--- Log opened Thu Jun 20 00:00:10 2002 --- Day changed Thu Jun 20 2002 00:00 -!- term_aweh [~pm@p508194C9.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("good night") 00:00 < huebi> hi Mike1 00:01 < huebi> Mike1: He wanted to come but I did not see him here. 00:02 < Mike1> Hi huebi 00:02 < Mike1> thanks 00:04 * huebi fideling arround with the new linux-src package on sparc64... 00:04 < th> some experience with apache-2 in here? 00:05 < huebi> kool. The JavaStations have a serial connector for a terminal. 00:06 < Mike1> th sure 00:06 < Mike1> whats up? 00:07 < th> Mike1: just want some information about differences to 1.3 00:07 < th> Mike1: considering upgrade 00:08 < Mike1> oh i see 00:08 < Mike1> well.. 00:09 < Mike1> many of the module ordering problems from 1.3 are gone in 2.0 00:10 < th> i read that just a minute ago 00:10 < Mike1> it has support for ipv6, due it gets ipv6 listening sockets by default 00:10 < th> i read that too. 00:10 < Mike1> which is actually cool 00:10 < th> yea it's cool but i'm not in need of ipv6 00:10 < Mike1> you read the paper of the new features 00:11 < th> yes i did 00:11 < Mike1> well thats pretty much it 00:11 < Mike1> i will be updating one of my servers to 2.0 on the weekend 00:12 < Mike1> what needs do you have th? 00:12 < th> mod_python, php4 stuff, ssl 00:12 < th> a lot virtual hosting 00:13 < Mike1> i do work for a virtual hosting company, so i suppose we both have sort of the same needs 00:27 < huebi> sed -e s/sparc_v[7,8]/sparc/ <- I want to replace sparc_v7 or sparc_v8 with sparc. Is that correct? 00:28 < tsa> huebi: yes. 00:28 < huebi> tsa: thank you ;-) 00:29 < fake> huebi: yes 00:33 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux 00:36 < huebi> I'm changing a little bit in sparc. sparc and sparc64 are now the architectures and sparc_v[7,8] are the CPUs in sparc. v9 is the CPU in sparc64 00:36 * fake cheatet niemals 00:36 < huebi> hi tomik 00:38 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 00:38 < huebi> re d3mian 00:38 < d3mian> re 00:38 < huebi> fake: ? 00:38 < Mike1> Mr Vargas 00:38 < d3mian> i was trying to give cgi support in apache 00:39 < d3mian> it has to work without modifications, but didnt work fur me 00:39 < d3mian> DI k Mike1 00:39 < d3mian> tuanis? 00:39 < Mike1> pura vida ;) 00:39 < d3mian> me alegra :-) 00:39 < tsa> *gaehn* 00:39 < fake> huebi: ! 00:40 * tsa leaving 00:40 < tsa> cu all. 00:40 < Mike1> by tsa 00:40 < d3mian> cu tsa 00:40 < huebi> cu tsa 00:40 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082AD61.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 00:40 * Mike1 is leaving too 00:40 < Mike1> see u later 00:40 < huebi> cu Mike1 00:40 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has quit ("BitchX: reserve your copy today!") 00:40 < tomik> hi huebi, all 00:46 < d3mian> anyone with cgi working on apache? ive read all the doc and ive made of all but it cant be executed (even it is recognized as an executable file, like .pl .cgi and .sh) 00:49 < th> d3mian: you have a AddHandler for that filetype? 00:55 < d3mian> sure, file types are recognized, i added also .pl and .sh extensions, apache now knows when a file is executable or not, the prob is when executing that file 00:57 < th> so what's the probelm then? perhaps it would help if you pyt your config file online 00:59 < d3mian> the problem is that apache shows a message FORBIDDEN when accesing these types of files (executable files like cgi , sh and pl which i added to AddHandler) 00:59 < th> ExecCGI option is set? 01:00 < d3mian> yes, that's the pron, error.log says that i dunt have this Option Set, but i have it 01:01 < th> lemme see yout httpd.conf 01:01 < d3mian> in the /cg-bin entry 01:04 < d3mian> well, dunt have now my httpd.conf here, i can send it u by mail? 01:04 < d3mian> (later) 01:04 < th> ack 01:04 < d3mian> th: mail addrs? 01:04 < th> /whois 01:04 < d3mian> k 01:07 < d3mian> ok th , thanx , ill send it u in some hours 01:07 < d3mian> now .. 01:07 -!- d3mian is now known as d3m|away 01:14 < huebi> Jipiii. 01:14 < huebi> linux-src seams to build on sparc_v9 01:32 -!- al_ex [~capvarr@ppp94-014.salonica.access.acn.gr] has joined #rocklinux 01:33 < al_ex> hi all 01:33 < huebi> hi al_ex 01:33 < al_ex> Is Rock Linux Good? 01:33 < al_ex> I'm coming now from Rock's Linux Web Site. 01:34 < al_ex> I have a Suse Linux installed in my computer at the moment 01:34 < al_ex> and i facing problems..... 01:35 < al_ex> Is anybody here available to help me? 01:35 < th> ack 01:35 < huebi> jo 01:35 < al_ex> ack 01:36 < al_ex> nak? 01:37 < al_ex> Ok, keep your knowledge for your selfs. 01:37 < d3m|away> umm 01:37 < th> aehm 01:37 < th> al_ex: sorry but if you have no questions you are on your own 01:38 < th> al_ex: and ack is not nak 01:38 < al_ex> i know. 01:38 < th> al_ex: so just shoot and we are thrilled to help you 01:39 < chris_b> al_ex: so what's the question? 01:46 < al_ex> wait a minute. 01:50 -!- al_ex [~capvarr@ppp94-014.salonica.access.acn.gr] has left #rocklinux ("lilo: KVIrc") 01:51 < huebi> Komischer Typ.... 01:51 < th> confused guy 01:51 < huebi> ;-) 01:51 < th> hehe 01:51 < th> huebi: hast du die neue fassung vom qt schonmal einem build-vorgang unterzogen? 01:52 < huebi> th: kann ich gleich mal machen 01:54 < huebi> linux-src now works in stage 1 on sparc64 01:54 < fake> ui... schnell alles auf ext3 umstellen - es faengt an zu gewittern *freu* 01:55 < huebi> == 01:55:46 =[1]=> Building base package 00-dirtree [1.5.16 1.5.16]. <- new build on sparc64 01:55 < th> wann gibts endlich quota fuer ext3? ;) 01:59 < huebi> th cronjob, der jede Stunde ueberprueft, ob zuviel Platz verbraucht ist und automatisch eine Abmahnun, spaeter Kuendigung verschickt. *gg* 02:00 < th> so sah meine erste quota implementation aus ;) 02:01 < fake> uh-oh 02:01 < fake> ich fahr wohl besser mal meine rechner runter 02:01 < huebi> hehe 02:01 < fake> keine ahnung wie verlaesslich die stromversorgung hier is 02:02 < huebi> hier gibt's endlich eine funktionierende USV 02:02 < fake> hm, ich dachte eher an spitzenspannungne 02:06 < huebi> fake: Da muessen schonrecht gut ausgetueftelte Filter in die Steckdosenleiste. 02:08 < fake> huebi: eben. und mich nix $$$. 02:09 < huebi> fake: Nicht teuer. Das kann jeder. Billig und gut! das ist wichtig. 02:09 < huebi> Am Sonntag kommt vielleicht ein Freund zum Grillfest, den kannst du dann ausquetschen ;-) 02:10 * huebi updating qt... 02:10 * fake going to bed. 02:10 < fake> bis morgen! 02:10 < huebi> cu fake 02:10 < huebi> schlaf gut 02:15 < owl> bye 02:15 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B530e.pppool.de] has quit ("brain (n): apparatus with which we think that we think") 02:22 < huebi> th: Ich glaube, das qt make -j32 vertraegt. dann muss nichts mehr parallelisiert werden 02:22 < th> huebi: jo es lief mit j durch 02:22 < th> huebi: bausts du das ein 02:24 < huebi> th: ist drinnen. $MAKE 02:25 < huebi> parse-config:export BUILD_CC="gcc" BUILD_CXX="g++" MAKE="make -j$ROCKCFG_MAKE_JOBS" 02:26 < huebi> == 02:25:19 =[1]=> Building base package 00-dirtree [1.5.16 1.5.16]. 02:26 < huebi> build fuer i686 02:34 < th> ahja 02:34 < th> dachte ich mir doch fast ;) 02:36 < huebi> ich habe die VERSION jetzt auf 1.5.17 gesetzt. gueltig ist die aber erst als neuer branch tag 02:36 < huebi> mit neuem branch tag. 02:36 < huebi> ist also noch sehr unstabil 02:37 < huebi> == 02:36:32 =[1]=> Building base package 00-dirtree [1.5.17 1.5.17]. 02:38 < huebi> XP1800+ 02:38 < huebi> == 02:36:32 =[1]=> Building base package linux-src [2.4.18 1.5.17]. 02:38 < huebi> == 02:37:11 06/20/02 =[1]=> Finished building package linux-src. 02:38 < huebi> Ultra 30 02:38 < huebi> == 01:55:48 =[1]=> Building base package linux-src [2.4.18 1.5.16]. 02:38 < huebi> == 01:59:56 06/20/02 =[1]=> Finished building package linux-src. 02:39 < huebi> passt ganz gut zur gesamtcompilezeit. 6x schneller. 02:40 < huebi> th: hast du nur qt geaendert? 02:40 < th> nein 02:40 < th> apache-vanilla 02:40 < th> noch nicht doublechecked 02:41 < huebi> Ich habe erstmal nur qt cvs uped 02:43 < th> jo aber bau den index neu 02:43 < th> weil sonst is im index aussm cvs ja apache-vanilla falsch 02:43 < th> wenn apache-vanilla sauber compiliert ist es ein wichtiges update 02:44 < huebi> th ich war nur in base-config/qt und habe dort ein cvs up -dP gemacht. 02:44 < th> aehm stimmt. das is ja base... 02:46 < huebi> gnome 1.4 nach /opt und KDE 3.01 nach /opt und die CD wird bald voll sein ;-) 02:46 < th> das sollte nicht unser erstrebenswertes ziel sein :-| 02:46 < huebi> Ich habe von bero von RH gestern alles fuer OO 1.0 bekommen. 02:47 < th> das hab ich irgendwo gelesen :) 02:47 < th> dann mac lieber das nach /opt 02:47 < th> s,mac,mach, 02:48 < huebi> hatte ich auch vor. KDE, Gnome und OO nach /opt 02:49 < th> wer brauch schon kde und gnome, wenn es ion gibt :) 02:49 < huebi> Das sind so dicke Dinger, die ich nicht im normalen Verzeichnisbaum haben moechte. /opt fuer optionale Software. 02:50 < th> ack 02:51 < huebi> ion, nie gehoehrt - KDE ist modern, OO funktioniert gut und beides hat ein sehr gutes image. 02:52 < SMP> Schrott 02:52 < huebi> Ich habe von Leuten gehoert, die sich nur wegen KDE 3.0.1 ein neues RH gekauft haben... 