21:33 < fake> th_TH *lol* 21:33 < tsa> hehe 21:33 < th> grmpf 21:38 < fake> vi_VN.UTF-8... 21:38 < fake> vi VolksNation ? 21:39 < fake> maybe vienna... ;) 21:44 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 21:44 < d3mian> hi 21:46 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux 21:53 < huebi> th: Why arn't you here? -> https://www.rocklinux.org/people/esden/gallery/ 22:02 < esden> hi all 22:02 < huebi> hi esden 22:03 < esden> hi huebi 22:04 < huebi> I'm adapting the linux/linux-src packages to 1.5 22:06 < esden> cool my first dietlibc patch is in the dietlibc cvs !!! cool thing ;-) 22:06 < huebi> koll ;-) 22:08 < huebi> https://freshmeat.net/redir/xinetd/11943/url_tgz/xinetd-2.3.5.tar.gz <- new 22:13 < th> huebi: perhaps cause nobody put me there 22:15 < esden> th: you have not send me data about you ... so you got not included ;-) send my your data and you get included 22:15 < esden> ;-) 22:15 < th> esden: i know that rule 22:15 < th> ;-) 22:16 < huebi> th: Send esden some data, please ;-) 22:16 < th> huebi: aye 22:16 -!- d3m|an [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 22:16 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has quit ("asdf") 22:17 -!- d3m|an is now known as d3mian 22:19 < fake> okay... i _definitely_ need a faster mips. 22:19 < fake> glibc took 8 hours to build 22:20 < capchaos> hoert wer chaosradio? 22:20 * -> esden but not at the moment ... no time ... 22:20 < esden> I will get the mp3 ;-) 22:20 < capchaos> if there will be one.. 22:21 < esden> there has to be ane ... or otherwise some people will have to leave this world ;-) 22:22 < esden> cu all ... /me has to get ready 22:22 < huebi> fake: That's really slow. My SparcStation IPX needs about 23h. 22:23 < capchaos> bye esden 22:23 < huebi> fake: Do you have a source for a faster machine? 22:23 < d3mian> cu esden 22:24 < th> esden: data has been sent 22:24 < capchaos> moin d3mian 22:25 < d3mian> hola capchaos 22:25 < capchaos> como estas? 22:25 < d3mian> bien, y tu? 22:26 < capchaos> bien 22:26 < d3mian> cool, ;) 22:27 < capchaos> yo 22:28 < huebi> I made a diff between linux-2.4.18 and linux-2.4.18-rc4 22:28 < huebi> only 4 lines are different. 22:29 < d3mian> ermm, really? 22:29 < huebi> d3mian: yes 22:29 < d3mian> lines in code or files list? 22:29 < huebi> lines in code 22:29 < huebi> I flood it 22:30 < huebi> 22:30 < huebi> -EXTRAVERSION = 22:30 < huebi> +EXTRAVERSION = -rc4 22:30 < huebi> 22:30 < huebi> diff -Nur linux-2.4.18/fs/binfmt_elf.c linux-2.4.18-rc4/fs/binfmt_elf.c 22:30 < huebi> +} else { 22:30 < huebi> +/* Executables without an interpreter also need a personality */ 22:30 < huebi> +SET_PERSONALITY(elf_ex, ibcs2_interpreter); 22:30 < huebi> 22:30 < huebi> That's all 22:30 < capchaos> lol 22:32 < huebi> and binfmt_elf.o has now unresolved symbols. I switch back to 2.4.18. 22:32 < d3mian> umm, why did they realese a rc if it doesnt have anything! 22:32 < d3mian> just a scential change. LOL! 22:32 < th> d3mian: well, the last rc should be the final, shouldn,t it? 22:33 < huebi> efectively 2 lines of code. Not worth to make such a noise about that. 22:33 < th> what is the personality of an executable? 22:49 < fake> huebi: ripclaw has an indy, IIRC... but that's not much faster. 22:50 * fake will watch anime now- 22:51 < fake> cya tomorrow - or maybe later ;) 22:51 < tsa> cu fake 22:51 -!- ringo [ringo78@xs1.xs4all.nl] has quit ("leaving") 22:51 < d3mian> the running kernel during installation is the same after install ( i mean in the /trg ), the kernel you boot when installation finished? (are both the same?) 22:56 < SMP> d3mian: not the same, but nearly. but it is expected that you compile a kernel in the /trg chroot before you reboot 22:58 < d3mian> SMP: ok, ic. Da you know if latest rock has reiserfs support in target kernel ? 