-!- Irrsi  Log opened Tue Jun 18 00:00:24 2002
-!- Irrsi  Day changed Tue Jun 18 2002
[00:00] < tsa> hehe
[00:00] < tsa> ich hab hier:
[00:00] < tsa> abiword
[00:00] < tsa> emacs
[00:00] < tsa> gkrellm
[00:00] < huebi> Building in alsa-lib-0.9.0rc1 ...
[00:00] < tsa> bind
[00:00] < tsa> fetchmail
[00:00] < tsa> cups
[00:00] < tsa> galeon
[00:01] < tsa> an glade sitze ich grade.
[00:01] < tsa> ebenso evolution.
[00:02] < rxr> ah ok - das habe ich groesstenteils nicth angeruehrt ;-)
[00:03] < tsa> gut
[00:03] < tsa> gtk+
[00:04] < rxr> hasst du mal meinen tree ge-rsync-ed ?
[00:05] < rxr> mit welchem gcc baust du?
[00:06] < tsa> ich kuemmer mich jetzt erstmal um reine updates..
[00:06] < rxr> hm?
[00:06] < rxr> updates habe ich schon gemacht - alles in rene und x11 ;-)
[00:07] < tsa> export ROCKCFG_DEFAULT_CC='gcc2'
[00:07] < rxr> ah
[00:07] < tsa> export ROCKCFG_DEFAULT_CXX='gcc3'
[00:08] < rxr> rene@jackson:~/develop/rock > l 2clifford-DOS-your-modem.patch
[00:08] < rxr> -rw-r--r--    1 rene     users       94393 Jun 18 00:08 2clifford-DOS-your-modem.patch
[00:08] < tsa> hehe
[00:10] < rxr> hm - cliff has no new snap - so I would have to manually remove my last updates in it - Mist ...
[00:11]   rxr dumb
[00:12] < rxr> just applied my last patch to cliff's tree myself ... ;-)
[00:12] < tsa> that's the reason why i always make a separate patch for each package.
[00:12] < tsa> i don't have an own tree, and i don't know what other maintainers already have updated..
[00:12] < rxr> rene@jackson:~/develop/rock > grep +++ 2clifford-DOS-your-modem.patch  | wc -l
[00:12] < rxr>      98
[00:13] < rxr> Hm - maintaining a patch for each package would be sligtly time consuming ...
[00:13] < rxr> tsa: I also updated our lame package ;-)
[00:15] < rxr> rene@jackson:~/develop/rock > l 2clifford-DOS-your-modem.patch
[00:15] < rxr> -rw-r--r--    1 rene     users       69144 Jun 18 00:11 2clifford-DOS-your-modem.patch
[00:15] < rxr> you wanna get this one , too ?
[00:15] < rxr> or you could rsync my tree ...
[00:16] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p5080291F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[00:16] < tsa> cc: it to me, please.
[00:16] < tsa> hi chrisime
[00:16]   tsa updating nautilus
[00:16] < chrisime> jo!
[00:16] < chrisime> hi dudes
[00:16] < huebi> hi chrisime
[00:17] < chrisime> hallo huebi
[00:17] < rxr> hi chrisime
[00:17] < chrisime> rxr: SALVE
[00:17] < rxr> tsa: this is already done!
[00:18] < rxr> nautlius 2.s.th. is in my patch!
[00:18] < chrisime> bluefire: hab noch net auf die mail genatwortet
[00:18] < chrisime> sind aber ein paar interessante sachen drin
[00:18] < bluefire> chrisime: ich habs gesehen.
[00:18] < bluefire> chrisime: ist aber nicht so schlimm.
[00:18] < bluefire> ;)
[00:18] < chrisime> bluefire: sehr gute kommentare
[00:18] < chrisime> wenn man sonst den mist woanders immer lesen muss...
[00:19] < bluefire> Mist?
[00:19] < rxr> tsa: mail raus - please test-apply (kann aber sein das der wegen diversen updates deiner-seits nicht sauebr applied ...)
[00:19] < chrisime> bluefire: prolinux ;)
[00:19] < bluefire> Ich hab halt das geschrieben was mir fehlt oder was mich stört
[00:20] < chrisime> ich les mal schnell nochmal durch
[00:20] < tsa> rxr: ich schau mir erstmal an, was du so gemacht hast..
[00:20] < bluefire> Ich hab auch hp auf #gnome gesehen letzt und festgestellt, daß ein paar Sachen auch in bugzilla sind.
[00:20] < chrisime> ich sehs
[00:20] < chrisime> bluefire: die tatsache dass net alles in gnome2.0 reinkann ist net schlimm
[00:21] < chrisime> sonst haette es noch ein jahr gedauert ;)
[00:21] < chrisime> tree sidebar wird irgendwann mal entsorgt
[00:21] < bluefire> chrisime: Ist schon klar. Aber es sollte halt Benutzerfreundlich sein und mehr oder weniger so funktionieren wie man das erwarten würde.
[00:21] < chrisime> und durch eine ordentliche ersetzt, bzw. ergaenzt
[00:21] < chrisime> mit context menu
[00:21] < chrisime> bluefire: die haben sich schon gedanken gemacht
[00:22] < chrisime> es ist halt seeeehr schwirig es  allen recht zu machen
[00:22] < tsa> diff -urN rock-src-1.7-clifford/package/rene/teatime/teatime.cache
[00:22] < rxr> Tiny C Compiler
[00:22] < rxr> ;-)
[00:22] < tsa> oh....you starting diff'ing .cache-files, too?
[00:22] < tsa> ;-)
[00:23] < rxr> S.th. new for ROCK to adapt ;-) *lol*
[00:23] < chrisime> das suckt: Can't rename folder when clicking on folder in tree view twice <-- /me knows
[00:23] < rxr> tsa: NO!
[00:23] < rxr> I only removed two packages or so ...
[00:23] < tsa> rxr: can you make a "doxygen" package?
[00:23] < tsa> ah, ok.
[00:23] < chrisime> bluefire: tree view is shitty
[00:23] < rxr> tsa: It is in the patch!
[00:23] < rxr> tsa: maybe some other .cache file is in the patch - because I did s.th. like cp gnome-xyz gnome-new-libs-xyz ...
[00:24] < tsa> ah...ok
[00:24] < tsa> hm....i see we have some work done twice.
[00:24] < rxr> I hope only some ...
[00:25] < rxr> tsa: oh sorry - my doxygen package is in the last patch to cliff ...
[00:25] < rxr> tsa: should I send this one over ?
[00:25] < rxr> , too ?
[00:25] < rxr> Name: 2clifford-many-updates.patch
[00:25] < tsa> sure.
[00:26] < rxr> out
[00:29] < tsa> ok. i sent you my patches, too.
[00:29] < tsa> mail sent.
[00:30] < rxr> should I try to merge some  ?
[00:30] < tsa> i've sent them to clifford, too.
[00:31] < tsa> apply whatever you want..
[00:32] < tsa> hm....if i had more packages, i'd ask clifford for my own tree..
[00:32] < rxr> hm - but we would confuse Clifford - should he try to apply yours?
[00:32] < tsa> i'd like to save my packages from the rest pf the sourceforge stuff..
[00:32] < rxr> pf = ?
[00:32] < tsa> i've made one patch per package...so you can just delete those which already are updated....
[00:33] < tsa> pf = of
[00:33] < rxr> tsa: is you mail already out to cliff ?
[00:33] < tsa> yes.
[00:33] < hackbard> why dont u send it to the mailinglist!!!
[00:33] < hackbard> !^9999
[00:33] < hackbard> :p
[00:34] < tsa> basically, everybody thinks of sourceforge as being nothing but a lot of crap.
[00:34] < rxr> tsa: why would evolutoin get rid of the custom db ????
[00:34] < tsa> no wonder, since > 80% is broken
[00:34] < tsa> rxr: i would like the package to contain nothing but evolution itself..
[00:35] < tsa> aka make it working with bdb, currently at 3.3.something..
[00:35] < rxr> evlutions MUST be build statically linked to the libdb !! This IS the supoprted way since they store your data in the bd and it should be compatible across version
[00:35] < tsa> hm...ok, i didn't know that.
[00:36] < rxr> tsa: bdb ? in evolutions is the bdb included - but the last 3.x versin - NOT the 4 one ...
[00:36] < rxr> I already tried to build it dynamically liked against the new one - but gave up ...
[00:36] < tsa> hehe...ok
[00:37] < rxr> tsa: galeon patch ? wasn't this already in the linuxtag patch-set ?
[00:37] < tsa> i'll start a new build after clifford has fixed the scripts to make dietlibc compile in stage 0.
[00:37] < tsa> rxr: it's not in the current snapshot, rsync'ed about an hour ago..
[00:37] < rxr> tsa: ah - ok
[00:38] < tsa> did you have a look at the URL in the topic?
[00:38] < rxr> half of your patches should apply - but we should sort this out ourself the next time (so Clifford doesn't have to find this out himselfs ...)
[00:38]   huebi burning rock-ia32-i486-base+opt-1.5.16.iso
[00:39] < tsa> well...it's kinda difficult to keep things consistent when people have offline tree's ..
[00:39] < rxr> tsa: not - yet. Just cut'n pasted into konqeror ;-)
[00:39] < rxr> ;-) My tree is online ;-)
[00:39] < hackbard> yes, and u should not wait too long sending patches. if u dont send them on the mailinglists, but its okay .. keep ignoring me :p
[00:39] < tsa> rxr: the URL is the reason for my updates..
[00:39] < tsa> hackbard: hehe..
[00:39] < huebi> tsa: Thats the reason for cvs on world.
[00:39] < rxr> tsa: I only wanted to _test_ the Gnome2 updated before Clifford gets them !
[00:40] < tsa> huebi: i would prefer a central "repository" for everything, too..
[00:40] < huebi> for 1.7?
[00:40] < tsa> too much work gets done twice..
[00:40] < tsa> huebi: yes.
[00:41] < tsa> i would have split up the different repositories by function instead of person, too..
[00:41] < tsa> but as you know, the majority wanted something else..
[00:41] < huebi> It needs much trust in the people having access to it. But since I have full controll over the tree inside It's not bad at all.
[00:42] < tsa> huebi: ACK. but we need to trust each other, anyway.
[00:42] < rxr> tsa: no the most loudly speaking people wanted s.th. else ... :-(
[00:42] < tsa> within the core developers..
[00:42] < tsa> rxr: hehe... ;)
[00:42] < huebi> tsa: of course. But mistakes happen. And for that the full access is really kool.
[00:43] < tsa> from what i know about cvs, it is possible to make different tags on packages.
[00:43] < rxr> tsa: this has nothign to do with trust! - I think is really good that Cliffords eyes take a look on every scripts/* and so modification - sometimes even I send a imperfect patch :-)
[00:43] < huebi> tsa: That's what I do.
