-!- Irrsi  Log opened Fri Sep 20 00:00:01 2002
[00:11] < Mike1> see you later guys
[00:11] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[00:19] -!- term_emu [~pm@pD9E3361C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[00:34] < demian> umm
[00:34] < demian> seems that my ilegal instruction prob was caused by a confusion of gtk+ built :p
[00:48] < acm_scl> Hi demian
[00:49] < demian> hi acm_scl
[00:49] < huebi> hi demian
[00:49] < huebi> hi acm_scl
[00:49] < acm_scl> hi huebi
[00:50] < acm_scl> huebi: Do you use 1.7.0 tree?
[00:50] < huebi> acm_scl: no, not at all
[00:52] < acm_scl> i want to do a new target, but i'm not a shell guru,..
[00:53] < demian> u dunt need to be a shell guru for that afaik :-)
[00:53] < acm_scl> well, i want a GOOOOOOG config.in with dependencies check.. L:>
[00:54] < demian> they are just a packages selection afaik
[00:54] < demian> now i have to go classes, cya
[00:55] < huebi> cu demian
[00:58] < acm_scl> huebi, can you check the rock-linux mailings list? I wrote a msg.
[00:58] < acm_scl> L:D
[00:59] < huebi> acm_scl: why?
[00:59] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@] has quit ("zzZzZ")
[01:00] < acm_scl> i want your opinion, is for a minimal target, like the old rescue was...
[01:00] < th> sept: 143.08GB bandwith.
[01:00] < th> wow
[01:00] < huebi> tomorrow.
[01:00] < acm_scl> ok,
[01:01] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD95232AD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[01:01] < demian> th: !!!  :)
[01:01] < huebi> hi th
[01:01] < th> hi all
[01:01] < th> ;)
[01:01] < huebi> th: what do you mean?
[01:02] < th> huebi: mail about iso.rocklinux.org
[01:02] < th> From: "Alexander Saers" <alex@saers.com>
[01:02] < th> Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 22:35:01 +0200
[01:02] < huebi> ah ok
[02:09] -!- chrisi is now known as chriZzzz
[02:17] -!- Sch0rSch [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux
[02:17] -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:18] -!- Sch0rSch is now known as Ge0rG
[02:56] < demian> anyone still awake ?
[02:56] < th> ack
[02:57] < th> demian: what's up?
[02:58] < demian> i have probs building sh-utils
[02:58] < demian> i think they are probs with automake
[02:58] < demian> see the log:
[02:59] < demian> https://www.ic-itcr.ac.cr/~jonvargas/sh-utils.err
[03:00] < th> sounds like automake / autoconf version problems
[03:00] < demian> yes
[03:00] < demian> im using 1.6.2
[03:00] < th> you might need a lower version
[03:01] < demian> 1.5.3 i think, with this i didnt receive probs
[03:01] < demian> thanx
[03:02] < demian> umm.. is there a way to regenerate the aclocal.m4 file in the sources with my current aclocal version ?
[03:02] < th> i've really no experience with automake and autoconf
[03:02] < th> sorry
[03:03] < demian> ok, no prob, enough help u gave me, ill try an earlier automake/conf version
[03:03] < demian> :)
[03:06] < th> yepp
[03:06] < th> good night for now
[03:18] -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit ("reboot")
[03:32] -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux
[04:39] -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit ("Irssi - the client of smart and beautiful people")
[06:12] -!- litost [~stephen@phynp6.phy-astr.gsu.edu] has quit ("sleep")
[07:01] -!- EpA [~epaphus@nat1.amnet.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[07:02] < EpA> Hey people, i got a weird thing happening. Iam doing a "w" and the text says there are 3 users, i only count 2 below... using pts/0 and pts/1 .. anybody know why??
[07:02] < EpA> is there such thing as an invisible user?
[07:09] < acm_scl> on your local computer?
[07:10] < acm_scl> are you using X?
[07:12] < EpA> nope
[07:13] < EpA> i just did a "who" and now i can see the 3 users
[07:13] < EpA> the third one was at pts/5
[07:13] < EpA> this is weird tho..
[07:13] < acm_scl> y son todos el mismo usuario?
[07:13] < EpA> acm_scl: los dos, si..
[07:14] < EpA> pero igual deberia de mostrar todos los usuarios logiados, o no?
[07:14] < acm_scl> y con w, si lleva mucho tiempo 'idle' talvez es un ghost.
[07:14] < EpA> puede ser, pero bueno..
[07:15] -!- EpA [~epaphus@nat1.amnet.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ()
[07:20] -!- kasc_ [~shaman@p5090BA71.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[07:20] < kasc_> moinsen
[07:21] -!- kasc_ is now known as kasc
[07:22] < huebi> moin
[07:23] < kasc> sag mal, der cc1plus, gehört der zum c++ oder zum gcc?
[07:23]   kasc reibt sich mal den Schlaf aus den Augen
[07:23] < huebi> grep /var/adm/flist/*
[07:24] < kasc> wird bei m packet gcc auftauchen, weil da alle Kompiler kompiliert sind...
