-!- Irrsi  Log opened Sun Jul 21 00:00:48 2002
[00:01] -!- owl [~mail-spam@] has quit ("reconnect.")
[00:03] -!- owl [~mail-spam@] has joined #rocklinux
[00:11] -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs4.xs4all.nl] has quit ("Lost terminal")
[00:12] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@pD9590E61.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("blah")
[00:24] < d3mian> cu later
[00:25] -!- d3mian is now known as d3m|away
[00:40] < fake> hm...
[00:40] < fake> i think i can risk it now
[00:40]   esden home
[00:41]   fake having a final cigarette before it gets hairy
[00:41] < fake> cya esden!
[00:55] < fake> don't tell anyone i'm free...
[00:55] < fake> *sing*
[00:56] < fake> OpenBSD may be your family's only line of defense...
[00:57] < esden> re hi
[00:58] < fake> re esden
[00:58] < owl> moin again, esden
[01:00] < esden> humm humm ... gcc3 is not compiling with gcc3 ... funny
[01:00] < fake> esden: it won't compile under gcc2 on a p4 either... i don't get it, too.
[01:01] < fake> and now i'll get that P166MMX up to the 5th floor, get a mug of 16x-Espresso
[01:01] < fake> and set the system "live" ;-)
[01:01] < esden> I am asking myself what the guys at gcc are doing all the time ... o_O
[01:02] < esden> fake what are you setting up ? openBSD?
[01:02] < fake> no... i'd like to though
[01:02] < fake> but i haven't enough knowledge of OpenBSD to set it up as our main router/firewall at work
[01:02] < esden> hmm ... ok is an argument
[01:02] < fake> i want to try that at home first
[01:02] < esden> but knowlidge is aquirable
[01:03] < esden> yes sure good idea
[01:03] < fake> anyways - i'll go upstairs. back in ~10 mins.
[01:03] < esden> waiting for you here
[01:10] < netcrow> reee
[01:10] < owl> re netcrow
[01:13] < esden> re netti
[01:14] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[01:14] < Mike1> Hi
[01:14] < owl> hi Mike1
[01:14] < Mike1> Hi owl
[01:15] < esden> hi Mike1 my friend
[01:15] < Mike1> esden: hi !! :)
[01:15] < esden> how are you ?
[01:15] < Mike1> i am very good thanks
[01:15] < Mike1> how about you?
[01:15] < esden> I am very fine too thanks
[01:15] < Mike1> i jut got back from uni i had to make 2 final exams today
[01:16] < Mike1> damn i am very glad i finished :)
[01:16] < esden> I had my info exam today
[01:16] < esden> and how is your feeling about them ?
[01:16] < Mike1> esden i'm sure i passed them
[01:17] < esden> Mike1: congratulations
[01:17] < Mike1> though it took about 3 hours to finish each one
[01:17] < Mike1> and i was the first one to finish so i can tell it was hard
[01:17] < esden> 6 hours exams on one day
[01:17] < esden> urgh
[01:17] < esden> poor boy
[01:17] < Mike1> yeah but hey i am finished now
[01:17] < Mike1> :))
[01:17] < esden> good
[01:18] < esden> no more exams ?
[01:18] < Mike1> which i now have plenty of time for 1 month
[01:18] < Mike1> yup no more exams or clases untill september
[01:19] < esden> lucky boy ... I still have one exam on monday >_<
[01:19] < Mike1> yeah well but then you are finished too :)
[01:19] < esden> yes that is right
[01:19] < Mike1> and you will finally get locked for 3 weeks to hack on the alpha port
[01:19] < th> esden: willkommen im club.
[01:19] < Mike1> *grin*
[01:20] < Mike1> hey th :))
[01:20] < esden> Mike1: hehe ;-)
[01:20] < th> hi miguel
[01:20] < Mike1> or even come over to CR :)
[01:20] < esden> I will work the next week on alpha ... I hope I can finish it there
[01:20] < Mike1> cool
[01:21] < esden> then I am one week at clifford's and than we will code the dietlibc and installdisk stuff
[01:21] < esden> for 1.7
[01:21] < Mike1> great!!!
[01:21] < Mike1> damn i wish i could join you guys over there
[01:21] < esden> yes we would appreciate it
[01:22] < esden> nobody beside you could theoretically join
[01:22] < Mike1> how do you mean?
[01:22] < esden> all others are in work ... and can not join
[01:22] < Mike1> esden so am i :(( thats i cant join
[01:22] < Mike1> +why
[01:22] < Mike1> :(((
[01:22] < esden> ohh ... ok ...
[01:23] < esden> :-(((
[01:23] < Mike1> perhaps 19c3 will be a different story
[01:23] < Mike1> :)
[01:23] < esden> I have to organize it next time more early
[01:23] < Mike1> yes esden definitly
[01:24] < esden> but I was not sure about if I can go over to him till last week
[01:24] < esden> >_<
[01:24] < Mike1> hehe yeah i know
[01:24] < netcrow> <- schenkt sich ein glas rotwein ein
[01:24] < Mike1> but more planning will be required for next time so others can also join
[01:25] < esden> netcrow <-- hardcore drinker
[01:25] < esden> Mike1: sure
[01:26] < esden> Mike1: but someone has to start ;-)
[01:26] < Mike1> hehe
[01:26] < Mike1> esden yes of course, i am looking forward to see your progress after that hardcoding weekend :)
[01:26] < esden> this time I am probably the only one ... next time it will increase
[01:27] < Mike1> indeed
[01:41] < fake> hm...
[01:42] < esden> fake: ?
[01:42] < esden> and does it work
[01:42] < Mike1> hello fake
[01:42] < esden> what does your employer say to the trip to clifford ?
[01:53] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@] has joined #rocklinux
[01:53] < Mike1> hi WKaibigan
[01:54] < WKaibigan> Good evening
[01:54] < esden> hi WKaibigan
[01:54] < WKaibigan> Hi.
[02:04] < fake> shit.
[02:05]   fake fighting with dying FORWARD packets that should be DNATted
[02:05] < Mike1> fake: need help?
[02:06] < fake> Mike1: i'd appreciate it. do you know iptables/PREROUTUNG/POSTROUTING/DNAT stuff?
[02:06] < Mike1> yes i do know
[02:07] < Mike1> tell me what do you want / need to do?
[02:07] < fake> Mike1: i have an internal box,
[02:07] < fake> which should receive SMTP
[02:07] < Mike1> ja
[02:07] < fake> so i do DNAT from my gatewaybox to
[02:08] < fake> port 25
[02:08] < Mike1> iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -p tcp -i eth0 --dport 25 -j DNAT --to
[02:08] < fake> but then the packet gets dropped in the FORWARD chain
[02:08] < fake> Mike1: that :25 at the end is overkill ;P
[02:09] < Mike1> its usefull when you do something like:
[02:09] < Mike1> iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -p tcp -i eth0 --dport 1525 -j DNAT --to
[02:09] < fake> i know, but in this case the portnumbers match.
[02:09] < Mike1> yeah i know
[02:09] < Mike1> anyways you sure have loaded full NAT in netfilter right?
[02:09] < fake> Mike1: yes.
[02:10] < fake> the problem is:
[02:10] < Mike1> yes?
