--- Log opened Tue Jul 30 00:00:22 2002 --- Day changed Tue Jul 30 2002 00:00 < owl> huebi: kaffee trinke ich lieber selbst (nur mir, mir, mir uns sonst niemandem) und kinder - pfui! geh weg! 00:01 < esden> ach owl ... ich bin sicher du liebst kinder 00:01 < esden> sonnst wuerdest du nicht hier im channel sein ;-) 00:01 < owl> esden: wofuer brauche ich das? meine kiste ist warm (mit celeron), sie wehrt sich nicht, und man kann sie kontrollieren 00:02 < owl> esden: *lol* siehe zug sage ich nur... kinder --> *ausrastvorentsetzen* 00:02 < esden> jaja ... wovor waehren ? hmm 00:02 < owl> esden: vor allem 00:03 < owl> esden: was noch gut ist bei meinen lieben kisten: sie verletzen nicht und man kann sie nicht nerven etc. sie haben keine gefuehle (maenner zwar auch nicht... aber lassen wir dieses thema) 00:04 < tsa> ...dafuer nerven uns die Computer aber auch nicht ;) 00:04 < huebi> owl: DU - verletzt? Wo? 00:04 < owl> huebi: wo nicht? schleudertrauma? nein.. nicht ganz. 00:05 < owl> :PPP 00:05 < tsa> huebi: gehirn nicht zum letzten oelwechsel gebracht...da passiert sowas.. ;) 00:05 < huebi> owl: Fotos! Ich will Blut sehen. 00:05 * owl wundert sich gerade, unter welche blutruenstige monster sie hier gekomme ist... 00:05 < tsa> immer diese mechanik.. 00:06 < owl> tsa: biste 'ne frau, dass dir das aufgefallen ist *duck* 00:06 < huebi> tsa: Der Nachweis von Denkzellen oder sogar von Gehirn ist bei Frauen noch nicht eindeutig gelungen IIRC 00:06 < tsa> hm... wir sollten owl vielleicht doch nicht als Putzfrau vermieten...das mit dem Kaffee dauert einfach viel zu lange... 00:07 < owl> tsa: tj0. wie heisst es so schoen: selbst ist der mann! also holt euch euren kaffee gefaelligst selbst 00:08 * owl cannibal corpse - dead human collection 00:08 < owl> haha! yeahaw! 00:08 < tsa> owl = dead human collection ? 00:09 < owl> *lol* nee. 'ne collection bin ich noch ned. aber dead bin ich schon mal. 00:12 < huebi> owl: stink mal nach Leiche. 00:13 < owl> huebi: gucke mal in deine gefriertruhe. sind sicher ein paar versteckt. 00:14 < tsa> *nasezuhalt* 00:14 < owl> huebi: gibt's dann bei der naechsten familienfeier und wird als gans, ente, oder so unter den menschen verteilt 00:14 < tsa> riecht hier komisch.. 00:14 < owl> tsa: woran das wohl liegt... 00:14 < owl> eh, ich hab's. du hast den raum betreten! 00:15 < tsa> raum? 00:15 < tsa> wo? 00:15 < owl> hier. #rocklinux 00:15 < tsa> wassn fuern raum? 00:15 < tsa> RAUM? 00:15 < tsa> ist das hier der AOL chat? 00:15 < owl> channel. 00:16 < owl> noe. 00:16 < tsa> j0. 00:20 < tsa> .oO( owl@nblafasel.aol.de ) 00:20 < owl> nee. 00:23 * owl trifft heute hoffentlich ihren schatz mal endlich. (nach wochen des wartens) 00:24 < tsa> dein notebook? 00:24 < owl> jo. 00:24 < esden> re hi 00:24 < huebi> owl: eine StarKitty? 00:24 < owl> leider noch ned meines... 00:24 < owl> asus. 00:24 < owl> ? 00:24 < owl> l3c 00:24 < esden> do we want a sparc server 1000e with 4 85mhz processors for rocklinux development ? 00:25 < tsa> esden: i don't, but you should ask ripclaw.. 00:25 < huebi> Does somebody need a 4GB FastWide-SCSI disk? 00:25 < huebi> Vendor: FUJITSU 00:25 < huebi> Product: M2934Q-512 00:25 < huebi> Revision level: 0122 00:25 < esden> huebi: allways ;-) 00:25 < tsa> Status: broken 00:25 < huebi> 0 entries in grown table. 00:26 < tsa> (grown table unreadable) 00:26 < esden> my alpha always needs space ! 00:26 < huebi> tsa: nicht so laut... 00:26 < tsa> hehe ;) 00:26 < huebi> Data from Defect Lists 00:26 < huebi> ---------------------- 00:26 < huebi> 1565 entries in manufacturer table. 00:27 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 00:27 < tsa> (1st entry: head crashed on disk ) 00:27 < tsa> *G* 00:27 < huebi> root@ultra:~# fdisk -l /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target4/lun0/disc 00:27 < huebi> Disk /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target4/lun0/disc: 00:27 < huebi> 255 heads, 63 sectors, 529 cylinders 00:27 < huebi> Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes 00:27 < huebi> Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System 00:28 < huebi> Partition 3 1 1 8001 12 Compaq diagnostics 00:28 < huebi> root@ultra:~# 00:28 < tsa> ^^^^^^^^^^^^ is this account included? 00:28 < owl> hmm... ich habe auch noch zwei platten abzugeben... beide mit headcrash... wer will? ;P 00:28 < esden> huebi: what do you think do we need the box ? 00:28 < esden> owl ich 00:28 < esden> ich haenge die mir auf die wand auf 00:28 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB4DDFB.ipt.aol.com] has quit () 00:28 -!- dorphell [nobody@h002078d623de.ne.client2.attbi.com] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 00:28 < esden> im offenen zustand 00:29 < huebi> esden: Which box? 00:29 < owl> esden: jo. trauem weiter 00:29 < esden> huebi: sparc server 1000e with 4x85mhz processors 00:29 < tsa> esden: grag' erstmal das gewicht an.. 00:29 < esden> ich weiss nicht wieviel ram 00:29 < tsa> s,g,f, 00:29 < esden> owl: du hast gefragt ... nicht ich 00:29 < esden> :P 00:30 < tsa> ..und wo das teil derzeit ist.. 00:30 -!- dorphell [nobody@h002078d623de.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #rocklinux 00:30 < huebi> esden: Nice thing to play with but nothing seriously fast. 00:30 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 00:30 < Mike1> re 00:30 < huebi> hi Mike1 00:30 < esden> huebi: nope ... so that is the question ... should I make effort to get that box or not 00:31 < esden> huebi: it would mean work for me ... 00:31 < esden> huebi: a lot of it 00:31 < Mike1> https://www.rocklinux.org/people/mike/projects/Documentation/ 00:31 < huebi> esden: If you want it and if you can get it for free take it. 00:32 < huebi> esden: Sun4m 32Bit. 00:32 < esden> hmm ... ok then not 00:32 < esden> Mike1: give me something ... and I will translate it to polish 00:33 < Mike1> esden: really? 00:33 < esden> we have enough germans that can translate 00:33 < Mike1> cool! 00:33 < esden> so I do polish 00:33 < Mike1> so i will chage the topic from Spanish to Rock Linux Multi-language Documentation Project 00:33 < Mike1> :) 00:33 < esden> hehe yes do it 00:34 < esden> Mike1: I would call it multi-language rock linux 00:34 < esden> because not only documentation needs to be translated 00:34 < Mike1> yes its sort of the goal to make port rock it self to multi lang 00:34 < esden> also webpages and installer programs aso. 00:35 < Mike1> tru esdy :) 00:35 < esden> hehe ;-) 00:35 < Mike1> true* 00:35 < Mike1> good to see someone cared :) 00:35 < esden> fscking gcc2 is not compiling >_< 00:36 * Mike1 re-editing project page 00:36 < Mike1> lol 00:40 < tsa> soooo. 00:40 * tsa going to bed. 00:40 < tsa> cu all. 00:40 < huebi> nacht tsa 00:40 < owl> gn8 tsa 00:40 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD95254F0.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 00:40 < esden> ok ... then I will get a dual xeon 2,2Ghz with 2GB ram 00:41 < esden> on a standing line ... for rocklinux compiles 00:41 < huebi> o_O esden and his pocket calculators 00:41 < esden> huebi: hmm ... yes ... 00:42 * -> esden packing a quad itanium 4Ghz calculator in to his wrist pocket 00:43 < huebi> qt 3.0.5 is out 00:44 * -> esden needs th ... 00:51 < huebi> esden: The disk has some errors 00:53 < esden> hmm ... It should be menagable by running mke2fs correctly 00:55 < huebi> esden: I try to recover what's on the disk ;-) 00:58 < huebi> Mike1: tomorrow I put you patches into cvs and a few hardware utilities and start a new build 00:58 < Mike1> huebi: good, so they are usefull? 00:59 * -> esden putting his patches into the cvs now 00:59 * -> esden is hoping not to break something ... >_< 01:00 < Mike1> brb 01:00 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 01:03 < huebi> good night. 01:03 < codeq> gn8 01:05 < esden> huebi: Create-CD patch in the cvs 01:05 < esden> huebi: n8 01:06 < d3mian> cu huebi 01:08 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 01:08 < Mike1> re 01:08 < esden> re Mike1 01:08 < esden> *knuddel* ;-) 01:09 < esden> ehhm ... I mean *hug* 01:09 < owl> *lol* esden who r u hugging today? everybody or did i understand something wrong? ;P 01:09 < Mike1> The Multi-Language ROCK Linux Project -= https://www.rocklinux.org/people/mike/projects/multi-lang/ =- 01:10 < esden> Mike1: perfect ;-0 01:10 < esden> owl: all people that I like ... ;-) 01:10 < Mike1> esden had a look at it? 01:10 < owl> esden. i see. :P 01:10 < esden> Mike1: at it 01:11 < Mike1> ? 01:12 < esden> Mike1: "... we find it nesessery ..." 01:12 < Mike1> line number please 01:13 < esden> Mike1: on my display line two 01:13 < esden> in the first paragraph 01:14 < Mike1> we find the necesity to make the documentation? 01:14 < esden> hmm ... 01:14 < Mike1> esden reload ur brouser! 01:15 < Mike1> bowser 01:15 < Mike1> damn typos 01:16 < Mike1> Mike1: "... we find it nesessery ..." 01:16 < Mike1> esden i dont see it!! 01:16 < esden> it is ok ... 01:16 < esden> sorry ... was my mistake 01:16 * Mike1 stressed!! 01:16 < Mike1> ok 01:16 < Mike1> :) 01:17 * -> esden stressing Mike1 ;-) MUAHAHAHA 01:18 < Mike1> Anyone else willing to help us port another language? 01:19 * Mike1 thinks he wont upload "Black Whole Sun" today because he's been stressed 01:19 < d3mian> i can do it for swagili language :) 01:19 < Mike1> lol 01:19 < Mike1> sure 01:19 < esden> lol 01:19 < d3mian> thnx 01:20 < Mike1> How do you say "This will ROCK you" in swagili? 01:22 < d3mian> ahh, it is easy, dunt u know 01:22 < d3mian> let me do it for u: 01:22 < Mike1> yes teach us 01:22 < d3mian> Sweial helor main ROCK nor 01:22 < d3mian> got it? 01:22 < Mike1> lol 01:22 < esden> hehe ;-) 01:22 < esden> loool 01:23 * Mike1 got Men in Black 2, but its in german !!!! 01:23 < d3mian> what other languages u guys are going to document ? 01:23 < esden> Mike1: loooool ;-) 01:23 < esden> *rofl* 01:24 * Mike1 is unfairly pushed to learn german 01:25 < Mike1> d3mian: as much languages as possible 01:25 < d3mian> k 01:26 < Mike1> how many languages you wanna work with? 01:26 < esden> Mike1: hehe ... *push* *push* 01:26 < Mike1> grrr 01:28 < esden> Mike1: *push* *pull* *push* *pull* ;-) 01:30 < Mike1> haha 01:31 * Mike1 setting rsync server for multi-lang ROCK project 01:37 < d3mian> is there a web CVS repository for rock right? where is it? 01:37 < Mike1> d3mian: 1.7 or 1.5? 01:38 < d3mian> .5 01:39 < Mike1> d3mian: have you read the topic of the channel? 01:39 < Mike1> anoncvs for 1.5 now up: CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.rocklinux.de:/cvs co rock-1.5 01:39 < esden> hehe 01:39 * -> esden has another ill idea 01:40 < Mike1> ? 01:40 < esden> i will add a new option to the 1.7 config "Color build output" 01:40 < d3mian> a web cvs repository, to browse throughout 01:41 < d3mian> where is it? https://anoncvs.rocklinux.net isnt 01:41 < Mike1> cvs.rocklinux.de 01:41 < fake> aloha 01:41 < Mike1> lo fake 01:41 < esden> d3mian: here is the link https://rocklinux.dyndns.org/ 01:41 < esden> on that page 01:41 < d3mian> k 01:42 < esden> or directly https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/ 01:42 < Mike1> esden nice idea 01:42 < esden> yess ;-) 01:43 * -> esden getting his color escape table 01:44 < owl> https://bla.fasel.org/Manager_of_the_year.jpg << *rofl* 01:44 < esden> lool 01:45 < esden> owl: instead surfing insane sites ... code on rock !!! ;-) 01:45 < fake> esden: read your mail 01:46 < d3mian> ahola fake 01:46 < owl> esden: no. not code on rock. destroy brain, using cannibal corpse. *yeahaw* 01:46 < codeq> owl: go your way! ;) 01:46 < d3mian> owl: cannibal corpse, nice! 01:47 < owl> d3mian: yeah. of course. 01:52 < esden> fake: on it 01:54 < esden> fake: yes I will take you with me 01:54 < esden> if you can stand my presence in the car 01:55 < esden> fake: offline ??? 01:56 < fake> nope 01:56 < esden> ohh good 01:56 < esden> i will try to get away from munich as soon as possible on friday 01:57 < fake> esden: i think i can take it, if we do regular breaks, of course ;-) 01:57 < esden> so I will come by by nos and take you with me ... or you come by by tube in garching 01:57 < esden> fake: good ;-) hehe 01:57 < fake> esden: we will see - it's only monday by now (iirc) 01:57 < fake> esden: may i drive? may i drive? 01:58 < esden> it is tuesday alreay 01:58 < esden> fake: NO 01:58 < esden> you close your eyes and then is all ok ;-) 01:58 < fake> *arh* >_< 01:58 < esden> MUAHAHA 01:59 < fake> i'll need lots of mathilda's steaks to stand that 01:59 < fake> j/k 02:00 < esden> if the mathilda master will be there then you get a mathilda stake np ;-) 02:00 < esden> s/stake/steake/ 02:00 < esden> -e 02:00 < esden> grr 02:02 < fake> esden: i don't want to take anything with me 02:02 < esden> that is ok ... I will also take only my laptop with me 02:03 < fake> esden: I mean non of _it_ 02:03 < esden> ohh ... 02:03 < fake> you know. what made you sing plish *eg* 02:03 < esden> surp 02:03 < fake> polish 02:03 < esden> i mean sure 02:03 < esden> fake: rofl 02:03 < fake> it's a pity i didn't notice much of it 02:04 < fake> esden: you pretty much talked into Mrs. Schustek that night XD 02:04 < esden> jeszcze polska nie zginela puki my zyjemy 02:04 < esden> co nam obca moc zabrala sila odbiezemy 02:05 * fake is a bastard 02:05 < esden> marsz marsz dombrowski z siemi wloskiej do polski 02:05 < esden> fake: ??? 