--- Log opened Mon Jun 24 00:00:32 2002 --- Day changed Mon Jun 24 2002 00:01 < fake> re owl. 00:02 < fake> punktlich puenktlich ;) 00:02 < owl> was denn? 00:02 < owl> du meintest t-isdn-xxl <--> freenet-wechsel? 00:03 < fake> jep ;) 00:03 < term_aweh> good night 00:03 -!- term_aweh [~pm@pD9E333C6.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("zz") 00:04 < owl> tja. t-offline soll schließlich ned all mein geld bekommen... 00:04 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p508169DE.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 00:06 < aszlig> oh, stimmt ja... 00:06 < aszlig> fast vergessen *wechsel* 00:08 < aszlig> re 00:53 < tsa> n8 00:53 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9525BB2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 01:46 < fake> ha! 01:46 < fake> i've got it. 01:46 < fake> 1) build perl 01:46 < fake> 2) re-build autoconf 01:46 < fake> 3) build gcc3 01:47 * fake making s/th to eat 02:06 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B56da.pppool.de] has quit ("God is real. Unless declared integer.") 03:13 < rxr> n8 - cu 03:13 < fake> n8! 03:21 < hackbard> jawoll, n8 :) 07:11 -!- clifford_ [~clifford@] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 07:20 -!- clifford_ [~clifford@M112P006.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 07:21 -!- [anders] [~guest@] has quit ("Lost terminal") 07:59 < huebi> moin 08:11 < aszlig> re 08:18 < huebi> hi aszlig 09:14 -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:14 < tsa> moin allerseits. 09:32 < huebi> moin tsa 09:36 < tsa> hi huebi 09:36 < SMP> aaaaaargh 09:38 < SMP> es ist so geil wenn die Festplatte in nem packetfilter entscheidet, dass sie bei Schreibbefehlen sich einfach irgendwie pikiert zurueckzieht 09:39 < SMP> 5,5 Stunden downtime incl. 2h Anfahrt. nicht mal wirklich schlecht 09:40 < tsa> SMP: hm....ROCK read-only und dann alles von CD? ;-) 09:41 < SMP> OpenBSD 09:41 < tsa> ah..ok. 09:41 < SMP> das 'packetfilter' war schon ernst gemeint :} 09:42 < rxr> re 09:42 < tsa> moin rxr 09:42 < rxr> hi tsa 09:42 < SMP> WAAAHHH huebi!! 09:42 * SMP hat grad ein riesiges Paket bekommen 09:43 < SMP> und da muss ich jetzt ne Woche mit dem Auspacken warten 09:43 < SMP> ;-)) 09:43 < tsa> ? 09:43 < SMP> steht drauf 'Alles Gute zum Geburtstag' 09:44 < tsa> achso.. 09:44 < huebi> SMP: Sofort auspacken ;-)))) 09:44 < SMP> echt? ;) 09:44 * SMP ahnt schon was es ist :) 09:44 < huebi> In ernst. Macht Spass 09:44 < tsa> ne SuSE-Distri? *duck* 09:46 < SMP> *zerr* 09:46 -!- [anders] [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has joined #rocklinux 09:46 < [anders]> re all 09:46 < tsa> hi [anders] 09:46 < [anders]> hiya tsa.. what's happening? 09:47 < SMP> *WAAHHH* 09:47 < SMP> YES! 09:47 < SMP> it's a Java Station 09:47 < SMP> übercool 09:47 * SMP jumps around huebi 09:49 < SMP> huebi: Vielen Dank! 09:50 < tsa> [anders]: SMP unpacking his birthday presents before birthday.. 09:50 < huebi> SMP: Gern geschehen ;-))) 09:50 < [anders]> tsa: hehehehe 09:50 < huebi> tsa: SMP ist diese Jahr eine Woche frueher ein Jahr aelter geworden *g* 09:52 < huebi> [anders]: SMP got this year one week earlyer one year older. 09:55 < [anders]> huebi: aaah.. :) 09:55 < [anders]> birthday come early for SMP... :) 09:56 < [anders]> SMP: Gutes Geburstag (or thereabouts...) 09:57 < SMP> thanks, but .. not yet :) 09:57 < [anders]> I have _no_ clue if that is correct german or not.. :) 09:57 < [anders]> was I even close? 09:57 < SMP> very close 09:58 < [anders]> so what is the correct version then? 09:59 < SMP> 'Guten Geburtstag' would be gramatically correct. one usually says 'Alles Gute zum Geburtstag' 10:00 < [anders]> needless to say it was along time ago I did german.. 10:03 < fake> *yaaaawns* mornin 10:03 < fake> *reads backlog* hehe. 10:03 < huebi> SMP: The 32-Bit userland of ROCK Linux 1.5.16 for sparc64 works for the "Krupps". It just needs a 32-Bit XFree86 and a 32-Bit kernel for it. I'll send you a CD. 10:03 < huebi> hi fake 10:03 < tsa> moin fake 10:03 * huebi searching some coffee 10:03 < SMP> huebi: you mean 'a CD image'? ;) 10:04 < fake> *sing* Hapy Birthday (soon) to you... Happy Birthday (in advance) to you... etc. @SMP 10:04 < SMP> I pretty much hate birthdays 10:04 < SMP> including my own 10:05 < huebi> SMP: Yes, I would prefer that way. And you can have a look at "ella" for an quite good working tftp, nfsd and dhcpd configuration. 10:06 < SMP> I need a hostname for it.. 10:06 < fake> SMP: i know what you mean. i cloaked mine succesfully this year ;) 10:06 < SMP> huebi: what was your daughter's name again? does it make a goot hostname, too? ;) 10:06 < fake> his daughter is a l33t ubergeek 10:06 < huebi> SMP: Ella-Charlotte 10:06 < fake> she can draw ascii art already! 10:07 < huebi> rocklinux.dyndns.org = ella.seeheim.lan 10:07 < huebi> fake: Yes that was koool!! ;-)) 10:07 < SMP> so this JavaStation will be charlotte.wronline.de 10:07 < huebi> SMP: koool ;-) 10:09 < SMP> hum 10:09 < SMP> is there any documentation about running JavaOS on it? 10:10 < huebi> SMP: I can give you also a JavaOS CD for it. 10:10 < SMP> that would be great 10:11 < huebi> hmm. And a small SparcStation IPX for running Solaris for the JavaOS-Server 10:11 < SMP> uhm 10:12 -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:12 < holyolli> moin 10:12 < huebi> moin holyolli 10:12 < holyolli> huhu huebi 10:12 < fake> hi holyolli 10:12 < holyolli> hi fake 10:12 < SMP> what kind of server does a JavaStation expect? 10:12 < praenti> moin 10:13 < SMP> the usual dhcp, tftp and nfs? 10:13 < holyolli> hi praenti, smp 10:13 < SMP> anything special? 10:13 < huebi> SMP: It's some special stuff. I never tried that but it's called 'Netra J' 10:13 < fake> something like WebInstaller? 10:14 < SMP> yes, I remember that name 10:14 < SMP> might it be possible to run this on Solaris 2.6/x86? 10:16 < huebi> SMP: Perhaps, I don't know. I got all the manuals and the software CD 10:16 -!- simon- [~simon@securitas.r-tec.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:17 < huebi> But JavaOS must be very slow. Too slow to work with it 10:17 < simon-> hi, vieleicht könnt ihr mir ja helfen: Mounting proc filesystem: dup2: bad file descriptor 10:17 < simon-> what does that mean? 10:18 < simon-> an how to fix it? 10:18 < SMP> huebi: ich hab ne Schwaeche fuer stinkende, alte, proprietaere Systeme ;-> 10:18 < SMP> wie IRIX.. 10:18 < tsa> hehe 10:19 < huebi> SMP: Die JavaStation wurde mit Haendedesinfektionsmittel gereinigt. Die sollte so ein bischen nach Bluemchen riechen und _Nicht_ stinken. *g* 10:19 < tsa> lol. 10:20 < simon-> ihr wisst auch nichts? 10:20 < tsa> simon-: evtl ist der mount-point hin? 10:20 < SMP> simon-: funktioniert irgendwas nicht? 10:21 < simon-> SMP hmm.. nichts funktioniert mehr :-( 10:21 < SMP> uh 10:21 < simon-> das war ein software root raid1 unter redhat 7.2 10:21 < fake> SMP: hast du IRIX media?? 10:21 < simon-> das ist die nachricht die ich beim booten erhalte.. direkt nachdem das init system anläuft 10:22 < simon-> und das war ein produktivsystem in dem 3 wochen arbeit stecken.. ;-((( 10:22 < fake> simon- : bootdisketten besorgen, die den software-raid verstehen, und dann durchceken 10:22 < fake> (wie kann man einen software- oder ueberhaupt-raid auf ein root-fs machen?) 10:22 < simon-> fake schonmal diesen fehler gehabt? 10:22 < SMP> fake: quasi 10:23 < simon-> fake wie oder warum? 10:23 < fake> SMP: ich nehme an: verliehen? Eigentuemer, aber nicht Besitzer? 10:23 < SMP> quasi 10:23 < fake> simon-: ignoriere das in klammern. das ist was ich denke - das kannst du gar nich sehen ;P 10:23 < simon-> fake ok.. 10:23 < fake> SMP: ich glaube ich verstehe quasi. 10:24 < fake> SMP: nicht. 