--- Log opened Tue Jun 25 00:00:14 2002 --- Day changed Tue Jun 25 2002 00:00 < tsa> hehe 00:01 < esden> kk 00:01 < esden> https://www.rocklinux.org/people/esden/alpha/ 00:01 < esden> bit updated 00:01 < huebi> I must have a look if there was no SUN workstation in the trunk which is now badly broken... 00:01 < esden> but I have still a lot to do with this page 00:02 < huebi> esden: nice! 00:02 * -> esden will send an e-mail to cliff that he grabbed the page ;-) 00:03 < esden> hmm ... copyright sollte ich auch klauen ... *FG* 00:03 < esden> haha ... dass ist festverdrahtet 00:04 -!- Freak [freak@pD9530BA1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 00:08 < th> huebi: noe war nix 00:10 < esden> huebi: what have you done ?? 00:10 < esden> why is you rtunk broken ?? 00:10 < esden> ahh ... 00:10 < esden> hmm ... scrollback ;-) 00:15 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has quit ("X-Chat: "got X-Chat?"") 00:15 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux 00:20 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has quit ("X-Chat: causing all sorts of havok!") 00:25 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux 00:25 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 01:06 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACBA04EF.ipt.aol.com] has quit () 01:16 < huebi> n8 01:17 < tsa> cu huebi 01:18 < esden> cu huebi 01:18 < fake> n8 huebi ! 01:33 -!- the][owl [~mail-spam@B5574.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 01:33 < the][owl> re 01:33 -!- rolla [~Der@stlmaisenhel.ugs.com] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 01:34 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5602.pppool.de] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: the][owl!~mail-spam@B5574.pppool.de))) 01:34 -!- the][owl is now known as owl 02:04 < owl> g8. bye. 02:04 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5574.pppool.de] has quit ("God is real. Unless declared integer.") 02:17 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9525C76.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 03:28 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1C978.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04:06 -!- Morn [julie@dhcp160-18-151-24.nm01-c3.cpe.charter-ne.com] has joined #rocklinux 04:12 -!- Morn [julie@dhcp160-18-151-24.nm01-c3.cpe.charter-ne.com] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 07:26 -!- [anders] [~guest@] has quit ("laters.") 07:42 < huebi> moin 09:39 < esden> moin @ all 09:39 < esden> huebi ? 09:47 -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:47 < esden> hi tsa 09:47 < tsa> moin., 09:48 < tsa> hi esden 09:48 * tsa updating openssh packages.. 09:48 * -> esden asking himself why nobody answered the mail from preanti 09:49 * -> esden wrote an answer now ... I hope to see more from this design he proposes 09:58 < th> moin 09:58 < esden> moin th 09:59 < huebi> re 10:00 < esden> re huebi 10:00 < esden> bit updated: https://www.rocklinux.org/projects/alpha/ 10:00 < huebi> *click* 10:03 < th> irgendwie bin ich muede 10:03 < th> 03:46:36 [OPN] -!- You have been marked as being away 10:03 < th> das is wohl der grund 10:03 < huebi> th ;-) 10:03 < th> naja - wozu gibt es schliesslich club-mate... 10:03 < esden> th: hmm ... ja dass kann schon sein 10:04 < esden> th: wo kriegst denn mate her L 10:04 < esden> ? 10:04 < th> ausserdem bin ich, wenn ich ein wenig muede bin, am telefon freundlicher. ich sollte ein paar kundengespraeche fuehren die noch ausstehen 10:04 < th> esden: im endeffekt aus berlin 10:04 < esden> ach mennoo ... 10:05 < th> esden: wo wohnst du denn? 10:05 < esden> in ingolstadt 10:05 < th> wo ist das? 10:05 < esden> dass ist eine stunde noerdlich von muenchen 10:05 < huebi> * If you need a working backup software write it yourself. 10:05 < th> na dann ab nach muench-steinach 10:05 < th> huebi: ack ack ack 10:05 < th> esden: du sitzt ja foermlich an der quelle 10:05 < esden> huh .... 10:06 < esden> cool 10:06 < esden> gibt es da ne webseite ? 10:06 < esden> oder so ? 10:06 < th> mal schaun. 10:06 < th> glaub schon 10:06 < esden> wo ich ne adresse/anfahrt finde ? 10:06 < th> https://www.club-mate.de/ 10:06 < esden> *click* 10:06 < th> die kiste a 20 flaschen a .5liter fuer ~13EURO 10:07 < th> in berlin kostet die 17EURO 10:08 < th> Brauerei Loscher 10:08 < th> Steigerwaldstr. 21-23 10:08 < th> D - 91481 Mu"nchsteinach 10:08 < th> Tel. +49 9166-607 10:10 < th> esden: kennst du leute, die irgendwie regelmaessig von dir richtung norden fahren? 10:10 < th> esden: ich wuerde sehr gern ein paar kisten von da unten haben aber die fahrt ist zu weit 10:12 < esden> ich glaube nicht dass muenchsteinach in der naehe ist ... 10:12 -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39AEC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:12 < esden> die ganzen namen kommen mir so unbekannt vor ... 10:12 < esden> hi Freak 10:12 * -> esden braucht ne karte 10:13 < Freak> huhu 10:14 < th> esden: www.mapblast.de 10:16 < th> 50km nord-westlich von nuernberg 10:17 < esden> ahh .... 10:17 < esden> ok 10:17 < esden> dann ist es sozusagen erreichbar 10:17 < th> du hast es gut :-/ 10:17 < esden> ich muss mal mich da hinbegeben 10:17 < th> und wie bringst du es SMP und mir? 10:18 < esden> ich weiss nicht ... 10:18 < esden> also .. 10:18 < huebi> ueber die relaistation huebi *g* 10:18 < huebi> ? 10:18 < huebi> via fake 10:18 < esden> ich koennte vielleicht eich mal besuchen und dann paar kaesten vorbeibringen 10:18 < esden> oder so 10:18 < esden> @ huebi 10:18 < esden> der faehrt ja regelmaessig 10:19 < th> ich komm nicht mehr hinterher 10:19 < esden> aber ich habe eh lust gehabt ende juli mal nen ausflug zu machen und paar leute zu besuchen 10:19 < th> wer faehrt wohin regelmaessig? 10:19 < esden> der fake faehrt regelmaessig nach bonn 10:19 < esden> der kammt an huebi vorbei 10:20 < esden> da kann er mate abladen 10:20 < esden> und von huebi dann weiter 10:21 < th> huebi: wohin faehrst du denn regelmaessig? 10:22 < th> bzw. fragen wir anders: wohin kannst du denn regelmaessige transporte ermoeglichen? 10:22 < huebi> Ich habe eine Mutter in BS. da fahre ich, wenn ueberhaupt, aber hoechstens einmal im Jahr hin 10:22 < th> einmal im jahr is zu selten. BS waere ntuerlich ideal :) 10:22 < esden> sehr regelmaessig huebi ;-) 10:23 < th> huebi: ziehst du aufgrund der neuen hauptstadt denn nicht auch irgendwann nach berlin? 10:24 < esden> aber diese brauerei macht auch frei haus lieferungen ... 10:24 < esden> ;-) 10:24 < th> esden: bis hin zu dir? 10:24 < esden> th: vielleicht auch zu dir ?? ;-) 10:24 < th> esden: nein das tut sie nicht 10:24 < huebi> th: Im Rhein Main Gebiet gibt es mehr zu verdienen ;-) 10:25 < th> huebi: ich weiss ;-/ 10:25 < esden> nee zu mir nicht ... 10:25 < th> esden: dann wohl zu mir erst recht nicht 10:25 < esden> vielleicht kann man es irgendwie mit denen absprechen ... 10:25 < th> naja bonn waere schonmal besser als ingolstadt/muenchsteinach 10:26 < esden> th: dann musst du es mit fake absprechen ob der dass machen wuerde 10:26 < th> los huebig! hab doch mal ne idee wie das bis WR kommt 10:27 < esden> machen wir ein mate lieferdienst geschaeft auf 10:27 < esden> wir verteilen auch dann jolt 10:27 < esden> und water joe 10:28 < praenti> moin 10:28 < esden> moin praenti 10:28 < esden> praenti: hast ne mail von mir ... an rock-doc-pr bekommen 10:28 < praenti> esden: merci 10:31 < praenti> esden: das zeugs macht der brandl. ann also ein bißchen dauern bis wieder was zu sehen ist 10:32 < praenti> s/ann/kann 10:32 < esden> der brandl ?? .... hehe 10:33 < praenti> jo. hab ihn mal so nebenbei gefragt ob er unsere hp redesignen mag. so a bissal richtung gentoo 10:34 < esden> cool ... 10:34 < esden> ja dann soll er weiter machen ... 10:34 < esden> siehst du den oefters ? 10:34 < esden> ich habe den vor kurzem im bitz getroffen 10:34 < esden> praenti: hast du dir meine monster mail ueber gentoo angetan ? 10:35 < praenti> esden: jepp. werde demnächst auch mal testen 10:35 < esden> ja mache dass 10:35 < esden> ich habe eine kiste im bitz dazu vergewaltigt 10:36 < praenti> esden: die is glaub ich vom erdi gestern platt gemacht worden. weiß ich aber nicht genau. ich weiß nur dass ich das net.eth0 mal schnel in net.eth0.old umbenannt hab, weil die net starten wollte 10:37 < esden> ja stimmt ... da war was faul 10:38 < esden> aber teste gentoo auch dass lohnt sich ... wir haben mit benji uns echt totgelacht die ganze zeit ;-) 10:38 < praenti> da is jetzt aber ne andere 3com drin. muss mal die nächsten tage testen obs dann geht 10:39 < esden> habt's ihr umgebaut ? 10:39 < esden> die cd sollte auch noch im bitz flacken 10:39 < praenti> der erdi hat mal schenll durchgetauscht 10:39 < esden> ich habe die vergessen mitzunehmen 10:39 < praenti> ohh. cool 10:39 < esden> und leider ist die auch nicht beschriftet 10:39 < esden> sie sollte irgendwo neben dem radio liegen 10:40 < esden> praenti: wann bist im bitz ? 10:40 < esden> heute vielleicht 10:40 < praenti> esden: eher weniger. ich spring evtl nur kurz nach der fh rein 10:40 < esden> ok dann schaue nach der cd 10:40 < esden> dass die nicht verschwindet 10:41 < praenti> so ca. 18:00 uhr 10:41 < esden> scheisse toll 10:41 < esden> vim will nicht compiliren 10:41 < praenti> was? 10:41 < esden> auf der alpha 10:42 < esden> hmm ... vielleicht bin ich auch dann da ... 10:42 < esden> mal sehen 10:43 < praenti> wie heißts so schön: schau ma mal 10:43 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1CDC2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:43 < bluefire> Moin allesamt 10:44 < esden> praenti: genau 10:44 < esden> hi bluefire 10:45 < praenti> moin bluefire 10:46 < huebi> moin bluefire 10:47 < praenti> moin huebi 10:47 -!- aszlig [~aszlig@paradome.de] has quit ("Lost terminal") 10:47 < huebi> hi praenti 10:49 * -> esden co rock-1.5 10:50 < esden> how can aszlig loose his terminal ??? 10:51 < th> esden: ich hoffe dein CVSROOT stimmt? 10:51 < esden> huebi: welches ist dass script um die rechte in dem tree zu korrigieren ? 10:51 < esden> th: ??? 10:51 < th> esden: checke mal noch tools aus 10:51 < huebi> esden: kein script. das ist alles im Repository geaendert. 10:51 < esden> cvs -z3 -d:ext:esden@cvs.rocklinux.de:/home/rockcvs/cvs/ co rock-1.5 10:52 < esden> @ th 10:52 < th> esden: jo genau ;) 10:52 < th> huebi: tools/repair.sh geistert aber auch noch rum 10:52 < esden> uiii huebi coool 10:52 < esden> huebi: ich mache dann mal dass repair raus oder ? 10:53 < esden> wenn ich schon dabei bin 10:53 < esden> oder willst es drinnen lassen ? 10:53 < huebi> th: Jo, aber ich wollte genau davon los kommen und habe deshalb im repository die Dateiberechtigungen korrigiert. 