--- Log opened Thu Sep 12 00:00:38 2002 --- Day changed Thu Sep 12 2002 00:08 -!- Be-El [be-el@p5082A9AF.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 00:08 < Mike1> bye all 00:08 < huebi> cu Mike1 00:08 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 00:26 < huebi> n8 01:01 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD9E0A50D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 01:03 < tsa> n8 01:03 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9525FD7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 01:04 -!- nAdIeD [~nando@cii.udea.edu.co] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 01:04 -!- nAdIeD [~nando@cii.udea.edu.co] has joined #rocklinux 01:34 -!- nAdIeD [~nando@cii.udea.edu.co] has quit ("[BX] nAdIeD has left the building") 02:08 -!- d3mian_ is now known as d3mian 02:08 < d3mian> re 02:09 < capchaos> hi d3mian whats up? 02:09 < d3mian> fine, u ? 02:10 < d3mian> iva just went out of a maths test :s 02:11 < capchaos> fine. my girlfriend sleeps here in my bed right now :) how was the test? 02:13 < d3mian> dunno, i felt it easy.. but im not sure, im never sure about maths tests, u know 02:40 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has quit ("leaving") 02:41 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 02:42 < d3mian> brb 02:43 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has quit (Client Quit) 02:43 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 02:44 < capchaos> wb d3mian 02:44 < d3mian> :) 02:49 -!- litost [~stephen@phynp6.phy-astr.gsu.edu] has quit ("home") 02:49 < d3mian> anyone skilled with a news server? (using inn) 02:58 < d3mian> cvs server: Updating rock-1.5/Documentation/Developers 02:58 < d3mian> U rock-1.5/Documentation/Developers/CHANGELOG 02:58 < d3mian> U rock-1.5/Documentation/Developers/CHANGELOG-1999 02:58 < d3mian> cvs [checkout aborted]: writing rock-1.5/Documentation/Developers 02:59 < d3mian> CHANGELOG-2000: No such file or directory 03:19 < d3mian> solved 03:21 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD90485AC.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("g'nite") 04:51 < d3mian> umm, im so tired... and with headache 04:51 < d3mian> cya 05:53 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit ("Irssi - the client of smart and beautiful people") 07:30 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD9E0A50D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 08:09 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD9E0A50D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("auf zum aufdampfen duenner schichten ...") 08:16 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rolla, praenti, Freak, h0h0, simon, SMP, snyke 08:16 -!- Netsplit over, joins: Freak, snyke, rolla, SMP, simon, h0h0, praenti 08:29 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rolla, praenti, Freak, h0h0, simon, SMP, snyke 08:30 -!- Netsplit over, joins: snyke, rolla, SMP, simon, h0h0, praenti, Freak 08:31 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rolla, h0h0, simon, SMP, snyke 08:31 -!- Netsplit over, joins: h0h0, simon, SMP, rolla, snyke 08:32 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rolla, h0h0, simon, snyke, SMP 08:32 -!- Netsplit over, joins: h0h0, simon, SMP, rolla, snyke 08:46 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rolla, h0h0, simon, snyke, SMP 08:47 -!- Netsplit over, joins: h0h0, simon, SMP, rolla, snyke 08:52 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rolla, praenti, Freak, h0h0, simon, snyke, SMP 08:53 -!- Netsplit over, joins: praenti, Freak 08:53 -!- Netsplit over, joins: h0h0, simon, SMP, rolla, snyke 08:58 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rolla, h0h0, simon, snyke, SMP 08:59 -!