--- Log opened Tue Jun 18 00:00:24 2002 --- Day changed Tue Jun 18 2002 00:00 < tsa> hehe 00:00 < tsa> ich hab hier: 00:00 < tsa> abiword 00:00 < tsa> emacs 00:00 < tsa> gkrellm 00:00 < huebi> Building in alsa-lib-0.9.0rc1 ... 00:00 < tsa> bind 00:00 < tsa> fetchmail 00:00 < tsa> cups 00:00 < tsa> galeon 00:01 < tsa> an glade sitze ich grade. 00:01 < tsa> ebenso evolution. 00:02 < rxr> ah ok - das habe ich groesstenteils nicth angeruehrt ;-) 00:03 < tsa> gut 00:03 < tsa> gtk+ 00:04 < rxr> hasst du mal meinen tree ge-rsync-ed ? 00:05 < rxr> mit welchem gcc baust du? 00:06 < tsa> ich kuemmer mich jetzt erstmal um reine updates.. 00:06 < rxr> hm? 00:06 < rxr> updates habe ich schon gemacht - alles in rene und x11 ;-) 00:07 < tsa> export ROCKCFG_DEFAULT_CC='gcc2' 00:07 < rxr> ah 00:07 < tsa> export ROCKCFG_DEFAULT_CXX='gcc3' 00:08 < rxr> rene@jackson:~/develop/rock > l 2clifford-DOS-your-modem.patch 00:08 < rxr> -rw-r--r-- 1 rene users 94393 Jun 18 00:08 2clifford-DOS-your-modem.patch 00:08 < tsa> hehe 00:10 < rxr> hm - cliff has no new snap - so I would have to manually remove my last updates in it - Mist ... 00:11 * rxr dumb 00:12 < rxr> just applied my last patch to cliff's tree myself ... ;-) 00:12 < tsa> that's the reason why i always make a separate patch for each package. 00:12 < tsa> i don't have an own tree, and i don't know what other maintainers already have updated.. 00:12 < rxr> rene@jackson:~/develop/rock > grep +++ 2clifford-DOS-your-modem.patch | wc -l 00:12 < rxr> 98 00:13 < rxr> Hm - maintaining a patch for each package would be sligtly time consuming ... 00:13 < rxr> tsa: I also updated our lame package ;-) 00:15 < rxr> rene@jackson:~/develop/rock > l 2clifford-DOS-your-modem.patch 00:15 < rxr> -rw-r--r-- 1 rene users 69144 Jun 18 00:11 2clifford-DOS-your-modem.patch 00:15 < rxr> you wanna get this one , too ? 00:15 < rxr> or you could rsync my tree ... 00:16 -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p5080291F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 00:16 < tsa> cc: it to me, please. 00:16 < tsa> hi chrisime 00:16 * tsa updating nautilus 00:16 < chrisime> jo! 00:16 < chrisime> hi dudes 00:16 < huebi> hi chrisime 00:17 < chrisime> hallo huebi 00:17 < rxr> hi chrisime 00:17 < chrisime> rxr: SALVE 00:17 < rxr> tsa: this is already done! 00:18 < rxr> nautlius 2.s.th. is in my patch! 00:18 < chrisime> bluefire: hab noch net auf die mail genatwortet 00:18 < chrisime> sind aber ein paar interessante sachen drin 00:18 < bluefire> chrisime: ich habs gesehen. 00:18 < bluefire> chrisime: ist aber nicht so schlimm. 00:18 < bluefire> ;) 00:18 < chrisime> bluefire: sehr gute kommentare 00:18 < chrisime> wenn man sonst den mist woanders immer lesen muss... 00:19 < bluefire> Mist? 00:19 < rxr> tsa: mail raus - please test-apply (kann aber sein das der wegen diversen updates deiner-seits nicht sauebr applied ...) 00:19 < chrisime> bluefire: prolinux ;) 00:19 < bluefire> Ich hab halt das geschrieben was mir fehlt oder was mich stört 00:20 < chrisime> ich les mal schnell nochmal durch 00:20 < tsa> rxr: ich schau mir erstmal an, was du so gemacht hast.. 00:20 < bluefire> Ich hab auch hp auf #gnome gesehen letzt und festgestellt, daß ein paar Sachen auch in bugzilla sind. 00:20 < chrisime> ich sehs 00:20 < chrisime> bluefire: die tatsache dass net alles in gnome2.0 reinkann ist net schlimm 00:21 < chrisime> sonst haette es noch ein jahr gedauert ;) 00:21 < chrisime> tree sidebar wird irgendwann mal entsorgt 00:21 < bluefire> chrisime: Ist schon klar. Aber es sollte halt Benutzerfreundlich sein und mehr oder weniger so funktionieren wie man das erwarten würde. 00:21 < chrisime> und durch eine ordentliche ersetzt, bzw. ergaenzt 00:21 < chrisime> mit context menu 00:21 < chrisime> bluefire: die haben sich schon gedanken gemacht 00:22 < chrisime> es ist halt seeeehr schwirig es allen recht zu machen 00:22 < tsa> diff -urN rock-src-1.7-clifford/package/rene/teatime/teatime.cache 00:22 < rxr> Tiny C Compiler 00:22 < rxr> ;-) 00:22 < tsa> oh....you starting diff'ing .cache-files, too? 00:22 < tsa> ;-) 00:23 < rxr> S.th. new for ROCK to adapt ;-) *lol* 00:23 < chrisime> das suckt: Can't rename folder when clicking on folder in tree view twice <-- /me knows 00:23 < rxr> tsa: NO! 00:23 < rxr> I only removed two packages or so ... 00:23 < tsa> rxr: can you make a "doxygen" package? 00:23 < tsa> ah, ok. 00:23 < chrisime> bluefire: tree view is shitty 00:23 < rxr> tsa: It is in the patch! 00:23 < rxr> tsa: maybe some other .cache file is in the patch - because I did s.th. like cp gnome-xyz gnome-new-libs-xyz ... 00:24 < tsa> ah...ok 00:24 < tsa> hm....i see we have some work done twice. 00:24 < rxr> I hope only some ... 00:25 < rxr> tsa: oh sorry - my doxygen package is in the last patch to cliff ... 00:25 < rxr> tsa: should I send this one over ? 00:25 < rxr> , too ? 00:25 < rxr> Name: 2clifford-many-updates.patch 00:25 < tsa> sure. 00:26 < rxr> out 00:29 < tsa> ok. i sent you my patches, too. 00:29 < tsa> mail sent. 00:30 < rxr> should I try to merge some ? 00:30 < tsa> i've sent them to clifford, too. 00:31 < tsa> apply whatever you want.. 00:32 < tsa> hm....if i had more packages, i'd ask clifford for my own tree.. 00:32 < rxr> hm - but we would confuse Clifford - should he try to apply yours? 00:32 < tsa> i'd like to save my packages from the rest pf the sourceforge stuff.. 00:32 < rxr> pf = ? 00:32 < tsa> i've made one patch per package...so you can just delete those which already are updated.... 00:33 < tsa> pf = of 00:33 < rxr> tsa: is you mail already out to cliff ? 00:33 < tsa> yes. 00:33 < hackbard> why dont u send it to the mailinglist!!! 00:33 < hackbard> !^9999 00:33 < hackbard> :p 00:34 < tsa> basically, everybody thinks of sourceforge as being nothing but a lot of crap. 00:34 < rxr> tsa: why would evolutoin get rid of the custom db ???? 00:34 < tsa> no wonder, since > 80% is broken 00:34 < tsa> rxr: i would like the package to contain nothing but evolution itself.. 00:35 < tsa> aka make it working with bdb, currently at 3.3.something.. 00:35 < rxr> evlutions MUST be build statically linked to the libdb !! This IS the supoprted way since they store your data in the bd and it should be compatible across version 00:35 < tsa> hm...ok, i didn't know that. 00:36 < rxr> tsa: bdb ? in evolutions is the bdb included - but the last 3.x versin - NOT the 4 one ... 00:36 < rxr> I already tried to build it dynamically liked against the new one - but gave up ... 00:36 < tsa> hehe...ok 00:37 < rxr> tsa: galeon patch ? wasn't this already in the linuxtag patch-set ? 00:37 < tsa> i'll start a new build after clifford has fixed the scripts to make dietlibc compile in stage 0. 00:37 < tsa> rxr: it's not in the current snapshot, rsync'ed about an hour ago.. 00:37 < rxr> tsa: ah - ok 00:38 < tsa> did you have a look at the URL in the topic? 00:38 < rxr> half of your patches should apply - but we should sort this out ourself the next time (so Clifford doesn't have to find this out himselfs ...) 00:38 * huebi burning rock-ia32-i486-base+opt-1.5.16.iso 00:39 < tsa> well...it's kinda difficult to keep things consistent when people have offline tree's .. 00:39 < rxr> tsa: not - yet. Just cut'n pasted into konqeror ;-) 00:39 < rxr> ;-) My tree is online ;-) 00:39 < hackbard> yes, and u should not wait too long sending patches. if u dont send them on the mailinglists, but its okay .. keep ignoring me :p 00:39 < tsa> rxr: the URL is the reason for my updates.. 00:39 < tsa> hackbard: hehe.. 00:39 < huebi> tsa: Thats the reason for cvs on world. 00:39 < rxr> tsa: I only wanted to _test_ the Gnome2 updated before Clifford gets them ! 00:40 < tsa> huebi: i would prefer a central "repository" for everything, too.. 00:40 < huebi> for 1.7? 00:40 < tsa> too much work gets done twice.. 00:40 < tsa> huebi: yes. 00:41 < tsa> i would have split up the different repositories by function instead of person, too.. 00:41 < tsa> but as you know, the majority wanted something else.. 00:41 < huebi> It needs much trust in the people having access to it. But since I have full controll over the tree inside It's not bad at all. 00:42 < tsa> huebi: ACK. but we need to trust each other, anyway. 00:42 < rxr> tsa: no the most loudly speaking people wanted s.th. else ... :-( 00:42 < tsa> within the core developers.. 00:42 < tsa> rxr: hehe... ;) 00:42 < huebi> tsa: of course. But mistakes happen. And for that the full access is really kool. 00:43 < tsa> from what i know about cvs, it is possible to make different tags on packages. 00:43 < rxr> tsa: this has nothign to do with trust! - I think is really good that Cliffords eyes take a look on every scripts/* and so modification - sometimes even I send a imperfect patch :-) 00:43 < huebi> tsa: That's what I do. 00:43 < rxr> tsa: cvs is not an options for ROCK - IIHO 00:44 < tsa> so my idea would be to give the core developers write access to everything and make a special tag which may just be set by the tree/package/whatever maintainer. 00:44 < huebi> Writing time: 355.050s 00:44 < huebi> Fixating... 00:44 < tsa> for example: 00:44 < tsa> i make an update for a package which has [M] rene 00:44 < tsa> this is the "head" branch. 