10:54 < praenti> cool @huebi 10:54 < huebi> esden: loesche es einfach. Das stiftet sonst nur Verwirrung 10:54 < esden> ja ich mache dann es raus und mache nen ci 10:55 < th> esden: ein ci????? 10:55 < huebi> Die ROCK scripte sind fast alle umgebaut, so dass die CVS Verzeichnisse nicht mehr stoeren. Ein bischen ist noch da, aber davon dann mehr naechste Woche. Ich muss hier ein Backup zum laufen kriegen und das muss bis heute abend wieder laufen. 10:56 * th muiss ersma weg 10:57 < huebi> th: rm tools/repair.sh; cvs rm tools/repair.sh; cvs ci -m "not nessesary anymore. ROCK Linux is now CVS save" tools/repair.sh 11:00 < esden> Removing repair.sh; 11:00 < esden> /home/rockcvs/cvs/tools/repair.sh,v <-- repair.sh 11:00 < esden> new revision: delete; previous revision: 1.2 11:00 < esden> done 11:00 < huebi> esden: Dankoe! 11:00 < esden> huebi: bidde ;-) 11:00 * -> esden hat eine destruktive phase ;-) 11:02 * -> esden sucking the sources 11:02 < huebi> * esden is cracking the homepage of gentoo 11:02 < esden> huebi: MUAHAHAHA 11:03 * -> esden wanst more comments on his gentoo test !!! 11:03 * -> esden wants to see blood on the rlml 11:10 < esden> argh .. I have killed my x >_< 11:11 < esden> and I had no screen open on natalie 11:17 < blindcoder> hi hi und rehi 11:17 < praenti> hi blindcoder 11:18 < huebi> hi blindcoder 11:18 < tsa> Grr.... 11:19 < esden> hi blindcoder 11:19 < tsa> openssh-3.3 doesn't work on linux 2.2.x 11:19 < esden> tsa: ??? 11:19 < huebi> moin tsa 11:19 < esden> tsa: why ? 11:19 < tsa> hi huebi 11:19 < huebi> th: Why 11:19 < tsa> esden: problems with the mmap implemtation 11:19 < tsa> Jun 25 10:02:41 orwell sshd[29675]: fatal: mmap(65536): Invalid argument 11:19 < esden> >_< 11:20 < tsa> it's a known problem, see https://bugzilla.mindrot.org/show_bug.cgi?id=285 11:20 < esden> tsa: upgrade to 2.4.19-gentoo-rev2 ;-) 11:20 < praenti> th: kannst du mal wieder im /tmp ein paar dirs von dir rauslöschen. ich bekomm schon wieder noc space left on device 11:21 < praenti> s/noc/no 11:22 < huebi> praenti: habe fertig ;-) 11:22 < praenti> huebi: was? 11:22 < esden> my alpha needs more ram and a faster processor >_< 11:22 < tsa> esden: hm? 11:22 < huebi> praenti: rm -rf /tmp/cvs* 11:22 < esden> i will get mad !!! 11:23 < huebi> esden: You are mad *ggg* 11:23 < praenti> huebi: ok.thx 11:23 < esden> tsa: i am downloading the sources ... my baby needs to much time to generate the chksum'- 11:23 < esden> s 11:23 < tsa> hehe 11:23 < esden> huebi: yes I know 11:24 < esden> tsa: I have not even started to compile ... and this box seems to be a turtle 11:24 < esden> I want the ds20 from holyolli 11:25 < huebi> esden: Start more downloads 11:25 < huebi> esden: Or use a faster machine for the downloads. 11:25 < esden> hmm ... ok 11:25 < esden> yes I know ... 11:25 < huebi> esden: and copy it over to the alpha. 11:25 < esden> yepp 11:26 < huebi> 4 download on the dual AMD XP take about 17 min IIRC 11:26 < huebi> +s 11:30 < esden> what connection ? 11:30 < huebi> 100MBit Full Duplex from a local ftp on rocklinux.dyndns.org ;-) 11:31 < huebi> then I only have to download things once over dsl 11:32 < esden> ok ... then I can imagine that it is 17 mins 11:34 < huebi> I don't like waiting for the stuff. I copy all the new packages over to ella and then I have it all everytime with speed handy. 11:37 < blindcoder> okay... another try at compiling ROCK with the Build-CD ... 11:37 < huebi> blindcoder: nice to hear that. 11:39 < blindcoder> hmm ncurses still doesn't work... "Error opening terminal: linux" 11:40 < esden> blindcoder: what is this problem ... I have never seen it before ... 11:41 < blindcoder> terminfo doesn't recognize the terminal-type in use... 11:41 < blindcoder> or better: it has no idea how it has to be handled 11:42 < esden> hmm no good 11:42 < huebi> blindcoder: ltrace, strace? 11:43 < blindcoder> hmm i will try that... just have to restart because of stupidity 11:44 < esden> blindcoder: was heisst dass japanische "so" oder wie man dass schreiben soll in deutsch ? 11:45 < blindcoder> hmm in welchem zusammenhang? 11:46 < blindcoder> wird meistens verwendet wie: "Aha" "Achso" 11:46 < blindcoder> kann aber auch Opferschrein heissen 11:54 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB7525B.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux 11:56 < esden> blindcoder: danke 11:56 < esden> very insightfull: https://interviews.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/06/24/1556244&mode=nocomment&tid=163 12:24 < blindcoder> huebi: I think I found it: /usr/share/terminfo is an empty directory instead of a symlink to /usr/lib/terminfo 12:25 < huebi> blindcoder: Can you find out why it's in this way? 12:26 < blindcoder> probably because I did a cp -r /cdrom/* /trg 12:26 < blindcoder> seems like I missed some parameters 12:27 < blindcoder> yes, I should use -R instead of -r 12:28 < blindcoder> -R treats special files like devices and links... 12:30 < esden> re hi all 12:30 < esden> I hate the net here 12:30 < blindcoder> esden: router died again? 12:30 < esden> blindcoder: I said that you should use cp -a not cp -r 12:31 < blindcoder> esden: hai, hai... I've seen my mistake... 12:31 < esden> good 12:31 < esden> ;-) 12:33 < esden> *jump* *jump* *jump* I WANT THIS BURNER !!! https://www.yamaha.co.jp/english/product/computer/extra/products/crwf1/crwf1.html 12:33 < esden> here better photo's : https://www.watch.impress.co.jp/akiba/hotline/20020622/etc_disctat2.html 12:35 < blindcoder> a, now i know why you wanted to know "so" :D 12:36 * -> esden is asking himself if it would be possible to create an iso that when burned create's a simmilar effect ... 12:36 < esden> blindcoder: noo .. I have heard some japanese on the street here 12:37 < esden> and one of them was crying around so so so ... 12:37 < blindcoder> maybe he was pissed >_< 12:38 < blindcoder> just like me right now... ERDI!!!! *CRY* GIMME THE !§"$% BIOS-PASSWORD!!! 12:39 < blindcoder> good boy ;) 12:39 < esden> rofl 12:40 < tsa> argh 12:40 < tsa> postfix sucks. 12:43 < esden> blindcoder: ich habe endlich wieder spam assasin bei mir laufen 12:43 < blindcoder> na toll... dann geht der apollo wieder in die knie :D 12:44 < blindcoder> mkfs.ext2 -ccj /dev/discs/disc0/part2 12:44 < blindcoder> das wird dauern >_< 12:44 < esden> naja ... sonnst langweilt er sich noch ... 12:44 < esden> ccj ??? 12:44 < esden> j weiss ich 12:44 < blindcoder> c=bad sector check cc=read/write bad sector check 12:44 < esden> ext3 12:44 < blindcoder> j=journal 12:44 < esden> ahh 12:44 < esden> kk 12:44 < tsa> ah 12:45 < tsa> wieder was gelernt.. 12:45 < esden> is the disk corrupted ? 12:45 < esden> tsa: in this channel you learn all the time ;-) 12:45 < blindcoder> Let me put it this way: I'm thinking about opening it "und es zu den anderen an die wand zu nageln" 12:46 < esden> blindcoder: >_< 12:46 < blindcoder> tons of kernel error messages 12:46 < blindcoder> and loud knocking noises from the disk 12:46 < esden> ohh goood ... 12:47 < esden> be aware of flying harddisk parts ;-) 12:47 * blindcoder hides behind the coffee machine 12:47 < blindcoder> hmm no this is no good hiding 12:47 < esden> NOT THE COFFEE MACHINE 12:47 < esden> hide the coffee machine behind you 12:47 * blindcoder builds a barrier of empty Jolt Colas and hides behind it with the coffee machine 12:47 < tsa> esden: i know... 12:47 < esden> it is more importaint ;-) 12:48 < esden> blindcoder: better so ;-) 12:52 < fake> mornin 12:52 < blindcoder> moin fake 12:53 < esden> hi fake!!! 12:53 < esden> ... *another_jump_around* hardware divx decoder for 99$ !!!! 12:53 < esden> coool ... wanna have ! 12:54 < esden> but please as a pcmcia card ;-) 12:54 < blindcoder> esden: amount of money to pay blindcoder: 250 EUR 12:58 < esden> *cry* *heul* *winsel* 12:58 < esden> *jammer* 13:00 < esden> "JHM wonders what Joey did to earn "I'd just like to say, for the record, that Joey rules." -- Seen on #Debian 13:00 < esden> *rofl* 13:00 < esden> yes that is right ... 13:00 < esden> joey rulez 13:01 < blindcoder> who is joey? 13:02 < tsa> martin schulze 13:02 < tsa> debian guy, orga staff linuxtag 13:03 < blindcoder> ic 13:03 * blindcoder thinks about kicking "someone" around for taking too much time... ME HUNGRY! ME WANT KENTUCKY! 13:06 < esden> erdi ??? 13:08 < blindcoder> yes 13:08 < huebi> blindcoder: KENTUCKY chried ficken? 13:09 < huebi> or so 13:09 < blindcoder> huebi: sure ;) *schrei* 13:10 < blindcoder> fake: did you already get that URL with the HP FileServer? 13:10 < huebi> hehe 13:14 < blindcoder> ah there he is *hehe* 13:20 < fake> so. wieder mal 20.000 13:21 < fake> Mails geloescht 13:21 < huebi> fake: weia ;-) 13:21 -!- aszlig [~aszlig@paradome.de] has joined #rocklinux 13:22 < huebi> hi aszlig 13:22 < fake> Mail/IN.dev.null und Mail/IN.admin ;) 13:22 < fake> blindcoder: unfortunately not. i will call him again later today. 13:23 * fake smoking 13:23 < aszlig> hullo 13:26 < th> 13:24:52 < huebi> th: rm tools/repair.sh; cvs rm tools/repair.sh; cvs ci -m "not nessesary anymore. ROCK Linux 13:26 < th> is now CVS save" tools/repair.sh 13:26 < th> huebi: do you mean s,ci,com,??? 13:27 < huebi> ci = commit 13:27 < th> oups? 13:27 < huebi> co = checkout 13:28 < th> ich kannte nur com als abkuerzung fuer commit. ci klingt so nach checkin 13:28 < th> dann nehme ich natuerlich alles zurueck und behaupte das gegenteil 13:28 < esden> scheiss regen ... ich kann mich jetzt hier nicht wegbewegen biss es aufhoert ... 13:28 < esden> grrr 13:29 < th> hier scheint die sonne 13:29 < esden> th: schoen fuer dich >_< 13:29 < huebi> hier auch 13:29 < th> ein transport koeln > magdeburg > wernigerode von mathe waere kein problem 13:29 < esden> toll jungs ... glueckspilze 13:30 < th> s,mathe,mate, 13:32 < fake> hier is auch schoen sonnig 13:32 < fake> "schoen" 13:37 < esden> mensch ... ich habe dann nur so ein scheiss wetter dass ich ueber mich ergehen lassen muss 13:37 < fake> lieber regen als zu heiss. 13:37 < esden> naja ... wenn ich einen regenschirm/mantel haette wuerde ich dass wetter auch schoen finden ... 13:37 < huebi> echo 1 > esden:/dev/sonne 13:38 < huebi> esden: besser jetzt? 13:38 < esden> *plink* .... ohh sonne ist angegangen 13:38 < esden> huebi sprach es werde licht ... ;-) 13:38 < esden> danke huebi ... aber es regnet immer noch ... 13:39 < huebi> hmm. Da haben die elektriker wieder gepfuscht. Kein Strom da... 13:40 < esden> nicht gut ... :-( 13:41 < esden> meine mutter muss schon echt ne kriese kriegen ... denn die platte von der natalie muss auf hochturen laufen ... ;-) 13:42 < fake> touren 13:42 < huebi> steht 'natalie' in der Kueche? 