-!- Irrsi  Log opened Thu Jul 11 00:00:27 2002
-!- Irrsi  Day changed Thu Jul 11 2002
[00:00] < huebi> jo, jo. ...another new day ...
[00:00] < owl> hmm?
[00:00] < tsa> good morning, huebi..
[00:00] < huebi> *g*
[00:01] < huebi> moin tsa
[00:01] < owl> ach so.  die uhrzeit, oder? /me is confused
[00:01] < tsa> hehe
[00:01] < owl> morgen allerseits  ;P
[00:02] < huebi> moin owl :-))
[00:03] < owl> in ca. 5 std. schon wieder aufstehen... ca. 13 - 14 std. unterwegs... wuah!!! ich will ned!
[00:03] < huebi> owl warum machst du sowas?
[00:04] < owl> was denn? lange aufbleiben: weil ich nix besseres zu tun habe als vor meinen kisten zu kleben. 13 - 14 std. unterwegs: in die arbeit fahren + arbeiten + zurück.
[00:05] < huebi> owl wie weit ist dein weg zur arbeit?
[00:05] < owl> hin+zurück: ca. 200 - 220 kilometer?
[00:06] < huebi> owl: warum ziehst du nichrt um?
[00:06] < owl> 1) eltern, die mich nicht umziehen lassen 2) nicht volljährig 3) ausbildung -> zu wenig geld 4) berufsschule hier 5) das was ich vergass aufzuzählen
[00:09] < huebi> hmmm.
[00:09] < tsa> hm..
[00:09] < tsa> wie alt bist du?
[00:09] < owl> hehe ;P jetzt seid ihr stumm, oder?
[00:09] < owl> 17
[00:09] < tsa> hm...also noch bis zum 18. warten und dann ausziehen ;-)
[00:10] < tsa> dann sollten zumindest 1) und 2) wegfallen.
[00:10] < owl> nope. no way. wohnung in münchen... na ja... ich habe nicht das geld dazu...
[00:10] < tsa> uh..muenchen ist wohl recht teuer..
[00:11] < owl> und dann müsste ich immer ca. 2 mal pro wochen die 100 kilometer hierher fahren.? na ja... ;)
[00:11] < owl> jep. ;) vor allem gibt's ja _soooooooo_ viele wohnungen dort. egal.
[00:14] < owl> hat eigentlich jemand erfahrung mit "write to disc" bei ntfs gemacht? sollte das gehen?
[00:16] < huebi> owl: jo, aber du must nach dem write _unbedingt noch ein repair programm laufen lassen. Sonst ist das fs definitiv platt unter NT.
[00:17] < huebi> [anders]: all your patches are applied.
[00:17] < owl> danke. hört sich ja ganz _nett_ an... also besser die finger davon lassen? btw, es ist doch noch experimental, wenn ich mich recht erinnere?
[00:17] -!- Vondrix [~vondrix@212-100-182-5.adsl.easynet.be] has joined #rocklinux
[00:18] < huebi> owl such mal in der kernel dou. da steht es glaub' ich genauer.
[00:18] < huebi> moin Vondrix
[00:18] < owl> hmm...
[00:19] < Vondrix> hi
[00:19] < owl> hi vondrix
[00:21] < huebi> owl wann hast du mit computern angefangen?
[00:21] < owl> uf... *grübel*
[00:23] < owl> hmm... vielleicht seit ich 11 oder 12 war...?
[00:24]   huebi needs QOS on the gateway...
[00:25] < huebi> [anders]: https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/*checkout*/rock-1.5/changelog?rev=1.74
[00:26] < huebi> owl: ich habe als du 2 warest(oder  3) mit mainframes wieder aufgehoert und zur gleichen Zeit, wie du wieder angefanden *g*
[00:27] < owl> hm
[00:27] < owl> ?
[00:27] -!- Vondrix [~vondrix@212-100-182-5.adsl.easynet.be] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[00:29] < owl> uff... /me braucht ./whois um ihren eigenen namen noch zu wissen ;)
[00:32] < owl> good night. cu l8er.
[00:32] < tsa> cu owl
[00:32] < huebi> cu owl
[00:32] -!- owl [~mail-spam@Aef83.pppool.de] has quit ("almost dead")
[00:38] -!- Freak [freak@pD9530593.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("I take this land for my bunghole!")
[00:44] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50816B81.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[00:49] -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs4.xs4all.nl] has joined #rocklinux
[01:04] < ringo78> ringo still trying to masq ...
[01:09] < chrisime_> esden: https://wwwspies.in.tum.de/lehre/seminare/WS0203/hauptsem/index.shtml
[01:22] < rxr> 1538667n8
[01:22] < rxr> uups
[01:22] < rxr> n8
[01:23] < huebi> rxr: n8
[01:27] < rxr> esden: a new dietlibc is out !!
[01:27] < rxr> esden: should I update it in 1.7 ? ;-)
[01:28] -!- Caspar__ [~steven261@] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:30] -!- Caspar [~steven261@M132P015.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[01:31] < rxr> esden: updated
[01:32] < huebi> cvs ci -m"kdebase has version 3.0.2 and is now in base"
[01:34] < th> hmm
[01:34] < th> sweat
[01:34] < huebi> th: jo.
[01:35] < huebi> th: the libqt.a are now not build by default. They need to be in an extension package (build time was ~3h on an AMD XP1900+)
[01:37] < th> huebi: :-/
[01:38] < th> huebi: hmm but the ext should share the source-tbz2 with the base-pkg
[01:38] < huebi> 20:33 < rxr> huebi: what "all libs" ?
[01:38] < huebi> th: here starts the discussion.
[01:39] < huebi> th: this sharing is also done in linux*
[01:40] -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit ("Irssi - the client of smart and beautiful people")
[01:44] < th> huebi: but qt and qt-mt are still built?
[01:44] < huebi> th Yes, they are both build. no linking.
[01:45] < th> huebi: ok so we need a static-library extension
[01:46] < rxr> rene@jackson:~/rock-article > wc rock-article.txt
[01:46] < rxr>     296    1664   12090 rock-article.txt
[01:47] < huebi> rxr: ;-) good progress...
[01:48] < tsa> .oO( cp Documentation/Developers/HACKING-HOWTO rock-article.txt ;-)
[01:49] < rxr> tsa: ? Nein kein developer einfuehrung! ROCK PR und technischer ueberblick ;-)
[01:49] < rxr> hi tsa  btw
[01:49] < tsa> hehe
[01:49] < tsa> jo, moin.
[01:49] < rxr> hehe moin ;-)
[01:54] -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs4.xs4all.nl] has quit ("Lost terminal")
[02:15] -!- Mike [~mike@] has joined #rocklinux
[02:15] < Mike> re
[02:16] < tsa> re Mike
[02:16] < Mike> How are you Sebastian?
[02:17] < tsa> fine, thanks.
[02:17] < tsa> you?
[02:18] < Mike> i am great thanks for asking :)
[02:30] < rxr> rene@jackson:~/rock-article > wc rock-article.txt
[02:30] < rxr>     302    1713   12456 rock-article.txt
[02:31] < chrisime_> rxr: ?
[02:32] < rxr> chrisime_: ??
[02:33] < chrisime_> rxr: du weisst net zufaellig wie ich aehnlich wie in VAX nen LOP in x86 asm nachmachen kann ohne nen counter zu verwenden
[02:33] < chrisime_> LOP == length of operand
[02:33] < chrisime_> sinnvoll fuer arrays
[02:33] < rxr> chrisime_: oeh - kenne die VAX kaum ...
[02:34] < chrisime_> also
[02:34] < Mike> rxr: nice how many pages you have by now?
[02:34] < chrisime_> du kannst dann so was geniales machen:
[02:34] < rxr> aber ohne reigster veraendern wirst du nicht auskommen ...
[02:34] < chrisime_> rxr: MOVE R1/R2/, R3 (R2 kann int sein, dann isses halt R1 + 4*R2)
[02:35] < chrisime_> mein code ist schon recht effizient, aber es geht noch effizienter
[02:36] < rxr> chrisime_: hm - ich erkenne gerade nicht was dein VAX code genau machen soll ....
[02:39] < chrisime_> naja
[02:39] < chrisime_> der macht wert in R1 + 4 * Wert in R2
[02:40]   chrisime_ blickt in asm code nimmer durch...is scho fast 3 --> net gut
[02:40] < rxr> hm ah
[02:42] < chrisime_> capice? ;-)
[02:43] < chrisime_> rxr: mein code z.Z.: www.in.tum.de/~meyerc/tgi/calc-new.asm
[02:44] < rxr> chrisime_: oh - hm . Thanks but it is late and I want ot search my bed in some minutes ....
[02:45] < chrisime_> hehe
[02:45] < chrisime_> hatte ich auch so vor ;-)
[02:52] < rxr> ok /me moves to the bed now - cu in the morining ;-)
[02:54] < Mike> n8 rxr
[02:56] < chrisime_> n8 rxr
[03:02] < tsa> n8
[03:02] -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082ACD8.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[03:02] < Mike> n8 th
[03:04] -!- Freak [freak@pD9530593.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[03:04] < Mike> moin Freak
[03:05] < Freak> hey Mike
[03:20] -!- Caspar [~steven261@M132P015.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:22] -!- Freak [freak@pD9530593.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("I take this land for my bunghole!")
[03:23] < rxr> huebi: still awake ?
[03:24] < rxr> ro s.o. other ?
[03:25] -!- Freak [freak@pD9530593.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[03:32] < rxr> ok n8
[03:35] -!- chrisime_ [~chrisime@p50803D25.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("I like core dumps")
[03:46] -!- Freak [freak@pD9530593.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("I take this land for my bunghole!")
[03:48] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39CDE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[03:58] -!- Mike [~mike@] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[07:27] < [anders]> huebi: cheers.. I take it they didn't cause you any problems, did they?
[07:27] < [anders]> moin btw
[07:27] < [anders]> :)
[07:37] -!- esden [weasel@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[07:37] -!- Topic for #rocklinux: anoncvs for 1.5 now up: CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.rocklinux.de:/cvs co rock-1.5
[07:37] -!- Topic set by ChanServ [Tue Jul 9 00:36:49 2002]
[07:37] (Users #rocklinux)
[07:37] [ [anders] ] [ coldie] [ Freak] [ praenti] [ SMP ]
[07:37] [ aszlig ] [ esden ] [ h0h0 ] [ rolla ] [ snyke]
[07:37] [ blindcoder] [ fake ] [ huebi] [ simon- ] [ th ]
[07:37] -!- Irssi: #rocklinux: Total of 15 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 15 normal]
[07:37] -!- Channel #rocklinux created Tue Jun 11 09:27:41 2002
[07:37] -!- Irssi: Join to #rocklinux was synced in 10 secs
[07:38] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-171-89.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[07:45] < [anders]> *yawn* time for a cup of tea me thinks..
[07:47] < [anders]> yikes.. kdebase is large...
[07:48] < [anders]> .oO( wonder if huebi had any luck with libgtop last night... )
[08:01] < [anders]> hmm.. just tried to find libgtop on the web.. freshmeat mentions it once, in a Qt app. no links to it there.. headed over to Gnome website, managed to track it down there, but when jumping to it's 'download/home page' I get a 404 Not Found... happy happy joy joy.. not..
[08:02] < [anders]> in any case, I am off to work now.. laters all..
[08:03] < esden> morning boys and girls
[08:05] < SMP> where's the grrlz? ;->
[08:09] < praenti> moin
[08:14] < huebi> moin
[08:15] < huebi> [anders]: the patches were perfect. ;-)
[08:15] < huebi> SMP: Owl is at work ;>
[08:15] < huebi> moin esden
[08:15] < huebi> moin praenti
[08:15] < huebi> moin SMP
[08:18] < esden> SMP: sorry I will make it better the next time ;-)
[08:19] < esden> moin praenti
[08:19] < esden> moin huebi
[08:19] < esden> moin SMP
[08:20] < esden> ok ... till now 4 packets fail from 202
[08:21] < huebi> esden: which ones?
[08:21] < esden> huebi: 3-alsa.err 3-libgtop.err 3-lprng.err 3-qt.err
[08:22] < huebi> hmmm.
[08:34] -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has joined #rocklinux
[08:34] < holyolli> yahoo! ;-)
[08:35] < praenti> MoeP
[08:35] < holyolli> moin praenti
[08:36] < huebi> moin holyolli
[08:36] < holyolli> moin huebi
[08:43] < esden> "Rotkaeppchen aus der Sicht eines Informatikers" <-- kennt jemand hier den text ?
[08:43] < esden> moin holyolli
[08:43] < holyolli> moin esden
[08:43] < huebi> esden: URL?