10:24 < simon-> fake meinst also dass das raid einfach tot ist.. 10:24 < simon-> sollte doch aber trotzdem hochlaufen und das raid im betrieb neu erstellen oder? 10:25 < fake> wie gesagt: besorg dir / bau dir ne bootdisk, die das gleiche raid spricht, und checke die fs's 10:25 < simon-> fake danke, ich versuchs.. 10:26 < fake> viel glueck ;) 10:26 < simon-> fake danke.. ich werde es brauchen (mich beunruhigt das sowas unter google nicht zufinden ist!) 10:27 < simon-> bin jetzt mal bootdisks bauen.. 10:27 < huebi> simon-: Bei google werden schlechte Sachen ueber Rothut ausgemappt. 10:27 < huebi> *GG* 11:11 < esden> morgen! 11:11 < huebi> hi esden 11:11 < holyolli> moin esden 11:12 < aszlig> hollu 11:12 < esden> only a little info for the ones that do not know that already ... gentoo sux ... but now for sure 11:12 < esden> I have tested it yesterday 11:13 < aszlig> i dont use gentoo anymore, can yuo tellme _why_ it sucks? 11:14 < tsa> hardcoded dependencies. 11:14 < esden> I have two a4 pages with my observations I will send them to the mailinglist 11:14 < tsa> cool. 11:14 < aszlig> uuh, k 11:14 * tsa expecting mail. 11:15 * aszlig too ;) 11:16 < huebi> me too! 11:16 < tsa> they do have some nice features, sure...so i think it's a good opportunity what we could improve on rock linux.. 11:16 < th> re 11:16 < huebi> Please notice the special AOL tags *g* 11:16 < huebi> hi th 11:17 < tsa> hehe 11:17 < th> huebi: they don't know enough xml ;) 11:17 < tsa> hehe 11:17 < tsa> hi th 11:17 < huebi> th: Haben Sie Post? 11:17 < th> huebi: aber noch nicht von dir. an welche adresse hast du geschickt? 11:18 < th> hausnummer 8 oder 12? 11:18 < huebi> th: Jo. I had a look around - absolutly no xml knowledge in sight. 11:18 < huebi> th: Weiss ich nicht mehr. Ich vermute 12 11:19 < th> huebi: dann ist es noch nicht da... eben kam ein german parcel aber der brachte mir was anderes 11:19 < th> huebi: haste ne tracking nummer? oder... wie isses denn raus? 11:19 < th> huebi: post? 11:19 < aszlig> th: erm, gehts um snailmail? 11:19 < huebi> Deutsch Bummel Post. Waren schon bei SMP 11:20 < th> aszlig: jo 11:20 < aszlig> th: never mind 11:20 < aszlig> th: hehe 11:23 -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has quit ("fnord!") 11:23 < esden> me writing 11:23 < aszlig> esden: k 11:29 < fake> hm... 11:38 < blindcoder> morning everyone 11:38 < praenti> moin blindcoder 11:38 < fake> hi blindcoder 11:38 < huebi> hi blindcoder 11:48 * blindcoder is now going to crash a computer with the build-cd ;) 11:49 < th> huebi: die post war heute aber auch noch nicht hier ;) 11:49 < huebi> th: ok 11:50 < huebi> Does sombody know where I get informations about the AlphaStation 433a. I did not find something on search.compaq.com 11:56 < tsa> hm.. 12:02 < tsa> google gives lots of links where to buy memory for this machine....but nothing useful.. 12:03 < huebi> I want to know what sort of memory is needed. 12:03 < fake> huebi: ask esden, he should know... 12:06 < huebi> Esden: *PING* 12:21 < tsa> hm...esden seems to be firewalled...dropping icmp 12:21 < tsa> try GET /esden HTTP/1.0 12:21 < huebi> ( I must invoce ECP - Esden Control Protocol ) 12:21 < tsa> hehe 12:22 < huebi> I think Mathilda knows how to treatr him ;-)) 12:24 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1C978.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:24 < bluefire> Moin 12:24 < huebi> moin bluefire ;-) 12:25 -!- term_emu [~pm@pD9E334DE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:26 < tsa> hi bluefire 12:26 < tsa> hi term_emu 12:27 < term_emu> hiho 12:32 * fake eating 12:42 * term_emu cum cane ambulat 12:42 -!- term_emu is now known as term_aweh 12:51 -!- Freak [freak@pD9530BA1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:51 -!- Freak is now known as F|abi 12:53 -!- F|abi is now known as Freak 12:53 -!- Freak is now known as F|abi 13:05 < tsa> bbl. 13:05 < huebi> cu tsa 13:05 < tsa> mal eben den arbeitsplatz wechseln.. 13:06 -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has quit ("wech.") 13:15 -!- sanjeev [~sanjeev@] has joined #rocklinux 13:16 -!- sanjeev [~sanjeev@] has left #rocklinux () 13:20 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:21 < fake> re holyolli 13:21 < holyolli> re 13:21 < huebi> hi holyolli 13:22 < fake> sed arbeitet nur zeilenweise, right? 13:24 < huebi> https://sourceforge.net/projects/translucency/ <- nice! 13:24 < huebi> fake: jo. 13:24 < fake> danke 13:24 < huebi> im vi auch: 13:25 < huebi> :%s/blah/blubb/g <- g macht das dann fuer alle blah, und nicht nur fuer das erste jeder Zeile 13:25 < fake> huebi: vim 13:25 < fake> nicht vi ;) 13:25 < aszlig> huebi: war das 'ne frage? 13:26 < fake> aszlig: nein 13:26 < aszlig> fake: aha? 13:26 < huebi> aszlig: Nee. Eine Lernerfahrung ;-) 13:26 < fake> also wenn ich ne gesamte datei durchregexpen will.. nehem ich.. ? 13:27 < aszlig> s/bl/ah/g 13:27 < fake> noninteraktiv, also i vim ne schlechte idee 13:27 < fake> is 13:27 < fake> awk? 13:28 < aszlig> mit awk unter vi? 13:28 < aszlig> haeh? 13:28 < aszlig> 'xu 13:28 < fake> aszlig: "noninteraktiv, also is vim ne schlechte idee" 13:29 < aszlig> perl? 13:29 < fake> igitt 13:29 < aszlig> wieso? 13:29 < fake> wieso was? 13:29 < fake> kannst du meine frage beantworten oder nicht? 13:29 < aszlig> wieso ighitt? 13:30 < aszlig> hmm, noe 13:30 < fake> muss ich begruenden wieso perl igitt is?? 13:30 < huebi> fake: sed s/blah/blub/g test 13:30 < fake> ? 13:30 < fake> axo 13:30 < huebi> fake: macht alle blah in foo zu blub in text 13:30 < fake> hm... huebi: XML: \n foo\n is ueber mehrere zeilen... 13:30 < huebi> fake: sed s/blah/blub/ test <- ohne g nur immer das erste einer Zeile 13:31 < fake> soll ich erst alle newlines strippen? *g* 13:31 < huebi> fake <- liebt einzeiler. 13:32 < fake> huebi: der kern meiner frage ist: wie kann ich ueber x zeilen hinweg arbeiten? 13:32 < fake> also nicht ... innerhalb einer ziele regexpen 13:32 < fake> oder s 13:32 < fake> o 13:32 < huebi> fake: mit dem g hinten drann wird blah immer, egal wo, zu blub 13:33 < huebi> sed s/blah/blub/g test <- damit meine ich 13:33 < fake> huebi: let me see.... 13:33 < fake> (dachte ich haette das getestet ) 13:34 < fake> huebi: also... folgende Situation. xml-datei: 13:34 < fake> 13:34 < fake> blabhallbalba 13:34 < fake> 13:34 < fake> dann mache ich: 13:34 < fake> sed "s/.*<\/DataContent>//gi" ./test.xml 13:34 < fake> und heraus kommt die gleiche Datei wie vorher - weil und nicht in einer zeile sind. 13:35 < huebi> axo *gggg* 13:35 < huebi> mom 13:36 < huebi> sed sZ.*<\/DataContent>ZZgi ./test.xml 13:36 < huebi> so gehts 13:36 < fake> Z ? 13:37 < huebi> / darf, wenn als separator benutzt, nicht im Ausdruck selber vorkommen. 13:37 < fake> aha? 13:37 < huebi> Z kommt nicht im Ausdruck vor. Deshalb Z 13:37 < fake> huebi: aber ich escape doch \ 13:37 < huebi> fake: aber nur fuer die bash, nicht fuer sed 13:38 < fake> wenn ich mache sed "s/<\/DataContent>//gi" test.xml dann geht es 13:38 < fake> deswegen ja die "" 13:38 < aszlig> ' 13:38 < huebi> <- hat bestimmt 1h gebraucht, um das rauszufinden *g* 13:39 < fake> es geht nicht... -__ 13:39 -!- tsa [~tsa@rossini.marcant.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:39 < tsa> re. 13:39 < fake> huebi: die expression an sich _ist_korrekt. 13:39 < huebi> re tsa 13:39 < fake> wenn ich die Newlines nach DataContent> loesche geht es auch 13:40 < fake> ach. moment. 13:40 < huebi> fake: Gebs der Sekretaerin und lass die das machen...*g* Sonst weiss ich auch nicht weiter... 13:40 < fake> huebi: oke... danke 13:40 < huebi> s/eb/ib/ 13:40 < huebi> fake: hast du jetzt eine Loesung gefunden? 13:41 < fake> huebi: noe, aber jetzt suche ich woanders weiter... 