00:45 < tsa> rene could then have a look at my changes and decide whether to put his tag on it or not.. 00:45 < rxr> tsa: I need to get sleep .. 00:45 < tsa> rxr: ok...cu and sleep well.. 00:45 < huebi> tsa branch tags. cvs tag -b. I use them. 00:45 < tsa> huebi: 1.7 doesn't. 00:45 < huebi> good night rxr 00:45 < hackbard> n8 rene! 00:45 < rxr> 1.7 has not CVS - and IIHO this is very good! 00:45 < tsa> so i currently have two options. 00:46 < tsa> 1: let other people's package alone and watch them getting outdated. 00:46 < tsa> 2: update, make patches, send them somewhere and risk doing the same work twice.. 00:46 < huebi> tsa: All tags you can find in cvsweb are branch tags. Just co a tag and you have a working tree. 00:46 < rxr> tsa: this was an one-time problem - because we both uptaded a bunch of packages 00:47 < tsa> rxr: nack. 00:47 < rxr> in the next time we will do this more regularly - and it doesn't happen too often 00:47 < tsa> i'va had that before..several times. 00:47 < tsa> with patches directly sent to clifford.. 00:47 < tsa> s,va,ve 00:48 < rxr> tsa: but now we both do updates very regularly - so we 'll have less problems ... 00:48 < tsa> oh...and i forgot something: if you touch other people's packages, you might get flamed.. 00:48 < rxr> tsa: in the normal rock tree or in sf ? 00:49 < tsa> rxr: sf... 00:49 < rxr> ok - and this is CVS ... - so it doesn't seem to be a help at all ;-) 00:49 < rxr> read the CVS manual what CVS "is not" ! ;-) 00:49 < tsa> just because we don't use the tags.. 00:50 < rxr> it is not an replacement for communiation between the developers and project planning ;-)! 00:50 < tsa> ack. 00:50 < rxr> tsa: the tags would introduce a mess where everyone adds tags here and there .. 00:50 < tsa> rxr: that's the problem...discipline is missing and cvs has no acl system for setting tags. 00:51 < rxr> if we wanna SCM - I do not vote for CVS ... - and if we use s.th. like subverison or arch then I would not give everyone write access to the core scripts to anyone but cliff ... 00:51 < huebi> in 1.5 I'm very happy with other people updating packages. I just have to test and merge the changings 00:52 < rxr> ok /me searches fot the bed now ... 00:52 < rxr> cu - n8 00:52 < huebi> cu rxr 00:53 < tsa> another problem: if i make a good package on sf cvs, somebody likes it and moves it into his tree and i loose write access to it. 00:53 < tsa> so i have to make patches for my own packages and send them to somebody else to decide over them. 00:53 < huebi> tsa: on sf yes. in 1.5 no 00:54 < tsa> huebi: indeed. 00:54 < tsa> just a quick grep 00:54 < tsa> my lame package is in rene/ 00:55 -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p5080291F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Reconnecting") 00:55 -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p5080291F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 00:55 < tsa> my ettercap is there, too. 00:55 < tsa> i still have nessus, nvidia, opera and slrn on SF cvs. 00:55 < tsa> i guess opera and nvidia will get moved to x11/ sooner or later. 00:56 < tsa> slrn might get into base/ 00:56 < tsa> nessus i don't know. 00:56 < tsa> i could prevent this by having an own reopsitory. 00:57 < tsa> but i just don't want another reopsitory just containing different, completely unrelated packages. 00:58 < tsa> oh...and i should learn to type "repository". 00:58 < tsa> ;-) 01:08 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p508176F2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 01:08 < hackbard> tsa: did you or rene fix libtiff already? 01:09 < tsa> hackbard: send rene a mail - it's in his repository. 01:09 < hackbard> yeah, thast why i ask, i wont fix it if he did already :) 01:10 < tsa> no, i don't see any libtiff-related stuff in his patches 01:10 < hackbard> okay, then wish me luck :) 01:10 < tsa> hehe ;) 01:11 -!- term_aweh [~pm@pD958BEF8.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("zz") 01:14 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 01:14 < hackbard> yo d3mian ! 01:14 < d3mian> re 01:16 < tsa> hi d3mian 01:16 -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p5080291F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("blah") 01:16 < tsa> ok guys... 01:16 * tsa is going to sleep.. 01:16 < tsa> cu tomorrow.. 01:16 < d3mian> cu tsa 01:17 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082A9D9.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 01:18 < huebi> hi d3mian ;-) 01:21 < huebi> I think now I've got all mistakes fixed in 1.5.16... We'll see in a few minutes 01:24 < huebi> more to fix... 01:25 < hackbard> cool huebi 01:25 < hackbard> ohh .. 01:25 < hackbard> too fast 01:39 < huebi> hackbard: The change from intel to ia32 needed some more fixes. 01:39 < hackbard> huebi: btw, why did u also change? 01:39 < huebi> install-disks was not complete 01:40 < hackbard> i guess the root disk made troubles .. 01:40 < huebi> jo 01:40 < hackbard> but all fixed now? 01:41 < huebi> I changed because it is much cleaner than before 01:42 < huebi> I also want to clean up / simplify some scripts I don't fully understand. 01:43 < huebi> e.g. $arch is really needed in only one place. 01:45 < hackbard> yes, makes sence 01:45 < hackbard> but i would just freeze 5.x from the scripts point of view 01:46 < hackbard> just see it will always build 01:46 < huebi> there are still some errors. 01:47 < hackbard> okay, in that case u have to 01:47 < huebi> eg Creating a base cd while having some extentions built will include the exts too. 01:47 < hackbard> aha 01:47 < hackbard> didnt know that! as i always build my extensiosn on the ready installed system 01:48 < huebi> And the scripts need some simplifying. 01:49 < huebi> the big change fron linux / modules to linux / linux-src was needed, but did not work really clean. 01:50 < hackbard> well, actually ur right 01:51 < hackbard> 1.5.x is not meant to be 'frozen' 01:51 < hackbard> though, i think u work too hard for it :) 01:52 < huebi> Yes, I work definitly too hard on it. 01:52 < huebi> But I want to have for myself a linux fitting all my needs. 01:53 < huebi> And ROCK Linux is allmost there where I want to go. 01:54 < hackbard> yes, i understand 01:54 < hackbard> and anyways - 1.5.x is still the system which is in (productive) use 01:55 < huebi> Yes, and for production servers it just has to get only a little bit smoother 01:56 < huebi> The rock can have some polishing ;-)) 01:56 < hackbard> hehe :) 01:56 < huebi> It outperformed with it's flexibility and security RedHat! 01:58 -!- d3mian is now known as d3m^afk 01:58 < hackbard> yes, even if i would no longer build rock - i would definetly go for the isos! 01:59 < hackbard> with rock u learn, how simple linux actually is (imho) 02:00 < hackbard> bad english .. :p 02:00 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit (Ping timeout: 14400 seconds) 02:00 < huebi> Yes. And the learning is much more worth than the effort costs. 02:10 < d3m^afk> all ppl i know are afraid to try rock, i think it is just a simple distro with some diffs and nice to use it ;) 02:10 < huebi> to use it is very nice. But there is a big lag of documentation 02:12 < d3m^afk> umm, i know. well, if ur really interester u can get documentation wherever 02:12 -!- d3m^afk is now known as d3mian 02:12 < huebi> d3mian: but you first must know where to get it ;-) 02:13 < d3mian> a stable system where u know what is happening inside ;) 02:14 < d3mian> ur right huebi ;) 02:15 < huebi> Many comments in the config scripts are needed 02:16 < d3mian> in costarica, by example, i just know Mike1 and me using rock, the rest of ppl we would like to get inside rock, are afraid to try it. And, in my case, ive told a lot of ppl to use it, just they dunt want cauz think it is difficult to administrate and use 02:17 < huebi> In Rock you really need to know what you do. But if you don't, there is the documentation lag... 02:18 < huebi> brb... reboot. no loopback devices any more ;( 02:18 < hackbard> hmm, next thing to fix would be netpbm, but i dont know whether tsa or renen already did it. 02:18 < hackbard> huebi: stop 02:18 < hackbard> losetup -d 02:18 < hackbard> :) 02:22 < hackbard> good n1 02:23 < d3mian> cu hackbard 02:26 -!- d3mian is now known as d3m|away 02:28 < huebi> cu d3m|away 02:29 < huebi> hackbard: danke 03:28 -!- lizard [~lizard@pD90485FA.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03:39 -!- lizard [~lizard@pD9048F39.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 03:48 < huebi> 1.5.16 is allmost working. 03:48 < huebi> cu later 03:54 -!- raz0rshrp [~SharpRaz0@pcp01758914pcs.gambrl01.md.comcast.net] has joined #rocklinux 03:59 -!- aszlig [~aszlig@paradome.de] has quit (Ping timeout: 14400 seconds) 04:26 -!- raz0rshrp [~SharpRaz0@pcp01758914pcs.gambrl01.md.comcast.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05:58 -!- esden [weasel@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 05:58 -!- Topic for #rocklinux: Don't feel sexy enough? Use ROCK Linux! (compare to others: https://distrowatch.linuxforum.hu/source.php) 05:58 -!- Topic set by esden [Mon Jun 17 15:43:34 2002] 05:58 (Users #rocklinux) 05:58 [ blindcod1r] [ d3m|away] [ Freak ] [ lizard ] [ rxr ] [ th] 05:58 [ clifford_ ] [ esden ] [ hackbard] [ praenti] [ simon] 05:58 [ coldie ] [ fake ] [ huebi ] [ rolla ] [ SMP ] 05:58 -!