-!- Irrsi  Log opened Wed Jun 26 00:00:07 2002
[00:09] < esden> hi all
[00:10] < fake> ha... the ldconfig from debain is strange...
[00:11] < fake> while the "original" ldconfig uses a read() statement, the debian's one doesnt ... o_O
[00:18] < esden> fake: have you found your coredump problem in ldconfig on mips ?
[00:18] < esden> or was it something different that crashed badly ?
[00:18] < fake> esden: no coredump. just segfault. and no, not yet. i will examine it further tomorrow.
[00:19] < esden> ok
[00:19]   esden lookig how natalie feels ;-)
[00:23] < fake> ah, no. I'll do it _now_
[00:30] < th> huebi: url?
[00:31] < huebi> th: It printed ;(  try www.ssc.com
[00:31] -!- mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[00:31] < mike1> re
[00:31] < huebi> hi mike1
[00:31] < mike1> hi andreas
[00:31] < th> huebi: just recent stuff there
[00:32] < huebi> th: no archive there?
[00:32] < huebi> th: google?
[00:33] < esden> hi mike1
[00:33] < mike1> esden: i thought you would be at #gentoo
[00:33] < mike1> hi esden ;)
[00:33] < esden> mike1: ?????
[00:33] < esden> mike1: schould I leave this channel and go to them ?
[00:33] < mike1> esden: just read ur mail to the mailing list a while ago
[00:33] < esden> should I ???
[00:33] < mike1> esden: no way
[00:34] < esden> good .. ;-)
[00:34] < mike1> just thought youd be standing for rock-linux ;)
[00:34] < mike1> but certainly you are right
[00:34] < mike1> it makes no sence to leave this chan to go there
[00:34] < esden> I was more critisizing them ... than saying they are good
[00:35] < mike1> i know ;)
[00:35] < esden> the things that are good have nothing to do with portage that is what they think is good in their distro ...
[00:36] < esden> and we can easyly take the good parts to us
[00:36] < esden> or better say learn from them ...
[00:36] < th> Another way to browse the internet, the World Wide Web brings the Internet's old and new
[00:36] < mike1> i think that they will with the time just become another user friendly distro
[00:36] < esden> we should learn from others
[00:36] < th>                             resources together.
[00:37] < esden> mike1: I suppose that that is their gole
[00:37] < mike1> yeah not steal but learn from the good things that other have to improve our distro :D
[00:37] < esden> mike1: that is what I wanted to say
[00:37] < mike1> esden: about that "nerd people" comment
[00:38] < esden> yes ?
[00:38] < mike1> what can i say
[00:38] < esden> ...
[00:38] < mike1> not everyone has the guts to do something more deep than using a guy interface
[00:38] < mike1> or getting the distro to auto detect the hardware
[00:38] < esden> hehe ...
[00:39] < mike1> no auto-hardware-detection is only for genius i guess
[00:39] < mike1> lol
[00:39] < esden> lol
[00:40] < fake> *LOL*
[00:40] < th> https://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=2769
[00:40] < fake> from ldconfig.c : when you want to do everything ldconfig can do (cache rebuild:)
[00:40] < mike1> Anyways i found it a good thing that you sent the report to the list, telling us the good and bad things
[00:40] < fake> /* the lazy bum want's us to do all the work for him */
[00:40] < esden> mike1: I would like to play with hardware auto detection ... so I will probably integrate it as an option to the new installdisk system
[00:41] < mike1> i think rene had made some work on this on his last drock release an i wrong?
[00:41] < esden> no idea
[00:41]   esden does not have anything to do with drock
[00:42] < esden> drock seems to be too user friendly ;-)
[00:42] < mike1> lol
[00:42] < mike1> still i think there something of hardware detection i will find it out later
[00:42] < esden> I do not have to compile my windowmenager by myself ... that is something for weenies ;-)
[00:43] < esden> mike1: please do it
[00:43] < mike1> esden: i will
[00:43] < mike1> th: nice article
[00:44]   mike1 getting some coffee... anyone wants some?
[00:45] < esden> no thanks ... I have jolt ;-)
[00:45]   mike1 costarican cosffee BTW esden
[00:45] < mike1> *g
[00:45] < esden> it is too hot for coffee
[00:45] < esden> ahh that is an argument
[00:45] < esden> then I would like also one ;-)
[00:46]   esden and blindcoder are trying to organize proppeller hats with rocklinux logo on them for 19C3
[00:46] < esden> for all rock developers that will be there ;-)
[00:48] < mike1> esden: i would like to have 2 please
[00:48] < mike1> *g
[00:48] < SMP> hell.. read https://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/jargon/html/entry/propeller-head.html and stop making an elephant of a fly
[00:49] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB63B0B.ipt.aol.com] has left #rocklinux ()
[00:49] < esden> SMP: why are you getting angry ? I think it is funny to run around with a propeller on your head .. that is all
[00:50] < huebi> I want a fully automatic air condition in my hat.
[00:51] < esden> you do not have to wear it @ SMP
[00:51] < esden> huebi: hehe ... batteries included ;-)
[00:51] < huebi> esden: powered by an fusion reactor ;-)
[00:52] < SMP> I know I don't _have to_...
[00:52] < SMP> ;-}
[00:52] < esden> huebi: cold fusion reactor ... /me working on it currently in his free time
[00:53] < mike1> funny thing is that we were trying to improve our PR stuff, now suddenly the idea of the propeller hats comes up
[00:54] < esden> mike1: I think that if _some_ of us (looking towards SMP) wear the hats ... then the people will remember us ;-)
[00:54] < mike1> definitly
[00:55] < mike1> it would be cool to have not only the hats but also cool shirts for 19c3
[00:55] < huebi> y
[00:55] < mike1> maybe get the a new logo
[00:55] < esden> mike1: ack
[00:55] < huebi> oops
[00:56] < esden> mike1: I like the current logo by now
[00:56] < SMP> R0C|< L33N0X 0wnZ Y3R
[00:56] < huebi> esden: but the "Fuss" of the L is too big.
[00:57] < SMP> that would fit well for 19C3 I think ;>
[00:57] < mike1> SMP: hehe
[00:57] < esden> SMP: lol
[00:57] < huebi> SMP: ...assimilates you?
[00:58] < mike1> rxr: you awake?
[00:58] < SMP> 7350 can't be the only ones there with cool shirts
[00:58] < mike1> SMP: true
[00:58] < SMP> ehm
[00:58] < SMP> s,coo,l33t,
[00:58] < mike1> but who cares we are getting hats
[00:58] < huebi> root@fels:~# ll /etc/init.d/
[00:58] < huebi> lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           13 Jun 23 02:58 init.d -> ../etc/init.d
[00:59] < huebi> Does somebody know where tis link comes from?
[00:59] < esden> huebi: that is still there?
[00:59] < esden> it breaks runlvedit
[00:59] < huebi> jo
[00:59] < huebi> jo
[00:59] < esden> I have removed it on all my boxes
[01:00] < esden> and had no problems till now ...
[01:00] < esden> beside the one that runlvedit works now ;-)
[01:00] < huebi> but where does it come from. Deleting is lame ;-)))
[01:01] < esden> who wants to organize cool ... ehhhm l33t ... t-shirts for 19C3 ?
[01:01] < SMP> is it in /var/adm/flists/* ?
[01:02] < esden> hmm .. me not ...
[01:02] < huebi> SMP: Yes! in:
[01:02] < huebi> /var/adm/flists/sysfiles
[01:02] < huebi> easy to fix
[01:05] < fake> hm...
[01:05]   fake now really doing printf debugging
[01:06] < fake> Checking wether libncurses.so is a shlib... yes, now checking.
[01:06] < fake> Malloc: OK. xstrdup: OK. xstrdup2: OK. libtype: OK. islink: OK. Assign Next: OK. set libs = lp: OK.
[01:06] < fake> and so forth....
[01:07] < huebi> ... fixed.
[01:07] < esden> fake: have fun ...
[01:10] < huebi> SMP, th: is it possible to get the Changelog online somewhere?
[01:11] -!- [anders] [~guest@] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:12] < huebi> ps axf
[01:12] < huebi> ;-)
[01:12] -!- [anders] [~guest@] has joined #rocklinux
[01:13] < esden> .
[01:14] < mike1> re [anders]
[01:16] < esden> n8 @ all
[01:16] < fake> nacht esden
[01:20] < mike1> n8 esden
[01:22] < fake> ah... i might have found something...
[01:30] -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:31] -!- [anders]_ [~guest@] has joined #rocklinux
[01:41] -!- [anders] [~guest@] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:03] < fake> hm... the closer i look the earlier it segfaults
[02:03] < huebi> ;(
[02:06] < huebi> I cleaned up a little bit here in my room. The SUNs are not standing in the middle of the room anymore ;-))
[02:07] < huebi> They both are now connected with the serial console to my gateway PC
[02:11] < fake> wee. it's a string function.
[02:12] < huebi> fake: nice. cu tomorrow ;-)
[02:12] < huebi> by
[02:12] < fake> cya!
[02:12] < mike1> by fake
[02:13] < fake> err. i'm not leaving.
[02:13] < mike1> fake: hehe
[02:13] < mike1> bye huebi
[02:13] < huebi> bye mike1
[02:13] < huebi> I just started 2 new builds for sparc64
[02:13] < huebi> n8
[02:14] < mike1> cool
[02:39] < fake> aw. i'll debug it tomorrow. sleep well mike1 ;)
[02:40] < mike1> you too fake
[02:43] < fake> thanks!
[03:42] -!- coldie [jeff@xar.sliepen.eu.org] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[07:18] -!- [anders]_ [~guest@] has quit ("time to go to work")
[08:01] < esden> morning
[08:11] < mike1> good morning esden
[08:11] < mike1> how are you today my friend?
[08:14] < mike1> well its 00:15 am here
[08:14] < mike1> i better go get some sleep
[08:14] < mike1> see you later
[08:25] < esden> cu l8er mike1
[08:25] < esden> if you are still here ... I am fine
[08:25] < esden> and how are you ?
[08:25] < esden> tired I suppose
[08:26]   esden trying out wolk
[08:26] < esden> wolk = Working Overloaded Linux Kernel
[08:52] < esden> huebi: I need YOU !!!
[08:55] < praenti> wolk??
[09:01] < esden> yes wolk : https://www.sf.net/projects/wolk
[09:01] < esden> it looks good
[09:01] < esden> but it is too bloated for me
[09:02] < esden> I need a vanilla+alsa+preempty+newestpcmcia
[09:03] < esden> there are some other nice patches. but I need them only for the lain target
[09:04] < esden> praenti: do you know why the linux-src package fails in 1.5 cvs tree ?
[09:05] < esden> first of all the packet can not find the tarball of the kernel
[09:06] < esden> (I symlinked to fix it base-archive/linux base-archive/linux-src ... that is not a clean fix)
[09:06] < esden> and than I still get this error:
[09:06] < esden> he file autoconf.h and modversions.h must be in the right place ...
[09:06] < esden> `/rock-linux/misc/linux/autoconf.h' -> `include/linux/autoconf.h'
[09:06] < esden> Create symlinks and a few headers for arch <> ...
[09:06] < esden> Creating default kernel configuration ...
[09:06] < esden>   using: '/rock-linux/arch-conf/alpha/kernel-.conf'
[09:06] < esden> cp: cannot stat `/rock-linux/arch-conf/alpha/kernel-.conf': No such file or directory
[09:06] < esden> --
[09:07] < esden> I thought that huebi fixed this stuff already ...
[09:07]   esden needs huebi to wake up ...
[09:09] < esden> ahh .. it seems that there is a problem with alpha ... hmm
[09:12] < praenti> esden: looks like alpha problem. if i'm on the right boat, kernel-.conf does not exist
[09:13] < praenti> should be be kernel.conf i think
[09:13] < esden> yes that is right
[09:13] < esden> but the other thing that the tarball is not beeing found is not arch dependant
[09:14] < esden> the scripts are searching for the tarball in base-archive/linux-src and not in base-archive/linux
[09:14] < esden> that is wrong if I understand it correctly
[09:16] < rxr> re
[09:17] < praenti> esden: you can hardcode it ;-) at the moment iit looks this way
[09:17] < praenti> tar --use-compress-program=bzip2 -xf \
[09:17] < praenti>                 $archdir/linux-$ver.tar.bz2
[09:18] < praenti> and $archdir=base-archive/linux-src/...
