--- Log opened Fri Jun 28 00:00:43 2002 --- Day changed Fri Jun 28 2002 00:07 < esden> fake: hmm .. ich glaube ich bin im kino ... warum ? 00:07 < fake> cdrecord: Input/output error. write_g1: scsi sendcmd: no error 00:07 < fake> esden: hm... weil drachi & ich noch nicht wissen was wir Sa Abend machen 00:07 < huebi> Krups is up and running :-))) *freu* 00:08 < esden> fake: wieviel uhr heisst abend ? 00:08 < holyolli> huebi: krupps? 00:08 < holyolli> küchenmaschine= 00:08 < fake> naja 19:00 - ?? 00:08 < huebi> JavaStation-NC 00:08 < holyolli> oh 00:08 < esden> fake: ja ... um 20 oder so werde ich ins kino gehen ... ist leider schon reserviert ... 00:09 < fake> welcher film? 00:09 < esden> erkan und stefan 00:09 < huebi> holyolli: nit 1.5.12 fuer sparc64 00:09 < fake> >_< 00:09 * fake uses 1.6.0-rc1 for X86-64 00:10 < huebi> nacht zusammen. bubu machen... 00:10 < esden> danach oder am sonntag kannma uns treffen ... 00:10 < fake> esden: sonntag eh-eh. 00:10 < holyolli> n8 huebi 00:10 < tsa> cu huebi 00:10 < esden> fake: wann fahrst am sonntag ? 00:10 * -> esden smoking 00:10 < fake> esden: sonntag my family. meine schwester und meine nichte saind da. 00:10 < fake> huebi: gute nacht! 00:11 < huebi> ich liebe das: Ein UNIX-System einfach abschalten :-)))) 00:11 < fake> huebi: moerder! ;-) 00:11 < huebi> son8 und wech... 00:11 < huebi> fake: Mit richtigen Computern kann man das machen... 00:12 * fake hat neulich DOS gebootet... und ewig versucht. shutdown... halt... 00:12 < fake> SysReq 00:12 < fake> ich hab mich nich getraut einfach auszuschalten ;) 00:12 < huebi> fake: das kenne ich. Aber die JS sieht schon ganz anders aus... 00:13 < fake> huebi: ich weiss. 00:13 < fake> wo keine festplatte ist kann es auch keine kaputten Inodes geben ;) 00:18 -!- tsa_ [~tsa@udp1049538uds.vpn.uni-bielefeld.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00:19 < chrisime> esden: rocklinux is nun dabei 00:20 < th> SMP: ping 00:20 < fake> chrisime: schon bemerkt ;-) 00:21 < fake> th: SMP is um 8 ins bett oder so 00:21 < fake> oder um 5 ? 00:21 < th> der kommt doch auch immer nochmal wieder 00:21 < fake> schlafstoerungen? Insmonia Coffeina ? 00:21 < th> 16:26:48 * SMP goes to bed 00:22 < chrisime> fake: ah fein 00:22 < fake> chrisime: danke! 00:22 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB7E34D.ipt.aol.com] has quit () 00:23 < holyolli> oki...have a nice sleep ;-) 00:23 < holyolli> cya 00:23 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has left #rocklinux ("X-Chat: "I did not have sexual relations with that client, X-Chat."") 00:26 < bluefire> Good night 00:26 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50816E21.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 00:26 < chrisime> fake: ich danke 00:26 < chrisime> ich geh dann mal 00:26 < chrisime> ciao leutZ 00:26 < chrisime> n8! 00:27 -!- chrisime [~chrisime@pD95908C1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("sleep mode") 00:28 < esden> ... 00:28 < th> esden: wie is der mate status? 00:29 < esden> th: dass wollte ich schon vorher sagen ... ich werde es nicht schaffen hinzufahren ... lack of time/transport ... >_< 00:29 < esden> sorry 00:29 < th> ueberhauptnicht oder nicht vor diesem WE? 00:29 < esden> nicht vor diesem wochenende 00:31 < th> haelst du naechstes WE fuer schaffbar? 00:31 < th> faehrt fake da auch? 00:31 < esden> th nein ... oder @ fake 00:31 < fake> nein. das wiederspraeche einem 2-wochen-takt. 00:31 < th> fake: aha. 2-wochentakt *notier* 00:31 < fake> th: stop 00:31 < fake> streich das. 00:32 < esden> loool 00:32 < th> *streich* 00:32 < fake> das ist inkorrekt. 00:32 < th> inkorrekt *notier* 00:32 < fake> es lautet: 2 mal im monat. 00:32 < th> ok 00:32 < fake> Absatz. 00:32 < th>

00:32 < fake> *lol* 00:33 < esden> argh argh argh ... /me will kill glibc ... i want to kill it ... I want to drain a blade through it ... it is too big ... 00:34 < esden> not drain 00:34 < esden> stick in ? ... what is the correct term ? 00:34 < fake> th: but you should try to find s/o from nuernberg as a basepoint 00:34 < fake> because driving IN -> NUE -> IN is nothing you do in half an hour 00:34 < esden> yes that is right ... 00:35 < esden> I can not do it very regularly ... you can note it ;-) 00:35 < esden> I can try ... but ... 00:35 < th> once per month? 00:35 < fake> have we rocked nuernberg yet? 00:35 < esden> fake: not yet AFAIK 00:35 < fake> we should shout it out on the website. 00:36 < fake> let's hack nuernberg.de 00:36 < fake> fake@jana:~$ telnet nuernberg.de 22 00:36 < fake> Trying 00:36 < fake> Connected to wwwneu.nuernberg.de. 00:36 < fake> Escape character is '^]'. 00:36 < fake> SSH-1.5-OpenSSH_3.1p1 00:37 < fake> should'nt be too hard. 00:37 < esden> fake: get the exploit somewhere ... 00:37 < fake> esden: i have other, by far more useful things to do. 00:38 < esden> fake: was only a suggestion ... 00:38 < fake> esden: if you have spare time.... 00:40 < fake> echo "
\/\/3 0\/\/|\|z0r j00!
Pjotr Esden Tempski
