-!- Irrsi  Log opened Fri Sep 06 00:00:48 2002
[00:01] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9522DC8.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[00:07] < tsa> hm..
[00:07] < tsa> are there any possible reasons why /etc/suauth just gets ignored?
[00:08] < huebi> tsa: I don't know. Can you fix it?
[00:08] < tsa> huebi: i've tried, but i don't knwo what's going on....
[00:09] < tsa> it has been working before, and i don't know what i changed in between..
[00:10] < tsa> [root@azathoth /etc]# ls -l suauth
[00:10] < tsa> -rw-------    1 root     root          229 Aug 16 00:16 suauth
[00:11] < tsa> news:tsa:NOPASS
[00:11] < tsa> this should allow me "su -  news" without being asked for a pass...
[00:11] < huebi> no idea
[00:11] < tsa> [tsa@azathoth ~]$ su - news
[00:11] < tsa> Password:
[00:11] < tsa> ...
[00:32] < tsa> n8
[00:32] < tsa> *gaehn*
[00:33] < huebi> cu tsa
[00:33] -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082A93A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[00:43] -!- h0h0 [~hoho@3ffe:80ee:7c6:0:0:0:0:fe] has quit ("Hoho needs no reason!")
[00:44] -!- h0h0 [~hoho@neptune.tacomeat.net] has joined #rocklinux
[00:47] -!- clifford [~clifford@M091P012.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[00:47] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B58ae.pppool.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:53] -!- pure420hemp [pure420hem@grissom-42.nmt.edu] has joined #rocklinux
[00:55] < pure420hemp> sup room-le, i just finished installing rock and its install scripts, now i back at /trg, when i try to shutdown it wont let me
[00:55] < pure420hemp> it says "time" is mandatory, try "now"
[00:55] < pure420hemp> keep getting the same message over n over
[00:56] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B58ae.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[00:56] < owl> re
[00:56] < huebi> re owl
[00:57] < huebi> pure420hemp: What versin of Rocklinux?
[00:57] < huebi> +o
[00:57] < pure420hemp> 1.5.16
[00:57] < huebi> pure420hemp: reboot
[00:58] < huebi> (base+opt downloaded and tested in 8 min) *g*
[00:58] < owl> huebi: ???
[00:58] < pure420hemp> could not determine run level , doing soft reboot, better to use shutdown instead of reboot
[00:58] < huebi> owl: sth not clear??????
[00:59] < owl> huebi: yeah. problem with Download script... ;)
[00:59] < huebi> pure420hemp: umount /trg and press the reset button.
[01:00] < owl> huebi: other people should have the same problems, since weeks, shouldn't they?
[01:01] < huebi> owl: I just made a cvs co and now all works fine
[01:01] < owl> hmm... let's try it ;)
[01:01] < huebi> owl: CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.rocklinux.de:/cvs co rock-1.5
[01:02] < owl> proxy...
[01:02] < pure420hemp> i dont see /trg anymore, i chroot out ?
[01:02] < huebi> pure420hemp: Ahh. of course exit the chroot
[01:03] < huebi> pure420hemp: then 'reboot' will work
[01:03] < pure420hemp> awesome, it did
[01:04] < pure420hemp> do i need to leave the cd in or something ? its just sitting there
[01:05] < huebi> pure420hemp: umount /src and get it off
[01:06] < owl> huebi: can you please mail me the script? (i have some problems with name resolution etc. cuz i'm working behind my stupid proxy)
[01:06] < pure420hemp> btw, huebi, this is _tw33k_...my homies name, i found an xtra comp to get online with instead of his laptop
[01:07] < huebi> pure420hemp: Ok
[01:07] < huebi> owl: Do you want to have a src-tar-ball?
[01:08] < owl> huebi: yes. from 01.09.2002
[01:08] < huebi> owl: not the newest?
[01:08] < owl> no
[01:09] < huebi> I havn't
[01:10] < pure420hemp> i wasnt able to umount /src, it just sits there...so i used the cd again, and it started the install, but /src isnt mounted anymore
[01:11] < huebi> pure420hemp: get the cd off and reboot again
[01:12] < huebi> owl: CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.rocklinux.de:/cvs co -D 2002-09-01 rock-1.5
[01:13] < pure420hemp> hmmm ok, let me explain, i have 2 scsi hds, target0 has winXP, target1 is the one im install rock on
[01:14] < pure420hemp> i told lilo to go cuz i thought each had its own MBR
[01:14] < owl> huebi: thx.
[01:15] < owl> huebi: nur kann ich kein cvs verwenden.
[01:15] < huebi> owl: schmeiss deine proxy in die tonne.
[01:15] < huebi> mom
[01:16] < owl> huebi: hm. dann kann ich gar nicht ins inet unter linux... ;)
[01:20] < huebi> owl: ftp://rocklinux.dyndns.org/pub/rock-src-1.5.18_2002-09-06_01h12.tar.bz2
[01:20] < owl> danke
[01:21] < huebi> halt
[01:21] < huebi> ftp://rocklinux.dyndns.org/pub/rock-src-1.5.18-2002-09-01.tar.bz2
[01:21] < huebi> der isses
[01:22] < owl> ok. mal gucken... danke jedenfalls
[01:27] -!- pure420hemp [pure420hem@grissom-42.nmt.edu] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:48] < owl> g8.cu
[01:49] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B58ae.pppool.de] has quit ("back to reality")
[02:37] -!- pure420hemp [pure420hem@grissom-48.nmt.edu] has joined #rocklinux
[02:37] < pure420hemp> hey huebi, you still there ?
[02:37] < huebi> pure420hemp: yes
[02:38] < pure420hemp> hey, i have 2 scsi hd, target0 is XP, target1 is rock, either wont boot, im assuming cuz of lilo.conf ?
[02:38] < pure420hemp> XP tries to boot and gives 99 99 99 etc
[02:38] < pure420hemp> rock just sits there with a _
[02:40] < huebi> disable the XP disk - unplg the cable- boot ftrom cdrom again mount your rocklinux partition on trg chrtrg and then 'lilo'
[02:41] < pure420hemp> k
[02:41] < pure420hemp> let me try, i appreciate the help
[02:43] < pure420hemp> ok, its says, boot=/dev/discs/disc0/disc
[02:43] < pure420hemp> it should be disc1
[02:43] < huebi> no
[02:43] < huebi> it's ok
[02:44] < huebi> there is now no disc1
[02:44] < pure420hemp> image=/dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target1/lun0/part1
[02:44] < pure420hemp> what ?
