--- Log opened Sun Jun 09 00:00:33 2002 --- Day changed Sun Jun 09 2002 00:06 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 00:18 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A53.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit ("°ShowDowN v12 PrO° since 1996: https://www.sci.fi/~showdown/") 01:15 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817EF2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 01:15 < bluefire> re 01:46 -!- term_aweh [~pm@pD9E3361D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("zz") 03:00 -!- hack^ka [~hackbard@port-213-20-224-140.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 03:47 -!- hack^ka [~hackbard@port-213-20-224-140.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit ("Client Exiting") 04:35 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817EF2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05:06 < th> 05:07 < th> n8 07:37 -!- lizard [~lizard_ir@pD904844C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09:40 -!- ramblingfool [~mjwhaite@c-24-127-92-244.we.client2.attbi.com] has joined #rocklinux 09:40 < ramblingfool> hello 09:45 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux 09:45 < Ge0rG> good morning 09:46 < ramblingfool> hmmm it is morning isn't it? 09:46 < ramblingfool> time flies 09:49 < Ge0rG> at least I slept some hours ago 09:53 < ramblingfool> ummmm 09:54 < ramblingfool> I've just started reading on this, so bear with the idiot, aside from the optimization and build options, what is the real benifit of rock linux? 09:56 < Ge0rG> ramblingfool: oh, I'm not using rock actively, I'm just waiting for someone 09:57 < ramblingfool> too bad 09:58 < ramblingfool> I don't have the hardware to just play with everything that caught my attention 09:58 < ramblingfool> I was kind of hoping to be convinced 10:00 < Ge0rG> all the developers are on the linuxtag in karlsruhe, germany... they should be here real soon now ;) 10:00 < ramblingfool> ah 10:05 < rxr> re 10:13 -!- hack^ka [~hackbard@nat-ext-r22.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de] has joined #rocklinux 10:39 -!- uninvited [uninvited@pD9590085.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ROCKLINUX 10:39 < uninvited> hi 10:43 < ramblingfool> allo 10:43 -!- ramblingfool [~mjwhaite@c-24-127-92-244.we.client2.attbi.com] has quit ("Trillian (https://www.ceruleanstudios.com)") 10:44 -!- uninvited [uninvited@pD9590085.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Leaving towards earth !") 10:47 -!- hack^ka [~hackbard@nat-ext-r22.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de] has quit ("Client Exiting") 11:01 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A57.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 11:01 < snyke> hi all 11:01 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@attila.hrz.uni-bielefeld.de] has joined #rocklinux 11:01 < holyolli> moin 11:03 < snyke> hi holyolli 11:07 < aszlig> holyolli: hullo :P 11:08 < aszlig> holyolli: sit down and speak :P 11:12 < holyolli> hehe 11:12 < holyolli> hi aszlig 11:12 < holyolli> hi snyke 11:32 < holyolli> fnord 11:44 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux 11:51 < snyke> hi aszlig :) 12:13 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit ("you know, geeks are at their best late at night...") 12:36 < fake> mornin 12:36 * fake <- instant programmer - just add coffee. 12:49 < snyke> hehe 12:55 < holyolli> *fg* 12:55 < holyolli> fake: ist denn der kaffee fertig? 13:08 < fake> jo. 13:16 -!