-!- Irrsi  Log opened Thu Jul 18 00:00:31 2002
-!- Irrsi  Day changed Thu Jul 18 2002
[00:00] < ripclaw> i have a hardware list up on sparc, feel free to check that out - anything useable has PCI !!!
[00:00] < rxr> ripclaw: ack about the pci thing
[00:01] < rxr> but maybe only the 2.4 kernel config values are horked - and it should work ... (but is not selectable in the config)
[00:01] < ripclaw> if you want to compile 1.5.x on a sparcstation2 or 5, please volunteer, i did that 2.5 years, and 40 mhz on sun4c is frigging awfull pain in the ass !!!!
[00:02] < rxr> ripclaw: ok - the suse cd also runs a sparc64 kernel
[00:02] < ripclaw> rxr: guess it - the 2.2 and 2.0 kernels arent any better, in fact 2.4.19-preX have so many code cleanups, that i stopped using 2.2.20 on sparc alltogether.
[00:02] < rxr> does the suse cd boots on old sparc systems ?
[00:03] < ripclaw> rxr, suse boots on anything from the lowest lowend IPX/ss2 up to e10000 - i had it on u1, e150, e250, etc... it just works for some freaking reason.
[00:03] < rxr> kernel got compiled with egcs64
[00:03] < ripclaw> i know, with holy egcs.
[00:03] < rxr> ripclaw: *strange*
[00:03] < rxr> do they have some runtime check to load another kernel image on a old SPARC ?
[00:03] < ripclaw> 21091999 - i know the damn date by heart now.
[00:04] < ripclaw> no.
[00:04] < rxr> ripclaw: /me knows this borg-code, too.
[00:04] < ripclaw> just normal sun4m/c vs sun4u in silo.
[00:04] < rxr> hm - that is my brothers birthday ;-)
[00:05] < ripclaw> thats davems holy compiler, and the only one verified to have 100% sure 64bit kernel code.
[00:05] < rxr> gcc-3.1 works too here.
[00:06] < ripclaw> i do not get the point what suse did to get 64 bit working, or how debian did that. and somehow i seem to be too stupid for that, or i miss the point each time i look into it.
[00:06] < rxr> and yes - davem said: "should work - but bug repots with old one in the next month please" !!!
[00:06] < rxr> ripclaw: one part might be the header-convertion
[00:06] < rxr> but there seems to be another
[00:06] < rxr> there is some mmap issue on such hybrid systems. But I have not found out why and where ...
[00:06] < ripclaw> if anyone introduces gcc3 in 1.5 because sparc needs it, guess who has no clue about it and would have to maintain it ?
[00:07] < rxr> ripclaw: no gcc-3.1 in 1.5 please!
[00:07] < rxr> this is a 1.7 thing.
[00:08] < rxr> this egcs64 works for most of the kernel (and ICE on the rest of the kernel)
[00:09] < ripclaw> i offer a case of beer to the first one who bests me on that issue - the header work is the same as with debian, IIRC.
[00:10] < ripclaw> and why do you hang me a fishbait with gcc3 and ask not to integrate it in 1.5 ? this does not get me anywhere but sleepless.
[00:10] < tsa> hm..
[00:10]   tsa not understanding the discussion
[00:11] < ripclaw> tsa, i don't get the point either,...
[00:11] < rxr> ripclaw: I only said a full 64 bit system is only possible with gcc-3.1 and that this compiler also works for the kernel.
[00:11] < tsa> as it seems, nobody wants gcc3 in 1.5/1.6..
[00:11] < ripclaw> sparc64 will be in 1.6.
[00:11] < tsa> ok.
[00:11]   rxr away - busy
[00:12] < tsa> "busy" ;-)
[00:12] < tsa> have fun, rxr ;)
[00:12] < ripclaw> it'll go in there, if necessary with old x or no x at all.
[00:12] < ripclaw> have a good night all together, i have to get some rest.
[00:12] < Mike1> ripclaw: night
[00:13] < tsa> cu ripclaw..
[00:13] < rxr> good nicgt ripclaw
[00:13] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[00:13] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[00:13] < ripclaw> if anyone likes to donate gcc3 as a optional package for 1.5 we can use to compile sparc, i extend the offer of the beer case to any way to solve the hybrid junk.
[00:13] < rxr> tsa: busy -> busy working and not reading this noise.
[00:13] -!- ripclaw is now known as huebi
[00:13] < tsa> re huebi..
[00:14] < huebi> re all
[00:14] < Mike1> e huebi
[00:14] < Mike1> +r
[00:14] < tsa> huebi: does gimp 1.2.3 from 1.5.17 cvs require gtk2 ?
[00:14] < rxr> tsa: no
[00:14] < tsa> cool.
[00:14] < tsa> Building. Writing output to /var/adm/logs/5-gimp.out
[00:15] < tsa> gnome2 stuff in 1.7 is a mess at the moment..
[00:15] < rxr> tsa: why ?
[00:15] < tsa> rxr: because i tried to do a Build-Pkg gimp.
[00:15] < tsa> it complained about gtk.
[00:15] < tsa> gtk complained about glib.
[00:15] < rxr> hm - the last time I checked it worked fine ...
[00:16] < tsa> glib complained abou pkgconfig which complained about whatever.
[00:16] < fake> re.
[00:16] < rxr> tsa: manual build or Build-Target ?
[00:16] < tsa> rxr: did you try a full build or just building a single package?
[00:16] < fake> uh. backlog too long. can somebody give me a compilation if what happened?
[00:16] < tsa> rxr: just a manual build of a single package.
[00:17] < tsa> fake: we decided you have to use SuSE from now on..
[00:17] < rxr> a - this is why I want a Build-Pkg that also checks the dependencies and build them, too ;-)
[00:17] < fake> tsa: did Mathilda approve?
[00:17] < tsa> rxr: taen from gimp.cache:
[00:17] < tsa> taken
[00:18] < tsa> [9-ERROR] checking for sendmail... /usr/sbin/sendmail
[00:18] < tsa> [9-ERROR] checking for gimpprint-config... no
[00:18] < tsa> [9-ERROR] configure: error:
[00:18] < tsa> [9-ERROR] *** Check for libgimpprint failed. You can download it from
[00:18] < tsa> [9-ERROR] *** https://gimp-print.sourceforge.net/ or you can build without it by
[00:18] < tsa> passing
[00:18] < tsa> [9-ERROR] *** --disable-print to configure (but you won't be able to print then)
[00:18] < tsa> .
[00:18] < rxr> tsa: I added gimp-print ...
[00:18] < tsa> rxr: i'm getting in serious trouble here with my updated 1.4.0 rock ..
[00:18] < rxr> this was a new depedency of gimp-1.3.4 or .5 or so ...
[00:18] < tsa> i see.
[00:19] < tsa> i wanted to start a full build today, but then found out about the broken cvs stuff.
[00:19] < tsa> i'll wait for the next snapshot, then..
[00:20] < rxr> tsa: you could simply start with my rxr tree ...
[00:20] < tsa> rxr: not today...i'm just too tired to think - currently i just want a working damn gimp...
[00:23] < tsa> [9-ERROR] checking for sendmail... /usr/sbin/sendmail    <-- gimp is checking for sendmail????????
[00:23] < fake> ah gimp, that's one of the few programs because of which i really need x
[00:23] < rxr> *woah*
[00:24] < tsa> this doesn't make sense, does it?
[00:24] < rxr> what "this" ?
[00:24] < rxr> the sendmail check ?
[00:24] < tsa> gimp - sendmail
[00:24] < tsa> yes.
[00:25] < rxr> not really - maybe it is for the file -> Send as Email fluff ... ?!?
[00:25] < tsa> will sendmail require gimp in the next release, too? ;)
[00:25] < fake> *lol*
[00:25] < tsa> arghs.
[00:26] < tsa> I AM NOT A WINDOZE USER. i don't need a "send as email.." button on every piece of shit.
[00:26] < fake> [ ] send this quote es email
[00:26] < tsa> copy on your own.. ;-)
[00:27] < tsa> will /bin/ls support sending output as email in future releases, too?
[00:27] < fake> ls | sendmail - ?
[00:28] < fake> or something ;)
[00:28] < fake> hey, even syslog supports email ;-)
[00:29] < tsa> *sigh*
[00:29] < fake> tsa: one day, when a kernel built, it will ask you "Do you want to recommend this kernel to a friend?" ;-)
[00:30] < tsa> sure.
[00:30] < tsa> with a "send as email.." button, of course..
[00:33] < fake> "send as HTML email..."