[00:43] < rxr> tsa: cvs is not an options for ROCK - IIHO
[00:44] < tsa> so my idea would be to give the core developers write access to everything and make a special tag which may just be set by the tree/package/whatever maintainer.
[00:44] < huebi> Writing  time:  355.050s
[00:44] < huebi> Fixating...
[00:44] < tsa> for example:
[00:44] < tsa> i make an update for a package which has [M] rene
[00:44] < tsa> this is the "head" branch.
[00:45] < tsa> rene could then have a look at my changes and decide whether to put his tag on it or not..
[00:45] < rxr> tsa: I need to get sleep ..
[00:45] < tsa> rxr: ok...cu and sleep well..
[00:45] < huebi> tsa branch tags. cvs tag -b. I use them.
[00:45] < tsa> huebi: 1.7 doesn't.
[00:45] < huebi> good night rxr
[00:45] < hackbard> n8 rene!
[00:45] < rxr> 1.7 has not CVS - and IIHO this is very good!
[00:45] < tsa> so i currently have two options.
[00:46] < tsa> 1: let other people's package alone and watch them getting outdated.
[00:46] < tsa> 2: update, make patches, send them somewhere and risk doing the same work twice..
[00:46] < huebi> tsa: All tags you can find in cvsweb are branch tags. Just co a tag and you have a working tree.
[00:46] < rxr> tsa: this was an one-time problem - because we both uptaded a bunch of packages
[00:47] < tsa> rxr: nack.
[00:47] < rxr> in the next time we will do this more regularly - and it doesn't happen too often
[00:47] < tsa> i'va had that before..several times.
[00:47] < tsa> with patches directly sent to clifford..
[00:47] < tsa> s,va,ve
[00:48] < rxr> tsa: but now we both do updates very regularly - so we 'll have less problems ...
[00:48] < tsa> oh...and i forgot something: if you touch other people's packages, you might get flamed..
[00:48] < rxr> tsa: in the normal rock tree or in sf ?
[00:49] < tsa> rxr: sf...
[00:49] < rxr> ok - and this is CVS ... - so it doesn't seem to be a help at all ;-)
[00:49] < rxr> read the CVS manual what CVS "is not" ! ;-)
[00:49] < tsa> just because we don't use the tags..
[00:50] < rxr> it is not an replacement for communiation between the developers and project planning ;-)!
[00:50] < tsa> ack.
[00:50] < rxr> tsa: the tags would introduce a mess where everyone adds tags here and there ..
[00:50] < tsa> rxr: that's the problem...discipline is missing and cvs has no acl system for setting tags.
[00:51] < rxr> if we wanna SCM - I do not vote for CVS ... - and if we use s.th. like subverison or arch then I would not give everyone write access to the core scripts to anyone but cliff ...
[00:51] < huebi> in 1.5 I'm very happy with other people updating packages. I just have to test and merge the changings
[00:52] < rxr> ok /me searches fot the bed now ...
[00:52] < rxr> cu - n8
[00:52] < huebi> cu rxr
[00:53] < tsa> another problem: if i make a good package on sf cvs, somebody likes it and moves it into his tree and i loose write access to it.
[00:53] < tsa> so i have to make patches for my own packages and send them to somebody else to decide over them.
[00:53] < huebi> tsa: on sf yes. in 1.5 no
[00:54] < tsa> huebi: indeed.
[00:54] < tsa> just a quick grep
[00:54] < tsa> my lame package is in rene/
[00:55] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p5080291F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Reconnecting")
[00:55] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p5080291F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[00:55] < tsa> my ettercap is there, too.
[00:55] < tsa> i still have nessus, nvidia, opera and slrn on SF cvs.
[00:55] < tsa> i guess opera and nvidia will get moved to x11/ sooner or later.
[00:56] < tsa> slrn might get into base/
[00:56] < tsa> nessus i don't know.
[00:56] < tsa> i could prevent this by having an own reopsitory.
[00:57] < tsa> but i just don't want another reopsitory just containing different, completely unrelated packages.
[00:58] < tsa> oh...and i should learn to type "repository".
[00:58] < tsa> ;-)
[01:08] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p508176F2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[01:08] < hackbard> tsa: did you or rene fix libtiff already?
[01:09] < tsa> hackbard: send rene a mail - it's in his repository.
[01:09] < hackbard> yeah, thast why i ask, i wont fix it if he did already :)
[01:10] < tsa> no, i don't see any libtiff-related stuff in his patches
[01:10] < hackbard> okay, then wish me luck :)
[01:10] < tsa> hehe ;)
[01:11] -!- term_aweh [~pm@pD958BEF8.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("zz")
[01:14] -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux
[01:14] < hackbard> yo d3mian !
[01:14] < d3mian> re
[01:16] < tsa> hi d3mian
[01:16] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p5080291F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("blah")
[01:16] < tsa> ok guys...
[01:16]   tsa is going to sleep..
[01:16] < tsa> cu tomorrow..
[01:16] < d3mian> cu tsa
[01:17] -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082A9D9.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[01:18] < huebi> hi d3mian ;-)
[01:21] < huebi> I think now I've got all mistakes fixed in 1.5.16... We'll see in a few minutes
[01:24] < huebi> more to fix...
[01:25] < hackbard> cool huebi
[01:25] < hackbard> ohh ..
[01:25] < hackbard> too fast
[01:39] < huebi> hackbard: The change from intel to ia32 needed some more fixes.
[01:39] < hackbard> huebi: btw, why did u also change?
[01:39] < huebi> install-disks was not complete
[01:40] < hackbard> i guess the root disk made troubles ..
[01:40] < huebi> jo
[01:40] < hackbard> but all fixed now?
[01:41] < huebi> I changed because it is much cleaner than before
[01:42] < huebi> I also want to clean up / simplify some scripts I don't fully understand.
[01:43] < huebi> e.g. $arch is really needed in only one place.
[01:45] < hackbard> yes, makes sence
[01:45] < hackbard> but i would just freeze 5.x from the scripts point of view
[01:46] < hackbard> just see it will always build
[01:46] < huebi> there are still some errors.
[01:47] < hackbard> okay, in that case u have to
[01:47] < huebi> eg Creating a base cd while having some extentions built will include the exts too.
[01:47] < hackbard> aha
[01:47] < hackbard> didnt know that! as i always build my extensiosn on the ready installed system
[01:48] < huebi> And the scripts need some simplifying.
[01:49] < huebi> the big change fron linux / modules to linux / linux-src was needed, but did not work really clean.
[01:50] < hackbard> well, actually ur right
[01:51] < hackbard> 1.5.x is not meant to be 'frozen'
[01:51] < hackbard> though, i think u work too hard for it :)
[01:52] < huebi> Yes, I work definitly too hard on it.
[01:52] < huebi> But I want to have for myself a linux fitting all my needs.
[01:53] < huebi> And ROCK Linux is allmost there where I want to go.
[01:54] < hackbard> yes, i understand
[01:54] < hackbard> and anyways - 1.5.x is still the system which is in (productive) use
[01:55] < huebi> Yes, and for production servers it just has to get only a little bit smoother
[01:56] < huebi> The rock can have some polishing ;-))
[01:56] < hackbard> hehe :)
[01:56] < huebi> It outperformed with it's flexibility and security RedHat!
[01:58] -!- d3mian is now known as d3m^afk
[01:58] < hackbard> yes, even if i would no longer build rock - i would definetly go for the isos!
[01:59] < hackbard> with rock u learn, how simple linux actually is (imho)
[02:00] < hackbard> bad english .. :p
[02:00] -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit (Ping timeout: 14400 seconds)
[02:00] < huebi> Yes. And the learning is much more worth than the effort costs.
[02:10] < d3m^afk> all ppl i know are afraid to try rock, i think it is just a simple distro with some diffs and nice to use it ;)
[02:10] < huebi> to use it is very nice. But there is a big lag of documentation
[02:12] < d3m^afk> umm, i know. well, if ur really interester u can get documentation wherever
[02:12] -!- d3m^afk is now known as d3mian
[02:12] < huebi> d3mian: but you first must know where to get it ;-)
[02:13] < d3mian> a stable system where u know what is happening inside ;)
[02:14] < d3mian> ur right huebi ;)
[02:15] < huebi> Many comments in the config scripts are needed
[02:16] < d3mian> in costarica, by example, i just know Mike1 and me using rock, the rest of ppl we would like to get inside rock, are afraid to try it. And, in my case, ive told a lot of ppl to use it, just they dunt want cauz think it is difficult to administrate and use
[02:17] < huebi> In Rock you really need to know what you do. But if you don't, there is the documentation lag...
[02:18] < huebi> brb... reboot. no loopback devices any more ;(
[02:18] < hackbard> hmm, next thing to fix would be netpbm, but i dont know whether tsa or renen already did it.
[02:18] < hackbard> huebi: stop
[02:18] < hackbard> losetup -d
[02:18] < hackbard> :)
[02:22] < hackbard> good n1
[02:23] < d3mian> cu hackbard
[02:26] -!- d3mian is now known as d3m|away
[02:28] < huebi> cu d3m|away
[02:29] < huebi> hackbard: danke
[03:28] -!- lizard [~lizard@pD90485FA.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:39] -!- lizard [~lizard@pD9048F39.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[03:48] < huebi> 1.5.16 is allmost working.
[03:48] < huebi> cu later
[03:54] -!- raz0rshrp [~SharpRaz0@pcp01758914pcs.gambrl01.md.comcast.net] has joined #rocklinux
[03:59] -!- aszlig [~aszlig@paradome.de] has quit (Ping timeout: 14400 seconds)
[04:26] -!- raz0rshrp [~SharpRaz0@pcp01758914pcs.gambrl01.md.comcast.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:58] -!- esden [weasel@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[05:58] -!- Topic for #rocklinux: Don't feel sexy enough? Use ROCK Linux! (compare to others: https://distrowatch.linuxforum.hu/source.php)
[05:58] -!- Topic set by esden [Mon Jun 17 15:43:34 2002]
[05:58] (Users #rocklinux)
[05:58] [ blindcod1r] [ d3m|away] [ Freak ] [ lizard ] [ rxr ] [ th]
[05:58] [ clifford_ ] [ esden ] [ hackbard] [ praenti] [ simon]
[05:58] [ coldie ] [ fake ] [ huebi ] [ rolla ] [ SMP ]
[05:58] -!- Irssi: #rocklinux: Total of 16 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 16 normal]
[05:58] -!- Channel #rocklinux created Tue Jun 11 09:27:41 2002
[05:59] -!- Irssi: Join to #rocklinux was synced in 12 secs
[06:58] -!- clifford_ [~clifford@M097P003.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[07:01] -!- clifford_ [~clifford@M102P024.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[07:24] -!- chrisb [~chrisb@pD958C243.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[07:28] -!- d3m|away [~demian@] has quit ("leaving")
[07:28] -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux
[07:29] -!- d3mian is now known as d3m^wrk
[07:40] < huebi> moin ;-)
[07:44] < d3m^wrk> hi huebi
[07:45] < d3m^wrk> guten morgen
[07:45] < huebi> hi d3m^wrk
[07:46] < huebi> tomorrow 1.5.16 will be out.