02:52 < SMP> 1HE Server mit zwei Intel EtherExpress onboard finde ich gut 02:52 < huebi> SMP: deshalb auch unter /opt 02:53 < SMP> wenn einer der Chips aber das 'Desktop' Modell ist, ist das Myll 02:53 < huebi> SMP: und dann noch eine Broadcom 1GBit ;-) 02:53 < huebi> aka 3C996B-T 02:54 < SMP> gibt's empfehlenswerte Dual-FastEther Karten mit EtherExpress 100+? 02:55 < th> ahh smp 02:56 < huebi> SMP: Keine Ahnung. Aber meistens sind multi port karten etwas tricky mit den Treibern. gerade unter linux. 02:56 < th> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1676077 Nov 29 2001 /opt/windowmaker/bin/wmaker 02:56 < th> das ist mein windowmanager 02:56 < SMP> huebi: kein Linux. 02:57 < SMP> $ ls -l `which $WINDOWMANAGER` 02:57 < SMP> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1636619 Sep 30 2001 /opt/windowmaker/bin/wmaker 02:57 < SMP> hmm ;> 02:57 < huebi> th: kann der xinerama? 02:57 < th> huebi: keine ahnung. ich bezweifle es. er ist er der berkeley vi unter dem vi-clones ;) 02:58 < huebi> 4800x1200x24 _muss_ sein. 02:58 < th> huebi: das ist viel, glaube ich 02:59 < huebi> glibc brauch vorraussichtlich 2h auf der U30 02:59 < huebi> th: keine Virtuellen Desktops mehr noetig ;> 03:00 < huebi> SMP: welches OS? 03:00 < SMP> J**** 03:00 < SMP> ;-} 03:01 < th> oehm 03:01 < th> ich stelle gerade fest ich habe ja wmaker gepasted 03:01 < th> l `which ion` 03:01 < th> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 149260 May 16 20:47 /opt/ion/bin/ion 03:01 < th> das ist mein windowmanager 03:02 < huebi> SMP: J**** = JavaOS? *g* 03:03 < SMP> nein. 03:12 < huebi> So linux und linux-src sollte gefixed sein. die neuen Builds laufen. Mal sehen, was nach dem Aufstehen so alles funktioniert hat. die Sparc64 Loesung ist ein bischen haesslich. Jetzt brauch es fuer sparc64 noch die 64Bit glibc und dann sollte einem funktionierenden XFree86 nicht mehr so viel im Wege stehen. Naja, noch viel zu tun aber es gibt immer wieder deutlich spuerbare Erfolge. Macht mir doch ganz schoen viel Spass, wenn ich das mal so sagen darf. 03:15 < huebi> Unser SPARC Maintainer sollte sich mal transconnect und cygwin auf die Windowskiste auf der Arbeit schrauben. Dann kann er auch mal tagsueber was machen und muss nicht immer nur mails verschicken, die dann etwas weit von aktuellen Stand des Ports verfasst wurden ;>> 03:18 < th> hehe 03:19 < d3m|away> is there another way different than rsh and ssh to make rpc's to a host or commands, like `uname -a` or others? 03:19 -!- d3m|away is now known as d3mian 03:19 < d3mian> btw, re 03:20 < huebi> re d3mian 03:24 < huebi> cu in 5h 03:24 < huebi> n8 03:24 < huebi> ;-) 03:24 < d3mian> cu huebi 03:26 < th> YEA REGEN! 03:28 < d3mian> c00l, it works ! ;-) 03:28 < d3mian> https://parana.ic-itcr.ac.cr/~jonvargas/cgi-bin/stats.cgi 03:44 -!- raz0rshrp is now known as raz0raway 03:44 * raz0raway is away: sleeping then working...be back tomorrow 03:59 < th> n8 folks 04:02 < d3mian> cu th 04:21 -!- huebi_ [huebi@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux 04:21 -!- th [th@rocklinux.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 04:21 -!- SMP [stefanp@world.WRonline.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 04:21 -!- huebi [huebi@rocklinux.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 04:21 -!- th_ [th@] has joined #rocklinux 04:31 -!- FireHazard [matrix@dhcp16469188.woh.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux 04:31 < FireHazard> can anyone tell me what sync on green means 04:31 -!- SMP [stefanp@world.WRonline.de] has joined #rocklinux 04:41 -!- chris_b [~chrisb@pD9E3D1AC.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04:42 -!- chrisb [~chrisb@pD958CA4B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 05:00 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit (Ping timeout: 14400 seconds) 05:13 < lizard> FireHazard: https://www.repairfaq.org/REPAIR/F_SyncGrn.html 05:13 -!- FireHazard [matrix@dhcp16469188.woh.rr.com] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 05:13 < lizard> oh 05:26 < d3mian> re 05:26 < lizard> re d3mian :) 05:27 < d3mian> https://parana.ic-itcr.ac.cr/~jonvargas/cgi-bin/stats.cgi 05:27 < d3mian> lizard: dunt u sleep man? 05:27 < lizard> Sleep's a poor substitue for caffein [tm] 05:27 < lizard> +t 05:27 < d3mian> LOL 05:29 < d3mian> 14Wed Jun 19 21:29:54 CST 2002[]pD9048411.dip.t-dialin.net. 05:29 < d3mian> nice 05:30 < lizard> hm? 05:31 < d3mian> i was testing some scripts i need to do for server checks and stats 05:32 < lizard> aah ;-) 05:33 < d3mian> what da u do johny? 05:33 < lizard> still school 05:33 < d3mian> really? 05:34 < lizard> We have vacation since yesterday. 05:35 < d3mian> hehe, ic 05:35 < d3mian> im @ Univ too 05:39 < lizard> kewl 05:40 < lizard> d3mian: What do you consider as the ultimate UNIX reference ? 05:40 < d3mian> dunt know what u mean :p 05:42 < lizard> Lets say if you were supposed to show someone a "real" UNIX, what would you take for "real" ? 05:43 < d3mian> never used UNIX 05:44 < d3mian> just SCO, a long time ago 05:44 < d3mian> but i dunt like Unix, nahh 05:47 < chrisb> d3mian: is the any readonly-cvs tree for rock available? like for the *bsd's 05:48 < d3mian> im not quite sure 05:49 < d3mian> but.. why da u need cvs? 05:51 < chrisb> hmm, cvs would be nice to quickly see the changes between to moments of time 05:51 < d3mian> ic 05:51 < chrisb> ok, i admit i could also use diff 06:19 -!- chrisb [~chrisb@pD958CA4B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Reallive is shouting for me") 06:47 * d3mian brb 06:47 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has quit ("leaving") 06:48 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 07:21 -!- [anders] [~guest@] has quit ("Nice to see you, to see you...") 07:42 < huebi_> moin 07:43 -!- huebi_ is now known as huebi 07:45 < d3mian> hi huebi 07:46 < huebi> hi d3mian 07:47 < huebi> root@rock:/rock-linux # ls dist/var/adm/logs/*err 07:47 < huebi> dist/var/adm/logs/2-egcs64.err dist/var/adm/logs/3-linux-src.err dist/var/adm/logs/3-linux.err 07:47 < huebi> root@rock:/rock-linux # ls dist/var/adm/logs/* |wc -l 78 07:47 < huebi> look Good ! 07:47 < huebi> +s 07:48 < d3mian> sure 07:48 < d3mian> what were u building? 07:48 < huebi> sparc64 07:49 < d3mian> ic, nice 07:49 < huebi> and i686: 07:49 < huebi> root@zeus:/rock-linux# ls dist/var/adm/logs/*err 07:49 < huebi> ls: dist/var/adm/logs/*err: No such file or directory 07:49 < huebi> root@zeus:/rock-linux# ls dist/var/adm/logs/* |wc -l 07:49 < huebi> 242 07:50 < d3mian> did u just erase those .errs? 07:51 < huebi> no, there are no errors ;-))) 07:51 < d3mian> and what about the first ones? 07:52 < huebi> the first ones are sparc64 specific. And egcs is needed for linux 07:53 < d3mian> root@rock != root@zeus , now i see 07:53 < huebi> th made a new qt package which compiles 4 different library sets instead of only 1 : 07:53 < huebi> == 04:55:48 =[3]=> Building base package qt [3.0.4 07:53 < huebi> == 06:28:15 06/20/02 =[3]=> Finished building package qt. 07:54 < d3mian> qt package now contains 4 diff libs? 07:55 < huebi> 93 mins! before it only needed 26 mins 07:55 -!- simon [~simon@p50875006.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 07:56 < d3mian> and why do that?, i mean the 4 libs sets in qt 07:56 < huebi> Jo. And rene compiled just one and linked the multithred once to the single thread ones. 07:57 < huebi> th wants to have them all. he added the 2 static lib sets 07:57 < d3mian> which is the location of the qtlibs now, $QTLIB ? 07:57 < huebi> now you can compile and link a KDE app staticaly 07:58 < d3mian> or is it set to the default of most distros.. /usr/lib? 07:58 < huebi> https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/ 07:59 < huebi> https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/rock-1.5/base-config/qt/qt.conf?rev=1.11&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup 07:59 < huebi> https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/rock-1.5/base-config/qt/qt.conf.diff?r1=text&tr1=1.10&r2=text&tr2=1.11&diff_format=h 08:00 < d3mian> Day changed to 20 Jun 2002 08:00 < huebi> d3mian: good morning ;-)) 08:00 < d3mian> thanx ;-) 08:02 < huebi> mozilla now needs 40mins glibc 20min and X 30min 08:04 < d3mian> i never have seen cvs repository of rock, it is so cool ;) 08:07 < huebi> yes, th set up cvs and SMP set up this very nice version of viewcvs 08:09 < d3mian> these boys did a good work 08:10 < huebi> Indeed, they did. I'm very happy about that ;-) 08:10 < d3mian> i still exploring, it is very nice 08:10 < huebi> == 07:46:36 =[3]=> Building base package egcs64 [_19980921.1.orig 1.5.16]. 08:11 < huebi> == 08:00:55 06/20/02 =[3]=> Finished building package egcs64. 08:11 < huebi> seams to be just a dependencie problem. 08:11 < d3mian> it seems, yes 08:13 < d3mian> and what was the prob in sparc64 in linux-src? 08:13 < d3mian> dist/var/adm/logs/3-linux-src.err 08:14 < huebi> d3mian: SMP found that very nice cvsview cgi. I used here at home cvsweb.cgi. The new one is much nicer. 08:14 < huebi> https://parana.ic-itcr.ac.cr/~jonvargas/cgi-bin/stats.cgi <- do you have that online somewhere? 