-!- Irrsi  Log opened Sat Jul 20 00:00:30 2002
[00:04] -!- zUnE [~dizzy@as2-2-2.um.bonet.se] has joined #rocklinux
[00:04] < zUnE> good evening
[00:05] < owl> hi zUnE
[00:06] < zUnE> all well?
[00:06] < zUnE> whuz happenin' ?
[00:11] < esden> hi zUnE
[00:11] < esden> re hi all
[00:11] < owl> re esden
[00:11] < tsa> hi zUnE
[00:12] < tsa> re esden
[00:25] < fake> re.
[00:25] < owl> re fake.
[00:28] < tsa> re fake
[00:29]   fake has beer
[00:29]   fake has net connection
[00:29]   fake has w33t
[00:30]   fake is happy ;-)
[00:30] < zUnE> hmm..
[00:30] < chrisime> blah
[00:30]   tsa being tired.
[00:30] < esden> fake: beneid
[00:30] < tsa> beer has been drunk
[00:30] < fake> esden: *eh eh eh*
[00:30] < chrisime> dann rauch dich mal ordentlich ein
[00:30] < tsa> bandwidth filled up.
[00:30] < tsa> no weed.
[00:30] < tsa> time to go to bed.
[00:30] < fake> chrisime: not yet. still have s/th to work on.
[00:30] < tsa> cu all.
[00:30] < zUnE> ich haben drinken ja?
[00:30] < fake> tsa: sleep well!
[00:30] < chrisime> ah
[00:30] < chrisime> geht viel besser
[00:31] < owl> cu tsa
[00:31] < tsa> cu fake
[00:31] < tsa> cu owl
[00:31] < tsa> n8
[00:31] -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E1112E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[00:31] < zUnE> my german is excellent, right?  :)
[00:31] < fake> chrisime: i prefer to have a cool beer while working, and a blunt if i succeded ;-)
[00:31] < chrisime> hm
[00:31] < fake> (beer replaceable by coffee, depending on success rate ;)
[00:33] < zUnE> success rate of what?
[00:33] < chrisime> ich brauch n bier
[00:33] < chrisime> is ka schlechte idee
[00:33] < fake> zUnE: of the work ;)
[00:34] < zUnE> so basically you drink at work?
[00:34] < zUnE> any chance of an opening for me there?
[00:34] < zUnE> :)
[00:38] < fake> zUnE: eh?
[00:38] < fake> zUnE: only at privat work.
[00:39]   esden needs something that makes dumb
[00:39] < fake> esden: Java.
[00:39] < owl> esden: sedariston
[00:40] < fake> vomex retard b *DG*
[00:40] < zUnE> yeh, i was trying to be funny.  obviously not  ;)
[00:41] < fake> zUnE: uh, i'm sure that was funny, but my english skillz lost me at that...
[00:41] < zUnE> im sure its not, no joke is funny if noone gets it.  im not sure i do it myself..
[00:41] < zUnE> but hey..  00:48 friday night..
[00:42] < esden> fake urgh i have to take a look at it ... yes >_<
[00:44] < fake> zUnE: where are you from?
[00:44] < zUnE> northern part of sweden
[00:44] < zUnE> you?
[00:49] < fake> zUnE: kewl! i'm from germany. i was just curious - you don't speak german but are in the same time zone ;)
[00:51] < fake> Yes!
[00:51] < fake> Finally OpenLDAP works!
[00:51] < zUnE> Close it then
[00:51] < zUnE> :)
[00:52] < fake> zUnE: hey, i got that one ;-)
[00:54] < zUnE> gotta go get a night drink
[00:55] < fake> cya, zUnE! sleep well.
[00:55] < fake> (afterwards)
[00:55] < zUnE> cola or vodka or both..  tough desicion
[00:55] < fake> why decide when you can have both? *g*
[00:55] < zUnE> both it is
[00:56] < fake> ;)
[00:57] < zUnE> skål för helvete!
[01:00] < zUnE> btw, how far have rock 1.7 tree travelled?  does it compile. ?
[01:06] < fake> zUnE: mostly
[01:06] < fake> at least base ;-)
[01:07] < zUnE> can it make iso to ?
[01:07] < fake> nope
[01:08] < fake> not yet.
