--- Log opened Mon Jul 08 00:00:42 2002 --- Day changed Mon Jul 08 2002 00:01 < bluefire> Good night 00:01 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50817C8F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 00:04 < tsa> n8 00:05 < huebi> nacht tsa 00:05 < tsa> cu huebi 00:05 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E11DAC.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 00:24 < holyolli> huebi: wann wolltest du den 1.5.17 snap machen? 00:25 < huebi> sobald ich linux, linux-src, linux-header eingebaut habe. So morgen mittag bis morgen abend ca. 00:26 < holyolli> o.k. - ich werde dann bis dahin noch ein paar alpha-patches submitten 00:26 < huebi> holyolli: jo, klasse 00:26 < holyolli> warum werden eigendlich bei einem commit auch files auf dem cvs-server geupdated, die ich nicht angefasst habe? 00:28 < huebi> holyolli: Welche genau? da gibt es noch log und lock files. 00:28 < holyolli> /home/rockcvs/cvs/rock-1.5/Documentation/LSM 00:28 < holyolli> /home/rockcvs/cvs/rock-1.5/arch-conf/ia32/gcc-options-k7 00:28 < holyolli> zum beispiel 00:28 < holyolli> die hab ich definitiv nicht geändert 00:29 < huebi> das sind autogenerated files von scripts/Puzzle. 00:29 < holyolli> axxo...ups 00:29 < huebi> mom 00:30 < huebi> https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/rock-1.5/arch-conf/ia32/gcc-options-k7 <- da habe ich die config in arch-conf/ia32/buildit.sh geaendert. 00:31 < holyolli> sorry 00:31 < esden> huebi: du woltest bild/url: https://cheron.homeip.net/schmollfeng.jpg 00:31 < huebi> das war dann bei dir noch nicht drinn und cvs hat das noch einmal commited. 00:33 < esden> huebi: noch wach ? 00:33 < huebi> holyolli: du kannst auch einfach jede Datei einzeln commiten oder cvs diff -NU in rock-1.5 zeigt dir _alle_veraenderungen an. 00:34 < huebi> esden: das ist von ihr gemalt? 00:34 (Users #rocklinux) 00:34 [ [-dalai-] ] [ coldie] [ freed_ ] [ praenti] [ SMP ] 00:34 [ [anders] ] [ esden ] [ Ge0rG ] [ rolla ] [ snyke] 00:34 [ aszlig ] [ fake ] [ holyolli] [ rxr ] [ th ] 00:34 [ blindcoder] [ Freak ] [ huebi ] [ simon- ] 00:34 -!- Irssi: #rocklinux: Total of 19 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 19 normal] 00:34 < holyolli> huebi: ah...danke 00:34 < huebi> a/NU/Nu/ 00:34 < holyolli> https://arnep.de/wasist? 00:35 < esden> huebi: jups 00:36 < holyolli> so..ich geh nu schlafen... gute nacht euch allen 00:36 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has quit ("X-Chat: Reserve your copy of X-Chat for the BeOS today!") 02:01 < huebi> a few updates: 02:01 < huebi> root@zeus:/rock-linux# find . -name *cksum-err | sed s/.cksum-err// 02:01 < huebi> ./dist/rock-orig/base-archive/alsa/alsa-driver-0.9.0rc2.tar.bz2 02:01 < huebi> ./dist/rock-orig/base-archive/alsa/alsa-lib-0.9.0rc2.tar.bz2 02:01 < huebi> ./dist/rock-orig/base-archive/alsa/alsa-utils-0.9.0rc2.tar.bz2 02:01 < huebi> ./dist/rock-orig/base-archive/bonobo/bonobo-1.0.20.tar.gz 02:01 < huebi> ./dist/rock-orig/base-archive/esound/esound-0.2.28.tar.bz2 02:01 < huebi> ./dist/rock-orig/base-archive/gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-0.18.0.tar.gz 02:01 < huebi> ./dist/rock-orig/base-archive/gdm/gdm- 02:02 < huebi> ./dist/rock-orig/base-archive/glade/glade-0.6.4.tar.gz 02:02 < huebi> ./dist/rock-orig/base-archive/gnome-control-center/control-center- 02:02 < huebi> ./dist/rock-orig/base-archive/gnome-core/gnome-core-1.4.1.tar.bz2 02:02 < huebi> ./dist/rock-orig/base-archive/gnome-games/gnome-games- 02:02 < huebi> ./dist/rock-orig/base-archive/gnome-libs/gnome-libs- 02:02 < huebi> ./dist/rock-orig/base-archive/gnome-print/gnome-print-0.36.tar.bz2 02:02 < huebi> ./dist/rock-orig/base-archive/imagemagick/ImageMagick-5.4.7-1.tar.gz 02:02 < huebi> ./dist/rock-orig/base-archive/intltool/intltool-0.22.tar.bz2 02:02 < huebi> ./dist/rock-orig/base-archive/librep/librep-0.16.1.tar.gz 02:02 < huebi> ./dist/rock-orig/base-archive/libxml2/libxml2-2.4.23.tar.bz2 02:02 < huebi> ./dist/rock-orig/base-archive/libxslt/libxslt-1.0.19.tar.gz 02:02 < huebi> ./dist/rock-orig/base-archive/mesalib/MesaDemos-4.0.3.tar.bz2 02:02 < huebi> ./dist/rock-orig/base-archive/mesalib/MesaLib-4.0.3.tar.gz 02:02 < huebi> ./dist/rock-orig/base-archive/oaf/oaf-0.6.10.tar.bz2 02:02 < huebi> ./dist/rock-orig/base-archive/orbit/ORBit-0.5.17.tar.gz 02:02 < huebi> ./dist/rock-orig/base-archive/quota/quota-3.06.tar.gz 02:02 < huebi> ./dist/rock-orig/base-archive/kdelibs/arts-1.0.2.tar.bz2 02:02 < huebi> ./dist/rock-orig/base-archive/kdelibs/kdelibs-3.0.2.tar.bz2 02:02 < huebi> ./dist/rock-orig/opt-archive/kernel/linux-2.2.21.tar.bz2 02:19 -!- freed_ [~bofh@konzentrat.tfh-berlin.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02:46 -!- freed_ [~bofh@konzentrat.tfh-berlin.de] has joined #rocklinux 03:36 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit ("Irssi - the client of smart and beautiful people") 05:04 -!- freed_ [~bofh@konzentrat.tfh-berlin.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05:10 < huebi> == 05:03:42 07/08/02 =[1]=> Finished building package linux-header. 05:10 < huebi> == 05:03:42 =[1]=> Building base package linux-src [2.4.18 1.5.17]. 05:10 < huebi> Pkg-Config: linux-src.desc linux-src.conf done. 05:10 < huebi> Building. Writing output to /rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs/1-linux-src.out 05:10 < huebi> /rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs/1-linux-src.out -> 1-linux-src.log 05:10 < huebi> == 05:04:22 07/08/02 =[1]=> Finished building package linux-src. 05:10 < huebi> == 05:04:22 =[1]=> Building base package glibc [2.2.5 1.5.17]. 05:10 < huebi> The new package linux-header now works fine 05:10 < huebi> also linux-src 05:35 < huebi> == 05:34:53 =[2]=> Building base package binutils [ 1.5.17]. 05:36 < huebi> Stage 1 finished successfull 05:36 < huebi> +y? 05:39 < huebi> good night. 05:46 -!- freed_ [~bofh@konzentrat.tfh-berlin.de] has joined #rocklinux 07:37 < [anders]> moin 07:37 < [anders]> i'll be of to work in a bit.. so back in about 1.5h.. :) 07:55 -!- freed_ [~bofh@konzentrat.tfh-berlin.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07:56 -!- freed_ [~bofh@konzentrat.tfh-berlin.de] has joined #rocklinux 08:06 -!- HomerFry [SPV04B@12-217-132-163.client.mchsi.com] has joined #rocklinux 08:06 -!- HomerFry [SPV04B@12-217-132-163.client.mchsi.com] has left #rocklinux () 08:42 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9522627.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 08:44 < bluefire> Hi 08:53 < huebi> moin bluefire ;-) 08:59 < rxr> re 08:59 < huebi> moin rene 08:59 < huebi> ;-) 09:01 < [anders]> moin 09:01 < huebi> rxr: The new linux-header, linux-src and linux packages work fine 09:01 < huebi> moin [anders] 09:01 < [anders]> huebi: you did not get much sleep.. :) 09:03 < [anders]> huebi: the 1.5.17 archive you made available yesterday, is that a plain CVS export or a checkout ? 09:03 < huebi> [anders]: Right, but now the new linux-header, linux-src and linux packages work fine. something I wanted to have since at least since June 18 09:03 < esden> morning 09:03 < [anders]> re esden 09:03 < huebi> [anders]: It's a cvs checkout. 09:03 < esden> re [anders] 09:03 < huebi> moin esden ;-)) 09:03 < esden> moin huebi 09:04 < esden> *zitter* 09:04 < [anders]> huebi: kool (and the gang).. So now ROCK behaves much like Debian then.. Headers separate from kernel sources and kernel install package.. :) 09:04 < [anders]> zitter ? 09:04 < huebi> ( #rocklinux gets back to live at 9am... 09:04 < esden> *shiver* 09:05 < [anders]> esden: aahh.. :) 09:06 < esden> ok 09:06 < esden> cu then 09:06 < huebi> [anders]: I seems that many distros have made this decision. 09:06 < huebi> esden: when do you come back? 09:06 < [anders]> huebi: probably for good reasons.. 09:06 < huebi> cu esden 09:07 < [anders]> no point in having kernel source and headers installed if no development ever is going to take place.. 09:07 < [anders]> I am forever compiling _something_ so for me the headers and kernel source is handy.. 09:08 < SMP> morning, 09:09 < [anders]> morning Stefan 09:09 < huebi> [anders]: Now where I start to understand these quite complex and not very obvious stuff (glibc, kernel, gcc) I also start to understand the other dsitibutions. 09:09 < [anders]> (I did spell that right?) 09:09 < SMP> [anders]: ack 09:09 < huebi> Moin SMP. Nice to see you back here ;-)) 09:10 * SMP accidentially fell asleep yesterday evening ;-} 09:11 < [anders]> *lol* 09:11 < [anders]> Tea time.. 09:11 < huebi> [anders]: And now you can delete old kernel sources without deleting your kernel itself. 09:11 < [anders]> huebi: which is good news.. :) 09:11 < huebi> or the header files. 09:12 < [anders]> excellent work there huebi... 09:12 < huebi> I teste a pkg-remove linux myself. Nice surprice while rebooting. 09:12 < huebi> +t 09:12 < [anders]> -t+d 09:12 < huebi> heh, thanks 09:12 < huebi> hehe, thanks 09:12 < [anders]> or tried even.. :) 09:13 < huebi> jo, even better ;-)) 09:13 < [anders]> Humma.. so what have you changed in 1.5.17 compared with 1.5.16 ? 