- Irssi: #rocklinux: Total of 16 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 16 normal] 05:58 -!- Channel #rocklinux created Tue Jun 11 09:27:41 2002 05:59 -!- Irssi: Join to #rocklinux was synced in 12 secs 06:58 -!- clifford_ [~clifford@M097P003.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 07:01 -!- clifford_ [~clifford@M102P024.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 07:24 -!- chrisb [~chrisb@pD958C243.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 07:28 -!- d3m|away [~demian@] has quit ("leaving") 07:28 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 07:29 -!- d3mian is now known as d3m^wrk 07:40 < huebi> moin ;-) 07:44 < d3m^wrk> hi huebi 07:45 < d3m^wrk> guten morgen 07:45 < huebi> hi d3m^wrk 07:46 < huebi> tomorrow 1.5.16 will be out. 07:57 < d3m^wrk> c00l 07:57 < d3m^wrk> :) 07:57 < d3m^wrk> comparing 1.5.15 with 1.5.16? what da u recommend me? 08:04 < huebi> d3m^wrk: I recommend the newes one. now all linux binaries are in one package 08:05 < huebi> linux-src is now a separate package 08:05 < huebi> lilo will be 22.3.1 08:05 < huebi> I have to rebuild all to day 08:06 < huebi> and cvs commit all my changes. 08:06 < huebi> That will be a very big Changelog this time 08:06 < d3m^wrk> ic, i hope start downloading tomorrow, ;) - thanx huebi 08:06 < d3m^wrk> ic, nice 08:07 < huebi> at 5:00 at your local time it will be up 08:08 < huebi> at least I hope so 08:20 < d3m^wrk> k 08:43 -!- chrisb [~chrisb@pD958C243.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit () 08:57 < huebi> cu later. 08:57 < huebi> I go to work 08:57 < huebi> 28 Degree Celsius and I have to ride my bicycle ;-( 09:44 < d3m^wrk> k, cu huebi 09:51 -!- snowrichard [~snowrich@] has joined #rocklinux 10:00 -!- snowrichard [~snowrich@] has quit ("Client Exiting") 10:12 < fake> q 10:13 < fake> *argh* 10:13 < fake> morning 10:18 < d3m^wrk> guten morgen fake 10:28 < fake> moin 10:29 * fake can't understand why the Challenge S is so much faster than the indy 10:29 < fake> the Indy has 130 BogoMips, the Challenge 80! 10:35 < fake> but the indy is running at 130 MHz and the Challenge at 175 10:42 -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:42 < tsa> moin. 10:44 < fake> hi tsa! 10:46 < d3m^wrk> hi tsa 10:46 < tsa> hi fake 10:46 < tsa> hi d3m^wrk 10:50 < huebi> moin fake 10:50 < huebi> moin tsa 10:51 < tsa> hi huebi 10:51 < fake> moin huebi 10:51 < huebi> so03:48 < huebi> 1.5.16 is allmost working. 10:51 < huebi> The image boots now. 10:51 < huebi> root-disk is fixed 10:53 < huebi> linux is fixed 10:53 < huebi> linux-src is fixed 10:53 < huebi> compiled for i486 10:53 < huebi> root@zeus:/rock-linux# ll 10:53 < huebi> drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Jun 18 04:06 rock-ia32-i486-1.5.16 10:53 < huebi> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 540442624 Jun 18 07:42 rock-ia32-i486-base+opt-1.5.16.iso 11:05 < tsa> journaling fs supported? 11:06 < huebi> tsa: With different boot-disks all four should be possiblee. 11:08 < huebi> -e 11:09 < huebi> I just took attention on getting all the boot stuff working again with linux/linux-src. 11:10 < huebi> I learned more than expected about ROCK last night *happy* 11:10 < huebi> th: Huhu. Schon wach? 11:18 < d3m^wrk> huebi: what about different kernel support? last time u said that there is a possibility to use several kernels for install disks 11:22 < huebi> d3m^wrk: Jo. The best way for that is to have different ISO-images because _all_ software is optimised for one CPU 11:23 < huebi> Different boot-images on the CD are possible and needed for the support of journaling file systems. 11:25 < d3m^wrk> well, i think that's the right way too, thanx for answer 11:27 < d3m^wrk> i though.. that at least a directory with several kernel modules and other apps to the fs journaling would be ok, but a cd for each optimization is more nice 11:28 < huebi> d3m^wrk: And as I said on the cd can be more than one boot image (exact 63 are possible). 11:31 < d3m^wrk> umm, ic , more cool ;) 11:31 < fake> huebi: and on the boot promt you start asking: do you want the kernel for 386? (y/n) 11:32 < fake> do you want the kernel for 486 (y/n) 11:32 < fake> ... 11:32 < fake> do you want ext2 support? (y/n) 11:32 < fake> ... 11:32 < fake> *g* 11:32 < d3m^wrk> LOL 11:32 < huebi> "There is M$ Windows on this Computer. Go away!" 11:33 < tsa> hehe 11:34 < huebi> https://people.redhat.com/brosenkr/misc/Microsoft-Trek.html <- *lol* 11:35 < huebi> DISCLAIMER: Microsoft, Windows, Windows XP, Bugs, Lacking features, IRQ conflicts, System crashes, Non-functional multitasking, registration keys, the Y2K problem, the Blue Screen of Death and unfair business practices are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp., Redmond, USA. 11:35 < huebi> No violation of copyright intended. 11:35 < huebi> No Microsoft product was used in any way to write or send this text. If you use a Microsoft product to read it, you're doing so at your own risk. 11:35 < huebi> *ROFL* 11:35 < d3m^wrk> hehe 11:36 -!- simon- [~simon@p50875EF0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:40 < fake> huebi: that story is great *lmao* 11:42 < huebi> fake: Yes, it is. 11:42 * huebi is tired. More coffee... 11:42 < fake> Get us out of here! Warp 8! 11:42 < fake> I'm afraid that won't be possible, Captain! It's common knowledge that Windows XP deletes OS/2-Warp-Engines during installation. 11:45 < fake> In fact, people on Earth kept using Windows operating systems until the last Windows developer switched over to Linux in 2004. And of course... 11:50 -!- simon [~simon@p5087571B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11:50 -!- simon- is now known as simon 11:51 < huebi> I just started the upload of the new image. 12:13 -!- clifford_ is now known as clifford 12:16 -!- raz0rshrp [~SharpRaz0@pcp01758914pcs.gambrl01.md.comcast.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:21 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p50813836.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:22 < thalerim> hello 12:23 < thalerim> https://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2002-17.html resp. https://httpd.apache.org/info/security_bulletin_20020617.txt 12:23 < thalerim> just FYI 12:25 < d3m^wrk> hi thalerim 12:25 < thalerim> hi d3m^wrk - what's up? 12:26 < d3m^wrk> all it's ok, thanx , da u? 12:28 < thalerim> extremely hot here in germany - even ice creme and a ventilator don't soften the heat 12:29 < d3m^wrk> hehe, i guess not too much like CR 12:30 < thalerim> 37°C 12:31 < thalerim> almost like costa rica :-) 12:32 < d3m^wrk> ic, well, it is hotter than the place where i live :p 12:33 < thalerim> heh 12:34 < fake> *sweats* 12:35 < thalerim> me too, countryman :-) 12:36 < fake> getting his almost-frozen bottle of water 12:38 < thalerim> what's a f***ing day :-> 12:40 -!- d3m^wrk [~demian@] has quit ("Lost terminal") 12:42 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 12:42 < d3mian> re 12:42 < thalerim> re 12:42 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p50813836.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("ho chresim' eidos uch ho poll' eidos sophos.") 12:54 -!- Freak [freak@pD9E3948C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 12:57 < fake> hm.... 12:57 < fake> is the cc-options-$x really used in1.7 ? 12:58 < fake> where is there no such file in ia32, but a gcc-options file? 12:58 < huebi> re 12:58 < esden> hi all 12:59 < huebi> hi esden 12:59 < huebi> ;-) 12:59 < d3mian> morning esden 12:59 < esden> *schwitz* *tropf* 13:00 < esden> und ich soll heute noch tennis spielen ... ;_; 13:00 < fake> HAA HAAA 13:00 < huebi> echo "100L" > /dev/water | cat > esden 13:00 < esden> fake: aber der gedanke dass ich mit zwei suessen maedels spielen werde heitert mich auf ;-) 13:01 < esden> huebi: danke 13:01 * -> esden platz 13:06 < fake> esden: mit wem? 13:11 < tsa> fake: mit wem ist doch egal - wo sind die fotos? 13:11 < fake> ich schaetze ira und.... err.... hm. ka? 13:11 < fake> anja? 13:11 < fake> oder anja und wasserue 13:20 < esden> fake: kennst du nicht 13:20 < fake> aaaaaha! 13:20 < esden> nee nicht mit anja ... sie ist in muenchen ... und ich gehe nach in spielen 13:20 < fake> dann doch fotos will. 13:20 < esden> fake: werde ich schauen ob ich welche besorgen kann ;-) 13:22 < fake> *gg* 13:24 < huebi> ftp://download.rocklinux.de/1.5/1.5.16/rock-ia32-i486-base+opt-1.5.16.iso <- new and booting ;-))) 13:24 < huebi> Announce follows on the list. 13:24 < huebi> But I want to give Alexanders ftp adress as address 13:24 < huebi> +d 13:28 < fake> hm.... how will i notice wether the gcc options are used? (in 1.7) 13:28 < d3mian> Alexanders is the boy who gave a ftp server right? 13:28 < huebi> d3mian: Yes, in sweden. 13:29 < d3mian> and is it faster? 13:29 < huebi> smalest line capacity is 100 MBit 13:29 < huebi> d3mian: YES!!! 13:29 < d3mian> of course ;))) 13:29 < huebi> than 2.5 GBit and then 10GBit. 13:30 < d3mian> huebi: when da u think to place 1.5.16 in Alexanders ftp? 13:30 < fake> huebi: with 10 GBit you could satisfy every german surfer. 13:30 < fake> germany has a throughput of about 6-7 GBit/s 13:31 < huebi> fake: only 6-7 Powerbook G4 ?? 