[07:24] < kasc> s/sind/werden/
[07:26] < kasc> jep, ist sowohl beim gcc 2 als auch beim gcc 3 mit bei
[07:28]   SMP reibt huebi etwas Pfefferspray in die Augen
[07:28] < huebi> SMP: AUUUUA;-)
[07:28] < SMP> Working file: misc/sysfiles/etc/inittab
[07:29] < SMP> revision 1.2
[07:29] < SMP> date: 2002/05/26 19:40:49;  author: huebi;  state: Exp;  lines: +1 -1
[07:29] < SMP> changed default runlevel from 2 to 3
[07:29] < huebi> Moin SMP
[07:29] < SMP> Moin huebi :-\
[07:29] < SMP> was sollte diese Aenderung denn..?
[07:29] < SMP> ausser mittlere Katastrophen ausloesen
[07:30] < huebi> Noch ein Runlevel extra zwischen single user und "alles geht"
[07:31] < SMP> toll :-{
[07:31] < huebi> SO DAS IN rl 2 zb nur sshd laeuft
[07:32] < SMP> guter Gedanke
[07:32] < SMP> nur leider eine inkompatible Aenderung
[07:32] < SMP> die mich vorhin _nur_ einen Gang in den Serverraum gekostet hat
[07:33] < huebi> rl 4 und 5 sind dann immer noch frei "zur besonderen Verfuegung"
[07:34]   SMP hat seinen 1.5 tree mal auf 182 packages runtergestutzt...
[07:34] < huebi> SMP: Nett. DFas hoert sich nach wohlueberlegter Serverkonfiguration an. ;-)
[07:35] < SMP> und vor allem einen schnelleren compile-turnaround dorthin
[07:35]   huebi hat jetzt QoS im kernel.
[07:35] < huebi> QosS muss ich nachhern mal aktivieren. Der Lag ist grauenhaft.
[07:37] < huebi> SMP: Wenn X und Konsorten fehlen, sollte der Compile maximal 2-3h dauern.
[07:39] < SMP> mal sehen
[07:41] < huebi> SMP: hast du mal die Packetliste fuer mich?
[07:42] < SMP> nach dem Aufstehen, ok? ;)
[07:42] < huebi> BTW: "Die spinnen, die Roemer!" ;->
[07:42] < huebi> SMP: ok
[07:43] < SMP> huebi: wegen Domain Papierwahn?
[07:44] < huebi> SMP: Soll ich die italienische "Waschmaschinenbestellung" mal ins deutsche uebersetzen lassen. Zumindest kann ich mal einen Freun fragen, was da drin steht.
[07:46] < SMP> seufz
[07:47] < SMP> ok, Bett!
[09:24] < th> moin
[09:38] -!- zer0_o^ [~zer0_o@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[09:46] < th> is there no 1.5.18 @iso.rocklinux.de
[09:46] < th> ?
[10:05] -!- zer0_o^ [~zer0_o@] has joined #rocklinux
[10:30] -!- Netsplit brunner.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: praenti
[10:32] -!- Netsplit over, joins: praenti
[11:51] < [anders]> finally.. IBM has contacted my agency and I will be staying here at IBM for another year.. :)
[12:09] -!- acm_scl [~kiki@] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[12:15] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@] has joined #rocklinux
[12:15] < bluefire> Moin
[12:53] < huebi> [anders]: Congratulations
[12:53] < huebi> moin [anders]
[12:53] < huebi> moin bluefire
[13:00] < praenti> hi huebi.
[13:00] < praenti> huebi: ich hab dir ne mail geschickt. base filtert er mit meinem systax jetzt richtig. ext haut aber immer noch net hin. aber lies selbst ;-)
[13:00] < huebi> hi praenti
[13:00] < huebi> jo, mach' ich
[13:01]   praenti is a few minutes offline. installing rock-1.5.19-base+opt
[13:06]   praenti here again
[13:06] < praenti> is the background new in 1.5.19
[13:06] < praenti> have somthing about a scheduler in the background
[13:06] < huebi> install menu?
[13:07] < praenti> yes
[13:07] < huebi> yes. tcr rewrote it a little bit
[13:08] < praenti> ahh. but about the colors we should talk. i dont like black on red. thats a bit difficult to read. but installmenu lokks very well
[13:08] < praenti> ok. i'm now installing rock
[13:08]   praenti back in 30 minutes
[13:51]   praenti back
[13:51] < praenti> huebi: another problem. the ext-pkgs are in the install menu and this search the pakg in base-pkg path
[13:52] < praenti> huebi: can you tell me where the install menu selection is generated?
[13:52] < th> ext-pkgs are in the install menu????
[13:52] < praenti> th: yes. ext is running very amok
[13:52] < th> huebi: can you confirm that?
[13:53] < th> praenti: are you talking from ROCKLinux Install Shell?
[13:53] < praenti> th: yes
[13:53] < th> praenti: that you run from cd after mounting /src and /trg?
[13:54] < praenti> th: yes
[13:54] < th> praenti: you select extensions there?
