--- Log opened Thu Jun 13 00:00:15 2002 --- Day changed Sat Jun 13 2002 00:00 < tsa> GNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 00:00 < Freak> janz ruhisch, et läuft.. 00:00 < tsa> boogieboy still replacing the damn .cache files on sf cvs. 00:01 < tsa> *sigh* 00:01 < aszlig> tsa: whew, what a groan :P 00:01 * tsa sending another mail to him. 00:02 < tsa> aszlig: yes. .cache files are te be changed by clifford himself only. 00:02 < tsa> s,te,to, 00:02 < aszlig> tsa: senme your gpgkey ;) 00:02 < tsa> address? 00:02 < aszlig> aszlig@stroehmer.de 00:03 < tsa> mail sent. 00:03 < tsa> ok guys. i'm gone for today. 00:03 < tsa> cu tomorrow. 00:03 < aszlig> c'ya 00:03 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082AFE1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 00:13 -!- d3mian is now known as d3m|wrk 00:25 < fake> <-- goes to b3d 00:25 < fake> or something 00:25 -!- fake [~fake@p508E374E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 00:39 -!- the][owl [~mail-spam@B5380.pppool.de] has quit ("God is real. Unless declared integer.") 00:42 -!- d3m|wrk is now known as d3mian 00:56 -!- d3m|an [~john@] has joined #rocklinux 00:56 -!- d3m|an [~john@] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 01:16 -!- lizard [~lizard@pD9048F29.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 01:32 -!- d3mian [~john@] has quit ("asdf") 01:55 < hack^afk> n8 01:56 -!- hack^afk is now known as hack^zzZ 02:36 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817EAC.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 02:54 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 02:56 -!- lizard [~lizard@pD9048F05.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 03:40 -!- lizard [~lizard@pD9048F05.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 03:41 -!- lizard [~lizard@pD9048F05.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 03:41 -!- lizard [~lizard@pD9048F05.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit) 03:42 -!- lizard [~lizard@pD9048F05.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 03:48 < d3mian> somebody will reach the top of entries-go outs in irclog :p 04:01 < lizard> yo :-> guess who.. 04:01 < lizard> brb, restarting X 04:01 -!- lizard [~lizard@pD9048F05.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 04:03 -!- lizard [~lizard@pD9048F05.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 05:42 -!- clifford [~clifford@M115P011.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 05:52 -!- clifford [~clifford@M143P007.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 06:04 -!- d3mian is now known as d3m|java 06:15 -!- Netsplit bear.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: huebi, tomik, d3m|java, th 06:18 -!- Netsplit over, joins: d3m|java 06:22 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux 06:22 -!- huebi [huebi@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux 06:22 -!- th [th@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux 06:22 -!- th [th@rocklinux.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 06:22 -!- huebi [huebi@rocklinux.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 06:26 -!- th [th@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux 06:26 -!- huebi [huebi@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux 06:32 -!- d3m|java is now known as d3mian 06:34 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has quit ("Changing server") 06:36 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 06:36 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has quit (Client Quit) 06:36 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 06:43 < huebi> moin 06:44 < d3mian> guten morgen huebi 06:48 < d3mian> irssi is so cool, ill switch to in intead abother one. nice 07:48 < d3mian> cu guys ;) it's my time to see the costa rica - brasil match ;) 07:49 < d3mian> desire us luck 07:49 < d3mian> cu 07:49 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has quit ("leaving") 07:53 -!- hack^zzZ [~hackbard@p50806AD0.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 08:20 < rxr> re 08:29 -!- uninvited [uninvited@p50803265.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ROCKLINUX 08:29 < uninvited> Moin zusammen ! 08:30 < rxr> moin uninvited 08:47 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 09:22 < huebi> re 09:23 < rxr> moin huebi 09:23 < huebi> hi rxr 09:24 < huebi> heute morgen um 7h01 ist Teledummy-DSL mal wieder weg gewesen. 09:24 < uninvited> aha 09:25 < huebi> und seit 7h54 ist es wieder da... 09:26 < huebi> Die koennen ihre Wartungsarbeiten ja auch mal ankuendigen. Ist ja schliessliche ein "Kommunikations"-Unternehmen ;> 09:28 < uninvited> Waren das Wartungsarbeiten ? Bei uns gibts zur Zeit aehnlich Probleme. Sobald ich versuche mir ne neue IP holen will klappt das nicht sofort. Sieht mir eher nach PeerPoint-Knappheit aus zumindest hier. 09:29 < huebi> T-Offline sitzt bei mir in Sichtweite (ca 8km). Die Fehlermeldung hat heute gesagt, dass keine Kommunikation moeglich ist. Wenn der Account nicht geht, sieht das anders aus. 09:33 < uninvited> Ah ja. Nun gut. 09:36 < huebi> Wie ich aber aus "wohlinformierten Quellen" weiss, ist T-Offline mit der Kundenverwaltung komplett ueberfordert. 09:37 -!- uninvited2 [~root@p50803265.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:37 < uninvited2> test 09:37 < uninvited2> sodala 09:37 < uninvited2> irssi funzt ;-) 09:38 * uninvited steigt jetzt auf die andere Kiste um... 09:38 -!- uninvited [uninvited@p50803265.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Leaving towards earth !") 09:40 < uninvited2> Kundenbetreuung überfordert ? meinst du diese "WIR HABEN DERZEIT KEINE PROBLEME"-Tanten am Telefon, falls man mal anruft ? 09:49 < uninvited2> quit 09:49 -!- uninvited2 [~root@p50803265.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 09:54 < aszlig> dvorak rulez ;) i changed my mapping at work (physically too) 10:01 -!- root_ [~root@p50803265.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:01 -!- root_ is now known as uninvited 10:02 < huebi> 10:02 -!- #rocklinux uninvited H 0 ~root@p50803265.dip.t-dialin.net [root] 10:03 < huebi> uninvited: irc mal als normaler Benutzer ;> 10:04 < uninvited> argh - bin noch gewurzelt...moment 10:04 -!- uninvited [~root@p50803265.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit) 10:14 < huebi> uninvited: Die T-Offliner sind viel zu schnell gross geworden und hatten dieses Wachstum nicht von Anfang an mit eingeplant. Die haben jetzt ein riesiges Problem ihre Kundendatenbank und alles was dort verwaltet wird, in viele verteilte Systeme zu verschieben. 10:14 -!- clifford [~clifford@M143P007.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 10:25 -!- clifford [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux 10:25 -!- uninvited [~uninvited@p50803265.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:26 < uninvited> so. 10:26 < uninvited> entwurzelt 10:26 < huebi> uninvited: Die T-Offliner sind viel zu schnell gross geworden und hatten dieses Wachstum nicht von Anfang an mit eingeplant. Die haben jetzt ein riesiges Problem ihre Kundendatenbank und alles was dort verwaltet wird, in viele verteilte Systeme zu verschieben. 10:27 < uninvited> Ah ja 10:29 < huebi> und dann haben die halt immer noch ihren Beamtenmief: "Hauptsache die Aktenlage ist in Ordnung." Von Kundenservice und Kundenbindung sind die noch weit entfernt. 10:32 < huebi> Gestern habe ich mal 1.5.16 mit booten von einer 1.5.14 CD installiert. Da ist noch viel zu tun. 10:33 < huebi> Beim Kernelpacket habe ich mir dann irgendwie die Kiste unbootbar gemacht. 10:33 < huebi> Ich werde zusehen, dass das bis Samstag alles fertig ist. 10:34 < uninvited> brav ;-) 10:35 < uninvited> test: https://www.audi.de 10:36 < uninvited> Hmmm, diese skripting funktion...irgendwie gut. 10:36 < uninvited> SCRIPT unload url.pl 10:37 < uninvited> huebi> hast du irssi nun mit eingepackt in die neue Version ? 10:38 < huebi> uninvited: moment. 10:39 < huebi> uninvited: irssi ist noch eine ext. Kommt aber noch in base. 10:40 < uninvited> okay. Hab noch nen weiteren Rechner den ich zusätzlich mit rock ausstatte. 10:41 < uninvited> Dann ist das irssi gleich mit bei. 10:41 < uninvited> das kompilieren hat ja ewig gedauert... 10:41 < uninvited> ;-) 10:44 * uninvited testet /me 10:44 < huebi> Wenn ich bis heute Abend das Kernelpacket zum Laufen bekomme, werde ich morgen 1.5.16 offiziell releasen. 