--- Log opened Fri Sep 27 00:00:07 2002 --- Day changed Fri Sep 27 2002 00:08 -!- bluefire [bluefire@p5081776E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00:12 -!- neron [~mnemoc@victoria.innernet.cl] has joined #rocklinux 00:12 -!- mnemoc [~mnemoc@victoria.innernet.cl] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: neron!~mnemoc@victoria.innernet.cl))) 01:48 -!- neron [~mnemoc@victoria.innernet.cl] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Nickname Enforcement))) 02:02 -!- hackbard_ is now known as hackbard 02:09 < Mike1> yo hackbard 02:10 < hackbard> miguel, hi! 02:11 -!- mnemoc [~mnemoc@victoria.innernet.cl] has joined #rocklinux 02:12 < mnemoc> hi 02:12 < mnemoc> does anybody knows where 'date' cames? (package) 02:14 < hackbard> sh-utils 02:14 < Mike1> hackbard: what are you doing up this late? 02:14 < hackbard> gn1 all! 02:14 < Mike1> ah 02:14 < Mike1> :) 02:14 < hackbard> hehe, makeing me ready for bed :) 02:14 < mnemoc> thanks :) 02:14 < Mike1> n8 my friend 02:14 < Mike1> geil dreams 02:14 < Mike1> i mean good dreams 02:14 < Mike1> :) 02:14 < hackbard> i will have! thnx :) 02:15 < hackbard> no, now i want the geil ones ;) 02:15 < Mike1> ok MASTER hackbard lord of all the geils 02:15 < Mike1> sleep well 02:16 < hackbard> hehe, u2! bye. 02:35 < _NULL> gn8. cu 02:35 -!- _NULL [~mail-spam@B51f8.pppool.de] has quit ("back to reality") 02:42 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 02:54 -!- mnemoc [~mnemoc@victoria.innernet.cl] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 03:16 -!- mnemoc [~mnemoc@victoria.innernet.cl] has joined #rocklinux 03:17 < mnemoc> anybody awake? 03:19 < mnemoc> how could i 'discover' where a file cames from? 03:36 < SMP> grep? /var/adm/flists/* ? 03:36 < demian> hi all 03:45 -!- hackbard_ [~hackbard@pD9523E73.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 03:48 < demian> hackbard_: hi frank 03:51 -!- neron [~mnemoc@victoria.innernet.cl] has joined #rocklinux 03:51 -!- mnemoc [~mnemoc@victoria.innernet.cl] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: neron!~mnemoc@victoria.innernet.cl))) 03:52 -!- neron is now known as mnemoc 03:52 < demian> hi mnemoc 03:52 * mnemoc is away [log:off] [pager:off] [gone:3hrs 40mins 12secs] : [ ] 03:52 * mnemoc is back [gone:3hrs 40mins 18secs] : [ back ] 03:52 < mnemoc> hi demian 03:53 < mnemoc> how could i 'discover' where a file cames from? (which package) 03:55 < demian> in ROCK ? from ROCK packages or Builds ? 03:55 < SMP> grep filename/without/leading/slash /var/adm/flists/* 03:56 < mnemoc> there is any published list? ... i need to add the package, not to remove it :\ 03:57 < mnemoc> i need: cat,tr,fmt,tail , can you help me? 03:57 < demian> mnemoc: as SMP said u, flist contains the list of file that a package installed! 03:57 < demian> textutils 03:57 < mnemoc> all of them? 03:57 < SMP> the complete flists etc. are on the CD / ISO 03:58 < demian> ur var/adm/flists only contains packages u installed 03:58 < mnemoc> sure?? .... i'll check :\ 04:01 < mnemoc> i can't find the flists on the 1.5.19 cd =[ 04:01 < demian> in the CD: rock-ia../info/flists 04:01 < mnemoc> BTW, how smart is the flists wrapper? it detects files created by instalation scripts? 04:02 < mnemoc> as usual you were right :D 04:02 < SMP> what's an 'installation script'? 04:02 < SMP> but the answer is most likely: sure it does 04:03 < mnemoc> package.conf 04:03 < SMP> well yes 04:04 < demian> mnemoc: as usual? lol -> that doesnt happen to me 04:04 < mnemoc> you=ustedes :D 04:04 < demian> the flist wrapper register files installed during a pkg build 04:05 < demian> ya veo 04:05 < demian> :p 04:06 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD9523AD7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04:23 < mnemoc> after hundred iterations i realise that i don't need to run scripts/config each time i modify config.in of the package :\ 04:33 < mnemoc> s/package/target/ =[ 04:52 -!- john_22 [~john_22@] has joined #rocklinux 04:55 -!- demian is now known as Zero_Kool 04:59 -!- Zero_Kool is now known as demian 07:07 -!- mnemoc [~mnemoc@victoria.innernet.cl] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07:11 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@neptune.tacomeat.net] has joined #rocklinux 08:06 -!- _Tw33K__ [~jerisarep@armstrong-13.nmt.edu] has joined #rocklinux 08:11 < _Tw33K__> my pppd daemon died unexpectedly, ive checked /etc/ppp/options, what else can i do 08:13 < demian> modules loaded ? 08:13 < demian> make sure u have the right modules loaded, and that u dunt have a sis7018 audio card :-) 08:13 < _Tw33K__> how do i check? 08:13 < demian> have u built a kernel or kernel module before ? 08:14 < _Tw33K__> i made it support USB before, with the kernel menu, i forget how to get there 08:14 < demian> where is ur modem plugged ? a external one ? 