--- Log opened Fri Jul 12 00:00:44 2002 --- Day changed Fri Jul 12 2002 00:00 < chrisime> hmpf 00:00 < chrisime> die hilft mir nix 00:01 < esden> ahh natalie ist in stage 5 00:02 < esden> == 00:09:02 =[5]=> Building base package readline [4.2a 1.5.17_2002-07-08_09h20]. <--- coool 00:02 < chrisime> was das 00:02 < esden> dass ist ein paket ... ;-) 00:02 < esden> nee ich meine nur damit dass der build auf der alpha sehr fortgeschritten ist 00:03 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1C195.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 00:04 < chrisime> ich denk ich komm mit einem register fuer die zwei loops aus 00:04 < Mike1> huebi: you awake? 00:04 < chrisime> das dann aber ne krasse pusherei/popperei ;-) 00:04 < huebi> Mike1: jo 00:05 < Mike1> huebi: can i have a cvs account for 1.5.17? 00:05 < esden> chrisime: du sollst den processor nicht fic*** ;-) 00:05 < chrisime> oops 00:05 < Mike1> i was spection to have to bother you all the time 00:05 < chrisime> das dann wie waermeleitpaste drauf ;-) 00:05 < esden> chrisime: lool 00:06 < chrisime> au so zaeh >;P 00:06 < huebi> Mike1: SMP is the "master of desaster on world" = root. Ask him for a write account. You can use now annoncvs: 00:06 < huebi> CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.rocklinux.de:/cvs co rock-1.5 00:07 < Mike1> huebi: but i dont have write access with anoncvs do i? 00:07 < huebi> Mike1: No you havn't. And SMP is sleeping since a few hours. 00:08 < Mike1> huebi: ok so i'll have to wait till tomorrow :( 00:08 < chrisime> esden: wir machen uns momentan im tgi prakt gegeseitig fertig *g* die anderen 2 machen mirko und ich mach asm: /me lols 00:08 < chrisime> 4get asm, micro rulez! 00:08 < chrisime> - Do Sow! - 00:08 < chrisime> Mit freundlichen Grüßen, 00:08 < chrisime> Dei Redaktion in Zusammenarbeit mit Dem Bundeskanzler und Angela Merkel, 00:08 < Mike1> and still i am not sure i will get the account 00:08 < chrisime> Margarethe Schreinemarkers, dem Papst und Bert Himself! 00:09 < esden> chrisime: looool 00:09 < Mike1> huebi: whats ur tatus working reisefs boot disks support? 00:09 < huebi> Mike1: From my point of view there is no problem that you get write access to the cvs repository. 00:09 < chrisime> esden: soll ich dir mal die genialen mails schicken? 00:11 < huebi> Mike1: Still to do much more other things before that. 00:11 < Mike1> huebi: thanks, i just get a bit scared to ask things sometimes because i know i dont help to much and i am not sure if i deserve quite honors 00:12 < huebi> Mike1: You help very much. More than you think you do. ;-) 00:13 < Mike1> huebi: i hope so, still i wish i could help more 00:14 < Mike1> huebi: i just read the todo list is that ok with you if i take care of moving vim to base ? 00:14 < huebi> Mike1: Yes it is. Ask esden about his patches for alpha. 00:14 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@acb4c649.ipt.aol.com] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00:15 < Mike1> huebi: ok thank you :) 00:15 < Mike1> esden: got patches for vim? 00:16 < owl> g8. cu tomorrow 00:16 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B55c3.pppool.de] has quit ("almost dead") 00:18 < Mike1> huebi: why isnt there a emacs.conf file in base-config/emacs/ ? 00:19 < th> Mike1: perhaps because the default conf applies 00:19 < huebi> Mike1: because emacs builds fine with the default configuration from scripts/Build-Pkg 00:19 < Mike1> oh thanks :) 00:20 < Mike1> th: huebi: i am pretty much a newbie working on this thanks for your patience 00:24 < huebi> Mike1: you're welcome. 00:24 < esden> Mike1: what patches ? 00:24 < huebi> esden: vim6.1 on alpha 00:24 < Mike1> esden: vim patches for alpha? 00:24 < huebi> + vigor *eg* 00:27 < esden> Mike1: I have not needed them 00:27 < esden> Mike1: it was only a little one line bug 00:28 < huebi> esden: What bug?> 00:28 < Mike1> esden: i see 00:28 < esden> something with autoconf 00:28 < huebi> esden: What bug? 00:28 < esden> like alwais 00:28 < esden> hmm 00:28 < huebi> patch? 00:28 < esden> i do not remember the detail 00:29 < esden> I will fix it in ext when I am on it 00:29 < huebi> ARGhh esden... 00:29 < huebi> Moooh! 00:29 < esden> huebi: ok ok 00:29 < esden> i will send you the patch tomorrow 00:29 < esden> >_< 00:29 < esden> huebi = stresser ;-) 00:29 < Mike1> esden: i will move vim to base 00:30 < huebi> no today, please. We have tomorrow since 30 min 00:30 < huebi> esden: hehe 00:30 < tsa> hehe 00:30 < esden> ok ... first I have to go to the toilet 00:30 < Mike1> no 00:30 < Mike1> :) 00:30 < esden> am I allowed to ? 00:30 < Mike1> lol 00:30 < esden> Mike1: I have not asked you 00:30 < huebi> esden: and not a cigarette before the pacht is done ;-)) 00:30 < esden> *gg* 00:31 < esden> huebi: I had already one 00:31 < Mike1> esden: jk 00:31 < Mike1> ok guys i have to go to uni so talk to you later 00:31 < Mike1> cu 00:32 < huebi> cu Mike1 00:32 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 00:36 < esden> huebi: do you want to compile it on rock for alpha ? 00:37 < huebi> yes 00:37 < huebi> vigor only as extension. 00:38 < esden> ok first thing is to compile it without gpm ... that means you have to run configure like this : ./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-gpm 00:39 < esden> otherwise it will fail to start 00:39 < huebi> vigor or vim? 00:39 < esden> vim 00:39 < huebi> ah, ok 00:40 < esden> vigor ... huebi du bist jetzt offiziell ein knallkoerper ;-) 00:40 < huebi> LOL 00:40 < esden> hmm ... komisch ... jetzt compiliert es ohne probleme ... 00:40 < huebi> <- hat CONFIG_I_AM_LAME=y 00:40 < esden> krank 00:41 < esden> ich glaube ich erschiesse mich irgendwann 00:41 < huebi> esden: Das ist doof. Das macht so viel dreck, 00:42 < esden> huebi: also es scheint mir jetzt so dass es ohne probleme compiliert 00:42 < esden> probier es aus 00:42 < huebi> esden: mache ich. 00:42 < esden> wenn du aber probleme haben solltest dann melde dich 00:42 < huebi> ok 00:42 < huebi> ich backporte gerade kde 3.0.2 auf 1.5 00:42 < esden> du musst nur aus der datei src/vim.h eine zeile auskomentieren ... dass musste ich dass letzte mal machen ... 00:44 < huebi> esden: das ist dann nur fuer alpha? 00:44 < huebi> esden: das rauskommentieren? 00:45 < esden> nein ... dass ist nur dann wenn configure scheisse baut 00:45 < esden> bei mir konnte configure nicht rauskriegen wie gross int ist ... dass war der faehler 00:45 < huebi> axo. Welche autoconf version hast du? 00:46 < esden> urgh ... no idea ... aber ich glaube dass hat damit nichts zu tun 00:46 < esden> ich habe da nichts neugeneriert 00:46 < esden> huebi: testest du es mal gleich ? 00:46 < esden> wenn alles klappt gehe ich dann schlafen ... 00:47 < rxr> huebi: have esden: Nee, die alpha ist aus und ich bin am KDEen. (Wundere mich immer noch, wie ich Xinerama mit Gnome hinbekommen habe) 00:48 < huebi> rxr: Noch nicht, kommt morgen frueh. 00:49 < esden> rxr: have you advanced with writing ? 00:50 < esden> is there a new version of the article ? 00:51 < rxr> esden: yes - later 00:52 < esden> rxr: what means later ? 00:54 < rxr> that I'm currently phoning ... 00:55 < esden> tztz ... girl ? 00:56 < rxr> no about the artcle ... 00:56 < esden> ahh ok 00:57 < esden> huebi: tja ... selbst schuld ;-) 00:58 < huebi> fsck! broken Miefquirl in PC 01:08 < huebi> - - [12/Jul/2002:01:07:55 +0200] "GET /scripts/root.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 287 01:08 < huebi> Nimda is having fun ... 01:17 < th> is there a devfs-capable version of cdrecord somewhere? 01:17 < th> it's possible to symlink stuff or even use dev=/dev/scsi/... 01:17 < huebi> th: yes, cdrecord itself. 01:18 < tsa> hm.. 01:18 < tsa> REGISTER ^scsi/host0/bus0/target4/lun0/generic MKOLDCOMPAT 01:18 < th> huebi: do you have version details? 01:18 < huebi> time cdrecord -vv dev=/dev/scsi/host1/bus0/target0/lun0/generic fs=31M speed=32 -eject rock-ia32-k7-base+opt-1.5.17.iso 01:18 < th> tsa: hmm 01:18 < th> huebi: ja das kenn ich ja. 01:18 < th> huebi: aber ich haette gern ein dev=host,chan,lun 01:18 < th> huebi: und da nimmt er dann irgendwie /dev/sgx 01:19 < th> tsa: das waere ne idee.. 01:19 < tsa> th: so mache ich es hier.. 01:19 < th> tsa: steht das ^ fuer begin? 01:19 < tsa> jupp. 01:20 < th> huebi: wenn man dev=/dev/scsi/... benutzen muss, ist es ja gerade nicht devfs-capable. ein scanbus wird z.b. bestimmt nicht gehen 01:20 < tsa> dazu dann nochmal das gleiche mit "UNREGISTER ... RMOLDCOMPAT" 01:20 < th> wofuer das? 01:20 < tsa> -scanbus sucht auch nur nach sg* 01:21 < tsa> rmoldcompat brauchst du nicht unbedingt, aber ich finde, es ist die sauberste loesung.. 01:21 < th> was macht das? 01:21 < huebi> tsa: bei mir funktioniert das leider nicht ;( 01:21 < th> nimmt die compats wieder weg bei einem rmmod? 01:21 < huebi> REGISTER ^scsi/host1/bus0/target0/lun0/generic MKOLDCOMPAT 01:22 < huebi> UNREGISTER ^scsi/host1/bus0/target0/lun0/generic RMOLDCOMPAT 01:22 < tsa> th: jupp 01:23 < huebi> root@zeus:~# cat /proc/cmdline 01:23 < huebi> BOOT_IMAGE=old ro root=/dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target11/lun0/part1 01:23 < huebi> deshal gehts nicht. 01:23 < th> huebi: aber das MKOLDCOMPAT nimmt doch aus /dev/scsi nichts weg, oder? 01:23 < th> huebi: warum is das ein problem? 01:23 < huebi> BOOT_IMAGE=old ro root=/dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target11/lun0/part1 hdc=scsi <- so muss das sein 01:23 < th> ahh 01:24 < th> huebi: ich versteh nicht warum alle leute immer ein hdc=scsi angeben 01:24 < tsa> keine ahnung. 01:24 < tsa> hdc sollte doch ein ide-device sein.. 01:24 < th> naja 01:24 < huebi> weil du damit erst die SCSI-Unterstuetzung fuer IDE bekommst. 01:24 < tsa> huebi: was tut "hdc=scsi"? 01:24 < th> huebi: nein 01:25 < tsa> huebi: huh? 01:25 < th> tsa: das is fuer scsi-emu von ide bei ide brennern 01:25 < tsa> th: ide-brenner sucken. 01:25 < huebi> und cdrecord arbeitet nur mit SCSI 01:25 < th> tsa: sind aber billiger 01:25 < th> huebi: ich mache auch scsi-emu aber ohne hdx=scsi 01:25 < tsa> was passiert dann wohl, wenn man versucht, den ide-bus zu resetten? ;) 01:25 < huebi> th wie das 01:25 < huebi> ? 01:26 < th> huebi: bei mir is das auch ohne hdc=scsi aktiv 01:26 < th> ich double-checke das nochmal.. 01:26 < th> achso 01:26 < th> der rechner der jetzt @home online ist hat nun ausgerechnet echten scsi-brenner 01:26 < th> aber ich brauchte sowas nie angeben beim ide brenner 01:26 < th> hab das nicht als modul 01:27 < rxr> huebi: cdrecord nimmct auch IDE 01:28 < rxr> ach so - sorry ... 01:28 < th> rxr: tuts nich 01:28 < rxr> ja - mit ide-scsi ... 01:28 < th> dann ist es ja scsi 01:29 < th> aber wir wissen beide was wir meinen ;) 01:29 < rxr> jaja - habe auch schon scroll-back gelesen ... 01:30 < huebi> SCSI-Brenner kosten ca doppelt so viel, wie IDE-Brenner. Das ist schon ein Argument. 01:30 < th> huebi: naja mittlereweil sind die auch recht billig 01:33 < huebi> so, gute nacht. Bis nachhern ;-) 01:34 < th> nacht huebi 01:36 -!- ge0rg is now known as Ge0rG 01:37 < Ge0rG> hm.... the 486 is still building 01:38 < Ge0rG> maybe 40mb ram are just not enough? 02:08 < esden> n8 boys and girlz 02:08 < Ge0rG> bye esden 02:15 < fake> *yawns* 02:15 < fake> anyone still up? 02:15 < fake> or, for SMP, up again ? ;) 02:15 < Ge0rG> my 486 is still up and compiling 02:16 < tsa> nope, i'm already sleepding.. 02:16 < tsa> -d 02:16 < fake> how. 02:16 < tsa> so at least the 486 is working.. 02:16 < fake> (o.o)-V 02:17 < fake> anyone against de_DE ? 02:18 < fake> tsa: du hoersch doch gute musi. sach ma'n taugliches online-ladio 02:18 < tsa> uh...keine ahnung 02:18 < fake> www.dunklewelle.de ? 02:18 < tsa> hm...kenn ich nich - bei gelegenheit mal reinhoeren.. 02:19 < fake> sind n paar streams. kommt sogar ab und zu wumpscunt ;-) 02:19 < tsa> nett 02:20 < tsa> hm..ich werd denn auch mal pennen gehen. todmuede, muss nachher frueh raus. 02:20 < tsa> n8 02:20 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082ABB1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 02:41 < th> esden: ping 02:41 < fake> pong DUP! 02:41 < fake> n8 boys and girl 02:42 < th> ahh naja 02:42 < th> fake: ne ahnung wie der mate-status ist? 02:42 < th> fake: war er schonmal bei der brauerei? 02:43 < fake> th: ich habe wahrscheinlich ab september eine contact person mitten in Nuernberg 02:43 < th> fake: coool 02:43 < fake> th: esden redet immer viel ;) 02:43 < th> ;> 02:43 < th> fake: eine, mit der du das zeug bis bonn kriegst? 02:44 < fake> eine von der ichs abholen kann wenn ich an nuernberg vorbeifahr 02:44 < fake> weil ich da ja immer freitag nach 18:00 bzw sonntags vorbeikomm 02:44 < rxr> cu && n8 02:44 < th> fake: nett. 02:44 < fake> b8 rxr 02:44 < fake> n8 02:45 < fake> cool 02:45 < fake> der preemptitve patch funktioniert sogar 02:46 < th> preemptitve patch? 