" > index.html 00:41 < fake> s,00'<,00'><, 00:42 < esden> fake: yes sure 00:43 * -> esden > home 00:43 < esden> then 00:43 * -> esden esden > /home/esden/bed 00:44 < fake> oops. 00:44 < fake> i just mirrored the rocklinux-hp on my hd. 00:49 < owl> g8 00:49 < fake> n8! 00:49 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5134.pppool.de] has quit ("God is real. Unless declared integer.") 00:49 * fake wird dann auch mal 00:51 < fake> noch eine rauchen.... 00:53 < fake> buffa! 00:54 < fake> gcc3-cvs builds! 00:54 < fake> err... quickshot. 00:54 < fake> still compiling. 00:54 < fake> <--- needs sleep. 01:40 < tsa> n8 01:40 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082B781.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 05:27 -!- uninvited [~uninvited@pD9E50AC0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 05:27 < uninvited> moin ! 07:12 -!- Bevin [~gbevin@213-193-176-119.adsl.easynet.be] has joined #rocklinux 07:13 < Bevin> Hi all 07:15 < uninvited> hi there 07:20 < huebi> moin ! 07:29 < uninvited> Herr Huebi, good morning *G* 07:35 < uninvited> which is the standard dir for so`s ? 07:42 < huebi> hi uninvited 07:42 < huebi> /lib und /usr/lib 07:44 < uninvited> hmmm...looks like it doesn t work 07:44 < uninvited> let me check over 07:51 < uninvited> huebi> also das check ich nicht bei unix/linux. Diese verdammte verzeichnisstruktur ;-) 07:51 < uninvited> Wohin würde ich zum Beispiel J2SDK installieren ? 08:27 -!- uninvited [~uninvited@pD9E50AC0.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Lost terminal") 08:37 -!- [anders] [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has joined #rocklinux 08:40 < [anders]> re :) 08:40 < [anders]> Oooh ahh.. got the Shuttle case, the screen and the surge protecting power strip last night.. 08:40 < [anders]> The rest of the kit is coming in today.. :) 08:40 < [anders]> only bad thing is the screen has one dead pixel on it.. :-/ 09:16 * [anders] will be building a Shuttle box tonight.. Should be able to install it with Debian overnight and get devfs and all working. 09:16 < [anders]> So sometime this weekend I should be able to start building snapshots.. :) 09:41 -!- blindcoder [crash@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 09:41 -!- blindcoder [crash@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 10:03 < esden> morning @ all 10:03 < esden> yes the alpha build is in stage 3 !!! woot 10:05 < [anders]> re esden 10:05 < esden> re [anders] 10:06 < [anders]> which snapshots would be better to try out for a production system, 1.7.x or 1.5.x ? 10:07 < esden> 1.5 ! 1.7 is only development and VERY far from stable ;-) 10:08 < [anders]> Ok.. I'll be trying to build a snapshot sometime over the weekend.. To try out the new box.. :) 10:10 < [anders]> Uhm, where to get 1.5.x snapshots? 1.5.12 is the only thing I can find and that is a bit old now.. 10:12 < esden> one momene 10:12 < esden> t 10:14 < esden> [anders]: https://download.rocklinux.de/1.5/1.5.16/ 10:15 < esden> here are the iso files and the tar.bz2 with the rocklinux sources 10:18 < [anders]> excellent.. I'll bookmark that so I can get to it later.. 10:23 * th is still in bed. 10:38 * [anders] wonders if th is a student... 10:43 * -> esden still @ home & half naked ;-) 10:43 < esden> and I will stay at home today ;-) 10:47 < [anders]> Had my kit I ordered turned up this morning, I might have considered taking the day off.. ;-) 11:14 < esden> huebi !!!! 11:14 * -> esden needs some huebi 11:19 -!- Freak [freak@pD9E391C0.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("I take this land for my bunghole!") 11:24 < fake> ohayooo 11:28 < esden> good morning fake *nod* 11:29 < esden> fake: do you know if xinerama is currently supported by WindowMaker ? 11:31 < esden> this new kernel build scripts in 1.6 are providing terrible headakes. 11:35 < fake> 1.6 ? 11:38 < fake> Linux 1.6.0 ? ;-) 11:39 < blindcoder> ohayo, mina-san 11:40 < fake> hm... ne 1.7 snapshot, but the no Changes in the Changelog 11:40 < blindcoder> damn... I accidentally deleted half of my base-archive >_< 11:41 < fake> hi blindcoder ! 11:41 < esden> yes .. I mean 1.5 ... 11:41 < esden> I missed the key 11:41 < esden> hi blindcoder 11:42 < esden> natalie is now in stage 3 of the rockliux compile ... nice natalie ;-) 11:43 < blindcoder> damn... I'm lacking CD-Rs also... only 7 left... 11:43 * -> esden wrote a mail to the mailinglist that we are included on the gnome2 page 11:44 * fake wrote a mail too. 11:46 < esden> ??? 11:46 < esden> when ? 11:46 < fake> about sth else. just now. 11:46 < esden> ahh ok 11:47 < esden> I was wondering that I missed your mail ... but the mailinglist needs some time ... 11:47 * blindcoder wruiting a mail 11:51 < esden> fake: read the diff ;-) 11:53 < blindcoder> done 11:56 < esden> blindcoder: me wrote one more mail to rock-doc-pr ... it is a re to your mail bc 11:56 < huebi> Moinnnn.... 11:57 -!- Freak [freak@pD9E391C0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:57 < esden> moin huebi 11:57 < huebi> moin esden 11:57 < esden> huebi: da war wieder ein bug in den kernel scripten 11:57 < esden> de architektur abhaengigien disable listen wurden nicht benutzt 11:58 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB6DB7C.