-!- Irrsi  Log opened Wed Jul 17 00:00:22 2002
[00:00]   SMP geniesst die Ruhe
[00:00] < thalerim> chrisime, tsa #temp
[00:00] < chrisime> aha
[00:00] < fake> :P SMP
[00:00] < fake> ignore nick -PUBLIC
[00:01]   fake wirft SMP ein par proggys und addys an den Kopf
[00:01] < SMP> *ouch*
[00:01] < chrisime> hmpf
[00:01] < fake> https://pics.dorfbrunnen.de/kram/matematemate.jpg
[00:02] < SMP> *gaehn*
[00:02] < fake> ich glaub dieser tonnen-typ war calligula?
[00:02]   SMP hat nur noch drei Flaschen
[00:02] < SMP> davon zwei fuer's Wochenende ;(
[00:02] < SMP> fake: nein
[00:02] < fake> hm :-/
[00:03] < fake> *wiedervonvornegruebelt*
[00:03] < SMP> Diogenes von Sinope
[00:04] < fake> ... du hast nachgeguggt
[00:04] < SMP> das Diogenes waer mir irgendwann noch selbst eingefallen ;)
[00:04] < fake> mir auch ... menno.
[00:05] < fake> irgendwie stell ich mir so ein fass grad verdammt bequem vor
[00:05] < SMP> <setlur> ja, klar </setlur>
[00:05] < tsa> fake: hassu gekifft?
[00:05] < fake> sabrina setlur?
[00:05] < fake> tsa: nein :(
[00:06] < fake> tsa: nur muede..
[00:07] < fake> der dumme azubi muss schauen ob die rechner abstuerzen...
[00:07] < tsa> hehe
[00:07] < SMP> du machst Azubi?
[00:07] < SMP> mein Beileid..
[00:07] < tsa> ;)
[00:07] < fake> SMP: warum nicht...
[00:07] < SMP> Ausbildung in der IT ist doch noch sinnfreier als ein Studium
[00:08] < fake> hm, was soll ich sonst machen
[00:08] < owl> (SMP) warum denn? ok, berufsschule kannste vergessen. aber du lernst im betrieb normalerweise praxis...
[00:08] < SMP> Visitenkarten drucken wo 'Consultant' drauf steht und Geld verdienen
[00:08] < fake> ausser auf dem gehaltszttel isses normale arbeit
[00:08] < SMP> eeeek!
[00:08] < huebi> SMP: Kannst du das mal auf sources.rocklinux.de auspacken? https://download.rocklinux.de/1.5/1.5.17/rock-src-1.5.17.tar.bz2
[00:08] < SMP> owl: bitte den Quatsch aus machen
[00:09] < owl> eh... sorry...
[00:10] < SMP> huebi: uhm, aeh.
[00:10] < fake> SMP: dann verdiene ich geld - und was mach ich damit?
[00:10] < SMP> huebi: mein Konzept sah eigentlich einen CVS checkout vor
[00:10] < SMP> den gibt's auch schon
[00:10] < huebi> SMP: Funktioniert der denn schon?
[00:10] < SMP> huebi: naja, im Grunde schon. ganz wenige package sources fehlen
[00:11] < SMP> und ext-archive. aber das wolltest du ja raufladen
[00:11] < SMP> fake: verdienst du jetzt keins?
[00:11] < fake> SMP: einkommen 370, wohnung 325.
[00:11] < fake> (kalt)
[00:12] < SMP> ich mein---in der Branche gehoert es doch 'zum guten Ton', sein Studium abgebrochen zu haben
[00:12] < fake> *lol*
[00:12] < SMP> (ehm, das heisst 'eine sehr lange Pause zu machen')
[00:12] < huebi> oder zumindest die Dissertation
[00:12] < fake> ich weiss auch nicht...
[00:12] < SMP> warum soll dann an ner abgebrochenen Ausbildung was falsch sein?
[00:13] < SMP> wenn mann's drauf hat.
[00:13] < huebi> mindestens 80% aller Sysadmins haben das gemacht.
[00:13] < fake> SMP: sag mir was ich nach dem abbrechen machen soll
[00:13] < SMP> wenn man's nicht drauf hat, hilft die Ausbildung auch nicht
[00:13] < fake> im grunde mach ich ausbildung nur wiel ich nix bessers zu tun hab
[00:13] < SMP> fake: was willst du denn nach der Ausbildung machen?
[00:13] < fake> wenn jemand kommt und mich fragt sag ich nicht nein
[00:13] < fake> SMP: keine ahnung
[00:13] < SMP> ich verstehe.
[00:13] < SMP> dann mach weiter die Aubildung. ;>
[00:14] < fake> wusstest du shcon immer was du "mal werden willst" ?
[00:14] < huebi> SMP: https://sources.rocklinux.de/rock-1.5/ <- ist irgendwie alt..
[00:14] < SMP> fake: nein. ich einfach mit was anderem angefangen.
[00:15] < fake> SMP: und dann hast du durch zufall das gefunden was du jetzt machst und es taugt dir?
[00:15] < SMP> jep!
[00:15] < fake> j0, genau so stell ich mir das auch vor
[00:15] < fake> will mich nicht auf irgendwas verbohren, aendert sich eh alles zu schnell
[00:16] < SMP> ich bin zwar erst 24 Jahre dabei, aber was anderes als Zufaelle gibt's im Leben doch nicht
[00:16] < fake> hier im FIT waer suess
[00:16] < SMP> also ich bilde mir jedenfalls nicht ein, mein Leben langfristig steuern zu koennen
[00:16] < SMP> und das waer auch _langweilig_
[00:16] < fake> ack...
[00:17] < fake> naja, die firma hier is eh bald pleite
[00:17] < fake> dann werd ich mal sehen
[00:18] < fake> SMP: hast du nen bausparer? rentenversicherung? *g*
[00:18] < SMP> *pruust*
[00:18] < fake> *gg*
[00:19]   fake looking for OSS Job with female.
[00:19]   tsa looking for job with female on top of me.
[00:19] < tsa> ;-)
[00:20] < SMP> huebi: grad mal cvs update gemacht. es fehlt nur ein base pkg.
[00:20] < SMP> huebi: soll ich dir den tree chown'en?
[00:20] < fake> tsa will ne weibliche vorgesetzte?
[00:20] < fake> *dg*
[00:21] < tsa> fake: "top" bezog sich nicht auf position innerhalb der firma.
[00:21] < fake> oh. ;)
[00:21] < fake> man... der schreibtisch faengt shcon wieder an bequem auszusehen.. wer braucht schon ein fass ;-)
[00:22]   SMP schlaeft gelegentlich schon mal auf dem Schreibtisch ein
[00:22] < fake> SMP: ich weiss - 17C3 M-)
[00:22] < huebi> SMP: Jo, gerne. Ich bin jetzt wieder am raufladen. Ich  muss nur mal dieleitung neu starten.
[00:23] < SMP> fake: ;-}
[00:24] < fake> my god... i came there with suse installed....
[00:24] < fake> what a shame
[00:26] < fake> https://www.esden.net/bilder/ccc_hackcenter1.jpg
[00:26] < fake> woo!
[00:27] < fake> oh my god... https://www.esden.net/bilder/ccc_hackcenter2.jpg
[00:27]   owl will leave you now
[00:27] < owl> gn8
[00:27] < fake> i am sooo ugly
[00:27] < fake> n8 owl
[00:27] < huebi> n8 owl
[00:27] -!- owl [mail-spam@B5646.pppool.de] has quit ("leavin'.")
[00:28] < fake> https://www.esden.net/hal2001/
[00:29] < fake> and 18C3: https://netcrow.by-infonet.de/ccc/
[00:32] < fake> https://netcrow.by-infonet.de/ccc/hal/02-019.jpg hehe
[00:33] < fake> HAL was fun...
[00:33] < Freak> fake: rechts oder links?
[00:33] < Freak> im hackcenter
[00:34] < fake> links >_< is aber wirklich alt. rechts is esden
[00:34] < Freak> ah
[00:34] < Freak> (:
[00:34] < fake> https://netcrow.by-infonet.de/ccc/hal/02-016.jpg btw, where is skaar ?
[00:34] < fake> (the left one, standing)
[00:36] < fake> ah, btw: th: https://netcrow.by-infonet.de/ccc/hal/02-002.jpg
[00:37] < Freak> (:
[00:37] < Freak> das oben bist auch du?
[00:37] < Freak> zwischen den zelten?
[00:37] < Freak> hast dich aber verändert.. hmmm
[00:38] < fake> Freak: das is kaar
[00:38] < fake> skaar
[00:38] < Freak> ok
[00:38] < Freak> *g
[00:38] < fake> good pic of me: https://netcrow.by-infonet.de/ccc/hal/02-001.jpg *dg*
[00:39] < fake> and my 2nd fav drug: https://netcrow.by-infonet.de/ccc/hal/01-013.jpg
[00:41] < tsa> hehe
[00:42] < fake> ich hab auf HAL gar nicht gekifft
[00:42] < fake> faellt mir da so auf
[00:46] < fake> welch ironie...
[00:48] < fake> wow. even lxtag 2001: https://fake.by-infonet.de/linuxtag/
[00:55] < thalerim> gn8
[00:56] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p50813457.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("...")
[00:56] < huebi> n8 th
[00:56] < chrisime> he
[00:56] < chrisime> h
[00:58] < chrisime> n8 kinderZ
[00:58] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@pD9E50998.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("blah")
[00:58] < SMP> huebi: ~rockwww/sources.rocklinux.de/htdocs/rock-1.5 is yours
[00:58] < huebi> SMP: danke.
[01:01] < fake> *AARGH*
[01:01] < fake> *smashes head against desk*
[01:01] < fake> no! no! no!
[01:01] < fake> okay. this is it.
[01:02] < fake> i give up
[01:04] < fake> time for openldap
[01:06] < fake> is there a working 1.5 iso for P4?
[01:06] < fake> (optimized for)
[01:06] < huebi> fake: yes.
[01:07] < fake> huebi: i need it. NOW.
[01:07] < huebi> mom url follows
[01:08] < huebi> ftp://download.rocklinux.de/1.5/1.5.16/rock-ia32-i586-base+opt-1.5.16.iso
[01:09] < fake> huebi: thanks, i owe you s/th...
[01:09] < huebi> I started 1.5.17 a few minutes ago...
[01:09] < huebi> for i586
[01:09] < fake> ah, you use gcc2 for 1.5 exclusively, right?
[01:10] < huebi> But I need at least 12h for the upload.
[01:10] < huebi> yes 2.95.3 only
[01:10] < fake> that's why there is no -pentium4 ;-)
[01:10] < fake> -mcpu=pentium4 that is
[01:16] < huebi> good night cu tomorrow.
[01:16] < fake> n8...
[01:16] < fake> sleep well!
[01:16] < huebi> fake: you too ;-)
[01:16] < fake> ha-ha.
[01:24]   fake waer jetz sooo gern tot
[01:43] < tsa> n8
[01:43] -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E11ED2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[02:08] < fake> whatever.
[02:08] < fake> <-- drives home.
[02:08] < fake> bye.
[02:29] -!- clifford_away [~clifford@] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[02:39] -!- clifford_away [~clifford@M114P005.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[02:47] -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[06:29] < esden> morning
[07:18] < [anders]> moin
[07:21] < snyke> moin
[07:21] < snyke> <-- school
[07:21] < snyke> bbl
[07:27] < esden> moin [anders]
[07:27] < esden> ahh I LOVE ROCK !!!!!!
[07:27] < esden> *kuddle*
[07:28] < esden> subversion is so terribly outdated on debian ... that is terrible
[07:29] < esden> but one thing we finally need is an update concept in the style of debian apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade
[07:29] < esden> badly needed feature
[07:42] < huebi> Good morning ;-)
[07:49] < huebi> I sleeped 6h30. That's nice. not tiered now anmore...
[08:02] < esden> huebi: morning, you are sleeping way to much ;-)
[08:04] < huebi> esden: no, still not enough...
[08:10] < esden> huebi: luschi ;-)
[08:15] < huebi> okeyokeyokey...
[08:40] < esden> hehe
[08:40] -!- clifford_away [~clifford@M114P005.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[08:41] < esden> no mails from cliff ... strange
[08:58] < [anders]> moin again
[08:58] < huebi> moin [anders]
[08:58]   [anders] is now at work... having a whale of a time (not)
[08:59] < esden> re [anders]
[08:59] < [anders]> huebi: good that you got a full (-ish) night of sleep.. It isn't very nice to be tired all the time, is it.. :)
[08:59] < huebi> I'm going to  adapt your patches now.
[08:59] < huebi> [anders]: No, it really isn't
[09:00] < [anders]> huebi: hopefully you will find nothing wrong with them, and the README will explain the tar patch...
[09:00] < huebi> ok.
[09:00] < esden> huebi: has rxr written the promissed documentation about the kernel packets ?
[09:01]   esden is advertising rocklinux on #svn ;-)
[09:03] < huebi> esden: should Mathilda come, too?
[09:05]   [anders] reading CryptoGram
[09:16] < esden> huebi: lool
[09:16]   esden be back
[09:16] < [anders]> https://www.theregus.com/content/4/25196.html
[09:28] < huebi> [anders]: Do you want it to have like this:
[09:28] < huebi> +/* 13 Oct 97: patched by Hiroshi Takekawa to integrate bzip2 as
[09:28] < huebi> +              compression filter (option -I) */
[09:28] < huebi> +/* 2002-07-16: patched by Anders KarlssoN to integrate bzip2 as
[09:28] < huebi> +              compression filter (with the aditional options -j and -y) */
[09:28] < huebi> ?
[09:28] < [anders]> huebi: any way you like it.. I am not fussed..
[09:28] < [anders]> :)
[09:29] < huebi> ok, but I have to spell your name right.
[09:29] < huebi> +/* 2002-07-16: patched by Anders Karlsson to integrate bzip2 as
[09:29] < huebi> +              compression filter (with the aditional options -j and -y) */
[09:29] < [anders]> huebi: Looks good to me.. :-D
[09:30] < huebi> fine
[09:35] < huebi> [anders]: applied ;-)
[09:37] < [anders]> huebi: alrighty.. :)
[09:38] < [anders]> will take a good look at some of the extensions that failed to build yesterday later.. I have a reasonably good idea why some of them failed so spectacularly..
[09:38] < [anders]> shuttle:/drock/rock-src-1.5.17.private/ext-config/expat# ls -l ../../ext-archive/expat/
[09:39] < [anders]> total 4
[09:39] < [anders]> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root           14 Jul 10 05:14 expat-1.95.2.tar.bz2
[09:39] < [anders]> somehow I think expat archive should be a little bigger than 14 bytes....
[09:39] < huebi> Yes, longer than the name itself...
[09:40] < [anders]> hehehe... I need to try and download it again and check it..
[09:46] < [anders]> humma.. what creates the .pz, .conf etc from the .ext ?
[09:46] < huebi> ./scripts/Puzzle
[09:46] < [anders]> ok..
[09:49] < [anders]> Hmm.. the download URL in the .ext for expat was wrong, hence why the archive was not the correct size. Hopefully this is the only thing that is the fault with most failed extentions..
[09:51] < huebi> [anders]: Send me your patches please. Too many extensions are broken and if you fix it I put it in cvs.
[09:51] < [anders]> huebi: once I get a few of them working, I'll tar them up and send them on to you.. :)
[09:52] < huebi> great.
[10:11] -!- holyolli [~oregehr@] has joined #rocklinux
[10:11] < holyolli> moin
[10:11] < huebi> moin holyolli
[10:11] < holyolli> huhu huebi
[10:13] < [anders]> moin holyolli
[10:13] < holyolli> hi anders
[10:38] < [anders]> argh! I bloody think the package I fixed in E is going to be the fscking last of the 100 to be built again.... *grumble* *swear*
[10:47] < [anders]> https://techupdate.zdnet.com/techupdate/stories/main/0,14179,2874298,00.html
[10:47] < [anders]> mmmmmm.. more of this folks.. I wish more countries would do this type of thing... :-)
[10:51] < huebi> [anders]: ACK.
