--- Log opened Wed Jul 24 00:00:41 2002 --- Day changed Wed Jul 24 2002 00:02 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1C8CE.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 00:07 < huebi> Strike! I just configured an Internetgateway in the Nuernberg area. After reboot it came back. kool 00:16 -!- chrisime_ [~chrisime@pD9590E1F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Lost terminal") 00:31 < th> wie krieg ich das home von einem user raus? 00:31 < fake> echo /etc/passwd | grep $USERNAME 00:31 < th> fake: nich wenns nis is 00:32 < fake> stimmt. 00:32 < fake> su - $USERNAME 00:32 < th> fake: und nich wenns einen user gibt der aehnlich heisst 00:32 < fake> pwd 00:32 < th> gibts keinen getpwnam wrapper? 00:32 < fake> not that i know of 00:37 < th> diesen ~user mechanismus gibts wohl auch nur in der commandline 00:38 < th> man muss doch in der shell testen koennen, ob ein user-home existiert 00:39 < th> finger koennte helfen 00:39 < fake> stimmt. 00:40 * fake geht ki^Hnacken 00:41 < fake> byq. 00:41 < fake> bye. 00:41 < huebi> cu fake 00:42 < th> finger -m -p th | head -2 | tail +2 | cut -f1 | cut -d' ' -f2 00:42 < th> that's it '_ 00:42 < th> that's it ;) 00:48 -!- the][owl [mail-spam@B503f.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 00:48 -!- the][owl [mail-spam@B503f.pppool.de] has quit (K-lined) 00:48 -!- the][owl [mail-spam@] has joined #rocklinux 00:48 -!- the][owl [mail-spam@] has quit (K-lined) 00:49 -!- Netsplit vinge.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: owl, fake, oversize, aszlig 00:49 -!- Netsplit over, joins: aszlig, fake 00:49 -!- Netsplit over, joins: oversize 00:53 -!- argh [jfsd@B55aa.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 00:54 < argh> re 00:54 -!- argh is now known as owl 01:00 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@] has joined #rocklinux 01:00 < huebi> moin holyolli 01:00 < holyolli> hi huebi 01:01 < owl> hi holyolli 01:01 < holyolli> hi owl 01:01 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@] has joined #rocklinux 01:01 < ringo78> hai all ! 01:01 < holyolli> hi ringo 01:01 < huebi> holyolli: hast du dir schon mal qt auf alpha angesehen? Das funktioniert/compiliert nicht. 01:01 < holyolli> huebi: das stimmt. hab mich aber bisher noch erfolgreich drum gedr|ckt... ;) 01:01 < holyolli> gedrueckt even 01:02 < huebi> hehe 01:02 < holyolli> huebi: aber wenn du willst, kannst du auch selber nachsehen 01:02 < huebi> muss nicht sein... 01:03 < holyolli> *g* 01:03 < holyolli> ich werd mal danach schauen, wenn ich aus /dev/urlaub wieder da bin 01:03 < huebi> wann ist das 01:03 < huebi> ? 01:03 < holyolli> am 03.08. bin ich wieder daheim 01:03 < holyolli> bis dahin ist es eher schlecht, weil ich ueber 33.6er modem arbeiten muss 01:03 < holyolli> =) 01:03 < huebi> ok 01:04 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 01:04 < holyolli> ? 01:05 < holyolli> ww 01:05 < huebi> hae? 01:05 < holyolli> falsches fenster 01:23 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 01:23 < Mike1> re 01:23 < holyolli> re mike 01:23 < huebi> re Mike1 01:24 < Mike1> huebi: how did you go with the sparc report? 01:25 < huebi> Mike1: I did not start it yet. I installed an internetgateway a few hundred kilometres from here. 01:25 < Mike1> huebi very nice 01:25 < ringo78> Mike: Thanks for the info about masq (2weeks ago or so it works). 01:26 < huebi> indeed. and it came back online after reboot. 01:26 < Mike1> ringo78: sure you are welcome 01:26 < Mike1> huebi: cool 01:27 < huebi> And it uses dyndns.org for it's dynamic IP address. 01:27 < Mike1> huebi: i need to get more sparc hardware to develop, but the SUN reps in central america just a bunch of lame lazy b@stardz 01:27 < Mike1> huebi: sounds very nice 01:28 < huebi> just a bunch of lame lazy b@stardz <- same here *g* 01:28 * owl leaves you now 01:29 < Mike1> huebi: yet you can still get cheap and nice sparc hardware, i cant :(( 01:29 < Mike1> n8 praenti 01:29 < owl> gn8 01:29 < Mike1> damn n8 owl 01:29 < huebi> nacht owl 01:29 -!- owl [jfsd@B55aa.pppool.de] has quit ("back to f*** reality") 01:37 -!- Mike1 is now known as Mike1-d3mian 01:48 * Mike1-d3mian rebooting see you in an hour 01:48 * Mike1-d3mian has to try to build 1.5.17 after reboot 01:48 -!- Mike1-d3mian [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 01:50 < holyolli> cya 01:51 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@] has left #rocklinux () 01:59 < tsa> n8 01:59 < huebi> n8 tsa 01:59 < tsa> *gaehn* 02:00 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082BA93.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 02:10 < ringo78> why does this not work (slashes before spaces in spaced names ?) slashed=`echo $i | tr ' ' \\' '` 03:01 -!- clifford_ [~clifford@M125P012.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 03:01 -!- clifford [~clifford@] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 03:14 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 03:14 < Mike1> re 03:14 < Mike1> anyone awake? 03:14 < huebi> jo 03:14 < Mike1> great 03:14 < Mike1> just the person i was looking for 03:14 < Mike1> :) 03:15 < Mike1> how do i use ./scripts/Create-CD to create my rock-15.17-base+dir.iso? 03:15 < Mike1> base+opt* 03:15 < Mike1> somehow its creats a 4mb iso only 03:15 < huebi> ./scripts/Create-CD ia32 i686 base e.g 03:15 < Mike1> nice mom 03:16 < Mike1> lets see if it works :) 03:17 < Mike1> huebi: how far are we from getting boot iamges with reiserfs and ext3 support? 03:17 < Mike1> not sure what is ur list of priorities 03:17 < huebi> 2 days of concentrated work or so. 03:18 < huebi> first priority is linux* 03:18 < Mike1> huebi: if you give me some guidelines i can contribute on this 03:18 < Mike1> huebi: perhaps you can go for linux i can go for the isos :) 03:18 < Mike1> i mean images* 03:19 < huebi> ok lets see tomorrow. 03:19 < Mike1> sure :) 03:19 * Mike1 amazed to see huebi awake this late 03:20 -!- simon- [~simon@pD9E1D69D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out) 03:22 < Mike1> huebi: [root@marte rock-src-1.5.17-Mike]# du -sh rock-ia32-i686-base+opt-1.5.17-Mike.iso 03:22 < Mike1> 688M rock-ia32-i686-base+opt-1.5.17-Mike.iso 03:22 < Mike1> [root@marte rock-src-1.5.17-Mike]# 03:23 -!- kaerF [freak@pD9E399F5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 03:23 < Mike1> brb rebooting again 03:23 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 03:34 -!- Freak [freak@pD95300A6.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03:35 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 03:35 < Mike1> re 03:35 < Mike1> huebi: still awake? 03:35 < huebi> re Mike1 03:36 < Mike1> :) 03:36 < Mike1> huebi: did you had any issues building vim? 03:36 < huebi> no, it worked fine. 03:36 < Mike1> after we moved it to base and the source was conf file was cleaned? 03:36 < Mike1> huebi: funny in my rock 1.5.16 it didnt recognize he tarball 03:36 < huebi> only copying the vimrc did not work. 03:37 < Mike1> huebi: yes because vim dir does not exist 03:37 < huebi> update the vim.