09:13 < [anders]> I could do a diff, but that is tedious.. easier to just ask you.. :) 09:15 < huebi> well, since you got the snap I made also ~26 pkg updates. 09:15 * rxr two more mirrors synced 09:15 < huebi> all gnome pks are now up to date. 09:15 < huebi> rxr: kool 09:15 * rxr showering 09:15 < huebi> alsa is up to date, to 09:16 < [anders]> huebi: so yet another 1.5.17.tar.bz2 for DL then? :) 09:16 < huebi> +o 09:16 < huebi> I just think about that 09:20 * huebi taging 09:22 * [anders] awaiting the new snap.. 09:22 < huebi> * taging started 09:23 < [anders]> I'll probably copy bits from the new snap, stick it in my tree and build that... :) 09:24 < huebi> https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/rock-1.5/ <- here is the changelog, updated every minute if something did change 09:26 * huebi cvs co 09:27 < [anders]> is ther einstructions anywhere for how to do a cvs co myself? 09:28 < SMP> no, anonymous cvs isn't available yet 09:28 < [anders]> shame.. would be nice to be able to pull a snap now and then.... 09:29 < huebi> [anders]: Not yet. SMP is woring hard on that issue. cvspserver is not secure enough and he works on an anonymous ssh solution. SMP, am iright? 09:30 < [anders]> ssh is cool.. :) 09:30 < SMP> yeah, I'll be using the OpenBSD tools and docs. 09:30 < [anders]> good choice.. :) 09:32 < huebi> ftp://download.rocklinux.de/1.5/1.5.17/rock-src-1_5_17_2002-07-08_09h20.tar.bz2 09:36 -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:36 < tsa> tag. 09:36 < rxr> moin tsa 09:37 < huebi> tsa: tach auch ;-) 09:38 < tsa> hi rxr 09:38 < tsa> hi huebi 09:38 < [anders]> huebi: got it.. Will do a diff and start copying my changes across... Once I am done, I will download the missing packages and spin a build.. 09:38 < rxr> shit GNU/auto* fluff ... 09:38 < tsa> hi [anders] 09:39 < huebi> rxr: jojo... ;-) 09:39 < [anders]> re tsa, rxr 10:08 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs4.xs4all.nl] has joined #rocklinux 10:20 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs4.xs4all.nl] has quit ("leaving") 10:31 < SMP> anoncvs progress looks very good right now.. 10:31 < huebi> SMP: koool ;-) 10:33 < huebi> And linux-header works now fine. In the moment the build order is linux-header linux-src linu. I'll have to change it to linux-src linux linux-header. Then all header files are in the right plase. 10:33 < huebi> or should be. 10:37 * huebi testing the new build order... 11:00 * [anders] cut the first CD-RW yesterday with ROCK 1.5.16(k7) on it... 11:00 < huebi> [anders]: nice 11:01 < [anders]> well, it is a EIDE CD-RW so I wanted to test it.. :) 11:01 < huebi> [anders]: and you have with your build a very good optimasation for k7: 11:01 < [anders]> unfortunately the CD-RW media only does 4X recording.. 11:01 < huebi> root@zeus:/rock-linux# cat arch-conf/ia32/gcc-options-k7 11:01 < huebi> "-O3", "-march=i686", "-fforce-addr", "-mcpu=i686" 11:01 < [anders]> huebi: I'll spin a build for i686 now I think.. 11:02 < [anders]> huebi: err, so the k7 build installs cleanly (and runs no problem) on a P-III ? 11:02 < [anders]> I would have thought there to be more tweaks to the k7 build.. :) 11:02 < huebi> [anders]: The k7 gcc options are much faster (12% or so) on k7 11:03 < [anders]> but it will run on i686 ? 11:03 < huebi> [anders]: No, the kernel does not boot on P-III 11:03 < fake> huebi: did you apply for LinuxKongress ? 11:03 < huebi> the rest should work. 11:03 < [anders]> Aaahh, so I still need to spin a i686 build.. :) 11:04 < SMP> dum-dudum 11:07 < huebi> fake: Not yet. It's on my TODO list for today. 11:07 < huebi> [anders]: It should be sifficient if you yust rebuild the pkg linux. 11:07 -!- JollyGreen [~Marlight@gate.causeway-tech.com] has joined #rocklinux 11:14 < fake> huebi: cool. 11:17 < SMP> ok, please test the anoncvs: 11:17 < SMP> cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.rocklinux.de:/cvs co rock-1.5 11:17 < [anders]> huebi: so I should be able to build a complete i686 build, and build an additional k7 linux pkg, then create a special boot table for the ISO that will boot either a k7 or a i686 kernel for the install? 11:17 < SMP> tell me if it hangs at the end 11:17 < tsa> cvs [checkout aborted]: cannot exec rsh: Permission denied 11:18 < SMP> tsa: ugh. 11:18 < SMP> export CVS_RSH=ssh 11:18 -!- JollyGreen [~Marlight@gate.causeway-tech.com] has left #rocklinux () 11:18 < [anders]> SMP: it is working.. :) 11:18 < tsa> ok, looks good. 11:18 * huebi waiting for the hang at the end. 11:19 < tsa> finished. 11:19 < tsa> no hang 11:23 < SMP> everyone finished successfully? 11:23 < huebi> SMP: jo! 11:23 < huebi> SMP: I just stoped the fierst co. 11:23 < tsa> +p-e 11:23 < tsa> ;-) 11:24 < huebi> and started asecond one which finished perfectly 11:24 < huebi> tsa: *g* dankoe... 11:25 -!- Marlight [~Marlight@gate.causeway-tech.com] has joined #rocklinux 11:30 -!- SMP changed the topic of #rocklinux to: anoncvs for 1.5 now up: CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.rocklinux.de:/cvs co rock-1.5 11:30 < SMP> I think it's OK as it is now. 11:31 < huebi> SMP: export CVS_RSH=ssh; cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.rocklinux.de:/cvs co rock-1.5 ? 11:31 < huebi> SMP: anoncvs for 1.5 now up: export CVS_RSH=ssh; cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.rocklinux.de:/cvs co rock-1.5 ? 11:31 < huebi> for easyier c&p 11:32 < SMP> all that stuff is running chrooted and I import the master tree every 10 minutes via local rsync 11:32 -!- [-dalai-] [~max@pD900961A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11:32 < SMP> huebi: no, it's correct as it is 11:33 < huebi> ok 11:33 < SMP> 'name=value command' sets $name just for the invocation of 'command' 11:41 < esden> morning @ all 11:41 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB506F5.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux 11:42 -!- uninvited [~uninvited@pD9590836.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:42 < uninvited> Moinsen ! 11:46 < tsa> hi uninvited 11:48 -!- uninvite1 [~uninvited@pD9590212.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:48 < tsa> hi uninvite1 11:51 < esden> tsa: danke fuer die email ... ich weiss jetzt dass gott hinter uns steht ;-) 11:51 < tsa> hehe 11:56 < tsa> esden: bilde dir da nicht zu viel drauf ein - auch wenn gott hinter dir stehen mag: er spuckt angeblich den leuten gerne mal in den nacken ;-) 11:56 -!- odd_amrimp [~shane@ip68-5-32-13.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:56 < [anders]> SMP: finished ok. :) 11:57 < esden> ja ... dass weiss ich ... gott ist ja eine verspielete frau ... dass weisst doch ;-) 11:57 < odd_amrimp> Does Dimitar come to IRC?, 11:57 < odd_amrimp> I noted his email to the list regarding gcc-v2 wrapper stuff, 11:58 < odd_amrimp> but he was saying for v3 he wanted to test first..., 11:58 < odd_amrimp> and I was thinking about writing the same patch tonight (US, morning almost I guess) 11:59 < odd_amrimp> The same problem exists on mips, since the ABIs' are incompatible between versions of the ISA 11:59 < odd_amrimp> (when running the xgcc stuff) 12:01 -!- freed_ [~bofh@konzentrat.tfh-berlin.de] has quit ("BitchX-1.0c19 -- just do it.") 12:03 -!- uninvited [~uninvited@pD9590836.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12:04 < esden> cool ... the anoncvs works really good 12:06 * [anders] thinking about putting up my own private little CVS server... 12:06 < [anders]> clone the Rock 1.5 tree and do some own work on it.. 12:07 < [anders]> feed back patches if I update extensions etc, but I have a few things I'd like my own way, and they are unlikely to make it into the full tree 12:08 < [anders]> . o O (At least I now have a box to do these things on..) 12:09 < huebi> [anders]: Yes, give it a try and have fun. ROCK Linux is intentionaly made to fit your own needs. Not the needs the distributor thinks you must have. ;-) 12:17 < uninvite1> test 12:17 < uninvite1> Hmmm. Damn you, "T" DSL 12:18 < uninvite1> Someone in here living near FFM ??? 12:21 < huebi> uninvite1: jo. 12:22 < uninvite1> Cool. How about getting a flat near FFM for about 4 weeks (or to keep it affordable: a few square meters and a bed ?) 12:24 < huebi> uninvite1: How much might it cost? 12:24 < tsa> eur 1,00 ;-) 12:24 < uninvite1> Hmmm, lets say...EUR 200 ;-) 12:25 < huebi> not that easy.. 12:25 < odd_amrimp> Geez..., per month?, I'm living in the wrong country 12:25 < uninvite1> Size doesn t matter. Want a bed, a shower, a place for my machine and some stash for the Swedish Bikini Models i might bring with me. 12:26 < uninvite1> ;-) 12:26 < huebi> odd_amrimp: What would be the price in your country for a 90 m^m flat? 12:27 < odd_amrimp> my rent is $2500USD, but I'm looking for cheaper ;) 12:27 < huebi> uuhh 12:29 < esden> ok ... cu guys 12:29 < tsa> swedish bikini models????????????????? 12:29 < tsa> Send Pics!!!! 12:30 < uninvite1> odd> where do you live ? Mars ??? Moon ? *G* Hell, 90 sqm 2500 $ ? Per month ? 