-!- Irrsi  Log opened Fri Jul 19 00:00:12 2002
[00:00] < h0h0> `lo esden?
[00:02] < esden> hmm ... trying to get a ss 1000E to run
[00:02] < esden> toys toys toys ;-)
[00:05] < esden> fake: what is mathilda doing on your matress ?
[00:07] < fake> esden: *looks around* err... you don't really want to know.
[00:09] < esden> ohh ... yes ... *verlegenschau*
[00:27] -!- thaly|harald is now known as thalerim
[00:32] < fake> oh c'mon
[00:32] < fake> you can't all be asleep
[00:33] < thalerim>
[00:33] < esden> wake up guys ... where is huebi !!!
[00:33] < fake> o_O
[00:33] < esden> I need huebi
[00:34] < Ge0rG> the thought police got him?
[00:34] < fake> no, you need sex.
[00:34] < fake> Die Gedanken sind frei, keiner kann sie erraten...
[00:34] < fake> *stellt sich auf den Tisch und singt*
[00:34] < esden> fake: yes I need it ... but the person I want to have it with is not willing to ... :-(
[00:35] < esden> Ge0rG: ??? WHAT ???
[00:35] < thalerim> why the hell do you try to get sex from mathilda ??
[00:36] < esden> thalerim: ehhhmmm ... no ... mathilda is @ fake
[00:36] < esden> she is having fun with him
[00:37] < fake> eh eh eh.
[00:37] < esden> hmm ?
[00:37]   fake checked the cutest cow in town.
[00:37] < thalerim> he is only laying around him 'cause she wants something tos moke
[00:37] < thalerim> she
[00:38] < fake> thalerim: now that you say it...
[00:41] < thalerim> gn8 guys
[00:41] < thalerim> gn8 mathilda
[00:42] < thalerim> eh and gn8 huebi da masta of all human being but being not here right now
[00:42] < fake> n8 thalerim !
[00:42] < owl> gn8 thalerim
[00:42] < fake> deine augen... leuchten fuer mich... ich seh dich an... und frag mich dann... gehoerst du nur mir?
[00:42] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD9E49529.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ich bin ein Teil von jener Kraft, die stets das Böse will, doch stets das Gute sschafft")
[00:48] < Mike1> n8 all
[00:48] < fake> n8 Mike1 !
[00:49] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[00:59] < esden> hmm ... I should go to bed ...
[01:00] < esden> I am very tired
[01:00] < fake> sleep well
[01:00] < esden> but I feel good
[01:00] < esden> nope ...
[01:00] < esden> no sleep ...
[01:00] < esden> nicotine ...
[01:01] < fake> ah well
[01:12] < fake> monoton und minimal, meine welt ist ganz total - alles was ich will ist da - monoton und minimal
[01:12] < Ge0rG> w:e just rocks :)
[01:12] < fake> monoton und minimal, meine welt ist ganz neutral - und die loesung einfach klar - monoton und minimal!
[01:13] < fake> yes!
[01:13] < fake> but it's hard to get :-/
[01:15]   Ge0rG has got some of their disks as mp3
[01:15] < fake> Ge0rG: Backup copies? ( google is watching you ;)
[01:16] < Ge0rG> yeah sure - I don't supply illegal music copiing... *giggle*
[01:16] < fake> *lol*
[01:16] < Ge0rG> s/ii/yi/
[01:17]   Ge0rG wouldn't do anything which could cause damage to the huge monopolistic overfatted music concerns which exploit poor musicians...
[01:18] < owl> *looool*
[01:19]   fake applauds
[01:25] < tsa> n8
[01:25] -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082BE22.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[01:35] < esden> n8
[01:35] < owl> n8 esden
[01:35] < fake> n8 esden
[01:39]   fake is going to sleep a bit
[01:40] < fake> n8 ./*
[01:41]   owl compiles gcc and needs sleep, too
[01:41] < owl> gn8
[01:41] -!- owl [mail-spam@B51d4.pppool.de] has quit ("back to reality.")
[02:07] < Freak> kann ich ne ROCK auch für Disketten machen?
[02:07] < Freak> mit kernel 2.2?
[02:20] < rxr> re
[02:22] < Freak> re
[02:23] < rxr> hi
[02:26] < Freak> na was gibts neues
[02:28] < rxr> hm - ausser das gpm der allereckeligste Code ist den ich jeh geshen habe - und ich diese Nacht noch ein Messtechnik Protokol verfassen muss ? ;-)
[02:28] < Freak> oha *lol* :)
[02:30] < rxr> gpm ist echt eckelig - nie so einen haufen muell gesehen - na ok. Die GlibC mag schlimmer sein ... :-(
[02:30] < Freak> hehe
[02:30] < Freak> na schreibs neu ;P :)
[02:31] < rxr> haben wir beim debuggen schon ueberlegt.
[02:31] < Freak> :)
[02:35] < rxr> Freak: when you are still awake in some hours I can paste the most horrible pieces I found in the code ...