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux 11:58 < huebi> esden: hast du schon einen cvs ci gemacht? 11:58 < esden> also die listen die die optionen fuer den kernel bau raustragen weil sie fuer diese architektur nicht bauen 11:58 < esden> huebi: mache ich gleich 11:58 < esden> ich wollte nur schauen ob der kernel jetzt baut 11:59 * -> esden not ci anything that is not tested ;-) 11:59 < huebi> moin fake 12:00 < huebi> esden: VERY FINE TO ONLY COMMIT TESTET things (/me still want's to have a beeping Cpas Lock key) 12:00 < esden> loool 12:00 < esden> huebi: how are you today 12:01 * -> esden try's to be polite today ;-) 12:01 < esden> and the others ? bc ? fake ? 12:02 < huebi> esden: I'm fine. A big restore test of a webserver is now running. My work of the last 9 Months gets it's final test. 12:02 < blindcoder> esden: sleepy... 12:02 < esden> hmm cool ... I am crossing my fingers for you 12:02 < huebi> esden: thank you ;-)) 12:02 < esden> blindcoder: when have you got up today ? 12:03 * huebi hunting... 12:04 < esden> huebi: good luck ;-) 12:06 < fake> esden: thanks for asking. i am fine. 12:06 < fake> how about you? 12:06 < fake> huebi: mornin! 12:06 < fake> huebi: und Weidmann's Heil ;-) 12:06 < blindcoder> esden: 09:00 when that stupid guy out there started to make noises like an airplane>_< 12:07 < esden> fake: good thanks .. I am fine too. 12:08 < esden> blindcoder: noises like this are wakeing you up ? you should work on your sleep deepness .. or soundisolate your room ;-) 12:09 < blindcoder> esden: the former... the latter will be done soon when I'm moving my "servers" out of my room 12:09 < fake> cc -O -DNO_ERRNO_H -c -o example.o example.c 12:09 < fake> make: cc: Command not found 12:09 < fake> DAMN IT 12:10 < esden> fake: ln -s /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/cc 12:10 < fake> esden: no gcc, propellorhead ;P 12:11 < esden> o_O no gcc ... what a lame box :P 12:11 < fake> SuSE 6.4 >_< 12:11 < esden> rofl 12:11 < esden> fake: poor boy ... 12:12 < esden> who is using suse these days ? 12:12 < fake> humanIT.de ... but not much longer. 12:13 < esden> will you reinstall the box ? 12:13 < fake> blindcoder : "Die Internet-Seite f?r die Server lautet www.mcl.de" 12:14 < esden> they are sellyng hpux ... hmm 12:15 < fake> blindcoder: kannst ja ueber meine Firma ordern. 12:16 < esden> Fiber Channel Host Adapter PCI. Gebraucht mit 30 Tagen Gewa"hrleistung. 12:16 < esden> hmm 12:16 < esden> sweet 12:16 < esden> 511.00 EUR 12:16 < esden> urgh 12:16 < fake> HP Server L3000-4 Wege Server 12:16 < fake> 38690.00 EUR 12:17 < esden> *keineluftmehrkrieg* /me muss ne bank ausrauben 12:18 < fake> HP NetServer Rackstorage System RS/12 FC 12:18 < fake> FC (Fiber Channel) mit FiberChannel Disk Array Controller(RAID) (max. 12 Festplatten). Demogerät 12:18 < fake> incl. 5x 36 GB HS Disk 10000rpm und Fiber Channel HBA 12:18 < fake> 3.990 EUR 12:18 < esden> der preis geht ja 12:19 < fake> HP9000 Serie C200 3D-Bundle I 12:19 < fake> - 200MHz 8200 PA-RISC CPU 1,5 MB Cache 12:19 < fake> - 512 MB ECC Memory 12:19 < fake> - 2x HP 4 GB UW-SCSI Disk 12:19 < fake> - Visualize FX-4Grafikbeschleuniger 12:19 < fake> - HP Tastatur, Maus 12:19 < fake> - HP-UX 10.20 oder HP-UX 11.0 vorinstalliert 12:19 < fake> - 3 Monate Gewährleistung 12:19 < fake> fuer 399 EUR 12:20 < esden> lol wie alt ist dass ding 12:21 < fake> naja... zum porten wuerde es reichen... 12:21 < esden> hmm ... stimmt auch 12:21 < esden> aber maintainen wuerde ich nicht gerne auf der kiste 12:21 < esden> naja ... aber wie man so schoen sagt .. besser als garnichts 12:22 < fake> was meinst du auf was ich den mips port "maintaine" ?? 12:22 < fake> 175 MHz... 12:22 < esden> ja schon klar 12:22 < fake> *flenn* 12:22 < blindcoder> fake: danke 12:22 < esden> aber wass schneller ist wird nicht unterstoetzt 12:22 < esden> du tust mir auch echt leid fake ... 12:22 < fake> blindcoder: unter NetServerBundles 12:24 * [anders] would not say no to an Emulex FC adapter and a tray of FC-AL disks... 12:24 < esden> [anders]: who would say no ... 12:26 < fake> 2 x P III 933 MHz / 3 x 36 GB HotSwap Festplatten/ Standersion 12:26 < fake> 1 GB RAM (bis 4GB) /256 KB Cache / 2 Kanal SCSI Controler / CD-ROM / Floppy / 10/100 LAN / Renew/ 3 Jahre HP Vor-Ort Garantie 12:26 < fake> ¤ 3.990,- 12:26 < fake> sw33t! 12:26 < fake> 2x PIII 1,13 GHz Prozessor / 1 GB Hauptspeicher / 2*36GB Disk / Rackversion (2 HE)/ 2x 10/100 LAN / U3 SCSI Controller / ReNew 3 Jahre HP Vor-Ort Garantie 12:26 < fake> ¤ 3.999,- 12:26 < fake> dann aber lieber den. 12:27 < esden> fake: hast du auch ein 19" rack um den vernuenftig zu verstauen ? ;-) 12:28 < blindcoder> esden: genau ads ist das Problem >_< die meisten sind Rack-Versionen 12:28 < esden> blindcoder: dass sit scheiss egal .. du musst ja kein rack dafuer haben ... 