13:41 < huebi> ok 13:42 < fake> oh man... kein wunder dass gcc3 niht baut... 13:42 < huebi> fake: erzaehl dann mal deine Loesung. das finde ich sehr interessant 13:45 < fake> huebi: ich werde einfach die newlines nach \n strippen 13:45 < fake> basta 13:45 < huebi> ah. ok. 13:48 < fake> shit. 13:49 < fake> geht auch nich :( 13:49 -!- huebi [huebi@rocklinux.de] has quit ("leaving") 13:50 -!- huebi [huebi@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux 13:50 < huebi> re 13:50 < huebi> /quit anstatt /window close is much more efficient ;> 13:58 < fake> see GAWK: Effective AWK 13:58 < fake> Programming for a fuller discussion of the rules for &'s and backslashes in the replacement text of sub(), 13:58 < fake> gsub(), and gensub().) 14:00 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has quit ("X-Chat: Hey baby, come sit on my lap. We'll talk about whatever pops up.") 14:07 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB40E76.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux 14:20 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1C978.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 14:20 -!- F|abi is now known as Freak 14:21 < blindcoder> rehi 14:21 < Freak> iher 14:21 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1C978.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:25 < blindcoder> has anyone tried to create a Build-CD for 1.5.x? or to create a Build-CD at all? 14:25 < fake> blindcoder: me not ;) 14:26 < blindcoder> fake: I mean aside from my personal efforts... 14:26 < fake> i don't know - as i am not into 1.5 at all 14:26 < huebi> blindcoder: I modified the scripts for the installation CD but without any significiant changes. 14:27 < huebi> blindcoder: I want to build one for the sparc64 port 14:28 < blindcoder> hmm... i see... well, I have built something together with esden which you might be interested in... 14:29 < huebi> blindcoder: Yes, of course I am ;-) 14:30 < blindcoder> the complete Stage 1 with some add-ons like cdrtools and modutils that you can boot and take a source-cd and compile the complete ROCK without having to have a running ROCK installation 14:30 < blindcoder> I'm currently testing it on a crash-and-burn-box ;) 14:30 < fake> ich habs 14:31 < huebi> blindcoder: kool. can I download it somewhere? 14:32 < huebi> bbl (Sch**** Backupserver. Ein Band ist wech... ) 14:36 -!- Freak [freak@pD9530BA1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("brb (X)") 14:36 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB40E76.ipt.aol.com] has quit () 14:37 -!- Freak [freak@pD9530BA1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:39 < blindcoder> huebi: https://www.crash-override.net/rocklinux/becd.tbz2 14:40 < blindcoder> the script and 2 documentation-files 14:40 -!- simon [~simon@pD951EC96.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14:40 < huebi> blindcoder: Thank you ! 14:43 < blindcoder> np 14:44 < fake> huebi: wanna see the solution? 14:44 < huebi> fake: Yes please ;-) 14:44 < fake> sed \ 14:44 < fake> "`grep -h -n "" $1 | awk '{ print $1+1 }' | sed s,:,,`,` \ 14:44 < fake> grep -h -n "<\/DataContent>" $1 | awk '{ print $1-1 }' | sed s,:,,`s/<.*>\(.*\)<\/.*>/\1/gi" $1 14:44 < fake> *wahaha* 14:45 < huebi> Thank you. (something new to understand) ;-)) 14:46 < fake> but the +1 us unnexessary 14:46 < fake> as is the -1 14:49 * huebi needs reading man pages ;> 14:50 < huebi> brb 14:55 < rolla_> re 14:56 -!- rolla_ is now known as rolla 14:56 < rxr> re 14:57 < huebi> hi rxr ;-) 14:58 < huebi> hi rolla 14:58 < huebi> ;-) 14:58 < rolla> hallo 14:58 * huebi getting something to eat... 14:58 < blindcoder> huebi: the Build-Build script still needs improvement... terminfo and vim still missing... >_< 15:00 < rxr> re huebi 15:02 < fake> huebi: ein problem hat das noch. es funktioniert nur bei einem match / datei 15:02 < fake> das mah ich jetzt ^^ 15:10 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A67.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 15:12 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux 15:12 < armijn> re 15:17 < rolla> which is the best version of gcc3 to use to compile 1.7 ? 15:18 < armijn> depends on the platform 15:18 < armijn> x86? 15:19 < rolla> yes 15:19 -!- clifford_ [~clifford@M112P006.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 15:20 < armijn> well, grab the latest 15:21 < rolla> 3.0.4 or 3.1 ? 15:21 -!- clifford_ [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux 15:21 < armijn> 3.1 is the latest 15:21 < rolla> okay 15:21 < rolla> thanks 15:31 < huebi> hi armijn 15:31 < esden> ok the gentoo testing mail is out 15:31 < armijn> gentoo? 15:32 < esden> yes armijn I have tested gentoo yesterday 15:32 < esden> and wrote a mail about my experiances 15:32 < huebi> esden: One more time without signature, please. 15:33 < esden> huebi: >_< 15:33 * -> esden sending this mail to huebi@rocklinux.org without signature 15:33 < huebi> What means this: >_< 15:33 < esden> huebi: boeser blick 15:34 < blindcoder> hi esden 15:34 < esden> hi blindcoder 15:34 < fake> hi esden 15:34 < esden> blindcoder: get your mail 15:34 < huebi> esden: Ab Freitag abend muss ich kein Outlook mehr nehmen. 15:34 < esden> fake hi 15:34 < esden> you too 15:34 < esden> @ fake 15:34 < fake> jajaja 15:34 < blindcoder> esden: easy... I'm testing the Build-CD @ Technik-01 15:34 < esden> huebi: endlich ... danke 15:34 < esden> blindcoder: cool 15:35 * fake still expanding the xmlifier 15:35 < blindcoder> esden: packages missing: terminfo vim(!) and modules 15:35 -!- rxr_ [~rene@port-212-202-169-162.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 15:36 < tsa> re rxr 15:37 < esden> huebi: sent 15:37 < huebi> esden: dankoe 15:37 < esden> blindcoder: VIM!!! 15:37 < esden> ;-) 15:37 < esden> huebi: bidde 15:38 < esden> fake: xmlifier ??? 15:40 < blindcoder> esden: du machst das mit absicht, nicht wahr? 15:40 < fake> esden: mad awksedbash-script ;) 15:40 * fake is replacing a stupid php script with shell scripts ;) 15:40 < esden> blindcoder: was mache ich mit absicht ? 15:40 < esden> fake: cool!!! 15:41 * -> esden loves mad things ;-) 15:41 < blindcoder> esden: die englische sprache genauso missbrauchen wie ich ;) 15:41 < esden> blindcoder: sure!!!! 15:41 < esden> I LOVE IT 15:41 < esden> ;-) 15:42 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-168-42.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15:44 < blindcoder> *argh* 15:44 < blindcoder> gotta go... c ya l8ter 15:44 < esden> blindcoder: ??? 15:44 < tsa> cu blindcoder 15:44 < esden> cu blindcoder 15:50 < snyke> esden? 15:50 < snyke> r u here 15:50 < snyke> ? 15:53 < esden> snyke: yes 15:54 * -> esden drinking jolt PROST 15:54 * huebi too. Prost 15:56 < rxr_> hi esden 15:56 -!- rxr_ is now known as rxr 15:56 < esden> huebi: I do not want to stress ... but have you got my mail ? 15:56 < esden> hi rxr 15:58 < huebi> esden: jo, I got it ;-) 15:58 < huebi> hi rxr 15:58 < tsa> rxr: hm...du bastelst doch an gnome2 rum.. 15:58 < rxr> tsa: tchja errr hm ... 15:58 < esden> huebi: good ... so read it ;-) 15:59 < tsa> rxr: fein. 15:59 < snyke> jolt? 15:59 < snyke> argh 15:59 < rxr> tsa: hast du gerade ein akutes prob ? 15:59 < huebi> esden: I just did so 15:59 < snyke> esden: kannst du mir was vorbeibringen? 15:59 < tsa> rxr: kann ich gtk 1.x und 2.x parallel installieren oder gibt das stress? 15:59 < rxr> tsa: jo das tut - auch im selben prefix 15:59 < esden> sorry for abusing the english language in this mail ... 15:59 < tsa> rxr: ok, danke... 15:59 < esden> snyke: was denn ? 15:59 < tsa> dann kann ich heute abend ja mal gtk2 compilen und xchat 1.9.1 testen.. 16:00 < rxr> hehe ;-) 16:00 * tsa will anti-aliasing. 16:00 < tsa> das mit gdkxft und ld_preload suckt. 