[02:10] < fake> now, if i recieve a packet to port 25, i get a LOG entry
[02:10] < fake> that th packet from <outsider_ip> to has been dropped
[02:10] < fake> which is perfectly right.
[02:10] < fake> do i have to let those packets through?
[02:11] < fake> and how will i distinguish between DNATed pkgs and spoofed pkgs?
[02:11] < fake> (dropped in the FORWARD chain, btw.)
[02:12] < Mike1> have a look at /proc/net/ip_conntrack
[02:13] < Mike1> actually /proc/net/*
[02:13] -!- pisco [~pisco@spumante.ucsd.edu] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:15] < Mike1> fake: thought with that simple rule a gave you it must work >_<
[02:15] < Mike1> i have all kind of packet forward here and its works just fine for me
[02:16] < fake> Mike1: hm... moment
[02:16] < Mike1> k
[02:19] -!- the][owl [~mail-spam@dialin-212-144-169-012.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[02:20] < the][owl> re
[02:20] < Freak> the][owl..
[02:20] < Freak> hmhm..
[02:20] -!- owl [~mail-spam@] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Nickname Enforcement)))
[02:20] < esden> re the][owl
[02:21] < the][owl> mann, dieses sch... ding namens eumex! das nervt mich heute schon den ganzen tag... bzw. gestern :-/
[02:22] < Freak> und besorch dir endlich mal ne software, die dir routing unter windows ermöglicht
[02:22] < the][owl> warum denn?
[02:22] -!- the][owl is now known as owl
[02:23] < Freak> achso, verstehe, du willst gar nicht wirklich von windows weg :)
[02:24] < owl> tja. ich muss mich auch abends in die firma connecten können... mind. dazu brauche ich nun mal termial service client + die software für die firewall + ...
[02:24] < Freak> hmhm.. jaja.. usw. :)
[02:24] < Freak> ich geh spielen. byebye
[02:24] -!- Freak [freak@p50839974.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("I take this land for my bunghole!")
[02:25] < Mike1> re owl
[02:25] < Mike1> fake: ??
[02:30] < fake> hm...
[02:30] < fake> still no-go
[02:30] < Mike1> its not forwarding?
[02:31] < fake> nope
[02:31] < Mike1> do something stupid: iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE
[02:32] < Mike1> and tell me what happens
[02:32] < Mike1> oh and also 'echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward'
[02:35] < Mike1> fake now?
[02:35] < fake> Mike1: i use -j MASQUERADE for the internal net
[02:35] < fake> and i use sysctl to set ip_forward
[02:35] < Mike1> mm...
[02:36] < Mike1> did you try to forward everything to that station ?
[02:36] < fake> Mike1: the DNAT works!
[02:36] < fake> but...
[02:36] < Mike1> but?
[02:36] < fake> hm :-/
[02:37] < fake> DNAT translates the address to and puts the packet into the FORWARD chain
[02:37] < fake> as it is a PREROUTING rule
[02:37] < fake> but it gets denied in the FORWARD chain...
[02:38] < Mike1> fake try s/-A/-I
[02:38] < fake> okay
[02:39] < Mike1> or perhaps try also: iptables -I INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 28 -j ACCEPT
[02:39] < Mike1> and you probable will need:
[02:40] < Mike1> iptables -A INPUT -m state --style ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
[02:41] < fake> Mike1: i have the latter one.
[02:42] < fake> Mike1: its NEVER in the INPUT Chain
[02:42] < fake> the PREROUTING directive moves it directly to FORWARD
[02:46] < Mike1> mmm...
[02:47] < fake> ah.
[02:47] < Mike1> you have any non-NAT rules in ur firewall
[02:47] < Mike1> ?
[02:47] < fake> i've got it.
[02:47] < Mike1> ?
[02:47] < fake> Mike1: of course i have - i have a DMZ ;-)
[02:47] < Mike1> fake: hehe
[02:47] < fake> i forgot -p tcp so --dport didn't work
[02:48] < Mike1> fake: hehe very little detail ;)
[02:48] < fake> sure... ha! i feel great.
[02:49]   Mike1 glad its finally worked :)
[02:49] < Mike1> -s
[02:52] < fake> hm... now... let's see whats missing.
[02:55]   fake getting another cup of espresso XD
[03:02] < Mike1> fake enjoy
[03:02] < Mike1> fake so it is still not going through?
[03:04] < fake> Mike1: yes, it is.
[03:05] < fake> but i have to think about things i might forget to set up.
[03:05] < fake> (it's 3:05am)
[03:05] < fake> ( i tend to forget important things at 3:05am )
[03:06] < owl> *g* who doesn't forget important things at 03:05 a.m.? ;)
[03:06] < Mike1> ok tell me if i can help with anything i'll be around for a while more
[03:07] < esden> ok ... so i will go to bed my friends
[03:07] < owl> gn8 esden.
[03:07] < WKaibigan> Goodnight esden.
[03:07] < fake> esden: sleep well!
[03:07]   esden needs energy for church tomorrow ;-)
[03:07] < fake> church o_O ?
[03:07] < esden> cu then
[03:07] < esden> fake: yes church
[03:07] < fake> satanic church?
[03:07] < fake> *dg*
[03:08] < esden> hehe ... no christian church
[03:08] < fake> do you have to go there for a special reason?
[03:08] < fake> funeral/wedding/whatever ?
[03:08] < Mike1> fake: i hope i did actually help up a bit
[03:08] < fake> Mike1: of course!
[03:08] < esden> fake: i go there to pray for better life nothing else
[03:09] < fake> esden: oh... does it work?
[03:09] < esden> fake: no idea ... but I want to try ... when I know an answer I will tell you fake
[03:09] < Mike1> fake esden of course it work
[03:10] < WKaibigan> If it involves a woman then don't bother praying. It won't work.
[03:10] < Mike1> WKaibigan: lol
[03:10] < WKaibigan> Sorry owl ;-)
[03:10] < fake> WKaibigan: except if you never had sex before and want to marry that woman ;-)
[03:10] < owl> :PPP
[03:10] < esden> WKaibigan: it involves not only woman
[03:10] < esden> but for now
[03:11] < esden> n8
[03:11] < fake> n8!
[03:11] < Mike1> n8
[03:11] < owl> cu esden
[03:11] < fake> port 3666 is BO IIRC?
[03:12] < Mike1> 3666 und 3667
[03:12] < fake> ah, now.
[03:12] < fake> it's that script kiddie that wants to reach our now-vaporized IIS ;))
[03:15] < Mike1> fake you mean nimda?
[03:16] < Mike1> fake its always fun to create and remove files / dirs from IIS webservers infected with nimda
[03:16] < fake> Mike1: not sure. it started a nasty portscan. i simply unplugged the power cord ;-)
[03:17] < Mike1> fake oh ok then its not nimda
[03:17] < Mike1> fake why dont you install scanlogd or something?
[03:17] < Mike1> or perhaps give back the favor ;)
[03:18] < fake> Mike1: i am not interested in script kiddies...
[03:19] < fake> that kind Counter-Intelligence is stupid...
[03:21] < Mike1> fake: who talked about using script kiddies?
[03:21] < Mike1> *g
[03:23] < fake> i could install snort...
[03:24] < Mike1> fake: yeah
[03:26] < fake> hm...
