--- Log opened Tue Sep 10 00:00:02 2002 --- Day changed Tue Sep 10 2002 00:14 -!- ripclaw [~ripclaw@pD9522083.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("[x]chat") 00:14 -!- ripclaw [~ripclaw@pD9522083.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 00:16 -!- tsa_ [~tsa@pD9E11D11.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 00:17 < tsa_> re 00:17 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082B4AB.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: tsa_!~tsa@pD9E11D11.dip.t-dialin.net))) 00:17 -!- tsa_ is now known as tsa 00:33 < rxr> hi tsa 00:34 * rxr legt sich jetzt hin ... 00:34 < rxr> n8 00:36 < tsa> cu rxr 00:40 < tsa> ls -la 00:40 < tsa> hmpf .. wrong window 00:40 < ripclaw> happens to me all the time 00:43 * tsa going to sleep..cu 00:43 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E11D11.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 01:01 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: xlock 01:03 -!- Netsplit over, joins: xlock 01:08 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: xlock 01:11 -!- Netsplit over, joins: xlock 01:33 -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("leaving") 01:34 -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 01:42 -!- ripclaw [~ripclaw@pD9522083.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 01:48 < owl> g8 01:49 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B514e.pppool.de] has quit ("back to fscking reality") 01:51 < praenti> anybody have a compile list for gnome2? 01:52 < praenti> what package and when. or give me a hint to see how 1.7 make gnome2 01:58 * praenti now going to bed 01:58 < praenti> gn8 02:14 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1CF3D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 02:46 < d3mian> re 02:46 < d3mian> anyone skilled with a news server under inn ? 02:46 < d3mian> i have probs during authentication :( 03:05 -!- d3mian is now known as [1001 03:05 -!- [1001 is now known as [1001-111-100] 03:38 -!- hi [hi@cs666966-165.satx.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux 03:39 -!- hi [hi@cs666966-165.satx.rr.com] has left #rocklinux () 04:08 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit ("Irssi - the client of smart and beautiful people") 05:22 -!- [1001-111-100] is now known as d3mian 07:21 -!- aszlig [~aszlig@paradome.de] has quit (Ping timeout: 14400 seconds) 08:30 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@neptune.tacomeat.net] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 08:51 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: xlock 08:51 -!- Netsplit over, joins: xlock 09:20 -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@alexander.lunds.lu.se] has joined #rocklinux 09:20 < LocalHero> huebi, do you have an md5 for your iso? Just to check cause i did an continues download :) 09:35 < LocalHero> de51a9ea05128e5a3b24d8ff1afed737 rock-ia32-i586-base+opt-1.5.19.iso 09:35 < LocalHero> ftp://iso.rocklinux.de/unstable/Rock-1.5.19/rock-ia32-i586-base+opt-1.5.19.iso 09:36 < LocalHero> If its correct its just to ad to the page :) 09:51 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@neptune.tacomeat.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:53 -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:53 < tsa> moin 10:03 -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@alexander.lunds.lu.se] has quit () 10:18 -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 10:24 -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:24 < tsa> re 10:28 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD9048583.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:52 < praenti> moin 11:00 < huebi> moin 11:03 < tsa> hi huebi 11:03 < tsa> was macht der ruecken? 11:03 < huebi> hi tsa. Er ist nicht mehr ganz so unertraeglich. Liegen kann ich aber immer noch nicht. 11:04 < tsa> hm....dann wirst du die naechsten Tage wohl im stehen pennen muessen.. 