22:58 < SMP> don't know 22:59 < d3mian> i was planning about boot rock install cd from another kernel, make a reiserfs and install, so i asked if target kernel has also reiserfs support 23:00 < huebi> d3mian: Not jet ;( 23:01 < d3mian> although i can make a boot partition and dont worry me about that, i always will boot over there 23:01 < d3mian> thanx huebi, SMP 23:03 -!- term_aweh [~pm@beaufort.wyzant.de] has quit ("zz") 23:04 < huebi> d3mian: I plan to add some more boot images to the CD. But in the Moment I concentrate on upgrades in rock 1.6 23:04 < huebi> and debuging. 23:04 -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23:04 -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 23:04 < huebi> I modified some scripts to work together with cvs 23:05 < th> huebi: specify 23:05 -!- uninvited [uninvited@pD9590822.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ROCKLINUX 23:05 < uninvited> N`Abend ! 23:06 < d3mian> cool huebi 23:07 < huebi> the CVS directories are often in the way of successfull copying directpries. Builld-All is modified and the Rest I forgot . It's now in my brain extension - cvs on world 23:07 < d3mian> i always though you could be able to choose different images 23:08 < huebi> up to 63 images are ok 23:08 < huebi> load is here now about 120 23:08 < d3mian> umm.. hehe 23:08 < d3mian> they are many 23:09 < d3mian> what's the prob about make a bigger boot image? 23:09 < d3mian> the size taken in floppy boot disks? 23:09 < huebi> I think a good way is to boot a 2.88 MB Image an then mount the cd with a _big_ root fs 23:10 < th> ack 23:10 < d3mian> ok 23:10 < d3mian> so, use sth like this: root=/dev/cdroms/cdrom -ro in LILO , i guess 23:11 < huebi> 2.88 MB is the bigest floppy image possible to boot from cdrom. 23:11 < huebi> hdimages are also possible but don't work allmost allways 23:12 < d3mian> ic 23:12 < th> i don't think that more than 2.88 MB will be neccessary 23:12 < huebi> th ACK 23:12 < th> s,necc,nec, 23:12 < huebi> 2.88 is enough to mount the cdrom 23:12 < d3mian> nahh, my current kernel i guess is overloaded and it has 1,1 Mb, almost all i need is static in image 23:13 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD9048503.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 23:15 < th> sf.net: We apologize, search is temporarily offline. 23:17 < tsa> Subject: Vulnerability in Apache Tomcat v3.23 & v3.24 23:18 < tsa> huebi: didn't you install tomcat on a server just a few days ago? 23:19 < huebi> tsa: no, i didn't 23:21 < tsa> ah, ok 23:24 < huebi> depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.18/kernel/fs/binfmt_elf.o <- ;( 23:24 < d3mian> hehe 23:27 < huebi> n8 23:27 < d3mian> cu huebi 23:30 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit ("Client Exitus") 23:33 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-168-124.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 23:35 -!- rxr [~rene@port-213-20-228-54.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 23:53 < hackbard> re :) 23:55 < d3mian> wb hackbard 23:55 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@dhcp024-210-218-255.woh.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux 23:57 < d3mian> have to go to drink beer and some hours later start a smart work ;) 23:57 < d3mian> cu later guys 23:57 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has quit ("asdf") --- Log closed Thu May 30 00:00:28 2002