[03:26] -!- owl [~mail-spam@dialin-212-144-169-012.arcor-ip.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:26] < fake> now i have to deal with the _really_ ugly part
[03:27] < fake> the hardware part >_<
[03:27] < Mike1> how do you mean?
[03:27] < fake> i have to replace the harddisk in the old router with the harddisk of the new one
[03:27] < fake> thus, as we are too poor to buy 19" Racks
[03:28] < fake> i have to move a 24-port-switch, a patch-panel and 2 19" cases
[03:28] < fake> without unwiring anything
[03:28] < fake> *argh*
[03:28] < fake> we used to do it as team-work...
[03:30] < fake> will a pentium mmx kernel run on and AMD-K6 ?
[03:31] < Mike1> fake: yes it will run
[03:31] < fake> Mike1: good.
[03:31] < Mike1> fake: btw sounds like you will have fun moving stuff
[03:31] < Mike1> hehe
[03:34] < fake> :P
[03:36] -!- owl [~mail-spam@dialin-212-144-166-011.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[03:36] < Mike1> re owl
[03:36] < owl> re
[03:36] < Mike1> thought you were in bed already
[03:37] < owl> the day begins like it ended... windows + eumex (+ harddisk) hates me :-/
[03:37] < owl> no, not yet.
[03:37] < fake> ha.
[03:37] < fake> i've got it.
[03:37] < Mike1> owl: hehe.
[03:37] < Mike1> fake: ?
[03:38] < owl> Mike1: don't laugh, it's not funny... ;-)
[03:38] < fake> Mike1: i found 2 pc cases of equal height and now shifted the 19" cases onto them.... etc etc ;-)
[03:38] -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit ("Irssi - the client of smart and beautiful people")
[03:39] -!- owl [~mail-spam@dialin-212-144-166-011.arcor-ip.net] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[03:39] < Mike1> nice
[03:40] < fake> *argh*
[03:40]   Mike1 getting some coffee
[03:40] < fake> now i have a _real_ problem
[03:40] < fake> no screwdriver. in a server-room! NO SCREWDRIVER!
[03:40] < fake> *AAARGH* I HAT THIS COMPANY!
[03:40] < fake> s,HAT,HATE,
[03:42] < Mike1> damn that really sucks fake
[03:46] < fake> no i have to wake up the ...
[03:46] < fake> err...
[03:46] < fake> the person that watches the house at night?
[03:48] < fake> nah... he shouldn't be sleeping anyways
[03:48]   fake getting screwdriver ...
[03:52] -!- Freak [freak@p50839974.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[03:56] < fake> you got the screwdriver.
[03:56] -!- owl [~mail-spam@] has joined #rocklinux
[03:56] < owl> hello again :´(
[03:57] < Mike1> fake: got it?
[03:57] < Mike1> owl: hi :)
[04:00] < fake> okay. i have to shutdown the router once again now.
[04:00] < fake> cu later (i hope)
[04:02] < Mike1> yes i'll be here
[04:07] -!- the][owl [owl@B53ec.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[04:07] -!- owl [~mail-spam@] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Nickname Enforcement)))
[04:07] -!- the][owl is now known as owl
[04:10] < SMP> owls flapping around late at night... ;)
[04:11] < Mike1> hi SMP how are you ?
[04:11] < owl> hehe ;) of course. usual weekend
[04:12] < SMP> 4 o'clock.. back from $fun?
[04:13] < Mike1> SMP: nice :)
[04:13] < SMP> no, I wasn't away today
[04:14] < SMP> I shifted my weekend. I feel like it's Sunday already
[04:17] < owl> wuah! windows and eumex - both is going to kill me... and windows is very funny... wow! win2k server - never had more crashes like in this version :-/ (ok, XP is much _better_ :-/// ) damn! stupid telekom :-/
[04:23] < SMP> I'll go to bed and sleep longer than I should ;-() cu
[04:23] < Mike1> owl: https://www.atlas.uni-wuppertal.de/~harenber/old_eumex.html
[04:23] < Mike1> n8 SMP
[04:25] < owl> thx.
[04:25] < owl> n8 smp
[04:26] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@] has quit ()
[04:27] < Mike1> owl: hope it can help you a bit
[04:27] < Mike1> remember my german is very lame so i cant understand everything
[04:28] < owl> hmm... i guess you can't - there is no official or working driver for my isdn device... (you know. my beloved eumex) :-/
[04:36] < Mike1> yes i do
[04:36] -!- h0h0 [~hoho@dhcp024-210-222-139.woh.rr.com] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[04:40] < fake> FINISHED!
[04:41] < fake> owl: there is.
[04:41] < fake> i set it up myself once.
[04:42] < Mike1> WB fake
[04:44]   fake is completely caffeinated
[04:45]   Mike1 too
[04:47] < owl> fake: where?
[04:47] < owl> i can just see these suse-stuff...
[04:48] < owl> and you have to downgrade the kernel afaik...?
[04:48] < fake> owl: so?
[04:49] < fake> owl: set up one suse-minimal-box, say, a 486
[04:49] < owl> suse - never.
[04:49] < owl> i wanna use rock or *BSD
[04:49] < Mike1> fake: why not just get it rocked?
[04:49] < fake> windows is better than suse?
[04:49]   Mike1 rotl
[04:49] < fake> Mike1: i remember the kernel module only being availible binary for suse-boxen
[04:50] < owl> :P
[04:50] < Mike1> fake: mm...
[04:51] < owl> fake: isn't there a src-version available?
[04:52] < fake> owl: the last time i checke, it wasn't.
[04:52] < fake> checked, even.
[04:52] < fake> but that was about 1, maybe 2 yrs ago.
[04:52] < owl> thx. that's evil. :-/ stupid telekom. https://www.atlas.uni-wuppertal.de/~harenber/old_eumex.html  << no support for suse 7.3 and so on... that's evil, too
[04:53] < Mike1> AARRRGGGHHHH!!!! damn i hate having visitors at home
[04:54] < Mike1> my mom just called me telling that my uncle is staying in my room tonight so i should sleep in the sofa
[04:54] < Mike1> and i was going to hack on rock 1.7
[04:54] < Mike1> damn BASTARDS!!
[04:54]   Mike1 pissed off
[04:56] < owl> brb
[04:56] -!- owl [owl@B53ec.pppool.de] has quit ("trying to change ISP again")
[04:58] < fake> Mike1: relax...
[04:58] -!- owl [~mail-spam@dialin-212-144-167-149.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[05:00] < Mike1> fake no i havent sleep well in 5 fucking days i had 6 hours of exam today, and had to come to the office to work, all i wanna do is get home, start a Build and get to sleep
[05:01] < Mike1> on my bed!!
[05:01] < Mike1> damn
[05:01] < Mike1> but you know what fsck that i am staying here ;)
[05:01] < fake> Mike1: see... i don't even have a bed.
[05:01] < fake> i sleep on a matress
[05:01] < Mike1> fake: but you have your space
[05:02] < Mike1> i need privacy on my space
[05:02] < Mike1> >_<
[05:03] < Mike1> fake: anyways firewall working properly now?
[05:03]   Mike1 trying to relax
[05:04] < fake> Mike1: it seems so.