11:05 < huebi> im sitzen - geht gar nicht so schlecht wenn die Muedigkeit gross genug ist. ;-) 11:07 < th> also ich haette gestern am liebsten im stehen geschlafen, huebi 11:08 < huebi> th: wiso? 11:08 < th> huebi: weil sitzen und liegen tierisch weh tat 11:08 < huebi> o_O, auch der Ruecken? 11:08 < th> rippe gebrochen 11:09 < huebi> uuiii 11:09 < th> direkt unter der brust, damits beim atmen auch schoen schmerzt 11:10 < huebi> ...und dann mit jamanden, der dich dauernd zum Lachen bringt, zu tun haben... 11:10 < th> richtig lachen tut weh 11:10 < th> und niesen erstmal 11:11 < th> und noch so ein paar dinge... 11:11 < rxr> re 11:12 < praenti> was habt ihr na alle angestellt? 11:13 < th> praenti: ich hab meinen brustkorb fallender weise auf einem fremden handgelenk plaziert und dann den besitzer dessen noch auf meinen ruecken fallen lassen... *knack* 11:15 < huebi> praenti: Bei mir hat ien Shiatsubehandlung durch meine Frau die ganzen Verspannungen im Ruecken ans Licht gebracht. 11:15 < tsa> hm...rippe gebrochen macht spass 11:15 < th> tsa: yea *bluthust* 11:15 < tsa> hab ich letztes jahr auch geschafft beim kart-fahren.. 11:16 < tsa> schoenes gefuehl, wenn man sich mal nicht bewegen muss.. 11:24 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p508179B8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:25 * praenti geht im moment fremd 11:25 < praenti> ich installier grad freebsd auf meinem lappy 11:27 < bluefire> Moin 11:27 < praenti> moin bluefire 11:28 < bluefire> praenti: Das waren noch Zeiten... man konnte ordentliche Betriebssysteme auf Laptops installieren... heute geht das ja kaum mehr. 11:29 < praenti> bluefire: wieso? geht doch. du kannst ja Rock, FreeBSD, ... installieren 11:31 < bluefire> praenti: naja... die modernen Lappys brauchen fast alle eine funktionierende ACPI Unterstützung um brauchbar zu laufen... und die hat nur W.n.dos 11:41 < th> bluefire: also da kann ich nicht zustimmen... so ziemlich alle DELLs, die ich in den fingern hatte laufen problemlos mit nem aktuellen kernel 11:41 < th> C810 C840 11:41 < th> und auch die inspirons 11:44 < bluefire> th: also ich weiß das Toshibas und Acers und auch die neuen Sonys Probleme haben. 11:44 < th> also der letzte toshiba is ein wenig her, aber ging auch 11:44 < bluefire> th: Aktuell ist 2.5.x oder 2.4.x? 11:44 < th> bluefire: 2.4 11:45 < esden> ihr solltet nicht so viel sport machen ... sport ist mord ;-) 11:45 < th> bluefire: acer und sony kann sein... is ja uebel dann 11:45 < th> esden: aber ne gute ablenkung ;) 11:45 < bluefire> th: da hast du vielleicht Glück mit dem Toshi gehabt und der war noch nicht soo neu. 11:45 < esden> und hallo beisammen ;-) 11:45 < bluefire> Moin esden 11:45 < esden> th: stimmt gute ablenkung 11:45 < huebi> hi esden 11:45 < huebi> hi bluefire 11:46 < esden> ich habe immer noch muskelkater im ruecken vom windsurfen ;-) 11:46 < th> esden: nimm mozilla, da gibts keinen muskelkater 11:46 < esden> aber es hat tierisch spass gumacht ;-) 11:46 < bluefire> Die Dinger braucen ACPI nicht nur für Power Management, sondern auch für Interrupt Routing. Teilweise sind die BIOSe dann auch noch Bugy... ziemlich übel. 11:46 < esden> th: stimmt ;-) 11:47 < bluefire> th: Du kannst dich ja mal zum Spaß durch die ACPI-devel Archive lesen... traurig sag ich nur. 11:48 < esden> man braucht jetzt endlich eine zentralle wo die die biose auf acpi richtigkeit testet ... 11:48 < th> naja 11:48 * th faehrt mal los und macht ne kunden-runde. 11:48 < huebi> cu th 11:48 < esden> tu th 11:48 < esden> ich mein cu ;-) 11:48 < esden> >_< 11:49 < th> ;> 11:49 < esden> hmm ... noch paar minuten und der neueste 1,7 stap ist da ... 11:50 < esden> bin schon gespannt ws nich getan hat ... 11:51 < rxr> hi esden 11:52 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD9048583.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 11:54 < esden> hi rxr 11:54 < esden> ok I will be back in some hours 11:54 < esden> cu all 11:55 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD9048583.