- Netsplit over, joins: h0h0, simon, SMP, rolla, snyke 08:59 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rolla, h0h0, simon, snyke, SMP 09:00 -!- Netsplit over, joins: h0h0, simon, SMP, rolla, snyke 09:01 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rolla, h0h0, simon, snyke, SMP 09:02 -!- Netsplit over, joins: h0h0, simon, SMP, rolla, snyke 09:16 -!- Netsplit over, joins: h0h0, simon, SMP, rolla, snyke 09:21 < huebi> moin 09:31 -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E7A12A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:31 < martin_> hi 09:40 -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E7A12A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 10:37 -!- anders_ [~anders@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has joined #rocklinux 10:38 < anders_> powercut at home, so might not be able to do anything today.. 10:38 < anders_> moin zusammen b.t.w. 10:54 -!- [anders] [anders@] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11:06 -!- anders_ is now known as [anders] 11:06 < huebi> moin [anders] 11:06 < praenti> moin 11:06 < huebi> moin praenti 11:06 < [anders]> moin huebi, moin praenti.. 11:07 < praenti> huebi: can i have the sysvinit tarball from aour ftp-server. the original location has too many users 11:07 < praenti> s/aour/your 11:07 < [anders]> How are things with you guys today then? I'm home-computer-less today I am afraid.. 11:07 < huebi> praenti: of course you can. 11:07 < praenti> [anders]: why computer less? 11:07 < huebi> praenti: ftp://ella/rock-pkg-1.5/ 11:08 < huebi> praenti: ftp://rocklinux.dyndns.org/rock-pkg-1.5/ 11:08 < praenti> huebi: thx 11:08 < [anders]> praenti: powercut.. No power at all to the flat at home. The girlfriend have called and reported a fault, but will be hours before power restored.. :-/ 11:09 < praenti> :-/ 11:10 < praenti> in such situation is always say: "Net gut" perhaps somebody would say: "Ohh Shit" 11:12 < [anders]> praenti: amen.. I know exactly what you mean.. And yesterday I got the book about CVS, so I was going to do some work with CVS getting to know it well etc.. Not so easy now exactly.. 11:15 < praenti> does anybody have good knowledge about iptables. i need a rule to close the port 25 for a computer in my internal net ( 11:16 < [anders]> praenti: how do you need to close it? 11:16 < [anders]> I.e. do you want to deny access to only a specific host or network, or do you want to block everyone on a particular interface? 11:16 < praenti> on my firewall. currently it does nat and iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --dport 25 -j TREJECT has no effect 11:17 < praenti> [anders]: i want to block my brother's computer to send kleze 11:17 < praenti> ;-) 11:18 < [anders]> try 'iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -i eth0 --dport 25 -j DROP' or something along those lines.. :) 11:19 < [anders]> i.e. all incoming connections on eth0 to port 25 -> DROP 11:19 < praenti> port is still open. i dont know what my firewall script does exactly 11:20 < praenti> perhaps you know MonMothas 11:20 < [anders]> you could prevent outgoing SMTP connections with 'iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -o eth0 --sport 25 -j DROP' 11:20 < praenti> still open 11:21 < praenti> i can reach my smtp via telnet 11:21 < [anders]> I use fwbuilder myself. a graphical tool to build firewalls using XML and then it compiles down the script you would use as your rc.firewall etc.. 11:21 < [anders]> praenti: from another box as well? 11:22 < praenti> mom 11:23 < praenti> yes 11:23 < praenti> perhaps i should try the fwbuilder 11:23 < [anders]> Hmm.. do you need sendmail running? or could you have it run from inetd instead? 