[05:04] < owl> fake: still in office?
[05:05] < Mike1> owl: yes and i'm thinking very seriously on staying here all night
[05:06] < Mike1> at least you guys wont get on my nerves or bother me
[05:06] < Mike1> your cool people :)
[05:06] < fake> owl: yes.
[05:07] < owl> fake: will you stay in office the whole night && day?!"
[05:07] < fake> Mike1: if saprouter now starts i'll be off in a few minutes anyways
[05:07] < fake> owl: NACK.
[05:07] < owl> fake: just night, eh? *g*
[05:08] < Mike1> fake: oh ok
[05:09] < Mike1> anyways its 5am huebi will be here in an hour or 2
[05:09] < fake> owl: i have been here since 15:00
[05:10] < owl> omg! you're really crazy ;)
[05:10] < fake> saprouter _seems_ to work.
[05:10] < fake> anyways, i don't care.
[05:10] < fake> i'll write the final mail now.
[05:11]   fake going down into his buero again
[05:12] < Mike1> owl you will sometime get used to stay hour on the computer even days and weeks :)
[05:12] < owl> hehe ;) why not?
[05:15] < Mike1> :)
[05:20] < owl> so. right now i will leave you. i'm almost dead.
[05:20] < owl> gn8. cu later
[05:22] < Mike1> n8 owl
[05:32] < fake> re.
[05:32] < Mike1> re fake
[05:32] < fake> hm... :-/
[05:33] < Mike1> ?.
[05:33] < fake> now i'm completely dead. i can't even click through Lotus Notes anymore.
[05:33] < Mike1> haha
[05:33] < Mike1> go get some sleep my friend
[05:34] < fake> Mike1: 1 final mail - of course full of complaints, i learnt from scotty - and i'm off.
[05:42] < Mike1> good
[05:42] < Mike1> :)
[05:42] < Mike1> fake: you will have to teach me sometime :)
[05:42] < fake> Mike1: it is simple
[05:43] < fake> if your boss wants you to do something, you _never_ say "Hey, that's easy! I'll be done in an hour"
[05:43] < Mike1> :)
[05:43]   Mike1 taking note
[05:44] < fake> instead you have to shout "WHaaaaa??!?! That's IMPOSSIBLE! well.. almost. _I_ could do it... in... say.. 2 weeks.. if i'm lucky!!"
[05:44] < Mike1> *g
[05:44] < fake> then you do it in 1 hout and are your boss's best friend once again ;-))
[05:44] < fake> Star Trek rulez.
[05:44] < Mike1> hehe
[05:53] < fake> oh shit
[05:56] -!- owl [~mail-spam@dialin-212-144-167-149.arcor-ip.net] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[06:03] < fake> what day is today?
[06:03] < fake> # CHANGED 2002-07-21 by Thomas Jakobi - BRAINDAMAGED!!!!
[06:03] < fake> *dg*
[06:04] < Mike1> sunday july 21
[06:04] < fake> i c
[06:08] < fake> i messed up our mail system >_<
[06:13] < fake> ...
[06:14] < Mike1> oO?
[06:15] < fake> damn it
[06:15] < fake> that's the ONLY component i can't do anything about
[06:15] < fake> and it reeeeally sucks
[06:15] < Mike1> what the hell did you do?
[06:15] < fake> we do a completely stupid thing
[06:16] < fake> we accept mail on @humanIT.de (which is a postfix in the DMZ), relay it to the Gateway, which DNATs it to the internal machone
[06:16] < fake> machine
[06:17] < fake> the internal machine is running fscked Lotus Notes
[06:17] < fake> mails get delivered correctly
[06:17] < fake> but for some reason the internal machine doesn't accept some
[06:17] < Mike1> what a god damn mess you got
[06:17] < fake> ack.
[06:17] < fake> *sigh*
[06:17] < fake> okay then...
[06:17] < fake> the first hole.
[06:26] < fake> o_O
[06:26] < fake> i... really... need .... sleeep....
[06:27] < Mike1> so go
[06:27] < Mike1> :)
[06:29] < fake> if the mailsystem fails, i'm dead.
[06:30] < fake> *PHEW*
[06:30] < fake> it _seems_ to work now
[06:33] < Mike1> great congratz
[06:34] < fake> aaaah... *phew*
[06:34] < fake> boy.
[06:34] < Mike1> ;-)
[06:34] < fake> Mike1: do you have a SMTP client handy?
[06:36] < Mike1> pine
[06:36] < Mike1> what can i do 4 you ?
[06:36] < fake> Mike1: mail me! ;-)
[06:38] < fake> *phew*
[06:38] < fake> Danke!
[06:38] < Mike1> bitte
[06:49]   fake drives home now
[06:49] < fake> cya later today...
[06:50] < fake> _much_ kater ;-))
[06:50] < fake> later
[06:50] < fake> ah, whatever, bye!
[06:51] < Mike1> n8
[06:51] < blindcoder> morning everyone
[06:52] < Mike1> moin blindcoder
[07:20] < Mike1> n8 all
[07:20] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[07:26] < fake> re blindcoder
[07:29] < fake> and by
[07:29] < fake> i try to sleep.
[08:45] -!- Netsplit vinge.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: huebi, simon-, rxr_away, blindcoder
[09:43] -!- Netsplit vinge.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: rolla_, th, aszlig
[09:43] -!- Netsplit over, joins: th, rolla_, aszlig
[11:19] -!- h0h0 [~hoho@dhcp024-210-222-139.woh.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux
[11:31] < esden> morning @ all ...
[11:31]   esden needs sleep
[11:51] < esden> I want such a basement too !!!
[11:52] < esden> https://www.openbsd.org/images/rack.jpg
[11:53] -!- blindcoder [crash@] has joined #rocklinux
[11:53] -!- huebi [huebi@] has joined #rocklinux
[11:53] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@] has joined #rocklinux
[11:53] -!- simon- [~simon@p50874930.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[11:58] -!- rxr_away [~rene@port-212-202-168-6.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[12:02] -!- owl [owl@] has joined #rocklinux
[12:02] < owl> re
[12:02] < esden> re
[12:03] < esden> scheisse bin ich muede >_<
[12:08] -!- anders [anders@] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[12:30] -!- owl [owl@] has quit ("thunder outside. don't wanna destroy my PCs.")
[12:36] -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux
[12:42] -!- chrisime is now known as chrisFOOD
[12:43] -!- kob_ [~kob@line-83-6-zh2.tiscali.ch] has joined #rocklinux
[12:43] -!- kob_ is now known as kob
[12:57] -!- chrisFOOD is now known as chrisme
[12:57] -!- chrisme is now known as chrisime
[12:58] < praenti> hi
[12:58] < praenti> anybody know cheat o' matic?
[12:59] < blindcoder> nope
[13:00] < praenti> it is a tool which search a value in the memory, search again when the value has changed and search a third time and let you change the value there.
[13:00] < praenti> perfect cheating utility but with the disadvantage windose
[13:00] < praenti> :-(
[13:00] < blindcoder> hmm
[13:01] < blindcoder> I know such a utility for win...