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:08 -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E7AD1A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:08 < rxr> re martin_ 12:11 < martin_> hi rxr 12:17 < martin_> away ... 12:17 * rxr ? - no 12:21 * rxr just hand-merged 48 changes for 1.7 :-( 12:45 -!- capchaos_ [~capchaos@pD90485CB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:45 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD9048583.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: capchaos_!~capchaos@pD90485CB.dip.t-dialin.net))) 12:45 -!- capchaos_ is now known as capchaos 13:03 -!- zer0_o^ [~zer0_o@] has joined #rocklinux 13:03 < zer0_o^> endlich 13:03 < zer0_o^> wieder irc im büro 13:08 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: defbla, rxr 13:11 -!- Netsplit over, joins: rxr 13:11 -!- Netsplit over, joins: defbla 13:38 < xlock> so was bloedes 13:39 < xlock> der tar von meinem buildsystem kennt kein I 13:40 < rxr> xlock: which ROCK version do you use ? 13:43 < xlock> rxr: drock-1.6.1-rc 13:44 < xlock> rxr: i managed all 5 build stages (with some little probs), now building subdistribution install-disks fails 13:46 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: praenti, martin_ 13:47 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rolla, Freak, h0h0, simon, snyke, SMP 13:47 -!- Netsplit over, joins: martin_, praenti, Freak, h0h0, simon, SMP, rolla, snyke 13:55 < martin_> re 13:56 < martin_> rxr: Hast schon mal an's iBook gedacht? 14:06 < rxr> xlock: oh dRock ;-) 14:06 < rxr> You can replace the -I with "--use-compress-program=bzip2 14:07 < rxr> we have this in 1.7 - but I have not the time to merge all this corrections into dRock ... 14:07 < rxr> martin_: jup iBook 14:07 < rxr> I know 14:07 < rxr> martin_: you know that you need to resize your current MacOS-X volume - or maybe reinstall it ? 14:08 -!- chrisime [~chrisime@pD9590F79.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:09 < xlock> rxr: no prob 14:09 < rxr> xlock: ;-) 14:10 * rxr currently busy building apache-2.0 and all the fluff needed for subversion ... 14:10 < rxr> martin_: wann haettest du denn zeit um mit dem iBook und ROCK zu spielen ? 14:11 < xlock> rxr: > Trying to use loopback dev /dev/loop/* ... 14:11 < xlock> > /dev/loop/*: No such file or directory 14:12 < xlock> ploedes teil 14:12 < rxr> hm - your build system doesn't have devfs, right ? 14:12 < xlock> rxr: it has 14:12 < rxr> it has loopback support ? 14:12 < rxr> module loaded ? 14:13 < xlock> CONFIG_DEVFS_FS=y 14:13 < xlock> CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP=m 14:13 < xlock> ahh 14:13 < xlock> rxr: tx 14:14 < rxr> no problem ;-) 14:14 < rxr> LOOKUP loop/* MODLOAD 14:14 < rxr> in your devfsd.conf does the trick (automatically) 14:14 < rxr> this is the default in dRock ... 14:14 < xlock> ;-) 14:15 < xlock> too late, loop is compiled in now... 14:16 < rxr> modprobe loop - would also work ;-) 14:16 < xlock> did i already mention today: "redhat sucks" ? 14:18 < rxr> hm - that are no news *g* 14:25 < xlock> pfft 14:25 < xlock> Error opening file: ".devfsd" No such file or directory 14:26 < rxr> hm ? 14:30 < xlock> ahh 14:30 < xlock> [*] /dev file system support (EXPERIMENTAL) 14:30 < xlock> [ ] Automatically mount at boot 14:37 < xlock> redhats libio.h 14:37 < xlock> is broken 14:38 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux 14:39 < Ge0rG> hi 14:45 -!- term_emu [~pm@pD9E336DA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:47 < term_emu> moin 15:00 < th> base-config/galeon/... no longer in the repository???? huebi??? 15:02 < huebi> th: jo, does not compile w/mozilla 1.1 15:03 -!- armijn [~armijn@humbolt.nl.linux.org] has joined #rocklinux 15:03 < armijn> re 15:03 < th> huebi: i liked that browser :-(( 15:03 < armijn> hi all 15:03 < huebi> th: you can still compile it against 1.0 15:05 < th> i should stick to 1.5.18-binaries i suppose 15:05 -!