* files 03:37 < Mike1> yes i will have to update a few things 03:38 < Mike1> also i have a stupid question 03:38 < huebi> Mike1: only unasked questions are stupid. 03:39 < Mike1> some gnome packages broke on stage 3 but didnt brake on stage 5, why? 03:39 < Mike1> will they be missing on my iso? 03:41 < huebi> normaly not. Upgrade to the actuall cvs with "cvs up -dP". Many budfixes are in there. 03:42 < Mike1> huebi: ok i will do that :) 03:42 < Mike1> i am hapy thoguth only 5 packages broke 03:42 < huebi> https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/rock-1.5/changelog 03:43 < Mike1> and it helped me realize that vim had to be fixed which is good :) 03:46 < huebi> <- burning a video CD 03:46 < Mike1> huebi: nice, good stuff on it? 03:46 < huebi> I hope so 03:47 < Mike1> music videos? or movies? 04:01 * Mike1 fetching rock-1.5 cvs tree 04:01 < Mike1> huebi: i will test it tonight hopefuly i will come back with some patches and stuff tomorrow 04:12 -!- kaerF is now known as Freak 04:13 < Mike1> hallo Freak 04:15 < Freak> hey there Mike 04:15 < huebi> https://vcdgrab.sourceforge.net/ <- This works to get the .mpg out of the bin/cue files. 04:15 < huebi> hi Freak 04:15 < Mike1> huebi: danke mein freund 04:16 < huebi> Mike1: you're welcome ;-) 04:16 < Freak> hmmmmm 04:17 < Mike1> huebi: i will test in 1/2 a bit a let you know how it works :) 04:24 < huebi> Mike1: It's in german and vcdgrab works fine. 04:24 < Mike1> huebi: so you are decided to make me learn german arent you? 04:24 < Mike1> >_< 04:25 < huebi> *g* 04:25 < Freak> "it works fine installing programs with YaST2 .. but when I download things.. I don't know how to do that." 04:26 < Freak> "explain it to me, I'm lame." 04:26 < Freak> ... 04:26 < Mike1> Freak: WTF is yast2? 04:26 < Freak> I gave him an answer he won't forget ;) 04:26 < Freak> Mike1: Yet another Setup Tool, SuSEs RPM (and other things') manager 04:27 < Freak> s/SuSEs/SuSE's; 04:27 < Mike1> Freak: oh yeah suse crappy stuff 04:27 < Freak> heh 04:31 < Mike1> freak rpm -e yast 04:31 < Mike1> rpm -e yast2 04:31 < Mike1> rpm -e sax 04:31 < Mike1> rpm -e sax2 04:31 < Mike1> rpm -e rpm 04:31 < Mike1> :) 04:31 < Freak> hmm heh 04:37 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit ("Irssi - the client of smart and beautiful people") 04:43 < Mike1> huebi: /me still downloading 04:44 < huebi> Mike1: /me too ;-) 04:44 < Mike1> hehe 05:51 -!- d3m|away [~demian@] has left #rocklinux () 07:16 < Mike1> see you later guys 07:16 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 07:24 < [anders]> rrrrrfffff!! kernel 2.4.19-rc3 has no support for CRAMFS initrd's and they have been stripping things out of devices/block/rd.c to the point that adding it back in again will make things very very tricky.. I am contemplating just this, but I fear I might break the kernel severely if I do.. :-( 07:24 < [anders]> anyway.. it is time to get ready for work etc... talk later chaps.. Oh, by the way, moin. :) 08:29 -!- owl [~mail-spam@] has joined #rocklinux 08:29 < owl> ´hi 08:35 -!- owl [~mail-spam@] has quit ("changing the computer") 08:51 -!- owl [~mail-spam@] has joined #rocklinux 08:52 < owl> re 09:01 -!- owl [~mail-spam@] has quit ("back to reality") 09:01 < [anders]> moin 09:05 -!- owl [~mail-spam@] has joined #rocklinux 09:06 -!- owl [~mail-spam@] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 09:11 -!- owl [~mail-spam@] has joined #rocklinux 09:19 < [anders]> okay, got AA fonts going in Gnome2, so if anyone want to have a look there is a 1/2MB screenshot at this URL, https://trudheim.org/Screenshot3.png 09:20 < [anders]> will leave the screenshots on there for a while, but will eventually have to move them around or delete them depending on how much space I'll use/need.. 09:53 -!- owl [~mail-spam@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 09:53 -!- owl [~mail-spam@] has joined #rocklinux 10:05 < [anders]> owl: bit bouncy today are we not? :) 10:13 < owl> hi. anders. 10:13 < owl> i'm in office. so i have less time. 10:14 < [anders]> owl: /me is at work as well.. 10:15 * [anders] just noticed that there is an patch-2.4.19-rc3-ac3 available and /me is nosing through it right this very minute.. 10:15 < [anders]> And hopefully there should be some fixes in there to the initrd shambles.. Or I might just have to try and make another type of initrd image for Debian.. 10:16 < [anders]> Debian insist on using CRAMFS and if the kernel does not support that then I have to try and mod things somehow.. :-( 10:18 < [anders]> alpha, sparc and sparc64 mods in the rc3-arc patch.. not to mention that the SpeedStep code is going in for ia32.. (Wooooohoooo!!) 10:34 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@] has quit ("leaving") 10:44 < [anders]> Phooar!! Some nice new stuff in the 2.4.19-rc3-ac3 kernel.. CPU Frequency Scaling, saving .config data into the kernel itself, IDE stuff... Lots and lots of goodies.. :) 10:48 < [anders]> Too bloody bad it doesn't compile.. fsck!! 10:59 -!- clifford_ [~clifford@M125P012.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 11:01 -!- clifford_ [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux 11:24 < huebi> moin ;-) 11:58 < [anders]> moun huebi.. :) 11:58 < huebi> moin [anders] 11:59 < huebi> today is a good day to do something on ROCK Linux ;-)) 12:09 -!- clifford [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux 12:09 < clifford> hi. 12:09 < huebi> moin clifford 12:09 < clifford> huebi: ich hab' noch keine fragen auf der mailinglist gesehen... 12:09 < clifford> all: fyi: https://www.rocklinux.org/irc.html 12:10 < huebi> Ich habe auch noch keine geschrieben. Ich habe letzte nach einen Internetgateway bei Nuernberg eingerichtet. 12:10 < [anders]> huebi: I am already trying to get a 2.4.19-rc kernel on my box at home so I can get the printer etc working.. and currently -rc3-ac3 does not build as there is an empty directory in the fs directory in the linux kernel tree.. bit of a bummer.. 12:11 < [anders]> I might actually e-mail Alan Cox about that one.. Perhaps we could get an -rc3-ac4 today that fixes that.. 12:13 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACBA09ED.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux 12:13 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux 12:16 -!- kaerF [freak@pD9530292.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:17 < [anders]> Not needed.. but a make mrproper was needed to get it working.. Now I might actually get a nice working kernel on my home-box.. 12:27 -!- DerFreak [freak@pD953027A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:27 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACBA09ED.ipt.aol.com] has quit () 12:29 -!- Freak [freak@pD9E399F5.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12:30 -!- Freak [freak@p5083966E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:34 -!- kaerF [freak@pD9530292.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12:37 -!