--- Log opened Tue Jun 11 00:00:39 2002 --- Day changed Tue Jun 11 2002 00:00 < tsa> tomik: hehe 00:01 < tsa> fake: you don't have to. and i already found out how it happened.. 00:01 < tsa> those bookmarklets seem to be automagically collected. 00:02 <+fake> i know. if you browse a pr0n site often it gets bookmarked ;) 00:02 < tsa> seem so. since i don't browse porn sites, it probably was one of those damn popups from warez sites.. 00:03 <+fake> oooof cooourseee....... 00:03 * fake just kiddin' around 00:03 < tsa> hehe....i know 00:03 <+fake> und ich geh etz in die heia. 00:03 < tsa> na denn nacht. 00:03 <+fake> morgen wieder scheiss suckendes fickendes ekliges PHP kotzen 00:03 < huebi> nacht fake ;-) 00:07 < the][owl> g8 00:07 < holyolli> n8 fake 00:08 -!- the][owl [~mail-spam@B5496.pppool.de] has quit ("God is real. Unless declared integer.") 00:20 < holyolli> cya tomorrow 00:20 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has quit ("X-Chat: Mr. Rogers uses X-Chat. Won't you be my neighbor?") 00:37 -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p50802EB1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("nite") 00:38 < rxr> re 00:38 * rxr back in Berlin ;-) 00:42 < lizard> welcome back rxr, how was lxtag ? 00:44 < d3mian> wb rxr 00:44 < rxr> lizard: Hi! 00:44 < rxr> LinuxTag was really great! 00:44 < lizard> I saw some pictures 00:44 < tsa> hi rxr 00:45 < rxr> I shaked the hands with Alan Cox and Tom Schwaller ;-)! 00:45 < rxr> tsa: hi! 00:45 < d3mian> cool :) 00:45 < rxr> tsa: In Bielefeld laufen aber seltsame Penner rum ... 00:45 < tsa> hehe 00:45 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux 00:45 < tsa> re holyolli 00:45 < holyolli> re 00:46 < rxr> ich musste nur 8 Minutes warten - aber waerenddessen hat so einer versucht stdaendig Bier vor mir zu bekommen ... 00:46 < holyolli> huebi? 00:46 < rxr> hi holyolli 00:46 < holyolli> huhu rxr 00:46 < huebi> hi rxr 00:46 < huebi> hi holyolli 00:46 < tsa> rxr: mach mal bitte patches fuer jack und exim klar...ich will weiter builden.. ;) 00:46 < rxr> hi huebi ;-) 00:46 < holyolli> huebi: ich glaube, bei 1.5.16 sind noch ein paar grössere fehler... 00:46 < holyolli> I have no name!@snoopy:~$ id holyolli 00:46 < holyolli> id: holyolli: No such user 00:47 < holyolli> 00:47 < rxr> tsa: Bin zwar erst vor 30 min angekommen - aber -> ACK ;-) 00:47 < tsa> ok..fein 00:47 < holyolli> der user ist angelegt und kann auf per ssh auf die kiste connecten 00:47 < tsa> holyolli: alpha? 00:47 < holyolli> tsa: ja. aber scripte sind eigendlich arch-unabhängig 00:47 < tsa> evtl ein problem des ports? "compilier" != "laeuft" 00:47 < holyolli> oder? ;-) 00:48 < holyolli> tsa: mit denselben scripten? 00:48 < tsa> /usr/bin/id 00:48 < tsa> ist binary 00:48 < rxr> lizard: photos at: https://www.rocklinux.org/people/jocelyn/linuxtag02/linuxtag02.html 00:48 < holyolli> das wäre ein wenig seltsam 00:48 < tsa> holyolli: noe, nicht wirklich. 00:48 < tsa> was sagt ltrace? 00:49 < lizard> rxr: yeah, danke :) 00:49 < holyolli> ltrace: command not found 00:49 < holyolli> ;-) 00:49 < tsa> bitte? 00:49 < tsa> es gibt kein ltrace in 1.5.16? 00:49 < holyolli> doch. ltrace läuft nicht unter alpha 00:49 < holyolli> aber das problem ist ein anderes 00:50 < holyolli> das das ist mir auch unter intel schon passiert: 00:50 < tsa> ja. du hast kein ltrace, vermutlich auch kein strace und kannst nicht debuggen? 00:50 < holyolli> root@snoopy:~# cd /var/db/ 00:50 < holyolli> root@snoopy:/var/db# ls 00:50 < holyolli> . .. Makefile 00:50 < holyolli> root@snoopy:/var/db# make 00:50 < holyolli> passwd... done. 00:50 < holyolli> group... done. 00:50 < holyolli> protocols... done. 00:50 < holyolli> rpc... idone. 00:50 < holyolli> services... d holyodone. 00:50 < holyolli> shadow... done. 00:50 < holyolli> root@snoopy:/var/db# id holyolli 00:50 < holyolli> uid=1000(holyolli) gid=100(users) groups=100(users) 00:50 < holyolli> root@snoopy:/var/db# 00:50 < holyolli> 00:50 < tsa> welche glibc? 00:50 < holyolli> strace ist mit drauf 00:50 < holyolli> (und tut auch) 00:50 < tsa> /var/db/Makefile ist von glibc 2.1.x 00:51 < holyolli> glibc 2.2.5 00:51 < tsa> soviel dazu. 00:51 < holyolli> und warum tut es jetzt? 00:52 < holyolli> (und warumm trat _genau_ _derselbe_ fehler bei 1.5.x unter intel auf???) 00:52 < tsa> grep passwd /etc/nsswitch.conf 00:52 < holyolli> passwd: db files 00:53 < tsa> sollte ok sein. 00:53 < tsa> dann nimm dir eben den strace vor. 00:53 < tsa> vergiss -f nicht. 00:54 < holyolli> und was soll ich mit strace vornehmen? passwd oder was? 00:54 < tsa> id 00:54 < huebi> n8 00:54 < holyolli> erm 00:54 < holyolli> id klappt jetzt 00:54 < holyolli> also daher kann man da den fehler auch nicht mehr finden 00:55 < tsa> aendere nsswitch.conf auf "files db" 00:56 < tsa> und schmeiss in /var/db die db-files weg. 00:56 < holyolli> hm. 00:57 < tsa> wenn es dann wieder kaputt ist, hat dein alpha-port ein glibc-problem und ich wuensche dir jetzt schon viel spass ;) 00:57 < holyolli> scheisse. 00:57 < tsa> und? 00:57 < holyolli> nein. nun klappt es problemlos 00:57 < tsa> nscd? 00:57 < holyolli> das einzige prob ist "nur" noch, dass die permissions unter /etc im arsch sind 00:57 < holyolli> also viel zu restriktiv 00:58 < holyolli> root@snoopy:/var/db# su - holyolli 00:58 < holyolli> I have no name!@snoopy:~$ 00:58 < holyolli> 00:58 < holyolli> (mal so als kleine kostprobe =) 00:58 < tsa> ls -l /etc/HOSTNAME 00:58 < holyolli> erm. ganz etc ist permissionmässig im argen 00:59 < fronti> moin 00:59 < holyolli> GNARF. durch die !"§$/&% permissions ist auch passwd nicht mehr lesbar 00:59 < rxr> tsa: jack fixed 00:59 < rxr> == 06/11/02 00:59:22 =[9]=> Finished building package jack. 00:59 < tsa> rxr: fein. patch bitte auch per mail an mich. 01:00 < rxr> jups wenn ich exim auch gefixt habe gehen die raus ... 01:01 < tsa> ok. 01:02 < rxr> tsa: prinzipjell tut exim build hier - ausser das exim laeuft und ich deshalb: > cp: cannot create regular file `/usr/bin/exim-4.04-1': Text file busy bekomme 01:02 * tsa sieht lauter cvs-directories in den alpha-packages.. 01:02 < rxr> vielleicht ein make -jX (X > 1) prob ? 01:02 < holyolli> ja..? 01:03 < tsa> holyolli: wieso wird das cvs-krams mit ins binary-packages gepackt? das ist doch kaese.. 01:03 < holyolli> liegt an den build-scripten, die kopieren einfach alles... 01:04 < tsa> rxr: 01:04 < d3mian> nice pics about lxtag, is there a summary about stuff made in lxtag? 01:04 < tsa> make[1]: *** No rule to make target `pcre/libpcre.a', needed by `exim'. Stop. 01:04 < tsa> make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... 01:04 < tsa> make[2]: Entering directory `/R.src/exim-4.04/build-Linux-i386/auths' 01:04 < tsa> make[2]: *** No rule to make target `../config.h', needed by `b64encode.o'. Sto 01:04 < tsa> p. 01:04 < tsa> make[2]: Leaving directory `/R.src/exim-4.04/build-Linux-i386/auths' 01:05 < tsa> ich teste mal -j1 01:05 < rxr> tsa: jups :;-) 01:07 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has quit ("X-Chat: For a good time, call 1-900-4X-Chat") 01:07 < rxr> d3mian: https://www.rocklinux.org/mailing-list/rock-linux/2002-6/17.html 01:07 < hack^afk> n8 01:07 < tsa> cu hack^afk 01:07 < tsa> == 06/11/02 01:07:29 =[3]=> Finished building package exim. 01:07 < tsa> make problem. 