[11:13] -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux
[11:35] < esden> re hi all
[11:36] < Ge0rG> hi esden
[11:36] < esden> hi Ge0rG
[11:37] < huebi> moin Ge0rG
[11:37] < Ge0rG> hi huebi :)
[11:38]   huebi is getting more programs into 1.5.18.
[11:41] < esden> huebi: what kind of programs ?
[11:41] < huebi> computer programs *g*
[11:42] < huebi> mt-st
[11:42] < huebi> rp-pppoe
[11:42] < huebi> irrsi
[11:42] < huebi> cdparanoia
[11:42] < huebi> mtx
[11:42] < huebi> samba
[11:42] < rxr> wow - rock becoms dRock *lol*
[11:42] < huebi> squid
[11:42] < huebi> nload
[11:42]   rxr wondering
[11:42] < huebi> cowsay *g*
[11:43] < huebi> rxr: There must be a reason why you built dRock.
[11:43] < rxr> you are currently redoing all my dRock changes ...
[11:44] < huebi> rxr: well, most of them are services I need in day to day use.
[11:44] < rxr> irrsi? cdparanoia? *lol*
[11:44] < huebi> except cowsay and cdparanoia.
[11:45] < huebi> ok irrsi too ;-)
[11:46] < esden> huebi: you have to include an ogg/vorbis encoder ... and rip !!!!
[11:46] < huebi> what is rip
[11:46] < esden> I need it in day to day use
[11:47] < huebi> what is rip goog for
[11:47] < huebi> s/g/b/
[11:47] < huebi> s/b/d/
[11:47] < huebi> hehe
[11:47] < esden> rip is an pithon(?)/perl(?) script to run cdparanoia and encoder to rip cd's and directly ancode in mp3 or other format like the free ogg/vorbis format
[11:48] < esden> and also gets the cd tracknames from the net
[11:48] < esden> very good thing I must say
[11:48] < huebi> and what about lame?
[11:49] < rxr> From:Larry McVoy <lm@bitmover.com>
[11:49] < rxr> To:linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org
[11:49] < rxr> Date:Tue, 16 Jul 2002 19:58:57 -0700
[11:49] < rxr> Envelope-to: rene@localhost
[11:49] < rxr> Delivery-date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 11:39:20 +0200
[11:49] < rxr> I have an Indy with a drive, IRIX is installed, and I have no need for it.
[11:49] < esden> lame is not free ?
[11:49] < rxr> If there is a Linux kernel person who wants it and will do something
[11:49] < rxr> useful (like support Linux on it or anything else which is for the
[11:49] < rxr> general good of the Linux effort) contact me and I'll ship it to you.
[11:49] < rxr> Cheers,
[11:49] < esden> it is an mp3 encoder ?
[11:49] < rxr> --lm
[11:50] < esden> hmm ... rxr hehe ... his mailbox will blow up ;-)
[11:50] < huebi> rxr: forward it to fake.
[11:50] < Ge0rG> lame is free and an mp3 encoder.
[11:50] < esden> ok Ge0rG I use it for my mp3 encoding
[11:50] < rxr> huebi: I think the box will be already given away. And I also do ot get why some people get all hardware, while others have none ...
[11:51] < esden> but it is only an encoder and not a full featured ripper
[11:51] < esden> rxr: some days you loose ... and the other days others win ... :-(
[11:52]   Ge0rG has used abcde which is a script to rip mp3s.
[11:52] < esden> Ge0rG: I am using rip for ripping currently
[11:52]   rxr types cdparanoia and oggenc ...
[11:52] < esden> it is able to use most avalable encoders
[11:53] < esden> rxr: and how do you get the tracknames ?
[11:53] < esden> and get the files named correctly with correct comments/m3 tags ?
[11:54] < huebi> Where is the sf cvs?
[11:55] < esden> huebi: cvs.projectname.sf.net ?
[11:55] < esden> ;-)
[11:56] < rxr> 2.4.19-rc2
[11:56] < huebi> esden: and of rocklinux? nothing to see in the browser.
[11:58] < rxr> ???
[11:59] < rxr> still 4 days to holiday :-(
[11:59]   esden calling ripclaw
[11:59] < [anders]> abcde is definately one of the better ripper-scripts around.. it has dependencies, but on the other hand, it will query cddb amd tag each track automatically as it is ripping.. nice feature is that it defaults to using Ogg Vorbis now..
[12:00] < rxr> huebi: maybe you could link to dRock as well ? (on your site)
[12:01] < rxr> (in the Download section)
[12:04] < [anders]> the abiword .ext is taking the piss.... no, really..
[12:06] < huebi> rxr: url?
[12:07] < [anders]> # ROCK Linux AbiWord extension package.
[12:07] < [anders]> #
[12:07] < [anders]> # Written by Clifford Wolf <god@clifford.at>
[12:07]   [anders] is rolling on the floor in hysterical laughter wetting himself...
[12:07] < huebi> hehe
[12:07] < [anders]> I know Clifford good..... But his spelling is lacking.. ;-)
[12:07] < [anders]> is good even.. *g*
[12:08] < rxr> https://www.rocklinux.org/projects/drock/drock.html
[12:08] -!- Ge0rG is now known as ge0rg
[12:08] < huebi> the samba.ext - remote root exploit kit.
[12:13] < esden> soo feddisch
[12:13] < esden> *kaffeeschluerf*
[12:14] < rxr> fettich? Mit was?
[12:16] < esden> mit rippy reden
[12:16] < huebi> rxr: perhaps with waking up.
[12:16] < esden> der ruft mich heute abend noch an
[12:16]   esden sucht arbet ;-)
[12:17] < huebi> esden: export LAND=en_GB
[12:17] < esden> huebi: sorry :-((((((
[12:17] < huebi> esden: okokok
[12:17]   esden hearing moby - If things were perfect
[12:18] < huebi> But with talking in german about your search does not offer you a job in english spoken countries
[12:18] < esden> yes right
[12:18]   esden searching for payed work
[12:19] < [anders]> paid..
[12:19]   esden has his last exam the 22 and then I can do something for money
[12:19] < esden> [anders]: thanks
[12:19] < [anders]> esden: soz, habit.. :-)
[12:19] < esden> [anders]: I can go on the street .... ;-)
[12:20] < esden> [anders]: please correct me ... I need it :-(
[12:20] < huebi> esden <- will aslo work for bandwidth...
[12:20] < huebi> and free coffee
[12:21] < [anders]> I even correct people here in England that speaks english since birth. It has been a source or great mirth before, but also source of aggravation at times when people are not in the mood to be corrected....
[12:21]   esden should go to a english speaking country to better his english
[12:21] < [anders]> esden: I did that.. now I live here and are unlikely to move back to Sweden in a hurry..
[12:21] < huebi> and of course: big cars, nice girls and biiiig money
[12:22]   [anders] tried moving back but instead the marriage broke and troubles started..
[12:22] < esden> I will work for bandwidth, fast obscure hardware, and free coffee
[12:22] < huebi> [anders]: a docker in Liverpool needs his whole live only 400 different words. ;-))
[12:22] < [anders]> esden: talk to IBM... ;-)
[12:22] < huebi> *LOL*
[12:22] < esden> *lol*
[12:23] < esden> without even a bachelor ?
[12:23] < [anders]> esden: what would you want a bachelor for?
[12:23] < huebi> esden: Here in Mainz they produce hard disks. you can be payed with them.
[12:23] < [anders]> I didn't think you were interested in men.. ;-)
[12:24] < esden> [anders]: men, what?
[12:24] < [anders]> esden: a bachelor is an unmarried man.. ;-D
[12:24] < huebi> <AOL> I knew it, I knew it! </AOL>
[12:25] < esden> hmm ... I mean ... bachelor of computer science
[12:25] < huebi> esden: that's redundant.
[12:25] < esden> *rofl*
[12:25] < huebi> *ROTLOL*
[12:25] < [anders]> esden: a degree is good... but I don't have one and I have now in total worked for IBM four years..
[12:25] < esden> huebi: rotating loughing ?
[12:26] < [anders]> laughing
[12:26] < esden> kk :-/
[12:26] < esden> *gg*
[12:26] < [anders]> arrf! I do it again.. :)
[12:26] < huebi> *LOOOOOL*
[12:26] < [anders]> tell me to shut up if it is irritating.. :)
[12:26]   esden needs ispell for irssi ;-)
[12:26] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p5081722C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[12:26] < huebi> moin bluefire
[12:26] < esden> hi bluefire
[12:27] < [anders]> moin bluefire
[12:27] < [anders]> resistance is futile esden, prepare to be spellchecked! :-D
[12:28] < esden> uhh ... [anders] when you try to spellcheck my species, you will get a buffer overflow for sure ;-)
[12:30] < [anders]> esden: *giggle* whatever you say.. :)
[12:33] < bluefire> Hi auch!
[12:33] -!- holyolli [~oregehr@] has quit ("fnord!")
[12:37] < huebi> rxr: have a look, please: https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/index.html
[12:54] < rxr> ok
[12:54] < huebi> rxr: zufireden? ;-)
[12:55] < rxr> sure
[12:56] < huebi> good
[12:56] < huebi> I saw I have to update very many things - much work...
[13:06] < rxr> what do you wanna like to update ?
[13:07] < huebi> 1.5 changed a bit. the SPARC and alpha port did go forward. linu, linux-src and linux-header...
[13:08] < rxr> huebi: I will fix the linux* stuff for you. Either this night or tomorrw morning. - But I have to leave in some hours and have to sort some thing before.
[13:10] < huebi> rxr: I will leave tomorrow morning and will be back online at about saturday. Have you mentioned that I now copie all files to /usr/include/{linux,asm}? Then linux-src and linu can be removed without any harm to glibc.
[13:11] < fake> moin
[13:11] < huebi> hi fake. Late at work today *g*
[13:12] < huebi> ?
[13:12] < esden> hi fake
[13:13] < fake> huebi: no.
[13:13] < fake> huebi: usual 7 hrs sleep rythmn.
[13:13] < fake> (7 hrs is a lot, as you know XD)
[13:13] < huebi> jo, I know...
[13:14] < huebi> esden: on alpha:
[13:14] < huebi> == 10:38:20 =[3]=> Building base package qt [3.0.4 1.5.17].
[13:14] < huebi> Pkg-Config: qt.desc qt.conf pkg-header done.
[13:14] < huebi> Building. Writing output to /var/adm/logs/3-qt.out
[13:14] < huebi> Build-Tar: No such package: qt
[13:14] < huebi> > make[4]: *** [dbconnections.h] Illegal instruction (core dumped)
[13:14] < huebi> > make[4]: *** Deleting file `dbconnections.h'
[13:14] < esden> yes I know huebi
[13:14] < huebi> esden: any idea?
[13:14] < esden> it is a known problem
[13:15] < esden> and I had no time to look into it more deeply till now
[13:15] < huebi> ah... ok
[13:15] < esden> sorry
[13:16] < huebi> doesnt matter. but would be nice to have it fixed.
[13:16] < esden> sure ... I will fix it in the next time
[13:16] < esden> but only because you requested ;-)
[13:17] < huebi> esden: Mathilda asked about KDE on alpha ;-)))
[13:17] < [anders]> Yummy, I have just seen Vimacs.. Emacs mode for VIM... Time to download and install.. Then I will make a patch for the vim package... *eg*
[13:18] < esden> huebi: mathilda is nasty >_<
[13:18] < huebi> [anders]: *LOL*
[13:19] < huebi> esden: Please, be quiet. I wouldn't like to see her angry...
[13:19] < esden> [anders]: yes sure do it ... ... or even better replace the emacs package with it ... then it is still emacs ... but in a mode that is usable ;-)
[13:20] < esden> huebi: ohh sorry *being_quiet*
[13:20] -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:20] -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux
[13:22] < huebi> AARRGHHH. rp-pppoe has noe a nasty GUI.
[13:22] < [anders]> esden: Oh no.. Emacs would have to be there as well.. but vim with the emacs mode should be available as per default on the install CD so that an editor with sane commands is available.. ;-)
[13:22] < huebi> [anders]: If you want it I'll implement your patch ;-)
[13:23] < [anders]> huebi: I'll have to make the patch first.. But believe me, I will get there at some point.. :)
[13:24] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39C25.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:24] < esden> [anders]: yea sure ... *lough*
[13:24] < fake> who wants to downgrade vim to emacs?
[13:25] < esden> fake: [anders]
[13:25] < [anders]> fake: an upgrade ratehr..
[13:25] -!- Freak [freak@pD9530A7E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[13:25] < esden> c'mon boys let us have an editor flamewar!!! I want to see blood ;-)
[13:26] < [anders]> vim loads faster and has a slightly smaller memory foot-print.. so if it can be made to use decent keystrokes it can be a poor replacement for a _real_ editor.. ;-D
[13:26] < fake> the only annoying thing about vim keystrokes is the <ESC> key being placed so poorly
[13:26] < huebi> Who even needs a Visual Interface to ed? hehehehehe
[13:26] < fake> but one can map that to CAPSLOCK
[13:26] < fake> i never really used CAPSLOCK
[13:27] < fake> i can map that to escape, and i'm set.
[13:27]   [anders] 's keyboard doesn't have a caps lock key...
[13:28] < huebi> How can I remove in a .conf file a file of the packeage from the system?
[13:28] < huebi> etc/init.d/rcX.d/X10rp-pppoe <- Just a hint in there nobody needs.
[13:31] < [anders]> huebi: you could try and modify the file list that the tar archive is being built from?
[13:32] < huebi> yes, thats possible with the flist_del funktion.
[13:32] < [anders]> you can not prevent the file from being created, but you can prevent it from being added to the package..
[13:32] < [anders]> so in a subsequent install, the file should not be tehre..
[13:33] < huebi> yes, I try that now
[13:52] < rxr> fake: yeah - that would be a nice upgrade for the stupid CAPSLOCK key ;-)
[13:53] < rxr> huebi: in your post above: s/mentioned/noticed/ ?
[13:53] < rxr> Yes I have noticed this. ...
[13:54] < huebi> great.
[13:56] < rxr> huebi: but the linux*.conf files are a mess in 1.5 - had you take a look into dRock or 1.7?
[13:56] < rxr> but anyway - I'll fix this.
[13:58] < huebi> rxr: I took a look on dRock and 1.7. But I did not understand what's done there. So I tried to find it out.
[14:00] < huebi> rxr: And please keep the *.conf files in one peace.
[14:00] < rxr> 14:00 < huebi> rxr: And please keep the *.conf files in one peace.
[14:00] < rxr> Haeh???!?
[14:01] < huebi> Don't slit them up again and source several files.
[14:01] < huebi> +p
[14:01] < huebi> rxr: I that ok for you?
[14:01] < [anders]> piece
[14:02] < rxr> huebi: I do not understand what you try to say ....
[14:02] < huebi> [anders]: Thanks ;-))
[14:02] < [anders]> huebi: just tell me to shut up, ok? :)
[14:02] < huebi> rxr: I mean linux*.conf is one file witout any dependencies to other files.
[14:03] < huebi> +h
[14:03] < huebi> e.g. a make_dep.sh should not be needed.
[14:05] < huebi> rxr: ???
[14:05] < rxr> I do not now about make_dep.sh ...
[14:05] < huebi> rxr: did you mention the e.g. ?
[14:06] < huebi> noyice of cource.
[14:06] < huebi> urgs
[14:06] < rxr> But in dRock and 1.7 we have a lx_config.sh which does the configuration. So you do not have to copy the geek code into the several linux*.conf files.
[14:06] < rxr> currently you have the advanced geek code in all of these files with other bugs in each.
[14:07] < rxr> You now software design. Unite common code/features - so no duplication is introduced ...
[14:07] < huebi> I don't understand lx_config.sh. And also Sparc64 is missing in it.
[14:07] < rxr> huebi: This is a waste of time - I'll simply fix it ..
[14:07] < rxr> and adding sparc64 is the simpliest problem
[14:08] < huebi> what is a waste of time?