13:42 < fake> huebi: steht seine Mutter in der Kueche? 13:42 < huebi> fake: Nee, die sitzt jetz garantiert im Garten. 13:42 < huebi> +t 13:43 < fake> huebi: esden hat keinen garten. aber nen swimmingpool und ne saune 13:43 < huebi> natalie ist wasserdicht und hitzebestaendig! 13:43 < esden> die tuer von meinem zimmer sind offen ... 13:43 < fake> ist offen ;) 13:44 < huebi> zimmern ;-) 13:44 < th> tueren 13:44 < esden> und meine mutter sitzt bestimmt im wohnzimmer .. und dass ist einen meter von der tuer von meinem zimmer entfernt 13:44 < esden> loool 13:45 < esden> also ... ihr seid eindeutig zweideutig ;-) 13:45 < fake> wo? 13:45 < huebi> bei mir sind noch Schlafzimmer und Kinderzimmer bis zum Wohnzimmer dazwischen. Das Klappern von der Tastatur stoert aber am meisten. 13:46 < huebi> zweideutig != doppeldeutig ...um hier mal ein paar Haare zu spalten *g* 13:48 < esden> huebi: solltest sagen hare in doppel zu spalten oder so ... 13:48 < fake> wie kann ich beim gcc3-configure java abschalten? 13:48 < esden> dann waehre der satz perfekt ;-) 13:48 < th> eher in haelften 13:48 < fake> --without-gcj ? 13:48 < esden> th: ja dass ist gut 13:49 < esden> also : zweideutig != doppeldeutig ...um hier mal ein paar Haare in zwei haelften zu spalten 13:49 < th> fake: du faehrst hin und wieder von esden richtung bonn? 13:49 < esden> ist dass besser so ? 13:49 < fake> th> ja... ? 13:50 < th> fake: das waere ein sehr wertvoller teil einer mate-versorgungsstrecke 13:50 < huebi> "Es gibt keine groessere oder kleinere Haelfte. Aber die groessere Haelfte von euch glaubt mir ja sowieso nicht." - Irgendein Mathelehrer. 13:50 < th> hehe 13:50 < esden> lol 13:51 < fake> --disable-libgcj 13:51 < fake> Specify that the run-time libraries used by GCJ should not be built. 13:51 < th> fake: faehrst du direkt nach bonn oder irgendwo nur in die richtung? 13:51 < esden> i have removed gcj after I run ../configure from the Makefile 13:52 < fake> th> quasi-direkt. ich wohne in hennef, arbeite in Sankt Augustin 13:52 < fake> esden: i want to do it "clean" ;P 13:53 < fake> th> fahre bei Kreuz Bonn/Siegburg von der A3 runter. 13:53 < esden> fake: ok ... 13:53 < th> fake: koenntest du evtl. mate-kisten fuer abnehmer im bereich sachsen-anhalt (smp und ich) transportieren? 13:55 < th> fake: ich haette eine kontaktperson aus koeln, die sich dann mit dir in bonn oder wo auch immer trifft 13:55 < fake> von wo nach wo? 13:55 < th> fake: von esden (ingolstadt) nach bonn 13:55 < fake> esden hat mate? 13:55 < esden> ja werde ich haben 13:55 < th> fake: ich hab ihm heute gesagt wo er mate herkriegt ;) 13:55 < fake> woher? 13:55 < fake> WO WO WO? 13:55 < th> fake: direkt von der brauerei 13:56 < esden> die kriegt man in einer brauerei nahe nuernberg 13:56 < th> fake: muenchsteinach 13:56 < fake> die is doch in berlin? 13:56 < th> fake: NEIN 13:56 < th> fake: berlin ist nur eine vertriebsstelle 13:56 < fake> uiiii! 13:56 < fake> *freu* 13:56 < fake> Bayern RULEZ! 13:56 < th> fake: berlin will 17EURO meunchsteinach nur ~13EURO 13:56 < esden> fake: ja *auchfreu* 13:56 < esden> fake: sicher !!! 13:57 < esden> vielleicht wenn wir mehr abnehmen kriegen wir rabatt 13:57 < th> fake: und ich wuerde gerne eine versorgungsstrecke fuer geringe mengen mate von der brauerei nach sachsen-anhalt aufbauen 13:57 < fake> aber ich hab nur nen normalen PKW... o_O 13:57 < th> fake: wieviel kisten passen da rein? 13:57 < esden> ich werde mal den benji verdonnern mit seinem grossen und mir da einkaufen zu fahren 13:57 < fake> th> da liesse sich drueber reden. 13:57 < th> fake: sehr schoen 13:57 < fake> WegZoll: ein Kasten. 13:58 < fake> *gg* 13:58 < esden> rofl 13:58 < th> fake: kommt drauf an wieviel kisten du laden kannst ;) *eg* 13:58 < fake> Nein. die verteilung von mate ist ehrensache. 13:58 < esden> ICH HABE ES GEWUSST dass er es sagt 13:58 < th> fake: sehr schoen 13:58 < fake> esden: was genau? 13:59 < esden> dass mit dem einen kasten zoll 13:59 < fake> das war ein scherz. 13:59 < esden> ich wusste dass du es sagst bevor du auch wusstest dass du mate transportieren willst ;-) 13:59 < esden> ja schon klar 13:59 < th> prima 13:59 < esden> aber ich wusste einfach dass du es sagen wirst 13:59 < fake> esden - mein held! 14:00 < esden> fake: du bist durchschaubar ... 14:00 < th> esden: welche menge wirst du vorraussichtlich aus der brauerei holen? 14:00 < esden> ich habe es geschafft *jump* 14:00 < th> esden: hast du lagerraum? 14:00 < esden> th: so viel wie in einen alhambra reinpasst 14:00 < th> alhambra? 14:00 < esden> oder wie der minibuss auch wieder heisst 14:00 < th> unable to resolve "alhambra" 14:00 < fake> th> co-branded mitsubishi spacewaggon 14:01 < th> ahja 14:01 < fake> VW Sharan 14:01 < th> eine EU-palette sind 40 kisten 14:01 < fake> *ROFL* 14:01 < esden> ROFL 14:01 < fake> das nennst du KLEINE MENGEN? 14:01 < th> hehe 14:01 < esden> fake: dass ist fuer die nicht viel ... ;-) 14:01 < esden> glaube ich zumindest 14:01 < fake> aber fuer mein gefaehrt 14:02 < th> also hier (WR und md) werde ich 20 kisten recht schnell los 14:02 < th> 10 kisten sind allerdings das maximum fuer eine fahrt bonn<>MD 14:02 < fake> th> wo genau wohnst du? 14:02 < th> fake: magdeburg 14:02 < fake> das problem ist, dass ich mit jeder kiste mher benzin verbrauche... 14:02 < th> fake: kannst du das ueberschlagen? 14:03 < fake> hm... benin zahlt eigentlich mein AG. also is es nicht soo wild. 14:03 < fake> benzin 14:03 < th> lol 14:03 < th> cool 14:03 < fake> ich werd einfach mal gucken, ob ich's ueberhaupt merk. 14:04 < th> 1 kiste sind 10liter. 10 kisten sind also schon 100kg 14:05 < tsa> + tara 14:05 < esden> dass ist alsob eine person mehr fahren wuerde 14:05 < th> jo 14:05 < esden> ich meine eine grosse person ... 14:06 < fake> esden: ein blindcoder. 14:06 < fake> ;)) 14:06 < esden> fake: jups ;-) 14:06 < esden> ein blindcoder bitte .. ;-) 14:06 < fake> naja, dann hab ich wenigstens ne bessere strassenlage M) 14:06 < esden> wir machen eine blindcoder vertriebsstrecke auf ;-) 14:06 < blindcoder> esden: du sprichst von mir? 14:07 < esden> blindcoder: ja 14:07 < blindcoder> okay, the build-CD has reached Stage 2 successfully 14:07 < esden> wir vertreiben dich jetzt in sachsen anhalt 14:07 < blindcoder> und was will ich da oben? 14:07 < esden> als mate spoender dienen 14:07 < th> esden: wann steht die erste ladung in ingolstadt bereit? 14:07 < esden> ich weiss es noch nicht 14:07 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A68.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 14:08 < esden> blindcoder snucki willst du vielleicht bissel mate kaufen ? 14:08 < snyke> HUHU!!! 14:08 < blindcoder> nee net wirklich 14:08 < esden> die brauerei die es macht ist in der naehe von nuernberg 14:08 < blindcoder> ich muss jetzt irgendwie ROCK auf ner 350 MB Platte installieren 14:08 < esden> und ich muesste da hin ... mit nem grossen auto ... 14:09 < esden> ja ... ich habe nicht gesagt jetzt benji ... 14:09 < fake> also ich bin am WE in Ingolstadt 14:09 < esden> fake: super 14:09 < esden> dann muss ich diese woche noch irgendwie in die brauerei 14:09 < fake> hai. 14:10 < esden> und 11 oder 12 kisten kaufen 14:10 < th> meine kontaktperson (K<>MD) faehrt als naechstes am freitag ;) 14:10 < esden> aber mit dem polo schaffe ich es nicht ... 14:10 < th> das ist wohl ein wenig frueh 14:10 < blindcoder> fake: wie isses mit der URL? 14:10 < esden> glaube ich zumindest 14:10 < esden> es seidenn blindcoder hillft mir ... 14:10 < blindcoder> esden: dir is nich mehr zu helfen 14:11 < esden> blindcoder: danke ... :-( 14:11 < snyke> :( 14:11 < esden> hi snyke 14:12 < fake> th: dann wuerde ich das gute zeug eben von Sonntag bis Freitag einlagern 14:12 < fake> th: schreib mal eine logistik-webapplication oder so. 14:12 < th> fake: es ist noch nicht gesagt, dass meine kontaktperson woechentlich faehrt. ich muss das noch genauer pruefen 14:13 < fake> th: kewl. 14:13 < snyke> *jump* 14:13 < snyke> hi esdi 14:13 < fake> *kick* 14:13 < fake> hi snyke! 14:13 < th> fake: wieviel kisten willst du denn fuer dich von esden zu dir transportieren? 14:13 < th> ich denke ich will 10kisten 14:14 < fake> th> ich denke ich werde erstmal sehen wie viele ich hineinbekomme. eine kiste der so wuerde ich gerne selbst kaufen, usw. 14:15 < huebi> 594 pts/0 DWN 2:26 [dmbr] <- Bloeder Mist! reboot ist angesagt 14:15 < th> auf jeden fall kann esden 12 kisten kaufen und fake guckt dann was er ins auto kriegt ;) 14:15 < fake> th: genau. 14:16 < huebi> fake: kannst du mir vielleicht auch ein vorbeibringen? 14:16 < huebi> +e 14:16 < snyke> hi fake! 14:17 < esden> ojemene ... 14:17 < esden> wir brauchen nen laster .. kaufen 3 - 4 paletten ... und dann fahren wir damit aller rocker ab ... 14:17 < esden> nee einen vollen laster 14:18 < th> das rechnet sich doch nicht vom sprit her ;) 14:18 < esden> 3-4 paletten ist langweilig 14:18 < blindcoder> fake: *nochmalnervwegenfileserverURL* 14:18 < esden> blindcoder: nervel 14:18 < blindcoder> esden: und stolz darauf 14:19 < esden> :P 14:19 -!- term_emu [~pm@pD9E3364A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:19 < esden> hi th 14:19 < esden> argh 14:19 < esden> hi term_emu 14:20 < term_emu> hoi 14:20 < huebi> wie steht das wm spiel? 14:21 < huebi> hier haben die Leute eine Fernseher aufgestellt und sind alle am glotzenn *g* 14:23 < blindcoder> shit... still 30 MB too large 14:23 < term_emu> huebi: 0:0 14:23 < esden> huebi .. ich glaube man sollte puzzle ausfuehren und dass im cvs updaten ... 14:24 < esden> ich habe vergessen vor dem download puzzle auszufuehren ... und dass war schreklich veraltet 14:24 < th> wm spiel? wer spielt denn? 14:28 < term_emu> deutschland gegen suedkorea 14:28 < th> aha 14:28 < th> d.h. halb deutschland sitzt vorm fernseher? 14:29 < tsa> th: aehm..ich fuerchte, es sind mehr.. 14:29 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux 14:29 < Ge0rG> hi 14:29 < th> tach Ge0rG 14:30 < th> Ge0rG: esden ist der provider ab ingolstadt, fake ist ingolstadt<>bonn transporter 14:31 < th> fake: esden: Ge0rG ist abnehmer in md und kontaktmann zum transporter koeln<>md 14:31 * Ge0rG hat babyface verständigt, zur weiteren kommunikation hierher zu kommen. da er im moment knapp bei kasse ist, weiss er noch nicht ob er wirklich kann. 14:31 < th> (und Ge0rG ist begeisterter rocker ;-> ) 14:31 < Ge0rG> th: :-P 14:32 * Ge0rG war bestimmt fünf mal am rocklinux-stand aufm LT ;) 14:32 < th> Ge0rG: wirklich was kann? 14:32 < Ge0rG> th: den transport durchführen 14:32 < th> Ge0rG: welchen? 