[02:44] < pure420hemp> it says image is read-only
[02:44] < huebi> 02:40 < huebi> disable the XP disk - unplg the cable
[02:45] < huebi> ll /dev/discs
[02:45] < pure420hemp> i will have to turn off the computer no ?
[02:45] < huebi> ?
[02:45] < huebi> yes, you have to unplug
[02:45] < pure420hemp> what do u mean 11 ?
[02:46] < huebi> I have absolutly no experience with XP
[02:46] < pure420hemp> oh man, i forget which is which...
[02:46] < huebi> try it out
[02:46] < pure420hemp> why will disc1 instead of disc0 not work
[02:47] < huebi> pure420hemp: lilo overwrote your bootsector of the XP disc
[02:47] < pure420hemp> damnit...so XP is jacked...right? thats ok though
[02:48] < huebi> I dont know how to get the bootloader of XP to load linux
[02:48] < pure420hemp> i do. i have a tutorial
[02:48] < huebi> kool
[02:48] < pure420hemp> its ok though, so i unplug xp hd
[02:48] < pure420hemp> and try it
[02:49] < huebi> ok
[02:53] < pure420hemp> same thing, did not matter
[02:53] < huebi> boot from cd
[02:53] < pure420hemp> k
[02:53] < huebi> now you'll fix the bootloader on the disk
[02:54] < huebi> ;-)
[02:55] < pure420hemp> it does not want to boot from the cd although it detects its bootable
[02:55] < pure420hemp> heh
[02:55] < huebi> switch off/on
[02:56] < pure420hemp> trying
[02:58] < pure420hemp> not evens, why would it need the other hd ?
[03:04] < pure420hemp> boot from the cd doesnt work anymore
[03:06] < pure420hemp> wait, got it
[03:10] < pure420hemp> ok huebi, xp disconnected...booted from cd, how do i fix the bootloader now
[03:10] < huebi> mount your rocklinux partition on /trg, 'chrtrg' and then 'lilo'
[03:11] < pure420hemp> fatal: open /dev/discs/disc0/disc no such file or dir
[03:12] < pure420hemp> shouldnt it be disc1, cuz disc0 was the xp
[03:12] < huebi> mount /dev
[03:12] < huebi> mount /proc
[03:12] < pure420hemp> k
[03:14] < pure420hemp> added rock *
[03:14] < huebi> kool.
[03:14] < huebi> now reboot
[03:14] < pure420hemp> take out cd ?
[03:14] < huebi> yes
[03:14] -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit ("Irssi - the client of smart and beautiful people")
[03:16] < pure420hemp> SICK
[03:16] < pure420hemp> its running now
[03:16] < huebi> congratulations ;-))))
[03:16] < pure420hemp> k, now when i fix my XP hd, i should unplug my rock hd, good idea ?
[03:17] < pure420hemp> thanks man, you helped me do it
[03:17] < huebi> while fixing the XP disk - yes. After that you can see how to get the bootloader of XP to load as an option the bootloader (lilo) of linux
[03:20] < huebi> pure420hemp: How late is it at your place?
[03:26] < pure420hemp> 7:30pm
[03:26] < huebi> 3:30 am
[03:26] < pure420hemp> wow, where are you at ?
[03:26] < huebi> Germany
[03:27] < pure420hemp> New Mexico here
[03:28] < huebi> about 12000 km difference ;-)
[03:30] < pure420hemp> so hmmm, i have a gforce3, and startx isnt working, so xfree86.org and get new drivers
[03:30] < pure420hemp> its says no screens found
[03:31] < huebi> no,
[03:31] < huebi> now comes some tricky stuff
[03:31] < huebi> mom
[03:33] < pure420hemp> heh,i have the FAQ, let me read some
[03:34] < huebi> pure420hemp:
[03:34] < huebi> pure420hemp: ftp://rocklinux.dyndns.org/pub/XF86Config
[03:34] < huebi> try this one. It's for a 21"" Sony CRT
[03:37] < pure420hemp> i have a 21" uh raster Ops
[03:37] < pure420hemp> lol
[03:37] < pure420hemp> k
[03:45] < pure420hemp> when i XFree86 -configure
[03:45] < pure420hemp> it worked, but said unable to detect mouse
[03:48] < huebi> pure420hemp: I don't know which device your USB-mouse is.
[03:50] < pure420hemp> i never did USB, i use the USB to PS/2 converter and set it up using ps/2
[03:50] < huebi> ok
[03:52] < pure420hemp> so i have to edit the xf86config.new file
[04:02] < pure420hemp> ne1 there ?
[04:07] < huebi> pure420hemp: yes?
[04:07] < pure420hemp> ok
[04:07] < pure420hemp> well my mouse is, /dev/misc/psaux
[04:07] < huebi> yes
[04:07] < pure420hemp> in XF86Config.new, it says, input device=mouse0
[04:08] < pure420hemp> shoudl i change that to /dev/misc/psaux
[04:08] < huebi> pure420hemp: have a look at the link I gave you
[04:08] < pure420hemp> k
[04:15] < huebi> good night.
[04:15] < pure420hemp> gnight
[04:34] < pure420hemp> anyone still up ?
[04:44] < d3mian> hi all
[05:31] < d3mian> by all
[05:31] -!- pure420hemp [pure420hem@grissom-48.nmt.edu] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[05:39] -!- [anders] [anders@] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[05:39] -!- [anders] [anders@] has joined #rocklinux
[06:06] -!- pure420hemp [pure420hem@grissom-05.nmt.edu] has joined #rocklinux
[06:06] -!- pure420hemp [pure420hem@grissom-05.nmt.edu] has quit (Client Quit)
[06:07] -!- pure420hemp-le [pure420hem@grissom-05.nmt.edu] has joined #rocklinux
[06:29] -!- clifford [~clifford@M091P012.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[06:39] -!- clifford [~clifford@M101P002.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[08:10] -!- zer0_o^ [~zer0_o@] has joined #rocklinux
[08:10] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD958D446.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[08:10] < thalerim> moin
[08:19] < huebi> moin
[08:32] -!- pure420hemp-le [pure420hem@grissom-05.nmt.edu] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[08:50] < [anders]> morning everyone.. hope y'all had a good sleep ...
[08:53] < thalerim> moin [anders]
[08:54] < [anders]> hullo thalerim, how's things?
