--- Log opened Fri Jun 07 00:00:04 2002 --- Day changed Fri Jun 07 2002 00:03 -!- freed [~neerod@pD9001E70.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit () 00:06 < sockmonk> sdem: I'm pretty sure it does, but short on specifics 00:06 < holyolli> <-- away 00:06 < holyolli> good night all together! 00:06 < sockmonk> oops. ww. 00:07 < sockmonk> good night holyolli! 00:07 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has quit ("X-Chat: Time to make the donuts") 00:07 -!- sockmonk [~wsheldahl@moose.qx.net] has left #rocklinux () 00:08 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@dhcp024-210-218-255.woh.rr.com] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 00:22 < d3mian> cu guys 00:22 -!- d3mian [~user1@] has left #rocklinux ("asdf") 00:51 < bluefire> Good night 00:52 < tsa> cu bluefire 00:52 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1C511.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 01:24 -!- lizard [~lizard@pD9048F1D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 02:00 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@dhcp024-210-218-255.woh.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux 02:13 < tsa> n8 02:13 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9525193.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 03:01 -!- SamBozo [~SamBozo@adsl206.wcc.net] has joined #rocklinux 03:25 -!- hackbard_ [~hackbard@pD9E0A784.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 03:38 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD9E0A90D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: hackbard_!~hackbard@pD9E0A784.dip.t-dialin.net))) 03:59 -!- SamBozo is now known as SamBozo-afk 04:03 -!- clifford [~clifford@M143P022.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 04:06 -!- clifford [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux 04:12 -!- hackbard_ [~hackbard@pD9E0A784.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 05:06 -!- SamBozo-afk is now known as SamBozo 05:32 -!- SamBozo is now known as SamBozo-afk 05:33 -!- SamBozo-afk [~SamBozo@adsl206.wcc.net] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 06:08 < huebi> moin 07:30 < coldie> morning 07:49 < huebi> moin coldie ;-) 07:57 < coldie> the Korea Telecom guy promised my ADSL line would be fixed today 07:58 < huebi> coldie: Are you back home now? 08:05 < coldie> home.kr 08:05 < coldie> real home is home.au 08:05 < coldie> but I work in Korea so spend more time here than there 08:05 < huebi> Ah Ok. Now I see it a little bit more clearly. Thank you. 08:06 < huebi> I'm at work. And go to LinuxTag tonight. 08:06 < coldie> ah cool - if armijn's there say hi for me? 08:07 < huebi> coldie: He won't be there. But if I meet him next I'll do it ;-) 08:15 < coldie> thx :) 08:15 * coldie misses Europe 09:04 -!- [anders] [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has joined #rocklinux 09:04 < [anders]> morning... 09:30 < huebi> morning [anders] ;-) 09:32 < [anders]> hi huebi, how's it hangning? 09:32 < [anders]> :) 09:33 < [anders]> hanging even.. (need to learn to spell better..) 09:33 < huebi> o_O. Much work. More and more ducumentation. I hate it. 09:34 < huebi> aspell plugin for irssi is a good idea ;-) 09:34 < [anders]> in xchat at the moment.. :) 09:35 < [anders]> I use irssi most of the time, but when at work, xchat is easier... 09:35 * [anders] is following the football in japan at the moment.. sort of an important game right now... ;-) 09:36 < huebi> irssi runs in a screen session on www.rocklinux.de. And here the firewall does not have any open ports. transconnect is the solution. 