-!- Irrsi  Log opened Thu Jul 25 00:00:59 2002
[00:12] < esden> hi all
[00:12] < esden> hi Mike1 !!
[00:12] < Mike1> hello esden :)
[00:12] < Mike1> how are you?
[00:13] < esden> I am fine
[00:13] < esden> I am diving in work, and having fun ;-)
[00:13] < Mike1> hehe
[00:34] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACBAAC81.ipt.aol.com] has quit ()
[00:48] < chrisime_> esden: jo
[00:48] < esden> hi chrisime_
[00:48] < esden> I am currently setting up openbsd on my router
[00:52] < chrisime_> esden: des teil rockt totalk
[00:52] < chrisime_> so schoen einfach zu koonfigurieren
[00:52] < chrisime_> ausser dass dhclient ziemlich viel meckert
[00:52] < chrisime_> liegt wohl an der config vom server (debian)
[00:55] < esden> chrisime_: so einfach zu konfigurieren ?
[00:56] < esden> ich habe bis jetzt es nicht so ganz gemerkt
[00:56] < esden> sage mal ne RTFM oder so
[00:56] < chrisime_> https://www.fmi.uni-passau.de/~grafj/openbsd/
[00:56] < chrisime_> hat mir n typ gegeben
[00:56] < chrisime_> der das als server so einsetzt
[00:56] < chrisime_> habs aber total ohne das konfiguriert
[00:58] < chrisime_> https://www.gstreamer.net/images/gst-nautilus-2.png <-- kewl
[00:58] < chrisime_> kde kann langsam einpacken ;-)
[00:59] < esden> wwoooot ... sieht echt geil asu
[01:00] < esden> aber ich habe bis jetzt gnome2 nicht ohne probleme zum laufen gebracht
[01:00] < esden> unter debian zickt es gewaltig
[01:00] < chrisime_> hm
[01:00] < chrisime_> habs unter gentoo geschafft
[01:00] < chrisime_> unter openbsd gibts nix in /usr/ports
[01:00] < esden> und wenn ich garnome benutze zickt es auch schreklich
[01:00] < chrisime_> muss mal selber compilieren
[01:00] < chrisime_> echt?
[01:01] < esden> ja ... er braucht um irgendein gnome programm zu starten halbe ewigkeit
[01:01] < chrisime_> autsch
[01:01] < esden> unter garnome meine ich
[01:01] < chrisime_> beim ersten start dauerts sehr lang
[01:01] < esden> ich weis nicht was da kaputt ist
[01:01] < chrisime_> also der start an sich
[01:01] < chrisime_> brb
[01:01] < esden> ja aber nicht _halbe_ stunde
[01:01] < chrisime_> muss mal schnell gdm2 testen
[01:01] < chrisime_> gibts endlich n debian paket
[01:01] < chrisime_> esden: autsch
[01:01] < chrisime_> also brb
[01:02] -!- chrisime_ [~chrisime@p50802C33.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("blah")
[01:12] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p50802C33.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[01:12] < chrisime> wow, cool
[01:16] < esden> ???
[01:16] < chrisime> esden: https://www.gnome.org/~chrisime/files/pix/gdm-Screenshot.png
[01:16] < esden> kk
[01:16] < chrisime> das der neue gdm
[01:16] < chrisime> der is so themeable
[01:16] < chrisime> rockt halt
[01:16] < esden> hmm ... sieht gut aus
[01:17] < chrisime> jo
[01:17] < esden> wieder eine sache die im lain target aufgenommen wird
[01:17] < chrisime> sunshineinabag hat au n paar themes dafuer
[01:17] < esden> sunshinebag ???
[01:18] < chrisime> https://www.lucidus.uklinux.net/gdm/tn_blueish-gdm.png
[01:18] < chrisime> www.sunshineinabag.co.uk
[01:19]   Mike1 is bored
[01:19] < chrisime> yeah ;)
[01:20] < chrisime> brb
[01:20] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p50802C33.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[01:21] < esden> Mike1: then do something
[01:21] < esden> there is enough work in the world ;-)
[01:21] < Mike1> esden: i am but i still feel bored
[01:22] < esden> Mike1: hmm ... not good
[01:22] < Mike1> hehe i guess so
[01:22] < esden> Mike1: what are you doing ?
[01:22] < esden> Mike1: how are "my" photos ?
[01:23] < Mike1> esden: Downloading sources for 1.5 , working on the rock guide spanish, compiling some elks stuff and replying to wemails
[01:23] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p50802C33.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[01:23] < Mike1> esden: good question i havent get the time to get then developed :(
[01:23] < Mike1> re chrisime
[01:23] < chrisime> jo
[01:23] < chrisime> wow
[01:23] < chrisime> gdm rocks
[01:24] < esden> Mike1: be ashamed !!! ;-)
[01:24] < Mike1> esden: hehe maybe if the had had 48 hours i could have one or 2 hours free :)
[01:25] < Mike1> s/had/day
[01:25] < chrisime> hmpf
[01:26] < chrisime> is there no mozilla-bsd version available
[01:32] < esden> who needs x on bsd ... o_O
[01:32] < esden> bsd is for servers ... not for playing around ;-)
[01:34] < chrisime> heh
[01:34] < chrisime> i know
[01:34] < chrisime> just for my laptop
[01:34] < chrisime> i'm using it to learn more of it
[01:35] < chrisime> to get it installed as quick as possible on my server
[01:35] < esden> chrisme ... it is pretty hard ... as I see now to get a router running with it
[01:36] < chrisime> that's why i'm trying it on my laptop first
[01:40] < fake> aaaw.
[01:40] < fake> hehe.
[01:40] < fake> now i like it:
[01:40] < fake> https://fake.by-infonet.de/pics/
[01:42] < esden> hehe ... your firm logo on the first page ... am I right ?
[01:51] -!- aszlig [~aszlig@paradome.de] has joined #rocklinux
[01:52] < aszlig> hoi
[01:53] < chrisime> hmpf
[01:53] < chrisime> ich brauch mal so nen 486 rechner
[01:53] < chrisime> der frisst dann net so viel strom und is net so laut
[01:55] < Ge0rG> und übersteht kurze spannungsschwankungen besser als ein neueres system ;)
[01:59] < chrisime> mmm
[01:59] < chrisime> im das gehts net
[01:59] < chrisime> aber mein k6III400 is zu fett IMHO
[02:03] < fake> esden: yes.
[02:04] < fake> https://fake.by-infonet.de/pics/CTs/winter-2001/P1010042.JPG <-- esden
[02:05] < fake> https://fake.by-infonet.de/pics/CTs/winter-2001/P1010061.JPG <-- esden in  heaven
[02:06] < fake> https://fake.by-infonet.de/pics/CTs/winter-2001/P1010032.JPG <<-- fake.
[02:06] < fake> *biahaha*
[02:09] < esden> hi aszlig
[02:09] < esden> hi Ge0rG
[02:09] < Ge0rG> 'lo esden
[02:11] < esden> argh ... this image is terrible
[02:11] < esden> I mean the first one >_<
[02:11] < fake> looks like an animal on first sight ;-)
[02:11] < esden> urgh ... yes >_<
[02:11] < Mike1> nice pic esden *g
[02:12] < esden> I think I want to kill someone
[02:12] < Mike1> haha
[02:12] < fake> Yes
[02:12] < esden> ahh cool ... now I have bash on my naru
[02:12] < fake> KILL ME!
[02:12] < fake> NOW!
[02:13] < esden> fake: FORGET IT !!!
[02:13] < fake> :(
[02:13] < fake> why not?
[02:14] < fake> will i have to put up ... those... photos?
[02:14] < esden> which those photos ?
[02:14] < Mike1> fake: so you got more photos?
[02:15] < fake> y'know... _those_ ... *points_under_his_bed+
[02:15]   Mike1 ROTL
[02:15] < fake> . o O ( imaginary bed, of course )
[02:15] < esden> fake: do what you can not leave ...
[02:16] < fake> noo. i am 3v1l, but i am not de-coffeinated-3vl.
[02:16] < fake> esden: do the bus stops in IN also advertise JOLT?
[02:19] < fake> anyways. i'm driving home.