[01:08] < zUnE> cp -R . /myfavooplaceofall  it  is then.  or summtin
[01:13] -!- ge0rg is now known as Ge0rG
[01:15]   owl needs more caffeine
[01:17] < zUnE> coffee is a good idea
[01:17] < owl> yeah. or guaranan. or coffeinum.... or just - some bottles of jolt cola
[01:18] < zUnE> never tried jolt cola
[01:18] < zUnE> good?
[01:18] < owl> you should do. it's great.
[01:18] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB5C68F.ipt.aol.com] has quit ()
[01:18] < owl> yeah. it contains much caffeine... (more caffein compared to _normal_ coke)
[01:19] < zUnE> i dont drink much coke,  just gets me more thirsty
[01:19] < owl> ;) then take guarana or so...
[01:19] < zUnE> but that is probably the idea.. to sell more of it i guess
[01:20] < owl> yeah. maybe.
[01:20] < zUnE> what is guarana then?
[01:20] < owl> natural caffeine or something like that
[01:20] < zUnE> cant remember seeing that in any local store here, not that i looked much for it
[01:20] < fake> guarana is like caffeine, but mor natural, like cocaine
[01:21] < owl> *gggg*
[01:21] < zUnE> heh
[01:21] < owl> sw33t.
[01:21] < fake> (or better, like the leaves of the coca tree)
[01:21] < fake> s,tree,plant,
[01:21] < zUnE> to smoke?
[01:21] < fake> nack
[01:21] < fake> it's, for example, in some cokes.
[01:21] < fake> or energy drinks
[01:22] < zUnE> i.c
[01:22] < owl> or in pills, normally...
[01:22] < zUnE> i avoid pills as much as possible
[01:23] < owl> hmm... that's your business... ;P i prefer pills... no coke, but pills.
[01:25] < zUnE> i dont run any business
[01:26] < owl> did you try to be funny or ... ? don't know... :-/
[01:26] < zUnE> sort of
[01:26] < zUnE> ;)
[01:27] < owl> uf... i guess i should completly destroy my brain and go to bed. but: no time :-/
[01:27] < zUnE> gee.. i made a cup of coffee and had a smoke too .  where do i put the cigarette?  yes of course in my fresh coffee cup
[01:27] < zUnE> better get a new one..
[01:27] < owl> *ggg*
[01:30] < fake> *LOL*
[01:31] < fake> zUnE: "I don't run any business" ... pills... *rofl*
[01:31] < owl> hm? why?
[01:31] < owl> fake? should i understand, what you mean? ;P
[01:32] < fake> owl: he was talking about the physical constitution of people running their own firm
[01:32] < owl> yeah. i got it
[01:42]   fake is off
[01:43] < fake> the other guests are leaving, and i don't want to be a burden
[01:43] < zUnE> you at a party?
[01:44] < fake> j0.
[01:45] < zUnE> what kinda party was it?  no dancing drinking mingling hångel..  or such?
[01:47] < fake> err... the latter two adjectives are unclear, but the first 2: no, yes ;)
[01:48] < zUnE> uhmm.  hångel  =  boy + girl + sofa + arms around each other
[01:48] < fake> ah. no. ;-)
[01:48] < fake> *shivers*
[01:48] < fake> avg. age: 40. me: 20.
[01:48] < zUnE> and?
[01:48] < zUnE> :)
[01:48] < fake> but good music ;-)
[01:48] < zUnE> cant be fuzzy
[01:49] < esden> n8
[01:49] < fake> zUnE: i don't know any other people around here, and they are quite nice
[01:49] < zUnE> had you said 55+  i would have been hesitant
[01:49] < fake> n8 esden
[01:49] < owl> *ggg* and how many dogs, children and wifes were there? :P
[01:49] < fake> owl: 3 cats.
[01:49] < owl> n8 esden. have fun :P and luck  ;)
[01:49]   fake is off now, too.
[01:49] < fake> cya!
[01:49] -!- Freak [freak@p50839A5F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("bzflaggin'")
[01:49] < zUnE> good night then
[01:49] < owl> bye fake. cu tomorrow
[01:49] < fake> *wink*
[02:10] < chrisime> winkewinke ;P
[02:22] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-168-213.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[02:26] -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit ("Irssi - the client of smart and beautiful people")
[02:50] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@pD9590476.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("I like core dumps")
[03:27] -!- owl [mail-spam@B55cb.pppool.de] has quit ("leavin'")
[03:47] -!- Freak [freak@p50839A5F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[04:24] -!- Freak [freak@p50839A5F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("I take this land for my bunghole!")