[08:43] < holyolli> esden: ich hatte nur mal rotkäppchen von einem c-programmierer erzählt..
[08:44] < esden> huebi: till now I have 4 errors from 207 compiled packages on the alpha
[08:44] < esden> I will put it online mom
[08:44] < holyolli> esden: qt, apm, ?, ?
[08:46] < esden> https://www.esden.net/rocklinux/rotkaepchen.txt
[08:46] < esden> sollte stimmen ... die url
[08:46] < esden> holyolli: 3-alsa.err 3-libgtop.err 3-lprng.err 3-qt.err
[08:47] < praenti> perm denied
[08:47] < esden> ohh
[08:47] < huebi> ftp://download.rocklinux.de/1.5/1.5.17/
[08:47] < huebi> 1.5.17 is out.
[08:48] < huebi> I announce it on the list later.
[08:48] < esden> perm corrected
[08:50] < praenti> ROTFL
[08:51] < huebi> Ohne 03h, play 04h, Cache 05h, Schneider 06h, V*bis 07h, announced 08h,
[08:51] < huebi> geloosed 10h
[08:51] < huebi> LOL
[08:52] < holyolli> esden: for lprng you just need to disable the -Werror -Option for the gcc
[08:55] < praenti> 'ParentParentID, warum hast Du so gro?e Festplatten?'.
[08:55] < praenti> 'Damit ich besser saugen kann!'
[08:55] < praenti> ARGH
[08:56] < holyolli> *lol*
[08:56] < praenti> Als WOLF kurz darauf nach 'active' switchte, dauerte das bootstrapping
[08:56] < praenti> fast doppelt so lange wie gew?hnlich.
[08:56] < praenti> *brüller*
[08:56] < esden> hmm ... gtkstuff takes ages
[08:57] < esden> holyolli: thanks for the info
[08:57] < huebi> kdebase geht nicht...
[08:58] < praenti> huebi: ich schaus mir nächste woche an. wenns nicht dann schon erledigt ist
[09:06] < [anders]> moin
[09:06] < [anders]> huebi: thank you. :)
[09:07] < holyolli> hm. there's an interessting article on slashdot about switching back from linux to windows...
[09:07] < holyolli> quite nice - also some reasons listed...
[09:07] < huebi> praenti: I think it's just wrong optimisation. I'll test that.
[09:11] < [anders]> huebi: I tried re-running everything over night, it fell over on libgtop again. I don't understand what is wrong with it and I have had no luck finding an earlier version of libgtop to fall back to. It appears to be a failure linked to guile, so perhaps I should try dropping back a version on guile?
[09:12] < [anders]> huebi: I have also sync'ed my tree up against CVS, so no differences are left outstanding apart from the file tar-bzip2.patch which I might just keep to myself.. ;-)
[09:13] < huebi> [anders]: What parts of the patch are missing? Did I not apply a patch?
[09:13] < [anders]> saugen means what? (I almost got the joke.. ;-)
[09:13] < huebi> [anders]: Try to rerun libgtop with make -j1
[09:14] < huebi> saugen = leeching
[09:14] < [anders]> huebi: you couldn't apply it as I didn't send it you.. the patch only changes the short flag in tar for bzip2 compression.. (I prefer -j and ROCK uses -I)
[09:15] < [anders]> :)
[09:15] < [anders]> huebi: I'll try that..
[09:16] < huebi> [anders]: ok. the longer flag is much better. It covers -I, -y and the new -j
[09:16] < esden> we should really think about switching to -I ... if I am correct all distributions currently use -j ...
[09:17] < [anders]> huebi: the long flag should probably be used everywhere in the build system..
[09:17] < esden> argh ... I mean switching to -j
[09:17] < [anders]> esden: I have tweaked the tar-bzip2.patch to do just that..
[09:17] < huebi> esden: We use -I ;>
[09:17] < [anders]> esden: I am not sure people would like the change though..
[09:17] < esden> huebi: yes ... I know we use -I ... but all others use -j now
[09:17] < [anders]> esden: if you want my tweak I'll dcc it you..
[09:18] < [anders]> (not that it is hard to tweak.. ;-)
[09:18] < esden> [anders]: I would prefer if you would make your changesen avalable online ...
[09:19] < esden> if I change it then only if it will be changed in the huebi/cliff tree
[09:19] < esden> ok ... another packet fails: 3-gdm.err
[09:20] < [anders]> esden: when I pulled CVS this morning there had been a change to gdm..
[09:20] < [anders]> it appears to have been rolled back a little bit..
[09:20] < SMP> don't switch to -j, but offer both -j and the old -I
[09:21] < esden> SMP: that is also a good solution ...
[09:21] < [anders]> SMP: I can try and mod the patch to do that.. I could even try and introduce the -y as well to cover all bases..
[09:21] < esden> but it should be discussed
[09:21] < huebi> SMP: ACK.
[09:22] < [anders]> "ROCK - where everyone can use bzip2 in tar..."
[09:22] < holyolli> *lol*
[09:22] < holyolli> hi anders, btw
[09:22] < esden> *lough*
[09:22] < [anders]> re holyolli
[09:22] < esden> hmm ... it is getting hot in here ... I think I should open the window
[09:23] < huebi> esden: switch down all boxes except the Krups *eg*
[09:23] < huebi> s/switch/power/
[09:24] < [anders]> huebi: or s/down/off/ ;-)
[09:24] < huebi> [anders]: thanks ;-)
[09:25] < esden> huebi: I do not have a krups ... >_<
[09:25] < esden> I need a tripplehead krups ;-)
[09:25] < esden> flatpanel of course ... ;-)
[09:26] < huebi> esden: use tripple braille displays. They do not get hot as CRTs
[09:26] < esden> hehe
[09:27] < [anders]> huebi: am I correct in assuming that if I create a file libgtop.conf in base-config/libgtop and put the line ' MAKE="$MAKE -j1" ' in that file, run Puzzle, and then start the build again, libgtop should be built with make -j1 ?
[09:27] < huebi> [anders]: pUZZLE IS NOT NEEDED. jUST CREATE AND RUN IT.
[09:27]   [anders] is sorely tempted by a dual-head setup..
[09:27] < [anders]> huebi: ok ok.. no need to shout.. ;-)
[09:28] < [anders]> in any case, it fails anyway again..
[09:28]   huebi <- needs beeping CapsLock
[09:29] < [anders]> huebi: use xmodmap to change the function of Caps Lock into Control.. ;-)
[09:29]   [anders] has a Happy Hacking keyboard, so the control key is in the correct place anyway..
[09:30] < rxr> re
[09:30] < [anders]> re rxr
[09:30] < holyolli> hi rxr
[09:32] < huebi> moin rxr
[09:36] < [anders]> huebi: hmm.. I think I have found something about libgtop...
[09:36] < [anders]> shuttle:/rock-linux/src/libgtop-1.0.13# cat /rock-linux/src/libgtop-1.0.13/sysdeps/guile/guile.x
[09:36] < [anders]> /usr/bin/guile-snarf: No such file: -DHAVE_CONFIG_H
[09:36] < [anders]> and that file, guile.x
[09:37] < [anders]> is the one being compiled when it falls over..
[09:47] < [anders]> oookay... I think I solved that one... but it falls over later..
[09:47] < [anders]> guile-snarf is not like gcc... apperantly..
[09:47] < [anders]> guile.x: guile.c
[09:47] < [anders]>         guile-snarf $(DEFS) $(INCLUDES) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< > $@
[09:47] < [anders]> is wrong.. and should be...
[09:48] < [anders]> guile.x: guile.c
[09:48] < [anders]>         guile-snarf $< $(DEFS) $(INCLUDES) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) > $@  
[09:48] < [anders]> in the Makefile.. I'll have to play around with this and try and fix the libgtop package..
[09:49] < [anders]> and as I am not a programmer (and so not very good with C, C++ or Makefiles) it might take some time...
[09:49] < [anders]> why do I feel so alone all of a sudden?
[09:49] < holyolli> *fg*
[09:50] < [anders]> holyolli: :)
[10:00] < [anders]> hmm..
[10:00] < [anders]> uhm........
[10:01] < [anders]> Okay.. I have a patch for a package.. or rater I have a small mod I want to patch in.. what do I need to do in the actual base-config/libgtop directory to get it to accept and apply the patch?
[10:02] < [anders]> it's the libgtop package, do I just call the patch libgtop.patch and put it in base-config/libgtop ?
[10:02] < esden> boys have you read this here already ? : https://www.usenix.org/events/usenix-win2000/invitedtalks/lucovsky_html/
[10:04] < esden> [anders]: keep talking ... we are listening ;-)
[10:04] < [anders]> should I also assume that when the patch is being applied, it will be applied patch -p0 in the top of the package source tree?
[10:05] < esden> you have to put the patch in the directory base-config/libgtop
[10:05] < esden> with the name *.patch
[10:06] < esden> then it will be applied with patch -p0 in the rootdirectory of the unpacked package sources
[10:06] < [anders]> esden: so I have to hand edit the actual patch file to get the paths to fit?
[10:07] < esden> no ... you have to create the patch correctly ;-)
[10:07] < [anders]> I created the patch with diff -ur libgtop-1.0.13.old libgtop-1.0.13
[10:07] < esden> hmm
[10:07] < [anders]> am I missing some flags to diff ?
[10:07] < esden> then you can handedit
[10:08] < esden> but are the changes so big ?
[10:08] < [anders]> the change, so far, is a one-liner.. but it breaks later on, so I might have to create bigger patch later one..
[10:08] < esden> if this is only one file or so then do it a simmilar way ta this:
[10:08] < esden> # cd libgtop-1.0.13
[10:08] < esden> # cp Makefile Makefile.orig
[10:09] < esden> # diff -Nur Makefile.orig Makefile > ../libgtop.patch
[10:09] < esden> hmm
[10:09] < esden> you there need only -u ... but it is not making a difference
[10:10] < esden> if you have to add other patches to the file you use >> instead of > that is all
[10:10] < [anders]> esden: the only problem is that I might have to modify several files.. I could create separate patches for every file, but would be easier if I could keep an original tree and a modified tree...
[10:10] < esden> you only have to append the other patch
[10:11] < esden> yes ... I do not know how to do it then
[10:11] < [anders]> what I could do, I suppose, is cd into libgtop-1.0.13 and do a diff -ur ../libgtop-1.0.13.old .
[10:11] < esden> I never needed to ... and in 1.7 the patches are being applied with patch -p1 it is making all much easier
[10:12] < esden> [anders]: no that will not work either ... because you have the ./ in the path
[10:13] < [anders]> esden: hmm.. and that will not apply with -p0 I take it..
[10:13] < esden> I i am not wrong you really have to edit it after you have created the patch ... or does anyone have a better clue ?
[10:16] < [anders]> .oO( there is awfully quiet in here.... )
[10:18] < esden> [anders]: I know >_<
[10:18] < esden> [anders]: cry a little around ... perhups someone wakes up ;-)
[10:23] < [anders]> esden: hehehe
[10:27]   huebi working. fscking ducumentations...
[10:52] < [anders]> esden: I resorted to hand-editing the patch.. with emacs I can edit rather large patches in short space of time.. :)
[10:52] < [anders]> Now I just have to see what happens with libgtop with my patch there.. :)
[10:53]   esden too ... I have written a oneliner for doing such stuff in vim
[10:54] < esden> I love that vim is scriptable ... but it was not really needed
[10:56] < huebi> esden: It's needed to emulate emacs *g*
[10:57] < [anders]> huebi: there is always VILE, a VI mode for Emacs.. ;-)
[10:58] < esden> I use vigor ... he helps me a lot ;-)
[11:14] < [anders]> hmm.. Makefile.am was the wrong file to tamper with it appears.. Makefile.in might be better perhaps?
[11:17] < [anders]> Makefile.in was the place to tinker with.. patch now contains fixes to two Makefile.in's...
[11:18] < [anders]> seems guile-snarf has changed in the recent past...
[11:18] < th> wo krieg ich bis morgen 2 riegel SAMSUNG 512MB pc133 SDRAM her?
[11:21] < [anders]> right.. I have a patch.. And it makes libgtop build...
[11:22] < th> [anders]: talking about 1.5?
[11:27] < esden> th: from a store ?
[11:28] < th> esden: so einen store musst du erstmal finden
[11:30] < holyolli> anders: is the patch already in the cvs?
[11:31] < esden> th: can be can be ... but is a siemens(infinion) ram not enough ... it should be easier to get ?
[11:33] < th> esden: have a customers hp-pc here and really need to add more ram. and hp has samsung ram builtin. well it's the best
[11:35] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB4C649.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux
[11:36] < esden> th: ack ... ok ... I do not know which is the best ...