11:25 < praenti> [anders]: that is not what i need. the problem is, that my brother has a klez on his windoof box and this damn box sends to the T-Online SMTP 11:26 < [anders]> praenti: and his windows box is on your local lan, yes? 11:26 < praenti> yes! 11:28 < [anders]> so you could do 'iptables -A INPUT -i --source --sourceport 25 -j DROP' and you would block his box explicitly from talking to your box on port 25 11:30 < praenti> does not have an effect. i think my firewall script is shitt 12:04 -!- clifford [~clifford@M143P006.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 12:04 < huebi> moin clifford 12:05 < clifford> hi. 12:05 < huebi> clifford: Rolling ROCK kommt nachhern. Ich hatte seit Samstag tierische Rueckenprobleme. 12:52 < clifford> huebi: mirror-struktur wird auf verteilte master mirror mit dyndns+rsync umgestellt. 12:53 < rxr> hi clifford 12:53 < clifford> gd.tuwien.ac.at wird einzelne subdirs von verschiedenen mastern mirrorn. 12:53 < clifford> rxr: hi. 12:54 < clifford> rxr: bzgl. Version Control bin ich ganz deiner meinung. 12:54 < rxr> gut ;-)! 12:54 < rxr> ich teste heute nacht subversion weiter ... 12:55 < clifford> mein vorschlag waere verschiedene versionsverwaltungstools read-only im netz zu haben. Das releasen eines snapshots wuerde ein checkin in allen systemen triggern. 12:55 < rxr> hm 12:55 < clifford> Dann kann sich jeder selbst aussuchen womit er seine forks verwaltet. 12:56 < rxr> aber dann waeren aenderungen auch immer nur zu snapshot releases verfuegbar. 12:56 < rxr> du solltest eins benutzen wo wir auch zwisachen snapshots schon aenderungen sehen ... 12:56 < clifford> ich kenne meine arbeitsweise. Wenn ich an rock arbeite mache ich 2-3 mal taeglich snapshots. Ich wuerde auch nicht oefter checkins machen. 12:57 < clifford> Ich merge meine patches und die von anderen, mache ein paar test und dann einen snapshot. 12:57 < clifford> ich wuesste nicht was ich daran aendern koennte. 12:58 < clifford> der vorteil waere halt, dass man einfacher einen fork verwalten und die trees syncron halten kann. 13:01 < clifford> rxr: die folgenden files gibt es nicht mehr auf den original locations: 13:01 < clifford> download/rene/libxml2/libxml2-2.4.24.tar.bz2 13:01 < clifford> download/rene/vlc/vlc-0.4.4.tar.gz 13:01 < clifford> download/x11/gnome-pim/gnome-pim-1.91.1.tar.bz2 13:01 < clifford> download/x11/libglade/libglade-2.0.1.tar.bz2 13:02 < rxr> clifford: nagut ... 13:02 < clifford> "nagut" klingt nicht als ob du mit der loesung gluecklich waerst. 13:02 < rxr> die idee ist nur veraenderungen - angewante Patches, ... gleich zu sehen - und so mittesten bzw. patches zu schicken die applien ... 13:03 < clifford> also das ein patch im subversion, etc. tree wirklich applied ist sowie ich das mail "applied" wegschicke? 13:04 < rxr> jups 13:04 < clifford> hmmm.. ich sehe ein, dass das sinnvoll waeren. 13:05 < clifford> sollten wir dann ueberhaupt noch klassische snapshots machen? oder reichen dann nicht auch taegliche checkouts. 13:06 < clifford> BTW: Kann subversion berechtigungen auf verzeichnisebene vergeben? 13:06 < rxr> snapshots waeren schon noch sinnvoll 13:06 < rxr> aber nicht soooo oft. 13:07 < rxr> Vielleicht normale Releases mit versionsnummer ... 13:07 < rxr> ich muss nachher mal nachsehen ob subversion das kann. 13:07 < rxr> ^- permissions auf verzeichnisse 13:07 < clifford> die snapshot sollten nicht zu alt sein - immerhin werden leute auch patches gegen die snapshots erstellen. 13:08 < rxr> wir werden ja sehen wie oft snapshots sinnvoll sind. 13:09 < clifford> waere naemlich ganz nett. Ich denke nicht dass es notwendig ist, dass du mir patches fuer x11 und rene repositories schickst. 13:12 < rxr> bin gleich erstmal weg 13:12 < rxr> clifford: most Gnome2 stuff will not compile because of some freetype2 pango problems 13:12 < rxr> but tomorrow I noted that is caused by the incorrect working configure "option" test ... 13:13 < clifford> rxr: do you have a time machine? 