[04:35] -!- th [th@rocklinux.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:35] -!- th [th@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux
[05:06] -!- zUnE [~dizzy@as2-2-2.um.bonet.se] has quit ("Klienten avslutas")
[08:08] -!- g0at [mono@alb-24-29-48-244.nycap.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux
[08:09] < g0at> Hello.
[08:10] -!- g0at [mono@alb-24-29-48-244.nycap.rr.com] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Nickname Enforcement)))
[08:10] -!- g0a7 [mono@alb-24-29-48-244.nycap.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux
[08:10] -!- g0a7 [mono@alb-24-29-48-244.nycap.rr.com] has left #rocklinux ()
[09:25] < [anders]> moin
[10:33] < blindcoder> morning everyone
[12:03] -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[12:03] < netcrow> hi
[12:03] < blindcoder> hi net
[12:05] < [anders]> moin
[12:05]   [anders] is at work, having a wooonderful time.. </sarcasm>
[12:06] < blindcoder> bah, work on weekend sucks big time
[12:06] < [anders]> at least I am getting paid for it.. which means it isn't tooo bad..
[12:07] < [anders]> I still would have preferred not to come in today..
[12:07] < blindcoder> who would >_<
[12:10] -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux
[12:12] < [anders]> moin Ge0rG
[12:12] < Ge0rG> hi
[12:12]   [anders] suppose he should carry on trying to make extentions build on 1.5.17 or simply remove them.. Can't be asked to try and figure out why some of them doesn't work..
[12:13] < [anders]> If I can't fix the extention in about 20 minutes and I do not see me have a need for it --> rm -rf
[12:32] -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("leaving")
[12:37] < blindcoder> hmm.... is there ANY package in 1.7 that does not have a dependency?
[12:37] < [anders]> blindcoder: 00-dirtree ?
[12:38] < blindcoder> hmm... yeah I can use that... thanks
[12:38] < blindcoder> well...
[12:38] < blindcoder> [DEP] bash fileutils grep sed sysfiles textutils
[12:38] < [anders]> heh..
[12:39] < blindcoder> hmm... doesn't matter, I'll leave DEPs for later then
[12:40] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-168-6.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[12:41] -!- Ge0rG is now known as ge0rg
[12:41] < [anders]> humma.. if the files that show you the dependencies are called something .conf perhaps the following could work? find </path> -name "*.conf" | xargs -i awk '/^[DEP]/ {if ($0 == $1) print <$filename>}' {}
[12:42] < [anders]> dunno how to pass the filename in to awk in a var.. but I know it can be done.. you could probably write this entirely in perl and get it done..
[12:43] < blindcoder> hmm... worth a try... I'll have a look at it, thanks
[12:45] < rxr> re
[12:46] < blindcoder> hi rxr
[12:46] < [anders]> moin rxr
[12:53] < rxr> is the linux* configuration issue already fixed in 1.5? Otherwise I would fix this in the next hours.
[13:03] < [anders]> rxr: I do not know. I know that it builds for me in 1.5.17
[13:03] < [anders]> I have not yet had the opportunity to install 1.5.17 anywhere.. I will do so when I get time to setup VMware..
[13:04] < rxr> [anders]: ok - I have a look
[13:11]   [anders] is slightly pre-occupied with work at the moment.. Trying to get a build out as well as reviewing defects and testing a fix for an obscure bug..
[14:28] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACBAEF87.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux
[14:30] < rxr> re
[14:52] -!- ge0rg is now known as Ge0rG
[15:04] < fake> moin
[15:06] -!- Freak [freak@pD9530462.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:08] -!- Freak [freak@pD9530462.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit)
[15:09] -!- [anders] [anders@] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[15:16] -!- Freak [freak@pD9530462.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:20] -!- anders [anders@] has joined #rocklinux
[15:21]   anders is compiling the pre-reqs for metacity...
[15:38] < rxr> s.o. here ?
[15:38] < Ge0rG> nope ;)
[15:38] < fake> noe
[15:40] < blindcoder> not really
[15:41] < fake> [anders]: i'm at work too - and i don't get paid :P
[15:42]   blindcoder is at home... not getting paid also :P
[15:43] < fake> b4k4
[15:43] < blindcoder> h41
[15:46] < rxr> ah - Hi all!
[15:47] < anders> the dependencies on metacity is rather interesting.. :)
[15:48] -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs4.xs4all.nl] has joined #rocklinux
[15:48]   anders is trying to untangle them now and is currently in the process of building dependancy package number 7 out of 8 (so far..)
