--- Log opened Mon Jul 15 00:00:00 2002 --- Day changed Mon Jul 15 2002 00:00 < rxr> gate:/usr/src/linux # cat /etc/cron.d/50-statistics 00:00 < rxr> #!/bin/bash 00:00 < rxr> echo "Apache statistic:" 00:00 < rxr> grep `date -d yesterday '+%d/%b/%Y'` /var/apache/logs/access_log | 00:00 < rxr> sed -e 's/.*GET //' -e 's/\([^ ]*\).*/\1/' | grep -v system32 | 00:00 < rxr> sort | uniq -c | sort -r | head -n 70 00:00 < rxr> echo "FTP statistic:" 00:00 < rxr> egrep "`date -d yesterday '+%b %_#d .* %Y'`" /var/log/ftpd | 00:00 < rxr> sed 's, , ,g' | cut -d ' ' -f 9 | 00:00 < rxr> sort | uniq -c | sort -r | head -n 35 00:00 < Freak> SMP, rxr: hab das jetzt umformuliert 00:01 < thalerim> esden: noch zwei lieder 00:01 < thalerim> dann lad ich hoch 00:02 < huebi> man, ist X empfindlich. Heute schon 3x laut piepend stehen geblieben. Meine Resettaste sieht bald aus, wie bei Windows. 00:02 < huebi> *g* 00:03 < rxr> huebi: X ? - X = ? 00:03 < thalerim> höh? 00:03 < huebi> = Piiiiieeeep 00:03 < esden> thalerim: ok ... ich warte 00:05 < huebi> Das BIOS vom Tyan tiger ist ein bischen buggy. Der Rechner Piept und macht einen RED-Screen auf dem rechten schirm. 00:05 < rxr> huebi: huh ? 00:06 < huebi> wenn ich X mit ctrl-alt-backspace abschiesse kommt das manchmal vor. 00:06 < SMP> soll ich mal jeweils Top-10 ISO downloads fuer Juni und Juli flooden? 00:06 < huebi> rebooten mag er sowieso nicht. Haengt sich lieber auf. 00:06 < huebi> SMP: jo 00:07 < SMP> 00:07 < SMP> $ awk -F\" '/ Jun / && /DOWNLOAD/ && /iso/{print $4}' vsftpd.download.rocklinux.de.log | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head 00:07 < SMP> 40 /1.5/1.5.15/rock-intel-i586-base+opt-1.5.15.iso 00:07 < SMP> 25 /1.5/1.5.15/rock-intel-i586-base+opt-1.5.15_2002-05-27_02h30.iso 00:07 < SMP> 11 /1.5/1.5.16/rock-ia32-i686-base+opt-1.5.16.iso 00:07 < SMP> 9 /1.5/1.5.16/rock-ia32-i486-base+opt-1.5.16.iso 00:07 < SMP> 7 /1.5/1.5.16/rock-ia32-i586-base+opt-1.5.16.iso 00:07 < SMP> 5 /1.5.13/rock-intel-i586-base+opt-1.5.13_2002-04-04_21h08.iso 00:07 < SMP> 2 /1.5/1.5.16/rock-src-1.5.16.iso 00:07 < SMP> 2 /1.5/1.5.16/rock-ia32-i386-base+opt-1.5.16.iso 00:07 < SMP> 1 /1.5/1.5.13/rock-intel-i586-base+opt-1.5.13_2002-04-04_21h08.iso 00:07 < SMP> 1 /1.5/1.5.12/rock-i686-base-1.5.12-DEV.iso 00:07 < SMP> $ awk -F\" '/ Jul / && /DOWNLOAD/ && /iso/{print $4}' vsftpd.download.rocklinux.de.log | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head 00:07 < SMP> 106 /1.5/1.5.17/rock-ia32-k7-base+opt-1.5.17.iso 00:07 < SMP> 58 /dRock/stable/1.6.0/drock-i586-1.6.0-CD-1.iso 00:08 < SMP> 31 /1.5/1.5.16/rock-src-1.5.16.iso 00:08 < SMP> 20 /1.5/1.5.16/rock-ia32-i686-base+opt-1.5.16.iso 00:08 < SMP> 19 /dRock/stable/1.6.0/drock-i586-1.6.0-CD-2.iso 00:08 < SMP> 16 /dRock/stable/1.6.0/drock-i586-1.6.0-CD-boot.iso 00:08 < SMP> 6 /dRock/stable/1.6.0/drock-i586-1.6.0-CD-1.iso.md5 00:08 < SMP> 5 /1.5/1.5.16/rock-ia32-i386-base+opt-1.5.16.iso 00:08 < SMP> 4 /dRock/stable/1.6.0/drock-i586-1.6.0-CD-boot.iso.md5 00:08 < SMP> 4 /dRock/stable/1.6.0/drock-i586-1.6.0-CD-2.iso.md5 00:08 < SMP> 00:09 < huebi> heftig, heftig. Haette ich nicht erwartet 00:09 < SMP> wobei das nicht alles komplette downloads sind 00:09 < rxr> SMP: ack 00:09 < rxr> SMP: thanks ;-) 00:09 < SMP> ueber http schaut's eher langweilig aus 00:11 < rxr> My DSL link could push ~81GB/montgh into the net ... 00:12 < thalerim> esden: ich krieg ein permission denied! 00:12 < SMP> bah! 00:12 < SMP> Googlebot hat www.cvs.rocklinux.de komplett gespidert 00:13 < SMP> robots.txt, aber ganz fix 00:13 < rxr> SMP: was hast du dagegen? 00:13 < thalerim> urgs esden - es liegt an den dateinamen 00:14 < thalerim> esden: die `uname' datei kannste löschen, das war nu ein test 00:14 < SMP> rxr: es ist voellig unnoetig 00:14 < rxr> ah 00:14 < SMP> genau wie den gesamten Inhalt der loop-mounted ISOs auf download.rocklinux.de *vogelzeig* 00:15 < SMP> aber da liegt schon laenger ein robots.txt und danach war ruhe 00:15 < rxr> SMP: warum hast du da loop moutned ISOs ? 00:16 < SMP> weil ich manchmal einzelne packages brauche? 00:16 < SMP> und weil andere das vielleicht genauso brauchen koennen 00:16 < rxr> ich wuerde die dann doch aber nicht im offenem bereich loop mounten ... 00:16 < rxr> na gut ;-) 00:16 < SMP> warum denn das nicht?! 00:17 < SMP> es sind nur ROCK Linux ISOs! 00:17 < rxr> ja schon klar ... 00:18 -!- Ge0rG is now known as ge0rg 00:18 < thalerim> SMP: hey cool! das hab ich ja noch gar net gewusst 00:18 < huebi> SMP: Welche option braucht man, um 2 swappartitionen mit gleicher Prioritaet zu nutzen? 00:19 < esden> thalerim: kk 00:20 < SMP> thalerim: sind immer nur wenige, die ich grad gebraucht habe oder wenn jemand einen loop-mount angefordert hat 00:20 < SMP> huebi: pri=-1 bei beiden 00:21 < huebi> SMP: Danke. busybox kann das leider nicht. 00:21 < SMP> busybox saugt 00:21 < huebi> ACK 00:22 < SMP> crunch rockt 00:22 < rxr> crunch ? 00:22 < esden> thalerim: hmm ... ich muss noch das ftp verzeichniss auf der kiste finden ... kannst mir einen eindeutigen dateinamen nennen ? 00:23 < thalerim> esden: incoming/uname 00:23 < SMP> rxr: https://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/~checkout~/src/distrib/crunch/README?rev=1.3&content-type=text/plain 00:23 < thalerim> esden: die adtei kannschte löschen 00:24 < thalerim> gibst in 1.5 eigentlich auch schon die 3.1 version des gccs? 00:25 < rxr> SMP: ah 00:25 < rxr> SMP: there is also a crunchbox project on freshmeat ... 00:25 < rxr> thalerim: nein 1.7 00:25 < SMP> der hat in 1.5 nix zu suchen 00:26 < rxr> SMP: https://freshmeat.net/projects/crunchbox/ 00:26 < thalerim> yoyo, hätt ja sein können ... dann werd ichs eben selbst richten müssen 00:26 < rxr> seems to do the same ... 00:26 < rxr> thalerim: hm ? 00:26 < thalerim> na gcc 3.x installieren 00:27 < huebi> thalerim: Der wird in 1.5 nicht auftauchen. Das ist einfach zu viel Arbeit, den noch mit hinein zu bekommen. Dafuer ist dann 1.7 da. 00:27 < rxr> You need some patches - and some values for the cc_wrapper. Otherwise you will not be able to compile a working system ... 00:27 * rxr sleepign now ... cu 00:27 < huebi> cu rxr 00:27 < thalerim> ich will damit nicht rock kompilieren 00:27 < thalerim> gn8 00:27 < rxr> thalerim: nicht ? was dann? Nur spielen ? 00:27 * huebi installiert heute zum 5. mal ROCK Linux. 00:28 < thalerim> rxr: yap... mal anschauen 00:28 < SMP> nur? ;) 00:28 < rxr> ah - C++ wird auf nem gcc != 3.1 system nicth tuen ... 00:28 < rxr> SMP: jups nur ;-) 00:28 < SMP> ich meinte huebi 00:28 < rxr> ;-) 00:29 < rxr> cu 00:29 < SMP> rxr: danke fuer den crunchbox pointer. n8 00:29 < huebi> SMP: jo, aber muss noch mehr werden. 00:29 < huebi> mehr tests 00:29 < esden> thalerim: ich habe das verzeichniss jetzt gefunden 00:29 < thalerim> *g* *applaus* 00:29 < esden> thalerim: du bist am dritten track gell ? 00:30 < huebi> esden: nein. das bin ich 00:30 < thalerim> esden: ja 00:30 < thalerim> huebi: ??? 00:30 < huebi> *kidding* 00:30 < thalerim> ihr macht mich immer ganz perplex ... 00:31 < esden> huebi: was machst du am dritten track? steige von dem sofort ab !!! ;-) 00:31 < esden> boeser huebi 00:31 < huebi> hehe 00:32 < huebi> das setup script fuer das network muss geaendert werden. zuerst muss es nach dhcp fragen, dann kann es den hostname villeicht aufloesen und dann erst die normale konfiguration. 00:33 < thalerim> ftp.fu-berlin.de, ftp.gwdg.de, ftp.mpi-sb.mpg.de <- wer wird euer meinung der schnellste sein? 00:33 < huebi> gwdg 00:33 < SMP> der Frage ist ziemlich bescheuert 00:33 < thalerim> oki-doki 00:34 < SMP> _die_ 00:34 < SMP> argh 00:34 < thalerim> wieso das? 00:34 < SMP> weil das vor allem von deinem Standort im Netz abhaengt 00:34 < huebi> thalerim: Mein Akustikkoppler funktioniert am schnellsten mit gwdg *g* 00:35 < thalerim> SMP: na dann, wo ist denn gdwg und mpi.dingsda stationiert? 00:36 < huebi> Goettingen. wird aber ueber timbucktu groutet. 00:36 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082AE54.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00:36 < thalerim> lol? 00:38 < huebi> thalerim: probier sie einfach aus. Der grosse Gott des routings - OSPF - hat noch keine getreuen Anbeter bei T-Offline gefunden... 00:39 < thalerim> *g* 00:39 < SMP> ueber den DTAG backbone ist doch alles lahm 00:39 < thalerim> gdwg gibt nur 18.5 her - wo liegt denn goettingen? 00:39 < SMP> thalerim: /usr/sbin/traceroute 00:40 < huebi> thalerim: und erinnerst du dich an die wartemusik bei der T-Offline Hotline? Siehst du, du landest bei denen immer im tiefsten Afrika.... 00:40 < thalerim> gute idee, SMP 00:40 < huebi> thalerim: Bei SMP hinterm Berg *g* 00:40 < SMP> wie wahr 00:40 < huebi> 30 min mit den Auto, oder? 00:41 < SMP> *rotfl* 00:41 < SMP> wenn du erstmal auf der Autobahn bist, ja ;> 00:41 < SMP> und dahin nochmal knapp ne halbe Stunde 00:41 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9525CBA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 00:45 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p50813D85.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos") 00:57 < fake> roe. 00:57 < huebi> huhu fake 00:58 < fake> jaja... die teledoof buschtrommeln 00:58 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB523DF.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux 00:58 < fake> die machen selbst in der warteschleife noch werbung fuer ihre modems 00:59 < huebi> ;-) 00:59 < fake> shit! 00:59 < fake> da sucht man sich extra einen nick der moeglichst un-eindeutig ist... 01:00 < fake> und dann? 01:00 < fake> google-bildusche-> fake -> >_< 01:00 < fake> suche 01:01 < WKaibigan> When trying to download extension packages, where the site is an ftp one I am getting the error message "end of file while parsing headers". Any idea what's wrong? 01:02 < huebi> no 01:04 < WKaibigan> Is there a mirror that has all the ext packages in one place? 01:05 < WKaibigan> For 1.5.17 btw. 01:05 < huebi> WKaibigan: A new mirro is on my TODO list for next week. 01:05 < huebi> WKaibigan: If you really cant find the package use: 01:06 < huebi> ftp://rocklinux.dyndns.org/rock-pkg-1.5 <-128 KBit/s 01:09 < WKaibigan> Thanks for that. Will come in handy. I will use the Download script to get as many of the http based files as I can and then fill in any blanks by downloading manually and copying to the proper folder. 01:10 < huebi> ok 01:11 < WKaibigan> Is KDE3 on the ISO for 1.5.17? 01:12 < huebi> no. not yet 01:12 < huebi> but will be on 1.5.18 in the next days. 01:13 < WKaibigan> That explains why I can't find it then. I thought the the CD was more corrupt than I originally thought. I downloaded the ISO which failed the MD5 check again (damn 56K) but I have managed to salvage most of it and have 1.5.17 installed. 01:13 < esden> yessss KoRn ruluz !!!!! 01:14 < fake> ruluz... 01:15 < fake> that polsh? *dg* 01:15 < esden> fake: :P 01:15 < fake> ;) 01:15 * -> esden hears KoRn - Here to stay 01:18 < esden> fake: what do you hear at the moment ? 01:18 < fake> esden: zzzzzzzzz 01:18 < fake> (the annoying sound of the half-initialzed JS audio chip) 01:19 < esden> fake: that is cool too ;-) 01:21 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB523DF.ipt.aol.com] has quit () 01:23 < esden> ok ... cu all 01:24 < fake> cya! 01:24 < huebi> cu esden 01:24 < fake> hm... den two towers trailer schon gesehen? 01:25 * SMP -> bed 01:25 < huebi> nacht SMP 01:25 < fake> n8 SMP 01:25 < fake> SMP macht es sich in seinem Fass bequem... 01:25 < fake> ;-) 01:25 < huebi> fake: noe, wo gibts den? 01:26 < SMP> fake: 12m². und da ist Klo / Dusche schon mit drin 01:26 < fake> https://www.apple.com/trailers/newline/the_two_towers/tt_teaser_480.html 01:26 < fake> SMP: Luxusfass! ;-)) 01:26 < fake> SMP: ich kann meine Mikrowelle auch vom Klo aus bedienen. 01:27 < SMP> sowas hab ich zu Haus nicht. 01:27 < fake> Weihnachtsgeschenk *schulternzueck* 01:27 < SMP> ich hatte mal eine. hab ich abgeschafft, weil eh nie benutzt 01:28 < fake> ack. 01:28 < SMP> genau wie Fernseher 01:28 < fake> hehe. den hab ich auch nicht. 01:28 < fake> hatte ich noch nie, will ich auch nicht. 01:28 < fake> fernsehen macht doof 01:28 < SMP> was ich gerne haette, ist eine Kueche ;-( 01:29 < SMP> so, wirklich weg 01:29 < fake> o_O? 01:29 < fake> ah... oke. schlaf gut. 01:29 * huebi hat seit 18 Jahren keinen Fernseher mehr. 01:29 < huebi> schlaf gut SMP 01:29 < fake> huebi: merkt man. 01:30 < huebi> nen Nachbar inna wg HATTE MAL EINEN... 01:30 < fake> *biep* 01:30 < fake> <-- capslock-pieper 01:30 < huebi> danke 01:31 < fake> huebi: andere menschen in deinem alter sind schon eher senil ;-) 01:31 < fake> liegt bestimmt am vielen fernsehen *gg* 01:31 < huebi> und am BILD lesen... 01:32 < huebi> fake: danke fuer die Blumen... 01:33 < fake> huebi: nicht ernst nehmen... 01:33 < fake> :_: gomen nasai! 