08:15 < _Tw33K__> internal, USR 56k 08:16 < demian> the driver for that modem is ok ? 08:17 < _Tw33K__> i didnt install a specific driver for it, do i need to go to usr/3coms website and get one? 08:19 < demian> are u using ROCK ? 08:20 < _Tw33K__> 1.5.16 08:20 < demian> da u have wvdial ? 08:20 < demian> which wvdial 08:22 < _Tw33K__> um, its says /usr/src/rock-src-1.5.16/ext-config 08:23 < _Tw33K__> thats where it is, /usr/src means what 08:23 < demian> try downloading and building wvdial 08:24 < demian> this is a usefull tool to detect and configure modems and dial-up connections 08:24 < _Tw33K__> ok, in that folder is CVS, what is that, then....wvdial.conf...desc...ext...pz 08:25 < demian> after this, u have to determine if ur system is supporting ppp modules, otherwise, load them or build a new ones 08:25 < demian> sure, u can use ROCK for that 08:25 < demian> see: 08:25 < demian> cd /usr/src/rock-src 08:25 < demian> ./scripts/Config 08:25 < demian> ./scripts/Puzlle 08:25 < demian> ./scripts/Puzzle 08:26 < demian> ./scripts/Update wvdial 08:26 < demian> ./scripts/Download -package wvdial 08:26 < _Tw33K__> i see puzzle 08:26 < _Tw33K__> and download 08:26 < demian> ./scripts/Build-Pkg wvdial 08:27 < demian> run those scripts this order, and ull get wvdial built in ur system 08:27 < _Tw33K__> ok 08:28 < demian> tell me if u frecuent probs 08:29 < _Tw33K__> Config just sits there with a blinking _ 08:30 < _Tw33K__> segmentation fault (core dump) 08:30 < demian> upps 08:30 < demian> :p 08:31 < demian> strange 08:31 < demian> jump to Puzzle script ./scripts/Puzzle 08:32 < _Tw33K__> but i see it 08:32 < _Tw33K__> it says, no such file or dir..../parse-config 08:33 < _Tw33K__> but i see it 08:33 < demian> is there somewhere a: scripts/Update-Src file? 08:34 < _Tw33K__> just, Update 08:35 < demian> could u download new sources for ROCK using the command line in the channel topic ? 08:35 < demian> this wont take too much time 08:36 < _Tw33K__> how would i got about doing that 08:37 < demian> if u do that, ull download the more up-to-date sources for rock 08:38 < demian> a new folder named rock-1.5 will be created, this will contain ROCK source 08:38 < _Tw33K__> i see, but how do i do that through CL 08:42 < _Tw33K__> k, well thnx for ur help, i have to go 08:45 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@neptune.tacomeat.net] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 08:46 -!- Netsplit brunner.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: praenti 08:49 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@neptune.tacomeat.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:01 -!- Freak [freak@p50838BC2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 09:07 -!- _Tw33K__ [~jerisarep@armstrong-13.nmt.edu] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09:15 -!- Freak [freak@p50838C50.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:20 -!- Netsplit over, joins: praenti 09:23 < praenti> moin 09:23 < demian> hi praenti 09:24 < praenti> demian: do you have some knowledge with postfix configuration? 09:24 < demian> no, sorry 09:24 < praenti> anybody else? 09:25 < barthel> moin... 09:26 < demian> hi barthel 09:26 < barthel> i've basic postfix-knowledge 09:27 < praenti> barthel: i need to configure that only user@mydomain.com can send via the postfix daemon 09:28 < praenti> you can configure that by the access map as i can see. there are two lines with my two users and the OK statement. now i need the 3rd line where i exclude the rest of the world 09:29 < praenti> * REJECT is not recognized 09:30 < [anders]> praenti: '.* REJECT' or '* DENY' perhaps? (/me knows nothing about postfix) 09:31 < praenti> [anders]: the line identifiers are pcre style regexp. dont know two much about that. i try that 09:32 < praenti> [anders]: mail is delivered 09:32 < praenti> :-( 09:34 < [anders]> praenti: humma.. is there a howto for postfix somewhere? 09:34 -!- demian [~demian@] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 09:34 < praenti> [anders]: yes. but i dont find a complete sample access file 09:34 < [anders]> one moment.. 09:36 -!- demian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 09:37 < barthel> praenti: what do you want exactly ? 09:37 -!- john_22 [~john_22@] has quit ("Client Exiting") 09:38 < barthel> read f.e.: https://www.postfix.org/faq.html#mobile 09:40 -!- demian [~demian@] has quit (Client Quit) 09:40 -!- demian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 09:40 < barthel> i thing, if user not in your map, they would blocked. soory bad english :-/ 09:42 < [anders]> praenti: it appears that if you use the mynetworks feature, anything _not_ listed in the mynetworks file, will be denied if everything else is cfg'd correctly.. 09:42 < praenti> yes.funzt 09:42 < praenti> i forgotten the option check_relay_domains 09:43 -!