[02:19] < Mike1> cu fake
[02:20] < fake> cya
[02:20]   Mike1 leaving
[02:20] < Mike1> n8 all
[02:21] < th> later Mike1
[02:21] < Mike1> th BTW i'm not going to honduras so i talk to you tomorrow
[02:21] < th> Mike1: ahh ok. good to know that :)
[02:22] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[02:22] < esden> fake: hmm ... no ...
[02:23] < esden> are they advertising in bonn ?
[02:45] < esden> hmm ... bsd does not like two isa ne2k cards at once ...
[02:45] < esden> strange
[02:49] < chrisime> esden: probs
[02:49] < chrisime> siehe URL die ich dir gegeben hab
[02:50] < esden> ja ... ich schaue schon rein ... ist sehr hilfreich
[02:51] < chrisime> mhm
[02:51] < chrisime> ich werd au noch probs mit meinen 2 PCI karten ham
[02:51] < chrisime> eine is 8039
[02:51] < chrisime> schmarrn
[02:51] < chrisime> 8129 die andere 8139
[02:51] < chrisime> C
[02:57] < esden> hmm ... OpenBSD is not as secure as I thought
[02:57] < chrisime> ?
[02:57] < esden> there some daemons that running after the install
[02:58] < esden> that could be switched off
[02:58] < esden> there is rocklinux much better ...
[02:58] < chrisime> naja
[02:58] < chrisime> kannst ja superschnell auschalten
[02:58] < chrisime> einfach auf off
[02:58] < chrisime> fertig
[03:00] < esden> ja schon klar ... aber wenn du das system installierst ... dann sollte alles per default aus sein ... und nicht das du dach denken musst das du es noch ausschalten musst
[03:00] < esden> sonnst vergisst man es ... und naja ... cheisse
[03:00] < chrisime> also, es is sicherer als suse ;-D
[03:00] < esden> genauso ssh erlaubt root loginns per default ...
[03:00] < esden> das ist scheisse
[03:01] < esden> chrisime: ich habe gehofft das es sicherer ist als rocklinux ... aber ich werde langsam aber sicher entteuscht
[03:01] < chrisime> esden: es warnt dich beim root
[03:01] < esden> aber es hat auch gute sachen
[03:01] < esden> wenn du nicht in der gruppe wheel bist darfst nicht su ausfuehren
[03:01] < esden> finde ich super
[03:02] < chrisime> eben
[03:02] < esden> also im grossen und ganzen sind die jungs nicht konsequent
[03:02] < chrisime> hab mich gleich in wheel rein
[03:02] < chrisime> gentoo hat das auch
[03:02] < esden> ja ... muss man bei rock auch einfuehren
[03:02] < chrisime> bpf8
[03:02] < chrisime> wassn des fuern device
[03:02] < chrisime> ich brauch das fuer nmap
[03:03] < esden> hmm ... no ider
[03:03] < esden> ich meine no idea
[03:03] -!- clifford_ [~clifford@M081P011.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[03:04] < chrisime> makdev bpf8 bringt au nix
[03:04] < chrisime> da normal fuer die firewall
[03:04] < chrisime> also so wie ipchains/iptables
[03:04] < chrisime> hallo clifford_
[03:08] < esden> hi clifford_
[03:08] < esden> chrisime: hmm ... scheisse wieso will die kiste meine zweite netzwerkkarne nicht erkennen
[03:18] -!- clifford [~clifford@] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[03:25] < esden> argh ... the bsd kernel is stupid >_<
[03:25] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p50802C33.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:25] < esden> hmm ... but I have to go home now
[03:25] < esden> cu all
[04:08] -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit ("Irssi - the client of smart and beautiful people")
[06:32] < th> hmm
[06:32] < th> immernoch nicht im bett angekommen.
[06:32] < th> grmpf
[07:21] -!- [anders] [anders@] has joined #rocklinux
[08:17] -!- owl [~Sandra@] has joined #rocklinux
[08:17] < owl> hi
[08:24] -!- owl [~Sandra@] has quit ("reboot")
[08:59] -!- clifford_ is now known as clifford
[09:00] < clifford> moin.
[09:30] < fake> moin
[09:44] < fake> fsck!
[09:44] < fake> fsck fsck fsck!
[09:44] < fake> jetz is mein rechner daheim aus/nicht erreichbar
[10:02] < [anders]> moin
[10:06]   [anders] has not had a particularly good time... kernel 2.4.19-rc3-ac3 does not work on my machine at home, so no USB joy there..
[10:06] < [anders]> and on top of that, when installing new gdm, there has been endless pissing about trying to get it to compile.. :-/
-!- Irrsi  Log opened Thu Jul 25 16:22:02 2002
[16:22] -!- esden [weasel@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[16:22] -!- Topic for #rocklinux: anoncvs for 1.5 now up: CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.rocklinux.de:/cvs co rock-1.5
[16:22] -!- Topic set by esden [Mon Jul 15 16:08:37 2002]
[16:22] (Users #rocklinux)
[16:22] [ [anders] ] [ coldie ] [ Freak] [ praenti ] [ snyke ]
[16:22] [ aszlig ] [ dorphell] [ Ge0rG] [ rolla ] [ th ]
[16:22] [ blindcoder] [ esden ] [ h0h0 ] [ rxr_away] [ tomik_ ]
[16:22] [ clifford ] [ fake ] [ huebi] [ SMP ] [ WKaibigan]
[16:22] -!- Irssi: #rocklinux: Total of 20 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 20 normal]
[16:22] -!- Channel #rocklinux created Tue Jun 11 09:27:41 2002
[16:22] -!- Irssi: Join to #rocklinux was synced in 4 secs
[16:22] < esden> re hi all
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Thu Jul 25 16:22:21 2002
-!- Irrsi  Log opened Thu Jul 25 16:22:28 2002
[16:22] -!- esden [weasel@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[16:22] -!- Topic for #rocklinux: anoncvs for 1.5 now up: CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.rocklinux.de:/cvs co rock-1.5
[16:22] -!- Topic set by esden [Mon Jul 15 16:08:37 2002]
[16:22] (Users #rocklinux)
[16:22] [ [anders] ] [ coldie ] [ Freak] [ praenti ] [ snyke ]
[16:22] [ aszlig ] [ dorphell] [ Ge0rG] [ rolla ] [ th ]
[16:22] [ blindcoder] [ esden ] [ h0h0 ] [ rxr_away] [ tomik_ ]
[16:22] [ clifford ] [ fake ] [ huebi] [ SMP ] [ WKaibigan]
[16:22] -!- Irssi: #rocklinux: Total of 20 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 20 normal]
[16:22] -!- Channel #rocklinux created Tue Jun 11 09:27:41 2002
[16:22] -!- Irssi: Join to #rocklinux was synced in 4 secs
[16:22] < esden> ok now it works
[16:22] < fake> hm.
[16:28] -!- WKaibigan2 [~Aloicious@ACBA0EA2.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux
[16:28] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB67CD0.ipt.aol.com] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:30] -!- WKaibigan2 is now known as WKaibigan
[16:38]   fake is emailing his former german teacher
[16:39] < fake> i try to convince her that she'd not teach any Umlauts any more
[16:41] < h0h0> some problem with umlauts?
[16:41] < fake> https://fake.by-infonet.de/pics/parties/abschluss/Image-51.JPG
[16:41] < fake> me and my former german teacher *g*
[16:41] < fake> . o O ( BOY were we drunk! )
[16:42] < fake> h0h0: there are none.
[16:42] < h0h0> what?
[16:42] < fake> h0h0: it's an illusion...
[16:42]   h0h0 is confused
[16:43]   clifford is understanding very well ... :-)
[16:43]   h0h0 bludgons clifford
[16:45] < fake> clifford: you know my ... intentions... ;-))
[16:45] < fake> clifford: i fixed netpbm
[16:46] < esden> hi clifford
[16:47] < clifford> hi esden.
[16:48] < fake> clifford: netpbm.conf doesn't work any more.
[16:48] < esden> clifford: I am playing around with OpenBSE and I gothered some neat ideas to make rocklinux more secure by default
[16:49] < clifford> fake: patch?
