--- Log opened Thu Jun 27 00:00:25 2002 --- Day changed Thu Jun 27 2002 00:05 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817332.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 00:06 < huebi> re 00:06 < huebi> MoeP! 00:07 < tsa> hi huebi 00:07 < tsa> n8 * 00:07 < huebi> n8 tsa 00:07 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9525EEA.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 00:08 < fake> re huebi! 00:08 < huebi> hi fake 00:08 < huebi> The visit in the harddisk manufacturing facility of IBM was really kool 00:09 < mike1> hi huebi 00:11 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACBA12DE.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux 00:11 < fake> huebi: ripped any parts from them? *g 00:15 < mike1> huebi: did you update to openssh 3.4p1? 00:16 < huebi> mike1: I just want to do that now... 00:16 < mike1> huebi: please do let me know it works for you 00:16 < mike1> i did compile and install no problem 00:16 < huebi> fake: They just produce disks and heads. No complete drives. 00:17 < mike1> except it tells me that the sshd user priviled does not exist 00:17 < mike1> funny thing is it does 00:17 < fake> huebi: aww :( 00:17 < mike1> so even if i have sshd running it wont let me loggin 00:17 < mike1> :(( 00:17 < fake> huebi: when will you send the krups? whenwhenwhen?? *cantawaitit* 00:18 < huebi> fake: But there is everything you want to have to play with: E15K all sorts of e690, sharks 00:19 < huebi> fake: On friday, but perhaps tomorrow. but that's not sure 00:19 < fake> an E15k at IBM? 00:20 < huebi> fake: exact and ciscos and HP's and Alpha servers and ... You name it... 00:21 < huebi> thick bundles of fibre optics everywhere... 00:23 < fake> huebi: sounds like a nice flat. how much is it monthly? ;-))) 00:24 < mike1> huebi: ok damn output confused me 00:24 < mike1> https://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=openssh-unix-dev&m=102512432905447&w=2 00:25 < mike1> huebi: still you have any idea of why doesnt my sshd allow me to login? 00:25 < huebi> mike1: I have to test it. I'll see that tomorrow.. 00:26 < mike1> huebi: ok 00:31 * fake translocates himself into bed 00:31 < fake> *using_stone_of_recall* 00:31 < fake> *WUUUUSH* 00:32 < huebi> fake: n8, schlaf gut ;-)) 00:32 < fake> danke ;) 00:45 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit ("Client Exiting") 00:46 * owl will leave this place. :/ 00:46 < owl> g8 00:48 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5596.pppool.de] has quit ("back to _peep_ reality.") 00:49 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux 00:49 < holyolli> re 00:50 < mike1> re holyolli 00:50 < holyolli> hi mike1 00:54 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has quit ("X-Chat: the choice of a GNU generation") 01:11 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACBA12DE.ipt.aol.com] has quit () 01:18 < huebi> cu 01:18 < huebi> good night 01:19 < mike1> bye huebi 01:47 < mike1> cu 01:47 -!- mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 02:02 -!- lizard [~andrea@p50809D61.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Lost terminal") 02:24 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@dhcp024-210-218-255.woh.rr.com] has quit ("I don't care. I don't give a shit. Now Shut up.") 02:33 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@dhcp024-210-218-255.woh.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux 07:02 < fake> ... 07:02 < fake> moin. 07:04 < fake> und wech... 07:08 -!- [anders] [~guest@] has quit ("cya laters..") 07:13 -!- simon [~simon@pD9E1D713.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07:51 < huebi> moin 07:57 < SMP> jo 07:57 < SMP> hi huebi 08:00 < huebi> moin SMP 08:01 < huebi> und wech 08:01 < huebi> bis spaeter 08:38 -!- igel [~igel@dave.hrz.uni-bielefeld.de] has joined #rocklinux 08:39 < igel> moin 09:26 -!- [anders] [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has joined #rocklinux 09:26 < [anders]> re 09:30 < [anders]> huebi: u around? 09:41 < huebi> [anders]: jo re MoeP! moin ;-)) 09:41 < [anders]> hehehe 09:42 < [anders]> huebi: I had to remove the bit with libncurses from bash yesterday.. 09:42 < [anders]> the system would not boot afterwards as libncurses is located in /usr/lib and not in /lib 09:42 < [anders]> so bash is back to being 7bit.. 09:42 < huebi> Ah OK. 09:43 < [anders]> here in irssi I can easily do "åäöüç" 09:44 < huebi> [anders]: you are working for the IBM storage division in England, aren't you? 09:44 < [anders]> but those chars in the plain shell doesn't work as well.. :-/ 09:44 < [anders]> yeah.. 09:44 < [anders]> I work in the build team.. 09:44 < huebi> I've been to the Total Storage Interoperability Center in Mainz last evening 09:45 < [anders]> (wo got a nice quad 1.6GHz Xeon box with 2GB RAM and FibreChannel attached disks...) 09:45 < [anders]> huebi: Aaahh... They should know about what we are working on.. 09:45 < huebi> build team? - creating new types of huge storage? 09:45 < [anders]> there was talks about one of our guys going over to them 09:46 < [anders]> no, build team sits between dev. team and test tesm. We take code from dev. team, build it and do acceptance testing on it, if we are happy, we release it to test.. 09:47 < [anders]> but yes, our division would work on new types of huge storage.. :) 09:47 < huebi> I see. 09:48 < [anders]> !xmodmap .Xmodmap 09:48 < [anders]> erk.. 09:48 < huebi> It was very interesting to see, or better what can be seen, the production of the disks inside a harddrive. 09:48 < [anders]> Okay, irssi doesn't xlate ! into 'do this in a shell' 09:49 < huebi> /exec 09:49 < huebi> ? 09:49 < [anders]> could be... 09:50 < [anders]> worked.. :) 09:50 < huebi> ;-)) 09:50 < [anders]> Aaahh.. I now have some nice keymappings.. :) 09:50 < [anders]> åäö¤ easily accessible.. 09:50 < huebi> nice 09:51 < huebi> I'm just testing openssh 3.4p1 09:51 < [anders]> installed it last night at about BST 21:00 09:53 < [anders]> I know it was released after BST 17:00 09:54 < huebi> [anders]: I was too tired for doing it right ;( at 22:30 BST 09:55 < [anders]> huebi: easy to do in ROCK 1.4.. update the openssh.pz, put the archive in pkg-archive, run Puzzle and Build-Pkg.. :) 09:55 < [anders]> Surely it hasn't got harder to do in later releases? 09:58 < huebi> [anders]: SMP made the update to use PrivSep in 3.3 now it's also as easy as in 1.4 09:58 < huebi> but with PrivSep 09:58 < [anders]> huebi: good stuff.. I am getting part delivery today of the kit for my new box, so by next week I should be able to DL snapshots and build them.. 09:59 < huebi> [anders]: Sound good ;-) 09:59 < huebi> +s 10:02 < [anders]> Yeah.. Looking forward to getting it up and running. :) 10:04 < huebi> Perhaps I can get an AlphaStation from Ripclaw tomorrow for testing the alpha port. I just need some RAM for it. But that should not be the Problem. 10:06 < [anders]> so what would be the Problem with the Alpha then? 10:08 < huebi> The problem could be to really get it before Ripclaw disappears into the weekend. 10:11 < [anders]> ah 10:11 < [anders]> yes, that could be a problem.. :) 10:12 < huebi> I just updated openssl / openssh. testing... 10:12 < huebi> here on my local box 10:13 < [anders]> openssl? is there a new release of that? 10:13 < SMP> sshd on ella is kinda down? ;) 10:16 < huebi> SMP: jo. I just mentioned, too. And my wife is not at home ;( 10:16 < SMP> ah well 10:16 < SMP> how far is the build on rock through? 10:17 < SMP> hmm EGRAMMAR ;) 10:17 < huebi> SMP: I call here when she is reachable again. She will start sshd when she comes back home 10:19 < huebi> SMP: The whole build needs about 30h on rock. The build should be finished now 10:19 < SMP> good 10:19 < SMP> are you going to publish an ISO? 10:21 < huebi> SMP: yes, of course. And the build of a bootable ISO is just work and not a big problem I suppose 10:22 < [anders]> ho'hum... time to poke around in a RedHat Kickstart flöppy.... 10:22 < huebi> [anders]: o_O 10:23 < huebi> [anders]: Perhaps you should better have a very close look at the kickstart config file. 10:24 < [anders]> huebi: Yep.. the kickstart we use here in UK works, the one in US doesn't.. go figure.. ;-) 10:24 < SMP> hmm funny 10:24 < SMP> ssh doesn't work when logged on at /dev/console at the JavaStation 10:25 < huebi> [anders]: Exact the same distribution and KS floppy? 10:25 < SMP> log in at vc/2 or start a screen (-> pty) makes it work 10:25 < huebi> SMP: interesting... 10:26 < [anders]> huebi: Yeah.. RH72.. I figure they have tampered with the KS floppy.. 10:27 < SMP> huebi: do we have a working strace on sparc? 10:27 < huebi> SMP: I think there was a problem. But I'm not shure about it. 10:31 < [anders]> well, if they actually had been using a KS floppy it might have been easier to troubleshoot... 10:33 < SMP> okay.. 10:33 < SMP> -rw-r--r-- 1 stefanp users 53595846 Jun 26 19:38 sparc-root.tar.bz2 10:33 < SMP> -rw-r--r-- 1 stefanp users 32774 Jun 27 10:33 sparc-root-update.tar.bz2 10:33 < SMP> these are at world:~stefanp/ 10:33 < SMP> it's the nfsroot I use for the Krups 10:34 < huebi> SMP: dankö ;-)) 10:34 < SMP> th: get world:~stefanp/sparc-root-update.tar.bz2 10:35 < SMP> huebi: I'll upgrade it to 1.5.16 with the build from rock one the ISO is out 10:36 < SMP> huebi: the current root is ripped from the system currently running on rock ;-} 10:36 < SMP> and when I've upgraded it, there will be XFree I suppose 10:37 < huebi> SMP: kool. 10:37 < huebi> The system on fels should allmost be 1.5.16 10:38 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB69753.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux 10:38 * SMP wonders how long a build on the Krups would take ;-> 10:39 < SMP> I'd say, 1 to 1.5 weeks 10:39 < huebi> 1 week 10:51 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #rocklinux 10:51 < bluefire> Moin 10:51 < huebi> moin bluefire ;-) 11:03 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has quit ("leaving") 11:03 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #rocklinux 11:04 < SMP> hmmmm 11:06 < [anders]> figured out why the kickstart flöppy didn't work.. 11:06 < [anders]> it wasn't a KS floppy.. :-D 11:08 < SMP> *YESSSS* 11:08 < SMP> /dev/root on / type nfs (rw,v3,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,hard,udp,nolock,addr= 11:09 < SMP> nfsroot via NFSv3 plus larger blocks 11:09 < SMP> in dhcpd.conf: 11:09 < SMP> option root-path "/tftpboot/js/charlotte,v3,rsize=8192,wsize=8192"; 11:09 < SMP> übercool 11:14 < huebi> SMP: jo, übercool ;-)) 11:15 < huebi> SMP: how did you find that out? 11:15 < huebi> [anders]: *grin* 11:15 < SMP> huebi: reading /usr/src/linux/fs/nfs/nfsroot.c 11:22 < huebi> SMP: How did you did the idea of the larger blocks? 11:24 < SMP> I've been setting rsize and wsize ever since Linux had a half-decent NFS client *shrug* ;) 11:24 < SMP> the problem was only how to pass this to the kernel when netbooting it via PROLL 11:25 < SMP> and for the root-fs. any other mounts can go via fstab 11:26 < huebi> <- now also man dhcpd.conf - I start to understand ;-)) 11:27 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has quit ("leaving") 11:27 < SMP> I did a setup with diskless Linux workstations (that could also boot W2k from local HD) for my school shortly after I left it 11:28 < SMP> I have a litte bit of an idea about netbooting ;-} 11:29 < huebi> SMP: not only a little bit... :-) Now I understood enough to reproduce i. You did a very nice job. :-))) 11:32 < huebi> Thank You. 11:36 < huebi> I had a look at openSSH 3.4p1 for ROCK Linux. The directory /var/empty is missing in the newly build package. I'll have a look at it later at about 16:30 GMT. 11:36 < SMP> that's because /var/empty is in 00-dirtree 11:37 < SMP> it's not specific to sshd 11:37 < SMP> any daemon using privsep can use it 11:37 < SMP> vsftpd e.g. ;) 11:38 < huebi> SMP: Shouldn't it generated vwith /etc/setup.d/50-sshd if it is missing? Better for upgrades, I think. 