- zer0_o^ [~zer0_o@] has joined #rocklinux 09:43 < praenti> s/forgotten/forgot 09:43 < [anders]> praenti: This is why I stick to sendmail.. might be overkill, but at least I know some about how to configure it.. :) 09:44 < demian> sendmail :) 09:44 < praenti> [anders]: uah. thats a lttle bit overkill. i think thats irony ;-) 09:51 < [anders]> praenti: nah, I have the sendmail book from O'Reilly so I can figure out some of the things required.. and any recent sendmail version prevents relaying anyways.. 09:59 < praenti> [anders]: i have this one also. but its too overloaded 09:59 < barthel> i've a problem to download rock-devel from ftp....tu-darmstadt.de... if i go with my browser on this ftp-dir... no problem.... if i start ./scripts/Download it say: incorrect username and password... 10:01 < demian> is the DOwnload script using --passive option by default ? 10:01 < praenti> demian: i dont think so 10:01 < barthel> i don't know 10:02 < barthel> it's possible to change that ? and how ? 10:02 < demian> i think one could give extra parameters to Download script 10:05 -!- bluefire [bluefire@pD952230E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:05 -!- bluefire [bluefire@pD952230E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit) 10:05 < [anders]> demian: not sure, but I think the recent 1.5.19 snaps do use --passive 10:05 < [anders]> demian: if not, vi the Download script, find where wget is run, and hack it in.. :) 10:06 < demian> :) 10:08 < praenti> [anders]: 1.5.19 has also active ftp. otherwise i wont get two erros with qt an reiserfsprogs ;-) 10:08 < praenti> s/an/and 10:08 * praenti perhaps should clean his keyboard ... 10:09 < demian> i think Download script must be supporting extra wget comandile options, if not it should be added 10:09 < demian> commandile/cmdline 10:15 < demian> yeah, current Download allow to pass -pasive-ftp option 10:16 < demian> barthel: add that option and Download again 10:18 < barthel> ok thx, that works... but i've many file not found errors :-/ 10:19 < demian> well, use ./scripts/Check [pkg] to check every failed download after finish ./scripts/Download 10:19 < demian> or a sinle ./scripts/Check for all packages 10:19 < barthel> but it's a shnapshot... ;-) 10:20 < barthel> ok, what do ./scripts/Check ? 10:20 < demian> it Check the download location for a package given (ar all if not specified) 10:20 < demian> ar/or 10:21 < barthel> and ? 10:22 < demian> you can ensure if a package location is missing or you should retry 10:22 * demian away 10:27 < barthel> oh sorry it dosn't work with -passive-ftp 10:28 < barthel> sorry s/passive/pasive ;-/ 10:29 < barthel> but i've become incorrect username/password 10:29 < rxr> re 10:29 < demian> use scripts/Check to see if it gives tu the same problem, i added differents options to this script 10:29 < demian> hi rxr 10:30 < barthel> in latest shnapshot isn't a ./script/Check... 10:31 < demian> k 10:31 < barthel> ? 10:31 < barthel> ups s/shnapshot/snapshot 10:32 < demian> https://www.ic-itcr.ac.cr/~jonvargas/rock/Check 10:34 -!- [anders]_ [anders@] has joined #rocklinux 10:34 -!- [anders] [anders@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 10:36 < barthel> demian: nothing... blank screen 10:36 -!- [anders]_ is now known as [anders] 10:37 < barthel> demian: if i run ./scripts/Check its do nothing 11:01 < demian> the output will arrive to ur mail when it finish 11:01 < barthel> thx 11:26 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@neptune.tacomeat.net] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 11:30 -!- barthel_ [~root@pD9E87B40.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:38 < barthel_> i'm really unhappy... i don't found a ftp/http server, there are all for 'latest shnapshoot' packages on it 11:38 < barthel_> i've unpacked the shnapshot and run ./script/Update-Src 11:39 < barthel_> there a lot of packages, there are diff. version or are not on the mirrors :-/ 11:39 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@neptune.tacomeat.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:40 < barthel> barthel_ in barthel on rocklinux ;-) 11:41 < barthel> s/in/is/g 11:44 < demian> there are some problems with ftp.gnome.org 11:44 < [anders]> demian: as in all the paths have changed? 11:45 < barthel_> not only ftp.gnome.org... 11:45 < barthel_> Downloading download/x11/libwnck/libwnck-0.17.tar.bz2 ... 11:45 < barthel_> INFO: Found src/Download-Mirror: ftp://ftp.sh.cvut.cz/MIRRORS/rock/ROCK-Devel 11:45 < [anders]> demian: rolla has been updating paths to a lot of the packages we have in rock-gnome2 for the gnome2 stuff.. 11:45 < barthel_> INFO: To force a new mirror auto-detection, remove src/Download-Mirror. 11:45 < barthel_> Finished downloading 0 bytes in 0.831 seconds (0.000 bytes/sec). 11:45 < barthel_> ERROR: CURL returned success but we have no data! 11:45 < demian> [anders]: gnome patchs changed ? 