08:14 < huebi> d3mian: kool thing 08:15 < huebi> make[1]: Entering directory `/rock-linux/src/egcs64-19980921.1/objdir/gcc' 08:15 < huebi> cd ../../gcc && autoheader 08:15 < huebi> /bin/sh: autoheader: No such file or directory 08:15 < huebi> make[1]: *** [../../gcc/cstamp-h.in] Error 1 08:15 < huebi> make[1]: Leaving directory `/rock-linux/src/egcs64-19980921.1/objdir/gcc' 08:15 < huebi> make: *** [all-gcc] Error 2 08:15 < huebi> autoheader was nissing 08:15 < d3mian> nahh, i was just testing cgi's. it is too simple, just to manage entries and outs of users and process 08:16 < huebi> d3mian: It's a shell script? 08:16 < d3mian> yes, just that, a .sh 08:16 < huebi> nice 08:17 * huebi is searching autoheader... 08:17 < huebi> root@rock:/rock-linux # grep -rl autoheader dist/var/adm/flists/* 08:17 < huebi> dist/var/adm/flists/autoconf 08:17 < huebi> == 07:38:13 =[3]=> Building base package mozilla [1.0 1.5.17]. 08:17 < huebi> == 08:16:35 06/20/02 =[3]=> Finished building package mozilla. 08:18 < huebi> I really don't like it that mozilla does not compile with make -j32 08:29 < blindcoder> moin everyone 08:29 < d3mian> hi blindcoder 08:31 < blindcoder> moin d3mian 08:34 < blindcoder> hmm in 4-5 hours I can resume work the Build-Environment-cd 08:35 -!- lizard [~lizard@pD9048411.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 08:35 < blindcoder> but now I'm taking a shower :) 08:35 < blindcoder> c ya later 08:41 < huebi> hi blindcoder 08:45 -!- lizard [~lizard@pD9048F58.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 08:45 < huebi> moin lizard 08:48 < lizard> moin huebi 08:48 < d3mian> hi johny 08:48 < lizard> ;-> 08:50 < lizard> I feel like in the rain forest 08:50 < huebi> lizard: hehe 08:53 < huebi> off to work.... 08:53 < huebi> bbl 08:53 < d3mian> cu huebi 08:58 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #rocklinux 08:58 < bluefire> moin 09:11 < lizard> morgen bluefire 09:18 -!- [anders] [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has joined #rocklinux 09:18 < [anders]> re re 09:25 -!- igel [~igel@dave.hrz.uni-bielefeld.de] has joined #rocklinux 09:25 < igel> moin 10:00 < blindcoder> rehi 10:02 < d3mian> re [anders] igel blindcoder 10:03 < [anders]> mrrrrning... :) 10:07 < blindcoder> [anders]: you're wide awake, I see... 10:09 < huebi> re 10:09 < huebi> moin bluefire 10:09 < huebi> moin [anders] 10:09 < huebi> moin igel 10:10 < blindcoder> re huebi 10:11 < igel> moin huebi 10:11 < igel> moin d3mian 10:12 < igel> na da dacht ich lern ich hier mal was wenn ich so bei eurem fachgesimpel zuhoere und dann kommt gar nichts 10:12 < huebi> igel: echo "coffee" > /dev/mouth 10:12 < blindcoder> hmm nich um die uhrzeit... 10:13 < d3mian> .o0 umm, didnt knew that in germany coffee is also drank 10:14 < d3mian> .o0 i though just american pll 10:14 < huebi> d3mian: americans drink only uncaffeinated coffee. hehe 10:15 < blindcoder> hmm coffee... that reminds me of something... 10:15 < blindcoder> brb 10:16 < huebi> the coffee machine still needs some time :( 10:16 < lizard> d3mian: humans consist 70% of water, germans consist 70% of beer and 30% of coffee ;) 10:16 < d3mian> haha, ur bad !, we drink pure coffe, we take the coffee from the plant, on vacations.. we use to go and take coffe from plantations 10:16 * d3mian win money doing that 10:17 -!- clifford [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux 10:17 < huebi> moin clifford ;-) 10:17 < d3mian> that's why we are so alive most of the time ;) 10:17 < d3mian> hi clifford 10:18 < blindcoder> so, the coffee machine's busy right now *hehe* 10:18 < clifford> hi. 10:18 < blindcoder> hi clifford 10:18 < clifford> https://www.clifford.at/funpic/bush_dalai.jpg 10:18 < huebi> *lol* 10:19 < d3mian> -=[ .o0 LOL 0o. ]=- 10:23 < huebi> d3mian: Later this day I order some instant coffee. 1kg 100% pure caffeine! Really instant! 10:23 < d3mian> hehe, nice ;-) 10:26 * huebi is having a look for the sparc port... 10:29 < huebi> root@rock:/rock-linux # ls /rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs/*err 10:29 < huebi> /rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs/2-egcs64.err 10:29 < huebi> /rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs/3-bdb.err 10:29 < huebi> /rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs/3-linux-src.err 10:29 < huebi> /rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs/3-linux.err 10:30 < huebi> root@rock:/rock-linux # ls /rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs/*log |wc -l 10:30 < huebi> 127 10:30 < huebi> now it looks _much_ better again 10:31 < d3mian> 23:49 < huebi> root@zeus:/rock-linux# ls dist/var/adm/logs/* |wc -l 10:31 < d3mian> 23:49 < huebi> 242 10:31 < huebi> d3mian: that's i686 10:31 < d3mian> ah ok 10:31 < blindcoder> in which package is libpcre? 10:32 < blindcoder> or... hmm... just a moment... 10:32 < huebi> root@zeus:/rock-linux# ll /rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs/*log |wc -l 10:32 < huebi> 324 10:32 < huebi> ** Finished (06/20/02 02:36:31 - 06/20/02 09:44:04) ** 10:32 < d3mian> i see 10:32 < huebi> root@zeus:/rock-linux# ll /rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs/*err 10:32 < huebi> ls: /rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs/*err: No such file or directory 10:33 < huebi> ( I think I should sleep a little bit more ) 10:35 < huebi> the build time went up from 6h to 7h08. That's caused by the new qt package from th. It's build now 4 times for all libs 10:40 < huebi> single and multi threaded libs are build for static and dynamic linking 10:40 < fake> mornin 10:42 < fake> clifford: i thought you'd release another snaphsot yesterday? 10:42 < huebi> hi fake 10:42 < fake> hi huebi ! 10:42 < d3mian> mrng fake 10:42 < fake> hi d3mian 10:43 * fake punishing clifford 10:51 < fake> huebi: *reading backlog* 100% pure? never ;) 10:51 < blindcoder> moin fake 10:51 < fake> moin blindcoder - setzte grade MRTG auf... 10:52 < huebi> fake: 99% ? 10:52 < fake> huebi: where do you order it? Merck? 10:52 < fake> Fisher Scientific? 10:52 < huebi> fake: Jo! 10:52 < huebi> Merck. It's arround the corner 10:53 < fake> huebi: it's on the package. usually it's "technical", which means 95% or something 10:53 < blindcoder> fake: wofür? 10:53 < fake> blindcoder: meinen ruhta ;) 10:53 < blindcoder> schlimm schlimm... 10:53 < huebi> fake: No, Pure 10:53 < fake> huebi: then it should be somewhat around 99 % *g* 10:54 < fake> huebi: good stuff. 10:54 < fake> huebi: but be _extremely_ careful.... 10:55 < fake> blindcoder: wieso schlimm? 10:55 < huebi> fake: Jo, I read the the security data sheat. 10:55 < fake> huebi: you could bring me some Toluol along 10:55 < blindcoder> fake: einfach so ;) 10:56 < fake> i am short in TNT 10:56 < huebi> fake: Salpeter- und Schwefelsaeure auch? 10:56 -!- igel [~igel@dave.hrz.uni-bielefeld.de] has quit ("und ich komme wieder") 10:56 < fake> huebi: ne, hab ich noch 10:56 < fake> *gg* 10:56 < huebi> https://chemdat.merck.de/cat/web2.zoom_in?text=102584&screen=110&cid=-271126706&pg=1&s=caffeine&lang=4 10:57 * fake ist fisher scientific kunde 10:57 * huebi knows a few people working at Merck... 10:57 < fake> you. then you could even get morphium, right? 10:58 < huebi> fake: I don't think so. And I really don't like morphium. 11:00 < fake> huebi: it's in their stock 11:00 < huebi> fake: Yes. but it is known by too many people. 11:01 < fake> so what? 11:01 < fake> =D 11:02 < huebi> Forget morphium, your doctor has very much better stuff for you. For nothing ;-) 11:03 < fake> huebi: the hard thing is to guess the illness you should have to get the right medicine;) 11:06 < huebi> fake: In the morning you are tired and need some stuff to get awake. In the evening you can't sleep so you need a tranquilizer. Combine that and you get the worst drugs ever avaliable. I knew one how did that. He died 6 years after he begun. 11:07 < huebi> https://www.clifford.at/funpic/11_10%5b1%5d.jpg <-*LOL* 11:08 < fake> tranquilizer? beta-blocker... 11:08 < huebi> fake: jo 11:08 < fake> yeah, i know of a guy too... he was in psychatric treatment quite long, and they fed him with such stuff 11:09 < fake> now he's like in slow-motion 11:10 < huebi> fake: very sad such stories ;( 11:12 * d3mian almost finish the java project https://parana.ic-itcr.ac.cr/~jonvargas/snap2.jpg 11:15 < d3mian> i need to improve the look, it is not so surprising 11:15 < d3mian> now i have to sleep, cya 11:15 < huebi> cu d3mian 11:15 < huebi> sleep well 11:15 < fake> n8 d3mian ! 11:16 < d3mian> thnx, u2 02:33 < huebi> ( I think I should sleep a little bit more ) 11:16 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has left #rocklinux () 11:27 < blindcoder> *ARGH* why is w*nd**s so crappy... 11:27 < huebi> blindcoder: because you have not payed for a support contract 11:27 < blindcoder> anyone got any ideas why a windows-apache with windows-php doesn't give POST and GET Variables to the PHP-Scripts? 11:27 < blindcoder> huebi: I never paid for my OS :) 11:28 < huebi> blindcoder: Me too. But I still does not remember where my M$ NT40 server license come from 11:29 < blindcoder> maybe it came with some hardware you bought :) 11:29 < fake> blindcoder: register_globals on? 11:29 < blindcoder> apache or php config? 