[02:44] < Freak> I'm not a coder
[02:46] < Freak> so I won't understand it :))
[02:53] -!- dorphell_ [nobody@h002078d623de.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #rocklinux
[02:53] < rxr> Freak: ok :-(
[02:53] < rxr> Would have been funny ...
[02:53] -!- dorphell [nobody@h002078d623de.ne.client2.attbi.com] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: dorphell_!nobody@h002078d623de.ne.client2.attbi.com)))
[02:54] -!- dorphell_ is now known as dorphell
[02:56] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9522AA1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:57] < Freak> rxr: but you'd have had to explain the "fun" in it to me :)
[02:58] < rxr> Freak:Should I try to explain the "fun" in "error-calcaluation" (Fehlerrechnung) in "Messtechnik" ;-) ?
[03:20] < Freak> hehe
[03:20]   Freak has champain with multivitaminjuice now ;)
[03:20] < Freak> whats multivitaminsaft in english? :)
[03:20] < rxr> Freak: do you have a party over there ?
[03:20] < rxr> birthday or so ?
[03:21] < Freak> one-man-party, yes
[03:21] < Freak> for no special reason.. I just thought it might taste nice :)
[03:21] < Freak> and it does
[03:21] < rxr> ah. ;-)
[03:21] < Freak> no its just a small bottle of champain
[03:21] < rxr> maybe multi vitamin juice ?
[03:21] < Freak> hehe
[03:22] < Freak> 0,2l
[03:22] < rxr> leo doesn't know about the whole word ...
[03:22] < Freak> hehe
[03:22] < rxr> I'll habe a party Friday night - and on Sunday when I meet my girlfriend in the holidays ;-)
[03:22] < rxr> s/habe/have/
[03:23] < Freak> ahhh, lucky one
[03:23] < Freak> and you, special occasion, birthday?
[03:23] < rxr> but no this stupid messtechnik protocol needs to be written :-(
[03:23]   Freak pets poor rxr
[03:24] < rxr> tomorrow night, a Friend celebrates his birthday. And also many friends from Hannover will join the party in Berlin.
[03:24] < Ge0rG> cu folks
[03:24] < Freak> cu Ge0rG
[03:24] < rxr> vu Ge0rG
[03:24] < Freak> rxr: (:
[03:24] -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit ("Irssi - the client of smart and beautiful people")
[03:25] < Freak> well the worst problem I have at the moment is... nothing on tv :)
[03:25] < Freak> well no
[03:25] < Freak> its the second worst
[03:25] < Freak> the worst is: my pcmcia-card doesn't work anymore
[03:25] < Freak> it's not the hardware tho
[03:27] < rxr> :-(
[03:34] < Freak> but its fun playing with that old notebook tho.
[03:34] < Freak> I gave it the hostname schneckchen :)
[03:38] < rxr> ;-)
[03:42] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39DC9.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("bzflag")
[04:28] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39DC9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[04:33] < rxr> re Freak
[04:34] < Freak> re
[08:43] -!- owl [~Sandra@] has joined #rocklinux
[08:43] -!- owl [~Sandra@] has quit (Client Quit)
[08:46] -!- owl [~Sandra@] has joined #rocklinux
[08:47] < owl> hi
[08:50] -!- owl [~Sandra@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[08:51] -!- owl [~Sandra@] has joined #rocklinux
[09:11] < [anders]> moin
[09:14] -!- kvak|uninvited [uninvited@p50802C46.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[09:14] < kvak|uninvited> Moinsen ! Mornin`!
[09:20] -!- kvak|uninvited [uninvited@p50802C46.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ()
[10:15] < fake> morning.
[10:26] < [anders]> moin fake
[10:49] < fake> whazzuuuup?
[10:51] < [anders]> nuthin.. just watching the game.. havin a bud.. you?
[10:51] < fake> "the game" ?
[10:51] < [anders]> fake: I guess you didn't see that add then.. :-D
[10:51] < [anders]> s/add/ad/
[10:51] < fake> what are you talking about?
[10:52] < [anders]> fake: you said "09:49 < fake> whazzuuuup?", which is out of a Budweiser ad.. :)
[10:53] < fake> ah... my colleague keeps saying that. now i know where its from ;)
[10:53] < [anders]> and I responded, as from the same ad, "09:51 < [anders]> nuthin.. just watching the game.. havin a bud.. you?".. :)
[10:53] < fake> i'm at work... *sigh*
[10:54] < [anders]> there are several budweiser ads and one of them they all (several men on the phone to eachother) scream "waaaaazzuuuuuuuuuuuppp" and a poor pizza delivery boy gets it in the ear when trying to deliver a pizza to one of the guys..
[10:55] < fake> *lol*
[10:55] < [anders]> fake: I am at work as well.. Going to try and write a script (perl) today that automates (or tries to anyway) a nightly build of the code we have..
[10:55] < fake> sw33t!
[10:55] < fake> There once was a guy who wrote a Makefile that adopts itself...