02:46 < th> fake: gabs eigentlich news vom iga? 02:46 < fake> ich hab 100% CPU aber xmms stottert nichmal 02:46 < fake> th: not yet 02:46 < fake> preemptitive patch locker die GREATLOCKS 02:47 < fake> load average: 1.98, 1.66, 1.29 02:47 < fake> und nicht ein stotterer *freu* 02:48 < chrisime> n8! 02:48 < fake> night! 02:48 -!- chrisime [~chrisime@pD9590703.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("I like core dumps") 02:49 < fake> verdammt... als ich meinte ich bleibt ueber nacht im buero war das eigentich als scherz gedacht >_< 02:56 < fake> ... 02:56 < Ge0rG> tja, und nu bist du hier ;) 02:57 < fake> ich bin _hier_ und gleichzeitig im buero - multihomed, sozusagen. 02:57 < Ge0rG> wow 02:57 < fake> a simple fork(). 02:58 < fake> aw... i forgot signal hanlding... another zombie... ;-) 02:58 < th> tsa? grmpf ich verpasse alle leute immer so um die 20 minuten 02:59 < fake> th: ich hab grad jemandem um n paar sekunden verpasst in nem anderen chat -_- 02:59 < fake> ez verlässt diesen Raum um 02:36. 02:59 < fake> [FAKE] besitzt um 02:36 die Frechheit sich hier blicken zu lassen.... 02:59 < th> ein paar mehr sekunden 02:59 < th> ahh 03:00 < fake> webchat XD 03:00 < th> ich merk schon 03:00 < th> das merkt man sofort an der dialektik 03:00 < Ge0rG> webchat ist böse. 03:00 < fake> wollte ich grade sagen. nicht alle webchats sind von grund auf boese 03:00 < Ge0rG> hm... wann wirds rocklinux für die xbox geben? 03:00 < fake> hm: as soon as you START PORTING 03:01 < th> genau 03:01 < fake> *ARGH* 03:01 < th> Ge0rG: aber mach doch vorher mal die krups klar ;) 03:01 < fake> export LC_ALL=de_DE 03:01 < Ge0rG> th: das macht doch fake? 03:01 < fake> nur sporadisch 03:01 < th> Ge0rG: viele porter verbessern den brei 03:01 < fake> *LOL* 03:02 < th> kennt doch jeder den spruch 03:02 < Ge0rG> th: wir wollen linux und nicht brei. 03:02 < fake> wie war das? Cross compiling is the dark side of the force - it is fast and very tempting 03:02 < Ge0rG> fake: jo 03:02 < fake> (c) Ge0rG 03:04 < fake> ich will X mit 16 bit und > 70 Hz. 03:04 < fake> dann sound 03:04 < fake> und dann das alles im FLASH 03:04 < fake> wenn das geht bin ich gluecklich 03:04 < fake> vorerst. 03:04 < th> und dann die weltherrschaft 03:04 < fake> dann waere da noch die MPEG-dekodierung die der IGA-1682 kann.... 03:05 < fake> th: naaah. weltherrschaft suckt. 03:05 < Ge0rG> fake: der iga kann mpeg dekodieren? 03:06 < fake> ja. zumindest behaupten das die windows-treiber 03:06 < fake> aber auch nicht so wirklich 03:06 < fake> vielleicht war es auch nur ein werbegag 03:06 < Ge0rG> dann müsste man mal nen mplayer-patch machen 03:07 < fake> und es gab mal ends troubel weil ein dt. herstellet gefakte S3 karten mit IGAs drauf verkauft hat 03:07 < fake> (wer kauft s3?) 03:07 < Ge0rG> das hab ich auch gelesen 03:07 * Ge0rG hatte eine s3 virge gx... aber keine ahnung mehr, wie ich dazu gekommen bin 03:07 < fake> oh, ja, mit denen hatte ich auch spass... 03:08 < fake> oh. ich tippe das grad auf einer XD 03:08 < Ge0rG> du tippst auf einer grafikkarte? *wunder* 03:08 < fake> :P 03:08 < fake> die is doof. 03:08 < fake> wenn sich was aendert am bild scrolling-technisch squeek mein /dev/dsp immer 03:09 < fake> auf den anderen beiden nich 03:09 < fake> (das sind nvidia riva's) 03:09 < Ge0rG> sowas hab ich alle paar monate mit meinem notebook 03:09 < fake> woran licht das? 03:09 < Ge0rG> die cpu-performance fällt auf 10%, das gerät fiept beim bildschirmscrollen und es geht erst vorbei wenn ich reboote 03:09 < Ge0rG> keine ahnung 03:09 < fake> ich schaetze mal irq-sharing oder sowas fieses 03:10 < Ge0rG> das kann gut sein 03:10 < th> wer hat mal schnell den opera code auf lager? 03:10 < fake> ACPI IRQ tables oder irgendson graffe 03:10 < Ge0rG> und nachts, wenn es ganz still im zimmer ist, kann ich die IRQs hören 03:10 < fake> Ge0rG: ach du auch o_O ? 03:10 < Ge0rG> fake: alle sagen, ich wär verrückt 03:10 * fake singt th eine Oper 03:10 < th> ich hoere eigentlich fast alles was strace nur auch ausgibt 03:10 < fake> ich... ich hoere... releaste IRQs! 03:10 < Ge0rG> dabei ist wahnsinn nur eine erweiterung der sinne 03:11 < fake> ich brauch son tshirt 03:11 < th> naja beim fork() komm ich durcheinander... da kann ich die ioctls nicht mehr unterscheiden 03:11 -!- Netsplit card.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: Freak 03:11 < th> fake: ein "ich... ich hoere... releaste IRQs!"? 03:11 -!- Netsplit over, joins: Freak 03:12 < fake> th: ja. so aka "I see dead people!" 03:12 < th> hehe 03:12 < fake> noooo! hell! no! 03:12 < fake> scheisse! 03:12 < th> man wo hab ich den opera key nur abgelegt? 03:12 < fake> dreck! 03:12 < fake> ICH HASSE iPLANET 03:13 < th> ich kenn nur "erde" 03:13 < Ge0rG> "bob" 03:13 < fake> th: iPlanet directory server 03:13 < fake> der wixer kackt einfach ab... 03:13 < fake> das gibts doch nicht.... 03:13 < fake> Ge0rG: genau der XD 03:18 < th> Ge0rG: bob is cool 03:20 < fake> kiffa 03:21 < Ge0rG> huch, mein galeon ist gerade verschwunden 03:21 < fake> der is ab in die heia 03:21 < th> fake: nix kiffa 03:21 < fake> oder sie haben das Netscape 4.x autoclose-feature implementiert 03:21 < th> fake: titan a.e. 03:22 < fake> th: _leider_ nicht gesehen. 03:22 < th> fake: da wurde ein planet "bob" genannt 03:22 < fake> aaah... ich dachte jetzt der typ bei scary movie... aaaah... 03:22 * fake kuschelt sich an seine tastatur 03:23 < th> und ich dachte du wuerdest bob marley meinen 03:23 < fake> o_O 03:23 < fake> wir haben anscheinend alle so unsere probleme mit den ioctl's ;) 03:23 < th> hehe 03:24 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 03:24 < Mike1> re 03:24 < fake> und aus.... 243 additions und der iplanet is tot 03:24 < fake> re cr! 03:24 < fake> export LANG=en_CR 03:24 < fake> ;-) 03:24 < Mike1> fake: actually export LANG=es_CR 03:24 < Mike1> :) 03:25 < fake> me casa es su casa, amigo! 03:25 < Mike1> lol 03:25 < Mike1> danke mein freund 03:25 < fake> was that correct? 03:25 < Mike1> almost just s/me/mi 03:26 < fake> <-- latin ;) 03:26 < fake> and Pulu Fiction, of course 03:26 < fake> s,Pulu,Pulp 03:26 < Mike1> hehe 03:26 < Mike1> esden: voce falas portugues? 03:27 < fake> esden is asleep 03:27 < Mike1> s/esden/fake 03:27 * Mike1 is a bit asleep too 03:28 < fake> Mike1 and no, i don't know any portuguese word, neither do i know how to spell protugese in english XD 03:28 < Mike1> fake: what languages do you speak? 03:29 < fake> Bavarian, ("upper") German, a bit russian, a bit latin, and english (surprise) 03:29 < fake> oh and japanese XD 03:29 < Mike1> lol 03:29 < Mike1> very nice 03:29 < fake> a handful 03:30 < fake> how about you? 03:30 < Mike1> English, Spanish, Portugues, a bit Italian, and i am learning German but is pretty lame by now 03:31 < fake> why do you want to leran german o_O ? 03:32 < Mike1> Several reasons: 03:33 < Mike1> 1. I want to get to over there and finish my career maybe to tu-darmstadt 03:33 < Mike1> 2. Get a job over there i have in places like ESA, maybe ESOC 03:34 < Mike1> 3. Well just wanna move over there 03:34 < fake> ESA? ESOC? 03:34 < Mike1> ESOC = European Space Operation Center 03:35 < Mike1> ESA = https://www.esa.de 03:35 < Mike1> ;) 03:35 < fake> eurpean space agency 03:35 < fake> sw33t! 03:35 < Mike1> hehe ja 03:36 < fake> 1) and 2) are cool 03:36 < fake> but 3) lacks reasons ;-) nevermind. 03:37 < Mike1> fake: hehe besides there are way cooler stuff for Linux people 03:37 < fake> *looks around* where? 03:37 < Mike1> Central America sucks there are no events at all 03:38 < fake> naaa, who wants to go to america anyways 03:39 < th> hmpf 03:39 < th> daemontools.ext is broken 03:39 < fake> 801234.04 % idle 03:39 < fake> o_O ? 03:39 < th> anyone able to fix that? 03:39 < fake> <-- no .ext 03:39 < Mike1> fake: well you got stuff like linuxtag and ccc 03:39 < Mike1> we got nothing 03:39 < Mike1> and 80% of the people are RedHat, Mandrake, Caldera, or SuSE lamers 03:39 < Mike1> the rock comunity central america is reduced to 3 persons!!! 03:39 < Mike1> d3mian, my girlfriend and I 03:39 < Mike1> :(( 03:40 < fake> Mike1: "The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more in sight. -- Unix Admin's Guide, 1970" 03:40 < Mike1> BTW i am working on PR stuff to change that but it change that, is hard to convince GUI lamers to go for console 03:41 < Mike1> fake: mm.. :) 03:41 < fake> <-- only uses xterm under ROCK 03:41 < Mike1> fake: still its not a guys config tool 03:41 < Mike1> s/guys/GUI 03:42 < fake> not _yet_ ;) 03:42 < Mike1> fake: :) 03:51 < fake> blaspehmie!! 03:51 < fake> iPlanet DS starts 60 processes by default 03:51 < fake> EACH eating 27 MB of RAM 03:52 < Mike1> fake: WTF? 03:52 < fake> 1620 MB 03:52 < fake> problem: i only have 1 GB 03:52 < fake> reduced thread count to 20. 03:54 < fake> hm... 03:54 < fake> now i can process 712 events. opposed to 240 03:55 < fake> hey - it scales. 03:59 < fake> Mike1: what time is it in CR? 04:00 -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39CDE.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 04:00 < Mike1> fake: its 8pm 04:00 < fake> woo... 04:00 < Mike1> thursday 04:00 < Mike1> ;) 04:00 * fake is ahead 04:00 < Mike1> yeap 04:01 < fake> so you're usually online at this time? 04:01 < Ge0rG> mhm... the kernel clock in the 486 is running to slow 04:01 < Mike1> fake yes 04:01 < Mike1> fake: i am usually online from 7am to 10pm 04:02 < Mike1> something like that though not always on irc i need to take care of my business to 04:02 < Mike1> s/to/too 04:02 < fake> Mike1: cool. it's 3:30 AM in D. all chats empty. 04:02 < fake> make that 4:00 AM 04:03 < Mike1> hehe ja ich wiess 04:03 < fake> weiss 04:03 < Mike1> lol dman typos 04:03 < fake> nevermind ;) 04:03 < Mike1> damn 04:03 < Mike1> * 04:03 < fake> *ugh* i have to go to school in 3 hrs... 04:04 < Mike1> fake well in that case there is no point in going to bed now 04:04 < fake> Mike1: ACK. 04:04 < Mike1> you will just feel like crap when you wake up 04:05 < Ge0rG> its ready! the kernel is compiled! 04:06 < fake> on yer' ol' 486... psycho! maniac! 04:06 < fake> Ge0rG: when is you birthday? 04:06 < Ge0rG> after just 9 hours... 04:06 < Ge0rG> fake: 1980-09-24 04:07 < Ge0rG> wait... 9h? 04:07 < fake> i'll send you a crosscompiling toolchain for every damn arch known to gcc ;P 04:08 < Mike1> fake: when i ur bday? 04:09 < Mike1> s/i/is 04:09 < fake> Mike1: in april 04:09 < Mike1> oh ok 04:09 * Ge0rG can't count any more 04:10 < fake> 9hrs is too long 04:10 < Ge0rG> fake: make dep bzImage modules. 04:10 < Ge0rG> started before 19:00 MEST 04:10 < fake> what kind of 486 ? 04:11 -!- Freak [freak@pD9E395A5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 04:11 < Ge0rG> fake: Amd 486 DX/4-WB with 40mb ram 04:12 < fake> 100 Mhz ? 04:12 < fake> that should really do faster 04:12 < Ge0rG> mhm... it tells 49.45 bogomips 04:12 < fake> that's not a speed indicator 04:15 < Ge0rG> maybe i should rerun the compile with turbo button toggled off? 04:15 < fake> *LOL* 04:16 < fake> ah no.... now i know why this machine fucks up... 04:16 < fake> it's the ram, damn it! 04:16 < fake> we always had strange problems with it... 04:16 < fake> i'll simply try another one.... 04:16 < fake> .... just which one.... 04:16 < Ge0rG> memtest86 is good to find defect ram 04:17 < fake> Ge0rG: i have no time to wait for that to check 1 GB ram XD 04:17 < Ge0rG> fake: just send me the modules and I'll tell you which were broken *veg* 04:17 < fake> Ge0rG: err...... no. 04:18 < Ge0rG> ok 04:18 < fake> but i could test them at home *eg* 04:18 < fake> Ge0rG: they don't fit into your 486 anyways ;) 04:18 < Ge0rG> fake: :-P 04:18 * Mike1 away 04:19 < Ge0rG> btw, why is the 486 telling me that the uptime is 7:31, when I started it yesterday after 6pm? 04:21 < Ge0rG> it has more than 10 hours now 04:21 < fake> RTC problem 04:22 < Ge0rG> too stupid to count jiffies... 04:23 < fake> maybe too tired... 04:23 < Ge0rG> yeah 04:23 < Ge0rG> who wouldn't be, after a 10h compile 04:23 < Mike1> Ge0rG: perhaps maybe too lazy 04:25 < Ge0rG> now its off 04:25 * Ge0rG is shutting down body subsystem too now 04:25 < Ge0rG> cu tomorrow 04:37 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit ("Irssi - the client of smart and beautiful people") 04:42 < Mike1> i will go now too see you later guys 04:42 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 04:58 < fake> <-- running memtest86 06:17 < huebi> moin 06:17 < fake> moin -_- 06:17 < huebi> moin fake 06:17 < fake> nix moin .... nabend 06:17 < huebi> arts, kdelibs abd kdebase now compiles. ;-)) 06:18 < huebi> fake: bist du noch wach oder schon? 