02:05 < fake> but i somehow like being a bastard ;-) 02:05 < esden> hmm ... 02:05 < esden> where are you a bastard ? o_O 02:06 < esden> and why ? 02:06 < esden> fake: is it possible to come by this week at you and nos ? 02:09 < esden> or do any one of you have something against it ? 02:09 < fake> esden: ask nos. it's his home, i don't want to invite people 02:09 < esden> fake: so ask me from me please ... or tell him to go online ... or is he already sleeping ? 02:10 < fake> esden: i should ask you from you if it's ok.... ;-) 02:10 < fake> esden: he has to work this week. so yes, he is asleep. 02:10 < fake> and i will forget to ask, i know me. 02:12 < esden> ok ... so i will ask him tomorrow ... when/if he is online 02:12 < fake> esden: he'll be home by 17:00 he said 02:16 < esden> kk 02:16 < esden> should be back online till then ;-) 02:26 -!- Mon0 [~mono@alb-24-29-50-84.nycap.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux 02:26 < Mike1> hi Mon0 02:26 -!- mono_ [~mono@alb-24-29-50-84.nycap.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux 02:27 < Mon0> Hello. 02:27 -!- Mon0 [~mono@alb-24-29-50-84.nycap.rr.com] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 02:27 < mono_> Oops. 02:27 < mono_> Double named. 02:27 -!- mono_ [~mono@alb-24-29-50-84.nycap.rr.com] has quit (Client Quit) 02:28 -!- Mon0 [~mono@alb-24-29-50-84.nycap.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux 02:28 -!- mono_ [~mono@alb-24-29-50-84.nycap.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux 02:28 -!- mono__ [~mono@alb-24-29-50-84.nycap.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux 02:28 -!- mono__ [~mono@alb-24-29-50-84.nycap.rr.com] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 02:28 -!- Mon0 [~mono@alb-24-29-50-84.nycap.rr.com] has quit (Client Quit) 02:28 < mono_> Pissing me off... 02:31 -!- mono_ [~mono@alb-24-29-50-84.nycap.rr.com] has quit (Client Quit) 02:34 < esden> what s*** was that ? 02:34 < esden> hehe now I have a colour error output !! 02:34 < esden> hehe 02:51 < owl> wo ist bitte die muenchener strasse, wenn man beim hauptbahnhof ist...? bzw. wo ist inside computer (buslinie...) ...? weiss da jemand? 02:53 < fake> muenchener str. is die qfette strasse die parallell zu den schienen verlaeuft 02:53 < fake> bahnhof: vorderausgang ruas, erste ampel links, auf der rechten seite is inside 02:53 < owl> dankeschoen :) 02:54 < fake> is abern stueckle. 02:54 < owl> jo. ich werd's ueberleben. wenn ned, dann kann man das feststellen, wenn ich morgen nicht online bin ;P 02:54 < fake> etwa 7-8 minuten zu fuss 02:54 < owl> oh kewl. d.h. mir wird die bahn wieder mal direkt vor der nase wegfahren. :-/ 02:56 < fake> ( einfache strecke ) 02:56 < owl> wie ist denn der support bei inside ueberhaupt? gut oder schlecht? kompetente angestellte oder nur teuer bezahlte ladendekoration? 02:57 < fake> ich finds net schlecht 02:57 < fake> und bingo vertraut auch auf die, iirc 02:58 < owl> ok. d.h. wenn problem --> blame fake for everything ;P 03:00 * d3mian is being powered by Moonspell - Opium 03:01 < esden> that looks terrible : echo -e "`echo "test" | sed 's,^,\\\e[31;1m>\\\e[0m ,'`" 03:01 < esden> is someone having a better solution ? 03:01 < d3mian> umm, to use colors ? 03:01 < d3mian> or what does it has to do ? 03:01 < esden> this is only a test ... it is looking in real like that : 03:02 < fake> d3mian: good music! 03:02 < fake> Opium... desire by will.... 03:02 < esden> echo -e "`echo "`tali < somefile`" | sed 's,^,\\\e[31;1m>\\\e[0m ,; s/^\(.\{70\}\).\{3,\}/\1 ../'`" 03:03 < esden> echo -e "`echo "`tail < somefile`" | sed 's,^,\\\e[31;1m>\\\e[0m ,; s/^\(.\{70\}\).\{3,\}/\1 ../'`" 03:03 < d3mian> but, what da u need this for ? 03:04 * fake currently listens tp the Sisters of Mercy 03:04 < d3mian> to give color to lines ? 03:04 < d3mian> nice fake 03:04 < esden> it is getting last 10 lines of a file ... prepends it with a red arrow ... and turncates all lines to 70 characters 03:06 < d3mian> ok 03:07 < fake> esden: new error shower for rock? ;-) 03:11 < esden> hehe 03:11 < esden> yes 03:12 -!- zoran667 [~commander@p5087EF52.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 03:12 < esden> hey now it works cool 03:12 * owl leaves you now. 03:12 < owl> cu. gn8 03:12 < d3mian> hi zoran667 , hi zoran667 03:12 < d3mian> bye owl 03:12 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B53e1.pppool.de] has quit ("back to fscking reality") 03:13 -!- codeq [dennis@] has quit ("Client Exiting") 03:13 < esden> ahh ... now it works ... and I optimized one line of clifford code ;-) 03:14 < Mike1> esden excellent 03:15 < d3mian> nice esden 03:17 < fake> Wenn der Vater mit dem Sohne einmal ausgeht 03:17 < fake> und dann keiner gern nach Haus geht 03:17 < fake> dann erleben sie unterwegs die dollsten Sachen 03:17 < fake> mal zum Weinen - mal zum Lachen 03:21 < d3mian> cu 03:22 -!- zoran667 [~commander@p5087EF52.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 03:23 < fake> *argh* 03:23 < fake> voll die lags hier 03:24 < esden> ja bei mir auch 03:27 -!- dorphell [nobody@h002078d623de.ne.client2.attbi.com] has quit (Success) 03:27 < esden> who wants to see the beautiful patch ? 03:27 < esden> please msg me the email adresses ;-0 03:27 < esden> ) 03:28 < fake> esden: 1.7 or 1.5 ? 03:28 < esden> 1.7 03:35 < fake> oh me me me! 03:35 < esden> ??? 03:36 < fake> the patch 03:36 < esden> kk 03:36 * -> esden tired 03:36 < fake> mv esden /home/esden/room/bed 03:40 < esden> fake: mail sent 03:42 < esden> fake: got it ? 03:42 < fake> jep 03:42 < fake> thanks 03:43 < esden> good 03:44 < fake> ________ 03:44 < fake> < Roarr! > 03:44 < fake> -------- 03:44 < fake> \ 03:44 < fake> \ 03:44 < fake> ("`-' '-/") .___..--' ' "`-._ 03:44 < fake> ` *_ * ) `-. ( ) .`-.__. `) 03:44 < fake> (_Y_.) ' ._ ) `._` ; `` -. .-' 03:44 < fake> _.. `--'_..-_/ /--' _ .' ,4 03:44 < fake> ( i l ),-'' ( l i),' ( ( ! .-' 03:44 < fake> 03:45 < esden> o_O 03:45 * -> esden hiding behind Mike1 03:46 < Mike1> lol 03:46 < esden> monster ... eat Mike1 not me !!! 03:46 < esden> ;-) 03:46 < esden> *push* 03:46 * Mike1 removing esdens songs 03:47 < fake> *lol* 03:47 * Mike1 takes a sword get away evel freak 03:47 < Mike1> evil* 03:47 * Freak tickles Mike1 03:48 < esden> *rofl* 03:48 < esden> hi fake 03:48 < esden> ups 03:48 < esden> hi Freak 03:48 < Mike1> lol 03:48 < Freak> Freak even 03:48 < Freak> ;) 03:48 < Mike1> hello Freak 03:48 < Freak> hey there guys 03:48 < Freak> but that kitty-cat above is schweet :) 03:49 < fake> *meow* 03:49 * Freak pets fake 03:49 < Freak> awww how cute 03:49 < Freak> now he purrs 03:50 < Freak> my cat just came into my room 03:50 * fake bites Freak 03:50 < fake> *harr* 03:50 < Freak> ow! 03:50 < fake> <- 2bed 03:50 < fake> cya later. 03:50 < Freak> ... 03:50 * Freak cries 03:50 * fake grins 03:50 < Freak> nitenite 03:51 < fake> *waves* 03:51 < esden> n8 fake 03:56 < Mike1> n8 all 03:57 < esden> https://www.esden.net/desktops/shots/color-1.7-build-1.png 03:57 < esden> https://www.esden.net/desktops/shots/color-1.7-build-2.png 03:58 < Mike1> nice 03:58 < Mike1> :) 03:58 < esden> ahh good 03:58 < esden> hehe ;-) 03:59 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 04:02 < Freak> esden: nifty 04:02 < Freak> esden: u use wmkr? 04:02 < esden> Freak: sure !! ;-) 04:03 < esden> Freak: I think most people here use wmaker 04:03 < Freak> I think I showed you my gallery yet, did I? 04:03 < Freak> do they??! 04:03 < esden> Freak: no you have not 04:03 < Freak> *lookingupthechanname* no it's not #windowmaker.. 04:04 < esden> Freak: I have the feeling they do 04:04 < Freak> then have a look at https://linuid.dhis.org/~freak/guckmal/screenshots/ 04:04 < esden> hehe 04:04 < Freak> heh 04:04 < Freak> (only the newer ones are wm, I was a bad boy before.) 04:05 < esden> tztztz 04:05 < esden> ;-) 04:08 < Freak> they're mostly intended to attract people to wmkr 04:08 < Freak> attracting, that would be., 04:09 < esden> Freak: they are not bad ... I love beautiful desktops ... my last screenshot is not amazing ... because it is only a very fast setup 04:11 < Freak> yea ic 04:12 < Freak> do you still have that picture of natalie portman? 04:13 < esden> yes I have 04:14 < esden> do you want it ? 04:14 < Freak> can you like.. put it online? 04:14 < Freak> uh-huh! 04:14 < esden> everybody wants this image ... tztztz 04:15 < Freak> hrhr 04:15 < Freak> hmmm 04:15 < Freak> Forbidden 04:15 < Freak> You don't have permission to access /desktops/chrissi.jpg on this server. 04:16 < Freak> mnkay... :) 04:16 < esden> no penmission ;-) 04:16 < esden> my picture ;-) 04:16 < Freak> hehe 04:16 < Freak> yup thought so :) 04:17 < esden> https://www.esden.net/desktops/np_wallpaper_04.jpg 04:17 < Freak> tänks 04:17 < esden> np 04:25 < esden> hmm ... god that are really old screenshots in that directory 04:25 < esden> there are screenshots of the beginnings of bchat ... terrible 04:29 < esden> ok i go home 04:29 < esden> cu all 04:29 < Freak> n8 06:59 < huebi> moin 07:34 -!- Netsplit sendak.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: praenti, Freak, coldie, tomik, SMP, rxr_away_ 07:34 -!- Netsplit over, joins: Freak, SMP, praenti 07:35 -!- Netsplit over, joins: rxr_away_, tomik, coldie 08:17 < huebi> [anders]: Moin. Are you awake? 08:19 < [anders]> huebi: I am now.. :) 08:20 < [anders]> moin alles 08:21 * [anders] had to tweak the order of a few packages in the latest snaphot, then it builds fine.. was the order of package, gnome-vfs, gnome-mime-data and something else.. 08:23 < [anders]> mmmmm.. Natalie Portman is not that pretty actually.. 08:24 < [anders]> huebi: you still here or have you wandered off somewhere? 08:24 < huebi> [anders]: I just came back ;-) 08:25 < huebi> Ella take a bath 08:25 < huebi> +s 08:25 < [anders]> huebi: hehehe.. Okay.. you were looking for me.. Anything I can help you with? 08:26 < huebi> Yes There are other more interesting women than Miss Portman ;> 08:26 < huebi> Yes. I had a look at the patches from Miguel 08:26 < huebi> gcc 3.x is not needed if I see that right? 08:26 < huebi> to build Gnome2 08:27 < huebi> You just said you changes the build order of some Gnome packages. 08:28 < [anders]> huebi: Correct, you do not need gcc3 for that. I built and installed gnome2 by hand on a ROCK 1.4.0 (slightly updated with various packages). All the really core things like gcc, glibc etc are from ROCK 1.4.0 08:28 < [anders]> Yeah, the order of a few things made them break. I'll send you patches when I am done. :) 08:29 < [anders]> I will start making the packages for the Gnome2 things, but I wil keep them in a separate tree.. 08:29 < huebi> I want to try Gnome2 in the official tree. You and Miguel did much work on Gnome2 and I think we should just put it in the official distribution if it works fine. 08:30 < huebi> Ok I wait for your final patches for Gnome2 and then I test it. 08:33 < [anders]> Okay.. Some of the Gnome1.4 packages gets replaced by Gnome2 packages. Like gdm for example. Gnome1.4 and Gnome2 can happily co-exist I think.. I have to test it.. 08:33 < huebi> I put now some more very hardware specific programs like mtx, mt-st, scsiinfo in the tree. mtx is a must for tapelibraries. 08:34 < huebi> [anders]: One idea is to have gnome1.4 in /opt/gnome1 and gnome2 in /opt/gnome2 08:38 -!- Netsplit sendak.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: praenti, Freak, coldie, tomik, SMP, rxr_away_ 08:38 -!- Netsplit over, joins: rxr_away_, tomik, coldie, Freak, SMP, praenti 08:45 < [anders]> huebi: you want me to set it up that way? 08:45 < [anders]> going to have to shoot off now.. I am *late* for work.. 08:50 < huebi> [anders]: Yes, if it possible for you, please do it in that way. 08:51 < huebi> [anders]: cu later ;-) 10:07 < [anders]> huebi: Okay, I will try and do it that way. Do you want me then to keep all of Gnome 1.4 and have it installed in /opt/gnome1 and then just add all the new stuff in Gnome2 to /opt/gnome2 ? And what would you like me to do with the things (only few things) that are common between the two? 10:08 < [anders]> moin alles again.. :) 10:09 < huebi> [anders]: What things are common? I think about having two separate and independent gnome trees 10:12 < huebi> all together = alle zusammen 10:12 -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:13 < tsa> moin 10:13 < huebi> [anders]: all together = alle zusammen - so "moin zusammen" is more common 10:13 < huebi> tach tsa 10:13 < tsa> hi huebi 10:13 < huebi> tsa: did owl bring you your breakfast coffee? 10:15 < tsa> no. 10:15 < tsa> she didn't. bad girl. 10:21 < [anders]> huebi: ok, /me will try and remember that.. 10:23 < [anders]> huebi: things like libxml2 and libxslt are common between the two.. 10:23 < [anders]> huebi: I wonder if I first of all should try and install both gnome and gnome2 as per normal.. It appears to be designed to work if you do that.. 10:24 < huebi> hmm. One other Idea is to put both then in /opt/gnome 10:25 < [anders]> huebi: that might be the best idea.. Or use /usr/gnome ? 10:27 < huebi> [anders]: and also /usr/kde. I have to read the FHS again. I personaly don't trust gnome and KDE to be secure at all. That's the reason I don't like them to be direcly mixed with the rest of the system. 10:29 < huebi> /opt should be clean and only reserved for extensions. 