-!- Irrsi  Log opened Tue Oct 08 00:00:42 2002
[00:01] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[00:01] < _NULL> th: thx.
[00:24] -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082B07E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[00:24] -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082B07E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit)
[00:24] -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082B07E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[00:25] < tsa> re
[00:27] < _NULL> tach tsa
[00:27] < tsa> hi _NULL
[00:29] -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50812F6F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos")
[00:30] < tsa> finished sucking?
[00:33] < _NULL> tsa: nope
[00:36] < tsa> still busy, i understand.. *grin*
[00:37] < _NULL> jep. right now i'm fscking samba a little bit... you know on my gericom...
[00:38] < _NULL> (and i think about chaning the color of my hair... *vbeg*)
[00:41] < tsa> green?
[00:42] < _NULL> nope. maybe black or blue-black ;)
[00:42] < _NULL> (no joke)
[00:56]   _NULL succeeded fscking her system...
[00:57] -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux
[00:57] < d3mian> hi & bye
[00:58] < _NULL> d3mian: hi
[00:59] < d3mian> hi _NULL
[00:59] < d3mian> im away
[00:59] < _NULL> d3mian: ok. and i'm off now... gn8. bye
[01:00] -!- _NULL [~mail-spam@B55e2.pppool.de] has quit ("back to fscking reality. (but not without my sweet computers)")
[02:25] < tsa> n8
[02:25] -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082B07E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[02:35] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1C965.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[03:29] -!- litost [~stephen@user-37ka411.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #rocklinux
[03:30] < litost> re my fellow rockers
[04:09] -!- chrisime_ [~chrisime@pD9590DEB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[04:13] -!- blindcod1r [blindcoder@pD9E4F079.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[04:22] -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit ("Ich lebe nur weiter, weil es bergab geht und ich nicht in die Pedale treten muss")
[04:29] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@pD9E50548.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:32] -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p508022C8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:34] -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD9E4F216.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:02] -!- litost [~stephen@user-37ka411.dialup.mindspring.com] has quit ("sleep")
[05:41] -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p50802085.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux
[06:39] -!- c3 [wes@A010-0281.WACO.splitrock.net] has joined #rocklinux
[06:45]   c3 is away: time for bed.
[08:49] -!- simon [189c3724c4@] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:13] -!- blindWorker [wwwrun@pD9E4F079.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[09:13] < blindWorker> hi all
[09:27] < kasc> moinsen
[09:32] -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has joined #rocklinux
[09:32] < tsa> hi
[09:32] < kasc> moin tsa
[09:32] < tsa> hi kasc
[09:33]   barthel is back (gone 17:08:08)
[09:42] < blindWorker> moin all
[09:42]   blindWorker has been away for coding and starting music :)
[09:42] < barthel> ;) moin
[09:42] < blindWorker> moin moin barthel
[09:42] < barthel> fetch a coffee and start ;)
[09:42]   blindWorker is going to evangelize someone from gentoo to ROCK today :)
[09:43] < blindWorker> hehe, I already have my coffee in a caffeeine-mug by thinkgeek :D
[09:44] -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD958D8C7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[09:44] < blindWorker> hi tcr
[09:46] < tcr> moin all
[09:51] < kasc> moin blindWorker, moin tcr
[09:51]   tcr toilet *bg*
[10:04] < tcr> re ]:8)> m00
[10:09] < tsa> *gaehn*
[10:09] < tsa> anyone seen huebi alive within the last few days?
[10:09] < [anders]> nyet..
[10:10] < [anders]> moin zusammen alles everybody..
[10:11] < tcr> [anders]: you're proclaiming us as neuter's?
[10:12] < tsa> hi [anders]
[10:13] < blindWorker> moin [anders]
[10:13] < blindWorker> tsa> nope
[10:23] < kasc> moin [anders]
[10:32] < [anders]> tcr: uhm.... ... . yes?
[10:33] < [anders]> :)
[10:33] < [anders]> moin tsa.. wie gehts? :
[10:33] < tcr> [anders]: alles is neuter
[10:33] < [anders]> +)
[10:33] < blindWorker> back from the dead
[10:34] < [anders]> tcr: so is everybody as you have no idea who or what is in the crowd.. :)
[10:34] < [anders]> blindWorker: how are things?
[10:35] < tcr> *?*
[11:01] < blindWorker> [anders]: slowly getting what I want them to be :)
[11:10]   blindWorker becoming more and more like a typical programmer >_<
[11:10] < blindWorker> I just wrote a script (took me about 2 hours) that solved a problem in 5 minutes which - if done manually - would have taken 1.5 hours
[11:10] < kasc> addicted to cold pizza?
[11:12] < tcr> blindWorker: hehe... but..well.. think if you encounter this problerms once again, you'll a solution that solves it in 5minutes :)
[11:16] < [anders]> blindWorker: how handy.. :)
[11:25] < blindWorker> tcr: hmm... yes, that's a point *triesnottodeletethescript*
[11:25] < blindWorker> still one hour to go until lunch >_<
[11:25] < tcr> 8)
[11:25] < tcr> what fscking script is it that i took 2hours?
[11:26] < tcr> certainly perl... nobody knows it, nobody comprehends it, nobody needs it *eg*
[11:26] < blindWorker> here @siemens there's a website where you can get information about intranet-IPs
[11:26] < blindWorker> and I have a list of "a few" IP-Addresses one customer wnat sinformation about
[11:27] < blindWorker> and he wants that information in CSV, not the web-thingie, so I had to parse it (and YES, it is the Pathologically  Eclectic  Rubbish Lister)
[11:27] -!- blindWorker [wwwrun@pD9E4F079.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("CGI:IRC 0.5 (EOF)")
[11:28] -!- blindWorker [wwwrun@pD9E4F079.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[11:28] < tcr> lol
[11:28] -!- blindWorker [wwwrun@pD9E4F079.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit)
[11:29] -!- blindWorker [wwwrun@pD9E4F079.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[11:29] < tcr> thx @ blindWorker
[11:29] < blindWorker> *argh* I hate webinterfaces (for IRC, at least)
[11:29] < tcr> i must kepp that term in mind
[11:30] < blindWorker> Pathologicallz eclectiv rubbish lister?
[11:30] < tcr> jup
[11:30] < blindWorker> *argh* i need more coffeee... can't type anymore...
[11:30] < blindWorker> it's from `man perl`
[11:30] < tcr> certainly not :P
[11:31] < blindWorker> well... here at least :)
[11:31] < tcr> but i can't verify ... no perl on any of my 4pcs :)
[11:31] < [anders]> perl isn't that bad.. it's flexible and has its quirks, but then again, it is a sane(er) way of coding that python f.ex.
[11:31]   blindWorker never did python... PHP is the only other scripting language I used
[11:31] < tcr> lol ...
[11:32]   tcr exclusively scripts in bash
[11:32] < [anders]> python uses indentation to determine codeblocks and codepath iirc.. abomination..
[11:32] < tcr> nak
[11:32] < [anders]> i.e. one tab != two tabs..
[11:32] < tcr> and?
[11:33] < [anders]> whitespace should never be taken into acount in your code..
[11:33] < [anders]> in the data, yes, in the code, no..
[11:33] < [anders]> if I want to write my code as one long line, then it should be possible..
[11:33] < blindWorker> hmm... maybe I should try python after all...
[11:34]   blindWorker has seen too many unindented code in the last months
[11:34] < [anders]> good indentation is 3 or 4 spaces..
[11:34] < tcr> nope
[11:35] < tcr> 6 is good after all
[11:35]   blindWorker likes 1 tab (=8 spaces) indention
[11:35] < [anders]> two is too little, and >4 is too much..