11:29 < fake> blindcoder: since 4.2 you have to use $GLOBALS['name_of_variable'] 11:29 < fake> or something 11:30 < fake> they changed it becus of secutiry issues 11:30 < blindcoder> *ARGH* 11:30 < blindcoder> that's why all the scripts don't work anymore >_< 11:30 < fake> blindcoder: you can give it the php.ini.kick IIRC 11:31 < fake> simply downgrading will do, either ;) 11:31 < blindcoder> I'd love to put a dRock box to the "Gesundheitstag" but "someone" said we have to use 2 M$ boxes... >_< 11:32 < blindcoder> that's too bad, because now "something" came up so I don't have time for bingo at Saturday *fg* 11:34 < fake> take a big fat black edding, write "M$" on the boxes - and install linux. 11:35 < blindcoder> *lol* 11:35 < blindcoder> fake: thanks for the advice, the problem is solved *hugs fake* *fg* 11:38 < fake> *rooooar* 11:39 < blindcoder> *MUAHAHA* 11:43 < blindcoder> next problem: *ARGH* ftp_fput only stores 181 Bytes... 11:43 * blindcoder feels really stupid today 11:46 < blindcoder> ah found it... 11:46 < blindcoder> ftp_close is now void... not bool 11:52 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 12:00 -!- trekkie3k [~k3t@pD9005716.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:01 < th_> re 12:03 < huebi> hi th 12:03 < th_> huebi: i read som ehighlights. 93 minutes is a lot :-/ 12:04 * fake goes hunting 12:04 < huebi> th_: less than the expected 106 min 12:04 < huebi> fake, the bear hunter ;-)) 12:04 < th_> huebi: that's right ;) 12:08 < th_> ouhm. i had to few hours of sleep 12:09 * huebi is moving kde from ext to base and upgrades that to 3.0.1 12:09 < huebi> th_: me too 12:09 < th_> a thrilling thunderstorm made me get up again and unplug the antenna of my wlan-server 12:10 < th_> ich sollte die antenne wirklich mal erden 12:12 < huebi> 03:24 < huebi> n8 12:12 < huebi> 07:42 < huebi_> moin 12:12 < huebi> really not enough sleep. 12:13 < th_> 03:26:57 < th> YEA REGEN! 12:13 < th_> da ging das gewitter los 12:13 < th_> 03:59:23 < th> n8 folks 12:13 < th_> da hab ichs mit schlafen versucht 12:13 < th_> gegen 0430 muss ich die antenne wohl rausgezogen haben 12:13 < huebi> But perhaps I can stop working next week ;-)) 12:13 < th_> bald geht auch noch die pruefungszeit los :-/ 12:14 < th_> muss 4 pruefungen oder so machen 12:14 < th_> also fuer 4 faecher das semester nachholen 12:16 < huebi> th_: urgs 12:16 < huebi> th_ /nick th ? 12:16 < th_> huch 12:16 < th_> wassen passiert? 12:16 < huebi> connection loss? 12:17 < th_> 04:21:12 -!- th_ [th@] has joined #rocklinux 12:17 < th_> ein problem mit world? 12:17 < huebi> eher telekom ;> 12:17 < th_> wieso telekom? 12:18 < huebi> world ist mit einer telekomleitung angesclossen IIRC 12:18 < huebi> +h 12:19 < th_> ahh 12:19 < th_> ich reconnecte mal 12:19 < huebi> F*CK 12:19 < huebi> keine Daten auf dem Band! 12:20 < huebi> beide Images sind noch zuhause. 12:20 -!- th_ [th@] has quit ("leaving") 12:20 -!- th [th@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux 12:22 < th> so 12:22 < th> dasnn stimmt die email-adresse auch wieder 12:22 < th> beginne ich den tag nun mit kuehlem club mate 12:39 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs3.xs4all.nl] has joined #rocklinux 12:40 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs3.xs4all.nl] has quit (Client Quit) 12:43 < fake> *boerp* aaah. 12:46 < blindcoder> fake: gehts dir jetzt besser? 12:47 < blindcoder> shit... i need ncurses in the build-environment... 12:47 < blindcoder> or... do I? 12:50 < fake> blindcoder: yep. besonders der mrtg tut ;) 12:50 < fake> werde ihn aber durch ein rrdtool-artiges teil ersetzen 12:51 < blindcoder> wieso dasß' 12:51 < blindcoder> ? 12:52 -!- trekkie3k [~k3t@pD9005716.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 12:53 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #rocklinux 12:53 < blindcoder> i need a real bash... that pdksh is really annoying... 12:56 < fake> blindcoder: nicer gfx ;) 12:57 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-170-180.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12:57 -!- rxr [~rene@port-213-20-128-42.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 12:57 < th> blindcoder: mount a ramfs and untar a bash.tar.bz2 13:02 < blindcoder> th: that's almost what I did... and it looks like the first version of the ROCK Linux - Build-Environment - CD is ready for use :) 13:02 < th> blindcoder: cool 13:02 < th> blindcoder: what did you do? rootfs on cd? 13:02 < blindcoder> yes 13:02 < blindcoder> I took the root-kombo.img 13:03 < blindcoder> used it as a boot-sector on cd, created the complete rootfs (~300MB) and burnt everything on a CD 13:03 < th> blindcoder: huebi and me just talked about something like that 13:03 < blindcoder> then i burnt a rock-source-cd and took the sources from it... 13:03 < th> blindcoder: is that rootfs well suited for rescue operations? 13:04 < th> blindcoder: kernel support for almost all file-systems (perhaps via module) 13:04 < blindcoder> you still need about 5gig to compile everythgin but you don't need a complete ROCK to compile ROCK 13:04 < th> blindcoder: fsck tools for reiser and xfs 13:04 < blindcoder> well... currently it is only the complete Stage 1 of 1.5.15 13:04 < blindcoder> but that's (almost) enough to compile ROCK 13:05 < th> blindcoder: perhaps we could improve the rootfs to be a real usable rescue syste, 13:05 < blindcoder> sure thing! 13:05 < th> s/syste,/system/ 13:05 < blindcoder> but for one and a halfs day work it's quite something to work with 13:05 < th> blindcoder: could you please upload the iso somewhere? 13:05 < th> blindcoder: i'd give it a try 13:06 < blindcoder> just a moment, I'll create an iso 13:06 < blindcoder> you have to get the sources from somewhere... preferrably a source-cd 13:07 < th> i do not want to try to build rock 13:07 < th> i will check the usability of that iso for rescue tasks 13:08 < blindcoder> okay, mkisofs is in progress 13:10 < th> grmpf thunderstorm was in town last night and my primary MX seems to be down 13:12 < [anders]> Hrumpfh... Should start to look at building a box for home me finks.. 13:19 < blindcoder> th: is there a ftp i can upload to? or shall i dcc it? 13:19 < th> oehm 13:19 < th> do not dcc ;) 13:20 < th> you don't have access to download.rocklinux.de, do you? 13:20 < blindcoder> no 13:20 < th> how's your ocnnection? 13:21 < blindcoder> hmm it's quite good... at least here @bingo-ev.de 13:21 < th> ok 13:21 < th> can you make it wgettable? 13:30 < fake> chmod a+wget *.iso 13:31 < th> hehe 13:40 < blindcoder> *argh* I hate writing documentation... 13:40 < fake> then don't do it. 13:40 < huebi> blindcoder: ME TOO! 13:40 < huebi> fake: gibt sonst Aerger. 13:42 < huebi> "What's the hostname of this server?" - "cat /etc/HOSTNAME" - "Why is it called 'cat' with first name?" *TILT* 13:43 < th> hehe 13:43 < fake> huebi: `cat /etc/HOSTNAME` should do the job ;) 13:44 < blindcoder> fake: I have to do it, or do you want to find how to use a Build-Environment-CD all by yourself? 13:44 < blindcoder> fake: okay, you are capable of doing so, I know... 13:44 < huebi> ARGH *vomStuhlFall* 13:45 < fake> blindcoder: The Source is the Documentation (Linus Torvalds) 13:45 < blindcoder> fake: there is no source... that's the problem 13:45 < fake> blindcoder: no source? you spwaned it binary? 13:45 < huebi> zeitlich ungebundene Gedanken lesen... 13:46 < huebi> GPL Gedanken... 13:46 < blindcoder> fake: up till now there is an incomplete scripts/Build-Build and a BECD-HowTo 13:46 < blindcoder> but I have a working(?) BE-CD here on apollo 13:46 < blindcoder> fake: you could do a vim /dev/cdroms/cdrom0 :) 13:47 < fake> blindcoder: vim is for weenies. cat /dev/cdroms/cdrom0 | more 13:48 < blindcoder> fake: I'm a l4m3r and proud of it ;) 13:50 < huebi> root@zeus:/rock-linux# ll misc/linux/ 13:50 < huebi> -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 1035 May 14 02:02 99-lame.patch 13:51 < blindcoder> yes, I have that patch in my kernel :) 13:51 < fake> AH2417 13:51 < fake> ;) 13:51 < huebi> blindcoder: brav! 13:51 < huebi> blindcoder: ME TOO! 13:51 < fake> nic-hdl: AH2417-RIPE 13:52 < fake> mnt-by: XLINK-MNT 13:52 < fake> eh eh eh 13:52 < huebi> fake: what does that mean? 13:53 < fake> address: LAZARD ASSET MANAGEMENT DEUTSCHLAND 13:53 < fake> ? 13:53 < th> nic-hdl: TEHA-RIPE 13:53 < th> mnt-by: WRONLINE-MNT 13:53 < th> :) 13:53 < huebi> fake: or better: what are you doing? 13:53 < fake> person: Andreas Huebner 13:53 < fake> address: LAZARD ASSET MANAGEMENT DEUTSCHLAND 13:53 < fake> address: Grünenburgweg 102 13:53 < fake> address: D-60323 Frankfurt am Main 13:53 < fake> address: Germany 13:53 < fake> phone: +49 172 6564961 13:53 < fake> fax-no: +49 69 5061390 13:53 < fake> nic-hdl: AH2417-RIPE 13:53 < th> huebi: he is whoissing yyour handle 13:53 < fake> notify: guardian@xlink.net 13:53 < fake> mnt-by: XLINK-MNT 13:53 < fake> changed: blunk@xlink.net 19981214 13:53 < fake> source: RIPE 13:53 < fake> huebi: just killing time. 13:54 < th> fake: and you are DISREGARDING https://www.ripe.net/ripencc/pub-services/db/copyright.html!!! 13:54 < th> fake: this channel is logged and published. you missed to paste the copyright notice 13:54 < fake> th: oh, really? c'mon, judge me. i really want to see that trial XD 13:55 < fake> Copyright (c)1992/1993/1994/1995/1996/1997/1998/1999/2000/2001/2002 13:55 < fake> by RIPE NCC 13:55 < fake> Restricted rights. 13:55 < fake> Except for agreed Internet operational purposes, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission of the RIPE NCC on behalf of the copyright holders. Any use of this material to target advertising or similar activities is explicitly forbidden and may be prosecuted. 