11:46 < demian> s/patchs/paths 11:46 < [anders]> demian: a lot of the patchs have changed yeah.. they are now of the style "libwnck/libwnck-0.16.tar.bz2 ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/libwnck/0.16/" 11:47 < barthel_> [anders]: if you have a src-tree for anonncvs ? 11:47 < demian> i see, thanx, didnt know 11:47 < [anders]> so gdm can be found in ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/gdm/2.4/ 11:47 < [anders]> barthel_: I have not yet configured anoncvs... I am going to.. if you want the sources, I can extract them and tar them up for you.. ::::::) 11:47 < [anders]> - a few ':' 11:48 < barthel_> thats great... yes... 11:49 < [anders]> barthel_: give me a moment and I will have it.. I can dcc it to you after I have created it.. 11:50 < demian> ok, cya later, i havent slept 2 days ago.. this is my chance to approach 3 hours of sleep! 11:51 * demian is away: I'm busy 11:52 * demian is away: "sleeping at the end" 11:54 -!- demian [~demian@] has quit ("Client Exiting") 11:56 -!- jasonmaier [~chatzilla@swallow.rz.uni-mannheim.de] has left #rocklinux () 11:57 < [anders]> <- kaffe 11:57 < barthel_> [anders]: good idea ;-) 11:58 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E4918C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:58 < tcr> moin all 11:58 < barthel_> <- reboot memupgrade ;-) 11:58 -!- barthel_ [~root@pD9E87B40.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux () 11:59 < barthel> <- reboot also memupgrade ;-))))))) 11:59 -!- barthel [~barthel@] has quit ("Client Exiting") 12:06 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@] has joined #rocklinux 12:06 < bluefire> moin 12:07 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@neptune.tacomeat.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12:08 < tcr> moin bluefire 12:13 -!- barthel_ [~barthel@pD9E87B40.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:13 < barthel_> re 12:13 < tcr> re 12:15 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@neptune.tacomeat.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:34 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@] has joined #rocklinux 12:34 < praenti> anybody with postfix know-how here? 12:34 < praenti> need some help with disabling the dns-lookups 12:41 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E4918C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos") 12:42 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50813F81.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:09 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13:39 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@] has quit ("leaving") 13:43 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@neptune.tacomeat.net] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 13:54 < [anders]> mmhmmm.. I see huebi has been busy.. plenty of interesting fixes in the rock-1.5 tree in the last one or two days.. 13:57 < [anders]> hookay.. ISO created after many if's and but's.. 477MB in total.. possibly that could be shrunk a little more before we start adding stuff.. 13:59 < [anders]> I am tempted to make it available for DL, but seeing some of the fixes in huebi's tree, I think I better not... ;-) 13:59 < [anders]> need to rebuild with those fixes in.. 14:00 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@neptune.tacomeat.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:00 < tcr> install_shell/menu was fixed, you should update 14:02 < [anders]> tcr: I spotted that, as well as some fixes in the install disks etc.. so I have patched up the gnome2 tree with those fixes (in the last 10 minutes..) 14:02 < [anders]> will do a complete rebuild now.. 14:03 < tcr> fine 14:20 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@neptune.tacomeat.net] has quit (No route to host) 14:34 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@neptune.tacomeat.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:42 -!- tsa [~tsa@rossini.marcant.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:42 < tsa> moin. 14:46 < barthel_> moin tsa 14:48 < tsa> hi barthel_ 14:52 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@neptune.tacomeat.net] has quit (No route to host) 15:00 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@neptune.tacomeat.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:17 -!- Netsplit brunner.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: praenti 15:20 < [anders]> https://forums.sudhian.com/messageview.cfm?catid=33&threadid=22039 15:21 < [anders]> A Shuttle SS40G with a 7" LCD embedded in the front.. *sweeeeeeeet* 15:21 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@neptune.tacomeat.net] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 15:21 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@neptune.tacomeat.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:39 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@neptune.tacomeat.net] has quit (No route to host) 15:39 < tcr> hmmm 15:40 < tcr> what the hell is h0h0 doing? 