10:33 < [anders]> huebi: perhaps we should use /usr/gnome and /usr/kde then.. I will add in all the packages I have managed to build so far and I'll add Mike1's patches as well as he is doing a fair bit of work on this as well and there is no need to duplicate work.. :) 10:33 * [anders] realises that putting up the ISO's on this box for people to pull might not have been my smartest idea ever... 10:35 < [anders]> uptime = 5 days, 12:56 eth0 RX bytes:161787239 (154.2 MiB) TX bytes:2861314945 (2.6 GiB) 10:35 < huebi> [anders]: o_O 10:36 < [anders]> my guess is that I have had 4 ISO's pulled so far, and the fifth is being pulled now.. 10:38 < huebi> To have Gnome1 and Gnome2 in parallel for a short time is good. If Gnome2 stabilises Gnome1 can be moved to the extensions. 10:39 < huebi> [anders]: Have a look in your access.log of apache 10:41 < [anders]> huebi: I agree keeping them separate is good, but if you try and get something like Evolution to build, you will need all your Gnome stuff in one place or you will have to patch makefiles left, right and center.. :-/ 10:42 < [anders]> there is a few GET for the iso's in the log.. 10:45 * [anders] will have to tweak the build env not to build stage 5 until I am happy with stages 1-4.... I would dearly like to know how I could build just stage 1+2 and then 'save state' so to speak so I can build stage 3 over and over again until I am happy with it.. 10:45 < [anders]> like build stage 3, oh it failed, roll back, tweak, build stage 3 again.. 10:45 < tsa> should be sufficient to remove the 3-*.log files 10:45 < tsa> and 3-*.err 10:46 < [anders]> never have any files from stage 3 packages around when starting stage 3 again.. 10:46 < huebi> [anders]: If you delete ./dist/var/adm/logs/3-* stage 3 will be redone 10:46 < tsa> huebi: what's the current default behavior regarding _nodel_? 10:47 < [anders]> tsa: yes, but things like package when they get built are used by things like gnome to register themselves, if those 'register' files are left around, gnome could build in one run, but if I clean it out properly, if miiiight not work as the register file is no longer there.. 10:48 < tsa> hm.. 10:48 < [anders]> huebi: I know of that one, and I had planned to do that.. but if I could stop the build after stage 2, I could tar up ./dist with only stage 1+2 things in there.. 10:49 < huebi> tsa: ./script/Build-All does not call ./scripts/Cleanup anymore. ./scripts/Cleanup still recognizes _nodel_ 10:49 < [anders]> After a run through stage 3, I could remove dist, extract from the tar file and I could then build stage 3 all over again without having to do stage 1+2... 10:51 < huebi> [anders]: coment out line 147 and 148 in ./scripts/Build-All 10:51 < huebi> +m 10:52 < [anders]> huebi: I will do that.. then when I have stage 1+2 I can tar it up, then uncomment those lines again yes? 10:53 < huebi> [anders]: Yes and make_chroot.sh should be created as before. 10:54 < [anders]> huebi: cheers.. I might even copy Build-All to Build-12 and use that in my private tree in case I want to do this often.. 10:54 < tsa> hehe 10:54 < tsa> everybody seems to have his "private tree" ;) 10:56 < huebi> [anders]: of course you can - "...but we don't support that without our special premium platinum contract with diamond." *g* 10:56 < [anders]> tsa: it is very handy to have a private tree.. ;-) 10:56 < tsa> [anders]: yes, i know.. 10:56 < tsa> huebi: lol 10:57 < [anders]> huebi: *ggg* I'll take the 'El Cheapo' option in the contract then.. ;-) 10:57 < [anders]> tsa: only joking friend.. no offence ment.. :) 10:57 < tsa> [anders]: yes, sure..i have my private tree, too.. 10:58 < tsa> just minor differences.. 10:58 < [anders]> tsa: eine eichen? ;-) 10:58 < tsa> [anders]: hm? 10:59 < [anders]> tsa: I was intending to have my private tree with just a few tweaks as well. . As it has happened all of those tweaks has made it into the cvs somehow.. :) 10:59 < [anders]> tsa: only joking.. :) 10:59 < tsa> [anders]: ah, i see. 10:59 < huebi> [anders]: el cheapo is included for nothing in our hardware and software upgrade contract. 10:59 < tsa> what did you use to translate tree to "eichen" ? 10:59 < [anders]> was referencing your 'private tree'.. 11:00 * tsa confused. 11:00 < [anders]> tsa: I remembered that oak was eichen in german.. and since that is the only type of tree I know of in german.. baum is tree I think.. 11:00 < huebi> [anders]: tree = Baum 11:00 < tsa> (Eiche = oak) 11:00 -!- clifford [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux 11:00 < tsa> hahah 11:00 < tsa> hi clifford 11:01 < huebi> moin clifford 11:01 < clifford> https://www.rocklinux.org/people/clifford/Meeting200208/ 11:01 < clifford> hi all. 11:01 < [anders]> tsa's private wunderbaum...? ;-) 11:01 < [anders]> moin clifford 11:01 < clifford> hi [anders] 11:01 < tsa> [anders]: hm...something like that. although i wouldn't refer to it as something special. 11:02 < tsa> it's nothing more than the place where i can fuck things up ;) 11:02 < clifford> Build-Pkg now has an -update option and Update-System finaly works .. 11:02 < tsa> cool. 11:02 < [anders]> tsa: that's how I view my tree as well.. But also a place where I can tune things a little.. 11:02 < tsa> [anders]: yeah, that's it. 11:02 < tsa> clifford: hm....i can't reach www.rocklinux.org from here. 11:03 < [anders]> I will add LVM tools to my tree if they are not already there and I will also enable lvm in the kernel.. I want to be able to do lvm installs from the CD if possible.. 11:03 < tsa> anybody else having trouble? 11:03 < [anders]> kaffe! 11:03 < tsa> $ telnet www.rocklinux.org 80 11:03 < tsa> Trying 11:03 < tsa> telnet: connect to address No route to host 11:03 < huebi> www.rocklinux.net is dead too 11:04 < huebi> no, it's up again 11:04 < huebi> both 11:05 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux 11:05 < huebi> moin Ge0rG 11:06 < Ge0rG> guten morgen 11:08 < clifford> huebi: will you come to the dev meeting? 11:08 -!- clifford [~clifford@] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 11:10 -!- clifford [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux 11:10 < clifford> hi again. I _love_ thos isdn reconnects... 11:10 < huebi> clifford: yep, I'll come, too 11:11 < huebi> clifford: How many reconnect do you have a day? 11:11 < clifford> It's now from 2002-08-07 to 2002-08-11 so we also have the weekend. 11:11 < clifford> one every 6 hours. 11:12 < tsa> hm.. 11:12 * tsa would really like to attend, but i have to get some work done here. 11:12 < clifford> are you here for all 5 days? 11:13 < huebi> mom, I have to ask my wife. 11:13 < tsa> *ROTFL* 11:13 < tsa> now we know who's the boss at huebi's home .. 11:13 < tsa> ;) 11:13 < clifford> As said: we have a lake here. So if you want to bring your family they won't be bored .. 11:14 < tsa> btw...someone made a web form to count rock installations a while ago.. 11:14 < tsa> are there any stats on how many installations we have? 11:14 < clifford> pjotr prins was that. 11:15 < tsa> ah. 11:15 * tsa wondering what pjotr is doing..haven't heard anything from him for a while now.. 11:16 < clifford> huebi: ping! did you wife kill you? 11:18 < tsa> hm...it seems like we need a new maintainer for huebi's tree. ;-) 11:19 < tsa> huebi: do you plan to re-appear or do we have to hand over your tree to your wife? ;) 11:28 < [anders]> mmmmm... espresso is nice when you want to wake up .. :) 11:29 < tsa> hehe. 11:29 < huebi> re 11:29 < tsa> pure caffeine, too. 11:29 < huebi> alles genehmigt 11:29 < tsa> re huebi! 11:29 < huebi> Should I bring some pure caffeine to the meeting? 11:33 < clifford> huebi: where are you coming from and do you have free space in your car? 11:33 < clifford> (for the html page) 11:35 < tsa> huh? how can a html page take up space? 11:36 < huebi> clifford: I come from Darmstadt (Frankfurt) And have 3 seats free. 11:37 < huebi> aproximatly pages 11:38 < clifford> huebi: you are coming alone or with our family? 11:38 < clifford> s/our/your/ ;-) 11:38 < tsa> huebi: w/ or w/o title page? 11:39 < tsa> hm....webalizer sucks. 11:43 < clifford> huebi: ping! 11:43 < clifford> :x 11:43 < tsa> this is not vi. 11:43 < clifford> oups - that was ment for the vi window ... :-) 11:43 < tsa> hehe 11:46 < clifford> huebi: how many are you and do you sleep at my place or the hotel??? 11:49 < huebi> re 11:49 < clifford> huebi: aehm.... how are my chances to get an answer?? 11:49 < huebi> I come alone. My wife visits her mother in Bremen. I'd like to stay at your home. 11:50 < clifford> thx. I added you to the html page. 11:50 * huebi just makes some pizza. Still some problems with multitasking ;-) 11:51 < huebi> I bring 3x24 0.5l bottles of Jolt with me 11:51 * [anders] will start hacking on Gnome2 in a bit.. Next week should get easier. Gf is away for a few days and I'll get time to work on it then. 11:52 < tsa> [anders]: what about your other girlfriends? ;) 11:53 < [anders]> tsa: other ones? :-) Or do you mean the ex-wife.. ;-) 11:53 * [anders] has very few friends at all actually.. 11:53 < tsa> [anders]: that's a quite common problem among geeks, it seems. 11:54 < [anders]> tsa: well, I have always found it more relaxing sitting at the computer typing away listening to music than being in a pub where music I don't like is blaring out and lots of drunk people is stumbling about. 11:56 < [anders]> not that I have anything against having a drink... (/me is quite partial to a strong G&T).. 11:58 * [anders] was offended when a while ago was told 'you are not a geek'... /me is geek and proud. :) 11:58 < esden> morning guys 11:58 < tsa> hi esden 11:58 < [anders]> yo esden 11:58 < esden> here something for you : 11:59 < clifford> [anders]: that's why 'm a DJ: I can be in a club and listen the music I want to hear .. ;-) 11:59 < esden> https://www.esden.net/desktops/shots/color-1.7-build-2.png 11:59 * huebi has to get Ella out of the box for esdens stuff. 11:59 < clifford> hi esden. The meeting is extended: 2002-08-07 to 2002-08-11 11:59 < tsa> i see. 12:00 * -> esden had an insane idea to make rocklinux buildscripts output color ;-) in 1.7 12:00 < tsa> esden: it seems pdksh doesn't compile with dietlibc 12:00 < esden> clifford: do you want the patch ? 12:00 < esden> tsa: yes seems so ... ;-) 12:00 < [anders]> clifford: makes sense.. :) but I am not good at playing music, I enjoy listening to it though.. :) 12:00 < huebi> esden: Dark blue on black is only for alien eyes. Humans can't read that *g* 12:00 < esden> tsa: but I fixet it already now bash is not compiling 12:00 < esden> huebi: :PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 12:00 < tsa> esden: hm..fix bash then, too ;) 12:01 < tsa> esden: erhm....is this a dietlibc-based build on alpha? 12:01 < tsa> hostname says alpha.. 12:01 < [anders]> esden: nice bash hilite scheme.. :) 12:01 < esden> tsa: no on intel 12:02 < clifford> esden: no - thanks. Maybe we implement something like that later when the output plugins are there (for lcd, etc) 12:02 < tsa> esden: your intel machine has hostname set to "alpha"? 12:02 < tsa> esden: and your alpha is named "intel", then? ;) 12:02 < esden> clifford: I was sure you will say that ... 12:02 < huebi> ( esden's long tongue shows me that he really is an alien.) 12:02 * -> esden want's output plugins *jumparound* 12:03 < esden> huebi: :P 12:03 < esden> huebi: I like you too :P 12:03 < tsa> hehe 12:04 < huebi> (I must send him an alien care pack.) 12:04 < esden> tsa: this is only the hostname ... I have to change it some day 12:04 < tsa> esden: yes. 12:05 * -> esden gives huebi "baldrian tropfen" 12:05 < huebi> my alpha is named gamma 12:06 < tsa> very intuitive. 12:06 < esden> hehe 12:07 < huebi> the 1. alpha is normaly called "aalpha. very boring. Better to find out each time where Iam. 12:08 < esden> my alpha is called natalie ... that is the best name ;-) 12:09 < tsa> why? 12:09 < tsa> i thought your girlfriend's name was jpeg.. 12:09 < huebi> *LOOL* 12:10 < huebi> I had a girlfriend called Natalie ages ago. 12:11 < esden> hmm ... the mailinglist is moohhing and miowwing ... strange 12:12 * -> esden hunting cows and cats 12:12 < huebi> esden: Take a look on the moon phase. In the moment thats normal 12:12 < tsa> wot? 12:12 < tsa> cow-hunting is not allowed here. 12:12 < esden> huebi: ehhhmm ... kkk 12:12 < tsa> mathilda will get very mad at you, otherwise. 12:12 * -> esden going to eat something 12:12 * -> esden looking forward to the mathilda stake 12:13 * huebi having the pizza 12:13 < esden> that I will get in Vienna ;-) 12:15 < [anders]> esden: you are going to stake Mathilda? How cruel.. 12:16 < [anders]> :-) stake = wooden stick, steak = peace of meat, usually from a cow.. :) 12:18 * tsa preferring steak. 12:19 < tsa> _large_ with pepper sauce 12:19 < tsa> *grr* being hungry, now. 12:20 < huebi> tsa: english or medium? 12:20 < tsa> huebi: medium. 12:21 < tsa> with some salad, fries or potatoes or something. 12:22 < huebi> I prefer it english with fries 12:23 < tsa> sounds good to me, too. 12:24 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1CDE4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:24 < tsa> hi bluefire 12:26 < [anders]> err.. 'english steak' meaning what? 12:26 < tsa> still being quite bloody. 