13:13 < rxr> please do not do (too) much on the x11 packages - it would be hard to merge them 13:13 < rxr> s/tomorrow/this morning/ 13:13 < rxr> sorry 13:14 < clifford> the configure options thest has just been improved. 13:14 < clifford> (I'm uploading the snapshot right now.) 13:20 < rxr> clifford: I read the mail 13:32 -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E7A12A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:32 < martin_> hi all 13:32 < martin_> hi rxr 13:36 < martin_> rxr: sag wenn du Zeit hast und Laune hast 13:38 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux 14:21 -!- term_emu [~pm@p5081926A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:22 < term_emu> hoi 14:32 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50816B35.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:36 < bluefire> Moin 14:36 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p50813DDC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:39 < [anders]> meep.. /me is slurping an export of the anoncvs 1.5 tree at the moment to make it easier to import in a local repositry... it is a slow process.... 14:43 < thalerim> moin all 14:50 -!- clifford [~clifford@M143P006.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 15:00 -!- clifford [~clifford@M104P009.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 15:55 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p50813DDC.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos") 16:24 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p50813488.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:29 < huebi> [anders]: Do you want to have a backup of the whole 1.5 cvs? 16:37 -!- kasc [~shaman@p5090A16B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:37 < kasc> hiyas 16:39 < kasc> i'm currently trying to build an uptodate rock 1.7, but lilo fails in stage 1 complaining about nasm missing 16:39 < kasc> can any1 help? 16:39 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p50813488.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos") 16:57 < [anders]> huebi: no, it is alright.. :) 16:58 < [anders]> huebi: I will probably go through and create a CVS tree based on yours, then merge in the mods from Miguels and mine tree.. That way I will have a pretty good idea what was done and when.. 16:58 < huebi> [anders]: ack 16:59 < [anders]> I'll have to have a chat with SMP as well, to figure out how he did anonymous cvs access via ssh.. 17:00 < huebi> [anders]: There is some documentation about it at www.openbsd.org. They have ssh cvs only. 17:02 < d3mian> hi all 17:02 < [anders]> huebi: doing non-anon access is the easy bit.. how to allow anon access w/o having to mess with a keyfile is what I wonder about.. 17:03 < huebi> hi d3mian 17:03 < huebi> [anders]: www.openbsd.org. But I don't remember where. 17:04 < [anders]> huebi: I will have a look around.. :) 17:04 < [anders]> huebi: thanks for pointing me in the right direction. :) 17:23 -!- Netsplit sterling.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: [anders], d3mian, tomik, fake, kasc, rxr 17:24 -!- Netsplit over, joins: kasc, [anders], d3mian, tomik, rxr, fake 17:26 -!- Freak [freak@p50839ACA.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 17:27 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@] has joined #rocklinux 17:28 -!- litost [~stephen@phynp6.phy-astr.gsu.edu] has joined #rocklinux 17:28 -!- Freak [freak@p50839ACA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:28 -!- [anders] [~anders@imhotep.hursley.ibm.com] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17:32 -!- hackbard_ [~hackbard@] has joined #rocklinux 17:48 -!- kasc_ [~shaman@p50908AFE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:49 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17:56 -!