09:37 < [anders]> yeah.. once I get a box running at home via ADSL I will be using irssi in a screen session.. :) 09:38 < huebi> Solaris 8, Veritas Volume Manager, E4500. Fully documented for beginners. 09:38 < [anders]> huebi: you have my sympathy.. :) 09:39 < huebi> [anders]: And have a sshd on port 443 on your box. Then you can use ssh with transconnect over https of a web proxy ;-) 09:40 < [anders]> hehehe... very true.. :) 09:48 < [anders]> but here they use a PIX and only 80/443 really is blocked from going straight out. 09:50 < [anders]> 2-1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 10:03 < huebi> bbl. VERITAS Configuration quick instructions are held by me now ;-)) 10:07 < rxr> moin 10:21 < praenti> hi huebi 10:22 < praenti> huebi: da? 10:29 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 10:29 < netcrow> r3 10:38 -!- [anders] [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has quit ("[x]chat") 10:45 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("leaving") 10:47 -!- [anders] [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has joined #rocklinux 11:16 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux 11:16 < Ge0rG> hi 11:35 < th> hi Ge0rG 11:35 < th> Ge0rG: gut in KA angekommen? 11:35 < Ge0rG> th: japps, war auch schon aufm rocklinux-stand 11:35 < th> und? 11:35 < th> hast du huebi getroffen? 11:36 < Ge0rG> th: huebi wird erst noch erwartet :] 11:36 < th> ahja 11:38 < esden> morning! 11:51 -!- Ge0rG is now known as ge0rg 11:56 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD9E0A784.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:57 < hackbard> moin 11:59 < esden> moin hackbard 12:03 -!- ge0rg is now known as Ge0rG 12:04 -!- lizard [~lizard@pD90485ED.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:07 -!- clifford_ [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux 12:07 -!- clifford [~clifford@] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 12:10 < rxr> hi hackbard 12:12 < th> Ge0rG: huebi baut uebrigens auch das 486er iso ;) 12:13 < Ge0rG> th: ich hab mir schon erklären lassen, wie ich das selbst machen kann 12:14 < th> hehe jo. musst halt nur alle sourcen zusammenkriegen 12:14 < Ge0rG> über boerde dauert das wohl ne weile 12:14 < Ge0rG> hier aufm LT muss ich alles was nicht http ist, über ssh raustunneln. beim ircen ist mir das nur recht, beim CVS macht das aber stress ;) 12:15 < th> pserver? 12:21 -!- term_emu [~pm@pD958B3F5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:23 -!- term_emu [~pm@pD958B3F5.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit) 12:44 < huebi> hi all. Kurze Pause hier ;-) 12:44 < coldie> noo, german encryption 12:45 * coldie fires up babelfish 12:49 < th> hey coldie... 12:50 < th> hey auch huebi 12:54 < esden> huebi: hi ... wir brauchen eine din tastatur ... und dich ;-) so schnell wie mueglich !!! ;-{ 12:54 < esden> :-) 12:55 < esden> huebi: when will you be here ? 12:55 < esden> I mean on lxtag 12:58 < huebi> hi esden 12:58 < huebi> hi th 12:58 < huebi> coldie: I take a short pause here ;-) 12:59 < huebi> esden: I come tonight and bring the CD-burner PC 12:59 < huebi> esden: Latest tomorrow morning I will be there. 