- Ge0rG is now known as ge0rg 12:39 -!- Freak [freak@p5083966E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 12:44 -!- DerFreak [freak@pD953027A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12:57 -!- Freak [freak@p508394A8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:17 -!- Jol [~jol@ALille-208-1-4-17.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #rocklinux 13:17 < Jol> lo'all 13:19 < [anders]> moin Jol 13:19 < Jol> just one question, I want to know if the Iso image contains all packages listed in the rocklinux site (packages descriptions) 13:20 < Jol> ? 13:21 < Jol> Yes, No ? ;) 13:21 < huebi> perhaps? URL's? 13:22 < Jol> lol 13:22 < huebi> which ISO and which package list do you mean? 13:23 < Jol> 1.5.17 ISO k7 and intel 586 13:25 < huebi> https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/rock-1.5/base-config/ <- these are all packages in these ISO's. k7 is without KDE 3.0.2 13:26 < Jol> ok thanks 13:26 < Jol> another question :) 13:27 < Jol> the ISO is bootable ;) I think yes ! 13:27 < Jol> it's a stupid question, i know 13:27 < huebi> Yes, it is. K7 only on AMD Athlon (Duron?) 13:28 < Jol> Athlon! 13:28 < Jol> thankQ 13:28 < huebi> Jol: your welcome 13:28 < huebi> Jol: you're welcome 13:31 < Jol> thanks, i'm reading some rocklinux features and i'm sure it's a powerfull distrib 13:32 < huebi> yes, it is. If you want an easy to customize source based Dist. you are right with rocklinux 13:33 < Jol> good 13:36 -!- clifford_ [~clifford@] has quit ("Client Exiting") 13:36 < [anders]> I prefer ROCK to other distributions as it is an easier environment to 'roll your own stuff' 13:37 < Jol> on the 1.5.17 there is gcc 2-95 , it's possible to update my rocklinux on gcc 3.1 13:37 < Jol> It's easy to create new package ? 13:37 < [anders]> Jol: the 1.7 snapshots have gcc 3.1 13:37 < [anders]> Jol: yes.. reasonably easy to do.. 13:38 < [anders]> as in creating new packages.. 13:39 < huebi> Jol: Yes, but very much work. I would use 1.7 then as a base for that, but this is far from beeing usable. 1.5.x will not have gcc 3.1 in the near future 13:39 < Jol> yep but with my 1.5.17 can I upgrade to 1.7 ? 13:39 < clifford> Jol: be carefully when upgrading a running gcc2 system to gcc3. The gcc c++ ABI has changed and so you can't mix e.g. gcc2 c++ libs with gcc3 c++ applications. (This has no effect on normal c applications.) 13:40 < huebi> Jol: you can use 1.5.17 as a working system. But upgrading is much work. 13:40 < Jol> ok 13:40 < clifford> huebi: 1.7 far from beeing stable. (stable != useable) 13:40 < Jol> ;) 13:40 < clifford> huebi: how is the 1.5 article doing? 13:41 < huebi> It's on my ToDo list this evening between 17:00 and 18:00 13:45 < huebi> Yesterday I tested runlvedit very extensive. It is the best tool/script I ever used for managing the startup scripts. 13:45 < huebi> clifford: Did you write it? 13:46 < clifford> huebi: sure. who else? 13:47 * clifford is afraied huebi will not like the 1.7 runlvedit. 13:47 < Jol> Why ? 13:47 < huebi> clifford: I don't know. It's really good how you wrote it. Simple, strait forward and easy to understand. 13:47 < Jol> He likes it ! 13:48 < clifford> huebi: .. but it's not very fail save and re-creates the rc.d tree every time (instead of just making the changes neccassary. 13:48 < clifford> that's why I re-wrote it in 1.7. 13:49 < clifford> (also the 1.7 runlvedit is using dialog() - that's why I thought that you might not like it) 13:49 < th> strange. that machine has 1280MB of ram. but linux just knows about 900740k 13:49 < clifford> ... and it's written in shell so one doesn't need perl for editing the system runlevels. 13:49 < th> hmm i need highmem for this 13:49 < huebi> th: new kernel needed. 13:49 < huebi> th: ACK 13:50 < huebi> 4GB 13:50 < th> hope that does not imply problems with agpgart or stuff 13:50 < Jol> bye, see you later ! 13:51 < huebi> clifford: Does the new runlvedit take attention on custom links? e.g. to scripts not located in /etc/init.d ? 13:51 < huebi> th: No. There are no problems with that. 13:51 < huebi> cu Jol 13:51 -!- Jol [~jol@ALille-208-1-4-17.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit ("CGI:IRC 0.4.2") 13:52 * huebi has 3 boxes with more than 900MB RAM. Same thing every time but no problems with high memory support. 13:52 < clifford> huebi: no. you need to make rc?.d/S10foobar a link to init.d/foobar which is a link to the real script then. 13:53 < clifford> (as in 1.5). 13:53 < huebi> clifford: That was the way I did it till now. 13:53 < huebi> so no change in that. nice. 13:54 < clifford> https://www.rocklinux.org/sources/misc/sysfiles/usr/sbin/runlvedit 13:54 < clifford> .. but don't try it on a 1.5 system ... 13:55 < th> clifford: btw. how do you gather the version-information for 1.5 in the "Versions" box on the w3? ATM it's stuck at 1.5.12 (devel) 13:56 < th> but that's far from the truth 13:57 < clifford> th: I told huebi on linuxtag that he should send me download information etc. for the webpage. he did not so far .. 13:57 < huebi> clifford: I want a comment in runlvedit about the style of the setup scripts. With example, please. That is very nice to have it handy for own special scripts. 13:58 < clifford> huebi: what style? just do whatever you want in this scripts. 13:58 < huebi> clifford: ftp://download.rocklinux.de/1.5/ <- here are all versions. 13:58 < th> clifford: wget -q -O - 'https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/~checkout~/rock-1.5/VERSION' 13:59 < clifford> Is URL for public use?? 13:59 < huebi> sysklogd 01 -23-- linux system logging utilities <- How to get the description for the script, e.g. 13:59 < th> clifford: i don't think so 13:59 < clifford> (public use = homepage) 13:59 < th> clifford: i don't think so 13:59 < clifford> so - no 1.5 on the official homepage .. 13:59 < th> clifford: hmm what URL where you talking about? 13:59 < clifford> .. at least until I've found a new master ftp server which can be accessed by everyone. 13:59 < th> download.rocklinux.de? 14:00 < clifford> yes. 14:00 < th> hmm 14:00 < th> there is that mirror in .se 14:00 < clifford> is this SMP's server? 14:00 < th> clifford: ack 14:00 < clifford> so it's not for public use at all. 14:00 < th> ack 14:01 < clifford> It has been on the homepage once and SMP called me two days later that he is far over the bandwith limit for the server. 14:01 < th> yepp. i know 14:02 < huebi> clifford: can you get a ftp mirror? 14:03 < clifford> we have ftp mirrors - we need a master server. Here is the problem: 14:03 < clifford> all server mirror from gd.tuwien.ac.at 14:03 < clifford> gd.tuwien.ac.at mirrors from a server housed at gentics.com 14:03 < clifford> this is not my server - I only have a normal user account. 14:03 < th> clifford: download.rocklinux.de can be the master 14:04 < huebi> th ack 14:04 < clifford> The server is located in austria and I'm only allowed to produce national traffic on that machine. 