[10:55] < fake> so the code builds automatically.
[10:56] < fake> (it was a horrbilce code, mostly unportable...)
[10:56] < fake> He started the script and went shopping.
[10:56] < [anders]> hehehe.. nice one. I bet there was plenty of trickery and logic in that Makefile..
[10:56] < fake> After he can back the screen wrote "Hello, my name is Makefile" all over
[10:56] < fake> he shook his head and went to sleep.
[10:57] < fake> the day after he looked at it and there was a blinking cursors after the line "Hello, my name is Makefile. What is you name?"
[10:57] < [anders]> he had to much time on his hands if he had time to sit down and write a makefile like that, *g*
[10:57] < fake> your name, even.
[10:58] < fake> Then he entered his name, and chattet with his makefile, which has become conscious.
[10:58] < [anders]> *rofl* nice story fake... ;-)
[10:58] < fake> after about 10 minutes, he asked the Makefile, which was all-knowing and close to god, what the sense of life is.
[10:59] < fake> But the makefile only answered "Sorry, i've got a job to do..."
[10:59] < fake> (and kept trying to compile his software)
[10:59] < fake> if it wasn't ereased it's trying up to now.
[11:00] < fake> --- EOS ---
[11:26] < esden> morning guys
[11:26] < fake> morning esden
[11:43] < esden> hmm this font here looks terrible ... >_<
[11:55] < [anders]> yummy.. now Vim is actually usable.. ;-) thank heavens for vimacs..
[11:55] < [anders]> moin esden, what are you up to?
[12:01] < [anders]> is huebi around, I want him to add something to the vim.conf file.. O_o .oO( Or I could write a one-liner patch for that I suppose... )
[12:03]   fake hasn't seen huebi around since yesterday...
[12:05] < fake> ______________________
[12:05] < fake> ( where is my prophet? )
[12:05] < fake> ----------------------
[12:05] < fake>         o   ^__^
[12:05] < fake>          o  (oo)\_______
[12:05] < fake>             (__)\       )\/\
[12:05] < fake>                 ||----w |
[12:05] < fake>                 ||     ||
[12:05] < fake>
[12:09] -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux
[12:09] < Ge0rG> hi
[12:11] < fake> hi Ge0rG
[12:21] < rxr> hm - qt 3.0.5 fail on install :-(
[12:28] < esden> [anders]: I am trying to make my xterm use antialiased font
[12:29] < esden> hi Ge0rG
[12:29] < esden> hi rxr
[12:29] < esden> but currently the fonts are antialiased in a terrible way
[12:29] < esden> so it looks ugly
[12:30] < esden> the problem can be that I have X 4.1.0 ...
[12:30] < esden> or that I should use xfs not the built in server of X
[12:31] < esden> fake: me nither
[12:33]   esden hunting
[12:39] < [anders]> esden: if you succeed, let me know how you did it as I want that as well... :^)
[12:49]   fake is auchessen
[12:54] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1CE1B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[12:54] < bluefire> Hi
[12:59]   [anders] is currently tweaking vim.conf to try and get 8bit character support so I can write åäö in e-mails etc.. :)
[13:02] < th> hmm
[13:02] < th> i have no problem with
[13:03] < th> with ae oe ue
[13:03] < th> hmm well at least not in my regular vim
[13:03] < th> javastation's terminal seems to have some problems
[13:03] < th> [anders]: i would say it's not a problem of vim
[13:05] < [anders]> th: well, I added three switches to get multi-byte character support which will not hurt anyone..
[13:05] < [anders]> :)
[13:06] < th> [anders]: perhaps you manage to write chinese email now.
[13:06] < [anders]> *g*
[13:08] < [anders]> it is a problem with vim for sure. must be some setting I have missed out from .vimrc as emacs in the same terminal window will happily produce åäö
[13:08]   Ge0rG never had problems with öäü in vim
[13:09] < [anders]> Ge0rG: so what do you have set in your .vimrc ?
[13:09] < Ge0rG> [anders]: nothing
[13:09] < th> [anders]: nothing
[13:10] < [anders]> humma....
[13:10] < th> [anders]: do cat > /dev/null and try entering them
[13:10] < Ge0rG> [anders]: I've built vim from source with maximal features and it worked out of the box
[13:11] < th> Ge0rG: is a 8859-{1,15} needed for them?
[13:11] < th> i think so
[13:11]   [anders] is wondering now where the problem lies as in the plain terminal window I can enter the characters and in emacs in the same window I can enter the characters, but not in vim..
[13:11] < th> that is strange
[13:11] < th> it makes me think it has something to do with vim
[13:11] < th> try #vim @ircnet
[13:12] < Ge0rG> th: I have locale=posix and it works
[13:12] < th> hmm
[13:12] < Ge0rG> ok, my locales are really broken anyway
[13:14] < [anders]> humma.. now I am really confused.. getting vim into command mode, I can enter the åäö characters, but not in insert mode..