12:29 < blindcoder> hmmm ich montier sie einfach in meine Alu-Gestell :D 12:29 < esden> lol 12:29 < esden> ja mache dass 12:30 < blindcoder> PIII 1 GHz Prozessor/ 256 MB Hauptspeicher/ Rackversion/ 10/100 LAN/ 2 Kanal U3 SCSI Controller/ nur eine Höheneinheit im Rack/ Remarked volle 3 Jahre HP Gewährleistung 12:30 < blindcoder> That one looks nice to me 12:30 < esden> ahh the kernel is ready on the alpho ... cool thing 12:33 < esden> "NeverWinter Nights Dedicated Linux Server Released" 12:35 < blindcoder> I need the Linux client, not the server >_< 12:35 < esden> I know 12:35 * -> esden too 12:35 < blindcoder> well.. I will buy the game probably 12:39 * fake will buy it as soon as the linux client is released. 12:40 -!- uninvited [~uninvited@pD9E50AC0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:40 < uninvited> h e l l o ! 12:40 < fake> haaaai! 12:41 < esden> hi uninvited 12:41 < blindcoder> hi uninvited 12:42 * blindcoder will take his workstation to bingo today,... bzflöag session and the boxes @bingo are too slow :D 12:42 < esden> TrentO 12:42 < esden> Producer 12:43 < esden> The server is pretty much ready to go. The Client is a little worse off. I haven't got any official date for when the Client will be available, but we are pushing as hard as we can to get it done. 12:43 < esden> that is the official statement ... 12:43 < esden> :-/ 12:44 < blindcoder> well.. it's the same thing we always say: "It's done, when it's done." 12:44 < huebi> re /me eating 12:44 < esden> yes that is ok ... better then pushing the date of release 100 times in the future ... 12:44 < esden> re huebi 12:44 * -> esden hungry 12:44 < blindcoder> yes, that's right 12:45 * blindcoder called evilT today... 12:45 < esden> huebi: 12:45 < esden> == 11:29:43 =[3]=> Building base package linux [2.4.18 1.5.17]. 12:45 < esden> == 12:32:28 06/28/02 =[3]=> Finished building package linux. 12:45 < esden> I will ci the changes now 12:49 < esden> huebi: ci done 12:49 < [anders]> esden: will the archive you pointed me at earlier have all the latest changes in it? 12:49 < esden> two files updated base-config/linux/linux.conf base-config/linux/lx_config 12:50 < esden> [anders]: no .. to get the newest changes you need access to the cvs 12:50 < esden> the anonymous cvs access should come next week 12:50 < esden> that is what huebi was writing to the mailinglist 12:51 < huebi> [anders]: you can checkout over http: 12:52 < huebi> [anders]: moment... 12:52 < esden> huebi: urgh ... ??? 12:52 < blindcoder> esden: like I said: a cvs-client for the cvsweb :D 12:53 < esden> argh .. that is not true ... that is a joke ... !!! 12:53 < huebi> [anders]: https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/rock-1.5/base-config/linux/linux.conf 12:53 -!- term_emu [~pm@p50819B6F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:54 < esden> hi term_emu 12:54 < huebi> https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/rock-1.5/base-config/linux-src/linux-src.conf 12:54 < th> moin 12:54 < th> mehr oder wenig 12:55 < huebi> hi th 12:55 < th> *gaehn* verdammt nochmal 12:56 < th> huebi: da faellt mir noch was ein. koennten wir nicht ein lauffaehiges parted mit auf das iso bringen? 12:57 < huebi> th: Jo, das sollte eigendlich moeglich sein. 12:57 < [anders]> huebi: any chances of nightly CVS snapshots (tbz2's) ? 12:57 < th> huebi: dann brauch ich mir nich immer parted auf diskette packen 12:58 < esden> huebi: that should be no problem ... 12:58 < esden> the nightly snaps 12:58 < blindcoder> okay... I'm gone... c ya later 12:58 < th> well there are minutely snaps already ;) 12:59 < th> well. they are not tbz2ed. but after each commit a cvs up -d is called 12:59 < th> so we could just add a tbz2 and we have what we want 12:59 < esden> huebi: warum sind die download moeglichkeiten von 1.5.x nicht auf https://www.rocklinux.org/getting.html aufgefuert ??? 13:00 < esden> dass ist meiner meinung nach sehr scheisse 13:00 < [anders]> I understood _that_ one... 13:01 < term_emu> hi all 13:01 < [anders]> re term_emu 13:17 < th> schlaeft smp immernoch? 13:17 < th> SMP: ping? 13:26 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB6DB7C.ipt.aol.com] has quit () 13:28 < esden> huebi: ??? 13:32 * uninvited is away: mittagsschläfchen (taking a nap) 13:43 -!- term_emu [~pm@p50819B6F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13:43 -!- term_emu [~pm@p50819215.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:44 -!- uninvited [~uninvited@pD9E50AC0.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux () 14:08 < huebi> re 14:10 < huebi> a "reconstructive restore" is very destructive if it erases existing files in a directory _before_ the directory is being restored. 14:10 < huebi> /bin/ps - file not found 14:15 * [anders] needs caffeine.. 14:24 < huebi> [anders]: good idea ;-)) 14:24 < [anders]> huebi: only espresso (double) here.. ;-) 14:27 * [anders] should be able to have a screen session permanently on IRC in the next day or so.. 14:27 < huebi> here are some coffemachines. normal ones with paper filter 14:28 < [anders]> huebi: we have a proper espresso machine.. 14:28 < huebi> [anders]: yes, that would be good. 14:28 * [anders] listening to Peter Gabriel - Steam... 