12:30 < odd_amrimp> No, not 90sqm 12:30 < odd_amrimp> Much more, but you can't get a place around here for less that 1400USD 12:30 < uninvite1> odd> Come on tell me where do you live at ? 12:30 < uninvite1> ;-) 12:30 < odd_amrimp> US, Laguna Niguel, California ;-) 12:31 < odd_amrimp> Seen that movie Orange County?, just came out a bit ago, heard it was horrible, that's where I live. 12:31 < uninvite1> Oh ! Thats great. Then i would be happy to spend this much money ;-) 12:31 < odd_amrimp> heh, take a number, that's why the price is so high. 12:32 < uninvite1> odd> i m from germany - so these movies might be brought to us with small, not very fast ships or like that, because we all get em delayed for about 6 months - 1 year 12:32 < odd_amrimp> Ah, bugger..., well, Orange County probably won't ever make it is my guess 12:32 < uninvite1> Oh i see... 12:33 < odd_amrimp> probably only appeals to people from the US, plus it didn't do that well at the box office 12:33 < uninvite1> odd> hows the surfing near Laguna ? 12:33 < odd_amrimp> hehe, not too bad I'm told, I haven't spent much time near the water since I lived up in Venice 12:33 < uninvite1> Oh ! 12:33 < odd_amrimp> (Beach, California, not Italy) 12:33 < uninvite1> Surfing places would be a *MUST* for me... 12:34 < odd_amrimp> hehe, then you should go to Hawaii..., talk about waves 12:34 < uninvite1> odd> yeah, have been to venice beach 3 years ago. 12:34 < odd_amrimp> talk about expensive place to be though 12:34 < uninvite1> hehehe 12:34 < odd_amrimp> Nice, Venice is a trip, I grew up around there... 12:34 < odd_amrimp> probably not the best place in the world to grow up around :), but fun to visit 12:35 < uninvite1> Har Har Har !!! 12:35 < uninvite1> *ROTFL* 12:35 < odd_amrimp> hehe, yea, everytime at my uncles' house, we'd hear helicopters flying over head, cops flashing lights in the window, etc. 12:35 < odd_amrimp> (at night, not so bad during the day) 12:35 < uninvite1> Yeah not the best place to grow up. The locals show rude behavior when you try to get "their" wave ;-) 12:36 < odd_amrimp> "rude behaviour" is an understatement ;) 12:37 < uninvite1> odd> cops, helicopters, lights flashing, you sure talk about venice not on of these movie studios, don t you ? 12:37 < odd_amrimp> I got whacked in the head a few times by various surfers, just boogie boarding 12:37 < odd_amrimp> hehe, yes :), you apparently didn't go at night 12:37 < odd_amrimp> They had a real crack problem in the 80s' and early 90s' 12:38 < odd_amrimp> it's probably not as bad these days, haven't been there since the mid 90s' 12:38 < uninvite1> odd> hehehehe, thats life, glad my friend brought his dog with him. 12:38 < odd_amrimp> Ah, the chicks dig the dogs at the beach :) 12:38 < uninvite1> I see. ;-) 12:39 < uninvite1> They do same here if you bring a baby with you ;-) 12:39 < tsa> hm... 12:39 < tsa> is there a baby renting service? 12:39 < tsa> ;-) 12:39 < odd_amrimp> hehe 12:39 < odd_amrimp> Yea, babies work too :) 12:40 < uninvite1> No, we have one around here . So if i visit a place visited well by groupie material i take the baby with me. 12:40 < odd_amrimp> so long as you explain it's your nephew or something 12:40 < tsa> hehe, sure. 12:40 < odd_amrimp> if it's your baby..., well, that's a whole different deal :) 12:41 < uninvite1> it works well too if you say you re divorced or like that. Plus bonus if your wife died by car accident ;-) *har har har* 12:43 < odd_amrimp> hehe, well, many girls in the US don't like baggage, 12:43 < uninvite1> hehehe 12:43 < odd_amrimp> babies are baggage, and ex-wifes are big time baggage 12:43 < uninvite1> Hmmm, right. 12:44 < odd_amrimp> Though..., the died by [cancer|caraccident], etc. could definetly work to an "care giver" instinct 12:44 < uninvite1> It works quite well. 12:45 < uninvite1> But the effect only takes a time window of about 2 hours. So you ll have to be fast - very must to be more precise. 12:45 < uninvite1> er..very fast i mean. 12:45 < odd_amrimp> so, you have to position your flat near the beach 12:46 < odd_amrimp> Geez, horrible :), good thing my wifes not close by 12:46 < odd_amrimp> i think I might just be spinning that story for real 12:48 < uninvite1> Har Har Har ! Be sure to rm -rf /var/log/irc.log 12:56 -!- Freak [freak@pD953044D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 12:56 < odd_amrimp> yea right :), my wife is suddenly going to become the unix expert 12:57 < odd_amrimp> she calls me at work if I don't leave a browser running on the visible workspace 12:58 < tsa> cu later. 12:58 < uninvite1> Hmmmm, thats good old espionage tactics. Keeping low profile, always ready to start the surprise party ! 12:59 -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has quit ("wech.") 13:02 -!- Marlight [~Marlight@gate.causeway-tech.com] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 13:04 -!- Marlight [~Marlight@gate.causeway-tech.com] has joined #rocklinux 13:05 -!- JollyGreen [~Marlight@gate.causeway-tech.com] has joined #rocklinux 13:05 -!- JollyGreen [~Marlight@gate.causeway-tech.com] has left #rocklinux () 13:10 -!- Freak [freak@p50839B4F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:10 -!- Marlight [~Marlight@gate.causeway-tech.com] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13:11 -!- Marlight [~Marlight@gate.causeway-tech.com] has joined #rocklinux 13:11 -!- uninvite1 [~uninvited@pD9590212.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Lost terminal") 13:20 -!- uninvited [~uninvited@pD9590212.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:20 < uninvited> re. 13:27 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB506F5.ipt.aol.com] has quit () 13:52 * [anders] is starting to have a look at the differences between private 1.5.16 and 1.5.17.snapshot 13:53 < huebi> ;-) 13:53 < [anders]> and the result is a whooping 1.9MB diff !! 13:53 < [anders]> Aaaargh! 13:53 < [anders]> Ah well, time to tweak the bits that are useful.. :) 13:53 < huebi> HMM. i WAS MORE PRODUCTIV AS i THOUGHT. *GG* 13:54 < [anders]> hehehe 13:54 < [anders]> I will be creating a private 1.5.17 which I will be tweaking.. I could always ship you the tar.bz2 when I am happy with it. :) 13:55 < [anders]> that way, you can pick the bits you like from it.. 13:55 < huebi> [anders]: just upload it here: 13:55 < huebi> ftp://rocklinux.dyndns.org/upload/ 14:03 < SMP> th just left the building ;) 14:04 < snyke> ;) 14:04 < snyke> re btw 14:06 < [anders]> huebi: ok.. I'll try and remember that... :) 14:07 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-168-238.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 14:12 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-169-61.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 14:23 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux 14:23 < armijn> re 14:24 < odd_amrimp> Okay, so, I need to make sure a flag is passed to the compiler *every time*... 14:24 < huebi> moin armijn 14:24 < odd_amrimp> hi armijn 14:24 < odd_amrimp> working on mips stuff..., mips3 in specific, trying desperately to avoid ABI mismatch 14:25 < armijn> hi all 14:25 < armijn> hi huebi 14:25 < armijn> huebi: still no CDs :( 14:25 < armijn> but I did clean my sparcstation 20 yesterday :) 14:25 < armijn> hi odd_amrimp 14:25 < armijn> odd_amrimp: which version are you working with? 1.5? 1.7? 14:26 < huebi> armijn: The Create-CD script was broken. And I forgot the CD's to send. 14:26 < armijn> huebi: forgot it again? 14:26 < armijn> tsssk :) 14:26 < huebi> armijn: Can you give me your address again? 14:26 < armijn> huebi: heheh, sure :) 14:27 < huebi> armijn: I build something interesting last night. 14:27 < huebi> linux, linux-src and now -linux-header 14:27 < armijn> huebi; be careful with that 14:27 < huebi> armijn: jo ;-)) 14:28 < huebi> https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/rock-1.5/base-config/linux-header/linux-header.conf?rev=1.4&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup 14:29 < armijn> huebi: when do you build these header files? 14:29 < huebi> armijn: or just checkout rock-1.5 14:29 < huebi> armijn: After the sources 14:29 -!- Freak [freak@p50839B4F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("I take this land for my bunghole!") 14:29 < huebi> armijn: before glibc 14:29 < armijn> ehr... 14:30 < armijn> huebi: and you tested it on sparc64? 14:30 < huebi> armijn: No, not yet. 14:30 < armijn> huebi: you should, there might be a few things that can go wrong there... 14:30 < armijn> huebi: or if you just "cut and paste" it from the old stuff, it should work 14:31 < huebi> armijn: I did that. 14:31 < [anders]> kerfuffel.. 14:31 < armijn> ok 14:32 < armijn> [anders]: I'd like some as well please 14:32 < [anders]> rightyho, huebi.. I have 'merged' some 150kB of your snapshot into my private tree.. :) 14:32 < [anders]> armijn: ?? :) 14:32 < huebi> oops still very much... 14:32 < armijn> [anders]: what's a perfuffel? 