[11:36] < blindWorker> :set tabstop=4
[11:36] < blindWorker> :)
[11:36] < blindWorker> so with a tab everyone can use his/her favorite number of whitespaces
[11:36] < tcr> in big codes it's a mess with 4
[11:36] < tcr> at least i feel so
[11:37] < [anders]> tcr: depends, if done properly, the code should be readable even in a large project..
[11:37] < [anders]> best is probably to break the code up in separate files..
[11:37] < tcr> that's obvious
[11:38] < blindWorker> linux/Documentation/CodingStyle: If you need more than three levels of indention, you're screwed anyways.
[11:38] < blindWorker> I like that sentence :)
[11:38] < tcr> but isn't true
[11:38] < blindWorker> sure, if you only have on or two lines with an indent >3 then it's okay
[11:39] < tcr> function, loop, case
[11:39] < blindWorker> but if you crash into the right border of a terminal, then you should think about aomething else
[11:39] < tcr> that aer already 3 indentions
[11:39] < tcr> now in the case you certainly use at least one if
[11:39] < tcr> but often more
[11:40] < [anders]> it's relatively easy achieving 5-7 levels of indentation..
[11:40] < [anders]> depends on your codepath..
[11:40] < tcr> ack
[11:40] < tcr> and it's a mess reading such code with tab size 4
[11:40] < tcr> everything is too close to each other, IMHO <--
[11:41] < [anders]> so a tabspace of 8 is unusable as you will hit the right hand side of the screen v. rapidly..
[11:41] < blindWorker> Then it should be separated into several functions. Cause reading code mit 5-7 indentions (or more) on an 80x25 terminal is... messy
[11:41] < blindWorker> even with smaller tabspaces
[11:41] < tcr> 80x25 terminals have gone
[11:41] -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux
[11:42] < tcr> they are primarly used in rescue disk or something like that
[11:42] < tcr> but not in a working system
[11:42] < blindWorker> I don't think so, cause on my laptop I can't use framebuffer or X
[11:42] < [anders]> I frequently use 144x72 terminal windows for coding and I still avoid tabspace=8..
[11:42] < blindWorker> so I have a 80x25 during about 4 hours each day
[11:42] < tcr> tabspace?
[11:43] < [anders]> blindWorker: there will be a 132x43 VGA mode you can use..
[11:43] < [anders]> tcr: tabstop I mean.. :)
[11:43] < blindWorker> haven't found it as of yet.... to lazy to search for it, so i have to cope with a 80x25
[11:43] < tcr> 1600x1??? console rules!!!
[11:44] < blindWorker> *lol*
[11:44] < tcr> no joke, i have seens that, pretty cool
[11:44] < blindWorker> 1600x1 ???
[11:44] < tcr> ? stand for a number
[11:44] < tcr> +s
[11:44] < tcr> dunno the right number
[11:44] < blindWorker> oh... you men 1600x1200
[11:44] < tcr> 1152? or so
[11:45] < tcr> could be
[11:45] < tcr> i'm writing my code on 800x600 with tabstop = 8
[11:45] < tcr> or 6
[11:45] -!- chrisime_ [~chrisime@pD9590DEB.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[11:46] < [anders]> blindWorker: you need to compile your kernel to do CONFIG_VIDEO_SELECT I think..
[11:47] < [anders]> blindWorker: then you can do vga=ask on the kernel cmd line and you get a list.. I think option 5 or 6 is the 132x43 mode..
[11:47] < tcr> blindWorker: besides, set a smaller font
[11:47]   [anders] has 1600x1200 screen on laptop but no fbdev for it.. (yet)... Not needed one really..
[11:47] < blindWorker> *scribbles note*
[11:48] < blindWorker> [anders]: not on a Pentium 133 with 16 Megs of RAM and a 2GB Hard disk :)
[11:48] < tcr> i'm fine with /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts/lat0-12.psfu.gz
[11:48] < blindWorker> I'll try that as soon as I'm home
[11:49] < [anders]> blindWorker: uhm, no.. it's a P-III 750 with 512MB RAM and 20GB disk.. (soon to be 60GB 5400 rpm)
[11:49] < [anders]> :)
[11:49] < tcr> ass
[11:50] < blindWorker> *grr*
[11:51] < [anders]> when I move to ROCK 1.5.x from the 1.4.0 hybrid I have now, I'll be updating the disk..
[11:52] < blindWorker> hmm... I still have 1.5.14 on my laptop... (my very first ROCK installation *smile*)
[11:53] < [anders]> my first install of rock was 1.3.9 iirc.. :)
[11:54] < tcr> well. i feel like i'm b ound to install kenel v0.01 again *sfg*
[11:54] < blindWorker> hmm.... does it even compile with todays' gcc?
[11:55] < tcr> iirc linus ported the kernel to gcc some versions later
[11:56] -!- Netsplit vinge.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: rolla, blindcod1r, c3, barthel, blindWorker, huebi, ichilton, netcrow, d3mian, fake, (+4 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)
[11:57] < tcr> juhu
[11:57] -!- Netsplit over, joins: blindWorker, c3, blindcod1r, d3mian, defbla, kasc, rxr, barthel, netcrow, ichilton (+4 more)
[11:57] < tcr> hey [anders] ;P nice that you're still here where i am %)
[11:57] < blindWorker> almighty Netsplits
[11:57] < tcr> *pfeif*
[12:00]   barthel i've a 1600x1200 console on his SGI flatpanel ;P
[12:00]   barthel s/his/my/g
[12:01]   tcr kicks barthel
[12:01] < barthel> ;P
[12:01]   tcr cuts barthel's tongue off
[12:01] < tcr> haha
[12:02] < [anders]> tcr: heh... I don't even know what server I am connected via.. :)
[12:05] < tcr> <- calvino.freenode.net
[12:05] < [anders]> ok.. afk for a while.. need to copy and modify some stuff in afs
[12:05] < tcr> afk as well
[12:06]   blindWorker still here :)
[12:13] -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p50802085.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit ("Leaving")
[12:16] < tcr> re
[12:19] < blindWorker> re tcr
[12:19]   blindWorker is about to fall asleep
[12:20]   tcr not
[12:20]   barthel <- lunch mmmaaammmpppffff ;)
[12:20]   barthel is away: I'm busy or sleep or whatever ;)
[12:21] < blindWorker> *grml*
[12:21] < blindWorker> half an hour to got until lunch
[12:22] -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD958D8C7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos")
[12:24] -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50813D19.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[12:37]   tcr sets mode +idle
[12:37] < blindWorker> hmm... if I say something now, will the channel be auto -idle d?
[12:37]   tcr sets mode -idle
[12:38] < blindWorker> jep :)
[12:38] < blindWorker> tcr makes a good bot *g*
[12:38]   tcr sets mode +outcast blindWorker!*@*
[12:38] -!- blindWorker is now known as seeingWorker
[12:39] < tcr> ausgetrickst, bin ja auch nur ein bot..