11:38 < huebi> +be 11:38 < SMP> huebi: /exec grep empty /etc/vsftpd* 11:39 < huebi> Ah. ok 11:39 < SMP> the problem is, the sshd setup script doesn't get invoked for pkg-update 11:41 < huebi> well, I did a pkg-remove and then a pkg-install 11:42 < huebi> Is there a way to invoke the setup script automaticaly? 11:44 < SMP> pkg-install calls the setup scripts with 'update' as the argument 11:44 < huebi> Thank you. 11:44 < SMP> now, looking at the sshd script, we see.. 11:45 < SMP> case "$1" in 11:45 < SMP> setup) ;; 11:45 < SMP> [a-z]*) ;; 11:45 < SMP> esac 11:45 < SMP> ehm 11:45 < SMP> [a-z]*) exit 0 ;; 11:46 < SMP> so one would have to change the script to run when called with 'update' 11:47 * SMP thinking about what tasks would be appropriate to run for the 'update' case 11:50 * SMP rewriting sshd.setup 11:55 < SMP> hmmm 11:56 < SMP> the problem is: 11:57 < SMP> it would be logical to not only create /var/empty if it is missing, but also to create sshd user and group 11:57 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD958D356.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:57 < SMP> but a script running in 'update' mode is not allowed to be interactive 11:57 < huebi> SMP: user and group is still done IIRC 11:57 < thalerim> moin 11:57 < huebi> hi th 11:57 < thalerim> huebi: is there a bugtracking system for 1.5? 11:57 < huebi> hi thalerim 11:58 < SMP> so we cannot ask the user if that is ok for him 11:58 < SMP> and if we cannot ask, we must not do it anyway 11:58 < huebi> thalerim: only the mailing list. 11:59 < thalerim> huebi: i assume you run 1.5.16, don't you? 11:59 < SMP> does sshd with privsep On work when /var/empty is missing? 11:59 < huebi> SMP: No, it doesn't 12:00 < huebi> SMP: /etc/init.d/sshd start 12:00 < thalerim> huebi: take a look: 12:00 < huebi> SMP: /var/empty is missing 12:00 < thalerim> $ ls -l /lib/libshadow.* 12:00 < thalerim> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 61200 Jun 19 14:06 /lib/libshadow.a 12:00 < thalerim> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 673 Jun 19 14:06 /lib/libshadow.la 12:00 < thalerim> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 Jun 26 01:38 /lib/libshadow.so -> libshadow.so.0.0.0 12:00 < huebi> /lib/libshadow.so -> libshadow.so.0.0.0 12:00 < huebi> /lib/libshadow.so -> libshadow.so.0.0.0 <- must be deleted 12:00 < SMP> well that's kinda good in that case 12:01 < thalerim> huebi: ldconfig complains the missing libshadow.so - where must I link to ? 12:03 < SMP> so if we follow the ROCK guidelines, we cannot just do things in the sshd setup script without asking 12:03 < SMP> even if that leaves sshd not working 12:03 < huebi> grep -rl "/lib/libshadow.so" /var/adm/* <- does not find anything on: 12:03 < huebi> ROCK Linux 1.5.13 intel (native, 2002/02/05) 12:03 < SMP> huebi: paths in flists are relative to / 12:03 < SMP> do grep lib/libshadow 12:04 < huebi> SMP: Ack! Can we invoke an interactive script? 12:04 < thalerim> huebi: so the pkg seems to be fu##ed up? 12:04 -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:04 < holyolli> moin 12:04 < huebi> thalerim: /var/adm/flists/shadow 12:04 < SMP> huebi: no, we can't. /etc/setup.d/00-general says scripts running 'update' must not be interactive 12:04 < [anders]> re holyolli 12:04 < holyolli> hi anders 12:05 < thalerim> cannot, am running winblows 12:05 < huebi> hi holyolli, old moose hunter... ;-) 12:05 < holyolli> *fg* hi huebi 12:05 < holyolli> <-- just doesnt find a "old-" expression for huebi ;-) 12:06 < huebi> SMP: hm, Idea! 12:06 < thalerim> huebi: i made use of the shadow-pkg of the 1.5.16 ISO - therefore it could not be my fault :-P 12:07 < holyolli> huebi: btw. my exams are over - so i can work a little bit on rock-alpha the next days :) 12:08 < huebi> thalerim: It's ok. It's not a question whose fault it is, that will never change anything to the better. The question is how to solve it in shadow.conf. ;-)) 12:10 < [anders]> how hard would it be to modify ROCK to do the following? 12:10 < thalerim> huebi: and something doesn't work with the pkg-tools (i.e. -install, -update, -remove | the ones calling the /etc/setup.d/* scripts), after installation/update/removing - when the setup-scripts are being invoked - AWK complain some error 12:10 < [anders]> if executables are installed in /bin or /sbin, /etc is used, if executables are installed in /usr/bin or /usr/sbin, /usr/etc is used 12:11 < thalerim> further something like following is displayed "[..] /etc/setup.d/CVS is a directory [...]" 12:11 < huebi> SMP: in update we can tell the admin: "OpenSSH is now f*cked up because of a missing user/group combination. Please run '/etc/setup.d/50-sshd setup' manually" 12:12 < SMP> [anders]: would be relatively easy to do, but it's a stupid idea. /usr/etc is not FHS and besides that a stupid idea on its own 12:12 < [anders]> SMP: I kind of like having /etc as a ramdisk... 12:12 < thalerim> it's easy ??? 12:13 < huebi> thalerim: /etc/setup.d/CVS <- this will be removed soon. This is an error I have to solve in the build scripts. I've been hunting many of these "CVS" 12:13 < SMP> huebi: arrrgh 12:13 < [anders]> All the X11 stuff could easily be banished to /usr/etc and then a symlink be created in /etc for that.. As X11 isn't in the / filesystem.. 12:13 < huebi> holyolli: Great. I called Ripclaw this morning. perhaps I can manage to get an alpha from him tomorrow. 12:14 < SMP> huebi: just build from a 'cvs export', _not_ a 'cvs checkout' tree! 12:14 < thalerim> huebi: again to libshadow - it seems shadow.tar.bz2 does not contain the libshadow.so... can you investigate the pkg, pls? 12:14 < SMP> thalerim: of course it doesn't 12:14 < SMP> thalerim: ldconfig creates the link 12:15 < holyolli> huebi: i didn't get an answer from rene 12:15 < thalerim> SMP: tell more 12:15 < holyolli> huebi: we were the both who where interessted in the other alpha 12:16 < SMP> huebi: on the sshd setup script.. yes, that could work. keep in mind though, that _all_ setup scripts will be executed when packages are being installed, not just new 'new' ones 12:16 < thalerim> [anders]: /etc/X11 is a hardlink to some dir in /usr/X11R6/ 12:16 < SMP> thalerim: man ldconfig 12:16 < thalerim> yoyo 12:16 < [anders]> thalerim: uhm, not on my box it wasn't.. 12:17 < huebi> SMP: I want/must/will ever use a "cvs co" tree. Then I can just cvs ci my changes and don't forget them to ci 12:17 < [anders]> some stuff in /etc/X11 was symlinked to elsewhere, but a majority of stuff was dumped straight in there.. 12:17 < [anders]> I'd be happy to keep some patches for myself to build ROCK as I would prefer it.. :) 12:18 < [anders]> Got to take a look at 1.6.0 first and see if it is closer to my personal preferences.. 12:18 * [anders] doesn' 12:18 * [anders] doesn't really care about FHS for my personal use.. 12:18 < huebi> SMP: I messed it up a few times when using a cvs export tree. 12:18 < [anders]> erk.. 12:18 < SMP> huebi: you can always use checked out trees for your work, _only_ when you release a tree for a build shall you use export. sorry, that's how cvs is supposed to work 12:19 < SMP> [anders]: explain to me later what you want to do.. 12:19 < [anders]> SMP: no problems.. 12:19 < SMP> brb breakfast now 12:21 < thalerim> SMP: but the package should contain libshadow.so.0.0.0? 12:22 < huebi> brb. brunch ;-)) 12:25 < thalerim> <[anders]> if executables are installed in /bin or /sbin, /etc is used, if executables are installed in /usr/bin or /usr/sbin, /usr/etc is used <-- mostly you can determine a certain etc/ for a programm via --prefix-etc= 12:29 -!- thalerim is now known as thaly|mail 12:29 < [anders]> thalerim: yeah.. the question is if the whole build process can be set up to do this for everything.. 12:30 < [anders]> I.e. when a package is built it knows that if executables goes in /usr/{bin,sbin}/ then config-files goes in /usr/etc 12:30 < [anders]> I am sure that the build-config can be modified to do exactly that.. 12:31 < thaly|mail> yes 12:31 < thaly|mail> anywhere ./configure will be invoked with some parameters 12:32 < thaly|mail> what's about finding the place through grepping? :-) 12:32 < [anders]> Well, if all you set with configure is --prefix, you should achieve exactly what I would like.. 12:33 < thaly|mail> if you know the exact place, i think it's a variable, you can write a small shellscript doing that job 12:33 < [anders]> I will have a look at ROCK 1.6.0 once I have got my new box at home.. 12:33 < [anders]> thaly|mail: Yeah.. I think I know where it is.. 12:34 < thaly|mail> 3-4month ago I planned to create a dialog based script to easily define possible configure parameters 12:34 -!- Netsplit over, joins: hackbard, th, SMP, praenti, huebi, aszlig, fake, Babyface, coldie, rolla (+8 more) 12:36 < [anders]> it's alright.. I'll make a patch for the build process and keep it on my web-page.. (In case someone else decide to do the same..) 12:36 < holyolli> hi esden 12:36 < holyolli> hi rxr 12:36 < thaly|mail> rxr_: did you create a pkg for GNOME 2.0 already? 12:37 < thaly|mail> esden: in 1.5.16 the installprogramm looks for a pkg-dir base-pkgs, on cd was a 'base_pkgs' - also it looked for tar.bz2-files, on CD were .tbz2 ones only 12:38 < thaly|mail> s,base-pkgs,\'base-pkgs\',1 12:44 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux 12:44 < thaly|mail> hey armijn 12:44 < armijn> hi 12:45 < [anders]> re armijn 12:45 < thaly|mail> Deutschland is going to become world champion! 12:45 < thaly|mail> ^_ 12:46 < [anders]> thaly|mail: Don't underestimate Brazil.. 12:46 < [anders]> Personally I don't really care after Sweden was knocked out. 12:48 < thaly|mail> [anders]: what's your surname? (i know a sweden who's first name is anders, too) 12:48 < armijn> wow... 12:49 < armijn> as far as I recall just a few people in sweden are called "anders" 12:49 < armijn> NOT! 12:49 < armijn> :) 12:50 < thaly|mail> #define NOT ! 12:50 < thaly|mail> NOT! == !! 12:50 < thaly|mail> !! == TRUE ?? 12:50 -!- thaly|mail is now known as thalerim 12:52 -!- rxr_ [~rene@port-213-20-128-147.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 12:52 < thalerim> armijn: why don't you have a "van ..." name? 12:52 < thalerim> :-> 12:52 < armijn> because I don't have one 12:53 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817724.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:53 < thalerim> that's mean you suck? 12:53 < SMP> re 12:53 -!- rxr [~rene@port-213-20-128-85.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 12:53 < thalerim> just kidding ;) 12:53 < bluefire> re 12:53 < armijn> thalerim: not as bad as your english >:-> 12:53 < thalerim> uhm, right 12:53 < SMP> ah, armijn 12:54 < armijn> heheheh 12:54 < armijn> thalerim: you bitch me, I bitch you 12:54 < armijn> :) 12:54 < armijn> GNOME 2.0... 12:55 < SMP> armijn, how's PARISC moving? 12:55 < armijn> like my bankaccount is reaching EUR 1.000.000 :) 12:56 < armijn> I never got to boot Linux on the PA-RISC machines I had on loan 12:56 < armijn> and now they're back at HP 12:56 < armijn> so, no progress at all. 12:56 < SMP> ewps 12:56 < SMP> a have a Gecko here 12:56 < SMP> with a broken disk 12:56 < thalerim> armijn: but i have to admit, the fact that a lot of people are called "van ..." shows there were a lot of aristocrats in netherland 12:57 < armijn> thalerim: hahah, nice joke :) 12:57 < armijn> Napoleon forced all people to take on a surname 12:57 < thalerim> damn you got the ironical taste 12:58 < armijn> many people decided to use the town they lived in or came from to be their last name 12:58 < armijn> so "van" usually means "from" 12:58 < fake> SMP: PA-RISC Linux is quite far.... but no SMP IIRC 12:58 < thalerim> armijn: in germany only noble men are still called "von " and 'van' means the same as 'von' so.. 12:59 * fake had it running on an N4000... 8 CPUs, 8 GB RAM 12:59 < armijn> thalerim: true 12:59 < fake> van = von = from 12:59 < thalerim> dude :P 12:59 < armijn> thalerim: but that's not what happened here :) 12:59 < fake> Fuerst von Metternich 13:00 < fake> for example XD 13:00 < armijn> is that a beer? 13:00 < [anders]> thalerim: my surname is karlsson.. :) 13:00 < fake> no... err... cheaper champagne? 