14:32 < th> Ge0rG: den am freitag? der is sowieso zu frueh 14:32 < Ge0rG> von bonn nach MD 14:32 < Ge0rG> ok, also diese woche noch keine frische mate... 14:32 < th> es kommen ja auch wieder bessere zeiten 14:32 < th> Ge0rG: leider nein. 14:33 < th> und ich hab nur noch 3 flaschen :-(( 14:33 < Ge0rG> th: also wenns hart auf hart kommt, kannst du ein paar flaschen kriegen 14:33 * th hat schon angefangen "Apollinaris - Classic" zu trinken 14:33 < Ge0rG> aber nichts ist so gut wie das beruhigende gefühl, noch einen vollen kasten im keller zu haben 14:33 < th> hehe 14:36 < fake> hm... entweder kuerzt du stark ab oder mein client kann deine sprache nicht Ge0rG 14:37 < fake> und hi ;) 14:37 < Ge0rG> hi fake 14:37 < fake> Software Achten Sie auf unseren Office XP Sparvorteil! 14:37 < fake> wow. 14:37 < fake> ich achte nicht, ich aechte. 14:38 < Ge0rG> fake: ich kläre gern aufgekommene missverständnisse 14:38 < fake> ich kl. mehr sehe ich da nicht 14:39 < th> fake: das muss an dir liegen 14:39 < fake> benutzt diu diese haesslichen umlaute? 14:39 < th> fake: ja 14:39 < huebi> 14:23 < esden> huebi .. ich glaube man sollte puzzle ausfuehren und dass im cvs updaten ... <- NEIN, vorsicht ;-) ! Bzw dann nur die neuen indexfiles commiten, sonst sind die ganzen .ext, .desc und .pz files wieder in den extensions. 14:39 < Ge0rG> fake: soll ich auf utf8 umsteigen? 14:40 < th> huebi: nein nicht ganz. solange man kein cvs add macht kommen auch die .pz files nicht rein 14:41 < huebi> th danke, habe ich vergessen. Die dateien in arch-conf werden aber zum Teil auch erneuert. 14:41 < fake> Ge0rG: nein, auf ASCII-7bit ;)) 14:41 < th> huebi: man sollte kein puzzle machen und dann committen! 14:41 < Ge0rG> fake: das ist ja oede ;) 14:41 < th> huebi: find ich zumindest 14:42 < fake> Ge0rG wenn ich buchstaben mit punkten will schreib ich sie hintereinander: U: = UE, A: = AE etc. is doch viel huebscher! 14:43 < huebi> vielleicht ist es eine gute Idee, Puzzle von ./scripts/Config aufzurufen.. 14:43 < fake> &aauml; 14:43 < th> huebi: nicht unbedingt, da ein puzzle nach jeder aktualisierung der .exts notwendig ist 14:43 < th> huebi: bzw. anders: ja es ist eine gute idee aber nicht ausschliesslich 14:44 < th> fake: aber du schreibst huebscher statt hu:bscher. 14:44 < Ge0rG> fake: h\"ubscher w\"are auch m\"oglich. aber wer will das schon lesen? iso8859-15 ist doch vollkommen ok 14:45 < th> \" gef\"allt mir noch am besten... muss wohl am tex liegen ;) 14:45 < fake> ach was weiss ich ;) ich hab keinen bock nachzusuchen was los is ;P 14:46 < Ge0rG> fake: installiere irssi *schleichwerbungmach* 14:46 < huebi> Also ich wuerde es ganz schoen finden, wenn die INDEX Dateien aktuell sind, damit solche Pannen, wie sie ebend gerade esden passiert ist, nicht mehr so einfach vorkommen. 14:46 < th> huebi: wo hat er denn die sourcen her? ausgecheckt? 14:46 < fake> Ge0rG: koennte ich. sekunde. 14:46 -!- fake [fake@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("[BX] Whyismyspacebarnotworking?!") 14:46 < th> huebi: hat dann jemand das Build-Index vergessen? 14:47 < huebi> ae, ue, oe und ss find ich, da Dudenkonform, sehr gut. 14:47 < th> das ist dudenkonform? 14:47 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux 14:48 < armijn> well...seems like the "Mannschaft" is doing quite well *cough* 14:48 < th> rofl 14:48 < th> hi armijn 14:48 < armijn> hi th 14:48 < esden> hi ar 14:48 < esden> hi armijn 14:48 < huebi> th: Ich glaube, ich weiss jetzt woran das liegt. Die Indexfiles generiere ich nur in /rock-linux und cvs mache ich nur in /rock-orig 14:48 -!- fake [fake@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 14:48 < fake> re. 14:48 < esden> re fake 14:48 < armijn> in South-Korea travel agencies are offering trips to Guus Hiddinks town... 14:49 < esden> huebi: lasse dir was einfallen ... 14:49 < esden> ;-) 14:49 < fake> hm... 14:49 < armijn> I mean...there's absolutely *nothing* there 14:49 < fake> wieso macht irssi meinen namen nicht fett? *grml* 14:49 < huebi> jo esden 14:49 < fake> üüü 14:49 < fake> hehe. geht immernoch nicht. 14:49 < fake> ÖÄÜ 14:49 -!- fake [fake@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit (Client Quit) 14:49 < th> huebi: oha. also checkst du alte index-files ein... 14:50 < huebi> üüüüüüüüüüüü <- with amercanski keykoard ;-) 14:50 < esden> huebi: how ? 14:50 < Ge0rG> got a compose key? 14:50 < esden> other layout ? 14:50 < huebi> th: I think I don't ci them at all ;( 14:50 < th> compose key? /me just abuses "AltGr" ;) 14:50 < huebi> esden: copy'n'paste hehe 14:50 < esden> huebi: this is the best way 14:50 < th> huebi: i see... 14:51 < Ge0rG> <"> should do the trick, while compose being shift+alt or alt+shift 14:51 < esden> cuz when they are not there then such a mistake can not happen 14:52 < huebi> no composekey does work here ;( 14:52 < esden> here nither 14:52 < armijn> heh, still 0-0? 14:52 < esden> football fans >_< 14:52 < armijn> no, not a fan...I just want germany to lose >:-> 14:53 < th> /usr/X11R6/bin/xmodmap -e 'keycode 113 = Mode_switch' 14:53 < th> /usr/X11R6/bin/xmodmap -e 'keycode 117 = Multi_key' 14:53 < th> /usr/X11R6/bin/xmodmap -e 'keycode 38 = a A adiaeresis Adiaeresis' 14:53 * Ge0rG has bound windows-menu-key to compose. 14:53 < th> so AltGr + A results in Ae (Ä) 14:53 < Ge0rG> 117 is the windows menu key... 14:53 * huebi has no spare keys on the SGI keyboard.. 14:53 < esden> æ 14:54 < esden> that is altgr-a 14:54 < Ge0rG> who needs æ? ;) 14:54 < armijn> a what? 14:54 < th> esden: /usr/X11R6/bin/xmodmap -e 'keycode 38 = a A adiaeresis Adiaeresis' 14:54 * blindcoder is now going to abuse the buergernetz-pcs for a root-on-nfs-test 14:55 < esden> ??? 14:55 < esden> blindcoder you ill ... bilindcoder ... 14:55 < esden> or so 14:55 < blindcoder> esden: I know that I'm sick, but I see no other way of getting a USABLE ROCKLinux onto my router... 14:56 < armijn> so, maybe South-Korea will win... 14:56 * blindcoder is going to boot his router over NFS *hehe* 14:56 < esden> arrrgggh ... Jean Jordaan want's to forward my gentoo test to the gentoo mailinglist ... 14:56 < blindcoder> let him do so 14:56 * -> esden will be flamed to death 14:57 < blindcoder> esden: procmail's your friend :D 14:57 < esden> blindcoder: hehe ... sure 14:57 < blindcoder> and the 'd' doesn't get worn out that quickly 14:57 < blindcoder> 'd'-key 14:57 < huebi> esden just wants to test his new spam filter *g* 14:57 * -> esden has to subscribe to their mailinglist to watch the answers 14:57 < armijn> esden will switch to gentoo? 14:58 < esden> armijn: NEVER NO 14:58 < esden> armijn: gentoo is ill crap 14:58 < esden> I will not switch 14:58 < blindcoder> armijn: yes, he likes the sick dependencies and the colorful boot-screen 14:58 < esden> blindcoder: I love them 14:59 < armijn> hmm, a colorful bootscreen? 14:59 < esden> gentoo is a distribution for suse users that want to be l33t and want to say that they use a source distribution 14:59 < armijn> then what am I doing here! 14:59 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux () 14:59 < blindcoder> armijn: yes, it reminds one of SuSE :D 14:59 < esden> armijn: yes .. looks like redhat 14:59 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux 14:59 < armijn> :) 14:59 < armijn> heheh 14:59 < blindcoder> hehe 14:59 < esden> [14:59] < blindcoder> armijn: yes, it reminds one of SuSE :D 14:59 < esden> [14:59] < esden> armijn: yes .. looks like redhat 15:00 < esden> armijn: your place is in gentoo ;-) 15:00 < esden> *GG* 15:00 < esden> *run* 15:00 < armijn> well, ok then. 15:00 * armijn leaves for gentoo 15:00 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux () 15:01 < huebi> und wech isser... 15:02 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux 15:02 < armijn> ha! you guys got shit scared! 15:02 < Ge0rG> hehe 15:02 < huebi> 1:0 for gernay 15:03 < huebi> Germany, I mean 15:03 < Ge0rG> everyone talks about soccer. why does it have much more attention on geek channels than e.g. robocup? 15:03 < esden> armijn: no ... you could never go to them ... you are not insane enough to do it ;-) 15:04 * -> esden answered the guy to forward the mail ... 15:04 * -> esden scared 15:04 < armijn> I know some people that do RoboCup... 15:05 < armijn> from the Dutch national team... 15:05 < armijn> it still sucks 15:05 < Ge0rG> soccer sucks more IMHO. 15:05 < armijn> excuse me? soccer? 15:05 < armijn> soccer is for americans.. 15:05 < armijn> in Europe, it's football :) 15:12 -!- fake [fake@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 15:12 < fake> re. 15:12 < esden> re fake 15:12 < huebi> re fake 15:12 < fake> lag an dem system wo ich das term offenhabe, nicht am apollo/irc-client. 15:12 < blindcoder> re fake 15:12 < fake> äääÄÄÄöööÖÖÖüüüÜÜÜßßß 15:12 < fake> hehe. wie eklig. 15:13 < Ge0rG> ümläutë 15:13 < fake> öümlöätöe 15:13 < Ge0rG> bäñäñë 15:14 * blindcoder wird schlecht 15:14 < fake> bläindcödeä ` 15:14 < th> nü hö¤rt döch aüf 15:14 < fake> aifbäbbsch! 15:15 < fake> aifabäbbsch. 15:15 < armijn> new automake... 15:17 < huebi> *click* 15:18 * -> esden successfully subscribed to gentoo-dev && gentoo-users 15:18 < esden> mailinglists 15:18 * -> esden switching to gentoo ;-) 15:18 < fake> esden: mailaddress: esden@rocklinux.org ? ;)) 15:18 < esden> yepp 15:18 < fake> >_< 15:19 < huebi> hehehehe 15:19 < esden> noo ... only joking 15:19 < fake> polish espionage techniques. 15:19 < armijn> yeah, I heard they weren't too successful 15:19 * -> esden setting up echelon for gentoo ;-) 15:20 < huebi> esden@cia.pl 15:21 < huebi> esden@cia.us.pl <- now nobody will find out how esden is ;-)) 15:21 < huebi> hmm, a perl script? 15:22 < fake> *lol* 15:22 < fake> esden's just a perl script. 15:22 < armijn> quick and dirty 15:22 < fake> esden@polish.security.agency.gov.pl 15:23 < esden> I will replace you all with a very small shell script !!!! 15:23 < th> esden: i wear that tshirt in the moment 15:23 < aszlig> esden: hehe, thats from fortune :) 15:23 < fake> th, the tshirt guy. 15:24 < aszlig> re 15:24 < esden> uaaaaaarrrggghh ... I am surrounded by freax .... let me out of here !!!! 15:24 < aszlig> esden: *lol* 15:24 < huebi> https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/rock-1.5/base-config/automake/ <- ROCK is faster than freshmeat ;-)) 15:24 -!- term_emu is now known as term_aweh 15:25 < armijn> freshmeat sucks. 15:25 < aszlig> esden: r u at bitz? 15:26 < aszlig> deadly silence :/ 15:26 < huebi> more silence.... 15:27 < armijn> what did you say? are u a bitch? 15:27 < huebi> even more silence.... 15:27 < aszlig> armijn: /me? 15:27 < armijn> well, seems like germany won 15:27 < aszlig> arhg! i hate it! 15:27 < tsa> won what? 15:27 < aszlig> armijn: damn germany! 