06:18 < fake> what did you do to it? 06:18 < fake> huebi: noch 06:18 < huebi> Uuii... 06:18 < fake> und ich muss um 7:30 in der schule sein 06:18 < fake> *arghl* 06:19 < fake> 3 stunden c++-schwachfug und dann zeugnisse 06:20 < huebi> Wenn ich so die kompilezeiten fuer c++ sehe, stimme ich dir zu ... 06:20 < fake> huebi: ach das is son fuern arsch was da in der schule abgeht 06:21 < huebi> fake: so richtig an den Beduerfnissen von Beruf und Leben vorbei? 06:21 < fake> bingo. 06:22 < fake> wir hatten jetzt ein jahr c++. 06:22 < fake> als letztes haben wir arrays durchgenommen. 06:24 < huebi> Arrghh: 06:24 < huebi> huebi@zeus:~$ ssh stud 06:24 < huebi> huebi@'s password: 06:24 < huebi> Linux stud 2.4.18-grsec-1.9.4 #4 SMP Wed Jun 19 15:21:06 CEST 2002 i686 unknown 06:24 < fake> grsec *g+ 06:25 < huebi> Toller kernel aber 3DES encodete passworte. *sigh* 06:26 < fake> und? zu langsam? 06:26 < huebi> Ich habe aus Versehen das falsche, aber in den ersten 8 Stellen gleich Passwort eingegeben und bin drin. Typisch fuer 3DES 06:26 < fake> *lol* 06:26 < huebi> huebi@stud:~$ cat /proc/cpuinfo 06:26 < huebi> cat: /proc/cpuinfo: Permission denied 06:27 < fake> *ROOOFL* 06:27 < huebi> Manomanomann. Da muss, glaube zumindest ich, noch jemand ganz schoen viel lernen. 06:28 < huebi> huebi@stud:~$ ps axf 06:28 < huebi> PID TTY STAT TIME COMMAND 06:28 < huebi> 20877 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd 06:28 < huebi> 20878 pts/1 S 0:00 \_ -bash 06:28 < huebi> 20947 pts/1 R 0:00 \_ ps axf 06:28 < huebi> huebi@stud:~$ 06:28 < huebi> Au, scheisse 06:28 < fake> ls /usr/src 06:29 < fake> wolks-patch-3.5xxx.bz2, wetten? *dg* 06:29 < fake> -s 06:30 < huebi> huebi@stud:~$ ls /usr/src/ 06:30 < huebi> linux/ rpm/ 06:31 < fake> ... 06:31 < fake> SuSEEEE 06:31 < huebi> und /usr/include ist auch reichlich bestueckt... 06:32 * fake installiert grade SuSE 06:32 < fake> und hab grad ROCK formatiert 06:32 < fake> die bei sunsolve haben gemeint unter SuSE laeuft der DS 06:32 < fake> halt ich zwar fuern geruecht, aber langsam bin ich am verzweifeln 06:33 < huebi> DS? 06:33 < th> oh huebi wieder da ;) 06:33 < fake> Directory Server 06:33 * th sollte langsam ins bett. 06:33 < huebi> th: ACK 06:34 < huebi> reportbug is primarily designed to report bugs in the 06:34 < huebi> Debian distribution; by default, it creates an email to 06:34 < huebi> the Debian bug tracking system at submit@bugs.debian.org 06:34 < huebi> debian? 06:34 < fake> ah... 06:35 < fake> is alien drauf? 06:35 < fake> /usr/bin/alien oder so 06:35 < th> fuer aliens gibts MIB 06:35 * th hatte eine nette nacht mit einem ECRIX AutoPak VXA... 06:36 < th> mit LVD kabel macht der ne wesentlich bessere figur 06:36 < huebi> huebi@stud:~$ alien -v 06:36 < huebi> Alien version 8.05 06:36 < th> haben die in amiland eigentlich jetzt schon feierabend? die koennten mal auf meine mails antworten 06:36 < huebi> th: jo, schon seit stunden. 06:37 < th> es gibt MIB2 die sollten auch mit alien 8.0.X klarkommen. 06:37 < huebi> th: Wieso? Ist doch uebern Teich. 06:37 * th redet irgendwie nur noch duennes. 06:37 < th> ob ich mal meine freundin anrufe? 06:38 < th> die wollte dass ich durchklingle wenn ich fertig bin mit arbeiten ;) 06:38 < huebi> th: bestimmt noch zu frueh. 06:39 < th> huebi: hab bei dem server noch kernel auf 2.4.18 geupdated und dann muckte lilo rum. die dumme kombination aus 2 SCSI adaptern + HPT370-IDE + onboard-IDE und dem doofen bios haben mir den rest gegeben 06:40 < th> ich will wissen was "LIL-" fuer ein fehler ist 06:40 < th> LILO found a corrupt descriptor table. 06:40 < th> hmm 06:41 < th> was auch immer 06:41 < huebi> th: LILO mag deine Hardware ueberhaupt nicht. das kenne ich leider auch zu gut. Bau voruebergehend alles, ausser der Bootplatte aus, Starte LILO und es sollte alles wieder gehen. 06:41 < huebi> 2nd Stage von Lilo spinnt. 06:42 < huebi> LI = 1st Stage OK, 2nd Stega not found. 06:42 < th> huebi: hatte ich das ext3 auf einem kernel-raid0 von 2 raid1 erwaehnt? 06:42 < th> naja 06:43 < huebi> o_O 06:43 < th> konsequent im bios und dann per boot-cd und ext2 gemounted einfach lilo in den mbr jeder platte geknallt 06:43 < th> dann war lilo einverstanden 06:43 < th> sind andere boot-loader da freundlicher? 06:48 * fake geht sich mal nen kaffee organisieren 06:48 < fake> oder so 06:48 < fake> mal sehen ob der turm schon auf is... 06:49 < huebi> grub koennte freundlicher sein. SILO auf Sparc und aboot auf alpha sind um Laengen bessser. Die koennen Naemlich ext2 einfach lesen und dukannst mit SILO sogar durch den Verzeichnisbaum durchgehen und dir den kernel einfach aussuchen. 06:49 < th> wow 06:49 < th> kann grubu sowas auch 06:49 < th> grub 06:49 < huebi> ka 06:50 < huebi> teste es och einfach mal. 06:50 < huebi> +d 06:50 < th> btw daemontools scheinen broken zu sein 06:51 < th> in 1.5 06:57 < fake> jaaa 06:57 < fake> ich hab kaffeepulver geholt 06:57 < fake> und gleihc gibts kaffeeeee 06:57 < fake> *wing* 06:57 < fake> KAAAFEEEEE 06:57 < fake> *LECHZ* 06:57 < fake> *zitterzappel* 06:57 < huebi> fake: *g* 06:57 < huebi> th: daemontools? Was geht denn nicht? 06:58 < th> huebi: ich konnte die vorhin nicht compilieren 06:58 < th> mompl 06:58 < fake> singdidingdideldum..... kaffee .... hach... dieses geraeusch... ppprrrkkkrrrrtksssss 06:58 < th> == 07:10:41 =[e]=> Building ext package daemontools [0.70 1.5.16]. 06:58 < fake> darauf freu ich mich schon die ganze nachzt 06:58 < th> == 07:10:47 07/12/02 =[e]=> Finished building package daemontools. 06:58 < th> cd /opt/daemontools/ 06:59 < th> ./build 06:59 < fake> THAT is FAST! 06:59 < th> fake: that was not the build 06:59 < th> ./compile tai64nlocal.c 06:59 < th> tai64nlocal.c: In function `main': 06:59 < th> tai64nlocal.c:54: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast 06:59 < fake> you exploited Ge0rGs 486! 06:59 < fake> oh. 06:59 < th> tai64nlocal.c:55: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type 06:59 < th> make: *** [tai64nlocal.o] Error 1 06:59 < th> tai64nlocal.c:56: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type 06:59 < th> ./compile tai64nlocal.c 06:59 < th> tai64nlocal.c: In function `main': 06:59 < th> tai64nlocal.c:54: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast 06:59 < th> tai64nlocal.c:55: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type 06:59 < th> tai64nlocal.c:56: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type 06:59 < th> tai64nlocal.c:60: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type 06:59 < th> make: *** [tai64nlocal.o] Error 1 06:59 < th> `/opt/daemontools/var' -> `/var/opt/daemontools/new020700711' 07:00 < th> fake: it's not his 486er it's the 486er of one of my customers 07:00 < fake> *ROFL* 07:00 < th> fake: and his job is to set it up ;) 07:00 < th> just as a router 07:00 < fake> is nich wahr ?! 07:00 < fake> oke. 07:00 < fake> das is in ordnung... ich dachte jetzt an DOS/Word for Dos/Win 3.11/etc 07:00 < th> doch is wahr 07:01 < th> und georg baut nen kernel dafuer? 07:01 < th> naeh 07:01 < fake> so enahnced typewriter 07:01 < th> dos-kernel 07:01 < fake> th: weil man an die architektur so selten rankommt... n bisschen rumspielen... weisst schon ;) 07:01 < th> hehe 07:02 < fake> ich hab da auch noch so nen kunden 07:02 < fake> mit nem 486 sx 07:02 < fake> *douh* 07:02 < fake> ich will dem nen MAC andrehen 07:02 < fake> oder ne schreibmaschine 07:02 < fake> die kaffeemaschine hat grade den finishing-proetker gemacht *glaenzendeaugenbekommt* 07:02 < fake> *sabber* 07:03 < fake> *lauf* 07:04 < fake> AAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhahaahaha 07:09 < fake> wuahaha 07:09 < fake> *ROFL* 07:09 < fake> unter SuSE segfaulted die JVM sofort weg 07:13 < th> so jetz aber n8 07:13 < fake> n8! 07:13 < huebi> n8 th 07:14 < fake> hm i tink... i'll be late for school today 07:15 < fake> JRE 1.4.0_1 works 07:15 < fake> 1.3.1_1 segfaults 07:28 < [anders]> moin 07:28 * [anders] been reading scrollback.. all the way back to 5pm yesterday.. 07:29 < fake> [anders]: enjoy ;) 07:30 < [anders]> fake: lots to read... I gave up around 1am as you lot started in german... ;-D 07:30 < fake> ;P 07:30 < [anders]> ist huebi hier? 07:30 < [anders]> or how you now would say it.. 07:30 < fake> he is currently fixing daemontools 07:31 < huebi> moin [anders] ;-) 07:31 < [anders]> mmm.. who's fixing kdebase? 07:31 < [anders]> re huebi :) 07:31 < fake> huebi ! 07:31 < fake> the almighty god of 1.5 ;) 07:31 < fake> oh huebi most wise.... 07:31 < fake> *g* 07:31 < [anders]> *grin* 07:31 < fake> <--- high... no sleep... caffeine.... 07:31 < huebi> *ROTFLOL* 07:32 < fake> SuSE having even more troubles than ROCK *GGGG* 07:32 < huebi> [anders]: I commit my changes to cvs in a few minutes. 07:32 < [anders]> huebi: I noticed from scrollback you hit the kdebase problem as well.. and that you spoke to rxr about it.. any ideas? 07:33 < huebi> [anders]: Yes. All solved! 07:33 < [anders]> huebi: does that mean you are fixing kiss.conf back again? :) 07:33 < [anders]> it was Mike1 who wanted the extra .gz. out from there in the first place... *lol* 07:33 < huebi> [anders]: no kiss.conf stays as it is now. Fully streamlined. Only the kiss.conf makes the difference. 07:35 < [anders]> in kiss.conf, if things fail, there is always the possibility of doing something like bzcat $file | zcat | tar -xf - 07:35 < [anders]> or bunzip2 $file | gzip -dc | tar -xf - 07:36 < huebi> [anders]: I have Gnome1.4.x running with Xinerama over 3 screens. "Not possible" are the official words. 07:36 < [anders]> perhaps that will get around the problem of the double naming.. 07:36 < [anders]> huebi: everything is possible if you try hard enough... ;-) 07:36 < [anders]> just look at Microsoft.. 07:36 < huebi> main_kiss() { 07:36 < huebi> echo "Extracting double-compressed kiss-$ver.tar.bz2 ... " 07:36 < huebi> bunzip2 < $archdir/kiss-$ver.tar.bz2 | tar -xzf - 07:37 < [anders]> huebi: agreed, that should work as the gzipped stream is coming in over a pipe.. 07:37 < huebi> [anders]: Bad example. hehe 07:37 < [anders]> hehehe 07:37 < [anders]> <--- going for a shower now.. 07:48 < fake> whew. 07:48 * fake just wrote his employer an emai of 2 pages 07:51 < fake> message: "Our product is ugly." 07:51 < huebi> fake: I hope that he really reads it. 07:52 < fake> huebi: he will, for sure. 07:52 < fake> my boss is somehow pretty cool. 07:53 < huebi> fake: but does he really want to change sth? 07:53 < fake> he will have to 07:53 < fake> it's either a product that's usable or no product at all. 07:54 < fake> i guess he chooses a) 07:54 < fake> oh. schule hat vor ner halben stunde angefangen. sowas dummes. 07:55 < fake> www.radio-morituri.de is gut 07:58 < huebi> ELLA is awake now ;-)) 07:58 < fake> oh, sorry :X 08:00 < fake> ich ex noch meine kaffee dann bin ich wech. 08:00 < fake> man sieht sich spaeter. 08:00 < fake> *wink* 08:00 < fake> bye 08:01 < huebi> su fake 08:03 < [anders]> right.../me is off to work.. back on here in an hour or so.. 08:03 < [anders]> :) 08:03 < [anders]> cya guys later.. 08:03 < huebi> cu [anders] 08:46 < huebi> [anders]: have a look in cvs. kde is updated. Delete the corresponding pkgs in ext-config to avoid the error from yesterday. 08:51 < [anders]> huebi: cheers mate.. I'll update from CVS now... 09:16 < [anders]> huebi: build has just been kicked off.. 09:16 < [anders]> I am not looking forward to waiting until tonight to find out what else is about to break on me.. 09:18 < [anders]> and since I am going away for the weekend to see my daughter which I have not seen for several weeks, I will not be able to deal with any problems until Sunday.. and most of Sunday I fully intend to sleep, much like I did last night.. (Went to bed at 20:00 I did.. :-) 09:27 -!- Caspar_ [~steven261@] has joined #rocklinux 09:27 -!- Caspar_ [~steven261@] has left #rocklinux () 09:27 < [anders]> hi Caspar_, by Carpar_ 09:27 < [anders]> bye even.. 09:52 < [anders]> stage 1 completed successfully... which is nice.. 09:52 < [anders]> .oO( and why do I feel so alone all of a sudden? ) 09:55 < [anders]> .·°( building things at home, building things at work.. I lead a building existence... ) 10:06 < [anders]> and I am currently finding build breaks at work, so I pray and hope for none at home.... 10:06 * [anders] checks if the echo is good in this empty cavern.. 10:21 < esden> morning 10:23 -!- Caspar [~steven261@212186221174.teleweb.at] has joined #rocklinux 10:24 < esden> Please, install the package with full kernel sources for your distribution 10:24 < esden> or use --with-kernel=dir option to specify another directory with kernel 10:24 < esden> sources (default is /usr/src/linux). 10:24 < esden> perfect really perfect 10:24 < esden> it is once more an error caused by the kernel build scripts 10:24 < esden> I love it ... really 10:24 < esden> >_< 10:29 < [anders]> moin esden 10:29 < [anders]> hullo Caspar 10:34 < esden> hi Caspar 10:34 < esden> hi [anders] 10:39 < [anders]> esden: are you having problems with the kernel build in 1.5.17 ? 