14:28 < huebi> [anders]: Take attention on the version of screen - root exploit 14:28 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A5F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 14:28 < huebi> hi snyke 14:29 < [anders]> re snyke 14:30 * huebi dumping all of my HD to an IBM 7208 341 - Mammoth tape drive ;-)) 14:30 < [anders]> huebi: not heard of that one.. 14:31 < [anders]> 7208 is an RS/6000 IIRC.. 14:31 < huebi> [anders]: A small 20GB (17 in reality) 8mm tape for RS/600 AS/400 14:31 < [anders]> aaahh.. 14:31 < [anders]> Ok.. 14:31 < [anders]> I got a better one coming.. 14:31 < huebi> Exabyte is the OEM 14:31 < [anders]> a DLT-8000 14:31 < [anders]> 40/80GB tapedrive.. 14:33 < huebi> huebi@zeus:~$ cat /proc/scsi/scsi 14:33 < huebi> Attached devices: 14:33 < huebi> Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 04 Lun: 00 14:33 < huebi> Vendor: TANDBERG Model: DLT8000 Rev: 0250 14:33 < huebi> Type: Sequential-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 02 14:33 < huebi> that one? 14:33 < [anders]> huebi: uhm.. this one is a Quantum one.. big square heavy tapes.. 14:33 < [anders]> probably quite similar.. 14:33 < [anders]> Got it cheap though.. ;-) 14:37 < esden> re hi all 14:39 < huebi> [anders]: Well, I payed 1600 EUR for in last december. DLT-Tapes are _all_ made by Quantum. They get only other brands by the other OEMs 14:39 < huebi> re hi esden 14:39 < huebi> esden: MuH! 14:40 < esden> searching for a proppeller hat procducer in germany ;-) 14:41 < huebi> esden: Propellers a remanufactured here in Egelsbach between Frankfurt and Darmstadt. A little bit heavy because they are designed for the Transall ;-)) 14:42 < esden> rofl .. that are the right ones ;-) 14:43 < huebi> [anders]: do you use windows at work or can you use Linux/UNIX for irc? 14:43 < esden> we need also hats ... but normall baseball hats are ok .. we have only to mount the propellers on them ;-) 14:59 < [anders]> huebi: good price you got it for.. I think the exchange rate is 1.5 euro to the pound, so you paid just over a thousand pounds for it.. Which is good.. :) 14:59 < [anders]> (Not as good as I got though.. ;-) 14:59 < fake> re. 15:00 < huebi> hi fake 15:00 < [anders]> re fake 15:00 < huebi> [anders]: ;-))) 15:00 < [anders]> got mine for about 950 euro.. 15:00 * fake currently using gnome2-metacity 15:00 < fake> not bad. though the Xinerama support is not perfect... 15:01 < esden> metacity ? 15:01 < esden> I have to test it ... 15:02 < fake> the standard wm for SUN/Linux ;-) 15:02 < esden> ahh 15:02 < esden> ok 15:02 < esden> I will now try out gnome on my machine 15:03 < fake> == 17:17:27 =[1]=> Building base/gcc3 [3.2 1.7.0-DEV-200206232227]. 15:03 < [anders]> fake: metacity any better than sawfish? 15:04 < fake> [anders]: well. it is not written in LISP. it is smaller, so it is faster. 15:04 < fake> not necessarily _noticeably_ faster though 15:04 < fake> and you can have the crux theme too, if you want ;) 15:06 * huebi just writing all gnme/gnome2 sources to tape 5GB! 15:06 < huebi> and kde 3.0.1 too 15:07 * -> esden getting garnome 15:07 < huebi> https://www.hach.de/ <- has no propellerhats anymore 15:09 < fake> wie spaet isses ? 15:09 < huebi> 15:09 < fake> wie spaet isses ? 15:09 < fake> danke. 15:10 < [anders]> fake: smaller and faster sounds good, does it have the same functionality though? 15:11 < fake> [anders]: what features are you looking for? 15:12 < fake> it wraps borders around your windows and adds some butons, yes. 15:13 < [anders]> fake: well, customisable menus, multiple work-spaces, interface well with Gnome.. That sorta stüff.. 15:13 < fake> [ænders]: yes. 15:13 < huebi> ... can brew coffee... 15:13 < huebi> *eg* 15:14 < [anders]> huebi: :) 15:27 -!- term_emu is now known as term_aweh 15:28 < esden> argh garnome is broken >_< 15:29 -!- mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 15:29 < mike1> hi all 15:30 < [anders]> re mike1 15:31 < SMP> th: pong 15:32 < fake> SMP has a good response time... 15:32 < [anders]> SMP: some ping-time lag to you then... :-) 15:32 < fake> only 3 fakes 15:36 < esden> haha ... I have a working WM with xinerama support !!! weee 15:37 < [anders]> esden: :) 15:38 * -> esden me loves windowmaker 15:42 < rolla> windowmaker rocks ;) 15:42 < blindcoder> rehi 15:42 < esden> yepp sure ;-) 15:42 < esden> re blindcoder 15:42 * blindcoder now @bitz 15:42 * -> esden be @ bitz @ 18uhr 15:45 < blindcoder> okay, we've locked ourself in in the "Schulungsraum 1" 15:45 < blindcoder> or was that "locked up"? 15:47 < blindcoder> why doesn't bzflag 1.7e6 have no "make install" anymore >_< 15:50 < esden> blindcoder: change it ;-) 15:50 < esden> when you are missing something code it yourself 15:50 < blindcoder> it is supposed to have a "make package" but that doesn't work >_< 15:50 < esden> if you do not like something patch it ;-) 15:51 * -> esden fixed a bug in windowmaker xinerama support ... 15:51 < esden> *protz* 15:51 < blindcoder> esden: write xinerama support for icewm 15:52 < fake> esden: write cInerama 15:52 < fake> for the console ;-) 15:55 < fake> *ARGH* 15:55 < fake> 1.7 is _TOTALLY_ _FUCKED_ _UP_ 15:55 < esden> blindcoder: that is not so difficult .. in windowmaker these are only ... 