13:31 < huebi> *g* 13:31 < huebi> The Powerbook G4 has 1GBit 13:32 -!- d3m|an [~john@] has joined #rocklinux 13:32 -!- d3m|an [~john@] has quit (Client Quit) 13:33 < fake> sw33t. 13:33 < fake> ich weiss aber immernoch nicht was es mit den cc-options-$x ung gcc-options auf sich hat 13:35 < fake> ~stille~ 13:37 < huebi> fake: rene und clofford wissen das.... 13:37 < huebi> s/o/i/ 13:38 * fake summons clifford 13:48 < d3mian> cu later 13:48 < huebi> cu d3mian 13:48 -!- d3mian is now known as d3m^wrk 13:51 < clifford> fake: was ist mit cc-options-$x ?? 13:54 < huebi> hi clifford 13:54 < clifford> hi huebi... 13:55 < clifford> wie geht's der familie? (alles wieder im lot?) 13:55 < huebi> bero from Redhat just uploads his OpenOffice stuff to ftp://rocklinux.dyndns.org/upload *freu* 13:56 < huebi> clifford: Jo, alles wieder im Lot. Besser als zuvor. Macht jetzt wieder richtig Spass. 13:56 < clifford> das ist gut. 13:57 < fake> clifford: was soll ich jetzt benutzen? cc-options-$x oder gcc-options wie in ia32 ? 13:57 < clifford> Bei uns gibt's uebrigens zwei gastheuser die auch zimmer vermieten ... (wg. hack-session bei uns) 13:57 < fake> clifford: ich finde bei keiner arch ein cc-options-$x file 13:57 < huebi> clifford: Ich habe gestern bis fast 4h00 an 1.5.16 gesessen. Selten so viel in so kurzer Zeit gelernt ;-) 13:57 < clifford> im ort ist auch ein badeteich usw... 13:57 < clifford> :-) 13:57 < huebi> clifford: Wann wollen wir loslegen ;-)) 13:58 < clifford> fake: die cc-options-* sind geschichte. 13:58 < fake> clifford: ich habe die ersten 2 augustwochen urlaub... da waer es sehr guenstig ;) 13:58 < fake> clifford: und.... hm. wo steht das? 13:59 < fake> clifford: wird aber erst ab stage2 genutzt, right? 13:59 < clifford> huebi: das weiss ich noch nicht. jetzt hab' ich mal 2 wochen fuer alles moegliche reserviert. dann bin ich zwei wochen nicht da (betreuer in kinderferienlager) - dass sehen wir weiter. 14:00 < clifford> Changelog vom 2002-05-31: 14:00 < clifford> - Redesigned kernel config creation and cc wrapper config 14:00 < clifford> ja. 14:00 < clifford> wir hatten da probleme wenn der lokale cc die optionen nicht versteht ... 14:01 < fake> hmhm... dacht ich mir ;) 14:01 < fake> gcc2 -mcpu=r440 -> eek. gibbet nich. bei gcc3 schon. 14:01 < fake> r4400 14:02 < clifford> .. und darum erst ab stage 2. 14:02 < fake> l33t. 14:02 < huebi> clifford: Ich arbeite noch diesen Monat und habe die ersten zwei Juliwochen fuer ROCK Linux 1.[5,6] reserviert. 14:02 < clifford> (also die wrappers werden schon vorher auch verwendet - aber die heavy opt. nicht) 14:02 < fake> man.... is das heiss.... 14:02 < clifford> huebi: ich muss noch schaun wann ich kurse hab' usw. .. 14:03 < fake> clifford: kannst du mir erklaeren, warum die challenge S mit 80 BogoMips schneller is als die indy mit 130? 14:03 < fake> ich meine _deutlich_ schneller 14:03 < fake> there is a problem with bash 14:04 < fake> it compiles, but it needs libncurses, which are not built in stage1. 14:04 < fake> so the chroot fails and i have to build ncurses manually. 14:04 < clifford> bogomips sind kein benchmark und geben keinerlei auskunft ueber die geschwindigkeit der maschine. 14:04 < fake> clifford: danke, beruhigend. *phew* 14:05 < clifford> (bogomips werde nur verwendet um diverse delay-loops fuer i/o zu kalibrieren) 14:07 < huebi> fake: Probier doch mal misc/bench/autobench.sh 14:07 < huebi> unter 1.5 14:07 < fake> ich nix 1.5 14:07 < huebi> fake: Dan du nix wissen schnell sein von cpu 14:07 < huebi> ;-) 14:08 < fake> he bist du grun oda was he? sagst du mei mips kann net kochen? brauchst du streit alde? 14:08 < huebi> fake: Was guggst du? 14:08 < fake> HE GUGG ISCH ODA WAS HEE? 14:08 < huebi> *LOOOL* 14:09 < huebi> *weglauf* 14:09 < fake> hehe. hab isch misch krasse kartoffel gelegt alde. 14:10 < esden> ojemene ... 14:10 < huebi> esden: Was geht ab alda? 14:10 * -> esden braucht wie immer mehr zeit ... und eine klimaanlage 14:10 < huebi> esden: Was hassu mit Mathilda gemacht? 14:10 < esden> am besten in kleidungsform 14:11 < fake> eh die krasse mathilda alde. 14:11 < esden> huebi ... ich ?? .... ich habe sie nur gestreichelt ;-) 14:11 < fake> WO? 14:11 < fake> WAS AMCKE DU MITTE MATILDA! 14:11 < huebi> WOMIT? 14:11 < esden> fake: dass willst nicht wissen ;-) 14:11 < fake> macke 14:11 < esden> huebi: du auch nicht ... 14:12 < esden> ich habe mit ihr dann golf gespielt ;-) 14:12 < huebi> (Arme Mathilda. Jetzt will sie wieder Wochenlang Grass rauchen statt fressen...) 14:12 * fake geht schnell hoch in den servrraum 14:12 < fake> ah... klimaanlage... *freu* 14:13 < esden> fake: >_< 14:13 < esden> ich habe leider kein netz in der audi max .. sonnst wuerde ich da sitzen ... da habe ich zumindest mal kuehle luft ... 14:18 < praenti> hi *denk* *ratter* 14:18 < praenti> ... ahh. jetzt versteh ich das 14:22 < praenti> huebi: kannst du mir nochmal die webcvs-url sagen. hab gestern verstehentlich die hälfte von meinem home auf gutmann gelöscht :-( 14:22 < d3m^wrk> bye 14:22 < praenti> bye d3m^wrk 14:22 -!- d3m^wrk [~demian@] has left #rocklinux () 14:33 -!- term_emu [~pm@p5081954A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:34 < huebi> praenti: https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/ 14:34 -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has quit ("wech.") 14:38 -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:38 < tsa> re 14:42 < huebi> hi tsa 14:47 -!- clifford [~clifford@M102P024.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 14:49 -!- clifford [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux 15:10 < huebi> 1000g Caffeine will cost 100 EUR. 15:11 < huebi> fuel for fake ;-)) 15:12 < tsa> hehe 15:13 < huebi> I order the 1kg. For extra caffeinated coffee 15:13 < tsa> just one cup? ;) 15:14 < huebi> 20g are possible in in 1l water 15:15 < huebi> ~ 30g will kill 100kg rats 15:15 < huebi> erm 50% of them. 15:16 < huebi> 0.5 grams should be enough for 1 cup 15:16 < huebi> that should keep one awake for at least 10 more hours 15:17 < huebi> or fake will produce about 1000 lines of code ;-))\ 15:20 < tsa> hehe 15:20 < tsa> hm...what am i supposed to do with 50kg dead rats? 15:21 < tsa> rat soup? 15:23 < huebi> tsa: Kitty tuning ;-)) 15:23 < tsa> hehe 15:24 < rolla> re 15:25 < huebi> https://reimari.saunalahti.fi/~jylppy69/which-cat-stole-my-drugs.jpg 15:25 < huebi> hi rolla ;-) 15:25 < rolla> hallo 15:27 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@faim.Physik.Uni-Augsburg.DE] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 15:30 < huebi> Uni-Augsburg has fallen in a worm hole... *g* 15:30 < clifford> .. that must be a small university .. 15:31 < huebi> for the UeberDAU: https://www.computergear.com/wipefeetmat.html 15:34 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux 15:34 < tsa> hehe... 15:34 < tsa> hi tomik 15:34 -!- raz0rdull [~SharpRaz0@pcp01758914pcs.gambrl01.md.comcast.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:35 < tomik> hi tsa, hi all 15:39 < tomik> xexe... rock can run on alpha 15:41 -!- term_emu is now known as term_aweh 15:43 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@faim.Physik.Uni-Augsburg.DE] has joined #rocklinux 15:44 -!- raz0rshrp [~SharpRaz0@pcp01758914pcs.gambrl01.md.comcast.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15:51 < tsa> GRRRRRRRRRRRR! 15:51 < tsa> audiogalaxy is dead. 15:51 < tsa> damn. 15:53 < clifford> tsa: what do you mean with "dead" ? 15:55 < tsa> clifford: see slashdot - all songs have been removed where AG had no explicit permission of the artist. 15:55 < tsa> which de facto means: _all_ songs. 15:56 < clifford> oh. that sucks. 15:56 < rxr> 4re 15:56 < clifford> what are we going to use now for downloading mp3's ? 15:56 < clifford> Hi rxr! 15:57 < rxr> hi clifford 15:57 < clifford> rxr: you will hate me when you see the next snap ... :-) 15:57 < rxr> clifford: why ? 15:57 < tsa> clifford: i don't know. 15:57 < clifford> tsa: Wow! That seams to even include some hosted artists ... 15:58 < clifford> because I've change some parts in the core scripts. 15:58 < clifford> it _should_ stay compatible .... :-) 15:58 < clifford> But there are also some improvements for you: 15:58 < clifford> e.g. a much better $srctar and $srcdir autodetection. 15:58 < rxr> clifford: go ahead ;-) 15:59 < rxr> ah 15:59 < rxr> clifford: as long as you apply most of my updates ... 15:59 < clifford> So you don't need to set that in all gnome1 packages. 15:59 < clifford> Also: we now do have a /var/adm/parse-config directory 16:00 < clifford> when you build a package - all the files there will be read in before reading the package .conf file. 16:01 < clifford> E.g. /var/adm/parse-config/mysql: 16:01 < clifford> var_append extraconfopt " " "--with-mysql-lib=/opt/mysql/lib/mysql" 16:01 < clifford> var_append extraconfopt " " "--with-mysql-include=/opt/mysql/include/mysql" 16:01 < clifford> pkg_mysql_prefix=/opt/mysql 16:02 < clifford> candidates for such /var/adm/parse-config files are all packages which do have libs or are required in one way or another by other packages .. 16:06 < rxr> mom 16:34 -!- d3m^wrk [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 16:35 < d3m^wrk> re 16:35 -!