[07:57] < d3m^wrk> c00l
[07:57] < d3m^wrk> :)
[07:57] < d3m^wrk> comparing 1.5.15 with 1.5.16? what da u recommend me?
[08:04] < huebi> d3m^wrk: I recommend the newes one. now all linux binaries are in one package
[08:05] < huebi> linux-src is now a separate package
[08:05] < huebi> lilo will be 22.3.1
[08:05] < huebi> I have to rebuild all to day
[08:06] < huebi> and cvs commit all my changes.
[08:06] < huebi> That will be a very big Changelog this time
[08:06] < d3m^wrk> ic, i hope start downloading tomorrow, ;) - thanx huebi
[08:06] < d3m^wrk> ic, nice
[08:07] < huebi> at 5:00 at your local time it will be up
[08:08] < huebi> at least I hope so
[08:20] < d3m^wrk> k
[08:43] -!- chrisb [~chrisb@pD958C243.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ()
[08:57] < huebi> cu later.
[08:57] < huebi> I go to work
[08:57] < huebi> 28 Degree Celsius and I have to ride my bicycle ;-(
[09:44] < d3m^wrk> k, cu huebi
[09:51] -!- snowrichard [~snowrich@] has joined #rocklinux
[10:00] -!- snowrichard [~snowrich@] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[10:12] < fake> q
[10:13] < fake> *argh*
[10:13] < fake> morning
[10:18] < d3m^wrk> guten morgen fake
[10:28] < fake> moin
[10:29]   fake can't understand why the Challenge S is so much faster than the indy
[10:29] < fake> the Indy has 130 BogoMips, the Challenge 80!
[10:35] < fake> but the indy is running at 130 MHz and the Challenge at 175
[10:42] -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has joined #rocklinux
[10:42] < tsa> moin.
[10:44] < fake> hi tsa!
[10:46] < d3m^wrk> hi tsa
[10:46] < tsa> hi fake
[10:46] < tsa> hi d3m^wrk
[10:50] < huebi> moin fake
[10:50] < huebi> moin tsa
[10:51] < tsa> hi huebi
[10:51] < fake> moin huebi
[10:51] < huebi> so03:48 < huebi> 1.5.16 is allmost working.
[10:51] < huebi> The image boots now.
[10:51] < huebi> root-disk is fixed
[10:53] < huebi> linux is fixed
[10:53] < huebi> linux-src is fixed
[10:53] < huebi> compiled for i486
[10:53] < huebi> root@zeus:/rock-linux# ll
[10:53] < huebi> drwxr-xr-x    6 root     root         4096 Jun 18 04:06 rock-ia32-i486-1.5.16
[10:53] < huebi> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root     540442624 Jun 18 07:42 rock-ia32-i486-base+opt-1.5.16.iso
[11:05] < tsa> journaling fs supported?
[11:06] < huebi> tsa: With different boot-disks all four should be possiblee.
[11:08] < huebi> -e
[11:09] < huebi> I just took attention on getting all the boot stuff working again with linux/linux-src.
[11:10] < huebi> I learned more than expected about ROCK last night *happy*
[11:10] < huebi> th: Huhu. Schon wach?
[11:18] < d3m^wrk> huebi: what about different kernel support? last time u said that there is a possibility to use several kernels for install disks
[11:22] < huebi> d3m^wrk: Jo. The best way for that is to have different ISO-images because _all_ software is optimised for one CPU
[11:23] < huebi> Different boot-images on the CD are possible and needed for the support of journaling file systems.
[11:25] < d3m^wrk> well, i think that's the right way too, thanx for answer
[11:27] < d3m^wrk> i though.. that at least a directory with several kernel modules and other apps to the fs journaling would be ok, but a cd for each optimization is more nice
[11:28] < huebi> d3m^wrk: And as I said on the cd can be more than one boot image (exact 63 are possible).
[11:31] < d3m^wrk> umm, ic , more cool ;)
[11:31] < fake> huebi: and on the boot promt you start asking: do you want the kernel for 386? (y/n)
[11:32] < fake> do you want the kernel for 486 (y/n)
[11:32] < fake> ...
[11:32] < fake> do you want ext2 support? (y/n)
[11:32] < fake> ...
[11:32] < fake> *g*
[11:32] < d3m^wrk> LOL
[11:32] < huebi> "There is M$ Windows on this Computer. Go away!"
[11:33] < tsa> hehe
[11:34] < huebi> https://people.redhat.com/brosenkr/misc/Microsoft-Trek.html <- *lol*
[11:35] < huebi> DISCLAIMER: Microsoft, Windows, Windows XP, Bugs, Lacking features, IRQ conflicts, System crashes, Non-functional multitasking, registration keys, the Y2K problem, the Blue Screen of Death and unfair business practices are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp., Redmond, USA.
[11:35] < huebi> No violation of copyright intended.
[11:35] < huebi> No Microsoft product was used in any way to write or send this text. If you use a Microsoft product to read it, you're doing so at your own risk.
[11:35] < huebi> *ROFL*
[11:35] < d3m^wrk> hehe
[11:36] -!- simon- [~simon@p50875EF0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[11:40] < fake> huebi: that story is great *lmao*
[11:42] < huebi> fake: Yes, it is.
[11:42]   huebi is tired. More coffee...
[11:42] < fake> Get us out of here! Warp 8!
[11:42] < fake> I'm afraid that won't be possible, Captain! It's common knowledge that Windows XP deletes OS/2-Warp-Engines during installation.
[11:45] < fake> In fact, people on Earth kept using Windows operating systems until the last Windows developer switched over to Linux in 2004. And of course...
[11:50] -!- simon [~simon@p5087571B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:50] -!- simon- is now known as simon
[11:51] < huebi> I just started the upload of the new image.
[12:13] -!- clifford_ is now known as clifford
[12:16] -!- raz0rshrp [~SharpRaz0@pcp01758914pcs.gambrl01.md.comcast.net] has joined #rocklinux
[12:21] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p50813836.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[12:22] < thalerim> hello
[12:23] < thalerim> https://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2002-17.html resp. https://httpd.apache.org/info/security_bulletin_20020617.txt
[12:23] < thalerim> just FYI
[12:25] < d3m^wrk> hi thalerim
[12:25] < thalerim> hi d3m^wrk - what's up?
[12:26] < d3m^wrk> all it's ok, thanx , da u?
[12:28] < thalerim> extremely hot here in germany - even ice creme and a ventilator don't soften the heat
[12:29] < d3m^wrk> hehe, i guess not too much like CR
[12:30] < thalerim> 37°C
[12:31] < thalerim> almost like costa rica :-)
[12:32] < d3m^wrk> ic, well, it is hotter than the place where i live :p
[12:33] < thalerim> heh
[12:34] < fake> *sweats*
[12:35] < thalerim> me too, countryman :-)
[12:36] < fake> getting his almost-frozen bottle of water
[12:38] < thalerim> what's a f***ing day :->
[12:40] -!- d3m^wrk [~demian@] has quit ("Lost terminal")
[12:42] -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux
[12:42] < d3mian> re
[12:42] < thalerim> re
[12:42] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p50813836.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("ho chresim' eidos uch ho poll' eidos sophos.")
[12:54] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E3948C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[12:57] < fake> hm....
[12:57] < fake> is the cc-options-$x really used in1.7 ?
[12:58] < fake> where is there no such file in ia32, but a gcc-options file?
[12:58] < huebi> re
[12:58] < esden> hi all
[12:59] < huebi> hi esden
[12:59] < huebi> ;-)
[12:59] < d3mian> morning esden
[12:59] < esden> *schwitz* *tropf*
[13:00] < esden> und ich soll heute noch tennis spielen ... ;_;
[13:00] < fake> HAA HAAA
[13:00] < huebi> echo "100L" > /dev/water | cat > esden
[13:00] < esden> fake: aber der gedanke dass ich mit zwei suessen maedels spielen werde heitert mich auf ;-)
[13:01] < esden> huebi: danke
[13:01]   esden platz
[13:06] < fake> esden: mit wem?
[13:11] < tsa> fake: mit wem ist doch egal - wo sind die fotos?
[13:11] < fake> ich schaetze ira und.... err.... hm. ka?
[13:11] < fake> anja?
[13:11] < fake> oder anja und wasserue
[13:20] < esden> fake: kennst du nicht
[13:20] < fake> aaaaaha!
[13:20] < esden> nee nicht mit anja ... sie ist in muenchen ... und ich gehe nach in spielen
[13:20] < fake> dann doch fotos will.
[13:20] < esden> fake: werde ich schauen ob ich welche besorgen kann ;-)
[13:22] < fake> *gg*
[13:24] < huebi> ftp://download.rocklinux.de/1.5/1.5.16/rock-ia32-i486-base+opt-1.5.16.iso <- new and booting ;-)))
[13:24] < huebi> Announce follows on the list.
[13:24] < huebi> But I want to give Alexanders ftp adress as address
[13:24] < huebi> +d
[13:28] < fake> hm.... how will i notice wether the gcc options are used? (in 1.7)
[13:28] < d3mian> Alexanders is the boy who gave a ftp server right?
[13:28] < huebi> d3mian: Yes, in sweden.
[13:29] < d3mian> and is it faster?
[13:29] < huebi> smalest line capacity is 100 MBit
[13:29] < huebi> d3mian: YES!!!
[13:29] < d3mian> of course ;)))
[13:29] < huebi> than 2.5 GBit and then 10GBit.
[13:30] < d3mian> huebi: when da u think to place 1.5.16 in Alexanders ftp?
[13:30] < fake> huebi: with 10 GBit you could satisfy every german surfer.
[13:30] < fake> germany has a throughput of about 6-7 GBit/s
[13:31] < huebi> fake: only 6-7 Powerbook G4 ??
[13:31] < huebi> *g*
[13:31] < huebi> The Powerbook G4 has 1GBit
[13:32] -!- d3m|an [~john@] has joined #rocklinux
[13:32] -!- d3m|an [~john@] has quit (Client Quit)
[13:33] < fake> sw33t.
[13:33] < fake> ich weiss aber immernoch nicht was es mit den cc-options-$x ung gcc-options auf sich hat
[13:35] < fake> ~stille~
[13:37] < huebi> fake: rene und clofford wissen das....
