--- Log opened Mon Sep 30 00:00:01 2002 --- Day changed Mon Sep 30 2002 00:06 < tsa> hm....ist db2 noch irgendwie aktuell? 00:07 < tsa> ich hab hier nur db3.. 00:14 < th> why is bind still at 9.1.3 in rock-1.5? 00:15 < kasc> n8 ihr's 00:15 -!- kasc [~shaman@p5090AE29.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux () 00:17 -!- Be-El [be-el@] has quit ("Client Exiting") 00:18 -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p508035FD.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 00:34 < tsa> n8 00:35 -!- tsa [~tsa@] has quit ("Client Exiting") 00:45 -!- litost [~stephen@phynp6.phy-astr.gsu.edu] has quit ("boohoo") 00:49 < ringo78> n8 alle ! 00:50 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs3.xs4all.nl] has quit ("leaving") 02:40 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit ("Irssi - the client of smart and beautiful people") 03:45 -!- hackbard_ [~hackbard@] has joined #rocklinux 04:02 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@p50806E73.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04:23 -!- |_DaRk_LoRd_| [WoLvErInE@] has joined #rocklinux 04:24 < |_DaRk_LoRd_|> hi all 04:34 -!- |_DaRk_LoRd_| [WoLvErInE@] has quit (" IRcap 7.2 https://www.ircap.net !!") 08:55 -!- zer0_o^ [~zer0_o@] has joined #rocklinux 09:00 -!- barthel_ [~barthel@pD9E869D5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:00 < barthel_> moin, moin all 09:02 -!- tomik [~got_root@bremaiva.worldonline.cz] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09:08 -!- barthel [~barthel@] has joined #rocklinux 09:15 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p508131D9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:16 < tcr> moin all 09:17 < barthel_> moin... 09:35 -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:35 < tsa> moin 09:36 < tcr> moin 09:37 -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs4.xs4all.nl] has joined #rocklinux 09:44 < ringo78> morgen ! 09:59 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD958D1B1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:11 < thalerim> puuh 10:11 < thalerim> endlich fertig: https://freebits.de/shownews.php?id=743 10:19 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p508131D9.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10:20 -!- thalerim is now known as tcr 10:32 -!- Freak [freak@p508397FD.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10:34 -!- Freak [freak@p50839024.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:44 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD958D1B1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos") 10:47 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD958D26D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:13 < [anders]> wheeeoow.. anoncvs is now working..... 12:14 < [anders]> I now have quite a bit of things I should be documenting.. :) 12:18 < [anders]> SMP: figured out the problem with PAM (the server is running debian)... so managed to get everything working.. :) 12:19 < SMP> nice 12:19 < [anders]> indeed.. all I need now is more bandwidth.. ;-D 12:20 < SMP> who doesn't 12:20 < tsa> hehe 12:27 < [anders]> mmm... getting hungry, got to go fetch lunch.. :) 12:37 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux 12:47 * barthel_ back from lunch 13:03 -!- SMP [stefanp@world.cabal1.net] has quit ("Changing server") 13:03 -!- SMP [stefanp@world.cabal1.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:10 < tsa> ..und wech 13:10 -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has quit ("wech.") 13:10 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD958D26D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 13:14 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD958D26D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:15 < tcr> re 13:38 < esden> ]:8)> 13:40 < tcr> medizinmann vom Mathilda-Cult?! 13:41 < th> wohl abwesend 13:44 < tcr> wer? 13:45 < barthel_> ich nicht ;-) ein auge blinzelt noch ;-) 13:46 < tcr> der smiley ist auf jeden fall kool ]:8)> 13:46 < esden> ahh ... hier lebt doch noch einer ... 