[14:08] < rxr> AND I think the 1.5 sparc64 think is completely broken and should NEVER be used
[14:08] < rxr> discussing the details here on IRC
[14:08] < rxr> ^- is wasted time
[14:09] < huebi> rxr: Have you a better solution for the sparc64 thing?
[14:09] < rxr> yes: DO TI RIGHT IN 1.7! IS IT THAT HARD TO UNDERSTAND ????
[14:10] < rxr> we need the gcc-3.1 for this and some bug-fixing
[14:13] -!- codeq [dennis@pD950EDF3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:13] < codeq> hi
[14:14] < [anders]> moin codeq
[14:16] < huebi> rxr: Yes, it's really hard to understand. you know the missing parts in 1.5 for sparc64, there are a few working distributions out there and you just get angry. I don't know why. Also if it would not be a perfect solution, it would be a solution.
[14:20] < huebi> rxr: for gcc3.1 is no space in 1.5. Tha's of course something for 1.7. There might be not too many open questions to be answered to get all of 1.5 running on sparc64.
[14:20] < esden> hi codeq
[14:22] < [anders]> what architectures are needed to work for 1.6.0 to be released? if sparc64 is gated due to gcc 3.1 being a pre-requisite, then sparc64 might have to be left out.. Which is a shame.. But if no work can be done to solve the problem in 1.5.X, then perhaps it is better to leave sparc64 arch to 1.7 and just forget about it. A shame for the people that actually could use it in 1.6.0 and that were hoping it was to be there, but if it can not be done, it can not b
[14:25] < [anders]> for 1.6.0 I know ia32, alpha and sparc32 are not an option that they do not work. What other arch's are on the list to get working?
[14:25] < huebi> [anders]: Very many things are running stable and compile without problems on sparc64 at the moment. I don't through away all this work. I want it to be in 1.6.0. Alpha is also not so far from beeing finished.
[14:26] < huebi> Sparc64, ia32 and alpha are the goals for 1.6.0
[14:30] < huebi> rxr: huhu. Are you still here? I don't want to kick your ass. I want to get ROCK Linux 1.6.0 running. And you're somebody very important and needed in this issue.
[14:30] < huebi> ;-)
[14:35] < [anders]> huebi: If Sparc64 is close to working I can not see why we should leave it out unless there is some so fundamental problem in what tools we have in 1.5.x that Sparc64 will never work with those tools.. If there is a way to get it working 100%, I say lets go for it. :)
[14:37] < [anders]> unfortunately I do not have the hardware to build anything for Sparc64 and test the result. When I get the space and the money I might try and get hold of some 64bit Sun equipment and set it up to build things. It helps that my gf works at Sun I think... :)
[14:39] < huebi> Yes, that she works there will be a great help.
[14:39] < huebi> ;-)
[14:40] < huebi> One major problem on sparc64 is that e.g. XFree86  has to be linked against a 64Bit-glibc. Really ugly in an otherwise clean 32Bit userland.
[14:40] -!- ge0rg is now known as Ge0rG
[14:40] < huebi> re Ge0rG
[14:41] < Ge0rG> :)
[14:41] < fake> hi Ge0rG
[14:41] < rxr> huebi: I'm simply busy
[14:42] < esden> re Ge0rG
[14:42] < Ge0rG> 'lo everybody :)
[14:42] < huebi> rxr: OK. I _really_ don't want you to get upset.
[14:42] < rxr> huebi: simply remove sparc64 frlom the list and put sparc in !!!
[14:43] < rxr> as several people stated very often the hybrid sparc64/32 thing is BROKEN - and fundamental programs (like every app that uses mmap) so also the whole XFree will NOT WORK!!!
[14:43] < esden> rxr, huebi: be nice to eachother !!!
[14:43] < rxr> armjn himself said: "I never tested XFree"
[14:43] < fake> being nice is boooring ;)
[14:44] < fake> FIGHT!
[14:44] < rxr> And I consider XFree a necessary part of a stable system ...
[14:44] < esden> fake: huebi vs. rxr
[14:44] < fake> rxr: NACK
[14:44] < esden> may the fight begin ;-)
[14:44] < esden> rxr: NACK
[14:44] < rxr> huebi: sparc64-broken can stay in 1.5/6 but it does not work properly. It is that simple.
[14:44] < fake> Xfree is not neccesarily part of any system
[14:44] < huebi> rxr: If a sparc(32) kernel gets booting on sparc64 all should be solved.
[14:45] < rxr> huebi: I think that is possible - every dies does just this.
[14:45] < huebi> esden: The fight is over :D
[14:45] < rxr> oh -but wait . fuck sparc is broken in linux-2.4, isn't it?
[14:45] < esden> huebi: ohh ... :-(
[14:45] < rxr> huebi: which fight?
[14:45] < esden> huebi: who won ? mathilda ?
[14:45] < huebi> rxr: no fight ;-))
[14:46] < rxr> I simply have no time to chat the whole day
[14:46] < fake> ....aeh... sparc wins!
[14:46] < rxr> ...
[14:46] < esden> rxr: write emalis ;-)
[14:46] < fake> blood on the chatfloor...
[14:46] < rxr> huebi: 1st: I'll fix the linux* stuff in 1.5 within the next days (including not modifying any existing sparc64 code)
[14:46] < huebi> rxr: And sparc should be fixed now in 2.4.19-rc?. Slow but working.
[14:47] < rxr> 2nd: Sparc64 will not work satisfying and should not be a release goal for 1.6 ...
[14:47] < rxr> huebi: nice to hear. So we should simply use the 32 bit stuff on all sparc boxes (it is faster anyway).
[14:47]   rxr busy again ...
[14:49] < huebi> an other problem is, that in sparc32 kernels no pci is selectable.
[14:49] < huebi> but we'll see what is possible.
[14:49] < fake> huebi: i can choose PCI for Krups?
[14:50] < huebi> *openXterm*
[14:52] < huebi> make ARCH=sparc menuconfig
[14:54] < huebi> fake: there are only 2 SCSI drivers.
[14:54] < huebi> <*> Sparc ESP Scsi Driver
[14:54] < huebi> <M> PTI Qlogic,ISP Driver
[14:54] < fake> huebi: and persistent PCI tables
[14:54] < fake> but no ebus support, unfortunately
[14:55] < huebi> fake: So no Processor support *g*
[14:56] < fake> huebi: ?
[14:56] < fake> huebi: what dies USparc have to do with PCI?
[14:56] < fake> does
[14:57] < huebi> Ultra 30,5 = PCI
[14:57] < fake> except it uses it... but sparc v8 code should run on sparc v9
[14:57] < fake> at least that
[14:57] < fake> 's what sun keeps telling us
[14:57] < huebi> fake: Yes, it does.
[14:57] < fake> so?
[14:57] < huebi> That's the 32-Bit code.
[15:07] < fake> so?
[15:08] < huebi> jo, or am I wrong? Do you know more?
[15:13] < rxr> huebi: you again wrote sentences without content. What did you try to express?
[15:14] < huebi> rxr: Pleas qoute them ;-)
[15:14] < Freak> yuck pepsi max is evil :(
[15:14] < Freak> morning guys
[15:14] < rxr> the last lines about PCI and 32 bit? There was no information in them ...
[15:14] < rxr> Hi fake
[15:15] < Freak> Freak it is ;)
[15:15] < rxr> 15:08 < huebi> jo, or am I wrong? Do you know more?
[15:15] < rxr> ^- What should we know more about?
[15:16] < huebi> rxr: Not all needed PCI-SCSI controllers for Ultra30,5 are not avaliable.
[15:16] < huebi> 15:07 < fake> so?
[15:16] < rxr> "Not all" "are not avaliable" ?
[15:17] < huebi> e.g SYM53C875 is not avaliable. Avaliable SCSI-Controllers are only: Sparc ESP Scsi Driver, PTI Qlogic,ISP Driver
[15:21] < huebi> U5 should work, there is CMD64X support but no PCI based Enterprice Server
[15:22] < fake> huebi: That is no critism against you/rxr. i'm just curious why sun tells us oh-so-proud that thay can run sparc v8 code on sparc v9
[15:22] < fake> "backwards compatibility"
[15:23] < rxr> hm - we should look deeper into this ... - But it is still possible to compile a sparc64 kernel for those boxes - But you loose many applications by doing so ...
[15:23] < fake> so a sparc v8 32bit kernel should run on sparc64
[15:23] < fake> (drivers are another thing)
[15:23] < rxr> and for enterprise server you wanna have true user-space 64 for databases ... anyway
[15:23] < rxr> so your hybid 64/32 sparc64 will not be of much use there ...
[15:24] < rxr> fake: YES ACK - That is what I say for weeks now! Thanks!
[15:25] < rxr> the only problem might be: a) broken 2.4 kernel for sparc (needs checking) and b) missing PCI drivers (might be fixable)?
[15:25] < huebi> the "oh-so-proud" is a very well trained Marketing behaviour. It needs ages for normal people to reach this level of ... stupidity ;>
[15:25] < fake> this 64-32-bit glibc/whatever thing is a major flaw
[15:25] < fake> huebi: the head of the Langen Testbed told me so
[15:25] < rxr> AND when we wanna get into the serious dist buisines, we might start to do this kernel hacking - we can not hope that others fix this "non-x86" arches for us ...
[15:25] < fake> huebi: ich hab eigentlich ne recht hohe meinung ueber den
[15:26] < fake> huebi: so has ripclaw.
[15:26] < fake> egal.
[15:26] < rxr> 15:25 < fake> this 64-32-bit glibc/whatever thing is a major flaw
[15:26] < rxr> ^- what do you mean ?
[15:26] < fake> i think major flaws like bi-bitting is a thing for 1.7
[15:26] < fake> we should get 1.5 stable and start focusing on 1.7
[15:27] < fake> start driving porsche instead of tuning your l33t VW kaefer
[15:27] < fake> that would bring lots of developers to 1.7
[15:27] < fake> and pushing it further
[15:27] < huebi> fake: You never meat his predessicor, Gerd, I think. He was _really_ good and does not bother people with common stuff.
[15:27] < fake> silving lots of problems you have now 1.5
[15:28] < fake> s,now,now with,
[15:28] < rxr> huebi: yes. You really played too much with 1.5 ... - It should be released month ago - and all this new porting, packages ... should be in 1.7
[15:28] < rxr> with this two trees in parallel we loose too much man-power
[15:28] < fake> huebi: yeah, unfortunately i didn't. but the current one donated me a SS5, so i like him.
[15:28] < fake> rxr: ACK.
[15:29] < huebi> That would mean that we only have ia32 now.
[15:30] < fake> huebi: then make that Rock-Solid
[15:30] < fake> huebi: you shouldn't burn all your powers to something that is not _current_
[15:30] < rxr> when the ports are not ready ... - And 1.7 has MUCH advanded port support ...
[15:30] < [anders]> fake: that is what we are trying to do..
[15:31] < fake> [anders]: i mean if only ia32 works reasonable - well, then there is only ia32. big deal.
[15:31] < fake> if you want something else, use 1.7 - it's that easy.
[15:31] < rxr> It was neraly stable. Now we get a second dRock - and this is stable since last December ...
[15:31] < [anders]> fake: and leave the alpha and sparc people high and dry?
[15:31] < rxr> fake: ACK
[15:31] < huebi> Added packages are only the KDE stuff, not really added just moved to base.
[15:31] < fake> [anders]: there is 1.7 (!!)
[15:32] < rxr> [anders]: and 1.7 even runs on my laptop - since a few days before LinuxTag ...
[15:32] < rxr> even with gcc-3.1
[15:32] < rxr> AND I made much progress with TRUE Sparc64 (no hybrid fluff) with it.
[15:33] < [anders]> rxr: excellent.. So Rock 2.0 is a breeze in the park and way ahead of schedule I take it? ;-)
[15:33] < fake> huebi: we all appreciate your work very much, don't get this wrong.
[15:33] < fake> [anders] when everyone keeps working on 1.5 it's of course not.
[15:34] < fake> [anders] and it will never change if things stay like they are
[15:34] < [anders]> currently, 1.5.17, base+opt builds on ia32. I tried and tested this and it works.. the extentions is not such a hoot however..
[15:35] < fake> [anders]: i made succesfull builds of 1.7 base long time ago.
[15:35] < [anders]> fake: so if everyone pulled together perhaps both 1.5 and 1.7 could get on schedule and out on time?
[15:36] < fake> [anders]: 1.5 should become 1.6 ASAP - no additions, no backports, just GET IT OUT and start hacking at 1.7
[15:37] < huebi> There is one major problem in 1.5. It is/was far from stable. Not usable for real production purposes out of the box. Everybody switched to 1.7 in december and gave up the work on 1.5. It was just a dream to get 1.5 stable fast. And I release it only if it's STABLE. <- Yes I really mean it. ;-)  
[15:37] < [anders]> fake: if I could get the extentions building I would be happy.. currently 100 of them does not build.. I have fixed _one_ today.. I will carry on fixing others but there is only so much one can do..
[15:38] < huebi> fake: concentrate on 1.5 if you want it stable.
[15:38] < fake> huebi: that's okay, but what about limiting STABLE to Stable for ia32?
[15:38] < [anders]> as far as I can tell, the extensions are no where near stable no matter what release of Rock you are using..
[15:39] < rxr> huebi: the problem is, that you backported many things, splitted the linux package, and played around. No wonder that it is not stable ...
[15:39] < fake> [anders]: i don't need extensions... i am prefectly happy with the isos huebi provides.
[15:39] < [anders]> rxr: the split of the linux package worked pretty well I thought..
[15:40] < huebi> rxr: If I make a want to change the kernel I must be able to do that. that was not possible.
[15:40] < [anders]> fake: if you limit 1.5 to base+opt then it could pretty much go 1.6.0 today..
[15:40] < rxr> yes - but now the packages are messed up. And WHY (the hell) was this necessary in 1.5? It was already in 1.7.
[15:40] < [anders]> IMHO ofcourse..
[15:40] < huebi> rxr: Production purposes.
[15:40] < rxr> huebi: what "changing the kernel" was not possible ????
[15:41] < fake> rxr: cool your temper ;-)
[15:41] < huebi> pkg-remove linux ?
[15:41] < rxr> huebi: and ?
[15:41] < huebi> left me with broken header for glibc...
[15:41] < fake> huebi: do you acck on [anders] ?
[15:41] < rxr> wow - simply install a new kernel ... (*wonderin*"
[15:41] < rxr> )
[15:42] < huebi> fake: not today, next week could be possible. If all is tested and stable.
[15:42] < fake> huebi: then fsck ext and make it so. ext can be thrown in any time later IMHO - es it is ext as in "extension, not necessary"
[15:43] < fake> huebi: can i help by trying to build a base + opt?
[15:44] < huebi> rxr: I can see that you're not common with Production needs outside in real life when you are responsible for the system.
[15:44]   fake remembers something about "no fight"
[15:47] < huebi> I have to earn my money with system administration. And if there is something nasty as the kernel packages in 1.5 I through this crap away. I don't loose my job because of such not-thought-to-the-end-things.
[15:47] < huebi> brb
[15:47] < [anders]> so far I have built ia32 i686 with make -j2, that threw up a few problems and I have fed patches back.. IMHO builds should be attempted with both make -j1 and make -jN where N>1 to make sure the packages are configured correctly.. I do not think I have caught all packages that doesn't like make -j2, because sometimes a parallel build will work, it depends on luck.
[15:49] < rxr> huebi: nonsense - I'm common to production needs - but the problem that removin linux leaves you with missing headers for compiles is not really a problem
[15:49] < fake> Personally i think anyone that build a system to control a
[15:49] < fake>                 nuclear power plant and connects it to the internet should get a life sentence
[15:50] < rxr> huebi: "loose the job because of our kernel package" - urghs !?!?!?!?!?!?!