13:00 < huebi> (-: I'm not all the time watching this window. Many people are looking over my shoulders most of the time :-) 13:01 < th> huebi: where are you? 13:02 < coldie> I know that feeling 13:02 < coldie> the koreans like to check up on what I'm doing 13:03 < coldie> funnily enough they are quite happy if I have MSN messenger running in vmware, but if they see an IRC window they get a little bit twitchy 13:03 < coldie> (stuff in terminals freaks them out) :) 13:03 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux 13:04 < armijn> re 13:04 * armijn polls huebi 13:05 < armijn> huebi: I haven't seen the 1.5.15 sourcesCD yet 13:06 < armijn> hmm....id it LinuxTag now? 13:15 < coldie> mmm, pizza on its way 13:16 -!- term_emu [~pm@p50818EF0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:16 < term_emu> re 13:16 < coldie> wb 13:29 < hackbard> re 13:29 < coldie> hi hackbard 13:29 < hackbard> hi coldie 13:29 < hackbard> ur on lxtag? 13:30 < armijn> coldie on linuxtag? yeah, right... 13:30 < hackbard> hi armijn 13:30 < armijn> hi 13:30 < armijn> huebi needs to send me the 1.5.15 sources 13:30 < hackbard> armijn, do you join it? 13:30 < armijn> nah, am in .nl 13:30 < hackbard> huebi is quite busy at th emoment i guess 13:30 < hackbard> okay 13:31 < hackbard> the poor guy has to work and also does a lot of organizational stuff .. 13:31 < armijn> where? 13:32 < armijn> I thought he was at linuxtag 13:32 < hackbard> not yet i think, nor? 13:32 < hackbard> maybe, dunno ;( 13:32 < hackbard> argh 13:32 < hackbard> ;) 13:32 < armijn> yeah, I think I'm gonna switch buildings 13:33 < hackbard> rxr, how is sleeping in the gym? 13:33 < armijn> MS keyboard is killing my wrists 13:33 < hackbard> hehe 13:33 < armijn> will be back later 13:33 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux () 13:59 < esden> huebi: welches iso sollten wir hier verteilen auf lxtag ? 13:59 < esden> dass 1.5.16 ? 14:32 < rxr> hackbard: duno - I slept in esden/fakes's hotel room ... 14:32 < rxr> and I seem to forgot my ISO-Matte ... :-((( 14:32 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 14:32 < hackbard> :)) 14:33 < hackbard> if you like i can bring another one 14:33 < hackbard> but i assume you prefer the hotel room :)) 14:33 < rxr> hackbard: It would indeed be very nice if you could bring one for me ;-) 14:34 < rxr> I think I can not sleep in the room every night ... 14:39 < hackbard> roger 14:39 * hackbard searchin 2nd isomatte 14:46 < hackbard> i got a gymnastikmatte for u, but its propably more comfortable even .. 15:00 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux 15:00 < Ge0rG> re 15:06 -!- term_emu [~pm@p50818EF0.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out) 15:09 < th> hat mal jemand ein tcp-server code-sniplet da? 15:09 < th> bin zu faul mir das wieder zusammenzusuchen 15:09 < th> so mit listen,bind,socket etc 15:12 < th> okok schon klar... 15:19 -!- rxr [~rene@port-213-20-228-67.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15:20 < th> Ge0rG: 15:21 < th> 12:59:22 < huebi> esden: I come tonight and bring the CD-burner PC 15:21 < th> 12:59:52 < huebi> esden: Latest tomorrow morning I will be there. 15:21 < th> 12:59:22 < huebi> esden: I come tonight and bring the CD-burner PC 15:21 < th> 12:59:52 < huebi> esden: Latest tomorrow morning I will be there. 15:21 < th> outch 15:23 < esden> th ... 15:23 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-175-179.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 15:23 < th> esden: ja? 15:24 < esden> flooder ... flooder *nanananana* *gg* 15:24 < th> alles fuer die stats ;) 15:24 < Ge0rG> hehe... 15:24 < esden> lool ... th die stats gehen nicht ... ich muss die fixen 15:24 < esden> ... 