13:46 < barthel_> ;) 13:46 < esden> oder zwei ;-) 13:46 < esden> oder drei ... 13:47 < esden> das ist small mathilda da oben ;-) 13:47 < esden> one line version ;-) 13:47 < barthel_> wer ist small mathilda ? *dummfragenddreinschauend 13:48 < tcr> werd ich absofort exzessiv benutzen ]:8)> 13:49 < esden> lool ]:8)> 13:49 < esden> M.oO 13:49 < esden> barthel_: mathilda ist unser maskotchen 13:50 < esden> das ROCKLinux maskottchen 13:51 < esden> es ist eine kuh die _gras_ futtert und nur koffeinhaltige fluessigkeiten zu sich nimmt ... nur aus ASCII zeichen besteht. Und hyper psychoaktive milch gibt. 13:51 < tcr> unser GOTT 13:52 < esden> ja unserr GOTT .. unsere HERRIN ... unsere HOFFNUNG ... fuer immer genug wahrnsinn zu bewahren um rocklinux weiterzuentwickeln ;-) 13:54 < esden> und ... noch eins ... ich bin der einzige bei rock (und ausserhalb) der sich von mathilda immer wieder bisel fleisch fuer einen stake abschneiden darf. 13:56 < tcr> so sind wir 13:57 < barthel_> aha... ;) duldet sie andere neben sich ? 13:57 < tcr> hmm 13:58 < tcr> struct passwd *tmp_pw = getpwuid(cur->uid); 13:58 < tcr> ... 13:58 < tcr> printf("...%s...\n", tmp_pw->pw_name); 13:58 < tcr> segfaultet 13:59 < esden> barthel_: sie duldet keine andere gottheit neben sich ... naja vielleicht ausser gott selbst ;-) 14:00 < esden> sagen wir so sie ist die erste nach gott ;-) 14:00 < tcr> sie hat nichts gegen andere Götter 14:00 < esden> danach kommt laaaaange laaaaange nichts und dann irgendwann andere "dinge" ... 14:00 < tcr> die landen früher oder später eh in ihrem magen 14:01 < esden> tcr ... stimmt ... auch deamon hat sich bissel letztens beschwert das sie ihn am schwanz angeknabbert hat ... (nicht das er es nicht verdient haette ... ) 14:01 < barthel_> *lol ;) 14:02 < esden> alter stecher ... tztztz 14:02 < tcr> tja... mathilda hat einen guten draht zu tux 14:02 < esden> tux versteht sich bit ihr ziemlich gut ... aber der ist vorsichtiger ... als deamon 14:02 < tcr> sie planen eine verschwörung neben dieses Viech von bsd 14:02 < tcr> s,neben,gegen, 14:03 < esden> tcr das Viech heisst deamon .. ;-) 14:03 < esden> soweit ich weiss ... 14:03 < barthel_> da fällt mir ein... ICH WILL KÜHE ;-) 14:03 < tcr> recht kreativ 14:04 < tcr> erm 14:04 < tcr> ls -ld /usr/share/irc 14:04 < tcr> ... . 127 root ... ... ... ... /usr/share/irc 14:04 < tcr> ??? 14:05 < tcr> das ist von rocklinux kreiert worden 14:05 * -> esden fraegti sich wo der oberpriester von mathilda kult stect aka. huebi 14:05 < esden> der koennte die von der AOL weide holen ... ;-) 14:07 < barthel_> hauptsache sie ist nicht lila ! 14:08 < esden> nein ist sie nicht sie ist weiss auf schwarzen hintergrund ... wie es sich fuer terminals gehoert ;-) 14:08 < esden> .oO(Gott sei dank ist huebin nicht da ...) 14:10 < tcr> nenene 14:10 < tcr> grün auf schwarz 14:10 < tcr> huebi sagte dazu, er fühle dich wie in einem uboot 8) 14:11 < tcr> https://freebits.de/trash/matrix/ 14:13 < esden> jajaja 14:13 < esden> ok ich gehe dann wieder 14:13 < esden> cu all 14:13 < tcr> cu esden 14:14 < barthel_> cu esden 14:33 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD958D26D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos") 14:36 -!- barthel [~barthel@] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 14:39 -!- barthel [~barthel@] has joined #rocklinux 14:39 < barthel> re 15:04 * barthel_ meeting :-/ 15:33 < praenti> hi 15:45 < barthel_> re 15:54 -!- zer0_o^ [~zer0_o@] has quit () 16:22 -!- zer0_o^ [~zer0_o@] has joined #rocklinux 16:25 -!