14:04 < th> hmm 14:05 < th> clifford: 14:05 < clifford> wronline uebersiedelt die server nach amsterdam und die zukunft von world.wronline ist nicht gesichert. 14:06 < th> ist in .se 14:06 < th> clifford: ich denke, dass die zukunft von world.wronline eher sicherer wird durch die uebersiedlung 14:06 < th> clifford: entweder geht der server mit nach amsterdam oder er bleibt im jetzigen noc mit niedrigeren preisen 14:07 < clifford> th: bei serverhousing wird nach platzverbrauch verrechnet - wer zahlt den platz den world.wronline verbraucht? 14:07 < th> clifford: wer zahlt ihn im moment? 14:07 < clifford> nimand - weil er direkt bei wronline steht wo der platz nichts kostet. 14:07 < esden> hi all 14:08 < th> clifford: und das kann er auch in zukunft tun! 14:08 < clifford> hi esden. 14:08 < clifford> esden: warum haben die irc ascii logs den dateimodus 600 ??? 14:09 < clifford> th: wenn die server in amsterdam stehen wird wronline nicht weiterhin fette standleitungen in de finanzieren. 14:09 < esden> hmm ... 14:09 < th> clifford: es bleiben server in wr 14:09 < th> clifford: so wie meiner z.b. 14:09 < esden> clifford: no idea ... weil die auf meinem server standardmaessig mit diesen rechten erstellt werden ... ?? 14:10 < clifford> esden: kannst du das bitte aendern? 14:10 < esden> hmm... 14:10 < esden> clifford: welche rechte wuerdest du gerne haben ? 14:11 < th> interessante formulierung der frage ;-) 14:11 < clifford> 644 - sonst kann der webserver die files nicht lesen. 14:11 < esden> hmm ... 14:11 < esden> aber bei mir auf dem rechner sind die rechte richtig ... 14:11 < esden> da macht rsync was falsch 14:12 < huebi> esden: umask? 14:12 < th> sicher ne 77er umask 14:12 < esden> ??? hae 14:12 < huebi> umask - set file creation mask 14:13 < esden> aha ... mom 14:13 < clifford> th: ich hab' von smp ein mail vom 17. jun in dem er das problem so schildert und feststellt dass wir den ftp master nicht auf world legen koennen. 14:14 < huebi> Einen Master server brauchen wir. linux.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de koennte dann der offizielle Masterserver fuer die Mirrors sein. 14:15 < huebi> linux hat also als einziger zugang zum Master 14:15 < th> huebi: der zieht doch im moment von smp? 14:15 < huebi> th: noch nicht. das wollte ich aber jetzt die Tage mal anleiern. 14:15 < clifford> huebi: ein weiteres problem ist, dass wir in zukunft alle ftp mirror direkt vom master saugen lassen wollen um schnellere updatezeiten zu gewaehrleisten. 14:16 < th> clifford: darin seh ich kein problem 14:18 < clifford> So wie es augenblicklich ausseht werden wir ueber lang oder kurz mehr als 100GB pro monat traffic haben nur um unsere ftp server up-to-date zu halten .. 14:18 < esden> clifford: jetzt sollten die dateien richtige rechte haben 14:18 < clifford> esden: danke. 14:18 < esden> clifford: ich habe noch ein -p flag hinzugefuegt 14:19 < esden> clifford: die seite fuer die logs sieht sehr gut aus 14:19 < clifford> esden: danke fuer die blumen .. :-) 14:20 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB79697.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux 14:20 < esden> clifford: bitte bitte ;-) 14:20 < esden> clifford: ich wuerde den link zu den stats besser sichtbar machen ... 14:22 < clifford> esden: die sind imo sowieso eher fuer die leute von interesse die bereits hier chatten. 14:23 < esden> hmm ... stimmt 14:24 < clifford> esden: Bzgl. "donations page". Kannst du mir ein *.in file schreiben wie du dir die page vorstellst? 14:25 < clifford> imo sollten wir aber zwei regeln fuer die page definieren: 14:25 < clifford> 1. um gelistet zu werden muss man ein ueber web zugaengliches changelog verwalten (jemand der was spendet sollte ja wissen wofuer er spendet) 14:26 < clifford> 2. wir sollten in irgend einer form offenlegen wie viel (bzw. wenig) in einem gewissen zeitraum gespendet wurde 14:31 < esden> ja clifford ich werde es mal schreiben ... 14:31 < clifford> danke. 14:31 < esden> heute kann ich nichts versprechnen ... denn ich muss meinen router mit OpenBSD fuettern 14:31 < esden> man muss ja seinen feind kennenlernen .. *fg& 14:31 < esden> * 14:31 < clifford> esden: kein problem... *g* 14:31 < huebi> esden: Warum kein ROCK Linux? 14:31 < esden> huebi: weil ich OpenBSD kennenlernen will 14:32 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p5081738F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:32 < huebi> moin bluefire 14:32 < bluefire> ih 14:32 < bluefire> i mean "Hi" ;) 14:32 < esden> huebi: wenn ich nicht genuegent andere systeme kenne kann ich nicht ein besseres system als die haben bauen ... deshalb schaue ich mir alles was ich kann an 14:32 < esden> hi bluefire 14:33 < huebi> esden: Teste doch einfach mal 1.5.17 ob es denn so richtig stabil ist. 14:34 < esden> huebi: mache ich auch ... den kriegt mein laptop heute verpasst 14:34 < huebi> esden: sehr gut. 14:35 < esden> huebi: hast du meine bitte das die quellen von pcmcia-cs als paket auf der cd sind mitbekommen ? 14:36 < huebi> erm. noe. 14:38 < clifford> esden: kann es sein, dass LUG Ingolstadt im letzten LinuxMagazin war? 14:40 < esden> clifford: ja ... kann sehr wohl sein 14:41 < esden> wenn ich mich richtig entsinne sollten die da erscheinen ... aber ich habe noch das letzte linux magazin nicht gelesen ... ich schaue heute nach 14:41 < clifford> da war naemlich ein bild von einer install party mit einem ROCK Linux Logon screen ... 14:41 < esden> ja ... das war der aszlig 14:41 < esden> der fuettert alles was schaltkreise hat mommentan mit rock ;-) 14:42 < clifford> btw: Ich hab grad util-linux (hwclock) fuer alpha gapatcht. Ist dann im naechsten snapshot. 14:42 < esden> clifford: sehr gut danka 14:42 < esden> muss ich dann mal backporten 14:42 * clifford hates mips (somehow) .. 14:43 < esden> clifford: aber was mich mehr interessieren wuerde ist curl ... wenn du momment zeit hast koenntest mal reinschauen ... denn ich glaube ich komme vor morgen nicht dazu ... 14:44 < clifford> esden: Ich mach grad cross-builds fuer alle architectures. Meine Alpha AXP is dz. out of order .. 14:44 < huebi> Weiss jemand eine Soundkarte, die moeglichst mehrere Ausgangsstereokanaele hat fuer die Wiedergabe von mp3s unter Linux? Ich brauche einen mp3-Server mit mehreren Kanaelen. 14:44 < esden> clifford: schlecht ... 14:44 < huebi> esden: Hast du dir qt schon angesehen? 14:45 < esden> huebi: nope 14:45 < huebi> esden: Wann hast du Zeit dazu? 14:45 < esden> huebi: weiss ich noch nicht ... aber ich hoffe noch vor dem wochenende ... ausserdem hat qt bei mir nicht so die priorietaet 14:46 < esden> mir sind im momment die installationsdisketten ... und cd's viel wichtiger 14:46 < esden> wenn das funktioniert kann ich mich um qt kuemmern 14:46 < huebi> esden: hat die holyolli nicht schon fast fertig? 14:47 < esden> huebi: nicht das ich wuesste ... der hat es am linux tag per hand gebaut ... 14:47 < fake> morgen. 14:47 < esden> hi fake 14:47 < esden> !! 