[13:37] < huebi> s/o/i/
[13:38]   fake summons clifford
[13:48] < d3mian> cu later
[13:48] < huebi> cu d3mian
[13:48] -!- d3mian is now known as d3m^wrk
[13:51] < clifford> fake: was ist mit cc-options-$x ??
[13:54] < huebi> hi clifford
[13:54] < clifford> hi huebi...
[13:55] < clifford> wie geht's der familie? (alles wieder im lot?)
[13:55] < huebi> bero from Redhat just uploads his OpenOffice stuff to ftp://rocklinux.dyndns.org/upload *freu*
[13:56] < huebi> clifford: Jo, alles wieder im Lot. Besser als zuvor. Macht jetzt wieder richtig Spass.
[13:56] < clifford> das ist gut.
[13:57] < fake> clifford: was soll ich jetzt benutzen? cc-options-$x oder gcc-options wie in ia32 ?
[13:57] < clifford> Bei uns gibt's uebrigens zwei gastheuser die auch zimmer vermieten ...  (wg. hack-session bei uns)
[13:57] < fake> clifford: ich finde bei keiner arch ein cc-options-$x file
[13:57] < huebi> clifford: Ich habe gestern bis fast 4h00 an 1.5.16 gesessen. Selten so viel in so kurzer Zeit gelernt ;-)
[13:57] < clifford> im ort ist auch ein badeteich usw...
[13:57] < clifford> :-)
[13:57] < huebi> clifford: Wann wollen wir loslegen ;-))
[13:58] < clifford> fake: die cc-options-* sind geschichte.
[13:58] < fake> clifford: ich habe die ersten 2 augustwochen urlaub... da waer es sehr guenstig ;)
[13:58] < fake> clifford: und.... hm. wo steht das?
[13:59] < fake> clifford: wird aber erst ab stage2 genutzt, right?
[13:59] < clifford> huebi: das weiss ich noch nicht. jetzt hab' ich mal 2 wochen fuer alles moegliche reserviert. dann bin ich zwei wochen nicht da (betreuer in kinderferienlager) - dass sehen wir weiter.
[14:00] < clifford> Changelog vom 2002-05-31:
[14:00] < clifford> - Redesigned kernel config creation and cc wrapper config
[14:00] < clifford> ja.
[14:00] < clifford> wir hatten da probleme wenn der lokale cc die optionen nicht versteht ...
[14:01] < fake> hmhm... dacht ich mir ;)
[14:01] < fake> gcc2 -mcpu=r440 -> eek. gibbet nich. bei gcc3 schon.
[14:01] < fake> r4400
[14:02] < clifford> .. und darum erst ab stage 2.
[14:02] < fake> l33t.
[14:02] < huebi> clifford: Ich arbeite noch diesen Monat und habe die ersten zwei Juliwochen fuer ROCK Linux 1.[5,6] reserviert.
[14:02] < clifford> (also die wrappers werden schon vorher auch verwendet - aber die heavy opt. nicht)
[14:02] < fake> man.... is das heiss....
[14:02] < clifford> huebi: ich muss noch schaun wann ich kurse hab' usw. ..
[14:03] < fake> clifford: kannst du mir erklaeren, warum die challenge S mit 80 BogoMips schneller is als die indy mit 130?
[14:03] < fake> ich meine _deutlich_ schneller
[14:03] < fake> there is a problem with bash
[14:04] < fake> it compiles, but it needs libncurses, which are not built in stage1.
[14:04] < fake> so the chroot fails and i have to build ncurses manually.
[14:04] < clifford> bogomips sind kein benchmark und geben keinerlei auskunft ueber die geschwindigkeit der maschine.
[14:04] < fake> clifford: danke, beruhigend. *phew*
[14:05] < clifford> (bogomips werde nur verwendet um diverse delay-loops fuer i/o zu kalibrieren)
[14:07] < huebi> fake: Probier doch mal misc/bench/autobench.sh
[14:07] < huebi> unter 1.5
[14:07] < fake> ich nix 1.5
[14:07] < huebi> fake: Dan du nix wissen schnell sein von cpu
[14:07] < huebi> ;-)
[14:08] < fake> he bist du grun oda was he? sagst du mei mips kann net kochen? brauchst du streit alde?
[14:08] < huebi> fake: Was guggst du?
[14:08] < fake> HE GUGG ISCH ODA WAS HEE?
[14:08] < huebi> *LOOOL*
[14:09] < huebi> *weglauf*
[14:09] < fake> hehe. hab isch misch krasse kartoffel gelegt alde.
[14:10] < esden> ojemene ...
[14:10] < huebi> esden: Was geht ab alda?
[14:10]   esden braucht wie immer mehr zeit ... und eine klimaanlage
[14:10] < huebi> esden: Was hassu mit Mathilda gemacht?
[14:10] < esden> am besten in kleidungsform
[14:11] < fake> eh die krasse mathilda alde.
[14:11] < esden> huebi ... ich ?? .... ich habe sie nur gestreichelt ;-)
[14:11] < fake> WO?
[14:11] < huebi> WOMIT?
[14:11] < esden> fake: dass willst nicht wissen ;-)
[14:11] < fake> macke
[14:11] < esden> huebi: du auch nicht ...
[14:12] < esden> ich habe mit ihr dann golf gespielt ;-)
[14:12] < huebi> (Arme Mathilda. Jetzt will sie wieder Wochenlang Grass rauchen statt fressen...)
[14:12]   fake geht schnell hoch in den servrraum
[14:12] < fake> ah... klimaanlage... *freu*
[14:13] < esden> fake: >_<
[14:13] < esden> ich habe leider kein netz in der audi max .. sonnst wuerde ich da sitzen ... da habe ich zumindest mal kuehle luft ...
[14:18] < praenti> hi *denk* *ratter*
[14:18] < praenti> ... ahh. jetzt versteh ich das
[14:22] < praenti> huebi: kannst du mir nochmal die webcvs-url sagen. hab gestern verstehentlich die hälfte von meinem home auf gutmann gelöscht :-(
[14:22] < d3m^wrk> bye
[14:22] < praenti> bye d3m^wrk
[14:22] -!- d3m^wrk [~demian@] has left #rocklinux ()
[14:33] -!- term_emu [~pm@p5081954A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:34] < huebi> praenti: https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/
[14:34] -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has quit ("wech.")
[14:38] -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:38] < tsa> re
[14:42] < huebi> hi tsa
[14:47] -!- clifford [~clifford@M102P024.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:49] -!- clifford [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux
[15:10] < huebi> 1000g Caffeine will cost 100 EUR.
[15:11] < huebi> fuel for fake ;-))
[15:12] < tsa> hehe
[15:13] < huebi> I order the 1kg. For extra caffeinated coffee
[15:13] < tsa> just one cup? ;)
[15:14] < huebi> 20g are possible in in 1l water
[15:15] < huebi> ~ 30g will kill 100kg rats
[15:15] < huebi> erm 50% of them.
[15:16] < huebi> 0.5 grams should be enough for 1 cup
[15:16] < huebi> that should keep one awake for at least 10 more hours
[15:17] < huebi> or fake will produce about 1000 lines of code ;-))\
[15:20] < tsa> hehe
[15:20] < tsa> hm...what am i supposed to do with 50kg dead rats?
[15:21] < tsa> rat soup?
[15:23] < huebi> tsa: Kitty tuning ;-))
[15:23] < tsa> hehe
[15:24] < rolla> re
[15:25] < huebi> https://reimari.saunalahti.fi/~jylppy69/which-cat-stole-my-drugs.jpg
[15:25] < huebi> hi rolla ;-)
[15:25] < rolla> hallo
[15:27] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@faim.Physik.Uni-Augsburg.DE] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[15:30] < huebi> Uni-Augsburg has fallen in a worm hole... *g*
[15:30] < clifford> .. that must be a small university ..
[15:31] < huebi> for the UeberDAU: https://www.computergear.com/wipefeetmat.html
[15:34] -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux
[15:34] < tsa> hehe...
[15:34] < tsa> hi tomik
[15:34] -!- raz0rdull [~SharpRaz0@pcp01758914pcs.gambrl01.md.comcast.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:35] < tomik> hi tsa, hi all
[15:39] < tomik> xexe... rock can run on alpha
[15:41] -!- term_emu is now known as term_aweh
[15:43] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@faim.Physik.Uni-Augsburg.DE] has joined #rocklinux
[15:44] -!- raz0rshrp [~SharpRaz0@pcp01758914pcs.gambrl01.md.comcast.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:51] < tsa> GRRRRRRRRRRRR!
[15:51] < tsa> audiogalaxy is dead.
[15:51] < tsa> damn.
[15:53] < clifford> tsa: what do you mean with "dead" ?
[15:55] < tsa> clifford: see slashdot - all songs have been removed where AG had no explicit permission of the artist.
[15:55] < tsa> which de facto means: _all_ songs.
[15:56] < clifford> oh. that sucks.
[15:56] < rxr> 4re
[15:56] < clifford> what are we going to use now for downloading mp3's ?
[15:56] < clifford> Hi rxr!
[15:57] < rxr> hi clifford
[15:57] < clifford> rxr: you will hate me when you see the next snap ...  :-)
[15:57] < rxr> clifford: why ?
[15:57] < tsa> clifford: i don't know.
[15:57] < clifford> tsa: Wow! That seams to even include some hosted artists ...
[15:58] < clifford> because I've change some parts in the core scripts.
[15:58] < clifford> it _should_ stay compatible ....   :-)
[15:58] < clifford> But there are also some improvements for you:
[15:58] < clifford> e.g. a much better $srctar and $srcdir autodetection.
[15:58] < rxr> clifford: go ahead ;-)
[15:59] < rxr> ah
[15:59] < rxr> clifford: as long as you apply most of my updates ...
[15:59] < clifford> So you don't need to set that in all gnome1 packages.
[15:59] < clifford> Also: we now do have a /var/adm/parse-config directory
[16:00] < clifford> when you build a package - all the files there will be read in before reading the package .conf file.
[16:01] < clifford> E.g. /var/adm/parse-config/mysql:
[16:01] < clifford> var_append extraconfopt " " "--with-mysql-lib=/opt/mysql/lib/mysql"
[16:01] < clifford> var_append extraconfopt " " "--with-mysql-include=/opt/mysql/include/mysql"
[16:01] < clifford> pkg_mysql_prefix=/opt/mysql
[16:02] < clifford> candidates for such /var/adm/parse-config files are all packages which do have libs or are required in one way or another by other packages ..