- [anders] [~guest@] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13:20 < Ge0rG> fake: is huebi schon da? 13:21 < holyolli> ja 13:21 < holyolli> (ge0rg) 13:21 < Ge0rG> oh, cool 13:22 * Ge0rG kommt gleich rüber :) 13:23 < holyolli> erm 13:23 < holyolli> aber huebi ist grad irgendwie unterwegs 13:25 < Ge0rG> *g* 13:25 < holyolli> re georg ;-) 13:29 * Ge0rG kommt nochmal rüber... :) 13:36 < Ge0rG> so. ich mach mich vom acker 13:36 < holyolli> machs gut :) 13:36 < holyolli> gute heimfahrt ;) 13:37 < Ge0rG> holyolli: danke :) 13:37 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit ("KA->MD in Rekordzeit") 13:52 < th> re 13:52 < th> aehm 13:53 < th> holyolli: hat georg sich nun mit huebi getroffen? 13:55 -!- tsa [~sjaenick@attila.hrz.uni-bielefeld.de] has joined #rocklinux 13:55 < tsa> re. 13:55 < holyolli> re tsa 13:55 < tsa> jo. 13:56 < th> 13:53:04 < th> holyolli: hat georg sich nun mit huebi getroffen? 13:56 < tsa> hi th 13:57 < th> hi tsa 13:57 < fake> esden faellt grade ueber huebi her 13:57 < th> fake: hat sich georg nun mit huebi getroffen? 13:57 < th> fake: und wann ist er nun eigentlich angekommen? 13:58 < tsa> huebi? 13:58 < th> ja 13:58 < holyolli> re 13:58 < tsa> vor 2 stunden oder so.. 13:58 < th> hehe 13:58 < tsa> ;) 13:59 < th> grmpf 14:00 < tsa> hm? 14:00 < th> huebi hatte die javastations nicht mit :-( 14:01 < tsa> jo, ich weiss.... 14:02 < tsa> bbl. 14:02 < tsa> vortrag 14:09 -!- tsa [~sjaenick@attila.hrz.uni-bielefeld.de] has quit ("und wech...") 14:30 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@attila.hrz.uni-bielefeld.de] has quit ("Leaving") 14:51 < fake> damn lag 16:28 -!- simon- [~simon@pD9E1D83F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:31 -!- [anders] [~guest@] has joined #rocklinux 16:37 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD9E4966A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:37 < thalerim> hi 16:40 -!- simon [~simon@p50875737.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16:40 < thalerim> is this bug (https://online.securityfocus.com/advisories/4120) fixed already? 16:41 -!- simon- is now known as simon 16:44 < thalerim> seems to be not 16:47 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD9E4966A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("taking a shower") 17:37 -!- coldie [jeff@warande3094.warande.uu.nl] has quit ("switching servers") 17:38 -!- coldie [jeff@xar.sliepen.eu.org] has joined #rocklinux 18:49 -!- uninvited [uninvited@pD9E506E7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ROCKLINUX 18:49 < uninvited> Hello all ! 19:10 -!- uninvited [uninvited@pD9E506E7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19:30 -!- [anders] [~guest@] has quit ("[x]chat") 20:18 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs4.xs4all.nl] has joined #rocklinux 20:18 -!- lizard [~lizard@pD904855A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:48 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs4.xs4all.nl] has quit ("leaving") 21:09 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD9523D64.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:11 < hackbard> re 21:33 -!- lizard [~lizard@pD904855A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 21:36 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p50813574.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:36 < thalerim> hello 21:52 -!- uninvited [uninvited@p50802CD2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ROCKLINUX 21:52 < thalerim> abend uninvited 21:52 < uninvited> Guten Abend th ! 21:55 < th> nabend uninvited 21:55 < th> uninvited: deine tab-ergaenzung spinnt 21:55 < thalerim> noe :-P 21:56 < thalerim> er hat nur t gedrückt 21:56 < thalerim> erm, ich meine teingegeben und dann gedrückt 21:57 < thalerim> und da du vor mir kommst... 21:57 < thalerim> ./nick thz 21:57 < thalerim> ;-) 21:57 < uninvited> Oh sorry. Hab euch verwechsbuchstabelt. ;-) 21:57 < uninvited> TAB ergänzung ? 