- zer0_o^ [~zer0_o@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 16:27 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 16:27 < Mike1> moin 16:28 < th> hi Mike1 16:28 < Mike1> hi Tobias, how are things? 16:29 < th> Mike1: good 16:32 < rolla> MIke1 16:32 < Mike1> hi Joel 16:32 < Mike1> huebi: awake??? 16:32 * Mike1 needs huebi 16:32 < barthel_> hi Mike1 16:33 < Mike1> hi barthel_ 16:47 -!- bluefire [bluefire@p50816A16.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:47 < bluefire> Moin 16:53 -!- zer0_o^ [~zer0_o@] has joined #rocklinux 16:53 < Mike1> o_O 16:56 -!- armijn [~armijn@] has joined #rocklinux 16:56 < armijn> re 16:56 < Mike1> hi armijn 16:56 < armijn> hiya 16:59 -!- zer0_o^ [~zer0_o@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17:01 -!- zer0_o^ [~zer0_o@] has joined #rocklinux 17:02 < Mike1> 0_o 17:18 < Mike1> [anders]: here? 17:24 -!- demian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 17:24 -!- demian [~demian@] has quit (Client Quit) 17:30 < d3mian> hi all 17:30 < Mike1> hi d3mian 17:30 < d3mian> hi miguel 17:30 -!- zer0_o^ [~zer0_o@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 17:31 < Mike1> como estas d3mian? 17:31 < barthel> hi d3mian 17:31 < d3mian> bien, mas descansado y relajado 17:31 < d3mian> im gonna take a breafast.. brb 17:32 < Mike1> ok enjoy 17:32 < [anders]> Mike1: now I am 17:32 < [anders]> moin zusammen 17:32 < Mike1> [anders]: god morgon :) 17:32 < [anders]> god morgon Miguel! :) 17:33 < Mike1> [anders]: my build attempt this weekend was a disaster 17:33 < [anders]> Mike1: how so? 17:33 < Mike1> i couldnt get glibc to build 17:33 < Mike1> ons tage 1 !! 17:33 < [anders]> ouch.. not seen that before.. for me it just work.. 17:33 < d3mian> screen program block my console!, screen build if failing somewhere.. 17:33 < d3mian> any of u use screen ? 17:33 < d3mian> if/is 17:33 < [anders]> Mike1: on another note, the wiki is updated and anoncvs is now working.. 17:33 < Mike1> [anders]: its not the first time this happens to me something has been changed? 17:33 < d3mian> brb 17:34 < [anders]> d3mian: yeah.. I use it.. 17:34 < Mike1> [anders]: yes i have already read you email this is great :) 17:34 < Mike1> [anders]: look: 17:34 < Mike1> ranlib sysdeps/../libc.a 17:34 < Mike1> ranlib: sysdeps/../libc.a: No space left on device 17:34 < Mike1> make: *** [sysdeps/../libc.a] Error 1 17:34 < Mike1> (END) 17:35 < Mike1> any idea? 17:35 < d3mian> strange.. 17:35 < [anders]> >>> No space left on device <<< 17:35 < armijn> mike1: df 17:35 < d3mian> :p 17:35 < armijn> disk is full 17:35 < armijn> or partition 17:35 < Mike1> NOTE: no its not my hd i have a 30 gb partiton for this 17:35 < [anders]> Mike1: how about your /tmp ? 17:35 < Mike1> and i am building just base+opt so NO its not hd space 17:36 -!- Xenith [Xenith@] has joined #rocklinux 17:36 < Mike1> mm... 17:36 < Mike1> hi Xenith 17:36 < [anders]> I have seen this before when /tmp was a but to full and compiles failed because of that.. 17:36 < Mike1> [anders]: so you suggest build without tmpfs? 17:38 * Mike1 restarting build without tmpfs ... 17:38 < Mike1> armijn: have you read my reply to ur mail on the RLML? 17:40 < armijn> no of course not 17:40 -!- kasc_ [~shaman@p50908ab6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:40 < armijn> I always delete your mails 17:40 -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 17:40 < kasc_> moin 17:40 < Mike1> ?? 17:41 -!- kasc_ is now known as kasc 17:41 < Mike1> armijn: ?? 17:42 -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 17:42 < armijn> mike1: your e-mails are totally not worth to be read 17:42 < armijn> that's why I ignore them 17:42 < armijn> just like I ignore you here on IRC as you can notice 17:42 < armijn> ;-) 17:42 < Mike1> armijn: i see 17:43 < Mike1> ok thanks for your the advice 17:43 < Mike1> i will not waste my time with as well 17:43 < Mike1> with you* 17:43 < armijn> hehehehe :)) 17:44 < armijn> you should have a reply already... 