[16:06] < rxr> mom
[16:34] -!- d3m^wrk [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux
[16:35] < d3m^wrk> re
[16:35] -!- d3m^wrk is now known as d3mian
[16:35] < huebi> hi d3mian
[16:37] < rxr> hi huebi
[16:37] < huebi> hi rxr ;-)
[16:37] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5ad2.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[16:37] < owl> hi
[16:37] < rxr> huebi: should a DSL modem work on a dual-speed "hub" ?
[16:38] < rxr> (with an integrated bridge between the two backplanes ?)
[16:38] < huebi> rxr: Perhaps. But that could be too much inteligence
[16:38] < rxr> ah
[16:38] < fake> damn job
[16:41] < fake> brb
[16:45] < clifford> rxr: what do you think about installing qt with QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt ?
[16:48] < rxr> clifford: in such a parse-config file ?
[16:48] < clifford> hae?
[16:49] < tsa> .. und wech
[16:49] < tsa> cu
[16:49] -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has quit ("wech.")
[16:49] < rxr> clifford: i do also not know what you mean ...
[16:49] < fake> clifford ?
[16:49] < clifford> since qt creates a /etc/profile.d/qt which contains everything needed to auto-detect the location of qt, a /var/adm/parse-config/qt shouldn't be needed ...
[16:50] < clifford> qt is now using prefix=/usr.
[16:50] < fake> if i want to add an architecture specific patch, i name it blabla-bla.patch.$arch, right?
[16:50] < fake> ls
[16:50] < fake> >_<
[16:50] < clifford> so qt's 'make install' creates stuff like /usr/mkspecs/
[16:50] < rxr> I think qt should simply get another default prefix - either /opt/kde or /opt/qt ...
[16:50] < clifford> fake: in 1.7: yes.
[16:51] < rxr> and when the prefix is /usr - jups we might adjust the libary path to /usr/lib/qt like we do for mozilla ...
[16:51] < fake> thanks
[16:51] < clifford> rxr: but that has nothing todo with the library path ..
[16:52] < rxr> clifford:
[16:52] < rxr> clifford: ?
[16:52] < clifford> gnu configure is looking fo qt in /usr/lib/t unsr/lib/qt3 .....  but not in /usr
[16:52] < clifford> It only knows that it is there because we set $QTDIR
[16:53] < clifford> so installing qt with --prefix=/usr doesn't seam to be a "standard" for qt ..
[16:54] < rxr> clifford: I do not know about a standard - maybe just this single configure.in of this package is broken (KDE and co finds qt without any help ...) - i think the usual place of others dists is /opt/qt ...
[16:55] < clifford> they have help: $QTDIR.
[16:55] < rxr> yes - ok ...  But the other package could use this, too ...
[16:56] < clifford> rxr: It is using it!
[16:56] < rxr> hm? and it adds lib/qt instead of lib to the prefix ?
[16:57] < clifford> I have no problem installing any package - It's just that i don't want to have a /usr/plugins, a /usr/mkspecs and a /usr/templates ..
[16:58] < rxr> ah! Why haven't you meantioned this in the first place!
[16:58] < clifford> I did.
[16:58] < rxr> clifford: should we modify the lib-dir in any case - or only if /usr is used as prefix?
[16:59] < clifford> Again: this has nothing to do with libdir.
[17:00] < clifford> It just seams to be a qt standard that prefix (NOT LIBDIR) is /usr/lib/qt3 for qt3.
[17:00] < clifford> Even the kdelibs package is looking there for it in the first place.
[17:00] < rxr> clifford: but the prefix would place the bins in /usr/lib/qt/bin ... ?!?!?
[17:00] < rxr> 16:52 < clifford> gnu configure is looking fo qt in /usr/lib/t unsr/lib/qt3 .....  but not in /usr
[17:01] < clifford> I didn't try it so far - I just tell you what ./configure --help tells me for qt and what I read from the other configure scripts.
[17:01] < rxr> ^- this is why I got confused - and thought you have a prob with another prog ...
[17:02] < clifford> No - I just wanted to tell you that no package expects that qt could be in /usr ..
[17:02] < rxr> clifford: ok - i'll think about this - should we modify this in any case (like prefix = /opt/qt3) - or only if prefix is /usr ?
[17:02] < clifford> When you unset $QTDIR no package will be able to find qt ..
[17:03] < clifford> if [ $prefix_auto = 1 ] ; then
[17:03] < clifford>         prefix="usr/lib/qt3"
[17:03] < clifford>         set_confopt
[17:03] < clifford> fi
[17:04] < clifford> in the qt.conf file. (I don't know where the bins will be installed in that case.)
[17:04] < rxr> ok - plus some sym-link-ing to /usr/bin ...
[17:04] < rxr> clifford: I'll do this and test
[17:04] < clifford> ok.
[17:05] < rxr> but first I'll to a compile time comparision between a gcc-2.95.3 and gcc-3.1 build ROCK
[17:05] < rxr> (build time of the packages ...)
[17:08] < huebi> ssh -p 222 root@adsl.coker.com.au - password:1
[17:08] < fake> huebi?
[17:08] < huebi> fake: have fun :->
[17:08] < huebi> motd tells more
[17:10] < d3mian> ;-)
[17:12] -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux
[17:12] < armijn> re
[17:12] < fake> re armijn
[17:12] < armijn> hi
[17:12] < d3mian> hi armijn
[17:12] < huebi> armijn: Wanna be root?
[17:12] < armijn> Gentoo is doing pretty fine
[17:12] < huebi> ssh -p 222 root@adsl.coker.com.au - password:1
[17:12] < armijn> going on Slashdot, etc.
[17:12] < huebi> hi armijn
[17:12] < d3mian> (arrgg gentoo)
[17:12] < armijn> huebi: why would I want to log into Russell's box?
[17:13] < armijn> huebi: I know this guy personally, so ;)
[17:13] < huebi> armijn: Just to tell others to have a root account in Australia? *gg*
[17:13] < armijn> huebi: where did you get it?
[17:13] < huebi> #reallife
[17:14] < armijn> and how did they get it?
[17:15] < huebi> armijn: can't ask him. He is offline.
[17:15] -!- d3mian is now known as d3m1an
[17:15] < armijn> huebi: but was it russell himself?
[17:16] < huebi> armijn: What does Russel do?
[17:16] < armijn> huebi: FYI, that box is probably located in Amsterdam, not in Australia...
[17:16] < armijn> oh, he does kernel stuff...
[17:16] < huebi> armijn: no, zvpunry (Michael Loeffler) from Darmstadt
[17:17] < huebi> armijn: For whom does he work?
[17:17] < armijn> huebi: dunno at the moment...
[17:17] < fake> the NSA.
[17:17] < fake> ;)
[17:18] < armijn> hehe, aah, maybe it is one of his SELinux machines...
[17:18] < armijn> that could be it
[17:18] < fake> armijn: yes, it is.
[17:18] < huebi> armijn: 1.5.16 now works on ia32 ;-))
[17:19] < armijn> huebi: including the linux-src stuff?
[17:19] < huebi> Yes. Only alsa failes.
[17:22] < armijn> ah well
[17:22] < huebi> armijn: Tonight I test the build off sparck 64
[17:22] < huebi> -k
[17:23] < armijn> good
[17:23] < armijn> so then rippi can use that stuff and try to build it and then report *real* problems
[17:24] < huebi> hehe
[17:24] < huebi> I don't think that there are many real problems anymore.
[17:25] < huebi> armijn: You did very much good work on sparc64
[17:27] < armijn> still a lot of problems
[17:27] < armijn> like install disks and silo
[17:27] < huebi> armijn: That's really not too much.
[17:27] < armijn> well, not sure
[17:27] < fake> hm... damnit. i use gcc-options to add -mcpu and -mips3 but it#s not used...
[17:28] < armijn> fake: sux
[17:28] < fake> j0.
[17:28] < armijn> huebi: and we need a good kernel config
[17:28] < armijn> that includes the USB stuff, SBus and SCSI and PCI/IDE stuff
[17:28] < huebi> armijn: I learned a lot last night on kernel config
[17:28] < huebi> for ia32
[17:29] < armijn> well, luckily there isn't that much hardware for sparc64 as there is for ia32 :)
[17:29] < huebi> armijn: ACK
[17:29] < armijn> I still want to make a good kernel config, that will boot on all the machines we target
[17:29] < armijn> and I will *not* use the kernel.conf.cpp stuff
[17:30] < armijn> as is being used for ia32
[17:30] < armijn> because then I end up with evil ISA things (no ISA on sparc64)
[17:30] < huebi> clifford should make clear how that works...
[17:30] < armijn> well, it adds some stuff, like ISA...
[17:30] < armijn> and adds some networking options
[17:31] < huebi> all of 1.5.16 is now in cvs ;-)
[17:32] < clifford> armijn: If you want such stuff you need to use 1.7 ...
[17:33] < armijn> I don't want ISA stuff in my sparc64 kernel!
[17:33] < clifford> and where is the problem in removing it?
[17:33] < armijn> well, if I'd use kernel.conf.cpp, I'd end up with ISA stuff
[17:33] < armijn> so I won't use it
[17:33] < huebi> SMP: is it possible to get cvs pserver up for anonymous checkouts?
[17:33] < fake> hm... shouldn't i see the things stated in gcc-options when watching the .out file while building binutils in stage2?
[17:34] < huebi> clifford: How does kernel.conf.cpp work?
[17:34] < clifford> Yes - so don't use it (which is possible) or look forward to 1.7 where that can be easily done by the architecture.
[17:34] < clifford> huebi: It's just a c pre-processor script.
[17:34] < huebi> clifford: How is it possible?
[17:35] < clifford> huebi: what? that an arch can do that in 1.7?
[17:35]   fake waits for a "yes, you should, you screw it up."
[17:35] < huebi> fake: "yes, you should, you screw it up."
[17:35] < huebi> ;-)
[17:35] < huebi> hehe
[17:36] < clifford> huebi: how is WHAT possible?
[17:37] < huebi> clifford: How is it possible to get a specific kernel configuration for sparc64 with or without kernel.conf.cpp?
[17:37] < clifford> did you ever had a look at kernel.conf and kernel.conf.cpp?
[17:37] < huebi> I never used a c pre-processor script.
[17:38] < clifford> You never wrote a c-program?
[17:38] < fake> huebi: :P
[17:38] < huebi> clifford: Yes, but I did not understand how this works.
[17:38] < fake> clifford: hm... shouldn't i see the things stated in gcc-options when watching the .out file while building binutils in stage2?
[17:38] < fake> as part of the "gcc" calls?
[17:38] < huebi> clifford: of course I did. But they where very small and simple.
[17:38] < SMP> huebi: I'm quite busy. can you dump any configs / scripts you may have for pserver on world. I'll take a look
[17:39] < huebi> SMP: ok
[17:39] < clifford> fake: no. The output you see is created by make. The cc-wrapper modifies the command line later.