01:07 < rxr> ok 01:07 < rxr> ich sende die patches zu cliff ... 01:09 < tsa> ok. 01:09 < tsa> ich baue dann weiter, wenn ich den jack-fix habe 01:09 < tsa> und nun erstmal pennen. 01:09 < tsa> n8 * 01:10 < rxr> cu tsa 01:10 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E11A30.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 01:10 < rxr> der jack fix ist aber simpel 01:10 < rxr> ah ok - dann spaeter ... 01:11 < d3mian> thx rxr 01:11 -!- hack^afk [~hackbard@p508077C5.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 01:22 < d3mian> install shell will be implemented on scripting? 01:41 < rxr> d3mian: yes - this was cliff's idea. I'm not sure if this will work that great .... 01:42 < d3mian> umm, ok, i hope 01:43 < d3mian> i was seeing a c designed web browser, named dillo, it's is a light graphic browser 01:43 < d3mian> it is on sourceforge if some of you want to see it 01:44 < lizard> d3mian: url? 01:44 < d3mian> umm, you could search @ sourceforge 01:44 < d3mian> :) 01:44 < d3mian> im a bit busy 01:48 * lizard taking a look at 01:48 < lizard> [01:10] < rxr> cu tsa 01:49 < lizard> huch 01:49 < lizard> fuck cut&paste 01:49 < lizard> https://telia.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/dillo/dillo-0.6.4.tar.gz 01:49 < d3mian> this browser is simple, it doesnt use gtk 01:49 < d3mian> just C 01:51 < rxr> ^- the last two lined dunno make sense ... 01:53 < d3mian> what da you mean rene? 01:53 < d3mian> umm, is doesnt work with frames 01:53 < d3mian> s/is/it 01:53 < rxr> it uses Gtk. And unlike C, Gtk+ is not a programming language ... 01:53 < lizard> sorry, rxr. gdm's fault :/ 01:54 < d3mian> https://parana.ic-itcr.ac.cr/~jonvargas/dilo1.jpg 01:54 < rxr> and C is not a garuantee to produce fast and small binaries ... 01:55 < rxr> Forbidden 01:55 < lizard> but it may be a good reference for browser design 01:55 < d3mian> https://dillo.cipsga.org.br/ 01:55 < lizard> forbidden? 01:55 < lizard> strange 01:55 < rxr> Dillo is mainly based on GTK+ (GNOME is NOT required!) 01:55 * lizard taking a look 01:56 < d3mian> mom 01:56 < rxr> "reference" - I guess not ... 01:56 < rxr> But no new flame-war again ... 01:57 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1C145.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 01:57 < rxr> Add support for frames 01:57 < rxr> *lol* 01:57 < d3mian> maybe 01:58 * rxr closing Konqui - which displayed the dillo site ... 01:58 < d3mian> umm, the apache is not wrking here :( 02:05 < d3mian> https://www.hackdaworld.dyndns.org/~demian/dilo1.jpg 02:05 < d3mian> https://www.hackdaworld.dyndns.org/~demian/dilo2.jpg 02:07 < d3mian> hehe, dilo2.jpg was wrong 02:08 < fronti> d3mian: or you want to post a xv screen :) 02:08 < tomik> ah well 02:08 < tomik> dildo project .) 02:09 < lizard> lol 02:10 < d3mian> https://www.hackdaworld.dyndns.org/~demian/dilo2.jpg -> updated ;) 02:11 < fronti> d3mian: ok, better and it look nice 02:12 < d3mian> no frame-support 02:12 < d3mian> so, this is bad, try any frame site 02:13 < d3mian> the tools bars could be floating, away from browser window 02:13 < tomik>

stupid error: frames are not supported, falling back to links

02:15 < d3mian> *g 02:15 < rxr> n8 02:15 < d3mian> cu rxr 02:19 < fronti> n8 rxr 02:24 < d3mian> nahh, i'll wait for a more improved dillo package (with frame support), i still with galeon 02:25 -!- th_ [th@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux 02:25 -!- th [th@rocklinux.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 02:26 -!- SMP_ [stefanp@world.WRonline.de] has joined #rocklinux 02:26 -!- SMP [stefanp@world.WRonline.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 02:27 -!- lizard [~lizard@pD9048578.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 02:38 -!- d3mian is now known as d3m|brb 03:51 -!- d3m|brb is now known as d3mian 04:49 -!- d3mian is now known as d3m|an 05:06 -!- d3m|an [~death@] has quit ("asdf") 05:22 -!- th [th@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux 05:23 -!- th_ [th@rocklinux.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 07:37 < huebi> moin 07:40 -!- ChanServ changed the topic of #rocklinux to: ROCK Linux @ LinuxTag - https://www.rocklinux.org/ 08:20 -!- Netsplit card.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: rolla, praenti, SMP_, huebi, fronti, netcrow, tomik, simon, fake, blindcoder, (+2 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) 08:23 -!- Netsplit over, joins: rolla 08:25 -!- simon [~simon@p50874CDD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 08:36 -!- fronti [~kliche@zebra.fh-weingarten.de] has joined #rocklinux 08:36 -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 08:36 -!- SMP_ [stefanp@world.WRonline.de] has joined #rocklinux 08:41 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux 08:41 -!- fake [fake@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 08:41 -!- huebi [huebi@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux 08:41 -!- ServerMode/#rocklinux [+v fake] by card.openprojects.net 08:51 -!- th [th@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux 08:51 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 08:51 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-172-233.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 08:51 -!- blindcoder [crash@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 08:58 -!- Netsplit card.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: rolla, praenti, SMP_, netcrow, huebi, fronti, tomik, simon, blindcoder, fake, (+2 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) 09:13 -!- esden [weasel@] has joined #rocklinux 09:13 -!- Topic for #rocklinux: ROCK Linux @ LinuxTag - https://www.rocklinux.org/ 09:13 -!- Topic set by ChanServ [Tue Jun 11 07:40:44 2002] 09:13 (Users #rocklinux) 09:13 [+fake] [ esden] [ huebi] [ tomik] 09:13 -!- Irssi: #rocklinux: Total of 4 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 1 voices, 3 normal] 09:13 -!- Channel #rocklinux created Mon Jun 10 19:05:11 2002 09:13 -!- Irssi: Join to #rocklinux was synced in 7 secs 09:14 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 09:28 -!- esden [weasel@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 09:28 (Users #rocklinux) 09:28 [ aszlig] [ esden] [ simon] 09:28 -!- Irssi: #rocklinux: Total of 3 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 3 normal] 09:28 -!- Channel #rocklinux created Tue Jun 11 09:27:41 2002 09:28 -!- Irssi: Join to #rocklinux was synced in 7 secs 09:30 -!- huebi [huebi@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux 09:30 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 09:30 -!- blindcoder [crash@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 09:30 -!- th [th@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux 09:30 -!- SMP [stefanp@world.wronline.de] has joined #rocklinux 09:30 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-172-233.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 09:42 < huebi> Moep! 09:43 -!- rolla_ [~Der@stlmaisenhel.ugs.com] has joined #rocklinux 09:53 -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 09:54 -!- fronti [~kliche@zebra.fh-weingarten.de] has joined #rocklinux 09:59 -!