[09:18] < praenti> ahh
[09:18] < praenti> and $archdir=base-archive/linux-src
[09:18] < praenti> thats what i mean
[09:21] < esden> hmm ... I should change $archdir to what variable
[09:21] < esden> I do not remember the variables anymore
[09:21] < esden> re rxr
[09:22] < rxr> hi esden
[09:22] < esden> yes hi ;-)
[09:22]   esden needs nicotine NOW a lot of it !!!
[09:24] < praenti> esden: for example  to base-archive/linux
[09:24] < praenti> esden: why? believe me you dont need nicotine
[09:25] < esden> wer bekennt sich schuldig die datei linux-src geschrieben zu haben !!!
[09:26] < praenti> da musst du glaub ich auf huebi warten. noch was gefunden?
[09:26] < esden> they are praenti I need it ... I need something to cool down ... otherwise I will kill someone ..
[09:26] < rxr> esden: vielleicht ich und cliff ...
[09:26] < esden> for example the one who wrote the scripts !!!
[09:26] < esden> arghsl
[09:26] < rxr> esden: the linux and liuux-src build stuff in 1.7 ??????????
[09:27] < esden> no 1.5
[09:27] < rxr> oh - ok. This was huebi ...
[09:27] < esden> ok so he must die ... or I get nikotine ;-)
[09:27] < praenti> esden: was is na an dem script noch scheiße?
[09:28]   esden brb
[09:32] < esden> re
[09:33] < esden> praenti: the script assumes that all arch's have $ROCKCFG_CPU_OPT ... that is not true
[09:33] < praenti> ahhm. ja das is scheiße
[09:33] < esden> and uses it as base for lx_cpu
[09:34] < esden> that cat not work
[09:34] < esden> s/cat/can/
[09:37] < rxr> your cat doesn't work ? ;-)
[09:39] < esden> lol
[09:39]   esden would like to have a cat
[09:39]   esden love's cat's
[09:39] < esden> uhhm
[09:39] < esden> cats
[09:40] < esden> hmm ... the tik was obsolete
[09:40] < rxr> ;-) ok - cu all ...
[09:44] < th> huebi: ping
[09:44] < th> moin #
[09:45] < esden> hi th
[10:01] -!- [anders] [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has joined #rocklinux
[10:01] < [anders]> re all;
[10:01] < [anders]> Q: how would I get bash to link with ncurses when using the build system in ROCK 1.4.0
[10:03] -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has joined #rocklinux
[10:03] < holyolli> moin
[10:03] < [anders]> re holyolli
[10:03] < [anders]> holyolli: perhaps you know the answer..? :)
[10:03] < [anders]> Q: how would I get bash to link with ncurses when using the build system in ROCK 1.4.0
[10:03] < blindcoder> konnichi wa, mina-san!
[10:03] < blindcoder> esden: you there?
[10:04] < holyolli> hi anders...
[10:04] < holyolli> sorry, but I don't know it
[10:04] < [anders]> 'tis ok.. I'll figure it out somehow.. Not going to be a pretty solution though.. :-D
[10:09] < esden> blindcoder: yes
[10:09] < esden> argh ...
[10:10] < esden> fsck 1.5 on alpha
[10:10] < esden> nothing works
[10:10] < holyolli> hi esden
[10:10] < esden> hi holyolli
[10:10] < huebi> moin
[10:10] < holyolli> huhu huebi
[10:11] < esden> huebi: gut dass du da bist
[10:11] < huebi> hi holyolli
[10:11] < huebi> hi esden
[10:11] < esden> huebi: ich sollte dich schlagen weisst du ?
[10:11] < praenti> moin huebi
[10:11] < holyolli> .oO(now they get all awake... ;-)
[10:11] < esden> aber ich habe es jetzt gefixed ... jetzt bin ich wieder ruhig
[10:11] < huebi> esden: Warum?
[10:12] < fake> morning
[10:12] < esden> huebi: kann es sein dass du die kernel build scripte neu geschrieben hast ?
[10:12] < esden> oder basieren die auf etwas ?
[10:13] < esden> hi fake
[10:13] < huebi> esden: die basieren auf den scripten von dRock. Sind aber stark umgebaut.
[10:13] < esden> ja ... die sind nict wirklich arch aware
[10:14] < huebi> ist jetzt nicht mehr modules und linux sondern linux und linux-src
[10:14] < fake> esden: wie steht es eigentlich mit der PS2-Sache? Ich hab jetzt nen paypal acc, und du warst derjenige der am lautesten geschrien hat... vielleicht solltest du als gutes Beispiel vorangehen...
[10:14] < fake> ;-)
[10:14]   fake _really_ wants to do that port
[10:15] < esden> huebi: da wird angenommen dass jede architektur $ROCKCFG_CPU_OPT besitzt
[10:15] < esden> dass stimmt nicht
[10:15] < huebi> esden: Ich weiss und bin auch schon am bauen. Mit sparc64 gibt es da auch noch probleme.
[10:15] < [anders]> sussed it.. was an easy solution..
[10:15] < huebi> esden: Jede Architeektur bekommt einfach ein ROCKCFG_CPU_OPT.
[10:15] < esden> ich habe es jetzt fuer alpha gefixed ... aber es kann sein dass dieser fix auch fuer andere richtekturen greift
[10:16] < esden> huebi: noe wozu ?
[10:16] < huebi> export LANG=en_GB ?
[10:16] < [anders]> to bash.conf add the line "export bash_cv_termcap_lib=libncurses"
[10:16] < esden> ok why do we need in all arches ROCKCFG_CPU_OPT??
[10:16] < [anders]> viola, internationalised bash..
[10:17] -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has quit ("fnord!")
[10:17] < huebi> esden: ROCKCFG_CPU_OPT is needed to select the right CPU opt. esp in ia32
[10:18] < huebi> and in sparc
[10:18] < huebi> but not in sparc64
[10:18] < esden> yes in ia32 but I do not think that all arches need it ...
[10:18] < esden> I will add it in alpha too ... but I do nat think that all arches need it...
[10:20] < huebi> esden: You are very right. Not all archs need it but some. I want to have it in an consistant way for all arch/CPU compinations.
[10:20] < huebi> s/p/b/
[10:20] < esden> that is an argument
[10:21] < th> huebi: du hattest sie doch nicht an meine adresse geschickt. war heut bei der firmenadresse und hab das paket gesehen :)
[10:21] < blindcoder> time for setting up a new router... this one is fubar
[10:21] < blindcoder> esden: have a look at animepixel.n3.net (German Tranlastor) :D
[10:21] -!- [anders] [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has quit ("brb")
[10:23] < huebi> th: Schoen, das es angekommen ist ;-))
[10:23] < th> huebi: jepp :-) und die MAC hab ich glaub ich schon
[10:23] < fake> esden: no comment?
[10:23] < huebi> th: Steht drauf *g*
[10:23] < th> huebi: oha dann kann ich ja kontrollieren
[10:24] < esden> blindcoder: cool ...
[10:24] < blindcoder> huebi: I should be able to send you a Build-Build Script (or whatever more suitable name one finds ;) by this weekend
[10:24] < huebi> th: und faengt mit 08:00:20 an.
[10:24] -!- coldie [jeff@warande3094.warande.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux
[10:24] < esden> blindcoder: could this guy not use a bigger font ?
[10:24] < blindcoder> esden: no, I think this is alread size="7"
[10:24] < th> huebi: ein luefter muss da aber schon drin sein.
[10:25] < huebi> blindcoder: Kool! Will be teste and implemented immediatly then.
[10:25] < esden> blindcoder: ohh ... that is sad ... >_<
[10:25] < huebi> th: HAE?
[10:25] < th> huebi: man hoert ein geraeusch
[10:25] < huebi> th: Vielleicht ein Killerkaefer?
[10:26] < fake> esden: great! talking about doing something and then being oh-so-quiet when it comes to actually _doing_ something.. weenie...
[10:26] < huebi> th: Mach sie doch mal auf...
[10:26] < th> huebi: ein killerkaefer?
[10:26] < esden> fake: ???
[10:26] < esden> asooo
[10:26] < esden> sorry
[10:27] < esden> ich habe deinen poset uebersehen ...
[10:27] < fake> beide?
[10:27] < huebi> th: Kolumbianische riesen Killerkaefer. werden mit Kaffeemaschinen eingeschleppt. ungefaehr 50Kg schwer, der Kaefer.
[10:27] < esden> hmm ... ich muss erstmal geld auftreiben
[10:27] < esden> ;-)
[10:27] < th> huebi: wow :)
[10:27] < esden> fake: weisst wieso ich so geschrieen habe ?
[10:27] < fake> wann?
[10:27] < esden> weil ich weiss wie es ist kein geld zu haben um hardware anzuschaffen ...
[10:27] < th> huebi: hmm. muss schwerer sein als gold der kaefer, wenn er in der station steckt
[10:28] < esden> ja wegen der PS2 sache
[10:28] < fake> esden: man sollte nicht etwas vorschlagen was man selbst nicht einhalten kann
[10:29] < huebi> th: wenn du zu ihm "MuH!" sagst macht er platz und laesst sich den Panzer polieren. Schnurrt dann irgend wann
[10:29] < huebi> th: Was ist es denn fuer ein Geraeusch? so im ernst mal.. *g*
[10:29] < th> huebi: klingt wie ein kleiner luefter...
[10:29] < esden> fake: ok ... ich habe auch nicht gemeint dass ich es zahlen werde ... wir haben genug leute die geld verdienen denen paar euro nichts ausmachen ...
[10:29] < esden> fake: es war nur gut gemeint
[10:29] -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has joined #rocklinux
[10:30] < holyolli> re
[10:30] < esden> ich lasse es dass naechste mal
[10:30] < th> huebi: oder ein rauschen von angeschalteten boxen
[10:30] < fake> esden: gute idee.
[10:30] < esden> fake: arschloch
[10:30] < th> gibts schon ein howto-rock-with-jstation.txt
[10:31]   praenti is in der fh. cya later
[10:32] < fake> https://images.dibona.com/pictures/showpic/index.shtml?Kernel02/convs/12x10_dscn4025.jpg
[10:33] < fake> is that linus lying down in front of them?
[10:34] < huebi> th: die hat keinen. definitiv nicht, aber es koennte ein Stoergeraeusch aus dem eingebautem Lautsprecher sein.
[10:35] < th> huebi: ahh is also ein lautsprecher drin. das koennte es sein.
[10:35] < huebi> th: mit sound on board!
[10:36] < huebi> th: mach sie doch einfach vorsichtig auf. Die lila Klappen oeffnen und dann die beiden grauen Gehaeuseteile einfach auseinanderziehen...
[10:36] < huebi> aber vorsichtig!
[10:37] < th> na ersma noch nich
[10:37] < th> ersma wundere ich mich warum mein bootpd nicht anspring
[10:37] < th> t
[10:37] < huebi> dann die gehaeusehaelfte, in der nicht die Platine sitzt nach hinten ziehen. Die Gehaeuseteile nicht zu weit auseinander ziehen.
[10:38] < huebi> th: dhcpd. neueste version. wichtig! MTU ist bei 1514. Aeltere dhcpd koennen das noch nicht.
[10:38] < th> huebi: ein bootpd reicht nicht?
[10:40] < huebi> th: https://www.ssc.com/mirrors/LDP/HOWTO/JavaStation-HOWTO/index.html <- da steht alles drin.
[10:40] < huebi> th: Ich habe nur dhcpd ausprobiert.
[10:43] < th> This kernel does not support RARP.
[10:44] < th> modprobe rarp
[10:44] < th> *whew*
[10:44] < SMP> RARP? ich dachte DHCP reicht?
[10:44] < huebi> mom
[10:44] < huebi> moin SMP
[10:44] < SMP> wenn's denn funktionieren taete..
[10:45] < huebi> also den kernel habe ich geladen bekommen.
[10:45] < huebi> on nfs ging auch
[10:45] < huebi> / on nfs ging auch
[10:45] < SMP> th: meine JS bekommt vom dhcpf DHCPOFFERs, schickt aber kein DHCPACK, sondern immer wieder nur DHCPDISCOVERs
[10:46] < huebi> baut doch beide mal das flas rom aus.
