-!- Irrsi  Log opened Mon Jul 01 00:00:01 2002
-!- Irrsi  Day changed Mon Jul 01 2002
[00:00] < huebi> +B
[00:02] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB7CD35.ipt.aol.com] has quit ()
[00:09]   th is bad in bash-scripting...
[00:09] < th> how to check wether ! -f file1 OR ! -f file2?
[00:09] < th> if [ ! -f foo1 || ... ] doesn't seem to work
[00:10] < SMP> s,OR,-o,
[00:10] < th> oh
[00:10] < th> ok
[00:10] < th> tried || before
[00:10] < SMP> and it's not bash.1, it's test.1
[00:10] < th> yepp. i knew that
[00:11] < SMP> so since the shell interprets ||, it can't be an argument to [
[00:11] < th> hmm ok
[00:11] < th> but i can us ! for not?
[00:12] < SMP> the shell does not interpret _that_ :>
[00:12] < th> hmm
[00:12] < th> what about ()?
[00:12] < SMP> (yes, I know history expansion)
[00:13] < SMP> () need to be escaped
[00:13] < th> but group logical terms?
[00:13] < SMP> you better read test.1 ;-}
[00:13] < th> grmpf ack
[00:17] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39041.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("I take this land for my bunghole!")
[00:18] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39041.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[00:19] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39041.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit)
[00:22] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39041.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[00:22] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817C59.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[00:27] < th> huebi: Update-new seems quite usable now
[00:27] < huebi> th: jo.
[00:27] < th> gerade nochmal committed
[00:28] < huebi> ok
[00:34] < th> funktioniert jetzt sowohl auf base-config als auch auf ext-config
[00:35] < th> und ein scripts/Update-new . matched alles und macht daher alles neu
[00:36] < huebi> Ich werde das morgen mal testeten.
[00:36] < esden> re hi all
[00:36] < esden> hmm
[00:37] < th> huebi: wenn du nochmal einen blick auf Build-Index-new werfen willst... ich wuerde es gern gegen das Build-Index  ersetzen. damit das Update auch auf die base tut
[00:37] < esden> this gnome is reallyyy slooow ... at least at starting the applications
[00:37] < esden> what is this thing doing
[00:37] < esden> huebi: ja ich weiss
[00:37] < SMP> ich glaub ja nicht, dass ihr scripts/*-new commited :(((
[00:38] < esden> ich muss die batterie austauschen .. habe ich gerade wieder gemerkt ... /me hat seine ganzen kisten abgeschossen gerade
[00:38] < esden> douh
[00:38] < SMP> oder wofuer CVS tags...
[00:38] < SMP> bzw. branches
[00:38] < th> SMP: nun. wenn ein -new da ist, kann das parallel zum alten getestet weerden ohne dass man immer gleich mit -r updaten muss
[00:39] < tsa> n8
[00:39] -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082B87E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[00:39] < SMP> klar, und wenn man genug getestet hat, benennt man es um und die revision history geht den Bach runter
[00:39] < SMP> NOT!
[00:40] < th> wozu brauch man die da auch ;>
[00:40] < th> und die history ist doch garnicht tot
[00:41] < th> ist ja noch in -new drin
[00:41] < SMP> %=$)§$(/$
[00:41] < th> EPARSE
[00:42] < th> SMP: wenn es den gleichen namen tragen wuerde koennten beide versionen nicht nebeneinander existieren um zum einen testen zu koennen und zum anderen noch funktionierend Indexen zu koennen
[00:44] < SMP> man _kann_ zwei cvs checkouts gleichzeitig haben
[00:44] < th> ja komplette checkouts
[00:45] < th> ich kann gut und gerne auf die revision history von einem 20-zeiler verzichten (obwohl ich das ja nichtmal muss) wenn ich dafuer beide files nebeneinander habe zum vergleich und test
[00:45] < SMP> aargl
[00:45] < th> ja?
[00:46] < SMP> cp scripts/Update scripts/Update-old
[00:46] < th> pedantisch gesehen hast du natuerlich recht und bin ich deiner meinung
[00:46] < SMP> vi scripts/Update
[00:46] < SMP> cvs ci (mit branch)
[00:47] < th> echo "ich bin stolz auf mich"
[00:47] < SMP> --verbose
[00:49] < huebi> for i in `echo *bz2`; do bunzip2 $i ; done <- wie bekomme ich denn das bunzip in den Hintergrund, so das mehrere Processe entstehen?
[00:49] < esden> argh gnome2 hat eine registry !!!
[00:50] < SMP> huebi: for i in `echo *bz2`; do bunzip2 $i & done
[00:50] < SMP> ugh. und das echo ist auch pfui da ;>
[00:50] < SMP> for i in *bz2 ; do bunzip2 $i & done
[00:50] < SMP> reicht ;)
[00:50] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817C59.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[00:50] < huebi> SMP: Danke ;-))
[00:58] < esden> n8
[00:59] < huebi> n8 esden
[01:04] < huebi> so... 1.5.16 entpackt sich jetzt auf der alpha. Das Rescue system von RH taugt nicht viel. kein bzip2 dabei ;(
[01:05] < huebi> und tar kann keine tief verschachtelten Verzeichnisse erzeugen ;(
[01:06] < huebi> ... und keine hardlinks...
[01:07] < SMP> ist es vielleicht gar kein tar?
[01:08] < huebi> SMP: Jo, eine uralte busybox v0.52pre
[01:08] < huebi> 2001-07-09
[01:09] < huebi> Was fuer ein Bloedsinn! Die CD laest sich natuerlich auch nicht unmounten.
[01:11] < huebi> wie ist rotkaeppchen eigendlich Marktfuehrer geworden? Irgendwie funktioniert hier einiges wesendlich schlechter, als bei Rocklinux.
[01:12] < SMP> aber vieles besser
[01:14] < huebi> Jo, da ist einiges besser, aber nicht die Sachen, die ich benutzen will, und auf deren Funktion ich groessten Wert lege. Wie z.B. ein echtes, unabhaengiges Rescuesystem.
[01:14] < Freak> du hast rock gegen rh getauscht?!
[01:14] < huebi> Freak: Nein! ;-)
[01:15] < Freak> ogott ich dachte schon..!
[01:15] < huebi> Ich habe das nur genommen, um ROCK auf die Alpha zu kopieren.
[01:15] < Freak> hätts da nicht ne bessere möglichkeit gegeben..
[01:16] < huebi> Die Alpha CPU wird wirklich ganz schoen heftig warm ....
[01:19] < huebi> Freak: bestimmt ;>
[01:19] < SMP> netboot waere wohl schmerzfreier gewesen ;)
[01:20] < huebi> SMP: Bestimmt. Jetzt entpacke ich mit dem neuen, echtem tar noch einmal alles.
[01:21] < huebi> SMP: Debian funktioniert garantiert besser.
[01:23] < huebi> RH ist halt fuer EnterpriCe Kunden gedacht ;>
[01:28] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817C59.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[01:59] < huebi> n8. alpha macht Fortschritte ;-))
[02:02] < SMP> n8 huebi
[03:55] -!- SMP changed the topic of #rocklinux to: https://www-1.ibm.com/servers/eserver/linux/fun/index.html
[06:40] -!- rxr_ [~rene@port-212-202-168-72.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[06:58] -!- rxr [~rene@port-213-20-128-180.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[07:03] < [anders]> riiight....
[07:04] < SMP> right
[07:04] < [anders]> The LKML answer as to why a 2.4.18 kernel doesn't work on a FS40 (SHuttle) mo-bo..
[07:04] < [anders]> add the 'pci=bios' to the kernel boot line..
[07:05] < [anders]> Why do I get the feeling that something is broken somewhere and they don't know how to fix it?
[07:06] < [anders]> morning SMP.. :)
[07:10] < huebi> Moin
[07:11] < [anders]> re huebi
[07:11] < huebi> hi [anders]
[07:13]   SMP off, taking a shower && breakfast
[07:15]   [anders] getting breakfast as well..