- [anders] [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has joined #rocklinux 09:59 < [anders]> re 10:03 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:03 < holyolli> re 10:06 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@p508077C5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:06 < hackbard> moin 10:06 < holyolli> moin hackbard 10:07 < hackbard> hi olli ;) 10:12 < huebi> moin @ all 10:12 < huebi> ;-) 10:13 < huebi> Today I'm going to copy the linux and linux-src from drock to 1.5.16. Then I just have to add the sparc64 stuff. 10:13 < holyolli> moin huebi! :) 10:14 < holyolli> huebi: yesterday i had some more big problems with 1.5.16 on alpha :( 10:14 < huebi> Yesterday I did not get a kernel with aic7xxx and sym53c8xx in the kernel. 10:14 < huebi> moin holyolli 10:15 < huebi> holyolli: yes I read the log ;-) 10:15 < holyolli> *g* 10:16 < holyolli> did you encounter similar problems on other machines? 10:16 < huebi> holyolli: no I didn't 10:16 < holyolli> strange. 10:18 < huebi> I still have to get a working new image. After that I have to fix some more CVS directories copied to the Rocklinux system. 10:22 -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:22 < tsa> hi. 10:23 < holyolli> moin tsa 10:25 < tsa> hi holyolli 10:42 < huebi> hi tsa ;-) 10:42 < tsa> hi huebi 10:42 * huebi muss erst mal in den Keller. Wieder Kaputte Hardware ;( 10:43 < tsa> hm... 10:50 < SMP> Moin 10:50 < holyolli> moin smp 10:50 < tsa> hi SMP 10:55 < huebi> hi SMP ;-) 11:00 < tsa> == 06/11/02 11:00:28 =[3]=> Aborted building package jack. 11:00 < tsa> GRRR 11:01 < holyolli> who is jack? 11:01 < tsa> [I] audio connection kit 11:02 < tsa> rxr: dein jack-fix ist broken. 11:02 < tsa> lkjsehfkjsdfhkjdsfhdskjhfsdkj 11:02 < tsa> -[C] library/sound 11:02 < tsa> +[C] libraries/sound 11:03 < tsa> ARGH! 11:03 < tsa> komischer patch. kein wunder.. 11:21 < huebi> 18833 ? D 0:00 \_ insmod sym53c8xx 11:21 < huebi> Alles gut macht der Reboot 11:21 < huebi> brb 11:23 < holyolli> gute idee.. ;-) 11:35 -!- fake [fake@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 11:35 < holyolli> moin fake 11:35 < fake> hm... 11:35 < fake> morgen! 11:39 < tsa> moin fake 11:39 < fake> ohayo, mina! 11:42 < tsa> holyolli: kauf dir nen maintainer fuer dein handle. 11:42 < tsa> holyolli: sonst isses bald wech.. 11:50 < fake> handle? 11:50 < fake> nick 11:50 < fake> oder? 11:52 < tsa> ripe. 11:52 < tsa> wir hatten holyolli's ripe-handle geklaut.. 11:53 < fake> axo. 12:22 < tsa> *gaehn* 12:22 < holyolli> tsa: müde? 12:25 < tsa> nicht wirklich... 12:25 < tsa> aber ne woche schlafen waer schon ok, irgendwie.. 12:26 -!- Freak [~freak@pD9530938.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:26 < holyolli> hi freak 12:26 < rxr> re 12:27 < fake> re 12:28 < Freak> rxr! 12:28 < Freak> alle! 12:28 < Freak> :) 12:28 < Freak> rxr: na, gut angekommen..? 12:29 < Freak> (/me is der typ mit dem fotoapparat & der Frage bzgl. Code-Patches während des Vortrags .. ;) 12:29 < rxr> hi Freak! 12:29 < tsa> hi Freak 12:29 < tsa> re rxr 12:29 < Freak> (: 12:29 < rxr> tsa 2 mails just out .... 12:29 < tsa> dein jack-patch ist ja nur ein austausch von [C] .. 12:29 < tsa> ah. 12:30 < Freak> und sobald ick rausgefunden hab wie Apache::Gallery zum Laufen zu bewegen is, gibts die bilder.. versprochen ;) 12:30 < rxr> jups - damit kompiliert es hier auch - ist noch ein gtk/gnome problem ... - fixe ich nachdem ich an der FH war. 12:30 < rxr> Freak: schoen! 12:30 < Freak> (nur für den Fall dass es dich interessiert) 12:31 < tsa> rxr: bau das --enable-optimize mal ruhig ein.. 12:31 < rxr> Freak: sorry der Vortrag war ein wenig unsortiert - weil wir erst einen Tag vorher bescheit bekommen haben, dass wir etwas Vortragen duerfen ... 12:31 < Freak> wieso.. ich fand ihn interessant 12:31 < rxr> Freak: ah - gut ;-) 12:32 < Freak> du hattest zwar versucht, mir das am Freitagabend(?) zu erklären, kapiert hab ich das aber nicht wirklich.. 12:32 < Freak> der Vortrag war sehr aufschlussreich 12:33 * rxr muss mal zur FH ... cu 12:34 < Freak> das mit dem nicht-kapieren lag aber hauptsächlich an der vielen jolt und dem wenigen schlaf.. 12:34 < Freak> jo cya 12:35 < rxr> ;-) ok bis denn 12:52 -!- uninvited [uninvited@pD9E50E89.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ROCKLINUX 12:52 < uninvited> Moinsen ! 12:52 < holyolli> hi uninvited 12:58 -!- Freak [~freak@pD9530938.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("bbl, installing woody") 12:58 -!- bwocian [~karlnk@ewbf8l1.cm.chello.no] has joined #rocklinux 13:09 < tsa> hi bwocian 13:10 < bwocian> hello 13:11 < holyolli> hi bwocian 13:12 < bwocian> I use rock 1.4.0 13:15 -!- rolla_ [~Der@stlmaisenhel.ugs.com] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 13:19 -!- uninvited [uninvited@pD9E50E89.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13:23 -!- uninvited [uninvited@pD9590ACE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ROCKLINUX 13:23 < uninvited> test 13:24 < tsa> durchgefallen.- 13:24 < tsa> ;) 13:30 < uninvited> Sagt mal: ich hab zwei HDDs. Auf der ersten gibts 2 Partitionen (NTFS/NTFS) und auf der zweiten hab ich eben 2 Partitionen (EXT2/SWAP) erstellt. Wenn ich versuche die EXT2 nach /trg zu mounten bekomme ich eine FM: fs NTFS not supported by kernel. Was kann ich da machen ? 13:30 < tsa> das richtige device nehmen? ;) 13:30 < hackbard> achwas, gleich mke2fs ... ;) 13:30 < hackbard> re 13:30 < tsa> re hack 13:30 < tsa> bard 13:30 < tsa> jo, das auch. 13:31 < hackbard> und, seit ihr alle gut heimgekommen ? 13:31 < tsa> was soll ich auch mit ntfs.. 13:31 < tsa> sicher... 13:31 < uninvited> mount /dev/discs/disc1/part1 /trg 13:31 < uninvited> naja, was du damit sollst weiss ich nicht. Ich wills gerne weiterbenutzen. 13:31 < uninvited> *G* 13:31 < tsa> uninvited: fdisk -l /dev/discs/disc1/disc 13:32 < uninvited> was macht fdisk -l /dev/discs/disc1/disc ? 13:32 < tsa> partitionstabelle der platte anzeigen 13:33 < uninvited> partition 1 1 - x LINUX 13:33 < uninvited> partition 2 x - y LINUX 13:33 < uninvited> beide Typ83 13:34 < fronti> re 13:34 < fake> eine sollte doch 82 sein? swap? 13:34 < uninvited> Stimmt. 13:34 < uninvited> Moment ich check mal. 13:34 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A64.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 13:35 < tsa> danach: file -s /dev/discs/disc1/part1 13:36 < uninvited> was macht file -s ? 13:37 < fake> 's mir auch unbekannt 13:37 < snyke> hi 13:37 < SMP> man file ? 13:38 < uninvited> smp> man file ohne installierte manpages ? 13:38 < fake> file - determine file type 13:38 < hackbard> aber wozu? alles durchchecken und am ende doch neues fs anlegenb? 13:38 < hackbard> *wunder 13:39 < hackbard> mach halt gleich mke2fs .. 13:39 < uninvited> mke2fs auf was ? part1 ? 13:39 < uninvited> Hab ich eben gemacht. 13:39 < SMP> Specifying the -s option causes file to also 13:39 < SMP> read argument files which are block or character special files. 13:39 < SMP> This is useful for determining the filesystem types of the data 13:39 < SMP> in raw disk partitions, which are block special files. 13:40 < fake> This option also causes file to disregard 13:40 < uninvited> smp> danke. 13:40 < fake> the file size as reported by stat(2) since on some 13:40 < fake> systems it reports a zero size for raw disk parti- 13:40 < fake> tions. 