[15:48] < blindcoder> hylafax??
[15:57] < rxr> blindcoder: the hylafax isseu is solved. And whit Cliff's next reference build the .cache files will reflect this.
[15:58] < fake> blindcoder: r u now hacking at 1.7?
[15:58] < blindcoder> ah, isee
[15:58] < blindcoder> fake: well, sooner or later I have to have a look at it, don't I?
[15:58] < fake> blindcoder: sw33t!
[15:58] < blindcoder> and... well... I'm doing a little bit I talked about with esden...
[15:59] < fake> what is that?
[16:01] < blindcoder> I'll tell you when it's ready
[16:01] < blindcoder> or else you'd declare be sick
[16:02] < fake> blindcoder: as you might have noticed, i already declared all of us sick.
[16:02] < fake> in fact, it was a prerequisite of getting to know you ;-)
[16:02] < blindcoder> fake: yes, I know. But I prefer not bein declared even more sick right now. I have a earache, you know :)
[16:03] < fake> i c.
[16:03] < fake> well then, good luck ;-)
[16:03] < blindcoder> and I need a bigger terminal... the latest line of code had like 200 characters
[16:03] < blindcoder> thanks :)
[16:03] -!- Freak [freak@pD9530462.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("kabels im switch umstöpseln")
[16:03] < fake> blindcoder: /usr/src/linux/Documentation/CodingStyle !!
[16:04] < blindcoder> fake I know, I've already printed and burn^W^W^W read that
[16:05] < fake> blindcoder: now that you have your printer you got a printmaniac, eh? ;)
[16:05] < blindcoder> hehe
[16:05] < blindcoder> seventy-something characters a line and 3 indents max
[16:05] < blindcoder> but try to do that with PHP >-<
[16:05] < blindcoder> >_<
[16:05] < fake> well... it is possible, and worth it.
[16:05] < blindcoder> and stringhandling and errormessagesprinting
[16:05] < fake> (in terms of readability)
[16:06] < blindcoder> read-abil... what the hell are you talking about? *g*
[16:06] < fake> blindcoder: you can insert linebreaks as much as you want in PHP.
[16:06] < blindcoder> well... I'll reduce my xterm and try to rework it
[16:06] < blindcoder> it's only like 80 lines of code right now
[16:06] < fake> good idea ;-)
[16:06] < blindcoder> hmm...
[16:06] < blindcoder> in a second connection to apollo, that is
[16:07] < blindcoder> *UARGH*
[16:07] < blindcoder> *dies*
[16:07] < snyke> hmm
[16:07] < snyke> lol
[16:07] < snyke> panic ("No CPUs found. System halted.\n");
[16:07] < snyke> 2.4.3 linux/arch/parisc/kernel/setup.c
[16:08] < fake> blindcoder: suddenly the dungeon collapses... you die.
[16:08]   blindcoder loves multi-attached screens
[16:08] < fake> screen -r -x ?
[16:08] < blindcoder> fake> suddenly the unreaability of your code on 80x24 kills you... you die.
[16:08] < blindcoder> fake> jep
[16:09] < fake> he he.
[16:10]   blindcoder screwed big time
[16:12] -!- Freak [freak@p50839974.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[16:12]   blindcoder will try getting this 13" monitor up and running... nothing but a no-framebuffer 80x25 textconsole
[16:13] < fake> blindcoder: where did you get that from??
[16:14]   fake still is loogin for a nice VT100-Terminal
[16:14] < blindcoder> hmm found it in the cellar
[16:14] < fake> looking
[16:19] < blindcoder> hmm... you can't redirect the output from echo in PHP, can you?
[16:20] < blindcoder> I don't want to fuck around with file descriptors >_<
[16:23] < fake> blindcoder: it's easy
[16:24] < blindcoder> >-------$file = fopen($filename, "w");$
[16:24] < blindcoder> >-------fwrite($file, $filecontent);$
[16:24] < blindcoder> >-------fclose($file);$
[16:24] < blindcoder> and that into a function
[16:24] < fake> blindcoder: do you use the fasttemplates class?
[16:24] < blindcoder> nonono
[16:24] < fake> you could redirect that.
[16:24] < blindcoder> that's a file that has to be run once a day
[16:25] < blindcoder> not a HTML-Page
[16:25] < blindcoder> currently it's first line states:
[16:25] < fake> why don't you write it in a real language?
