-!- Irrsi  Log opened Mon Jun 17 00:00:26 2002
[00:05] < huebi> wo wird denn arch_machine gesetzt?
[00:05] < rxr> parse_config (oder so) ?
[00:06] < huebi> nee. Nirgendwo in scripts
[00:07] < huebi> ahh. in  arch-conf/*/archtest*out.
[00:11] < hackbard> clifford: updated to util-linux version 2.11r (old one 2.11m). it now umounts correctly. but 2.11 knows -l option ... seems it just dont work properly.
[00:20] -!- the][owl [~mail-spam@] has quit ("Back to RL. :/")
[00:36] < raffi_> Good night.
[00:37] < huebi> n8 raffi_
[00:37] < raffi_> night huebi
[00:37] -!- raffi_ [~raffi@chello212186144154.15.vie.surfer.at] has quit ("[BX] Does your mommy know you use BitchX?")
[00:44] < rxr> cu all
[00:44] < rxr> n8
[00:45] < bluefire> good nicht rxr
[00:45] < huebi> nacht rxr
[00:46]   clifford is away: away
[01:28] -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A7F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:45] < huebi> nacht ;-)
[01:49] -!- lizard [~lizard@pD9048562.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Lost terminal")
[02:07] < hackbard> bin auch pennen, bis morgen!
[02:16] < bluefire> good night
[02:16] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p508171CB.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[02:26] -!- clifford [~clifford@] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[02:37] -!- clifford [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux
[06:47] -!- rxr_ [~rene@port-212-202-170-180.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[07:04] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-168-135.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[08:09] < huebi> moin
[08:13] -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs4.xs4all.nl] has joined #rocklinux
[08:14] < huebi> hi ringo78
[08:35] -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs4.xs4all.nl] has quit ("Lost terminal")
[08:46] -!- lizard [~lizard@pD9048F1D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[09:02] < huebi> cu later ;-)
[09:38] < esden> haaalo ...
[09:39] < esden> wieso kann ich ueber web die url https://download.rocklinux.de/1.6/ nicht aufmachen ... der server meint "You don't have permission to access /1.6/ on this server."
[09:39] < esden> mensch
[09:50] < esden> soo .. bin wieder weg
[09:54] -!- rxr_ is now known as rxr
[10:00] < huebi> re
[10:00] < rxr> moin huebi
[10:00] < huebi> esden: weil da noch nichts drin ist
[10:01] < huebi> moin rene ;-)
[10:01] < huebi> rxr: Der kernel compiled jetzt *freu*
[10:02] < huebi> und so langsam verstehe ich die Zusammenhaenge bei der kernelkonfiguration.
[10:02] < rxr> huebi: das ist gut ;-)!
[10:03] < huebi> Heute werde ich dann sehr wahrscheinlich 1.5.16 fertig bekommen
[10:05] < rxr> Warum sind solche announcements auf /. ??? : MrOutlander writes "Gentoo Linux releases version 1.2 of their cutting edge distribution with many updates including KDE 3.0.1 (20020604) and GNOME 2 (beta, 20020607) support. I love emerge :)"
[10:07] < huebi> /. kommt mir ein bischen wie das Heise-Forum vor. Man muss nur nicht so viel klicken *g*
[10:08] < rxr> Ohhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Wie kann man sooooo doof sein. Post zu der Gnome2 ROCK news: Did Gentoo Linux ever get an article like this? It's been offering Gnome 2 since beta 5 ... I'm running Gnome 2 under Gentoo right now, and it was as painless as painless can be.
[10:10] < rxr> I'll finish dRock-1.6.0 today - and when the binary ISO is finished and synced to the UNI server, I'll do a freshmeat announcement ...
[10:11] < huebi> rxr: Ich glaube, an so viel Hohlheit muessen wir uns leider so langsam gewoehnen. Das kommt dann manchmal vor, wenn Halbwissende Ahnung haben wollen.
[10:16] < rxr> huebi: ich glaube ich replye mit: "Yes they <a href="https://news.gnome.org/gnome-news/1019744507/">did</a>. Gentoo is basically what ROCK Linux introduced in 1998 - the difference is a less advanced build environment and more PR. Currently we start to change the PR thing ..."
[10:19] -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has joined #rocklinux
[10:19] < tsa> moin.
[10:19] < rxr> hi tsa
[10:20] < huebi> rxr: Yes. Good Idea. I like that.
[10:20] < tsa> hi rxr
[10:20] < tsa> *gaehn*
[10:20] < huebi> hi tsa
[10:20] < tsa> hi huebi
[10:20] < tsa> https://fun.drno.de/pics/comicstars/Garfield_Coffee.gif   <-- good idea
[10:23] < rxr> tsa: yesterday I updatesd _all_ x11 and rene packages ;-)
[10:27] < tsa> rxr: so everything is broken now? ;)
[10:27] < rxr> no!
[10:27] < tsa> we'll see...
[10:28] < rxr> so far less errors then in the last build - arround 60 ...
[10:28] < tsa> i'll wait for clifford to fix the dietlibc problem in stage 0 and then start a new build..
[10:28] < rxr> most of the updaes where Gnome2 releated.
[10:28] < tsa> as expected.. ;)
[10:29] < rxr> After this update I'll start to fix the other problems like libpng, libtiff, ghostscript, cdrdao, ...
[10:29] < rxr> all gcc-3.1 probs ..
[10:34] -!- clifford [~clifford@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[10:37] -!- clifford [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux
[10:37] < huebi> * cliffords 6h reconnect ;-)
[10:39] < tsa> hehe...
[10:40] < tsa> GRRR...
[10:40] < tsa> rpm-based systems suck.
[10:40] < tsa> cdrdao: Symbol `__vt_3ios' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
[10:40] < tsa> cdrdao: Symbol `__vt_8ofstream.3ios' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
[10:40] < tsa> cdrdao: Symbol `__vt_7ostream.3ios' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
[10:41] < tsa> the message is wrong, anyway.... should be "consider installing different distro" ..
[10:41] < huebi> tsa: ACK *gg*
[10:41] < tsa> (RH system with updated libstdc++ rpm)
[10:44] < huebi> tsa: Now you have exact the reason why I changed from RH/Mandrake to ROCK Linux ;-)
[10:45] < tsa> ack. splitting up single packages in different rpm's just doesn't work.
[10:48] -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux
[10:54] < tsa> hi tomik
[10:56] < tomik> hi tsa
[10:56] < tomik> hi all
[10:58] < huebi> hi tomik
[11:15] < fake> mornin
[11:15] < huebi> hi fake ;-)
[11:16] < tsa> hi fake
[11:16] < fake> <- hat seine Indy *jump*
[11:19] < praenti> hi
[11:21] < praenti> huebi: do we have already webcvs?
[11:21] < huebi> praenti: jo
[11:22] < praenti> huebi: can you give me the url please?
[11:22] -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has joined #rocklinux
[11:22] < holyolli> moin
[11:22] < fake> morgen!
[11:22] < huebi> hi holyolli
[11:22] < holyolli> hi fake
[11:22] < holyolli> hi huebi :)
[11:22] < tsa> huhu holyolli
[11:22] < praenti> huebi: or is it cvs.rocklinux.de
[11:23] < praenti> hi holyolli
[11:24] < huebi> https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/
[11:27] < rxr> ok /me at Uni now - cu
[11:27] < tsa> have fun..
[11:27] < tsa> cu rxr
[11:28] < fake> cu rxr
[11:28] < huebi> cu rxr
[11:30]   praenti at lunch
[11:32] < fake> guten hunger
[11:35] -!- lizard [~lizard@pD9048F1D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[11:36] -!- simon- [~simon@p5087571B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[11:40] < tsa> irgendwem langweilig?
[11:40] < tsa> https://mail2.rbac.ac.th/php/phpMyAdmin-2.2.2-rc1/main.php?lang=en&server=1
[11:42] < tsa> https://ontwerpen1.khlim.be/~groepc/phpmyadmin/main.php?lang=en&server=1
[11:42] < huebi> tsa: *lol*
[11:44] < huebi> tsa: Wie hast du die gefunden?
[11:46] < tsa> https://www.videopimp.com/vpADMIN/phpadmin/main.php?server=1
[11:46] < tsa> huebi: google regelt.
[11:46] < tsa> "welcome to phpmyadmin"
[11:46] < huebi> hehe
[11:46] < huebi> tsa: Externe Backups werden datenbankbasiert richtig einfach und billig.
[11:47] < tsa> jupp..
[11:49] < huebi> Die Defaulteinstellungen sind bei MySQL ja schon schoen offen. Das aber nirgend wo genau steht, wie das Ding dichtgemacht wird, macht MySQL ganz schoen gefaehrlich.
[11:50] < fake> tj0r.
[11:50] -!- simon [~simon@pD951E4E1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:51] -!- simon- is now known as simon
[12:05] < tsa> GTK+ 2.0.5 released
[12:06] < tsa> freshmeat is br0ken.
[12:07] < tsa> grrr.
[12:07] < holyolli> hehe
[12:07] < hackbard> rxr: btw, default build broke in stage 3 jack!
[12:07] < tsa> hehehe
[12:07] -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit ("you know, geeks are at their best late at night...")
[12:09] < hackbard> later ..
[12:12] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p508176F2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[12:13] < bluefire> Moin
[12:13] < tsa> hi bluefire
[12:13] < holyolli> hi bluefire
[12:19] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E394C8.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[12:46] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E3948C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[12:55] < tsa> cu
[12:55] -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has quit ("wech.")