12:26 < huebi> [anders]: with blod in it 12:26 < huebi> +o 12:27 < [anders]> aahh.. so you call it 'english' while the english call it 'rare' 12:27 < tsa> yes. 12:29 < bluefire> Moin 12:29 < huebi> hi bluefire 12:29 < [anders]> mmhmmm... /me prefer it somewhere between medium and medium rare... Thin strip of red/pink dow the middle of the steak.. 12:30 < [anders]> down even.. And with chips (pommes frites), peas and a nice dollop of Colemans mustard.. :) 12:31 < huebi> [anders]: sound also very good. 12:31 < [anders]> And of course a pint of Carling Black Lable lager to wash it down with.. ;-) 12:32 < tsa> <- HUNGRY 12:33 < [anders]> <- eating lunch.. thick sandwiches with german pepper salami as filling.. 12:34 < [anders]> and a big mug of Earl Grey tea to drink with that.. :) 12:34 < tsa> tea? hm.. 12:34 < huebi> I like to have a stout with the steak 12:34 < tsa> <- caffeine-addicted 12:34 < tsa> huebi: or two or three or .. ;) 12:34 < [anders]> huebi: stout? you like a good pint of Guinness then.. :) 12:35 < [anders]> tsa: tea will give you the caffeine buzz as well... It is only more plesant to drink.. :) 12:35 < huebi> [anders]: Yes. And also McKilkeney (or how it's writen) 12:36 < [anders]> Kilkenny or McEwans ? :) 12:36 < huebi> tsa: be glad to only be adicted to caffeine. Earl Grey is much more efficient. 12:36 < huebi> Kilkenny 12:37 < [anders]> mm.. then there is Murphys as well.. but Guinness is the best stout by far.. I'll go to Dublin at some point to try out the Guinness there.. It is said to be the best in the world there.. 12:51 < [anders]> spamassassin is working very nice indeed.. :) It is now enjoyable browsing through the spam looking at how they scored. :) 12:51 < tsa> hehe 12:52 < [anders]> A friend here at work got a spam that scored 37 something points.. :) 12:52 < tsa> nice. 12:52 < [anders]> my top score is only in the twenties.. 12:53 < tsa> it's really funny when work mail gets classified as being spam ;) 12:53 < [anders]> must be visiting the wrong websites or subscribing to the wrong mailing-lists... ;-) 12:53 < [anders]> tsa: not got that yet.. will see what happens.. :) 12:53 < tsa> hehe....we're using mailman for internal mails and a co-worker sent a mail about his credit card.. 12:54 < tsa> so there was an unsubscribe comment and something about credit cards -> classifed as spam ;) 12:55 -!- over^putzt [oversize@frnk-d514e1be.dsl.mediaWays.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:55 -!- over^putzt is now known as oversize 12:55 < oversize> hi 12:55 < oversize> mann will ja sauerb bleiben 8) 12:55 < tsa> hehe 12:55 < tsa> hi oversize 12:58 < huebi> esden: ping.... 13:02 < [anders]> huebi: trying out the Build-12 script now.. Decided I might as well try and incorporate as much of Gnome2 as I can now.. :) 13:03 < clifford> hmm... 2.05b.0(1)-release has funny changes in tab completion .. 13:06 < tsa> in what way? 13:09 < clifford> when typing e.g. "./scri" I get "./scripts " instead of "./scripts/" 13:10 < clifford> So I need to press , so I can continue the command line. 13:12 < huebi> clifford: is that behaviour customisable? 13:13 < clifford> huebi: I don't know. I'm just running a ./scripts/Update-System here to update all packages to the latest versions an now recognised this strange behavior. 13:14 < huebi> ok. IIRC there is also a very customisable tab-completion package for the bash 13:15 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 13:18 < clifford> huebi: yes. looks like is has been merged in. There are two new builtins: 'compgen' and 'complete' to control it. 13:20 < huebi> clifford: nice to hear that. 13:23 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux 13:23 < tsa> hi tomik 13:24 < tsa> hm.. 13:24 < tsa> sybase still doesn't want to sell any stuff. 13:24 < tsa> www.sybase.de -> server error. 13:25 < tsa> same as yesterday and during the weekend. 13:27 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB67072.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux 13:28 * clifford released snapshots 200207301310. 13:29 < tsa> c00l. 13:31 -!- Netsplit sendak.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: praenti 13:39 < huebi> cu later. The Alien Care Package must be send. 13:43 < oversize> where are the kernel images suppose to be stored in ? 13:43 < tsa> /dev/null 13:43 < tsa> ;-) 13:43 < oversize> ? 13:43 < oversize> ja 13:43 < oversize> ? 13:44 < tsa> kernel -> /bott 13:44 < tsa> boot 13:44 < tsa> or what are you looking for? 13:44 < oversize> well i just compiled a new kernel and am wondering where to put it to point lilo to it 13:45 < tsa> ah. 13:45 < oversize> some default director maybe ? 13:45 < oversize> +y 13:45 < tsa> cp /usr/src/linux/System.map /boot 13:49 < tsa> cp /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/mykernel 13:50 < tsa> edit /etc/lilo.conf 13:50 < tsa> lilo. 13:50 < tsa> reboot. 13:52 < tsa> <- gone. 13:52 < oversize> k cu 13:52 -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has quit ("wech.") 13:59 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB67072.ipt.aol.com] has quit () 14:07 < esden> ahh 14:07 < esden> ph34r my n4kk1d 5k1llz 14:12 (Users #rocklinux) 14:12 [ [anders] ] [ clifford] [ fake ] [ huebi ] [ SMP ] 14:12 [ aszlig ] [ coldie ] [ Freak] [ oversize ] [ snyke] 14:12 [ blindcoder] [ d3mian ] [ Ge0rG] [ rolla ] [ tomik] 14:12 [ bluefire ] [ esden ] [ h0h0 ] [ rxr_away_] 14:12 -!- Irssi: #rocklinux: Total of 19 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 19 normal] 14:12 < esden> [11:11] < clifford> It's now from 2002-08-07 to 2002-08-11 so we also have the weekend. 14:12 < esden> that is very good !!! 14:12 -!- Netsplit over, joins: praenti 14:12 < esden> this way i am able to come by 14:12 -!- rxr_away_ [~rene@port-212-202-168-233.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 14:17 -!- rxr_away [~rene@port-212-202-172-253.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 14:53 < rolla> re 14:59 < esden> re rolla 14:59 < rolla> how goes things ? 15:01 -!- over^putzt [oversize@frnk-d514e1be.dsl.mediaWays.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:03 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1CDE4.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15:04 < clifford> esden: so when are you going to be here? 15:05 -!- oversize [oversize@frnk-d514e1be.dsl.mediaWays.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15:06 -!- over^putzt is now known as oversize 15:09 < esden> clifford: i will drive of from munich on friday evening .. and will drive back on sunday evening 15:10 < clifford> esden: you will be alone. right? 15:10 -!- mode/#rocklinux [+nck owl] 15:10 -!- Channel #rocklinux created Tue Jun 11 09:27:41 2002 15:11 < esden> mode -k #rocklinux 15:11 < esden> ups 15:11 -!- mode/#rocklinux [+o esden] by ChanServ 15:12 -!- mode/#rocklinux [+o clifford] by ChanServ 15:12 <@clifford> hehe! 15:12 -!- mode/#rocklinux [+c] by esden 15:12 < snyke> color!*jump* 15:12 < snyke> :) 15:12 < snyke> esden: 15:12 < snyke> r u @ bitz? 15:13 -!- armijn_ [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux 15:13 < armijn_> hmm 15:13 < armijn_> weird... 15:13 <@esden> hmm 15:13 < armijn_> can't join the channel in another window 15:13 <@esden> armijn_: really strange 15:13 < armijn_> I will quit that one I think :) 15:13 * clifford is sure that's esdens fault ... ;-) 15:13 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux 15:13 < Ge0rG> hehe 15:13 < armijn> wicked 15:13 <@esden> clifford: sure everything is my fault ;- 15:13 <@esden> ( 15:14 < armijn_> well, off here I think :) 15:14 < armijn> bye armijn_! 15:14 -!- armijn_ [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has quit (Client Quit) 15:14 -!- mode/#rocklinux [-o esden] by esden 15:14 < armijn> :) 15:14 < esden> hmm 15:14 < esden> strange stuff 15:14 <@clifford> esden: how many seats do you have free in your car? 15:14 < armijn> everything is esdens fault 15:14 < armijn> esden: can you come and pick me up as well? 15:14 < armijn> :) 15:14 -!- mode/#rocklinux [-o clifford] by clifford 15:14 < esden> I have two another seats free 15:14 < esden> and I take fake with me 15:15 < armijn> make a detour to .nl 15:15 < armijn> should be fun 15:15 < armijn> hehe 15:15 < esden> armijn: yes sure .. it is just on our way to .at 15:15 < esden> ;-) 15:15 -!- kaerF [freak@p50838A44.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:15 < clifford> fake is also from munich? 15:16 < armijn> wasn't it bonn? 15:16 -!- Freak [freak@pD9530145.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: kaerF!freak@p50838A44.dip.t-dialin.net))) 15:16 -!- kaerF is now known as Freak 15:16 < esden> armijn: he is haing vacation so he is in munich at his friends 15:16 < esden> hi Freak 15:16 < Freak> re 15:16 < armijn> friends? 15:16 < esden> i mean friend 15:17 < armijn> friend? 15:17 < esden> hacking all the time on rock 15:17 < armijn> you mean he's staying somewhere 15:17 < armijn> :) 15:17 < esden> armijn: yes 15:17 < armijn> I will probably install Gentoo this week 15:17 < armijn> on a machine 15:17 < clifford> meeting page updated. 15:17 < armijn> just to try it 15:17 < clifford> .. so it's only three people so far .. 15:17 < clifford> esden: how are the Rolling ROCK Articles doing? 15:17 < armijn> also need to install another RedHat...and probably Solaris 15:18 < esden> and I have my programming practics in munich next week ... so I will be there anyway ... and after the class i will get fake and drive with him to vienna 15:18 < armijn> afk 15:18 < esden> clifford: hmpf ... no time yet ... ;-) i had to finish alpha ... but it is as far as I wanted it to be so I can now do more on that 15:19 < esden> i mean articles and dietlibc 15:19 * -> esden kicking dietlibc 15:20 < clifford> aha - I didn't understand how far the articles are now .. 15:20 < esden> clifford: you can take the irc summary out ... I will not be able to write it ... sorry 15:20 < esden> it is too much to summarize >_< 15:20 < clifford> esden: It's already out since a while. It doesn't seam to be usefull for a span of multiple months anyways ... 15:21 < esden> yes I think so too 15:21 < clifford> The frontpage has a link to the mail archive and irc logs - that's all. 15:21 < clifford> (that's one of the reasons why I made the irc logs overview page) 15:22 < esden> clifford: yes I think that is enough ... 15:22 < esden> I hope so at least 15:22 < clifford> topic change: what's the status of net-tools on dietlibc? 15:23 < clifford> I need it for the install disks.. 15:24 < clifford> (it's one of the two external programs our linux will depend on) 15:25 < esden> clifford: I am currently fighting in the stage 1 >_< 15:25 < esden> thar is a real mess 15:25 < esden> I had nearly everything working 15:25 < esden> and then from one day to another everyching was broken >_< 15:25 < clifford> esden: net-tools is part of stage 1. 15:25 < esden> but I will menage it 15:25 < esden> moment ... 15:26 < esden> clifford: but it is after bash right ? 15:26 < esden> .. 15:26 < esden> let me take a look 15:27 < clifford> yes. 15:28 < esden> hmm bash is currently not building under dietlibc >_< grrr 15:28 < esden> something is wrong with locale stuff >_< 15:28 < esden> ok sh-utils are broken too 15:28 < esden> fileutils too 15:29 < esden> findutils too ... 15:29 < esden> textuitls 15:30 < esden> ahh diffutils are building cool 15:30 < esden> patch is building too .. 15:30 < esden> make is not building 15:30 < esden> greub is building ... ok 15:30 < rolla> is drock the same as rock with just more desktop type stuff ? 15:30 < esden> sed is building too 15:31 < esden> gzip likes me too 15:31 < esden> ahh tar is also my friend 15:32 < tomik> and explorer.exe has you 15:33 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 15:33 < Mike1> moin all 15:33 < esden> ok gawk, flex, bzip2, bison, autoconf, curl and wget 15:33 < esden> are building 15:33 < esden> hi Mike1 15:34 < esden> sysvinit is not building 15:34 < Mike1> esden i tested ur patch it worked on stages 0 and 1 after stage it fucked up 15:34 < armijn> esden: does the alpha stuff work already? 15:34 < armijn> need to install alpha with rock 15:34 < Mike1> after stage2* 15:34 < esden> Mike1: aha ... ok 15:35 -!- oversize [oversize@frnk-d514e1be.dsl.mediaWays.net] has quit ("[ NoNameScript 3.52 @ www.nnscript.de ]") 15:35 < esden> armijn: yes most things work ... and you can create a bootable iso ... but it is not tested correctly yet because I had no cdrom and burner that would work to test intensivly 15:35 < esden> Mike1: ok ... will take a look 15:36 < esden> clifford: net-tools are building !!! 15:36 < armijn> esden: ok, I need an iso :) 15:36 * armijn afk 15:36 < clifford> esden: when do I get the patch? 15:36 < esden> in stage 1 at least .. and that does not mean much yet 15:36 < Mike1> esden: but it looks quite nice 15:36 < esden> clifford: today 15:36 < Mike1> hallo clifford 15:36 < clifford> great. 15:37 * clifford is working on the linuxrc program right now ... 15:38 < esden> armijn: that will be difficult .. because I do not have a good data transport here ... I will see what I can do 15:39 < esden> huebi: do you have a possibility to take a look at pcmcia-cs in 1.5 tree ... ??? 