17:44 < armijn> mike1: I'm just joking :) 17:46 < Mike1> bye 17:46 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 17:46 < armijn> hmm... 17:46 < armijn> do you think he really took that serious? 17:52 < [anders]> armijn: not sure... I wonder... 17:52 < [anders]> I figure Mike1 was a bit short on swap to use tmpfs.. 17:52 < armijn> it was pretty clear I was just joking... 17:53 < [anders]> I'm debating wether to use tmpfs on my newinstall and just set it to use about 2GB of swap.. 17:53 -!- Xenith [Xenith@] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 17:54 < rolla> :) 17:55 < [anders]> well, I'll have a 60GB disk so 2GB set aside for swap should be sufficent.. :) 17:55 < rolla> yeah it should be 17:55 < d3mian> re 17:55 < d3mian> [anders]: dunt u have probs using screen 17:55 < d3mian> ? 17:56 < [anders]> d3mian: not really.. what problems are you seeing? 17:56 < d3mian> well, the binary, the rock built and myself built fails 17:56 < d3mian> it runs 17:57 < [anders]> well, screen will just spawn another window.. you can try with ^a ^a in the window to see if it is running.. 17:57 < d3mian> and get up the screen, but later it stay zombie, and i cant write things in the console, so i cant close the screen, unless i kill it 17:57 < [anders]> that's odd.. 17:57 < d3mian> [anders]: i know how to use screen, but since it is run, the console dunt receive input, until i killi it 17:58 < d3mian> im using lastets sources for it 17:59 < [anders]> d3mian: I have version 3.09.11 17:59 -!- bluefire [bluefire@p50816A16.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 18:02 < [anders]> d3mian: if it is hanging, I do not know what could be wrong with it.. 18:02 < d3mian> ill try older versions.. thanx 18:03 < [anders]> np 18:05 -!- armijn [~armijn@] has left #rocklinux ("blah") 18:07 -!- barthel [~barthel@] has quit ("Client Exiting") 18:08 -!- barthel [~barthel@] has joined #rocklinux 18:09 * barthel_ barthel and barthel_ going home ;-) 18:10 -!- barthel_ [~barthel@pD9E869D5.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux () 18:11 -!- barthel [~barthel@] has quit (Client Quit) 18:12 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 18:12 < [anders]> re Mike1 18:12 < Mike1> [anders]: :) 18:12 < th> wb Mike1 18:12 < Mike1> thanks 18:12 < th> Mike1: montana is on the road now ;) 18:12 < Mike1> th great 18:13 < [anders]> Mike1: if you are using tmpfs, you will need lots of swap, especially when compiling something like glibc, xfree86 or gcc.. 18:15 < [anders]> (correct me if I am wrong, but tmpfs uses unused swap to create the /tmp filesystem..) 18:15 < Mike1> [anders]: yeah i guess 18:15 < Mike1> anyways i am now attempting to rebuild without tmpfs 18:15 < [anders]> Mike1: I would guess you'd need at least 1GB swap for tmpfs and a big compile.. 18:16 < Mike1> i do have 1gb of swap 18:16 < d3mian> my swap is always free, never used 18:19 < Mike1> d3mian: dont you run any builds? 18:19 < d3mian> during builds it always is free 18:19 < d3mian> and of course it is active :) 18:20 < d3mian> but i cant build nothing now... rocka is now processing demoniac information :) 18:21 < Mike1> ..? 18:23 < d3mian> around 90% of CPU usage for processing 20 passwd files.. and around 40 (un)crypting processes 18:23 < [anders]> <- me going home.. 18:23 < d3mian> in only 5 minutes i got 100 passwds :) 18:26 < Mike1> what do you want them for? 18:26 < Mike1> [anders]: see you later then 18:26 < d3mian> a guy will pay me a lot for that :) 18:26 < d3mian> it is from venezuela :) 18:27 < d3mian> it/he 18:29 < Mike1> 0_o d3mian craker ... 