[00:33]   Mike1 going to sleep
[00:34] < fake> "Send via MSN Messenger..:"
[00:34] < Mike1> see you
[00:34] < fake> n8 Mike1 !
[00:34] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[00:36] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB5AB74.ipt.aol.com] has quit ()
[00:39] -!- Freak [freak@pD9530A7E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[00:40] < fake> re Freak
[00:40] < rxr> hm is it possible to give ssh the password/passphrase via a commandline switch or a flie? (For batch runs)
[00:40] < Ge0rG> rxr: how about pubkey auth
[00:41] < Freak> re
[00:41] < rxr> Ge0rG: You mean a passphrase-less pub_key ?
[00:41] < fake> rxr: -i keyfile
[00:41] < fake> rxr: you mean the password in a shellscript?
[00:42] < Ge0rG> rxr: exactly
[00:42] < rxr> fake: more secure than a pass-phrase less pub-key.
[00:42] < fake> wieso?
[00:42] < rxr> then the atacker needs the pub-key (from the server) AND my script ...
[00:43] < SMP> no
[00:43] < rxr> SMP: ?
[00:43] < fake> it doesn't work anyways, rxr.
[00:43]   rxr stuipd
[00:43] < fake> so use a passphraseless pub_key.
[00:43] < rxr> sorry to bother ...
[00:43] < SMP> the attacker needs the private key
[00:43]   rxr slaming the head against the wall ...
[00:44] < rxr> SMP: sure - thanks for the enlighting ;-)
[00:44] < SMP> (which is in that case stored right beside your script)
[00:44] < rxr> yes.
[00:45] < fake> she's got the jack... she's got the jack... *swingsing*
[00:56] < rxr> SMP: may I ask another Q ?
[00:56] < SMP> ehm
[00:56] < SMP> of course ;)
[00:57] < rxr> i have three ssh pub keys here. rsa-v1, rsa and dsa
[00:57] < rxr> public key stuff works for most severs (including your rocklinux.de)
[00:57] < rxr> but on one box I have trouble:
[00:58] < rxr> - the sever doesn't wanna use the keys
[00:58] < rxr> and for scp I even get
[00:58] < rxr> scp: warning: Executing scp1.
[00:58] < rxr> scp: FATAL: Executing ssh1 in compatibility mode failed (Check that scp1 is in your PATH).
[00:58] < rxr> lost connection
[00:58] < rxr> although the server seems to be openssh v 3.2
[00:59] -!- mono_ [mono@alb-24-29-49-171.nycap.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux
[00:59] < mono_> Anyone good with apache?
[00:59] < rxr> debug1: Remote protocol version 2.0, remote software version 3.2.0 SSH Secure Shell (non-commercial)
[00:59] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@pD9590AC3.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("blah")
[00:59] < Ge0rG> ssh.com keys have to be perverted^Wconverted to be used with "open"ssh
[00:59] -!- mono_ [mono@alb-24-29-49-171.nycap.rr.com] has quit (Client Quit)
[00:59] < rxr> any idea what is wrong with this only server?
[00:59] < rxr> Ge0rG: no - only openssh stuff here ...
[01:00] < SMP> he's right
[01:00] < rxr> oh - hm
[01:00] < SMP> the server doesn't understand the openssh id_*.pub
[01:00] < rxr> oh yes - ic
[01:01] < rxr> on my home boxes I have:
[01:01] < Ge0rG> id_*.pub is ssh.com stuff
[01:01] < rxr> OpenSSH_* - I see
[01:01] < rxr> Ge0rG: so how to convert ?
[01:01] < SMP> Ge0rG: /etc/passwd is Solaris
[01:02] < Ge0rG> rxr: on a openssh box you can convert a ssh.com key with ssh-keygen -i -f foo.pub
[01:02] < SMP> rxr: ssh-keygen -e
[01:02] < SMP> Ge0rG: he needs to do it the other direction
[01:02] -!- mono_ [mono@alb-24-29-49-171.nycap.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux
[01:02] < Ge0rG> oh... ok
[01:03] < rxr> SMP: Ge0rG much thanks!
[01:03] < huebi> rxr: many.
[01:04] < SMP> and just for the records, OpenSSH uses id_*{,.pub} for version 2 keys. but with a different format than ssh.com
[01:04] < mono_> ANyone good with Apache?
[01:05] < SMP> trying to subvert my /ignore Mon0? too bad
[01:05] < SMP> fixed.
[01:06] < mono_> Huh?
[01:06] < huebi> The CVS directories in 1.5.17 are now only in /usr/share/doc/ROCK anymore (except the sources) ;-)
[01:07] < rxr> mono_: we are not a apache suport channel ... - but what prob do you have?
[01:07] < mono_> rxr: I know you aren't, you guys have helpped me thus far...
[01:07] < huebi> mono_: No, I don't know enough about apache to help you.
[01:07] < mono_> root@calnux:/usr/local/apache2/bin# ./apachectl start
[01:07] < mono_> (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
[01:07] < mono_> no listening sockets available, shutting down
[01:08] < mono_> THAT is, well, giving me problems.
[01:08] < SMP> #include <SMP/std_use_cvs_export.rant>
[01:08] < fake> mono_: are you root?
[01:08] < fake> mono_ there is already an apache running, btw.
[01:08] < fake> >_<
[01:08] < mono_> fake: In that shell, yes.
[01:08] < rxr> mono_: another process that utilizes the port 80 is running on your box - so  apache cannot bind to it. Kill that other process first.
[01:08] < mono_> And there shouldn't be, as I killed them all.
[01:09] < huebi> SMP: What means .rant?
[01:09] < mono_> rxr: How can I see what is on port 80?
[01:09] < mono_> netstat -an | grep 80
[01:09] < mono_> ?
[01:09] < rxr> netstat
[01:10] < mono_> There is nothing on port 80...
[01:10] < SMP> huebi: 'Wortschwall' according to the dict. but it has a special meaning in email / usenet / chat
[01:11] < rxr> SMP: where does this commercial ssh stuff wants this key?
[01:11] < fake> mono_: is there an entry for port 80 in /etc/inetd.conf ?
[01:11] < rxr> "the server checks $HOME/.ssh2/authorization for filenames of matching public keys" ? So I have to put filenames into this file ?
[01:11] < Ge0rG> rxr: the keys have to be in the file.
[01:12] < Ge0rG> not their file names
[01:12] < SMP> huebi: jemand 'ranted' wenn er in einem langen Text ueber einen bestimmten Sachverhalt seinen Unmut aeussert.
[01:12] < Ge0rG> oh stop!
[01:12] < rxr> then the man-page is missleading
[01:12] < Ge0rG> rxr: I take everything back.
[01:12] < rxr> -s
[01:12] < Ge0rG> georg@morbo:~/.ssh2$ cat authorization
[01:12] < Ge0rG> Key id_dsa_1024_a.morbo.pub
[01:12] < SMP> rxr: I don't kno
[01:12] < mono_> fake: No, there isn't.
[01:12] < SMP> I don't use ssh.com
[01:12]   fake neither
[01:12] < huebi> SMP: Thank you. Now I understand. ;-) I did that before but I lost too much changes with two trees. Now I have an idea how to solve that (copy the export over the cvs tree) but in the moment I won't experiment with it.
[01:12] < Ge0rG> rxr: I should've read your question before writing the answer ;)
[01:13] < fake> mono_ i have no idea. rtfm, ask on an apache channel, or whatever.
[01:13] < rxr> Ge0rG: ;-)
[01:13] < SMP> huebi: there's no problem with doing test builds and development (of course) from a cvs tree
[01:14]   fake Welle Erdball - Alle Jahre wieder *lol*
[01:14] < SMP> huebi: but when you release something, you release a well defined status and don't mess with it. that is what you export from the cvs.
[01:15]   Ge0rG mag die moorsoldaten und die abc-alarme lieber *:)
[01:15] < huebi> SMP: Yes but I can really hear the opportunities of an export tree. - Ah yes of course for releases.
[01:16] -!- mono_ [mono@alb-24-29-49-171.nycap.rr.com] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[01:16] < huebi> SMP: You have a very good ability to get my thinking in the right direction. Thank you.
[01:16] < SMP> huebi: noone cares if there is CVS stuff in a test build. but you don't want them in a release - and you can reliably achieve by just using a cvs export
[01:17] < rxr> Ge0rG: thanks! Works now.
[01:17] < Ge0rG> :)
[01:17] < fake> mono_ hates me now.
[01:17] < fake> (why is he asking about a slack inst on #rocklinux?)
[01:18] < SMP> hehe, yes!
[01:18] < SMP> I just used /ignore
[01:18] < fake> :P
[01:18] < fake> that's the easy way... the dark side of the force as Ge0rG might say.