13:40 < uninvited> kann file nicht ausfuehren, weil neuinstallation 13:40 -!- rolla__ [~Der@stlmaisenhel.ugs.com] has joined #rocklinux 13:41 < fake> re rolla__ ! 13:45 < tsa> *seufz* 13:46 < tsa> uninvited: find /dev -name part? |xargs mke2fs 13:46 < tsa> ;) 13:53 < th> re 13:54 < tsa> hi th 13:55 * uninvited working 13:57 < tsa> have fun ;) 13:57 * tsa "working", too. 13:57 < tsa> (surfing, playing online chess, ..) 13:57 < tsa> ;-) 13:59 < fake> jaja... 13:59 < holyolli> tsa: du spielst schach...soso ;) 14:05 < hackbard> tsa: was besagt moores gesetz? 14:19 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has quit ("X-Chat: Little. Yellow. Better.") 14:23 -!- term_emu [~pm@p50818E2D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:24 < th> moor? war das nicht TI? 14:24 < hackbard> weiss ni ;) 14:27 < tsa> hackbard: ich bin kein professioneller schachspieler...uns war bloss langweilig, weil heute irgendwie gar nichts los ist... 14:28 < huebi> 13:30 < uninvited> Sagt mal: ich hab zwei HDDs. Auf der ersten gibts 2 Partitionen (NTFS/NTFS) [...] ignorieren! oder dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/2.platte count=5000 14:29 < hackbard> huebi: ein -t ext2 beim mount hat auch geholfen :) 14:29 < hackbard> tsa: ? 14:30 < hackbard> tsa: das steht in deiner ausfuehrung, asynchr. implementierung eines mic proz auf einem fpga :)) 14:30 < huebi> uninvited: die metadaten von ntfs werden noch erkannt. danach dann neu partitionieren. Fehler ist dann weg. Kenne ich auch bei Ex-NT-Rechnern 14:31 < huebi> Moor'sches Gesetz: Alle 2 Jahre verdoppelt sich die Rechnerleistung (oder alle 18 Monate?) IIRC 14:33 < fake> 18 monate, meine ich 14:33 < hackbard> ah 14:34 < hackbard> die beweisfuehrung wuerde mich interessieren .. 14:34 < SMP> hackbard: man glotzt einfach den passenden Graphen an 14:35 < hackbard> ic 14:36 < th> beweis am beispiel sozusagen ;) 14:36 < hackbard> jo, empirisch gefunden sozusagen - und eigentlich viel weniger, denn wer sagt dass das so linear weiter ghet inner zukunft 14:36 < th> linear? 14:37 < hackbard> bei logarithmischer auftragung :)) 14:37 < th> hehe 14:37 < th> bei der richtigen auftragung is doch alles linear ;) 14:37 < hackbard> hehe, stimmt 14:38 < th> also geht es auch auf jeden fall linear weiter. 14:38 < th> die auftragung koennte sich natuerlich aendern ;) 14:39 < hackbard> *lol* 14:39 < fake> *ll* 14:39 < fake> +o 14:42 < huebi> "Funktion ist rauchgebunden. Ist der Rauch 'raus funktioniert's nicht mehr." - Beispiel Zigaretten und CPU's. Laesst sich beliebig erweitern. ;-) 14:49 < tsa> soo...erstmal pizza in den ofen schieben 14:49 < fake> *grml* 14:49 < huebi> tsa: aber nicht den Rauch rauslassen *g* 14:51 < tsa> hehe.. ok 14:56 -!- bwocian [~karlnk@ewbf8l1.cm.chello.no] has quit ("Client Exiting") 14:59 < tsa> huebi: wieviel rauch ist in dir denn so drin? ;-) 14:59 < tsa> oder ist der etwa schon alle? ;) 15:00 < huebi> tsa: Weiss ich nicht. Allgemeine Untersuchungsergebnisse kannst du aber bestimmt im oertlichen Krematorium nachfragen ;-) 15:00 < uninvited> *LOL* 15:01 < tsa> hehe. 15:01 < huebi> 104kg - 3 Handvoll Asche. Also ca 103kg 15:01 < tsa> "Die untersuchte Probe "huebi" besteht zu 95% aus Teer und Nikotin zu gleichen Teilen.." ;-) 15:02 < uninvited> ...biologisch schwer abbaubar... 15:02 < tsa> Sondermuell? ;) 15:02 < uninvited> har har har 15:03 < huebi> "Das hinzufuegen von Oxidatoren im stoechiometrisch richtigen Verhaeltnis hat zu einem schlagartigen Verschwinden des Probanden gefuehrt." 15:03 < uninvited> huebi> was hat es eigentlich mit dem count=5000 auf sich. Ist das ein zufällig von dir ausgewählter Wert ? 15:04 < huebi> uninvited: Einfach die ersten paar MB der Platte ueberschreiben. 24548 <- Das ist der richtige und einzig wahre Zufallswert. 15:04 < huebi> 357365 15:04 < huebi> 3574 15:05 < uninvited> ich habs mit 42 versucht aber nix passierte. 15:05 < huebi> uninvited: das sind nur 21k. das ist zu wenig. 15:05 < uninvited> argh 15:05 < uninvited> ;-) 15:06 < huebi> uninvited: Du verlierst dann aber definitiv dein Dateisystem! 15:06 < uninvited> weiss ich. Ich hab das ganze nochmal versucht mit einer 1.4 Rock. Damit gabs das Problem nicht. 15:07 < uninvited> Lediglich die 1.5.14 brachte diese FM 15:07 < huebi> mount ist dort neuer. 15:08 < uninvited> Aha. Auf der Platte WAR mal ein NTFS drauf weil ich die als Puffer fuer W2K benutzt habe. 15:08 < huebi> jo! 15:08 < huebi> und mount erkennt die meta-daten von eNTe 15:08 < uninvited> Aber das habe ich inzwischen etliche Mal mit anderen Dateisystemen benutzt: linux, Fat32, FreeBSD slices, etc etc 15:08 < uninvited> Irgendwie komisch. 15:09 < uninvited> Naja, wat solls. 15:09 < uninvited> Hoffentlich krieg ich das mit lilo noch hin ;-) 15:09 < uninvited> Ansonsten...ARGH ! 15:13 < uninvited> Oh Manno. Wenn ich das schon höre: weak password...mann mann mann... 15:13 < tsa> hehe 15:14 < uninvited> Was soll ich benutzen: motherfuckingkiwibastard, oder muss das noch länger sein ? 15:14 -!- sockmonk [~wsheldahl@moose.qx.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:14 < huebi> khsadgl;kajsh;lkiub'[0q9438hb6\] 15:14 < huebi> iyre 15:14 < huebi> uninvited: the first one. 15:15 < uninvited> huebi> hast du Haustiere ? 15:15 < uninvited> ;-) 15:15 < uninvited> (ausser der Kuh) 15:15 < tsa> ja - rechner ;) 15:15 < tsa> hehe 15:15 < huebi> hehe 15:18 < uninvited> Ist heute wieder WM-Tag, Deutschlandspiel ? 15:19 < huebi> uninvited: Jo. Kamerun 15:19 < uninvited> Unser Nachbar zieht gerade die weissblaue Bayernfahne den Mast hoch. 15:19 < uninvited> Wann spielen die ? 15:19 < hackbard> atm 15:19 < hackbard> 2:0 15:19 < uninvited> oh. 15:19 < uninvited> fuer DE ? 15:19 < hackbard> jor 15:19 * uninvited is away: FREIBIER SCHNORREN ! 15:20 < hackbard> *lol* 15:20 < fake> soccer sucks. 15:21 < hackbard> auf alle! 15:21 * SMP ACKs fake 15:22 < tsa> yes! 15:23 < tsa> 22 leute pruegeln sich um ein stueck aufgeblasene kuh.. 15:23 < tsa> was will man da erwarten? ;) 15:23 < huebi> Sports w/o engine sucks 15:23 < uninvited> Sodala. 15:23 < uninvited> Tatsächlich Freibier. 15:23 < uninvited> Aber die sind alle schon rasselnass. 15:23 < huebi> tsa: Das Mathilde die Traenen in die Augen schiessen. 15:24 < tsa> tjo. 15:24 < tsa> indeed. 15:24 < huebi> s/e/a/ 15:30 < uninvited> ? 15:30 < uninvited> s/e/a ? 15:30 < huebi> s/Mathilde/Mathilda/ 15:31 < uninvited> *kopfschuettel* 15:36 < tsa> man sed(8) 15:36 < esden> hi all 15:37 < esden> ahh dass war ein tolles spiel 15:37 < huebi> MoeP! esden 15:37 < esden> ich habe nicht gedacht dass fussball spannend sein kann ... 15:37 < esden> remoep huebi 15:39 < huebi> esden: Fussball _ist_ spannend. Aber seit dem Schusswaffen vorher beim Schiedsrichter angemeldet werden muessen, ist da irgendwie die Luft raus. 15:40 < uninvited> Also ich spiel lieber M.U.D.S. 15:40 < uninvited> Die Flonks sind einfach besser und knuffiger als diese runden Bälle 15:41 -!- fronti [~kliche@zebra.fh-weingarten.de] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 15:42 -!- flash_gordon [uninvited@p50803C73.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ROCKLINUX 15:45 < esden> huebi: ack ;-) 15:46 < esden> huebi: aber ich fand dass dass spiel trotzdem brutal war ... 15:48 -!- kaerF [freak@p5083959C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:48 -!