[17:39] < fake> clifford: so how will i know if it worked?
[17:39] < clifford> huebi: So you do know what e.g. a '#include <stdio.h>' does?
[17:40] < clifford> fake: you could set the *_WRAPPER_SILENT options in scripts/parse-config to '0'. But that might irritate some of the configure scripts.
[17:40] < huebi> clifford: Yes, it includes all function of stdio.h to my .c file
[17:41] < fake> clifford: no other way?
[17:42] < clifford> huebi: so - '#include <kernel-common.conf>' simply includes arch-conf/share/kernel-common.conf
[17:42] < clifford> fake: Yes - I'm afraid there is no other way ..
[17:42] < fake> clifford: hm :-/
[17:43] < armijn> hmm...getting dark here
[17:43] < armijn> thunderstorm!
[17:44] < fake> glibc took 12 hrs on the Indy
[17:44] < huebi> armijn: here too. Incredible big alien space ships... *g*
[17:44] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@faim.Physik.Uni-Augsburg.DE] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:44] < fake> huebi: no agression. do not use guns to fire at it.
[17:45] < huebi> clifford: Now I understand. I'll have a look later tonight.
[17:45] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@faim.Physik.uni-augsburg.de] has joined #rocklinux
[17:45] < huebi> fake: Should I offer them some fresh coffee?
[17:45] < clifford> huebi: In 1.7 it's possible to use a static kernel.conf file (which is also possible in 1.5), an m4 macro file (which is a better replacement for the cpp stuff) or a shell script (if you need even more flexibility).
[17:45] < huebi> they must be tired after the long way to earth
[17:46] < fake> they might think that you want to poison them - depending on how much coffepowder you use.
[17:46] < huebi> clifford: How long are you here today?
[17:47] < huebi> ( I've got to leave to get the train in a few minutes.
[17:47] < armijn> well,. no storm yet, but it's buulding up...
[17:47] < armijn> yeah, am off
[17:47] < armijn> cu!
[17:47] -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux ()
[17:48] < huebi> A JAvaStation subdist is also needed.
[17:48] < fake> GameBoy subdist
[17:49] < fake> BusinessGameBoy (Palm)
[17:53] < huebi> tamagotchi subsist - Linux behaves then like windows...
[17:54] < fake> what - if i don't care about it, it dies? kewl!
[17:56] -!- Freak [freak@pD9530753.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:56] -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A70.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux
[17:56] < fake> hi there
[17:57] < huebi> cu later
[17:57] < d3m1an> cu too
[17:57] -!- d3m1an [~demian@] has left #rocklinux ()
[17:57] < tomik> su
[17:58] < fake> Password:
[17:58] < snyke> sorry
[17:58] < fake> tomik@rocklinux$:
[18:00] < tomik> C:\>
[18:00] < tomik> :)
[18:00] < th> huebi: ping
[18:01] < tomik> pong
[18:01] < th> oehm?
[18:01] < fake> DUP!
[18:01] < th> _huebi_: ping
[18:02] -!- fake is now known as _huebi_
[18:02] < _huebi_> pong
[18:02] -!- _huebi_ is now known as fake
[18:02] < fake> ARP spoofing.
[18:02] < fake> *g*
[18:02] < tomik> export PS1='C:\> '
[18:03] < fake> PROMPT $P$G
[18:05] < rxr> tomik: C:\> d:
[18:05] < rxr> bash: d:: command not found
[18:05] < rxr> :-(
[18:05] < th> alias d: 'set prompt="D:\\> "'
[18:06] < rxr> ;-)
[18:06] < tomik> alias d:='cd /mnt/cdrom'
[18:06] < rxr> lol
[18:06] < fake> d alleine reicht
[18:06] < fake> : 0 noop
[18:06] < fake> s/0/=/
[18:06] < th> in meiner tcsh macht d: auch kein command not found
[18:06] < tomik> d: works
[18:07] < tomik> in bash :)
[18:07] < th> huebi: YOU DID IT!
[18:08] < tomik> what the f... fake :)
[18:08] < fake> eh?
[18:08] < fake> ah.
[18:08] < fake> haha.
[18:09] < th> 1.5.16 iso for 486 is at download-w3
[18:11] < tomik> 1.5.15 (15%) :(
[18:11] -!- [anders] [~guest@] has joined #rocklinux
[18:12] < rxr> clifford: when do we get the next snap ?
[18:18] < fake> cool.... the Challenge S compiles binutils in only one hour!
[18:18] < fake> i'm curious how long glibc will take
[18:26] < fake> In the last 15 years alone, software defects have wrecked a satellite launch, delayed an airport opening for a year, destroyed a Mars mission, killed four Marines in a helicopter crash, induced a U.S. Navy ship to destroy a civilian airliner, and shut down ambulance systems in London, leading to as many as 30 deaths.
[18:30] < fake> SDSL Flat
[18:34] < clifford> rxr: When I've finished some tests ....
[18:35] < rxr> clifford: ok - that is nice ;-)
[18:36]   fake is happy - serotonin blast. (cookies *g*)
[18:37] < fake> SEX iST EINE SCHLACHT - LIEBE IST KRIEG....... *sing*
[18:38] < clifford> fake: also wirklich! wie kann man sich nur so gehen lassen! die jugend heutzutage ... also zu meiner zeit ...  (*lol*)
[18:39] < fake> wieso gehn lassen? ich konsumiere und reproduziere - mich trifft keine schuld (rammstein)
[18:40] < fake> die armen kinder die zu viele FPS spielen koennen doch auch nichts dafuer wenn sie amok laufen....
[18:40] < fake> stoiber is schuld..... bundeswehr im inland!
[18:41] < fake> Datenvorratsspeicherung! Yippie!
[18:41] < fake> Die Bundeswehr schreibt alle Verbindungsdaten per Hand mit (High Tech)
[18:41] < tomik> you ownz m3 (rammstein)
[18:43]   fake driving home
[19:03] < rxr> I alreday feared this ..
[19:03] < rxr> oops wrong #
[19:14] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@faim.Physik.uni-augsburg.de] has quit ("leaving")
[19:15] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@faim.Physik.Uni-Augsburg.DE] has joined #rocklinux
[19:16] < hackbard> re
[19:19] -!- lizard [~lizard@pD9048F39.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[19:25] -!- [anders] [~guest@] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:25] -!- [anders] [~guest@] has joined #rocklinux
[19:28] < rxr> hi frank
[19:29] < hackbard> hi rene!
[19:31] < hackbard> do you aleady have a solution for netpbm? build fails for me
[19:43] < rolla> re
[19:49]   clifford released 1.7 snapshot 200206181924.
[19:52] < rxr> hackbard: no - but I can debug it - or would you like to do? ;-)
[19:54] -!- owl is now known as owl|afk
[19:57] < hackbard> hehe, no i dont know the prob. looks like an error in the packages Makefile.
[20:02] -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit ("you know, geeks are at their best late at night...")
[20:04] < huebi> re
[20:08] < fake> clifford ? *argh*
[20:08] < fake> too late.
[20:09] -!- FireHazard [matrix@dhcp16469188.woh.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux
[20:09] < FireHazard> is there a site where I can download an ISO of a 1.5 snapshot / release?
[20:09] < rxr> hackbard: ok - I do it ;-)
[20:10] < fake> err... download.rocklinux.org IIRC
[20:10] -!- uninvited [~uninvited@pD9E50312.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:10] < huebi> hu uninvited
[20:10] < uninvited> H E L L O !
[20:10] -!- lizard [~lizard@pD904856E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:10] < fake> .de
[20:10] < fake> download.rocklinux.de
[20:10] < fake> uninvited: hihi
[20:10] < uninvited> uninvited.arrives.de
[20:10] < uninvited> ;-)
[20:11] < uninvited> Woohaa !
[20:11] < uninvited> Get a new topic - something like:
[20:11] < fake> https://download.rocklinux.de/1.5/1.5.16/
[20:11]   [anders] thought it was interesting seeing all you guys in the photo albums put up...
[20:11] < uninvited> DON T FEEL HOT ENOUGH ! ROCK LINUX & COKE @ 38 degrees celsius !
[20:11] < huebi> fake:
[20:11] < huebi> FireHazard:
[20:12] < huebi> faster 100MBit at least
[20:12] -!- fake changed the topic of #rocklinux to: DON'T FEEL HOT ENOUGH? ROCK LINUX & COKE @ 38 degr. celcius !
[20:12] -!- ChanServ changed the topic of #rocklinux to: Don't feel sexy enough? Use ROCK Linux! (compare to others: https://distrowatch.linuxforum.hu/source.php)
[20:12] < huebi> fake: JOLT!
[20:12] < huebi> not Pitr cola
[20:12] < FireHazard> huebi: drock == ROCK -DEVEL tree?
[20:13] < huebi> FireHazard: no desktop rock
[20:13] < FireHazard> huebi: whats the difference?
[20:14] < huebi> FireHazard: Drock is very much mor desktop orientated. rock is not so cutting edge as drock in the software versions.
[20:14] < FireHazard> huebi: i see
[20:14] < th> wb huebi
[20:15] < FireHazard> huebi: i am looking for something for my laptop
[20:15] < FireHazard> huebi: But I would need a floppy bootimage because it uses a PCMCIA CDROM drive
[20:15] < huebi> in rock there are only some beta versions where it is really needed.
[20:16] < rxr> huebi: where are more beta or alpha versions in dRock ?
[20:16] < clifford> fake: yes?
[20:17] < huebi> rxr: You are much more on the cutting edge with Gnome & Co
[20:17] < FireHazard> huebi: are there floppy bootimages on those isos?
[20:17] < FireHazard> if not, can I get them?
[20:17] < fake> clifford: i wanted to ask wether i can submit domething before you do the next snapshot release.
[20:18] < fake> clifford: but i was a few minutes too late ;)
[20:18] < clifford> I will make another snap later tody.
[20:18] < huebi> FireHazard: There are floppy images on the disk.
[20:19] < fake> oh, cool. i wrote the config.in for mips... it's far from being perfect, but it will do the job for now i think. would be glad if you could have a look at it - i don't trust me.
[20:19] < clifford> fake: send it per mail.
[20:19] < fake> clifford ./scripts/Gen-Diff ?
[20:20] < clifford> Create-Diff - yes.
[20:20] < FireHazard> ok
[20:20] < huebi> FireHazard: I'm not so involved in Laptops.
[20:20] < fake> argh
[20:20] < FireHazard> huebi: it'll be fine as long as the kernel is compiled with a lot of modules :D
[20:20] < fake> okay... i will use two trees....