- capchaos is now known as capchaos_away 15:05 < armijn> 1.5.18 15:05 < armijn> ? 15:06 < th> armijn: as in "rock-1.5" 15:06 -!- capchaos_away [~capchaos@pD90485CB.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 15:06 < armijn> ah 15:06 < armijn> hi huebi 15:06 < huebi> hi armijn ;-) 15:07 < armijn> huebi: the devfs conf should be edited 15:08 < armijn> so we can use /dev/hda, /dev/sda, etc. 15:08 < armijn> is needed for silo 15:10 < th> Ge0rG: was muss ich eigentlich tun um flash im galeon zu kriegen? 15:10 < Ge0rG> th: die flash-irgendwas.so ins mozilla-plugins-dir kopieren 15:10 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD958D034.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:11 < thalerim> moin all 15:11 < th> Ge0rG: laeuft das 5er flash mittlerweile auch vernuenftig? 15:12 < Ge0rG> th: ich hab hier 5.0 r47 15:12 < armijn> ok. am off 15:12 -!- armijn [~armijn@humbolt.nl.linux.org] has quit ("ircII EPIC4pre2.500 -- Accept no limitations") 15:12 < th> Ge0rG: muss die .class auch irgendwohin? 15:13 < Ge0rG> th: da ist eine .class dabei? 15:13 < th> jo 15:13 < th> flash_linux.tar.gz 15:13 < th> und dadrin ein .so und ein .class 15:14 < th> Ge0rG: und wie bring ich dem zeug bei das richtige dsp zu nehmen? 15:15 < Ge0rG> th: das ist wohl schwieriger. ich hab das mit devfsd compatibility mode gemacht 15:16 < thalerim> th: symlink? 15:16 < th> Ge0rG: irgendwie linkt bei mir /dev/dsp auf /dev/sound/dspW dspW sagt mir aber nix 15:16 < th> REGISTER sound/dsp CFUNCTION GLOBAL symlink $devname dsp 15:17 < Ge0rG> th: /dev/dsp ist ein link auf /dev/sound/dsp welches bei alsa mit snd-pcm-oss erzeugt wird 15:17 < th> hmmm ich nix alsa 15:17 < th> crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 14, 3 Jan 1 1970 dsp 15:17 < th> crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 14, 19 Jan 1 1970 dsp1 15:17 < th> crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 14, 5 Jan 1 1970 dspW 15:18 < Ge0rG> 14, 3 ist das richtige [tm] 15:18 < th> ja aber warum macht devfsd den link auf 14,5? 15:19 < rolla> re 15:20 < Ge0rG> th: mein devfsd macht das nicht 15:20 < thalerim> th: mh.. vielleicht ist es zeit für debug/verbose? 15:20 < th> REGISTER sound MKOLDCOMPAT 15:20 < th> das is cooler ;) 15:20 < th> damit geht das nett 15:21 < th> hat mal wer ein flash mit sound? 15:22 < Ge0rG> ich hab flash mit sound. 15:22 < th> Ge0rG: ich meine ne URL zum testen fuer mich 15:22 < Ge0rG> aso.. mompl 15:22 < Ge0rG> th: https://ge0rg.boerde.de/fun/AYB2.swf 15:24 < th> danke 15:24 < th> geht doch 15:24 < th> laeuft 15:32 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 15:32 < Mike1> moin 15:33 < thalerim> moin Mike1 15:34 < th> hi Mike1 15:35 -!- HiJacker [~HiJacker@RJ224179.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #rocklinux 15:35 < HiJacker> Mike1: E aë ??? 15:35 < HiJacker> Mike1: Tá sumidão aë !!! 15:36 < rolla> Mike1 15:40 < Mike1> oi HiJacker 15:41 < HiJacker> Mike1: É difícil te encontrar no canal !!! 15:41 < HiJacker> Mike1: Fez o tutorial de instalação da distro ??? 15:43 < Mike1> Como é você meu amigo? 15:44 < HiJacker> Mike1: Tá falando comigo ??? 15:44 < Mike1> Nenhum eu não tenho o revestimento, mim fui muito ocupado 15:44 < HiJacker> Mike1: Eu tenho 24 anos e 1.87 metros 15:45 < thalerim> hm 15:45 < Mike1> HiJacker: aprovação, que você está fazendo? 15:46 * Mike1 apolagizes for speaking on portugues, the guy doesnt speak english 15:47 < HiJacker> Mike1: Working 15:48 < thalerim> we know it. and you needn't apologize always ;-) ... i think mathilda is a telepath, so.. 15:48 < Mike1> eu farei algum trabalho que os portuguess documentam mais atrasado hoje 15:48 < HiJacker> Mike1: entendi !! 15:48 < HiJacker> Mike1: OK !!! 15:52 -!- term_emu [~pm@pD9E336DA.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out) 15:52 < Mike1> [anders]: awake? 15:55 * Mike1 rebooting brb 15:55 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 15:58 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 15:58 < Mike1> re 15:59 < HiJacker> Mike1: Depois folto velew ??? 