15:27 < huebi> armijn: you get a second chance to see Germany not becoming world champion ;-)) 15:28 < tsa> aaa...the football thingie again.. 15:28 < tsa> *sigh* 15:28 < fake> soccer :P 15:28 < armijn> huebi: well, they shouldn't have become world champion in 1974 15:28 < armijn> fake: FOOTBALL! not soccer 15:28 < armijn> bloody amercanski! 15:28 < fake> soccer soccer niahahah. 15:28 < Ge0rG> mhm... 6 channels with soccer as the main topic. the rest is idle. isn't there anyone wanting to talk about regular topics? ;) 15:28 < huebi> sex? 15:28 < armijn> ge0rg: FOOTBALL! not soccer 15:29 < Ge0rG> armijn: that depends. 15:29 < huebi> on sex? 15:29 < armijn> ge0rg: on what? 15:29 < Ge0rG> armijn: BE or AE 15:29 < armijn> ge0rg: BE of course. DUH 15:29 * -> esden wants to talk about normall stuff 15:29 < huebi> armijn: ACK 15:29 < huebi> esden: sex? 15:29 < aszlig> yeah /me too 15:29 < armijn> my motto: "buy European, speak European" :) 15:29 < esden> but all people prefere footcrap 15:29 < aszlig> huebi: hrhr 15:30 < esden> huebi: sex is ok ... but I prefere to talk about it with my girlfriend ... ;-) 15:30 < Ge0rG> could anyone port locate for reallife? I'd like to index my room so I can faster find things... like my english dictionary 15:31 < fake> sex is not as good as rock linux. 15:31 < fake> especially now that i finally found out why gcc3 wouldn't compile on the mips 15:32 < blindcoder> esden: did germany by any chance win just now? 15:32 < armijn> compiling gcc3 is better than sex? 15:32 < huebi> The boyfriend of my sister in law comes from England. So speak british, please. 15:32 < esden> blindcoder: yes they did 15:32 < armijn> yeah, speak british, buy dutch 15:33 < blindcoder> no wonder everyone around behave like 3year-old children... 15:33 < esden> blindcoder: yepp ... here too ... I am afraid to go home now ... 15:33 < huebi> armijn: I bought about 100 engines for "Bromfits?" in the Netherlans a few years ago ;-) 15:34 < armijn> huebi: but you need to buy more! 15:34 < armijn> but, don't start about tomatoes, ok? 15:34 < fake> blindcoder: seems like they just now noticed their... err. hupe? 15:34 < armijn> we fixed them... 15:34 < blindcoder> fake: yes, and now they want to use it 15:34 < fake> excessively. 15:35 < esden> fake: when turks can use them then the germans can too ;-) 15:35 < huebi> *ROFLOL* dutch tomatoes... rote Wassersaeckchen.. 15:35 < armijn> yeah, I don't like dutch tomatoes either... 15:35 < huebi> esden: some germans learned something ;-)) 15:36 < esden> huebi: it seems so ;-) 15:36 * fake just finished his XML Parser Shell-Script ;) 15:37 < armijn> ROXML? 15:37 < armijn> why not make all the bootscripts in XML as well? 15:37 < armijn> 15:37 < armijn> 15:37 < fake> armijn: no, for work. 15:37 < huebi> What is the shortest time you can meassure? The time between a traffic light gets yellow in Israel and the second one in the queue starts to honk... 15:37 * armijn needs to puke 15:37 < fake> we got some newsfeed that comes as XML. 15:38 < fake> armijn: too much ? 15:38 < armijn> I don't drink Heineken 15:38 < armijn> it gives me a headache 15:38 < blindcoder> ? 15:38 < armijn> except when it's free :) 15:39 < esden> yak ... /me hates budwiser 15:39 < fake> Kaiserkrone! 15:39 < fake> *g* 15:39 < esden> heineken is ok when you have nothing else to choose 15:39 < esden> 15:39 < armijn> well, there's a difference between the dutch heineken and the export heineken 15:39 < armijn> export heineken is *way* better 15:40 < fake> heineke is actually the only beer you can drink someway in France 15:40 < armijn> well, kronenbourg is drinkable... 15:41 < fake> jep. that was the other one - i forgot. they sell it in these nice little 0.25l bottles. 15:41 < fake> you can play Cpt. Bluff with them ;) 15:41 < huebi> armijn: You should visit Franken in the north of Bavaria. In every litte village there is a little brewery. 15:41 < fake> huebi: armijn likes no german beer. especially no bavarian. 15:42 < fake> because he thinks i suck an everything i like sucks too. 15:42 < armijn> there's a beer called "bavaria" here 15:42 < armijn> it's dutch. 15:42 < huebi> Stout! and nothing else I say. Nothing=Grohe Export from Darmstadt. 15:43 < huebi> Ahh, I understand Bavarians are dutch? 15:43 < fake> Durch are Bavarian. 15:43 < fake> dutchmen. 15:44 < fake> hm. oops. 15:53 < armijn> be careful with that fake... 15:53 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-168-68.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15:55 < huebi> Where can I find out where a computer is located with having it's IP? 15:55 < armijn> traceroute? 15:56 < huebi> armijn: There I get the route. I want to have a map of the world with the location marked. 15:56 < armijn> heh, tough luck 15:56 < Ge0rG> there are several visual routing apps for windows, don't know of a linux one 15:56 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-170-33.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 15:57 < Ge0rG> but they arent precise anyway - they show wrong data for most computers... 15:57 < huebi> Ge0rG: There is one but I don't find it anymore. 15:57 < huebi> hi rxr 15:57 < tsa> hi rxr 15:58 < tsa> huebi: 15:58 < tsa> https://www.dtek.chalmers.se/~d3august/xt/index.html 15:58 < esden> kk 15:59 < esden> mail arrived on gentoo-user 15:59 * -> esden already answered 15:59 < tsa> guess that''s what you've been looking for.. 15:59 < hackbard> oh, openssh mal wieder .. 15:59 < tsa> jo.. 15:59 < huebi> tsa: Jo, thank you! 16:00 < esden> https://lists.gentoo.org/pipermail/gentoo-user/2002-June/026454.html 16:01 < huebi> hackbard: fixed 2 days ago... https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/rock-1.5/base-config/openssh/ 16:01 < esden> but I think that this mailinglist is having too much traffic so that there will be no real discussion ... 16:01 < hackbard> huebi: the rock package? 16:02 < huebi> hackbard: jo 16:02 < hackbard> _alle_ versionen vulnerable 16:02 < huebi> hackbard: doesn't matter 16:02 < hackbard> keiner weiss nen fix 16:02 < hackbard> why ? 16:02 < armijn> heh, are we propellerheads? 16:03 < armijn> I do have a beanie hat, with a propeller... 16:03 < huebi> openssh sshd now running privsep by default 16:03 < tsa> huebi: uhh...mom. 16:04 < tsa> huebi: this only works if the default kernel is 2.4.x 16:04 < tsa> openssh-3.3 doesn't like the mmap() implementation in linux 2.2.x kernels.. 16:07 < huebi> tsa: Yes, you mentioned that. I think it will take a few days till a really good working version is out. 16:09 < esden> armijn: it seems so ;-) 16:09 < fake> Ein hinduistischer Shadu Baba spielt im nepalesischen Kathmandu auf einer Flöte. Die etwa 300 Heiligen Männer im Pashupati-Tempel sagen Gläubigen und Touristen gegen eine Spende die Zukunft voraus. 16:09 < tsa> huebi: i hope that version will be released before gobbles' next mail to bugtraq get's accepted.. 16:10 < huebi> I hope so, too. 16:14 < esden> a question ... what is a propellerhead ??? I can imagine what it is but I am not sure. 16:15 < esden> It is not in the jargon file 16:15 < esden> and in no online dictionary I know 16:16 < huebi> Very intelligent people having the mad squirrel desease 16:16 < huebi> or so 16:16 < huebi> or not 16:16 < esden> mad squirrel desease ??? 16:17 < huebi> like mad cow desease only for squirrels. 16:17 < huebi> BSE! 16:17 < tsa> Mathilda! 16:17 < huebi> BSE fuer Streifenhoernchen ;-) 16:18 < huebi> (And here she is again, Mathilda) 16:18 < huebi> MuH! 16:18 < hackbard> huebi: na und, dann landet der attacker halt im chroot, aber die attacke selbst wird nicht verhindert .. 16:19 < hackbard> auch nich schoen 16:19 -!- rolla [~Der@stlmaisenhel.ugs.com] has joined #rocklinux 16:19 < esden> hi rolla 16:19 < rolla> hallo 16:19 < huebi> hackbard: chroot is empty! nothing in there only access to nowhere 16:19 < tsa> hi rxr 16:19 < tsa> aargh.. 16:19 < rolla> 1:0 :) 16:19 < huebi> hi rolla 16:19 < tsa> hi rolla 16:20 < th> huebi: is there a shell? 16:20 < tsa> th: nope. 16:20 < huebi> th: no nothing 16:20 < th> ouhm 16:20 < esden> yes ... rolla the people here in munich are standing on their hoops ... 16:20 < th> ok 16:20 < th> ;> 16:20 < tsa> /var/empty is just empty, nothing else. 16:20 < rolla> :) 16:20 * -> esden gets insain 16:20 < huebi> ll /var/empty 16:20 < huebi> . 16:20 < huebi> .. 16:20 < huebi> nothing 16:20 < th> ll /var/empty/nothing 16:20 < fake> hi rolla ! 16:21 < rolla> :) 16:22 < rolla> too bad about ballack :( 16:22 < hackbard> naja, das machst schwieriger, aber man kommt schon raus .. local security is mehr illusion als remote security ;) 16:25 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 16:25 < esden> hi Mike1 16:26 < Mike1> hi all 16:26 < Mike1> re esden ;) 16:26 < armijn> pfrt 16:26 < huebi> hackbard: How should that be done? 16:26 < esden> armijn: ??? 16:26 < huebi> hi Mike1 16:26 < armijn> just pfrt 16:27 < esden> good armijn ... our ueberpropellerhead .. 16:27 < esden> i like this word ;-) 16:29 < huebi> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/cgi-bin/ip <- does not work and looks like this: 16:29 < huebi> #!/bin/bash 16:29 < huebi> echo `/sbin/ifconfig -a| /bin/grep P-t-P` 16:29 < huebi> any ideas? 16:31 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB7525B.ipt.aol.com] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16:33 < tsa> huebi: erhm.. 16:33 < fake> echo `/sbin/ifconfig -a | echo` 16:33 < fake> doesn't work either 16:33 < tsa> echo Content-Type: text/html 16:33 < tsa> echo 16:33 < tsa> echo `ifconfig -a` 16:33 < fake> huebi: ifconfig ppp0 ? 16:34 < huebi> testing... 16:35 < huebi> /sbin/ifconfig -a huebi: https://fake.by-infonet.de/trace.php?ip= 16:37 < fake> huebi: extra fuer dich auf 443 ;) 16:38 < tsa> fake: BAD IDEA 16:38 < huebi> dankoe 16:38 < fake> tsa: yeah? 16:38 < tsa> https://fake.by-infonet.de/trace.php?ip=;cat%20/etc/passwd 16:38 < tsa> hva fun 16:38 < tsa> have fun 16:38 < fake> oops 16:38 < tsa> hahahaha 16:38 < tsa> *giggle* 16:38 < huebi> aiii... 16:38 < tsa> that one was _too_ easy.. 16:39 < fake> :P 16:39 < tsa> "hacking for beginners, part 1" ;-) 16:39 < fake> removed. will look at it. 16:39 < huebi> part 0. before you start.... 16:39 < esden> fake: aaaarrrrgggghhh >_< 16:39 < fake> esden: calm down. i don't want to know how buggy bchat is ;) 16:40 < fake> it's removed now, anyways. 16:40 < esden> fake: I do not want to know !! 