10:47 < uninvited> Ich kuck mir den "Inhalt" gleich mal an... 10:47 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 10:47 < netcrow> hidiho 10:47 < uninvited> hallo n-crow 10:48 < huebi> moin netcrow ;-) 10:49 < huebi> https://www.rocklinux.org/people/esden/ircstat/ <- Look at my Quote! The eyes of a cow. *LOL* 10:50 < netcrow> *ROFL* 10:50 < th> hewhe 10:52 < uninvited> hmmm, unangefochten...der Mann mit der Kuh ! 10:52 < uninvited> *G* 10:53 < huebi> I'll change the kernel version to 2.4.18 in the package. It'll be patched to 2.4.18-rc4. I flood essense of the patch ;-) 10:53 < huebi> + } else { 10:53 < huebi> + SET_PERSONALITY(elf_ex, ibcs2_interpreter); 10:54 < huebi> That's all! 10:54 < huebi> All code, that is added. 10:55 < th> brauch man flex? 10:55 < th> wenn man nichts compilen will? 10:55 < huebi> flex habe ich noch nie benutzt. 10:56 < huebi> jedenfalls nicht wissendlich ;-) 10:56 < th> was ist mit gettext? 10:57 < th> ich bau grad die liste, die ein kleiner router braucht 10:57 < uninvited> th> router ? 10:57 < huebi> ah ok ;-) 10:57 < uninvited> th> router-only ? 10:58 < th> uninvited: naja noch dns und isdn einwahl 10:58 < huebi> dhcpd? 10:58 < th> naeh 10:58 < th> ich mach alles statisch ;) 10:58 < uninvited> th> gut so ;-) 10:58 < huebi> th: Ich auch. In der dhcpd.conf ;> 10:59 < uninvited> th> ist das der Rock Router wie er auf der seite unter /projects erwäht wird ? 10:59 < th> huebi: hehe 10:59 < uninvited> LOL 10:59 < th> uninvited: nein 11:00 < huebi> th: Kanst du dir auf rocklinux.dyndns.org ansehen ;) 11:00 < huebi> +n 11:00 < th> huebi: ich will ja nicht soviel abhaengigkeit von dem einen dhcpd... 11:00 < uninvited> th> wie gross wird der "router" und gibts den auch zum Download ? 11:00 < th> nun man kann sicher auch backup-server aufsetzen... 11:01 < th> uninvited: das is nur eine simple minimale rock-installation 11:01 < huebi> Funktioniert klasse. Windows installieren, nichts einstellen, neu booten und surfen. 11:01 < netcrow> mit is gestern aufgefallen, man findt die INSTALL doku nimmer auf rocklinux.org, oder ich bin einfach nur zu blöd 11:01 < netcrow> ähh..rocklinux.de 11:02 < th> brauch ich kiss? 11:03 < uninvited> KISS rocks ! ;-) 11:03 < th> specify 11:03 < th> huebi: was issen mit lcap? da gibts nur ein .pz file 11:04 < huebi> th: squid? - Ist doch nur ISDN. Da ist Squid bestimmt sehr sinnvoll. 11:05 < th> huebi: lcap is squid? 11:05 < th> ich halte squid nur fuer sinnvoll wenn man auch ein paar GB cache hinterklemmt 11:05 < huebi> th: nein. Ich habe nur an squid gedacht. 11:05 < huebi> lcap schaue ich mir jetzt an. 11:10 < huebi> LCAP allows a system administrator to remove specific capabilities 11:10 < huebi> from the kernel in order to make the system more secure. 11:10 < huebi> LCAP modifies the value in the sysctl file "/proc/sys/kernel/cap-bound". 11:10 < huebi> For example, if a system administrator wishes to disallow the loading 11:10 < huebi> of kernel modules, the following command line would be executed: 11:10 < huebi> lcap CAP_SYS_MODULE 11:11 < th> cool 11:11 < th> was es nicht alles gibt 11:12 < huebi> das kann ganz schoen viel. lcap.desc steht jetzt auf meiner Liste. 11:12 < th> und ein lcap.conf? sonst kommts doch nie rein, oder? 11:14 < huebi> root@zeus:/rock-linux# ls dist/var/adm/logs/*lcap* 11:14 < huebi> dist/var/adm/logs/3-lcap.log 11:14 < th> huch 11:14 < th> gibts sowas wie ne standard .conf? 11:14 < th> wenn keine da ist, sozusagen 11:15 < huebi> th: Jo, da sind defaultwerte in Build-Pkg und Build-All 11:15 < huebi> aber der Pfad /usr/sbin/lcap sollte wohl besser /sbin/lcap heissen. 11:16 < huebi> Was mein ihr dazu? 11:16 < th> denke ich auch 11:17 < huebi> lcap.conf steht jetzt auch auf meiner Liste. 11:17 < th> brauch ich ruby eigentlich noch? 11:21 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("work") 11:23 < th> 107 pakete habe ich jetzt fuer essentiell oder SEHR sinnvoll auf einem dedizierten router befunden 11:24 < th> das ist noch ziemlich viel 11:24 < th> von 279 11:24 < huebi> jo 11:24 < th> vielleicht kann ich at noch rausschmeissen? 11:24 < th> gibts ne dependency at <> cron? 11:24 < huebi> th: at habe ich in den letzten 2 Jahren nur 1x benutzt. 11:25 < huebi> cron ist eigenstaendig. 11:25 < th> abet braucht cron? 11:26 < uninvited> . 11:26 < huebi> cron ist immer gut. fuer fetchmail, logrotate, reboot und nasebohren ;-))) 11:26 < th> www.cvs.rocklinux.de/ ?? das ist neu 11:26 < uninvited> ach du machst das mit cron... ;-) 11:27 -!- uninvited [~uninvited@p50803265.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 11:28 < huebi> root@zeus:/rock-linux# ll dist/rock-linux/tars/ia32-at.tar.bz2 11:28 < huebi> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 28321 Jun 12 17:33 dist/rock-linux/tars/ia32-at.tar.bz2 11:28 -!- uninvited [~uninvited@p50803265.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:29 < huebi> th: 28k fuer at ist nicht so viel 11:29 < th> ich haette gerne eine stelle auf world wo ich mal ein paar dateien hinlegen kann 11:29 < th> huebi: ich habs auch drin gelassen ;) 11:30 < huebi> th: Von Exploids fuer at habe ich auch noch nicht gehoert. Das muss aber nichts heissen. 11:30 < huebi> th: Nimm doch dein ~ 11:30 < th> huebi: ich meine ne stelle die per http erreichbar ist. 11:30 < th> huebi: um zum beispiel diese liste public zu machen 11:31 < th> ich koennte irgendwie per rsync was auf .org bringen und auf den naechsten mirror warten 11:31 < huebi> das ist doch eine Idee ;) 11:32 < th> die latenzzeit waere zum kotzen 11:33 < th> ~/my-rock-dir$ ./maintain.sh down 11:33 < th> laut cliff's howto fragt mich das nach einem passwort 11:33 < th> und zwar das rsync 11:33 < th> ich kannkeine angabe finden, dass rsync ssh nehmen soll :-/ 11:35 < th> https://www.rocklinux.org/people/maintain.sh ist doch von cliff, oder? 11:40 < huebi> th: jo 11:40 < th> tcp 0 0 segfault.boerde.d:32818 chello21201708102:rsync ESTABLISHED 11:40 < th> grmpf 11:41 < th> wie force ich da ein ssh? 11:41 < th> RSYNC_RSH=ssh 11:41 < th> tuts nich 11:41 < th> grmpmgrpmfrpgrp 11:42 < th> selbst rsync -e aendert nix 11:43 < th> das macht doch kein ssh auf dem rsync port, oder? 11:47 < th> uninvited: https://delta.boerde.de/~th/base.txt das ist der bisherige stand 11:50 < uninvited> th> werd ich mir gleich geben. thx 11:53 < th> uninvited: kommentare an mich per mail. 11:55 < uninvited> th> ich schau druff und dann th@rocklinux.de 11:56 < th> ack 11:58 < uninvited> th> habs gelesen. Kannst du mir nochmal deine Definition von Router geben ? 11:58 < uninvited> ;-) 11:58 < uninvited> Einfach ein DUMMES STÜCK RECHNER mit I/O-Kontrolle ? 11:59 < uninvited> ;-) 12:00 < th> uninvited: der rechner soll nicht nur router machen 12:00 < uninvited> th> achso. 12:01 < th> auch dns und isdn einwahl 12:01 < uninvited> dachte mir schon was du sonst mit sendmail willst. 12:01 < th> und im endeffekt einen minimalen httpd der ein cgi anbietet zum ein und ausschalten vom internet ;) 12:02 < uninvited> okay. Ich geb mir die liste später nochmal und schau genau durch. Muss los, Nachwuchs ist am verhungern. 12:02 < uninvited> ciao zusammen !" 12:02 -!- uninvited [~uninvited@p50803265.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux () 12:30 < huebi> Gibt es eine Moeglichkeit, dass ein Benutzer per scp einen Upload auf einen Rechner macht _ohne_ das er eine gueltige shell hat? Authentifizierung moechte ich ueber ~/.ssh/authorized_keys machen. 12:31 < huebi> scp und sftp schlagen ohne /bin/bash in der /etc/passwd fehl. 12:32 < th> huebi: ich denke nein. ich wuerde dir ssh's chroot dafuer empfehlen ;) 12:32 < huebi> th: Wo finde ich ein Manual ueber ssh's chroot? 12:33 < th> huebi: das it eine funktion vom sshd von ssh.com 12:33 < th> openssh hat das wohl nicht 12:33 < huebi> ok 12:33 < th> das ist ein grund warum ich das original nehme und nicht den openssh abklatsch (der nicht mal ein scp in version 2 hat) 12:42 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux 12:45 * clifford is away: away 12:55 < esden> hi all 12:56 < aszlig> hullo 12:57 < esden> hi aszlig 13:08 < clifford> Ein ROCK Linux Entwickler ist beim Arzt. Sag der Mediziner: "Es tut mir schrecklich leid, aber sie haben nur noch 6monate zu leben." Entgegnet der ROCK Entwickler: "Oh mein Gott! Wovon denn?" 13:08 * clifford released snapshot 200206131233. 13:08 * clifford is back (gone 00:23:22) 13:14 < esden> clifford: argh ... 