13:00 < thalerim> [anders]: ok, then i do not know you :-P 13:00 < fake> what do you call that? in german it's "Sekt" 13:01 < thalerim> sparkling wine 13:01 < fake> ah. 13:01 < armijn> I know what sekt is 13:02 < fake> damn it... i need the cvs version of gcc3.1.1 13:02 -!- Netsplit carter.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: [anders], rolla, praenti, WKaibigan, igel, Freak, Babyface, h0h0, coldie, martin_, (+9 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) 13:02 -!- Netsplit over, joins: huebi, aszlig, rxr, bluefire, armijn, holyolli, thalerim, WKaibigan, [anders], igel (+11 more) 13:03 < fake> otherwise i'll be unable to compile glibc on mips 13:03 < thalerim> ESDEN! 13:03 < fake> thalerim: rejoin. 13:03 < thalerim> -lilo`- [GlobalNotice] Hi all. We're going to need to do a quick rehubbing of a main rotation server. Lots of noise; please bear with us. 13:03 < fake> -lilo`- [GlobalNotice] Hi all. We're going to need to do a quick rehubbing of a main rotation server. Lots of noise; please 13:03 < fake> bear with us. 13:03 < armijn> I heard lilo pissed off a lot of admins yesterday 13:03 < thalerim> that means we'll be disconnected? 13:04 < armijn> and that several servers are moving to other networks 13:04 < fake> thalerim: nope. 13:04 < SMP> thalerim: no, only a short netsplit 13:04 < armijn> because lilo just cares about getting a paycheck 13:04 < fake> thalerim: a few server<->server connections will be reorganized. 13:04 -!- thalerim is now known as thaly|grammy 13:04 -!- thaly|grammy is now known as thaly|grandma 13:04 < thaly|grandma> :-> 13:05 < fake> armijn: he should get a job then 13:05 < thaly|grandma> bbl 13:05 < armijn> fake: he got *fired* by his brother 13:06 < thaly|grandma> SMP: do you know how to fix the libshadow thing? 13:06 < SMP> yeah, quite a mess at OPN ATM... 13:06 < [anders]> err.. lilo got fired by his brother? 13:06 < fake> armijn: whew. my brother would never hire me ;-) 13:06 < SMP> thaly|grandma: I don't even know where the problem is 13:06 < [anders]> never enter into business with close friends or family.. 13:07 < SMP> [anders]: read all about it on his homepage.. 13:07 < fake> [anders] ACK! 13:07 < thaly|grandma> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 61200 Jun 19 14:06 /lib/libshadow.a 13:07 < thaly|grandma> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 673 Jun 19 14:06 /lib/libshadow.la 13:07 < thaly|grandma> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 Jun 26 01:38 /lib/libshadow.so -> libshadow.so.0.0.0 13:07 < thaly|grandma> libshadow.so.0.0.0 does not exist 13:07 < SMP> aha 13:07 < [anders]> SMP: url? 13:07 < fake> a link with 18 blocks? 13:07 < [anders]> fake: 18 bytes.. 13:08 < SMP> [anders]: https://lilo.sargasso.net/ 13:08 < fake> [anders] ah well. 13:08 * fake wants the R4000 User's Guide 13:08 < thaly|grandma> be away then.. cya 13:08 < holyolli> rxr? 13:09 < SMP> fake: why? 13:10 * SMP needs to take a close look at the 1.5.16 logs & flists 13:15 < SMP> ... which are not available :( 13:16 < fake> SMP: education 13:16 < armijn> why? what does SMP need? 13:16 < fake> and the See MIPS Run - book. 13:16 < fake> and the Malta board. 13:16 < SMP> armijn: kill /lib/*.a 13:16 < SMP> fake: ;) 13:16 < armijn> hmm 13:16 < fake> and the QEDR5k proc 13:18 < SMP> ahh, only two packages 13:18 < armijn> fake: which publisher? 13:19 < armijn> fake: or internal SGI manuals? 13:19 < fake> armijn: MIPS Inc. 13:19 < [anders]> Mmhmmm.. Looks like all the bits ordered from dabs.com for the computer has now been shipped.. All I need now is the Shuttle Barebone SS40G case, and I am away.. :) 13:19 < fake> www.mips.com 13:19 < armijn> ah 13:22 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB69753.ipt.aol.com] has quit () 13:22 < armijn> urgh, Pjotr installed a ROCK server a few weeks ago 13:22 < armijn> and he used 1.5.12 13:22 < armijn> so, lots of troubles 13:22 < armijn> he should have taken 1.5.15 13:22 < fake> Pjotr P 13:23 < armijn> yeah 13:23 < fake> aw. 13:23 < armijn> but, it was hardly announced 13:23 < armijn> I really hate that, it's just 1.7 that gets announced on the frontpage 13:23 < armijn> even though there is quite some development going on in 1.5.x 13:23 < fake> > /dev/clifford 13:23 < [anders]> is 1.6.0 ready for release? 13:23 < armijn> [anders]: no, not yet 13:24 < armijn> need to fix stuff for sparc64 first 13:24 < SMP> armijn: I suspect Clifford wants 1.6 out, ASAP 13:24 < [anders]> armijn: what's missing and/or needs work? 13:24 < armijn> [anders]: for sparc64? bootloader, kernel config, install disks 13:24 < fake> SMP yes because we need more 1.7 devls 13:24 < armijn> and then we just have "base" 13:24 < [anders]> armijn: is everything else ready? 13:25 < armijn> so, no X 13:25 < armijn> [anders]: well, apart from all the graphical stuff, most things are done 13:25 < [anders]> armijn: 'graphical stuff' 13:25 < armijn> [anders]: read "X" 13:26 < [anders]> armijn: ah... nothing essential missing then... 13:26 < fake> called shot: admin. 13:26 < armijn> yeah, and we need a few more tweaks for optimization... 13:26 < fake> *success* 13:29 < holyolli> cu later 13:29 -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has quit ("fnord!") 13:32 < th> how to set root-path-arguments with bootp? 13:32 < th> grmpf 13:32 < th> moin btw 13:34 < fake> moin. 13:34 < fake> man bootpd.conf ? 13:34 < fake> bp: ? 13:34 < SMP> th: 13:35 < SMP> 11:09| < SMP> option root-path "/tftpboot/js/charlotte,v3,rsize=8192,wsize=8192"; 13:35 < fake> eh? that's dhcpd, isn't it? 13:35 < SMP> dhcpd is a bootp server 13:36 < fake> hm, i thought he ment bootpd. 13:36 < fake> (the conf file with lots of ":" ;) 13:36 < SMP> th: please have a look at world:~stefanp/sparc-root-update.tar.bz2 13:36 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A78.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 13:37 < armijn> switiching machines. brb 13:37 < fake> *argh*... a search on edonkey for MIPS -> 0 hits. 13:37 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has quit ("ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet?") 13:39 < esden> hi all 13:39 < th> SMP: i'm already downloading it ;) 13:40 < fake> hi esden! 13:40 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux 13:40 < fake> esden: maybe YOU know why we use the ldconfig from ld.so and not the one from glibc? 13:40 < snyke> hi you 13:41 < esden> fake: no no idea I waswondering too some time ago ... but forgot to ask 13:42 < fake> esden: because glibc's ldconfig works 13:42 < th> java:bf=/tftpboot/proll.krups.ID15:ha=080020954f16:ip=,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 13:42 < th> that's for bootp 13:42 < th> that's for bootpd 13:42 < fake> rp. yeah. i forgot >_< 13:42 < esden> fake: yes you were telling it yesterday 13:43 < huebi> hi esden, hi th 13:43 < th> and it's man bootptab not bootpd.conf ;-) 13:43 < th> moin huebi 13:43 < fake> th> sorry... only used it once. 13:43 < fake> hi huebi ! 13:43 < th> i think i need a second monitor 13:44 < th> switching between irc,manpages,serverhost and stations is bad 13:44 < esden> hi huebi 13:44 < fake> i think i need a second head. 13:44 < huebi> hi fake 13:44 < esden> fake: you have two eyes ;-) 13:44 < th> the lucky thing: i have a spare 17" just here... 13:44 < SMP> *LOL* 13:45 < esden> fake: learn to use them separatly 13:45 < fake> esden> then the only thing missing is a second set of hands. 13:45 < huebi> fake: dvorak ? 13:45 < fake> on-handed? 13:45 < fake> s,on,one, 13:46 < huebi> 2x 1-handed 13:46 < esden> fake: you have two hands ... use dvorak-l and dvorak-r 13:46 < fake> huebi: T9 ;-) 13:46 < fake> two number blocks 13:47 < huebi> fake: Oktaine with 2 keyboards/heads 13:47 < esden> then you can have 10 keyboards 13:47 < fake> huebi: *LECHZ* 13:47 < esden> the t9 kevboards can be handled by one finger 13:48 < fake> esden: yeah, but then the keyboards would get horribly small. 13:49 < esden> fake: that is only a thing of exercise 13:50 < fake> anyways. i am missing vital body enhancements. 13:50 < th> ok. 2nd monitor mounted 13:51 < fake> mount -t fb /dev/fb/1 /dev/pty/1 13:51 < th> SMP: i started a ping. how can i cancel that? 13:51 < th> SMP: charlotte does not react to my C-c tries 13:52 < fake> SysReq ? 13:52 < fake> ;-) 13:54 < th> i have sysreq. is there a way to kill a single process? 13:54 < SMP> th: yeah, this has happened to me, too 13:54 < SMP> th: use screen, login on another vs, via ssh or reboot ;) 13:55 < SMP> s,vs,vc, 13:55 < [anders]> th, ^Z, kill %1 13:55 < esden> nonono ... argh /me will die 13:56 < SMP> no, SIGSTOP, SIGINT and SIGKILL are all hosed 13:56 < th> [anders]: no C-z 13:56 < SMP> from the keyboard, that is 13:56 < [anders]> th: any way in remotely to the box? 13:56 < SMP> th: you might have luck with C-\ 13:56 < th> hmmm kernel oopsing on reboot 13:56 < SMP> or else just reboot it 13:56 < SMP> oopsing? 13:56 < SMP> oops 13:57 < th> SMP: no. i tried that 13:57 < SMP> never seen that 13:57 < SMP> are you trying a shutdown? 13:57 < SMP> just press the power button 13:57 < th> SMP: yes. with 2 nice ascii-art daemons like these on install-shell 13:57 < armijn> oopsing! 13:58 < SMP> it's diskless after all. no need to do a shutdown 13:58 < th> SMP: hmm screen does not work 13:59 < th> open fifo /tmp/screen/... no such device 13:59 * fake getting gcc-cvs 13:59 < SMP> most stupid thing I heard was about people whose shutdown scripts ran 'ifconfig eth0 down' on a diskless system 13:59 < SMP> *aargh* 13:59 < SMP> th: hmm. I had no problems with screen 14:00 < SMP> apart from the usual ones 14:00 < th> SMP: is /tmp on your root? 14:00 < SMP> it's mountpoint 14:00 < SMP> for tmpfs 14:01 < th> ahh :) 14:01 < th> unable to mount that :-/ 14:01 < th> something is really strange 14:02 < SMP> which kernel are you using? 14:02 < th> 2.4.18-rc4 14:02 < SMP> AARGHH 14:02 < SMP> servnix:/tftpboot/js# grep vmlinux charlotte/README 14:02 < SMP> - use boot/vmlinux.aout to boot your Krups 14:03 < SMP> read README, CHANGES, BUG, TODO now! 14:04 < SMP> grmpf 14:04 < huebi> SMP: jo. the kernel must be in aout. elftoaout vmlinux 14:04 * SMP writes documentation and users don't read it... 14:05 < SMP> no, his problem was that he is using not my kernel, which has no support for devfs and tmpfs 14:05 < th> /proc/filesystem shows tmpfs 14:06 < SMP> argh, I'm too damn tired to even write correctly 14:06 < SMP> th: use my kernel or I won't help you 14:06 < th> SMP: ack ;) 14:07 < esden> some of you will probably find this here interesting/funny: https://www.esden.net/rocklinux/ssh-reimplement.txt 14:11 < thaly|grandma> re 14:11 -!- thaly|grandma is now known as thalerim 14:12 < esden> cu all 14:12 < huebi> cu esden 14:12 < [anders]> cu esden 14:12 < thalerim> wait esden 14:14 < thalerim> esden: the installprogramm of 1.5.16 looks for a pkg-dir 'base-pkgs' on 1.5.16ISO is only a 'base_pkgs', and it looks for .tar.bz2's on cd are .tbz2's 14:15 < th> SMP: how often does world's hostkey change? 14:15 < SMP> hostkeys never change 14:16 < th> than it's possible someone is doing something nasty 14:16 < [anders]> if you re-install OpenSSH they do.. 14:16 < th> SMP: but you did not change it since yesterday, did you? 14:16 < SMP> (only when compromised) 14:16 < SMP> th: I switched off ssh1 compatibility 14:17 < SMP> [anders]: actually, no 14:17 < [anders]> SMP they changed for me anyways.. As the ROCK 1.4.0 Build-Pkg routine for openssh regenerates the host-keys... 14:18 < fake> mkdir bak ; cp /etc/ssh/*key* bak/ ; make install ; cp bak/* /etc/ssh ; rm -rf bak ; 14:18 < SMP> 1.4 and 1.5.12 had a bug where one of three hostkeys was in the openssh package 14:18 < th> i get no colors on that krups 14:19 * [anders] will update to 1.6.0 when it finally appears.. 14:19 < SMP> [anders]: that's stupid behaviour of the openssh 'make instal' 14:20 < SMP> but you don't Build-Pkg on a live system anyway, unless you really know what you are doing ;> 14:20 -!