[01:18] < Ge0rG> ignore is boring - you always miss all the dumb remakrs the luser makes
[01:19] < huebi> Mathilda could bite him...
[01:19] < SMP> Ge0rG: I don't give a f*ck
[01:20]   fake ermahnt SMP, sich an die neue Rechtschreibregelung zu halten.
[01:21] < huebi> interesting feeling - a P-166 MMX again.
[01:21]   SMP stecke fake den Hilfs-Channelsheriff Stern an
[01:21] < Ge0rG> wenn ich gestern ignore eingesetzt hätte, könnte ich mich nicht immer wieder über "<Scorpion-King> pass nur auf!! ich hab deine ip adresse und alles ich brauch nur in einen spezialisierten computerladen gehen und ich weiss wo du wohnst und dann bist du dran!" amüsieren
[01:22] < huebi> Auuuaaaa
[01:22] < SMP> *rotfl*
[01:22] < fake> *ouch*
[01:22] < SMP> that's funny. but I don't mind missing it ;)
[01:22] < fake> I remember that one women in a web chat
[01:23] < fake> where you could use HTML for your nicks, but only after 1 h of usage
[01:23] < fake> and the other chatters kept telling her that she needs "HTML Rights"
[01:23] < fake> and she askes "Sind diese HTML-Rechte nicht dabei, wenn man einen neuen Rechner kauft?"
[01:23] < Ge0rG> *lol*
[01:24] < SMP> hehe
[01:25] < huebi> fake: Remeber the "User mainenance"
[01:25] < fake> huebi: hm? crack? ;)
[01:26] < SMP> speaking of women - I hope I didn't scare owl too much when I told her to disable her fancy attribution the first time she ever said a word to me ;-}
[01:27] < fake> SMP: no, you didn't - she's used to my "agressive replies". she called me "thomas" more than once.
[01:27] < huebi> I thing you were away. I got an offer to make the "user" - maintenance for a small office with about 10 PC's.
[01:27] < SMP> fake: hehehe
[01:27] < fake> huebi: i saw it, yes... ;)
[01:27] < Ge0rG> "Weiss denn niemand, wo ich 'grab' für Linux finde ???" -- "frag mal freshmeat" -- "Sobald er mal da is ..."
[01:27] < fake> *LOL*
[01:27] < huebi> *LOL*
[01:28]   Ge0rG has a pretty long collection of luser quotes...
[01:28] < Ge0rG> ok, not really long, but at least amusing *:
[01:28] < Ge0rG> :)
[01:29] < fake> luserness is endless... as vast as the universe
[01:29]   fake works in the spawn-point
[01:30]   Ge0rG is making support on euirc.
[01:30] < SMP> a luser-singularity?
[01:30] < fake> *rofl*
[01:31] < fake> intelligence fell beyond the event-horizon, yes.
[01:31] < Ge0rG> if idiots would fly, irc would be an airport...
[01:31] < Ge0rG> ok, its a bitchx quit msg, but nevertheless true ;)
[01:31] < fake> and i would be a passanger ;)
[01:31] < fake> passenger
[01:32] < huebi> If you are high enough  you won't hit earth when you fall down.
[01:33] < fake> ... anymore.
[01:33] < huebi> ;-)
[01:33] < fake> well, in fact you would, say, parts of you. a lot of parts, though.
[01:33] < fake> really really small parts.
[01:34] < huebi> the glowing ones?
[01:34] < fake> huebi: if you were high enough, you wouldn't fall anywhere anymore ;-)
[01:34] < fake> huebi: no, the ones with several added O's
[01:35] < huebi> WORM hole exception...
[01:35] < SMP> hehe
[01:36] < fake> huebi: btw, what did you mean with "Mathilda should have an eye on me" ?
[01:37]   fake Midge Ure and Ultravox - Dancing with tears in my eyes
[01:37] < huebi> She should take more care about you. You are worth it at least.
[01:38] < fake> *LOL*
[01:39] < fake> she shouldn spend her time on someone who's really worth it ;-)
[01:39] < fake> *should
[01:39] < huebi> fake: She doesn't?
[01:40] < fake> not if she cares about me.
[01:43] < huebi> fake: What's the reason why she should not take more care about you? She is a very supporting god.
[01:44] < fake> there are a lot of persons more important to care about...
[01:44] < fake> nah, let's stop this Mathilda-crap for now
[01:44] < huebi> ok
[01:44] < fake> there's nobody who cares for you, for you are alone in this world
[01:45] < huebi> ____________
[01:45] < huebi> < Huhu, Fake >
[01:45] < huebi> ------------
[01:45] < huebi>        \   ,__,
[01:45] < huebi>         \  (oo)____
[01:45] < huebi>            (__)    )\
[01:45] < huebi>               ||--|| *
[01:45] < huebi>
[01:46] < fake> sorry, i'm serious
[01:47] < huebi> ok
[01:47]   fake Black - It's a wonderful Life
[01:48] < huebi> I'm just setting up a new ROCK Linux Desktop Publishing Server.
[01:48] < huebi> kool name.
[01:48] < SMP> fake: there should always be one person who cares about you -even if you are completely alone- and that person is you!
[01:48] < huebi> Could be something for marketing.
[01:49] < fake> SMP: then something is completely messed up
[01:49] < huebi> SMP: s/should/must/
[01:49] < SMP> well, yes
[01:49] < huebi> e/must/does/
[01:49] < SMP> well, no ;)
[01:50] < SMP> e.g. I didn't always care
[01:50] < fake> i don't care, either
[01:51] < SMP> then you should start! do it!
[01:51] < huebi> Then there is a Mathilda, seriously needed for that time.
[01:51] < fake> SMP: what for?
[01:52] < SMP> for if you don't care about yourself, nobody will care about you
[01:52] < rxr> "ROCK Linux Desktop Publishing Server" what will the server do?
[01:52] < tsa> <- going to bed.
[01:52] < tsa> cu all
[01:52] < fake> n8 tsa
[01:52] < huebi> rxr: read the name.
[01:52] < huebi> cu tsa
[01:52] < rxr> I read the name ...
[01:53] < rxr> n8 tsa
[01:53] < tsa> n8
[01:53] -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082AC45.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[01:53] < huebi> rxr: translate it, if it helps
[01:53] < rxr> huebi: thanks - now i still does not know what the server is about ...
[01:53] < fake> SMP: but wouldn't that make me egocentric?
[01:54] < SMP> absolutely not
[01:54] < rxr> -es
[01:55] < huebi> rxr: What is your question about the server, I mean what is not clear?
[01:55] < rxr> huebi: simple file server? rendering some graphic stuff, "terminal" server ? What will the box do ?
[01:55] < huebi> ok
[01:55] < fake> but why should i care for a person i don't even like? that's really hard.
[01:55] < SMP> I know it's hard
[01:56] < fake> not to say impossible
[01:56] < fake> illogical
[01:56] < huebi> gateway, file- print- fax- backup- firewall X- Server running tex
[01:56] < SMP> do you want to spend the rest of your life with someone whom you don't even like?
[01:56] < rxr> ah. ok.
[01:57] < fake> SMP: no. but i can't change him either.
[01:57] < rxr> huebi: will they use TeX as primary application to create their DTP work ?
[01:57] < fake> for i am what i am and i can neither change nor deny it
[01:57] < huebi> rxr: There will be writen some books on it. tex is needed for that.
[01:59] < rxr> ah ok. For this TeX is perfect. I just wondered because today DTP means "much graphical artwork" which  is where TeX is not that great and intuitive ...
[02:00] < SMP> fake: you can change - at least a bit. but you don't necessarily have to. I bed there's a lot of things you like about yourself. start seeing those things
[02:00] < huebi> rxr: The main (Desktop-) User knows the command line from Atari or so. He just wants to writ books and does not need somrthing special *klickibunti* for that.
[02:00] < SMP> 'I bet' of course
[02:01] < fake> SMP: this "starts seeing those things" sounds like "i started seeing things". i'd have to make them up.
[02:01] < fake> aaaah whatever
[02:02] < fake> nevermind
[02:02] < fake> <- better gets some sleep
[02:02]   rxr mostly finsihed fully automatic dRock mirroring ;-)
[02:03] < SMP> fake: don't you think that your contributions for ROCK are good and that making them was a good thing to do?
[02:04] < fake> SMP: thus far, i contributed nothing worthy. I'm a lamer after all (boy, you _know_ it :P ).
[02:06] < fake> wie auch immer, ich hau mich ins... auf die matratze.