14:33 < armijn> ehr, kerfuffel 14:33 < [anders]> huebi: well, I have about 1.5MB left to do.. :-D 14:33 < [anders]> armijn: I have no idea.. :) 14:33 < [anders]> armijn: makes a nice sound of frustration though... ;-) 14:35 < armijn> heh, getting hot again 14:35 < armijn> I wish it was this weather in the weekend 14:35 < armijn> I went to a festival...always funny 14:36 < armijn> to see get people completely drunk (especially germans) and fall flat in the mud 14:36 < armijn> and the just sleep in it 14:36 < uninvited> armijn> we call that a woodstock revival ;-) 14:37 < armijn> not knowing that a large portion of that mud actually consists of piss 14:37 < uninvited> Hi btw. 14:37 < huebi> hehe 14:37 < armijn> I always stay sober during concerts and festivals and it's really really funny to watch 14:38 < uninvited> armijn> did you know that soap was produced in medieval times out of piss ? 14:38 < uninvited> *G* 14:38 < armijn> uninvited: nope 14:38 < uninvited> Its true. 14:38 < armijn> could be, wouldn't know :) 14:38 < armijn> but all these drunk people, they bounce into everything and everyone 14:39 < uninvited> They collected the whole liquid, then let all of it dry out. The rest, which looks like white powder was about 75% of soap. 14:39 < armijn> falling asleep a few meters outside a tent where a very loud band is playing 14:39 < armijn> it's amazing 14:39 < uninvited> er. soap consisted out of 75% 14:41 < uninvited> don t blame the beer !!! 14:41 < uninvited> ;-) 14:41 < armijn> you know what was very popular there? 14:41 < armijn> a mix of half beer, half coca cola 14:42 < armijn> horrible 14:42 < armijn> "Mazoet" 14:42 < uninvited> Its called GOASS (goat) 14:42 < uninvited> ;-) 14:42 < armijn> never understood those Belgians 14:42 < uninvited> This one is still fine, ever heard of half beer , half banana juice ? 14:42 < armijn> they talk funny as well :) 14:42 < uninvited> YUCK ! 14:42 < armijn> heh, I once had beer, that contained banana juice :) 14:43 < armijn> actually, it wasn't too bad, for once 14:43 < armijn> *just* for once 14:43 < uninvited> har har har 14:43 < odd_amrimp> geez, germans and their beer 14:43 < armijn> in fact, I had two bottles 14:43 < odd_amrimp> :) 14:43 < armijn> odd_amrimp: I'm not german, be careful with that 14:43 < odd_amrimp> I remember goind for beer with a German guy in HK, 14:44 < odd_amrimp> (going) 14:44 < odd_amrimp> I tried to keep up with him... 14:44 < uninvited> So what happened ? 14:44 < odd_amrimp> Horrible mistake 14:44 < uninvited> ;-) 14:44 < odd_amrimp> Well, what I remember is, 14:44 < armijn> yeah, if you're used to american beer... 14:44 < uninvited> Did you make it home alive ? 14:44 < armijn> american beer is like sex on the beach...it's pretty close to water 14:44 < uninvited> So everythin is great. 14:44 < odd_amrimp> leaving the jazz club sort of putting one foot somewhat in front of the other, 14:44 < armijn> (that was the censored version) 14:44 < uninvited> armijn> hehehehehheheheh 14:45 < uninvited> *ROFL* 14:45 < odd_amrimp> hailing a cob, 14:45 < odd_amrimp> and sticking my keys in the guys face for my hotel 14:45 < armijn> ah, that's all? 14:45 < odd_amrimp> he kept mumbling in Cantonese, which I only speek english 14:46 < odd_amrimp> so I sort of ambled out... and found another cab that finally took me to my hotel 14:46 < odd_amrimp> Well, 14:46 < odd_amrimp> there was a philipino madam that said she had young girls, 14:46 < odd_amrimp> but I wasn't quite sure what she was saying at the time 14:46 < uninvited> (glad your wife is not around?) 14:46 < armijn> hmm...this is being logged 14:46 < armijn> I think. 14:46 < odd_amrimp> hehe, nah, 14:47 < uninvited> his wife is not the unix-guru - we found out earlier. 14:47 < odd_amrimp> she knows the story, and I'm smarter than that 14:47 < uninvited> ;-) 14:47 < SMP> sure is. the logs are on the web. 14:47 < odd_amrimp> oops 14:47 < uninvited> She can use a browser ? 14:47 < armijn> yeah, we use logs to bribe people 14:47 < odd_amrimp> Oh well :), nothing happened 14:47 < armijn> to get hardware and stuff 14:47 < armijn> that's how we finance ROCK 14:47 < odd_amrimp> hehe, I know what you're after :) 14:47 < uninvited> conspiracy ! 14:47 < armijn> pure evil. 14:47 < uninvited> Fear! 14:48 < uninvited> relationships! 14:48 < odd_amrimp> Anyway, first and last time I try to keep up with a german and their beer, 14:48 < armijn> in fact, we set up that guy in HK to drink beer with you 14:48 < SMP> I thought we were using the logs to blackmail people? not to bribe them? 14:48 < odd_amrimp> good stuff, but seriously, we americans can't keep up 14:48 < armijn> SMP: oh yeah, my mistake 14:48 < SMP> ;> 14:48 < uninvited> bribing requires money which would be contra-productive i guess... 14:48 * armijn tired from festival 14:48 < armijn> yeah yeah, I know 14:49 < armijn> ha, wait until you feed Germans strong dutch and belgian beers... 14:49 < armijn> then they won't know what's happening to them 14:49 * armijn remembers some 10% beers 14:49 < odd_amrimp> yikes! 14:49 < armijn> yum :) 14:49 < uninvited> armijn> you re right. Ever took a ferry from Zeebrugge ?... DRUNK ? 14:50 < armijn> uninvited: no, I never go to that part of .nl, too many germans 14:50 < armijn> always digging holes in our beaches 14:50 < uninvited> hehehe 14:50 < uninvited> bastards ! 14:50 < armijn> putting flags in them 14:50 < armijn> to mark their territory 14:50 < odd_amrimp> hehe, be happy that's the way they mark territory! 14:50 < armijn> "no! this is my hole!" 14:51 < armijn> and you keep falling in those holes 14:51 < uninvited> Yeah....thats a famous sports. Its like these evolution story where the primates marked their territory with "natural stuff out of your body". 14:52 < armijn> uninvited: well, I saw enough of that this weekend on this festival :) 14:52 < uninvited> (-> which could shortcut us back to the story with this mud-piss mix ;-) 14:53 < armijn> heheh 14:53 < armijn> no, we were blackmailing odd_amrimp! 14:54 < armijn> talking about hardware, I saw a pretty neat small embedded box, running Linux 14:54 < armijn> from Cyclades... 14:54 < armijn> with ssh2 14:54 < armijn> cyclades-ts100 14:54 < uninvited> Oh its one of these hardware routers... 14:54 < armijn> well, no. 14:54 < SMP> no, terminal server 14:54 < uninvited> ...which look like...er...no ? 14:54 < armijn> fit in your hand, etc. 14:55 < SMP> I saw a demo on Cebit 14:55 < SMP> pretty neat 14:55 < uninvited> Hmmm, saw one too, but can t remember if the type is right.... 14:55 < armijn> SMP; the ts-100? 14:55 < uninvited> let me check my hardware box- 14:55 < SMP> armijn: no, a larger one 14:55 < armijn> SMP: ah, but I'm talking about the ts-100 14:56 < armijn> maybe I should get a demo to review it 14:56 < armijn> it's great when you write for magazines :) 14:56 < uninvited> Ah you re right, TS100 is the terminal server. 14:57 < uninvited> You won t say... 14:57 < uninvited> ;-) 14:57 < armijn> https://www.cyclades.com/products/stdalone/ts100.php 14:57 < armijn> PowerPC based 15:00 < huebi> Is there an exploit in bind 9.2.1? I think there was something in the last time. 15:00 < rolla> re all 15:00 < huebi> re rolla 15:01 < uninvited> huebi> is there a version of bind without any exploit "sighting" ? 15:01 < uninvited> ;-) 15:02 < huebi> uninvited: Yes, the one only using www.bofh.org... 15:02 < armijn> huebi: got my address now? 15:02 < uninvited> www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2002-19.html 15:02 -!- Marlight [~Marlight@gate.causeway-tech.com] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 15:03 -!- Marlight [~Marlight@gate.causeway-tech.com] has joined #rocklinux 15:03 < huebi> armijn: yes, I got it. and fels downloads the newest sources. 15:03 < huebi> uninvited: dankoe! 15:04 < uninvited> armijn> i m getting this right ? The TS100 is Dual-CPU ? 15:05 < armijn> uninvited: dunno 15:05 < armijn> ah, yeah, I guess 15:05 < uninvited> SMP> you had your eyes on it ? Its dual cpu ? 15:05 < SMP> what do you mean 15:05 < SMP> 'dual cpu'? 15:07 < uninvited> it writes: Mpc855TPowerPC Dual CPU @ 50 MhZ 15:07 < odd_amrimp> ..., that doesn't make much sense 15:08 < SMP> hmm 15:08 < uninvited> odd> which doesn t make much sense ? 15:08 < SMP> I bet they use one CPU to run Linux and the other as a serial controller 15:09 < odd_amrimp> dual @50mhz 15:09 < odd_amrimp> maybe one is a dsp? 15:09 < SMP> dsp? hello? 15:09 < SMP> it's a _Terminal Server_ 15:10 < uninvited> smp> did you see the ready-to-use product ? 15:10 < uninvited> or an opened one ? 15:11 < SMP> I saw the case and the CLI 15:11 < [anders]> barf.. hand-editing diff's is not fun... 15:11 < uninvited> smp> CLI ? 15:11 < huebi> command line interface 15:12 < uninvited> ah okay. 15:14 < uninvited> odd> what does DSP mean ? 