16:00 < rxr> tsa: irrsi in an anti-aliased kconsole ;-) *g* 16:01 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux ("work!") 16:01 < snyke> esden: jolt! 16:01 < snyke> ich bezahlt dich auch 16:01 < esden> snyke: nope 16:01 < snyke> fürs jolt + fahren 16:01 < rxr> (or xterm - bu xterm has provlems with the various line characters ...) 16:01 < snyke> :) 16:01 < esden> snyke: sorry dass geht nicht 16:01 < esden> dass ist karlsruhe jolt 16:01 < esden> die wird nicht verkauft 16:02 < snyke> ich meine ingolstädter 16:02 < tsa> rxr: neee, ich verzichte.. 16:02 < snyke> das genügt 16:02 < esden> asoo ... dass laesst sicht arangieren 16:02 < rxr> tsa: <- xchat fan ? 16:02 < tsa> rxr: jupp.. 16:03 < rxr> ah. ok. I love text mode progs - they can be used over an ssh line - and can be run remotely in screen ;-) 16:07 < fake> how can i do hashes in bash? 16:14 < tsa> dunno. 16:15 < fake> Bash Reference Manual - This text is a brief description of the features that are present in the Bash shell. 16:15 < fake> yes. sure. in 648 kb. 16:16 < esden> *lough* 16:21 < blindcoder> fake: You don't want to see the COMPLETE feature-description then ;) 16:21 < blindcoder> btw. which package has `makeinfo` ? 16:23 < esden> what is the difference between RSA and DSA ? does somebody know a good description ? 16:23 < blindcoder> esden: the becd still doesn't work... e2fsprogs needs `makeinfo`-command in stage 1 >_< 16:24 < huebi> blindcoder: texinfo 16:24 < snyke> loool 16:24 < snyke> 16:24 < snyke> :))) 16:24 < snyke> HUSCH HUSCH WEG HIER 16:24 < snyke> lol 16:24 < blindcoder> huebi: thanks 16:24 < huebi> IMF00YC7:/opt/BackEx# grep -rl makeinfo /var/adm/flists/* 16:24 < huebi> /var/adm/flists/emacs 16:24 < huebi> /var/adm/flists/sendmail 16:24 < huebi> /var/adm/flists/texinfo 16:26 < esden> snyke: finger weg von apollo's webseite !!! ;-) 16:27 < snyke> hehe 16:27 < snyke> der vobis hat nen port80 scan gemacht, drum 16:27 < snyke> auf den i-team-ingolstadt-bingo.ev ip-raum 16:27 < fake> I was forced to use nano ... *ROFL* 16:28 < esden> fake: ;-) 16:28 < fake> esden: i know exactly how you must have felt. i had to use it once, too. it is uber_ugly 16:29 < esden> fake: thanks for your understanding 16:31 < blindcoder> esden: come on... we laughed a lot last night, didn't we ;) 16:33 < esden> blindcoder: sure we have ... it was a very funny evening 16:33 < esden> blindcoder: but I told you that I will mix gentoo with mud did'nt I ??? ;-) 16:33 < blindcoder> esden: oh and btw.: I can only offer nvi, not vim, since vim is ext and nvi is base 16:33 < blindcoder> esden: no offense meant ;) 16:36 < esden> blindcoder: nvi is ok 16:36 < esden> it is much better then NANO @#%$%@4~$@# 16:36 < blindcoder> hehe, that's for sure 16:36 < esden> we really need vi in base ... 16:37 < snyke> wow ql! telnet://blinkenlights.nl/ <--- cinema movie via telnet *LOL* 16:37 < esden> or better I would be very happy if we had vim in base 16:37 < blindcoder> esden: we will have to seduce huebi if we want that... 16:37 < esden> snyke: dass kennma schon ... 16:38 < snyke> ich aba no ned :/ 16:38 < blindcoder> esden: do you have some spare time? 16:38 < esden> huebi: *whistle* 16:38 < esden> blindcoder: why ? 16:39 < blindcoder> esden: I'm off to matthias in a few minutes to do some work that's left to be done and then back to bitz... 16:39 < esden> huebi: wake uuuup ... 16:40 < esden> blindcoder: i can not ... I have to wait ... because my mother wants that I help her get a bike for my brother 16:40 < blindcoder> kill -HUP huebi 16:40 < esden> and I have to call meli ... 16:40 < blindcoder> living at home with parents really sucks >_< 16:40 < esden> blindcoder: right 16:41 < blindcoder> well... more or less :D 16:41 * huebi on the pfone 16:41 < blindcoder> they can be... quite helpful 16:41 < esden> blindcoder: that is true too 16:41 < blindcoder> hmm huebi was just restarted and is already on the telephone... *hmm* 16:41 < blindcoder> esden: I got my final results today: final mark: 2! 16:41 < fake> Woooo! 16:42 < esden> 2 ... straeber !!! 16:42 < esden> ;-) 16:42 < blindcoder> and with that I'm the best in my group! 16:42 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:42 < fake> *applauds* 16:42 < esden> hi huebi 16:42 < esden> urgh 16:42 < holyolli> re 16:42 < esden> i mean holyolli 16:42 < holyolli> *g* hi esden :) 16:42 < blindcoder> fake: thanks *bow* 16:42 < esden> holyolli: curl is not working on my alpha >_< 16:43 < esden> it is dropping cores !!! >_< 16:43 < holyolli> oh. in what way? 16:43 < holyolli> args 16:43 < holyolli> the same as joe on my alpha does :-( 16:43 < blindcoder> esden: throwing... not dropping... 16:43 < esden> it drops it during the name resolution 16:43 < esden> blindcoder: yes right sory ... and thanks 16:43 < tsa> hi holyolli 16:43 < holyolli> hi tsa 16:44 < fake> throw seg, drop core? 16:44 < fake> dump core 16:44 < fake> that's it 16:44 < esden> dumping core 16:44 < holyolli> hehe 16:44 < esden> hmm ... 16:44 < fake> you throw a signal, but you dump a core. 16:44 < esden> that is prebably the right one 16:44 < esden> smash core 16:44 < esden> ;-) 16:44 < fake> eat core 16:45 < holyolli> buah! 16:45 < blindcoder> Ulch! That food was tainted... 16:45 < blindcoder> You feel deathly sick... 16:45 < esden> I have to go help my mother get a bike for my brother 16:45 < esden> >_< 16:45 < blindcoder> esden: have fun ;) 16:45 < esden> cu l8er 16:45 < holyolli> cu esden 16:46 < fake> cya! 16:46 < fake> blindcoder: did you get NWN et? 16:46 < blindcoder> fake: nope 16:46 < blindcoder> no time >_< 16:46 < fake> blindcoder: then take your time.... it's _really_ worth it! 16:46 < blindcoder> you can dump it on my FTP ;) 16:47 < blindcoder> is the linux-version ready to use? 16:47 < fake> blindcoder: mldonkey is _much_ faster. i got the 3 cds in half a day. 16:47 < blindcoder> send me the ed2k:// s 16:47 < fake> blindcoder: sheareactor 16:47 < fake> sharereactor.com 16:47 < blindcoder> yukai 16:48 < fake> blindcoder: the linux version is not _yet_ released.... 16:48 < fake> but you'll need the win-cds anyways. 16:48 < blindcoder> yeah sure... but I have some trouble with my win-installation... and no win-cds lying around... 16:50 < fake> blindcoder: i'm sure you will be equiped with _plenty_ if you ask zero ;) 16:50 < blindcoder> *WAAAAH* 16:50 < blindcoder> ILL DO IT AT HOME!! 16:50 < blindcoder> I'm not used to pop-ups anymore... 16:50 < blindcoder> and no mozilla around... 16:51 < fake> blindcoder: ssh apollo -x w3m https://www.sharereactor.com 16:51 < huebi> 16:33 < blindcoder> esden: oh and btw.: I can only offer nvi, not vim, since vim is ext and nvi is base 16:51 < fake> ;-) 16:51 < blindcoder> huebi: yes? 16:51 < huebi> vim will be in opt 16:52 < blindcoder> oh... cool ;) then I'll see what 1.5.17 will bring ;) 16:52 < blindcoder> fake: I'm on a Win-Box right now... 16:52 < fake> blindcoder: so? putty! 16:52 < blindcoder> fake: hai, hai... lazyness, okaY? 16:53 * tsa reading esden's mail 16:53 < blindcoder> okay, I'm now off to matthias... getting a keyboard like esden has *hehe* 16:55 < fake> blindcoder: baka. 16:55 < huebi> cu blindcoder 17:01 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has quit ("X-Chat: Reserve your copy of X-Chat for the Nintendo 64 today!") 17:03 < rolla> hmm my 1.7 x86 build cannot find the gcc3 I just installed :( 17:12 < rolla> hmm odd it found it once I linked it into /usr/bin instead of /usr/local/bin 17:13 < rolla> dang that didn't work :( 17:20 < [anders]> hohum.. time to get OpenSSH 3.3 17:20 < huebi> [anders]: jo! 17:21 < [anders]> wonder if my old sshd_config will work with it.. 17:21 < SMP> [anders]: how old is it? 17:22 < [anders]> SMP: a few days.. 17:22 < [anders]> Oh, you ment my config, uhm.. it worked with 3.1 and 3.2.2 17:22 < SMP> changes from 3.2 to 3.3 are rather few 17:22 < SMP> it'll do 17:23 < [anders]> yeah.. now I just have to find the archive.. :) 17:23 < huebi> [anders]: https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/rock-1.5/base-config/openssh/ 17:24 < [anders]> I ment the openssh.tar.gz.. :) 17:24 < fake> hehe. awk rulez. 