[08:54] < thalerim> hehe i was biten by some mosquitos over night 8)
[08:55] < thalerim> i
[08:55] < [anders]> thalerim: mosquitos? they still about? I thought most of them went into hiding after first frost or so.. :)
[08:55] < thalerim> 'm going to school in some minutes
[08:55] < [anders]> thalerim: okidoki.. have fun at school... :)
[08:56] < thalerim> [anders]: in germany are still nice temperatures
[08:57] < thalerim> september and october are usually quite mild and pleasant
[08:57] < [anders]> thalerim: I spoke to my parent the other day, they live inland from Stockholm, just to the west of Västerås, and they have had frost already..
[08:57] < thalerim> could be.. it
[08:58] < thalerim> damn
[08:58] < [anders]> thalerim: I love autumn, when the leaves turn colour and the air starts getting that crisp feeling to it..
[08:58] < thalerim> as long as it's pleasant, it's okay ... IMO
[08:59] < [anders]> thalerim: define pleasant.. ;-)
[08:59] < thalerim> not too hot and "pressing"
[09:00] < [anders]> thalerim: pleasant to me is about 12-16°C outside, very faint breeze, clear skies and that 'autumn feel' to the air..
[09:00] < thalerim> though winter could be interesting as well ;-)
[09:01] < thalerim> nice to throw snowballs against your girlfriend 8)
[09:02] < [anders]> thalerim: *grin* there never is enough snow in England for that.. In Sweden, no problem... :)
[09:02]   thalerim is listening to Frinntroll - Jaktens Tid
[09:03] < thalerim> well.. in germany much snow isn't usually, but sometimes..
[09:03] < thalerim> especially through the affects of the global warming and the temperature change over the whole world
[09:04] < [anders]> Finntroll ? (Finnish Troll)  Jaktens Tid (Time of the Hunt)
[09:04] < thalerim> yup... finntroll rocks
[09:05]   thalerim says good bye for now ... see you later guys
[09:05] < [anders]> thalerim: yes, it seems to have made the climate a little colder in scandinavia.. global warming is only warming when you get closer to the equator.. Closer to the poles, it is getting colder instead..
[09:05] < [anders]> cya thalerim.. chat later. :)
[09:05] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD958D446.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("sch00l ...")
[09:26] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@] has joined #rocklinux
[09:30] < bluefire> Moin
[12:07] -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rolla, [anders], clifford, praenti, Freak, zer0_o^, h0h0, chrisime, coldie, tomik, (+11 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)
[12:07] -!- Netsplit over, joins: bluefire, clifford, [anders], h0h0, Freak, chrisime, tomik, simon, coldie, blindcoder (+10 more)
[12:11] -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rolla, [anders], clifford, praenti, Freak, h0h0, chrisime, coldie, tomik, simon, (+10 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)
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[12:17] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39957.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[12:18] -!- chrisi [~chrisime@p508028F3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
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[12:30] -!- Luke_S98 [~sven@p5085570C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[12:30] < praenti> hi
[12:30] < praenti> huebi: we need a new ext. txt2regex ;-)
[12:32] < Luke_S98> Hi. to install rock you need an inet connection. how do i do it when i need pppoe for dsl? Are there any howtos?
[12:33] < huebi> moin praenti
[12:34] < [anders]> Luke_S98: uhm, you do not need an inet connection to install Rock..
[12:34] < huebi> praenti: Then just create it and  commit it to cvs
[12:34] < [anders]> not per se anyway. if you want to download and build rock yourself, it is adviceable.
[12:34] < huebi> moin [anders]
[12:34] < [anders]> Luke_S98: but you can buy both source and binary CD's with rock on them..
[12:35] < [anders]> huebi: morning .. :) How are you today?
[12:35] < Luke_S98> [anders]: if i want to set it up from scratch?
[12:35] < huebi> [anders]: fine
[12:36] < [anders]> Luke_S98: is your box already installed with an OS of sorts?
[12:36] < huebi> The new test build for 1.5.19 is now compiling Xfree86
[12:36] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@pD9E50977.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out)
[12:36] < Luke_S98> [anders]: i have a netinstall iso from debain running
[12:36] < [anders]> huebi: you have released 1.5.19? nice one.. 1.6.0 getting closer every day.. ;-)
[12:37] < [anders]> Luke_S98: from Debian, you can download all you require to build Rock..
[12:38] < huebi> [anders]: It's not released. There are a few more errors as I see now.
[12:38] < huebi> Luke_S98: You can install ROCK Linux over the serial line. Clifford told me that story yesterday.
[12:39] < Luke_S98> what's the main difference between gentoo and rock?
[12:43] < huebi> Luke_S98: Genntoo is a source based distribution and ROCK Linux is a also source based distribution. ROCK Linux is more a "Distribution build Kit"
[12:45] < Luke_S98> what's a "Distribution build Kit"?
[12:45] < [anders]> Luke_S98: the tools to build your own distribution.
[12:46] < Luke_S98> oh, ok. So a "user" like me, looking for a proper distribution shouldn't use rock, right?
[12:47] < huebi> Luke_S98: You can build with Rocklinux your very own distribution. If you just want to have a file server you do not need to build more than you need. Also the CPU optimisation is very good on your special CPU.
[12:47] < huebi> Luke_S98: Rocklinux is also good for beginners!
[12:48] < huebi> Rocklinux is very secure and very pure linux.
[12:48] < [anders]> Luke_S98: it depends entirely on what you want to achieve.
[12:48] < huebi> [anders]: ACK
[12:48] < Luke_S98> well, i think i'll read some more on the rock pages to get a clearer picture of rock
[12:48] < [anders]> Luke_S98: if you want to learn about Linux, have full control over your box, Rock is a very good choice..
[12:49] < [anders]> Luke_S98: if you want point-and-click install where the OS is hidden from you, like in Windows XP, then perhaps Mandrake or SuSE is better..
[12:50] < Luke_S98> gentoo actually also caught my attenton, and it seems to me that the port system seems somewhat easeier for me to understand. :)
[12:50] < [anders]> building SuSE 8.0 (or similar) optimized for your particular CPU (the entire distribution) would not be an easy thing..
[12:52] < [anders]> Luke_S98: I am sure gentoo is a good distribution, but I have no knowledge of it, so I can not comment. There was someone posting a review of it on the mailinglist though..
[12:53] < Luke_S98> well, i don't want to build SuSE or something else, but just a pretty fast OS optimized for my system. Maybe rock is just one step to high for me right now.
[12:53] < [anders]> Luke_S98: that was what I thought when I picked up Rock 1.3.9 some years ago.. :)
[12:54] < [anders]> Luke_S98: It is not as hard as you think, but it isn't as easy as the slicker commercial distributions either..