[07:16]   huebi buildung kernel for alpha with devfs in chroot...
[07:25] < huebi> uiui, 17mins
[07:32] < [anders]> bbl, getting ready for work...
[07:32] < huebi> cu [anders]
[07:42] -!- [anders] [anders@] has quit ("reboot")
[07:52] -!- [anders] [anders@] has joined #rocklinux
[07:54] -!- simon- [~simon@p50874C46.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[08:05] -!- term_emu [~pm@p5081968B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[08:06] < term_emu> mornin
[08:08] -!- simon [~simon@pD9E1DB48.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out)
[08:08] -!- simon- is now known as simon
[08:21] -!- Netsplit over, joins: simon
[08:51] < [anders]> morning all
[09:09] -!- rxr_ [~rene@port-212-202-168-72.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[09:14] -!- odd_amrimp [~shane@ip68-5-32-13.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #rocklinux
[09:14] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-169-251.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[09:17] -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has joined #rocklinux
[09:17] < [anders]> err..
[09:18] < [anders]> re rxr tsa
[09:18] < tsa> hi aszlig
[09:18] < tsa> aeh...
[09:18] < tsa> [anders]
[09:19] < tsa> damn tab-completion ;)
[09:19] < [anders]> tsa: *lol*
[09:19] < [anders]> got the solution to the Shuttle SS40 not working on kernel 2.4.18...
[09:19] < tsa> should punish my irc client with some 'kill -9's ..
[09:19] < [anders]> append 'pci=bios' to the kernel command line...
[09:20] < tsa> so the bios has better support for your pci stuff than the linux kernel itself?
[09:20] < tsa> interesting..
[09:21] < tsa> and definitely worth a mail to LKML..
[09:21] < [anders]> tsa: well, the kernel doesn't yet know how to talk to the Sis chipset in raw mode..
[09:21] < [anders]> tsa: and the solution came from the LKML..
[09:22] < tsa> ah, i see..
[09:22] < [anders]> so until the kernel gets fixed, I have to use it this way.. Not that I complain to loudly..
[09:23] < tsa> hehe
[09:24] < odd_amrimp> question, for whater reason,
[09:24] < odd_amrimp> when I'm compiling up rock it dies on glibc,
[09:24] < odd_amrimp> because no compiler optimizations are done
[09:25] < tsa> ah..
[09:25] < odd_amrimp> (which in term doesn't pull in assembly, etc.)
[09:25] < tsa> problem is know..
[09:25] < tsa> +n
[09:25] < tsa> should be fixed in rene's current snapshots.
[09:25] < odd_amrimp> k-o, so howto fix ?
[09:25] < odd_amrimp> hrm
[09:25] < odd_amrimp> Ah,
[09:25] < odd_amrimp> I need to re Download then eh?
[09:25] < odd_amrimp> (rather than just sync up with the rsync repository?)
[09:26] < odd_amrimp> One other thing..., it's not setting up symlinks for the "cc", so it dies if I don't do it by hand
[09:26] < tsa> no, you don't
[09:26] < tsa> no re-download is needed.
[09:26] < odd_amrimp> k, then how to pull down the latest stuff?
[09:26] < odd_amrimp> (newbie with rock, but been using and making everything from source for years)
[09:27] -!- term_emu is now known as term_aweh
[09:28] < tsa> https://www.rocklinux.org/mailing-list/rock-linux/2002-6/173.html
[09:28] < tsa> rsync against the URL's mentioned there...
[09:28] < tsa> ..and don't use "--delete" with rsync, as this would indeed delete your downloaded stuff, then..
[09:29] < odd_amrimp> k
[09:29] < odd_amrimp> thanks
[09:30] < odd_amrimp> (Yes, that took quite a while to d/l, don't want to re-pull from scratch ;) )
[09:33] < odd_amrimp> also, why always check the swap?.., I'm getting ready to just hack the kernel to say it's on
[09:33] < [anders]> kaffe-dags, espresso tror jag...
[09:34] < odd_amrimp> (Tired of re-hacking the check-system after every pull :)
[09:34] < tsa> hehe ;)
[09:35] < rxr> re
[09:36] < [anders]> re rxr
[09:36] < tsa> hi rxr
[09:36] < rxr> hi tsa [anders]
[09:36] < tsa> so you're still alive?
[09:36] < rxr> tsa: sure ...
[09:36] < rxr> I was around in this channel the last two days ...
[09:36] < tsa> been busy during the last days, it seems..
[09:37] < tsa> ah, i see.
[09:37] < rxr> tsa: jups - I currently experience the girlfriend symptom
[09:37] < tsa> i see.
[09:37] < tsa> who's girlfriend are you by now, then?
[09:38] < tsa> *G*
[09:39] < [anders]> rxr: aaahh.. the gf syndrome... physical fatigue and all that.... ;-)
[09:39] < tsa> hehe
[09:39] -!- freed [~bofh@konzentrat.tfh-berlin.de] has joined #rocklinux
[09:39] < freed> hi all
[09:41] < [anders]> rxr: so did you get out of bed at all this weekend? *G*
[09:41] < [anders]> re freed
[09:48] < tsa> [anders]: i guess we don't want to know..
[09:48] < tsa> but we should consider buying a webcam for rxr.. ;-)
[09:49] < tsa> hi freed
[10:01] < [anders]> tsa: web-cam option sounds promising... ;-D
[10:02] < tsa> [anders]: hehe, i know....but some photos would be nice, too...
[10:09] < [anders]> tsa: indeed...
[10:09] < [anders]> but he seems to have gone all shy on us now.. ;-)
[10:10] < tsa> hehe ;)
[10:36] < tsa> [anders]: perhaps she doesn't allow hin to write anything else ;-)
[10:39] < [anders]> tsa: that is a possibility... ;-)
[10:40] < [anders]> tsa: or she persuaded him to leave the computer alone and come back to bed for a while.....
[10:42] < tsa> hehe...
[10:42] < tsa> "for a while"..
[10:42] < tsa> we don't want to know that... ;)
[10:44] < [anders]> hehehe
[10:51] -!- term_aweh [~pm@p5081968B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[10:52] < huebi> re
[10:52] < tsa> moin huebi
[10:53] < huebi> How can I measure the time for the whole "for i in *bz2 ; do bunzip2 $i & done" ?
[10:53] < huebi> moin tsa ;-)))
[10:53] < fake> time `for...
[10:53] < fake> time for i in blabla
[10:53] < huebi> moin fake
[10:53] < fake> morgen
[10:53] < huebi> fake: Danke
[10:54] < fake> <--- tot +
[10:54] < [anders]> re huebi
[10:54] < [anders]> re fake
[10:54] < huebi> re [anders]
[10:54] < huebi> fake: Did you sleep at all?
[10:54] < fake> yes.
[10:54] < [anders]> huebi: kernel 2.4.18 now working on the Shuttle..
[10:54] < huebi> [anders]: Yes, I read the log ;-)
[10:55] < [anders]> huebi: :-)
[10:55] < [anders]> going to play with getting X working tonight..
[10:57] < huebi> small abstract from my todo list:
[10:58] < huebi> get ROCK on alpha
[10:58] < huebi> get ROCK on Netra-X1
[10:58] < tsa> get ROCK on HP Calculator?
[10:58] < tsa> get ROCK on Coffee machine?
[10:59] < huebi> get ROCK on CASIO fx-8000G
[10:59] < tsa> ;)
[10:59] < [anders]> kaffe
[10:59] < tsa> /etc/init.d/coffee start
[11:02] < huebi> coffee is an internal kernel funktion: echo "1" > /proc/coffee/machine1
[11:02] < huebi> coffee is an internal kernel funktion: echo "1" > /proc/coffee/machine0 <- first one ;-)
[11:03] < tsa> oh, you have an RAICM? (redundant array of independent coffee machines)
[11:05] < huebi> tsa: Yes, of course. It's a life support system so no failures are allowed.