10:39 < [anders]> For me it is just working fine.. :) 10:39 < esden> no ... it is only not perfect 10:40 < esden> it is not generating all headers needed for packets I have here 10:40 < esden> alsa is bitching around because of that 10:40 < [anders]> esden: so what changes would you like made? 10:40 < [anders]> alsa is a bitch full stop.. ;-) 10:41 < esden> i know i know 10:41 < esden> i can not wait till 2.5 is out 10:41 < esden> then this problem should be somewat solved 10:41 < esden> hmm 10:41 < esden> i will change a littlebit in linux-header 10:41 < [anders]> you mean kernel 2.5? or 2.6? 10:42 < esden> i need /usr/include/linux/version.h 10:42 < esden> [anders]: i mean 2.6 sorry 10:42 < [anders]> I am sorely tempted to have a play with the 2.5 kernels, but in VMware where it doesn't matter if things go pear-shaped.. 10:42 < [anders]> esden: for 2.6 we are much likely to be waiting for a long time.. 10:43 < esden> yes that is sure 10:43 < [anders]> I can not see them releasing a 2.6 kernel in the next year even.. 10:43 < esden> they have changed realli tons of things 10:43 < esden> and added tons of new things 10:44 < esden> i can think of a 2.6 release in mid of 2004 10:44 < [anders]> and more will be changed for sure.. I was hoping they would start to rewrite the SCSI layer and make that somewhat less defective and more efficent.. Who knows if they will get around to it.,. 10:44 < esden> or so 10:45 < esden> [anders]: I do not use scsi a lot ... so I do not knaw if it is defective at all 10:45 < [anders]> I would be inclined to agree with that prediction.. knowing how long they took to get 2.4.0 out one might even be tempted to say you are being a bit optimistic.. :) 10:45 < [anders]> esden: it isn't defective as much as it has a problem with some things.. 10:47 < [anders]> you can have one target present multiple LUN's yeah? but if that target presents LUN's 0, 1, 2 and 5. Linux will only see 0, 1 and 2 as it will poke 3, get nothing back and stop.. 10:47 < [anders]> so unless your targets present luns in sequential order with no gaps, you will have a problem.. 10:47 < esden> hmm ... 10:47 < esden> that is not good 10:48 < [anders]> Another problem is that Linux is not very good at coping when you perhaps have 2000 luns to map.. 10:48 < esden> the list of luns is not being menaged in the right way 10:48 < [anders]> and I work on a product that will quite happily present that many luns.. 10:48 < esden> ohh .. that are many luns 10:49 < [anders]> esden: it would be nice if Linux did Inquiry Page 83h and used that instead of the old way of poking things in sequential order.. 10:49 < esden> may I ask what a proditc it is ? 10:49 < esden> [anders]: is it so dificult to change ? 10:49 < [anders]> esden: you may ask.. I can not tell you more than that it is a Storage Virtualisation product.. We are still under gagging order.. 10:50 < esden> hmm ... sounds interesting 10:50 < [anders]> esden: it would require a fairly big re-write of the entire scsi layer I would think.. people here have looked through the linux scsi layer and thet are not impressed.. 10:50 < esden> i need some huebi to smack ... >_< 10:51 < [anders]> huebi was around earlier, he wrote me at 0845 your time saying he had checked things into CVS.. 10:51 < esden> [anders]: it could be that the code is pretty old 10:51 * huebi reading log 10:51 < huebi> re 10:52 < esden> re huebi 10:52 < esden> nice to see you ;-) 10:52 < huebi> moin esden 10:52 < huebi> nice to see you, too. ;-) 10:52 < [anders]> esden: the SCSI code is fairly old yes.. most likely a majority is from kernel 2.0 and then there have been various updates to it in 2.2 and 2.4, but nothing really major.. 10:52 < [anders]> moin huebi :) 10:53 < [anders]> huebi: build ist running, and in stage 3 now... :) 10:54 < esden> urgh ... I need music ... and something to eat 10:57 < [anders]> I need something to eat, and kaffe.. Helst espresso... 11:04 < huebi> esden: I don't know what you do wrong but you should rebuild linux-src and then linux-header. 11:04 < huebi> root@zeus:/rock-linux# grep version.h dist/var/adm/flists/linux-header 11:04 < huebi> linux-header: usr/include/linux/version.h 11:06 < [anders]> *grin* 11:06 < [anders]> == 10:03:30 =[3]=> Building base package workbone [2.4 1.5.17-private]. 11:06 < [anders]> == 10:03:30 07/12/02 =[3]=> Finished building package workbone. 11:06 < huebi> [anders]: Ahh the new 10GHZ Power4 CPU... 11:06 < [anders]> package built in one second.. :) there is nothing really to complain about in that, is there.. :-D 11:07 < [anders]> huebi: nein, only 1.6GHz Athlon... 11:07 < huebi> *g* 11:12 < esden> ohh mann ... :-( 11:12 < esden> I am a really unlucky man 11:12 < esden> ahh ... I know 11:12 < esden> it is a problem with alpha and the kernel tree 11:13 < esden> on alpha the version.h is not generated automatically 11:13 < esden> you have to do it explicitly 11:13 < [anders]> mod the linux-hear 11:13 < [anders]> linux-header package... :) 11:14 < [anders]> case $arch in alpha*) do make version.h ;; 11:14 < [anders]> esac 11:14 < [anders]> .·º°( Just guessing here.... ) 11:15 < esden> in linux-src it is ok : make ARCH=$lx_cpu include/linux/version.h symlinks 11:15 < esden> but in linux-header : make ARCH=$lx_cpu symlinks 11:16 < esden> that is not right I think 11:16 < esden> at least alsa wants this header 11:16 < huebi> esden: add include/linux/version.h to the make invocation, please. 11:16 < [anders]> esden: make the modification and test it.. :) 11:17 < esden> ok ok ... I am on it ... no stress ... urgh 11:17 < huebi> on ia32 "make ARCH=$lx_cpu include/linux/version.h" leads to the message "include/linux/version.h is up to date" 11:17 < huebi> so nothing serious. 11:18 < esden> yes that is ok 11:18 < esden> but not everywhere is it up to date ;-) 11:19 < huebi> optimisation <- is that spelled right? 11:20 < esden> ohh 11:20 < esden> it seems that the problem is somewhere else 11:20 < esden> i need this file : /lib/modules/2.4.18-rc4/build/include/linux/version.h 11:20 < esden> this seems pretty strange 11:21 < huebi> /lib/modules/2.4.18-rc4/build -> /usr/src/linux 11:22 < esden> yes that is right 11:26 < [anders]> oooh, spectacular code assert... 11:27 < [anders]> thankfully I have the developer right next to me to take a look.. :) 11:28 < huebi> [anders]: Bug him! Bug him more often... *eg* 11:30 < [anders]> huebi: *giggle* well, I think they are getting tired of us in the build team already.. 11:32 < huebi> [anders]: Use the force of modern torture tools. That will make them write good working code. (or you get some very sofisticated masochists) *g* 11:33 < [anders]> huebi: evil thought, but I like it... :-D 11:34 * -> esden wainting for the qt packet to finally fail ... and then restarting the build with working alsa ;-) 11:46 < huebi> esden starts to get a long, long white beard... 11:47 < esden> hmm ... yes ... I am getting old 11:47 * -> esden getting a shower 11:48 < huebi> using qt on alpha is somthing for grangfathers... 11:48 < huebi> esden: you can't was your age of *g* 11:54 < rxr> re 11:55 < huebi> good morning Rene ;-) 11:55 < rxr> moin huebi 11:56 < rxr> my http statistic form yesterday: 11:56 < rxr> 33/ftp/software/beos/5.1-dano/dano_51d0.zip 11:56 < rxr> this sucks ... 11:56 < huebi> I'm just writing a mail with all news about 1.5.17 to the list. I must do that more often to keep everybody informed. 11:57 < rxr> 22/ftp/software/beos/5.1-dano/boot_floppy_51d0_(with_cd_support).img 11:58 < huebi> much traffic for beos... 12:02 < rxr> huebi: hopefully no lawyer will come up with some complain about this files ... 12:03 < huebi> rxr: Have you an exploit handy? To tell him: "It's not mine, sorry." 12:06 < esden> huebi: very good 12:06 < rxr> huebi: ;-) Cool idea! 12:08 < esden> ok ... alsa fixed 12:12 < rxr> Nach langer Entwicklungszeit hat der Audio-Codec und hoffnungsvolle MP3-Konkurrent Ogg Vorbis den Sprung zur Version 1.0 geschafft. 12:12 < rxr> hm von heise - aber noch kein tar.bz2 vorhanden :-(((((( 12:17 < esden> rxr: ?? wie kein tar.bz2 ? 12:17 < esden> von ogg vorbis ? 12:17 < esden> ein freund von mir schreibt gerade einen consolen player fuer ogg 12:18 < esden> zwar in python ... aber der ist sehr nuetzlich 12:18 < esden> ich koennte den mal packagen 12:20 < huebi> th: huhu, noch wach? 12:20 < huebi> th: I need the real name of Ge0rG. 12:27 < esden> re 12:28 < SMP> *burp* 12:28 < esden> morning SMP 12:29 < huebi> guten morgen SMP 12:43 < rxr> moin SMP 12:43 < rxr> esden: yes no 1.0 tar.bz2 of Ogg/Vorbis 12:47 < esden> rxr: nat good 12:48 * -> esden getting palinux-0.9.3.iso 12:48 < rxr> esden: maybe simply a quite too early report of heise - they might simply want to test the tagged CVS version some days ... 12:48 < esden> I am looking forward to see the hp boot a linux kernel ;-) 12:49 < esden> rxr: was this report in the heise ticker ? 12:51 < rxr> esden: yes 13:06 < esden> cool sweet cheek with a flamethrower ... : https://www.zazzle.com/posters/gallery/product.asp?product%5Fid=70000353 13:12 < rxr> ;-) 13:16 < [anders]> bah.. qt's been building for an hour and 20 minutes now.... 13:17 < [anders]> esden: nice pic.. :) 13:18 < [anders]> moin SMP rxr 13:18 -!- kvak|uninvited [uninvited@p508037C5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:18 < [anders]> moin uninvited 13:18 < kvak|uninvited> Tacho ! 13:21 -!- kvak|uninvited [uninvited@p508037C5.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13:28 < rxr> moin [anders] 13:32 < [anders]> bit slow going in here today.. seems like all are awaiting the weekend with impatience and anticipation. I know I am as I will get to see my daughter again.. 13:35 < huebi> [anders]: Have big fun with here as I have with mine today... 13:36 < [anders]> huebi: I will try.. Going to take her to the park and maybe to the cinema.. Driving up tonight and staying in a hotel overnight, then spending the day with her tomorrow and driving down again tomorrow evening. 13:37 < rxr> huebi: the article ? *g* 13:37 < huebi> rxr: I started to read it now ;-) 13:38 < rxr> huebi: thanks! 13:39 < esden> [anders]: I know ;-) 13:40 * -> esden reading the article soon 13:41 < huebi> My big announcement mail it out ;-))) 13:42 < [anders]> qt build from 1055 - 1220... 13:43 < huebi> [anders]: ok for you machine 13:43 < [anders]> now waiting for kdebase (yuk) to build.. 13:44 < [anders]> huebi: no failures yet.. which I am happy with.. Hopefully stage 1-5 will build w/o errors this time around.. :) 13:45 < huebi> [anders]: arts has to be build then kdelibs, kdebase kdevelop. 13:45 < [anders]> huebi: I hope the order they build in is correct then.. :) 13:45 < huebi> arts is new. It was in kdelibs before. 13:46 < esden> the images submitted to irtc are getting from competition to computition better and better ... really amazing 13:47 < huebi> [anders]: and update screen please there is an exploit for 3.9.11. I downgraded it to 3.9.10 13:47 < huebi> esden: URL? 13:47 < [anders]> huebi: I noticed it had been moved to it's own place.. I patched all that through this morning in my private tree. That is what is building now since sometime this morning. 13:47 < esden> https://www.irtc.org 13:47 < [anders]> huebi: okidoki.. that in CVS? 13:47 < huebi> [anders]: yes. 13:48 < huebi> 4 minutes ago *g* 13:48 < [anders]> huebi: I will patch it later. :) 13:48 < [anders]> Not going to to that now.. 13:48 < huebi> ok 13:49 < [anders]> I will probably need to have a chat with you later about how to set up a build environment to build updated packages w/o running complete builds.. 13:49 < [anders]> If for example you only want to update screen, no need to build qt and kdebase again, eh? :) 13:50 < huebi> [anders]: Quite easy now. just delete dist/var/adm/logs/?-screen* and restart the build. 13:50 < esden> hmm ... today is the third day the compile on my alpha runs 13:51 < esden> natalie is currently here: == 13:24:52 =[5]=> Building base package gimp [1.2.3 1.5.17_2002-07-08_09h20]. 13:51 < [anders]> huebi: question - if I have run a whole build, and created an ISO from that, is the complete build still there? Not been removed or anything? 13:52 < [anders]> So I can just carry on updating a single package and build that should I need to? 13:52 < esden> it is really good that I finally have a disk for my alpha that is big enough to menage all build data ... but it is still pretty slow 13:52 < esden> but I think that the build will be finished today ... 