[13:14] < th> [anders]: talking about vim on /dev/vc/* or in an xterm?
[13:14] < th> s,an,,
[13:14] < [anders]> aterm with 8bit mode set..
[13:15] < th> i always thought 8bit mode would have something to do with colouring
[13:15] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39DC9.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[13:16] < [anders]> th: no.. normally the terminals are 7bit.. us ascii is 7bit for example.. if you want europeans
[13:16] < th> [anders]: join #vim on IRCnet and try to ask there... but the latency is huge
[13:16] < [anders]> erk.. european characters, you need 8bit mode..
[13:16] < th> hmm
[13:16] < [anders]> yeah.. I'll keep reading in the help texts, perhaps there is something in there...
[13:30] -!- Freak [freak@p50839A5F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[13:43] < esden> hmm ... not good ...
[13:50] < esden> re hi all
[13:58] -!- owl [~Sandra@] has quit ("rebooting server")
[14:02] < [anders]> moin esden..
[14:03]   [anders] has now figured out why vim would not show latin1 chars, it was due to vimacs.. Back to the developer (who will curse the day I heard about vimacs) and get him to fix it.. :)
[14:03] < esden> moin [anders] ... I must say ... that you have very small latency ;-)
[14:04] < [anders]> latency? :) what is that and can you eat it and would it taste good ? :-)
[14:05] < esden> yes it is something you can eat ... and makes you very potent ;-)
[14:05] < fake> re.
[14:05] < esden> re fake
[14:05] < [anders]> potent? that sounds dangerous.. ;-)
[14:05] < [anders]> moin fake
[14:08] < fake> *phew* now my stomach hurts even more
[14:09] < esden> [anders]: yes ... because you weed something to get rid of it ...
[14:09] < esden> what are you eating ?
[14:09] < esden> @ fake
[14:10]   [anders] is eating a very nice (and very ripe) banana.. *yummy*
[14:10] < esden> dict ripe
[14:10] < esden> ahh ok
[14:10] < esden> ;-)
[14:10] < esden> bon apetitt
[14:11] < [anders]> danke schön
[14:11]   esden getting some water
[14:11] < fake> esden: chinese all-you-can-eat
[14:14] < esden> fake: urgh ... /me wants too
[14:14]   esden hearyng lain soundtrack
[14:14] < esden> and you do not seem to understand *sing*
[14:15] < esden> I am faaling I am faaaading ... *sing*
[14:16] < esden> duvet cyberia *ahhh* *wonderfull*
[14:34] < fake> esden: MplayerXP has "DEC Alpha" optimisations since today
[14:34] < fake> https://mplayerxp.sourceforge.net/
[14:36] < esden> YES!!!!
[14:36] < esden> *jump_around*
[14:38] < fake> esden: at least freshmeat says so.
[14:49] < th> heftig. ich aendere bei der telekom die bankverbindung fuer meinen festnetzanschluss... und heute ist alles gekuendigt und die nummern unbekannt
[14:49] < Ge0rG> autsch.
[14:49] < th> s,unbekannt,nicht vergeben,
[14:50] < th> gestern war im briefkasten eine bestaetigung der kuendigung
[14:50] < th> und heute abgeklemmt
[14:53] -!- owl [~mail-spam@] has joined #rocklinux
[14:54] < th> hi owl
[14:54] < owl> re
[14:59] < fake> th: ich habe noch _nie_ erlebt dass die irgendwas richtig richtig machen...
[15:00] < fake> th: hast du keine alternative zur Tante T ?
[15:00] < th> fake: ich kann mich doch schon freuen, dass mein problem bei denen jetzt die prioritaet "dringend" hat... *kotz*
[15:00] < Ge0rG> th: voice-over-boerde-funk ;)
[15:00] < th> lol
[15:01] < Ge0rG> oder vielleicht voice-over-laut-schreien?
[15:01] < th> fake: nein. ich denke nicht. ich bin hier angeglasphasert :-/
[15:10] < fake> th: annektiert. assimiliert.
[15:13] < fake> Ge0rG: voice-over-flur
[15:13] < Ge0rG> th: vielleicht kannst du ja doch bei arcor o.ä. kunde werden
[15:45] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[15:45] < Mike1> moin
[15:45] < [anders]> moin Mike1, how are you feeling today?
[15:46] < Mike1> [anders]: I am feeling .... GREAT!
[15:46] < Mike1> and you ?
[15:46] < [anders]> Mike1: well, so so.. As my gf found out yesterday she will be made redundant, things could be better I suppose..
[15:47] < Mike1> redundant?
[15:47] < [anders]> she will lose her job
[15:47] < Mike1> [anders]: oh shit ! :(
[15:48] < [anders]> As you can imagine, she is not in a particularly happy mood and it means things will be a little tight once it takes effect and until she can find another job.
[15:49] < Mike1> and of course it will afect in a negative way some stuff for you
[15:49] < Mike1> sorry to hear that [anders]
[15:50] < [anders]> well, things like this happens.. Not much I can do about it. the company she works for is based in US and they are cutting down more severly over there than european companies. Such is life and we will live through it.