[11:37] < th> i don't know it either for sure... but i heard it some times... and most well-known-OEMs use samsung
[11:37] < esden> [anders]: can you make the patch avalable somewhere ?
[11:39] < esden> th: hmm ok ... that is an argument. I think that there are tests somewhere where you can read which ram modules are the most reliable/fast .
[11:42] < esden> [anders]: Makefile.am is the best place to fix build problems
[11:46] < esden> this is something we would need in rock ... but for that we need a compile farm :-( : https://www.usenix.org/events/usenix-win2000/invitedtalks/lucovsky_html/sld033.htm
[11:46] < [anders]> th: yes
[11:46] < [anders]> holyolli: no
[11:46] < [anders]> esden: yes
[11:47] < esden> [anders]: ok so where can I get it ?
[11:47] < [anders]> esden: Makefile.in was the place to fix this particular problem.. Tried to fix it in Makefile.am and it broke autoconf iirc..
[11:47] < [anders]> esden: hold on.. :)
[11:47] < [anders]> huebi: you around?
[11:47] < huebi> jo.
[11:48] < [anders]> huebi: if I upload a patch into upload on rocklinux.dyndns.org, can you put it somewhere accessible to esden? :)
[11:48] < esden> [anders]: yes that is a known problem with most packages ... we use a to new version of autoconf/automako toolchain
[11:48] < [anders]> esden: aahh..
[11:49] < esden> [anders]: I am currently also fixing such problems in Makefile.in even if this is not really a clean way >_<
[11:50] < huebi> esden: ftp://rocklinux.dyndns.org/pub/anders.patches.tar.bz2
[11:50] < esden> huebi: thanks
[11:50] < [anders]> huebi: not that one.. this is a new fix.. :)
[11:50] < [anders]> esden: not that one..
[11:50] < esden> huebi: when I have tested I will ci it, is it ok ?
[11:50] < esden> ohh
[11:50] < huebi> esden: yes, it is.
[11:51] < [anders]> huebi: libgtop.patch in upload
[11:51] < [anders]> just to drop it into base-config/libgtop/ and it should work..
[11:51] < huebi> ftp://rocklinux.dyndns.org/pub/libgtop.patch <- and avaliable, too.
[11:52] < esden> No such file `libgtop.patch'.
[11:53] < huebi> uups
[11:53] < huebi> esden: fixed
[11:54] < esden> huebi: i have it thanks
[11:55] < [anders]> esden: I have not put a comment in the patch, as I thought it would be reasonably self explanatory... ;-)
[11:56] < [anders]> what I think have happened is that guile has slightly changed how it works with guile-snarf...
[11:56] < esden> that is ok
[11:56] < esden> but I rename the file to build_hotfix.patch
[11:57] < [anders]> esden: good name choice, I will do the same..
[11:57] < esden> is a moresaying name ;-)
[11:57] < huebi> esden: ACK
[11:58] < [anders]> huebi: do you want to drop it in place in CVS as well?
[11:58]   esden reruning build process
[11:58] < [anders]> huebi: it solved my build problem.. :)
[11:58]   [anders] reads scroll-back..
[11:59] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1C195.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[11:59] < bluefire> Moin
[11:59] < [anders]> esden: you'll check it in later right? :)
[11:59] < esden> [anders]: I will add it when i have tested it im my running build on natalie
[11:59] < [anders]> moin bluefire
[11:59] < esden> [anders]: right
[11:59] < [anders]> esden: kewl.. :)
[11:59] < esden> hi bluefire
[12:00] < esden> [anders]: hehe ;-)
[12:00]   [anders] now hopes for a completely clean build all the way through stage 5.. :)
[12:01] < esden> [anders]: you are lucky ... because u use intel plotform
[12:01] < [anders]> and once it has done that, I'll clean it all out, tell it to build ext as well, and start it all over again.. :)
[12:02] < [anders]> esden: well, ia32 is the only platform I can afford...
[12:03] < esden> muahaha what a cool bandname "Butthole Surfers" ... *rofl* but the music they make is really cool
[12:04] < esden> [anders]: try to get the hardware without paying ... it is possible ... if you really want to get the stuff
[12:07] -!- Netsplit card.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: [anders], rolla, rxr, aszlig
[12:12] -!- Netsplit over, joins: aszlig, rxr, [anders], rolla
[12:12] < esden> [anders]: your patch works on my alpha
[12:13] < esden> huebi: something against it when i ci the patch? (/me wants to be sure)
[12:14] < [anders]> esden: once I have the space to store the hardware, I will then have a look at getting a PPC platform. Preferably an RS/6000
[12:14] < [anders]> esden: once I have the space to store the hardware, I will then have a look at getting a PPC platform. Preferably an RS/6000
[12:15] < [anders]> at the moment, I am severly restricted for space. The reason I bought the Shuttle is the fact that it is very small and compact. I still don't know where I will put my 19" Iiyama and the big-tower I still have over in Sweden once I get them over here..
[12:16] < esden> [anders]: where are you living / you are coming from ?
[12:16] < [anders]> esden: I live in Farnborough, England, but I am originally from around Västerås in Sweden. :)
[12:17] < [anders]> esden: glad to hear the fix worked.. :)
[12:18] < huebi> esden: cvs ci plese ;-))
[12:19] < [anders]> huebi: I have two more fixes... bonobo.conf needs creating containing the line 'MAKE="$MAKE -j1"' and zip.conf should have the line 'MAKE="make -j1"' altered to 'MAKE="$MAKE -j1"'
[12:20] < [anders]> :-)
[12:20] < huebi> [anders]: load it up, please
[12:20] < [anders]> huebi: ok.. will do in a bit.. :) HAve to create the patch archive etc..
[12:21] < huebi> hmmm. I want to have a gnmoe with xinerama. Any ideas where I should have a look?
[12:21] < huebi> X works with xinerama but sawfish doesn't.
[12:22] < [anders]> esden: you checked the hotfix in yet? :)
[12:23]   holyolli ist just checking it
[12:23] < esden> huebi: use gnome2
[12:23] < huebi> esden: :P
[12:24] < esden> [anders]: what is your real name ?
[12:24] < holyolli> hm.
[12:24] < esden> Anders Karlsson
[12:24] < esden> ok
[12:24] < esden> ;-)
[12:24] < holyolli> libgtop still doesn't work :(
[12:24] < esden> holyolli: I am fixing it ... holyolli hetz halt net !!! >_<
[12:25] < huebi> esden: 1.5 has Gnome 1.4.x and Gnome2 won't be in 1.5 because it must be compiled with gcc3.1
[12:25] < holyolli> *g*
[12:25] < holyolli> esden: sorry
[12:25] < huebi> esden: Mooooo!!!
[12:26] < esden> huebi: "/usr/bin/touch: /home/rockcvs/var/committed: Permission denied" what ???
[12:26]   esden made the ci
[12:26] < th> ouhm??
[12:26] < th> esden: lemme check that
[12:27] < th> grrrrr
[12:27] < esden> ?
[12:27] < th> someone changed the permissions
[12:27] < huebi> <AOL> not me, not me </AOL>
[12:27] < esden> who is having currently access to world ?
[12:28]   esden nither
[12:28] < th> SMP: we need you
[12:28] < esden> SMP: unser gebieter zeige dich ;-)
[12:28] < th> SMP: you seem to have removed o+w on var. we need either chgrp rockvsu or a+w
[12:30] < th> esden: anyway you can ignore this.
[12:30] < esden> th: I know
[12:30] < th> esden: it's just for creating changelog after a commit
[12:30] < th> esden: i will touch the file
[12:30] < th> (now)
[12:30] < esden> but it confuses
[12:30] < esden> I thought that it is something like that
[12:30] < th> esden: of course.
[12:33] < [anders]> esden: yeah, my name is Anders Karlsson :)
[12:33] < [anders]> huebi: in upload, new patch tar.bz2
[12:33] < [anders]> only two patches though.. :)
[12:34] < esden> th: where is the changelog ?
[12:34] < esden> I mean the auto generated changelog ...
[12:34] < th> esden: it will be in rock-1.5 when cvs2cl.pl is ready
[12:34] < th> it is ready
[12:35] < huebi> ftp://ella/pub/anders.patches2.tar.bz2
[12:36] < esden> huebi/anders: what are this patches ?
[12:36] < huebi> brb
[12:36] < [anders]> esden: new bonobo.conf (didn't exist before) to set make -j1, and also update to zip.conf..
[12:37] < [anders]> 11:19 < [anders]> huebi: I have two more fixes... bonobo.conf needs creating
[12:37] < [anders]>                   containing the line 'MAKE="$MAKE -j1"' and zip.conf should
[12:37] < [anders]>                   have the line 'MAKE="make -j1"' altered to 'MAKE="$MAKE -j1"'
[12:37] < [anders]> esden: :-)
[12:37] < esden> ahh ok
[12:37] < SMP> uhm
[12:38] < [anders]> re SMP
[12:38] < SMP> oh.
[12:38] < esden> re SMP
[12:38] < SMP> uhm
[12:38] < [anders]> bah, building mozilla now.. will take for ever and a day...
[12:38] < SMP> drwxrwsr-x   2 rockcvs  rockcvsu     1024 Jul 11 12:33 var
[12:38] < SMP> fixed
[12:38] < th> SMP: thanks
[12:39] < th> esden: problem fixed ;-]
[12:39] < esden> th: I see I see ;-)
[12:39] < esden> thaks SMP
[12:40] -!- Vondrix [~vondrix@212-100-182-2.adsl.easynet.be] has joined #rocklinux
[12:40] < SMP> I shouldn't have messed around with things I don't know about in the first place ;-}
[12:41] < th> SMP: but it's good ti share the same var for your rsync things ;)
[12:41] < th> s,ti,to,
[12:48] -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux
[12:48] < praenti> re
[12:48] < Ge0rG> hi
[12:50] < esden> hi Ge0rG
[12:52] < praenti> esden: btw. waht automake and autoconf is currently in 1.5
[12:52]   praenti hates exams *argh*
[12:53] < huebi> autoconf 2.53 1.5.17
[12:53] < huebi> automake 1.6.2 1.5.17
[12:56] < esden> I hate this toolchain
[12:56] < esden> this idiots switched to pearl ...
[12:56]   esden want's te kill someone
[12:57] < praenti> ohh. then we have with ca. 30% of packages a problem
[12:57] < esden> praenti: as far as we not run automake; autoconf we have no problem ;-)
[12:58] < praenti> esden: thats not true!
[12:59] < praenti> try it with kde3. it wont work
[12:59] < praenti> ok. was true two weeks ago.
[12:59] < esden> praenti: because kde is so stupid and is regenerating its autoconf stuff... that
[12:59] < esden> i suppose
[13:00] < esden> all packages should be independant from the autoconf/automake toolchain you have installed
[13:00] < praenti> thats it. but it is not the only package. there are many more
[13:00] < esden> praenti: yes ... right ... all the packages autoconfiscated by braindead idiots
[13:01] < praenti> esden: tell this to the developer of the packages
[13:01] < esden> I will no problem
[13:01] < praenti> ;-) viel spaß bei den kde leuten und bei vielen mehr
[13:02] < praenti> das ding ist halt quasistandard
[13:02] < esden> hmm with kde I have no problems I disable it ... it is an obsolete packet ;-)
[13:03] < praenti> huebi: can you add the old automake 1.5 version for compatibility?
[13:03] < esden> ein quasistandard von was ... ? schlechter ueberladener monstersoftware ?
[13:04] < praenti> esden: nee. dass man die nicht ganz automake/autoconf unabhängig sind
[13:05] < praenti> esden: sagen wir so. ungefähr 30-40% der sourcen, die ich aus dem internet zieh, können nur mit automake 1.5
[13:06] < praenti> 60% werfen mit 1.6 warnings und der rest will gar nicht
[13:06] < [anders]> LANG=en_GB
[13:06] < huebi> praenti: Da muss egendlich immer nur eine sach umbenannt werden, dann klappts auch mit den alten sourcen.
[13:06] < esden> yes ... then always when you see such software that is depending on automake or so you should write an email to the developer and tell him to fix this nasty problem
[13:06]   esden hunting
[13:07] < praenti> huebi: i know. i thought abaout pkgs which have problem with 1.6. i want to have the ability to say in the *.conf automake15
[13:07] < praenti> for example
[13:08] < [anders]> bah.. mozilla takes 40 minutes to build.. too long...
[13:09] < praenti> huebi: i think it is not a very important problem for the rock build, because this are released sources. the problem takes more the cvs sources
[13:11] < praenti> huebi: i make it in a different way. i'm looking in two weeks (my exams over) if we have enough space for that and then make a package for opt (because i think it is not base anymore
[13:11] -!- uninvited [~uninvited@p50802B13.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[13:11] < uninvited> Moin !