[11:05] < tsa> hehe ;-)
[11:06] < huebi> Well known error message: "Coffee not found. Operator haltet!"
[11:08] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-169-251.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:09] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-169-221.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[11:16] -!- term_aweh [~pm@pD9E3378D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[11:16] < term_aweh> re
[11:17] < fake> E_FILTER, E_POWDER and E_WATER are common Error codes.
[11:23] < tsa> hi term_aweh
[11:23] < tsa> hi fake
[11:23] < fake> hi tsa
[11:26] < term_aweh> hi tsa, fake
[11:26] < huebi> hi term_aweh
[11:27] < term_aweh> hoi huebi :)
[11:27] < term_aweh> hi all
[11:34] < th> re
[11:35] < huebi> moin th ;-)
[11:35] < tsa> moin th
[12:05] < fake> SMP: SYN
[12:08] < blindcoder> moin everyone
[12:08] < huebi> moin blindcoder
[12:08] < fake> hi bc
[12:08] < blindcoder> fake: gut heimgekommen?
[12:10] < fake> ging so.
[12:10] < fake> irgendwann hab ich mich gewundert wozu die hebel neben meinem lenkrad eigentlich da sind...
[12:10] < blindcoder> net eingepennt?
[12:10] < fake> dann hab ich scheibenwischer und blinker vertauscht...
[12:11] < fake> blindcoder: nicht gaenzlich.
[12:11] < blindcoder> *lol*
[12:11] < aszlig> hrhr
[12:11] < fake> fand ich jetz nich so witzig
[12:11] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-169-221.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[12:11] < aszlig> mir isses auch schon bei 'ner fahrstunde passiert
[12:13] < fake> *   written: ???? by ????, simplified & adopted by FAKE, 01-08-15
[12:13] < fake> oh shit
[12:14] < fake> ich hab keine ahnung mehr was ich da gemacht hab >_<
[12:14] -!- huebi is now known as Oberlehrer_huebi
[12:14] < Oberlehrer_huebi> fake: lies doch in deiner Doku nach... *g*
[12:14] -!- Oberlehrer_huebi is now known as huebi
[12:15] < fake> hab ich doch grade. ich habe es "simplified and adopted".
[12:16] < tsa> noe - du hast deine eigene doku kaputtgemacht, weil du sie nicht mehr verstanden hast ;-)
[12:17] < huebi> simplified: Alle Kommentare geloescht. adopted: Inlineassembler verschluesselt eingebaut, damit niemand sieht, das das Program nur Caffee kocht.
[12:19] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39041.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[12:20] < fake> huebi: andersrum. simplified: Inlineassembler vschl. eingebt., Adopted: die obsoleten kommntare geloescht.
[12:20] < huebi> *LOL*
[12:22] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-170-8.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[12:22] < fake> re rxr
[12:28] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB54A4D.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux
[12:31] < esden> hi all
[12:32] < huebi> moin esden
[12:32] < esden> moin huebi
[12:32] < fake> hi esden
[12:32]   esden fixed packet time
[12:33] < esden> hi fake .. how was your trip ?
[12:35] < fake> exciting.
[12:35] < esden> exciting ? what happened ?
[12:42] < huebi> esden: Die Alpha bootet jetzt schon mal einen Kernel ;-)
[12:44] < blindcoder> hi esden
[12:50] < huebi> die kernel .config sollte per default wohl ext2 fest mit einkompiliert haben.
[12:52] < huebi> KDE 3.0.2 wird fuer Solaris9 uebrigens auf einer Enterprice 3000 "Minibar" kompiliert...
[12:59] < blindcoder> boy, I love mathematics...
[12:59] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-170-8.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:00] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-168-234.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[13:04] < fake> esden: don't ask
[13:12] < [anders]> right.. now I have firewalled my box at home..
[13:13] < [anders]> (Oh, the faith needed to enable a firewall when not sitting at the console..)
[13:13] < tsa> hehe
[13:13] < [anders]> well, packet-filter anyways,.....
[13:15] < [anders]> Mmmmmmmm... Erasure - Stop!
[13:18] < tsa> cu.
[13:18] < tsa> bbl.
[13:19] -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has quit ("wech.")
[13:20] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-168-234.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:21] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-168-26.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[13:22] < [anders]> rxr: you got wire problems today?
[13:24] < rxr> [anders]: seems so ...
[13:26]   [anders] will try and get XFree86 4.2.0 working on the Shuttle tonight, if successfull, building of ROCK is the next things to do..
[13:31] -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux
[13:31] < armijn> re
[13:31] < huebi> moin armijn ;-)
[13:31] < armijn> hi huebi
[13:32] < [anders]> re armijn :)
[13:32] < armijn> huebi: what's the status on sparc?
[13:32] < armijn> sparc64 that is
[13:32] < armijn> I got a sparcstation 20 last week
[13:32] < armijn> still need to clean it (got a few stains on it), test it, etc.
[13:33] < armijn> then I will run Solaris8 on it for a while, before I start with installing Debian
[13:35] < armijn> hi [anders]
[13:36] < huebi> armijn: nothing changed the last days. But feel free to have a look on fels (U5) and rock (U30)
[13:36] < armijn> huebi: k
[13:36] < armijn> huebi: so, still no news about the SILO stuff?
[13:37] < huebi> I have an alpha from ripclaw since friday and start to get ROCK Linux running on it.
[13:37] < armijn> huebi: but, we need sparc64 first!
[13:38] < huebi> armijn: No. Could you try to do the fixes for devfs in SILO?
[13:38] < huebi> armijn: ACK sparc64 first.
[13:39] < armijn> huebi: you got the patches?
[13:39] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-168-26.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[13:42] < huebi> armijn: are there patches for devfs for silo?
[13:42] < armijn> huebi: you said ripclaw had some
[13:42] < huebi> armijn: mom
[13:43] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-169-56.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[13:47] < huebi> armijn: Ripclaw wanted to patch/fix the source himself. But he had no time for that the last week.
[13:48] < huebi> armijn: so can you do that job?
[13:48] < armijn> I don't know what to do, so...
[13:49] < huebi> armijn: mom
[13:53]   armijn waits...
[13:53] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-169-56.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:55] -!- rxr [~rene@port-213-20-128-197.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[13:55] -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A68.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux
[13:59] < esden> re hi all
[13:59] < [anders]> rehi esden
[13:59] < huebi> hi esden
[13:59]   huebi searching in silo code...
[14:00] < esden> huebi: hmm ... welchen kernel hast du jetzt gestartet ?
[14:00] < esden> huebi: wieso ist in 1.5 di aalib nicht mehr drinnen ?
[14:01] < armijn> [armijn@humbolt ~]$ echo $LANG
[14:01] < armijn> en_UK
[14:01] < esden> sorry armijn
[14:01] < armijn> heh :)
[14:01] < esden> huebi: which kernel have you used to start the alpha now ?
[14:01] < huebi> aalib was not in 1.5 IIRC. I searched myself for it, too
[14:01] < armijn> 2.4.18-rc4?
[14:02] < esden> --- rock-old/ext-config/aalib/aalib.desc        2002-06-26 14:43:46.000000000 +0200
[14:02] < esden> +++ rock-new/ext-config/aalib/aalib.desc        1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
[14:02] < esden> @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
[14:02] < esden> -[A] Jan Hubicka <hubicka@users.sourceforge.net>
[14:02] < esden> ...
[14:02] < esden> compleatly removed ... >_<
[14:02] < armijn> heh
[14:03] < huebi> esden: ??? https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/rock-1.5/ext-config/aalib/aalib.ext?rev=1.3&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup
[14:04] < esden> I made the up 20 mins ago
[14:04] < esden> and there it is removed ...
[14:04] < huebi> https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/rock-1.5/ext-config/aalib/
[14:04] < huebi> commit of rock-src-1.5.13_2002-02-16_16h48
[14:05] < esden> strange
[14:05] < huebi> esden: https://www.cvshome.org/docs/manual/cvs.html
[14:05] < huebi> armijn: I got it:
[14:06] < armijn> huebi: k
[14:06] < esden> huebi: ok ok ... :-(
[14:06] < huebi> armijn: the source: https://www.cvshome.org/docs/manual/cvs.html
[14:07] < armijn> the SILO source at cvshome?