[12:55] < Luke_S98> Well i know a little about debian. ;) Suse left my machine one year ago. how long does rock exist, actually?
[12:55] < [anders]> Luke_S98: Rock does require some knowledge of admin tasks in Linux, like setting up NFS etc. But there are options to avoid NFS, it just takes up a little more disk that's all..
[12:55] < [anders]> Rock's been around for a while.. I have known about it for about 3 years+ I think..
[12:57] < Luke_S98> ok. thanks a lot [anders]. I think I'll first try it on a sep disk and see if i can get it running. Thanx.
[12:57] < huebi> Since 1997 Rocklinux exists
[12:57] < [anders]> Luke_S98: the documentation for how to build Rock is v. good. You should be able to follow what needs doing quite easily..
[12:57] < Luke_S98> Ok. Thanx. Bye
[12:57] < [anders]> Luke_S98: you are welcome.
[12:58] < Luke_S98> :)
[12:58] -!- Luke_S98 [~sven@p5085570C.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux ("Ich muß weg...")
[12:58] < huebi> Luke_S98: And here in the channel you will find most of the time the help you need to get started with it.
[12:58] < [anders]> Perhaps another convert to our brotherhood? ;-)
[12:58] < huebi> Jo! At least I hope so.
[12:59] < huebi> Better documentation will help a lot.
[13:00] < [anders]> huebi: ACK.. documentation will always help when people with perhaps not as much knowledge of linux/unix tries to start using Rock.. Rock does have a steep learning curve..
[13:07] -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rolla, [anders], clifford, praenti, chrisi, Freak, h0h0, coldie, simon, d3mian, (+9 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)
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[13:11] -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux
[13:27] < praenti> argh! *grummel* *schrei*
[13:27] < praenti> warum wird der abiword patch abgewiesen
[13:35] < huebi> praenti: What's up?
[13:36] < praenti> huebi: i dont know. the patch should work. but i get always a hunk reject
[13:37] < huebi> No idea here
[13:40] < praenti> huebi: ok. now the patch works.
[13:40] < huebi> praenti: nice
[13:41] < praenti> the only change was to put the patch outside the conf-file
[13:43] < huebi> praenti: but as an extension it must be in the ext file, mustn't it?
[13:44] < huebi> praenti: Here a solution for it:
[13:44] < praenti> huebi: normally yes. cause we only have the ext-file. i think about it. when i have a solution i will commit it into cvs
[13:45] < huebi> patch -Nbfp0 -z .orig <<\EOP
[13:45] < huebi> --- pkg.sslsup/mkcert.sh.orig   Thu Mar 21 15:21:46 2002
[13:45] < huebi> +++ pkg.sslsup/mkcert.sh        Thu Mar 21 15:27:53 2002
[13:45] < huebi> @@ -349,13 +349,13 @@
[13:45] < huebi>          echo "kept secret. So we strongly recommend you to encrypt the server.key file"
[13:45] < huebi>          echo "with a Triple-DES cipher and a Pass Phrase."
[13:45] < huebi>          while [ 1 ]; do
[13:45] < huebi> -            echo dummy | awk '{ printf("Encrypt the private key now? [Y/n]: "); }'
[13:45] < huebi> +            echo dummy | awk '{ printf("Encrypt the private key now? [y/N]: "); }'
[13:45] < huebi>                 rc="n"
[13:45] < huebi>                  break
[13:45] < huebi>              fi
[13:45] < huebi> EOP
[13:46] < huebi> the \ in '<<\EOP' escapes interpretation by the bash.
[13:46] < huebi> in this part of the patch:
[13:46] < huebi> -            if [ ".$rc" = .n -o  ".$rc" = .N ]; then
[13:46] < huebi> +            if [ ".$rc" = .n -o  ".$rc" = .N -o ".$rc" = . ]; then
[13:47] < huebi> $rc will be interpreted as variable and then the patch failes in the here document.
[13:48] < praenti> huebi: ok. i see. i must try it, cause i think thats the problem.
[13:48] < huebi> praenti: Is this a help for you?
[13:51] < huebi> praenti: I needed a 3h to find out what happend there.... ;->
[13:52] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD958D5F5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[13:52] < thalerim> moin all
[13:56] < praenti> huebi: big thx
[13:56] < praenti> moin thalerim
[13:56] < huebi> mointh
[13:56] < huebi> praenti: you're welcome
[13:57]   thalerim is listening to Children of Bodom - Mask of Sanity
[13:59]   huebi is listening to Hitachi, 18.2GB, SCA, U160, 10kRPM - Scratching Heasds
[14:04] < thalerim> lol?
[14:05]   thalerim is listening to Eisregen - Der Herr der Ratten
[14:05] < huebi> thalerim: *ggg*
[14:05]   thalerim is listening to Eisregen - Das Heer der Ratten
[14:05] < thalerim> oups!
[14:07]   thalerim is listening to Finntroll - Fodosagan
[14:16] < praenti> huebi: does not work. do i need the -b option?
[14:18] < praenti> ok. i'm stupid. patch in the worng way cannot work
[14:18] < huebi> praenti: ;->
[14:19]   huebi is listening to SGI Keyboard - Heavy Hacking
[14:19] < thalerim> lol
[14:19]   thalerim is listening to Mantus - Mord im Mondschein
[14:19] < thalerim> huebi: what is it? sounds techno-like, is it?
[14:20] < huebi> thalerim: yes, quite noisy *g*
[14:24] < huebi> hehe
[14:27] -!- clifford [~clifford@M101P002.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[14:36] < praenti> huebi: geht immer noch net
[14:36] < huebi> praenti: hmmm, Dumme Sache...
[14:36] < praenti> mom. ich hab noch ne idee
[14:37] < rxr> re
[14:37] < huebi> moin rxr
[14:38] -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: Ge0rG, rolla, [anders], praenti, chrisi, Freak, h0h0, coldie, simon, d3mian, (+10 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)
[14:38] -!- Netsplit over, joins: thalerim, Ge0rG, chrisi, Freak, bluefire, [anders], h0h0, simon, th, defbla (+10 more)
[14:39] < thalerim> yoho
[14:41] -!- clifford [~clifford@M105P010.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[14:43] -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[14:43] < netcrow> hi
[14:47] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD958D5F5.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("reconnect")
[14:54] -!- term_emu [~pm@pD958B189.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:55] < term_emu> hio
[15:17] < rolla> re all
[15:17] < huebi> moin rolla
[15:18] < rolla> hallo huebi
[15:45] < praenti> huebi: i've put now the complete Makefile in the ext-file
[15:45] < praenti> lokks like it is working
[15:45] < huebi> praenti: kool.