15:59 < HiJacker> Mike1: Depois volto veleu ??? 15:59 -!- HiJacker [~HiJacker@RJ224179.user.veloxzone.com.br] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 16:13 -!- rxr [~rene@] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 16:17 -!- rxr [~rene@] has joined #rocklinux 16:20 < praenti> re all 16:30 -!- term_emu [~pm@pD958BFCA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:37 < tsa> bbl. 16:37 -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has quit ("wech.") 16:41 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD958D034.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos") 16:44 -!- litost [~stephen@phynp6.phy-astr.gsu.edu] has joined #rocklinux 16:45 < Mike1> ! 16:45 < Mike1> litost: :) 16:45 < litost> re Mike1 ;) 16:56 -!- LordVan [~lordvan@] has joined #rocklinux 16:56 < LordVan> hi 16:56 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 16:57 < Mike1> hi LordVan 17:03 < LordVan> hi 17:05 * zer0_o^ is working since 13.30 17:05 < martin_> re 17:05 * zer0_o^ is away 17:10 < martin_> rxr: mv firewall.sh.conf firewall.sh ? 17:15 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux 17:15 < armijn> is huebi awake? 17:16 < praenti> does anybody s.th on 1.5 cvs? 17:17 < praenti> cause a commit two fixed packages and make an index rebuild 17:17 < praenti> s/a/i 17:17 < armijn> where are we with the release? 17:17 < armijn> 1.5.18 already? 17:19 < praenti> armijn: i think huebi is already build at 1.5.19 version 17:19 < armijn> hm...ok :) 17:27 -!- simon [8593bd6fbc@] has quit ("Getting off stoned server - dircproxy 1.0.3") 17:29 -!- defbla [~hackbard@faic.Physik.uni-augsburg.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 17:33 * praenti away 17:37 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B57de.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 17:37 < owl> hi 17:40 < armijn> hi 17:41 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-be-4-2-dialup-110.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux 17:41 < owl> hi armijn, zer0_o 17:44 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B57de.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17:44 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B57de.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 17:50 < zer0_o> owl =) 17:50 < zer0_o> *schmatz* 17:50 < owl> zer0_o: wuah. geh' weg! 17:50 < zer0_o> =) 17:50 < zer0_o> nö 17:51 < zer0_o> gehts gut? 17:51 < owl> doch. *schuettel* 17:51 < owl> zer0_o: nicht wirklich. selbst? 17:51 < zer0_o> jojo bissel müde und erkältet ... 17:51 < zer0_o> vom wochenende.. 17:51 < owl> zer0_o: selbst schuld, wenn du das haus verlaesst. 17:51 < zer0_o> gell =) 17:51 < zer0_o> draussen lauert das böse =) 17:52 < owl> zer0_o: genau. draussen sind menschen (boese) 17:53 < armijn> darn 17:53 < armijn> I forgot my universal translator again... 17:53 < zer0_o> =) 17:53 < owl> armijn: sorry ;) 17:53 < zer0_o> sorry armijn 17:54 < zer0_o> we talked about bad people that exists outside the door 17:54 < owl> armijn: we just talked about - aeh - life... (and that people are 3v1l and bad) 17:54 < owl> *ggg* 17:54 < zer0_o> yeah, reallive people are all bad 17:55 < armijn> yeah, and schmatzing and stuff like that... 17:55 < owl> armijn: wuah. nothing imporant. i was just almost running away cuz of this 17:55 < armijn> of the schmatzing? 17:56 < owl> armijn: hm? how do you mean? 17:56 < armijn> nuthin :) 17:56 < armijn> I'm kinda bored 17:57 < owl> why so`? wait a second. i have some PCs here, which should be rockified. and they have several HW-problems (and they 're quite old) so... /me transfering PCs to armijn (to get the PCs rocked) 17:57 < armijn> hardware problems? 17:58 < armijn> harddisk or memory? 