01:34 < huebi> nEE, ICH HABE DAS SCHON ALS kOMPLIMENT AUSFGEFASST. war doch so gemeint, oder? 01:34 < fake> achso. ja, aber dass mit "in deinem alter" war'n scherz. 01:37 < fake> aber an dem mit der caps-lock taste musst du noch arbeiten ;) 01:38 < huebi> Naja. Ich bin nun ja schon 36 01:38 < huebi> jo, mach ich ;-) 01:38 < huebi> bei KDE hat sich ja richtig viel getan. macht Spass! 01:39 < fake> das hat esden auch shcon gesagt... man... ihr verweichlicht alle... 01:39 < fake> *dg* 01:39 < huebi> nee, ich kenne 2 Entwickler persoenlich *g* 01:40 -!- ge0rg is now known as Ge0rG 01:41 < huebi> Suuubaaer. Macht Spass. Hat sich gelohnt. 01:42 < huebi> Das ist auch was fuer meine Fraui. 01:42 < huebi> -i 01:44 < fake> Frauli! ;-) 01:44 < fake> Muss ich mir auch mal anguggen. 01:46 < fake> A Frau und a Hund ghern gschlong zu jeda schtund! 01:46 < fake> >_< 01:46 < fake> ACB3FEDA.ipt.aol.com ( 01:46 < fake> na wenigstens rechnen koennen die 01:47 < fake> AC B3 FE DA... koennt hinkommen ;) 01:51 < huebi> jo, sieht gut aus 01:52 < fake> so, ich geh jetz in die heia. 01:52 < fake> huebi: is heute nicht letzter urlaubstag? 01:52 < huebi> ich auch gleich 01:52 < huebi> fake: nein. Ich mach noch mindestens 2Wochen. 01:52 < fake> o_O 01:53 < fake> okeee... wenn du dir das leisten kannst... ;) 01:53 < huebi> Naja eigendlich jetzt verschaerft rocklinux 01:53 < huebi> Jo, muss sein 01:54 < huebi> Ich will, dass das ROCK Linux richtig vorwaerts kommt. 01:54 < huebi> fake: noch da? 01:54 < fake> ROCK Linux World Domination Project 01:54 < huebi> genau! 01:55 < fake> sonst beisst Mathilda ihrem Propheten in den Hintern ;-) 01:55 < fake> wusstest du, dass der Biss einer einzigen Kuh fuer eine Hornisse toedlich sein kann? 01:55 < huebi> Und dazu ist es zwar noch ein weiter weg, das wird aber schon noch. 01:55 < huebi> *LOOOL* 01:56 < fake> huebi: zuerst Costa Rica und dann den Rest der Welt! MUAHAHAH! 01:56 < fake> oder andersrum? voellig egal. ich geh schlafen. 01:56 < huebi> morgen wird die ALPH "in Produktion genommen" wie es so schoen heisst 01:56 < huebi> +a 01:57 < fake> cool! 01:57 < huebi> schlaf gut fake ! 01:57 < fake> du auch. 01:57 < fake> *wink* 01:57 < huebi> dnkoe... 01:57 < huebi> +a 02:40 < esden> re hi all 02:40 < esden> guys you remember this article ? : https://people.trustcommerce.com/~adam/top10/wrong.html 02:41 < huebi> noe. 02:41 < esden> I have menaged it now to read it to the end >_< 02:41 < esden> ok ... huebi read point 9 02:41 < esden> this guy who wrote this article is a dumbasss 02:41 < esden> he can not use vim ... or doen not even know what vim is 02:42 < esden> vim supports soft wrapping !!! if you turn it on >_< 02:42 < esden> argh I hate l4m3rz 02:42 < esden> grrr 02:42 < huebi> ACK 02:43 < esden> ok ... sorry I had to get rid of it ;-) 02:49 < tsa> n8 * 02:50 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9525CBA.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 02:50 < huebi> nacht all 02:50 < esden> hehe ... huebi wir werden zu weicheichern 02:50 < esden> weil uns anfaengt kde zu gefallen ;-) 02:50 < huebi> jo 02:50 < esden> nacht huebi 02:50 * -> esden muss in baldiger zukunft kde testen 02:51 * -> esden hat bis jetzt nur gelesen und screenshots angeschaut ... 02:51 < esden> aber das ist wie pornos anschauen und nie sex haben ... ein billiger ersatz ;-) 02:55 < Ge0rG> hehe 03:17 * th weiss NICHT wovon hier geredet wird. 03:18 < th> wie war die configure option fuer'n apache damit der maximal module baut? 03:18 < th> --enable-shared=max? 03:25 < th> sieht wohl so aus 03:28 < bluefire> Good night 03:29 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@] has quit ("leaving") 03:46 -!- Freak [freak@p5083969F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("I take this land for my bunghole!") 03:46 -!- Freak [freak@pD9530B39.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 03:55 < Ge0rG> nite 04:00 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit ("Irssi - the client of smart and beautiful people") 04:30 < th> n8 folks 04:55 -!- dorphell [~dorphell@] has joined #rocklinux 04:55 < dorphell> hi all 06:57 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 06:58 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux 07:19 < [anders]> moin 07:30 < [anders]> right, if anyone are awake and knows the answer, please tell me now.. 07:31 < [anders]> in the .pz files, there is a number of the type "030.690" 07:31 < [anders]> does the 2nd half of that number determine build order? 07:32 < [anders]> If that is the case, then perhaps gnome-python (030.680) and gnome-control-center (030.690) should be re-arranged as it appears gnome-control-center has a file that gnome-python requires to build properly.. 07:33 < [anders]> in any case, I need to eat breakfast and get ready for work.. 07:33 < [anders]> talk later chaps.. 07:33 < [anders]> .oO( even if I feel like there is nobody about at the moment... ) 07:34 < [anders]> :) 08:02 < huebi> moin [anders] 08:03 < huebi> moin alltogether ;-) 08:12 < fake> moin auch 08:14 < huebi> moin fake 08:16 < fake> hast aba auch ned lang gschlafen... 08:17 < fake> clifford is now either back or in hospital... 08:18 < fake> anywys, i'm off to work. later! 08:21 < huebi> cu fake 08:45 < fake> so... 08:46 < huebi> 27 min offline. Wie haelts du das aus fake? *g* 08:46 < fake> huebi: ich gebs zu... WAP im Auto. 08:47 < huebi> fake: Und wer faehrt? 08:47 < huebi> Mathilda? 08:47 < fake> Genau =D 08:48 < huebi> o_O Her holyness herself... 08:49 < fake> Naja, werden wir nicht alle von ihr gelenkt? 08:50 < huebi> hm, eher geleitet ;-) 08:51 < fake> gelenkt, geleitet... wie es sich manifestiert ist doch einerlei. 08:52 < huebi> Eins steht jedenfals fest: "Mathilda hat immer Recht." 08:55 < fake> "2) Sollte Mathilda einmal nicht Recht haben, tritt Regel #1 in Kraft." 08:55 < fake> <- :-Q 09:03 < [anders]> kerfuffel! 09:03 < [anders]> moin all 09:04 < fake> moin [anders] 09:05 < [anders]> fake: how was the weekend? 09:08 < fake> [anders]: quite ... exhausting. 09:08 < fake> yours? 09:08 < huebi> fake <- Old tree through printer presser ;-) 09:09 < huebi> moin [anders] 09:09 < [anders]> fake: I have had better weekends.. But it was not all bad, there was some really good moments.. 09:09 < [anders]> huebi: good morning friend.. :) 09:11 < fake> well, i learned a lot. 09:11 < huebi> e.g. how to get a whole forest through a printer *g* 09:14 < huebi> The Ultra5 (270MHz/256kB L3-Cache) is at least 25% slower than the Ultra30 (300MHz/2MB L3-Cache) 09:16 < fake> huebi: surprised? 09:16 -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:16 < tsa> moin 09:16 < [anders]> moin tsa 09:16 < fake> morschn tsa! 09:16 < tsa> jo, moin. 09:20 < huebi> moin tsa 09:20 < tsa> hi huebi 09:20 < huebi> fake: a little bit. I did not think that the Cache makes such a difference 09:21 < tsa> scheisstag heute - um kurz vor 7 ist ne schuetzenkapelle vor meiner bude langmarschiert und hat rumgelaermt... 09:21 * tsa will nen Granatwerfer. 09:22 * huebi gives tsa aszlig BFG10K 09:22 * huebi gives tsa BFG10K 09:22 < tsa> thanks. 09:23 < huebi> * another day of typos... 09:23 < tsa> hehe..indeed. 09:24 < huebi> tsa: no typos in you last sentence - try it again, please. 09:25 < tsa> hehe..ind33tztss 09:25 < huebi> *LOL* 09:25 < tsa> *brrrzzzs* 09:25 * fake holt den C02-Loeschschaum 09:25 < tsa> oh-oh 09:25 < fake> CO2 - non-l33t, C02- fuer l33t hardware ;) 09:25 < tsa> wo war doch gleich die bfg10k? 09:26 < fake> 9 09:26 < tsa> 8 09:26 < huebi> 7 09:26 < fake> Doom oder UTT? 09:26 < fake> -T 09:26 < huebi> DOOOM! 09:26 < fake> Doom 1 oder 2? 09:26 < fake> die super-shotgun gabs nur bei doom2 09:26 < tsa> dann 2. 09:27 < huebi> jo 2 09:27 < fake> dann is die BFG10K auf 9 09:28 < tsa> <- 9 drueckt. 09:28 < fake> IIRC 09:28 < huebi> 9 - *ctrl* *ctrl* *ctrl* *ctrl* *ctrl* *ctrl* 09:28 < tsa> *ziel* 09:28 < fake> *LOL* - wozu bei der BFG zielen?? 09:28 < tsa> ach was. scheiss auf zielen, dafuer is die bfg ja da. 09:29 * tsa filettiert mal fake mit einem sauberen schuss. 09:29 < fake> tsa dezimiert den schuetzenverein: "Alles portnetielle moerder! Waaaag! Übammbammbammabmm* 09:29 < tsa> jajajajaaa! 09:29 * fake fuehlt sich schon ganz geschnitzelt 09:32 < [anders]> huebi: did you read scroll back and my earlier messages? :) 09:32 < [anders]> about gnome-python.. 09:34 < huebi> Yes, I did. Test the following: ./scripts/Internal -list-pri |less 09:35 < [anders]> huebi: uhm, it printed a usage message... 09:36 < huebi> Yes, I did. Test the following: ./scripts/Internal list-pri |less 09:37 < [anders]> that worked be5tter.. wh4t am I lo0king for? :) 09:39 < [anders]> 030.670 gnome-objc 09:39 < [anders]> 030.680 gnome-python 09:39 < [anders]> 030.685 gdk-pixbuf 09:39 < [anders]> 030.686 oaf 09:39 < [anders]> 030.687 gconf 09:39 < [anders]> 030.687 gnome-mime-data 09:39 < [anders]> 030.687 pkgconfig 09:39 < [anders]> 030.688 gnome-vfs 09:39 < [anders]> 030.690 gnome-control-center 09:39 < [anders]> 030.700 gdm 09:39 < [anders]> if gnome-control-center has files that gnome-python requires, they need to be moved about.... 09:41 < [anders]> note, this is not a problem in stage 3, it manifested itself in stage 5, the rebuild. So I have no idea why things acted differently between stage 3 and 5. 09:42 < huebi> Well, Ihave no idea. I start the next build with stage 5 too. 09:45 -!- Netsplit card.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: rolla, [anders], praenti, dorphell, Freak, coldie, simon-, h0h0, tomik, fake, (+6 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) 09:45 -!- Netsplit over, joins: tsa, tomik, dorphell, Freak, simon-, rolla, h0h0, rxr, blindcoder, coldie (+6 more) 09:46 < rxr> re 09:46 < huebi> moin rxr 09:47 < tsa> GRR. 09:47 < tsa> why doesn't sed -e 's/\d+//g;' work? 09:52 < tsa> GNAAAAAAAAAAA 09:52 < [anders]> huebi: is gnome-python required for *anything* that is built before gnome-control-center? 09:52 < tsa> perl -pe works. 09:52 < tsa> *sigh* 09:52 < [anders]> tsa: perl != sed 09:52 < fake> tsa: chill... 09:52 < [anders]> sed uses a different regexp engine to perl.. 09:52 < huebi> bbl ... 09:53 < [anders]> perl have the rather extended regexp engine... 09:53 < [anders]> huebi: cya later.. :) 09:53 < tsa> yeah, i know. 09:53 < fake> sed = POSIX RegExp 09:53 < tsa> so there is perl regexp. there is the kind of regexp that sed understands. there's posix regexp. 09:53 < fake> and extended GNU POSIX regexp. 09:54 < tsa> fake: sure? doesn't posix regexp know \d+ ? 09:54 < fake> tsa: \d\+ 09:54 < tsa> arghs. 09:54 < fake> IIRC 09:54 < tsa> nope, doesn't work. 09:55 * tsa trying to implement sybase backup. 09:55 < [anders]> tsa: do you have perl available as a tool on the machine you are trying to implement the sybase backup? 09:56 < fake> tsa: oerks. should. 09:56 < fake> what das \d mean, anyways? 09:57 < [anders]> if so, write the backup script entirely in perl and you have the extended regexp engine available as well as the benefits of perl list/hash handling. 09:57 < [anders]> fake: matches a digit 09:57 < [anders]> \d+ matches one or more digits.. 09:57 < fake> \[0...9] ? 09:57 < fake> \[0...9\]\+ 09:57 * [anders] has used the patternmatching of perl many a time and is starting to grow fond of it.. 09:58 < fake> sed is faster (opinion) 09:58 < [anders]> fake: sed might be better IF all you ever want to do is mod or match a string.. 09:59 < tsa> [anders]: yes, i have 09:59 < [anders]> once you start matching and capturing patterns to use elsewhere or put captured stuff in arrays or lists, perl wins.. 09:59 -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:59 < fake> [anders]: ACK. multiple operations on one line has to be emulated 09:59 < holyolli> moin 09:59 < [anders]> re holyolli 09:59 < holyolli> hi anders 09:59 < fake> hi holyolli ! 10:00 < holyolli> hi fake :) 10:00 < tsa> [anders]: the problem is, i'm lacking a bit of perl knowledge. i've done some stuff in perl quite a while ago, but i've forgotten most of it.. 10:00 < tsa> huhu holyolli 10:00 < [anders]> tsa: what do you need to achieve? 10:00 < holyolli> tach tsa 10:01 < [anders]> 10:01 < [anders]> oops 10:01 < tsa> [anders]: take damn sybase database, dump data to disk, then backup complete machine to tape. 10:01 < tsa> (on a machine that doesn't support files > 2gb.) 10:02 < tsa> still having to find out how to split up the dumps in several files. 10:02 < [anders]> tsa: hmm.. my problem is that I don't know your system and I don't know sybase.. 10:02 < [anders]> tsa: the splitting of dumps in to smaller pieces is simple.. 10:02 < tsa> kernel / glibc upgrade isn't possible - both makes sybase b0rk. 10:02 < tsa> [anders]: i don't know sybase, either. 10:03 < tsa> ;-) 10:03 < [anders]> tsa: create a named pipe in /tmp or somewhere (mknod) 10:03 < tsa> yeah, already thought about that one. 10:03 < [anders]> dump your data out to the named pipe, then dd in from the pipe and out to files.. 