- d3m^wrk is now known as d3mian 16:35 < huebi> hi d3mian 16:37 < rxr> hi huebi 16:37 < huebi> hi rxr ;-) 16:37 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5ad2.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 16:37 < owl> hi 16:37 < rxr> huebi: should a DSL modem work on a dual-speed "hub" ? 16:38 < rxr> (with an integrated bridge between the two backplanes ?) 16:38 < huebi> rxr: Perhaps. But that could be too much inteligence 16:38 < rxr> ah 16:38 < fake> damn job 16:41 < fake> brb 16:45 < clifford> rxr: what do you think about installing qt with QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt ? 16:48 < rxr> clifford: in such a parse-config file ? 16:48 < clifford> hae? 16:49 < tsa> .. und wech 16:49 < tsa> cu 16:49 -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has quit ("wech.") 16:49 < rxr> clifford: i do also not know what you mean ... 16:49 < fake> clifford ? 16:49 < clifford> since qt creates a /etc/profile.d/qt which contains everything needed to auto-detect the location of qt, a /var/adm/parse-config/qt shouldn't be needed ... 16:50 < clifford> qt is now using prefix=/usr. 16:50 < fake> if i want to add an architecture specific patch, i name it blabla-bla.patch.$arch, right? 16:50 < fake> ls 16:50 < fake> >_< 16:50 < clifford> so qt's 'make install' creates stuff like /usr/mkspecs/ 16:50 < rxr> I think qt should simply get another default prefix - either /opt/kde or /opt/qt ... 16:50 < clifford> fake: in 1.7: yes. 16:51 < rxr> and when the prefix is /usr - jups we might adjust the libary path to /usr/lib/qt like we do for mozilla ... 16:51 < fake> thanks 16:51 < clifford> rxr: but that has nothing todo with the library path .. 16:52 < rxr> clifford: 16:52 < rxr> clifford: ? 16:52 < clifford> gnu configure is looking fo qt in /usr/lib/t unsr/lib/qt3 ..... but not in /usr 16:52 < clifford> It only knows that it is there because we set $QTDIR 16:53 < clifford> so installing qt with --prefix=/usr doesn't seam to be a "standard" for qt .. 16:54 < rxr> clifford: I do not know about a standard - maybe just this single configure.in of this package is broken (KDE and co finds qt without any help ...) - i think the usual place of others dists is /opt/qt ... 16:55 < clifford> they have help: $QTDIR. 16:55 < rxr> yes - ok ... But the other package could use this, too ... 16:56 < clifford> rxr: It is using it! 16:56 < rxr> hm? and it adds lib/qt instead of lib to the prefix ? 16:57 < clifford> I have no problem installing any package - It's just that i don't want to have a /usr/plugins, a /usr/mkspecs and a /usr/templates .. 16:58 < rxr> ah! Why haven't you meantioned this in the first place! 16:58 < clifford> I did. 16:58 < rxr> clifford: should we modify the lib-dir in any case - or only if /usr is used as prefix? 16:59 < clifford> Again: this has nothing to do with libdir. 17:00 < clifford> It just seams to be a qt standard that prefix (NOT LIBDIR) is /usr/lib/qt3 for qt3. 17:00 < clifford> Even the kdelibs package is looking there for it in the first place. 17:00 < rxr> clifford: but the prefix would place the bins in /usr/lib/qt/bin ... ?!?!? 17:00 < rxr> 16:52 < clifford> gnu configure is looking fo qt in /usr/lib/t unsr/lib/qt3 ..... but not in /usr 17:01 < clifford> I didn't try it so far - I just tell you what ./configure --help tells me for qt and what I read from the other configure scripts. 17:01 < rxr> ^- this is why I got confused - and thought you have a prob with another prog ... 17:02 < clifford> No - I just wanted to tell you that no package expects that qt could be in /usr .. 17:02 < rxr> clifford: ok - i'll think about this - should we modify this in any case (like prefix = /opt/qt3) - or only if prefix is /usr ? 17:02 < clifford> When you unset $QTDIR no package will be able to find qt .. 17:03 < clifford> if [ $prefix_auto = 1 ] ; then 17:03 < clifford> prefix="usr/lib/qt3" 17:03 < clifford> set_confopt 17:03 < clifford> fi 17:04 < clifford> in the qt.conf file. (I don't know where the bins will be installed in that case.) 17:04 < rxr> ok - plus some sym-link-ing to /usr/bin ... 17:04 < rxr> clifford: I'll do this and test 17:04 < clifford> ok. 17:05 < rxr> but first I'll to a compile time comparision between a gcc-2.95.3 and gcc-3.1 build ROCK 17:05 < rxr> (build time of the packages ...) 17:08 < huebi> ssh -p 222 root@adsl.coker.com.au - password:1 17:08 < fake> huebi? 17:08 < huebi> fake: have fun :-> 17:08 < huebi> motd tells more 17:10 < d3mian> ;-) 17:12 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux 17:12 < armijn> re 17:12 < fake> re armijn 17:12 < armijn> hi 17:12 < d3mian> hi armijn 17:12 < huebi> armijn: Wanna be root? 17:12 < armijn> Gentoo is doing pretty fine 17:12 < huebi> ssh -p 222 root@adsl.coker.com.au - password:1 17:12 < armijn> going on Slashdot, etc. 17:12 < huebi> hi armijn 17:12 < d3mian> (arrgg gentoo) 17:12 < armijn> huebi: why would I want to log into Russell's box? 17:13 < armijn> huebi: I know this guy personally, so ;) 17:13 < huebi> armijn: Just to tell others to have a root account in Australia? *gg* 17:13 < armijn> huebi: where did you get it? 17:13 < huebi> #reallife 17:14 < armijn> and how did they get it? 17:15 < huebi> armijn: can't ask him. He is offline. 17:15 -!- d3mian is now known as d3m1an 17:15 < armijn> huebi: but was it russell himself? 17:16 < huebi> armijn: What does Russel do? 17:16 < armijn> huebi: FYI, that box is probably located in Amsterdam, not in Australia... 17:16 < armijn> oh, he does kernel stuff... 17:16 < huebi> armijn: no, zvpunry (Michael Loeffler) from Darmstadt 17:17 < huebi> armijn: For whom does he work? 17:17 < armijn> huebi: dunno at the moment... 17:17 < fake> the NSA. 17:17 < fake> ;) 17:18 < armijn> hehe, aah, maybe it is one of his SELinux machines... 17:18 < armijn> that could be it 17:18 < fake> armijn: yes, it is. 17:18 < huebi> armijn: 1.5.16 now works on ia32 ;-)) 17:19 < armijn> huebi: including the linux-src stuff? 17:19 < huebi> Yes. Only alsa failes. 17:22 < armijn> ah well 17:22 < huebi> armijn: Tonight I test the build off sparck 64 17:22 < huebi> -k 17:23 < armijn> good 17:23 < armijn> so then rippi can use that stuff and try to build it and then report *real* problems 17:24 < huebi> hehe 17:24 < huebi> I don't think that there are many real problems anymore. 17:25 < huebi> armijn: You did very much good work on sparc64 17:27 < armijn> still a lot of problems 17:27 < armijn> like install disks and silo 17:27 < huebi> armijn: That's really not too much. 17:27 < armijn> well, not sure 17:27 < fake> hm... damnit. i use gcc-options to add -mcpu and -mips3 but it#s not used... 17:28 < armijn> fake: sux 17:28 < fake> j0. 17:28 < armijn> huebi: and we need a good kernel config 17:28 < armijn> that includes the USB stuff, SBus and SCSI and PCI/IDE stuff 17:28 < huebi> armijn: I learned a lot last night on kernel config 17:28 < huebi> for ia32 17:29 < armijn> well, luckily there isn't that much hardware for sparc64 as there is for ia32 :) 17:29 < huebi> armijn: ACK 17:29 < armijn> I still want to make a good kernel config, that will boot on all the machines we target 17:29 < armijn> and I will *not* use the kernel.conf.cpp stuff 17:30 < armijn> as is being used for ia32 17:30 < armijn> because then I end up with evil ISA things (no ISA on sparc64) 17:30 < huebi> clifford should make clear how that works... 17:30 < armijn> well, it adds some stuff, like ISA... 17:30 < armijn> and adds some networking options 17:31 < huebi> all of 1.5.16 is now in cvs ;-) 17:32 < clifford> armijn: If you want such stuff you need to use 1.7 ... 17:33 < armijn> I don't want ISA stuff in my sparc64 kernel! 17:33 < clifford> and where is the problem in removing it? 17:33 < armijn> well, if I'd use kernel.conf.cpp, I'd end up with ISA stuff 17:33 < armijn> so I won't use it 17:33 < huebi> SMP: is it possible to get cvs pserver up for anonymous checkouts? 17:33 < fake> hm... shouldn't i see the things stated in gcc-options when watching the .out file while building binutils in stage2? 17:34 < huebi> clifford: How does kernel.conf.cpp work? 17:34 < clifford> Yes - so don't use it (which is possible) or look forward to 1.7 where that can be easily done by the architecture. 17:34 < clifford> huebi: It's just a c pre-processor script. 17:34 < huebi> clifford: How is it possible? 17:35 < clifford> huebi: what? that an arch can do that in 1.7? 17:35 * fake waits for a "yes, you should, you screw it up." 17:35 < huebi> fake: "yes, you should, you screw it up." 17:35 < huebi> ;-) 17:35 < huebi> hehe 17:36 < clifford> huebi: how is WHAT possible? 17:37 < huebi> clifford: How is it possible to get a specific kernel configuration for sparc64 with or without kernel.conf.cpp? 17:37 < clifford> did you ever had a look at kernel.conf and kernel.conf.cpp? 17:37 < huebi> I never used a c pre-processor script. 17:38 < clifford> You never wrote a c-program? 17:38 < fake> huebi: :P 17:38 < huebi> clifford: Yes, but I did not understand how this works. 17:38 < fake> clifford: hm... shouldn't i see the things stated in gcc-options when watching the .out file while building binutils in stage2? 17:38 < fake> as part of the "gcc" calls? 17:38 < huebi> clifford: of course I did. But they where very small and simple. 