13:14 < clifford> esden: ? 13:15 < esden> ja ich habe gerade was runtergeladen ... 13:15 < esden> clifford: puhh ... dass ist schon der snap ... 13:15 < esden> gott sei dank 13:16 < esden> ich habe schon gedacht dass ich den um sonnst runtergeladen habe ... 13:16 < esden> clifford: der witz ist echt gut ! 13:16 < esden> clifford: kannst du die mailingliste rock-curiosa einrichten ? dass waehre der richtige platz fuer sowas ... 13:17 < esden> oder poste es an rock-ports ... da kommen ziemlich oft aehnliche sachen ... dank rippy ;-) 13:35 -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:35 < holyolli> moin 13:35 < esden> hi holyolli 13:35 < holyolli> huhu esden 13:36 < holyolli> esden: did you test the rock-cd from linuxtag? 13:36 < holyolli> i think we should make a list of known problems in order to fix them.. 13:37 < esden> holyolli: not yet -> no time :-((( 13:37 < holyolli> oh 13:38 < esden> holyolli: I hope to give it a try this weekend 13:38 < holyolli> esden: o.k. - then i try to write down some known issues 13:38 < esden> holyolli: sure 13:38 < holyolli> cause some problems are quiet severe 13:38 < praenti> hi 13:39 < holyolli> hi praenti 13:39 < esden> drollig: https://simon.pscherer.bei.t-online.de/pics/Francais_sux.PNG 13:39 < esden> hi brand 13:39 < praenti> clifford: lol 13:39 < holyolli> *lol* 13:40 < esden> holyolli: I know ... for example the not booting kernel ... :-( 13:40 < praenti> esden: das is ja einer von meiner ehem. schule 13:41 -!- th [th@rocklinux.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 13:41 -!- th [th@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux 13:41 < esden> praenti: echt ... cool 13:41 < holyolli> esden: exactly. as i already mentioned - 2.4.17 with the same config works great 13:41 -!- huebi_ [huebi@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux 13:41 < holyolli> muuuh huebi ;) 13:41 < esden> holyolli: yepp ... 13:41 < praenti> esden: da steht csg drüber 13:41 < esden> huep huebi_ 13:41 < esden> praenti: stimmt 13:43 < esden> muahahaha die lxtag gallery von jocelin ist echt geil geworden ! ;-) 13:43 -!- huebi [huebi@rocklinux.de] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: huebi_!huebi@rocklinux.de))) 13:43 < esden> ich habe mich krank gelacht 13:43 -!- huebi_ is now known as huebi 13:43 < esden> re huebi ?? 13:43 < huebi> esden: jo 13:43 < esden> ahh *knuddel* ;-( 13:43 < esden> argh 13:43 < esden> i mean :-) 13:43 < huebi> hihi 13:44 < huebi> ;-)) 13:44 < esden> I hate this laptop keyboard .. 13:44 < holyolli> https://reimari.saunalahti.fi/~jylppy69/Rotating_Circles.jpg 13:45 < praenti> hi huebi 13:46 < praenti> holyolli: wie geht das? 13:47 < esden> holyolli: dass ist krank! 13:47 < esden> holyolli: ich mag es ;-) 13:47 * -> esden moving his head back and forth 13:47 * holyolli wants to have a webcam for esden *fg* 13:47 < esden> holyolli: noooo!!! *run* 13:48 < holyolli> .oO(must look funny...esden in university moving his head to and back from the monitor ;) 13:48 -!- SMP [stefanp@world.WRonline.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 13:49 < praenti> lol 13:50 < huebi> https://reimari.saunalahti.fi/~jylppy69/dots.jpg <- More food for esden ;-) 13:51 < praenti> holyolli: da tut mir das genick nach ner zeit weh... 13:51 -!- SMP [stefanp@world.WRonline.de] has joined #rocklinux 13:51 < praenti> arg. der unkt is irgendwie schneller ... 13:51 < esden> holyolli: yes it looks funny ... all people ar looking at me pretty confused 13:52 < praenti> s/unkt/punkt 13:52 < esden> re SMP 13:52 < praenti> re SMP 13:52 < holyolli> esden: *g* 13:54 < esden> *blinzel* *blinzel* bin ich jetzt bloed oder was? die punkte blinken... ich habe gedacht dass man in jpeg nicht animationen speichern kann ... 13:54 < huebi> *LOOL* 13:54 < holyolli> hehe 13:56 < esden> ich bin von wahrnsinnigen umgeben ... lasst mich hier raus *an_gitterstreben_ruettel* 13:59 < holyolli> esden: just type "/leave #rocklinux" - thats all ;-) 14:00 < huebi> holyolli: und wer zaehlt dann Mathildas Auftritte? ;) 14:00 < esden> holyolli: I can not ... my irssi is logging the channel ... 14:01 < esden> huebi: arghsl 14:01 < esden> ;-) 14:01 < huebi> ;) 14:02 < esden> cu all 14:02 < esden> cu l8er 14:02 < huebi> cu esden ;-) 14:03 < holyolli> cu esden 14:16 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD95228A2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:16 < bluefire> Moin 14:17 < holyolli> hi bluefire 14:30 -!- lizard [~lizard@pD9048F05.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 14:50 < rxr> re 14:55 -!- fake [fake@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 14:55 * fake has his SGI Challenge S 14:56 < fake> *jumps_around* 14:56 < fake> donated byyyyyy: rolla! 14:56 < fake> (including serial cable and AUI connector. wohoo!) 14:56 < holyolli> hehe 14:56 < SMP> weeeh 14:57 < huebi> Herzlichen Glueckwunsch, fake ;-) 14:57 < fake> amazing. less then 3 days from St. Louis, MO, US to DE.... 14:57 < fake> that's better than in german internally 14:58 < huebi> fake: That's a normal time if you have a good expeditor ;-) 14:59 < fake> DHL 14:59 < huebi> 6 motorcycles from NY to Frankfurt in 30h is also possible without any extra costs 14:59 < huebi> DHL is fine 15:00 < fake> and the best is - it was free! 15:04 -!- lizard [~lizard@pD90485C7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:10 -!- term_emu [~pm@p50818AEB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:11 < rolla> that is crazy 15:18 -!- Freak [freak@pD9530BB3.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 15:18 < term_emu> ho 15:19 -!- Bevin [~gbevin@213-193-176-17.adsl.easynet.be] has joined #rocklinux 15:19 < Bevin> hi all 15:19 < rxr> hi Bevin 15:21 -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39E73.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:24 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD95228A2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 15:26 < holyolli> hi Bevin 15:26 < holyolli> hi freak 15:27 < Bevin> Is rocklinux still on the lookout for a package manager that correctly handles dependencies and such while compiling fro source? 15:28 < Freak> re 15:31 < holyolli> Bevin: you're using rock-1.5? 15:31 < Bevin> holyolli: no 15:31 < Bevin> holyolli: i'm not using rock anymore, I'm just inquiring about this 15:31 < rxr> Bevin: we do not need a package manager for having dependencies for compiling from source ... 15:32 < fake> but a lseek-capable format of the packages generated. 15:32 < rxr> the build scripts will handle this in some days though ... 15:32 < rxr> fake: jups - for the binary installation 15:33 < fake> eh-he. 15:33 < Bevin> rxr: how are dependencies handled now in rock then? 15:40 < rxr> the handling is not yet finished ... 15:40 < rxr> they are auto-generated on a reference build 15:40 < Bevin> aaah the precedence number is still in place to determine the order according to which the packages are installed 15:41 < rxr> they are used for cluster builds - and will be used for an emerge style package source compilation and our binary installation installer ... 15:42 < Bevin> rxr: so does rocklinux resolve deps if you want to install a package from source that is missing libraries? 15:44 < holyolli> huebi? 15:44 < huebi> holyolli: jo? 15:45 < holyolli> huebi: wie sieht das mit dem display aus? 15:46 < huebi> holyolli: It came back home today. I can send it to you tomorrow. 15:47 < holyolli> huebi: dann mail mir doch bitte mal deine bankverbindung... ;) 15:47 < huebi> holyolli: jo. 15:48 < rxr> Bevin: in some days: yes 15:49 -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has quit ("fnord!") 15:49 < Bevin> rxr: I suppose you just explained how it worked, but I didn't quite understand it, care to explain more? 15:49 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs1.xs4all.nl] has joined #rocklinux 15:50 -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:50 < rxr> Bevin: You remeber our flist warapper ? 15:50 < holyolli> re 15:50 < Bevin> rxr: yes 15:50 < rxr> Bevin: now use this (or strace) for read files, too 15:51 < Bevin> rxr: ok, so you auto detect which package uses which file 15:51 < rxr> this way we can lookup each read/accessed file and get the package it was from (.h .so, ... files) 15:51 < Bevin> rxr: and match that against the contents of each package 15:51 < rxr> This way we have dependencies which are cached in the package .cache files from a reference build 15:52 < rxr> so by simply extending our build script the Build-Pkg script can build all needed packages on need 15:52 < rxr> these dependencies are allready used for cluster builds ... 