17:58 < owl> armijn: harddisk. and CD-ROM and so on... 17:59 < owl> i guess i shold think about booting, using network etc. 17:59 < zer0_o> rockified <- *lol* 17:59 < owl> zer0_o: why? 18:00 < armijn> yeah...swiss people have a weird sense of humor 18:02 < zer0_o> armijn =) 18:02 < zer0_o> that may be =) 18:03 < armijn> zer0_o: no, I just know they do... 18:04 < zer0_o> do u know swiss-people? 18:05 < armijn> yeah 18:05 < armijn> just one ;) 18:05 < zer0_o> no, u don't =) 18:05 < armijn> I do 18:05 < zer0_o> just me ? 18:05 < armijn> nah, I don't know you 18:06 < zer0_o> ok =) 18:06 < zer0_o> who do u know? and where is he/she from? 18:06 < armijn> he wrote...QCad 18:07 < zer0_o> i don't know QCad , i'm a newbie 18:07 < zer0_o> =/ 18:09 < armijn> QCad is funny...www.qcad.org 18:10 < zer0_o> aah .. cad =) 18:10 < zer0_o> cool 18:13 < Mike1> hi armijn how are you ? 18:13 < armijn> hi mike1 18:13 < armijn> got DevFS running on sparc64, so we need to incorporate that into the 1.5.19 stuff ASAP 18:14 < Mike1> armijn: excellent :)) 18:14 < Mike1> armijn: linux 2.4.19? 18:14 < rxr> hi Mike1 18:14 < armijn> nah, 2.4.17 18:14 < armijn> still need to dig into 2.4.19 18:14 < Mike1> hi rxr :), did you receive my email? 18:15 < rxr> yes thanks. 18:15 < Mike1> rxr: good. 18:15 < rxr> Mike1: you could directly upload the ISO onto my server - no need to put it onto your boxes ... 18:16 < Mike1> rxr: yes but i must create the iso and store it somewhere while creating it i am spaceless :(( 18:16 < armijn> sparc iso? 18:16 < armijn> mike1 is totally outer space :) 18:16 < Mike1> armijn: slowlaris 18:18 < Mike1> armijn: what about silo? 18:18 < armijn> well, we need to add one or two lines to the devfs configuration 18:18 < armijn> and write some documents on how to rebuild a different Linux (like Debian) 18:19 < Mike1> armijn: splack here 18:19 < armijn> mike1: whatever :)) 18:19 < Mike1> :P 18:19 < armijn> I need a new snapshot, with all the new goodies, so I can start a build soon... 18:20 < Mike1> armijn: patches ? 18:20 < armijn> I've got 1.5.17 at home, but I heard it's got some broken stuff (the linux-src/header package) 18:20 < armijn> nah 18:20 < armijn> I will just try some stuff 18:20 < armijn> and then download all the new things 18:20 < armijn> as in, sources 18:21 < armijn> problem is, the mirrors haven't been updated in ages and there's still only all the sources for 1.5.12...I think 18:25 < Mike1> yes there are only unoficial mirrors with uncomplete sources 18:25 < armijn> great! 18:26 < Mike1> i had made some src isos for all the sources sometime ago, maybe i should remove them and simple update packages and have it there for us to use it 18:28 -!- martin__ [~martin@pD9E79213.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:28 < martin__> re 18:29 -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E7AD1A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18:31 -!- martin__ is now known as martin_ 18:35 -!- simon [0cdc129d88@] has joined #rocklinux 18:56 -!- d3mian_ [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 18:57 < d3mian_> umm 18:57 < d3mian_> how can i kick the old d3mian ? 18:57 < d3mian_> hi there! 18:58 < owl> hi d3mian_ 19:00 < Mike1> d3bian /msg nickserv recover d3mian 19:00 < d3mian_> :) 19:00 < Mike1> then /msg nickserv release d3mian 19:01 < Mike1> and then /nick demian :) 19:01 -!- d3mian_ is now known as d3mian 19:01 < d3mian> :) 19:28 -!- goAtsy [leif@h179n1fls12o894.telia.com] has joined #rocklinux 19:31 -!- nAdIeD [~nando@cii.udea.edu.co] has joined #rocklinux 19:31 < nAdIeD> moin 19:31 < nAdIeD> =) 19:31 < Mike1> hi nAdIeD 19:31 < d3mian> hi nAdIeD 19:32 < nAdIeD> d3mian 19:32 < nAdIeD> ke mas 19:32 < d3mian> LANG=en 19:32 -!- goAtsy [leif@h179n1fls12o894.telia.com] has left #rocklinux () 19:34 < blindcoder> g'evening everybody 19:35 < Mike1> Capt. blindcoder 19:35 * armijn covered in MSDN CDs 19:36 < blindcoder> hmm... is it to be considered a good thing or a bad thing if my apache on my dyndns-address receives several dozen hits from a .mil domain a week? 19:37 < armijn> they're after you. 19:37 < nAdIeD> ithink thats a good thing, you are famous! 