[10:46] < huebi> +h
[10:46] < SMP> s,dhcpf,dhcpd,
[10:46] < SMP> uhm
[10:46] < th> 10:45:14.028915 > xid:0xc73beb21 [|bootp]
[10:46] < th> das schickt sie. und das is ne bootp anfrage
[10:47] < th> mein bootpd scheint garnicht zu loggen
[10:47] < huebi> oder direkt am Lautsprecher gibt es noch 4 jumper ehrm Draufstoeplselmoeglichkeiten.
[10:48] < huebi> entweder die 2. oder 3. Jumperstelle schliessen und das ding bootet vom Netz und nicht vom Flash
[10:48] < huebi> oder
[10:49] < huebi> ALT-h schon vor dem einschalten gedrueckt halten. Kommt dann eine kurze hilfe.
[10:49] < esden> fake: I have a paypal account now too ... but I have no credit card so I still can not send you money .. >_<
[10:49] < huebi> bei FW 3.11fw14 oder so..
[10:49] < SMP> Trick um die Gehaeusehaelfte ohne MB vollstaendig zu Loesen?
[10:49] -!- [anders] [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has joined #rocklinux
[10:50] < th> kennt jemand die tcpdump syntax um bestimmte logs auszuschliessen?
[10:50] < huebi> SMP: jo. die leere haelfte vorsichtig nach hinten zu den Anschluessen druecken.
[10:50] < th> ahh hab schon
[10:51] < huebi> ich baue mal schnell mein bootpacket fuer euch zusammen...
[10:51] < th> danke.
[10:51] < th> schiebstes dann irgendwo hin?
[10:51] < th> ich muss ersma noch zu ner uebung
[10:52] < huebi> th: jo, viel Spass
[10:53] < fake> esden: nevermind, its ok.
[10:53] < th> 10:53:07.581640 > xid:0xd7b18d02 [|bootp]
[10:53] < th> 10:53:07.582027 > xid:0xd7b18d02 Y: S: [|bootp]
[10:53] < th> 77 is die js
[10:53] < th> 138 der bootp server
[10:53] < huebi> /tftpboot mit funktionierendem kernel landed gerade in meinem ~ auf world.
[10:54] < esden> fake: I do not know what your problem is ... but you have one ... and it is a big one ...
[10:54]   th muss wirklich los
[10:54] < huebi> th: ich kopiere es nach /tmp
[10:55] < fake> me? i'm just curious. after all it was no my idea.
[10:57] < fake> hint: entitling people as an asshole might not help solve their problems.
[10:57] < esden> fake: you wanted the box I wanted to help you get one ... and then you attak me that I did it ... how should I entitle you in such a situation ?
[10:58] < huebi> fake, esden: Could you both be a little bit more polite? That would be very nice...
[10:58] < fake> huebi: i try to be polite.
[10:58] < SMP> *YES*!!
[10:58] < esden> huebi: sorry ...
[10:58] < SMP> I removed the flash
[10:59] < SMP> now it works
[10:59] < huebi> Mathilda is watching...
[10:59] < SMP> th: du musst das flash entfernen
[10:59] < fake> esden: to be honest, i didn't like the fact that you brought this thing up on the list before asking me - but what the hell. i am only curious why you stopped your efforts in helping me when it cam to action. that's all.
[10:59] < huebi> SMP: You can also set a jumper. I make a picture of it later
[10:59] < SMP> huebi: it's descibed in the JS-HOWTO
[11:00] < huebi> SMP: Jo. but it failed for me.
[11:00]   fake smoking
[11:00] < SMP> oh
[11:00] < huebi> I did not understand it in the right way..
[11:00] < huebi> brb..
[11:02] < esden> fake: hmm ... I stopped because you took over to you creating the peypal account ... I have not thaught that you still need help ... schould I continue crying around on the list that people should send money on your account ?
[11:04] < [anders]> re
[11:04] < [anders]> hmm.. å
[11:05] < esden> fake: it was only a suggestion on the list ... I do not think that suggestions have to be discussed offlist first ... you could say from the beginning that this ps2 stuff is only a joke from you and then the story had an end ...
[11:05] < esden> fake: don't you think ?
[11:06] < esden> errrm that could be missunderstood ...
[11:06] < esden> I mean don't you think this way too ?
[11:08] < huebi> [anders]: kool! å <- your bash?
[11:09] < [anders]> huebi: err, what is?
[11:10] < huebi> SMP: In the iX from 12/2001 was an article about Linux on Krups
[11:10] < huebi> SMP: I scan it and send it to you.
[11:10] < SMP> ok, PROLL coming up
[11:11] < huebi> [anders]: I did not get &[a,o,u]uml; in the console but you and thats kool ;-)
[11:12] < [anders]> huebi: I am still having problems with it, but working on it.. :)
[11:12]   SMP jumps around huebi ;)
[11:13] < huebi> SMP: For the root fs you can use the 1.5.12 sparc64 packages. Userland is only 32bit and will work for Krups
[11:14] < huebi> SMP: I don't know about the Xserver but I expect that it might not work (1.5.12)
[11:16] < huebi> SMP: https://www.ultralinux.org/links.html <- The rootfs does not work. The rest I did not test.
[11:19] < fake> esden: i was not talking about you begging for money that should be given to me, i was talking about yout following your own suggestions.
[11:21] < fake> esden: but as i said, it was only a question.
[11:22] < fake> esden: i din't mean to upset you, but you didn't answer at all - what in tunr upset me.
[11:23] < esden> fake: sorry ... I did not mean it ... I was deep in fixing some problems in alpha port ... that is why I oversaw your posting
[11:23] < esden> yes ... twice
[11:24] < fake> esden: i would just have appreciated any answer to my mail / chris hamilton's mail.
[11:26] < esden> I had nothing to say about it ... I probabbly had to answer that I think that is a good idea to create a paypal account ... but I did not ... sorry for that
[11:26] < fake> esden: no problem
[11:27] < fake> that was the answer i wanted to achieve with my initial question.
[11:28] < esden> so you should have ask it directly ;-) in the form ... "Why have you not took a statement to the mails of chris and me about the paypal stuff?" or so
[11:30] < fake> esden: the question was: why did you not say anything anymore
[11:33] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB41A04.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux
[11:34] < esden> hmm ... ok I thought that it was related with the irc not the mails
[11:40]   huebi getting something to eat...
[11:41] < blindcoder> aah damnit... I should have cleaned up my room instead of working on the build-cd... *argh* now it's too late >_<
[12:08] < huebi> re
[12:10] < huebi> [anders]: are you listening?
[12:12] < th> re
[12:13] < huebi> hi th
[12:13] < th> flash entfernen also
[12:13] < th> also aufmachen
[12:13] < huebi> th: jo
[12:14] < huebi> oder jumpern oder ALT-h beim einschalten wenn _keine_ Konsole mit sun banner auftaucht.
[12:15] < th> da kommt aber ne konsole
[12:15] < th> und alt-h tut nichts.
[12:15] < th> bzw. verhindert das booten
[12:15] < esden> cu all
[12:15]   th tries not to hurt his krups.
[12:15] < huebi> th: alt h vrom Einschalten druecken.
[12:16] < th> hab ich doch
[12:16] < huebi> ok
[12:16] < huebi> ALR-d
[12:16] < huebi> ALT-d
[12:16] < huebi> ?
[12:16] < th> ATM the krups is open
[12:17] < huebi> ok. den kleinen RAM Riegel ausbauen.
[12:17] < th> genau dieses schmale ding
[12:17] < huebi> jo
[12:18] < th> hmm hier is der speaker... koennte den glatt mal versuchen abzuklemmen
[12:18] < huebi> jo
[12:18] < th> btw. no killerbug inside
[12:19] < th> ;-(
[12:19] < huebi> ;-)
[12:19] < SMP> huebi: are rock-1.5 sparc pkgs available via ella?
[12:19] < huebi> SMP: jo ;-)
[12:19] < huebi> ssh root@rock
[12:20] < huebi> but it is still building
[12:20] < th> ok... booting
[12:20] < SMP> 99 BogoMIPS SPARC Power
[12:20] < huebi> less /rock-orig/build.out ;-)
[12:20] < SMP> ;))
[12:20] < huebi> SMP: Yes!
[12:21] < SMP> Cpu0Bogo        : 591.46
[12:21] < SMP> hmm
[12:21] < SMP> this one has a litte more ;)
[12:21] < huebi> a P100 should be much slower than the MicroSparcIIep 100MHz
[12:22] < huebi> Detected 1526.552 MHz processor.
[12:22] < huebi> Console: colour VGA+ 132x60
[12:22] < huebi> Calibrating delay loop... 3047.42 BogoMIPS
[12:23] < huebi> 2 of them...
[12:23]   huebi wondering what a Power4 will say...
[12:23] < SMP> hey, the Krups has _four_ times the BogoMIPS of my 486-33 ;>
[12:24] < huebi> SMP: Yes, and thats why they are sooo koool ;-))
[12:25] < th> ok ALT-d now shows some tests
[12:25] < th> and it's trying tftp :-)
[12:25] < huebi> th great! What firmware version do you have?
[12:26] < th> grmpf
[12:26] < huebi> th: look at world:/tmp/tftpboot.tar.bz2
[12:26] < SMP> and at ella:~stefanp/root.tar.bz2 and dev.tar
[12:27] < SMP> I'm also using:
[12:27] < th> ella?
[12:27] < SMP> th: rocklinux.dyndns.org
[12:27] < th> ahh ok i remember
[12:27] < SMP> sbin/init -> ../bin/bash
[12:28] < th> /home/stefanp: Permission denied.
[12:28] < huebi> use /var/tmp ;-)
[12:29] < th> drwxrwxrwt    2 root     root         4096 Mar 15 12:29 vi.recover
[12:29] < th> ;>
[12:29] < SMP> fixed.
[12:30]   SMP Build-Pkg'ing some packages on rock
[12:30] < th> dev.tar gets smaller when bzipped?
[12:30] < SMP> dunno
[12:30] < SMP> I used scp -C ;)
[12:30] < th> ok
[12:31] < SMP> at first I thought I could use devfs, that's why dev/ is not included in root.tar.bz2
[12:31] < th> ok. the krups does not boot with ppcbootloader i have in my /tftpboot dir ;)
[12:31] -!- rxr_ [~rene@port-213-20-128-147.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[12:32] < th> 1.3 Kb von ella
[12:33] < huebi> th 1.3 kb/s ?
[12:33] < th> ack
[12:33] < th> proll.krups.ID15 is that the bootloader?
[12:33] < huebi> th ACK
[12:34] < huebi> average is 20 kBit/s
[12:37] < th> HEY! THAT'S TUX
[12:37]   th is thrilled.
[12:37] < SMP> and even with a Sun!
[12:37] < th> ack
[12:38] < th> ok now i have to wait for root.tar.bz2 at 1.3Kb
[12:38] < th> 12%
[12:38] < th> ETA 50 minutes
[12:38] < SMP> o/~ we have joy, we have fun, we have linux on our sun o/~
[12:38] < SMP> th: uhm
[12:38] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-170-33.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[12:38] < SMP> th: if I'd copy it to world - would that make it go faster?
[12:38] < th> SMP: i think so
[12:39] < th> huebi: seems to be silent now. must've been the speaker
[12:39] < SMP> th: done. in ~stefanp again
[12:41] < th> SMP: ok thanks.
[12:41] < th> ETA is at 3 minutes now
[12:41]   huebi on the phone
[12:41] < SMP> took me 5 to get them from ella.. hmm
[12:41] < fake> LOL @SMP's Song ;)
[12:41]   fake wants a Krupss too
[12:43] < th> krups tries to mount /tftpboot/ does it succeed by symlinking? nfs does follow symlinks?
[12:43] < th> lrwxrwxrwx   1 th       borg           17 Jun 26 12:28 -> /var/nfsroot/java
[12:43] < holyolli> th: depends on your /etc/exports
[12:43] < holyolli> (afaik)
[12:43] < th> *confused*
[12:43] < holyolli> hm
[12:44] < holyolli> but "man exports" doesn't say anything useful for this =)
[12:45] < huebi> fake: 85 EUR, 32MB RAM, 8MB Flash!, with keyboard, mouse and powersupply
[12:45] < huebi> th: exportfs -v ?