- term_emu [~pm@p50819B6F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:21 < fake> SMP: how can i tell it to use /etc/ssh ? it always installs in $prefix/etc/ 14:21 < term_emu> hoi 14:22 < [anders]> SMP: Well, I have been using Build-Pkg on my live box for a good while.. As long as you don't try updating glibc with it, you are okay.. ;-) 14:22 < SMP> fake: --sysconfdir=/etc/ssh should do it? 14:22 < fake> SMP: o_O must have overlooked it.... thanks. 14:22 < [anders]> SMP: so if Build-Pkg is not the right way, what is? 14:23 < SMP> [anders]: 'Build-Pkg on a live system' is not the right way 14:23 < th> SMP: it charlottes terminal capable of colors? 14:23 < [anders]> SMP: so what is the correct way? 14:24 < [anders]> SMP: 2nd box, build pkg there, copy across and install on live box? 14:24 < SMP> [anders]: having a seperate box or chroot env 14:25 < SMP> th: yes. but I could not get colors on ssh sessions 14:25 < [anders]> SMP: when disk is sparse, you do alternative things.. If I could afford the disk, I would.. Now when 2nd box looks like it is only days away, I could build things away from live box.. 14:25 < SMP> th: but 'ls --color' should work, e.g. 14:25 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux () 14:26 < th> SMP: no. it doesn't seem to work even local 14:27 < SMP> [anders]: I know. I don't especially like that either. but the rock-src scripts are designed to build a distro from scratch, not to make partial updates 14:27 < SMP> th: hmm. does the penguin logo during boot show colors? 14:27 < th> SMP: yes 14:27 < th> SMP: what terminal did you set? 14:28 < SMP> try putting a getty in vc/2 14:28 < SMP> TERM=linux 14:28 < SMP> that's the obvious default 14:28 < huebi> th: start screen. then the colors should work ;-) 14:28 < [anders]> SMP: Yeah.. What I would like, is an environment, where non-core things could be built and packaged for updating other boxes.. 14:28 < [anders]> and that without having to build the works.. 14:29 < th> SMP: GREAT i have a getty ;_ 14:29 < thalerim> i modified framebuffer to exchange the light grey/white (the standard text colorS) with (light) green - now it looks like a very l33t MaTrIx box :-) 14:29 < SMP> [anders]: it's possible if you know what you are doing ;> 14:29 < th> huebi: no they do not work 14:29 < th> huebi: SMP: but they work without screen 14:29 < SMP> th: ... and then logging in on vc/2 ;P 14:30 < th> SMP: colors work on vc/2 14:30 < SMP> on vc/2, but not on console? 14:30 < thalerim> https://freebits.de/trash/framebuff-green.diff <- 14:30 < SMP> ssh doesn't work for me on console, either 14:30 < [anders]> SMP: I'll have a look at setting up such an env at some point.. Usually, you don't update core stuff often.. Things like OpenSSH I would not class at 'core'... 14:31 < th> SMP: you mean colors with vc/x >> ssh 14:32 < SMP> no, ssh in general 14:32 < SMP> did you try it? 14:32 < SMP> on /dev/console it just gives me a nonsensical error 14:33 < SMP> but works fine on vcs and ptys 14:34 < SMP> I should have enabled some gettys on vcs and put up a "DON'T USE" sign on the /dev/console one ;) 14:35 < th> SMP: on vc/2 i did a ssh to another host and colors are still okay 14:35 -!- thalerim is now known as thaly|afk 14:36 < SMP> th: I banged my head against ssh before I noticed that /dev/console is evil in general ;) 14:36 < th> SMP: yes it is. it even refuses to let me ssh to my delta 14:37 < th> SMP: i have colors up to this moment i start screen 14:38 < th> s,this,the, 14:38 * SMP goes to try out 14:41 < huebi> what about to put /dev/console to vc/12. rechable via ALT-F12 14:41 < huebi> ? 14:42 < huebi> I personaly log everything from syslog to /dev/vc12 14:43 < th> AHH GOT COLORS 14:43 < th> SMP: set TERM=xterm ;) 14:43 < th> whew irssi has it's colors back 14:44 < SMP> huebi: you can't just "put /dev/console to vc/12" ;> 14:45 < huebi> SMP: why? 14:45 < SMP> huebi: what /dev/console is depends on the kernels idea. often it is vc/1. when using serial-console it is tts/0 14:45 < huebi> ah, I understand. 14:46 < th> SMP: well i just replaced the 1 in inittab with 12 and put a getty like on vc/2 on vc/1 14:46 < th> SMP: now my vc1 works perfectly 14:46 < huebi> all the non-syslogd/klogd messages needs /dev/console 14:46 < SMP> exactly 14:47 < SMP> I do prefer to use /dev/console, though 14:47 < SMP> just in case one needs serial-console 14:47 < th> login failures take a long time 14:48 < huebi> The bootmessages of the kernel are writen to /dev/console, aren't they? And /dev/console is hardwired in the kernel to vc/1 / tts/0, isn't it? 14:49 < SMP> well, the console is the console ;) 14:49 < SMP> but you're free to ignore it 14:50 < fake> hm... where is the glibc cvs? 14:51 < huebi> SMP: can you explain a little bit more, please? 14:51 < fake> ah 14:51 < fake> hab schon. 14:52 < SMP> huebi: well, suppose you use normal graphical console. then /dev/console == vc/1. but you can still access vc/1 as vc/1 and see none of the fsckups we saw. 14:53 < SMP> because then vc/1 is no different from vc/2 etc. 14:54 < huebi> 1:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L -i -I '\012\015\012Maintenance Console:\012' 38400 vc/1 linux <- you mean this entry in /etc/inittab let me use vc/1 like vc/2? 14:55 < SMP> putting a getty on /dev/console has the advantage that it will work no matter what the kerne's idea of the console it. if you use gettys on vcs and decide to run the machine headless and with serial-console you will see the kernel messages on the serial port but no getty, since there simply isn't one 14:56 < SMP> huebi: yes, exactly 14:58 < huebi> So how can I redirect the console either to /dev/tts/0 or /dev/vc/1? If I configure the kernel with console on serial port, is it automaticaly there on /dev/tts/0, or how is this done? 14:58 < SMP> yes, that's how you do it 15:01 < huebi> And if I have no console on serial port it is automaticaly placed on /dev/vc/1? can I change that to /dev/vc/12 ? 15:03 < SMP> you can even have multiple consoles at one time. well, not exactly, but you can say 'console=ttyS0 console=tty0' which will send the messages both to tts/0 and vc/1. getty will of course only appear on the first device 15:03 < SMP> huebi: yes. console=tty12 15:04 < SMP> /usr/src/linux/Documentation/serial-console.txt tells you all about it :) 15:06 < huebi> *reading* 15:06 < th> huebi: sind eigentlich noch krups verfuegbar? 15:07 < fake> hm... mailinglist archives in mbox format are a cool thing 15:07 < fake> huebi: apropos - schon dazu gekommen? *hundeblick* 15:07 < huebi> th: Noe, Ich habe _alle_ bei Livingston aufgekauft und zwei moechte ich fuer mich selber behalten. 15:08 < th> huebi: hehe wieviel waren denn _alle_? 15:09 < huebi> fake: Nein. noch nicht. Ich kann dir Samstag fest zusagen fuer den Versand per Post. Ich habe super viel zu tun bis morgen abend. 15:10 * th hat jetzt alle rechner im zimmer bis auf die krups runtergefahren und geniest die stille 15:10 < huebi> th: 7 stueck. th: 2, SMP: 1, Ripclaw: 1, jake: 1, ich: 2 15:10 < fake> huebi: is in ordnung.... danke schonmal ;) 15:10 < rolla> re 15:10 < huebi> hi rolla 15:10 < fake> jake? *grml* 15:10 < th> huebi: man gut, dass ich gleich 2 wollte ;) 15:10 < fake> hi rolla ! 15:11 < th> huebi: die dinger rocken ungemein 15:11 < huebi> th: Genau darum wollte ich die auch haben ;-)) 15:11 < th> huebi: ob sich irgendwo noch weitere quellen erschliessen? 15:12 < huebi> th: bei SUN habe ich schon gefragt, die haben keine mehr. 15:12 * fake wird seine ganzen ratterkisten in den vorraum stellen und nur noch die schoene leise Krups im wohnbereich haben ;) 15:12 * th braucht ein vorzimmer 15:12 < fake> th> ich braeucht ein groesseres. 15:12 < th> der server fuer die krups steht aufm dachboden 15:13 < th> weil er auch funkstandleitungsrouter ist 15:13 < fake> 1.5 x 1.5 meter - 3 tueren 15:13 < th> fake: kannste doch alle unter die decke haengen 15:13 < fake> (von denen aber 2 nach aussen aufgehen 15:14 * huebi wird mal 40m cat5 in den keller legen. Mal sehen was der Vermieter / die Hausgemeinschaft dazu sagt.. 15:14 < fake> th: coole idee - ich koennte meine rechner auf den dachboden stellen und das antennenkabel als BNC-Netzwerkkabel umfunktionieren... 15:14 < fake> pech fuer die antennenfernsehkucker in der wohnung 15:14 < th> fake: das sind doch 75Ohm? 15:14 < huebi> th: egal, das geht schon. 15:15 < th> huebi: aber etwas mies. 15:15 < huebi> habe ich selber mal gesehen. 15:15 < th> huebi: wir haben in der schule vor jahren mal versehentlich 75ohm verlegt. 15:15 < th> huebi: der strang war uebel 15:16 < huebi> th: das glaube ich gerne ;> 15:16 < th> SMP: there is no strace... 15:17 < huebi> th: ask armijn for strace 15:17 < huebi> th: he knows all about it on sparc64 15:18 < fake> hm, maybe also for mips? ;-) 15:19 < huebi> fake: armijn also knows where the holes in the cheese come from *fg* 15:20 < fake> jaaa i know _that_ story. 15:20 < th> hmmm passwd behaves strange 15:21 < th> you talked about that already IIRC 15:21 < huebi> th: cheese? 15:23 < th> huebi: no. passwd or login problem 15:23 < th> huebi: considered it a shadow problem? 15:23 < huebi> i did not talk about cheese 15:24 < th> huebi: me neither 15:24 < fake> th: install htdig over irclog. 15:24 < th> fake: grep is enough 15:24 < fake> aye. 15:25 -!- Netsplit carter.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: praenti, igel, Freak, martin_, thaly|afk, SMP 15:25 < huebi> th: yes, there is a problem with the login. you write your accout and hit enter. nothing changes. then you write your passwd (in the dark) and hit enter 3 times. then you are loged in 15:26 < th> huebi: i've no problems like that 15:26 -!- Netsplit over, joins: thaly|afk, igel, martin_, Freak, SMP, praenti 15:26 < th> huebi: just everywhere a password is requested it takes minutes 15:27 < huebi> th: one problem was openssh. Armijn fixed that and in the new buid and on my 2 sparcs the package is new. 15:29 < SMP> th: do you have to wait after the password prompt at login, too? 15:30 < huebi> th: yes, there is a problem with the login. you write your accout and hit enter. nothing changes. then you write your passwd (in the dark) and hit enter 3 times. then you are loged in 15:30 -!- thaly|afk [~tobrit@pD958D356.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15:30 < huebi> SMP: Do you mean this? 15:30 < SMP> actually you can type any character, not just enter 15:31 -!- thaly|afk [~tobrit@pD958D356.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:39 * fake browsing glibc mlist archives 15:39 < fake> https://sources.redhat.com/ml/libc-alpha/2002-01/msg00322.html 15:39 < fake> hehe. 15:39 < fake> he's in the thread i need 16:01 < th> SMP: i have to wait a long time if i enter a wrong password 16:01 < th> SMP: or if i try to change the password with passwd command 16:12 -!- Babyface [babyface@] has quit ("leaving") 16:13 < [anders]> got a mate buying a DLT-8000 40GB/80GB tapedrive for only £600 inc shipping and VAT.. 16:13 < huebi> [anders]: kool price. 16:14 * [anders] ordering it tomorrow.. 16:16 -!- term_emu is now known as term_aweh 16:26 < fake> wow. 16:26 < fake> jetzt wird uns gleich mitgeteilt dass unsere firma insolvenz anmeldet. 16:26 * SMP goes to bed 16:26 < fake> SMP: sleep well 16:27 < rolla> argh 16:28 < huebi> cu SMP 16:28 * fake wanders off listening to CEO. 16:28 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817724.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 16:31 -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E7B66C.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 16:47 < [anders]> actually.. ordered today.. 16:49 < huebi> cu later 16:58 -!- thaly|afk [~tobrit@pD958D356.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos") 17:01 -!- [anders] [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has quit ("going home in a minute..") 17:10 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs4.xs4all.nl] has joined #rocklinux 17:13 < rolla> where can I find the error-logs for the stage3 build ? 17:14 < rolla> I cannot figure out where the root is 17:19 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs4.xs4all.nl] has quit ("leaving") 17:21 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB66B7A.