10:03 * [anders] seen that done with an Oracle database before.. Worked a treat.. 10:04 < tsa> hehe. 10:05 < tsa> i have absolutely NULL knowledge about databases, but i'm still supposed to make this damn backup stuff. 10:05 < [anders]> tsa: I don't know, but doesn't Sybase support dumping itself to tape directly? 10:06 < [anders]> tsa: go grab the Sybase manuals.. I had to do something evil once involving Ingress (*shudder*) 10:07 < tsa> [anders]: i've tried that before (dlt tape), but encountered some problems with the blocksize of the tape device 10:07 < [anders]> tsa: what OS is this on? Linux? 10:07 < tsa> yeah, linux 2.2.x 10:08 < [anders]> tsa: Not sure, but blocksize of the tape device should be settable from the OS side. AIX can do it for sure, not sure about Linux as I have not had the pleasure (yet) to tinker with tapedrives in Linux. 10:09 < [anders]> tsa: use the tool 'mt' to set the blocksize.. 10:09 < fake> https://www.megatokyo.com/index.php?strip_id=282 *LOL* 10:10 < tsa> mt -f /dev/st0 status 10:10 < tsa> SCSI 2 tape drive: 10:10 < tsa> File number=0, block number=0, partition=0. 10:10 < tsa> Tape block size 0 bytes. Density code 0x1a (DLT 20GB). 10:10 < tsa> Soft error count since last status=0 10:10 < tsa> General status bits on (45010000): 10:10 < tsa> BOT WR_PROT ONLINE IM_REP_EN 10:10 < tsa> 0 bytes -> variable blocksize. 10:10 < holyolli> ....and write protected 10:11 < [anders]> mt -f /dev/st0 setblk 1024 10:11 < tsa> holyolli: uh, yes. is this a software issue or do i have to do something with the tape itself? 10:11 < [anders]> tsa: with the tape most likely.. :) 10:12 < tsa> Tape block size 1024 bytes. 10:12 < holyolli> tsa: yes.. like floppy disks 10:12 < tsa> c00l. 10:15 < tsa> hm...not having physical access to machine sucks. 10:15 < [anders]> tsa: with the block size now set on the drive, you should be able to dump the database directly to tape 10:15 < [anders]> tsa: ACK! 10:22 < tsa> hm... i feel like sending sig11 to the sybase processed and write the core dumps to tape. 10:23 < [anders]> tsa: not advisable.. ;-) 10:23 < tsa> hehe ;-) 10:23 < [anders]> but understandable... :) 10:32 -!- Netsplit card.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: rolla, praenti, dorphell, Freak, coldie, simon-, fake, SMP, holyolli, snyke 10:37 -!- Netsplit card.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: [anders], h0h0, tomik, blindcoder, tsa, rxr, aszlig 10:37 -!- th [th@rocklinux.de] has quit (Nick collision) 10:37 -!- th [th@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux 10:37 -!- Netsplit over, joins: holyolli, tsa, tomik, dorphell, Freak, simon-, rolla, h0h0, rxr, blindcoder (+7 more) 10:37 < holyolli> hi esden 10:37 < holyolli> hi huebi 10:43 -!- esden [weasel@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 10:43 -!- Topic for #rocklinux: anoncvs for 1.5 now up: CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.rocklinux.de:/cvs co rock-1.5 another interesting article about what are the top ten problems with linux written bit in lamer mode but worth a read: https://people.trustcommerce.com/~adam/top10/wrong.html 10:43 -!- Topic set by esden [Sun Jul 14 13:58:27 2002] 10:43 (Users #rocklinux) 10:43 [ [anders] ] [ dorphell] [ h0h0 ] [ rolla ] [ snyke] 10:43 [ aszlig ] [ esden ] [ holyolli] [ rxr ] [ th ] 10:43 [ blindcoder] [ fake ] [ huebi ] [ simon-] [ tomik] 10:43 [ coldie ] [ Freak ] [ praenti ] [ SMP ] [ tsa ] 10:43 -!- Irssi: #rocklinux: Total of 20 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 20 normal] 10:43 -!- Channel #rocklinux created Tue Jun 11 09:27:41 2002 10:43 -!- Irssi: Join to #rocklinux was synced in 9 secs 10:44 < [anders]> hmm.. build in stage 3, building qt... 10:44 < huebi> [anders]: should now take only half the time as before. 10:45 < [anders]> huebi: yeah.. It will be interesting when it gets to stage 5... I would like to pin down why gnome-python fails in stage 5 but not in stage 3... 10:47 < [anders]> tsa: did you get anywhere with the sybase backup? :) 10:50 -!- Netsplit vinge.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: huebi 10:50 -!- Netsplit over, joins: huebi 10:51 < [anders]> hmmm... these netsplits are a little annoying when they start happening often.. was it SMP that was unhappy with OPN? :) 10:51 < tsa> [anders]: just sent a mail to make them remove the write protection. 10:55 < [anders]> tsa: once you get access to a writeable tape you should be able to get a backup going reasonably quickly.. :) 10:56 < tsa> i hope so. 10:56 < tsa> ;-) 10:57 < huebi> tsa: use mt-st 0.7 to work with the tape. not the mt off cpio 10:57 < [anders]> huebi: do you know if gnome-python is required for the following packages? gdk-pixbuf, oaf, gconf, gnome-mime-data, pkgconfig or gnome-vfs ? 10:57 < tsa> huebi: i already have your mt binary ;-) 10:57 < huebi> [anders]: No, I don't 10:57 < huebi> tsa: great. 10:58 < tsa> grr. edonkey sucks. 10:58 < tsa> 5k down, 230k up. 10:58 < tsa> :-( 10:59 < [anders]> huebi: yuo reckon I could modify gnome-python to be build immediately after gnome-control-center and see if that works better? :) 11:01 < fake> tsa: use mldonkey 11:01 < tsa> fake: what's mldonkey? 11:02 < fake> tsa: better implementation of edonkey 11:02 < holyolli> tsa: nicht soviele fickelbilder aufm rechner lassen - dann geht das auch mit dem upstream ;-) 11:02 -!- Netsplit vinge.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: huebi 11:02 < fake> https://go.to/mldonkey 11:03 -!- Netsplit over, joins: huebi 11:04 < th> moin 11:04 < huebi> moin th 11:09 < tsa> moin th 11:14 < huebi> The solution for my Xinerama problem was to ad in /etc/X11/XF86Config: 11:14 < huebi> Section "ServerFlags" 11:14 < huebi> Option "Xinerama" "1" 11:14 < huebi> EndSection 11:14 < fake> *lol* 11:14 < huebi> Before it worked without that. 11:14 < fake> startx -- +xinerama 11:15 < huebi> I got 3 single screens instead Xinerama ;( 11:15 < huebi> and also 3 desktops. 11:15 < fake> og course 11:21 -!- Netsplit vinge.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: huebi 11:21 < fake> this is really annoying 11:22 -!- Netsplit over, joins: huebi 11:22 < tsa> re huebi 11:22 -!- Netsplit vinge.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: huebi 11:22 < tsa> GRR. 11:23 -!- Netsplit over, joins: huebi 11:23 < tsa> re huebi 11:25 < [anders]> wb huebi, the bouncing master of ROCK builds.. :) 11:26 < huebi> *ggg* 11:26 < huebi> re 11:31 < fake> hm... 11:31 < fake> our .com domain is unreachable 11:31 < fake> bouncing between verisign and netcologne >_< 11:40 < tsa> huebi: was fuer einen client nutzt du fuer deine dyndns-updates? 11:41 < tsa> ich hab mir mal ddclient angesehen, aber der suckt irgendwie.. 11:41 < tsa> zumindest tut er nix.. 11:48 < huebi> tsa: /ez-ipupdate: - 3.0.11b6 - $Id: ez-ipupdate.c,v 1.48 2001/07/17 00:49:41 amackay Exp $ 11:48 < tsa> ah, mal heute abend angucken. 11:51 < [anders]> tsa: irgendein Glück mit der Sybase Unterstützung 11:51 < huebi> tsa: https://www.gusnet.cx:8080/proj/ez-ipupdate/ 11:52 < tsa> [anders]: tape still write-protected. 11:52 < tsa> and /me reading docs and docs and docs and .. 11:53 < [anders]> tsa: Okay.. (babelfish helped me with the german.. ;-) The Sybase documentation should be fairly detailed about dumping/restoring the database as it is a fairly fundamental thing to get right in a database. *g* 11:53 < tsa> [anders]: hehe ;-) 11:54 < [anders]> I love this translation from babelfish... :) "ich hab mir mal ddclient angesehen, aber der suckt irgendwie.." -> "I times ddclient regarded, but suckt somehow. 11:55 < tsa> lol. 11:55 * fake benutzt auch ez-ipupdate 11:57 < [anders]> "alles klar, Herr Kommisarie..." be-bop-de-dum.. 11:57 < holyolli> *lol!* 11:57 < fake> Falco 11:57 < [anders]> Probably.. Awsome tune.. :) 11:58 < [anders]> "Don't turn around.... The Kommisarie's in town..." 11:58 < [anders]> Hmm.. I definately need to track that tune down on XNap and DL it.. :) 12:05 < tsa> hm.. 12:05 < tsa> boring day. 12:05 < tsa> one phone call since 9:00.. someone dialed wrong number.. 12:06 * tsa considers reloading cisco's for fun. 12:06 < huebi> tsa: Yes do it!! 12:07 < tsa> hehe 12:07 < tsa> telnet router.huebi.de 12:07 < tsa> enable 12:07 < tsa> reload 12:07 < tsa> ;-) 12:07 < esden> morning @ * 12:07 < [anders]> moin esden 12:07 < tsa> hey esden! 12:08 < huebi> And then call your boss, tell him there are problems with the network but you are on it... 12:08 < huebi> moin esden ;-) 12:08 < esden> moin [anders], tsa, huebi 12:08 < tsa> "hey boss, router's broken. i'm going home.." 12:08 < tsa> ;-) 12:09 < esden> tsa: that is the right way to do it ;-) 12:09 < huebi> tsa: No, router broken, I fix it. 12:09 < tsa> nonono! payment first ;-)( 12:10 < huebi> tsa: do it for a few weeks also when you're not at work and tell him somebody else wants you to pay much more... 12:10 < tsa> hehe 12:13 < huebi> tsa: A really good offer. with own secretary, car, office, equipment you ever wanted..... 12:13 < tsa> "secretary" is equipment.. ;-) 12:13 < tsa> must be young and good-looking. 12:13 < huebi> and he knows he can't let you go. The company depends on you. All will fail. Bankrupt in 10 days... 12:13 < huebi> tsa: ...and willing? 12:13 < tsa> huebi: YESS! 12:13 < tsa> huebi: indeed. i'm the only admin here at the moment. 12:14 < huebi> ok. reload the routers. But call him first. 12:14 < huebi> *g* 12:14 < tsa> hehe 12:14 < tsa> esden: btw....wo hattest du eigentlich das crypto.mp3 her? 12:15 < huebi> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/files/crypto.mp3 12:15 < esden> tsa: vom SMP ? 12:15 < tsa> hm....hast du noch mehr in der richtung? das ist ziemlich cool.. 12:16 < esden> ich nicht ... frage smp vielleicht hat er nach mehr 12:16 < esden> huebi: oder vielleicht du ? 12:16 < huebi> no 12:16 < tsa> schade.. 12:18 < tsa> ...cracker combo he won't break code.. *sing* 12:18 < tsa> some people seem to have access to very interesting drugs ;-) 12:26 < huebi> can somebody send me an email? huebi@rocklinux.org I need to test if it still works. ;-) 12:27 < tsa> sure 12:27 < tsa> mail sent. 12:28 < tsa> edonkey: 80k down, 830k up. 12:28 < tsa> nice ;) 12:28 < huebi> tsa: dankoe... 12:35 -!- kvak|uninvited [uninvited@p508034FF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:35 < kvak|uninvited> morning has broken ! 12:35 < tsa> hi kvak|uninvited 12:35 < tsa> morning? 12:35 < tsa> hm.. 12:36 < huebi> kvak|uninvited: Moin. Must du den alles kaputt machen? *g* 12:36 -!- clifford [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux 12:36 < huebi> hi clifford 12:36 < fake> hi clifford! 12:36 < clifford> hi. 12:37 * clifford is away: reading his mail ... 12:38 < tsa> hey clifford 12:40 < huebi> clifford kann noch lesen. Dann haben ihn die Kids am Leben gelassen. Kool ;-) 12:41 < holyolli> was there a lilo.conf-parameter for automatically mount devfs at boot? 12:41 < huebi> hi holyolli 12:41 < holyolli> hi huebi 12:41 < holyolli> huebi: sind die cdroms angekommen? 12:41 < huebi> have a look in the kernel docs 12:41 < huebi> holyolli: jo, klasse, danke 12:45 < huebi> "Init Psycho" <- From the boot log of my Ultra 30 - It's alive!! 12:46 < tsa> hehe 12:46 < [anders]> moin clifford 12:47 < huebi> Booting in full diag mode needs about 8-10 mins: https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/files/SUN_Ultra30_boot.log 12:47 < [anders]> holyolli: kernel parameter is devfs=mount 12:47 < holyolli> anders: thx 12:48 < holyolli> the problem is that he cannot open an initial console ("devfs mount error: -2") 12:48 < [anders]> holyolli: or you could just set devfs to be mounted automatically in the kernel config when you build the kernel.. 12:48 < holyolli> i did this 12:48 < tsa> hm. 12:48 < tsa> perhaps the mount-point doesn't exist? 12:48 < [anders]> hmm.. I wonder if his console is trying to open /dev/console and the device file doesn't exist... 12:48 < huebi> in /etc/fstab 12:49 < tsa> holyolli: is /dev present? 12:49 < holyolli> the funny thing is that this only happens with a boot floppy - booting the same kernel directly from hdd works fine 12:50 < holyolli> tsa: args 12:50 < holyolli> that was the problem 0) 12:50 < tsa> hehe. 12:50 < [anders]> holyolli: check the boot floppy and see what device it is trying to open. I wonder if it isn't trying to open a device that doesn't exist.... 12:50 < tsa> ich liebe es, gleich beim ersten Tip richtig zu liegen ;-) 12:50 * [anders] reading scroll-back.. 12:52 < fake> will ROCK be on LWCE 2002 SF? 12:52 < fake> ;) 12:52 < tsa> lwce? 12:54 < fake> Linux World Conference 12:55 < fake> San Francisco 12:55 < tsa> ah 12:55 < tsa> you pay for flight tickets? 