[13:54] < praenti> th: if i know the old way you had to import them
[13:54] < th> where do they come from?
[13:54] < th> they are not on cd
[13:54] < praenti> first. the it wanted to install from an archive in .../base-pkg/*.tar.bz2
[13:55] < praenti> th: you are right. they are not on the cd. and if they are on cd they should lie under .../ext-pkgs/*.tar.bz2
[13:56] < th> ack
[13:56] < praenti> th: you know yesterday where build-all has sorted my compiled ext-pkgs in the base-distribution?
[13:56] < th> yes i remember that
[13:56] < praenti> th: that is solved. but the problem now is to copy the exts and have the install-menu right
[13:57] < th> praenti: so you are talking of your cd and not an official one
[13:57] < praenti> th: and i connot build an ext-iso at the moment
[13:57] < praenti> th: yes
[13:57] < th> praenti: i never installed an extension from binary
[13:57] < praenti> th: the official ones are currently without ext-iso
[13:57] < praenti> th: and without ext-pkgs
[13:58] < praenti> huebi: dont ci my script at the moment. i will go trough when esden is back in Ingolstadt
[13:59] < th> praenti: yea
[13:59] < praenti> th: i have to little knowlegde about bash scripting
[14:00] < praenti> i think i will print the script out, and have more complete look on that
[14:00] < praenti> but first i must compile a new kernel ;-)
[14:02] < praenti> th: thinking is really difficult if you're ill...
[14:03] < th> praenti: full ack
[14:03] < praenti> th: seit der tetanus impfung gestern tut mir alles weh. besonders die schulter wo gepieckst wurde....
[14:55] -!- rolla [~Der@] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:00] -!- hackbard_ [~hackbard@pD9E0A9EE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:03] -!- term_emu [~pm@p5081913A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:19] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD95232AD.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:20] < praenti> wie heißt gleich nochmal der befehl um die pakete zu sehen, die installiert wurden
[15:21] -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux
[15:21] < praenti> hab ihn schon
[15:45] < praenti> somebody know where my parallel prot is in devfs
[15:47] < th> parallel port?
[15:47] < th> does it still exist?
[15:47] -!- Freak [freak@pD9530715.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:47] < th> haven't used a parallel port for at least 4 years
[15:48] -!- Freak [freak@pD95308EB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[16:04] -!- Freak [freak@pD95308EB.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:04] < praenti> argh. anybody know where i must configure the parallel prot in cups?
[16:09] < praenti> das scheiß teil macht immer als device uri parallel:/dev/unknown-parallel0
[16:16] -!- rolla [~Der@] has joined #rocklinux
[16:16] < rolla> re all
[16:19] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[16:19] < rolla> MIKE!!!!
[16:19] < Mike1> Good Mourning
[16:20] < Mike1> JOEL!!!!
[16:20] < rolla> Wie Geht's ?
[16:20] < Mike1> very good thanks and you?
[16:20] < rolla> doing better
[16:21] < Mike1> better.... what happened to you ?
[16:21] < rolla> Baby
[16:21] < demian> Mike1:
[16:21] < demian> hi all
[16:21] < Mike1> d3mian !!!!
[16:21] < demian> what the hell u did in tratagua machine ?
[16:21] < Mike1> i didnt change the pass you are the only person who has ever used root on that box
[16:21] < demian> :p
[16:22] < Mike1> rolla: ?
[16:22] < demian> umm, strange then
[16:22] < demian> cause i saw several unknown commands in theindagua user
[16:22] < rolla> My wife had a kid :)
[16:22] < Mike1> demian: i havent been in tratagua in a long time
[16:22] < Mike1> rolla: congratulations !!!
[16:23] < Mike1> got pics?? :)
[16:27] < Mike1> brb
[16:27] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[16:28] < rolla> thanks
[16:28]   demian at classes ..
[16:46] -!- Sch0rSch [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux
[16:47] -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: Sch0rSch!georg@op-co.de)))
[16:47] -!- Sch0rSch is now known as Ge0rG
[17:13] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[17:13] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has quit (Client Quit)
[17:13] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[17:13] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[17:13] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[17:13] < Mike1> re
[17:15] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@] has quit ("leaving")
[17:17] < kasc> auch re :)
[17:23] < demian> re
[17:23] < demian> im almost dead :p
[17:40]   demian at classes again
[17:42] < Mike1> demian: almost death .... looks like you have been talking to much to owl ....
[17:48] < th> hi mike
[17:50] -!- zer0_o^ [~zer0_o@] has quit ("have a nice weekend")
[17:54] < Mike1> yo th :)
[18:00] < demian> re
[18:01] < demian> i arrived late to classes.. maybe the class moved to other classroom :p
[18:01] < Mike1> maybe you were to lazy to go to classes and pretended to confuse the class
[18:02] < SMP> re
[18:02] < demian> nahh. i went and the classroom was empty
[18:02] < demian> hi stefan
[18:03] < Mike1> re SMP
[18:14] -!- mUtante [~root@cii.udea.edu.co] has joined #rocklinux
[18:14] < mUtante> H!