15:52 < Bevin> rxr: and you pre-generate that before providing the package tree I suppose 15:52 < rxr> and will be used for auto-compiling (resolving dependencies) and the binary installation 15:53 < Bevin> rxr: sounds interesting 15:53 < rxr> Bevin: the dependencies are generated in an "Reference Build" where everything is build and so the packages also use all optinal dependencies ... 15:53 < rxr> the thing is, that we do not want to hardcode as much as the gentoo people do ... 15:54 < Bevin> rxr: got an url where this is already available? 15:54 < Bevin> rxr: 2.0 release? 15:54 < rxr> so we do as much automatically as possible (this is why ROCK had no dependencies in the past -_we simply lacked the idea of to generate them - although is rather easy now...) 15:54 < rxr> the 1.7 tree already generate the dependencies 15:55 < Bevin> rxr: thanks for the info 15:55 < rxr> https://www.rocklinux.org/pics/screenshot_parasim.jpg <- simulation of an cluster build based on the dependencies and build times 15:56 < rxr> https://www.rocklinux.org/sources/package/base/bzip2/bzip2.cache <- an autogenerated .cache file 15:57 < rxr> some [DEP] 's need to by fixed. e.g. every package depends on hylafax - there must be a strange file somewhere ... 15:58 < Bevin> rxr: and fl_wrapper.c has been updated to do this? 15:59 < rxr> jups - simply tracking read access, too 15:59 < clifford> rxr: I've solved the perl5 problem. 15:59 < rxr> but we have the possibility to use strace, too ... 15:59 < rxr> clifford: HI! - Nice! What was the problem ? 16:00 < clifford> Perl5 (and opther packages) where passing -I/usr/local/include to gcc 16:00 < rxr> and ? 16:00 < clifford> That caused gcc3 to output warnings (usr/local/include is already system include directory) 16:00 < clifford> The warnings caused checks to fail which shouldn't fail... 16:01 < rxr> oh ah .. 16:01 < clifford> Now I'm using the CC_WRAPPER to always remove -I/usr/local/include from the option list 16:01 < rxr> hm. ok 16:02 < rxr> clifford: can you send me the hylafax flist of your last reference build ? 16:02 < rxr> I would like to know why all packages depend on this package ... 16:03 < clifford> hmm ... wait a minute .. 16:04 < clifford> https://www.rocklinux.org/projects/rock20/result-2002-06-03.tar.bz2 16:04 < rxr> clifford: I have extracted some gcc3 patches for gcc3 - because I hoped they fix this "perl5" issue ... 16:04 < rxr> should we use some of them - otherwise I'll delete them now ... 16:04 < rxr> the patches are all from red hat and SuSE anyway ... 16:05 < rxr> These are: 16:05 < rxr> rene@jackson:~/develop/rock/rock-src-1.7-working/package/base/gcc3 > ls gcc31* 16:05 < rxr> gcc31-attr-visibility.patch gcc31-fold-const.patch gcc31-pr6643.patch 16:05 < rxr> gcc31-attr-visibility2.patch gcc31-fold-const2.patch gcc31-test-rotate.patch 16:05 < rxr> gcc31-fdata-sections.patch gcc31-i386-expand-clrstr.patch gcc31-trunc_int_for_mode.patch 16:05 < rxr> gcc31-fde-merge-compat.patch gcc31-i386-malign-double-doc.patch 16:06 < clifford> hylafax includes etc/{group,passwd,shadow}{,-} 16:06 < rxr> ah 16:06 < clifford> I'd guess it's making a useradd and groupadd ... 16:06 < SMP> (hylafax sucks big times) 16:06 < rxr> clifford: I'll fix hylafax then 16:06 < rxr> SMP: ACK 16:07 < rxr> *lol*: from hylafax.conf: 16:07 < rxr> # ---- Hylafax expects user and group 'uucp' 16:07 < rxr> if ! grep "^uucp:" /etc/passwd ; then 16:07 < rxr> useradd -c "Fax User" uucp 16:07 < rxr> fi 16:07 < rxr> if ! grep "^uucp:" /etc/group ; then 16:07 < rxr> groupadd uucp 16:07 < rxr> fi 16:07 < rxr> not suprising ... 16:07 < rxr> +r 16:08 < clifford> Ouch! 16:09 < rxr> I fix this in a minute ... 16:09 < clifford> thanks. 16:09 < SMP> erm 16:09 < SMP> is there a policy for /dev/tts/* permissions already? 16:09 < SMP> there isn't much sense in fixing without one 16:10 < rxr> SMP: ? policy for /dev/tts/* ? 16:11 < SMP> ever thought about _why_ hylafax insists on a uucp user? 16:11 < rxr> no ... 16:11 < rxr> why 16:11 < rxr> ? 16:11 < huebi> We also need that for minicom. 16:11 < rxr> the setup.d script could create the user ... 16:12 < SMP> because that's (traditionally and wrongly) the user or group (matter of policy) who owns the tty devices 16:13 < rxr> tty or tts ? 16:13 < SMP> IMHO there should be a 'serial' group and a 'hylafax' user 16:13 < SMP> with the ttys being root.serial and 660 16:13 < rxr> SMP: we could also introduce a video, sound and cdwrite group ... 16:14 < SMP> rxr: /dev/tts/* is a subset of the possible tty devies 16:14 < SMP> well.. 16:14 < SMP> and _that_ needs a policy 16:15 < huebi> We definitly need a sound group to avoid some misuse of the microphone. 16:15 * fake drives home, testing Challenge S ;) 16:15 < Bevin> rxr: thanks for the information, it was insightful 16:15 < huebi> cu fake 16:15 < SMP> huebi: in reality it doesn't gain you anything ;) 16:15 < huebi> SMP: Why? 16:15 < SMP> if you treat it as a supplemental group for anyone who logs in at the console 16:16 < SMP> (only then) 16:16 -!- sphaera [sphaera@pD955C84F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:16 < SMP> (which is the usual approach) 16:16 < sphaera> hello. 16:16 < holyolli> hi sphaera 16:17 -!- Bevin [~gbevin@213-193-176-17.adsl.easynet.be] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 16:17 < sphaera> hey holyolli 16:17 < huebi> hi sphaera 16:17 < sphaera> hi.. 16:17 < huebi> root@zeus:~# ll /dev/sound/ 16:17 < huebi> crwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14, 3 Jan 1 1970 dsp 16:17 < huebi> crwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14, 19 Jan 1 1970 dsp1 16:17 < huebi> crwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14, 2 Jan 1 1970 midi 16:17 < huebi> crwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14, 0 Jan 1 1970 mixer 16:17 < rxr> huebi: ouch 16:17 < huebi> that's normal on RedHat IIRC 16:18 < rxr> and x ??? 16:18 < huebi> or mode 666 16:18 < SMP> <1>stefanp@lolita[~](506)$ grep -E 's(ou)?nd' /etc/devfsd.conf 16:18 < SMP> REGISTER ^snd/ PERMISSIONS -1.93 660 16:18 < SMP> REGISTER ^sound/ PERMISSIONS -1.93 660 16:18 < SMP> LOOKUP ^dsp$ CFUNCTION GLOBAL symlink sound/dsp $devpath 16:18 < SMP> LOOKUP ^mixer$ CFUNCTION GLOBAL symlink sound/mixer $devpath 16:19 < SMP> so what about /dev/tts/* now? 16:20 < SMP> any opinions? 16:20 < huebi> An extra group I would say 16:20 < rxr> jups serial 16:21 < huebi> rxr: ACK 16:21 < SMP> ok. and a 'hylafax' user for hylafax? 16:22 < SMP> (why does a console-group not gain any security in reality; login at the console once: cp /bin/sh ~ ; chgrp audio sh ; chmod g+s sh 16:23 < SMP> and be in the group any time you want) 16:24 < rxr> SMP: this commands work if you are not in the audio group ? 16:25 < SMP> as I said, the usual approach is to temporarily add such groups for users who log in at the console 16:26 < SMP> $ whoami 16:26 < SMP> stefanp 16:26 < SMP> $ id stefanp 16:26 < SMP> uid=1000(stefanp) gid=100(users) groups=100(users) 16:26 < SMP> $ groups 16:26 < SMP> users console floppy audio cdrom 16:26 < SMP> $ grep floppy /etc/login.defs 16:26 < SMP> CONSOLE_GROUPS console:floppy:audio:cdrom 16:27 < SMP> it's a nice approach, but it doesn't work ;) 16:27 < holyolli> *hm* https://www.gentoo.org/ 16:27 < huebi> hmmm. SMP, do you have a solution for that problem? 16:28 < rxr> holyolli: and? 16:28 < rxr> site down ? 16:28 -!- simon- [~simon@pD951EB63.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:28 < rxr> no 16:29 < SMP> huebi: it's impossible to solve with UNIX permissions 16:29 -!- Freak is now known as F|a 16:29 -!- F|a is now known as Freak 16:30 < holyolli> rxr: nope - but a "nice to know" 16:32 < rxr> holyolli: you discovered gentoo just now ? 16:32 < Freak> heh 16:32 < Freak> finally someone who knew gentoo _before_ rock ;) 16:32 < Freak> ahm 16:32 < Freak> the other way round 16:32 < huebi> SMP: I must test that at home. I did not fully understand that right now. 16:32 < Freak> finally someone who knew rock _before_ gentoo ;) 16:33 < rxr> Freak: most here know ROCK _before_ gento ... ?!? 16:33 < rxr> ROCK was started arround 1998 ... 16:33 < Freak> well 16:33 < huebi> SMP: Do you have some more examples from the inside of your devfs.conf? 16:33 < Freak> in here maybe. 