15:14 < [anders]> especially if the diff is 200kB + 15:14 < snyke> bla 15:14 < [anders]> DSP = Digital Signal Processor 15:15 < uninvited> ah okay. 15:15 < odd_amrimp> basically does math real fast :) 15:16 < odd_amrimp> (for the purpose of analyzing signals normally, but mpeg decode/encode can be done as well and other mathematically intensive functions) 15:16 < armijn> well, that's not what they recommend it for 15:16 * armijn quotes from an advert: 15:17 < armijn> security apps, industrial automation, server management, DSL modem interfacing, retail and POS 15:17 < odd_amrimp> Sure, DSL is signals, 15:17 < uninvited> Hmmm, i just saw their european "hoembase" is 80 km away from here. Maybe i ll pass by and have a look at it. 15:17 < odd_amrimp> security is mathematically intensive 15:17 < uninvited> "homebase" 15:17 < odd_amrimp> (security meaning encrypting/decrypting) 15:18 < armijn> all your homebase are belong to us 15:18 < uninvited> ? 15:18 < odd_amrimp> POS uses it to do encryption/decryption in the US for the input keys, and softmodem maybe 15:19 < armijn> well, I'm just a coder, so... 15:19 < odd_amrimp> heh, we all are :), some just in different segments 15:20 < uninvited> define segment ;-) 15:20 < odd_amrimp> segment- part of the software economy 15:21 < odd_amrimp> mines embedded, most folks are pc type applications I would guess (??) 15:21 < armijn> ehr...PC? 15:21 < armijn> nah 15:21 * th is back 15:22 < SMP> prost th 15:22 < huebi> th 1h17 min 15:22 < th> SMP: yepp hab grad ne kuehle flasche aussm kuehlschrank geholt 15:22 < armijn> ja! kuehlschrank! 15:22 < th> huebi: es waren einige LKWs unterwegs ;) 15:22 < uninvited> N Dunkles ? 15:23 < th> uninvited: naeh. 15:23 < armijn> I love my kuehlschrank 15:23 < odd_amrimp> PC- software for stationary computers 15:23 < uninvited> th> ich schon ;-) 15:23 < armijn> odd_amrimp: ah, ok... 15:23 < odd_amrimp> I guess :) 15:23 < uninvited> odd> can you explain what embedded means then ? 15:23 < odd_amrimp> hehe, I'm no guy to define PC 15:23 < odd_amrimp> Well.., to me it means, 15:24 < uninvited> ... 15:24 < odd_amrimp> a device basically 15:24 < th> SMP: keuhl is mate noch um einiges besser *hinweis* 15:24 < odd_amrimp> Could be a toaster, 15:24 < odd_amrimp> could be a Point Of Sale machine, 15:24 < armijn> uninvited: stuff you can use to impress your friends 15:24 < odd_amrimp> an ATM 15:24 < odd_amrimp> (to get money, not protocol) 15:24 < odd_amrimp> a router 15:24 < odd_amrimp> , etc. 15:25 < odd_amrimp> Input could be anything, buttons, touchscreen, etc., 15:25 < odd_amrimp> but normally defined as having a specific function 15:25 < SMP> th: also aus deinem Kofferraum war sie kuehl genug. nur eben nicht kalt. 15:25 < odd_amrimp> like a computer can do anything, but an embedded device is just a specific function machine. 15:25 < th> SMP: das muss am druckunterschied liegen 15:25 < SMP> hehe 15:26 < uninvited> odd> I`d like my toaster to speak with me. Does it fit this segment "embedded" ? 15:26 < th> SMP: ich hab mich von oben eigentlich nur rollen lassen bis zu dir ;) gang raus und sprit sparen 15:26 < odd_amrimp> uninvited: yea, just put a DSP in the toaster, and write some speech rec software, 15:26 < uninvited> Hmmm... 15:26 < odd_amrimp> uninvited: and some audio hardware, and you're good to go :) 15:26 < armijn> or have beerglasses that talk to you 15:26 < uninvited> ... 15:26 < armijn> "no more!" 15:27 < uninvited> armijn> that sounds like an "religious" beerglass. 15:27 < uninvited> mine would say: "You look like you could handle one more..." 15:28 < armijn> a beer glass with an attitude 15:28 < armijn> "No Heineken!" 15:30 < uninvited> hmmm. i guess a beerglass telling you how much %. of alcohol you already have in your body goes not as embedded but as biometry, right ? 15:31 < odd_amrimp> hehe, you'd need an embedded engineer somewhere in that picture, but I'd guess the word for the device type is something else 15:32 < odd_amrimp> (Now that's a truely embedded device :) 15:32 -!- Freak [freak@p50839B4F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:32 < armijn> beer and embedded engineers? 15:32 < armijn> if there is beer, you need to have an embedded engineer? 15:33 < uninvited> hehe 15:35 < odd_amrimp> hehe, not this one 15:35 < armijn> heh 15:36 < uninvited> wow: the TS100 goes for 419 EUR (end-user). Quite expensive. 15:38 < huebi> armijn: Do you need base+opt and also ext? 15:40 < armijn> I do need base 15:40 < armijn> opt might be nice 15:40 < armijn> ext not necessary, but if you got room 15:40 < armijn> and the ssources of course 15:45 < armijn> please. 15:46 < huebi> ok 15:52 < th> SMP: tippst du schnell noch ne howto fuer anonsshcvs? 15:53 < SMP> noe. 15:53 < SMP> https://www.openbsd.org/anoncvs.shar 15:53 < th> ok 15:53 < th> muessten wir mal irgendwohin linken 15:53 < SMP> /dev/null on /home/anoncvs/dev/null type none (rw,bind) 15:53 < SMP> /dev/zero on /home/anoncvs/dev/zero type none (rw,bind) 15:53 < SMP> Rest ist auf world einzusehen und trivial nachzubauen 15:54 < SMP> aeh, ach ne 15:54 < SMP> ich musste noch einen patch fuer cvs produzieren 15:54 < SMP> ist zu beiziehen unter 15:55 < th> SMP: aehm 15:55 < th> SMP: ich rede vom endnutzer ;) 15:55 < SMP> achso 15:55 < SMP> siehe /topic 15:55 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 15:55 < th> SMP: also howto-get-rock 15:55 < Mike1> Hi all 15:56 < SMP> th: was braucht's da mehr als in /topic steht? 15:56 < huebi> SMP: ... an then hit ;> 15:56 < huebi> lol 15:57 < SMP> requires: a brain. 15:57 < huebi> hi Mike1 ;-) 15:57 < Mike1> Hi huebi 15:57 < [anders]> okay.. only 77 kB left to patch in.. :) 15:57 < huebi> SMP: A working one? *g* 15:57 < uninvited> hiya 15:57 < th> oh $topic... 15:57 < Mike1> huebi: some packages need to be updated on 1.5.17 15:57 < Mike1> hi [anders] 15:57 < [anders]> re Mike1 :) 15:58 < th> SMP: nein mehr ist nicht noetig 15:58 < huebi> Mike1: I updated all Gnome stuff and bind and alsa 15:58 < th> huebi: bringst du das irgendwie auf die rock-1.5 webseoten? 15:58 < th> (gibts die ueberhaupt?) 15:58 < huebi> oehmm 15:58 * [anders] is working on making 1.5.17 not require any particular base distribution to build on.. (in respect of bzip2) 15:58 < th> huebi: mein komischer howto-text ist vielleicht auch sinnvoll. so aus link aufs webcvs 15:58 < Mike1> huebi: nice, as soon as i finish my build hopefully today i will check out the latest snap and see if there's anything left to send you a patch :) 15:59 < SMP> [anders]: wrt. merging diffs: it gets incredibly easier if you use a merging tool for a good revision control system ;-> 16:01 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux 16:01 < th> moin Ge0rG 16:01 < Mike1> hey there Ge0rG 16:08 < huebi> moin Ge0rG 16:10 < th> something seems broken on cvs.rocklinux.de... it hangs on subdists/uml/syscon 16:10 < th> or after it 16:10 < th> is there a lock waiting? 16:10 < SMP> anoncvs? 16:10 < th> no 16:11 < th> SMP: btw. machst du per cron ein update oder ein copieren? 16:11 < Ge0rG> hey folks 16:11 < SMP> I saw that problem when testing the anoncvs access. noone else here had it, so I neglected it.. 16:12 < SMP> th: auf einem checked-out tree kann ich wohl kaum ein 'cvs server' laufen lassen 16:12 < [anders]> SMP: I will have a think about how to easiest modify things. 16:13 < th> SMP: oha 16:13 < th> SMP: /me war wohl verwirrt ;) 16:13 < SMP> the rockcvs user runs every ten minutes: rsync -rtWPv --delete ~/cvs/rock-1.5 ~anoncvs/cvs/ 16:14 < SMP> hmm, need to change that 16:19 -!- odd_amrimp [~shane@ip68-5-32-13.oc.oc.cox.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16:20 < th> strange cvs up really blocks 16:21 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux ("work") 16:22 -!- Marlight [~Marlight@gate.causeway-tech.com] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 16:23 < SMP> why the fuck is it that cvs doesn't remove the /tmp/cvs-serv* crap?! 16:23 < SMP> it does in the anoncvs setup.. 16:24 -!- Marlight [~Marlight@gate.causeway-tech.com] has joined #rocklinux 16:24 < th> SMP: i could imagine that happens only if user interrupts some cvs-process 16:25 < SMP> no, _then_ cvs throws a core 16:25 < th> hmm 16:25 < SMP> stupid crap. 16:32 < SMP> th: https://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2037425942 16:33 -!- Ge0rG is now known as ge0rg 16:40 < th> SMP: was das? 16:40 < th> SMP: bin grad nur an der station 16:42 < SMP> ne SGI von '85 16:42 < snyke> th: Vintage SGI 3130 System 16:42 < th> SMP: ahja. wenigstens ein nettes gehaeuse? 16:42 < snyke> hm 16:42 < snyke> der monitor gefällt mir ned *G* 16:42 < snyke> First bid US $100.00 16:42 < snyke> hmmm 16:43 < SMP> th: noe, grau. voellig untypisch fuer SGI ;) 16:43 < huebi> vintage even 16:45 < [anders]> huebi: I think I have merged in that 1.9MB patch now.. 16:45 < huebi> [anders]: kool. Can you upload it? ftp://rocklinux.dyndns.org/upload/ 16:46 < [anders]> and in the meantime I have changed all occurances of tar -I to use --use-compress-program=bzip2 instead in base+opt and in the various scripts in the build.. not touched the ext's .conf's yet.. 16:47 < [anders]> huebi: it is untested, but should work.. (famous last words..) 16:47 < huebi> great. 