[15:51] < Mike1> yeah, hopefully she will get a new job soon
[15:51] < [anders]> I still do not know if IBM wants me to work for them after end of September. I hope they will, but I will probably not find out until mid September.
[15:52] < [anders]> She was offered another job yesterday, but to do things she used to do several years ago, and for less pay (quite a bit less) than she is on now.
[15:52] < Mike1> hehe IBM very nice [anders]
[15:53] < [anders]> Mike1: heh, coming up towards completing my fourth year with them.. I require an extension of at least 2 months to hit the four year target. ;-)
[15:53] < [anders]> and that is four years in total, spread over four different times with them and four different locations.. :)
[15:56]   Mike1 hope he can be like Master [anders] someday :)
[15:57] < [anders]> *laugh* I slipped in on a banana-skin and now I can't seem to get out of here.. ;-)
[15:57] < Mike1> haha
[16:32] < fake> clifford must be a LISP programmer
[16:48] < esden> re hi all
[16:48] < Mike1> hi esden
[16:48] < esden> hi Mike1
[17:15] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:17] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[17:17] < Mike1> re
[17:18] < Freak> re Mike1
[17:18] < h0h0> `lo mike1
[17:18] < fake> damn it... we lost all our subdomains >_<
[17:19] < Freak> huh?
[17:19]   h0h0 's domain went down and the he cant find the box that was hosteing it online
[17:20] < Freak> omg :)
[17:20] < Freak> fake: who is "we" and why are they lost?
[17:21] < fake> Freak: "we" is humanIT, and they are lost because our responsible caretaker "forgot" to inform netcologne about them.
[17:21] < Freak> hehe
[17:21] < Freak> ok
[17:21] < Freak> (:
[17:21] < h0h0> hmm, ya know what im gunna do? im gunna go play bzflag
[17:21] < fake> nah i don't care - i know my IPs ;)
[17:21] < Freak> hehehe
[17:22] < Freak> h0h0: server?
[17:22] < fake> h0h0: have fun ;)
[17:23] < Freak> h0h0: which bzflag server?
[17:23] < h0h0> I dont know yet
[17:23] < h0h0> I havent played in a long time
[17:23] < Freak> take this mat.something.cz and I'll come play witcha :)
[17:23] < Freak> ok?
[17:24] < Freak> which team?
[17:24] < Freak> or do you play as rogue
[17:24] < h0h0> I dont know
[17:24] < h0h0> as I said, I havent played in a long time
[17:24] < Freak> so take purple ;)
[17:24] < h0h0> but I will try that server
[17:24] < Freak> then apt-get install bzflag/unstable, it's great :)
[17:24] < h0h0> something.cz?
[17:24] < Freak> ah wrong chan *haha*
[17:25] < Freak> mat.bla.bla.cz
[17:25] < Freak> I dunno, it ends .cz
[17:25] < h0h0> oh, so you dont know exactyl?
[17:25] < h0h0> ok
[17:25] < h0h0> ill look for it
[17:25] < Freak> it begins with mat tho ;)
[17:25] < Freak> so cu there
[17:25] -!- Freak [freak@p50839A5F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("bzflaggin'")
[17:28] -!- h0h0 [~hoho@dhcp024-210-222-139.woh.rr.com] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[18:02] -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[18:02] < netcrow> hi
[18:06] -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit (Client Quit)
[18:11] -!- owl [~mail-spam@] has quit ("leaving")
[18:13] -!- bluefire_ [~bluefire@p50816EB2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:19] -!- tsa [~tsa@pD95258C7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:19] < tsa> re
[18:22] -!- codeq [dennis@] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:29] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1CE1B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:29] -!- bluefire_ is now known as bluefire
[18:35] -!- Freak [freak@p50839A5F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:41] -!- h0h0 [~hoho@dhcp024-210-222-139.woh.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux
[18:42] < Freak> h0h0: who/where were you?
[18:42] < h0h0> Freak: sorry, it didn't install properly
[18:42] < Freak> hmmm
[18:42] < Freak> as I said ;)
[18:42] < Freak> apt-get install bzflag/unstable ;)
[18:42] < h0h0> nvidia seems to have made its glx driver the *only* glx driver avaible
[18:42] < Freak> *hiding*
[18:43] < h0h0> so now I need to go reinstall X
[18:58] -!- h0h0 [~hoho@dhcp024-210-222-139.woh.rr.com] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:00] -!- h0h0 [~hoho@dhcp024-210-222-139.woh.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux
[19:06] < h0h0> arg. bzflag wont run
[19:13] < Freak> hmmm poor h0h0
[19:19] -!- h0h0 [~hoho@dhcp024-210-222-139.woh.rr.com] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:19] -!- h0h0 [~hoho@dhcp024-210-222-139.woh.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux
[19:24] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD958D49C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:24] < thalerim> moin
[19:26] < esden> moin thalerim
[19:28] < thalerim> tomorrow at 3 o clock im going to drive to hooooooooooooooliday ... to denmark :-) !!!!!!