[13:11] -!- Netsplit card.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: [anders], rolla, Freak, Vondrix, rxr, aszlig
[13:11] < uninvited> Good morning !
[13:11] -!- Netsplit over, joins: Vondrix, Freak, rxr, [anders], rolla, aszlig
[13:11] < [anders]> moin uninvited
[13:11] -!- Netsplit card.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: [anders], rolla, Freak, Vondrix, rxr, aszlig
[13:11] < praenti> moin uninvited
[13:13] -!- Netsplit over, joins: Vondrix, Freak, rxr, [anders], rolla, aszlig
[13:13] < praenti> uii. that was a long netsplit
[13:14] < uninvited> heheh
[13:14] < praenti> uninvited: hepla has told me today morning that i can take your amiga
[13:15] < praenti> the next thing is trying to port rock to amiga ;-)
[13:15] -!- Netsplit card.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: [anders], rolla, Ge0rG, WKaibigan, praenti, Freak, h0h0, coldie, blindcoder, fake, (+7 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)
[13:15] -!- Netsplit over, joins: blindcoder, snyke, coldie, fake, SMP, praenti, h0h0, holyolli, WKaibigan, Ge0rG (+7 more)
[13:15] -!- Netsplit card.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: WKaibigan, uninvited
[13:16] -!- Netsplit over, joins: uninvited, WKaibigan
[13:16] < uninvited> praenti> have fun with it. It has mem upgrade to 1 MB, and i can ask a friend for one of these processor upgrade cards they used to speed up the AMIGA.
[13:17] -!- Netsplit card.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: coldie, blindcoder, holyolli
[13:17] < uninvited> If you need it let me know. If he hasn t sold that card on ebay yet he might have it stashed somewhere.
[13:17] -!- Netsplit over, joins: holyolli, coldie, blindcoder
[13:17] < praenti> ok. i will tell you
[13:18]   praenti thinks if it would'nt be easier when all people chat on capek.openprojects.net => no netsplits anymore ,-)
[13:18] < praenti> ;-)
[13:19] < uninvited> If you re interested in even "bigger" Amiga (3000,...) you could visit my friend next time you re at BITZ.
[13:19] < uninvited> He lives in the same street - just house #9
[13:19] < praenti> hmm. sound interesting
[13:19] < uninvited> I can t tell if he sold out his amiga stuff. If not ... lucky one ;-)
[13:20] < uninvited> Ring the bell - LEESCH
[13:20] < uninvited> Meet him at about 18:00
[13:20] -!- Netsplit card.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: Ge0rG, praenti, h0h0, SMP
[13:20] < uninvited> ...he s definetly working till then.
[13:20] -!- Netsplit over, joins: Ge0rG, h0h0, praenti, SMP
[13:21] < Ge0rG> *sigh*
[13:21] < praenti> that was the european hub...
[13:21] < Ge0rG> ignoring notices from chanserv might be a good idea
[13:21] < huebi> reboot
[13:21] < praenti> uninvited: im at 18:00 at bitz
[13:22] < praenti> today
[13:22] < uninvited> praenti> be sure to check out. Tell him i sent you...maybe we meet at BITZ ?
[13:22]   [anders] remember the good old Amiga days..
[13:22] < uninvited> I m off for a customer meeting at our new office from 17:00 to 17:45.
[13:23] < praenti> come around at bitz. (ich komm mir da blöd vor wenn ich da alleine hingeh. ich kenn den ja überhaupt nicht)
[13:23] < uninvited> If i can park my car in front of bitz we could together go for his home.
[13:23] < uninvited> praenti> okay.
[13:23] < [anders]> I still have an A500 somewhere, in a towercase, with a VXL-030 accelerator card with 2MB of 32bit ram..
[13:23] < uninvited> Wait at bitz. Mayhap the meeting will be longer that 45 minutes, jsut wait. I will come
[13:23] < praenti> ok
[13:23] < uninvited> [anders] cooooooool.
[13:24] < [anders]> uninvited: not quite enough to get Linux running on it though..
[13:24] < uninvited> Yeah. AmigaOS sucks anyway.
[13:25] < [anders]> uninvited: Yes and no.. it was always better than MS-DOS or Windows 1/2/3.0
[13:25] < [anders]> To a degree AmigaOS 2.1 and 3.x was betterr than Win95 as well..
[13:25] < uninvited> [anders] got an other oppinion on that.
[13:25] < uninvited> I had no problems with MS-DOS. (or PT-DOS)
[13:26]   praenti is away
[13:26] < uninvited> Great software.
[13:26] < uninvited> win95 sucks.
[13:26] < [anders]> uninvited: depends what you started out with I suppose.. DOS wasn't as nice as KingCON in AmigaOS..
[13:26] < uninvited> KingCON ? What was this about ?
[13:26] < uninvited> Never heard of.
[13:27] < [anders]> you know the console handler in AmigaOS? known as CON: ?
[13:27] < uninvited> Aye
[13:27] < uninvited> Ah i got it...
[13:27] < uninvited> hehehe speak it out loud: sounds like King Kong ;-)
[13:28] < [anders]> you could replace it with KingCON: which had command line editing features you today find in BASH etc.. arrow key movement in the CLI and history, you could even click with the mouse somewhere in your command you were editing and it would move the cursor to where you clicked..
[13:28] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD958D6DC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[13:28] < [anders]> re thalerim
[13:29] < uninvited> [anders]> thanks for that excursion. ;-)
[13:29] < [anders]> also, you could hit RAmiga-s and get a little pop-up window with the last 30 lines or so of CLI history and you could just select the command you wanted.. :)
[13:30] < uninvited> ...emacs...
[13:30] < uninvited> ;-)
[13:30] < huebi> How can I use sawfish withoou Gnome?
[13:30] < [anders]> AmigaOS had a reputation for being unstable, and AmigaOS 1.3.x was pretty crashy, but 2.1 and 3.1 was reasonably solid...
[13:30] < thalerim> hello
[13:30] < uninvited> [anders] you think so ???
[13:31] < [anders]> huebi: export WINDOWMANAGER=/usr/bin/sawfish
[13:31] < [anders]> uninvited: better than windows at any rate..
[13:31] < uninvited> I remember the good old GURU MEDITATION messages ;-)
[13:31] < huebi> [anders]: and then startx?
[13:31] < [anders]> uninvited: they changed those in 1.3.3 to Software Failure
[13:31] -!- thalerim is now known as thAlerim
[13:31] < [anders]> huebi: I think so..
[13:31] < uninvited> [anders] yeah. Better than windows anyway.
[13:31] < thAlerim> ... writing mails ...
[13:31] < huebi> I try it. brb
[13:32] < uninvited> [anders] they did ? Can t tell...
[13:32] < [anders]> huebi: ok :)  I know that .xinitrc looks at $WINDOWMANAGER and I have set it at times to the windowmanager I want to use.. I think it is set to gnome-session at the moment..
[13:34] < [anders]> uninvited: AmigaOS 3.1 was worth it to upgrade to.. Better locale support and in general more thought through..
[13:34] -!- Ge0rG is now known as ge0rg
[13:34] < [anders]> I remember buying the 2.0 kickstart chip so I could boot FFS floppies.. :)
[13:38] < [anders]> huebi: might give you another patch in a moment...
[13:39] < huebi> [anders]: I wrote a .xinitrc and exec sawfish in there. Now sawfish works without Gnome in Xinerama mode.
[13:39] < huebi> brb. testing 1.5.17
[13:40] < thAlerim> any native english speaker here? Want to know what "aneinander vorbeireden" is in english (aneinander vorbeireden == talk at cross purposes)
[13:40] < thAlerim> Can I say talk at cross purposes ??
[13:41] < Vondrix> vorbeireden, isn't that 'to prepare'?
[13:42] < thAlerim> no, that's vorbereiten ;)
[13:43] < thAlerim> "talk at cross purposes" means the same, but is a differend wording
[13:43] < thAlerim> s,differend,different
[13:44] < [anders]> thAlerim: "talking about two different things" perhaps ?
[13:45] < uninvited> Have to shut down - gonna change memory in memory banks, replace video card etc. Cya all !
[13:45] -!- uninvited [~uninvited@p50802B13.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[13:47] < thAlerim> [anders]: yes, that's the meaning ... but I thought there would be a special word expressing it ... but simply ... *hem* english sucks  
[13:50] < [anders]> thAlerim: in english? give me a break.. ;-)
[13:51] < thAlerim> *hummmm* how is the slogan of Kitkat(?) ?
[13:51] < [anders]> kdelibs is failing.. in odd way.. trying to figure out what the hell is happening..
[13:51] < thAlerim> Have a brake, have a Kitkat ... or so
[13:52] < [anders]> "Have a break, have a Kitkat..."
[13:52] < thAlerim> load the errorlog up somewhere
[13:52] < [anders]> I put the line
[13:52] < [anders]> echo "zxc: $archdir/kdelibs-$ver.tar.bz2"
[13:52] < [anders]> in kdelibs.conf
[13:52] < [anders]> and the result in the log is
[13:52] < [anders]> > zxc: /rock-linux/base-archive/kdelibs/kdelibs-3.0.2
[13:52] < [anders]> > 3.0.2.tar.bz2
[13:53] < [anders]> something is wrong somewhere..
[13:53] < [anders]> tried looking in the kdelibs.pz, but nothing obvious there...
[13:54] < thAlerim> huh
[13:54] < thAlerim> where the hell is the newline coming from??
[13:54] < [anders]> thAlerim: I would really like to knwo.. and also where the dup 3.0.2 is coming from..
[13:55] < [anders]> it is as if $ver is actually 3.0.2^J3.0.2
[13:55] < [anders]> s,actually,actually set to,
[13:57] < thAlerim> the filename is okay?
[13:57] < thAlerim> i mean /rock-linux/base-achive/kdelibs/*
[13:57] < thAlerim> +r
[13:58] < [anders]> shuttle:/drock/rock-src-1.5.17.private/base-config/kdelibs# ls -l /drock/rock-src-1.5.17.private/base-archive/kdelibs/
[13:58] < [anders]> total 8448
[13:58] < [anders]> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root      1017488 Jul  8 17:05 arts-1.0.2.tar.bz2
[13:58] < [anders]> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root      7612798 Jul  8 17:08 kdelibs-3.0.2.tar.bz2
[13:59] < [anders]> so yes, the filename is okay..
[14:00] < thAlerim> hm
[14:00] < [anders]> I don't get it either..
[14:01] < thAlerim> the problem may be located in the code-part splitting the filenames into pieces
[14:01] < [anders]> could be.. which script is it that does that bit?
[14:01] < thAlerim> ehm... and where is huebi ... master of all earthly things??
[14:01] < [anders]> something in misc/ somewhere?
[14:02] < esden> re hi all
[14:02] < [anders]> moin esden
[14:02]   esden reading scrollback
[14:03] < thAlerim> [anders] haven't been bothered with the scripts, but in 1.7 it was scripts/Build-Pkg or similiar
[14:03] < thAlerim> [anders] haven't been bothered with the scripts for a long time, but in 1.7 it was scripts/Build-Pkg or similiar
[14:03] < thAlerim> moin esden.. is everything okay?
[14:03] < [anders]> thAlerim: I'll take a look..
[14:05]   esden will set up an irc server on apollo ... then we can create irc.rocklinux.org or so
[14:05] < [anders]> thAlerim: for some reason $extraver seems to get set
[14:05] < huebi> [anders]: delete : rm -rf ext-config/kdelibs
[14:06]   esden reading scrollback
[14:06] < huebi> then it'll be ok.
[14:06] < [anders]> huebi: but I am building base now..  :)
[14:06] < [anders]> so just deleting it from ext makes it work again?
[14:06] < thAlerim> esden: no do not please
[14:07] < esden> thAlerim: why ?
[14:07] < thAlerim> I hate it that many bigger projects are going to build up a special irc servers for they purpose
[14:07] < thAlerim> e.g. slashdot, gnome ...
[14:08] < esden> I think that it is very good ... it is not dependant on the network ... that is not really stable ...
[14:08] < thAlerim> I would prefer it if everyone merged together
[14:08] < thAlerim> to build a real OpenProjects Network
[14:08] < [anders]> huebi: and then run Puzzle yeah? :)
[14:09] -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has quit ("fnord!")
[14:09] < esden> when opn would not suck so much i would say that you are right @ thAlerim
[14:09] < thAlerim> yes, that think many people
[14:09] < [anders]> thAlerim/huebi : that fixxed the problem..
[14:10] < thAlerim> an accurate trend is that channels (have been idling here for a long time) are going to move to oftc, 'cause lilo's behavour pretty sucks - as they say -
[14:10] < thAlerim> behaviour
[14:11] < thAlerim> I can't prove or trust that, because i do not know lilo unless his name and his fame
[14:11] < thAlerim> s,unless,except
[14:12] < thAlerim> esden: Why does OPN suck in you eyes?