[12:45] < huebi> root@ella:~# cat /etc/exports
[12:45] < huebi> #/home/huebi/rock-orig,no_root_squash)
[12:45] < huebi> /home,no_root_squash)
[12:45] < huebi> /home/rock-orig,no_root_squash)
[12:45] < huebi> /var/nfsroot/java,no_root_squash)
[12:45] < huebi>
[12:46] < huebi> fake: You can also pay in mate ;-)))
[12:47] < fake> and no Flatscreen? ;)
[12:47] < th> harr harr
[12:47] < SMP> Flat_what_?
[12:47] < SMP> ;>
[12:48] < huebi> fake: The flatscreen need about 10KW an is installed at "Platz der Republik, FFM" ;->>
[12:49] < fake> SMP: A rather thin UI Elmenent, built with liquid crystal modifing the polarisation of light.
[12:49] < huebi> fake: Krups should do, but not veryfied, 1280x1034
[12:49] < th> Jun 26 12:48:16 delta mountd[102]: /opt/krups/rootfs has been mounted by
[12:50] < huebi> fake: Are you interested in the Krups?
[12:50] < fake> huebi: yes
[12:50] < th> no /etc i nrootfs
[12:50] < huebi> Flatscreen size is about 4mx4m hehe.
[12:50] < fake> huebi: i know ;P
[12:50] < th> s,i n,in ,
[12:51] < SMP> th: sbin/init -> ../bin/bash
[12:51] < th> ahh ok
[12:51] < fake> huebi: but i'll have to wait until friday (pay-day ;)
[12:51] < SMP> th: I'm just packaging a minimal 1.5 for sparc..
[12:52]   SMP going to build a kernel on the JS then :-O
[12:52] < huebi> fake: Do you want to have it on friday?
[12:53] < huebi> SMP: you can cross compile it on rock or fels
[12:53] < huebi> th you, too
[12:53] < SMP> yes I was thinking about that right now..
[12:53] < fake> huebi: yes...
[12:53] < SMP> what's fels?
[12:53] < huebi> SMP: ULTRA 5, 640MB
[12:54] < fake> SMP: upload it somwhere :D
[12:54] < SMP> aiee
[12:54] < SMP> huebi: do you have _any_ machine that's _not_ running a ROCK build? ;)
[12:55] < fake> huebi should install mrtg... then you'd find out quickly ;)
[12:55] < huebi> SMP: The Netra X1, 500MHz, not in the net atm,
[12:55] < huebi> mom
[12:56] < th> hmmm. how can i mount -o remount,rw / if i have no writable /etc/mtab??
[12:56] < SMP> mount -n
[12:56] < th> is there a mount option ignoring mtab?
[12:56] < huebi> I stop the build on fels
[12:56] < fake> -n
[12:56] < th> ok thanks
[12:56] < SMP> huebi: no no!
[12:56] < huebi> why?
[12:56] < th> manpages are great
[12:56] < th> irc is faster ;)
[12:56] < SMP> huebi: I'm fine with it ;)
[12:57] < huebi> The builds are running with make -j8 so just use 'nice -n -19 make blahh'
[12:59] < th> what's my root-device?
[12:59] < SMP> /dev/nfs
[12:59] < SMP> root@rock:/tmp/stefanp # du -sh tars/
[12:59] < SMP> 47M     tars
[12:59] < SMP> hmmm
[12:59] < th> ls: nfs: No such file or directory
[12:59] < [anders]> ~~~ testing things.. back later..
[12:59] -!- [anders] [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has quit ("[x]chat")
[13:00] < SMP> th: what are you trying to do?
[13:00] < th> SMP: mount -n -o remount,rw /
[13:00] < th> SMP: but without /etc/fstab unable to resolve /
[13:00] < SMP> aahh
[13:00] < huebi> fake: do you know nload? kool thing for instant traffic monitoring.
[13:01] < SMP> th: *test*
[13:01] < fake> huebi: nope...
[13:02] < huebi> https://www.roland-riegel.de/nload/index_en.html
[13:02] < th> i could just create a fstab on nfs-server but i still don't know the root's device
[13:02] -!- term_emu [~pm@p50819BC1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[13:02] < SMP> th: mount -n -o remount,rw opt/krups/rootfs /
[13:03] < SMP> s,opt,/opt,
[13:03] < term_emu> hi
[13:03] < fake> nload is a console application
[13:03] < fake> mrtg is a web application....
[13:04] < SMP> huebi: how to cross-compile a sparc kernel in sparc64?
[13:04] < SMP> huebi: I don't see a sparc32 tool
[13:04] < huebi> privilege Separation works with  Kernel 2.2!
[13:05] < SMP> huebi: and no sparc-gcc?
[13:05] < fake> huebi: how ??
[13:05] < SMP> oh btw.
[13:05]   th slaps himself.
[13:05] < SMP> shut down your sshd or enable privsep _right_ _now_
[13:05] < SMP> _not_ tomorrw
[13:05] < th> SMP: geht natuerlich
[13:06] < SMP> ehg ja
[13:06] < huebi> SMP: make ARCH=sparc menuconfig; make ARCH=sparc dep; make ARCH=sparc vmlinux; make ARCH=sparc modules.
[13:06] < huebi> fake: sshd_config:
[13:06] < huebi> Compression no
[13:06] < huebi>
[13:06] < fake> o_O
[13:06] < fake> okay.
[13:06] < huebi> only compression does not work.
[13:06] < fake> *testing*
[13:08] < fake> SMP: btw... the ldconfig error yesterday and hours of printf() debugging showed it's a glibc bug >_<
[13:08] < huebi> fake: also a patch is available from solar designer..
[13:08] < fake> huebi: where ?! damn it, i was looking all over yesterday evening...
[13:10] < fake> huebi: woo. now i shot it down again.
[13:10]   fake back in 10 min
[13:11] < huebi> patch is forwarded to the list
[13:18] < huebi> SMP: The new OpenSSH will be installed this evening. It's installed on rock and fels ;-))
[13:18] < huebi> But I must be at home to do that.
[13:21] -!- term_emu is now known as term_aweh
[13:22] < th> vllt sollte ich langsam mal was essen
[13:22] < huebi> th jo
[13:24] < th> genial. der gang zur kueche hat sich echt gelohnt.
[13:24] < th> da stand ne ganze pfanne voll aufm herd
[13:25] < fake> huebi: danke!!
[13:25] < huebi> fake: byttoe
[13:26] < fake> mmap(65536): Invalid argument
[13:26] < fake> *douh*
[13:26] < th> da wenn das mal nicht 2^16 is
[13:27] < fake> th: hm, lass mich raten, du hasst bc gefragt XP
[13:27] < th> fake: verdammt ;)
[13:27] < fake> huebi: there still is no compression support, right?
[13:27] < huebi> ahh, auf ella laeuft die Megasaugung. Die Teledummies haben die Leitung dicker gemacht ;-) 134 kBit/s
[13:27] < huebi> fake: I don't know
[13:28] < th> huebi: wie hast du sie denn dazu gekriegt?
[13:28] < praenti> huebi: läuft das iso von der 1.5.16? sprich bootfähig?
[13:28] < huebi> th: Das haben die wohl von selber gemacht. sonst ging das naemlich nie so schnell.
[13:29] < huebi> praenti: jo
[13:29] < praenti> huebi: kannst mir auf der schnelle sagen, wo ich des runterladen kann? soll aber ne dicke anbindung sein
[13:29] < fake> huebi: das kostet jetzt dafuer 200% mehr.
[13:29] < th> praenti: mompl
[13:29] < fake> du haettest innerhalb von 3 sekunden keundigen koennen.
[13:30] < th> praenti: ich geb dir mal nen inoffiziellen link
[13:30] < praenti> th: mach ;-)
[13:32] < huebi> fake: *g*
[13:32] < holyolli> bbl - viewing soccer... ;-)
[13:32] < huebi> football holyolli
[13:32] < huebi> !!
[13:32] < th> praenti: alles klar?
[13:32] < holyolli> huebi: i thought football was this stuff from usa...?
[13:33] < huebi> praenti: steht in meiner vorletzten mail an die Liste. Habe den Link schon wieder vergessen.
[13:33] < praenti> th: merci
[13:33] < huebi> holyolli: football is european for Fussball.
[13:33] < huebi> soccer is for Cowboys
[13:33] < th> huebi: unser hidden-https spart world's traffic
[13:33] < th> praenti: you got 403.
[13:33] < huebi> th ah ok ;-))
[13:33] < SMP> fuck..
[13:34] < th> praenti: i'll grant in a second
[13:34] < SMP> ahh
[13:34] < praenti> th: sag mir wennst soweit bist
[13:34] < th> praenti: retry
[13:34] < th> SMP: sup?
[13:34] < huebi> SMP: ? *augenbraueheb*
[13:35] < SMP> my ssh session was lagging so much that I accidentially recalled a 'make mrprober' instead of the following 'make menuconfig' from the history
[13:35] < SMP> so I'll have to re-create .config :-((
[13:35] < huebi> oh shit!
[13:36] < SMP> with a lag from hell
[13:36] < blindcoder> ahh. hitting the wall with a bare fist is not good...
[13:36] < th> praenti: still with me?
[13:36] < blindcoder> hutr... bad...
[13:37] < fake> huebi: the patch does not work...
[13:37] < praenti> th: ok. ich seh was
[13:37] < th> praenti: et voila 200
[13:38] < th> praenti: dann bedien dich
[13:38] < huebi> fake: hmm. writ your experiences to thelist, please.
[13:38] < fake> SMP: ssh -C -c blowfish ?
[13:39] < SMP> fake: big scp running
[13:39] < praenti> th: thx
[13:39] < huebi> fake: Does 'Compression no' work?
[13:39] < fake> SMP. oh.
[13:39] < fake> huebi: yes - with and without the patch.
[13:39] < huebi> ok
[13:40] < huebi> fake: And please writ your experience to the list to avoid others testing it for nothing.
[13:41] < fake> haaaai.
[13:41] < huebi> ;-)))
[13:42] < huebi> th: Did the noise of Krups came from the speaker? I never heared sth because my room is too load.
[13:43] < huebi> btw. if there is no keyboard attached to Krups it'll boot with a console on the serial port. ;-)
[13:43] < huebi> brb
[13:44] < th> 12:39:15 < th> huebi: seems to be silent now. must've been the speaker
[13:44] < th> huebi: as i said
[13:46] < SMP> The IPX protocol (CONFIG_IPX) [M/n/y/?] n
[13:46] < SMP> Appletalk protocol support (CONFIG_ATALK) [M/n/y/?] n
[13:46] < SMP> DECnet Support (CONFIG_DECNET) [M/n/y/?] n
[13:46] < SMP> sheesh
[13:46] < SMP> sparc has funny defaults
[13:46] < fake> AppleTalk o_O ? on sparc??
[13:46] < fake> *headshaking*
[13:48] -!- mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[13:50] < esden> re hi all
[13:51] < fake> re.
[13:52] < th> SMP: wodurch ist / rw gemounted?
[13:52] < SMP> mount -n -o remount,rw $nfsserver:$nfspath /
[13:53] < th> SMP: das ist schon klar. aber wer tut das?
[13:53] < th> SMP: die bash ja nicht von alleine
[13:53] < SMP> ehm
[13:53] < th> SMP: ich dachte ro waere erstmal der standard
[13:53] < SMP> du hast da ein redhat 5.2
[13:53] < SMP> mit ner bash 1.x
[13:53] < SMP> das ist nicht ernst gemeint ;>
[13:54] < th> *schauder*
[13:54] < SMP> in ein paar minuten sind die rock-1.5 packages bei mir
[13:54]   fake updating Apache - wenn ich schonmal dabei bin
[13:54] < fake> th: initrd?
[13:54] < SMP> dann koennen wir richtige root-trees entpacken
[13:54] < fake> nein
[13:54] < th> fake: init=bash
[13:54] < fake> oh.
[13:54] < fake> th: nagic!
[13:54] < fake> magic.
[13:55] < SMP> th: you can always write an /etc/inittab and some init scripts ;)
[13:55] < SMP> or just wait a few minutes ..