[12:39] < seeingWorker> hmm... ich muss mir mal deinen Quellcode anschaun, hab ja selber schon nen bot geschrieben :)
[12:40] -!- seeingWorker is now known as blindWorker
[12:45] < blindWorker> hehe, I like Internet Oracle :)
[12:46] < blindWorker> https://cgi.cs.indiana.edu/~oracle/digest.cgi?N=422#422-02 <--- salad a la feature :)
[12:53] -!- c3 [wes@A010-0281.WACO.splitrock.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:12] -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50813D19.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos")
[13:38] -!- blindWorker [wwwrun@pD9E4F079.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("CGI:IRC 0.5 (EOF)")
[13:55]   barthel is back (gone 01:34:18)
[13:59] -!- blindWorker [wwwrun@pD9E4F079.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:01] -!- bluefire [bluefire@p50817D68.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:01] < bluefire> Moin
[14:03] < blindWorker> moin moin
[14:04] -!- litost [~stephen@ajc224-197.ajc.com] has joined #rocklinux
[14:05]   blindWorker will be visited by a bunch of customers in about an hour >_<
[14:22] -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E49C7B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:22] < tcr> re all
[14:22] < blindWorker> re tcr
[14:24]   blindWorker fed up with scripting today... still have to create a shellscript... *laa~~zy*
[14:24] < tcr> *g*
[14:26] < blindWorker> ideas on how to make your boss pay you for not working/playing nethack/coding for ROCK? Anyone?
[14:27] < tcr> be an uberhacker, programm a wished programm within 1day and say "you're still not finished" for the next 2month
[14:29] < blindWorker> *lol* yeah, that sounds obvious...
[14:54] -!- blindWorker [wwwrun@pD9E4F079.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("CGI:IRC 0.5 (EOF)")
[14:56] -!- Netsplit vinge.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: Ge0rG, praenti, Freak, h0h0, SMP
[14:56] -!- Netsplit over, joins: praenti, Ge0rG, Freak, SMP, h0h0
[14:58] < fake> hm
[14:58] < fake> DAMN IT
[14:59] < fake> This is the first complete Linux distribution for the Microsoft Xbox gaming console.
[14:59] < fake> :_:
[14:59] < fake> Mandrake...
[15:14] -!- blindcoder [wwwrun@pD9E4F079.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:14] -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E49C7B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[15:14] < blindcoder> re hi
[15:14] < blindcoder> hm... damnit...
[15:14] < blindcoder> nick blindWorker
[15:14] -!- blindcoder is now known as blindWorker
[15:15] < blindWorker> damn bad habits
[15:15] < fake> blindWorker? blindFaulernzer ;P
[15:15] < blindWorker> fake: aber du. geh gefaelligst arbeiten :P
[15:20] -!- abscfsdafdfd [wwwrun@pD9E4F079.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:20] -!- blindWorker [wwwrun@pD9E4F079.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: abscfsdafdfd!wwwrun@pD9E4F079.dip.t-dialin.net)))
[15:20] -!- abscfsdafdfd is now known as blindWorker
[15:20] < blindWorker> Etwas ist faul im Staate Siemens
[15:21] < blindWorker> fake: geh selber arbeiten und nicht die ganze Zeit bei SUN faulenzen :P
[15:21] < fake> :P
[15:22] < blindWorker> hmm ... wo bleiben denn die kerle *grml*
[15:23] < blindWorker> fake: wie gehts der MIPS?
[15:24] < blindWorker> hmm... interessant... cgiirc hat nen "leichten" bug
[15:24] < blindWorker> fa<TAB> --> aszlig
[15:24] < fake> blindWorker: die is genervt
[15:24] < blindWorker> fake: y?
[15:24] < blindWorker> hast se wieder zu hart rangenommen
[15:24] < fake> ich glaub die kotzt mir den teppich voll, wenn sie noch einmal glibc compilen muss
[15:25] < blindWorker> *lol*
[15:25] < blindWorker> wie oft hastes denn jetzt schon gemacht?
[15:26] < fake> hm, so im schnitt seit 1,5 wochen jede nacht
[15:27] < blindWorker> sw33t
[15:28]   blindWorker braucht schon wieder rohlinge (und n neues hirn)
[15:29] < blindWorker> *lol* https://cgi.cs.indiana.edu/~oracle/digest.cgi?N=418#418-01 @fake
[15:30] -!- bluefire [bluefire@p50817D68.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[15:31] < blindWorker> oh, nummer 418-02 natuerlich gleich dazu :)
[15:34] < rolla> re
[15:34] < blindWorker> re rolla
[15:37] < blindWorker> *urks* still 90 minutes to go...
[15:41] < rolla> :)
[15:42] < blindWorker> okay, at least this bunch'o'customers won't come today :
[15:49] < rolla> that is good
[15:49] < rolla> too bad I just started work :)
[15:51] < blindWorker> haha *laughs at rolla* :)
[15:51] -!- blindWorker [wwwrun@pD9E4F079.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("CGI:IRC 0.5 (EOF)")
[15:52] -!- blindWorker [wwwrun@pD9E4F079.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:53] < blindWorker> i REALLY need a linux box with htun *grml*
[15:53] < fake> *lol*
[15:57] < blindWorker> hmm.... jochen's box is free now....
[15:59] < blindWorker> hmm... welch glorreiche entdeckung::
[16:07] -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux
[16:07] < armijn> re
[16:09] < fake> hi armijn !
[16:09] < armijn> hi fake
[16:11] < armijn> well...
[16:14] < blindWorker> re armijn
[16:14] -!- blindWorker [wwwrun@pD9E4F079.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("CGI:IRC 0.5")
[16:14] -!- blindWorker [wwwrun@pD9E4F079.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[16:14] < armijn> fake: how's MIPS?
[16:15] < blindWorker> fscking streaming...
[16:18] < fake> armijn: slow
[16:21] < blindWorker> fake: everyone seems to be interested in that today :)
[16:24] < rolla> armijn you are doing alpha port ?
[16:26]   fake is still searching for a replacement bios for the MGA G400
[16:26] < fake> rolla: esden does, IIRC?
[16:32] < armijn> rolla: kinda
[16:33] < rolla> I am going to start
[16:33] < rolla> I wanted to know what distro made the best base to build rock ?
[16:34] < armijn> for alpha?
[16:34] < armijn> just go for Debian
[16:36] < rolla> okay
[16:36] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[16:36] < Mike1> moin
[16:37] < rolla> re Mike
[16:39] -!- blindWorker [wwwrun@pD9E4F079.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("CGI:IRC 0.5")
[16:41] < rolla> what is the website for auroa linux ?
[16:42] < Mike1> dunno ... aurora.org?
[16:42] < rolla> I got it now
[16:44] < armijn> auroralinux.org
[16:44] < tsa> cu
[16:44] -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has quit ("wech.")
[16:44] < Mike1> moin armijn
[16:45] < armijn> moin?
[16:45] < rolla> armijn you know much about that distro ?
[16:45] < armijn> rolla: which one?
[16:46] < armijn> Aurora?
[16:46] < armijn> that's just RedHat
[16:46] < Mike1> RedHat?
[16:46] < rolla> so it can boot off of cd ?
[16:46] < armijn> yes
[16:46] < armijn> rolla: what kind of machine?
[16:47] < rolla> cool
[16:47] < rolla> blade 1000
[16:47] < armijn> it's got a CD player right?
[16:47] < rolla> it will cause all kinds of problems
[16:47] < fake> rolla: you don't want to compile rock from redhat, do you?
[16:47] < rolla> yes
[16:47] < rolla> but no floppy
[16:47] < armijn> ok, no problem there I think
[16:47] < rolla> I was told to us aurora to build rock ;)
[16:48] < fake> hm...
[16:48] < fake> 1.7 ?
[16:48] < armijn> fake: why hm?
[16:48] < rolla> no I was going to try 1.5
[16:49] < fake> gcc 2.96 ?