[13:01] < blindcoder> but it was called different
[13:02] < praenti> i want to know how it is working. cause then i can write the same mechanism in C
[13:02] < blindcoder> hmm
[13:03] < blindcoder> it should be possible somehow to find out which memory adresses are used by which programs
[13:03] < blindcoder> then you can search through these read-only
[13:03] < blindcoder> and then change them...
[13:03] < praenti> give me an algorithm
[13:04] < blindcoder> hm...
[13:04] < blindcoder> if you can come up with the  address-to-process-code i could do the search/change thingie
[13:04] < blindcoder> or I can send you a mail (unsigned if you wish :) and display how it might work
[13:05] < praenti> mach mal
[13:05] < blindcoder> moment
[13:08] < esden> hi blind ... hi brand
[13:08]   blindcoder hates ASCII-Flowcharts >_< at least creating them >_<
[13:08] < blindcoder> hi esden
[13:09] < esden> praenti: kannst vorbeikommen wenn du den loetkolben haben willst ich bin daheim
[13:09] < esden> oder morgen ich tue den loetkolben jetzt in meinen rucksack
[13:10] < chrisime> esden: wie siehts mit hm2 aus? fit?
[13:10] < esden> chrisime: ja bin am lernen noch
[13:11] < chrisime> ich fahr jetzt dann mal zur uni
[13:11] < chrisime> gestern hatte ich BS gelernt
[13:11] < esden> wozu ?
[13:11] < chrisime> heute is rest von mathe ugh!
[13:11] < chrisime> zum lernen
[13:11] < chrisime> ich lern meistens dort
[13:11] < esden> ok viel spass
[13:11] < chrisime> hm
[13:11] < chrisime> werd ich wohl haben muessen
[13:11] < esden> jups
[13:12] < praenti> esden: komme gegen drei uhr vorbei
[13:13] < esden> praenti: ok
[13:14] -!- chrisime is now known as chris_GONE
[13:15] -!- owl [owl@] has joined #rocklinux
[13:15] < owl> re
[13:19] < snyke> hi owl
[13:19] < blindcoder> praenti: ich hab was womit du zurechtkommen solltest, ich schicks dir an bingo-adresse
[13:20] < blindcoder> oder bruachstes auch für mehrbyte suchvorgaenge?
[13:20] < blindcoder> habs nur fuer ein-byte-werte
[13:20] < snyke> blindcoder
[13:20] < snyke> du wolltest mir ne mp3 schiggn
[13:20] < snyke> oder?
[13:21] < blindcoder> jo moment
[13:22] < blindcoder> praenti?
[13:25] < esden> ok ... mail to rock-doc-pr out
[13:26] < blindcoder> praenti: okay, mail is draussen
[13:27]   blindcoder failed again today to achive more than 20.000 points at nethack >_<
[13:28] < esden> blindcoder: cheat ;-) hardwire a higher value in the code ;-)
[13:28] < blindcoder> esden::P
[13:28] < esden> blindcoder: you do not even need a cheatomatic for it ...
[13:29] < blindcoder> esden: sure, but a cheatomatic is much more effective and globally usable
[13:29] < blindcoder> ping praenti
[13:30] < blindcoder> I thought about writing one, but I couldn't figure out how to know which memory is allocated by which program >_<
[13:30] < esden> and you are gaining time like this ... because you reach very fast the highest score possible and you can use the time you are spending to reach the highscore to do something productive ;-)
[13:31] < blindcoder> esden: productive? I never wrote a single line of "productive" code :)
[13:31] < esden> aha ... that is new to me ... bboard is being used productive
[13:31] < esden> and when I am wrond you can change it ...
[13:32] < blindcoder> hmm actually by about 4 people :)
[13:32] < esden> instead of killing time with nethack you can write productive code
[13:32] < blindcoder> gimme a challenge#
[13:33] -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("leaving")
[13:33] < blindcoder> I don't want to do "bitzcenter" cause bingo won't be around for more than 2 or 3 years at best
[13:33] < esden> write the the system I told you yesterday ... but if you do it ... do not sit down and spit it in some hours ... but do good planning ... and design it correctly and than write it
[13:34]   kob is away: somking, and some coffee
[13:34] < blindcoder> esden: I'mactually seriously thinking about starting it...
[13:34] < esden> I am not speaking about bitzcenter ... I mean the rocklinux system
[13:34] < blindcoder> sure thing
[13:34] < blindcoder> me too
[13:34] < blindcoder> ROCK Deployment System :)
[13:35] < esden> blindcoder: good ... but as I said ... do not spit it in some hours ... plan it ... and denign it correctly like the softwarengeneerind requires it
[13:35] < esden> s/softwarengeneerind/softwarengeneering/
[13:36] < blindcoder> sure... well documented code, templatesystem for easy changing of design, good ER-Database
[13:36] < blindcoder> support for different backend (MySQL/PostgreSQL/Oracle/Plain Text)
[13:36] < blindcoder> Backup, Archive, yadda yadda
[13:37] < esden> read what chris wrote 5 or 10 times ... draw it on paper ... and split the project in small parts
[13:37] < blindcoder> hmm
[13:37] < esden> and than extend chris paper
[13:37] < blindcoder> before doing hat I have to clean my table
[13:37] < esden> and than start to implement the parts
[13:37] < blindcoder> and make my printer to a "schreibmaschine"
[13:37] < blindcoder> typing on a console = immediate output on paper
[13:38] < esden> blindcoder ... yes that is good ;-)
[13:38] < blindcoder> if praenti should coma back to life, ask him if the mail i sent him helps
[13:38] < blindcoder> s,coma,come,
[13:38] < esden> kk
[13:38]   blindcoder standing up, looking around what has to be cleaned
[13:39]   blindcoder falls back into chair
[13:39] < blindcoder> I need to get two or three "muellsaecke"
[13:39] < blindcoder> brb
[13:39] < blindcoder> oh, and some jolt
[13:40] < praenti> pong blindcoder
[13:43] -!- d3m|away [~demian@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:43] -!- d3m|away [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux
[13:44] < blindcoder> praenti: was the mail useful?
[13:44] < praenti> i think so
[13:44] < blindcoder> good
[13:44] < esden> praenti: read rock-doc-pr ... blindcoder you too
[13:44] < praenti> but let me try some things with the gdb
[13:45] < blindcoder> praenti: nice to see that someone besides me understands my flowcharts :)
[13:45] < blindcoder> esden: sounds good
[13:46] < praenti> zumindest hat das zeug ne idee in mein hirn geschossen
[13:46] < blindcoder> praenti: dann passts
[13:46] < esden> the question is who will do it ;-) ... I was thinking about ripclaw
[13:46] < blindcoder> esden: btw. I think i get sponsored by my parents for my new little toy
[13:46] < esden> ohh cool
[13:47] < blindcoder> They said it the moment i told the it might cost something about 1.000 Euro
[13:48]   esden eating heisseschokoladepulver
[13:48] < blindcoder> why don't you pour it in some hot milk?
[13:49]   esden <- lazy
[13:49] < blindcoder> esden: I need a second "Netzteil" for my workstation >-<
[13:49] < esden> huh ?
[13:49] < blindcoder> well... you see... I have this 12V fan...
[13:50] < blindcoder> it is currently attached to scavenger (which is idling) and cooling my harddisks
[13:51]   praenti away
[13:51] < esden> urgh ...