[13:55] < th> SMP: /sbin/init links to /etc/rc.d/init which just execs bash ;)
[13:55] < huebi> re
[13:55] < th> proll.krups.ID15 seems to mount nfsroot rw
[13:55] < th> 13:44:27 < th> 12:39:15 < th> huebi: seems to be silent now. must've been the speaker
[13:55] < th> 13:44:41 < th> huebi: as i said
[13:55] < SMP> no, the kernel does it
[13:56] < th> SMP: is it possible to append read-only?
[13:56] < SMP> read-write you mean
[13:56] < th> no
[13:57] < th> i want / to be ro
[13:57] < SMP> aah
[13:57] < th> until some init scripts do remount,rw
[13:57] < SMP> in /etc/fstab
[13:57] < th> who reads /etc/fstab?
[13:57] < th> /bin/bash?
[13:57] < th> ;)
[13:57] < SMP> the init scripts
[13:57] < th> init=bash
[13:58] < th> and / is mounted rw
[13:58] < fake> ln -s /etc/inittab /bin/bash
[13:58] < SMP> is it?
[13:58] < th> fake: NO
[13:58] < fake> ;-)
[13:58] < th> SMP: yes it is
[13:59] < th> SMP: NO
[13:59] < SMP> well then you might just need to pass ro to the kernel :>
[13:59] < SMP> *duck*
[13:59] < th> SMP: sorry
[13:59] < th> SMP: my question was how to do that ;)
[13:59] < SMP> RTFM on proll
[13:59] < th> SMP: but anyways it was just mtab telling / would br rw
[14:00] < th> SMP: where is the fm on proll?
[14:00] < SMP> or try to get a prom prompt
[14:00] < SMP> in the proll sources, I suppose
[14:00] < th> i don't know which key L1 is
[14:00] < huebi> th minicom ALT-f
[14:00] < SMP> the one without a sign one it
[14:00] -!- rolla_ [~Der@stlmaisenhel.ugs.com] has joined #rocklinux
[14:01] < th> SMP: i tried all 3 keys without a sign.
[14:01] < SMP> but you have to set a jumper for that to worl
[14:01] < SMP> work
[14:01] < fake> huebi: will you send me the machine?
[14:01] < huebi> near the speaker.
[14:01] < fake> btw.
[14:01] < huebi> one of the both in the middle
[14:01] < huebi> fake: if you want it I can do so.
[14:02] < th> SMP: ahh ok
[14:02] < fake> huebi: send me a mail with you bank account info plz...
[14:02] < fake> huebi: i'll then send you the money on friday
[14:02] < huebi> fake: ok. later thiis evening
[14:02] -!- rolla [~Der@stlmaisenhel.ugs.com] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[14:05] < fake> thanks
[14:08] < th> verdammt jetz is hier noch ein daemlicher kommunikation und netze uebungszettel zu erledigen
[14:13] < fake> uebungszettel??
[14:14] < th> jo
[14:14] < th> so uni-maessig
[14:14] < th> um nen schein zu kriegen
[14:14] < th> um ein vordiplom zu kriegen
[14:15] < th> um weiter studieren zu duerfen
[14:15] < th> *brech*
[14:15] < fake> axo. gammliger student ;-)
[14:15] < SMP> um dann damit nichts anfangen zu koennen ;>
[14:15] < huebi> SMP: Download is ready
[14:15] < fake> um arbeitslos zu werden. ueberqualifiziert -> zu teuer.
[14:15] -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A6C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux
[14:16]   fake malt den bsd.teufel an die wand
[14:16] < snyke> ah des is gut
[14:16] < SMP> yup
[14:16] < snyke> *fakeknuddel*
[14:16] < snyke> *freebsd-chuck-knuddel*
[14:16]   fake kicks snyke
[14:16] < huebi> jaja, dies sozialpaetagogen.... *g*
[14:16] < snyke> :P
[14:16] < fake> *tretÜ
[14:16] < snyke> seid froh das ich euch auf die nerven geh
[14:17] < snyke> als FreeBSD user ;)
[14:17] < snyke> das is eine Ehre!
[14:17] < fake> ich bewef dich mit Umlauten bis du butest!
[14:17] < snyke> phhh
[14:17] < fake> s,bu,blu,
[14:17] < snyke> ich dich mit wattebällchen
[14:17] < snyke> da werst schaun
[14:17] < fake> äääääööööööüüüüüÄÄÄÖÄÄÄÄÖÖÖÜÜÜÜÜ
[14:17] < fake> ßß!
[14:18] < th> ¤¤¤
[14:18] < th> ¢¢
[14:19] < snyke> sz sz sz :)
[14:24] < esden> ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡©©©©©©©
[14:24] < esden> sind solche sachen auch ok ?
[14:24] < snyke> ¯\_/¯\_/
[14:24] < snyke> denk scho
[14:24] < snyke> so umgedrehte ausrufezeichen tun ganz schön weg
[14:25] < snyke> g->h
[14:26] < huebi> ____________________
[14:26] < huebi> < MuuuUUHHAAGRRROOLL >
[14:26] < huebi> --------------------
[14:26] < huebi>         \   ^__^
[14:26] < huebi>          \  (oo)\_______
[14:26] < huebi>             (__)\       )\/\
[14:26] < huebi>                 ||----w |
[14:26] < holyolli> *rotfl*
[14:26] < huebi>                 ||     ||
[14:26] < huebi>
[14:27] < SMP> FUCK IT
[14:27] < th> SMP: die mathilda?
[14:28] < SMP> I don't want to recompile the whole kernel just to switch from CONFIG_IP_PNP_DHCP to CONFIG_IP_PNP_BOOTP
[14:29] < huebi> SMP: Just don't 'make clean'
[14:29] < SMP> I didn't!
[14:29] < huebi> change your config and just recompile. It should do very fast.
[14:30] < SMP> probably I fucked up in an advanced way ;>
[14:30] < huebi> make config; make dep; make vmlinux
[14:30] < snyke> <-- is a happy penguin
[14:30] < snyke> :)
[14:38] < fake> SMP: mak mrsmp
[14:38] < fake> ;-)
[14:46] < esden> huebi: I added the 30 different alpha processors to 1.5 configuration
[14:50] < huebi> esden: thank you
[14:51] < esden> huebi: de nada ;-)
[14:51] < blindcoder> huebi: I think I'm finished with the build-cd already... lost track of time during doing so >_<
[14:52] < blindcoder> https://www.crash-override.net/rocklinux/becd.tar.bz2
[14:52] < blindcoder> the tarball includes Documentaion/Build-Environment as well as subdists/build-cd
[14:52] < huebi> blindcoder: *click*
[14:53] < esden> huebi: what is now our strategy ... make the tree up to date so that when you co it it works without running Puzzlu before ... or do we remove everything created by Puzzle so that Puzzlu must be run so that anything works ?
[14:54] < huebi> blindcoder: I got it. later more
[14:54] < blindcoder> esden: I might need your help on friday
[14:54] < esden> blindcoder: ?
[14:54] < blindcoder> huebi: okay
[14:54] < blindcoder> esden: my parents want me to move most of the hardwaer and telephonesystem down into the "keller"
[14:55] < blindcoder> if 3027 can come up with Patchcable and RJ45's then it will be done this weekend
[14:55] < esden> celler ... ok ... so you get your server room ?
[14:55] < blindcoder> YES!
[14:55] < esden> cool !!!
[14:55] < huebi> esden: I want to have it all ready to go, I mean error proof. So to update the indexfiles would be a good idea.
[14:56] < esden> I think that we will meet there then ... and not in bitz anymore ;-)
[14:56] < huebi> blindcoder: kool. I want that, too. But that has to be organised well.
[14:56] < esden> @ blindcoder
[14:56] < fake> esden: when will you update ssh on apollo?
[14:56] < blindcoder> But about 20m cable has to be put inton place and another 20m of cable have to be replaced
[14:56] < esden> fake: now ?
[14:56] < esden> ;-)
[14:56] < fake> i mean: when today will you update ssh on apollo? ;-)
[14:57] < blindcoder> huebi: that's why esden and 3027 (friend of us) has to be with me then
[14:57] < esden> fake: is that ok ?
[14:57] < esden> to update it now ?
[14:57] < esden> blindcoder: are you ok with it too ?
[14:57] < fake> esden: are you @bitz?
[14:57] < blindcoder> esden: go ahead
[14:58] < esden> fake: nope
[14:58] < fake> fake: let me do it
[14:58]   esden uni
[14:58] < fake> err. esden: let me do it
[14:58] < esden> fake: ???
[14:58] < esden> ok ...
[14:58] < snyke> lol
[14:58] < fake> esden: i've already done it on 5 machines here
[14:58] < snyke> hm
[14:58] < esden> fake: do it then please
[14:58] < blindcoder> esden/fake: do it and mess itnup!! then I have an excuse to escape from my gradnmother's birthday today >_<
[14:59] < snyke> esden: will you go to bitz today? :)
[14:59] < esden> blindcoder: coool ;-)
[14:59] < fake> esden: i can't guarantee that it will work from remote ...
[14:59] < fake> i'll try.
[14:59] < esden> fake: /me panic !!!
[14:59] < fake> if you all get kicked you know what that means ;-))
[14:59] < esden> kk
[15:00] < esden> fake: are you bitz ? o_O
[15:00] < fake> esden: 3 out of 5 worked perfectly.
[15:00] < huebi> fake: no serial console, no backupo line *g*
[15:00] < esden> na ... then you would not ask ...
[15:00] < fake> esden: are you hallucinating?
[15:00]   esden stupid
[15:00]   fake wanders off screwing everything up.
[15:00] < esden> fake: yes ... I got not too much sleep tonight
[15:00] < snyke> ...
[15:01] < esden> huebi: but if we want all functional then we need the crappy files in the ext-config too ...
[15:01] < fake> aw- just a sec.
[15:02] < esden> huebi: that are generated by Puzzle
[15:04] < huebi> esden: Ok. if something changes _all_ Indexfiles have to be recreated.
[15:05] < snyke> hm
[15:05] < snyke> esden?
[15:05] < esden> huebi: so I would say I make a Puzzle and add all files that are not yet in the tree ... is that ok ?
[15:05] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB41A04.ipt.aol.com] has quit ()
[15:06] < huebi> esden: No. then you would add about 500 files *g*
[15:06] < esden> urgh
[15:06] < esden> that is good that I asked
[15:06] < snyke> ...
[15:06] < esden> yes snyke ?
[15:06] < snyke> ahhh
[15:07] < snyke> took much time!
[15:07] < huebi> If the download works fine it's ok.
[15:07] < snyke> will you go to bitz today? (punishmeforthatsentence)
[15:07] < esden> good then @ huebi  I will update only the INDEX files
[15:07] < huebi> Puzzle can then by called e.g. by ./scripts/Config.
[15:07] < esden> hmm ...
[15:08] < esden> urgh .. huebi nooo
[15:08] < huebi> ok
[15:08] < esden> that takes ages on slower machines
[15:08] < esden> my alpha needs already half a minute to run Puzzle
[15:08] < blindcoder> a*urks* they're here >_<
[15:08] < blindcoder> see you l8ter
[15:08] < esden> cu l8ter blindcoder
[15:09] < esden> snyke: dunno .. I do not think sa
[15:09] < esden> o
[15:09] < esden> but I am not sure
[15:09] < huebi> Then my next idea is to make a README.FIRST.OR.WONT.HAVE.FUN
[15:09] < snyke> esden: "Technikertreffen" ...
[15:09] < huebi> +.YOU
[15:11] < esden> snyke: na und was will ich da ?
[15:11] < snyke> weis ich doch ned *g*
[15:11] < esden> siehst du ?
[15:11] < esden> ;-)
[15:11] < esden> huebi: that is needed too
[15:11] < snyke> ;)
[15:12] < snyke> wann hast du mal zeit wegen jolt und so? :)
[15:13] < huebi> esden: I think Pjotr's Howto would be good if shorted down to the basics for this README.FIRST.OR.YOU.WONT.HAVE.FUN
[15:14] < esden> nicht so schnell ich habe bald pruefungen
[15:14] < esden> @ snyke
[15:14] < snyke> hmmm
[15:14] < snyke> ok
[15:14] < snyke> me too
[15:15] < esden> huebi: yes that is ok ... pjotrs Howto should be called .. README.AND.YOU.WILL.HAVE.MORE.FUN ;-{
[15:15] < esden> ;-)
[15:16] < huebi> ACK!!