[02:06] < fake> bis dann *waves*
[02:07] < huebi> schlaf gut fake
[02:08] < Ge0rG> n8 fake
[02:10] < huebi> just started time make -j8 install on P166MMX...
[02:11] < SMP> n8 fake
[02:14] < rxr> do I have to HUP cron - or does the crontab program do this?
[02:15] < huebi> rxr: better restrt it to be shure.
[02:16] < rxr> ok
[02:16] -!- Ge0rG is now known as ge0rg
[02:27] < huebi> n8
[02:28] < rxr> n8 huebi  
[03:10] -!- Mon0 [mono@alb-24-29-49-171.nycap.rr.com] has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[03:11] < Freak> lalala
[03:12] < rxr> lala ?
[03:12] < Freak> lalalala. lala, lalala la lalalala. lalalala? lala!
[03:13] < rxr> your are drunken ? ;-)
[03:13] < Freak> not yet
[03:15] < Freak> should I be?
[03:16] < rxr> no - but the lala ...
[03:17] < Freak> just some lalala
[03:17] < Freak> any idea why a search for "privat webcam -sex -flirt -amateur -teen" still wants to lead me to sex sites?
[03:18] < Freak> even those who have "amateur*" or "sex*" in their <title>
[03:18] < Freak> I hate this.
[03:18] < Freak> "alte Frauen der Webcam privat privat und"
[03:19] < Freak> "www.sexcam.[censored]"
[03:20] < Freak> news: "17.07.2002:  Unsere Webcam  wird jetzt alle 10 Minuten aktualisiert.. "
[03:22] < Freak> I'd like to watch some zoo in san francisco or so
[03:22] < Freak> not naked, ugly women doing things .. narf
[03:22] < Freak> or.. I dunno .. a lake in ohio
[03:23] < Freak> or maybe a sandy beach on hawaii
[03:23] < Freak> any links?
[03:23] < Freak> "Frank Steffel - Neue Kraft für Berlin"
[03:24] < Freak> hmm
[03:24] < Freak> I guess those sites pay google for making it impossible to filter them out
[03:24] -!- ge0rg [georg@op-co.de] has quit ("Irssi - the client of smart and beautiful people")
[06:08] -!- Netsplit vinge.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: snyke, h0h0, pisco, huebi, Freak, fake, th, rolla_, tomik, codeq, (+6 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)
[06:08] -!- Netsplit over, joins: huebi, Freak, pisco, simon-, codeq, tomik, h0h0, rolla_, th, dorphell (+6 more)
[06:27] < esden> morning
[08:00] < huebi> moin
[08:19] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p5081722C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[08:55] -!- Netsplit vinge.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: pisco, huebi, blindcoder, codeq
[08:56] < [anders]> moin
[08:59] -!- Netsplit over, joins: codeq, huebi, pisco, blindcoder
[09:00] < huebi> re
[09:01] < esden> hi aszlig
[09:01] < esden> argh
[09:01] < esden> i mean [anders]
[09:01] < esden> douh
[09:03] < huebi> KDE 3.0.2 works on aPentium 166 MMX with 128MB RAM - slow though to start, but it works.
[09:04] < huebi> and it does not swap ;-)))
[09:05] < [anders]> moin esden :)
[09:05] < [anders]> moin huebi :)
[09:08] < esden> huebi: you need 50MB ram for kde itself ... that is a reason why I _hate_ kde
[09:09] < huebi> good morning [anders]
[09:09] < [anders]> gnome eats ram as well.. not quite as bad, but not far off..
[09:11] < esden> yes [anders] ... that is why I do not use gnome aswell ;-)
[09:11] < huebi> esden: For my purpose this is a secondary issue. I need a very good designed desktop for somebody a little bit older. So KDE 3.0.2 was my choice.
[09:12] < [anders]> esden: there is always enlightenment to use... lots and lots of eyecandy and it doesn't quite take up as much ram as gnome or kde.. Yes, it is only a windowmanager, but it is a pretty one.. ;-)
[09:12] < esden> huebi: I will test kde too ... but I can not use it on dayly basis ... because I need my ram for other things besides desktop ;-) like compiling rock ;-)
[09:14] < huebi> esden: this is a "ROCK Linux Desktop Publishing Server" for writing book mainly.
[09:14] < [anders]> esden: no excuse for not having enough RAM today.... ;-) 256MB DIMM PC2100 is about £50 including VAT...
[09:14] < huebi> gateway, file- print- fax- backup- firewall X- Server running tex
[09:15] < esden> [anders]: yes I have used it for a long time ... but now I use wmaker ... it looks even better if you ask me ... but I am looking forward to e17
[09:16] < huebi> ACK
[09:16] < esden> [anders]: I have not seen so much money for a long time now ... :-(
[09:16] < esden> but I hope that will change in near future ... thanks to rippy ;-)
[09:16] < [anders]> there is this new gnome windowmanager which I am really keen to take a look at, but I have not the prereq libraries to build it..
[09:16] < [anders]> esden: :-)
[09:18] < esden> [anders]: build them ;-)
[09:19] < esden> I know that is not funny
[09:19] < esden> [anders]: or run rock-get update
[09:19] < esden> rock-get install gnome2
[09:19] < esden> ;-)
[09:19] < [anders]> hehehehehehe....
[09:21] < esden> there must be a additional option ...
[09:21] < esden> it must be
[09:21] < esden> rock-get update
[09:22] < esden> rock-get build install gnome2
[09:22] < esden> if you want that it should be build for you
[09:22] < esden> or
[09:22] < esden> rock-get binary install gnome2
[09:22] < huebi> Strike. The hardware and the kernel of the new gatewayworks!
[09:23] < esden> if you want to install the prebuild binary packages
[09:23] < esden> hmm that will be fun to implement
[09:23] < esden> huebi: ???
[09:24] < huebi> esden: Yes, the new gateway for a customer ;-))
[09:24] < huebi> esden: When do you have the fun? *g*
[09:25] < esden> somewhere in the next month
[09:25] < esden> when I have done your display and shipped it
[09:25] < esden> and the cd-creation on alpha works
[09:25] < [anders]> no, I think I will carry on trying to help with 1.5.x until it goes gold (1.6.0) and then I will try and create the gnome2 packages in my private tree...
[09:25] < esden> hmm ... no not next month
[09:26] < esden> first I have to work more an dietlibc and uClibc target
[09:26] < esden> and create installdisks ... and make the cd creation in 1.7
[09:27] < esden> the installation software and packet menagment in 1.7 has also to be done
[09:27] < esden> so i suppose somewhere around new year (19c3) i can think of starting with this project
[09:28] < [anders]> been going through the ext's that failed to build and I am now removing the ones I simply can not be asked to even try and get working.. AbiWord being one of them.. the ext is non-working, outdated probably, not to mention a right pisstaking for maintenance..
[09:28] < huebi> esden: First should be the alpha stuff. I can wait longer on the display.
[09:28] < esden> huebi: are you sure ?
[09:29] < huebi> esden: yes, I shure.
[09:29] < huebi> am
[09:31] < esden> ok ... then I will first make some more work on alpha ... and in some spare time I will do the display stuff ... (I want to do it at least >_< /me is so terribly unreliable >_<)
[09:32] < huebi> esden: of course I can wait. 1.6.0 has a much higher priority. The Display can wait till 19C3 if it's nessesary. I don't need a case for it if this is the point.
[09:40] < esden> hmm ... ok
[09:41] < esden> rebooting -> debian (gnome2 test)
[10:00] < esden> re hi all
[10:00] < esden> hmm ... now installing
[10:00] < esden> I love apt-get from debian ... I really want that something simmilar (better) is in rock
[10:01] < esden> it is a beautiful thing for fast testing/installing and low effort system updates
[10:02] < [anders]> esden: why do you think I picked Debian for my build-box ?
[10:05] < esden> [anders]: I promise you that we will make rock a even better distribution than debian ! A very good basis is there when you look at 1.7 ...
[10:06] < huebi> esden: There is not even a stable distribution. So why can 1.7 be good. Nothing serious even.
[10:07] < esden> huebi: I see it in the technical view ... when you use debian you also have to use unstable to have the right thing
[10:07] < huebi> *provoce*
[10:07] < huebi> Formular one cars are also good but unusable.
[10:07] < esden> huebi: for me personally stable releases are not so importaint ... it is importaint for others ... but not me ... I help to get to the point where it is stable ... but I will not use it
[10:08] < esden> huebi: hehe ...
[10:08] < huebi> esden: stability ist a must then you can have featuritis
[10:10] < esden> huebi: sure ... you have to stabilaze your software from time to time ... so that you have a good basis to continue add features
[10:10] < esden> but as I said I will test stable releases ... but not use them all the time ...