[14:07] < huebi> armijn: silo-1.2.5/silo/silocheck.c line 301 ff
[14:07] < armijn> ah
[14:07] < esden> ohh god I am so stupid !!!
[14:08] < armijn> esden: sure you are
[14:08] < huebi> esden: How did you mention? *g* (kidding)
[14:09] < esden> forget it boys >_<
[14:09] < armijn> esden: can you repeat what you just said?
[14:09] < esden> no I can not ;-)
[14:09] < armijn> ah?
[14:09] < armijn> pleeeease?
[14:10] < esden> nope :P
[14:10]   armijn quotes esden
[14:10] < armijn> <esden> ohh god I am so stupid !!!
[14:10] < armijn> I think I'm even going to print that out on paper...
[14:10] < esden> armijn I said that You have to forget it ...
[14:10] < armijn> <esden> ohh god I am so stupid !!!
[14:10] < armijn> I like that.
[14:11] < esden> hmm ... really ... ?? pipe it through banner and then to lpt
[14:11] < armijn> <esden> ohh god I am so stupid !!!
[14:11] < armijn> I really like it :)
[14:12] < esden> armijn: you should go to a doctor ... a soul doctor
[14:12] < armijn> <esden> ohh god I am so stupid !!!
[14:12] < esden> *rofl*
[14:12] < armijn> I will write a bot that will output that line everything esden says something
[14:13] < armijn> but I will not see a shrink
[14:16] < esden> Checking in arch-conf/alpha/config.in;
[14:16] < esden> /home/rockcvs/cvs/rock-1.5/arch-conf/alpha/config.in,v  <--  config.in
[14:16] < esden> now the 30 different alpha processors should be selectable
[14:16] < armijn> https://www.linux-kongress.org/2002/workshops/index.html
[14:16] < armijn> 30 different?
[14:16] < armijn> esden: you doing 1.5?
[14:17] < huebi> esden: Are the dependencies to the systemboards ok too?
[14:17] < armijn> hmm...Cologne...how far is that into Germany?
[14:17] < armijn> is that Ruhrgebiet?
[14:17] < armijn> or am I completely wrong here?
[14:17] < huebi> armijn: next to bonn
[14:18] < armijn> hmm
[14:18] < armijn> so, does anyone live there/
[14:18] < armijn> I mean, a ROCK person?
[14:19]   fake lives near Cologne
[14:19] < armijn> fake: going to Linux Kongress?
[14:19] < esden> huebi: should be
[14:19] < fake> huh?
[14:19] < fake> where/what/www
[14:19] < huebi> esden: did you check it?
[14:20] < armijn> fake: https://www.linux-kongress.org/2002/index.html
[14:20] < armijn> The 9th Linux-Kongress 2002 will take place from September 4 to September 6, 2002, on the campus of the University of Cologne in Germany.
[14:20] < huebi> I'll be there.
[14:21] < esden> huebi: nope ... that is why I say should
[14:21] < armijn> https://www.linux-kongress.org/helpus.html
[14:21] < esden> otherwise I would say it is working
[14:22] < huebi> esden: ok
[14:22] < fake> huebi: mind if i join?
[14:22] < huebi> fake: hmm?
[14:22] < fake> Linx Kongress
[14:22] < esden> huebi: we should prevent that the same as with the cd's happens once more ;-)
[14:23] < armijn> there's a a train going from Utrecht to Cologne a few times a day...
[14:23] < huebi> fake: Yes join it.
[14:23] < fake> esden: LinuxKongress would be a nice chance to visit me.
[14:23] < huebi> The cheese train...
[14:23] < esden> yes that is right ...
[14:23] < esden> I will be on linuxkongress too
[14:23] < fake> s,chance,opportunity,
[14:24] < huebi> we need a booth
[14:24]   fake has one left over
[14:24] < fake> ;-)
[14:24] < armijn> what happened to the CDs?
[14:26] < huebi> for the kernel lamer mode we need some special IP headers.. *g*
[14:26] < armijn> what happened to the CDs?
[14:27] < esden> huebi: yes we need ... someone has too much time to implement it ?
[14:27]   fake donates esden 1 min.
[14:28] < fake> oh, btw. i digged though my hardware dump in my room in Wettstetten yesterday and found an EISA Network Card from intel @esden
[14:28] < huebi> esden: what happened to the CDs?
[14:28] < fake> perfect for m PA-RISC powered router
[14:28]   fake banning Intel
[14:28] < esden> fake: >_<
[14:29] < esden> fake: have fun ... I still have to go to bitz with a car and get my box
[14:29] < fake> esden: if i come there next week and you still didn't fetch it, i'll take it.
[14:29] < fake> :P
[14:31] < esden> if you want to ... *schulterzuck*
[14:31] < armijn> yeah! schulterzuck!
[14:31] < armijn> you're just a damn schulterzuck!
[14:31] < armijn> ha!
[14:32] < esden> armijn: ??? are you ok ?
[14:32] < armijn> esden: no :)
[14:32] < armijn> because of my "schulterzuck"
[14:32] < esden> armijn: yes it seems so ;)
[14:33] < armijn> I'm experiencing heavy "schulterzucks"
[14:33] < esden> armijn: too much coffee ?
[14:34] < armijn> nah, don't drink coffee
[14:34] < esden> or pitr cola or so ?
[14:34] < armijn> nah, I hardly use caffeine
[14:34] < armijn> maybe it's too little beer :)
[14:34] < esden> ok then cocain ?
[14:34] < esden> or how it is spelled
[14:35] < esden> armijn: so get a beer
[14:35] < armijn> cocaine??
[14:35] < armijn> hey, you people have got the wrong view of .nl
[14:35] < armijn> that's for sure!
[14:35] < armijn> no f***ing cocaine!
[14:35] < armijn> people who use stuff like that are brainless
[14:36] < armijn> and if they die, who cares.
[14:36] < esden> armijn: have I said thot the cocaine is because you are in .nl ?
[14:37] < armijn> no :)
[14:37] < huebi> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/files/Koksen.mpeg
[14:37] < esden> you see ;-)
[14:37] < armijn> but many people think drugs here are legal
[14:37] < armijn> that weed is legal here
[14:37] < armijn> well, it's not
[14:37] < esden> I know that only weet is legal
[14:37] < esden> legal in coffee shops
[14:38] < armijn> no, it's not legal
[14:38] < esden> what is it then ?
[14:38] < armijn> "allowed"
[14:38] < armijn> which is different
[14:38] < esden> ohh ok ...
[14:38] < esden> how much different ?
[14:38] < armijn> it's not legal, but they won't arrest you for it
[14:38] < th> armijn: whats the diff?
[14:38] < esden> armijn: ok
[14:38] < th> won't arrest...
[14:39] < th> something else?
[14:39] < armijn> if you've got it in small quantities (5 grammes)
[14:39] < th> no punishment at all?
[14:39] < armijn> th: if you've got more than that (kilos), which are meant for dealing, then yeah, they will arrest you
[14:39] < armijn> but the punishment will be pretty low
[14:41] < th> i see
[14:41] < th> are there taxes on it?
[14:41] < esden> so weed is on the edge of legality
[14:41] < armijn> th: no taxes, because it's not legal
[14:42] < th> ok
[14:42] < esden> rofl ... they are funny ... so the punishments are the taxes ;-)
[14:42] < armijn> it's a bit bizarre :)
[14:42] < armijn> but still effective
[14:42] < esden> effective in how far ?
[14:42] < armijn> because now, it's not that attractive anymore for young people to smoke weed
[14:42] < armijn> because it's too easy to get and it's not forbidden
[14:43] < esden> that is true
[14:43] < esden> for sure
[14:43] < armijn> weed usage in france and england is about twice as high
[14:43] < th> yea
[14:43] < armijn> so I think they should give it completely free, make it legal
[14:43] < esden> but smoking is legal and still lot's of young and older people do it ...