13:55 < th> Except for agreed Internet operational purposes, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval 13:55 < th> system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without prior 13:55 < th> permission of the RIPE NCC on behalf of the copyright holders. Any use of this material to target advertising or 13:55 < th> similar activities is explicitly forbidden and may be prosecuted. 13:55 < th> ACK 13:55 < blindcoder> fake: I could give you the Build-Environment-CD-HowTo. then you have something useful to do ;) 13:55 < huebi> blindcoder: do it! 13:55 < fake> blindcoder: you mean search in the RIPE DB for every word of it? 13:55 < blindcoder> well... that wouldn't be that much work... 13:56 < fake> blindcoder: by hand. 13:56 < blindcoder> it's only *g* 9 point long... 13:56 < blindcoder> fake: can you access apollo via ssh? 13:57 < fake> blindcoder: /whois fake 13:58 < blindcoder> fake: ... 13:59 < fake> ,-- 13:59 < blindcoder> fake: /home/crash/Build* is all you need 14:00 < blindcoder> fake: I hope you can make some sense out of it ;) 14:01 < blindcoder> fake: BUILD-Environment Build-Build and Build-CD-HowTo 14:02 < fake> no time ;) 14:02 -!- [anders] [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 14:04 < blindcoder> fake: yes, it'll take you some time... about 3 hours on a 800 MHz P3-processor :) 14:04 < fake> blindcoder: as i had one :-/ 14:06 < blindcoder> time for esden coming home... 14:08 -!- [anders] [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has joined #rocklinux 14:10 < blindcoder> that reminds me... 14:10 * blindcoder <--- idiot 14:11 < blindcoder> you can compile ROCK with the BECD... but there's no mkisofs or cdrecord... *argh* 14:11 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A5B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 14:11 < fake> tadaaa 14:11 < fake> hi snueke 14:12 < snyke> hi fake 14:12 < snyke> hi rest :o) 14:13 < huebi> hi snyke 14:14 < blindcoder> hi snyke 14:14 < blindcoder> fake: tadaaa... what? 14:20 < snyke> hm. 14:20 < snyke> <-- happy 14:20 < snyke> no k-line against me any more 14:21 < snyke> https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/politik/0,1518,201324,00.html 14:39 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux 14:39 < armijn> re 14:39 < huebi> moin armijn 14:39 < huebi> ;-)))))) 14:40 < huebi> have a look on rock ;-) 14:40 < armijn> hi huebi 14:40 < armijn> I saw you started with 1,5,17 14:40 < armijn> ehr, 1.5.17 that is 14:40 < huebi> armijn: Yes. I started 1.5.17 in cvs. 14:41 < huebi> 1.5.16 is out and then I start a new Version. But only in cvs. 14:41 < armijn> ok 14:41 < armijn> sent out the CDs already? 14:41 < huebi> When it's stable it gets a branchtag an will be released 14:42 < fake> he 14:42 < huebi> I wanted to send the CD today but I messed up something with the tape. 14:42 < huebi> I send it this evening. 14:42 < fake> XML is like getting Oil in 1-Litre TetraPacks 14:43 < armijn> heh 14:43 < armijn> huebi: is it 1.5.16 on rock building? 14:43 * armijn checking errors 14:43 < huebi> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8046 Jun 20 05:42 /rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs/2-egcs64.err 14:43 < huebi> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 659 Jun 20 09:48 /rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs/3-bdb.err 14:43 < huebi> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1607 Jun 20 06:55 /rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs/3-linux-src.err 14:43 < huebi> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1514 Jun 20 07:01 /rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs/3-linux.err 14:43 < huebi> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 25766 Jun 20 11:13 /rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs/3-mtools.err 14:44 < huebi> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 40553 Jun 20 10:51 /rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs/3-sendmail.err 14:44 < armijn> which package installs "autoheader"? 14:44 < huebi> autoconf 14:44 < huebi> root@rock:~ # grep -rl autoheader /rock-linux/dist/var/adm/flists/* 14:44 < huebi> /rock-linux/dist/var/adm/flists/autoconf 14:45 -!- aszlig [~aszlig@paradome.de] has joined #rocklinux 14:45 < huebi> huhu aszlig 14:45 < aszlig> re 14:45 < huebi> root@rock:~ # ls /rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs/*log |wc -l 14:45 < huebi> 160 14:45 < huebi> kool. allmost half of it. 14:46 < aszlig> arghs /me cant build rl! 14:46 < armijn> huebi: what happened to linux-src? 14:46 < aszlig> cause its summer :( 14:46 < armijn> huebi: it's still b0rk3n it seems 14:46 < armijn> I mean, where's the "generate-asm" stuff? 14:47 < huebi> root@rock:/rock-linux # less /rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs/3-linux-src.err 14:47 < huebi> make[1]: sparc64-linux-gcc: Command not found 14:47 < armijn> huebi: what happened to the generate-asm stuff? it's completely gone form linux-src! 14:47 < huebi> that's it 14:47 < huebi> armijn: no, 14:47 * armijn takes out a big lart 14:47 < huebi> it's in 14:48 < armijn> huebi: where? 14:48 < huebi> lart? 14:48 < armijn> LART: Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool 14:48 < armijn> usually a baseball bat with rusty nails in it 14:48 < aszlig> huebi: try dict 14:48 < huebi> base-config/linux/lx_config <- this is sourced by linux-src.conf _and_ linux.conf 14:49 < armijn> hmm 14:49 < huebi> *LOOOL* 14:49 < aszlig> hm? 14:49 < huebi> LART: Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool <- lol 14:50 < armijn> read more BOFH 14:50 < aszlig> huebi: yes, there are some stories 'bout that ;) 14:51 < armijn> I don't get this... 14:51 < armijn> the autoheader tool *is* installed 14:51 * huebi initiator of IGOR - Iteratives Ganzheitlich Orientiertes Resozialisierungsprogramm - Uses LART or similar. 14:51 < huebi> armijn: $PATH 14:51 < huebi> ? 14:51 < armijn> dunno 14:51 < armijn> it's in usr/bin 14:52 < armijn> /rock-linux/dist/usr/bin/autoheader 14:52 < huebi> hmm 14:52 < armijn> was autoheader changed lately? 14:53 < armijn> from a shell script to a perl script? 14:53 < huebi> dunno 14:53 < armijn> did you move down perl? 14:53 < huebi> mom 14:53 < armijn> in the packages list? 14:54 < armijn> because that's the problem I think 14:54 < huebi> https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/rock-1.5/base-config/autoconf/ <- update to 2.53 14:55 < armijn> well, autoheader is a perl script 14:56 < huebi> could be, that it changed with autoconf 2.53 14:57 < armijn> everything builds fine on x86? 14:57 < huebi> jo. 14:57 < huebi> everything. no exception 14:57 * huebi is still working. 14:57 < armijn> hmm 14:57 < armijn> on what? 14:57 < armijn> :) 14:58 < huebi> earning huge ammounts of money 14:58 < armijn> aah, money! 15:00 < armijn> argh, this is so irritating 15:00 < huebi> armijn: what "this" ? 15:00 < armijn> this autoheader thing 15:02 < armijn> do you think you can build "perl" a bit earlier? 15:02 < armijn> or move egcs64 down? 15:02 < armijn> build egcs64 later than perl5 15:02 < huebi> autoconf 2.52 1.5.13 <- #!/bin/sh 15:03 < armijn> ah, so they moved from /bin/sh to perl! 15:03 < armijn> that explains a lot 15:03 < huebi> * riclaw send mails ;-)) 15:04 < huebi> I think we can compile earlier 15:04 < huebi> perl 15:05 < armijn> well, actually it might be nicer to move egcs64 downwards 15:05 < armijn> because I think perl needs ncurses 15:06 < huebi> perl -> egcs64 -> linux-src -> linux 15:06 < huebi> but we need the header files very early 15:06 < armijn> does perl5 need ncurses? 15:06 < armijn> well, the header files has been taken care of, so.. 15:07 < armijn> linux-src and linux are only built in stage 3 (inside the chroot) and egcs64 in stage 2 15:07 < armijn> I think moving egcs64 under perl5 is safer 15:07 < huebi> ok 15:08 -!- clifford [~clifford@] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 15:09 < armijn> that will solve the 2-egcs64.err, 3-linux*.err 15:09 < huebi> jo 15:09 -!- clifford [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux 15:09 < huebi> 010.052 ltrace 15:09 < huebi> 010.055 perl5 15:09 < huebi> 010.056 egcs64 15:09 < huebi> 010.057 openssl 15:09 < huebi> I just changed it 15:10 < armijn> ok 15:10 < armijn> now you can restart the build :) 15:10 < huebi> it was 010.026 15:10 < armijn> or do you want to let this build finish first? 15:11 < huebi> hmm. I WOULD LIKE TO CHANGE IT NOW. Better to change it now and see if it works. later then I make a complete rebuild. 15:12 < armijn> caps lock problems? 15:12 < huebi> Yes thick fingers 15:12 < armijn> so it seems :) 15:12 < huebi> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 591888384 Jun 20 08:24 rock-src-1.5.16.iso <- extra made for you 15:13 < huebi> I send it in the evening 15:13 < armijn> whoohoo! 15:15 -!- term_emu [~pm@pD9E3304C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:15 < huebi> armijn: This build is allmost 1.5.17. I left qt in the old fashion. It will need about 9h now on this box. 15:16 < huebi> tach term_emu 15:16 < term_emu> hi all 15:16 < huebi> term_emu: How are you? 15:16 < armijn> who cares about qt :) 15:16 < huebi> ;-) 15:17 < rolla> re 15:17 < huebi> hi rolla ;-) 15:17 < rolla> hallo 15:17 < term_emu> huebi: acnt complain .] 