16:47 < huebi> dejavu.. it is untested, but should work.. 16:48 < [anders]> I will spin a build on this later today.. Once I manage to get all new src archives to download.. :) 16:48 < Mike1> [anders]: 1.9MB patch wow 16:48 < [anders]> Mike1: Took a while to hand-edit parts of it and merge it in .. :) 16:48 < Mike1> hehe 16:49 < Mike1> huebi: [anders] i can test it if you like 16:49 < [anders]> huebi: the archive is called 'rock-src-1.5.17.private.tar.bz2' and I'm uploading it now.. 16:50 < huebi> [anders]: Thank you. 16:50 < huebi> Mike1: I put it int ftp://rocklinux.dyndns.org/upload/pub 16:50 < huebi> +o 16:51 < Mike1> [anders]: pkg versions updated on that source too? 16:51 < [anders]> shuttle:/drock/DEV# md5sum rock-src-1.5.17.private.tar.bz2 16:51 < [anders]> ac923b130332d8169f4443d5f1703ed7 rock-src-1.5.17.private.tar.bz2 16:51 < [anders]> Mike1: pkg versions? 16:52 < Mike1> [anders]: just did you update any package ? eg. linux 2.4.18 to 2.5.25 (just an example) 16:52 < [anders]> oh, I forgot to mention.. I have hacked the tar patch.. :) It uses -j for bz2 compression, not -I. (To make it compatible with Debian) 16:53 < [anders]> Mike1: no, everything the same as in huebi's snap from yesterday.. 16:53 < Mike1> [anders]: oh ok 16:53 < Mike1> [anders]: not fair i use -I 16:53 < Mike1> :) 16:53 < [anders]> *grin* 16:54 < [anders]> It will not stop you from building with it.. 16:54 < [anders]> In fact, the build process with this snapshot should not be affected by what short flag your tar uses.. 16:54 < Mike1> hehe yeah 16:54 < Mike1> [anders]: good 16:54 < th> ogle seems to be quite unmaintained 16:55 < th> anyone willing to overtake? 16:55 < uninvited> what is ogle ? 16:55 < [anders]> I think I fixed all occurances in the build scripts and base+opt .conf's where the short flag is used.. 16:55 < th> dvd-player 16:55 < uninvited> thx 16:55 < uninvited> th>x 16:55 < Mike1> [anders]: thats very good 16:55 < [anders]> (so now Debian could become a supported build platform for ROCK..) 16:56 < huebi> Mike1: ftp://rocklinux.dyndns.org/pub/rock-src-1.5.17.private.tar.bz2 16:57 < [anders]> huebi: I guess the md5sum was correct then... 16:57 < Mike1> huebi: fetching it :) 16:57 < huebi> root@zeus:/home/ftp/pub# md5sum -c md5sum 16:57 < huebi> rock-src-1.5.17.private.tar.bz2: OK 16:57 < Mike1> [anders]: BTW what build plataforms are supported?? 16:57 < huebi> Mike1: fscking fast line, you have ;-))) 16:58 < Mike1> huebi: yeah 1/2 a bit 16:58 < [anders]> Mike1: no idea, but afaik Debian isn't quite supported yet.. (shame, as Debian does support devfs out of the box) 16:59 < [anders]> I'm working on that though.. ;-) 16:59 < Mike1> huebi: i got it all 16:59 < Mike1> anyone has a rock-src-1.5.17-ext.iso? 17:00 < Mike1> i would like to build the whole distro i hate broken links when getting ext files 17:00 < huebi> Mike1: Not an up to date one. 17:00 < [anders]> Mike1: if you find one, give me a shout. I am chasing it as well.. :) 17:00 < Mike1> maybe i should work on it 17:00 * huebi needs a .plan ;( 17:02 < [anders]> huebi: it is fingerd that serves up the .plan, right? 17:03 < th> [anders]: ack 17:03 < th> [anders]: or even the finger bin itself 17:03 < [anders]> th: /me wonder if I should hack a bit on getting GRSecurity into the kernel and then run the GRfingerd... 17:03 * Mike1 fetching ext packages for 1.5.17 17:05 < th> huebi: SMP: that cvs problem seems to be serious. 17:06 < huebi> is ther3e a reliable fingerd somewhere avaliable? 17:07 < [anders]> huebi: https://www.grsecurity.net 17:07 < [anders]> he used to have a fingerd 17:08 < SMP> th: just ^C it. your update is finished anyway 17:10 < th> grmpf 17:14 < [anders]> Mike1: if you find a problem with that snap, give me a shout and I'll try and fix it. :) 17:16 < Mike1> [anders]: ok fur sure 17:24 < [anders]> eggcelent.. :) 17:31 -!- Marlight [~Marlight@gate.causeway-tech.com] has left #rocklinux () 17:34 < uninvited> farewell all! 17:34 -!- uninvited [~uninvited@pD9590212.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux () 17:43 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB4133D.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux 17:43 < Mike1> hi WKaibigan 17:43 < WKaibigan> Hi there 17:46 < rxr> a1re 17:47 < Mike1> rxr: hi !! 17:47 < huebi> hi rxr 17:47 < [anders]> re rxr 17:47 < rxr> hi all 17:48 < Mike1> huebi: while building gnome-libs on stage 3 i got this: 17:48 < Mike1> configure: error: Your db library is missing db 1.85 compatibility mode 17:49 < Mike1> what is it? 17:50 < huebi> Mike1: your berkley db is too new. mom 17:50 < Mike1> huebi: :( 17:51 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux 17:51 < armijn> re 17:51 < Mike1> re armijn :) 17:52 < armijn> hi mike1 17:53 < Mike1> armijn: long time not seen you 17:53 < armijn> mike1: huebi makes CDs for me, he will send them to me 17:53 < armijn> then I will continue with sparc64 17:53 < Mike1> armijn: ? 17:53 < armijn> well, source CDs 17:53 < Mike1> oh ja :) 17:53 < armijn> and the latest and greatest CVS snap 17:54 < Mike1> armijn: BTW i am working on sparc64 too 17:54 < Mike1> brb 17:54 < armijn> 1.7 17:54 < armijn> ? 17:56 -!- JollyGreen [~Marlight@gate.causeway-tech.com] has joined #rocklinux 17:56 -!- JollyGreen [~Marlight@gate.causeway-tech.com] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 17:56 < armijn> heh 17:57 < Mike1> armijn: no 1.5 17:57 < armijn> ah, tell me 17:58 < armijn> you got 5 minutes :) 17:58 < Mike1> yes i do 17:58 < Mike1> hope you dont mind me bothering you around working on 1.5 for sparc64 :) 17:58 < armijn> bother? 17:59 < Mike1> yeah 17:59 < armijn> you mean, as in, that I don't like it when you do 1.5? 17:59 < armijn> no, that's great! 17:59 < Mike1> hehe good 17:59 < Mike1> ok as far as now i fetched all sources for 1.5.17 18:00 < Mike1> even got sparc-utils and egcs64 18:00 < Mike1> and i am going to start the build on a Ultra 5 in a minute 18:00 < Mike1> i am recompiling my kernel with devfs support 18:01 < Mike1> for what i have seen it has the proper stuff and shouldnt give us to much trouble 18:02 < armijn> well, dunno 18:02 < armijn> I think silo will give use some trouble 18:02 < Mike1> was going to start on saturday but i had a busy weekend 18:02 < Mike1> do you have any update regarding ripclaws work on it? 18:02 < armijn> yeah 18:02 < armijn> no work at all 18:02 < Mike1> oh :( 18:02 < armijn> yeah, that sucks a bit 18:03 < Mike1> mmm whats the problem with it BTW? 18:04 < armijn> some pathlink stuff 18:04 < armijn> see rippies mail to rock-ports from last week 18:04 < armijn> or the week before 18:04 < Mike1> yes i read it the week before 18:05 < armijn> and check the source 18:05 < armijn> and then you'll know :) 18:05 < Mike1> hehe 18:05 < armijn> okilidokili, gotta go now 18:05 < armijn> cu 18:05 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux () 18:06 < Mike1> huebi: you here? 18:07 -!- th_ [~th@delta.boerde.de] has joined #rocklinux 18:07 < th_> SMP: what's going on? 18:08 < th_> hmpf. cutoff 18:08 < th_> hmm 18:08 < th_> back again 18:11 -!- huebi [huebi@rocklinux.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 18:11 -!- huebi [huebi@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux 18:11 -!- th [th@rocklinux.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 18:11 -!- th [th@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux 18:11 -!- th_ [~th@delta.boerde.de] has quit (Client Quit) 18:11 < th> hmm 18:11 < Mike1> are huebi 18:11 < huebi> re 18:11 < Mike1> -a 18:12 < Mike1> huebi: so what can i do with my db? 18:15 < huebi> Mike1: I'm working on a downgrade mom 18:17 < Mike1> huebi: ok thanks 18:30 < huebi> https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/rock-1.5/base-config/bdb/bdb.pz <- done 18:32 -!- JollyGreen [~Marlight@gate.causeway-tech.com] has joined #rocklinux 18:32 -!- JollyGreen [~Marlight@gate.causeway-tech.com] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18:37 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:38 < holyolli> moin 18:39 < huebi> moin holyolli 18:39 < Mike1> hello holyolli 18:39 < holyolli> hi huebi 18:39 < holyolli> hi Mike1 18:40 < holyolli> huebi: already released the snapshot? 18:40 < huebi> ftp://download.rocklinux.de/1.5/1.5.17/rock-src-1_5_17_2002-07-08_09h20.tar.bz2 18:40 < huebi> holyolli: But far from stable ;> 18:42 < holyolli> hm. ist das "far from stable" auf intel bezogen? 18:43 < huebi> holyolli: jo. There are noe 3 pkgs: 18:43 < huebi> linux, linux-src, linux-header 18:44 < huebi> linux-header is still broken. I dont know why 18:45 < holyolli> hm. but on alpha it isn't - or are there any changes since yesterdays cvs version? 18:45 < huebi> easy to fix by hand: 18:45 < huebi> chroot dist 18:46 < huebi> make ARCH=alpha include/linux/version.h symlinks 18:46 < huebi> cp -av include/asm/* /usr/include/asm 18:46 < huebi> before a: mkdir -p /usr/include/asm 18:47 < huebi> cp -av include/linux /usr/include 18:47 < huebi> touch /usr/include/linux/modversions.h 18:47 < huebi> thats all. 18:47 < holyolli> but it seems to be right on place here.... 18:47 < holyolli> just look for yourself.. =) 18:48 < huebi> yes, it seem so but it isn't 18:48 < huebi> mom 18:52 -!