[15:46] < praenti> i know it is not beautiful, but i works
[15:46] < praenti> ahh shitt
[15:46] < praenti> . there is something wrong with tabs
[15:46] < praenti> Makefile:91: *** missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?).  Stop.
[15:48] < huebi> praenti: c&p with the mouse could be the fault.
[15:49] < praenti> huebi: it looks like. ok then i build the ext around the Makefile ;-)
[15:52]   huebi building a new samba package.
[15:56] < praenti> mom. perhaps the patch has the same problem...
[15:59] < d3mian> hi all
[16:01] < netcrow> hm..ich bräuchte das letze unstable-iso von rock..gibtsn link? ;-)
[16:02] < netcrow> fürn p4
[16:07] < huebi> netcrow: iso.rocklinux.de
[16:10] < praenti> YEAH. Patch is working
[16:11] < praenti> in the future i will not use anymore c&p. this can save very much time...
[16:11] < praenti> ;-)
[16:12] < th> praenti: there is an option for patch...
[16:12] < th> praenti: which doesn't care the difference between tab and space
[16:15] < praenti> th: dont know that till now. perhaps should read man-pages much more ;-) -l right?
[16:17] < praenti> ok. now we have a working abiword
[16:17] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[16:19] < th> praenti: i forgot about that... but i used it to be able to c&p patches from mails ;)
[16:20] < praenti> th: -l or --ignore-whitespace
[16:20] < praenti> ...Any sequence of one or more blanks in
[16:20] < praenti>           the  patch  file matches any sequence in the original file, and sequences of blanks at the ends of lines are ignored.
[16:20] < praenti> ...
[16:20] < praenti>           Normal characters must still match exactly.
[16:20] < th> praenti: yea. that's it
[16:35] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1CF15.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[16:37] < praenti> huebi: how can i rebuild a package, that is already compiled?
[16:40] < huebi> praenti: rm dist/var/adm/logs/?-<packagename>*
[16:41] < praenti> thx
[16:53] < praenti> huebi: ist das eigentlich noch so wie früher, dass man den build wenn er komplett durch ist nicht mehr fortsetzen kann? möchte nämlich den laufen lassen und die fehlerhaften ext noch fixen, bevor der auf cd kommt
[16:54] < huebi> praenti: doch, geht ganz einfach:
[16:54] < huebi> rm -rf rock-ia32-i686-1.5.18
[16:55] < huebi> wenn das dir weg ist baut er einfach die gefixten packete neu
[16:55] < praenti> ahh. ok. das ist ja früher nicht gegangen, weil a die pakete weggemoved wurden
[16:59] < huebi> praenti: https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/rock-1.5/scripts/Build-All?rev=1.4&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup
[16:59] < huebi> praenti: RTFM (das wollte ich schon immer mal sagen) *ggg*
[16:59] < huebi> praenti: steht _alles_ im Changelog.
[17:00] < rolla> :)
[17:00] < rolla> RTFM???? was ist das ?
[17:01] < rolla> ;) jk
[17:01] < huebi> "what for? I just can ask." ;->>
[17:02] < praenti> huebi: schon. hab aber nicht nachgelesen, ob die ext weggemoved werden oder nicht. seh aber grad dass in der aktuellen auch die ext bleiben
[17:04] < huebi> I've deleted my tree 4-5 times. Then I decided not to move the stuff and esden also removed Cleanup from Build-All
[17:04] < huebi> I'va also mounted rock-orig ro via nfs.
[17:06] < praenti> achso. das macht Cleanup aus. Ich dachte im Build-All war mal was in der Form drin mv tarballs to cd-directory
[17:06] < huebi> praenti: beides.
[17:06] < huebi> stimmt
[17:06] < praenti> is aber in der 1.16 nicht mehr drin
[17:08] < praenti> wo kommt eigentlich die 1.4 her. da steht das nämlich falsch drin. ist aber im version listing nicht drin und auch nicht head soweit ich gesehen hab
[17:10] < huebi> praenti: Was meinst du?
[17:11] < praenti> der link, den du vorher gepostet hast. auf https://www.cvs.rocklinux.de/cvs/viewcvs.cgi/rock-1.5/scripts/#dirlist ist die neueste rev 1.16
[17:11] < praenti> und der link von dir ist rev 1.4 und da werden die ext weggemoved
[17:12] < huebi> praenti: tschuldigung. sollte 1.4 sein
[17:12] < praenti> bei 1.16 werden sie richtigerweise kopiert
[17:15] < praenti> huebi: ich hab mich bloß gewundert wo der link herkommt. vorallem weil das Build-All was ich da gesehen ziemliach alt ausgesehen hat
[17:15] < huebi> axo
[17:17] < praenti> achso. du hattest die beschreibung gemeint. ok
[17:20] < huebi> So the new samba package in base is almost ready to be commited
[17:22] < d3mian> huebi: how things were with galeon and mozilla ?
[17:23] -!- jahor [jahor@ob-sprava.cz] has joined #rocklinux
[17:23] < d3mian> btw.. hi huebi ;-)
[17:24]   praenti is away
[17:24] < huebi> hello d3mian
[17:24] < huebi> cu praenti
[17:46] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD958DF8E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:46] < d3mian> re thalerim
[17:47] < thalerim> re all
[17:48] -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("driving home")
[17:54] < huebi> ~40MB is much too much for the samba package...
[18:02] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B580e.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[18:02] < owl> hi
[18:02] < d3mian> hi owly
[18:04] < huebi> hi owl
[18:05] < blindcoder> hi all
[18:05] < owl> hi d3mian, huebi, blindcoder
[18:05] < blindcoder> hi owly *wave*
[18:06] < owl> blindcoder: *g* nicht ganz so viel begeisterung. ;P
[18:07] < rxr> clifford: hi
[18:07] < blindcoder> owl: :P es is wochenende, da darf man sich begeistern :)
[18:07] < owl> blindcoder: nein. :) lachen verboten...
[18:08] < d3mian> re rxr
[18:08] < rxr> hi d3mian
[18:17] < thalerim> wie ist denn der ascii code des hochstriches?
[18:30] < clifford> hi rxr.
[18:31] < owl> hi clifford
[18:31] < clifford> hi owl.