[16:50] < armijn> fake: aurora does not have gcc 2.96
[16:53] < fake> oh, okay, fine ;)
[16:53]   armijn afk
[17:12]   armijn gone
[17:12] -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux ()
[17:16] < rolla> cool soon linux on a blade
[17:30] -!- kasc [~shaman@p5090A232.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:34] -!- barthel [~barthel@] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[17:37] -!- kasc [~shaman@p5090BA53.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:49]   Mike1 is away: at the hospital
[17:50] -!- barthel [~barthel@] has joined #rocklinux
[17:50] < barthel> re
[17:53] < kasc> auch re
[18:15] -!- bluefire [bluefire@p50817D68.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:24] -!- kvak|uninvited [uninvited@p50802C1F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:24] < kvak|uninvited> hiya
[18:24] < kvak|uninvited> all
[18:25] -!- kvak|uninvited [uninvited@p50802C1F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit)
[18:33] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39D5B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:35] -!- tcr [~tobrit@p508132B2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:35] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B51c0.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[18:35] < owl> moin
[18:36] -!- Freak [freak@p50839FC2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:36] < owl> moin Freak
[18:37] < tcr> re all
[18:38]   barthel is away: I'm busy or sleep or whatever ;)
[18:54]   tcr taking shower
[18:57] -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs3.xs4all.nl] has joined #rocklinux
[18:58] < ringo78> Hai ALL  !
[18:58] < owl> hi ringo78
[18:58] < aszlig> hi owl
[18:58] < aszlig> hi all
[18:59] < owl> moin aszlig
[18:59] < ringo78> Anybody know why this does noet work  if ["test $tablename"!="$testjuh"] ; then
[18:59] < aszlig> arrh!
[18:59] < aszlig> ringo78: test?
[18:59] < ringo78> if ["test $tablename"!="$testjuh"] ; then
[19:00] < aszlig> ringo78: why dont you evaluate it?
[19:00] < ringo78> sorry was a little confused it's a bash script ..
[19:00] < aszlig> if [ "${tablename}" != "${testjuh}"]; then
[19:01] < ringo78> why {}?
[19:01] -!- bluefire [bluefire@p50817D68.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[19:01] < aszlig> because thats my shellscript coding style ;)
[19:02] < aszlig> its better to escape with {} in some circumstances
[19:04] < ringo78> ok thans I read some more about it thanks for the pointers !
[19:04] < aszlig> but to the example above..
[19:04] < aszlig> to evaluate the test..
[19:05] < aszlig> if ["`test ${tablename}`" != "${testjuh}"]; then
[19:05] < aszlig> the double quotes (") are to prevent escaping ;)
[19:08] < aszlig> re
[19:08] < aszlig> but for test it is usually not needed
[19:13] < ringo78> this works but i'll read up about bash ;-() if `test "${tablename}" != "${testjuh}"`; then
[19:13] < ringo78> Thans a bunch aszlig !
[19:13] < ringo78> THANKS
[19:14] < aszlig> plz
[19:14] < aszlig> ;)
[19:14] < aszlig> erm...
[19:15] < aszlig> [ "exp" != "exp" ]
[19:15] < aszlig> ^ thats the same as using:
[19:15] < aszlig> test "exp" != "exp"
[19:15] < aszlig> ;)
[19:16] < aszlig> ond...
[19:16] < aszlig> s/^./a/
[19:16] < d3mian> hi all
[19:16] < aszlig> additionally the backticks are not needed
[19:16] < aszlig> hi d3mian ;)
[19:16] < owl> hi d3mian
[19:18] < d3mian> * Mike1 is away: at the hospital ??? anyone know the reason ?
[19:24] < ringo78> finally it works ! Minding da spaces after and before [] ... Thanks
[19:33] -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux
[19:33] < armijn> re
[19:33] < owl> hi armijn
[19:33] < armijn> hi owl
[19:36] < armijn> dum di dum
[19:37] < armijn> darn, still need to finish some stuff for the ROCK Guide
[19:43] -!- blindcod1r is now known as blindcoder
[19:43] < blindcoder> hi hi  and rehi
[19:43] < armijn> ah, Iron Maiden rules...
[19:43] < armijn> and so do big subwoover thingies...
[19:44] < armijn> and combined, it's even better
[19:44] < blindcoder> hehe
[19:44] < owl> hi blindcoder
[19:44] < d3mian> dunt like IronM
[19:45] < armijn> ah well, no one's perfect
[19:45] < blindcoder> hi owly :)
[19:45] < d3mian> hehe
[19:47] < owl> blindcoder: huh? what's wrong with you today?
[19:47]   blindcoder is ill... caught a cold somewhere
[19:48] < armijn> yeah, and it also affected his brain
[19:48] < owl> blindcoder: gute besserung.
[19:48] < owl> armijn: yep. it seems so...
[19:48] < blindcoder> armijn: brain? brain... brain... hmm...
[19:49] < armijn> blindco(l)der: yeah...you know...you use that stuff to think...and no, it's not between your legs
[19:49] < blindcoder> # tail -n 1 /var/log/brain.1981.08.21
[19:49] < blindcoder> WARNING!! BRAIN FAILURE!!
[19:49] < d3mian> lol
[19:50] < rolla> armjin I have aurora installed on the blade :)
[19:50] < armijn> rolla: it works?
[19:50] < rolla> now I try to get X workin
[19:50] < rolla> yes
[19:50] < rolla> it was easy
[19:50] < armijn> rolla: are you gonna build a new kernel?
[19:50] < rolla> hmm
[19:50] < rolla> not sure
[19:50] < rolla> I think I have to to get rock to build
[19:50] < armijn> exactly
[19:50] < armijn> blade 1000 has got USB keyboard, right?
[19:51] < rolla> yes
[19:51] < rolla> and mouse
[19:51] < armijn> ok
[19:51] < armijn> you'll have to compile HID into the kernel statically, not as a module
[19:52] < rolla> okay
[19:52] < armijn> otherwise it won't work
[19:59] < rolla> this thing is fast
[19:59] < armijn> yeah...
[19:59] < armijn> wish I had one...
[20:00] < rolla> :)
[20:00] < rolla> I also have a ultra 10 I will build on as well
[20:00] < armijn> 440 MHz?
[20:01] < rolla> yes
[20:02] < armijn> sweet
[20:02] < tcr> re all && hi armijn :)
[20:04] < rolla> armijn where do I find HID
[20:04] < armijn> rolla: USB
[20:05] < armijn> it's USB stuff, etc.
[20:05] < armijn> rolla: just follow the kernel config and you'll run into it
[20:05] < rolla> I found it
[20:05] < rolla> it was compiled in already :)
[20:05] < armijn> good boy
[20:05] < armijn> ah
[20:05] < rolla> I was looking at the modules
[20:06] < armijn> well, it had to be, otherwise you wouldn't be able to boot
[20:06] < rolla> that is why I did not find it
[20:06] < rolla> :)
[20:06] < armijn> but if you will build a new kernel, you will have to include it
[20:06] < rolla> :)
[20:06] < rolla> I want to get rock on this thing soon
[20:07] < rolla> it builds like a deamon :)
[20:08] < armijn> sparc64 support in rock 1.5.19 is a bit broken
[20:09] < rolla> okay
[20:09] < armijn> but the fixes are trivial, still need to send them in
[20:09]   armijn busy boy
[20:12]   tcr eating
[20:12] < rolla> is 1.5.18 okay then
[20:12] < armijn> nope
[20:14] < armijn> better play around with Aurora first
[20:14] < armijn> build new kernels, become familiar with SILO
[20:14] < armijn> ROCK/sparc64 is still a bit rough
[20:17] < rolla> okay
[20:17] < rolla> I know alot about silo thou
[20:17] < rolla> ran redhat sparc for long time
[20:17] < rolla> but right now the kernel does not want to build
[20:20] < armijn> why's that?