12:56 < fake> hm........ let me think.......... no. 12:56 < tsa> hehe. 12:56 < tsa> needing a sponsor, then. 12:57 < fake> TSA Tours 12:57 < tsa> hehe 13:05 < fake> maybe i can convince my employer to pay..... 13:05 < fake> .... for drinks. 13:05 < fake> nah, forget it. 13:10 < tsa> cu 13:10 -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has quit ("wech.") 13:15 < fake> https://images.google.de/images?hl=de&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=Huebi 13:15 < fake> *lol* 13:18 < holyolli> .oO(what has huebi to do with a viola?) 13:18 < fake> *g* 13:19 < fake> holyolli: there is only one hit to a search for your nick 13:19 < fake> damn... this developers gallery was'nt that a good idea 13:20 < fake> https://www.dnn-online.de/ratgeber/ratgeber_fotos/logo_doc_esden.gif 13:20 < fake> *ROFL* 13:24 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1CB6A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:25 < bluefire> Moin allesamt 13:26 < fake> https://us.vclart.net/vcl/Artists/Raekkenyia/Sketches/bluefire.jpg 13:26 < fake> moin 13:26 < bluefire> fake: nice picture 13:27 < esden> ahh clifford is back 13:27 < fake> bluefire: i am digging the google image search XD 13:27 < esden> re hi all 13:27 < [anders]> moin esden 13:27 < fake> hi esden 13:27 < fake> https://www.usga.org/press/images/nc_clubs/2001780.jpg 13:27 < esden> hi fake, [anders] 13:28 < esden> hi bluefire 13:28 < [anders]> fake : so what you dug up on me then? :) 13:28 < fake> [anders]: i 'm searching ;) 13:28 < esden> let us play golf with bluefire 13:28 < fake> https://www.tenerifeguide.com/ontene/svekyrka/anders.jpg 13:29 < fake> *DL* 13:29 < [anders]> *g* 13:29 < bluefire> fake: a golf club... interesting 13:29 < [anders]> not quite me.. 13:29 < fake> https://www.anders.com/pictures/public/03-family_and_friends/04-anders.jpg 13:29 < fake> [anders]: just hanging around... 13:29 < [anders]> errr.. not quite me either.. ;-) 13:30 < [anders]> fake: interesting pictures though.... :-D 13:30 < fake> https://www.anders.com/pictures/public/05-helicopters/05-anders.jpg ? 13:30 * -> esden be back (playing a nice son >_< ) 13:30 < fake> https://www.singers.com/garyimage/Anders.gif 13:31 < [anders]> hmmmm.. 13:31 < fake> https://w1.879.telia.com/~u87905487/anders.JPG <-- thats it! 13:31 < fake> ;-) 13:31 < [anders]> *lol* 13:31 < [anders]> Not quite.. (not 3even close... ) 13:31 < fake> thats you: https://hem.passagen.se/dykfoto/anders.jpg 13:31 < fake> i recognize your nose. 13:32 < [anders]> ???? 13:32 < [anders]> heh.. I've actually never dived before.. I'd like to try though... 13:32 < fake> diving rulez. 13:33 < fake> https://www.hf.uio.no/imt/fagutvalget/gp99/anders.JPG o_O ? 13:33 < fake> they're all .dk, .se or .no 13:34 < fake> ha, now that's you! https://www.metal-rules.com/images/Anders.jpg 13:34 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux 13:35 < fake> https://pics.dorfbrunnen.de/kram/chrissi.jpg 13:35 < fake> woot! 13:35 < fake> Club Mate, Jolt und Chick 13:36 < fake> Ge0rG: is that your page? 13:37 < Ge0rG> fake: nope, its the page of a friend... but you might find photos of me there 13:38 < fake> sw33t page 13:38 < fake> (do you know that chick?) 13:38 < fake> https://pics.dorfbrunnen.de/kram/clubmate.jpg *SABBER* 13:39 < Ge0rG> fake: nope. 13:39 < fake> :( 13:40 < Ge0rG> fake: https://pics.dorfbrunnen.de/kram/matematemate.jpg 13:41 < fake> *AARGH* 13:41 < fake> my new background. 13:42 < huebi> 200l Mate... 13:42 < fake> Georg: https://pics.dorfbrunnen.de/kram/ge0rg.jpg 13:42 < fake> a pic of you ;-) 13:42 < Ge0rG> hehe 13:43 < kvak|uninvited> You want cool pics ??? 13:43 < kvak|uninvited> Ready for some rocktry.jpeg ? 13:43 < fake> https://pics.dorfbrunnen.de/kram/ge0rgsqu.jpg oben oder unten? 13:43 < Ge0rG> fake: jupps. 13:43 < fake> Ge0rG: bist du der obere oder der untere? 13:44 < Ge0rG> fake: ich bin oben :] 13:44 < fake> ;-) 13:44 < fake> also eher der maennliche part in eurer beziehung... *raeusper* 13:44 < kvak|uninvited> https://www.marcs-endzone.de/rocktry.jpg 13:44 < Ge0rG> fake: hehehe 13:45 < fake> kvak|uninvited: *ROFL* 13:45 < kvak|uninvited> fake> geiles Snowboard, oder ? 13:45 < kvak|uninvited> fake> ich will gar nicht wissen WAS da als Schnee benutzt wird ;-) 13:46 < [anders]> fake: *lol* 13:46 < fake> https://pics.dorfbrunnen.de/kram/knoppers.jpg 13:46 -!- horti [horti@dialin-145-254-135-044.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:46 < fake> WHY is he BURNING a knoppers? 13:47 < horti> I need a tool called 'wich'. Where can i get it? PLEASE HELP! 13:47 < kvak|uninvited> Maybe he wanted to say the words "Burn Baby!" once ??? 13:47 < fake> horti: util-linux ? 13:47 < [anders]> horti: wich? you don't happen to mean 'which' do you? 13:48 < kvak|uninvited> horti> wich/wix/which ? Which one do you talk about ? 13:48 < fake> which, of course. 13:48 < [anders]> alias which='type -p' 13:48 < horti> yes 13:48 < horti> i've got a lfs-system and need the package for which 13:48 < [anders]> horti: if you do not have which installed, you might have type, so create the alias as per above.. 13:49 < horti> it's only an alias..... 13:49 < horti> im serching for hours, thanks 13:50 -!- horti [horti@dialin-145-254-135-044.arcor-ip.net] has left #rocklinux () 13:51 < [anders]> was he actually happy with the answers he got? I didn't quite figure that one out... 13:51 < fake> [anders]: do you really care? 13:51 < fake> ;-) 13:53 < [anders]> fake: well, he did ask for a reason (I hope) and I sort of like to know if the answers provided did in fact help as it is good to remember things like this in case the question does pop up again.. Must be my helpdesk past that is popping up now and again I suppose... 13:54 < [anders]> I am not really _that_ fussed, but it always nice to know, if you know what I mean, you know.. ;-) 13:54 < fake> sure... 13:54 < fake> [anders] is now our official helpdesk staff. 13:54 < [anders]> *g* 13:55 < [anders]> I would not go that far though.. It is a good while since I left helpdesk and went in to more like Level 2 support and contracting.. 13:56 < fake> https://pics.dorfbrunnen.de/kram/wau-1985.jpg 13:57 < fake> that's wau holland upfront 13:59 < fake> https://pics.dorfbrunnen.de/hal2001/p1010032.jpg <-- Ge0rG ? 13:59 < Ge0rG> nope, I wasn't at HAL 13:59 < fake> oh. 14:02 * [anders] doesn't think there is a picture of me anywhere yet... 14:02 < [anders]> I'll get my domain sorted and then I'll put a picture up.. :) 14:03 * Ge0rG 's most current photo is https://op-co.de/Ge0rG.jpg 14:03 < fake> O_O 14:03 < fake> man, wie.... gruen! 14:03 < fake> ;-) 14:03 < [anders]> Ge0rG: taken with nightvision goggles? 14:03 < [anders]> :-) 14:04 < Ge0rG> [anders]: hehe, almost... complete darkness and IR light on the digicam. 14:04 < esden> re hi all 14:04 < holyolli> hi esden 14:04 < [anders]> https://www.rocklinux.de/projects/uml/pix/AndersKarlsson.jpg 14:04 < [anders]> Ge0rG: funky digicam... :-) 14:04 < holyolli> .oO(looks like a photo in a typical swedish house... ;) 14:05 < [anders]> my photo is a tad old.. from when I was still living in Portsmouth.. 14:05 < [anders]> it is over 2 years old now.. Have to get a more recent one done I think.. 14:05 < [anders]> holyolli: it is an english house actually.. :-) 14:06 < holyolli> oh...does the english also have this strange taste...? ;-) 14:06 < snyke> hi ppl 14:06 < holyolli> hi snyke 14:06 < [anders]> holyolli: it was rented house, I didn't decorate it.. I just lived there... :-D 14:07 < holyolli> hehe 14:08 < kvak|uninvited> hi snyk0r 14:08 < [anders]> that was while I was working for IBM in North Harbour.. Doing Lotus Notes infrastructure support and maintenance.. *yuk* Avoid Lotus Notes as a MUA, I tell you now.. You will regret yourselves if you use it.. Nightmares will haunt you and your fingers will drop off in disgust.. ;-) 14:11 < kvak|uninvited> anders> what does file type .nsf tell you ? *G* 14:13 < fake> <-- Nots User 14:13 < fake> s,Nots,Notes, 14:13 < [anders]> kvak|uninvited: *shudder* file permissions 666 no doubt, the file-type from hell, something MacroBug would have been proud of to bestow on the world as an unprecedented evil to rain fire and brimstone on the heads of the poor innocents... 14:13 < fake> [anders]: did you have a look at Groove? 14:13 < [anders]> ;-) 14:13 < kvak|uninvited> hehe 14:13 < [anders]> Groove? 14:14 < kvak|uninvited> He might be talking about Mojo ;-) 14:14 < fake> [anders]: the inofficial p2p successor of Lotus 14:14 < [anders]> Groove Armada, lots of kewl music? 14:14 < [anders]> fake: no idea.. never heard of it.. URL? 14:14 < fake> https://www.groove.net/ 14:15 < fake> Operating System: 14:15 < fake> * Microsoft® Windows® 98 14:15 < fake> * Microsoft Windows NT® 4.0 (with Service 14:15 < fake> Pack 5 or later) 14:15 < fake> * Microsoft Windows 2000 14:15 < fake> * Microsoft Windows ME 14:15 < fake> * Microsoft Windows XP (Designed For) bwah 14:15 < fake> bwah *pfoeh* 14:16 < [anders]> barf! Windoze software.... 14:17 < fake> [anders]: as Lotus. 14:17 < kvak|uninvited> Hmmm, Lotus Notz sux. Why should groove get "groovy" though ? 14:17 < [anders]> fake: at least there used to be a unix version of the client.. 14:18 < [anders]> I even used to use the 4.6.3 version of Notes for AIX.. 14:18 < fake> <- wine user 14:19 < [anders]> fake: NUL Wine with Blotus Groats works reasonably well I must say, there are many people inside IBM that run Notes that way.. 14:19 < fake> yes,it is faster than under windows natively 14:20 < [anders]> it is still not fast enough.... 14:21 < fake> ack. 14:21 < [anders]> I much prefer mutt as a MUA myself.. and Lotus Notes 5 does have the possibility of switching on POP3 and/or IMAP support but IBM will not do that internally.. :-( 14:21 < praenti> hi 14:21 < [anders]> moin praenti 14:21 < praenti> anybody know how i gat php Information from an apache? 14:22 < praenti> for example apollo 14:22 < kvak|uninvited> praenti> which information ? 14:22 < praenti> version especially 14:22 < kvak|uninvited> phpinfo(); 14:23 < kvak|uninvited> ?> 14:23 < kvak|uninvited> ? 14:23 < kvak|uninvited> ??? 14:23 < praenti> i thought there is a special url for such a site 14:23 < kvak|uninvited> phpinfo(); should bring whole information. 14:23 < kvak|uninvited> Just write a .html 14:23 < praenti> cause that means that i must write a php-script. i will do that. 14:24 < kvak|uninvited> put that little phpinfo() into ut 14:33 * clifford is back (gone 01:56:05) 14:33 * clifford is away: eating pizza ..... 14:33 < esden> re clifford 14:33 < esden> urgh 14:47 < esden> I need a digital camera ... 14:47 < fake> get a job 14:48 * [anders] is starting to wonder quite a bit about the order of the gnome-packages and the way they are built.... 14:49 < [anders]> when looking at the gnome FAQ it details a certain order and the ROCK build process is not quit adhering to that order..... Not that I am complaining, but I might have to 'rearrange' a few things... 14:49 < huebi> [anders]: Do it and lets test it. 14:50 < fake> [anders]: go ahead. if it works, commit a patch. voila. 14:51 < huebi> [anders]: I had a look at the former KDE 3.0 stuff and also had to change the build order 14:53 < [anders]> huebi: I'll have a look and I will try a few things.. I might re-structure things more or less, but I will have a good look at it.. 14:53 < [anders]> fake: I know the drill.. ;-) 14:54 -!- holyolli [~oregehr@rossini.marcant.net] has quit ("fnord!") 14:57 < [anders]> ./base-config/kde-i18n-de/kde-i18n-de.pz:o --3-5- kde kdebase 3.0.2 "Unknown" 14:57 < [anders]> ./base-config/kde-i18n-de/kde-i18n-de.pz:2715941201 kdebase/kdebase-3.0.2.tar.bz2 ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/3.0.2/src/ 14:58 * [anders] thinks someone made a slight bo-bo with the updated kde-packages recently.. 14:58 < esden> I love this image *lough* : https://pics.dorfbrunnen.de/kram/wau-1985.jpg 15:02 < kvak|uninvited> esden> this picture is not authentic ! 15:03 < kvak|uninvited> Do you see the pen in his pocket ? its a STABILO pen. Stabilo-pen production started in 1990 i guess... 15:03 < esden> kvak|uninvited: why are you so sure ? 15:03 < esden> kvak|uninvited: hehe ... yes that can be ;-) 15:04 < kvak|uninvited> this modell of stabilo-pen i mean. Earlier version of stabilo-pens had not this kind of base. They had other forms. 15:04 < esden> I have no idea ... it is not so important if it is fake or not ... but i like the image 15:04 < esden> kvak|uninvited: loooool ;-) 15:05 < kvak|uninvited> But you just said it on your own... 15:05 < esden> kvak|uninvited: you are a stabilo expert what? 15:05 < kvak|uninvited> who linked that picture ? 15:05 < kvak|uninvited> Fake linked it. 15:05 < kvak|uninvited> Self explaining name ;-))) 15:05 < kvak|uninvited> esden> i worked for the company producing these pens in earlier days. 15:06 < esden> fake: linked another image and from that image I came to this one 15:06 < esden> kvak|uninvited: ahh .. ok then you are an expert ;-) 15:06 < kvak|uninvited> So since i didn t get much of knowledge at this company i can tell two stabilo-pens apart. 