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux 17:32 -!- Freak [freak@pD95302A2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17:58 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB66B7A.ipt.aol.com] has quit () 18:00 < esden> re hi all 18:06 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@dhcp024-210-218-255.woh.rr.com] has quit ("I don't care. I don't give a shit. Now Shut up.") 18:07 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@dhcp024-210-218-255.woh.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux 18:11 < huebi> re 18:18 < fake> hm. 18:18 < fake> doch nix mit insolvenz. 18:18 < fake> noch nicht ;-) 18:18 < fake> dafuer jetzt grillparty. 18:18 < huebi> fake: na dann viel Spass 18:19 < fake> wobei? 18:19 < huebi> grillparty. 18:19 < huebi> oder nicht jetzt sofort? 18:20 < th> huebi: might that login problem be because of the stars being printed. that's a random count of stars... 18:20 < fake> doch, aber was soll ich da? 18:21 < fake> naja. essen. 18:21 < fake> tote tiere 18:21 < fake> kurz von der flamme gekuesst.... 18:21 < huebi> fake: befressen bis zum Umfallen. Sinnlos noch sinnlosere Mengen an Bier vernichten. Und morgen auf der Tastatur einschlafen oder gleich eine Kater fuer 2 haben... 18:22 < fake> huebi: 1) logisch 2) bin mim auto da und daheim wartet ne cvs-glibc und ein cvs-gcc auf mich. 18:22 < th> huebi: das ist nur ein login problem. beim passwd command werden auch diese sterne gezeigt und da ist das gleiche problem 18:22 < th> huebi: wenn du ein leeres passwort nimmst, so das keine sterne kommen, bist du sofort drin 18:22 < fake> th: time head /dev/random ? 18:22 < huebi> hmm 18:22 < th> s,ist nur,ist nicht nur, 18:23 < th> fake: laeuft noch 18:23 < fake> th: er macht halt bis er 10 mal \n bekommen hat 18:23 < th> fake: dann mach ich besser ein dd 18:23 < fake> real 0m1.169s 18:24 < huebi> fake: kann dein chef nicht noch die Taxis bezahlen? 18:24 < fake> time dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/null count=1024 18:24 < fake> real 0m1.158s 18:24 < fake> zum vergl. P3-800 18:25 < th> fake: dann mach ich besser ein dd 18:25 < th> oups 18:25 < huebi> ssh laeuft wieder auc rocklinux.dyndns.org 18:26 < fake> th: dd braucht bei mir auch unterschiedlich lange 18:26 < fake> zwischen einer und 24 sekunden 18:26 < fake> 1024 records = 0.75 sek. 18:26 < fake> bei dev/urandom 18:27 < fake> konstant 18:27 < th> komisch wenn ich ein dd auf dev/null mache isses sofort fertig 18:27 < fake> th: wie seltsam! 18:27 < huebi> bash-2.05a$ time dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/null count=1024 18:28 < huebi> real0m0.303s 18:28 < th> huebi: na bei urandom is das ja klar 18:28 < fake> das is ja schneller als mein P3-800 ?! 18:28 < huebi> cpu MHz: 1526.552 18:28 < fake> th: schau halt mal in den source was er bei diesen doofen *** macht... 18:28 < fake> model name : Pentium III (Coppermine) 18:28 < fake> cpu MHz : 849.909 18:29 < fake> bogomips : 1697.38 18:29 < th> wie issen die standard bs? 18:29 < huebi> model name: AMD Athlon(tm) MP 1800+ 18:29 < huebi> bogomips: 3047.42 18:29 < fake> th> bei speicher 1024, bei fs: 4096 18:29 < fake> huebi: :P 18:30 < fake> huebi: mein Haus... mein Auto... mein Cluster ;-) 18:30 < th> also mal von random>null bs=1 count=1024 18:30 < th> braucht 20 sekunden 18:30 < huebi> bogomips x2 weil dual ;> 18:31 < th> chichi 18:31 < fake> random oder urandom @th ? 18:31 < th> fake: random 18:31 < fake> real 0m0.787s 18:31 < th> huebi: meinte smp vorhin, dass ein xfree86 drin waere? 18:31 < fake> real 0m16.992s 18:31 < fake> real 0m1.298s 18:31 < fake> random variiert zu stark 18:32 < th> diesmal 34 18:32 < huebi> fake: bist du sicher, das dein random kein link nach urandom ist? 18:32 < fake> huebi: das merke ich an dem unterschied .... 18:32 < fake> urandom immer etwa gleich lang 18:32 < huebi> fake: es passt gut von der zeit. 18:32 < fake> random immer unterschiedlich. 18:32 < huebi> random: real 0m23.983s 18:32 < fake> cr--r--r-- 1 root root 1, 9 27. Jun 14:00 urandom 18:33 < fake> crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 8 10. Jun 16:32 random 18:33 < fake> w?? 18:33 < fake> o_O 18:33 < huebi> th: jo, da sehe ich nicht so das grosse problem.. 18:33 < fake> eh... urandom... heute erstellt? 18:33 < huebi> celeron 466 urandom: 0m1.303s 18:34 < fake> *gruebel* 18:34 < huebi> urandom XP1800+ 0m0.303s 18:34 < huebi> fake: dein (u)random passt von der Zeit sehr gut dazwischen. 18:35 < fake> huebi: is das ein kompilment? 18:35 < fake> kompliment 18:35 < huebi> erh.. Ja?! 18:36 < fake> *freu* ;) 18:45 < huebi> ** Finished (06/26/02 02:02:14 - 06/27/02 15:01:20) ** - sparc64 build on Ultra 30 / 200MHz needs 37h 18:46 -!- uninvited [uninvited@pD9E5000D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ROCKLINUX 18:46 < uninvited> hello every1 18:46 < huebi> hi uninvited ;-) 18:47 * uninvited scans for netcrow 18:50 -!- Freak [freak@pD95307D9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:53 < th> wie startet man in nem bash-prompt was bold? 18:53 < th> tcsh is ja hier leider nich 18:55 < th> also fragen wir mal anders: wie kriegt man auf nem linux terminal seinen prompt so richtig schoen weiss 18:55 < th> und nich nur so grau 18:56 < huebi> export PS1="\[\e[1;32m\]\u@\h:\w > \[\e[0m\]" <- tiefblau 18:56 < th> oum 18:56 < th> \e[1;32m also 18:57 < huebi> erm gruen ;-)) 18:57 < huebi> export PS1="\[\e[1;31m\]\u@\h:\w # \[\e[0m\]" <- rot 18:58 < huebi> export PS1="\[\e[1;37m\]\u@\h:\w # \[\e[0m\]" <- weiss 18:58 < th> und gibts auch ein "normal" oderr muss ich da grau nehmen 18:59 < huebi> export PS1="\u@\h:\w # " normal 18:59 < huebi> \[\e[1;37m\] = weiss ein 18:59 < huebi> \[\e[0m\] = farbe aus 19:00 < th> danke huebi 19:01 < huebi> gern geschehen. 19:02 < rolla> and then type bin 19:02 < th> bin? 19:03 < rolla> wrong window ;) 19:03 < fake> damn it. bad timing. 19:03 < fake> the animal was a bit too small. 19:03 < rolla> why ? 19:03 < th> huebi: kann die krups nur ueber den speaker piepsen? 19:04 < th> s,den,den einen den ich abklemmte, 19:05 < fake> th: nix piepsen. crystal audio karte ;) 19:05 < huebi> die hat noch sound on board, https://www.dementia.org/~shadow/sparcaudio.html 19:05 < th> fake: ich will ein terminal-beep 19:05 < fake> s,karte,onboard, 19:05 < fake> th: screen -> Wuff,Wuff! 19:05 < th> fake: vc 19:06 < fake> th: vhs 19:06 < th> ich moechte eine akustische rueckkopplung 19:06 < fake> vielleicht-hilft-(wiederan)stecken 19:06 < fake> th: du kannst sie auch auf den boden werfen. macht auch geraeusche. 19:06 < th> fake: ja aber dann rauschts doch auch wieder 19:07 < fake> th: vielleicht nicht wenn du den soundtreiber installierst? 19:07 < th> fake: aber wie sorg ich dafuer, dass sie immer genau dann auf den boden faellt, wenn ich mail hab? 19:07 < th> fake: das kaeme auf einen versuch an. 19:07 < th> fake: dafuer braeuchte ich aber irgendwie mal ein x 19:07 < fake> th: hm... du laesst im terminal in der statuszeile aufblinken dass du sie jetzt runterwerfen musst? 19:07 < th> hab hier kein gpm 19:07 < fake> th: wozu x? 19:08 < th> fake: zum auf den url browsen 19:08 < th> sonst muss ich ja abtippen 19:08 < fake> th: hm.armer hund. 19:08 < fake> th: nfsmount? 19:08 < fake> und dann in das verz. reinschieben? 19:09 < th> fake: wie meinen? 19:09 < fake> th: mounte doch ein verz. eber NFS von einem anderen rechner auf dem du maus und X hast o_O ? 19:10 < th> fake: die krups is im moment der einzige rechner der an ist 19:10 < th> fake: ansonsten waere es ja kein problem 19:10 < fake> th: also entweder musst du X kompilieren oder nen anderen rechner einschalten... 19:11 < fake> th: von wo hast du denn gebootet? 19:12 < th> fake: von einem rechner auf dem dachboden 19:12 < fake> ach der. 19:12 < th> fake: ohne maus, tastatur, monitor und x 19:12 < fake> denk ich mir - wenn er auf dem dachboden steht ;-) 19:12 < th> jo 19:13 < fake> hm..... 19:13 < fake> waere es nicht einfacher mal erstmal gpm zu kompilieren? 19:13 < fake> hast du ssh? 19:14 < th> jo 19:14 < fake> hm.... ich kann dir nur insoweit entgegenkommen dass ichs dir irgendwo hinleg damit du gpm mit scp ziehen kannst. 19:14 < th> ebus_chain hmmm huebi: sagt dir das was? 19:14 < fake> aber nicht nur weil du zu faul zum tippen bist :P 19:15 < th> fake: danke, aber ich werd wohl nicht drum rum kommen einen rechner anzuschalten 19:15 < fake> th: wait 19:15 < th> fake: hier steht ja noch einer direkt neben mir 19:15 < th> ich braeuchte nichtmal aufstehen 19:15 < fake> ftp://arcana.linux.it/pub/gpm/gpm-1.20.0.tar.bz2 19:15 < th> das compilier ich doch ehh nicht auf der krups 19:16 < fake> das schaffst du doch wohl noch. mit ncftp hast du sogar noch tab-completion ;-) 19:16 < fake> th: warum nich ? *g* 19:16 < th> fake: wenn dann lieber auf einer kiste von huebi 19:17 < th> ich hab jetzt ein modul namens "audio.o" geladen 19:17 < th> und ich hab dadurch ein /dev/sound/ 19:17 < huebi> ftp://rocklinux.dyndns.org/sparc64-gpm.tar.bz2 19:18 < fake> th: ein /dev/sound/(nix) ? 19:19 < th> genau 19:19 < th> ein leeres dir 19:19 -!- g-katze [~uninvited@pD9E5000D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:19 < g-katze> So, hallo nochmal 19:19 < rolla> and try to ftp again 19:19 < th> wenn ich cs4231 laden will kommt obiges ebus unres problem 19:19 < th> da fehlt wohl noch was 19:20 < huebi> na, uninvited ;-) 19:20 < fake> hi g-katze !! 19:20 < fake> g-katze: wie schauts aus mit der PS2 ?? 19:20 -!- uninvited [uninvited@pD9E5000D.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ROCKLINUX () 19:20 < fake> g-katze: das hat top-priority 19:21 < g-katze> Bin dran, morgen Abend geh ich einen heben und dann treff ich gleich zwei Top-Kandidaten. 19:21 < g-katze> Spätestens montag geb ich dir Bescheid. 19:21 < fake> g-katze: suuuper 19:23 < huebi> g-katze: das heisst: Morgen abend fuehre ich mit 2 Investoren sehr erfolgversprechende Verghandlungen ueber eine Grossinvestition im IT-Bereich.. 19:23 < huebi> *ggg* 19:24 < fake> huebi: der witz ist: fuer mich is das ne grossinvestition..... :( 19:24 < huebi> fake: Deshalb ja ;-)) 19:24 < fake> :P 19:25 < huebi> manchmal kommt dann noch einer ( Ich auch. ich auch ) und will unbedingt mitmachen... und schon steht die Origin 3800 bei dir im Zimmer. 19:25 < fake> th: was fuer ein unres? bin ich blind? 19:26 < fake> huebi!!!!! das ist nicht witzig... das macht mich traurig -_- 19:26 < huebi> (PS2 Emulator fuer Origin...) 19:27 < huebi> fake: Ich habe das nicht boese gemeint. Und ich will dich auch nicht traurig machen. Entschuldige bitte... 19:27 < g-katze> fake,huebi> hehehhehe 19:27 < huebi> g-katze: Zieh dir 'nen Anzug an ;> 19:27 < g-katze> Erfolgsversprechende Verhandlungen, IT Bereich, usw usw . OKAY ;-) 19:28 < g-katze> mach ich. Hellblaue Pampers. 19:28 < huebi> g-katze: Nein! Nicht den blauen zum Autoschrauben... 19:29 < th> fake: unresolved symbol ebus_chain 19:31 < huebi> Sitzt Sony nicht in Dietzenbach? Ich meine auch die PS abteilung? 19:31 < g-katze> huebi> Anzug ? welchen denn sonst ? 19:32 < huebi> g-katze: Den Achtung-jetzt-komm-ich-der-immer-so-erfolgreich-und-richtig-wichtig-ist Anzug 19:33 < th> huebi: so einen sollte ich mir mal zulegen 19:34 < g-katze> Ach den ? Ich hab nur einen ich-kriech-euch-in-den-Arsch-und-dann-kann-ich-mir-den-Achtung-jetzt-komm-ich-der-immer-so-erfolgreich-und-richtig-wichtig-Anzug-nicht-mehr-Anzug ! 19:34 < g-katze> -sparen. 19:34 < g-katze> osä 19:34 < huebi> th: jo. und die Du-findest-mich-obertoll-und-zahlst-dafuer-extra Kravatte auch ;> 19:35 < th> huebi: grmpf 19:35 < huebi> g-katze: Arschkriechen macht immer so einen streng riechenden, beschissenen Eindruck ;< 19:36 < th> huebi: ich muss dich mal besuchen kommen. dann zeigst du mir solche kunden, okay? 19:37 < huebi> th: Wenn ich wieder so einen habe, gerne. ab Samstag mache ich erst nur mal ROCK Linux 19:38 < th> kann mir jemand den shortest path routing algorithmus erklaeren? 19:38 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB6CA41.