[20:21] < rolla> one second
[20:21] < rolla> waiting for it to die again
[20:22] < armijn> k
[20:28] < rolla> ld: Warning size of symbol `mbox_param' changed from 116 to 67 in qlogicpti.o
[20:30] < armijn> which compiler are you using?
[20:30] < rolla> gcc 2.9.6
[20:30] < rolla> the default
[20:31] < armijn> sparc64-linux-gcc --version
[20:31] < rolla> mom
[20:33] < Freak> you stinkers.
[20:33] < armijn> freak: shut uo
[20:33] < armijn> up even
[20:33] < Freak> heh
[20:34] < Freak> even stinkier
[20:34] < rolla> 2.96
[20:35] < armijn> rolla: search the CD for an RPM for egcs6
[20:35] < armijn> egcs64
[20:35] < armijn> in the compat-egcs package
[20:35] < rolla> oksy
[20:37] < rolla> egcs is 2.91.66
[20:37] < armijn> good
[20:37] < armijn> synlink sparc64-linux-gcc to that compiler
[20:37] < armijn> symlink even
[20:38] < rolla> there is no file sparc64-linux-gcc
[20:38] < Freak> eeeek
[20:38] < owl> tach Freak
[20:38] < armijn> but you had it a few minutes ago
[20:39] < armijn> rolla: which sparc64-linux-gcc
[20:39] < rolla> no such file
[20:39] < Freak> he tried to cut his foreskin off himself..
[20:39] < Freak> yuckie.
[20:39] < Freak> stinky bavarian dirndl, how was your day?
[20:40] < armijn> rolla: then *make* a symlink called sparc64-linux-gcc to the egcs compiler
[20:40] < owl> Freak: a) i'm not stinky you "fischkopf" and b) we had school - that says all i guess. thx. and to you?
[20:40] < Freak> "fischkopf" is the wrong city. but nevermind.
[20:40] < rolla> done
[20:40] < armijn> rolla: now try again
[20:41] < Freak> I've been looking for freedom. I've been looking for ... the english word for "begleiten"
[20:41] < armijn> the kernel compile that is
[20:41] < rolla> ja
[20:41] < armijn> freak is a fishhead...
[20:41] < Freak> ahhh
[20:41] < tcr> Freak: go together/along with?
[20:41] -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E7A3D4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:41] < Freak> I accompanied a girl to the Universitätsklinik Tübingen
[20:41] < martin_> hi
[20:42] < tcr> or that
[20:42] < Freak> that was about 1,5h for the ride
[20:42] < Freak> once
[20:42] < Freak> we started at 8:30 and came back 15:00
[20:42] < Freak> so that was that :)
[20:42] < Freak> I nearly fell asleep
[20:43] < Freak> only the Espressomaschine there kept me awake *heh*
[20:43] < armijn> and still you stink
[20:43] < Freak> tcr: hey that's good, sorry didnt see ya :)
[20:43] < Freak> armijn: you don't even know me..
[20:43] < Freak> you say that I'm not everybody
[20:43] < rolla> still giving error
[20:43] < Freak> you don't understand me
[20:43] < armijn> rolla: hrmz
[20:43] < Freak> so why do you judge my life
[20:43] < armijn> freak: well, but I can smell you...
[20:43] < armijn> ;-)
[20:43] < Freak> (armand van helden *heh)
[20:43] < rolla> how do I tell it to use sparc64-linux-gcc instead of gcc ?
[20:44]   tcr rocks to Children of Bodom - Hate me!
[20:44] < Freak> armijn: thats not me, that's the resident (and resistant) stink of #rocklinux
[20:44] < armijn> rolla: the standard kernel uses sparc64-linux-gcc by default
[20:44] < armijn> freak: aah
[20:44] < Freak> (cause of all those bavarians in here heh)
[20:44] < armijn> rolla: you really need the QLogic thing?
[20:44] < armijn> tcr: sweet
[20:45] < rolla> yes that is the scsi driver needed by my disk drives :)
[20:45] < tcr> CoB rulez
[20:45] < armijn> rolla: ah. ok
[20:45] < armijn> hmm
[20:45]   tcr is sorting ~200mp3s, brb
[20:46] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-171-156.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:46] < armijn> rolla: sorry, don't think I can help you with this right now...
[20:46]   litost is listening to My Dying Bride ;)
[20:46] < armijn> litost: bweuk
[20:46] < Freak> me still likes ER :)
[20:47] < rolla> np
[20:47] < Freak> no it's really not a problem, I don't _need_ ER, really!
[20:47] < armijn> no, you need professional help
[20:47] < Freak> I'm not an addict!
[20:48] < Freak> tehehell me
[20:48] < Freak> why does everything have to be so complicated?
[20:48] < Freak> (I think most germans, including me, only understand "na na na na naa naa complicated"..
[20:48] < Freak> )
[20:49] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-170-255.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[20:49] < Freak> I'm not sure if she says "why does everything have to be so complicated" even
[20:49] < Freak> does she?
[20:49] < Freak> hey now don't pretend you didnt know the song
[20:49] < armijn> freak: maybe it is because deep inside you want to be bavarian
[20:49] < Freak> huhm
[20:50] -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs3.xs4all.nl] has quit ("leaving")
[20:50] < armijn> ha!
[20:50] < armijn> ok, I'll stop teasing you
[20:50]   armijn going home
[20:50] < armijn> bye
[20:50] -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux ()
[20:50] < Freak> you mean it's a deeper psychiological problem?
[20:51] < Freak> ahhh loser
[20:51]   Freak points a big L at armijn
[20:51]   Freak briggels bruggling bruggels
[20:53]   Freak doosn't yooze english verbs correctly.
[20:54] < Freak> might be symptomatical
[20:54] < Freak> that reminds me of an old song called "look who's talking"
[20:55] -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs3.xs4all.nl] has joined #rocklinux
[20:56] < Freak> /nick starr69
[20:56] < Freak> scnr
[20:57] < Freak> put your hands where my eyes can see / (and then there was something about violence but I don't remember the lyrics)
[20:59] < Freak> what's "aufwachen, ihr penner" in english?
[20:59] < Freak> wake up you sleepers!
[20:59] < Freak> sleepers doesnt hit it.
[21:00] < Freak> "trifft es nicht".. I need practice, come and pretend talking english to me
[21:00] < Freak> even if you don't want to, just talk to me, insult me, something.. just do it
[21:02] < ringo78> major conns with kazaa no logging ... Flooding  HD..
[21:03] < Freak> ok nice try, tank you.
[21:07] -!- capchaos [hannes@pd9048503.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:07] < d3mian> hi capchaos
[21:08] < capchaos> buenos noches d3mian :-)
[21:09] < d3mian> capchaos: gracias :)      (s/buenos/buenas)
[21:09] < capchaos> oh, thx :)
[21:10] < capchaos> hehe
[21:10] < capchaos> my spain is not that good
[21:10] < Freak> and so is your english
[21:11] < d3mian> nobody cares while one can understand what other mean! my english is very bad too
[21:11] < Freak> huh? who said that
[21:12] < capchaos> Freak: s/spain/spanish <-- good enough?
[21:12] < Freak> nah
[21:12] < Freak> not even close
[21:12] < capchaos> Freak: still running mandrake?
[21:12] < tcr> hehe
[21:12] < capchaos> ;)
[21:12] < Freak> still *censored*
[21:13] < capchaos> poor Freak
[21:13] < tcr> that was like a bullet into his heart... in the center
[21:13] < Freak> hey I'm such a good boy, I didn't insult you
[21:13] < Freak> gimme a cookie
[21:13] < d3mian> umm. seems i hread mandrake.. who uses it ?