16:33 < rxr> clifford: hylafax fixed (I hope not broken) - maybe you could update the sf repository ? 16:34 < sphaera> produktivsein. 16:34 -!- sphaera [sphaera@pD955C84F.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux () 16:34 < Freak> but as I told you.. I think gentoo has the become more popular than rock has.. at least until now 16:34 < rxr> Freak: this will change ... 16:34 < Freak> I don't mean it as a judgement - it's just an impression 16:35 < Freak> yup, you said that before ;) 16:35 < Freak> and I don't doubt it 16:35 < SMP> huebi: no, that about all I use in devfsd.conf 16:36 -!- term_emu is now known as term_aweh 16:39 < rxr> LOOKUP snd/* MODLOAD 16:39 < rxr> REGISTER snd/.* PERMISSIONS root.sound 660 16:39 < rxr> LOOKUP sound/* MODLOAD 16:39 < rxr> REGISTER sound/.* PERMISSIONS root.sound 660 16:39 < rxr> LOOKUP v4l/* MODLOAD 16:39 < rxr> REGISTER v4l/.* PERMISSIONS root.video 660 16:39 < rxr> # REGISTER scsi/host0/bus0/targetX/lun0/generic PERMISSIONS root.cdwrite 660 16:39 < rxr> # allow floppy access for users (at least with mtools) 16:39 < rxr> # REGISTER floppy/.* PERMISSIONS root.users 660 16:39 < rxr> # nice trick to autoload gpm for USB mices 16:39 < rxr> #REGISTER input/mouse0 EXECUTE /usr/sbin/gpm -t imps2 -3 -m $devpath 16:39 < rxr> #UNREGISTER input/mouse0 EXECUTE /usr/sbin/gpm -k 16:40 < rxr> I would not use the gpm hack ... 16:40 < SMP> nice idea tho 16:41 < rxr> (random parts of the dRock devfsd.conf ...) 16:41 < huebi> I want to have many more examples in the config files of ROCK. That makes the living of stressed sysadmins and beginners much more easyer 16:42 < rxr> jups the dRock ones are in 1.7 ... 16:42 < SMP> rxr: 'mouse' -> 'mice'. not 16:42 < SMP> 'mices' 16:42 < SMP> ;-) 16:42 -!- simon [~simon@pD951E925.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out) 16:42 -!- simon- is now known as simon 16:43 < SMP> (/dev/input/mice *rules* btw. ;>) 16:43 < rxr> SMP: ;-) sure thx for the typo correction - was not from me anyway .. 16:44 < rxr> /dev/input/mice is "ok" - but I wanna have several unique keyboard and mice setups in Linux 2.5.x -> so /dev/input/mouse? is what I'll use ... 16:48 -!- huebi [huebi@rocklinux.de] has quit ("Lost terminal") 16:48 < holyolli> cu later 16:48 -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has quit ("fnord!") 16:49 -!- huebi [huebi@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux 16:49 < huebi> re 16:49 < huebi> [screen caught signal 11.] <- uiuiuiui 16:51 < SMP> huh 16:53 < huebi> I have to leave in a few minutes to catch the train home... 16:59 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 16:59 < huebi> cu 16:59 < netcrow> hi 17:00 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit (Ping timeout: 14400 seconds) 17:00 < praenti> cu huebi 17:01 < th> some HP freaks in here? 17:01 < th> cya huebi 17:01 < praenti> th: only have a damaged omnibook 4150b 17:01 < th> i seem to habe some acl problems 17:01 < praenti> th: and they want 900 EUR for a new one from me... 17:01 < th> trying to install some software 17:01 < praenti> *grml* 17:02 < th> no permissions to access software depot... 17:02 < th> they point me to use swacl-command 17:02 < th> in some log files i read about problems to resolve the hostname 17:02 < th> but as i can see the hostname resolves very fine 17:02 < rxr> clifford: jups perl5 works now ;-) !!! Thanks! 17:06 * clifford is away: coding on www.diestartseite.at 17:10 < netcrow> praenti: what was happend with your omnibook? 17:11 < praenti> netcrow: i told you already i think. there's a transistor in the temperature control exploded 17:12 < netcrow> oha 17:13 < praenti> so i need a new mainboard or s.b. who can build me a new temperature control for the heat sink 17:13 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("open a screen") 17:13 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 17:13 < netcrow> hm, ask erdi ;)= 17:14 < praenti> then i get it for 700 EUR and thats also too expensive 17:15 < th> any idea where to get HPUX knowledge? 17:15 < praenti> i need s.b. who has a better connection to hp 17:16 < netcrow> praenti: do you have still a "Garantie"? 17:17 < praenti> no 17:20 < rolla> th: www.hp.com ;) 17:27 < netcrow> praenti: gehst heut aktivenrunde? 17:28 * rxr rebooting because of a half missing /proc 17:30 -!- newbie1 [~marco@chello213047245070.tirol.surfer.at] has joined #rocklinux 17:30 < newbie1> hi... 17:31 < praenti> netcrow: mail gelesen? 17:31 < newbie1> hm.. auch mal deutsche hier..? ;) 17:34 < newbie1> hm.. als FreeBSD user wird der umstieg (zumindest ma testn) auf RockLinux hart werdn... oda? 17:35 < lizard> newbie1: nicht wirklich 17:35 < newbie1> gibts da windowmaker oder so? eh oda? 17:35 < newbie1> es heißt ja zur installation braucht ma n laufendes system.. reicht freebsd? 17:36 < lizard> newbie1: wenn du die .iso installierst.. klar :) 17:37 < lizard> klar .. braucht man keins.. 17:37 < Freak> hä?? 17:37 < newbie1> also mit ner iso brauch ich net mal n rennendes OS ..? 17:37 < Freak> ich installier rock auf ner freebsd-kiste? ;) 17:37 < Freak> also selbst wenns geht - macht das sinn?! 17:37 < newbie1> na ;) .. 17:37 < lizard> Freak: nein es geht nicht *verleser* 17:37 < Freak> hehehe 17:37 < newbie1> sag ma so ich will rocklinux ma ausprobiern 17:38 < lizard> newbie1: ja klar :) 17:38 < newbie1> soll ja angeblich rocken ;) 17:38 < Freak> muha 17:38 < Freak> rm -rf / && cdeinlegen && reboot 17:38 < newbie1> lol... so gehts auch .. 17:39 < lizard> newbie1: das einfachste ist, mach dir eine Rock .iso drauf. wenns gefaellt, kompilier dir dein eigenes. fun garantiert.. ;-) 17:39 < newbie1> ok werd i machn ;) 17:39 < newbie1> wennst es selbst kompiliertst, dauert das wirklich so lang? 17:40 < newbie1> auf nem 600er athlon 2 -3 tage 17:40 < lizard> newbie1: kommt drauf an wieviele packete. aber es lohnt sich 17:40 < Freak> wenn dir das zu lange dauert dann nimm keine rock .. mensch 17:41 < lizard> hey Freak, mach keine antiwerbung 17:41 < lizard> ;-> 17:41 < newbie1> Freak: beruhig dich ma ;) .. hat ja niemand gesagt das es mir zu lang dauert 17:41 < Freak> lizard: löl 17:41 < Freak> ;) 17:41 < Freak> newbie1: bin ganz ruhig, du interpretierst unruhe in meine aussage ;) 17:42 < Freak> -> das war nich böse gemeint sondern nur "dann bleibt dir eben keine andre wahl" 17:42 < newbie1> aso.. dann passts ;) tschuldigung.. 17:43 < praenti> ohh mann. diese diskussion erinnert mich an meinen anfang 17:43 < praenti> ;-) 17:46 < newbie1> lol.. eben ;) jeder faengt mal an ... *hrhr* 17:46 < rxr> we also have very nice precompiled ISOs. 17:46 < Freak> that was mentioned before ;) 17:46 < rxr> and you have still the advantage of an optimized / clean dist ;-) 17:47 < rxr> Freak: /me was gebooting ... 17:47 < Freak> mmhh.. 17:48 < praenti> newbie1: das selber compilieren braucht man nicht unbedingt. hat aber merklichen speed vorteil 17:48 < rxr> Freak: not because a Linux bug ;-) - only because my 1.7 work removed half of my /proc ... 17:48 < rxr> I should really start to use ./scripts/Cleanup ... 17:48 < newbie1> jojo das kommt dann mal .. 17:48 < Freak> rxr: hehehe 17:49 < praenti> newbie1: wenn du selber compilieren willst installier die vorher eines unserer isos. empfehlenswert sind drock (rxr hilf mir mal bei der version) und 1.5.14/15/16 weiß im moment nicht was huebi gebaut hat 17:50 < praenti> newbie1: auf den anderen distris gehts meistens nicht, weil die pakete verpatched sind ;-) 17:50 < newbie1> hm. und wo finde ich EURE distris? 17:50 < rxr> dRock-1.6.0-rc3 17:50 < praenti> nicht unsere sonderen denen ihre. z.b. redhat wenns du die kennst 17:50 < Freak> zu diesem thema... ;) -> https://news.LinuxForce.de/?id=284 17:50 < rxr> 1.6.0 will be out next week 17:51 < Freak> *duck* 17:51 < newbie1> thnx 17:51 < rxr> cool 17:51 < rxr> ausser das ROCK Linux mal wieder falsch geschrieben ist ... 17:53 < praenti> ich versteh nicht warum die das auch wieder zusammengeschrieben haben 17:53 < newbie1> Directory: ROCK-1.5.12/ .. <- falsche vers. oda? 17:53 < praenti> newbie1: is schon ein bißchen ältlicher 17:54 < Freak> rxr: Erbsenzähler 17:55 < praenti> https://download.rocklinux.de/1.5.13/ 17:55 * rxr ? -> immer 17:55 < praenti> da is ein 1.5.13 iso. das war meines wissens ein ganz gutes 17:56 < newbie1> praenti wo? 17:56 < lizard> newbie1: https://drocklinux.dyndns.org/ftp/drock/unstable/1.6.0-rc3/ <- dRock (mit KDE 3.0, etc. scheint ziemlich stable). und https://download.rocklinux.de/1.5/1.5.15/ <- das aktuelle. 