[12:57] < esden> hi all
[12:57] < huebi> hi esden ;-)
[12:57] < blindcod1r> hi esden
[12:57] -!- blindcod1r is now known as blindcoder
[12:57] < esden> huebi HI !
[12:57] < esden> hi blindcoder
[12:58] < esden> huebi: what is the newest 1.5.x iso ?
[12:58] < esden> or is there already 1.6 rc stuff there ?
[12:58] < huebi> https://download.rocklinux.de/1.5/1.5.15/rock-intel-i586-base+opt-1.5.15_2002-05-27_02h30.iso
[12:59] < esden> is that the one from lxtag ?
[12:59] < huebi> jo
[12:59] < esden> hmm ...
[12:59] < esden> huebi: do you consider a new iso in the next two weeks ?
[13:00] < huebi> I allmost fixed the kernel package linux today. The kernel is now configured right.
[13:00] < esden> I need something to give the people from lugin ...
[13:00] < huebi> esden: I consider a new iso in the next three days.
[13:00] < esden> huebi: very good
[13:00] < esden> I have to feed them with rock
[13:00] < esden> and assimilate ;-)
[13:01] < huebi> esden: jo, kool ;-)
[13:01]   esden drinking jolt
[13:01] < esden> huebi: arrrgh >_<
[13:01] < esden> huebi: mathilda will become our pet if I see it right ?
[13:02] < huebi> esden: Is there some Jolt now on your screen?
[13:02] < huebi> pet or better mascot I think
[13:03] < esden> huebi: i was near to spit it on my display ... but I could prevent it ...
[13:03] < huebi> esden: What do you think about that idea
[13:03] < huebi> ?
[13:03] < esden> huebi: yes a mascot
[13:03] < huebi> Others have boring Pinguins. Why should we not have a cow?
[13:03] < huebi> Something very different
[13:04] < esden> huebi: cult of the dead cow has cow as a mascot ... and distributed net too ... IIRC
[13:04] < esden> huebi: but penguin riding a com sounds funny
[13:04] < esden> ;-)
[13:04] < huebi> But swimming with Pinuguins in ZA is really funny. They are really fast under water.
[13:04] < fake> *boerp*
[13:04] < esden> huhu fake
[13:05] < esden> ZA ??
[13:05] < huebi> fake: Huhu
[13:05] < blindcoder> moin fake
[13:05] < esden> @ huebi
[13:05] < huebi> South Africa
[13:05] -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has quit ("fnord!")
[13:05] < esden> ahh .. hehe
[13:05] < fake> me had meat. me is not hungry. me want sleep.
[13:06] < esden> fake: keyboards are good for sleeping on ...
[13:06] < esden> fake: get your sleep my friend ... ;-)
[13:06] < blindcoder> me want small tactical nuclear warhead.
[13:06] < fake> huebi: noone has an ascii-art mascot ;
[13:06] < fake> )
[13:07] < huebi> At the south coast of ZA there are living Pinguins. Very "merkwuerdig" to see them staying on the beach at 35 Degree Centigrade
[13:07] < huebi> erm Celsius ;-)
[13:07] < blindcoder> strange?
[13:07] < huebi> blindcoder: jou
[13:08] < huebi> that's the word I searched for
[13:10] < esden> argh ... *stomp* : https://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/06/17/0435227
[13:11] < huebi> #reallife: 13:08 < ungrzna> https://rocklinux.de/projects/drock/screens/desk_natalie.jpg
[13:11] < huebi> 13:08 < ungrzna> (egal wo du dich versteckst, ich finde dich;))
[13:11] < blindcoder> esden: with linking this you are now officially assigned the new duty to post every ROCK-Release to Slashdot :D
[13:12] < huebi> blindcoder: FULLY ACK
[13:12] < esden> I do not know where and how to post it ... >_<
[13:12] < fake> that's what i thought upon reading this, too
[13:12] < blindcoder> then go, and learn!
[13:12] < esden> fake: so you can do it
[13:12] < fake> *@slashdot.org
[13:12] < esden> blindcoder: why me ????
[13:13] < fake> esden: me baka. me not post slashdot. me not l33t.
[13:13] < esden> fake: *smack*
[13:14] < blindcoder> esden: what do you say to me if i complain about some software not being what I like?
[13:15] < esden> blindcoder: *glummel_grummel*
[13:15] < blindcoder> fake: your gf is l33t. let her post :D
[13:15] < fake> blindcoder: you wouldn't want THAT .... :)
[13:15] < esden> https://slashdot.org/submit.pl
[13:16] < esden> fake: sure we want ... she could also draw the announcements ;-)
[13:16] < blindcoder> good boy, esden!
[13:16] < fake> yeah. and send in a photoshop drawing.
[13:17] < esden> fake: sure ;-) she could also draw it in gimp ;-)
[13:18] < esden> ok boys .. do we have to submit something to sf ?
[13:22] < blindcoder> ...
[13:22] < fake> esden: not yet... or did rene already do a release
[13:22] < fake> ?
[13:22] < fake> DEV-release
[13:23] < fake> that would be something to post
[13:23] < esden> fake: don't know ... I have to look If he did
[13:24] < huebi> In the next three days there will be a official release of ROCK Linux 1.5.16
[13:25] < blindcoder> err...
[13:25] < blindcoder> is that right: https://www1.rocklinux.org/releases/ ???
[13:26] < huebi> https://www.rocklinux.org/people/huebi/rock16/ <- I'll update this one ;-) and announce it on the list
[13:27] < esden> huebi: when do you consider to release 1.6 ?
[13:28] -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux
[13:28] < huebi> esden: I consider to release 1.6 when the following is given:
[13:29] < fake> https://webalizer.net/msfree.gif
[13:29] < tomik> xe
[13:29] < huebi> The platforms sparc, sparc64, alpha, ppc and ia32 are fully supported.
[13:29] < huebi> hi tomik ;-)
[13:29] < esden> hi tomik
[13:30] < huebi> Bootable CD-Images are made
[13:30] < tomik> hi esden, huebi, fake & co :)
[13:30] < huebi> KDE 3.0.1 is integrated
[13:30] < huebi> I want to have gnome and KDE in /opt
[13:30] < tomik> at download.rocklinux.de ?
[13:31] < esden> hmm ... that is still a lot of work ... and gentoo released already >_<
[13:31] < esden> I hate it !!!
[13:32] < tomik> whats wrong with gentoo?
[13:32] < esden> tomik:  https://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/06/17/0435227
[13:32] < huebi> esden: 1.6 _must_ be stable. I do not want to have e release only for the "experienced developer".
[13:32] < esden> huebi: I know that it MUST be stable ... but I can not wait ... >_<
[13:33] < tomik> esden: chi :)
[13:33] < huebi> What I really would like is OpenOffice in ROCK 1.6
[13:33] < huebi> esden: There will be also further   stable prereleases.
[13:33] < esden> huebi: ohh mann ...
[13:33] < tomik> huebi: 1.5.15 is latest?
[13:34] < esden> tomik: yes
[13:34] < huebi> tomik: jo.
[13:34] < tomik> ok
[13:34] < huebi> brb.
[13:45] < huebi> re
[13:45] < tomik> wb
[13:47] < esden> https://www.parksabers.com/ <-- cool I want one!
[13:48] < huebi> I'm still on the task of debugging linux and linux-src and, as I know since yesterday, I have to debug the install-disks, too.
[13:52] < huebi> If that all works 1.5.16 will be released.
[14:01] < bluefire> esden: I don't believe them when they say the sabers are built for action. I'm sure I can break them in a decent hand to hand combat.
[14:03] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E3948C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("restarting X")
[14:04] -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux
[14:04] < armijn> re
[14:04] < esden> bluefire: sure ... I know ... I would not buy such a thing for fighting ... but to have it ;-)
[14:04] < esden> hi armijn
[14:04] < armijn> hi
[14:04] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E3948C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:05] < armijn> urgh, where's that 'view cvs' on www.cvs.rocklinux.de again?
[14:05] < armijn> exact URL?
[14:10] < huebi> armijn: mom
[14:10] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E3948C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("nochmal..")
[14:10] < huebi> https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/
[14:12] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E3948C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:12] < armijn> huebi: does 1.5.16 build correctly on x86?
[14:14] < huebi> armijn: Not yet. E.g. Your boot kernel will replaced. But now it boots ;-)
[14:14] < huebi> it=the build machine.
[14:14] < armijn> I don't get it why rippi can't get his stuff built!
[14:15] < armijn> I mean...
[14:15] < huebi> armijn: linux-src still fails. so the generate asm does not work and fix the system.
[14:15] < armijn> hmm
[14:15] < huebi> will be fixed tonight if I'm very lucky.
[14:16] < armijn> ok
[14:16] -!- clifford [~clifford@] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[14:16] < armijn> that's weird
[14:16] < armijn> why does it fail? and why doesn't he report that 1-linux-src fails??!
[14:18] < huebi> armijn: It does not fail. It just does not work.
[14:18] < armijn> heh
[14:18] < armijn> so it fails ;)
[14:18] < huebi> armijn: It make wrong things. ;-)
[14:19] < huebi> without failing.
[14:19] < armijn> ok, weird
[14:19] < armijn> what goes wrong?
[14:19] < esden> does anyone know where in the kernel sources is the header containing the framebuffer logo ?
[14:21] < huebi> armijn: I'll find that out tonight.
[14:21] < huebi> armijn: 1 thing I know is that /usr/src/linux*  will be erased and build up new in stage 1
[14:22] < armijn> ehr
[14:23] < armijn> wicked
[14:25] < huebi> armijn: Not that bad. But it needs to be fixed.