15:53 -!- simon [2e0b06abd8@] has quit ("Terminated with extreme prejudice - dircproxy 1.0.3") 15:57 < th> how to set root=/dev/nfs with rdev? 16:01 < th> /dev/nfs is c 0 255? 16:14 -!- Netsplit over, joins: praenti 16:14 -!- ServerMode/#rocklinux [+n] by capek.openprojects.net 16:15 < barthel_> moin moin praenti 16:16 -!- Netsplit brunner.openprojects.net <-> irc.openprojects.net quits: praenti 16:17 < esden> hi all 16:17 < tcr> moin esden 16:17 < barthel_> hi esden 16:17 * -> esden is exploring latex ... 16:17 < esden> latex rulez ! ;-) 16:17 < tsa> hehe 16:17 < tsa> hi esden 16:18 < esden> hi tsa , tcr, barthel_ 16:18 < tcr> esden: well, let's say it's useful 16:18 < tsa> anyone experienced with the mailguard-feature of a cisco pix? 16:18 < esden> yes ... /me has to write some document for his math exam ... and that is really perfect for this 16:18 < rolla> re 16:19 < tsa> <- had my math exam on tuesday.. 16:19 < tcr> i've meant something other *gg* 16:19 < esden> typesetting math formulas in latex makes fun ... 16:19 < tcr> but nevermind 16:19 -!- Netsplit over, joins: praenti 16:19 < esden> tsa: I will have on the 11th 16:19 < tsa> hi praenti 16:19 < tsa> esden: have fun...and good luck. 16:19 < esden> re praenti ;-) 16:19 < esden> tsa: thanks 16:19 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@neptune.tacomeat.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:19 < tcr> wb h0h0 16:20 < esden> ok ... I will leave now to continue writing the paper 16:20 < esden> cu guys 16:20 < tcr> lol 16:20 < tcr> short appearence 16:20 < esden> yes ... 16:20 < esden> I need my DSL line back >_< 16:20 < esden> modem sux 16:21 < esden> ok cu 16:21 < tcr> hey, gimme an amiga, a phone-line and a dot matrix printer 16:21 < tcr> and let me rock 16:21 < tcr> *fg* 16:21 < barthel_> lol 16:21 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 16:21 < tcr> re Mike1 16:21 < Mike1> Moin 16:21 < tsa> hi Mike1 16:22 < barthel_> moin Mike1 16:22 < Mike1> anyone knows whats going on with ftp.samba.org ? been having trouble dowloading packages 16:22 < tsa> dunno. 16:22 < rolla> no idea 16:23 < rolla> I switched to http instead of ftp and it works 16:23 < tsa> #define trouble 16:23 < tsa> perhaps their ftp server ist down.. ? 16:24 < rolla> the ftp part maybe 16:24 < Mike1> tsa: ftp, rsync, ppp ... ? 16:24 < rolla> but the webserver is still up 16:24 < tsa> hm...strange. 16:24 < Mike1> anything that blongs for samba.org on ftp is down 16:24 < rolla> Mike1 : those are all the same machine 16:24 < Mike1> rolla: sure? 16:24 < rolla> think so 16:24 < tsa> sure? might be a dnat .. 16:25 < rolla> rsync.samba.orgcanonical name = dp.samba.org. 16:25 < rolla> Name:dp.samba.org 16:25 < rolla> Address: 16:25 < Mike1> maybe 16:25 < rolla> ftp.samba.orgcanonical name = dp.samba.org. 16:25 < rolla> Name:dp.samba.org 16:25 < rolla> Address: 16:25 < Mike1> ah well i will switch to http 16:25 < Mike1> arrggg 16:25 < rolla> :) 16:32 < barthel_> Mike1: how is the weather in cr ? ;-) 16:37 < Mike1> barthel_: very nice as usual :), what about de? 16:40 < barthel_> cloudy could ~7°C 16:41 < rolla> sounds great 16:41 < Mike1> barthel_: sounds like paradise 16:41 < Mike1> ;) 16:42 < Mike1> snowing? 16:43 < barthel_> no... 16:43 < barthel_> :-/ 16:44 < Mike1> barthel_: where in de are you ? 16:44 < barthel_> dresden, saxonia 16:44 < tcr> omg ... yet another ossi ;) 16:45 < barthel_> est germany, the as of the world ;-) 16:45 < barthel_> yep... but not a 'sachse' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 16:45 < Mike1> hehe 16:46 < tcr> well 16:47 < tcr> we should re-build the wall, then we'd have a compass within germany.. very tricky. Just put a banana on the wall, and wait a day. The side where the banana was eaten, it's eeast, the other side west 16:48 < tcr> *sorry could not resist* :) 16:48 < barthel_> yo yo told old old stories *gaehhnn* 16:50 < tcr> no, not for Mike1 16:51 < Mike1> tcr: :P 16:51 < Mike1> i have made a rock 1.5.19 build 2 days ago, i am happy enought with the way it works, so might share the iso, anyone interested? 16:52 < barthel_> [anders]: has made a 1.5.19-gnome2 today... 16:52 < tsa> hahaha...just found something....the fscking pix is really overwriting esmtp commands... *lol* 16:52 < tcr> Mike1: [anders] is currently doing a completly new build due to heavy fixing of the 1.5 tree in the last days 16:53 < praenti> snyke: da? 16:53 -!- hackbard_ [~hackbard@pD9523E73.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("enjoy weekend!") 