[18:20] < praenti> re
[18:21] < praenti> hi Mike1
[18:21] < praenti> Mike1: do you have a running 1.5 base+opt and ext distribution?
[18:21] < Mike1> praenti: hi
[18:21] < Mike1> yes i do
[18:21] < Mike1> que mas mUtante
[18:22] < praenti> Mike1: cause the scripts in huebi's cvs tree have some problems. can you send it too me oer give me a download url
[18:22] < demian> mUtante: ?
[18:22] < mUtante> Mike1!
[18:22] < mUtante> ke mas
[18:22] < mUtante> d3mian
[18:22] < mUtante> ke mas
[18:23] -!- mUtante is now known as nAdIED
[18:23] < nAdIED> bien o pa ke
[18:23] < Mike1> praenti: it was my build on 1.5.17, with several features added only for myself i must search for the isos
[18:23] < demian> ahh, i see, are u! :-)
[18:24] < Mike1> tod bien gratz nAdIED, como esta marce?
[18:24] < praenti> Mike1: i need more the sources. 1.5.19 has not divided the ext from the base+opt pkgs
[18:24] < praenti> Mike1: so there musst be difference in build-scripts which i do not find
[18:25] < Mike1> praenti: i am currently building a 1.5.19 system but the build is not ready and its only base+opt
[18:25] < praenti> Mike1: shit. i need a build with base+opt+ext
[18:25] < Mike1> if you give a few days i can finish a full featured (base+opt+ext) system and give you the binaries and / or the iso images
[18:25] < nAdIED> marce good
[18:25] < nAdIED> working...
[18:26] < praenti> Mike1: the only thing i want that somebody else try such a build cause mine is not running correct.
[18:27] < praenti> Mike1: because if other persons have the problem. than its not a problem on my box
[18:29] < Mike1> praenti: ok look i will be camping from this afternoon untill monday, on monday i will go over a full build, how does that sound for you ?
[18:29] < demian> have fun Mike1 ;-)
[18:30] < praenti> Mike1: that would be great
[18:30] < Mike1> demian: i will :)
[18:30] < praenti> big thx
[18:31] < Mike1> praenti: so count on it lets just keep in touch and compare our problems and try to solve issues
[18:31] < demian> an article said judae people is guilty about september 11 incidents
[18:31] < demian> 4000 judae people didnt go to WTC that day
[18:32] < Mike1> i see
[18:36] < praenti> Mike1: ok. i will start a new build today for my laptop. perhaps the problem was somewhere in my build cause of many modification
[18:36] < praenti> like exts does not compile and so on
[18:37] < Mike1> praenti: most ext are broken so we will have to do a lot of work around
[18:37] < Mike1> but just to get some more ideas what are ur hardware specs?
[18:42] < praenti> athlon 1000mhz asus a7v mainboard
[18:42] < praenti> and 512mb ram
[18:42] < praenti> sdram
[18:42] < Mike1> athlon ...
[18:43] < Mike1> i have seen people having problems building rock with k6 and k7 processors never heard anything bad about athlons
[18:43] < Mike1> what optimization are you using praenti?
[18:44] < praenti> athlon
[18:44] < Mike1> praenti: btw LocalHero, the guy from iso.rocklinux.de was looking for you yesterday
[18:44] < praenti> i will do a intel build now
[18:44] < Mike1> praenti: maybe you want to try i386 ?
[18:44] -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-ls-07-1-dialup-164.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux
[18:44] < demian> i have probs with k6-2, with duron, athlon and others higher dunt have probs :-)
[18:44] < praenti> Mike1: i think so. i 've written him an email
[18:45] < praenti> but the isos are not clean
[18:45] < Mike1> praenti: what isos?
[18:45] < praenti> demian: asm erros?
[18:45] < Mike1> huebi's isos?
[18:45] < praenti> praenti: no. my own. without scsi but with reiserfs and an ext iso
[18:45] < demian> praenti: nahh.. binaries dunt run as they should, i receive sth liek this:
[18:46] < demian> which grep
[18:46] < demian> /usr/bin/grep
[18:46] < demian> grep
[18:46] < demian> /usr/bin/grep: no such file or dir
[18:46] < demian> $ /usr/bin/grep
[18:46] < demian> /usr/bin/grep: no such file or dir
[18:46] < nAdIED> haha
[18:46] < th> Mike1: you wrote the interface for iso.rocklinux.de?
[18:46] < demian> this happen me with awk, grep and textutils
[18:47] < praenti> argh. today i cannot type.
[18:47] < Mike1> th: no i did not but i am admin why the question?
[18:47] < demian> and of course they have +x permissions
[18:47] < praenti> demian: i dont have this problem
[18:47] < demian> too strange for me..
[18:47] < th> Mike1: i would like to see md5sums...
[18:47] < demian> k6-2 machines are very stange, as i see
[18:47] < praenti> ;-)
[18:48] < th> Mike1: when downloading via ftp it's strongly needed to check the transfer
[18:49] < Mike1> demian: k6-2 users are also very strange sometimes :P
[18:50] < Mike1> th: i will talk to Alex i dont think it would be any problem at all to make this, and i belive it sure is a great idea to ahve it
[18:50] < th> Mike1: ack. thanks.