[15:50] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACBA3336.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux
[15:50] < [anders]> moin WKaibigan
[15:50] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[15:50] < Mike1> Moin
[15:50] < [anders]> moin Mike1
[15:50] < [anders]> Mike1: welcome to th3e warzone.. :)
[15:50] < Mike1> [anders]: haha thanks
[15:50] < WKaibigan> Hi there
[15:51] < [anders]> Mike1: how did you get on with the rock-src ? :)
[15:52] < Mike1> [anders]: not so good, i had a car accident on my home last night so i didnt get to even look at it
[15:52] < Mike1> on my way home*
[15:52] < fake> Mike1 you okay?
[15:52] < Mike1> fake: yeah i guess, just most of my body parts hurt a bit
[15:53] < fake> Mike1 don't tell me you haven't been to the doctor ?!
[15:53] < [anders]> Mike1: cheesus.. I guess the car is not in a good state then..
[15:53] < Mike1> fake: yeah i did i spent a few hours at the hospital
[15:53] < fake> Mike1 i don't know about CR law, but if you don't visit a doctor after an accident in Germany your insurance won't pay any resulting hamrs
[15:53] < Mike1> [anders]: nope i think i will have to deal with public transportation for a while
[15:54] < fake> Mike1 ah, ok
[15:54] < Mike1> fake: its not like that here but anyways i _had_ to go to the doctor
[15:54] < [anders]> Mike1: you better get some good rest and get well...
[15:54] < fake> ackk
[15:55] < WKaibigan> Mike1: How are your nerves? I bet you were really shook up when it happened.
[15:55]   rxr away - cu you this night - or tomorrow morning
[15:55] < Mike1> [anders]: yeah i will, just had to come to the office to get some stuff done then i go back home get my ass some nice sleep
[15:55] < Mike1> n8 rxr
[15:55] < rxr> huebi: You'll get a patch for the linux* packages for 1.5 tomorrow
[15:56] < Mike1> WKaibigan: hell yeah but i am feeling a lot better now
[15:56] < rxr> Mike1: I hope you are ok! ;-)!
[15:56] < Mike1> rxr: thanks
[15:56] < WKaibigan> That is good and it is a good that you didn't suffer any major injury.
[15:56]   fake thanks Mathilda that Mike1 is okay
[15:57] < Mike1> WKaibigan: yup
[15:57] < fake> by sacrificing tabacco.
[15:57] < Mike1> Mathilda thanks :)
[15:57] < Mike1> fake: very nice of you
[16:03] < Mike1> [anders]: i lost the link to your source tree can i have it again please
[16:03] < Mike1> ?
[16:04] < [anders]> Mike1: one sec..
[16:04] < Mike1> :)
[16:04] < [anders]> https://trudheim.org/rock-src/rock-src-1.5.17-private.020716_1009.tar.bz2
[16:06] < Mike1> danke
[16:06] < [anders]> Mike1: you got it alright? :)
[16:07] < Mike1> 453,496      144.92K/s
[16:08] < Mike1> ok got it
[16:08] < Mike1> thanks [anders]
[16:13] < Mike1> [anders]: how did you go with stage E?
[16:21] -!- [anders] [anders@] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:28] -!- [anders] [anders@] has joined #rocklinux
[16:31] < Mike1> re [anders]
[16:32] < huebi> rxr: "loose the job because of our kernel package" - No, but because of the unexpected downtime (again because something else fscked up again.) That is the reason. A production system must be reliable, fail save and proven to work under all cirumstences.
[16:33] < huebi> moin Mike1 ;-)
[16:33] < Mike1> hello huebi!
[16:33] < Mike1> how are you today?
[16:34] < huebi> fine, with a little bit stress. But I read you're not so well?
[16:35] < Mike1> huebi: yeah well i'll be ok :)
[16:35] < huebi> That's good. ;-)
[16:35] < Mike1> it only hurts when i breath, talk, walk, laught or type
[16:36] < fake> *ugh*
[16:37] < Mike1> but its not really a big deal, i will rest today and tomorrow i will be fine
[16:38] < huebi> Mike1: That sounds as if you really need a breake.
[16:38] < [anders]> Mike1: uhm, I got as far as 100 extentions didn't build.. fixed one, 99 to go..
[16:39] < huebi> re [anders] ;-)
[16:40] < [anders]> moin all :)
[16:41] < Mike1> [anders]: well 1 is better than nothing :)
[16:41] < huebi> The relability of 1.5.12-DEV in last december was good but needed very much hand work in the full production environment.
[16:41] < Mike1> huebi: yeah and trust me i will get a brake in a bit
[16:42] < huebi> Mike1: I believe so. ;-)
[16:43] < [anders]> Mike1: just daunting to fix when you have something like abiword to try and fix which pulls down 7-8 tar-files and breaks somewhere in the middle of it all due to something not being quite right.. And even more irritating when the only package I managed to fix of the ext's superceeds one that is in the abiword package..
[16:43] < Mike1> [anders]: hehe
[16:43] < huebi> All what I leaned on the production systems at my customers went back into rocklinux. Now it's fairly stable but still not as tested as needed.
[16:43] < huebi> +r
[16:44] < Mike1> huebi: your talking about 1.5.12?
[16:44] < esden> puuuuuhhh profile written
[16:44] < Mike1> Hallo esden
[16:44] < fake> re esden
[16:45] < huebi> esden: What's up with alpha?
[16:46] -!- Brzi [dsf@] has joined #rocklinux
[16:46] < huebi> esden: What's with the LC-Display to show the ROCK Linux build in?
[16:46] < huebi> aehm ... re esden
[16:46] < [anders]> moin esden
[16:48] < huebi> esden: huhu?
[17:03] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p508132DE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:04] < thalerim> moin
[17:04] < huebi> hi th
[17:04] < huebi> hi thalerim
[17:04] < huebi> ;-)
[17:04] < thalerim> :P meep ... need help
[17:04] < fake> whazzzuuuuup?
[17:05] < thalerim> okay, i patched from 2.5.25 to 2.5.26, first almost anything seems not to work, because it couldn't find an asm-include directory
[17:05] < Mike1> hi thalerim
[17:05] < thalerim> then I created a link from include/asm to include/asm-i363, first problem solved
[17:05] < [anders]> moin thalerim
[17:06] < fake> 363? kewl arch ;)
[17:06] < fake> ia36 *dg*
[17:06] < thalerim> then I could use make oldconfig, but make bzImage failed, because it was missing asm-generic
[17:06] < huebi> fake: internal ECC
[17:06] < thalerim> then I could use make oldconfig, but make bzImage failed, because asm-generic was missing
[17:07] < huebi> thalerim: make symlinks ;-)
[17:07] < fake> thalerim: no idea :-/
[17:07] < thalerim> it seemed the makefile didn't look up in the include-dir, only in /usr/include
[17:07] < thalerim> although the makefile seems to be proper
[17:08] < [anders]> thalerim: pull the full archive.. I have sometimes found that the kernel patches from one version to next does do funny things to the resulting kernel tree..
[17:08] < thalerim> okay, then I created a symlink from /usr/include/asm-generic to /usr/src/linux-2.5.26/include/asm-generic
[17:08] < thalerim> and the kernel compiled!
[17:08] < thalerim> [anders]: I did it alredy
[17:08] < thalerim> my problem is coming now:
[17:08] < thalerim> the image is bootable, but no (a)getty will be invoked
[17:09] < thalerim> i have never seen this problem, init stopps with the message "RC: blah blah ... now in runlevel 2"
[17:09] < thalerim> that's is, nothing moves then
[17:10] < thalerim> after a while following is sent from INIT:
[17:10] < thalerim> INIT: id "2" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
[17:10] < thalerim> INIT: no more processes left in this runlevel
[17:10] < thalerim> and I could only push the reset button
[17:11] < huebi> /dev/vc/.. is broken, I think.
[17:11] < thalerim> the weird is I haven't modified anything regarding to INIT-process, and 2.5.25-htree as well as 2.4.18rc4 work
[17:12] < thalerim> huebi: you mean in the kernel internal?
[17:12] < esden> ok ... profile sent ...
[17:12] < thalerim> maybe i should replace the vc's with console ib /etc/inittab
[17:12] < thalerim> s,ib,in
[17:13] < huebi> The virtual consoles are missing. Also known to a normal ROCK Linux system if you enable console=serial (in the boot param.
[17:13] < huebi> re esden ;-)
[17:13] < esden> huebi: display will be done after the 22. it is on my todo list
[17:13] < esden> re huebi
[17:13] < thalerim> huebi: they're missing??!
[17:13] < huebi> thalerim: mom
[17:14] < thalerim> ok
[17:15] < thalerim> fake: s,i363,i368 :P
[17:15] < huebi> thalerim: they're missing if you have e.g. the virtual consoles disabled in the kernel .config.
[17:15] < fake> :(
[17:15] < thalerim> huebi: i used the same .config as in my old 2.5.25
[17:16] < huebi> then it could be that it's broken in the new kernel.
[17:17] < esden> ok ... I need a new kernel on my laptop
[17:17] < huebi> esden: wait
[17:17] < huebi> please
[17:17] < huebi> where are you with alpha?
[17:17] < esden> yes I am styll here
[17:18] < esden> huebi: I have compiled through ...
[17:18] < esden> let me see what failed
[17:18] < thalerim> huebi: wait a moment, I am looking through the rocklinux sources, want to show you something
[17:19] < thalerim> huebi: https://www.rocklinux.de/sources/misc/sysfiles/etc/inittab (or your local iniitab)
[17:19] < thalerim> # Maintenace Console on /dev/console
[17:19] < thalerim> #
[17:19] < thalerim> #1:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L -i -I '\012\015\012Maintenance Console:\012' 9600 console linux
[17:20] < thalerim> should I remove the comment to start with /dev/console instead of the vc's ?
[17:20] < huebi> thalerim: asking me something about kernel sources is quite senceless, believe me :-/
[17:20] < huebi> no
[17:20] < huebi> only if you use /dev/tts/0 as console
[17:21] < thalerim> ?
[17:21] < esden> <flood>
[17:21] < thalerim> wait esden
[17:21] < huebi> This line is for a serial console.
[17:21] < esden> kk
[17:21] < thalerim> oh
[17:21] < esden> </flood>
[17:21] < thalerim> huebi: but there must be some alternatives for /dev/vc/ ?
[17:22] < huebi> dev/console is choosed while configuring the kernel.
[17:22] < thalerim> eh, how is the bootparam?
[17:22] < [anders]> https://www.despair.com/burnout.html
[17:22] < thalerim> haven't access to a manual at moment
[17:22] < huebi> IICR console=serial
[17:23] < [anders]> https://www.despair.com/ignorance.html
[17:23] < thalerim> wouldn't that transfer the bootmessages over the serial interface?
[17:23] < [anders]> https://www.despair.com/los24x30prin.html
[17:24] < [anders]> https://www.despair.com/consulting.html
[17:24] < fake> [anders] : we know despair.com
[17:24] < huebi> thalerim: i just reboot the sun
[17:24] < huebi> wait a minute
[17:24] < [anders]> fake: ok. :)
[17:24] < thalerim> okay, will be patient :-)
[17:26] < thalerim> i just wan to find out if the vc-drivers are broken indeed ... because if so, i will make a bugreport to the lkml
[17:26] < huebi> the sun has no activ display and a serial console.
[17:27] < thalerim> mh ...
[17:28] < huebi> ... waiting for the sun rise...
[17:29] < huebi> plinggg
[17:29] < thalerim> <huebi> thalerim: make symlinks ;-) <- couldn't, because i have to do a make oldconfig before
[17:30] < esden> dumdidum
[17:30] < huebi> Jul 17 17:29:32 rock sshd[129]: Server listening on port 22.
[17:30] < huebi> Jul 17 17:29:33 rock agetty[132]: /dev/vc/2: No such file or directory
[17:31] < huebi> and now my inittab
[17:31] < huebi> # Maintenace Console on /dev/console
[17:31] < huebi> #
[17:31] < huebi> 1:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L -i -I '\012\015\012Maintenance Console:\012' 9600 console linux
[17:31] < huebi> # 1:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L -i -I '\012\015\012Maintenance Console:\012' 38400 vc/1 linux
[17:31] < huebi> 2:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -f /etc/issue.ansi 38400 vc/2 linux
[17:31] < huebi> sooo...
[17:32] < thalerim> sorry, can't really follow, what did you? what does this say us/me?
[17:32] < huebi> Can you see all the kernel messages on screen tiil login
[17:32] < thalerim> yes
[17:32] < huebi> Maintenance Console:
[17:32] < thalerim> no, no login appears
[17:32] < huebi> Then the kernel does not use the serial console.
[17:33] < thalerim> why serial?
[17:33] < huebi> brrr. "noch mal"
[17:33] < thalerim> i haven't tested it yet with console=serial
[17:33] < huebi> There are two possiblilities for a console:
[17:33] < huebi> 1. serial
[17:34] < thalerim> https://rocklinux.de/sources/misc/sysfiles/etc/rc.d/rc
[17:34] < thalerim> echo "RC: The system is now in runlevel $RUNLEVEL." <- that is displayed
[17:34] < huebi> ok
[17:34] < huebi> can you ssh to it?
[17:34] < thalerim> well, after that is displayed i can type characters in, so i first thought btee does not work properly
[17:35] < thalerim> eor something like that
[17:35] < huebi> Jul 17 17:31:13 rock init: Id "2" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
[17:35] < thalerim> huebi: nope, not at the moment - and to set it up is would be too much effort
[17:35] < thalerim> s,is,it
[17:36] < thalerim> yes, that i got either
[17:37] < thalerim> i do not see what you want to show me - what does console=serial do?
[17:37] < huebi> mom
[17:38] -!- Brzi [dsf@] has quit (Connection timed out)
[17:38] < huebi> Character devices  --->
[17:38] < huebi> [*]   Support for console on serial port
[17:38] < thalerim> actually I am looking for a possiblity to not use vc but something (maybe these /dev/tt{s,y}/? ) instead
[17:39] < huebi> then use a nullmodem cable and minicom
[17:39] < thalerim> *g* that's just a standalone home pc
[17:39] < huebi> then use a nullmodem cable and a modem and call sbd to dail in *eg*
[17:40] < huebi> or aktivate this:
[17:40] < huebi> Console drivers  --->
[17:41] < huebi> [*] VGA text console
[17:41] < thalerim> i did already
[17:42] < huebi> Character devices  --->
[17:42] < huebi> [*] Unix98 PTY support
[17:42] < huebi> (256) Maximum number of Unix98 PTYs in use (0-2048)
[17:42] < huebi> this too?
[17:42] < thalerim> dit also
[17:42] < thalerim> but i think i have 98 , but shouldn't matter
[17:43] < thalerim> huebi: that's why i am speaking of this other possiblity
[17:44] < huebi> jo ;-)
[17:44] < huebi> ok
[17:44] < huebi> mom
[17:45] < huebi> console=ttyS1,9600
[17:45] < huebi> that should work.
[17:45] < huebi> over the serial line
[17:45] < thalerim> why the hell over the serial line?
[17:46] < huebi> well, a very very long time ago....
[17:46] < esden> hmm .. I have to extend the scripts/Create-CD to support alpha booting install cd's
[17:46] < huebi> there were nonetworks only telphone lines.
[17:47] < esden> let me see if I can create one by hand
[17:47] < huebi> esden: do it. Do it now, please
[17:47] < thalerim> huebi: hurgs
[17:47] -!- [anders] [anders@] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:47] < thalerim> i will try it myself, i think i found a solution
[17:47] < thalerim> be back later
[17:48] < huebi> thalerim: Thats why on these unix boxes are these stone age serial lines.
[17:48] < esden> huebi: no stress please ... I will do it ... first I have to see how it is to be done ... by hand
[17:48] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p508132DE.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos")
[17:48] < huebi> esden: Yes, keep kool. Only Mathilda is watching you ;-))
[17:49] < huebi> esden: holyolli told me that he got it running IIRC
[17:49] -!- Ge0rG is now known as ge0rg
[17:50] < esden> huebi: I know he got it running but by hand and not driven by a script
[17:50] < huebi> == 17:49:07 =[3]=> Building base package gnome-core [1.4.1 1.5.17].