[14:12] < thAlerim> +r
[14:12]   thAlerim isn't able to write only one sentence without any typo :/
[14:14] < thAlerim> BTW. meep huebi!
[14:15] < esden> thAlerim: the network is unstable ... currently it is pretty ok ... but there are times wher netsplits are occuring every minute or so ... services are often down ... aso
[14:16] -!- uninvited [~uninvited@p5080357F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:16] < uninvited> re
[14:16] < [anders]> re uninvited
[14:16] < uninvited> what a procedure...
[14:17] < uninvited> just replaced my cpu fan.
[14:18]   esden compiling mozilla on natalie
[14:18] < thAlerim> esden: strange... I have not recognized one of them so far (well the recent hubs' rotation, or how it's called, I suffered)
[14:18] < esden> that will take ages
[14:18] < [anders]> OPN seems reasonably stable to me.. I have not been a great deal on here more than in the last two weeks.. but when I have been on, it has been quite good.. regarding lilo I have no opinion, he doesn't piss me off so afaict he is OK..
[14:19] < uninvited> esden> id like to compile on Natalie too... ;-)
[14:19] < thAlerim> [anders]: ACK && ditto
[14:20] < esden> I think that opn is getting more stable ... then it was some time ago ... we will see ... but when opn will start to piss me off I will create an irc for rocklinux only ...
[14:21] < [anders]> That is not to say that a private IRC server is a bad thing.. What could be done, is creating an irc.rocklinux.org and linking it with OPN for #rocklinux only...
[14:22] < esden> that would be a really cool thing
[14:22] < esden> it would be easyer to access for people not knowing what opn is
[14:23] < [anders]> well, it would keep everyone happy.. it would not matter much if you found #rocklinux via OPN as you still would be able to talk to all the people..
[14:23] < [anders]> esden: that as well..
[14:23] < esden> [anders]: ok ... i will see what I can do on this issue when I am ready with my egsams
[14:24] < thAlerim> esden: for instance #kernelnewbies moved to oftc as a result of lilo's managment of servers (or something like that) isn't in harmony with FreSoftware/OpenSource **thingie** ... but i can't give more detailed information
[14:25] < thAlerim> yes, an own rocklinux server powered by rocklinux but linked to opn wouldb e really great
[14:25] < esden> I know that they moved ... I have seen through the explination ... but I have not read in detail ... but I will do it when I have some spare minutes
[14:25] < esden> thAlerim: that is what I would like to have
[14:27] < esden> ok ... i need nicotine
[14:28] < [anders]> esden: I know that lilo is asking for more servers on a volountary basis, so you will probably have little resistance from him to get a server in to OPN.. he might request it to have a name in openprojects.net's domain though..
[14:28] < [anders]> not that that is a big problem.. a CNAME takes care of that..
[14:29] < esden> the problem is that I am not allowed to make a lot of traffic with this machine
[14:30] < esden> I would like to get only the #rocklinux channel linked to the opn network and that's it
[14:30] < esden> i do not know if dancer is able to do this
[14:30] < thAlerim> if it's possible who would like to prevent you/us
[14:30] < thAlerim> don't see a real reason
[14:31] < thAlerim> esden: May I ask what machine?
[14:31] < [anders]> ./te
[14:31] < thAlerim> located at your uni?
[14:32] < esden> apollo.bingo-ev.de
[14:32] < [anders]> argh..
[14:32] < thAlerim> irsii sucks
[14:32] < thAlerim> :P
[14:32] < esden> it is a server in a club that i am in
[14:32] < huebi> must sawfish be for gtk1 or gtk2?
[14:32] < esden> no that is not uni ... I do not have such good connections to my uni to get a server there ...
[14:33] < huebi> I mean the sources to work on Rock 1.5
[14:33]   esden breb (smoeken)
[14:33] < [anders]> gtk2 is for gnome2, isn't it?
[14:34] < huebi> I don't know. That's why I ask. Gnome versioning is not that simple.
[14:34] < thAlerim> *gg*
[14:35] < thAlerim> gtk+ 2.0 is GNOME 2.0
[14:35] < thAlerim> am quite sure ...
[14:36] < huebi> thAlerim: then I use: https://telia.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/sawmill/sawfish-1.1-gtk1.tar.gz
[14:37] < esden> re
[14:37] < thAlerim> no idea which version of sawfish require 2 and which 1
[14:38] < thAlerim> i just know gtk 2.0 have been being developed for gnome 2
[14:38] < [anders]> I am running sawfish 1.0.1
[14:39] < esden> lol most opn servers are in europe
[14:39] < thAlerim> huebi: eh.. did you test the small matrix-patch already?
[14:39] < huebi> thAlerim: No, I didn't. But I will do it.
[14:39] < huebi> First sawfish must be fixed.
[14:41] < thAlerim> heh, I am going to go out the first time since 2 or 3 weeks
[14:41] < thAlerim> :-)
[14:45] < thAlerim> cu later
[14:45] -!- thAlerim [~tobrit@pD958D6DC.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos")
[14:51] < [anders]> bah... kdelibs is worse than Qt...
[14:52] < huebi> [anders]: here it compiles fine...
[14:53] < [anders]> huebi: it just finished..
[14:54] < [anders]> ok, same problem with kdebase.. remove that from ext-config as well?
[14:55] < huebi> [anders]: Yes, do it.
[14:55] < [anders]> huebi: done..
[14:57] < [anders]> trying to keep my private tree in sync as well.... :)
[14:58] < esden> there is a very interesting mail on gentoo compared to other distributions on the gentoo-user mailinglist ... someone interested? then I will send a link ...
[14:59] -!- Judas [~messias@] has joined #rocklinux
[15:00] < Judas> hi
[15:00] < [anders]> moin Judas
[15:00] < esden> hi Judas
[15:01] < esden> ok ... no interest on that ... interesting
[15:01] < huebi> esden: post faster....
[15:01] < esden> hehe
[15:01] < [anders]> esden: what's the link then...:)
[15:01] < huebi> esden: post faster....
[15:02] < esden> https://lists.gentoo.org/pipermail/gentoo-user/2002-July/027559.html
[15:02] < esden> and the following one
[15:02] < esden> the following one is more interesting I think
[15:02] < esden> https://lists.gentoo.org/pipermail/gentoo-user/2002-July/027560.html
[15:03] < esden> if there will be more I will inform you ... and write a mail to the rock mailinglist
[15:04] < esden> how was it ?? get your friends close to you ... and your enimies even closer ;-)
[15:05] < esden> even if gentoo is not an enimie ;-)
[15:16] < uninvited> argh !
[15:16] < uninvited> SORRY
[15:16] < uninvited> Damn it.
[15:17] < uninvited> dont ban me ;-)
[15:17] < esden> uninvited: what are you doing ? ... first you cut and paste the whole channel traffig ... now you flood with B ... is your coordination not working ? ;-)
[15:17] < [anders]> esden: he's drunk.. ;-)
[15:17] < uninvited> Book was lying on "B"...
[15:17] < esden> seems so ;-)
[15:18] < [anders]> uninvited: and then you put another book on Return key?
[15:18] < [anders]> ;-)
[15:18] < esden> lool
[15:18] < esden> uni ... from now on you are on my shitlist ;-)
[15:19] < esden> what book was it ? @ uni
[15:19] < uninvited> "Programmieren mit Perl"
[15:19] < th> also auch ab auf meine shitlist
[15:20] < uninvited> I was holding baby, and as it seems i dropped book onto B. Now when i pressed <RETURN> it sent the "b" flood
[15:20] < uninvited> th> good to hear ;-)
[15:21] < th> uninvited: just kidding ;)
[15:21] < huebi> ja,ja. It was the baby...
[15:21] < uninvited> th> hehehe. perl is useful and i need it to close a project.
[15:21] < huebi> I know that problem, too. Ella did paste Mathilda in this chanel *g*
[15:21] < uninvited> huebi> i could ve said Mathilda was stomping on my keyboard ;-)
[15:22] < uninvited> LOL
[15:22] < uninvited> *ROTFL*
[15:22] < uninvited> Ella ? Noooo. Ela.
[15:22] < uninvited> You know my girlfriend`s name ?
[15:22] < huebi> uninvited: No my daughters name is Ella.
[15:23] < uninvited> And my girlfriends name is Ela (from Michaela) ;-)
[15:23] < huebi> brb. testing new sawfish
[15:24] < uninvited> Hey, does Rocklinux accept donations in hardware ?
[15:25] < uninvited> esden> will you be @ bitz tonite ?
[15:28] < esden> uninvited: why ?
[15:29] < esden> uninvited: yes sure we accept hardware donations
[15:29] < uninvited> Do you have need on old (but still functional mainboards, cpus)
[15:30] < esden> dunno ... perhups ... what stuff is it ?
[15:30] < uninvited> Mainboard: ASUS P5A - ASUS A7V - P1-133
[15:31] < esden> https://www.esden.net/rocklinux/garrett0004.png <-- everybody take a look at this ... ;-)
[15:31] < uninvited> Lots of old memory (these before SDRAM)
[15:32] < [anders]> kaffe-dags....
[15:32] < uninvited> esden> I will come around to BITZ @about 18:00 tonite - for about 30 minutes. Be there.
[15:32] < esden> uninvited: I will try can not promise anything
[15:32]   esden smoking
[15:32] < uninvited> roger that !
[15:37] < Judas> can someone tell me why the apache package is marked with an '*' in the list? does it fail to install?
[15:38] < esden> in which list ?
[15:39] < uninvited> and what is apache ? *G*
[15:39] < Judas> https://www1.rocklinux.org/packages/
[15:39] < WKaibigan> Select apache in the list to load the detail page and then scroll down a bit to see the error log which states what the problem is.
[15:43] < esden> apache is one of the sourceforge packages ... so do not wonder that it is not compiling
[15:45] < WKaibigan> Does anyone know if it is possible to point Postfix to a proxy program?
[15:52] < huebi> Judas: This is the list of packages in 1.7 - the new develpment version of ROCK Linux.
[15:52] -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux
[15:52] < armijn> re
[15:53] < armijn> huebi: already sent out the CDs?
[15:54] < armijn> I want to get my hands on normal sparc, so I need sources, etc.
[16:00] < esden> hi armijn
[16:01] < armijn> hi
[16:02] < armijn> hrmpf...huebi keeps forgetting to send CDs :(
[16:09] < esden> ahh ... mozilla finished ... it needed 3.5 hours ... urgh
[16:09] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-171-89.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:10] < armijn> but it's getting a bit on my nerves now
[16:12] < esden> three dietlibc target patches sent to the mailinglist
[16:13] -!- ge0rg is now known as Ge0rG
[16:13] < esden> armijn: keep cool ;-)
[16:13] < armijn> I mean, how am I supposed to fix sparc64 like this?
[16:14] < armijn> I got an ss20 (not the missile, but the computer) from Sun, to port ROCK on
[16:14] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-170-54.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[16:14] < armijn> I don't want to let them down...
[16:16] < rxr> re
[16:17] < esden> anocher good mail about gentoo : https://lists.gentoo.org/pipermail/gentoo-user/2002-July/027571.html
[16:18] < esden> re rxr
[16:18] < esden> rxr: I sent some patches for 1.7 to the mailinglist
[16:22] < armijn> hehe, linuxuser has got a review in LinuxUser 20
[16:22] < armijn> www.linuxuser.co.uk
[16:22] < armijn> haven't read it yet
[16:22] < esden> guys have you read this here ?: https://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/reviews/4302/1/
[16:23] < armijn> na, still busy reading stupid stories on slashdot
[16:23] < esden> armijn: I have to do this too ...
[16:25] < rxr> esden: patches? have not arrived yet ... ?
[16:25] < armijn> rxr: they have here
[16:26]   armijn quotes
[16:26] < armijn> Hi,
[16:26] < armijn> Here are three patches to the dietlibc target.
[16:26] < armijn> etc.
[16:27] < esden> rxr: they arrived to me ... they should be in your mailbox soon
[16:27] < rxr> ah - now it is here
[16:27] < armijn> burn CD, brb
[16:27] < esden> armijn: burn baby burn ;-)
[16:27] < rxr> esden: maybe the target docu should belong into the target sub-directory ?
[16:28] < esden> rxr: I do not think so ... we want to have all documentation in a central place ... or am I wrong ?
[16:28] < rxr> esden: does the "fl_stparse.c" patch has any site effects? Is it well tested ?
[16:29] < esden> rxr: it is very well tested ... I have run it on glibc too ... I use the patch for something about two months now
[16:29] < rxr> esden: but the central place does not scale nicely for all the various target in the future - so it would be nicer to have the maintainers of it maintain the docu de-centralized ....