15:24 < Ge0rG> wenns hier stats gibt, muss ich ja auch ma mehr reden 15:24 < th> Ge0rG hat sicher ein hilight auf "stats" 15:25 < esden> huebi: hast du zufoellig eine oder 2 scsi platten ... ich brauche eine fuer die alpha ... und eine fuer den fake ... 15:25 < Ge0rG> achja, die mp3 im topic liefert ein 404 15:25 < th> das hab ich auch schon versucht dem setzer zu sagen 15:25 < esden> wir kriegen auf den kisten keine luft zum rock compilieren ... 15:58 -!- sockmonk [~wsheldahl@moose.qx.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:59 < hackbard> okay, fahr noch zum kumpel, und denn bin ich on the way 15:59 < hackbard> cu later in KA 16:00 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD9E0A784.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 16:07 -!- [anders] [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has quit ("[x]chat") 16:13 -!- Netsplit tenn.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: h0h0, rxr 16:15 -!- Netsplit over, joins: rxr 16:17 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@dhcp024-210-218-255.woh.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux 16:20 < sockmonk> quit 16:20 -!- sockmonk [~wsheldahl@moose.qx.net] has quit ("[BX] Reserve your copy of BitchX-1.0c19 for the Atari 2600 today!") 16:24 -!- simon- [~simon@pD951ED2C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:37 -!- simon [~simon@p508759C5.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16:37 -!- simon- is now known as simon 17:05 -!- clifford_ [~clifford@] has quit ("Client Exiting") 17:56 -!- rxr changed the topic of #rocklinux to: ROCK Linux @ LinuxTag - https://www.rocklinux.org/ 17:56 -!- ChanServ changed the topic of #rocklinux to: Cool Linux: https://www.rocklinux.org/ --- Cool Song: https://www.stateful.net/crypto.mp3 18:14 < Ge0rG> hehe 18:23 < th> hehe 18:26 -!- th changed the topic of #rocklinux to: ROCK Linux @ LinuxTag - https://www.rocklinux.org/ 18:48 -!- Netsplit tenn.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: SMP 18:48 -!- Netsplit over, joins: SMP 18:50 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit ("lan-abschaltung") 19:01 -!- lizard [~lizard@pD90485ED.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("brb") 19:27 < th> hmmm 19:27 < th> ich bin verwirrt 19:27 < th> ACCEPT(2) Linux Programmer's Manual ACCEPT(2) 19:27 < th> this manpage seems to have a mistake in it 19:29 < th> If no pending connections are present on the queue, and the socket is not marked as non-blocking, accept blocks the caller until a connection is present. If the socket is marked non-blocking and no pending connections are present on the queue, accept returns EAGAIN. 19:29 < th> but accept does not return EAGAIN but sets errno to EAGAIN and returns -1 19:37 < huebi> re 19:37 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817FFC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:37 < th> wb huebi 19:38 < huebi> hi th ;-) 19:38 < bluefire> N'abend allesame 19:38 < huebi> hi bluefire 19:45 < esden> re huebi 19:45 < esden> hast du meine nachricht bekommen ? 19:45 < huebi> esden: jo 19:45 < huebi> https://download.rocklinux.de/1.5/1.5.15/rock-intel-i586-base+opt-1.5.15_2002-05-27_02h30.iso 19:45 < esden> ja ... 19:45 < esden> ich meine was anderes 19:46 < huebi> 2Platte? jo 19:46 < huebi> +n 19:46 < huebi> 2x 4GB? Reicht das? 19:46 < esden> ja genau ... die mit 50 poligem stecker 19:46 < esden> ja reicht 19:47 < esden> danke schonmal ... 