- kaerF [freak@p5083959C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit) 15:51 -!- coldie [jeff@xar.sliepen.eu.org] has joined #rocklinux 15:52 * fake getting himself coffee 15:55 < flash_gordon> a 15:56 -!- Freak [freak@p5083959C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:00 -!- uninvited [uninvited@pD9590ACE.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16:00 -!- flash_gordon [uninvited@p50803C73.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Leaving towards earth !") 16:00 -!- uninvited [uninvited@p50803C73.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ROCKLINUX 16:01 < uninvited> sodala 16:05 < huebi> Wieder ein RedHat durch Rocklinux ersetzt. hehe 16:05 < blindcoder> brav huebi ;) 16:05 < huebi> ersetzen lassen... ;-) 16:05 < blindcoder> noch besser 16:06 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux 16:06 < armijn> re 16:07 < uninvited> Hiya armijn. 16:07 < armijn> hi 16:07 < uninvited> huebi> Wie bekommt man die Leute dazu so etwas zu machen ? 16:08 < armijn> hey, never knew this channel was localized... 16:09 < huebi> uninvited: Just show them the power of ROCK and they will change fron RedHat to ROCK ;-))) 16:09 < th> armijn: have you set /mode LANG en? 16:09 < uninvited> How did you get ppl replacing Red Hat with Rock Linux, huebi 16:09 < uninvited> huebi> i see. thought there was a reason more extraordinary ! 16:09 < armijn> that's pretty close to the babelfish translation... 16:10 * huebi dreams about a babelfish/aspell plugin for irssi..... 16:11 < armijn> aah 16:11 < armijn> huebi: about the linux/modules problem 16:12 < armijn> no need to replace it, I found the problem 16:12 < huebi> uninvited: No. Redhat is to bloated with features for serious use. 16:12 < huebi> armijn: kool. What is it? 16:13 < armijn> huebi: well, in modules.conf, before you do "make dep" (and after "make clean") there should be a "make symlinks" 16:13 < armijn> there's this line that says: 16:13 < armijn> make $ARCH clean dep modules (or so) 16:13 < armijn> between clean and dep there should be "symlinks" 16:13 < huebi> ok 16:13 < armijn> it's only needed for sparc/ultrasparc 16:14 < armijn> because the kernel compile for sparc/ultrasparc first compiles a program to make an additional header file, which it expects to store in asm/, so we need to do a "make symlinks" first :) 16:14 < uninvited> huebi> RedHat and SuSE then show many similarities... ;-) 16:15 < th> they just differ in the colors... 16:15 < th> it's red vs. green. 16:15 < th> and i don't know which is worse 16:15 < huebi> SuXe 16:15 < fake> rathead 16:15 < armijn> dead rat 16:15 < armijn> craphat 16:16 < th> rathat 16:16 < uninvited> redhead ;-) 16:16 < th> hehe 16:18 < rxr> re 16:19 < armijn> huebi: so I suggest you restore "modules" for now 16:19 < armijn> hackbard: alive? 16:20 < huebi> armijn: I want to have all the binaries of the kernel in one packet. I fix that in the moment. 16:21 < th> huebi: do we have webcvs already? 16:21 < huebi> echo "Create symlinks and a few headers for arch <$lx_cpu> ... " 16:21 < huebi> make ARCH=$lx_cpu include/linux/version.h symlinks 16:21 < armijn> huebi: ok, but don't forget the "make symlinks" when you do the modules... 16:21 < huebi> armijn: ACK! 16:22 < hackbard> alive :) 16:24 < rxr> hi hackbard 16:24 < hackbard> hi rene 16:26 < huebi> th: not yet. But SMP will tell us if it is done ;-) 16:26 < huebi> hi rene 16:26 < uninvited> Hehehehe 16:27 < uninvited> excerpt from: de.comp.os.unix.linux.misc: 16:27 < uninvited> Ich hab grad einen Linuxftpserver aufgesetzt. Nach so zwei bis drei 16:27 < uninvited> Stunden bekomme ich recht unangenehme Rückenschmerzen und Verspannungen 16:27 < uninvited> im Halsbereich. Das Abspecken der Distribution (neueste SuSE) führte zu 16:27 < uninvited> keiner Veränderung. Selbst die Umstellung der Authentifizierung des 16:27 < uninvited> ProFTPD auf das Lightweight DAP hat keine spürbare Verbesserung 16:27 < uninvited> gebracht. 16:27 < uninvited> Hilfe, was kann ich tun??????? 16:27 < uninvited> Lars 16:27 < uninvited> PS: Je mehr Benutzer sich auf dem Server einloggen, desto stärker werden 16:27 < uninvited> die Schmerzen. 16:27 < uninvited> *LOL* 16:27 < armijn> wow...US$100 16:27 -!- simon- [~simon@] has joined #rocklinux 16:28 < armijn> urgh, ww 16:28 < armijn> sorry 16:28 < armijn> :) 16:28 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux () 16:35 < blindcoder> uninvited: hae? 16:35 < uninvited> Titel: ERGONOMIE EINES FTP-SERVERS 16:35 < blindcoder> *argh* 16:35 < esden> cu l8er 16:36 < rxr> hi esden 16:40 -!- simon [~simon@p50874CDD.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16:41 -!- simon- is now known as simon 16:46 -!- Freak [freak@p5083959C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("brb") 16:48 -!- Freak [freak@p5083959C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:50 < rxr> hi Freak 16:51 < rxr> Freak: could you send me the URL when your photos are online ? ;-) 16:52 < Freak> yes well.. I have some online now.. all of em 800x6ß00 16:52 < Freak> grmpf 16:52 < Freak> 600 16:52 < rxr> cool URL ? 16:52 < Freak> the full-sized pictures will be online some time soon, I'll just have to figure out how to make Apache::Gallery work.. 16:53 < Freak> https://myhost/~sraible/guckmal/lt2k2/images/ iirc 16:53 < rolla__> s/vie/via/ 16:53 -!- rolla__ is now known as rolla 16:53 < rxr> myhost ??? 16:53 < Freak> just /whois me ;P 16:53 < rxr> ah 16:54 < Freak> I don't have dhis running 16:54 < Freak> atm 16:55 < rxr> hm the index.html gibts - aber ~sraible schon nicht mehr ... 16:56 < Freak> ach mist 16:56 < Freak> klar 16:56 < Freak> den user gibts ja schliesslich auch nicht ;) 16:57 < rxr> Freak: simply a URL to the pics would be enough 16:57 < rxr> maybe I could copy the onces I'm on to my homepage ? 16:57 < Freak> jetzt it works (sprechen we here denglisch?) 16:58 < Freak> sure you can 16:58 < rxr> no - normally english ;-) 16:58 < rxr> My page is at https://drocklinux.dyndns.org/rene/ 16:58 < Freak> just for now there will only be 800x600 16:58 < Freak> I'll keep you updated tho 16:59 < Freak> so when Apache::Gallery finally works you'll get the originals as well 16:59 < rxr> Internal Server Error 16:59 < rxr> https://p5083959C.dip.t-dialin.net/~sraible/guckmal/lt2k2/images/ 16:59 < Freak> omg 17:00 < Freak> ok let me just figure out what apache does now.. 17:01 < rxr> Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: [rock-linux] Wahoo 17:01 < rxr> urgh. 17:02 < fake> rxr> i got that too 17:02 < fake> on a mail i sent 17:02 < rxr> esden: how do you log the ROCK Linux channel here? I would like to do this for the #gsmp channel ;-) 17:03 < rxr> I reply to it ;-) 17:03 < fake> i did, too. 17:03 < fake> but it didn't answer again ;) 17:04 -!- [anders] [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has quit ("Nice to see you, to see you...") 17:07 < rxr> this my Revo was without power for too long - and lost all my data :-( 17:14 -!- uninvited [uninvited@p50803C73.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Leaving towards earth !") 17:17 < tsa> wech.. 17:17 -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has quit ("wech.") 17:18 -!- lizard [~lizard@] has joined #rocklinux 17:40 -!