18:30 < d3mian> im not, the guy will pay me :) 18:31 < Mike1> exactly 18:33 < Mike1> though i wont bother you with this :| 18:33 < d3mian> bother ? 18:33 < d3mian> = disturb ? 18:36 < Mike1> ack 18:37 * Mike1 needs huebi 18:37 < d3mian> Mike1: what is geil ? 18:37 < d3mian> i cant find that word in any dictionary 18:51 < rolla> what is the name of the 1.7 package man. ??? 18:55 < praenti> hi 18:56 < praenti> how would you do a update of the /etc/hosts with a bash-script 18:56 < d3mian> ? 18:56 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-ls-8-4-2-dialup-180.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux 18:57 < praenti> i thought of an hook and the next line is edited 18:57 < d3mian> i dunt get what u mean, at least me.. Hi praenti :) 18:57 < rolla> how does rock 1.5.17 update /etc/resolv.conf ? 18:57 < praenti> the hook, looks like "# FH" for example in the hosts 18:57 < rolla> I make changes to it and after ever reboot it changes back to what it was before 18:59 < praenti> d3mian: i need a command for searching the line of the hook and set in the next line a line like: 18:59 < praenti> ip herrnbraeu 18:59 < praenti> $ip herrnbrasu 18:59 < praenti> i mean 19:00 < praenti> $ip is variable with the current ip fetched from dhclient. the script runs after dhclient as exit-hookscript 19:00 * praenti is away. back in a hour 19:01 < d3mian> sorry, i use DNS and NIS/YP for that.. ('ypcat hosts') 19:08 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50813986.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:08 < Mike1> hi tcr 19:08 < tcr> re 19:08 < d3mian> hi tcr 19:09 < tcr> moin Mike1 ]:8)> (<- one liner of mathilda, introduced by esden) 19:09 < Mike1> :) 19:09 < Mike1> praenti: let me know when you get back please 19:13 -!- SMP [stefanp@world.cabal1.net] has quit ("renumber") 19:13 < th> oha 19:13 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-ls-8-4-2-dialup-180.freesurf.ch] has quit () 19:13 -!- NUMA [stefanp@world.cabal1.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:13 < th> hmm 19:15 -!- th [th@rocklinux.de] has quit ("renumber") 19:15 -!- th [th@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux 19:17 -!- NUMA is now known as SMP 19:26 < Mike1> == 05:23:10 09/30/02 =[1]=> Finished building package glibc. 19:26 < Mike1> DAMN TMPFS!! 19:28 -!- armijn [~armijn@] has joined #rocklinux 19:28 < armijn> re 19:32 < esden> ]:8)> MOO! 19:32 < Mike1> esden: Hi ! :) 19:33 < esden> moo Mike1 ! 19:33 < armijn> mike1 is angry at me... 19:34 < armijn> even though I was just joking :( 19:34 < armijn> and he wants me to suffer 19:34 < esden> armijn: you are too evil for Mike1 ;-) 19:34 < tcr> yes, armijn needs to suffer ... 19:34 < armijn> I guess 19:34 < Mike1> armijn: it didnt seem like any joke 19:34 < d3mian> hi armijn , esden , th 19:34 < esden> armijn: you deserve this ;-) 19:34 < tcr> actually he's a masochist 19:34 < esden> hi d3mian 19:34 < tcr> so it's okay 19:34 < armijn> I know, I know 19:34 < armijn> I'm pure evil >:-> 19:34 < esden> ohh poor armijn 19:35 < armijn> no, I like to be evil 19:35 < esden> a ohh round for armijn 19:35 < esden> ohhhhhhhhh *enough* 19:35 < esden> ;-) 19:35 * Mike1 wonders who else besides armijn belives his mails and effords are worthless 19:36 < tcr> well... 19:36 < tcr> let's say armijn is wothless *eg* 19:36 < tcr> +r 19:36 * tcr likes teasing armijn *hihi* 19:36 * -> esden <-- 19:36 < esden> @ Mike1 19:37 < Mike1> esden: you too believe so? 19:37 < tcr> armijn: what's up ;)? 19:37 < armijn> Mike1: I had already sent out a reply even before you asked me if I had read it... 19:38 < armijn> and yes, I will work on an ISO image... 