21:57 < uninvited> ;-) 21:58 < uninvited> Unter win ? *GGG* 21:58 < thalerim> Ich Tarzan 21:58 < thalerim> - th jane 21:59 < uninvited> lol 21:59 * thalerim is listening to Eichenschild - Feuertanz 22:01 < uninvited> Ich wünschte es würde jemand ne möglichkeit finden copy&paste zu machen, wenn man an einem Monitor zwei Rechner angeschlossen hat um beim Umschalten pasten zu können...*schwelg* 22:02 < thalerim> wär nicht wirklich schwer zu schreiben 22:02 < thalerim> naja, obwohl *g* 22:02 -!- Freak [~freak@p508395E5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:03 < Freak> hi there 22:03 < uninvited> Hiya 22:03 < Freak> anyone back from LT? 22:04 < thalerim> noe 22:04 < Freak> is detn deutscha tschen oda wat 22:04 < thalerim> die sind schon alle in der heiha :-> 22:04 < Freak> (: 22:04 < Freak> hehe 22:04 < Freak> naja ich bin jedenfalls grade zurückgekommen.. 22:05 < thalerim> egntlich ne, oba wenn eh keina spricht, donn sprech ma ebn deitsch 22:05 < Freak> und isch hab fotos vom vortrag im forum 22:05 < Freak> allerdings nich von eurem stand, sorry 22:05 < thalerim> skalpiert ihn! 22:05 < Freak> hmm so I better go on speaking english, I don't want to offend someone 22:05 < Freak> whom? 22:05 < thalerim> ahwa, die meisten sind eh deutsche 22:06 < Freak> hm 22:06 < Freak> nich der herr H.. H.. Hamilton und die Frau Yo. 22:06 < Freak> (: 22:06 < Freak> (iirc) 22:06 < thalerim> die sin ne do 22:07 < Freak> sen di amol do odr garnet? 22:07 < Freak> (war det jetz zuviel schwäbisch?) 22:08 < thalerim> ei, wies beliebt - hom anscheinend zuvie zu tu als desse hierher komme würde 22:09 < Freak> ich hab die ja leider beim Social Event nich rein lassen dürfen, musste sie warten lassen, weil sie keine Eintrittskarten dabei hatten (die armen, ich hoffe die nehmen das nich persönlich.. :) 22:09 < thalerim> dafür wirste noch verhauen, verlass dich drauf 22:09 < Freak> hehehe 22:09 < thalerim> huebi hat z.B. ne schläger-kuh 22:10 < thalerim> kommt wohl vom vielen kiffen 22:10 < Freak> hm was machen die beiden denn eigentlich.. ich denke dass Mr. Hamilton auf jeden Fall Entwickler is.. aber.. 22:11 < thalerim> was solle die scho machen: Essen, Schlafen und Fick0rn 22:11 -!- term_emu [~pm@pD958B014.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:11 -!- term_emu is now known as term_aweh 22:11 < thalerim> eben die drei tugenden des Lebens :-> 22:12 < Freak> hrm 22:12 < Freak> danke 22:13 < thalerim> kein problem 22:13 < Freak> dafür kriegste halt die url net ;P 22:14 < thalerim> (oO) 22:14 < thalerim> _()_ 22:14 < thalerim> (c)userfriendly.org 22:15 < thalerim> warum ne? 22:15 < Freak> weil du so nützliche antworten gibst 22:16 < thalerim> paradox 22:17 < thalerim> _sehr_ paradox 22:22 < uninvited> Definiere paradox 22:23 < thalerim> das willst du nicht wirklich *g+ 22:23 < uninvited> Eigentlich schon, ansonsten wuerde ich die Bitte nicht äussern. ;-) 22:23 < snyke> uaaa 22:24 < snyke> hi uninvited 22:24 < thalerim> okay, paradox von gr. para und dokein/doxa/dogma 22:24 < thalerim> um nicht zu weit auszuschweifen, es heißt zuviel wie "wider Erwarten" 22:25 < thalerim> und sein heutiger Sinne ist vor allem "wiedersprüchlich" 22:25 < thalerim> reicht das ? 22:29 < uninvited> Hmmmm, na also vorzeitig ins Bett kriegt du mich damit nicht - aber ich lass es durchgen, ok ? *G* 22:31 < snyke> lol 22:31 < snyke> hm 227 user 22:34 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p50813574.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("bbl") 22:45 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A57.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit ("°ShowDowN v12 PrO° since 1996: https://www.sci.fi/~showdown/") 22:59 < uninvited> tescht 23:16 -!- uninvited [uninvited@p50802CD2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Leaving towards earth !") 23:30 -!- lizard [~lizard@pD90485A6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux --- Log closed Mon Jun 10 00:00:02 2002