16:40 < esden> but I have escaped all such things correctly in bchat code 16:40 < armijn> esden: more stuff for you to test 16:40 < armijn> https://www.bablokb.de/gendist/ 16:41 < huebi> [Tue Jun 25 16:31:45 2002] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: /opt/apache_1.3.24/cgi-bin/ip hmmmm 16:42 < tsa> ok, feierabend, 16:43 < tsa> cu all. 16:43 < hackbard> huebi: wenn root invalid chroot setzen und ab gehts ins richtige root. 16:43 < huebi> cu tsa 16:43 -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has quit ("wech.") 16:43 < hackbard> huebi: das kann doch nicht komplett leer sein, ohne bin/sh funktioniert doch kein chroot? 16:43 < blindcoder> *STRIKE* root on nfs up and running :D 16:44 < hackbard> huebi: also ich kanns bestimmt nicht exploiten, aber es gibt bestimmt leute die irgendwelche wege finden .. 16:44 < armijn> huebi: have you started a new build on "rock"? 16:45 < armijn> a fresh build that is 16:45 < huebi> armijn: no I didn't 16:45 < armijn> will you start one? 16:45 < armijn> pleeeeease? 16:45 < armijn> with a new kernel config (that works) 16:45 < huebi> huebi@ella:~$ ssh root@rock 16:45 < huebi> ssh: connect to address port 22: No route to host 16:46 < armijn> bwah 16:46 < huebi> armijn: when I come home I do that. 16:46 < huebi> on rock and on fels 16:46 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD958D668.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:46 < armijn> whoohoo! 16:46 < huebi> huhu thalerim ;-) 16:46 < armijn> yeah, getting dinner. 16:46 < armijn> brb 16:46 < armijn> \ 16:46 < esden> armijn: they are too small ... 16:47 < esden> therey should be left alone ;-( 16:47 * huebi having dinner... ;-) 16:47 < esden> ups 16:47 < thalerim> moin 16:47 < esden> ) 16:47 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1CDC2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 16:47 < esden> hi thalerim 16:47 < armijn> esden: is that what the girls say as well? "it's too small!" 16:47 < armijn> ;-) 16:47 * armijn afk 16:47 < thalerim> man ich könnte kotzen 16:48 < huebi> thalerim: think about your keyboard... 16:49 < thalerim> mal abgesehen davon dass deutschalnd im finale steht :-> 16:49 < thalerim> und auch mal abgesehen davon, dass ich einen bäneriss im vorderen knöchel habe 16:49 < thalerim> ist mir gestern aufgefallen, dass meine festplatte plötzlich kaputsch war 16:50 < thalerim> und bis ich mir dann mal ne neue organisiert hatte (man bedenke dem bänderiss) 16:50 < thalerim> und linux installiert hatte - und nun ist es wieder hin 16:51 < thalerim> why the heck is fsck a dummy on the rocklinux-cd????? 16:52 < thalerim> huebi: 1.5.15 is still the newest iso? 16:53 < huebi> no 16:53 < fake> itnick, saying, 'I had access to most, if not all, of the switches in Las Vegas,' and tells how he came up with a list of 100 challenge-response codes." 16:53 < huebi> mom 16:53 < huebi> https://download.rocklinux.de/1.5/1.5.16/ 16:54 < huebi> fake: URL? 16:54 < fake> huebi: on slashdot 16:54 < esden> muahahaha 16:54 < esden> lough 16:55 < fake> huebi: NYT. registration-blahblah. 16:55 < thalerim> who's responsible for the installdisks (1.5er tree) 16:55 * -> esden gets his propeller hat and puts it on ;-) 16:55 < huebi> thalerim: me 16:55 < esden> I need such a propeller hat for 19C3 !!! 16:56 * blindcoder replaces esdens propellar with a sharp razor and puts it upside down on esdens head 16:56 < thalerim> why the heck is fsck a dummy on the rocklinux-cd????? <- 16:56 < thalerim> i really _need_ it 16:56 < esden> thanks blindcoder *jump* 16:56 < huebi> * esden now looks like a "Moench" 16:56 < blindcoder> monk 16:56 < fake> monk of pure code. 16:56 * -> esden is a rockmonk 16:56 < fake> prayer to the god of source. 16:57 < huebi> thalerim: because ther is not enough space on the boot disk ;-( 16:57 < fake> seeking wisdom in the depths of the linux kernel 16:57 < fake> hunted by the closed source devil 16:58 < thalerim> huebi: ok then run a 'ldd fsck' on you system, please (i cannot, sitting toward a winblows box) 16:58 < huebi> IMF00YC7:~# ldd /sbin/fsck 16:59 < huebi> libe2p.so.2 => /lib/libe2p.so.2 (0x4001c000) 16:59 < huebi> libext2fs.so.2 => /lib/libext2fs.so.2 (0x40021000) 16:59 < huebi> libcom_err.so.2 => /lib/libcom_err.so.2 (0x40036000 16:59 < huebi> libc.so.6 => /lib/libc.so.6 (0x40039000) 16:59 < huebi> /lib/ld-linux.so.2 => /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0x40000000) 16:59 < huebi> ok 16:59 * -> esden updating download paths in 1.5 16:59 * -> esden is bored by this ... 17:00 * -> esden wants to see cool bugs to chew on them ;-) 17:00 < thalerim> huebi: i assume the first three will miss.. or are they on the ramdisk? 17:02 < thalerim> rock-src-1.5.16.iso <- what's the meaning of the src? does it contain the source of the files (and i'll have to compile) or the compiled binaries? 17:02 < esden> these are the sources of the packets 17:02 < esden> you have to compile it ... 17:03 < thalerim> #### 17:03 < thalerim> actually i need the newest "just install it" iso 17:04 < huebi> thalerim: I know the big problem of the too small bootdisk. So the next two weeks are completely reserved for ROCK Liunx. I have to fix mant things and I want to build a few more install disks (xfs/reiserfs) you can then choose from while booting from cd 17:04 < huebi> thalerim: CPU? 17:04 < fake> hm... the mips chroot of rock is _much_ faster then the debian 17:04 < thalerim> i686 17:04 < fake> *grin* 17:04 < huebi> thalerim: https://download.rocklinux.de/1.5/1.5.16/rock-ia32-i686-base+opt-1.5.16.iso 17:05 < thalerim> ok 17:06 < thalerim> is a listing which pkg that contains anywhere? 17:07 < thalerim> well, actually i mean, does it provide vim ? 17:08 < esden> haha ... an answer on the gentoo-user mailinglist!!! 17:08 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB66BB7.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux 17:08 < esden> https://lists.gentoo.org/pipermail/gentoo-user/2002-June/026460.html 17:13 < thalerim> huebi: kannst du mir mal bitte ein kompiliertes packet von vim irgendwo hochladen? (ich will nur nur ein ausweich system aufstellen, weil ich noch ein paar Sachen an dialog machen muss und das möglichst bald; ohne syntax-highlighting keine chance) 17:13 < huebi> thalerim: jo 17:14 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux () 17:15 < thalerim> thx! 17:27 < fake> ls 17:27 < fake> >_< 17:29 < huebi> thalerim: ftp://rocklinux.dyndns.org/ia32-vim.tar.bz2 17:29 < huebi> thalerim: installs under /opt/vim 17:30 < huebi> optimized for i686 17:30 < huebi> thalerim: You'll feel the differece - typing is now *way* faster *g* 17:31 < huebi> +n 17:32 < esden> hmm ... the discussion on the list starts to be interesting ... i will have to bring in some rocklinux concepts ;-) 17:33 < fake> esden: no, don't. 17:33 < esden> fake: why ... it will be fun ;-) 17:33 < fake> esden: keep observing. 17:33 < esden> fake: sure 17:35 < huebi> th: huhu, noch da? 17:36 < esden> ok ... cu all 17:36 < huebi> esden: let them read the source of rock. If they are interested they will do it and adopt some thing of ROCK. 17:36 * -> esden must go to the tarin 17:36 < huebi> tarin? 17:36 < fake> his priest 17:36 < fake> priest of rock. 17:36 < huebi> esden: DON'T FEED THE TROLLS! 17:36 < esden> hehe ... muahahaha 17:37 < esden> huebi: read the thread there 17:37 < esden> I am not a flamewar assasin 17:37 < esden> ok ... 17:37 < esden> cu all 17:37 < fake> cya! 17:38 < huebi> esden: They'll discuss it or not. I'm very interested in an abstract like in LWN ;-) 17:38 < thalerim> cu 17:38 < huebi> thalerim: did you get it 17:38 < huebi> ? 17:38 < thalerim> i startet it a minute ago 17:38 < thalerim> started 17:38 < huebi> vim too? 17:39 < thalerim> i startet it a minute ago - it = vim 17:39 < thalerim> iso: 10%, vim 20% 17:39 < huebi> ah ok. Have fun. Und alles gute fuer deinen Fuss. 17:40 < huebi> (Wird wohl mindestens 4-6 Wochen dauern) 17:40 < fake> der fuss oder der download? ;-) 17:40 < thalerim> 6wochen bandage 17:40 < huebi> fake LOL 18:11 < fake> cal 18:11 < fake> *argh* 18:11 < fake> ah. cool. friday is money-day :) 18:12 < huebi> fake: :-) 18:21 < fake> blindcoder (18:20): ich red mit ira darüber dass ich mit esden schlafe 18:21 < fake> o_O 18:21 < fake> *fg* 18:22 < huebi> Ich hab's doch geahnt... 18:22 < huebi> LOL 18:23 < huebi> mail is out to the list. ;-)) 18:24 < th> huebi: jetzt ja 18:24 < th> huebi: vim? 18:25 < huebi> vim kommt auch mit in opt 18:26 < th> grmpf. also weg aus all meinen ext-config 18:26 < fake> wird hart : the ISO-Images are made for ia32 i585. 18:26 < fake> we have binaries before there's even silicon! 18:27 < huebi> fake: ROCK is just _very_ uptodate *g* 18:28 < huebi> i chaged the arch intel to ia32 as in 1.7 18:28 < huebi> +n 18:28 < fake> actually that's what in the kernel-menu-help for the SB1 Processor (MIPS) 18:28 < th> huebi: working on 1.7? 18:28 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD958D668.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos") 18:29 < huebi> th: no talking to clifford and we found it is more consistent with this naming chene. 18:30 < th> huebi: unable to resolve "this" 18:30 < th> huebi: ich hab eben ein paar stunden geschlafen und nicht zugehoert 18:30 < fake> == 06/24/02 20:33:35 =[2]=> Finished building package gcc3. 18:30 < fake> JEEE! 18:30 < fake> finally. 18:30 < fake> --disable-libgcj was what it was all about... 18:31 < huebi> th: 18:28 < huebi> i chaged the arch intel to ia32 as in 1.7 18:31 < th> huebi: ahh ok. 18:31 < huebi> cu later ;-) 18:31 < huebi> have to leave... 18:32 < fake> cu huebi ! 18:34 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5518.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 18:34 < owl> hi 18:35 < fake> hi owl! 18:39 < rolla> owl 18:40 < blindcoder> fake: for the record: I'm NOT homosexual! 18:40 < fake> sagt ja keiner? ;-) 18:40 < blindcoder> 18:21 < fake> blindcoder (18:20): ich red mit ira darüber dass ich mit esden schlafe 18:41 < fake> blindcoder: i just thought it's funny 18:42 < fake> blindcoder: but as nobody reads the irclogs except google your little secret is safe ;-))) 18:44 < blindcoder> ... ... ... 18:46 -!- kaerF [freak@pD9E39925.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:46 -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39AEC.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: kaerF!freak@pD9E39925.dip.t-dialin.net))) 18:46 -!- kaerF is now known as Freak 18:55 < snyke> hmm 18:57 * fake geht ma eine stauben. 18:58 < snyke> tz 18:59 < SMP> phew 19:01 -!- SMP changed the topic of #rocklinux to: OpenSSH remote vuln. upcoming; upgrade to OpenSSH 3.3 and enable PrivSep! Now! (https://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=openssh-unix-dev&m=102495293705094&w=2) 19:03 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1CDC2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:06 < fake> hi SMP 19:07 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB66BB7.ipt.aol.com] has quit () 19:18 * fake compiling openssh 3.3p1 19:19 < th> /topic $topic | or consider ssh.com 19:19 < Ge0rG> ssh.com rocks 19:19 < fake> ssh.com ? 