[14:26] < huebi> I now understand the scripts for the kernel packages.
[14:26] < blindcoder> esden: /usr/src/linux/include/linux/linux_logo.h
[14:27] < huebi> So it is not too much work to get it running
[14:27] < huebi> As I can see it now.
[14:27] < fake> blindcoder: there is a GIMP Plugin to write that .h file :)
[14:27] < armijn> heheheh
[14:27] < blindcoder> yeah. save as .c-source ;)
[14:28] < armijn> heh
[14:28] < huebi> I also put more comments in the scripts. I'm not the best in scripting and I don't want other people to find that all out again.
[14:29] < armijn> heh, use my guide :)
[14:29] < esden> blindcoder: danke
[14:30] < armijn> yeah. need to switch buildings
[14:30] -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux ()
[14:31] < blindcoder> esden: no. you won't do what I'm afraid you will do, will you?
[14:31] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E3948C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("I take this land for my bunghole!")
[14:32] < esden> blindcoder: not yet .. but in some minutes perhups ;-)
[14:32] < esden> blindcoder: someone asked for it on the lugin mailinglist
[14:32] < blindcoder> esden: you know that I would have to kill you if you do so?
[14:32] < esden> blindcoder: why ... rocklinux logo in the fb ...
[14:32] < praenti> hi
[14:33] < esden> that is cool
[14:33] < esden> hi brand
[14:33] < blindcoder> esden: okay, send me the new linux_logo.h if you have it :D
[14:33] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E3948C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:33] < esden> blindcoder: rofl
[14:33] -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A69.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux
[14:34] < esden> I have to post a patch to clifford with new issues ... so that they get included
[14:34] < snyke> hi
[14:34] < esden> hi snyke
[14:34] < huebi> armijn: hi praenti
[14:34] < huebi> hi praenti
[14:34] < huebi> hi snyke
[14:35] < praenti> huebi: how can armijn say that? he already has left the channel ????
[14:35] < praenti> *amkopfkratz*
[14:36] -!- clifford [~clifford@M107P006.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[14:36] < huebi> armijn: praenti, that was me.
[14:36] -!- term_emu [~pm@pD958BEF8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:36] < huebi> *g*
[14:36] < praenti> armijn at huebi's workplace/home?
[14:37] < huebi> no
[14:37] < huebi> praenti: I just wantet to say something to armijn
[14:37] < praenti> huebi: ok#
[14:39] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E3948C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("I take this land for my bunghole!")
[14:41] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E3948C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:42] < th> huebi: is das kernel prob;lem schon geloest?
[14:42] < praenti> th: was für ein kernel problem?
[14:43] < huebi> th: teilweise. Der Kernel kann jetzt schon booten. Die Install-disks funktionieren aber noch nicht.
[14:44] < huebi> th: Der alte kernel vom buildsystem wird geloescht und ein neuer installiert ;(
[14:44] < huebi> Braucht noch ein bischen erm Feinschliff.
[14:44] < huebi> Sieht aber schon ganz gut aus.
[14:46] < praenti> huebi: wieso wird der alte kernel gelöscht?
[14:47] < huebi> praenti: Weil ich Mist gebaut habe. Ich weiss jetzt aber, wo ich das wieder hinbiegen muss.
[14:47] < praenti> huebi: stage 1 baut den kernel. im stage 5 wird dann rebuilded. dann passt das doch, oder
[14:48] < praenti> achso, das soll nicht so sein
[14:48] < praenti> #;-)
[14:48] < huebi> Stage 3 auch noch mal;
[14:48] < praenti> stimmt#
[14:48] < praenti> ich hasse #-Taste
[14:48] < huebi> praenti: Warum drueckst du immer <shift>-3
[14:48] < huebi> ?
[14:48] < huebi> hehe
[14:49] < praenti> huebi: is ne deutsche tastatur. eine von den ekligen siemens. da wo mn auf die return drücken will und die # erwischt
[14:50] < esden> praenti: nimm doch dvorak ;-)
[14:50] < huebi> die kernel quellen muessen in Stage 1 nur unter /usr/src/linux vorhanden sein (aber die richtigen) und dann sollte es reichen, wenn der kernel in der chroot Umgebung gebaut wird.
[14:51] < th> huebi: kann ich irgendwo schon die base-pkgs  laden?
[14:51] < huebi> esden: Ist das richtig ?
[14:51] < esden> huebi: hmm ... ja .. ich glaube mommentan ist es so
[14:51] < huebi> th: Leider noch nicht. Aber egal wie das heute mit dem kernel ausdgeht, ich werde die morgen auf world ablegen.
[14:52] < snyke> he praenti
[14:52] < th> ok danke
[14:52] < snyke> siemens sind geil
[14:52] < snyke> vom druckpunkt
[14:52] < praenti> huebi: bin zwar net esden. dürfte aber reichen, weil du ja nur die include für stage 2-5 bracuchst
[14:52] < snyke> <-- auch siemens & compaq
[14:52] < huebi> <- SGI. Alte UNIX-Tastaturen ;-)
[14:52] < praenti> huebi: und der eigentliche build dann im build-system is ok
[14:53] < huebi> praenti, esden: danke.
[14:53] < snyke> :)
[14:53] < praenti> huebi: und wenns net hinhaut dann ein downgrade ;-)
[14:54] < huebi> Der build wird in stage 1 aus irgend einem Grund noch in /usr/src gemacht. Fuer sparc64 unbedingt notwendig, damit die includes garantiert richtig sind.
[14:54] < huebi> linux in Stage 1 ist nicht noetig IMHO
[14:55] < huebi> linux-src jedoch schon. EWegen der includes.
[14:56] -!- clifford [~clifford@M107P006.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[14:57] < huebi> /usr/src/linux* muss dann gesichert werden bevor es durch die neuen Sourcen ersetzt wird.
[14:57] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E3948C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("brb")
[14:58] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E3948C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:02] < praenti> igitt. mein rock wird grad suse verseucht :-(
[15:04] < huebi> praenti: Wie machst du das?
[15:09] -!- tsa [~tsa@rossini.marcant.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:09] < tsa> re.
[15:17] < esden> hi tsa
[15:17] < snyke> hi tsa
[15:20] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E3948C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("I take this land for my bunghole!")
[15:20] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E3948C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:27] < rolla> re
[15:28] < huebi> hi tsa
[15:28] < huebi> hi rolla
[15:28] < huebi> ;-)
[15:28] < tsa> hi esden, snyke, huebi
[15:29] -!- term_emu is now known as term_aweh
[15:29] < esden> heul ...
[15:29] < rolla> hallo
[15:29] < esden> ich sehe uebelall gentoo
[15:30] < esden> everywhere gentoo *run*
[15:30] < esden> I am surrounded !!!
[15:30] < esden> https://distrowatch.linuxforum.hu/article-rpm.php
[15:33] < esden> https://distrowatch.linuxforum.hu/source.php
[15:35] < esden> hmm ... on the second link you can see what we need to update/add to rock
[15:37] < tsa> grrr....gentoo suxx.
[15:37] < tsa> we need more PR.
[15:37] < huebi> tsa: ACK
[15:38] < esden> rxr: are you here ... ???
[15:38] < huebi> and therefore KDE 3.0.1 + Gnome 1.4 and Open Office.
[15:38] < tsa> source.php is a good pointer, anyway.
[15:38] < esden> huebi: YES !!
[15:38] < esden> tsa: sure
[15:39] < tsa> if this is the way to go, we'll take.  let's do updates.
[15:39] < tsa> but no openoffice, please.
[15:39] < esden> this site is really up te date ...
[15:39] < esden> respect
[15:39] < tsa> building it takes too long.
[15:39] < esden> who is maintaining it ?
[15:39] < huebi> Then we have all graphikal orientated features
[15:39] < tsa> although we might consider including the binary openoffice version.
[15:39] < esden> huebi: we need lane os target too ...
[15:40] < huebi> tsa: But OpenOffice work really fine. I think it's worth to be on the base CD
[15:40] < huebi> esden: What is lane?
[15:40] < tsa> huebi: source or binary?
[15:40] < esden> huebi: i mean lain ... sorry
[15:40] -!- clifford [~clifford@M082P020.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[15:40] < tsa> hi clifford
[15:41] < huebi> tsa: as precompiled binary. And of course as package for selfrebuild.
[15:41] < tsa> huebi: hm...that would be ok with me.
[15:41] < huebi> esden: What is laine?
[15:41] < esden> huebi: this is a character from an anime ... interpret this target as a fully graphical and gimmic overloaded rock target ...
[15:41] < esden> re clifford
[15:41] < tsa> can anyone put "https://distrowatch.linuxforum.hu/source.php" in the topic?
[15:41] < huebi> *gg* esden
[15:41] < huebi> esden: "https://distrowatch.linuxforum.hu/source.php" <- your turn ;-))
[15:42] < esden> tsa: would be https://distrowatch.linuxforum.hu/rock.php perhups better ?
[15:42] < esden> ok ... I put it in the topic
[15:42] < esden> the source.php
[15:42] < tsa> thanks.
[15:42] -!- mode/#rocklinux [+o esden] by ChanServ
[15:43] < huebi> rock-ia32-1.5.16/info/logs/s-install-disks.err
[15:43] < huebi> cp: omitting directory `/rock-linux/subdists/install-disks/root-disk/CVS'
[15:43] < huebi> error found ;-))
[15:43] -!- esden changed the topic of #rocklinux to: Don't feel sexy enough? Use ROCK Linux! (compare to others: Don't feel sexy enough? Use ROCK Linux!)