14:47 < huebi> tach fake 14:47 < fake> clifford: why do you hate mips? 14:47 < fake> huebi: ich kenn da was 14:47 < fake> Audiowerk heisst die 14:48 < huebi> esden: Er hat mir gesagt, dass er die scripte schon fertig hatte, dann aber den Kram aus Versehen geloescht hat. 14:48 < fake> 8 Kanaele in und Digital Out, bis zu 8 glaube ich 14:48 < huebi> fake: Hast du eine URL? 14:48 < esden> huebi: hehe ... dann bringen die mir in geloeschter form leider nichts ;-) 14:48 < fake> huebi: no :( 14:49 < huebi> esden: red' mal mit ihm, wie weit er ist. Ohne QT kein KDE. 14:49 < esden> kk mache ich 14:51 -!- [anders] [anders@] has quit ("Lost terminal") 14:52 < fake> Arbeitet, als würdet ihr kein Geld brauchen, Liebt, 14:52 < fake> als hätte euch noch nie jemand verletzt, Tanzt, als 14:52 < fake> würde keiner hinschauen, Singt, als würde keiner 14:52 < fake> zuhören, Lebt, als wäre das Paradies auf der Erde. 14:54 < fake> == 14:51:25 =[9]=> Building x11/orbit2 [2.4.0 1.7.0-DEV-200207221835]. 14:54 < fake> sw33t. 14:54 < esden> fake: on which machine ? 14:54 < fake> esden: my P3 14:54 < fake> ia32 14:54 < esden> ahh ok 14:55 < fake> esden: 200207221835 - i wouldn't be that fast on a mips. 14:55 < fake> NEVER. 14:55 < esden> yes that is right ... 14:56 -!- [anders] [anders@] has joined #rocklinux 14:56 < [anders]> hmmm.. screen died on me.. 14:57 < fake> "Suddenly the dungeon collapses... you die." ? 14:57 < [anders]> fake: that's the baby.. 14:57 < fake> that what i always get. 14:57 * clifford reading scrollback 14:58 < [anders]> irritating when it happens as I usually run things in screen for a long time and for a specific reason.. 14:59 * [anders] is going to raise a few defect now though.. busy busy busy... 14:59 < huebi> root 28600 0.0 0.2 2072 616 ? S Jun13 2:18 SCREEN -q 15:00 < clifford> fake: I hate mips because my cross build failes on glibc .. 15:00 < fake> clifford: with gcc2. 15:00 < clifford> fake: yes. shall use gcc3 ? 15:01 < fake> clifford: that mangeld me for a long time. until i asked on #mipslinux. 15:01 < fake> only answer: what do you want with gcc2 ? 15:01 < clifford> (the problem with gcc3 is that it failes to cross-build itself on all architectures.) 15:01 * clifford is disabling gcc2 on mips .. 15:01 < fake> clifford: use gcc-3.2 15:01 < fake> clifford: kewl. 15:02 < clifford> fake: very simple: "[R] - mips" in gcc2.desc 15:03 < fake> clifford: i also have a patch for gcc2.conf 15:03 < fake> it's a small one 15:03 < fake> you have to specify --disable-libgcj 15:03 < fake> on mips. as gcc-3.1's configure is broken on mips/libgcj 15:03 < fake> shall i paste it? 15:03 < clifford> pls. send it per mail. 15:04 < fake> :-/ 15:04 < fake> okay. 15:04 < fake> but it's ugly. as always. 15:06 -!- owl [~mail-spam@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15:06 < huebi> cu later. I go to the bank getting some money... 15:06 < fake> huebi: bring me some, too... 15:10 < fake> clifford: mail sent. 15:13 < fake> (but libgcj is'nt built in a cross-build anyways) 15:13 < clifford> fake: and in stages < 2 15:14 < fake> well, natively it _shoudlnt_ 15:14 < fake> but it wanted to on mips. 15:14 < fake> in stage 2... 15:14 < clifford> [ "$arch" = mips ] && confopt="$confopt --disable-libgcj" 15:14 < fake> you have to tell confirue explicitly not to try building it 15:14 < fake> clifford: :P 15:17 < rolla> re 15:21 < clifford> hmm ... according to https://gcc.gnu.org/ gcc3.2 should become releases these days. 15:21 < clifford> should I update to the 2002-07-22 sbnapshot? 15:23 * -> esden -> bitz 15:29 < fake> clifford: huh? 15:39 < clifford> fake: ? 15:39 < fake> update _to the_ 2002-07-22 snapshot? 15:39 < fake> that one's already out, right? 15:40 < fake> well, it should, as i almost finished a build. 15:40 < clifford> gcc3.2 will be released soon. should I update to the 2002-07-22 _gcc_ snapshot? 15:40 < fake> ah..... *dingeling* 15:41 < fake> clifford: no, we can wait another week, can't we? 15:41 < fake> clifford: we'll be the first distro to use it anyways. 15:41 < clifford> maybe .. 15:42 < fake> clifford: then you'd also have to update to gcc-2.95.5 or whatever it is 15:47 < clifford> fake: 2.95.5 ??? 15:47 < fake> well.. the latest devel snapshot - wichever that may be 15:47 < fake> maybe even more 15:48 < clifford> hae? maybe you mean 2.96 from redhat ? 15:49 < clifford> .. that's a CVS checkout with tons of redhat modifications and is far away from beeing an official gcc devel snapshot. 15:49 < fake> clifford: oh, maybe i ment that. 15:50 < fake> ralf baechle mentioned that somewhere as being usable for mips 15:50 < fake> but still saif gcc3 is way better. 15:50 < fake> clifford: how about updating binutils? 15:50 < clifford> I'll wait for 3.2 and see if the cross-build problems are solved in that release. until then I will simply ignore it. 15:51 < fake> oookai 15:51 * clifford is running ./scripts/Check-PkgVersion. 15:53 < clifford> wow - bash 2.05b is out. 15:54 < fake> == 18:18:47 =[0]=> Building base/glibc [cvs 1.7.0-DEV-200207221835]. 15:54 < fake> ^---- mips timer sucks 15:54 < clifford> how long did that take? 15:55 < fake> clifford: 6 minutes 15:55 < fake> == 07/23/02 18:24:41 =[0]=> Aborted building package glibc. 15:55 < fake> >_< 15:55 < clifford> :-) 15:55 < fake> > *** On GNU/Linux systems the GNU C Library should not be installed i .. 15:55 < fake> > *** /usr/local since this might make your system totally unusable. 15:55 < fake> > *** We strongly advise to use a different prefix. For details read .. 15:55 < fake> > *** If you really mean to do this, run configure again using the ext .. 15:55 < fake> > *** parameter `--disable-sanity-checks'. 15:55 < fake> huh? 15:56 < fake> who said /usr/local ? baka! 15:56 < fake> ah. stage 0. 15:56 < fake> where prefix=$root 15:56 < clifford> hae?? 15:56 < fake> --disable-sanity-checks it is, then. 15:57 < clifford> fake: maybe 'configparms' is not used by the cvs version you are using> 15:58 < fake> clifford: hm. 15:59 * fake disabling sanity checks. 16:01 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 16:01 < Mike1> Moin 16:01 < fake> hi Mike1 16:01 < clifford> hi Mike1 16:01 * fake looking if there is still some coffee powder... 16:01 < Mike1> hallo fake and clifford :) 16:01 < fake> (we can't buy any new.. *argh*) 16:03 < Mike1> there will be a computer even in Costa Rica next month and d3main and i have been looking forward to have ROCK Linux stand over here, anyone would like to join us? 16:03 < Mike1> its called 'Compuexpo' 16:04 < clifford> Mike1: s/even/event/ .... gives it a compleatly new sense. :-) 16:04 < Mike1> clifford: hehe yeah much better :) 16:06 < fake> es its alles vorbei 16:07 < clifford> fake: ? 16:07 < fake> das ist das ende 16:07 < fake> *wimmer* 16:07 < fake> wir haben keinen kaffee mehr :_: 16:07 < clifford> kein caffe mehr? 16:07 * clifford gibt fake ne jolt cola. 16:08 * Mike1 has never tryed a jolt cola 16:08 < Mike1> someone should send me one 16:08 < clifford> Mike1: you didn't missed anything. 16:09 < clifford> RedBull or FlyingHorse are much better .. 