[21:13] < capchaos> Freak: nor did i
[21:13] < d3mian> hread/heard
[21:14] < Freak> capchaos: didn't mean that
[21:14] < Freak> capchaos: but I had a very good reply :)
[21:14] < Freak> hehe
[21:14] < Freak> nah it's too evil
[21:14] < Freak> at least I know that my reply was rock-bottom
[21:15] < Freak> but still cool tho
[21:15] < Freak> 2cool4u
[21:16] < Freak> but no.. I use debian now (yea, right, kick me, heh)
[21:17]   tcr hates websites requiring javascript *grml*
[21:18] < Freak> I hate websites "requiring" .. this.. evil.. browser.
[21:18] < Freak> I hate everything "requiring" anything proprietary
[21:19] < Freak> like sony portable compact disc players
[21:19] < Freak> or sony cameras
[21:19] < Freak> or sony digicams
[21:19] < Freak> sony*!*@*
[21:19] < tcr> shut up, nobody is interested in
[21:19] < tcr> :P
[21:20] < Freak> I know but me neither
[21:20]   tcr is still sorting.. hmpf
[21:20] < Freak> go get some cake tcr
[21:23] < Freak> hey that's good.. prosexual..
[21:24] < Freak> paint the moon in red.
[21:24] < Freak> or just.. print "Coca Cola" onto it
[21:24] < Freak> will you?
[21:24] < tcr> are you talking to $me?
[21:25] < Freak> no more like babbling around seeking for someone to talk to me
[21:25] < tcr> later
[21:25] < d3mian> cya tcr
[21:25] < Freak> he meant later he was going to entertain me.
[21:26] < Freak> I'm sure.
[21:26] < Freak> he must have.
[21:26] < d3mian> cya too
[21:26] < Freak> awww
[21:26] -!- d3mian [~demian@] has left #rocklinux ()
[21:33] -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082BC86.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:33] < tsa> tag
[21:33] < owl> tach tsa
[21:34] < Freak> me bought a 14yrs old cd at ebay
[21:34] < Freak> somewhat cool :)
[21:36] < Freak> they sure had some evil music then ;)
[21:38] < tcr> fertisch
[21:38] < Freak> so now you're gonna entertain poor little freak?
[21:38]   tcr is listening to Eisregen - Meine Tote Russische Freundin
[21:38] < tcr> no, certainly not
[21:38]   Freak makes a saaaad face
[21:38] < tcr> you're lucky to receive the honor to entertain me
[21:39] < Freak> I can live with that.
[21:39] < tcr> so just start
[21:39] < Freak> it wasn't that I was so unsure of myself that I had to fear you could suppress me
[21:40] < Freak> what do you mean, start?
[21:40] < Freak> this is entertainment.
[21:40] < Freak> I'm sure.
[21:40] < tcr> no it's gab
[21:40] < tsa> huhu owly
[21:40] < Freak> evil eighties music
[21:40] < tcr> joh, sers tsa .. alte nudel
[21:41] < tcr> eww, throw it away... better for you and your environment
[21:41] < Freak> nah
[21:41] < Freak> I'm a sadist
[21:41] < tcr> well
[21:41] < Freak> considering music methinks.
[21:41] < Freak> my goodness..
[21:42] < Freak> she wears eighties style clothes..
[21:42] < tcr> how is the joke? something like: A Masochist says to a Sadist: "Please torture me..!", the Sadist answers: "Nooooo!"
[21:42] < owl> Freak: whois "she"? ;)
[21:42] < Freak> huhm
[21:42] < Freak> that girl on the screen
[21:42] < owl> what girl?
[21:42] < Freak> that carrie-girl in satc
[21:43] < Freak> I'm not currently listening to what they say..
[21:43] < owl> huh?
[21:43] < tcr> more.. more... more
[21:43] < Freak> but watching their moves
[21:43] < tcr> yes, i come... oh my god... more
[21:43] < Freak> tcr: want me to touch it?
[21:43] < tcr> it??
[21:44] < owl> *loool* you both are really crazy
[21:44] < Freak> just prosexual
[21:44] < tcr> yes, with award and diploma
[21:44] < Freak> (I love that)
[21:44] < tcr> I love me
[21:44] < Freak> (prosexual is even better than bisexual)
[21:44] < owl> just men [tm]
[21:44] < Freak> I knew that.
[21:45] < Freak> csu-voteresse
[21:45] < Freak> cut the e off
[21:45] < Freak> voteress
[21:45] < tcr> ?
[21:46] < Freak> traditional family values.
[21:46] < Freak> csu
[21:46] < Freak> bavaria·
[21:46] < tcr> dude
[21:46] < Freak> edud
[21:46] < tcr> what's voteress
[21:46] < Freak> it's like "waitress"
[21:47] < owl> Freak: not everybody living in bavaria votes for fscking CSU/CDU
[21:47] < tcr> häääääääääääääääääääääääääääh
[21:47] < Freak> owl: yea, right ;)
[21:47] < tcr> csu rulez
[21:47] < Freak> I know!
[21:47] < owl> tcr: *amen*
[21:47] < Freak> I just couldnt vote for em cause I'm not in my favourite bundesland atm
[21:48] < Freak> sweet
[21:48] < Freak> alanis morisette
[21:48] < owl> *lol* Freak: you are really "babbling" very much today.. you are more horrible than i am...
[21:48] < Freak> yea
[21:48] < Freak> in a very positive way ;)
[21:48] < Freak> FLOOD!
[21:48] < owl> Freak: uff.. which drugs did you take? give some of them to me, please...
[21:48] < Freak> my schreibtisch is all wet
[21:49] < tcr> i'm pissed off all those plebs and unemploed only being so 'cause they're receiving money from the state
[21:50] < Freak> yea
[21:50] < Freak> time to reuse the gas chambers
[21:50] < tcr> at least the first would have probably been removed if csu have been elected
[21:50] < Freak> I heard they were still in good shape.
[21:50] < Freak> german quality
[21:50] < tcr> s,have,has,2
[21:52] < Freak> here comes Sandra
[21:52] < Freak> (not sandra but sandra, ya know)
[21:52] < Freak> heaven can wait..
[21:52] < tcr> ?
[21:52] < Freak> *sing*
[21:52] < Freak> just trying to provocate some missunderstandings.
[21:53] < Freak> provocate? provoke?
[21:54] < tcr> latter
[21:54] < owl> Freak: dict.leo.org...
[21:54] < Freak> GIRL YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE! / oo oo ooh / I love you
[21:54] < Freak> langenscheidt.freak.zimmer.boden
[21:55] < Freak> provoke.
[21:55] < tcr> as i said, dood
[21:55] < Freak> tcr you know it's true - oo oo ooh, I love you!
[21:55] < tcr> okay
[21:56] < tcr> and now lean down
[21:56] < tcr> haha!
[21:56] < Freak> no really
[21:56] < Freak> can we get in contact some time?
[21:56] < owl> *rotfl*
[21:56] < tcr> no... i'll got fscked if i ever encounter the sunlight
[21:57] < Freak> that's not a problem, I can come @nite
[21:57] < Freak> (that has twice a meaning)
[21:57] < Freak> (no you didn't realize that)
[21:57] < owl> Freak: you are really insane ;P
[21:58] < Freak> no..
[21:58] < Freak> just so lonely
[21:58] < tcr> ack
[21:58] < owl> Freak: buy another computer
[21:58] < tcr> i'm not homosexual, just  bored ;P
[21:58] < Freak> tcr: me neither, let's go have anal sex
[21:58] < tcr> hm
[21:58] < Freak> ah shouldn't have said that now
[21:59]   owl schmeisst sich weg.