[10:11] < esden> the "customers" of rocklinux will use stable releases ...
[10:11] < esden> or are using
[10:13] < huebi> esden: Thats a word: Please test this: ftp://download.rocklinux.de/1.5/1.5.17/rock-ia32-k7-base+opt-1.5.17.iso
[10:13] < huebi> 99% are customers! so forget about the 1% ;-)
[10:14] < esden> I am in the 1% !!!
[10:14] < esden> will do
[10:15] < esden> huebi: dont you have this iso also in a 586 version ?
[10:15] < esden> I need it for my laptop
[10:15] < huebi> just uploading...
[10:17] < esden> I have killed my install yesterday >_<
[10:17] < esden> on my laptop
[10:18] < huebi> rock-ia32-i586-base+   0% |                                                                                           |  3456 KB  9:38:32 ETA
[10:21] < esden> huebi: tell me when it is up ok ?
[10:23] < huebi> esden: have a look there ftp://download.rocklinux.de/1.5/1.5.17/
[10:23] < huebi> when it does not grow it's there
[10:23] < huebi> cu I'm off for a customer.
[10:24] < esden> cu have fun
[10:24] < esden> thanx
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Thu Jul 18 10:25:02 2002
-!- Irrsi  Log opened Thu Jul 18 10:25:05 2002
[10:25] -!- esden [weasel@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[10:25] (Users #rocklinux)
[10:25] [ [anders] ] [ coldie ] [ Freak] [ praenti] [ SMP ]
[10:25] [ aszlig ] [ dorphell] [ h0h0 ] [ rolla_ ] [ snyke]
[10:25] [ blindcoder] [ esden ] [ huebi] [ rxr ] [ th ]
[10:25] [ codeq ] [ fake ] [ pisco] [ simon- ] [ tomik]
[10:25] -!- Irssi: #rocklinux: Total of 20 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 20 normal]
[10:25] -!- Channel #rocklinux created Tue Jun 11 09:27:41 2002
[10:25] -!- Irssi: Join to #rocklinux was synced in 12 secs
[10:25] < esden> re hi all
[10:25] < esden> ok irssi upgraded
[10:37] < rxr> re
[10:38] < rxr> argh:
[10:38] < rxr> rene@jackson:~ > fetchmail
[10:38] < rxr> fetchmail: Authorization failure on rene.rebe@gmx.net@pop.gmx.net
[10:38] < rxr> fetchmail: Query status=3 (AUTHFAIL)
[10:38] < rxr> Why does GMX has this stupid error that often in the last days?
[10:43] < esden> rxr: no idea I do not use any webmail accounts
[10:47] < rxr> moin esden
[10:49] < esden> moin rxr
[10:50] < esden> argh ... the internet connection that I have at home is faster then this one here >_<
[10:50] < esden> that sux badly
[10:50] < esden> 70kb down ... that is really poor
[10:51] < rxr> 2.5.26
[10:52] < rxr> I want my mails. *schnief*
[10:52] < rxr> esden: this really sux - my sever have a higher availability then the gmx fluff ...
[10:53] < rxr> +s
[10:56] < esden> yes ... that is why I like apollo so much ... it has really good avalability
[10:57] < esden> something about 24 hours offline in the year or less
[10:57] < esden> sure there are much better avalable servers ... but it is good enough for me
[11:01] < praenti> moin
[11:01] < praenti> esden: do you think on my lötkolben?
[11:01] < praenti> huebi: ?
[11:03] < praenti> anybody else have build rock the last 2 weeks?
[11:09] -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("leaving")
[11:11] < [anders]> hehehehe...   someone here at work wants to find out what file a symlink points to.. and had been using /bin/ls coupled with cut to get it.. only problem was that in some versions of RedHat ls -la of /newcode/ecmain gave /newcode/ecmain -> und so weiter  while other versions gave ecmain -> blah blah... So he started using awk instead. Then I started to look at this, and there is a better way.. :)
[11:11] < [anders]> praenti: uhm, yes..
[11:12] -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[11:13] < rxr> [anders]: what cmd was it, thast returned the name of the desitnation ?
[11:19] < [anders]> rxr, my perl solutions is the following... : perl -e 'printf "%s\n", readlink("/newcode/ecmain");'
[11:20] < [anders]> brb kaffe
[11:24] < rxr> [anders]: ah ok.
[11:24] < rxr> fetchmail: Query status=3 (AUTHFAIL)
[11:24] < rxr> this sucks
[11:25] < rxr> *lol* using the web-interface:
[11:25] < rxr> Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten
[11:25] < rxr> Ein Login ist derzeit leider nicht mvglich (Cannot setup token). Bitte versuchen Sie es zu einem spdteren Zeitpunkt erneut.
[11:41] < esden> ok I change my mind ... debian is shitty crap !!!
[11:42] < esden> argh !!!
[11:42] < esden> see for yourself:
[11:43] < esden> technik-03:~# apt-get remove ntop
[11:43] < esden> Removing ntop ...
[11:43] < esden> Stopping network top daemon:
[11:43] < esden> /var/lib/dpkg/info/ntop.prerm: line 6:  5926 Terminated              /etc/init.d/ntop stop
[11:43] < esden> dpkg: error processing ntop (--remove):
[11:43] < esden> subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 143
[11:43] < esden> Errors were encountered while processing:
[11:43] < esden> ntop
[11:43] < esden> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
[11:43] < esden> technik-03:~#
[11:43] < esden> what a crap !!!
[11:43] < esden> argh
[11:47] < esden> haha ... I am good ... I fixed it !!! *jump*
[11:48] < praenti> esden: do you thin on my lötkolben?
[11:48] < praenti> s/thin/think
[11:49] < esden> yes I think
[11:49] < [anders]> praenti: the answer is yes, somebody else has built rock in the last 2 weeks.. which version in particular did you have in mind? :)
[11:51] -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux
[11:51] < Ge0rG> hi
[11:53] < [anders]> moin Ge0rG
[11:53] < praenti> [anders]: 1.5.15 to 1.5.17. did you have problems with the mozilla build?
[11:53] < rxr> wb Ge0rG
[11:53] < [anders]> praenti: no, that one has actually been working well for me..
[11:53] < [anders]> praenti: what arch you building for?
[11:54] < praenti> athlon. i want to build the mozilla by hand but their configure cannot guess my host-system
[11:54] < praenti> i always get checking host system type... config.sub: missing argument
[11:54] < praenti> Try `config.sub --help' for more information.
[11:54] < praenti> checking host system type... config.sub: missing argument
[11:54] < praenti> Try `config.sub --help' for more information.
[11:55] < praenti> thats the right error ;-)
[11:56] < [anders]> hmm.... the mozilla build in 1.5.16 worked out of the box for me both in i686 and k7 builds.. in 1.5.17.private (my own tree I am working on) for i686 it has just worked..
[11:57] < [anders]> soz, bad lag 2day for some reason..
[11:57] < rxr> wow! gmx works!
[11:57] < rxr> but:
[11:57] < rxr> 73 messages for rene.rebe@gmx.net at pop.gmx.net (305817 octets).
[11:57] < rxr> ????
[11:58] < rxr> Quite few mails. I guess the gmx serivce was down the whole night !
[12:01] < [anders]> tuple.h: In method `void Tuple<StreamError>::AllocateMoreSpace()':
[12:01] < [anders]> tuple.h:195:   instantiated from `Tuple<StreamError>::NextIndex()'
[12:01] < [anders]> tuple.h:209:   instantiated from `Tuple<StreamError>::Next()'
[12:01] < [anders]> scanner.cpp:347:   instantiated from here
[12:01] < [anders]> tuple.h:95: Internal compiler error.
[12:01] < [anders]> tuple.h:95: Please submit a full bug report.
[12:01] < [anders]> tuple.h:95: See <URL:https://www.gnu.org/software/gcc/bugs.html> for instructions.
[12:01] < [anders]> how lovely.. java 1.3.0 makes gcc break.... I guess I'll throw the java extention on the scrap-heap then...
[12:05] < praenti> [anders]: have found the error
[12:05] < praenti> [anders]: it was in .mozconfig
[12:05] < praenti> [anders]: --host=$target. that only works in the build process
[12:06] < [anders]> praenti: aahh.. :) I have to keep that in mind for future in case I come across the problem.. :)
[12:08]   rxr away - cu
[12:11] -!- Ge0rG is now known as ge0rg
[12:12]   [anders] downloads version 0.95 of vimacs...
[12:32] < esden> debian sux
[12:47] < [anders]> esden: not as badly as RedHat or SuSE......