- ge0rg is now known as Ge0rG 18:52 < huebi> root@zeus:/var/tmp# diff -Nur usr.orig usr.new > linux-header-manualy-made.diff 18:52 < huebi> diff: usr.orig/include/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3/db3: Too many levels of symbolic links 18:52 < huebi> sth is really broken. 18:52 < holyolli> oi. 18:52 < huebi> I mentioned that in 1.5.12, too. 18:54 < Mike1> huebi: did you get to build on sparc64 this weekend? 18:55 < huebi> Mike1: yes but with 44 broken packages. 18:55 < Mike1> i see 18:55 < Mike1> can i have a list on the broken packages? 18:59 < huebi> big flood on #linux-sparc 19:00 < Mike1> mmm linux broke 19:00 < Mike1> you got stuck on stage3? 19:00 < huebi> Mike1: Missing font for the fb 19:00 -!- simon-- [~simon@pD9E1D764.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:00 < Mike1> mm... 19:00 < Mike1> hi simon- 19:01 < huebi> normally I stop at stage 3 and do not do a stage 5 19:01 < Mike1> huebi: i see 19:04 < Mike1> huebi: so how did you go with the downgrade? 19:04 < Mike1> *g 19:04 < huebi> https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/rock-1.5/base-config/bdb/bdb.pz 19:07 < huebi> cu later (in about 3h) 19:07 < Mike1> ok huebi 19:15 -!- simon- [~simon@p50875E7A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19:15 -!- simon-- is now known as simon- 19:16 * holyolli is also just away....cu later 19:16 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has quit ("X-Chat: Size DOES matter") 19:36 -!- uninvited [~uninvited@pD9E50DA6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:39 < Mike1> hi uninvited 19:40 < Mike1> [anders]: are you here? 19:45 < uninvited> hi again mike1, hi all 20:00 < uninvited> Whos going to a biergarten this evening ? 20:09 < SMP> muahaha 20:09 < SMP> now who said that Sun was prohibitively expensive? ;> 20:11 < SMP> Sun Blade 2000 - dual 900MHz UltraSparc, 4 GB RAM, some Framebuffer, 72GB FC/AL disk: $23k 20:12 < SMP> HP Zx6000 - dual 1000MHz Itanium 2, 4 GB RAM, no Framebuffer, 36GB U-160 SCSI disk - $27k 20:16 < uninvited> *shocking* 20:17 < SMP> Sun is bloody cheap! ;> 20:17 < uninvited> hehehe 20:18 < uninvited> are thes pre-used or brand new ? 20:18 < uninvited> these... 20:18 < SMP> I imagine it's pretty hard to find a used system with a processor that started shipping today.. 20:19 < uninvited> smp> you may be right...ah Itanium 2... 20:19 < uninvited> ;-) 20:19 * uninvited is away: biergarten 20:20 < SMP> it might be that the dual 900MHz I2 system is indeed some $k less expensive than the Sun system 20:20 < SMP> but looking at the top models, HP is most expensive 20:34 < [anders]> Mike1: now I am.. :) 20:38 < [anders]> re all 20:41 < Mike1> re [anders] 20:41 < Mike1> [anders]: did you had any problems with gnome-libs?? 20:41 < Mike1> i am having this: 20:42 < Mike1> 20:42 < Mike1> /usr/include/db_185.h:171: parse error before `*' 20:42 < Mike1> /usr/include/db_185.h:171: warning: data definition has no type or storage classgnome-metadata.c: In function `init': 20:42 < Mike1> gnome-metadata.c:177: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type 20:42 < Mike1> make[2]: *** [gnome-metadata.lo] Error 1 20:42 < Mike1> make[2]: Leaving directory `/rock-linux/src/gnome-libs-' 20:42 < Mike1> make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 20:42 < Mike1> make[1]: Leaving directory `/rock-linux/src/gnome-libs-' 20:42 < Mike1> make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2 20:42 < Mike1> 20:42 < [anders]> Mike1: Uhm, not tried it yet.. :-/ 20:43 < Mike1> [anders]: mm where did you stop ur build? 20:43 < [anders]> All I did was tweak a few things, didn't try building anything.. It is basically huebi's snap from last night and a few things I did.. must be something in the package itself.. 20:43 < [anders]> I will be trying the build later on myself.. 20:43 < Mike1> [anders]: thats not last nights snap 20:44 < [anders]> hold on.. 20:44 < Mike1> ok 20:44 < [anders]> 2002_07_08_09h20 20:44 < [anders]> So I guess it is from this morning.. 20:44 < Mike1> [anders]: no i am using the first 1.5.17 snap 20:45 < Mike1> which was set on friday i think 20:45 < [anders]> huebi did say something about updating gnome stuff this morning.. 20:45 < Mike1> yeah 20:45 < Mike1> So i guess i will just forget about x11 stuff for now 20:46 < Mike1> due without gnome-libs its not going to work 20:46 < [anders]> I think I based my archive of off huebi's snap from this morning.. 20:46 < [anders]> if I manage to compile this end2end for base+opt, I'll make an ISO and upload it if you want.. 20:50 -!- Netsplit tenn.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: Mike1 20:52 -!- Netsplit over, joins: Mike1 20:52 < [anders]> wb Mike1 20:53 < Mike1> [anders]: right i am working on ext-src cd but as soon as i finish that i will go for a build on those sources 20:53 < Mike1> even though i had not trouble at all with my current snap untill now 20:54 < Mike1> thanks [anders] 20:55 < Mike1> [anders]: what was the syntax to use Create-CD script? somehow i think i am forgeting something cuz its not working 20:59 < [anders]> Mike1: Uhm.. I think it should be something like ./scripts/Create-CD source base 20:59 < [anders]> or ./scripts/Create-CD ia32 k7 base 20:59 < Mike1> [anders]: mmm strange 21:00 < [anders]> I had problems with it at well, but huebi got me an updated version.. 21:00 < [anders]> s/at/as/ 21:00 < Mike1> [anders]: its ok its wrking now 21:01 < [anders]> ok.. :) 21:01 < [anders]> got to go 4 a little while. back in about half hour.. 21:01 < Mike1> i was doing: ./scripts/Create-CD intel i386 base 21:01 < Mike1> ok [anders] 21:03 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD95257F9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:03 < tsa> re. 21:03 < Mike1> re tsa 21:03 < tsa> hi Mike1 21:21 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5329.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 21:21 < owl> hi 21:21 < Mike1> hi owl how are you today? 21:21 < tsa> hi owl 21:21 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB4133D.ipt.aol.com] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21:22 < owl> hi mike1 && tsa. mike1: almost dead. thx. and you? ;) 21:23 < Mike1> i am ok still alive :) 21:23 < tsa> hehe ;) 21:23 < owl> hehe ;) i guess you're not using windows, are you? i guess that's the reason, why you're alive ;P 21:24 < Mike1> no i havent use Windows at all in almost a year and a half 21:24 < Mike1> i dont need it for anything 21:24 < owl> hehe ;) then you are a really lucky person ;) 21:25 < Mike1> owl: what do you you use it for? 21:25 < Mike1> owl: yeah i was really happy when i finally rocked my system 21:25 < owl> i need it for my job - and also for using my ISDN device. (there 're no drivers/support for linux :((( 21:26 < Mike1> mmmm what kind of isdn adaptar you got? 21:26 < Mike1> s/adaptar/adapter 21:26 < owl> eumex 504 pc usb - i guess you won't know it 21:27 < Mike1> you are right i dont :( 21:27 < owl> it's really a _funny_ thing... sometimes it could happen, that you get a call - and the firmware of eumex crashes... really sweet... no inet, no calls... nothing :) 21:28 < Mike1> sounds like you love it 21:29 < owl> yeah. i'm really totally fallen in love with it... give me a large hammer and pay for T1-connection or smthg. like that... then i will destroy my beloved eumex ;) 21:29 < Mike1> haha 21:30 < owl> sorry for my sarcasm ;) 21:30 < Mike1> no problem 21:49 < [anders]> arrf.. back.. :) 21:49 < Mike1> wb Master [anders] 21:49 < Mike1> :) 21:51 < [anders]> :-) 21:51 < [anders]> Mike1: how did the build go? :) 21:52 < Mike1> [anders]: i am still on gnome-libs 21:52 < Mike1> but i am fetching the source of 1.5.17 with ur fixes 21:52 < Mike1> so i can make the base and ext sources cds then i start build 21:53 < Mike1> [anders]: what about you? 21:54 < [anders]> Mike1: I am getting ready to fire off the build with this private tree.. 21:55 < Mike1> [anders]: yeah i am working on the private tree right now 21:55 < [anders]> In fact, all left to get is the 2.2.21 kernel sources for the opt-archive 21:55 < [anders]> :) 21:55 < Mike1> [anders]: nice nice :) 21:55 < [anders]> Hope I haven't messed it up anything.. 21:55 < Mike1> got extension too? 21:56 < [anders]> not doing the ext-archive yet.. I'll do that next time around. First I want base+opt to build properly.. 21:57 < [anders]> although I am getting checksum error on the 2.2.21 kernel source.. 21:57 < [anders]> I think I'll ignore that for the time being.. 21:58 < Mike1> [anders]: I wouldnt really care too much about 2.2.21 :) 21:58 < [anders]> ;-) 22:01 < [anders]> Mike1: it is building now.. 22:02 < [anders]> I am building the i686 ia32 first.. going to do the k7 next loop around.. 22:02 < [anders]> if all goes well that is.. :) 22:02 < Mike1> wooohooo hopefully it will work nice 22:02 < Mike1> [anders]: if it builds ok i will build on sparc64 with it :) 22:02 < [anders]> Mike1: kewl.. :) 22:03 < huebi> re 22:03 < [anders]> I have the 1.5.16 build still running, in stage 5, for ia32 i686.. I'll cut the ISO later tonight if it finishes.. Or I'll do it in the morning.. And this 1.5.17 snap should complete tomorrow sometime.. 