[21:59] < tcr> no problem
[21:59] < tcr> i like sex in publicity
[21:59] < tcr> even with men
[21:59] < Freak> I'm sorry for my direct language sometimes..
[21:59] < Freak> yea.. I mean.. don't have to be homosexual to *beep* me
[21:59] < tcr> but i think, as i'm god, you should kneel know
[22:00] < Freak> I should know kneeling.. and I do.
[22:00] < tcr> now!
[22:00] < Freak> I'm not really a sadist
[22:00] < tcr> and then... harhar swallow.. you fucking small magget!
[22:01] < tcr> maggot
[22:01] -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E7A3D4.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[22:01] < Freak> hum
[22:02] < tcr> doesn't taste it good?
[22:02] < tcr> otherwise, where this comes from ,there's a lotta more
[22:02] < Freak> huhm
[22:02] < tcr> 8)
[22:02] < Freak> stop eating gharlic and drinking beer.
[22:02] < Freak> yuck
[22:02] < Freak> couldn't you eat milk shocolate?
[22:03] < tcr> do so
[22:03] < Freak> ananas as a hint
[22:03] < tcr> beer tastes terrible
[22:03] < tcr> and garlic only on pizza
[22:03] < Freak> no really .. makes it taste besser
[22:03] < tcr> (so every day *sfg*)
[22:03] < Freak> uh
[22:03] < Freak> a rückfall into deutsch
[22:03] < Freak> schiet
[22:04] < tcr> obviously
[22:04] < Freak> adjusting language modules..
[22:05] < tcr> won't have sucess
[22:06] < Freak> it did
[22:06] < Freak> owl: don't you want to add some comments?
[22:06] < Freak> like..
[22:06] < Freak> it's getting boooooring!
[22:06] < tcr> where is owl lagging?
[22:06] < tcr> lol
[22:06] < tcr> 8)
[22:06]   owl can't read anymore. to many lines...
[22:06] < Freak> tcr: no really, you're not interested in some spontanious sex, huh?
[22:07] < tcr> owl: well, not being able to count these lines doesn't mean...
[22:07] < tcr> just women [tm]
[22:07] < tcr> haha
[22:07] < Freak> :(
[22:08] < owl> pah
[22:08] < tsa> ack
[22:08] < Freak> conservatives..
[22:08] < owl> Freak: who do you mean?
[22:09] < tcr> öko
[22:09] < Freak> those conservatives
[22:09] < tcr> fscking öko
[22:09] < tcr> you are
[22:09] < Freak> huhm
[22:09] < Freak> "either you're with us, or you're with the enemy".
[22:10] < tcr> and? you'*re still a fscking öko, that counts in the current situation :P
[22:10] < tsa> hehe
[22:10] < Freak> I still wanna s*c* your c**k
[22:11] < tcr> sorry inactive...
[22:11] < tcr> just coming hot air outta it
[22:11] < tsa> Freak: huh?
[22:11] < tcr> too much used in the last minutes
[22:12] < Freak> hmm
[22:12] < rolla> cool ultrasparc linux :)
[22:12] < tsa> sucking seems to become quite popular....i thought owl was responsible to suck here..
[22:12] < tsa> *duck*
[22:13] < Freak> hmm
[22:13] < owl> tsa: yep. today i ordered something new to suck at...
[22:14] < tsa> owl: you ordered blindcoder????
[22:14] < Freak> lol
[22:14] < Freak> heh
[22:14] < Freak> finally someone made me laugh :)
[22:14] < tsa> it was about time, wasn't it? ;)
[22:14] < owl> tsa: nope. i ordered https://www.mobilix.org/asus_l3800c_e.html
[22:15] < Freak> tsa: definitely :)
[22:15] < tsa> btw...anyone seen huebialive today?
[22:15] < tcr> no
[22:15] < tsa> owl: ah, you bought an URL...interesting
[22:15] < tsa> owl: wanna get some more?
[22:15] < owl> tsa: zyiniker ;P
[22:15] < tsa> parse error.
[22:16] < owl> tsa: :P
[22:16] < tcr> cynic
[22:16] < tcr> bastard
[22:16] < owl> tsa: might you should try to learn german... that could help
[22:16] < tcr> w1x0r
[22:16] < tsa> tcr: hehe
[22:16] < owl> tcr: exactly ;P
[22:16] < tcr> under all these names i'm known
[22:17] < tcr> but please don't use them
[22:17] < owl> tcr: why not?
[22:17] < tcr> could confuse other people
[22:17] < tsa> owl: i doubt that learning a language will ever make me able to understand a single female being.
[22:17] < tcr> misunderstandins are the reasons for wars
[22:17] < tcr> bush doesn't speak iraqish 5) so you see
[22:18] < owl> tsa: yep. men can't think --> you can't understand female
[22:18] < tsa> hehe
[22:18] < owl> tcr: bush even can't think. he's a man
[22:18] < tcr> he can
[22:18] < tcr> he thinks with his penis
[22:18] < tcr> and, in fact, saddam is gay as well
[22:18] < owl> tcr: with an IQ which is 0?
[22:18] < tcr> he just  wants to stuck into his ass
[22:18] < owl> sadam also can't think.
[22:19] < tcr> that's all about
[22:19] < tcr> they're loving each other
[22:19] < tsa> tcr: woman would do that, too. but since they don't have one..
[22:19] < tcr> billig
[22:19] < owl> politic is sh*t. politicians are lyiers.
[22:20]   tcr watched on tv today: "All Women are bitches, practising sex if they're payed"
[22:20] < owl> tcr: you are using pay-tv?
[22:20] < tcr> no
[22:21] < Freak> me is listening to polish hip hop on radio fritz
[22:22] < owl> radio fritz?
[22:22] < Freak> https://www.fritz.de/fritz_sure.smi
[22:22] < tcr> go away
[22:22] < Freak> no
[22:22] < owl> tcr: ?
[22:23] < Freak> that is "piss off"
[22:23]   tcr is following the Reaper according to Children of Bodom - Follow the Reaper
[22:23] < Freak> but I won't. Instead I'll just go jerk off into your face
[22:24] < tcr> you could jerk my dickens
[22:25] < Freak> maybe I could have a trip to berlin this winter..
[22:25] < owl> Freak: to 19c3?
[22:25] < tcr> why ?
[22:25] < Freak> owl: not sure if I can make it
[22:25] < owl> i c.
[22:25]   tcr can't
[22:25] < Freak> cause .. well no.. yes I could take some days off then
[22:26] < owl> tcr: why not?
[22:26] < Freak> why? because I've never been to berlin
[22:26] < tcr> a) kein bock, b) wird mit 16 ne so einfach zu organisieren (esp. eltern mäßig), 3) kein geld, 4) kein bock
[22:26] < tcr> kewl
[22:27] < Freak> sweet sixteen :)
[22:27] < tcr> changed from english into german, and from nummering with letters to numbers %)
[22:27] < Freak> thats sweet too
[22:27] < Freak> tcr: wo wohnstn?
[22:27] < tcr> mainz
[22:27] < Freak> hmm liecht das aufn wech?
[22:27] < Freak> glaub nich..
[22:27] < tcr> hm
[22:28] < tcr> wo wohnscht du de?
[22:28] < owl> Freak: main --> hessen... ;P
[22:28] < Freak> pforzheim
[22:28] < tcr> oh
[22:28] < tcr> doch
[22:28] < Freak> aber du hast bestimmt angst vor mir *hehe*
[22:28] < tcr> pforzheim -> mannheim/ludwigshafen -> alzey -< mainz
[22:29] < tcr> oder liegt pforzheim nach mannheim *überleg*
[22:29] < Freak> weil schlecht wär das ja nich.. mitn auto..