[17:50] < huebi> ah. ok
[17:50] < huebi> here is the alpha in the moment...
[17:52] < huebi> root@gamma:/mnt/disk/rock-linux# ll dist/var/adm/logs/*log |wc -l = 216
[17:52] < huebi> root@gamma:/mnt/disk/rock-linux# ls dist/var/adm/logs/*err
[17:52] < huebi> dist/var/adm/logs/3-lprng.err  dist/var/adm/logs/3-qt.err
[17:53] < esden> huebi: that is ok
[17:54] < esden> I give you my list when Create-CD is ready creating the iso
[17:58] < huebi> esden: The alpha port is very good work. I like to have it in 1.6.0.
[18:02] < esden> <flood>
[18:02] < esden> root@natalie:/rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs# ls *err
[18:02] < esden> 3-apmd.err      3-lprng.err  5-apmd.err          5-kdelibs.err     5-ruby.err
[18:02] < esden> 3-gdm.err       3-qt.err     5-gdm.err           5-lprng.err       5-tetex.err
[18:02] < esden> 3-iproute2.err  3-tetex.err  5-gnome-python.err  5-qt.err
[18:02] < esden> 3-kdelibs.err   4-ruby.err   5-iproute2.err      5-rock-debug.err
[18:02] < esden> root@natalie:/rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs# ll *log | wc -l
[18:02] < esden>     586
[18:02] < esden> root@natalie:/rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs#
[18:02] < esden> </flood>
[18:02] < esden> huebi: thank you for motivating me :-) ... I need it from time to time ;-)
[18:03] < esden> rock-debug is failing because I have pressed ctrl-c and then disabled this packet
[18:03] < esden> it is a little bug that should be fixed
[18:05] < esden> huebi: but a lot of work has been done by holiolli ... and clifford ... I have not done much :-( ... but even though ... it is a nice experiance I must say ;-)
[18:07] < huebi> ripclaw onphone
[18:09] < huebi> re
[18:11] < esden> re huebi
[18:18]   Mike1 back
[18:18] < Mike1> re
[18:18] < huebi> re Mike1
[18:19] < Mike1> i think i will stay here a while i sleep a bit but now i am better
[18:19] < esden> re Mike1
[18:23]   Mike1 searching for Deutsch courses in CR
[18:24] -!- Freak [freak@pD9530A7E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("xchat/unstable")
[18:24] -!- Freak [freak@pD9530A7E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:24] < esden> urgh !!! the mkisofs line is f***** long !
[18:25] < huebi> esden: Bug Joerg "buggyboy" Schilling...
[18:26] < esden> yes ... >_<
[18:26]   esden be back after reboot
[18:33] < esden> re hi
[18:33] < esden> f***** kernel >_<
[18:35] < esden> updating a kernel without braking alsa and pcmcia-cs is really difficult or I am to stupid
[18:36] < esden> we should include the sources af this two packets on the binary cd as packets ... the same way we do it with the kernel sources
[18:37] < huebi> 54433247 xfree86_4.1.0.orig.tar.gz <- original Debian sources. And the patches: 1567978 xfree86_4.1.0-17.diff.gz - All for sparc.
[18:39] -!- Freak [freak@pD9530A7E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("I take this land for my bunghole!")
[19:05] < huebi> Yes. I found another 256 MB ECC reg. SDRAM for the Alpha.
[19:08] -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082AC45.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:08] < tsa> hi
[19:08] < fake> hi tsa
[19:08] < esden> hi tsa
[19:08] < huebi> hi tsa
[19:09] < tsa> hi fake
[19:09] < tsa> hi esden
[19:09] < tsa> hi huebi
[19:09] < fake> (in order of appearance)
[19:09] < tsa> hehe
[19:11] < huebi> esden: The alpha also handles mixed reg. and non-reg. RAM well.
[19:12] < Mike1> Hi tsa
[19:13] -!- Freak [freak@pD9530A7E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:17] < tsa> hi Mike1
[19:21] < esden> hmm ... huebi what does in mean ... (excuse my stupid question)
[19:29] < fake> esden: he just told you that you are a looser because he has more RAMpower than you.
[19:32] < fake> user space drivers suck
[19:33] < huebi> re
[19:34] < esden> fake: yes ... but I know that I am a looser ... so he had not to tell me that
[19:35] < fake> esden: ask him, for he is our prophet.
[19:35] < esden> huebi: why are you telling me that I am a looser ... I know it already
[19:36] < esden> fake: yes ... doing it if you see it
[19:36] < fake> (I bet Mathilda told him to *dg*)
[19:36] < fake> esden: que? "doing it if you see it" breaks my namespace for "ot"
[19:36] < esden> (mathilda is to powerfull ... she is having too much influence ... I have to do something about it)
[19:36] < fake> itr
[19:37] < fake> it, even
[19:38] < huebi> re again.
[19:39] < Mike1> re huebi
[19:39]   Mike1 wonders if Mathilda is watching us right now
[19:39] < fake> of course!
[19:40] < Mike1> Mathilda give us a sign of ur power!!
[19:40] < fake> mathilda even has a role in the bible, when she still was a small cow (das goldene kalb)
[19:40] < huebi> esden: You are not a looser and I don't tell you to be one.
[19:41] < esden> huebi: hmm ... I am not sure if you are not manipulated right now to say it like this ...
[19:41] < huebi> _________________________
[19:41] < huebi> < Fake, what do you want? >
[19:41] < huebi> -------------------------
[19:41] < huebi>         \   ^__^
[19:41] < huebi>          \  (oo)\_______
[19:41] < huebi>             (__)\       )\/\
[19:41] < huebi>                 ||----w |
[19:41] < huebi>                 ||     ||
[19:41] < huebi>
[19:42] < fake> a cluster of origins!
[19:42] < Mike1> Oh !!
[19:42] < huebi> __________________________
[19:42] < huebi> < And you, Mike and Esden? >
[19:42] < huebi> --------------------------
[19:42] < huebi>         \   ^__^
[19:42] < huebi>          \  (oo)\_______
[19:42] < huebi>             (__)\       )\/\
[19:42] < huebi>                 ||----w |
[19:42] < huebi>                 ||     ||
[19:42] < Mike1> Mathilda i want an Ultra 5
[19:42] < huebi> (She wants answers...)
[19:44] < fake> first i want a cluster of origins and then i want to die, for my life has no more targets for me to achieve.
[19:44] < esden> mathilda the most mighty ... I would like that you in your all knowing and all mighty possibilitys ... make something sa that my alpha aka. natalie gets faster
[19:44] < Mike1> All mighty Mathilda help me get an Ultra 5 so i can develop for sparc port
[19:45] < huebi> _______________________________________
[19:45] < huebi> OK. Find the holy Gral and you'll get \
[19:45] < huebi> \ what you want.                        /
[19:45] < huebi> ---------------------------------------
[19:45] < huebi>         \   ^__^
[19:45] < huebi>          \  (oo)\_______
[19:45] < huebi>             (__)\       )\/\
[19:45] < huebi>                 ||----w |
[19:45] < huebi>                 ||     ||
[19:45] < huebi>
[19:45]   fake has it
[19:46] < huebi> Very, very wise what she says...
[19:47] < fake> it's that old, nasty Mug of wood with a tux carved into it
[19:47]   fake hands it over to huebi
[19:47] < huebi> esden: reg. = registered memory = memory with buffered (amplifierer chips in the line) address lines
[19:48] < huebi> It swims! It swims in the dish washer!
[19:48] < fake> so is it genuine? ;)
[19:49] < huebi> I don't know. I never saw the holy Gral.
[19:49] < esden> huebi: thanks for explination
[19:49] < fake> huebi: good thing she didn't ask for the holy grail. would be a pain in the ass to search it.
[19:49] < fake> huebi: Mathilda will know, i'm sure.
[20:05] -!- owl [mail-spam@B5b61.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[20:05] < owl> hi
[20:05] < Mike1> lo owl
[20:06] < owl> hi Mike1
[20:10] < tsa> hi owl
[20:11] < owl> moin tsa
[20:18] < huebi> fake: I was talking about this thing the british knights were searching for. With a holy hand grenade. IIRC
[20:21] -!- [anders] [anders@] has joined #rocklinux
[20:21] < huebi> re [anders]
[20:21] < [anders]> uff..
[20:21] < [anders]> moin huebi
[20:21] < huebi> [anders]: how are you?
[20:21] < esden> huebi: searching for that is aso not really easy
[20:22] < [anders]> something happened earlier and my box seemed to drop off the net..
[20:22] < [anders]> huebi: not to bad... :)
[20:22] < Mike1> [anders]: re
[20:22] < [anders]> moin Mike1
[20:22] < [anders]> Mike1: I thought you were supposed to rest! :)
[20:23] < Mike1> [anders]: i already did but its hard to stay away from here :)
[20:23] < [anders]> Mike1: *g* I know what you mean.. It is terribly addictive, isn't it.. :)
[20:24] < huebi> [anders]: It's only addictive if you can smoke it...
[20:24] < esden> re [anders]
[20:24] < Mike1> lol
[20:24] < huebi> ____________________
[20:24] < huebi> < Give me more weed. >
[20:24] < huebi> --------------------
[20:24] < huebi>         \   ^__^
[20:24] < huebi>          \  (oo)\_______
[20:24] < huebi>             (__)\       )\/\
[20:24] < huebi>                 ||----w |
[20:25] < huebi>                 ||     ||
[20:25] < huebi>
[20:25] < [anders]> moin esden
[20:25] < [anders]> huebi: you obviously never tried scandinavian wet snuff.. (snus)
[20:25] < [anders]> ;-)
[20:26] < esden> holy mathilda: here is all I have *give_mathilda_5gramm*
[20:27] < Mike1> Mathilda enjoy it
[20:28] < huebi> ______________
[20:28] < huebi> < Tahnks Esden >
[20:28] < huebi> --------------
[20:28] < huebi>         \   ^__^
[20:28] < huebi>          \  (oO)\_______
[20:28] < huebi>             (__)\       )\/\
[20:28] < huebi>                 ||----w |
[20:28] < huebi>                 ||     ||
[20:28] < huebi>
[20:28] < Mike1> Mathilda are you stoned?
[20:28] < Mike1> or are you ROCKed?
[20:28] < huebi> o_O She starts looking like the ROCK Linux issue Bird...
[20:29] < huebi> I think she's ROCKed.
[20:29] < [anders]> >.<
[20:33] < huebi> ___________
[20:33] < huebi> ( good weed )
[20:33] < huebi> -----------
[20:33] < huebi>         o   ^__^
[20:33] < huebi>          o  (O-)\_______
[20:33] < huebi>             (__)\       )\/\
[20:33] < huebi>                 ||----w |
[20:33] < huebi>                 ||     ||
[20:33] < Mike1> Mathilda show us your eyes
[20:33] < Mike1> we wanna see how ROCKed you are
[20:35] < tsa> hehe
[20:35] < SMP> is this going to become worse?
[20:36] < Mike1> SMP: i dunno why?
[20:36] < Mike1> BTW hi SMP
[20:36] < tsa> hi SMP
[20:36] < [anders]> moin SMP
[20:37] < esden> hi SMP
[20:37] < huebi> hi SMP
[20:37] < esden> SMP: ask the allmighty mathilda ...
[20:37] < esden> ;-)
[20:37] < huebi> worse would be that:
[20:37] < huebi> for i in `echo /opt/cowsay/share/cows/*`; do cowsay -f $i $i; done
[20:37] < huebi> All of them ;-)
[20:38] < SMP> UUOe
[20:39] < tsa> uuoe?
[20:39] < SMP> Useless Use Of echo
[20:39] < tsa> ah.
[20:39] < huebi> SMP: ACK
[20:40] < esden> hmm ... I love dict ;-)
[20:40] < huebi> for i in /opt/cowsay/share/cows/* ; do cowsay -f $i $i; done |less
[20:43] < huebi> Is here a studend living next to me here arround? I just got the offer of a All-in-one-full-support-job in a small office arround here. 10 PC users have to be maintained. Sometimes also their PCs but seldom.
[20:44]   owl leaves you now.
[20:44] < [anders]> ~~~ owl
[20:44] < Mike1> bye owl
[20:44] < huebi> cu owl
[20:44] < owl> gn8. cu tomorrow.
[20:44] < tsa> cu owl
[20:44] -!- owl [mail-spam@B5b61.pppool.de] has quit ("ill. need sleep.")
[20:45] < SMP> huebi: how do you maintain a PC user? ;-O
[20:45] < [anders]> SMP: food, water and weed.. ;-)
[20:48]   SMP thinks PC users are on crack
[20:50] < huebi> SMP: Very simple. When they call you just visit them in the next 24h. Then ask what their problem is and let them explain. Let them tell you the whole story. Now it's time to ask what they want and let them show it. Then they fix it on their own in 9 of 10 times.
[20:50] < [anders]> SMP: if I could get an RS/6000 the same speed as my Athlon, for the same price, what do you think I'd pick? :)
[20:51] < huebi> [anders]: The Origin!
[20:51] < [anders]> RS6k is v. nice boxes... as long as you get the PCI variants..
[20:51] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACBA3336.ipt.aol.com] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:52] < fake> Origin?
[20:52] < fake> *lechz*
[21:02] < tsa> gr...
[21:03] < tsa> gnome2 needs 2000 separate packages to be compiled.
[21:03] < tsa> arghs.
[21:03] < tsa> ..or even more.
[21:03] < Mike1> tsa: WTF?
[21:04] < fake> heeehehehee
[21:05] < tsa> Mike1: https://www.gnome.org/start/2.0/installation.html
[21:05] < huebi> tsa: and why not kde?
[21:06] < tsa> huebi: i don't like kde.
[21:06] < Mike1> huebi: why KDE?
[21:07] < huebi> tsa: That's a reason I can understand.
[21:07] < tsa> hehe
[21:08] < huebi> Mike1: compiles in a fewh and has not so many undocumented dependencies as Gnome2. And I like it.
[21:08]   Mike1 likes console
[21:08] < Mike1> :)
[21:08] < Mike1> or gnome or window maker
[21:09] < huebi> Mike1: KDE has a Clusterconsole!
[21:09] < huebi> One input on multiple consoles
[21:09] < Mike1> i see
[21:10]   Mike1 on getting a cup of coffee brb
[21:14] < esden> drinking _COLD_ coffee
[21:14] < esden> yummy
[21:14] < [anders]> surely gnome2 doesn't require that many packages...
[21:15] < [anders]> there might be that many packages in total, but the pre-reqs for gnome2 should not be that big..
[21:15] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD9E49B15.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:15] < thalerim> re
[21:15] < [anders]> moin thalerim
[21:16] < esden> re thalerim
[21:16]   [anders] getting a cup of kaffe as well..
[21:18] < tsa> NARF.
[21:18] < tsa> rxr: all your cvs stuff has cksum errors.
[21:24] < huebi> for what is qt3 needed in base if not for KDE?
[21:26] -!- ge0rg is now known as Ge0rG
[21:26] < thalerim> huebi: what i discovered: Single-user works as well as agetty ... console  --  i made a new kernel (even configuration I did again), but it caused kernelpanic ... and after that i was really pissed off ... just fyi
[21:26] < [anders]> huebi: nothing else IIRC... in ext there is licq, and possibly other things..
[21:27] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-168-213.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:29] < huebi> thalerim: Thank you.
[21:30] < fake> Haaaahahahaaaa
[21:30] < fake> MORONS
[21:30] -!- Mon0 [Altec12306@alb-24-29-48-193.nycap.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux
[21:30] < fake> Idiots!
[21:30] < thalerim> *???*
[21:30] < fake> I told them beforehand: "I am not responsible for an IIS in the DMZ!"
[21:31] < fake> thalerim: the IIS my boss wanted in the DMZ for M$ Projekt got compromies
[21:31] < Mon0> Hey guys. I have a little problem with booting Slack 8. Some of my friends told me to ask you guys.