[15:19] -!- mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[15:19] < mike1> re
[15:21] < esden> re mike1
[15:24] < huebi> ello mike1
[15:24] < huebi> ;-)
[15:25] < mike1> Brazil gewonnen
[15:25] < holyolli> jepp...
[15:25] < huebi> jo, I just read it. Nice
[15:25] < holyolli> but I really think that they'll play samba with the Germans on Sunday...
[15:26] < esden> glibc says: checking installed Linux kernel header files... TOO OLD!
[15:26] < esden> why ??
[15:27]   mike1 thinks Deutschland will win
[15:27] < esden> holyolli: do you know this error ?
[15:27] < huebi> kernel 0.92 IS too old!
[15:27] < huebi> *eg*
[15:27] < esden> huebi: lol
[15:27] < holyolli> esden: not yet
[15:27] < mike1> esden: what kernel version ur running?
[15:27] < mike1> esden: i've never seen that before
[15:27] < esden> root@natalie:/usr/local/data# uname -a
[15:27] < esden> Linux natalie 2.4.18-rc4 #4 Fri Jun 21 19:11:25 CEST 2002 alpha unknown
[15:27] < esden> root@natalie:/usr/local/data#
[15:28] < esden> the headers are the right too
[15:28] < mike1> mmm
[15:28] < esden> hmm ... it could also be a problem in linux-src pkg ... >_<
[15:28] < huebi> esden make symbols ?
[15:28] < esden> ???
[15:29] < mike1> it certainly is weird as i said before i havent seen that error message before
[15:29] < huebi> cd cd /usr/src/linux
[15:29] < huebi> make symbols
[15:29] < esden> kk @ huebi
[15:29] < huebi> esden: have a look at it in the makefile
[15:29] < SMP> daadaaaa
[15:29] < SMP> Linux charlotte 2.4.18 #3 Wed Jun 26 14:57:52 MEST 2002 sparc unknown
[15:30] < SMP> cpu             : Fujitsu  MB86904
[15:30] < SMP> type            : sun4m
[15:30] < SMP> BogoMips        : 99.53
[15:30] < huebi> SMP: Congratulations ;-)))))))
[15:30] < SMP> ssh'd into it
[15:31] < th> SMP: terrific
[15:32] < th> SMP: kernel and base-pkgs available for download?
[15:32] < SMP> I'm tar'ing it up
[15:36] < holyolli> cya l8ter
[15:36] -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has quit ("fnord!")
[15:37] < huebi> SMP: could you please put a copy in my ~ on world, too
[15:37] < huebi> ?
[15:37] < SMP> jo..
[15:38] < SMP> still building modules..
[15:38] < SMP> ( for ppp support, so you dial out with the serial port ;) )
[15:39] < SMP> s,you,you can,
[15:39] < huebi> SMP: With the JavaOS it's possible out of the box.
[15:39] < SMP> yeah, I've seen it
[15:40] < huebi> but don't plug in the network therefore.
[15:40] < SMP> would be nice to have a linux micro-root in flash
[15:40] < huebi> SMP: ACK
[15:40] < huebi> And there are tools for that avaliable ;-))
[15:41] < SMP> but if that'd work right now .. what fun would it be? ;>
[15:41] < SMP> I mean - if things don't need hacking
[15:42] < huebi> SMP: Many things are still untested. Like XFree86 4.2.0 on Krups.
[15:43] < fake> esden: done.
[15:44] < SMP> aaarghhh
[15:44] < fake> esden, blindcoder: please consider reconnecting now.
[15:45] < huebi> in about 17 min I have to leave towards: 8°16'50"E, 49°58'39" ;-)
[15:45] < fake> /bin/echelon/adjust "8°16'50"E, 49°58'39"
[15:45] < huebi> IBM Deutschland GmbH, Totalstorage Interoperability Center
[15:46] < huebi> The harddisk factory in Mainz.
[15:46] < fake> echelon: "IBM Deutschland GmbH, Totalstorage Interoperability Center"
[15:46] < fake> he! mein echelon is gut.
[15:46] < huebi> fake *LOL*
[15:46] < huebi> fake: which gate?
[15:46] < fake> huebi: are you gonna rip some defect hds? ;-)
[15:47] < fake> huebi: err.... segfault ?
[15:49] < huebi> No, just visiting the factory and getting very good and I hope very internal informations.
[15:49] < huebi> with about 13 friends from this area here
[15:52] < esden> fake: me still here
[15:52] < esden> ;-)
[15:52] < huebi> btw I exchanged 2 IBM SCA 10Krpms 18GB last evening with 2 of hitachi
[15:52] < fake> esden: please reconnect. it's updated.
[15:52] < esden> ahh kk
[15:53] < esden> re
[15:53] < fake> and then i need your help
[15:53] < esden> mine ?
[15:53] < fake> yes.
[15:53] < esden> shoot fake
[15:53] < fake> yeah, shoot me! C'MON!
[15:53] < esden> i mean shoot me ;-)
[15:53] < fake> oh.
[15:54]   fake 'll have a cigarette first.
[15:54] < esden> kk
[15:54] < fake> esden: about apache/php XD
[15:54]   esden testing the changes in lx_conf he made
[15:54] < esden> fake: I will try to do my best
[15:55] < esden> huebi: what does "Devlevel Error (2):" followed by tons of files mean ?
[15:56] < huebi> esden: I never had that ;(
[15:57] < esden> hmm
[15:57] < esden> huebi: the headers of the kernel are ok now .. make symlinks helped
[15:58] < huebi> *freu*
[15:58] < esden> natalie is now compiling glibc ...
[15:59] < mike1> go natalie go ;-)
[16:00] < huebi> cu latoer. Festplatte ansehen....
[16:02] < esden> mike1: ;-)
[16:06]   mike1 away for breakfast
[16:07] < esden> bon appetit @ mike1
[16:18] < esden> huebi: ???
[16:26] < mike1> esden:
[16:26] < mike1> <huebi> cu latoer. Festplatte ansehen....
[16:33] < esden> mike1: I know ... but I would like to ci in the cvs ... but I do not know what conventions are valid there ...
[16:33] < esden> I do not want to provide chaos
[16:36] < th> esden: what question?
[16:37] < fake> esden?
[16:38] < esden> should I commit the stuff I have done in small bit's with comment's on this bit ? or everything in one big chunk with description in one peace ?
[16:38] < esden> fake: yes ?
[16:38] < esden> fake: could I go smoke one ?
[16:38] < fake> esden: following situation. compiling apache 1.3.26.
[16:38] < fake> compiling php 4.2.1 s DSO module
[16:39] < fake> installing, setting up, modding httpd.conf.
[16:39] < fake> test: opening https://foo/test.php in browser. works.
[16:39] < fake> opening https://foo/bar/index.php -> works.
[16:39] < fake> opening https://foo/bazco/ -> works
[16:40] < fake> opening https://foo/bar/ -> MimeType = application/x-httpd-php (mozilla wants to save it)
[16:40] < esden> hmm ...
[16:40] < fake> and is _did_ set DirectoryIndex correctly.
[16:40] < fake> s,is,I,
[16:42] < esden> hmm ... I had not such a problem till now ...
[16:42] < esden> *think*
[16:42] < esden> you have set AddType application/x-httpd-php .php correctly ?
[16:44] < mike1> fake: did you try apache 2.0?
[16:45] < esden> I run 2.0 at home @ mike1
[16:45] < mike1> nice esden :)
[16:45] < fake> hm... LAG...
[16:45] < mike1> esden: in your personal opinion should be used for production by now?
[16:45] < fake> esden: of course i did.
[16:46] < blindcoder> rehi
[16:46] < mike1> re blindcoder
[16:46] < fake> re. blindcoder: did you reconnect (ssh) already?
[16:46] < blindcoder> fake: just now, I'm @bitz now
[16:46] < blindcoder> fake: you know that telekom disconnects me every few minutes
[16:46] < fake> good. there just was a nasty lag and a loop (alter net fft3 - > voyager -> fft3 -> voyager...)
[16:47] < fake> blindcoder: from bitz?
[16:47] < blindcoder> fake: yes
[16:47] < fake> ah. that DSL-thingy
[16:48] < blindcoder> yes... that "thingy"
[16:48] < esden> hmm ...
[16:48] < blindcoder> I think they disconnect edonkey-users
[16:48] < th> esden: both ways are ok. but would be good if you do not break anything with a ci
[16:49] < esden> th: sure ... I always trying not to ... I had no problems with it till now ...
[16:49] < fake> blindcoder: really? i'll have a look at my logfile
[16:49] < esden> mike1: I have no problems with this server
[16:49] < esden> fake: ... I really do not have a clue how I could help you ...
[16:49] < fake> esden: i guess you have no idea, too?
[16:50] < fake> i c.
[16:50] < blindcoder> fake: yes, because the connection was fine. but it didn't take 5 minutes after starting mldonkey that I got kicked
[16:50] < esden> fake: It is a really strange problem
[16:50] < fake> blindcoder: mldonkey and pppoed running on the same host?
[16:50] < blindcoder> yes
[16:50] < fake> *ugh*
[16:50] < esden> the mime types are being menaged in a strange way if I see it correctly
[16:51] < blindcoder> fake: I know that my network is f**ked
[16:51]   esden needs nicotine ....
[16:51] < blindcoder> fake: I tried changing the port (4662) to somethin completely different (49153) but that didn't do any good >_<
[16:51] < mike1> esden: i have been away from 1.7 sources for a while (again) is there a "Creat-CD" script by now?
[16:52] < fake> esden: i'd say it converts / -> lookup -> index.php -> oh, add mime type application-xhttpd-php -> (no parsing here) -> output
[16:52] < esden> mike1: no ... there are no installdisks ... so no need for the create-cd script
[16:52] < fake> blindcoder: you could IPSec the traffic
[16:52] < esden> hmm seems so @ fake
[16:52] < fake> oder SSH-PtP
[16:53] < blindcoder> hmm.. I've never done either one of them... but even if I did, what good would that do?
[16:54] < fake> blidcoder: Auntie T couldn't tell what your traffic is all about
[16:55] < fake> because they'd only get encrypted pkgs.
[16:55] < blindcoder> fake: the internal, yes. but it would still be accessible the "normal" way from the outside, say telnet scavenger.homeip.net:4662
[16:55] < fake> blindcoder: no.
[16:55] < blindcoder> no?
[16:56] < fake> [scavenger]=====(--evilT--)==={trusted_host}mldonkey<----
[16:56] < mike1> fake nice
[16:57] < blindcoder> hmm... you have a HowTo or similar available? I don't get it right now... at least not how it has to be done...
[16:57] < blindcoder> do I have to create a ssh-tunnel to EVERY donkey-server out there?
[16:57] < blindcoder> ~10k in my list?
[16:57] < fake> blindcoder watch out for a pic at www.freeswan.org
[16:57] < fake> blindocer.no.
[16:57] < fake> mom.
[16:57] < fake> [scavenger]=====(--evilT--)==={trusted_host}YOURmldonkey-PORT<----
[16:58] < fake> so trustedhost:YOURMLDONKEYPORT would go to your machine (forwarded,say)
[16:58] < blindcoder> yes...
[16:58] < fake> it's like: you wire a direct cable from one machine to another.
[16:58] < fake> you run the mldonkey machine on the inner one and simply pipe everything through the oter one.
[16:59] < blindcoder> mom... I just don't get it... evilT has nothin to do with my network...
[16:59] < fake> whatever is between this inner and outer machine (Telekom) has no idea what you are talking about.
[16:59] < blindcoder> please explain for the most stupid one you can imagine
[17:00] < blindcoder> then the pther one would have to open the tunnel, or what?
[17:00] < blindcoder> I'm plain stupid, you know...
[17:00] < fake> [Scav] -- [DSLModem] ===={T}====(ARPA)=====[your_beloved_machine] --- ?