15:39 < esden> huebi: please 15:47 < armijn> k 15:48 < esden> armijn: ok I am now copying the iso on my laptop ... but I can not promice if the iso works as it shoul because you are the first one to test it ... :-( 15:48 < esden> armijn: sorry 15:48 < [anders]> *gahen* 15:49 < Mike1> hi [anders] 15:49 < [anders]> I guess that means the same as *yawn*... :) 15:49 < [anders]> yo Mike. :) 15:49 < esden> hi aszlig 15:49 < esden> arghs 15:49 < esden> i mean hi [anders] 15:49 < esden> >_< 15:50 < [anders]> *lol* Hi there esden.. :) Is the tab-completion tripping you up ? 15:50 < Mike1> [anders]: you want me to sent you the 18 patches i made for gnome2? 15:50 < esden> [anders]: yes it is >_< 15:52 < esden> "do not underestimate the bandwith of esden running with his laptop through Ingolstadt" ;-) 15:53 < [anders]> Mike1: yes please.. I'll be hacking the packages in the next few days to try and get them in.. Are your patches replacing gnome1 packages or are they ment to co-exist gnome1 and gnome2? 15:54 < [anders]> and did you get the e-mail ? :) 15:54 < [anders]> @ Mike1 15:54 < Mike1> they replace then but note that to make gnome2 work we have add aditional packages that are not in the base currently 15:54 < Mike1> [anders]: yes i got it 15:55 < Mike1> the idea of having both gnome1 and gnome2 sounds good to me 15:55 < Mike1> but we have to keep in mind that currently a base+opt iso is almost 700MB 15:56 < Mike1> so we will probably have to remove kde from our private trees in orders to get an iso with gnome1 and 2 working 15:59 < [anders]> I know.. This is a worry to me and I think we should probably start looking at how to solve the problem of installing from a two CD set.. 16:00 < esden> ohh god guys ... another feature in 1.5 >_< 16:00 < esden> 1.5 will never stabilaze 16:00 < [anders]> It is possible to di that, but I don't know how to make the core installer know of packages from the 2nd CD.. 16:00 < [anders]> esden: it will.. 16:01 < esden> [anders]: if we add more and more features it will never get stable ... 16:01 < Mike1> [anders]: i will ask Rene the did a nice work with this on dRock 16:02 < Mike1> esden: this features have not been added to the current cvs tree, only to [anders] and mine's private 1.5 trees 16:02 < Mike1> [anders]: mail sent 16:02 < [anders]> esden: this is not for 1.6.0, this is something thst we should try and implement into 1.6.1 16:03 < esden> clifford: please add the next week event to the news on the frontpage ... or you want to add it afterwords ? 16:03 < [anders]> Mike1: Thanks.. It should turn up in the next few mins.. :) 16:03 < esden> [anders]: ok ... 16:04 < [anders]> esden: it has been overdue to get the facility to install from a >1CD set in ROCK for a while now.. 16:04 < Mike1> clifford: https://www.rocklinux.org/people/mike/projects/multi-lang/ 16:05 < [anders]> Mike1: does Gnome1 still build cleanly with your patches applied? :) 16:05 < [anders]> I have not had a chance to try it myself yet, I was just wondering if you had already tried it... 16:06 < Mike1> [anders]: it should but i havent test it i will probable do it tonight 16:06 < Mike1> i have been busy with 1.7 16:06 < esden> [anders]: sure ... we need it ... but i do not like the idea to add _any_ new packets or features in the moment ... we need 1.6 ... afterworkd we can add what we want ... and then bring 1.6.1 out or so 16:07 < [anders]> Mike1: I have copied and modified the Build-All script (called it Build-12) so I can build only stage 1+2 and make a copy of the dist directory. Then I can build stage 3 over and over again until I am happy.. 16:08 < [anders]> esden: that was my idea.. I would like Gnome2 to wait until 1.6.1 and have a more polished gnome install then that uses Gnome2 and only have what is required from gnome 1.4 to build packages that isn't yet converted to gtk+ 2.0 16:09 < esden> [anders]: good ;-) 16:09 < rolla> is there a problem with terminfo for rxvt on rock 1.5.16 ? 16:10 < Mike1> esden: i guess what you mean is that i shouldnt have sent the gnome patches i sent the other day 16:10 < rolla> my vim does not show color with rxvt on it :( but it works on xterm 16:11 < [anders]> Mike1: if Gnome 1.4 still builds with thos patches in, no problem.. :) 16:11 < [anders]> those even.. 16:14 < Mike1> ok :( 16:15 < [anders]> Gnome2 is pretty and as a work-environment it looks great, the opt directory I installed it into is 250MB in size however.. 16:15 < esden> Mike1: I do not know what patches it were ... 16:15 < [anders]> Even with good compression in bzip2, that is an additional 50-60 MB on the CD.. on top of everything else.. 16:15 < esden> but now I go to bitz 16:15 < esden> cu l8er 16:16 * -> esden going to a climatized room !!! 16:16 < esden> hehe 16:16 < Mike1> see you esden 16:16 < [anders]> cya esden 16:17 < Mike1> [anders]: so perhaps we should make a new private tree with only gnome2 16:17 < Mike1> and port our work for 1.6.1 as you said before 16:17 < Mike1> or even if we get it to build stable before maybe it can be added 16:18 < [anders]> Mike1: that sounds like a good plan.. 16:18 < Mike1> so lets do it :) 16:18 < Mike1> and work together on it if you lik 16:18 < Mike1> +e 16:19 < [anders]> The primary objective is to get 1.6.0 out the door and sooner rather than later.. When Rene is back, he should fix the kernel packages in 1.5.17 and then 1.6.0 is only days away.. 16:19 < [anders]> Mike1: Sounds a good plan to me.. :) Two heads are better than one.. ;-) 16:19 < Mike1> :) 16:20 -!- tsa [~tsa@rossini.marcant.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:20 < tsa> re 16:20 < Mike1> hi tsa 16:20 < tsa> hi Mike1 16:20 < [anders]> moin tsa, wie gehts? 16:21 < tsa> hi [anders] 16:21 < tsa> hehe...seems we can export LANG=de_DE soon ;-) 16:21 < [anders]> nein, ich kannst nicht viel deutsch sprachen.. :) 16:22 < [anders]> I only know bits of german, and not very much or good at that.. 16:22 < tsa> [anders]: well, i guess you speak enough german now to order a beer and a woman.. ;-) 16:22 < Mike1> d3mian: are you awake? 16:22 < Mike1> tsa: is there anything more to learn besides that? 16:23 < [anders]> tsa: would that be something along the lines of "Ein bier und eine schöne frau bitte" 16:23 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 16:23 < tsa> Mike1: no, nothing else important, as far as i can remember.. 16:23 < tsa> [anders]: yes, that's perfect. 16:24 < [anders]> perhaps there should be another word between 'schöne' and 'frau' but that is a bit rude and I don't kbnow it... :) 16:24 < [anders]> -b 16:25 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@dhcp024-210-222-139.woh.rr.com] has quit ("I don't care. I don't give a shit. Now Shut up.") 16:25 < tsa> hehe 16:25 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux 16:25 < tsa> hi Ge0rG 16:25 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@3ffe:80ee:7c6:0:0:0:0:fe] has joined #rocklinux 16:25 < Ge0rG> re 16:25 < tsa> hi h0h0 16:26 < h0h0> `lo 16:26 * [anders] nees a german <-> english dictionary 16:26 < tsa> [anders]: https://dict.leo.org 16:26 < Ge0rG> [anders]: look for "ding" on freshmeat... 16:27 < [anders]> I ment a dead tree version.., but thanks anyway guys.. :) 16:28 < Ge0rG> [anders]: then you should look on amazon ;) 16:29 < h0h0> heh, thats a nice way of putting it 16:33 < rolla> :) 16:34 < [anders]> I will.. I need to get my old russian <-> swedish dictionary sent over to me by my parents I think.. Or I'll pick it up next time I go and visit them.. 16:40 < armijn> blah 16:42 < tsa> hi armijn 16:42 < armijn> hi 16:46 * Mike1 creating 1.5.17-private tree 16:52 < [anders]> Mike1: huebi was suggesting earlier we use /usr/gnome1 and /usr/gnome2 to keep the two separate, but from what I can tell, they should be able to co-exist in /usr both of them quite nicely. Not to mention that things like Evolution then becomes a lot easier to deal with. 16:52 < [anders]> which reminds me, I should probably pester the Ximian guys again.. Evolution 1.0.8 doesn't build, even when dependencies are met.. 16:55 < Mike1> [anders]: you sure they can co-exist fine? 16:58 -!- rolla [~Der@] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 17:02 < Mike1> root@alicia:/mnt/devel/rock-1.5.17-private# patch -Nfp1 < eel.patch 17:02 < Mike1> patching file base-config/eel/eel.pz 17:02 < Mike1> Hunk #1 FAILED at 1. 17:02 < Mike1> 1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file base-config/eel/eel.pz.rej 17:02 < Mike1> root@alicia:/mnt/devel/rock-1.5.17-private# 17:02 < Mike1> what does this error mean? 17:03 < [anders]> Mike1: I am not 100% certain until I try.. 17:03 < armijn> that's a patching error 17:03 < Mike1> armijn: i know its a patching error what i need to know is what does it mean 17:04 < Mike1> i have seen this error before 17:04 < armijn> well, look at the rejects file! 17:04 < Mike1> but i dont know what is it 17:04 < armijn> paste the first few lines here... 17:04 < Mike1> 17:05 < Mike1> *************** 17:05 < Mike1> *** 1,4 **** 17:05 < Mike1> ---- scripts/packages 030.846 17:05 < Mike1> - o --3-5- x11 eel 1.0.2 "Free" 17:05 < Mike1> ---- base-archive/INDEX 1 17:05 < Mike1> - 3226516659 eel/eel-1.0.2.tar.bz2 ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/stable/sources/eel/ 17:05 < Mike1> --- 1,4 ---- 17:05 < Mike1> ---- scripts/packages 030.846 17:05 < Mike1> + o --3-5- x11 eel 2.0.0 "Free" 17:05 < Mike1> ---- base-archive/INDEX 1 17:05 < Mike1> + 1224790858 eel/eel-2.0.0.tar.bz2 https://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/2.0.0/releases/gnome-2.0-desktop-final/ 17:05 < [anders]> I kept gnome2 completely separate as I was not sure what was going to happen.. and since this laptop is my workstation and what I use for a living, I was not going to jeopardise it.. 17:05 < Mike1> 17:05 < Mike1> thats all what the .rej file say 17:05 < Mike1> [anders]: so lets just go for independent packages untill we get it to build properly :) 17:06 < armijn> that's the whole thing? 17:06 < [anders]> Mike1: Ack.. 17:06 < Mike1> armijn: yes 17:07 < armijn> probably you're patching in the wrong directory 17:07 < armijn> or, that's what patch thinks... 17:07 < Mike1> armijn: mmm.. ok i will have a deper look 17:10 * [anders] has now successfully run the Build-12 scripts, then backed up the dist dir (about 100MB tgz) and is now running the Build-3 script to build only and just stage 3. :) 17:11 * Mike1 wants those scripts 17:11 < [anders]> Means I don't have to rebuild stages 1 and 2 again if stage 3 fouls up.. :) 17:11 < [anders]> Mike1: e-mail then to you? 17:11 < [anders]> them even.. :) 17:12 < Mike1> YES :-) 17:12 -!- rolla [~Der@stlmaisenhel.ugs.com] has joined #rocklinux 17:12 < rolla> re 17:13 < [anders]> warning, they are just hacked about versions of Build-All ... :) 17:14 < Mike1> *sent it* *sent it* :) 17:15 < tsa> hehe 17:16 < d3mian> good afetrnoon there! 17:16 < d3mian> good morning Mike1 17:16 < Mike1> Good morning d3mian 17:16 -!- tomik_ [~tomik@] has joined #rocklinux 17:16 -!- tomik [~tomik@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17:16 < Mike1> d3mian: https://www.rocklinux.org/people/mike/projects/multi-lang/Documentation/ 17:19 < d3mian> ohh nice :) 17:19 < tsa> c00l. 17:19 < d3mian> well, i have to take a breakfast 17:20 < tsa> (although it seems i've forgotten most of my spanish ;-) 17:20 < Mike1> i'm only missing the FAQ, BUILD-CLUSTER, and HACKING-HOWTO 17:20 < Mike1> tsa: it might help you remember some :) 17:20 < tsa> Mike1: yeah, sure... 17:20 < d3mian> tsa: me too :( 17:20 < Mike1> d3mian: so go take ur breakfast 17:20 < d3mian> :) 17:21 < tsa> en COMPILAR, dice: Digite './scripts/Cleanup --full' 17:21 < Mike1> tsa: perhaps you might wanna help with lang=de_DE 17:21 < Mike1> yes so? 17:22 < tsa> ./scripts/Cleanup -full 17:22 < tsa> solo un "-" 17:22 < Mike1> oh :) 17:22 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux () 17:22 < tsa> LEAME: "maintaners" 17:23 < tsa> +i 17:23 < tsa> ;) 17:23 < Mike1> tsa: yeah i cant think of a nice word in spanish for it 17:23 < [anders]> Mike1: e-mail has now been sent, you should have it in a few minutes.. :) 17:24 < tsa> Mike1: necesito un "i" mas.. 17:24 < tsa> maintaners <-> maintainers 17:24 < Mike1> mm.. 17:25 < Mike1> both typos fixed thank you tsa 17:25 < tsa> ok. 17:25 < Mike1> tell me more :) 17:25 < tsa> no he encontrado otros errores. 17:25 < Mike1> *g 17:26 < Mike1> i still need to add the "ñ" to some words and "tildes" as well 17:26 < tsa> ah, si. pero no se como lo puede hacer. 17:26 < Mike1> tonight i will finish to translate BUILD-CLUSTER and FAQ 17:27 < Mike1> tsa: yo tampoco estoy muy seguro pero voy a trabajar en ello 17:27 < tsa> .oO( export LANG=de_es_en ) 17:27 < tsa> *G* 17:28 < tsa> Mike1: ok.. 17:28 < Mike1> tsa: so what do you think about taking care of lang=de_DE? 17:29 < Mike1> So far we are working on spanish and polish 17:29 < Mike1> right <>?? 17:30 < [anders]> export LANG=es_de_en 17:31 < [anders]> esdeen ? 17:32 < Mike1> [anders]: https://www.rocklinux.org/people/mike/projects/multi-lang/multi.html 17:33 < Mike1> we even someone to help us with swedish 17:33 < [anders]> Mike1: looking at it.. has the e-mail arrived? 17:33 < [anders]> Huu.. you'd like me to do some xlation to svenska? *g* 17:34 < Mike1> hehe why not 17:35 < [anders]> After I get gnome2 working.. :) 17:36 < [anders]> I have to keep my 'outside of work' workload down a bit.. I can't take on too much as I would not be able to do much and I don't want to disappoint people.. 