[13:02] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB450F0.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux
[13:21] < esden> re hi all
[13:21] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB450F0.ipt.aol.com] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:24] < [anders]> bah.. both 0.93 and 0.95 vimacs does not work in vim 6.1... have signed up to the mailinglist now to try and get the help of the developer..
[13:24] -!- Freak [freak@pD9530A7E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:25] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39DC9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[13:27] < esden> ok ... when one reads the documentation then debian does not suck ... it was my lameness that prevented me from installin gnome2
[13:29] < [anders]> *g* Debian is not always straight forward....
[13:30] < [anders]> /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/preferences is something I have not completely figured out yet.. Hence why I this morning accidentally updated XFree86 to 4.2.0...
[13:31] -!- clifford [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux
[13:31] < esden> hehe ... yes ... but rock is not straight too
[13:31] < esden> hi clifford
[13:31] < esden> or clifford's ghost ;-)
[13:31] < clifford> hi.
[13:31] < [anders]> moin clifford
[13:32] < esden> ahh not a ghost at all !!!
[13:32]   clifford is back again .. :-)
[13:32] < clifford> anything I missi
[13:32] < clifford> .. missed in yesterdays snap?
[13:33] < esden> clifford: had not time to check yet
[13:33] < clifford> ok. just let me know if you find anything ...
[13:33]   [anders] is still trying to get the time to install and try out 1.5.17....
[13:33] < esden> you missed a funny flamew^H^H^H^H^H^Hdiscussion about sparc yesterday ;-)
[13:34] < clifford> is rxr here? (want to check if my adoptions in his Download cvs patch are ok.)
[13:34] < esden> clifford: sure I will
[13:34] < esden> clifford: his last post: 11:58] < rxr> Quite few mails. I guess the gmx serivce was down the whole night !
[13:34] < esden> ahh no
[13:34] < clifford> apropos: are any port maintainers online at the moment?
[13:34] < esden> this is the last one: [12:08] * rxr away - cu
[13:35] < esden> clifford: /me alpha port ?
[13:35] < esden> or I missed something ?
[13:35] < clifford> great! I need an article for rolling rock abaout the alpha port.
[13:35] < clifford> gotya! :-)
[13:35] < esden> urgh ...
[13:35] < esden> nono ... I am not the maintainer ;-)
[13:36] < esden> ok ... I have my last exam the 22 after that I can write it
[13:37] < clifford> nothing big. Have a look at https://www.rocklinux.org/rolling/devel/ for examples.
[13:37] < esden> *click*
[13:37] < clifford> I want to make a page with short articles from every port project.
[13:39] < esden> yes ... good idea
[13:51] -!- Sch0rSch [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux
[13:59] < snyke> re
[13:59] -!- ge0rg [georg@op-co.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:59] -!- Sch0rSch is now known as ge0rg
[14:00] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39DC9.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("I take this land for my bunghole!")
[14:02] < [anders]> mrrrrfff.... setting fire to the archive of extentions seems like a bloody good idea right about now..
[14:04] -!- codeq [dennis@pD950EDF3.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out)
[14:18] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACBABB32.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux
[14:47] < esden> rxr: are you here ?
[14:47]   esden wants a antialiased font in the terminal >_<
[14:49] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39DC9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:58] < esden> re hi all
[14:58] < esden> ahh is that cool
[14:58] < esden> hehe
[14:58] < esden> that looks pretty good
[14:59] < esden> now I need a pretty theme
[15:02] < [anders]> yes, I agree that the terminal windows need to be hacked up a little.. The very least is them to be able to use scalable fonts without throwinf an absolute fit! :)
[15:12] < esden> ok ...
[15:12] < esden> the normal xterm is doing it pretty well
[15:13] < esden> simply start it with 'xterm -fa "lucida console" -fs 8 -bg black -fg gray' and it looks gtate antialiased ;-)
[15:13] < esden> it has a little problem with bold text ... but I do not think that it is so terrible at all
[15:13]   ge0rg thinks that aa-xterm is worse readable... in the browser aa makes a much better figure
[15:14] < esden> i am testing ... this is the first time I really use an aa-term
[15:14] < ge0rg> esp. with subpixel rendering on tft displays
[15:14] < esden> we will see
[15:16] -!- WKaibigan2 [~Aloicious@ACB45104.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux
[15:16] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACBABB32.ipt.aol.com] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[15:17] -!- WKaibigan2 is now known as WKaibigan
[15:47] < fake> good morning
[15:50] < clifford> hi fake.
[15:50] < fake> hi clifford
[15:51] < clifford> fake: I need a short article about ROCK Linux on MIPS for rolling ROCK
[15:51] < clifford> https://www.rocklinux.org/rolling/devel/
[15:53] < esden> hi fake
[15:53] < fake> clifford: Ugh.
[15:54] < fake> clifford: where is the online form i can submit with?
[15:54] < fake> ;-)
[15:54] < clifford> fake: not longer than e.g. my article on the ROCK 1.7 tree ..
[15:55] < clifford> fake: www.gmx.at
[15:55] < fake> *lol*
[15:55] < fake> ... "possible new features and code-resturcureings" o_O
[15:55] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB45104.ipt.aol.com] has quit ()
[15:55] < fake> wtf is a resturcureings ?
[15:56] < fake> can you eat it? is it yummy?
[15:56] < clifford> a "restructureing" .. :-)
[15:56] < fake> ah, that tastes better
[15:56] < clifford> .. I'll fix that.
[15:56] < [anders]> 'restructuring' tastes even sweeter..
[15:57] < [anders]> aspell is your friend.. :)
[15:57] < fake> clifford: question. why do'nt we use the ldconfig that comes with the glibc?
[15:57] < fake> clifford: the ld.so-ldconfig doesn't work on MIPS.
[16:00] < clifford> hmm ... there was no glibc ldconfig as I added the ld.so package.
[16:01] < esden> "Heaving 2.0 pre-releases on 19C3 is a realistic goal." *lool* clifford you are really optimistic
[16:01] < fake> clifford: there is now.
[16:01] < clifford> fake: yes - I see.
[16:02] < fake> clifford: but it installs in /sbin not in /usr/sbin
[16:02] < fake> or something
[16:03] < clifford> send me a port of package/base/ld.so/allow-pattern.patch for the glibc ldconfig and I can remove the ld.so package.
[16:04] < clifford> esden: any news from the dietlibc project? (btw)
[16:04] < fake> clifford: i'll just not build it for now. such things are minor flaws.
[16:05] < clifford> fake: that's not a solution. (i mean it;s not a clean solution)
[16:06] < fake> it's no solution
[16:06]   clifford is porting the patch because otherwise noone would ...
[16:06] < fake> clifford: i want to get a build throuhg first
[16:07] < esden> clifford: not yet no ... I have to work on the alpha port now ... I want to have it stable in some extend ... so I can concentrate on dietlibc ... I have tested how it looks like last week and the build fails very early ... also when you use glibc ... but I had no time to do anything about it
[16:07] < fake> clifford: i note down things known not to work
[16:07] < fake> then i patch them, and build thorugh again
[16:07] < clifford> fake: how long needs a build on your mips?
[16:07] < esden> clifford: I have my last exam the 22 and than I have more time
[16:08] < fake> clifford: long.
[16:08] < clifford> esden: yes - you said that already ...  :-)
[16:08] < clifford> fake: so I patch it now ...
[16:08] < fake> clifford: i choose quality over quantity
[16:08] < esden> clifford: hehe ... yes
[16:09] < clifford> esden: I'm now working on the linuxrc for the 1st stage install disk. I can do that without a working dietlibc target, but for the 2nd stage system, I need dietlibc ....
[16:10] < clifford> fake: yes. that's why I fix it now. I like it better to fix problems emediatly instead of cueing them ...
[16:10] < esden> clifford: I will provide dietlibc stuff as soon as I can ...
[16:11] < fake> clifford: oh, if you like, i won't stop you doing my work ;-)
[16:12] < clifford> fake: It's a base package and having 2 ldconfig progs is buggy - so It's (kind of) my work anyways.
[16:12] < esden> clifford: I want to create a target for that ... because there I have to replace many things ... with things that are sutable for a installdisk instead of stuff that is normally in a full featured system
[16:12] < fake> clifford: ok ;)
[16:12] < esden> clifford: have you taken a look at the dietsys I have created some time ago ?
[16:12] < fake> clifford: i'll write the article today evening.