15:07 < [anders]> kvak|uninvited: that is an incredibly sad piece of knowledge, but also very cool.. :) 15:08 < kvak|uninvited> Hasn t there been a situation in life you incredibelly wanted to impress another person ? 15:08 < kvak|uninvited> @ anders ? 15:09 < [anders]> kvak|uninvited: many a time, and I posess probably sadder bits of information than that... :-) 15:09 < kvak|uninvited> Image the situation: Cool and groovy party - you dig that 1a chick and there comes billy coolguy surferhero. 15:09 < [anders]> It takes one to know one I think is an apt saying ... :) 15:09 < kvak|uninvited> You know he will take her home if you don t play all your aces. 15:10 < [anders]> kvak|uninvited: unfortunately I am so sad I didn't even get to those parties.. :-D 15:10 < kvak|uninvited> So you decide this as the WCS and play out your story about stabilo-pens. 15:10 < kvak|uninvited> And it is you who takes home and fu*** the prom queen. 15:10 < [anders]> kvak|uninvited: I wish.. *LOL* 15:12 < esden> argh this a***** has a poster from 17C3 >_< 15:14 < esden> fake: u here ? !!!!! 15:14 < esden> I need you !!! badly !!! 15:16 < esden> fake: is ok now ... thanks anyway ;-) 15:17 < [anders]> humma.. in kdevelop.conf "+make $MAKEOPT -j1 all"... Is the -j1 needed at all? 15:23 < fake> hm? 15:25 < esden> haha ... now I know who Ge0rG is !!! 15:26 < esden> ich habe den ausfindig gebacht wie man schoen sagt ;-) 15:26 < esden> s/gebacht/gemacht/ 15:27 < fake> https://op-co.de/Ge0rG.jpg 15:27 < esden> fake: hoho ... toll >_< 15:28 < esden> fake: is it made with a noctovision or what ? 15:28 < fake> esden: read your fscking backlog 15:28 < fake> <-- :-Q 15:29 < esden> fake: I have done it ... 15:30 < esden> that is how I came to this good photo I think : https://pics.dorfbrunnen.de/linuxger-cp/p1010019.jpg 15:36 < [anders]> esden: that you in the pic? 15:36 < esden> [anders]: no it is Ge0rG 15:36 < [anders]> he looks about 16 in that photo... :) 15:37 < [anders]> and he is *yuk* equipped with a bottle of *retch* Pepsi.... 15:37 < esden> [anders]: yes that is true ... he is a pagan if he drinks such stuff i suppose ;-) 15:38 < Ge0rG> hey, that image is _old_! 15:38 < esden> ahh Ge0rG you are awake 15:38 * Ge0rG was just AFK 15:38 < esden> Ge0rG: do you have a newer photo where we can see you ? 15:38 < [anders]> Ge0rG: yeah yeah, any old excuse eh? ;-) 15:39 < Ge0rG> esden: fake pasted the link already. 15:39 < esden> Ge0rG: this looks like xray 15:39 < esden> I do not want to see gour xray images ;-) 15:39 * [anders] is not yet feeling old, even though the big three-oh is looming just on the other side of christmas.. 15:39 * Ge0rG is only drinking pepsi when theres neither club mate nro coke... 15:40 < Ge0rG> esden: https://pics.dorfbrunnen.de/kram/ge0rgsqu.jpg is another pic... 15:41 < esden> yes that is ok ... thanks Ge0rG 15:41 < Ge0rG> hm... I should surf through the linuxger-cp-images and find all the euirc-ircops there... 15:42 < [anders]> Ge0rG: you are still looking young, even in that photo.. :) 15:43 * Ge0rG is still young.. or at least thinks so ;) 15:43 < Ge0rG> ok, now I'm going to visit my aunt, so AFK again 15:43 < fake> have fun 15:45 < esden> Ge0rG: have fun 15:46 -!- Ge0rG is now known as ge0rg 15:56 < rxr> hi clifford ! 15:56 -!- armijn [~armijn@] has joined #rocklinux 15:56 < armijn> re 15:56 < rxr> re armijn 15:56 < armijn> hi 15:57 < armijn> huebi awake? 15:57 * armijn still waiting for CDs 15:57 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 15:57 < Mike1> Hi all 15:57 < armijn> hi 15:58 < Mike1> clifford: nice to see you back!! Had a nice vacation? 15:58 < armijn> clifford is away... 15:58 < armijn> eating pizza 15:59 < armijn> LUCKY BASTARD! 15:59 < Mike1> armijn: oh well :) 15:59 * Mike1 wants some pizza 16:03 < esden> hi armijn, Mike1 16:03 < Mike1> hello esden :) 16:03 < armijn> hi esden 16:05 < esden> rxr: now does it look with your article ? do you know whet it will appear? 16:05 < kvak|uninvited> Hola 16:05 < Mike1> Hola kvak|uninvited 16:06 < kvak|uninvited> Mike1 i read about costarica.net. 16:06 < rxr> esden: no not yet. I reask today and also pass the article to clifford ... 16:06 < rxr> he might make some final corrections or additions ? 16:06 < Mike1> kvak|uninvited: uhg nice 16:06 < esden> rxr: that is good ... clifford will probobly have some points about it 16:08 -!- Topic for #rocklinux: anoncvs for 1.5 now up: CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.rocklinux.de:/cvs co rock-1.5 another interesting article about what are the top ten problems with linux written bit in lamer mode but worth a read: https://people.trustcommerce.com/~adam/top10/wrong.html 16:08 -!- Topic set by esden [Sun Jul 14 13:58:27 2002] 16:08 -!- esden changed the topic of #rocklinux to: anoncvs for 1.5 now up: CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.rocklinux.de:/cvs co rock-1.5 16:08 < [anders]> AAAAAARGGGHGHHH!!!! horrible hack, but it works... 16:09 < Mike1> hi [anders] 16:09 < armijn> horrible hacks are cool 16:09 < [anders]> re Mike1 16:09 < [anders]> re armijn 16:09 < armijn> but horrible 16:09 < esden> if anyone hawe not seen it yet, a pretty mac case clone: https://www.hardware-unlimited.com/reviews/macpcgallery/index.shtml 16:09 * [anders] been having 'issues' with gnome-control-center and gnome-python.... 16:09 < armijn> is it one that hurts your eyes, ego and the rest as well? 16:10 < armijn> the hack that is... 16:11 < [anders]> gnomecc should be built before gnome-python, as the include-file /usr/include/libcapplet1/capplet-widget.h is provided by gnomecc and is required by gnome-python.. but gnome-python doesn't look in /usr/include/libcapplet1 16:11 < fake> esden: uargh 16:12 < fake> esden: KDE in hardware ;-) 16:12 < [anders]> the hack is to in gnome-python.conf make a symlink from /usr/include/libcapplet1/capplet-widget.h to /usr/include/gnome-1.0/capplet-widget.h where gnome-python _acctually_ does look for it... 16:12 < [anders]> the scary thing is that it does appear to work, but I would not like to see this as anything but a 'horrible hack' [tm] 16:13 -!- kvak|uninvited [uninvited@p508034FF.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit () 16:15 < esden> fake: sowas in der art ;-) 16:17 * -> esden found a aqua windowmanoger clone (open source) but the problem is that it is only working on a macosx system >_< 16:19 < armijn> bwah 16:19 < esden> here the apropriate link : https://sourceforge.net/projects/oroborosx/ 16:20 < esden> armijn: ??? 16:20 < armijn> nuthin' 16:29 < [anders]> ahum.. 16:30 * [anders] thinks ... and thinks a bit more... then decides to go get a coffee before starting to pester people with tricky questions...... 16:38 < fake> * 16:38 < fake> If you can use vim, you will always have an editor to hand. Even the most basic rescue boot disks have at least vi. In short, one day you'll need to know how to use it, be it sooner or later! The more proficient you are, the less painful that experience will be. 16:38 < fake> how true ;-) 16:39 < esden> fake: read icq/chatmaster 16:39 < esden> fake: if you want something to lough 16:39 < fake> esden: icq? 16:40 < fake> you mean that i-want-to-fsck-for-free guy? 16:40 < esden> fake: I have pointed you there to the chatmaster mailinglist ... so you can ignore icq 16:40 < esden> fake: but read the chatmaster mails 16:41 < fake> (strange... i am icq-online o_O) 16:41 < armijn> I'm getting a bit fed up with huebi now.. 16:41 < armijn> he promised to send me CDs, but still haven't seen anything 16:41 < esden> fake: and tell me what I should answer *still_lough* (the people are always amazing me more and more with their dumbness) 16:42 < fake> esden: how about: "j00 sux0r. 1 w1ll fr4g j00 w1th m4 b4r3 h4ndz!!" 16:43 < fake> no LEAVE! 16:43 < fake> now 16:43 < fake> oder einfach "geh sterben.\nwoanders." 16:44 < esden> hehe 16:46 < dorphell> how do i select my own pkgs that will be compiled/installed on new build? 16:46 < dorphell> no opt for it in Config, is there? 16:46 * -> esden scheribt "Hi, Ich kann dir jetzt leider nicht weiterhelfen. Wenn du gelernt hast einen benutzernamen und ein passwort zu tippen komme wieder. Mommentan gehe sterben. Woanders." 16:47 < fake> Momentan 16:47 < fake> mit einemmm mmmm 16:47 < rxr> dorphell: in 1.7 you can select packages that are compiled and installed. In 1.5 or dRock this is not possible. 16:47 < esden> ja stimmt 16:47 < rxr> armijn: the Solars CDs have also not yet arrived here ... 16:47 < armijn> huebi should send CDs 16:47 < esden> rxr: it is possible if you know how the system works and do the selection by hand 16:48 < armijn> rxr: I think huebi is very busy :( 16:48 < rxr> esden: by deleting the files? or my editing the puzzle file ? *g* 16:48 < esden> rxr: correct ;-) 16:48 < rxr> jups - but in 1.7 you can to it the non-destuctive way ;-) 16:48 < esden> rxr: so do not confuse people and do not say that it is not possible at all ;-) 16:49 < dorphell> yes i downloaded teh 2mb 1.7 snapshot, i go through the Config but the manual-pkg section doesn't list them, do i have to type it all out? 16:49 < armijn> I don't mind getting all the sources myself, but they haven't shown up at the FTP mirros 16:49 < rxr> esden: *lol* 16:49 < armijn> +r 16:49 < rxr> dorphell: select manual selection 16:49 < dorphell> rxr: i did 16:50 < esden> dorphell: are you sure you want to use 1.7 ? 16:50 < dorphell> rxr: still doesn't branch out the pkgs 16:50 < rxr> err Custom package selection 16:50 < esden> dorphell: so by the way ... 16:50 < rxr> goto : Package selection rules# 16:50 < dorphell> esden: yes, i'm sure, aint a n00b =) 16:50 < rxr> hit enter over 001: 16:50 < dorphell> and then type it all out? 16:50 < rxr> type the regual expressoin 16:50 < fake> (Or Space! ;-) 16:51 < rxr> O gnome/* 16:51 < esden> dorphell: kk ... I better ask before you de much work and that was not what you wanted 16:51 < rxr> or O kde/* 16:51 < rxr> or 0 package-name 16:51 < rxr> for a single match 16:51 < dorphell> k, that's what i asked, thought there would be a checklist i'd juust go through, this is okay though 16:51 < rxr> dorphell: a checklist is not possible 16:52 < rxr> we need "add" and "remove" 16:52 < rxr> operatoin - since the targets are able to modify the list again ... 16:52 < dorphell> 1.7 stable to use btw? 16:52 < dorphell> you guys using 1.7? 16:52 < fake> dorphell: that's why esden asked 16:52 < rxr> like the insta-target will simply hard-code a basic list you cannot change ... - to this patters are only a "differ from the target" reconfiguration 16:53 < rxr> dorphell: for normal compilations: yes 16:53 < esden> rxr: not _yet_ possible ... it should be implemented some day ... when you deselect/select packages then a list of the one package selection/deselections is made 16:53 < rxr> I even use it on my laptop for some month now 16:53 < rxr> esden: it will be dog-slow if we do this with bash code ... 16:54 < rxr> dorphell: 1.7 has only one problem: we have not yet a new install-disk and Create-CD script ... 16:54 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 16:54 < fake> *argh* i am surrounded by morons! 16:54 < fake> (IRL) 16:55 < esden> rxr: and ... is that a problem at all ? we can implement it in bash so that it is portable ... and create c code that is working on main arches ... then we are on a secure side ... what do you think ? 16:55 < esden> fake: I feel with you 16:55 < rxr> esden: urgh - duplicate works sucks 16:55 < armijn> no, cross over sucks 16:55 < rxr> esden: a straight-forward C prog will run on all arches ... 16:55 < fake> we could also implement it in asm. 16:55 < rxr> but clifford might not like a hardcoded C configure program ... 16:56 < esden> rxr: hmm ... why should it be a hardcoded thing ? 16:56 < fake> he can re-edit the C source with bash 16:56 < rxr> I also think cliffs idea of a bash Installer sucks - it will be dog-slow and not easy-to-use 16:56 < esden> rofl 16:56 < fake> dynmic recompilation support 16:56 < esden> rxr: leave him ... he will do his work and we reimplement it in something faster ... like assembler ;-) 16:56 < rxr> esden: because the curretn one executes target and package shell-scripts. This is waht makes the current Config that slow ... 16:57 < rxr> esden: no - C is fast enought ... 