[13:51] < esden> cu praenti
[13:52] < blindcoder> wel, they tend to get really hot
[13:52] < blindcoder> that's why I need two of these front-fans we used in eros
[13:52] < esden> uhhm yes
[13:52] < esden> I need some thermometers in my box
[13:53] < blindcoder> esden: wire them together with some fans that automatically kick in if the temperature is rising and then activating a LED on the front indicating that they are running
[13:54] < esden> blindcoder: good idea
[13:54] < blindcoder> hehe
[13:54] < blindcoder> sometimes I have some of them, yeah
[13:55]   blindcoder was told by SIEMENS to give back any company property I still have..
[13:55] < blindcoder> do you think that includes the laptop?
[13:56] < esden> hmm ... no idea ... do not think so ;-)
[13:56] < blindcoder> good, I hoped so :)
[13:56] < blindcoder> that reminds me...
[13:57] < blindcoder> I have to do some soldering on the powercable of my lappy
[13:57] < esden> argh my cdburner is foll with dust >_<
[13:57] < blindcoder> hehe, didn't use it often enough?
[13:58] < blindcoder> shit >_<
[13:59] < esden> no ... my fans are to strong... and they pull a lot of air through the cdburner
[13:59] < blindcoder> I don't have ana adaptor for keybord DIN -to-PS2
[13:59]   esden nither
[13:59] < blindcoder> hmm
[13:59] < blindcoder> console on parallel port
[13:59] < blindcoder> nah, that's not it
[14:00] < esden> take a nullmodem cable ... and minicom
[14:00] < blindcoder> to my printer?
[14:01] < esden> hehe
[14:01] < esden> is your printer having a DIN port ?
[14:02] < blindcoder> it only has those fat printer-ports that connect to a parallel port
[14:02] < esden> blindcoder: you have to tell your terminal that stdout is /dev/lpt and stdin is your keyboard
[14:03] < blindcoder> yes... how?
[14:03] < esden> hmm
[14:03] < blindcoder> aah
[14:03] < blindcoder> /etc/inittab
[14:03] < blindcoder> that should work
[14:04] -!- Ge0rG is now known as ge0rg
[14:05] < esden> blindcoder: hehe ... let your box boot using not the monitor for output but the printer
[14:05] < esden> that would be cool
[14:05] < blindcoder> yes, that's how I thought it to be done
[14:05] < blindcoder> cause I need unbuffered redirection...
[14:05] < th> moin
[14:05] < blindcoder> hi th
[14:07] < esden> google sux ... nothing usable
[14:08] < esden> moin th
[14:08] < esden> th: do you have an idea how to get linux to boot so that it uses a needle printer for output ant not a display ?
[14:09] < th> wow
[14:09] < th> oehm
[14:09] < th> seriel printer?
[14:09] < blindcoder> parallel
[14:09] < th> hmm
[14:10] -!- [anders] [anders@] has joined #rocklinux
[14:10] < esden> hmm ... you can buy serial printers ... yes ... but I think that they are not easy to get
[14:10] < esden> hi [anders]
[14:10] < [anders]> re esden
[14:10] < [anders]> *yawn*
[14:10] < th> i think kernel must be in a stage where lpt is availble
[14:11] < th> after that it should be not as hard to output to lpt.
[14:11] < esden> ahh I am waking up ...
[14:11] < esden> th: yes ... that is right ...
[14:11] < esden> perhups there is a patch for it ...
[14:12] < th> should not be hard to patch it yourself. but you need lpt
[14:12] < th> hmmmmm
[14:12] < th> you could implement printing using just inb and outb :)
[14:12] < th> 0x278?
[14:12] < blindcoder> the lpt works
[14:12] < blindcoder> I can print just fine with lpr
[14:13] < esden> blindcoder: no ... you need a working lpr from the beginning so you can see the boot messages
[14:14] < blindcoder> hmm
[14:14] < blindcoder> well... in fact I'd just need a getty that can redirect output
[14:14] < th> esden: s,lpr,lpt,???
[14:15] < blindcoder> HA!
[14:15] < blindcoder> I have a solution
[14:15] < esden> blindcoder: ?
[14:15] < blindcoder> please wait while I try it...
[14:17]   esden making a pizza
[14:21] < praenti> re
[14:22] < praenti> ARGH. ich komm mit dem gdb nicht kalr :-(
[14:22] < praenti> s/kalr/klar
[14:22] < esden> ok ... what I made now should be called a overclocked pizza
[14:22] < praenti> is it black?
[14:23] < esden> praenti: export LANG=en_GB
[14:23] < esden> praenti: no it is casemodded then ;-)
[14:24] < esden> I added lots of cheese ;-) if I had ... thunfish I would add it too ;-)
[14:24] < praenti> esden: if (s.th==*getonmynerves*) ingnoring(LANG);
[14:24] < praenti> *würg*
[14:24] < esden> praenti: kk ... so choose C to be en_GB ;-)
[14:25] < praenti> esden: do you know how i can search a value in the memory with gdb?
[14:26] < esden> urgh ... no idea ... I had never the need to do it ...
[14:26] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB6683F.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux
[14:26] < praenti> attaching sim city 3000 works but i dont know how i can search the money value :-(
[14:27] < esden> ROFL!!! see this : https://www.dbit.com/
[14:27] < esden> a PDP-11 emulator ...
[14:27] < esden> let us port rocklinux to pdp-11 ;-)
[14:27] < th> praenti: you need to switch lo and hi bit
[14:27] < th> s,bit,byte,
[14:28] < praenti> ROTFL!! the name. ersatz-11
[14:28]   [anders] is compiling kernel 2.4.19-rc3 in the vain hope it will make the USB printer work..
[14:28] < esden> [anders]: an usb printer attached to a pdp-11 ? ;-)
[14:29] < [anders]> esden: no, an Epson Stylus Photo 810 attached to my Shuttle(Athlon).. :)
[14:29] < esden> [anders]: aha ... boring ;-)
[14:30] < [anders]> esden: only boring when they don't work.. I want it working so I can print photos of my daughter...
[14:31] < esden> telnet demo.dbit.com
[14:31] < [anders]> and besides, kernel 2.4.19 should have support for EHCI which means I should be able to attach the 80GB USB2 harddisk and get decent performance from it.. :)
[14:32] < th> [anders]: that's cool
[14:32] < th> [anders]: i've a 60GB harddisk usb2 here too..
[14:32] < th> [anders]: but i don't have an usb2.0 adapter
[14:32] < esden> [anders]: cool
[14:32] < th> and i't fucking slow with usb1.1
[14:33] -!- owl [owl@] has quit ("reconnect")
[14:33] < esden> Emulated hardware configuration:
[14:33] < esden> PDP-11/93, 4 MB memory, 2 GB MSCP disk, DHV11 serial mux, DEQNA NIC
[14:33] < blindcoder> hmm in C
[14:33] < esden> cool
[14:33] < blindcoder> eeh... nevermind
[14:33] < esden> blindcoder: ???
[14:34] < [anders]> th: when I bought my case, there was an EHCI PCI card with it..
[14:34] < [anders]> th: 12Mbit/s in USB1.1
[14:34] -!- owl [owl@] has joined #rocklinux
[14:34] < owl> re
[14:35] -!- chris_GONE [~chrisime@] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[14:35] < [anders]> Much better with USB2.. and I am hoping the new kernel will have somewhat better USB support for my motherboard than 2.4.18 had..