17:56 < Freak> rxr: hehe 17:56 < Freak> *änder* 17:56 < praenti> oder das nehmen 17:56 < rxr> praenti: soll ich denen mailen ? Mit info zur richtigen Schreibesie ? 17:56 < newbie1> *g* das wuerdest nun nehmen ? die aktuelle oder die "stable" ? 17:57 < praenti> newbie1: stable is keine. weils ungerade zahlen sind 17:57 < Freak> rxr: fixed. 17:57 * lizard sagte "scheint .. stable" ;-) 17:57 < praenti> Freak: du seiten ersteller? 17:58 < newbie1> und ich habe das stable mit den "" ausgestattet ;) 17:58 < Freak> praenti: ich labersack 17:59 < praenti> newbie1: im moment würd ich dir auch eher zum drock raten, da unser rock 1.5er tree im moment ein paar kleine macken hat 17:59 < rxr> ah wurde ja schon korrigiert ;-) 17:59 < praenti> newbie1: es gibt einen 1.5.16 build. den hat allerdings nur der huebi. in ein paar stunden sollte er auch wieder da sein 18:00 < rxr> a Danke Freak ;-)! 18:00 < praenti> vielleicht kannst du von ihm eine iso kriegen 18:00 < newbie1> ok ich habs .. werd mir die unstable mal runterladen 18:00 < newbie1> danke 18:00 * praenti muss jetzt. altmuehlnet hat einen mysqler vom linuxtag abgeschleppt und der darf ein vortrag machen ;-) 18:01 < praenti> cya 18:01 < newbie1> bye 18:01 < Freak> rxr: pas de probleme 18:04 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD95228A2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:05 < bluefire> Moin 18:12 < rxr> Frage, sollte das fuer eine Artikelbewerbung im Linux-Magazin reichen?: 18:12 < rxr> Nach einem Gesprdch mit Tom Schwaller auf dem LinuxTag 2002 und als 18:12 < rxr> einer der Entwickler von ROCK Linux w|rde ich die Themenvielfalt in 18:12 < rxr> Ihrem Linux Magazin gerne durch einen Artikel |ber die aktuelle ROCK 18:12 < rxr> Linux Eentwickler-Serie 1.7 (aka 2.0) anreichern. 18:12 < rxr> + the usual URL stuff ... 18:13 < rxr> ping 18:15 < lizard> klingt gut 18:16 < lizard> Freak: kennst du Leute vom Linux Magazin? 18:16 < Freak> per email, den Andreas Grytz 18:17 < Freak> getroffen hab ich ihn nich.. 18:17 < lizard> Freak: weil hab deinen Namen letztens da gelesen ;) 18:17 < Freak> ja, seite 85 *g 18:17 < rxr> ich habe Tom Schwaller auf dem Linux Tag getroffen ;-) 18:17 -!- newbie1 [~marco@chello213047245070.tirol.surfer.at] has quit ("Client Exiting") 18:17 < Freak> aber der is doch weg, nichtoder 18:18 < netcrow> praenti: still here? 18:18 < rxr> Freak: Du hast was im Linux Magazin geschrieben ? 18:18 < Freak> nein 18:18 < Freak> noch nicht.. 18:20 < rxr> ? Und wer hate wessen Namen dann wo gelesen ? 18:21 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs1.xs4all.nl] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 18:21 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs1.xs4all.nl] has joined #rocklinux 18:22 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@p50806AD0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:22 < hackbard> hi! 18:22 < lizard> rxr: ich Freak's Namen im Zusammenhang mit LinuxForce.de .. glaub ich 18:23 < lizard> hi hackbard, hi ringo78 18:23 < Freak> lizard: im zusammenhang..? 18:23 < Freak> weiss garnet.. *nachschau* 18:23 < lizard> Freak: oder www.linuxcommunity.de ... ? 18:23 < Freak> neenee mein name & linuxforce.de stehen auf LC 18:23 < Freak> aber nich im heft 18:23 -!- clifford [~clifford@] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 18:23 < Freak> da steht nur der name.. 18:23 < Freak> konkurrenz is evil. 18:24 < Freak> & vorallem is platz teuer ;) 18:24 * rxr email to linuxmagazin.de out ... 18:25 -!- clifford [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux 18:25 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A6B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 18:26 < rxr> LOL! 18:26 < rxr> Solymosi: Objektorientiertes Plug and Play (Vieweg) - f|r Programmieranfdnger 18:27 < rxr> ^- Mein Prof den ich _staendig_ korrigieren muss!!! Das Buch will ich nicht sehen *g* 18:27 < Freak> rxr: wat studierstn du? (info/fh, wa) 18:28 < snyke> servas 18:31 < rxr> Freak: Technische Informatik ... 18:31 < Freak> omg es wird ja immer besser ;) 18:33 < rxr> w3 (wie wo was) wird besser ? 18:34 < Freak> n3 (nixnixnix) schon ok *gg 18:34 < Freak> (hatte wirklich keine tiefere bedeutung jetzt ;) 18:35 * snyke @ downloading rock :) 18:35 < rxr> ;-) 18:40 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E1192F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:40 < tsa> tag 18:42 -!- sockmonk_ [~wsheldahl@moose.qx.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:42 < hackbard> hi tsa 18:43 < hackbard> rxr: btw, build failed already with ash (stage3) , cuz of undeclared `tokpushback' 18:44 < rxr> hi tsa 18:45 < hackbard> oh, already submitted to rock list .. 18:45 < rxr> hackbard: ? 18:45 < rxr> hm 18:45 < hackbard> https://www.rocklinux.org/mailing-list/rock-linux/2001-7/18.html 18:45 < rxr> hackbard: clifford fixed the gcc3 issue ;-) So i'll see soon ;-) 18:45 < hackbard> so perl will compile probably now? 18:46 < rxr> jups 18:46 < hackbard> oh, or is it properly? :) 18:47 < tsa> rxr: nice mail to the list. 18:47 < tsa> ..but my rock-cvs inbox tells me boogieboy is still replacing the .cache files.. 18:47 < tsa> *sigh* 18:48 < tsa> if he doesn't stop this, we might have to consider excluding him from cvs access. i don't want to do all work twice.. 18:51 < rxr> tsa: the modification on sf cvs where before my mail - at least I do not have new ones ... 18:51 < tsa> mom. 18:51 < tsa> Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 15:52:42 -0700 18:51 < tsa> 18:51 < tsa> (cache) 18:52 < tsa> Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 16:51:12 +0200 (CEST) 18:52 < tsa> your mail. 18:52 < tsa> ok.. 18:52 < tsa> anyway...i hope he stops this now. 18:56 < rxr> I hope too - another thing might be - that his sf mail account is not forwareded correctly ... ? 18:58 < rxr> So Diode und Ladebuchse an meinem self-made Laptop Akku ersatz ;-)= 19:00 < Freak> löl 19:00 < Freak> mach foto 19:00 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux 19:00 < tsa> hi armijn 19:00 < armijn> re 19:00 < armijn> hi 19:01 < armijn> https://www.thinkgeek.com/stuff/caffeine/5a65.shtml <-- sick 19:01 -!- hackbard_ [~hackbard@p50806D2E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:01 < tsa> caffeinated soap? 19:01 < tsa> urgh. 19:02 < armijn> yeah 19:02 < tsa> i'm not supposed to eat my soap, am i? 19:02 < tsa> ;) 19:02 < armijn> no no :) 19:02 < armijn> the caffeine is absorbed "through the skin" 19:02 < tsa> i don't think that caffeine will be assimilated through the skin very good.. 19:02 < tsa> ah 19:03 < Freak> nice tho ;) 19:03 < armijn> evil 19:03 < Freak> hehe 19:06 < armijn> hmm...no huebi? 19:09 < huebi> re 19:09 < tsa> hehe 19:09 < tsa> hi huebi 19:09 < huebi> hi tsa 19:09 < huebi> hi armijn 19:09 < huebi> ;-) 19:09 < armijn> hi huebi 19:10 < armijn> huebi: ehrm, I thought you'd send me a CD with sources... 19:10 < armijn> huebi: you forgot? 19:11 < huebi> no. hmm. I have to ask the in house post office at work... 19:11 < armijn> weird. 19:11 * armijn sees huebi getting a CD and burning all the sources ;-) 19:11 < armijn> you did send it to the right address? 19:11 < rxr> hm - now I have to find a way to get the remaining capacity of the accu ;-) (later) 19:12 < rxr> hackbard: my build is at xfree86 now ... 19:12 < rxr> ghostscript and memtest86 failed 19:13 < armijn> rxr: what platform? 19:13 < rxr> intel 19:13 < armijn> ah 19:13 < rxr> ;-) 19:13 < huebi> https://chemdat.merck.de/cat/web2.zoom_in?text=102584&screen=110&cid=-935075694&pg=1&s=caffeine&lang=4 <- A local Company. I ask them for a price. 19:13 < armijn> I wonder if I disabled memtest86 for sparc... 19:14 < huebi> armijn: can you give me your adress again? 19:14 < rxr> armijn: it is not in 1.5 ... 19:14 < armijn> huebi: yeah, sure... 19:14 < rxr> in 1.5 it is only build for the install-disk ... 19:14 < armijn> rxr: yeah, the install-disk 19:15 < huebi> how many KG's should I order *g* 19:15 < huebi> of Caffeine 19:15 < armijn> KG? 19:15 < armijn> omg 19:16 < armijn> depends on how many people you want to kill 19:16 < huebi> 1000 Grams = 1KG 19:16 < tsa> how much do i need to stay awake the next month? 