[16:49] < clifford> esden: OpenBSE ???   ;-)
[16:50] < esden> clifford: yes BS_E_ ;-)
[16:51] < fake> clifford: coming
[16:51] < fake> clifford: btw: minicom, libxslt, doxygen and ghostscript are marked as broken
[16:51] < fake> but they compile fine here
[16:52] < fake> had no chance to test more - wanted to fix pango
[16:53] < clifford> fake: I started a new reference build 10 minutes ago. So expect updated broken flags in two days ... :-)
[16:54] < fake> ookay.
[16:55] < tomik_> re
[16:55] -!- tomik_ is now known as tomik
[16:56] < fake> clifford: patch sent.
[16:58] < fake> clifford: did you have a look at libgd by chance?
[16:58] < fake> there's a weird header problem - freetype : freetype2
[16:59] < fake> xawd3 is also funny...
[16:59] < fake> ( but i solved that )
[16:59]   fake having a cigarette while waiting for clifford ;)
[17:09] < fake> ...
[17:16]   fake Umbra et Imago - Ein Kleines Maerchen
[17:19] < fake> erwachet... erwachet.. erwachet aus euremschlaf..
[17:28] < WKaibigan> Anybody know how to get around the following errors when compiling Eterm 0.9.1 .libs/libEterm.so: undefined reference to `XmuInternAtom'
[17:28] < WKaibigan> .libs/libEterm.so: undefined reference to `_XA_CLIPBOARD'
[17:30] < fake> hm... no idea
[17:30] < fake> imlib is there?
[17:30] < WKaibigan> Yeah I have imlib and imlib2 installed.
[17:30] < fake> hm....
[17:30] < fake> <-- no idea
[17:31] < WKaibigan> I hate all these library dependency problems you get when compiling stuff.
[17:32] < fake> WKaibigan: *lol*
[17:33] < fake> that's like: i hate all that traffic stuff when i want to drive somewhere...
[17:35] < WKaibigan> Yeah that too ;-)
[17:36] < fake> == 17:33:58 =[1]=> Building base/bash [2.05b 1.7.0-DEV].
[17:36] < fake> > Hunk #1 FAILED at 486.
[17:36] < fake> ...
[17:36] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[17:37] < Mike1> Hi all
[17:37] < fake> hi Mike1 !
[17:37] < Mike1> fake: :)
[17:38] < WKaibigan> Hi Mike1
[17:43] < fake> clifford: cross.patch fails for the new bash version
[17:46] < fake> as does rl-minor-version.patch...
[17:55]   Mike1 rebooting brb
[17:55] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[18:05]   clifford is fixing bash ..
[18:11] < fake> clifford: you could do me a favour and compile ncurses as last packet in Stage 1
[18:12] < fake> i alays have to build-pkg it manually
[18:12] < fake> because it is present in my build system bash is built against it
[18:12] < fake> and then i get " error while loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5" when chrooting
[18:13] -!- blindcoder [crash@] has quit ("leaving")
[18:14] -!- blindcoder [crash@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[18:14] < clifford> fake: ncurses is using c++ ..
[18:14] < blindcoder> rehi
[18:14] < fake> urgh
[18:14] < blindcoder> fake: there was a problem with the moving of the homedirectories: My screen couldn't open any more screens
[18:15] < blindcoder> fake: getcwd(): couldn't get current working directory
[18:15] < fake> blindcoder: restart screen
[18:16] < blindcoder> yes, i already did that, but I like whining, as you know :)
[18:17] < fake> blindcoder: no idea?
[18:17] < fake> clifford: doesn't bash have a --no-ncurses something?
[18:21] < clifford> fake: I still don't understand how it is possible that bash is built with curses on your side.
[18:21] < clifford> .. it should be built using termcap ..
[18:22] < blindcoder> okay, I'm gone
[18:22] < blindcoder> baba
[18:36] < fake> clifford: hm. i have had this problem always iirc
[18:39] < clifford> fake: hmm....
[18:39] < fake> clifford: just calling Build-Pkg is easier than digging into it.
[18:41] < fake> checking which library has the termcap functions... using libtermcap
[18:41] < fake> hm :-/
[18:41] < fake> ncurses is not even mentioned in bash's logfile
[18:42] < clifford> see!
[18:53] < fake> hm?
[18:53] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B59c2.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[18:53] < fake> hi owl
[18:53] < owl> hi
[18:54] < th> hi owl
[18:55] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[18:55] < Mike1> re
[18:56] < owl> hi Mike1
[18:56] < Mike1> hello owl :)
[18:59] -!- clifford [~clifford@] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[19:01] < Mike1> huebi: here?
[19:02] < Mike1> or even [anders]?
[19:11] -!- clifford [~clifford@M125P021.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[19:11] < Mike1> good day clifford
[19:11] < owl> hi clifford
[19:18] -!- oversize [oversize@frnk-d514e175.dsl.mediaWays.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:19] < Mike1> hi there oversize
[19:19] < oversize> hi 8)
[19:19] < oversize> i think now i m ready to install ;)
[19:19] < owl> hi oversize
[19:19] < oversize> hi
[19:20] < Mike1> oversize: excellent :)
[19:20] < Mike1> oversize: BTW what ROCK version are you working with? 1.5.17?
[19:21] < clifford> Hi Mike1, hi owl, hi oversize.
[19:21] < clifford> fake: applied your patch.
[19:22] < oversize> 1.5.15
[19:22] < clifford> also: in the next snap bash will be built in stage 1 even without termcap.
[19:22] < fake> clifford: thanks.
[19:22] < fake> clifford: have you encountered the xaw3d problem yet?
[19:23] < clifford> no: "=[3]=> Building base/linux" so far
[19:23] < Mike1> oversize: i am currently building rock-1.5.17, with some modifications on the source to make it build for my needs, would you like an iso of it when i finish?
[19:24] < fake> clifford: xaw3d is setting CC to "C" somehow.
[19:24] < fake> (note: '"C"'
[19:24] < fake> )
[19:24] < clifford> aha. funny.
[19:25] < oversize> ehm yes... 8) how easy/though is an update? is it even possible? should i wait for your iso ?
[19:25]   Mike1 realized that the problems that he was havving with some gnome packages were solved just by modifying the priority order of some packages :)
[19:26] < oversize> so i should .....
[19:28] < oversize> well i will install anyway 1.5.15 just to have it done for one time... and than do it again on 1.5.17 8)
[19:28] < Mike1> oversize: update, mmm depends, i think i will have my iso tonight or tomorrow mourning (afternoon your time) i only offered to you, if you want to use, but you can do well with the one you already have, its up to you
[19:29] < Mike1> oversize: of course 1.5.17 has more updated packages and has some significative changes, eg we included kde on the base system
[19:30] < fake> clifford: as i am lame i don't know why
[19:30] < oversize> sure sure .... thx well it will be available public than soon right ?
[19:31] < fake> ( or how )
[19:31] < clifford> fake: I need to rebuild gcc on the local system first. As soon as this is finished I will have a look at xaw3d.
[19:31] < Mike1> oversize: sure i will upload an iso soon, but as i said before i made some changes on the code as it is my Dev source, i will for sure have it online tomorrow
[19:31] < fake> clifford: it is fixed if you add CC=$CC manually behind
[19:31] < fake> $MAKE $makeopts
[19:31] < fake> in xaw3d.conf
[19:32] < fake> err
[19:32] < fake> i mean CC=gcc-2
[19:32] < fake> for example.
[19:32] < fake> in debug.buildenv, however, $CC is gcc-2.
[19:32] < clifford> fake: is realy $CC set to the wrong value or is "CC=.." set somewhere in the makefiles?
[19:33] < clifford> ok - you anwered already the question.
[19:33] < oversize> Mike1: nice... 8)
[19:33] < clifford> so adding CC="$CC" to the list of make options should solve it.
[19:33] < Mike1> btw could you give me the link to your page again i couldnt get to see it yesterday
[19:33] < clifford> can you try that and send my a patch?
[19:33] < fake> clifford: in $makeopts, it _IS_ there
[19:34] < oversize> me ?
[19:34] < Mike1> oversize: yup
[19:34] < oversize> www.bonadt..de
[19:34] < oversize> uups
[19:34] < Mike1> -.
[19:34] < Mike1> :)
[19:34] < fake> then debug says that CC=\"\$CC\"
[19:34] < oversize> its not that big 8)
[19:34] < clifford> hmm... oups. pls. wait a minute ..