[16:25] < blindcoder> header ("Content-Type: text/plain");
[16:25] < blindcoder> fake> cause I have to check whether it works or not
[16:25] < fake> ah. prototyping ;)
[16:25] < blindcoder> yes :)
[16:25] < blindcoder> it will become perl sooner or later
[16:25] < blindcoder> I don't want to write it in C
[16:25] < fake> perl? why not bash? ;-)
[16:26] < blindcoder> hmm
[16:26] < blindcoder> how to access mysql in bash?
[16:26] < fake> for i in `mysql -u user -p pwd -b database < "SELECT * FOO FROM BAR";`
[16:27] < fake> ?
[16:27] < fake> or even
[16:27] < blindcoder> hmm
[16:27] < fake> SELECT INTO OUTFILE tmp.sqlanswer
[16:27] < blindcoder> sounds like fun :)
[16:27] < fake> Ack!
[16:27] < fake> i love doing everything in bash - makes your brain wake up again.
[16:28] < blindcoder> but you will connect elluva lot of times to the database that way
[16:28] < fake> blindcoder: use named pipes or domain sockets then
[16:29] < fake> you _will_ find a l33t way ;-)
[16:29] < blindcoder> yeah, using domain sockets and a C program listening on it having a constant connection to the MySQL or other database backend using it'
[16:29] < blindcoder> s own protocol on the socket
[16:33] < blindcoder> hmm... looks like it will work
[16:34] < blindcoder> now, tar and bz2 it... abnd then you can have a FIRST LOOK at it, fake
[16:36] < fake> blindcoder: *waiting*
[16:36] < blindcoder> hang on... it will still take 10 minutes
[16:39]   fake running around
[16:40] < blindcoder> +x where x=unknown time due to recent error caused by unknown cause
[16:41] < blindcoder> eehh
[16:41] < blindcoder> fake?
[16:42] < blindcoder> $file = fopen($filename, "w") || die ("some error message");
[16:42] < blindcoder> why isn't $file a valid filehandler?
[16:42] < blindcoder> but it is when I take away the || die...
[16:43] < fake> because fopen() returns a fd
[16:43] < fake> and not false
[16:43] < blindcoder> *argh* baka
[16:43] < blindcoder> HA! Cheating that php-scum!
[16:44] < blindcoder> ($file = fopen($filename, "w")) || die
[16:44] < blindcoder> *MUAHAHA*
[16:44] < fake> that will never be false.
[16:44] < blindcoder> yes it will if he can't create that filehandler
[16:44] < fake> i'm not sure...
[16:44] < blindcoder> let's jkust check it
[16:45] < fake> (btw, that how you'd do it in C also)
[16:45] < esden> re hi all
[16:45] < blindcoder> yes it works
[16:45] < blindcoder> hi esden
[16:46] < blindcoder> fake: fopen returns an error and that triggers die
[16:46] < fake> blindcoder: kewl.
[16:46] < blindcoder> so in fact I get TWO errors
[16:46] < blindcoder> one from PHP and from myself
[16:46] < fake> !blindcoder?
[16:47] < blindcoder> !blindcoder == seeingluser
[16:49] < blindcoder> damnit...
[16:49] < blindcoder> I'm up to 5 tabs right now at one line
[16:50] < fake> blindcoder: inline functions or macros... ;)
[16:50] < blindcoder> while...if...while...if and one linewrapped string
[16:50] < blindcoder> why isn't there an unless function in PHP
[16:50] < blindcoder> *complaining to god and the world*
[16:51] < fake> blindcoder: whiner. write one!
[16:51] < blindcoder> Nah, too lazy
[16:51] < fake> the stop complaining
[16:51] < fake> then
[16:51] < blindcoder> It's going to be rewritten in perl after all, so I will have one by then :P
[16:56] < blindcoder> okay fake it seems to work
[16:56] < blindcoder> what do you want to see?
[16:56] < blindcoder> the php-output?
[16:56] < blindcoder> the database?
[16:56] < blindcoder> or the result?
[16:58] < blindcoder> fake...?
[16:58] < fake> the result
[16:59] < blindcoder> https://www.crash-override.net/rocklinux/stree/package.tar.bz2
[16:59] < blindcoder> it's only with a few example-tupels now, so...
[16:59] < blindcoder> it's not much
[17:01] < fake> you mean that data.txt?
[17:01] < fake> what is it?
[17:01] < blindcoder> nonono
[17:01] < blindcoder> wait, I'll send you the link to the script... after setting it to VEBROSE-mode
[17:01] < fake> blindcoder: what does it do?