[18:51] < th> Mike1: and i'm missing 1.5.18 iso. we could remove 1.5.17 but should upload 1.5.18
[18:51] < demian> where can i find a 1.5.13 iso ?
[18:52] < th> demian: do you really need that?
[18:52] < demian> nat so much... but im needing some old packages
[18:52] < th> oldest i have for now is 1.5.16
[18:53] < demian> some were removed of the sources dir, so i can get them back
[18:53] < th> ./1.5.12/rock-i686-base-1.5.12-DEV.iso
[18:54] < demian> i686.. it should be for a i586 or lower arch :(
[18:55] < th> grmpf
[18:55] < th> hmm
[18:56] < th> -rw-r--r--    1 rock     users    540999680 Jun 21 14:37 rock-ia32-i386-base+opt-1.5.16.iso
[18:57] < demian> :/ , i have a 1.5.16 iso :-)
[19:00] < SMP> holy shit
[19:01] < SMP> 2.4.19 make menuconfig crashes screen
[19:01] < th> and hangs on old terms
[19:02] < praenti> ok. now i must go. cu
[19:02] < demian> tell me sth.. the install_bin console colors changed in 1.5.19?
[19:02] < Mike1> SMP: o_O ???
[19:02] < demian> cya praenti
[19:02] < Mike1> praenti: ok talk to you on monday
[19:02] < Mike1> :)
[19:03] < demian> when u leave Mike1 ?
[19:03] < Mike1> at 5pm
[19:03] < Mike1> today
[19:03] < demian> i received a red background and the C source as foreground runnig the install_menu
[19:04] < demian> :p
[19:07] < zer0_o> hm ?
[19:07] < zer0_o> someone wrote a part of my nick =þ
[19:08] < zer0_o> mike! you did =)
[19:08] < th> 19:02:34 < Mike1> SMP: o_O ???
[19:08] < th> ;>
[19:08] < th> lol
[19:08]   zer0_o slaps Mike1 with a Cheesburger
[19:13] < SMP> hmm, that screen version must be buggy
[19:14] < demian> when a package install fails in install_binm the counter is increased, even if the package is the same
[19:14] < demian> so.. at the end u got sth like..:
[19:14] < demian> 100% (225/221).......................10393 files [xfree86]
[19:14] < demian> 222 is the total of packages and 225 was the counter
[19:17] < th> someone willing to create a rock-1.5 gradio extension?
[19:17] < th> https://freshmeat.net/projects/gradio/
[19:22] < Mike1> zer0_o: hehe well o_O :P
[19:34] < th> anyone has md5sum for rock-ia32-i586-base+opt-1.5.19.iso?
[19:39] -!- bluefire [bluefire@p5081694D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:40] < demian> my 1.5.19 iso has linux-src package damaged :-(
[19:41] < th> doesn't matter
[19:42] < SMP> just a second
[19:42] < demian> da u need it right now ?
[19:42] < SMP> 59a4c3de3afc570c9483de24c4e6312a  /mnt2/rock-ia32-i586-base+opt-1.5.19.iso
[19:42] < th> SMP: thanks
[19:42] < th> hmm
[19:42] < th> mismatch
[19:42] < th> oh
[19:42] < th> de51a9ea05128e5a3b24d8ff1afed737  rock-ia32-i586-base+opt-1.5.19.iso
[19:42] < th> damn
[19:48] < zer0_o> mike ;)
[19:51] < praenti> Mike1: still here?
[19:52] -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-ls-07-1-dialup-164.freesurf.ch] has quit ("having fun")
[19:59] < Mike1> praenti: always
[20:01] < praenti> Mike1: how do you build your binary. with Build-All LINK odr with Build-All COPY
[20:01] < praenti> s
[20:02] < praenti> oh shit. i should not move my mouse. gpm is runnig amok
[20:03] < Mike1> praenti: most of the times COPY but i use lINK too
[20:03] < Mike1> and you?
[20:06] < praenti> Mike1: mostly LINK. I thought perhaps that result my problem. At the moment i'm building via COPY
[20:08] < Mike1> i see, thought i believe it will not make any difference for you
[20:08] < Mike1> praenti: do you get any asm problems? as i said before i have seen some strange behaviors on amd processors
[20:09] < praenti> Mike1: yes. then I've tried to build a pkg without the gcc-warpper.
[20:09] < praenti> Mike1: Result then is perfectly compiled...