[14:43] < fake> esden: smoking is advertised
[14:44] < esden> fake: ok ...
[14:44] < armijn> but at the same time inform people about the risks
[14:44] < esden> when weet is legal it will be advertised too
[14:44] < th> bad things always seem to attract people
[14:44] < huebi> Please remember that weed was legal in Germany till 1935 or so.
[14:44] < armijn> hehe...smoking advertisements will be gone here soon
[14:44] < armijn> in a few years
[14:45] < esden> I am ok with that
[14:45] < armijn> tobacco companies are eeeevil
[14:46] < aszlig> re
[14:46] < huebi> aszlig: ACK
[14:46] < aszlig> armijn: why?
[14:46] < armijn> have you ever noticed how much these so called "anti-globalists" smoke?
[14:46] < aszlig> hmm
[14:46] < armijn> even though tobacco companies are exactly the type of companies they try to fight?
[14:46] < armijn> :)
[14:47] < armijn> they're just hypocryts...
[14:47] < hackbard> then let us just smoke weed without tabaco :>
[14:48] < armijn> hackbard: hehe :)
[14:48] < armijn> many companies are hypocrytical as well
[14:48] < esden> hackbard: rofl
[14:49] < armijn> you probably know that the "allied forces" more or less introduced Coca-Cola as a kind of "freedom beverage" in world war 2
[14:49] < armijn> but until the attack of Pearl Harbour, one of their biggest customers were the Nazis
[14:49] < armijn> Hitler just loved Coca Cola...
[14:50] < armijn> for Coca Cola, WW2 was just pure marketing
[14:51] < armijn> (yes, I tend to see history as an economical thing)
[14:51] < armijn> my motto is "sla vaker een kraker", which translates to "hit squatters more often"
[14:51] < armijn> :)
[14:51] < esden> armijn: tztztz
[14:52] < armijn> many people are just bull shitting around
[14:52] < armijn> instead of actually doing stuff
[14:52] < armijn> and that pisses me off
[14:53] < armijn> so, let's work all on ROCK and improve this world :)
[14:54] < armijn> see, I actually am positive :)
[14:54]   esden working on rock in the moment
[14:54] < armijn> good!
[14:54] < armijn> esden: alpha? 1.5?
[14:54] < esden> ond drinking jolt
[14:55] < esden> armijn: yes alpha 1.5
[14:55] < esden> we need jolt as a sponsor for rocklinux ;-)
[14:56] < armijn> I'd rather go for a brewery :)
[14:57] < armijn> maybe we could do something like, roll specialized distros for companies
[14:57] < armijn> "Heineken Linux, free with every crate"
[14:57] -!- freed [~bofh@konzentrat.tfh-berlin.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[14:57] < armijn> not that I like Heineken
[14:57] < armijn> it's just an example
[14:58] < armijn> wish I had music here
[14:58] < esden> hehe
[14:58]   esden making music
[14:58] < esden> lalala ... lala ;-)
[14:58] < armijn> I want my SOD!
[14:58] < armijn> (Stormtroopers Of Death)
[14:58] < armijn> politically incorrect :)
[14:59] < armijn> in the Dutch C'T there was an article about TINI
[14:59] < armijn> pretty neat stuff
[14:59] < esden> yes the name sounds so
[15:00] < esden> tini ?
[15:00] < armijn> TINI
[15:00] < esden> what is it ?
[15:00] < armijn> https://www.ibutton.com/TINI/index.html
[15:00] < armijn> embedded stuff
[15:00] < armijn> embedded Java
[15:01]   armijn afk for little while
[15:01] < armijn> brb
[15:01] < esden> that is based on java ... pfui ... bleah ... yuk
[15:02] < huebi> esden: how long does your alpha need for a kernel?
[15:02] < esden> hmm ... never mesured ... but not very long ...
[15:03] < huebi> esden: Can you have some sex in that time or is the time shorter? *g*
[15:03] < esden> it is shorter ;-)
[15:04] < huebi> I measured 17 mins here
[15:04] < esden> it takes less then one esden
[15:04] < hackbard> *hust*
[15:04] < hackbard> :>
[15:05] < hackbard> 17 mins .. wow :p
[15:06] < huebi> hackbard: 2m10s on 2xXP1800+
[15:07] < hackbard> hehe, dual? that means having sex with 2 girls, right? :>
[15:07] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #rocklinux
[15:08] < huebi> 2 girls 2 mins - f***ing fast!!
[15:08] < hackbard> hi bluefire
[15:08] < hackbard> lol huebi
[15:08] < th> fscking?
[15:08] < huebi> hi bluefire
[15:08] < rxr> hackbard: hi!
[15:08] < hackbard> hi rene
[15:08] < th> but what a block-device is "girl"?
[15:09] < rxr> /dev/girls/* ...
[15:09] < th> ahh lemme look
[15:09] < th> not mounted
[15:09] < huebi> th: missing device?
[15:09] < th> huebi: seems so
[15:10] < huebi> driver not loaded?
[15:10] < th> perhaps i should mknod them to /tmp
[15:10] < hackbard> isnt girls.o devfs aware? :>
[15:10] < huebi> th: No. FHS say /dev
[15:11] < esden> cat /dev/girls/random > /dev/bed
[15:11] < th> FHS?
[15:11] < th> for girl in /dev/girls/*; ...
[15:12] < huebi> esden: sort and sed them or you get the fat and ugly ones, too. (120kg+)
[15:12] < th> yea. one should pipe them somehow
[15:12] < esden> yuk
[15:13] < esden> cat /dev/girls/random | /home/esden/bin/girlfilter.awk > /dev/bed
[15:13]   rxr busy learning Rechner Architektur ... (exam @ 18.oo ...)
[15:13] -!- rolla [~Der@stlmaisenhel.ugs.com] has joined #rocklinux
[15:14] < hackbard> rxr: much luck!
[15:14] < esden> rolla: much luck
[15:14] < esden> hi rolla
[15:16] < esden> *cry* I need a faster alpha :-((( I want also such compile times as huebi on his intel on my alpha  ... alpha was always called that it is fscking fast ...
[15:16] < esden> so I want a prove
[15:16] < rolla> re
[15:17] < esden> s/rolla: much luck!/rxr: much luck!/
[15:18] < esden> huebi: what ram are you using in your alpha ?
[15:19] < huebi> 100MHz, SDRAM, 128MB, ECC.   _not_ reistered
[15:19] < fake> *ARGH*
[15:19] < fake> did anyone of you _ever_ get:
[15:20] < fake> Uncompressing Linux...
[15:20] < fake> crc error
[15:20] < fake> -- System halted
[15:20] < fake> ?
[15:21] -!- satino [~satino@0x50c4991f.adsl-fixed.tele.dk] has joined #rocklinux
[15:22] < rolla> esden what kind of alpha do you have ?
[15:22] < bluefire> Moin allesamt
[15:24] < huebi> fake: Wich platform?
[15:24] < fake> huebi: ia32
[15:26] < huebi> make bzImage I would suggest. vmlinuz is just a gziped vmlinux on sparc64 and alpha.
[15:26] < fake> but how could that happen?
[15:27] < fake> *argh* i have too much caffeine... i can't take it... *ARRRGH*
[15:27] < fake> damn ultra-quadro-espressi
[15:28] < huebi> fake: broken archive. failed Harddrive. If you get random SIG 11 on a non overclocked machine your memory/CPU could be broken.