250 lines code 15:56 < [anders]> will gnome2 make it into the 1.5.x snaps ? 15:56 < esden> from #windowmaker : 15:56 < esden> 16:55 <@miro> google the best window manager 15:56 < esden> 16:55 <+google> the best window manager: https://www.princeton.edu/~alanho/fvwm/ 15:56 < esden> 16:55 <@miro> wtf 15:56 < esden> 16:55 <@miro> google sucks 15:56 < esden> 16:55 <+google> sucks: https://www.schoolsucks.com/ 15:56 < esden> rofl 15:56 < esden> [anders]: yes it will 15:59 < [anders]> esden: kewl.. I'd like to update my slaptop at some point, and then I'd like Gnome2 to go on there.. 16:00 < huebi> [anders]: I downloaded all the gnome stuff yesterday. 5GB or so. 16:00 < esden> [anders]: I want to update my laptop too ... there is 1.5.13 huebis snapshot on it ... that is OLD 16:03 < [anders]> going to DL the 1.5.16 and build that.. Preferably when it has Gnome2.0 in it.. ;-) 16:03 < th> SMP: wieviel mate willst du? ich krieg ne lieferung fuer 17.50 / kasten 16:04 < fake> EUR? 16:04 < th> fake: jo. inkl. 5euro pfand 16:04 < fake> axo 16:04 < fake> wieviele sind in einem kasten? 24? 16:04 < th> 20 a .5 liter 16:04 < huebi> [anders]: There is no Gname2 in 1.5.16. But in the next 2 weeks I'll do many things on 1.5.16 16:04 < th> also 10 liter 16:04 < fake> nicht grade guenstig 16:05 < th> noe 16:05 < SMP> hmm 16:06 < huebi> moin SMP ;-) gut geschlafen ? 16:06 < SMP> beschissen. aber immerhin mal laenger als nur vier Stunden 16:07 < huebi> ne wenigstens etwas. 16:07 < esden> morgen SMP 16:07 < huebi> s/ne/na/ 16:08 < huebi> SMP: ich habe mal deine Arbeit fuer die JavaStation ausprobiert. Ging ja richtig einfach ;-)) 16:08 < huebi> SMP: Ich habe mir ueberlegt eine serielle console im kernel zu verwenden 16:09 < SMP> es ist auch einfach - wenn man die Dokumentation liest. *zu th schiel* ;> 16:09 < SMP> huebi: ja, probier das mal aus 16:10 < th> ;> 16:10 < th> SMP: der sound laeuft noch nich 16:10 < SMP> ja, unresolved symbol, hab ich so aus dem Augenwinkel gesehen 16:10 < huebi> SMP: und ich werde den dhcpclient aktivieren. Dann brauche ich fast garnichts mehr fuer die JavaStation zu konfigurieren, was nicht in /tftpboot und dhcpd.conf steht. 16:11 < fake> huebi: *nerv* schon abgeschickt? 16:11 < th> SMP: dein schlaf ist zu leicht 16:11 < th> ;) 16:11 < fake> huebi: o_O hast du meine addresse eigentlich? 16:11 < huebi> Mit der Maus will ich mal eine Logitech 3-Tastenmaus probieren. vielleicht oopst es dann ja nicht mehr. 16:11 < th> huebi: welchen oops meinst du? 16:11 < SMP> die Maus oopsed? 16:11 < huebi> th mom 16:11 < huebi> SMP: jo 16:11 < fake> *squeek* 16:12 < th> gpm? 16:12 < th> oderx? 16:12 < huebi> fake /query sie mir mal ;-) 16:12 < huebi> th: gpm, jo 16:13 < th> SMP: hast du ausm augenwinkel auch meine vermutung bei dem login problem gelesen? 16:13 < SMP> noe 16:13 < th> SMP: meine vermutung war, dass es mit /dev/random zusammenhaengt 16:13 < fake> dev/random 16:13 < th> SMP: bei der zufaelligen bestimmung der sternanzahl, die angezeigt werden soll 16:13 < fake> *schonruhigist* 16:14 < th> SMP: das problem tritt auch auf beim passwort aendern per passwd wo auch sterne gezeigt werden 16:14 < SMP> das 'aus dem Augenwinkel' war auch so gemeint, dass ich selbst schon 'depmod -a' ausgefuehrt habe ;> 16:14 < SMP> th: hmm 16:14 < SMP> th: hoert sich fundiert an 16:15 < SMP> und login / passwd macht erst weiter wenn man per unsinniger Tastatureingabe mehr Entropie erzeugt 16:17 < th> genau 16:19 < fake> ok. jetzt sind endlich alle fickrechner hier auf 3.4p1 upgedatet. 16:20 < fake> bleibt nur noch ein Apache... 16:26 < [anders]> huebi: Excellent.. :) I'll probably have a play with a few things as well in 1.5.16 - like where config-files goes... 16:27 < esden> I updated the irc stats so that the days are spritted and not in one big peace under unknown : https://www.rocklinux.org/people/esden/ircstat/ 16:27 < th> SMP: ich wollte mal versuchen /dev/random durch urandom zu ersetzen, aber /dev/random konnte ich nicht loeschen wegen devfs ohl 16:27 < th> s,ohl,wohl, 16:28 < fake> mount -o remount,rw /dev 16:28 < fake> ;-) 16:28 * SMP slaps fake with a large trout 16:29 -!- mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 16:30 * fake #-( 16:30 < fake> i hate fish 16:30 < fake> at least in my face 16:34 < fake> mount -o remount,rw /dev ; mknod c 0 0 /dev/trout ; 16:34 < fake> eh eh eh 17:02 < th> huebi: ping 17:02 -!- freed [~bofh@konzentrat.tfh-berlin.de] has joined #rocklinux 17:03 < freed> hi @ll 17:03 < th> huebi: der kernel vom 1.5.16er fuer 686... hat der nun schon dell support im kernel? 17:03 < fake> hi Freed 17:05 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB7D39F.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux 17:06 < freed> hi fake 17:13 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@] has joined #rocklinux 17:13 < fake> hi bluefire 17:21 < bluefire> Hi fake 17:22 < fake> ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/errlist.c:41: weak declaration of `_old_sys_nerr' must precede definition 17:22 < fake> what the f*** ? 17:38 -!