17:38 < SMP> huebi: I'm quite busy. can you dump any configs / scripts you may have for pserver on world. I'll take a look 17:39 < huebi> SMP: ok 17:39 < clifford> fake: no. The output you see is created by make. The cc-wrapper modifies the command line later. 17:39 < fake> clifford: so how will i know if it worked? 17:39 < clifford> huebi: So you do know what e.g. a '#include ' does? 17:40 < clifford> fake: you could set the *_WRAPPER_SILENT options in scripts/parse-config to '0'. But that might irritate some of the configure scripts. 17:40 < huebi> clifford: Yes, it includes all function of stdio.h to my .c file 17:41 < fake> clifford: no other way? 17:42 < clifford> huebi: so - '#include ' simply includes arch-conf/share/kernel-common.conf 17:42 < clifford> fake: Yes - I'm afraid there is no other way .. 17:42 < fake> clifford: hm :-/ 17:43 < armijn> hmm...getting dark here 17:43 < armijn> thunderstorm! 17:44 < fake> glibc took 12 hrs on the Indy 17:44 < huebi> armijn: here too. Incredible big alien space ships... *g* 17:44 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@faim.Physik.Uni-Augsburg.DE] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17:44 < fake> huebi: no agression. do not use guns to fire at it. 17:45 < huebi> clifford: Now I understand. I'll have a look later tonight. 17:45 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@faim.Physik.uni-augsburg.de] has joined #rocklinux 17:45 < huebi> fake: Should I offer them some fresh coffee? 17:45 < clifford> huebi: In 1.7 it's possible to use a static kernel.conf file (which is also possible in 1.5), an m4 macro file (which is a better replacement for the cpp stuff) or a shell script (if you need even more flexibility). 17:45 < huebi> they must be tired after the long way to earth 17:46 < fake> they might think that you want to poison them - depending on how much coffepowder you use. 17:46 < huebi> clifford: How long are you here today? 17:47 < huebi> ( I've got to leave to get the train in a few minutes. 17:47 < armijn> well,. no storm yet, but it's buulding up... 17:47 < armijn> yeah, am off 17:47 < armijn> cu! 17:47 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux () 17:48 < huebi> A JAvaStation subdist is also needed. 17:48 < fake> GameBoy subdist 17:49 < fake> BusinessGameBoy (Palm) 17:53 < huebi> tamagotchi subsist - Linux behaves then like windows... 17:54 < fake> what - if i don't care about it, it dies? kewl! 17:56 -!- Freak [freak@pD9530753.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:56 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A70.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 17:56 < fake> hi there 17:57 < huebi> cu later 17:57 < d3m1an> cu too 17:57 -!- d3m1an [~demian@] has left #rocklinux () 17:57 < tomik> su 17:58 < fake> Password: 17:58 < snyke> sorry 17:58 < fake> tomik@rocklinux$: 18:00 < tomik> C:\> 18:00 < tomik> :) 18:00 < th> huebi: ping 18:01 < tomik> pong 18:01 < th> oehm? 18:01 < fake> DUP! 18:01 < th> _huebi_: ping 18:02 -!- fake is now known as _huebi_ 18:02 < _huebi_> pong 18:02 -!- _huebi_ is now known as fake 18:02 < fake> ARP spoofing. 18:02 < fake> *g* 18:02 < tomik> export PS1='C:\> ' 18:03 < fake> PROMPT $P$G 18:05 < rxr> tomik: C:\> d: 18:05 < rxr> bash: d:: command not found 18:05 < rxr> :-( 18:05 < th> alias d: 'set prompt="D:\\> "' 18:06 < rxr> ;-) 18:06 < tomik> alias d:='cd /mnt/cdrom' 18:06 < rxr> lol 18:06 < fake> d alleine reicht 18:06 < fake> : 0 noop 18:06 < fake> s/0/=/ 18:06 < th> in meiner tcsh macht d: auch kein command not found 18:06 < tomik> d: works 18:07 < tomik> in bash :) 18:07 < th> huebi: YOU DID IT! 18:08 < tomik> what the f... fake :) 18:08 < fake> eh? 18:08 < fake> ah. 18:08 < fake> haha. 18:09 < th> 1.5.16 iso for 486 is at download-w3 18:11 < tomik> 1.5.15 (15%) :( 18:11 -!- [anders] [~guest@] has joined #rocklinux 18:12 < rxr> clifford: when do we get the next snap ? 18:18 < fake> cool.... the Challenge S compiles binutils in only one hour! 18:18 < fake> i'm curious how long glibc will take 18:26 < fake> In the last 15 years alone, software defects have wrecked a satellite launch, delayed an airport opening for a year, destroyed a Mars mission, killed four Marines in a helicopter crash, induced a U.S. Navy ship to destroy a civilian airliner, and shut down ambulance systems in London, leading to as many as 30 deaths. 18:30 < fake> SDSL Flat 18:34 < clifford> rxr: When I've finished some tests .... 18:35 < rxr> clifford: ok - that is nice ;-) 18:36 * fake is happy - serotonin blast. (cookies *g*) 18:37 < fake> SEX iST EINE SCHLACHT - LIEBE IST KRIEG....... *sing* 18:38 < clifford> fake: also wirklich! wie kann man sich nur so gehen lassen! die jugend heutzutage ... also zu meiner zeit ... (*lol*) 18:39 < fake> wieso gehn lassen? ich konsumiere und reproduziere - mich trifft keine schuld (rammstein) 18:40 < fake> die armen kinder die zu viele FPS spielen koennen doch auch nichts dafuer wenn sie amok laufen.... 18:40 < fake> stoiber is schuld..... bundeswehr im inland! 18:41 < fake> Datenvorratsspeicherung! Yippie! 18:41 < fake> Die Bundeswehr schreibt alle Verbindungsdaten per Hand mit (High Tech) 18:41 < tomik> you ownz m3 (rammstein) 18:43 * fake driving home 19:03 < rxr> I alreday feared this .. 19:03 < rxr> oops wrong # 19:14 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@faim.Physik.uni-augsburg.de] has quit ("leaving") 19:15 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@faim.Physik.Uni-Augsburg.DE] has joined #rocklinux 19:16 < hackbard> re 19:19 -!- lizard [~lizard@pD9048F39.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 19:25 -!- [anders] [~guest@] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 19:25 -!- [anders] [~guest@] has joined #rocklinux 19:28 < rxr> hi frank 19:29 < hackbard> hi rene! 19:31 < hackbard> do you aleady have a solution for netpbm? build fails for me 19:43 < rolla> re 19:49 * clifford released 1.7 snapshot 200206181924. 19:52 < rxr> hackbard: no - but I can debug it - or would you like to do? ;-) 19:54 -!- owl is now known as owl|afk 19:57 < hackbard> hehe, no i dont know the prob. looks like an error in the packages Makefile. 20:02 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit ("you know, geeks are at their best late at night...") 20:04 < huebi> re 20:08 < fake> clifford ? *argh* 20:08 < fake> too late. 20:09 -!- FireHazard [matrix@dhcp16469188.woh.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux 20:09 < FireHazard> is there a site where I can download an ISO of a 1.5 snapshot / release? 20:09 < rxr> hackbard: ok - I do it ;-) 20:10 < fake> err... download.rocklinux.org IIRC 20:10 -!- uninvited [~uninvited@pD9E50312.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:10 < huebi> hu uninvited 20:10 < uninvited> H E L L O ! 20:10 -!- lizard [~lizard@pD904856E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:10 < fake> .de 20:10 < fake> download.rocklinux.de 20:10 < fake> uninvited: hihi 20:10 < uninvited> uninvited.arrives.de 20:10 < uninvited> ;-) 20:11 < uninvited> Woohaa ! 20:11 < uninvited> Get a new topic - something like: 20:11 < fake> https://download.rocklinux.de/1.5/1.5.16/ 20:11 * [anders] thought it was interesting seeing all you guys in the photo albums put up... 20:11 < uninvited> DON T FEEL HOT ENOUGH ! ROCK LINUX & COKE @ 38 degrees celsius ! 20:11 < huebi> fake: 20:11 < huebi> FireHazard: 20:12 < huebi> faster 100MBit at least 20:12 -!- fake changed the topic of #rocklinux to: DON'T FEEL HOT ENOUGH? ROCK LINUX & COKE @ 38 degr. celcius ! 20:12 -!- ChanServ changed the topic of #rocklinux to: Don't feel sexy enough? Use ROCK Linux! (compare to others: https://distrowatch.linuxforum.hu/source.php) 20:12 < huebi> fake: JOLT! 20:12 < huebi> not Pitr cola 20:12 < FireHazard> huebi: drock == ROCK -DEVEL tree? 20:13 < huebi> FireHazard: no desktop rock 20:13 < FireHazard> huebi: whats the difference? 20:14 < huebi> FireHazard: Drock is very much mor desktop orientated. rock is not so cutting edge as drock in the software versions. 20:14 < FireHazard> huebi: i see 20:14 < th> wb huebi 20:15 < FireHazard> huebi: i am looking for something for my laptop 20:15 < FireHazard> huebi: But I would need a floppy bootimage because it uses a PCMCIA CDROM drive 20:15 < huebi> in rock there are only some beta versions where it is really needed. 20:16 < rxr> huebi: where are more beta or alpha versions in dRock ? 20:16 < clifford> fake: yes? 20:17 < huebi> rxr: You are much more on the cutting edge with Gnome & Co 20:17 < FireHazard> huebi: are there floppy bootimages on those isos? 20:17 < FireHazard> if not, can I get them? 20:17 < fake> clifford: i wanted to ask wether i can submit domething before you do the next snapshot release. 20:18 < fake> clifford: but i was a few minutes too late ;) 20:18 < clifford> I will make another snap later tody. 20:18 < huebi> FireHazard: There are floppy images on the disk. 20:19 < fake> oh, cool. i wrote the config.in for mips... it's far from being perfect, but it will do the job for now i think. would be glad if you could have a look at it - i don't trust me. 20:19 < clifford> fake: send it per mail. 20:19 < fake> clifford ./scripts/Gen-Diff ? 20:20 < clifford> Create-Diff - yes. 20:20 < FireHazard> ok 20:20 < huebi> FireHazard: I'm not so involved in Laptops. 