19:16 < armijn> huebi: I thought you had added some of my docs to 1.5.15 19:17 < SMP> anyone tried the caffeinated soap from Thinkgeek already? ;) 19:17 < huebi> 1 KG of Caffeine = enough stuff to let fake "the instant programmer" burn at least 1 month 19:17 < armijn> SMP: no... 19:17 < tsa> SMP: no...shipping from the US would be pretty expensive.. 19:18 < huebi> armijn: Were the docs not in your patches? 19:18 < tsa> we ordered some coffee mugs and shirts about a year ago... 19:18 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@p50806AD0.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19:18 < tsa> pretty expensive.. (taxes etc.) 19:18 < armijn> huebi: well, I send them, along with the patches 19:18 < armijn> s/send/sent/ 19:19 < huebi> armijn: can you just put them in you home on ella again. I put them in now 19:19 < armijn> huebi: ehr, gotta find them first :) 19:20 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs1.xs4all.nl] has quit ("leaving") 19:20 < armijn> huebi: can I send them by mail, that's easier for me 19:20 < huebi> armijn: Yes, do it 19:22 < rxr> memtest fixed 19:22 < huebi> https://chemdat.merck.de/cat/web2.zoom_in?text=102584&screen=180&cid=-935075694&pg=-1&s=caffeine&lang=4<- nice packages ;-) 50KG! 19:22 < armijn> on it's way 19:22 < armijn> urgh 19:22 < armijn> s/it's/its/ 19:22 * armijn can't type today 19:22 * huebi must configure a local mta 19:24 < armijn> hmm...CVS ChangeLog hasn't been updated for almost 3 weeks :( 19:25 < huebi> th: huh? 19:25 < th> ack 19:25 < th> armijn: this is not true 19:26 < th> tel. 19:26 < armijn> th: on rocklinux.dyndns.org it hasn't been updated 19:26 < rxr> https://www.linuxdj.com/audio/lad/eventslt2002.php3?view=7 19:26 < huebi> armijn: The official CVS is now at cvs.rocklinux.de 19:27 < th> 19:27 * huebi has to write more mails 19:27 < armijn> hgrmpf 19:27 < th> huebi: you should disabled the old server somehow 19:27 < huebi> SMP: Did you had some time to do some work on cvsweb.cgi? 19:27 < armijn> or redirect it 19:27 < huebi> th ACK 19:28 < th> huebi: i noticed a w3-root for www.cvs.rocklinux.de 19:29 < huebi> fuck info!! I want to have the tar man page back! 19:30 < armijn> who installed info? 19:30 < SMP> huebi: not lately :-( 19:30 < th> huebi: full-ack 19:30 < th> huebi: there is a info2man at sf IIRC 19:30 < huebi> armijn: tar has only an info page. no man page any more. 19:31 < armijn> pfrt 19:31 < th> pfrt? 19:31 < armijn> stupid GNU people 19:31 < huebi> armijn: ACK! 19:31 < th> i hate info as i hate emacs 19:31 < SMP> at least tar --help works with GNU tar ;) 19:31 < tsa> ACK ACK ACK!!!! 19:31 < tsa> i want a tar(8) 19:32 < SMP> TAR(1) OpenBSD Reference Manual TAR(1) 19:32 < SMP> ;p 19:32 < tsa> steal it whereever we can 19:32 < th> SMP: hmmm. with -I for bzip2? 19:32 < SMP> this is for BSD tar 19:32 < armijn> (flood) 19:32 < armijn> SunOS 5.8 Last change: 28 Jan 1998 1 19:32 < armijn> User Commands tar(1) 19:33 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@] has joined #rocklinux 19:33 < SMP> GNU tar just sounds like tar, but it isn't 19:33 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19:34 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD958D58C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:34 < tsa> re thalerim 19:34 < huebi> drwx------ 5 root root 120 May 22 12:27 cvs <- shut down ;-) 19:34 < th> huebi: that's what i meant :) 19:34 < thalerim> hi 19:34 < thalerim> hi tsa, huebi 19:35 < huebi> One good think would be a refurbished, modernised tar. With compatibility in all directions 19:36 < SMP> sounds like star ;) 19:36 < armijn> bloat tar 19:36 < armijn> which can do everything :) 19:36 < huebi> booting tar... 19:36 < huebi> hehe 19:36 < armijn> why not embed it in the shell 19:37 < thalerim> tar? 19:37 < th> i do NOT want to have a tar which does all but taring.. 19:37 < SMP> -rw-rw-r-- 5 rockwww rocksrc 747139 Oct 10 2001 download/base/tar/tar-1.13.tar.bz2 19:37 < SMP> -rw-r--r-- 1 stefanp users 390864 May 23 10:30 sw/Backup/star-1.4.tar.bz2 19:37 < SMP> so much for bloat 19:37 < th> that would be like emacs. 19:37 < huebi> armijn: no, it should stay seperate 19:37 < armijn> but I want bloatware! 19:37 < th> nice OS but it lacks a text-editor 19:37 < SMP> and I bet star even has a manpage 19:38 < SMP> armijn: wine winzip.exe 19:38 < SMP> *eg* 19:38 < th> lol 19:38 < armijn> oh yeah, first I'd have to install a Windows emulator (or VMWare) and then install windows and then use winzip 19:38 < armijn> now *that* is bloatware 19:38 < thalerim> btw. hi armijn... be comforted france, argentine and italia are disqualified as well ;-) 19:38 < th> so you can boot your tar 19:39 < armijn> thalerim: why should I be comforted? 19:40 < thalerim> because france has embarrassed more than holland :-) 19:40 < armijn> yeah yeah 19:41 < armijn> https://www.ihr-seid-nicht-dabei.de/ 19:41 < huebi> OT: Who has a german passport? 19:41 < armijn> why, need one? 19:41 * SMP has of course 19:41 < th> german passport? aehm. /me of course 19:42 < armijn> I don't :) 19:42 < tsa> aehm..sure. but why? 19:42 < huebi> The program for steel plate to get the golden letters on the very front was made by me ;-) 19:43 < armijn> not on my passport 19:43 < huebi> I did that in 1998 19:43 < tsa> ok. i'll give it back. 19:43 < tsa> ;) 19:43 < huebi> th: hehe 19:43 < huebi> s/th/tsa/ 19:43 < th> you replaced me with tsa??? 19:43 < tsa> so now i exist twice? 19:44 < huebi> That was not allowed. So all german passports are illegal. 19:44 < huebi> LOL 19:44 < armijn> what wasn't allowed? 19:44 < armijn> writing a program? 19:45 < armijn> stamping gold thingies? 19:45 < huebi> The company who officaly made this Steel plate was not able to do that. So they gave the work to the company I worked for at that time. And that was not allowed. 19:46 < armijn> you know this is logged 19:46 < th> and published 19:46 < th> it will be googlable. 19:46 * armijn looks up the number of the german embassy 19:47 < SMP> do you trust anyone that easy? ;> 19:47 * th does a sync on irc-log-publishing webserver. 19:47 < th> armijn, SMP: finally we got him :) 19:47 < armijn> SMP: no, but if they give me beer in exchange... 19:48 < huebi> It's too long ago. And who cares? 19:48 < armijn> welll.... 19:48 < huebi> OK free beer at 19C3 19:48 < armijn> given the fact that all german passports are now illegal :) 19:48 < SMP> I'm not really happy with the fact that logs for #rocklinux are being published. are you? 19:48 < tsa> ah! 19:48 < tsa> SMP: no, not really. stats are ok, but logs...hm.. 19:48 < armijn> yeah, so what if I'd say that I think SMP is a dickhead 19:49 < armijn> he can search Google for "SMP + dickhead" and find me saying that 19:49 < SMP> you're welcome 19:49 < thalerim> SMP: do you fear against the insane asymul? ;-> 19:49 < th> i would like to have impacts published. not the full log. 19:49 < armijn> of course, I don't know how often SMP googles on "SMP + dickhead" :) 19:49 < th> but i've rather the full log than nothing 19:49 < tsa> armijn: hehe 19:49 < armijn> and maybe I don't even want SMP to find out that I think he's a dickhead :))) 19:50 < SMP> not as often as I google on 'armiijn + gay' 19:50 < th> hrrhrr 19:50 < armijn> hmm..I must try that 19:50 < th> armijn: sit down first 19:50 < armijn> nope, nothing 19:50 < armijn> SMP + dickhead on the other hand... 19:51 < huebi> SMP huebi esden passport <- 1 hit 19:51 < armijn> wow, four pages :) 19:51 < tsa> hehe 19:52 < armijn> well, that must say something! 19:53 < armijn> right? 19:53 -!- Taruz [~marco@chello213047245070.tirol.surfer.at] has joined #RockLinux 19:54 < Taruz> hi... does anyone know where i get (D)rocklinux - isos? 19:54 < th> 19:54 < Taruz> ? 19:55 < huebi> ftp://download.rocklinux.de/1.5/1.5.15/rock-intel-i586-base+opt-1.5.15_2002-05-27_02h30.iso 19:56 < Taruz> thnx 19:57 < Taruz> what exactly is Drock - linux? 19:58 < huebi> the desktop version of ROCK Linux 19:59 < Taruz> hm? .. but the "normal" ROCK Linux Version does also include X and Windowmaker .. or? 19:59 < huebi> Taruz: Yes, but there is much more in dRock 20:00 < Taruz> hm ... thnx 20:01 < huebi> Taruz: https://www.rocklinux.org/projects/drock/drock.html 20:01 -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E7BCEA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:02 < martin_> hi zusammen 20:03 < rolla> I am getting the message that my install can't find root but I have checked and it is in /etc/fstab 20:03 < rxr> hi martin_ 20:04 < armijn> who is zusammen? 