16:57 < esden> rxr: I was only joking ... sure c is fast enough 16:57 < fake> "fast enough" 16:57 < rxr> esden: I know you were joking - but I'm not in the feeling for jokes *g* 16:58 < fake> for a one-time installation bash is also "fast enough 16:58 < esden> fake: you can implement it in assembler if you want ... you need "speed" on your mips machines 16:58 * rxr starting to count the hour until holiday 16:58 < fake> rxr: the hour? 16:58 < fake> one.. one.. one... 16:58 < rxr> s/hour/hours/ 16:58 < fake> *dg* 16:58 < rxr> fake: *lol* 16:58 < esden> rxr: me counting too 16:58 < rxr> an I have one exam left *urgh* 16:59 < fake> <-- still 2 weeksof work 16:59 * -> esden has two exams left >_< 16:59 < rxr> tomorrow - electronics ... 16:59 < fake> then 2 weeks of kernel hacking ... 16:59 < esden> fake: have fun ;-) 17:03 < dorphell> you guys use SSP? how is it on preformance wreck? i han't used it before 17:04 < [anders]> riiiight.. all fueled up with kaffe and ready to ask questions.. 17:05 < [anders]> is there a way, in the .conf file for a package, to add and extra argument to the ./configure command in an easy fashion? 17:05 -!- armijn [~armijn@] has left #rocklinux ("work!") 17:06 < esden> fake: mail out 17:06 < fake> i read it 17:06 < fake> esden: maybe he'll write to marino ;-) 17:07 < esden> fake: yess ... that will be cool *jump_up_and_down* 17:09 < esden> rxr: blindcoder wrote a puzzle configurator ... so you can edit them ... in a simmilar (in my means better) way as in 1.7 17:10 < dorphell> INFO: Testing ... ok 190.047 --what's the 190.047 represent sicne it's defo not ping *g* 17:10 < [anders]> no worries, found it.. 17:13 < esden> dorphell: download speed AFAIK 17:13 < fake> ack 17:14 < dorphell> esden: ah ok 17:14 < rxr> esden: yes 17:16 < dorphell> you guys all from germany? 17:16 < rxr> dorphell: no 17:16 < esden> dorphell: nope 17:16 < dorphell> heh 17:16 < esden> dorphell: but many 17:16 < dorphell> where you 2 from? 17:17 * rxr ? Germany ;-) 17:17 < fake> they are from germany, as am i 17:17 * -> esden poland ... currently living in germany 17:17 < fake> [anders]and rolla are US, Mike1 is CR... 17:18 < fake> esden: "currently" LMAO 17:18 < dorphell> aye, i too am stuck in the dull US 17:18 < rxr> dorphell: armijn is in the netherlands, clifford from austria, we have some people in singapure, and other arround the word, too 17:18 < fake> india 17:18 < fake> etc. 17:18 < rxr> ah yes- the Costa Rica people ;-) 17:19 < [anders]> mmhmmm.. horrible hack discarded in favour of a better solution... ;-) 17:19 < esden> rxr: lol 17:20 < esden> [anders]: where ? 17:23 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 17:23 < Mike1> re 17:25 < rxr> Moin to Costa Rica ;-) Mike1 17:25 < dorphell> rxr: perhaps you guys should add parallel gets for the Download script cos' all the small files don't get to top speeds, could save some time for ppl who have the b/w for downloading src 17:25 < rxr> dorphell: you can simply run many of them in parallel ;-) 17:26 < Mike1> moin Master rxr 17:26 < rxr> the use locking - no problem 17:26 < rxr> Mike1: huh? What did I do to get this master title ? 17:26 < dorphell> rxr: they don't overlap? 17:26 < rxr> dorphell: no - they are designed for this ;-) 17:26 < dorphell> great, thanx rxr 17:27 < Mike1> rxr: been 1.7 maintainer and your great work on dRock 17:27 * Mike1 tested drock 1.6 on the weekend 17:27 < rxr> Mike1: ok ;-) But I'm not the 1.7 maintainer - I'm only co-maintianer ;-) 17:27 < rxr> Mike1: and problems ? 17:28 < Mike1> rxr: no, i am going to build from the sources today 17:28 < rxr> ah ok. 17:28 < esden> errrm ... can somebody explain to me why we are using floppy emulation ond lilo to boot our installcd's ond not isolinux ? 17:28 < rxr> because iso-linux is a hack ? 17:29 < Mike1> rxr: still been co-maintainer is a lot >_< 17:29 < rxr> in dRock I have isolinux support - but we never used it ... 17:29 < esden> and why ? even if it is a hack if it works where is the problem ? 17:30 < rxr> esden: please let us use a standard way (where we can control the proces) to boot the CD - like the currentl way + a real inital-ramdisk only to mount more from CD. 17:30 < [anders]> esden: you remember I told you about gnome-python ? 17:30 < [anders]> re Mike1 17:30 < rxr> esden: we might evaluate what isolinux does exactly 17:30 < Mike1> [anders]: ;-) 17:30 < [anders]> esden: I could set confopt instead of pissing about with symlinks.. 17:31 < [anders]> Mike1: getting closer to a fully working build of base+opt now.. :) 17:31 < esden> rxr: hmm ... ok ... i will lurk more into isolinux and what it does ... you can be right rxr 17:31 < Mike1> [anders]: very cool 17:31 < rxr> the +svn channel is nice - 80% joined / left messages the day ... 17:32 < Mike1> [anders]: several changes have been made to packages i will have to creat new iso's 17:32 < rxr> esden: I read how it works - but I already forgot. But there was a problem ... And we really should use something transparent. 17:32 < [anders]> huebi: I am collecting a few patches up now which I will submit the usual way later when I am absolutely shure they do work as intended.. It probably means I have to spin yet another build, but it should prove to me that it works at least. 17:32 < rxr> Mike1: what CD do you want to create ? 17:32 < esden> [anders]: very good ... what is about gnome-python ... I was not thinking that it was directed to me sorry 17:32 < [anders]> Mike1: once I get base+opt building stably I will throw myself onto the ext's and get them working as well.. 17:33 < esden> rxr: #svn ? what is this? 17:33 < Mike1> rxr: just i will update the rock-1.5.17-src cds i did last week 17:33 < [anders]> esden: no, it wasn't diredcted to you when I said it earlier, it was more of a general comment then.. 17:33 < esden> ahh subversion @ rxr 17:33 < Mike1> rxr: [anders] remember that we have updated some packages and for eg we moved kde 3 and vim to base 17:33 < rxr> esden: subversoin 17:34 < esden> rxr: and ... were you successfull in setting it up ? 17:34 < [anders]> esden: gnome-python is being built before gnome-control-center although gnome-python required a header-file from gnomecc 17:34 < rxr> Mike1: why do you not simply put the files online? that would be much more useable - sinde people can download single files and are not forced to get the whole ISO ... 17:34 < esden> [anders]: so you have to resort it ;-) 17:34 < Mike1> rxr: perhaps since last week i decided to contribute on the 1.7 tree too, so i hope i can start today or tomorrow 17:34 < [anders]> Mike1: I have those changes already and Also the updates that was required as they were breaking things.. 17:35 < rxr> esden: I had not enough time - I'll continue after my electronic exam tomorrow. 17:35 < Mike1> rxr: yes i will put my tree's online :) 17:35 < [anders]> esden: I have switched gnome-python and gnomecc around priority wise.. Hopefully It will work well when I do the next build. 17:35 < fake> trees? 17:35 < fake> cool. 17:35 < fake> more printing *dg* 17:35 < esden> rxr: ok ... i am really looking forward to see svn in (usable) action 17:35 < Mike1> hi fake :) 17:35 < fake> hi Mike1! 17:36 < Mike1> fake: i ment it as my base+opt and ext sources trees 17:36 < rxr> esden: jups - me too. But it is still pre-aplha and changing rapidly ... 17:36 < [anders]> when I get more organised I will start putting my source tree online somewhere and also the patches abnd mod's I make... 17:36 < fake> Mike1: i was talking about my printer with tree loader. 17:36 < fake> i am out of trees. 17:36 < Mike1> fake: lol 17:36 < [anders]> in case someone else would like the whacky mods I'd be inclinde to make to my tree.. :) 17:37 < esden> rxr: I know ... that was probably the reason why it was not working here 17:37 < huebi> re 17:37 < [anders]> re huebi 17:37 < Mike1> re huebi 17:37 < huebi> 22 ppl in this chanel... 17:37 < [anders]> huebi: might send you more patches later tonight.. :) 17:37 < huebi> [anders]: great 17:37 < huebi> moin Mike1 17:38 < [anders]> huebi: only gnomecc and gnome-python being patched so far.. I'll be looking for other things to patch as well.. :-D 17:38 < [anders]> I might sit down and work on the tar-bzip2.patch tonight abnd get tar working with -I/-j/-y for bzip2 compression.... 17:39 < [anders]> that way, if you are a ROCK user, you are covered with all currently used short switches for the bzip2 compression.. :-DD 17:39 < huebi> good idea. 17:41 < esden> [anders]: very good idea 17:41 < rxr> hm - I'm helpig "Organization: Sun Microsystems - Hungary - Professional Services" to get a HP scanner workig with my GPL backend ? 17:42 < [anders]> huebi / esden : I will sit down and hack on that tonight, should not take much time, and then I will submit it to huebi for adding in to the CVS... 17:42 < huebi> rxr: Let them send you a well paed contract! 17:42 < rxr> I'm also thinking about askign for a nice SMP UltraSPARC for ROCK portsing ;-) 17:43 < rxr> --typos 17:43 * rxr argh 17:43 < Mike1> rxr: cool 17:43 < [anders]> .oO( It isn't like one needs to be a brainsurgeon to mod the tar-bzip2 patch for those switches.. Hell, if I can do it, anyone can.... ) 17:43 < huebi> rxr: They have enough money. 17:43 < huebi> If you would ask them something about your Ultra 5 they will charge you at least 400EUR 17:44 < Mike1> rxr: Do we have CVS for 1.7? or should i rsync ur tree again? 17:44 < rxr> huebi: btw: new Slowlaris version? 17:44 < rxr> Mike1: rsync 17:45 < rxr> I hate CVS - as soon as subversin is running you can get dRock, 1.7 and GSMP via subversion ... 17:49 < [anders]> bollox... isdn4k fails.. sgml2html isn't installed so the FAQ part fails and then xmonisdn.man fails to compile.. 17:56 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@dhcp024-210-222-139.woh.rr.com] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 17:58 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@] has joined #rocklinux 17:58 < [anders]> hmm.. isdn4k was yet another package that didn't like make -j2... :) 18:15 * fake drives home 18:15 < huebi> cu fake 18:16 < fake> bis denne 18:16 < snyke> bye fake 18:24 < dorphell> rxr: does Build-Target also works in parallel to itself? 18:25 < rxr> NO 18:25 < rxr> dorphell: you can select the parallel job (for a SMP box) in the Configure 18:27 < dorphell> k 18:28 < rxr> you can also build 1.7 on clusters - but this is a bit more to setup (read the CLUSTER_HOWTO in the Documentation dir) 18:34 < huebi> can somebody explain to me how the kernel configuration is made in detail in 1.5? 18:36 -!- clifford_ [~clifford@M098P020.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 18:36 -!- clifford [~clifford@] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 18:38 -!- ge0rg is now known as Ge0rG 18:51 < fake> re. 18:51 < huebi> re fake 18:56 -!- Netsplit vinge.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: snyke, Mike1, h0h0, huebi, Freak, fake, Ge0rG, bluefire, th, clifford_, (+9 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) 18:57 -!- Netsplit over, joins: rxr, clifford_, h0h0, Mike1, Ge0rG, bluefire, huebi, th, tomik, dorphell (+9 more) 18:58 < fake> welle erdball - monoton und minimal 19:00 < huebi> == 18:54:02 =[3]=> Building base package linux [2.4.18 1.5.17]. <- I would like to know if it works now. But I don't know how to configure the kernel with the autoconfiguration system. 19:01 < esden> autoconfiguration ? what do you mean huebi? 19:02 < huebi> esden: 18:34 < huebi> can somebody explain to me how the kernel configuration is made in detail in 1.5? 19:02 < fake> ./configure --host=i686 --scsi=yes --scsi-driver=aic7xxx --lame=YES 19:03 < fake> ... 19:03 < huebi> There is: 19:03 < huebi> arch-conf/sparc64/kernel-sparc_v9.conf 19:03 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 19:04 < huebi> mom 19:04 < esden> huebi: it is made in the following way 19:05 < huebi> https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/rock-1.5/base-config/linux/linux.conf?rev=1.24&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup 19:05 < huebi> echo -n "Creating default kernel configuration... \n" 19:05 < huebi> I want to know what happens now... 19:05 < esden> the .config is being created out of ... templates and apropriate *.disable files 19:05 < huebi> echo -n "Creating default kernel configuration done.\n\n" <- till here. 19:06 < huebi> esden: I know. But how in detail. 19:06 < esden> then it is being copied to the kernel source directory and make oldconfig is being run 19:07 < huebi> THIS IS A FUCKED UP PEACE OF SHIT!!!! 19:07 < esden> huebi: ??? 19:07 < huebi> I can change what I want in arch-conf/sparc64/kernel-sparc_v9.conf and it still will be switched back! 19:08 < huebi> esden: I want to know it in very detail. I have some general understanding but there is absolutly NO documentation on it. 19:09 < fake> huebi: relax. 19:09 < fake> it's a challenge, nothing personal though. 19:09 < huebi> fake: Yes, I do.. 19:10 < esden> huebi: yes relax. and read the source ... I think that there is no other way to learn how it in made ... I think 19:10 < esden> sorry :-( 19:11 < huebi> esden: I better wait for the documentation 19:11 < esden> huebi: who will write it ? 