17:24 < huebi> ftp://ftp.openbsd.com/pub/OpenBSD/OpenSSH/portable/ 17:24 < [anders]> huebi: cheers.. :) 17:26 -!- benhur [~benhur@akascha.marcant.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:26 -!- benhur is now known as BenHur 17:28 < [anders]> humma.. hacking the openssh.pz file, running Puzzle and then Build-Pkg is so easy.. :) 17:30 < huebi> [anders]: ;-)))))) 17:31 < huebi> one reason I use ROCK Linux... 17:31 < [anders]> ok, the new openssh required a user sshd created and a directory /var/empty created, that's it.. 17:31 < [anders]> installed. 17:32 < huebi> rocklinux.dyndns.org also needs many updates and some hardware changes. 17:33 * [anders] have started to order the bits for the Shuttle SS40G 17:33 < huebi> kool 17:33 < [anders]> Da.. Will enjoy a fast machine lots.. :) 17:33 < [anders]> Will probably put Debian on there to start with.. Need a system to build Rock with.. 17:34 < [anders]> and Debian supports devfs as well as allows install over the net.. 17:34 < huebi> [anders]: why not just get an ISO? 17:34 < [anders]> My ROCK 1.4.0 cd's are a little old.. 17:34 < [anders]> No cd/rw 17:34 < huebi> of ROCK 1.5.16 17:34 < huebi> hmm 17:35 < [anders]> If I install debian, I can keep that up2date easily and I can have a compiler station in a few hours.. 17:36 < huebi> cu later. I go home 17:37 < rolla> are there problems with gcc3.1 and perl on rock 1.7 ?? 17:40 < tsa> perl problem should be resolved in current snapshots, IIRC .. 17:41 < esden> re hi all 17:41 < rolla> when did it come out ? 17:42 < simon-> fake 17:42 < rxr> rolla: yes the prob is fixed 17:42 < simon-> are you there? 17:42 < rxr> it was caused by the new /usr/local/include handling of gcc 17:43 < rxr> it emmits a warning - and this warning makes many configure script check (like the ones in perl) fail 17:43 < rxr> we now use our gcc wrapper to remove the -I/usr/local/include from the gcc options. 17:43 < fake> simon- yes? 17:43 < rolla> :) thanks 17:44 * [anders] off home now.. 17:44 < [anders]> cya guys.... 17:44 < simon-> fake it didn't work :-( 17:44 < rxr> cd [anders] 17:44 < rxr> er cu ;-) 17:44 < simon-> you know.. the dup2 thing 17:44 < fake> simon- still the same error? 17:45 < fake> were there errors on your fs? 17:45 < [anders]> rxr: *grin* 17:45 < simon-> fake still the same.. the filesystem is ok.. both disk are in the raid.. 17:45 < [anders]> ~~~ 17:45 -!- [anders] [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has quit ("lalalalala") 17:45 < simon-> fake none 17:45 < fake> simon- if you boot from the bootdisks and chroot into your system and mount proc by hand - does it work? 17:46 < simon-> fake yes it does.. 17:46 < fake> what distribution are you using? rock? 17:46 < simon-> fake i better should 17:46 < simon-> redhat 17:46 < fake> *ugh* 17:47 < fake> well, what happened, then? 17:47 < rolla> fake it is not that bad ;) 17:47 < fake> did you update/change anything? 17:49 < simon-> fake sorry.. mein chef ;-) 17:49 < simon-> fake we had a powerloss, yesterday 17:49 < fake> let's switch to german ;) 17:49 < fake> hm... 17:49 < simon-> fake ok :-) 17:49 < simon-> also szenraio: 17:49 < fake> powerloss heisst ueblicherweise fs-problem... 17:49 < simon-> stromausfall gestern.. 17:49 < simon-> ext3 17:50 < simon-> root raid1 software 17:50 < simon-> mit rh 7.2 17:50 < simon-> hdds beide ok 17:50 < simon-> alle filesysteme ok 17:50 < simon-> kann auf jedes filesystem zugreifen 17:51 < simon-> raidstart mit rescue cd ok 17:51 < fake> do you use the same kernel on the rescue cd and in your system? 17:51 < simon-> fake.. den fehler gabs mal in der kernel mailingliste.. hat aber nie jemand geantwortet (ein jahr her) 17:51 < fake> shit. wollte ja deutsch ;) 17:51 < simon-> 2.4.7 rescue cd 17:52 < simon-> 2.4.19-pre8 normales system 17:52 < simon-> fake sollte es daran liegen? 17:52 < simon-> das system is eigentlich so konzipiert das es selbst mit einer hdd bootet und läuft. 17:53 < simon-> dank grub. 17:53 < fake> hm... wie is nochmal die genaue fehlermeldung? 17:53 < simon-> dup2: bad file descriptor 17:53 < fake> simon- : man dup2 17:54 < simon-> mounting /proc filesystem is rh eigen 17:54 < fake> irgendwo in den startupscripten wird dup2 ausgefuerht, auf etwas, das es nicht gibt 17:54 < fake> fahre das rescue-system hoch, mounte die platte und mach am besten irgendwo in dem redhat-startupskrietn-gewirr-verzeichnis ein 17:54 < fake> grep -r dup2 * | grep proc 17:54 < fake> oder so 17:55 < fake> wenn der nix findet dann das hintere grep weglassen 17:55 < simon-> hmm, ok.. das mach ich hier mal 17:55 < simon-> bin gleich wieder da.. :-) 17:55 < fake> viel glueck! 17:57 < simon-> nirgendwo .. 17:59 < fake> oh-ja-das keonnte dran liegen dass dup2 eine C-Funktion is, wie mir gerade auffaellt. 17:59 < fake> hast du gdb installiert? 17:59 < fake> schmarrn 17:59 < fake> bringt ja auch nix 17:59 < simon-> im "haupt_init_script" habe ich aber die zeile gefunden die dafür verantwortlich ist: mount -n -t proc /proc /proc 17:59 < fake> -n ? 17:59 < fake> das muss heissen 17:59 < fake> mount -t proc none /proc 18:00 < simon-> -n heißt das er nicht in /etc/mtab schreit 18:00 < simon-> s/schreit/schreibt 18:00 < simon-> kann mir nicht vorstellen das es daran liegt. 18:01 < fake> hm... aber daran dass da 2 mal /proc steht 18:01 < fake> cut&paste die zeile mal (*g*) in die rescue-shell 18:01 < fake> nach dem chroot 18:01 < fake> und schau ob es da den gleichen fehler gibt 18:01 < simon-> das ist bei rh so.. 18:01 < simon-> nope 18:02 < simon-> gibts nicht 18:02 < fake> gdb mount -t proc none /proc 18:02 < fake> backtrace 18:02 < simon-> das ist nicht nur bei proc so.. das ist bei allem 18:02 < fake> dann is wohl dein mount im arsch? o_O 18:03 < simon-> der wirft mich ja auf eine shell wenn ich das system so starte, dort kann ich mount ohne probleme nutzen. 18:04 < simon-> ich schau mal.. hab eine platte ausgebaut. ich meld mich nochmal. aber danke für die hilfe!! 18:04 < simon-> bis nachher.. 18:04 < fake> sorry dass ich dir nich weiterhelfen kann... 18:04 < fake> viel glueck noch 18:04 < simon-> fake ich werds brauchen! danke trotzdem! 18:14 < esden> ... 18:14 * fake l4m3r 18:15 < esden> yepp ;-) 18:20 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1C978.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 18:21 < rolla> :( 18:56 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1C978.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:57 < esden> linux kernel rc1 is out !!!!! 18:57 < tsa> ..und wech 18:57 -!- tsa [~tsa@rossini.marcant.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 18:59 -!- BenHur [~benhur@akascha.marcant.net] has quit ("ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet?") 19:11 < fake> YES 19:11 < fake> finally i killed that damn XML 19:11 < fake> BITCH 19:11 < fake> *jumps around* 19:11 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux 19:11 < armijn> re 19:12 < fake> re! 19:12 < armijn> ! 19:12 < fake> ? 19:12 < fake> | 19:12 < fake> +----> 19:12 < armijn> moo! 19:12 < fake> meow? 19:12 < armijn> beeeh 19:12 < fake> bzzz 19:13 < armijn> so, will Korea beat Germany as well? 19:13 < fake> i hope so 19:13 < armijn> same here 19:13 < fake> Korea rulez 19:13 < armijn> but that's just because it's Germany ;-) 19:13 < fake> ;P 19:13 < armijn> hey, of course, they've got a Dutch coach :) 19:13 < fake> *LOL* 19:13 < fake> and an italian goalkeeper, IIRC 19:13 < armijn> well, not that I know of... 19:14 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-169-162.