[20:10] < praenti> Mike1: i will do some debugging on the gcc-wrapper when this build is finished
[20:11] < Mike1> :)
[20:12] < Mike1> let me know how the build works :)
[20:13] < praenti> Mike1: but the base ext dividing problem is not a problem from gcc-wrapper. the asm-errors are in linux 2.4.19 (2.4.18 has no) and mplayer
[20:13] < praenti> Mike1: ok. i will tell you
[20:14] < Mike1> praenti: anyway i must warn you _ALOT_ are out of date and / or broken
[20:14] < Mike1> btw i have seen ur effors on keeping the extensions up to date excellent work :)
[20:14] < praenti> Mike1: i have fixed a lot the last 4 days ;-)
[20:15] < praenti> Mike1: nearly the half is now compiling. Broken are packages like mpich and all dependent pkgs
[20:15] < Mike1> yes i  have seen this
[20:15] < Mike1> also we will have to include some more extensions
[20:15] < praenti> Mike1: and some other scientific pkgs. i did not need ;-)
[20:15] < Mike1> for explample abiword and gnumeric will require aditional stuff
[20:16] < praenti> Mike1: what is missing in abiword?
[20:16] < Mike1> i do not remember right now but i know something was missing i tried to include in the base of my private tree
[20:16] < Mike1> i will tell you later :P
[20:16] < praenti> ok
[20:16] < Mike1> i go for lunch now
[20:16]   Mike1 is away: having lunch
[20:19] < praenti> Mike1: the only thing i know was a typo. the one in huebi's cvs compiled on my box. a good eating!
[20:44] -!- chriZzzz [~chrisime@pD95905D7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:54] -!- _NULL [~mail-spam@B561d.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[20:54] < _NULL> hi
[20:55]   Mike1 is back (gone 00:38:25)
[20:55] < demian> re Mikey
[20:55] < Mike1> re all
[20:55] < Mike1> ahh lunch was great :)
[20:55] < demian> :-)
[20:57] < nAdIED> Mike1
[20:57] < nAdIED> hi
[20:57] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@pD95905D7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:58] < Mike1> tag chrisime
[20:59] < Mike1> nAdIED: que mas
[21:02] < nAdIED> almorzando
[21:02] < nAdIED> aki\
[21:02] < nAdIED> jeje
[21:02] < demian> bien o no hermano ?
[21:02] < nAdIED> d3mian es el otro yo de mike1 ?_
[21:03] < Mike1> nAdIED: no, master demian un amigo guru de linux
[21:03] < demian> lol
[21:03] < nAdIED> uuu
[21:03] < nAdIED> guru
[21:03] < nAdIED> eso es mucho
[21:03] < Mike1> nAdIED: nos conocemos desde hace algun tiempo :)
[21:04] < nAdIED> roclinux por ke no tiene icono en linuxiso
[21:05] < demian> iso.rocklinux.de
[21:05] < nAdIED> pero porke no hay imagen en linuxiso
[21:05] < nAdIED> solo ta el nombre
[21:05] < demian> si hay un espacio ahi
[21:06] < demian> ah.. quien sabe.. debe ser que no han puesto nada aun :p
[21:09] < Mike1> nAdIED: talvez porque los de linuxiso son demaciado brutos para poder bajar la imagen y ponerla?
[21:09] < nAdIED> no se
[21:09] < nAdIED> no se como se maneja eso
[21:09] < Mike1> :)
[21:09] -!- _NULL [~mail-spam@B561d.pppool.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:09] < nAdIED> pero si deberian tener loguito
[21:09] < Mike1> nAdIED: ROCK Linux has a logo!!
[21:10] < Mike1> linuxiso people are the ones who have not post on their site
[21:10] < Mike1> btw nAdIED demian please export LANG=en_US so everyone here understand :)
[21:10] < demian> no prob
[21:11] < nAdIED> undestand what?_
[21:11] < demian> understand what we say
[21:11] < Mike1> nAdIED: what we are talking
[21:11] < Mike1> yup
[21:11] < nAdIED> i dont understand
[21:11] < nAdIED> explain me
[21:12] < nAdIED> whats the LANG env ?_
[21:13] < Mike1> omg
[21:13] < Mike1> solo que cambiemos de language a ingles :)
[21:13] < demian> lol
[21:13] < nAdIED> pero lo traduce o ke?_
[21:13] < nAdIED> jajaja
[21:14] < nAdIED> el canal traduce?_
[21:14] < nAdIED> lol
[21:14] < nAdIED> ok no problem
[21:14] < nAdIED> i can try speak in english
[21:14] < demian> that's better :)
[21:14] < nAdIED> then i can practice my poor english here!
[21:15]   Mike1 have been considering on creating #rocklinux-es channel if the spanish speaking users list keeps growing
[21:16] < nAdIED> haha
[21:16] < demian> this week i met 3 spanish-speakers guys
[21:17] < demian> 2 ones from chile, and an argentinian
[21:17] < nAdIED> god
[21:17] < nAdIED> in gigax all the people speak english =)
[21:18] < nAdIED> hey
[21:18] < nAdIED> i have to go now
[21:18] < nAdIED> see ya lata
[21:18] < Mike1> see you
[21:18] < nAdIED> =)
[21:19] < Mike1> demian: how about #rocklinux-bin ... we accept questions only in binary language
[21:19] < demian> cya nAdIED , bring nadia sometime around here
[21:19] < Mike1> demian: nADIED = nADIA
[21:20] < demian> Mike1: 010010101010 01010 101 01 01 !!! 0101010 , 00101 !!!   101
[21:20] < Mike1> demian: 111101100
[21:20] < Mike1> :PPPP
[21:20] < demian> i know, waht happen is that he is middle-woman
[21:20] < nAdIED> nop
[21:20] < nAdIED> d3mian
[21:20] < demian> what about ur pretty colombian legs ?