16:09 < fake> *** WARNING: Do you really want to install the GNU C Library into /usr/local? 16:09 < fake> *** This might make your system totally unusable, for details read the FAQ. 16:09 < fake> huh? 16:09 < fake> ah. whatever. 16:09 < Mike1> clifford: ok good i have some RedBull here :) 16:09 < Mike1> fake: thats just a fake 16:09 < Mike1> :) 16:10 < fake> i hope so. 16:10 < clifford> fake: pls. check if configure is using configparms before you shoot your system.. 16:10 < fake> okay. 16:11 < fake> clifford: configparams is a shell-variable that gets imported by configure, right? 16:11 < clifford> fake: no/ 16:12 < fake> clifford: hm. easy way to check it? 16:12 < clifford> it's a file in the glibc source directory created by glibc.conf 16:12 < fake> grep configparams configure 16:12 < clifford> goto the glibc source directory and type 'grep configparms * 2> /dev/null' 16:13 < clifford> fake: I'm not sure if it's really configure itself which reads in the file. 16:13 < fake> nothing. :( 16:13 < clifford> so it's clear why it wants to install the stuff in /usr/local .. 16:14 < fake> okay... so move that in glibc.desc from the top (configparams) to --prefix... etc? 16:15 < clifford> yes. but try it in glibc.conf instead.. ;-) 16:15 * clifford will cleanup glibc.conf a bit today. 16:15 < fake> oh, well, yes. might be better. 16:15 < fake> clifford: nooo... than i can't undestand it anymore. 16:20 < clifford> fake: configparms should be included by Makeconfig 16:20 < fake> yes, i saw it. 16:20 < fake> but it isn't. 16:25 < Mike1> huebi: please tell me you are awake 16:29 < Mike1> someone has a sparc bootable image that i can download fast???please i blowed a production server by misstyping silo.cong i need to cherrot to fix it 16:29 < fake> *** On GNU/Linux systems the GNU C Library should not be installed inton 16:29 < fake> *** /usr/local since this might make your system totally unusable. 16:29 < fake> *ARGH* 16:32 < Mike1> clifford: do you have _any_ linux sparc bootable cd any distro any kernel 16:33 -!- ge0rg is now known as Ge0rG 16:38 < fake> Mike1: debian 16:41 < fake> clifford: oops. typo. 16:41 < fake> i grepped for configparams instead of configparms 17:04 < clifford> is it there? 17:04 < clifford> ( -> fake ) 17:05 < fake> yes. 17:05 < clifford> does it work? 17:06 < fake> no. 17:06 < clifford> too bad. 17:06 < fake> i don't know why up to now. 17:07 * clifford updated the following packages: 17:07 < clifford> alsa-driver-0.9.0rc2, bash-2.05b, binutils-, 17:07 < clifford> cpio-2.5, curl-7.9.8, dump-0.4b29, file-3.39, gdb-5.2.1, 17:07 < clifford> gettext-0.11.3, ghostscript-7.21, groff-1.18, gsl-1.2, 17:07 < clifford> ifhp-3.5.10, libsafe-2.0-16, LPRng-3.8.13, lvm_1.0.5, 17:07 < clifford> man-pages-1.52, man-1.5k, modutils-2.4.18, netpbm-10.5, 17:07 < clifford> nfs-utils-1.0.1, pcmcia-cs-3.1.34, quota-3.06, readline-4.3, 17:07 < clifford> sendmail-8.12.5, tcsh-6.12.00, units-1.80, util-linux-2.11t 17:07 < fake> clifford: woo! 17:08 < clifford> pretty easy with scripts/Check-PkgVersion and scripts/CreatePkgUpdPatch .. 17:10 < clifford> fake: in which format do you need the kernel on mips? 17:10 < clifford> just the vmlinux file? 17:11 < fake> hm... then elftoecoff 17:11 < fake> and dvhtool instead of lilo. 17:12 < clifford> elftoecoff? hmm.. that's a problem when doing a cross-build. 17:12 < fake> clifford: why? 17:13 < clifford> because I don't have to tool on e.g. an ia32 box. 17:14 < fake> clifford: it's in arch/mips/boot/ iirc. 17:14 < fake> and glibc still wants to build into /usr/local. 17:15 < fake> yuki:/usr/src/linux/arch/mips/boot# gcc -o elf2ecoff elf2ecoff.c 17:15 < fake> yuki:/usr/src/linux/arch/mips/boot# ./elf2ecoff 17:15 < fake> usage: elf2aout [-a] 17:15 < fake> yuki:/usr/src/linux/arch/mips/boot# 17:16 < fake> elf2aout? 17:16 < fake> hm. 17:20 < clifford> fake: what do you suggest as the output name? vmlinux.ecoff ? 17:21 < fake> clifford: it looks like it's actually elf2aout 17:21 < fake> (at least it calls itself efl2aout 17:21 < fake> ) 17:22 < fake> clifford: where is Makeconfig included?/executed? 17:22 < fake> evaluated? 17:23 < fake> i can only find "Makefile:include Makeconfig" 17:23 < fake> but that's a little late. 17:23 < fake> no wonder configure complains. 17:24 < clifford> fake: it's only included by various Makefiles - that's correct. 17:24 < fake> woo. so how should configure know that i give an install_root through directly? 17:25 < fake> and that i do not want to install in /usr/local ? 17:25 < clifford> try givin configure the --prefix option in addition to specifying it in configparms 17:26 < clifford> (or diable the check) 17:26 < fake> hm... okay. 17:26 < fake> or both. 17:26 < clifford> no. one should be enough. 17:26 < fake> but then i'd have to give --prefix=/usr 17:26 < clifford> disabling the check might be better 17:27 < fake> . o O ( if configparms doesn't work, my system has an unstable glibc installed ) 17:27 < clifford> right - and that's the problem: this _must_not_ be used for installing glibc 17:27 < fake> hm. 17:27 < clifford> if you just disable the checks you will end up with a glibc installed in usr/local. 17:27 < fake> that's fine. 17:28 < clifford> your ld.so _should_ ignore it because there is alrady a glibc in /lib and /usr/lib .. 17:28 < clifford> fake: how would you call the converted vmlinux? vmlinux.ecoff? 17:29 < fake> clifford: hm.. i'd call it use_this_dumbass, but just for me. 17:29 < fake> so i don't care. vmlinux.ecoff is fine with me. 17:30 < clifford> . o O ( as always, fake is very polite .. ) 17:30 < clifford> ok. so it's vmlinux.ecoff 17:30 < clifford> or better said: would be if there wouldn't be this assembler problem ... 17:31 -!- aszlig [~aszlig@paradome.de] has quit ("Lost terminal") 17:31 < fake> clifford: the only person i am not polite to is me. 17:35 * Mike1 gets back after having the most scary, stressing and terrifing minutes of his life 17:36 < Mike1> re 17:37 < th> wb Mike1 17:37 < Mike1> thanks th 17:37 < th> what's up? 17:37 < Mike1> my master mail server went down for about 10 minutes :(( 17:38 < th> outch 17:38 < th> thrilling 17:39 < Mike1> th yeah i asked a partner to configure lilo 17:39 < Mike1> oop silo 17:39 < Mike1> he removed old vmlinux boot and left only the new one 17:39 < th> outch 17:39 < th> bad boy 17:39 < Mike1> which was linux 2.4.18 17:40 < Mike1> and didnt boot ! 17:40 < Mike1> i swear to god i will kill him when he gets out the bathroom 17:40 < clifford> :-) 17:40 < Mike1> yes he made on his pans 17:41 < th> hrrr 17:41 < th> need to carry an RMA-packet to post-office... 17:41 < th> bbl 17:42 < clifford> bbl 17:44 < fake> clifford: it seams to work. gcc gets -isystem $root passed. 17:44 < fake> seems. 18:01 < th> re 18:03 < Mike1> re th 18:07 < [anders]> Right.. Time to go home and try out the 2.4.19-rc3-ac3 kernel and my home-cooked initrd (in the vain hope it'll sort out my OHCI/UHCI problems and also give me EHCI..) 18:07 -!