[17:00] < blindcoder> yes
[17:00] < fake> left end ---------------------------------------- right end
[17:00] < fake>               ^---- tunel
[17:00] < blindcoder> okay
[17:00] < fake>                                                                              <<<---- mldonkey packets
[17:01] < fake>                                            <<<<-- =)(§/%DHLNXF
[17:01] < fake>      <<<----------- still 4398salasmfb,"Z%)S
[17:01] < fake> <<----- mldonkey packet
[17:01] < blindcoder> yes i see what it does
[17:01] < fake> -->> answer
[17:01] < fake> and so forth
[17:01] < blindcoder> so the tunnel has to be created to EVERY other machine I connect to
[17:02] < fake> *ARGHL*
[17:02]   esden needs a progress indicator for glibc compile
[17:02] < blindcoder> that means "no"
[17:02] < fake> blindcoder: exactly. let's magnify the right end:
[17:02] < fake>
[17:02] < fake>
[17:02] < fake>            [right end ]          ------- +   ------------somehost
[17:02] < fake>                                    |  
[17:02] < blindcoder> just WHAT is the right end?
[17:02] < blindcoder> the left one is MY MACHINE
[17:03] < blindcoder> so the RIGHT ONE has to be some stupid guy I want to leech from
[17:03] < fake> blindcoder: a host. on the internet. in a trusted network. simply ONE machine
[17:03] < fake> NOOOOO >_>
[17:03] < blindcoder> apollo?
[17:03] < fake> for example!
[17:03] < blindcoder> so apollo then connects to the poor guys and forwards the files to me
[17:04] < fake> blindcoder: the packets, if you want tp
[17:04] < fake> even
[17:04] < blindcoder> I only connect to apollo and apollo to the rest of the donkeys
[17:04] < fake> yes!
[17:04] < blindcoder> okay... now i got it...
[17:05] < fake> so becuase auntie T can only listen between you and apollo - you're out!
[17:06] < fake> they can however mesaure the amount/size of packages etc.
[17:06] < blindcoder> sure
[17:09] < fake> esden: it works in IE (*urk*) and w3m. i'll bug mozilla.
[17:10] -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux
[17:10] < tomik> hi
[17:11] < esden> fake: then it is a mozilla problem not of your apach/php setup ... I suppose
[17:11] < esden> hi tomik
[17:11] < fake> it's strange anyways----
[17:11]   esden committed the alpha stuff to the cvs
[17:12] < esden> fake: that for sure !
[17:12]   blindcoder is going to play bzflag on his nfs-workstation ;)
[17:12] < esden> ahh glibc is now generating the localisations ... good
[17:13] < esden> ahh it is now installing ... good !!
[17:15] < mike1> esden: are you and praenti still planning to come over to CR?
[17:16] < esden> mike1: no sorry
[17:16] < mike1> esden: itz ok
[17:17] -!- kaerF [freak@pD95302A2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:18] -!- kaerF [freak@pD95302A2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:18] < esden> hi Freak
[17:18] < esden> huh ?
[17:18] < tomik> strange thing again... while booting rock on compaq deskpro 4000 (with ppro@200) system reboots after "blocks: 128 slots per queue, batch=32"
[17:18] < tomik> what the <censored> is this?
[17:20] -!- kaerF [freak@pD95302A2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:20]   esden no idea ... (kernel ?)
[17:20] < tomik> probably... but kernel is large :)
[17:20] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39925.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: kaerF!freak@pD95302A2.dip.t-dialin.net)))
[17:20] -!- kaerF is now known as Freak
[17:21] < esden> hi Freak
[17:21] < esden> tomik: that for sure ...
[17:22] < Freak> huhu esden
[17:22] < tomik> no way how to determine what's wrong...
[17:22] < esden> tomik: read the f**** binary ;-)
[17:23] < h0h0> RTFB
[17:23] < esden> hi h0h0 ... long time no see !
[17:23] < esden> or better read ;-)
[17:23] < h0h0> been in south dakota for a while
[17:24] < mike1> hello h0h0
[17:24] < esden> h0h0: what were you doing in dakota ?
[17:24] < h0h0> see the big rock with faces on it
[17:24] < esden> h0h0: and ?
[17:25] < h0h0> drive around
[17:26] < tomik> later... cu
[17:26] -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[17:26] < h0h0> anyone know how far the openssh vuln goes back?
[17:28] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD95228DC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:35] (Users #rocklinux)
[17:35] [ aszlig ] [ coldie] [ h0h0 ] [ praenti] [ SMP ]
[17:35] [ Babyface ] [ esden ] [ hackbard] [ rolla_ ] [ snyke ]
[17:35] [ blindcoder] [ fake ] [ huebi ] [ rxr_ ] [ term_aweh]
[17:35] [ bluefire ] [ Freak ] [ mike1 ] [ simon ] [ th ]
[17:35] -!- Irssi: #rocklinux: Total of 20 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 20 normal]
[17:41] < blindcoder> aah  I love bzflag :D
[17:41] < snyke> hm
[17:41] < snyke> can anybody tell me what max-nicklength is in OPN?
[17:42] < snyke> grml *test*
[17:42] -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A6C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #rocklinux ()
[17:42]   fake drives home
[17:43] -!- th_ [th@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux
[17:43] -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A6C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux
[17:43] -!- th_ is now known as th________
[17:43] < fake> hi th_:--
[17:43] < fake> *G*
[17:43] -!- th________ is now known as th______________
[17:43] < bluefire> Moin
[17:43] < snyke> 16
[17:43] < snyke> *counts*
[17:43] < snyke> [17:47] *** snyke is now known as maxlicknetestbec
[17:43] < fake> th______________ : shift it a bit.. _________th_________
[17:44] < snyke> lol
[17:44] < fake> 16
[17:44] -!- th______________ is now known as th34567890abcdef
[17:45] -!- th34567890abcdef [th@rocklinux.de] has quit (Client Quit)
[17:45] < fake> hehe.
[17:45] < fake> cya later.
[17:45] < snyke> ok thx
[17:45] < snyke> max bans? *g*
[17:46] < snyke> ah i leave default
[17:46] < snyke> äöh
[17:46] < snyke> let
[17:46] < th> snyke: we could test the maximum kick-message if you want
[17:46] < snyke> ah no... thats ok :)
[17:47] < snyke> don't want to know soooo much details :)
[17:47] < th> ;>
[17:47] < th> any latex gurus in here?
[17:48] < snyke> hm
[17:48] < snyke> allowing e/I modes?
[17:48] < snyke> does.
[17:54] < esden> perfect glibc compiled through
[17:55] < mike1> esden: great, congratz to natalie ;)
[17:55] < esden> hehe ;-)
[17:55] < esden> sche is very happy that she could swollow such a big packet ;-)
[17:57] < praenti> esden: wo liegt die gentoo cd?
[17:58] < esden> hmm ... bist im bitz ?
[17:58] < praenti> jepp
[17:58] < praenti> aber net lang
[17:58] < esden> sie sollte neben dem radio liegen
[17:59] < praenti> wo neben dem radio? in den fächern?
[17:59] < esden> nee ich habe die auf dem tisch leigen lassen wenn ich mich recht entsinne
[18:00] < esden> aber vielleicht hat es jemand verlegt
[18:00] < esden> die war nicht beschriftet
[18:00] < esden> natalie needed 2 hours for glibc ...
[18:00] < esden> ok ... I will go home
[18:00] < esden> cu all
[18:02] < praenti> die is net da
[18:02] < praenti> ;-(
[18:02]   praenti else goes home
[18:02] < praenti> cya
[18:02] < snyke> yeah
[18:02] < snyke> works
[18:02] < snyke> *jump*
[18:09] < rolla_> help . My compile is jsut sending chroot: cannot execute bin/sh: No such file or directory
[18:09] < rolla_> chroot: cannot execute bin/sh: No such file or directory
[18:09] < rolla_> chroot: cannot execute bin/sh: No such file or directory
[18:09] < rolla_> chroot: cannot execute bin/sh: No such file or directory
[18:09] < rolla_> chroot: cannot execute bin/sh: No such file or directory
[18:09] < rolla_> chroot: cannot execute bin/sh: No such file or directory
[18:09] -!- rolla_ is now known as rolla
[18:16] < fake> rolla: try doing it manually
[18:16] < fake> cd build/*/root
[18:16] < fake> chroot .
[18:16] < rolla> okay I will
[18:17] < rolla> oh great another openssh hole :(
[18:18] < fake> if ((strncmp(name, "lib", 3) == 0 || strncmp(name, "ld-", 3) == 0) && name[strlen(name)-1] != '~' && (cp = strstr(name, ".so")))
[18:18] < fake> this is where ldconfig crashes. yoohoo.
[18:19] < fake> sounds like glibc.
[18:19] < rolla> :)
[18:19] < rolla> I have updated the snapshot and started the build over again :)
[18:23] < fake> *uargh* this sucks.
[18:24] < fake> they do strncmp(name, "lib", 3); and expect it to be zero... for lib at the start of the string.
[18:24] < fake> there _is_ lib at the start of the string - strncmp returns -62... -56... -5 ....
[18:24] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB4CC48.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux
[18:35] < fake> btw - why don't we use the ldconfig from glibc?
[18:35] < fake> that seems to work...
[18:38] < fake> hehe. google search: Krupps + sun + linux first three hits? rock ;-)
[18:38] < th> nice
[18:38] < th> SMP: noch da?
[18:44] < SMP> I fell asleep
[18:44] < th> oups
[18:44] < th> as i did some hours ago
[18:46] < th> SMP: anything new about base-pkgs?
[18:47] < SMP> I need to: install kernel-headers, modules and kernel.conf
[18:47] < SMP> remember what stuff I wanted to write into the TODO
[18:48] < th> SMP: but the base-pkgs are ready? i would like to have ssh and stuff
[18:48] < th> SMP: gettys init
[18:48] < SMP> yeah, that works prolly fine
[18:49] < th> great. could you put either a new rootfs somewhere or the basepkgs?
[18:49] < SMP> yes, when I'm done with -see above- ;)
[18:49] < th> hmpf - ok.
[18:49] < SMP> 10 Minutes
[18:50] < th> well - ok ;) great
[19:07] < mike1> huebi: you here?
[19:16] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB4CC48.ipt.aol.com] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:18] -!- the][owl [~mail-spam@B5076.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[19:18] < the][owl> hi
[19:19] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB72D18.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux
[19:19] -!- the][owl is now known as owl
[19:23] < SMP> *huh*
[19:23] < th> ack
[19:24] < SMP> I installed 47MBytes of tar.bz2 packages, tar them up all together and get one 202MBytes tar.bz2
[19:25] < SMP> ah
[19:25] < SMP> root.tar.bz2: GNU tar archive
[19:35] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5076.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:36] < SMP> ok..
[19:38] -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A6C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #rocklinux ()
[19:38] < SMP> th: world:~stefanp/root.tar.bz2
[19:39] < SMP> huebi: world:~stefanp/root.tar.bz2
[19:41] < blindcoder> re hi
[19:42] < fake> blindcoder: re.
[19:45] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5596.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[19:45] < owl> re
[19:47] < blindcoder> hmm the Build-CD still doesn't work >_<
[19:47] < blindcoder> the terminfo-link isn't there >_<
[19:53] -!- lizard [~andrea@p50809D61.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:58] < th> SMP: thanks i'm on it
[20:00] -!- SMP changed the topic of #rocklinux to: ROCK Linux / https://www.rocklinux.org/
[20:09] < fake> du bist schizophren, du bist krank im kopf und ich kann es sehn..
[20:09] < owl> yeah!
[20:10]   owl is krank im kopf!
[20:14] < rolla> at what stage does the build do a chroot ?
[20:15] < fake> rolla: 2
[20:16] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD95228DC.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[20:16] < rolla> thanks
[20:18] < fake> SMP: al gdb:  GDB is unable to find the start of the function at 0x4201c4.
[20:18] < SMP> hm?
[20:19] < fake> weil du gestern meintest ich soll mit gdb debuggen.
[20:19] < fake> wenn strncmp oder memcmp segfaulted dann heisst das glibc, hm?