[15:43] -!- esden changed the topic of #rocklinux to: Don't feel sexy enough? Use ROCK Linux! (compare to others: https://distrowatch.linuxforum.hu/source.php)
[15:43] <@esden> now better
[15:43] < tsa> perhaps some of us should join gentoo and accidentally delete their cvs repository ;-)
[15:44] <@esden> tsa, huebi: is that ok ?
[15:44] < tsa> yess!
[15:44] < huebi> esden: yes.
[15:44] < huebi> But joining gentoo to kill them is stupid. really stupid.
[15:45] < tsa> hehe
[15:45] <@esden> we will kill them some other way
[15:45] < huebi> Gentoo is really good for many people
[15:45] -!- mode/#rocklinux [-o esden] by esden
[15:45] < tsa> oh...and we need support for any kind of journaling fs ASAP.
[15:45] < esden> tsa: yepp
[15:45] < huebi> But the world does not know enough about ROCK Linux
[15:45] < huebi> tsa: ACK
[15:46] < huebi> I think about ROCK Linux that it is:
[15:46] < huebi> 1. a very stable server distro
[15:47] < huebi> 2. a very up to date desktop distro
[15:47] < huebi> 3. the best distro build kit I ever saw.
[15:47] < huebi> in that order.
[15:48] < huebi> First ROCK _must_ be stable without any compromisses
[15:48] < bluefire> huebi: Make a details comparison of ROCK and Gentoo and make the plusses of ROCK clear. Put it on the web.
[15:49] < huebi> Then there are modern features needed for Windowsusers
[15:49] < tsa> huebi: full ack.
[15:49] < bluefire> Do you really aim at Windows users? I doubt that.
[15:50] < tsa> huebi: but looking at the source.php stuff, we're somewhat behind with a lot of packages.
[15:50] < huebi> bluefire: I don't know enough about gentoo ;(  Does somebody want to find out what's under the hood of Gentoo?
[15:50] < tsa> we don't have to use unstable beta stuff with crash guarantee, but we could at least upgrade to last stable.
[15:50]   esden will have to finally install it somewhere ...
[15:51] < bluefire> huebi: I've begun to install gentoo on my other laptop... but I don't know what's the magic underneath
[15:51] < esden> bluefire: pearl scripts that have hardcoded package versions ...
[15:51] < esden> and paths
[15:52] < huebi> bluefire: Yes, I want to have Windows users switching to Linux. And they need some comfort, need to fell at home fast without the anoying crapp of windows.
[15:52] < bluefire> I think I saw a lot of python stuff extracted from gentoo base
[15:52] < esden> sorry i mean python not pearl
[15:52] < bluefire> huebi: Switch to Linux... ok, but switch to a LFS distro? Not really.
[15:52] < huebi> tsa: ACK! No unstable stuff.
[15:53] < huebi> bluefire: ROCK Linux as distribution is a kool thing.
[15:53] < bluefire> When I installed gentoo I missed my beloved dselect and apt very much. What I don't like is that apt doesn't support client-side compiling.
[15:53] < huebi> bluefire: ROCK can be a LFS distro but it must not.
[15:53] < bluefire> huebi: no doubt. But windows users are per definition DAOs
[15:54] < esden> I imagine what people love so much about gentoo .. the portage system ...
[15:54] < tsa> Dau-at-Once? ;-)
[15:54] < bluefire> DOA=Dümmster Anznehmender Operator
[15:54] < bluefire> Oder DAA = Dümmster Anzunehmender Admin
[15:54] < bluefire> Most of them don't even grasp the concept of file permissions
[15:55] < tsa> ack.
[15:55] < tsa> oh....another thing: we should take care of the apache-* mess.
[15:56] < tsa> we definitely need a vanilla apache pkg.
[15:56] < bluefire> huebi: Are you at the bbq at the weekend?
[15:56] < tsa> perhaps another one with apache+php+mod_ssl.
[15:56] < tsa> leave everything else up to the user.
[15:57] < huebi> bluefire: There are many people who do not want to know to much about computers. And these people will ever be in the majority. So why shouldn't we give them a little more known GUI in a still very secure distro. And I don't mean Yast or linuxconf. I mean a powerfull GUI of their choice.
[15:57] < huebi> bluefire: Yes, I will be there.
[15:59] < esden> www.osnews.com: However, there was never before a distribution specifically targetting developers and speed, both at the same time. Enter Gentoo Linux, the fastest loading, fastest-operating Linux distribution to date.
[15:59] < esden> argh argh argh
[15:59] < bluefire> huebi: Well. KDE or Gnome. I don't know about KDE, but Gnome2 is a mess right now and Gnome1.4 is quite ok but supposedly overladen with features a novice user doesn't understand. Getting a novice user to a system is not only a matter of offering a gui, but of nicely intrgeating the rest of the distro with that gui.
[15:59] < huebi> tsa: I made a lage build script for apache, mm, mod_ssl with many comments. Perhaps a very well documented LAMPP package would be a nice solution.
[15:59] < tsa> huebi: ok.
[16:00] < tsa> why is gentoo fastest-loading and -operating?
[16:00] < esden> what the fuck ... ar all these news editors really stupid ???
[16:00] < tsa> does anyone know what is being done for rock PR stuff?
[16:00] < bluefire> huebi: Also a new user will want to have a Word, Excel, Browser (with flash and java and stuff) and especially games (no joke). But they also need to be able to use the box for something.
[16:01] < esden> tsa: cuz it is beeing optimized for your processor ... while compiling it ...
[16:01] < bluefire> Many people play games (which don't run under Linux). Mandrake tries to capture them by including WineX
[16:01] < esden> just like rock
[16:01] < bluefire> Other do work... but need standard apps which just work
[16:01] < bluefire> Include OpenOffice for a start
[16:02] < huebi> bluefire: KDE is more like Windows than Gnome. I personally prefer KDE but I only need  something to hold all my terminals ;-)
[16:02] < bluefire> Mail is also important
[16:02] < huebi> bluefire: Till next weekend I'll teach my wife in mutt.
[16:02] < bluefire> Evolution is the only decent mail tool i know
[16:02] < tsa> hm....perhaps i should ask clifford to give me an own repository.
[16:02] < bluefire> except for pine ;)
[16:02] < tsa> pine sux.
[16:03] < tsa> mutt rulez.
[16:03] < tsa> ;)
[16:03] < esden> tsa: ack
[16:03] < bluefire> mutt has too many key bindings and to little menus
[16:03] < bluefire> for my tast
[16:03] < bluefire> e
[16:03] < huebi> In the moment I use pine. But I want to try out mutt.
[16:03] < tsa> menus? for what purpose?
[16:03] < esden> tsa: order a respository ... why not ... if you have meny packages ...
[16:03] < tsa> esden: currently not more than 10..
[16:04] < esden> tsa: that should be enough
[16:04] < tsa> esden: but a lot of maintainers just don't take care of their stuff on sourceforge.
[16:04] < tsa> so i see my packages rotting with a lot of crap at sourceforge.
[16:04] < bluefire> tsa: for sake of not having to read zillions of keybindings
[16:05] < esden> read this : https://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=937&page=all
[16:05] < tsa> sourceforge will get dropped sooner or later, just because everything is outdated.
[16:05] < tsa> ..essential stuff just doesn't belong there... (opera, apache stuff, ..)
[16:05] < esden> this article is a good sight what gentoo looks like for a user
[16:06] < tsa> plus the speed that comes when you compile the whole system with the i686 -O3 GCC (optimization) flags.
[16:06] < tsa> ARGH.
[16:07] < tsa> we're better, we're better than this!!!
[16:07] < bluefire> tsa: -O4?
[16:07] < tsa> no. arch-specific compiler settings.
[16:07] < tsa> we've made benchmarks for this.
[16:07] < huebi> bluefire: ACK Games are nessesary. I can see that.
[16:08] < huebi> tsa: Yes we are better and we willshow it to the world!
[16:09] < huebi> There have been some nice talks to intel on LT. We can be about 20% Faster than Genntoo.
[16:09] < huebi> and are the first distro supplying the intel C compiler.
[16:10] < huebi> The user must still get a licence from Intel, but the cc binary is in the distro
[16:10] < esden> huebi: we RULE ... but we have to show the world that we rule ...
[16:10] < huebi> esden: ACK
[16:10] < tsa> huebi: it doesn't help that we could be faster. we just have to be.
[16:11] < huebi> tsa: ACK
[16:11] < tsa> we need big graphs showing up on major sites showing everybody that gentoo is nothing but a slow piece of crap.
[16:11] < huebi> And we need nicer and better stuctured Homepage.
[16:11] < bluefire> huebi: and a snazzy tutorial
[16:11] < tsa> difficult task - we're not webdesigners.
[16:12] < huebi> follow documentation and you get spanish docs ;(
[16:12] < esden> tsa: so we need to get them ...
[16:12] < esden> I will write polish doc's
[16:12] < tsa> biggest problems: PR and Docs!
[16:12] < esden> ;-)
[16:12] < bluefire> Write english docs... others are not of interest to the general majority
[16:13] < esden> I know bluefire just kidding
[16:13] < tsa> hehe.
[16:13] < esden> I have written a BUILD-DIETLIBC doc ...
[16:13] < esden> I hope that it will be usefull
[16:14] < esden> and I started to create a uClibc target on my laptop
[16:14] < tsa> aaah!
[16:14] < tsa> My main gripe with the Portage system is that the packages that become available to the main repository are not well tested under Gentoo. I would be much happier if I knew for sure that these developers are asked and pass qualifications testing for their .ebuilds before they add them for public consumption.