16:54 < Mike1> tcr: i ment it as in the normal cvs tree 16:54 < [anders]> I threw away the build that completed earlier today when I saw what had been fixed in rock-1.5 (huebi's tree) 16:54 < Mike1> tcr: we are all working hard on the new features for rock-gnome2 16:55 * [anders] would like who decided to 'fix' vsftpd in rock-1.5 however.. it's b0rked 16:55 < Mike1> oh btw tcr you just reminded me to fix vim :) brb 16:55 < th> ack 16:55 < th> ;) 16:55 < th> hi Mike1 16:55 < Mike1> hi th :) i am going to fix vim right now 16:55 < Mike1> God Morgon [anders] 16:55 < th> Mike1: and i got montana in my hands with 2 days delay 16:56 < tcr> Mike1: mom 16:56 -!- zer0_o^ [~zer0_o@] has quit ("hf") 16:56 < Mike1> th: excellent 16:56 < tcr> Mike1: please update e2fsprogs to 1.29 as well 16:56 < Mike1> btw i will need ftp access for my costummer on that box 16:56 < th> strange kernel does not send bootp requests to get IP address... 16:56 < Mike1> tcr: ok 16:56 < tcr> i'd suggest to add a confopt = "$confopt --enable-htree" 16:56 < th> Mike1: shouldn't be a problem 16:56 < tcr> but i dunno if this will work with normal kernels 16:58 < [anders]> God Morgon Mike1 16:58 * Mike1 checking out rock-1.45 from cvs to work around vim and e2fsprogs 16:58 < Mike1> [anders]: how are you today? 16:58 < [anders]> Mike1: not bad, back ache, to much to do, divorce still looming large over my head.. I have had better days.. 16:59 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-170-14.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 16:59 < [anders]> barthel_ have helped with the gnome2 work today, he ffound several wrong DL paths.. 16:59 < [anders]> they are fixed in cvs.. 16:59 < Mike1> [anders]: i already got all the base packages for rock-gnome2, will pull down the extensions in a moment, rolla is got the hd space ready we will for sure have a mirror for sources soon :) 17:00 < [anders]> I have also picked up the fixes in huebi's tree and patched them in to the gnome2 tree.. 17:00 < Mike1> barthel_: o_O thats a very nice suprise :) 17:01 < Mike1> [anders]: btw i have not check but the patch for aspell should be removed (dunno if it was removed already) 17:01 < barthel_> why ? i would like to install rock-gnome2... of cause i've to download the sources :-) 17:01 < [anders]> at the moment I have build break in stage 3, vsftpd, I will try and fix that later.. 17:01 < [anders]> Mike1: you have the power to remove it.. ;-) 17:02 < Mike1> [anders]: hehe i will 17:02 < Mike1> barthel_: so you will join us on the work for rock-gnome2? 17:02 < barthel_> yep... but i need a real working desktop... 17:03 < barthel_> of c. gnome2 ;-))) 17:03 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@] has joined #rocklinux 17:03 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-170-5.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 17:03 < [anders]> I am wondering wether we should set a TAG when we get a stable build.. so people can check out for example 020930 and know it will work.. 17:04 < tcr> hi rxr 17:04 < Mike1> barthel_: no problem anders, rolla and i are already working on it 17:04 < barthel_> super ;-) 17:04 < [anders]> I would like to perhaps go through and set a coherent version number on all the files in the cvs.. 17:04 < Mike1> [anders]: well could be a great idea 17:05 < Mike1> [anders]: well i belive untill now we have made a good work on this 17:05 < [anders]> I've got the CVS book by Karl Fogel and Moshe Bar.. :) Will be reading it tonight.. :) 17:05 < Mike1> even when since we only had rsync :) 17:05 < [anders]> hehe.. we got quite some way with only rsync.. :) 17:05 < barthel_> if i have all succ. build i scream to help me to install it ;-) 17:06 < [anders]> hehehe.. :) 17:06 < Mike1> barthel_: you have not installed rock before? 17:07 < th> hmm kernel level autoconfiguration doesn't seem to worlk 17:07 < Mike1> [anders]: btw i will implement the multi language project stuff in rock-gnome2 first than current tree hope you dont mind 17:08 < barthel_> Mike1: sure, from iso-1.5.19, but no my own compil. 17:08 < [anders]> I don't mind.. we will have more exotic stuff in our tree.. once it's working, port it into stable if huebi agrees... 17:09 < Mike1> if anyone care / want it https://www.hack-solutions.com/~mike2/ROCK/1.5/1.5.19/rock-ia32-i686-base+opt-1.5.19.iso 17:09 < Mike1> [anders]: as a matter of fact huebi has already allowd me include multi lang stuff on the tree but i wanna do it untill its worth it :) 17:10 < Mike1> the url i just gave is for my latest 1.5.19 build 17:16 < barthel_> 17 packages to download of base-archive ;-) i see the finish 17:17 < Mike1> barthel_: excellent :) 17:18 < [anders]> hmm.. if vsftpd fails in your build, you can just vi scripts/packages and on the line describing it, change the 'o' to a 'h' and it will not be built.. 17:18 < [anders]> I am doing that now, and I'll try and figure out why later.. 17:19 < Mike1> [anders]: btw besides galeon what other package did you told me i should "comment"? 17:20 < [anders]> uhm.. you might want to move base-config/xfree86/4.2.0-libGLU-bad-extern.patch out of the way (add .old to the end or something..) 