- Freak [freak@p5083959C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 17:41 -!- Netsplit bear.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: rolla, term_emu, netcrow, huebi, simon, lizard, blindcoder, th, hackbard, snyke, (+1 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) 17:41 -!- Netsplit over, joins: snyke 17:42 -!- th [th@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux 17:43 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 17:43 -!- huebi [huebi@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux 17:43 -!- SMP [stefanp@world.WRonline.de] has joined #rocklinux 17:43 -!- lizard [~lizard@pD9048F02.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:43 -!- blindcoder [crash@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 17:46 -!- Freak [freak@p5083959C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:49 -!- elmurro [cxc@ACBAD0CD.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux 17:49 < elmurro> anyone know about pengaol 17:49 < elmurro> ? 17:50 < lizard> pengaol? 17:50 < elmurro> its far too disgraceful telling people what it is 17:50 < elmurro> but hey i might was well 17:51 < elmurro> it lets one connect (maybe me, maybe you, anyone) to aol 17:51 < elmurro> on linux 17:51 < lizard> aha 17:51 < lizard> never heard of it 17:51 < elmurro> lol 17:51 < elmurro> oh well 17:51 < elmurro> anyone? 17:51 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux 17:52 < elmurro> oh well 17:53 < elmurro> i'll wander somewhere else 17:53 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@p508077C5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:53 * elmurro drifts to another room 17:53 -!- elmurro [cxc@ACBAD0CD.ipt.aol.com] has left #rocklinux () 17:53 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux () 17:55 -!- term_emu [~pm@p50818E2D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:56 < huebi> cu 17:56 -!- simon [~simon@] has joined #rocklinux 17:56 -!- rolla [~Der@stlmaisenhel.ugs.com] has joined #rocklinux 17:57 -!- term_emu is now known as term_aweh 18:12 -!- Freak [freak@p5083959C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("brb") 18:30 -!- Freak [freak@p5083959C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:31 < esden> re hi all 18:37 -!- Freak [freak@p5083959C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 18:38 < rxr> esden: hi 18:39 < rxr> esden: how do you log the IRC? Simply with Irssi ? 18:39 < rxr> esden: do you have an idea where the photo you made from me is? Would be nice to put in on my site ... 18:42 < esden> _+test+_ 18:42 < esden> hmm ... 18:43 < esden> rxr: I log it simply with irssi yes 18:43 < rxr> ah ;-) I asked because I'd like to log the GSMP channel ... 18:44 < esden> rxr: the photo is on chris camera ... drop him a mail that you want the photo ... 18:44 < esden> GSMP ??? 18:44 < rxr> ah ok - I'll do this ... 18:45 < rxr> General Sound Maniplation Programm 18:45 < rxr> https://drocklinux.dyndns.org/gsmp/ 18:47 < esden> ahh kk 18:48 < rxr> https://drocklinux.dyndns.org/rene/photos/lxtag-2002/gallery.html 18:49 < rxr> some form jocelyn's site - some others ... - more to come when my analog once are ready ... 18:50 -!- [-dalai-] [~max@pD9009664.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:50 < [-dalai-]> hi 18:51 < esden> hi brackets ... 18:51 < esden> aka [-dalai-] 18:52 -!- [-dalai-] is now known as dalai 18:52 < dalai> :) 18:53 < dalai> is someone familar with ssa here? 18:54 * -> esden not 19:01 -!- hackbard_ [~hackbard@pD9523D89.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:02 < esden> hi hackbard_ 19:02 < hackbard_> hi esden! 19:02 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@p508077C5.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: hackbard_!~hackbard@pD9523D89.dip.t-dialin.net))) 19:02 -!- hackbard_ is now known as hackbard 19:03 * -> esden going to talk about the mutation of the huebi harddisk 19:03 * -> esden brb 19:04 < rxr> re hackbard 19:05 * fake drives home 19:05 -!- Freak [freak@p5083959C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:06 < esden> re ok ... the disk will mutate 19:07 < fake> to what= 19:08 < fake> one of those polish mutations ? 19:09 < fake> where 8 Gb get 17 GB ? 19:09 < fake> *g* 19:09 * fake is off, l8er 19:11 < snyke> argh 19:11 < snyke> can sb. tell me how to _create_ a tar archive? :( 19:12 < SMP> x = eXtract 19:12 < SMP> c = Create 19:13 < th> snyke: so it's tar cf tarfile.tar directory_or_files 19:13 < rxr> hi SMP ! 19:13 < th> re 19:15 < snyke> thx th 19:15 < snyke> &SMP 19:31 -!- rolla [~Der@stlmaisenhel.ugs.com] has left #rocklinux () 19:35 -!- uninvited [uninvited@pD9590B99.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ROCKLINUX 19:35 < uninvited> so 19:41 * -> esden be back 19:50 < sockmonk> speaking of tar... 19:51 < sockmonk> I noticed that on my drock 1.4.1, neither the j nor y option to tar got it to work with .bz2 files 19:51 < sockmonk> how come? 19:52 < th> sockmonk: it's the I option 19:52 < sockmonk> the I option?? must have missed it in the man page 19:52 < th> sockmonk: tar cfI creates archive with bz2 compression 19:52 < th> sockmonk: rock has no manpage for tar, IIRC 19:53 < sockmonk> is that likely to be standardized anytime soon? that makes three different flags that do the same thing, 19:53 < sockmonk> apparently depending on how it's built 19:53 < sockmonk> I'm not at my rock workstation now; maybe it was tar --help 19:53 < th> i think I is the GNU standard for bz2 at tar 19:54 < th> sockmonk: info tar is available... i hate info but i'm on it 19:54 < th> -I, --bzip2, --bunzip2 filter the archive through bzip2 19:54 < th> --help shows it 19:54 < sockmonk> ok, must have missed it then. thanks. 19:55 < SMP> -y or -j don't exist as tar options 19:55 < sockmonk> -y works on slackware 7 and I think slackware 8's tar 19:55 < sockmonk> -j works on the tar as built per linuxfromscratch.org 19:56 < sockmonk> linuxfromscratch book version 3.2 or 3.3; built it a few months ago on a P90 19:56 < th> -y, --bzip2, --bunzip2 19:56 < th> filter the archive through bzip2 19:56 < th> that's TAR(1) on slackware 19:56 < th> 22 September 1993 19:57 < sockmonk> right. which is what I'm using at the moment here at work. 19:57 < th> sockmonk: me to on my non-rock machines 20:09 < huebi> re 20:10 < SMP> I don't see -y or -j on God's Own Tar, which is the BSD /usr/bin/tar 20:12 < huebi> SMP: The options are allways patched into tar 1.3 IIRC 20:12 < huebi> for bzip2 20:12 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082B3C9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:12 < tsa> re 20:13 < huebi> hi tsa ;-) 20:13 < tsa> hi huebi ;) 20:14 < sockmonk> huebi: I do remember that for linuxfromscratch, the -j option was enabled with a separate patch file 20:14 < huebi> sockmonk: Exact the same I remember ;-) 20:17 < sockmonk> FSF or someone needs to make that standard functionality, so I don't have to guess which flag to use. 20:17 * sockmonk wanders off grumbling to himself 20:22 -!- Freak [freak@p5083959C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("brb") 20:23 -!- the][owl [~mail-spam@B5b3f.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:23 < the][owl> hi 20:24 -!