17:36 < Mike1> [anders]: yes i got the mail thanks :) 17:36 < tsa> Mike1: i'll have a look at the docs later....shouldn't be that difficult, i guess. 17:37 < tsa> guess i'll just start and send you what i got. 17:37 < Mike1> tsa: no it is not dificult at all 17:37 < Mike1> tsa: i can give you an rsync account for to work around and whe you are done i will merge your work with the others 17:38 < Mike1> it took me less than 1 hour to translate half the docs so its pretty easy 17:38 < tsa> Mike1: don't currently need one, guess it'll be easier to just send you the stuff by mail. 17:38 < [anders]> <- afk 17:38 < Mike1> [anders]: dont worry we will do step by step 17:38 < tsa> cu [anders] 17:38 < [anders]> cya chaps. back later... 17:39 < Mike1> tsa: ok 17:39 < Mike1> cu [anders] 17:46 < esden> re hi all 17:47 < Mike1> re esden :) 17:52 < tsa> cu all. 17:52 < tsa> have to get some more work done.. 17:52 -!- tsa [~tsa@rossini.marcant.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 17:58 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@3ffe:80ee:7c6:0:0:0:0:fe] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 18:08 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1CD06.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:10 < Mike1> hello bluefire 18:12 < esden> clifford: ping ? 18:12 < bluefire> Hi 18:12 < esden> hi bluefire 18:54 < blindcoder> hi all 18:56 < Mike1> hi blindcoder 18:57 < esden> hi blindy 18:59 -!- blindcoder [crash@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("Lost terminal") 19:00 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@3ffe:80ee:7c6:0:0:0:0:fe] has joined #rocklinux 19:01 -!- blindcoder [crash@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 19:01 < blindcoder> i hate screen >_< 19:02 < h0h0> I don't see why people use screen 19:04 < blindcoder> too lazy to manage 25 XTerms 19:06 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B56a4.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 19:06 < blindcoder> hi owl 19:06 < owl> hi 19:06 < owl> hi blindcoder 19:07 < rolla> re owl 19:07 < Mike1> Preparing build in \e[34;1m/R.work/src.gtk+1.1028025664.987.3606075763\e[0m 19:07 < Mike1> Building. Writing output to \e[35;1m$root\e[34;1m/var/adm/logs/3-gtk+1\e[33m.out\e[0m 19:07 < Mike1> see esden? 19:09 < blindcoder> esden: you here? 19:09 < Mike1> <> 19:13 < esden> Mike1: hmm ... 19:13 < esden> blindcoder: es hat schon mehr oder weniger sinn wegen dem traffic ... die frage ist nur wieviele es wirklich ist ... 19:14 < esden> blindcoder: die frage ist ob sich der aufwand lohnt ... 19:14 < blindcoder> esden: heute warens 5 Leute 19:15 < blindcoder> esden: nachdem bereits Auto-Away implementiert ist ist Auto-Logoff nur ne Formsache 19:16 < esden> ja schon klar ... aber die frage ist ob es echt so viel traffic ist das es sich lohnt noch mehr die leute zu vergraulen ... 19:16 < blindcoder> der traffic juckt mich ehrlich gesagt gar net :) 19:17 < blindcoder> nee ich füge jetzt eifach ne zweite zahl in accounts/community.php ein die anzeigt wieviele Leute Away sind 19:17 < esden> ja dann sehe ich kein argument dafuer die leute zu vergraulen 19:17 < esden> deshalb bin ich dagegen 19:17 < esden> ja mache das 19:17 * blindcoder @work 19:18 < blindcoder> esden: implementiert 19:22 -!- clifford [~clifford@] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 19:22 < huebi> MoeP! 19:22 -!- coldie [jeff@232pc232.sshunet.nl] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 19:22 < Mike1> moin huebi 19:22 < owl> hi huebi 19:22 -!- clifford [~clifford@] has joined #rocklinux 19:22 < Mike1> re clifford 19:22 < huebi> esden: The Alien Care Packet is on the way to Ingolstadt. 19:22 < owl> hi clifford 19:23 < huebi> hi Miguel , hi owl 19:25 < Mike1> huebi: earlier today i was talking to [anders] about the improvements to include gnome2, is well know that we have run out of space on the base+opt cd, and will need in a near future to work arround multiple cd installs 19:25 < d3mian> hi clifford huebi 19:25 < huebi> hi d3mian 19:25 < Mike1> no i know that if we add gnome2 now it will be just another feature and will distract us a little bit on the way to get stable 19:26 < huebi> Mike1: We can have Gnome2 now for testing purposes and if it works we can move gnom1 to the extensions. 19:26 < Mike1> so hopefully my patches wont affect gnome1 to build 19:26 < Mike1> huebi: yes what we thought is to create a new private tree 19:26 < Mike1> once we get it to build properly we add it to the base 19:27 < Mike1> and move gnome1 to the base 19:27 < Mike1> ext* 19:27 < huebi> ACK 19:28 < Mike1> but i think we should add multiple cd install to the TODO list 19:33 < esden> huebi: coool !!!!!!! *jumparound* 19:33 * -> esden fighting changes in bash that were made in the last version >_< 19:34 < esden> blindcoder: gut ... 19:34 < esden> re clifford 19:35 < esden> ahh bash is now compiling *jump_up_and_down* 19:41 < huebi> Ripclaw is coming soon. Bringing a dual Pentium 200 MMX for installation debuging 19:49 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has quit ("Changing server") 19:50 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 20:02 < h0h0> can anyone get to spyproductions.com 20:02 < h0h0> nevermind 20:02 < h0h0> its ecn-defective 20:17 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB47A4A.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux 20:20 -!- demo [~clifford@M095P017.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 20:20 < Mike1> hi demo :) 20:21 < d3mian> hallo demo 20:21 < demo> hi. just testing ... 20:21 -!- demo [~clifford@M095P017.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 20:21 < clifford> hmm... that works fine. 20:21 < Mike1> clifford: ? 20:21 < clifford> I am demo. 20:21 < Mike1> ja ich wiess 20:22 < Mike1> but i mean what are you testing? 20:22 < d3mian> #rocklinux can't join channel (need correct key) 20:22 < clifford> nick@kaibigan.org.uk just wrote on the mailing list that he can only connect with a keyword... 20:22 < clifford> did anyone play arround with 'mode +k' ??? 20:23 < clifford> d3mian: correct. 20:23 < d3mian> yes, i also read that mail, but dunno why the guy is having that prob 20:24 < WKaibigan> I am the one that posted the mail. I closed down MIrc and started it up again and got into the channel. 20:24 < Mike1> WKaibigan: hehe strange 20:25 < WKaibigan> Very weird. I could get into other channels with no problem. 20:25 < clifford> ok - problem solved. I'm falling back into my coma now.. ;-) 20:25 < esden> clifford: it can be that i made something some time ago wrong ... but I have corrected it ... many hours ago 20:25 -!- clifford is now known as clifford_away 20:25 < esden> the channel is now having only +cn ... that is standard 20:25 < esden> hmm 20:26 < huebi> esden: Mathilda will alway join this chanel... 20:27 < Mike1> huebi: BTW where is Mathilda? 20:27 < esden> humm 20:28 < huebi> Mike1: Taking care of the Alien Care Packet for esden 20:29 < esden> hehe ;-) 20:29 < Mike1> huebi: nice 20:30 * -> esden is looking forward to see the packet ... there is some black paper with blue text on it in the packet ... and a itanium box ;-) 20:30 < Mike1> esden funny thing the colors on the build dont work for .out and .log but if get a .err it shows up colors 20:34 < esden> hmm ... really strange ... 20:35 < Mike1> esden yes certainly 20:36 < Mike1> anyways i'm going to get lunch now see you in a while 20:37 < esden> Mike1: I am currently messing around with stage 0 and 1 with dietlibc ... so if i get beyond I will correct this problem 20:37 < Mike1> esden sure, anyways i will look at it later i first want to finsih my build and see if i can fix some of the errors i got 20:38 * Mike1 away 20:48 < [anders]> I is back... Time to have a poke about with the gnome2 cruft.. 20:51 < [anders]> moin zusammen 20:51 < [anders]> or something along those lines iirc.. 20:52 < huebi> re [anders] 20:52 < [anders]> yo huebi.. wie gehts? 20:56 < [anders]> <- afk, shopping a bit quickly.. 20:56 < huebi> [anders]: fine ;-) 20:58 -!- plfiorini [~plfiorini@r-bo043-2-213.tin.it] has joined #rocklinux 20:59 < d3mian> re [anders], hi plfiorini 20:59 < plfiorini> hi d3mian 20:59 < plfiorini> god i need a 700mb cdr 20:59 < plfiorini> so i'll install rock ;) 20:59 -!- plfiorini is now known as plfiorini|a 21:01 < d3mian> nice plfiorini|a ;) 21:02 < esden> ok ... got food 21:04 * Mike1 back 21:04 < Mike1> ciao plfiorini|a 21:06 < Mike1> Yo guys tsa is having the same problem WKaibigan was having with the keyword 21:06 < Mike1> who set it up? 21:07 -!- tsa_ [~uucp@attila.hrz.uni-bielefeld.de] has joined #rocklinux 21:07 -!- d3m|an [~john@] has joined #rocklinux 21:07 < tsa_> urgh 21:07 < Mike1> :) 21:07 < tsa_> interesting 21:07 < Mike1> tsa_: ? 21:07 < d3m|an> didnt have probs 21:08 -!- d3m|an [~john@] has quit (Client Quit) 21:08 < owl> hi tsa. 21:08 < tsa_> from my home machine: -- Cannot join #rocklinux (Requires keyword). 21:08 < tsa_> seems to be a server problem. 21:08 < Mike1> should we mode -nc 21:08 < Mike1> ? 21:08 < WKaibigan> tsa: Same as I got when I tried earlier. 21:09 < tsa_> yeah, i read your mail.. 21:10 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9525473.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:10 -!- tsa_ [~uucp@attila.hrz.uni-bielefeld.de] has quit (Client Quit) 21:10 < tsa> aaah...better 21:10 < Mike1> hehe 21:10 < Mike1> tsa: what did you do? 21:10 < tsa> Mike1: changed server 21:10 < tsa> bear.openprojects.net seems to be ok. 21:10 < d3mian> i was reading above tsa, u speak very good spanish 21:11 < Mike1> tsa: just i told ya :) 21:11 < tsa> sendak.openprojects.net has the problem. 21:11 < tsa> Mike1: yeah, you're correct.. 21:11 < Mike1> d3mian: claro tsa es un experto en español 21:11 < esden> argh ... I sometimes want to kill some developers ... >_< 21:11 < tsa> hehe 21:11 < Mike1> esden: ? 21:12 < tsa> esden: hm....let's see.. 21:12 < tsa> esden: rene? 21:12 < esden> the sh-utils developers are not using the defines in the libc but are defining everything by themselves ... and that is not working correctly ... and/or their config scripts are messed up 21:15 < d3mian> ion ruleZ 21:16 < d3mian> but i couldnt find a keybind to split frames vertically :( 21:17 < esden> ion ?? o_O 21:17 < esden> url ? 21:17 < d3mian> ion, a windowmanager, look for it in freshmeat 21:18 * Mike1 likes windowmaker 21:18 < Mike1> :) 21:20 < d3mian> i found that keybind now :) 21:20 < esden> hmm /me taking a look 21:21 < tomik_> wm! 21:21 < tomik_> mmm ;) 21:21 -!- tomik_ is now known as tomik 21:24 < tsa> GRRRR. 21:24 < tsa> all of rxr 21:24 < Mike1> ? 21:24 < tsa> 's cvs stuff has wrong cksums. 21:25 < tsa> using cksums with cvs doesn't make any sense to me, anyway.. 21:27 < Mike1> tsa: i am currently running an 1.7 build, got 25 broken packages untill now, 20 of then belongs to rene's category i will ask him when he gets back 21:27 -!- plfiorini|a is now known as plfiorini 21:27 < Mike1> re plfiorini 21:27 < plfiorini> re Mike1 21:27 < plfiorini> oh well my scooter woorks fine 21:27 < plfiorini> it is the first boot with the new engine 21:28 < plfiorini> d3mian: i would want to build a new distro based on rock 21:28 < plfiorini> d3mian: i love rock for this reason 21:28 < d3mian> nice 21:29 < plfiorini> d3mian: totally based on gnome 21:29 < plfiorini> d3mian: but first i must look at drock 21:29 < d3mian> btw, Mike1, ur 1.5.17 build cd restart my PC after lilo finish loading the ramdisk 21:29 -!- lilo` [lilo@lilo.staff.opn] has joined #rocklinux 21:29 < Mike1> plfiorini: and with export lang=it_IT? 21:29 < lilo`> hmmm, so should there be a key on the channel? 21:29 < Mike1> hi Rob 21:29 -!- mode/#rocklinux [-k owl] by lilo` 21:30 -!- mode/#rocklinux [+k test] by lilo` 21:30 < plfiorini> Mike1: yeah 21:30 -!- mode/#rocklinux [-k test] by lilo` 21:30 < lilo`> hey Mike1 21:30 * lilo` heard there was some sort of desync problem 21:30 < Mike1> lilo`: somehow some people has been having trouble login here 21:30 -!- dilbert [lilo@lilo.staff.opn] has joined #rocklinux 21:30 < esden> hi lilo 21:30 -!- dilbert [lilo@lilo.staff.opn] has left #rocklinux () 21:31 -!- tsa_ [~uucp@attila.hrz.uni-bielefeld.de] has joined #rocklinux 21:31 < esden> there are people having probems to join 21:31 -!- tsa_ [~uucp@attila.hrz.uni-bielefeld.de] has left #rocklinux () 21:31 -!- frederic [~root@pD9502A74.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux 21:31 < frederic> hi 21:31 < esden> they get the information that they need a vaild key 21:31 < esden> hi frederic 21:32 < esden> lilo`: i thought that there was a +k mode in the channel but there is none ... or I am blind :-/ 21:32 < lilo`> esden: there may have been a desync problem with it 21:32 < Mike1> lilo do you think this could be a single server issue ? 21:32 < lilo`> esden: I added a key and removed it, I think that fixed it 21:32 * Mike1 testing 21:32 < esden> lilo`: ok ... we will see ... thanks 21:32 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 21:32 < tsa> anyway, the problem seems to be gone. 21:33 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 21:33 < Mike1> seems to work for me 21:33 -!- weasel_ [weasel@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 21:33 < weasel_> hmm seems to be ok 21:33 < lilo`> good 21:33 < plfiorini> Mike1: are you interestd in export LC_ALL=it_IT? why? are you italian? 