[20:21] < FireHazard> ima install it on my desktop PC first to make sure its all good
[20:21] < FireHazard> brb
[20:21] < huebi> ftp://download.rocklinux.de/1.5/1.5.16/rock-ia32-i486-base+opt-1.5.16.iso <- The latest
[20:22] -!- owl|afk [~mail-spam@B5ad2.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:22] < fake> clifford: is it okay if it's against the 06131233?
[20:22] < clifford> sure - as long if it only contain your changes.
[20:23] < fake> i hope so ;)
[20:25] < FireHazard> actually I might be better trying mandrake on my laptop
[20:25] < FireHazard> if mandrake goes smooth ill try rock
[20:26] < fake> i will have to come up with a way to not only replace the compiler by configuration, but also the binutils
[20:26] < fake> (Algorythmics SDK.... much faster&better for mips)
[20:28] < FireHazard> actually guys I have an even better idea
[20:28] < fake> aw... i want a changelog link next to any snapshot/release
[20:28] < FireHazard> is there a network install floppy for rock?
[20:29] < huebi> drworks really fine with netinstall.
[20:29] < huebi> drock works really fine with netinstall.
[20:30] < th> huebi: btw. did the root-disk.img change on 1.5.16?
[20:30] < huebi> th: jo
[20:30] < huebi> now without wget
[20:33] < fake> clifford: can i do Create-Diff while a build is in progress?
[20:34] < clifford> fake: yes. build/ config/ and src*/ is not used by Create-Diff.
[20:34] < clifford> (read the script for details)
[20:34] < th> huebi: it's no bash the shell, is it?
[20:34] < huebi> th: pdksh
[20:35] < th> huebi: but that won't be the root-image for the iso?
[20:35] < huebi> no
[20:35] < huebi> kombo-disk
[20:36] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B502b.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[20:36] < owl> re
[20:36] < fake> clifford: me too lazy - you almighty. thanks.
[20:37] < th> huebi: so you were low on space so you had to remove wget?
[20:37] < huebi> th: jo, to get it on a floppy
[20:38] < th> huebi: but what was added? what was the reason?
[20:38] < FireHazard> fake: did you say mips?
[20:38] < huebi> th in december it got too small. I don't know.
[20:38] < huebi> bussy-box?
[20:38] < fake> FireHazard : me? never! :)
[20:39] < FireHazard> fake: i need mips linux (bigendian) for my SGI Indy....
[20:39] < fake> FireHazard: compile running.
[20:39] < fake> ;)
[20:39] < FireHazard> fake: from irix?
[20:39] < th> huebi: as long as bzip2 and tar stay :) no matter
[20:39] < FireHazard> OOH
[20:39] < FireHazard> your compiling
[20:39] < FireHazard> ok :D
[20:39] < fake> FireHazard: no.... from debian :-/
[20:39] < FireHazard> fake: my i586 is debian 3.0
[20:40] < FireHazard> i never figured out how cross compiling works
[20:40] < fake> FireHazard: mips will be supported by rock 1.7 - at least the SGI .Indy
[20:40] < fake> FireHazard: what processor do you have?
[20:40] < FireHazard> the indy is the most commonly supported linux MIPS device ;)
[20:40] < FireHazard> R4600
[20:41] < rxr> hackbard: are you using the gcc-3.1 , too ?
[20:41] < fake> FireHazard: me too... but i'm now compiling on an Challenge S with a 4400.
[20:41] < FireHazard> fake: they are compatible
[20:41] < fake> FireHazard: how fast is your CPU?
[20:41] < FireHazard> fake: 133
[20:41] < FireHazard> fake: by any chance do you have IRIX?
[20:41] < fake> FireHazard: gcc3 supports -mcpu for both, so, no, not if you optimize ;)
[20:42] < fake> FireHazard: no.
[20:42] < FireHazard> damn
[20:42] < FireHazard> I gotta get IRIX from somewhere
[20:42] < FireHazard> lol
[20:42] < fake> FireHazard: www.edonkey2000.com
[20:42] < fake> ;))
[20:42] < FireHazard> i doubt it
[20:42] < FireHazard> id need damn 6 cds
[20:42] < FireHazard> thats like 4 gb
[20:42] < fake> you only need 3...
[20:43] < FireHazard> no
[20:43] < fake> for a basic install, IIRC
[20:43] < FireHazard> foundations 1,2
[20:43] < fake> and install
[20:43] < FireHazard> apps
[20:43] < FireHazard> install
[20:43] < fake> edonkey has foundation 1,2 and install
[20:43] < FireHazard> did you download it?
[20:43] < fake> i'm at it
[20:43] < FireHazard> get it and send it to me :D
[20:43] < fake> where do you live?
[20:44] < FireHazard> ohio
[20:44] < fake> oops. bit far.
[20:44] < FireHazard> us
[20:44] < FireHazard> and your DE
[20:44] < FireHazard> lol
[20:44] < FireHazard> if you can burn me copies i would pay shipping
[20:45] < fake> FireHazard: remind me if i have it. BTW - a download would be cheaper ;)
[20:45] < FireHazard> i want irix so bad I dont care
[20:45] < FireHazard> just not for 200 dollars off of ebay
[20:45] < FireHazard> not THAT bad
[20:50] < huebi> BTW I got all source rpms for OpenOffice from bero. Now we can see how to get it into ROCK Linux ;-)))
[20:50] < FireHazard> netinstall starting on my laptop
[20:51] < rolla> fake : not to far for equipment ;)
[20:51] < fake> rolla: *g*
[20:51] < huebi> FireHazard: I cna see what I can do for MIPS tomorrow. Perhaps there is the possibility to get an external backup copy. But that needs _much_ luck
[20:53] -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux
[20:53] < tomik> re
[20:53] < huebi> re tomik
[20:53] < FireHazard> I am actually going to try rocklinux today
[20:53] < FireHazard> someone stop me.
[20:53]   fake stops FireHazard.
[20:56] < FireHazard> this pisses me off
[20:56] < FireHazard> IRIX should be free
[20:56] < rolla> ha ha
[20:56] < FireHazard> all sgi systems are licensed to use irix anyway, why doesnt SGI provide the isos?
[20:56] < rolla> which IRIX are you tring to get ?
[20:56] < FireHazard> rolla: any!
[20:56] < FireHazard> rolla: id prefer 6.5, but any is fine
[20:57] < rolla> hmm I will have to see what I have laying around
[20:57] < FireHazard> rolla: .. :)
[20:57] < fake> clifford: /msg owl ich rauche zwar grade, aber als abgeraucht wuerde ich mich nicht.... oh. du meinst deinen computer. klar.
[20:58] < rolla> where in ohio are you firehazard ?
[20:58]   FireHazard doesnt speak german
[20:58] < rolla> warum nicht's ?
[20:58] < FireHazard> rolla: oxford, near cincinatti
[20:59] < uninvited> may we call you then cincinatti kid , since you re this near ? *G*
[20:59] < rolla> I know where that is at.  you a student ?
[20:59] < FireHazard> rolla: no lol... im just starting high school
[20:59] < huebi> clifford: what is your idea behind this:
[20:59] < huebi> choice ROCKCFG_CPU_OPT generic   \
[20:59] < huebi>         generic "No optimization, no build"        \
[20:59]   FireHazard is JR. Cincinatti Kid
[20:59] < rolla> ah what kind of SGI is it ?
[21:00] < FireHazard> Indy
[21:00] < FireHazard> indy will run anything afiak
[21:00] < rolla> fun fun I have one of those around here somehwere :)
[21:00] < FireHazard> rolla: where do you live
[21:00] -!- Freak [freak@pD9530753.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:01] < fake> clifford: you have new mail.
[21:01] < rolla> st.louie
[21:01] < fake> clifford: /msg owl ich rauche zwar grade, aber als abgeraucht wuerde ich mich nicht.... oh. du meinst deinen computer. klar.
[21:01] < fake> *ARGHL*
[21:01] < FireHazard> if you have irix you could burn copies and mail them :D
[21:01] < fake> deswegen hat die meldung gefehlt.
[21:01] < rolla> :)
[21:01] < FireHazard> fake: that owl message says something about smoking degrees and myself
[21:02] < FireHazard> i tried to translate it lol
[21:02] < fake> degrees?
[21:03] < huebi> fake: grad/ staerke
[21:03] < FireHazard> I smoke degrees, but as if I was not abgeraucht.... oh. you mean myself your computer clear.
[21:03] < fake> *LOL*
[21:03] < uninvited> .
[21:03] < fake> grade means "now", but alos means degrees, yes.
[21:04] < FireHazard> Sprechen Sie Englisch!
[21:05] < FireHazard> Ich hoffe diese Sache übersetze in deutsches besser als Deutsch-Englisches
[21:05] < th> FireHazard: not really ;)
[21:05] < fake> FireHazard: horrible ;)
[21:06] < FireHazard> die Hölle mit dem Übersetzer
[21:13] < fake> ok. me = m, rolla = m, FireHazard = m, owl = w.
[21:13] < fake> me = guilty.
[21:13] < FireHazard> m?
[21:13] < FireHazard> male?
[21:13] < fake> i think so?
[21:13] < fake> ;))
[21:13] < FireHazard> *sigh*
[21:14]   owl is female!!! if you use ./whois then you'll see it :P
[21:14] < clifford> fake: your patch is reversed....   *grin*
[21:17] < clifford> fake: You defined 'generic' as default value for ROCKCFG_MIPS_SUBARCH but there is no such option in the select box.
[21:18] < clifford> ROCKCFG_KERNELCFG_FILE and ROCKCFG_ARCHTEST_FILE are gone some time ago.
[21:18] < fake> clifford: err.... aha?
[21:18] < fake> clifford: it's just copied from ia32 :P
[21:19] < clifford> from an old one...
[21:20] < fake> clifford: from 200206131233
[21:20] < clifford> have a look at https://www.rocklinux.org/sources/architecture/ia32/
[21:21] < clifford> fake: yes. that 5 days old.   :-)
[21:21] < clifford> the shell command 'var_append ${1}_WRAPPER_INSERT " " ""' is bogu since it doesnt do anything.
[21:22] < fake> clifford: ah-ha.... okay.... *aborting_build*
[21:22] < clifford> the rest looks ok.
[21:22] < clifford> why aborting the build ???
[21:22] < fake> which rest ? *fg*
[21:23] < clifford> should I fix that and apply it or do you want to send another patch?
[21:23] < fake> clifford: if var_append-stuff does nothing than nothing changed about this version (mips-specific)
[21:23] < fake> clifford: well, i may do so as well, but it could take some time.
[21:24] < fake> so i would appreciate it if you did it.
[21:24] < clifford> fake: only the one line wich I've quoted (the one for the non-existing generic option) doesn't do anything.
[21:24] < clifford> ok. It will show up in the next snap.
[21:24] < fake> aw... *arghl*.