19:11 < fake> (the one asking) 19:12 < esden> fake: I think you are wron in this point 19:16 < huebi> bbl 19:16 < fake> cya 19:16 < esden> cu 19:18 < huebi> doch nicht ;-) 19:18 < huebi> ok. How writes the docs? 19:19 < rxr> you can also build 1.7 on clusters - but this is a bit more to setup (read the CLUSTER_HOWTO in the Documentation dir) 19:19 < rxr> jups 19:19 < rxr> er uups 19:22 < esden> rxr: ??? 19:24 < fake> monoton und minimal... meine welt ist ganz total... 19:25 < huebi> esden: How do I get e feature activated in .config? 19:26 < huebi> esden: ??? 19:27 < esden> moment ... let me see 19:28 < esden> I knew that ... 19:30 < esden> huebi: you define in one of the arch-conf/$arch/kernel*.conf.cpp 19:31 < esden> or arch-conf/share/*.conf 19:31 < huebi> esden: in what way? and what are arch-conf/$ROCKCFG_ARCH/kernel-$ROCKCFG_CPU_OPT.conf and arch-conf/$ROCKCFG_ARCH/kernel.conf for? 19:33 < esden> these are the files that ore created after ./scripts/Puzzle is run 19:33 < esden> and .conf.cpp files ore parsed and the .conf files created 19:35 < huebi> how are the .conf.cpp files parsed andhow are the .conf files created? 19:36 < esden> hmm ... let me see (/me opening the Puzzle file) 19:36 < rxr> esden: Arrow-Up + Enter while the wrong window had focus ... 19:37 < rxr> huebi: simply with cpp ... 19:37 < rxr> like .c .h files are parsed ... 19:37 < rxr> (in 1.7 we use m4 for this) 19:38 < huebi> rxr: I never needed to work with cpp. How is the syntax I need? 19:38 < rxr> like the C stuff 19:38 < esden> huebi: 19:38 < esden> cpp -I`dirname $x` -Ishare $x | tr '%' '#' | \ 19:38 < esden> egrep '^#? *CONFIG_' ; } > `echo $x | sed 's,\.cpp$,,'` 19:38 < rxr> #include "file-blabla" 19:38 < rxr> oder 19:38 < esden> here are the lines 19:38 < rxr> huebi: simply take a look 19:38 < esden> there is used the normal c pre processor 19:38 < huebi> rxr: on what? 19:39 < huebi> 19:38 < huebi> rxr: I never needed to work with cpp. How is the syntax I need? 19:39 < rxr> huebi: simply read the existing files! 19:39 < rxr> I have no 1.5 here ... 19:39 < rxr> (for an example post) 19:40 -!- clifford_ is now known as clifford 19:40 < esden> huebi: CONFIG_TOSHIBA=y is setting the option 19:40 < clifford> hi. 19:40 < fake> hi cliff 19:40 < esden> huebi: % CONFIG_M486 is not set is the same as # CONFIG_M486 is not set 19:40 < huebi> esden: yes, I tiedr that, but it did not work. 19:41 < esden> huebi: #include is including arch-conf/share/kernel-common.conf 19:41 < esden> huebi: then you defined it but it was in one of the .disable files so it was later disabled 19:42 < esden> even if you have defined it in one of the files 19:42 < esden> re clifford 19:42 < clifford> hi all. 19:42 < huebi> esden: Thank you. I first have a look and try it again. 19:43 < clifford> rxr? still there? 19:43 < esden> huebi: you are welcome ... i needed also some days to understand how it all works 19:43 < huebi> esden: I neede weeks till now! 19:44 < rxr> hi clifford ! 19:44 < esden> huebi: what do you want to enable ? so I can see if I am correct with all this 19:44 < rxr> clifford: in which channel ? 19:44 < esden> huebi: you will menage it do not bother 19:45 < clifford> rxr: 1st in this one. 19:45 < clifford> :-) 19:45 < rxr> clifford: 1dt ? ugrh 19:45 < clifford> how is the 1.7 thing doing? 19:45 < rxr> clifford: today I'm in a hurry since I need to learn some stuff for an exam tomorrow ... 19:45 * -> esden needs to reinstall his main workstation ... it is now terribly messed up >_< 19:46 < rxr> clifford: I only had to the time for some modertae updates - no general cleanups. I did: 19:46 < rxr> 1. package updates 19:46 < rxr> 2. gcc option generating fixing 19:46 < rxr> 3. cvs checkout for the [D] tag 19:46 < rxr> 4. enlightenment 17 packages 19:46 < rxr> and the few patches got merged 19:46 < esden> clifford: /me did some minor dietlibc patches and that is it ... 19:47 < rxr> (public patches I got) 19:47 * -> esden is also having exams in this and next week 19:47 < clifford> esden: the one you sent to the list? 19:47 < esden> clifford: yes 19:47 < rxr> you have to look at the patches from "Dimitar Zhekov" since I do not know what he tried to fix 19:47 < esden> clifford: so nothing very importaint 19:47 < rxr> clifford: this is in my tree 19:48 < clifford> rxr: about syncinc your and my tree ... 19:48 < rxr> could do this? I have no time in the next 20 hours ... 19:48 < rxr> s/could/could you/ 19:48 < clifford> I could simply make a diff between your current rsync tree and my original snapshot. But that will introduce problems when you do more changes in your rsync tree .. 19:49 < clifford> are you going to make more changes in this rsync tree? 19:49 < rxr> no - only the normal stuff above - please do so 19:50 < rxr> clifford: hm - this is just my workign copy - so it is always up to date (I merge your stuff regularly ...) 19:50 < rxr> but I will switch to subversion for al my stuff in the next time ... 19:50 < huebi> clifford: can you write some documentation about the kernel configuration in 1.5, please? 19:51 < huebi> rxr: does subversion finaly work now? 19:51 < rxr> clifford: three things from my site: 19:51 < rxr> 1. I had no time for GSMP 19:51 < rxr> 2. I wrote an German article for the LinuxMagazin - could you read it in the next days ? 19:51 < rxr> 3. Next Sunday I'm off for two weeks holid rxr: 1. too bad .. 19:52 < clifford> 2. sure - just send it to me. 19:52 < clifford> 3. have a lot of fun 19:52 < clifford> :-) 19:52 * -> esden abusing natalie 19:53 < rxr> clifford: email is out ... 19:53 < clifford> esden: I'm not sure if I wanted to know that ... :-) 19:53 < esden> clifford: natalie is my alpha ;-) 19:53 < esden> my alpha workstation ;-) 19:54 < clifford> esden: I thought already something like that ... :-) 19:54 < fake> clifford: so, how was your trip? 19:54 < esden> hehe ... /me and a girlfriend ... what are you thinking of ;-) 19:54 < fake> clifford: tell us about the real world. 19:54 < rxr> clifford: err and another issue - I found a amazon - so my OpenSource time decreased - like it is for yourself ;-) 19:55 < esden> clifford: yes tell us how real world looks like ;-) 19:56 < clifford> esden: very analogue and confusing. 19:57 < esden> clifford: hmm ... this "confusing" part is scaring me 19:59 < fake> clifford: the analouge part sounds interesting though ;) 20:00 < rxr> clifford: for the article thing: There might be two diagrams added. 1st a ROCK Linux overview and 2nd some version tree. 20:00 < esden> clifford: I am currently working to get my new toy (HP apollo model 715/33 (a pa-risc box with amazing 33Mhz)) to work under linux ... I hope to get this arch in rock ... currently this arch is being supported only by one linux distribution (debian) so this has to be changed ;-) 20:01 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E113B1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:01 < tsa> re 20:01 < huebi> hi tsa 20:01 < esden> hi tsa 20:02 < tsa> hi huebi 20:02 < tsa> hi esden 20:02 < huebi> clifford: can you write some documentation about the kernel configuration in 1.5, please? 20:03 < rxr> huebi: if it is like it was in 1.4 and all dRock versions, IT IS STRAIGHTFORWARD! 20:03 < esden> fake: "Kofferradio" *ROFL* 20:04 < tsa> hm.. 20:04 < esden> fake: too many switches ;-) 20:04 < tsa> is there a way to unpack .ace archives on linux? 20:06 < huebi> rxr: But it is more easy to understand if there is something written about it except the source. One text with a detailed explanation and a few exsamples. Is that too much I want? 20:06 < tsa> yes. 20:06 < tsa> ;-) 20:07 < huebi> Then that's not a wonder that Gentoo is so modern and everybody wants to have it instead of rocklinux. 20:07 < rxr> huebi: and why does the kernel fail ? 20:07 < clifford> clifford@apollo:~/rock-article$ file rock-article.txt 20:07 < clifford> rock-article.txt: ISO-8859 C++ program text, with very long lines 20:08 < clifford> .... rxr? what's that file format you are using here? 20:08 < rxr> text 20:08 < rxr> hehe *lol* I get the same 20:08 < rxr> it is simply ANCII text 20:08 < clifford> '@R:foobar' .... what's that kind of tags? 20:09 < rxr> clifford: this is for the linux magazin 20:09 < clifford> is it their own file format? 20:09 < rxr> they want this tags for the people who set it in Adobe s.th. 20:09 < rxr> clifford: yes. I got the tags from them. 20:09 < rxr> clifford: you should read it with a line-wrapping editor 20:10 < huebi> rxr: fonts.c:64: #error No fonts configured. 20:11 < clifford> rxr: fold -100 -s < rock-article.txt > x 20:11 < esden> clifford: open with vim and do: gggqG 20:11 < esden> ;-) 20:12 -!- owl [mail-spam@B59bd.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:12 < fake> hi owl 20:12 < owl> hi 20:12 < esden> hi owl 20:12 < tsa> hi owl 20:12 < owl> *g* hi fake, esden, tsa. 20:13 < tsa> ;-) 20:14 < clifford> rxr: "Basis-Programmen wie GCC, binutils, autoconf und ?hnlichen" .. pls. also add the kernel and glibc here. 20:14 < rxr> clifford: querry? 20:15 < fake> squirrel? 20:15 < esden> clifford: nicht glibc bitte sondern libc ... ist bissel allgemeiner 20:16 < rxr> ok (G)LibC 20:16 < esden> was wollts mit diesem "g" ? *nichtkapier* 20:17 < rxr> esden: ? 20:17 * fake demands a uC 20:17 < clifford> rxr: artikel ist o.k. so. 20:17 < clifford> btw: seit wann hast du zeit zum musizieren ? ? ? 20:19 < rxr> die letzen wochen ;-) Seit dem mich meine Freundin vom Computern abhaellt ;-) 20:19 < rxr> clifford: noch was spezielles was fehlt oder besser umschrieben werden koennte ? 20:20 < rxr> clifford: btw: stimmtst du dem frontend (user) backend skript kram zu (den ich da einfach mal von meiner TODO List hinzugefuegt habe ;-) 20:20 < clifford> Ich denke, dass der artikel so wie er ist seinen zweck erfuellt. 20:21 < clifford> Ein publizist wuerde moeglicherweise sagen, dass dem artikel eine pointe und einen "Aufhaenger" fehlt.. 20:21 < fake> the write SEX in BFL onto it. 20:21 < fake> then 20:21 < esden> rxr: mich iritiert bissel das alle so festgefahren sind auf diesen _G_libc klump ... sage einfach libc ... ist dann immer richtig egal ob es sich um glibc, uClibc oder dietlibc handelt oder noch andere libc die uns nicht bekannt ist aber auch mit hilfe von rock gutestet werden kann (only my 0.5cents) 20:22 < clifford> rxr: dein patch ist 4062 lines gross .. 20:23 < clifford> fake: that's cheap - but it would pretty sure work ... :-) 20:23 < rxr> z.B. wuerde ich gerne ein backend Build-Pkg haben (unser derzeitiges) das einfach sturr das Packet kompiliert, und ein User Build-Pkg das die Abhaenigen Packete in der Version und Installiertheit ueberprueft und dann auch alle fehlenden Packete downloaded unt |bersetzt. 20:24 < fake> clifford: that's how social engineering works.... cheap but effective. 20:25 < esden> clifford: apropos todo ... in meinem "dietlibc" patch habe ich meine todo sachen einfach an deine todo angehaengt ... sollte man das nicht vielleicht trennen ... und vielleicht fuer jeden target ein (targetspezifisches) dokumentationsverzeichniss machen ? 20:25 < clifford> rxr: sowas soll in das neue package management tool einfliessen .. 20:25 < clifford> rxr: wieso hat enlightment ein eigenes target dir? 20:26 < rxr> clifford: nur zum testen ... 20:26 < rxr> kannst du in rene moven 20:26 < rxr> (kompiliert aber nicht, da der GNU/Auto* Muell zu kaputt ist ... 20:26 < rxr> ) 20:27 < rxr> btw. wieso ist der auto* Muell in jeder Version anderst defekt ? 20:27 < clifford> warum ist 'rescue' nicht ein 'target/rescue' ? 20:27 < tsa> rxr: man kreativ ;-) 20:28 < rxr> clifford: weil ich seit Monten keien Zeit dafuer hatte - und es nur im top-level rumliegt, damit mein merge utility micht nicht jedesmal daran erinnert ... 20:29 < huebi> Ist hier irgend jemand bereit, die Kernelkonfiguration mal wenigstens so ein bischen aufzuschreiben? Sparc64 und alpha kernel funktionieren definitiv nicht, so wie sie jetzt konfiguriert werden. Und es muss nicht unbedingt sein, das ein sehr gutes Konzept durch fehlende Dokumentation fuer Aussenstehende wertlos ist. Jemand der neu zum ROCK Linux kommt und dann solche Probleme mit so einem grundlegendem Packet wie dem kernel hat, laesst dann ganz schnell die Fi 20:29 < clifford> rxr: soll ich's loeschen oder nach target/ legen ? 20:29 < rxr> clifford: bei dir loeschen 20:30 * rxr fogot that some trash was lying arround in the top-level dir ... 20:30 < clifford> ok. enlight/ hab' ich jetzt nach rene/ verschoben - oder soll ich das auch bei mir loeschen? 20:30 < rxr> nee - das soll drinbleiben ... 20:30 < fake> huebi: i'd help you if i could :_: 20:30 < clifford> ok - ist im naechsten snap dann in rene/ 20:30 < rxr> du musst dir mal den CVS download code ansehen - ob er dir zusagt ... 