[16:13] < esden> clifford: https://home.esden.net/rock/dietlibc/dietsys-020530-1.tar.bz2
[16:14] < clifford> esden: I'll look at it tomorrow...  (no time yet)
[16:16] < esden> clifford: question ... can you list me packages that you need in the dietlibc target to crete a functional installdisk ? beside the ones that are already in the targen ?
[16:16] < esden> s/targen/target/
[16:16] < clifford> esden: no - not yet.
[16:16] < SMP> hi all
[16:16] < SMP> wb Clifford
[16:16] < fake> esden: Xfree, KDE, pyhton. *dl*
[16:16] < clifford> Hi SMP.
[16:16] < fake> hi SMP.
[16:17] < clifford> Aaaarg! Fake: I'll let you write the %!$@#@! patch ...   ;-)
[16:17] < fake> o_O
[16:19] < esden> hi SMP
[16:20] < esden> fake: I have problems with perl already ... it is really a dream then to get xfree running on dietlibc :-(
[16:20] < fake> then go and make a uClibc target
[16:20] < fake> ;-))
[16:20] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[16:20] < Mike1> Hi all
[16:21] < esden> fake: yes I am really thinking about doing it
[16:22] < esden> hi Mike1 !!!
[16:22] < fake> hi Mike1
[16:25] < fake> clifford: was that serious, or did you just want to punish me?
[16:28] < clifford> fake: I'm not sure yet.
[16:29] < Mike1> Hello clifford
[16:29] < clifford> The whole thing becomes very complicated with the glibc version of ldconfig when the '-r root' option is used ...
[16:29] < clifford> Hi Mike1
[16:29] < Mike1> clifford: had a nice vacation?
[16:30] < clifford> yup. kind of.
[16:32] < esden> clifford: sounds not very positive ...
[16:32] < clifford> fake: pls. write the patch for me. I don't have the time to read thru that unneccassary complicated glibc code ..
[16:33] < clifford> esden: probably 'nice' is not the right word.
[16:34] < clifford> (like 'relaxing' is not the right word to describe a wild water rafting trip ..)
[16:34] < Mike1> hehe
[16:37] < esden> clifford: ok ... that is right ... but you had fun ?
[16:40] < esden> argh ... my shoes are all wet ... :-( ... now I am jesus
[16:40] < fake> clifford: i'll try.
[16:41] < praenti> re
[16:41] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1C119.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[16:41] < bluefire> Moinmoin
[16:41] < [anders]> yo Mike1  :)
[16:41] < Mike1> hallo [anders]
[16:42]   clifford is away: .
[16:42] < [anders]> Mike1: less aches and pains today or did you not follow doctors orders and rest? :)
[16:42] < Mike1> [anders]: yeah i followed Dr [anders] orders and i feel a lot better today
[16:43] < [anders]> Mike1: I think it was more or less general concensus in the channel yesterday that you should take it easy and rest after what happened..
[16:43] < [anders]> O_o
[16:44] < Mike1> yeah apreciate you all guys caring about it thanks alot
[16:44] -!- clifford [~clifford@] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:45] < [anders]> Mike1: I have never had an accident like that where I actually got hurt, but I have seen what can happen.. Me and a relative once found a car that had gone off the road and hit a young oak..
[16:45] < fake> whats a oak?
[16:45] < [anders]> oak is a type of tree...
[16:45] < fake> aaah.
[16:45] < fake> german oak ;)
[16:46] < [anders]> The guy in the car was crushed down by the roof and the drivers seat was where the rear seats in the car was.. the car was flat by the bonnet all the way to the boot..
[16:46] < esden> eiche ?
[16:47] < [anders]> He died in hospital six months later after having been in a coma since the accident. He never woke up again..
[16:48] < [anders]> accidents in cars are to be avoided.... I have been fortunate not to have had anything worse than hitting a small deer once.. That was bad enough on its own (especially for the deer...)..
[16:57] < fake> esden: yes
[16:57] < esden> ohh I remember such things ... amazing ...
[17:01] < fake> [anders]: you can hardly prevent such things from happening
[17:02] < fake> i lost 2 friends this month because of car accidents
[17:14] -!- owl [mail-spam@B51d4.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[17:14] < owl> hi
[17:23] < esden> hmm cool ... the cvs checkouts work ! that is a really cool feature
[17:23] < esden> what is missing is svn checkout ;-)
[17:41] < esden> ahh now I know why this stuff in the dietlibc target was not compiling ... that was only my stupidity >_<
[17:54] < fake> this is pure 3v1l: https://science.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/07/17/0144235
[18:00] < esden> yuk ... that is blasphemy ... coffee without caffeine
[18:16]   fake is going to pick up some food
[18:21] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB519A5.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux
[18:22] < esden> fake: bon appetitt
[18:25] -!- doughec [NONroot@adsl-39-133.lou.bluegrass.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:25] -!- doughec [NONroot@adsl-39-133.lou.bluegrass.net] has left #rocklinux ()
[18:37] < fake> esden: merci, mon sieur.
[19:01] -!- dorphell_ [nobody@h002078d623de.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #rocklinux
[19:09] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1C119.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[19:18] -!- dorphell [~dorphell@] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:23] < esden> hmm ... strange strange ...
[19:41]   esden needs clifford >_<
[19:57]   esden got clifford
[19:57] < esden> ;-)
[20:37] -!- dorphell_ [nobody@h002078d623de.ne.client2.attbi.com] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:40] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB519A5.ipt.aol.com] has quit ()
[20:50] < Mike1> re
[20:58] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD9E49529.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:58] -!- kob [~kob@line-77-40-zh1.tiscali.ch] has joined #rocklinux
[20:58] < thalerim> moin
[20:58] < fake> hi thalerim
[20:58] < kob> hi
[20:59] < esden> hi thalerim
[20:59] < thalerim> rxr: PING?
[20:59] < esden> ok ... I ask it here
[20:59] < thalerim> moin fake, esden, kob, ...
[20:59] < esden> I have talked to clifford
[21:00] < esden> and I will drive over to him in the week from 29.7 to 5.8
[21:00] < esden> I wanted to ask if anyone of you would also come over
[21:00] < esden> this would be a ROCK coding week
[21:01] < thalerim> okay rxr seems not to be here
[21:01] < thalerim> so i just put it into the channel
[21:01] < fake> esden: i have to work there.
[21:01] < esden> fake and the weekend ?
[21:01] < thalerim> bash 2.05b, man(-suite) 1.5k as well as readline 4.3 is available
[21:02] < esden> the 4.8 and 5.8 ?
[21:02] -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082BE22.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:02] < esden> hi tsa
[21:02] < tsa> hi
[21:02] < tsa> hi esden
[21:02] < thalerim> ftp://ftp.cwru.edu/pub/bash/bash-2.05b.tar.gz
[21:02] < fake> esden: possible, but very unlikely, because i do NOT have the money to jsut drive over to austriy
[21:02] < thalerim> ftp://ftp.cwru.edu/pub/bash/readline-4.3.tar.gz
[21:02] < fake> austria
[21:02] < thalerim> ftp://ftp.win.tue.nl/pub/home/aeb/linux-local/utils/man/man-1.5k.tar.gz
[21:03] < esden> tsa: "< esden> I have talked to clifford, and I will drive over to him in the week from 29.7 to 5.8 . I wanted to ask if anyone of you would also come over. This would be a ROCK coding week."
[21:03] < esden> hmm ... thati is a probelm
[21:03] < tsa> esden: hm..would like to, but i have do to some exams for university and lots of work...
[21:04] < esden> fake: if huebi would drive there too ... you could go to him and drive with him to austria
[21:04] < esden> tsa: :-(
[21:04] < thalerim> so please declare someone of you willing to update these packages
[21:05] < fake> esden: i will drive to ingolstadt though
[21:06] < esden> fake: so you will be in IN both weekends the 27,28 and 4,5 ?
[21:06] < fake> yes.
[21:06] < esden> hmm ...
[21:07] < fake> i MIGHT ask my employer to get this through as a "Fortbildung"
[21:07] < fake> we DO ise ROCK for our servers, after all
[21:07] < fake> s,ise,use,
[21:08] < esden> that is an idea ...
[21:09] < esden> let me know when you know something more precise
[21:10] < fake> esden: if you are the only one to visit clifford, that will be ard to get through
[21:11] < fake> also informing others 2 weeks before takeoff may be a _bit_ late
[21:11] < esden> fake: I know ... but I was not knowing that I can do it till now
[21:12] < fake> i c.
[21:22] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9522AA1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:23] < bluefire> re
[21:23]   fake drives home
[21:27] < tomik> farewell
[21:33] < tsa> hi bluefire
[21:39] -!- knoppix [~knoppix@p508039CA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:40] < esden> hi bluefire
[21:47] < fake> re.