- hackbard_ [~hackbard@] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 17:58 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p50813480.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:02 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5320.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 18:02 < owl> hi 18:03 < d3mian> hallo owl 18:03 < owl> hi d3mian 18:06 -!- kasc [~shaman@p5090A16B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18:23 < d3mian> anyone skilled with a news server using shadow passwd databases ? 18:23 * d3mian using innd 18:23 < huebi> d3mian: Me not 18:36 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-mu-2-1-dialup-59.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux 18:41 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5320.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 18:42 < d3mian> ok, thanx 18:42 < d3mian> now i have to leave, have fun :) 18:43 < huebi> cu d3mian 18:51 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5059.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 18:52 < owl> re 18:52 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5059.pppool.de] has quit (Client Quit) 18:52 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5059.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 19:02 < esden> hi all 19:02 < owl> hi esden 19:03 < esden> hi owl 19:03 < blindcoder> hi esden 19:03 < esden> hi blindcoder 19:03 < esden> ich hasse modems 19:03 < blindcoder> hehe 19:03 * blindcoder sollte fuer seinen FTP mal ne FAQ und ne VFAQ schreiben 19:04 < esden> VFAQ ??? 19:05 < blindcoder> VERY Fucking annoying questions 19:05 < esden> lool 19:09 * blindcoder faq'ing 19:19 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p50813480.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos") 19:33 -!- Kraven [Kraven@pD9E584CC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:33 -!- Kraven [Kraven@pD9E584CC.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 19:36 -!- kasc_ is now known as kasc 19:36 < esden> cu all 19:36 * -> esden off 19:46 -!- chrisime [~chrisime@pD9590EEB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:26 -!- Freak [freak@p50839ACA.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 20:38 -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39435.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:52 -!- foze [~cvcv@dsbg-d9bbd75a.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:06 < foze> hi, can some1 say me, how big is the hole download 4 a generic-1.7 DEV version ? 21:11 < foze> ty 21:24 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 21:24 < Mike1> hi 21:32 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p50812D0F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:32 < thalerim> re 21:32 < Mike1> re thalerim 21:33 < owl> hi thalerim 21:33 < owl> hi Mike1 21:33 < thalerim> yo moin.. 21:33 < Mike1> whats up owly 21:38 < owl> Mike1: nothing. everything. something between that. 21:38 < Mike1> lol i see 21:40 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9525371.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:40 < tsa> moin 21:40 -!- thalerim is now known as tcr 21:40 < tcr> moin 21:41 < tsa> hi tcr 21:41 < Mike1> hi tsa and tcr 21:41 < tcr> Mike1: ??? 21:42 < Mike1> tcr nevermind 21:42 < tcr> as far as i can see you already greeted me ;) 21:42 < Mike1> so i feel like saying hi oftenly :P 21:42 < owl> hi tsa 21:44 < tsa> hi Mike1 21:44 < tsa> hi owly 21:44 < Mike1> haha 21:44 < owl> *tsahau* 21:44 * Mike1 away 21:44 < tcr> bye Mike1 *lol* 21:44 < tsa> cu Mike1 21:44 < tsa> owly: hm? 21:46 < owl> tsa: net. war nur fuer das "owly" 21:47 < tsa> owly: achso.. 21:47 * Mike1 is away: I'm busy 21:47 * Mike1 is back (gone 00:00:03) 21:47 < Mike1> lol 21:47 < Mike1> re 21:47 * owl hits tsa with the pink notebook 21:48 < tsa> hi Mike1 (again) 21:48 < Mike1> i thought the pink notebok was death long time ago 21:48 < tsa> owly: try making coffee instead.. 