19:38 < owl> hi blindcoder 19:38 < blindcoder> hm... 19:38 < blindcoder> hi owl 19:39 < d3mian> nAdIeD: ? 19:39 < blindcoder> armijn: I _know_ they're after me... just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT after me, after all :) 19:42 < blindcoder> nAdIeD: famous for 15 minutes.... until they get me :) or was that after they got me? 19:43 < nAdIeD> =) 19:48 < armijn> argh, I'm covered in beta versions of Windows XP 19:50 < blindcoder> armijn: What are you _doing_ ? 19:50 < blindcoder> make a big pile, put in some easy inflammable materials and accidentally "drop" a match 19:51 < armijn> they're property of the lab I'm cleaning out right now 19:51 < armijn> I'm the new admin, but can't just throw out all the Windows stuff 19:52 < blindcoder> hmm.... well, at least you know what to do :) clean out all those XPerimental CDs :) 19:53 < armijn> I can't 19:53 < blindcoder> why... you just said you were "cleaning out" :) 19:53 < armijn> can't do that... 19:53 < armijn> property of the lab 19:53 < blindcoder> sad... so sad... 19:54 < owl> blindcoder: ?? 19:54 < blindcoder> aahhh.... i'm in a strange mood today... 19:55 < owl> blindcoder: omg. i recognized it. 19:56 < armijn> I could use some CDs as decoration 19:57 < owl> armijn: *lol* 19:58 < armijn> actually, there's a concert hall in .nl, that is covered with CDs on the outside 19:58 < d3mian> anyone skilled in a inn server (news) ? 20:00 < armijn> argh! windows product key stickers everywhere! 20:01 < Mike1> armijn: sounds like you are having ALOT of fun 20:02 < armijn> yeah, another two boxes full of them! 20:03 < Mike1> haha 20:03 * owl should cover her room with CDs... the burner makes defect CDs... dammit 20:03 < armijn> coasters! 20:04 < armijn> hey, a Red Hat 6 CD 20:04 < blindcoder> wow! 20:05 * Mike1 found a box with rh 5.2 this mourning 20:06 < nAdIeD> haha] 20:06 < nAdIeD> with the WU/ftp Bug 20:06 < nAdIeD> hahaha 20:07 < blindcoder> I'm off again... 20:07 < blindcoder> baibai 20:08 < d3mian> cya blindy 20:09 * rolla has a copy of debian 1.0 and redhat 2.0 at home :) 20:10 < owl> omg. guys what are you doing with those CDs? 20:10 < d3mian> cya all too 20:11 < rolla> they are part of the first linux devlopers set that I first installed linux from cd :) 20:11 < armijn> freebsd 2.2.7 and probably a very early slackware (with kernel 1.2.8) 20:12 < owl> ciao d3mian 20:14 < esden> hi all 20:15 < owl> hi esden 20:15 < armijn> hi esden 20:16 < esden> hi owl armijn 20:20 < esden> hmm ... blindcoder off ... not good ... 20:27 < armijn> blah 20:27 < esden> armijn: blubb 20:28 < armijn> no way. 20:34 -!- Freak [freak@p50838C75.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20:36 -!- Freak [freak@pD9E399C5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:39 < esden> armijn: are you sure ? ... I think that balubba is a good answer too ;-) 20:41 < armijn> heh 20:41 < armijn> could be 20:45 < esden> armijn: that is good that you think the same way ;-) 20:46 -!- chrisime [~chrisime@pD9590F79.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 20:49 < Mike1> master esden :) 20:52 < Mike1> rxr: awake? 20:53 < esden> hi master Mike1 ! 20:53 < esden> how are you Mike1 ? 20:53 < Mike1> Mike1 != master 20:53 < Mike1> esden: very good and you my friend? 20:53 < Mike1> still in polland? 20:54 < armijn> ok 20:54 < armijn> gone 20:54 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has quit ("ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet?") 20:54 < esden> yes I am still in poland ... and I am really fine ... 20:54 < esden> and in perfect mood 20:54 < Mike1> esden mm... 20:55 < huebi> re (at least a little bit. My back is still aching like hell) 20:55 < Mike1> those internet caffee guys are going to be rich when you get back to de 20:55 < rolla> :( suck 20:55 < esden> I go in few minutes to a girl that I met here ... and tomorrow I meat a girl that I know since very many years 20:55 < esden> that will be fun ;-) 20:55 < Mike1> huebi: hi, whats wrong? 