19:38 < esden> Mike1: yepp ... I do not believe this I know this ;-) mathilda told me that ... and she is always right ;-) 19:38 < Mike1> esden: ok 19:38 < Mike1> armijn: yes i read your reply thanks 19:39 < armijn> mike1: friends? 19:39 < Mike1> does all mighty mathilda wants me to go away from rock? 19:39 < blindcoder> g'evening 19:40 < Mike1> armijn: yeah ;) 19:40 * armijn hugs Mike1 19:40 < tcr> no, knuddelt 19:40 < tcr> :) 19:40 < esden> ]:8)> moo blindcoder 19:40 * Mike1 grabs a couple of beers cheers my friend 19:40 < tcr> lol 19:40 < esden> Mike1: no she wants you to stay here !!!! 19:41 < tcr> armijn: !!! hey... say something to me, even if i'm not worth to it 19:41 < blindcoder> esden: ehy is a cow? 19:41 < blindcoder> why 19:42 * blindcoder wins 100 Bubblegum-Points 19:42 < esden> no this is the inline mathilda ;-0 19:42 < armijn> who's a cow? 19:42 < esden> armijn: blindcoder ;-) 19:42 < armijn> aaah 19:42 * tcr sighs 19:42 < esden> tcr ... something wrong ? 19:42 < Mike1> ever seen a cow flying? 19:43 < tcr> yes... armijn won't speak to me 19:43 < Mike1> armijn: so you into making tcr cry today? 19:44 < blindcoder> Mike1: sure. Haven't you seen twister? 19:44 < Mike1> :P 19:44 * tcr won't survival 19:47 * Mike1 stares at the clock 20 minutes left for lunchtime, damn i am so hungry already 19:47 < tcr> good point 19:47 < tcr> brb 19:47 < th> "lunchtime" strange word 19:48 < tcr> th: you fscking zombie, go away to NULL :P 19:48 < th> grmpf. 19:48 < th> i did not say that i'm not eating 19:48 < th> i'm eating as i'm getting hungry 19:48 < Mike1> th lunch_time 19:48 < th> don't need a lunchtime 19:48 < Mike1> :) 19:48 < Mike1> th i do as i am work 19:48 -!- _NULL [~mail-spam@B5073.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 19:49 < _NULL> hi 19:49 < Mike1> talking about _NULL 19:49 < Mike1> hi _NULL 19:49 < th> huhu _NULL 19:49 < _NULL> hi Mike1, th 19:49 < tcr> #define lunchtime TIME_WHEN_YOU_ARE_EATING 19:49 < th> tcr: ahhh thanks 19:49 < th> tcr: but i would never WAIT for that time 19:49 < th> (by definition) 19:49 < Mike1> :) 19:50 < tcr> it's a runtime value 19:50 < tcr> computed in every loop 19:51 < th> i see 19:51 < d3mian> hi _NULL 19:51 < _NULL> hi d3mian 19:51 < th> so i could wait for lunch to set a callback 19:51 < esden> argh ... shitty internet connection >_< 19:52 < esden> mathilda help me !!! 19:52 < th> perhaps to not forget drinking or sorta 19:52 < _NULL> hi esden. 19:52 < esden> hi _NULL ! 19:52 < Mike1> esden: shitty connection?? i thout you were in de already 19:53 < blindcoder> hi _NULL 19:53 < _NULL> moin blindcoder 19:57 < d3mian> cya 19:57 < Mike1> ah whatever i am too hungry for waiting 19:57 < hackbard_> re 19:57 -!- hackbard_ is now known as hackbard 19:57 < Mike1> i go to eat now see you in a while 19:57 < Mike1> re hackbard 19:58 * _NULL leaves you now... (PC smells like a _BURNING_ PC!!!) 19:58 -!- _NULL [~mail-spam@B5073.pppool.de] has quit ("hopefully brb") 20:00 < tcr> Jeder, der 's noch nicht gesehen hat: https://freebits.de/shownews.php?id=743 20:00 < esden> puhh ... 20:00 * -> esden is getting much too much mails >_< 20:00 < esden> erm, lot too much ... 20:03 * blindcoder is getting too much responsibility@work 20:03 -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E79BEB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:03 < martin_> hi rxr 20:03 < martin_> hi all 20:04 < esden> aha ... blindcoder ... see it like this ... you get more and more importaint for them ... so you can expect to get more money ;-) 20:04 < esden> hi Mike1 20:04 < blindcoder> esden: starting tomorrow I'm 100% responsible for the intranet-servers of ICN and ICM Germany 20:04 < th> ICN? ICM? 20:05 < esden> hmm ... that is a lot of responsability ... 20:05 < esden> tell them that you will do it if you get more money ;-) 20:05 < esden> but I do not know if you can say something like this ... 