- Freak [freak@p5083959C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:26 < huebi> sockmonk: tar and standard - not the easiest goal. 20:30 < SMP> "That's the nice thing about standards -- there's so many to choose from." 20:32 -!- rolla [~Der@stlmaisenhel.ugs.com] has joined #rocklinux 20:34 < fake> re. 20:34 < huebi> hi fake 20:34 < rolla> re 20:36 * fake has had no coffee today.... 20:36 < fake> is still feel like i just got up... *yawns* 20:36 < rolla> ha ha 20:36 < huebi> "coffee turkey" 20:38 < fake> that's not funny -_ 20:38 < fake> -_- 20:38 < rolla> yes it is :) 20:39 < fake> my stomach hurt, and i was afraid it would get worse if i drink coffee... like it always did 20:41 < fake> and no black tea or coke here to avoid caffeine shortage... 20:41 < rolla> ja 20:41 < huebi> fake: If you better like to have instant coffee without water it's the same as with a hand grenade in your hand getting cracks in it's surface: YOU should not be there. 20:42 < fake> huebi: i didn't get it 20:42 < fake> brain asleep... plz explain 20:42 < huebi> fake: too much coffee kills you. 20:42 < huebi> ;-) 20:43 < huebi> like a exploding hand grenade 20:43 < tsa> hm.. 20:43 < fake> i c 20:43 < tsa> i never tried drinking hand grenades.. 20:44 < fake> huebi wanted to say: i am dying. 20:44 < huebi> jo 20:44 < tsa> ah, i see. 20:44 < fake> and that you should keep a save distance from me. 20:44 < tsa> please write a mail to the list and inform the others we might need a new mips maintainer.. 20:44 < tsa> ;-) 20:44 < huebi> or more coffee 20:51 < sockmonk> caffeine++ 20:58 -!- uninvited [uninvited@pD9590B99.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21:23 -!- uninvited [uninvited@pD9590B99.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ROCKLINUX 21:23 < uninvited> re 21:24 < fake> re uni 21:26 < uninvited> Ich hab mal ne Frage: ein Rechner mit einem 800er Duron Prozessor gehört zu welcher "Familie" ? 21:27 < fake> AMD Athlon 21:27 < huebi> uninvited: k7 21:27 < fake> mit kaputtenm 2nd level cache ;) 21:28 < huebi> Familie: "Aufgeblasener Taschenrechner" 21:28 < fake> wie war das in 1.7 mit den architekturspezifischen patches.... 21:29 < fake> name.patch.mips 21:29 < fake> z.b. 21:29 < fake> oder? 21:29 < huebi> Jedenfalls nichts um bei einer "Regatta" zu gewinnwen 21:29 < huebi> fake: Ich bloed. Ich weiss nix 21:29 < fake> ich weiss dass wir beide nichts wissen. 21:29 < huebi> Ich nix wissen hehe 21:30 < uninvited> fake + huebi> sobald ich im Kernel die K7 Familie aktiviere kann ich nicht mehr hochfahren. INIT-Probleme. Kompilier ich den Kernel nun mir i386 neu und starte gehts. Any ideas ? 21:30 < huebi> uninvited: dann k6 21:30 < fake> aktivier nicht die k7 familie. 21:30 < uninvited> hehehehehe 21:30 < huebi> oder besser i686 21:30 < uninvited> Wo liegen die Unterschiede ? 21:30 < fake> oder ia64 21:31 < uninvited> *huh* ? 21:31 < huebi> ./misc/bench/reference/ 21:31 < uninvited> ok 21:32 < huebi> die amds sind mit i686 Optimierung schneller als mit k7 /k6 21:33 < sockmonk> huebi: aren't the amds better supported under gcc 3.x? 21:34 < fake> ia32 sucks 21:34 < rxr> uninvited: maybe hardware problem 21:34 < rxr> via chipsets really suck - might be memory corruption caused by bursts of memory access ... 21:34 < huebi> sockmonk: amds are supported under gcc 3.x 21:36 < huebi> better ;-) 21:36 < uninvited> rxr> running PC133-222 SDRAMS, any suggestions ? 21:36 < fake> try it at 333 21:37 < sockmonk> I have an AMD Duron motherboard that seems to freeze under heavy load 21:38 < uninvited> sockmonk> i guess its not a motherboard Problem. Duron sucks 21:38 < sockmonk> not sure what the problem is; haven't had time to try and narrow it down 21:38 < fake> ia32 sucks, as is said. 21:39 < fake> s/is/i 21:39 < snyke> fake: bchat = down 21:39 * fake will leave pretty soon 21:39 < fake> eh? 21:39 < fake> mom 21:39 < snyke> plz 21:39 < snyke> :) 21:39 < sockmonk> I haven't even gotten around to customizing the kernel yet; hopefully that will help some 21:41 < fake> back up. 21:41 < snyke> thx 21:41 < fake> perl sucks. 21:41 < snyke> what about bccs? 21:41 < sockmonk> perl rocks 21:42 < fake> perl's socket handling sucks 21:42 < sockmonk> eh, possibly. probably a CPAN module to work around any probs though 21:42 < fake> snyke: ask crash. as always he might have stopped one step before completion. 21:43 < snyke> buehe 21:44 < uninvited> okay 686family works out. 21:45 < sockmonk> how close is rock to using gcc 3.x? 21:46 -!- the][owl is now known as the][owl_AFK 21:46 < sockmonk> or should I ask, how close is gcc 3.x to being usable? 21:51 * fake is compiling rock with gcc 3.1 21:51 < fake> sockmonk: perl - as it sucks - does not yet compile with 3.1 21:53 < rxr> sockmonk: jups 21:54 < rxr> I had a gcc-3.1 compiled on my LinuxTag laptop - only perl5 failed 21:54 < rxr> the rest (including X11 and KDE-3.0.1 worked great. 21:55 < fake> i never tried kde. (no reason needs to be given ;) 21:56 < term_aweh> good night 21:56 -!- term_aweh [~pm@p50818E2D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("zz") 21:56 < fake> hehe 21:56 < fake> <-- leaving 21:56 < fake> cya tomorrow or something. 21:58 -!- the][owl_AFK is now known as the][owl 21:58 -!- the][owl is now known as the][owl_AFK 22:02 < sockmonk> rxr: which version of perl? 22:07 < tsa> rxr: please fix jack as soon as possible...i'll wait with continuiing the build.. 22:07 < rxr> re 22:07 < rxr> 5.6 22:08 < rxr> tsa: I can not fix jack in the next hours - since I would have to start a 1.7 build 22:08 < tsa> rxr: no problem...i have time. 22:08 < rxr> on my dRock-1.6.0 build it compiled fine - and the log shots it is a gtk s.th. problem ... 22:08 < rxr> s/shots/shows/ 22:08 < tsa> yes, i've seen that... 22:09 < rxr> so I need a whole 1.7 build to track this ... 22:09 < tsa> therefore i did not dig deeper into it.. 22:09 < rxr> tsa: but jack is not needed for s.th. yet - so simply continue the Build ;-) 22:09 < tsa> does clifford's current snapshot already contain our linuxtag fixes? 22:09 < rxr> dunno 22:09 * rxr running Sync ... 22:10 < rxr> urgh 22:10 < rxr> urgh 22:10 * sockmonk looks for problems reports with perl and gcc3 22:10 < tsa> btw... 22:11 < tsa> many packages don't build docs because there is no doxygen... 22:11 < tsa> at least in [3] .. 22:11 < rxr> oh really ? 22:11 < rxr> doygen is nice - I can add it to rene 22:11 < tsa> from jack: 22:11 < tsa> configure: warning: *** doxygen not found, docs will not be built 22:12 < rxr> ah ok 22:12 < tsa> i've seen this on other packages before, but don't remember which ones.. 22:12 < rxr> but I guess not many packages use this ... 22:12 < rxr> - Applied Linuxtag fixes from Sebastian Jaenicke and Rene Rebe 22:12 < tsa> ah, ok. 22:13 < tsa> what exactly is doxygen, which package does provide it? 22:13 < tsa> or is it something separate? 22:13 < rxr> doxygen is the naem of the package 22:13 < dalai> n8 22:13 < tsa> hm...seems we don't have it in 1.7 22:13 < rxr> doxygen can generate indexes and overviews of sourcecode 22:14 < rxr> jups we do not have it 22:14 < rxr> maybe in sf or so ... 22:14 < rxr> but it can go into the rene rep 22:14 < rxr> i used it for GSMP allready ... 22:14 < tsa> would be good to have it.. 22:14 < rxr> jups I add it 22:14 < rxr> 1648 patches left ... (to be merged with my sync tool ...) 