17:21 < [anders]> that patch doesn't apply and I have not skills (or time) to figure out why.. It seems to build and work anyway.. 17:22 < Mike1> [anders]: why dont we simply remove from rock-gnome2 tree? 17:22 < tsa> cya 17:22 -!- tsa [~tsa@rossini.marcant.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 17:23 < Mike1> th vim fixed, just commited to cvs 17:23 < Mike1> now lets see ... oh yes update e2fsprogs version :) 17:27 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@] has quit () 17:27 -!- kasc [~shaman@p5090BFFD.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17:32 -!- kasc [~shaman@p5090AA2E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:34 < [anders]> Mike1: could do that I suppose.. But someone added the patch in huebi's tree for a reason.. :) 17:35 < Mike1> i guess 17:35 < [anders]> I'd just like to know how comes the patch fails for me as surely it has to have worked for whoever added it... 17:36 < Mike1> tcr: e2fsprogs updated to 1.29 version have fun ! 17:36 < Mike1> [anders]: dunno 17:37 < tcr> Mike1: already updated on my system :P 17:37 < Mike1> tcr: :) ok 17:44 < [anders]> I need to get anoncvs working this weekend.. 17:44 < Mike1> do you think it will be hard? 17:46 < [anders]> it'll take me a while.. I need to read the instructions carefully and set up a chrooted environment.. Not the easiest thing to do.. It'll get done though... 17:48 -!- bluefire [bluefire@pD952230E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:49 < bluefire> re 17:50 < barthel_> tach, hi bluefire 17:52 -!- _NULL [~mail-spam@B53e2.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 17:52 < _NULL> hi 17:52 < Mike1> hi _NULLy 17:52 < _NULL> hi Mike1 17:59 -!- chrisime [~root@pD9590D49.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:59 < chrisime> rxr: da? 18:04 < barthel_> <-- weekend, 2 days without computer ;-) bye 18:06 -!- barthel_ [~barthel@pD9E87B40.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux () 18:07 < Mike1> wow 2 day without computer 18:08 < _NULL> how can someone survive this... sounds impossible to me 18:12 < chrisime> hi null 18:12 < _NULL> hi chrisime 18:12 < chrisime> null, rxr ist doch fuer die gnome packages bei rl verantwortlich 18:12 < chrisime> lieg ich da richtig 18:12 < chrisime> oder wasr das huebi 18:13 < _NULL> chrisime: was fragst du mich das? 18:13 < chrisime> dachte du weisst das 18:13 < _NULL> nein. weiss ich nicht 18:13 < tcr> chrisime: für 1.5 sind es Mike1 und [anders] 18:13 < chrisime> hmm 18:13 < tcr> zumindestens haben sie einen eigenen Gnome2 Tree 18:14 < chrisime> Mike1: german or english? 18:14 < chrisime> einen eigenen? 18:14 < chrisime> was soll das heissen 18:14 < tcr> ja, der wird bald gemerged 18:14 < Mike1> chrisime: i would prefer english 18:14 < Mike1> :) 18:14 * chrisime braucht leute fuer gnome2 18:14 < chrisime> Mike1: ok 18:14 < chrisime> then it'll be harder 18:14 < Mike1> ok so whats up with gnome2 and me and anders? 18:14 < chrisime> because we need a tutorial for installing gnome2 on RL for our site --> gnome-de.org 18:15 -!- _NULL [~mail-spam@B53e2.pppool.de] has quit ("proxy suckz... reboot of proxy") 18:15 < Mike1> chrisime: a full tutorial for building gnome2 on rock 1.5? 18:15 < chrisime> yes 18:15 < chrisime> check the site 18:16 < chrisime> there's already a gentoo tut 18:16 < Mike1> ok /me checking 18:16 < chrisime> it's in German ;) 18:16 < Mike1> brb 18:16 < tcr> Mike1: you could write one for rocklinux.org in english. i wouldn't have any problems to translate into german then 18:17 < Mike1> just one momet guys 18:17 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 18:22 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 18:23 < Mike1> re 18:23 < chrisime> ro 18:23 < Mike1> tcr: chrisime sorry i had to reboot 18:23 < Mike1> so where were we? 18:23 < chrisime> np 18:23 < chrisime> Mike1: www.gnome-de.org 18:23 < chrisime> check distributions 18:25 < Mike1> chrisime: mmm just looked at gentoo's doc 18:25 < chrisime> they'll be updated soon, when gentoo1.4 is out 18:25 < Mike1> you do know we do not have something like emerge right? 18:26 < chrisime> yes 18:26 < chrisime> pkg-add 18:26 < Mike1> chrisime: in our case we had to do this the hardway 18:26 < chrisime> well 18:26 < chrisime> provide a tut please 18:26 < chrisime> it' 18:26 < chrisime> it's highly appreciated 18:27 < Mike1> hehe chrisime thought Gnome2 is not yet on the official rock tree 18:27 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD958D272.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:27 < Mike1> anyways i will make a tut for you :) 18:27 < Mike1> yo thalerim 18:27 < chrisime> wow 18:28 < chrisime> Mike1: cool, until when ? 18:28 < Mike1> chrisime: i'm not exactly a skilled german speaker so i will some help translating 18:28 < Mike1> chrisime: i will work on the tut since tonight 18:29 < Mike1> i will add gnome2 at least as an extension sometime next week on the oficial tree 18:29 < Mike1> as i said it is not included on it yet, thought [anders] and i have a parallel tree on which we do have gnome2 running :) 18:30 -!