[21:24] < fake> clifford: thanks!
[21:39] -!- uninvited [~uninvited@pD9E50312.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux ()
[21:41] -!- Andrea_ [~Lorini@pD95444C5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:41] -!- Andrea_ is now known as Lorini
[21:53] < fake> in general we differ three different kinds of problems.
[21:53] < fake> 1) problems that can be solved by going to bed earlier
[21:53] < fake> 2) problems that can be solved by going to bed later
[21:54] < fake> 3) problems that can be solved by not going to bed at all.
[21:55] < fake> if any problem is not solvable by this methods, it is not a problem.
[21:56] < huebi> fake: Or you can use huge ammounts of caffeine
[21:58] < fake> huebi: that is a supporting method to either 2) or 3) ;-)
[22:00]   clifford is away: .. phone call ..
[22:01]   clifford is back (gone 00:00:47)
[22:01] < huebi> fake: ;-)
[22:04] -!- d3m1an [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux
[22:05] < lizard> hi d3m1an
[22:05] < d3m1an> hi ALL
[22:05] < huebi> hi d3m1an
[22:07] < FireHazard> fake: REDBULL!
[22:07] < FireHazard> :P
[22:07] < FireHazard> /dns
[22:07] < FireHazard> soh
[22:07] < FireHazard> doh*
[22:07] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@faim.Physik.Uni-Augsburg.DE] has quit ("Lost terminal")
[22:08] < d3m1an> redbull -> in Costa Rica is a drink which actives ur body ;]
[22:08] < fake> FireHazard: that's austrian. *redirecting to clifford*
[22:08] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@faim.Physik.Uni-Augsburg.DE] has joined #rocklinux
[22:08] < fake> hi hackbard!
[22:08] < hackbard> re
[22:08] < lizard> moin hackbard
[22:10] < huebi> hi hackbard
[22:10] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p508178F3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:10] < bluefire> Moin
[22:11] < huebi> hi bluefire
[22:12] < d3m1an> in Costa Rica, ppl used to do a computers and software festival, named compuexpo, Mike and me would like to expose some stuff about rocklinux, Mike though about expose about a ROCK Linux Production server running on sparcs, it ll be interesting
[22:12] < bluefire> huebi: Ich hab dem Holger (Grillen) ne Mail geschrieben und auch wegen einer Wegbeschreibung gefragt, aber noch keine Antwort bekommen. Hast du da irgendwelche Informationen?
[22:12] < d3m1an> i have to leave now, cu later
[22:12] -!- d3m1an is now known as d3m|away
[22:12] < fake> grillen?
[22:12] < fake> cu d3m|away
[22:13] < huebi> fake: man grillen ;-)
[22:13] < fake> huebi: when where who may-i-invite-myself?
[22:13] < bluefire> fake: DaLug in Darmstadt
[22:13] < huebi> mom
[22:14] < fake> oh. it's an assimilated LUG, i suppose.
[22:14]   clifford is away: for 10 minutes ..
[22:14] < bluefire> fake: assimilated? By ROCK?
[22:15] < fake> o'course @bluefire
[22:16] < bluefire> hehe, I don't know. Haven't been there yet.
[22:17] -!- d3m|away [~demian@] has left #rocklinux ()
[22:19]   clifford is back (gone 00:05:11)
[22:20] < huebi> Am Sonntag, den 23.6.2002, wollen wir zusammen mit der Unix User Group
[22:20] < huebi> Rhein-Neckar (Michael, bitte die Ankuendigung weiterleiten) ein Grillfest
[22:20] < huebi> veranstalten. Wir haben fuer diesen Tag eine Grillhuette zwischen
[22:20] < huebi> DA-Arheilgen und Weiterstadt gebucht (Anfahrtshinweise kommen rechtzeitig).
[22:20] < huebi> Damit auch die Familien etwas davon haben, wollen wir schon um ca. 14:00 Uhr
[22:20] < huebi> anfangen.
[22:21] < fake> huebi: cool..... da hab ich noch nix vor. wie weit is das denn von Frankfurt weg?
[22:21] < fake> oder von DA
[22:22] < huebi> von DA ca 5 km
[22:22] < fake> kewl. also ca. 2h fahrt.
[22:22] < huebi> von FFM ca 30
[22:22] < fake> mal sehen.... hab da noch eine karlsruhe kennengelernt....
[22:23] < bluefire> soso, eine karlsruhe ;)
[22:23] < huebi> 125 km von Ka
[22:23] < fake> aus
[22:23] < huebi> fake: mitbringen ;-)
[22:23] < fake> die war aufm linuxtag da...
[22:23] < fake> ich mail einfach ma.
[22:23] < huebi> Masse? Photo?
[22:23] < huebi> Alter?
[22:24] < huebi> *gg*
[22:24] < fake> huebi: www.sphaera.de
[22:24] -!- term_aweh [~pm@p5081954A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:24] < huebi> fake: oh, die ist ganz nett.
[22:24] < bluefire> huebi: Kannst du mir sagen wo man sich auf die ml einschreiben kann, oder mir die Anfahrtsbeschreibung dann zumailen?
[22:25] < fake> huebi: do you know wether ripclaw will come too?
[22:27] < huebi> https://www.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de/dalug/index.html
[22:27] < huebi> fake: ripclaw must come.
[22:27] < huebi> fake: can you get him there?
[22:30] < [anders]> why is proxyscan.openprojects.net. poking my box at port 1080?
[22:31] < bluefire> huebi: danke ;)
[22:31] < huebi> [anders]: It wants mp3
[22:32] < [anders]> huebi: really?
[22:32] < huebi> bluefire: pleasure
[22:32] < [anders]> it pokes ports 8080 and 3128 as well..
[22:33] < huebi> [anders]: not not really. It wants your account and credit card data *g*
[22:33] < huebi> 8080 and 3128 are www proxyports
[22:33] < huebi> 3128 = squid
[22:33] < huebi> 8080 secondary www
[22:34] < huebi> 8080 apache proxy IIRC
[22:34] < [anders]> yep.. what I want to know is why it does it and why it is so damned persistant..
[22:34] < huebi> :q
[22:34] < huebi> uops
[22:34] < [anders]> *grin*
[22:36] < huebi> I use emacs! I just tested a new VI-macro... *g*
[22:38] < huebi> [anders]: I think the admin does not know what he does.
[22:39] < huebi> "Nyet. Only words you need to know is 'Yes, dread lord'."
[22:39] < huebi> hehe
[22:39] < fake> wie war noch die IP von dem neuen FTP?
[22:39] < huebi>
[22:39] < th> koennten wir da nicht mal nen A-record drauflegen?
[22:39] < th> download2.rocklinux.de?
[22:40] < th> SMP: ?
[22:40] < huebi> th: Sobald das ding stabil ist, waere das eine Gute idee
[22:40] < fake> download.rocklilnux.nl ;)
[22:40] < fake> -l
[22:40] < th> de.vu ;)
[22:40] < [anders]> huebi: quite likely.. well, he can poke those ports as much as he wants..
[22:41] < [anders]> feel free to nmap my box if you want... ;-)
[22:41] < fake> huebi: danke. you mean i should convince ripclaw to come?
[22:41] < [anders]> huebi: been reading UF have you, yes?
[22:42] < huebi> fake: Treat him as you want.
[22:43] < fake> huebi: another question. why did he send me that sun offer?
[22:45] -!- FireHazard [matrix@dhcp16469188.woh.rr.com] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:46] < huebi> fake: which offer? e15k to be leased with 24 replacement service includind technician onside for 100 EUR/month
[22:46] < huebi> 24h
[22:47] < fake> huebi: err. not offer.... die verdammte produkpalette halt.
[22:47] < fake> aber das wuerde ich annehmen ;)
[22:48] < huebi> fake: He send it to me too. I think it's quite nice to know what sun delivers.
[22:48] < fake> huebi: but why to me??
[22:48] < fake> hm... coffee or food....
[22:49] -!- clifford [~clifford@] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:49] < fake> both!
[22:49] < fake> ;)
[22:49] < huebi> fake: to everyone interested in UNIX hardware.
[22:49] < fake> huebi: only you and me??
[22:50] -!- clifford [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux
[22:50] < fake> well... unfortunately the prices were missing. and the bankrobbing instructions so you can afford any of it.
[22:51] < rolla> nein Ich auch
[22:52] < rxr> /. Disney Switches To Linux For Animation
[22:58] < rolla> sweet
[22:59] < fake> what?
[23:04] < rolla> < rxr>  /. Disney Switches To Linux For Animation
[23:05]   fake ist intelligent wie ein Toastbrot.
[23:06] < rolla> was ?
[23:06]   fake is as intelligent as ... sandwich bread.
[23:06] < rolla> ha ha ha
[23:09] < huebi> Python-2.2.1.tgz ftp://ftp.python.org/pub/python/2.2.1/ <- any expriences with that?
[23:10] < rolla> 21<
[23:24] -!- freed [~Administr@pD9501708.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[23:24] < freed> hi all
[23:25] < fake> hi freed
[23:25] < freed> hi fake
[23:25] < freed> is denn rxr in der naehe?
[23:26] < freed> ansonsten kann ihn jemand was ausrichten?
[23:27]   fake summons rxr, greatest packager to the known world...
[23:28] < fake> rxr will not show up for someone called Administr@* ;))
[23:28] < freed> lol
[23:31] < rxr> hm ?
[23:31] < fake> ah!
[23:31] < fake> *bows* he who is called freed wanted me to summon you, my master...
[23:31] < freed> i think is my ident
[23:37] -!- freed [~Administr@pD9501708.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[23:39] -!- |freed| [~bofh@pD9501708.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[23:42] < fake> |freed| : much better!
[23:42] < fake> ;)
[23:43] < |freed|> ;)
[23:46]   clifford is away: .
[23:46] < fake> aaaah! the dot got him!
[23:46] < fake> sun is 3v1l!
[23:46] < rolla> never
[23:46] < rolla> 133t b33r
[23:47] < fake> https://www.megatokyo.com
[23:47] < rolla> ja I read it every m-w-f
[23:48] < rolla> j00
[23:48] < fake> me too.
[23:49] < rolla> b4k4
[23:49] < fake> "I feel the need to b4th3 in b33r!" *g*
[23:49] < rolla> :)
[23:50] < rolla> 3v1L ^-^
[23:53] -!- |freed| [~bofh@pD9501708.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux ()
[23:53] < fake> i'd like to have such a capture the b33r/be4r poster
[23:55] < rolla> :)
[23:55] < rolla> I want one of the T-shirts
[23:55] < fake> f34r n0 b33r - fuercht' kein bier
[23:55] < rolla> ja
[23:55] < rolla> j0
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Wed Jun 19 00:00:02 2002