[16:29] < rxr> esden: ack -> applied
[16:30] < esden> and this is taken out of gilbc ... this get_rurrent_dir_name() (or so) function is acctually a wrapper for the one I have replaced it with
[16:30] < esden> this is one of the suck me planty things in glibc
[16:31] < esden> rxr: that can be ... but I would prefer to discuss it with cliff when he is back
[16:32] < rxr> esden: it doesn't make sense to mix the target todo lists with the main one ...
[16:32] < esden> rxr: but I argee with you that we need decentralized docs ... and docs generated out of rocklinux sources
[16:33] < rxr> patching file Documentation/Developers/TODO
[16:33] < rxr> Hunk #1 succeeded at 24 (offset 1 line).
[16:33] < esden> rxr: hmm ... ok that is right
[16:33] < armijn> I think we need money for beer
[16:33] < esden> rxr: that is ok
[16:33] < esden> this patch is bit older ;-)
[16:33] < esden> but tested
[16:34] < rxr> tested ?
[16:36] < esden> ahh .. that is perhups because of that that you/cliff added something in the todo
[16:36] < esden> or so
[16:37] -!- uninvited [~uninvited@p5080357F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[16:40] < rxr> esden: maybe cliff ...
[16:40] < rxr> all applied - and RSynced to my public server ...
[16:40] < esden> kk thanks
[16:40] < rxr> I'll start today to evaluate subversion ...
[16:41] < esden> rxr: tell me if you will be successfull ... I will test it then also once more
[16:41]   [anders] reading scroll back..
[16:41] < rxr> esden: have you read the article =
[16:41] < rxr> s/=/?/
[16:41] < esden> rxr: not yet sorry
[16:42] < [anders]> kdebase failes
[16:42] < [anders]> fails even..
[16:44] < [anders]> kpersonalizer is it that fails.. *sigh* why on earth was kde ever moved into base...?
[16:44] < rxr> esden: do you read over it today? *g*
[16:47] < esden> rxr: yes I will do
[16:48] < esden> another good mail about gentoo : https://lists.gentoo.org/pipermail/gentoo-user/2002-July/027576.html
[16:51] < rxr> esden: what is so good in the mail - and are you moving to gentoo ?
[16:51] < esden> rxr: sure i am moving to them
[16:52] < esden> rxr: no ... I mean that they have QA tools ... we need it too ... in my opinion
[16:52] < armijn> rxr: and what if he'd move?
[16:52] < armijn> ROCK isn't everything
[16:55] < [anders]> is huebi, the all-knowing, around?
[16:57] < armijn> nope
[16:58] < [anders]> arrf.. I'll just have to wait then.. :-/
[16:59] < armijn> I guess
[16:59] < rxr> armijn: ? Why this comments? I simply asked whether he starts to like gentoo - is there a prob with this ?
[17:00] < armijn> rxr: no, but you sound like it's a capital offence
[17:00] < armijn> and a bit hostile...
[17:00] < rxr> 16:51 < rxr> esden: what is so good in the mail - and are you moving to gentoo ?
[17:01] < rxr> ^- Just normal question ? ...
[17:01] < [anders]> easy now chaps.. put the handbags down..
[17:01] < [anders]> ;-)
[17:02] < armijn> my handbag is bigger than yours
[17:02] < [anders]> *LOL*
[17:02] < rxr> I just do not know why armijn explodes so often on my statements or questions? ... *just wondering*
[17:02] < armijn> I don't explode :)
[17:02] < armijn> on the contrary
[17:02] < esden> rofl ... I love you guys ...
[17:02] < armijn> rxr: you always seem so...hostile...
[17:02] < [anders]> armijn: you implode?
[17:03] < esden> *headbangingonthetable*
[17:03] < armijn> [anders]: if I keep drinking beer I will eventually :)
[17:03] < [anders]> armijn: implode if you drink beer? no, you'll just blob if you do.. ;-)
[17:03] < armijn> well, if I drink *enough* beer
[17:03] < esden> boa ... it is getting really hot in here
[17:04] < [anders]> armijn: you will not implode if you drink vast amounts of beer, but you will probably flood the toilets... ;-D
[17:04] < [anders]> esden: move the computer into the fridge.. ;-)
[17:04] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39CDE.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("I take this land for my bunghole!")
[17:05] -!- h0h0 [~hoho@3ffe:80ee:7c6:0:0:0:0:fe] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[17:06] < esden> [anders]: I want watercooling for my box @ [anders]
[17:07] < [anders]> esden: did you see the article at toms hardware about it?
[17:08] < esden> yes I have ... why ?
[17:09] < [anders]> just wondered as you mentioned water cooling.. the film they made was very interesting.. :)
[17:09] -!- h0h0 [~hoho@dhcp024-210-222-139.woh.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux
[17:14] < esden> I have not seen the films ... do you have the url laying somewhere around ?
[17:14] < armijn> flooding toilets...
[17:14] < armijn> good idea
[17:15]   esden eating cheese with salt
[17:16] < SMP> esden: [water cooling] you know https://www.aqua-computer.de/ ?
[17:17] < esden> SMP: yes I know them ... i love their transparent design
[17:18] < SMP> they look like they're serious about it ;-O
[17:18] < esden> but i would need a window in my box so that it makes sense
[17:18] < esden> yes they are serious ...
[17:18] < esden> I think they are ... at least
[17:19] < armijn> hmm...cheese
[17:19] < SMP> oh, an armijn
[17:20]   esden needs more cheese ...
[17:20] < armijn> cheese!
[17:20] < armijn> hmm...an SMP
[17:37] -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux ()
[17:48] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB4C649.ipt.aol.com] has quit ()
[17:53] < rxr> btw dRock 1.6.0 got installed on a Mac-OS X PC emulator today !!!
[17:59] < rxr> https://www.rocklinux.org/projects/drock/drock-install-new.html
[18:00] < rxr> ^- now contins two pictures from the Installation on MacOS ;-)
[18:01] < esden> rxr: respect
[18:06] < Ge0rG> mhm... the default kernel doesn't have smc-ultra32 as module. rebuilding a kernel on a 486 might take a while
[18:06] < esden> Ge0rG: I predict one hour or so
[18:07] < Ge0rG> ok, then I'll do it
[18:07] < rxr> esden: I guess slightly longer - my P54 120Mhz needs 50 minutes or so ...
[18:09] < Ge0rG> mhm... how can I tell the kernel the equivalent of "options smc-ultra32 io=0x300" as a cmdline parameter for a builtin driver?
[18:10] < esden> rxr: on my P75 it needed one hour ... but yes it could be longer now ... back then I used 2.0 kernel or so
[18:11] < rxr> esden: mine has only 40MB RAM - and had an apache, squid, ftpd running ...
[18:11] < rxr> and yes - it was 2.4.18 ...
[18:14] < Ge0rG> mhm... wtf is CONFIG_I_AM_LAME?
[18:15] < rxr> a joke from esden - where do you see tis ?
[18:16] < rxr> s/tis/this/
[18:16] < rxr> urgh - it si 18 o'clock :-(
[18:16] < rxr> ???????????
[18:16] < esden> yesssss !!! Pov-Ray 3.5 is out *jump* !!!
[18:16] < rxr> do we have a povray package ?
[18:17] < blindcoder> hi everyone
[18:17] < rxr> package/sourceforge/povray
[18:17] < rxr> ok
[18:17] < esden> I want my own respository and i want povrai in it ... also megapov and pvm-pov
[18:18] < esden> s/povrai/povray/
[18:18] < esden> I do not want to mess around with sf ... sorry
[18:19] < rxr> esden: feel free to submit a patch to me ;-)
[18:19] < esden> rxr: kk thanks ;-)
[18:20] < blindcoder> esden: you at Ingolstadt?
[18:21] < esden> blindcoder: yepp
[18:21] < esden> blindcoder: are you in the city ? could you come by my home and bring the 0-modem cable ?
[18:21] < esden> blindcoder: and hi nice to see you again
[18:22] < esden> ;-)
[18:22] < blindcoder> esden: I'm at home right now, come around I have something for you (and no, it's not a KO-Punch ;)
[18:23] < esden> blindcoder: hmm .. it will be difficult to come by ... no car :-(
[18:24] < blindcoder> I haven't got one, too, but I could try to talk Zero into it...
[18:24] < blindcoder> he's here
[18:24] < esden> ...
[18:26] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39CDE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:29] < esden> == 18:28:56 =[3]=> Building base package emacs [21.2 1.5.17_2002-07-08_09h20]. <-- yuck
[18:36] < esden> blindcoder: and ?
[18:40] < blindcoder> esden: he doesn't want to >_<
[18:40] < esden> ok ... :-(
[18:41] < blindcoder> okay, we come round in about half an hour to 45 minutes
[18:41] < blindcoder> I misunderstood him
[18:42] < esden> ok ... np ... i wait for you ...
[18:45] < blindcoder> yup
[18:45] < blindcoder> but we won't stay for long
[18:45] < esden> that is ok
[18:51] -!- Ge0rG is now known as ge0rg
[18:54] -!- uninvited [~uninvited@pD9E50DD5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:54] < uninvited> re
[18:56] < blindcoder> esden: We're on the way
[18:56] < esden> blindcoder: kk
[18:57] < esden> re uninvited
[18:57] < uninvited> hiya esden, have you seen praenti ?
[18:57] < uninvited> I ve been @ BITZ about 15 mins ago, looking for him
[18:58] < esden> yes he was here in the channel ... but it is langer ago
[18:58] < uninvited> But looks like they went for a walk aso.
[18:58] < uninvited> argh !
[19:00]   esden hunting
[19:01] < uninvited> yeah, if you see praenti shoot him point blank with your shotgun ;-)
[19:01] -!- simon-- [~simon@pD9E1D72D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:13] < rxr> rene@jackson:~/rock-article > wc rock-article.txt
[19:13] < rxr>     199    1911   13913 rock-article.txt
[19:14]   th hat vergessen was er nach einer aenderung an qmail/control/virtualdomains tun muss um es zu aktivieren... SMP?
[19:18] -!- simon- [~simon@p50874A53.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:18] -!- simon-- is now known as simon-
[19:25] < SMP> th: svc -h /service/qmail
[19:26] < th> hmm
[19:26] < th> SMP: du meinst /service/qmail-smtpd?
[19:26] < SMP> nein
[19:26] < th> SMP: ich hab die dinger alle gehupt
[19:26] < th> /service/qmail hab ich nicht
[19:26] < SMP> virtualdomains wird von qmail-send benutzt
[19:26] < th> auch send hab ich gehupt
[19:26] < SMP> steht in der qmail-control manpage
[19:27] < th> ich hab svc -h auf das send gemacht
[19:27] < SMP> wenn du den geHUPed hast, dann passt das
[19:27] < SMP> tritt denn ein Fehler auf?
[19:27] < th> ja
[19:27] < SMP> naemlich?
[19:27] < th> 5.7.1
[19:27] < th>     (reason: 553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1))
[19:28] < SMP> ja dann schreib's doch rein. und was hat virtualdomains damit zu tun? ;-}
[19:28] < th> aehm
[19:28] < th> die domain steh in virtualdomains
[19:28] < th> t
[19:28] < SMP> das ist schoen, interessiert aber den qmail-smtpd nicht
[19:29] < SMP> steht auch in der qmail-control manpage ;-]
[19:29] < th> grmpf
[19:29] < th> da hab ich wohl was verwechselt
[19:29] < th> vermutlich mit locals
[19:29] < th> da darfs ja nicht rein
[19:29] < th> stimmt die virtuals muessen sowohl in rcpt als auch vdomains
[19:29] < th> grmpf *headbang*
[19:30] < SMP> denk dir Konfigurationsdateien aus wie du sie brauchst und schreib nen Makefile um daraus die wirklichen fuer qmail zu erzeugen ;-)
[19:31] < SMP> ich hab regelmaessig irgendwie control/Bladomains und control/Foodomains und dann ein schoenes (immer anderes) Makefile
[19:31] -!- Judas [~messias@] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[19:31] < huebi> ll /var/adm/ : adm -> ../adm  For what is this link needed?
[20:01]   rxr running parasim
[20:08] < huebi> rxr: How long does parasim need?
[20:08] < rxr> huebi: don't know - it is still running (...)=
[20:08] < rxr> rene@jackson:~/develop/rock/rock-src-1.7-clifford > ./scripts/Create-ParaSim  -x11 -jobs 8
[20:08] < rxr> Building parasim in src.parasim.172356568.
[20:08] < rxr> Running simulation for 8 parallel jobs ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
[20:09] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@acb4c649.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux
[20:15] < rxr> huebi: still runnin
[20:16] < rxr> does s.o. know the email address of thalerim ??