[21:31] < huebi> [anders]: It's now needed for KDE. But the failing packages do not look like having a dependency on qt. Needs some more investigation.
[21:31] < fake> compromised
[21:31] < fake> After 1 week of use
[21:32] < huebi> fake: Who ever wants to be responsible for M$-*$%(&^@! ?
[21:32] < fake> SYNing every host in the range
[21:32] < fake> huebi: my boss
[21:32] < fake> what do i do with such a machine?
[21:32] < huebi> fake: except idiots?
[21:33] < fake> huebi: NULL
[21:33] < [anders]> Mon0: what is the problems?
[21:33] < huebi> ACK
[21:33] < thalerim> Mon0: just ask ... but we don't promise anything
[21:33] < fake> i removed the power cable for now
[21:33] < [anders]> huebi: what packages was it that was failing?
[21:33] < Mon0> [anders], well, after I reboot from the install, I get dropped into a grub shell.
[21:33] < Mon0> I told install to use LILO as the boot manager.
[21:33] < fake> Windoze deserves no power. it deserves d34th.
[21:33] < huebi> 18:02 < esden> root@natalie:/rock-linux/dist/var/adm/logs# ls *err
[21:33] < huebi> 18:02 < esden> 3-apmd.err      3-lprng.err  5-apmd.err          5-kdelibs.err     5-ruby.err
[21:33] < huebi> 18:02 < esden> 3-gdm.err       3-qt.err     5-gdm.err           5-lprng.err       5-tetex.err
[21:34] < huebi> 18:02 < esden> 3-iproute2.err  3-tetex.err  5-gnome-python.err  5-qt.err
[21:34] < huebi> 18:02 < esden> 3-kdelibs.err   4-ruby.err   5-iproute2.err      5-rock-debug.err
[21:34] < [anders]> Mon0: hmm.. not sure, but grub is better to use anyway.. :)
[21:34] < huebi> Mon0: Just configure /etc/lilo.conf and run lilo
[21:34] < Mon0> Well, I get dropped into the shell, and I can't boot Linux.
[21:34] < Mon0> huebi, I would, but I can't get that far. This shell is all I get.
[21:35] < huebi> boot from cd and chroot to your system.
[21:35] < thalerim> ack
[21:35] < Mon0> Then?
[21:35] < huebi> configure /etc/lilo.conf and run lilo
[21:35] < thalerim> vi /etc/lilo.conf ; lilo
[21:36] < huebi> Mon0: how much experience do you have?
[21:36] < huebi> with Linux at all.
[21:36] < thalerim> [anders]: mabye you can say him howto boot with grup/from this prompt - haven't used grub so far
[21:36] < Mon0> huebi, not a lot, but I got it up on a friends system last night faster then a Mandrake install.
[21:36] < [anders]> thalerim: hmm, I can have a look in my menu.lst..
[21:37] < [anders]> kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz-2.4.18-k7 root=/dev/hda6 pci=bios devfs=mount
[21:37] < [anders]> initrd (hd0,0)/initrd.img-2.4.18-k7
[21:37] < [anders]> in grub, (hd0,0) == /dev/hda1..
[21:37] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-168-213.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[21:38] < Mike1> Hi rxr
[21:38] < [anders]> and grub knows ext2, reiserfs etc, and it does tab-completion..
[21:38] < tsa> re rxr.
[21:38] < [anders]> moin rxr
[21:39] < [anders]> so you shouls be able to locate the kernel you want to boot..
[21:39] < esden> huebi: quoting me ?
[21:40] < esden> huebi: needing something?
[21:40] < [anders]> Mon0: how did you partition your harddisk?
[21:40] < [anders]> esden: talking about the failed packages.. :)
[21:40] < Mon0> [anders]: I made a / partition and a swap.
[21:40]   fake is designing a "We have to stay out" - Sign for the server room door.
[21:40] < huebi> esden: [anders] wanted to know what fails on alpha. But nothing qt3 related If I see it right?
[21:41] < fake> With a few colorful windows on it
[21:41] < thalerim> uhm ... this box should never be used for server related things, should it?
[21:41] < [anders]> Mon0: / is /dev/hda1 and swap is /dev/hda2 ?
[21:41] < esden> huebi: nope ... that is not the newest tree ... I need over three days for a full compile ... that brakes a lot ... >_<
[21:41] < Mon0> Ummm.
[21:42] < fake>
[21:42] < fake> go kill him
[21:42] < Mon0> [anders]: How can I go about finding that out? Like I said, not much exp.
[21:42] < Mike1> fake: ??
[21:42] < huebi> fake: Mooooo! Mooooo!
[21:42] < thalerim> Mike1: fake got crazy ... eh yes
[21:42] < [anders]> Mon0: ok, try this at the grub> prompt.. 'kernel (hd0,0)/' and then hit tab...
[21:43] < fake> err stop
[21:43] < esden> thalerim: fake was tainted by windows ;-)
[21:43] < huebi> fake: too late...
[21:43] < fake>
[21:43] < fake> nl
[21:43] < Mon0> [anders]: I booted from CD and now I'm in slack. I don't want to have to do this everytime though.
[21:43] < huebi> fake: *kidding*
[21:43] < fake> ip503c0bc5.speed.planet.nl
[21:43] < thalerim> heh huebi
[21:43] < fake> ^---- windows 2000 lamer
[21:44] < fake> no >_<
[21:44] < fake> not thalerim
[21:44] < huebi> *LOOOOOL*
[21:44] < thalerim> huebi: very nice your behaviour: Making someone fall in coma and then, when it's too late, you say you're just kidding :-)
[21:44] < thalerim> fake!!!
[21:44] < [anders]> Mon0: ok, in /boot/grub make a file menu.lst, put in it:
[21:44] < Mon0> [anders]: My root drive is /dev/hda1.....
[21:44] < huebi> hey thalerim, good old lamer. Did you enable the good old "Kernel Lamer Mode
[21:44] < thalerim> I use Win98!!!
[21:45] < huebi> '?
[21:45] < fake> thalerim: err..... i take it back.
[21:45] < [anders]> default 0
[21:45] < Mike1> thalerim: what is Win98
[21:45] < Mike1> ?
[21:45] < [anders]> timeout 10
[21:45] < Mon0> [anders]: There is no /boot/grub
[21:45] < thalerim> somewhat commercial crap
[21:45] < huebi> Mike1: Spyware from the USA.
[21:45] < [anders]> Mon0: no? is there a /grub ?
[21:45] < Mon0> No.
[21:46] < Mon0> I don't use grub as a loader.
[21:46]   esden searching for win exploits ... to have them ready when fake wants to kill a windows box
[21:46] < Mon0> I just get dropped into a shell.
[21:46] < Mike1> huebi: i thought it was some virus or something like that
[21:46] < thalerim> huebi: ACK ... the most recent story about the MS Media Player says everything about this topic
[21:46] < esden> fake: install bo on the box ;-)
[21:46] < thalerim> Mon0: ???
[21:47] < thalerim> Mon0: are you at the linux shell ?
[21:47] < esden> that is a remote exploit ... I forced to do it fake  ;-)
[21:47] < thalerim> or grub as you said above
[21:47] < Mon0> thalerim, no, it is a grub shell. I can't issue any Linux commands.
[21:47] < Mon0> GRUB shell.
[21:47] < huebi> Mike1: worse. Very more worse. Evil stuff. You need holy water to clean your PC after the use of ... the EVIL himself. *g*
[21:47] < [anders]> Mon0: hmmm.. how have you booted your box now?
[21:48] < Mon0> [anders]: From CD, issued linux root=/dev/hda1 ro
[21:48] < Mike1> huebi: yeah i have heard thanks good i am safe from it
[21:48] < esden> ahh sting *chill*
[21:48] < [anders]> ok. so you have a bash prompt?
[21:48] < Mike1> s/good/god
[21:48] < Mon0> Yes, I do now.
[21:48] < Mon0> I'm logged in as root.
[21:48] < [anders]> ok.. and you don't want grub, you want lilo ?
[21:48] < Mon0> Yes.
[21:49] < Mon0> I just want to be able to boot from my hard drive, and not get dropped into that damn shell!
[21:49] < thalerim> I am afraid it seems nobody except me has problems with 2.5.26
[21:49] < [anders]> create /etc/lilo.conf ...
[21:49] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB5AB74.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux
[21:49] < Mike1> thalerim: having fun?
[21:49] < Mike1> re WKaibigan
[21:49] < [anders]> as in 'vi /etc/lilo.conf'
[21:49] < thalerim> Mike1: absolutely not, long story
[21:49] < thalerim> moin WKaibigan
[21:49] < Mike1> [anders]: what did ever happen with emacs?
[21:49] < [anders]> uhm, anyone that can paste in a default lilo.conf ?
[21:49] < Mon0> [anders] It is there.
[21:50] < Mon0> It exists.
[21:50] < [anders]> Mike1: it works and it ROCKs.. :)
[21:50] < WKaibigan> Hi again Mike1
[21:50] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@pD9590AC3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:50] < Mike1> hi chrisime
[21:50] < [anders]> Mon0: so lilo.conf is there and has stuff in it?
[21:50] < tsa> hi chrisime
[21:50] < chrisime> jo
[21:50] < huebi> mom I edit one...
[21:50] < Mike1> Mon0: you user slack 8.0??
[21:51] < Mon0> Mike1: Yes. Fresh install.
[21:51] < huebi> [anders]: with old devices?
[21:51] < [anders]> Mon0: you should be able to just do '/sbin/lilo' now and get it working..
[21:51] < WKaibigan> Hi thalerim
[21:51] < [anders]> huebi: probably.. :) slack doesn't use devfs I think..
[21:52] < Mike1> Mon0: there is a line in /etc/lilo.conf that says: boot = /dev/hda1
[21:52] < thalerim> Mike1: huebi said the VCs are maybe broken in this version, but on lkml nothing have been said up to now ... very odd
[21:52] < Mon0> [anders]: It says Added Linux *
[21:52] < Mike1> or 2 depending where you have ur root partition
[21:52] < Mon0> I rebooted and.....
[21:52] < huebi> lilo...
[21:52] < huebi> boot=/dev/hda
[21:52] < huebi> delay=40
[21:52] < huebi> lba32
[21:52] < huebi> image=/boot/vmlinuz
[21:52] < Mon0> Mike1, yes, it does.
[21:52] < huebi>         label=linux
[21:52] < huebi>         append="root=/dev/hda1"
[21:52] < huebi>         read-only
[21:52] < Mike1> Mon0: change it for  boot=/dev/hda
[21:53] < [anders]> huebi: cheers.. :)
[21:53] < Mon0> Mike1, my root is on hda1 though....
[21:53] -!- simon-- [~simon@p50875A69.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:53] < Mon0> I'll try it if this doesn't work though,.
[21:53] < Mike1> Mon0: ok just change boot=/dev/hda1 to boot=/dev/hda
[21:54] < Mon0> One sec.
[21:55] < Mike1> thalerim: patched from 2.5.25 or fresh 2.5.26 compile?
[21:55] < Mike1> Mon0: dont forget to run 'lilo' everytime you edit /etc/lilo.conf
[21:55] < thalerim> Mikel: first i patched, as it didn't work, i tried the whole tarball
[21:56] < Mike1> thalerim: and neither it worked?
[21:56] < Mon0> Mike1, just added it, rebooting now.
[21:56] < thalerim> unfortunately not :-(
[21:56] < Mike1> Mon0: ok good luck
[21:57] < Mon0> Mike1, YOU ARE A GOD!
[21:57] < Mike1> thalerim: mmm... perhaps you could get more help in #kernelnewbies
[21:57] < Mon0> THANK YOU SO MUCH!
[21:57] < Mike1> Mon0: no Mathilda is the only God here
[21:57] < Mike1> but you are welcome, glad we coyuld help you
[21:58] < Mon0> Thank you all so much!
[21:58] < Mon0> I'm sure I'll be in here a lot TRYING to help with shit, but I don't know how much I will....
[21:58] < Mon0> =\
[21:59] < thalerim> Mike1: eh well ... will try it later think for the most it's too early
[21:59] < Mike1> Mon0: i am sure you will find a way to help :)
[21:59] < Mike1> thalerim: ok, i wish i could help you more but honestly i am still on 2.4.18
[22:00] < thalerim> with 2.5.24 as well as 2.5.25 i had absolutely no problem ... but it doesn't matter that much so...
[22:01] < Mon0> Ok, now with X, I'm getting a no screen error. I'm doing xf86cfg -textmode to mess with the the config...
[22:02] < Mike1> Mon0: try 'xf86cfg'
[22:02] < Mon0> Yeah, I use the -textmode flag though. Easier to work with.
[22:02] < Mike1> or 'xf86config'
[22:04] -!- Freak [freak@pD9530A7E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("I take this land for my bunghole!")
[22:04] < Mon0> I keep getting 'no screens found.' What does this mean?
[22:05] < huebi> Mon0: Xfree86 -configure
[22:05] < huebi> as root
[22:05] < Mike1> Mon0: what window manager are you using? Window Maker?
[22:05] < huebi> Lokk on the screen!
[22:06] < huebi> This is my usual way to get something up in X
[22:06] -!- simon- [~simon@pD951EB8C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:06] < Mon0> Got it.
[22:06] -!- simon-- is now known as simon-
[22:06] < Mon0> Thanks huebi.
[22:07] < huebi> Mon0: pleasure
[22:07] < thalerim> Mon0: huebi is da masta of all human being
[22:07] < thalerim> fyi
[22:07] < Mon0> I agree.
[22:07]   Mon0 chuckles.
[22:07] < Mike1> thalerim: and the closest human to Mathilda
[22:07] < thalerim> *g*
[22:08] < thalerim> huebi: do your job, show Mon0 Mathilda
[22:08] < huebi> thalerim: Hai
[22:08] < Mike1> All mighty Mathilda honor us with ur presence here
[22:09] < thalerim> huebi: wo? :P
[22:09] < huebi> _______________________________________
[22:09] < huebi> < Hello Mon0. Welcome to the real life. >
[22:09] < huebi> ---------------------------------------
[22:09] < huebi>         \   ^__^
[22:09] < huebi>          \  (oo)\_______
[22:09] < huebi>             (__)\       )\/\
[22:09] < huebi>                 ||----w |
[22:09] < huebi>                 ||     ||
[22:09] < huebi> r
[22:09] < thalerim> hrhr, moin Mathilda
[22:10] < thalerim> hey guys where are you remaining?
[22:10] < Mon0> COWSAY OWNS ME!
[22:11] < huebi> Mon0: https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/files/cowsay_3.03.orig.tar.gz <- instant Mathilda ;-)
[22:11] < thalerim> Mon0: ow, for this information you could be shot!
[22:11] < huebi> at least...
[22:11] < Mon0> Why is that?
[22:11] < tsa> Uh.
[22:12] < tsa> echo '[q]sa[ln0=aln256%Pln256/snlbx]sb3135071790101768542287578439snlbxq' | \dc
[22:12] < thalerim> ??
[22:12] < thalerim> lol ... i have seen this before
[22:12] < thalerim> or something like this
[22:13] < huebi> Mathilda is magic:
[22:13] < huebi> root@zeus:~# cowsay `echo '[q]sa[ln0=aln256%Pln256/snlbx]sb3135071790101768542287578439snlbxq' | \dc`
[22:13] < huebi> _____________
[22:13] < huebi> < GET A LIFE! >
[22:13] < huebi> -------------
[22:13] < huebi>         \   ^__^
[22:13] < huebi>          \  (oo)\_______
[22:13] < huebi>             (__)\       )\/\
[22:13] < huebi>                 ||----w |
[22:13] < huebi>                 ||     ||
[22:14] < tomik> :)
[22:14] < huebi> hello tomik ;-)
[22:14] < tomik> hell o huebi :)
[22:15] < tsa> https://www.elgg-net.ch/heule-web/moers/drugs/drogen.htm <- german only, but funny.
[22:15] < Mon0> Ok, why the fuck can't I tar -zxvf the fluxbox package?