20:20 < fake> argh 20:20 < FireHazard> huebi: it'll be fine as long as the kernel is compiled with a lot of modules :D 20:20 < fake> okay... i will use two trees.... 20:21 < FireHazard> ima install it on my desktop PC first to make sure its all good 20:21 < FireHazard> brb 20:21 < huebi> ftp://download.rocklinux.de/1.5/1.5.16/rock-ia32-i486-base+opt-1.5.16.iso <- The latest 20:22 -!- owl|afk [~mail-spam@B5ad2.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20:22 < fake> clifford: is it okay if it's against the 06131233? 20:22 < clifford> sure - as long if it only contain your changes. 20:23 < fake> i hope so ;) 20:25 < FireHazard> actually I might be better trying mandrake on my laptop 20:25 < FireHazard> if mandrake goes smooth ill try rock 20:26 < fake> i will have to come up with a way to not only replace the compiler by configuration, but also the binutils 20:26 < fake> (Algorythmics SDK.... much faster&better for mips) 20:28 < FireHazard> actually guys I have an even better idea 20:28 < fake> aw... i want a changelog link next to any snapshot/release 20:28 < FireHazard> is there a network install floppy for rock? 20:29 < huebi> drworks really fine with netinstall. 20:29 < huebi> drock works really fine with netinstall. 20:30 < th> huebi: btw. did the root-disk.img change on 1.5.16? 20:30 < huebi> th: jo 20:30 < huebi> now without wget 20:33 < fake> clifford: can i do Create-Diff while a build is in progress? 20:34 < clifford> fake: yes. build/ config/ and src*/ is not used by Create-Diff. 20:34 < clifford> (read the script for details) 20:34 < th> huebi: it's no bash the shell, is it? 20:34 < huebi> th: pdksh 20:35 < th> huebi: but that won't be the root-image for the iso? 20:35 < huebi> no 20:35 < huebi> kombo-disk 20:36 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B502b.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:36 < owl> re 20:36 < fake> clifford: me too lazy - you almighty. thanks. 20:37 < th> huebi: so you were low on space so you had to remove wget? 20:37 < huebi> th: jo, to get it on a floppy 20:38 < th> huebi: but what was added? what was the reason? 20:38 < FireHazard> fake: did you say mips? 20:38 < huebi> th in december it got too small. I don't know. 20:38 < huebi> bussy-box? 20:38 < fake> FireHazard : me? never! :) 20:39 < FireHazard> fake: i need mips linux (bigendian) for my SGI Indy.... 20:39 < fake> FireHazard: compile running. 20:39 < fake> ;) 20:39 < FireHazard> fake: from irix? 20:39 < th> huebi: as long as bzip2 and tar stay :) no matter 20:39 < FireHazard> OOH 20:39 < FireHazard> your compiling 20:39 < FireHazard> ok :D 20:39 < fake> FireHazard: no.... from debian :-/ 20:39 < FireHazard> fake: my i586 is debian 3.0 20:40 < FireHazard> i never figured out how cross compiling works 20:40 < fake> FireHazard: mips will be supported by rock 1.7 - at least the SGI .Indy 20:40 < fake> FireHazard: what processor do you have? 20:40 < FireHazard> the indy is the most commonly supported linux MIPS device ;) 20:40 < FireHazard> R4600 20:41 < rxr> hackbard: are you using the gcc-3.1 , too ? 20:41 < fake> FireHazard: me too... but i'm now compiling on an Challenge S with a 4400. 20:41 < FireHazard> fake: they are compatible 20:41 < fake> FireHazard: how fast is your CPU? 20:41 < FireHazard> fake: 133 20:41 < FireHazard> fake: by any chance do you have IRIX? 20:41 < fake> FireHazard: gcc3 supports -mcpu for both, so, no, not if you optimize ;) 20:42 < fake> FireHazard: no. 20:42 < FireHazard> damn 20:42 < FireHazard> I gotta get IRIX from somewhere 20:42 < FireHazard> lol 20:42 < fake> FireHazard: www.edonkey2000.com 20:42 < fake> ;)) 20:42 < FireHazard> i doubt it 20:42 < FireHazard> id need damn 6 cds 20:42 < FireHazard> thats like 4 gb 20:42 < fake> you only need 3... 20:43 < FireHazard> no 20:43 < fake> for a basic install, IIRC 20:43 < FireHazard> foundations 1,2 20:43 < fake> and install 20:43 < FireHazard> apps 20:43 < FireHazard> install 20:43 < fake> edonkey has foundation 1,2 and install 20:43 < FireHazard> did you download it? 20:43 < fake> i'm at it 20:43 < FireHazard> get it and send it to me :D 20:43 < fake> where do you live? 20:44 < FireHazard> ohio 20:44 < fake> oops. bit far. 20:44 < FireHazard> us 20:44 < FireHazard> and your DE 20:44 < FireHazard> lol 20:44 < FireHazard> if you can burn me copies i would pay shipping 20:45 < fake> FireHazard: remind me if i have it. BTW - a download would be cheaper ;) 20:45 < FireHazard> i want irix so bad I dont care 20:45 < FireHazard> just not for 200 dollars off of ebay 20:45 < FireHazard> not THAT bad 20:50 < huebi> BTW I got all source rpms for OpenOffice from bero. Now we can see how to get it into ROCK Linux ;-))) 20:50 < FireHazard> netinstall starting on my laptop 20:51 < rolla> fake : not to far for equipment ;) 20:51 < fake> rolla: *g* 20:51 < huebi> FireHazard: I cna see what I can do for MIPS tomorrow. Perhaps there is the possibility to get an external backup copy. But that needs _much_ luck 20:53 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux 20:53 < tomik> re 20:53 < huebi> re tomik 20:53 < FireHazard> I am actually going to try rocklinux today 20:53 < FireHazard> someone stop me. 20:53 * fake stops FireHazard. 20:56 < FireHazard> this pisses me off 20:56 < FireHazard> IRIX should be free 20:56 < rolla> ha ha 20:56 < FireHazard> all sgi systems are licensed to use irix anyway, why doesnt SGI provide the isos? 20:56 < rolla> which IRIX are you tring to get ? 20:56 < FireHazard> rolla: any! 20:56 < FireHazard> rolla: id prefer 6.5, but any is fine 20:57 < rolla> hmm I will have to see what I have laying around 20:57 < FireHazard> rolla: .. :) 20:57 < fake> clifford: /msg owl ich rauche zwar grade, aber als abgeraucht wuerde ich mich nicht.... oh. du meinst deinen computer. klar. 20:58 < rolla> where in ohio are you firehazard ? 20:58 * FireHazard doesnt speak german 20:58 < rolla> warum nicht's ? 20:58 < FireHazard> rolla: oxford, near cincinatti 20:59 < uninvited> may we call you then cincinatti kid , since you re this near ? *G* 20:59 < rolla> I know where that is at. you a student ? 20:59 < FireHazard> rolla: no lol... im just starting high school 20:59 < huebi> clifford: what is your idea behind this: 20:59 < huebi> choice ROCKCFG_CPU_OPT generic \ 20:59 < huebi> generic "No optimization, no build" \ 20:59 * FireHazard is JR. Cincinatti Kid 20:59 < rolla> ah what kind of SGI is it ? 21:00 < FireHazard> Indy 21:00 < FireHazard> indy will run anything afiak 21:00 < rolla> fun fun I have one of those around here somehwere :) 21:00 < FireHazard> rolla: where do you live 21:00 -!- Freak [freak@pD9530753.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21:01 < fake> clifford: you have new mail. 21:01 < rolla> st.louie 21:01 < fake> clifford: /msg owl ich rauche zwar grade, aber als abgeraucht wuerde ich mich nicht.... oh. du meinst deinen computer. klar. 21:01 < fake> *ARGHL* 21:01 < FireHazard> if you have irix you could burn copies and mail them :D 21:01 < fake> deswegen hat die meldung gefehlt. 21:01 < rolla> :) 21:01 < FireHazard> fake: that owl message says something about smoking degrees and myself 21:02 < FireHazard> i tried to translate it lol 21:02 < fake> degrees? 21:03 < huebi> fake: grad/ staerke 21:03 < FireHazard> I smoke degrees, but as if I was not abgeraucht.... oh. you mean myself your computer clear. 21:03 < fake> *LOL* 21:03 < uninvited> . 21:03 < fake> grade means "now", but alos means degrees, yes. 21:04 < FireHazard> Sprechen Sie Englisch! 21:05 < FireHazard> Ich hoffe diese Sache übersetze in deutsches besser als Deutsch-Englisches 21:05 < th> FireHazard: not really ;) 21:05 < fake> FireHazard: horrible ;) 21:06 < FireHazard> die Hölle mit dem Übersetzer 21:13 < fake> ok. me = m, rolla = m, FireHazard = m, owl = w. 21:13 < fake> me = guilty. 21:13 < FireHazard> m? 21:13 < FireHazard> male? 21:13 < fake> i think so? 21:13 < fake> ;)) 21:13 < FireHazard> *sigh* 21:14 * owl is female!!! if you use ./whois then you'll see it :P 21:14 < clifford> fake: your patch is reversed.... *grin* 21:17 < clifford> fake: You defined 'generic' as default value for ROCKCFG_MIPS_SUBARCH but there is no such option in the select box. 21:18 < clifford> ROCKCFG_KERNELCFG_FILE and ROCKCFG_ARCHTEST_FILE are gone some time ago. 21:18 < fake> clifford: err.... aha? 21:18 < fake> clifford: it's just copied from ia32 :P 21:19 < clifford> from an old one... 21:20 < fake> clifford: from 200206131233 21:20 < clifford> have a look at https://www.rocklinux.org/sources/architecture/ia32/ 21:21 < clifford> fake: yes. that 5 days old. :-) 21:21 < clifford> the shell command 'var_append ${1}_WRAPPER_INSERT " " ""' is bogu since it doesnt do anything. 21:22 < fake> clifford: ah-ha.... okay.... *aborting_build* 21:22 < clifford> the rest looks ok. 21:22 < clifford> why aborting the build ??? 21:22 < fake> which rest ? *fg* 21:23 < clifford> should I fix that and apply it or do you want to send another patch? 21:23 < fake> clifford: if var_append-stuff does nothing than nothing changed about this version (mips-specific) 21:23 < fake> clifford: well, i may do so as well, but it could take some time. 21:24 < fake> so i would appreciate it if you did it. 21:24 < clifford> fake: only the one line wich I've quoted (the one for the non-existing generic option) doesn't do anything. 