20:04 < armijn> I don't see anyone named zusammen 20:04 < tsa> rolla: i guess you forgot to put a line: append="root=/dev/discs.." in your lilo.conf 20:05 < tsa> (point the /dev entry to your / partition) 20:05 < rolla> dang 20:05 < armijn> ding 20:05 < armijn> dong 20:06 < tsa> no problem 20:06 < rolla> yes you are very right how could I forget something so basic 20:06 < tsa> armijn: what kind of drugs are you actually using? and where can i get them? ;) 20:06 < armijn> tsa: it's called "sleep deprivation" and it's very cheap 20:06 < armijn> once you get started with porting ROCK it will come to you automatically 20:07 < tsa> hehe..ok 20:07 < armijn> tsa: and for the really heavy stuff you should ask ripclaw 20:07 < armijn> seems like he never sleeps 20:07 < tsa> will start a port to pocket calculators, then ;-) 20:07 < armijn> but just *look* at the way he talks! 20:07 < armijn> ehr, writes e-mails that is 20:08 < tsa> hehe... 20:10 < rxr> tsa: the big TI calculators seem to have a Motorola 68xxx - much luck ;-) 20:10 < tsa> hehe 20:12 -!- Taruz [~marco@chello213047245070.tirol.surfer.at] has quit ("Client Exiting") 20:13 * thalerim is listening to Blind Guardian - Ashes to Ashes 20:13 < thalerim> *rock* 20:15 < armijn> blind guardian 20:15 < armijn> brrrrr! 20:16 < thalerim> specify the meaning of brr? 20:16 < thalerim> s,?,!; 20:17 < armijn> as in, kinda yuck 20:17 < armijn> I don't really like Blind Guardian 20:17 < thalerim> fact is there're better bands, but some songs of them are audiple 20:18 < thalerim> ...audible 20:22 -!- the][owl [~mail-spam@B5305.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:22 < thalerim> corvus corax, in extremo, eichenschild... to list some 20:22 < the][owl> hi 20:23 < armijn> yeah, time to go home 20:23 < armijn> cu 20:23 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux () 20:44 < rolla> where can I download curl from ? 20:44 < martin_> ach rxr, bist noch da? 20:48 < lizard> rolla: https://curl.haxx.se/download.html 20:49 < rolla> danke 21:01 * martin_ is away: I'm busy 21:17 -!- rolla [~Der@stlmaisenhel.ugs.com] has quit ("leaving") 21:21 -!- rolla [~Der@stlmaisenhel.ugs.com] has joined #rocklinux 21:45 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("leaving") 21:46 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD958D58C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("ho chresim' eidos uch ho poll' eidos sophos.") 21:48 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A6B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit ("°ShowDowN v12 PrO° since 1996: https://www.sci.fi/~showdown/") 21:55 -!- saint [~saint@] has joined #rocklinux 21:55 -!- saint [~saint@] has left #rocklinux () 21:55 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A6B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 21:58 < rxr> An 1.7 where much more compiles (mostly due to some package updates ...) is available on my server .. 21:59 < rxr> ^- "much more" mean -> when using gcc31 ... 21:59 * rxr again hacking Java fluff ... 22:07 -!- sockmonk_ [~wsheldahl@moose.qx.net] has quit ("to sort things out") 22:24 -!- uninvited [~uninvited@pD9E50BAD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:24 < uninvited> hello ! 22:26 < martin_> hello uninvited 22:27 < uninvited> hiya martin 22:28 < rxr> hi martin_ 22:36 < tsa> hi uninvited 22:43 < hackbard_> does anyone know whether the std rock tftp server supports tsize option? 22:48 < rxr> hackbard_: /me not - sorry 22:48 < rxr> hi tsa 22:48 < rxr> hackbard_: my gcc-31 only build is at 3-libbonobo 22:49 < rxr> hackbard_: only very vew errors: ghostscript, libtiff ... 22:49 < hackbard_> nice 22:49 -!- hackbard_ is now known as hackbard 22:49 < rxr> I'll fix those later - I'll have to do some "uni" stuff first ... 22:49 < hackbard> okay 22:49 < rxr> (But this time C++ - that is more fun than the f**king java fluff ... 22:49 < rxr> ) 22:50 -!- lizard [~lizard@pD90485C7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("oh oh, brb") 22:50 < rxr> when I finish the Excersice before midnight I'll do some 1.7 fixing ... 22:50 < hackbard> okay 22:50 * rxr @ laptop again ... 22:50 -!- lizard [~lizard@pD90485C7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:50 < hackbard> just wanted to talk, but i ll leave you alone then :) 22:50 < hackbard> hurry rene ;) 22:51 < rxr> hehe 22:51 < hackbard> re lizard 22:51 < lizard> yo re 22:55 < hackbard> okay, after Update-Src ash compiles here too 22:55 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A6B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit ("°ShowDowN v12 PrO° since 1996: https://www.sci.fi/~showdown/") 22:56 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:56 < hackbard> re holyolli 22:56 < holyolli> re 22:56 < holyolli> hi hackbard 22:59 -!- sockmonk [~wsheldahl@moose.qx.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:59 < holyolli> hi sockmonk 23:02 < the][owl> bye. 23:02 -!- the][owl [~mail-spam@B5305.pppool.de] has quit ("God is real. Unless declared integer.") 23:10 < sockmonk> hi holyolli 23:11 < sockmonk> I enjoyed the Linuxtag pictures posted on the rock website 23:15 < holyolli> <-- goes to this tv...cya tomorrow ;) 23:15 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has quit ("X-Chat: Tabardation - the inability to master use of the key. See: retardation; Headcase.") 23:27 < huebi> $arch <- Where is that defined in rock 1.5? 23:29 < huebi> arch="${ROCKCFG_ARCH:-any}" <- what does happen here? 23:30 < huebi> ^^^^^ I mean here... 23:31 < hackbard> komisch .. 23:31 < hackbard> ROCKCFG_ARCH wird in Config exportiert, nor? 23:31 < huebi> hackbard: jo. 23:31 < hackbard> root@hackstation:~# ROCKCFG_ARCH=i686 23:31 < hackbard> root@hackstation:~# arch="${ROCKCFG_ARCH:-any}" 23:31 < hackbard> root@hackstation:~# echo $arch 23:31 < hackbard> i686 23:31 < hackbard> das gibt aber keinen sinn .. 23:31 < huebi> und arch in scripts/parse-config erzeugt. 23:32 < hackbard> achso 23:32 < hackbard> hmm ... 23:32 < SMP> BASH(1) BASH(1) 23:32 < huebi> wozu brauche ich dan arch? 23:32 < SMP> Parameter Expansion 23:33 < SMP> ${parameter:-word} 23:33 < SMP> Use Default Values. If parameter is unset or null, the expansion 23:33 < SMP> of word is substituted. Otherwise, the value of parameter is 23:33 < SMP> substituted. 23:33 < huebi> ok 23:34 < hackbard> ahh, cool, gut zu wissen .. 23:34 < SMP> *gnnn* 23:34 < SMP> si tacuissem ... 23:36 < huebi> But what do I need it for? I can choose "none" for ROCKCFG_ARCH but I can't see the usage for that. 23:38 < hackbard> dann wird ROCKCFG="none" exportiert? 23:38 -!- uninvited [~uninvited@pD9E50BAD.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 23:39 < hackbard> dann wuerde aber arch auch zu "none" werden und nicht zu any .. wenn ich das richtig kappiert habe .. 23:39 < huebi> I want to have all global used variables in one file like Config. It's nasty to get all of them in my head and not forget the first ones till I got all ;( 23:40 < huebi> hackbard: none koennte man dann aber in den scriptc auch einfach weiter verarbeiten. 1 Wert weniger. 23:42 < huebi> scripts/Build-All: if [ "$arch" = any ] ; then 23:43 < huebi> echo "ERROR: No architecture configured." 23:43 < huebi> I change any to "none" 23:43 < hackbard> hmm, ich wuerde nicht none exportieren, aber mach halt: 23:44 < hackbard> if [ -z $ROCKCFG_ARCH ] ; then 23:47 < hackbard> vorallem dachte ich wolltest du $arch weghaben, und nicht nur any mit none vertauschen, oder? 23:50 < huebi> hackbard: Jo. ROCKCFG_ARCH gefaellt mir besser. und es wird nur einmal definiert und dann nicht mehr irgend etwas neues globales daraus geschnitzt. 23:53 < hackbard> jo, hoffentlich wird es nicht noch woanders gebraucht .. 23:54 < huebi> root@zeus:/rock-linux# grep -rl arch scripts/* |wc -l 23:54 < huebi> 23 23:55 < hackbard> jo, aber das ist bestimmt nicht alles 'arch', wenn du glueck hast :) 23:55 < huebi> aber trotzdem im Moment etwas zuviel zum schnell mal aendern. 23:55 < hackbard> jo 23:56 < hackbard> lass einfach die definition von arch trotzdem drin 23:56 < huebi> jo, das lass ich so. ;) 23:56 -!- uninvited [uninvited@p50803930.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ROCKLINUX 23:56 < uninvited> Hallo nochmal ! 23:56 < hackbard> du machst mit if [ -z $ROCKCFG_ARCH ] ; then ... ja nichts falsch ;) 23:56 < hackbard> hi uninvited 23:57 < rxr> re 23:57 < hackbard> wb rene 23:58 < uninvited> re-ne 23:58 < hackbard> :) 23:58 < rxr> ;-) --- Log closed Fri Jun 14 00:00:32 2002