[22:16] < thalerim> xzvf
[22:16] < WKaibigan> Does it end in tgz or gz Mon0?
[22:16] < Mon0> It is a tar.gz
[22:16] < Mon0> .
[22:17] < Mon0> One sec.
[22:17] < thalerim> <thalerim> xzvf
[22:19] < huebi> https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/files/Koksen.mpeg <- same theme. In English and espanol
[22:20] < esden> re
[22:20] < Mike1> re esden
[22:20] < thalerim> wb esden
[22:20] < huebi> re esden
[22:20] -!- Mon0 [Altec12306@alb-24-29-48-193.nycap.rr.com] has quit ()
[22:20] -!- mon0 [mono@alb-24-29-49-171.nycap.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux
[22:21] < thalerim> wb mon0
[22:21] < mon0> Ok, now I'm on my Slack box.
[22:21] < mon0> Thanks thalerim.
[22:21] < thalerim> :-)
[22:21] < thalerim> but keep ROCK Linux as a very good choice in your mind ;-)
[22:22] -!- mon0 [mono@alb-24-29-49-171.nycap.rr.com] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:22] -!- mono [mono@alb-24-29-49-171.nycap.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux
[22:22] < mono> Wrong button...
[22:22] < mono> =\
[22:22] -!- mono is now known as mon0
[22:22] < Mike1> mon0: maybe you can 'gzip -cd package.tar.gz | tar xvf -'
[22:23] < thalerim> Mike1: it did work already
[22:23] < Mike1> thalerim: oh hehe
[22:24] < mon0> root@calnux:~# gzip -cd fluxbox-0.1.10.tar.gz
[22:24] < mon0> gzip: fluxbox-0.1.10.tar.gz: not in gzip format
[22:24] < mon0> root@calnux:~# tar xzvf fluxbox-0.1.10.tar.gz
[22:24] < mon0> gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
[22:24] < mon0> tar: Child returned status 1
[22:24] < mon0> tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
[22:24] < mon0> See?
[22:24] < mon0> (Sorry for flood.)
[22:24] < Mike1> mmm
[22:24] < huebi> mon0: try bzip2 -cdpackage.tar.gz | tar xvf -
[22:24] < huebi> mon0: try 'bzip2 -cd package.tar.gz | tar xvf -'
[22:25] < mon0> root@calnux:~# bzip2 -cd fluxbox-0.1.10.tar.gz | tar xzvf fluxbox-0.1.10.tar.gz
[22:25] < mon0> bzip2: fluxbox-0.1.10.tar.gz is not a bzip2 file.
[22:25] < mon0> gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
[22:25] < mon0> tar: Child returned status 1
[22:25] < mon0> tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
[22:25] < thalerim> Mike1: sorry for the wrong information, thought it worked, because he did thank me
[22:25] < huebi> aaarghh.
[22:25] < thalerim> mon0: use `file'
[22:25] < Mike1> thalerim: itz ok
[22:26] < mon0> thalerim: That do you mean?
[22:26] < thalerim> mon0: file fluxbox*
[22:26] < mon0> fluxbox-0.1.10.tar.gz: tar archive
[22:26] < thalerim> tar xvf fluxbox-*
[22:27] < mon0> There we go.
[22:27] < Mike1> :)
[22:27] < mon0> And in doing so, I started GNOME....
[22:27] < mon0> =\
[22:27]   Mike1 is away: to lunch
[22:27] < mon0> Guess I hit CRT + G or something..
[22:27] < thalerim> Mike1: Mahlzeit
[22:27] < esden> Mike1: bon appetit
[22:27] < Mike1> danke
[22:27] < thalerim> *g*
[22:29] < fake> *agrh*
[22:29] < fake> now the i had to run up again because of one lousy switch
[22:29] < mon0> YAY! Fluxbox is comiling!
[22:29] < mon0> *Compiling
[22:30] < thalerim> mon0: in the last version I had to fix a lot of things
[22:30] < thalerim> eh but do not remember exactly :-/
[22:31] < mon0> I was running 1.10 last night on Red Hat
[22:31] < mon0> .
[22:31] < mon0> Worked fine.
[22:31] < thalerim> okay then
[22:31] < [anders]> gn8 everybody.... :)
[22:31] < mon0> Good night [anders].
[22:31] < thalerim> gn8 [anders]
[22:31] < mon0> Nice meeting you.
[22:32] < rxr> re
[22:33] -!- mon0 [mono@alb-24-29-49-171.nycap.rr.com] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:33] < thalerim> wb
[22:38] < tsa> aah.
[22:38] < tsa> ez-ipupdate up and running.
[22:38] < huebi> tsa: nice.
[22:38] < huebi> IP?
[22:38] < tsa> huebi: setup was very easy, thanks for the recommendation.
[22:39] < fake> np
[22:39] < tsa> i've tried ddclient before - sucks.
[22:39] < huebi> tsa: you're very welcome.
[22:39] < tsa> ;)
[22:39] < tsa> <- azathoth.dyndns.org
[22:39] < huebi> tsa: I've been searching for a client for the old sun. I had to be writen in C to perfom enough
[22:39] < tsa> no interesting services for other users...but at least i know how to ssh home from work now..
[22:40] < huebi> tsa: port 22 is open?
[22:40] < tsa> ssh? sure.
[22:40] < huebi> at work? often it's blocked in the Proxy.
[22:41] < tsa> huebi: i am root.
[22:41] < huebi> should I *bow* now?
[22:41] < tsa> ssh outgoing is no problem..
[22:41] < tsa> hahahaha
[22:41] < huebi> lol
[22:42] < tsa> ssh incoming is restricted to some ip addresses, sure..
[22:42] < huebi> <- sacrifying a SUN disk. Will now become the disk of a ROCK Linux Router
[22:42] < thalerim> fake: being available?
[22:42] -!- Mon0 [mono@alb-24-29-49-171.nycap.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux
[22:42] < fake> hm?
[22:43] < thalerim> fake: certainly you do know of Craddle of Filth, don't you?
[22:43] < fake> ai!
[22:43] < thalerim> does this mean yes?
[22:43] < tsa> hehe
[22:44] < huebi> thalerim: Of course. old friesisch slang.
[22:46] < thalerim> sorry, was away
[22:47] < thalerim> that is good music ... in comparison with this most of the songs played yesterday on the stream were techno like, weren't they?
[22:48] < fake> i don't like Cradle that much
[22:48] < Mon0> Why is it in a terminal, when I press my delete key, I get a ~?
[22:48] < fake> Mon0: keymap flaws
[22:48] < thalerim> i do only if i am in a good mood
[22:49] < Mon0> fake: How can I fix it?
[22:49] < thalerim> "good" means depressive
[22:49] < fake> Mon0: have a look at /usr/share/keymaps/qwert?
[22:49] < fake> and choose the one mathcing your kb
[22:50] < fake> argh
[22:50] < fake> /usr/share/keymaps/i386/qwert?
[22:51] < fake> you can test them with
[22:51] < Mon0> ls
[22:51] < Mon0> ops.
[22:51] < fake> loadkeys <keymapfile>
[22:52] -!- Freak [freak@pD9530A7E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:52] < fake> re Freak
[22:53] < Freak> re fake, gys
[22:53] < Freak> guys
[22:53] < tsa> hi Freak
[22:54] < Freak> rxr: are they gonna announce it?
[22:54] < tsa> ? announce what?
[22:54] < tsa> <- curious
[22:55] < esden> n8
[22:55] < tsa> cu esden
[22:55] < huebi> n8 esden
[22:56] < thalerim> gn8!
[22:56] < rxr> Freak: The feedback with them is really slow - so I have not yet an answer for this question.
[22:56] -!- Mon0 [mono@alb-24-29-49-171.nycap.rr.com] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:56] < rxr> tsa: I guess he ment my article ...
[22:56] < rxr> hi tsa btw ;-)
[22:56] < tsa> ah
[22:56] < tsa> hi rxr.
[22:56] < tsa> rxr: there is a new snapshot from clifford, released today.
[22:57] < rxr> cool!
[22:57] < Freak> rxr: so I don't think they will :(
[22:57] < tsa> as it seems, all your cvs cksum's are messed up.
[22:59]   fake really wanted to get home earlier today :(
[22:59] < tsa> fake: still at work?
[22:59] < fake> j0...
[22:59] < huebi> On friday I'm going to install the next ROCK Linux server at the site of a customer.
[22:59] < tsa> ah..
[23:00] < huebi> fake: Have you got a field bed there?
[23:00] -!- Mon0 [mono@alb-24-29-49-171.nycap.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux
[23:00] < fake> i was so tires yesterday i didn't even have the power anymore to sacrifice s/th to mathilda
[23:00] < fake> s,tires,tired,
[23:00] < Mon0> Anyone care to help me configure my sound card?
[23:00] < fake> huebi: nope
[23:00] < thalerim> Mon0: just ask
[23:00] < Mon0> I did. =P
[23:00] < huebi> fake: Mathilda should have an eye on you...
[23:01] < Mon0> thalerim: I asked if anyone cared to help...
[23:01] < tsa> which type of sound card?
[23:01] < Mon0> Sound Blaster Live 5.1 Platinum.
[23:01] < fake> modprobe emu10k
[23:01]   rxr ./scripts/Update-Src -all
[23:01] < thalerim> *g*
[23:01] < thalerim> Mon0: it's polite but quite useless not to come on with the actual problem
[23:02] < Mon0> bash-2.05# modprobe emu10k
[23:02] < Mon0> modprobe: Can't locate module emu10k
[23:02] < huebi> Mon0: depmod -a
[23:02] < tsa> 00:09.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1 (rev 07)
[23:02] < huebi> tsa: I can hear it till here.
[23:02] < Mon0> thalerim: Sorry. I will keep that in mind.
[23:02] < tsa> huebi: c00l ;)
[23:03] < rxr> argh
[23:03] < thalerim> ... lol ...
[23:03] < rxr> yes tsa the cvs downloads have a che cksum ... ?!?
[23:04] < Mon0> Ok, I did modprobe emu10k1 and I got no results, so I'm guessing it worked?
[23:04] < Mon0> bash-2.05# modprobe emu10k1
[23:04] < Mon0> bash-2.05#  
[23:04] < tsa> rxr: ./scripts/Download -package ebg
[23:04] < tsa> CVS -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.enlightenment.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/enlightenment -D 2002-07-07 e17/libs/ebg/
[23:04] < tsa> cksum-test (bzip2): download/rene/ebg/ebg-2002-07-07.tar.bz2
[23:04] < tsa> Cksum ERROR: download/rene/ebg/ebg-2002-07-07.tar.bz2.cksum-err (776089945)
[23:05] < tsa> and so on and on and..
[23:05] < fake> Mon0: ls -l /dev/dsp
[23:05] < fake> err
[23:05] < fake> ls /dev/sound/
[23:05] < tsa> i've not found a single cvs ur withour errors.
[23:05] < fake> depends.
[23:05] < fake> distro?
[23:05] < tsa> (stopped downloading after about 10-12 broken cvs packages..
[23:05] < tsa> )
[23:06] < tsa> oh...and i should learn to type without so much spelling errors..
[23:06] < thalerim> *g* the evil typo god is being around here again
[23:06] < tsa> yepp ;)
[23:06] < thalerim> s,god,ghost
[23:07] < Mon0> fake: There is no /dev/sound.
[23:07] < thalerim> we should found a Ghostbuster like Team ... with the power of the milk provided by Mathilda no monster, ghost (even Bill Gates!!!) is able to hurt us
[23:07] < tsa> Mon0: do you use devfs?
[23:07] < Mon0> Not that I know of.
[23:08] < Mon0> No.
[23:08] < tsa> do you have /dev/dsp ?
[23:08] < Mon0> Yes.
[23:08] < tsa> hm...
[23:08] < tsa> so you have hte devices and you loaded the module.
[23:08] < tsa> should be working by now.
[23:09] < fake> try some app using sound
[23:09] < Mon0> One sec,,,
[23:09] < fake> or do a "cat /dev/random > /dev/dsp" (JOKE!)
[23:09] < tsa> cat /boot/vmlinuz > /dev/dsp
[23:09] < Mon0> Yeah, I get the beeping noises and shit and I go backspace to far in a term.
[23:09] < tsa> hehe
[23:09] < Mon0> But MP3s won't play in XMMS.
[23:09] < fake> Mon0: which WM do you use?
[23:09] < tsa> using which output plugin?
[23:10] < fake> KDE? Gnome?
[23:10] < Mon0> fake: Fluxbox!
[23:10] < tsa> == $something_else
[23:10] < Mon0> tsa: It is set on eSound Output Plugin 1.2.5 as default.
[23:10] < fake> Mon0: is esd running?
[23:10] < tsa> Mon0: hm..
[23:10] < fake> ps aux | grep esd
[23:11] < tsa> i have esound 1.2.7, but that's the correct plugin.
[23:11] < Mon0> bash-2.05# ps aux | grep esd
[23:11] < Mon0> root      8391  0.0  0.1  1328  452 pts/0    S    17:10   0:00 grep esd
[23:11] < fake> Mon0: then use the OSS plugin
[23:12] < Mon0> I get the 'Couldn't Open Audio' error.
[23:12] < fake> Mon0: do you have the needed permissions on /dev/dsp ?
[23:12] < Mon0> Unless they are auto ste, no.
[23:12] < fake> ls -l /dev/dsp
[23:13]   Mike1 back mm... great lunch
[23:13]   Mike1 is back (gone 00:45:50)
[23:13] < Mike1> re
[23:13] < thalerim> 45min ... wow
[23:13] < tsa> re Mike1
[23:13] < fake> crwxrwxrwx    1 root     audio     14,   3 2002-03-14 22:51 /dev/dsp
[23:13] < thalerim> wb
[23:13] < tsa> fake: perms 777 ????
[23:13] < tsa> uh.
[23:13] < Mike1> thalerim: hehe
[23:13] < Mon0> fake: I'm logged in as root in that term. Do I need to be logged in as mono?
[23:13] < Mon0> crw-rw----    1 root     sys       14,   3 Jul 18  1994 /dev/dsp
[23:13] < fake> tsa: i don't care.
[23:14] < tsa> fake: i do.
[23:14] < fake> tsa: you solve it then
[23:14] < tsa> <- 660 ;)
[23:14] < fake> Mon0: chmod 660 /dev/dsp
[23:14] < thalerim> is dsp only outgoing or ingoing as well?
[23:15] < fake> thalerim: define ingoing
[23:15] < thalerim> fake: micro for instance
[23:15] < Mon0> thalerim: Yes.
[23:15] < fake> it should
[23:15] < fake> as there are no other devices in sound despite mixer and midi-stuff
[23:15] < thalerim> so if you plugged in a micro, every user can hear you *g*
[23:16] < thalerim> s,can,could
[23:16] < fake> Big deal.
[23:16] < Mon0> What should I do?
[23:16] < thalerim> eh well ... imagin you're having a big meeting with somebig bosses
[23:17] < fake> tsa: what should Mon0 do?
[23:17] < fake> thalerim: i have no microphone attached. NEVER.
[23:17] < thalerim> chmod 777 /dev/dsp # <--- for testing purpose
[23:18] -!- thalerim is now known as thaly|harald
[23:18] < thaly|harald> well, being watching harald now
[23:18] < tsa> fake: no microphone here. but from my experience with the emu10k stuff, things are pretty straight-forward..
[23:18] < tsa> never encountered any problems.
[23:18] < fake> yep. me neither.
[23:19] < Mon0> tsa: I don't have much Linux exp and I NEED MUSIC to do ANYTHING! (Sry for shouting.)
[23:19] < fake> Mon0: just make a "chmod 777 /dev/dsp" and feel bad.
[23:19] < tsa> .wav files can be cat'ed into /dev/audio directly, correct?
[23:19] < fake> it will work then
[23:19] < fake> tsa: not all of 'em IIRC
[23:19] < thaly|harald> tsa: .au will
[23:19] < fake> .au files work though
[23:20] < Ge0rG> tsa: don't expect them to sound right
[23:20] < Mon0> Ok, sound works now.