[17:02] < blindcoder> You'll know after seeing the file in action
[17:02] < fake> a package requester?
[17:03] < blindcoder> A system to create the _entire_ package directory
[17:03] < fake> hell, just tell me what it is good for
[17:03] < blindcoder> in easy terms: it's intended to be something like "apt-get update"
[17:04] < blindcoder> just for /usr/src/rock-src/package
[17:04] < blindcoder> "intended to become"
[17:04] < fake> uhu?
[17:04] < fake> ./scripts/Update-Src -all ?
[17:04] < blindcoder> esden said yesterrdy there isn't something like taht??
[17:05] < fake> blindcoder: it uses rsync to update the packages, and the whole rock-src
[17:05] < blindcoder> oh... okay :)
[17:06]   blindcoder will never trust esden again *grr* :)
[17:06] < blindcoder> s,trust,believe,
[17:07] < fake> blindcoder: maybe ihr habt euch missverstanden
[17:08] < blindcoder> yeah, whatever
[17:08] < blindcoder> I'm going to translate some anime
[17:08] < blindcoder> c ya later
[17:08] < fake> cya!
[17:13] < blindcoder> hmm...
[17:13] < blindcoder> nah, would have to start windows
[17:34] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACBAEF87.ipt.aol.com] has quit ()
[17:39] < esden> fake: that is not the thing blindcoder is thinking of
[17:39] < blindcoder> esden... well actually it was... kinda
[17:39] < blindcoder> but how was your test?
[17:40] < blindcoder> exam i mean
[17:40] < esden> very very good thanks
[17:40] < blindcoder> nice to hear that :) *gives esden a hug*
[17:40] < blindcoder> esden> want to see the script in action?
[17:40] < esden> and there is nothing that looks like apt-get dist-upgrade
[17:40] < esden> !!!!
[17:40] < esden> *grr*
[17:41] < esden> blindcoder: what script
[17:41] < blindcoder> https://www.crash-override.net/rocklinux/stree/create_stree.php
[17:41] < blindcoder> but take care, it's not thread_safe (don't run it twice at once)
[17:42] < esden> hehe ... is that cool ...
[17:42] < esden> it builds your dist online
[17:42] < esden> is that right ?
[17:42] < blindcoder> no
[17:42] < blindcoder> it recreates the rock-src/package directoy online
[17:43] < esden> hmm ... good ... blindcoder .. you should read the mails from chris that he sent during linux tag
[17:43] < esden> I think that will be interesting for you
[17:44] < blindcoder> give me a summary :)
[17:44] < esden> no read it ... do not be lazy ! ;-)
[17:45] < esden> It is really worth a read
[17:45] < blindcoder> I'm having a really good game of nethack running...
[17:45] < esden> we spent many hours to write it
[17:45] < esden> ok ... then do not read it :-(
[17:45] < blindcoder> I spent many hours on this run of the game :) - but I'll read them... right now
[17:46] < blindcoder> when was linuxtag? date to loook up on the list
[17:46] < esden> uuurgh ... mom
[17:49] < esden> blindcoder: Jun 09
[17:49] < blindcoder> kay
[17:50] < blindcoder> right after flaming hedwig *grr*
[17:50] < esden> 2562     Jun 09 Christopher Ham ( 3.7K) [rock-linux] Idea we had here... (fwd)
[17:50] < esden> 2563     Jun 09 Christopher Ham ( 3.6K) [rock-linux] Implementation
[17:50] < esden> 2564 r   Jun 09 Christopher Ham ( 5.9K) [rock-linux] Discussion summary
[17:50] < esden> hehe ... flame her from me too ;-)
[17:51] < blindcoder> wait, I'll forward it to you
[17:51] < blindcoder> and then tell me if she's stupid or stupid
[17:53] < blindcoder> esden: I don't think you have some time to spare, do you?