[16:14] < tsa> here we go...
[16:15] < praenti> huebi: i ask my brother or another person that i know, who can made us a good hp design
[16:15] < huebi> praenti: kool!
[16:15] < esden> praenti: PLEEEEEEEASE do it !!!
[16:15] < bluefire> Ah. Important: ability do downgrade a package if the new version is broken.
[16:15] < huebi> f*ckin fast, colorfull IE and telnet compatible ;-))
[16:16] < praenti> ok. i try what i can get
[16:17] < tsa> cool. thanks.
[16:17] < bluefire> praenti: must scale to the size of the browser
[16:18] < huebi> bluefire: 4800x1200
[16:18] < huebi> pixels *g*
[16:18] < bluefire> huebi: 320x200
[16:18] < bluefire> pixels ;)
[16:18] < huebi> wapp!
[16:18] < bluefire> handheld
[16:18] < huebi> must work on the IBM Linux watch
[16:19] < bluefire> right
[16:19] < huebi> hehe
[16:19] < bluefire> must boot on it ;)
[16:19] < esden> boys you are illl ...
[16:19] < huebi> kool message of M$ IE: Booting ROCK Linux...
[16:19] < bluefire> esden: scaling is important. though maybe not to 320x200, but to like 600x350
[16:19] < huebi> 640x320
[16:20] < bluefire> esden: in a usermode-linux hosted by a java-vm )
[16:20] < bluefire> ;)
[16:20] < huebi> 640x400
[16:20] < bluefire> huebi: substract space for panels/taskbars etc
[16:20] < esden> bluefire: we need someone to work on uml-target ...
[16:20] < bluefire> uml?
[16:20] < esden> usermode-linux
[16:21] < esden> UserMode-Linux
[16:21] < bluefire> ok
[16:21] < blindcoder> HUEBI!!! *cry*
[16:21] < tsa> we need lots of work to make a 2.0 release forst.
[16:21] < tsa> first.
[16:21] < blindcoder> why is the root-disk.img >1.4 MB???
[16:21]   bluefire uses his spare time to further the cause of gtk-gnutella...
[16:23] < huebi> blindcoder: broken. too much stuff on it.
[16:23] < bluefire> blindcoder: can be if the disk is not formatted... so images can be up to 2MB, no?
[16:23] -!- lizard [~lizard@pD90485DF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[16:23] < blindcoder> is there anything deletable on it?
[16:24] < huebi> blindcoder: Yes. And I have to fix the .conf to not include CVS directories.
[16:24] < esden> intel crap ... on alpha you do not have to mess around with emulated disks ... >_<
[16:25] < huebi> esden: On Intel, too
[16:25] < huebi> hehe
[16:25] < esden> aha ... how ?
[16:25] < huebi> esden: You can use a hd-Image
[16:25] < blindcoder> esden: urussai! I want to install ROCK on my new router, which is an 486 whos BIOS is unable of booting CDs
[16:25] < huebi> blindcoder: It's on the way ;-)
[16:26]   esden *die*
[16:26]   esden smoking
[16:26] < huebi> But floppy images are much better supported.
[16:27] < lizard> how can I deinstall certain ROCK packages ?
[16:27] < fake> pkg-remove
[16:27] < lizard> aah
[16:27] < huebi> lizard: do not uninstall sendmail and linux.
[16:28] < lizard> linux hehe ;-)
[16:28] < lizard> but why sendmail ?
[16:28] < bluefire> huebi: for DAU (and me): need menu driven interface for installing packages
[16:28] < huebi> bluefire: esden built one ;-)
[16:28] < blindcoder> fake: can you get me the URL for the HP server we talked about?
[16:28] < huebi> bluefire: just type Install then menu
[16:29] < fake> blindcoder: my boss didn't mail me yet
[16:29] < blindcoder> huebi: it's not even mountable via loop-back >_<
[16:29] < blindcoder> fake: okay...
[16:30] < rxr> re
[16:36] < bluefire> My god... getting ROCK from the website is definitly not a trivial task. Not to speak of bootstrapping. Funny joke: to build ROCK you need ROCK... you can do without, but you need to figure out youself how to do it :(
[16:37] < bluefire> Gentoo has a definit plus here. It's got a detailed step by step guide for bootstrapping
[16:39] < esden> bluefire: It is very easy to bootstrap rock .. you need to get a binary iso ... install it ... ready ;-)
[16:40] < esden> after that you can build you a new iso if you want to ...
[16:40] < huebi> esden: This is NOT writen somewhere.
[16:40] < blindcoder> bluefire: I was able to build ROCK on Debian almost without problems
[16:41] < huebi> blindcoder: Write a HowTo plesae
[16:41] < bluefire> blindcoder: It should be installable without having any software on the box before.
[16:41] < esden> yes blindcoder prease
[16:41] < esden> bluefire: for that we need a iso to boot from and compile rock ...
[16:42] < esden> or you get the binary iso as I said before
[16:42] < rxr> we have the rescue image
[16:42] < blindcoder> I didn't do it when I was at it... esden: remember me to do it when I reinstall my current FileServer... I'll build ROCK in it to do so, since it still has Debian on it until my new Router is up and running
[16:42] < rxr> simply untar it - chroot - build rock
[16:42] < esden> rxr: there are missing tools ...
[16:42] < bluefire> It would be good if ROCK was installable similar to gentoo. Using a boot-cd and a chroot
[16:43] < rxr> bluefire: why?
[16:43] < rxr> the gentoo style compiling on the install box sucks
[16:43] < bluefire> rxr: because you don't have to install a full system before optimizing?
[16:43] < rxr> not even I want to do this for each box ... ?!?!?
[16:43] < huebi> rxr: Write a Howto for that, please. I never knew what to do with rescue.
[16:44] < rxr> huebi: Pjotr stats he has a guide ...
[16:44] < huebi> rxr: Please get it from him.
[16:44] < bluefire> rxr: It take some time. right. but that's the price to pay for a optimized system. People who don't like that still can go with the iso.
[16:45] < bluefire> rxr: or with rsyncing from another box... ;) That's why I do most of the time for my own boxens
[16:47] < rxr> huebi: it is on the ROCK site ...
[16:47] < huebi> rxr: I don't search!
[16:48] < bluefire> https://www.rocklinux.de/mirrors.html is an empty page
[16:48] < huebi> rxr: You know where it is. So please give complete information like an URL.
[16:48] < huebi> ftp://brun.dyndns.org/pub/linux/lilo/lilo-22.3.1.tar.gz <- new version
[16:48] < rxr> https://www.rocklinux.org/people/pjotr/guide/
[16:48] < rxr> or so
[16:49] < huebi> rxr: Thank you.
[16:49] < rxr> this harsh comments was more a critic on the current guide open-ness ...
[16:49] < huebi> https://www.rocklinux.org/people/pjotr/guide/ f*cked up .tex junk
[16:49] < huebi> nobody can read that!
[16:49] < bluefire> ROCK is not available on www.linuxiso.org
[16:50] < huebi> should be converted or moved from the page.
[16:50] < SMP> nobody's supposed to read TeX
[16:50] < huebi> hmm. There are more things to do than I erver expected.
[16:51] < bluefire> rxr: where are the iso images? And how to find them if the mirror pages is plain empty and it's not listed on the page of choice: linuxiso.org?
[16:51] < rxr> bluefire: I'm not responsibile for the ROCK chaos - I only do dRock and 1.7 ...
[16:51] < esden> bluefire: I wrote them twice .. but they are not responding ...
[16:52] < rxr> https://www.rocklinux.org/projects/drock/drock.html
[16:52] < huebi> SMP: Have you some experiance with .tex?
[16:52] < SMP> huebi: no
[16:52] < rxr> huebi: latex *.tex
[16:52] < rxr> or maybe his makefile will do the job ...
[16:52] < hackbard> ehm, u will get nice ps or pdf text if u only run make
[16:52] < SMP> just 'make' in that case
[16:52] < hackbard> exactly
[16:53] < huebi> .html is the choice I would say, everything else should be avoided for html brouwsers.
[16:53] < rxr> p{df,s} is also ok for a sophistcated text layout ...
[16:55] < huebi> rxr: Not for html browsers. I use lynx to test it. lynx can not read p{df,s}
[16:56] < huebi> pdf need acrobat on windows and ps is unreadable on M$
[16:57] < huebi> We should make sure that if somebody is interested in ROCK that the person gets as easy as possible _all_ information.
[16:58] < bluefire> huebi: ghostscript exists also on windows
[16:58] < huebi> .tex is something nasty on M$ Windows
[16:58] < rxr> windows only admins will never be able to install ROCK or gentoo ...
[16:58] < huebi> bluefire: Where must I click on? *gg*
[16:58] < esden> fake ... are you here ?
[16:59] < bluefire> huebi: the big blue E icon. and then enter "www.google.com" and search for "ghostview windows"?
[16:59] < bluefire> Which remembers me off a scene:
[16:59] < huebi> bluefire: Too complicated! I failed. I now can never use ROCK ;-(((
[16:59] < bluefire> Support: Hi, what can I do for you?
[16:59] < tsa> ,-----------,
[16:59] < tsa> | Click me! |
[16:59] < tsa> `-----------'
[17:00] < tsa> ;-)
[17:00] < bluefire> Client: I can't go to the interweb
[17:00] < huebi> *ROFL*
[17:00] < fake> esden> somking :Q
[17:00] < bluefire> Support: Eh? Which browser are you using?
[17:00] < bluefire> Client: What?