[19:28] < thalerim> 3:00am
[19:30] < esden> <news> perhups something for ROCK: https://www.golem.de/0207/20834.html </news>
[19:31]   esden is having an exam tomorrow ... >_<
[19:31] -!- Ge0rG is now known as ge0rg
[19:37] < thalerim> I assume no one did update the packages I pointed to yesterday
[19:39]   thalerim shouts: LAZYBONES!!!
[19:44] < esden> thalerim: I have no time at the moment sorry >_<
[19:44] < esden> <news> wannahave!!! *jump* *jump* : https://slashdot.org/articles/02/07/19/1424258.shtml?tid=126 </news>
[19:45] < esden> I want to move over to japan !!!
[19:45] < esden> Now I know why I want to learn japanese ;-)
[19:50] -!- Freak [freak@p50839A5F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("bzflag")
[20:16] < thalerim> huebi: PING?
[20:16] < huebi> hi thalerim
[20:16] < huebi> Pong....
[20:17] < thalerim> ah!
[20:17] < thalerim> i researched somewhat: https://zippy.ultrashell.net/~nevyn/soft/cs.htm - daemon for console screensavers
[20:18] < thalerim> https://www.astyanax.org/cmatrix/ - matrix screensaver for x, have to be ported to the program above
[20:18] < thalerim> After the 2 weeks holiday in denmark i will take a look
[20:19] < huebi> Great.
[20:19] < thalerim> I think the graphics can be displayed by converting them to ANSI "pictures"
[20:20] < thalerim> for all germans: STAR TREK III on Sat1 !!! do not pass it!
[20:20] < snyke> re
[20:21] -!- thalerim is now known as thaly|trekkie
[20:25] < esden> re snyke
[20:25] < fake> thaly|trekkie: sometimes i wish i had a TV
[20:26] < fake> thaly|trekkie: but i have Star Trek 1 through 9 as... backup copies ;-)
[20:26] < thaly|trekkie> i have seen each of all StartTrek cinema movies (and almost all of the tv serie) at least 9times!!
[20:28] < fake> thaly|trekkie: live long and prosper! (o.o)-V my co-trekki ;)
[20:28] < thaly|trekkie> heh :0)
[20:29] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB5CDDE.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux
[20:30] < Mike1>   ----------
[20:30] < Mike1> < Wazzup!! >
[20:30] < Mike1>   ----------
[20:30] < Mike1>         \   ,__,
[20:30] < Mike1>          \  (--)____
[20:30] < Mike1>             (__)    )\
[20:30] < Mike1>            ~o/ ||--|| *
[20:30] < fake>
[20:30] < fake> *lol*
[20:30] < Mike1> (R) fake
[20:32] -!- Freak [freak@p50839A5F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:33] < esden> nuthin
[20:33] < Mike1> hehe
[20:50] < tsa> narf.
[20:50] < tsa> damn C&w folks.
[20:50] < fake> C&w?
[20:50] < tsa> cable&wireless.
[20:50] < fake> ah?
[20:51] < fake> whats up?
[20:51]   tsa trying to debug routing problems, but those guys are just too stupid.
[20:51] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p508030DA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:54] < fake> <- bitching around with OpenLDAP
[20:55] < chrisime> jo *
[20:55] < Mike1> happy bitching :)
[20:57] < fake> has huebi been here lately?
[21:02] < esden> huebi seems to have disappeared
[21:04] < Mike1> fake: huebi hasnt been online since yesterday at 10:23
[21:04] < fake> hm...
[21:04] < Mike1> weird
[21:05] < fake> ______________________
[21:05] < fake> < Where is my Prophet? >
[21:05] < fake> ----------------------
[21:05] < fake>         \   ^__^
[21:05] < fake>          \  (::)\_______
[21:05] < fake>             (__)\       )\/\
[21:05] < fake>                 ||----w |
[21:05] < fake>                 ||     ||
[21:05] < fake>
[21:05] < fake> Mathilda is crying...
[21:06] < thaly|trekkie> Mike1: huh ???
[21:06] < Mike1> thaly|trekkie: ?
[21:06] < thaly|trekkie> Mike1: an hour ago he talked to me
[21:06] < Mike1> thaly|trekkie: here?
[21:07] < thaly|trekkie> 3/4 hour
[21:07] < thaly|trekkie> scroll up
[21:08] < fake> ^A<ESC>/huebi
[21:08] < fake> ;-)
[21:08] < fake> Pattern not found
[21:09] < fake> ugh.
[21:09] < Mike1> thaly|trekkie: you are right i apoligize
[21:09] < thaly|trekkie> ok, i forgive you
[21:10]   Mike1 wonders where is our Legnday, Wise, and Powerfull Prophet huebi
[21:10] < Mike1> s/legnday/legenday
[21:10] < Mike1> damn typos
[21:11] < thaly|trekkie> I saw him !!! there look !!!