[17:53] < esden> *ROFL*
[17:54] < blindcoder> hehe, MINE-Types :)
[17:54] < esden> good answer ... really in style of fefe
[17:54] < blindcoder> sorry, I just *hate* that woman
[17:54] < esden> noo your answer is realle good ... I like it
[17:55] < esden> "Abteilung f\374r \326ffentlichkeitsarbeit bei bingo e.V. misstraut eigenem Mailserver" *looool*
[17:55] < blindcoder> esden: I read that mails back then, but didn't quite understand them
[17:55] < blindcoder> esden: that's the kind of texts your going to create after reading too many Internet Oracle :)
[17:55] < esden> hmm ... ok ... I will explain them to you when we see each other
[17:56] < blindcoder> I don't think you have some time to spare right now, do you? :)
[17:56] < esden> blindcoder: yes oracle is a educational property ;-)
[17:56] < esden> nope sorry
[17:56] < esden> but next week
[17:57] < blindcoder> okay
[17:57] < esden> I really would like ... or visit this crazy girl called steffi ... ;-)
[17:58] < blindcoder> hmm... she's 14 AFAIK
[17:58] < esden> yes that is a real problem ... but she wanted to eat me with skin and bones ... I want only to see how does she look like
[17:58] < esden> that is all
[17:59] < blindcoder> ...
[17:59] < esden> blindcoder: ???
[17:59]   esden needs nicotine
[18:00]   blindcoder needs to suppress a comment
[18:01] < esden> no please tell me ... here or in bchat ... as you like
[18:42] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5382.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[18:42] < owl> hi
[18:46] < blindcoder> hi owl
[18:46] < owl> moin blindcoder
[18:46] < esden> hi owl
[18:47] < owl> hi esden
[18:54] -!- rxr is now known as rxr_away
[18:54] < rxr_away> cu guys
[18:55] < esden> cu rxr_away
[19:01] < th> huhu owl
[19:02] < owl> moin th.
[19:03] < esden> hi th
[19:03] < esden> ok ... I have to go now to bingo
[19:04]   snyke too
[19:09] < fake> re.
[19:09] < owl> re fake
[19:27] < blindcoder> so, re
[20:08] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5382.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:54] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B588e.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[20:54] < owl> re
[21:00] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB6D528.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux
[21:03] < th> wb owl
[21:17] < fake> my god...
[21:18] < fake> our firewall is _seriously_ broken
[21:18] < fake> ACCEPT     tcp  !y----               * ->   *
[21:18] < fake> ACCEPT     tcp  ------              * ->   *
[21:18] < fake> etc etc...
[21:18] < fake> and things like DENY-targets where DENY is default
[21:19] < fake> omfg....
[21:19] < fake> NOW i understand why all that stuff didn't work!
[21:22]   blindcoder has just seen his new graphic card *dreamin*
[21:37] -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[21:37] < netcrow> hi
[21:37] < owl> moin :)
[21:39] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@pD9590E61.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:40] < fake> hi netcrow
[21:40] < chrisime> jo leutZ
[21:54] -!- simon-- [~simon@p50874930.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:05] < huebi> moin
[22:05] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B588e.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:05] < huebi> can sombody reach rocklinux.dyndns.org?
[22:06] < blindcoder> "Opening socket..."
[22:06] < blindcoder> no doesn't seem like it...
[22:06] -!- simon- [~simon@pD9E1D462.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:06] < fake> hi huebi !
[22:06] -!- simon-- is now known as simon-
[22:07] < blindcoder> fake: Firewalls are there to mutate to swiss cheese
[22:08] < fake> blindcoder: this firewall has never dropped _any_ packet
[22:08] < fake> mysql open to the world... even ldap...
[22:08]   fake can't take any more
[22:08] < blindcoder> hmm let me try the mysql :)
[22:09] < fake> i knew it is ugly... but i never imagnied it could be... so....
[22:09] < fake> blindcoder: please, stay off... *sigh
[22:09] < blindcoder> sure thing
[22:09] < blindcoder> I couldn't do it before september
[22:09] < esden> fake: can I ... ? please
[22:09] < blindcoder> I need 4 Monitors to do something like tht effectively
[22:09] < esden> I want to play with your mysql fake ;-)
[22:10] < esden> pleeeeeeeease
[22:10] < fake> esden: PLEASE _NOT_
[22:10] < esden> ohh ;_;
[22:10] < fake> i am at it...
[22:10] < blindcoder> fake: you know what a Matrox G450 X4 MMS is?
[22:10] < esden> you are making me very sad fake
[22:10] < fake> it has to be finished now... no... yesterday
[22:10] < fake> blindcoder: yes.
[22:10] < fake> a beast.
[22:10] < blindcoder> fake: my new graphics adaptor
[22:10] < esden> heeeey that is my text !!! ;-)
[22:11] < fake> those morons here don't know a THING about firewalls
[22:11] < fake> they can't een read a SuSE script!