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19:14 < fake> i may very well be wrong. i am proud to be a soccer lamer 19:14 < armijn> heheh 19:14 < armijn> lamer 19:14 < armijn> well, football can be fun (please, don't say soccer, that's for americans) 19:14 < armijn> especially placing bets :) 19:15 < fake> soccer soccer! :P 19:15 < armijn> lamer lamer! 19:17 < fake> bow before me, for i am lame! 19:17 < fake> ;-) 19:17 -!- cchamilt [~cchamilt@cm176.omega33.scvmaxonline.com.sg] has joined #rocklinux 19:18 < armijn> hi cchamilt 19:18 < cchamilt> Hello everybody 19:18 < cchamilt> Have the Gentoo people been by to beat up on esden? 19:18 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-174-201.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 19:18 < cchamilt> I figured it would happen by now. 19:19 < armijn> hehehe 19:19 < armijn> no, but that's because we've got fake 19:19 < armijn> and fake is lame! 19:19 < armijn> bow before me, for i am lame! 19:19 < fake> hi cchamilt! 19:20 < cchamilt> Hello 19:20 < armijn> cchamilt: say hi to yocelyn :) 19:21 < cchamilt> armijn: done. 19:21 < fake> cchamilt: ask her what's so funny about VW buses. 19:21 < armijn> the old ones? from the 70s? 19:21 < armijn> they're soooo cool 19:21 < esden> re hi all 19:21 < armijn> you can fit lots of stuff in them 19:21 < esden> muhuhuhu 19:21 < armijn> lots of beer :) 19:22 < cchamilt> fake: she does not recall the discussion. 19:22 < armijn> she drank all the beer from on of the buses 19:22 < armijn> so she forgot 19:22 < fake> cchamilt: :_: so that's what discussions with me/esden are worth for her .... *cries* 19:22 < fake> well. as i am lame, i deserve no better. 19:22 < armijn> fake: well, I bet you don't recall our conversations from HAL/CCC 19:23 < fake> armijn: you were on HAL? ;) 19:23 < armijn> fake: grrr! 19:23 < fake> *roaaaar* 19:23 * armijn takes out his LART 19:23 < cchamilt> fake: she says she doesn't want to talk about it 19:23 < fake> catfight! 19:23 < armijn> *HIIIISSSSSSSS* 19:24 < esden> hi cchamilt 19:24 < cchamilt> fake: I am not sure what you guys discussed. Hmmm 19:24 < fake> cchamilt: okay. i'll bug her on CCC. 19:24 < esden> so by the way ;-) 19:24 < armijn> maybe somethign about making love in VW buses? 19:24 < cchamilt> Who wants to come to Singapore? 19:24 < armijn> cchamilt: depends 19:24 * -> esden ... but when and for what money 19:25 < armijn> esden: chris sent an e-mail out about the "when"! 19:25 * -> esden = no money man 19:25 -!- freed [~bofh@konzentrat.tfh-berlin.de] has joined #rocklinux 19:25 < fake> cchamilt: bringing weed along wouldn't be a good idea, right? 19:25 < cchamilt> So far swanky hotels and possibly free airfare. Budgets... 19:25 < esden> armijn: I know 19:25 < freed> hi @ll 19:25 * -> esden checking 19:25 < armijn> hmm...what's "swanky" 19:25 < armijn> as in "crappy"? 19:25 < cchamilt> No week please. 19:25 < cchamilt> weed that is. 19:25 < freed> rxr? 19:25 < armijn> fake: you should come to .nl for that... 19:25 < fake> cchamilt: that strikes out the most productive developers ;)) 19:26 < armijn> fake: at least it's "allowed" here... 19:26 < cchamilt> As in $300 a night. 19:26 < fake> oh. as in "*****". 19:26 < armijn> cchamilt: as in, bloody expensive... 19:26 < armijn> wow. 19:26 < cchamilt> fake: They claim so... 19:26 < armijn> hehe, I thought fake was censoring himself :)) 19:26 < cchamilt> We may allow you to use the budget on airfare instead. 19:26 < freed> rxr: hi martin hier. was machten kdevelop? 19:27 < armijn> hey du! ja, jawohl! 19:27 < armijn> setenv LANG=de_DE 19:27 < fake> cchamilt: it involved something about giving a talk, right? 19:27 < cchamilt> We just allocate speaker per attendee estimates. So.... 19:27 < cchamilt> fake: Yep, A real paper. 19:27 < armijn> cchamilt: you might want to limit the budget for foreign speakers 19:27 < rxr> hi freed 19:27 < armijn> cchamilt: that's what we do at the NLUUG 19:28 < fake> cchamilt: i'm ugly. i won't bug the listeners. 19:28 < cchamilt> armijn:We only get foreign developers 19:28 < armijn> fake: so are the audience ;-) 19:28 < rxr> freed: are you martin or freed ??? 19:28 < freed> lol beides 19:28 < armijn> hmm...sounds like someone is having an identity crisis there... 19:28 < freed> sind im ini, nexus is online ;) 19:28 < esden> ok the time is ok 19:28 < esden> @ cchamilt 19:28 < armijn> cchamilt: webpage? 19:29 < cchamilt> We'll have BOFs too, but only free attendance for speaking there. 19:29 < rxr> freed: what's up ? 19:29 < esden> cchamilt: money is a problem 19:29 < freed> na der mirror is wieder online 19:29 < cchamilt> armijn:no page yet. Hell I can't confirm the date. 19:29 < cchamilt> I was supposed to announce the call yesterday... 19:29 < armijn> cchamilt: I've got your e-mail in front of me... 19:30 * armijn quotes 19:30 < armijn> "It is tentatively scheduled for the 25th through the 27th." 19:30 < cchamilt> Well we can try and get airfare or maybe an airline sponsor. 19:30 -!- rolla [~Der@stlmaisenhel.ugs.com] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 19:30 < armijn> already scheduling a trip to france a bit earlier... 19:30 < cchamilt> It is just not likely that we can do it for everyone. 19:30 < armijn> but yeah, I'm interested... 19:30 < armijn> cchamilt: have you seen our call for papers? 19:30 < armijn> https://www.nluug.nl/events/nj02/index.html 19:30 < armijn> https://www.nluug.nl/events/nj02/cfp-uk.html 19:31 < armijn> (the latter) 19:31 < armijn> hmmm...back in a few 19:31 < cchamilt> armijn:Just now... 19:33 < cchamilt> Well anyways, I just want ideas for papers right now. 19:33 < cchamilt> We want to interest the SME market, but anything is OK. 19:34 < fake> SME? 19:34 < cchamilt> Small/Medium Enterprises 19:34 < fake> aw. Clusters. 19:34 < cchamilt> Yeah, no... 19:34 < fake> we-cluster-everything paper. 19:35 < cchamilt> Its the market that all the big Unix companies added Linux extensions for. 19:35 < fake> ah? 19:35 < fake> like? 19:35 < cchamilt> So they can upgrade you to a better platform with Unix stability, Linux like compatibility. 19:35 < fake> IBM, Sun? 19:36 < cchamilt> AS/400s running as Lotus notes servers. That sort of wasteful crap. 19:36 < fake> oh. wow. what sort of papers would you expect? 19:36 < cchamilt> Yep. 19:36 < armijn> will there be developers? 19:36 < fake> (I guess PS2-Clusters won't work ;) 19:36 < cchamilt> No clue really. We ere hoping for anecdotal roll-out stories. 19:37 < cchamilt> I have no idea how we can do developers yet. 19:37 < fake> live hacking. dresscode. 19:37 < cchamilt> We are going with a 'business' track and a 'technical' track. 19:37 < armijn> I could talk about stuff like "software portability" 19:37 < armijn> so, that's software engineering 19:38 < fake> i could talk about how to replace linux with windows. 19:38 < armijn> think CVS, think GNU AutoTools, etc. 19:38 < fake> ;) 19:38 < cchamilt> We will have tutorials, but it would be in using a tool or program. 19:38 < fake> aaw. armijn, i've got a ques 19:38 < armijn> cchamilt: a tutorial about software portability? :) 19:38 < armijn> fake: shoot 19:38 < fake> armijn: do you know the "autoconf"-uglyness of gcc3 ? 19:39 < cchamilt> dresscode is anything. I think it would be great to loosen up Asia. 19:39 < armijn> fake: nope, but it sounds like it's ugly :) 19:39 < fake> armijn: about softare piracy ;) 19:39 < armijn> cchamilt: I'll think about something 19:39 < cchamilt> Well anything is fine, even goofy stuff like replacing windows. 19:39 < fake> armijn: configure.in is a shell script if you run autoconf in the directory - it doesnt complain. no-no. it produes a configure-script. 