[19:35] < fake> not then, i mean but.
[19:35] < oversize> hm seem down right now
[19:35] < oversize> oh no
[19:36] < clifford> fake: just try >> eval "$MAKE $makeopt" ; eval "$MAKE install" << in xaw3d.conf.
[19:36] < Mike1> :((
[19:36] < fake> clifford: i started a new build at 15:30. i note it down.
[19:37] < clifford> fake: I'm pretty sure that this is the problem. Since a month or so all calls including stuff like $MAKE, $makeopt, $confopt and so on should use the eval command ..
[19:37] < Mike1> oversize: where do you host your site?
[19:38] < fake> clifford: i see. i already wondered... ;-)
[19:38] < clifford> I made a change in Build-Pkg yesterday which depends on the use of 'eval' for $makeopt.
[19:38] < Mike1> have you guys seen huebi lately?
[19:38] < fake> Mike1: yes
[19:38] < fake> at about 14:00 IIRC
[19:39] < fake> he showed me Mathildas Nice Bull
[19:39] < esden> ok ... the alias file of bingo should be clean now ...
[19:39]   clifford is grepping for other problems like this one ...
[19:39] < Mike1> fake: ah see why she has been away, :)
[19:39] < esden> re hi all ... so by the way
[19:39] < fake> *lol*
[19:39] < fake> re esden
[19:39] < Mike1> hi esden :)
[19:40] < oversize> Mike1: dont know... its not my site, the one from my chef
[19:41] < Mike1> oversize: what do you mean by 'chef'?
[19:41] < fake> Mike1: boss
[19:41] < fake> oversize: chef = koch ;-)
[19:41] < Mike1> fake: ah
[19:42] < Mike1> oversize: s/chef/chief :)
[19:42] < oversize> boss ;)
[19:42] < oversize> chef s german
[19:42] < oversize> *g
[19:42] < Mike1> ah i see :)
[19:42] < owl> moin esden
[19:42]   Mike1 turns on english-german mode
[19:42] < esden> hi owl
[19:42] < oversize> thoigth would be the same in englisch
[19:43] < oversize> hehe
[19:43] < oversize> -i
[19:52] < oversize> is it possible to load another keyset during installation (i.e. de-latin1) ?
[19:59] -!- kob [~kob@line-82-56-zh2.tiscali.ch] has joined #rocklinux
[20:00] < kob> hi
[20:02] < Mike1> oversize: i think no
[20:17]   owl is getting espresso again. brb.
[20:19] < esden> oversize: not yet
[20:19] < oversize> 8)
[20:19] < esden> oversize: I am also missing the dvorak keyset ;-)
[20:20] < oversize> but its possible to change when having installed !?
[20:21] < Mike1> oversize: yes its possible
[20:34] < Mike1> In file included from gnome-vfs-mime-private.h:26,
[20:34] < Mike1>                  from gnome-vfs-application-registry.c:32:
[20:34] < Mike1> ../libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-mime-monitor.h:28: gtk/gtkobject.h: No such file or directory
[20:35] < Mike1> which package contains gtkobject.h??
[20:37] < fake> gtk+ ?
[20:39] < Mike1> some how gtk+ has been already build but i get this error :(
[20:39] < fake> Mike1: is'nt the file there?
[20:39] < fake> Mike1: you could grep through the flist files for it
[20:41] < Mike1> fake:
[20:41] < Mike1> root@alicia:/mnt/disk/rock-1.5.17-Mike/dist# find -name gtkobject.h
[20:41] < Mike1> ./usr/include/gtk-1.2/gtk/gtkobject.h
[20:41] < Mike1> root@alicia:/mnt/disk/rock-1.5.17-Mike/dist#
[20:42] < Mike1> its right there damn i think i will have to do some hands works
[20:42] < fake> hm.
[20:42] < fake> check the -I's for /usr/include/gtk-1.2
[20:45] < Mike1> fake: ?
[20:45] < fake> -I/usr/include/gtk-1.2
[20:45] < fake> then gtk/gtkobject.h should work
[20:48] -!- clifford is now known as clifford_away
[20:54] -!- Ge0rG is now known as ge0rg
[20:57] < [anders]> meow...
[20:57] < fake> *wuff*
[20:57] < Mike1> [anders]: !!
[20:57] < Mike1> [anders]: hi
[20:57] < [anders]> yo dudes.. how's it hanging..?
[20:58] < Mike1> [anders]: good just geeting some trouble with gnome-vfs wanna help
[20:59] < Mike1> ?
[20:59] < esden> woot woot ...
[20:59] < [anders]> humma.. --with-gtk=/usr ?
[20:59] < [anders]> :)
[20:59] < Mike1> [anders]: so you were there already :)
[20:59] < esden> ahh is it a good feeling to downloading things without having bad feeling about it ;-)
[20:59]   fake is hungry
[21:00] < [anders]> Mike1: I didn't have a problem with that actually.. But there might be a possibility you might have to specify where the gtk stuff was installed..
[21:00] < Mike1> yes that exactly my prblem thanks [anders]
[21:01]   oversize forgot his piyya in the oven 8(
[21:01] < oversize> oh no zz *g
[21:01] < esden> fake: then get something to eat
[21:01] < fake> esden: wa wa. i do.
[21:02] < esden> good fake ... nice fake ;-)
[21:02] < [anders]> Mike1: an alternative is that you use CPPFLAGS to define extra -I arguments for the ./configure script..
[21:02] < [anders]> like: CPPFLAGS='-I/usr/include/gtk-1.2' ./configure
[21:03] < fake> oversize: i forgot my pizza in the store.
[21:03] < Mike1> [anders]: yes thats better i will try
[21:04] < [anders]> Mike1: not all makefiles use CPPFLAGS, you might have to use CFLAGS instead..
[21:05] < Mike1> i will try with CPPFLAGS first
[21:05] < [anders]> okidoki.. :)
[21:05] < Mike1> else i go for CFLAGS
[21:05] < fake> or export CC=$(CC) -I/usr/include/gtk-1.2
[21:05] < fake> *evil_grin*
[21:06] < [anders]> fake: no, that is downright nasty.. :)
[21:06] < Mike1> hehe
[21:07] < [anders]> the best thing to do is check ./configure --help in gnome-vfs and see if there is a --with-gtk option there..
[21:08]   fake is getting food
[21:09] < Mike1> fake: enjoy it!
[21:09]   Mike1 restarting build
[21:18] < esden> god is the testsuite of bsd big !
[21:19] < fake> aw...
[21:19] < fake> food...
[21:20] < fake> this is the first time i get something to eat since friday...
[21:21] < Mike1> fake: what are you eating?
[21:21]   Mike1 needs to go for lunch soon
[21:21] < fake> Mike1: baked noodles with chicken (chinese)
[21:22] < Mike1> sounds yummy enjoy it
[21:22]   fake . o O ( technically it's my bank's food )
[21:22] < fake> Mike1: i do!
[21:23] < esden> fake: enjoy your food
[21:24]   [anders] is now downloading Evolution...
[21:25] < [anders]> Mike1: any joy with your gnome-vfs build ?
[21:26] < Mike1> just broke again i am going to look at the err file mom
[21:26]   owl subway to sally - traum vom tod
[21:28]   [anders] has now downloaded Evolution.. Building will ensue shortly.... ;-)
[21:28]   Mike1 looking forward to have evolution too
[21:28]   fake sticks with mutt
[21:28] -!- owl is now known as NULL
[21:29] -!- NULL is now known as _NULL
[21:29] < [anders]> Mike1: Evolution is not gnome2 yet.. which is a little irritating, but not surprising..
[21:29] < th> owl?
[21:29] < WKaibigan> Evolution is nice once you get it to compile :-)
[21:29] < [anders]> fake: I use mutt as well.. updated to 1.4i today..
[21:29] < fake> [anders] oh! *looks*
[21:29] < _NULL> th: net. nada. niente. nix.
[21:29] < fake> niet...
[21:29]   _NULL megaherz - schizophren
[21:31]   [anders] runs ./configure in evolution-1.0.8 and prays..
[21:32] < Mike1> haha
[21:33] < [anders]> shite! I need db3 installed.. feck and arse!!