[23:20] < Mon0> Why wouldn't it work with 660?
[23:20] < tsa> ah, i see. (but i've never seen a .au file ..)
[23:21] < fake> Mon0: because the user running XMMS wasn't root and not in the group allowed
[23:21] < tsa> sun audio, IIRC.
[23:21] < fake> tsa: old SUN audio format
[23:21] < Mon0> fake: Gotcha,
[23:21] < tsa> yeah ;)
[23:21] < Mon0> Now I need to get GAim.
[23:21] < fake> >_< *urgh*
[23:25] < Mon0> How do I change the mouse daemon?
[23:26] < rxr> Mon0: "change" ?
[23:26] < Mon0> Er, change my mouse.
[23:26] < rxr> you need to be more precise about what you wanna do ?
[23:26] < Mon0> Sry.
[23:26] < Mon0> Not hardware wise.
[23:26] < rxr> in ROCK or in general ?
[23:26] < tsa> unplug old mouse, plug in new one..?
[23:26] < Mon0> Slackware.
[23:26] < tsa> ah
[23:26] < tsa> hm.
[23:26] < Mon0> Not hardware wise.
[23:27] < rxr> Mon0: the mouse type is controlled by the -t parameter
[23:27] < Mon0> Right now I'm using an old logitech, and I want to use my new scrollinh logitech.
[23:27] < fake> Mon0: the cursor o_O ?
[23:27] < tsa> ..of "gpm"
[23:27] < rxr> see man gpm
[23:27] < fake> ah.
[23:27] < fake> Mon0: in X?
[23:27] < Mon0> fake: Yes.
[23:27] < rxr> -t imps2
[23:27] < fake> Mon0: man XF86Config
[23:27] < rxr> Mon0: ah
[23:27] < rxr> X != mouse daemon
[23:28] < tsa> X = very nice mouse daemon ;-)
[23:28] < fake> in the Mouse section
[23:28] < rxr> tsa:  ;-) ACK
[23:28] < tsa> even useful for a lot of other stuff..
[23:28] < fake> Type   "IMPS/2"
[23:28] < fake> Options "ZaxisMapping" "4 5"
[23:28] < rxr> tsa: fake and some other stated that X11 is not needed for a stable release of ROCK *lol*
[23:28] < fake> IT IS
[23:28] < fake> :P
[23:28] < fake> NOT
[23:28] < fake> i mean.
[23:29] < fake> i don't need x
[23:29] < rxr> *lol*
[23:29] < fake> i don't even use X at home
[23:29] < tsa> hehe
[23:29]   rxr jumping around - loughing
[23:29] < tsa> rxr: let's drop all this compiler stuff, too.
[23:29] < fake> rxr: it's always fun amusing you with the truth.
[23:29] < tsa> takes up too much space.
[23:30] < fake> nargh... kids.
[23:30] < fake> ;P
[23:30] < rxr> fake: Truth? Fake face it. For a stable release X11 IS NEEDED. Whether YOU  (or I) need it on a server is another issue ...
[23:30] < rxr> and stating sparc64 is suppoted without even XFree to run is a really BAD JOKE ...
[23:31] < fake> i am talking about workstations as well
[23:31] < tsa> [R] +ia32 ;-)
[23:31] < fake> c'mon what do you do on a system?
[23:31] < rxr> fake: ok - also on my i486 workstation X11 might not be needed ...
[23:31] < fake> ssh, vi, w3m maybe.
[23:31] < tsa> fake: trying to remeber my login pass?
[23:32] < tsa> ;)
[23:32] < rxr> anyway on a stable release XFree MUST BE FUNCTIONAL ! *DOT*
[23:32] < th> pff
[23:32] < tsa> hi th
[23:32] < thaly|harald> fake: ACK, ditto
[23:32] < fake> noe. :P
[23:32] < th> hi all
[23:32] < thaly|harald> X is needed for a stable though, although i do not use it often
[23:32] < fake> i doubt a system including DRI, XV, DGA can ever be stable
[23:32] < rxr> tsa: I tried to do this space saving above. Now I get gcc: command not found during kernel compile ... - H ow to fix? *lol*
[23:33] < th> rxr: you are a windows-junkie
[23:33] < fake> windows as in GUI elements
[23:33] < rxr> th: do we wanna be a reasonable dist or no ?
[23:33] < fake> not as in "operating system"
[23:33] < th> rxr: we don't wanne be any dist
[23:33] < huebi> ripclaw -> rxr: we can still switch to xfree 3.3.6 with sparc64, if no-one with a knowhow of xf86 volunteers fixing it.
[23:33] < th> fake: hmm die mehrdeutligkeit war absicht ;)
[23:34] -!- huebi is now known as ripclaw
[23:34] < fake> th: don't be too 3v1l
[23:34] < ripclaw> hi there
[23:34] < th> fake: it was hard. i know
[23:34] < rxr> Btw. On both of my server X11 is NOT installed - AND on my UltraSPARC X11 got never used (because the mighty sparc folk of ROCK decided to never test it - and it is non-funcitonal)
[23:34] < th> hi ripclaw
[23:34] < fake> rxr: you are a whiner. test it then.
[23:34] < fake> do something about it
[23:34] -!- pisco [~pisco@spumante.ucsd.edu] has joined #rocklinux
[23:35] < rxr> fake: test? I did - doesn't work.
[23:35] < fake> rxr: then fix it
[23:35] < rxr> fake: I do ... I'm not whining ?!?
[23:35] < th> rxr: drock is a dist. i don't consider rocklinux being a distribution
[23:35] < Mike1> hi pisco
[23:35] < fake> rxr: you whine about X not working of usparc because of someone else not making it work
[23:36] < rxr> th: many people here agreed that ROCK Linux should become a professional dist. Whether you like this, or not.
[23:36] < fake> s,of,on,
[23:36] < ripclaw> rxr: if you consider x11 top priority over a stable base system for compiling it, start helping. else we'll just get what people volunteer, and i'm not in the position to donate endless sparetime.
[23:36] < tsa> hi ripclaw
[23:36] < rxr> fake: NO! I only say it will never work this way. I already started to fix it in 1.7. But huebi put sparc64 to the "must work for 1.6" list - and I simply sayed it will not work this way....
[23:36] < fake> ripclaw: ACK.
[23:37] < fake> rxr: so what?
[23:37] < Mike1> master ripclaw :)
[23:37] < tsa> hehe
[23:37] < tsa> hi pisco
[23:37] < rxr> fake: stop telling the hybird 64/32 bit sparc stuff works.
[23:37]   fake never said that
[23:37] < rxr> i did not meat you directly
[23:38] < fake> in contrary, i talked about using sparc32 kernel + userland on sparc in 1.5
[23:38] < rxr> s/meat/meant/
[23:38] < rxr> fake: yes. I know you already got the point.
[23:38] < ripclaw> i have no problem with making sparc run old x, if xf4 doesnt work and i have no time, xf3 gets the points. if someone needs the features, DIY. there is nothing xf3 cannot do as well as xf4 on v.9
[23:39] < rxr> ripclaw: Xfree works in 64 and 32 bits. But not on this kernel hybird thingy.
[23:39] < ripclaw> and we checked the kernel, sparc32 only on sparc64 systems is only supported if you like to forfeit PCI usage.
[23:39] < fake> constant-crashing-usable-only-by-root aka DRI is only availiby in Xf4 *dg*
[23:39] < ripclaw> rxr - i know. but glibc doesnt.
[23:39] < rxr> fake: "useable as root" ?????? No.
[23:39] < fake> rxr: Mode "666" ?
[23:39] < rxr> ripclaw: glibc does after some minor fixing.
[23:39] < esden> re hi all
[23:40] < rxr> fake: No group video
[23:40] < fake> *argh*
[23:40] < ripclaw> if people would finally get the point and beat drepper over the head with a keyboard to get the patch-commiters to think beyound F* ia32, stuff could have been working for a while now.
[23:40] < rxr> fake: ?? XFree is suid root anyway - and with direct hardware access it can lock your machine without DRM anyway ...
[23:40] < rxr> ripclaw: The problem is also DaveM ...
[23:41] < fake> rxr: see! seeee! u want that in a stable rock??
[23:41] < rxr> fake:  ?
[23:41] < ripclaw> rxr - i stuck my nose into sparc glibc for 2.5 years, and i am not going to waste more time on this stinking shit. before i do that, i port openbsd libc to linux and shoot myself with a coke bottle.
[23:41] < rxr> ripclaw: ACK
[23:41] < tsa> *rotfl*
[23:41] < fake> rxr: naaah... nevermind... maybe you are right ;-)
[23:42] < rxr> But glibc-2.2.5 + gcc-3.1 works on SPARC64 !!! When statically linked! Even dietlibc does!
[23:42] < ripclaw> davem is no problem, he is the only person maintaining that crap ia32 ppl left of the sparc code, and he is mostly doing this as a hobby one man show.
[23:42] < rxr> Only the dynamic linker has some crash issues - I wanne fix next month.
[23:42] < ripclaw> he cannot fix it all.
[23:42] < fake> ripclaw: oh, don't, please. who's gonna pick me up for the trip to cliff then? ;))
[23:43] < fake> (just kidding)
[23:43] < ripclaw> rxr - where is a patch for that ? i have no trouble for making that damn stuff static, as long as it somehow works on 1.5.x - for which gcc 3.x is not a topic right now.
[23:43] < rxr> ripclaw: this part is nice - but he is stange and doesn't accept others ideas
[23:43] < rxr> only gcc-3.1 compilies vaild 64 bit userland code
[23:44] < rxr> so please peple let this be a 1.7 thing
[23:44] < rxr> patch is missing due to lack of time on my side.
[23:44] < rxr> and staic binaries will fill up your disc quite fast
[23:44] < tsa> rxr: shoot girlfriend with bottle, then.
[23:44] < ripclaw> rxr - i want something to work on in 1.5.x and i don"t have the time you too lack, i cannot keep following cliffords tree and deal with
[23:44] < tsa> ;)
[23:45] < fake> tsa: *lol*
[23:45] < rxr> fake: you see I have knowledge - and I did got into the details ... - and I can work without X11 ...
[23:45] < rxr> tsa: that is not funny at all ...
[23:45] < fake> rxr: i did not call you a windows maniac - that was th ;-)
[23:46] < tsa> fake: hehe
[23:46] < rxr> s/fake/th/ ...
[23:46] < ripclaw> all those hassles - i need sparc rock on ultra to work on, it must be reliable and i only need it to run wm2 with xterms for now. this works, with old x. i see no reason why to put all this "sparc port needs another extra gcc" in there right now. i can wait for it to support xf4 in 1.7
[23:46] < rxr> hm a remote xterm might work - but not local display
[23:47] < tsa> ripclaw: what are you currently using? 3.3.6?
[23:47]   fake drives home
[23:47] < fake> l8er
[23:47] < ripclaw> but i am not going to wait using 20k$ in hardware just because some folks deem xf4 absolutely necessary. and if someone wants to replace me and armijn as port maintainers, he's free to make more and better patches.
[23:47] < tsa> cu fake
[23:47] < Mike1> later fake
[23:47] -!- Freak [freak@pD9530A7E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("I take this land for my bunghole!")
[23:47] < chrisime> .
[23:48] < ripclaw> rxr - i for my part can live with static binaries or xf3 - i have half a tera of diskspace on the network, and don't care about gui. 80 gb disk cost 100 eur today.
[23:48] < rxr> ripclaw: btw: how much will this extra memory cost ?
[23:49] < ripclaw> tsa: right now i still use no gfx at all and a minimal base to get a sourcetree and devel tools on 4gb local disk.
[23:49] < rxr> ripclaw: I have no time for 1.5. I'll fix the linux* packages for huebi and then work on sparc64 in 1.7 next month
[23:49] < tsa> ripclaw: ah, i see.
[23:49] < thaly|harald> see you tommorow
[23:49] < thaly|harald> bye
[23:49] < ripclaw> rxr: about 90 eur, thats what i hear from huebi and carlos both. thats 128 megs.
[23:49] < tsa> cu thaly|harald
[23:49] -!- thaly|harald [~tobrit@pD9E49B15.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("...")
[23:50] < tsa> ripclaw: 128 = 2x64?
[23:50] < rxr> 90eur for one 128 MB ?
[23:50] < tsa> or one 128mb?
[23:51] < ripclaw> rxr - i find your work in 1.7 appreciateable, but there are still no stable 1.5.x and thats what 90% sparc ppl use. who besides you has a sparc running 1.7 ?
[23:51] < Mike1> ripclaw: i do
[23:52] < Mike1> and i think Jan has
[23:52] < ripclaw> the price seemed to be for 2x128, i don't have the details here, and i am far too tired.
[23:52] < rxr> ripclaw: we had this stable 1.6 discussion this afternoon ...
[23:52] < tsa> ripclaw: hehe...ok.
[23:52] < ripclaw> ok, so we have 3 1.7 sparcs and the other half of the developers struggle with 1.5 - where does this get us workpower-wise ?
[23:53] < Mike1> ripclaw: i agree with you on keeping it simple and stable for a 1.6 release
[23:53] < ripclaw> you folks had the discussion this afternoon, i appologize for beeing late, can someone gimme a summary ?
[23:53] < rxr> ripclaw: I have no time for any strange 1.5 game. I merge my dRock into 1.7. 1.5 is far to chaotic.
[23:53] < rxr> Mike1: but the problem it already got changed here and there - so no simple and stable 1.6 ...
[23:53] < Mike1> i know the prioritys are those but also i know that it is really important to include more that the basic stuff
[23:54] < rxr> ripclaw: isn't huebi near you ?
[23:54] < Mike1> rxr: i ment simple as in having a basic system to run stable
[23:54] < rxr> tsa: cvs fixed in my rxr 1.7 tree ...
[23:54] < tsa> rxr: huh? a godd patch should fix the code, not some compiler-specific issues, and therefore hopefully apply to both trees.
[23:54] < tsa> rxr: cool.
[23:55] < tsa> s,dd,od,
[23:55] < ripclaw> rxr - i have no trouble with what you do on 1.7 - more power to you. but if 1.5 works as aplatform to compile stuff on, we at least have something _NOW_ to start compiling 1.7 on - and it doesnt make any sense to me to port a tree that is a moving target for now.
[23:55] < esden> n8
[23:55] < tsa> cu esden
[23:55] < rxr> tsa: in 1.6 we can only have this 32/64 bit hybrid thingy, because the gcc-2.95.3 and the egcs64 do not generate vaild 64bit userspace code ...
[23:55] < ripclaw> huebi is here, and he's less than slightly not amused on the topic. frankly speaking, he's pissed off.
[23:56] < rxr> ripclaw: yes ACK. But huebiy put sparc64 to the need to be stable list - and I only mentioned that xfree will not work this way (maybe 3.3. will also just fail ...)
[23:56] < tsa> i see no problem with sparc64 work being continued on both trees.
[23:57] < rxr> ripclaw: huebi made 1.5 as moving as 1.7. This is the point.
[23:57] < ripclaw> rxr - the hybrid junk works with suse and debian, if anyone can figure it out, which i am appearantly to fragging stupid to, please enlighten me.
[23:57] -!- ripclaw is now known as huebi
[23:57] < rxr> ripclaw: doesn't suse and debian use a sparc (32) kernel for use on all sparc hardware ?
[23:57] < tsa> re huebi
[23:58] < Mike1> WB huebi
[23:58]   rxr powering the sparc and checking the suse install cd
[23:58] < huebi> rxr: I don't make something moving. I just hunt bugs in unreliable 'geek code' not worth for a distribution.
[23:58] -!- huebi is now known as ripclaw
[23:59] < ripclaw> rxr: regarding the sparc32 kernel, please take a look at it, and tell me what you think.
[23:59] < tsa> .oO( huebiclaw )
[23:59] < ripclaw> sparc32 kernel aka v.7 && v.8 has _no_ support for PCI - and guess how many sparc systems with sufficient compile power we have that have PCI ?
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Thu Jul 18 00:00:31 2002