20:05 < esden> :-/ 20:06 < esden> blindcoder: you are simply too good ... in what you are doing ... 20:07 < armijn> argh 20:07 < armijn> I'm such a dummy 20:07 < armijn> made a FreeBSD filtering bridge, but forgot to configure it 20:07 < armijn> grrr 20:07 < blindcoder> ICN and ICM are two sub-companys of SIEMENS 20:08 < blindcoder> esden: well... as an external... hardly 20:09 < th> blindcoder: yes. remembering... 20:10 -!- _NULL [~mail-spam@B5758.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:10 < _NULL> re 20:11 < esden> blindcoder: yes ... I can understand this ... 20:12 < blindcoder> shit... I can't reach NOS 20:12 < esden> blindcoder: what do you need from him ? 20:12 < esden> when I may ask ? 20:13 < blindcoder> I need to stay the night at his house tomorrow... 20:14 < esden> aha ... you have to stay so long in munich ? 20:15 < esden> hmm ... seems that wvdial has problems to compile with gcc3 ... 20:15 < esden> I can compile it with gcc2 without any problems ... ;-/ 20:16 < blindcoder> I have to go to the InterSuff 2002 tomorrow 20:17 < esden> aha ... ok 20:17 < blindcoder> and wednesday back to work 20:18 * -> esden back to work in some minutes ... >_< 20:19 < armijn> work 20:20 < blindcoder> damnit... #ROCKLinux and a german Anime-Channel at the same time is... difficult 20:23 < esden> poor blindcoder ... ohhhh ;-) 20:26 < blindcoder> :) 20:29 < armijn> ok, off for a few minutes 20:29 -!- armijn [~armijn@] has quit ("ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet?") 20:35 < esden> th: here ? 20:38 -!- Ulu|Lohnsteuera [~Ulukay@M826P028.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 20:40 < Ulu|Lohnsteuera> hmm 20:40 < Ulu|Lohnsteuera> where do i get a minimal rocklinux for download? 20:42 < esden> ok I have to go now 20:42 < esden> cu guys 20:43 < tcr> Ulu|Lohnsteuera: define minimal 20:43 < Ulu|Lohnsteuera> a pure console linux, without features 20:45 < tcr> download the packages that you consider as appropriable 20:46 < Ulu|Lohnsteuera> do i get a bootable disk/cd image ? 20:47 < tcr> to automate (dunno if something like that is already implemented) that, do the following: create a file, write all packages you want into it, then run a while read package; do ./scripts/Download -package $"package"; done < your_file 20:47 < _NULL> hi tcr. do you have an ftp for me? 20:48 < tcr> you should have teased huebi why it didn't work on his one 20:48 < tcr> Ulu|Lohnsteuera: download the package install-disks 20:48 < _NULL> tcr: hm. 20:49 < tcr> _NULL: they're still on his server i suppose 20:49 < _NULL> tcr: ok. 20:52 < Mike1> re 20:52 < tcr> wb 20:52 < Ulu|Lohnsteuera> ftp://iso.rocklinux.de/unstable/Rock-1.5.19/rock-ia32-i586-base+opt-1.5.19.iso wooooohoooo 570MB ??? 20:52 < _NULL> hi again Mike1 20:53 < Mike1> wie geht es dir _NULLy? 20:53 < tcr> Ulu|Lohnsteuera: base+opt 20:54 < _NULL> Mike1: uuuuh. don't ask please... haven't felt so horrible since a long time... 20:54 < _NULL> and how are you ? 20:55 < Mike1> _NULL: but everytinme i ask you since i know you feel horrible 20:55 < Mike1> i am ok i guess 20:55 -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E79BEB.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20:56 < _NULL> Mike1: *g* that is dependent on that i'll never feel good i guess 20:56 -!- Ulu|Lohnsteuera [~Ulukay@M826P028.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 3.61 :: www.XLhost.de )") 20:57 < Mike1> ah well ich ... 20:57 < Mike1> well will see ;) 20:58 < _NULL> Mike1: hmhm. k. 20:58 < Mike1> hmpf 20:58 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9525402.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:58 < _NULL> Mike1: sorry. i can't smile today... 