15:17 < huebi> armijn: me ;-) your job is base 15:17 < huebi> term_emu: what do you mean? 15:18 < term_emu> :D 15:18 < armijn> huebi: all your base are belong to use! 15:18 < term_emu> i cant complain 15:18 < huebi> term_emu: axo ;-) 15:20 < huebi> https://www.rocklinux.org/people/esden/ircstat/ <- hmm. I think I writ too much in this chan. 15:21 < armijn> huebi: can you also include the latest build-cvs-snap on the CD please? 15:21 < huebi> armijn: Yes. of course 15:21 < armijn> huebi: including the egcs64 fix you just made? 15:21 < armijn> https://www.nluug.nl/events/nj02/index.html 15:21 < armijn> https://www.nluug.nl/events/nj02/cfp-uk.html 15:21 < huebi> the fix will also be on the cd 15:21 < armijn> kewl 15:22 < huebi> * build restarted 15:22 < huebi> == 15:22:53 =[2]=> Building base package egcs64 [_19980921.1.orig 1.5.16]. 15:22 < huebi> Pkg-Config: patches egcs64.desc egcs64.conf done. 15:22 < huebi> Building. Writing output to /var/adm/logs/2-egcs64.out 15:22 < armijn> make[1]: *** wait: No child processes. Stop. 15:22 < armijn> make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... 15:22 < armijn> make[1]: *** wait: No child processes. Stop. 15:22 < armijn> make: *** wait: No child processes. Stop. 15:22 < armijn> make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... 15:22 < armijn> make: *** wait: No child processes. Stop. 15:22 < armijn> that's a weird error 15:23 < armijn> ahm, bacuse you restarted the build 15:23 < armijn> duh 15:23 < armijn> huebi: you should do a complete rebuild as well soon... 15:23 < armijn> from scratch 15:24 < huebi> armijn: Of course. But first I want to see if the fix works. 15:24 < huebi> The U 30 is so annoying slow! 15:25 < armijn> nah 15:25 < huebi> My Athlon is 6 times faster. 15:26 < armijn> heh 15:26 < armijn> yeah, ah well 15:26 < huebi> But I like the rest much more than the PC crap 15:26 < armijn> yeah! 15:27 < huebi> Next week ripclaw will compile on a e15k StarCat 15:27 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 15:27 < huebi> even The JavaStations are kooler than PC's 15:28 < armijn> on a StarCat? But that thing runs Solaris 15:29 < huebi> armijn: ROCK Linux will be installed on it. 15:29 < armijn> heh 15:30 < huebi> 115 Penguins on the screen while booting... KOOOOOL! 15:30 < huebi> A reason for a grafics card for that thing 15:30 < huebi> or the only one? 15:31 < armijn> hmm 15:31 < armijn> when are you running the silo setup script? 15:31 < armijn> when compiling? 15:31 < rolla> huebi you know they use a sparc 5 to boot a E10K and E15K right ? 15:32 < huebi> e10k is correct. a small workstation or sever for booting the domains. 15:32 < huebi> +r 15:33 < armijn> ehrm...huebi? 15:33 < armijn> huebi: do you use the kernel-sparc_v9.conf 15:33 < armijn> file? 15:34 < armijn> because PCI is not configured in there, which you really want for your machine! 15:35 < huebi> armijn: change it please 15:36 < armijn> I will...later... 15:36 < armijn> first I need to dig through tons of specifications 15:36 < huebi> I just changed arch-conf/sparc64 in the same way as arch-conf/ia32 15:36 < huebi> the intel stuff. 15:37 < huebi> tons of specifications <- for the Sparc CPUs? 15:38 < armijn> how did you change it? 15:38 < armijn> you mean you edited some stuff out? 15:39 < huebi> no, I changed it in that way that we can use more than v9 as CPU in the architecture sprc64 15:40 < armijn> ah, config.in! 15:40 < armijn> wow, three different spellins for "optimization" 15:40 < armijn> spellings that is 15:43 < huebi> lol 15:43 < huebi> armijn: please fix it ;-)) 15:44 < armijn> *sigh* 15:44 < armijn> as soon as I get the CD, ok? 15:45 < huebi> armijn: should it be v7 v8 v9 or better sparc_v7... 15:45 < huebi> armijn: ACK 15:48 < huebi> I started the build again. too many old processes were runing 15:48 < armijn> heh 15:49 < armijn> you didn't clean up first... 15:49 < huebi> the old processes are all killed now 15:50 < armijn> so, are you gonna clean up first? 15:50 < armijn> or not? 15:50 < huebi> hmm 15:51 < huebi> No, I let the build finish now. and tomorow morning I start it new on rock. 15:52 < armijn> and first run ./scripts/Cleanup :) 15:52 < huebi> And tonight I boot the U5 and start there also a new build. 15:52 < armijn> whoohoo! 15:52 < armijn> ah well, at least we fixed one error today 15:53 < huebi> armijn: I usually rm -rf dist src tars lib bu* 15:53 < rolla> you working on the sparc port ? 15:53 < armijn> rolla: no, sparc64 15:53 < huebi> ACK 15:53 < rolla> close enough 15:53 < armijn> different architecture 15:54 < huebi> I want to have a package for my JavaStations. 15:55 < huebi> sun4m, v8, sparc, MicroSparcIIep, 100MHz 15:55 < rolla> is there a stable release of the sparc64 port ? 15:55 < armijn> rolla: you got a sparc64? 15:55 < rolla> :) 15:55 < huebi> 64MB RAM, 8MB FLASH! 15:55 < rolla> I am a Solaris admin 15:55 < rolla> so yes 15:55 < armijn> rolla: what kind of machine? 15:56 < armijn> there's no stable release yet 15:56 < armijn> but it's getting more and more stable every day 15:56 < rolla> E3500 , E250 , E450 , blade 1000, ultra 10 , ultra 60 , 280R 15:56 < armijn> if you can live without stuff like X and mtools for a while longer, then it's almost ready 15:57 < armijn> rolla: and on which of them do you want to run ROCK? 15:57 < huebi> I'm a ROCK Linux and Solaris admin. 2/3 of the SUN servers her were replaced by ROCK Linux PC servers in the last9 Months 15:57 < rolla> I was think about my ultra 60 15:57 < huebi> rolla: MHZ? 15:58 < rolla> 450 15:58 < rolla> single 15:58 < armijn> ultra60...as a workstation or as a server (as in, with or without X) 15:58 < rolla> with X hopefully 15:59 < rolla> it is running Solaris 9 right now 15:59 < armijn> well, we still have some problems with X now... 15:59 < armijn> I think 15:59 < armijn> for me it's not priority... 16:00 < rolla> ah 16:00 < rolla> :) 16:00 < huebi> rolla: But for me it has some priority ;-) 16:00 < rolla> I see 16:01 < huebi> ripclaw found out that glibc has to be compiled also for 64 bit 16:01 < armijn> huebi: well, I'm not quite sure of that 16:01 < huebi> then XFree86 should not only compile... 16:01 < armijn> I will try some stuff when woody has been released... 16:02 < huebi> armijn: On linuxtag he talked to people from the linux port section. Somebody told him that. 16:02 < armijn> ok 16:02 < armijn> so that will mean we have to tweak some stuff 16:03 < armijn> great. 16:03 < huebi> jep 16:03 < armijn> well, it's not that easy to do :( 16:03 < huebi> And rene did a complete staticl linked 64bit build. ;-) 16:04 < armijn> he did? 16:04 < huebi> jo 16:04 < armijn> ok... 16:04 < huebi> only the linker seems to be the problem 16:04 < armijn> the linke ris always a problem 16:17 < armijn> huebi: why do you recopy all the header files in linux? it's already done in linux-src 16:17 < huebi> mom 16:17 < armijn> just asking :) 16:17 < huebi> just having a look 16:18 < huebi> ;-) 16:18 < huebi> linux-src failed. so after that linux did work. 16:18 < huebi> of course. 16:18 < huebi> Idea! 16:18 < armijn> well, I don't think you need it right now... 16:19 < armijn> I think you can remove this line from base-config/linux/linux.conf 16:19 < armijn> . $base/base-config/linux/lx_config 16:19 < huebi> I want to let it be like that. so somebody not wanting to build linux-src can also build linux 16:20 < huebi> mom 16:20 < armijn> hmm, okay 16:22 < huebi> I just stoped the build again bdb failed 16:22 < armijn> yeah, some error in the patch file 16:23 < armijn> where did you get that patch? 16:24 < huebi> no, the bdb is 4.x not 3.x 16:24 < armijn> just downloaded it? 16:24 < huebi> I fix it. 16:24 < armijn> aah, so you need to remove the patch :) 16:25 < huebi> I try that. 16:26 < huebi> brb 16:30 < huebi> re 16:32 < rxr> re 16:33 < huebi> hi Rene ;-) 16:33 < rxr> yeah - /me back ;-) 16:34 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1C5D7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:34 < huebi> hi bluefire 16:36 < rxr> btw: I'll write an acricle for the Linux Magazin! I got an positive email from them yesterday! 16:38 < huebi> rolla: KOOL 16:38 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux ("work!") 16:41 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5042.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 16:41 < owl> hi 16:41 < huebi> hi owl ;-) 16:42 < owl> ;) 17:15 < rolla> was ? 17:20 -!- term_emu is now known as term_aweh 17:37 < fake> shit... nochmal von vorne builden.... 17:37 < fake> *arghl* 17:54 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux 17:55 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A5B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18:07 -!- [anders] [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has quit ("Nice to see you, to see you...") 18:25 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 18:42 < rolla> hmm I get asm/sigcontext.h is missing when I try to build the rock 18:43 < rolla> any idea's ? 18:46 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5042.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18:57 < rolla> this sucks 19:01 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5114.