21:48 < owl> tsa: no! 21:49 < Mike1> yeah its cold here a coffee would be good 21:50 < owl> Mike1, tsa: make one by your own 21:50 < Mike1> owl: we could but it would never taste like ur coffee 21:50 < Mike1> so what would be the point 21:51 * litost waves to Mike1 21:51 < owl> Mike1: of course. cuz my coffee would taste like water with poision inside 21:51 < Mike1> litost: ! hi my friend 21:51 < tcr> owl is certainly pising into the caffee, so.. 21:51 < Mike1> owl: mmm... yammy 21:51 < owl> tcr: eh! 21:51 < Mike1> tcr: mmm... 21:51 < litost> ewww...:) 21:52 < Mike1> tcr: dont make me hate the coffee 21:52 < owl> tcr: that's 3v1l 21:52 < Mike1> litost: glad to see you here 21:52 < tcr> i did.. and it was a pleasure ;-P 21:52 < Mike1> tcr: lol 21:52 < litost> glad to be here...been a busy busy week 21:52 < owl> tcr: you're really 1n54n3 21:53 < Mike1> tcr: so now we need another woman to make us coffee 21:53 < Mike1> litost: same here lots of work !! 21:54 < tcr> owl: 4/\/d Y0|_| 4r3 l337... 21:54 < tcr> :-P 21:54 < owl> tcr: noe 21:56 < tcr> not? 21:56 < tcr> then you have to be a l00ser... 21:56 < tcr> there's nothing between ;) 21:56 < owl> tcr: of course i'm a looser. i'm a NULL a nobody 21:57 < tcr> NULL != nothing 21:57 < owl> of course 21:57 < tsa> *owl = NULL; ? 21:58 < tcr> get rid of that asterisk 21:58 < Mike1> owl: stay the hell away from me! 21:58 < tcr> (well depends of the previous declaration) 21:58 < tsa> where else am i supposed to put a null pointer? 21:59 < tcr> tsa: * dereferences the pointer, you probably want to set the pointer to null instead of the dereferenced one. But depends on your declaration (if it was **owl it would be ok) 22:00 < tsa> hehe...ok 22:01 < tsa> #include 22:01 < tsa> int main(int argc, char **argv) 22:01 < tsa> int *owl; 22:01 < tsa> owl = NULL; 22:01 < tsa> return owl; 22:01 < tsa> } 22:01 < tsa> dammit! opening bracket is missing ;-) 22:01 < Mike1> lol 22:02 < owl> *grml* 22:03 < owl> tcr, tsa: are you a little bit crazy today? ;) 22:03 < tcr> we have drunk you coffee 22:03 < tcr> +r 22:04 < owl> tcr: ;))) then you normally should be dead... 22:05 < tcr> i'm half a god 22:05 < owl> tcr: oh yeah. god. 22:07 * tcr is listening to The Exploited - Fuck the USA 22:07 < tcr> ;0) 22:12 -!- mnemoc [~mnemoc@victoria.innernet.cl] has joined #rocklinux 22:13 < tcr> moin mnemoc 22:13 -!- term_emu [~pm@p5081926A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("zzeit") 22:14 < mnemoc> hello 22:14 < mnemoc> may i ask a little newbie question? 22:15 < tcr> why not 22:15 < mnemoc> :D 22:16 < mnemoc> how should i do config for building a base rocklinux (1.7)? 22:16 < mnemoc> (which target?) 22:16 < tsa> "generic", i'd suggest. 22:16 < tcr> i think generic 22:17 < esden> servas ... 22:17 < mnemoc> but Download tries to download even X11 22:17 -!- tomik [~got_root@bremaiva.worldonline.cz] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 22:17 < esden> mnemoc: you have to select an option called expert 22:17 < esden> and then deselect packecs that you do not like 22:17 < mnemoc> generic + expert? 22:17 < tsa> hi esden!!!! 22:18 < esden> otherwise many packets will be built 22:18 < esden> hi tsa!!! 22:18 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-mu-2-1-dialup-59.freesurf.ch] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 22:18 < owl> re esden 22:18 < Mike1> hi master esden 22:18 * -> esden sending a patch to cliff and finally the interview 22:18 < tcr> huebi: i'm calling for my dark master. 22:18 < esden> hi Mike1 ! 22:18 < esden> hi owl 22:19 < tcr> 'lo esden ;) 22:19 < esden> tcr O_o 22:19 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-mu-2-1-dialup-59.