[21:20] < demian> aeh ?
[21:21] < nAdIED> im a man
[21:21] < nAdIED> but i have a friend called NaDIa
[21:22] < nAdIED> then i use this nick sometimes
[21:22] < nAdIED> thats all
[21:22] < demian> k
[21:22] < nAdIED> and my girlfriend is emarch= marcela
[21:22] < nAdIED> i gonna met you with her
[21:23] < nAdIED> how can i say that?_
[21:23] < nAdIED> i go to buy a book
[21:24] < nAdIED> byte
[21:24] < nAdIED> i going to buy a book
[21:24] < nAdIED> or i gonna buy a book
[21:24] < nAdIED> lol
[21:24] < nAdIED> see ya!
[21:24] < Mike1> cu
[21:36] -!- chrisi [~chrisime@pD9590387.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:38] < Mike1> re chrisi
[21:39] < praenti> Mike1: no problem if you speak sometimes in spanish. we have often LANG=de and that should not be ;-)
[21:39] < Mike1> praenti: ack mein freund :)
[21:40] < praenti> btw. how did you come to the rocklinx project?
[21:40]   demian also wanna listen..
[21:40] < Mike1> like what made me get interested in rock?
[21:40] < Mike1> demian: lol
[21:41] < praenti> yes and why you join developer-team
[21:42] < Mike1> some years ago when i was a slackware user (/me ashamed) a friend of mine told that there was a linux distro names ROCK Linux which was known as the most difficult of all, and that only insane people would ever dare to use it
[21:42] < Mike1> he was amazed on the fact rock could be build by just getting the sources from floppy
[21:43] < Mike1> personally i liked the way it sounded
[21:43] < Mike1> one moment phone call
[21:43] < praenti> some people still say that rock is difficult
[21:44] -!- chrisi [~chrisime@pD9590387.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("I like core dumps")
[21:44] < demian> i think not
[21:44] < demian> just complex :)
[21:44] < Mike1> praenti: yes thats true, userfriendly distros users think so
[21:44] < praenti> i've heard about rock from esden. he is a very good friend. so i decided to drive to 18c3 with some other people
[21:45] < demian> thats history is familiar for me...oo
[21:45] < Mike1> praenti: but hey when i finally got 1.2.0 running on my box i was like hey this distro really kicks ass
[21:46] < praenti> and there i thought, cool team, a little bit like a family and a very cool idea
[21:46] < Mike1> and then i started to read the list, finally i decided to contribute with something so i translated and redited pjotr prins rocklinux guide to spanish
[21:46] < Mike1> then started looking at more stuff and made contact with cliff
[21:47] < Mike1> then boom i decided work around devs, its been almost 2 years since then :)
[21:48] < Mike1> what about you praenti?
[21:49] < praenti> Mike1: as i said before i must join ;-) most time i had to learn how rock-linux is working but now i know some parts. and thats cool
[21:50] < Mike1> praenti: but i have seen you in the rock devs gallery :) so you must be doing some nice stuff around
[21:51] < praenti> Mike1: only patchworking. but now i want to come to that point, that i can also do some shellandscript-work
[21:51] < praenti> let me say i do a lot of patchwork
[21:52] < Mike1> yes i have noticed
[21:52] < demian> long changelog u have praenti :)
[21:52] < Mike1> the extensions man :)
[21:52] < praenti> i want to get 1.5 stable, to 1.6 and then i will join the 1.7 people
[21:52] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@pD95905D7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Connection timed out)
[21:52] < praenti> Mike1: yes
[21:53] < Mike1> praenti: yes i am doing almost everything for 1.5 but sometime i will work on both
[21:54] < praenti> Mike1: perhaps i cannot multitask. i've tried that but i lost my view for both
[21:55] < praenti> so i concentrated in 1.5
[21:55] < praenti> s/in/on
[21:55] < Mike1> praenti: you will get used to multi devel with the time :)
[21:56] < Mike1> right demian?
[21:56] < demian> ohh yeah, sure
[21:56] < demian> whoever could have several rolls of projects ;-)
[21:58] < praenti> demian: in which projects are you involved?
[21:59] < rxr> re
[21:59] < rxr> Hi Mike1
[21:59] < Mike1> praenti: how did you know i was focusing my devel work on 1.5? (today was the first time that praenti has spoke to mike)
[21:59] < Mike1> hi rxr !!! how is everything doing?
[21:59] < demian> praenti: none afaik
[21:59] < demian> :p
[22:00] < praenti> Mike1: dont think so. but most time you was talking when i was away and backwards
[22:00] < demian> im trying to learn and make some mistakes, that's what i like :)
[22:00] < Mike1> demian: hdw?