[20:16] < huebi> rxr: SMP pointed out a few days ago that the variable $MAKE is used by the program make and the Makefiles. If the Makefile, like the Makefile in /usr/src/linux, contains a $(MAKE) then each submake is invoked with e.g -j16 too. That leads to about 600 - 700 processes running at the same time on my box while compiling a kernel. What do you think about using "make &make_opts" instead of "$MAKE" in the .conf files?
[20:18] < rxr> jups seems to be ok - but on what name can we agree for $make_opts
[20:18] < rxr> makeopt like confopt might match better
[20:19] < rxr> huebi: the sim took ~10 minutes
[20:19] < huebi> rxr: jo, makeopt is much more in the common way of naming the variables.
[20:19] < rxr> I now rerun it for 1,2,4 and 8 jobs ;-)
[20:19] < huebi> rxr: ah ok.
[20:19] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B55c3.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[20:20] < owl> hi
[20:20] < rxr> huebi: so we both change it? You in 1.5 and /me in 1.7 ?
[20:20] < huebi> rxr: Yes, lets do it. ;-)
[20:20] < rxr> huebi: maybe stopping my nice -n 18 dRock build might speed it up ...
[20:21] < rxr> hm not really
[20:21] < rxr> the forking of thousands of wak processes seems to limit the speed
[20:21] < rxr> now my box is 60% idle ....
[20:36] < esden> ISL Revision A.00.24 October 7, 1992
[20:37] < esden> ISL booting  hpux
[20:37] < esden> Booting disc(;0)/hp-ux
[20:37] < esden> cool
[20:37] < esden> Floating point coprocessor configured and enabled.
[20:37] < esden> rofl !!!
[20:44] < huebi> rxr: thalerim@freebits.de
[20:46] < rxr> huebi: thanks!
[20:50] < huebi> esden: I think you never saw a SUN UltraSparc booting in DIAG Mode. AN E10K needs for this POST tests about 6h.
[20:51] < esden> hehe ... i can imagine that
[20:51] < esden> this box here needs only 5 - 10 minutes
[20:51] < esden> with its sweet 33Mhz ;-)
[20:51] < huebi> esden: I reboot rock for you ;-)
[20:52] < rxr> Simulated build for 1 parallel jobs finished.
[20:52] -!- ge0rg is now known as Ge0rG
[20:52] < rxr> Simulated build for 2 parallel jobs finished.
[20:52] < rxr> ...
[20:53] < esden> here some info on the box (warning flood):
[20:53] < esden> BOOT_ADMIN> info
[20:53] < esden> ----------------------------- Hardware Configuration ------------------------
[20:53] < esden> Machine model: 9000/715
[20:53] < esden> Processor Frequency             = 33333500 Hz
[20:53] < esden> I/O Subsystem Frequency         = 16666750 Hz
[20:53] < esden> SCSI Jumper Frequency setting   = 33333500 Hz
[20:53] < esden> LAN Jumper Status: External AUI Port selected
[20:53] < esden> Processor Revision                  = 8
[20:53] < esden> System Controller Revision          = 0
[20:53] < esden> Floating Point Coprocessor Revision = 1
[20:53] < esden> Hardware Version            12560     (0x00003110)
[20:53] < esden> Software Version             1153     (0x00000481)
[20:53] < esden> BOOT_ADMIN>
[20:53] < esden> (end of flood)
[20:56] -!- uninvited [~uninvited@pD9E50DD5.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[20:57] < Ge0rG> the 486 is compiling for about 2h now
[20:57] (Users #rocklinux)
[20:57] [ [anders] ] [ coldie] [ Ge0rG] [ praenti] [ SMP ] [ WKaibigan]
[20:57] [ aszlig ] [ esden ] [ h0h0 ] [ rolla ] [ snyke ]
[20:57] [ blindcoder] [ fake ] [ huebi] [ rxr ] [ th ]
[20:57] [ bluefire ] [ Freak ] [ owl ] [ simon- ] [ Vondrix]
[20:57] -!- Irssi: #rocklinux: Total of 21 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 21 normal]
[20:58] < esden> Ge0rG: hmm ... that is long yes
[20:58] < esden> Ge0rG: I am really interested how long the hp machine needs to compile a kernel
[20:59] < huebi> esden: boot started now.
[21:00] < esden> huebi: I am interested in about results
[21:00] < huebi> esden: I put them online
[21:00] < huebi> Psycho IOMMU CAM NTA Test
[21:00] < huebi> hehe
[21:01] < huebi> Psycho ist the chipset of the Ultra 30
[21:02] < esden> rofl
[21:05] < huebi> (still testing, no boot yet...
[21:07] -!- Caspar_ [~steven261@m132p015.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[21:07] < huebi> Initializing 1023 megs of memory at addr .....
[21:09] -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:09] < holyolli> re
[21:12] < huebi> hi holyolli
[21:12] < holyolli> hi huebi
[21:12] < SMP> *burp*
[21:12] < holyolli> hi smp
[21:12] < esden> re smp
[21:12] < esden> re holyolli
[21:12] < holyolli> hi esden
[21:12] < esden> holyolli: == 21:18:44 =[4]=> Building base package imagemagick [5.4.7-1 1.5.17_2002-07-08_09h20].
[21:13] < holyolli> esden: that's nice :)
[21:13] < esden> holyolli: 8 failed packages till now
[21:14] < holyolli> root@snoopy:/mnt/stripe/rock-cvs/dist/var/adm/logs# ls 3*err
[21:14] < holyolli> 3-apmd.err  3-iproute2.err  3-kdebase.err  3-kdelibs.err  3-qt.err  3-tetex.err
[21:14] < holyolli> (@esden)
[21:14] < esden> holyolli: 3-alsa.err 3-apmd.err 3-gdm.err 3-iproute2.err 3-kdelibs.err 3-lprng.err 3-qt.err 3-tetex.err
[21:14] < huebi> holyolli: qt is needed by kde*
[21:14] < holyolli> huebi: ah
[21:14] < esden> huebi: ohh you got alsa running ?
[21:15] < esden> i mean holyolli
[21:15] < holyolli> esden: jepp
[21:15] < esden> holyolli: good to know
[21:19] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[21:19] < Mike1> moin
[21:19] < huebi> hello Mike1
[21:19] < Mike1> Hi andreas
[21:19] < holyolli> hi Mike1
[21:20] < Mike1> huebi: do you know how can i close port 587 aka submission?
[21:20] < esden> yess my pa-risc workstation is supported by linux !!!
[21:20] < Mike1> hi holyolli
[21:20] < esden> jump jump
[21:20] < Mike1> congratz esden
[21:20] < esden> re Mike1
[21:20] < huebi> Mike1: I don't know
[21:20] < huebi> esden: Another time hole?
[21:20] < Mike1> Anyone knows how to disable port 587/tcp submission???
[21:21] < esden> huebi: yes >_<
[21:21] < esden> another rocklinux port is coming ... pa-risc
[21:21] < Mike1> huebi: i realized that in the kiss.conf it uncompress a double compressed file: tar.gz.bz2, why??
[21:22] < Mike1> esden: excellent!!
[21:22] < holyolli> Mike1: vi sendmail.cf and search for 587
[21:22] < Mike1> holyolli: ok thanks
[21:23] < esden> but first I have to backup the content of the disk that is in the box ... there is a hpux from 1992 ... i must not delete it
[21:24] -!- holyolli [~holyolli@linus.regehr.net] has quit ("X-Chat: Chester Cheeta uses X-Chat. Ayeuhayueuhayueuh!")
[21:25] < Mike1> huebi: i realized that in the kiss.conf it uncompress a double compressed file: tar.gz.bz2, why??
[21:26] < huebi> esden: https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/files/SUN_Ultra30_boot.log <- the long log
[21:26] < esden> huebi: thanks
[21:28] < huebi> Mike1: kiss-0.21.tar is accidently compressed with gzip and after that gziped again. So kiss-0.21.tar.gz must be uncompressed twice.
[21:29] < esden> ahh here is my aui converter
[21:29] < huebi> esden: It needs 10 mins to boot and you don't see anything on the screen in that time. Only the serial console shows this stuff.
[21:30] < huebi> esden: For HP you need one from HP or from Allied Telesyn. Other won't work.
[21:30] < huebi> AUIs I mean
[21:30] < Mike1> huebi: mmm i dont like that when it gets downloaded it is changed to kiss-0.21.tar.bz2 so it doesnt get uncompress because the gz is missing so you have rename it by hand
[21:32] < huebi> Mike1: The kiss.conf take attention on that. All can still run automated in that way.
[21:32] < huebi>         echo "Extracting double-compressed kiss-$ver.tar.bz2 ... "
[21:32] < huebi>         bunzip2 < $archdir/kiss-$ver.tar.bz2 | tar -xzf -
[21:32] < esden> huebi: argh ... that is *****
[21:32] < esden> why ???
[21:32] < esden> argh
[21:32] < Mike1> huebi: yeah i know but 'ls base-archive/kiss/
[21:33] < Mike1> you will get kiss-0.21.tar.bz2 and not kiss-0.21.tar.gz.bz2
[21:33] < esden> ahh .. huebi this one is from allied telesis
[21:33] < Mike1> so it wotn work untill it gets renamed to tar.gz.bz2
[21:33] < esden> centrecom 210T
[21:34] < huebi> esden: Try it, but it "might" not work.
[21:34] < huebi> Mike1: it works.  bunzip2 < $archdir/kiss-$ver.tar.bz2 | tar -xzf - <- the z unzips it.
[21:35] < esden> huebi: i am trying
[21:35] < Mike1> huebi: didnt work for me because it spects to be tar.gz.bz2 and not just tar.bz2
[21:36] < huebi> Mike1: Erm.. Did you have a look in cvs. I must have fixed that when it came up yesterday.
[21:37] < Mike1> mm possibly :)
[21:37] < rxr> https://drocklinux.dyndns.org/rene/files/cluster.eps
[21:37] < esden> huebi: I have at least a link
[21:37] < rxr> ^- new cluser simluation for the article ...
[21:37] < huebi> Mike1: https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/rock-1.5/base-config/kiss/
[21:38] < huebi> rxr: How can I view .eps?
[21:38] < Mike1> huebi: ok i think i will have a look at it first :)
[21:38] < rxr> huebi: ggv, gv kghostview
[21:38] < rxr> ... ...
[21:38] < huebi> rxr: thanks
[21:40] < Mike1> huebi: nice you fixed the bash.conf issue too :)
[21:40] -!- simon-- [~simon@pD9E1D1EA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:41] < Mike1> huebi: but in kiss.conf the uncompress section is the same i have
[21:41] < esden> woot ... that is cool
[21:41] < esden> I do not need bootp to boot from lan
[21:42] < huebi> Mike1: https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/rock-1.5/changelog <- There are all changes every time up to date in there.
[21:43] < huebi> esden: Your AUI does work?
[21:44] < huebi> rxr: Does it scale in reality as good as shown, too?
[21:44] < esden> huebi: I do not know ... I will have to try to boot the box to see if lan works ... the box is saying nothing
[21:45] < Mike1> huebi: hehe danke
[21:45] < huebi> load average: 7.87, 5.41, 4.72 <- Kdebase did not fail till now....
[21:46] < SMP> <0>stefanp@world[~](503)$ awk '$2 == "Accepted"{print $5"/"$3}' /service/sshd. | sort | uniq -c
[21:46] < SMP>      72 anoncvs/none
[21:46] < SMP>      10 esden/password
[21:46] < SMP> hmmm... ;-)
[21:46] < SMP>       8 holyolli/password
[21:46] < SMP>      60 huebi/publickey
[21:47] < rxr> huebi: I do not now - but I think yes ...
[21:47] < rxr> most packages do not depend on each other ...
[21:47] < huebi> rxr: that would be great.
[21:48] < rxr> huebi: the only problem is, that we need a "slow" reference build, to have fast cluster builds ....
[21:48] < huebi> slow? - on slow hardware?
[21:48] -!- simon--- [~simon@p50875797.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:49] < rxr> huebi: the simluation differs from cliffs last screenshost because a) I fixed the "all packages depend on hylafax issue" and b) we have now more packages ...
[21:49] < rxr> slow means: one node only box -> no cluster ...
[21:49] < rxr> we first need the dependencies in the .cache files ...
[21:49] < huebi> only one cpu? make -j1?
[21:50] < rxr> huebi: no! Maybe a 8-way Xeon box - but NOT a CLUSTER ....
[21:51] < huebi> Ahh, ok. Now I understand...