0 bytes size. 19:39 -!- simon- [~simon@securitas.r-tec.net] has quit () 19:40 < cchamilt> That is why I want ideas, We are clueless. 19:40 < armijn> cchamilt: just Linux? 19:40 < cchamilt> armijn:Open source is fine. 19:40 < armijn> cchamilt: give me a few minutes and I'll mail you a list :) 19:40 < armijn> cchamilt: ok 19:41 < cchamilt> fake:What version of automake, etc are you using? 19:41 < fake> cchamilt: 2.53 19:41 < fake> autoconf 19:41 < fake> automake 1.6 and yes, i have a running perl. 19:42 < fake> (thanks to rxr !) 19:42 < cchamilt> fake:I think it was once an update (1.5) that I saw something like that. 19:42 < fake> im a 1.7.. 19:42 < fake> aw, what the hell. i'll have a look at it again. at home. 19:42 < fake> where i'm heading. cya 19:43 < cchamilt> fake:No automake vers, anyway cya. 19:43 < armijn> cchamilt: working on a list... 19:43 < cchamilt> I should probably go soon too. 19:43 < cchamilt> I have an SP4 to play with tomorrow. Yumm AIX. 19:43 < armijn> cchamilt: that's why I'm sending it by mail :) 19:43 < armijn> urgh 19:45 < cchamilt> esden:Could you play with gentoo's downloading? 19:45 < esden> cchamilt: yes i could 19:45 < esden> why ? 19:45 < cchamilt> esden:I heard they had link problems? 19:46 < cchamilt> esden:Just wanted to compare their package capability with ours. 19:46 < esden> hmm ... ok ... i will look in it 19:47 < esden> and then I will write another mail 19:47 < cchamilt> Well, I think I should go. I'll try and come back tomorrow. 19:47 < armijn> cu 19:47 < cchamilt> esden:Good! 19:47 < esden> cchamilt: could you write something to the mailinglist ... so that there is some discussion or so ? 19:47 < esden> till now there was no reaction ... 19:47 < cchamilt> I'll try and have a call for papers tomorrow. 19:47 < armijn> esden: oh, I read it... 19:48 < armijn> esden: just no time to respond so far 19:48 < esden> armijn: ahh ok ... 19:48 < cchamilt> OK. Bye all. 19:48 < armijn> cchamilt: in about an hour you've got a list 19:48 < armijn> cu 19:48 -!- cchamilt [~cchamilt@cm176.omega33.scvmaxonline.com.sg] has quit ("ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet?") 19:50 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@dhcp024-210-218-255.woh.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux 19:53 < huebi> re 19:55 < esden> re huebi 19:58 < huebi> esden: what sort of memory does the alphastation 443a need? 19:59 < esden> huebi: no idea ... 19:59 < esden> i have not looked for it 19:59 < esden> i need memory for my pws433 19:59 < huebi> esden: What alphastation do you have? 20:00 < esden> the name is ... personal workstation 433 and i have also a alphastation 255 20:00 < esden> i can look inside and check what ram is in it 20:01 < huebi> esden: is the box ripclaw offered the same as yours? 20:01 < esden> no the bok ripclaw offers is faster then mine 20:01 < armijn> it's expensiive money 20:02 < esden> huebi: it is not the tower model i had on lt ... but a desktop thingy 20:02 < armijn> hi huebi! 20:02 < esden> normally in gray/blue color 20:02 < huebi> hi armijn ;-) 20:02 < huebi> esden: he says that it is the same as yours... 20:03 < armijn> urgh, want 1.5.16 changelog 20:03 < huebi> armijn: I did some stuff on sparc64 but I still have to fix the kernel package. 20:03 < esden> huebi: the modules look like simm modules 20:03 < esden> but i do not think that they are the same 20:04 < huebi> esden: ECC? registered? 20:04 < huebi> SDRAM like modules? 20:04 < armijn> huebi: as in, need better config? 20:04 < huebi> or PS/2 Modules 20:04 < armijn> huebi: did you fix stuff? 20:05 < esden> huebi: looks like ps2 20:05 < esden> I will look online 20:05 -!- rolla [~Der@stlmaisenhel.ugs.com] has joined #rocklinux 20:05 < esden> re rolla 20:05 < rolla> re 20:05 < huebi> armijn: config now ok. the kernel now compiles 20:05 < huebi> +is 20:06 < huebi> but there are the asebler files doubled in linux and linux-src 20:07 < huebi> hi rolla 20:07 < rolla> hallo 20:09 < esden> huebi: "A PC164SX takes plain PC100 SDRAM (unbuffered, non-ECC)" 20:09 < huebi> kool 20:09 < esden> hmm ... no idea if the motherboard in as is a sx 20:09 * -> esden checking 20:11 < armijn> huebi: but you said you still have to fix the kernel package.... 20:12 < huebi> armijn: Yes. There are files in linux and also in linux-src. But now the kernel compiles and works. 20:12 < armijn> so, then what's the problem? 20:12 < esden> huebi: The AlphaStation 200 series takes standard 60ns or 70ns 72 pin parity 20:12 < esden> simms. The sizes it will work with are 8, 16, 32 & 64 meg simms, that must be 20:12 < esden> added in pairs. I would suspect that yours will take the same. 20:13 < fake> re. 20:13 < huebi> esden: How many Pins do the simms have? 20:13 < fake> 172 ? 20:14 < fake> esden is counting ;) 20:14 < huebi> 168 or 72 20:14 < esden> 72-pin SIMM 20:14 < fake> *ugh* 20:14 < esden> in the 200 alphastation 20:14 < huebi> and in the big one? 20:14 < fake> esden: you are counting pretty fast. 20:14 < huebi> there should be 168 pins 20:15 < huebi> if you have 184 it's a sun 20:15 < fake> who counts these pins?? 20:15 < armijn> well, esden of course! 20:15 * -> esden contitues the search 20:16 < huebi> fake: It's not clear what sort of simm is meant by esden. Best to count the pins 20:16 < fake> huebi: oh, and measure the current 20:17 < huebi> fake: and the voltage... 20:17 < fake> and if they break when you jump onto them 20:18 < fake> how they taste, smell.... etc ;) 20:18 < fake> huebi: how was the bbq ? 20:18 < huebi> there a also DRAMs (nomally 72) with the size of SDRAM (168 pins) 20:18 < fake> the one is DIMM, the other SIMM 20:20 < huebi> fake: Very, very nice. Many different people, interesting talks. 20:20 < fake> damn it. that's not what i wanted to hear ;) 20:20 < huebi> fake PS/2 SIMM and SIMM (30 pins) 20:21 < huebi> and Ella eating some dirt and saying "lecker" - big loughing 20:21 < armijn> huebi: so, are there any problems left on sparc64? 20:21 < armijn> well, dirt can be really nice... 20:21 < armijn> :) 20:22 < fake> hehe. SIMM. reminds me of the good times. 20:22 < fake> wheren't that 32? i dunno - i never counted them ;)) 20:23 < huebi> I have old FastPageMode SIMMs with parity in my SparcStation IPX 20:23 < rolla> :)\ 20:23 < armijn> huebi: got an IPX? 20:23 * fake exchanged "his" IPC for a SS5. 20:23 < esden> huebi: there is no sure answer for your question ... some people say that it is ok ... and other people say that as need 36bit ram and not 32bit .. strange 20:24 < huebi> armijn: Yes there are. Silo e. g. must be fixed for devfs and needs a working silo.conf 20:24 < armijn> huebi: I thought silo had been fixed for devfs... 20:24 < armijn> or was that just rippi talking... 20:24 < huebi> fake: kool deal. 20:24 < huebi> sun4m for an old sun4c 20:24 < esden> huebi: https://www.venturatech.com/digital.html 20:24 < fake> huebi: yes, because the IPC was broken - not only the on-die-battery, but also the power supply. 20:25 < rolla> fake: I got an old SS2 :) 20:25 < fake> i've got a ss20 at work 20:25 < esden> rolla: I have also a ss2 20:25 < armijn> I've got an Ultra1 20:25 < fake> but i can't get it :( not our's 20:25 < rolla> my prom is dead in it :( 20:25 < armijn> and two javastations 20:25 < rolla> yeah I had a java station around here somewhere 20:26 * fake will get an HP Server 9000 really soon 20:26 < huebi> fake: I gave away my IPC with 64MB! fully loaded and a CG6 because the onboard bwtwo war broken. 20:26 < fake> cg6? bwtwo? 20:26 < armijn> huebi: but devfs hasn't been fixed? I thought rippi said it was! 20:26 < fake> armijn: you will do the hppa port, right? 20:27 < huebi> rolla: The prom costs about 10 to 15 $ SG Microelectronics 20:27 < rolla> website ?? 