22:03 < [anders]> re huebi 22:03 < huebi> hi anders 22:04 < [anders]> if this snap works, I'll cut the ISO and if huebi wants, I'll upload it to rocklinux.dyndns.org :) 22:04 < Mike1> hi huebi 22:05 < [anders]> huebi: one minor issue with the private snap, the checksum for linux-2.2.21 is wrong. I get cksum-err on it.. 22:06 < huebi> [anders]: right, it's fixed in cvs 22:06 < [anders]> huebi: excellent.. :) 22:06 < huebi> Mike1: you need a patch for bdb, too 22:06 < huebi> Mike1: mom 22:07 < Mike1> huebi: i already solved the bdb problem 22:07 < Mike1> :) 22:07 < [anders]> I'll pull CVS tomorrow and update my private snap... 22:07 < Mike1> but i am stuck with gnome-libs with another error :(( 22:08 < [anders]> unless this thing works straight through in which case I'm much more likely just getting the check-sum of 2.2.21 fixed and stick with what I got.. 22:08 < huebi> Mike1: https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/rock-1.5/base-config/bdb/ 22:13 < Mike1> huebi: thank you 22:15 < huebi> Mike1: you're welcome. ;-) 22:15 < [anders]> bah, one build on glibc and one on mozilla.. err, grind and halt ? 22:17 < huebi> [anders]: If you have 2 builds at the same time nasty things might happen. Better stop both and restart one 22:18 < [anders]> huebi: no worries.. they are using separate filesystems.. 22:18 < [anders]> and I mean completely separate.. 22:18 < huebi> [anders]: then it's ok 22:19 < [anders]> huebi: :-) 22:19 < [anders]> Thanks for pointing it out though.. 22:32 < rxr> huebi: I just read the mail on rock-linux 22:32 < rxr> you changed intel into ia32 in 1.5.x ????? 22:33 < huebi> yes, I did. 22:33 < huebi> I there something bad about that? 22:33 < rxr> huebi: yes. that 1.5 is not 1.7 - and should become stable one day ... 22:33 * Mike1 likes the ia32 more than intel :) 22:34 < huebi> rxr: ACK 22:34 < [anders]> stick with ia32 now.. no point in changing it back now.. 22:34 < rxr> Mike1: me likes this too - but this should not be done some days before 1.6 ... 22:35 < rxr> huebi: you also changed all the ARCH=intel places in the various *.conf files ? (I remeber we had some ...) 22:35 < Mike1> rxr: maybe it havent really afect in any negative way the builds 22:35 < [anders]> rxr: I get the feeling 1.6.0 is not far off even though this change was made.. 22:36 < huebi> rxr: This change is more a cosmetic one to be compatibel to the future ia64. 22:36 < rxr> [anders]: I just noticed the mail on rock-linux - which indicates that it introduced some problems. I would not have done this so short before 1.6 ... 22:37 < rxr> huebi: but all this is done in 1.7 - why do we redo all this in 1.5 ? 22:37 < esden> hi all 22:37 < [anders]> rxr: I did not understand the e-mail to the list.. I only picked up 1.5.16 a few days ago, and after three minor tweaks, it build cleanly for me.. 22:37 < [anders]> re esden 22:37 < Mike1> hello esden :) 22:37 < huebi> hi esden 22:38 < rxr> hi esden 22:38 < rxr> [anders]: no problem - I just wondered .... 22:38 < Mike1> rxr: i have been working on it too and it has been quite ok for me, just small tweaks but nothing related with the 1a32 change 22:39 < huebi> rxr: for a really stable version there has to be done still very much testing and of course very much documentation. 22:39 < [anders]> rxr, there are one thing in the Config I could think of doing that, when you select the ia32 arch, it asks for another setting as well, which type of ia32 CPU.. if that is not set, it defaults to generic == no build is made.. It says so in the Config.. 22:40 < huebi> I though about removing the option "generic". Asfar as I understood it's not needed at all. 22:42 < [anders]> huebi: perhaps leave the generic option, but set it to compile for i386... 22:42 < huebi> [anders]: good idea. 22:43 < [anders]> huebi: at least when people forget about it, it still compiles something.. :) 22:43 < Mike1> good point [anders] 22:44 < huebi> I will release 1.6.0 when all is tested to be stable. Including alpha, sparc64 and ia32. 22:44 < huebi> We are not so far from stable but there must be more tests. 22:44 < Ge0rG> how about sparc32? ;) 22:45 < [anders]> I can not test anything else than ia32.. I'll have to do it in VMware though.. 22:45 < huebi> Ge0rG: Nobody is working on it now but it should be not a big problem. 22:45 < fake> vmware is an x86 emulator 22:45 < Mike1> i can test it on sparc64 and ia32 that all i got 22:45 < fake> no vmware for sparc eh-eh. 22:45 < Mike1> hi fake 22:45 < [anders]> re fake 22:46 * fake is not here 22:46 < [anders]> No, vmware is x86 only.. 22:46 < huebi> fake is a fake? 22:46 < Ge0rG> there is bochs to emulate x86, but maybe there are also emulators for other archs? 22:46 < [anders]> there is UAE... ;-D 22:46 < fake> Ge0rG: yes, but less consumer-friendly than vmware ;-) 22:46 < Mike1> Ge0rG: i only know of VMware and Win4Lin 22:47 < [anders]> there are PPC emulators and m68k emulators, but better to run on the hardware itself.. 22:48 < huebi> there should be at least 3 alphas: esden, holyolli and me 22:48 < huebi> If I had a PPC I'd test it there, too. 22:48 < Mike1> huebi: i might be able to get a sparc32 but i cant make any promisses yet 22:49 * [anders] would like the space and the cash to get an RS6k.. 22:49 < huebi> Mike1: I have two of them to test: IPX (sun4c) and SparcStation Classic X (sun4m) 22:51 < [anders]> in any case, both builds are running well, so I will be off to bed.. Have to get up early tomorrow.. 22:51 < huebi> [anders]: sleep well. ;-) 22:52 < Mike1> good night [anders] 22:52 < [anders]> huebi: and you, whenever you manage to get to bed. :) 22:52 < Mike1> huebi: wanna give me one for me b-day? *g 22:53 < huebi> rxr: Is it possible that you comment you code in 1.5? So that it's readable without having all tricks and knowledge in the head? 22:53 < huebi> +r 22:54 < Mike1> rxr: yes please :) 22:57 < [anders]> night night.. ~~~ 22:59 < esden> n8 @ all 22:59 < Mike1> bye [anders] 22:59 < Mike1> bye esden 22:59 < huebi> cu esden 22:59 < huebi> cu [anders] 23:09 < huebi> rxr: Are you still here? 23:10 < Mike1> huebi: i guess no 23:11 < huebi> hmm. Starts a discussion and leaves.. 23:12 < Mike1> Anyways you are not asking me but i really like the ia32 thing 23:13 < huebi> Mike1: Thank you. I discussed it with Clifford on LinuxTag and we both agreed to change the name. 23:14 < Mike1> good, but no need to thank me 23:15 < uninvited> hi...anyone still out there ? 23:15 * uninvited is back from biergarten session ! 23:15 < Mike1> I just think you have made a great job on the 1.5 tree thanks :) 23:15 < Mike1> uninvited: hehe re 23:15 < uninvited> btw: what does IA32 stand for ? Intel Arch. 32 bit or what is it ? 23:16 < huebi> uninvited: ACK 23:16 < uninvited> oh cool 23:16 < huebi> Itanium = ia64 23:16 < fake> fake = ia128 23:16 < uninvited> Never had one of these... 23:16 < uninvited> hehehe 23:17 < uninvited> my only platforms were C64 - AMIGA - ATARI - PC 286,386,486...K7 23:17 * fake 'll go to bed. 23:17 < uninvited> never tried anything else...never thought about getting another machines for private use. 23:17 < Mike1> n8 fake 23:17 < uninvited> N8 FAKE 23:18 < huebi> cu fake 23:18 < fake> sweet dreams @all 23:18 * fake zZzZzZ 23:19 < rxr> jups 23:20 < uninvited> okay. Donwloaded that 1.5.16 iso... 23:20 < uninvited> ...gonna get dRock tomorrow. 23:20 < rxr> huebi: ah ok - ich you and Cliff agreed about this ... 23:22 < uninvited> I m presenting Rock to another customer wednesday. They have some old novell 3.12 machines which will be put back to stone age and then time travel em with a linux into future. 23:22 < uninvited> rxr> do i need all three cd isos for dRock ? 23:22 < uninvited> I saw these offered on download.rocklinux.de 23:26 < uninvited> hello ? 23:26 < uninvited> dRock==3 iso ? 23:27 < uninvited> dRock>=1 iso ? 23:28 < uninvited> okay...maybe youll answer and i ll read the .logs. Good nite every1 ! 23:29 < Mike1> uninvited: try cd 1 and 2 23:30 < Mike1> it all depends on how much you wanna show 23:30 < uninvited> drop the pants ;-) 23:32 < Mike1> haha 23:33 < uninvited> okay cya ! 23:33 * uninvited @ bed 23:33 < uninvited> (exit 23:33 < Mike1> uninvited: a full installation of drock will suprise them 23:33 < Mike1> bye 23:33 -!- uninvited [~uninvited@pD9E50DA6.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 23:38 < owl> g8. ciao 23:38 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5329.pppool.de] has quit ("almost dead") 23:39 < rxr> CD-1 and CD-2 are usefull 23:39 < rxr> CD-2 mostly contains bigger apps 23:39 < rxr> the -boot CD is only needed for network installs 23:44 < Mike1> rxr: BTW does 1.6.0 still come with that dvd decoding stuff? 23:58 < rxr> Mike1: sure - is this a problem ? 23:58 < Mike1> rxr: no by te contrary i was hoping it would be there :) 23:59 < Mike1> +h 23:59 * Mike1 fetching drock-1.6.0 isos --- Log closed Tue Jul 09 00:00:00 2002