[20:20] < SMP> ah, ja
[20:21]   fake checkt mal ob der code ueberhaupt auf ia32 funzt >_<
[20:30] < esden> re hi all
[20:31]   SMP -> bed
[20:31] < esden> n8 SMP
[20:32] < rolla> I just enterd stage 2 of the compile and not it says that I do not have gcc3
[20:33] < fake> *LOL*
[20:33] < fake> Speicherzugriffsfehler
[20:33] < fake> on intel too.... *LOL*
[20:33] < rolla> not funny :(
[20:33] < rolla> ./scripts/Build-Pkg: c++: command not found
[20:33] < rolla> WARNING: No gcc3 (CXX) found! So no special optimisation is used.
[20:33] < rolla> Reading package configuration from pkg dir.
[20:33] < rolla> Preparing build in /R.work/src.binutils.1025098722.29446.1038958218
[20:33] < rolla> Building. Writing output to $root/var/adm/logs/2-binutils.out
[20:39] -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A6C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux
[20:39] < snyke> re
[20:44] -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9525EEA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:44] < tsa> tag
[20:48] < snyke> servus
[20:48] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB72D18.ipt.aol.com] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:48] -!- WKaibigan2 [~Aloicious@ACBA12DE.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux
[20:52] < fake> hm... can _anybody_ tell me why we don't use the ldconfig provided by glibc?
[20:52] < fake> that one _works_
[20:58] < fake> except it's /usr/sbin not /sbin
[20:58] < fake> but what do I care
[21:08] < tsa> GRRRR!
[21:08] < tsa> damn openssh.
[21:08] < rolla> ja
[21:09]   tsa just killed the sshd on a RH box.
[21:09] < tsa> rpm sucks.
[21:09] < tsa> no problems at all upgrading to 3.4p1 on rock.
[21:12] < fake> tsa: now GUESS how much fun i had at work - SuSE 6.4
[21:13] < snyke> hm
[21:16] < esden> argh ... fsck autoconf.h ... I hope that it is not working only because of my stupidity  ... otherwise I will have to start hate the linux-kernel >_<
[21:25] < tsa> fake: RH 6.2 - updated and updated and updated and ...
[21:33] < WKaibigan2> What would cause sshd to reject passwords after updated to 3.4? Any ideas?
[21:33] < h0h0> if you changed your /etc/ssh/sshd_config
[21:33] < tsa> did you create the chroot environment?
[21:34] < WKaibigan2> It did start using the config file that came with the new version. No chrooting done.
[21:35] < tsa> create the chroot, then.
[21:36] < WKaibigan2> SOrry I don't understand what I would have to do. New to all this.
[21:37] < tsa> erm...
[21:37] < tsa> README.privsep
[21:38] < WKaibigan2> Ok cheers
[21:38] < fake> kampai!
[21:40] < WKaibigan2> Is there anywhere in the UK where I can get the Rock CDs
[21:42] < tsa>
[21:42] -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E7B66C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:45] < WKaibigan2> Too big for a 56K modem user.
[21:49] < tsa> hm..
[21:50] -!- [anders] [~guest@] has joined #rocklinux
[21:50] < [anders]> ooookay... openssh 3.4p1 being built and installed now..
[21:51] < tsa> Connected to 0.
[21:51] < tsa> Escape character is '^]'.
[21:51] < tsa> SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_3.4p1
[21:51] < tsa> ;-)
[21:51] < [anders]> tsa: :-)
[22:00] -!- simon-- [~simon@pD9E1D713.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:05] < [anders]> # telnet localhost 22
[22:05] < [anders]> Trying
[22:05] < [anders]> Connected to localhost.
[22:05] < [anders]> Escape character is '^]'.
[22:05] < [anders]> SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_3.4p1
[22:06] < tsa> ;-)
[22:07] < tsa> hm...interesting
[22:08] < tsa> why does my sshd say "SSH-1.99"?
[22:08] < tsa> yours "SSH-2.0"
[22:08] < [anders]> I don't allow SSH1 protocol at all..
[22:08] < tsa> ah, i see.
[22:09] < tsa> missed that one in my sshd_config..
[22:09] < [anders]> :)
[22:09] < tsa> changed.
[22:09] < [anders]> Now I feel slightly less paranoid..
[22:09] < tsa> hehe
[22:10] < [anders]> I have the priv-sep code enabled, so I guess I will not get any compression..
[22:10] < [anders]> But then again, ROCK isn't using PAM so...
[22:10] < tsa> hm..
[22:10] < tsa> which kernel do you use?
[22:10] < tsa> privsep and compression should both work with 2.4.x kernels
[22:10] < [anders]> 2.4.18 with crypto api
[22:11] < tsa> ah.
[22:11] < tsa> should be working, then.
[22:11] < [anders]> Aahh.. that's good news..
[22:11] < [anders]> :) Makes me feel even better..
[22:11] < tsa> hehe
[22:11] < [anders]> So good I'll have to go away for a little while.. ;-)
[22:11] < tsa> hehe
[22:11] < tsa> cu [anders]
[22:14] -!- simon [~simon@p50874EFB.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out)
[22:14] -!- simon-- is now known as simon
[22:27] < [anders]> aaahh.. feeling MUCH better..
[22:28] -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux
[22:28] < tomik> re
[22:28] < tomik> still no luck... but problem is in kernel ide setting
[22:28] < tomik> i hope :)
[22:30] < fake> [anders] sounds like .... *pffffffffffff*
[22:31] < fake> (the thing you did while you were away)
[22:32] -!- WKaibigan2 [~Aloicious@ACBA12DE.ipt.aol.com] has quit ()
[22:32] < term_aweh> good night
[22:32] -!- term_aweh [~pm@p50819BC1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("zz")
[22:32] < tsa> cu ter
[22:32] < tsa> hm.,.
[22:36] < [anders]> fake: it made splashing noises... ;-)
[22:36] < fake> [anders] like *blubb* ?
[22:37] < [anders]> no.. not like things bubbling in water, but like things falling into water... There was some *pffffff* noises as well though.. ;-)
[22:37] < [anders]> Ehrm, perhaps we should drop this conversation..
[22:38] < [anders]> Hmm.. huebi around?
[22:38] < tsa> dunno
[22:38] < [anders]> I found a problem with compiling bash with ncurses support..
[22:38] < [anders]> when you reboot your system doesn't work..
[22:38] < esden> night @ *
[22:38] < fake> night esden
[22:38] < tsa> cu esden
[22:39] < [anders]> so libncurses would have to go into /lib or bash be compiled statically..
[22:39] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p50812B62.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:39] < [anders]> night esden
[22:39] < fake> [anders]: yeah. i kinda guessed wrong.
[22:39] < thalerim> evening
[22:39] < tomik> pls where is the .config used for kernel on install-disks ?
[22:40] < tsa> hu thalerim
[22:40] < thalerim> hi tsa
[22:40] < tsa> hi even
[22:40] < [anders]> I have to figure out a way to get bash compiled with ncurses though.. I want the 8-bit clean shell.. :)
[22:41] < th> tomik: no where
[22:41] < tsa> hm....
[22:41] < tsa> ncurses don't belong into /lib ..
[22:41] < thalerim> why the hell doesn't 1.5.16 provide the XF86Config ?
[22:42] < th> thalerim: because 1.5.16 can't know your graphics-board?
[22:42] < thalerim> huh?
[22:43] < tsa> XFree86 -configure
[22:43] < thalerim> produce one?
[22:43] < th> i prefer xf86config
[22:43] < th> thalerim: ack
[22:43] < thalerim> mh, ok
[22:44] < mike1> esden: are you here?
[22:44] < thalerim> well, but the xfree86-pkg should contain one (it might do - i didn't check it, but the file wasn't installed - that's the fact
[22:45] < th> thalerim: i could imagine a default svga or vga configuration
[22:45] < th> thalerim: but who wants such config
[22:45] < thalerim> in the source there is a standard file
[22:46] < th> ahh ok
[22:46] < thalerim> in 1.5.12 it was there that's why i wondered
[22:47] < thalerim> of course X complained the missing config file and i didn't know about this -configure option
[22:48] < tsa> buahahahaha!
[22:48]   tsa reading gentoo's nvidia howto.
[22:48] < thalerim> have anyone tried the boot-cd of 1.5.16 ?
[22:48] < tsa> "Code listing 6"
[22:48] < th> SMP: anything special to do with prol? i get unable to open initial console
[22:48] < tsa> $ grep AGP /proc/pci
[22:49] < tsa> interesting piece of code.
[22:49] < tsa> really worth to get listed..
[22:49] < thalerim> I burned it without bootable extension and i used the one of 1.5.12 - but i used the installation-programm of 1.5.16
[22:50] < thalerim> and i looked for a directory 'base-pkgs/', on cd was 'base_pkg/'
[22:50] < thalerim> so i had to copy all files from cd to hd
[22:50] -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:50] < thalerim> further the installation-programm expected .tar.bz2-files, on CD were only .tbz2 ones
[22:50] < holyolli> hi
[22:51] < thalerim> finally the installation was a real cramp
[22:51] < th> SMP: well. i though devfs would be enough but with dev.tar it works
[22:51] < thalerim> but it works now :-)
[22:51] < thalerim> <thalerim> and i looked for a directory 'base-pkgs/', on cd was 'base_pkg/' <- not I looked, but the programm looked
[22:52] < thalerim> I think esden is responsible for the programm, isn't he?
[22:52] < fake> thalerim since 1.5.14
[22:52] < thalerim> seems to lack a bit
[22:52] < fake> 1.5.12 is old...
[22:53] < thalerim> yeah
[22:53] < thalerim> i burned 1.5.16 but forgot to enable the bootable option
[22:53] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5596.pppool.de] has quit ("reconnect")
[22:53] < thalerim> that's why i had to boot with the CD of 1.5.12
[22:53] < thalerim> but i used the installprogramm of 1.5.16
[22:54] < thalerim> ESDEN!
[22:55] < thalerim> and where is rene?
[22:55] < thalerim> GNOME 2.0 is out now !!
[22:56] < thalerim> ah and the CVS-script seems not to work properly also
[22:56] < thalerim> but I had no time to investigate the error - i just recognized it
[22:56] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5596.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[22:57] < owl> re
[22:57] -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A6C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit ("°ShowDowN v12 PrO° since 1996: https://www.sci.fi/~showdown/")
[22:57] < thalerim> hi owl
[23:05] -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has quit ("X-Chat: its what's for lunch")
[23:10] < mike1> see you later
[23:10] -!- mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[23:18] -!- blindcoder [crash@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit (""To live is like to ove - all reason is against it, but a healthy lifestyle needs it."")
[23:37] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817332.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[23:48] -!- mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[23:48] < mike1> re
[23:48] < mike1> re
[23:48] < mike1> hehe
[23:49] < mike1> Anyone could gimme some help some with an sshd issue?
[23:49] < thalerim> me unfortunately not
[23:50] < mike1> thalerim: mm... ok thanks anyways
[23:50] < mike1> [anders]: ?
[23:50] < thalerim> mike1: what about just asking your question?
[23:50] < mike1> yeah sure
[23:51] < mike1> i updated to openSSH 3.4p1 and did exactly the sma e security recommendations that the guys from openssh did
[23:51] < mike1> Disabled ChallengeResponseAuthentication in sshd_config.
[23:51] < thalerim> reasonable
[23:52] < mike1> and also PAMAuthenticationViaKbdInt
[23:52] < thalerim> actually you do not need that for 2.4p1, do you?
[23:52] < thalerim> 3.4
[23:52] < mike1> just followed the guide
[23:53] < mike1> anyways i cant loggin my box via ssh now :(
[23:53] < thalerim> "At least one major security vulnerability exists in many deployed OpenSSH versions (2.9.9 to 3.3). Please see the ISS advisory, or our own OpenSSH advisory on this topic where simple patches are provided for the pre-authentication problem. Systems running with UsePrivilegeSeparation yes or ChallengeResponseAuthentication no are not affected. "
[23:53] < mike1> mmm
[23:53] < thalerim> I interprete it as in 3.4p1 the vuln is fixed
[23:53]   mike1 feels ashamed
[23:53] < thalerim> and <3.4 you have to run with priv separation
[23:54] < mike1> thalerim: ur right thanks
[23:54] < mike1> ill check my box again
[23:54] < thalerim> :-)
[23:54] < mike1> in the end you did help me alot :)
[23:54] < mike1> thanks
[23:54] < thalerim> np
[23:59] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p50812B62.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos")
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Thu Jun 27 00:00:25 2002