[22:29] < Freak> nee, doch, passt..
[22:29] < tcr> grad am rhein enlangfahren
[22:29] < tcr> wie auch immer, das wär nur ein punkt 8)
[22:30]   owl enjoys: loreena mckennit - wiccan dance
[22:31] < Freak> tcr: also das is abern umwech..
[22:31] < tcr> naja
[22:32] < tcr> net wirklich
[22:33] < Freak> https://map24.de/map24/routing.php3?routingpath=map24/routing&sid=8c43122e0196a89fb14c420213ab71ce&mid=MAP24&maptype=RELOAD&map24_sid=a2ed24f78ad111641d8ca2bcd2d5cd1b&sx=522.38442&sy=2933.79618&dx=804.71376&dy=3151.4268&maptype=RELOAD&minimap=0&rtype=fast
[22:33] < tcr> oh, okay, da ist ne autobahn, hätt ich ne gedacht
[22:34]   tcr verspürt hunger
[22:34] < Freak> A8, A81, A6, A9, A10, A115, A100
[22:34] < tcr> verdammt, ich kann jede stunde was essen
[22:35] < tcr> aber werd nicht dick wie owl +versteck*
[22:35] < tsa> hehe
[22:35] < Freak> or how about Paris?
[22:36] < Freak> I'd like to visit this great city once again
[22:36] < Freak> haven't been there for some years now
[22:36] -!- ringo78 [ringo78@xs3.xs4all.nl] has quit ("leaving")
[22:38] < tsa> np: Blutengel - Seelenschmerz
[22:38] < Freak> dont be so negative
[22:38] < tsa> hm?
[22:38] < owl> Freak: it's just a (good) song
[22:39] < Freak> its negative
[22:39] < Freak> listen to modern talking or something
[22:39] < owl> Freak: na und?
[22:39] < snyke> LOOL
[22:39] < owl> Freak: wuahahahaha!
[22:39] < tsa> that's nothing but fine music, not to be associated with the current state of mind.
[22:39] < tsa> (i don't have a mind at all, but who cares.. ;-)
[22:39] < owl> tsa: terminal choice ist cool imho too. do you know it?
[22:39] < Freak> poor tsa is hallucinating
[22:39] < tsa> owl: ACK.
[22:40] < owl> np: nightwish - end of all hope
[22:40] < tsa> [tsa@azathoth ~]$ locate 'Terminal Choice'|wc -l
[22:40] < tsa>      57
[22:40]   tcr found some ice creme... taste like cappucino with vanilla
[22:40] < Freak> np: :pn
[22:41] < Freak> eissahne?
[22:41] < Freak> ice cream ;P
[22:41] < Freak> creme
[22:41] < tcr> nak
[22:41] < Freak> eiscreme
[22:41] < tcr> both
[22:41] < Freak> no!
[22:41] < Freak> I'm rite, you're wrong!
[22:41] < Freak> (no, really.)
[22:42] < tcr> creme could also used as french word
[22:42] < Freak> https://www.cannabis.net/hempvict.html
[22:42] < tcr> which is valid in english
[22:42] < snyke> hmm
[22:43] < Freak> which was no hint to what kinds of product I was consuming.
[22:44] < Freak> +s
[22:44] < owl> hi snyke, btw
[22:46]   tcr is listening to Theatre of Tragedy - Sweet Art Thou
[22:46] < tcr> *dreaming* *and eating ice* ... himmlisch
[22:46] < snyke> jo, hi
[22:47]   owl leaves you now for today.
[22:47] < owl> gn8. cu
[22:47] < tcr> Es wurden keine mit Ihrer Suchanfrage - "rocklinux sucks" - übereinstimmenden Dokumente gefunden.
[22:47] < tcr> hey cool 8)
[22:47] < tcr> gn8
[22:47] < owl> tcr: ???
[22:47] < Freak> cause I've got faith / of the heart
[22:47] < Freak> this is positive music!
[22:48] < Freak> I can reach / any star
[22:48] < tsa> Searched the web for tcr sucks.  Results 1 - 10 of about 366.
[22:48] < tsa> *G*
[22:48] < Freak> I've got faith .. into the heart!
[22:48] < tsa> (google)
[22:48] < tcr> using quotes dude
[22:48] < tcr> besides i'm sucking quite often
[22:48] < tsa> Results 1 - 3 of about 4.
[22:48] < tsa> --> tcr sucks more than rock linux does ;)
[22:49] < tcr> damn
[22:49] < tsa> hehe
[22:49] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B51c0.pppool.de] has quit ("owl 's moving herselfe to bed")
[22:49] < tcr> well
[22:49] < Freak> tcr: you're too fat to selfsuck, noone believes you
[22:49] < tcr> google can't be wrong
[22:49] < tcr> Freak: ey!
[22:49] < Freak> heh
[22:50] < Freak> sweetie nevermind.
[22:50] < Freak> I'm going to leave you now.
[22:50] < tcr> Freak: only 'cause they're two moons gliding around me, that doesn't mean that i am fat!!!
[22:50] < Freak> see you thursday or so
[22:50] < Freak> hehehe
[22:50] < Freak> you could say "surrounding me"
[22:51] < tcr> yo
[22:51] < tcr> and now fuck off
[22:51] < Freak> circling around me even
[22:51] < Freak> please, fuck ME off next time
[22:52] < tcr> no
[22:52] < Freak> that makes me sad.
[22:52] < tcr> wouldn't be funny for you *eg*
[22:52] < Freak> yea, rite.
[22:52] < Freak> =)
[22:52] < Freak> byebye
[22:52] < tcr> jojo
[22:52] < tcr> nobody..
[22:52] < tcr> keiner wird sich verabschieden
[22:53] < tcr> weil du ein arschloch bist
[22:53] < tcr> und nun hau schon ab ;)
[22:53] < tsa> cu Freak
[22:53] < tsa> :-P
[22:54] < tcr> heuchler
[22:54] < tcr> *eg*
[22:56] < tsa> hehe
[22:57] < tcr> *hüstel*
[22:58] < tcr> naja
[22:58] < tcr> jetzt lass und bitte noch irgendwie die nächsten 15minuten totschlagen, dann kommt dirty harry ;)
[23:05] < tcr> hey
[23:05] < tcr> da fehlt was
[23:06]   tcr sets mode +idle
[23:12] < tsa> dummdidumm..
[23:12]   tcr sets mode -idle
[23:12]   tcr sets mode +b tsa!*@*
[23:12]   tcr sets mode +idle
[23:13] < tsa> hehe
[23:14]   tcr sets mode -idle
[23:14]   tcr sets mode +outcast tsa!*@*
[23:14]   tcr sets mode +idle
[23:14] < tsa> jajaja..
[23:14] < tsa> is ja gut, zeit is ja gleich rum
[23:16] < tcr> HARALD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[23:16] < tsa> hehe
[23:18] -!- litost [~stephen@ajc224-197.ajc.com] has quit ("skooktime")
[23:19] < tcr> lol
[23:19] < tcr> für mich wie geschaffen als hypochonder
[23:20] < tcr> SVEN!!!!!
[23:20] < tcr> *schrei* ;)
[23:29] < tcr> jetzt packt er aus!!!
[23:29] < tcr> recht hatter , FULL ACK
[23:36] -!- capchaos [hannes@pd9048503.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Lost terminal")
[23:50] -!- bluefire [bluefire@pd9e1cc67.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[23:51] < tcr> bluefire: HARALD ist an, los gucken ;)
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Wed Oct 09 00:00:00 2002