13:52 * [anders] listening to Massive Attack - Heat Miser 13:53 < esden> that will be 24hours at least less then when I have to stere build data on nfs 13:53 < [anders]> you know you have a slow build-box when: someone starts a build 24 hours after you do, and they still finish before you do... 13:54 < esden> it is a good improovement but if I want to maintain the port in the future I need a faster machine ... 13:54 < esden> but a faster machine is only a dream 13:54 < esden> :-( 13:54 < esden> [anders]: I know ... but I can not change it :-( 13:55 < huebi> [anders]: all will be copied to rock-ia32-k7-1.5.17 if you build for ia32 and k7. You can just delete that dir and rebuuild the new packages. all will be copied to that directory again. 13:56 < [anders]> huebi: but I was under the impression that when the package.tar.bz2 was generated, those files was removed from /rock-linux/dist/ and hence carrying on building in that environment would not work... I take it it doesn't quite work like that? 13:56 < huebi> in 1.5.12 everything was moved. That was really a mess. 13:57 < esden> rxr: the cluster.eps image should be a little bit better resoluted 13:57 < esden> it is really small 13:58 < [anders]> So if I want to update screen, I would remove ?-screen.* from /rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs/ and then update the .pz etc in /rock-orig/base-config/screen, run Puzzle and then start the build again in /rock-linux ? 13:58 < rxr> esden: ? 13:58 < huebi> [anders]: under dist/var/adm/flists are the file lists for every package. These are used to tor build the tar.bz2 files. 13:58 < rxr> esden: it is eps and can be scalled ... - also it should not need a whole page to be printed ... 13:59 < esden> hmm ... then I have opened it in a wrong viewer 14:01 < esden> ahh ok ... I had te open it with gv 14:01 < rxr> ;-)# 14:04 < [anders]> huebi: I will have an experiment with this when I downgrade screen after the complete build base+opt has finished . Once I figure out how this is working completely, I will perhaps feel less worried about updating packages in a built tree. Knowing dependencies on a package you are updating is needed as well I think, for example, if you were to update kdelibs after the complete build was finished, kdebase etc might have to be rebuilt. 14:04 < huebi> [anders]: ACK 14:08 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD958DA64.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:08 < thalerim> hi 14:09 < [anders]> re thalerim 14:09 < [anders]> or should I say 'moin' :) 14:09 < huebi> Mahlzeit thalerim 14:09 < thalerim> moin [anders] ; meep huebi 14:10 < thalerim> huebi: urgs... WHY do you remind me that I haven't eaten anything so far *grrr* 14:11 < huebi> thalerim: Good idea. i think I must go shopping. 14:11 < rxr> hi thalerim 14:11 < thalerim> moin rxr 14:11 < [anders]> huebi: did you take a look at bonobo.conf and zip.conf, the patches I sent? 14:11 < rxr> was the email address i send the article to - ok ? 14:11 < rxr> ^- thalerim ? 14:12 < thalerim> when did you? 14:12 < rxr> last night 14:12 < thalerim> mh, weird 14:12 < thalerim> tobrit@freebits.de ? 14:12 < rxr> thalerim: to the address: thalerim@freebits.de 14:12 < thalerim> uh tobrit :) 14:12 < rxr> what is tthalerim then ? 14:13 < thalerim> just my nickname ... tobrit == abr. for TOBias RITweiler 14:14 < rxr> thalerim: ok - resend 14:14 < esden> hi thalerim 14:15 < thalerim> ok, received @rxr 14:15 < thalerim> moin esden 14:16 < thalerim> hehe ... am reading now 14:16 -!- thalerim is now known as thAlerim 14:17 < huebi> [anders]: both are applied now. 14:18 < thAlerim> rxr: regarding to possible grammatical and syntactical faults will it be ok if i create a diff file ? 14:21 < thAlerim> rxr: eh and in the archive was a backup file - obviously a hidden file (check that pls) 14:21 < [anders]> https://www.zazzle.com/shirts/gallery/product.asp?product%5Fid=10004591&side=front&return%5Furl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Ezazzle%2Ecom%2Fshirts%2Fgallery%2Fbrowse%2Fproduct%5Flist%2Easp%3Fcategory%3DAdult%26page%3D13 14:21 < [anders]> Now, THAT is a t-shirt I would happily buy and wear.. :) 14:21 < rxr> thAlerim: yes this is the backup xemacs saves on every save ... 14:22 < [anders]> huebi: excellent.. :) 14:22 < rxr> thAlerim: sure feel free to do a diff - but since it are long lines a wdiff might be more readyble ... 14:22 < rxr> or simply send a corrected file - and I search the differences myself ... 14:23 < thAlerim> i think for grammatical regarding corrections a simple diff -u will be sufficient - but I will read it first, then we can see 14:24 < rxr> thAlerim: no - a normal diff will only output the whole long lines 14:24 < rxr> all the chapters are a one long line (fliestext ...) 14:24 < thAlerim> oh, yes i see 14:26 * thAlerim is switching on the printer 14:26 * thAlerim 's printer begins to print now 14:26 < rxr> thAlerim: wdiff might do the work of diffing single words (never used it ...) 14:27 < thAlerim> 5 DinA4 pages 14:27 < thAlerim> wow 14:28 < rxr> www.heise.de Norwegen k|ndigt Microsoft 14:28 < rxr> ;-) 14:28 < rxr> thAlerim: yes - and it got already corrected - so the text should't be too bad anymore ;-) 14:29 < esden> this image is really good : https://www.zazzle.com/posters/gallery/product.asp?return%5Furl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Ezazzle%2Ecom%2Fposters%2Fgallery%2Fcontributor%5Flist%2Easp%3Fcontributor%3DArtByMath%2BGallery%26page%3D1&product%5Fid=70004968 14:29 * thAlerim holds the 5pages in his one hand and in his other one he holds a big red pencil :P 14:29 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB79D4B.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux 14:29 < rxr> huebi: do you have comments to the article ? 14:30 < rxr> thAlerim: ;-) 14:33 < [anders]> huebi: are you going to remove kdebase, kdelibs and kdevelop from ext-config now when they are in base-config instead? 14:33 < thAlerim> rxr: glaubst du es ist angebracht in der 1. Person Plural zu schreiben ? 14:34 < [anders]> !tar 14:34 < [anders]> oops 14:36 < rxr> thAlerim: ? 14:36 < thAlerim> rxr: 2. Absatz 14:36 < rxr> hm - wieso nicht ? 14:36 < thAlerim> "Wir legen sehr viel Wert ..." 14:36 < rxr> Wir -> das ROCK Linux Team ... 14:36 < thAlerim> normalerweise schreibt einen Artikel stets unpersönlich! 14:37 < thAlerim> ich ändere, das - ok ? 14:37 < rxr> hm - 14:37 < rxr> ich habe das hallt machmal aus der Sicht der ROCK Entwickler geschreeben ... 14:37 < thAlerim> 1. Person benutzt man nur bei Tagebuch artigen "Artikeln" 14:37 < thAlerim> ja ich weiß 14:38 < thAlerim> wenn das im Internet ausgestellt werden würde, würde ich auch gar nichts sagen 14:38 < rxr> thAlerim: Du kannst ja erstmal lesen um einen Gesammteindruck zu bekommen ... 14:38 < thAlerim> ... :P 14:42 * -> esden printing article 14:44 < esden> does this adress belong to someone of you or someone you know? : rkienzle@bigpond.net.au 14:48 -!- Freak [freak@pD9E395A5.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 14:50 < thAlerim> rxr? 14:52 < thAlerim> beep rxr! 14:53 -!- Freak [freak@pD9E3942B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:53 < rxr> jups 14:54 < thAlerim> schau mal du hast geschrieben "Prdestiniert ist das Build-Kit auch für das Testen neuer Software-Versionen oder Features" 14:54 < thAlerim> prädestiniert 14:54 < rxr> thAlerim: hm - dictonary sagt predest ... 14:54 < thAlerim> nichts einzuwenden aber 14:55 < thAlerim> dann fährst du jedoch folgendermaßen fort: "So benutzt ROCK Linux scho seit 19998 "devfs" ..." 14:55 < rxr> hm - nee doch prae ... 14:55 < thAlerim> Das steht nicht im Einklang mit dem vorherigen Satz 14:56 < rxr> doch - neues feature ... 14:56 < thAlerim> Prädestiniert heißt soviel wie vorbestimmt 14:56 < esden> rxr: du solltest auch schreiben dass man die quelen auch von einer festplatte/cd holen kann mit ./scripts/Download -alt-dir 14:56 < thAlerim> also würde das so heißen: "Das Build-Kit ist auch für das Testen neuer Software-Versionen oder Features vorbestimmt. So benutzt ROCK Linux seit 1998 "devfs" 14:57 < rxr> esden: diese ganzen details fueren IMHO doch zu weit. 14:57 < esden> kk 14:57 < thAlerim> rxr: du benutzt da ein falsches wort 14:57 < rxr> thAlerim: vorbestimmt != praedestiniert. 14:57 < thAlerim> sicherlich 14:57 < rxr> prddestiniert == besonderst geeignet 14:57 < thAlerim> nene 14:58 < thAlerim> das ist ... moment lass mich nachdenken ... 14:58 < thAlerim> urgs ... *denk* 14:58 < rxr> thAlerim: Duden: wie geschaffen fuer ;-) 14:59 < thAlerim> oh 14:59 < thAlerim> habe grad nachgeschlagen ... das kann beides heißen 14:59 < thAlerim> okay, hab ich nicht gewusst ... man lernt eben nie aus 14:59 < rxr> ;-) 15:00 < thAlerim> Ich hab's mir vom lateinischen Ursprung abgeleitet und da heißt es auf jeden fall vorherbestimmt ... aber gut 15:00 < thAlerim> weiter gehts 15:01 * rxr (morning) showering ... ;-) 15:02 < esden> apropos strace .. ich habe heute eine strace version fuer pa-risc gefunden ;-) 15:03 < thAlerim> rxr: noch da? 15:05 < thAlerim> esden: hast du auch ne kopie bekommen ? 15:05 < esden> ja 15:05 < thAlerim> kannst du mal auf der ersten seite schauen, bei den Architekturen 15:05 < esden> ja ? 15:05 < thAlerim> fehlt da nicht x86 ? oder ist das ia32 ? 15:05 < esden> dass ist ia32 15:06 < thAlerim> ok ... hab nicht wirklich viel ahnung davon 15:06 < esden> und es faehlt pa-risc in der liste der ports die noch kommen werden 15:08 < esden> in der beschreibung von cluster build im letzten absatz das steht "Sschlisslich werden sie beim Kompilieren ..." da ist ein typo in Sschliesslich 15:08 < esden> also -s 15:08 < esden> ;-) 15:09 < thAlerim> da komm ich noch hin 15:09 < thAlerim> bin noch auf der ersten seite 15:10 < thAlerim> aber jetzt geh ich mal schnell pissen *gg* 15:12 < esden> soo ich gehe auch jetzt pissen und ueberlege mal ob in dem artickel noch was faehlt ;-) 15:12 < thAlerim> dann geh lieber kaggen :P 15:14 < esden> ja ... kann aber im momment nicht 15:14 < esden> :-( 15:22 (Users #rocklinux) 15:22 [ [anders] ] [ coldie] [ h0h0 ] [ rxr ] [ th ] 15:22 [ aszlig ] [ esden ] [ huebi ] [ simon-] [ thAlerim ] 15:22 [ blindcoder] [ fake ] [ praenti] [ SMP ] [ Vondrix ] 15:22 [ Caspar ] [ Freak ] [ rolla ] [ snyke ] [ WKaibigan] 15:22 -!- Irssi: #rocklinux: Total of 20 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 20 normal] 15:26 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 15:26 < Mike1> Hi 15:26 < thAlerim> moin Mike1 15:26 < Mike1> moin thAlerim :) 15:26 < thAlerim> *uff* ich seh schon, da kommt noch viel arbeit auf mich zu! 15:28 < th> huebi: pong 15:28 < th> moin 15:28 < Mike1> hello th 15:28 < rxr> re 15:29 < esden> hi th 15:29 < Mike1> hi rxr 15:30 < esden> th could you change the changelog autogeneration script so that the enries in form : 2002-07-12 14:18 th 15:30 < esden> * rock-1.5/changelog: empty 15:30 < th> yea 15:30 < esden> are beeing removed ? 15:30 < th> i know that problem :) 15:30 < esden> th: good ;-) 15:30 < th> it's scheduled somewhere on my todo 15:30 < Mike1> mmmm... 15:32 < rxr> esden: thanks - typos corrected -and pa-risc added 15:32 < esden> th: so get it more close to the top ;-) 15:33 < rxr> thAlerim: me back 15:33 < esden> rxr: denada ;-) 15:33 < Mike1> SMP: you awake? 15:33 < thAlerim> rxr: hat sich erstmal erledigt ;P 15:33 < esden> ok ... /me getting povray 15:38 < esden> ahh ... lovely : https://www.irtc.org/ftp/pub/stills/2002-06-30/povcard.jpg 15:39 < SMP> Mike1: yes 15:40 < Mike1> SMP: would you allow me to have a cvs account on ur server? 15:40 < Mike1> for 1.5 tree development 15:42 < th> SMP: and i would love to have vim ;) 15:42 < SMP> Mike1: of course. but I need huebi's opinion 15:43 < SMP> th: and I would love to have lots of money ;-> 15:43 < th> SMP: vim is opensource. moeny is not ;) 15:43 < Mike1> [00:09] < huebi> Mike1: From my point of view there is no problem that you get write access to the cvs repository. 15:44 < SMP> oh I see. so let's get it on 15:44 < Mike1> :) 15:45 < Mike1> username "mike" please :) 15:45 < SMP> initial password or key verification will be a bit of a problem 15:45 < Mike1> SMP: why? 15:46 < SMP> do you have a GPG/PGP key with good signatures on it? 15:47 < SMP> Mike1: problem because I can't tell it's you if we'd talk on the phone e.g. ;) 15:47 < Mike1> SMP: no i dont have any :( 15:48 < Mike1> perhaps you could give me a hand with it 15:48 < SMP> no, well, that's useless 15:50 < th> huebi: SMP: esden: my strange empty log-messages of changelog are removed from changelog now 15:51 -!- Caspar [~steven261@212186221174.teleweb.at] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15:53 < SMP> Mike1: would you like to login with password or ssh key? 15:53 < Mike1> SMP: password would be just fine 15:55 < SMP> so I need a password hash for /etc/shadow. can you please drop it in a file in your home on the sourceforge shell server? 