[21:11] < Mike1> where where??
[21:11] < thaly|trekkie> the evil typo ghost
[21:11] < thaly|trekkie> just up to your head
[21:11]   fake can hear him... *shivers*
[21:12]   Mike1 shaking
[21:13] < thaly|trekkie> i think we should name him Karl-Heinz - this name would be respected for this dire ghost
[21:13] < thaly|trekkie> or have anyone another suitable idea?
[21:15] < fake> that's a name of a former teacher of me
[21:15] < fake> but it fits *dg*
[21:17] < thaly|trekkie> mh, but another german name, we should let Mike1 give the honour to imagine a name, preferably a costa-rica likish one
[21:18] < Mike1> haha
[21:19] < Mike1> we may call it mm....
[21:19] < Mike1> "El Cadejos"
[21:23] -!- owl [mail-spam@B55cb.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[21:23] < owl> re
[21:23] < th> wb owl
[21:23] < th> wb Mike1 too ;)
[21:24] < thaly|trekkie> Mike1: any deeper meaning?
[21:24] < Mike1> th thanks
[21:24] < thaly|trekkie> but it sounds somewhat kewl
[21:27] < Mike1> thaly|trekkie: yeah there is a popular tale in CR about an evil dog, that used to be in the streets at night waiting for for drunks walking late at night to kill them, it had the peculiarity that when he was around the sound of hundreds of chains was heard, in in the darkness you could see his bright red eyes, and feel the could of the death in ur neck
[21:28] < thaly|trekkie> hehe!
[21:28] < thaly|trekkie> trekkie:
[21:28] < thaly|trekkie> $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
[21:28] < thaly|trekkie> $$$,^.'`. $$$$,´ '´`,$$$$
[21:28] < thaly|trekkie> $$$$  \  \$$$/  /  /$$$$$
[21:28] < thaly|trekkie> $$$$. `\, \ /' / `/$$$$$$
[21:28] < thaly|trekkie> $$$$$. !\  i    .$$$$$$$$
[21:28] < thaly|trekkie> $$$$$$  .   `--.$$$$$$$$$
[21:28] < thaly|trekkie> $$$$$$L´        `$$$$$^^$
[21:28] < thaly|trekkie> $$$$$$$.   .'   ""~   $$$
[21:28] < thaly|trekkie> $$$$$$$$.  ;      .e$$$$$
[21:28] < thaly|trekkie> $$$$$$$$$   `.$$$$$$$$$$$
[21:28] < thaly|trekkie> $$$$$$$$    .$$$$$$$$$$$$
[21:28] < tsa> Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
[21:28] < Mike1> lol
[21:29] < fake> what is that supposed to be?
[21:29] < Mike1> fake thaly|trekkie wanna draw "El Cadejos" ?
[21:30] -!- fariseo [~qq@vigilant-w-public-fw.wrl.org] has joined #rocklinux
[21:30] < fariseo> anybody lives in/near washington DC?
[21:30] < thaly|trekkie> <fake> thaly|trekkie: live long and prosper! (o.o)-V my co-trekki ;) <- SPOCK's hands (but every finger is equal long :/)
[21:30] < fake> thaly|trekkie: *lol*
[21:31] < Mike1> fariseo: dont think so but can we help you with anything?
[21:31] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB5CDDE.ipt.aol.com] has quit ()
[21:32] < fariseo> heh
[21:32] < fariseo> well
[21:32] < esden> urgh ... is this once more beginning
[21:32] < fariseo> lets see
[21:32] < esden> so many ascii drowings
[21:32] < thaly|trekkie> fake: I was drawing it in half an hour, so ... it couldn't be perfect :-)
[21:32] < fake> thaly|trekkie: I remember ANSI-Art of the whole Crew... in color ;)
[21:32] < Mike1> esden: well something must be done when ur bored
[21:33] < thaly|trekkie> esden: if you feel bothered, tell us ... and will stop immediately!
[21:33]   esden shaking head
[21:33] < thaly|trekkie> +we
[21:33] < thaly|trekkie> fake: where where where ???!!!
[21:33] < esden> hmm .. I it gets not too much it is ok
[21:34] < fake> thaly|trekkie: i can't remember... some Mailbox... in Nuernberg IIRC
[21:34] < thaly|trekkie> :'-(
[21:34] < fake> esden: how nice of you!
[21:36] -!- fariseo [~qq@vigilant-w-public-fw.wrl.org] has left #rocklinux ()
[21:37] < thaly|trekkie> a goverment's guy?
[21:43] < fake> arghl!
[21:43] < Mike1> thaly|trekkie: no just a guy conected a place with public internet access
[21:43] < fake> reading the error logs sure helps sometimes.
[21:44] < fake> Error: Protocol version not allowed.