- freed [~bofh@konzentrat.tfh-berlin.de] has quit ("BitchX: sanitized for your protection") 18:02 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB7D39F.ipt.aol.com] has quit () 18:02 -!- [anders] [~guest@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has quit ("going home - building a Shuttle box...") 18:07 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@] has quit ("leaving") 18:22 < th> schreibt lilo ganz sicher nur in die ersten 512 bytes von /dev/discs/discX/disc ? 18:23 < fake> th: keine ahnung 18:26 < fake> (wie soll denn ein ordntliches boot-logo in 512 bytes passen?) 18:27 < th> das wird doch nur referenziert 18:27 < fake> stimmt... der kernel ja auch 18:27 < th> jo 18:27 < th> der passt ja auch nicht wirklich in 512 bytes ;) 18:27 < fake> th: microkernel ;) 18:28 < th> picokernel 18:31 < fake> maaaaan.... ich glaub bunzip2 fuer mips unter debian laueft in ner JavaVM 18:31 < fake> bzw. bzip2 18:37 * fake driving home 18:45 < th> huebi: dell laptop support scheint als modul drin zu sein. das bringt doch garnichts :-( 18:51 < esden> re hi all 18:52 < esden> fake: hallo und knuddel von kawaii 19:56 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACBA1955.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux 19:58 < fake> esden: rehallo und *tret* zurueck. 20:12 < rolla> What is the next step after the build process of 1.7 is done ? 20:15 < fake> hehe. 20:15 < fake> wait for scripts/Build-ISO 20:16 < fake> no seriously. you could just copy the whole root onto another harddisk and make it bootable... 20:16 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:16 < fake> hi netcrow ! 20:17 < netcrow> hi fake ! 20:17 < huebi> re 20:18 < huebi> th: nein, noch nicht. 20:21 < huebi> _ _ _ _ _ 20:21 < huebi> | | | |_ __| | __ _ _ _| |__ | | 20:21 < huebi> | | | | '__| |/ _` | | | | '_ \| | 20:21 < huebi> | |_| | | | | (_| | |_| | |_) |_| 20:21 < huebi> \___/|_| |_|\__,_|\__,_|_.__/(_) 20:21 < huebi> 20:22 < huebi> hehe *freu* 20:22 < snyke> lol 20:22 < snyke> leutz, Rocklinux bootet ned mal auf meiner Compaq :/ 20:22 < snyke> Gentoo und Slackware schon. 20:23 < snyke> wobei Gentoo mit ner Kernel Panic verreckt. 20:23 < fake> snyke: kann rock da was dafuer? was meinst du? hmhmhm? 20:29 < SMP> huebi! 20:29 < th> huebi: das war gemein 20:30 < th> huebi: aber da sind haufenweise dinge per modul aktiviert... 20:30 * SMP hat grad mal seine Krups in den openprom gebootet 20:31 < SMP> jemand schon mal geschafft, da ein setenv durchzukriegen? 20:35 < huebi> SMP: nein, noch nicht probiert. 20:36 < huebi> th: Ich sehe mir das am Wochenende noch mal an, mit der Dellunterstuetzung. 20:37 < SMP> ah. oh. 20:38 < SMP> I read that a Krups does not have an NVRAM 20:38 < SMP> so setenv won't make sense anyway 20:38 < huebi> SMP: but a realtime clock ;-) 20:38 < SMP> yeah, mine seems to be hosed 20:38 < SMP> it boots with time = the epoch 20:39 < SMP> maybe I need to put another battery 20:39 < huebi> SMP: boot it with alt-d an it should run some tests. aslo a clock test 20:39 < huebi> +d 20:40 < SMP> Ctrl-Alt-d I thought? 20:40 < fake> Warning: Clock Skew detected. Your Krups may be incomplete. 20:41 -!- uninvited [~uninvited@pD95903CC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:41 < fake> hi uninvited ! 20:41 < huebi> only ALT-d is enough if you can't see a text console for a few moment at normal boot. 20:41 < netcrow> hi G Punkt 20:41 < uninvited> Hi fake ! 20:42 < snyke> fake: nein 20:42 < snyke> rock hat nur ned gebootet, aber schuld bin SELBSVERSTÄNDLICH ich 20:46 < uninvited> fake> PS2 time. treffe heute Abend nur einen der beiden Kollegen... 20:46 < SMP> snyke: I don't see Alpha as a supported arch in any recent release, so no need to bitch around 20:47 < th> huebi: ging mir garnicht nur um die dell unterstuetzung. auch hat es mich gewundert, dass so viel muell an modulen aktiv ist. aber vllt war das ja absicht 20:47 * th is ersma essen 20:47 -!- uninvited [~uninvited@pD95903CC.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux () 20:48 < huebi> Weg zum DALUG Stammtisch.. www.dalug.de 20:48 < huebi> cu later 20:48 < SMP> have fun.. 20:48 < huebi> dankoe 20:49 < fake> SMP: he has an intel-compaw, anyways IIRC 20:49 < SMP> a-ha 20:52 < fake> == 20:49:42 =[1]=> Building base/binutils [ 1.7.0-DEV-200206232227]. 20:52 < fake> note the .14 in the version number ;-) 20:54 < huebi> reee! 20:54 < netcrow> re huebi 20:54 < huebi> going to visit ripclaw 20:54 < huebi> getting the Alphaaaaaaaaaa 20:55 < huebi> And I should have 3x 128MB RAM for it ;-))) 20:55 < huebi> und wech.... 20:55 < fake> viel spass! 21:01 * netcrow is just driving to fake 21:02 < fake> netcrow: online wia wap? 21:02 < fake> s,wia,via, 21:03 < netcrow> yes 21:03 < netcrow> irc2wap.pl 21:06 < fake> *huch* ich hab doch gar nich aufgeraeumt! 21:10 < netcrow> fake: ich bin mitn wohnwagen unterwegs..*g* 21:11 < fake> *phew* 21:11 < fake> ich geh dann mal schnell prosecco kaufen. 21:13 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B56b2.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 21:13 < owl> moin 21:14 < fake> hallo! 21:14 < netcrow> fake, hast du immer noch dein rosarotes plüschzimmer? 