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux 19:39 < huebi> th: garantiert SMP ;) 19:39 < g-katze> huebi> Ja. Ich hasse Skatol auch, aber der Weg zum Erfolg führt meistens durch die Darmgegend von Entscheidungsträgern.# 19:40 < g-katze> th> was willst du wissen ? 19:40 < g-katze> Shortest Path Routing ? 19:40 < th> g-katze: ich brauechte da mal ne uebungsaufgabe geloest 19:40 < g-katze> Na dann sag an. 19:40 < th> hab hier ein netz mit routern und kanten 19:40 < th> und entsprechend kantengewichte 19:41 < g-katze> kanten ? 19:41 < th> einmal SPR bitte inkl. erlaeuterung fuer jeden schritt und die entstehende datenstruktur aufzeichnen 19:41 < th> kanten = verbindungen 19:42 < g-katze> gehts um OSPF oder heisst das SPR ? 19:42 < g-katze> open shortest path first ? 19:43 < th> SPR heisst das 19:43 < th> shortest path routing 19:44 < g-katze> welche rfc ? 19:44 < snyke> hm lol 19:45 < snyke> auf #flood piped einer seinen inhalt von /dev zeile für zeile *G* 19:46 -!- chrisime [~chrisime@pD95908C1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:46 < th> g-katze: keine ahnung ich war nicht in der vorlesung 19:47 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082B781.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:47 < tsa> tag 19:47 < g-katze> th> SPR kenn ich nicht. Sorry. Keine Aussage von meiner Seite. 19:58 < g-katze> snyke> flood flood flood *G* 20:01 < huebi> hi tsa 20:01 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:01 < huebi> hi holyolli 20:01 < holyolli> re 20:02 < holyolli> hu huebi 20:05 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5134.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:05 < owl> hi 20:05 < huebi> hi owl 20:08 < tsa> hi huebi 20:08 < tsa> hi owl 20:08 < tsa> hi holyolli 20:08 < owl> hi tsa 20:09 < rolla> re 20:10 < tsa> hi rolla 20:13 -!- g-katze [~uninvited@pD9E5000D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Lost terminal") 20:14 < holyolli> hi tsa 20:14 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@dhcp024-210-218-255.woh.rr.com] has quit ("I don't care. I don't give a shit. Now Shut up.") 20:14 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@dhcp024-210-218-255.woh.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux 20:21 -!- uninvited [~uninvited@pD9E5000D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:21 < uninvited> re 20:22 < term_aweh> anyone ever seen a tool to convert doc-files to pdf? 20:23 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:23 < holyolli> hi uninvited 20:23 < holyolli> hi netcrow 20:23 < netcrow> hi holyolli 20:24 < term_aweh> hi btw :] 20:25 < netcrow> uninvited: still here? 20:26 < uninvited> netcrow> aye 20:31 < esden> fsck gentoo ... it is not even able to compile xfree86 !!! 20:31 < esden> argh 20:31 < esden> and the USE variables are not working 20:31 < esden> >_< 20:33 -!- blindcoder [crash@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:33 < blindcoder> hi hi and rehi 20:33 < esden> hi blindcoder 20:34 < netcrow> the good "You have new mail" on apollo is not longer there? 20:35 < esden> no idea ... 20:35 < huebi> brb 20:38 < uninvited> how do you unset variables like $LANGUAGE etc ? 20:38 < blindcoder> export LANGUAGE="" 20:38 < blindcoder> ? 20:39 < th> unexport 20:39 < th> hmm 20:39 < th> it's unsetenv in tcsh 20:39 < uninvited> th> no tcsh here 20:40 < netcrow> import LANGUAGE="" ;-) 20:40 < th> unset 20:40 < th> unset LANGUAGE 20:42 < fake> hm. 20:42 < fake> shit. 20:42 < fake> ... ? 20:42 < netcrow> hi fake 20:42 < fake> hi netti! 20:43 < netcrow> what` up? 20:43 < netcrow> +s 20:43 < fake> netcrow: job? 20:44 * blindcoder has a new "Brötchengeber" 20:44 < fake> linux-2.4.18-sgi-indy-sound.patch.mips 20:44 < fake> glibc-2002-01-20-finline.patch.mips 20:45 < fake> glibc-2002-02-04-dlconflict.patch.mips 20:45 < fake> *wee* 20:45 < fake> finally i found them all 20:45 < blindcoder> and? do they work? 20:45 < uninvited> blidcoder> really ? Whom ? 20:45 < fake> blindcoder: i will know - in 8 hrs. 20:45 < esden> good fake ... nice fake ... you get a "lekerli" ;-) 20:45 < fake> 7 hrs. 20:45 < fake> *haps* 20:45 < blindcoder> uninvited: is4it. but I still work @siemens ;) They just don't pay me anymore ;) 20:46 < fake> blindcoder: that's how to employ people! 20:46 < fake> "I still work @siemens ;) They just don't pay me anymore ;)" 20:46 < blindcoder> fake: nooo, not that way 20:46 < fake> hehe. 20:46 < fake> would you work for me too? 20:46 < blindcoder> fake: if you pay me 1900 EUR before taxes a month, then yes 20:47 < fake> i'd never pay you i promise ;) 20:47 < blindcoder> or lets say... 2300 EUR... I need a reason to change ;) 20:47 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB6CA41.ipt.aol.com] has quit () 20:47 < uninvited> blindcoder> need a job ? 20:48 < blindcoder> uninvited: depends... 20:48 < uninvited> blindcoder> art thou a master of the programming arts ? 20:48 < fake> arts? 20:48 < uninvited> hehe 20:48 < fake> kde sound daemon? 20:48 < uninvited> ;-) 20:48 < fake> *uargh* 20:48 < uninvited> argh ! 20:49 < blindcoder> uninvited: let's say... I can come up with a few usable lines of code 20:50 < esden> no blindcoder you come up with thousends of lines of code where only few are usable ;-) 20:50 < netcrow> abstract programming art 20:50 < esden> *fg* 20:51 < blindcoder> the rest is comment ;) 20:51 < esden> blindcoder: feel of his seat ... *lough* 20:51 < blindcoder> esden: fell out of his seat... 20:52 < esden> kk 20:52 < blindcoder> good boy... now go and bite some bugs 20:52 < esden> *grrr* *bite_blindcoder* 20:53 < blindcoder> OY!!! I'M NOT A BUG!!! 20:53 < fake> obfuscated coder. 20:53 < blindcoder> I bug you sometimes, but I'm NOT A BUG!!! 20:53 < fake> gdb blindcoder 20:53 < fake> run 20:53 < esden> obfuscated coder that stops five characters before finishing the code he should write ... ;-) 20:54 < fake> hm. interesting breakpoint you have there. 20:54 * blindcoder broken 20:54 < fake> backtrace 20:54 < fake> hm... it's a BrainBug 20:54 < fake> kill 20:54 < esden> aiiii ... /me being beaten up by blindcoder 20:55 < fake> n 20:55 < fake> ;-) 20:55 * blindcoder dies 20:55 < fake> i'de never kill you. 20:56 * -> esden need food ... /me hunting eatable bugs ... 20:56 < esden> edible ... 20:56 * blindcoder is not edible... 20:56 * blindcoder "liegt schwer im Magen" 20:56 < fake> hm... i'd need some clifford now 20:56 * blindcoder cuts off cliffords arm 20:56 < holyolli> fake: hungry or why? 20:56 < blindcoder> here you are 20:56 < esden> fake: you need some cliffordisme ??? 20:56 < fake> holyolli: questions about how to handle specialities 20:57 < esden> that is what ripclaw calls the stuff that clifford produces I thik ... 20:57 < fake> 125M gcc-3.1-cvs.tar 20:57 < esden> urgh ... 20:57 < esden> big baby ;-) 20:57 < blindcoder> that's... biig 20:57 < fake> unbuilt! 20:58 < fake> freshly from cvs... 20:58 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("leaving") 20:59 < esden> fake: is it still hot ? 20:59 < fake> esden: no. i've left it for a few hours 20:59 < esden> fake: then it is now cold ... :-( 20:59 < esden> fake: put it in the microwave ... ;-) 20:59 < blindcoder> throw it into the microwave 21:00 < fake> esden: that is indeed what i wanted to express. 21:00 < fake> esden: I'll have to update ssh once more on apollo 21:00 < esden> ??? 21:00 < fake> it's now 3.3privsep 21:00 < esden> ok ... do it please 21:00 < tsa> 3.4? 21:00 < fake> 3.4 came out yesterday 21:01 < esden> tell me when I have to restart my session please ... 21:01 < fake> oh, blindcoder, by the way. if you ever wonder where your memory has gone - mldonkey _burns_ it. 21:02 < fake> blindcoder: i have some quite impressive mrtg stats if you're interested. 21:02 < blindcoder> fake: i know 21:02 < blindcoder> show me 21:02 < fake> blindcoder: just a second... 21:07 < fake> . 21:12 < blindcoder> , 21:13 < huebi> fake invoces a new measuremant for 1 second... 21:13 < blindcoder> hehe 21:14 < fake> huebi: blindcoer killed my status report. it should have been .oOo.oOo.oOo.... 21:14 < huebi> ;> 21:15 < fake> o 21:19 < th> O 21:20 < tsa> . 21:21 < th> that was wrong 21:21 < tsa> grr! 21:21 < tsa> ;) 21:22 < huebi> "When will you've finished your work?" - "in three fakes" - "uhh, thats ages from now..." 21:25 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50816E21.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:25 < bluefire> Hi 21:26 < fake> esden blindcoder: please reconnect. sshd updated. 21:26 < esden> kk fake thanks 21:26 < huebi> hi bluefire 21:26 < esden> re hi all 21:26 < fake> huebi: i /msg him from there on. 21:27 < fake> just to clear things up ;) 21:27 < esden> hi bluefire 21:27 < rolla> damn apache :( 21:28 < fake> people from US still don't like the native americans.... ;-) 21:29 < huebi> rolla: Try M$ IIS ;-> 21:29 < rolla> ha ha 21:29 < huebi> *g* 21:29 < rolla> no I am just having trouble compiling it due to gcc lib problems :( 21:29 < fake> rolla: on a rock box? 21:29 < rolla> no no 21:29 < rolla> Solaris 8 21:30 < fake> *ugh* 21:30 < rolla> I was just gripping 21:30 < rolla> I got it fixed 21:30 < rolla> hey they pay me to make these sun boxes go :) 21:30 -!- mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 21:30 < mike1> Hi all 21:31 < huebi> hi mike1 21:31 < holyolli> hi mike1 21:31 < mike1> ;) 21:32 * blindcoder now off for bzflag 21:32 < fake> blindcoder: have fun! 21:34 < esden> bluefire: gamer :-P 21:34 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB7E34D.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux 21:34 < mike1> hi esden 21:34 < fake> esden: bl-tab is not unique ;) 21:34 < uninvited> Hola mike1 21:34 < uninvited> test 21:35 < esden> argh ... 21:35 < esden> yes ... 21:35 < mike1> sup uninvited 21:35 * -> esden schoot -> irssi 21:36 < huebi> esden: use telnet. 21:36 < huebi> *eg* 21:36 < holyolli> has anybody heard a word from rxr today? 21:36 < huebi> holyolli: no 21:36 < mike1> holyolli: i havent heard from rxr for quite a while 21:37 < uninvited> mike1 just wanna hail some greetings over to cr 21:37 < fake> me either 21:37 < esden> huebi: good idea ... 21:38 < esden> huebi: it is not a joke but I have done it some time ago !!! 21:38 < mike1> uninvited: thanks greetings back to de 21:38 < esden> huebi: I was learning the irc protocol ... the problem is that the timouts between commands and pings are very short ... >_< 21:39 < fake> esden: use keyboard makros. 21:39 < esden> fake: ahh that is a really good idea ... I will have to try it 21:40 < mike1> anyone have some good urls where i can get documentation on running Linux on a JavaStation 1 ? or maybe sugestions? 21:41 < bluefire> esden: nope ;) 21:42 < esden> bluefire: I wanted to say it to blindcoder ... sorry ... 21:42 < bluefire> esden: I know. 21:45 < chrisime> hi esden 21:46 < esden> hi chrisime 21:47 < chrisime> esden: https://gnome.org/start/2.0/ willst auch rocklinux mit auf der liste ham? 21:48 < esden> ja sure .. 21:48 < fake> jaaaa! 21:48 < chrisime> ok 21:48 < chrisime> dann brauch ich url 21:48 < chrisime> mirrors 21:48 < chrisime> etc. 21:49 < fake> https://www.rocklinux.org 21:49 < chrisime> hab grad suse urls bekommen 21:49 < chrisime> fake: erm... 21:49 < fake> da sind mirrors drauf 21:49 < fake> erm? 21:49 < chrisime> wo krieft man die pakete 21:50 < esden> fake weisst du es ? 21:50 < esden> wo ist der rxr 21:50 < esden> der macht dass 21:50 < fake> chrisime: don't trust the binaries ;-) 21:50 < esden> hat jemand die telly von rxr 21:50 < fake> drock.dyndns.org mal sehen 21:50 < chrisime> bzw. wo is ne beschreibung wie man src bekommt 21:50 < chrisime> esden: ja wo is rxr 21:50 < fake> www.rocklinux.org/getting.html 21:51 < esden> fake: ja die url sollte reichen ... glaube ich ... 21:51 < esden> chrisime: sage mir deine email addy ... dann werde ich dich anschreiben wenn irgendwass sich aendern sollte was die url angeht 21:51 < chrisime> chrisime@gnome.org 21:51 < esden> ich muss nur den rxr irgendwie erreichen 21:51 < esden> chrisime: danke 21:52 < fake> ROCK Linux - never trust a binary. 