19:47 < esden> ;-) 19:47 < esden> auch vom fake 19:47 < huebi> geht auch 68-pol? 19:48 < huebi> idee 19:48 < huebi> ! 19:48 < huebi> 2* 8,4 GB. Die bringe ich mit. 50-pol 19:48 < esden> momment ... ich schaue mal kurz nach ... 19:49 < esden> ja ... super 19:49 < esden> danke 19:49 < esden> ! 19:54 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@attila.hrz.uni-bielefeld.de] has joined #rocklinux 19:54 < holyolli> moin 19:54 < esden> moin holyolli 19:54 < esden> lage nicht mehr gesehen ;-) 19:54 < holyolli> hey esden :) 19:58 -!- tsa [~sjaenick@attila.hrz.uni-bielefeld.de] has joined #rocklinux 19:58 < tsa> moin. 20:01 < holyolli> huhu tsa 20:01 < holyolli> tsa: schon halsschmerzen? *duck* 20:01 < tsa> GRRR 20:02 < holyolli> hehehe 20:03 < tsa> hm...wo is der rest hin? 20:03 < tsa> ist so leer hier? 20:03 < holyolli> keine ahnung ;) 20:03 < tsa> ich will wissen, wo die turnhalle is.. 20:03 < tsa> waere sinnvol.. 20:03 < holyolli> tsa: dann lass und schnell die alphas von esden einpacken ;) 20:03 < tsa> +l 20:03 < tsa> hehe 20:04 < tsa> ist der sun-stand unbewacht? ;) 20:04 < holyolli> tsa: hmmm mal schauen 20:04 < tsa> hehe 20:04 < tsa> jajaja 20:05 < tsa> hm... 20:05 < tsa> wat nu? 20:05 < tsa> 0190-ripclaw -- Ruf mich an! 20:05 < tsa> ;-) 20:07 < holyolli> hehe 20:07 < holyolli> genau 20:08 < holyolli> tsa hat doofe ohren! 20:08 < tsa> jaja--- 20:08 < tsa> sei friedlich 20:08 < tsa> hm... 20:08 < tsa> warum is irc hier schawrz-weiss und bei den anderen in bunt? will auch.. 20:09 < tsa> ich installier mal irssi auf attila, mal testen. 20:09 < tsa> hm...couldn't find.. 20:09 < tsa> narf. 20:10 < holyolli> hehe 20:10 < holyolli> apt-get install.. *duck* 20:10 < holyolli> cool. 20:10 < holyolli> esden hat nen highlighting bei sachen in nem * 20:10 < holyolli> *schwupp* 20:10 < holyolli> *doch* 20:10 < holyolli> krass. 20:10 < holyolli> ;( 20:10 < holyolli> ;) even 20:11 < tsa> hehe 20:11 < holyolli> .oO(tsa steht dumm in der gegend rum!) 20:13 < tsa> jaja...is ja gut. 20:14 -!- d3mian [~user1@] has joined #rocklinux 20:14 < d3mian> hi all there 20:14 < tsa> hi d3mian 20:15 < esden> holyolli: du musst halt irssi bunutzen mein freund ;-) 20:15 < esden> hi d3mian 20:16 < huebi> hi d3mian 20:17 < huebi> Werden noch kabel gebraucht? Sind gernuegend Brenner da? 20:20 < holyolli> huhu huebi :) 20:20 < holyolli> hi d3mian 20:21 < holyolli> huebi: irgendwie macht der eine brenner von chris zicken gemacht..aber tsa hat auch noch einen hier 20:21 < holyolli> (und es kann sein, dass der andere nach nem reboot wieder laeuft) 20:22 < huebi> Ich bring morgen einen Doppelbrenner mit. 20:23 < d3mian> umm, rock install or scripts detected that i had a partition mounted in /trg/boot, and it added this line to the fstab, i didnt have to do anything 20:29 < esden> huebi: nachdenk ... 20:30 < esden> ich brauche ein kabel 20:30 < huebi> esden: ok 20:31 < esden> einen centronix auf minicentronix 68 pins 20:31 < esden> damit ich an meine alpha die externe plattenkiste anschliessen kann ... 20:32 < huebi> minisub-D 86pol? 20:32 < esden> ja 20:32 < huebi> ok 20:33 < holyolli> huebi: kannst du mir noch ein bisschen geld mitbringen...? 100.000 euro in bar..nicht durchnumerierte noten... ;) 20:33 < tsa> hehe 20:33 < holyolli> und bitte in einem neutralen alukoffer 20:34 < huebi> holyolli: Gerne, mein Sklave ;-) 20:34 < esden> lol 20:36 < holyolli> hehe 20:36 < tsa> huebi: wann bissu hier? 20:36 < holyolli> tsa: ich bin jetzt hier 20:36 < holyolli> ;) 20:36 < tsa> morgen? 