21:15 < netcrow> 21:21 -!- d3mian [~ircap7@] has joined #rocklinux 21:21 < d3mian> re 21:22 < d3mian> esden: are u here? 21:23 < netcrow> esden is on his girlfriend, i think 21:24 < d3mian> ohh, ic. I wont disturb, thanx 21:24 < d3mian> cu guys 21:24 -!- d3mian [~ircap7@] has left #rocklinux () 21:40 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACBA1955.ipt.aol.com] has quit () 22:03 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has left #rocklinux () 22:11 < huebi> re 22:12 < huebi> the alphastation is here 22:12 < owl> hi huebi 22:12 < huebi> hi owl 22:13 < fake> re huebi! 22:13 < huebi> hi fake 22:13 < huebi> * bastel schraub schnitz* 22:15 < esden> re hi all 22:15 < esden> no I was not on my girlfriend !!! 22:15 < esden> ok 22:16 < esden> is rxr here ? 22:16 < esden> I need some rxr 22:16 < esden> hmm 22:16 < owl> hi esden 22:16 < esden> huebi: ??? Ping 22:16 < esden> hi owl 22:16 < esden> *wink* 22:16 -!- kaerF [freak@pD95302FB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:16 < huebi> esden: PONg 22:16 < esden> good 22:17 -!- Freak [freak@pD9E391C0.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: kaerF!freak@pD95302FB.dip.t-dialin.net))) 22:17 < esden> huebi: how does it look like with the gnome2 in 1.5 ... is there a schedule ? I am not complaining ... only asking! 22:17 -!- kaerF is now known as Freak 22:17 < esden> hi Freak 22:17 < Freak> huhu 22:18 < huebi> esden: no schedule. I first ask rene about what's needed. 22:18 < huebi> hi Freak 22:18 < esden> huebi: ok 22:24 < huebi> esden: how is the order for the SDRAMs in the 433a? 22:30 < esden> phhuuu ... no idea ... 22:30 < esden> hmm when I am right from the right to the left 22:31 < esden> but no warranty 22:32 < huebi> esden: I just test it. There are some signs on the screen 22:35 < fake> == 22:42:38 =[1]=> Building base/gcc3 [3.2 1.7.0-DEV-200206232227]. 22:35 < fake> (note: 3.2) 22:35 < fake> == 06/28/02 00:47:52 =[1]=> Finished building package gcc3. 22:35 < fake> *weeeee* ! 22:36 < esden> ok @ huebi 22:37 < esden> fake: cool !!! 22:37 < esden> on mips ? 22:37 < huebi> esden: Wich console is fine? 22:37 < huebi> esden: UNIX Console SRM ? 22:37 < esden> yes SRM is very good 22:38 < huebi> ok 22:40 < fake> esden: yes. 22:40 < fake> and it works, too ;-) 22:52 < esden> cool realy kicking ass 22:54 < huebi> The BIOS of the Alpha is really cool. 22:55 < esden> huebi: yes it is 22:55 < esden> huebi: it has a feeling like normal unix shell ;-) 22:55 < huebi> jo. Where do I get ROCK Linux for Alpha? 22:56 * SMP forgot everything the Compaq guy showed me about SRM on LT2001 22:56 < esden> huebi: hmm ... i do not have an iso on my box yet 22:57 < esden> you can have it later after I got something to eat 22:57 < huebi> esden: How do I boot the box? 22:57 < esden> SMP: you do not like it ? 22:57 * -> esden feels some irony in SMP sentence ... :-/ 22:58 < SMP> no, I did like it 22:58 < SMP> I just never used it ever after 22:58 < esden> ahh ok 22:59 < esden> huebi: you put a cd in the box 22:59 < esden> run show device 22:59 < esden> then you will see something like DKC100 and in the same line the name of your cdrom 22:59 < SMP> and now that I have a sort-of-SPARC, Alpha is the only main arch I don't own a box of ;-} 23:00 < esden> if your cdrom is asocated with DKC100 then you only have to rum boot DKC100 and then the cd is being booted 23:01 < esden> SMP: you shoud change it ... alpha is sw33t ;-) 23:01 < SMP> Alpha is boring 23:02 < esden> SMP: you are attaking my deepest feelngs .. 23:02 < esden> SMP: why is it boring ... 23:02 < esden> SMP: because linux is working on this arch without really nasty problems ? 23:02 < SMP> it's too PC-like ;p 23:03 < SMP> yes, exactly. where's the fun if everything just works? ;>> 23:03 < esden> SMP: hehe ... and ultra20 or so is not pc like ? they have also pci bus ;P 23:04 < esden> SMP: I would not say that stuff just works .. there are many things that are pretty unstable 23:04 < SMP> now, OpenVMS on Alpha would be a lot more fun 23:04 < esden> SMP: lol .. yes ... *cough* 23:04 < huebi> esden: Which distributions are avaliable? 23:05 < SMP> huebi: uhm.. I have an official ROCK 1.3.11 Alpha CD here 23:05 < esden> huebi: redhat .. debian ... suse ? 23:05 < esden> I have 1.5.16 cd here 23:05 < huebi> SMP: Does this one boot? 23:05 < huebi> SMP: If yes where can I get it? 23:06 < esden> huebi: it is not bootabel 23:06 < esden> le 23:06 < SMP> I think it does 23:06 < SMP> not sure 23:06 < esden> the one SMP owns 23:06 < esden> SMP: no it is not 23:06 < SMP> uh-hu 23:06 < esden> bootable iso were added some weeks ago 23:07 < esden> anyways ... I am of for hunting 23:10 -!- Bevin [~gbevin@213-193-176-119.adsl.easynet.be] has quit ("I like core dumps") 23:24 -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A5F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit ("°ShowDowN v12 PrO° since 1996: https://www.sci.fi/~showdown/") 23:56 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACBA1955.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux --- Log closed Sat Jun 29 00:00:00 2002