[18:33] < clifford> rxr: bist du noch da? Ich wollte dir (schon gestern) noch was wichtiges zu den dependencies erklaeren...
[18:36] < rxr> ah hi clifford
[18:36] < clifford> hi.
[18:37]   clifford sollte weniger gleichzeitig machen ..
[18:37] < clifford> Die dependencies z.bsp. von perl sind nicht broken.
[18:38] < clifford> Sie sind eben nur .. naja: sehr genau.
[18:38] < rxr> clifford: bestimmt durch den rebuild , opder ?
[18:38] < rxr> in Stage 9 ...
[18:38] < clifford> Perl fuehrt bei der installation das tool h2ph aus das alle header files in /usr/local in "Perl Headers" umwandelt so dass alle C-funktionen von perl aus erreichbar sind.
[18:39] < clifford> ja.
[18:39] < clifford> Damit ist perl automatisch von allen packages abheanig die header files erzeugen.
[18:39] < rxr> clifford: vielleicht sollten wir per default - und bei reference builds den rebuild streichen ...
[18:40] < clifford> Sowas kannst du aber nicht ignorieren - denn moeglicherweise gibt es packages die genau das xine.ph brauchen und dann muss wirklich perl vor xine gebuildet werden.
[18:40] < clifford> rxr: wenn die anderen stages richtig configuriert sind sollten diese x-references bereits vorher aufgeloest werden.
[18:41] < clifford> Perl _ist_ von allen packages abhaenig die header files erzeugen. Das ist eintechnisches faktum.
[18:41] < clifford> Nur brauchen eben nicht alle packages die perl brauchen auch diese *.ph files.
[18:42] < rxr> clifford: aber es macht keinen sinn perl zum schluss zu bauen - manche packete brauchen perl eh (was zu zirkulaeren dependencies fuehren wuerde)
[18:42] < rxr> vor allem nicht wenn man einfach nur perl bauen moechte alle packete zu bauen ...
[18:43] < clifford> rxr: warum glaubst du wird denn perl jetzt schon is stage 2 _und_ stage 4 gebaut?
[18:43] < rxr> keine ahnung - das hat mich bisher hoechstens gewundert ...
[18:43] < clifford> ./scripts/Check-Deps hat nur die aufgabe solche x-dependencies zu finden.
[18:44] < clifford> Die fehler die Check-Deps findet sind entweder falsche build-reihenfolge oder packages die mehrmals gebaut werden muessen - aus eben diesen gruenden.
[18:45] < clifford> (oder amok-laufende packages die z.bsp. /etc/passwd veraendern)
[18:48] < clifford> BTW: Bei 2.0 release sollten keine shared files mehr exisieren und keine Dependency fehler mehr vorhanden sein.
[18:48] < clifford> rxr: Ich hab' uebrigens noch ein nettes problem fuer dich:
[18:49] < clifford> Wenn du von libpng eine neue version buildest _musst_ du alle packages die libpng verwenden auch neu builden.
[18:50] < clifford> Es gibt also durchaus packages bei denen die dependencies in beide richtungen laufen ...
[18:51] < clifford> rxr: noch da?
[18:52] < rxr> ja
[18:53] < rxr> wurde gerade abgehalten ...
[18:53] < rxr> clifford: vielleicht sollten wird doch hardgecodete dependencies einf|hren ...
[18:53] < clifford> rxr: Die waeren aber broken.
[18:54] < clifford> wie gesagt: Perl _ist_ von all diesen packages abhaenig.
[18:54] < clifford> Es waere moeglich bei packages wie perl die abhaenigkeiten zu entfernen - das waere aber nicht richtig.
[18:54] < rxr> ja aber man muesste sonnst eh vielleicht markieren welche optional sind - oder ob die abhaengigen packete auch neu gebaut werden muessen ...
[18:55] < clifford> diese abhaenigkeiten sind aber nicht optional.
[18:55] < rxr> es sind auch nicht wirklich abhaenigkeiten "fuer den build von perl" ...
[18:55] < clifford> doch - natuerlich sind sie es.
[18:56] < rxr> haeh ? man braiucht doch z.B. xine ogg-vorbis ... nicht fuer den build von perl ...
[18:56] < clifford> Wenn irgendein package xine.ph braucht dann ist es von perl abhaenig. Und wenn perl dann nicht von xine abhaenig ist, dann wird es dieses file nicht geben ..
[18:57] < clifford> Wenn du perl ohne xine buildest dann ist es nicht vollstaendig (im sinne des "big pictures")
[18:57] < rxr> vielleicht sollten wir das aus dem perl build herraus patchen - und ein setup.d script fuer perl einfuehren das dieses erledigt .
[18:57] < clifford> das ist im perl.conf file - da brauchst du nix zu patchen.
[18:58] < rxr> ah ok
[18:58] < clifford> Wenn du das aber im setup.d script machst, dann wird kein einziges package builden das irgendein *.ph file braucht.
[18:59] -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@alexander.lunds.lu.se] has joined #rocklinux
[18:59] < huebi> hi LocalHero ;-)
[18:59] < rxr> aber das dies im perl build geschieht ist doch nicht wirklich optimal ...
[19:00] < clifford> wo sollte es denn sonst geschehen?
[19:01] < LocalHero> huebi, hi :).. Ups seams like i screwed up the iso site last day. Im fixing it now :)
[19:02] < LocalHero> huebi, how is it going with the 1.5.19?
[19:02] < rxr> clifford: vielleicht nach jedem packet wenn perl installiert ist (natuerlich nur mit just installierten dateien) ...
[19:03] < clifford> $postflist waere dazu zu spaet.
[19:04] < clifford> Nope - es muss $postflist passieren.
[19:04] < huebi> LocalHero: Fine. But I have to make a new rebuild again. There were still some mistakes in it. After that I have to test install it on my test systems and then It needs some function tests. After all that is done I can upload it.
[19:04] < clifford> Ist zwar ein bischen aufwendig - aber genau dafuer gibt es den postflist handler.
[19:05] < LocalHero> huebi, oki seams like alot to do :)
[19:05] < clifford> (siehe z.bsp. package/base/man/parse-config)
[19:06] < clifford> .. postflist handler der nicht komprimierte man-pages automatisch komprimiert.
[19:06] < huebi> LocalHero: Not so much, but it needs some time. I need 8h for a complete build of base+opt and if there happen some errors I have to rebuild it completely.
[19:06] < rxr> clifford: cool - habe ich noch nicht gesehen.
[19:06] < rxr> Hoehrt sich genau nach der richtigen loesung an.