15:56 < th> smells paranoid 15:56 < SMP> as paranoid as it gets ;) 15:56 < Mike1> SMP: sure mom 15:58 < esden> argh ... I can not make a povray packet because the sources are not out yet ... >_< 15:58 < esden> I hate non gpl software 15:58 < SMP> I know personally everyone else with a login. I'd just like to keep things a bit tight 15:59 < [anders]> moin Mike1 15:59 < th> i think mathilda should have cvs-access too 15:59 < SMP> the trojaned configure scripts we've seen are just the beginning of the problems opensource projects are going to face.. 15:59 < [anders]> moin th 15:59 < th> hi [anders] 16:00 < esden> SMP: you could also request the hash as on email encripted with your public gpg key ... 16:00 < esden> no joke here or so 16:00 < SMP> that doesn't gain a bit 16:00 < esden> ok ... was only an idea 16:00 < SMP> I want to authenticate him 16:01 < SMP> one way would have been the PGP web-of-trust 16:01 < Mike1> SMP: the file is in my home dir now 16:01 < [anders]> I personally think we perhaps should start using GnuPG in the development to sign archives etc.. 16:01 < Mike1> SMP: my user for sourceforge is herk 16:02 < Mike1> hi [anders]how are you today? 16:02 < SMP> that doesn't look like a password *hash* 16:02 < [anders]> Mike1: I am alright.. building and hoping for the best.. :) 16:02 < esden> [anders]: I was thinking about a authority for signing our gpg keys for the rocklinux project 16:02 < SMP> [anders]: I very much agree 16:02 < Mike1> [anders]: building released 1.5.17? 16:03 < [anders]> Mike1: Something that at least is very very close to it.. :() 16:03 < [anders]> -( 16:03 < Mike1> [anders]: hehe well good luck, keep me updated on ur progress :)) 16:03 < [anders]> esden: When you go to a conference or similar, have a key-signing gathering.. 16:03 < [anders]> Mike1: I will.. Once I get it to build base+opt, I will start on ext 16:04 < SMP> Mike1: I need a hash, not your password in clear. please give me the hash to put into shadow. (of another password) 16:04 < esden> will do ... I was thinking about a simmilar system as debian ... I will make some thinking about it and than write something down ... 16:04 < Mike1> SMP: oh sure 16:04 < esden> I hope to have a good idea how to create such authority till 19c3 16:05 * -> esden be back in half an hour 16:05 < [anders]> I will try and make time to come over to some gathering of sorts, and when I do, I will bring key-file and ID.. I will probably create a picture to go in my GPG key as well.. 16:06 < Mike1> SMP: done 16:06 < SMP> er 16:06 < SMP> what's those funny characters at the beginning? ;-O 16:11 < [anders]> Err.. Emacs build in 1min45sec... Pretty good I think.. 16:12 * rxr away 16:12 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux 16:13 < [anders]> moin Ge0rG 16:13 < Ge0rG> hi 16:13 < [anders]> well, anyone that wants to pick up my gpg key, it is listed in the sig on all e-mails I send.. so it should be easy to find in the mailing list archives... 16:14 -!- thAlerim [~tobrit@pD958DA64.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos") 16:14 < th> moin Ge0rG 16:15 < Ge0rG> th :) 16:20 < Mike1> see you later 16:20 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 16:20 < esden> re hi all 16:26 < [anders]> huebi: build stopped a while back, telling me I had no sawfish-1.1 archive.. sorted out that and moved the arts archive to the right place and now building again.. now onto kdelibs... That will take a good while... *sigh* 16:29 < th> where is the sf ext-config tree? 16:29 < th> :ext:teha@cvs.rock-package.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/rock-package 16:29 < th> ?? 16:30 < th> package/ext-config with CVSROOT named above? is that current? 16:30 < huebi> re MoeP! 16:30 < huebi> hi all together. 16:31 < esden> hi huebi 16:31 < huebi> I was on the phone for 2h ;-) 16:31 < huebi> hi esden 16:31 < huebi> 2h to get an other small company to rocklinux ;-))) 16:32 < esden> huebi: hmm ... not bad ... you are assimmilating many people ... 16:32 < huebi> [anders]: I updated sawfish but I still have to test it 16:32 < th> It is pretty straightforward. Use package/package/sourceforge to 16:32 < th> maintain your packages. That is the current tree. 16:32 < th> The ext-config tree will be phased out over time - it supports ROCK < 1.7. 16:32 < th> so version-less ext-config will die? 16:32 < huebi> esden: I should have been a Borg not a human. 16:33 < th> so each branch will have it's own ext-config? 16:33 < WKaibigan> We are huebi of Borg. Resistance is futile. We will Rock you. :-) 16:33 < esden> huebi: you are a human ?? be ashamed of you ...!!! 16:34 < th> esden: you can't hear huebi? he seems to have problem's with his hive-uplink. 16:35 < esden> hmm ... ok ... this ship is having 2000 borgs in ... I do not hear one ... destroying ship 16:35 < th> *lechz* 16:35 < [anders]> huebi: it build alright.. very fast in fact.. I think it took 30 odd seconds.. 16:35 < th> aber es hiess: I do not head one of them. 16:36 < th> s,head,hear, 16:36 < [anders]> == 14:50:04 =[3]=> Building base package sawfish [1.1-gtk1 1.5.17-private]. 16:36 < [anders]> Pkg-Config: patches sawfish.desc sawfish.conf done. 16:36 < [anders]> Building. Writing output to /var/adm/logs/3-sawfish.out 16:36 < huebi> th: Don't we want to stay with on repository for the ext, do we? 16:36 < [anders]> /var/adm/logs/3-sawfish.out -> 3-sawfish.log 16:36 < [anders]> == 14:50:42 07/12/02 =[3]=> Finished building package sawfish. 16:36 < th> huebi: i think we do want to stay at cvs.rocklinux.de with our ext-config. 16:36 < huebi> [anders]: Yes, but I now need to know why mplayer does not work anymore. 16:37 < huebi> th ack 16:37 < [anders]> huebi: mplayer? 16:37 < th> huebi: but i thought we would be bad boys because of this. 16:37 < th> huebi: but doesn't seem so as 1.7 is doing the same 16:38 < th> huebi: and as "The ext-config tree will be phased out over time" we should help a little bit with this 16:41 -!- Netsplit card.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: Ge0rG, praenti, Freak, SMP 16:41 -!- Netsplit over, joins: Freak 16:41 -!- Netsplit over, joins: Ge0rG, SMP, praenti 16:59 -!- Ge0rG is now known as ge0rg 17:01 < huebi> hmm. The version of sawfish makes no difference. mplayer does not work. 17:02 < th> SMP: what do you think about ext-config? as i pasted above 1.7 seem to have their own ext-config rep. rock-1.5/ext-config should be fully compatible with < 1.5 exts. do you think we could move stuff from sf to cvs.rocklinux.de? 17:04 < SMP> don't ask me, ask the sourceforge cvs users 17:04 < SMP> as a sf cvs user I ask: why? 17:06 < huebi> Can somebody tell me how to start kde in .xinitrd instead of gnome-session? 17:07 < SMP> startkde 17:08 < huebi> SMP: thanks. 17:08 < th> SMP: to enable sf users to directly contribute to rock-1.5 development 17:09 < WKaibigan> Change from exec gnome=session to exec startkde 17:09 < SMP> ext-config is not tied to any particular Rock version.. 17:09 < SMP> hmm 17:09 < SMP> OK.. 17:10 < SMP> it should at least be a cvs module on cvs.rocklinux.de 17:10 < SMP> so ext-config can be checked out alone 17:11 < SMP> I do think however that the users and most important the admins of rock-package at SF need to be asked about this 17:14 < th> yes 17:14 < th> $Id: README,v 1.12 2002/03/06 10:33:43 pjotrp Exp $ 17:14 < th> writtien in there that THAT ext-config is fading out... 17:15 < huebi> KDE is kool! Full Xinerama support. *freu* 17:16 < huebi> and only one small taskbar on the bottom of the very left screen. 17:18 < th> jemand erfahrung mit ROL-F von peppercon (NIC) 17:18 < SMP> Schlund. massenweise ;> 17:20 < th> RTL8139C is da drin? 17:20 < th> realtek 17:20 < th> hmpf 17:21 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD958DA64.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:21 < thalerim> re 17:22 < thalerim> rxr: biste wieder da? 17:22 < thalerim> hmm 17:22 < rxr> hups 17:23 < thalerim> ah.. 17:23 < rxr> aber muss mal kurz essen 17:23 < thalerim> urgs 17:23 < thalerim> ich will nur kurz was fragen 17:23 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@dhcp024-210-222-139.woh.rr.com] has left #rocklinux ("I don't care") 17:23 < thalerim> du hast geschrieben "... und das Download-Skript kann zur Zeitsparnis auch mehrmals parallel ausgeführt werden" 17:24 < thalerim> läd das download script nicht von selbst mehree pakete gleichezitig herunter? 17:24 < th> thalerim: bei 1.5 zumindest nicht 17:24 < thalerim> th: bei 1.7 aber schon ? 17:24 < th> k.a. 17:24 < thalerim> ich kann mich daran erinnern ... 17:25 -!- ge0rg is now known as Ge0rG 17:25 < huebi> bei 1.[5,7] koennen mehrere Downloadscripte gleichzeitig laufen. 17:25 < thalerim> nein, das meine ich nicht 17:25 < th> huebi: er meint ja gerade ob 1.7 das nicht automatisch macht, so dass es sinnlos ist 17:26 < huebi> Ich lasse 3-4 Stueck laufen, wenn ich ueberf das lan sauge 17:26 < huebi> axo 17:26 < thalerim> wenn das ein C-programm wär, hätt ich jetzt gefragt, ob es weitere download forkt 17:26 < th> huebi: man koennte mal ueber ne parallelisierung nachdenken ;) 17:27 < thalerim> in 1.7 ist die schon drin soweit ich mich erinnern kann! 17:27 < thalerim> aber ich brauch ne bestätigung :-) 17:27 < huebi> thalerim: Lieber nicht. Fuer den paranoiden Kontrolliker is es besser, wenn nur immer ein Packet gesaugt wird. 17:27 < thalerim> huebi: es geht um den Satz da oben 17:28 < thalerim> dass man mehrere Download-Skripte leichzeitig laufen lassen kann ,ist jawohl trivial 17:28 < huebi> thalerim: aber nicht selbstverstaendlich. 17:28 < thalerim> ja, ich wollte dass auch in etwas umgeschriebener form drin lassen, aber noch gerne die "forkerei" nennen 17:29 < thalerim> wenn sie so besteht 17:29 < thalerim> also, wenn rxr essen ist, dann werd ich mir auch mal was suchen 17:29 < SMP> paranoider Kontrolliker? 17:29 < th> thalerim: meh als ein build geht ja auch nicht 17:29 < th> SMP: keine ahnung was er meint 17:30 < th> ;> 17:31 < SMP> ich auch nicht. das kann doch jeder fuer sich entscheiden. 17:31 < huebi> paranoider Kontrolliker - einer der sich auf lockfiles und aehnliche Mechanismen nie verlaesst. 17:32 < SMP> achso. so einen kenn ich nicht 17:32 < thalerim> *gg* 17:33 * SMP traut dem IPSec Datenhaecksel da auf dem Draht im Moment trotzdem nicht 17:33 < huebi> "Nur die Lochkarte, die ich selber eingelegt habe kann auch gelesen werden. Locher kann ich sehen, Magnetfelder nicht." - Solche halt. Da kenn' ich auch nur einen von... 17:34 < SMP> hehe, cool 17:35 < huebi> Der macht so mit Origins und Octains rum... 17:35 < th> sicher auch mit lochkarten 17:36 < SMP> dass man den Linux Kernel auf s/390 ueber nen virtuellen Lochkartenleser bootet, ist bekannt? 17:36 < huebi> SMP: jo. 17:36 < SMP> (nachdem man ihn auf dem virtuellen Lochkartenstanzer ausgegeben hat) 17:42 < rxr> thalerim: 1.7 macht das nicht per default ... 17:42 < thalerim> rxr: Gibst eine Option dafür? 17:43 < rxr> ja - mehrmals selber starten :-) 17:43 < thalerim> also hab ich mich wohl getäuscht ... huh? naja okay 17:44 < rxr> ;-) 17:44 < huebi> thalerim: wie in 1.5. 17:44 < huebi> rxr: wo kommt denn /usr/bin/objprelink her? 17:46 < thalerim> rxr: dass man das skript mehrmals ausfühern kann (und es nicht immer von neu anfängt lle pakete zu downloaden), ermöglicht ein Lockfile-System... ACK || NAK ? 17:50 < SMP> thalerim: ACK 17:51 < thalerim> ok 17:51 < thalerim> noch schnell was, dann bin ich auch schon fast fertig: 17:52 < thalerim> Ist paralleles Kompilieren bereits möglich oder noch in Planung ? 17:52 * -> esden needs a povray accelerator card ... >_< 17:52 < Ge0rG> esden: they were available some time ago for slot1 ;) 17:53 < SMP> thalerim: ist implementiert in 1.7 17:53 < rxr> huebi: hm? 17:53 < rxr> thalerim: das ist auch nicht ganz korrekt 17:53 < thalerim> mh ... gibst sonst noch irgendwelche Sachen, die in Planung stehen außer eine Implementation der Abhängigkeiten-Regelung ? 17:53 < rxr> fuer das nicht mehrmals downloaden sind die locks nicht notwendig ... 17:53 < esden> Ge0rG: yes ;-) ... I need something about 2Ghz alpha or so ... for this stuff 17:54 < esden> but it will be to slow too ... 17:54 < thalerim> mh. 17:54 < rxr> thalerim: not many more things. except the hyper-inteligent new Create-CD ... 17:54 < thalerim> na toll, darf ich wieder rumschreiben *g* 17:55 < rxr> thalerim: ;-) - Ich wollte ja auch keinen neuen Artikel - sondern nur kurz ne Meinung ;-) 17:57 < thalerim> keine angst, soviel hab ich gar nicht geändert 17:57 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 17:57 < Mike1> re 17:57 < huebi> hi Mike1 17:58 < Mike1> Hey huebi :) wie geht es ihnen? 