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 19:01 < owl> re 19:01 < rolla> re 19:36 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A64.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 19:44 * fake drives home 19:56 < lizard> You guys use iptables to secure your boxen or what ? 20:00 -!- rolla [~Der@stlmaisenhel.ugs.com] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20:06 < huebi> re 20:07 < esden> hi all 20:07 < huebi> I just repaired a FIAT Cinquecento. ;-)) 20:07 < huebi> hi esden 20:07 < huebi> broken generator. 20:11 < huebi> == 17:52:12 =[3]=> Building base package qt [3.0.4 1.5.16]. <- should be ready on sparc64 in about 30 min 20:21 * -> esden getting the 1.5.16 isos 20:25 < huebi> esden: All of them? 20:26 < esden> huebi: both of them ;-) 20:26 < esden> huebi: I need also a athlon version ... 20:27 < huebi> esden: In the moment Athlon is the same as i686 except the kernel. 20:27 < esden> urgh ... schidde ... :-( 20:27 < huebi> rxr: Huhu? 20:28 < huebi> rxr: Wie ist das mit den WRAPPER variablen? 20:29 < huebi> rxr: was muss ich machen um die default Konfiguration fuer gcc fuer ein Packet zu aendern? 20:29 < huebi> clifford: Kannst du mir vielleicht das sagen? 20:33 -!- rolla [~Der@stlmaisenhel.ugs.com] has joined #rocklinux 20:34 < rolla> re 20:34 < rolla> I am trying to build 1.5.16 from the source that was downloaded and it is giving me an odd error 20:36 < esden> rolla: what kind of error ? 20:36 < rolla> do you want cut and paste ? 20:38 < rolla> Devlevel Error (2) 20:38 < rolla> and then a list of pacakages 20:39 < rolla> are those the packages it cannot find ? 20:41 < huebi> rolla: make a ./scripts/Puzzle that will clean up much 20:42 < rolla> ah okay 20:43 < huebi> rolla: ./scripts/Download -base will download all sources to build base+opt. no extensions 20:44 < rolla> okay 20:45 -!- tom [~tom@p508BE26B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:45 < tom> does anoyne know a good erotic chat? 20:45 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 20:45 < d3mian> re 20:45 < tom> ? 20:46 < d3mian> th: i could solve the cgi-apache prob, the prob was the apache package, it has some internal errors (2.0.36) 20:46 < th> d3mian: ok 20:46 < huebi> tom: grep -ri Fuck /usr/src/linux/* 20:46 -!- tom [~tom@p508BE26B.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux () 20:49 < rolla> hmm 20:50 < th> huebi: there are statistics somewhere about badwords in kernel source. comparison between 2.0, 2.2, 2.4 etc 20:50 < rolla> do I still do a ./scripts/Build-all 20:50 < huebi> ./scripts/Build-all COPY 20:50 < rolla> okay 20:50 < huebi> I use: 20:51 < huebi> ./scripts/Build-All zeus:/rock-orig 20:51 < rolla> I guess I will have to delete all that I have downloaded 20:51 < huebi> root@zeus:/rock-linux# ./scripts/Build-All zeus:/rock-orig 20:51 < huebi> rolla: why? 20:51 < rolla> cause it is still looking for things on build that Download did not 20:51 < rolla> bring down 20:52 < huebi> ? 20:53 < huebi> rolla: ./scripts/Download -list-missing 20:53 < rolla> ah 20:54 < rolla> so it will not build unless everything is down :0 20:55 < huebi> rolla: there are some dependencies not solved then. 20:55 -!- Lorini [~Lorini@pD9E63543.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:55 < huebi> hi Lorini 20:55 < Lorini> hi 20:56 < rolla> I guess 20:56 < d3mian> re Lorini 20:56 < Lorini> hi d3mian 20:57 < huebi> rolla: you will see. 20:57 < esden> huebi: your disk mutation is nearly completed 20:57 < huebi> esden: kool 20:57 < huebi> ;-)) 20:57 < d3mian> nice, ive passed all the courses @ Uni ;-) 20:58 < huebi> d3mian: great. congratulations 20:58 < esden> your new disk will be: Seagate Cheetah 9.1GB with digital firmware on it ;-) 20:58 < d3mian> thnx 20:59 < huebi> esden: very nice ;-)) 21:00 < esden> huebi: for 10 eur is the mutation completed 21:00 < rolla> /usr/include/bits/sigcontext.h:28: asm/sigcontext.h: No such file or directory 21:00 < esden> huebi: is that ok ? 21:00 < huebi> esden: of course, yes 21:00 < esden> huebi: kk ;-) 21:02 < huebi> rolla: in /usr/include/ must be a link asm -> ../src/linux/include/asm 21:03 < huebi> rolla: You need the kernel sourses there. 21:03 < huebi> rolla: uname -a 21:03 < huebi> ? 21:04 < rolla> oh 21:04 < huebi> (ROCK Linux documentation needs very much improvement) 21:05 < fake> *applauds* 21:06 < rolla> ja 21:06 < huebi> Documentation not leaving any questions unanswered. 21:07 < huebi> Everybody _not_ responding in the next 10 seconds is a volontier for that *g* 21:07 < fake> *respond* 21:07 < huebi> Jo, everybody want to do it ;-) 21:07 < fake> *phew* ! 21:07 < huebi> LOL 21:08 < huebi> fake: Howto for a MIPS Port? 21:09 < fake> huebi: HOW_NOT_TO up to now. 21:10 < huebi> fake: Thats also ok ;-) 21:10 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082BDC8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:10 < tsa> tag 21:10 < huebi> tsa: moin 21:10 < tsa> hi huebi 21:10 < Lorini> hi tsa 21:11 < tsa> hi Lorini 21:12 < rolla> what happened to the mirrors page on www.rocklinux.org ? 21:16 < snyke> esden? 21:17 < fake> heisskleber rules. 21:17 < snyke> kommt drauf an wo er hinkommt. 21:18 < fake> egal. 21:19 < snyke> wenn man ihn an die channeltür schmiert und dann keiner mehr reinkommt das is auch ned das wahre 21:22 < fake> snyke: kommt drauf an wer vor der tuer steht. 21:24 < fake> *argh* 21:26 < huebi> fake: o_O 21:27 < fake> nix. 21:29 * -> esden macht gleich aus #rocklinux einen invite only channel ;-) 21:29 < fake> esden? 21:29 < fake> why-o-why 21:29 < huebi> Mathilda wird dan aber bitte Ehrenmitglied ;-))) 21:30 < esden> fake: damit mathilda nicht mehr reinkommen kann ;-) 21:30 < fake> Mathilda: No such nick/channel 21:30 < huebi> ahhh! qt comes to an end. 21:30 < tsa> hehe 21:30 < tsa> Muuuh! 21:30 < fake> invite geht nich -_- 21:30 < huebi> mom 21:31 < esden> huebi: qt ??? 21:31 < fake> esden: qt-dietlibx 21:31 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 21:31 < fake> dietlibx 21:31 < fake> c 21:31 < fake> huebi wars langweilig 21:31 < huebi> esden: qt on sparc64 21:31 < fake> huebi: spielverderber *schmoll* 21:31 < esden> huebi: auuuuuaaaaa 21:32 < esden> fake: that hurts .... 21:32 < netcrow> hi 21:32 < huebi> linket to thin dietlibc 21:32 < netcrow> only a short view... 21:32 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit (Client Quit) 21:32 -!- Mathilda [~huebi@p5081747B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:33 < Mathilda> muh 21:33 < fake> hi Mathilda ! 21:33 < fake> *jumps around* 21:33 < Mathilda> hi fake 21:33 < fake> *gives Mathilda some weed* 21:33 < Mathilda> mjamm 21:33 < fake> err... hee! that was 5$/gramme ! 21:34 < Mathilda> Muhu esden ;-)) 21:34 < Mathilda> fake: MORE! 21:34 < Mathilda> fake: now! 21:34 < esden> ahh hi Mathilda 21:34 < fake> Mathilda: ask huebi for caffeine. you had it all. 21:34 * -> esden gives Mathilda some Pitr cola ;-) 21:34 < huebi> *LOOOL* 21:35 < Mathilda> *jump* *jump* *JUMMMP* 21:35 < huebi> == 17:52:12 =[3]=> Building base package qt [3.0.4 1.5.16]. 21:35 < fake> Aaaah! A Flying Cow! (AAFC) 21:35 < huebi> == 21:33:22 06/20/02 =[3]=> Finished building package qt. 21:35 < esden> Mathilda is giving only cafeinated milk right ? 21:36 < Mathilda> YEs. My milk wakes you up! 21:36 < fake> deadly milk. 21:36 < fake> every non-geek would die instantly. 21:36 < huebi> hehe 21:36 < fake> Mathilda's milk is the secret geek detection tool of the NSA. 21:37 < fake> So if you ever enter a MilkBar and everyone not sitting at a Notebook/PDA is dead, watch out for Agent Smith. 21:37 < rolla> esden : you read userfriendly ? 21:37 < esden> rolla: sure!!!! what a question ? 21:37 < rolla> sorry 21:38 < esden> rolla: np ... 21:38 < snyke> esden! 21:38 < esden> rolla: uf something you have to read! 21:39 < esden> snyke: what ? 21:39 < rolla> yes 21:39 < fake> just like mt. 21:39 < rolla> ja 21:39 < huebi> root@rock:/rock-linux # ls dist/var/adm/logs/*log |wc -l 21:39 < huebi> 178 21:39 < fake> oh, rolla, i forgot. you may now see wether you machine is used online 21:39 < huebi> I want a 10GHz UltraSPARCX NOW!! 21:40 < rolla> :) 21:40 < fake> huebi: ME TOO! 21:40 < d3mian> sure, everyone wants one 21:40 < esden> huebi: I have one standing around ... I can ship it to you ;-) 21:41 < huebi> esden: You have 4h time... 21:41 < fake> esden> oh you mean that old one with the little hitachi storage beheind it... what was it ? lousy 5000 TB. IIRC: 21:42 < huebi> fake: Not enough to unzip 42.zip. That needs 5.2 PB 21:42 < fake> (esden used M-Dimensional space to fit it into his room.) 21:42 < huebi> esden and his "pocket calculator" 21:42 < esden> fake: no the other one ... the one that has this funny SAN system hanging behind with 6exabyte 21:42 < fake> huebi: who the hell _zipped_ it?? 21:42 < huebi> fake: HAL 21:43 < huebi> hehe 21:43 < fake> esden: ah, the SPACE ATTACHED STORAGE. 21:43 < huebi> LOL 21:43 < fake> Space- the final backup. 21:43 < tsa> ;-) 21:43 < fake> HAL is just lousy IBM rebuild. 21:43 < esden> fake: yepp ... it uses the moon to store the data in the quantum spins of it 21:44 < fake> H+1=I A+1=B L+1=M 21:45 < fake> esden: and all the other moons, too. 21:45 < huebi> fake: 816/ 21:45 < huebi> 816? 21:45 < Mathilda> Muh 21:45 < fake> HAG? 21:46 < esden> fsck Mathilda 21:46 < Mathilda> huebi: must be 815 21:46 < fake> fsck.cow Mathilda 21:46 < esden> no filesystem corruptions found ;-) 21:46 < fake> Mathilda: why? 21:47 < huebi> Often found on Harley Davidson. 