21:24 < clifford> ok. It will show up in the next snap. 21:24 < fake> aw... *arghl*. 21:24 < fake> clifford: thanks! 21:39 -!- uninvited [~uninvited@pD9E50312.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux () 21:41 -!- Andrea_ [~Lorini@pD95444C5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:41 -!- Andrea_ is now known as Lorini 21:53 < fake> in general we differ three different kinds of problems. 21:53 < fake> 1) problems that can be solved by going to bed earlier 21:53 < fake> 2) problems that can be solved by going to bed later 21:54 < fake> 3) problems that can be solved by not going to bed at all. 21:55 < fake> if any problem is not solvable by this methods, it is not a problem. 21:56 < huebi> fake: Or you can use huge ammounts of caffeine 21:58 < fake> huebi: that is a supporting method to either 2) or 3) ;-) 22:00 * clifford is away: .. phone call .. 22:01 * clifford is back (gone 00:00:47) 22:01 < huebi> fake: ;-) 22:04 -!- d3m1an [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 22:05 < lizard> hi d3m1an 22:05 < d3m1an> hi ALL 22:05 < huebi> hi d3m1an 22:07 < FireHazard> fake: REDBULL! 22:07 < FireHazard> :P 22:07 < FireHazard> /dns 22:07 < FireHazard> soh 22:07 < FireHazard> doh* 22:07 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@faim.Physik.Uni-Augsburg.DE] has quit ("Lost terminal") 22:08 < d3m1an> redbull -> in Costa Rica is a drink which actives ur body ;] 22:08 < fake> FireHazard: that's austrian. *redirecting to clifford* 22:08 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@faim.Physik.Uni-Augsburg.DE] has joined #rocklinux 22:08 < fake> hi hackbard! 22:08 < hackbard> re 22:08 < lizard> moin hackbard 22:10 < huebi> hi hackbard 22:10 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p508178F3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:10 < bluefire> Moin 22:11 < huebi> hi bluefire 22:12 < d3m1an> in Costa Rica, ppl used to do a computers and software festival, named compuexpo, Mike and me would like to expose some stuff about rocklinux, Mike though about expose about a ROCK Linux Production server running on sparcs, it ll be interesting 22:12 < bluefire> huebi: Ich hab dem Holger (Grillen) ne Mail geschrieben und auch wegen einer Wegbeschreibung gefragt, aber noch keine Antwort bekommen. Hast du da irgendwelche Informationen? 22:12 < d3m1an> i have to leave now, cu later 22:12 -!- d3m1an is now known as d3m|away 22:12 < fake> grillen? 22:12 < fake> cu d3m|away 22:13 < huebi> fake: man grillen ;-) 22:13 < fake> huebi: when where who may-i-invite-myself? 22:13 < bluefire> fake: DaLug in Darmstadt 22:13 < huebi> mom 22:14 < fake> oh. it's an assimilated LUG, i suppose. 22:14 * clifford is away: for 10 minutes .. 22:14 < bluefire> fake: assimilated? By ROCK? 22:15 < fake> o'course @bluefire 22:16 < bluefire> hehe, I don't know. Haven't been there yet. 22:17 -!- d3m|away [~demian@] has left #rocklinux () 22:19 * clifford is back (gone 00:05:11) 22:20 < huebi> Am Sonntag, den 23.6.2002, wollen wir zusammen mit der Unix User Group 22:20 < huebi> Rhein-Neckar (Michael, bitte die Ankuendigung weiterleiten) ein Grillfest 22:20 < huebi> veranstalten. Wir haben fuer diesen Tag eine Grillhuette zwischen 22:20 < huebi> DA-Arheilgen und Weiterstadt gebucht (Anfahrtshinweise kommen rechtzeitig). 22:20 < huebi> Damit auch die Familien etwas davon haben, wollen wir schon um ca. 14:00 Uhr 22:20 < huebi> anfangen. 22:21 < fake> huebi: cool..... da hab ich noch nix vor. wie weit is das denn von Frankfurt weg? 22:21 < fake> oder von DA 22:22 < huebi> von DA ca 5 km 22:22 < fake> kewl. also ca. 2h fahrt. 22:22 < huebi> von FFM ca 30 22:22 < fake> mal sehen.... hab da noch eine karlsruhe kennengelernt.... 22:23 < bluefire> soso, eine karlsruhe ;) 22:23 < huebi> 125 km von Ka 22:23 < fake> aus 22:23 < huebi> fake: mitbringen ;-) 22:23 < fake> die war aufm linuxtag da... 22:23 < fake> ich mail einfach ma. 22:23 < huebi> Masse? Photo? 22:23 < huebi> Alter? 22:24 < huebi> *gg* 22:24 < fake> huebi: www.sphaera.de 22:24 -!- term_aweh [~pm@p5081954A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 22:24 < huebi> fake: oh, die ist ganz nett. 22:24 < bluefire> huebi: Kannst du mir sagen wo man sich auf die ml einschreiben kann, oder mir die Anfahrtsbeschreibung dann zumailen? 22:25 < fake> huebi: do you know wether ripclaw will come too? 22:27 < huebi> https://www.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de/dalug/index.html 22:27 < huebi> fake: ripclaw must come. 22:27 < huebi> fake: can you get him there? 22:30 < [anders]> why is proxyscan.openprojects.net. poking my box at port 1080? 22:31 < bluefire> huebi: danke ;) 22:31 < huebi> [anders]: It wants mp3 22:32 < [anders]> huebi: really? 22:32 < huebi> bluefire: pleasure 22:32 < [anders]> it pokes ports 8080 and 3128 as well.. 22:33 < huebi> [anders]: not not really. It wants your account and credit card data *g* 22:33 < huebi> 8080 and 3128 are www proxyports 22:33 < huebi> 3128 = squid 22:33 < huebi> 8080 secondary www 22:34 < huebi> 8080 apache proxy IIRC 22:34 < [anders]> yep.. what I want to know is why it does it and why it is so damned persistant.. 22:34 < huebi> :q 22:34 < huebi> uops 22:34 < [anders]> *grin* 22:36 < huebi> I use emacs! I just tested a new VI-macro... *g* 22:38 < huebi> [anders]: I think the admin does not know what he does. 22:39 < huebi> "Nyet. Only words you need to know is 'Yes, dread lord'." 22:39 < huebi> hehe 22:39 < fake> wie war noch die IP von dem neuen FTP? 22:39 < huebi> 22:39 < th> koennten wir da nicht mal nen A-record drauflegen? 22:39 < th> download2.rocklinux.de? 22:40 < th> SMP: ? 22:40 < huebi> th: Sobald das ding stabil ist, waere das eine Gute idee 22:40 < fake> download.rocklilnux.nl ;) 22:40 < fake> -l 22:40 < th> de.vu ;) 22:40 < [anders]> huebi: quite likely.. well, he can poke those ports as much as he wants.. 22:41 < [anders]> feel free to nmap my box if you want... ;-) 22:41 < fake> huebi: danke. you mean i should convince ripclaw to come? 22:41 < [anders]> huebi: been reading UF have you, yes? 22:42 < huebi> fake: Treat him as you want. 22:43 < fake> huebi: another question. why did he send me that sun offer? 22:45 -!- FireHazard [matrix@dhcp16469188.woh.rr.com] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22:46 < huebi> fake: which offer? e15k to be leased with 24 replacement service includind technician onside for 100 EUR/month 22:46 < huebi> 24h 22:47 < fake> huebi: err. not offer.... die verdammte produkpalette halt. 22:47 < fake> aber das wuerde ich annehmen ;) 22:48 < huebi> fake: He send it to me too. I think it's quite nice to know what sun delivers. 22:48 < fake> huebi: but why to me?? 22:48 < fake> hm... coffee or food.... 22:49 -!- clifford [~clifford@] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 22:49 < fake> both! 22:49 < fake> ;) 22:49 < huebi> fake: to everyone interested in UNIX hardware. 22:49 < fake> huebi: only you and me?? 22:50 -!- clifford [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux 22:50 < fake> well... unfortunately the prices were missing. and the bankrobbing instructions so you can afford any of it. 22:51 < rolla> nein Ich auch 22:52 < rxr> /. Disney Switches To Linux For Animation 22:58 < rolla> sweet 22:59 < fake> what? 23:04 < rolla> < rxr> /. Disney Switches To Linux For Animation 23:05 * fake ist intelligent wie ein Toastbrot. 23:06 < rolla> was ? 23:06 * fake is as intelligent as ... sandwich bread. 23:06 < rolla> ha ha ha 23:09 < huebi> Python-2.2.1.tgz ftp://ftp.python.org/pub/python/2.2.1/ <- any expriences with that? 23:10 < rolla> 21< 23:24 -!- freed [~Administr@pD9501708.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:24 < freed> hi all 23:25 < fake> hi freed 23:25 < freed> hi fake 23:25 < freed> is denn rxr in der naehe? 23:26 < freed> ansonsten kann ihn jemand was ausrichten? 23:27 * fake summons rxr, greatest packager to the known world... 23:28 < fake> rxr will not show up for someone called Administr@* ;)) 23:28 < freed> lol 23:31 < rxr> hm ? 23:31 < fake> ah! 23:31 < fake> *bows* he who is called freed wanted me to summon you, my master... 23:31 < freed> i think is my ident 23:37 -!- freed [~Administr@pD9501708.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 23:39 -!- |freed| [~bofh@pD9501708.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:42 < fake> |freed| : much better! 23:42 < fake> ;) 23:43 < |freed|> ;) 23:46 * clifford is away: . 23:46 < fake> aaaah! the dot got him! 23:46 < fake> sun is 3v1l! 23:46 < rolla> never 23:46 < rolla> 133t b33r 23:47 < fake> https://www.megatokyo.com 23:47 < rolla> ja I read it every m-w-f 23:48 < rolla> j00 23:48 < fake> me too. 23:49 < rolla> b4k4 23:49 < fake> "I feel the need to b4th3 in b33r!" *g* 23:49 < rolla> :) 23:50 < rolla> 3v1L ^-^ 23:53 -!- |freed| [~bofh@pD9501708.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux () 23:53 < fake> i'd like to have such a capture the b33r/be4r poster 23:55 < rolla> :) 23:55 < rolla> I want one of the T-shirts 23:55 < fake> f34r n0 b33r - fuercht' kein bier 23:55 < rolla> ja 23:55 < rolla> j0 --- Log closed Wed Jun 19 00:00:02 2002