[21:52] -!- dorphell [nobody@h002078d623de.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #rocklinux
[21:53] < fake> *argh*
[21:54] < fake> <- can't find a knife
[21:54] -!- simon-- [~simon@pD951EA31.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:54] < fake> i should really keep my kitchen...
[21:56] < knoppix> esden: lies mal die info34 newsgroup
[21:56] < knoppix> da gehts momentan wieder richtig ab *gg*
[21:56] -!- knoppix is now known as chrisime
[21:56] < chrisime> so is bessa ;-)
[22:00] < SMP> arrgh
[22:01] < SMP> what's this cvs checkout bullshit about in 1.7.0-DEV?
[22:02] < SMP> it's really useful when it leaves all files as checksum-errs
[22:02] < fake> ack
[22:04] < [anders]> moin
[22:05] < [anders]> and good night.. /me <-- shattered.. need sleep and time to clear my head...
[22:05] < fake> [anders] good luck
[22:05] < fake> and sleep well
[22:05] < [anders]> fake: ta, I'll need it.. Got plenty to think about and deal with and that is not counting Rock.. ;-)
[22:06] < Mike1> [anders]: gutte nacht mein freunf
[22:06] < Mike1> s/f/d
[22:06] < [anders]> nighty night all.. have a nice evening and take it easy folks.. :)
[22:06] -!- simon- [~simon@p50875A69.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out)
[22:06] < [anders]> Mike1: good night my friend. :)
[22:07] -!- simon-- is now known as simon-
[22:10] -!- spiketz [tommy@p508075EF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:11] -!- spiketz [tommy@p508075EF.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit)
[22:16] < fake> hm... no matter wether there is a Mathilda or not...
[22:17] < fake> sacrificing will do no harm ;)
[22:17] < Mike1> fake: sacrifices must be only done for All Mighty Mathilda
[22:17]   fake is away: religious ceremony
[22:17] < tsa> *lol*
[22:18] < tsa> Die Kuh ist ueberall mit Rindleder ueberzogen. Das ist wichtig,
[22:18] < tsa> >    denn sonst fiele die Kuh auseinander.
[22:18] < fake> *lol*
[22:19] < fake> for Mike1: The cow has to be covered by leather. this is important, because if not,
[22:19] < fake> the cow would fall apart ;)
[22:20] < Mike1> fake: yes i understood :) hehe
[22:20] < Mike1> fake: and never forget that a cow also needs a cover of weed
[22:21] < Mike1> at least Mathilda
[22:21] < tsa> hehe
[22:21]   Mike1 wonders where Mathilda is right now
[22:22] < thalerim> mh.. huebi should give me the url to cowsay, then I will hack it to print a cow that is smoking 8)
[22:22] < fake> hehehe
[22:22] < fake> ..
[22:23] < Mike1> thalerim: https://www.nog.net/~tony/warez/cowsay-3.03.tar.gz
[22:23] < tsa> https://www.nog.net/~tony/warez/cowsay.shtml
[22:23] < tsa> ah
[22:23] < Mike1> do the honors :)
[22:23] < tsa> hehe
[22:23] < tsa> ;)
[22:23] < Mike1> tsa: great minds think alike
[22:23] < tsa> Mike1: sure ;-)
[22:25]   thalerim is taking a look
[22:25] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@] has joined #rocklinux
[22:25] < Mike1> re WKaibigan
[22:25] < WKaibigan> Hi there Mike1
[22:27] < thalerim> ewwwwww
[22:27] < thalerim> it's perl
[22:27] < fake> ai
[22:27] < fake> igitt
[22:28] < Mike1> thalerim: perl is cool
[22:28] < thalerim> uh ...
[22:28] < Mike1> *G*
[22:29] < thalerim> okay Mike1 ... now you did throw our sympathy away
[22:29] < Mike1> thalerim: lol come one my friend :)
[22:29] < fake> Mike1: i don't know... it takes about 10 minutes on my machine to show me that i did not select a default cow
[22:29]   Mike1 gives thalerim a beer to cheer
[22:29] < thalerim> eeh, let Mathilda decide
[22:30] -!- codeq [dennis@] has joined #rocklinux
[22:30] < thalerim> moin codeq
[22:30]   thalerim chuckles
[22:31] < codeq> hi thalerim
[22:32] < fake> *LOL*
[22:32] < fake> thalerim: too late: (flood:)
[22:32] < fake> _____
[22:32] < fake> < foo >
[22:32] < fake> -----
[22:32] < fake>          \
[22:32] < fake>           \
[22:32] < chrisime> jo thalerim
[22:32] < fake>             ^__^
[22:32] < fake>     _______/(oo)
[22:32] < fake>    | W----|| |~|
[22:32] < fake>    ||     || |~|  ~~
[22:32] < fake>              |~|  ~
[22:32] < fake>              |_| o
[22:32] < fake>              |#|/
[22:32] < fake>             _+#+_
[22:32] < fake> </flood>
[22:32] < fake> theres on line missing
[22:33] < Mike1> lol
[22:33] < thalerim> hehehe
[22:33] < fake> bong.cow ;)
[22:33] < chrisime> hehe
[22:33] < thalerim> but Mathilda seems to be somewhat shrunked on this picture
[22:34] < thalerim> shrunken
[22:35] < Mike1> fake: perhaps you can show us Mathilda Smoking (R) by fake version 0.2
[22:35] < Mike1> thalerim: or even you :)
[22:35] < thalerim> nope, perl isn't
[22:36] < fake> mom
[22:36] < thalerim> well then i am looking for an ice ... *looking*
[22:37] < thalerim> fake: Deine Lakeien kommen wieder!!!
[22:38] < th> i'd like to have a/etc/issue.mathilda
[22:39] < thalerim> that's a very good idea - there are certainly {png,jpeg,gif0 to ANSI picture converter
[22:40] < thalerim> does anyone know a good drawer?
[22:41] < fake> mathilda fb boot loge ;)
[22:41] < fake> mathilda junior smoking a small blunt, v1:
[22:41] < fake> ________
[22:41] < fake> < *paff* >
[22:41] < fake> --------
[22:41] < fake>        \   ,__,
[22:41] < fake>         \  (oo)____
[22:41] < fake>            (__)    )\
[22:41] < fake>             o||--|| *
[22:41] < fake> .
[22:43] < Mike1> fake: excellent :))
[22:44] < fake> and v2:
[22:44] < fake> ____________
[22:44] < fake> < good stuff >
[22:44] < fake> ------------
[22:44] < fake>        \   ,__,
[22:44] < fake>         \  (--)____
[22:44] < fake>            (__)    )\
[22:44] < fake>           ~o/ ||--|| *
[22:44] < fake>
[22:44] < Mike1> HELL YEAH!
[22:51] < chrisime> smoking weeeeeed huh?
[22:55] < fake> i don't know... ask mathilda
[22:55] < Mike1> Mathilda is it really that good?
[22:56] < fake> ____________
[22:56] < fake> < hell, YES! >
[22:56] < fake> ------------
[22:56] < fake>        \   ,__,
[22:56] < fake>         \  (oO)____
[22:56] < fake>            (__)    )\
[22:56] < fake>           ~o/ ||--|| *
[22:56] < fake>
[22:56] < Mike1> amazing
[22:56] < Mike1> Can i have some?
[22:57] < fake> ah, now she fell down
[22:57] < Mike1> haha
[22:57] < fake> argh... i told her not to sleep on MY matress
[23:03] -!- ge0rg is now known as Ge0rG
[23:04] < fake> hi Ge0rG
[23:04] < Ge0rG> re
[23:04] < Mike1> re Ge0rG
[23:08]   fake checking the consistence of the milky rice from yesterday
[23:10] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@] has quit ()
[23:11] -!- kob_ [~kob@] has joined #rocklinux
[23:14] -!- knoppix_ [~knoppix@p508030DA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[23:14] -!- kob_ [~kob@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:15] < fake> Connection reset by beer
[23:15] -!- knoppix_ is now known as chrisime_
[23:17] < Mike1> :)
[23:18] < fake> ugh.. this tastes ugly... *shivers*
[23:19] -!- kob [~kob@line-77-40-zh1.tiscali.ch] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[23:19] < fake> No root on host
[23:23] -!- thalerim is now known as thaly|harald
[23:25] -!- chrisime [~knoppix@p508039CA.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:47] -!- chrisime_ [~knoppix@p508030DA.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("brb")
[23:58] < esden> re hi  all
[23:58] < fake> re hi esden.
[23:58] < Mike1> re esden !!
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Fri Jul 19 00:00:12 2002