[21:33]   [anders] goes off to find db3..
[21:33] < WKaibigan> It has to be a certain version of db3 as well.
[21:33] < [anders]> checking db3 header version... configure: error: Found db.h is not version 3.1.17
[21:33] < Mike1> [anders]: it finally fscking worked !! :))
[21:34] < [anders]> Mike1: congrats. :)
[21:34] < Mike1> oh wait
[21:34] < Mike1> no it didnt work :((
[21:34] < [anders]> right, which package is db3 ? i.e. where do I get it and so on and so forth..
[21:39] < fake> *BUUUURP*
[21:39] < fake> awwww..... that was _yummy_ !
[21:39] < Mike1> pleasant food huh :)
[21:41] < WKaibigan> I can send you the db3 package if you want anders.
[21:41] < [anders]> WKaibigan: do you have the actual tar.gz ? :)
[21:41] < WKaibigan> Yeah
[21:42] < [anders]> WKaibigan: that'd be great if you could.. :)
[21:42] < WKaibigan> Which way do you want it, DCC or mail?
[21:42]   [anders] not sure if dcc works..
[21:42] < [anders]> e-mail I am sure will work.. anders.karlsson@meansolutions.com
[21:43] < WKaibigan> Sending now by email.
[21:44] < th> huebi: ping
[21:44] < WKaibigan> Just under two megs in size.
[21:45] < fake> arp -d
[21:45] < fake> pong
[21:45] < fake> ;-)
[21:45] < th> fscking arp poisener
[21:45] < [anders]> WKaibigan: muchos gracias amigo.. :)
[21:46] < th> can i use huebi's fels to build a kernel for the krups?
[21:46] < WKaibigan> No problem. Went through the process of compiling Evolution the other day so have what is needed.
[21:46] < th> well it's sparc64
[21:47] < Mike1> hi th
[21:48] < th> hi Mike1
[21:48] < fake> th: yes
[21:48] < fake> th: sparc32 bash
[21:48] < th> fake: anything special to do?
[21:48] -!- nothing [jesus@] has joined #rocklinux
[21:49] -!- nothing is now known as peep
[21:49] < fake> th: run the shell in sparc32 explicitly,
[21:49] < fake> but that's covered in the JS-HowTo
[21:49] < th> fake: ok so gimme that url please
[21:49] -!- peep [jesus@] has quit ()
[21:49] < fake> th: linuxdoc.org?
[21:50] < fake> moment
[21:51] < fake> https://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/JavaStation-HOWTO/
[21:55] < th> you should perform a sparc32 bash first to switch to 32-bit mode
[21:55] < th> hmmm
[21:55] < th> how do i perform a sparc32 bash?
[21:55] < fake> 'sparc32 bash' ?
[21:55] < fake> <return>
[21:55] < th> bash: sparc32: command not found
[21:55] < fake> ;-)
[21:56] < fake> th: hm. sparc<tab> ?
[21:56] < th> sparc64-linux-gcc
[21:56] < fake> hm...
[21:57]   fake is using a cross-compiler now
[21:57]   Mike1 wonders if nothing was looking for something
[21:57] < fake> and i only have a sparc32 here
[21:58] < [anders]> Mike1: what was it that failed in the gnome-vfs building?
[21:59] < Mike1> [anders]: In file included from gnome-vfs-mime-private.h:26,
[21:59] < Mike1>                  from gnome-vfs-application-registry.c:32:
[21:59] < Mike1> ../libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-mime-monitor.h:28: gtk/gtkobject.h: No such file or directory
[21:59] < Mike1> [anders]: perhaps that braking while running make not 'sh configure'
[21:59] < th> fake: so i can't compile a kernel on fels for my krups :-/
[22:00] < fake> th: give it a try?
[22:00] < fake> it costs you ... 15 m?
[22:00] < Mike1> damn gnome-vfs is starting to get on my nerves
[22:00] < huebi> th: make ARCH=sparc manuconfig
[22:00] < huebi> th: make ARCH=sparc menuconfig
[22:00] < huebi> th: make ARCH=sparc dep vmlinux
[22:00] < Mike1> huebi: hi :)
[22:00] < th> hi huebi
[22:01] < huebi> moin alltogether ;-)
[22:01] < Mike1> [anders]: any ideas?
[22:04] < Mike1> huebi: did you had any trouble building gnome-vfs?
[22:04] < huebi> Mike1: not at all
[22:05] < Mike1> :((
[22:06] < Mike1> ok gnome-vfs pissed me off, i'm out of here
[22:06] < Mike1> see you guys tomorrow
[22:07] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[22:11] < th> strange... native build of krups kernel always fails for me
[22:12] < fake> th: did you apply the jsflash -devfs patch?
[22:12] < th> fake: no. why should i?
[22:13] < th> fake: my flash is outside
[22:13] < fake> oh.
[22:13] < fake> nevermind.
[22:13] < fake> what goes wrong?
[22:14] < th> rtc.c:82: `PCI_IRQ_NONE' undeclared here (not in a function)
[22:14] < th> rtc.c: In function `rtc_init':
[22:14] < th> rtc.c:703: `PCI_IRQ_NONE' undeclared (first use in this function)
[22:14] < th> rtc.c:703: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
[22:14] < th> rtc.c:703: for each function it appears in.)
[22:14] < th> make[3]: *** [rtc.o] Error 1
[22:14] < th> ...
[22:14] < th> disabled SYSRQ now
[22:14] < huebi> th disable rtc
[22:14] < th> rtc
[22:14] < th> oh
[22:14] < th> ok
[22:14] < fake> th:
[22:14] < fake> no no no
[22:14] -!- ge0rg is now known as Ge0rG
[22:15] < th> CONFIG_SUN_MOSTEK_RTC=y
[22:15] < fake> th: in the header #include <asm/pci.h> or something
[22:15] < th> CONFIG_RTC=y
[22:15] < fake> th: that's actually in there!
[22:15] < fake> but it's only enabled for __sparc_v9
[22:15] < fake> just move it out
[22:15] < fake> in rtc.c, not in the header. *douh*.
[22:16] < th> disabled rtc for now
[22:16] < th> hat mal jemand ne funktionierende .config?
[22:17] < fake> th: du musst nur SMP's kernel anschauen
[22:17] < fake> der liegt auch irgendwo auf fels
[22:17] < huebi> oder rock
[22:17] < th> den hab ich ja auch
[22:17] < th> ok
[22:17] < th> versuch ich mal die config
[22:17] < fake> th: da sind die patches drin!
[22:17] < fake> himmelhergott...
[22:18] < th> hmm?
[22:18] < fake> th: du _musst_ rtc.c patchen
[22:18] < th> ahh
[22:18] < th> hmm
[22:18] < th> ok
[22:18] < fake> das is 1 (in worten: eine) zeile
[22:19] < th> okok
[22:19] < fake> ;-)
[22:19] < huebi> fake: Was muss da gemacht werden?
[22:19] < th> ok. welche rtc.c??
[22:19] < fake> huebi: du musst den pci-header in rtc.c includen
[22:19] < th> ./drivers/char/rtc.c
[22:19] < th> ./drivers/sbus/char/rtc.c
[22:19] -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082B30A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:20] < tsa> hi all.
[22:20] < huebi> moin tsa
[22:20] < _NULL> hi tsa
[22:20] < tsa> hi huebi
[22:20] < tsa> hi _NULL
[22:20] < fake> th: the sbus one
[22:21] < fake> hi tsa.
[22:21] < tsa> hi fake
[22:25] < th> i always do a menuconfig, overwrite .config and menuconfig again... is there a faster way for just using another .config?
[22:25] < fake> th: make ARCH=sparc oldconfig
[22:25] < tsa> Frauen sind total unbestechlich: Manche nehmen nicht einmal Vernunft an.
[22:26] < tsa> hm..
[22:26] < fake> *PRUUUUST*
[22:26] < oversize> 8)
[22:26] < oversize> oder schucksal
[22:26] < oversize> uups -u +i
[22:27] < _NULL> maenner sind unmoeglich. i will replace them with a very small shell script. u can understand shell scripts, but you will never understand men.
[22:27] < tsa> Warum können Frauen nicht boxen?