[15:28] < armijn> I hate network hick ups
[15:28] -!- satino [~satino@0x50c4991f.adsl-fixed.tele.dk] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[15:29] < fake> huebi: the machine was overclocked
[15:29] < huebi> fake: The white instand coffee is pitr coffe - be carefull ;>
[15:30] < huebi> fake: That could be the reason. a "rotten bit"
[15:31] < fake> huebi: but i reset it a week ago
[15:32] < fake> and huebi: the quadro-espressi this machine does are 4times the powder for 1 espresso
[15:32] < fake> and 4 of those in one cup
[15:32] < fake> so it's 16 espressi in one cup
[15:33] < huebi> fake - The Instant Programer - just add 2^x espressi
[15:35] < armijn> pfrt
[15:36] < armijn> fake: the espresso machine was overclocked?
[15:36] < fake> i'll just dump that damn intel-wannabe-computer into the waste and set up the SS20
[15:36] < huebi> fake: very good idea ;-)
[15:37] < fake> *sigh* now that i got used to and enjoyed triple-head... :(
[15:37] < armijn> well, you can put 4 CPUs in the ss20 :)
[15:38] < huebi> fake: and 2 more gfx-boards.
[15:38] < fake> huebi: give me.
[15:41] < huebi> fake: a tgx?
[15:41] < fake> oh, and two additional monitors, too.
[15:42] < fake> or two 13W3-SUBD15
[15:42] < armijn> argh, lots of network hickups here
[15:42] < armijn> getting onworkable :(
[15:47] -!- mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[15:48] < mike1> Good day all
[15:50] -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux ()
[16:02] < esden> huebi:
[16:02] < esden> root@natalie:/usr/src/linux# time make
[16:02] < esden> real    10m16.318s
[16:02] < esden> user    9m40.713s
[16:02] < esden> sys     0m32.861s
[16:02] < huebi> esden: fast ;-)))
[16:02] < esden> yepp ;-)
[16:03] < esden> but not fast enough
[16:03] < esden> I need one of the 1Ghz alpha processors
[16:07]   fake driving home
[16:08] < mike1> kernel hackers: https://lwn.net/Articles/3470/?format=printable
[16:40] < rxr> hi mike1
[16:40]   fake feels like dead
[16:47] < mike1> hi rxr great to see you again
[16:49] -!- freed [~bofh@konzentrat.tfh-berlin.de] has joined #rocklinux
[17:03] < rxr> hi freed +
[17:05] -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux
[17:05] < armijn> re
[17:06] < mike1> re armijn
[17:07] < huebi> re
[17:08] < huebi> hi mike1
[17:08] < huebi> hi freed
[17:09] < armijn> re
[17:12] < armijn> almost vacation..
[17:12] < armijn> as in, last week here
[17:12] < armijn> then it will be time to get some work done :)
[17:14] < mike1> armijn: nice
[17:15] < huebi> Kernel panic: Attempted to kill init! Ok. I put it on(serial)line ;-))
[17:16] < huebi> Alpha is not so easy and now it needs 18min for a kernel ;(
[17:16] < armijn> awww...
[17:19] -!- uninvited [uninvited@pD9E50494.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ROCKLINUX
[17:19] < uninvited> HELLO ALL !
[17:21] < huebi> huebi@mail:~ > uptime
[17:21] < huebi>   5:21pm  up 370 days,  6:47,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
[17:21] < huebi> Wow I like that ;-))
[17:22] < huebi> Welcome to SuSE Linux 6.3 (i386) - Kernel 2.2.13 (pts/0).
[17:22] < huebi> But that _not_
[17:23] < uninvited> armijn> no, júst wanted every1 to hear me ;-)
[17:23] < armijn> ah
[17:23] < huebi> uninvited: use figlet ;>
[17:23] < uninvited> ...but now i ll got ssshhht ;-)
[17:24]   mike1 heard uninvited
[17:24] < uninvited> huebi> figlet, i heard about that one...but never used it before.
[17:24] < uninvited> mike1> thank yar ;-)
[17:25] < uninvited> Blindcoder you there ?
[17:25] < uninvited> I got some information for ya
[17:25] < bluefire> bbl
[17:25] < mike1> huebi: really like figlet dont u?
[17:26] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has quit ("leaving")
[17:26] -!- Freak [freak@p508398DC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:26] < huebi> mike1: Yes. it looks goot (and is loud) ;-))
[17:26] < huebi> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/files/figlet22.tar.gz
[17:26] < esden> uninvited: I do not hear you ... what do you say ?
[17:27] < armijn> hmm...
[17:27] < huebi> esden: o_O
[17:27] < uninvited> esden> get away M.M from your ears ;-)
[17:27] < esden> M.M ???
[17:27] < armijn> well, another festival this weekend
[17:28] < uninvited> Marylin Manson ;-)
[17:28] < esden> ohh ...
[17:28]   esden switching on M.M
[17:28] < armijn> marilyn manson
[17:28] < armijn> yuck.
[17:28] < uninvited> armijn> why yuck ?
[17:28] < armijn> he sucks
[17:29] < armijn> it's all image
[17:29] < uninvited> armijn>  ah okay, i accept that...
[17:31] < uninvited> blindcoder come in, this is patrol uninvited speaking...come in blindcoder <crackle> <crackle>
[17:31] < esden> armijn: I like the music ... these are good covers ... if you ask me
[17:31] < uninvited> Hmmm. covers ?
[17:32] < esden> yes most of the things that mm is singing are covers
[17:32] < uninvited> since i saw britney spears covering I LOVE ROCK N ROLL, the word cover gets a shitty meaning to me.
[17:32] < SMP> re
[17:32] < mike1> re SMP
[17:33] < armijn> aah, britney
[17:34] < uninvited> thats what i call "image"
[17:35] < armijn> yeah, well, but you have to admit, britney is prettier to look at than Marilyn Manson :))
[17:39] < armijn> huebi? can you put the silo stuff on the mail to rock-ports?
[17:39] < esden> re SMP
[17:39] < huebi> hi SMP
[17:40]   uninvited is shutting down brain...
[17:40] < huebi> armijn: You mean :
[17:40] < huebi> 14:06 < huebi> armijn: the source: https://www.cvshome.org/docs/manual/cvs.html
[17:40] < huebi> 14:07 < armijn> the SILO source at cvshome?
[17:40] < huebi> ?
[17:41] < huebi> 14:07 < huebi> armijn: silo-1.2.5/silo/silocheck.c line 301 ff
[17:41] < armijn> huebi: that last thingie...
[17:41] < armijn> I don't need theURL for CVS home :)
[17:41] < huebi> armijn: can you do that?
[17:59] < armijn> huebi: dunno
[18:01] < armijn> sent it
[18:02] -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD954448B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:08] < mike1> armijn: whats the status on the sparc64 port?
[18:08] < armijn> mike1: well...
[18:08] < armijn> depends on what you want and/or expect
[18:09] < mike1> well just i havent seen any progress reports in a while
[18:09] < armijn> very well possible
[18:09] < mike1> wel i have been as usually busy but i like to keep an eye on it
[18:09] < armijn> we haven't made that much progress the last few weeks
[18:09] < mike1> i see
[18:10] < armijn> still the same problems:
[18:10] < mike1> are you still woring on the 1.5 tree or you moved to 1.7?
[18:10] < armijn> silo + devfs, install disks, good kernel config
[18:10] < armijn> still 1.5
[18:10] < mike1> nice
[18:10] < mike1> i thought silo was solved
[18:10] < armijn> mike1: so did I :(
[18:11] < armijn> huebi: did ripclaw say anything about it? that it worked or so?
[18:11] < mike1> havent heard anything from ripclaw
[18:11] < armijn> or was it just one of his usual ramblings like "if we do that, it will work and we can <blah blah blah blah>"?
[18:11] < mike1> something like that
[18:11] < armijn> probably
[18:11] < armijn> huebi: when will ripclaw return?
[18:12] < mike1> hehe
[18:12] < mike1> armijn: btw you are going on vacation too?
[18:12] < armijn> yeah, in september
[18:13] < mike1> damn i wanna get some vacation but i have to wait
[18:13] < mike1> if i get my vacation now i wont be able to go to 19c3
[18:14] < armijn> yeah, just go in the winter
[18:14] < armijn> when it's cold and it snows and such
[18:14] < armijn> and everything is icy, etc.