[17:00] < bluefire> Support: Eh... on your screen... is there a big blue E or a big grey N in the right top corner?
[17:01] < bluefire> Client: Big black nothing?
[17:01] < huebi> rxr: But there are not only Windows admins who want change there OS.
[17:01] < esden> fake: which windowmaker version do you use ?
[17:01] < esden> 0.80.0 ?
[17:01] < bluefire> Support: Oh... totally my fault.. you have to turn your computer ON!
[17:01] < th> esden: /me is using 0.80.0
[17:02] < esden> th: is it good ... or should I go for cvs ?
[17:02] < th> esden: and i have problems with it
[17:02] < esden> th: which kind of problems ?
[17:02] < th> esden: it seems to trouble with scroll-wheel or something imps2
[17:03] < th> strange mouse behaviour
[17:03] < esden> th: I have no wheel at my laptop
[17:03] < th> so you prolly won't have any problem :)
[17:04] < blindcoder> huebi: I currently have the root-disk right before `dd if=$tmpdev bs=1k count=4500 | gzip -9 > root-disk.img` here... what can I delete???
[17:05] < esden> th: thanks ...
[17:05] < huebi> blindcoder: Stuff you don't need  ;-) I really don't know it without a look at it.
[17:05] < esden> th: If it works correctly on my laptop I will install it an my main machine .. there I have a wheel
[17:06] < blindcoder> hmm okay...
[17:06] < huebi> I leave in a few minutes.
[17:07] < huebi> cu in about 2h, I think
[17:07] < esden> cu huebi
[17:07] < huebi> blindcoder: I must fix the Copying of the CVS dirs, too
[17:07] < huebi> ok
[17:07] < huebi> cu
[17:09] < fake> esden 0.8 IIRC
[17:09] < esden> fake: thanks
[17:39] < tsa> und wech.
[17:39] -!- tsa [~tsa@rossini.marcant.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[18:00] < fake> https://www.rocklinux.org/people/fake/mips-port/
[18:00] -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit (Ping timeout: 14400 seconds)
[18:11]   fake drives home
[18:11] < fake> *brummbrumm*
[18:12] -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux
[18:13] -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit (Client Quit)
[18:16] -!- lizard [~lizard@pD90485DF.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[18:17] -!- martin__ [~martin@pD9E7B999.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:19] < martin__> hi
[18:37] < rxr> hi martin__
[18:50] < martin__> rxr: kdevelop ... :-)
[18:51] < rxr> yes - nice prog - what is whit it *g*
[18:56] < martin__> you know ...
[18:56] < rxr> hehe - jups
[18:57] < rxr> I'm just away buying some foods - after that I take a look
[18:59] < martin__> root find the QT designer. But he don't create a Makefile, too. (my english ... wuerg)
[19:02] < rxr> the qt designer is for clicking gui elemets together - not for creatig makefiles ...
[19:02]   rxr away (finally)
[19:08] < Freak> soll ich mal böse sein?
[19:08] -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux
[19:08] < armijn> re
[19:08] < Freak> wb
[19:11] < armijn> quite hot
[19:12] < snyke> yes :)
[19:12] < snyke> too hot
[19:13] < snyke> <--- freezer rulz
[19:13] < armijn> yeah, well :(
[19:13] < fake> re.
[19:16]   fake chatting from Indy :)
[19:16] < snyke> re fake
[19:16] < armijn> fake: with linux?
[19:17] < fake> armijn: sure. rock compiling on VT1 ;)
[19:17] < fake> VC1
[19:18]   fake getting cool b33r.
[19:18] < armijn> I wish I could get a beer...
[19:19] < fake> it's easy
[19:19] < fake> b&d
[19:19] < fake> buy and drink
[19:19] < armijn> yeah, well, can't leave here right now...
[19:20] < fake> excuses, excuses.
[19:20] < fake> i'm curious how long glibc will take on this machine
[19:20] < armijn> probably quite long
[19:20] < armijn> an Indy?
[19:21] < armijn> what is it? r5k? r4400? r4600?
[19:21] < fake> i mean compared to the indigo2 which is r4400
[19:21] < fake> this is a r4600
[19:22] < armijn> ok
[19:22] < fake> r4600 = better integer handling
[19:23] < armijn> well, I've got better beer handling
[19:23] < armijn> just no beer :(
[19:23] < fake> me wants cpu upgrade kit to R5000 - Only 500$ :(
[19:24] < armijn> hmm
[19:24] < huebi> re
[19:25] < armijn> https://www.lesbian.mine.nu/
[19:26] < armijn> hehe
[19:28]   rxr back
[19:28] < fake> re rxr. you are fast.
[19:29] < armijn> I think we should have porn-get in ROCK
[19:29] < rxr> it is not a such a prob to get some food in the middle of Berlin ...
[19:29] < fake> hunting?
[19:31] < huebi> fake: Wildschweine! No joke.
[19:31] < fake> tasty.
[19:31] < fake> lots of male cows.
[19:31] < fake> green male cows.
[19:32] < armijn> green
[19:32] < fake> j0.
[19:33] < rolla> :)
[19:33] < armijn> with fungus?
[19:33] < armijn> cows gone bad?
[19:33] < fake> fungus?
[19:33] < armijn> you know, green stuff
[19:33] < huebi> These wild pigs are a problem in the forests arround the city. If you go with a bag in your hand through the forestthe pigs only let you go on after you have emtied the bag ;-)
[19:33] < armijn> that's in your fridge when you keep stuff too long
[19:34] < fake> armijn: no, actuallz i was talking about people employed bu the goverment to be the executives of law and order.
[19:34] < armijn> aah, pigs!
[19:34] < armijn> no cows
[19:34] < fake> we call them bulls
[19:34] < huebi> armijn: Ahh. short before the meat stats to be alive again?
[19:35] < huebi> cops
[19:35] < fake> your helpful friend
[19:38]   huebi bootin U30
[19:39]   fake knows where huebi lives *mwahaha*
[19:39] < huebi> fake: ?
[19:40] < armijn> yeah, we tracked you!
[19:40] < fake> ripclaw showed me :))
[19:40] < armijn> at CCC we implanted a small device
[19:40] < armijn> which emits radio signals
[19:40] < armijn> so we can follow huebi everywhere
[19:41] < fake> cat /dev/echelon | grep huebi
[19:41] < armijn> huebi: we know what you're eating...
[19:41] < armijn> we know everything
[19:41] < huebi> armijn: the Question is: What am I eating?
[19:41] < fake> not enough
[19:42] < fake> unhealthy stuff ;)
[19:42]   huebi having move Jolt ;-)
[19:42] < huebi> s/v/r/
[19:42] < armijn> huebi: Saumagen!
[19:43] < armijn> the stuff that Helmut likes so much :)
[19:43] < armijn> pig's stomach
[19:43] < huebi> armijn: Forget that. But Birnes home town has a very good ice cafe
[19:44] < armijn> Birnes? I was referring to Kohl :)
[19:44] < fake> his head's shape equals a birne
[19:45] < huebi> birne <- babelfish it ;-)
[19:45] < huebi> ...more Jolt...
[19:48]   rolla heads hurts
[19:49] < fake> all of em' ?
[19:49] < rolla> yup
[19:49] < fake> eww
[19:50] < armijn> dual head
[19:50]   fake hands rolla some cool b33r.
[19:50] < rolla> yeah that I need ;)
[19:51] < armijn> huebi: a pear?
[19:51]   fake testing challenge cable
[19:51] < armijn> huebi: rather a large one then!
[19:52] < huebi> armijn: Yes. A big fat large pear ;-)
[19:57] < fake> rolla: *jumps around* it works!
[19:57] < huebi> fake: ;-00
[19:57] < huebi> ;-))
[19:59] < fake> my flat is buggy
[19:59] < rolla> buggy ?
[19:59] < snyke> *g*
[19:59] < fake> everytime i get new hardware it gets smaller and smaller.
[19:59] < snyke> lol
[20:02] < armijn> space leak
[20:02] < armijn> send in a bug report
[20:03] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p508176F2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[20:04] < fake> /home/bin/bugreport
[20:04] < fake> Error: No pencil availible.
[20:05] < fake> what is the minor/major device-nr of a pencil?
[20:05] < rolla> 4/0
[20:05] < fake> mknod c 4 0 /dev/pencil
[20:05] < fake> /home/bin/bugreport
[20:06] < fake> Error> No Paper availible.
[20:06] < fake> *argh*
[20:06] < rolla> ;)
[20:06] < fake> ;)
[20:07] < huebi> fake: This is a big bug. You should better order a printer with direct tree intake.
[20:07] < huebi> hehe
[20:08] < fake> eh?
[20:08] < fake> train.. station...
[20:08] < armijn> hehhe
[20:08] < huebi> big printer.
[20:08] < huebi> so big that it not only can handle paper.
[20:08] < armijn> "tray 2 empty. Load new tree"
[20:09] < huebi> also whole trees.
[20:09] < huebi> like in front of my house.
[20:09] < armijn> "warning: tree low"
[20:09] < huebi> commercial printers have then a forest tray ;-)
[20:13] < clifford> rxr: QMAKESPEC - what's that?
[20:13] < fake> *ROFL* @huebi
[20:14] < armijn> clifford: sounds like some Qt stuff
[20:14] < clifford> it is qt stuff - I need to know what value it should have and if there is a reason why it's not set in /etc/profile.d/qt
[20:15] < armijn> hell, I wouldn't know
[20:16] < armijn> oh, some old germans here?
[20:16] < armijn> that were young in the 80s?