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux 22:19 < tcr> lol 22:19 < tcr> re zer0_o 22:19 < zer0_o> reeöhh 22:19 < mnemoc> another newbie question: how do i deselect the packages? :( 22:19 < esden> hi tcr 22:19 < esden> ... 22:20 < zer0_o> fsck windows =P 22:21 < esden> mnemoc: 22:21 < esden> - Additional Package Selection x x 22:21 < esden> x x [ ] Custom package selection x x 22:21 < esden> x x --> Show the current package list 22:21 < esden> that is the place to look for what you need 22:22 < mnemoc> i select custom, but i don't undetand how to dselect 22:22 < mnemoc> inside the list? 22:22 < mnemoc> or 'adding new lines'? 22:24 < mnemoc> i did it :) 22:24 * mnemoc was an idiot 22:24 < tcr> was? *g* 22:25 < mnemoc> :( 22:25 < zer0_o> löl 22:25 < tcr> just kidding ;-) 22:25 < esden> yes very good question "was ?" *GG* 22:25 < zer0_o> keep cool mnemoc =) 22:25 < mnemoc> :D 22:25 * mnemoc is an idiot somedays :\ 22:26 * zer0_o is an idiot allday ;) 22:26 * tcr does verify it. 22:26 < mnemoc> :( 22:26 < tcr> haha 22:28 < mnemoc> i'll be back *friends* :\ 22:28 < esden> strange people are round here today ... 22:28 < esden> cu l8er mnemoc 22:28 < esden> hope you get your stuff running ... 22:29 < mnemoc> i hope :P 22:29 < mnemoc> see you 22:29 -!- mnemoc [~mnemoc@victoria.innernet.cl] has quit ("Leaving") 22:29 < tcr> where esden? 22:32 < esden> tcr: #rocklinux 22:32 < tcr> lol why? 22:32 < zer0_o> why? 22:32 < esden> donno ... that is why I ask ... 22:32 < esden> or so ... 22:33 < esden> you act strange ... I do not know you ... aso ... 22:33 < zer0_o> =þ 22:33 < esden> hmm ... 22:33 < tcr> ??? 22:33 < tcr> the only who is somewhat crazy are you 22:33 < esden> beautiful ... tongue ... or how it is spelled ... 22:33 < tcr> a,are,is, 22:34 < tcr> huh 22:34 < tcr> damn 22:34 < zer0_o> don't listen to him tcr, he don't know what he sais.. 22:34 * -> esden was, is and will be always crazy and evil ... that is sure ... 22:34 < tcr> ich tippe auf alk 22:34 < zer0_o> i think so too ;) LOL 22:34 < esden> no alk here ... 22:35 < esden> sadly ... 22:35 < zer0_o> other drugs =P 22:35 < esden> no other drugs ... beside family 22:36 * tcr is listening to Eisregen - Meine tote russische Freundin 22:38 * zer0_o slaps Esden with a Mc Chicken. 22:38 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 22:39 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 22:39 < Mike1> debian? 22:43 < esden> hmm ... 22:48 -!- clifford [~clifford@M104P009.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 22:49 < zer0_o> is there something like terminalserver for linux with x-windows? 22:50 < Mike1> vnc? 22:51 < zer0_o> no ;) 22:51 < zer0_o> vnc is a remote tool 22:52 < zer0_o> or does it work the same way ? 22:52 < zer0_o> i don't think so.. 23:00 -!- kasc [~shaman@p50908AFE.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux () 23:02 -!- Dowel [~zer0_o@pop-zh-19-2-dialup-49.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux 23:04 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-mu-2-1-dialup-59.freesurf.ch] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 23:05 -!- Dowel is now known as zer0_o 23:07 * owl is listening to six feet under - victim of the paranoid 23:07 < zer0_o> /msg nickserv register <- ?? 23:07 < owl> zer0_o: ??? 23:07 < zer0_o> i owl 23:07 < zer0_o> hi owl 23:07 < owl> hi zer0_o 23:07 < owl> death metal rulez ;) 23:09 < owl> zer0_o: was ist mit nickserv? 23:09 < zer0_o> progressive trance rulz =) 23:09 < zer0_o> gibts nickserv überhaupt ? 23:09 < owl> zer0_o: nicht wirklich. 23:09 < owl> ja. /msg nickserv help 23:10 < zer0_o> geht net =( 23:10 < owl> bzw. /msg nickserv help befehl 23:10 < owl> uh? 23:10 < zer0_o> aaah doch 23:10 < zer0_o> hast du registriert ? 23:10 < owl> -NickServ- /msg NickServ help . 