[22:00] < praenti> demian: ;-)
[22:00] < Mike1> praenti: true
[22:01] < praenti> cause i'm ill today i stayed at home, normally i'm dancing
[22:01] < Mike1> dancing?
[22:02] < praenti> yes. chacha, rumba, samba, jive and some standard.
[22:03] < Mike1> hehe sounds like fun
[22:03] < demian> Mike1: praenti should know costa rica rythms then ;-)
[22:03] < praenti> yes it is. i need that in my spare time when i'm not working on rock ;-)
[22:03] < demian> praenti: da u study ?
[22:04] < Mike1> praenti: yeah you should come over here, i got lots of pretty friends whon love to dance
[22:04] < praenti> demian: yes. computer science
[22:04] < demian> ohh, excellent ;-)
[22:05] < demian> how does it goes ?
[22:06] < praenti> Mike1: cool. perhaps next summer. perhaps i will coming not alone
[22:06] < praenti> s/coming/come
[22:06] < praenti> i think i'm too tired to think english...
[22:06] < praenti> ;-)
[22:06] < Mike1> praenti: cool guess we will have a rock devs meeting in CR next summer
[22:07] < Mike1> :)
[22:07] < demian> will i be there Mike1 ?
[22:07] < Mike1> no
[22:07] < demian> :-(
[22:07] < Mike1> of course yes demian :PP
[22:07] < demian> :-)
[22:08] < demian> im tired too, havent sleep yet
[22:08] < praenti> demian: what did you mean by does it goes. how difficult it is or how you can study?
[22:09] < demian> ill sleep 1 hour . and later ill go to throw kicks
[22:09] < Mike1> praenti: is more like if you are doing good on it
[22:09] < demian> praenti: how diffic
[22:10] < Mike1> demian: i will leave camping in less than 2 hours will have no phone no laptop, no mail, no net will come back untill monday
[22:11] < praenti> demian: it is difficult but you can do it
[22:11] < praenti> now i must go
[22:11] < praenti> gn8
[22:11] < Mike1> praenti: nacht
[22:11] < Mike1> see you on monday
[22:12] < demian> Mike1: survivor
[22:12] < demian> sleep fine praenti
[22:12] < demian> the same for me, cya
[22:12] < demian> anoncvs for 1.5 now up: CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.rocklinux.de:/cvs co rock-1.5
[22:12] < demian> anoncvs for 1.5 now up: CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.rocklinux.de:/cvs co rock-1.5
[22:12] < demian> sorry, damn gpm..
[22:12] < demian> bya
[22:12] < Mike1> arrgg
[22:12] < Mike1> bye
[22:54] -!- Netsplit brunner.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: [anders], coldie_, th, kasc, rxr
[22:56] -!- Netsplit over, joins: rxr, th
[22:58] -!- holyolli [~holyolli@] has joined #rocklinux
[22:59] < holyolli> re (finally) and hi all! :)
[23:02] < Mike1> Cap. holyolli :))
[23:04] < holyolli> buenas tardes mike :))
[23:04] < holyolli> mike: that will still take a long time until "cpt"... ;-)
[23:06] < demian> re -> still raining :-(
[23:06] < demian> hi holyolli
[23:06] < holyolli> hi demian
[23:08] -!- coldie_ [jeff@] has joined #rocklinux
[23:09] < Mike1> demian: sonny with a soft wind here
[23:09] < Mike1> just perfect weather :)
[23:09] < demian> :-(
[23:10] < demian> u know, cartago is the bermudas-triangle in costa rica
[23:10] < Mike1> holyolli: i will looking forward for us to fly for a while when you get a licence
[23:10] < holyolli> mike: hehe...when you've the right plane with the right thrust... ;-)
[23:11] < Mike1> demian: i guess but i have noticed something funny... it only rains in san jose when you are around, even it rains alajuela when you go there, also it rains in cartago when you are there, are you sure cartago is the real bermudas-triangule?
[23:11] < Mike1> *G*
[23:12] < demian> lol
[23:12] < holyolli> *lol*
[23:13] < Mike1> holyolli: ah well i have expericence on hard landings, when i was getting my private licence and had only 15 hours the motor of the "piper" i was flying started to make strange sounds, the engine stopped about 30 seconds after take off
[23:13] < Mike1> it was a hard landing at park but i made it :)
[23:15] < holyolli> mike: that's the most important thing...that you get out of this in one pieve...
[23:15] < holyolli> piece even
[23:16] < Mike1> hehe yup
[23:22] < holyolli> o.k. i'm leaving now...have a nice day :)
[23:22] < holyolli> hasta luego! :)
[23:22] -!- holyolli [~holyolli@] has quit ("Leaving")
[23:28] < nAdIED> hola
[23:28] < nAdIED> volvi
[23:28] < nAdIED> hi
[23:28] < nAdIED> im here
[23:29] < Mike1> welcome back
[23:33] -!- demian [~demian@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:33] -!- demian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux
[23:35] -!- kasc [~shaman@p5090BA71.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[23:51] < Mike1> ok i go for holydays now see you in 3 days :)
[23:54] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Sat Sep 21 00:00:19 2002