- _NULL [~mail-spam@B5433.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 18:30 < _NULL> re 18:30 < chrisime> Mike1: in english will be sufficient 18:30 < chrisime> Mike1: i'll translate it back to german 18:31 < Mike1> chrisime: excellent :) 18:31 < chrisime> Mike1: nice work 18:31 -!- Krylathon [~tobrit@p50813D22.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:32 < Mike1> chrisime: thanks :) 18:32 < Krylathon> re 18:32 < Krylathon> what a fuck 18:32 < Mike1> re Krylathon 18:32 < Mike1> ? 18:32 < Krylathon> me is tcr and thalerim 8) 18:33 < Krylathon> lost connection twice 18:33 < Mike1> wow 18:34 < Krylathon> sorry, didn't overhear anything, what is about the text? 18:37 * Krylathon is waiting for the timeout *zZz* 18:37 < _NULL> Krylathon: not registered user? 18:38 < Krylathon> thalerim is, but i want to be tcr 18:38 < _NULL> Krylathon: tststs. then register it... :P 18:39 < Krylathon> pff, too lazy 18:43 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50813F81.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18:46 < Krylathon> juhu 18:46 -!- Krylathon is now known as tcr 18:47 < _NULL> tststs 18:47 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD958D272.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19:04 * _NULL is away: celebrating my birtday together with relatives. 19:10 < Mike1> 0_O 19:11 < Mike1> HAPPY BIRTHDAY SANDRA!! 19:22 < esden> hi all 19:24 < Mike1> hi esden 19:32 < esden> hi Mike1 ! 19:32 < esden> how are you today ? 19:34 < Mike1> i am great thanks and you? 19:36 < esden> I am ok ... the air smells here beautifully like Polish autumn ... that is great ... I love it 19:36 < esden> it has raind nearly the whole day ... 19:37 < esden> but now the air is so clean and smells so good .... ahhhh *extasy* 19:37 < esden> ;-) 19:38 < Mike1> :) 20:09 < _NULL> Mike1: thx. 20:10 < _NULL> esden: hi. you are taking drugs? ;PP 20:13 < esden> hi null 20:13 < esden> herzlichen glueckwunsch zum geburtstag !!! 20:13 < esden> *handreich* 20:13 < _NULL> danke ;) 20:14 < esden> _NULL: no ... at the moment I do not take drugs ... 20:14 < _NULL> endlich volljaehrig ;))) 20:14 < _NULL> esden: brav so. und es soll auch so bleiben... 20:14 < esden> ohh ... tja ... ich glaube man sollte jetzt um so mehr auf dich acht geben .. denn sonnst machst du noch was unueberlegtes ... ;-) 20:15 < _NULL> esden: nein. denke ich mal nicht... nicht mehr... arzt sei dank... bzw. auch nils sei dank (dass der mich ueberredet hat zum arzt zu gehen...) 20:17 < rolla> anybody know how to replace wu-ftpd with proftpd ? 20:17 < esden> _NULL: ich habe es dir auch gesagt ... aber naja 20:17 * _NULL already dreams about her sweet new asus-notebook: better than men - asus l3c ;PPP 20:18 < _NULL> esden: jaaa. danke. aber du kennst mich noch nicht ca. 2 3/4 jahre... und der ist wirklich der einzige, von dem ich mir ein _wenig_ was sagen lasse...# 20:23 < chrisime> Alles gute Null! 20:23 < _NULL> chrisime: dankeschoen ;) 20:23 < chrisime> bidde 20:23 < esden> hi chrisime 20:24 < Mike1> [anders]: awake? 20:41 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@] has joined #rocklinux 20:48 * _NULL is away again 20:49 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@] has joined #rocklinux 20:49 < holyolli> hi 20:52 < esden> hi holyolli 20:52 < holyolli> hi esden :) 21:07 -!- jasonmaier [~chatzilla@pD9E4B0A2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:21 < esden> ok ... cu all 21:24 < holyolli> cu esden 21:25 < Mike1> cu esden 21:25 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@] has quit ("also afk") 21:27 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 21:28 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit (Client Quit) 21:52 < _NULL> re 21:52 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21:53 * _NULL is back (gone 02:48:34) 21:56 < Mike1> re _NULLy! 21:58 * _NULL listens to: the almighty - galvanize ;) 21:59 < _NULL> wuah. today is a great day ;))) *jumping_ arround* 22:09 < Mike1> _NULL: sure it is 22:12 < _NULL> Mike1: hehe ;) 22:17 * _NULL listens to: crematory - the fallen 22:31 -!- _NULL [~mail-spam@B5433.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22:33 < tcr> gn8 all, sleep well 22:33 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50813D22.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos") 22:44 -!- _NULL [~mail-spam@B5167.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 22:45 < _NULL> re 22:46 < Mike1> _NULLY!!!!!!! 22:46 < th> re 22:47 < Mike1> re th :) 23:15 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@] has joined #rocklinux 23:23 * rolla is bored 23:43 -!- WKaibigan [~Aloicious@] has quit () --- Log closed Sat Sep 28 00:00:25 2002