21:52 < rolla> :) 21:52 < chrisime> erm 21:52 < chrisime> wo is da ne spezifische anleitung fuer gnome? 21:52 < chrisime> ich weiss 21:52 < esden> aaaaarrrrgggh ... wer hat die nummer von rxr ???? 21:52 < chrisime> ich hab au nur src hier 21:52 < chrisime> fake: garnome 21:53 < chrisime> never trust debian ;-) 21:53 < fake> chrisime: du buildest ganz normal. dann is gnome2 dabei. 21:54 < fake> kannst sogar im Build-Menu angeben, wo du es lieber hast - in /opt/gnome2 oder woanders... 21:54 < esden> fake: es geht darum wie du rock auf gnome updatest ... 21:54 < esden> ich meine auf gnome2.0 updatest 21:54 < fake> oha. 21:54 < fake> 1.5 ? 21:55 < esden> ja auch 21:55 < esden> oder nur ... 21:55 < esden> dass ist was der chrisime braucht 21:55 < esden> jemand muss es schreiben ... und huebi sollte es machen oder der rxr 21:55 < esden> ich rufe mal den huebi an 21:55 < esden> momment 21:55 * fake ruettelt huebi wach. 21:55 < chrisime> genau 21:56 < huebi> jo 21:56 < fake> hehe. 21:56 < chrisime> hey huebi ;-) 21:56 < fake> huebi: pkgs gnome2 fuer 1.5 ? wo ? 21:56 < fake> wer ? 21:56 * mike1 away 21:56 < fake> wenn nicht dann online stellen ? 21:56 < huebi> fake: die gibt es nu in drock. mom 21:56 < fake> sofort ? 21:56 < fake> ;-) 21:56 < esden> ahh da ist huebi 21:57 < chrisime> gentoo wird geadded grad 21:57 < chrisime> also beeilung hungs ;-) 21:57 < esden> gut dann muss ich bingo nicht finanziell strapazieren ... ;-) 21:57 < esden> arghsl 21:57 < chrisime> jungs 21:57 < chrisime> net hungs ;-) 21:57 < esden> huebi bitte !!! *heul* 21:57 < fake> chrisime: wir haben ja zwei branches. 1.7 -> im standard build drin. ist aber noch DEV 21:57 < chrisime> ich weiss 21:57 < chrisime> ich wuerd zu gern mal rocklinux probieren 21:57 < fake> gut :) 21:58 < chrisime> oder gentoo was auch super sein soll 21:58 < fake> 1.5 is es im dRock - Desktop ROCK Linux dabei 21:58 < chrisime> mein server mit debian ist am krachen im tagesrhythmus und ich weiss net was putt ist 21:58 < esden> ja ... aber es geht um updaten ... *heul* 21:59 < fake> esden: easy. 21:59 < fake> pkg-remove gnome 21:59 < esden> ok ... 21:59 < fake> pkg-instal 21:59 < fake> pkg-install gnome2 21:59 < esden> und dann muessen wir die binary tars online stellen 21:59 < fake> err. 21:59 < esden> dann passt die sache ... 21:59 < chrisime> kann jemand ne super primitive html seite schreiben 21:59 < chrisime> das waere gut, das koennte man dann adden 21:59 < fake> esden: genau. und irgendwo muessen die ja sein - dRock kann ja net install. 22:00 * chrisime wundert sich warum von 1.5 geredet wird, dachte 1.6 waere raus 22:00 < esden> ja ... und wo ist der drock maintainer ? 22:00 < huebi> ftp://drocklinux.dyndns.org/drock/source/pkg-config/ <- gnome 1.4 fuer drock 22:00 < esden> chrisime: noch nicht .. 22:00 < esden> huebi: dass sind die configs .. aber nicht die tars mit binary dirnnen ... 22:00 < huebi> 1.4 wuerde ich mal sagen... 22:00 < esden> hmm ... 22:01 < huebi> esden: Wer will dass? 22:01 < esden> ok ... wie wollen wir dann beschreiben wie die leute auf gnome2 updaten sollen ? 22:01 < esden> aber ich habe ne idee 22:01 < esden> download the rock source from ... 22:01 < esden> then unpack it 22:01 < chrisime> esden: ach, gibt noch kein 1.6? 22:01 < huebi> wenn ihr alle 1.5 halbfertig stehen laesst und am 1.7 rumbastelt, wird 1.6 so schnell nicht rauskommen! 22:01 < esden> then download gnome sources 22:02 < chrisime> wow, ihr habt das gleiche prob das gnome mit 1.4.1 hatte 22:02 < esden> then run ./scripts/Build-Pkg gnome2 22:02 < chrisime> das kam auch erst vor kurzem raus 22:02 < esden> aber dass ist nicht alles ... leider 22:02 -!- Freak [freak@pD95307D9.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 22:02 < chrisime> esden: just create a short html file which explains how to install gnome2 22:02 < esden> ok ... hehe 22:02 < chrisime> either on rock1.5 or 1.7 22:03 < esden> download gnome sources ... install them ready 22:03 -!- Freak [freak@pD95307D9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:03 * -> esden testing ... gnome update 22:03 -!- Freak [freak@pD95307D9.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 22:03 < fake> chrisime: there is no official installation outside the development chambers of Rock 1.7 22:03 < huebi> 1.6 kommt erst raus, wenn _alles_ stabil ist. 22:03 < fake> as there are no CDs/ISOSs yet. 22:04 < chrisime> fake: also, kein off. gnome2 fuer 1.5 und 1.7? 22:04 < chrisime> schoen langsam kapier ich nix mehr 22:04 < fake> chrisime: DOCH! 22:04 < fake> chrisime: ich bin 1.7. in 1.7 wird es standardmaessig kompiliert. -punkt- 22:05 < fake> chrisime: wir haben fuer 1.7 allerdings uns noch nicht auf ein paketformat festgelegt und auch noch kein install-system. 22:05 < huebi> 22:03 < fake> as there are no CDs/ISOSs yet. 22:05 < fake> chrisime: deswegen gibte s von 1.7 auch noch keine releases. 22:05 < huebi> 22:03 < fake> as there are no CDs/ISOSs yet. <- bloedsinn! 22:05 < fake> nur development snapshots. 22:05 < chrisime> fake: aja 22:06 < chrisime> hab esden gsagt, ihr sollt debian-package sys adoptieren 22:06 < chrisime> das is gut 22:06 < fake> chrisime: dRock - a branch of 1.5 Rock has reached Version 1.6 a while a go. 22:06 < chrisime> dRock == ? 22:06 < fake> rxr is dafuer zustaendig/verantwortlich 22:06 < fake> dRock == Rock 1.5 adopted and a bite desktopified by rxr. 22:07 < huebi> 22:06 < fake> chrisime: dRock - a branch of 1.5 Rock has reached Version 1.6 a while a go. 22:07 < huebi> 22:06 < fake> chrisime: dRock - a branch of 1.5 Rock has reached Version 1.6 a while a go. ihr wiederholt euch ;-) 22:08 < fake> huebi; Desktop ROCK Linux 1.6 - hab ich sogar runtergeladen... ? 22:08 < huebi> Desktop ROCK Linux != ROCK Linux 22:08 < fake> https://www.rocklinux.de/projects/drock/1.6.0.html 22:08 < th> schon weil rock ja ne metadist is ;-> 22:08 < fake> ja.... ein target vonr ROCK ;P 22:08 < esden> hmm .. ich glaube dass hier was ich mache macht wenig sinn ... nachdenk ... 22:09 < th> esden: was tust du? 22:09 < esden> dass muesste ausgearbeitet werden wie wir mit sowas umgehen .. wie updates ... 22:09 < chrisime> *sigh* 22:09 < esden> chrisime: nicht verwirren lassen ... 22:09 < fake> huebi: oh. 1.6.0 is not yet released. 22:09 < fake> huebi: you are right. 22:09 < chrisime> esden: gibts gnome2 fuer 1.6? 22:09 < chrisime> das wuerde mir reichen 22:10 < fake> chrisime: just link to the webpage... i can only promise you that gnome2 is standard in Rock 1.7 22:10 < esden> th: ich ueberlege gerade wie man eine beschreibung basteln koennte wie rockilnux auf gnome2 upgedatet werden kann 22:10 < th> esden: oum 22:10 < th> esden: ich mag ion ;) 22:10 < chrisime> geht gnome2 auch mit 1.6pre? 22:10 < esden> chrisime: ja gibt es 22:10 < chrisime> oder nur 1.7? 22:10 < chrisime> ok 22:10 < fake> *seufz* 22:10 < chrisime> dann geb ich https://www.rocklinux.de/projects/drock/1.6.0.html + www.rocklinux.org/getting.html an 22:10 < fake> chrisime: man KANN auch auf 1.5 22:10 < fake> allerdings muss erst jmd. die pakete bauen... 22:11 < chrisime> any objections? 22:11 < fake> nein die erste nich 22:11 < fake> nur die letztere.... 22:11 < chrisime> die erste? 22:11 < chrisime> letzte? 22:11 < chrisime> welche nun? 22:11 < fake> die erstere reiste besagt: "1.6.0 is not yet released." 22:11 < esden> chrisime: ja nur www.rocklinux.org/getting.html linken 22:11 < fake> seite 22:11 < esden> chrisime: dass reicht 22:11 < esden> finde ich ... 22:12 < huebi> chrisime: gnome2 kann es fuer 1.6 geben, wenn irgend jemand sich endlich mal die Muehe macht und den 1.7er Kram backportet. Wir haben im Moment nur eine sehr veraltete 1.4.0 oder 1.4.1. Der Rest ist, und wenn das hier so weiter geht, wird auch nicht in der naechsten 6 Monaten released!!!! 22:12 < chrisime> aja 22:12 < chrisime> ok 22:12 < chrisime> ich sags drfickle 22:12 * huebi ist sauer! 22:13 < fake> huebi: was soll ich tun? bis ich mich in 1.5 eingearbeitet hab... 22:13 < esden> huebi: ich mache jetzt auch wieder an 1.5 ich werde mein bestes tun ... 22:14 < chrisime> oh, das n chaos hier ;-) 22:14 < esden> chrisime: ja ... immer 22:14 < esden> aber wir kennen uns einiegermassen aus dass reicht ... 22:14 < huebi> Ich stecke neben meiner Arbeit jeden Tag mindestens 6h in ROCK 1.5. Wenn die extensions nicht alle funktionieren, dann auch keine Release! Da gibt es maintainer, die ihren schrott einfach so stehen lassen. Das ist keine distribution! 22:14 * chrisime is fscking confused now 22:15 < huebi> Die Home page von ROCK ist fuer den Arsch! nichts zu finden! Die darf man niemanden zeigen! 22:16 < esden> huebi: keine panik ... dann machen wird dass die reliable sind ... ich muss aber pruefungen schreiben ... und an dem alpha port auch basteln .. dietlibc muss ich auch machen ... und installdisks auch .... 22:16 < esden> s/wird/wir/ 22:16 < esden> chrisime: lassmas 22:16 < huebi> esden: Ich mache hier dei maintainership _und_ den sparc64 port. 22:17 < huebi> alph kommt diese woche auch noch dazu. 22:17 < huebi> +a 22:17 < esden> ich glaube dass ist besser dass wir noch im hintergrund bleiben solange wir keine struktur hier reinbekommen haben 22:17 < esden> huebi: du willst jetzt an alpha basteln ? 22:17 < huebi> esden: Nein. Ich werde das nur testen. das reicht schon. 22:18 < esden> huebi: ja .. ok 22:18 < esden> ich habe schon gedacht du willst dich spalten ... 22:18 < esden> ;-) 22:19 < esden> naja ... dass tust jetzt auch schon ... 22:19 < fake> nochmal ? 22:19 < chrisime> esden: huh? 22:19 < esden> fake: ???? 22:19 < fake> nochmal spalten (huebi) 22:20 < esden> chrisime: ??? 22:20 < huebi> und als aller erstes brauchen wir jemand der nur die HP macht. www.rocklinux.net ist seit 2 Tagen platt. Und das design, nicht das Aussehen, muss nun endlich mal entworfen werden. 22:20 < esden> naja ... ich gehe mal auf die natalie ... und versuche mal paar bugs zu fressen 22:20 < bluefire> Ich hab zwar nix zu sagen und so, aber ich glaub die Website zumindest benutzbar zu machen ist so einer der Punkte die ich für am wichtigsten halten würde. Danach ISO Images und dann der Rest. 22:20 < esden> huebi: dass macht einer ... 22:21 < huebi> bluefire: ACK! 22:21 < esden> aber ... vielleicht sollten es mehr leute sein ... 22:21 < chrisime> esden: ich denk mal dass rocklinux auch draufkommt 22:21 < chrisime> drfickle arbeitet dran 22:21 < esden> chrisime: ok ... 22:22 < esden> huebi: soll ich mich wieder hinsetzen und die seite nicht redesignen sondern umsortieren ? 22:22 < huebi> esden: Nur ! Person fuer die HP und niemals mehr. Sonst wird das nichts. 22:22 < esden> ich habe zwar keine zeit ... aber ... 22:23 < huebi> esden: Ich stelle mir eine einzige Person vor, die nur und ausschliesslich die HP macht. 22:23 < esden> zauber eine her ... 22:23 < chrisime> je laenger die liste desto besser fuer gnome, und wenn rocklinux dabei, ein grund dass mehr leute rocklinux ueberhaupt entdekcne 22:24 < chrisime> decken 22:24 < huebi> __________________ 22:24 < huebi> < Ich mach' die HP > 22:24 < huebi> ------------------ 22:24 < huebi> \ ^__^ 22:24 < huebi> \ (oo)\_______ 22:24 < huebi> (__)\ )\/\ 22:24 < huebi> ||----w | 22:24 < huebi> || || 22:24 < fake> Mathilda the WebMaster Cow 22:24 < huebi> chrisime: ACK 22:24 < tsa> argh 22:25 < huebi> chrisime: Ich habe die naechsten 2 Wochen nur fuer ROCK Linux reserviert. Ich sehe zu, das gnome2 dann auch ROCK 1.5 portiert wird. 22:26 < bluefire> Die Webmaster sind immer die gear...ten.. Wenn man was macht und stolz drauf ist, dann passts keinem. Wenn man versucht es den Leuten recht zu machen kommt schei..e dabei raus. 22:27 < huebi> bluefire: Deshalb bekommt der Webmaster, wenn das Aussehen und die Struktur der site stehen, absolute Vollmacht ueber die Seite. 22:27 < huebi> Deshalb auch nur eine Person. 22:27 < chrisime> huebi: okok 22:28 < huebi> Die Anderen koennen/sollen/duerfen/muessen beim Entwurf beitragen. Wenn die Site steht, hat nur noch der Webmaster was zu sagen. Alle anderen machen nur noch Inhalte. 22:30 < huebi> bluefire: Willst du der neue Webmaster sein? 22:30 < uninvited> ? 