- Ge0rG is now known as ge0rg 18:08 < Mike1> lo [anders] 18:08 < [anders]> If I only was not so damned tired all the time.. Not very funny being half asleep driving to and from work and not have the energy to do anything outside of work.. 18:09 < [anders]> you Mike1 :-) Did you get those things fixed in the private build that failed building for you? 18:09 < Mike1> [anders]: yes it already build base+opt :) 18:10 < Mike1> [anders]: i am not working on the latest cvs 18:10 < Mike1> lol damn typos 18:10 < Mike1> s/not/now 18:10 < [anders]> Mike1: good stuff.. I should probably pull down CVS and diff against my tree to see what has changed and do a risk assessment.. If low risk, apply patch and sync with tree... 18:11 < [anders]> Or do things one by one and try and sort out problems and feed patches back.. :) 18:11 < Mike1> which is more fun :) 18:11 < [anders]> Yes, if you understand what is going wrong.. ;-) 18:12 < [anders]> Mike1: you seen the screenshots of my Gnome2 install? :) 18:12 < Mike1> if you dont undertand its ok to so you can learn.. all you have to is bother huebi or clifford *grin* 18:12 < Mike1> [anders]: no , can i have a link? 18:13 < [anders]> https://trudheim.org/Screenshot.png <-- about 250kB 18:15 < Mike1> [anders]: very nice my friend :) 18:15 < [anders]> https://trudheim.org/Screenshot2.png <-- about 600kB 18:15 < [anders]> https://trudheim.org/Screenshot3.png <-- about 600kB 18:16 < [anders]> in screenshot 3 there is use of AA fonts.. :) 18:16 * fake taking a look. 18:17 < fake> [anders]: that 3 - screenshot looks ugly in NS 4.79 18:19 < fake> but i looks sw33t in Mozilla 18:19 < [anders]> fake: how you mean 'ugly' ? :) 18:19 < fake> [anders]: the fonts had a cow-pattern 18:19 < fake> black-white-mix 18:21 < [anders]> fake: aahh.. probably a rendering problem in Nutscrape then... the pix look fine in xv or Gimp... :) 18:22 < [anders]> I have found something really sweet in Gnome2.. In Nautilus, if you have Eye of Gnome installed, you can zoom in/out in pictures you clicked to view with Nautilus.. 18:22 < [anders]> and when you stop zooming, it will anti-alias the picture for you.. :) 18:22 < [anders]> Reeeeeaally cool stuff.. Nearly wet myself when I found it.. ;-) 18:23 < fake> yes. in moz/msg rolla big time. yes. 18:23 < fake> huh. 18:23 < fake> i need more coffee. 18:25 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p5081738F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 18:26 < [anders]> ok, htx is running on my cluster.. time to go home and eat something.. 18:27 < Mike1> [anders]: enjoy ur food 18:29 < [anders]> Mike1: thanks.. I am sure I will.. Probably will be a few rounds of toast, but that is enough for me.. :) 18:29 < [anders]> cya guys later.. going afk now.. :) 18:30 < Mike1> nice 18:30 < Mike1> cu [anders] 18:34 -!- chrisime [~chrisime@stud022.infomob.informatik.tu-muenchen.de] has joined #rocklinux 18:41 < th> [anders]: any EHCI news? 18:48 -!- clifford [~clifford@] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 18:48 -!- clifford [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux 18:55 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B57dc.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 18:55 < owl> hi 19:01 < fake> ah. coffee. 19:01 < fake> no i'm broke, but at least i have coffee. 19:01 < fake> now 19:06 -!- dorphell [nobody@h002078d623de.ne.client2.attbi.com] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 19:06 -!- dorphell [nobody@h002078d623de.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #rocklinux 19:17 < WKaibigan> Must have been expensive coffee :-) 19:24 < fake> WKaibigan: 2,29 EUR per kg. 19:24 < fake> so, no. 19:27 * fake brennt owl mit einem Laser "Ich weiss es nicht." auf die Netzhaut. 19:34 * fake is a bit away... 19:34 < fake> hacking old ugly PHP code 19:44 < Freak> houpc? 19:46 < blindcoder> *argh* 19:46 < blindcoder> can someone explain gdb to me? 19:46 < blindcoder> or better: 19:46 * fake kommt wirklich grade im fernsehen? 19:46 < blindcoder> why does a program invoked with gdb is unable to connect to mysql 19:46 < blindcoder> while it is able to connect when run without gdb 19:47 < fake> unix sockets? 19:47 < blindcoder> yeah 19:48 < Freak> fake was on tv?? 19:49 < fake> blindcoder: try using TCP 19:49 < fake> Freak: yes... some local station 19:49 < blindcoder> is it enabled on apollo? 19:49 < Freak> fake: how come? 19:49 < blindcoder> bchat is on TV, that's why FAKE, esden and me are on air :-) 19:49 < blindcoder> oh, and praenti, too 19:49 < fake> and Mike1 19:50 < Freak> ......... 19:50 < Freak> send me snapshots. 19:51 < Freak> I think I don't get it. 19:51 * fake advertising rock. 19:51 < Freak> you're fooling Freak. 19:52 < fake> nope. 19:53 < fake> digitized version will be up when the event is over. 19:53 < huebi> re 19:53 < fake> re huebi 19:53 < huebi> hi fake 19:53 < Mike1> re huebi :) 19:54 < huebi> hi Mike1 ;-) 19:54 < huebi> Mike1: I have no bootable sparc CD except the one I got from you (splack) 19:55 < Mike1> huebi: no worry is made a couple of tricky things with silo and made it boot again :) 20:13 < Mike1> huebi: what do you think about adding 'eject' to base? 20:15 < huebi> eject - unmount and eject changeable media? 20:15 < huebi> like in solaris? 20:23 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD95225CC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:23 < bluefire> re 20:23 < huebi> moin bluefire 20:24 < bluefire> huebi: Naja... "moin" ist jetzt aber auch schon rum ; 20:24 < bluefire> )) 20:24 < huebi> naja ;-) 20:24 < huebi> fsck. The mailserver I use is offline. 20:27 -!- chrisime [~chrisime@stud022.infomob.informatik.tu-muenchen.de] has quit ("blah") 20:33 * [anders] is off for a reboot.. 20:33 -!- [anders] [anders@] has quit ("leaving") 20:39 < Mike1> huebi: yes eject as in 'eject /dev/cdroms/cdrom0' 20:56 * Mike1 away to lunch 21:08 < oversize> hi.... i ´ve downloaded a rar archive, supposed to be the rock linux iso filez, but i just can find a *.bin file ... where is the *.cue file ? do i need it to brun the iso ? or is there another way ? 21:09 < huebi> oversize: URL? 21:09 < oversize> where i got this file from ? 21:09 < oversize> sec 21:09 < oversize> ftp://download.rocklinux.de/1.5/1.5.15/rock-intel-i586-base+opt-1.5.15_2002-05-27_02h30.iso 21:10 < huebi> oversize: just burn it 21:10 < oversize> the bin file ? 21:10 < huebi> where is there a bin file? 21:10 < oversize> i thougth i always have to have a *cur file for burning bins 21:11 < oversize> in the root of the directory ... 21:11 < huebi> .iso = .raw 21:11 < oversize> extractet ... 21:16 < Mike1> oversize: you just need to 'cdrecord -v dev= speed=8 rock-xx.iso 21:16 * Mike1 back 21:17 < oversize> uh ... my burner runs under win ;) 21:18 < Mike1> oversize: i think there a software in win that could burn .iso files 21:18 < oversize> o niw i got you ;) 21:18 < Mike1> i think its named "Nero" or something like that 21:19 < rolla> Mike1: Nero Burner 21:19 < huebi> oversize: https://www.mandrakelinux.com/en/howtos/iso/howtoisoen.html 21:19 < oversize> i extractet the file, as if it were an rar archive ... 