[19:07] < clifford> rxr: Ich muss das ganze hook-labyrinth von 1.7 endlich fertig dokumentieren.
[19:07] < clifford> von der implementierung wird sich naemlich kaum mehr grossartig was aendern.
[19:08] < thalerim> implementation
[19:08] < rxr> ok
[19:08] < owl> huebi: wegen dem problem von gestern - ich habe mir nochmal mein ext-config/INDEX angeguckt... --> das ist "defekt"... ich versuche jetzt nochmal ein "defektes" INDEX file von dem 01.09.2002er src.tar hinzubekommen
[19:08] < thalerim> owl: wegen _des_
[19:08] < rxr> ich werde (hoffe ich) auch mal mehr documentation beitragen koennen.
[19:08] < LocalHero> oki, need to go, cya all
[19:08] < clifford> der nachteil and postflist ist halt, dass es keinen fl_wrapper mehr gibt.
[19:08] < huebi> cu LocalHero
[19:08] < owl> thalerim: ich habe heute einen anfall von aktuem tod, also, bitte...
[19:08] < clifford> (der vorteil ist, das man schon weiss welche files das pkg erstellt hat)
[19:08] -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@alexander.lunds.lu.se] has quit ()
[19:09] < thalerim> owl: lüg nicht, du als zombi, bist doch schon längst tot! :-P
[19:09] < clifford> .. man muss also alle neuen files mit add_flist extra hinzufuegen..
[19:09] < clifford> thalerim: ja - implementation. danke.  ;-)
[19:10] < owl> thalerim: jo. sicher. "tote programmierer sind gute programmierer"... deswegen haben wir auch in israel unseren haupt-programmier-sitz... nur bin ich in deutschland. schlecht ;)
[19:12] < huebi> owl: MOSIX kommt aus Jerusalem - und das von ganz Lebendigen.
[19:12] < owl> huebi: hm... wie lange wohl noch... *zyn*
[19:13] < huebi> sehr lange.
[19:13] < owl> huebi: na ja.. programmierer kann man ersetzen... machen's halt ein paar andere... *zynÜÜ*
[19:19] < huebi> clifford: Welche Programme hast du fuer die installation ueber die serielle Schnittstelle benutzt?
[19:19] < huebi> (das waere naemlich ein super Feature fuer ROCK Linux. Das hat sonst keiner.) *g*
[19:21] < clifford> huebi: 'minicom' sowie 'rz' aus dem 'lrzsz' package
[19:22] < huebi> clifford: Danke. Ich probiere das mal aus und Schreibe dann eine kleine Anleitung dafuer.
[19:22] < clifford> huebi: der ROCK 1.6 artikel waere eigentlich wichtiger ...
[19:22] < huebi> ROCK Linux - nur hier passt das Kamel durchs Nadeloehr.
[19:22]   thalerim is listening to MoonSpell - Opium
[19:23] < d3mian> cool
[19:23]   d3mian too
[19:23] < huebi> clifford: Ich mache 1.5.19 noch fertig. Bis spaetestens Sontag hast du den Artikel.
[19:23]   d3mian listening Opium - Mephisto
[19:23] < d3mian> oups, Moonspell - Mephisto
[19:23] < thalerim> *g+
[19:29] < d3mian> nice, gcc3.2 hasnt gave me any prob
[19:30] < clifford> Part of the changelog of the next snapshot:
[19:30] < clifford> - Moved all sourceforge packages from stage 6 to stage 3 to fit the 'standard'
[19:30] < clifford> - Reordered stage numbers 4->7, 3->5, 2->3 (better use of the avail. space)
[19:31] < clifford> So please to send large *.desc patches _now_  ;-)
[19:31] < clifford> s/to/don't/ ...   ;-))
[19:40] < rxr> clifford: could you also correct the [P] of usbutils in my tree ?
[19:40] < clifford> already done.
[19:41] < rxr> thnx
[19:43] < owl> huebi?
[19:43] < rxr> clifford: could you move wine from sf into rene ?
[19:44] < clifford> rxr: done.
[19:47] < rxr> also libcss sudo nmap hermes commonc++ gnucash openldap rxvt samba
[19:47] < rxr> and maye vnc (where you are the [M]) ...
[19:48] < clifford> done. (also vnc)
[19:48] < rxr> ok
[19:50] < huebi> owl: *
[19:51] < owl> huebi: join #aol
[19:51] < huebi> owl: does not work.
[19:52] < owl> huebi: yes, you 're right. see INDEX... ;)
[19:53] < huebi> owl: ./scripts/Build-Index
[19:53] < owl> huebi: i did it... but ok. another try...
[19:55] < owl> huebi: no changes in the file
[19:55] < huebi> owl: remove them first
[19:59] < clifford> - Re-asigned build priority numbers (looked already like an old basic prog)
[19:59] < owl> huebi: no changes
[19:59] < owl> huebi: i also rm -rf ed the untarred file and configured it again and so on... but it's always the same result
[19:59] < huebi> owl: then use the snapshot from yesterday. That works.
[20:00] < owl> ok. i will try. thx
[20:14] -!- pure420hemp [pure420hem@grissom-24.nmt.edu] has joined #rocklinux
[20:26] -!- tomik [~tomik@bremaiva.worldonline.cz] has joined #rocklinux
[20:31] < huebi> owl: did it work?
[20:32] < owl> huebi: i'm still downloaidi9ng
[20:32] < owl> (aeh. you know what i mean9
[20:40] < huebi> interesting message:
[20:40] < huebi> Message from syslogd@world at Fri Sep  6 20:40:06 2002 ...
[20:40] < huebi> world kernel: Assertion failure in __journal_file_buffer() at transaction.c:1937: "jh->b_transaction == transaction || jh->b_transaction == 0"
[20:41] < huebi> The history of the world has a problem :(
[20:48] -!- huebi_ [~huebi@p508175BE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:48] < huebi_> re
[20:49] < thalerim> re
[20:49] < huebi_> cvs.rocklinux.de as a _big_ problem in the moment. ;-((
[20:49] < d3mian> i noted that
[20:50] < d3mian> what happen ?
[20:50] < huebi_> d3mian: broken file systen I suppose.