21:47 < huebi> Hell's Angels Forever 21:47 < fake> genauso wie 88 21:47 < fake> *moo* 21:47 < huebi> But the Image of Harley changes more and more to yuppi crapp 21:48 < esden> huebi: habe ich einen account auf cvs.rock.de ??? 21:48 < fake> rock.de? cool idea. 21:48 < tsa> domain: rock.de 21:48 < tsa> descr: BMG Entertainment GSA/EE 21:48 < tsa> descr: Neumarkter Str. 28 21:48 < tsa> descr: 81673 Muenchen 21:48 < tsa> descr: Germany 21:48 < huebi> drwxr-xr-x 2 esden users 1024 May 26 15:57 esden 21:48 < tsa> too late.. 21:49 < esden> huebi: hast du mein passwort uebernommen ? 21:49 * -> esden testet mal gleich den account ... 21:49 < Mathilda> nein das war SMP ;-) Muhh 21:50 < esden> ahh geht 21:51 < esden> Mathilda: danke *bussigeb* 21:51 < Mathilda> gern geschehen 21:51 < fake> hhm... Mathilda? 21:52 < fake> Du bist doch die allwissende Kuh... 21:52 < fake> Eine Frage: 21:52 * -> esden baut heute noch die cheetah in die alpha rein 21:52 < Mathilda> ja fake ? hast do noch mehr Grass fuer mic *blinzel* *klimpoer* 21:52 < fake> Wo versteckt Maggi bei den Instantnudeln die auf der Verpackung versprochene "2te Portion" ?? 21:52 * -> esden ist schon geil auf die io performance der platte ;-) 21:53 < fake> Und wo is die 2te Haelfte der ersten? 21:53 < huebi> LOL 21:53 * fake hat jetzt 2*18,2GB LVD-80 Platten in seinem ;) 21:54 < fake> eigentlich LVD-160, aber das kann der doofe Tekram nich 21:54 < huebi> ME TOO! 21:54 < huebi> ME TOO! hehe 21:54 * -> esden hat hunger 21:55 < esden> Mathilda: komm mal her schnell *sfg* 21:55 * fake kocht sich ne halbe portion maggi instantnudeln 21:56 * huebi Geht ma bier Holen... GmbH 21:56 < Mathilda> Ja esden *kuschel* 21:56 < fake> was mich an diesem wunderwerk der technik noch so fasziniert ist, dass wenn man sie aufmacht und sie noch kalt sind riechen sie genauso wie warm - und wie in gasform am naechsten tag 21:56 < fake> huebi: bmem 21:56 < fake> huebi: b. 21:56 < huebi> fake: ? 21:57 < fake> bringmireinsmit\nbitte. 21:57 < huebi> ok 21:57 < huebi> LOL 22:00 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5114.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22:00 < esden> Mathilda: gut dass du da bist 22:01 * -> esden zieht seine kettensaege raus und schneidet mathilda einen fetten kotlet vom arsch ab ... mhh dass wird ein guter blutiger stake werden 22:01 * -> esden geht weg zum grill ;-) 22:04 < tsa> Mathilda grillen? 22:04 < fake> neee 22:04 < fake> if you eat mathilda now you'll get pretty high - caffeine + weed ;) 22:06 * -> esden hat hunger ... und deshalb ist es ihm wurscht @ fake 22:06 < tsa> fake: so it sounds like a good idea - a steak that will make me fly and stay awake for a week.. 22:07 < fake> Mononatriumglutamat - why plastic tastes like food .... or the other way round. 22:07 * tsa zueckt mal das grosse Fleischermesser.. 22:08 < fake> *prust* das soll ein Messer sein? 22:08 < fake> naja. 22:09 * fake muss jetzt mal windows booten. jahaaa... weil BioWare Copr. es nicht fuer noetig hielt die Linux-Version von Neverwinter Nights mitzureleasen. 22:09 < fake> "...will be released later and downloadable." 22:09 < fake> "to run it, you will need the windows version.... *blah*" 22:10 < fake> brb 22:11 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B504f.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 22:11 < owl> re 22:12 < rolla> re 22:17 -!- [anders] [~guest@] has joined #rocklinux 22:18 < [anders]> re 22:23 < esden> fake: hast du schon neverwinter nights ? 22:25 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B504f.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22:26 < esden> ahh good cappu ;-) 22:29 < huebi> re 22:29 -!- Mathilda [~huebi@p5081747B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 22:34 < huebi> Logitech PS/2 mice work on JavaStation 22:34 < huebi> ;-) 22:36 < fake> Aaargh 22:37 < fake> esden: ja *g* 22:37 < fake> www.sharereactor.com ist dein freund. 22:41 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5488.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 22:43 < esden> fake: wir haben gedacht dass wir vielleicht zusammenlegen sollten fuer deine ps2 22:44 < esden> fake: stelle es irgendwo ins netz bitte 22:44 < fake> esden: 3 CDs ? 22:44 < fake> esden: edonkey ist dein freund. aber online spielen -> kaufen. 22:44 < esden> ach mennooo 22:45 < esden> ich will es erstmal testen 22:45 < esden> huebi: was sagst du ... ??? wegen dem zusammenlegen 22:45 < esden> wir brauchen 20 leute dann ist es 16 eur pro kopf 22:47 < fake> esden: warum ? 22:47 < fake> esden: uebrigens: testen kannst du es mit der lokalen campagne und im LAN halt. aber internet geht nicht 22:47 < fake> esden: 333 EUR (inklusive Final Fantasy X *g*) 22:48 < snyke> bye 22:48 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A64.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit ("°ShowDowN v12 PrO° since 1996: https://www.sci.fi/~showdown/") 22:51 < fake> haaaa. gleich ist es soweit... man bin ich gepannt.... 3 Jahre warten... 22:51 < fake> *kopfhoereranstoepsel* 22:51 < tsa> hehe 22:52 < fake> wir brauchen einen rock-nwn-server 22:52 < huebi> gimp in 48 min *argl* 22:52 < fake> huebi: das is schnell... 22:53 < esden> wue heisst bankkonto auf english ? 22:53 < fake> *** These critical programs are missing or too old:gcc 22:53 < fake> >_< 22:53 < fake> account 22:54 < esden> danke 22:57 < tsa> configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables. 22:57 < tsa> GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 23:00 < huebi> tsa: get a new license key *g* 23:02 < tsa> huebi: sure.. 23:03 < tsa> i have the first gcc that needs a license key.. 23:05 < huebi> tsa: you can by one from me. No problem. 23:06 < tsa> hehe 23:07 < tsa> no, it's just clifford's build-pkg being broken.. 23:09 < fake> *ARGH* 23:09 < fake> DAMN WINDOWS 23:10 -!- clifford_ [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux 23:12 < tsa> hi clifford 23:12 -!- clifford [~clifford@] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 23:12 < tsa> cu clifford 23:12 < tsa> GGNNNNNAAAA! 23:12 * tsa fuehlt sich verarscht. 23:12 < tsa> ;-) 23:13 < fake> keep cool. 23:15 < huebi> tsa: clifford hat alle 6h einen reconnect. Deshalb diese Ghostbesuche. Einfach ignorieren. 23:15 < huebi> ;-) 23:15 < tsa> huebi: ich weiss...aber es waere schoen, wenn er zwischendurch dann auch tatsaechlich mal da waere.. 23:15 < tsa> naja, dann kriegt er das .err logfile eben per mail. 23:15 < rolla> ahh nothing like having your 3 hour old build die :( 23:16 < fake> man... grade waere die installation fertig gewesen / zacka. 23:16 < fake> freeze. 23:16 < fake> linux gebootet.... startx.... freze. 23:16 < tsa> hehe 23:16 < fake> jetzt erstmal memtest86 laufen lassen die nacht ueber 23:22 -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p50802F41.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:23 * fake haut sich ins bett - memtest86 is nich so spannend. 23:24 < esden> please read your mail 23:24 < fake> i can't read 23:24 < fake> :) 23:25 < esden> fake: huh ??? 23:25 < chrisime> jojo 23:25 < esden> fake: so you have to learn reading ;-) 23:25 < esden> you will like what I wrote ;-) 23:25 < chrisime> oh gott! 23:26 < fake> esden: sorry i can't read what you write *whistle* 23:26 < fake> esden: i'll have a look. 23:26 < fake> good night everyone. 23:27 < esden> fake: goood ... ;-) I was near to come by and kill you ... in the last moment you could help you ;-) 23:27 < esden> n8 fake 23:27 < esden> chrisime: what is wrong ??? 23:28 < chrisime> esden: hab heut den linuxkernel mal angeguckt 23:28 < chrisime> wegen BS 23:28 < chrisime> uebungsblatt 23:29 < huebi> n8 fake 23:29 < d3mian> cu fake 23:30 < esden> huebi: mail read ? 23:31 < esden> ok ... I have to go home ... and get some sleep ... I hope I get positive feedback from you ;-) 23:32 < term_aweh> good night 23:32 -!- term_aweh [~pm@pD9E3304C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("zz") 23:33 < huebi> esden: nee. was steht drin/ 23:36 < esden> huebi: dass ich geld fuer fake's ps2 sammeln will 23:36 < esden> 20 leute a 16eur reichen um ihm so ein ding zu beschaffen 23:37 < esden> huebi: ??? 23:39 < chrisime> tsts 23:40 < esden> chrisime: ??? 23:40 < chrisime> was willstn damit 23:40 < esden> ich nichts 23:40 < esden> der fake will rock drauf portieren 23:41 < chrisime> tsts 23:41 < esden> denn es gibt noch keine freie linux distribution fuer die ps2 dass muss man aendern ... und dass wollen wir sein ... naemlich rock linux ;-) 23:42 < chrisime> aja 23:43 < esden> einleuchtend dass ich dem fake dieses spielzeug besorgen will oder ? 23:44 < esden> huebi: AUFWACHEN!!! 23:44 < chrisime> aja 23:44 < esden> wo ist mathilda ... ich muss sie auf huebi hetzen sonnst wacht er garnicht auf .... 23:45 < esden> mathilda fass den huebi !!! 23:46 * chrisime fasst sich an dem kopf 23:46 < esden> chrisime: ??? ich hetze nur eine ascii kuh auf den huebi 23:47 * chrisime kratzt sich am kopf 23:47 < esden> chrisime: hast du floehe ? 23:49 < chrisime> sicher 23:49 < chrisime> *kratz* 23:49 -!- Freak [freak@pD9530450.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:53 < esden> chrisime: lol ... --- Log closed Fri Jun 21 00:00:38 2002