20:30 < rxr> clifford: ack 20:31 < clifford> die aenderungen in package/sourceforge hast du in den sf tree eingecheckt? 20:31 < huebi> clifford: Wie sieht es mit Dir aus? 20:31 < esden> huebi: sorry ... I would like to do it ... but I probobly will not find the time to do it so I better say that I will not do it before I say that I will and than can not hold my promiso 20:31 < esden> e 20:31 < huebi> rxr: und mit dir? 20:34 < rxr> huebi: I can do this tomorrow afternoon - after my last exam before the holidays ... 20:34 < rxr> I already spent too much time before the box today. I really have to lear the electric stuff. 20:34 < rxr> is this quck enought? 20:34 < huebi> rxr: Klasse! Das freut mich sehr. 20:35 < rxr> huebi: ok - then remeber me tomorrow - when I join the channel arround 18.oo ... 20:36 < rxr> huebi: but could you update your rocklinux.dyndns.org homepage - so the links reffer to the actual cvs and source? everytime I wanna take a look az 1.5 I have to open my MUA and copy the links from your mail to rock-linux ... 20:37 < rxr> clifford: err - jain. Ich loesche die Packete demnaechst. 20:37 < huebi> rxr: I'll remember you tomorrow. And update now the links . 20:37 * rxr away - back in a few minutes 20:38 -!- Ge0rG is now known as ge0rg 20:46 < [anders]> kerfuffel... 20:47 < huebi> re [anders] 20:47 < [anders]> hi there huebi.. build in stage 5 now.. :) 20:47 < [anders]> I'll sit down with the tar-bzip2 patch now.. : 20:47 < [anders]> ) 20:50 < clifford> Ok - ich muss jetzt wieder. snap gibt's morgen abend nachdem ich mir die sache mit cvs checkout ueberlegt hab' 20:51 -!- clifford is now known as clifford_away 20:51 < huebi> cu clifford_away 20:52 < esden> cu clifford_away 20:52 -!- ge0rg is now known as Ge0rG 20:57 < esden> ahh cool ... raw lain dvd rip 20:58 < [anders]> Hmm.. modified the tar-bzip2.patch now.. Got to test it now, somehow.. 21:00 * rxr back 21:00 < rxr> clifford_away: are you longer away? 21:06 < huebi> re rxr 21:08 < esden> re rxr 21:09 < huebi> rxr: Thank you for your offer to write some documentation. That will help very much to get the ROCK Linux scripts easy to understand also for people not having so very good skills in programming and understanding as you have but who have an intereest in using ROCK Linux as their very own disrtibution build kit. Thank you again. 21:09 < esden> the svn channel is really low traffic ... 21:09 < huebi> svn? 21:10 < esden> huebi: subversion 21:11 < huebi> esden: btw, does subversion work now without any problems? at the beginning of the year it was unusable IIRC. 21:15 < esden> huebi: no idea ... rxr wants to test it in the next days 21:16 < esden> huebi: we have to test it every several months to see if it is ready for production ;-) 21:18 < huebi> esden: I agree. cvs is hard to understand fully. 21:27 < huebi> There is sth called Meta-cvs https://users.footprints.net/~kaz/mcvs.html But I also did not test it. 21:35 < owl> do svidania 21:35 -!- owl [mail-spam@B59bd.pppool.de] has quit ("leavin' f***** up world for now") 21:35 < esden> cu owl 21:35 < esden> huebi: hmm ... interesting 21:36 < esden> huebi: sent mail as a reply to your kernel config mail 21:36 < esden> huebi: hope this helps a littel until rxr writes the doc tomorrow 21:37 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 21:37 < huebi> esden: Thank you very uch. ;-) 21:37 < Mike1> re 21:37 < huebi> moin Mike1 21:37 < Mike1> :) 21:37 < Mike1> rxr: awake? 21:38 < huebi> Mike1: rxr has to learn for his exam tomorrow... 21:39 < Mike1> huebi: oh .. ok thanks 21:39 < huebi> Mike1: what do you think about adding a default vimrc to you vim package? 21:40 < Mike1> huebi: you would to add that Master? 21:43 < Mike1> i think it would be ok 21:43 < huebi> Mike1: Yes, because vim akts without a vimrc like (n)vi. No text highlightning and all the other nice features. 21:43 < Mike1> huebi: ? 21:43 < Mike1> true 21:43 < huebi> I tried that yesterday and after I added a .vimrc in my ~ it worked as normal. 21:44 < Mike1> normal = nice features? 21:44 < huebi> ACK 21:44 < Mike1> mmm... sounds ok with me 21:44 < Mike1> lets go for it 21:44 < huebi> huebi@zeus:~$ cat .vimrc 21:44 < huebi> syntax on 21:44 < huebi> set ml 21:44 < huebi> "set nu 21:44 < huebi> colors elflord 21:44 < huebi> "set nowrap 21:44 < rxr> re Mike1 21:45 < Mike1> rxr: thought you were studying :) 21:45 < Mike1> rxr: i am setting up a src mirror for you, just updating some packages then you can use it 21:47 < rxr> hm - I do not need a mirror - other people may ... 21:47 < rxr> huebi: svn useage is not much easier (but it provides a library which makes good GUIs possible) 21:47 < Mike1> huebi: mom 21:47 < rxr> huebi: the other isseu - I have no problem with documentation. But I simply had no time the last days, incl. today. 21:47 < rxr> I need to get electic basics into my brain for tomorrow ... 21:49 < rxr> esden: we seem to take over the svn channel ;-) - Yesterday even bevin showed up ;-) 21:50 < huebi> rxr: Yes, do so, please. And get your exam tomorrow. 21:50 < Mike1> rxr: good luck ! 21:52 < esden> rxr: hehe ;-) 21:53 -!- simon-- [~simon@pD9E1D4EC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:53 < [anders]> kerfuffel.. 21:53 < [anders]> moin Mike1, esden, huebi, rxr and all others.. :) 21:54 < Mike1> [anders]: hey :) 21:55 < [anders]> Mike1: hullo.. :) 21:55 < [anders]> build still rolling on, in stage 5 now.. (third time lucky I think..) 21:55 < Mike1> [anders]: good 21:57 < [anders]> Mike1: are you having any luck with the extensions (building them I mean) ? 21:58 < Mike1> [anders]: i have been busy as hell working on some php/mysql stuff at the office so have not time :(( 21:58 < Mike1> i specto to have time tomorrow 21:58 < [anders]> Mike1: dang, I was hoping to beat you to it... ;-) 21:58 < Mike1> [anders]: hehe 21:59 < Mike1> [anders]: thought you will hopefully get base+opt in a bit :) 21:59 < Mike1> I will be looking forward to have an iso of that build 22:00 < [anders]> Mike1: when it has finished building I will make an ISO and I will start up a web-server and put the image there for download.. 22:00 < Mike1> [anders]: excellent 22:01 < Mike1> i will upload an updated rock-1.5 sources tree on my server 22:01 < Mike1> not isos but sources 22:01 < [anders]> and open port 80 in the packet-filter as well.. 22:02 < [anders]> Mike1: if you would prefer my rock-src tree to an binary ISO, let me know.. the rock-src would be a lot easier to pull than the ISO.. :) 22:03 < Mike1> [anders]: its ok :) 22:04 -!- owl [mail-spam@B59bd.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 22:06 < huebi> MoeP! owl 22:07 -!- simon- [~simon@] has quit (Connection timed out) 22:07 -!- simon-- is now known as simon- 22:07 < owl> re 22:07 < owl> ich dachte ich sei invisible?!? wofür ist denn dieses sch... ding da? *aaaaaargh* 22:08 < huebi> owl: still some light outside. So you stay visible. 22:08 < [anders]> owl: ?? LANG=en_GB.. ;-) 22:09 < owl> [anders] - sorry. nothing important i told... :-/ 22:09 < huebi> owl: Only mighty gods - like Mathilda - can be invisible. 22:09 < [anders]> owl: no problem.. hakuna matata.. :) 22:10 < huebi> [anders]: hehehe 22:10 < owl> oh damn! that really is horrible :-/// 22:10 < huebi> that? 22:10 < [anders]> owl: you looking at my patches? ;-) 22:10 < owl> yeah. not being invisible, if i decide to be invisible 22:11 < owl> anders - no. 22:11 < [anders]> owl: well, you said something was horrible, so I thought.... 22:11 < owl> anders - no. i'm stupid. so i can't call your patches horrible. 22:12 < [anders]> owl: you are hardly stupid... 22:12 < [anders]> owl: never say you are stupid.. you probably have skills no-one else on this # has got.. 22:12 < owl> anders - don't believe that. i'm as stupid as bread. 22:13 < [anders]> bread is not stupid, it is a staple diet.. :-) 22:13 < owl> anders - bread can't think and has no IQ. /me has no IQ too, and can't think, too. --> as stupid as bread 22:13 * [anders] likes bread.. dark german rye bread, full corn, is very nice.. :) 22:14 < owl> oh great. right now i'm eaten by someone *zyn* 22:14 < [anders]> owl: ;-) 22:14 < [anders]> zyn? 22:16 < owl> using cynism. (sorry... didn't translate) 22:17 < [anders]> owl: ich kannst nicht viel deutch sprachen.. 22:20 < Mike1> https://www.linuxnewbie.org/nhf/Security/Intrusion_Detection.html 22:22 < tsa> recommending NFR? 22:22 < tsa> hahahaha. 22:27 < Mike1> tsa: Do you know of good app for this? I am looking for it. 22:28 < tsa> Mike1: what do you have in mind? 22:28 < tsa> an IDS? 22:28 < Mike1> yup 22:28 < tsa> snort. 22:28 < tsa> www.snort.org 22:30 < Mike1> tsa: thanks 22:34 < [anders]> snort is good. tripwire is good too.. 22:34 < [anders]> nessus is good for preventative measures, so it nmap 22:34 < [anders]> s/it/is/ 22:35 < Mike1> [anders]: thanks 22:35 * [anders] is using tripwire on this Debian box.. very handy to see when something new turns up or gets modified.. 22:39 * Mike1 downloading tripwire and snort 22:42 * [anders] is chewing his nails.. getting close to building gnome-python in stage 5 22:45 < [anders]> almost there now.... 22:46 < [anders]> building gnome-python in stage 5.. 22:47 < [anders]> wooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooo.. gnome-python built and tarred up.. :) 22:48 < huebi> koool. 22:48 < tsa> hehe 22:48 * [anders] is dancing a merry jigg, the patch worked.. 22:50 < [anders]> ah well.. time to go bed.. /me is falling asleep at the keyboard.. and going to work with qwerty across the forehead is not an option.. pillows are much better.. 22:51 < tsa> hehe 22:51 < tsa> cu [anders] 22:51 < huebi> cu [anders] 22:52 < [anders]> huebi: I'll get those patches to you tomorrow morning.. They have seemed to work.. ;-) 22:52 < huebi> [anders]: Yes, thanks in advance. 22:52 < [anders]> huebi: hakuna matata.. :) 23:04 < huebi> register dumps are very wide on the alpha ;-)) 23:04 < rxr> on a Sparc64, too ;-) 23:04 < huebi> looks quite uncommon for me... 23:07 < huebi> but the alpha has like the sparcs a full featuredconsloe. thats really kool 23:07 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB78A12.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux 23:08 < huebi> hi WKaibigan 23:09 < WKaibigan> Hi there. 23:10 < owl> hi WKaibigan 23:10 < WKaibigan> Hi owl. 23:14 -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p50803197.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:23 < rxr> urgh - the tiny P54 - 120Mhz: 23:23 < rxr> 11:22pm up 8 days, 1:12, 5 users, load average: 2.60, 1.07, 0.39 23:23 < rxr> 70 processes: 66 sleeping, 3 running, 1 zombie, 0 stopped 23:23 < rxr> CPU states: 3.3% user, 2.0% system, 0.0% nice, 1.9% idle 23:23 < rxr> Mem: 38268K av, 37224K used, 1044K free, 0K shrd, 4368K buff 23:23 < rxr> Swap: 104380K av, 20600K used, 83780K free 19308K cached 23:23 < rxr> Rsync over ssh and nfs-copy via 100MBit ... 23:24 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p50812D39.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:24 < thalerim> moin 23:26 < Mike1> moin th 23:26 < Mike1> thalerim: * 23:27 < thalerim> "OPN may block access to users whose IRC clients run on hosts with open proxies, IIS servers or other categories of software determined to present special risk to our server environment. We reserve the right to use automation to attempt to detect such software on your host, as you connect to our servers, while you remain connected to OPN and on occasion during post-connection analysis." 23:27 < thalerim> wow, i have never read the policies before ... 23:28 < WKaibigan> They do that already. 23:28 < WKaibigan> Tried connecting when using AnalogX Proxy and kept getting banned by OPN. 23:28 < thalerim> _moin_ Mike1 :-) 23:29 < Ge0rG> most networks block open proxies due to abuse 23:29 < thalerim> WKaibigan: actually i do not bother, it does not affect me, so it just doesn't matter ... but I was just impressive because i haven't known it 23:30 < WKaibigan> It is a pain for me as I can't connect to this channel of I am trying to download stuff to my Linux box. 23:32 < Mike1> Anyone of you guys know how to properly block Kazaa with iptables?? 23:32 < Mike1> I have done anything to block port tcp 1214 nothing works 23:32 < Mike1> some help please 23:32 < thalerim> brb 23:35 < tsa> try closing 11594, too. 23:39 < tsa> n8 23:40 < owl> n8 tsa 23:40 < thalerim> gn8 tsa 23:40 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E113B1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 23:50 < thalerim> reconnect 23:50 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p50812D39.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos") 23:51 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p50812D39.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:52 < thalerim> re 23:53 < rxr> n8 23:53 < huebi> n8 rxr --- Log closed Tue Jul 16 00:00:04 2002