[20:16] < fake> how old is old?
[20:16] -!- huebi is now known as opa
[20:16] < armijn> and a bit into hardrock?
[20:16] < opa> jo armijn
[20:16] < opa> ?
[20:16] < armijn> hehe...
[20:17] < armijn> huebi: you were young then and into hardrock?
[20:17]   fake likes hardrock too
[20:17] < fake> especially from the 80s
[20:17] < opa> no . Only Ramstein and MegaHerz
[20:17] < armijn> you guys remember "Doro"?
[20:17] < opa> jo
[20:17] < armijn> hehe, I saw her last saturday :)
[20:17] -!- opa is now known as huebi
[20:18] < huebi> armijn: And what happend?
[20:18] < fake> o'course!
[20:18] < armijn> huebi: nothing
[20:18] < armijn> huebi: shel played and we applauded, that's it
[20:18] < huebi> armijn: meet her again.
[20:18] < fake> MegaHerz RULEZ!
[20:18] < huebi> fake: ACK
[20:18] < armijn> huebi: I will! in about 3 weeks in Belgium :))
[20:18] < fake> a cool band from munich
[20:18] < armijn> she will play at the Graspop Metal Meeting
[20:18] < fake> one of the two band's i saw live ;)
[20:19] < armijn> fake: you saw two bands live?
[20:19] < huebi> armijn: rent a baby. Everytime a good thing to get in contact with a woman.
[20:19] < armijn> huebi: I'm just in it for the music...
[20:19] < fake> 0-800-RENT-A-BABY
[20:19] < huebi> *LOOOOL*
[20:19] < fake> armijn: yes, i'm a looser.
[20:19] < armijn> fake: you mean, the two bands you saw live this month?
[20:19] < armijn> or in your entire life?
[20:20] < fake> armijn: no, in the last 20 years
[20:20] < armijn> urgh
[20:20] < fake> i can't remember any before that.
[20:20] < armijn> hehe...
[20:20] < armijn> I go to about 25-30 concerts/festivals a year
[20:20] < fake> and the other one was nasty.
[20:20] < armijn> nasty?
[20:20] < armijn> with naked girls, etc.?
[20:22] < huebi> armijn: hehe
[20:22] < fake> armijn: no, it was bad music.
[20:23] < fake> if you count shows with naked ladies as concerts....
[20:23] < fake> *starts counting*
[20:23] < fake> j/k
[20:24] < armijn> heh
[20:26] < rxr> does anyone know whether an DSL modem can be connected via an switch or hub to the NIC ?
[20:26] < huebi> rxr: jo, you can
[20:26] < clifford> rxr: QMAKESPEC - what's that?
[20:26] < huebi> only a very dump hub is possible.
[20:26] < rxr> huebi: with both ? - I heard that it doesn't work with one oth them ...
[20:27] < huebi> but hubs have no arp hardware
[20:27] < huebi> rxr: only hubs
[20:27]   SMP didums
[20:27] -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[20:27] < huebi> _dump_ hubs. without any inteligence.
[20:27] < huebi> hi SMP ;-)
[20:27] < netcrow> hi
[20:28] < huebi> hi netcrow
[20:29] < clifford> rxr: still here?
[20:29] < rxr> jups
[20:29] < clifford> QMAKESPEC - what's that?
[20:29] < rxr> mom
[20:29] < rxr> clifford: /me was phoning ;-)
[20:29] < rxr> clifford: where is this WMAKESPEC from ?
[20:29] < rxr> er QMAKE...
[20:29] < clifford> i see ..  :-)
[20:30] < fake> clifford: the mips-port page is.... started.
[20:30] < rxr> huebi: much thanks - I was noth sure which of both work - and I heared of some problems with one of them - so thanks for pointing out only dump jubs work ;-)=
[20:30] < clifford> I get the following error when trying to configure mycc (a mysql frontend)
[20:30] -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit (Client Quit)
[20:30] < fake> people/fake/mips-port/
[20:30] < clifford> checking "if Qt Version in /usr is >= 3.0.2"... yes
[20:30] < clifford> configure: creating ./config.status
[20:30] < clifford> config.status: creating MyCC.pro
[20:30] < clifford> Creating Makefile with qmake
[20:30] < clifford> QMAKESPEC has not been set, so configuration cannot be deduced.
[20:30] < clifford> Error processing project file: MyCC.pro
[20:30] < clifford> qmake failed, aborting
[20:31] < rxr> clifford: hm - obviously some qmake fluff - but I never saw s.th. like this ...
[20:31] < clifford> fake: I'm now linking the mips page ...
[20:32] < huebi> clifford: can you convert the .tex files to html in Documentation?
[20:32] < rxr> maybe the mycc has some syntax error in the qmakefile ?!?
[20:33] < fake> clifford: thanks!
[20:33] < armijn> fake: s/dontations/donations/
[20:34] < clifford> fake: done.
[20:34] < clifford> rxr: There is only a MyCC.pro file which is used by qmake ..
[20:36] < fake> armijn: fixed.
[20:36] < fake> thanks ;)(
[20:36] < fake> -(
[20:37] -!- Potjok|MiH [~potjok@en-51073.solcon.nl] has joined #rocklinux
[20:38] -!- Potjok|MiH [~potjok@en-51073.solcon.nl] has left #rocklinux ()
[20:39] < clifford> rxr: after setting QMAKESPEC=linux-g++ and copying the mkspecs/ from the qt sources to /usr/mkspecs it's working.
[20:45] < clifford> rxr: so maybe we should patch qmake so its using something like /usr/share/qt/mkspecs/$QMAKESPEC instead of /usr/mkspecs/ and set $QMAKESPEC in /etc/profile/qt ?
[20:49] < clifford> rxr: still here?
[20:50] < clifford> however - i need to go now ...
[20:50] < clifford> cu.
[20:50] < armijn> heh, probably fighting is modem
[20:50] < armijn> s/is/his/
[20:50]   clifford is away: away.
[20:53] < armijn> yeah, am off
[20:53] -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has quit ("ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet?")
[21:06] -!- the][owl [~mail-spam@B5bd4.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[21:06] < the][owl> moin
[21:07] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p508176F2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:07] < fake> re bluefire
[21:07] < fake> hi the][owl !
[21:07] < bluefire> hi again
[21:14]   fake eating cup noodles
[21:16] < fake> (with ESD-Protection, of course)
[21:24] -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux
[21:24] < tomik> re
[21:25] < fake> now let's see if this XFS patch from SGI is any good...
[21:27] -!- raffi [~raffi@chello212186144154.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #rocklinux
[21:27] < raffi> Hi.
[21:28] < fake> gruezi!
[21:28] < raffi> Ist es ok wenn man hier deutsch spricht?
[21:39] < bluefire> raffi: wenns sein muss
[21:39] < bluefire> raffi: aber Englisch is besser
[21:40] < snyke> esden?
[21:40] < bluefire> raffi: Aber it ist in principle wurscht
[21:45] < raffi> ok
[21:47] < huebi> re
[21:47] < fake> re huebi
[21:48] < huebi> hmm DLT Laufwerke moegen keine heissen Rechner ;(
[21:49] < huebi> Ich habe mir dann mal ein Buch beim fsck genommen und ein bischen gelesen ;-)
[21:50] < huebi> root@zeus:/rock-linux# ll /lost+found/ |wc -l
[21:50] < huebi>     119
[21:51] < huebi> eieieiei
[21:52] < tomik> rip rip
[21:52] < rxr> 7912 rene      18   0 15276 2348  2300 R    63.5  0.4 427:14 xemacs
[21:52] < rxr> Hm - this explains why my ROCK build is that slow ...
[21:52] < huebi> hmm. I think a new installation could be a good thing ;-)
[21:53] < huebi> rxr: What's up with xemacs?
[21:53] < rxr> I have - don't know simply screwed up ... - but I have running a known to be broken versin running here - maybe I should run a Build-Pkg on my sysmtem ...
[21:55] < rxr> s/I have -/I/ ;-)
[21:57] < raffi> *lag*, bye
[21:57] -!- raffi [~raffi@chello212186144154.15.vie.surfer.at] has quit ("[BX] The name's X. BitchX.")
[22:04] -!- martin__ [~martin@pD9E7B999.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:06] -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082A9D9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:06] < tsa> tag
[22:06] < huebi> huhu tsa
[22:07] < tsa> huhu huebi
[22:07] < tsa> gr...
[22:07]   tsa versucht hier, nen windows-pc zu installieren..
[22:08] < tsa> wo ist die globale einstellung "geh weg und lass mich in ruhe, ich darf das!"?
[22:08] < huebi> tsa: Helpdesk anrufen und "kaputt. Geht nicht! Hilfe!" sagen...
[22:08] < fake> tsa: format c: /autotest
[22:08] -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E7B999.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:11] < tsa> ..wird nen schreibmaschinenrechner fuer vatern zu hause..
[22:11] < tsa> nur stress mit dem windows-zeug..
[22:19] < huebi> re
[22:19] < huebi> tsa: Warum kein Linux mit OpenOffice?
[22:20] < huebi> guter fernwartbarkeit.
[22:20] < huebi> kein Aerger mit Viren.
[22:20] < fake> genau..... OpenOffice is ziemlich gut.
[22:21] < huebi> fake: So'n Windowsfreak hat mir gesagt, alles was er machen will geht auch mit OO
[22:21] < tsa> hm...nett.
[22:21] < huebi> tsa: Zeig' doch mal deine Windoofslizens... hehe
[22:21] < fake> huebi: ich werde in meiner arbeit gezwungen mir PowerPoint Folien druchzulesen, Excel-Dateien zu bearbeiten, meine Ausbildungsbeerichte in Word zu schreiben... all das kann OpenOffice 1a.