21:33 < Mike1> thank you so much Rob 21:33 < lilo`> I think it was some sort of odd +k desync 21:33 -!- weasel_ [weasel@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit (Client Quit) 21:33 < lilo`> not a problem! 21:33 -!- lilo` [lilo@lilo.staff.opn] has left #rocklinux ("* lilo waves") 21:34 * tsa happy again. 21:34 < Mike1> plfiorini: no i'm costarrican but i sort i realized it would be in it since you are from italy :) 21:34 < esden> tsa: here you have a gutti ;-) 21:34 < tsa> these guys are fast. less than a minute after i msg'd lilo and everything is fixed.. 21:34 < plfiorini> Mike1: hehe :) 21:35 < esden> tsa: this guy is doing this all day ... 21:35 < esden> and nothing besides it ... 21:35 * Mike1 thinks how cool it would be to have support for italian on Multi-Lang Rock project 21:35 < esden> Mike1: that would be really cool 21:35 < tsa> esden: desyncing servers to be helpful and resync them? ;-) 21:36 < esden> tsa: hehe ;-) 21:36 < esden> Mike1: we currently have en, es, de, pl ... right ? 21:37 < Mike1> esden: yes 21:37 < esden> good ... we need more ;-) 21:37 < Mike1> pretty nice for a project that has been started less than 24 hours ago 21:37 < esden> Mike1: and you will have to coordinate all this ;-) 21:37 < esden> Mike1: have fun ;-) 21:37 < esden> muahahaha 21:38 < Mike1> esden: sure i will, just need to make some pression over the mainatiner 21:38 < Mike1> *are polish docs finished* 21:38 < Mike1> ? 21:38 < Mike1> *are polish docs finished* 21:38 < Mike1> *g 21:38 < d3mian> is Ripclaw italian ? 21:39 < Mike1> d3mian: no 21:39 < esden> d3mian: NO 21:39 < Mike1> d3mian: but plfiorini is :) 21:39 < esden> Mike1: do not bug me ;-) 21:39 < d3mian> k, dunno why i was thinking so, :p 21:39 < Mike1> d3mian: https://www.rocklinux.org/people/esden/gallery/ 21:39 < d3mian> who could be interested in polish language ? 21:40 * Mike1 bugging esden 21:40 < Mike1> *bug* *bug* *bug* 21:40 -!- clifford_away [~clifford@] has quit ("Client Exiting") 21:41 -!- th [th@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux 21:41 < rolla> re th 21:41 < tsa> hi th 21:41 < Mike1> hi th 21:41 < huebi> moin th 21:41 < esden> Mike1: :PPPP 21:41 < d3mian> th: ion ;) 21:42 < plfiorini> hi th 21:42 * th just connected to opn. this join was not wanted. 21:42 -!- th [th@rocklinux.de] has left #rocklinux ("seriously distressed.") 21:42 < tsa> huh? 21:42 < Mike1> what was that? 21:43 -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p50802FCA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:43 < tsa> i don't know, but th seems to be a little bit confused.. 21:43 < tsa> hi chrisime 21:44 < Mike1> tsa: maybe upset? 21:44 < esden> hmm ... 21:44 < Mike1> hello chrisime 21:44 < chrisime> jo 21:44 < tsa> Mike1: i don't know. 21:44 < chrisime> esden: !!! 21:44 < esden> what is the alternative network to opn ? 21:44 < esden> hi chrisime 21:44 < chrisime> esden: openbsd geht net mit dsl 21:44 < chrisime> da kackt 21:44 < chrisime> was 21:44 < tsa> esden: ask aszlig. 21:44 < huebi> chrisime: bullshit. 21:44 < chrisime> das ding meckert sich eins ueber meine ppp.conf ab :( 21:44 < esden> chrisime: bei mir daheim get es einwandfrei 21:44 < chrisime> huebi: :*( 21:44 < chrisime> esden: bin zu dumm wohl 21:45 < chrisime> hast von cd installiert? 21:45 < chrisime> hi Mike1 21:45 < esden> chrisime: ja 21:45 < chrisime> esden: hmm 21:45 < chrisime> der meckert wegen colons rum 21:45 < chrisime> die sind aba korrekt 21:45 < huebi> chrisime: mach jetzt nicht auf owl. Sie dir doch einfach mal mit google die Loesungen dazu an. 21:46 < huebi> chrisime: Wenns korrekt ist, dann gehts auch. 21:46 < tsa> hehe 21:46 < esden> chrisime: ich hole dir gerade nen experten ... er schaut gerade nach 21:46 < chrisime> huebi: du dummi ;) hab ne loesung benutzt 21:46 < tsa> huebi: hat owl eigentlich heute irgendwann doch noch mal den Kaffee geliefert? 21:46 < chrisime> huebi: die die auch esden benutzt hat 21:46 < huebi> chrisime: Dann ist die vielleicht falsch? 21:46 < frederic> chrisime: was meckert er bei ppp.conf? 21:46 < chrisime> weil ich die ihm geben hab :P 21:46 < esden> chrisime: denn die version die ich benutzt habe hatte paar seiner fixes 21:46 < chrisime> esden: was? 21:46 < chrisime> frederic: line 2 missing colon 21:46 < chrisime> und so 21:46 < chrisime> irgendso schrott 21:46 < esden> chrisime: meine cd war kein orginal 3.1 21:47 < chrisime> kanns net zeigen weil mein server momentan laeuft und ohne waere ich net hier 21:47 < chrisime> esden: meine au net 21:47 < frederic> chrisime: es gab einen fehler in pppoe, das sieht mir nicht dansch aus... 21:47 < chrisime> kann sein 21:48 < chrisime> ich kann das dumme ding au net mounte 21:48 < chrisime> n 21:48 < chrisime> naja 21:48 < chrisime> evtl. doch jetzt 21:48 < chrisime> lemme check 21:49 < esden> chrisime: vielleicht hast irgendwo einen typo ... 21:49 < chrisime> hmm 21:49 < chrisime> wie sieht deine aus? 21:49 < chrisime> ich kanns net mounten, mein server hat keine bsd fs unterstuetzung 21:50 < chrisime> disklabel besser gesagt 21:50 < esden> du meinst die ppp.conf ? 21:50 < esden> oder was ? 21:50 < chrisime> ja 21:50 < esden> mom 21:50 < chrisime> ich habs so benutzt wie auf der seite 21:50 < chrisime> abgetippt 21:50 < chrisime> der meckerte auch wegen so nem device 21:51 < chrisime> /dev/cuua1 oder so 21:51 < chrisime> meherere sogar 21:51 < chrisime> 0 1 2 etc. 21:51 < frederic> chrisime: wieso? was will er mit nem seriellen Device? 21:51 < chrisime> das sind serielle geraete 21:51 < chrisime> frederic: wenn ich das wuesste 21:51 < chrisime> frederic: keine ahnung was der damit verbricht 21:52 < chrisime> frederic: kann man bsd auch direkt uebers netz installieren, ohne vorher irgendeine ppp.conf eingerichtet zu haben (ich mein halt direkt mit dsl) 21:52 < frederic> chrisime: denke nicht 21:52 < frederic> chrisime: bin mir ziemlich sicher 21:52 < chrisime> ja 21:52 < chrisime> das das prob 21:53 < frederic> chrisime: hast du openbsd noch nicht fertig installiert? 21:53 < chrisime> doch 21:54 < chrisime> kompletti 21:54 < chrisime> ich starte mal den server 21:54 < chrisime> damit ich die ppp.conf igrendwie kopieren kann 21:54 < chrisime> umse euch zu zeigen 21:54 < chrisime> ok? 21:54 < chrisime> brbr 21:54 < chrisime> oops 21:54 < chrisime> also, ich werd noch da sein als ghost, weil ich den server abwuerge 21:54 < chrisime> nun 21:55 -!- chrisime is now known as chrisGHOST 21:55 < Mike1> d3mian: wanna come by costarica.net today? 21:55 < d3mian> maybe 21:55 < d3mian> :) 21:55 < Mike1> let me know if you can / want :) 21:56 < d3mian> depending.. what da u want to do? 21:56 * Mike1 on the phone brb 21:57 -!- plfiorini [~plfiorini@r-bo043-2-213.tin.it] has quit ("OAV rulez") 21:57 < blindcoder> good night everyone 21:57 < d3mian> n8 blindcoder 22:01 < Mike1> nacht blindcoder 22:01 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1CD06.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out) 22:01 * Mike1 back 22:02 < Mike1> d3mian: i am going to create my new private development tree 22:02 < Mike1> for 1.5* 22:03 < Mike1> on which i will add gnome2 and evolution 22:03 < d3mian> i see 22:03 < d3mian> well, i could arrive there since 4 pm 22:03 < Mike1> it could be a good chance for you to learn how does base-config/* and ext-config/* stuff work 22:04 < d3mian> ill burn a new CD and ill arrive home to test filemaker and oracle things 22:04 < Mike1> d3mian: i would prefer it if you can come after 5 22:04 < d3mian> as u want 22:05 < Mike1> so should i wait for you? 22:05 < d3mian> yes, at 5pm right? 22:05 < Mike1> d3mian: BTW what was the problem you said you had with my 1.5.17 iso? 22:05 < Mike1> yeah 22:06 < Mike1> and then you can help bug esden with the polish docs 22:06 < d3mian> cd boots, but after loading ramdisk, my pc is rebooted 22:06 * Mike1 bugging esden again 22:06 < Mike1> *BUG* *BUG* *BUG* 22:06 < esden> mike ... 22:06 < tsa> hehe 22:06 < Mike1> esden: j/k 22:07 < d3mian> and.. its strange, but in another pc, ramdisk is loades sucessfull but it says "VFS : cant mount a root reiserfs blablabla" 22:07 < Mike1> d3mian: while booting to install? 22:07 < Mike1> or an installed system? 22:08 < d3mian> booting 22:08 < d3mian> we will talk about that later, i have to go home now 22:08 < Mike1> ok have fun 22:08 < Mike1> see you 22:08 < d3mian> cu guys 22:13 -!- chrisGHOST [~chrisime@p50802FCA.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 22:16 < Mike1> SMP: 22:16 * tsa building today's 1.7-dev snapshot. 22:16 < Mike1> mike@alicia:~/test$ RSH_CVS=ssh cvs -d mike@cvs.rocklinux.de:/home/rockcvs/cvs co rock-1.5 22:16 < Mike1> rocklinux.de: Connection refused 22:16 < Mike1> cvs [checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any) 22:16 < Mike1> mike@alicia:~/test$ 22:21 < SMP> CVS_RSH != RSH_CVS 22:21 < Mike1> SMP: oh hehe you are right my mistake 22:21 < Mike1> sorry 22:27 < frederic> hi chrisime 22:28 -!- frederic [~root@pD9502A74.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit ("Lost terminal") 22:29 -!- plfiorini [~plfiorini@r-bo043-5a238.tin.it] has joined #rocklinux 22:30 < plfiorini> re 22:34 < [anders]> moin zusammen 22:36 < huebi> hi [anders] 22:36 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB47A4A.ipt.aol.com] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22:36 < Mike1> 'lo [anders] 22:37 * Mike1 away doing some work 22:38 * [anders] will start writing some of the packages for gnome2 22:39 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50816C3F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:39 < bluefire> re 22:40 < [anders]> here is a new one on me.... This will be interesting to debug.. :) 22:40 < plfiorini> [anders]: please include gstreamer 0.4 :) 22:40 < [anders]> == 20:01:40 =[3]=> Building base package gnome-applets [ 1.5.17-P020729].Pkg-Config: patches gnome-applets.desc done. 22:40 < [anders]> Building. Writing output to /var/adm/logs/3-gnome-applets.out 22:40 < [anders]> Build-Tar: No such package: gnome-applets 22:40 < [anders]> > make[3]: *** [install-geyesDATA] Error 1 22:41 < [anders]> plfiorini: that is not a Gnome2 package is it? That's a Gnome 1.4 package.. :) I'll see what I can do though.. It is probably best left as an extension I guess.. 22:43 < plfiorini> [anders]: I saw, but gstreamer will be a sort of part of GNOME2.2 22:44 < plfiorini> I need it for rhythmbox :) 22:44 < Mike1> [anders]: please email ur private tree when you finish there is no point on my doing the same work you are doing 22:45 < [anders]> Mike1: I'll send you patches.. I have not started yet so feel free to do what you wish so far.. I want to get a stable stage 3 build before I add packages to it. :) 22:45 -!- codeq [dennis@pD9EB7B44.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:45 < codeq> hi 22:46 < [anders]> plfiorini: Aaahh.. Okay.. Well, we'll see what we can do.. :) 22:46 < [anders]> moin codeq 22:46 < esden> ok who wants the beautiful 1.7 buildoutput cororizer patch ? it now should work beyond the stage 1 22:46 < esden> hi codeq 22:46 < [anders]> Mike1: send me an e-mail with what you have working and what you'll hack on next and I'll do the same back.. :) 22:46 < codeq> hi esden 22:46 < Mike1> [anders]: so will you do any package work today? 22:47 < [anders]> Mike1: Not tonight.. I'll fix the build breaks as far as it goes though.. Got to wrap the girlfriends presents for her birthday tomorrow as well.. 22:48 < Mike1> [anders]: ok i will sent you patches tomorrow i work around the gnome2 packages tonight 22:49 < [anders]> Mike1: Okidoki.. I'll probably get some time during the day tomorrow to tweak things and try them out.. Do you want me to send you the e-mail with the order of packages I built in gnome2 so far? 22:49 < Mike1> yes please 22:50 < Mike1> [anders]: nota that wi will try to add them all so perhaps i would very happy if you contribute with evolution :) 22:50 * Mike1 *grin* 22:54 < [anders]> Mike1: Heheheh.. I will see what I can do with Evolution.. It is still throwing a spanner in the works, but perhaps in 1.5.17 I can get it to build. 22:56 -!- meyerc [meyerc@] has joined #rocklinux 22:56 < meyerc> so 22:56 < meyerc> jetzt tuts 22:56 -!- meyerc is now known as chrisime 22:57 < chrisime> esden: war n kack fehler 22:57 < chrisime> weil die zeilen net eingerueckt waren 22:57 < chrisime> jetzt meckert der nur noch an ipctl 22:57 < chrisime> etc. 22:58 < esden> chrisime: ja ... die haben auch in der howto geschrieben das ide einrueckungen wichtig sind ... nur so zu info 22:58 < chrisime> command not found oder so 22:58 < chrisime> esden: oops 22:58 < chrisime> is n scheiss 22:58 < esden> chrisime: ja oops ;-) 22:59 < esden> chrisime: tja ... jedes system hat seine eigenheiten 22:59 < chrisime> das sind so parser die die geschrieben haben die verdammt nochmal auf so ne huehnerkacke achten 22:59 < plfiorini> [anders]: are you a gnome hacker? 22:59 < chrisime> das ist totaler bockmist 22:59 < chrisime> esden: meckert der bei dir auch an pctl oder so 23:00 < Mike1> [anders]: just keep bugging evolution developers regarding the build problems soon or they will fix it :) just need some pression 23:00 < [anders]> plfiorini: not really.. but I wanted to give Gnome2 a try, so sat down and built about 50 packages by hand to get it going.. 