22:30 < huebi> uninvited: jo? 22:31 < bluefire> huebi: ich bin nicht wirklich masochistisch veranlagt 22:31 < huebi> Dann macht es wohl "Mathilda the WebCowMaster" *eg* 22:31 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A78.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit ("°ShowDowN v12 PrO° since 1996: https://www.sci.fi/~showdown/") 22:31 < bluefire> huebi: Ich hab momental C++(evtl Fresco) und gtk-gnutella auf meinem Speiseplan stehen 22:31 < esden> der webmasten muss jemand mit starken nerven sein ... 22:32 < huebi> Mathilda hat fingerdicke Nerven. 22:33 < fake> hm... webmaster... 22:33 < fake> eh-eh. 22:34 < huebi> wer in 3 sekunden nichts gesagt hat ist WebMeister! hehe 22:34 < bluefire> hehe 22:34 < huebi> . 22:34 < fake> - 22:34 < huebi> esden isses! 22:34 < fake> esden hat nicht "nichts" gesagt? 22:35 < fake> Mathilda hat auch nichts gesagt. 22:35 < bluefire> Ich glaub ne Menge Leute hamm nix gesagt 22:35 < huebi> Hat hier wirklich keiner Lust dazu? 22:35 < esden> toll 22:35 < bluefire> Es ist weniger die Lust als die Qualifikation und die Arschlochkarte :) 22:36 < fake> ich bin eh mehr fuer eine WebMistress 22:36 < esden> huebi: ich wuerde es machen ... 22:36 < fake> aber esden ist kein designer 22:36 * bluefire ist quasi webmaster in Firma 22:36 < esden> fake: design ist scheiss egal 22:36 < huebi> esden: Dunkelblau auf schwarz geht nicht. 22:36 < bluefire> Die Designer machen eh nur shit 22:36 < esden> es geht um inhalt 22:36 < uninvited> ;-) 22:36 < fake> esden: du hast doch keine ZEIT!!! 22:36 < uninvited> Geile Diskussion ! 22:36 < esden> ja habe ich nicht 22:36 < bluefire> Inhalt ist auch nicht Sache vom Webmaster 22:36 < huebi> __________________ 22:36 < huebi> < Ich mach' die HP > 22:36 < huebi> ------------------ 22:36 < huebi> \ ^__^ 22:36 < huebi> \ (oo)\_______ 22:36 < esden> aber irgendjemand muss es machen 22:36 < huebi> (__)\ )\/\ 22:37 < huebi> ||----w | 22:37 < huebi> || || 22:37 < huebi> 22:37 < esden> wenn alle keiner dass macht ... wer sonnst ... 22:37 < esden> argh 22:37 * -> esden ist jetzt auch 300 ... 180 waehre zu wenig 22:37 < bluefire> Wie wärs den mit nem WikiWiki für ROCK. Das passt am besten zu dem Chaos hier 22:38 < fake> WikiWiki ? Hey Hey Wiki... 22:38 < h0h0> hehe 22:38 < huebi> esden: fake hat recht. Du hast keine zeit oder, um es anders auszudruecken - wichtigeres zu tun. 22:38 < h0h0> Wie wars den mit nem WikiWiki fur ROCK. looks lo funney when I cant understand it 22:38 < h0h0> except for WikiWiki 22:38 < fake> die wikinger... kommt spannt das segel an... 22:39 < uninvited> nananaaaaaaaaaaaaaanaaaaa 22:39 < fake> esden: we need a groupie. 22:39 < bluefire> h0h0: translation: What about a WikiWikiWeb for the ROCK website. It mirrors the chaos in this channel pretty well 22:39 < h0h0> its more funney untranslated 22:39 < h0h0> funnier 22:40 < uninvited> Groupies ? 22:40 < bluefire> Was hat der Webserver eigentlich für möglichkeiten? 22:41 < uninvited> Ihr braucht potenzielles Groupiematerial _ 22:41 < huebi> LAMMPPP 22:41 < uninvited> ? 22:41 < bluefire> CGI, php, python, zope? 22:41 < uninvited> BAMP ! 22:41 < h0h0> groupiematerial 22:41 < uninvited> Ich koennte da schon groupiematerial bereit machen ;-) 22:42 -!- Netsplit carter.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: SMP 22:42 -!- Netsplit over, joins: SMP 22:42 < esden> huebi: ja ich habe zu tun ... viel zu tun ... aber wer macht die homepage dann .. dem man auch vertrauen kann dass er es macht 22:43 < esden> mir ist dass design im momment scheiss egal ... wir brauchen struktur in den seiten ... und infos die up to date sind 22:43 < fake> esden: du musst auch delegieren koennen. nur weil du es nicht selbermachst heisst das nicht dass es schlecht wird., 22:43 < esden> der clifford hat auch zu wenig zeit 22:43 < bluefire> esden: Naja... viel schlimmer als es schon ist kann mans ja kaum machen. 22:43 < esden> bluefire: ich weiss ... 22:44 < esden> der clifford hat kaum zeit ... und bestimmt kein bock dass zu machen 22:44 < bluefire> Ich könnte mir's mal ansehen, aber versprechen würd ich erstmal nix. Ihr habt ja teilweise selbst keinen Plan was wo liegt und was überhaupt existiert. 22:44 < fake> esden: abusing das theme-system vom bchat - solange bis wir uns auf ein design einigen koennen... 22:44 < esden> was ist mit jocelin .. die hat doch zugang zu den seiten ... 22:44 < uninvited> LOL 22:44 < fake> dann koennen wir die inhalte eintrichtern... und das design on-the-fly aendern 22:44 < esden> fake: rofl ... ja dass stimmt ... aber dazu braucht man php ... und cliff will es nicht ... >_< 22:45 * -> esden hat lust amok zu laufen 22:45 < fake> esden: call on the mailinglist 22:45 < esden> fake: rofl ... alsob dass was bringen wuerde ... 22:45 < bluefire> php ist nicht die einzige Sprache für dynamische Seiten. 22:45 < esden> aber ich kann schon was schreiben ... 22:45 < uninvited> Na gut, viel spass noch. Ich geh poppen ;-) 22:45 < esden> ich werde dann zwar geflamed ... aber scheiss drauf 22:45 < esden> cu uni viel spass 22:45 * uninvited prepares for logoff 22:46 -!- uninvited [~uninvited@pD9E5000D.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux () 22:47 < huebi> Keiner, der an ROCK Linux irgend etwas entwickelt kann die Seiten machen. Dies Leute haben naemlich "keine Zeit" 22:47 < tsa> hehe 22:47 < esden> huebi: stimmt 22:48 < huebi> Wir brauchen auch jemanden, der ueberhaupt keine Lust hat an ROCK Linux zu entwickeln, sonst hat diese Person auch "keine Zeit" 22:49 < esden> argh .. f*** ich bin sooo bloed ... 22:49 < esden> ich habe _nodel_ vergessen 22:49 < fake> huebi: ACK /keine Zeit\ 22:49 < huebi> Sondern jemanden, der sich mit einer richtig tollen Site ins rechte Licht ruecken will. 22:49 < fake> huebi: Cliff's freundin? 22:50 < fake> a. bloede idee... 22:50 < huebi> * esden hat gerade noch weniger Zeit bekommen 22:50 < esden> huebi ... ich werde die rock scripte umbauen so dass die sachen standardmaessig nicht geloescht werden ... und wenn du aufreumen willst musst cleanup script per hand laufen lassen 22:50 < esden> ist dass ok ? 22:50 < huebi> esden: oK MACHE ES BITTE. 22:50 < esden> so wird es in 1.7 gemacht dass ist gut finde ich 22:50 < esden> huebi: kk wird sofort gemacht 22:51 < tsa> kk? 22:51 < fake> == 01:00:37 =[1]=> Building base/gcc3 [cvs 1.7.0-DEV-200206232227]. 22:51 < fake> man bemerke die version. 22:51 < term_aweh> good night 22:51 < huebi> fake: der ist ja noch pre-Alpha... 22:51 < tsa> hm.. 22:51 < fake> night term_aweh 22:51 < mike1> n8 term_aweh 22:52 < huebi> cu term_aweh 22:52 -!- term_aweh [~pm@p50819B6F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("zz") 22:52 < tsa> abwarten, ob der auch wirklich baut.. 22:52 < fake> huebi: gcc 3.1 ausm cvs? 22:52 < fake> 3.1.1 22:52 < tsa> gcc cvs *grusel* 22:52 < tsa> wer macht denn sowas? 22:52 < fake> ich brauche fuer den mips port gcc cvs und glibc cvs 22:52 < fake> oder 2 MB patches 22:53 < huebi> fake: kidding ;-)) 22:53 < fake> ( diff gcc gcc-cvs > gcc-works-on-mips.patch.mips ) 22:53 < fake> ;-) 22:55 < fake> Bad arg length for Socket::unpack_sockaddr_in, length is 4095, should be 16 at /usr/lib/perl/5.6.1/Socket.pm line 156, line 349827. 22:55 < fake> @esden 22:55 < fake> * esden hat gerade noch weniger Zeit bekommen 22:56 < fake> https://www.gnome.org/start/2.0/ 22:56 < fake> (!!) 22:56 < fake> Rock Linux (development snapshots) 22:57 < esden> ** Testing ** 22:57 < esden> Free Disk Space: 6979 MB -> ok. 22:57 < esden> Note: This version of rock is no more running Cleanup at default 22:57 < esden> to clean up run ./scripts/Cleanup explicitly. 22:57 < esden> ** Building Stage 1 ** 22:57 < esden> is it ok ? 22:57 < huebi> esden: jo. 22:58 < huebi> gibt es irgend ein script um bind neue adressen beizubringen? 22:58 < fake> festbind.sh 22:58 < fake> ;-) 22:58 < huebi> hihi 22:58 < huebi> *rofl* 22:59 < tsa> echo "blah in a" >> zonefile ? 23:00 < fake> Cleanup !by! default @ esden 23:00 < fake> no longer 23:00 -!- Freak [freak@pD9E391C0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:00 < huebi> tsa: jo sowas.. 23:01 < esden> fake: yes please correct this sentence ... 23:01 * -> esden ok correcting 23:01 < fake> Note: This version of rock is no longer running Cleanup by default. 23:02 < fake> und remove das explicitly. 23:05 < esden> done 23:05 < tsa> huebi: hm...seh' ich keine verwendung fuer....vi zonefile ist definitiv einfacher... 23:06 < esden> huebi: ci done 23:07 < huebi> esden: danke 23:07 < esden> huebi: bitte ... _SEHR_ gern geschehen ;-) 23:08 < huebi> tsa: So habe ich das bisher auch immer gemacht. Ich habe irgendwann mal webmin benutzt, und der hat dann meine seeheim.lan.db und 192.168.100.rev gleichzeitig geupdeted 23:08 < esden> huebi: I hope that this change is not braking anything ... you are allowed to kill me if I broke something ;-) 23:08 * huebi searchind for micro nukes... 23:09 * huebi found a big one ... 23:09 < huebi> ;-)))))) 23:09 < esden> argh fsck ... now I have to wait for 2 hours for this fscking glibc ... argh ... glibc is so terribly bloted ... I hate this fscking crap #$%^!@$@%@#% 23:09 < huebi> esden: I'll never kill you. I just ripp your time ... 23:09 < esden> huebi: that is ok too ;-) 23:10 < esden> but I need my time :-( 23:10 < huebi> *g* 23:10 < esden> but what the hell ... I do (nearly) everything for you ;-) 23:11 < fake> from somwhere i here voices shouting: blow-job! blow-job! 23:11 < esden> woot woot /rock-linux/dist/usr/include/linux/autoconf.h is there ... *jump* 23:12 < esden> fake: ??? do you need one ? shell I come by ? ;-) 23:12 < esden> with drachi ? 23:12 < esden> ;-) 23:12 < fake> esden: no. definitely: _noblow_ 23:13 < esden> ok ... 23:13 < esden> :P 23:13 * tsa wondering.. 23:13 < fake> tsa: 'bout what? 23:14 * -> esden editing the alpha site 23:14 < tsa> fake: esden, you and blowjobs.. 23:15 < esden> tsa: I am always blowing in my computer so that the processor does not get too hot ... from compiling all the time ... 23:16 * fake is no computer 23:16 < fake> not yet 23:16 < fake> unfortunately. 23:19 < esden> fake: get to the wired ;-) 23:20 < esden> or how it is being spelled ... 23:20 * -> esden needs a spellchecker for irc 23:21 < fake> esden: bin ich doch schon.... 23:21 < esden> is there a tool that can show the io usage of a machine ? 23:22 < fake> we are all conected 23:22 < fake> esden: psmisc 23:22 < fake> or sysstat 23:22 < fake> gives you solaris-like iostat 23:22 < fake> sysstat is the official name i think 23:22 < esden> ok ... freshmeat ? 23:23 < fake> have a look 23:23 < fake> kannst auch nach iostat suchen 23:24 < esden> hmm ... we are on the site : https://www.gnome.org/start/2.0/ 23:24 < esden> fake: will do 23:24 < huebi> /etc/init.d/nfsd stop - must be fixed. does not kill all processes 23:24 < fake> esden: as i already mentioned before, yes. 23:25 < huebi> fake: sysstat 4.0.x 23:26 < fake> 23:29 < esden> fake: ok sorry ... #-| 23:30 * -> esden installing sysstat 23:35 * huebi playing with Krups 23:35 < esden> ok sysstat working ... 23:36 < fake> iostat 23:36 < fake> i love that tool 23:37 < fake> esden: try sar 23:37 < fake> "sar" 23:38 < fake> a backlog of system events 23:38 < esden> Cannot open /var/log/sa/sa27: No such file or directory 23:38 < esden> ??? 23:38 < fake> hast du den sad laufen? 23:38 < fake> daemon... 23:39 < esden> hmm ... /me not finding the sad binary 23:43 < esden> hmm it is called sadc 23:43 < esden> .. 23:44 < fake> oh, sorry... 23:46 < esden> fake: np 23:46 < mike1> cu 23:46 -!- mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 23:52 < fake> gcc cvs building... 23:55 < fake> esden: was machst du samstag abend? 23:57 -!- tsa_ [~tsa@udp1049538uds.vpn.uni-bielefeld.de] has joined #rocklinux 23:57 < tsa_> re 23:57 < fake> hi tsa______ 23:57 < holyolli> re tsa 23:57 < fake> tsa-mit-fussabstreifer. 23:59 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082B781.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23:59 -!- tsa__ [~tsa@p5082B781.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:59 < tsa__> grrr. 23:59 -!- tsa__ is now known as tsa --- Log closed Fri Jun 28 00:00:43 2002