17:58 < huebi> I'm fine. And you? 17:58 < Mike1> very good too thanks 17:58 < Mike1> so 1.5.17 is released 17:59 * thalerim is watching TV now 17:59 < huebi> Mike1: Yes, it is. 18:02 < Mike1> huebi: ok what is the next step? 18:02 * Mike1 will work on moving vim to base today 18:02 < huebi> KDE 3.0.2 in base+opt 18:02 < huebi> vim 6.1 18:02 < Mike1> huebi: nice :) 18:02 < huebi> mt-st 0.7 18:02 < Mike1> huebi: ja 18:03 < huebi> rp-pppoe 18:03 < huebi> cups instead of lprng 18:03 < huebi> irrsi 18:03 < Mike1> is that on the TODO list? 18:03 < huebi> cdparanoia 18:03 < huebi> mtx 18:03 < huebi> samba 18:03 < huebi> reiserfs boot disks 18:03 < Mike1> guess i will take of some more besides vim 18:03 < huebi> Mike1: Yes my todo list 18:04 < Mike1> huebi: reiserfs boot disks... yes please!! 18:04 * Mike1 have been waiting for almost a year for this to happen 18:05 < SMP> why wait if you can hack? ;-} 18:11 < rxr> huebi: you should have copied dRock to 1.5 - you would not had to reinvent all ... 18:12 < esden> "Debian is the only distribution supporting PA-RISC architecture" <-- that _must_ be changed !!! 18:12 < huebi> rxr: I'll have a look at dRock after KDE 3.0.2 18:16 -!- Jol [~jol@ALille-208-1-4-17.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #rocklinux 18:16 < Jol> hey ! 18:17 < esden> hi Jol 18:17 < Jol> I'm linux user, i use a debian and i want to leave my debyan for another distrib 18:18 < Jol> I would like to know what is the best Rocklinux or Gentoo and why i should use gentoo 18:18 < Jol> or Rocklinux 18:18 < Jol> I browse the rocklinux homepage and like it 18:19 < esden> Jol: that is a difficult question 18:19 < esden> it depends what you expect from your future distribution 18:19 < Jol> Yes but you know better than why rocklinux is better ? 18:19 < Jol> I expect rapid and secure distrib 18:20 < esden> rocklinux is for sure rapid 18:20 < esden> it has more speed than gentoo because the optimalisation possibilitys in rocklinux are grater then in gentoo 18:20 < thalerim> *gg* esden's quote: ``Gentoo is good for SuSE users that want to be l33t and 18:20 < thalerim> say "I am using a source distribution"´´ 18:21 < esden> thalerim: fully correct ;-) 18:21 < Jol> ok ;) 18:21 < thalerim> I am completely the same opinion! 18:21 < Jol> Ok so i sure i use rocklinux for my futur distrib 18:21 < esden> Jol: gentoo sux in many places ... I have studied gentoo for some time and came to this conclusion 18:22 < thalerim> Jol: besides this fact I do not use gentoo because I just do not want to go with the mainstream 18:22 < huebi> Jol: Do have an Athlon Processor in your PC? 18:22 < thalerim> first it was debian now it's gentoo - I have never used one of them 18:22 < Jol> I buy it tomorrow 18:23 < huebi> Jol: An Athlon (XP)? 18:23 < Jol> Yes 2000+ 18:23 < esden> and all the time there war rock ... in the dark corner ... and rockusers were loughing their asses off about others ;-) @ thalerim 18:23 < huebi> Jol: Then you can use this CD for installation: ftp://download.rocklinux.de/1.5/1.5.17/rock-ia32-k7-base+opt-1.5.17.iso 18:24 < Jol> yes why not 1.7 branch 18:24 < thalerim> esden: it's our godd right!!! *gg* 18:24 < Jol> ? 18:24 < thalerim> good 18:24 < huebi> Jol: 1.7 is still not bootable. 18:24 < esden> Jol: 1.7 is a development branch ... and needs hardcore hacking to get it running on a box 18:25 < Jol> ok but i can have lastest version of package 18:25 < esden> because there is no installation system for 1.7 18:25 < Jol> ? 18:25 < esden> but we are working on it 18:25 < Jol> ok 18:25 < thalerim> Jol: yes 18:25 < Jol> Good 18:25 < esden> currently 1.5 branch is the choice 18:25 < thalerim> 1.5 provides up to date packages too 18:25 < Jol> ok good, so you can add a new user of rocklinux 18:26 < Jol> bye, and thanks again 18:26 < esden> cool ... Jol be welcome 18:26 < huebi> Jol: Have a look for the packages of your interest here, please: https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/rock-1.5/base-config/ 18:26 < Jol> of very great thanks 18:26 < Jol> bye 18:26 -!- Jol [~jol@ALille-208-1-4-17.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit ("CGI:IRC 0.4.2") 18:27 < esden> ohh ... a french guy 18:27 < th> huebi: woher kommt /etc/init.d/init.d ? 18:27 < esden> cool ... we get french people to rock 18:27 < huebi> th: habe ich vergessen. Ist aber gefixed. 18:27 < esden> th: no idea you can remove it 18:27 < th> huebi: sicher? im 1.5.16 aber noch nicht oder? 18:28 < th> esden: negative. runlvedit seem to need it. i always do a (cd /etc/init.d; ln -sf . init.d ) 18:28 < th> s,seem,seems, 18:28 < huebi> th: erst in 1.5.17. Suche mal im changelog, meinem Gehirnaussenlager ;-) 18:28 < esden> th: ... o_O 18:28 < th> huebi: hehe ok 18:30 < esden> argh ... what idiots are this ... !!! 18:30 < rxr> esden: ? 18:30 < thalerim> ??? 18:30 < esden> they are distributing rbootd only in binary form 18:30 < huebi> rbootd ?? 18:30 < th> * rock-1.5/base-config/sysfiles/sysfiles.conf: removed the link 18:30 < th> init.d -> ../etc/init.d in /etc/init.d. That link did break 18:30 < th> runlvedit. 18:31 < esden> rbootd is a deamon to boot older hp boxes from the network 18:31 < th> so it's removed and not repointe? 18:31 < th> d 18:33 < huebi> th: no, runlvedit now works without the link 18:33 < huebi> https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/rock-1.5/base-config/sysfiles/sysfiles.conf.diff?r1=1.1&r2=1.2 18:38 * rxr learning for exams now - I'll turn on my lappy later - cu 18:38 < thalerim> i will send you 18:38 < huebi> cu rxr 18:38 < thalerim> am watching tv right now ... so 18:41 < thalerim> LOL@Futurama 18:44 < esden> thalerim: welcher sender ? 18:44 < th> can someone explain: Jul 12 18:26:01 id12 /usr/sbin/cron[102]: (user) ORPHAN (no passwd entry) 18:44 < th> ? 18:45 < thalerim> esden: pro7 18:45 < thalerim> esden: sau hammer geil :-) ... die verarschen grad Titanic 18:45 < thalerim> ist aber momentan werbung 18:45 < Ge0rG> hm... die folge ist doch uralt ;) 18:45 < thalerim> trotzdem kewl 18:46 < thalerim> sind ja auch nur die Wiederholungen ... 18:46 * Ge0rG hat ewig kein futurama mehr gekuckt... die deutsche synchro taugt nicht 18:46 < thalerim> ACK 18:46 < esden> thalerim: danke 18:48 < thalerim> May I write to the "schedule" chapter, that it's planned to support several filesystems at installation time, for instance ext3, reiser, xfs, ... 18:48 < thalerim> +? 18:48 < th> thalerim: i see no reason to change something for ext3 support 18:49 < th> thalerim: there is no problem with installing ext2 and changing it to ext3 later 18:49 < huebi> reiserfs will come. But earliest at the middle of the next week. 18:51 < thalerim> th: yeah, but mainly I mean xfs, reiserfs and LVM support would be cool as well, wouldn't it ? 18:51 < th> thalerim: of course it would. i agree. 18:57 < thalerim> höhö! 18:57 < esden> die folge habe ich schon gesehen in englisch 18:58 < thalerim> hehe 18:58 < thalerim> ich kenn dafür schon alle simpsons folgen in und auswendig ... mhmmm 18:59 < esden> hmm ... ich habe die nicht in digitaler form sonnst wuerde ich die auch alle kennen ;-) 18:59 < thalerim> hehe die folge ist sau geil! 18:59 < thalerim> mit sonem terroristen der james bond tötet ;) 19:03 < esden> ja ... verrate halt alles >_< 19:04 < thalerim> :-P 19:04 < thalerim> das ist der Terrorist *g* 19:04 < thalerim> :PPPP 19:05 < esden> thalerim: suuper ... >_< 19:12 < thalerim> esden: jetzt *g* 19:13 < esden> ja ... ich habe es gesehen ... 19:14 < esden> scheiss werbung ... >_< 19:14 < thalerim> naja, gleich wirds noch besser 19:22 < thalerim> jetzt! 19:22 < thalerim> *gg* 19:24 < [anders]> .oO( /me not really here, but the build is now in stage 5 and all seems to be going well.. I will let you guys know on sunday how it went... :) 19:27 < esden> lool ... 19:27 -!- Ge0rG is now known as ge0rg 19:27 < esden> dass endet wie ein bond film 19:27 < esden> rofl 19:27 < thalerim> *gg* 19:31 < thalerim> so... finished 19:33 < thalerim> ok, cu maybe later 19:33 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD958DA64.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("...") 20:58 < huebi> 20:58 < rxr> hm? 21:14 -!- kaerF [freak@p50839C25.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:15 -!- Freak [freak@pD9E3942B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: kaerF!freak@p50839C25.dip.t-dialin.net))) 21:15 -!- kaerF is now known as Freak 21:31 -!- ge0rg is now known as Ge0rG 21:36 < rxr> huebi: are you arround? 21:37 < huebi> Yes, I am. 21:37 < rxr> what do you think about the article ? 21:40 < huebi> For a Magazin a little bit too deep in the details. I read it and suddendly mentioned if I've never heared about ROCK Linux I would not be able to follow the article any more. And I did not have a look at 1.7 exepct for coparing configs. 21:40 < huebi> +m 21:41 < rxr> huebi: it is not a user article - it is a article to present the technology behind the distribution ... 21:42 < huebi> ah, ok. I read it again then to get some more constructiv words for you. 21:42 < rxr> it is also not for the Linux User magazin - but for the more technically Linux Magazin ... 21:43 < Freak> you wrote an article for LM? 21:45 < Freak> rxr: may I read it? 21:46 < rxr> hm - apparently everyone here want to read it ;-) ... - I'm not sure it sending it arround to so many people is that good ... 21:46 < Freak> hey I'm LC moderator, trust me ;P 21:47 < rxr> LC ? 21:48 < huebi> rxr: I aslo think as thalerim does that writing "we do blabla..." is not as good as to write "It is done blabla..." 21:48 < Freak> Linux-Community 21:49 -!- chrisime [~chrisime@pD9590703.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:49 < huebi> hi chrisime 21:51 < huebi> chrisime: I have been very lucky to get Gnome 1.4.x running in Xinerama. If I run it as root I also get the panel in the top right working. 21:51 < rxr> Freak: really? 21:52 -!- simon-- [~simon@p50875FA0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:52 < Freak> rxr: calling me a liar? :) 21:52 < Freak> https://www.linux-community.de/Neues/story?storyid=3827 21:56 < rxr> Freak: No! I'm only surprised ... 21:57 < Freak> tsok ;) 21:58 < rxr> Freak: ok - you'll get it when I reworked some parts. But you are finally the last person who get's it before the print! 21:59 < Freak> where lies the difference between mercedes-benz and DaimlerChrysler?? 21:59 < Freak> rxr: hehe cool 21:59 < Freak> rxr: tangoo 22:00 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B559d.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 22:00 < owl> hi 22:00 < Freak> ho 22:01 < th> cron is evil 22:01 < th> are there cool alternatives? 22:02 < SMP> 'cool'? are you sick? 22:02 < rxr> thAlerim version of the text has some really strange sentences ... 22:02 < snyke> th: write a cool one ;) 22:02 < th> SMP: why? 22:02 < SMP> what's your problem with cron? 22:02 < th> SMP: it did not do the jobs 22:03 < SMP> apart from, if you're using Vixie cron, that it's been written Vixie 22:03 < th> Jul 12 21:20:01 id12 /usr/sbin/cron[102]: (th) ORPHAN (no passwd entry) 22:03 < SMP> th: well it must have a reason. what's in the logs? 22:03 < SMP> aha. 22:03 < th> after a reboot all is ok 22:04 < SMP> dosn't look like cron's fault 22:04 < SMP> tried just restarting crond? 22:04 < th> [I] The Vixie cron daemon for executing specified programs at set times 22:04 < th> [A] Paul Vixie 22:04 < th> SMP: nope did not try that 22:05 < th> "it's been written Vixie"? 22:05 < SMP> ehm 22:05 < SMP> 'by Vixie' 22:05 < SMP> ETIRED 22:05 < th> "apart from, if you're using Vixie cron, that it's been written by Vixie"?? 22:05 -!- simon- [~simon@p50875797.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out) 22:06 -!- simon-- is now known as simon- 22:06 < SMP> yes. 22:06 < th> SMP: is there a problem with vixies cron? 22:06 < SMP> no, but with Vixie. 22:06 < SMP> IMHO 22:06 < th> i don't know vixie 22:08 < huebi> SMP: What's up with Paul Vixie? 22:12 < chrisime> huebi: aha 22:12 < chrisime> sauber 22:12 < chrisime> dass das geht 22:12 < SMP> I don't like him or his code 22:15 < huebi> SMP: Undocumented, uncommon, ugly, unnessesary complicated code with very sofisticated syntax, good to control a machine but not usable to communicate with it between humans? 22:15 < Ge0rG> is there isapnp for rocklinux somewhere? 22:15 < huebi> Ge0rG: no, isapnp is oblolete in 2.4.x kernels. 22:16 < Ge0rG> aah, /proc/isapnp knows everything :) 22:17 < SMP> Vixie was responsible for BIND4, which is a security and reliability desaster. he finally dissociated from that code, telling users to upgrade to BIND8 22:18 < SMP> Vixie was of course also responsible for BIND8 (together with the ISC monkeys), which _also_ became a security and reliability desaster. he finally dissociated from that code, telling users to upgrade to BIND9 22:18 < Ge0rG> huebi: how can I control irqs and io ports for pnp devices? 22:19 < huebi> Ge0rG: I have no idea. I only use some old sb AWE-32 with driver compiled into the kernel. 