[22:11] < blindcoder> shut that damn thing down... by FORCE
[22:11] < esden> fake ... you should overtake the firm !!!
[22:12] < fake> blindcoder: hehe. i will. as soon as i get the 2.4 to work with ipsec the way I want it.
[22:12] < esden> fake: make a violent takeover
[22:12] < fake> esden: what would i want with a piece of shit and handfull of GUI coders?
[22:12] < blindcoder> fake the new master of HumanIT
[22:12] < esden> ehhm get them to work on something usable ?
[22:13] < blindcoder> Lain target of ROCK Linux
[22:13] < esden> YESS !!!
[22:13] < esden> that's it !!
[22:13] < fake> esden: M$ GUI coders.
[22:14] < blindcoder> oh... shoot them on sight
[22:14] < fake> actually I'm the only one using linux on a desktop here.
[22:14]   esden getting a gatling
[22:14] < fake> i won't shoot my dealer, though ;-)
[22:14] < fake> hardware dealer, of course.
[22:14] < blindcoder> sure thing
[22:14] < blindcoder> you can't smoke software :)
[22:15] < esden> sure *lough*
[22:17] < fake> unfortunately.
[22:17] < fake> ;)
[22:18] < fake> can you try cat /proc/ksyms | grep sk_run please?
[22:19] < fake> ipsec.o complains about sk_run_filter not being there
[22:20] < blindcoder> fake: returns nothing
[22:20] < fake> as do ppp_generic.ond ppoe.o
[22:20] < fake> and
[22:20] < blindcoder> moment, then I'll look at home
[22:20] < fake> damn it!
[22:20] < blindcoder> c0234734 sk_run_filter_R5abb658f
[22:21] < blindcoder> does that help?
[22:22] < fake> *argh*
[22:22] < fake> yes.
[22:22] < fake> thanks.
[22:22] < fake> it's declared in net/core.c
[22:22] < fake> and exported in netsyms.c
[22:23] < blindcoder> that means, which module do you need?
[22:23] < fake> but it's called completely wrong when "Set version information on all modules" is activated
[22:23] < blindcoder> sorry, I'm not that far into the kernel
[22:23] < fake> blindcoder: i want to use it, but ipsec doesn't seem to do versioning right
[22:23] < esden> <news> Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 released. With the addition of the IA-64 (ia64), HP PA-RISC (hppa), MIPS (mips, mipsel), and S/390 (s390) architectures </news>
[22:24] < fake> esden: early bird catches the worm.
[22:25] < esden> did you know already about it ? :-(
[22:25] < fake> yes.
[22:25] < esden> sorry
[22:25] < fake> why "sorry" ?
[22:25] < esden> fake: sorry for bothering you with old news
[22:26] < fake> with the above sentence i wanted to express, that ROCK will now no longer have the change to be the first.
[22:26] < blindcoder> esden: that would be "olds", not "news" :)
[22:26] < fake> chance.
[22:26] < esden> fake: yes :-(
[22:27]   blindcoder going home
[22:27] < blindcoder> baba
[22:27] < fake> cya
[22:29] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B50cc.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[22:29] < fake> re owl
[22:29] < owl> re
[22:32] < esden> re owl
[22:32]   esden getting debian iso
[22:33]   esden switching back to debian ;-)
[22:33] < fake> /kick esden
[22:34] -!- Freak [freak@p50839974.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("bzflaggin'")
[22:41] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B50cc.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:44] -!- owl [~mail-spam@] has joined #rocklinux
[22:44] < owl> re
[22:45]   owl is going to destroy her eumex ISDN device *argh*
[23:16] < th> hmm
[23:18] -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux
[23:18] < d3mian> hi guys
[23:18] < owl> hi d3mian
[23:21] < fake> hi d3mian
[23:25] < esden> hi d3mian
[23:25] -!- Freak [freak@p50839974.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[23:29]   fake is slowly getting somewhere
[23:30]   esden cheers fake
[23:31] < fake> esden: thanks.
[23:32]   fake hooks up 3 hubs to the test machine.
[23:37] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB6D528.ipt.aol.com] has quit ()
[23:38] < d3mian> is there a ISO for 1.7.0 already?
[23:39] < d3mian> ohh yes!
[23:47] < esden> d3mian: ??? I do not think so ...
[23:48] < d3mian> err. 1.5.17, no 1.7.0, my mistake, sorry. thnx for notice me
[23:51] < esden> ahh ok ;-)
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Sun Jul 21 00:00:48 2002