[14:35] < blindcoder> hmm
[14:35] < [anders]> moin owl
[14:36] < blindcoder> esden I've done it
[14:36] < blindcoder> a little C-Program
[14:36] < blindcoder> reading from stdin, outputing to stout and stderr
[14:36] < esden> cool
[14:36] < blindcoder> and then redirect stderr to /devprinters/0
[14:36] < blindcoder> and it works
[14:36] < esden> blindcoder: but this is not a shell ... :-/
[14:36] < esden> you should get bash to work with this setup
[14:36] < blindcoder> that doesn't matter
[14:36] < esden> that would be really cool
[14:36] < blindcoder> it onlöy has to be there for making notes
[14:37] < blindcoder> notes that I won't(!) delete
[14:37] < blindcoder> and now I have to drive my mum somewhere
[14:37]   praenti away
[14:37] < blindcoder> expect me back in 15 - 30 minutes
[14:37] < esden> blindcoder: cu
[14:37] < snyke> cu
[14:38]   esden playing around with a pdp-11 ;-)
[14:40] < esden> argh ... this pdp-11 emulator costs $3,999 ... they are crazy!!!
[14:42] < [anders]> reboot time.. new kernel awaits..
[14:42] -!- [anders] [anders@] has quit ("leaving")
[14:43]   praenti here
[14:43] < esden> re praenti
[14:46] < fake> re.
[14:46] < owl> hi fake
[14:46] < blindcoder> back
[14:47]   fake owl achja... grade erst wieder erwacht.
[14:47] < blindcoder> esden: we could use this as kind of a "guestbook" at CCC :)
[14:47] < praenti> hi fake. do you have some skills with gdb?
[14:47] < blindcoder> every visitor to the ROCK-Booth is encouraged to enter a commentary which is then immediately printed
[14:48]   blindcoder slurping JOLT
[14:48] < fake> praenti: only run and backtrace ;-)
[14:49] < blindcoder> esden: it's 11 lines of C-Code :)
[14:52] < esden> lol
[14:52] < esden> re fake
[14:53]   esden abusing pizza ;-)
[14:53] < blindcoder> esden: now only one thing left to do for perfection:
[14:53] < blindcoder> makind stderr unbuffered
[14:56]   praenti away
[15:32] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB6683F.ipt.aol.com] has quit ()
[15:33]   esden is asking himself what happened with huebi ...
[15:34] < esden> blindcoder: we run this in a pdp-11 emulator ;-)
[15:35] < blindcoder> hehe
[15:35] < blindcoder> but I can't get stderr to be unbuffered >_<
[15:35] < blindcoder> well... maybe stderr is unbuffered but not /dev/printers/0
[15:36] < esden> hmm...
[15:36]   esden needs a cigarette
[15:49] < fake> cool!
[15:49] < fake> if the blender group gets 100k EUR donations, blender will get Open Source!
[15:50] < esden> that is really cool
[15:50] < fake> yes!
[15:50] < fake> Blender _rulez_
[15:51] < fake> https://www.blender3d.com
[16:02]   fake found a nullmodem cable yesterday
[16:02] < fake> now i can load and unload the framebuffer module on the Krups
[16:10] < esden> hmm ... I still need a nullmodem cable .... >_<
[16:19] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB6FB6F.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux
[16:28] -!- Freak [freak@p50839974.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:31] -!- Freak [freak@p50838A17.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[16:33] < esden> argh ... I need huebi ... the 1.5.17 iso is too big !!!
[16:38]   owl is always on the run. *jumpin' around*
[16:38] < owl> cu later.
[16:38] -!- Freak [freak@p50838A17.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("bzflaggin'")
[16:39] -!- owl [owl@] has quit ("destroying windows. brb")
[16:40] < th> fake: cool
[16:40] < th> fake: aber das modul hast du noch nicht angefasst?
[16:40] < fake> nope
[16:42] < fake> will erst das buch fertiglesen
[16:50] -!- [anders] [anders@] has joined #rocklinux
[16:50] < fake> hi [anders] !
[16:50] < [anders]> moin fake
[16:51]   [anders] is fuming at the moment... Not impressed at all with Marcello (2.4 maintainer)... initrd's been broken in 2.4.19-pre tree for ages and it is not being fixed.. it is now -rc3 and still not working..
[16:52] < fake> hm...
[16:52] < fake> rc3 ? i missed something
[16:52] < [anders]> fake: yeah, there is a 2.4.19-rc3
[16:53] < fake> uh... how much time passed between rc2 and rc3 ?
[16:53] < th> can't be for long as there is no 2.4.19-rc3-ac
[16:53] < [anders]> no idea.. and if I could have a say there would not be much time until -rc4 was out as well as they should fscking fix the initrd problem..!
[16:56] < fake> ah, cool! a MIPS resync!
[16:57] < [anders]> hopefully AC will come out with a nice little fix for the initrd problem..
[17:01] < [anders]> -rc3 was released 'Jul 20 01:13' according to ftp.kernel.org file timestamp..
[17:01] < [anders]> surprised there is not already a -rc3-ac1.... Alan is usually very quick of the mark..
[17:18]   fake is a bit bored
[17:28] < fake> hm...
[17:29]   fake is reading a bit
[17:37] -!- Freak [freak@p50838A17.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:48] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB6FB6F.ipt.aol.com] has quit ()
[17:49] -!- owl [mail-spam@B57aa.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[17:49] < owl> re
[17:49] < Freak> wb
[18:42]   kob is back (gone 05:08:24)
[18:43] < esden> morning guys
[18:49] < esden> blindcoder: are you here ?
[18:49] < esden> I have even a better solution for your printer thingy ... I would like you to test it
[19:05] < esden> blindcoder: perhups you will read it that is a command that could be interesting for you: bash -i > /dev/printers/0 2>&1
[19:08] -!- chris_GONE [~chrisime@pD9590E61.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:18]   h0h0 is off to play bzflag
[19:25] < esden> h0h0: have fun
[19:36] < blindcoder> rehi
[19:36] < esden> re blindcoder
[19:37] < esden> read scrollback
[19:38] < blindcoder> scrollback? it's still on my xterm :)
[19:39] < blindcoder> esden> looks good, but what if I start vim?
[19:42] < blindcoder> esden: that's not what I need... I just need a quick and dirty way to use my terminal as typewriter
[19:44] < chris_GONE> esden: bis morgen (klausur) ciao
[19:47] -!- chris_GONE [~chrisime@pD9590E61.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[19:55] < esden> blindcoder: yes I know ... >_< ... but I think that a shell on a printer is much cooler than a stupid typewriter sorry
[19:55] < esden> vim ? *headshake*
[20:28] -!- lizard [~lizard@pD9048415.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:32] < owl> re
[20:40] < fake> *sigh*
[20:40]   fake @work
[20:43] < blindcoder> esden: vim: WARNING! outputis not to a terminal. terminating
[20:43] < fake> und jetzt spinnt auhc noch der nameserver...