22:20 < SMP> take a screwdriver... ;> 22:22 < huebi> SMP: Ah, OK. So he is on the other side of progamming. He only tests on funtionality not on on nonfuktionality (which is at least ten time more work than he does IMHO) Perhaps he should better work for M$. 22:23 < huebi> KDE build finished now ;-) 22:27 < rxr> huebi: and - what was the fault ? 22:28 < huebi> I did not erase the kde pkgs in ext-config. 22:29 < huebi> Because of that the packages got a wrong version number and the build failed. 22:29 < huebi> root@zeus:/rock-linux# ./scripts/Create-CD ia32 k7 base 22:29 < huebi> 342912 extents written (669 Mb) 22:30 < huebi> a little bit too big. 22:31 < esden> why too big 22:31 < esden> burn it on a 700 cd 22:31 < huebi> esden: 650MB is the CD-ROM size. 22:32 < esden> but there are the bigger ones ... with 700 mb ... 22:32 < Mike1> huebi: i dont see any problem at all with using a 700mb cdrom 22:32 < Mike1> BTW re 22:32 < huebi> re Mike1 22:33 < SMP> hehe 22:33 < Mike1> huebi: 700mb cds can be found as easy as 650mb so whats the big deal? 22:33 < SMP> 700MB.. enough space for 10 OpenBSD install sets ;> 22:34 < huebi> ok. I put OpenOffice on it, too *g* 22:34 < SMP> Mike1: 'be conservative in what you send' 22:34 < SMP> (I never though I'd quote that *stupid* sentence) 22:34 < Mike1> SMP: i see 22:35 < Mike1> SMP: huebi: esden: so i guess some packages most be moved to ext? 22:36 < SMP> no, a more flexible split must be possible 22:37 < Mike1> mm... tell me more :) 22:37 < SMP> (as I already said -like- 1,5 years ago ;>) 22:38 < Mike1> hehe 22:38 < SMP> well, it should be possible to split base into 22:39 < SMP> and have two cdroms. one with most of base, the second with the rest of base and ext 22:39 < SMP> that's pretty hard to do, I know 22:40 < Mike1> SMP: i think a base cd by now needs around 500 - 600 mb 22:40 < huebi> There are some good efforts made for a Build-CD with a rescue system and all sources for base+opt on it. So one possibility is to leave off the rescue target and use the new cd target for that. 22:41 < Mike1> SMP: even though i got ur idea and i like it 22:41 < Mike1> huebi: another thing could be to do 2 base cds as SMP says, one could have base stuff including rescue 22:42 < Mike1> but x11 stuff would go on the 2nd cd 22:42 < Mike1> what do you think? 22:42 < rxr> Freak: how long will you be awake ? 22:42 < SMP> if x11 stuff goes on the 2nd cd, the first one will be 70% empty 22:43 < Mike1> SMP: perhaps now that KDE has been moved into base it could be moved to the second cd keep the rest on the first 22:44 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD958D429.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:44 < thalerim> re && g'evening! 22:44 < Mike1> moin thalerim 22:46 < Freak> rxr: me? dunno, slept 2 hrs this night, some hours in the afternoon, and had a day in my coming-up Zivi-Stelle 22:47 < Freak> 7hrs.. 22:47 < Freak> stood up 10 past 5am 22:47 < Freak> so I can't really tell ;P 22:47 < rxr> ah ok - so you are still here ;-) 22:47 < rxr> I'm just correcting the article - and then you can get it in an hour or so ... 22:47 < Freak> :) 22:48 < Freak> I'm curious.. 22:48 < Freak> so hurry :) 22:48 < thalerim> rxr: so i guess you received my mail? 22:53 < thalerim> PING? 22:54 < Mike1> SMP: huebi esden ?? 22:54 < thalerim> oh, being still alive 22:54 < huebi> Mike1: jo? 22:55 < Mike1> SMP: perhaps now that KDE has been moved into base it could be moved to the second cd keep the rest on the first 22:55 < SMP> Mike1: I don't know 22:55 < Mike1> huebi: what do you think? 22:55 * SMP fiddeling with .inputrc 22:56 < huebi> I think about linux-src, rfc and XFree86 doc to be moved to a 2nd cd. 22:57 < SMP> this sounds like a special hack, not like a solution ;> 22:57 < Mike1> hehe 22:58 < huebi> SMP: What do yuo think about? 22:58 < Mike1> huebi: can be done but i dont know i am not sure... 22:59 * Mike1 thinking 23:00 < thalerim> what's the current issue? - if i may ask 23:00 < huebi> Or one could use sth like the priotities for the build for the priority to come on the first cd. 23:00 < rxr> huebi: in dRock I have an additional taq for the 2nd CD packages ... 23:00 < chrisime> lol!!! 23:00 < rxr> we have o, x and z 23:00 < chrisime> esden: schon mal n prozzi ohne die gesehen 23:01 < chrisime> ? 23:01 < chrisime> also nen amd 23:01 < rxr> x normally build 23:01 < rxr> o optional 23:01 < rxr> z optinal and 2nd CD 23:01 < Ge0rG> chrisime: das ist dann aber kein prozi mehr... nur noch ein stück keramik 23:01 < rxr> huebi: but you need to modify several script to archive this ... 23:01 < chrisime> lol 23:01 < chrisime> jo 23:01 < chrisime> https://www.dau-alarm.de/cpu2.html 23:01 < rxr> xfree would suck on the 2nd CD 23:01 < chrisime> ziemlich weit unten 23:02 < huebi> rxr: I must think about that. 23:02 < esden> chrisime: ??? 23:02 < rxr> in dRock we have only big and optional stuff on the 2nd CD - so that you do not really need it ... 23:02 < esden> ahh re hi all 23:02 < SMP> yes what letter after z do we use when the second CD is full ;> 23:02 < Mike1> re esden 23:02 < Mike1> i like the x o z idea 23:04 < chrisime> https://www.dau-alarm.de/pictures/hardware/mb-008_g.gif <-- lol!!!!!!!! 23:05 < esden> *click* 23:06 < chrisime> wau! unten, auf der seite hat einer n stueck vom sockel abgebrochen 23:06 < chrisime> da gehoert schon kraft zu 23:22 < thalerim> I miss Mathilda somewhat ... Would anyone be disturbed if huebi did his job? 23:23 < rxr> thalerim: Much thanks for your overwork and error correction! ;-) 23:24 * Mike1 misses Mathilda too 23:24 < thalerim> I expect something given out by you ... when we'll meet us 23:24 < rxr> ;-) 23:25 < huebi> no cowsay on the Krups. Sorry. 23:25 < huebi> Muhhh! 23:25 < rxr> (Ahlought I do not agree with all of your modifications - and I do not simply copy them ;-) 23:25 < rxr> thalerim: whre do you live ? 23:25 < esden> it is not possible someone is buying a cpu with two broken pins for 21 eur an ebay 23:25 < esden> I will never understand humans ... 23:26 < rxr> esden: vielleicht will er die wieder anloeten ;-) *GGGGG* 23:26 < thalerim> rxr: a) I didn't want you to justcopy & paste them, they should represent some ideas ... b) near to mainz 23:26 < rxr> ah - I'm in Berlin 23:27 < thalerim> ach gott *g* 23:27 < thalerim> Osten oder Westen? (Nicht dass ich Vorureile hätte, ich habe welche *fg*) 23:27 < rxr> Bis vor kurzem in Hannover - und jetzt in West-Berlin ;-) 23:29 < thalerim> *beruhigt sei* 23:29 < esden> rxr: lool .. mit sicherheit 23:29 * thalerim is waiting for Mathilda ... still ... :-/ 23:30 < rxr> esden: machst du das nicth oefters ? An deiner Alpha oder so ? *g* 23:31 < esden> ja ... sicher ... ich sitze jeden abend paar stunden an der natalie und loete in ihr rum ... klar 23:31 < esden> ;-) 23:32 < thalerim> haha, der esden stellt da viel perverse Dinge an 23:33 < rxr> esden: nein - vorher musst du immer noch ein paar pins abbrechen ;-) 23:33 < esden> aha ... welche denn ? anscheinend habe ich da was verpasst 23:33 < esden> rxr: ich delle nur die diskettenlaufwerke ein 23:33 < Ge0rG> huebi: the isapnp card only worked after explicitly setting the parameters with isapnp 23:33 < thalerim> esden: kein wunder ... wenn das passiert, bist du meistens betrunken ... kein wunder warum du dich nicht mehr daran erinnerst ;-P 23:34 < esden> hmm ... klaerst du mich bitte auf 23:34 < rxr> thalerim: btw. Fuer die Abhaenigkeiten ist nicht eine modifikation saemlicher Skripte noetig! 23:35 < rxr> Deisen Teil lasse ich groestensteils so wie ich ihn hatte ... 23:35 < thalerim> yo... da musste ich ja mehr ode weniger improvisieren 23:35 < rxr> +das 23:35 < rxr> +Auswdhlen 23:35 < rxr> +von 23:35 < rxr> +verschiedenen 23:35 < rxr> +Dateisystemen, 23:35 < rxr> +wie 23:35 < rxr> +EXT3, 23:35 < rxr> +ReiserFS, 23:35 < rxr> - hm ext3 und Reiser tuen in dRock schon seit nem halben Jahr ... 23:36 < rxr> ;-) 23:36 < thalerim> dann schreib das eben um ... 23:36 < thalerim> ich bin ja nicht GOD 23:36 < rxr> noch nicht? *g* 23:36 < thalerim> naja, fast *g* 23:37 < rxr> Nochmals vielen Dank fuer die Korrekturen und Anregungen! 23:37 < esden> rxr: ??? 23:37 < rxr> esden: ?? 23:37 < rxr> ?? 23:37 < esden> wieso hast du es nicht backportet zu dem main tree? 23:38 < rxr> esden: wieso? Ihr habe anfang letzen Jahres auf kaum eine Mail geantwortet - da habe ich den dRock spit gemacht 23:38 < esden> jungs ich wuerde immernoch gerne wissen was ich perverses mit natalie anstelle wenn ich besoffen bin ? 23:38 < rxr> wenn euch alles besser gefaellt haettet ihr es backporten koennen ... 23:38 < rxr> ausserdem merge ich doch alles in 1.7 ... 23:39 < esden> haha ich war damals nicht richtig aktiv in rock ... damals habe ich noch an bchat gearbeitet :P 23:39 < huebi> 0,5,0 5) 'ôoBP2E' 'EYQIô¶Z "²$+' '!e[' NON CCS vendor specific 5 Processor 23:39 < esden> ich bin erst richtig aktiv seid 18c3 weil ich da bchat aufgegeben habe 23:39 < huebi> 0,5,0 5) 'PLEXTOR ' 'CD-R PX-W124TS' '1.07' Removable CD-ROM 23:39 < esden> huebi: was hast du angestellt ? 23:40 < huebi> Plextor mit chinesischer firmware (derer lockerem Kabel) 23:41 < rxr> thalerim: hehe - dein Abschluss ist cool ;-)! 23:41 < thalerim> esden: da musste Mathilda fragen, was du so nachts treibst ... ich bin nur ein Diener ... 23:41 < huebi> 23:41 < huebi> __________ 23:41 < huebi> < Moooooin > 23:41 < huebi> ---------- 23:41 < huebi> \ ^__^ 23:41 < huebi> \ (oo)\_______ 23:41 < huebi> (__)\ )\/\ 23:41 < huebi> ||----w | 23:41 < huebi> || || 23:41 < huebi> 23:41 < thalerim> hehe 23:41 < Mike1> Mathilda!! 23:41 < thalerim> MATHILDA! 23:41 < esden> hi mathilda 23:41 < Mike1> lol 23:41 < thalerim> rxr: selbstverständlich... ist ja auch von mir ... :P 23:41 < Mike1> How are you Master Mathilda? 23:41 * -> esden schaut mathilda mit hungrigem blick an 23:42 < rxr> thalerim: lol 23:42 < rxr> rene@jackson:~/rock-article > wc rock-article.txt 23:42 < rxr> 206 2115 16027 rock-article.txt 23:43 < huebi> Rene writes a book! 23:43 * rxr writing PR 23:43 < thalerim> Mike1: Recently I saw a charmant bull for Mathilda... but then I recognised it was /* RANDOM(nick); */ esden *gg* 23:43 -!- chrisime [~chrisime@pD9590703.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out) 23:44 < thalerim> charmant? i mean charming 23:45 < esden> thalerim: very random ... >_< 23:45 < thalerim> *gg* 23:46 < thalerim> uuuh! 23:46 < thalerim> Ich höre in der Ferne ein paar Betrunkende 23:46 < thalerim> die singen ... achduje 23:47 < Mike1> thalerim: hehe 23:47 < esden> in was fuer ner gegend wohnst du thalerim ... schlimm 23:47 < thalerim> esden: it's the very first time, indeed 23:47 * rxr thinking about subscribing on the koffice ML and start to report bugs again .... 23:48 * huebi has OpenOffice on his TODO list ;-) 23:51 * thalerim is yawning 23:51 * huebi too 23:51 < thalerim> but /me doesn' smell *duck* 23:52 * rxr reading the printout 23:52 * huebi is going to install 1.5.17 NOW. 23:52 * thalerim hates frequently use of /me 23:52 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD95259DE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:52 * Ge0rG loves it 23:52 < tsa> moin. 23:52 * thalerim saltutes tsa 23:52 < tsa> hi thalerim 23:53 < Mike1> moin tsa 23:53 < huebi> me too, me too 23:53 < tsa> hi Mike1 23:53 < tsa> hehe 23:53 < huebi> moin tsa 23:53 < tsa> hi huebi 23:53 * huebi is going to install 1.5.17 + KDE 3.0.2 NOW. 23:54 < thalerim> ... and will failure 23:54 < Mike1> SMP: huebi 23:54 < Mike1> [mike@marte test]$ CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d mike@cvs.rocklinux.de:/cvs co rock-1.5 23:54 < Mike1> mike@cvs.rocklinux.de's password: 23:54 < Mike1> Cannot access /cvs/CVSROOT 23:54 < Mike1> No such file or directory 23:54 < Mike1> [mike@marte test]$ 23:54 < Mike1> ???? 23:54 < Mike1> what am i doing wrong? 23:55 < SMP> you are mixing up the anoncvs with your account 23:55 < SMP> for you CVSROOT is mike@cvs.rocklinux.de:/home/rockcvs/cvs 23:55 < Mike1> SMP: oh hehe danke 23:57 < huebi> install starts now 23:57 < Mike1> SMP: any special cvs commands to do when i commit? 23:57 < SMP> no, no special anything 23:57 < Mike1> or just cvs add 23:57 < Mike1> cvs ci 23:57 < Mike1> ok got it 23:57 < Mike1> thank you so much SMP 23:58 < huebi> o_O Have to put a small cvs manual on the TODO list, too. 23:58 < thalerim> What encryption does rocklinux use? 23:58 < tsa> for what purpose? 23:58 < thalerim> for user passwords 23:58 < huebi> thalerim: cryptical one 23:59 < tsa> huebi: hahaha. 23:59 < thalerim> MD5 ? 23:59 < huebi> jo must be md5 23:59 < Mike1> huebi: i can make a cvs howto in the weekend 23:59 < tsa> probably. 23:59 < huebi> 3des only uses 8 characters of the passwd --- Log closed Sat Jul 13 00:00:04 2002