[18:14] < armijn> instead of going to the beach, have a BBQ, etc.
[18:14] < mike1> its ok with me i like winter sports i hope i can get to do some snowboarding
[18:15] < armijn> snowboarding? in Berlin?
[18:15] < armijn> unlikely
[18:15] < armijn> at least not outdoors :)
[18:15] < mike1> armijn: i am planning to spending 2 or 3 weeks there
[18:15] < mike1> and not only in berlin
[18:15] < mike1> i'm going to frankfurt and ausburg
[18:16] < armijn> well, I'm not german, but the area between .nl and berlin was rather much like .nl, so *flat*
[18:16] < mike1> and i dunno i will find out a place for boarding
[18:16] < mike1> i see
[18:17] < mike1> armijn: about beach i dont need to fly to ther side of the world to do that beach is only 1 hour away from my place we have great beaches and awesome girls
[18:17] < armijn> yeah, I know
[18:17] < armijn> well, that you've got a beach that is
[18:17] < mike1> you should actually come over here i am sure youd like it
[18:17] < mike1> ;)
[18:17] < armijn> dunno about the girls...
[18:17] < armijn> heh, I guess...
[18:17] < armijn> although I'm not really a beach person
[18:19] < esden> is praenti here ?
[18:20] < armijn> who's praenti? who's praenti?
[18:47] < esden> cu all
[18:52] -!- Netsplit carter.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: rolla, [anders], praenti, WKaibigan, igel, Freak, huebi, capchaos, coldie, freed, (+14 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)
[18:52] -!- Netsplit over, joins: snyke, aszlig, capchaos, Freak, uninvited, armijn, freed, mike1, rolla, rxr (+14 more)
[18:52] -!- Netsplit carter.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: rolla, [anders], praenti, WKaibigan, igel, Freak, huebi, capchaos, coldie, freed, (+12 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)
[18:53] -!- Netsplit over, joins: snyke, aszlig, capchaos, Freak, uninvited, armijn, freed, mike1, rolla, rxr (+14 more)
[19:10] < mike1> re esden
[19:41] < blindcoder> anyone care to play bzflag against me?
[19:41] < blindcoder> s/care/dare/
[19:42] < blindcoder> hmm.. okay...
[19:43] < mike1> blindcoder: maybe later
[19:43] < h0h0> bzflag!
[19:43] < mike1> i am busy at the moment
[19:43] -!- Netsplit carter.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: praenti
[19:43] < blindcoder> okay
[19:44] -!- Netsplit over, joins: praenti
[19:44] -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:44] < blindcoder> esden and me set up a bzflag server for rocklinux-people
[19:44] < blindcoder> at apollo.bingo-ev.de
[19:44] < blindcoder> we should try to get 4,5 people some evening :D
[19:45] < blindcoder> I'm back later... say... the time one needs to get satiated :)
[19:45] < blindcoder> jane
[19:47] < armijn> bzflag?
[19:47] < armijn> is that a game?
[19:47] < armijn> as in, who knows the most flags (options) for bzip?
[19:47] < mike1> armijn: yeah a battle game
[19:47] < mike1> hehe
[19:48] < mike1> https://www.bzflag.org/
[19:48] -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[19:48] -!- sockmonk [~wsheldahl@moose.qx.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:48] < mike1> re praenti
[19:54] < uninvited> bzflag ?
[19:54] < uninvited> @bingo `?
[19:54] < uninvited> rocking
[19:55] < armijn> ROCKing?
[19:56] < uninvited> yeah
[19:56] < uninvited> ;-)
[20:12] -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082B2C7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:12] < tsa> re
[20:12] < armijn> hi tsa
[20:12] < tsa> hi armijn
[20:14] < mike1> hey there tsa
[20:14] < snyke> huh!
[20:15] < tsa> him igel
[20:15] < tsa> hi mike1
[20:15] < tsa> s,him igel,,
[20:20] -!- sockmonk [~wsheldahl@moose.qx.net] has quit ("leaving")
[20:26] -!- [anders] [anders@] has quit ("working on X")
[20:27] -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux ()
[21:00] -!- uninvited [uninvited@pD9E50494.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Leaving towards earth !")
[21:01] -!- uninvited [~uninvited@pD9E50494.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:02] < tsa> re uninvited
[21:03] < uninvited> re.
[21:03] < uninvited> netsplits sux
[21:10] < fake> uninvited: PS2?
[21:13] < uninvited> fake> 1. Kandidat NEIN.
[21:13] < uninvited> 2. Kandidat erst am Wochenende unterwegs
[21:14] < fake> axo.
[21:14] < fake> oke.
[21:14] < uninvited> still looking
[21:26] -!- capchaos_ [~capchaos@p50809728.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:27] < fake> rxr: ping
[21:30] -!- capchaos_ [~capchaos@p50809728.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit)
[21:30] -!- capchaos_ [~capchaos@p50809728.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:31] < mike1> re capchaos
[21:31] < capchaos_> hi miguel :)
[21:31] -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD954448B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: capchaos_!~capchaos@p50809728.dip.t-dialin.net)))
[21:31] -!- capchaos_ is now known as capchaos
[21:38] -!- uninvited [~uninvited@pD9E50494.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux ()
[21:43] < fake> SMP: SYN
[21:47] < fake> SMP: SYNSYNSYNSYNSYNSYNSYN (SYN-Flood ;)
[21:49] < fake> huebi: ?
[21:49] < fake> anyone?
[21:53] < snyke> fake?
[21:55] < blindcoder> me
[21:57] < fake> ich will mit rxr schmipfen
[21:57] < fake> und von SMP brauch ich a) die anleitung wie ich den Proll ins flash bekomm
[21:57] < fake> und b) die Images
[21:57] < fake> huebi weiss vielleicht SMP/a
[21:58] < fake> th evtl.
[21:58] < th> wie?
[21:58] < fake> blindcoder: mldonkey funzt jetz?
[21:58] < fake> th: hat die SMP offenbart wie er den PROLL ins flash bekommen hat?
[21:58] < th> fake: nein
[21:59] < fake> *seufz*
[21:59] < fake> oke.
[21:59] < fake> <-- RTFM
[21:59] < blindcoder> fake: liegt net an mldonkey, sondern an incoming traffic
[21:59] < blindcoder> weil mit IRC-Filetransfers hab ich as selbe Problem
[22:02] < fake> das sagtest du. wie gedenkst du dich dessen zu erwehren?
[22:03] < blindcoder> ich krieg morgen vom erdi ein ausauschmodem... vielleicht lietrgs daran
[22:03] < blindcoder> wenn nicht wird der "router" plattgemacht
[22:03] < blindcoder> der ist eh ein wenig... komisch
[22:03] < blindcoder> nfsmounts dauern so... 5 minuten
[22:03] < fake> komisch?
[22:04] < blindcoder> also auf dem router laeuft ein nfs-daemon...
[22:04] < blindcoder> und von dem was zu mounten dauert an die 5 minuten
[22:04] < blindcoder> mindestens aber 3
[22:06] -!- sockmonk [~wsheldahl@moose.qx.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:14] -!- ripclaw [~ripclaw@p50816C9C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:14] < ripclaw> helo / afk(working)
[22:17]   ripclaw is away: still reading but working
[22:19] < fake> hi ripclaw !
[22:20] < SMP> fake!
[22:20] < ripclaw> hi fake SMP
[22:21] < SMP> https://www.sk-pism.de/lotr.avi <- rotfl
[22:22] < SMP> fake, I'll be back in max. 30 min. TTYL then
[22:23] < fake> *wee*
[22:23] < fake> Mim-Type: x-msvideo >_<
[22:23]   ripclaw whacks the encoder...
[22:24] < fake> that's a stupid mime-magic in Apache IIRC
[22:26] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B59ef.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[22:26] < owl> hi
[22:27] -!- snyke [~snyke@pD9502A68.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit ("°ShowDowN v12 PrO° since 1996: https://www.sci.fi/~showdown/")
[22:27] < fake> SMP: das video sieht lustig aus. Allerdings ohne ton n bisschen fad ;)
[22:39] -!- reutter [reutter@athalle1.informatik.tu-muenchen.de] has joined #rocklinux
[22:42] < reutter> Hi all.