19:19 < th> www.ssh.com the original ssh 19:20 < fake> s/original/commercial/ ? 19:20 < th> the one openssh tries to be compatible with 19:20 < th> fake: free for commercial use on linux and bsd systems 19:20 < fake> sweet. 19:20 < th> as well as for non-commercial use 19:20 < SMP> *rotfl* 19:20 < Ge0rG> anyway, what does "open" in openssh mean? 19:21 < th> it's open 19:21 < fake> but i'll stick to openssh.... 19:21 < th> fake: i know 19:21 < th> fake: you all do 19:21 < SMP> OpenSSH has privsep - ssh.com doesn't 19:22 < fake> just because there are no bug/vuln reports because it's closed source doesn't mean there are none ;) 19:22 < SMP> _you really want to have privsep_ 19:22 < SMP> seriously. I'd wish ssh.com were implementing it 19:22 < th> SMP: well OpenSSH really needs privsep 19:22 < SMP> th: and ssh.com doesn't, because there are no bugs? 19:22 < th> fake: the source is not closed 19:23 < th> SMP: i did not say it that direct ;) 19:23 < fake> you mean - it's open source, but on OSI compliant license? 19:23 < fake> on=no 19:23 < SMP> th: but if you're thinking it, you deserve getting 0wn3d 19:24 < th> fake: don't know how the license is called. you download the source-code and compile it. and it's free for non-commercial use and for non-commercial and commercial use on linux and bsd 19:24 < fake> y34h. you d3s3rv3 b3ing 0wnz0r3d! ;) 19:25 < fake> th> so if i got into the city and read the source out loud everybdoy has a cool, bug-free ssh. open-source. 19:25 < th> SMP: tons of bug/vuln reports made me feel afraid of openssh 19:25 < fake> th: better lots of reports than none... 19:26 < Ge0rG> there are reports on ssh... it just doesnt have so many bugs ;) 19:26 < SMP> Ge0rG: have you been on #linux.de last Friday (21.6.)? 19:26 < th> fake: but tell me: why are there _almost_ no bug reports for ssh.com? 19:26 < Ge0rG> SMP: nope 19:26 < SMP> Ge0rG: on IRCnet I mean 19:27 < SMP> oh, yes you have 19:27 < Ge0rG> SMP: I was on that channel one or two times... 19:27 < SMP> Ge0rG: so you were the one who changed to topic for the irssi crash? 19:27 < Ge0rG> SMP: uhm... aeh... 19:28 < SMP> so? 19:29 < Ge0rG> it might have been me... 19:29 < Ge0rG> I've toggled the irssi bug on several channels, don't remember if I did it on #linux.de too 19:30 < SMP> so you think this was funny? 19:30 < SMP> or a good idea? 19:34 < SMP> would you mind explaining yourself? 19:36 -!- mode/#rocklinux [+o SMP] by ChanServ 19:36 < th> "StGB §328, Abs. 2, Nr. 3: Mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu fünf Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe wird bestraft, wer eine nukleare Explosion verursacht oder einen anderen zu dieser Handlung verleitet oder eine solche Handlung fördert." 19:36 < th> SMP: (das ist dein mate supplier) 19:36 < Ge0rG> SMP: at that time I thought so. 19:37 < Ge0rG> sometimes its just great to forget about the consequences and to do something evil. 19:39 <@SMP> so - are you trying to say that you have changed you mind? 19:40 <@SMP> 'your mind' 19:41 < th> SMP: if he had not done so - would you still use buggy irssi? 19:41 <@SMP> hehe 19:42 < Ge0rG> SMP: at least I've stopped exploiting it everywhere I get ;) 19:43 < Ge0rG> SMP: but whats the problem? a crashing irssi is a pretty regular thing... 19:43 <@SMP> I am accepting this as an apology.. 19:43 < Ge0rG> happens here once in a while too 19:43 -!- mode/#rocklinux [-o SMP] by SMP 19:43 < th> lol 19:43 < Ge0rG> SMP: sorry that I've hit you. it was really nothing personal. 19:44 < th> nice show, SMP 19:44 < SMP> go watch Spider-Man and learn how great power implies great responsiblity ;> 19:44 * fake cant resist imagining SMP with a big double-bladed sword... 19:45 < th> SMP: LOL 19:45 < fake> <-- playing too much Neverwinter Night s>_< 19:45 < Ge0rG> fake: hehe 19:45 < th> SMP: spiderman was great ;) 19:45 < SMP> (Op needed for pending /kick) 19:45 < th> fake: (-!- mode/#rocklinux [-o SMP] by SMP) and he just put his sword back on his back. 19:46 < fake> th: i know ;) 19:46 < SMP> 'sword' isn't the word 19:46 < SMP> I use a LART 19:46 < th> hehe 19:46 < Ge0rG> ,oO( channel is -t.... must resist... no topic games... ;) ) 19:46 < fake> LART? 19:46 < th> SMP: Ge0rG could be 120% LART resistant 19:47 < th> fake: Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool 19:47 < fake> *LOL* 19:47 < Ge0rG> being LARTed would be really humiliating... 19:48 < SMP> Ge0rG: the problem isn't "a crashing irssi". it is that denying people communication cannot be accepted 19:50 < Ge0rG> SMP: I know. thats why I always did reset the topic after a minute or so 19:51 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux 19:51 < armijn> re 19:51 < fake> SMP what is the # of the sshd user? 19:51 < SMP> pardon? 19:52 < SMP> ah.. 19:52 < SMP> uid=19(sshd) gid=19(sshd) groups=19(sshd) 19:52 < fake> tnx... 19:52 < armijn> blah. 19:52 < SMP> at least in 1.4 / 1.5 19:52 < armijn> I ran out of beer. 19:52 * fake on suse >_< 19:52 < fake> at work - not my choice. 19:52 < SMP> uhm 19:53 < SMP> you better not use 19 then 19:53 < Ge0rG> fake: maybe its time for some knoppix-like rock which can be cd-booted and used on the fly? ;) 19:53 < armijn> I heard that this knoppix stuff was pretty kool 19:53 < fake> SMP: well, it's not really important which number it is, as long as it is not 1, right? 19:53 < SMP> Ge0rG: in theory it has been done already 19:54 < SMP> s,0,1, ;> 19:54 < SMP> argh 19:54 < SMP> other way round 19:54 < SMP> I need breakfast, damnit 19:54 < fake> yeah. 19:54 < th> y,01,10, 19:54 < armijn> breakfast? 19:54 < fake> especially coffee ;) 19:55 < armijn> SMP: had rough night? 19:55 < SMP> recovering from monday morning 19:55 < th> a cool club-mate is a cool idea 19:56 < SMP> th: mind dropping some here when you're visiting SO next time? ;) 19:57 < armijn> SMP: recovering from monday morning? 19:57 < th> SMP: i'll do so as soon the supply is established through esden and fake 19:57 < armijn> SMP: that was yesterday morning... 19:57 < SMP> [X] armijn can count 19:57 < SMP> ;p 19:58 < Ge0rG> #rocklinux, the secret club mate network 19:58 < th> SMP: i've only 3 bottles left. perhaps Ge0rG has some left for you 19:58 < armijn> SMP: so, what happened yesterday morning? 19:58 < Ge0rG> mhm... let me think about it.... 19:58 < armijn> SMP: if it was really rough, I'd go for the English breakfast 19:59 < esden> re hi all 20:00 < armijn> hi esden 20:01 < SMP> armijn: monday morning I had to repair a broken down harddisk in one packetfilter. after already being awake 14hrs. driving 1,5hrs. then not having the right screwdriver. then not knowing OpenBSD fdisk well enough 20:01 < Ge0rG> SMP: I think that'll go ok, but it depends on when the "distribution network" will be running 20:02 < SMP> Ge0rG: I don't need to many ATM. I hope th agrees to bring them around next chance. th? 20:02 < armijn> SMP: and no breakfast. 20:02 -!- Babyface [babyface@] has joined #rocklinux 20:02 < Babyface> hoi 20:02 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 20:02 < Ge0rG> I've promised someone to give him a crate, but I think he can wait until the distro works... then I'd give it to th and you 'd get some bottles too 20:03 < armijn> bottles of what? 20:03 < SMP> armijn: Club-Mate 20:03 < Ge0rG> ok, babyface is responsible for the koeln-magdeburg link :) 20:03 < armijn> ah...mate... 20:04 < Ge0rG> fake: still here? 20:04 < SMP> Ge0rG: who's that? th? 20:04 < th> SMP: no 20:04 < SMP> th: sorry ;) 20:04 < th> hehe 20:04 < th> ;) 20:04 < fake> damn it. 20:04 < SMP> maybe we should all join #club-mate ..? ;) 20:04 < fake> my just-compiled sshd does not work. 20:04 < armijn> nah 20:04 < Ge0rG> hm... boerde.de might go offline in the next minutes 20:05 < fake> Jun 25 22:06:44 freia sshd[17998]: fatal: mmap(65536): Invalid argument 20:05 < fake> *ARGH* 20:05 < armijn> SMP: I'd go for the english breakfast. 20:05 < fake> DONT TELL ME 20:05 < fake> 2.2 20:05 < fake> *DOUH* 20:05 < fake> 2.2.19 20:06 < fake> ok... forget about privsep for now... 20:06 < SMP> armijn: we're having a BBQ right now. maybe I should go over.. 20:06 < SMP> fake: PAM? 20:06 < armijn> SMP: yeah, maybe you should 20:06 < fake> SMP: yes 20:06 < th> SMP: next WE SO comes here... have to ask her for _our_ plans in a fortnight 20:06 < fake> wee. and now i have to go upstairs to fix it - just kicked me out. 20:07 < SMP> privsep does have problems with PAM.. 20:07 < SMP> bug your vendor.. 20:07 < fake> suse suxx bug time. 20:07 < fake> well... i'll try without PAM then. 20:07 < fake> cya later 20:08 < SMP> th: yeah, whatever.. as I said.. 'next time possible' 20:09 < th> SMP: no problem 20:10 < Ge0rG> ,oO( 20 club mate crates start in muenchsteinach, 2 reach smp, rest vanishes ) 20:10 < SMP> I have a crate of empty bottels here, btw. .. 20:11 < SMP> can I get the refund at any supermarket? 20:11 < Ge0rG> mate bottles? 20:11 < th> SMP: i really don't know 20:11 < Ge0rG> I doubt it. 20:12 < SMP> or do empty crates have to travel 'upstream' to suppy-chain? ;) 20:12 < SMP> supply-chain .. 20:12 < Ge0rG> if you drive them to berlin you get 50¢ more for them ;) 20:12 < th> Ge0rG: refund in berlin is higher? 20:12 < th> Ge0rG: hey that's an real-world exploit! 20:13 < Ge0rG> th: at least I had to pay more. I suppose if I pay 5¤ for the crate plus 12 for the content, then I get 5¤ back when returning the crate 20:14 < th> hope so 20:14 < Ge0rG> th: not really - imagine the cost for transferring empty bottles from muenchsteinach (I should make an alias for that word) to berlin 20:16 < praenti> hi 20:17 < th> Ge0rG: muenchsteinach (word xbuffered) has no empty botles for us. we have empty bottles in ST 20:19 < Ge0rG> th: they've got full bottles. getting them empty is a hard job too ;) 20:19 < praenti> does anyone know how clifford is? 20:19 < praenti> nerd is offline, he is offline 20:20 < armijn> who's clifford? 20:20 < th> Ge0rG: we really need to care about empty crates... 20:21 < praenti> armijn: ... ;-) 20:21 < praenti> perhaps the omnipotent person? 20:22 < praenti> or better clifford=root? 20:22 < praenti> ok. i'm away. cya tomorrow 20:33 -!- Sch0rSch [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:33 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 20:33 -!- Sch0rSch is now known as Ge0rG 20:33 < Ge0rG> that was an irssi crash ;) 20:39 -!- d3mian [~sdgs@] has joined #rocklinux 20:39 < d3mian> hi all! 20:44 < esden> hi d3mian 20:45 < armijn> hi 20:45 < d3mian> ahhmm!, i feel so gut, ive left the Uni! 20:46 < armijn> finished studies? 