[22:27] < tsa> Weil Sie keine Rechte haben
[22:27] < tsa> *G*
[22:28] < oversize> kommen jetzt die "cheauvies" an den start ? 8)
[22:28]   _NULL koepft tsa mal wieder
[22:28] < tsa> aua.
[22:29] < _NULL> oversize - gibt es sonst noch maenner? imho doch ned. *sigh*
[22:29] < oversize> ?
[22:29] < _NULL> oversize: versuche es erst gar nicht zu verstehen. du wirst immer daran scheitern.
[22:29] < tsa> hehe
[22:29] < tsa> Der liebe Gott erschuf zuerst den Mann. Dann erschuf er die Frau. Als er sah was er angerichtet hatte, sorgte er für Tabak und den Alkohol.
[22:29] < oversize> mkay
[22:30] < _NULL> damit sich die frauen die ge´hirnzellen ersaufen damit sie die maenner besser ertragen
[22:30] < oversize> hattet ihr schon mal ne beziehung ?
[22:30]   th wuenscht sich vim auf fels.
[22:31] < oversize> *g
[22:31] < tsa> oversize: sicher, wieso?
[22:31] < fake> miteinander?
[22:31] < oversize> witzig... ich mein nicht generell sonder euch beide ...
[22:31] < fake> *g*
[22:32] < _NULL> fake: *colaaufmonitorprustvorentsetzen*
[22:32] < _NULL> oversize: nein.
[22:32] < tsa> fake: ich wuerde dir doch niemals fremdgehen *schmatzergeb*
[22:32] < fake> tsa: *knuddel*
[22:32] < fake> have you hugged your geek lately?
[22:32] < _NULL> *lol*
[22:33] < tsa> hehe
[22:33] < tsa> .oO( hinterlistige gruppenknuddelattacke ;)
[22:34] < fake> es war gruppenzwang!
[22:35] < tsa> auf jeden fall..
[22:35] < oversize> alle wolten es
[22:35] < fake> natuerlich, sonst gaebs haue.
[22:35] < oversize> am end mit der peitsche ?
[22:36] < fake> ne. soll doch ne bestrafung sein.
[22:36] < _NULL> oversize: nein, mit einem notebook.
[22:36] < fake> keine belohnung
[22:36] < _NULL> s,einem,meinem,
[22:36] < tsa> gericom?
[22:36] < _NULL> fake: belohnung? wo denn?
[22:36] < fake> https://fake.by-infonet.de/pics/parties/abschluss/Image-59.JPG
[22:37] < fake> ( the little sister of my best friend *g* )
[22:37] < tsa> hm..
[22:37] < _NULL> tsa: klar gericom
[22:38] < tsa> fake: irgendwer bei den bildern dabei, den man kennt?
[22:38] < _NULL> tsa: schrott (gericom) zu schrott (mir/mich/ich/...)
[22:38] < fake> tsa: ja, ich netcrow und... aeh... daswars ;-)
[22:40] < tsa> fake: /me sieht lauter bekifft aussehende leute..
[22:40] < fake> tsa: das kann kein zufall sein.
[22:40] < fake> esden: https://fake.by-infonet.de/pics/parties/kawaii_party/104-0443_IMG.JPG
[22:40] < fake> *g*
[22:40] < fake> ALIEN-ESDEN
[22:41] < fake> https://fake.by-infonet.de/pics/parties/kawaii_party/104-0465_IMG.JPG
[22:41] < fake> blindcoder
[22:41] < fake> https://fake.by-infonet.de/pics/parties/kawaii_party/104-0458_IMG.JPG
[22:41] < fake> me, my ex-gf, my best friend and his now-gf XD
[22:42] < fake> https://fake.by-infonet.de/pics/parties/kawaii_party/105-0515_IMG.JPG
[22:42] < tsa> hehe
[22:42] < fake> owl
[22:42] < fake> ( not
[22:42] < fake> )
[22:42] < _NULL> fake? was?
[22:42] < fake> scherz.
[22:42] < _NULL> ist auch gesuender fuer dich. sonst...
[22:43] < fake> sonst?
[22:43] < fake> involviert "sonst" kperperliche schmerzen?
[22:43] < _NULL> *mitspringerstiefelaufmondtret*
[22:43] < th> _NULL: sag lieber nein
[22:43] < fake> mond?
[22:43] < _NULL> ja.
[22:43] < fake> hm.... trittst aber hoch
[22:44] < _NULL> jo. klar doch. mars waere auch noch eine geeignete destination. *cyn*
[22:44] < fake> mars is besser.
[22:45] < fake> da is der aufschlag haerter
[22:45] < _NULL> genau.
[22:46]   fake macht kaffee. wer will?
[22:46] < _NULL> hier!
[22:46] < th> fake: also das hinzufuegen von pci.h reicht nicht
[22:46] < fake> th: fuer rtc?
[22:46] < th> rtc.c:82: `PCI_IRQ_NONE' undeclared here (not in a function)
[22:46] < th> rtc.c: In function `rtc_init':
[22:46] < th> rtc.c:703: `PCI_IRQ_NONE' undeclared (first use in this function)
[22:46] < th> rtc.c:703: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
[22:46] < th> rtc.c:703: for each function it appears in.)
[22:46] < th> make[3]: *** [rtc.o] Error 1
[22:46] < th> make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/th/linux/drivers/char'
[22:46] < fake> oh.
[22:46] < fake> wohl doch in char/rtc >_<
[22:47] < th> #ifdef __sparc__
[22:47] < th> #include <asm/ebus.h>
[22:47] < th> #ifdef __sparc_v9__
[22:47] < th> #include <asm/isa.h>
[22:47] < th> #endif
[22:47] < th> oder was soll ich da tun?
[22:49] < tsa> insert a "#define broken"
[22:49] < tsa> ;)
[22:50] < fake> eeeh.. ebsu!
[22:50] < fake> ebus
[22:50] < fake> hm.
[22:50] < fake> passt eigentlich
[22:50] < fake> schreib mal ueber ebus
[22:50] < fake> #include <asm/pci.h>
[22:51] < fake> ( welche kernelversion is das ? )
[22:52]   fake Ooomph - Das weisse Licht
[22:52] < fake> -o
[22:52]   tsa knipst mal den schalter aus.
[22:52] < th> fake: 2.4.18
[22:52] < huebi> 2.4.18-rc4
[22:53] < fake> tsa: huh?
[22:53] < tsa> oh, huebi lebt ja auch noch ;)
[22:53] < th> hmm?
[22:53] < tsa> fake: schalter aus, nu is nix mehr mit weissem licht.
[22:53] < fake> tsa: :P
[22:53] < fake> das hab ich von dir
[22:53] < tsa> ich weiss.
[22:53] < th> huebi: nein kein rc4
[22:54] < fake> du schwarz
[22:54] < fake> th: sollte gehen...
[22:54] < fake> mit pci.h
[22:54] < tsa> *anguck*
[22:54] < tsa> tatsache, fake hat recht.
[22:54] < th> fake: und drivers/sbus/char/rtc.c kann ich wieder um pci.h erleichtern?
[22:55] < fake> th: ... err... wahrscheinlich ... ahahaha
[22:56] < th> fake: irgendwo war doch ebus_chain doch nur beschraenkt definiert, oder?
[22:57] < fake> th: aha?
[22:57] < th> fake: ich dachte du haettest sowas mal gesagt
[22:57] < fake> eh oeh das war bi audio
[22:57] < fake> bei
[22:57] < fake> iirc
[22:59] < fake> th: hab ich aber noch nix gemacht
[22:59] < fake> lass audio einfach wech
[22:59] < th> gnaa
[22:59] < th> ich mach das gerade damit ich audio hab ;)
[23:00] < fake> th: enjoy. das wollte ich nach iga machen. ( .. schreiben. )
[23:07] < th> wie installier ich die module in ein anderes verzeichnis als /lib/modules?
[23:07] < th> ich wuerde ungern die module auf fels ruinieren ;)
[23:07] < fake> ehm oeh aeh keine ahnung
[23:09] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p508033CA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[23:09] < fake> hi chrisime
[23:09] < chrisime> jo
[23:09] < esden> hi chrisime
[23:09] < _NULL> moin chrisime
[23:10] < chrisime> ich muss den scheiss laptop doch einschicken
[23:10] < chrisime> der tft flimmert doch
[23:10] < chrisime> das nun zum dritten mal, hintereinander!