20:27 < armijn> fake: nope, not anymore. Don't have hppa right now 20:27 < armijn> fake: sparc first 20:27 < armijn> fake: sparc64 first, then alpha and sparc 20:27 < huebi> rolla: SGS Tomson? 20:27 < huebi> rolla: mom 20:27 < fake> armijn: unfortunately i will not be allowed to sell/give away the machine :( 20:28 < rolla> that sucks 20:28 < fake> armijn: but i'll be able to port a bit. but i will not maintain it - mips is first ;) 20:28 < armijn> fake: ah, all my machines are like that :) 20:28 < rolla> I hate it when companies do that :( 20:28 * armijn pokes huebi 20:28 < huebi> rolla: https://www.us.st.com/stonline/index.htm 20:28 < rolla> danke 20:29 < fake> rolla: it's about where the machine goes after you strike it out of the records 20:29 < armijn> huebi: but devfs hasn't been fixed? I thought rippi said it was! 20:30 < rolla> true 20:30 < huebi> armijn: He called me, and he wants to have it done till the weekend. But he has no sparc arround and is in Munich on a sun training 20:30 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-174-201.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 20:30 < fake> in munich on a SUN training. and no sparc around. *argh* 20:30 * fake wants to be in munich too 20:30 < armijn> heh, I don't want to be in munich 20:30 < huebi> rolla: below the yello mark with the ethernet ID you have the IC name. 20:31 < huebi> +w 20:31 < fake> armijn: think about all the good b33r! 20:31 < armijn> fake: not very fond of german beer... 20:31 < rolla> no :( 20:31 < rolla> box is at home I am at work 20:32 < fake> armijn: german wine, perhaps? 20:32 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5602.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:32 < owl> hi 20:32 < fake> hi owl! 20:32 < huebi> hi owl 20:32 < armijn> huebi: so, the devfs fix will have to wait...hmm...not funny...but then there are still other packages that need to be fixed 20:32 < rolla> re owl 20:32 < armijn> fake: nah, belgian and dutch beer :) 20:32 < huebi> armijn: stout! 20:32 < fake> *urgh* i had that at HAL 20:33 < armijn> fake: was that Heineken? 20:33 < armijn> or Grolsch? 20:33 < fake> armijn: both. 20:33 < armijn> Grolsch is the only dutch beer that follows the reinheitsgebot 20:33 < armijn> but Heineken is just gross 20:33 < huebi> flood of sparc64 errors following 20:33 < huebi> root@rock:/var/tmp # ls -tr 3* 20:33 < huebi> 3-nasm.err 3-gnome-utils.err 3-rep-gtk.err 20:33 < huebi> 3-linux.err 3-gnome-network.err 3-sawfish.err 20:33 < huebi> 3-mtools.err 3-gedit.err 3-apmd.err 20:33 < huebi> 3-alsa.err 3-galeon.err 3-softdog.err 20:33 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-168-68.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:33 < huebi> 3-libgtop.err 3-nautilus.err 3-pcmcia-cs.err 20:34 < huebi> 3-gdm.err 3-gtop.err 3-iproute2.err 20:34 < huebi> 3-gnome-core.err 3-eog.err 3-openssh.err 20:34 < huebi> 3-gnome-applets.err 3-xscreensaver.err 20:34 < huebi> 20:34 < armijn> fake: it would be like saying that all german beer is gross, because I don't like Warsteiner... 20:34 < huebi> hi rene 20:34 * owl is confused right now. is it channel about beer or linux? ;P 20:34 < fake> armijn: yeah yeah. please... i want that last bit of national proud ;) 20:34 < huebi> rxr: 3-libgtop.err <- did you fix it for sparc64? 20:34 < armijn> huebi: I think it might be because of kernel errors... 20:34 < huebi> owl: about OpenBeer 20:35 < fake> from the Redmond Hills 20:35 < owl> omg! ;) 20:36 * fake saw an original UltraSparc beer bottle. 20:36 < fake> in langen ;) 20:36 < huebi> Original Harley Beer in 5l bins coms here from Pfungstadt. 20:37 < huebi> +e 20:37 < fake> b33r rul3z 20:37 < rolla> 133t b33r ? 20:39 < huebi> The CEO of my prefered berr Grohe Export did die 3 Months ago... very sad and very good beer. Also avaliable in 30 , 50 and bigger wooden barrels. 20:40 < huebi> big fun on parties this Beer. 20:41 < armijn> heheheh 20:41 < huebi> I have to leave getting some gyrotwisters - https://www.gyrotwister.de/netscape/index.php4 20:41 < huebi> I'll be back at 22:00 MET 20:42 < armijn> heheh 20:42 < armijn> huebi will build muscles! 20:42 < armijn> so he can type better 20:42 < armijn> have fun! 20:45 < armijn> he needs that 20:52 < armijn> yeah, am off 20:52 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has quit ("ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet?") 21:10 < fake> *grrr* why can't i understand that damn configure script? 21:11 < rolla> cause it is written in greek ? 21:16 < fake> rolla: no. because it's broken. 21:17 < fake> it says: "If we are on a mips machine, don't use libffi." 21:17 < fake> but then: "If we are building gcj, include libffi anyways." 21:17 < fake> so it seems 21:18 < rolla> :) 21:29 -!- [anders] [~guest@] has joined #rocklinux 21:35 < fake> *ARGH* 21:35 < fake> i simply have to specify --target, not --host !! 21:35 < [anders]> :) 21:35 < fake> what a stupid configure script .... 21:35 < rolla> that sucks 21:37 < fake> YES. finally... 21:37 < fake> boy.... 2 days of digging into shell scripts... just for a --target not --host >_< 21:40 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9525C76.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:41 < tsa> re 21:45 < fake> re tsa 21:55 < tsa> hi fake 21:56 -!- simon [~simon@p50875ADE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:57 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs3.xs4all.nl] has joined #rocklinux 22:00 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs3.xs4all.nl] has quit (Client Quit) 22:10 < term_aweh> good night 22:10 -!- term_aweh [~pm@pD9E334DE.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("zz") 22:12 < [anders]> Ho hum.. just ordered all apart from the Shuttle Barebone case.. Only £1100 quid.... *AAAAAAAAAARRRRGHHHHHH!!!!* 22:15 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs3.xs4all.nl] has joined #rocklinux 22:19 -!- freed [~bofh@konzentrat.tfh-berlin.de] has quit ("BitchX-1.0c19 -- just do it.") 22:21 < esden> re hi all 22:22 < owl> re esden 22:23 < ringo78> re esden 22:37 < esden> ok ... another mail sent to rocklinux mailinglist about gentoo 22:40 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACBA04EF.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux 22:51 < ringo78> whats the mather with the rock read only sub-distro ? Is it discontunued ? 22:51 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:52 < ringo78> s/discontunued/discontinued 22:52 < holyolli> re 22:58 < esden> re holyolli 22:58 < holyolli> hi esden 22:58 < esden> ringo78: I have not heard anything about it for long time now 22:58 * -> esden copying alpha stuff to his home 22:59 < holyolli> esden: which? 1.5? 23:01 < ringo78> I'll give it a try tomorrow, got to sleep .... n8 alle ! 23:02 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs3.xs4all.nl] has quit ("leaving") 23:03 < esden> holyolli: no the html pages 23:07 < fake> wow... gcc3 finished already? 23:08 < fake> ow. stage1. yes. c-only ;) 23:11 < rolla> cool fake 23:13 < fake> rolla: stage1 always worked ;) 23:14 < rolla> ah 23:15 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A67.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit ("°ShowDowN v12 PrO° since 1996: https://www.sci.fi/~showdown/") 23:24 -!- clifford_ [~clifford@] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 23:49 < huebi> MoeP! 23:49 < th> huch 23:51 < huebi> On my way home a drunken man wrecked my car and tried to drive away. 23:51 < huebi> th Post ? ;-) 23:54 < huebi> I got him. hehe 23:56 < tsa> hmm... 23:56 < tsa> how drunk was he? 23:57 < huebi> not too much. He was still able to walk but not to drive in the normal way. 23:58 < huebi> he had not lost his mother toung --- Log closed Tue Jun 25 00:00:14 2002