[21:44] < fake> >_<
[21:46] < esden> fake: sure it is nice
[21:46] < esden> fake: I am a nice guy ;-)
[21:52] -!- thaly|trekkie [~tobrit@pD958D49C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:54] -!- simon-- [~simon@pD9E1D462.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:59] < Mike1> hello simon--
[21:59] < fake> [LDAP: error code 50 - Insufficient Access Rights]
[21:59] < fake> *yuk*
[22:01] < tsa> hehe.
[22:01] < tsa> ldap sucks.
[22:01] < fake> LDAP itself is cool.
[22:01] < tsa> the idea that stands behind it is cool.
[22:01] < fake> pretty thought-through and stuff.
[22:01] < tsa> x500 stuff etc.
[22:02] < fake> but all the slapd's are overfeatures
[22:02] < tsa> but all services using ldap i've seen tend do go down very often.
[22:02] < tsa> sendmail, PAM stuff, ...
[22:02] < fake> tsa: because of LDAP? most unlikely...
[22:02] < fake> becuase of buggy implementations
[22:02] < tsa> sure.
[22:03] < fake> fefe wrote an ldap "server"
[22:03] < fake> tinyldap
[22:03] < tsa> sendmail getting it's virtusertable off ldap, slapd running on same hosts. still stucks.
[22:03] < fake> 13 kb or something, and fast as hell
[22:03] < tsa> hm...did not test that one.
[22:03] < tsa> nice.
[22:03] < fake> tsa: i think i'll lock myself up for two weeks here and hack at it
[22:03] < fake> all the other ldap servers are _un_usable_
[22:04] < tsa> hehe
[22:04] < tsa> indeed.
[22:07] -!- simon- [~simon@pD951EA31.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:08] -!- simon-- is now known as simon-
[22:14] < fake> yes!
[22:14] < fake> ph34r m4 r3g3x sk1llz!
[22:15] < tsa> s/^ph34r m4 r3g3x sk1llz\!//g;
[22:15] < tsa> :-P
[22:16] < fake> s/tsa//g;
[22:16] < fake> ;P
[22:16] < tsa> hehe
[22:16] < tsa> stage 2.
[22:16] < tsa> s/^ph\d+r m\d r\dg\dx sk\dllz\!//g;
[22:17] < fake> s/.*/ph34r m4 r3g3x sk1llz\!/g;
[22:17] < fake> *DL*
[22:17] < snyke> mh
[22:17] < snyke> esden?
[22:18] < tsa> hehe
[22:18] < tsa> fake: you're cheating :-)
[22:18] < fake> tsa: it's unfair otherwise. i am more lame than you are ;-)
[22:18] < tsa> hehe
[22:19] < tsa> s/^\D+\d+\D \D\d \D\d\D\d\D \D+\d\D+\!//g;
[22:19] < tsa> arghlll .. ;-)
[22:33] < fake> tsa: do you know about OpenLDAP?
[22:33] < tsa> not very much.
[22:33] < tsa> it sucks.
[22:33] < tsa> that's sufficient for me ;)
[22:33] < fake> hm :-/
[22:34] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB5C68F.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux
[22:40] < fake> ah, what the heck.
[22:40]   fake off for some party someone told me about... o_O
[22:41] < WKaibigan> Have fun. :-)
[22:41] < fake> thanks!
[22:41] < owl> cu fake. have fun.
[22:59] -!- tsa_ [~tsa@pD9E1112E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:59] < tsa_> ich hasse schaltsteckleisten..
[23:00] -!- tsa [~tsa@pD95258C7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: tsa_!~tsa@pD9E1112E.dip.t-dialin.net)))
[23:00] -!- tsa_ is now known as tsa
[23:00] < owl> *g* draufgetreten :P ?
[23:00] < tsa> ich nicht. aber das katzenvieh.
[23:02] < owl> hehe ;) schicksal. wenn man 'ne katze zu den rechnern in den raum laesst :P
[23:02] < tsa> tjo..
[23:02] < tsa> naja, mach ich morgen eben katzenragout, dann is ruhe.. ;)
[23:02] < owl> ;) jo.
[23:07] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[23:17] -!- chrisime_ [~chrisime@pD9590476.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[23:25] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p508030DA.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:25] -!- chrisime_ [~chrisime@pD9590476.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("I like core dumps")
[23:25] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@pD9590476.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[23:27] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50816EB2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:35] < tsa> lalala.
[23:38] < chrisime> la
[23:45] < tsa> https://hosted.enhanced-design.de/ebay_rox/atomuboot.html <-- hehe
[23:47] < chrisime> lol!!!
[23:48] < owl> hehe ;) i want to sell the old MIG-29 which is in my garden. who wants it? *cyn*
[23:49] < tsa> hm...with or without weaponry?
[23:50] < owl> with. of course with. ;)
[23:50] < tsa> c00l.
[23:51] < owl> yeah. send 10 000 000 euro to my swiss bank account, then you 'll get it...
[23:52] < tsa> hehe
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Sat Jul 20 00:00:30 2002