20:58 < Mike1> hi tsa 20:58 < tsa> hi. 20:59 < _NULL> hi tsa 20:59 < Mike1> _NULL: its ok i will smille :D 20:59 < _NULL> Mike1: then do it. 20:59 < _NULL> Mike1, tsa: did you see my gun? 20:59 < Mike1> _NULL: ok i will smile 20:59 < Mike1> ____ 20:59 < Mike1> _ | _ \ 20:59 < Mike1> (_) | | | | 20:59 < Mike1> _ | |_| | 20:59 < Mike1> (_) |____/ 20:59 < tsa> owly: no. :-PPP 21:00 * blindcoder takes two (damnit... what is "Waescheklammern" in english?) and puts them on _NULL's face 21:00 < Mike1> _NULL: what gun? 21:00 < _NULL> Mike1: the kalaschnikow should be large enough to get my head blown up... 21:01 < _NULL> tsa: that's really bad 21:01 < _NULL> blindcoder: nope. don't touch me! 21:01 * _NULL listens to: megaherz - wer bist du 21:01 < Mike1> i go to the bank see you in a while 21:01 < _NULL> Mike1: have fun. cya 21:03 < th> esden: ack 21:03 < _NULL> th: esden = away 21:03 < th> 20:35:02 < esden> th: here ? 21:03 < th> 20:42:21 < esden> cu guys 21:03 < th> damn 21:04 < blindcoder> okay, I'm off to bed now... 21:04 < blindcoder> ja ne 21:04 -!- bluefire [bluefire@p50816A16.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:04 < _NULL> bye blindy 21:08 < tsa> aah.. 21:08 * tsa happy. 21:08 < tsa> patch is working.. 21:34 < th> SMP: PING 21:38 * SMP is hungry 21:38 < th> ahh :) 22:11 < Mike1> re 22:13 < tsa> https://www.spide.de/games/rubik/ 22:13 < tsa> (java required) 22:40 < Mike1> [anders]: ? 23:25 < Mike1> . 23:25 * Mike1 is bored as hell 23:26 < tcr> *g* 23:27 < Mike1> ah ! /me look for Bastard Operator From Hell, this might help :) 23:29 < tsa> Mike1: usermod -u root -s /bin/false 23:29 < Mike1> :) 23:30 < _NULL> Mike1: listening to sarah mclachlan - gloomy sunday would also help... 23:31 < Mike1> _NULL: got some music toi share with me? 23:31 < _NULL> Mike1: hm. moment. 23:31 < Mike1> :) 23:32 < _NULL> see query 23:40 < tsa> .oO( _NULL having cybersex with Mike1 in query ;-) 23:40 < _NULL> *lol* of course. 23:40 < _NULL> and he has cybersex with my server... 23:43 < Mike1> oh _NULLy you are great baby 23:43 < Mike1> *g 23:43 * _NULL running away! 23:43 < _NULL> (the running NULL pointer to disaster...) 23:43 < tsa> lol. 23:44 < _NULL> where's the next street with many cars on it? i need an accident... and then hopefully i'll be dead... 23:47 < _NULL> Mike1: are you using zombie right now or can i disconnect it? 23:48 < Mike1> no i am finished with zombie and with you :P 23:48 < Mike1> you may disconect it if you like 23:48 < _NULL> hehe ;) ok. thx. 23:48 < _NULL> ok. in 10 minutes... :P 23:48 < _NULL> or so... 23:48 < Mike1> ok 23:49 < Mike1> _NULL: anyways we will continue tomorrow 23:49 < tsa> with what? 23:49 < tsa> (i guess i really don't want to know..) 23:49 < _NULL> tsa: with using zombie (my server) 23:49 < _NULL> Mike1: hm. maybe. 23:50 < Mike1> yeah 23:50 < _NULL> k. 23:53 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50813986.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos") 23:56 < tsa> Mike1: wanna buy _NULL? 23:56 < _NULL> tsa: wanna be killed? 23:56 < rolla> Null 23:56 < _NULL> hi rolla 23:57 < Mike1> tsa: name ur terms 23:57 < tsa> _NULL: sure... 23:57 < _NULL> ./kill tsa 23:57 < _NULL> (with a kalaschnikow) 23:57 < tsa> Mike1: USD 1 and you can take her home with you. 23:57 < tsa> (she can't make coffee, though..) 23:57 < _NULL> :P 23:57 < tsa> hehe 23:57 < Mike1> mmm... i dunno 23:57 < Mike1> is that best price i can get? 23:58 * _NULL kills Mike1 with her kalaschnikow, too. 23:58 < Mike1> oh yeah 23:58 < tsa> int'l shipping will be quite expensive, i guess....you can have her for free.. 23:58 < Mike1> KILL ME BABY KILL ME 23:58 * rolla pokes Null with a stick 23:58 < tsa> Mike1: *lol* 23:58 < _NULL> rolla: ??? 23:58 < tsa> hahaha 23:58 < rolla> :) 23:59 < Mike1> hahaha 23:59 < _NULL> *grml* 23:59 < tsa> _NULL: having fun, hm? ;-) --- Log closed Tue Oct 01 00:00:07 2002