23:00 < [anders]> Mike1: I know.. will work out who to piss off now.. ;-) After e-mailing you the packages and versions.. :) 23:01 < chrisime> an 23:01 < chrisime> [anders]: garnome 23:01 < chrisime> download 23:01 < plfiorini> [anders]: i ask this because i saw an andersca in #gnome, are you? 23:01 < chrisime> cd garnome/meta/gnome-desktop/ 23:01 < chrisime> make install 23:01 < chrisime> done 23:01 < chrisime> plfiorini: andersca is a redhat guy 23:02 < plfiorini> chrisime: ah ok 23:02 < chrisime> *g* 23:02 < [anders]> plfiorini: Not me no.. :) 23:02 < [anders]> chrisime: that's cheating... ;-) 23:03 < chrisime> [anders]: oops ;P 23:03 < chrisime> esden: kannsgt t 23:03 < chrisime> shit 23:03 < plfiorini> ahah 34.3kB/s 1s 23:03 < chrisime> esden: kannst mir mal die url vom openbsd geben? 23:04 < plfiorini> [anders]: ok scuse me ;) 23:04 < chrisime> plfiorini: slow 23:04 < plfiorini> chrisime: nope 23:04 < chrisime> ? 23:04 < plfiorini> chrisime: 256Kb/s adsl 23:04 < chrisime> lol 23:04 < chrisime> k 23:04 * plfiorini has fixed his connection 23:04 < chrisime> around 90 k here, but oki 23:04 < plfiorini> 256Kb/s ? 23:04 < chrisime> 768 23:05 < plfiorini> ! 23:05 < chrisime> some providers have 1024 here 23:05 < plfiorini> probably i'll try with 1024 23:05 < plfiorini> yeah 23:05 < plfiorini> my modem can 23:05 < chrisime> but expensive 23:05 < plfiorini> i had some problems, but it was the phone cable 23:05 < chrisime> modems can do up to 9Mbit 23:05 < plfiorini> mine not 23:05 < chrisime> k 23:05 < plfiorini> atlantis i-storm ethernet 23:06 < plfiorini> but probably you don't know it because it is italian 23:06 < chrisime> not really 23:06 < plfiorini> 250 euro, sigh 23:06 < chrisime> wow 23:06 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B56a4.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23:06 < plfiorini> this is the normal price in italy 23:06 < chrisime> yours/10 == dsl here 23:06 < plfiorini> for a pppoe modem 23:07 < chrisime> 25 flatrate 23:07 < chrisime> s/25/25euro 23:07 < plfiorini> i hate my provider 23:07 < chrisime> hehe 23:07 < plfiorini> i has some bad rates 23:07 < chrisime> italy sounds like africa concerning internet for me ;-) 23:07 < plfiorini> yes 23:07 < plfiorini> it is true 23:07 < plfiorini> but our government is good 23:07 * chrisime likes b 23:07 < plfiorini> (only for internet) 23:08 < plfiorini> heh 23:08 * chrisime likes openbsd now 23:08 < rolla> :) 23:08 < plfiorini> it is good for ... internet and linux :) 23:08 < plfiorini> there are a person of ibm in our goverment 23:08 < plfiorini> there is 23:09 < chrisime> i need a stable server 23:09 < chrisime> and i'm hoping that it's more stable than my broken debian woody 23:09 < plfiorini> try suse 23:09 < chrisime> yeah 23:09 < plfiorini> blah 23:09 < chrisime> i think i better use windowsxp then ;) 23:10 < plfiorini> i installed a server 3 weeks ago, with suse 8 23:10 < chrisime> i had to configure some suse stuff again today 23:10 < chrisime> bah, this sucks 23:10 < plfiorini> i have changed the routing table with yast 23:10 * chrisime is also beta tester for suse 23:10 < plfiorini> and i needed to restart the system 23:10 < plfiorini> blah blah 23:10 < plfiorini> i dislike suse :P 23:10 < chrisime> there're too many bugs which can't be solved 23:10 < esden> argh ... sysvinit is ill >_< 23:10 < esden> grr 23:10 < plfiorini> :( 23:11 < chrisime> esden: warum 23:11 -!- chrisime [meyerc@] has quit ("brb") 23:11 -!- chrisime_ [chrisime@p508037B2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:11 < chrisime_> aaah! 23:11 < esden> chrisime: they use nonstandard header locations ... in glibc these nonstandard headers are there but not in dietlibc what is when you ask me ok ... >_< 23:11 < huebi> Escape character is '^]'. 23:11 < huebi> Welcome to SuSE Linux 6.3 (i386) - Kernel 2.2.13 (pts/0). 23:11 < huebi> mail login: huebi 23:11 < huebi> Password: 23:11 < huebi> You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/huebi 23:11 * chrisime_ make install'ed irssi 23:11 < huebi> Have a lot of fun... 23:12 < huebi> huebi@mail:~ > uptime 23:12 < huebi> 11:11pm up 399 days, 12:45, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 23:12 < chrisime_> esden: hm 23:12 < huebi> SuXe is kool. *g* 23:12 < chrisime_> huebi: wow 23:12 < chrisime_> huebi: was hat da manipuliert 23:12 < chrisime_> bis 7.0 wars cool 23:12 < chrisime_> dann nimmer 23:12 < esden> huebi: wow !!! *shakes_huebi's_hand* 23:13 < chrisime_> die uptime schaff ich mit bsd locker 23:13 < huebi> (I bet it's rooted) 23:13 < chrisime_> heh 23:13 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD90485C2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:13 < esden> hi capchaos 23:14 < capchaos> hi esden 23:14 -!- chrisime_ [chrisime@p508037B2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit) 23:14 * tsa sending patch to clifford. 23:14 < [anders]> Mike1: e-mail sent.. Going to wrap presents now and will hack on 1.5.17-private later... 23:14 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5a92.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 23:14 < [anders]> moin owl 23:14 < owl> re 23:15 < tsa> re owl 23:15 < [anders]> <- afk, wrapping presents.... 23:15 < huebi> I started with SuXE 5.0 and I had been changed to RH in August 1999. Then I used to use Mandrake till Juni last year. I met esden on Linuxtag 2001 and he showed me ROCK Linux.... 23:15 < huebi> owl: Is the coffee ready? *g* 23:15 < plfiorini> rock linux simply rocks 23:15 < tsa> owl: btw...what about the coffee? 23:15 < tsa> erh, 23:15 < tsa> huebi: ;-) 23:15 < rolla> re owl 23:16 * -> esden wants coffee too 23:16 < owl> huebi, tsa: no coffee. don't be so lazy, guys 23:16 < esden> ... 23:16 < huebi> tsa: Men do only one thing from a woman. Everytime the same.... *LOOL* 23:17 < owl> huebi: [...] 23:17 < esden> |_D <-- this one is for me !!! ;-) 23:18 -!- frederic [~hannes@pD902B785.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:18 < frederic> hi 23:18 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit ("Irssi - the client of smart and beautiful people") 23:18 < esden> or any scale of it 23:18 < huebi> esden: what does this mean? 23:18 < esden> huebi: it is a mug 23:19 < huebi> Ahh. I see 23:19 < Mike1> [anders]: ok i will start working on the tree in 2 or 3 hours see you 23:19 < huebi> owl: tsa and me are not lazy. We are just men 23:20 < huebi> cu Mike1 23:20 < owl> huebi: yes. so. "selbst ist der mann" 23:20 -!- chrisime [chrisime@p508037B2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:21 < huebi> owl: Why? It's work men never can do. 23:22 < owl> huebi: and i can't also do it. and i don't want to do it. and i won't do it. dot. 23:23 < tsa> hehe. 23:23 < huebi> owl: But you're born for that. So Mathilda said you have to do it. 23:23 < tsa> owl: so, what do you actually want to do? 23:23 < tsa> owl: there has to be something to keep you busy. 23:23 < huebi> owl: You're also born for cleanups... 23:24 < owl> huebi: i'm born for doing _what I want_ not what someone else wants! 23:24 < tsa> owl: and that is? 23:24 < esden> ok ... testing bit more the dietlibc stage 0 and 1 ... and then sending half a ton of patches to clifford ... 23:24 < owl> tsa: i'm busy. i'm working for my company right now. damn it. hate it. *argh* 23:25 < tsa> owl: so perhaps you should try something different. 23:25 < tsa> ...like making coffee. 23:25 < huebi> owl: What do you want? (a question a woman can never answer hehe) 23:25 < owl> owl: currently i'm dreaming about having vacation... (next week...) 23:25 < tsa> you might even like it. 23:25 < owl> tsa: *argh* 23:25 < tsa> owl: speaking to yourself is fun? 23:25 < tsa> *G* 23:25 < tsa> owl: currently i'm dreaming about having vacation... (next week...) 23:26 < owl> oops. 23:26 < owl> s,owl,tsa 23:26 < owl> sorry. i'm almost dead 23:26 < tsa> owl: coffee might help 23:26 < huebi> owl: The only profession a woman can have in a company is to cook better coffee than the other women. 23:26 < owl> tsa: no, not coffee... sleeping. but i can't. no time. 23:27 < owl> huebi: blah 23:27 < tsa> huebi: and go to the bathrooms in groups of at least two .. 23:27 < huebi> tsa: exchanging coffee recipies 23:27 < owl> tsa: i don't know, which women you see, but i just go to bathrooms with myself. 23:28 < tsa> huebi: hm...that's a possibility i never thought of before.. 23:28 < owl> bla 23:28 < huebi> owl: As tsa sad: You and yourself. 23:28 < tsa> owl: you and yourself still form a small group of two. 23:29 * tsa laughing.. 23:29 < huebi> owl: If you don't belive us ask yourself 23:29 < owl> huebi: yes. me, me and me! *argh* 23:30 < huebi> owl: And now you should make some coffee. 23:30 < tsa> huebi: owl really seems to be a little bit confused... 23:31 * plfiorini is away: I'm busy right now, tell other people 23:31 < huebi> tsa: A woman is allways confused. She neeeds it not to mention that she's never alone. 23:31 < owl> ./ignore huebi 23:31 < owl> ./ignore tsa 23:31 < owl> *argh* 23:32 < huebi> owl: Resisance to be a woman is futile. 23:32 < huebi> +t 23:32 * owl met her darling today. it's sw33t. 23:32 < huebi> owl: a new notebook? 23:32 < owl> intel pentium 4 mobile, 1.6 ghz, 512 mb ram, 30 gb... hmmmmmmmmmmm... 23:33 < owl> *g* yeah. notebook. what else? 23:33 < huebi> oh no. Just another pocket calculator. 23:33 < owl> didn't buy it... (not yet) 23:33 < huebi> in pink? 23:34 < owl> huebi: what size do you wear if this sweet 15 " display fits into your clothes? 23:34 < owl> huebi: in black. 23:34 < huebi> black is only for men. 23:36 < owl> huebi: ... 23:36 < huebi> owl: It should get hot enough to cook coffee though 23:36 < tsa> owl: no discussion, please. for you, it has to be pink. 23:36 < owl> tsa: ... 23:36 < huebi> and a mirror as screen. no tft crap. 23:37 < owl> huebi: take my fscking celeron. but pay 750 euro at first. 23:37 -!- irc [~zman@] has joined #rocklinux 23:37 < tsa> hehe 23:37 < huebi> hi zman 23:37 < tsa> huebi: we could also glue owl's photo to the display 23:38 -!- chrisime_ [chrisime@pD9E50A7A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:38 < huebi> owl: What for. give me 100 EUR to get it recycled. 23:38 < tsa> is there a photo somewhere available? 23:38 < tsa> ;) 23:38 < owl> tsa: no, no -and- no! 23:38 < tsa> owl: ok. the mirror will do fine, anyway.. 23:39 < owl> tsa: quark. 23:39 < tsa> if you go and make some coffee for us, we might even give you a true-color mirror. 23:40 < owl> tsa: i don't need a mirror. 23:41 < huebi> owl: with you being "barfuss bis zum Hals" 23:41 < tsa> hehe 23:41 < owl> huebi: *knurr* 23:41 < tsa> [X] send pix! 23:42 < owl> tsa: ... 23:42 < tsa> owl: you also don't need a notebook. a coffee machine is really sufficient ;-) 23:42 < huebi> tsa: ACK 23:43 < owl> tsa: i need a notebook. have to work. could help me deleting some entries of my TODO... 23:43 < huebi> TODO of owl: 23:43 < tsa> owl: "grep -v coffee TODO" and it will be empty 23:43 < huebi> make coffee. 23:44 < owl> TODO of owl: 23:44 < huebi> make coffee. 23:44 < huebi> make coffee. 23:44 < huebi> make coffee. 23:44 < huebi> hehe 23:44 < owl> - installscript 23:44 < owl> - learning installscript 23:44 < tsa> install coffee 23:44 < owl> - writing documentation for installscript 23:44 < tsa> learn serving coffee 23:44 < huebi> make more coffee. 23:44 < huebi> make even more coffee. 23:44 < owl> - writing batch-files for silent setup 23:44 < owl> - creating new setup for unicode setup 23:44 < tsa> = don't disturb huebi while serving coffee 23:45 < huebi> hehe 23:45 < owl> - creating setup for non-unicode 23:45 < tsa> = invent coffee with milk 23:45 < tsa> = invent coffee w/o milk 23:45 < huebi> - forget about software. serve coffee again 23:45 < tsa> quite impressive. 23:46 -!- irc [~zman@] has quit ("Leaving") 23:46 * owl takes a gun and is going to kill tsa and huebi. 23:46 < huebi> 'go to VHS to learn "How To Clean Up The Fucking Kitchen." 23:47 < owl> GNARR 23:47 < huebi> owl: Totally wrong. We just want to help you in being a _real_ woman 23:47 < tsa> https://www.fridgemagnet.org.uk/kitchen.shtml 23:47 < huebi> tsa: hehe 23:48 < huebi> (I just lost the link 23:48 < huebi> ) 23:48 < owl> huebi: i _don't want_ to be a _real_ woman! i'm insane and i like it! 23:48 -!- plfiorini [~plfiorini@r-bo043-5a238.tin.it] has quit ("g'night") 23:49 < huebi> owl: unbelievable! 23:49 < owl> huebi: _what_ is unbelievable?!? 23:49 < tsa> owl: you're still allowed to get "barfuss bis zum hals" and serve coffee, that's ok.. 23:50 < owl> tsa: forget it. 23:51 -!- chrisime [chrisime@p508037B2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 23:53 < huebi> owl: 23:48 < owl> huebi: i _don't want_ to be a _real_ woman! i'm insane and i like it! 23:54 < huebi> that's unbelievable. 23:54 < owl> huebi: why should that be unbelivable? 23:54 < huebi> should != is 23:54 < owl> and _WHY_??? 23:56 < huebi> owl: This question can only be asked by a woman. And the answer can never be understood by her 23:56 < tsa> https://www.jaenicke.org/nude_owl_pics.html 23:56 < owl> *aaaaaaaaaaargh* 23:57 < owl> haha 23:57 < huebi> tsa: Still not serving coffee... 23:58 < owl> huebi: i will _never_ do it. 23:58 -!- chrisime_ [chrisime@pD9E50A7A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23:59 < huebi> owl: Take attention that your boss does not mention that you can't cook coffee. --- Log closed Wed Jul 31 00:00:19 2002