[22:43] < mike1> hi reutter
[22:43] < huebi> re MoeP!
[22:43] < fake> re huebi.
[22:43] < huebi> hi fake
[22:46] < rxr> fake: PONG
[22:46] < fake> rxr: when i compile the current snapshot, all the base pkgs build fine.
[22:47] < fake> the first rene pkg fails.
[22:47] < fake> (cups)
[22:47] < praenti> hi
[22:47] < rxr> fake: oh - I'll start a 1.7 build tomorrow ... - feel free to run a "no-stop-on-errors" build ...
[22:47] < praenti> esden: da?
[22:48] < fake> rxr: i'll grep for rene in *.err and | mail it to you ;P
[22:48] -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:48] < holyolli> moin
[22:49] < huebi> hi  holyolli
[22:49] < holyolli> hu huebi
[22:51] < ripclaw> hi huebi holiolli
[22:51] < holyolli> hey ripclaw :)
[22:51] < huebi> hi ripclaw ;)
[22:51]   praenti is away (hedwig)
[22:51] < ripclaw> ich koennt kotzen, ich hab den stundenzettel von letztem monat nicht mehr,....
[22:52] < huebi> ripclaw: juni?
[22:52] < holyolli> ./dcc send ripclaw stundenzettel...?
[22:52] < holyolli> ;-)
[22:52] < tsa> hi ripclaw
[22:52] < holyolli> .oO(ARGS! es is ja schon wieder nen monat rum...da sagste was =)
[22:52] < holyolli> hi tsa...schon rechnung geschrieben?
[22:52] < tsa> hehe.
[22:52] < tsa> holyolli: sicher.
[22:52] < holyolli> .oO(scheisse)
[22:52] < holyolli> ;-)
[22:52]   tsa hat vorhin schon den quartals-abschluss hinter sich gebracht..
[22:53] < holyolli> weia
[22:53] < ripclaw> NEEEEEIN.... deswegen brauch ich das scheiss toilettenpapier doch !!!!
[22:53] < huebi> bei mir erst nach Sonnenaufgang wieder Rechnungen schreiben..
[22:54] < fake> huebi: wenn bei der JS nur ein ? anstatt tasse kommt... ?
[22:55] < fake> ah. dhcpd.
[22:55] < fake> hm.. IP hatse.
[23:02] < SMP> re
[23:02] < holyolli> hi smp
[23:02] < SMP> das Video hat halt eigentlich schon Ton
[23:02] < huebi> hi SMP
[23:03] < ripclaw> huebi - ich haett gern einen sushi-grill, falls ich das zettel nicht finde.
[23:03] < fake> SMP: aber ich keine Soundkarte ;)
[23:03] -!- reutter [reutter@athalle1.informatik.tu-muenchen.de] has quit ("Leaving")
[23:03] < SMP> dumm das
[23:03] < fake> SMP: unresolved symbol das :P
[23:03] < SMP> hehe
[23:03] < fake> SMP: jemand meinte du haettest den PROLL ins flash befoerdert. wie?
[23:04] -!- reutter [reutter@athalle2.informatik.tu-muenchen.de] has joined #rocklinux
[23:05] < SMP> ja
[23:05] < SMP> den kernel willst du aber schon noch ueber's Netz booten?
[23:06] < fake> nicht wenn ich nichts muss.
[23:06] < fake> ich will am liebsten auf den 8 MB ROM den Kernel drauf haben und n X.
[23:06] < fake> *g*
[23:06] < SMP> deine JS laeuft aber im Moment schon, ja?
[23:07] < fake> ja. naja- compile noch schnell das NFS Kernelmodul hier aber ja.
[23:08] < holyolli> cya
[23:08] -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has quit ("X-Chat: We are X-Chat of Borg. You will be assimilated. Using ircII is futile.")
[23:08] < SMP> fake: immer schoen langsam eins nach dem anderen..
[23:09] < fake> *wuselwusel*
[23:09] < SMP> hast du das flash abgezogen?
[23:09] < fake> noe
[23:09] < SMP> oder den Jumper fuer's OBP gesetzt?
[23:09] < fake> noch nicht.
[23:10] < SMP> aber sie laedt trotzdem den PROLL schon ueber's Netz?
[23:10] < fake> SMP: ja. Alt+T
[23:10] < SMP> ahh
[23:10] < SMP> hast du schon ein root filesystem?
[23:10] < fake> ja. das von huebi/dir
[23:10] < SMP> ok..
[23:11] < fake> (nehme ich an - 1.5.12)
[23:11] < SMP> hast du nen Account auf world / cvs.rocklinux.de?
[23:12] < fake> nicht dass ich wuesste
[23:12] < fake> ich kann mit maintain.sh arbeiten, aber das is ja rocklinux.org. oder?
[23:12] < SMP> ja
[23:12] < fake> brb - reboot mit NFSD unterstuetzung.
[23:14] < huebi> * Der Resetknpf der Alpha zeigt schon erste Abnutzungserscheinungen ... *gg*
[23:14] < huebi> fehlt schon das o ;-)
[23:15] < ripclaw> huebi: lass sie erst mal booten :-)
[23:15] < huebi> der kernel ist noch ein Panic generator....
[23:24] < fake> SMP: nicht weglaufen
[23:26] < fake> bin gespannt ob ich es irgendwie schaffe auf dem ding divx abzuspielen
[23:26] < SMP> [ ] das ist der richtige Plan
[23:27] < fake> so server decoded in ein wenig prozessorlastiges format -> Netzwerk -> Frambuffer
[23:28] < fake> SMP: warte nur bis WINE darauf laeuft. *"X"-setz*
[23:28] < fake> *g*
[23:33] < fake> so. jetzt sollte es klappen.
[23:38] < fake> sodale.
[23:38] < fake> jetzt NFS hab.
[23:40] < fake> SMP: okay. jetzt laueft die Krups.
[23:42] < fake> *dumdideldumpfeiff*
[23:43] < fake> *kernelneucompile*
[23:43] < huebi> fake <- *auch18minwatr*
[23:44] < fake> huebi: was? nur 18 min? auf der 100MHz kiste?
[23:44] < huebi> boot dkc100
[23:44] < huebi> fake: nee, auf der Alpha
[23:45] < fake> poehoeh. bin mal gespannt wie lange das auf der NC dauert
[23:45] -!- the][owl [~mail-spam@B546c.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[23:45] -!- the][owl [~mail-spam@B546c.pppool.de] has left #rocklinux ()
[23:45] < huebi> hi owl
[23:45] -!- the][owl [~mail-spam@B546c.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[23:45] < huebi> hi owl
[23:46] < fake> hi owl
[23:46] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B59ef.pppool.de] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: the][owl!~mail-spam@B546c.pppool.de)))
[23:46] -!- the][owl is now known as owl
[23:46] < fake> hi owl
[23:46] < owl> re
[23:48] < mike1> re owl
[23:48] < fake> SMP: SYN SYN SYN...
[23:49] < SMP> was denn?
[23:49] < fake> SMP: warte noch auf weiterfuehrende erklaerung betzuegl. Flash.
[23:52]   huebi auch gespannt lauscht...
[23:53] < huebi> koool! Farbe ueber die serielle Console mit minicom!!
[23:53] < fake> minicom -c on ?
[23:53] < huebi> minicom -c on -m
[23:53] < fake> -m is ja nur metakey
[23:53] < huebi> jo, und praktisch
[23:54] < fake> wieso versucht make menuconfig jetz die ganze Zeit binfmt-4c46 zu laden?
[23:55] < fake> (was soll das sein?)
[23:56] -!- ripclaw [~ripclaw@p50816C9C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:57] < SMP> gut ..
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Tue Jul 02 00:00:40 2002