22:14 < tsa> ok. 22:14 < tsa> hehe 22:15 < tsa> who maintains x11/ ? 22:15 < tsa> clifford? or you? 22:16 * tsa rsyncing.. 22:16 < rxr> me 22:16 < rxr> (officially ...) 22:16 < rxr> why ? 22:17 < tsa> just curious.. 22:17 < rxr> hm - do I simply apply all of cliffs modifications ? 22:17 < rxr> mostly moving files arround ... 22:17 < rxr> a 22:17 < rxr> * 22:17 < tsa> hehe 22:17 < rxr> so alles gemerged ... 22:17 < snyke> bye 22:17 < rxr> cu snyke 22:17 < tsa> cu snyke 22:18 < netcrow> bye 22:18 < rxr> 0 patches left ... 22:18 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A64.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit ("Killed ([-ShaD-] (HateKill (You got yourself a K-Line. Have fun.)))") 22:18 < sockmonk> only problem I found with perl and gcc3 is when someone had their locale set to Hebrew 22:18 < tsa> erm.. 22:18 < sockmonk> just googling... 22:18 < rxr> sockmonk: it simply does not compile because of some pointer casting ... 22:19 < rxr> I' ll start a 1.7 build in a few seconds - so we'll see ... 22:19 < tsa> what is the meaning of the new ia32 repository? 22:19 < rxr> and btw Perl5 compiled fine with gcc-3.0.2 ... 22:19 < rxr> ia32 only packages ... 22:19 < tsa> is this ia32-specific code? and who maintains this? 22:19 < rxr> like the sparc one ... 22:19 < tsa> ok 22:20 < rxr> hm first bug 22:20 < rxr> I select intel and do not get any optmization options ... 22:20 < tsa> hm....perhaps we should also add ia64 soon... 22:21 < rxr> yeah soon ;-) when ever this is ... 22:21 < rxr> but Clifford and I talked with Intel at LinuxTag for an Intanium test system ... 22:22 < rxr> we might get remote access 22:22 < tsa> i know...clifford already told me on lxtag.. 22:22 < tsa> yeah..and physical access later, when we're getting into the "hot phase".. 22:22 < rxr> jups 22:23 < rxr> hm the last snap seems to be broken 22:23 < tsa> i could already make one ia64-specific package.. 22:23 < rxr> hm ? 22:23 < tsa> nvidia has binary drivers for ia64... ;-) 22:23 < tsa> the current nvidia package would have to go to ia32, then.. 22:24 < rxr> wow - no optimizations to select - and no compilers too ... 22:24 < rxr> tsa: better one package which is ia32 and ia64 ready ... 22:24 < tsa> hehe...you're free to write a mail to nvidia.. 22:25 < rxr> no I mean - writing a ROCK package which is [R] + ia32 ia64 22:25 < tsa> yes, sure...but how should i test ia64..? 22:25 < tsa> i need an ia64 machine. 22:25 < rxr> and uses another URL for download and compiling - err deflating 22:25 < rxr> me too 22:26 < tsa> and a big fat fast sparc64 would be nice, too. 22:26 < rxr> jups - not a U5 ... 22:27 < tsa> something nice...dual u60 or quad u80 ... 22:27 < rxr> ;-) 22:28 < tsa> i guess an u60 would be ok....the u80 case looks strange, IMHO.. 22:28 < tsa> like an inflated balloon.. 22:28 < rxr> ;-) Never took a look ... 22:28 * rxr eating s.th. and then fixing the current snap ... 22:32 < tsa> GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! 22:32 < tsa> I hate T-offline. 22:33 < tsa> just sent another mail to an @t-online.de address which will never get delivered because they are too dumb to use a split-horizon dns 22:34 < tsa> i should get myself an open relay server in asia to use as a smarthost.. 22:34 < tsa> *sigh* 22:35 < rxr> hm 22:35 -!- the][owl_AFK is now known as the][owl 22:46 < tsa> /^DS 22:46 < tsa> argh.. 22:46 < tsa> wrong window. 22:47 < tsa> ok....problem solved. 22:48 < tsa> hm...how do i define a smarthost in sendmail.mc? 22:48 < tsa> never edited it before.. 22:52 < tsa> define(`SMART_HOST', `smart.foo.com') 22:52 < tsa> aah...got it 22:53 < tsa> strange. editing .cf seems easier to me.. 22:54 < huebi> tsa: jo, it is. 22:54 -!- sockmonk [~wsheldahl@moose.qx.net] has left #rocklinux () 22:55 < tsa> i don't understand why so many people blame sendmail....it just extremely configurable.. 22:57 < huebi> tsa: the syntax is a little bit special. 22:57 < tsa> huebi: sure.. 22:57 < tsa> huebi: do you know the sendmail book from o'reilly? it helps a lot to understand what's going on in sendmail.cf.. 22:59 < huebi> tsa: Yes, I know it. But it still needs very much time to understand it as good as it is needed to get sendmail to do exactly what it should do. 22:59 < tsa> yes, sure.. 23:00 < huebi> The vocabulary of sendmail is not intuitive enough to learn it fast. 23:02 < tsa> hehe...indeed. but most stuff is really easy. i guess 90% of the .cf are just definitions of macros (D,C,F), options (O) and subsets (S) of rewrite rules (R) .. 23:03 -!- Freak [freak@p5083959C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("brb - rotating xchat-logs") 23:03 < tsa> define maps, fill them, do pattern matching. no more, no less. 23:04 -!- Freak [freak@p5083959C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:05 < rxr> why not simply use a more comforable MTA - like Exim or so ... 23:06 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:06 < holyolli> re 23:07 < tsa> rxr: sendmail isn't uncomfortable, imho.. 23:08 < rxr> hi holyolli 23:08 < tsa> hi holyolli 23:09 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("schlafen") 23:09 < holyolli> hi rxr, tsa 23:10 < huebi> hi holyolli 23:13 -!- Freak [freak@p5083959C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("restarting X") 23:13 -!- Freak [freak@p5083959C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:16 -!- Freak [freak@p5083959C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit) 23:16 -!- Freak [freak@p5083959C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:27 < tsa> rxr: do you use exim? 23:28 < tsa> hm.. 23:28 < tsa> anyone else using exim? 23:30 < rxr> erh - jups 23:30 < rxr> sorry for my latency ... 23:30 < tsa> i've been reading exim docs.. 23:30 < tsa> to set up a smarthost, it seems to be this: 23:31 < tsa> smart_route: 23:31 < tsa> driver = manualroute 23:31 < tsa> domains = !+local_domains 23:31 < tsa> transport = remote_smtp 23:31 < tsa> route_list = * smarthost.ref.example 23:31 < tsa> is this correct? 23:31 < rxr> the exim docs are rather strange - I always do not find the right place at the first look ... 23:31 < rxr> jups - from a quick look this seems to be correct. 23:31 < rxr> (for Exim-4.x ...) 23:32 < tsa> i've just been looking at two things....setting up smarthosts and allowing/denying vrfy/expn .. 23:32 < tsa> for vrfy/expn stuff it seems i have to set up some sort of acl system.. 23:34 < tsa> acl_smtp_vrfy = something 23:34 < tsa> begin something: 23:34 < tsa> accept... 23:34 < rxr> vrfy/expn ?? 23:35 < rxr> ich bin mal kurz 1.7 fixen .. 23:35 < tsa> hm... 23:35 < tsa> strange. 23:35 < tsa> setting "DS" or "O PrivacyOptions" seems a lot easier to me.. 23:39 < rxr> so optimization selection work again ;-) 23:40 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has quit ("X-Chat: the cootiless client") 23:49 < huebi> n8 23:51 < tsa> cu huebi 23:51 < rxr> fixed ROCK-1.7 on my server ... 23:52 -!- the][owl [~mail-spam@B5b3f.pppool.de] has quit ("If it happens once, it's a bug. If it happens twice, it's a feature. If it happens more than twice, it's a design philosophy.) 23:52 < rxr> rote 1503251 bytes read 30368 bytes 34463.35 bytes/sec 23:52 < rxr> total size is 8507072 speedup is 5.55 --- Log closed Wed Jun 12 00:00:42 2002