23:10 < owl> -NickServ- 23:10 < owl> -NickServ- REGISTER Register a nickname 23:10 < owl> -NickServ- DROP Cancel the registration of a nickname 23:10 < owl> jaaaaaaa 23:11 < owl> hmm... irgendwas machst du falsch... oder du bist dem nickserv unsympathisch... ;P 23:11 < zer0_o> das sowiso 23:11 < zer0_o> aber jetz hats gefuntzt =) 23:11 < owl> :) 23:11 < esden> you can export x desktops 23:12 < esden> export DISPLAY=:0.0 23:12 < esden> that is like a terminalserver 23:12 < esden> you run your apps on the server 23:12 < zer0_o> mmh =) nice 23:12 < esden> and on the client you run only the x server ... 23:13 < esden> that is a feature that is there since there is network in unix systems .. 23:13 < esden> and that was in the times that noone knew that there will be dos or windows ... 23:13 < esden> crazy stuff 23:13 < zer0_o> hehe 23:14 < zer0_o> that's nice man =DDD 23:14 < zer0_o> do you know citrix ? 23:14 < esden> yes ... I do 23:14 < esden> but it is commercial ... yuk 23:15 < owl> esden: but i guess you can download the client for free, can't you? 23:15 < esden> sadly there is no free alternativo afaik 23:15 < zer0_o> commercial =P i've got it free =P 23:15 < zer0_o> but only to test 23:15 < esden> yes ... like I said ... not free .. 23:16 < esden> ahh ... cool stuff ... my interview arrived on the mailinglist ... 23:16 < zer0_o> yeah, i think it was a good software... 23:16 < zer0_o> whith whom ? 23:16 < esden> I will then go off ... 23:16 < owl> esden: in the latest "linux magazine" there's a report about rocklinux ... 23:16 < owl> bye esden 23:16 < esden> owl can you please buy me one ... 23:17 < zer0_o> =) 23:17 < owl> esden: hm. if i will have the chance to get one, then yes 23:17 < esden> I do not know if I will get one when I am back in germany 23:17 < esden> owl: thanks 23:17 * zer0_o is eating a spring-roll 23:17 < owl> esden: i will try. but i can't promise it ;) 23:17 < owl> you are welcome 23:17 < esden> zer0_o: read the mailinglist then you will know ;-) 23:18 < esden> owl: sure ... thanks anyways 23:18 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 23:18 < zer0_o> witch? =) i'm not in a mailinglist yet... 23:19 < esden> so get on the mailinglist ... 23:19 < zer0_o> i will! 23:19 < zer0_o> =) 23:20 < esden> zer0_o: good boy ;-) 23:20 < zer0_o> is it true, that ibm is a rock-partner? 23:20 < owl> wuah! dieser song ist geil!!!! 23:21 < zer0_o> esden? =) tell me 23:23 < zer0_o> gota reboot again... 23:23 < esden> zer0_o: in some way yes ... they sponsored a machine ... for ppc porting 23:23 < zer0_o> cool =) 23:23 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-zh-19-2-dialup-49.freesurf.ch] has quit ("reboot") 23:23 < esden> ok ... cu guys 23:24 < owl> bye again, esden 23:24 < tsa> cu esden..have fun. 23:24 < esden> have a nice time till I am back ;-) 23:24 < esden> but be nice ... do not do any nasty things ;-) 23:24 * -> esden off 23:28 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-mu-20-2-dialup-69.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux 23:29 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50812D0F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("gn8 all") 23:36 < tsa> n8 23:36 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9525371.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 23:48 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5059.pppool.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 23:49 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5059.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 23:49 < owl> re 23:49 < zer0_o> re! 23:50 < foze> hi, sry very newb question :/, HOW i dselect packages ??? version DEV-1.7, "Use "X how ? where ? :( pls give me a hint 23:53 < foze> hmm 23:59 < foze> pls can some1 explain me how 2 dslect packages in ver1.7 ? 23:59 * owl doesn't work with 1.7 --- Log closed Fri Sep 13 00:00:02 2002