20:37 < huebi> tsa: morgen spaeter vormittag. Ich muss morgens noch nach Limburg 20:38 < tsa> ah...ok 20:38 < tsa> ich denke, wir sollten morgen abend mal alle gemeinsam ein paar bierchen vernichten gehen oder so.. 20:39 < th> bierquaeler! 20:39 < huebi> tsa: hehe 20:39 < holyolli> auf jeden ;) 20:39 < holyolli> hmm 20:39 < holyolli> fake geht ja voll ab hier... 20:40 -!- [anders] [~guest@] has joined #rocklinux 20:40 < holyolli> hej anders 20:41 < [anders]> hej hej... läget? :) 20:41 < d3mian> hi [anders] 20:42 < holyolli> anders: mycket bra...pa linuxtag ;) 21:00 < [anders]> re d3mian 21:00 < [anders]> hehe.. Lots of people there? :) 21:00 < [anders]> din svenska är mycket bra, var har du lärt dig den? 21:00 < holyolli> i stockholm... ;) 21:00 < holyolli> jag har bor i stockholm en halv ar 21:00 < holyolli> (and i only have an english keylayout here....=) 21:00 < [anders]> hehe.. jag har ett UK kbd, men xmodmap är din vän.. ;-) 21:00 < holyolli> *g* det ar riktig. men det har ar en devel-dator ;) 21:00 < [anders]> sant.. skadar inte att ta med sig sina egna konfigurations filer dock.. ;-) 21:00 < holyolli> hehe 21:00 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A7C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 21:00 < holyolli> hi snyke 21:00 < snyke> hi 21:00 < snyke> ja ich schäm mich ja schon ordentlich @ holyolli 21:00 < holyolli> *lol* das mach mal...ab in die channel-ecke ;-) 21:00 < snyke> oder ich tu war-mode laden ;) 21:00 < snyke> joke 21:00 < holyolli> heh 21:00 < holyolli> e 21:00 < esden> re hi all 21:05 -!- sockmonk [~wsheldahl@moose.qx.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:05 < d3mian> wb esden, hi sockmonk 21:07 < tsa> bbl. 21:07 -!- tsa [~sjaenick@attila.hrz.uni-bielefeld.de] has quit ("cu") 21:21 < holyolli> huebi? 21:30 < holyolli> huebi: falls du noch da bist...denk bitte an das display morgen ;) 21:49 < holyolli> so...bin nu wech 21:49 < holyolli> cya 21:49 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@attila.hrz.uni-bielefeld.de] has quit ("Leaving") 22:18 -!- kvak|uninvited [uninvited@pD9E505A7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ROCKLINUX 22:18 < kvak|uninvited> oh hi ! 22:18 < d3mian> hi kvak|uninvited 22:24 < huebi> re 22:25 < d3mian> wb huebi 22:25 < huebi> hi d3mian ;-) 22:27 < kvak|uninvited> damn, wrong irc-net 22:27 < kvak|uninvited> cya all 22:27 -!- kvak|uninvited [uninvited@pD9E505A7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Leaving towards earth !") 22:27 < d3mian> cu 22:33 -!- sockmonk [~wsheldahl@moose.qx.net] has quit ("Error: Brain cells burned out. Abort.") 23:01 -!- aszlig [~aszlig@paradome.de] has joined #rocklinux 23:01 < aszlig> hullo 23:02 < d3mian> hi aszlig 23:08 < huebi> moin aszlig 23:10 < aszlig> hullo 23:11 < aszlig> huebi: linuxtage? biste grad? 23:12 < huebi> aszlig: nee, morgen vormittag erst ;-) 23:13 < aszlig> huebi: kewl! ich auch ;) 23:32 -!- freed [~kgfshjk@B4336.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 23:32 < freed> hi 23:32 < d3mian> hi freed 23:37 < th> how to avoid defunct processes when forking? 23:37 < th> close() is not enough? 23:37 < th> anyone able to give hints? 23:42 < th> hmm i need to wait() 23:46 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A7C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit ("Killed ([-ShaD-] (HateKill (You got yourself a K-Line. Have fun.)))") 23:50 -!- d3mian is now known as d3m|an 23:59 < th> now i see the sense of SIGCHLD --- Log closed Sat Jun 08 00:00:15 2002