20:55 < esden> huebi: I am sorry for you ... 20:56 < esden> Mike1: Yes that is sure ... 20:56 < esden> but what can I do ... I am dependent from fast connections ;-) 20:56 < Mike1> esden: i bet they are even making a specil price for their costummer of the year *g 20:56 < esden> and that I can only have in the caffee 20:56 < esden> Mike1: I should ask them ... ;-) 20:56 < huebi> Mike1: since saturday night my back is aching. but now it gets better. sitting in front of the computer aches too. 20:57 < Mike1> yes 20:57 * -> esden back is also aking from too much windsurfing ;-) 20:57 < esden> huebi: perhups you should lie infront of the comp 20:57 < esden> ;-) 20:57 < huebi> esden: but you can lay down in bed for sleeping ;-> 20:59 < Mike1> huebi: perhaps vacations in CR might help you 21:00 < huebi> Mike1: ;-))) 21:00 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 21:00 < esden> huebi: ohh ... you can not lay down ? 21:00 < esden> you must stand ? 21:01 < huebi> esden: standing or sitting and sleeping in an "Liegestuhl" works. 21:03 < esden> hmm ... 21:04 < esden> I hope that you will be better fast ... 21:04 < esden> I know what an aking back is ... >_< 21:04 < esden> really a mess ... >_< 21:05 < huebi> esden: Thank you ;-)) I'm now bitting for ~12 mins on a normal chair and I still can breathe. That's great 21:06 < huebi> sitting even 21:06 < esden> hmm ... sounds ... not good ... 21:06 < esden> hmm ... get a liegestuhl infront of your comp ... 21:07 < esden> ok ... I will be leaving now ... 21:07 < huebi> i'll see what i can do... 21:07 < esden> I need to visit someone ... 21:07 < huebi> cu esden 21:07 < esden> cu huebi 21:08 < esden> sleep well ... as far as you can 21:08 < esden> and good bettering 21:08 < huebi> thank you 21:08 < esden> denada 21:13 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 21:13 < Mike1> re 21:14 < rolla> re 21:14 < Mike1> :) 21:17 < Mike1> rxr: ? 21:17 * Mike1 needs rxr 21:47 -!- nAdIeD is now known as CyBuX 21:57 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@ACB69197.ipt.aol.com] has joined #rocklinux 21:57 < Mike1> hi WKaibigan 21:58 < WKaibigan> Hi Mike1 22:07 < term_emu> goodnight 22:07 -!- term_emu [~pm@pD958BFCA.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("zz") 22:13 -!- Mike2 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 22:13 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22:13 -!- Mike2 is now known as Mike1 22:13 < Mike1> re 22:49 -!- LordVan [~lordvan@] has quit ("(nite all ;)") 23:02 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@neptune.tacomeat.net] has quit ("Hoho needs no reason!") 23:03 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@3ffe:80ee:7c6:0:0:0:0:fe] has joined #rocklinux 23:04 < Mike1> hola h0h0 23:04 < h0h0> `lo mike1 23:04 < h0h0> er, damit 23:05 * h0h0 no me gusta la classe de espanol 23:05 < h0h0> it doesn't work!! 23:05 < Mike1> h0h0: ok my friend :) 23:06 -!- litost [~stephen@phynp6.phy-astr.gsu.edu] has quit ("home") 23:40 -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@alexander.lunds.lu.se] has joined #rocklinux 23:40 < Mike1> hi LocalHero 23:41 < LocalHero> Mike1, hi 23:41 < LocalHero> huebi, was the md5 right for your iso? 23:42 < Mike1> LocalHero: long time not talking to u, how is everything doing? 23:43 < LocalHero> Mike1, well. I have been quiet busy. Im in charge of the welcome commity at lunds institute of technology. Currently im valking around dressed as robin hood, drinking beer and going to partys 23:45 < Mike1> LocalHero: damn got a job for me ? *gg* 23:45 < LocalHero> Mike1, hehe :) 23:47 < LocalHero> Andybody know if huebi has posted the md5 for Rock-1.5.19? 23:47 < Mike1> dont know 23:50 < LocalHero> oki, got to go now. Have to sleep :) 23:51 < Mike1> night LocalHero 23:51 -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@alexander.lunds.lu.se] has quit () --- Log closed Wed Sep 11 00:00:20 2002