[22:22] < tsa> hm...nett.
[22:22] < huebi> fake: Noch besser als ich dachte ;-))
[22:22] < tsa> wie stabil laeuft das so?
[22:22] < huebi> tsa: und du sparst Dir den ganzen Windoof Areger.
[22:23] < tsa> hehe...alleine das waer es schon wert ;)
[22:23] < huebi> tsa: Ich habe es nur wenig benutzt. Halt als Schreibmaschine. Ging gut.
[22:23] < tsa> hm...ok
[22:23] < tsa> ich habs bisher nur installiert ;)
[22:23] < fake> ja... hatte bis jetzt auch noch keine probleme.
[22:23] < fake> allerdings die binary-distrib. selsbt gebaut hab ichs nicht.
[22:24] < tsa> dito...dauert zu lange..
[22:24] < huebi> tsa: Ich bringe meiner Frau auch ROCK Linux bei. Ich bin doch nicht bloed und vergeude meine Zeit mit MasoSoft.
[22:26] < huebi> Wenn sie erst mal so alle Grundlagen zum bedienen hat, habe ich ueberhaupt nichts mehr mit irgend einer Betriebssystemk*cke zu tun.
[22:26] < huebi> Linux funktioniert. Und ROCK Linux besondrs.
[22:26] < huebi> gut
[22:26] < tsa> jupp..
[22:26] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p50812FE8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:26] < tsa> hi thalerim
[22:26] < huebi> muh thalerim ;-))
[22:27] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p50812FE8.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:27] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p50812FE8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:28] < thalerim> hi
[22:29] < huebi> tsa: Deinen Vater an ROCK Linux zu gewoehnen ist einfacher, als es auf den ersten Blick aussieht.
[22:29] < huebi> tsa: Traust Du dich?
[22:30] < fake> huebi predigt wieder ;)
[22:30] < huebi> tsa: Ausserdem ist er bestimmt ganz schoen stolz, wenn er mitkriegt, was Du am ROCK Linux so alles geleistet hast
[22:30] < huebi> fake: wer sonst? ;-))
[22:31] < huebi> oder : was sonst?
[22:31] < fake> Ma-Thil-Da!
[22:31] < fake> Haaai!
[22:31] < huebi> fake: lass sie doch endlich los.
[22:31] < thalerim> huebi: hattest zeit was zu schreiben?
[22:31] < fake> loslassen?
[22:32] < huebi> thalerim: Nee, noch nicht.
[22:32] < huebi> fake: jo
[22:32] < thalerim> huebi: kommjet noch?
[22:32] < thalerim> Freak: sag ma, wo ist eigentlich holarse hin??
[22:32] < fake> #dummstell#
[22:33] < Freak> thalerim: seh ich aus wie die Auskunft?
[22:33] < huebi> fake: :P
[22:33] < fake> gute frage., wie sieht die auskunft aus?
[22:33] < thalerim> Freak: dann eben nicht
[22:33] < Freak> jaja sei nich gleich eingeschnappt ;)
[22:33] < Freak> fake: nicht wie ich, will ich hoffen!
[22:34] < Freak> fake: obwohl sich dann diese ganzen fragen erklären würden...
[22:34] < fake> fuer dich oder fuer die auskunft? *fg*
[22:34] < Freak> hehe
[22:35] < huebi> Nervt das Predigen?
[22:35] < fake> nein, es ist wie balsam in meinen ohren.
[22:36] < huebi> fake: wirklich?
[22:37] < fake> jap.
[22:37] < fake> ich kann aber nur fuer mich reden, versteht sich.
[22:37] < fake> ich bin nur 23 von 23.
[22:37] < huebi> Nervt das Predigen irgend jemanden hier?
[22:37] < huebi> ;-)
[22:38] < thalerim> fake: cooler wars wo noch matilda da war *fg+
[22:38] < fake> ich weiss jetzt wo huebi den namen her hat.
[22:38] < fake> bei ihm in der naehe is die mathildenhoehe ;)
[22:38] < huebi> hehe
[22:39] < fake> eigentlich waere das beste maskottchen fuer rock der steinbeisser Junior aus der Unendlichen Geschichte.
[22:40] < fake> und Steinbeisser - Pap is BSD ;)
[22:40] < thalerim> hm
[22:41] < fake> es gibt doch auch steinboecke - warum keine steinkuehe?
[22:42] < thalerim> ich bin steinbock :-9
[22:42] < fake> ich bin steinbock mit dauerwelle.
[22:42] < fake> (widder)
[22:42] < thalerim> lol
[22:42] < thalerim> darauf muss man erstmal kommen
[22:43] < thalerim> huebi: tobrit@freebits.de -- falls du's fertig bekommst
[22:47] < fake> darf hier jmd kicken?
[22:49] < tsa> noe....zumindest ich nicht.
[22:49] < fake> the][owl will gekickt werden....
[22:49] < tsa> wegen?
[22:50] < thalerim> the][owl: fühle dich geohrfeigt/gevierteilt/gekickt!
[22:50] < fake> [owl(~mail-spam@B5bd4.pppool.de)] kicke mich doch bitte mal eben (the][owl)
[22:50] < tsa> kick dich doch selber.
[22:51] -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A69.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit ("°ShowDowN v12 PrO° since 1996: https://www.sci.fi/~showdown/")
[22:52] < tsa> hm...
[22:52]   fake summons the almighty SMP
[22:52] < huebi> 600m von der Mathildenhoehe entfernt habe ich bis Januar gewohnt
[22:52] < fake> aha... da schau her.
[22:52] < fake> huebi du bist doch so ein kicker, oder?
[22:53] < huebi> Irgend was laeuft hier instabil. schon wieder fsck
[22:53]   thalerim kicks ass.
[22:53] < huebi> fake: Kicken kann ich nicht ;>
[22:53] < thalerim> huebi kann nur kratzen und piecksen :-)
[22:54] < tsa> hm...mist.
[22:54] < tsa> selber kicken klappt doch nicht.
[22:56] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p50812FE8.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("nosce te ipsum | gneauthi seauton")
[22:57] -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E7B999.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[22:57]   fake wird sich alsdann zurueckziehen.
[22:58] < huebi> fake: Gehab dich wohl...
[22:58] < fake> habt dank!
[22:59] < huebi> nochmal reboot. Fuer neuen kernel.
[22:59] < tsa> n8 fake
[22:59] < fake> *verbeug*
[22:59] -!- clifford_ [~clifford@M097P003.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[22:59] < tsa> re clifford
[23:00] -!- the][owl [~mail-spam@B5bd4.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:02] < huebi> re
[23:03] < tsa> re huebi
[23:03] -!- clifford [~clifford@M082P020.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[23:04] < huebi> so, der naechste test...
[23:06] < huebi> ich bin ja mal gespannt, ob die kiste jetzt wieder stehen bleibt...
[23:07] < huebi> hmm, sieht gut aus.
[23:08] < huebi> Ich glaube dass die Speicherverwaltung nicht funktioniert hat.
[23:08] < huebi> 4GB muss im Kernel bei mehr als 900MB aktiviert sein.
[23:09] < huebi> Sonst bleibt der kernel wohl einfach unter hoher Last stehen.
[23:10] < huebi> 11:10pm  up 9 min,  1 user,  load average: 81.70, 52.98, 21.89
[23:11] < huebi> sieht alles gut aus *freu*
[23:12] < huebi> Im default kernel sollte dann wohl 4GB aktiviert werden. Was sagt ihr dazu?
[23:14] < huebi> Hallo? RFC ;-)
[23:34] -!- lizard [~lizard@pD90485FA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[23:34] < tsa> hehe
[23:34] < tsa> hi lizard
[23:34] < tsa> huebi: keine ahnung.
[23:34] < lizard> hi tsa
[23:36] < huebi> tsa: Na dann frage ich morgen mal auf der liste
[23:40] < tsa> huebi: jo, mach das.
[23:40]   tsa bastelt grad an ein paar updates..
[23:40] < huebi> tsa: Krieg dein Vater jetzt immer noch Windows?
[23:42] < huebi> reboot..
[23:43] < tsa> hehe.....mal sehen.
[23:51] < huebi> re
[23:52] < huebi> Was kann man eigendlich gegen unresolved symbols im kernel machen?
[23:52] < rxr> fixed - oder auf linux-kernel reporten ...
[23:53] < rxr> s/fixed/fixen/
[23:53] < huebi> rxr: den output von depmod -a und die .config?
[23:55] < rxr> so ungefaehr - vorher sollten wir vielleicht mal schauen ob der gebackportete kernel-configurator von ROCK tut ;-)
[23:55] < rxr> aber bitte morgen - ich suche gleich mein Bett ;-)
[23:56] < huebi> rxr: Ich auch. Danke fuer den Hinweis ;-))
[23:56] < tsa> rxr: ich schicke heute noch oder morgen nen haufen patches...auch gegen deinen tree..
[23:57] < huebi> alsa failed:
[23:57] < huebi> loading cache ./config.cache within ltconfig
[23:57] < huebi> ltconfig: you must specify a host type if you use `--no-verify'
[23:57] < huebi> Try `ltconfig --help' for more information.
[23:57] < huebi> configure: error: libtool configure failed
[23:58] < huebi> Ist das schon gefixed?
[23:59] < rxr> tsa: oh ich habe hier auch zich updates - und fixes darf ich zuerst ;-)
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Tue Jun 18 00:00:24 2002