[20:43] < fake> *heul*
[20:44] < fake> https://www.heckler-koch.de/html/german/behoerden/03_rifles/03_01_index.html
[20:44] < fake> ^--- use this on me
[20:46] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB75CF1.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux
[20:46] -!- lizard [~lizard@pD9048415.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[20:48] < blindcoder> fake: no fucking way. I won't do you that favor :D
[20:48] < fake> :(
[20:48] < esden> blindcoder: what do you want with vim ?
[20:49] < esden> use echo
[20:49] < blindcoder> then i can use echo > /dev/printers/0 <<EOT
[20:49] < blindcoder> bla
[20:49] < blindcoder> EOT
[20:49] < blindcoder> where EOT = End of Trash
[20:50] < blindcoder> but I want it to be immediately at monitor AND printer
[20:50] < esden> blindcoder: pleeeease use it on me tooo !!!!!
[20:50] < blindcoder> the moment i press the key
[20:50] < blindcoder> ls -l /dev/esden/brain
[20:50] < fake> . ..
[20:50] < blindcoder> lrwxrwxrwx root  root  /dev/esden/brain -> /dev/null
[20:51] < fake> esden's brain is owz0r3d by r00t?
[20:51] < fake> blindcoder: @that printer thing: that won't work
[20:51] < blindcoder> well.... as is dev/null...
[20:51] < blindcoder> it DOES
[20:51] < fake> blindcoder: as the printer itself is line buffered
[20:51] < blindcoder> with 11 lines of C-Code it DOES
[20:51] < blindcoder> well... almost as you say
[20:52] < blindcoder> the moment i hit enter :)
[20:52] < fake> that's why it is calles "line" printer
[20:52] < fake> s,calles,called,
[20:52] < blindcoder> hmm... can't you unbufer /dev/printers/0 ? *asksstupidquestionsagain*
[20:52] < fake> blindcoder: hardware-wise?
[20:53] < fake> you could do an evil hack
[20:53] < fake> print one letter in a line
[20:53] < fake> spool back to that line
[20:53] < fake> print no-letter up to just behind the last letter printed
[20:53] < blindcoder> hmm... sound good enough to me
[20:53] < fake> print the next letter/line
[20:53] < fake> spool up again....
[20:53] < blindcoder> what's the escape for reverse line-feed?
[20:54] < fake> no idea
[20:54] < fake> it may even be unsupported
[20:54] < fake> that would be a plotter
[20:54] < blindcoder> dammit
[20:55] < blindcoder> *grunts*
[20:55] < fake> blindcoder: that could be solved by inserting a smoll additional servo ;-)
[20:55] < blindcoder> hehe
[20:55] < blindcoder> that wuold have to be controlled via serial line
[20:56] < fake> hm.... or by a pic
[20:56] < fake> inserted into the printer
[20:56] < fake> that interprets ^FOO as reverse-linefeed
[20:56] < fake> ^F^O^O
[20:57] < blindcoder> hehe
[20:59] -!- oversize [oversize@frnk-d514e1b9.dsl.mediaWays.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:08] < fake> boy... this is so frustrating
[21:08] < fake> 1.7 say "consider using the pseudo cross compiler" - wether you use it or no
[21:08] < fake> t
[21:15] -!- tsa [~tsa@] has joined #rocklinux
[21:15] < tsa> tag
[21:17] < owl> moin tsa
[21:18] < tsa> hi owl
[21:18] < fake> hi tsa
[21:18] < tsa> hi fake
[21:19] < oversize> hi :)
[21:19] < tsa> hi oversize.
[21:46] -!- ge0rg is now known as Ge0rG
[21:48] < fake> hi Ge0rG
[21:48] < Ge0rG> 'lo folks
[21:50] < esden> fake: why should you use the pcc ?
[21:50] < esden> hi Ge0rG
[21:51] < fake> pcc ?
[21:51] < fake> ah.
[21:51] < esden> pcc = pseudo cross compiler
[21:51] < fake> esden: Build-Pkg recommends it
[21:51] < esden> hmm ... and why ?
[21:52] < fake> because "no gcc2 found - so no special optimisation is used\nConsider using the pseudo-cross-compiler"
[21:52] < fake> (shown with and without the pcc)
[21:53]   [anders] is still trying to get things building properly for metacity... and as it happens, gnome2
[21:53] < esden> then it is a bug ... ?
[21:53] -!- simon-- [~simon@p50874EE0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:53] < [anders]> would be cool to get gnome2 rolling.. it apperanly has aa built-in and somewhat better than what gdkxft was doing it..
[21:54] < fake> esden: seems so
[21:56] < esden> [anders]: so get it rolling ;-)
[21:57] < esden> I am sorry but I do not use gnome2 and I do not have the time to work on it ...
[21:59] < esden> the only packets I will add next week to my respository are provray3.1 povray3.5 megapov and perhups take over windowmaker from rxr because I am using it on day to day basis and hi is not ... I think he will be happy about it
[22:00]   fake is off
[22:00] < fake> cya
[22:00] -!- fake [fake@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("Read error: 2.99792458 x 10^8 meters/second (Excessive speed of light)")
[22:04] -!- oversize [oversize@frnk-d514e1b9.dsl.mediaWays.net] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[22:06] -!- simon- [~simon@p50874930.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out)
[22:06] -!- simon-- is now known as simon-
[22:16] < tsa> aszlig: wach?
[22:17] < tsa> aszlig: you might consider spending more time on server security.
[22:19] < esden> tsa: ???
[22:20] < esden> what has he done ?
[22:20] < tsa> esden: less than 5 minutes to get r/w-access to mysql on the website where aszlig works.
[22:20] < esden> hmm ... that is not good
[22:20] < tsa> ack.
[22:21] < tsa> they're using an outdated wu-ftpd, too.
[22:21] < esden> hmm that is very bad
[22:22]   esden has to test OpenBSD ...
[22:22] < esden> I think I will setup my router with it
[22:22] < esden> that would be a good experiance
[22:22] < tsa> do you know how to contact him?
[22:23] < esden> hmm ... I do not have his phone number IIRC
[22:23] < tsa> (i'd like to avoid sending a mail that might turn up at his boss..)
[22:23] < tsa> hm...ok
[22:24] < tsa> if he shows up, tell him to contact me by mail or something.
[22:24] < esden> tsa: yes I will !!!
[22:24] < tsa> ok, tanks.
[22:24] < tsa> +h
[22:24] < tsa> <- going to sleep.
[22:24] < tsa> cu esden
[22:24] < tsa> cu all.
[22:25] < owl> gn8 tsa
[22:25] < tsa> cu owl
[22:25] -!- tsa [~tsa@] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[22:26] < h0h0> is there any dificulty in useing rocklinux with XFS?
[22:27] < esden> hi h0h0
[22:28] < h0h0> `lo esden
[22:29] -!- rolla_ [~Der@stlmaisenhel.ugs.com] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:30] -!- rolla [~Der@] has joined #rocklinux
[22:44] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB75CF1.ipt.aol.com] has quit ()
[23:04] -!- Freak [freak@p50838A17.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("bzflag")
[23:14] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@] has joined #rocklinux
[23:32] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@] has quit ()
[23:38] -!- Freak [freak@p50838A17.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[23:57] -!- Freak [freak@p50838A17.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("I take this land for my bunghole!")
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Mon Jul 22 00:00:05 2002