21:19 < oversize> thx... 21:19 < huebi> oversize: iso is not compressed 21:20 < Mike1> rolla: thanks 21:20 < Mike1> oversize: use nero burner to burn .iso images 21:21 < oversize> i do ;) ... i somehow wanted to extract the .iso file and was wondering wehre the iso file is lol? 21:21 < Mike1> *g 21:21 < Mike1> huebi: huebi: yes eject as in 'eject /dev/cdroms/cdrom0' 21:32 < Mike1> huebi: ? 21:33 * huebi on the phone 21:33 < Mike1> k sorry 21:48 -!- ge0rg is now known as Ge0rG 21:58 < oversize> is there some more documentation available then the documen* directory on the page ? 22:00 < Mike1> oversize: what kind of documentation are you looking for? 22:03 < oversize> actually some installation guide. i was kind of end of my skills, at the first input prompt #rock-install: :) so i thougth maybe theres mor to read. 22:04 < Mike1> oversize: did you already had a look at the ROCK Linux Guide? 22:04 < oversize> ehm no ... where i havent senn it on the page.. yet 22:04 < oversize> -where 22:04 < Mike1> oh there are just tex sources on the site or the Guide in spanish, but you can find on the rock cdrom 22:05 < Mike1> have a look on it 22:05 < oversize> yes i saw that spaniosh guide... 22:05 < oversize> but i m lacking of speaking spanish ;) 22:06 < Mike1> oversize: yeah thats bad i dont lack in spanish 22:06 * Mike1 did rock guide spanish *grin* 22:06 < oversize> aaah ... theres some to read on the cd .... 8) 22:06 < Mike1> oversize: yes so enjoy your reading 22:06 < Mike1> also you can ask here 22:07 < oversize> mkay 8) 22:07 < Mike1> or subscribe to the rock mailing list 22:07 < Mike1> and email your questions :) 22:07 < oversize> theres no particular question right now, but i will thx 22:13 < Mike1> oversize: anytime :) 22:13 < Mike1> oversize: can i ask you a question? 22:20 * owl leaves you now 22:20 < owl> gn8. cu tomorrow 22:20 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B57dc.pppool.de] has quit ("leavin'.") 22:23 * Mike1 waiting for huebi 22:27 -!- chrisime [~chrisime@pD9590E1F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:31 < Mike1> Anyone know a mailing list soft eg. majordomo that can allow me to send mails with .html format and not only plain text??? 22:31 < Ge0rG> html mail is evil ;) 22:32 < Mike1> Ge0rG: i know but i wanna get rid of my boss, he's been bothering me around for a while with this 22:33 < Ge0rG> Mike1: show him how to turn off html mail in microsoft lookout ;) 22:35 < Mike1> Ge0rG: i wish to but he wants to send the company's newsletters in html format :(( 22:36 < Ge0rG> maybe you can convince him that sending html mail is demotivating the staff? ;) 22:38 < Mike1> Ge0rG: he's decided to do it and he gives a shit about the staff, he only cares about sysadmins 22:38 < Mike1> as long as they do what he needs / wants 22:43 < oversize> Mike1: oversize: can i ask you a question? sure do ! :) 22:43 < Ge0rG> ,oO( "can i ask you two questions?" ) 22:44 < Mike1> oversize: how did you know about rock? 22:44 < Mike1> actually i will ask another one :) 22:44 < oversize> i was searching for some other distribution then the mainstream ones (redhat suse) and found the url on linux.org 22:45 < oversize> so i thouth give it a try 22:45 < Mike1> oversize: and why did you got interested in rock? 22:45 < Mike1> oversize: dont get me wrong just getting info for PR 22:45 < oversize> hehe kk ;) 22:46 < oversize> i want a linux box where just the services run that i wantd, and just the thing happen that i want. so a smaller dist. expnading with your needs is more controlledable than one big one where everything is preconfigured and installed 22:47 < oversize> but this is tougher than i guessed :) 22:48 < Mike1> oversize: hehe yeah of course otherwise what would happen to the fun? 22:48 < Mike1> oversize: Building rock from the sources is the coolest thing :) 22:49 < Mike1> thought for users comming from redhat, suse or mandrake the single fact of installing rock is a whole challenge 22:49 < oversize> 8) 22:49 < oversize> im sweating here ;) 22:49 < Mike1> hehe :) 22:50 < oversize> but thats because redhat and suse aims to be one out of the box system, where you dont need any basic knowledge of th os 22:50 < oversize> i think thats kind of my prob... 22:52 < Mike1> oversize dont worry you will enjoy ur journey from booting the cds till running x aplications and starting your own build in ur new rock system :) 22:52 < Mike1> most of the rock users never go back to other distros 22:52 < oversize> i hope so :) . but i know how frustrating this way can be. 22:53 < oversize> hehe, i guesse this is because they really know whats happening in their box 22:53 < Mike1> I can tell you by personal experience that it is a whole challenge but you will learn a lot and you will see things in a very different way, as i a positive thing of course 22:54 < oversize> my luck is, i have a second pc where i can install it and use my running win to get help 8) 22:54 < Mike1> oversize: rock linux is an Administrator Friendly distribution and not another userfriendly distro, administrators always want to have full control and be able to know whats going on and manipulte things as they wish not as defined 22:55 < Mike1> oversize: yes but i am sure this will change very soon :) 22:55 < oversize> 8) i hope so. but i still have to have another win pc here, becaus i m learning to programm on win32 systems 22:56 < oversize> i m an apprentice i think its called 22:56 < Mike1> :) 22:56 < oversize> www.bonadt.de <-- hes my hief 22:56 < oversize> chief 22:56 < oversize> or chef or whatever 22:56 < oversize> 8) 22:56 < oversize> little late already 22:57 < oversize> how long has there been a rock linux? 22:57 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB79697.ipt.aol.com] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22:57 < oversize> so, i mean since when are you developing on it ? 22:59 < Mike1> i have been working on rock for about 2 years now 22:59 < Mike1> or a year and a half :) something like that 22:59 < oversize> .. so you actually know the system a little bit ;) 22:59 < oversize> *g 23:00 < Mike1> oversize: mm lets say 1/2 a bit 23:00 < Mike1> :) 23:00 < oversize> hehe 23:00 * oversize has to sleep now 23:00 < oversize> cu 23:01 < Mike1> oversize: ok good night 23:01 -!- oversize [oversize@frnk-d514e1b7.dsl.mediaWays.net] has left #rocklinux () 23:05 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACBAAC81.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux 23:07 < Mike1> hi WKaibigan 23:07 < Mike1> :) 23:08 < WKaibigan> Hi again 23:17 -!- chrisime_ [~chrisime@p50802C33.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:25 < Mike1> huebi: awake? 23:29 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD95225CC.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23:29 -!- chrisime [~chrisime@pD9590E1F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out) --- Log closed Thu Jul 25 00:00:59 2002