[21:51] < huebi> thanks
[21:52] < rxr> KDE-3.1_Alpha feature screenshots:
[21:52] < rxr> https://static.kdenews.org/mirrors/qwertz/kde31alpha/
[21:52] < huebi> rxr: keyecandypagedlg.cpp:100: no matching function for call to `QGridLayout::addWidget (KListView *&, int, int)' <- do you know this error?
[21:53] < rxr> huebi: no - which packages ?
[21:53] < huebi> kdebase.
[21:53] < rxr> huh ? Never got this - which KDE and QT version ?
[21:53] < huebi> kde 3.0.2
[21:53] -!- simon- [~simon@pD9E1D72D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out)
[21:54] < huebi> qt 3.0.4
[21:54] < rxr> hm compiles fine here *wonder*
[21:54] -!- simon--- is now known as simon-
[21:55] < Ge0rG> ...still building kernel...
[21:57] < Ge0rG> started around 18:50? *guess*
[21:57] < Ge0rG> I should have started it with time !!
[21:58] -!- simon-- [~simon@pD9E1D1EA.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out)
[22:01] < huebi> rxr: I'll have a look at your kde pkgs in 1.7
[22:03] < rxr> ok
[22:16] -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082ABB1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:16] < tsa> moin
[22:18] < Mike1> hi tsa
[22:18] < esden> rxr: the screenshots look good
[22:19] < rxr> tnx
[22:25]   SMP goes to bed
[22:26] < esden> n8 SMP
[22:26] -!- atomobil [~kokocu@as2-6-1.asp.s.bonet.se] has joined #rocklinux
[22:26] < atomobil> Php/PostNuke Hosting starting from $2.45 (Free Php/PostNuke installation and support)Our plans are including Free Php/PostNuke installation and support(you can choose whichever modules/themes/etc you like to have) + PhBB + FullXML + Snitz and other 20 popular CMS´s. Please browse our site for more information. Unlimitedzone Hosting Services https://www.unlimitedzone.net/
[22:26] -!- atomobil [~kokocu@as2-6-1.asp.s.bonet.se] has left #rocklinux ()
[22:26] < tsa> urgh.
[22:27] < SMP> where's the LART...
[22:31] < huebi> n8 SMP
[22:31] < esden> guys I havo some images for review for you : https://www.esden.net/rocklinux/garrett0004.png https://www.esden.net/rocklinux/garrett0005.png https://www.esden.net/rocklinux/garrett0006.png
[22:32] < tsa> cool.
[22:32] < Mike1> esden: nice :)
[22:33] < huebi> esden: "rocklinux - the power of source" is my favorite
[22:33] < esden> we could put one of them on the rocklinux site
[22:34] < esden> I have to change the background to the blue of our page
[22:36] < SMP> spammer klined. now I can really go to bed ,>
[22:36] < huebi> sleep well SMP ;-)
[22:36] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p50803D25.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:36] < Mike1> n8 SMP
[22:36] < Mike1> hi chrisime
[22:37] < chrisime> jo!
[22:37] < huebi> moin chrisime
[22:37] < esden> hi chrisime
[22:39] < chrisime> joojo
[22:39] < chrisime> mein asm is total goil jetzt
[22:39] -!- Ge0rG is now known as ge0rg
[22:40] < chrisime> ich habs total runtergstrippt
[22:40] < chrisime> 10 zeilen redundanter code raus
[22:40] < chrisime> nun rockts
[22:40] < huebi> chrisime: I have a problem with the newest version of gnome. It does not support Xinerama though sawfish does.
[22:40] < chrisime> yeah
[22:40] < chrisime> that's gtk+' fault
[22:40] < chrisime> gtk2.2 supports xinerama
[22:40] < chrisime> which is gtk+ head in CVS
[22:40] < chrisime> gnome2.2 will fully support xinerama
[22:41] < chrisime> sun's gnome version already supports it
[22:41] < chrisime> xinerama is multihead? right?
[22:41] < esden> ok ... color corrected: https://www.esden.net/rocklinux/garrett0007.png
[22:42] < huebi> chrisime: Where do i find out the version of gnome? Gnome about sucks!
[22:42] < Mike1> esden: looks great
[22:42] < esden> Mike1: thanks
[22:42] < chrisime> huebi: aaah this is really annoying
[22:43] < chrisime> you cannot find that out
[22:43] < chrisime> gnome2 consists of a bunch of packages
[22:43] < huebi> chrisime: ooops? ;-))
[22:43] < chrisime> gnome-panel 2.0.1
[22:43] < chrisime> gnome-desktop 2.0.2
[22:43] < chrisime> gnome 2.0.1 will have the same issue
[22:43] < chrisime> you have to live with it :(
[22:43] < huebi> chrisime: ok
[22:46] < chrisime> huebi: sorry dude
[22:46] < chrisime> blame the gnome developer
[22:47] < chrisime> gnome-about should have those information
[22:57] < huebi> chrisime: https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/files/xinerama.jpeg <- there are also the versions used in ROCK Linux 1.5.13 listed.
[22:58] < chrisime> sec
[22:59] < esden> ohh god ... 2 hours to build the kernel ... >_<
[23:01] < chrisime> huebi: kde3.1 is ja immer noch so haesslich ;-)
[23:01] < huebi> chrisime: I have updated Gnome 1.4.x to the newest versions. Now Gnome, not sawfish, can no xinerama anymore. If I start only sawfish (1.1-gtk1) it works.
[23:01] < chrisime> esden: arme sau
[23:01] < chrisime> sawfish1.1 is dev
[23:02] < chrisime> i was surprised that it'll be further developed
[23:02] < huebi> mit 1.0.1 gings garnicht
[23:02] < esden> chrisime: gib mir eine schnellere alpha ... bitte ;-)
[23:04] < chrisime> hehe
[23:04] -!- Vondrix [~vondrix@212-100-182-2.adsl.easynet.be] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:04] < chrisime> huebi: das ein grund warum ich sawfish nimmer verwende
[23:04] < chrisime> momentan
[23:04] < chrisime> und in 6 monaten wird der sowieso komplett rausfliegen
[23:05] -!- Vondrix [~vondrix@212-100-182-9.adsl.easynet.be] has joined #rocklinux
[23:06] < chrisime> huebi: der fehler von gnome-panel oben rechts is wohl auf die fehlende xinerama unertstuetzung zurueckzufuehren
[23:06] < rxr> huebi: dein gnome-terminal auf dem shot sifft aber auch maechtig!
[23:09] < huebi> erm.. Das ist Xinerama mit Gnome. Nur auf dem rechten Drittel funktioniert der Screenshot nicht richtig.
[23:10] < chrisime> huebi: ja, kannst ja mal gnome mit gtk head compilieren
[23:10] < chrisime> dann geht multihead
[23:10] < huebi> nur der Fehler von gnome-panel oben rechts ist sonst auch da
[23:11] < huebi> root@zeus:~# pkg-list |grep gtk  
[23:11] < huebi> gtk+ 1.2.10 1.5.13_2002-03-17_00h24
[23:11] < huebi> gtk-engines 0.12 1.5.13_2002-03-17_00h24
[23:11] < huebi> gtk-perl 0.7008 1.5.13_2002-03-17_00h24
[23:11] < huebi> rep-gtk 0.15 1.5.13_2002-03-17_00h24
[23:11] < huebi> sawfish 1.1-gtk1 1.5.17
[23:11] < chrisime> ach
[23:11] < huebi> das ist sonst noch installiert...
[23:11] < chrisime> du hast gnome1.x
[23:11] < chrisime> ich dachte 2
[23:12] < chrisime> also! gnome1.x mit multihead,das kannst knicken
[23:12] < chrisime> ich hatte au mal 2 screens
[23:12] < chrisime> aufm zweiten geht der sshot net
[23:12] < huebi> Hier sind's 3 ;-)
[23:12] < huebi> das ist der 3.
[23:12] < esden> boa ist 1.7 broken
[23:12] < esden> oder liegt es an mir ?
[23:12] < chrisime> huebi: deswegen
[23:12] < esden> ich glaube aber nicht
[23:14] < huebi> chrisime: Also kann 1.4.x offiziell gar kein Xinerama?
[23:15] < chrisime> nein
[23:17] < chrisime> huebi: gnome2.2 wird vollstaendig xinerama supp.
[23:17] < chrisime> liegt ja primaer an gtk
[23:18] < huebi> chrisime: Ah, gut. Dann bin ich ja viel weiter gekommen als moeglich ist *g*
[23:18] < chrisime> ja
[23:18] < chrisime> allerdings
[23:19] < chrisime> gtk1 unertstuetzt xinerama nicht
[23:19] < huebi> gtk+-1.2.10 ist hier installiert.
[23:19] < chrisime> es kommt evtl. noch ein 1.2.11
[23:19] < chrisime> aber kein xinerama dafuer
[23:20] < huebi> Mich wundert jetzt nur, warum hier ueberhaupt etwas funktioniert...
[23:22] < chrisime> hehe
[23:22] (Users #rocklinux)
[23:22] [ [anders] ] [ chrisime] [ ge0rg] [ praenti] [ snyke ]
[23:22] [ aszlig ] [ coldie ] [ h0h0 ] [ rolla ] [ th ]
[23:22] [ blindcoder] [ esden ] [ huebi] [ rxr ] [ tsa ]
[23:22] [ bluefire ] [ fake ] [ Mike1] [ simon- ] [ Vondrix ]
[23:22] [ Caspar_ ] [ Freak ] [ owl ] [ SMP ] [ WKaibigan]
[23:22] -!- Irssi: #rocklinux: Total of 25 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 25 normal]
[23:25] < huebi> chrisime: Gnome2 braucht doch gcc3.1 IIRC?
[23:27] < esden> ja garnome zumindest @ huebi
[23:28] < huebi> esden: hmm. schlecht. gcc3.1 wollte ich nicht mehr einbauen. Das ist definitiv was fuer 1.7.
[23:30] < esden> ja dass stimmt
[23:30] < esden> lasse es mit den neuen sachen in 1.5
[23:31] < esden> vielleicht noch wenige sachen
[23:31] < huebi> esden: ACK.
[23:31] < esden> aber wir sollten echt langsam eine stable rausbringen ... und nicht noch tonnen von sachen reinbauen
[23:31] < esden> wann willst du einen feature freeze machen ?
[23:32] < huebi> Wenn alle features fuer alpha und sparc(64) drin sind.
[23:33] < esden> ok
[23:33] < esden> dass sollte nicht mehr lange bei alpha dauern
[23:33] < esden> wie sieht es eigentlich mit ppc aus?
[23:33] < huebi> Glaube ich auch.
[23:33] < esden> wer hat einen ppc
[23:34] < esden> und wer arbeitet an dem port ?
[23:34] < huebi> esden: Ich habe keinen PPC. ;(
[23:34] < esden> ich hoere nichts darueber
[23:34] < esden> scheisse
[23:34] < esden> dass ist die nach intel meist verbreitete architektur und keiner hat es von uns
[23:34] < esden> echt toll
[23:35] < huebi> ripclaw hat einen...
[23:38] < esden> huebi: ja ... schoen fuer ihn ... aber der hat eindeutig gesagt dass der nich um den port nicht kuemmern wird ...
[23:41] < huebi> Jo, er muss sich jetzt erst einmal um seine Fa kuemmern...
[23:42] -!- chrisime_ [~chrisime@pD9590703.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[23:43] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p50803D25.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out)
[23:43] -!- chrisime_ [~chrisime@pD9590703.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit)
[23:43] -!- chrisime_ [~chrisime@pD9590703.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[23:47] -!- chrisime_ [~chrisime@pD9590703.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit)
[23:47] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@pD9590703.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[23:47] < esden> huebi: ich hoffe der kriegt die firma auf die beine ich hoffe naemlich dass ich da bei ihm bissel was machen kann
[23:48] < huebi> ;-)
[23:48] < chrisime> hmm
[23:48]   chrisime hat ne loesung die shl/shr sachen zu umgehen
[23:48] < chrisime> wofuer gibts nen stack ;-)
[23:54] < chrisime> rxr: da?
[23:55] < chrisime> inc     eax
[23:55] < chrisime>         mov     [ecx],eax
[23:55] < chrisime>         dec     eax <--das haesslich, ich brauch den eax wie vorher, aber nochmal will ich den aufm stack
[23:55] < rxr> mom
[23:55] < rxr> phone
[23:56] < chrisime> sicha
[23:56]   chrisime wuerd gern mov [ecx],eax+1 machen aber der scheiss x86 schnallt das net *heul*
[23:56]   chrisime will VAX!
[23:57] -!- Caspar_ [~steven261@m132p015.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:58] < esden> chrisime: wir haben eine im verein rumstehen ;-)
[23:59] < esden> ich muss die mal zum laufen bringen
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Fri Jul 12 00:00:44 2002