[20:51] < d3mian> oh
[20:52] < pure420hemp> why does pppd die unexpectedly
[20:52] -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-zh-15-1-dialup-27.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux
[20:53] < pure420hemp> i put a # in front of lock in , eetc/ppp/options
[20:54] < owl> huebi_ works
[20:54] < rxr> re
[20:56] < d3mian> wb rxr
[20:56] < huebi_> SMP: World seams to have a problem
[20:58] < pure420hemp> help plz, whenever
[20:59] -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-zh-15-1-dialup-27.freesurf.ch] has quit ("l")
[21:02] -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-zh-15-1-dialup-27.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux
[21:18] -!- NUMA [stefanp@world.cabal1.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:18] -!- SMP [stefanp@world.cabal1.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:18] -!- th [th@rocklinux.de] has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[21:18] -!- huebi [huebi@rocklinux.de] has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[21:18] -!- NUMA is now known as SMP
[21:21] < huebi_> hi SMP
[21:21] < huebi_> SMP: World seams to have a problem
[21:23] < huebi_> SMP: Ok. Thanks. ;-) What was the problem?
[21:24] -!- huebi [huebi@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux
[21:24] -!- huebi_ [~huebi@p508175BE.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[21:25] < SMP> cat /etc/motd
[21:25] -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-zh-15-1-dialup-27.freesurf.ch] has quit ()
[21:27] < huebi> SMP: Hmm. interesting.
[21:29] < d3mian> cya
[21:29] < SMP> happy birthday kiste.wronline.de btw. ;)
[21:30] < SMP> last reboot 2000-09-06
[21:30] < huebi> SMP: congratulations ;-))
[21:32] < thalerim> when will mathilda.rocklinux.de be created? ;)
[21:35] < huebi> thalerim: Wrong question!
[21:36] < thalerim> when was?
[21:36] < SMP> off, party!
[21:36] < huebi> SMP: have fun ;-))
[21:36] < rolla> cool
[21:37] < huebi> thalerim: We'll see if that happens.
[21:39] -!- pure420hemp [pure420hem@grissom-24.nmt.edu] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[22:11] -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082AA0E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:11] < tsa> tag
[22:11] < huebi> moin tsa
[22:12] < tsa> huhu huebi
[22:12] < owl> moin tsa
[22:12] < tsa> huhu owly
[22:31] < tsa> rxr: bist du wach?
[22:40] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39957.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[22:49] -!- clifford [~clifford@M105P010.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[22:49] -!- clifford_ [~clifford@M102P003.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[22:50] < rxr> hi tsa
[22:51] < tsa> aah
[22:51] < rxr> schaue gerade tv ...
[22:51] < tsa> hi rxr
[22:51] < tsa> hehe
[22:51] < tsa> den iq-kram vermute ich mal..
[22:51] < rxr> poste einfach - ich antworte in ein paar minuten ...
[22:51] < rxr> ne
[22:51] < tsa> fand ich irgendwie langweilig...
[22:51] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39469.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:51] < tsa> hehe
[22:51] < rxr> dir firma -kennt meine freundin noch nicht ...
[22:53] < tsa> ok...ich hab zwei sachen: 1.) kannst du mal nen repository-maintainer-howto auf die mailingliste schicken, /me hat keine ahnung von rsync 2.) ich haette gerne mein ettercap-pkg von rene/ nach tsa/ verschoben..
[22:53] < tsa> (hat aber beides zeit..)
[22:54] < rxr> oeh
[22:54] < rxr> rsync nutzen wir nur um daten von Cliff zu bekommen ...
[22:55] < tsa> hm..ok
[22:55] < tsa> wie update ich dann meinen kram zu cliff?
[22:55] < rxr> die veraenderungen an deinem respository sollten dann bon Zeit zu Zeit via patch an Cliff gehen ...
[22:55] < tsa> achso...ok
[22:56] < tsa> ettercap - soll ich clifford ne mail dazu schicken?
[22:56] < rxr> ich hoffe in den naechsten tagen endlich Subversion fuer GSMP, dRock und ROCK-1.7 am Laufen zu haben.
[22:57] < rxr> sag clifford einfach das er es verschieben soll. Das ist lesbarer als ein patch ;-)
[22:57] < tsa> jupp..
[22:57]   rxr away ... (watching tv ...)
[22:58] < tsa> mail is raus.
[22:59] < tsa> Cc: an dich..
[23:01] -!- einstein__ [~mail-spam@B5218.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[23:01] < tsa> huhu..aehm...owl..
[23:01] < tsa> ;)
[23:02] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B580e.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:04] < praenti> re
[23:04] < praenti> hat jemand einen brenner den er nicht mehr braucht oder kennt einer ein gutes brenner-angebot?
[23:05] < tsa> oeh...
[23:06] < tsa> ich hab einen, aber den brauch ich selber. schau doch einfach mal bei www.km-elektronik.de ..
[23:06] -!- einstein__ [~mail-spam@B5218.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:08] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39469.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out)
[23:10] -!- Freak [freak@p508391CC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[23:18] < rxr> cu
[23:18] < rxr> n8
[23:18] < tsa> cu rxr
[23:21] -!- simon [95b07f119c@] has quit ("Getting off stoned server - dircproxy 1.0.3")
[23:21] -!- simon [0233989cd8@] has joined #rocklinux
[23:28] -!- Freak [freak@p508391CC.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:30] -!- Freak [freak@p50839FDB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[23:30] -!- rxr_ [~rene@] has joined #rocklinux
[23:35] -!- jahor [jahor@ob-sprava.cz] has quit ("leaving")
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[23:45] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-174-173.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[23:49] -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB456F5.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux
[23:49] < tsa> hm...
[23:50] < tsa> what is the difference between vmware server and vmware workstation?
[23:53] < huebi> tsa: The price?
[23:54] -!- Freak [freak@pD9530345.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[23:54] < praenti> huebi: do you know a cheap burner?
[23:55] < tsa> huebi: i didn't say i paid for it, did i?
[23:55] < tsa> ;)
[23:55]   praenti 's brenner is but :-(
[23:55] -!- th [th@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux
[23:55] < huebi> praenti: last week for 55 EUR at www.gd-computer.de
[23:55] < huebi> moin th
[23:55] < th> re
[23:55] < th> arme world
[23:55] < huebi> tsa: I never expected that.
[23:56] < huebi> th: jo, arme world.
[23:56] < th> ich hatte die meldung auch auffer konsole.
[23:56] < tsa> wassn mit welt?
[23:56] < th> tsa: is abgestuerzt ;)
[23:57] < huebi> tsa: myll in ext3, oder so
[23:57] < tsa> das is dumm.
[23:58] < th> damit is meine irssi-uptime natuerlich dahin
[23:59] < huebi> th: nicht nur deine.
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Sat Sep 07 00:00:06 2002