[23:10]   esden compiling bsd kernel ... *wait* *wait* *wait*
[23:10] < _NULL> schoen. welchen hast du denn? gericom?
[23:10] < chrisime> compaq
[23:10] < chrisime> die ham den tft ausgetauscht
[23:10] < chrisime> keine ahnung warum
[23:10] < _NULL> hmm...
[23:10] < chrisime> esden: kernel bei openbsd
[23:10] < chrisime> wie des
[23:10] < _NULL> solange es dich nichts kostet
[23:10] < chrisime> kostet mich au nix
[23:10] < chrisime> ausser nerven
[23:11] < esden> chrisme ... ja weil der falsche parameter fuer meine netzwerkkarten enthalten hat ...
[23:11] < chrisime> ich werd den morgen zulabern
[23:11] < _NULL> hehe ;) es ist ein luxus noch nerven zu haben. also: was soll's.
[23:11] < chrisime> den ich vor 2 wochen dran hatte hoerte sich schon so gelangweilt an. musste noch mal anrufen, weil das teil net abgeholt wurde, diese penner
[23:12] < esden> hmm ... ich hoffe das der bis morgen fertig ist mit dem compilieren ...
[23:12] < chrisime> esden: wie geht das, kernel compileren
[23:12] < esden> du musst vom ftp/cd die src.tar.gz und die scrsys.tar.gz in /usr/src entpacken
[23:12] < chrisime> twm rockt! hab schon lange nicht mehr damit gearbeitet (arbeiten muessen) ;-)
[23:13] < chrisime> erm
[23:13] < chrisime> mal suchen
[23:13]   chrisime mounts
[23:13] < chrisime> erm
[23:13] < chrisime> wie mounted man unter bsd
[23:13] < chrisime> ;-)
[23:13] < esden> dann die datei /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/config/GENERIC editieren
[23:13] < chrisime> aja, das ne krankheit, kannte das doch noch von freebsd
[23:13] < esden> dann config GENERIC ausfuehren
[23:14] < chrisime> ich muss erstma die cd mounten
[23:14] < chrisime> und null plan!
[23:14] < chrisime> wie issn des dev vom lw
[23:14] < esden> dann in /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC wechseln ... und make depand
[23:14] < esden> und make ausfuehren
[23:14] < chrisime> esden: hallo!!
[23:14] < esden> mount cd0 oder so ...
[23:15] < chrisime> /dev/cd0 oder so
[23:15] < chrisime> aja
[23:15] < chrisime> /dev/cd0a isses
[23:16] < fake> . o O ( ja, auch cds kann man partitionieren )
[23:16] < chrisime> bsd ist krank :P
[23:17] -!- kob [~kob@line-82-56-zh2.tiscali.ch] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[23:19] < _NULL> chrisime: warum sollte *BSD krank sein?
[23:19] < chrisime> dieses ldconfig is au komisch
[23:19] < chrisime> muss man nix in ne datei eintragen sondern einfach den pfad dahinter angeben
[23:19] < chrisime> aber ich hab die befuerchtung dass ich damit was kaputt gmacht hab
[23:20] < chrisime> _NULL: bin zu sehr linuxabhaengig
[23:20] < _NULL> hmm...
[23:20] < chrisime> und BSD ist mal wieder neu fuer mich, wie vor 2 jahren schon
[23:20] < chrisime> da hatte ich freebsd 3.4 und 3.5
[23:20] < chrisime> aber freebsd mag ich irgendwie nicht
[23:30] -!- oversize [oversize@frnk-d514e175.dsl.mediaWays.net] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[23:35] < fake> BUUUH!
[23:36] < _NULL> fake? was?
[23:36] < fake> nix. wollte nur mal ein paar leute wachrruetteln.
[23:37] < fake> is ja schlimmer als beim scharping hier.
[23:37] < _NULL> *lol*
[23:37] < chrisime> laaaaangsamm
[23:37] < chrisime> gaaaaaanz laaaaaaaaangsaaaaaam
[23:37] < _NULL> das koffein wird alle... daran wird's wohl liegen... :-/
[23:37]   chrisime braucht keine drogen :P
[23:37] < _NULL> wuah!
[23:38] < chrisime> koffein is einbildung
[23:38] < fake> einbildung is auch ne bildung
[23:38] < chrisime> wennsd meinst
[23:38]   _NULL kann nicht ohne ihre drogen leben
[23:38] < fake> chrisime: ne glaub ich nich. spruch.
[23:38] < fake> kaffee is einfach lecker.
[23:38] < chrisime> ok
[23:38] < chrisime> wenn du meinst
[23:39] < chrisime> lebst halt kuerzer :P
[23:39] < fake> hehe, gut das ;)
[23:39] < _NULL> chrisime: was macht das?
[23:39] < chrisime> kaffee geht toal aufm kreislauf
[23:39] < chrisime> total
[23:39] < _NULL> chrisime: leben gefaehrdet die gesundheit
[23:39] < fake> hm... rauchen auch
[23:39] < chrisime> jupp
[23:39] < fake> und ich mach's trotzdem
[23:39] < _NULL> hmm...
[23:39] < fake> wenn ich wirklich irgendwann endlich mal sterbe kann ich wenigstens sagen:
[23:40] < chrisime> ich rauch und sauf nicht (zweites nimmer)
[23:40] < fake> "Ich hab wenigstens graucht!" XD
[23:40] < _NULL> ich arbeit immer noch. trotz fieber und zombie-feeling. pfeif drauf.
[23:40] < chrisime> der letzte rausch liegt schon 3 monate zurueck
[23:40] < chrisime> ohgott
[23:41] < chrisime> zu schulzeiten hab ich solch eine zeitspanne nicht geschafft
[23:41] < _NULL> ich rauche nicht, ich drinke nicht - ich nehme tabletten.
[23:41] < chrisime> _NULL: also, du gibts dir die absolute kante ;)
[23:41] < _NULL> nope. ich brauche das zeug - weil ich sonst in der arbeit sitze und einpenne!
[23:42] < chrisime> was das fuer ein 'leiden' ?
[23:42] < chrisime> es gibt hyperaktive
[23:42] < _NULL> haeh? wie was wo?
[23:42] < chrisime> und du bist dann das gegenteil?
[23:42] < _NULL> nein. nur uebermuedet. dauer-uebermuedet
[23:43] < chrisime> ist das ein prognostizierte krankheit oder wie auch immer bei dir?
[23:43] < chrisime> s/ein/eine
[23:43] < _NULL> *lol* ja. die ich-habe-besseres-zu-tun-als-im-bett-zu-liegen-krankheit. schon mal was von gehoert?
[23:44] < chrisime> *nixkapier*
[23:44] < _NULL> egal
[23:44] < chrisime> was das fuer ne verarschungs tour
[23:44] < chrisime> ?
[23:44] < _NULL> nein. sorry, bin mies drauf.
[23:44] < chrisime> ascho
[23:44] < chrisime> dann geh ausm haus
[23:44] < chrisime> das beste
[23:44] < _NULL> was denn machen?
[23:45] < chrisime> besser als rumhocken
[23:45] < chrisime> _NULL: wo hin gehen
[23:45] < chrisime> also ich mach das normal wenns kacke is
[23:45] < chrisime> wirkt
[23:45] < _NULL> vielleicht ein paar gehirntoten, oder goldloeffelfressern begegnen? oder alleine ins kino? danke, nein. ich verzichte
[23:45] < chrisime> oder geh pennen
[23:45] < _NULL> penne. kann ich nicht
[23:45] < _NULL> s,penne,pennen,
[23:45] < chrisime> _NULL: ruf an spezl halt an
[23:45] < chrisime> s/spezl/freund
[23:45] < chrisime> sorry
[23:46] < fake> spezl? das is baiuvarisch ?!
[23:46] < chrisime> hmm
[23:46] < chrisime> joa
[23:46] < fake> mein bruder!
[23:46] < _NULL> freund? *such*
[23:46] < chrisime> fake: haeh?