20:46 < esden> d3mian: ????? 20:46 < armijn> or are you just another drop out? 20:47 < d3mian> no, vacations! .. the end of semester 20:47 < esden> arggggghhh 20:47 < th> d3mian: i thought it would be something interesting 20:47 < esden> d3mian: I HATE YOU 20:47 < d3mian> ill leave the Uni in 6 yrs i guess! 20:47 < d3mian> hehe, da u continue studying hard esden? 20:48 < esden> yes ... I have three exams next month ... 20:49 < d3mian> ouch, ic 20:49 < armijn> grrr 20:50 < fake> SMP: it's not the PAM support. PAM works. 20:50 < fake> it's indeed an incompatibility to the 2.2 kernel 20:51 < armijn> heh 20:52 < fake> this traps me in a problematic situation. 20:52 < fake> i could either dump the 2.2.19-suse kernel which is certified and the only one officially allowed for doing IPSec with SAP 20:53 < fake> and use 2.4, also replacing that damn brainfsckd SuSE firewall script 20:53 < fake> or i could just leave it there wit no PrivSep and wait until my employer dies. 20:53 -!- [anders] [~guest@] has joined #rocklinux 20:53 < fake> btw: i couldn't bug SuSE because it's 6.4 - which is no longer supported. 20:56 * fake wirft eine runde bruehend heissen espresso in den channel 20:56 < fake> *flatsch* 20:56 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB63B0B.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux 20:56 < fake> btw: i chosse #2 ;-) 20:56 < esden> fake: danke 20:56 < esden> dass brauche ich jetzt 20:58 * -> esden heizt sich wasser fuer einen cappu auf 20:59 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has quit ("ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet?") 21:00 -!- term_aweh [~pm@pD9E3364A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("zz") 21:01 * fake listening to Rammstein - Wollt Ihr nicht auch das Bett in Flammen sehen? 21:01 * d3mian listen Dimmu Borgir - Burn in Hell 21:01 < fake> hm. das sollte wohl Wollt Ihr das Bett in Flammen heissen. 21:02 < fake> Dimmu Borgir rulez ;) 21:02 < fake> In Death's Embrace is my fav 21:02 < d3mian> sure ! :) 21:02 < d3mian> Puritanicals mine 21:02 < fake> thoug a Succubus in Rapture (?) is also good. 21:03 < fake> yeah like Puritanicals too ;) 21:03 < d3mian> dunno, never listened about that song 21:03 < d3mian> well, have to leave now 21:03 < fake> cya! 21:03 < Ge0rG> hm... i should put the ram back into the 486 before booting it... 21:03 < d3mian> ill be @ home for a long time, without contact! 21:03 < snyke> hmm 21:03 < d3mian> rammstein is funny too 21:03 -!- d3mian [~sdgs@] has left #rocklinux () 21:04 < fake> perl is a bitch. 21:05 < snyke> muahaha 21:06 < esden> fake: ... good to fuck ;-) 21:06 < rolla> perl is not a bitch ;) 21:09 < [anders]> perl is handy... 21:09 * [anders] use it frequently at work.. 21:10 < rolla> ja 21:11 < fake> bash is better ;-) 21:12 < [anders]> depends what you do.. if you do lots of pattern matching and stepping through lines, search&replace... perl is better.. 21:12 < fake> it's a question of personal favour i think. 21:12 < rolla> yes it is :) 21:12 < fake> rolla: gcc3 now compiles on mips. 21:13 < fake> after i found out that gcj is simply not supported on mips yet - and no configure test warns you / disables it. 21:13 < [anders]> I use bash when I want to type a problem fast, if I want to try an elegant sollution, perl it is.. ;-) 21:13 < [anders]> solution even.. 21:14 < rolla> sweet 21:16 < Ge0rG> "perl" and "elegant" don't belong in the same sentence ;) 21:16 < th> ack 21:17 < rolla> it is one own opion :) 21:17 < fake> Ge0rG: ym friend ;-) 21:17 < fake> my 21:18 < th> i'm using python for more complex scripting tasks 21:18 * fake drives home now 21:18 < Ge0rG> "is there any perl analogon to the obfuscated C contest?" -- "Yes, it's called CPAN" 21:19 < Ge0rG> Uncompressing Linux... 21:19 < Ge0rG> this 486 sucks :) 21:19 < th> Ge0rG: hehe :) 21:20 < esden> cu all 21:20 < th> lat0r esden ;) 21:20 < Ge0rG> lat0r is l33t sp34k... 21:21 < Ge0rG> hey, it boots! :) 21:21 < rolla> I found typo in Documentation :( 21:21 < th> Ge0rG: it rocks 21:22 < Ge0rG> mhm... would knoppix boot with 36mb ram? ;) 21:22 < th> which tasks is knoppix for? 21:23 < Ge0rG> having fun on foreign machines? ;) 21:23 < Ge0rG> the 486 root disk contains "dmesg" as a link to busybox but the busybox module isnt compiled. 21:24 < th> Ge0rG: please specify "fun" in that sense 21:25 < Ge0rG> dunno 21:34 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5518.pppool.de] has quit ("./me is almost dead") 21:41 < [anders]> woohooo.. /me got hold of an old Erasure song, "Neverending Story"... 21:41 < [anders]> I wasn't aware Erasure had done it, but it does sound very much like Erasure.. 21:44 < WKaibigan> Wasn't that sung by Limahl 21:47 < Ge0rG> hm... having a "real" shell with history and tab completion on the root floppy would be a dream... is it possible? 21:48 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 21:48 < fake> hm. i'd really like to have a short, violent chat with the guys from the "Verbraucherschutzministerium". 21:49 < fake> everybody - even non smokers - know what a lighter costed at the gas station before the euro was invented - 1 DM. 21:49 < fake> guess what the exactly same lighter costs now... 21:49 < fake> bingo. 1 EUR. 21:49 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux 21:49 < Ge0rG> re 21:49 < fake> it's really disgusting 21:49 < Ge0rG> hm... having a "real" shell with history and tab completion on the root floppy would be a dream... is it possible? 21:50 < fake> Ge0rG: i'd prefer to have fsck.ext2 first. 21:51 < Ge0rG> fake: ok, thats a point 21:51 < fake> Ge0rG: huebi will work extensively on the boot/install-disks in the coming two weeks 21:52 < Ge0rG> yet another bug (is anyone writing that down?): I've got /mnt and /mnt/boot mounted (/mnt is install target), and when I make df in the rock install shell (1.5.16, i486), I get only the space on /mnt/boot displayed. 21:52 < rxr> Ge0rG: in dRock we have all this on the install-disk ... 21:52 < fake> esden also did a lot of work an a dietlibc-target, which will be used for the 1.7/2.0 install/boot disks 21:52 < rxr> ext2/3, reiserfs and bash (with completion and history ...) ... 21:52 * rxr off learning ... 21:53 < th> Ge0rG: /trg is dedicated mountpoint for installtarget 21:54 < th> Ge0rG: just mount /trg and /src and run "Install" or just untarbz2 all base-pkgs to /trg 21:55 < th> Ge0rG: root-kombo still has bash, IIRC 21:55 < th> Ge0rG: and btw... just untarbz2 bash.tar.bz2 and run bash 21:55 < th> Ge0rG: could be untared to target or ramfs 21:57 < Ge0rG> I've tried /dst which wasn't there so I took /mnt ;) 21:57 < th> Ge0rG: /trg is there 21:57 < Ge0rG> th: I was too lazy to type ls / 21:58 < th> Ge0rG: you were too lazy to read 21:58 < th> /trg is the default target for Install binary. did u use install-shell? 21:59 < Ge0rG> nope, Install.bin in the rock-dir 21:59 < Ge0rG> reading is for the case where everything else has failed. 21:59 < th> just use "Install" 21:59 < Ge0rG> ok, next time then 21:59 < th> mount /src and /trg and "Install" without arguments ;) 22:00 -!- simon- [~simon@p50874EFB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:06 < fake> hi simon-! any luck? 22:07 < fake> SMP ? 22:07 < SMP> fake? 22:08 < fake> SMP: now i see 3 sshds running when logged in. 2 as root and one as the user logged in... 22:08 < fake> shouldn't one of those be running as sshd ? 22:08 < SMP> no. 22:09 < fake> hm... and i'll have to wait for the exploit to test wether it worked ;) 22:09 < SMP> one of the three is the daemon listening on the socket. it has nothing to do with your login (anymore) 22:09 < SMP> on the other ones: 22:10 < SMP> https://www.citi.umich.edu/u/provos/ssh/privsep.html 22:11 < huebi> re 22:12 < SMP> basically, what you are seeing is the 'user-privileged' sshd 22:12 < SMP> the 'unprivileged' sshd only exists until the authentication has completed 22:13 < fake> aaaw! i always wondered what it's doing while waiting for authentication. 22:13 < fake> re huebi ! 22:15 -!- simon [~simon@p50875ADE.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out) 22:15 -!- simon- is now known as simon 22:20 * huebi reading log ;-) 22:26 < rolla> argh now rsync is dead 22:52 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A68.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #rocklinux () 23:03 -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:03 < holyolli> re 23:06 < fake> re holyolli 23:11 -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has quit ("fnord!") 23:12 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB63B0B.ipt.aol.com] has quit () 23:24 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB63B0B.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux 23:30 < fake> gm... damn it. 23:30 < fake> ldconfig segfaulting again 23:42 < Ge0rG> mhm.... default kernel should maybe have sysrq 23:42 < fake> ldconfig is segfaulting. without ltrace/strace able to compile - how can i find out what's wrong? 23:46 < SMP> Ge0rG: I talked to Clifford about that at 18C3. he said he'd disable sysreq (again) because it's security problem (with is correct IMO) 23:47 < Ge0rG> SMP: sure it is, but everyone who can spell security builds his own kernel anyway :) 23:48 * Ge0rG remembers the rocklinux stand on 18C3 23:48 < SMP> security should be for everyone 23:48 < SMP> even if it is sometimes hard to do 23:49 < fake> can nobody gimme a hint? 23:49 < SMP> /usr/bin/gdb 23:49 < fake> gdb doesn't work 23:49 < SMP> uh-oh 23:49 < fake> well gdb works, but it doesn't report the problem. 23:49 < SMP> printf()-debugging then 23:49 < SMP> ;-( 23:49 < fake> SMP> *ugh* 23:50 < fake> well.. what the hell. it's just 2 .c files. 23:50 < fake> ld.so :D 23:53 < fake> *ARGH* 23:53 < fake> it's even worse 23:53 < fake> i just copied over debian's strace 23:53 < huebi> I just found sth: "Internet Public Access Guide" - "A Guide for Accessing the Internet through Unix-based Computer Systems" from 1994 23:53 < huebi> kool! 23:54 < fake> it works for some libraries, but then it segfaults. guess what? always segfaulting when working on another lib. 23:54 < fake> this is uber-nasty 23:54 < huebi> 29 lines about www. hehe 23:54 < fake> old_mmap(NULL, 228416, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, 4, 0) = 0x2aaa9000 23:55 < fake> --- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) --- 23:56 < fake> no, i have to correct: seems to be at libreadline... 23:57 < fake> nope. 23:59 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1CDC2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") --- Log closed Wed Jun 26 00:00:07 2002