[23:46]   fake <- ein bayer in NRW
[23:46] < fake> ploetzlich magst du alle bayern XD
[23:46] < chrisime> _NULL: dann darfst halt net immer daheim rumhocken, aber ich will jetzt keine predigt halten
[23:47] < chrisime> fake: oh du arme sau. ich waere da suicidgefaehrdet
[23:47] < _NULL> chrisime: siehe oben. never, never, never leave the house, if you don't wanna get depressed.
[23:47] < chrisime> alles oberhalb der donau is fuer mich ausland
[23:47] < fake> chrisime: *schieflaechel* nicht nur du. aber bald hab ichs hinter mir.
[23:47] < chrisime> _NULL: seltsame einstellung , aber ok
[23:47] < chrisime> fake: was machste in dem drecksteil von D dann
[23:48] < _NULL> chrisime: aliens werden verachtet, noch nicht gewusst. aber egal.
[23:48] < fake> chrisime: arbeitne
[23:48] < chrisime> _NULL: zieh dir musik nei, evtl. hilft des
[23:49] < chrisime> fake: in BY nix gfunden?
[23:49] < _NULL> jo. ich hoere 24-[zeitinderichschlafe]musik
[23:49] < fake> chrisime: sah es als "herausforderung"
[23:49] < fake> EEEK. fehler.
[23:49]   fake wird nirgendwo mehr arbeiten wo es kein Gutmann gibt
[23:49] < chrisime> eeek, seltsam
[23:49] < chrisime> wo was
[23:49] < chrisime> _NULL: huh?
[23:49] < esden> argh .. this kernel needs an eternity to compile >_<
[23:50] < _NULL> fake: gutmann? wtf ist das denn?
[23:50] < chrisime> hier laufen vielleicht depressive typen rum
[23:50] < fake> GR34T B33R!
[23:50] < chrisime> esden: was?
[23:50] < chrisime> ascho
[23:50]   _NULL ist kein typ *argh*
[23:50] < fake> typ(w)
[23:50]   chrisime mag fast ka anderes bier als des von BY
[23:50] < fake> chrisime: Gutmann kennst aber?
[23:50] < chrisime> na
[23:51] < esden> chrisime: dann hast du noch kein gutes bier getrunken ;-)
[23:51] < fake> eek. fehler.
[23:51] < chrisime> _NULL: also, was?? typ(w) daraus schliess ich -> madel
[23:51] < chrisime> esden: wo gibtsn des
[23:51] < esden> in ingolstadt ;-)
[23:51] < _NULL> chrisime: ja, andere moeglichkeiten gibt's ja nimmer.
[23:51] < chrisime> ascho
[23:51] < esden> aber ich wette auch in mingen
[23:51] < chrisime> _NULL: however ;-)
[23:52] < chrisime> naja, meine schwester verbringt teils ihrer zeit au in so komischen lovechats aber die geht au no ausm haus
[23:52] < fake> minga
[23:52] < chrisime> esden: was bistn du fuer einer
[23:52]   fake macht urlaub in minga
[23:52] < chrisime> fake: dann sag mir bescheid
[23:52] < chrisime> koennen uns mal treffen
[23:52] < _NULL> minga?
[23:52] < chrisime> muenchen
[23:53] < chrisime> auf hochdeustch
[23:53] < chrisime> s<->t
[23:53] < _NULL> danke.
[23:53] < fake> chrisime: in err... der Konrad-Celtis-Str. oder so
[23:53] < esden> sorry ... ich bin kein bayer ... oder so ...
[23:53] < chrisime> bidde
[23:53] < chrisime> fake: wo das
[23:53]   esden ist nur ein scheiss pole
[23:53] < chrisime> stadtteil?
[23:53] < chrisime> lol
[23:53] < fake> chrisime: keine ahnung >_< weiss nich mal wie der stadtteil heisst
[23:53] < fake> esden: wo wohnt na da nos?
[23:53] < chrisime> das sind die die immer die raeder von autos klauen
[23:53] < chrisime> *renn*
[23:53] < esden> harras
[23:53] < fake> o_O
[23:53] < chrisime> ah da
[23:53] < fake> sicher?
[23:53] < esden> ja fake sicher
[23:54] < chrisime> naja, net der beste stadtteil ;-)
[23:54] < fake> oke... wenn du das sachst
[23:54] < chrisime> ist U6
[23:54] < chrisime> ubahn
[23:54] < fake> chrisime: da sind haeuser. mit daechern. da kann man wohnen.
[23:54] < esden> das ist die ubahn station ... wo man aussteigt wenn man zu ihm will .. @fake
[23:54] < fake> axo.
[23:54] < chrisime> dachte wellblech huetten
[23:54] < chrisime> ;)
[23:54] < esden> loool
[23:54] < fake> sendling...genauer am harras
[23:54] < fake> sagt er grade
[23:54] < _NULL> chrisime: nope. strohdaecher. wie in afrika.
[23:54] < chrisime> sendling
[23:55] < chrisime> ok
[23:55] < fake> so strohdaecher
[23:55] < chrisime> _NULL: warst schonmal in mchn
[23:55] < fake> wie in NL
[23:55] < _NULL> *lol*
[23:55] < fake> hehe
[23:55] < fake> jeden tach
[23:55]   _NULL ist jeden tag in munich.
[23:55] < chrisime> oops
[23:55] < _NULL> hin und wieder zurueck
[23:55] < chrisime> ?
[23:55] < huebi> _NULL: Daecher in ZA sind mit Ried gedeckt, wenn kein Wellblech.
[23:55] < _NULL> bahn-geplagte ergo: berufspendler
[23:56] < _NULL> *in
[23:56] < chrisime> ahja
[23:56] < _NULL> ried, wohl eher ries, eh?
[23:56] < chrisime> die tolle sbahn situation
[23:56] < _NULL> eh?
[23:56] < fake> ried
[23:56] < th> objdump -x vmlinux.o | ./btfixupprep > btfix.s
[23:56] < th> Wrong use of 'disable_irq' in '.text.exit' section. It can be only used in .text, .text.init, .fixup and __ksymtab
[23:56] < th> make[1]: *** [btfix.s] Error 1
[23:56] < th> grmpf
[23:56] < chrisime> bin froh dass ich das nur noch naechste woche mitmachen muss
[23:56] < th> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/th/linux/arch/sparc/boot'
[23:56] < th> make: *** [_dir_arch/sparc/boot] Error 2
[23:56] < chrisime> dann is die uni endlich in garching
[23:56] < fake> chrisime: wo wohnst du?
[23:56] < chrisime> neufarhn
[23:57] < _NULL> chrisime: wo ist denn sonst uni?
[23:57] < chrisime> shit
[23:57] < chrisime> neufahrn
[23:57] < chrisime> _NULL: in muenchen?
[23:57] < chrisime> halt die TU
[23:57] < chrisime> koenigsplatz<->teresienstrasse
[23:57] < _NULL> neufahrn <-> munich wie weit ist das denn?
[23:57] < chrisime> 20 km
[23:57] < chrisime> approx.
[23:57] < _NULL> na das geht doch.
[23:57] < chrisime> na toll
[23:57] < chrisime> 30 minuten sbahnm
[23:57] < th> das kann man joggen
[23:57] < chrisime> dann 10 minuten laufen
[23:57] < th> ;>
[23:58] < fake> th: schon. bei Y-Tours.
[23:58] < chrisime> brauch mind. 40 minuten
[23:58] < chrisime> nach garching die haelfte mitm radel
[23:58] < th> fake: hilf du mir lieber bei dem strange problem da oben
[23:58] < chrisime> mitm auto 7 minuten
[23:58] < fake> th: mit boot?
[23:58] < th> fake: das war das ende eines make ARCH=sparc vmlinux
[23:59] < fake> th: was loesch die sektion aus dem .s
[23:59] < th> fake: EGRAMMAR?
[23:59] < chrisime> th: mach ma make ARCH=i386 auf der sparc ;-)
[23:59] < fake> th: dd
[23:59] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACBA0EA2.ipt.aol.com] has quit ()
[23:59] < fake> chrisime: also in Rchtg. ingolstadt?
[23:59] < th> fake: "was loesch die sektion aus dem .s" EDIDNTGETIT
[23:59] < chrisime> hmm
[23:59] < chrisime> a9
[23:59] < chrisime> ja
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Fri Jul 26 00:00:11 2002